#also like im not even a failure why are my standards for success so high i hate it here boooooo
hello, i’m the anon who asked about san fs reading! asking about him and his fs in bed is gross tbh are there questions like this?? 😭 honestly all these tarot readings (from tarot readers i like!) made me like his fs a lot! seems like his fs is a good person and they’ll have a love like in movies (that’s what san said he wants to have) so im pretty happy about it! i saw some of your readings and i find them exciting that’s why i wanted to ask about your take/perspective for his fs! like how would they meet, how would they treat each other, how would his fs’s personality be? personality, work, age or looks? like general things we would see when they confirm their relationship, not the too private stuffs. tho you can choose what makes you comfortable! 
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San’s FS
Body (Outward appearance)
Alright, so, right off the bat (I may or may not have giggled when I saw this) I’m getting “emotional baggage”. Mind you this is for looks. So Atiny will probably see them (Though they most likely won’t since this is their current state BUT IF THEY DID) and immediately be like “Aww, poor baby, they looks like they have so much emotional baggage.” So right off the bat I kind of feel bad.
So yeah. Definitely seeing his FS is currently either underweight or overweight. Not in an extreme way, and more so because of what’s happening. Definitely looks like they’re on their last leg, with eye bags and such. But not necessarily bad-looking.
However, his FS still has this brightness about them. Like this joyful aura and demeanor that’s infectious. Like bright eyes that seem to shine and easy to make smile. They’re definitely confident in their appearance regardless right now. Getting slight Leo vibes but I dunno, may just be me associating that aspect of them with Leo placements.
Definitely dresses to impress. Stylish clothing that’s not luxury but definitely high-end. Like someone who looks well-off, but not rich in the way they present themself.
So, definitely just exudes that successful aura. Gives off those responsible office siren vibes (If San’s FS is a woman I know for a fact in the future she’ll be my woman crush in the most respectful way possible like she seems like THAT GIRL.)
So…She definitely looks like she’s on her last leg though, all things considered. She’s probably very physically tired, and going through some things right now. Health-wise also.
She’s very resilient though. Not letting that get to her, and powering through regardless.
Her appearance (I’m not saying she’s ugly here) is definitely unique. Not quite fitting into the box whether it’s features, style, piercings, hair color, Korean beauty standards, etc. but still absolutely owning it like the icon she is. (As you can tell I already adore this woman I will ride for her)
She’s probably someone who’s isolated because of her appearance though. She’s unique and people don’t like that, and are intimidated by her demeanor and her aura.
Definitely has a traditional feel even with the uniqueness.
She’s definitely responsible. She’s accomplished a lot and knows how to deal with heavy burdens in life. Probably the oldest daughter if his FS is a woman just from these vibes, since I have a feeling she had to take care of younger siblings for most of her early life, making her have to bear certain burdens and responsibilities. Almost like a second mother from a young age.
There’s a lot of passion that’s been sparked in her from many different things that have happened to her in her lifetime.
She may be the type of person who fears failure, and is pessimistic by nature. She’s afraid everything she works for will come apart and while she tries to mask it, she’s deeply insecure. Probably one of those people whose mothers had always seen them as competition if she’s a woman, and that’s really gotten to her.
Definitely the type of person who feels she always needs to succeed and cannot fail or be defeated no matter what.
She’s a person with immense courage and determination. She’s a very joyful person by nature despite everything. Definitely getting slight Pisces/Leo moon vibes here, but again, I didn’t pull for that it’s more of that’s what those traits are giving me. She’s individualistic and lights to fit outside the box. She’s determined and courageous but not overly so. She knows balance.
She’s definitely a competitive person. She strives to be the best at everything and trust she will do whatever it takes (As long as it doesn’t go against her morals) to get what she wants.
She’s not the type of person who avoids conflict either. If she feels something is unjust she’ll speak up about it, though I don’t see her stirring anything up herself. It’s more like she won’t let herself be pushed around.
She’s a prideful person, but in the sense of her ego is so fragile that one small crack will shatter her, so she masks that weakness with pride so that no one can be able to tell. But it’s still very easy to break her confidence and get in her head, even if she doesn’t let that show. She falls apart very swiftly, and it’s always catastrophic.
She’s someone who believes in fate. She believes everything will end up how it is destined to be, and someone that intimately knows change. Someone who has accepted change and adapts well to it. Someone who strives for change and pushes towards it. She definitely is intimately aware that life is just one change after another. But she can see that it all leads to one big picture being complete.
She’s perceptive. She’s observant and picks up on things quickly with a sharp mind. She’s a complex person, and her personality is definitely one of those ones that fluctuates a lot throughout her life. Loving and knowing her is definitely loving and knowing every version of her that comes along as she changes, and it happens fairly often, though not in a bad way. She’s constantly growing and adapting, sometimes faster than others can keep up with.
She’s someone who succeeds a lot in life. I’ve noticed that many in her situations do, because she wants to be sure she’ll be alright no matter what. I see her being someone who can easily make the public love her if she works hard because that’s who she is.
She’s definitely a stingy person. She’s the type who’s so used to having nothing and scared of being there again, so she pinches every penny possible. She’s a greedy person because she knows what it’s like to have nothing and never wants to have nothing again. It scares her more than anything.
She’s also a possessive person by nature in many aspects, though not in an inherently toxic manner. “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours, so keep it that way” type of mentality.
She’s a quick thinker and very assertive. She knows how to take action.
In regards to her age compared to San’s I’m not getting much of an answer. It’s more, “we love one another and we’re happy, so what is the problem?” But there’s also that aspect of…Playing it safe? It might be an age gap that’s not BAD, but more so something they may get hate for.
They’ll probably meet after some period of loss for both of them, and bring with them joy for one another. They both have their own assets, so there’s no worry of “Oh this person is using me for money/status”, so that’s not something they have to truly worry about.
They were definitely going through a rollercoaster ride in life but everything settled and they found one another.
This will definitely be a time that releases them from some pains they were both facing.
So, in regards to work, San’s FS is a perfectionist to an obsessive degree, and prone to overworking. But they also get burnt out very easily. They’re the type who can work on a project for days but get little done, or they can finish a project in four hours and get a masterpiece. They often find themselves with the brunt of their coworker’s work and reaping none of the benefits of it.
I have a feeling San’s FS may be considering switching jobs which is why there’s no strong direction of career paths. San’s FS is probably fed up with ending up with everyone else’s work.
So, in terms of their relationship, they were both looking for someone willing to do what it takes to make it worth. They’ve probably both been in relationships with people who haven’t tried their hardest for the relationship.
They want joy, and for the relationship to be successful. They want something positive that’s worth celebrating when those anniversaries come around.
But there’s still some things where they can’t make decisions. Their opinions clash and they reach a stalemate in those aspects. Because of that, they don’t broach such subjects, and they hang over them.
They’re both people who have strong ties to legacies for entirely different reasons. San has mentioned he has a very loving family who has made him want to show others the love he has been shown, but I think for his FS it’s the opposite. She comes from a family that’s far from loving and because of that she wants to show others the love she craves.
Emotionally, they inspire one another. They give each other more willpower, and they push each other to get the things they want. I definitely believe San’s FS will inspire a song one day. They help make each other better.
Physically, they find comfort in one another. I can see them just laying together in each other’s arms. They feel at ease when the other is near, and they feel strong compassion for each other.
Mentally, they’re also both compatible. They’re very self-aware people who spend time contemplating things about each other and themselves. The type who can walk away from an argument to cool off then talk about it later with level heads and come to a conclusion quickly. They’re both very mentally mature in those aspects.
More on his FS (As established in other pulls based on asks):
Im not getting “Female version of Wooyoung” vibes.
They’ll probably have a small little petty rivalry because they both think the other is monopolizing San’s time
They also have similar trauma so that’s another issue that makes them unable to really…Like one another?
But they’ll be civil
I get more Gemini Sun, underdeveloped Leo Moon/5th house moon from her. Maybe Sagittarius mars. Confirmed by cards. Some water sign influencs, possibly a water sign 6th house/9th house. Maybe a Scorpio placement somewhere, or scorpio for one of those houses.
Her hair is a source of insecurity for her and it stands out
Her eyes stand out
Brown hair WOULD fit her vibes but not something I pulled on
Im not necessarily getting she’s spiritual. I think she may have come from a hyper-religious household who hate things that have to do with our particular font of spirituality. She herself doesn’t hate it, she doesn’t have a strong opinion on it. Though I’m getting one day she may stumble upon the spiritual community and become part of it
Once everything that’s been happening in their lives come to a head, they’ll meet. But that’s not something that’s set in stone to happen at any time. It may be weeks or years. Though I’m getting ten vibes. Ten of what? I don’t know
she’s ENTJ
Probable long-distance relationship
Can in fact fight and can fight well
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9tailshadowwolf · 2 months
Is my minecraft dog waiting for me right now amidst the circuitry and code that separates our worlds and if so is he chillin or tweakin
I have been trying to spend time with someone for 3 weeks and they keep blowing me off. Theyve apologized, in a good way, and promised to make it up to me. We had plans to hang out again today but they wouldnt answer their phone. I havent heard any word from them. What a strange frustration, resulting from feeling neglected by someone you love. “Neglect” is a harsh word. There should be a word for just “not quite suffering but undeniably feels bad”. You dont know who to direct this feeling towards. Is it their fault for ignoring you or your fault for expecting a difference in behavior? What do you do with this discomfort? Should you do somehing different? Should you say something? Say, “hey, i know youre trying but im not satisfied with this right now. You need to be doing better for me.” You could say that, and likely make a case for yourself. But i think that falls in line with expecting things to change. Youre just leaning further in that direction, doing more so that they change successfully. And if thats not enough, you should try even harder.
I have adopted the heroic mindset of there always being a solution, a way to win, a way to save everyone and a way to make everyone happy - so long as I try hard enough. You can always push past your limits and grow to become better than you were yesterday. Therefore theres no good excuse for failure. In fact, failure is a natural state. With every failure you can increase your chance of the next success. And if every failure is simply the delaying of a success, then failure doesnt really exist at all. Its just an absence of success, like how darkness is just an absence of light, or how working is just the absence of getting high (har har). Anyways, this line of thinking can be dangerous. You think youve logic’d a way out of feeling the repercussions of bad decisions. Youre a martyr who nobly (i cant believe thats how you spell nobly) sacrifices themself not for the goodness of others, but for the benefit of your future self. And then when you look back you realize youve just been making bad decisions and giving the wrong people the benefit of the doubt and giving the wrong people your patience for the sake of nothing this whole time. Why make the best of a bad situation when you could just try to be in a good situation? Of course, hindsight is 20/20.
Thing is, i have become so aware of this flaw that i am now wary of any time i AM patient with someone, out of fear of simply being a chump. I am both patient, and consciously aware of my patience. Am i a pushover? Is my patience a result of what i went through, and a sign that i would stick to anyone and wait forever just to see someone i like once because, after all, im a desperate chump? Or, is it the inverse, and my wariness of patience is a result of what i went through, and a sign that i am skeptical so as to not get hurt in the same way again? I dont know the answer, but the point of what im getting at is that i dont need to know why things are the way they are.
My friend could have an amazingly reasonable reason for being so flaky. BUT, they also could not have a good enough reason by my standards to justify this loneliness i feel as a result of their flakiness. But imagine a scenario where someone you love puts you in the background. Either you lash out and solidify this as a conflict. Or you give them patience - and if they truly love you - theyll come around and make it up to you, eventually making things right. If they dont make it up to you, you know its no longer worth laboring over. Essentially, if the proper response to this behavior of theirs comes down to either choosing patience or no patience, then i would personally just rather demonstrate patience.
Dont conflate patience with sitting there like a sad dog waiting for their human to get home from work so they can get fed. Both may look the same from the outside, and feel the same on the inside, but what differs is your intention. Your goal. Sitting like a sad dog is born from the desire for a specific outcome - the master coming home to reunite with you and give you all the love and affection you missed in their absence. Patience is born from no desire, other than to withstand an unknown period of discontent and to wait for changing circumstances in the inevitable future. It involves knowing exactly what youre waiting for. Not hoping for a desired outcome, nor not knowing what youre waiting for at all, or waiting for nothing in particular (i think that might just be laziness (or getting high after work (har har))). To be patient is to know what is to come, and wait until it does. So how can you choose to be patient if you cant predict the future? With all the volatility of the entropic nature of the universe, you can always count on one thing: that nothing lasts forever. Time flows on. Things change. So you become patient for that. For something to simply change, because it certainly will eventually.
If you dont wanna be patient you dont have to be. You can make a fuss and change things up at any time. Its worth doing that when youre dealing with people you dont give a fuck about. When an authority figure is giving you a hard time, when youre being mistreated, when you dont care how the person is affected, you just want a solution. Thing is, when youve become accustomed to the heroic mindset i talked about earlier, you get caught up in what you can do. What actions you can take. Any way to find a solution. You see how this lines up? I would never let myself sit in patience. I would do patient things unpatiently. Id wait for people, give second chances, forgive and forget, and not take it out on others. But it still made me upset, i just hid it. It made me upset because i would wait and hope for an outcome i wanted, instead of waiting for something based in actual reality. So, when youre dealing with someone you actually care about, you should just be patient and not try to solve the problem. You should wait until circumstances inevitably change and youre both in a different headspace. And then reapproach how you felt earlier. The solution can wait. When you and i and our hearts are precious cargo in the matter, be careful not to rock the boat. Make sure you both feel alright first, then you can both find a solution and know that it feels right.
Thats truly heroic. To take on loneliness and despair and frustration, and all the negativity you receive or give yourself, and instead of letting it control what you do, you do the right thing anyway. Not quite suffering in silence, because that isnt noble. But genuinely feeling satisfaction in knowing you have felt some very bad things and you came out the other end. Knowing that youve survived 100% of your bad days. And the fact that you can smile right now is proof that maybe if nothing lasts forever, that can include suffering as long as you accept that you can let it go. Youre allowed to let it go. Its cool. No one likes suffering.
Its insufferable (har har)
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passionextraction · 6 months
i remember needing something to love from a very young age; something that was mine and mine alone, something i could carry. it’s always been much easier to care about anything else but myself. some of my friends did art, but my kindergarten teacher tried holding me back for not coloring inside the lines. quite frankly, i just didn’t have the time to give. it was boring. some people could play music but there was no one around to teach me or even hear my interest. in the panhandle, you basically had two choices: play sports or be nobody. at the time, i don’t really think i grasped the idea, but my mother did so i played sports from the second i was old enough to.
i played soccer and hated it because it gave my bullies an excuse to kick me in the shins and push me down. my mother made me do it for four years anyway. i could ride a horse decently well, mostly everyone could, so i rodeoed. i really enjoyed it but could tell that i was not the type to be successful long term in that lifestyle. i don’t know how or why i was able to recognize that so early on. i was good at running because i could go on forever and recover in under a minute, until i started smoking cigarettes. by that time id already decided basketball was what i would commit to.
in the summertime, i didn’t have school to escape to and summer camps don’t really exist in keyes so we had to do it old school and just play outside. barbarian, i know. my grandpa, my step fathers father, was one of the most genuinely sweet men ive ever met. he taught me to drive and how to be kind. he also installed a basketball hoop in my driveway so i would have something to practice on.
i spent nearly 8 hours a day on that basket for several years, even moving it to boise city with us when we left. i shot on that basket until i graduated high school.
i still remember being 8 years old and coming in after a long, hot summer day. i was thrilled because i had made a shot from the furthest i’d ever been from the goal and had perfected some dribble move. my mother was depressed, and uninterested in my enthusiasm. attempting to give her some of my own joy, i told her treat when i made it to the wnba, we’d never have to worry about anything ever again. my mother laughed and said “yeah right.” the concept of failure hadn’t really entered my realm yet, especially with all of the high standards i made sure to meet. puzzled, i asked for clarification, “well do you think ill at least be able to play in college?” her demeanor changed as she realized i was being serious. my mother has always insisted on telling the truth, even though she often chooses which truth to believe. a look of calm washed over her and she looked me deep in the eye when she said “no, i don’t think you will.”
for the next ten years i dedicated myself to the game of basketball and it loved me back. i made friends, learned valuable lessons about hard work and success and working together with other people. my dry mannered basketball coach paid me a compliment in my senior year that i will never forget, and embarrassingly sometimes shout out at parties when im winning a game of beer pong. “bratcher didn’t call me the best three point shooter in this half of the state for nothing!” i know, it doesn’t seem like much, but you have to understand the type of encouraging i was accustomed to receiving— none. it would be several years before i realized how much she had impacted me as a human being.
anyway, i got the scholarship. one day after my 18th birthday, and the most traumatic event of my adolescence, i signed to play basketball at southwestern college. this was my chance to show everyone exactly what they’d been missing, including my mother.
i was suspended twice and overdosed after being on the team for a year and two months. i played maybe 5 junior varsity games, for two minutes at the end of each half. i was more worried about losing someone who could’ve cared less than even thinking about what i had really cost myself. i’m often worried my life will play out in the same way, and wonder what i would be like if things had been different when i was 8 years old.
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deleted9999999999 · 3 years
bestie idek what to do from here.
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cunni1inguistics · 4 years
#well lads i just realised that i still havent managed to forgive myself for not being able to live up to my own standards in terms of#academic success and whatever else im doing with my life#like on a rational level i know im not even a disappointment to my parents although i feel like id deserve for them to feel this way but#i know my parents are proud of me even with the path ive chosen but i still feel like ive failed them#as much as ive failed everyone who thought i was intellectually gifted or whatever#because only since ive entered uni have i come to realise that i actually am not smart at all and even if i am then i am still incapable of#putting my intellectual capabilities to actual use in terms of succeeding academically. and like i grew up thinking#that i would be able to push myself to become better and succeed in a field that challenges me intellectually but#idk if i can blame that on mental illness or if i truly just am dumb as shit but i cant#i cant become the person i wanted to be a few years ago and subconsciously still wanna be even if i thought i had already accepted that i#cant ever attain that goal. like im just stupid stupid stupid and a complete failure when measured by the standards that#i set for myself growing up which are high i guess and maybe unrealistic which is why i thought i had finally moved on from them but no#and i get so sad and angry at myself when i see what i could be but never will because im too weak and stupid to even seriously try#to attain it. and now im slowly getting past the age where i could try to maybe still succeed after all like bruh im 22 and just started#a different major this year after dropping out of my last one and i know i cant waste any more time because ive already lost so much of it#to just being passive and indecisive and wallowing in my own misery#also i know a lot of this probably doesnt make sense bc i kept it so vague but no one reads my whiny posts on here anyway#111
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: The Return of an Old Enemy"
Chapter 9: The 'War' Room
It was approximately high noon, the Dionysian Games were at their peak, all was well for the residents of Delphi except for one. Dionysus was in his competitors tent near the game field, explaining to Hermes the whole situation. Dionysus had agreed to a challenge that had now put Delphi and Ariadne in a compromising situation, if Ares won the joust he would take everything from the land to sleeping with his beloved wife.
Dionysus was laying on a pile of pillows, deeply remorseful of his string of terrible decisions. "I can't believe I would put Ariadne in this situation I really am like dad!", he sobbed, "WHY the fuck did I even agree to this?!", he continued while crying into his pillow. Hermes sat next to him, patting his back trying to comfort him. He couldn't care too much about how it all happened but he had an idea on how he was going to help.
Hermes laid down on the pillows and let out a relaxed sigh, he already had the plan all mapped out. "Dionysus, you know very well even if Ares does win...I'm not letting him screw you and Ariadne. By the way....is he using his OWN horses for this?", he asked. Ares's chariot was pulled by a trio of horses that would be best described as literal Night Mares, these mystical fire breathing war horses are fast, aggressive and can pull a lot more than Ares's weight.
Dionysus turned, sniffling, "....I'm not sure why?", now he was curious as to what Hermes was planning, "why? What are you going to do?". He was desperate to find some way of winning. It would be devastating if Ariadne found out she was going to be a prize for Ares and lose her kingdom let alone have her husband lose a challenge he decided to enter.
Hermes gave a smirk, inspite of current events he always knew how to make time for anything. "Well, I remember correctly....his horses are pretty tough....if he is using his horses, I could let them out....replace them with some of the horses from here.....I mean...how does wine effect horses.... especially ones that....breath fire?", he asked with a sly grin. He leaped up, pacing back and forth. "We could.....get him drunk, throw him off his game...or...we can go a little more further.", he turned to Dionysus for some approval.
Dionysus was catching on with Hermes's plan. He stood up, "...yeah.....I see where you're going with this....yeah.....but how are we going to get the horses to drink the wine? I mean....you can't just lead a horse to water....also....what if an animal that BREATHES fire....wine is flammable you know...". The two were brainstorming, thinking of ways Ares could be sabotaged. Their brain power would get a boost in the form of someone outside. The two heard the familiar but eloquently frustrated voice of Apollo, demanding to see Dionysus. Dionysus rushes to the tent entrance and opens to see Apollo, talking to one of the satyrs guarding the tent. "Hey man how's it hanging?", Dionysus chimed.
Apollo turned around and the look on his face spoke a thousands that all could translate to "What the HELL did I tell you?!". He marched towards Dionysus, pushes him gently back into the tent to yell at him. "WHY IS THERE AN EVENT GOING ON?!?", he shouted, "I thought I told you to hold off on any parties or anything to make sure the people are safe from what's been going on!". He almost couldn't believe that Dionysus would go the point of risking the Delphians for the sake of having fun.
Dionysus slunked into himself like a turtle going into his shell. "W-well Apollo ol'pal...ugh....wow you are NOT going to believe what else....ugh...Ares is here too....aaaaaand I'm in trouble.....more specifically.... Ariadne is in trouble.", he tried to soften the news but even he knew it wasn't going to quell Apollo's mild fury.
Hermes stepped into help in his own way, "Yeah Dionysus bet his wife, Delphi itself and his patronship of Delphi to Ares if he lost.", successfully making the situation far worse. Apollo's usually fare glowingly pale face was slowly glowing a burning fiery orange with anger, it became hotter in the tent, melting any wax candles and drying any leaves from fruits inside. "Come on Apollo, are you really going to get mad inside of this highly flammable tent with your two favorite brothers in mine?", Hermes charmed Apollo. The hot glow dimmed back into the cooler pale tone he usually had, he knew no matter how angry he got it would be pointless to lose his temper.
Apollo took a deep sigh, sat down to further collect himself. ".....ok...now...what do you plan on doing then?", he asked. He could see both Dionysus and Hermes had a plan, and he knew he wasn't going to like it. "Oh good....it seems you both have something cooked up.", he begrudgingly assumed.
The two stood there looking at Apollo, Hermes walked to a table that had a bottle of wine. "Let's just say, Ares isn't going to drive his chariot straight if his HORSES have been drinking....oh..ugh....DID you see his horses?", he asked. Apollo nodded 'yes', so unfortunately, the plan of forcing Ares's horses to drink the wine would pose a challenge. "Ok, so....we will have to feed the horses something else....spiked fruit?", he suggested. The two looked at Hermes, both couldn't argue against the idea yet they found it to be a usable one.
Dionysus chimed in, "yeah I think I have some marinated apples somewhere. We could feed it to his horses if they don't drink the wine.", he left the tent to look for some at a food tent nearby, leaving the two brothers alone.
Apollo knew that Hermes wasn't here just to enjoy watching Dionysus's fake Olympic games, he had been watching what had been going on in Greece. "Hermes, now that we're alone. What have you seen as of late? Is what I've heard from Artemis true?", Apollo was referring to the wolf man that Hermes and Artemis had encountered. He had recently come in contact with Artemis, whom had come to him to ask about Zeus's whereabouts.
His mischievous demeanor calmed into a somber awareness. Hermes took a deep sigh, he got distracted with Dionysus's issue. He turned to Apollo, "yeah, it was pretty freaky...the thing didn't die on the first shot either. I haven't seen them appear during the day though. I think these creatures only come out of night.", he took off hat hat and scratched his head. "Dionysus was getting a lot of complaints....guess people here can't stand still for long....I can see why he caved in, he doesn't want to disappoint anyone....I can relate, buuuuut honestly the whole situation feels weird.". Hermes felt mildly uncomfortable about his encounter, he had been so use to seeing things die and stay dead, that it had never occurred to him that something could reanimate.
Apollo's stern face loosened up, "Well.....he always seems to listen to his mortal citizens more than me so I'm not sure why I always act surprised.", he relaxed a little but noticed Hermes a little bit worried, "Are you ok? Artemis did mention you didn't take too well to the.... creature.". He could see Hermes look like a someone who saw something he shouldn't.
"it's ok", Hermes replied, "....I just prefer dead things to be dead....that's all.". He turned to the shuffling tent wall and sees Dionysus come in with a jar of fruit pickled in wine. "Ah perfect Dio, I'll take the fruit and wine. Wait here and I'll handle the rest.", Hermes took the jar and an amphora of wine and jetted off, leaving Dionysus and Apollo in the tent.
Dionysus turned to Apollo, "sooooo........ugh....hehe, have you seen the games? Man the folks out there are having fun.", he tried to make it as if he wasn't caring about his dilemma but there was no point, "man I fucked up big time..... fucking Ares, the asshole.... should have asked for someone who wouldn't want to fuck Ariadne.....man I'm a terrible husband.", he slumped on to a pile of pillows. He was still worried about the joust, he was worried about losing Ariadne's trust in him, and above all he was worried if he resembled Zeus in the worst way possible. Dionysus let out a deep sigh, "guess I really am my dad's kid..."
Apollo could hear the hurt in Dionysus's voice, he got closer to him and placed his hand on his back. "Look, you messed up even for your standards.....but you're not a terrible husband, you two are young newlyweds, you've been married for a short amount time and mistakes happen.... don't be THAT hard on yourself. There's still time to fix things....does she know about the bet?", asked Apollo.
"No...she doesn't....and I don't want her to know about ANY of it. If I lose, I lose everything that's important to me....if I win...well...I have yet to see Ares be a good sport about losing....for all I know he'll tell her out of spite", Dionysus replied.
"Oh come now, Ares is a difficult person for sure and he's unbarable at times....but I doubt he will be that level of cruelty. Maybe he was just exaggerating...after all the man is the father of Fear and Terror himself, he would know a thing or two about making people fear him." Apollo reassured him. "Plus, I have no doubt Ariadne would forgive you. You've done quite a lot for her if you remember, she knows you love her and you'd end the world for her.", Apollo hoped his words would at least inspire Dionysus not to consider himself a failure of a husband. After all, he along with Hades, have seemed to have rather successful marriages and to compare one's marriage to Zeus's marriage is surly a blow to one's heart and soul let alone their ego.
Dionysus looked at Apollo and smiled, "....thanks....but I just don't want to mess up anyway.", he got up and took a quick peek outside to see how far into the games the people had gotten through. Unfortunately time wouldn't be on their side, it had seems the Delphians had gone through the whole games and have already started giving out makeshift medals. "GAH! THE GAMES ARE ALMOST DONE!", he loudly panicked, he ran towards the set of armor that he set aside so he can put on for the joust, "OH GODS IM FUCKED! Hermes better be done with what he was doing!", he quickly put on his armor.
"I'll go and distract Ares then, see if I can change his mind about the bet, good luck out there Dionysus.", Apollo quickly left Dionysus in the tent.
"Bye see you later.", Dionysus responded.
Elsewhere, Hermes was at a temporary stable where the horses for the joust. Hermes snuck into the stables in hopes no one noticed him. He looked around and could see Ares's three huge, scary looking chariot horses, he slowly tiptoed to them. The horses noticed his presence, these weren't friendly horses, these horses might as well have been the horses of straight from King Augeas's stable. Hermes took a bowl and pored the wine into it, he raised it to the opening of the stable up to the three horses. In a whispered voice, "...hey there buddies, you want something to take the edge off? Come on, it should smell irresistible.", Hermes was hoping the sweet smelling wine would attract their attention, one of the horses did I fact take a sip from the bowl. It drank the whole thing in a few sips, letting out a loud delighted whinny.
"Hehe, perfect.", Hermes poured another bowl to see if he could give more wine, the same horse drank the wine while the second horse became curious and took a few sips as well. Now all was left was to get the third horse hooked on the wine, but the third horse was different, this one was a stubborn mare that lead the trio while they pull the chariot. She wasn't going to fall for the wine as easily. Hermes took a quick peak at the mare, "c'moooooon, what gives?", he could see she was all the way in the corner, glaring at him while her brothers fought to take the last few sips. As Hermes poured the last of wine into the bowl, he went to take out a wine soaked pealed apple from the jar. He gently tossed to the mare, the other two horses could smell the wine on the apple and tried to go right for it, but the mare reared her head, snorting aggressively. The two other horses stopped, the mare sniffed the apple and took a small nibble.
It took a few seconds for the mare to understand why this apple was spicy, however, she seemed to have liked the spiked fruit and ate it in one bite. She clopped towards Hermes, intimidating him for more apples, he quickly obliged and held the jar to the mare. She shoved her muzzle into the jar, eating a few more bits of alcoholic fruit. Hermes wasn't satisfied yet, he left the jar with the mare and he quickly ran to get two more amphoras of wine. He quickly began to pore more wine for all three horses, the more the three sipped, the relaxed and tipsy they acted. The three swayed back and forth, bumping into each other, loudly snorting and whinnying.
Plan A, was a success. Hermes patted the three horses snouts, knowing damn well he would never have a chance to do this with Ares's horses ever again. "Ok, bye bye.", he darted off to see what Ares was doing, unfortunately, he was more focused than ever, he was now for some reason practicing using his sword on an innocent tree as if he was going to fight Dionysus to the death. "What the fuck is he doing, he isn't going to kill dionysus is he?", Hermes questioned to himself. He suddenly saw Apollo call out to Ares, wanting to have a conversation with him. "Ah oh, this is going to be good....or really bad.", Hermes hoped Apollo was going to help.
End of chpr 9
15 notes · View notes
selkienicke · 6 years
Tune in for 'Jamie overanalyzes hockey players emotional states for twenty minutes' lmao
Someone called me out on this post for indirectly @ing Sidney Crosby, which I kind of was and kind of wasn't. I did talk about him a little more directly in some tags on Ovi carrying the POW trophy over to the team (i said this earlier off the cuff but like i genuinely think its very cool how excited (ovi) is for this. i feel like a lot of Hockey Culture is like ’you have to be humble and act like no honors matter’ which like! Has value! For sure! but also!!! Its nice to be excited you did a good job and alex is an EXTREMELY gracious winner. i can fucking tell you i would have been way less cordial in that handshake line. idk i like that alex is always excited about winning things small big w/e i like that he is like ‘I get to do what i love with ppl i love and that is pretty damn great’ and Not to be That Bitch but like! the whole team feeds off that energy stay loose stay joyful get another is what im sayin) That is still not super direct, but yes, a lot of what I mean by Hockey Culture is the worship cult of Sidney Crosby. (And not just him! I think Crosby also comes from a specific cultural tradition of Canadian hockey. I don't know enough about Gretzky or Lemieux to really speak to this, but I do know their personalities/ways of relating to hockey massively inform both Crosby as a person and the way sports personalities frame Crosby.) And like I said, I don't think that way of approaching sports is bad. I have a lot of instinctive, almost visceral, dislike of Crosby, in a way that is difficult for me to articulate. I think a lot of it is just pure emotion: I don't like that he is talented, and that he opposes the team I want to win. I think, though, that there is also an element of like...idk. I think sometimes the thing you hate the most is the thing that you would be if you were slightly more privileged? This probably isn't true for everyone, but there is something deeply unpleasant about being forced again to see that you do not like or love yourself. I would probably be a lot like Sidney Crosby, if I had his talent and his luck. I don't like personal accolades, or the spotlight. I can sympathize with the way he is under a vast and unimaginable amount of pressure, and has been so since a young age. I think that the way he copes with that is by overemphasizing luck and downplaying skill. I also think, as a Leo and a responsible person, you are incredibly prone to the massively egotistical and massively exhausting mental loop of: I center the world, the world out of balance is my fault, therefore I must fix it. I fix it, I have only done my duty. I fail, this is all on me. I think how intensely painfully superstitious and anxiety-ridden Sidney Crosby is is fascinating. I feel like he has an impressive level of respect and fear for the awful power of luck, a deep awareness of the fact that hard work and skill only takes you so far in life. Idk, I think all hockey players know that, and they all cope with it differently. Ovi, imo, tends to distance himself from that fear through select and intense compartmentalization. Part of why I like Ovi so much is that he is self-worshipful. He loves himself, and his skill. He named his dog after himself! He has an Ovi museum! And like, I think that can come off as self-centered and obnoxious but I genuinely don't think it is. (Mostly bc he is, as I said, extremely generous with praise and a very gracious winner). Idk, not to be overly simplistic but in a nutshell, the quote "Russian machine never breaks" is telling. I feel like Ovi, mentally, treats his talent as a separate and inhuman deity-being. Something to be fed, and trained, and appeased. Something to lay honors at the feet of. Something that may only favor you for so long, so love and appreciate it while you can, while you have it. I think, at the core, it is two divergent reactions to being in a massively high-stakes game that relies on both your effort and a huge amount of factors you have no control over. Do you brace yourself, lay low and be grateful for one more, one more, one more? Or do you charge out into the field with both arms open, determined to take as much as you can before you're shut out? I think the thing is, both of these reactions are going to rub someone the wrong way. For me, I desperately wish I could feel Ovi's fierce joy at his own success. I wish that everything I succeed at did not feel like another reproach for past and future failures. I wish that I didn't feel only relief at doing better than was expected of me. This is another reason I think the sort of...attempt to set up an Ovi/Crosby rivalry has always failed. Because the thing is, I think Crosby also kind of wishes he could lean into that raw joy a little more. I think that's why he likes Geno Malkin so much, because Malkin's emotions are close to the surface and because he insists that he will take space and that he has earned it. (I think also, that Ovi loves no one so much as weird hockey cats, who are good, know they are good, are never good enough for their own internal standards. I think he admires that relentless perfectionism, that drive to keep going as hard and as long as you can. That Nicklas Bäckström attitude of, “Okay that’s one. Get another.” It’s very Virgo-y, and Ovi is absolutely a Virgo whatever else he might be.) Idk, there are a loooooot of complicated threads to this that I simply don't know enough to untangle. Russian and Canadian hockey both have long and complicated histories. Both tend to produce a certain type of emotional response to pressure, to success, to failure. Both have their own rules and norms and problems. I'm also thinking a lot about the split reaction to Jonathan Marchessault's sort of over the top cocky confident celebration vs. what the reaction was to P.K. Subban doing something similar. (In a nutshell, it is okay and even praiseworthy for a white dude to be confident. It is not okay and egotistical/too self-serving when a black man is confident). This doesn't really apply to the difference in the way Ovi and Crosby are read, but I do think it is an aspect of NHL talk culture to keep in mind. Maybe by this I just mean, NHL sports reporting tends to be hypocritical, and to fail at acknowledging nuance, and that sometimes just because one thing is good does not mean its opposite is bad.
This is mostly just About Me, but this is also related to why I love Braden Holtby so much. I think he (and also Kuzy) balance these two extremes really well. I think they both manage to stay calm and collected (well, Kuzy is emotionally OTT lmao and I love that about him, but he also imo flows through emotions quickly, and does not dwell on failure/get stuck in the way I’m talking about with both Ovi and Crosby) and to keep going. Holtby and Kuzy both are excellent players and know it, are capable of being happy with how they have done and successes they have had, and are also capable of reorienting and moving forward once those successes (or failures) are in the past. I think in a lot of ways this middle ground is the healthiest, but I find the extremes more fascinating, and they tend to provoke much stronger negative/positive emotional responses from me.
Because like, I admire that ability to keep to the middle ground, but that ain't me kids.
3 notes · View notes
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"health insurance for veterans that is affordable
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
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Whos the cheapest u found car insurance thru?
ive checked all state geico progressive state farm aig 21 century liberty mutual and esurance. r there any out there that ive missed? im a student and on a very strict budget so i need the best deal possible. thanks!
""Young driver getting a new car, insurance?""
Me and my fiance are buying a new car, im 20 and hes 22. Its a 2010 Mazda 3. We already went to the dealership and got a good price on it and even 0% financing. Signed all the papers and now we are looking at getting insurance but its putting us back a little bit. The car is all ready to go but not until we have insurance. Any ideas on good cheap insurance or are we basically screwed?""
Why can we not demand that the bozos in washinton pay for their own medical insurance?
i have cardio myopathy w/ congestive heart failure...my insurance plan???...a do not resuscitate order.
Car insurance for teens... cost?!?
im 17 years old and im getting a miata 93. how much will insurance cost be around. by the way i have good grades
Car insurance question. UK only please?
Hi. 18 months ago me and my hubby went bankrupt (long story) and we have had our new car insurance quote from the company we have been with for 12 years. It jumped from 37 to 60 and we were pretty outraged and so have been shopping around. We were told by someone we know that any new insurance companies would do a credit check and that we may be refused insurance or may get pretty high premiums. As I said, we have been with our insurance company for 12 years and have paid on time every month by direct debit for the car insurance and for the home contents and pet one too. So as your premium is affected by your credit score, does this mean we should have let our insurance company know we went bankrupt, when we did back in Nov 2010? Or does it not count as we were already with them? i don't seriously see why we should've HAD to tell them, but I am not a bit worried. I don't want to make a claim and find that they refuse it because we didn't tell them of the bankruptcy!""
Cheap car insurance in Arizona for an 18 year old with a volkswagon beetle?
i really want a volkswagon beetle, and then one im looking at right now is a 2006 with 70,000 miles (i know, its alot but thats not what im asking you to answer on) and its a convertible. i've never had my own car, and right now im using a family member's. i dont have ANY credit, idk if that helps or not... i already know my car payments are going to be high, so i want cheap insurance, that will still cover me. i see commercials for The General and Freeway Insurance, along with Safeauto. are they good companies? i kind of checked out The General, and it wasnt as cheap as i thought it was going to be... help?!""
Cheap Moped Insurance?
Does anyone know where to get VERY cheap moped insurance? I'm 16, just passed my CBT and I need cheap insurance for my moped... Does anyone know where to get this... Or does it not exist?""
Would this car make my insurance go up?
I'm thinking about purchasing a 97' Cavalier LS Convertible, would this car make my insurance go? and by how much? Also does anyone know anything about these cars? Are they good cars? Mechanically wise and gas wise. By the way, I'm 16 in case that effects your answers.""
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
Anyone know of an affordable auto insurance that is nationwide?
small companies/ customer friendly , with a website""
Two car insurance policies?
very sorry if this is confusing for people to read but please try and help me out as i have confused myself =\ I have 1 years no claim bonus, and if idon'tt claim till May then i will have two years no claim. i am going to buy another car in a few days and tend to open a new car insurance Policy (Februaryy ). when it comes to may and the first carpolicye has finish. i shall not be driving that car no more. but when it comes to Febuary, will it mean that i have 3 years no claims ? even though i have been driving 2 years 9 months,,
Can I use my student loan to pay for a car insurance bill?
I recently took out a student loan, and after doing research on it, I saw that I can only use it for school-related activities/items, such as paying foor books, tuition, fees, computer, etc. I also have a car insurance bill that's $140 a month, and I took out the student loan mainly for that. Now for the $140 dollar question; Am I allowed to use my student loan money to pay for my car insurance bill? I ask that because technically I'd be paying for a school-related item, because I can't drive to school without paying for car insurance, since that'd be illegal. So does anyone know if I can do that without getting into trouble? Anyone who has hands-on experience, or is an expert on this kind of thing, and can answer this TONIGHT PREFERABLY would be greatly appreciated!!""
I got a car accident for the first time.. how much my insurance will go up?
This is first time I caused the accident and I had someone rear me before which came out as it wasnt my fault.... but accident that I caused I hit a school bus thankfully there were ...show more
Help for purchasing Private Health Insurance?
I am self-employed and need to purchase Health Insurance. I've talked to sales people from Kaiser and some other companies-- but they all seem shady and they don't really seem to know what they're doing. Do you guys know of any insurance companies that you're happy with? Like good customer service-- happy with everything? Please let me know the names of the companies and a phone number I can call. Preferably in California... Thanks...
Where do you find affordable health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Where do you find affordable health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Do you legally have to declare having a medical cannabis card to your insurance company?
Does this prescription count just like every other medication? Do you legally have to declare having a medical cannabis card (or say that you use cannabis) to your insurance company? I live in California. My insurance is Blue Cross.
Do different insurance agents from the same company offer different rates?
I just got my AllState bill and my home insurance just doubled this year! I want to switch to StateFarm but I got a quote a few months ago from a local agent, and it was very high too... However, it seems like this local agent is very successful and has a lot of business. I was wondering, if I go to another StateFarm agent, will they offer me a better rate? Or is purely determined by their computer system?""
""Diamond Car Insurance? gave the cheapest quote, anybody use or used them?""
I am 21 year old female wanting to start my own insurance policy instead of being 2nd driver on my mums car. I have a Toyota Rav4 Sport, which insurance companies are good with younger people please (the car is 8 years old, so not worth a great deal)""
Car insurance question?
I have a question, and I am not sure if this question is applicable to this email, but I guess it's worth the shot. First off a little background, I am 18, but I don't have my name listed under my parents' car insurance, I got into an accident upon receiving a 1st offense citation for following too closely. My court date isn't until a month later and because of the accident my parents want to put my name under, but at the same time they would like to change insurance companys, are they allowed to change insurances and put my name under before the court is settled or do we have to wait until the court is settled? All I know is that All I have to do is pay the fine, but won't allow me and require me at court.""
How to get cheaper car insurance for a new young driver?
I passed my test the other day but ive been looking for hours trying to find some cheap car insurance on a 1.2 ford ka but all the quotes im getting are minimum 3-4 thousand pound and some are even quoting up to 8 thousand ! Im 17 and male does anyone know where to get relatively cheap insurance something between 1000-2000 pound? or any methods that are used to get cheaper car insurance?
Anyone want to give me a rough estimate on this car insurance quote?
My friend drives a '98 Mercury right now. She's been into four accidents (three of them were caused by her), is one point away from getting her license taken away, and got a DUI last summer. Consequently, when she got her car back, she tried to get it insured only to find out her insurance premium for NO FAULT is almost a thousand a month. That's for a standard insurance company. She went to a small rinky-dink company for a lower quote and got a lower quote but I'm not quite sure what that quote was. Since she can't afford to pay that much in insurance, she (stupidly) has decided to get fake insurance proofs that she thinks will get passed secretary of state so she can renew her tags. I told her she needs to have real insurance or she could get into lots of trouble (not to mention end up owing tens of thousands of dollars if she crashes). She didn't listen to my advice and went with the fake insurance proofs which did NOT get passed secretary of state; her new plan is to pay for one months insurance and then stop paying for the next few years until her insurance goes down. She told me the other day that she wants to buy a BMW by the time she's 22. That means in one and a half years. Not only will her insurance still be high, but it will probably be even higher since she will have gone two years without it. So, considering the facts I've given you and that she has to pay almost a grand a month for no fault on an older Mercury, how much more do you think she will be paying for FULL coverage on a BMW?""
Insurance on a 2003 Ford Mustang Mach 1?
How much would insurance be on this car? I'm 16, almost 17, in Arizona, by the way. The car has a V8 engine.""
Is supersmartsmile insurance good?
I'm in pretty bad need of some dental care. I am looking for a good dental insurance company to go with for a year. An supersmartsmile is in the perfect price range for my low income self. Please help me here anyone with this insurance. Thanks.
What insurance policies are available for an online real estate business?
How does insurance helps to secure any online business ? What are the prime areas of concern that need to be addressed?
Insuring a second vehicle?
My husband and I both have our own vehicles but have just purchased an old Land Rover for towing our trailer tent. We have been searching insurance companies online for a cheap quote but have been getting quotes for 1000+. We only want to use the vehicle occasionally & think this is a ridiculous amount of money to pay for insurance, (especially as the vehicle only cost us 600 to buy.) Can anyone recommend a company that provides insurance at a reasonable price for an occassional-use vehicle? Thank you""
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
Im 15 about to be 16, and im getting a 2000-2005 jeep grand Cherokee Laredo. But I don't know how much the car insurance will be for me. I live in Florida U.S.A. Please help !""
About what would the insurance be on a '94 Camaro V6?
This doesn't apply to me...one of my friends asked me to post this--long story Anyway, he wants to buy this '94 Chevy Camaro base model; not the Z28!! He's gonna buy it off a local guy for $3000...it was 3200 something but he gave him a break for cash. So I'm supposed to ask what kind of insurance that he, a 16 year old will a spotless driving record and good grades, could expect to pay. His parents would like to put liability only on it to keep the cost down. Does anybody have any estimates???--remember liability ONLY..... Oh and we're here in Iowa if location makes any difference....""
When buying a used car what do you do about insurance?
so i am going to buy a used car. it's my first car but to put it on the insurance how do i go about it? do i call the insurance company before i buy the car or after? im so confused
How to apply for a government health insurance?
my friend is on a student visa and she is to stay here for 8 months. She wants to apply for a health insurance just in case anything happens to her stay here in California. What are the steps to apply? is there a certain website where she can look for it? Does it include the medical, dental and visual insurance too? thanks""
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
Is there a site that tells new car insurance groups?
Is there a site that tells you the new insurance groups of cars under the 1-50 rating instead of the old 1-20?
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
""Why did 4,000,000 people lose their current insurance, when only 27,000 signed up for insurance under ACA?""
The facts are that only just under 27,000 people signed up for insurance under Obama's new law aka Obamacare. This is so darn ridiculous. Have ya heard about this?""
MotorBike Insurance For CBT...?
i was just wondering if i bought a Honda CBR 125r and i got a provisional license ad done the CBT would i need insurance to ride on the roads for 2 years or would i not need insurance until i could save up money for lessons, theory and practical test....???""
What companies can I get appointed with in Louisiana to write Home Insurance for my Insurance agency?
I have an Indepenent insurance agency in Houston, TX and I am opening a branch office in Louisiana to offer home and auto insurance for LA residents. However, I am having a hard time finding companies that are appointing agents or writing home insurance other than Louisiana Citizens. Does anyone have any suggestions on some companies that I am able to get appointed with ???? Please help!""
How much do you think my auto insurance will be?
I live in Massachusetts, I'm 19 and have had my license for exactly a year. I'm a female (I don't know if that matters) The car I want to insure is a 95 Oldsmobile Achieva. Rough estimate please? My mom is saying I have to pay like $400 every three weeks for ten months. Doesn't that seem like a little much?""
Cheapest car insurance please?
hey i hope some1 can help me out. i am 22 years. i recently passed my driving test, on the 21/07/2009. i also bought a car honda civic. 1.4l i am looking for the cheapest car insurance possible. because i am full time student. and work part time. i wouldnt be able to afford paying 2000 annually. please if some1 knows where to get cheap car insurance for new drivers, would be very appreciated cheers""
UK: how does the ncb function for car insurance?
The insurer of my new(ish) car wants a proof of no claim. I already have a insurance on a first car with ncb of 9 years, protected. How come I can't use this ncb for the second car? the cost of insuracne is outrageously expansive if I start again from zero year ncb for the second car... how does this work? why can't I carry on having the ncb for the second car too?""
How much does full time RV insurance cost per year?
I know it's different for everyone but how much does it cost for you? And what size / class RV do you have? I'm just trying to get a rough estimate. Thanks
What happens when fail to pay Car Insurance premium? Details Inside.?
Hello Friends, I know that failure to pay car insurance will lead to termination. What I basically want is to cancel the insurance, because I plan not to drive that car for few months to save on Insurance premium. My first question is do they allow termination for such reasons? and in case they don't allow that what would happen if I simply stop paying premium? But remember that I plan not to drive it for few months, so why I need insurance after all. What is the immediate consequence and what is the effect when I would like to drive that car again and want an insurance then? If it is of any relevance, my car is of New York. Please answer me. Thank you""
""What if I am not self employed, but I pay for my own health insurance?""
I am employed, but I do not participate in my employers health insurance plan. I choose to buy my own. Do I claim this on my taxes and if so, where?""
Do I need car insurance with a drivers permit?
I'm 15, just got my permit, do I need car insurance? If so, then why did my parents have to sign for responsibility? Wouldn't that just put it on their insurance?""
Do insurance companies raise premiums based on points or violations?
I have two tickets one for stop sign, and one for speeding. My question is which one should I turn in my traffic school certificate with to erase the point. I know they are both 1 point violations on my dmv record. Will it make a difference to my insurance rates? By the way I have USAA.""
Driving with an expired insurance in kentucky?
I got pulled over by police for speeding but my insurance were expired that time. What should I do? I just renewed my insurance after that. The police said that I need to go to court. Do I need to contact traffic attorney? and What about my license problem?
""If we did the following things, would health care then be affordable for most americans?
allowed people to buy insurance across state lines. protected doctors from lawsuits so that they didnt have such high insurance costs & wouldnt unnecessarily test patients just to ...show more
Could I set up my own car insurance company to insure myself?
In Canada, it is the law to have car insurance. Is it possible I could set up my own car insurance company to insure myself. I am aware that I would have to cover the damages of other cars involved in an accident, but am not sure if I would have to cover if an accident is fatal. Also, considering that I may have to cover damages in case of a fatality and other cars involved in an accident, would be more economical to just go with paying an insurance company?""
How much will my insurance go up?
A few weekends ago I backed into someone's car who was parked. The damage was not extremely significant; it gave him a small scratch that will be easily buffed out and a small-ish dent more on the underside of the bumper. I gave the guy my insurance info and everything, and he is going to file a claim. My question is, since the accident is pretty minor (thankfully) will my insurance skyrocket or anything? I am unfortunately a 17 year old male who recently got his license a few months ago, so I know that doesn't help. Any ideas?""
How do you determind how much the car is worth?
I bought a car from a trusted dealer. They had told me the odometer wasnt working since they had it. Well I knew the odometer wasnt correct. Well I sold the car ( I have a lein) the car was totaled. Now the insurance company is saying they dont know the exact miles on the car so thier not going to pay but 2400 for the car. I did a Carfax report and it showed 70K miles, then 17 K mile when I bought it. I am trying to come up with a way to reason with the insurance company to get the most out of the car. What would be the best way to go about doing that. Taking the average fort he year? the mileage on the car? I believe the car is worth at least 3K.""
Can group health insurance deny for Pre existing?
I'm on my moms insurance and she's moving jobs and her new insurance is going to be group coverage blue cross, can group coverage deny you coverage for Pre existing or only private? Why's the difference between group and private? Thanks!""
Im going to be in Wisconsin my friend has a car for me..can i get insurance to cover me there?
Im going to wisconsin for their summer and my friend im staying with has a car i can use for the period im there. im 21 is there a way for me to get covered by insurance for the 4 months im there? Im from New Zealand. Thanks
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
""Car insurance, from provisional to full uk?""
I have recently bought a car (a 2003 Ford Ka 1.3 Collection) & am on a provisional license taking driving lessons atm. Im looking at different car insurance quotes online & am thinking of going with Admiral as it seems like they offer the cheapest car insurance for my situation. As far as I'm aware, I would have to pay approx 1,100 to insurance my car while still on a provisional license, & approx 1,600 with a full uk. (A lot of ppl have said that insurance will be more expensive while on a provisional license but I know for a FACT that it's the other way around seeing as I would have a fully qualified driver with me at all times, meaning that I'm less likely to have an accident!!) Anyway, Because I'm looking at insuring my car for Nov while I still have a provisional license (I'm going to pay it monthly), when I hopefully pass my test at the start of Dec & obviously notify the insurers that I will have passed my test & therefore gotten a full uk license, HOW ON EARTH will that affect my insurance? Any help will be MUCH MUCH appreciated!!...I'm really CONFUSED atm!!!!! :):)""
Who Have The Best Insurance Rates?
I Hope Im Calling It Right, I Just Got My Drivers License In August, I Dont Have A Car Yet. I Just Wanted To Know For The People Who Have Cars, What The Best Company To Get, When I Do Get A Car. People Tell Me Car Insurance Compnays Go By Age To. Im Only 21 So I Know Is Gonna Be High. But I Juat Wanna Know Whats The Best One To Get And Why For Car Insurance. Thank You To All Who Answers""
What are 1995 BMW 325i Insurance rates?
My cousin is giving me her old 1995 BMW 325i, four door, white. I was wondering what the rates would be for Farm Bureau Insurance in NC.""
""In NJ, Can you get a driver's lincense but not have car insurance or a car/drive? TEN POINTSS?""
I'm 18 years old, female. I've always wanted my driver's license. I have my permit that now expired. My parents won't let me get it because they don't want me to get into an accident and because they said insurance is sooo HIGH! Is it possible to pass my driver license test and not be on an insurance policy and not drive any car? Not drive at all, just own the license. I have a job and would get my own policy, but it would just be even more expensive!""
Why do I need car insurance?
Ok, i have my permit and will get my driver's liscence soon, but i am not going to buy a car for a while. If i am just going to borrow one of my parents' cars, to go shopping and stuff like that, do i need car insurance if i never borrow it overnight or anything like that?""
Insurance for additional drivers has shot up?
I'm 16 and looking forward to buying my first car, so a few weeks ago i saw that if i was the additional driver on my dad's policy it would only cost around 400. However i have tried a few recently and they all have shot up to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone know why? It's ridicuolous how much they are trying to charge me for first years insurance.""
How much extra on car insurance does an amp cost? Or dyou not pay any extra?
I treid all the insurance comparison websites and none showed amps in the modification part. I'm 17 and pay over 1000 pound for insurance already and don't want the price to go up much. Any help appreciated :)
A good begginer bike thats fast and cheap on insurance?
I'd like to no what kinda sports bike/cruiser would be a good starter bike that's cheap on insurance and gas, I don't want anything shaped like a harley more of a sports bike shape. Any suggestions?""
How much is the average insurance on a mustang v6 for a 16 year old?
How much is the average insurance on a mustang v6 for a 16 year old?
""What is the cheapest second hand car I can buy ? That has cheap tax, insurance and cheap to run?""
Can anyone please help me. I am looking for a small engine car cheap to buy that has cheap road tax , prefarably the 35 a year bracket and cheap insuarance. I am a new driver on a very low budget. I have about 1000 - 1500 to buy the car. As this will be my first car I dont mind whatever make it is, as long as its cheap and takes me from point A to B while gaining experience. Thank you all in advance.""
Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?""
Does anybody know of a good affordable life insurance?
I live in California, im 19, im perfectly healthy(i've never smoked and i've never drank...ever)and im trying to find a life insurance policy to purchase for myself, since at the time i was born my parents couldn't afford one. So, i decided to do the smart thing and decide to get myself life insurance. I would like to know of people's opinions on life insurance, and which ones are best for someone my age.""
How much is car insurance in ontario?
im just wondering, how much would car insurance be for a 1st time driver whos 19 and have to do it all on his owe as nobody in the family has a car lol. i dont plan on putting a car on the road till i get my g2, what isnt for like another 10months haha so i have been saving money up, Im Thinking it will proly be around $400 a month but not sure so does anybody else in ontario know how much it is? ps.. live in belleville ontario canada""
How to talk to somone on the phone to set up appointments for insurance?
hi guys i just got a job at a insurance place and my part of the job is to call people to get insurance leads. does anyone know whats the best way to sell insurance and get appointments? please and thank you
Anyone know any cheap car insurance?
Im just trying to save a little money.
Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?
I've recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won't use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?""
I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?
Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? I currently have State Farm insurance and I live in the state of California. The officer told me that as long as I had permission to drive the car and my insurance covers me driving other cars I Should be fine. Is this true? Please help, I'm really worried and I don't wanna pay a big fine.""
What is an average monthly insurance rate for a 16 year old driver?
I want to get ideas for what people pay. I want to know where I can get the cheapest insurance.
How much is product liability insurance?
Its for my online womens shoe store. Also what other type of insurance would I need? Thanks
Which car would be less for insurance?
A 2003 mustang v6 or an Infiniti g35 coupe? I'm 18 and I have a clean driving record. I have the choice of getting either one.
Where can I find the best and most affordable Health Insurance?
not some rip off. but a real company and i hate BCBS
Best car insurance for my age HELP PLEASE?
Hi, I am going to buy a 2005 corsa c in afew days and I was wondering what would be the best insurance company for my age ? I just turned 20 and have had my licence for just about ayear. I could also put my mum and dad on the insurance if that would take it down if so how would I go about this and whats the best company to go with ? its a 1.2 sxi corsa by the way, thanks if you can help and I have cheked compare the market and that but people seem to be getting alot better prices than that is giving me and I dont know what they are doing different, thanks if you can help.""
Are there any car insurance companies that don't use a social security # when determining your rates?
I think it is horrible that they base car insurance rates on your credit history. Having bad credit doesn't make you a bad driver. If they are worried about you paying the bill, why do they make it HIGHER if you have bad credit? Isn't that a little messed up? Are there any companies that don't do this?""
How much dwelling coverage is sufficient for a home owner's insurance.?
My current insurance covers $480,000 for the dwelling (bot house for $1 mil but i'ts probably worth 700K now). It's 1500 sq feet. I got a really affordable quote for $240K coverage, but is that too low? The salesman said anything more is probably over-insured. The home is in a nice area, has upgraded plumbing, electrical, newer roof but the structure itself is extremely old.""
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
I do not have auto insurance and my license is suspended (child support). I live in California?
Is the other driver still responsible to pay for damages to my car? He has insurance. What do I do first? Thank you for your help
Affordable term life insurance quote?
What good is affordable term life insurance in florida?
Why is it hard to find medical Insurances?
i have a heart condition, why is it hard to find medical insurances?""
Temporary Insurance for 18 yr olds - How can I make this work?
I go to Uni and want to use my mothers car wen i'm back at home in the hols. Trouble is I'm only 18 and the car is a VR6 Highline, with UK group 16 insurance. It'll cost me about 2000 for a yearly permanent insurance policy, but id prefer just to go on my mothers policy temporary if itd b cheaper. For instance i could pay for her insurance on the car permanently for about 150 pound and maybe get on as a temp driver occasionally for probably a lot of money each time. Any ideas?""
Where is the best place to get insurance for my scooter?
i know that scooter insurance runs around 120 a year but all the quotes i keep getting from places like Allstate and progressive are more like 1167 a year. Where is the best place to get comprehensive insurance for my scooter.
Getting Car Insurance?
I'm getting married and because I'm moving to another state I'm having to switch from one insurance for my car to another. My question is this, how much up front money will it cost to get insurance for me and my wife? For example, will they need a deposit, or expect a certain number of months up front? Also if anyone could refer me to a good insurance company, I live in Alabama near Birmingham I 'm considering either state farm or alfa. Thanks!""
Why do you think insurance is important?
I am writing and essay on why insurance is important and the consequences of not having it. I just wanted to know some of your thoughts of why you think insurance is important to help me get a better understanding ! thanks in advance !
Car insurance advice..We bought a 97 dodge ram for my son that he picked out for his first car.He is taking?
auto body etc so it was something he was excited about fixing up.He had it looking pretty good still needed work but the other day my husband was driving it and was hit in the back and it wasnt his fault.They are trying to say it is totaled because the repairs exceeds a certain amount.So my ? is is there any way of keeping this truck?If so is it like a buy back thing and how much would it be? I know I should be asking the other insurance but the adjuster for them is not answering or returning calls.My son still wants to keep it is fully drivable and alot of work has been put into it and wants to eventally re fix it.Thanks for your time.
Does any one know about any 0 deductible health insurance plan with low monthly payment?
State California
Insurance wise is a 89 firebird a sports car?
Does geico consider a 89 firebird a sports car?
Medical Malpractice insurance..?
Im wanting to start a nursing agency in the near future and require the appropriate insurance in order to do so. I have a quote for Professional Indemnity and Employers Liability through HISCOX. I dont seem to be able to locate a broker who can provide Medical Malpractice/Negligence cover. Can anyone help me out??
Car Insurance for a 17 year old!! ?
Is anyone else struggling to find at least a reasonable price for car insurance? The cheapest quotes i am getting is 4,900 on a 206!! Am I doing something wrong, i've checked multiple car insurance sites and can't find anything jus below 5 grand. How the hell do insurance companies think 17 year olds can afford this? It's daylight robbery?""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old male driver with 2001 audi a6 in a major city?
Around how much would insurance cost for a 17 year old boy in a metropolitan city. car is a 2001 audi a6, with a clean record.""
Affordable health insurance?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
How much is car insurance per year for a oldish mini?
I'm 18 in June and I would really love a mini say 2005 or something like that. How much roughly would insurance be per year for one of them. Thanks guys :)
Auto insurance for 18 year old ?
I'm looking for the least expensive automotive insurance and was wondering what would be the typical monthly payment for an 18 year old driver who has had one accident about one year ...show more
If I bought car insurance in one state and then move to different state do I have to buy new insurance?
I bought insurance for the year in one state but just moved to a different state where I will have to register my car again and get a new license plate. If I already paid for the year, do I have to get new insurance? If I do have to get new insurance, can I get my money back because I didn't drive for the whole year while under my insurance company's policy?""
Will my insurance rates go up because of this?
I cancelled my Esurance policy and went to State Farm. I received a cancellation email afterward. My policy with Esurance is set to cancel completely on the 8th but I got an email today saying my policy had lapsed. Will my insurance rates with State Farm go up because of this?
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
Best life insurance...?
Best life insurance What is the Best life insurance company
What is affordable insurance for nasal fracture (nose broken) in Texas?
i'm looking for insurance that cover foe nasal fracture that i can affort..I live in Texas .. i look for the cost for the doctor, and it is too much to pay put of my pocket without insurance""
I hit a dog last night with my car what should i tell my insurance company now that its the next day?
I don't care about paying a deductible just need it fixed asap so I can get back on the road damages will cost to much to pay on my on
How can the government force us to buy health insurance?
I don't get how people aren't more upset about this. I don't want to have to pay for health insurance. I go to local clinics when I get sick and I pay my bills. And If I ever need an ambulance or something I will pay for that out of my own pocket. I don't want health insurance. But under the democrats new plan I would have to buy insurance that I don't want! Its just as bad as being forced here in california to buy car insurance when I don't want it. How are poor people going to afford to pay for health insurance? I have friends who know that they won't have the money to buy insurance. The economy is though enough. How are people without jobs going to buy health insurance? My dad lives in massachuasets. And he's told me how much he hates having to buy insurance there.
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
health insurance for veterans that is affordable
0 notes
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
"Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance quote question?
When I try and get a quote for some cars on either Tesco or Direct line, it tells me they cant give me a quote online and il need to ring them. Also, the browser wont let me go back, so they make you close the window and type out another quote all over again! Why do they do this? The car I want to insure is a Nissan Navara D22. I am guessing that its because its a commercial vehicle and they want to check if il be using it for commercial use. I am 18 and have had my licence for a year, and I will be the named driver on the policy, my dad being the main driver who has over 30 years NCB! I managed to get a quote for a new Navara, not the D22 version and that was about 1990. How much do you think the D22 will be? Do you think they might class it as a van and not insure me because im under 21?""
Cheapest liability insurance?
I'm 19yr old male in Texas w/ good-driving record, no tickets, have license for 2yrs now, have liability w/ State Farm for $116/mo looking for cheaper premium. W/ this info, can some one point me towards the direction for finding a much cheaper premium, preferably LESS than $100! Thanks.""
Are harleys cheaper to insure compared to a 600cc sportbike?
i live in ontario and i am wondering because the average sportbike insurance is 4500 a year so i am wondering if a harley will be lower or higher
""Would you rather have a law against gay marriage, or affordable HEALTH INSURANCE that can't be canceled?""
Admittedly a false choice, but still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak government would enhance the chances of a law against gay marriage and diminish the chances of some form of Medicare for all. Feel free to substitute 'Christian right for 'Jesus freak...consider it a figure of speech or an expression of art.""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Im a girl with good grades that would be added on to my parents insurance policy, can anyone give me a dollar estimate?""
How much would a car insurance be for a 18 years old?
How much would a car insurance be for a 18 years old?
How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?
My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.""
Insurance for driving my bf car?
I am getting my driving license, how much roughly will cost the insurance to drive my boyfriend's car? It is an old petrol skoda... Thank you!""
""Insurance for 6 months, changes mid policy?""
I'm looking at buying insurance for a 6 month period, but 2 months into the period there will be a change that causes a significant price drop (3 points removed from my license and my birthday). Will they generally allow me to have my rate adjusted mid-policy? I'm talking of a price difference of about 100 a month, so I really want to see how I can make this work.""
What does a person credit score have to do with rates on car insurance rates?
It should be against the law since everyone must carry car insurance. Also, what does my low credit score got to with my great driving record? Sounds like another reason to raise rates because most credit scores are low across the board. If someone pays their insurance company on time and has a good driving record should be their only concerns. Doesn't that make sense to raise car insurance rates to persons that had a hard time paying a bill, bit made all their car insurance payments on time. If there are others out there mad about this issue please help me do something about this robbing...""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost?
I'm 16 I got a 97 Kawasaki ninja how much to I have to pay I have my own car insurance policy can I get it with the same company
What is TRULY the cheapest car insurance?
I am looking to get a second car and I really want to know what the cheapest insurance is. (I am 17, so the insurance will be high anyway) There are tons of commercials for Esurance, Progressive, Allstate, etc, etc but really what is the cheapest? I'm just looking for liability insurance, nothing else, bare minimum. Have any of you switched to one, and what have you saved? Thank you!!""
18 year old, male, 2010 camaro ss with 4000 miles on it. had a few speeding tickets, no wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE""
I need cheap car insurance?
I need cheap car insurance?
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
Health insurance for families of disabled vets?
I am a 50% disabled Vet living near Dallas, Tx. I have been unable to find a job that offers health insurance, as of yet. I know I can go to the VA for free, whenever I need to. I need to find some sort of insurance for my wife. We are planning children, but I don't want to pay all of those doctor bills out of pocket. My wife is self employed, so there's no way of her getting it through work. Does anyone know of a Veterans group health insurance plan or anything like that? I have searched all over the internet with little success. T Thanks for any info.""
Young drivers car insurance uk?
I am 17 trying to find a car ive tryed suzuki alto1.0 and a clio 1.2 and both cost of 10,000-12,000 on go compare and compare market . I know insurance is high but come on it has locked garage immobilser fitted and I have no conviction any help just want a company with a lot lower price any ideas part from dont drive""
Cheap car insurance companies?
i've just passed my test and own a renault clio sport 1.4 w reg all insurance quotes have been over 3000 pound does any one know where to go for cheap car insurance
How do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
I am working but I do not have Health Insurance. How do you go and where do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
Insurance for new drivers?
hi i am about to turn 18 and for my birthday my mom and me are going to lease a car for me. the car is 20000 and its new. the insurance is crazzzy expensive but my mom is going to by a car to right when i am so is just keep that i mind for the insurance and stuff. what is the cheapest way to get insurance?? please help
INSURANCE !!! any 17 years old insured ??
hi i wanna know any 17 year olds insured by themselves on wat car, how much they are paing and which insurer plz""
Looking For Cheaper Car Insurance Quotes?
I am trying to beat my best quote so far and I wanted to ask if anyone knew of anyone I could try or some brokers who could get the price down a bit for me. Here are my circumstances. 18 years old Full licence for 9 months 0 NCB Live in east sussex no claims or convictions car is kept in a locked garage looking for upto 4000 annual mileage will be using car for pleasure and commuting My car is an Renault megane coupe 1.6e sport My best quote so far I got from moneysupermarket which is 1560 and that was from swinton. I just wanted to ask If their was anyone I could try, like good brokers who might be able to get that quote down a bit. I am really looking at no more than 1400 . It doesn't matter how big or small they are I will give anyone a try. I have tried most of the major companies but none of them come close to my best quote so far. Also is it worth putting my best quote down when filling in online forms. Does it make any difference?""
What are full time jobs that have full health coverage?
I am looking for jobs that have full health coverage, being I have MS and need my medicine and could not afford it on a normal insurance, what are some jobs that have medical coverage?""
Who is the best for motorcycle insurance?
Who is the best for motorcycle insurance?
Low Income Health Insurance in Alaska?
I have been asked to find low income health insurance for my parents who live in Alaska. I don't even know where to start. Does anyone know where I might be able to get any information?
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
Health care insurance?
My husband is on SSI and gets a weekly workers comp check? His income is non taxable . We did not qualify through the affordable marketplace for insurance for myself and son and did not qualify in Indiana for CHIPS for our child? We had been perviously purchasing our own private insurance but now I see you can't even do this anymore our current plan runs out in March of 2014 , and all thay offer now is temporary health care plans. Anyone out there finding them-self in this situation? Any advice ? Thanks?""
Cheaper car Insurance for 18 year old?
I'm an 18 year old male and live in Florida. I have state farm insurance and I was paying 167 a month for minimum car insurance, I have a clean record and I drive a 97 Honda civic. I had a mechanical failure in my car that caused my wheel to fly off while I was driving, I filed a claim and all of a sudden they want 365 a month for minimum coverage, why am I paying so much, 167 already seemed steep to me, I work part time and that basically a week of pay for me. Where can I find insurance that doesnt cost so much? The insurance cost more than my damn car payments did.""
Car insurance cover query?
I have had an ongoing problem with a succession of worn ignition keys that are a pain when trying to start or open the bonnet on my Ford Focus.Will standard fully comp car insurance cover the cost of a replacement key/barrel if i take it to the dealer?
Is it possible to buy car insurance abroad. i am insured normally for my car in th uk and it is a uk registere?
is it possible to buy car insurance abroad. i am insured normally for my car in th uk and it is a uk registered car but because of ever rising insurance costs im trying to find different ways aroud the uk insurance laws for cars. ive been told i can get an insurance policy from any european country that covers me to drive in the uk . is this legal and is this possible as if so this loophole in the law could save british motorists a fortune each year as european insurance is much cheaper. if you can do it where do you start
What day of the month do you get your salary? The beginning or the end of the month?
What does comprehensive coverage mean as far as insurance?
What does it actually mean regarding medical insurance AND with car insurance? What kind of things do they cover?
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
Car insurance more expensive for men?
I'm twenty five and looking to get my first car, a small 1.3 Nissan, anyway i checked the insurance and it costs 3250 for one year, that sounds extortionate, no? I then went back and done a quote for a lady driver who just turned eighteen January just gone - it would cost 1750. Is that not sorta wrong?""
Why are there no good health insurance companies?
While thinking about the idea of an altruistic, fair public option for health insurance, I started trying to figure out why something like it doesn't already exist. (Or maybe it does?) The assumption seems to be that health insurance companies are causing problems through systematic greed, and the public option would help keep them honest. But, if this is the case, why isn't there an organization doing this already? Why don't the good, people, such as the ones that take less-pay than they could in other sectors to run major charitable organizations, start a good health insurance company that doesn't do any of the bad things that the other insurance companies do. If such an organization were to exist, it seems that everyone would switch to it, and even the most greedy of insurance companies would have to become like it in order to compete. There are obviously enough qualified and caring people out there to make such an organization happen without any government involvement. So why dont such organizations exist? I have a few ideas, but they dont explain the whole story. Maybe the fact that people dont usually shop around for health insurance because its chosen by their employers prevents new good insurance companies from gaining the market share required to make the bad ones change? Maybe health insurance companies are already as good as they can be, despite a few heartless employees, and the primary problems in health care come from somewhere else? Maybe protectionist legal policies prevent altruistic organizations from freely forming? Any thoughts?""
""Oh crap, what am I going to do? Car insurance?""
This might be long but PLEASE READ EVERYTHING. When I was 15 my grandfather (Legally my father, always lived with him) had always promised me he would get me driver's ed but he never did. A few months before I was 18 I moved out and in an apartment with my fiance. My fiance went to college 5 hours away the day after my 18th. After I turned 18 (July 25) I wanted to get my license, and I know how to do it. My fiance came back from college last weekend and took me to buy a used car for 400. Its a beater, but it drives. It has no insurance and no license plates. Im caught in a super circle. I cant get to SOS or DMV to even apply for my permit without 1) a ride and 2) insurance. I cant get plates to even drive it illegally without a license. I cant get insurance because, from what Im figuring out, just about no body will insure someone without a license. My grandfather will -not- put me on his insurance to save our lives and I need a car to get back and forth to work. (Walking 5 miles? Nah...) What am I supposed to do???? I cant pay a whole lot for insurance as Im now living alone in an apartment on a crappy salary. I had a decent salary until my work decided to super hire and how we are severely over staffed... What to do!?""
""Which companies offer insurance for individual items such as laptops, iPods, cell phones, etc?""
I'm looking for US insurance companies that offer this service - i.e. instead of buying home insurance to cover everything, to buy insurance just for individual items.""
Medical i don't know whats share of cost? or good insurance? for pregnancy?
does any one who lives in the state of california and have medical undurstand what is share of cost? mine is $796.00 now i dont know if have to pay that monthly ? my husband is eligeble for insurance from his job but in 2 months and it will be 400.00 monthly so it will be less expensive im so confused im 3 months pregnant and i know it's soo expensive so i want to have it sort out before i give birth but im not sure what the best choice i try to apply to kaiser permanente but they denied me becuase im already pregnant? do you guys know what share of cost or where i can get insurance ?
How much does car insurance cost?
Im turning 18 in November and I feel like it is time for me to buy my first car. Im really interested in buying a 1998-2000 Jeep Wrangler or Jeep Cherokee. These cars are typically on the cheaper side (They usually dont exceed $4000). What I really want to know is how much will insurance cost for a teen with that kind of car. Please correct me if Im wrong but wont insurance for a car like a jeep be less than that of a car like a mustang? Anyways, I dont really have a well-paying job (minimum wage) and I dont want to ask my parents to pay for it because I feel like this is my responsibility. Can anyone give me an average price for what you paid for your car insurance when you were a teenage driver? Thanks a lot for the help!""
Health Insurance?
How long after a DMV hearing will your insurance be notified ?
I recently had my DMV hearing am in the process of getting a sr-22 with another insurance company . I am not the primary holder of my current insurance I want to avoid their rate to go up or for them to find out . How many days do I have to cancel my current insurance before they cancel me .?? Please help ?
Car insurance?
hi last week i reversed into a piller and wrecked the back end off my car after paying 411 to get it fixed my b/f was coming home from work and a van went into the side of him and wrote my car off. we are getting a courtesy car today but apparently i cant drive it until my details have been sent to dvla and they get an ok back b/f reakons it will be a couple of days but i need a car is this right and does any1 know how long it will be cause i havent had a car for nearly 2 wks now and am lost without it. thank you
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Where can I find a cheap but reliable enough car?
Ok... so my car died all of a sudden on me and now I am left trying to find rides. Riding the bus/other public transportation is uneconomical and too time consuming because I live far from work. I am unable to afford a car payment AND insurance (since the cheapest insurance I can find is around $140-150 a month. it wasn't even that high when I was 17). Where can I find a cheap car that won't break down? I can't buy from a private seller because I don't have any money. I can only afford to pay something month to month.
What is a coinsurance rate ?
What does it mean if the coinsurance rate is 0 % ? Does it mean all my medical service are 100% covered ? If it's 30% - does it mean I have to pay 30% ? What are the advantages of having different coinsurance rates ? If they cover one area such as hospital services - do they skimp out on other areas such as prescription ?
Will my parents car insurance premiums go up?
So to make this easy, I'll give a basic idea of what happened. I was driving a friends car that I got into an accident with. My friend has liability insurance and everything to cover the damage of the other vehicle. Now, the thing is I personally do not buy car insurance. The car that I drive is insured by my parents, but I am not named in their insurance policy. So my first question is, when filling out a motorist report, what do I fill in for the section under MY insurance, since I don't buy nor am I under anyones insurance policy. Second is there any way my parents premiums will go up?""
Best way to get car insurance?
I have heard that it may be better to get car insurance from a broker rather than online. I am 18, and I want to get my own policy. I am currently a named driver on my dads policy, as it is much cheaper to do it that way but I want to buy a car in my name and start earning my own ncb. I currently drive a Jaguar X Type and the insurance costs 2100 from Tesco (with my dad as the main driver). It would cost me about 3200 to insure it myself with Tesco. I want to get a smaller car that is easier on petrol and road tax, but I am having trouble finding a realistic quote. I am thinking about either a Smart Roadster coupe, a honda civic or ford fiesta. With Tesco, I dont get 1 year ncb as I would have done with Direct Line, and the insurance would be OK if I did. Its tempting me to lie on the insurance if I cant find a decent quote (under 2000), although I wouldn't want to. Can anyone offer me any advice on how to find cheaper car insurance or recommend any companies ?""
Business Liability Insurance?
Does anyone know of a company that offers business liabilty insurance for about $8-12 a month?
How much would you estimate the annual cost of living to be in central New Jersey?
This would be for a simple lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, utilities, food, clothing, phone, internet, cable, basic car, car insurance, gas, car maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, and a one-week basic vacation. You can provide an estimate both with, and without, a basic health insurance plan premium. I am just trying to figure out about how much it would cost to live in this area. Thank you for your advice.""
Estimate how much it cost to add an additional car to insurance plan?
For a teens car. I know it is about sixty extra dollars just to add a teen to my car insurance. Can you estimate price for putting a whole new car on our plan for my teen?
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
Cheap health insurance that will cover dental?
I need some help. I can no longer work at one of my jobs and my new job wont provide insurance since it is part-time I need help and scared that i cant afford anything. i already cant afford student loans. is there any cheap insurance packages i can get in ct?
Can taking drivers ed save my parents money on car insurance?
i need to know how much, if any, people save on average""
""Car insurance for young male drivers, its cheaper to drive without it and pay the fines!?""
I really dont get it, car insurance on a 2000 plate 1litre yaris is over 10,000 - YES 10K! I do live in manchester, which is the most costly post code to get insured in but 10k is just a joke for a 18year old. Ive done it all correct too putting 1000 annual milage e.t.c So ive read online about how much people are fined when they are found driving without insurance and its about 200 on average. I know it can go upto 5000 but thats still cheaper than shelling out for insurance and your chances of getting caught arnt really high the way i would do it. Get a car, insure my dad on the car so it doesnt flag up on the police cameras when you drive past, drive to and from work only, and say the car is parked at work (nice postcode to get insurance cheaper) over night. which i can say it is my brother takes it on his night shift there. And if i do get caught i will say i took it without owners concent. TWOC the police call it. I just cant get it into my head at why the government dont do anything about insurance it kind of pushes people into breaking the law. And i would use public transport IF it didnt take me 4hours to get to and from work a day! ""
Lady friend totaled my car... How will my insurance go about covering things?
My friend borrowed my car & crashed into someone. She totaled my car (I got the car 6 months ago & I have $8150 worth of payments left on it) & did about $2000 worth of damage to the other car... She was in the hospital for 3 nights HOWEVER I believe she was kept for that long because of some other health issue she was having that was not caused by the accident. She's NOT going to pursue my insurance for medical coverage. She does not have a vehicle or vehicle or vehicle insurance. The other driver was not admitted to the hospital, I don't believe. We have the same insurance company. My friend was 4 times the legal alcohol limit when she was checked at the hospital following being taken there in an ambulance; however she was never checked by a police officer & issued a DUI. She was only issued a ticket for rear ending another vehicle... It goes without saying I am furious with her. I don't believe we will be in too much contact from this point forward unless everything works out good with this situation. Do I have much to worry about the hospital checking her BAC? I have heard that the only way the insurance company will find out all that is if it's in the police report. How will things be handled? I will sue my friend as a last resort; however she has NOTHING literally. I live in Florida.""
Is it bad to cancel new car insurance after just 1 month?
ok i bought a bad car from a dealer that scammed me and im a new driver and it was the first time i had a car and the first time i put on car insurance the reason why im asking is because ive bought the car and after 10 min of driving the car it died on me and there was no warranty dumb of me not to buy a warranty plus it was an old car anyways i got new car insurance and i sold the car and people was telling me that because im a new driver if i cancel my insurance early that i wont be able to open up a new one or it will be harder to open one up in future is that true?
How can Americans like me stay healthy if we don't have access to affordable health care?
Or have the money to purchase insurance?
I got a no insurance ticket in alabama went to court but never paid fine what will happen if i get caught back?
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Sports car vs. compact SUV insurance?
I currently have a 2007 Pontiac G5, classified as sports car according to my insurance broker and pay quite a bit because I am young. I'm considering buy a 2008 compact SUV Kia Sportage, would insurance be higher or stay about the same?""
I'm uninsurable! How can I lower/get car insurance?
I am a insurance company's worst nightmare. 17 year old male, I have a job in a rough town, no experience and to top it all off I only finish work at 11pm so ill be driving at night. I have not passed my test yet but need the car for work. Whenever I use go compare or compare the market I am either quoted a stupid amount 10,000+ or I am uninsurable. I cannot get a box monitor installed because the car needs to be home at 11and I don't finish work untill then.""
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
""Can you insure a vehicle registered in one state, with insurance from a company registered in another state?""
I live and my vehicle is registered in Oklahoma, but my family lives in California. I can get on their car insurance policy for MUCH MUCH less than i can get insured for out here, however, I am not sure if insurance can transfer from state to state. Does anyone know this for sure, or know where i can find out?""
Insurance questions?
I have a 99' silverado LS 5.3 liter truck. It was hit in the parking lot by some fool at work and now all the body panels on the passenger side are dented. I took it to a dealer to get an estimate (since the guy has insurance) they quoted it at 7500 dollars worth of damage. I know that the truck doesn't actually book for much more than that. The truck still drives fine just that it is beat up on one side and the door won't open. I still owe about 3k on the truck. I have yet to get an adjuster to come look at it from state farm. Do you think the truck will be totalled? What are my options and how much will they sell the truck back for if it is a total? If it is a total what value will they go off of and how much should I expect for my truck which was in fair condition? Will the adjuster make a check out to me or will he send it to my bank or both? Any help with this from someone that has had a vehicle totalled by someone else would be greatly appreicated..I really don't know.
""What would motorcycle insurance cost for 17 yr old guy, kawasaki ninja 250R?""
what would an average motorcycle insurance cost for me? i am looking for a ball-park estimate and understand that there are MANY other factors which matter... If anyone has an idea, what would be like the MAX price for a good insurance... i've seen that insurance prices can range from 200-400 yearly, but i want to make sure that after i get the motorcycle i dont find that the insucance is like 1000 /yr. Thanks""
Is the life insurance valid?
My partner and I have lived together 15 years. His wife refuses to sign divorce papers, even though they broke up 17 years ago. He has a life insurance policy for her to receive benefits on his death. He got a life insurance policy for me to receive benefits on his death. Someone said I can't get a life insurance policy payment without the wife signing off on it. Is that true?""
Auto insurance Price?
I have USAA for auto insurance and I have been paying about $1,000 every 6 months. I did a online quote with Geico and for the exact same coverage(supposedly) it will be $364 every 6 months. How are they THAT MUCH CHEAPER? Is there any reason why I should not leave USAA today and go to Geico?""
Health Insurance question?
So I just turned 18 and I will no longer be covered through Amerigroup so was looking at some Health insurances to buy. I know the deductible is the amount you need to pay out of pocket before the insurance will start paying, but how will the insurance know when you have payed the deductible?""
Is it best to wait until i am 25 to buy a car to save on insurance?
i heard it was like 3grand to insure a car for a male under 25 or is it 21?
Auto Insurance in Illinois?
I have my 18 year old daughter covered under my auto insurance policy. She is covered on her own car and mine as well. My question is, if she happens to get into an accident while driving her car, can the other person try and sue me since the policy is in my name? Also, if she lets someone else drive her car who has no insurance and they get into a wreck, can I be sued? She owns her own car and the title is in her name alone. We live in IL""
Cheap car insurance!!!?
hello i am a 17 year old boy looking for cheap car insurance what is the best car and the best company to go with with to get the cheapest prices.
Will I make my bf's parents' car insurance rates go up?
I've lived with my boyfriend and his family for a little over a year now(I pay rent). I am 19 and do not have my license. I have relied on carpools and the bus so it wasn't an issue. Now, I am planning to buy a used car, take the road test and get my own auto insurance. The thing is, they would most likely complain if this would increase their rates. I wish I could just pay a high rate alone- what would be the difference if I just rented a room in a strangers house??lol. I think that it would affect them, but does anyone know for sure?""
Car insurance extremely high?
i am 17 i haven't bought i car yet, and i have not passed my test, but i have tried to check how much my insurance will be once i have passed my test, i have done checks on small cars e.g vw polo, corsa, Nissan micra's etc but i have not found a quote under 1,700 i cannot afford this price, is there any cheaper insurance companies, or am i just going to have to save up 4 a long time.""
What is the Maximum car insurance firms are LEGALLY ALLOWED to charge you monthly on a vehicle?
Let's take for example a Buick Lacrosse. What if people realized that the car had potential to be modified into a race car. So people start racing them, And there are 100 accidents a day caused by the drivers of those Buicks. How much can car insurance charge people? Is the maximum $1000/month? Is there no limit?""
Do I need an insurance license in California?
If I work for a licensed insurance agent in California by calling present clients to see if they need more or different insurance and ask questions to get a quote do I need to be licensed? The licensed agent will give all quotes.
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
Car insurance question...?
-I'm 15 going on 16 and I have an insurance question. Should there be a need for my name to be on my parents insurance on our car if the car itself is already insured? -Is it ok for your car to be insured without you being insured? Because its kind of
Does your home insurance go up when you have a boat?
I want to buy a 21 foot boat and keep it in my back yard when not in use. What costs am I looking at? The boat and trailer need new registration but is that just a one time payment and I'm good to go? thanks
Car incurance for a seventeen year old girl ?
heyy, my daughter would be able to drive in the summer when shes seventeen, how much would it cost for her insurance if she is put under my name (share car with me) price range from a peugeot 206 to a small BMW would be appriciated if possible? many thanks for your time and help""
How much do you pay for motorcycle insurance ?
how much do you pay for motorcycle insurance in canada ,for a 300 cc motor . like the kawasaki ninja 300 2013 .""
Why is my insurance qoutes so high!?
hey all, I am a 17 year old male, live in cumbria. i realise this is a c rated insurance post code, i understand that. what i do not understand is why when i put in qoutes for the exact same car, exact same details all bar the name, my insurance skyrockets. i get qoutes of 3200 on a corsa 1.0 and the like (small, 1.2 or less cars) whereas friends, even 1 of which lives 5 doors away from me, get qoutes of about 2400. why is this? i understand the post code part, but the thing is all my friends being qouted live in the same area, in the same town, same estate in fact, our first four letters of our postcodes are the same, i thought this was what determined the post code factor. im currently a student, ive put down i have held my license for 4 months, i am the registered owner and keeper of the car, i am the policy holder, even added a parent with 30+ years experience on (which by the way only saved me 100) and i got 3200. my friend on the same street got 2400. why is this? also, can anyone recommend a cheap insurance company, as a young driver? eg. under 19 really, because i know car insurance has almost doubled in like 3 years. no wonder people are illegaly driving with this daylight robbery scam called insurance. thanks""
""If a driver dies, does his family's insurance go up?""
I know it seems like a stupid question, but think about it. I share my insurance with my family, I'm added as an occasional driver to keep my costs low. If I were to die (Heaven forbid) in a car wreck, would my family's insurance go up? I'm just curious, and we are through Country if that makes any difference.""
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old female?
I have recently passed my driving test and all my quotes are coming up as 9,000 all the way to 30,000 which i dont think is normal. I know that insurance for teenagers is high but what is a average price I should be looking for and what websites will I find a decent quote? I have a 2002 vauxhall corsa 3 doors. I have tried all comparing websites which have given me the prices above and all 'black box' companies will not give me a quote as they are 'not available' to. Any help will be appreciated :)""
Cheapest car insurance in florida?
i am looking for a good and cheapest car insurance in Florida...Help plz
Question with car insurance?
Okay so we have two cars. One 1992 buick and a 2006 civic coupe. I usually drive the coup and my name was on the insurance for it, but recently my parents swapped insurance to save money but it involved switching my name to the buick and their name onto the civic. They tell me i can't drive the civic anymore b/c if i get into an accident then it won't be covered since it's under their name and not mine. Is this really true? I thought that as long as the car is insured it's covered?""
Ive just been made a fiance manager at work and my car insurance has gone down in price ! Can anybody tell me what kind of jobs make your car insurance reduced in price and why ?
Insurance and financial help?
Here's the deal, I broke something that wasn't mine (on a trip) and was given a bill. I paid for it with my saving account. Why would my parents need a copy of the bill for our insurance co.""
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 mustang or 2011 camaro?
for a 16 year old male driver please give a price range not anything like Too Much or Alot thank you
Can Auto Insurance Companies suspend drivers licenses?
Does anyone know for sure if an Auto Insurance Company has the right to suspend drivers licenses at any time or can the BMV only do that? We paid the required 20% down in car accident to get our licenses back, but can Auto Ins. Company suspend us now if we miss a payment after that down payment? Thanks for any help!""
Car insurance? 10 points?
I'm 46 (female) and just got my probationary license in northern NJ. Is it possible to get my own insurance. How much would you expect it to be since I have to wait a year to get my full license? 10 points
Cheap first car for son?
I only have about $2,500. Prefer something newer than '99. Has to be reliable and look decent. SUV's are a plus (cheaper on his insurance). Any ideas? thanks!""
Who cannot receive health insurance in NJ?
can a college summer event receive health insurance?
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm Asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his Allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
How much does minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost monthly in California if your 19 years of age?
How much does minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost monthly in California if your 19 years of age?
Driving without a license and no insurance?
I recently got pulled over in GA im from PA for driving without a license and no insurance on my car and i was sent to jail and i bailed out and i go back to court in April and i was wondering if i should waste my time on actually getting an attorney and what exactly you think they'll do to me. And is there anything i can do to go in there and fix the problem like get my license or will it show up in the DMV that i went to jail for not having one? I figured if i could go get my license and my insurance figured out maybe the charges wouldn't be so harsh. Any ideas?
Insurance won't cover young driver fee?
I'm 19 years old, and someone totaled my vehicle. He got a failure to yield ticket and his side of the insurance accepted full liability. We both have USAA. I was driving a rental for 9 days and was informed that I'd be reimbursed by the other persons insurance. What they're saying now is that I'll be reimbursed for the amount for the vehicle, but not the young drivers fee I had to pay to acquire the vehicle. I feel as this is unjust because I had to rent a vehicle because of someone else's negligence, and I have no control over the fees charged to young drivers. So my question would be: Am I able to get reimbursed for the young driver's fee included with the rental?""
Isn't $300/mo TOO much for car insurance?
So my BF is planning on purchasing his first car, a 2012 Honda Civic EX Coupe, and he's trying to get a plan with USAA, but the quote says he'll be paying 300 monthly for insurance which is basically another car payment. What's the deal?""
What car insurance companies offers the cheapest price for insurance for drivers under 25 years old?
I'm currently 23 and I am about to get my first car ( a sedan). Which car insurance company offers the best prices for car insurance in new york state (or just in general)? does the popularity of the brand mane of the car and model affect the insurance price? for example, would the insurance of a 2002 honda civic be more than that of to 2003 hyundai elantra (let's say both have the same mileage of 85,000)? thanks
Car insruacne quote?
im gonna book car insurance with diamond if the annual amount of my quote on their website says 353.95 i worked it out to be 29.50 per month, its says if i want to pay monthly i need to phone. i want to pay monthly, will it be just that amount per month, or will they try and add stuff on? also will they take payment instantly or only on the direct debit date? help""
Car insurance question.?
If I buy a car from my uncle, and do not drive it do I still have to pay for insurance on it? Extra info: I only have my permit and get my license in October. So I don't plan on driving it until October. I don't want to have to pay insurance on a car I wont be driving until a couple of months. Thanks in advance.""
Could someone please explain health insurance to me?
Difference between PPO HMO DRG Private insurance, and deductibles I read it in my textbook but all these terms I'm not very familiar with so no matter how much I re-read the paragraphs I'm still a bit confused... I might sound stupid but oh well! Clarify for me please! Thanks for all who answer""
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
Fort Benning Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31905
0 notes
rosielosieqosie · 6 years
22 and blue
lmaoz gross ass caption but sighs i seriously have too much thoughts in my head and i feel the need to type everything down to give it more structure and shit 
1. i feel worthless, useless and somewhat of a failure 
this is mostly due to the lack of internships lmao which idk i feel like could be a foreshadowing of mi future life as someone who can’t find any work to do??? CRI i don’t want that life man :-( a part of me also feels that im very unqualified but also somewhat qualified to do the jobs that i want to do leh so why am i not given any opportunities???? is it self-entitlement??? tho tbh before this i have been pretty shit with my job search, choosing jobs only based on their requirements/mass-sending without much thought which rly bit me in the ass - i.e. my disastrous tragic interview on tuesday lol so maybe its better to curate what i ACTUALLY want heh 
am i that useless/are my qualifications that bad???? i don’t even know where to begin to enhance my value leh like it seems like such an impossible/mammoth task but at the same time im young and 22 so i rly should just buck the fuck up and attempt to do something to improve the situation heh. i honestly really like my course la, irregardless of whether it brings me a job or not so for that aspect i don’t regret it but at the same time i do wonder what it’ll be like if i had chosen a more practical/marketable path. or is it just that im shit at finding opportunities and marketing myself because so many of my friends seem to be getting opportunities while im struggling because im so unsure of what i want to do :-( sighs 
but i applied for an internship that i rly rly rly rly want yesterday and im rly hoping that they at least consider me/get me to the next round because it is rly something that i would want to be a part of/it is v v inspiring and interesting work? pls accept me or at least consider me :-( 
2. how i look like to others 
just overheard my grandmother talking/gossiping about various people lol and it rly made me wonder how i will look like to my family/to the relatives around me when i do graduate and become jobless/or am stuck in a job with a low pay or smth idk // somehow like it doesn’t rly bother me but i know it would totally bother my grandmother/relatives and idk manz i don’t want it to be that way? but at the same time the gossip is truly like rampant sia DAMN FKING SCARY. low paying job = failure, divorce = failure, marry the wrong person = failure // so little room for success so much room for failure ////// that is probably the reason why it literally hurts me so much to admit that i may be asexual because fuck fo sure i will be deemed as a failure to my fam and tbh i don’t rly care about that la but liek i know it will hurt my family and that hurts me??? i rly want to not be that way and to find someone vaguely acceptable lmaoz // fuck la this aspect of me i don’t rly care anymore to preserve la just find me someone vaguely okay and i would probably say yes leh no kid. maybe my standards are too high, maybe i am just unwanted, maybe i am normal idk but yesterday i had a dream where, again, i was dating someone and i was acting all lovey dovey but a part of me knew that i wasn’t showing him who i rly was inside and i felt like a fake ass hoe. and i didn’t even really like him coz he was a jock and i don’t even know why we were together but i guess i just need to find someone FIND someone find SOMEONE vaguely alright. maybe we can be good friends, he can go fuck other hoes i dont care leh rly 
3. when will i ever live for myself 
i don’t even know myself when will i ever live for myself i don’t know my values my ideas whenever i think i do i think of contradictions and i get confused and idk if this is a part of having a fking balanced perspective but there are too many considerations and consequences in this world and everything is too fking confusing and i keep doubting everything. DOUBT. doubt kills everything i need to stop doubting. i think in the back of mind i doubt everything and this doubt rly kills me. it makes me unable to relax. doubt doubt doubt. what is the point of doubting if it kills u inside. what is the point of being fomo. i say i don’t regret anything in my life but rly i think im just trying to force that ideology upon myself sometimes bcoz i don’t want to DOUBT so much DOUBT DOUBT DOUBT FK 
0 notes
everythingmustgo · 7 years
Leo sun/venus/mars, scorpio moon/rising, cancer mercury! tell me about myself plz haha!
a fellow leo hello !!! dude were some of the best signs in my own humble opinion nd bc ur a leo mars nd venus ur probs Extra leo cuz that affects ur life in a lot of different areas. leos r extra as fuck as it is lol we’re so dramatic nd extravagant, often confident nd extraverted but not always. social, takes pride in their appearance, gotta b attractive. needy bitches, gotta get that Attention to feel secure in themselves. tbh most leos r super insecure which most people dont kno bc they act so outgoing everyone thinks theyre up themselves but theyre not they just need to b liked or they feel completely undesirable. leos r sooo loyal nd generous they might b egocentric but they care a LOT dude if ur friends w a leo ur gonna get spoiled ta fuck theyll buy u gifts and tell u they love u all the time they hav an accurate awareness of what people want and are compelled to give it to them always. they indulge the desires of the people they love as well as their own, highly impulsive, treat themselves a lil too much. do everything w their whole heart, loves hard. cuz its ur venus, u love EXTRA hard. u wanna woo the SHIT out of people. in relationships u wanna b the provider, u wanna take em on fancy dates and buy them things and u want them to think WOW theyre so impressive theyre gonna treat me so well. theyre good to u out of not just love but fuel for their own ego too. thing is they wanna b loved just like that in return: extravagantly, no expense spared. if u dont tell them u love them enough, ur not gonna keep em. however of the fire signs leos r by far the most loyal, the others r uncomfortable w commitment while leos thrive off it. its not just how u express love for others that has a dramatic twist, its how u act on instinct in a situation that needs action. u take risks, leos go for big success w risk of big failure rather than play it safe nd get little out of it. high as fuck standards, wont settle for anything less than perfection. they hav a way w words and can easily talk their way out of things, often found making a big deal over nothing, or alternatively not giving enough thought to situations that need immediate attention. tendency to blame others for their problems, tho they r fiercely independent nd want the glory of success all to themselves, their failure often unfairly falls on others. leos can sadly hav a mean steak, esp in mars lol. watch ur not hurting others to get to what u want. u can b aggressive and push people down w/o even realising what uve done, b mindful of others when achieving ur goals. bc ur moon and rising r both scorpio ur emotional side is v prominent and u express it a lot. probs bc ur a leo u want everyone to kno how ur feeling, nd ur dramatic expressiveness of ur leo heightens the mysterious, untouchable vibe of ur scorpio moon/rising and makes this a prominent feature of ur personality nd how people see u. I can imagine ur veeery intimidating tbh. ur distrustful of people unless ur v close, u keep a lot to urself but when ur upset people cant help but notice. u will b Moody bc of ur leoness but ur distrust of people and difficulty expressing strong emotions means u will rarely explain them, leaving u w the frustrating “im upset but I wont tell u why” trait. people probs see u as moody and overdramatic and wont take ur problems seriously bc even tho u feel v deeply, when u are in strong emotional distress u find it difficult to talk abt nd u rather just act moody nd quiet nd want people to notice ur not okay. scorpios do feel a Lot tho nd when u get to kno them they will trust u with everything and respect u 100%. lastly ur cancer mercury means ur thought process is also deeply rooted in emotion, u rely on ur feelings to tell u what’s right. ur ideas come from experience and are v personal, ur decisions r almost always based on whats best for u, tho u do care deeply for others too and factor them into ur options. ur thoughts r often u clear as u can’t always tell whats fact and whats clouded by emotion and personal opinion, cancers can have v strong ones. sometime this simply doesnt matter to them, they feel their feelings r as good as fact. often however, they kno smth is a bad idea but their own emotions persuade them to go for it, which can lead to making things worse. cancers just cant b objective at all. hope this made sense!
//no more til I finish the ones in my inbox pls!//
0 notes