#EXCEPT im not into college T_T like i kinda am but my offer is still conditional for ucl
deleted9999999999 · 3 years
bestie idek what to do from here.
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darthputa · 6 years
life update
We secured our first place 👌🏾 It was super easy and went by quite fast, we only had to look at the one(our fave) from our list. The property manager is super nice, he is even making an exception to their 2 pet limit and letting me bring my two dogs as well as @sailormoonmoon and I’s 2 cats! Our move in date is April 1st!
I will be able to go to UNT after all! After my uncle ruined my life by deciding last minute not to pay my tuition, I was in a HUGE depression. Like it was reallt bad lmao, and its kinda why Im not on social media as much.
But I decided I would succeed and do this on my OWN out of spite so I can throw it in his face when I graduate (hopefully on the deans list every year!!)
It is going to take longer than I anticipated to graduate because when I was in community college I was still a JW, so my life plans were to get married, pionneer(door to door minstry but full time) and have babies, so I didnt care about school and I had no plans to ever transfer. I never met with an advisor, I just kinda did it all on my own, starting with gameart, then graphic design, then animation and finally picking painting. But since I never met with an advisor( not that it would have helped maybe since I wasnt going to transfer anywhere at the time) I didnt take the right prerequisites( drawing 2, design 1 and 2 and art history classes, i just did art appreciation). I had managed to be able to graduate based on following a degree plan online but, now that I am transferring Im in a weird spot where I cant apply for concetration and take most classes bc Im missing those prereqs. We were able to come up with one work around, my community college doesnt make you take design 1 and then design 2 in order, you can take both at the same time, and since they didnt offer design 1 last summer but design 2, my advisor said I could take Design 2 at collin during the summer and then design 1 at UNT for fall xD. She was so nice and helpful, and she even responded to my emails at 10, 11 pm lol
My major currently is a BFA for Stuido Art w a concentration in Drawing and Painting, w potentially a art history minor PERO they also have this visual arts education degree that would certify me to
teach k-12 in texas. Im just unsure of one, extending my graduation date( cause even w/o that Im gonna be 26 when i graduate... T_T), if I want to be in the State of Tx for a while...if i even want to teach those grade( kids are mean to fatties), and if I can afford living when I cant work( since id have to do a full 15-18 hours to fast track and for the last semster its student teaching fulltime so I wouldnt be able to work and you dont get paid. I know there are grants but Im just a little hesitant. But it would put me on the path of having a stable job as soon as I graduate, and Id be graduating with 3 degrees...The alternative is to just go to graduate school for painting so I can get a masters and be able to teach college, and you dont have to get certified and you can teach anywhere, so I could go back to florida or whatever state I wanted i guess. But ye Ill have to kepe thinking about it! I have a few months to decide!
Ive started seeing a dr, a psychatrist and a therapist. I havent been able to do much with them since they were booked so far out, and now Im moving soon. But it was still nice to get it started. Ill have to find a new dr, a new gyno, a new psychatrist and a new therapist in Denton. Also gotta find a new vet for all the critters.
My moms paying for all the move in costs, we just gotta pay for furniture. If any of you want to contribute, my paypal is still paypal.me/darthputa
:3c, we would appreciate it!
My uncle hasnt spoken to me since that all went down and its so frustrating bc everyones telling me to get over it, to reach out to him, that he feels bad and wants to help and its like, no one cares about my feelings, and he can tell me that shit himself you know? Like fuck off lmao. So I have no intention of ever speaking to him again. He wants to initiate, cool, apologize and pay of the student loans im having to take bc of you bailing on your promise and we will be cool. If not well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hopefully my sister will be able to take care of you when ya old cause I aint.
Oh yea speaking of, I did Fasfa for the first time ever and im getting a good chunk of money to go to school. If I get these 2 other scholarships, Ill be able to pay my living expenses and bills as well and wont have to work(ideal!!) But ye, not even my mom is gonna be paying for my schooling, all on me and it feels good tbh. Tho she did offer to help me pay my student loans and I aint gonna say no lmaoooo
So yea thats where life is at the moment! Hopefully ill be able to be more active soon 👌🏾
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