#autistic pnf
i can’t think about ferb or i get emotional about how phineas always makes sure to include him and even though they don’t talk so much the rest of the gang clearly enjoys his company and like. he’s a valued member of any group he’s in despite having a quieter presence. he has a flat affect but he isn’t made out to be emotionless. not even a little! he very much has a personality.
no one ever pushes him to talk more than he’s comfortable with. are there jokes about his quietness? sure. but they’re never mean. even in the group musical numbers! the kids perform a song together, but ferb doesn’t have to sing even when everyone else does, but he’s still there dancing / playing instruments with the rest of them. he’s included!!!
a lot of his lines are to share some fact that he thinks is interesting. he’s a genius. he’s a silly kid. he’s musically gifted. he wants to direct movies. he hates being interrupted.
basically ferb fletcher rocks
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pnfc · 2 months
i haint watched the dang chibisode and idk if ill actually watch it with sound on sdfjk but i have a hurt feeling about them casually imbuing perry with speech for a one off gag because the idea that he needs to talk to communicate is fake. we had 4 seasons of wacky magic hijinks cartoon where perry never needed verbal speech to communicate. they couldve done this gag at any point in the show but they didn't, and the fact that they didn't felt significant. perry's muteness is such a core part of his character, to me, to the way i conceive of him/write him. i don't wanna overreact to a goofy little side cartoon (even tho i'm doing it anyway) but it's still the characters, and it still upsets me! ok that's it i've said my piece
#ill watch it at some point but despite my silence i have been like obsessively anxious about this cartoon#and pestered my friend to watch it for me sDFJKL#in a month this will have either ruined pnf for me forever or i'll have changed my mind and i like it actually its fine#for now anyway i have tons of comic sketches about perry's muteness that i no longer wanna finish and share...maybe someday but not now#i had a rly great day actually but now im falling asleep in bed tipsy and a little teary over this. cuz i love perry a lot he's#really special to me. i also got that star wars perry shirt in the mail today btw. and. it's such a good pj shirt#but back on topic#it sucks when an aspect of a character that is CORE to your appreciation of them becomes casually disregarded by the writers at some point#like im certainly not ever accepting an interpretation of perry like 'secretly hed really like to be able to talk' because its#never ever been communicated. like the idea that heinz wd prefer if perry was human. its just not in the show. the opposite is true in fact#so im left feeling stupid for caring about something that some writers(inc. dan) felt was unimportant. makes me not wanna continue my art#which sux cuz i like my comic ideas! id love to finish them. i hope i get over this.#i overreact to live-updating media when im fixated on it wh is why i prefer getting into dead fandoms haha#but they keep on bringing them back to life dont they...im never safe#it was funny me trying to explain to my friend why i efel so strongly about this meanwhile hes tried to explain why he feels so strongly ab#ut AYA and my stance on that episode has always just been “cute! its fine” lmao#@ dwampy you guys made the show that follows a specific rhythm and set of rules designed to appeal to obsessive autistic brained people ok#you invited my overreaction. unsheathes katana etc#ok im goint to sleep#meta
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
I’m rewatching Phineas and Ferb (it’s my fav comfort show) and it’s SO full of autism. SO FULL
Ferb is autistic
Phineas is autistic and ADHD
Candace is autistic
Dr. Doofenshmirtz is autistic and ADHD and has CPTSD
Their dad is autistic
Their mom has ADHD
I will not be taking criticism. My qualifications are that I'm autistic XD
I can go into detail AND I WILL
Nonverbal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Non!!!!! Verbal!!!!!
In the episode where they make an animal translator Phineas talks about how Ferb has a lot of thoughts, he just can’t say them out loud
Special interest in engineering and building and such
Incredible imagination
He can’t show emotions on his face
He doesn’t respond to social cues
He and Phineas are each others special interest person
In the Aglet episode when Candace is making fun of their dad for not looking up “aglet” on the computer Phineas explains to Ferb that “removing prepositions makes it more condescending”
“The cartilaginous fibers from the bovine patella structure that gelatin’s extracted from gives it that fun, bouncy quality.”
When he does speak, it’s monotone and often a fun fact- perhaps because he doesn’t know how else to connect to people through his words
He’s nonverbal!!!!! 😄😄😄😄😄😄
Same routine every day. They do the same things at the same time (different inventions but same routine) and even have their alarms set to 7 in the summer
In the bully breakup episode he has trouble with the routine change. He tells Phineas he felt like he would scream if he couldn't build something
In the episode where they all try to figure out where their inventions go every day, at the end of the episode Candace is really upset because it disappeared and she doesn't know why. Ferb realized she's upset but isn't sure how to help so he says a science fact "Well, we were all watching it. And quantum theory states that the mere observation of an experiment changes its outcome."
He's nonverbal / semi-verbal and it makes me so happy
Hyper verbal
Candace’s busting attempts go completely over his head
Special interest in engineering and building things
Incredible imagination
He talks over other people a lot and doesn’t notice
He and Ferb are each others special interest person
Special relationship with animals, specifically Perry
He repeats the same phrases every episode
Has trouble recognizing sarcasm
He doesn’t really have social awareness
His voice is very often monotone
He hyperfocuses on the inventions
Same routine every day. They do the same things at the same time (different inventions but same routine) and even have their alarms set to 7 in the summer
In the bully breakup episode he has trouble with the routine change. He keeps suggesting things to build to get back to their routine
But despite the routine he doesn't know what they're building until the day of because he also needs spontaneity
Has trouble focusing except when focusing on busting
Can't focus on other things when focused on busting
Special interest in busting Phineas and Ferb
Other special interest Ducky MoMo and collects items for it
Hyper verbal
Very focused on routine
In the episode where she’s sick and she tries to get Stacy to bust Phineas and Ferb, but she isn’t able to let Stacy take the lead and ends up getting out of bed when she isn’t really well enough to do the busting
VERY black and white thinking
Candace stims a lot!!!!!
She has trouble learning to drive (which is very common in neurodivergent people)
Has trouble making friends
She scripts conversations
Repeats the same phrases every day
Overanalyzes social situations because she has trouble understanding them
She’s obsessed with being cool and fitting in because she doesn’t naturally understand social cues
“I calculate that soon must mean first thing in the morning, since ‘soon’ can’t refer to a period in excess of or equal to 24 hours give or take a 59 minute cushion of time on either side of the event in question.”
Has a lot of childhood toys that she refuses to get rid of
She mentions in one episode that she feels like her room is too childish and she isn’t as mature as others her age (difference in maturity to neurotypical peers)
She doesn’t join in when her friends play with Phineas and Ferb because of her rigid thinking that she has to bust them. Even when they want her to play or hang out with them, she often doesn't realize it and can't let herself
When she reads Sherlock Holmes she copies his personality and phrases
Hyperfixated on the book series and read the whole thing in a single night
She plays every instrument that starts with B
Grilled cheese safe food
Goes into the panic room when overwhelmed or something is outside routine
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Special interest in making evil scemes
He monologues to Perry every day about his special interest
Bad posture (common in autistic people)
Stims a lot
Repetitive thinking (inators)
In one episode Vanessa is trying to talk to him about something and he keeps getting distracted by echolalia and stim-speaking his words
He only interacts with animals on a regular basis and when he has to talk to people he is very socially awkward
Inattentive, forgetful, unorganized
A lot of his inators have to do with his childhood trauma
Norm the robot helps him with home tasks
Face blindness- he can’t recognize Perry unless he’s wearing his hat
Vocal stimming!
“Fossils! Bum bum bum.” (fun fact this is a vocal stim of mine!!!!!)
Special interest in antiques and gladiator movies
He has a huge collection of gladiator movies
In the lake nose monster episode he’s telling phineas and ferb stories and completely unaware of anything else happening while he’s talking (infodumping)
Hyperfixated on buying stars and buys a TON in one day
Also gives someone a star as a tip and doesn't realize why that might not be appreciated
Different interest/activity every episode
She gets hyperfixated on the activity and has trouble leaving it to come home or answer Candace's calls
Oblivious to the boys' antics
I’m gonna keep coming back to update this as I rewatch so it will eventually be the Ultimate List of Autism ™.
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waddup-its-homegirl · 2 years
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w1n3bunny · 7 days
chat can u infodump abt phinjeet im intreuged <- hasnt watched pnf but probably should
* UR GIVING ME A FREE PASS TO TALK ABOUT THOZE FREAKZ TOBY ?!??!! I OWE U MY LIFE (sorry this took a while to answer i need time to gather and properly express my thoughtz GAH (also excuze the poor quality of my screenshotz im on a budget))
* this iznt going to be coherent but HERE WE GO
* so a big part of what compelz me about their dynamic iz the fact that theyre essentially on the same level/wavelength , while ofc phineas iz more adventurous and baljeet iz more anxious , theyre equally intelligent (NEEEERRRRDDZZ) and can speak the same nerdy language and truly listen to each other (smth i cant alwayz say for their more popular pairingz with other characterz WGAT WHO SAID THAT WHO SAID THAT)
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* i lov when theyre in sync !!!!! i lov when they get each other !!!!!!!! they sincerely care about each otherz interestz becauze they hav Shared interestz !!!!!!!!!!!!
* they hav a shared interest in sci-fi , theyre both big fanz of an in-universe show called space adventure n therez an episode where they go to a sci-fi convention in space adventure cozplay , tho baljeet iz shown to hav a more Persistent interest in it . in candace against the universe he repeatedly triez to uze thingz that happen in space adventure az solutionz to the gangz space related problemz , even against hiz own better judgement and understanding of science , somtimez veering into just straight up infodumping territory . this pretty much alwayz endz poorly lol , ig hyperfixation beatz logic . mood
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* at the end phineas makez hiz own space adventure suggestion , and thatz the only one that actually workz out . SAD !
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* they also both lov math n science specifically ! phineas channelz hiz passion into crazy projectz and inventionz while baljeet moreso lovez math itself , and therez an episode where phineas iz shown uploading blueprintz to hiz n ferbz website so baljeet can check the math , which he doez very quickly and then sendz over the updated verzion , and although we only see this once it impliez to me that this iz a regular occurrence to the point where theyve got it down like a routine I JUST THINK THATZ CUTE !!!!! lookit theze nerdz <3333
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* i see them az stabilizing forcez to each other , when baljeet iz freaking the hell out about smth phineas can help him look on the brighter side n realize itz not that big of a deal , or assure him thingz will work out . when phineas iz bouncing off the wallz and not thinking very far ahead baljeet can bring him back down to earth and challenge hiz leadership in a way the otherz dont often do , or correct hiz mistakez if need be
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* and becauze of the way phin needz jeet to check over hiz math , and the way he misspellz time machine az tie machine in “its about time” , i like to hc phineas like . iznt necessarily Bad at spelling or typing , but iz very prone to making obvious mistakez in hiz haste , so itz great that he haz a nerd friend whoz happy to review hiz work n catch thoze for him YAY
* a similar phin hc i hav iz that , cuz of how hard he hyperfocusez on building stuff , hez constantly getting bruizez n scrapez that he doeznt even notice cuz hez too In The Zone . he could be leaving a trail of blood and would hav no idea LOL till someone pullz him aside to point it out (just adhd thingz <3 hez literally me) . everyone else startz carrying bandaidz for hiz sake . baljeet uzez blue onez , which iz why i pretty much alwayz try to draw phin (at least younger phin) with a blue bandaid on hiz hand . im makin it gay , it symbolizez jeet being there for him when hez hurt ..... hand holding ........... hehehehehehe
* i also somtimez draw jeet with a yellow bandaid on hiz noze for similarly gay reazonz . muahahaha
* at the start of "cranius maximus" baljeet freakz out becauze he feelz like hez getting dumber the more he hangz out with phineas and ferb since he iznt studying 24/7 anymore , even tho id argue the experience he gainz through their adventurez iz just az valuable , but i think itz a fun point since itz kinda noticeable how much more actively baljeet seemz to engage in the backyard gangz activitiez az the show goez on
* it most likely waznt an intentional Story Decizion for jeet to start changing hiz mind about the importance of hiz studiez after s1 , but i wouldve liked if it waz actually treated az like . a change , an arc of sortz . like at the start of the summer hez super focused on school and not interested in pnfz projectz , but az he keepz incidentally landing in their orbit n finding thingz they hav in common he gradually becomez part of the gang
* that half-made-up early summer baljeet probably wouldve been completely content sitting around n studying for hiz summer school classez all day , but here he iz coming to phineas and ferb with hiz “boring” activity , not even directly Asking them to make it more fun , just hoping and trusting that they Will . smth about that getz me idk . he likez playing with spinning topz , but now maybe smth about hiz change in routine haz made them a bit dull , and he trustz that pnf will figure out smth more exciting (and dangerous lol) to make of them . also just . how much they clearly like each other and enjoy being in each otherz company THATZ CUUUUUTE
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* and OFC phinjeet wouldnt be phinjeet without "the baljeatles" (I ALWAYZ WRITE IT AZ PHINJEATLEZ IM COOKED) , one of my favorite episodez , in which pnf try to teach baljeet how to rock tm since hez accidentally signed up for a rock n roll camp n iz terrified of getting a bad grade . SUCH A GOOD EPISODE which so many of my phinjeet hcz hinge on , becauze THEY WERE IN LLIKE ?!?!?!?!?!? A PUNK ROCK BAND TOGETHER ?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! EMOZ ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! /J
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* THERE WAZ NO REAZON TO PUT UR ARM AROUND HIM LIKE THAT DAWG I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE . i hc it waz at this very concert that phineas had a gay awakening LOOOL . for the entire episode up till the concert jeet haz been very anxious and uncertain becauze he just doeznt know how to Rock , he doeznt Want to stick it to the man , he doeznt want to break the rulez , but now suddenly he walkz out on stage az a completely different , angry and confident person . i can just vividly picture phin freezing up and forgetting hez suppozed to be doing backup vocalz n stuff n ferb haz to like nudge him and remind him hez on stage . dumbass
* and despite all their wholesomeness theyre not above picking on each other (lightheartedly), which iz also extremely important . somtimez itz one-sided since jeet tendz to be the more petty n snarky one , but yk
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* i think therez just . so many little thingz like that that make them such a compelling dynamic to me , n not even necessarily in a ship way , theyre just cute wholesome friendz who like each other !!!! and i think theyre both aro anyway , alloz could never understand phinjeet . thatz a qpr🫵 .
* theyre two nerdz who like sci-fi and space and math . they are sun and moon coded . they are puppy and kitty coded . they are a team that cannot be beaten ("they were also referring to ferb there-" this aint about him/silly) they respect each other and help each other whenever they can . phineas haz a little device that receivez holographic messagez from baljeet whenever he needz help (in One episode but SHH SHHHH) . after candace getz abducted by alienz in candace against the universe baljeet iz the first person they turn to n hez immediately like “i assume you will need me to build another portal” like he just Knowz . and hez fully on board , no questionz asked
* theyre also super autistic !!!!!!! they both hav episodez where they freak out over a change of planz (in "bubble boys" baljeet triez to take phineas' advice to "seize the day" very literally , by planning out every single second of hiz day and then freakz out when hiz schedule iz disrupted . in "bully bromance breakup" jeet forbidz the use of technology az the gang climb a mountain and phin lozez hiz mind , desperately suggesting ideaz for inventionz n gadgetz to the point where he stopz climbing n iz being pulled along by everyone else while curled up into a ball) , they both hav som trouble understanding tone and social cuez , they both infodump and stim , etc
* imagine: they are stargazing together and infodumping to each other about space . they are huddled up on a couch watching a space adventure marathon and eating popcorn , talking to each other for hourz . phin iz hovering over jeetz shoulder az jeet checkz hiz math on a blueprint . they are doing each otherz emo ass make-up and singing together . they are talking about beez and spiderz . they are dyeing each otherz hair . they are drinking cappuccinoz . they are bickering lovingly .
* now lemme yap rq about the aro thing cuz im aro and itz super important to me:
* phineas iz the one whoz more obviously aro coded , most notably cuz of how he never pickz up on any of izabellaz advancez and remainz completely clueless about her feelingz for him , but smth specific that getz me iz the way he talkz about romance in “that sinking feeling” . baljeet freakz out about hiz childhood friend being Pretty now , he wordz it weird like “now she is … a girl !!!” but hez like ten and itz 2009 dw about it
* the point iz , phineas iz like “oh i think what girls really like is romance , we learned all about it in this movie we watched !” . the movie waz titanic , and phineas doeznt think of romance az a feeling or an experience , but az an arbitrary list of itemz from a movie . he thinkz classical muzic , roze petalz , a cruize ship . the ship startz FUCKING SINKING and everyonez panicking and hez like “wow ! is this romance or what !” little guy haz NOOOO idea what the hell romance iz and hez trying hiz best but LOL .
* meanwhile baljeet strikez me az an aro who (in contrast to phineas) iz hyperaware of the amatonormative society around him and feelz obligated to try and fit into it and be “Normal” . he feelz a lot of aesthetic attraction , and partly cuz of PHINEAS’ confuzion about romance , he equatez it to romantic attraction
* he haz like four “love interestz” if u wanna call them that , but theyre mostly pretty shallow or underdeveloped relationship-wize , which i interpret az jeet having Chozen to hav crushez on thoze ppl , misinterpreting platonic and aesthetic attraction , looking at a person like a checklist of dezirable traitz , or just being eazily influenced and pushed into romantic relationshipz becauze of everything else combined with hiz desperation to be “normal”
* how i see their relationship developing iz later in their teenz they get together thinking itz romantic , baljeet finally feelz “fixed” and phineas feelz like he finally Getz It , but the way the ppl around them perceive their relationship , the way they themselvez only want it to be like “super close friends who kiss sometimes” , and the expectationz that are put on them to do/be More etc , make them question whether their feelingz are genuine . then somwhere down the line they (separately) realize theyre aro and that their feelingz for each other are actually queerplatonic and kind of both loze their mindz over it (im projecting my own aro experience here , when i first realized i waz aro i had a sorta-gf n i waz terrified that i wouldnt be able to lov her the “right” way or that i waz leading her on , so thatz also what i imagine going through their headz) . till they try to confess this to each other n realize there waz nothing to worry about cuz they were actually already on the same page n then theyre happy silly qppz forever the end
* az much az i like to make shit up n torture theze two to make them more fucked up than they should be , theyre really just . sweet and inoffensive . theyre buddiez . theyre palz . theyre a team . theyre everything to me and they make me phyzically ill somtimez
* herez som drawingz ! az a gift <3
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* this iz certainly not ALL i can say about phinjeet , BUT IM SO TIRED AND THIS POST CANT GO ON FOREVER . so thatz it for neow peace and love <3333
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Do NOT even JOKE about Percy asking Poseidon for goods or straight up money.Bro ain't no nepotism baby and he'd literally rather finally kill himself than turn into one even for the bit,he knows diy that dosen't exist
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faneth · 1 year
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i also did this at some point
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Candace Flynn from Phineas and Ferb is a samefood autistic! One of her safe foods is dairy-free grilled cheese!
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lesbianjennybrown · 1 year
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No one can sit and tell me little miss “free the pidgeons” “I lied about the persimmon” older brother of Django, daughter of artist Bepo JENNY BROWN Is straight.
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artstantpansies · 7 months
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comfort characters :3
nick chopper (oz series); leaf coneybear (25th annual putnam county spelling bee); norm (phineas and ferb); data soong (star trek tng) <3
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Ferb Fletcher is autistic!
this is: fanon!
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Ferb has a plethora of autistic traits, such as:
•being nonverbal
•Usually expressionless (photo not a good representation)
•Special interests
In the context of the story:
Ferb is known for being the quiet one of the duo, only talking every once in a while. Luckily, Phineas knows Ferb so well that he’s able to understand what he’s thinking. Ferb has an intense lack of body language, usually standing stiff. He rarely ever shows any expression on his face, when he does, it’s usually when Phineas is as well. But even when he met Vanessa and fell for her, his expression still stayed very neutral. He has a special interest in inventing and building.
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rolaplayor101 · 1 year
Ok now be honest: Who did more for Music in the cartoon show industry?
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Backyard Beach/ Gitchee Gitchee Goo/ Perry the Platypus/ Evil Jingle/ Phinedroids and Ferbots/ E.V.I.L B.O.Y.S/ Busted/ Ain't Got Rhythm/ S.I.M.P.(Squirrels In My Pants)/ Little Brothers/ A-G-L-E-T/ Summer Belongs To You/ There's a Platypus Controlling Me
Giant Woman/ Be Wherever You Are/ Stronger Than You/ Do It For Her/ Peace and Love on the Planet Earth/ It's Over Isn't it/ Both of You/ Love Like You/ Here Comes A Thought/ Whats the Use of Feeling Blue?/ Other Friends/ Drift Away/ Change
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taptrial2 · 3 months
(points at literally any character i like or have made) youre autistic now
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[ID: Perry the Platypus looking over the balcony of Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated with a wide-eyed blank expression. Only his head is visible over the side. He is waving goodbye at something below. end ID]
this while doof is falling off the balcony and in the process of cursing perry. look at him. look at his face. i repeat. he’s waving at doof as he falls. most obnoxious platypus 10/10. look at those big ol autism eyes.
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turtlecommunism · 1 year
i really want more mutuals/friends to follow but only ppl following me are bots >:(
autistic friends, phineas and ferb, the owl house, spongebob, meme friends! pls follow & i will follow back (-:
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
I'm gonna be so fr i think even as an afrolatino Percy Jackson truther that even Halle getting casted as Ariel couldn't make him be obsessed with The Little Mermaid.He dosen't hate it because that's weird and pick meish but he would just.Not care about it at all,he'd be like 'Nice,i hope she gets all the money and fame she wants!Anyway,time to go back to watching Phineas and Ferb then be depressed about Brandy's Cinderella never getting sequels and watching The Proud Family to feel better'
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