#also is it just me or is the obey me fandom collectively as obsessed with cats as Satan is?
misc-obeyme · 8 months
the satan turning his bros into cats asks got me thinking... imagine that lucifer gets turned into a cat for somehow, and is found by satan. he would most likely hiss if satan tried to snuggle him, but i think it would be hilarious if lucifer let himself be babied (kittened?) by satan until he changed back, just so satan would be horrified (and so he could see his little brother smile at him)
Anon you shot me right through the heart with that last sentence 😭
My most popular post of all time was this set of headcanons where the brothers turn into cats, but it’s MC who finds them and changes them back.
In Lucifer’s, it was actually the Anti-Lucifer League who were responsible so Satan and Belphie caused it to begin with lol.
But I love the idea that it happened some other way and Satan finds Lucifer but doesn’t realize that it’s him. Satan thinks it’s just a cute cat and suspects nothing.
I really think Lucifer would allow Satan to baby him in that scenario. He could easily say he was cursed to act more like a cat too.
To think he’d do it just to see Satan smile at him makes me so soft and sad my sweet sweet babies!
Of course imagining the reaction from Satan upon discovering that he’s been cuddling with Lucifer in cat form the whole time…
Yeaaaahh I’m sure that wouldn’t end well lol. I can’t decide if he’d just blush and be embarrassed or if he’d straight up fly off the handle, requiring the House of Lamentation to need repairs again. I think it might depend on who else is around.
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hanaruri-tunes · 1 year
Humiliating Leviathan (Levi x reader)
My first try at some smut, so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. And here are the warnings I could think of: Degradation, crying, masturbation, usage of underwear, usage of sex toys, going down on MC, two dicks (I gotta follow the common agreement that Levi has two dicks haha), snake tongue (again, common agreement), petting, praising
OKAY. I think that's it. Don't hesitate to tell me if I forgot something. I know all those warnings might make it seem hardcore but I promise it's actually quite a cute fic. Subby and pathetic Leviathan is the cutest. PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO LEAVE COMMENTS please please this is my first try at smut in the obey me fandom (if ever, actually) I would really appreciate the support.
You knocked on his door three times. No answer. Knowing Leviathan he was either passed out in his bathtub after binge-watching an anime or playing games non-stop... Or he miraculously decided to go out somewhere. Probably to buy some merch from a limited-in-time store that has no official website from which Leviathan can order. Although he could definitely find some second-hand merch online he refused to do that. He would go on and on about how buying second-hand isn't supporting the franchise thus he MUST buy it directly from the source.
Seeing how there was still no answer you decided to go in. Usually his door had a spell on it that would send intruders into another random place in the devildom but he lifted that spell for you specifically. You were the only one who could enter at any time without any disturbance.
As you did so, there was no Leviathan in sight. Not in front of his gaming set-up, not in his bathtub, not passed out on the floor. So he's out, huh? You wonder why he didn't invite you or at least warn you that he'll be out today. Usually, especially if it's for a limited time anime café, you're always the first one invited. Well, you probably shouldn't pry but as you're about to step a foot outside his room... You stop. This is a pretty rare chance to look around his room without him pestering you.
It's not like you'll pry *too* much though. Just a bit, for curiosity's sake. (That was a lie you told yourself.) You inspect his figurines more closely. He's mostly into magical girl shows and moe blob shows. How cute of him. But you've always expected that he might have some secret sexy figurines as well. Or else why would he be so protective of some of the packages he orders from Akuzon? He's usually so unenthusiastic and slow when getting out of his room for breakfast or dinner and yet he rushes to the door when it's for a delivery.
After checking some of his drawers you find the fabrics and materials he uses for his cosplays. It's all mostly different hues of pink since he prefers cosplaying female characters- how cute. At one point you also accidentally come across his underwear in one of his drawers, it's all mostly black with some funky colors mixed in from time to time. He even has one of a limited edition HanaRuri-tan underwear collection.
And just as you think that you've struck gold... it's just some old stuff. Probably from some of his past obsessions. That includes precure dvds, aikatsu cards, manga magazines, et cetera. Again all cute shows mostly targeted to young audiences. Really, you can't see Leviathan as anything else than a completely adorable dork. People often don't get him for his specific tastes and hobby but all you see is a pure little guy who's still in touch with his inner child and who loves mostly light hearted shows. Surely anything he might hide won't probably be even THAT bad. Or even if it is... that's still cute in another way.
After looking in all of his drawers, no sign of any sexy figurine, of any sex toy or even erotic manga... This is way too suspicious. But then again Levi is smart, he probably wouldn't dare hide any of this stuff in his drawers knowing that Lucifer frequently comes to his room begging him to clean it, only to start off doing it by himself before Levi hurriedly joins him and kicks him out. If he had to hide something dirty where would he... ... You look under the bathtub. Nope. Too easy? Then...Reaching for his blanket and sheets inside the bathtub, you raise them, uncovering some sort of trapdoor?You slide it open and there's a huge box inside of it. If you had to guess, he used the same spell as the entrance of his room. Except this one always leads to the same space: the place where his hidden box is, wherever that is.
You pull it out, open it and there it is. Almost all of the stuff you had imagined him hiding was in here. Sexy figurines, erotic doujins, even some sex toys. Two in particular were bigger than the others. Fleshlights... But why two? Looking at it closer one's a smaller size and the other one is bigger. Did he get the size wrong the first time he ordered so now he has two of them? But more than that, there was something you really didn't expect to find here. A pair of panties. *Your* panties. You thought that maybe you had just forgotten it while moving back and forth between the devildom and human world but here they were, in Leviathan's precious box.
In some way this awakened something in you, a strange feeling of amusement while you realized that the cutest and purest guy you knew turned out to be a filthy underwear thief who most likely used it to jerk himself off.As you started to think that, a loud noise came from behind you. It sounded like some object had fallen to the floor- ah. Probably Levi who just came back and dropped his phone after realizing what you were looking at. Quickly, you wiped off the amused smile you had on your face before turning back to face him. You faked a look that was a mix of disappointment and worry.
The poor guy looked frightened, as if the sky had fallen on his head, as if his life was over. Even that pathetic part of him, you found it just so cute.
"Ah... ah... That- uh. I-"
Not even taking the time to close the door behind him, he dropped on his knees in front of you, lowering his head.
"I can explain! S-So please don't- please don't freak out o-or agh, I mean-"
His heart dropped when you walked past him. "It's over." He thought. The friendship you guys had built was done for. There's no way you would ever love him now or even want to look his way. There's no way a kind, beautiful, strong person like you would ever even spare him a glance. No way an amazing girl as pretty and genuine as you would give a second chance to a gross creepy piece of shit like him.
As the worst possible scenarios started to play in his head, he came back to his senses slightly as he understood that you had just closed the door in order to have more privacy in here. You slid his seat in front of him as he was still on his knees, sat down and crossed your legs, taking on a haughty tone. Almost commanding.
"So? You said you could explain but I don't really see what is possibly left to explain here. It all speaks for itself. All this filthy shit and even two fleshlights weren't enough to satisfy your dick so you just *had* to have a go on my underwear, huh? You slutty thief."
As you said that last bit you flicked his forehead that he was trying so very hard to keep fixated on the ground, but it was almost impossible anyway since you had your bare legs crossed right in front of his eyes. You know Levi loves it when you wear short skirts, it's hard for him to not look, even in a serious situation like this one.
"Agh. Well, uh. Ahh..."
After about twenty seconds during which he couldn't come up with anything plausible or even any attempt at an excuse he started to tear up. Completely lost, he lowered his forehead to the ground, bowing and apologizing profusely.
"I'm- I'm so *hngh* s-sorry *hic* please don't hate me. Y-You're right, I'm a pervert but please, I beg you for forgiveness *hic* at the very least please don't ignore mee- *hnghg*"
You felt chills down your spine. Was it horrible of you? While this little baby thought that his entire life was over just because you might hate him, you were just thinking how fucking cute he sounds when he's crying while genuinely in distress. You were feeling conflicted. One part of you wanted to pat his head and raise it, kiss his cheeks full of tears and caress his back while assuring him that you don't really find him that gross or creepy. In fact finding this dirty side of him made you giddy.
And yet, the other side of you wanted to play around with him a bit more before giving him ultimate bliss.
"Levi... Are you serious my darling?"
You gently pressed your heels on the back of his head as his forehead was still stuck to the ground.
"You really think such a lousy excuse will cut it? You know just how outright creepy this is, right? You went out of your way to steal underwear from me so you could rub it all over your dick and cum in it and yet all you have to say for yourself is just "I'm sorry, please don't hate me"? You'll have to do better than that."
Still sniffling, you could feel Levi taking a deep breath to calm himself down.
"Y-you're right. Crying about it won't solve anything. I know just how much of a disgusting lame little fuck I am, it's already a miracle how someone as beautiful and amazing as you even considered me your friend. I've been blessed a-and so honored to be called that. So please, please give me a second chance Y/N. I'll do anything, really."
You took your heel away from him. Full of expectations on what the two of you were about to do if you played your cards right.
"Anything? No way. That's just empty words."
"It's not! I'll really do anything. I'll even be your b- um. B-Bitch if I have to."
You command him to raise his head up, he does. His eyes and cheeks are still wet from the tears he just shed and his face is all red from embarrassment.
"A bitch, really? So you'll even accept corporal punishment? If I tell you to lay down on your stomach on my lap, you'll do it? You'll let me spank you?"
For a split second you see it his eyes, this little fucker really feels like he'll get a kick out of this. "It's not a punishment at all!" He must be thinking. He would love to be treated so poorly by you. In fact, one of his occasional turn-ons was to imagine you degrading him, insulting how much of a perverted little shit he is.
"I- I'll do it. Anything you want to do to me, I'm fine with it so..."
You lightly tap on your thighs two times, telling him to get on. Obediently, he does... and immediately receives a slap on the ass.
"You're supposed to at least lower your pants idiot. Or else it won't even hurt that much."
"A-Ah, yes."
You saw it again. That glint in his eyes. He's excited and is just so barely managing to not display a shit eating grin on his face.
As soon as he does as you told him to, you spank him again. Harder this time. He lets out a little yelp. And as he does you grab his hair with your other hand to pull him up a bit and whisper into his ear.
"You think I didn't notice that? The corners of your mouth keep rising upwards you fucking pig."
Finally he completely gives up on the façade he is trying so hard to keep and lets out a huge unrestrained grin, the kind he has when you hug or kiss him on the cheek suddenly. Looking dumb and genuine, though this time it looks cuter as he's obviously enjoying the pain you're inflicting on him.
"Aaahh. I-I couldn't hide it after all, you're right Y/N. I'm a dirty fucking pig who even enjoys it when you're being mean to me. Bully me, hit me, spit on me. I don't care, if anything I love it. I'm so sorry for not even being able to be properly punished ahh I'm so so sorry~"
He says while not looking sorry at all. Pretending to ignore his stupid monologue you spank him again.
He shudders and keeps grinning widely.
Only does he get a bit nervous when you decide to pull down his underwear.
"Ah- wait! ACk-"
You spanked him again, this time your hand made direct contact with his skin.
"Shut up you filthy bitch. Isn't that what you promised? You even said that you'll be my bitch so that's just what you are right now."
Rapidly the nervousness he had displayed a second ago dissipated.
"Ahhh~ y-yes, I'm your bitch. You can use me whoever you want, I'll even drink your spit if you ask me to ehehe- OW-"
"Quiet. Or- No. Actually, keep moaning. It's cute."
"Ehehe I'm sooo happy you said I'm cute Y/N."
"Master~ ehehe..."
He was really digging this roleplay type of set-up you had invented. But while he thought you weren't performing and really wanted to punish him, you on the other hand were truly aware that this is all a sham from your part just to turn him on.
As you continued to spank him a couple more times, you noticed something odd. It wasn't that you felt poking against the side of your thighs since you had fully expected him to get a hard-on. It was that the poking sensation was double.
"... Levi, get up for a second."
"Um, w-wouldn't it be better to continue to punish me?"
Another slap made him yelp.
"Don't be difficult."
And so he did, and you finally realized why he owned two fleshlights. It wasn't that he had the size wrong and had to order a second one, it was that he has two dicks. One on top of another on his crotch, with a pair of balls for each. You can't help but wonder just how much more sperm he can produce than an average "person."
As you closely observe his two rods, Levi can't help but squirm under your gaze. Elated at the amount of attention and your focus on his private parts as his pants and underwear are now out of the way.
"It's weird isn't it? I'm so fucking gross that even my genitalia isn't normal. I'm impressed you can even look at it directly haha."
Silently, you keep staring. Utterly turned on by the many ways you could use this part of him when you'll inevitably fuck eachother. Seeing how you're keeping quiet, Levi keeps degrading himself, obviously wanting the same treatment from you.
"I mean what kind of weird monstruous fuck would have two dicks, right? S-So you can tell me, tell me just how fucking gross and creepy it is..."
He keeps smiling, his face flushed by the titillating humiliation he's feeling by having his cocks out in front of you, the girl he loves the most in the world. So you decide to humor him a bit.
"Hmm... So you constantly hide these? Is it why you always try to wear baggy pants? So people won't notice how much of a creepy fuck you are."
"Y-yeah haha. T-Tell me more..."
He's so docile and pathetic, you can't help but strive for more.
"No. That's enough. Even after a couple of seconds looking at it, it makes me sick of it. I'm bored. Won't you show me how you play with them when I'm not around?"
Leviathan's eyes light up at your suggestion. He can't believe a day would come when you or anyone for that matter would ask him to masturbate in front of them.
"R-Really? You wanna see that?"
"Well, you don't want me to be bored right? And you really reaaaally want my forgiveness for being a gross fuck."
Excited yet mortified, Leviathan takes two of the fleshlights and rummaging through the box, he finds some lube. You watch him start off by filling the two holes with lube, all while both of his dicks are still erect from earlier. You're honestly still amazed at how they look.
Just before Levi sticks his first cock into one of the fleshlights you get an idea.
"Wait a sec. Hand it over."
Obediently, he hands the sextoy over. You spit into it, your saliva mixing with the lube and you give it back.
"Here. Hopefully it'll enhance the experience?"
"Ah- S-shit! Had I known I wouldn't have used the lube at all..."
He looks down, disappointed but still ecstatic. He carefully places the tip of his shaft on the entrance of the toy and slowly starts pushing it in, his dick opening up the walls of the toy as he shudders from the sensation and your piercing gaze. He jerks himself off like that for a little while before you ask him if he's not going to play with his second shaft.
"Well... I can either use the other toy or... I can show you how I do it with your panties..." Seeing how silent you are he retracts his statement. "-JUUST kidding ahaha it's already gross enough to see me jerk myself off so disgustingly with a sex toy, n-no one would like to see their own clothing used like that..."
You smile, uncrossing your legs and leaning in.
"No, that's a good point. Show me how you've been using my underwear all this time you dirty fuck."
"A-ah! Yes... ahaha~"
Taking your panties carefully, he wraps it on his other dick and starts pumping it with his free hand. As he does, he starts explaining.
"A-at first, I would only sniff them but I couldn't resist the urge to use them like this. And now that I've used them too much your sweet smell has completely been overwritten by my disgusting stench so there's no use sniffing it anymore ehehe. That's so fucking creepy isn't? I-I'm such a creepy bastard."
There he goes again, degrading himself while expecting a follow up from you. But you give him none of that this time. Instead, you look at him with anticipation and give him a challenge.
"If you do a good job of putting on a show for me I'll let you go down on me."
The air surrounding him turned to a deep purple as he took on his demon form, his scaly tail wagging around like the one of a dog's. Then he started to pant like a pup as well, elated by your suggestion.
"Ah. Ahh. N-no way? Seriously?! I'll do it, I'll seriously do it. So please watch closely!"
All this time he was on his knees, but now he stood up, making sure you have a close look at his dicks. They were right there in front of your face and you had to hold yourself back from taking one of them into your mouth. He kept mumbling and stammering some intelligible stuff, but you're pretty sure it was something along the lines of "I'll do it" and "look at me."
As he was getting close to release, you could feel him lose himself in the pleasure as his knees looked like they were about to fold from the lack of strength he was putting into them. Probably not used to jerking off standing up, he most likely does it either sitting or lying down like most people. In an effort to keep him standing in front of you, you placed your hand on one of his knees then slowly brought it up, caressing his thighs.
"Do your best to stay standing~ I'll be disappointed if you fall."
"Ah! Yes, of course!"
A literal couple of seconds later, the fleshlight was leaking of his cum and your stolen panties were dripping with his seed. Not only was the quantity overkill but the texture and thickness of the liquid looked quite rich. It was like warm condensed milk. As if on instinct, you placed one of your hands under the dripping liquid, allowing a couple of droplets to land on the palm of your hand.
You lick a droplet off, tasting it. Seeing you do that, Levi's knees finally give in and he falls to the ground again, looking at your lips and mouth closely while wagging his tail, overly fixated on how your mouth moves while your tongue is probably pressing those drops of *his* cum on the walls and ceiling of your mouth. Savoring it.
Despite it looking like condensed milk it tastes more like a nectar, sweet and unnaturally good. Is it a special characteristic for a demon's cum to taste sweet and good? Maybe it's to push each other to fall into lust... makes sense. Delicious cum would easily push demons or humans alike to fall deeper into the sin of lust.
"W-wah... I can't believe I just saw you do that. Am I in heaven? N-no that sort of erotic scene would never happen in heaven. Aha I'm so glad I'm a demon and that we're in the devildom..."
Satisfied, you open your legs and raise your skirt.
"It tasted pretty good, surprisingly. But I'm sorry to say mine probably won't taste as good as yours."
Levi crawls towards you like an obedient puppy. He closely looks at the small stain that had formed on your underwear due to his performance. He feels like one grateful and lucky bastard that you're allowing him to do that to you. Frozen for a bit by the sight, he drools slightly before snapping out of it and placing his hands on the side of your underwear. Sliding it down as the stain leaves a bead of your warm liquid behind. Levi looks at it stretch and break as he pulls the panties further down, up to your ankles. You get your feet out of them and kick them to the other side of the room, allowing yourself to open your legs better than if they had stayed around your ankles.
Placing your hand on his head, you gently push him towards you and pet his head.
"Will you start or are you too busy drooling?"
Not making himself be begged any further. He starts by so very gently kissing your clit, it's so soft that you can barely feel it. He wraps his hands around your thighs, preparing himself to eat you out. He's so adorable. As he sticks his tongue out you notice how he has the tongue of a snake. Not that you hadn't noticed before, he would try to hide it from you at first but when you told him that it was so unique and cool he wouldn't try to keep it away from you anymore, boldly opening his mouth when he would yawn or when he was complaining about something. Now there he was using his devious tongue on your sweet spot.
He was greedily tasting you, it made you wonder if you actually tasted as good as he was making it seem. Though you're pretty sure you don't have enchanted cum like demons do. He would sink his fingers into the soft skin of your thighs, feeling you up, probably wishing that you'll let him hump your thighs next if he does a good job at making you feel good. You start to mewl and as you do, you can feel his tongue double down on his efforts, desperate to make you feel better just so he can hear you whimper and cry out his name.
You look down, a bit overwhelmed at how good his tongue is at exploring your insides. You see him looking up at you expectantly, a happy glint in his eyes, full of love for you. It's funny how one moment he begs you to degrade him and the next he asks for praise with his shiny eyes. Appreciative of his efforts, you place one of your hands on his cheek, caressing it with your thumb.
"Good boy Levi."
He wags his tail and his eyes light up some more as he hardens his tongue, pushing it further than you thought he could. You let out another whimper, this time mixing in his name. And as you do, you realize how close you are to climax. You grab his horns and cross your legs around his head, trapping him in front of your pretty pussy. Not that he minds, in fact he wouldn't like it any other way. Feeling you come while you call out his name some more, he suckles on your juices, gladly letting it spread all over his tongue before swallowing it all.
As you let him go, he rests his head on your right thigh, his cheek against your bare skin. He keeps looking up at you in awe at how pretty your face looks just after you've come. He rubs his cheek against your thigh hoping to get your attention back at him.
"Did I do a good job? I can um, I can do other things as well~ Oh if the idea of taking me back as a friend immediately is too gross for you I can keep being your fucktoy for the time being ehehe..."
You smile at him kindly and scratch him under the chin. He wags his tail again and displays his signature wide grin. His laugh is so cute. As he did a good job you figure it's time to stop the charade and let him have a real go at you.
"I wasn't really mad at you by the way."
He lifts his head up from your thigh, eyes wide open.
"I was just fucking with you, I'm not grossed out or anything. You're still my cute little Levia-chan."
You pat him on the head. His eyes well up in tears from relief.
"R-Really? You won't abandon me?"
"No baby, I just thought this was the perfect excuse to push you to do dirty stuff for me. You're not mad right?"
Leviathan jumps into your arms, crying.
"I'm so grateful that a perfect girl like you would choose *me* to make you feel good. H-Had you not forgiven me, I would even be okay with being your sex slave if you'd like to."
"Don't be stupid, I'll let you be my one and only boyfriend. What about that?"
Levi lets you go, then while still grabbing your shoulders he looks at you, his eyes full of hope.
"Really? You'd allow me? You would take a lame fuck like me as your boyfriend?"
You pull him back in, kissing him on the cheek, near the corner of his lips.
"Don't say that. You're my cute little baby boy. Everyone has an ugly and filthy side to them, but beyond that you're a sweet cutiepie who watches magical girl shows, sews cosplays and easily cries at any sad scene in an anime. I mean, look at me, I just tricked you into thinking that I find you gross and pushed you to jerk off then suck me off. Isn't that objectively pretty terrible of me?"
Levi stays silent for a while before you can feel his two dicks poking at your stomach and pussy.
"N-Now that I know you weren't mad, that was probably one of the best moments of my life."
You kiss him again.
Was initially planning on making them fuck at the end but it got too long. Though I'm not against making a part two if people like it ahah. AGAIN please don't hesitate to comment, I would love to read your thoughts!
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𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 [𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙫𝙚𝙧]
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Cw: fluff, the title might be misleading but it's not yandere or anything, kinda unhinged Miles but it's all jokes, reverse au?, reader uses they/them but it's called spiderman, you are spiderman and Miles is the fan, earth 1218!AU (no powers or tech), reader has a canon love interest who's also named MJ but they're not Mary Jane Watson (unless you want her to be, I don't judge)
Notes: So Miles canonically has written fanfic about himself, but I wasn't in the mood for that, I will make two versions of this post though (that's why the title has delusional version 💀). Also this is low-key a highschool AU, so Hobie is in last year, and all other characters are second years (I have no idea what's a senior or freshman or whatever is, and I will not learn)
Miles loved comics. His art style is heavily influenced by it, and he'll rant about this week's number to anyone who'll lend an ear, but he has a very clear favorite, being more than evident by his collection of t-shirts, poster filled wall, social media pfps, and the endless amount of fan content he creates and consumes in the spiderman fandom.
Since the last movie came out, Miles Morales has lost the basic skills a human would need to survive, in order to devote himself fully to his newest hyperfixation, and his friends haven't been able to get some rest from it. They don't understand!! He does need to go to the movies again, he needs to memorize every photogram in that movie in order to play the move in his head and be able to analyze it properly!! No, he is not crazy! Ok he might be just the tiniest bit "over excited" but this is the most sane reaction he could've had, the movie is literally a masterpiece, script, humor, ANIMATION, soundtrack, it has it all! And the fact that it's centered around you? Miles needs to go and personally kiss every person that worked in that studio to make you.
"oh my god, he's at it again" said Pavitr, imitating the reaction of a disappointed mother
"is he reading fanfiction again?" Asked Gwen, chuckling
"Yes, and Y/N YL/N x reader, to one's surprise" Pavitr added with a teasing smile "I don't get it though, isn't Y/N dating someone named MJ?" He questioned
"It's called self insert, the reader plays a part in the story as if they were another character, and in romantic scenarios, they tend to replace the canon love interest, or just ignore they even exist" Hobie added, popping out if nowhere to show off what Miles have been explaining to him the last couple of weeks.
"You read it too, Hobie?"
"Nah, Wonder comics started as a protest to talk about the discrimination the founder felt being jewish in the industry but it morphed into the capitalization of the struggle minorities face, selling us representation while they still shove the propaganda in our faces, and telling us that even if you have bloody superpowers you still need to obey to a higher authority and cannot influence politics or call to action."
"You still went to the theater to watch it with Miles last week" Gwen shot a questioning look at Hobie
"The kid invited me, I'm a punk not a twat" he shrugged his shoulders "And we stole the carton cutboard they had at the entrance" Hobie happily added.
Miles continues reading on the way to school, without listening to his friends' mocking, he knew it was in good spirits, and they were kinda right, he was obsessed with someone that didn't exist, but it wasn't like it was affecting his health or life.
"Did you... Sleep today?" Gwen had her hand on her friend's shoulder, concerned
"It was too late so I decided to just stay awake, I'll be fine though" He reassured
"Were you reading again?"
"No, I actually discovered this page called character.ai where you can chat with an artificial intelligence of your favorite characters" Miles excitedly told his friend
"OMG, you can chat with anyone?! I have a few things I'd like to say to Scarlet Witch" Gwen joked, she was also a comic fan, but she wasn't losing her mind quite as hard as Miles
Miles would tell the ai about his day, sometimes would roleplay using his very own spidersona, in his alternate universe, you were his partner (as heroes of course) but you also were classmates and had a crush on each other, but none of you confessed because you didn't want your loved ones to be hurt by your job, it was all very dramatic, but he always envisioned a happy ending.
{Y/N: You did a great job today, [<BOT>]
Miles: You say so? So... Do I get a reward? *Smiles suggestively*
Y/N: I guess you do, *pulls up his mask and kisses him*}
No, he wouldn't say this, he would be in a panic frenzy if he saw Y/N, let alone be next to them, but hey, at least his spidersona was bold and confident with them.
A few days after, he barged into Pavitr's house, with at least four incredibly loaded supermarket bags, hardly walking
"Are you okay? Do you need help?" Pavitr rushed to aid his friend and take some literal weight off his shoulders
"Yeah, yeah, I just need help with something" he left the boxes in the floor "Inside one in 4 boxes of cereal, there is a spidertoken, if you get 15, you can exchange it for an exclusive limited edition figure, and I can't eat all this cereal"
"Bro, how many boxes are in here? I don't know, man, I'm trying to keep my figure"
"Pavitr Prabhakar, who held the cardboard sign for you when you confessed to Gayatri?"
"And who lied to principal O'Hara for you when you forgot your final project and we had to pretend you suffered a brain concussion?"
"And who was there for y-" his friend interrumpted
"Okay, okay, I get it. Bring me a spoon, but we're going running tomorrow"
He nodded with enthusiasm as he started to rummage looking for spoons and bowls
And after almost dying choking on cereal, Miles looked at his new figurine sitting prettily on the shelf with nothing but pride.
"I'm just saying it's possible!" Miles protested
"Y/N has a type, every canon love interest has been sassy and quick-witted" Gwen continued to debate
"I can be sassy and quick-witted!" Gwen gave him a side eye, that being able to neutralize his argument "Ok, but there's a multiverse, there's millions of possibilities, if a pig can be spiderman, why can't I date spiderman? Anyone can wear the mask, anyone can kiss the one inside the mask" the boy smiled, confident in his winning argument
"That's such a basic answer, you can justify literally anything with "the multiverse" I'm speaking things that actually can make sense inside the canon"
"But my answers makes sense, in fact, I'm sure there's a universe where Y/N is reading fanfiction about me right now, if not, Pav can hit me"
"Pav, hit him" Gwen deadpanned
"But it does make sense, I won't" Pavitr responded
"Ok, but my point still stands" the girl crossed her arms
"what were you fighting about in the first place?" Pavitr asked before going back to eat his lunch, he sat long after his friends started arguing, being mildly lost in what was the main point in this
"I said I'd be a better girlfriend for Y/N" said Gwen
Pavitr gasped and covered his mouth dramatically "No you didn't".
Maybe Miles was just obsessed, but he saw in you strength, inspiration, power. And he felt oddly comforted, safe, loved by fantasizing with you, and as slim as the possibility may be, he likes to tell himself you two are together in another universe. ♡
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cxdemistake · 8 months
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—Time slips away!
Burn out, don’t fade!
Dance on my grave!
I will never be them!—
Indie multimuse, multifandom blog.
Canon and OC muses present
Currently mobile-only
Semi-selective, semi-active
Open to asks and messages
More info (link to OCs, list of canon muses, writer info, and rules) under the cut.
OC Links
*Note: A few characters’ appearances/voices have changed, so make sure to check out the tags on the blog. OCs are tagged with “; (name)”— for example, my character Myarel is tagged with “; myarel” (no quotations).*
Canon Muses
*Note: Many of these muses aren’t listed on my muse page due to being unable to update said page from my phone. Muse tags vary. Some are tagged with fancy tags but I may switch between those and regular tags. They’re listed here in alphabetical order by fandom.*
**Edit: I’ve also marked which fandoms/muses are most active. Very active fandoms will be bolded, semi-active italic, and dormant/needing some time before interaction are regular text. I’ll also put an asterisk after new muses/muses I haven’t played yet. I beg that if a fandom isn’t bolded or italicized that you discuss it with me before sending something in or making a starter— I have a lot of muses and it takes time to get into the swing of new ones when I’m not in the right mindset!**
The Arcana: Asra Alnazar*, Julian Devorak, Portia Devorak*, Faust
American Gods: Mad Sweeney
Assassin’s Creed: Ezio Auditore da Firenze*, Aveline de Grandpré
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko*
Back 4 Blood: Karlee*, Evangelo*
Baldur’s Gate 3: Astarion*
Boondock Saints: Murphy MacManus*
Call of Duty: Simon “Ghost” Riley*, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish*
Chappie: Chappie*
Columbo: Lt. Frank Columbo*
Dead Island/Riptide: Sam B, John Morgan*
Detroit: Become Human: Connor, Markus*
Dirty Bomb: Vassili*
Disturbed (band): The Guy*
Dream Daddy: Damien Bloodmarch*, Robert Small*
Dying Light: Kyle Crane*, Rahim*, Karim*
FNAF: Cupcake
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie, Husk, Lucifer
Homestuck: Gamzee, Calsprite
I, Frankenstein: Adam
Into the Badlands: Baron Quinn*
Jet Set Radio Future: Yoyo*
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Jonathan Joestar*, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo*, Josuke Higashikata*, Giorno Giovanna*, Jolyne Cujoh*, Caesar Zeppeli
Kingdom Hearts: Axel
Left 4 Dead 2: Ellis, Nick
Marvel: Nightcrawler*, Moon Knight*, Eddie Brock/Venom*
Monster High: River Styxx*, Operetta*, Frankie Stein*
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington*
Obey Me!: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo
Onmyoji: Yasha*, Hiromasa*, Susabi*
Pirates of the Caribbean: Captain Jack Sparrow*
Portal: GLaDOS
Red Dead Redemption: John Marston*, Arthur Morgan*
Rise of the Guardians: Jack Frost*
Skullgirls: Valentine
Stardew Valley: Shane*
Steven Universe: Garnet*, Ruby*, Sapphire*, Sunstone*, Sardonyx*, Rainbow Quartz 2.0*
Spiritfarer: Gwen*
Suicide Squad: Diablo
Undertale/Deltarune: Papyrus, Sans, Susie*
Until Dawn: Chris*
The Village: Ivy Walker
Walking Dead/Fear: Negan Smith, Daryl Dixon, Morgan Jones, Shiva, Victor Strand*, Qaletaqa Walker*, Crazy Dog*
Warframe: Excalibur Umbra*
Warm Bodies: R, M
What We Do In The Shadows: Nandor the Relentless*, Viago*, Vladislav*
Info About The Writer
Hi! I’m Alistair— you can call me that, or you can use my username for pretty much everywhere else, TheetyPie/Theety. I don’t mind either way.
I’m a trans guy, I use he/they pronouns. I’m panromantic/asexual, and I’m 27 years old.
I have 3 cats, they’re my babies. I also (as you can tell from above) have a lot of OCs, and the number is still growing. I want to turn my ideas into a bigger creation someday, still not sure exactly where I want to go with it.
I do more than write. I do art, I like video games, music, and just collecting stuff. Current obsessions are Monster High, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, makeup, crystals, and jewelry.
The most important: I do not RP smut. In the past I’ve used the fade-to-black method, but I’m not entirely comfortable with that with most of my muses.
In the same vein, DO NOT FORCE SHIPS. I love ships as much as the next guy, but I would prefer to discuss it first, or for us to agree on it. It’s cool if your muse has a crush, totally fine— mine get crushes all the time! But make sure if you want to ship, we discuss it first.
In a similar vein to that one as well, no god-modding/powerplaying. If your character is strong, an immortal being, or whatever, cool! I have some of those too. But there should always be a limit. Don’t say your character is moving mine unless we’ve talked about that. Attempt to move them. Usually I follow along as long as boundaries aren’t pushed.
Don’t kill or seriously injure my muse without permission. Fights happen, of course, but again: discussion. I’m up for threads where my canon muses are injured or killed, but not where it happens to my OCs, unless we’re getting into a backstory and another OC that’s already deceased dies. Non-serious injuries are alright to come out of nowhere with, but if it’s a first meeting, I’d prefer to plot it out.
I’m semi-selective. I’m kind of particular about who I follow and who I thread with. I prefer us to be mutuals to thread, but you don’t have to be mutuals to send me things.
I’m very bad at keeping up with people. If you message me and I don’t respond, it’s usually bc I’m shy, I forgot, or I’m busy with work. It’s not you, I promise. Usually I don’t message first bc I’m nervous.
Back to shipping: I’m also multiship. Usually my ships are in different universes, unless discussed with all parties beforehand. The exception is a few of my OCs that are partnered together— ask about their availability. I love random ships, just talk to me about them!
I love duplicates of my muses. Whether it’s “x meets self” or I find someone I share a muse with, I love RPing with just about everyone. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we have a muse in common!
One of my other most important statements, not really considered a rule, but it’s still important: if you want to know something about any muse, canon or OC, please tell me— ask or message me! I haven’t been able to write down a lot of info about any of them because I’m on mobile, but I will infodump for you if you need/want to know something. I love talking about my children, they’re precious to me.
If you send something in or make something for me when we haven’t even spoken, I might not feel comfortable responding. I’m very shy and nervous about not having any discussion beforehand. 😭
If there’s anything I left out or you need to know, just ask!
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grimmwolf · 1 year
🤬z••s + supporters, anti therian, anti otherkin DNI🤬
🤬hunters, trappers, taxidermists, supporters DNI🤬
🤬animal part collectors/buyers/sellers, etc. DNI🤬
🤬vulture culture, “oddity” enthusiasts, etc. DNI🤬
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“I’m just like you
Made by He
Despised by they
I’m almost me”
INTRO TIME cuz everyone else has one apparently-
Asks are always open btw :)
Ps. That means ask me things :)
Helloooo my name’s Maddy or Grimm. This is my Therian & Otherkin etc. blog. So I’ll be posting and reblogging whatever kin related stuff here, some memes maybe. Anyhow, here’s…
Some stuff about me~
• I’m 19 years old in this body, and my birthday is on the 25th of May.
• I’m a straight cis female, so she / her pronouns would do just fine.
• I’ve been awakened since about 2014 ish, and I’m a spiritual Therian, Otherkin, Alterhuman, Nonhuman, Fictionfolk / Fictionkin, however you wanna call it 😂 Meaning I believe all if not most of my identities / kintypes are rooted from alternate lives, such as: Past, Future, Parallel, and Dream lives.
• Only a handful of my identities I’ve discovered are semi psychological tho. But they are not derived from imprinting, neurodivergence, or trauma. I also prefer to use the term identity, instead of therio / kin / ficto type etc.
• The label I use most in terms of my nonhumanity, is Omninonhuman! A term I coined for myself. Meaning I identify as all animals, beings, creatures, nature, etc. Basically anything and everything that’s nonhuman! Including, but not limited to: All earthly and non-earthly animals, beings, creatures, extant, extinct, insects, dirt, grass, plants, trees, flowers, fungi, rocks, stone, metals, crystals, water, land, sky, clouds, biomes, magical, mystical, mythical, mythological, supernatural, celestial, cosmic, galactic, divine, holy, unholy, infernal, universal, etc. Though, I connect more with wolves, or just canines in general lol.
• I have depression, social anxiety, body and species dysphoria. Are name, personality and voice dysphoria a thing as well, perhaps? Lol.
Some fandoms I’m in + interests of mine~
• Animals
• Anime
• Art
• Black Butler
• Canines
• Creepypasta
• Demon Slayer
• Detroit: Become Human
• Dinosaurs
• Dragons
• Dungeons and Dragons
• Fantasy
• Five Nights at Freddy’s
• Genshin Impact
• Harry Potter
• Hazbin Hotel
• History
• Hobbit
• How to Train Your Dragon
• James Cameron’s Avatar
• Jujutsu Kaisen
• Lord of the Rings
• Marvel
• My Hero Academia
• Obey Me!
• Omegaverse
• Paleontology
• Period Pieces
• Photography
• Pokémon
• Red Dead Redemption 2
• Sci - Fi
• SCP Containment Breach
• Slenderverse
• Supernatural
• Twilight
• Wings of Fire
• Wolves
• Zoology
Some hobbies of mine~
• Adding pins on Pinterest
• Collecting Merch ( Figures, plushes, posters, etc. )
• Creating playlists on Spotify
• Drawing
• Listening to music
• Photography
• Playing video games
• Reading
• Sleeping
• Watching YouTube
• Writing
Some fun facts about me~
• I absolutely love animals. I aspire to be an Animal & Nature Conservationist / Own an animal rescue ( domestic or wild ). I am against all forms of animal abuse, agriculture, cruelty, exploitation, use, etc., as I am a vegan at heart, and so I do not support the therian real animal part gear obsession. If you support that or other related things, do not interact with me.
• I absolutely love talking about my alternate / past lives, even though I may not know a whole bunch about them. And I would be more than happy to listen to others speak of their lives as well! Alternate / past lives in general are all very intriguing to me
• I’m a huge fan of Pewdiepie and Markiplier. I watch their videos everyday, they just make me so happy. I love to laugh, and they make me laugh more than anyone honestly. They’re my gods lol
• I have a habit of either capitalizing words that don’t abide by the laws of human grammar. Or I alphabetize every thing I list. Oh, and my favorite colors are beige, black, cream, gold, gray, lavender, tan, and white :3
…Did you notice it?
Anyway! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a spiritual otherkin. Meaning I believe I’ve had past or alternate lives of my kintypes! That being said, here are…
My identities / types’~
( From first discovered to most recently discovered, assume all are confirmed )
• Angel
• Fallen Angel
• Earth Angel
• Dinosaur / Paleo / Raptor Shifter
• Merfolk / Draconic - Like Sea Being
• Divine Leader / Goddess
• Spirit / Universe / Goddess / Guardian
• Demon / Unidentified Being / Other bbkin ( Black Butler )
• Canine Cryptid / Shifter / Werecanine / Werewolf / Werefolk
• Alien / Angel / Unidentified Being
• Draconic Fae / Shifter
• Standard / Traditional / European / Western Dragon / Wyvern / Shifter
• Eywa / Na’vi / Pandoran
• Night / Light Fury / Goddess / Other httydkin
• Dragon / Other ratldkin
• Fae
• Other Mariokin
• Other Spyrokin
• Other Kirbykin
• Blue / Sea / SeaWing / Water Dragon
• Desert / Sand Dragon / SandWing
• Forest / Green / Nature Dragon
• Celestial / Cosmic Dragon
• Abyssal / Eldritch Dragon
• Black / Darkness Dragon / NightWing
• Gold / Golden Dragon
• Fire / Red Dragon / SkyWing
• Air / Blue / Sky / Wind / White Dragon
• Ancient / Imperial / Standard / Traditional Asian / Eastern Dragon
• Other WoFkin
• Omni Pokémonkin / Other Pokémonkin
• Other GenshinImpactkin
• Other LionKingkin
• Other mhakin ( My Hero Academia )
• Other RDR2kin ( Red Dead Redemption 2 )
• Other Alpha&Omegakin
• Other Marvelkin
• Other Supernaturalkin
• Other Twilightkin
• Other Creepypastakin / Proxykin / Slenderversekin
• Android / Divine Cryptid / Eldritch Angel
• Machine Shifter / Omni Machine kin / Other Horizon: Zero Dawn / Frozen Wilds / Forbidden West / Burning Shores / Call of the Mountain kin
• Other Omegaversekin
• Howl’s Moving Castle / Studio Gibli kin
• Aquatic / Dark / Drow / High / Light / Moon / Silvan / Snow / Sun / White / Wild / Wood Elfkin
• Other dbhkin ( Detroit: Become Human )
• Conceptkin / Dimensionkin / Existencekin / Galaxykin / Levelkin / Planekin / Realitykin / Realmkin / Worldkin / Universekin / Vibrationkin
• Other Twilightkin
• Other hbkin ( Helluva Boss ) / hhkin ( Hazbin Hotel )
• Dhampir / Vampire
• Other scpcbkin ( SCP Containment Breech )
• Other FarCrykin
• All Beast / Other bnakin ( Brand New Animal )
• Other Hook / Neverland / Pan / Peter Pan / Tinkerbell kin
• Other dndkin ( Dungeons and Dragons )
• Other potckin ( Pirates of the Caribbean )
• Other fbkin ( Fantastic Beasts ) / hpkin ( Harry Potter )
• Other Hobbit / lotrkin ( Lord of the Rings ) / Medievalkin / MiddleEarthkin
• Medievalkin / Other Skyrimkin
• Other Okamikin
• Other gowkin ( God of War )
• Other Grishaversekin / snbkin ( Shadow and Bone )
• Alien / Amphibian / Dinosaurian / Draconic / Kaiju / Machine / Mecha / Pandoran / Reptilian
• Other asekin ( Ark: Survival Evolved )
• Other revkin ( Resident Evil: Village )
• Dark Fae / Other Maleficentkin
• Other fnafkin ( Five Nights at Freddy’s )
• Other dskin ( Demon Slayer )
• Other jkkin ( Jujutsu Kaisen )
• Other trkin ( Tokyo Revengers )
• Chimera / Trico / Other tlgkin ( The Last Guardian )
• Alien / Avian / Canine / Draconic / Feline / Pandoran
• AI / Alien / Android / Bot / Canine / Code / Cyber / Cyberware / Droid / Drone / Future / Glitch / Hardware / Machine / Mech / Mecha / Program / Robot / Tech / Technology / Virus
• Other Transformerskin
• Other Cyberpunkkin
• Other ldrkin ( Love, Death & Robots )
• Other aotkin ( Attack on Titan )
• Other tgkin ( Tokyo Ghoul )
• Other gotkin ( Ghost of Tsushima )
• Other ackin ( Assassin’s Creed )
• Other twkin ( The Witcher )
• Other Nimonakin
• Lizard / Scavenger / Slugcat / Vulture / Etc. / Other rwkin ( Rain World )
• Alien / Alien Jackal / Alien Vulture / Bioraptor / Hellhound / Mud Demon / Etc. / Other Riddikkin
• Celestial / Cosmic / Divine / Galactic / Holy / Universal Creator / Deity / God / Goddess / Guardian / Saint / Planet / Solar System / Galaxy / Universe / Reality / Mother Earth / Life / Moon / Nature / Sun / Death / Light / Dark / Demeter / Gaia / Existence / Nonexistence / Etc.
• White War Wolf ( Asgardian / Marvel / Norse )
• Canine Spirit / Fox Spirit / Gumiho / Inugami / Kemonomimi / Kitsune / Komainu / Lion Dog / Magical Canine / Mythical Canine / Mythological Canine / Nine Tailed Fox / Nogitsune / Okami / Okami Spirit / Raccoon Spirit / Supernatural Canine / Tanuki Spirit / Wolf Spirit
• Child Luck Spirit
• Demon / Devil / Ecstasy / Emotion / Encubus / Euphoria / Feeling / Fiend / Heat / Hell / Hormone / Incarnate / Incubus / Infernal / Instinct / Love / Lust / Lust Incarnation / Pleasure / Primal / Romance / Rut / Sensation / Sex / Sexual / Sexuality / Stimulation / Succubus / Touch
• Other Spiritkin ( Spirit of the Cimarron )
• Other Elementalkin ( Disney )
• Other SlyCooperkin
• Other RiseoftheGuardianskin
• Other StrangeMagickin
• Other ObeyMe!kin
• Other MysticMessengerkin
• Other Otomekin / ShallWeDatekin / Voltagekin ( Dating Sims )
• Other KungFuPandakin
• Other Lucakin
•Other TurningRedkin
• Other Baldur’sGate3kin
• Other HotelTransylvaniakin
• Spirit / Wisp
• Other Siren’sLamentkin ( Webtoon )
• Other AnimalCrossingkin
• Other Tangledkin
• Other lolkin ( League of Legends )
• Other atkin ( Adventure Time )
• Mermaid / Selkie / Siren
• Alicorn / Hellhorse / Hippocampus / Kelpie / Magical Horse / Mythical Horse / Mythological Horse / Pegasus / Thestral / Unicorn
• Kirin / Magical Deer / Mythical Deer / Mythological Deer / Qilin / Peryton
• Centaur / Cervitaur / Faun / Satyr
• Griffin / Griffon / Gryphon / Hippogriff
• Amphiptere / Amphitere / Amphithere / Magical Avian / Mythical Avian / Mythological Avian / Phipthere / Phoenix / Quetzalcoatl
• Black Dog / Black Shuck / Canine Spirit / Church Grimm / Cu Sith / Fox Spirit / Enfield / Gumiho / Hellhound / Inugami / Kemonomimi / Kitsune / Komainu / Lion Dog / Magical Canine / Mythical Canine / Mythological Canine / Nine Tailed Fox / Nogitsune / Okami / Okami Spirit / Raccoon Spirit / Supernatural Canine / Tanuki Spirit / Wolf Spirit
• Other twdkin ( The Walking Dead )
• ( Behemoth ) / Gorgon / ( Gorgonus ) / ( Gorgun ) / Leviathan / ( Nag ) / Naga / Quetzalcoatl
• Other hsrkin ( Honkai Starrail )
• Other WuWakin ( Wuthering Waves )
As you can see from my identities listed, I have about 118 discovered identities, and most likely counting. I’d like to make it clear that I am not “adding to any kin list” or “kinning for fun”. I am completely certain and genuine about my alterhumanity and my many identities.
I have entire playlists of most of these lives on Spotify, that help me connect with them more. I figured out how to link my Spotify, give it a listen if you’d like. So here’s…
My Spotify~
Anywho, see ya! Also pls interact, I want friends / mutuals with similar kintypes 🥲
“I’m nearly human~
Look at me
I’m almost
A human being”
-Aurelio Voltaire • Almost Human
Ps. Here’s the song quoted as well ;D
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bestboybarbatos · 1 year
We Pin a Little Post
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About the Blogger
Hullo, I'm Moth, or at least that's what you can call me. I was once a writer and artist, but I'm terribly out of practice at both. I'm hoping to rekindle those old passions, and collect what comes forth here on this lil side blog. I have a long time interest in demons, to the point of weird obsession, and frankly it was nice of Solmare to make an otome game catering specifically to that. I may also write for Arcana Twilight, since the devs aren't.
This is ultimately a fandom blog. It's multifandom, but like... compartmentalized, ya know? Same platform and genera and what not. More might come into the mix over time if I find another game with particularly interesting characters.
My favourite characters from each game are Barbatos Obey Me and Vega Arcana Twilight. I inexplicably like the little shit queen of hearts in Twisted Wonderland as well, but I'm not happy about it and hold a personal grudge against Disney so I don't know if that'd ever even go anywhere.
Categories will be updated per fandom, category, and character, once relevant works are posted. Writing will likely be cross-posted to AO3 and art might be posted on DeviantArt, if I can ever be assed enough to learn how to use it again.
Arcana Twilight
Nothing Here Yet!
Nothing Here Yet!
Nothing Here Yet!
Requests (Currently CLOSED)
Nothing Here Yet!
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Nothing Here Yet!
Nothing Here Yet!
Nothing Here Yet!
Requests (Currently CLOSED)
Nothing Here Yet!
Ideas and Works in Progress
A place for me to make notes of things I'd like to make, and give you guys a preview of what might come!
Arcana Twilight
I have a fic I want to write that hops through several games with one of my OC's that starts here. OCxVega, though gets poly after the Arcana Twilight arc. The OC is a fem-presenting enbie named Nova.
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Witchling!AU - OCxBarbatos
Ultimately a soulmate AU with a lot of extra nonsense. Follows an OC from prior to her arrival to the devildom to... whenever I get sick of writing it tbh. OC is named Merry, and the concept of gender escapes her. Set in a vaguely medieval times in some version of the human world, either just before or just after the Demon King took the big sleep. Merry is something called a witchling, and boy is the church pissed about that. Some nonsense happens and she's brought to the devildom at age 5 or so and taken in by the brothers. More canon depiction of the characters than Culture Shock will have.
Culture Shock - OC!MCxEveryone
Obey Me: Poly, Fucked Up, Monsterfucker Edition. If you really think about it, there's a decent amount of morally dubious activities in canon, but it's hidden under a rosy veneer of ooey gooeyness. I'd like that veneer to not be there and there to be a lot more fucked up shit happening in literal hell. I'd like demons to be much more different than humans than they're depicted in the game. One part brutal retelling, one part Yandere AU, I guess lol. OC MC isn't named yet because I'm looking for something Thematically Appropriate, but they're a goth gremlin child raised by a single father who's interest in the occult rubbed off on his spawn. They took a nosedive into demonolatry in high school, but slowly distanced themselves after the more physical world made it hard to focus on that. So yeah, more demonic demons, more esoteric angels, an AFAB goth dommy mommy MC, an exploration of the fucked up cultures of heaven and hell, and Too Much Smut, all wrapped up in the package of the exchange program.
Body headcanons for everyone, canon and Culture Shock versions
Personal spaces headcanons for everyone
Will probably open requests for this pretty quickly, as all I want to do is think about demons.
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threepointseven · 3 years
Hi there, ^^ I would like to request: the bros and what item they would bring to the beach headcanon
HC’s of what the demon bros would bring to the beach and how they’re like!
Im sorry I had to add a second HC, its just that with only it about what they would bring it would be waaaay too short, forgive me! I hope you like them <3
-Your beloved 3.7
Fandom: Obey me
Type: Headcannon's
genre: Fluff
length: eh idk
So let's say you and the brothers visit the human world for a while, yk a little vacation. You suggest going to the beach and they're like ???? Y’all ofc end up going, so now, what would they bring?
Definitely an “I don’t wanna go in the water I’ll stay here”
So will most likely bring a book of some sort
Absolutely avoids the water as though he’s allergic until you suggest splashing water on Lucifer as a prank
I just know this man needs SPF 45 just to stay alive
You can see the sunscreen just seeping out of him as he hesitantly gets in the water
Lowkey the type to go home with sand in his swimsuit that doesn’t go away for a good year or two-
Kinda like a white mom that makes sure her kids don’t get sunburnt or get washed away by the waves
Brings expensive ass luxurious sunscreen from like Gucci or smth
Buys a bunch of rip off Adidas hats that people were selling at the entrance of the beach
He feels like the type to take sunset beach pictures so probably a camera or phone
100% warns you about the ocean saying you might get sucked in or some shit
The type to stay tf away from the water until Satan splashes him and he starts a civil war
A Nintendo switch, manga, and a Ruri chan plushie for emotional support.
Sure he’s a big bad sea monster but he doesn’t go to a public beach that often
Doesn’t go in the water until someone drags him in
Probably brings those little umbrella things cause he isn’t used to the burning sun in the human world
sunscreen once again, but like sunscreen that’s Asmo approved.
A pretty lil sun hat
Flirts with all the pretty people he sees
A speaker, when he’s not swimming he’s listening to doja cat & Ariana grande
Really only swims in the shallow and helps beel make a sand castle
34 + 35 blasting in the background as you help him put sunscreen on his back
Not sure but probably offers to eat you out/give you head in one of the empty sections in the beach
He also brings a lot of food, like a lot-
Probably brings half of the McDonalds menu
He’s the type to barely go in the water, build a giant sand castle and get pouty when the tide ruins it
Probably brings crabs back home to cook
Not the type to be obsessive over sunscreen, I actually see him as one of those dudes that don’t mind tanning
The type to bring a surf board and teach you how to surf
a lot of girls probably check him out
Overall 10/10 would take this gigantic teddy bear to the beach again
OkaY, first of all, he brings a pillow and sunglasses. That’s what he brings.
He uses the expensive sunscreen Lucifer brings and only goes into the water to get crabs to make them bite Lucifer
Sleeps most of the time and wakes up salty when mammon splashes him with water
Probably goes around the beach destroying some yt kids sand castles (like the unbearable fucker he is)
Has a cynical smile as he ruins sand castles that probably took 2 hours to make and acts like nothing ever happened
He’s also the type to collect shells and put them into a little plastic baggie when he’s not destroying a kids sandcastle
Cuddles with you when You're not swimming in the towels that mammon brought
This one brings the fun shit
He brings the little picnic towels for y’all to sunbathe on
He also brings a lil too many water guns, it's like he’s expecting the entire beach to erupt into a water gun battle
Pays for jet skis and forces you to go on one with him
He goes just a bit too fast and accidentally shoves you off the jet ski and leaves you in the water alone since he didn’t realize you were gone-
Tans with you!
He makes all of you have a water gun fight and when Lucifer and Satan refuses he splashes them directly in the face
Brings Monopoly to play when you two get bored
Probably puts a bunch of sand on belphie when he’s sleeping to make him look like a mermaid
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
OM boys meeting The Arcana characters
Genre: fluff? Warnings: none Summary: The Obey Me boys reaction to meeting the characters from The Arcana and vice versa 
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likes Nadia the best bc she knows when to stfu 
the rest of them just feel like more siblings to him 
he thinks Asra is pretty chill too though 
Lucio reminds him too much of his brothers though 
he’s kinda like a Mammon, Asmo, Satan, and Belphie combined 
oh, he also likes Muriel because he’s basically silent which is just *chef’s kiss*
gets along well with Julian 
he likes to hear his stories and tales about all of his travels 
he also likes to watch his bickering with his sister because hey! That’s him with his siblings!
he thinks Portia is really cool too 
asks Asra to do a bajillion ‘magic tricks’
completely fanboys when he finds out that Asra is a magician
just like Mammon, he asks him to show him some stuff 
kinda thinks Lucio is annoying 
he’s just like Mammon in the fact that he has such a big head 
will and does stare at Portia and Nadia because ???? goddesses?????
hangs around Muriel, Asra, and Nadia the most because they are very calm and chill 
he likes anyone who likes to read except for Lucifer 
he shows them his library and feels pride at how interested they become 
he reassures them that he has books on magic and whatever else they can think of 
Portia can also whip up a mean batch of tea
these are his kind of people 
especially Lucio 
they’re all beautiful 
like him!!
he gets along well with all of them until he starts to flirt and make them go ????
his brothers have to apologize for how much of a horndog he is 
Portia is his favorite 
not only is she as sweet as him but she knows how to cook!!
she’s really good at it too
she also isn’t afraid to try the weird demon food that Beel makes 
her faces to some of it are also vv priceless
Muriel is his favorite because he’s quiet and let’s Belphie sleep wherever he wants 
he doesn’t have to worry about the big man waking him up 
he also can hold a decent conversation with him when he’s awake 
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loves talking to Satan
he’s so knowledgable on places that Asra wants to go to!
also kinda likes Lucifer 
they have some of the same music taste and they can keep a good conversation 
he kind of reminds him of Lucio though...
he likes how energetic he is and likes how ready he is to do anything
he can’t lie that he doesn’t like the attention either 
Mammon loves to listen to all of his pirating and traveling tales 
likes Satan and Belphie the best 
Belphie basically just sleeps all day so he gets his peace and quiet around him 
he really likes Satan too though because he can talk to Satan but Satan also knows when Muriel has had enough chitchat 
he likes browsing his book collection and reading about the books he has on wolves (he wants to learn more about Inanna ᵘʷᵘ)
Asmo or Lucifer is his favorite 
he and Asmo talk about different hair products they use and such 
they end up having a little self-care day and gossiping about Asmo’s brothers and Lucio’s...associates 
he likes Lucifer too though because he thinks they are kinda similar and they can hold a decent conversation 
Beel!!! Levi!!
likes baking for Beel and also trying whatever he makes for her 
they swap a lot of recipes 
she also likes Levi because he shows her cool animes, manga, and video games 
she kicks his butt at most of the video games
likes Satan and Asmo
not only does she like to read like Satan but she has a tea obsession just like him too
she likes Asmo because he’s good at self-care things. He likes to braid her hair, do her makeup, go shopping, etc 
she brushes off his flirting and will put a stop to it if he goes too far so it doesn’t bother her that much 
More with Obey Me! and The Arcana
Tag List: @mexicanmagick, @animefreak-247, @a-shy-self-insert, @fanfictwarrior​, @fandomsarepainful,  @azcela​, @niphredil-14, @gamelovers-posts, @virtualmemmecollector, @collarjessie, @officialdevorak✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask :)
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shinidamachu · 4 years
Summary: The stakes are high. The water's rough. But this love is ours. Word Count: 10.816 Genre: Fluff? Angst? Who’s to say? Certainly not me, the author. Fandom: InuYasha Pairing: Inukag Format: oneshot AO3 Link: 🌹 Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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“Sota, put this thing away. I won’t ask you again.”
“Fine!” The teenager let out in exasperation, putting the phone back into the confinement of his pocket.
His grandpa was making him lose his mind. In the interlude of fifteen minutes, the old man had managed to rant about how kids these days always had their faces stuffed into some kind of screen twice.
The bit about damaging the sight and going blind by the age of thirty-five because of it? A lecture all of its own.
“In my time,” he began, making Sota fight the urgency to groan, “we treated the elderly with respect and behaved at the table. It’s a sacred moment!”
“We’re not even eating, anyway! Kagome and her stupid boyfriend are late.”
“Sota! Manners!” Intervened his mom. “We don’t want InuYasha to think Kagome’s family is made up of inconsiderate barbarians, do we?”
Sota rolled his eyes, but remained silent. It was gonna be a long night.
There they were, in Earth’s lamest restaurant, waiting for his sister to arrive with her new boyfriend, who, going with the odds, was probably a goody-two-shoes nerd, just like that Hojo guy.
There was no one his age within the radius of a mile.
He was starving.
And to top it all off, bored to death.
It wasn’t like Sota didn’t love his family. He really did. Besides, seeing Kagome again was something he was looking forward to. Since she had moved out for medical school, they hadn’t spent much time together and although the boy would never admit it, he had quite missed their daily bickering.
He just wished they could met at home, in company of his TV and video games, where he could actually avoid his grandpa’s constant scolding in the holy peace of his bedroom.
“Look! Look, look, look, look, look.” As if on cue, the man in question elbowed Sota’s arm, coaxing him to eye the restaurant entrance. He silently snorted, wondering why his grandpa felt the annoying need to repeat the same word grumpier and more demanding each time. Didn’t he know Sota could hear him just fine from the first one? Nevertheless, wanting to get it over with, the boy did as he was told. A silver haired gentleman stayed awkwardly in the middle of the entryway, his attention torned between the salon and the outside. Even from afar, his demonic heritage stood out, but the dog ears crowning his head wasn’t the only remarkable feature he carried. “See his arms? What a disgrace, to dishonor his own body like that. I pray you, my boy, that you never inflict such disappointment on your old grandfather. I couldn’t bear the pain of seeing my only grandson grow into mafia scum.”
Sota didn’t respond the overdramatic affirmation. He was wonderstruck.
In spite of the anxiety the guy irradiated, he still looked pretty cool, dressed on dark jeans and an elegant white shirt. He had his sleeves rolled up to the biceps, displaying an impressive amount of tattoos. They covered all of the skin, from his wrists to his forearms, possibly ending at the shoulders. It was hard to make out the different shapes, given the distance, but every single one was drawn in black ink.
“Stop staring, you two.” Sang his mom. And Sota was about to obey.
But then, in entered his sister.
Kagome clung to the tattooed, supposedly criminal man, causing him to relax on the spot as her gaze scanned the room.
When the girl finally found them, her face lighted up in an excited smile. She said what, reading her lips, Sota interpreted as ‘there they are’ before taking him by the hand and heading right to their suddenly silent table.
It seemed that the night wouldn’t pass by without its share of emotions, after all.
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“InuYasha,are you ready? I don’t want to be late!”
The hanyou sighed in front of the mirror. Did she mean finished with dressing up ready or psychologically ready? It didn’t matter. The answer was no for both.
InuYasha had tried on almost every clothe he had. It served him right for letting piles and more piles of worn-out band t-shirts compose his wardrobe.
His mother had a point. He could definitely use a little makeover.
Every piece felt either too ordinary or too odd, so InuYasha gave up and went back to the button-down shirt he had put first — one of the few decent things he had to wear.
Now closed in their bathroom, determined to pay his mother’s atelier a visit as soon as possible and obsessively aligning the outfit, he couldn’t help but think the reflection staring back didn’t look like him at all.
“Actually, can we reschedule?”
“No way!” Squeaked his girlfriend, her steps louder and louder in her approach. “We’ve been postponing this for too long. Okay, I’m coming in!” She announced, opening the door at once.
“Whatever happened to privacy?”
“It moved out when I moved in.” His girlfriend threw him her best heart stopping smirk and walked in his direction. “Don’t you look gorgeous?”
“Keh. You always say that.” And he had yet to hear it without blushing.
“It’s always true.” Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck. With the extra inches the heels provided, she was nearly his height and her rose lips hovered temptingly within the reach of his. “Won’t you get hot on this shirt, though? We’re in the middle of summer.”
“I’ll be fine!” InuYasha burst out before he could bite back his tongue. Kagome considered him attentively, her narrowed eyes growing wide in realization.
“You’re hiding the tattoos, aren’t you?”
InuYasha looked away.
“I want them to like me.”
It was a difficult enough task to achieve. Being a half breed, he was despised by demons and feared by humans — apparently his ears, fangs and claws, not to mention the unusual color of his eyes and hair, were a lot for them to take in. The absolute last thing InuYasha needed was for her family to think he was some sort of delinquent too. Which, of course, they would.
He figured, since people would be afraid of him either way, he might as well took it to his advantage and do whatever he wanted, consequences be damned. As a result, whoever wasn’t scared of his demon blood sure pissed their pants at the sight of his tattoos, taking him for a criminal. InuYasha couldn’t care less. There was a good amount of fights against human opponents he won that way.
But that was before her.
Not caring is easier when you have nothing to lose.
InuYasha didn’t doubt his actions would blow up on his face, eventually. It was all they ever did. But never, not even in a million years, he could have predicted Kagome. Now consequences were here to bite him in the ass.
Her folks had plenty to unpack the way it was. At least with the tattoos he could do something about.
“InuYasha…” Her slender fingers caressed his chin, demanding his focus entirely for herself. He complied. “You don’t have to do this. I want you to be yourself.” She grabbed his right arm and rolled the sleeve all the way up, revealing the intricate mosaic of figures, doodles and forms he collected along the last decade. “They are going to love you.”
“Easy for you to say, now that my family worships the ground you walk on.”
It had only taken a mild sunday lunch. By the end of it, Kagome had Mr. and Mrs. Taisho eating from the palm of her hand, just like she had their son. That was the day his mother had furtively handed him the engagement ring she inherited from her mother, claiming Kagome was the one he should give it to when the right moment comes. There was no falter from his part.
A month had passed, Kagome and his mom texted one another on a daily basis, and the damn thing still weighed deep inside his pocket. InuYasha carried it with him everywhere, waiting for the perfect occasion and concerned that she might find it if he left it lying around.
“Well, worship is such a strong word...” Said Kagome, doing with his left sleeve the same thing she did with the other, but this time allowing herself to trace the black marks of his arm, lingering on the newest, the little sakura flower InuYasha had gotten solely for her. He raised his eyebrows. “Okay, maybe your parents do it a little bit, but your brother hates my guts. You gotta give me that.”
“Nah, Sesshoumaru hates everyone. You ain’t special.”
“Huh… Thanks?”
InuYasha smiled at her adorable grimace, but it was short lived.
“What if they don’t? Like me, I mean.”
Both of them knew it was a real possibility.
If they were being honest, they hated each other at the beginning themselves. Most of it, undoubtful, due to repressed sexual attraction. Still, they were constantly jumping at each other’s throats before starting to jump at each other’s bones.
Attracting and repelling like magnets, they have been through a crazy amount of screaming, crying and slamming doors. Once it was clear that what they had was much more than sex, the need had risen to protect that love at all costs.
They had to.
Every odd was against them.
He was a half demon. Most people hated him at worse and tolerated at best — and that had a lot to do with his family’s money, Kagome being one of the uncommon exceptions. In fact, she was the exception to essentially every rule he had.
She was also a human. No, not only a human. That would be too easy. The girl was a priestess. Her family was responsible for a fucking shrine.
Their relationship was the epitome of taboo.
So they had kept it on the low for as long as they could, adopting a discreet profile even after she moved in with him. They didn’t want to risk it, didn’t want to jinx it. It wasn’t worth it.
Their love was theirs and theirs alone, too precious to fall into the cruel claws of the world.
It was a shame it couldn’t stay that way forever.
Sooner or later they would have to leave the safe heaven inside those walls and he was terrified of finding out whether or not they could take it.
Kagome’s kindness, her unprejudiced beliefs... They had to come from somewhere, and she affirmed it was from her family. How would her folks react, however, once those beliefs were put to the test? InuYasha learned from experience that, sometimes, people struggled to stick to their morals the second they stopped being convenient.
“Then it will be just another bump on the road. What’s one more?”
Her hands flew to undo his top button — and nothing more. Tensing involuntarily when her digits contacted the exposed skin, InuYasha let out a shaky breath as she retreated to explore his chest over the shirt, shamelessly going lower.
“Weren’t you the one in a hurry just now?”
“I am.” She defied.
“I’m not.”
InuYasha placed his hands on her waist and pressed her against the nearest wall. He couldn’t help it, not after the things she said. Especially when she said them with that dress on — light blue, contrasting with the darkness of her hair, the skirt hugging her waistline, widening at the bottom. No sleeves. Only provocative, unbelievably thin straps. So different from her everyday white clothes.
It was his favorite and he had no doubt it was intentional.
Her mouth was off limits. InuYasha knew better than to mess up her makeup mere minutes away of such important event. Her neck, on the other hand…
“Don’t you look gorgeous?” He asked, nose burying on her skin.
“Uh, uh. D-don’t you sweet talk me.” Kagome tilted her head, giving him unrestrained access and grabbing a handful of his hair as he hooked her leg around him, fingers lifting her skirt up, venturing further and further.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She was limp in his embrace. InuYasha recognized by instinct when his body was the only thing preventing hers from melting to the ground.
“We… We’re doing this.”
“I know.” He eagerly kissed her collarbone, downing to the start of the cleavage. 
“It’s just a harmless dinner...” She was panting now, nails traveling through his back, applying sufficient pressure to make quite the damage had he been naked. InuYasha went up her throat, his tongue wandering free.
“...And then… T-then we’ll go... to my childhood house.” Kagome paused and he knew it was to hold back a moan as he relentlessly kissed his way up to her chin and jawline, finding destination at her earlobe. “You’ll get…” He bit it. “... T-to see my old bedroom,” bargained her. InuYasha smirked.
“I’m listening,” he whispered, returning to her neck. InuYasha had every intention to suck on the inviting flesh until it left a mark, but restrained himself. Something told him her family wouldn’t be fond of it.
His resolve not to claim her lips, though, were increasingly fading. Whatever. Better beg for her taste now and for her forgiveness later.
Reading his thoughts — as she often did —, Kagome gently pushed him away. Good. Their proximity, allied with the escalating scent of her arousal, wasn’t making them any favors in the ‘getting out of the house’ department.
“Come on,” she tapped his hand, subtly pleading for him to release her leg, a lead that InuYasha followed with extreme reluctance. He observed as his girlfriend regained composure. The fingers that not long ago were mapping, grasping and scratching every inch of him now fixed the dress strap he had no memory of pulling down. To a newcomer, it would look as if nothing had ever happened. “We’ll have a wonderful time.”
“To be fair, I was having a wonderful time just now.”
“Oh, I can tell you were. That’s exactly why we better get going.”
“Fine.” InuYasha sighed, letting himself be dragged out of their bathroom as she giggled at his less than thrilled disposition.
And there was something about her laughter — so vibrant and carefree — that, combined with the welcome comfort of her hand on his, made InuYasha feel invincible. Having Kagome by his side was like entering the boxe ring already ten points ahead.
“Do you want to go through the basics again?”
Crossing the living room, InuYasha recited his mental notes without missing a beat, the perfect picture of an A+ student, even if for the most part of his life, he had been a solid C+.
“Don’t swear. Don’t bring up your father. Don’t mention we live together.”
“Good! Unless...” Kagome stopped and turned to him. Half hesitant, half hopeful. “Do you think I should tell mom I moved here?”
InuYasha was conflicted. It was only fair that she did. His parents had heard the news the day she brought all of her stuff in. And in spite of knowing he’d give her the world if she so wished, Kagome never asked for much.
Yet, he was scared. Scared that Mrs. Higurashi disapproved the arrangement. Scared she would tell her daughter to leave.
What, then?
He had forgotten how his apartment — their apartment — used to be before the bright colors and pout-porris. Before the plants, the second toothbrush on the sink, the pictures frames and the intoxicating scent her body left all over the sheets.
And he didn’t want to remember.
According to Kagome, however, her mother was an understanding, open-minded woman, who put her children’s happiness above everything else. Which certainly  worked in his favor, since InuYasha had turned making Kagome happy into his daily mission and, modesty aside, he believed to be doing a pretty damn good job so far.
InuYasha starred at their fingers, still interlocked, and reminded to be brave.
“If you feel like you should...”
“I do! I honestly do. We used to tell every little thing to each other. I miss that.”
“Then go ahead.”
“Really?” She thanked him with a tight hug, her palpable excitement coming off her in a giant wave that almost washed all of his doubts away. Almost. 
“What about the others?”
“Sota is a child, it’s not of his business.”
“And your grandfather?”
Kagome moved within his embrace, revealing pursed lips when she did.
“Yeah... He’ll definitely need more time. Let’s give it three to five years!”
A surprised laugh left his lips when he saw the truth behind the joke.
“You’re freaking out about telling him, aren’t you?”
“Am not!”
“You totally are!” He said, deflecting from the fact that he, too, was panicking and that waiting five years or more to have that talk was actually a very appealing idea.
“It’s just… He can be a tad traditional sometimes.”
“Awesome!” InuYasha said, with every drop of sarcasm he could gather. “We both know I’m all about traditions.”
Smiling, she reached for his hand again.
“Shall we?”
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They call it ripple effect. It’s the situation in which one event produces a certain impact, inevitably spreading and producing further consequences. The concept usually comes with the classic example of throwing a rock in a steady pond, which InuYasha thought fitting. Whenever the half demon first stepped into a crowd of strangers, he pretty much felt like that rock.
Heads would turn straight to him in cascade. Surprise. Terror. Disgust. Condescension. Pity. As years went by, he had gotten it all.
Be as it may, soon enough the staring would abruptly get directed anywhere else and be replaced with whispers they didn’t know he could hear. Eventually, the waters would settle, but after the initial contact, the pond could never go back to the way it was. Neither could the rock.
His father had taught him to keep his chin up no matter what. The hatred of lesser men was an irrelevant price to pay for being unique. He should be proud of who he is. His mother had told him not to seek validation from others when he already had people who loved and cared for him unconditionally. Those were the guidances InuYasha religiously lived by. Still, sometimes, the hanyou wished he was allowed to just be. 
That night was surely the case.
The restaurant was crowded. It should be, in such a busy hour. The habitual glaring didn’t go unnoticed by InuYasha when he walked in — it bore holes on his flesh and broke into his bones. As usual, he brushed it off.
His focus oscillated like the flames inside the ornamental lanterns that provided warmth to the place in shades of red, orange and yellow.
Before him, undistinguished buzz raised above the background music and the pervasive smell of food served as a cruel reminder that he hadn’t put anything in his stomach since lunch. The lights, the sounds, the people, the scents. It was an overwhelming sensation to contemplate it all. In another day, in a calmer state of mind, he would have spotted her family in a heartbeat. Kagome, the loving daughter she was, had shown him enough pictures of them for the task to be a child’s play. Still, he didn’t dare to look. Not yet. Not when he was so unsure of what he might find written all over their faces. The same phrases on different pages.
Behind him, a delighted Kagome chatted in the staircase with the woman she had introduced as her middle school history professor. InuYasha had promptly forgotten her name. In no mood for engaging the conversation and wanting to save all of his small talk for dinner, he had politely excused himself, opting for walking ahead while the two of them reminisced.
Obviously, he had underestimated her communication skills, because a considerable amount of time had passed until Kagome caught up to him. Her arm tangled up with his quite easily. All at once, everything was gone, reduced to the speck of dust they were. There was only Kagome, searching the room in concentration. And there was only him, dazed by the smile that accommodated so well on her face, by the colors dancing on her cheeks and lights glittering on her eyes.
“There they are!” Kagome announced, breaking the spell.
His throat went completely dry. On his brain, sirens ran off, telling him to run for his life. How disappointed would she get if he grabbed her and fled? InuYasha also wondered, in vain, what the opponents he had faced would think, if they discovered what a coward the man who had ruthlessly knocked them out truly was. Kagome guided him towards the table where her family awaited, dispelling the intrusive thoughts away.
“Sorry we’re late!” She sat down and so did InuYasha, taking the free spot by her side. “We got caught up in traffic.”
“That’s alright, honey.” Mrs. Higurashi reassured with a tone as sweet as her smile. “I’m just glad you’re here now. We’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. So much!” She replied, drinking each component of her family in, as if to carve their features into her memory so she might have something to hold onto until they met again. After a brief pause, Kagome kicked off the introductions. “Everyone, this is InuYasha. InuYasha, this is my family.”
Her grandfather was a perfect materialization of the pictures InuYasha had seen, with his wrinkled skin, grey hair and stoic expression. Her mother, too, matched up his expectations. The woman portrayed an effortless type of beauty, all dimples and heart-shaped face framed by wavy, short brown hair.
It was Sota who surprised him the most.
From Kagome’s descriptions, InuYasha was under the impression the boy would be way smaller than he actually was — although he was small, considering he was still a child. The half demon couldn’t decide if Kagome was oblivious to Sota’s growth due to her crazy student schedule or if it was her big sister bias that affected her judgement, but it was clear that Sota was gonna be taller than her in the near future. The boy also looked very clever for his age — even to someone in InuYasha’s case, who knew little to nothing about kids — and stared at him with something suspiciously close to expectancy.
InuYasha cleared his throat.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“The reciprocal is hardly true.” Whipped a dissonant baritone, so rigid it cut the air. “I haven’t heard much of you, that’s for sure and certain.”
There was no naivety left on InuYasha to believe the lack of reciprocity the man mentioned had anything to do with whether Kagome had told them detailed stories about her new boyfriend or not.
Apparently, Mrs. Higurashi had picked up on how shallow his last sentence sounded as well, because she was quick to swoop in and smooth things over.
“You were, indeed, a mystery, InuYasha.”
“I told you why.” Intervened Kagome, in an apologizing tone. “We were still figuring things out.”
“Well, if you two are done with figuring things out, can we please eat?” Sota retorted. InuYasha had no complaints there. Unfortunately, the elderly man interrupted them with the unapologetic conviction of someone who wasn’t aware a conversation was being had, or that simply didn’t care.
“Are you a Yakuza member?”
It didn’t go unnoticed by the hanyou that the man had addressed him twice without calling his name once. Nonetheless, the question was absolutely directed to InuYasha. Even if the word ‘Yakuza’ wasn’t instantly associated with the tattoos he carried, there were other indications. The abrupt silence that followed, one step away from a cliff of awkwardness, for instance. Or the hawk eyes of Kagome’s grandfather, studying his every move.
Luckly, he had warned his girlfriend in advance something like that could happen. More often than not, it did. To the point where he was used to it. And as much as she didn’t like it, he resolved to brush it off, at least for the night.
“Because of the tattoos?” He asked, playing dumb. “I get that a lot, but no. I just think they’re cool.” InuYasha shrugged, then felt the uncontrollable need to over explain himself: “The tattoos, I mean. Not the mafia.”
That earned him a laugh from Sota and a chuckle from Mrs. Higurashi. Kagome and her grandfather didn’t find it so funny.
“Grandpa, tattoos are very common thing all around the world! Don’t you think if everyone who had one was a Yakuza member, we’d be in serious trouble by now?” InuYasha observed her spit the acid comeback, thrown off to see their parts inverted. Usually, he was the one starting fires left and right and she was the placid source of water that always put them down. Again, the man ignored it.
“Then what do you do for a living?”
InuYasha almost smirked. That was precisely the sort of cliche interrogatory he was expecting — no, that he was wishing. After walking on so many eggshells, they were finally entering known territory and, as he felt the firm path of a parents pleaser answer forming under his feet, his confidence boosted.
“I’m majoring in business administration. My father wants my brother and I to learn as much as we can, if we’re gonna run the family company someday.”
It was extremely satisfying to watch the guy trying and failing to come up with any judgemental thing to say. His mouth sealed into a thin line.
“But what InuYasha really wants is to be a boxer.”
His head snapped to Kagome, astonished that she would turn him in there and then. The girl was not kidding when she demanded him to be himself.
“No way!” Sota exclaimed the words in the precise way his sister did when she was excited.
“Isn’t this dangerous, dear?” Mrs. Higurashi was genuine concerned. Her cinnamon irises studied him carefully, as if already searching for wounds. It reminded him of his own mother.
“Actually, InuYasha is undefeated.” Kagome replied for him, not bothering to hide the pride tone in her voice. 
So it’s chill when you brag about it, but when I do, I’m a cocky jerk. He amused, simultaneously deciding it sounded better when she did, anyway.
“Awesome! How come I have never seen you fight on TV?”
At Sota’s crescent interest, InuYasha answered in a bursting of atypical modesty.
“I didn’t get there just yet.”
“I’m sure it’s a matter of time.” Encouraged Mrs. Higurashi. Kagome’s grandfather scoffed. “I must ask you, though: how did you two met?”
“My sister isn’t the most athletic of girls.” Agreed Sota.
“I can’t believe I missed you.” The girl fired back.
“That’s true. But I can tell you first hand that she’s got a mean right hook.”
Her brother was thrilled. Her mom, not so much.
“She punched you?”
“Oh, my.”
“No! I gave her a couple of self defense classes, that’s all.” InuYasha hurried to explain.
“Oh!” Mrs. Higurashi seemed visibly relieved her daughter didn’t walk around purposefully breaking the criminal code. “Well, in that case I really appreciate it. Thank you, dear.”
“So that’s how you met? Self defense classes?”
“Not quite.”
The self defense classes came way later, in what InuYasha labeled as the ‘denial’ phase.
It started on a random night. They were arguing over something stupid, for a change. Things escalated rather fast and, against his better judgement, they had angry sex on her couch. He hadn’t thought much of it back them, telling himself they were just blowing off steam, that it wouldn’t happen again.
Only it did.
Over and over.
It was useless to fight it. No way to escape it. After a while, InuYasha had stopped trying and accepted the fact that every road lead him back to her bed. What he couldn’t, wouldn’t, refused to acknowledge, however, was that somewhere along the way, an invisible line was crossed and, as animosity gave space to awkward cordiality and awkward cordiality gave space to unlikely fondness, Kagome became much more than a mind-blowing fuck, even if at first he was too stubborn to say so.
And so, InuYasha came up with socially acceptable excuses to spend more time with her without it coming off as a big deal, hence the self defense classes. They were perfect for them, once it was something he mastered and it involved lots of physical contact. Besides, the half demon slept better at night, knowing Kagome could throw a proper punch at anyone who got too handsy. It wasn’t part of the ordinary self defense program, but then again, she was no ordinary girl. Although her spiritual powers assured no youkai would lay a finger on her, the priestess was on her own in terms of human threats. What InuYasha did was making sure that was enough.
They’ve been inseparable ever since.
“We’ve met through Miroku long before that.” Kagome clarified, conveniently leaving the petty behavior and childish arguments they had that first day out of it. “InuYasha is his roommate. Also, Sango has been friends with him since he was ten.”
“Oh!” The table nodded in understanding, working the math for themselves. It wasn’t a difficult calculation to make.
Miroku was a close friend of her family. Quite literally, given they were neighbors for as long as the bastard could remember. His family was spiritually gifted like no other and took to themselves the responsibility to help little Kagome Higurashi to improve her abilities to the fullest. As a result, they grew up together. People often confused them for siblings and at heart, they were.
InuYasha met the nuisance of a friend several years later, when both of them entered college. Graduation certainly wasn’t his biggest goal in life. Far from it. It was more like a boring thing he had to do in order to conquer his deserved space in the real world. Regardless, the half demon was eager to enjoy his first shot at independency.
He found a great place right outside campus, but the extent of time he could afford it without resorting to his folk’s pockets was limited. Doing all of the domestic chores by himself wasn’t appealing, either. He needed a roommate.
A river of candidates flooded his inbox — it was truly a fantastic deal — Miroku stood out for being the only human to reply to his advertisement. Curious, InuYasha booked an interview. The man was clearly a womanizer, appreciated a good booze and was the farthest thing from what he claimed his family to be. Or from what InuYasha looked for in a friend.
And yet, to his total bewilderment, they hit it off right away.
How was he supposed to know Miroku would fall for Sango?
His best friend Sango. 
The same Sango who helped him to train under the correct and outraging pretext that she had always been faster, that his defense was pathetic and that she would hate to see him get his ass kicked.
Gorgeous, confident, heart of gold Sango…
Yes, standing back from it now, InuYasha was a fool for not seeing it coming, since that was the obvious part.
The not so obvious one was that the two lovebirds would engage into a very loving, very serious relationship and that when Sango’s turn came to move out for college, Miroku would suggest an old friend to fill the vacant roommate position in her new apartment. A freshman as well, named Kagome.
And so InuYasha’s undoing began.
An unplanned dinner with mutual friends was hardly the most remarkable way to meet someone, but whenever InuYasha thought about the exquisite series of coincidences, about all of the incidents bound to happen in order to put them face to face in that distant autumn night… Well, he couldn’t shake the feeling it was meant to be, even if he had never had much faith in destiny, soulmates or any of that corny crap, there was no denying that suddenly every love song started making sense.
Flash forward and Miroku switched places with Kagome to better attend the living situation for the four of them. And that was that.
“What a… Delightful turn of events.” The venomous remark of the Higurashi patriarch brought the hanyou back to the present. This polite facade was what bothered him the most and InuYasha wanted the man, just for once, to say what he actually meant to say.
“Isn’t it?” Said Kagome, her enthusiasm palpable. If the girl had noticed the sarcasm hidden in that comment — and InuYasha was willing to bet so —, she made a point to disdain it, landing one hand on his knee, a discreet act of support.
Her grandfather clenched his jaw.
“InuYasha, you mentioned your family owns a company.” Mrs. Higurashi changed the subject unapologetically. “Any chances we have heard of it?”
He clung to the distraction like it was a life jacket.
“Probably, yeah! Taisho Inc.?”
“As in Toga Taisho?” Sota asked, his chin dropping. “Toga Taisho is your dad?” 
“And Izayoi is his mom.” Kagome added, fixing a knowing gaze on her own mother, whose bewilderment now mirrored her son’s.
“The Izayoi?”
“The one and only.” The hanyou nodded, accustomed to the heated reactions his distinguished bloodline got him. For better or for worse.
“Oh, her brand is fantastic! I read somewhere every clothing collection is environment friendly. And they’re so affordable, too!”
“Mom, you’re jabbering.” Interjected Sota.
“Sorry.” She said. More to be polite than anything else. “I’m a huge fan of her work!”
“So I’ve been told.” InuYasha glanced at Kagome, who stared at him right back. It was all it took, and he would be able to draw a meticulous picture of what she was thinking: both their mothers, chatting and enjoying a cold cup of tea under the setting sun like long date friends. Knowing his mom — and now Mrs. Higurashi — that was quite a possible scene.
“I’m sure the two of you will meet at some point.” Proclaimed Kagome. “Anyway… You won’t believe who InuYasha and I bumped into when we arrived—”
“Miss Kaede.” Sota and Mrs. Higurashi simultaneously answered, and at Kagome’s questioning expression, the boy shrugged. “She saw when we got here and came to say hi.”
They ordered minutes after.
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The meal was hot and tasty, one of the best InuYasha had ever had. It helped that having dinner with her family, as it turned out, had been an overall pleasant experience. Light. Breezy. Sota and Mrs Higurashi did a wonderful job at keeping him comfortable. InuYasha would go as far as saying they had liked him, and for that he was insanely grateful.
Kagome’s grandfather, however, was a whole other story. The guy despised him and didn’t lift a finger to cover it, but he had spent the rest of the night relatively quiet about it, so InuYasha labeled it as progress.
He had offered them a ride home and they had accepted, just like Kagome said they would. It was funny, the speed in which he grew accustomed to their dynamics. Kagome and her brother mindless bickering, their mother pretending exasperation while secretly pleased, the drive filled with childhood tales and life updates, a innocent joke every now and then. It was decidedly something InuYasha could be a part of.
Their property was a rustic piece of land inserted between one urban construction and the next, refusing to be touched by modern convenience. Kagome’s enchantment for the place was justified. Growing up in there couldn’t have been anything less than magical.
“It’s not much,” Mrs. Higurashi apologized, “but it’s home.” She opened the door and turned on the light.
The house seemed bigger on the inside. Not fancy big. Cozy big. On every wall, past and future merged themselves in harmony. The decoration, simple and of good taste, spoke anecdotes of the merry family living there.
As they entered the living room, a movement alarmed his senses, and in a quick motion InuYasha dove in just in time to grab the falling ornamental vase before it hit the ground. The responsible for the almost disaster meowed and jumped off the glass shelf, making a point of stepping on InuYasha with indifference to then greet the others.
“You must be Buyo.”
“Nice catch!” Congratulated Sota.
“Oh, my! Thank you, InuYasha. This vase is very dear to me.” He handed her the adornment, which was immediately restored the its rightful spot. “Kagome, why don’t you show your boyfriend around?”
Obediently, her daughter let go of the purring cat and played the role of guide, giving him a comprehensive tour through her former home. Truth to her word, she saved the best for last.
“Before we get in, I want you to remember I was young and didn’t know any better.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” He established, gesturing for her to rush and turn the knob.
Her bedroom was a gleeful explosion of pink and purple. From the roof to the floor, most of the surfaces were bathed in different shades of the combination. Sheets. Teddy bears. Carpet. Alarm clock. Curtains. Posters that could now pass for vintage. InuYasha was impressed. Despite all reason, the aesthetic actually worked.
He barked a laugh.
“What did you have against the other colors?”
“Shut up, I was five!”
InuYasha ignored her in favor of snooping around. Objects that dared not to stick with the pink or purple agenda were inevitably highlighted by it. He went after those first.
“So many CDs!” InuYasha contemplated, inspecting her collection attentively. Music was a passion they shared. Even though she was a pop kind of girl and he fell more into the rock line, they had been able to find common ground, eventually. Like Rihanna. Or The Beatles. “Are you kidding me?”
Kagome acknowledged his raised brows and the copy of a NSYNC album he was holding with a giggle.
“I stand by it.”
Books also filled the room. For starts, there was the Biology ones, piled up on her writing desk in a greater amount than what could be considered healthy — and more worn out than the math editions. On the main bookcase, he ran his claws through the good stuff. Jane Austen. J.K. Rowling. Stephen King. He wasn’t much of a reader, himself. His relationship with literature came down to the bedtime stories her mom lulled him to sleep with and A Song of Ice and Fire, which Kagome was currently reading because of him, albeit they had binged Game Of Thrones together.
Among her personal, reduced library, there was one book that gave the impression not to belong. It was larger, made of aged, tawny leather and no inscription was printed on the spine. Curious, InuYasha pulled it out, discovering the item to be a photo album. He pointed to its cover. 
“Can I?”
“Knock yourself out.”
She paid no attention to him as he sat on her bed and cautiously flipped through the pages, too lost in her own nostalgia.
The compilation began at a hospital room. A younger Mrs. Higurashi exhibited a teary smile to the chubby newborn nestled against her chest, the arms of an equally jubilant man involved them in a hug. Mr. Higurashi had elongated traits that narrowed his chin and pronounced nose in a gentle manner, like time had purposefully left his boyish attributes untouched. He resembled Sota. In everything except his wavy, dark hair. InuYasha grinned. Kagome had her father’s hair.
The photograph below showed three pair of legs, lazily lying on white sheets. A woman, a man and between them a baby, the size difference contributing to make the latter even cuter. Next to that, a picture of baby Kagome old enough to sit up, dressing onesie pajamas and chewing on a pacifier. Her grandfather appeared every now and then, feeding her porridge, kissing her tiny palm, exasperated at the paint mess she had done on the hall.
InuYasha watched her grow up the deeper he advanced. From crawling to standing behind Mrs. Higurashi, wrapping her little arms around the long skirt of her mother as she did the dishes. From that, to climbing onto a chair to help her father with the baking, covered in flour in front of the kitchen table while he proudly cleaned her up. Picnics. Beach trips. Birthdays. Every milestone was documented. After her first day at school — a big red ribbon on her hair —, new characters came to scene. Miroku, by her side on the backyard, one of his teeth missing and autumn leaves sticking to the two of them everywhere, twin wide smiles on their lips. Buyo, only a kitten napping on her lap as they sat on a tyre swing. She was wearing a beautiful dress and sneakers, her feet inches away from the ground.
There was a significant passage of time when InuYasha turned to another page. He knew it because, abruptly, Sota was there too, even though Mrs. Higurashi had been pregnant just a few images ago. The subtitle read Kagome, giving her baby brother a bath. In reality, she had used shampoo to pin all of his hair up. Her growth was perceptible as well.
There were no pictures of Mr. Higurashi anymore.
Instead, Sota, Miroku and some other friends conquered a little more of space, as Kagome got closer and closer to become the woman InuYasha came to know. The final picture was of her high school gang. Ayumi, Eri, Yuka.
And Hojo.
She had dated him back then and they were friends to this day. Naturally. Because Kagome was fundamentally a good person. And the fucker was unabashedly still into her.
The worst thing was, he couldn’t even bring himself to resent the guy. As a matter of fact, the hanyou pitied him. If InuYasha was in his shoes, he doubt he could ever move on from Kagome. Be that as it may, he much would have preferred they had held a grudge, blocked each other on social media and called it quits. Like normal people did.
Kagome was staring out the window by the time InuYasha shut the album and returned it to its shelf. He let his face fall into the curve of her shoulder — a flawless fit — in the process of embracing her waist. She leaned her head to him, her fingertips caressing his forearms.
Out of respect, they had left the door open, but it was just for show. His keen senses ensured they could get away with innocent displays of affection without having to worry about unexpected interruptions.
“What are we lookin’ at?”
“The Goshinboku.” The view of her bedroom was composed by a stunning garden, a mighty tree standing tall in the center of it. “When I was a little girl, there was a tyre swing attached to it. My dad built it for me. And grandpa almost had a heart attack because the tree is supposed to be sacred.”
The fresh memory came rushing back, of a lovely girl, her sleeping cat and a tyre swing.
“He sounds like a good man.” InuYasha let it out, mentally kicking himself at the same time. Don’t bring up her father, remembered his inner voice, a second too late. Damn it, he thought, I was doing so well. But they were alone. And Kagome was the one to raise the subject.
“The best.” She agreed, the longing painfully distinguishable in her timbre. “The colors are his fault, actually. He let me pick them and insisted I’d help him painting, saying it was my room and therefore I should be an active part of its making in order to truly look my own. I felt like such a grown up, with that brush in my hand! It wasn’t until years later I realized he had done most of the heavy work, of course. My enthusiasm about the colors decreased with time, I gotta admit. But I never wanted to change it, because whenever I see them, I’m taken back to that day.”
InuYasha was at a loss for words.
In one night, Kagome had shared more about her father than she had in their entire relationship, the topic always a delicate one.
To measure her pain, he tried to imagine what would be like. His life without Toga Taisho in every step of the way, with his goofy jokes and thunderous laughter, teaching him how to shave, talking about girls, buying him his first pair of boxing gloves. Cheering him on. Most fathers wouldn’t be as supportive of his career choice. Especially when it meant stepping down from the family empire.
InuYasha couldn’t even began to understand.
Unexpectedly, he was assaulted by the crushing need to hug his old man.
“He’d be proud of ya. You know that, right?”
“I do.” Kagome sighed. She was at the verge of crying, he could tell. “I wish he had met you.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
“So...” Kagome bravely pushed her sorrow underneath, recovering the cheerful temper that was so typical of her. “Did you find anything good in that photo album?”
“Oh, yeah!” InuYasha nodded, taking her unsaid ask for distraction for what it was. “Miroku won’t hear the end of it.” She laughed and he relaxed at the sound. “Come on, let’s go downstairs. Your grandfather is getting distraught.”
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“How did you do that?” Sota watched the TV screen in awe as their characters fought. InuYasha had just released a powerful blow, inflecting several damage on his opponent.
Sota pressed the combination and as soon as he did, his character recreated the attack, hitting InuYasha back full force. The kid learned fast.
“Sweet! You gotta teach me more of this stuff! Can I come over to your place sometime?”
“Sure!” He answered, in autopilot. Kagome quietly pinched him in the tigh and the half demon realized his mistake. Don’t mention we live together. What an idiot he was. InuYasha wouldn’t have to mention anything if her brother saw it with his own eyes. “I-I mean, if that’s cool with your mom. It ain’t a quick drive.”
“For real?!”
“Yeah, just… Text me first.”
“You got it!”
InuYasha shrugged apologetically to his frustrated girlfriend. It was the best he could do.
“Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi swiftly called from the kitchen. “Can you help me with the desserts, please?”
Involuntarily, his ears twitched to follow her trail of noises. Steps. Crockery getting handled. Whispers.
“Alright: your honest opinion. Go!”
“Oh, I think your opinion is the one that counts.”
“It’s the one that counts the most. It’s not the only one that counts.”
“In that case, I must say you make a lovely couple. InuYasha caused an excellent impression on me. The way he looks at you… Your father used to look at me just like that.”
There was a pause.
Out of habit, InuYasha kept hitting the right buttons, but his interest was far away from the game.
“Now, what else are you wanting to tell me?”
“How did you know?”
“A mother always does. What is it?”
“InuYasha and I… We’re living together.”
“I had my suspicions.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“Are you happy?”
“The happiest.”
“Well, then. That’s all that matters to me.”
“Thank you! I love you so much!”
“I love you too, honey. But it might be wise not to let your grandfather know for now.”
“I figured as much.”
“One more thing.”
“Are the two of you using protection?”
“What? It’s a fair concern.”
InuYasha had darkened multiple shades of embarrassment, all of them red. Sota took advantage of his temporary stupefied state to deliver the final blast, settling their score.
“I totally let you win.”
“You wish!”
The two women walked into the room, dessert glasses on their hands. Sota accepted the one his mother offered him while Kagome sat on her previous spot by InuYasha.
“This candy is a family recipe.” Mrs. Higurashi explained. “It’s also the reason why we didn’t order a dessert at the restaurant.”
InuYasha hadn’t complained. In terms of food, sugary snacks were hardly his favorites. He opened his mouth, planning to decline the treat in way that wasn’t too rude, but his girlfriend beat him to the punch and sticked a spoon full of the stuff inside his mouth. The flavor outburst on his tongue was unprecedented, caramel being the base of it. The kickoff was undeniably sweet, pursued by a salty ending that assured a refined balance.
“Holy f… ork.” Don’t swear. At least this time he managed to caught himself before the failure.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Said Mrs. Higurashi, as InuYasha grabbed his portion from Kagome’s grasp and ate the whole thing in eager spoonfuls.
“How come you never made me one of those?” He threw Kagome an accusatory glance.
“I’m sorry, I just don’t think our relationship is that solid yet.”
InuYasha was formulating a sly remark when he heard her grandfather struggling to carry a heavy wood box.
“Sir, wanna some help?” He volunteered, already jumping to the rescue.
“I’m old, not invalid.”
“It wasn’t my intention to suges—”
“Grandpa, please don’t be dramatic.” Intervened Kagome. “We don’t want a broken hip, do we?”
Grudgingly, the elder turned his burden over to InuYasha, who followed him out into the storehouse. He was serenaded by the crickets and the constant instructions of the wrinkle bag, urging him to be careful.
“Where do you want this, sir?”
“There.” He pointed to the left corner of the room and InuYasha accomplished the task without breaking a sweat. Or a priceless relic. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” The temptation to spin on his heels and exit the building was tremendous. For Kagome, though, he had to make an effort. “I guess is safe to say you don’t like me or my tattoos very much. That’s alright, I get it. You just met me. But I promise you, sir, I would never, ever, do anything to hurt your granddaughter. I’m a hundred percent committed to Kagome. In fact…” InuYasha fished the ring off his back pocket and presented it to him. “I intend to propose to her in a near future. You don’t have to answer right now, just know it would mean a lot to her… To us, if you could give us your blessing.”
The man glared at the ring as if it was a viper ready to strike.
“I wasn’t aware this relationship of yours was that serious.”
“Well… It kinda is. I… I love her.”
InuYasha felt naked, so very naked, under the somber gaze of that man. However true his words were, he wasn’t the type to pour his heart out, let alone to someone he had met for less than the duration of a night. Vulnerability was something to be avoided. Let your guard open, you get knocked down. A lifetime of boxing will teach you that. Still, Kagome was worth way more than his stupid pride. 
“I see. In that case, you must end it at once.”
“I held my peace because I was convinced, the moment my granddaughter introduced you as her boyfriend, that this was bound to break. Do not take it personally. I can’t possibly be the first one to point it out and chances are I won’t be the last. You are far from the man I imagined her future husband to be. Yet here you are, speaking of marriage. It is up to me, then, to open your eyes and remind you the implications of it.”
“The implications of it.” The hanyou half repeated, half questioned. The superior tone in which the man expressed himself was enerving and the fact InuYasha had no idea of where he was trying to get only worsened the tension.
“Your mother is human, is she not?” All of the pieces fell into place right then. He would rather they hadn’t.
“Yes, she is.”
“Then you better than anyone must know of the hardships she had to endure as a result of her lifestyle.” 
InuYasha was numb. Completely anesthetized. It was to be expected his stupor would soft the pain of the bad memories. It didn’t.
Romeo and Juliet got nothing on his parents. His mom had told him the story time and time again. They had met each other on a tropical storm. Her car died and of course he was there to help. She kept his coat. He kept her phone number on a piece of paper that accidentally was ruined by the rain. When their paths crossed again, he was a divorced father and she was engaged. They managed to get it right anyway. Timing was a comical thing. It never worked with rationality.
Both families were against it. Strongly against it. His mother was no longer welcomed in the house. They had burned to the ground any evidence she once belonged to that place. The only thing she took with her was the ring of her deceased mother that InuYasha now held inside his clenched fist. She wasn’t allowed in the Taisho mansion either, but it just meant his father wouldn’t set foot feet there as well.
There were grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins InuYasha didn’t have the chance to met. Because they didn’t want to. Other than from Sesshoumaru and his mom, that was it for him in the family section.
He used to resent it. When he caught a homesick Izayoi crying. When his father yelled at the management of some restaurant about their anti-human politics. When she was denied entrance because InuYasha was in her arms. When the family tree of the other kids in school was so much more complex than his. Fortunately, he came to terms with it. Family had little to do with blood.
“It wasn’t her fault and it wasn’t your father’s, either.” InuYasha heard him go on. “Regardless, this is the way things are. The way things have always been. And pretending otherwise is to believe in fairytales. You can not blame me for wishing a better fate upon Kagome.”
“Kagome is happy. I know she is!”
“For now. What would be of this so called happiness in the long run? Keep in mind Kagome is a priestess. What if this union causes her to lose her spiritual powers? Even if she doesn’t, a child born out of it would carry demon genes. It can not be avoided. It can affect their reiki greatly.”
“W-we haven’t talk—”
Kids. The subject was never discussed between them. It was not a secret Kagome wanted to have children. She should have children. Motherhood suited her. InuYasha, on the other hand, didn’t give the topic a lot of thought. He just accepted that, taking in consideration the lengths he was willing to go to make her happy, babies weren’t even that bad.
Now, his treacherous brain was plaguing him with the forbidden images. Another aged, tawny leather photo album, theirs to fulfill with pictures of a raven haired, golden eyed toddler. Kagome, pregnant with his child. It wasn’t bad. It wasn’t bad at all.
“Listen close, boy. I take no pride in that, but when cancer took my son away… It tore this home apart. Kagome? She was the one to put it back together. It was an unfair burden, for someone so young to take. And it meant countless sacrifices from her part. My granddaughter had to grow up too fast too soon. She deserves the luck of an ease love. You seem like a decent man, tattoos aside. That is why, if you love Kagome the way you claim to do, you will let her go.”
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“I’m talking to you!”
“I’m driving!” Even to himself, the excuse sounded weak. For fear Kagome would pick up on his bullshit, he opted for diplomacy. “Can you repeat what it was?”
“My family! Did you like them?”
“Yeah, they’re great.”
She could sniff it out his lies from miles away, one of her many infuriating talents. It was a good thing InuYasha wasn’t lying, then. Her mom and brother had won him over without even trying. Her grandfather was difficult, to say the least. But ultimately, he only had Kagome’s best interests at heart. How could InuYasha not hold someone like that in deep appreciation? They shared the same priorities, after all.
“I’m glad.” Kagome sticked a palm out of the window, to cut the chill night air. Not even that diverted his concentration from the road ahead, hands sweating at the tigh grip on the steering wheel. They let the silence set, until her profound exhale disturbed it. “Do you miss your motorbike?”
Before Kagome, a classic black Harley used to be the love of his life. He had saved every penny he ever gotten in order to get it. It was the first significant thing he had ever bought with his own money. Sadly, the maintenance was pretty expensive and by the time they started going on double dates with Miroku and Sango or Koga and Ayame, an average car proved to be the obvious, more practical choice. It had its advantages. Convenience. Economy. Illegal activities on the backseat. His mother was radiant, too. She had somehow convinced herself owning a motorcycle was a creative way of signing his own death certificate.
He didn’t regret it.
But he couldn’t chase the wind in a car. Kagome wouldn’t hold him for dear life in a car.
“Me too. Maybe we can afford to buy it back, someday.” His stomach sank. There would be no ‘someday’. Not for them. “InuYasha?”
He turned the radio on and neither of them talked the whole way home.
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Water was pouring down, warm and nice against his skin. InuYasha stood under the shower far more than the necessary. His hope was that if he stalled long enough, Kagome would be sleeping by the time he left the bathroom. It was an act of pure cowardice, but it was for the best. If she was awake, he would be tempted to take her one last time, and what kind of monster he’d be by the morning, when they would have to say goodbye?
Kagome was sitting on their bed, waiting for him with his AC/DC shirt on. InuYasha should have anticipated she wouldn’t be entirely oblivious to his internal turmoil. He hadn’t done the neatest job hiding it and she knew him like no one else.
“Alright, what is wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“Just who do you think you’re kidding?”
“Can we please do this tomorrow?”
“No! You’ve been acting strange since we left. I tried to give you space, but I won’t be able to sleep unless you put my mind at ease.”
From all the scenarios he had ran on his head of how this conversation would go, this was without a doubt the worst one. He didn’t want to end their relationship in the middle of the night, dressed only on his sweatpants, risking her to storm off that late. He owed Kagome more than that. Massaging his temple, InuYasha realized his hands were tied. She wouldn’t let it die. He sat by her side and ripped off the band-aid.
“We should break up.”
Her reaction to the news was a mystery InuYasha wasn’t dying to find out. She could cry, she used to do it for less and his ego would appreciate it. She could scream at him, it was totally understandable. She could slap his face, he probably deserved it. She could leave. He wouldn’t blame her.
“No.” Plain and simple.
Whatever he expected her to do, that wasn’t it.
“That’s right.”
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“Exactly what I said.”
“We’re breaking up!”
“No, we’re not. Are you in love with someone else?”
“Well... No.”
“Have you stopped loving me?”
“That’s… That’s not the issue.”
“Then what is it?”
“I’m bad for you, Kagome! Can’t you see that?” His ferocity made her quiver and cursing himself, InuYasha counted two heavy breaths to try and tone it down. “Can’t you see everything you’ll miss out just to be by my side? I can’t do that to you. I won’t. What we have… It can be easy here, but in the real world...”
“Did my grandfather put you up to this?”
His startle gave him away. It was pointless to deny.
“He only said what we already knew and were too stubborn to accept.”
“How dare he?!”
“He’s right, y’know? This is the best thing for you.”
“How dare you?” She poked his naked chest, her fury unleashed like InuYasha hadn’t seen in a while. “Who are you to make this decision for me?”
“I’m someone who saw his mother be casted out and humiliated on a daily basis over it!”
“Have you ever asked her if she would do it again? Because I’m pretty sure I know the answer. And mine is the same.”
“What about children? You wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they would inherit your spiritual powers if you had ‘em with a human.”
“I don’t care about the stupid bloodline tradition! It’s not like demons and humans are at war anymore. Any child we might have will be loved, powers or not powers. I refuse to let outdated morals dictate how I live my life, I refuse to let them get in the way of my happiness. And I can’t believe after everything we’ve been through you would give up of me that easy.”
“Easy?” InuYasha hissed. Kagome didn’t back down one bit at his rompant. “You think this is easy for me? This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do and if it’s possible you’re making it even harder. For once in my life I’m being selfless. For once in my life I’m putting someone else first. Because I fucking love you!”
Finally, finally, her lips crushed into his. It was a long time coming, as if every single event since he had seen her in that blue dress earlier were building up to that moment. He welcomed her touch like was second nature, greedly pulling her close to devour her lips. The taste of mint toothpaste flooded his senses and suddenly the whole universe shrunk to the shape her mouth. Her slow hands went from his cheeks to his wet hair, tangling on the messy strands and inducing the nape ones to rise up.
Only then InuYasha understood.
He was fooling himself.
Selfish. His love for her always was and always would be selfish. He could try to stay away, he could try to shut her out. In the end of the day, all she had to do was snap her fingers and he would be running to her. There was no escaping it. She wanted him, he was hers.
Little by little, InuYasha broke the kiss, their foreheads still connected as their hearts restored their normal pace.
“I don’t want to make things difficult between you and your family.”
“I’m sorry about tonight, InuYasha. I was so excited with the idea of you and my family getting along, I forgot to be more careful and pushed it too far with grandpa. Let’s give it time, okay? He’ll come around. If he doesn’t, you are not the one making things difficult. He is. People tend to be afraid of what they don’t know. It doesn’t matter. It’s not theirs to know, it’s ours. And we shouldn’t allow their opinions to interfere. No prejudiced beliefs can take me from your side. As long as you want me, there are no deal breakers. So what do you truly want?”
“What I truly want…” He got up and went to their wardrobe, reaching the depths of the drawer where he kept his jeans for the hidden ring. He found it and fell into one knee in front of her. “It’s to spend the rest of my life with you.” She gasped, hands flying to cover her mouth as her eyes overflowed. “This might be crazy soon, but it has also been a crazy night. Kagome, will you—”
She knocked him down in a hug that turned into another kiss, tender than the prior. They had time to pleasantries now. They had all the time in the world. InuYasha wanted to laugh at the expense of his unplanned rebellion. There he was, making the exact opposite thing her grandfather had ordered him to do. And he was still a bit unaware as to how.
“Will ya let me put this thing on your finger or what?” He questioned when she pulled away.
“In one condition.”
“Which one?”
“Don’t you ever break up with me again.”
“It won’t be a problem.”
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A/N: this is for the brilliant @dyaz-stories​ who requested “The stakes are high. Tthe water's rough. But this love is ours” + “And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored. Cause my heart is yours” for the lyric game.
I hope you don’t mind the “my father” to “my grandfather”change, but I thought it was more fitting, given the circumstances. Sorry I made you the bad guy, grandpa, but someone had to be! Also, I know the lyrics say that the snide remarks about the tattoos would be ignored, but no matter how hard I tried to stand by it, Kagome refused to be silenced.
About the tattoos: I’ve read somewhere cherry blossoms mean female beauty, love, happiness, renovation and hope. They symbolize the end of winter and beginning of spring… which is pretty much everything Kagome represents to InuYasha.
That being said, happy Inukag Week! Yes, I do celebrate it as if it was a hollyday. No, I do not think I’m obsessed. I like this couple a normal amount. And this fanfic just happens to fit the prompt “acceptance” from day one, so here you go @inukag-week​
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chezgender · 5 years
Oral fixation
Fandom: Mötley Crüe
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x femreader
Warnings: smut, little bit of possessive!Nikki
Prompt: a couple asks on @niksixx 's profile.
Notes: first fic I'm posting here and first het fic in a hundred years. I really hope you like it!
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Nikki had an oral fixation.
It took you awhile at first to notice, since you weren't living together yet. But every time you met him, he always had something in his mouth: a bottle, a cigarette, a candy, the bass pick, his own fingers. You tried to see if the other guys were like that as well, and it turned out that Tommy had very similar habits, but not as strong as Nikki's.
You didn't want to make things always sexual -maybe-, but no lies: you found Nikki's lips more than beautiful. Even if they weren't super plump or anything, even if Nikki's kisses were always rough and his lips chapped. You could die for his touch and, in particular, for his mouth. Yes, because he wasn't only an excellent kisser, but also a fucking great oral giver and just the thought of the things he could do, sent shivers down your spine. What would have happened if you played with that thing? Was Nikki… conscious, about the whole situation?
So when the two of you met again, this time in the backstage, you decided to act upon your thoughts. Nikki threw away his cigarette and started combing his hair, looking at the mirror and often biting his bottom lip.
“Nik, why are you so obsessed with your mouth?” you asked, playing with the hem of your leather jacket.
The guy turned around and looked at you, confused. “I am… what?”
You got up from the small sofa in the room and walked closer to him, taking the comb away from his hand and smiling. You'd rarely take initiative, but Nikki secretly lived for those moments. He was a dominant kind of person but sometimes he appreciated a trusted someone taking control.
“Oh c'mon, I noticed it. You're always playing with your mouth on something…” you teased him and laughed softly at the look on his face, before hugging him and enjoying the warmth of his body.
“Bullshit.” he scoffed.
“It's called oral fixation you know? Ever heard of Freud?”
Nikki raised his eyebrows and started walking towards you, “Stop being such a smartass.” he said, as he forced you to step backwards until your legs stopped and your back collided with the sofa again. “Maybe it's you, you are obsessed with my mouth?”
“Never said I'm not.” You shrugged and pet Nikki's hair slowly, before the guy could invert your positions. You ended up on his lap and could feel him through the leather pants. That made you wince a little.
Nikki finally kissed you, your lips crashing against his and you kinda moaned with it, making Sixx giggle. He didn't stop tough and bit your bottom lip to draw blood, before he started to kiss down your jaw and then your neck. You panted slowly, almost too silently, as your fingers were tangled between the bassist's jet-black hair. Nikki's hand instead soon found their way to your hips, where they gripped your flesh hard enough to hurt a little. You were sure they would bruise the day after.
“So you like my mouth?” He randomly asked, as he slowly lifted your skirt. Wearing skirts wasn't really your thing, but for backstage quickies you knew it was necessary. “Course I do, I think everyone does.”
“I don't care about everyone, I care about you.”
“Sixx…” you whimpered softly against his ear, hiding your face in his hair as the bassist tore your underwear off. Weird he didn't comment about underwear, last time he said something like “you don't need to wear it”. You heard Nikki laugh and then you fell into pleasure, focusing only on his calloused fingers that were touching you rough and fast, yet in a way that made you melt, often changing pace and being the motherfucking tease he was. You were too far gone already, but at a certain point Nikki took your hand in his. You thought it was romantic, but in reality it was not.
“Look at me and don't you dare closing your eyes.” He commanded and you nodded, looking at him in awe as he started sucking on your fingers, the same way you often did on his. He, instead, had closed his emerald eyes and was focused on your body and your fingers, licking and kissing your skin like he needed it to live. His lips and tongue felt soft and warm and you loved it, it was a thrilling sensation, too.
“Fifteen minutes!” Someone yelled from outside the door, distracting you for a second: you could suddenly hear all the roadies walking around and people talking. Nikki didn't seem to care at all.
“Nik, you… you should get ready for stage…” you stuttered but the bassist ignored you. He actually stopped everything, much to your dismay, and you looked at him in silence.
“Stand up, baby.” He said, and you obeyed willingly. Soon you were on your feet again and Nikki did the same. He made you sit down, and soon kneeled down in front of you. His hands spread your legs fast, his hold was rough and possessive, and right in that moment you knew what was going to happen. At first you tried to stay calm and collected, which was a think you were skilled at. But soon enough, Sixx found the right pace and the way to make you squirm and trash underneath him.
“N-Nik!” You cried out as his tongue moved fast over your clit, and sometimes he would just stop to kiss and suck and drive you crazier, and then start over again, making your body tremble with tension.
“Shhh, you don't want the others to hear how slutty you are, right?” He whispered, his words making you whimper in desperation. Your hands gripped Nikki's hair as your thighs jolted with pleasure. He took your hand again, the one he had been teasing with his mouth. “Touch yourself for me, hm?” he said and his voice sounded choked and muffled but you hear that perfectly and fuck, it was possibly one of the filthiest thing Nikki had ever told you. Of course you obeyed, sliding your fingers down and meeting the bassist's tongue, trying to follow that messy pace as you felt so, so wet.
“Oh my God, go faster...” you begged, as your fingers went for a quicker pace and Nikki eagerly followed that. The bassist would sometimes grip your wrist and guide your movements as he went to kiss and bite your soft thighs. And he would leave lovebites and hickeys over your skin, in places so hidden and secret that just the two of you would know. Small, deliciously painful dark spots decorated your flesh like the stars on the sky.
At that rate it took no more than a few minutes for you to come and, as you felt that familiar pressure building strong and fast, Nikki used all of his skills to bring you to a higher edge, leaving you hanging for a moment. He stopped. He stopped and you looked at him in disbelief and your lips were trembling, just like your whole body, needing that relief. And when Sixx touched you once more, just a few seconds, you fell from that edge and it felt like Heaven.
Though, soon Nikki stood up again and gave you a wet, messy kiss to which you responded tiredly, still trying to catch your breath and come down from that filthy, sinful pleasure. Nikki was clearly hot and bothered as well, but there was no time left.
“I'm not done with you, yet. I want you nice and ready for me when I come back.” he said with his usual shit-eating grin. You wanted to smack him but at the same time, you couldn't deny the attraction you were feeling. “I love you honey.” he said, as he cleaned up his own face a little and ran a hand through his hair.
“Love you too, Niks. Good luck.” You smiled and watched as he blew a kiss to you, before running towards the stage. You soon heard the music start and stood up, trying to collect yourself again and step out of the room to enjoy the concert. Needless to say, the constant smiles that Nikki flashed to you were the cutest. But as his tongue touched and played with your fingers during the solo of Take me to the Top, you knew what was going to happen later.
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 10: Put Your Foot Down
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: Appearance of a (fake) snake (Fnake?) Relationships: Loki x Reader (But not yet) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), OFC, Brunnhilde/Valkyrie(Marvel), Pepper Pots, Steve Rogers/ Captain America Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending, Loki is Not Acting Like a Responsible Prince Right Now, Reader Fights Back, Brunnhilde Approves, Time for a Check In  Summary: Loki is reminded that Reader is not a subject of Asgard, and Doesn’t Enjoy It, pranks are played, Andsvarr is as earnest as ever, and Captain America has some advice
“And the Aether was one of the stones, only in liquid form?” You asked. “That’s just a thing that can happen?”
“It was the Reality stone, so yeah, I guess so.”
“And it was just…inside a person. Like blood. “
“I don’t know how it happened, I was across the universe at the time. Ask Loki, he was there.” Brunnhilde closed the book she had been reading to you from, hiding a terrifying picture of a being labeled ‘Kurse’. “I was under the impression that you might know about her. She’s a mortal lady, and she had a thing with the king for a little while.”
“Well…I might have heard of her, but I don’t really follow celebrity gossip, you know? It seems kinda skeevy.”
Brunnhilde laughed. “Girl, I’ve seen skeevy. I’ve been skeevy! You want skeevy, I could tell you some stories that would…probably scar you for life, actually. So never mind.”
“Look, I just don’t understand how ‘ Picture-Taking Creepo Stalker’ is a legal profession when it comes to celebrities, but a literal crime when it comes to everyone else.” You shrugged. “I hate that kind of double standard, and I won’t support it.”
“In that case, never leave the city with the prince at your side.” Brunnhilde warned. “There are some pretty obsessive people hanging out around the city, and we don’t know for sure what they might be capable of.”
“Hey, I met some of those people. And I can’t really argue with you, I guess. One of them was really nice! Like, above and beyond nice. And I’m sure most of them are. But there were some mean ones too. I, uh, I don’t think you’d get along with their crowd.”
“If by ‘get along’ you mean ‘crush under my heel’ then yeah, probably.”
“Yeah, probably.” You echoed. A bunch of campers probably didn’t stand much chance against a warrior goddess, no matter how much umbrage some of them might take with her skin color.
“I kinda miss them though.” Other humans. People who understood your world, and who couldn’t snap your bones by grabbing you too hard.
“Even the mean ones?”
“Ehh, well, I can’t say I feel all that sorry for that guy. He was really rude to me. But Loki taught him a hard lesson, and I can only hope he learned something from it.”
“Rather like the hard lessons the Svartalfari taught us, for our past invasion attempts.” Brunnhilde grabbed another book, opening it to a specially marked page. “Ha, you see what I did there?”
“I did. Very clever. So what am I looking at? I can’t read it.”
“Oh right. Well, this is Svartalfari writing on this page, and the Asgardian translation on the opposite page.  I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I wish Loki was here. His projections are very useful , since you can’t read any of this.”
Loki slid around a bookcase. “I heard that.” He purred smugly.
Brunnhilde groaned and rolled her eyes, dropping her face into her hands.
“Norns, cut my string.” She begged. “Well, since you’re here, care to pull up Svartalfheim?”
“Perhaps later. For now, _____ come with me. You are to use our computer, and contact this forum of yours-“
“No.” You said.
There was a moment of silence.
“What?” Loki asked, incredulous. A look of glee spread across the Valkyrie’s face.
“I said no.” Maybe it was a bad idea to challenge him so abruptly like this, but the imperious tone he’d been using raised your hackles. Ordering you around was not a habit you could allow him to get into.
“What’s brought this on?” He demanded, indignant.
“There’s just no call to talk to me like that, that’s all.”
He slid onto the bench next to you, graceful as a panther, and projecting just as much danger. You glared straight into his eyes, watching his expression fill with irritation. And just like that, you were in a stand-off.
“You are not my equal.” He said, voice velvety and threatening. Don’t back down now, don’t back down…
“I’m not.” You said calmly. You dealt with irate customers all the time. All you had to do was keep a calm façade. “But I’m also not your subject or your servant. I’m not even your employee. Therefore, I decide what orders I obey. It’s not going to be all of them, no matter what you want.”
He looked completely taken aback. Clearly, he had been getting too used to your obedience. Nip it in the bud.
His stare was getting a little too intense. You looked away, just to see Brunnhilde practically sprawled across the table, chin balanced in her palms. Her delighted expression only brightened as she noticed your attention, gaze spearing Loki as she silently dared him to do anything.
“Fine.” He huffed. “Since you are being so particular, I don’t suppose you’d at least tell me why you won’t contact them? I assume it’s more than just a sudden burst of childish contrariness?”
Brunnhilde snorted.
“I can’t contact them because I’ve been blocked on the forums. You know, kicked out? Banished? Because of you. I can’t even access the pages. And you can’t make an account. You’re the reason they shunned me, you think they’ll talk to you? These people are paranoid, your Highness, they’re conspiracy theorists. Some of them have been institutionalized because of what they remember, and the rest are afraid that the same will be done to them. Not only do they have to live with the terrible things they remember, but they have to fear what might be done to them because of it.”
“I can provide them validation. Confirm that what they remember was real, and give them an explanation.” He pointed out, but you shook your head.
“They aren’t going to trust you, and you can’t reason with someone if they don’t trust you. And I can’t reach them anymore. The security footage from my work has gone viral. Anyone I talk to is going to think that you’re holding me hostage and making me say whatever you want.”
“Ugh, you really are useless!”
“Your reputation is not my fault. And besides, what are you even going to do with them? Tell them they all might be magic? And then what? You wanna teach them magic things? Where are you going to house them? Do you have a school? Are you just going to hunt down and kidnap the ones who don’t want to come? What’s your plan?”
“All I asked-“
“-was that you contact them. I never said I was going to go on a people-snatching rampage!”
“Google your name right now! You are already famous for doing exactly that!”
“To save your life!” He shouted.
“Nobody knows that!” You shouted back.
He threw his hands into the air. “Enough! I’m leaving! Stay and see if you can’t learn something through your burgeoning contrariety, I’ll be seeking out reasonable company!”
He stormed away through the library, ignoring the attention he’d brought on himself. The library doors weren’t the kind that could be slammed, but he made a spirited try.
You blew out a long breath, willing your heart to stop pounding. Brunnhilde actually giggled.
“That was delightful.” She praised.
“I’m so dead.” You moaned. “My stupid temper always gets me in trouble. I’m a goddamn adult, why can’t I keep my mouth shut?”
“You’re pretty when you’re mad.” She pointed out. “Not everyone’s so lucky. Besides, he’s just pissed because he mistook a few days of you being mostly obedient due to shock, as you two getting along perfectly.”
“He’s gonna kick my ass. Not literally, probably. He doesn’t seem like the kind to punch a woman for disobedience, but somehow…”
“Yeah, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find a snake in your bed tonight.” She agreed.
“Joke’s on him; I like snakes.”
“Do you really? Well, allow me to teach you about the supermassive black hole we’ve described as ‘gnawing the roots of Yggdrasil’. It’s swallowed multiple galaxies, and shows no signs of stopping. And so, we have named it Niddhogg…”
 The snake was not in your bed, but in your bath; very large, and very green, it circled the entire tub. You paused upon seeing it, unsure if it was real. Were there any snakes in Iceland? You would say it was too cold, but you had seen common garden snakes in the snow before, and it was perfectly warm in here.
You finally decided that it could not be real. It was far too big to have gotten in without being seen. You stepped past it into the water. It hissed, and then disappeared into a sparkle of green light.
The next one might be real though.
However, if simple little pranks like that were all you received in revenge for flouting the prince, you could handle it.
The shampoo fizzled oddly as you massaged your scalp. Your hair would smell like him against your pillow, something that still made you uncomfortable.
You hadn’t gone to dinner, just asked for a sandwich to be sent to the library while you tried to make sense of the illustrations you’d been shown. You had never gotten around to finishing the lesson on Svartalfheim.
You still had to wear his bathrobes. Everything here was his. You had to make sure you didn’t get added to the collection.
Passing his long mirror, you noticed that the fizzing shampoo had done something drastic to your hair.
It was green.
Fury rose in you, but you stamped it down. He wanted you to react. Yes, you were disgusted that he had physically altered your body without your permission, but if you just didn’t react, he might give up. Or he might try to do even worse things.
You went straight to bed after your bath, but found that your blankets held no warmth.
What a little bastard.
The next day found you tired, cold, and stiff, with dark circles under your eyes. Your hair was still green. Saldis very kindly said nothing about any of this when she brought your clothes and breakfast. More tasty oatmeal, and more conspicuous green and black clothing.
“Any more books?” You asked.
She shook her head. “Nothing new, I’m afraid. Is there anything else I can get for you instead?”
“Well, I don’t want to ask for too much, but if you have any art supplies lying around…”
“I’ll see what I can scrounge up. I know for sure we have plenty of pencils and paper. Seems like we are in a new era of kingship, where great battles are won on paper and with words. I prefer it, but don’t tell anyone I said so. My mother and father are too fond of their swords.”
“Not much call for sword battles around here anymore.”
“Let’s hope it stays that way. But just in case it does not, my parents still know how to swing theirs. Need any help with dressing?”
“Oh, no. I can definitely put on my own clothes.” You refrained from mentioning your wrongful placement of the jewelry earlier. “But while I’m dressing, could you tell me about yourself? “
And tell me if I’m wearing something wrong?
“Not all that much to tell, really. My mother is a palace servant, my father a guardsman. It’s a pretty common arrangement. I have mediocre swordmanship, but I’m very good at multitasking, so it was pretty obvious who I took more after. I went into training for the palace just after my schooling was completed.”
“Servants go to school too?” You asked.
“Certainly. Didn’t you?”
“Oh yeah, twelve years of it. But it wasn’t always like that. I think public schooling for everyone is pretty recent. And I’m not sure every country has it.”
“Well, we do. The law was set into place by Allfather Borr, about fifty thousand years ago. If I’m counting Midgardian years correctly.”
“Fifty thousand? “ You almost shouted. “But wasn’t he Loki-er, the Prince’s grandfather? He fought with the Vanir? It was that long ago?”
“Oh, have you been learning our history? That’s great! Yes, he was king before Allfather Odin, and he did a lot of great things. Pacifying and making reparations to the Vanir was one of them. Good thing too; they may not be as powerful as us, but they live even longer, so their memories don’t fade quickly. No one holds a grudge like a Vanir.”
You finished dressing and held your arms out from your sides for inspection. She declared you adequate, but decided to finish you up with some braids.
It turned out that Saldis was a braiding master. She knew dozens of ways to braid, for all hair lengths and textures.
Even though your hair was still green, and you still had sleep-sunken eyes, you felt fresher and less stiff. The breakfast helped tremendously. You almost felt presentable when you stepped out of your room.
Loki was in the small library again, still studying the Alfar book. He glanced at you briefly, smug smile crossing his features as he took in your green hair.
Don’t react.
“Will I be having more lessons today?” You asked.
“Not with me.” He said. “And likely not with Brunnhilde either. We’re both busy.”
“Oh. Nothing at all for me to do then?”
“Just stay put and be patient. Perhaps contact your captain, so that he doesn’t start thinking you’re trapped in my evil clutches, or some nonsense.”
Am I not?
“Sure. Do I just…you said there was a computer? I guess I could make a skype call or something. Do I need an escort?”
“Of course you do. You’re you. If I send you out on your own you’ll probably end up in Newfoundland.”
“It was one time!” You protested. “And it was your guards that kicked me out, might I remind you!”
“Speaking of…Andsvarr.” He called, and the young guard poked his head in. Loki spoke to him in their own language, lovely flowing sounds both foreign and soothing. Andsvarr nodded, bowed, then indicated that you should follow him.
“You speak with friends, yes? “ He asked on the way down the corridors. “Tell good times here?”
“Yeah, it hasn’t been bad so far. Kinda weird, but not bad. I feel like I should be freaking out a bit more than I am, but I’ve had it pointed out that I might be kinda in shock, which I guess makes sense.”
“Ah! Slow! Please.” Andsvarr begged, flipping through his little book. “Please. What ‘freaking’? Do not see.”
“Oh, sorry!” Loki had said he learned fast, but that didn’t mean he knew it all yet. Frankly, you were impressed he knew as much as he did in such a short time. You could barely pick out ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in Asgardian. “That means to be scared. So much, you can’t think.”
“Scared, yes. You are?”
“I should be. More than I am, anyway. Maybe it just hasn’t come yet.”
“I will guard.” Andsvarr promised, and you smiled. What a sweet kid.
He led you into a little room, flanked on both sides by more guards, who only let you pass after you held out your hand, and Andsvarr explained what you were to do here. You assumed, anyway. One of them left before the other opened the door.
Inside the room were a few chairs, and one completely average computer, the kind you used to use at school.
“King knows how to work it.” Andsvarr said. “We wait for him now.”
You grinned wide, and poked the power button. Andsvarr gasped as the machine booted up.
“Midgardian technology.” You explained. “I grew up with this.”
He slapped his forehead. “Yes!” He laughed.
“You will still need my password, I’m afraid.” Thor said, stepping into the room. How did a man so large make so little noise? Andsvarr bowed deeply.
“You’re Alarr’s boy, aren’t you?” Thor asked. Andsvarr answered quickly and nervously, gesturing at you. You thought you heard Loki’s name in the flow of unfamiliar words.
“Oh, really? Well, good for you! It can be very difficult, not following your fathers path, but you seem to be doing quite well for yourself.”
Something strange was going on here. Andsvarr didn’t understand that much English, spoken that fast, but he seemed to understand Thor just fine. You didn’t know why the king was using your language to talk to one of his own people.
Thor typed in his password, and you started up the video call on your own. Both men hovered on the periphery, waiting to see what happened. It was amusing, but you didn’t want whoever picked up to think you were being monitored for content.
The screen lit up with the face of a lovely ginger lady.
“Well!” She said. “You’re not the king of Asgard.”
“Definitely not.”
“But I am.” Thor leaned over your shoulder. Greetings, Lady Potts, are Tony or Steve available? We have business.”
“So I’ve heard. You must be _____ _______.”
“Yes ma’am. I’m supposed to check in every week. So here I am!”
Andsvarr asked something.
“New York. It’s a city in a country across the sea.” Thor answered.
Andsvarr asked something else.
“No, their technology comes from a different source. It’s mostly electricity based.”
“Let me go get Steve.”
“Hey, what’s going on with that?” You asked while she was gone. “You’re talking to him, but in English?”
“It’s not English. Literally everything can understand me when I speak, if I want them to. It comes with being Asgardian royalty. Loki can do it too, but he doesn’t always use the ability. He likes keeping a few secrets.”
He would want to be able to say things you couldn’t understand. Give orders you wouldn’t know about. Set up things without you being able to see it coming.
 Captain America-Steve Rogers appeared on the screen. Your insides filled with butterflies. Here was your favorite hero, once again! He wasn’t even wearing his mask.
“Good morning. Mrs. Potts tells me you’re here for your check in? Hello Thor. Young man.”
Andsvarr looked at Thor, who grinned genuinely.
“Good to see you again! Keeping busy? You see we are keeping up our end of the bargain.”
“I see. Look, not to be rude, but could you and your man-“
“Get the Hel out? I figured it would be like that. If you have time for a chat afterwards…?”
“Actually, I do. We really need to catch up.”
Thor agreed, and led Andsvarr out.
“How are you doing?”
“So much better than I was. You said you guys contacted my dad? He told you I was sick, right? Like, barely able to get out of bed, sick?”
“Yes, he did say that.”
“We’ve figured out part of what caused it.”
“Did it have something with your meeting with Loki about six months ago?”
“Er, yeah. I wouldn’t call it a meeting really, I didn’t know it was him at the time. All of that really was an accident. But hey, do you know anything about magic?”
“If you’re expecting me to say I don’t believe in it, I can’t. Seen too much.”
“Well, that makes talking about this a bit easier then. It turns out I can do magic. Or I will be able to do magic, once I learn how.”
You explained nearly everything to him, save for your remembrance of the Tragedy that Never Was, and your conflicting thoughts about Loki-those fears were not yet founded and didn’t need bringing up.
He had messages from your father and Tara, from your coworkers. You cried a little at that point, missing them all, even your old job. Then you had to reassure him that you were fine, being treated well, that no one had caused you any harm. He had a lot of questions about Loki, most of which you couldn’t answer. Somehow, neither him, nor anyone else had offered any comment on your green hair.
“Are you comfortable with showing me this mark?” He asked you, and you nodded, holding out your hand. At least the damn thing wasn’t in some embarrassing place. “We can do some research as well, just in case Loki isn’t entirely on the level about helping you out. How has it been affecting you?”
“The past few days I’ve been mostly just eating and sleeping a whole lot. I look healthier now, but it’s not all me. There’s some kind of…energy transfer, I guess? I don’t really understand it yet, but I guess I’m kinda leeching energy from Loki right now. Probably will be until I get healthy on my own again. But that’s the real reason I can’t leave. If I get too far away from him, I get sick again. I’ve already tested this; it’s true.”
“Experimental medical procedure?”
“Very experimental. But I’m okay here, I really am. No one has been cruel to me. Even Loki has been…tolerable at worst, pretty decent mostly.”
“He’s unpredictable.” He warned.
“I know. I’ve seen a bit of it. But I haven’t been hurt. I think maybe you might talk to Thor about that a little? Stuff might have happened out in space, you know?”
“Is that your way of saying you’re done talking to me?”
“Sorry! I just don’t have anything else to report. But these are good people here. Different, but good. So far, everyone’s been so kind to me, and they really didn’t have to be. I’m just some stranger their prince brought home, after all. But they’ve all been really responsible and nice. So like, if there’s ever anything that can be done for them-“
“Don’t worry about that. Thor has allies here, and all the Nordic countries have acted very positively towards this new Asgard. They have support. You just see to yourself. Make sure to tell us if anything causes you trouble, anything at all. I don’t doubt that these are good people-mostly. But they are not human, and they may not all see you as a life worth valuing. Loki himself might change his mind at any time. I’m sure Thor will try to keep him under control, but he has not always succeeded at that.”
‘I’ve been known to change my mind on less than a whim.’
“I’ll try to keep it in mind.”
“You do that, Miss. I’ll talk to you again in about a week.”
You nodded and said your goodbyes, then you went and fetched Thor, leaving him to talk, while Andsvarr escorted you back to Loki’s rooms.
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