#also im very sorry if i have been pissy as of late
melissa-titanium · 6 months
HELLO very sorry for the absence :) i feel better now i just needed to vanish for a day or two haha! ill answer messages in the morning im a little sleepy right now. goodnight i hope everyone has an awesome christmas eve if you celebrate
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shitty fucking doodel before i conk out. i think my creativity peaked when i decided she has weird christmas tree hair :)
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tommysversion · 1 year
hello!! i saw you were taking requests and i couldn’t find any set rule list, so please ignore this if it’s not something you’re comfortable with ❤️ but what maybe some smut where they’ve been in jackson for a bit and the girls there don’t get the hint that he’s taken and reader gets jealous and is the dominant one? also totally marks him so they know. (sorry i don’t usually request smut so im not really sure if i should add more or not but i really like your work so i wanted to try) anyway, thank you if you get to this and again, truly no issue if you don’t. i hope you have a fantastic day/evening 🥰❤️
Hi anon! Sorry this took so long, I had the big writers block for the last few days! I hope this is what you’re looking for!
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You don’t get irritated easily. It’s one of the things Joel likes about you, actually. You tend to be the level headed one, the one people go to in a crisis because you’re damn near impossible to piss off. Damn near, but not quite. And lately, people have been pushing your damn buttons. Everyone has a weakness, and yours is Joel. 
You know he’s handsome. Hell, you’re not the only one who knows it. If he wasn’t so caught up in… well, being Joel, he’d probably be able to have any of the women in Jackson that he wanted. Somehow, he wanted you. Long before you even arrived there, too. Your relationship is concrete. Infallible. Only, there are a few women who don’t seem to have gotten the hint. 
They flirt with him, right in front of you sometimes. He doesn’t seem to notice, doesn’t seem to care, and whenever you bring it up? He’s dismissive of it. 
“I don’t care who’s lookin’ at me, darlin’, I’ve only got eyes for you.” 
Sweet words, yes. And it’s not that you don’t trust him. You do. With your life, with your heart and your soul. 
It still gets to you. Especially when he gets so pissy whenever anyone so much as looks at you. Oh, sure, you like it, and you love the possessive way he fucks you whenever it happens… but it’s given you an idea. Everyone knows now not to flirt with you or touch you, because you’re always, without fail, covered in love bites or have Joel with you, his hand on the small of your back in a not so subtle possessive way. 
It’s your turn. Time to flip the cards, as it were. 
Sunlight streams in through the window; it’s snowed overnight again, of course, but it looks to be a beautiful day. 
You’re awake first, for once; you’ve noticed that he sleeps better beside you. Oh, he still has his nightmares, and you’re certain he always will, but you’ve noticed a definite improvement. 
Your idea still bounces around your mind, a way to keep those pesky women away from him for good. Maybe if they know, without any reason to doubt, that he’s yours… they’ll back off. If he was anyone else, you might be nervous. But he’s not anyone else, he’s Joel. Your Joel. 
The thought gives you courage as you curl your body into his, press slow kisses up his chest. That’s new, too. Since settling in Jackson, you’re both far more at ease with sleeping in very little clothing, or, in this instance, naked. 
Your fingertips trail along his arms as you kiss over his heart, keep kissing up to his throat, along his jaw. 
“Hmm? Mornin’, darlin…” His voice is always so much more heavily accented first thing in the morning, sleepy and content. You like that, the change from being instantly alert to allowing himself a moment. 
“Hi there.” You keep on kissing, along his jaw to his lips, kissing the corner of his mouth. 
“Didn’t get enough last night, huh?” He doesn’t sound annoyed, not at all. For all he comments about being fifty six and not able to keep up with such a pretty young thing, he does a damn good job. Honestly, his stamina is fucking impressive. That, and you can feel him, hard against your stomach. Time to put your idea into practice. 
“Never.” You agree, before you roll, catching him off guard enough that you can straddle him, keeping him flat on his back on the soft bed. 
He raises an eyebrow, amused at your sudden movement. He’s used to you being the submissive one, begging him to be rougher, harder, being pinned beneath him or on all fours, occasionally against a wall or on the couch if you can’t make it to the bed. It happens. Even when you ride him, he has the control, and you both know it. 
He’s not used to this, to you straddling him with a sense of purpose, a glint in your eyes as you lean down and kiss him again, a searing kiss to his mouth that’s all passion, all desperation, like he’s the purest drug left in the world and you’re addicted. 
Without breaking the kiss, you grind down against him, letting his hands drift to your waist, guiding you. Slowly, you brush your bare folds along the length of him, enjoying the way he watches you, pupils blown wide. 
You can’t let yourself be distracted, no matter how much you want to be. 
“What’s gotten into you, huh?” His voice is hoarse, heavy with arousal as you kiss the corner of his mouth again, circling your hips, teasing the tip of his cock with your wetness. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You reply, kissing his throat, finding a nice spot to leave your mark. Before he can answer you again, your kiss turns to a bite, sucking a deep purple mark into his throat as his hands shift lower, settling on your ass. 
You can feel his cock throbbing against you; it’s almost embarrassing how much you want him, how easy it would be to simply cave, beg him to roll you over and pin you to the bed. But this isn’t about you, not right now. This is about Joel, and about making sure those damn annoying women in town know that he’s yours. He’s yours. 
“Gonna tease me all morning, baby?” His tone makes it clear he doesn’t mind, not in the slightest, even if the haze of sleep has been replaced with lust. 
“Maybe.” You concede, leaving another mark on his collarbone. “I can see why you do this to me, now…” 
It certainly looks nice, the contrast of the purple marks against his olive skin. 
“Usually I fuck you, too.” Joel comments, and you laugh. 
“Is that your way of begging?” You ask, admiring the string of marks on his throat. Not bad, honestly. Not bad at all. 
“Sweetheart, if I was begging you, you’d know it.” He tries to sound stubborn, but you choose that moment to tease him again, brushing yourself against the tip of him once more. There’s a slight catch to his voice as he says it. 
“Are you sure?” 
He rolls his eyes. “Really, what’s gotten into you?” 
You smirk, lean down and press a kiss to his lips. 
“Maybe I just wanted to prove a point.” Your own resolve is failing slightly, just enough to cut your teasing short; maybe if you had slightly more control, you’d tease him for longer. But you know him, know his patience is limited, even for you. 
“And what might that be?” His hands are still on your waist; you move your own hands to his arms, keeping his movement limited; he’s not taking control, not this time. 
You don’t answer him for a moment, shift yourself, guide yourself to him, sink down onto him slowly. 
“That you’re mine,” you say finally, as every inch of him fills you; it takes a fair bit of effort to sound so in control, considering. He’s not exactly small, not so big he hurts you either, just right, perfectly filling you, the tip of him stroking against your sweet spot. 
“That so?” If Joel had his arms free, he’d be torn between crossing them behind his head, lazing back and just letting you have control, or seizing your waist and flipping you over, taking back control. He’s used to being the dominant one, but this? He could get used to this. There’s something appealing about the way you’re acting. 
“Yes.” You don’t dignify him with a drawn out answer; there are much better ways to punctuate what you’re saying, like circling your hips slowly, letting him feel you tighten around him. There’s an advantage to this position; you can use his arms to brace yourself as you start to ride him, slow at first. 
You can’t help the surge of confidence that comes with having him in this position. You know what sort of man he is, know exactly what he’s capable of. The fact that he’s willingly submitting to you, even if it’s just for curiosity sake… it definitely makes you feel good about yourself, encourages you to keep going. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, this all you got?” There’s an amused glint in his eyes; he knows you’re holding back on him, knows there’s strength in you that you keep hidden away. He’s seen glimmers of it, like when you marked him, but honestly, he wants to see how far you’ll go before you break. 
“Shut up, Joel.” You roll your eyes, lean down to kiss him. He meets you halfway; props himself up so you can change positions, so you’re more sitting in his lap than anything. You have to admit, you like the intimacy of it, the way his chest is pressed against yours. His arms encircle you, but he doesn’t try to take control of the situation, content with letting you ride him, setting the pace, trailing kisses along his chest. 
Even like this, you still have the control, are still the one calling the shots. You wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself, riding him faster, finally allowing little sounds of pleasure to fall from your lips when he moans. 
“I dunno where this came from, sweetheart,” he mumbles into your ear, “but I kinda like it.” 
You laugh, curl your hands into his hair, your laughter fading into moans and mewls as he starts to buck his hips up to meet you as you ride him, getting deeper, bringing you into a perfect rhythm. 
You need something to do with your mouth to quiet you; you suck another mark into his throat to occupy yourself, satisfied when he groans. 
“Fuck, darlin’, you’re getting good at that…” Joel’s hands caress your waist, up your back, as though he’s trying to memorise every inch of your skin. He could spend all day touching you, and it wouldn’t be enough. 
“Learned from the best,” you reply, resting your head on his shoulder as you pick up your pace. He meets you each time, rocking his hips up to match your pace, for once keeping his filthy mouth to himself in place of a string of moans and growls. 
“You’re mine.” You remind him as you kiss him once more, as close to your release as he is to his own. 
“And you’re mine,” he confirms, hands settling on your waist, holding you in place as he bucks up into you, drawing your climax out of you, satisfied by the loud gasps and moans that fall from your lips. He doesn’t get long to be smug, though; your tightening around him is enough to bring him to his own release; you bear down on him, keeping him inside you, taking every drop that he has to give you. 
He shakes his head, half amused, as soon as he can catch his breath. 
“If anything comes of that… that’s on you.” He warns you. Not that he’d ever abandon you. Never. 
“Oops.” You wriggle on him, getting him deeper, proving your point. 
He drops a light kiss to your lips. 
“You should show this side more often,” Joel says, and then smirks, “you’re cute when you’re jealous.” 
You scoff, admire the string of bites and marks along his chest, collarbones, and throat. 
“Somehow, I think they’ll get the message.” 
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Hello love 🖤
Can I request Pietro playing a game with tangerine and lemon? Maybe truth or dare, or cards and tangerine is losing his shit 🍊
Love you 💕
hehhe I love this sm!! I did this as my thoughts, just as I couldn’t figure out how I would write it. also I put your other ask on this post too, it’s at the bottom. love you!! 💌
also im sorry idk how I only just saw that it said pietro ?!? I wrote this a few days ago, and I quickly read this over before posting and did not see pietro until just now 😶 my bad, ive been a scatterbrain lately
monopoly has been tearing families apart for decades !! so it will definitely be the same when you play with the twins
im thinking that you like to have game nights when you all have time to spare, maybe on weekends and you'd all be sat at the dining table. def having a couple beers with crisps, pretzels, nuts
you're all really competitive and are ruthless when it comes to games, especially monopoly!!! lem always seems to do really well, landing on all the good properties and snatching them right up. definitely cackles when he counts his cash and looks over his cards
tan would be such a sore loser, and gets really pissy bc he always lands on the shit places and/ or on lem's houses and hotels. he'd throw the money, maybe make a point about how he has none left, "fuckin' hell man, ya robbin' me,"
maybe you gave up playing properly hours ago, sipping on your drink, far too entertained watching them bicker. maybe you roll casually and the number would be on the last card tan needs to complete his set. he'd ask you not to buy it, saying he'll give you all his other cards AND money, "I will give you my strand and my last 50 quid, just please don't buy it,"
you'll be nice and leave it until lem comes around and snatches it up, snickering as he sets his cash down to pay. he'll be like, "come on mate, it's just a game," only he's winning and dominating the board
it would end with you playing on your phone, tapped out the game as they continue fighting. new rules would be added after every turn and tan would be in heaps of debt - constantly borrowing money from the bank to give to lem when he lands on his properties
tan would still be convinced he can win, and lem would just be entertaining it.. until hours go by, and lem decides to call a truce, offering a rematch next week
maybe it ends in a game of uno at the coffee table to rewind - only it's the same story again, ruthlessly slapping +4 on top of +4. he'd end up with half the deck of cards. BUT he'd give you all a run for your money for casino games though
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I think he'd be a great uncle while simultaneously being an awful brother !! he'd let his niece do things she wanted, knowing that lem wouldn't be happy. she wants to eat ice cream before dinner? two scoops won't hurt. she wants to go to the toy shop and get even more toys? no problem, uncle tan has his cards at the ready. she wants to watch tv before bed? one episode is okay surely
tho he won't always go over his brother's head, bc he respects him - but sometimes he just can't help it, he loves to spoil
he'd begrudgingly let her do his makeup. she'd be bossy, making him sit and be quiet as she brushes on purple eye shadow and crazy amounts of blush. she'd also want him to join in with her tea party, or play make-believe/ princesses with her, he'd have no choice but to play along and smile while wearing the tiara
like lem, I feel like she'd be very loud and quite full-on, so when there's finally a moment of silence, he savours it. she'd probably knock herself out from all playing and would just curl up at his side
towards the end of babysitting, tan would probs make her super hyper just to annoy lem tehe. maybe pump her full of sugar or spin her around for ages
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rusmii · 5 months
, academic rivals - I LOVELOVE LOVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH RIVALS/ENEMIES TO LOVERS (also very guilty about this one) i just need to see the frustration about "wanting to be the best and ONLY the best but then oh SHIT I think im in love with my rival" (coincidental) library dates too???..... HAJABDJABJS
, angels and demons au - i am sosososo GUILTY ABOUT THIS ONE TOO i NEED more demon!chuuya and angel!reader SOOO BAD?? I'd make him fuck me to hell and back fr. (pun not intended btw) UGH BUT JUST IMAGINE DEMON!CHUUYA CORRUPTING ANGEL!READER???? giggling rn
, fairytale au - the way i would DIE for some cliche fairytale au with a prince!chuuya. i think I've been revisiting too much disney movies lately... specifically stuff like the little mermaid, tangled, cinderella!!! (we hate disney now but they had rlly good movies back then okay....)
, royalty au - BASICALLY FAIRYTALE AU BUT NOT SO CLICHE ANYMORE!!! royalty au can go SO many ways. like arranged marriage, forbidden love, star-crossed lovers, knight and royalty, etc etc! i NEED to be saved by knight in shining armor chuuya!!! (and spoiled ofc)
, enemies to lovers - mentioned earlier with academic rivals, im so horribly disgustingly utterly guilty about this. it's not even funny. ada!reader and chuuya. enemies to lovers shenanigans. fighting. arguing. SLOW. BURN!!!! (i just really love seeing characters building chemistry, doing the little things for each other and eventually realizing they are in love.) UGH I LOVE THIS KIND OF STUFF SO MUCHH I HATE IT 🤧 this can also be enemies with benefits AND the one bed trope too!!!
more coming ur way soon wink wonk
-🍮 tsu ^_^
AAA so sorry this is late bby tsuli😭💔 got caught up in some drama at work recently....
ANYWAYS lots of capitalized words!!
for academic rivals: YESYEYSYES OMFG YESYES. JS IMAGINE CHUUYA WHO GETS EVERYTHING RIGHT JUST BY HIS INTUITION HAVE THIS CRUSH ON YOU BUT GETS CONFUSED ON WHY YOU HATEE HIM SO HE PRETENDS TO HATE YOU BACK😭😭😭 like book smart!reader x intuition smart!chuuya would definitely have this weird situationship that just makes sense
for angels and demons au: TSUTSUTSU?!!?!?!?!? HOW'D YOU PREDICT WHATS ON MY 'TO WRITE' LIST?!?!😳😳 demon!chuuya corrupting angel!reader bc he fell in love at first sight and wanted you all to himselff:((((( i smell possible dubcon and sex coercion/manipulated/practically gaslit or guilt tripped into having sex🤭
for royalty au: KNIGHT!CHUUYA X PRINCESS!READER???? YO TSU CALM DOWN PLS😭🙏🙏🙏 begging cause now I can't keep the thought of knight!chuuya being assigned to you at a young age and how he slowly falls in love with you as you both grow older :((( all pissy and heartbroken whenever you mention potential suitors but he can never be mad at you for too long when you tell him to make your ugly ass suitors eat shit
for enemies to lovers/enemies and benefits: I ACTUALLY HAD AN ADA!READER X CHUUYA PHASE 2 YEARS AGO😭😭😭 but actually I could make a series outta this...🤔🤔🤔
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babyyweebbitch · 3 years
Can you make a GC for the RE Boys + Piers and Jake where they try to calm down an angry reader but ended up getting a bloody nose by accident?
😀 yes. I’m so sorry this took a few days. I couldn’t get creative enough in one day for this. I’m so so sorry!
Genre // I have no idea what to call it ; fluff (towards the ends)
TW // angy/stressed reader ; blood ; arguing ; Leon being adorable af
Characters // Leon, Carlos, Jake, Piers
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Leon Kennedy
You weren’t really having the best day today. You woke up late which made you late for work, you had so much work to do, two meetings and your boss ended getting mad at you because you didn’t do everything you had to that day
Everything was so shitty you felt like punching a brick wall. On top of that you had to fix the tire on your truck since it popped. Today wasn’t really the day to be fucked with
You got home and threw your bag on the floor, took off your shoes and went to the dining room to sit at the table. You felt so pissed off and tired. You heard the footsteps of your boyfriend coming from you bedroom
“You okay…? You usually never come in like this…” Leon spoke as he placed a hand on your back, you quickly moved his hand away
“Don’t touch me right now…” you responded and Leon looked almost offended. He sat next to you and Leon being Leon he still continued to get you to talk to him about your day
“Honey please… I’ll get you a glass of water maybe some food so you can talk… did you eat your lunch I packed for you?” Pls protect this man at all costs 🥺
“Leon please…. I don’t want to talk about it I’m too tired, im stressed the hell out, Please just go away!” the stress from that day was too much for you to handle and you started to cry from it
Leon hated seeing you this stressed. He knew you didn’t mean any of that it was just the emotions were too much for you to handle right now. He knows exactly how you feel because he gets the same way too. The difference between you and him is you don’t tell him you’re stressed and he hates that “baby….”
Leon went over to you to hug you but you put your hand up thinking it was his shoulder, you pushed him away “Leon please! I-“ you looked up at him and realised it wasn’t his shoulder it was his face you pushed
Leon stood back and wiped his nose before looking at it — He was bleeding… Seeing the blood and knowing you did that made you feel like shit… you started to cry more “I-I’m sorry!”
Leon went to get some tissue and wipe the blood before getting more to plug that nostril. He surprisingly wasn’t mad “don’t be.. I get you’re upset” he washed his hands and went over to hug you. You hugged back
“You’re not mad at me…?”
“I get your upset and I know you didn’t mean it. Look Let’s go get you changed and cleaned up then we can watch a movie” he suggested as he helped you up. This man never got mad with you even if you accidentally hurt him like now. Especially when your emotions explode like that
😡 —————————————— 😡
Carlos Oliveira
It’s been a long and stressful month for you. Umbrella was working you like a dog, making you do all these papers, tasks, one stressful mission
Ontop of all this you weren’t getting as much sleep as you would like. When you got home Carlos was already home since he wasn’t worked as much as you were so he got to go home earlier
You put all your stuff on the floor by the door and stormed to your bedroom, you looked like you were crying the entire drive home mainly cause you were
“Well hello to you to…” Carlos said under his breath as he dried his hands off and turned off the sink water. He was washing the dishes since he was about to make dinner “hey! What’s up with you?” Carlos walked into the room to see you crying on the bed
“Carlos I can’t deal with this job anymore… I honestly fucking can’t anymore. They’ve been working me like a dog, no brakes, nothing!” You said as Carlos went over to you and sighed
“I’m sorry…. I-“
“No you aren’t being if you were you would have noticed by now and said something! Tried to at least help me once” you got up and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes
“Whoa what the hell? I asked you if you needed help like two weeks ago with papers and you said no. I tried to help you but you said you can handle it”
“Carlos…. Please just go away and let me be… I don’t need this right now”
“I — Talk to me please. I wanna help I’m sorry I didn’t…” Carlos walked over and placed his hands on your shoulders as if trying to comfort you
You snapped and pushed him away “Carlos please! I said — oh no…” you finally realised how hard you pushed him because now his nose was bleeding, two drops fell on the floor
Carlos was more shocked that you managed to push him THAT hard he put his hand to his nose and started at you. You just stood there expecting him to be mad at you and like storm out the room or something but he just chuckled “well damn…”
You stood there and stared at him, you felt so bad you looked at your hands as if they were weapons “I-I hurt you…. I’m so sorry please, Carlos!” Your voice shook as you started to cry again
Carlos held his hand on his nose then grabbed yours with his free hand, you flinched at his touch since you were afraid you were gonna hurt him again “I know you didn’t mean it honey… don’t beat yourself up over it. You were pissed and exploded. You see how I get when I’m like that — I just never hit you because I’m not like that. Accidents happen”
Let’s just say you didn’t touch him for like three weeks after that
😡 —————————————— 😡
Jake Muller
Jake was always able to tell when something was wrong with you from a mile away. He knew everything mainly because he was very observant. So when you were pissed he knew.
You’ve been in a pissy mood all day and Jake finally decided to say something about “hey. The hell is up with you? You’ve been mad all day and won’t even give me a kiss”
“I’m fine Jake…”
“It’s your dad again isn’t it? I told you to tell me whenever he —“
“Jake — Didn’t I just say I’m fine?” You turn to look at him. There was no convincing Jake you were fine since he knew
“Well you’re obviously not fucking fine — You wouldn’t be using that tone with me if you were” Jake said as you stood up and he stood up after you. You let out a very annoyed sigh and walked away, Jake being Jake followed behind you “please tell me what’s wrong I don’t like arguing with you. That’s my least favourite thing to do”
You shut the door and Jake wasn’t really paying attention so he continued walking and he ran face first into the door. All you hear is “ah fuck!” From the other side of the door, this made you start laughing a bit before opening the door and looking at Jake — Funny how your mood changed 🧍🏾‍♀️
Jake held his nose and looked at you “you meant that didn’t you?” He asked before walking to the bathroom to see his nose, it was bleeding but not that much
“Your dumbass didn’t pay attention, that’s kinda your fault but mine at the same time” you chuckled, Jake got some toilet paper and plugged his nose with it before washing his hands “will you tell me what’s wrong now without an attitude?”
You agreed and you eventually told him what was wrong on, you did get mad again because of what happened but Jake ended up calming you down without his nose getting half of that anger like last night 😀
(I just wanted to make this one funnier 😭😭)
😡 —————————————— 😡
Piers Nivans
Just like Jake he was able to tell when you were upset and about to explode at any second but he didn’t want almost all day before asking you. He was the type when he sensed something was off with you he’d automatically confront you. It was kinda scary on how fast he did this too
“Babe… is something bothering you? You’re not acting correct….” Piers asked as you stared at him. You shook your head and piers immediately knew it was bullshit, he grabbed you hand gently “you don’t have to hide this from me you know…”
You pull your hand away and stand up “Piers im fine. Please…” you tell him and he’s not falling for it. Piers is stubborn and won’t stop until he gets an answer. He grabbed your hand and you kinda snapped and pushed him away “Piers! I told you I’m fine. Stop” you told him. Not really raising your voice but it was stern. You didn’t think you pushed him hard but Piers also did get hurt in weird ways even though he was in the BSAA
“Babe….” He said, his voice sounded so hurt and he felt something drip from his nose and looked down to see it was blood. You felt so fucking bad you started crying “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to I got mad!” You pleaded as you backed away, Piers immediately hugged you because he knew he probably pushed it this time, using a free hand to cover his nose so he didn’t get blood on you
“Honey I’m sorry…. I pushed you too much I’m sorry. Also I get bloody noses a lot so this is nothing” Piers was lying about the bloody nose part, he didn’t want you to feel bad
You didn’t touch him for a week after that 🥺
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. im sorry, yall cant tell me RS is some peak of writing when she can't even keep a tone consistent in a single episode. one second its a horrific sequence of violence and abuse for shock value, then the next second theyre making slapstick "jokes" and making goofy expressions. its good to have moments of comedy and lighter episodes to break up the tension, but those tonal whiplashes cant be forced together in nearly every episode. it just gives away rachel doesn't know what she's doing.
2. IDK why RS sounds so angry in her break post? Yeah it's very obvious it was Webtoons making her to do it but them finally showing some care for their creators to not burn out isn't a bad thing? I doubt the writing will improve or the art will go back to its former standard once it comes back, its too late for that now and her former style has been gone since 2019, but having a break isn't a bad idea. I know she isn't used to actually being told what to do by Webtoons is right in this scenario.
From OP: So, from another webtoon creator on twitter, the Remarried Empress creator went on break and only got like 1/10 of their income when they came back. Other webtoon creators were also saying that while on break, their income is basically non-existent. This might not be the reason RS wouldn’t want a break but this is a pretty understandable reason, especially since it’ll affect her livelihood.
3. I don't think an asexually budded kid would have hades lusting after them, i think it would be bad in the fact hades clearly only sees family through biological means. the bad dynamic would be in he wouldnt accept the child because theyre not what he wants because theyre not from him physically. if that wasnt the case he would have doted after young thanatos like a prince since he would be the child he never had, not mistreat and abuse him like how hades actually treated him as a literal child.
4. it should also be pointed out stuff like PJO and Hades game almost entirely get critiqued because they actually implement being diverse and inclusive and even (gasp) have main characters and relationship be BIPOC and LGBTQ+, so it's usually pissy white kids hating on them, meanwhile LO critics are the exact opposite in being overwhelming BIPOC queer women and people calling out its main gross, status quo protecting choices and regrssive ideals. i'm just saying their critiques are not the same.
5. LMAOOOO guys what if the "dread queen" persephone we see isnt actually her, but the asexuality budded heir she makes for hades? like RS just puts all P's negative traits in this kid (Melinoe maybe? she is the goddess of nightmares) and has her be the dread bringer while P gets to stay the uwu precious bean queen, and its just a fake out of her "daughter" being confused for her because theyre clones of each other. the panel stays canon w/o actually developing P. thats my fan theory now.
6. tbh if LO started out with the more simple style there would still be art critique but not to such a degree now. we saw how much effort it used to have, so to see such a stark decline since then opens it up way more to criticism for it, because we do know what it once was, and it seems both pure laziness and burn out has caused it to entirely go away. even rs' non lo art now is all in the more current rushed style, so its safe to say that old style is just not coming back, sorry to say :(
7. i feel like a lot of the stans dont get that a lot of frustration at LO is the fact its a very subpar product, especially now, made by an entitled white woman who constantly whines about "haters" who gets everything handed to her for her mediocre work (which is often the work of her underpaid team), meanwhile many more talented, hardworking, and diverse creators (like her own co-workers) who are making so much better products are left in the dirt. How is that not frustrating?
8. I feel like the anon who likes Thanatos and Minthe being likeable and the anon talking about Persephone never being able to stand up for herself/ never being punished go well together.
Minthe and Thanatos do face consequences for their actions. Hermes doing more souls behind Hades back made Thaantos look worse on paper and Hades chewed his ass out for it. Thanatos went to Helios and was burned. We even see Thanatos get nervous when Daphne talks about a Persephone. He’s aware of his actions and what may happen.
Minthe is also aware of her faults actions etc. after she slaps hades she says she needs to apologize, she knows what she did was wrong to Persephone when she sees it on the camera and freaks out. She even wonders why Persephone hasn’t ratted her out yet until it’s used as black mail. Minthe apologizes to hades right before she knows they’re gonna fight about the break up. She even sulks after her fight with Thetis but doesn’t blame anyone else but herself. I’m excluding when Hades fires her because Hades brought her as an employee first into his life girlfriend second and treated her as disposable and tried to smooth things over by just throwing money at her(I’ll pay for your schooling if you never try to bring up the fact I dumped you for a 19 year old, no hard feelings right?;)
But Persephone the worst she is aware is that she’s bad at her job that she doesn’t even do any more. Persephone is just a cloud in the sky not aware of her own actions but that’s fine since they have no consequences and if there’s almost consequences don’t worry hades will throw money at the problem.
I wouldn’t say Minthe and Thanatos are likeable because they face consequences but they’re more rounded out characters with flaws, power in their narrative, overcoming and hiding faults. 
9. Persephone telling Hades she will explain to him why torturing mortals is wrong and why Elysium is needed is basically "I can fix him" narration. Change my mind
10. That’s it too bc other than Hers and Persephone (which really isn’t a “mentor” relationship and has some rather gross things about it considering Hera only cares about her for Hades’ sake) there’s no genuinely good female relationships of any sort. Daphne and the nymphs are just said “to be like sisters” to Persephone but we see no actual proof of this. There’s no good mother and daughter relationships with Demeter, Métis, Leto, even Hera to her own children. The only decent mother relationship is towards Rhea and her SON Hades. Minthe and Thetis were horribly toxic with Thetis especially taking advantage of Minthe. Artemis and Persephone aren’t friends at all, Persephone is instead closer to a guy who had her kidnapped and basically forced her to admit she was SA’d to him! Hera only likes Echo because she’s “one of the good ones” and it’s a gross repeat of HxP being a boss lusting after their worker, but it’s a #diversity win because it’s between two women? I suppose the only “ok” female relationship is Athena and Hestia, but that also comes with the fact they’re the only confirmed LGBTQ+ rep used to oppress the poor straight couple, are still hyper gendered in their designs, and from Rachel’s own mouth is deeply ace-phobic and a horrible depiction of actual gay relationships. For something claiming to be about women and female empowerment, it fails on every front to even show women as anything other than props for the mens’ consumption and benefit. 
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woozi · 3 years
if you had to describe your friendship with your moots as seventeen ships (boochan, jeongcheol etc) which moots would it be and why? is it dynamics? your undying love for each other? rivalry? sorry if this doesnt make sense ^^
it does make perfect sense don’t be sorry!! <3 also i don’t really see myself as just a single member of svt (although i am eerily similar to jihoon irl, surprise!! JDFJKDFK) so going through 12 pairings through a single member may not be very telling for my r/s with my moots sdksjkdjsd that being said i’m just gonna go through a few select ones!! some of these also don't exactly match svt's dynamics, but for the sake of answering, i would say they're pretty similar, lol.
cheol x gyu — i’m not associating rhys (@heartgyus) with cheolgyu’s dynamics just becase she used to bias one and now biases the other (👀), but i think they simply encapsulate our relationship perfectly as well <3 what am i if not the older sibling that roughhouses and gets roughhoused by the younger one JKDSJKDSJK i think we can also be jihan but this is exclusive to what happens (uhh... evil things) in the DMs lmfao. and maybe because people always think there’s something going on between us dsjkjkdjkds
junhao — cliche as fuck but i can’t help it it’s how e (@junhaoshua) and i are KJSDJKDS i was actually going through the list when it hit me.. we ARE junhao <3 jun’s (who would be me in this case) the older and more playful one out of the two, but hao also does his fair share of crazy antics ESPECIALLY with jun. i also think e is so cool (just like hao is). that’s MY bestie right there!! inseparable. fond. loyal. a pact made in blood. perfect for e and i <3
jeonghan x hoshi — partners in crime. mother and child. this is also what aya (@bonknanab) is to me <3 when i think of jeonghan and hoshi, i get reminded of their vlives (which always give me comfort and a sense of familiarity like aya does) just like seokhan. i feel like i can talk about literally anything and everything with aya! and just like when hoshi is with jeonghan, i tend to be a little more grounded while still somehow retaining the potential crazy antics. my fun older sister <3
soonhoon — pure energy vs solid wall. it’s carrie (@art-hao) and i <3 can i just say that when i made this connection between us and soonhoon... i literally felt like i ascendeDDDD not to toot my own horn but im SO SMART for this JDKKJSD u all don’t understand because this is literally how we are (both as individuals and as a pair). i cannot explain it but i, for sure, can most certainly attest that if any of these pairings i’ve mentioned/will be mentioning just reflect similarities, soonyoung and jihoon are EXACTLY as carrie and i are. i don’t even need to explain it i’m just gonna link all of u to soonhoon vids <3
seoksoon — belle (@xuseokgyu) is literally the seok to my soon <3 as they say, it’s literally almost canon JDSJKSJ i also love how we recognized this because of one of the carat anon ask games, but u know what they are absolutely right lol. belle is my positive ball of sunshine who also guides me when i’m going off the rails (just like how seokmin is the part-time hoshi wrangler). just as seoksoon has their own little world sometimes, i think no one connects with me and gets me (esp my dino tunnel vision) like belle does and i think that’s special <3
soonwoo — no one balances hoshi’s external chaos better than wonu, and i think belle (@gotseventeens) does exactly that when we’re together <3 at first, people think wonu’s cold and intimidating, but in reality he’s just a calm ball of internal chaos and other miscellaneous knowledge DSJKJDSDSKLSD this is literally how i thought of belle at first (minus the cold part), but as soon as we actually got to some proper talking, i realized that i literally cannot go without this person. friends for life, just like soonwoo!! <3
seokhan — one of the first things i think of when i think about jeonghan and dk together is that iconic eating vlive in their dorm, and i think that sums cora (@ohoshi) and i’s relationship KJDSJKDS i don’t think we personally match jeonghan and dk’s personalities, but we do dynamic-wise (or at least I think we do DSKJDJKS)! cora’s also just very supportive of me, just like how jeonghan is to dk. and although we don’t talk much lately (just like how seokhan aren’t able to share hotel rooms anymore bc.. well.. they have nowhere to go lmfao), i still treasure this bond with her <3
verkwan — ok but literally oona (@vernons) and i <3 foremost, oona is just here vibing like vernon and i absolutely love that omg. she’s also very collected and keeps to herself for the most part but when she reaches out, her gestures are always so heartfelt, which again, is like vernon! i really admire oona just like how boo does vernon, and the way i see it, i’m the loud friend (boo) whose antics vernon always witnesses, but when it comes to things they’re also a confidant. 10/10 vibes on this one!! <3
seungkwan x dk — wholesome. besties. it’s chey (@soonhoonsol) and i <3 like cora and i with seokhan, chey and i aren’t really similar to booseok but when they’re together i just think of happy and good things, which is what i get reminded of when i think of chey. <3 going through the list, i think they are also what we’re most similar to? i don’t think our dynamic can be compared to one of svt’s but this is the closest (maybe chey can suggest a better one JDSSDKDSJK)!! another one i can probably compare it to is wonwoo x vernon because i just feel like i can rely on chey just like vernon does wonwoo. <3 and like the two who have their personal humor codes, i also feel this special bond and fondness with and for chey!
hoshi x mingyu — am i about to steal your wallet. am i gonna get pissy that you beat me in a worthless competition (i know u will <3). that’s it that’s the post for emily (@iiasha)​. SDJKJDSJKDS mingyu’s also the prime witness and the reaction-machine to hoshi’s shenanigans and that’s literally how emily is with me, especially when i first got into caratblr (icb she saw the dinonara in me even before i did oh M YGODD). also emily is my getaway driver so this checks out. <3
jeonghan x wonwoo — i just realized that these are two of anna’s (@haniehae) boys but maybe the things and people we like also say a lot about us jdkjsdjdsjkds. i think our dynamic would be similar to jeonghan and wonu! jeonghan always like starting shit up (like i do <3), but wonu (like anna) always handles it very well and elegantly at that lol. i also just can’t describe why i feel like we fit this vibe, but i just get the Feeling™ JSDJKSDJKDS together, these two aren’t very chaotic, but i think they are quite the powerful pair (esp when they combine their sexie brain power and scheme together, just like what we did for HourlyHannie - shameless promo DKJSKJSDJKDS). also anna has Cool As A Cucumber vibes like wonu as well so <3
jeonghan x woozi — i always think of the time during svt’s trainee days wherein jeonghan was intimidated of woozi DKJKSDJ that’s also how i thought of izzie (@coupsnim) when i first entered caratblr bc i thought she was so cool (she still is!! <3) i also see that jeonghan has a lot of respect for jihoon and i do likewise for izzie. like jihoon as well, izzie mentioned that she’s not good at conveying things, but i feel it when she tags me here and there in little things (which i also might have missed some bc i have not been checking my notifs JDSJJDSJS ILY IZZIE). she’s one of the constants here as jihoon is central to svt, and i think of izzie very highly <3
boochan — lee (@uriboogyu) and i aren’t frenemies (but maybe we will have this arc soon JDSJKSDJSD JK!!!!!!!!!!), and i don’t really know where i’m getting this vibe from either, but when i think of lee and i boochan comes to mind. i think it’s because we’re always screaming at each other JKDSKJSJKSD. but as i think more about it, i believe it’s also because lee is a bit like dino as she’s the younger sibling that always reaches out to grumpy old people like me (and boo JDSKJSDKJ). both are very confident too!! also boochan lives for the show, and i won’t elaborate, but lee and i do too JDSKKJD
hoshi x seungkwan — target practice. waiting for each other’s downfall. still besties nonetheless <3 @mulberry-rose. i’m always excited to see if boo and hosh are gonna be friends or enemies a certain day and this is exactly what happens to monet and i lol. she’s one of the people who snipe me for my bias list, but we love to see it <3
soonchan — FOND FOND FOND FOND FOND!! when i think of soonchan i think of that vlive inside boo’s hotel room wherein they were hugging and calling each other 😭 or that one time in isac where dino’s just resting on soonyoung’s lap 😭 that’s exactly the feeling i get with mina (@mango-mina). i treasure this one right here! the absolute sweetest <3
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“Can I pls request hcs with semi, shirabu, tendou and futakuchi where they walk in on their s/o being bullied? I’m sorry if you don’t feel comfortable writing this, I love your writing btw ❤️”
AWW!!!! thank you anon!!! <3!!!! ofc i’ll do it!!! ALSO LAALLALAAL JUST SAYING I LOVE FUTAKUCHI LALALALALA
* tbh Semi’s a very patient guy.
* like??? absolute patience. this man has attained the highest level of patience.
* but when he walks pass a stairway, and he hears someone spewing rude shit at another person??? he’s pissed.
* like ????? wtf????
* he can’t stand bullies, so he’s heading down to talk to that ass.
* but when he sees who’s getting bullied???
* lmao you bet that mf going to die.
* “what’s going on?”
* he’s asking, and he’s looking at the guy with the COLDEST glare on his face.
* this is the first time you’ve seen Semi this angry.
* then he’s walking forward, and pulling you behind him, and he’s folding his arms.
* “what’s going on here?” he’s asking again, and that mf BETTER reply.
* “nothing, man,” the guy says coolly, and that’s when Semi actually feels like MURDERING someone.
* “then what the hell did you say to (Y/N) just now?”
* and when the guy walks away???? oh boy Semi’s PISSED OFF.
* anyway you have to hold Semi back from running after the guy to scold him, and when he looks at you, he’s instantly making sure you’re not hurt, and asks if you’re alright.
* when he’s checked to see if you have any injuries, he’s asking you if this has happened before.
* when you nod, he’s frowning at you, but he pulls you into a hug and presses a kiss onto your forehead and reassures you that he won’t let that happen to you again.
* LOL he’s telling Tendou and Ushijima what happened.
* anyway the guy comes up to apologise to you the next day, and he’s looking around, with a terrified expression on his face, as if waiting for someone to hit him.
* you accept his apology, and you never find out why he apologised LOL
* bonus:
* “(Y/N), are you alright?”
* “oh, i’m fine, Ushijima-san! why?”
* “that guy won’t bother you again.”
* “eh??????”
* okay.
* Shirabu is usually a very calm guy.
* the only thing that can get him worked up is GOSHIKI, and if anyone hurts you.
* then they have to deal with him.
* anyway, he probably finds out when Tendou sends him to the club room to take some vests for the team to play, and as he runs to the club room, he sees you.
* you look defiant, but your eyes have tears welling up in them, and he realises that the guy standing in front of you was definitely not complimenting you.
* so he’s storming over, before he’s calmly asking,” who’s this, (Y/N)?”
* he’s making sure to step in front of you, to shield you from that bastard who dared to bully you, and he’s staring him down.
* “what were you saying to her?” he’s asking the guy, and his voice is ice-cold, and so is his stare.
* when the guy merely shrugs it off, Shirabu sighs.
* anyway, it happens so fast that Shirabu’s hands are dropping down to his side in a flash.
* almost as if nothing happened.
* afterwards, Shirabu’s pulling you into a tight hug, and patting you on the back lightly.
* “are you alright?” he’s asking you gently, and he pulls back to see if you’ve been hurt anywhere.
* when you nod your head, he smiles slightly at you, and presses a kiss to your cheek before jogging away bc he’s LATE.
* anyway your bully comes to school the next day with a black eye LOL
* you didn’t know Shirabu had it in him LMAO
* bonus:
* “hey, (Y/N), did you know Shirabu was missing from practice for like ten minutes yesterday?”
* “oh, no, Tendou-san, why?”
* “i don’t know—he came back with bruised knuckles, though—“
* he pulls the most craziest shit ever.
* but the shit that he’ll pull for YOU??? out of this world baby
* so he’s walking around with Ushijima during lunch, and when he turns around the corner and overhears someone being talked down to.
* he’s like ??????? who tf messing around here??????
* anyway bc he’s a nice guy, he’s going to stop in to help.
* so he’s stepping into that stairway with Ushijima, and he’s friendly smile instantly wipes off his face when he sees you.
* the idiot still doesn’t notice the two looming figures above him.
* lmao idiot!!!
* anyway
* “what are you doing to my dearest (Y/N)?”
* his smile is back on his face!!! but it isn’t his friendly smile LOLOLOL
* when the guy merely sneers and rolls his eyes, Tendou smiles even wider.
* “hey, Ushijima?”
* “yes, Tendou?”
* “don’t hold me back.”
* so Tendou’s LUNGING at the guy, and attacking him LMAOOOOOO
* anyway YOU have to pull him off, and Ushijima is standing there, blinking, because Tendou told him not to hold Tendou back, so he’s listening.
* Tendou makes the guy apologise to you, and when he finally does that, the guy quickly runs away.
* then Tendou’s looking at you and pressing his hands on your cheeks.
* “you okay?”
* when you nod, he’s squishes your cheeks and nods happily at you.
* “you tell me when someone bothers you again, okay?”
* bonus:
* “Ushijima-san! why didn’t you help me stop Tendou?”
* “because Tendou told me not to hold him back.”
* “HUH? so you LISTENED to him?”
* “was i not supposed to?”
* Futakuchi has no chill, lol.
* he’s so snarky!!! and sarcastic!!!! he literally pisses his seniors off????
* but he’s so sweet to you.
* and he’ll do anything for you if you call him “hon”.
* so he’s casually walking around with Aone during lunch, when he passes by a staircase.
* then they hear some muffled voices, and a very clear degrading name get said out.
* Aone, bless him, moves forward to see more, bc he will not let anyone get bullied under his watch!!!
* tbh Futakuchi could not care less AHAHAH
* but for some reason he had this weird feeling in his heart??? so he decided to follow Aone.
* anyway the weird feeling in his heart intensifies when he realises the degrading name was directed at YOU.
* so he’s striding forward, and he’s FUMING.
* he’s normally very pissy on a daily basis, but this is the first time you’ve seen him TRULY angry.
* “what the fuck are you doing?”
* he instantly reaches your side within two seconds and he’s making sure you’re behind him and he’s looking down on the dude.
* “can’t you hear me? i asked, what the fuck are you doing?”
* he’s asking again, and he’s SO PISSED OFF.
* and when the guy rolls his eyes, you see Futakuchi clench his fist.
* “do you have some problem with your eye? i would love to fix it for you.”
* he’s moving forward, and you’re too slow to stop him, and when his arm flies up, it lands on Aone’s chest.
* “leave, now.”
* Aone opened his mouth!!!!!!!
* with Date Tech’s iron wall staring at that little shit, do you think he’ll run away??
* anyway your bully runs away.
* Futakuchi’s instantly bending down to your eye level and looking at you.
* “he didn’t hurt you, did he?”
* he’s making sure you’re fine, and his arms are gently reaching for yours.
* he’s so soft for you tbh
* and when he makes sure you’re fine, he sighs and swoops down to press a quick kiss onto your lips.
* “i’ll make sure that guy won’t do anything to you ever again.”
* “NO don’t Kenji!!!!”
* bonus:
* “hey babe, did that guy apologise to you yet?”
* “huh, no he didn’t, why?”
* “oh wtf that little shit guess one beating wasn’t enough for him huh????”
* “i thought you said you wouldn’t do anything to him???????”
ps . i simp for Futakuchi. ;) ;)!!!!
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winnipegpatty · 3 years
2020 Wrapped:
i feel like i just did this, bc everyone was all pissy, and i wanted to love everyone, but i’ll do it again bc i’m just like....i love love so? whatever. 
first and foremost: i have to acknowledge some of the people who no longer share fandoms with me but are still just some of my best friends even if we don’t talk every day all day. @steveswhitewolf @farfromstevie @justwanttobefound @dorotheuh Lu, Kali, Bee, and Tiana. I love you guys so much. You always have a special place in my heart no matter how close or far in fandoms we are or even in distance. Bee, I wish we could have had our yearly thanksgiving/christmas meeting but nevertheless i’m so glad i know you and im so glad i’ve had the chance to be in your presence as many times as i have. thank you for always welcoming me no matter how long it’s been since we’ve talked. <3 Kali, what the fuck when are we gonna see each other again :( when am i gonna move to philly? i have like, a thousand flyers hockey items now, so i’ll like fit right in. i love you, and i’m sorry i changed my url, but i kept the other one and now i have a whole entire sideblog dedicated to you, so i think that’s like cool (or incredibly lame, you can chose). Lu, thank you for being there for me through literally everything. Thank you for being that online friend that goes past fandom, and let’s me cry about real life shit and checks in on me when it’s been a while. ilysm <3 T, you are are such a lovely ray of sunshine in my life. I don’t even know what i did to deserve your devotion and love. i hate shawn so much, but like at the very least he brought me you so im okay with it <3 
now: god, okay this is gonna be a fucking novel i guess. i gotta acknowledge my hockey friends, and im genuinely sorry, i know i’m going to forget people (rayleene, i don’t even fucking know what your url is anymore so i won’t even try.)
there are so many, too many, good blogs here, so this is more related to people i love and now like, content stuff bc, like so many of yall have amazing content ( @pencilhoarders @art-and-the-hockeys @powerblais @heddy just off the top of my head) and i genuinely cannot remember everyone like, ever, so im sorry. 
@mathewtkachuk first and foremost the babe (read: bitch) that drug me into this hell. i mean, i suppose i asked for it but thats neither here nor there. isbah, i love you. thanks for being with me for the last like....six (seven? eight? wtf is time?) months. thanks for all the cute baby photos and videos. thanks for letting me rant about so much hockey shit that you’re probably so tired of me. thanks for helping me decide which merch to buy when im doing retail therapy lol. i just love you so much. please never leave me lol okay thanks, bye.
@captainkirbydach kels, even though you and isbah talk about me behind my back, i am happy we have started talking more lately! i enjoy your presence on my dash as well as the chats we have (Even if it started with like 99% Drama haha )
@jamesvanriemsdyk i love you i love you i love you. i love that you’re like so fucking exhausted with just Everything (TM) because you’ve been on hockeyblr for too long. and you always make me and isbah feel dumb af bc most things are new to us haha but i love it so much. 
@goalie-interference love you bub. thanks for being my ultimate encourager always <3 i literally probs wouldn’t be able to write without you lately!
@jonnysboy ciciiiiiiiiii! love you so much. our talks are *chefs kiss* your icons/wallpapers/headers are lovely. you are lovely. you’re so kind always, and i appreciate you. 
@ohnokonecny alexis you say you have like no friends here, but LIES because i am your friend haha. I love talking to you. I love chatting with you about writing and fics and whatnot. I enjoy our convos so much! 
okay, i know im 100% missing people but im sorry. im tired and also im taking a break from work to write this and i 100% need to go back to work so this is all for now <3 love you guys, thanks for making 2020 not so shitty
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can i hear some phineas and ferb autistic headcanons? would make my day :)
HELL YEAH!!! sorry this is delayed i was rlly tired this weekend for no reason sdgjdhgdfg (this is more analysis than headcanon at points but ill try to work in headcanons too)
phineas, ferb, candace, baljeet, and doof are definitely autistic so i’ll focus on them. i also like irving and maybe isabella being autistic but those five are Definite
phineas and doof also have adhd and candace is comorbid with Something Else but since i project my mental health onto her i need to figure out what im comorbid with first lol
ferb is partially nonverbal which is obvious but he does have strong passions and feelings, he just expresses them sort of clinically and straightforwardly.
even phineas struggles with complex emotions and usually just focuses on positivity, because really dire situations can make him have a legit meltdown if he processes them (summer belongs to you, night of the living pharmacists, etc). some emotions are just easier to work with than others yknow? and you subscribe to a certain outlook and when things dont fit with that outlook you panic.
phineas is also really bad at reading people and thats why he never gets isabellas crush on him or that candace wants to get him in trouble.
phineas and ferb make their own stim toys, and have definitely gone above and beyond. a giant castle made of sparkly slime, the world’s longest tangle toy, a 100-sided fidget cube, infinite chewing rings where your teeth never leave marks so you can chew on them forever...they can share with every neurodivergent kid in the area. honestly i wanna write a fanfic where they make an autism-based theme park with this sort of stuff!
the gelatin episode was basically just them pursuing the sensory goodness of bouncy jelly
candace is very secretive abt her autism even tho she stims a lot and, like, sits in certain ways for optimal comfort and such, and her special interests in busting her bros/her boyfriend/ducky momo/certain bands/etc are Very Obvious. but her friends support and love her even tho shes insecure and they sometimes struggle for a while to adjust to her needs.
her brothers rlly want her to be more confident but its difficult bc theyre the savants and everyone loves them bc they have a productive creative special interest in building and being imaginative but she just gets so easily distracted so she feels less productive :(
(also i like the idea of stacy being autistic too which is why she’s sometimes late to the punch observing things and has a similar inferiority complex as candace and they totally bonded over these issues)
candaces whole ‘busting’ obsession is very much about her obsession with rules and order and keeping thing predictable and under control, though as the show progresses she warms up to her brothers’ behavior because it is, in its own way, predictable
candace rlly struggles with being seen as an Adult because shes been infantilized her whole life due to her emotional issues, and she still doesnt rlly know what being an adult truly entails outside of controlling her younger siblings, she copes a lot with her childhood passions and aesthetics since its easier than changing with the times. but once she has to get to college and everything then she adapts well and as we see turns her passions into a successful law career!
baljeets special interest in math is obvious but also he struggles a lot with expressing his emotions too, he has his own routines both in scheduling and the role-playing nature in his dynamic with buford, and tends to find things funny that nobody else does because of his niche interests
doof isnt diagnosed but perry knows how to accommodate his symptoms bc theyre similar to how candace, phineas, and ferb can behave at times, ie being socially clueless, needing to rehearse things, having narrow interests and passions they can focus on for hours, etc.
also doof does raptor hands a lot to the point its lampshaded
i can see doof having a lot of stims and doing a lot of stimmy things without realizing it, i think he chews on things sometimes for instance. he gets overstimulated easily and it gets him really pissy (theres always so much noise and light outside his building) so he needs something to ground himself which is why the routines with perry help.
everyone on this show is so routine oriented, like, its mostly a meta joke but everybody has a certain way they say things, theres a basic structure for how their day has to go and if it doesnt follow that structure they panic. baljeet has his color coded schedule in the most obvious example, phineas and ferb have their catchphrases and need to create one big new thing every day, candace has busting, doof has his dynamic with perry, etc. any time these routines are disrupted they notice and it feels very Off to everyone.
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parspicle · 5 years
don’t fucking send me prompts with mpreg. 
If you do, i will find where you live and actually murder you! 
it’s homophobic, transphobic, and just kinda dumb. sorry to anyone who likes it, but also not sorry! That shit’s gross. stop it.
don’t send me any prompts about ANYONE being shipped with GASTER, especially if they are a *CHILD*
I believe others are self explanatory.
but please
don’t send me more than 2 prompts in an ask. It stresses me out, and it’s not good- I have homework, practice, and I’ve been having horrid mood swings lately. I’m not gonna be productive.
 Sending me more than 2 prompts in an ask WILL NOT make me write faster. It stresses me out and it’s very, VERY overwhelming. 
I’m turning off anon. 
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Episode 3: “She hates girls”- Dani
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all my alliance members are on different tribes, I am so sad. ALso I'm with Brandan. -___________- I don't know who else is even on my tribe. I like Kevin and the others are all okay but UGH WHY BRANDAN WHEN I AM SO IRRITATED WITH HIM STILL?? bring me back lucy and andreas :( 
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Okay so yay for a tribe swap but uhm it's kinda homophobic that not only am I not on a tribe with Dani or Ryan, but that I can't even speak to them now!! I'm still drinking with Dani on Saturday though so suck it hosts. This tribe is alright, like I said not my favorite set up but I don't feel completely screwed. I'm with Joey which is good because he's loyal to me, but people are going to assume we're working together since he picked me, also he isn't good at talking to new people so idk if that's gonna end up bad for us lolol. But yay for being on a tribe with Sarah! Idk she's iconic and I'd like to work with her. I talked to Andreas for a bit and he was nice, I'd hope we could work together. I started talking to Junior again before the swap so I don't feel completely off on him. Billy is the only one I've barely talked to, but he was on Sarah's old tribe so I think they're gonna stick together??? I just hope that we can win some challenges so that I don't have to worry.
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when trace and johnny give you lemons.... (ie- brandan) you make lemonade. I am currently kissing brandan's ASS right now. i told him that if he and julian asked me to flip i would have and all kinds of other lies just because i don't need any drama with him on this tribe going forward, I NEED numbers so whatever i'm going to be his new best friend and pretend to forget about tribal but I'm still PISSED. 
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This tribe swap is fucking disgusting. Why do i have to be on a tribe with junior. Im just glad jake is here and maybe him, billy and i can work together and grab someone else to work with us if we go to tribal 
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Okay so last night I was on call with Joey and he was like "someone told me you wanted to vote me out round 1" and I was like yeah it's true but you didn't have to say it. And big surprise it was Keaton that told him this. So now it's a new day and lo and behold I'm on a tribe with Keaton's snake ass and as much as I don't trust him I have to play nice because the boy knows WAY too much about my game and my personal life for me to risk crossing him so basically I just go from one migraine to another bouncing between my exes. If I get swap fucked I will be showing up in Johnny's PMs with virtual pitchforks. xoxo Madison
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VL Confessional Cause you tried to play both sides You got caught up in your lies And now you're runnin' You're runnin' out of time Try again, cause the game is over https://imgflip.com/gif/2vicz3
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Wtf! Why did we switch tribes right as I felt so good????? Now I’m in a tribe where I feel like I can’t connect to anyone except dan and sometimes Tom. I made an alliance with Tom, Madison, and Dan. I’m trying to ensure our safety Incase we do go to tribal. Keaton came to me and said he wants to target Madison and honestly I’m really down for that. So I think I can use this as an advantage. I can either tell Madison Keaton is after him and we get him. Or I can team up with Keaton and Lucy and get one other person to flip and we get Madison. Tbh only down for Madison because she doesn’t seem to like me at all. I’ve also heard she hates girls. Which is a little obvious :p. I hate that. GIRLS GOTTA PROTECT GIRLS. But nooooo she loves attention. Ok ranting done.
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VL CONFESSIONAL I feel like Jake is my #1, but Dani is visiting him today(lucky girl.) I feel like I would do a disservice to a majority of straight men in this game if I didn’t hum the intro to “Ether” at least once. Also, fuck Jay-Z.
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Heya, time for a little update! As of now, I am getting a little frustrated with my tribe (love Jake though). But before I get carried away, let's see how well we do in the immunity challenge. I am not sold on the song choice, but I appreciate that a few people give active input. I'll do my part as best as I can and hope that it'll be enough for at least 2nd place... Should we lose, I'll try to get a solid group with Jake and Junior, and add a player, who one of the other three wanna vote for. At this point, none of Joey, Sarah or Billy play a major role for my future plans in this game. Billy could become a close ally as he seems to be very underrated in this game. Sarah could become a close ally because she's a cool cat. Joey idk about. We're not bonding that well rn. 
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I have no faith in my tribe at all I somehow feel like this video is about to be 3 minutes of just me and a cameo of mark and his adorable kids x_x Time to make my cousins make some videos with me so I have a lot to edit in because I SURE can’t rap in time with this song 
Okay Isaac is sending weird clips of himself from challenges I’m not sure if that will cut it but I’ll take whatever I can edit together at this point DJSJS
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Me seeing the other videos and prepping to go to tribal... also a picture of Tom booty poppin should be on the dvd cover
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I know I haven’t been around much. But I hate this swap. I hate this tribe. I know NO ONE who I feel will be willing to keep me safe with them. So I actually have to work hard to talk to people. Music videos are not my forte. But I have to contribute because if we lose then I’ll be someone on the chopping block for sure. And I can’t have that. I’m just hopping we can slam challenges and then we can make it to the next swap. But I hope Sarah and Jake stay close with me. I really like them both. Jake is really cool to talk to and he’s not bad to look at either. Sarah is my soul sister. Then there’s Joey, who has this plan to get rid of Andreas and honestly I’m kinda ok with it. Anyone but me is how I’m feeling. I just gonna find somewhere to sink my teeth into this game and take a bite. I don’t want to be a background day player with no story line and shitty gameplay.
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Okay so I think I'm gonna go for Billy this round. I didn't want to lose because I think I have good connections with everyone on our tribe, but someone's gotta go. Billy makes me worried now because he said in our tribe chat that Tom told him we lost, so bitch you cross tribaling??? Andreas and Junior both told me they like me and each other so I think they're trying to form a group of 3 there? Sarah also said she liked me and Billy and I like Sarah but it might be hard trying to get her to vote Billy out. Joey originally said he wanted Andreas out and that he likes Billy, but Billy told me and Junior that Joey was spreading Andreas name, so I let Joey know that Billy's doing that, and I think Joey trusts him less now. We'll see what happens. I just don't my name going around like last time. I just need another tribe swap ASAP.
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So now were going to tribal bc johnny announced the results wrong. Johnny is a pissy player and cant stand when other hosts mess up but wants us to understand when he does..hm TEA Anyways ill see what i can do to make sure I do not go home. I think i have junior, and jake and billy but we shall see
Literally fuck off. HOW IS IT FAIR THAT THE HOSTS fucked up and they wont give us an extension??? INTERESTING????????? Why does one tribe get over a day and we get less than 12 hours..lol ok what ever maybe get your fucking shit together before fucking over ppls games 
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Well look at it, we lost again. Great! Just great! And people seem to be thrilled to go to Tribal Council! They're so excited that they throw the challenges! So me being a straight shooter, I immediately target Billy, who has slacked the most on this new tribe and would be a fair call (on paper). But it's only natural that people have their own agenda and I am being targeted by Joey and Billy at least. Sure, Joey might still be up in the air, but either way, I NEED to believe in Jake and Junior here to vote for for Billy, or I am toast. And if Billy doesn't step up next round, so are Jake and Junior. I have nothing against Billy, but this season we don't really get along too well. We had a fun chat today, but it felt like it was too little to late for me in this season. Let's see what happens in this mess of a round :D Love Johnny though, I don't blame him. I really wanna stay and fight for all the people on my tribe to stay in this game!
Ok, so as per usual in premerge, my fate rests within other peoples hands. That's just how I play and that's totally okay with me. The scenarios I can see are: 4-2 Billy/Me (which is what's being sold to me sort of with Billy and Sarah voting for me) 4-2 Me/Billy (if Jake sticks to Joey and they decide to ride the tide and vote out Billy over Junior if they lose another TC) 5-1 Me/Billy (if they all wanna be safe lmao, but Junior seems really sincere, so I doubt this happens!) I can't scramble too hard at this vote, because I really feel that Jake wants to keep me around and me reaching out to others will make me appear like a bigger name to write down. I 50:50 Hate/Love each tribe I'm on and I hate that I am such a sulky old man in this season, but that's just a new facette of good old me.
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I am SO glad that we won! the judges were HARSH, huh? But it's okay, we still won! I really hope that andreas is going to be okay tonight, I'm just a little worried but I think maybe Billy will be the one to go?? Maybe. 
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I fucking wrote out a long ass confessional and then it refreshed and I wanna die, so here are the highlights: I love how Johnny has progressed enough in life to recruit 5 iconic female judges in the name of feminism, but has not progressed enough to perform basic arithmetic I want the f5 to be original Robinsons and I trust them as follows: Mark > Dani = Ryan > Junior I want a f3 with Mark and Junior because Dani is a big social threat and I would always vote for a woman over a man because fuck men, and it’s like the laws of feminism I’m really happy I haven’t had to go to tribal yet, let’s keep it moving and NO DOUBLE OR TRIPLE TRIBALS PLSSSS
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It looks like this is a wrap y’all. Unless sarah actually pulled some miracle out of her ass and convinced them all to vote Andreas then it’s time to blow my flame out. I’ve been on the outs ever since I was picked last. So I guess this shouldn’t be a surprise. 
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tumblunni · 5 years
Headcanons about maddiman's wife:
* name: Joy Nocturne
* her personality is like your classic 'overbearing wife' or 'loud woman' except its not a bad thing and i hate how its always stereotyped as a bad thing. She's confident and outspoken and badass and these are all the things that made Madds fall in love with her. Its also the things that makes everyone else think she's 'such a nag' and start rumours that their marriage is on the rocks, because he 'must be so whipped', etc. And back when they met in highschool everone thought she was a 'typical american thug' who was 'being a bad influence to that poor honor student'. Basically she's used to people hating her personality and she was already secretly doubting whether her husband also found her annoying/bossy/unattractive cos of this. Like she's usually able to be confident in the face of hate from strangers but as she grew to love this man she felt her old insecurities coming back. They were both having trouble talking about their feelings and worrying that their spouse didnt love them...
* oh and BIGGEST HEADCANON: she very much loved him and there was no villain of this story, just a sad tale of two people falling apart due to miscommunication. I think its infinately sadder if they were total soulmates and never stopped loving each other even after this tragic falling out. I feel like Joy just had to make the decision that was right for her son when her husband was never around to be part of his life. And with the way maddiman acted she had every reason to feel like he'd stopped loving her...she didnt leave because she hated him but because she didnt know why he was so distant and thought he hated her...
* She never remarried. She did manage to live a full life and raise their son to be an upstanding human being, but she never forgot about madds and never found anyone she loved more than him.
* She was actually there when he died. The point where he passed out midway through writing a diary entry wasnt actually the exact moment he died, his coworkers found his comatose body and rushed him into surgery. He was on life support for a few days befofe he faded away, having never woken up. Joy rushed over on the fastest flight possible to get to see him before it was too late, but she only managed to arrive in time to see his yokai self emerging and vanishing into the ether. This phantasm haunted her for the rest of her life and she sorta inherited his fatal yokai obsession, in hopes that what she saw was real...
* after her son died at just 17, she became even more tied to the desperate hope of her husband's old fairytales. Ultimately though, she was never able to find him. She actually could have walked straight past him and not been able to see him. And madds wouldnt have recognised her, only wondered why something in his heart says that this particular trespasser in the haunted hospital should be guided to the exit without harm.
* they first met in high school, oddly enough due to maddiman's dad being a massive asshole. Nogut always pressured his son to be perfect and live out all his dreams for him, blablabla, gotta get to the best schools and never get a single bad grade. Joy and madds werent in the same class so they hadnt talked much, and she only recently transferred anyway. But one day Nogut was in school for a parent teacher conference and he was being his usual pissy entitled self, blah blah im too important to be here and my son is the cause of all my problems somehow. So he got uhh.. "Distracted". Aka being an absolute fuckin creeper to underage highschool girls! Thus the day Joy first became friends with maddiman was also the day she became mortal enemies with his dad by kicking him in the balls. And shortly afterwards she bumped into maddiman who was hyperventilating in the same closet she coincidentally picked while hiding from Groinally Harmed Anger Dad. He was having a panic attack from the general stress of his dad being here, and she helped support him through it which became a really valued memory of his, and why he sees her as his hero. Well, that and shortly after when she was like 'lol i just met this total creeper and kneed him in the nads' 'THATS MY DAD' 'geez sorry dude' 'NO THATS AMAZING'
* she also helped him pull off his ultimate escape from trash dad. They had a plan in place for a long time that as soon as he turned 18 they were getting on a motorbike and riding off to Anywhere But Here. But he didnt expect her to literally bring a birthday cake and throw it in his dad's face! And then that was the beginning of their relationship. Madds had totally been crushing on her for quite a while but never knew how to confess, until the sheer awesomeness of that moment made him accidentally squeak it out while they were riding for their lives from an angry old man.
* oh and also there were probably a lot of funny cute clueless moments where it kept going over joy's head that he had a crush on her? I was thinking of a cute idea for a valentines day flashback where maddiman was too shy to give her a box of chocolates and she comes along like "man i didnt get any chocolates im glad you managed to get some!" "U-uhh no i umm..wanted to give them to someone but i...didnt." "Oh that sucks dude! At least now you can eat them all to yourself to help forget that girl. Lemme sneak one, tho!" And thus he ended up sharing the box of chocolates with the perosn he wanted to, even if she had no idea. And it was a very good day!
* also i think considering the pattern of him bottling up his feelings and running from relationship problems, it seems likely that he ran from the altar on his wedding day. But it was also one of the only times ever that that happened and it wasnt super sad. As he does, he got all worked up into a mess of anxiety and convinced he knew the only answer- the stupidest and most reckless answer! So even though he loved this woman he was so scared that he'd be a bad husband that he tried to jump out the window at the last second without even once trying to actually talk to her about any of this. But this time she did manage to find him! All the friends and family were like 'ugh leave him, he doesnt love you', but she knew there had to be more to it so she ran out in the rain in her wedding dress and searched for miles until she found him sobbing in a public bathroom. They managed to talk it out and get to the bottom of his feelings and actually resolved something for once, and it all went okay. It kinda helped that seeing her turn up all bedraggled in the wreckage of the dress she loved so much, bleeding from her tight heels and fighting off several biker gangs along the way helped convince him that "hey maybe she thinks i'm worth fighting for, so i should try and believe her". So yeah then she swept him off his feet and they danced all night as everyone else in the church was all "ugh she looks awful" and "why would she take him back", but the moment was so magical that they just didnt care. And thats how the biggest failure of a wedding was also the happiest day of their lives! (..though sadly the same doubts and communication difficulties would come up again and not be resolved so easily...)
* i keep flip flopping on what career i want to give her, but at the moment im thinking possibly owns a lil bakery/coffee shop type place? Madds is one of those people who cant stand the bitterness of tea/coffee and prefers caffinated sodas instead, but he used to drink strong coffee every day back when he was human just because his wife made it. He loved all the rest of her cooking so itd be cruel to say no! Its a lil detail that i figured would be cute but also foreshadow how he'd meet his tragic end, as it shows he's capable of bottling up his feelings for years even when talking would be so much easier. Also probably a comedic note that he's coming up with nonsensical mad science techniques to make himself able to drink coffee! "Shall i genetically modify my tastebuds or create an undetectable translucent plastic armour plate for my tongue?"
* also maybe she could make cinnamon rolls shaped like madds's doofy cyclops head when they reunite in the future. Just because i want to eat that.
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keichanz · 6 years
Inuyasha and miroku buddy cop au
I have…literally no idea where this came from??
And anyway you can’t tell me he wouldn’t this *cackles* 
“I’m telling you, Inuyasha, they were hot! And the one inthe passenger seat had the biggest—”
“For the love of god, Miroku, shut up,” Inuyasha groused from the passenger’s seat of the policecruiser and closed his eyes, truly exasperated with his friend and partner ashe let his head thump back against the headrest. “For the last time, I have a girlfriend, I’m very happy with her, and I don’t need orwant to hear about the tits on somebroad that you pulled over solely because you thought she was hot.”
Miroku put a hand on his chest in mock affront, though hisviolet eyes were gleaming impishly as he said, “Inuyasha, I’m appalled youwould think such a thing of me. I was goingto say she had the biggest eyes the color of rich, melted caramel.” He paused.“…But, now that you mention it—“
Inuyasha groaned. “One of these days, Miroku, you’re gonnaget caught pulling all these people over because you want the driver’s number,Sesshomaru is not gonna be happy withit, and he’ll have both our asses because he’s a sadistic asshole who likes tome suffer for no reason.”
The dark-haired officer waved a hand in the air,unconcerned. “So he’ll have a hissy fit, big deal. Not like we haven’t dealtwith a pissy Sesshomaru before.”
“You could get your badgetaken away, you moron.”
Miroku frowned, as if he hadn’t thought of that, andInuyasha resisted the urge to take the idiot’s own gun and shoot him withit.  Taking out his phone, he shot a textto his girl, hoping she’d be able to talk some sense into him before he committedmurder.
Just like he knew she would, she responded instantly. lol aww my poor baby. what he do this time?
damn pervert keepsgoin on about all the girls he’s pulled over cause theyre hot or some shit andjeopardizing BOTH our jobs can I PLZ kill him
Her next text was a little delayed. we can’t have sex if you’re in jail
Inuyasha grinned. His girl knew him better than he did andhe loved her for that. alright fine goodpoint. then whose bright idea was it to put me in a profession that has accessto guns?
yours babe? you know,since you were a kid? your lifelong dream of being a cop?
clearly I didn’t thinkthis through
ooh i dunno aboutthat…I like a man in uniform ;)
i love yooooouuuuuu
Chuckling, Inuyasha shook his head and typed back, love you too baby
“—the car!”
His brief conversation with Kagome over, Inuyasha finallytuned into what Miroku was saying and he turned his head to pin him with afrown. “What?”
“That’s the car!” Miroku was saying, his excitement evidentas he pointed frantically out the windshield toward a forest green Ford Focus alittle ways a head at a red light. From their position idling on the side of abusy main street, they had a clear view of the traffic light up ahead and thecars waiting for it to turn green.
A feeling of dread washed over Inuyasha as he asked, alittle reluctantly, “…What car?”
“The one with the two hot chicks!” he replied and the grinthat split his face was slightly terrifying and perhaps a little on the creepyside in Inuyasha’s opinion. “Oh, man, what’re the odds?! It’s destiny! It’sfate! The Gods are smiling down on me!”
Inuyasha suddenly paled and had a very, very bad feelingabout where he was going with this. “Miroku, don’t—”
But it was too late. Miroku was already shifting into driveand merging into traffic. “No, no, don’t you get it?” he asked while hishalf-demon partner groaned and slumped in his seat, dragging a hand down hisface.  “I wasn’t able to the other day becauseI had to respond to a call concerning an accident, but now I have a secondchance!” The light turned green and Miroku flipped the cruiser’s lights on,watching as the cars before him reacted instantly and pulled to the side,giving him a clear path to his target. “The fates have been kind to me today,my friend, for I’ll be going home with two new numbers!”
He cackled gleefully and Inuyasha didn’t bother to evendignify that with a response, choosing to drop his head in his hand and growlin aggravation. “You’re gonna get us fired, jackass.”
Miroku ignored him. “Come now, my pretties, pull over forthe nice police man…ah, there we go.” The green Focus flicked its blinker onand turned into a plaza parking lot that was more or less empty and Mirokufollowed behind it.
“Miroku,” Inuyasha tried to reason one last time, his toneexasperated as he pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on.“Seriously, don’t do this. Come up with some minor excuse, like the car matchesthe description of another one you’re looking for and—”
The car door opened and Inuyasha sighed, shaking his head. “Idiot.”
“Ladies,” he heard his partner greet with faux surprise fromthe open window. “What a pleasant surprise! You see, your car matches thedescription of one my partner and I are searching for—“
Inuyasha snorted. Thief,he thought and pulled up a game of solitaire on his phone. This was gonnatake a while.
“—but I see now that I was mistaken. Please accept mydeepest apologies for pulling you over again. However, since you’re both here—”
“You’re kidding, right?” came a vaguely familiar voice fromthe Ford and Inuyasha frowned, his ears cocking forward under his police cap.“You can’t seriously expect us to believe that bullshit excuse, this is thesecond time in a week!”
“Now, now, I can understand your upset over this—“
“She’s right, though,” said a much more familiar and equally peeved voice and Inuyasha’s headjerked up as his amber eyes finally took in the also familiar green car before him.
“This has to be harassment,” the first voice said andInuyasha’s brows snapped low over his eyes as he finally recognized who itbelonged to. “Don’t think we don’t know why you keep—“
“Isn’t there some kind of official complaint we can fileagainst you?” the second voice interjected and Inuyasha growled as he unbuckledhis seatbelt and opened his door, his ears pinned beneath his hat and his ambereyes livid. “I mean, this is getting ridiculous and a little annoying.”
“Now, ladies, I can assure you I had plausible cause to—“
“You had no validreason to—!”
“Actually,” Inuyasha interrupted loudly as he came up besidehis partner.  “There was a very valid reason as to why my partnerpulled you over, such as texting anddriving?” Inuyasha crossed his arms and glowered down at his suddenly verysheepish looking girlfriend since high school.
The car’s passenger, who he knew now to be Sango, groanedand then muttered, “I told you.”
Kagome bit her lip and then aimed an innocent smile at hercop boyfriend. “Umm…I wasn’t?”
Miroku gaped and looked between the two with wide violeteyes. “Wait a minute, you two know—?”
They both ignored him as Inuyasha continued to glare down ather silently and rolling her eyes with a heavy sigh, Kagome got out of the carand faced her very ticked off boyfriend. “You know I’m always careful,” shemuttered guiltily, a pout etched onto her features.
“That doesn’t matter,” he snapped, and then felt like an asswhen his girl flinched. Heaving a sigh, Inuyasha grabbed her arm and led her alittle ways away so the other two couldn’t hear them. “You have stop,” he saidand removed his hat before running a hand through his hair in frustration.“Sooner or later I’m gonna have to give you a ticket, Kagome. It’s dangerous,and this is the third time. I can’tkeep letting you off with warnings because you’re my girlfriend.  It’s my job to—“
His chastising was abruptly cut off when slender armswrapped around his waist and a head of dark hair was tucked under his chin.“I’m sorry,” she said softly, the regret clear in her voice.
Inuyasha’s eyes softened and he wrapped her up in his arms,hugging her tight. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you,” he murmuredand kissed her head. “You’re my world, Kagome. I see it all the time, andnearly every time I thank the Gods that it’s not you in that twisted up car, oron a stretcher, or—“
“I know,” Kagome interrupted him and leaned back to cup hisface, knowing that as a policeman he’d seen horrific things that he refused totalk to her about because they were so gruesome. “I know and I promise I’llstop. You’re right. It’s stupid, and dangerous, and not only am I puttingmyself at risk, but others too. I don’t ever wanna put you through that.” Shesmiled at him and Inuyasha felt himself relax.
He leaned his forehead against hers. “That’s all I ask,” hesaid lowly. “Thank you, baby.” And even though it was against protocol tofraternize with the public while on duty, Inuyasha swooped in and laid a lovingkiss to her lips, relieved that his girl would stop the potentially lifethreatening bad habit.
Kagome hummed and shifted her hand to playfully jingle thehandcuffs clipped onto his belt and then trail her fingers over the butt of thegun holstered at his side.
“You know it’s a federal offense to touch a police officer’sequipment,” he growled against herlips and then pulled back with a sinful smirk.
“Oooh,” she purred and smiled impishly. “Are you gonnahandcuff me, officer?” Her brown eyes laughed up at him and he had to fight theurge to give in to his own mirth.
“Mmm, right after I press you up against that car and makeyou spread your legs.” Amber eyes flashed wickedly and his smirk turned into anamused grin.
“Frisk me, baby,” Kagome returned smoothly, and thengiggled. Inuyasha sniggered too, and then they both standing there snickeringlike teenagers at the ridiculousness of the entire exchange, holding each otherand both of them wondering how they had gotten so lucky to end up with someoneso amazing.
“If you two are done grossly flirting with each other,”Sango suddenly interrupted and the couple turned to find Kagome’s friendglaring heatedly at a grinning Miroku with a suspicious red hand-shaped printon his face, “Inuyasha, I need your gun.”
Inuyasha frowned and edged away from her. “Why?”
“Because I’m gonna shoot your partner with it.”
As her boyfriend’s expression cleared and he looked like hewas actually contemplating handing it over, Kagome rolled her eyes and gentlyelbowed him in the gut, ignoring his exaggerated grunt of pain. “Sango, youcan’t shoot a cop with another cop’s gun, and you—“ She turned to Inuyasha andraised a brow. “Since apparently he’s your partner, can you please stop me frompulling us over in the future? Seriously, it’s annoying and it has to beagainst your code, or something.”
Snorting, Inuyasha scowled at the officer in question andcrossed his arms. To his credit Miroku actually had the grace to look guilty.“Trust me, I’ve tried. He even does it when I’m not with him, but as long as Iam, I won’t let him since it’s our jobon the line when he does.” He leveled another glare at his partner and Kagomenodded, satisfied.
“Alright, well, we gotta get going. Souta and Kohaku arewaiting for us and I promised Mama I’d take gramps to his appointment. I’ll seeyou at home later, kay?” She tugged him down gently by his hair hanging overhis shoulder so she could lean up and sweetly peck his lips. “Love you.”
“Love you, too,” Inuyasha murmured and watched as she walkedaway, collected a still fuming Sango and hopped back into her green Focus.
“So,” Miroku piped up as the Ford drove away and exited theplaza, “you didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.”
Inuyasha groaned and stalked toward the cruiser, stillpissed off at his partner for resorting to his lecherous ways while on duty,even if it did result in him gettingto see his baby for a bit.
“She’s a babe,” his perverted friend and co-workercontinued, seemingly oblivious the half-demon’s ire. “Seriously, I had no idea—“
“We’re going, Miroku,”Inuyasha snapped and yanked open the driver’s door. “And this time I’m driving and you’re gonna make it up to me by buy me the biggest coffee theyhave at Starbucks, now get in nowbefore I leave your perverted ass here.”
“Do you have her friend’s number? Because I’d really like—oh, wait, you wereserious—shit, Inuyasha, wait! I need her number! Inuyashaaaaaaaa!”
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soulwounds-a · 6 years
RELATIONSHIP / CONNECTIONS  CALL  !      /     because  everyone  else  seems  on  this  band  wagon  so  i  thought ,  hey ,  why  not !     i  could  always  use  more  stuff  for  all  my  characters !    just  hit  that  like  or  comment  or  just  IM  me  if  you’re  interested  in  anything !
LINK     :     22 ,  human  (  prev .  hylian  ) ,  male ,  asexual .
ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP  /  OPEN      :      while  i  am  partial  to  some  loz  ships  (  particularly  link/zelda  but  also  link/midna  &  link/malon  )   &  would  lean  towards  those  if  we  got  those  characters ,  i’m  also  not  against  simply  shipping  link  with  someone  he  meets  here  if  there’s  good  chemistry !     he’s  ace ,  sexuality  wise ,  but  for  sure  demi  romantic .   he  can  fall  hard  for  people  he  gets  close  to ,  male  or  female ,  he’ll  get  some  massive  heart  eyes .   plus ,  he’ll  defend  you  on  pain  of  death  always  if  he  has  to . PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      link  is  literally  the  softest  boy   &   deserves  all  the  friends  i  beg  of  you !    he’s  extremely  kind   &   very  easy  to  befriend .   literally  if  you’re  just  nice  to  him  he’ll  consider  you  a  friend  after  like  5  seconds   &  would  fight  god  with  a  stick  for  you  if  you  asked .
ROWENA  MACLEOD    :    300+   (  appears  roughly  40  ) ,  witch ,  female ,  pansexual .    (  @evliskank  )
 ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP  /  OPEN      :      open ,  yes ,  but  rowena  is  far  more  for  playful  flirting   &   meaningless  flings .    this  doesn’t  mean  i’m  against  a  serious  relationship  for  her  completely !    especially  after  this  event  as  rowena  will  be  losing  memory  of  most  of  her  life  including  when  the  man  who  would  be  crowley’s  father  broke  her  heart   &   caused  her  view  of  love  as  weakness .    so ,  she  won’t  despise  the  thought  of  being  in  love .   however ,  as  her  memories  slowly  come  back  she’ll  become  more  callous  towards  it . PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      want  a  powerful  witch  friend  to  gossip  with ?   say  no  more .    rowena  isn’t  easy  to  befriend ,  however ,  but  it’s  not  impossible .   if  you’re  interested ,  we’ll  work  something  out ! ENEMIES  /  OPEN      :      rowena  makes  a  lot  more  unfriendly  relationships  than  she  does  friends .    if  you  guys  want  a  rivalry  that’d  be  awesome !    plus ,  we  can  even  look  into  a  frienemies  kinda  deal  if  you’re  into  that ,  too .
JESSE  TURNER    :    20 ,  cambion  (  half  human ,  half  demon  )  +  the  antichrist ,  male ,  homosexual .   (  @anitchrist  )
ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP  /  CLOSED      :      sorry ,  boys ,  the  antichrist  is  taken !    or  he  will  be .    loey  &   i  have  a  plotted  ship  to  come  for  jesse   &   jack  kline . PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      jesse  is  pissy ,  emo ,  sarcastic ,  &  a  down  right  loner   . . .   please ,  force  friendship  on  him .   i’m  especially  here  for  him  being  befriended  by  someone  who’s  all  sunshine  &  rainbows !    that  dynamic  would  be  great .     plus ,  who  doesn’t  wanna  be  friends  with  the  antichrist ,  am  i  right ? ENEMIES  /  OPEN      :      it’s  not  like  he  means  to  make  a  lot ,  but  jesse  can  be  off  putting  to  some  people .    particularly  this  is  open  to  anyone  who  plays  demons .    jesse ,  though  half  demon ,  hates  demonkind   &   thinks  them  pathetic   &   obnoxious .     he  wants  them  to  leave  him  alone .
THE  COLT    :    183  (  appears  roughly  early  30s  ) ,  human  (  humanized  gun  ) ,  male ,  pansexual .   (  @dustsanything  )
 ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP  /  OPEN      :      he’s  still  learning  about  being  human   &   feelings  like  this  but  i’d  be  very  entertained  to  see  him  in  a  relationship  tbh .     if  you  like  cowboys  who  used  to  be  literal  guns   &   have  a  slight  god  complex  then  i’ve  got  good  news !  PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      him   &   friends  he  makes  are  usually  amusing .   not  much  to  say  on  it  . . .  but  also  if  your  character  wants  some  protection  i’d  recommend  him .   he  doesn’t  play  games  in  defending  people  he  likes ,  usually ,  &  he’s  the  most  powerful  gun  in  the  world .   he’s  good  to  have  on  your  side .  ENEMIES  /  OPEN      :      probably  mostly  for  supernatural  creatures ,  seeing  as  he’s  sometimes  salty  towards  them ,  &  he’s  whats  made  to  kill  them .   plus ,  he’s  a  hitman  it’s  his  job !   he’s  bound  to  have  made  some  enemies .
AZAZEL    :    10,000+  (  appears  around  50s  ) ,  demon  (  prince  of  hell  ) ,  male ,  pansexual .   (  @yellweyes  )
 ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP  /  OPEN      :      uh  . . .   i  mean  i  guess  if  you’re  into  . . .  horrible  asshole  demons .    don’t  expect  anything  super  healthy  though .  PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      there  are  people  who  will  amuse  him   &   he’ll  choose  to  spend  time  around  them  for  that .   doesn’t  mean  he  cares  much  or  he’ll  do  much  for  you   . . .   but  he  likes  having  friends  for  entertainment .  ENEMIES  /  OPEN      :      look  he’s  terrible  he’ll  make  enemies  with  everyone .
OBI-WAN  “BEN”  KENOBI    :    40 ,  human  (  force  sensitive  ) ,  male ,  asexual .     (  @jedirelic  )
 ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP  /  OPEN      :      it’s  gonna  be  hard  for  him .    especially  seeing  as  he’s  A.  ace  as  hell   &   B.  has  the  jedi  code  still  very  imprinted  in  his  lifestyle .   plus  he’s  just  mega  depressed  from  a  lot   . . .   i  will  say ,  though ,  he  can  playfully  flirt  like  no  one’s  business .    there’s  not  much  meaning  ever  behind  it ,  but  he  thinks  flirting  is  fun .    he’s  a  master  at  flirting  but  has  the  romance  skill  of  a  bent  spoon .  PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      god  he’s  so  sad  he  needs  friends  again .   all  his  friends  are  dead  please  befriend  him  he’s  so  so  kind  he’s  just  tired  bc  the  world  hurt  him .
CAPTAIN  JAMES  KIRK    :    27 ,  human ,  male ,  bisexual .   (  @flvbov  )
 ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP  /  OPEN-ISH      :      i  say  ish  because  i’m   . . .   i’ve  been  playin  lowkey  but  tbh  spirk  is  everything  to  me   &   i’d  die  if  we  got  a  spock .    but  like  i’ll  think  about  it   . . .   he’ll  flirt  too  he’s  flirty .    so  flings  are  for  sure  something  we  can  talk  about  or  friends  with  benefits .  PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      he’s  SUCH  a  good  friend   &   he  loves  just  having  fun  honestly ?    he’s  very  interested  in  this  place  as  it  is  200  years  in  the  past  for  him .   he’s  excitable   &   fun .   kinda  like  a  puppy .
MERLIN    :    1,500+  (  appears  mid - late  twenties  ) ,  sorcerer ,  male ,  bisexual .   (  @magicitslf  )
 ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP  /  CLOSED      :      if  yall  don’t  think  him   &   arthur  are  endgame  as  all  get  out  then  i’ve  news  for  you .    merlin  can  be  flirty ,  though !    he  can  be  a  saucy  minx .    i  mean  just  watch  the  show  he’s  a  dumbass  but  i’m  pretty  sure  every  character  on  that  show  was  at  least  a  little  in  love  w/  merlin . PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      be  the  sweet  magic  boy’s  friend .    if  you’re  earth ,  you’ve  probably  heard  of  merlin  as  arthurian  legend  is  big  too .    also ,  this  goes  heavy  for  anyone  with  magic .   looking  at  you ,  hp  characters !    there’s  also  not  a  lot  he  wouldn’t  do  for  his  friends .    OH  ALSO  WITH  ANYONE  WHO  HAS  A  MUSE  THAT’S  A  PERSONIFIED  DRAGON !    bc  ik  there  are  some  got  dragons  around .    merlin  is  a  dragon  lord ,  basically  he’s  able  to  speak  in  the  dragon  tongue   &   can  command  dragons  when  he  does   &   the  cant  disobey  him .   he  loves  them .     ENEMIES  /  OPEN      :      are  you  someone  who  uses  magic  for  ill  will ?   guess  what !    merlin  isn’t  going  to  like  you .    he’s  also  got  strong  opinions   &   a  big  mouth  so  if  he  doesn’t  like  something  you’re  doing  you’ll  know .
HENRY  JEKYLL  /  EDWARD  HYDE    :    37 ,  human ,  male ,  heterosexual  but  this  could  change  idk .   (  @viceindulged  )
 ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      he’s  married  to  science  but  he’s  also  a  sweet  man   . . .   well .   henry  is  nice .    scratch  that ,  he’s  kind  of  an  absolute  disaster  of  a  human  being  but  he’s  trying  his  best .   &   then  there’s  hyde  his  counterpart  who  is    . . .   just  plain  terrible .   for  sure  a  ship  with  him  would  be  angsty  as  all  get  out .    he’s  a  bit  terrified  of  loving  people ,  what  with  hyde  coming  out  on  his  own  now .  PLATONIC  RELATIONSHIPS  /  OPEN      :      he  needs  some  friends  to  support  him .   there’s  also  a  million   &   ten  plots  we  can  draw  up  for  them  discovering  about  hyde  &   trying  to  help  him  through  this  because  it’s  driving  him  insane  almost   &   tearing  him  apart .    he  just  really  needs  some  support .    also  if  y’all  have  any  sadistic  muses !   you  can  also  be  friends  with  hyde ! ENEMIES  /  OPEN      :      when  i  say  enemies  i  mean  people  who  meet  hyde  before  meeting  jekyll .    jekyll’s  nice ,  doesn’t  make  a  lot  of  people’s  bad  lists ,  but  hyde  is  horrid .   people  who  meet  hyde  can  hate  him   &   then  it  leads  for  a  ton  of  confusion  when  meeting  poor  jekyll  later   &   it  has  him  deal  with  the  repercussions  as  he’s  always  cleaning  up  hyde’s  messes .    enemies  also  work  for  people  who  end  up  befriending  hyde  also  being  enemies  to  jekyll .    most  people  who  are  an  enemy  of  one  will  be  friend  to  another .    there’s  also  the  idea  that  someone  thinks  he’s  just  unstable   &   unsafe  so  he  needs  to  go  altogether .
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jenniferstolzer · 7 years
Buffy season 1 disk 2
ep 5 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
this is the second vampire in the show that looks like Trakis
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Wait you came here for Buffy not B5 references? So sorry they aren’t stopping.
Buffy’s hot for mysterious poetry boy in the library. It’s a cute scene of her showing some vulnerability. Then she ends by asking Giles if her dress makes her look fat. Fat girls are gross you guys. Girls should always be worried about if they’re fat. Boys don’t like chunks man, especially when they’ve got 0 body fat. No Im not going to stop, it pisses me off. Get back to the vampires. 
Holy shit Xander “for kissing you and telling the school how easy you are.” Buzz off bro. I’m staggered. 
Willow was worried about Giles, which she had reason to be b/c now he’s locked in a bathroom. 
Angel is pretty much Tuxedo Mask. He arrives as sexy as possible, says little, helps not at all, leaves mysteriously.
omg take Owen to the funeral home. He’s so excited. You can leave him by the coffin displays and he’ll be occupied for hours trying them all on for size.
I like action Giles even if he’s really bad at it. And.... knocked unconscious! He’s def gonna be my fave. 
Oh come on, buff vampire, you jumped right into that incinerator, that was so easily avoided. 
Owen is an adrenaline junkie and only wants to date Buffy b/c nearly got him killed. And he reads Emily Dickenson. Maybe he should see the councilor from the last episode. 
I’m glad Watcher is not a gender specific job like Slayer. Also Giles wanted to be a fighter pilot. And he’s such a good dad. and Buffy is worried about getting him hurt. Omg I’ve found my platonic duo. The show has officially nabbed me. 
6 The Pack
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There are were-hyenas in this. I’m in. 
“You haven’t had a crush lately?” “No, not lately.” Buffy... it was last episode. Also Angel is way too old for Buffy, even not being a vampire. 
I’m not going to point out every time a fat joke gets made. Just assume there’s at least one per episode.
I love Herbert. And the principle. I like them both :) 
Xander’s moodier than usual. They have to work really hard to show that b/c he’s moody all the time. Lol that pig is totally not making those noises. 
I hope Xander gets eaten. I won’t miss him. DONT YOU DARE EAT THAT PIG HE IS THE LIGHT OF GOOD!
Lol Buffy complains to Giles that Xander’s being a jackass. Giles is like “Xander’s just like that.” I knew you were my favorite, G. NO HERBERT OH NO YOU MONSTERS! The principle is upset b/c you ate his pet and he SHOULD BE BECAUSE HE LOVED THAT PIG!
HOLY SHIT THEY ATE THE PRINCIPAL, TOO! This ep is brutal! That poor animal loving man. 
Hyenas will track the missing member of their pack until they find them. Well how terribly convenient. Established in this ep that Hyenas call your name. Maybe they should have been possessed by a parrot. 
Giles do not go in the hyena house alone. That zookeeper is sketch as hell. He’s standing in there and he’s like “Oh damn I stumbled into it again.” It’s great watching him realize he’s messed up. Then he gets beaten up again. I’m glad (most) the characters are not dumb.  
RIP Herbert and Herbert’s dad
7 Angel
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The Three are like Blade in Triplicate. Also a Fumigation Party is hilarious. 
Everyone learn from Buffy. If you’re in a pissy mood, you probably need to go to bed. Say goodnight, it’s the responsible thing to do. 
She shouted “Get in, come on!” but it sounded an awful lot like an ADR line. I think they did that when they realized Angel just came in uninvited then told her vampires can’t come in uninvited. In universe, though? Very very lucky Buffy shouted “Get in!” when she did or he’d be torn apart by evil Blades. 
“Angel?” “Yeah?” “Do you snore?” I thought that was really cute ^^
“We’re not going to be fighting Friar Tuck.” Shut up Buffy, you don’t know that. 
Angel admits to being a cradle robber. 
I like the way vampires work in this universe. They’re demons that take over peoples bodies. They steal your identity, but once you turn you’re dead b/c you lose your soul. I like that a lot. I predict it gets ret-conned. 
That tattoo was 200 years old? Heck no, unless he was in for a really recent touch-up. 
The Master or whoever is reminding me so hard of G’Kar right now, lol. It’s b/c he’s posturing like a diva and shaking his head around a lot. The way his makeup wrinkles doesn’t help the likeness although G’Kar is far handsomer. 
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Misunderstanding. Come back from commercial and Angel’s tossed out a window. That was an excellent transition. 
I love Giles sitting with Buffy’s mom talking about parenting concerns since they’re pretty much her parents. Does Buffy’s mom have a name? 
So Angel was cursed to have his soul back by gypsies. Somehow both a trope and a subversion of a trope? And speaking of tropes, blonde chick saunters in wearing another school girl uniform like its a fetish. 
The Master then has a room-trashing temper tantrum shouting. “She was my favorite for four hundred years!” and he officially sheds his G’Kar and becomes the new Radu.
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There is no way I can be threatened by him or his Damien. 
8 I Robot... you Jane.
I’m excited for this one b/c it promises to have a robot in it. 
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Recall from the whole Na’Far thing back in episode 4 that the same makeup/special effects shop worked on both Buffy and Babylon 5 so it may just be a Drakh, I mean who the hell knows? They’re definitely using the same design language for the vampires they did for like every alien in Crusade. 
OMG Giles’ name is Rupert. And hearing all this 1997 technology scare is just HILARIOUS. What would Rupert say if he knew I had a computer in my butt pocket that could run the space shuttle? Also Miss Calendar is flirting so hard with Giles it’s like the little boy pulling his crush’s pigtails on the playground. 
Dangit! There’s no robot! It’s Tom Riddle. 
OMG Miss Calendar’s crimped hair is atrocious. 
lol and if Buffy knew about the future and how online dating is like the #1 way to meet people in the 2010s she’d be saying much different things. Buffy is right about the chemistry thing though. Having a relationship based on personality is great but when you meet in person and there’s no chemistry that’s a thing that needs to be dealt with and OH MY GOSH THAT LAPTOP OH MY LORD
Tonight on this very special episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, cat-fishing, gaslighting, and you. 
Good thing this late-90s computer has a speak and spell function so Willow and Malcolm can speak all their lines. 
Miss Calendar just pulled the race card for some reason? “You think knowledge should be kept in depositories were only white guys can get them.” Like... in the 90s were poc not allowed in libraries? I mean women obviously are b/c Miss Calendar’s there. She came in there specifically to fight with her boyfriend Giles over whether or not books suck -- which they don’t. And neither does the internet. If she is a computer and Giles is a book their kids are going to be well educated. 
Buffy was saved by her rubber soled shoes. 
lol the one computer guy is named Dave. “I’m sorry Dave” says the computer. Then he pens Dave’s suicide note. That was done on purpose and I love it. PS the Internet is scary! SCARY OOOH DANGER! DANGER! FEAR!
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We get to see Willow’s room! Also I love 90s fantasy tech.
Miss Calendar is a self-proclaimed techno-pagan. “There are more of us out there than you thin.”
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OMG THERE IS FINALLY A ROBOT IN THIS EPISODE AND ITS A FREAKIN ROBO DRAKH! I gotta find a way to put this guy in Babylon 6. He’s a riot. 
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“I don’t dangle a corkscrew from my ear.”
“That’s not where I dangle it.” 
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Okay disk 2 is over. I’m liking the show even more as the edges continue to wear off. The datedness is hilarious and doesn’t spoil a thing about it. It adds a richness and layer of entertainment not even intended by the original team.
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