#also im so curious about who was the first immortal and why????
urgaydemise · 11 months
Hi! You reblogged a post from me about the old guard leaving a tag saying that you hoped they make a second movie? Just wanted to let you know the good news that they are currently making a sequel and if I remember right it will be out next year.
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the-moon-files · 3 months
Wait, quick idea! Twilight looks like the only hylian in his village because everyone else has round ears, so what if he wasn’t as surprised as the others to see their human companion so resilient, but still fairly impressed because of the fact that most if not all people in his village don’t put themselves in as drastic situations as the reader? Or is this just humans from our world?
get out of my head lmao /lh - you, me, and wayfayrr are actually the same person on diff accounts LMAO
im of the belief that (blame @wayfayrr, my beloved) that he knows of humans bc of some in his village but yeah, just not the type of human in drastic situations
(ALSO they wrote me a fun, long, glorious, male reader human space orc au fic for winning their raffle a bit ago, and it brings up their headcanon abt this and i Adore It actually, check it out here pls if u wanna know🤲)
(also if u see this wayfayrr, sorry for the ping, also should i be calling u moss? or wayfayrr?? idk which, i hope thats even ok to ask 😭 i assumed u would call my ass Moon)
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Moon: Male-Masc Reader (he/him)
Orbit: short headcanons-ish, rambling mostly
Stars: Twilight Princess Link (Twi/Twilight), mentions of other Links
Comets & Meteors: CWs: none known, & TWs: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
to reiterate what i said up there, in case u skipped it for the bullet points,
i like the headcanon he knows humans, knows some of their quirks, and how they were the first ppl the other hylian villagers called on to help stuck cows or downed wagons, lots of heavy lifting stuff
but he really hasnt seen the extent of real humans, bc the humans who were in Ordon, well, they lived in hylian society,
why would they need the adrenaline to lift a car when hylians have set up whole tools and systems in all their towns to help lift just a full bucket of water out of the well??
not to mention, i think all the humans in his village were older adults? like at least not the age theyd be doing things like parkour or going to any trampoline parks type of age,
id imagine its more like stories talked about amongst hylians how hard humans can go, and even the humans themselves talked abt things like,
“well compared to u hylians, we have stomachs made of molten lava to you guys really, but we never have to use it, bc u know hylian food works just fine”
when Twi asked they would say stuff like that, but as soon as he saw ur human ass just picking wildflowers and berries off the side of the road to snack on? even random grasses/vines at some point (kudzu)?? easily eating Wild’s Dubious Food that's DEFINITELY got monster parts in it???! gnawing on the bone of a cucco and it just breaks??!!! and you look surprised too, thank fuck finally a normal reaction from u- oh my goddesses u were just curious (damn the elders were right abt human curiosity too) **and are now sucking out the marrow and eating the bone-!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight’s perspective of you is actually the equivalent of like, reading stories about vampires all ur life, then this new friend you made starts to get allergic to garlic, crave blood, has crazy strength and advanced senses, etc
and he’s just watching those honest-to-Hylia human mythological feats play out in real time in front of him, like he’s the only self-aware character in the story that immediately clocks the really obvious vampire as a vampire lmao
is the first to either 1. start choking on his laugh as he theoretically knows ur about to jump on the back of a lynel/hinox to ride it around and watch as the others come to the same conclusion OR 2. try to Stop you from jumping on said big monster in an attempt to ride it around bc he gets used to ur human BS quicker than the others and can see it coming a mile away now lol
very much so this meme:
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(ur welcome i made it myself <3)
anyway id love to rant abt this dynamic
abt both Twi’s shock at you eating peppers like a god has come down from the sky to prove their immortality,
but also poor rancher esstientally humansitting you too lmao
the Chain/Time/Wars absolutely put him down as the resident human expert like: “ok he just drank like, 5? No- Four stop him from drinking more at least- (dual sighs). okay, 6 stamina potions, will that kill him??”
Twilight, saviour of Hyrule, of the Twili, Link from Twilight Princess himself,
has to keep a record book of all the new shit he’s heard/learned about humans in Ordon, what he has actively learned abt ur ass just fucking around and finding out, and the few bread crumbs of information u give him abt ur species
(that rlly just come off as kind of cryptid statements abt u/humanity, or don't apply in this scenario bc ur only comparison is Earth Rules, which honestly scare every single fucking one of them in the same way as walking on Ganon’s lawn or something, like straight up view ur home planet as enemy territory, the Amazon jungle, the Hyrule wilds if you will-)
Twilight also gets involuntarily volunteered for human-sitting duty too
tbh the only person Not allowed on human-sitting duty, when u guys go new areas esp, is Wild/Hyrule
you’d tell him you wanna get inside the guardian robot to operate it and ride it around and he’d probably be in shock you even fathomed something like that, yet also now EXTREMELY intrigued to watch it play out
(they’re both more of a “u wanna jump off a cliff?? that's actually crazy, wait for me please.” he seems to think he can somehow protect you if he joins you? its worked sometimes to be fair to him ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ just not really conveniently when the rest of the Chain are around lmao)
i live btw, ive been writing/updating fics along with life updates (moving states/new job/online class) so a few asks will hopefully be answered over here in the next 2ish weeks
no promises, my life is kinda girlbossing at the moment too close to the sun and i am Nervous abt disappointing u guys
i already feel like im disappointing my other blog bc i haven't posted in forever bc im writing a fic instead of asks during any free time i dedicate to writing for it so :/
pls excuse my super slowness like a package ur waiting for in the mail or smth type of slow
AGAIN thanks for the ask!! i hope this was at least entertaining to read as some addon to what u said, you guys have gotta check out some of wayfayrr’s stuff if ur into this, bc they're the only other place i can think of that's talked abt humans not just being the same as hylians
have a great week!!
Peace out hugs and chaos,
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shoezuki · 6 months
random divinity au things about Aha!Sampo to get it out of my skull cuz im bored n waiting for class rn
Aha is first and foremost The Elation, but it goes beyond that; Aha is the aeon of mortality. Things like emotions and feelings, desires, the very ability to change, etc. are only really afforded to mortal beings.
Aeons are the pinnacle of immortality; they can't feel emotions because of this. they can't really want for anything beyond what they are 'created' for in a sense. Qlipoth only really wants to build the wall. Fuli only wants to categorize/capture memories. Nous is endlessly curious yet allknowing at the same time. Lan feels nothing but a desire to destroy Yaoshi.
Aha is the exception to this.
long-lived species tend to be less emotional; the closer to immortal a being is, the less they Feel. Immortal beings are 'closer' to the divine, and closer to being a creation/construct/part of the very universe itself. its why many long-lived species tend to stagnate and be... repetitive? stuck in their ways?
Aeons are more like... objects. they are not entirely sentient, but are conscious. they have purposes, roles, etc. that the act on as a part of their Paths. but they are unable to act outside of it. it's like. a lack of free will.
Aha. is the exception.
Aha came into being when sentient creatures came into being. Aha is, technically, one of the 'first' aeons, alongside qlipoth, but Aha was fleeting and unformed at first. The first 'life' wasn't really capable of feeling yet, so Aha wasn't capable of existing yet. Humanity coming into existence is what really 'woke up' aha.
if, theoretically, all beings capable of thought and feeling in the universe were to vanish/die out, Aha would too.
other Aeons were around before Aha was fully formed, though.
no one fully knows about Aha's origins or the contingencies around Aha's existence, not even Aha themself. Qlipoth knows, though.
Aeons are completely unfeeling, except under one condition. When Aha is around, Aeons are capable of feeling emotions, too.
(usually annoyance or rage towards Aha because theyre such an annoying son of a bitch)
the reason other aeons, even Nanook and Oroboros, didn't ever want to destroy Aha is because Aha is the only way they could Feel. also Aha would be extremely difficult to destroy cuz they would just pop back into existence after some time. As long as a single mortal being remains and is capable of emotion, Aha exists.
Most other aeons fucking hate Aha. feeling emotions is strange and horrifying and suddenly being capable of Feeling is way, way too much for them. Some are exceptions to this: Qlipoth, who actually... enjoys Aha's presence for this reason; Lan, who would never admit they like feeling something other than bloodlust for once; and Nous, who is a freak.
In creating Sampo, Aha has technically severed themself into two beings. Aha IS sampo but also isnt.
Technically, Nous had been right in that aha couldnt become human/mortal without renouncing aeonhood and their Path. Its not technically possible for Aha to still be Aha And a human. But aha fucking did it
Aha basically severed themself, cut themself down into a smaller? Human-shaped form, shoved their consciousness into the human form they made, Became Sampo. The remains/clippings of Aha exist at the edge of Nothing.
Technically, aha didnt sever themself from the Elation. Rather they... became sampo, and left behind the remaims of Aha? Like. The majority of Aha is left behind there. Its like Aha cut off their limbs and outer flesh and made a new person out of their internal organs. Nous fucking hates it how dare Aha prove them wrong and find a loophole
Aha, now Sampo, doesnt know what he wants. He wants something desperately, though. He doesnt know what it is but he has always Always just. Wanted.
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xavier x mc hualiand coded u say......can you explain why im so curious
omg. omg anonie. are you familiar with tian guan ci fu (heaven official's blessing)..... hualian refers to the main couple of the book (hua cheng x xie lian) !!! in case anyone out there is trying to avoid spoilers for it i'll answer this under the cut 🥰 but they have a very very very beautiful love story, one that's been Ingrained in my head since the first time i read it. it's so whole and deeply rooted, and sincerely xavier and mc give off similar vibes. like SO. MUCH. probably more than any of the other LI's!
so this's going to talk about things like: the "fallen from grace" trope, the mirroring between xavier and mc, how xavier's love for mc transcends time, how all he thinks about is... her.
(i'm also going to talk a lot about xavier's myths (both lightseeker and lumiere) and maybe a lil bit of the no restraint card! so this'll be long...)
but so on the tgcf side: ESSENTIALLY the very basic explanation of hualian's love story is that hua cheng has loved and admired xie lian for more than 800 years. and it's a love that's very very deeply rooted. a love where xie lian becomes his everything.
THE OFFICIAL SUMMARY OF TGCF READS—"Eight hundred years ago, Xie Lian was the Crown Prince of the Xianle. He was loved by his citizens and was considered the darling of the world. He ascended to the Heavens at a young age; however, due to unfortunate circumstances, was quickly banished back to the mortal realm. Years later, he ascends again – only to be banished again a few minutes after his ascension. Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian ascends to the Heavens for the third time as the laughing stock among all three realms. On his first task as a god thrice ascended, he meets a mysterious demon who rules the ghosts and terrifies the Heavens, yet, unbeknownst to Xie Lian, this demon king has been paying attention to him for a very, very long time."
now, two things to understand are—(1) hua cheng was born an unwanted child, and (2) xie lian, the crown prince, has always had a kind heart. these are important to the story. because eventually it goes that hua cheng, who was unwanted and discarded and overall regarded as a disgrace, disgusting to look at, bad luck, etcetc., found solace in xie lian's kindness—his warmth. his light.
chronologically, as the story goes, xie lian, as a very esteemed crown prince of his nation, ascends to the heavens and becomes a 'martial god' (this gives him things like immortality and the ability to use magic). but his nation falls into chaos, and the long story short is that he absolutely fails to save it. instead, he ends up turning his own people against him. he falls from the heavens as quite literally a fallen god. ridiculed, no longer worshipped, despite how much love and praise he always used to get. and for several, several years, he has to deal with coming to terms with his past. there's a lot of quite graphic trauma here.
and now, hua cheng... he's been there through all of that. he's stayed by xie lian for as much as he could stay with him. he fought as a soldier for xie lian, died in battle for xie lian—and the thing about his death was that,, he didn't want to rest in peace afterwards. and when that happens—if you have a strong enough reason to remain, you take on the form of a ghost, starting out as a little ball of light (a "ghostfire") to eventually getting a ghost form.
so he stayed.
even as a baby ghostfire, until he got his own ghost form... he stayed. he's seen him get beat up, and hurt, he's seen him make the wrong decisions, he's seen him manipulated, and trampled on—he's seen him at his worst. but he stayed, because he wanted to. that might have been all he did sometimes, and xie lian might not have particularly noticed him then, but he stayed.
of course; it wasn't enough for him to just stay, not when it was all he could do, so naturally—he'd get stronger, right? they separate at some point, and hua cheng loses contact with xie lian for several, several several years.... but he keeps looking. he literally becomes the most feared ghost (a "demon king"), while xie lian essentially has been banished from the heavens to redeem himself.
and, what's interesting to note is that xie lian—always kindhearted, always meaning to do the good thing—is a lot morally different in comparison to hua cheng. it's not that hua cheng is a bad person, but just that he's willing to do more extreme things for xie lian's sake, especially now that he's plenty powerful. he only thinks of xie lian, while xie lian, as a crown prince, tended to be selfless and think more of the betterment of the general people. it's like a balance, or sorts? xie lian is able to act as his moral compass, in a way, because simultaneously hua cheng's ultimate goal is to make xie lian happy, and he wouldn't do things that won't make him happy.
regardless, they only meet again after 800 years, in the first arc of the book. during this time, like the summary says, xie lian had ascended once more, but still not very well-liked in the heavenly realm, and hua cheng meets him as he's sent to investigate a case. it's at this point that they grow naturally closer through various book events (because right now, xie lian doesn't yet know that this is the same little ghost, that one soldier, from the past).
the point is, though—xie lian had really become hua cheng's everything. he's been looking for him for that long. he's remained a ghost still on this earth for that long. because xie lian showed him a kindness that no one else would when he was ridiculed... and now, hua cheng is returning the favor.
from the start, being by xie lian's side, hua cheng has always been promising "forever". and he's been keeping that promise. xie lian believes it.
at its core, tgcf has always been a story about a fallen god and his last believer.
and the following quotes really bring out how deeply rooted their relationship is! the book is very beautifully written, and hualian's relationship flourishes under this kind of writing. they're quotes that will stick with you a lot.
“If you don’t know the meaning of your life, then make me that meaning, and use me as your reason to live.” (xie lian, in the past, to the hua cheng who wanted to give up)
“To die in this battle for you is my greatest honor.” (in the past, soldier hua cheng to xie lian)
"i pray to never rest in peace.” (hua cheng to xie lian, when xie lian finds out he is a ghost)
“I have a beloved who is still in this world, I want to protect them.” (in the past, ghostfire hua cheng to xie lian)
”To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled on and ridiculed, yet be unable to do anything. That’s the worst suffering in the world.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is you, and not the state of you.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“If I could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you take apart after crossing, the corpse bones you need to trample to climb up, the sinner who deserved the butchering of a million knives. But, I know you wouldn’t allow it.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“Only after having met you did I rediscover that it’s such a simple thing to be happy.” (xie lian to hua cheng)
“There’s no banquet in this world that doesn’t come to an end, but I will never leave you.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“I will be back. Your Highness, believe me.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
“‘Forever’ exists. There’s one person who can truly achieve it. I believe.” (xie lian about hua cheng)
“He believed that this man would die for him again and again, and would be reborn for him over and over. Even if he fell into the depth of hell, he would break through the abyss for his ‘belief’.” (xie lian about hua cheng)
“Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.” (about hualian)
“I am forever your most devoted believer.” (hua cheng to xie lian)
so how does this relate to xavier/mc?
(1) in relation to xavier's lightseeker myth.
i talk a lot about this in more detail here! but a lot about xavier is very deeply rooted into his past, as the prince of philos.
in this sense we can compare him to xie lian—princely duties, tasked to care for a nation, a lot of responsibility on his shoulders... but unlike xie lian, these are duties that he doesn't want. he doesn't accept them. he'd rather not, thank you very much.
however—what exactly did his experiences as the crown prince give him? xavier, like i've talked about many times before, was forced into a role he didn't want to be in, essentially having his identity chosen for him. it's identity foreclosure. and this leads to: (a) difficulties with commitment, (b) weaker sense of self, (c) lack of confidence, (d) weaker mental fortitude, (e) self doubt and low self esteem issues. this is where he's comparable to hua cheng; both of them had identities forced onto them that lead to an onset of insecurities. it's where you have no choice but to ask yourself questions such as: who am i, really? who do i want to be? am i doing enough? am i enough?
because you never feel enough.
and combining both factors with xavier—the pressure to do his best and be the best, all that burden of responsibility that he never wanted... with all the insecurities that manifest as a result of that?
just like hua cheng found solace in xie lian's kindness towards him, xavier finds solace in the freedom that mc grants him.
(2) ”To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled on and ridiculed, yet be unable to do anything. That’s the worst suffering in the world.”
this is hua cheng's quote!
but doesn't it remind you of how upset he was over philos mc being labeled as the sacrifice? so much that it tore his relationship with his father more than it had already been torn? so much that it would be the breaking point for him to step back from the throne entirely?
xavier, in that moment, had to make a choice. he felt the need to do something; he couldn't just sit back and watch his beloved be treated that way. he was aware they weren't seeing mc as a person anymore, and he didn't like that—that's his beloved.
(3) "No matter how many times it takes, and no matter where you are, I'll find you."
pretty self-explanatory, right?
we're all familiar with this. that anecdote broke our hearts. we know that xavier is willing to wait for mc, to look for mc, to love her in ever universe and in every timeline—
he'd wait for mc for 800 years, too, if he had to. just like hua cheng.
it's a promise for forever—that his love for mc transcends the bounds of time and space, that... his forever belongs with her. he wants it to belong with her. and he hopes that she wants that, too.
(4) Fallen from grace.
similarly to xie lian's situation, in a way!
I feel that this is not necessarily a topic talked about a lot regarding xavier, and i may or may not make a separate post about it in the future... but his storyline is definitely some variation of this trope.
maybe it's not outright obvious; xavier isn't a god, after all. but... he is a prince.
he was a prince.
he was the crown prince of philos, set to inherit the throne, set to lead his people.
he's not anymore.
and maybe that was a title that meant little to him, and one that he definitely intended, wholeheartedly, to relinquish, but—at this point, he doesn't have the favor of his people, whether it be the general philosians, or even the (majority, it seems?) team of backtrackers that he's lead to earth. and with losing that title, like i have talked about before, again—means losing his identity. an identity so strongly associated with being a prince, with being a leader... it's gone, now, because that isn't who he is. it might not have been who he wanted to be, he might have been so averse to it, but it's always been part of him. losing the title means losing a piece of himself he can't really go back to, only that it sits there with him now at an awkward angle.
unfortunately for him, this was always the xavier that he's known mc to love—all of him, all of his identity that he's shaped around being the prince of philos, that's the xavier he knows mc loves. he's not quite sure if this mc will love the xavier he's changed into. so "fallen from grace" to him refers more to the fact that—will mc love me like this?
(5) MC is his everything.
and this point goes across virtually all possible cards of xavier's, and all possible events, and all possible moments—any interaction that he's had with mc.
mc is his everything. just like to hua cheng, xie lian is his everything.
he doesn't think about anything else. he doesn't care about anything else.
even our previous point—about the fallen from grace trope—is centered more on mc herself, than the rest of the people he's dealt with.
we can legitimately go through all of his cards and pinpoint how this is.
precious bonfire. he joined the camping trip for mc. he notices mc prioritizing the rest of the team more than herself. he plays the game because she's playing it. he'd drag mc away to rest with him instead of joining the bonfire event. he's only thinking of her. fluffy trap. we know how this unfolds—he legitimately let her do whatever she wanted. he saw what kind of booth she intended to drag him into; the setup, the costumes she wanted... and he let her. for her. to make her happy. fragment of time. less obvious, maybe, but it's still there—he had her on his mind when he wanted to complete those 100 steps, too.
heartstring symphony, unique aftertaste... prime examples of how he'd virtually let mc do whatever she wants, whether it be to reprimand him for getting injured again, or drag him around fo a little holiday. he's basically freely indulging her in her whimsies? and heartstring symphony quite touches a lot on his promises to her to take care, and how he misses her when he's away... etc. it's still... all about her.
romantic afternoon. he generally helps her with her sleeping problems—again, centered around her. faint sensation. he's trying to get her heartbeat to rise because of him—again, still centered around her. even tender nights. he's attentive to her needs, notices her heels aren't comfortable. that conversation they have by the bay proves meaningful; he wants to share that special moment with her, and he wants to reassure her somehow that he does—that he's thinking about her. that he always does.
then some more obvious ones, like 21 days (which i also kind of talk (yell) about here), and no restraint (which i talk about here).
and we get to the myths—the lightseeker myth. how he's willing to go to the ends of the earth just to find a way to ensure she won't be sacrificed. how he's willing to completely abandon his post... for her. not for the people, but for her. the lumiere myth, and the whole essence of lumiere being lumiere. how it's lumiere who saves mc not once, but twice. how in this myth, xavier pushes his limits to the point of exhaustion multiple times, all for mc.
and that's just the five-star cards. but in every single one of them... he's always thinking about her. centered around her. that if he's the stars, the moon, the planet—she's his sun. and he would gladly orbit around her. she's all he needs.
“If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.”
xavier might as well have been saying that to mc herself.
he doesn't care about anything else.
(the event is proof of that too!)
(6) Mirroring.
I mention this first here!!
and there is so, so, SO much of it throughout all of his cards and interactions with mc too, because it's founded on his love for her... and the love she returns back to him.
xavier who is willing to do anything for her. xavier who would prioritize her, think of her, love her—at the cost of himself. he would love her in every universe. he would love her no matter who or what she becomes.
he doesn't know how to receive the same in return.
yet, we know that mc does exactly that.
she does return it.
in regards to the lumiere myth, i talk about it a lot, too: "i think what's most beautiful about the lumiere event is like? she's not even trying to belittle his feelings of jealousy? she'd tease, yeah, but i think the gist of this event, and the myth, was mc still trying to convey that—she'll love him no matter what, even if it's lumiere, even if it's the him that he isn't fond of, himself."
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and you realize that the entire theme of their storyline is "i will love you no matter who or what you become"—they say it to each other. they convince themselves of it.... that they love each other just that much. that they're willing to do whatever it takes.... for each other.
that they mirror it.
“To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is you, and not the state of you.”
doesn't it sound like a line they would repeat to each other?
(7) Moral compass
this goes back to, again, how MC is his everything—and, conversely, how “If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.”
for a prince, xavier isn't one who necessarily prioritizes others—he's not a hero, he's not the chosen one, he's not.... someone who would sacrifice the world for his people. he's not like that.
i think that there's a lot of selfishness that's embedded into him because he precisely does not want to be a prince, and he's always been extremely averse to this role—that kind of aversion sticks with you. it's hard to take things seriously when the hatred is all you can think about.
but like hua cheng, it doesn't make him a bad person.
it just means he has other priorities, which—happen to be mc. because everything he's ever done, again, is for mc. everything. always. and sometimes they're selfish, sometimes they're a little extreme or hard to understand... but the fact is that, well—everything is about her.
it goes without saying, then, that xavier isn't the most morally-aligned person out there.
because mc, as we know, is founded on justice. on protecting the people she loges, protecting thevpeoole around them—she became a hunter for that purpose. she took on the throne for that purpose. she helped the backtrackers for that purpose.
“If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.”
it's starkly different for them.
mc would act on the behalf of others, xavier would act on her behalf. all he's ever looked at was her.
yet at the same time, it means that—like hua cheng and xie lian—xavier's ultimate goal is to make mc happy. he won't do anything not to make her happy. he doesn't want to upset her.
so he'll go along with her wishes, enough so to genuinely think positively of his actions too—because it's what mc wants.
and i think that's it—it is all i can think of—but xavier and mc's relationship perfectly capture the essence of hualian that i've always associated them with each other, and perhaps that's why mc and xavier also mean so incredibly much to me ... because hualian does, too.
and granted all of the LI's have aspects that reference hualian as well—not to mention, sylus being incredibly hua cheng coded—but imo xavier/mc truly comes closest
and maybe it has to do with the sheer devotion that comes with xavier and mc
that it feels really... close
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kanonavi · 7 months
hello tumblr user kanonavi who is 1/3rd of the reason i started rereading tgcf. i have come to collect my personal apology for the emotional damages inflicted upon me for the past 5 days. and i have also come with THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS (mostly feelings)
- icb i put off this reread so long hualian are so romance. theyre jsut Romance......... absolutely floored by every throwaway bit of dialogue they had....... in shambles forever....,
- sqx arc was not as painful as the first few times i read it bc i now stand with my cancelled wife (he xuan) I STILL LOVE SQX AND THEY DESERVE EVERYTHING GOOD. BUT HX WAS REAL FOR ALL OF THAT. i love revenge
- i wanna know your thoughts on ling wen bc u mentioned having mixed feelings on her but i loved her so bad all the way to the end so im curious ljdkdjf
- i am not immune to backstory arc pt2. read it last last (?) night at like 3am and cried myself to sleep its just so gutting every timeeeeeee.... the hc plot that builds in that arc is ofc one of my favorites in the entire novel though :')
- the chapter w the cave of statues took me like 2+ hours to get through because i was feeling so insane abt it
i feel bad dropping this block of text in ur askbox sorry. will leave it there for now LOL
Omg hiiiii tumblr user stardust-make-a-wish welcome back from the yaoi cocaine pit :3 I know you're here to collect emotional damages, but I must make it known that I'm not even remotely sorry <3
Also you should feel bad for yourself instead of for me because I can only respond to huge blocks of text with even bigger blocks of text, so (TGCF Spoilers Ahead) and also I am so sorry lmaooooo
UGH you're so right that hualian is the most romance forever they are just so *clenches fists and sobs*....... They're always there for each other and they're so in love and they've been through so much and I just want them to be able to rest because it's what they deserve.
I will never once say that Hu Xuan wasn't justified in everything he did cuz like. Shi Wudu had it coming what a piece of shit. But at the same time Qingxuan is my wife and I will not tolerate my wife being harmed. So like revenge slay yes but also I am still cancelling He Xuan and spraying him with the water bottle (even though he is already very very damp).
Yesyesyes Ling Wen. So my thought about Ling Wen is that she kinda girlbossed a little too close to the sun, but at the same time you look at her circumstances both past and present and have to understand why she did all of that. It already would have been hard enough for her to gain any kind of recognition as a woman, much less in the Heavenly Court, so her ruthlessness is completely understandable. But at the same time, I don't really think the Brocade Immortal deserved what she did to him nor was taking Bai Wuxiang's side in the final conflict a real cool thing of her to do. I can't fully be a hater though because her own thoughts about everything are clearly so nuanced (See: The final convo she had with Xie Lian about the Brocade Immortal, which I am still thinking so incredibly hard about to this day).
I think that Ling Wen is interesting in the same way that I find other characters like Mu Qing, He Xuan, and Yin Yu interesting. It's in the sense that even if I don't really agree with all of the actions that they took, it's very easy to look at them and come to an understanding of why they did what they did. And I have varying degrees of like for all of the characters I just listed, but that doesn't change the fact that they're all Compelling. So it's almost like a begrudging respect that I feel for Ling Wen, if I were to boil it down into simple terms.
aaaaaaaaaa The Horrors(tm) :sob: Even though I could talk about Xie Lian's arc through that part of his backstory for a million years, you're so right that Hua Cheng's arc through it is also so interesting to watch. It really goes to prove that Hua Cheng is different from everyone else in Xie Lian's life up until this point, because yes there's the very obvious throughline of Hua Cheng wanting to protect Xie Lian (rather than expecting his protection), but even more importantly that feeling never changes even when Xie Lian has his mini corruption arc.
Like, Hua Cheng fell in love with the pure and virtuous Crown Prince of Xianle but not for that quality. Instead of being ashamed and looking at Xie Lian with scorn when he was like "What if I kill everyone actually" Hua Cheng is like "Then let me be your sword". There's the element of not wanting Xie Lian to dirty himself that Hua Cheng carries for the entire story but the point is in that he is not a voice who would tell Xie Lian to stop having those thoughts if it's truly what he wants (Unlike what his parents or Feng Xin and Mu Qing would probably say).
I'm going to write an essay about their character dynamic one day istg I am chewing through the drywall
The cave statues chapter......... *passes away*. Like on one hand that chapter is so funny because yes Hua Cheng is just an absolute certified freak (POV my roommate telling me earlier on in my reading that HC is a porn addict and me being like "pssht noooo" but then getting to this chapter several months later and being like "O h.") but on the other hand THE CONFESSION??????? Like. All I can do is gesture wildly at the storyboard animatic that someone made of that scene on YouTube while absolutely fucking sobbing. There is a reason why the cover of volume 6 felt somehow more intimate than the cover of volume 4 where they're literally making out.
Anyway I'm patting Hua Cheng on the head like It's okay buddy Xie Lian loves you because you're a certified freak, he's seen too much of this world to be weirded out even a little bit. Which is why those two are perfect for each other <3
I'm glad you had so much fun on your reread, have fun with the brainworms :3
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bananaactivity · 1 month
i saw the "ask me abt my descendants au" ask button and so i simply HAD to ask about your au--carlos is my fave, with harry being my second favorite (while morgie is my favorite from RoR), so i guess, if anything, i wanna ask abt carlos. whats he like in your au? what exactly happens--and do his cousins exist? love the way you draw him op!!
and abt your morgie and james verse--i'm curious, do harriet and cj exist ? does harry remember morgie at all? does hook ever even talk about him?
sorry if this was a lot!
Naw it’s all good, I’ve been waiting on an ask for forever 🙃 I will say I only consumed the movies back in elementary school (WILD IM SAYING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND NOW IM 18 LIKE TIME GOES BY SO FAST) The only books I read was Mals spell book. Not to say I don’t like reading, I read Ever After high books and The School for Good and Evil, I could just never get my hands on the Descendents ones. And I watched one episode of wicked world… and said fuc no never again.
All that to say I just found out three weeks ago that Harry had siblings, and that Carlos had any hench men or other stuff not specifically in the main movies. I had already figured out a lot of James and Harry’s story and suddenly the timeline was fucked because there was no way for Harriet or Cj or Jane Darling to exist in context. Harry is born as an accident in Neverland and Hook has to return home so he can grow and his mother is a random someone who wasn’t going to come back to take care of her son. Her existence is already shaky but then adding Harriet she’d have to be born first with Jane Darling who I didn’t account for in the slightest either. She’s Wendy’s daughter so now a lot more time will have to pass so she can grow up and come to neverland, which is gross and not in a campy Disney way… and I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it 🥲
That was until I gave Hook a younger brother who can get with Jane at an appropriate age 😈 He’s unarmed rn but he’s a Hook so Harriet and Cj will be Harry’s cousins who he’s estranged from until some events happen…
Harry does NOT remember Morgie especially not with him looking so scary and tryna kill his Stylist and sparing partner. ( Carlos and Jay) Hook only talks about him to Maleficent and Uliana ( Hades still thinks he’s a spoiled rich boy, and Hook still thinks it was dumb for a “god” to attend a four year University with mortals, also At this time Maleficent and Hades are in that bad argue stage right before a divorce) He was okay leaving them all because time is different in Neverland, even tho from his side he’s been gone 12 years, Morgie only missed him for one year and time melds together on Neverland since you don’t age so it was basically nothing. ( that’s why Peter Pan is so unhinged, he’s been there forever and he refuses to keep track) Morgies in the same time zone as them so he’s been gone a good ten years, Harry and his friends are 14-12 now,So everyone is feeling the effects, and Camelot is on lockdown due to Morgie terrorizing them so Hook can’t check up on him. ( I dunno if I mentioned on tumblr but in my au Auradon is the place that’s locked up so the poor and Villians can’t come in on their “superior” society, the rest of the world is made up of lands from other Fairy tales and Folklore) So Hook is worried but he keeps on and Harry’s memory of Morgie comes back after a month of getting used to him being back.
Sad part but I have to share, Morgie and Hook never officially unionize… Morgie knows he’ll outlive Hook by a VERY long time (till the end of time) and he can’t bring himself to finalize anything, his grief about Hooks mortality is slowly consuming him🫠 (also Hook has issues with living forever due to his trauma from Neverland and won’t entertain any sort of immortality shenanigans)
On another note Carlos is also my favorite! I’ve had him down in my notes (before I could brave the internet) as soon as the inspiration from the 1996 101 Dalmatians live action film staring Glenn Close hit me I knew what had to be done. ( and descendents of the sparrow inspired me 😙) Carlos is a very smart man, he’s the analyst, ranged weapons specialist, stylist and bestest member of my Core four. (Jay is a wreck, Mal is a wreck, and Evie is still slay but she has to get wrapped up in Mals mess because she loves her 🙄 damn you Evies demi-god/dragon gf ) but I’d say my Carlos is a little more disciplined then the Og. He hates gross things and hates getting dirty or messy. Hes dorm mates with Chad now because the fairy god mother doesn’t want the four to conspire together so easily ( like they do in the movies 😅) He threatens Chads and his forest friends a lot because Carlos also hates any animal that he isn’t wearing. He grows out of that eventually, but it takes the longest out of all of his flaws because… like did you see him in that tiger skin outfit!?? How could he give up furs?!?
Carlos story intertwines with Harry’s a lot, in a brotherly love way. I was having Carlos love his mom in my first posts about Carlos but since then I’ve changed it. Cruella Hates Hook and Carlos hates his mom for being abusive, so he makes Harry swear that Carlos can style him when he’s older to get back at his mom. It becomes more than that and now Carlos gets even more clients, enough to move out on his own but he ends up staying with Mal and Co. This separates him a little from Harry, Uma, and Gil who he grew close with because Harry’s home was his safe place from his mother. She not only hated Hook but also the sea and its smells and the hustle of the costal territory present on that side of the isle. He still sees them when he goes for meetings with Harry, to Mals agitation. Mal Hates Uma and is kinda scared of Harry. ( Maleficent, Uliana and Hook think they accidentally bestied to close to the sun and made their kids and niece hate each other on accident)
Jay is jealous of Carlos due to his obsession with beating Harry and stuff. I’m not a hundred percent sure if I wanna go Huma or Jarry for this one… leaning towards Huma as Jerry is really toxic and I already have a bunch of other toxic couples I don’t want a million of them fr. For Carlos I’m thinking Aro/Ace like bro just wants to chill and design cool shit. I could see people having him be with Chad based on the context of my au, close proximity/enemie’s to lovers/hhimbo and smart guy, but I’m just not feeling it and Jaylos felt forced during the movies so I don’t want that 🫠
I have more but this is basically a fic chapter all on its own, if you have anymore askes I’ll gladly answer them!! I don’t mind spoiling my story like this, I find my fic interests in the specific conversations characters have and details. So this isn’t something I’m against doing…
Edit: I’m also having trouble on what I want the themes of these fics to be. I want a little bit more then “cool alternative universe!!!” I’m love this au but I’m also using this story to help warm me up for developing a story with my own characters that I’ve had swimming in my mind for years 😭
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deathlonging · 5 months
ooh your other posts reminded me. top 5 dishonored characters and why? and you can't pick Billie (or Meagan. heh). sorry
evil evil evil (i love the challenge)
first corvooooo alive dead guy of all time <3 no one does being haunted by grief and seeking revenge quite like him since hamlet sorry but its TRUE ! his water motif in dh1.....delicious. and hes even in love with his city that possessed him by force. whats more to ask
2. delilah who should've been n.1 were it not for the pesky attribute of grief corvo carries so well. delilahs is even better in a way for being anger......i hate dh2 so much for portraying her reign as hollow and devastating for dunwall that woman ran the brigmore witches better than the navy !!! and her wife runs the karnacan witches association smooth and cold with HER iron fist !!!! you're telling me she'd drop the ball on actually being good at what she believes is her birthright when she's prepared for it all her life......curious case of misogyny. also she's literally immortal to me if daud doesn't kill her in brigmore (and canonically he does not. canon is a platter feast w which im being selective) she's never giving up control over her section of the void and her goal is to become the outsider (with breanna as her link to earth) once she's peaked and bored <3 now im crafting an entirely different story concept but it did just dawn on me that about 1.5 missions into dh2 i realized emily was the villain. and they weren't even going to make her funny about it.
3. MINDY i am forever and ever thinking about her fucking emily and then making her go fetch her lovers corpse forever mulling over her relationship with paolo forever obsessed with the monster in the hull scene where she holds the lighter at her hip and makes meagan bend down to light her cigarette <333 woman of all time. also one of the most attractive dh characters only close 2nd to meagan....
4. samuel <3 the way he's corvo's conscience in dh1 when everything's been ripped away from him.....samcorvo real 2 ME !!!!
5. lady boyle specifically the version that invites corvo up to her room and although most of further characterization comes from the excellent (abandoned </3) fic death bone and song by laguz i maintain they're right about most of it. even if i would never write those characters that way their lady boyle (esma) is incredibly consistent and only made me like her all the more
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creature-featurez · 8 months
omg can i know ab betty and simon bc i also have one with like multiple parties at once im curious...
hello!!! sorry this took forever to answer (and for the... absolute novel that is the answer) this is surprisingly a very loaded question LMAOOO also sorry if i misinterpreted the question... i realized halfway through that you may have been asking something completely different...
putting under a [read more] to avoid being a terribly long post on the dash
First, I know you don't have a lot of knowledge on Adventure Time lore (at least I think..) so I'll probably be going on several smaller tangents and explanations of things so that the rest of what I explain makes sense. :3 If I get off topic, that's proooobably why. Second, the first "arc" of Reader's (my oc for anyone new here) story is heavily inspired by this fic, though I am currently rewriting it to be a bit more separate, and all of the later arcs are completely original. I like giving credit where credit is due, however.
OKAY! So now back to the actual question LMAO
In Adventure Time, there is a great war among humans somewhere in the 90's-2000's. It's a nuclear war that wipes out most of humanity and leaves a lot of radioactivity around, essentially creating an apocalypse for any surviving humans. In my au, this war takes place sometime in the late 90's. The seeds for Reader and Simon being in a relationship exist as early as the early 90's, though circumstances regarding the both of them being unable to further their education together prevent it from ever really going anywhere. Reader (who is still female presenting) struggles to keep up in the very male dominated field of anthropology and archaeology in the 90's while Simon easily finds his footing in doctorate programs. (He's cis in this au sorry Simon.. it just makes the most narrative sense.) Reader eventually loses contact with Simon as they drift away from each other and this is around the time that Reader goes missing, finding an ancient shrine and making a deal with a deity to survive the upcoming war. This is about 3 years before the nuclear fallout from the war. Meanwhile, Simon and Betty have met and the canon events of Fionna & Cake / Adventure Time are playing out for them! They find the Enchiridion (a magic book Simon was looking for to prove his studies on magical relics isn't bullshit), fall in love, get engaged, and this is around the time Simon loses contact with Reader. And then Reader's family reaches out to Simon. Reader has been missing and no one can find them. Betty comforts Simon during this time, but there isn't really much anyone can do. Eventually Simon finds the crown and becomes cursed, and Betty time travels 1000 years into the future to help save him like in the show. And we're back with Reader! Who accidentally overslept surviving the war by 800 years. They wake up and realize very quickly that they are (1) no longer human and (2) definitely not in the 20th century anymore... After a while they also learn they are immortal. About 200 years later, Reader is a successful healer, using 20th century medical practices and whatever they can find in centuries old texts. They've gotten quite the reputation as many families have been using their practice for generations, and rumors have spread that they can cure even curses (much to Reader's chagrin). This is when Betty, who is now going insane desperately trying to save Simon, visits their shop. Of course, when Betty learns that Reader can't, in fact, cure curses, she's pissed. They get into a big fight and Betty is banned from Reader's shop. The two don't interact again by the time Betty actually does save Simon from being cursed as the Ice King, and Reader never puts 2-and-2 together. To make a very long explanation a very short one, Betty saves Simon by fusing with a chaos deity named Golb, becoming Golbetty. She then returns to this void between universes, leaving Simon once again mortal but now all alone. 12 years later, Simon and Reader reconnect! They slowburn fall in love, but Simon isn't really over Betty, esp when it comes to wanting to save her. Simon is trying to reach Golbetty through an ancient shrine, but Reader is completely unaware of this. Reader is left in the dark when it comes to a lot about Betty, actually, but respects Simon's privacy. The two of them settle into life together after reconnecting after 1000 years, both having long accepted the other died in the 90's, and things seem okay for the most part...
Okay so things aren't all that okay. Turns out becoming a weird pseudohuman fucks with your self-image and connection to humanity, who would have thunk! This isn't anything new for Reader, who already associated their being nonbinary/transmasc with being turned into a creature shortly upon settling in the Land of Ooo (tho: author's note, they were always nonbinary, it's just hard to accept that when you're already struggling to make a life for yourself in a male dominated career in the 90's. Reader is mega-coping.) But reconnecting with Simon kind of made it... worse. Sure, Simon was cursed for a while but he got out of it mostly human, where Reader is very much not human. They find themself comparing how they once were to how they are now and feeling inadequate for Simon. Simon tries his best to help, but there's only really so much he can do. Things only get worse when a witch comes along who claims to know exactly what kind of creature Reader is. Reader is a golb-beast, a rare (often only thought to be mythical) creature created by being cursed, or in some interpretations blessed, by Golb. Reader is the only one of their kind known in existence, and this witch worships Golb. Knowing magic, she is able to manipulate Reader's curse so that they attack Simon, almost killing him, and in the chaos of everything she kidnaps Reader. The captor (I need to name her..) has a mansion that is decorated with statues and artwork of Golb, think Catholic cathedrals, and she initially locks Reader in the basement where she has a dungeon of sorts. She's kind of really fucked up and treats Reader like an exotic pet she tamed rather than a sentient human and even goes as far as to only let them eat raw meat it's crazy. Reader keeps up hope that Simon will come for them but the captor tells them (a lie) that Simon ran away from them when they attacked him. He's scared of Reader being a beast and won't be coming back for them. While Reader doesn't believe this at first... the longer they're trapped the more doubt starts to set in. Meanwhile Simon is actually losing his mind trying to find Reader after healing from his wounds, but to little avail. It takes months before he even gets a real lead. Eventually he is able to rescue Reader but in the chaos a fire starts. A statue of Golb falls and crushes the captor, killing her instantly while Reader watches. It should feel good but... Reader is emotionally crushed. It takes them a long time to get used to being back in the normal world again. There's a lot more I didn't cover here bc it isn't too important to Reader and Simon specifically, but there's a lot Reader has to overcome. This entire situation really sets them back on feeling human and accepting themself as they are. This time, Simon can't even seem to really help them when they're at their worst.
(continued in a reblog bc apparently i flew too close to the sun with this post...)
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noildoof · 8 days
Hello Ive seen that ur into a lot of like "obscure" media and was wondering what anime, cartoons and comics u were into or what u'd recommend , Im very curious , love your art!!!!!
There's a lot, tbh I'm not even sure where to start, but let's see...
Angel's Egg isn't really that obscure anymore, but at the time I first watched it and got obsessed, it was. I still consider it to be a masterpiece and my favorite movie of all time, tied with Alien.
If you're over 18, I highly recommend Malice@Doll. It's a surreal, disturbing 3D anime that moves a lot like stop-motion. It has a lot of parallels to the Biblical story of the garden of Eden, with humans in the role of an absent God and machines doing the same things they've always done because... well, that's what they were made to do. They don't have free will. There's a lot of really interesting stuff to think about - the tradeoff of innocence for knowledge, trading an immortal mechanical body that can't feel for a flesh one that can feel pleasure but also pain. Again though, this anime gets pretty disturbing, and although it's not meant to be arousing it does have sexual content. It's not appropriate for minors.
My favorite bad anime is The Humanoid. It's very campy and one of the most 80's anime I've ever seen. The characters (mostly Alan) talk a lot about coffee, for some reason. Enough that you can make a drinking game out of it. The soundtrack is actually really good, I have it on vinyl.
Go watch Chargeman Ken right now. I mean it. Each episode is only 5 minutes long, so you have no excuse not to. You'll understand why I'm recommending this anime once you've watched it, it simply has to be seen to be believed. My favorite episodes are Dynamite in the Brain and When the Cuckoo Clock Strikes 3.
A lot of people seem to hate Bounty Dog, but I will unironically defend this anime to the death. I think it's good, or at least perfectly serviceable for a 90's direct-to-video anime. It has a weird piss-yellow color palette though, and it's not a filter - those are the actual colors used in the paint, I would know having cels from this.
This is very particular to my tastes (people who know me will understand why), but I binged Brigadoon not long ago and loved it. It's a very strange series in a way that's kind of hard to describe. Fundamentally, it's about a relationship between a girl and a mecha that develops into a romance, so I guess it's shoujo. But it's also an action series. And a comedy series. And a drama series. And a horror series at times. It defies genre categorization in a way I don't see very often. The closest thing I can compare it to is The Ancient Magus's Bride, as the relationship between Marin and Melan is pretty similar. With Dr. Seuss and Evangelion thrown into a blender.
Cool World is... not a good movie. At all. But damn, are those backgrounds nice. It has a particular "look" to it that is awesome as fuck, I just wish the actual story wasn't so stupid. I implore the people who say dumb shit like "Hazbin Hotel is just "SEX! LAUGH NOW!"" to watch Cool World, because that is literally what Cool World is. It's pretty to look at, but the entire plot and all the jokes are just "Don't have sex with cartoon characters---- OHHHH he just had sex with the cartoon character." But if you can get past the painfully unfunny "comedy" and stupid nonsensical plot, it's very nice to look at and has a great soundtrack.
... that got really long-winded, damn. Here's some other recommendations:
Weathering Continent (also an untranslated light novel series) Laughing Target (also a manga) Mermaid Forest (also a manga) Mermaid's Scar (also a manga) Curse of Kazuo Umezu (also a manga, untranslated) California Crisis Twinkle Nora Rock Me (so bad it's amazing, also an untranslated manga) Nayuta (also a manga, untranslated) King of Thorn (also a manga) Umi no Yami, Tsuki no Kage (also a manga, but not fully translated) Dragon's Heaven (also a manga, untranslated) Lily-C.A.T. Magnetic Rose (not really that obscure but it's a masterpiece) They Were 11 (also a manga, dunno if it was translated) E.Y.E.S. of Mars Iblard Time Venus Wars (also a manga)
Eko Eko Azarak (haven't seen much of it but I like what I've seen) Any of Rumiko Takahashi's short stories Black Jack (definitely not obscure if you're an oldtaku like me) Anything by Kazuo Umezu, especially Drifting Classroom
The Banshee Chapter Space Mutiny (watch the Mystery Science Theater version) Yellow Brick Road
Mary (Scissor Sisters music video) Daicon IV (anime Electric Light Orchestra music video) Apollo 20 hoax videos Cybersix (Argentine animated series) Skydoll (Italian comic, adult-only) Yoko Tsuno (Belgian comic)
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
having terminal narwhal brainrot is kinda the worst actually bc. sometimes my brain just gets Stuck on all these tiny things and observations that are Very Funny Indeed but also like. i have no actual clue whether its Intended to be significant at all in terms of implication or if im just losing it but its rent free either way and its not going away like. take this one for a completely coincidental example i definitely havent had swirling around my head rent free for like the last 3 weeks nopers no way uhhhhh
so act I of fontaine AQ right???? first narwhal mentions we get from childe in the story???
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"it" right?? which like fine yeah makes sense. mysterious massive eldritch sea creature wouldnt consider that out of place for a choice of pronoun. in no small part prolly due to ajax just taking after skirk in terms of how she refers to and views the narwhal. its not rly carrying any connotation of personhood and/or sentience purely in terms of the language used
Now. if its such an unsurprising choice. why am i fixated on this
WELL. lets say purely hypothetically. wouldnt it be like. really funny if after Multiple languages. explicitly went for a non-human moniker when it comes to childe speaking about the narwhal. that he would then like. possibly. the Second they make actual direct and personal telepathic connection with one another. pull a complete 180 on that. in like act III mayhaps
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"someone" calling him??????
Like. isnt it Interesting. that he went from "it". to IMMEDIATELY assigning explicit personhood to whatever originated that whalesong call.
Its telepathic connection. Right??? like these mfs are Literally in each others heads. right??? and yet. Somehow. PURELY off of that call that single moment of fleeting impression and feeling that gravitational pull towards one another. youre Instinctively assigning sentience personhood and character to that voice. Huh
(so based and narwhalpilled ajax i knew you were a truther and an ally)
and like what makes me fixate on this so much and not just go oh its prolly nothing is just. they didnt HAVE to write it that way right??? they couldve made it "something calling me..." . or even for intentional ambiguity something like "i hear a call somewhere..." . but Nooooooo its. someone. they made ajax go from "it" to "someone". in the exact span it took for him to make direct metaphysical contact with his narwhal.
obviously like. yes ive made my case against the "lmao dumb pet that overeats" misconception Many Times Before for obvious reasons bc thats My beloved and theres Plenty enough canon material even excluding this one to very much suggest the narwhal is indeed a fully sentient immortal being capable of complex thought i just. for ajax of all people to seemingly note that so instinctively the moment they make contact as well............
yeah let me scream real quick thanks im just. HHHHHHHHHH these 2 kill me irl
and NO its not just english i triple checked. like first i checked german and that shit goes from es/etwas to jemand. non-human to explicitly person-specific
(beyond the obvious. whale as a masculine noun)
& then w chinese obviously not a speaker but i took the same lines from project ambr, got the translation and pinyin with google and as long as im not missing sth huge and/or wikipedia isnt lying about how chinese pronouns work. its explicitly non-human 3rd person to very much person-specific interrogative "who" too.
so like. that sure is a very specific and curious choice to make with the writing. multiple times. in multiple languages. when there very much were Multiple very easy ways to write it Not in such a way. for the one (1) guy with undeniably the closest and most personal bond to the narwhal. to say That. in response to its call. its just a little bit of an inch resting detail to have. just a bit
yeah ajax mister im actually going to need you to explain this one to the class as well in addition to all the OTHER shit you have the audacity to spew thanks
#like what the fuck man.#and keep in mind we. STILL. have literally 0 account of whatever the hell went down between these 2 in the primordial sea#beyond them throwing hands . for all that time. bc ajax has said jack shit on the matter and how he experienced it .#bc like the thing im asking is. if your connection is enough for such an impression. that a sense of personhood is Immediately assigned#how fucking much of that whalecall is literally just. straight up intelligible communication. to him. were they talking shit the entire tim#AND in case of like oh the call was probably surtalogi/focalors trying to get him to the narwhal all according to keikaku. might i remind#that in the cutscene . itself. you LITERALLY hear a whalecall as 'i hear... someone calling me...' appears like this isnt among us.#theres no multiple suspects its not really a question as to WHOSE call that is.#also skirks demeanor if anything suggests that ajax ran into the narwhal sooner than was supposed to#since she expects to be reprimanded by surtalogi for letting said 'blunder' happen. so theres that as well#like this is sth nobody registers but so far theres arguably 1 singular action we know the narwhal has done explicitly of its own free will#and not simply its instinct to consume a planets life force etc or sth forced upon it by surtalogi taking it as a pet#and that one. is. seeking out ajax at that specific time. like That was a priority for whatever reason#and when it called to him at that moment the nature of that call was such that he immediately sensed soul and sentience in it.#its so over its so rent free...............................#please kiss im going to die#childeposting#oh also. ig if ur arguing the 'someone' sensed is the shadow within the narwhal not the narwhal . its like okay fine that can be argued#but surtalogi or focalors is kind of a stretch im sorry lol#narwhalposting#genshin#rambles
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yinyuedijun · 7 months
(Hengfeng bleach anon) Mama mao the fucking better be extra nasty for that heartwrenching opening bc like legit i've always known that dh's backstory is fucked up but i hadn't thought too much about his life post-exile BUT pre-astral express, like just thinking about it makes me want to cry, because imagine you are dan heng and you are excited to start a new life!!! a bit anxious given hat you've been through but you're determined to make it work!!!
but then the ghost of the lover of the dead person who you have the face of comes back to kill you and no one is spared, not even the people you were slowly trying to build relationships with is soooo............ like, dh must have persistently jumped from crew to crew after the first few times he made a mistake of staying for too long in a ship only for everyone in there to die or something like..... my wife.... fuck you blade i hope your back breaks when you're being pegged or something
man now im wondering how himeko and welt managed to convince dh to stay in the express for as long as he has, we know how he first met them but not like the rest of it, like im so curious how dh began getting comfortable and deciding to stay, also did blade try to kill him in the express??? i have so many questions but i fear the answers given mihoyo fucked up the hcq lore so badly i do not wish to see how they butcher the rest of the wife lore
Anyways im so sorry this is so long, you hit me w the dh feels, excuse me while i read some porn of my wife in order to calm down and wait for the pt2 of bedchamber 🙏🙏🙏🙏(p.s. mama mao you better be taking care of ur wrist pls ily/p xoxoxo)
DONT WORRY MY BELOVED ANON I can promise you absolute degeneracy after that opening scene 😞 literally the pov switches to mc right after and suddenly the narration gets 1000% funnier and nastier gsdldakdlahsjskv
also YESSS u are I are on the same wavelength anon, that's exactly how I imagine his pre-Express life to have been like! I think that's why Dan Heng starts off in the game as such a closed off person - my personal hc is that he never really moved into his own room on the Express because he was convinced he'd need to leave eventually. I can only imagine that he hadn't run into Blade while on the Express because Himeko and Welt didn't seem to recognize him at all. but as for how Himeko got him to stay, I'm not sure... by the point of March 7th joining, he does seem to be very fond of the place.
(also I died @ the blade pegging comment HELLLPP can one of the blade fuckers on my dash please help us get justice for danheng 🙏🙏🙏 HES IMMORTAL HIS BACK WILL HEAL)
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sweaterspoons · 2 years
i can't rememnber if you have a maze tag and a separate labyrinth tag but im so curious either way. what the fuck are you talking about please elaborate *kicking feet in the air twirling a phone ckrd*
GRABS YOU!!!! THANK U FOR ASKING i will now be typing for four hours<333
the labyrinth is the maze!!!!!! The Maze refers both to the play-by-post d&d campaign im running, and its setting :D
the pitch, essentially, is this:
the maze is a very little-known legend. and even if you're among the few who learn about it, it's incredibly difficult to find... and even fewer people ever make it back out.
but those who DO make it out return with their heart's greatest desire.
riches, power, immortality, knowledge, a cure for all disease, a really fucking awesome sandwich... it's all possible in the maze :)
the maze itself is its own world, with... maybe its own consciousness? it bumps up into other planes of existence every so often, and when that happens, it creates Doors, which one can enter the maze through.
the challenge, theoretically, is simple. you enter through your door. the door locks. you go find your desire. when you achieve that, you ALSO get a key! the key unlocks your door. you go home.
in practice, it's.. well... a little more complicated <3
the maze is composed of an endless series of little worlds. some parts of it are pretty classic winding tunnels, hedges, what have you. some parts of it are... cities. forests. graveyards. oceans. etc etc etc. the dream is to feel a little bit infinity train : )
geeenerally you'll get pushed in a direction that'll get you toward your goal, but. you're gonna have to work for it baby!!!
we have FOUR player characters, all from different worlds <3
the guy, played by @spookyhetero ; a warforged barbarian, a father, an all around very strange fella from a very strange world. his face is an orb. his dad is a frat boy wizard. his son is a cactus. he's friends with the maze.
mara, played by @fia-bonkginya ; a half-elf oathbreaker paladin + undying warlock!! also the love of my life honestly. they're trying to get out of their warlock pact and it's going... swell :)
nadzeya oja, played by @eldathe ; a goblin druid, my darling, my angel, my emotional punching bag. she just wants to help. she just wants to prove herself. she just wants to find-- um... who... who was it she was looking for, again? (she can't remember. why can't she remember?)
and last, but CERTAINLY not least, is doctor charles jefferson atelier, played by @electricpoolshark ; a human artificer, former army medic, current engineer and rat enthusiast. he has a giant metal rat named algernon and she's his best friend. he's just here to learn about the maze, and accidentally doomed his own ass to walk its halls forever in like... the first five minutes.
honorable npc mentions include clementine, who's been here for quite some time; titan, whom everybody hates but is also the biggest and the sexiest and is my number one committer of nonbinary wrongs; and tetsuya, who is probably not a ghost but IS a little bit haunting the narrative right now.
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wizardofgore · 1 year
can you tell me about your wips? i took the oc quiz and now i'm curious about them.
Hey!! Sorry I was sitting on this for a sec trying to put together my answer but essentially I write around characters/settings/vibes and struggle to create plots and narratives but I’ll do my best to tell u about them.
The first story (characters from the quiz: nymeria, ophelia, hugo, sofia) always felt like a dark fantasy/political drama where I wanted the characters to be a classic rpg party exploring a world on the brink of revolution, and through them I wanted to create a fantasy world that satisfied me politically (by implementing the immortal science of Marxism-leninism and so on and so forth) but because of my recent interest in fear and hunger I also want to create more lore for the religion that some of the characters follow. I imagine the story will end with the party being split somehow, and I think the best way I can imagine developing the rest of it would be to think of it like a video game where u can explore things in a nonlinear way and learn about the world in small increments. I think my dnd character olivier exists in this canon as well, and could maybe be a late game antagonist and someone who’s lore is revealed slowly over time. The setting of the dungeon is really intriguing me right now too, and thinking of the dungeon as a living entity like a haunted house would be part of it too if I had them explore the dungeon? Idk this is all over the place but hopefully it gives some clarity 🙏🏻
The other story (annika and anna) is supposed to be an exploration of two different peoples responses to traumas and solitude, they find each other and form a relationship that’s simultaneously the most fulfilling each other has ever had but also “toxic” and codependent because neither of them know how to navigate relationships, thus leading to their demise. These two characters feel like 2 different sides of my own response to grief. Annika is the anger, the self-sabotage, the quest for vengeance, the hope that others will pay for the harm they have caused her. Anna is a retreat into the self, complete lack of self-esteem, imposter syndrome, and she has neurotically convinced herself that her hunger and iron deficiency are actually a result of her not being human. Annika both sympathizes and takes advantage of this, and Anna both uses and consoles Annika. I want their relationship to be really beautiful so I’m still building up the events that happen in their short time together hehe.
The third is the newest and least developed, and I actually just named the characters for the sake of the quiz lol. Myra and maeve are (also shockingly) are also symbolic of my different neuroticisms, this time about death/thinking of oneself as a ghost, seeing someone you love die and realizing you have to live. I see this story as a classic mystery but probably with some nonlinear storytelling…hope that makes sense lol
Thank you for asking, im really bad at explaining my thoughts which is why I usually only communicate in roundabout ways (hence uquiz lol)
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the-blaze-empress · 2 years
What are your favorite things abt c!phil? i want to know his character better :3
god where to START hmmmmmm
okay ive stuck it under a read more because my god is there a lot. for anyone curious, i list off 10 of my favourite things about cphil (with explanations as to what an why), 10 of my favourite quotes, and also cover some more common fandom mischaracterisations
1 - his character design it's basic, but i need somewhere to start. i LOVE phils character design, idk, maybe its just something to do with birds and green and me being a cosplayer. especially his new skin! it has details, anon, and they all have meaning. i love me some details with meaning. and bc its minecraft, and because minecraft is pixels, theres SO MUCH ROOM FOR INTERPRETATION. anyone can go COMPLETELY ham with the design if they want to and they all look SO COOL.
2 - EMERALD DUO okay so ill say it outright; im a qpr emduo sorta person. at the very least im an ‘old friends/war buddies/ex emperors emduo’ person. dont get me wrong, techno is the eldest child, but in the dsmp, he’s not phil’s kid, they’re just really old friends. AND OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM. ‘for you the world’ NEED I SAY MORE??? the emeralds, the phil risking his life to protect techno from the butcher army, the techno worrying about phil participating in doomsday, the complete and utter undying trust they have in each other. theyre not perfect, they still disagree and still have differing opinions but they sort it out and compromise and make sure each other is always okay!!! them!!!
3 - birb cphil is a bird we all know this. and this is leaning more into fanon not explicitly canon, but im including it because i can. phil is bird, he has bird brain. bird instincts and bird features, like hollow bones, chirping, nesting, preening, all the good stuff. it adds a layer of depth to his character thats so fun to play with when writing!! there’s so much potential for both angst and fluff and i love it so much. also i just love birds so yknow. win win situation for me.
4 - family, its messy phil is part of what i believe is the biggest canonical family on the dsmp. there’s four generations ffs. he has a son, a grandson, even a great-grandson. and it’s not perfect. wilbur is. wilbur, but even though he went mad and even though he lied in his letters he still cared enough to send letters in the first place, phil still cared enough to read them. phil still cared enough to drop everything for his son. it was messy and it was heartbreaking but that is what it is to be a father, i think. sometimes whats right is whats hardest and its phils love for wilbur that was forever just so clear. its the way fundy fucked up, its the way phil fucked up in return, its the way they made up without properly making up but phil was always, always there for fundy, always cared for him at least a little, because that’s his grandson.
5 - leading on from the above, kristin!! ANON DO YOU KNOW HOW COOL IT IS FOR PHIL TO BE MARRIED TO THE LITERAL GODDESS OF DEATH?? phil is a trophy husband and you cannot convince me otherwise. his wife is SO COOL and SO POWERFUL and he loves her SO VERY MUCH. yeah sure hes a het guy in a homonormative society but i can forgive him for that because his wife is amazing. also less cphil, more ccphil, but i think its SO FUCKING COOL AND/OR FUNNY that ccphil literally just. wrote his wife into the dsmp on a whim. THATS how much he loves her that even tho shes not involved in this thing hes doing she’s still there in some sense.
6 - immortality yeah cphil CAN die, but here’s the catch; he doesn’t. hes functionally immortal and godddd i love it so much. hes so fucked up from it, but i love that about him (more on that point later). cphil has lived through so much and he has known so much and he has gained and lost SO MUCH but he’s still going strong, hes still loving and living and trying. who knows when he’ll finally die, not him and certainly not us.
7 - WOO TRAUMA mans is SO FUCKED UP. god where to even START with this. phil has not processed a single emotion in 500 years and he does NOT plan on starting now thank you very much. his sons death? nah lets build a country instead. watching his best friend be executed? nope not processing THAT lets find somewhere else to live oh yeah also i almost died. phils favourite thing is avoiding emotions and busying himself with some Other Task for Someone Else (new lmanburg, training room, various farms for techno, just to name a couple) so he Doesnt Have To Think About Anything. also perception of time? hell no he’s gonna be working for days without realising it. this is not healthy. he does not intend to stop. he blames himself for so much and rarely ever accepts help from anyone at all.
8 - kindness dont get me wrong if you get on the wrong side of phil you will find out exactly why some know him as the angel of death, but if ur not on that side of him, hes just. so kind and so caring. that one time when ranboo was deliberately trying to trigger the enderwalk out, and phil ran in and got rid of all the splash water bottles because he thought ranboo was getting hurt? yeah. that. protecting tommy without hesitation or question when dream was chasing him? yeah. that. building new lmanburg because tubbo had enough on his plate and he needed something to do anything to do he needed to keep his hands busy then it would be okay it had to be okay he had to be okay? yeah. that. visiting techno even while he was under house arrest to make sure he was okay? yeah. that.
9 - hes such a chaotic little fuck this is something a LOT of the fandom seem to. ignore. phil is not this sophisticated, calm, rational father figure. he can be sometimes (at a push) but thats not who he is. he’s an absolute chaos machine, and a fucking deadly one at that. he’s bored and you’re in the general vicinity? bye living! i think its well summed up in that one clip of phil and techno in a village, and techno’s grabbing a couple supplies here and there, and phil is just fucking gutting the place even if he doesnt actually need those supplies. he will murder (for fun), he will explode shit (for fun), he will cause mass genocide (for fun), he will fucking. idk he’ll do it all for fun.
10 - history imo, phil and techno are some of the best—if not the most—fleshed out characters in the dsmp. part of this, i reckon, is because of the history they have. you cannot talk about dsmp cphil properly without acknowledging smp earth and hardcore at the very least. the antarctic empire is there, phil and techno carry its shields and wear its colours. the angel of death is familiar to most if not all, the love for fucking freezing temperatures is there too. phil did decanonise the connection to hardcore, but a) many people who care ignore that, b) i ignore that, and c) it was there for at least a little, it had influence for at least a little. cphil is and old character, he didn’t just blip into existence in the dsmp, he has real, solid, pre-established history.
and now for some of my favourite cphil quotes!!
1 - Things, buildings, they can be replaced! People can't be replaced. I'm not losing anyone else... I'm not losing anyone else. Not to this bullshit. 
2 - (“Since when was this a Philza Minecraft thing?”) “Since I was forced to kill my own son, you idiot!”
3 - look i made this entire section to include One Specific Quote except i now cannot find that quote. fuck this fuck me. it was something phil said in chat at one point, he was talking to sam, saying how he [phil] was immortal, he had seen nations rise and fall, he had seen people like sam who craved power come and go with little consequence. its a good quote, trust me, ill put it here when/if i can find it.
4 - "I've seen this 'government', on this server... Everything to do with government has just been bad so far. (...) I've watched it completely destroy and tear down people's wills, and change people... I've seen it change the nicest people into complete and utter tyrants. So I think it's about time.”
okay quotes over now for some common fandom mischaracterisations, since u said u wanted to know cphils character better
1 - bad dad phil this one really gets me. i hate it, genuinely. phil was never and is not a bad dad. im not saying he was perfect, but he was not a bad dad. it is not his fault wilbur went mad, it is not his fault tommy was hurt so much in exile (more on that later), none of this is his fault. phil cares so much about his family and does everything he can for them, he was never neglectful or absent or anything of the sort.
2 - sbi family dynamics THESE HAVE BEEN DECANONISED BY LIKE EVERYONE IN SBI FOR THE DSMP. MULTIPLE TIMES. tommy was never phils son, he was just some kid phils actual son knew. techno is phils old friend, not his son. wilbur, however, is his son
3 - calm collected eloquent father SOMETIMES phil can have good fatherly advice. other times he really fucking does not!! cphil is shit with words, if you want someone whos always expressing their emotion in elegant prose, look at techno, not phil. he tries, he really does, but his perception of normality is warped, and sometimes he just doesnt fucking care?? hes chaotic and fairly independent, and yeah okay he may have taken in TWO stray kids (tubbo, when he was a child, and ranboo after doomsday) but hes not the like. serial adopter some people make him out to be
so yeah, thats cphil for you! im more than happy to go into more detail about any of the above things, just ask! that goes for literally anyone btw. ill happily talk about fanon and more fandom characterisations, but ive tried to keep it as close to canon as i can so far. what’s great is that despite what he claims, ccphil is an excellent roleplayer and general storyteller, hes always adding little details and explaining reasoning behind things, so theres so much nuance and so much depth to cphil and the section of the world he inhabits. can you tell that cphil is my favourite character perhaps.
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heatwa-ves · 1 year
please tell me who’s in your blog theme, i’m curious
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this is natsuhiko (red hair) and sakura (green hair) from toilet bound hanako kun!! Aida is my all time favourite mangaka and I really admire their work and this is the newest piece of official art it's soooo gorgeous I adore the use of colors. anyway back to the characters. they're both members of the schools broadcasting club which is revealed to be spreading rumours about supernaturals to the student body and therefore has the power to change the behaviour of these supernaturals by changing the rumors like for example early on in the manga they change the rumor of the mokke who are these tiny little bunny guys to make them act more violent and make people scared of them, same with varying other rumors.
natsuhiko is initially presented as being just some guy who's only helping the broadcasting club because he has a crush on sakura, despite her being very cold towards him. I've seen a theory about why they may both act like this which i find very interesting
big manga spoilers under the cut like for the most recent chapters ‼️‼️‼️
in the far shore arc, which was released over the entirety of 2022 (it feels more recent than that?? but no first chapter of the arc was oct 2021 and last chapter of the arc was dec 2022) it is revealed that sakura is an immortal being, tho im not entirely sure if she is human or a supernatural. she's contracted to tsukasa, the titular hanako kun's brother, and has been confined to the school for at least a century. it's not revealed exactly what her wish is but it's most likely to be able to leave the school, which is why she works to alter the rumors of supernaturals.
also in this arc, natsuhiko who had previously been seen as just some guy shows up and defeats one of the strongest supernaturals, that even two trained exorcists + akane (idk how to explain it but he's like part supernatural kinda) couldn't beat
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the most recent arc like literally last months chapter had natsuhikos biggest character moment yet, pre chapter 104 we knew very little about him (and still do but at least now we know a bit more) but in that chapter, he goes to the big clock in the school during the schools cultural festival
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it's revealed that he, like sakura, is immortal, and definitely has a far bigger role in this than we anticipated. by letting his blood go on this clock he freezes time in the school and so everyone there is just frozen in time and space aside from a few (it doesn't work on teru and akane which is kind of confusing to me.. idk we'll see next chapter.
so there's been a lot of theories trying to figure out who natsuhiko and sakura really are and what happened to them, things are getting interesting 😛😛
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dreadark · 1 year
dusk n saga
................wait was this for an ask thing i missed... oh god it's been a month
i get like 1 ask a year how even. idk
well now that youve certainly forgotten you sent this im going to answer it. so saga first
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i dont think any of this actually captures how i feel about her
i also dont know how to talk about her. she's just... such a strange character right. funny dog but who is also smarter than everyone. gets put in the existential crisis inducing scroll or whatever and just leaves deciding she shouldnt gamble. i still dont really understand why i like her so much
really curious what she's doing in death of chunfen...
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this is so empty why did i even rb this meme.... who knows....
i believe this is what the youths call a girlflop (why tf am i saying it like this) (also i think this word is fucking annoying but lets not get into that)
yeah she's an immortal being that's lived for thousands of years and has seen so many people she loved pass away that she eventually shut herself in her own world literally but she's also a loser. hashtag duality
my fav of the sui sibs for sure... man who is real was such a good event. i want that again we've had other good events for sure but i want another weird one like that. actually i should just reread it it's been a while
also her design is nice ak should use green-ish hair more
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