#also like omg imagine i ask and he'll KNOW and nothing might even come of it omg.......
whipped-for-kpop-fics · 2 months
Seventeen & matching/couple items
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💕Who; seventeen (individually) x gender-neutral reader 💕What; soft thoughts about the couple items they'd have with their significant other 💕Wordcount; around 1.5k altogether 💕Warnings; none! I didn't even swear in this, go me
-2024 Masterlist-
A/N; this wasn't supposed to be a whole thing which is why there's no capitalisation, plus it's almost 2 am so I am not about to go through and change the style now
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seungcheol; definitely rings. i imagine something simple and in silver with both of your initials on the inside so it's more subtle but he can still look down at it when he needs the strength you give him but he's also always giving you his hoodies/jackets/hats and will buy another of any you refuse to give back so you wind up matching that way too but only intentionally in private. cheol likes to show you off but only to those he trusts and loves because he only wants you to feel the love you deserve
jeonghan; jackets, like matching bomber-style jackets with cute embroidery and maybe your names embroidered on them somewhere. but he often steals yours so you have to wear his just so that he can see his name on you he'll definitely come up to you one day like "babe, let's get matching tattoos" only to show you a packet of temporary tattoos he got for some change in a machine. the designs are all clearly aimed at children but you both wind up with arms dotted in these cute little matching images
joshua; something sweet and handmade because it means more. yes, im talking about his handmade bracelets, or beaded keychains you made for each other one lazy afternoon full of giggles as you make each other the most atrocious keychains in a competition to make the worst just for the fun of it. yet you both still adore the keychain gifted to you because the other made it and wear it proudly on your favourite/daily bags omg mugs, every morning(if you live together) he gets up earlier than you on purpose just so that he can make sure that he can make you both your morning beverages(regardless of if you drink hot drinks or not) in the matching mugs. he smiles sleepy and content at you every time without fail as he watches you sip at your mug with the sweet phrase on that matches his own
junhui; i don't know why but i suddenly imagined matching plushies and that feels right. maybe you happened to both win the same one during an arcade date in a claw machine but now you both sleep with that same one on your bed even if it's for an anime neither of you has watched i don't imagine jun purposely getting matching items because it wouldn't really occur to him as he's never felt the need to boast, he's happy with you and he hopes you're the same though when you're out together wandering around stores and see little decor you both like, he'll rush to buy you one each so your living spaces matches. (he's really just slyly making your homes similar enough that it won't seem like such a difference when he asks you to move in)
soonyoung; i actually think he'd be quite subtle with it tbh. he'd give you a tiger plushie keychain to attach to your bag and he'd have a matching one of your favourite animal on his own and will always fiddle with it mindlessly and think of you. so it actually wears out quite often and he has to geta new one. though he keeps the damaged ones in a secret box under his bed because it'd feel like throwing a piece of you out, he really does link the cute little plushie to you so much he might also like something like bucket hats/beanies that match but in simple designs/colours so although you two know they're purposely matching, others will just see you both in plain black bucket hats and think nothing of it other than an easy to happen coincidence
wonwoo; wonwoo would definitely want something just for you two that isn't necessarily an obvious couple item. maybe a cute little enamel badge on his favourite jacket and you have the same on your daily bag also matching gaming headphones because how can i not mention that? even if you don't really game, he'll buy a set he's had his eyes on for ages aimed at couples, with the matching stands and keeps both on his desk so he can look over at your one even if you're not there. always makes him smile to himself and perk up even if he's about to rage quit a game
jihoon; another simple subtle kind of guy. i'm imagining something like braided leather-look bracelets with silver beads with a heart etching which he only takes off to shower/swim and will glare at any stylist who tries to convince him to remove it another one with matching headphones but in this case it's more that jihoon bought you a pair specifically for his studio so that you can listen to what he's working on with him without any outside noises disturbing your peace like can happen with the speakers. sometimes he subtley removes his own when he plays songs you already know just to hear you singing along softly while you do work on your laptop without realising he's listening to you utterly enamoured
seokmin; necklaces, probably multiple of them but his favourite is one of those where you shine a light through the gem and it projects a chosen photo onto the wall or something. the amount of times the others have found seokmin tucked up in a dark corner somewhere awkwardly trying to use the light on his phone to shine through the necklace without removing it is unreal. cute boy just wants to see the first photo you two ever took together for comfort <3 but i also imagine that one upon a time you two were in a store and he saw novelty hats and he didn't manage to slyly buy them for you both because he kept giggling so you found out before he made it to pay but you let him buy them because he looked to happy. so now you both have a novelty hat hanging proudly in your homes, you don't wear them but it makes you both smile to look at
mingyu; everything. he'll want every possible matching couple item. hoodies, bags, hats, rings, bracelets(im emotionally attached to the one he gives reader in this fic i wrote), necklaces, phone cases. omg phone cases, that's his favourite and you can bet there's multiple of them and he matches them to his outfit so every morning you get a selfie of his outfit, but not the case because he likes to make a game out of seeing if you'll guess the correct case to put on your phone that day to match (you always do)
minghao; i feel like he'd like matching necklaces or bracelets, something delicate and simple but full of meaning for you both. he'd especially love a necklace long enough that he can hold the pendant over his heart as he thinks of you when you're apart and hopes you're thinking of him too but he'd also like to make something, maybe one of you buys an embroidery kit one day for you two to try something new together and you personalise matching premade little zip bags(coin purse/toiletry bag idk what you'd call them) to gift each other. obviously as it's your first attempt at embroidery, they don't turn out that great but minghao proudly carries him around all the time with whatever little items he may need during the day and doesn't want to lose in his bag
seokmin; i have no idea why but my brain said shoes and now honestly that seems so random but i can't let it go now so you have matching shoes, a variety to match a range of outfits. They may not be exactly the same(though some are) but they're similar enough to work. seungkwan always smiles dopily to himself then plays it off and side eyes you when you tease him for it, though he's realyl fighting hard not to smile because he really loves the unique way to match with you also matching scarf/gloves/hat sets for the cold weather because he loves bundling you up so you're all cosy snug. the matching aspect is just a happy bonus and definitely always leads to loads of selfies with your matching pink cheeks and noses barely in view under the thick scarves
vernon; t-shirts, band tees, graphic tees, plain ones. just t-shirts. it started because you always stole his and he didn't realise it was because they're his so he bought you the same ones and took his back, only for you to swap them out next time. but he knows now and buys two of pretty much every t-shirt he buys though makes sure to wear one a handful of times before giving that one to you because he knows you like things he's worn he's also the type i think to like carrying a photo of you two in his wallet/tucked hidden into his phone case, like a photobooth one and obviously you have the other half of the strip in your own
chan; honestly, i think chan would just be happy to do whatever you want with matching. he thinks it's cute as hell to match with his partner but he won't really be the one to actively bring it up, just hint "oh look, babe, that couple have matching jackets, isn't that cute?" until you get the hint and ask him to get something matching with you, though he still has you lead it just anything at all would be his favourite regardless of if it was just a cheap prize keyring from the arcade or expensive brand new phones just to match, he won't care so long as he gets to show off that you two belong to each other
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A/N- if you liked this, don't forget to let me know so that I know to try and do more things like this & also reblog so others can enjoy it too!
And if you have ideas/suggestions for seventeen content, feel free to send me an ask to help inspire me to write! (or just scream at me about the ideas if you want and I'll likely scream back with a continuation with your own thoughts tbh)
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6okuto · 6 months
Helloooo, your Ais and Mhin hcs are so nice omg! Can I ask for some Kuras headcanons, if you'd be so kind?🥺 Many thanks in advance💛
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gn!reader | hello it's me :-) thank u vry vry much anon wherever u are I hope i reach u.... telepathically telling u i have done more hcs o7
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nooo kuras don't have doctor handwriting noooo look at me... it's cursive and can be pretty but also the doctor handwriting curse :( /affectionate but if he's writing something for you he takes care to make it neat + makes your name look extra nice
kuras wearing all black instead of all white.... 😵‍💫like imagine him dressing up and you're staring as he walks past... and he goes to ask you a question, pausing when he notices your gaze evidently not on his face. he's amused by this obviously as he walks toward you and tilts your chin to make eye contact. your face feels warm while he teases you, tells you he's flattered you like his change of attire, but mind answering if you've seen his coat nearby?
writer who needs help with medical jargon and information and comes to kuras who's already expecting it after the 4th time. he hums and takes a few moments before casually replying with his thoughts. sometimes though if you're not paying enough attention, he says something super inaccurate (something about a heart disease when asked about a punctured lung) to see how much you write down before noticing
not very good at making playlists... or like, his music taste isn't very vast and there's a chance he doesn't know many artists in the genres you enjoy. he does try his hand at making one when he overhears it's a cute gift, but it doesn't end up seeing the light of day because he's unsure you'd like it ^^; he doesn't actually delete it though, so if you really wanna see it, he'll let you
^ feel free to make a playlist for him though! he'll let it play quietly as he works (so long as it isn't something that requires his full attention) and tells you his favourites the next time you see him :-)
! body doubling. nothing else to add
kuras offering to pay for you while out shopping.. you say he doesn't have to, but he says you've picked out something nice and you like it, so why wouldn't he?
i imagine that kuras doesn't really. keep up with...internet jokes and such... so if you're out with a friend and talking about something related, there's a good chance that his eyebrows are a little furrowed as he tries to understand. like, you know when there's a popular post going around and you say "did you see ___" and your friend immediately knows what you're talking about when you didn't even finish describing it. yeah he has no idea what's going on how did they pick it up so quickly
^ tries quite hard though. he does. but some memes have like 5 layers of lore and context and he just kind of sighs and laughs in defeat
also i think kuras might be a little nervous to meet your friends at first ^^; but intrigued/happy too !! he listens to you describe them so he can put names to faces (won't tell them what you said exactly, like he won't be like "oh, you're the one who..." but there'll be recognition on his face, and if it comes up he'll smile knowingly), plus he likes watching you enjoy yourself with them!
if you name your plushies he picks up all their names quite quickly. this also applies if you have a lot of figures/favourite characters! he'll notice if you've moved them around at all, and somehow remember one of their birthdays too?
there is a silly image in my head of kuras using a silly straw. like him working on some important document and sipping on it
^ also getting him to use cute bandaids and such... like if you cut yourself on something and he goes to get your bandaids and they're pokemon or sanrio. LOL. he finds it amusing when you ask if he wants some of your stash—you're always willing to share after all
you find out he's centuries old and start calling him old man. ask if his back hurts from his age And height or if he knew the dinosaurs (?? imagine they exist in the TS universe) etc etc. though watch out for any back pain jokes because if your posture is worse than his he'll throw it back at you :(
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willowser · 10 months
It's my birthday, & I'm not able to celebrate this year on my actual day because of work, but curious how the boys handle reader's birthday OR, what does reader for their birthday? Like, I imagine with bkg we do something small/intimate. But him and our day? He's running himself ragged. Stray cat touya trying to be aloof but also trying so hard. Gojo knowing he can do/get literally anything (for both yalls birthdays) but that's not what he actually wants. I just want to pick your brain lol
omg !! happy happy birthday dear !!! 🥺🩷✨️🦋 how sweet that we get to celebrate it together like this !! even if you are unfortunately stuck at work 😔 i hope what you do get to do for it, eventually, is so, so wonderful !! 😌🌱🔮✨️
i think — bakugou is pulling out all the stops but also trying not to seem like he is, if that makes sense ?? like in the coming days before, he's saying NOTHING about it, to the point that you're sort of wondering if he forgot 💀 you casually mention it during dinner like—
"oh, and i meant to tell you that my coworkers want to go out for my birthday this weekend, so..."
and he just kind of nods, staring at you from across the table with that look you can't read, and then he asks, "y'gonna be home on thursday though, right?"
which is the crumb of confirmation you were looking for LOL though he still doesn't say anything else about it 😒 only nods again when you tell him that you will be home 😒 and the morning of, you wake up to flowers in the kitchen 🥺 and he !! still !! doesn't say anything !! 🥺 and i feel like it's like that the whole day, him doing little, meaningful things without mentioning it 🥺 you get home and he's in nice pants and buttoning up a nice shirt 🥺 ready for you to get dressed too 🥺
and he maybe looks calm and collected and flippant but HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN STRESSED THE WHOLE WEEK COMING UP TO THIS. could not get the right flowers at two different places, almost lost the reservation to dinner because the restaurant staff are idiots, has been actually looking over what to get you as a present for EVER. STILL NOT SURE HE PICKED THE RIGHT THING 🥺 he's just really good at masking it, but he's been bending over backwards to make sure it goes as smooth as it does 🥺🥺🥺
and he finally tells you happy birthday much later that night, very quietly in your ear as you're falling asleep 😌🩷✨️ what a brat 😌
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another one that's trying to make it seem like he's not all that aware — and maybe he's even trying not to care, but he's thinking about you in the coming days. not constantly, but in the back of his mind, he's thinking about the weight of a single gesture, for you.
maybe it would mean too much and he doesn't wanna put that out there yet, or maybe you'll think his attempt at something is laughable, and then he'll be really pissed at himself. but he'll think about the one good birthday he can remember, with his sister and his mom and all the fun he had. the taste of it all 🥺 and — fuck it, he might as well.
maybe he buys flower from the supermarket and a bottle of champagne that was on sale, or a six pack of something, but he shows up at your place almost too late, leaning against the doorframe with a cigarette in his mouth. and he's trying to be so chill, all "hope i didn't miss the party," even though the friends you saw today have long since gone home — but his heart is beating out of his chest because he's never done this for ANYONE 🥺 whether you realize it or not, this is a big thing for him 🥺
the alcohol sucks and neither of you like it and the petals of the bouquet are already falling off by the time he works up the nerve to come see you, but you sit on the rooftop of your apartment and just, enjoy the company 🥺
at one point, he grins too sharp at you and says, "glad i got the birthday brat all to myself."
and you wag a finger at him, though you can't help but to smile because it's enough of an admission to have heat pooling in your cheeks. "just for now, kid," you tell him, sticking your tongue out when he rolls his eyes. "just for now."
and he's smiling too, despite it all. watching the flower he's twirling between his fingers because he can't look at you, not right now. not when you look at him, too.
"'s'fine," he tells you, shrugging. "i'll take whatever you're giving."
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AND GOJO actually. i think he's panicking LOL AKGBDKAK
because i think he could give you anything. everything that you could want, whatever he could think to give you — but that doesn't actually help him very much in the moment LOL
he wants to do everything perfect 🥺 so he does — everything. LMAOOO you wake up literally surrounded by flowers and there's a silk robe and matching slippers and an overly sweet cup of coffee on the night stand. he bought you a puppy with a ribbon. there's a bunch of framed pictures he made for the two of you. he comes into the room and your best friend is on the phone because he face timed them so you could talk as soon as you woke up aigbruqkqkq
he's got a buffet for breakfast. he hired a chef for the day. he makes a joke about carrying you everywhere.....that you realize isn't....actually a joke and you have to fight him off LOL there are several different outfits that he knows you've been eyeing and he bought them for you to wear for the day. HE DOES EVERYTHING AND HE'S SO WORRIED IT'S NOT ENOUGH 🥺
by the end of the day, you can tell that he's like. biting his nails behind your back and he's sticking close to your side like he's going to catch you sighing, defeated about something, and when he asks,
"did you have a good birthday?"
it's so genuine, his concern, that you have to hold his face between your hands and squish his cheeks together and shake him a little bit.
"yes," you tell him, for what feels like the hundredth time, before kissing his eyelids. "i did, because i got to spend it with you."
BUT HE'S SO ???? i think he's so weird about gentle affection that he's like..........but did you really though ?? almost as if he doesn't believe it 🥺
you ask him, "do you love me?"
"...well if you have to ask, then—"
and then you have to shake him again, until he smiles. "satoru, i said, do you love me?" and he doesn't say it loudly or to the world, but he just murmurs back a quiet 'yes' that you know he means. "do you love me even though i haven't bought you a puppy or designer clothing or hired someone to make you a full course meal?"
he gets it, then, even if doesn't answer, and relaxes into you a little bit. all day long he's been wide-eyed and high energy, dragging you along from one thing to the next — but now he kind of melts, stress of the day slipping off his shoulders.
you squish his cheeks again and laugh at the face he makes, before giving him a fat kiss. "yes," you tell him again. quietly, as he had told you. "i had a great birthday."
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thelastspeecher · 2 months
I'm obsessed with the storm chaser au and Ford in it.
-what if from the tornado and injury he has a metal joint and can always tell when it's about to rain? The lumberjacks think this is so cool until he starts freaking out because it's gonna be a bad storm tonight
-the first time Stan sees "Bill" during a thunderstorm he doesn't really know what to do to calm him down maybe compared to Ford's new partner, who's probably used to this. Probably makes him feel even more disconnected from his twin and who he's become
-the memories come back in sort of deja vu moments and it takes a while to tell what he's remembering and feeling versus what he's been told. It's almost a relief when he gets to Angie and she's like "nope I'm brand new but i did hear a drunken story where you did something stupid in the 80s" and there's someone who knows about who he was pretty much how he does - vaguely, in stories
-Fidds is handling all of this *so* well.... Also Stan and Angie, here's a bunch of new equipment and I tricked out the van again :) (he works through emotion by building things and if that means they have new stuff while he takes out his frustrations on this piece of metal so be it)
-Bill Wood and Manly Dan (although he'll always be boyish to "Bill") are drinking buddies.
Aaaaaaaahhhhhh I was so psyched to see such a long ask! I love all your thoughts and ideas, they're so great!
Ooh, a metal joint? Maybe almost something analogous to the metal plate he gets in his head in canon... I like it. He's hurt bad enough by being dropped by the tornado that he needs some sort of joint replacement. I'm thinking...a knee? And he would definitely be able to feel storms rolling in with that. But yeah he gets really worked up whenever a particularly bad storm is about to hit.
Hmm perhaps the storm that Stan and Co were chasing fizzled out, but a new one pops up unexpectedly while they're still in Gravity Falls, and that's when Stan sees "Bill" freak out during the storm. And is completely unable to help him, whereas, yes, Ford's partner is able to calm him down. It definitely makes Stan feel weird and out of touch. And maybe even makes Stan worry that trying to bring Ford back into his life is the wrong thing to do. "Bill" is his brother, but in many ways he isn't Ford anymore.
Oh yeah, Ford's memories don't all come rushing back. It's a bit by bit thing. And I can imagine Ford getting concerned by having zero memories triggered by Angie (well, maybe some Fiddleford memories, since they are siblings that look very similar lol). Until Angie says she's never met him before and is honestly surprised by him now that she has. He doesn't fit the stories she's heard at all.
(And drunken story from the 80s...akjlndsfkjldafs yeah Angie would definitely tell him that one. If only to lighten the mood a bit.)
LMAO YES Fiddleford trying to avoid actually dealing with the situation by just turning to more robots and machinery and fixing things and making them better and no Fiddleford we've told you the toaster is fine STOP MESSING WITH IT. He puts on a brave face and acts like nothing's wrong, but Angie and Stan see right through it. Angie's just. So done with these boys. This was supposed to be an easy, fast trip. Now Stan is upset and complaining about how Ford isn't Ford anymore, Fiddleford won't stop building dangerous things and fixing things that don't need to be fixed, and they've been staying in a crappy motel room for a week.
HELL YEAH BILL AND DAN DRINKING BUDDIES. OMG "Bill" having an almost big brotherly relationship towards Dan. Dan might be a lot bigger than him, but "Bill" remembers when Dan was just starting to grow a beard and needed someone to guide him when he began his formal lumberjack career. Or something along those lines.
Stan's just another level of upset by Ford's close connection to the lumberjack community.
(And Stan's claiming to not be upset by how much stronger and buffer Ford is than him now, but he's lying.)
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ticklystuff · 1 year
Heeeeello! This is not my team, but could I request hmmm Wanderer, Albedo, Xiao and Aether if that's not too troublesome? ^^
send your genshin team!
omg it's aether and his harem hehehe thanks for the ask and hope you enjoy!
who’s the most ticklish character
This one's really hard because they're all ticklish babies, but I'm going go with Scara because I think it'd be really funny if the biggest ler of the group is also the most sensitive one and he has a love/hate relationship with it because being the most sensitive means he gets tickled a lot and gives him that attention he needs but also he's constantly teased for it
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
Changed this question because all genshin characters are ticklish i know this because i'm literally mihoyo's ceo Scara because he's a literal puppet but he has nerve endings like the rest of us hehehe Also Xiao because he tends to want nothing to do with tickling and is just standoffish at a glance, so people just assume that he isn't. If someone asks him, he'll kinda just brush it off, but he won't try to sway their opinion one way or the other. Ironically, Scara is the mouthiest about trying to convince people he's not ticklish, which just leads them to believe otherwise
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
Xiao! When he notices Scara tickling Aether, he'll try and sneak out of the room unnoticed, only to be stopped by Albedo at the doorway. It doesn't help that his body freezes up when he's tickled (he's like a possum that plays dead except he's laughing so it doesn't work lmao) Okay lksadjfklsad like imagine Albedo cornering Xiao while Scara and Aether are busy tickle fighting and Albedo is just lightly circling his thumbs up Xiao's sides and almost gets to his underarms but not quite because Xiao will shriek if he does and Xiao is heavy breathing and trying to control his giggles because he knows that if he's too loud then Aether and Scara will hear him and come over and start tickling him too and he's not sure he can handle three lers at once and Albedo knows this very well and looks at Xiao all smug and he leans down and whispers something like "be careful... not too loud or they might just notice you" and every time Albedo's thumbs traverse up his sides they get just the tiniest bit closer each time and Xiao has to screw his eyes shut to focus on not going into full-blown laughter and it doesn't help that he can hear Aether and Scara's own laughter in the background because it makes him wanna laugh too
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
Aether because they're all his boyfriends and he knows and loves them very well! This is a double-edged sword though because if one of them wants to know another's tickle spots, they just have to tickle it out of Aether. Also, since they're all his boyfriends, it means they all know and love him very well lmao
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
Aether is the only one to know about Albedo's diamond spot on his neck being his most ticklish spot because that's his special spot that he likes to give kissies to just to hear Albedo laugh. Sometimes, though, he'll tease Albedo about telling the others just to watch the little panic briefly flicker through his eyes hehe
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
This one's hard but I can tell you who would lose: Xiao! I think it'd be a toss-up between Albedo and Scara. Albedo is a naturally skilled ler and I think Scara would be very aggressive and not give up till he's on the brink of passing out lol
which character has a kink for tickling
You cannot convince me Albedo wouldn't have a tickle kink lmao this is the headcanon I hope to take with me to my grave
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
Probably Scara because of the whole puppet thing. He was pretty much a loner when he joined at first, but Aether tried to warm him up to the group with tickles and at first he hated it, but now it's something he's come to enjoy even though he won't admit it
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
ALBEDO AND SCARA because Albedo is very smug and cool and level-headed and Scara is very cocky and I think Scara would easily be taunted into a tickle fight with Albedo and lose like 9/10 out of ten but they're like shonen manga rivals and are constantly at it LOL Also, I don't think Xiao is very good at tickling but I think he'd be more comfortable with tickling others around Aether and Aether will purposefully lose just to let him win!
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moonlight-tmd · 7 months
can bee actually fly with those wings or can he do smth else with it?
Awwwh thank you! feel free to check out my instagram for better pieces <3
Yeah, of course he can fly! Here is my original idea where the Part-Insecticon!Bee AU originates from- you have it all written in there. It's where he doesn't turn full-insecticon.
In addition to that idea alone: he loves to zoom around the plant and loves that he can reach anything he wants at any time. No more restrictions by putting stuff on high shelves! Since he didn't fly for so long he had a thing called Grounder Disease(flier thing, read more on that later in post), he had to learn how to fly all over again- good thing it came to him almost naturally so he didn't crash much.
He's very protective/paranoid over them, if he uses his wings it's for a short time before he sheathes them again. He does fly at least once a day like Ratchet recommended so the disease won't come up again. He only uses them inside the plant, he's scared that if he uses them outside something might happen and he'll lose them again.
Other than that he really likes to show them off- only when in safe areas tho and for a short time. His favorite thing to do it turn all the lights off and have one bright lamp he can stand in front of and watch everyone being in awe as his wings literally glow and glimmer cuz of the light behind.
For the Part-Insecticon!Bumblebee AU: originally his wings got burned away since it was "wrong for autobots to have these"- really it was just a very abusive caretaker in the orphanage he was growing up in. You have it fully written in the posts i linked- so anyway, he ran away and grew up. There is a thing among fliers that if they don't fly or use their wings for too long they start to lose control over them, it's called a Grounder Disease- because Bee couldn't fly and had completely given up of trying to do anything with his wing cuz "what's the point" the disease has completely developed and he lost all feeling and control in his broken wings; he often forgets they are even there.
When Blackarachnia inject the strange toxin into him his insecticon take it instead and start working- he gets all sleepy and hungry all the time and Ratchet doesn't know what is happening. One night they just find a metallic cocoon on Bee's berth and after 3 or so weeks of looking after it, he hatches as a fluffy and temporarily-slimy half-insecticon. His exposed protoform is covered in bee fluff and his glossa is way longer- but the most important part; his wings have regenerated. They are whole again. As much as he is confused by this event he is so happy about them being fixed. He shows them off any chance he gets and loves zooming around not being restricted to the ground. He'll do the lamp trick i mentioned earlier for sure. Also he can make organic-and-cybertronian-friendly honey.
I imagine at one point in either scenarios he gets injured by Waspinator- he ripped his subspace off to humiliate Bee for having broken wings and Bee has to suffer the exposure after cuz his protoform was damaged and Ratchet needs to wait for it to heal before doing the welding. So the first time he comes out of medbay he goes straight to his room despite everyone trying to talk to him- they all saw his back and his reamins of wings then. Ratchet clarified they were remains fo wings and told them to not talk to him about it.
For the recovery Bee had a blanket draped over his shoulers and back and would get very defensive if someone accidentally made it slide off. (stepping on it, sittiling on it when he wanted to get up, etc) He was also sadder. They knew Bee was hurting, both physically and mentally but they couldn't do anything about it.
*Insert scenario of either ProwlBee or (decepticon to autobot)BlitzBee reacting and comforting Bee about his broken wings. Send ask if you wanna know either of the reactions.*
So Bee would either: A) have his backplate fixed up and nothing would happen until either of the scenarios with Allspark of cocoon happened and he got his wings back. B) be helped by his loved one- at one point they mentioned physical therapy to get the Grounder Disease to ease up- i think it would be possible even in such advanced stage. So Bee would give it a shot and after 2 month of everyday massages, injections and exercise he could flutter his wing-nubs. Then either Allspark or cocoon scenario would happen and he gets his wings back completely.
I hope you're satisfied with the answer! I really like talking about Part-Insecticon!Bee cuz it's just so fun. <3
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ridestomars · 2 years
Scream I can’t believe you posted about alt!reader x Eddie as I was thinking about sending an ask about them, great minds omg
I was just thinking of their potential dynamic. He annoys the shit out of her but in a sweet affectionate way, sprinkles in flirty lines in between his roasts for sure. Alt!reader would roll her eyes at him and act as though those flirty lines and his strategy isn’t affecting her (it is, it’s successful she adores but won’t tell him that)
I also imagine Eddie getting her lunch, to the point that he knows her exact order off the top of his head, how she likes her burger, how she like a small cherry coke, how she likes to dip fries into her milkshake (which he thinks is odd, she flips him off as she does so) and how she likes to smush her burger down to eat. (Just some examples, the point is he notices and remembers the little things).
One day he comes by and she hands him the extra sandwich she made for lunch for him. And he’s so shocked and confused? You made this sandwich for me? (Something tells me it’s not something he’s used to) And she’s like you always buy food that’s not the healthiest, so you even eat vegetables, that ones for you…to eat. I just think Eddie’s love language is doing things for people. Food is also the best love language
💭 liv's thoughts: this is longer than i thought it would be lmao. TW: mentions of food and bad alimentary habits. not proofread, as always.
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you know, i believe that eddie loves attention, better yet, thrives off it. he enjoys having all the eyes set on him while he narrates the new and awesome campaign he's been planning for months; or how dustin always seems to look at him like he's the wisest person he has ever met, even though eddie finishes every motivational pep talk with a rock sign and "rock on, dude!". but the guys from hellfire aren't like the rest of hawkins' population, and he knows that the eyes his fellow clubmates make for him aren't the same as the town's citizens. outside of his club, he's just hawkins' freak. nothing else.
but for you, he is the cutest guy that you ever laid your eyes upon, even though he could be insufferable at times. eddie always thinks he's dreaming whenever he catches you looking his way, with your gaze full of admiration, much like the kids from his club, but with something else that he hasn't been able to put his finger on. not yet. only to think that you slightly glance at him whenever he walks in the record shop is enough to make his day... and, hell, when you do as much as greet him? yeah, you just made his whole week. he loves every single interaction you're willing to give him, honestly. but he can't deny the way his heart flutters when you take notice of his new iron maiden shirt, or when you compliment how sparkly the scrunchie he's using to tie his hair is. and yet, he goes wild for the little petty arguments you have over music (and whatever else, really); oh man, he loooves when he annoys you enough to make that furrow in your brow appear. the highlight of his day, really.
and even though he might be a dumbass sometimes, at the end of the day he is a sweet dumbass. the best kind there is. and that's simply because he is the type of person where if you do as much as comment that you enjoy something, he'll get it for you as soon as possible. you know, the type of guy that stocks half a cabinet full of your favorite type of chips because one day he thinks he heard you say that you really liked salt chips. and then boom! now you have salt chips for the rest of your life. like, for example, that time when you told him that you really wanted some pop rocks since you haven't had them since middle school. an innocent comment, just something you absentmindedly said while organizing some peter gabriel records. but boy, oh boy, the next day, eddie came with a bag full of every flavor of pop rocks available in the entirety of hawkins. because, you know, "they were on sale! and i didn't remember which one i liked best so i just... bought them all. want one?" as he's already slipping the whole bag in your direction, not leaving a single one for him.
but i got to say that eddie's eating habits aren't healthy in the slightest. i truly believe that his idea of a good fulfilling lunch is frozen hamburgers and a tall glass of coke. i mean, we can't really expect much from someone who lives off of pretzel anything. so i don't think he was expecting you to slip him a sandwich right before your lunch break and ask him to eat with you – because usually, he'd just pretend he's distracted by the music magazines you sell at the store while you eat quietly behind the counter. but the main reason for the overwhelming sense of surprise that took over him is that this is probably the nicest thing anybody's ever done for him. and eddie eats the whole thing with the biggest smile on his face, not even minding the mustard and the weird green leaves you put in. because he's just so happy!!!
i truly feel like you changed his eating habits from that day on. and even changed a few your own habits as well, since now you always make sure to leave the house with three sandwiches – because eddie eats two. <3
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small note: anon, i just wanted to leave you a little note because i don't think you can understand how happy this ask made me. i was really not in the mood for writing but i was so happy that you completely understood the dynamic i was going for!! and i knew i had to write this for you – so i hope you enjoy it as much as i did! thank you so much, baby!
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eddie masterlist | main masterlist | navigation ── hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep. currently accepting requests for steve, nancy and eddie. 
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Firstly, THE COMMENTS ON THE TEXT CONVIS POST!!! I'M PISSING 😭😭 He's so desparate, I can see him killing another assassin and stealing his phone just to text us to unblock him
About giivng Mandy a sibling, I think Tan would consider it since he'll want her to have someone like he has Lem
Also, Mandy swearing because she accidently heard Tan swear once?
You said his look can be intimitating, even if it's soft. Imagine we look away or hide in his shoulder, so he softly grabs our face to make us look at him. 🫠🫠
Buying him lolipops to replace a cig for when he can't smoke? And they're cherry flavor? :))
Sorry I'm always asking those things but have you thought about a backstory for us and Tan? I made one but I think it sounds kinda silly so I don't know if I should send it
I know I sound like a broken record since I already said this in like 3 already. I really do enjoy being back and writing to you, I was afraid my love for him was fading away, I didn't like any ideas I wrote in my notes and was overall pretty sad. (He was still on my mind, it's as if this man made himself a cozy room in my brain and is never leaving) I got sick in january so I had to stay at home and thought I might as well rewatch the movie. So many scenes and snarky remarks of him got me thinking "oh yeah that's why I fell in love with him". So now I'm here again. I love reading your response as well as the comments. 💗💗  Sorry for the ramble I wanted to get it off my chest
(Just wanted to ask, the next time your requests will be open, would you be ok with writing a small fic, like 700 words? If no that's completly fine !! I already saved a headcanon and small drabble for next time :)) Planning on sending more text convos this weekend
Also love your atj shirt. Might have to get a custom one for my bday <3 💺 anon
— right??? 😭😭😭 omg yes!! or even having to go out and get another sim card in order to text you. he probs has a stash of miscellaneous blocked ones piled somewhere
— he so would!! he would want her to have a best friend in sibling form. he wants for her to have someone she can talk to when older. and all those sibling bonding things
— she definitely has😭😭 I believe fuck is an easy one to say?? so that might be her first
— super super cute!!! and cherry!! sneaky, I like it
— you know what, I actually haven’t. I prefer civilian readers, so it’s a little difficult bc being assassin would be easier to connect. but I have a concept idea of their relationship, but not how they met. don’t be daft, nothing you’ll send would be silly. you’re more than welcome to send it in if you’re comfortable. there’s no such thing as silly around here
— I really do as well!! it’s actually fun to talk to someone about him like this rather than myself all the time😭 awh!!! im glad you’re back into him now !! (and hope you’re feeling better now) never be sorry, thank you for sharing 💓💓
— they’re still open if you want to send something in, luckily been working through my inbox pretty fast so now I have a decent enough backlog in my drafts. and yes, ofc, that’s absolutely fine angel. looking forward to the text convos!! they were real fun
— AAAAH THANK YOU!! yes yes get one!! and happy birthday in advance if it’s coming up soon, if it is send in an ask so I can wish you a HBD💓
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citrusreadstoa · 1 year
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 28 (SPOILERS)
"getting an elephant into the Waystation was not as hard as I'd imagined." Yeah, of course it wasn't. This building literally materializes whatever size or shape entrance you need.
"a stream wending through the middle of the room" Did he misspell "winding"? No, apparently. WEND (v.): go in a specified direction, typically slowly or by an indirect route
"The Real Elephants of the African Veld" VELD (n.): open, uncultivated country or grassland in southern Africa. It is conventionally classified by altitude into highveld, middleveld, and lowveld imo it should've just been called "midveld."
"back to the main hall, where a crown had gathered . . . The rest of the freed prisoners milled around" This is such a nice, peaceful, happy scene that I'm sad it's not going to last. At least we got *checks book* two full pages of people being happy.
"The griffins allowed him to scratch under their beaks--a sign of great trust" Maybe Jamie isn't a bad guy after all? I'm still skeptical. "especially since they were guarding and egg in their neest (and no doubt worried that Sssssarah might see it)." I don't think even Sssssarah could swallow an egg that big, but she might try.
"a different green dress and jeans" Did you just say she's wearing a dress over jeans?
"Lady Artemis has been watching you." "Oh, no . . . You can tell my beloved sister to back off." You tell 'er, Apollo!
"Father!" Hehe oh noooooo "This isn't prophecy. This has never happened before--" Has Emmie been to the Cave of Trophonius a lot? How does she know?
"You sent this little sister of mine to do your errands?" Uhh. I'm guessing not on the mom's side, huh? When she said "Father" I was like OMG she's Apollo's kid! And then when it turned out to be Trophonius talking, that worry went away and SURPRISE NOW IT'S BACK! Interesting to note that Trophonius doesn't know that Georgina wasn't sent by Apollo. He doesn't know as much as you'd expect an Oracle to know.
"I wonder, Father, to whom will you pray?" True. To whom do the gods pray?
"the recovery rate for supplicants of Trophonius" SUPPLICANT (n.): one who supplicates Fuck you too, Merriam-Webster. Cambridge Dictionary says, SUPPLICANT (n.): a person who asks a god or someone who is in a position of power for something in a humble way
"No one had reported a missing baby girl like her. Her birth parents either didn't want her or couldn't raise her" Or was secretly a serial killer on the run who couldn't raise a child. Sounds about right with Apollo's standards for flings. Bad Decisions Box <- Georgina's biological mortal parent & Georgina's subsequent abandonment
"enter the Cavern of Prophecy." We're finally going innnnnnnn! Death and madness, here we come! Eat it like well-cooked ramen!
"I'm not sure." "All hail the god of prophecy!" Got nothing to say, just wanted to highlight that little bit.
"tracking devices I put on your griffins" Gee thanks, Lit. "first thing tomorrow morning. He'll wipe this place off the map." Can't thank ya more, Lit.
I feel like someone is definitely getting sealed in that cave. There's never a cave in a story without a rockfall or cave-in also happening and someone getting shut inside a stony tomb, never to be seen again.
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nonclassyparty · 1 year
Okay so I just stayed up till 3am reading starring role and after putting it off for a while and honestly I can’t believe I ever did that?!?! Something wrong with me fr but this fic is just 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
Okay let’s start of with our main girl!! I just want to hug her so bad. Although nothing excuses her behaviour towards Boyoung, I get why she’s the way she is especially to someone like yeosang. I hate how everyone seas as this ditzy, rich girl with no brain. But the worst has got to be her parents - her mum and me will throw hands I swear. And what’s even more heartbreaking is how you can tell she clearly misses her brother but like wtf happened? I can’t wait for the reveal for that? I can only imagine it’s drugs related but knowing her I’m sure she took it up a notch. In a time where she probably needs her brother the most he’s not there and I’m sad about it.
Okay Choi fking San, like you warned us, but honestly makes my blood boil ESPECIALLY after he had the absolute gall to come BACK to her after his failed relationship. Again nothing excuses the reader to say what she said to Boyoung but nothing excuses San to say what he did either. And his friends are so mean and for what? But now with the reveal of why Yeonsang is the way he is I’m excited to see what he does or says to her now. I just saw someone ask if San will leak her secrets after she confronted Yeosang and omg??? That will be honestly the worst thing he could ever do 💔 also when she realised that San is just some guy ™️ was actually so funny to me
I love Wooyoung and I just adore how close they became, he deserves the words and a sweet boyfriend!
Joonie is also another sweetheart, I love that he wants to progress her art work and just be her friend!!
Also not the stray kidz cameos 👀🫰🏽
Okay so now Mingi!!!!!!!!! This guy had my heart flip flopping all over the place it was unreal! Get why your pissed at her when she was mean to your bestie but then???????? Treating her like she a dumbass then being all sweet and generally making her seem like a better person and her valentines gift 😭😭😭 all for him to just spew out all that shit? Almost in tears 😔 He honestly needs to get his head out of his ass.
This fic is a rollercoaster and I really can’t wait to see what happens next and things getting revealed etc!! You’re amazing and have great day!
omggggggggg thank you so much!!!!
well yn isnt the nicest person in general😭 she's pretty mean and self-centered but that's her character so yeah she was pretty shitty to boyoung. she'll talk about seonghwa more in the next chapter and he'll have a pretty interesting arc by the end lmfao
i thought of writing a chapter from san's pov which wouldn't be really a chapter but something in the form of e-mails i guess?? but i decided against it bc my life is kind of a mess rn and i just want this story to successfully reach its end. but later on when i'm better and if i'm in the mood for it, i might post that chapter as an additional part bc i already have a good chunk of it written out...we'll see. i think it would be interesting to write from his perspective bc i know a lot of people wonder about him and it was pretty fun to write the bonus part
there will be so much of wooyoung in the next chp and it will be mostly sad but he's my baby so..
also in the last couple of chapters i've completely neglected joong but thats bc he was mostly linked to yn by mingi and professor ahn so when everything went to shit between them i kinda lost how to include joong in the story BUT i think he will also appear in the next chapter.
and mingi omggggggggggg i cant wait for him to come back, he'll be so pathetic and there's nothing i love writing more than men being pathetic and grovelling so i'm excited for that!
anyways thank you for reading once again and for this lengthy message!! have a nice day
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jimimn · 1 year
🥴😭😳🤯😩 My god how to form words... I just rewatched the teaser and compared to that, the haunting choir was stronger in the YouTube shorts version and 🤯🤯 I lost my mind. The choir and the horror like harmonization that you mentioned sounds AMAZING. There is a really high female(?) voice in the very back, holding that note for like almost the entirety of the yt shorts and it literally just fucking catapulted me into the sun. There is a haunting vibe mix of Fake Love from MDP and the choir reminded me of that. I'm really really loving this song so far and they literally just showed us almost the same thing twice 😭 but I'm already so obsessed with it. AND THE DANCERS? LIKE PTD ON STAGE BLACK SWAN??? JIMIN IN THE CENTER??? And the dancers mimicking the choir's screams??? There is so much to unpack here, I need to go on twitter and find people who have the braincells to unpack all this 😂
And now back to my previous ask: Omg don't even mention Jimin dancing in water or rain to me 😭 I would d.e. Oh and yeah you're right, he probably has more outfits in the mv I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF THAT 😭😭😭
I know exactly what eyes you're talking about and I hate him when he does that. I generally consider myself a soft Jimin stan b̶u̶t̶ l̶a̶t̶e̶l̶y̶ h̶e̶ r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ m̶a̶k̶e̶s̶ m̶e̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ t̶o̶ c̶l̶i̶m̶b̶ h̶i̶m̶
Oh, but then you also won yesterday as yoonminkook biased 😎 Yoongi with a puppy 🥺😭
ALSO DID YOU SEE WHAT PDOGG POSTED? Jimin is ending 2023 kpop??? AND WE ONLY GOT 2 TEASERS BUT I'D SAY HE ALREADY ENDED EVERYTHING?? I'm like kinda thankful the next thing we are getting (at least according to the schedule, I'm side eyeing bighit with the surprise drops because there is still a day tomorrow) is the actual mv because it'd be insane if I had to sit through another teaser and not have the actual song. And I'm SO excited to learn what SMF is about and his thought process and what kind of promotion he'll do and talk about his album and his experience and what he learned and maybe Joon will talk about the album too and i will just have so much Jimin content every day 🥺🥺 -🦋
under read more again lmaoo <3333
YESSSS the yt shorts version has stronger background vocalization. and yep yep it sounds like a high female opera like voice but its haunting dhjfhdj idk how to explain it. pls i feel like the song is really going to make me cry.. not just because of the lyrics that might be emotional but also because the intensity of the song might make me overwhelmed. it sounds soooooo energetic and aggressive rn im gonna be so overwhelmed when we finally get to hear the whole thing. AND YES. the dancers the formation the vibes i agree with everyone saying its giving fake love + black swan + on DGFHDJJFD. and the dancers have been posting stories of the teaser saying "the king is coming" and things like that i just think its gonna be fucking insane. omg yes if you find theories send them my way because i have 1 braincell which is all about jimin jimin jimin it is incapable for any other coherent thought <3 (and u did not hear me say this but the third paragraph in ur ask hahahahahahhahha same) OMG RIGHT i forgot they released the photoshoot sketch yesterday 😭😭😭😭 i only saw snippets of yoongi being an absolute goofball i am yet to watch the sketch but i will now after answering this <3 AND YES OFCOURSE I SAW IT. PDOGG. DO U UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS WHEN A PRODUCER LIKE PDOGG SAYS SOMETHING LIKE THIS? JIMIN DID NOT COME TO PLAY. two teasers and he's already made everyone lose their goddamn minds imagine what'll happen when the actual song will release. and god i agree i literally cannot wait i don't need to be teased anymore give me the song already!!!!!!! im sure we'll get joon talking about the songs he participated in when he comes live next hehe i hope he does <3333 and yes please i need to hear jimin talk about it too. i hope he tells us about the inside stories and his thought process behind the album and the songs i would love nothing more than to hear him talk about his art 🥺🥺🥺💖
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soupbabe · 3 years
If I may, the Jojos reacting to a reader that is a strong stubborn bastard that always insists that they’re fine even if they’re not. like they could have tears streaming down their face and still be like “i’m fine 😐.” like dude,,, you don’t have to be strong all the frickin’ time just let me hug you >:(
The Jojos with a Stubborn! Reader
Featuring: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, and Jolyne Cujoh
My first time writing for Jolyne let's gooo!!
Jonathan Joestar
- Oh nothing is getting past him
- Like he wouldn't push too much, but he knows something is wrong and will remind you that he's always there for you
- Though he can always be stern when the situation really calls for it, like when you're physically hurt
- Even then it's nothing too harsh, it's more of a mom going "I'm not mad just disappointed" vibe
- If you're really going through it he'll just pull you in a hug, telling you about how great you are and how much you love him
Joseph Joestar
- He's much more upfront about his approach
- Type of guy to annoy you until you tell him
- Joseph would put you in a fireman carry, ignoring any pleas, only giving a "No can do, Sweetheart! Unless you tell your dear boyfriend what's wrong!"
- Ngl he treats you like a baby if you're not saying anything when he knows something's up 💀
- You know how he was tapping Santana's nose and just goofing off? Yeah he does that to you </3
- It's nothing malicious or meant to be Taunting though! If he knows he can't get anything out of you, he'd rather just go ahead and cheer you up still
Jotaro Kujo
- Oh no you two are the same person
- But Jotaro cares deeply about you, his approach is surprisingly sweet
- A major plus to having Star Platinum is an increase in picking up small details, so nothing would get past him
- He'd walk in on you crying and when he asks if you're alright and you brush of off like normal, he'd immediately call you out on your bullshit
- If you still insist that you're fine, he'd, without word, pull you into a comforting hug and give a kiss to your temple. A silent way of him giving you full permission to let everything out to him
Josuke Higashikata
- He's such a sweetheart omg
- Similarly to Jonathan, he wouldn't push too much, but remind you that you're safe with him
- You also notice him being more affectionate!
- Giving you a flower or two, walking you to classes, even giving you small kisses to help cheer you up when he noticed that you're going through something
- And when you do finally decide to open up to him, he'd drop everything he was focused on to focus on you
Giorno Giovanna
- He can understand you to an extent as someone who hides his feelings
- He's also very patient with you, though just know he notices everything
- His care is very quiet, he doesn't really give you constant reminders like Josuke or Jonathan
- If he notices you hurt and you brush it off, without warning Giorno is coming up to you to have you healed
- When he notices your day being less than favorable, he'll stick by you more often, holding and squeezing your hand in reassurances and comfort
Jolyne Cujoh
- She might get a little frustrated tbh
- Like all she wants is to be there for you and it feels like you're shutting her out when there's something obviously wrong
- I could see her taking the Joseph route and doing something until you confess about your true feelings
- I can imagine the only thing that annoys you enough or breaks your stubborn behavior is her relentless calling of really cheesy romantic nicknames, similarly to the ones she used to make towards Romeo
- But they never stick as she immediately gets down to helping you once your facade cracks, giving you all the care needed
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saksukei · 3 years
iwaizumi boyfriend hcs
masterlist | others: ushijima tanaka oikawa tsukki kageyama kuroo
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he fainted when he heard you reciprocated his feelings because hello!!!! oikawa gets all the love and he's just on the side ya know??? and noW THERES YOU
the type to stare at you and then get red when you catch him omg he's like a lil love bug
pet names he uses for you are ‘babe’ ‘honey’ ‘bubs’ ‘bun’ YES IWAIZUMI CALLS YOU HIS LITTLE BUN IDC
he absolutely melts when you call him a pet name like ‘babe’,,,, internally he's thinking “YES IM YOUR BABE!!!!”
dates consist of going to parks,, gyms,, having street food late night,,,, going to the beach,,, him helping you with little errands like going to the grocery store,, will absolutely buy you pads or tampons,,
absolutely the type of guy to take you to a ferris wheel and shyly ask if he can kiss you at the top [I don't make the rules]
HAVE YOU EVEN LOOKED AT THIS BEEFY BITCH??? he loves LOVES carrying you so much,,, like he'll literally throw you over his shoulder and walk around pretending it's nothing
he loves holding hands with you,, and kissing your hands,, it's just that they're so delicate and so small compared to his :(
please. please wear his jacket. and waTCH THE EGO BOOST HE'LL BE SO HAPPY OMG and oikawa will be like wh-
he considers himself the luckiest guy on the planet for having someone like you,,,
idk why but his laughter is so nice,, like it's comforting,,, and warm,,, and it feels so homey,,, like maybe when you come back home tired after work,, you’ll smell food in the kitchen,, and he's standing there wearing this pink apron,, and he's like “babe, dinner’s almost ready!!”
he loves it when you snuggle into him,, especially while sleeping,,, he just smiles because you mean a lot to him,,,
on tough days,, he just buries his face in your lap and wants you to play with his hair,,, it makes him feel so much better
if you're in a bad mood,,, first off, he'd be ready to deck the mf that made you upset and second,, he's there, ready with food, cuddles, movies– you name it he has it
also carries a pack of bandaids and stuff for you in his backpack in case you ever get hurt but he doesn't tell you [oikawa found out about it and was teasing him so iwaizumi gave oikawa the ass kicking of his life]
fights I'd say aren't that common,, but iwaizumi tends to get angry whenever you aren't taking care of yourself, or you're hurt,,,, you're very dear to him and he can't see you in pain,,
if he's super angry, he'll give you the silent treatment and might even go out to cool off,, once he's okay, he's back in your arms,, apologizing and telling you why he's worried for you,,,
he takes so many secret pictures of you omg omg omg omg omg LIKE HIS GALLERY IS FILLED WITH PICTURES OF YOU and whenever he's missing you,,, he goes through his gallery,,,
iwaizumi’s favorite thing is to just play with your hair,, he loves it so much but also when you play with his hair >>>
he sends u pictures of things he thinks you might find cute like kittens,, and oh my god!!! imagine him sending you a picture of a cute little ladybug,,, it's adorable!!
and somehow this giant beefy man attracts butterflies as well?? like imagine a butterfly sitting on his nose!!!
plus he's also the type of guy that will absolutely wake up at 3am to kill a cockroach for you or at least pick it up and take it outside
also also oikawa?? a huge part of this relationship but aside from you and oikawa teaming up to be a pain in iwaizumi’s ass,, oikawa tells you a lot about iwaizumi and vice versa,,, [also some lies purely for shits and giggles]
like the time he lied to iwaizumi that you think ushijima is super hot
and iwaizumi was like tHAT MFER IM ABOUT TO SPIKE HIS FACE INTO THE GROUND– and you had to literally tell him that dude OIKAWA IS LYING
iwaizumi hates it when u go with oikawa cause he knows that he's going to have a serious headache by the end of it,, but he's also thankful to oikawa because oikawa can knock some sense into iwaizumi if this beefy man is acting stupid [on a rare occasion tho]
ps. he's straight forward about stuff, not like fluffy stuff,,, he's SHY ABOUT WANTING CUDDLES but straight forward enough to tell you that you're one of the most important things that happened to him and he couldn't imagine his life any other way,, sigh iwa chan 10/10
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
what are some of your headcanons (if you have any) for jaden and zane? they're my favorite gx characters (and imo the epitome of adhd/autism solidarity) and i like hearing people's takes on them. also .
OH BOY DO I!!! :D omg it's so funny you ask, I love Jaden and Zane too, and ive been especially having Zane Brainrot for like the last 72 hours so the headcanons have been COOKING big time..... in general i love coming up with yugioh guy headcanons, there's so much potential there eheheh.
here's a little platter for each of them, off the top of my head:
I think you're dead on the money with him having ADHD.... it fits him SO well. He especially strikes me as someone who doodles a Bunch in the notes of his classwork to help with focus issues (to varying levels of success.)
Impulsively throws up a peace sign 90% of the time someone takes a picture of him.
I know in my heart this kid can and will take any opportunity to shout "Parkour!!!" while jumping off of picnic tables and benches and shit. Just channeling all his energy into unabashed teenage boy jumping and bouncing around and goofing off. I think even before I watched GX I felt like he had the energy of this vine.
Loves video games!! Nothing beats dueling of course, but he'll have a grand old time with his beat up Gameboy Advance SP, playing Pokemon Firered for the 5732754 time. I think he'd really love games like Smash Bros. too, just has a great time with them. He'd also love Sonic the Hedgehog...definitely loves the Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack. (Every SA2 song sounds like a gx dub background track. buy my silence!!!)
He's constantly leaving a trail of napkins and crumbs everywhere. Jaden feels very "shoved a snack in his pocket for later" energy. Popping out a pack of Oreos mid-duel to nibble on.
Would enjoy nearly all superhero movies regardless of quality. This specifically pisses Aster "perpetually writing a Batman video essay in his brain" Phoenix off to a tremendous degree <3
Definitely had a fursona when he was like 12 and it was absolutely like. A zany cyborg superhero sparkledog with space powers or something like that. Just total shameless self indulgence. The Neo Spacians are basically his OCs after all!! He's a creative kid. ;w;
Likes heavy metal but also the crustiest early 2000's techno you can imagine. Unironically thinks the 7 minute long full version of Darude's Sandstorm kicks ass.
Lately I've been especially into the idea of Zane enjoying TTRPGs and particularly being a bit of a Perma-Dungeon Master (i, a perma DM, enjoy inflicting this upon characters lmao). I think he'd really into running these dense, edgy, rules-and-combat-heavy campaigns where there's like a solid 70% chance your character is gonna die. (Meanwhile Atticus does everything in his power to make the stupidest, goofiest character imaginable every time he plays in one of Zane's campaigns. unstoppable force meets immovable object etc etc)
I feel like bad eyesight runs in this family but Zane either never bothered to get glasses/contacts or willingly doesn't wear them. Is he glaring at you from across the room? Nope, he's just trying to make out a sign on the wall and he can't see shit. :/
Might throw "has a gluten intolerance" on top of all the other shit he's dealing with, as part of my ongoing agenda of making characters i like have gluten issues. Probably lactose intolerant too like Syrus. Guy looks like eating is probably one of his least favorite activities. Like. he'll do it. but hes not thrilled about the experience.
ok sorry i assign "Pokemon liker" to like every yugioh character but I'm really enamored with the idea of zane and syrus being "kids where one got pokemon red/gold/ruby and the other got blue/silver/sapphire" i think it's so sweet ;__; Zane has MASSIVE "gets really into competitive Pokemon and takes it dead seriously" energy. Stays up late playing ludicrously difficult ROM hacks and testing competitively viable teams. I think he would really like Dialga. <3
Definitely picked up some of Jaden's dorky ass slang whether he wanted to or not. He straight up says "throw down a facedown" in one episode and out loud i was like "oh he DEFINITELY got that from jaden." they are FRIENDS
Has a three-monitor desktop computer setup and all three monitors have a different cyber dragon painting for their wallpaper and it's not entirely clear if he commissioned them or ripped them off google images.
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ticklygiggles · 3 years
Obey Me! N$FW Headcanons!
Written with @otomiya-tickles
Oh goodness, sweet Ginny and I are way too invested on these boys! We've been talking about the Obey Me boys' virginity and masturbating likings, and we decided to post these bunch of naughty hc’s. We hope you enjoy them~
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We think this sweet looking guy has fucked at least once (don’t let him fool you, he’s fucked more than that)
We also think it can be because he was feeling horny and wanted to satisfy his needs or because he wanted something in return
When it comes to masturbating - he’s a shameless one
He’d go to the bathroom before a meeting or in the middle of the day to jerk off!
Goes back fresh as a lettuce, uf
One of Diavolo's fantasies is having someone looking at him while he masturbates!
He also has very sensitive nipples, you can’t change our minds
We think that when it comes to sex, Diavolo wouldn’t enjoy it as much if he’s not doing it with someone he loves
He’d just do it for some regular sexual thrill, but nothing too exciting
All for the dick, lololololol
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Oh goodness, we think he wouldn’t be that interested about sex, but he’s up to do it if he feels the need!
We dare to say that he’d try to please Diavolo if he’s asked to, just like in our tickle hc’s!
L: “Fine. *sigh* if you must… Can I refuse?” D: “Noooo!!!” L: “Alright,, but make it quick” D: “I will, I will!!!”
Something like that, lolololololol
But sometimes when he sees how happy the other person gets he might smile a little (which is just too charming), or when he makes the other person feel real good
He will have a satisfied smirk
We think he’d be the pickiest little shit out there when it comes to choose a sex partner
He just won’t have sex with anyone! It doesn’t matter if they’re the most beautiful being alive, if there’s something he doesn’t like, then he won’t have sex with them!
Unlike Simeon, he’s not that flirty and doesn’t tease much, but of course he’d be so hard to get!
Both in ship and non-ship case, we think he’ll help Diavolo fulfill his sexual needs, but other than that he seems a very hard one to lay a hand on!
We thiiink Diavolo would make him watch while he masturbates, huhu
And Diavolo would be like “Touch my nipples?” and of course, Lucifer can’t deny him
We also think that since the MC manages to win him over, he just has the sexual hots for them!
We think Lucifer wouldn’t be horny for celestial beings since he wants nothing to do with heavenly things!
He knows and acknowledges angels are attractive but somehow horny is just not in his book
Unless with the one he really likes then he can be a beast xD
Omg, Lucifer banned the word Sex in the House of Lamentation, hahaha!
He really doesn’t like his brothers talking about sex. He’s just not interested in their sexual lives!
The horny bunch got their own chat room to talk about their nasty sex xD
Be it Mammon or Asmo talking about it (they both do it a lot) or they making remarks about Levi jerking off to things (Levi is flustered)
Those kinds of talks are not appreciated by almighty Lucifer
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Of course you won’t expect the Avatar of Lust to be a virgin, right? Because he is not!
He’d have sex with anyone attractive and that wants to have sex with him!
He’s also on the top of the masturbation list
Kinky bastard
Oh goodness, we think Asmo and Mammon have horny competitions like “how many times can you cum in one night?” or “how many times can you make your partner cum in one night?”
Actually these competitions were one of the reason talking about sex is banned in the House of Lamentation
Lucifer was like “Enough, you nasty pigs!” With that offended expression (you should know which one): wide eyes, a little gasp, a hand against his chest, yes. He’s pissed
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We think Beel is too busy with his food to notice that he has sexual needs
… Unless he’s making out with his S/O, then he realizes how needy he is!
He also likes to use his mouth! Be it nibbling, sucking, biting, licking, just everything!
He will eat the other person and make teasy remarks that they taste good!
He’s not necessarily kinky, but anything that includes food is a bonus for him!
Like whipped cream on his partner’s body or flavour oils!
We think Beel would come up to his s/o with his happy smile holding up a new flavour oil like “I got this. Let’s use it tonight!”
We also think he’d be so good at kissing (and blowjobs) because he uses his tongue a lot!
He’s an expert with his mouth. Just him kissing and sucking a neck can make a person weak already!
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He’s also fucked before, so no Royal Virgins
We think he’s so into blowjobs and handjobs (mostly receiving)
He hardly ever jerked himself off, he will let others do it, omg!
He’s also so kinky: humiliating his partner, spanking, bondage, he’s up to everything
He's pretty resilient tho, like he can do a lot without getting hard yet hahaha!
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We have no shame. Where’s the fun if our hot angel is not in these hc’s?
We think Simeon is the candy everyone would want but can’t get!
Honestly, this man doesn’t need to be naked to turn people on!
He’s sexy and hot and hard to get, so he might please others sometimes
He doesn’t get touched or fucked easily because he’s definitely “keeping himself” for the person he loves!
He’ll give someone a handjob, but then the other person wants to do something back to him and he’s like “Naaaah” *graciously leaves*
We think he wouldn’t use his mouth on someone else, though, so he’d be like “Hmm? I can give you a hand job”, while he does a very dirty move with his hand, ay
He’s also extremely skilled at it! Like??? How?!
He’s also a tease!
He’d say things like “oh goodness, you’re so wet. Does it feel that good~?”
And it’s so frustrating because he doesn’t get hard! Only for the person he loves, fufu
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It’s a dirty Otaku, no kidding LOL
We think he fantasizes, watches (you know what) and jerks off a lot
However, when it comes down to it he's shy and awkward
Definitely knows how to touch himself, but having someone touching him and/or touching someone???
Levi. exe has stopped working
He’s super subby and likes being told what to do, but he’s also cute and clumsy!
We think Levi is into many nasty things lolololol
As a dirty otaku he's seen a lot of things including the kinky shit: bondage SM/ tentacle sex (lolllll) so not really vanilla x'D he's just shy to ask or suggest anything
But he does get super hard whenever someone is dominant over him
He's definitely curious about all things he's seen, but he's way way too shy!
We think he probably just sends screenshots of the things he'd like to do and his partner is like "you want that? We can do it~"
We also think that he's jerked off so much and he knows how to please himself so well that it's a bit hard for him to come!
Like he needs a lot of pleasure and build up and other turn ons (like the kinky shit), and lots of verbal teasing to get him over the edge
Levi just needs a lot of stimulation, even though he is a virgin!
We also think he apologizes so much during sex! He’d be apologizing through all his moans and cries sdnjdsg
Like he will apologize if he doesnt come and then when he does come all over the other person he will apologize too haha
He's kinda into edging/denial? Like it takes a lot of time to make him cum, so it'd frustrate him so much if they stop when he's finally so close!
And he loves it when the other punishes him, like he doesn't necessarily act like a brat or something to be punished but he gets it on him anyway and when he does,it’s such a turn on for him haha!
He'd probably like to be spanked, but nothing too intense because he's baby
Levi usually talks SO much, so we think his dom can often tease him with that! Like “where are your big talks now~?”
To which Levi makes very courageous remarks like "don't touch me, normie" between moans and broken voice and his partner just "*spank* how did you call me?”
We think the whole concept of sex just changes him into this cute shy boy who's only had much experience with porn and fantasies
So he goes from the HOOOOOH loud Levi to just cute mewls, moans and apologies hahaha
We also think that he’d get ticklish when touched for the first tiiime, he’s so nervous and jumpy! Imagine him letting out this moany surprised giggles asjnd
He's also so ripped! He'd get flustered if you comment about his muscles!
His partner could be like "look how good your body is even if you're just an otaku staying inside all day long" and Levi is like "so meeaaan!!" All teary but his cock’s jumping skdjnff
While we do think Levi takes long to cum, he DOEs get hard pretty fast hahahaha
like maybe even when he's not fully undressed yet the bulge will already be visible!
We love cute kinky submissive dirty otaku boy >:)
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He’s kinky, HAHA
A top tease! Like 24/7 smug and teasy and he will make the receiver beg and ask for it and play dumb like "What do you want? You'll have to be specific."
He’s also very hard to please!
Like even to get him hard it’s hard xD he's enjoying his time with his s/o, but he's skdkf not hard!!
He can endure a lot without getting horny but he just loves to watch a person get weak under his touch
We think even when he's on the receiving end, he gets all teasy and constantly challenges the other, like “is that all you got? 8-) You gotta try harder~”
We also think he can control himself a lot! Like he can hold his orgasms for quite a long time and be like "I’m not even close~"
He rarely jerks off because he's not that entertained by it, he just needs someone to tease and make crazy haha
We love the idea of almighty Solomon getting overpowered by an even higher top!
We don't think he will ever 'break completely' and beg or do anything uncool but he'll definitely have less of an attitude once taken good care of
He’d be like "o-okay that's... That's enough" and his partner all like "huh? We're just starting, Solomon, so keep yourself together" while he blushes a lot!
He sounds so hot when he moans and gasps! His voice is a hidden treasure!
And once he finally DOES reach his orgasm his entire body gets sooo sensitive!
He'd be a whiny mess if his partner brushes their fingertips or nails against his skin!
He'd squirm so much and maybe let out a whiny giggle????
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Belphie can be both genuine and teasy at the same time like "Does it feel good?"
He often needs confirmation and he often says things like "I'm inexperienced" or "I'm not sure how to do this" but he tries his best anyway
And besides saying things like "I'm inexperienced, I'm not sure what to dooo" he might say things like "Beel probably knows what to do." and he adorably tends to mention beel and the receiver will have to be like x3 omg no belphie you're doing fine
He'd be a little lazy to please his partner xD like he tries his best, but after he's like "I'm tired" and he wants to be taken care of!
He tends to get overwhelmed pretty fast by pleasure so he might ask the other to stop even when his body doesn't want it to stop but he's just like PSPHHgailugigh
He probably comes too fast the first times he has sex with his partner! He maybe just cums when they play with his nipples because he’s that sensitive!
He is so sensitive and his moans are so cute and whiny
We think he might be sore the next day xD he will complain a lot about being sore and tired haha
His body also gets tired fast during any intercourse, even though he does feel good and enjoys it, he will whine and whimper about it haha
He’d like to find little hickeys on his neck, chest or thighs the next day too!
He’s also very sensitive to neck kisses, probably enough to already stimulate him sexually since he’s so sensitive!
His little moans would be the cutest! And if he gets to make the other party feel good, he will show his precious smile!
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We think Satan wouldn't be too interested in sex, (he spends his time trying to be better than Lucifer skdndnd)
BUT we also think that he reads erotic books every once in a while and like those book don't necessarily turn him on per say, but make him feel blushy and a bit giddy about having someone to enjoy sexy times with!
He'd be quite knowledgeable and a bit shy like “I read that this feels good, may I?” He is not like super horny but he likes to experiment a bit and is just so sweet 😍👏🏻
He's got skills to make his partner feel good, but he'd be so, so blushy and would feel flustered if his partner compliments him about how good he is!
ALSO! Someone should not mention Lucifer in any competitive matter because that might activate his hidden beast
When he's receiving, he tries to hold himself back so much! Like his moans and any noises!
He just wants to hide how sensitive he really is!
His s/o would be a little pouty like "are you not liking it?" and he just adorably nods but he keeps controlling himself as much as possible hehe
And sometimes a cute little moan escapes and he blushes so much omg
Also he has super sensitive nipples, if he gets touched there he'd be arching his back so much and would cover his mouth with one of his hands to hold back his sounds and would grip the sheets with his free hand!! He'd be all beggy like "please don't touch me there~" while his hips circle and thrust because it feels so good!
We think bondage will work really good on him since he tends to squirm a lot and cover up. He’s so helpless if he can’t!
He'd be pulling at his restrains and biting his lip so hard and begging for his s/o to let him go (even though he can escape on his own), and they're just teasing him
He’d also get extra sensitive if he’s being edged, like everytime they deny him his release, he'd just feel more and more sensitive and eventually won't be able to stop his sounds!
Satan begs a lot and he whines adorably but he’ll never say a safe word or give up
Satan being like this makes us want to wreck him!
We think he'd get a bit turned on if his s/o brush their fingers against his sides and he’d be so shy if he lets out a little giggle here and there!
"don't- don't tihihickle me right nohohow!" And his cock is shaking dkdnf
He’s also the type to get ticklish and super sensitive everywhere especially after an orgasm
And his giggles and moans are so cuuute and he sounds tired and whiny and he shakes his head adorably omg
His cheeks super red babyyyyyy
Mammon (tumblr didn't let me upload a pic, wtf?)
He’s a beast! Will have no mercy, so brace yourself!
To be fair, he’s really good in sex, so he loves praises! Compliments stimulate him. He needs to hear how good he is!
What can you expect from the Avatar of Greed, right?
He’s the typical guy to run after his dick, lololol! He’s all about money and sex!
We think he gets horny and hard in the most uncomfortable moments. He gets so many boners a day wtf
Even his brothers just stare awkwardly at his crotch… “wait… are you hard? o_O”
We also think he loves receiving blowjobs and he loooves to hold his partner by their hair!
He’s a passionate mouth fucker
He probably feels a bit vulnerable when people touch him elsewhere like, he just wants the attention for his dick!
And he might be sensitive somewhere else but he doens't quite like to be touched unless it's his love haha
He's really picky! Like if he's with someone else, then it's just dick attention, but if it's the person he loves, then they'd let him touch him everywhere!
He's a bit less casual about it than Diavolo, but he does jerk off from time to time and people will be able to tell from the look on his face haha
And he doesn't like to be confronted and teased with it, while Diavolo won’t give a shit
However, Asmo would tease him so much just because he knows Mammon hates that!
He’d be like "woah! Did you have a good one, Mammon~?" or “what did you think of mammoonnn?<3”
Also Asmo and maybe even the others might make some remarks like "Ugh, Mammon would jerk off to this"
Probably besides Asmo he might have some arguments with Levi from time to time, like Mammon's a nasty perv normie and Levi the dirty otaku
Levi would probably agree whenever someone's like “ugh Mammon would jerk off to this” or any other remark like “oh, he probably just gonna suck on his own dick!
And mammon will fire back at Levi for being a dirty otaku
We also think that Mammon has walked into Levi's room when he was watching anime porn hahaha
Mammon thinks his own porn is superior and Levi is like "that normie stuff is gross, this is way better" so Mammon ends up watching hentai with Levi xD
Also if people ever need condoms he probably has a good stash. He's really picky, so of course he'd have his stash of condoms! We're not risking anything here hahaha
It’s hard to Dom him, like he’s not super Dom, but he likes to be the possessive one!
He also might have a lot of kink stuff stored but in the end he just doesn't end up using it?
He would like to be kinky but in the end he just has normal sex
He’s also easy to distract! Like he's super horny and has the handcuffs or something else kinky ready, but the other person just can give him a blow job and let him fuck them and then it's done and he's like ohh oh well
He'd also be a bit turned off easily, like, he's still hard and all, but at then he ends up having sex just because, but he's bored, but if he's turned ON he can stay turned on for quite a while haha hes a beast!
Like fuck after fuck even after he comes! He likes it raw and he loves to hear his partner whining so much about how they just came too
He also likes to hear his partner saying just how tired they are and he'd give them this wide, lethal smirk and be like "we're just starting, so put yourself together"
And he's sweating a bit and his cheeks are a bit flushed and his skin just glooowwsss because he's feeling so good!
We also think Mammon is not too loud when having sex, he’s just not a moaner, but he will grunt and huff and occasionally you'll hear this kind of growl that just proves how good it makes him feel
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Waking up and finding you on your period | FKBU Headcanons 』
Characters: female!reader, Kambe Daisuke, Kato Haru
Tags/warnings: Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited (anime), 15+, mild sexual references, fluff, so much fluff, teensy bit of a daddy kink implied for Daisuke, bit of breeding link implied for Haru *COUGH*
A/N: Guess who came on her period and was in dire need of some comfort from her best boys? That's right. Me. So I freaking wrote it. Here you go.
Despite the tags, it's like, 95% fluff, and even the sex is fluffy, and it's not even described. This is just pure wholesomeness. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! Imo~
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Kambe Daisuke
At first, when Daisuke sees the blood in the bed, he thinks you might be injured and worriedly wakes you up, asking if you're hurt with his hair down because he's been sleeping
As you wake, you feel the crushing pangs in your abdomen and shake your head
"That's not is," you say, embarrassed about the amount of blood staining the sheets
"I see," he says, deducing that you must have got your period in the night
He sounds as calm as ever, but he's actually genuinely relieved you haven't injured yourself
But he can see that you're in pain and he hates it serious daddy vibes
He carefully picks you up and carries you to the ensuite bathroom princess style, baby
"I'm sorry," you whimper into his chest
"There is nothing to be sorry for," he says firmly
His voice rumbles in your ears that deep, sultry voice, omg
When you reluctantly ask him if he's grossed out, he gives you a blank look
"Why should I be?" he asks. "It's perfectly natural."
"Yeah, but…"
He senses that you've experienced unpleasant situations with boyfriends in the past and can't help but feel fiercely protective and angered that they hurt you like that
"Any man who is 'grossed out' – as you put it – by something like this," he continues, entirely seriously, "does not deserve to be called a man."
He sits with you and helps you clean yourself as he draws the bath for you, having got his servants to fetch pain killers, sanitary products, and clear up the mess in the bedroom
You keep apologising for ruining the incredibly expensive, luxury bedding like so expensive, you want to die
But Daisuke keeps telling you not to worry about it, insisting that it can easily be replaced
He's literally already got HEUSC to order some new stuff
After you're clean, he helps you into the bath and gets in with you, sitting you between his legs, his arms around your body, and pulls you back against his chest
He insists you use all your favourite scents and products, planting little kisses on your neck and shoulders as he caresses the bubbles over your skin
He helps you get dressed into some of his comfy, oversized clothes and sits you down on the sofa he bought some after he wore Haru's, lmao
Come to the comfy side, we have hot guys
You grab hold of the back of his shirt when he turns to leave
When you ask him to stay with you, he immediately has tells HEUSC to clear his schedule for the day, calling in sick for work so he can do just that he must look after his princess
He can never say no to you
Hoodies and sweatpants all round
He has his chef make all your favourite foods and orders in whatever chocolates and treats you want
He even purchases a giant, expensive teddy with same-day delivery when you showed even the slightest interest in it we're talking a 2 metre plus bear, here
You spend the day curled up next to him in a cosy room, watching whatever movies, TV shows, K dramas, etc. you want
He probably has a cinema room in his house, okay? Don't @ me
Lots of cuddles and spooning hnng
He ignores any sexual urges he gets if he knows you're not in the mood
When you say you want a massage, he immediately goes to get HEUSC to call his private masseuse
When you ask him to do it instead, he's caught off guard and doesn't really have any idea what to do
He's hesitant and nervous, worried he might hurt you
But he eventually gets the idea, and feels proud of himself when you say it's helped relieve your cramps a little
Lots of hair stroking and back rubs
While you're asleep on his lap, he researches into dealing with period pain
He hates that his money can't buy you out of your pain entirely, but he's going to do the absolute best he can this sweet man, I can't
He makes sure he orders all sorts of high quality products, like super expensive heat pads, magnets, the best quality pads and tampons etc. so he's properly prepared next time best boy
While looking this stuff up, he reads that orgasms and sometimes even penetrative sex can help relieve cramps and pain, and immediately starts looking up how to go about it
When you wake up, he gets you some water and goes to ask you about what he read, but ends up a little too shy to, and vows to himself to bring it up next time
Which he does and it's adorable and hot at the same time??
And he really goes all out, focusing on you completely
You're glowing afterwards as you come down from your high, and he rests his forehead on yours
I'm dying, this is so cute. Why can't this be real?!?
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Kato Haru
You wake up first, feeling your stomach sink at the all too familiar sensation of blood between your legs
You nervously turn to Haru and wake him up, but can't manage to get the words out
Haru knows exactly what's happened as soon as he sees it
He gives you a hug and a kiss and tells you it's okay, and to get out of the bed
He fetches you pain killers and hurries out to the convenience store to buy any other products you need
A range of different pads, tampons, a hot water bottle, more over-the-counter pain killers and medication, chocolate it's necessary, okay? Haru knows what's up
It's dishearteningly early in the morning and still dark out brave boy, best boy
He returns with the items as quickly as possible, smelling of a fresh, crisp morning, still panting a little from hurrying to get back to you I freaking can't, it's too cute
He starts cleaning the sheets as best he can, soaking them in the tub while you clean yourself up in the bathroom
He also prepares a quick meal or two for you in advance because he knows you'll feel too awful to do anything yourself today he's so knowledgeable and practical
#boyfriend material
Lots of small smiles, hugs, and forehead kisses to remind you that he's not mad, because he knows you're worrying about it
When you're all clean and the bedding is changed, he puts you back to bed with a hot water bottle and a blanket, kissing your forehead
He has to get ready for work
You want him to stay, but you know how strong his sense of duty is, and don't want to put him in the position where he has to choose
He kisses you softly before he leaves, saying he'll call you later on his break
You spend the whole day missing him while enjoying the food he lovingly prepared
You wait with your phone by you, watching the clock
When he calls and you hear his voice come though on the other end of the line, you sink under a wave of relief and finally start to relax
He asks you how you are, if you've been eating, tells you to eat that particular food you always leave, because it's good for you, damn it, and reminds you where things are in case you might need them, etc.
He says he loves you soft boi
You can hear Kamei in the background, poking fun at Haru – who pointedly reminds him who has a girlfriend and who doesn't rip Kamei
Daisuke's voice briefly drifts down the line, and Haru says he has to go
He says he loves you again, and you say it back
When he hangs up, it's suddenly very empty in the apartment
You hug a pillow all afternoon in place of him
It's late when he gets back, laden with groceries, the ingredients for your favourite meal, and a bouquet of small, pretty-looking flowers from the supermarket
You're immediately feeling better now that he's home, getting some colour back in your cheeks
You watch him cook up a storm in the kitchen he's so hot when he cooks, I can't
You always love his food, but it tastes so much better now that he's with you
After eating, you curl up together and watch TV
Lots of goofy grins and raspberries on your neck and tummy – anything to make you laugh and smile again
When you finally laugh, he leans in and says, "There it is."
Spooning yes, both of them
I like spooning, shut up
He can't help but get hard, and he apologises bashfully when you notice
You tell him it's okay wink wonk
He grins
"You know, I think I have a remedy for this affliction of yours," he says, nuzzling your neck with his nose
"Oh yeah? What's that?" you ask sceptically, sensing something mischievous is afoot
"I could always put a baby in you, free of charge," he says, only half joking as he nibbles on your earlobe getting steamyyy
"Babe, we're broke," you say, breaking out into a giggle
But you get down to it anyway because he freaking loves you and knows that you needs to be reminded of it right now
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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