#Sid Writes
jellyluchi · 4 months
No no no please tell us more about the la squadra swim team au. Science purposes of course
This has been sitting in my drafts for literal YEARS and I wanted to post it, originally was supposed to have all the members but I lost my ideas.
La Squadra x Reader; Swim Team AU
A/N: I'm so sorry for taking this long to answer but I wanted to take my time with this ask because I really do love this AU and I was busy. Thank you to my friends for some help (since most I know of swim teams is from fuckin Free! Iwatobi Swim Club LOL) Hehe science purposes huh 😏 Sorry there's no smut in this one but I wanted to rule out the setting for the AU!
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You work at your local Passione Sporting Club, a place where many a professional athletes have trained to become who they are today. And while there are various sporting facilities available, you are in charge of taking care of a specific swim team, La Squadra. The formation of the team, as you learned when you first joined, happened several years ago as seven children banded together as friends to support each other's swimming careers. And you are happy to help them on their journey. As you know, there are 4 main styles of swimming; butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. Medleys usually take place in that order.
Sorbet & Gelato:
Not swimmers. They're actually coaches for the other swimmers who come to Passione Sporting Club. They've been here for 10 almost 20 years watching the rest of the group who now call themselves "La Squadra" grow athletically and professionally. They were previously in the national Italian swim team as medley racers respectively. They were most fond of relay races as they loved the team work shared between team mates when doing such a race. They only teach adult swimmers but it didn't stop them from noticing younger members of La Squadra practicing in the swimming pools. The passion they saw in some of the members let them know how far they would go. You, as the team's manager, have a good professional relationship with them. However, it doesn't stop Gelato from flirting with you sometimes, surprising you considering you know he has been with Sorbet for a long time. Even more surprising that Sorbet doesn't seem fazed and is receptive to the idea. They sometimes joke about teaching you to swim as well.
Sorbet first met Gelato when he joined the local swimming club of his childhood. They became fast friends and rivals, always trying to outrace each other. Sorbet had goals of reaching the Olympics since he was a child and with Gelato's support he made it together with him. His favorite style is the front crawl which he is most comfortable with. He's proudest win was a front crawl 100m competition where he got gold.
Gelato started swimming as a hobby. He never envisioned himself as an Olympic swimmer. But when he saw Sorbet's resolve to make it, he got inspired and made it his goal to reach the Olympics with his boyfriend. His favorite style is the breaststroke and his proudest win was the a 50m backstroke competition where he got silver since it's his weakest style.
When Risotto was a child living in Sicily, his cousin often went swimming in the sea with him which is where he first learned. Ever since then, he'd known what career he'd like to go to once he grows up. And so, he took a swimming scholarship to college and during his pre-teens he joined Passione Sporting Club to train for his future career. Everyone knows him as a backstroke master and you can see why when you notice his immaculate back muscles during training. While he's good at the other styles, he's much faster using the backstroke. His proudest moment was winning a national competition of 100m men's backstroke where he won gold. You know he was one of the original members of "La Squadra" the other two being Formaggio and Prosciutto when those three decided to start the club. He's the most cooperative with you when it comes to competitions. As the manager, one of your duties is to rule out social and athletic events that the members will attend and he's always receptive to the competitions you tell him will be good for his career. He's not the most communicative so you have to weed out some of thoughts and feelings on the matter. Because of your friendly nature, you two share a close bond as you help him train and often see him swim way past closing. It's a secret between you two that you cherish deeply. There have been some times where he offered you to swim with him.
Risotto favors free style swimming the most but his muscle development on his upper body has made him a good breaststroke user which makes him much faster than the front crawl
Out of all competitions, he loves swimming medley relays the most. He gathers the medley participants (usually other la squadra members) to give a motivating speech and cheers the loudest when he's not swimming with them. He may not show it, but he is highly competitive and likes being challenged in the pool.
As one of the founding members of the original team, Prosciutto regards La Squadra with lots of pride. As a child he had no passion for swimming but after joining the Passione Sporting Club with a mild interest, he was quickly swept away into practice. He realized as a child that swimming allowed him a way to focus his energy and determination. He's not one to half-ass anything and swimming was no different. Eventually, he started feeling a connection to swimming after exercising out all his stress through the activity and finding a love for the activity like no other. Members like Risotto and Formaggio were inspiring to him even if he didn't admit it verbally, he showed up to practice with the two everyday, determined to be like them. He's one of the more difficult members to get along with. At first, it seems he has almost nothing to tell you except talk about his career goals and about helping other team members (namely Pesci). But eventually, your conversations turned more casual and you got to see a side of him that is much more friendly. Sometimes, he would smile towards you from the pool and you noticed that he doesn't ever miss the opportunity to show you his gratitude as their manager. Communicating that it's a difficult job and that he's glad a person like you is able to keep track of all the members and how much he appreciates your organization. You can't lie that his words are some of the only things that makes the job worth it.
Prosciutto is the only member with no preference towards style. While he was developing his swimming skills, he decided to pay hone each style so he would not be lacking in any area. While that doesn't make him a specialist, it gives him more options in competitions.
He rather enjoys individual competitions and loves competing against the other members. Whenever Formaggio dares him for a casual friendly race, he never backs down, treating it as a real race. The other members get a kick out of him taking everything a bit too seriously.
Swimming is as easy to him as breathing. Growing up with a fishing family by the sea, Pesci was accustomed to swimming from an extremely early age. It was sheer passion of swimming among the fish that kept him going but it was largely a hobby. He joined Passione Sporting Club as a teen, to keep up his swimming skills during high school but quickly met Prosciutto who inspired him to no end. Prosciutto once praised his style and speed saying he could make it to the nationals if he tried, maybe even the Olympics and from that moment he decided to join La Squadra and make both himself and the team proud. He's the most amicable out of anyone else in the team and since the moment you two met you'd become easy friends. At first he was a bit shy to talk to you but he caught your eye a couple of times during swim practices and it made his heart soar just a little every time you waved with a smile. Eventually, that got him talking to you and you noticed he started being more specific about his goals and ambitions for his swimming career. You quickly picked up the potential that Prosciutto always talked about regarding Pesci, truly, he was a gifted swimmer but his hard work pays off the most.
Pesci loves the butterfly stroke above all else. It's the first stroke he learned from a family member and honed his skills until it became his strongest. It gave him the biceps that he now shows off sometimes. He's pretty agile with the stroke as well but he doesn't cower from competing in other styles.
Pesci is another member who loves team sports and gets the most excited for medley relays with his team. Prosciutto and Risotto motivate him the most before the races and he's always the first to arrive out of excitement of having the team together. But most of all, he loves to hang out together with the team to celebrate afterwards.
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hidingoutbackstage · 8 months
My fic for @ashleygrahamweek! I'll post chapters for each day as the week continues. Day one I did hobbies
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ceruleanharley · 7 months
but like. when does it get better. when does the time start moving. why won't it stop moving. i'm still a child. i'm on the brink of death. i've been through a lot. i haven't lived at all. everyone's grown up and moving forward but i'm still 16. i've been alive so long. i've changed. i'm still the same. here's some orange slices. oh, you've just brushed your teeth? that's life. eat your fucking orange.
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sapphodera · 11 months
Juno Shepard as a Companion
From the template by @luckyspacerabbit! Putting under a cut because this is long.
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Name: Juno Friedmann
Alias: The Ghost
Birthdate: 5/11/2154 (31 yrs) 
Class, Specialization: Infiltrator; Sniping and Reconnaissance 
Weapons: Sniper Rifles, Heavy Pistols
Tactical Cloak - Juno can employ a light-bending technology that renders her invisible for a limited time, at the cost of health and shield regeneration.
Rank 4 Evolution: 
Option 1: Shadow Shield - While Juno’s tactical cloak is active, the rest of the squad gets boosted shield capacity and regeneration. 
Option 2: Wraith - Juno’s weapon damage doubles when her tactical cloak is active. 
Decoy - Juno places a flashing decoy that mimics the glare of a sniper’s scope. This will distract and confuse hostiles, drawing fire away from the real Juno. 
Recon Drone - Juno deploys a cloaked reconnaissance drone, which will highlight enemies and make their silhouettes visible through walls and cover.  
Phantom Soldier - Juno’s extensive training and experience increases her hardiness and stamina. Cooldown times are reduced and Juno’s health is boosted. 
Pre-Loyalty: Juno wears light armor to maximize her mobility. She wears armor plating over her boots and kneecaps. Her shirt and pants are made of high strength fabric, with additional padding. A harness and belt keeps her guns and ammo together. She also wears a cloak made of camo-patterned fabric. A neutral color scheme makes it easier for her to blend into her surroundings. 
Post-Loyalty: Her outfit is recolored into an all black color scheme, with the addition of a long-sleeve undershirt. Her cloak is gone, and she has a line of black face paint under each eye. 
Origin: Ex-Alliance
Codex Entry: Juno Friedmann, a human sniper, was the child of two Systems Alliance officers. Her mother, a soldier, and her father, a pilot, raised Juno on various space stations and ships as their postings changed. At eighteen, Juno followed in her parents footsteps and enlisted. 
Juno proved to be a capable soldier, eventually becoming an N7. She was on track to becoming a commander when her ship was attacked by a group of pirates. Despite the crew calling for support, Juno was the only survivor. After learning that their backup was delayed due to prioritizing the escort of a retired general, Juno left the Alliance. 
Eventually Juno put her skills to work and became a vigilante. Traveling across the galaxy, Juno hunted down and killed those who she believed harmed the innocent. An excellent survivalist and marksman, Juno would often track her targets for weeks across remote lands before eventually killing them at long range. Her enemies and admirers alike nicknamed her the Ghost, due to her anonymous identity and the fact she was rarely spotted. 
Psychological Profile: Sole Survivor
Codex Entry: Shortly after graduating from the N7 program, Juno’s crew was assigned to transport a shipment of element zero to an Alliance research base. Pirates attacked the ship, attempting to steal the high-value cargo. Juno contacted a nearby Alliance vessel for backup, but they delayed in helping in order to secure a retired Alliance general’s transport to the same research base. When they eventually did arrive, Juno was the only member of the crew left. She survived by hiding in the ship’s maintenance shafts, where she remained undetected when the pirates boarded the ship. 
Due to the commander of the ship sacrificing herself by intentionally setting off a grenade inside the vessel, all the pirates were killed. Juno and the element zero were recovered by the other Alliance ship. When she learned why their backup was delayed, Juno resigned from the Alliance. 
Recruitment Dossier Text:
The Ghost
- Expert crack sniper 
- Capable of surviving in harsh wilderness
- Uses sniper rifles and recon to track targets and kill them at long range
A woman believed to be the Ghost was spotted helping a wounded man outside the colony Perseverance. Intel shows that she intends to kill the colony’s leader, who is hiding information about the planet’s volatile storms. 
Recruitment Mission ME2: 
Juno is recruitable in the first round of dossiers, along with Garrus, Mordin, etc. 
Shepard and their two squadmates will be sent to the planet Ontarom (the one from ME1 with the space cows). 
When the squad touches down Shepard will be free to explore a grassy clearing on a large, rocky hill. It overlooks Perseverance. Here, you can again encounter the Shifty Looking Cow. Eventually the squad will come across the remains of a fire and a dead space cow. EDI will conclude that the animal was killed less than 48 hours ago, and that the Ghost probably used it as a food source. 
At this point the squad will be attacked by a pack of wild animals. After dispatching them, the squad will come across a small cave. Going inside will result in discovering a colonist who injured himself when rock climbing. He will unintentionally reveal that the Ghost helped care for his wound, after which Shepard can interrogate him for more information. 
Charm: “If you just tell us where she went, I’ll contact your colony and have them get you out of here.”
Intimidate: “Do you want me to report you to your colony officials for interfering with the business of a Spectre?” 
Both methods of interrogation will result in the colonist telling Shepard what direction the Ghost went in. He will also suggest that Shepard remain hidden, as the Ghost will see the squad approach and likely shoot them upon discovery. 
When Shepard emerges from the cave and follows the path that the colonist suggested, they will find themselves in another clearing surrounded by cliffs, which also overlooks the colony. The glint from the Ghost’s scope will be visible. 
To approach the Ghost, Shepard has two options: They can sneak up on her, or walk into the clearing alone and fall when the Ghost hits them, as Shepard’s shields and armor will protect them from becoming seriously injured. If you sneak up on her Shepard will hold her up themself, or if Shepard plays dead their squadmates will. Regardless, the Ghost will surrender once she’s been captured. Her appearance is hidden by the recon hood she wears. 
The Ghost: “You’re not colonists. Who the hell–you’re Commander Shepard! Shit, I guess the rumors really were true. You here to arrest me?”
Shepard: “That depends. Do you want to help me solve a problem the Alliance is ignoring?”
The Ghost: *Laughs* “Like I’d work for Cerberus. You don’t think I know what they’ve done? Do you know how many of them I’ve killed?”
Charm: “Entire colonies are going missing, and the Alliance doesn’t care. Cerberus does. We’re going to find out what happened to them and stop it.”
Intimidate: “Whole colonies–men, women, children–are disappearing. Cerberus is going to put a stop to it because the Alliance won’t. Do you want to help, or stand idly by?” 
After some more convincing, the Ghost will explain that she’ll consider joining Shepard but her business on this planet is still unfinished. She explains that she intends to kill the colony’s president, who is hiding how dangerous the planet is in order to keep the colony profitable. When he is killed, the Ghost’s contact will be able to reveal new research that suggests the planet’s storms will quickly become much more dangerous than expected. 
At this point Shepard can either refuse to help her (which will result in Shepard leaving and the Ghost not being recruited) or agree to help her. The Ghost will give Shepard the controls to her drone (named “Spot”), which is capable of scanning lifeforms and drawing their attention with a speaker. The drone, which has its own tactical cloak, will not be spotted by the colonists. 
This will put the player in a sort of minigame, where the screen will show the drone's camera. The player will then have to maneuver the drone throughout the colony until they identify the target. Then the player will use the drone’s speaker (which plays an Asari pop song) to draw the target outside. At this point, the Ghost will eliminate the target with a headshot. 
As the Normandy’s shuttle touches down, the Ghost will remove her hood and tell Shepard her real name: Juno. At this point, Shepard can ask her questions. 
>Why did you leave the Alliance?
Ans: My ship was transporting eezo when pirates attacked. We called for a nearby vessel to back us up, but by the time they arrived I was the only one left. Later, I found out the reason they took so long. They decided it was more important to finish escorting a retired general before helping us. I resigned right then and there. 
>Why did you risk giving up your position to help that colonist?
Ans: *Shrugs* He was hurt. What was I supposed to do, let the animals eat him? 
>What happens to the colony now?
Ans: I don’t know. A lot of people will probably leave. It might become a ghost town. But I think that’s a lot better than innocents dying in a freak storm just to pad the wallet of some politician. 
As they board the shuttle, Shepard asks one more question:
Shepard: “This is a suicide mission. I don’t want you unless you’re serious about this.”
Juno: “Don’t worry, Commander. I’m already a ghost.” 
Where Are They On The Ship ME2:
Juno joins Kasumi in the port observation deck. Juno has rearranged the cushions on the other couch into a fort, where her sleeping bag lies. A small stack of books and a datapad are next to it. Spot hovers nearby. During cutscenes with Juno, Kasumi will be absent (or cloaked). 
Between missions, she can be asked about:
Her time in the Alliance
Why she left
Her old commander
Her parents
Her time as a vigilante
Any interesting stories?
Why the mask?
Her sense of justice
Her distrust of authority
Her empathy for those ignored by authority
Her rifle
A Normandy upgrade that will allow it to remotely hack Alliance ships—Juno explains she found it on a job. 
Loyalty Mission: 
Kelly: “Juno said she wants to speak to you as soon as possible.” 
When speaking with Shepard, Juno will ask that they go to Illium so she can buy an illegal mod for her rifle. If prodded further, Juno will dodge Shepard’s questions. After the Normandy docks on Illium, Juno is nowhere to be found. EDI informs Shepard that she has already left the ship. After leaving the Normandy, Shepard will question the Nos Astra Concierge, who tells them that she saw Juno steal an empty taxi shuttle and fly off. 
At this point, Shepard will get a message from Juno on their omni-tool reading: I have some business to deal with. Alone. Don’t worry about me. 
EDI gains access to the taxi company’s records and manages to track the shuttle. She tells Shepard it has left the planet and is currently headed towards an Alliance cruiser, the SSV Amsterdam. EDI discovers that Juno’s father, Marcus Friedmann, is currently assigned as its pilot. EDI will also play a message that Juno recently received: 
Female Voice: “This is a message to the Ghost. I’m on your father’s ship. Come and face me, or he dies.” 
Male Voice: “Juno, don’t—” [The message abruptly ends.]
Shepard will try to contact the Amsterdam, but EDI will report that the ships’ comm system has been shut down and none of their messages will get through. Shepard can then decide to travel to the Amsterdam, which has stopped moving and can be found near Illium. Shepard can also ignore the quest entirely, and after the suicide mission it will no longer be available and Juno won’t ever come back. 
If Shepard does choose to pursue the Amsterdam, Joker will get in close using the Normandy’s stealth systems and Shepard will board the ship via shuttle. If Shepard used Juno’s Normandy upgrade, they can enter the ship stealthily. Otherwise, they will have to brute-force it. If Shepard enters loudly or is caught while infiltrating, they will be attacked by Batarians. 
Exploring the ship, Shepard can find that the ship’s crew has locked themselves in the crew quarters. After killing the Batarians trying to open the door, Shepard can speak to the crew. The crew will explain that the ship was boarded by Batrian pirates, who immediately stormed the bridge. The rest of the crew escaped to the crew quarters, where they saw on monitors that Juno boarded the ship and was escorted to the bridge by the Batarians. 
Once Shepard reaches the bridge, they can pass a renegade or paragon check to get the Batarians to let them in, or just kill them. Inside, they will find the bridge crew being held hostage by the pirates. Juno’s father has been knocked unconscious. Juno and a Batarian woman are equipping their weapons. 
Juno will be shocked by Shepard’s presence, and be angry at them for coming to save her. Upon Shepard demanding one, Juno will explain the situation. Years ago Juno killed a Batarian pirate by shooting him through the eyes, which is a huge insult in Batarian culture because they believe the dead’s soul leaves through the eyes. Juno was unaware of this. Now, the pirate’s partner (the Batarian woman) has taken the ship hostage and has forced Juno in a duel to the death. The Batarian woman, named Tasli, aims to kill Juno in the duel as it would be an “honorable killing” as opposed to just executing her. Tasli says she will let the Amsterdam’s crew go after the duel (but not before looting the ship, of course). 
Despite Shepard’s protests, Juno insists on going forward with the duel without Shepard’s help. She only asks that Shepard make sure Tasli honors her promise of letting the crew go. 
Tasli and Juno make their way to opposite sides of the cargo bay and the duel commences. Both make use of the cargo cover and try to shoot the other without being spotted. EDI will tell Shepard she has hacked the Amsterdam’s system, and that she can manipulate the electronics in the cargo bay to work in Juno’s favor (ex. using a crane to move the cargo Talsi is hiding behind). 
Regardless of Shepard’s actions, Juno will shoot Talsi in the leg and disarm her. Juno will get close to her for the kill, at which point Shepard can talk to her via comms. Talsi begs Juno to kill her so she can be with her partner again. 
If Shepard helped Juno using the crane and tries to convince her not to kill Talsi: Juno shoots Talsi in the heart. She is not loyal. 
If Shepard helped Juno but lets her kill Talsi without protest: Juno shoots Talsi in the heart, and then admonishes Shepard for helping her. 
If Shepard explains they didn’t want Juno to get herself killed: Juno is loyal. 
If Shepard retorts that participating in the duel was a stupid idea: Juno is not loyal. 
If Shepard did not help Juno but asks her to spare Talsi, or if Shepard did not help Juno and lets her kill Talsi without protest: Juno shoots Talsi in the heart. Juno is loyal. 
The Batarians will leave without protest and take Talsi’s (along with any more of their comrades) body with them. The Amsterdam’s crew is picked up by a passing Alliance ship. After the mission, Juno will remark that she was surprised that Shepard came to try and help her. She will reluctantly thank Shepard for doing so. When asked about him, Juno will say that her father is recovering well, and that she will make a point to talk to him often even if he is mad at her for dueling Talsi. 
Suicide Mission: 
Juno will not survive being the Vent Specialist, or either Fireteam Leader, even if she is loyal. She will survive the Crew Escort as long as she is loyal, otherwise she will die protecting the crew. Juno will almost always die on the Suicide Mission if she is not loyal. 
Romance: Juno is only a romance option for female Shepards. However, she has very strict morals. If Sheaprd makes a significant amount of choices she disapproves of (see below) she will refuse to romance Shepard (or break up with them if their relationship is already established).
♡ Lock in Conversation: (If Shepard chooses to flirt with Juno throughout their conversations) In the last cutscene with Juno before the suicide mission, Juno can be found at the observation deck, staring into space. 
Shepard: “What are you doing?”
Juno: “Just…looking at the stars. Reminds me of when I was a kid.” She touches the glass. “I spent a lot of time looking out of ship windows.” 
Shepard: “Do you know any of the constellations?” 
Juno: “Not in this part of the galaxy. But I spent a summer on Earth once, and my dad taught me some. Canis Major, Leo, Orion…I’ve been thinking about my parents a lot lately.” 
Option 1: “So have I.” → Shepard and Juno talk about their families. 
Option 2: “You should give them a call.” → Juno says it’s too late to reach them before the mission. 
Option 3: “You need to focus on the mission.” → Juno agrees, and assures Shepard she’s ready for the suicide mission. 
Option 4 (Romance): Shepard places their hand on top of Juno’s. “I’ve been thinking about the people important to me, too.” 
Juno: She pulls her hand away. “Shepard…”
Shepard: “What’s wrong?”
Juno: “I…we can’t do this. For both our sakes.”
Shepard: “What’s wrong?”
Juno: “We’re going on a suicide mission. We’re going to die. There’s no point in this.” 
Option 1: “We’re not going to die.” 
Juno: *scoffs* “You seriously believe that?”
Shepard: “I’m going to give it my best shot.” 
Option 2: “You’re right. This was a mistake.” (Romance terminated)
Option 3: “All the more reason we should have some fun before we die.”  
Juno: “That’s not how I work, Shepard.”
Shepard: “We still have a chance to make each other happy.” 
Juno: “Look, if by some miracle we both make it out alive, we can have this conversation again. Until then…good luck.”  
Option 1: “Good luck to you too, but you were right. Let’s not do this.” (Romance terminated) 
Option 2: “Then once the Collectors are dead, you can tell me about the constellations again.” (Romance locked-in) 
Option 3: “I don’t want luck. I want you.” Shepard caresses Juno’s face, and they kiss before Juno pulls away after a couple seconds. (Romance locked-in)  
Juno: “Shepard, I…I really hope you make it.” She turns back to the window. “I’ll see you at the Collector base.” 
♡ Romance Scene: If both Shepard and Juno survive the mission, Juno will tell Shepard that they should talk in Shepard’s quarters. When Juno arrives, she is wearing a t-shirt and cargo pants and carrying a bottle of champagne. 
Juno: “Sorry. I don’t own any nice clothes.”
Shepard: “I don’t mind.”
Juno smiles. “Luckily this champagne is nicer. I got from a Volus as a thank-you for ‘escorting’ some creeps out of his bar. I’ve been saving it for a special occasion.” Juno pours two glasses, one for herself and one for Shepard. “In the Alliance, we’d used to treat ourselves to a drink after a mission well done…never anything this fancy though.” 
Shepard: “I think we both deserve it.” 
Juno: “Since the Alliance, I haven’t really had anyone to drink with…anyone to care about.” 
Shepard tries to say something, but Juno interrupts them. “Shepard, It’s hard for me. Having people I care about. Loving people always seems to end in pain. But with you…” Juno takes both of Shepard’s hands in hers. “I’d like to try.” 
Option 1: “So do I.” → Juno and Shepard kiss. Juno wraps her arms around Shepard and the scene fades to black. 
Option 2: “I’d like to try a few things with you.” → Juno responds, “Oh really?” They begin making out and accidentally spill some of the champagne. The scene fades to black. 
♡ Can be Rekindled in ME3: Yes
♡ Mordin Advice: Human on human sexual activity, not a mystery. Juno? Personally, a mystery to me. Can’t provide much help besides the basics. I suggest you discover things for yourself. That’s part of the fun, yes?
♡ Kasumi Commentary: “I know that Juno can take care of herself, but if you hurt her I can’t be held responsible for my actions.” / “What have you done to that girl? I saw her actually smile today! At nothing! She was just walking around, smiling!” / “I hope you don’t mind Spot. She cares about that thing like it’s a real pet.” 
♡ If Unromanced: If neither Samara or Juno are romanced, they will engage in slightly flirty dialogue with each other. In ME3, they will be in a relationship. 
Citadel DLC:
Message to Meet:
Come meet me at the strip when you have time. Joker told me about this place I want to check out with you. 
--- Juno
Friend Date:
Juno meets Shepard outside a club on a strip. Instead of her usual armor, she’s wearing a simple t-shirt and cargo pants with combat boots. 
Juno: “Hey.” [Juno looks side to side, and has her arms crossed. She taps her foot on the ground.]
Shepard: “You look...relaxed.”
Juno: “I just I…never know what to do with myself on shore leave! Usually I’d just pass the time by reading or going to the shooting range, but Joker said this place would really ‘loosen me up.’”
Shepard: “A club doesn’t really seem your style.” 
Juno: “That’s what I said, but Joker insisted I’d like it.” 
Juno and Shepard enter the club, skipping the line due to Shepard’s status. When they get in it becomes immediately clear that it is an Asari strip club. Dancers with various amounts of clothes dance onstage, while an elaborate light show and club music plays. 
Juno: “*laughs nervously* This isn’t what I was, um, expecting…”
Shepard: “Of course Joker recommended it…”
Juno: “We could, uh, just get a coffee or something instead…” 
Shepard then has the option to leave and get coffee with Juno, or stay at the club. If they choose to leave, a cutscene then plays of the pair having a pleasant conversation at a cafe. If they choose to stay, a cutscene plays where they watch the strippers, drink at the bar, accidentally walk into a private room and then run out, and dance. Juno lets loose, and appears to be having a good time. 
Apartment Date:
Juno will arrive with Samara and will people watch with her, along with telling stories of her own time as a vigilante. If Shepard is in a relationship with Samara, Juno will announce “I think I better get going” and leave as things get flirty. If Shepard romances Juno, they will kiss after Samara leaves. If neither Juno or Samara are romanced, Shepard will catch them holding hands when they think Shepard isn’t looking.
Shadowbroker DLC:
Terminal Messages: 
Lt. Alix Harris: “Hey Juno. It’s me, Harris. I just wanted to check in on you…I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now. But we don’t have to talk about any of that. It’s just…we haven’t really talked since it happened. You haven’t talked with anyone, actually. You can’t shut yourself off like this…me and the guys are really worried. Please just…call me back when you get a chance, okay? I want to see my friend again.”
[The message was never replied to, but has been replayed many times] 
Dear Mom and Dad, 
If you’re reading this, I’m dead. I’m sorry. Better you hear it from me than Alliance Brass right? Don’t be too upset. I’ve been killing for as long as I can remember. It was only a matter of time until it caught up to me. If any of my stuff is left, you guys get all of it. Not like anyone else is gonna want it anyway. Don’t blame yourselves. You did a good job. Take care of each other. 
I know you want to know why. I did it to protect people. Better it’s me over them. 
Shadowbroker Comment: “Thank you for bringing the Ghost, T’Soni. Her head will go for a high price.” 
Comments on Shepard’s Driving: “I think I’m gonna throw up…” 
Friends: Tali, Garrus, Samara, Kasumi, Legion, Liara, EDI, Ashley, Joker, Traynor
Neutral: Kaidan, Mordin (ME3), Wrex, Grunt, Jacob, Miranda (ME3), Jack, Thane, Cortez, Kelly
Enemies: Mordin (ME2), Zaeed, James, Javik, Miranda (ME2)
Decisions They Approve Of:
Killing Morinth
Preserving Maelon’s data
Shutting down project Overlord
Curing the Genophage
Sparing the Rachni queen
Helping the Quarians win Rannoch/brokering peace between the Quarians and the Geth
Decisions They Disapprove Of: 
Killing Samara
Sacrificing the refinery workers in Zaeed’s loyalty mission
Letting project Overlord continue
Faking the Genophage cure
Punching Khalisah
Helping the Geth win Rannoch
Comments on Cerberus: “I first heard about them when I was still Alliance. I won’t lie to you, Shepard. Their ‘humans first’ agenda makes me nervous. You know it's just a matter of time before only certain types of humans are first, right?” 
Comments on the Alliance: “They have their priorities skewed. All big organizations do. They get founded on some nice virtue and then, as it grows, the message gets muddled. That’s why I prefer to work alone.”
Comments on the Reapers: “I have no idea how we’re going to stop them. I guess that’s not my problem though, is it? Do you think a bigger rifle would help?” 
Comments about other Squadmates:
Samara: “Now, Samara is someone I like having on my side. I wish I had known her earlier. Between her biotics and my gun, we’d be unstoppable.” (If both unromanced) “Together, we could make a real difference. *Sighs* Maybe when this is all over…” 
James: “He reminds me of the boys in training. They’d say the grossest shit, but one good punch to the jaw and they’d shut right up. He’s the same.”
Zaeed: “I hope Cerberus is paying him a lot, because he won’t hesitate to stick a knife in your back for a few credits more.”
Kasumi: “I’ve stolen a few things here and there, but nothing as impressive as she has. She lets me borrow her books too. So I do like her, even if she does spy on me.” 
Jack: “She was cold to me at first, but after I told her the story of how I shot the dick off a batarian trafficker, I think we’ve reached an understanding.” 
Mordin: (ME2) “I don’t care how the hell he justifies it, the genophage was wrong. Salarians sure can be cunning bastards.” (ME3) “At least he’s trying to fix his past mistakes. That’s more than most would do.”
Jacob: (ME2) “I get why he left the Alliance. I guess he’s not so bad, for Cerberus.” (ME3) “I’m glad he realized what Cerberus really is. I hope he’s doing well.” 
Miranda: (ME2) “I feel sorry for her. Cerberus took her in, and then the Illusive Man groomed her into being his perfect, obedient pet.” (ME3) “Oh, I’d love to see the look on the Illusive Man’s face when he realized she turned against him. Being his right hand man and then joining the other side? That’s one way to stick it to Cerberus.” 
Grunt: “Krogans are such a pain to kill. If you want to down them in one go, you have to use an anti-material rifle and get them right in the eye. Good thing he’s on our side.”
Thane: “I don’t think you get a free pass on murder even if you say a prayer after. Regardless, his skills are impressive. We’d make a deadly pair: one to weaken you from afar, and another to close in for the kill.” 
Legion: “Well, they haven’t tried to shoot me yet, so they’re fine be me. Unless they start stealing my kills. Then we’re going to have a problem.” 
EDI: “The best extranet search engine I know. It doesn’t count as an abuse of power if I keep making her look up Black Widow mods for sale on the darknet, right?” 
Kaidan: “He’s alright. He’s Alliance and a Spectre, so I wouldn’t trust him if it wasn’t for the fact that I don't think he has a single malicious bone in his body.”
Liara: “An information broker, huh? Used a couple of those back in the day. I should ask her what she has on me.” 
Garrus: “He did a good thing, trying to clean up Omega’s mess. Stupid, but well intentioned. I am glad he didn’t get himself killed, though.”
Ashley: “Alliance brat, soldier, poetry lover…she’s a little too much like me. She does know how to party though…” *whistles* 
Tali: “She’s cute. Smart too. I always felt bad for the Quarians. To lose your entire planet…ugh, it makes me sick thinking about it.” 
Wrex: “Krogans don’t usually have a sense of humor, but he's kinda funny. He seems almost well-adjusted. Good thing he’s the one in charge.” 
Javik: “Kind of a dick, yeah? Guess I’d be one too, in his situation.”
Joker commentary on recruitment: “Juno seems okay, even if her idea of fun is tracking some bad guy through the mountains and then blowing his head off. If I start seeing a laser on my chest, I’m blaming you, Commander.” 
Joker Comments: “Juno’s actually pretty nice for someone that shoots the dicks off of batarian slavers anytime she gets a chance. Still scares me though.”
Greeting/Default Saying: “Hey.”
How do they Address Shepard: “Shepard”
Combat Phrases: “One down.” / “Hostiles, 12 o’clock!” / (Upon Shepard getting a long-range headshot) “Impressive.”
Low Health: “Cover me!” / “I need first aid!”
Revived: “Thanks.” 
Friendly Fire: “Friendly fire!” / “Back off, Commander!” 
Location Comments: 
Omega: “I’ve tracked a lot of people back here. It’s very vertical, but the alleys make it hard to get a wide view.” 
Illium: “The poor criminals run to Omega, the rich ones run here. It’s always easy enough to snipe someone on Illium. Lots of skyscrapers, and even more big glass windows.” 
The Citadel: “There’s too many people here.” 
Companion Banter:
[Normandy SR-2 Bug Transcript #A23]
Juno: “Samara, could a human ever join the Justicars?”
Samara: “I doubt it. The training itself takes many decades, and biotics are a large part of it. Why? Do you wish to become one?” 
Juno: “No. I was just thinking about how you and I are similar.” 
Samara: “In what ways?” 
Juno: “Well, we don't have anything except our armor and weapons, live by a code of justice, kill those who break it…”
Samara: “Perhaps. I have also killed many people like that.”
Juno: “Well, I’d like to think my code is better than theirs.”
Samara: “I think…if you were an Asari, you would have made a good justicar.” 
[End Transcript]
[Normandy SR-2 Bug Transcript #A19]
Juno: “Spot?”
Spot: *beeps*
Juno: “Who’s my good little drone, hmm? Who’s the cutest, sweetest, little Armali Council reconnaissance-spotter drone?” 
Spot: *beeps*
Juno: “That’s my good Spot. My goodest, cutest, loveliest boy.” 
Kasumi: “Hey Jun–”
Juno: (screams) 
[End Transcript]
[Normandy SR-3 Bug Transcript #H08]
Dr. Chakwas: “You need to take better care of yourself.” 
Juno: “I’m fine. I got worse than this when I was a merc, and I didn’t have a doc to patch me up.” 
Dr. Chakwas: “Yeah, and that’s why you have worse vision in one eye, a twitch in your left knee, ankle pain…”
Juno: “I can deal with it.”
Dr. Chakwas: “Take these pills. One every day.”
Juno: “I don’t have time for—”
Dr. Chakwas: “Do you want me to call your mother?” 
Juno: “...Fine.” 
[End Transcript]
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sapphohod · 2 years
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story summary: After her mother’s death at sixteen, Rosalind was taken in by family friends Sadie and Jake Adler. Two years later, Rosalind comes for a visit and discovers their cabin burned to the ground. When she finds Sadie has joined a gang to seek revenge, Rosalind reluctantly follows suit. The last thing she expected to get was a family, and for them to change her life forever.
A retelling of RDR2’s story with my OC Rosalind and some other canon divergence.
pairing(s): Arthur Morgan & Female OC, Sadie Adler & Female OC, Mary-Beth Gaskill x Female OC
rating: teen+
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Chapter 14: Magicians and Men for Sport
words: 4+ k
warnings: none
chapter summary: Rosalind and friends go to Rhodes looking for work.
a/n: none
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sportsthoughts · 3 months
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elf!sid spotted - pregame 19/3/24
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notinmymovie · 1 year
requests for sam open?! how about sam carpenter x gn!reader angst 👀 maybe they're really good friends before. and after richie, they started getting even closer to each other but sam starts sleeping with danny and refuses to acknowledge what she feels for r until ghostface almost kills r
or you can have ghostface murder r before sam gets to tell them she's in love with them ;) ending's up to you!
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x gn!reader
Word count: 1,328
Warnings: Violence/blood (reader gets stabbed but survives), some swear words, ?? Sam is generally emotionally distant, angst
A/N: slightly non linear, I'm kinda bad at writing fighting scenes, kind of a mess. In any case, I really hope you enjoy this!!
(Requests still open~)
You don't blame Sam, you really don't, but that doesn't mean it didn't still sting. If you were honest, your feelings for her ran deep. And so every lingering glance, every time she checked in on you, hand on your shoulder—it felt like your heart was burning.
Things had changed, you were close before, and then she'd left town. And while she still called, still kept you updated, it was undoubtedly different. Then Tara was attacked, the killings started, and suddenly she was back. She was back and you weren't about to leave her side again, or let her leave yours.
And after all that had happened, you did stick around. You were there for her, after the darkness and bloodshed, after Richie, after all of it. And it almost brought you two even closer. But it seemed as soon as things got just a little too close, she started to pull away.
And you understood, trust wasn't something easy to give out after the things that happened. You weren't angry, you cared about her too much to be angry. And you'd promised to stick with her regardless of anything else. So you pack up and leave with her (and Tara and Chad and Mindy).
But it seemed like then, afterwards, she only started to feel even further away.
"You know you can talk to me too, right?" You say. "I know you're seeing that therapist, but we're all here for you too."
And Sam gives you a light smile at that. "I know and I appreciate it. But I'm okay, I really am. I'm dealing."
Deep down, you know that that probably wasn't entirely true. But you also knew that what Sam was experiencing wasn't exactly what everyone else had gone through. People saw her all wrong, even if there was a darker side of her. But what mattered to you was that you knew her, and you cared. You cared so much it practically hurt. 
You left out a soft sigh, "I don't necessarily doubt that you're working through it but—I just don't want you to feel like you're alone. Maybe I can't fully understand, but I'm here regardless."
Sam looks at you and part of you thinks for a moment that maybe she'll let you back in, unlock the bolts, just for a moment. "I understand your concern, but you don't need to worry about me." She doesn't.
When you find out she's sleeping with Danny, you feel your heart sink into your stomach. It wasn't exactly a betrayal but you wished she had at least told you. How do two people go from close friends and confidants to whatever the two of you had become? And how could you deal with whatever tension still seemed to linger between you both, when it seemed that maybe she wasn't thinking of you at all?
It shouldn't matter, it shouldn't. You weren't together, you never were. 
And now? Now your bleeding heart had other things to worry about, bigger things to fear. Because it was starting again. The murders. Because once again, Sam was at the center of it. And you were terrified, you were terrified for all of them, for yourself too. But that didn't seem to matter as much as the thought of losing the people you loved.
You weren't brave, it had never been your strong suit, but now you had no choice but to be.
"You know, I wouldn't blame you if you left," Sam says one day. "I let you come here with us and now there might be a target on your back." 
"I don't care," you say and she gives you a look. "Okay, I care a little bit—being afraid kind of comes with the territory. But I'm not leaving you."
"You're too loyal for your own good," Sam says, a huff of laughter following. It feels mirthless.
"It's just that I—" you hesitate, now was definitely not the time to be honest about your true feelings, so you let the words die at the tip of your tongue. "I just care about you…all of you. How could I leave?"
"I just really don't want to see you get hurt, especially not because of me," Sam says.
"None of this is your fault," you say. "And we're gonna figure this out, together."
And you can see the worry on her face but she relents.
The way Sam looks at you made you ache, but somehow also felt like a balm on your heart. You know she cares, maybe you don't know exactly in what ways, but she cares. 
And one day, she's looking at you and you swear it feels like she can see every thought running through your head. Like she understands something about you that even you don't.
"I'm scared too," says Sam. "Maybe that's obvious, I don't know. But I'm really scared."
"That's okay," you say. "It's understandable to be scared."
"I just wish I could be the brave one, I think sometimes I seem like it." Sam sighs, "I'll keep you safe though, I promise. I'm gonna keep all of you safe." 
"And we're gonna keep you safe." You smile softly, putting your hand on top of hers. "I promise that too."
There's a look on Sam's face, like she's hesitant to accept it. But you can see the walls slowly going down, she needed people too. Sometimes it almost seemed like she felt she had to atone for things out of her control. "Thank you," she says quietly.
It all happens far too quickly, almost in a haze of terror. The masked figure hurtling towards you, trying to fight, kick, shove—anything. Sam bursts in and it's overwhelming for you both, that fear that maybe you can't protect each other like you had promised.
When you fall, you fall hard. The air knocked out of you, crashing onto the small table. You try to get up to no avail, feeling yourself being dragged closer despite your best efforts. Sam's attempts at deterring the killer are just mere seconds too late before you feel the knife shoved into your gut.
The sound of sirens can be heard and the killer flees. All that's left is your ragged breathing and Sam falling to her knees beside you. "Hey, look at me, look at me. You're gonna be okay, alright?" She says, her hands desperately trying to stop the bleeding.
"I'm sorry," you rasp out. "I don't regret anything." You can feel yourself fading and are only vaguely aware of the tears streaming down Sam's face. It almost hurts as much as the bleeding wound.
"You can't die, you can't. Just—just stay with me, okay? Please." Sam pleads. "I—I love you," she blurts out. And then softer, "I love you…"
The police and paramedics come crashing in as soon as your eyes start to close.
You wake up in the hospital, Sam sleeping in the chair beside your bed. "Sam," you say softly, voice hoarse. Her eyes open from what must have been a very light sleep.
The relief that washes over her face was immeasurable, "you're awake." There were tears in her eyes, "fuck—I'm so glad youre awake."
"Me too," you say. "I was pretty sure I was dead."
"I guess you're stronger than you give yourself credit for," she says through a teary smile. 
"Guess so," you say with a small laugh. "Did you mean it, by the way? What you said?"
The look in Sam's eyes is so gentle and you think maybe finally, the walls were truly crumbling, the door finally unlocked. "I did—I do." This time, you were right. 
"Good, because I love you too. I don't risk getting stabbed for just anyone, you know?"
And she laughs, leaning over to kiss you and you kiss her back. Before you both get too eager and you pull back with an "ow." 
"Sorry," she says, wincing.
"It's okay, definitely worth it." And you both laugh.
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harlowhockeystick · 1 month
9 and 18 with coach!sid please <3
"without ever touching him, how can i be guilty as sin?" & "i can tell when someone wants me" | poetic prompts | warnings: smut (18+ MDNI, i can redo if you don't want smut with these prompts!)
takes place after this fic.
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"girl, quit eye fucking and leave some room for the rest of us. i can tell your fantasizing, but i don't blame you."
"i'm not touching him, so how can i be guilty of anything?" y/n co-workers words snap her out of her daze as she teases back. it was the beginning of an emergency staff meeting, the meaning was unknown and it was causing quite the buzz around the gymnasium. teachers, admin, and athletic staff alike were sitting together asking each other what they'd heard, known, or if they were getting fired. there was a heavy level of anxiety sitting in the room amongst them.
"sorry," y/n mumbled and sitting up straight. her friend chuckled beside her. but she couldn't help but stare, it had been a week since their dinner together, and it was all she could think about. she'd had trouble teaching, would zone out when talking to carter, their scandalous encounter was taking over her life.
"what do you think they're gonna talk about?" the other teacher asked sitting next to her, sipping coffee out of her tumbler and scrolling through emails looking for clues. "i think they're gonna talk about staff relationships."
her words made y/n's stomach drop. did it get out? did someone see her car at his house? did carter say something? did carter find out? it's amazing how many questions can run through the brain in just two seconds.
"i heard that the boys tennis coach, thomas, is having an affair with the girls tennis coach. i think one of the players caught them in the athletic offices but they did something to keep the kid quiet." y/n feels her nerves calm down, but not all that much. her eyes met with sidney's and she felt like he was trying to silently tell her something but she couldn't pick up on it. they weren't that connected.
moments later the superintendent gets on the mic and announces to faculty that in fact, both the girls and boys tennis coach were let go due to their actions. the boys coach resigned, and the girls coach was fired due to threatening the school district since she didn't do anything wrong and she was a single woman.
she felt a ball coil up inside her stomach as the staff were reminded of the policy: relationships among staff must be brought before the board if they occur within the school year. it was a district policy, to keep drama out of the way, and to keep relationships private to the parties benefit. at least, that was the way it was explained.
that meeting was bullshit. sent 10:45 am
y/n's phone pings signaling a text from sidney. she reads it as her students are taking their test. she feels butterflies and anxiety at the same time. her leg bouncing underneath her desk as she plans a reply.
...but what did he mean? was he against the rule, meaning he wanted a relationship? or was it just a waste of time? yes, it was a waste of time.
i know, it could have just been an email. sent 10:48
he never responds, but she gets too busy with other class periods. she gets lost back in time once more, fantasizing about that night. during lunch break spent in her darkened classroom, a bowl of warmed up soup in front of her as she grades papers until the next class comes through.
but she gets lost, in the deep trance of the memory of him. if she thinks really hard she can still feel his tongue sliding against her slick core, she can feel herself coming undone again at the force of his skilled and talented body.
she can feel his calloused but soft hands sliding down her body, grasping at her breasts while he sucks all of the sweet juice that flows out of her. she remembers her back arching off his wooden dinner table while he lapped at her for at least ten minutes straight, before he slid his thick cock inside of her for another ten.
she's taken out of her daydream by the sound of the school bell. she has three minutes to get herself back in order to teach again. she considers assigning today a reading and catch up day...so she can continue to reminisce.
dinner at my place? sent 1:23 pm
hell yes sent 1:24 pm
"you're bad at hiding your feelings, y/n." sidney stated, flipping over the steak on the grill and setting his wine glass down on the granite countertop. y/n sat on the barstool across from him, drinking a cocktail she made herself.
"what's that supposed to mean?" she took a bigger swig of the alcohol this time, holding eye contact with him as he leaned onto the countertop with his hands, making himself appear bigger in front of her. it worked.
"i can tell when someone wants me. half the women in that school want me, but you're the only one who went for it." she feels like a crook who was caught. "i know you act like last week didn't happen, but it's all i've been thinking about." now he's standing just inches from her on his back patio, the smell of grilled steak and vegetables filling her brain and the firm but agonizing touch making her go weak.
"it's all i can think about too." his thumb glides across her cheek, his whiskey colored eyes staring into her soul, what it feels like for hours. he bites his lip and she thinks she's gonna pass out.
"tell me what you thought about, maybe we'll reenact it after dinner. can't have you eating cold steak, can i?"
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 3 months
क्यूं ये भी तो party है,
तुम में और दो कप चाय♡
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sighonaraa · 11 months
writing emotionally heavy fic is like. not only asking yourself Would He Fucking Say That but also. Would He Fucking React Like That. would he cry about it or shout about it. will he accept a hug right now. does he have the wherewithal to recognize that the people around him are trying to help him. can he pick up what those around him are putting down. where his is own mental state at in this moment. WILL HE ACCEPT A HUG RIGHT NOW.
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korn-dogz · 1 year
Idk if youve done sid sfw and nsfw before but could you please? Id love to see what you’ll come up with!
YES!! Sid is super cute and I love him so much
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Just wanted to add the extra pictures 😉
Summary: nsfw and sfw hcs for Sid Wilson
WARNING: smut, fluff
-he’s a big baby, he will lay on your chest and nag for your attention
-he loves playing with your hair when you lay your head on his lap, he will braid it (he doesn’t know how to but he’s trying his best)
-he will flex his muscles to you all the time
-“hey babe, check these bad boys out” and pretend like he’s a professional body builder
-he’d be the type of mf to bite you, regardless of what the occasion is
-he won’t leave your ass alone (literally) he will smack is, he doesn’t care who’s watching
-he’s the funniest person to drink with, he’d be like “I bet you won’t dare me to drink this whole bottle” doesn’t matter what you say he will drink the whole thing
-but when he’s drunk; he’s all over you, he will accidentally hurt you but you know he never means to do it
-he’s a fun guy to be around, he always makes dirty jokes and does the most random shit
-he cared for you lots tho, if he accidentally hurts you when he’s not drunk he will never forgive himself, even if you keep reassuring him that you’re fine
-he loves to go on nature walks with you, he will pick a flower (dead or alive) an hand it to you like your royalty
-buys you everything, like you mentioned you wished you had a tea cup and the next day he bought you the nicest tea cup ever
-he’ll use you as a model for his masks when he has to come up with a new one
-he loves cuddling with you in bed after a long day in the studio, it helps him blow off steam
-he’s definitely into some kinky shit, like having you in a collar or calling you “my little pet”
-he loves foreplay, the build up turns him on
-he gets turned on by anything really
-he loves making sex tapes with you, or taking polaroid photos of you naked
-he can go for quite a while, so far he can make it to 3 rounds
-he’s definitely a dirty talker, saying shit like “fuckin whore” “fuck yeah” “fuck, you’re so tight” “such a fuckin slut for me” or “fuck, I’m gonna fill you up good”
-his favourite position is doggy or cowgirl, even in doggy he loves seeing your ass bounce on him during doggy
-he’s an animal during sex, thrusting into you rapidly and moaning loudly
-he’s more of a groaner then a moaner, but when he’s treated good sometimes he will whimper
-he loves fingering you, the crys you let out when he reaches the right spot drives him crazy
-his favourite thing to do is have you sit on his face, and grind your hips into his mouth
-hell do it anywhere, he has determination to get the job done no matter where you guys are
-the risk of getting caught turns him on more
-he doesn’t care if someone walks in he will still be pounding into you
-he’s 100% into roleplay, he loves it when your the doctor and he’s the patient (stupid scenario but yiu get my point) 
-he likes having sex with you when he’s drunk, his stamina increases 10 folds when he’s drunk

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jellyluchi · 10 months
Promise; Rohan x Reader
A/N: a trade piece for @amberswords for Melk's Server!
Pairing: Rohan x Reader Genre: Fluff Warnings: mention of locusts and fish sperm Summary: Rohan arranges for a perfect dinner date with you after deciding you will be his life partner
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Rohan Kishibe is nothing if not dedicated. With tunnel visioned focus he has led Pink Dark Boy into fame. And he plans to achieve the same success with his most recent endeavor. The only obstacle that stands in his path happens to be the fact that he absolutely cannot reveal his plans to you. Using your cluelessness to his advantage, he’s devised the most perfect plan to surprise you when time comes. You, the object of his affection, deserve as much attention to detail as his finest artworks, after all. 
It starts with a visit to the jewelers. But not just any jewelers, Rohan finds himself at the entrance of a branded store in Tokyo. The trip wasn’t very difficult to conceal as he had to travel for work every now and then. Despite that, he didn’t enjoy having to lie to his most beloved to justify his absence. 
“I’ve a trip down in Tokyo,” he’d said early in the morning when you two usually share fusion breakfast. “It’s for some research. Pink Dark Boy is entering a new and important arc.” He said it so decisively with a sip of his miso soup that you didn’t think twice to question the validity of the statement. 
Rohan soothed his conscience with the thought of knowing he didn’t truly lie to you as his remark about research was true. The only research he would need to do were of the jewel’s cuts, materials, and strength. The arc in question happened to be because of a heist being conducted by the characters in his manga. It’s most definitely not because any characters are getting married… 
Scoffing to himself, Rohan walks through the store with the haughtiness of an experienced japanese idol, adorning a pair of shades that perfectly coordinate with his fashion for the day. Striding in sleek pants, he stands next to a display of rings and necklaces. With such an exclusive line of gems, the brand requires a special appointment just for customers to be able to browse through or purchase any of their items. It’s not surprising for Rohan when he notices the place is all but deserted save for himself. 
The clerk greets him to which he replies before inquiring about his interest in the items. Staying true to his words to you, Rohan throws a flurry of questions at the poor clerk, trying to learn everything there is to know about diamonds, emeralds, rubies, their formations, types, malleability, and durability. 
“I would like to see some engagement rings as well,” he adds after examining a deep red ruby necklace. It would be the perfect addition to Pink Dark Boy’s heist arc. Mentally sighing with relief, the clerk perks up at the question. 
“Of course, we have some exclusive new cuts here…” 
As he listens to the explanation from the storekeeper, Rohan’s mind conjures images of you. Which ring would be best representative of your beauty, your wit, and your warmth? Finding diamonds a common and boring choice among gems, a particularly glowing opal catches his eye. It’s not large to the point of gaudiness and yet not small enough to go unnoticed. You would truly shine with this ring on your finger… The thought brings an uncharacteristic redness to his cheeks as he realizes the meaning. Fighting his own reflexes to keep his composure, Rohan confirms the purchase. You will be tied to him soon, he thinks… 
“We have a reservation next week,” Rohan tells you, the buzzing of his nerves is secondary to his need for perfection in planning his proposal. Which includes the fact that you must not suspect anything. “So I’ve prepared something for you to wear…” 
Curiously, you gaze over to Rohan’s nonchalant demeanor. It’s not uncommon for him to announce reservations to you ahead of time given his busy schedule and his respect for yours. But Rohan is always sure you will be free. As if he took a look into your agenda somewhat obsessively. You wouldn’t exactly put it past him to do something like that. 
“What is it?” You perk up at the sound of an impromptu gift. Motioning you to your shared bedroom, Rohan brings out a finely packaged article of clothing. It’s gorgeous. Smooth satin  caresses your fingers as you touch the fabric after opening the expensive looking box. 
“Rohan…” You whisper, still not looking at him directly. From the perfect color to the perfect size, you are most certain that Rohan has spared no detail or work to make sure it’s just right for you. Taking your style into account is as easy to him as his own, being a man of fashion that he is. “It’s…” You’re clearly speechless as you turn to his smug expression. 
“I know,” he says. Wriggling his hand over your waist, he pulls you closer. “You like it, yes? I had a feeling.” 
Despite the ring not being in his grasp, now hidden in some deep confine where you will not find it, Rohan’s through gravitate towards the accessory. Believing in perfectionism the way he does, it bleeds into every aspect of his life. Including his marriage proposal to be. Rohan’s hand squeezes an intimate part of your waist as he imagines the color of the stone with your outfit, perfect harmony. 
He’s aware of your deep love for art, a complete reflection of his own affections, and he lets it color his choice for the engagement ring clearly. Subtle but not ordinary, to him it’s a perfect masterpiece made for your hand. 
“Why?” You ask, shattering through his thoughts for a moment. “What’s so special about this occasion?” 
Rohan must not let himself break a single sweat gland in front of you. “It’s an expensive restaurant we’re going to. You’d look like a baboon going underdressed. And you’re much too beautiful to be a baboon,” he smirks proudly at his own joke when you raise an eyebrow. “It’s for Pink Dark Boy,” he says, turning away from you to one of the shelves in your shared bedroom. “There’s a particularly distasteful meal I must try for this new arc. It’s important.” 
With his decisive tone, he turns to you, hoping it answers your question and doesn’t cause you to pry further. 
“...Oh!” None the wiser, you take his word for it. “Well that sounds… gratifying?” You’re both confused and excited. There’s nothing like research for Pink Dark Boy that isn’t exciting. “Tell me what I can do to help, should I taste it too?” 
Rohan puts a hand up to your face. “There’s no need.” The smugness returns to his face. “You just have to sit there and be the second most beautiful and exquisite guest of honor the restaurant has seen — after me of course.”
With that, he departs your shared quarters and you are left to wonder if he was being utterly flattering or calling you useless. In his own way, perhaps, it was Rohan’s display of affection. Despite his words, you know your boyfriend does not consider you second to himself even if he must declare it for his own ego. And being his partner, you only chuckle at his response knowing no true malice behind his words. 
Feeling exquisite in the fabric that Rohan gifted you the week before, and even adding a touch of makeup, you’re somewhat dumbfounded when you meet the humbled entrance of the supposed expensive dining place. With an evening breeze grazing your cheeks and making you feel like a million dollars, you strut as confidently as your partner, containing your shyness to the best of your abilities. 
The exterior of the restaurant is much more deceiving than you realized when you walk into the extravagance of the interior. It’s absolutely like Rohan to book a restaurant so lavish for his research, you think. How peculiar will his distasteful meal be? 
Checked into your reservation perfectly on time, the host leads you both deeper into the establishment. Striding next to your partner you notice the restaurant has small compartments for completely private dining settings. To your knowledge it’s common for businessmen and corporate dinners. Intrigued, you wonder if Rohan was ever brought to a place like this for a meal with his agent or editor. His attire does appear to be an elegant mix of business and pleasure alike. 
“Here you are,” the suited host says, bowing at the entrance to your private compartment, fitted with a sitting pillow and a low table as is common in many expensive restaurants in Japan. Once you’re settled on your pillows opposite one another, the host leaves you two with a menu and asks for your choice of drinks. 
“I didn’t pin you one for tradition,” you quip at your partner while browsing the list of dishes. Thank God for the translations in small text or you would have to ask your boyfriend for help. Not that he would mind it, but you wouldn’t want to interrupt Rohan’s careful scrutiny of the paper in front of him. 
You hear the smirk in his voice before you see it. “And why not? Embracing tradition is hardly condemning the contemporary or the other way around. Besides,” he takes a beat to turn to the list of both international and local alcoholic beverages, “Pink Dark Boy requires far too much attention to detail.” 
You don’t disagree with him as you ask about the arc’s details and how he plans to portray the restaurant experience. “That,” he lilts in airily, “is confidential~” He declares with a self-assured grin. “I doubt Kyoka would appreciate anything leaking.” 
Remembering a similar conversation about the manga and how meticulous his editor truly is, you nod, dropping the subject entirely much to Rohan’s relief. While the restaurant is something he would like to research for the arc, it’s an idea he’s not sure his editor would actually like. It makes him unsure of whether he’d truly use the knowledge for the manga after all. 
As you move onto discussing your orders, Rohan finally mentions the uncommon meal he wants to try. He’d heard of this dish not long ago and it would be lying to say it didn't intrigue him past it being for research. 
“It’s a dish made of locusts and fish sperm,” he confesses. You’re not sure what to say, staring at him with admiration and shock alike.
“What do the reviews say about it?” You ask, knowing he must have made a thorough search of its history. 
“It’s highly praised by food critics for the flavor. But…” He says with a determined look. “I, the great Kishibe Rohan, will be the judge of that.” 
Amused by his theatrics and thoroughly entertained at the thought of your boyfriend nearly throwing up from eating something unusual, you grin at him. You can hardly wait until the dishes arrive, where you ordered an esteemed entree of sushi paired with a delectably expensive beverage, Rohan’s dish… stands out like a sore thumb. 
“This is delicious,” you comment after taking one of the hand rolled pieces. It’s truly worth the money as you know how fast food sushi tastes in comparison. Looking up to see Rohan examining his dish with hard eyes. White, gooey substance and fried bugs adorn his cutlery and you’re not sure whether to look or not when he finally takes a bite. 
As you know, your boyfriend is nothing if not professional, fighting his body to keep himself from making a dissatisfied expression and hardening himself to the effects of the dish. Admiring his determination, you still have to keep yourself from snickering at his crazed eyes and heaving breaths. 
“Are you alright?” You say between hidden giggles. 
“Of course I am!” He tries to say, his chopsticks rattling in unison. Rohan wipes his mouth with a  complementary napkin and feeds himself some ginger to cleanse his palette. You see him release a collected breath before going into an in depth review of his dish. 
No detail of description is left out as he lets you know his candid thoughts about what he just consumed. You’re hauled into a sudden discussion about the facts he knows about insects and fish sperm and Rohan, at the cusp of launching the big question, thinks of why it’s one of the reasons he loves you. The way he could talk about his research in depth without being met with utter disgust or dismissal makes him feel far more intellectually stimulated than he could have hoped. 
The two of you share a few laughs between bites and you watch Rohan unravel his professionalism in the private chambers of the restaurant. It’s intimate and far from prying eyes, knowing he wouldn’t be one for PDA. It’s usually you who initiates any physicality amongst both of you. So you are surprised to feel his hand on your in the middle of the meal. 
He calls your name with a tone you would have not expected from him in a semi-public setting. 
“You’ve been my faithful partner for an adequate amount of time. It is no mere feat to be so exemplary and extraordinary a human. And I say that with high regard to someone outside of myself.” He smirks. “So I want you to…” 
Rohan takes a deep breath trailing from his words. It’s completely unlike him and you’re mesmerized at the way his eyes shift and a redness takes a hold of him. Accompanied by the dim yellow light of your booth and the buzzing in your blood from the alcohol, it’s a combination so addicting, you smile at him with warmth and patience. 
“I want you to understand your importance in my life. This dinner.. While useful for my knowledge has not been just for research. It’s been for the both of us. But especially for you, who deserves a celebration… even more than me. Because, I want you to be my spouse. Please, marry me.” 
The rods are formal and Rohan even bows on his side of the table as he pleads his request. 
“Oh…” the tears come before you can stop them. You cover your mouth in a helpless feature to stop yourself from crying and from shock. “Yes!” You try not to shout your answer when he lifts his head in a steely but moved gaze. 
Watching him produce a box from almost thin air, you wait for him to take your hand as he adorns you with a beautifully intricate gold ring. The opal at the epicenter shines with colorful mirth, bestowing a promise of a happy marriage. 
“It’s perfect isn’t it?” Rohan asks. “It’s art… just like you.” 
His comment, though under his breath, doesn’t miss your ears and beam at him. Out of all the bold dishes you both have during the night, the kiss you share is far bolder. 
“I hope I didn’t taste any of those locusts,” you whisper against his mouth, knowing he won’t be intimate for much longer as the high from your proposal diminishes. 
“You dare question Kishibe Rohan?” He says, smiling into another kiss.
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hidingoutbackstage · 9 months
Uhh I’m in a creative block so I can’t give you a specific prompt per se, but something Chamberfield 👀 for love and yuri?
Hell yeah peace love and yuri (putting beneath a cut so as not to clog anyone’s dash but yuri should NEVER be hidden <3 so pls read)
Claire was a special kind of homesick. The kind where she was sitting here, in her two bedroom apartment, at the table eating cereal she’d gotten from the grocery store down the street, while wearing cozy pajamas. In all perspectives, she couldn’t be more home. And yet here she was, missing home desperately, because home wasn’t the two wooden chairs where one slightly rocks and the other creaks when sat on, home wasn’t the couch from a a garage sale with a few cigarette burns and various stains, home wasn’t the nightlight in her bedroom that she’d had since she was a child to keep her from waking up terrified and screaming in the dark.
Home was a person, a person who was currently halfway around the world, a person who Claire could feel as she wore said person’s cozy sweatshirt, as she gazed happily at a framed photo of the two of them on the windowsill, as her sloppy handwritten grocery list hung from the fridge with a heart shaped magnet. Despite the lingering feeling of her presence, Rebecca, Claire’s home, was not here, and Claire was getting sick with yearning.
Claire sighed, finally picking up her phone. She told herself she wouldn’t do this today, but to hell with it. She was missing her girlfriend more and more by the day, and she was growing sick of wanting. She flipped open her phone and went into her contacts. To hell with international cell phone charges too.
Of course Becky picked up, because it was Claire who was calling her. Claire half-expected her significant other to lecture her first about being unable to go a day without talking to her, but that never came. She simply answered the phone with a smile apparent in her voice. She called Claire “darling” as she always did, in that sing-song way she was so fond of that made Claire’s heart melt a little bit.
Bashfully, as if they were teenagers, Claire admitted to Becky why she had called. It was probably a given to both women, but Becky “awww”ed like it was the first time she’d heard Claire say the words “I miss you.”
They made idle chit chat. How was Philosophy University? It was good. How was work at home? It was boring. Have you heard from Chris lately? No, have you? No. Watch anything good recently? Not really, you? Not really. Tried out a new recipe for eggs. Oh how was it? I think I added too much oregano. Oh well, maybe next time. Maybe I’ll make it for you. Sounds perfect.
“I really miss you,” Claire blurted out. She dropped her spoon in her mostly-empty bowl of cereal, making a satisfying clang as it fell.
“I really miss you too,” Rebecca said automatically. “I wish I didn’t have to be out here so long, but-”
“Becky, you don’t have to explain anything. It’s work, I get it,” Claire said with a huff. “I just wish work didn’t separate you from me for so long.”
“Well, that’s what these phone calls are for, isn’t it?” She was trying to be gentle, Claire could tell.
“I know, I know,” Claire groaned. “Gd, I’m so clingy. I don’t know how you aren’t sick of me.”
Rebecca just laughed. “Darling, you know I could never get sick of you.” She made a little kiss noise through the phone. “I love you too much.”
They’d been saying those words for years, but sometimes they’d catch Claire off guard and fill her with youthful giddiness. “Yeah, I know.”
“You should distract yourself more when I’m not there.” Ah, Becky. Always a problem-solver. “Go out and do stuff with your other friends.”
Claire snorted. “What other friends? The ones that are as busy as we are?”
“Work friends, then.”
“Is this your polite way of telling me to fuck off and stop calling you, my dear?” Claire teased. Rebecca scoffed.
“I’m trying to help my lovely wife come up with some things to do in her spare time,” Rebecca said monotonously, clearly not even realizing her verbal blunder. Claire did, though, and straightened up to attention.
“Wife?” she blurted out. Rebecca was silent for a minute. “Hun?”
“…Listen,” Rebecca started, and Claire just burst out laughing.
“Oh, hun, you can’t just call me that and expect me to stop missing you!”
“I think of you like that sometimes, okay? We live together, we’ve been dating for a while, I…some of my students have asked if I have a boyfriend, and…”
“Becky, you are so cute,” Claire teased. “It’s fine. That was adorable.”
Rebecca sighed. “Can I hang up now or will you hate me forever? I’m supposed to be meeting with the university director in a few.”
Claire snickered. “Go on, my wife, go do your school things. I’ll just be here thinking about it for the rest of the day.”
Rebecca sputtered, and Claire could picture the woman’s cute blushing face. “I love you. Bye.”
“Bye, my wife!” Claire called giddily as she hung up.
The sharp pang of homesickness in Claire’s heart had faded, replaced by the soft, warm embrace of love.
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mlmgaze · 2 months
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[Image ID: the "blood orange" / "she's so pretentious it's fucking red" meme, but the first panel is Armand from the iwtv tv show saying "there was no scripting Lestat. He was a hurricane."
The next panels read: " 'No scripting Lestat,' she's so pretentious. Shut up, it's fucking commedia dell'arte there's no script, that's the point. 'he was a hurricane.' " /.End ID]
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sapphodera · 1 year
story summary: The camp is attacked by Shrieks and a ghoul. A ghoul Ashadin’an thought she would never see again.
pairing(s): Female Mahariel & Tamlen, Female Mahariel x Morrigan
rating: teen+
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words: 2.1k
a/n: Just a one-shot I wrote about the shriek attack with Tamlen. Romance is there if you squint.
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sapphohod · 2 years
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story summary: After her mother’s death at sixteen, Rosalind was taken in by family friends Sadie and Jake Adler. Two years later, Rosalind comes for a visit and discovers their cabin burned to the ground. When she finds Sadie has joined a gang to seek revenge, Rosalind reluctantly follows suit. The last thing she expected to get was a family, and for them to change her life forever.
A retelling of RDR2’s story with my OC Rosalind and some other canon divergence.
pairing(s): Arthur Morgan & Female OC, Sadie Adler & Female OC, Mary-Beth Gaskill x Female OC
rating: teen+
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Chapter 16: Hung by the Heart II
words: 3.3+ k
warnings: sickness
chapter summary: Rosalind wakes up.
a/n: none
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