#also it's interesting to see how he *could* be a good match for Mina
moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
Somehow I forgot it was Arthur who introduced Jack to Lucy. Kinda funny if you think about how their relationship will later evolve - what a massive cringe fail guy 😭
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I love how the first description of Seward is "hot rich successful doctor who's smart and cool", and then when you actually meet him, he's just the most pathetic wet cat emo guy who really needs a good nap and a hug. I love him lmao.
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xxmaddyxx · 1 year
I saw on your pinned post which said you don't do poly relationship's, which I understand, however do you do platonic friendships for the reader such as the Bakusquad or dekusquad?
If so, can you do one where the reader who hangs out with the Bakusquad, has really severe ADHD? And there's some sort of incident with Monoma?
If not that's totally okay!
With love anon
i gotchu babes, also i'm sorry if i don't accurately depict the adhd but i'll try my bestest for sure! <3 feel free to request more ;) masterlist
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"y/n..... did you forget your homework again?" mina looked at you when you appeared at the diner
"wait, THAT'S WHAT I FORGOT" you smacked your forehead
"it's okay, you can use my book with me" kirshima smiled at you and invited you to sit beside him, which you accepted
"you're damn lucky that you're powerful on the battlefield, when it comes to book and shit-" mina smacked bakugo in the back of the head before he could finish
"bakugo we talked about this"
kirishima gave you a comforting smile, "hey, did you know how to do this problem"
you understood that you often forgot things, and had trouble concentrating, and bakugo did often bring this up
but believe it or not, it was him caring, and no way in hell he would ever admit that's why he brings it up
and yes mina has lectured him about it
but you and denki, two peas in a pod
you guys were usually the ones goofing off in the back of aizawa's class
i picture you guys like sharing airpods or smth and playing dumb songs and tryin not to laugh
or throwing paper balls at the back of bakugo's head
"BAKUGO! stop interrupting my class please" as bakugo is about to beat yall asses
meanwhile you and denki dying trying not to laugh
one day, classes 1-A and 1-B were put together for a training exercise
you were put in groups of 3 or 4 and ordered to basically fight the other groups
creative ik
antyways, you were put in a group with denki, bakugo, and jirou
the group you guys were up to fight was Tetsutetsu, Monoma, and Shiozaki
Denki did a whole ass double take
"hey! it's that hot girl"
"the one that totally beat your ass at the sports event, yeah that's her :)" jirou said smirking
denki - :0 *dramatic gasp
anyway you guys were one of the last groups lined up to fight, so the teachers put everyone who wasn't fighting in the stands, and monoma's group was sitting behind yours
the groups before you fought and it was entertaining to watch, kinda
you were sitting in between jirou and bakugo, and he noticed how short your attention span was becoming, and you began fidgeting
he then pulled out some sort of fidget toy and handed it to you
you looked at him, "what's this for?"
he placed it in your hand, "just picked it up the other day, use it or whatever you need to pay attention to the damn matches, it'll be helpful in someway"
you raised a brow and looked at the toy in your hand, you smirked, "aww you thought about meee"
"shut up dammit! last time i do anything for you." he crossed his arms and looked away
you nudged him with your elbow "thank you, bakugo", which he responded with a grunt
monoma was watching the interaction and he blurted out with "are you guys together?"
jirou rolled her eyes
"WHAT NO?" bakugo yelled, you nudged him again
"just ignore 'em" you kept your attention on the toy
"dunno why anyone would date y/n anyway, they would probably loose interest super quickly anyway" monoma laughed at his own joke
bakugo was about to punch his lights out when you and denki kept him in his seat
"dude, you don't wanna be on house arrest again do you?" denki murmured to him
bakugo cursed to himself and sat back down
after a few more minutes of the match, deku and todoroki's team won no surprise
and your team was called up
as well as monoma's
"good luck y/n!" deku said as you passed him
"thank you!"
when y'all got onto the spar area thingy idk what its called
monoma laughed to himself again
"ugh, WHAT NOW?" bakugo yelled at him
"let's see if y/n can keep their attention on this-" he was interrupted by bakugo smashing his fist into monoma's face
"HEY I DIDN'T SAY GO YET??" present mic yelled
bakugo was about to beat his ass but aizawa used his scarf to hold him back
denki leaned over to you "so much for no more house arrest"
"no kidding"
jirou looked at you, "y'know bakugo wouldn't do that for just anyone, he must care about you as a friend"
"bakugo? having feelings? please." denki rolled his eyes, "but for real, she kinda has a point." he looked at you
you shrugged your shoulders and after aizawa let bakugo go, the fight commenced
and ofc you guys won after bakugo had a little motivation ;)
later that night, at the dorms you walked into the kitchen to find bakugo cooking with the rest of the bakusquad in the common room
you came up to him with the fidget toy in your hand "you want this back?"
he kept stirring whatever was in the put without looking up, "no, you keep it, you need it."
"oh thanks... dude that smells amazing what is that?" you looked at the pot
"food, go sit in the common room, i'll call when it's ready"
"whatever dad!" you went to the common room where the rest of them were and basically watched a movie and ate whatever bakugo made :)
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momokatzetzgo · 3 months
See another thing is the way each reacts to Dracula's violent obsession.
They are all dogged into hunting him down and killing him but there are a few differences.
Van Helsing speaks with fascination and to his admittance admiration about the man Dracula was. He's impressed how he was an alchemist, a sorcerer, and a successful warlord. It makes sense, as Van Helsing has like 5 doctorates. He calls him a manchild too but still.
Jonathan feels for him the silent rage of a thousand white-hot diamond suns. His hate for Dracula can only be matched by his love for Mina.
Mina, after getting attacked and calming down feels pity for him. Corrupted Frodo's pity for Smeagol levels. 'Feel pity for him, for one day I may become like him, and I hope you will not hate me when that happens (please don't hate me.)'
I don't know about you but the reactions of the former two create much more potential chemistry towards Dracula's obsession than pity does.
I AGREE ANON!!! I personally don't engage with media adapting the book that always centers it on Mina or Lucy getting "enraptured" by the Count when that doesn't really happen in the books? At least, not in a romantic sense! That's a huge tangent for another day, but I actually think that Mina's strength as a character comes in her relationships with her human buddies rather than the count :o) But if she was the reincarnation of a Belmont (hoo hoo hee hee a certain blonde catholic perhaps?) the parallels with Dracula would be sooo good.
But that also adds to your point about Van Helsing and Jonathan's relationships being way more interesting with Dracula!!! If we are talking in regards to the AU, I think that if Jonathan was the reincarnation of Dracula's lover and ALSO hated his guts right now... l that is so juicy and objectively such an interesting dynamic??? I also once read a really good fanfic that explored if Dracula knew Lisa was Elisabetha's reincarnation and there is so much understated horror that it actually drives me insane how it isn't explored more in media (it's ok guys I'm Buddhist i got this the dukkha and whatever). Maybe it's because I'm on the ace spectrum but soulmates, reincarnated lovers, and the ilk kinda freak me out, but are also so interesting as a storytelling and character device when used effectively.
Van Helsing always felt like a guy who had a very long and mysterious past, so my brain automatically put him as Alucard, but reading your analysis I also kinda agree... maybe others can suggest whether Van Helsing should just be some dutch guy or not lol? also please if someone could get a catchier name for this au i would be appreciative 😭😭😭
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canary0 · 1 year
May 24 - Dracula 2023
Via Discord
Mina: Are you okay?!
Lucy: I mean. Yes. But. Also no? I can’t.
Mina: Lucy, you need to slow down and tell me what happened.
Mina: Wait, like… marriage proposals?
Lucy: YES.
Mina: … Okay, I need to hear the whole story. Oh! I bet I know two of them.
Lucy: Oh, you think so, hmm? Okay, what are your guesses?
Mina: That man you were talking about being in love with, and the doctor who was saying weird stuff about you being an interesting psych study. That sounds like awkward guy-ese for “I want to get to know you better.”
Lucy: Clever. Yes! I can’t believe it! It’s wonderful! But also terrible, because I had to disappoint two of them… Oh, but don’t tell anyone! You know how some of the girls can be. They’d be expecting six proposals as soon as they got home.
Mina: Of course I won’t say anything. So, give me all the gory details.
Lucy: Okay, well… You can’t tell anyone. Absolutely not a single soul except for Jonathan, because you tell him everything. I know I would do the same, so that’s completely fine. But you and him can’t tell anyone. Okay?
Mina: Lucy. I promise on my honor and very soul that I won’t speak a word of this to anyone except Jonathan. I swear.
Lucy: All right… I trust you. So, the first one was just as you said – Dr. Seward, from the Asylum. He played at being calm, but it was obvious how nervous he was. He was playing with a lancet of all things, Mina. I mean, they’re so tiny that I don’t think they can do horrendous harm, but anything sharp like that still makes me nervous.
Mina: Wow. I expect a little more responsibility from a doctor.
Lucy: That’s probably just how nervous he was. He told me that, while we hadn’t known each other long, he truly cared about me and wanted me to be part of his life. He stopped quickly, because I had started crying – I couldn’t help myself! He seemed so earnest, and you know how I feel about Arthur.
Mina: Yes, of course.
Lucy: He asked if we could potentially see each other at least, see where things go, but all I could do was shake my head. I think he got the idea; he asked if I was taken, and I nodded.
Mina: Did he get weird about it?
Lucy: He was so nice about it. He did his best to smile and took my hands, and told me very seriously that he hoped I would have all the happiness in the world, and he’d be proud to call himself my friend if I needed one.
Lucy: Mina, even if it turns out we never see each other again, it means so much that he responded like that. I know that’s probably what the actual outcome will be, but still. I hope we can be friends. Even though I’m happy, I feel terrible, too. It’s so obvious he was heartbroken.
Mina: Oh, sweetheart…
Lucy: Yeah… Oh, I’ll be back soon, Arthur’s here.
Mina: Go on, let him cheer you up. :)
Lucy: I’m back!
Mina: You seem like you’re in better spirits. :)
Lucy: I am. Arthur has that effect. :D
Lucy: SO!
Mina: SO! Tell me about suitor #2.
Lucy: Suitor number 2 would be Mr. Quincey P. Morris. He’s an American from Texas, and I swear he can’t be any older the I am, but he’s apparently been quite the traveler in that time. Apparently he’s had quite a few adventures, too – if a girl were looking for the strong protector type, he’d be it. He has manners worthy of meeting the Queen… or King now, I suppose, strange thought as it is… but he realized pretty early on that it made me laugh when he’d go full Texas., so he presented his case with… and I need to quote here, because it is amazing:
Lucy: “Miss Lucy, I know I ain’t good enough for ya… though I suppose if you were to wait for someone to match up to you, you’d be waitin’ ‘til judgment day. Won’t you just hitch up alongside of me and let us go down the long road together, driving in double harness?”
Mina: omg
Lucy: Right? I didn’t take him seriously at first, so he was a little easier to refuse. I joked back that ‘Oh dear, I just don’t know anything about hitching, nor am I broken to harness…’ Needless to say in the poshest way I could come up with to respond.
Mina: That’s the only way to do it.
Lucy: Exactly. But he said that he was worried I’d take it as a jest if he went too lighthearted, and started pouring his heart and soul out at my feet. I used to think he was all light-hearted, but this definitely was all seriousness. He seemed to come to the same point Dr. Seward did, and asked if I was actually in love with someone else, and I admitted I was again. He was really sweet about it, too, promising his friendship.
Mina: Oh, that’s lovely. I hope they stick to that promise.
Lucy: Well, I know he’s a friend of Arthur’s for sure, so I suppose I’m more likely to see him again to make it true. Either way, he took my hands and assured me that we were friends, and that he’d rather be late for me than on time for any other girl in the world. And that if the person who I love doesn’t end up seeing what he has, he’d have to deal with him.
Mina: So he got a little weird about it.
Lucy: A little weird, but it was in a sweet way, not an ‘I am worried I’m going to find him creeping around outside my window’ way.
Mina: Well, that’s good.
Lucy: As for the third – do I really need to tell you? As soon as he came in, his arms were around me and we were kissing before I knew it. FINALLY.
Mina: Oh, thank goodness. I thought he was never going to actually say the words.
Lucy: I was worried I was imagining things! He’s pretty reserved at times, so I suppose I understand. I’m just glad everything’s settled.
Mina: You keep good company. <3
Lucy: I’m fortunate to have such good company, including you. Speaking of lovers, though, any word from Jonathan?
Mina: … Kind of. Mr. Hawkins apparently received all the real estate documents a couple of weeks ago, and I got something from Jonathan a few days ago.
Lucy: Oh good! Did he finally get some reception and say when he’ll be back
Mina: No. It was snail mail of all things. It was snail mail of all things. He wrote Mr. Hawkins, too, the same way. You know how descriptive Jonathan can be and he just… he wrote like a robot, Lucy.
Lucy: That is weird. Jonathan can be… a lot. Mechanical doesn’t seem like his style.
Mina: Exactly. He’s staying in an old castle in the countryside, and he’s not describing everything about it and the surrounding area and interesting trees around. It’s weird.
Lucy: Maybe he was busy and didn’t have much time?
Mina: Maybe, but his work should be done, right? The paperwork is back. Did his client decide to take advantage of him and get him to do a bunch of other work while he’s handy? And he said he has to stay for a whole additional month!
Lucy: A month!
Mina: Yeah… I can’t say I’m happy about it. If it’s something he needs to do, it is what it is, but… I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right.
Lucy: Oh, Mina… It’ll be okay. I’m sure his client was just impressed with how awesome he was at his job and started getting him to arrange the move.
Mina: Yeah… You’re probably right. It’s late, I need to get to bed.
Lucy: Okay. Sleep well. Try not to worry too much.
Mina: I will. And… CONGRATULATIONS! :D
Lucy: Thank you! <3
(Author's note forthcoming in another post. This one was a beast.)
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shotaumino · 3 months
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My coord for Forbidden Door! Simple look, but I liked it. Wish my accessories had come in on time, but I'm happy.
I put my thoughts on the PPV under the cut. Theres a lot, and its the good, the bad and the ugly. So proceed with caution.
- I'm used to going to shows in NJ and PHL, so we were impressed by efficiency and organization at UBS.
- Like I said, great seats. We were in the 100s, row 10. Would choose seats like that again.
- I've only been to two live wrestling events and forgot how annoying wrestling fans can be when they aren't engaged with what they are watching. Just talking about anything and everything if they don't know the wrestler in the ring. I get not everyone wants to do research, but be a little curious? Be engaged and see wbaf they have to offer?
- MJF got a massive pop, but once the wrestling started it was pretty quiet. I still don't get his thing and I think a lot of fans are more there for his persona than in ring ability.
- Hiromu was pretty over which made me happy considering the over-under of foreign talent reception.
- ZSJ v Orange Cassidy was excellent and following it up with Jericho felt absolutely criminal.
- I absolutely would never be able to tell from online how over The Acclaimed are. The crowd went wild for them AND loved their rap. The match was honestly pretty fun! And seeing Okada and Tanahashi IRL felt pretty special.
- Dragon match felt like it was a "for the wrestlers" match. Also some peoplle left right after. I guess thats what they paid all that money to see.
- Ladder match was fun! I think it was sligntly dampened for me because half the people involved were very obviously not going to win. CM Punk chants were annoying. No one knew ELP which was a crime. Takashita should have won and taken the belt with him to Japan idc. 
- Takeshita is so over. And hes so impressive IRL. Heard a lot of people shocked by how big he is.
- I love Stephanie Vaquer so much! Shes quickly becoming one of my top favorites. Her and Mercedes had a Top 3 match last night. Shes a superstar! The way people were trying to derail the match and she MADE them care. It was also crazy how quickly the crowd turned on Mercedes? She did one move which looked cool to me but the arena shifted to Stephanie on a dime. Obviously knew she wasn't going to win but I'm glad she made such a strong impression.
- Just to reiterate. Just because you don't know someone, doesn't mean you should just mentally check out. Why are you talking about the fourhorsewomen during this match? Its absolutely insane to me how some wrestling fans can't watch a match unless they are familiar with the lineage of both wrestlers.
- The Naito v Mox match was bad. Just... felt bad. Naito didn't seem right the whole time. Personally I think he came out looking worse and I know who he is and how great he was. Look, Naitos legacy is secure but if the goal is to get people interested in NJPW that was the worst mstch to showcase it. And I can't blame the fans on this. Stephanie and Mina both won over the crowd. If you didn't know Naito (and plenty of people didn't, I heard them asking who he was) then this match certainly wouldn't make you want to learn. 
- I was looking forwad to people no longer complaining now that Naito has the title except now the complaint is that he has it and NJPW is screwed because they don't have anyone worth taking it off him. Glad I got into DDT because NJPW discourse is going to be annoying until the G1 starts.
- Swerve v Ospready was out of this world. Genuinely felt like it could have gone either way. The timing on the counts was immaculate. You should have heard the boos when Don Callis appeared. And Nana got to be the hero! The whole arena was absolutely rocking with Swerve.
- There were two weird Ospreay fanboys who kept yelling 'Fuck Swerve'. No one was joining them, even other Ospready fans. It felt weirdly racist because they KEPT DOING IT even though no one else was paying then any attention?? I think people were also getting restless because someone started shrieking intermittedly in the crowd and then people started screaming for them to shut up.
- Speaking of bad fan behavior. Absolutely fuck fans who try to make the show about them. When Stephanie and Mercedes were going hard this asshole in a celtics shirt stood up and of course the crowd started chanting at him. You freaks only do that shit during womens matches.
- Back to Swerve v Ospreay and in any case the end of the show. Beautiful finish, surprising finish! Definately thought Swerve was going to TD91 him but it was a surprisingly kinder finish? Which I'm hoping is where Adam Page comes in. Speaking of which I think a lot of us were lingering around waiting for a confrontation. People almost started booing when it just ended like normal.
- All in all, a lot of fun! I definately want to see more live events when they're in my area! Worth the three hour drive
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purekesseltrash · 1 year
Hi! I'm that one person on ao3 who was like. Utterly obsessed w Bury Them Deep, and I was wondering if you have any thoughts you'd like to share on the playing styles of any of the other characters? Especially the women, but really anyone, I just find it really neat
Oh my goddddd, yes yes yes please because I have thought so much about this shit.
Momo: an absolutely incredible goalie positionally. You could put her in textbooks on how to hold yourself. Her pushes are perfection, like she's just floating on the ice. Her glove hand is wonderful too, as is her stick handling and she has great height. But her best asset, and also worst one, is absolutely her mind. When she is calm and confident, she's an analytical God. The problem is with her tendency to overthink. Too many bad goals or even just unlucky ones and she has to be pulled because it's just gonna get rough. It's one thing that she really admires about Mezou because he can just shrug it off.
Urakara: The ballsiest defenseman you have ever seen. She played exclusively with boys for years and you can tell because if she's going to get a penalty, it will be for playing too rough. She has really excellent vision for the game however and plays a long game that even Bakugou has grudgingly admitted is admirable. They've had some scrimmages where she's actually out played him and after the first time, everyone expected him to blow up but he was like 'good game'. She's not the best skater and her speed isn't fantastic but its the hockey iq that keeps her where she's at, knowing when and where to pinch and where the game is going. She also has a pretty gnarly snapshot and a fantastic PP QB.
Mina: Mina is a skating god. Seriously, she will break your ankles and you won't have any idea until she's long gone. She was a figure skater until she got suuuuuper bored by it and talked her way onto a team, only to end up being super good at it. She's a right winger with a nice little wrister and is great on the foreheck but uuuuuuh, backchecking isn't her forte. That being said, she actually isn't terrible on the PK, especially since that means chances at short handed goals and boy do you not want to let her try.
Hagakure: You know those players that you tend to forget about? They don't really do anything especially interesting so when they do score, you're like 'oh! Holy shit! They're on the team!'? Thats Hagakure. Definitely a grinder queen, doing all the little shit that makes everyone on the team *love* her but that makes her seem totally unremarkable unless you're looking for it. A Chris Kunitz type, if that makes any sense. Always the first on the backcheck, has an awesome +/-, fantastic defensive forward, but unremarkable. She's also locker room gold because she WILL break any shitty moods up.
That's all the girls. I could also bring up Shouta and Hizashi.
Shouta: Positionally pretty good, pretty good reflexes though really nothing spectacular. His biggest handicap has always been his height, which is only short for goalies, and his lack of the superhuman athletic ability that most pro hockey players have. The thing that got him as far as he did was his hockey iq and specifically, how he could look at the ice and read plays. The ECHL and even the AHL were rough for him because the play was so much more chaotic but the few times that he got to play in the NHL were incredible. Because he could see it, he could read all of it and it all made sense. His body just couldn't hang.
Hizashi: I based him off of a combo of Beau Bennett and Tyler Seguin. I even gave him Beau's number, 19, and it was partially due to Beau's nickname of Sunshine and me liking how that matched with the meaning of the name 'Hizashi'. I also thought it was pretty apt given Beau's talent and promise but how his body just could not stay healthy enough to do the things that you could tell he wanted to do.
Oboro: He was a pond hockey player and was proud of it, lol. Put him on defense or have him play as a forward, he didn’t really care. He saw pretty early on how the hockey world just kinda sucked and was like 'nah, I'm good'.
If you have any more questions, I can not stress how delighted I would be to answer them.
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midnightmah07 · 7 months
Hello Mah! ♡
Thank you for following my second blog! I can't wait to start posting on it!
I'm also not too sure how she reached that conclusion tbh??? When I asked her she said it was because they have the same hair color but...I don't think both of them having orange hair makes them siblings lol
But I'm honestly glad that it seems to be just her as it would have been awkward if I paired them up and people thought they were related. I'm currently reading up on Cater just so I can figure out what type of dynamic they would have!
I think I've come with a name for Ruthie's friend! I think I'm gonna go with Adamina (Or Mina for short! Still unsure if she should be referred to by a nickname or her full name!), in reference to the Beast's real name being Adam!
Since Daisy and Isabelle are potential friends of Ruthie, I feel I should warn them that if/when she does get into a relationship, she will be the type to want to go on double dates! (At least once! But of course if they wouldn't want to, she'd understand. She would probably still ask them every once in a while though, even if they tell her no everytime, just in case they might say yes one day!) She can't help it, it's the romantic in her lol
Also I just realized she's kinda like....a fairy godmother in a way? Wanting and helping others find love, matchmaking them and using her unique magic to help them. Wanting them to get their fairytale ending, their "Happily ever after", and not even considering her own...
Idk, just a thought lol
Thank you! ♡
Happy you seem so interested in my Cater suggestion, I mainly said it bc they could be cute, but I do think their personalities would match! Which bonus hehe!
I like Adamina for her friend, it's such a beautiful name! Sounds super lovely, and I see the nod to Adam there as well ofc ofcヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ
Daisy would not mind at all to having a double date, only problem would be to convince Ruggie... But watch her use her puppy dog eyes on him he's gonna let her take him in this date😔 also that's super interesting too bc I read Cater's platinum groovy vignette and both Cater and Ruggie commented on where they'd take someone out on a date, with Cater saying his choice would be a popular sight-seeing spot while Ruggie chose a park to hang out for free. I thought this was super cute so I wanted to mention it since you got into the topic of dates hahah sorry for the tangent!
Isabelle and Leona... Those would be harder😭 Isabelle would love to go on a double date, but her problem is both her and Leona have a complicated relationship, with both of them fighting like nearly all the time and insisting they don't like each other and they're only getting married because they're being forced (which was true in the beginning, but now they're just in plain denial because they don't want to admit their feelings lol). I think because it's with Leona Isabelle would be super shy/embarrassed to even try and invite him on a date, and Leona would find the idea of having to share a date very annoying... Which sighs... It is what it is😭
The fairy godmother aspect is so cute dkdjeiejsj I love me a good fairy godmother character (can you tell? My favorite princess is Cinderella 😭)
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hiii !! i was wondering if u would write a comfort fic with a bakugo x gn!reader where theyre really struggling with taking care of themselves and gone down like a depressive spiral without him knowing until they finally just broke down. i was thinking the reader would have a telekinetic quirk and they never really used it before but they use it all the time to even do simple things. sorry this is so depressing LMAO but i love ur work !! 🖤🖤
Aw! Omg thank you <3 I'm so glad I have such devoted readers on here guys 😭 it really makes me wanna shit and sob and run laps rn abshdnakshbsnx
Also ofc I will :D
I love the angst so you bet imma make this as dramatic as possible
Masterlist <3
Katsuki x GN!Reader- Sink or Swim
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You could tell it was getting bad again. You were hesitant to go to class or training, you no longer had any interests in your hobbies, even thoughts of your friends were interrupted by "you know they wouldn't care if they never saw you again."
And on top of that, it's was so, so hard getting out of bed in the mornings, and being motivated get stuff done. You had started being repeatedly late to class and you were skipping meals, convinced that after all of the minimal effort you've put in, you weren't deserving of a hot meal anymore.
You don't deserve a place in this school, and you don't deserve the title of a hero. You're just not good enough.
Almost every week you're introduced to yet another tragically disadvantaged youth who's given life and limb just to have a shot at being a hero, and you can't help but feel so undeserving. What use are you, even? The only quirk you have is telekinesis, and even then, it's really not very strong.
Your best friend and partner, Katsuki Bakugou, hasn't even realised just how bad things have been getting, and even though you know you're being a little harsh for expecting him to know when things are wrong even when you haven't talked about it, you can't help but feel a little upset.
During the next week or so, your foul mood only gets worse, and when you realise that your friends are actively trying to avoid you, that's when you break.
They were only giving you a little space because they thought you were having a rough time, and they didn't want to set you off since they knew they could be a rowdy group. It was Mina and Denki who thought it would be best, since they both haven't had the best of luck with sensitive people, and this proves it even more.
You spend the week stuck in your room, not coming to class and instead spending your time staring at the wall of your room, the drab, grey surroundings being a perfect match for what you're feeling.
It's Friday, and your room hasn't seen the light of day since Saturday. You've been crying every day into the soft plush that Katsuki won for you at a fair on his first try, despite your many attempts. You had refused to use your quirk because it wouldn't have been a real win. He'd found that kind of adorable. Stupid, but adorable.
Katsuki had come knocking on your door a few times, but every time you had sent him away with an "I'm sick, babe. I'll be better soon..." Or something along those lines. At this point though, he was at his fucking limit.
"Open the door before I blast it off its fucking hinges. Let me see you! You know being sick isn't a fucking excuse when we've got recovery girl! I've kept Sensei off your ass for a fucking week already, now let me see my fucking partner! I'm worried about you- you're not sick, did you think I'm some kind of dumbass?!"
Your bottom lip wobbles as you listen to him banging on your door. Of all things, you could probably learn to live with not deserving your dream carreer or your place in this school, but not him. The thought that you don't deserve him eats at you every fucking day.
He goes well above and beyond for you, and why? Because you're lucky enough to have caught his attention? It makes you feel physically sick to think about all of the other people out there that could give him more than you ever have. Maybe you should stop running from him though.
Ever so slowly, you get up out of bed, dressed in one of his loose shirts and a baggy pair of sweats. And when you finally open the door, Katsuki can really take in how much you've let yourself fall apart. You really do look sick, but not with the flu, and it breaks his fucking heart.
Immediately his eyes are glossed over and filled with remorse at the fact that he hasn't been here for you, and he opens his arms for you, ushering you into a hug that's far gentler than any other he's given you. It feels so good.
"Shit... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here. Fuck."
"It's not your fault!"
He squeezes you tighter as you cry into his chest. It's times like these that you thank your lucky stars for being shorter than him, because it makes him the best person to hug, and one of his hands buries itself into your tangled hair as he pets you, slowly guiding you back into your room.
You couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
He spends the rest of the day cuddling you, your legs tangled together under the sheets while you nap and he watches over you. And you're not surprised when, the day after, he's forcing you to get up out of bed.
"Get up, lazy ass!"
It makes a rather comical picture as he's got one hand around your ankle while you mock tears and cling to the bed frame, struggling against your much stronger boyfriend when he tries to drag you out of bed.
"Help me clean this ugly ass room! Dumbass! If you love me you'll help clean this pig sty!"
"God! Fine! It's not that big a deal- please!"
He finally lets you go and gives you an unimpressed look, since you can't even see the floor in the mess you've let collect, and as you get up and trip over a sock, he only snorts in amusement, giving you that "I told you so" look.
He really does help to distract you from your feelings when you're with him, and every time you try to thank him for it you're met with a chaste kiss to the lips, which has you blushing and stuttering in seconds. He could never get tired of that sight.
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royalelusts · 2 years
I'm here to make a request :)))
so I was wondering if you could write something fluff-ish about sero, like maybe subtle touches as a form of affection (not like in a sexual way maybe like hand holding or just cuddling cuz it's like not an established relationship) during a movie night with bakusquad, and ofc someone, maybe mina/bakugo notices and is like "god guys get a room" or something and you get like kinda embarrassed about it, but ya boi sero is like so proud, he goes even further to maybe give you a kiss on a cheek or smth idk ????
very chaotic but I'm looking forward to whatever you do, feel free to ignore my suggestions as well, I'm open for surprises;)))
good luck ♡♡♡
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You and Sero met in middle school
He accidentally spilled his milk on you but gave you his jacket to cover up with
Since then y’all have been inseparable :D
But back to the present
Everyone is fed👏🏾the👏🏾fuck👏🏾up👏🏾 with you two
It’s so painfully obvious that there is something there
But both of you just go “we’re just friends”
And everyone just🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️
Y’all are so affectionate with each other it’s insane
Not like making out, up under each other
It’s a lot more subtle
You two can often be seen holding hands or one of your arms around the others waist
More than once your fellow peers have found you two casually cuddling on the couch
(The class currently has a bet to see how long it will take you guys to get together)
(Aizawa and Mic are lowkey in on it but that’s for another day)
Sero sometimes makes origami lucky stars to give you
They currently sit in a jar on your desk
You two also have matching bracelets y’all bought for fun
I’m getting distracted👩🏽‍🦯
So here you two are sitting on Mina’s bed (along with bakugou) for the monthly annual movie nights the bakusquad has
Everyone else is on the floor hogging the popcorn
Sero’s back is against the wall while you are seated between his legs, back to his chest
His arms are wrapped around your waist with your hands resting on your abdomen
Moral of the story you’re both comfortable
While watching the movie you suddenly remember something hilarious
So you whisper it into Sero’s ear and y’all giggling and shit
“Care to share with the class?” Denki asked smuggly successfully getting everyone attention. “No we’re okay.” Sero says trying to stop his laughing.
Strike one.
Halfway through the second movie Sero loses interest
Taking a quick glance at you he could tell you weren’t completely invested in it either
In hopes of keeping himself entertained he knocked his foot against yours
At first he thought it didn’t work but sure enough you knocked his back
So here y’all are playing footsies in your own little world
That was until Sero kicked a little too hard and made your foot kick Kirishima’s head
“Hey!” Once again everyone glanced over to the both of you. Sero raised a questioning brow while you smiled apologetically. “Sorry I was trying to get comfortable.” Bakugou scoffed. “Bullshit.”
Strike two.
All right so you’re trying to chill out now cause y’all been caught twice already
So here we are on our third movie which just happens to be a horror movie
And what’s a good horror movie without an intense jump scare
Everyone’s on the edge of their seats at the moment
Waiting for something to happen with the intense music rolling
The girl pulled back the shower curtain and nothing was there
You could see everyone physically relax a bit
She goes on with her nightly routine. Spitting out the toothpaste, she looks up and BOOM! The demon thingy is behind her.
Everyone jumped (even bakugou even though he said he wasn’t scared🙄)
Screams came from all directions as popcorn flew everywhere
Sero’s arms tightened their grip around you
“You okay?” Glancing up at him, you nodded.
Bakugou just so happened to glance over at the two of you
“I swear to fucking god if you two don’t get a damn room.”
Strike three.
Immediately everyone’s head turned around. Playful smiles and smirks were plastered on their faces. A small 'oh my god' slipped past your lips. Kaminari laughed patting Bakugou’s knee. “It’s okay Bakugou. You’ll find someone one day.” Kaminari laughed. Bakugou grabbed a pillow beside him and chucked it, not only taking out Kaminari but the popcorn as well.
While Kaminari was getting pummeled with a pillow (soon turning into a pillow fight) Sero placed a kiss to your crown.
“You know, I wouldn’t mind getting caught if I get to be this close to you.” You smiled getting comfortable in his hood again. “Me either.”
The rest of the group sighed as Mina smiled victoriously
“You all owe me 20 bucks.”
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emile-hides · 3 years
H*lding H*nds Imagines
I am once again making content for me and me alone because I have an unhealthy obsession for BNHA blond boys
BNHA Blond Boys X GN!Reader h*nd h*lding moments
Characters: All Might, Present Mic, Fatgum, Twice, Aoyama, Ojiro, Kaminari, Bakugo, Honenuki, Monoma, Mirio
All Might
Knuckle brush
You handed him things before
Stacks of papers to grade, coffee after a long day, a napkin when he goes into a coughing fit
But something about this time turns his face a deep red
He withdrew quickly, in a jerking manner that dragged more attention than you’re sure he meant it to
He cleared this throat and thanked you quietly before shuffling off
It took a few moments to really set on you
You’d made contact
Such little contact you’d barely even felt it
He was cold, his skin rough and calloused, wrinkled and dry
How you managed to notice so much with such brief contact is astounding
And also incomparable to how much he noticed
He’s thinking about it all day, glancing at where the contact was made, shuffling, flushing to himself, holding his knuckles to his lips
Do it on purpose next time you hand him a stack of papers and he’ll drop them
Present Mic
In a crowd
You and Hizashi are trying to get home after a live show
The crowd is huge and still hyped from the concert
The quarters are tight, the space is limited, and without his towering hair spike it’s hard to keep track of your loud blond
Eventually a strong clasp from a hand horribly decorated in rings, fingerless gloves, and black nail polish claps on your wrist as your continued to be pulled though a crowd
When the world finally starts to calm and you have room to breath his hand slides to connect to your palm
Fingers intertwine with yours as a series of “Y’all good?”s start, followed quickly by an excited narration of the chaos that just ensued
He’d taken your hand so causally you barely even noticed
The two of you walked in a much calmer crowd, hand in hand, as Hizashi randomly picked bystanders out of his vocal range and made up their life stories to tell you
Big hands
You laid idly on the couch in Fatgum’s office, the interns long sense gone home
A pile of paperwork blocked your view of your hard working hero as he sat at his desk
You slumped and slid off the couch, boredom rising as you phone lie dead on the table nearby
A loud groan drives a “Just a bit longer, gumdrop” from behind the piles of unfinished work, a bit longer could be years for all you cared
Sliding across the hardwood floor on your back, you found yourself beside Taishiro’s desk, looking up at him from an angle you were rather use to
He was focused, with a smile still on his face as he worked, writing with one hand, the other causually turning Takoyaki in the grill built into his desk
You sat up, watching quietly. He was typically pretty observant, but he may not yet have noticed your approach
When his hand stopped turning and released, you took your chance
Both your hands snatched his wrist, sitting up a bit to rest yourself on his lap, you examined his large palm
He chuckled, “What’cha doin’, cupcake?”
His hand was massive in your own, enough to make anyone feel like a child. It could engulf you, hold half your torso and still have a pinkie to spare
You pressed on his palm, he hummed and returned to work, leaving you to admire as you pleased
His knuckles were scarred, several gashes and scrapes from punching at materials harder than even his fat could handle
Old burns from cooking, white spots on his finger tips from a time before he learned patients
You leaned back on him, holding his hand in your own, and watched him work
He seemed much more blissed from your company
Not enough hands
Jin’s a very physical person
He hangs off you every chance he can get, coddling and loving on you
He finds it annoying
So it’s not surprise as you two settled down for a movie night he was instantly on your lap like a cat
He lays over you like a blanket, limbs tangled every which way, head on your chest, looking at you more than the movie
One of your hands lay idly by your head, that one he has his own over, fingers tangled messily, almost uncomfortably
His other arm trapped under you, a hug from below, resting also uncomfortably against your spine
Leaving your free hand to tangle in his hair, a rare sight to have his mask off, though it probably wouldn’t last the whole movie, it should be cherished until then
When you notice his staring at you more than the screen, you choose to join him
You slide your hand from his hair to his cheek, he leans into it with the most lovestruck puppydog look a man his age could muster
He then starts to fidget around, moving like he’s stuck
It doesn’t take long from there for him to start getting frustrated with himself, splitting an argument for two between just him
You gently lift his head to regain eye contact and ask what’s wrong
He nearly starts crying
“I want to hold your cheek too but I don’t have enough hands!!”
He’s not willing to remove your hand from his hold or pull his other arm out from under you to compromise his own needs
He does eventually start crying over his lack of extra limbs to love you with
Standing ovation
Roaring applause rippled thought the auditorium
It wasn’t a big show, or a big stage, but it was your first written play, and seeing it go over so well was enough to bring a tear to your eyes
You joined the audience in standing to applause as the actors took the stage for the final bow
Only the lead, your star, wasn’t there with them
You blinked once, twice, three times before panic set in
There’s no way Yuga Aoyama would miss the chance to stand center stage in a spotlight. If he wasn’t on stage something must have happened
You tried your best not to look around too fervently, not wanting to startle anyone else
When a hand clasped yours
“And let’s not forget the playwright~✨”
Before you could question how he said that with his mouth, you were dragged onto the stage by your previously mentioned star, with his own mic in hand you don’t remember giving him
He held your arm up above his head as he runway walked his way along the stage, you closely in toe
You were going to go on stage eventually but you’d planned to be a lot more quiet about it, when more people had left early not wanting to sit though the applause
But instead, here you were, center stage, hand held high like you’d just won a boxing match by your own and only Aoyama
How he could stand being this bright all the time way beyond you
For now though, it was rather nice 
Lost and found
You stepped out of your class stretching, ready for a well deserved lunch break when you heard your classmates muttering
“Isn’t he from the hero course?”
“What’s he doing?”
Being nosy wasn’t usually your strong suit, but the mutterings has peaked your interest
You followed the eyes of those speaking to find a blond boy sitting in the floor of the hall, knees pulled to his chest to keep his legs from disrupting the flow of traffic, with his tail resting over his feet to protect them from being stepped on
He smiled and gave a light wave to your class as the dispersed
You alone approached him, curiosity peaking. Why was he sitting out here in the hall?
When question he very sheepishly answered, “I, uh.. I got lost on my way to class”
There was several things wrong with that
Number one being, he’d been at this school half a year now. He has one classroom, a big classroom, in the hero course. It’s not easy to miss??
Number two, it was noon. Lunchtime. He has one classroom. How long had he been lost???
These questions had answers and he was, while slightly embarrassed, happy to share he had, in fact, been lost all morning. Not just in finding his class, but also in finding the exit to the building, any teachers he knew, or his phone to call for help
You began to feel sorry for the guy, as this seemed to be a common occurrence in his daily life
With a sigh, you offered your hand to help him up
It was lunch, for all courses, so surely he’d see his hero course classmates in the cafeteria. No one turns up Lunchrush’s food after all
He smiled and took your hand, lifting himself from the floor with a thankyou
“I’m Ojiro, by the way. You are...?”
He was rather polite to talk to the entire walk, his grip on your hand was soft, gentle, and his smile never seemed to waver
Swing yer partner round and round
“Oh this is my JAM!”
Mina excitedly turned up your shitty little radio before kicking herself up off the floor, grabbing Sero all in one quick motion
The two danced horribly off beat, you quickly guess Mina had never heard this song before in her life, just wanted to get moving
“Come on you two, it’s dance break time!”
You found yourself enraptured with her energy, already forgetting the homework you all were doing
Kaminari took your hand much like how Mina took Sero’s and began to dance just as off beat and spuratic as queen pinkie had
You laughed, stumbling with every step, same as the others, the giggling energy filling a previously silent room
Denki’s fingers dug into your knuckles as he smirked, suddenly spinning on his heel and dragging you with him
The two of you became a tornado in your tiny dorm room, barely keeping from knocking into your tea table as you spun like a couple of children
You could hear Mina cheer and laugh, a brief glanced told you Sero was recording this silly moment
You looked across the way at your dance partner
Spinning, laughing his head off like this was the most fun he’d ever had, eyes closed, caring not for his surroundings
You decided to let go
The momentum sent you both toppling, you safely into Mina, who was more then ready to catch you
Denki got the much less desirable aforementioned tea table, which sent him toppling backwards over the also aforementioned homework
If you all could have laughed any louder, you would
Sweaty hands
You always knew when Bakugo was going to hold your hand
He may think he’s smooth, wiping his hand on the pocket of his pants before reaching behind himself to grab at you
But you’d always notice
It was a good indicator you were walking too slow for his liking, or the area up ahead was crowed, or that he simply felt you were too far away
You couldn’t initiate holding hands, when he didn’t actively want to be in contact he’d keep his hands shoved deep in his pockets
So you just had to wait for him to wipe himself off and reach for you
You were free to wrap yourself around his arm whenever, though
He’ll look pissed, but won’t say a word
And if you move away, he’ll wipe his hand on his pants, and offer it to you, a silent plea for you to come back
Magic hands
You stretched out over the couch of the 1-B common room with a whine, the rest of your class in a similar state
Training was hell today, sparing with class 1-A was never a joke, and with Monoma egging the whole game up to be more than it should have been, it all just escalated to a point you all wish it hadn’t
“Alright, next.”
Honenuki, a godsend, your blessed angel, helped Tsuburaba off the second common room couch, his typically wide eyes closed and relaxed as he wobbled his way across the room
You happily took his place, stretching out on your stomach before your classmate with the magic powers of massage
His hands pressed into your back and you instantly relaxed, letting out a low hum as you snuggled the pillow under your chin
Honenuki returned your hum, his hands pressing into all your tenses spots, almost instantly releasing them from their knots
You’d probably have fallen asleep, if it wasn’t over so fast
He had the entire class to get though after all, though he hated to rush an art form
You took his hand as he helped you stand, the actual minute of his touch enough to wobble your legs
Kissing his knuckle and thanking him for sharing his magic, you found yourself plopped peacefully on the couch beside Tsuburaba
Honenuki chuckled at you as he called next, happy to be of service
He’s showing off
You’d known for a while now Monoma didn’t know how to shut the fuck up
He’d brag about anything, over anyone, to everyone
He’d always loudly bragged about how much better his class was, how much stronger his friendships were, how absolutely amazing his partner was
You being said partner didn’t make said bragging less annoying
The two of you had been together less than an hour and he was already boasting about your perfection to all who would hear
Some genuine, loving, almost gaggingly sweet comments
Others just to rub it in the face of class 1-A as much as possible
A week into this relationship and people were starting to think you must be come kind of god with how Monoma spoke about you
You’d been on two dates with the guy
Now here you were, holding his hand on the walk to class, and regretting every step
As every single person who passed must take note of the fact you were holding his hand
And also must be aware how blessed he is to be holding your hand in return
And really you started to understand the concerned look Kendo gave you when you told her you’d agreed to date Neito Monoma
Still his words were genuine, no matter how they came across, and he truly had a million and one things to say about you
So you could hold though the embarrassment his overexcited bragging may cause
He just wants to show you off
You sat by his bed side, holding gently to his limp hand
Moments ago he was inconsolable, crying and screaming his lungs out
His quirk gone
His teacher gone
Everything he worked so hard for seemed to vanish in an instant
His grip, still so strong, had left your hand bruised, circulation cut off
It wasn’t a concern you really had
Sleeping, his pain was still so obvious
Bags under his eyes, dried streaks of tears still down his keeps
And your hand still tightly gripped in his
What would happen next, where he would go, who you all would become
They were all problems for the future
Tomorrow you could work on a solution
Tonight, you could hold his hand
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dorimena · 3 years
𝕷𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕮𝖆𝖐𝖊
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; bakugou katsuki
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 1.4k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; fem!reader, lingerie, sex toy (vibrating butt plug), implied edging, implied overstimulation, pegging, mommy kink, dacryphilia, dom!reader, sub!reader
𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰; garterbelt, dry orgasms, didn’t know lima bean respect day existed, if you haven't realized i refer to reader's dick as cock whether flesh or silicone, implied aftercare, aged up character, Bakugou is in his 20s
𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢; late gift for the birthday boy who i haven’t written anything about until now. It was supposed to come out as a small fic, but University kept getting in the way and I’ve fallen behind with some pendant writings. Guess this is my first headcanon thing. Not proofread!
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April 20th could mean anything for a lot of people:
In the US, it’s National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day.
Also in the US, it’s National Lima Bean Respect Day.
Internationally, for the weed lovers, it’s 420 Day.
But April 20th simply means it’s your boyfriend’s birthday.
Bakugou had been hinting about wanting a small surprise for a while, whether big or small
And by hinting, I mean downright telling you every breakfast, lunch and dinner spent possible throughout March that he wants something from you, but doesn’t want to know what
If you were Mina, you would’ve thrown a party at some lowkey club and hired one of the best DJs in the city, if not the country
If you were Kirishima, you would’ve taken him hiking to a new mountain someplace else in Japan + a weekend glamping getaway
If you were Sero, you would’ve gone to do something relaxing, maybe a spa? Aerial yoga? Definitely not to just see his ass in some yoga pants
If you were Kaminari-
Well, that’s actually an interesting thought… What would you have done if you were Kaminari?
Bakugou wearing a black, see-through thong, the most sensual looking lace garterbelt you could find in his size and a pretty black bow sitting on his ass is what you managed to come up with
Sure. At first he was ready to fight, but then he remembered who you were so obedient baby boy mode was activated without any more fuss. That, and his fucking fantasies.
He’s also been fantasizing for the past few weeks leading up to his birthday about how you’d probably ride him. Maybe fuck him? He doesn’t care, just wants to be babied and loved and fucked good until he passes out to wake up a week later.
Maybe not, he still has work to do
Another reason he put up with this is because, y’know, you tend to be nicer on special days so-
Bakugou wearing a garterbelt makes you feel so many levels of horny in a span of 30 seconds once you see it on him. It accentuates his already envious waist line even more. God, you can’t wait to see him bent over and ass up.
So you tell him gently to do so from where you’re sitting, and he does it so prettily.
Reminds you of a graceful cat, the way he turns around on the bed, chest already down onto the bed sheets as he pulls his torso as close to his knees as possible. Juicy ass is as high as it could be and wow, the thong doesn’t do a good work at hiding the glimmer of the diamond butt plug.
Pity it didn’t come in any other color than white, but it came with the lingerie.
You didn’t even warn him when you turn the butt plug on.
The promised low setting already sounding pretty loud, his small huffs indicating it’s not as overwhelming yet.
But by now, you’ve left it on for a good while, watching as he tries not to lose his balance or shuffle too much to ‘lose the appeal’.
He’s cursing at you in airy moans, vermillion eyes glaring at you. Why are you teasing him? You’re meant to be nice.
It’s his fucking birthday
You’d punish him for his impatience, but you already punished him the day before.
You don’t want him not being fucked in the ass so you turn the vibrator up to the last setting, smiling sweetly as he curses even louder
This is still punishing but nice, right?
He seems to agree
His arms are restless, moving from staying beside him to moving above his head to grip at the sheets.
His hands also go to grab his ass and pull the cheeks apart to show you how he’s clenching desperately around the toy, whining about how he needs you right now, to stop fucking around and get your big ass cock in him or else-
But that “or else” doesn’t really get finished, not with you startling him with your speed and sight of the ribbons.
His arms are tied now, forcing him to keep spreading his ass, to keep showing himself off.
This has him burying his face into the bed, hiding how red he’s gotten from embarrassment.
You don’t allow that, so you press your hand onto the plug to push it in deeper.
He yells out your name, body jolting as the toy relentlessly messes with his prostate while your other hand curiously goes to touch the front.
The thong is absolutely soaked and sticky, and when you move your fingers against the fabric to feel just how sticky it is, Bakugou tries humping them, well, really just trying to rub his dick against your fingers because wow the stimulation of the fabric is n i c e.
But you’re not having it just yet, you wanna appreciate his perfect posture a bit more.
Reminder: the butt plug is already at its highest setting.
So the next best thing you can do is smack his ass because your baby loves that, loves how you leave compliments and praise for how it jiggles and gets a pretty red. He does it for you, after all, makes sure it’s always at its best presentation.
But he’ll never tell you shit because then you’ll tease him and embarrass him in front of his friends.
So a few slaps in, being careful with his hands, all followed by cooing at how it moves, how it blushes, how it’s now matching his face and probably dick too, has him trying to fuck back into the vibrator, but he’s humping absolutely nothing and growing more and more desperate and horny.
You back away from the bed, going for your camera to take another pic for your growing collection.
On the bed lies Bakugou Katsuki, all tied up, lingerie getting sticky with precum, the laciest garterbelt you’ve ever seen decorating his waist while he’s panting heavily, ass in the air, face completely red and wet, whether it be his sweat or tears.
He’s holding his ass apart to show you the vibrating diamond butt plug that’s been stuck in the highest setting, buzzing away as he’s whimpering your name, hiccuping “mommy, mommy, mommy” as he pleads for mercy, wiggling his ass as he tries luring you back to his body.
“M-mommy! Hnnnm tuh-touch me! Plea-ease? Please~”
Hey, aren’t you supposed to be nice? Eh...
He can’t come alone from the vibrating butt plug, never has been able to before, and if his rocking hips don’t indicate how much he wants to either fuck the bed or have your hand on it, you just ignore it.
Let’s see if tonight he’ll be able to cum hands-free for once. And make sure he cries more and more everytime he gets to cum from your cock and only because of your cock.
Basically that’s your birthday gift. Fuck him good until he either forgets his name, he's a babbling, crying mess, he's completely milked, or all of the above.
After hours of being edged by the toy he finally came, but in thin, small amounts, so you had to fuck out a few more rounds and cum out of him before he passed out.
In all honesty, he begged you to fuck him until he passed out. He had been fantasizing about it, after all.
After you both had your final orgasm of the night, rather early morning, he’s in tears, body trembling through the last tremors of his 2nd dry orgasm out of what? 7 orgasms? The copious amount of cum he’s managed to get milked out of him drying everywhere on his body, drool wetting the bed sheets even more than they were, room smelling like caramel, asshole fluttering around nothing and dick twitching as if wanting more.
Bakugou’s speaking gibberish at this point, the only coherent words leaving his dumb mouth being “mommy”, “more” or your name as he slowly succumbs to his exhaustion.
You give him your premium grade A aftercare during the little time he remained conscious and took care of everything else as he slept.
Next day, you cook breakfast, even if he grumbled about the taste or appearance.
He’s a good boy, he’s not gonna yell at you or be ungrateful with anything and everything you do, considering you put up with his anger. I mean, he gives his opinions, insights, inquiries through loving shouts of disapproval and approval.
All in all, he liked his birthday, but told you he kind of expected you to throw a party and had mentally prepared himself
Goddamn it. Guess next year you’ll call Mina for some help
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aizawa-needs-coffee · 3 years
who do you think would like to date a goth girl?
You didn't state if you meant make or female characters so you get both my good dude.
Shinso I headcannon him as being on the alternative spectrum himself so he'd be happy with a goth girlfriend not that he actively seeks one he'd just be pleased he had someone who could paint his nails and talk about horror movies with. Denki He would jump on that 'hot big tiddy goth gf' bandwagon in a flash. Not sure he has the actual energy to keep up with how extra one could be though. Sero Again, not actively seek one for the sake of it but finds all the culure with it super chill and interesting. Would enjoy the gig and soical scene. He'd be that one rake thin guy looking lost in a mosh pit but also enjoying it. Mina The fashion and the drama baby, she's down for that, she'd bounce off of your dark goth look with neons and pastel versions, she'd try and match you on nights out but with her own style. She'd kill a man for a equally extra girlfriend to hang out with and do make up looks on. Jiro Jiro would be speechless seeing you all decked out, too gay to function over how great you look. You guys would listen to music together alot. Tokoyami I feel he would ever only ever date goth girls because he feels comforable being all dark and brooding or he'd avoid them because he's already extra enough for two people. Momo If it was gothic lolita she'd be super happy to go out dress shopping with you, fancy brands? sure, she'd love to see you all cute in a matching frilly dress with her. Present Mic/Hizashi He's very into the alternative fashion, he'd really be into but not in a creepy way, you guys would go clothes shopping and he would pick up everything and be like 'YOU'D LOOK SO GOOD IN THIS' like the incredibly supportive and loud man he is.
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bunnygirlkate · 3 years
Truth or Dare: Tokoyami x reader
Genre: Fluff (but with sexually suggestive themes)
~1.9k words
Setting: you're in the UA dorms with the rest of your classmates just hanging around, watching videos, playing cards, etc. It's after dinner but too early for bed.
"Guuuyysss! I'm so boorrreeddd" groans Mina. I wanna play a game, something we can all play!
"I'm down for a game, what should we play?" asks Sero. "How about truth or dare?" says Mineta, with an eyebrow raised and that annoying sexually suggestive tone in his voice. Tsu, Ochaco, and Jiro scoff at him, knowing he's thinking something perverted. "Actually… that’s not a bad idea, it could be fun" Mina says. Mineta nods and smirks. He's about to say something but Ochaco jumps in first:
"I’m fine with that, but only if we play a pg-13 version…". 
Everyone in the common area shrugs in agreement, with the exception of Mineta who looks defeated.
 "I'm not usually one to take part in such social games, however, I've got nothing better to do since Shoji and I ran out of card games. I shall join just this once" says Tokoyami.
You like the idea of playing truth or dare, but you're a little nervous. You have a secret crush on Tokoyami. You two have been in the same class for a while but it wasn’t until recently that you started developing a crush on him after you two were paired up for an assignment. To avoid any awkwardness, you try to hide your feelings from him and your other classmates. You're afraid of someone asking you a truth or daring you to do something that would make you look foolish in front of him. Nevertheless, you join the circle with your classmates to play the game. Since there was so many of you (pretty much the whole class), the circle was fairly big.
"Alright" Mina says, clapping her hands together once to get everyone's attention. "Here's how we'll do this… I'll be the host, which means that I'll be asking the questions or giving out dares, but you're welcome to speak up if you come up with a really good truth or dare for someone. Once you receive your truth or dare, you must go through with it! No changing your mind or chickening out! And as Ochaco said before, everything has to be pg-13." Everyone glares at Mineta and Denki who are sitting next to each other in the circle, quietly plotting loopholes through the pg-13 rule. Everyone then nods in agreement to the rules.
Mina goes around the circle asking each person "Truth or Dare" first is Ochaco. She picks truth and Mina asks her who she thinks has the lamest quirk in the class. She's reluctant to respond in fear of hurting anyone's feelings, but eventually she reveals that she thinks Aoyama's quirk is the lamest. Mina quickly goes through Hagakure, Momo, Iida, and Jiro, who all pick truth. She gets to Denki and he's the first to be brave enough to pick dare. Before Mina can talk. Jiro asks her if she can offer the dare.
"Denki, I dare you to… charge my phone!" everyone laughs while Denki, looking very unamused, takes her phone and cord to charge it.
Bakugo is next and of course he picks dare. Instead of making him do something stupid, Mina dares him to 'smile like he means it'. Bakugo is irritated by the boring request and gives a sheepish, forced smile. "Jeez dude, is like you’ve never smiled before…" says Denki, with the phone cord still in his mouth. "shut up, phone charger! I know how to smile! … I just don’t want to". Responds Bakugo, muttering under his breath toward the end. Everyone lets out a soft chuckle.
Its Shoto's turn now and he chooses truth. Again, another student besides Mina offers up a question. 
"I got one for ya, Todoroki" says Denki. "you have to answer honestly. I'm sure we've all been wondering this… do the curtains match the drapes?"
"Hey! That’s not pg-13" yells Mina.
"It’s not like I’m asking him to show us!" says Denki! "It’s just a yes or no question." he smirks. 
"Fine, I'll allow it" says Mina as she crosses her arms.
Shoto stares at Denki for a few moments then responds "I don’t think I understand the question" 
"I believe he is asking about the interior design of your home." says Iida.
"No man, he's asking if the color of your pubes matches the hair on your head" explains Kirishima. 
Shoto blushes slightly and looks down to the floor. "I don’t know why you'd want to know that, but since I'm required to respond truthfully… my pubic hair is mostly white… I think there's a few strands of red hair" he says, still looking at the floor and rubbing his neck with his hand. 
"That was a bit more truth then I was asking for, but okay!" says Denki. 
Shoto looks around the circle to see averted eyes and slightly blushed cheeks (mostly from the girls).
Mina goes through a few more classmates before she gets to you. "Truth or Dare, Y/N?" 
"I'll try a dare" you say, after seeing that the previous dares weren't so bad and the truths were getting a bit to invasive for you.
"Sure thing, but I gotta be honest, I’m getting bored of my own prompts" Mina says, throwing in a fake a yawn. "I'm gonna give you something a little more…interesting." she says with a devilish look on her face as she stares you right in the eyes. 
Your brow starts to sweat as you become anxious at what she may ask you to do. "Y/N, I dare you… to kiss . your. crush. " she says, spacing out the words and saying them in a slightly melodic fashion.
Your face turns beet red as you realize, not only is she asking you to kiss someone (let along the person you like!), but she's also asking you to reveal your feelings to him and everyone watching. You look at her, your mouth open in surprise. 
"You have to do it! It’s in the rules!" Mina says. 
You look down at your lap, still beet red. "I know, I know" you respond. 
You pick your head up and purposely avoid eye contact with Tokoyami, who is sitting across from you in the circle. You and your classmates sat there in silence as you tried to figure out how you were going to do this in a way that was least awkward as possible. 
You finally say "Okay, I’ll do it. But I need everyone to close their eyes, actually, cover them with your hands too so I know nobody’s peeking. While your eyes are closed I'll walk over to the person and sit in front of them. Then I'll tell you when you can look… and that’s when I'll… kiss them…". 
You look around and everyone expresses understanding in some way. Some nod, some give a thumbs up, some say ok. You make sure everyone's eyes are covered. Before you stand up to make your way over to him, you look at Tokoyami covering his eyes with both hands, sitting cross legged, slightly slouched over. So many thoughts rush through your mind as you admire him from afar.
'I can’t believe I’m about to do this. He’s so cute. How do I kiss a beak? What if he doesn’t like me? What if he thinks it’s weird that I have a crush on him!? Oh my god I can’t do this. Ugh. No. I just have to get this over with'
You finally stand up, making your way over to Tokoyami slowly and quietly so that your classmates can’t use their other senses to try and guess where you are. You quietly sit down in front of him, trying to keep your breathing light so he doesn’t sense you're there until your ready. You look at him with his eyes still covered, admiring his appearance up close. You want him to know you're there before everyone else sees. So before you tell everyone to open their eyes, you gently reach up to touch his hands that are resting on his face. His hands twitch slightly, probably because he's surprised that his hands are being touched, or surprised that your sitting in front of him. 
You take his hands into yours and move them away from his face. He opens his eyes, blinking a few times, his beak slightly gaped open. He looks you in the eyes, they're wide with surprise. Your face is still red, but you offer him a small smile. 
"Ok, you all can open your eyes now" you say.
Everyone eagerly looks toward the direction of your voice. Some look surprised, others express a mix of joy and awe. "I knew it!" Mina exclaimed. 
'So this was just a set up, huh?' You think to yourself. 
Tokoyami clears his throat "Y/N, you must be mistaken, I think you’ve got the wrong person…" he says. A bit of confidence flowed through you as you said
"No, I think I've got just the right guy.”
Someone in the circle begins chanting. "kiss, kiss, kiss!" Your eyes meet his again, silently asking for consent. Tokoyami nods to express consent, though still looking surprised. Your hand reaches up to caress and hold underneath of his beak (where his chin would be). As your face moves closer and closer to his, you both close your eyes, and you plant a firm yet gentle kiss on the tip of his beak. It was a bit more then than a peck, lasting about 3 seconds. Everyone cheers.
You end the kiss and take your hand away from his face. Tokoyami looks a bit flustered, its difficult to see him blushing, but you notice that the base of his beak is a bit brighter and slightly more orange. "I'm truly honored, Y/N" Tokoyami says in his deep voice. You give him another small smile, then make your way back to you empty spot on the other side of the circle.
The game goes on, you and Tokoyami share glances every now and then as other students answer their truths or perform their dares. Once Tokoyami's turn came around, he chose truth. 
"Tell us Tokoyami, who do you have a crush on?" asks Mina.
You were partially excited for him to say he has a crush on you, but you were also prepared to have your heart broken. There were so many other people at this school, he could have a crush on any one of them, and you two only had one true close interaction a few weeks ago.
"Well…" Tokoyami started "I'm not really the type to possess a crush on someone, but ever since I got to this school there's someone I've had my sights on". 
You listen with anticipation as he drags out his answer.
"and now I've realized that the feeling is mutual". He says, finishing his statement and giving you a short and flustered glance. 
Your heart filled with joy, although he didn’t directly answer the question by saying your name, you know he was talking about you. Many others in the circle didn’t understand, thus sitting in silence and confusion. Suddenly, Dark Shadow pops out and yells "He likes Y/N!" the class cheers for both of you again as you sit on opposite sides of the circle looking equally happy and embarrassed.
Authors Note: This is my first time writing anything like this, actually my first time writing fiction! I hope it’s acceptable.you can give feedback if you’d like.
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bukojuiice · 4 years
i like you a latte. ➸ coffee shop au headcanons
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ೃ pairings: (izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, and shoto todoroki x reader)
ೃ  tags: headcanons, coffee shop au!
ೃ warnings:  none
ೃ word count 4572 words
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!)
ೃ taglist: @chibishae34​ @sparkykatsuki​ @ramunegoddess, @serossimpy
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- Katsuki Bakugo
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-        Being a barista or just someone who works in a coffee shop in general, leads to a lot of unexpected things.
-        You meet and interact with a lot of busy people every single day. They come and they go.
-        Anything could absolutely happen.
-        But did it ever cross your mind that amongst all these busy people who flock in and out of the café, that you’d fall in love with one of them? Nope.
-        That was until a particularly handsome spiky-haired blonde came crashing into the door with his chaotic friends at his tail, pushing him to confess his feelings to you.
-        How did this come to be? Why you of all people?
-        Bakugo and his squad frequently visit a café that you work in as a barista.
-        You were one to take note of every regular customer you see.
-        You do it for fun most of the time and it’s nice to observe people, especially at a very social job such as this.
-        Katsuki and his friends were a bit loud and stood out in particular. They were good-intentioned people and they looked like they were very fun to be with.
-        They immediately piqued your interest as soon as you saw them line up at the counter, chattering away, their personalities clashing with each other with the way they talked, yet they looked like they were all still the best of friends.
-        Kaminari noticing how cute and pretty you are, and decided to hit on you. Pulling a very lame romantic coffee pun that you’ve heard time and time again.
-        His red-headed friend who was a few places away from him, bonked him in the head for being a weirdo again.
-        You brush him off jokingly, ignoring his pleas and side remarks until he finally tells you his order and apologizes. (Not only for embarrassing himself, but also to you for having to put up with a lame joke.)
-        When it was time for the blonde to order, you notice his expression soften and his voice go low. and as oblivious as you were, you just took it as a casual customer who was just being courteous and respectful to baristas like you.
-        But, you were very very wrong. There was meaning in it all along.
-        “One Pumpkin Spice Latte please.” He announces his order, looking away from you, whilst you can hear his friends snickering behind you as if they were teasing him about something.
-        “Will that be all?” You smile, calculating his order onto the cash register.
-        “Yes.” He nods solemnly, then hands his payment to you.
-        “Name please?”
-        “Katsuki.”
-        Ever since that warm spring day in March, the blonde would visit almost every day.
-        Sometimes with or without his friends, sometimes just dropping by to get his usual drink or staying until closing hours, sometimes ordering his usual Pumpkin Spice Latter or some other drink that surprises you, and sometimes with a book on his hand or typing away on his laptop.
-        And- you never got tired of seeing him.
-        For all the people who come in and out of this establishment, he was special.
-        He became someone whom you couldn’t get out of your head, someone who you were excited to see after a tiring day, and he became a sort of reminder to you as to why you came to love this job in the first place.
-        In fact, you’ve grown to like him by just merely observing him.
-        Sure, there were times when you’d go up to his table and interact with him. Engaging in small talk, albeit sometimes he didn’t seem interested, but you knew he was listening.
-        You wanted to interact with him more than just idle chit chat. More than just asking if he enjoyed his drink or if he need an extra fork or straw. You wanted it to be more than just that.
-        Katsuki feels the same too, but with how unfriendly and aggressive he may look sometimes, he has no idea how to interact with you either. Maybe, he might hurt your feelings or maybe you might misinterpret something he says, prompting you to not approach him anymore.
-        Maybe for the first time in his life, he needed to appreciate and be contented with the little things. No matter how insignificant or trifling they may be, he had to be content with what he has with you right now.
-        That was until today.
-        You take a tray from the counter, and place Katsuki’s drink on it. You walk slowly to his table, showing him your usual smile, sliding his drink off your tray and putting it down on his table. “Enjoy your drink Katsuki-san!” Next, you place tissues and his usual order of honey-glazed donut (in contrast to his every day order of pumpkin spice latte)
-        When… your hand brushed with his.
-        You hear yourself squeal in place, slowly taking back your hand and apologizing. “Ah, I’m s-sorry! Anywho, enjoy your drink!”
-        “Wait.” He grabs your wrist. His touch, soft and gentle, giving you a very different feeling that you would usually feel from a guy like him. “Can I ask for your name?”
-        “Oh. It’s (Y/N)! It’s nice to meet you Katsuki-san! Bye!” You cover your face, running back to the counter to attend to another customer’s order, leaving his table before he was even able to say another word.
-        It was a week before he came back to the coffee shop after that day.
-        You counted the days when he didn’t visit, and because of that, you were in a rather damp and sad mood ever since. Maybe he wanted to tell you something? Maybe he was about to tell you he was never going back to the coffee shop again? Maybe he took the gesture of you running away from him as a sign that you weren’t interested in talking to him that’s why he didn’t bother coming back?
-        It was a regular Tuesday. Taco Tuesday actually. You decided to stop counting the days that Katsuki didn’t visit, maybe he really was gone now.
-        Your eyes lit up at the sight of Katsuki entering the café with his friends. A pink-haired girl, obviously points at you, nudging her blonde friend in the arm. “Go for it! What’s stopping you from talking to her!?”
-        You pay them no mind and divert your attention back to the customer in front of you. Although you were waiting for them to get in line and attend to them.
-        You hear their voices from the back of the line growing louder and louder as they got closer to the counter. You couldn’t help but shake your head and chuckle at the sight of seeing them.
-        “Hi (Y/N=chan)!” Mina beams. Kirishima and Kaminari had their arm around Bakugo’s shoulder at both sides whilst Sero was behind Bakugo making sure he had no chance of escape. “My friend, Bakubro, here wanted to ask you something!”
-        “Sure.” You give them your signature smile. “Is there something up?”
-        “Ooooh! He wants to ask you if-“
-        “Could you guys shut up for a second!?” He turns to his friends, shooting all of them a glare, and you swear you could see him pop a vein on his head. His friends simmer down and hand you a note with all of their orders instead, as they retreat to a table within earshot of the two of you. They flash Katsuki a thumbs up before trying their best to not eavesdrop.
-        He collects himself first, taking a deep breath before finally speaking again.
-        “I was wondering… if you’re free sometime?” He scratches the back of his neck, looking away from you as to not show the cute and dorky blush present on his face. “If you’re not interested though then-“
-        You giggle, reaching for the cup of his pumpkin spice latte and writing something down on it. You put down the orders of his friends on a tray then hand it over to him. “Let’s talk about it later… If that’s okay with you?”
-        He nods, a puzzled look on his face, as he gets out of the line.
-        You notice his friends were about to jump for joy as soon as their explosive blonde friend approach their table, Kirishima grabs Katsuki’s pumpkin spice latte before he takes a sip, then notices what you had written on there. “OH MY GOD!?”
-        “WAIT!? WHAT!?” He reaches for his drink, stealing it from his red-headed friend, reading the contents of the cup.
-        You notice him blushing as his friends burst into a fit of laughter. “SMOOTH MOOVES, KATSUKI! YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! YOU WERE THAT OBIVIOUUS!” they continue to tease him as he registers your number into his cellphone.
-        “yeah~ yeah~ yeah~”
-        You giggle at the sight of them relentlessly teasing him still.
-        At the end of your shift, you finally check your phone to be greeted to a text by Katsuki.
-        “Hey (Y/N). Is Friday good with you? I noticed that you don’t work at the café during Fridays, and I wanted to confirm if that’s one of your free days?”
“Of course! And, yes, it is! Can’t wait to see you for the first time out of the café by then!  (´。• ω •。`)”
-        “Yeah… see you.”
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 - Shoto Todoroki
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-        Why is the owner of the coffee shop near your university have to be this hot?
-        The girls around campus call him the Coffee Prince for a reason.
-        Who gave him the right? Who gave him the right to arrive at the very café he owns in a dashing black coat that he matched with a black (sometimes grey) turtleneck, his defined and toned muscles clearly perking from underneath, an expensive watch in his wrist, and some doc. Martens boots to complete the look.
-      �� Who gave him the right to be this handsome?
-        Did I mention that he’s also a student at the same university you go to?
-        Did I also mention that he sometimes manages the cash register? And how everyone and their mothers flock to the café as soon as they see him at the counter?
-        Shoto Todoroki.
-        That was his name.
-        The youngest son of the Todoroki family who owns pretty much about every corporate building and company in the city.
-        Yet, here he was, managing his little own café. Clearly not interested in the business world that his entire family had built.
-        It was large yet quaint coffee shop, not only were the drinks crafted with love and care along with the snacks and food you can order, but it was also the wonderful smell of scented pinecones wafting around the café. It was heaven. (Just like all coffee shops are, but this one in particular has a special place in your heart, and it’s not JUST because of the handsome man that owns this café.)
-        Shoto was different and a very hands-on kind of guy. If he wasn’t managing the counter, he would be making drinks, messing around in the kitchen, and bringing out yummy cookies and other amazingly baked goods (that he made) as the dish and the dessert of the day.
-        He was very kind to his staff. Making sure the energy was always light and happy. Joking around with them, helping them out, and with the occasional outbursts that customers have, he quickly handles the situation with ease.
-        He was perfect in more ways than one. And with that, he was very much out of your league.
-        Although your friends would encourage you, it wasn’t enough for you to push through with it and talk to him.
-        Besides, it’s not like he has time to talk with customers on a daily basis right? He was a busy man and a college student just like you.
-        You were just like everyone else. Helplessly in love with a guy like him. The rich and handsome young man who looked like he came straight out of a romantic comedy.
-        There is a 0.0001% chance he would even notice you. Why bother trying to compete when there’s so much competition? You weren’t main character material at all. Why would he notice you then?
-        In some days, when busines is slow and the café is quiet, you see him working at the farthest table in the corner, near the charging station. He had a stern and serious face, very much focused on his laptop, typing away, while sipping on a cup of coffee from time to time.
-        Although this happened very rarely since the café was usually packed 24/7.
-        But, when days were extremely slow, these were the perfect times to just admire him from afar.
-        His handsome features, half-and-half colored hair, and his beautiful heterochromatic eyes…
-        Sometimes, he would run his fingers through his hair, and you feel your heart stop every time he does it, that you can’t even focus on the project you were doing.
-        Unbeknownst to you, he too would sneak glances at you from time to time.
-        Maybe, Shoto Todoroki wasn’t the type of guy who would fall in love with the main heroine.
-        Maybe, he wasn’t that kind of person after all this time of thinking that he is.
-        As books and clichés go, maybe you just had to read in between the lines.
-        To notice that he too was in love with you all this time.
-        “Earth to (y/n)?” Ochaco waves a hand in front of you. No answer. The girl huffs and starts to pack up her things. But, before she leaves, at a last attempt to wake you up from your trip to space, she whispers loud enough for you to hear.
-        “Is that Mr. Shoto Todoroki I see shirtless in the corner!?”
-        “You won’t be able to trick me with that Ochaco-chan.” You snap back into reality, shaking your head at your best friend’s failed attempt at trying to get your attention.
-        She winks and grins at you in disbelief. “Still gotcha there love. I’m about to head off to my next lecture, will you be staying here?”
-        “Yup. It’s not too crowded today anyway, and I also need to catch up on my lessons.”
-        “Mkay! I’ll tell Tsuyu and the others to head here after class! See you!” Your brown-haired friend waves goodbye, a ringing bell at the door signaling that she left the premises.
-        You watch Ochaco’s walking figure as she leaves. But, once you turn to sneak a glance at Shoto, you catch his gaze.
-        Oh. my. God.
-        He was looking at you too.
-        You grin sheepishly, waving gingerly at him. “H-hi Todoroki-san…”
-        He returns the greeting by nodding at you, as he gets back to doing his work. (trying to keep his cool as you obviously caught him staring back at you.)
-        You frown as soon as he averts his gaze. Much like him, you go back to focus on the pile of learning materials you had to go through.
-        Someone suddenly enters the store, disrupting you from your studies yet again with how loud they shut the door behind them. Shoto was also annoyed and alerted by this, keeping an eye on the sleazy guy who had just entered his precious establishment.
-        The guy approaches you, shooting you a glare. “This is my seat. Get out.”
-        “Excuse me? I was here first. I don’t see your name anywhere you a-“
-        “What did you say!?” The sleazebag attempts to grab you by the wrist forcefully, trying to drag you out of the table by first. But, before he could, you notice someone grab his arm first, pushing him away from you.
-        “Who the hell are you!?”
-        You look up to see Shoto shielding you, his hand gripping onto the guy’s wrist. You feel your heart beat rapidly at the sight of his tall and well-built figure standing in front of you.
-        “The owner of this café. There are a lot of unoccupied seats in the area that you can sit in, as you can see. Unless you’re blind that is.”
-        “Excuse me!? What kind of asshole are you!? Ain’t the customer always right!? I’m never going back to this shitty establishment!” He flips Shoto off before storming out of the store.
-        Shoto sighs and then turns to you. “Are you okay?” His hand tries to reach out for you, but he hesitates, and stops before you notice him doing so. “Did he hurt you anywhere?”
-        “Ah no. Not really. Don’t worry.” You wave your hands in assurance, a faint blush appearing on your cheeks. “Thank you, Todoroki-san. You didn’t have to do that.”
-        “I had to. You’re an…“ He pauses for a second, as if trying to collect his words and trying his best to not slip up in front of you. “Important customer. I couldn’t stand to see anybody be hurt like that.”
-        “Important customer?” You look at him in disbelief. You turn away from him, trying to process what he had just said. “I’m just another regular old customer who frequents your café. How can I be of importance when nothing stands out about me?”
-        Shoto raises his finger, telling you to wait a moment, and then leaves your table. He collects his things from the place he usually sits at and heads over to sit on the chair opposite of yours. Sitting down on the seat, he brings out his laptop and places his coffee mug on the table.
-        You blink and tilt your head. But on the inside, you wanted to yeet yourself into space because here he was, the guy you’ve been crushing on for almost a year, face to face, your face meters away from his, and the two of you trying to study in peace like some lovey dovey university couple.
-        The two of you continue to make idle chit-chat while working on your respective tasks. You told him your name and in turn, he told you to stop being so formal with him, saying that you calling him Shoto was fine.  He was fun to be with despite the fact that the two of you were quiet throughout the entire time.
-        Time does fly when you’re with your crush, that you didn’t notice it was time for your next lecture. You were about to stand up from your seat when Shoto suddenly speaks.
 -        “(Y/N).” He says sternly. You look up from your computer, continuing to fold it and stuff it in your bag. “Yes?” You reply.
 -        “I was wondering if you wanted to be study buddies? I notice you studying alone most of the time whenever the café isn’t busy, and I think it would be less lonely if we shared a table. Only if you want to though…” He says ever so casually, as if nothing fazes him. Even though on the inside, he was about to die of embarrassment thinking about what would happen if you said no.
 -        “Of course! I’d love to!” You reply coolly, trying to not act like you were about to explode of happiness on the spot. “See you tomorrow, then?” You stand up from your seat, slinging your backpack on your shoulders.
 -        “Yup. See you.” He waves goodbye, watching you leave his café. As soon as you were out of earshot, he breathes a sigh of relief, mouthing a joyful “yes!” as he goes back to what he was doing, and he’ll be in a good mood for the rest of the day.
 -        You did the same too. As soon as Shoto wasn’t within reach, you smile widely, squealing, and clutching your journal to your chest. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t believe that actually happened.”
 -        This was it. The start of something new.
 -        Your love story with the Coffee Prince was about to begin.
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 - Izuku Midoriya
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-        Izuku Midoriya is the cute and hardworking barista who works at your favorite café that you and your friends visit every day.
-        Aoyama and Ochaco call him the “matcha haired cutie” for some reason, even though the color of his hair?? is far?? from the color?? of actual matcha??  
-        Even from afar, he just looks like the most precious cinnamon roll ever?? And your heart just can’t stop fluttering at the thought of seeing him every time you drop by to get a cup of coffee.
-        Pls why must this boy be so cute? his floofy dark green-hair do be making all the ladies swoon
-        The coffee shop is flooded with customers every time it’s his shift. Most of them are regulars who find him really sweet + adorable and they spend way too much time at the counter trying to make idle chat with “izuku” (as seen on his name tag) and it’s really annoying.
-        Some bold and confident regulars attempt to ask for his number, but izuku politely refuses.
-        Which means more chances of winning for you (even though you’re in the same level of interaction with izuku as all these other people)
-        When you come up to the counter however, his smile feels different. He shows you a smile that feels so warm and comforting. A smile that reminds you of home. a smile that makes you forget the stress put upon you by college just for a little while.
-        You notice that he adds extra whipped cream and some chocolate sprinkles to your frappe from time to time and you have no idea if this is intentional or if he just does it by accident.
-        Either way, your friends are convinced that it is intentional and it’s some sort of love language/special treatment that baristas have for customers they have a soft spot for.
-        You always greet him warmly. “good morning izuku-kun! How are you today?”
-        He immediately beams at you. “Good morning! It’s been a great day so far! may I take your order?” You then proceed to recite your usual drink.
-        It’s the littlest things and the smallest gestures that matter after all.
-        Sometimes you would space out whilst at the register, not knowing you were next in line (most of the time it’s because you’re trying to think of something witty to say to him)
-        He smiles at the sight of seeing you, “hi! will it be the usual?”
-        “a-ah yes. I’m sorry for spacing out there.”
-        “it’s alright! I feel you! it happens to me all the time too actually!”
-        His smile. His cute little freckles, his friendly aura, and just his entire presence in general. There’s just something about him that draws you in.
-        He reminds you of a little daisy amongst a field of different flowers. pure, bright and very pleasant. Just swaying with the wind and perfectly content with life.
-       If he arrives early from uni, you see him chilling at the mini library of the café and is usually seen engrossed in a classical novel (you’ve noticed he’s been reading a lot of jane austen, franz kafka, f. scott fitzgerald and arthur conan doyle novels recently!)
-        For some reason, when he’s out of his whole barista uniform, no one seems to notice him. It’s like he fades into the background.
-        He’s able to enjoy the peace and solace that loneliness brings, with a frappe or an expresso usually at the table next to him along with a pile of other books.
-        At the insistence of your friends, you decide to approach him and have small talk.
-        That was enough to make you happy even just for a moment.
-        “hi there izu-kun! It’s nice to see you out of your popular barista persona for the day.”
-        “oh? hi (y/n)!”
-        “wait… you know my name?” you immediately feel a faint tint of pink appear on your cheeks, trying your best to hide it from him by covering your mouth until it fades.
-        “of course! i asked one of your friends who regularly visit the shop. Your blonde friend? The one that has these sparkles around him that follow him everywhere?”
-        “aoyama…” you grit your teeth, muttering under your breath.
-        “anyway, would you like to have a seat? It’d be nice to have some company.” he pats the cushion next to him, scooting over to the other side of the sofa.
-        You slowly sit down, feeling yourself shaking a little bit because you had absolutely no idea he even ACTUALLY knew your name and what you had originally wished for, which was just a normal interaction with him, would ESCALATE to this.
-        “What are you reading?” you turn to him, trying to take a peek.
-        “Pride and Prejudice!” he grins, scratching his head sheepishly. “I know it’s not the typical book that you’d expect someone like me to read out in public like this, but mr darcy and elizabeth’s romance throughout the book makes me feel giddy. They’re such a good couple and they’re written so well!”
-        “they are! The dumb English lit major in me wrote a 40-page doc just talking about their love and other classical couples seen in novels! There’s just something about them that makes the book worth reading time and time again!”
-        “Y-yeah…”
-        You notice him grow flustered and nervous all of a sudden and you can’t help but shoot him a puzzled look. “is something wrong Izu-kun?”
-        “I-I actually want to recommend this to you!” He hands you a small and slightly worn book with no cover or title in it. He then takes a look at his watch, his eyes growing wide. “A-ah! It’s time for my shift!” He stands up from the couch, but before he properly leaves, he turns to you and smiles his precious smile again. “see you later (y/n)!” he waves then quickly takes a beeline to the back of the café.
-        You wave back. watching his figure growing smaller and smaller until his disappears when he enters the backdoor.
-        You sigh and start to skim thru the pages of the book, when you notice a yellow sticky note inside.
-        “Words cannot expresso how much you mean to me. Would you like to go out sometime?”
-        And you swear, at that moment, you feel your heart about to combust from happiness. Squealing internally, you hide your flustered expression by digging your face inside the book, not to be seen by anyone else.
-        You were going to savor this moment.
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babymilkawa · 4 years
Sorry if this has already been rone but- could I get Bakugou, Todoroki, Denki and Izuku (separately) with a non-binary s/o who’s quirk is based off of a hyena? They have splotches of lighter skintone on them, freckles, laugh like a hyena, have sharp teeth and eyes like them? And a tail + ears? S/o is really chaotic, they live by the motto “I’ll try anything once,” and are overall very likable yet funky? Extra points if the boys see them in their hero outfit (which is something a little showey💕
this is rly interesting anon!!
hyena quirk headcanons with:
bakugou katsuki, todoroki shoto, midoriya izuku, kaminari denki
gn!reader :)
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bakugou katsuki
so at first he was definitely ticked off by how different u were
tbh u kinda reminded him of Mina with ur personality
But he thought ur appearance was very cool
later on in ur relationship, you’d always feel him tracing the shapes of the splotches on ur skin, or softly scratching the space behind ur ears
he thought u looked so badass with those teeth though
u were wild but you weren’t careless
your attacks were precise and carefully planned during practice and he definitely noticed
even before u guys started dating, bakugou had already known almost everything about you just by observing
he noticed how your ears perked up easily
whether it’s excitement or during training
he loved watching how your pupils would dilate and how completely focused you’d look when on the battle field but if you’re just chilling?
your whole body is relaxed
oh and his favorite, favorite part is that if he teases you about things and you deny it, your tail will give it away
like your first kiss for example
he pulled away and with the smuggest grin he said, “not bad, right?”
you had rolled your eyes and looked away, unaware that the tip of your tail was rapidly moving side to side
Usually he’ll point you out
but after that kiss, he was dazed himself, so caught up on the feeling of ur lips, he didn’t even bother telling u that ur tail was betraying its owner
and the first time he saw ur hero costume? oh my g a w d man had to look away
cos damn what r u looking so good for 
literally has to slap himself when no one’s watching so he can focus on the task
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todoroki shoto
so your personality is very different than his
knowing this, you sometimes try to catch him off guard by like fake pouncing on him 
but he never flinches or anything
never does
he prolly already knows ur planning this on the other side of the room smh
todoroki generally doesn’t have a playful side to him but when he’s noticing that you’re being more jumpy than usual he’ll join you cuz why not
but ofc it’s awkward at first
he doesn’t know how to have fun fun
he doesn’t understand ur impulsive decisions which happens a lot
for example, if you’ve accidentally had one sip of caffeine at 6 in the evening, you’re wide awake at 2 am and preparing to rearrange the furniture in ur dorm
he’s right below you, luckily, so he’ll hear all the noise and show up to ur dorm like “why?”
and you’ve got the same answer each time, “why not?”
he figures that he won’t be able to go back to sleep anyways so he helps you move the furniture
one thing that’s great is that he can instantly read your emotion or energy level from your tail
like if you’ve still got to move your night stand, but your tail is starting to droop, he’ll just drag you to bed
he’s tired too and he loves your cuddles even if ur ears tickle his chin a little excuse to be little spoon? I think yes
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midoriya Izuku
your energy s c a r e s him sometimes
being ur partner during training will literally keep him fully alert, for you
but you’re a great partner, you can just be a little reckless sometimes
he soon learns that even if you dive right into the action, you don’t act without thinking
before you guys are even together, he’s already got your whole quirk analysis down in his notebook 
he’ll ask you questions about whether your tail gets in the way or whether your ears help during training and all
sometimes if you guys are just chilling, you’ll catch him staring at you
one day you ask him and he just goes like “no you just look really cool. I hope I'm not being weird though! I don’t mean to!”
“you’re my bf you can stare at me all you want Izuku”
one time, you were sitting down with your friends playing a card game and he was walking by behind you
but suddenly your tail just unconsciously swept the floor and he stepped on it, making you cry out in pain
he felt soooo bad
doesn’t know how to help make it better so he just keeps on apologizing
if it was anybody else, you would’ve pounced on them but he looks genuinely guilty
so lets not make it worse :)
at first, seeing you smile would give him mixed emotions
like you’d go up to his face and flash your teeth and he’d start sweating buckets
you looked adorable don’t get me wrong
but you also looked a little...menacing
kinda like himiko
after a while he got used to it, knowing that you were a really kind person at heart
but since you can be a little wild and you like to have fun, you'll just graze his shoulder or neck with your skin to feel him shiver
you won’t put any pressure that’ll draw blood but it’s fun to hear him whimper 👀
the first time he saw ur hero costume, he start stuttering random nonsense lmAo
“y-y-y/n, wow, uhhh” sweat sweat sweat
yea he’s prolly not gonna get used to that hahHha
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kaminari denki
this boy matches your energy
your always paired up with him during training cos you guys make the best team
like you’re there to keep him from making irrational decisions but you also ignite the fire and make sure the two of you make the most out of the time
even if you guys fail the mission sometime, you always come out laughing and developing new inside jokes
sometimes if you’re laughing, he’ll just turn to look at you with the biggest smile
and admires your tail wagging like a little pup and your teeth glistening under the ceiling lights
he is all up for your impulsive decision making
your #1 supporter
“oh? you wanna have fireworks in the field? me too! let’s go!”
pulls out 20 packs from under his bed
you two hold the best parties ever
and sometimes Iida gets on ur nerves but denki’s there to politely ask him to not be a party pooper and that the door is wide open 👀🚪
y’all get in trouble with Aizawa all the time 
like by now, he’s sick of y'all LMAOOO
someone told him that there’s a hole in the vending machine?
“y/n, Kaminari, come here”
but they weren’t even snitching on you two but it’s sooo obvious who did it hahaha
a lot of running around in the hallways and chasing each other
your so much faster than he is but he loves hearing your laugh echo the place
he clings on to you a lot cos ur soft
he’s usually the little spoon change my mind no u can't but when ur exhausted and all out of energy, he’s there to scratch your back or behind your ears, loving the way your tail wags in your sleep
you guys growl at each other
like playfully but it happens a lot
Midoriya walked in one time and lowk thought a fight was about to break down, tryna separate the two of you
you have an actual growl and a fake cute one, guess which one he likes ;))
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a/n: aaah this was so fun to write!! thank you for requesting <33
bnha masterlist
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hiya! i was wondering if i could get some headcanons about bakugou and todoroki’s s/o coming out to class 1a as non-binary and using they/them pronouns? a poly relationship might be interesting👀 but it could be separate if you prefer ofc! i really love your writing and i wanna see what you come up with but no pressure💛
a/n: hiii! of course hun! i did separate headcanons this time around, but if you'd like to request a poly one later on i'd love to write that for you!!
headcanon: their s/o coming out as non-binary
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing, soft enji todoroki/endeavor
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katsuki bakugou
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A supportive king??
He will genuinely beat the shit out of someone if they use the wrong pronouns, or offend you in any way, you may have to hold him back cuz he doesn’t tolerate lack of respect.
If you came to Bakugou before you came out to the class, he’ll hold your secret. I mean he holds Midoriya’s and he ‘hates’ him.
He’s really good with secrets lowkey though, and because it’s something of a bigger scale, he wants to protect it and respect you.
When you come out, Bakugou doesn’t act like he knew before they all did, unless you don’t mind. But he’ll just smile at you, knowing he’s genuinely proud of you and madly in love with you.
“That’s so awesome! I’m proud of you!!” Mina hugs you close, the rest of the squad giving you big warms hugs.
You know you’re safe with them, because Bakugou won’t tolerate it, they won’t either.
Bakugou likes to buy you little things to remind you he still thinks of you. Maybe a little pride pin here or there. He’s got a matching one in his room next to a picture of you. 
They legit love you so much bro. And they respect you and your pronouns, and they never ask questions, only if you’re comfortable with answering.
They totally do their research because they want you to feel loved and comfortable in their home.
They always get you something nice for your birthday or for the holidays, one year they surprised you with a handmade jacket with a pride flag on it. It’s design is gorgeous and everything you could’ve wanted. Since his parents are fashion designers, this boy refuses to let you feed into corporation pride money-grabs. If you want pride merch he’ll let his parents know and you’ll be getting a pretty care package of the good shit.
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shoto todoroki
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Todoroki is also really supportive!!
He won’t tolerate any disrespect for you in general, so you better believe he’s going to the ends of the Earth to protect you.
Someone disrespects your pronouns, or your sexuality, or both? You might wanna step back...
If you come out to him first, like Bakugou, he will keep your secret safe. He respects you, as a person before anything. You may be dating, but he understands just because you trust him in this relationship doesn’t mean he gets to share something very personal.
So when you come out to the class, he’s also reserved and congratulates you. 
He holds your hand a lot. 
His family loves you too.
Though, you may need to explain it a bit to his dad... he’s never really heard much about it? I don’t know he seems busy and probably doesn’t know much about how diverse things can be these days.
So if you need to explain it to him, he’ll listen. And as long as you’re happy, he’s happy. He supports you, and enjoys that you’re dating his son.
That being said, after you tell him about it, he does his research. Any spare time he may get, he’ll look a few things up, and he’ll come to you if he has any questions as long as you’re okay with them!
He buys you something nice that’s pride related after you come out.
Todoroki was actually nervous about letting you meet his dad. But it all turned out okay.
Todoroki has a matching pride pin with you as well, and he holds it so close. He really cherishes it like he cherishes you.
This fool...
He loves you, he does, so much so that he buys you a little plushy that says ‘they/them’ on it. It’s so sweet. Honestly he saw it and probably cried looking at it knowing how much you’d like it. 
Kiss him on the cheek please he loves you so much.
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