#also look at my baby boy's tail xoxo
vialae · 5 months
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why are they all stood so close together like awkward teens waiting for their dad to stop talking to his friend they dont know
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
January 2006
January 2, 2006
It was strange being outside of chicago on new years. If anyone remembers our apartment shows.
But the confetti was pretty and I think a girl from miss seventeen tried to kiss me on the mouth but kind of missed. Oh yeah and apparantly andrew john hurley is a dreamboat. Check the scoreboard. Tommorrow letterman and then I’m gonna buy some more heinous gear. Do you love it when I wear clashing colors as much as I do?
And why didn’t anyone tell me how amazing the movie the squid and the whale is? I told you about panic…
Over and way the fuck out.
January 4, 2006
my top ten (er top seven) of 2005 - no records included.
bonnie dillard - she is always around to tell me how wack i am - she uses the the word "totes" and "just sayin" way too much - and actually types them! she named her dog roxie wentz and she has given me exactly two compliments in my entire life - one of which was on an outfit that she picked out for me. but she pretty much is the glue for clandestine and sometimes pete wentz. editor of filthy magazine.
nick scimeca - this kid makes the craziest faces i have ever seen in my entire life. the first time i met him we got in a snowball fight. pretty much we are in this gang together forever. he does infect, foe, and some clandestine stuff. pretty much whenever i am bummed i can call him up on the phone and hell tell me some hilarious story.
demar hamilton - i have pulled this kids underwear off every time he is around me and totally wasted. its awesome. he also has a dog living in his basement that looks like a 100 yearold teddy ruxpin. oh yeah, his band is rad.
leslie simon - me and her talk about our crushes all the time. we have a mutual love for the music of ashlee simpson and kelly clarkson. when i tell her insane stories i dont even have to say "off the record" she pretty much knows. she thinks of bright eyes and fob in the same way which blows my little mind. she is editting rainy day kids. oh yeah and writing a book about boys in tight jeans that wear eyeliner as far as i can tell but its pretty hush hush.
jonathon cecil miller/dirty - pretty much this kid is made of snakes, snails and puppy dog tails. i have nothing else to say but he is the new pauly shore - even if he always punches me for saying that. pretty much he looks like a cheeseburger with toothpicks for legs but i wouldnt trade him for the world. pretty much he is the best kid ever.
jim sevcik (or however you spell it) - this is the guy who goes and digs the little youth medium shirts out of tiny boxes in the 100 plus degrees on warped tour or freezing temp on NFT - and then takes the money out of your paws. he is definitely most underrated.
andrew simon/buck - when on the westcoast these guys function as my mother. they take us out to dinner, help me find a house or apartment, look up movie times, get screenings, help me find tours, starbucks, have the cutest baby on the planet, oh yeah and they even book shows every once in awhile.
oh well i ran out of steam. ill finish later. pretty much people that i hang out with every single day are not included on this - you know who you are.
- petey
1/04/06 Q&A
Pete, I really need some advice. I was a virgin until I slept with this guy. I didnt tell him I was a virgin until 2hrs. after we finished nad I told him online. Then I started freaking out because I was scared I had screwed everything up between us, which I think only made everything worse. this all happen yesterday. Did I screw everything up?
the best part about when things like this happen is that eventually they become the past- if you really like this guy you could probably explain yourself to him- how you just got scared and were nervous to tell him certain things. if he is worth it, i am sure he will take the time to listen and tell you how he feels too. and if he doesn’t give you the time to do that, than he isn’t worth it anyway. you can be through with the past but that past isnt always through with you.
Pette what type of bass do you have?
fender just made me my own- its pretty rad- red and black- super light maple neck- customized electronics and pick-ups- check out a picture of it over at: www.clandestine.buzznet.com - they say they are gonna make a real cheap version of it for people to learn on
the background on the site finally changed. who does that?
it changes with mother nature.
Do you have any scars. Not like emotional scars (you can include them if you wish) but good-story-scars. Like stuff involving armadillos or something interesting like that.
ive got this amazing one down the palm of my hand from when me and robby windgator (sp) climbed a fence in his back yard and my hand got stuck on a nail. it slid down the entire length of my hand- i was like 8. i have two on my right hand from when i fought a car the week before the VMAs. trust me i definitely beat the car up.
January 6, 2006 
notes on black clouds and underdogs - see also: cast all your fears away:
1. tickets will not be 50 dollars. haters are spreading this on the internet. if you buy your ticket ahead of time (not through some wack broker or on ebay or from a scalper)- average ticket price will be between 23-28 dollars - not going over 35 anywhere. we picked the venues based on how cheap we could get them.
2. the bands- we didn't want to have a tour where you had to see five bands that sounded exactly like fob. we went for variety. all of the bands are really nice guys as well. there will be special guests through out the tour and some suprises to make each show more exciting.
3. this is going to be fob's biggest show ever. we will be playing our longest set and will be including some special secrets.
4. did you expect us to just dump the dates in your laps? we are nerdy and weird and different. so we created a game. we thought it would be fun. the points will be weighted so a small town will have the same chance as a huge city to win a small suprise show. we want to play in front of kids that are excited and we know this is a chance to do this. there will still be other secret shows randomly happening.
5. close your eyes and just click. youve got it. dont worry just come out. andy will be running a kissing booth - it will be a blast.
more later.
January 6, 2006 
8:11 pm
i am just a hot mess. i woke up to the feeling of myself throwing up today. pretty much put a damper on the entire day. i ate about 50 stomach pills and then threw them all up- it was a pretty color in the toilet. my toungue is black on the top right now. i am pretty sure thats a bad thing. i watched way too much gastinaeu (however you spell it) girls today. i think it made me sicker. it took me awhile to realize that they were mother and daughter and not sisters- but the mom is kinda hot in pissy kind of way. my mom is out of town so there was noone here to take care of me- my brother was around but hes pretty much always bongzilla'd. so i waited for back-up caretakers to arrive- one of them was busy cutting hair and the other has like a "real" job besides being dad. the best part about vomitting alone in the morning is the way the bathroom tiles feel kinda cool in a pleasant way so i took a nap there for a bit. i want to see hostel tonight but the problem is all the vomitting- see its not that i mind so much its just what if i run into someone in my sicky gear and puke on them? wow. i am glad i did this update. arent you? im gonna leave the comments open cause i never do- just write down the first thing that comes into your mind when you see that reply button- heres mine: i am just a hot mess. 
January 6, 2006
I have to say it makes me feel safe and some kind of comfort to look at the clock in the corner of the screen and know that you are awake too.
posted by: peterpumpkineater
1/12/06 Q&A
whats your view/opinion on racism?
i love it. i mean what opinion would i have other than it is terrible. i hope thats what you expected.
So Pete, I have been wanting to learn how to play bass for a long time. Any idea when that HOT Clandestine bass will be available for the public? Thanks.
its going to be available as a fender squire some time in the (near i hope) future. squire is fenders cheapest bass line - very affordable and a good bass to learn how to play on.
college dropout or late registration?
“highschool graduate” its the mixtape he put out awhile ago- its pretty sweet.
okay crazy dream last night.. you [pete] and me making out after a show in a bed? yeah just thought id share.
im pretty gross after a show. itd be better to just highfive i think.
pete. please stop licking the shoes of the island CEOs. i am getting really tired of turning on a tv and seeing a commercial for you guys playing at the fucking arena or a WHOS NEXT IN MUSIC? PANIC AT THE DISCO and THE ACADEMY IS mtv shit which was was totally all your -for lack of better word- fault. sometimes i think it cant get any worse but im always wrong. when is this going to end pete?!?!?!?
i am kind of confused by this one- we are on island defjam records but the advertisements for our tour were made by our booking agent not island. academy is on atlantic/fueled by ramen and P!atd are on decaydance neither of those are island related. but i think i understand the gist of what you are trying to say. i understand that its hard to feel like you are losing a band you loved to “the mainstream” or to a bigger media. i want you to know how much fob turns down because we dont believe in it or agree with it- at the same time would you rather see the academy is on trl or limp bizkit?- id rather see sincere music up there. anyway, i know we’ll all still be here after this ends. hope you are there with us.
Peter do you ever get mad at us?
sure. just the same way you sometimes get mad at me/us- but thats okay. neither of us ever seem to stay mad very long…
choose one: paramore. cartel. the academy is. or acceptance.
the academy is. i dont really know the others too well.
Petey, what have you been up to this past week? xo
training for the new video and working on/editting release the bats two (http://www.findthescene.com/Videos/RTB2_Trailer.mov)… oh yeah and sleeping some.
So what do you think of Brokeback Mountain?
good love story. kind of depressing- it makes me think about how much i do not want to go camping.
ryan seacrest called you “heartbreaker wentz.” how does that make you feel? it made me giggle…
i never broke that mofos heart.
I was wondering if any of you guys are superstitious
i kiss clocks, make wishes on take offs and first kisses, hold my breath on graveyards - yes.
Im really upset because i have friends who like me have been FOB fans for the longest time and have met you guys numerous times but are really angry about the ticket prices and are complaining your just sell outs. Im mad because i dont think this and now they are boycotting your CT show.You guys were bound to get famous so why do people have to get like this? Whats you opinion on all this?
our primary concern with this tour is: having a huge general admission floor space and keeping ticket prices as low as absolutely possible. we are doing our best- if you compare this tour with other tours with bands of the same size you will see the difference in ticket price.
so much for teh huge general floor space. i cant get decent tickets.
if you get tickets early you should have no problem getting floor tickets. ask your broker when they will be releasing floor tickets as they are often released in bunches. i promise you every venue we are playing has a huge floor space- and if not me and my friends always used to just sneak down onto the floor. the security never tries to hard to stop you.
Have you ever had sex with a groupie?
So after they finish the tour that they are on now Mest is breaking up. I sort of cant believe it but I was wondering - do you guys plan on sticking with us for a while longer? It is actually pretty hard to deal with bands just stopping for good…so I am hoping that you guys can be there with us for at least a while longer. Much love.
honestly? some days i think fall out boy will be around for 20 more years and some days i think it might end tommorrow.
January 13, 2006 
first jt. now mr. frey. i fear that we are next.
it may just be the hour of the night or the song stuck in my head or some strange mix of it all.
i can't shake it. 
the chemists called it crossed signals.
the poets called it magical.
- petey
January 14, 2006 
i love how i never care about anything you say except how i always do.
that doesn't even make any sense.
late at night everything about you is an orchestra. and i am the conducter.
January 14, 2006 
4:14 pm 
"noones ever been this good for this long"
this is everything i am thinking right now with out transition. i apologize for my brains lack of linear thought processing: i hate the way it gets dark so early here this time of year. i guess "seasonal depression" kind of falls under "ADD" and "post tramatic whatever disorder" for me. i feel like its science from the madhatter down the rabbit hole. not too real. but lately i just wake up blue - my only thought is- how soon will the day be over so i can get back into bed. i open my eyes just a tiny bit and blur the numbers on the clock with my eyelashes. every word you say rolls off of my back - the praises and the barbs. i don't hear either, ever. sometimes the tips of my fingers itch from the back of my head- just to get the chance to tear someone to pieces and just barely let them off the hook. i swear to god, i was asleep alone. quick text me an alibi and oh god please don't dust the keyboard for prints. sometimes i stare out of the frosted window and make up stories as people walk by. the bottled blonde, park ave. princess walking whichever dog matches her coat. you know how i could turn your world upsidedown. its not love if a day goes by when you don't think about dropping it. its not the world keeping you on the outside, its you not wanting to be on the inside. everyone wants to be the first. buts its okay to be the second if you understand it better, if you make it look prettier. worn down doesn't even touch this. and theres nothing worse than when someone acts like they have you figured out, when you haven't even figured yourself out. nice boys don't write good stories or sing good songs. and his songs are boring. and his stories are just personal ads set to background music. i found the skeleton key for wedlock but i am holding off on telling her. on telling anyone for that matter. consistent inconsistency. thats all you ever have to remember and you'll do okay with me. dancers are always strippers. and paying their way through college is the BE VE. oh and hey pete do you remember the way the world used to trick you with fifty degrees in january and orange leaves in june? button your jacket tight, don't believe everything you read... don't even believe everything you wrote. i'm tired of always leaving. i'm tired of the way things always/never change. swim upstream until your gills bleed just because thats what genetic encoding commands. there aren't any trophies that are really worth it in the end. they can put you in a box when you are very young, so you'll be a pretty corpse but there are too many pages filled with too many words to lie beside you forever. intelligent design is the last great joke i heard. but honestly, no one will ever stay where i tell them, least of all the years. they keep moving. worlds greatest liar and how do you know i'm not lying when i tell you this right now? and thats coming from the king of one-liners. copy and pasted - long live the away message. kiss the monitor. fast asleep baby.
1/16/06 Q&A
Thanks for deleting me off your myspace friends. Youre different than who I thought you were Peter.. : (
i do not have nor ever had a myspace account… the only sites outside of this one that i use are friendsorenemies.com and livejournal. fall out boy has a myspace account but i dont even know how to work it.
PETER! maybe that got your attention this time :)! My question, Did your parents or siblings ever say your “stupid” or “gay” for wearing girl pants, or tight shirts..because i go threw alot of crap for wearing tight clothing and i go to a city school so either its gangsters, or me left out..please help me with gettin threw this..Also cant wait to see you guys in Hersey!
kanye west wears pink polos. rob halford wears black tshirts. not that any of it matters. but how you dress should only be an amplification of who you are inside, it should not be all you are… i get teased about alot of things but you know, at the end of the day its okay to be me. im pretty sure its okay to be you too, as long as you arent like hitler or a serial killer or something insane.
January 18, 2006 
these pictures make me think of me and you before i got so crazy.
the hippo lost its momma in the tsunami. now the he hangs out with this super old turtle and follows it around. from what i've read they have developed their own form of communication.
this is insane.
these parts of life are amazing.
i will try and not forget them next time.
- petey
January 18, 2006 
the band is in chicago preparing their new homes to be moved into. mine is still in my parents cause i am a loser like that: see also why i am hanging in nyc by myself. but ive got some schemes that i am working on.
how i have been (barely) living: the hippo and the turtle, hanging out with minkus from boy meets world in north carolina, going to the mtv studios in nyc to see baby bros all growed up on trl, eating every single thing in this hotel minibar, writing, you. writing you.
- petey
January 19th, 2006 
1:55 am 
wahahahahaha. i laughed for like a million hours at the shittalking over at: www.friendsorenemies.com its way fun to see your friends make fun of you. it keeps you levelheaded. it has gone live.
January 19, 2006 
yesyesyes-ya'll. newyorkcity. hung with patd and tai backstage at TRL and tried to make them unnervous. but i was butterflies inside. but they couldnt ever let me down. the rest of the day was spent listening to the new gymclassheroes songs and working on the new video. the gch songs are insane: i can't describe them "we gotta take our clothes off to have a good time". insane. new octfall: youve probably never met these kids but they are the nicest. always calling and asking how im doing. then the hush sound: all i can say is "sweet tangerine"- 6 months from now, you will agree with me. anyway, this isn't just some preachy post. i just love watching my friends suceed and i will believe in them until the day i die. its so great to watch everyone grow up. hopefully, somewhere someone says that about me.
we contributed a song to the breast cancer one tree hill episode/compilation. we just thought it was a great cause and couldn't pass it up. we actually thought it was a really personal cause to alot of people involved so i wanted to give a really personal song to me, so we used "dark alley".
its late and alot of the things i have been working on and thnking have stalled out. but i am trying oh so hard. got some smaller shows coming up in las vegas and l.a. for the diehards so keep your eyes out.
i am in new york city but it feels so fucking foreign. the band is in chicago but there is too much to be done out here. i know there needs to be breaks but i cant get away. maybe ill see you on fuse or trl tommorrow. maybe not cause it'll be weird with out the guys- i dunno. this hotel room doesn't make any sense. my lights are on and i am in bed knowing i will never fall asleep. i am realizing people in all the buildings outside i can see lit up can probably see in here on me. but thats okay cause i am wearing some sweet pj's.
turn me inside out.
swoon. make me easy on the eyes. it aint hard in this light. read it. write it. throw it away and come back to the phone. light up text king.
oh yeah a little bird named mouth told me: friendsorenemies.com is up - my profile is actually me over there ... yay! let's hate eachother and/or get sexy.
January 20, 2006 
dear ireland- thank you for your pretty accents and your amazing show.
dear home- i miss you
dear you- what the fuck happened to this
a real update later.
the whole world loves it when you dont get down.
January 21, 2006 
12:17 pm 
i hate you and i hope you die. yes. i realize that you will make fun of me/take stabs at me/post ridiculous pictures of me. i realize that because of this band i have given up some of my privacy and personal life. i accept that. i can laugh at myself. i realize i will get called a douchbag. i get what i get. i have begun reading things about my friends and family. that i will not accept. i read things written by people who kiss my ass to my face. i remember who you are. fuck you. bring it on me. please leave my friends and family alone. it is extremely hurtful to me. if anyone is a friend of mine out there please tell your friends. i on the otherhand am open game. i have a good laugh at all of the stuff written about me. i am silly, i realize that. thank you. 
January 24, 2006
I am an arms dealer.
I sell words you could only use as weapons.
This isn't a scene it is an arms race.
I am a con artist.
A door to door salesman.
A snake oil seller. Cures for whatever ails you.
Somehow I don't hear the violins playing.
Not really the leading man type.
I am a cadaver deep frozen. Waiting for reanimation to beinvented.
Wrote "fuckoff" on my hand to remind me to call you tommorrow morning.
What do you do when everything they say about you is true?
Do you expect me to just roll over and die?
My skin has made promises.
Whether the rest of me has or not.
Writing off tommorrows every time my fingers touch these buttons.
Putting all the comforts and closeness in reverse just for you.
I think its time to re-asses some of the policies of the wentz administration.
Our approval rating is at an all time low.
In case you haven't been informed you have to take a ticket to be disappointed by me.
There's a fucking line.
Well have some goddamned order.
Its a posh and exclusive club.
I have a lifetime membership.
Make it glamorous.
Make the rumors true.
Read the sign next to the bridge "giveupallhope..." and just tie down the gas pedal.
Lie in the back.
Haven't you heard, sorrow is in.
You are the beaches of normandy the night before.
And a girl with such a sweet drink should never sit in the corner and cry about anyone or anything.
The kids on the net had it right sometimes we should fuck off and die and break up and stop ruining art.
But the kids had it right sometimes when they sit waiting in line with hands frozen out waiting to get into a room first.
The only thing I can admit is this is no masterplan. I'm trying to figure it out.
"Without the sour the sweet wouldn't taste so sweet (tangerine)".
Its 3am in leeds. This is what just crossed my mind.
Love, the fancy kid.
January 26, 2006
live via manchester holiday inn express:
first and foremost. these shows have been amazing. i think it is quite possibly because we don’t get over here often or maybe because we are playing smaller clubs… but i am thinking we need to make a stop over here more often.
i wanted to congratulate p!atd the disco on making it to number 10 on the TRL countdown. and i just wanted to put this out there: there is no way it was paid to happen. of all the bands on “new bands week” panic was the only that didn’t put up big pushes to have the video voted on. if anything this band wants to do things their own way. hence picking the song they did for the single- that was the bands choice and in my opinion they have songs on the record that could easily be bigger. it was also the bands choice to create a darker video…. as a label i can tell you that we definitely don’t have the money to spend on a “big budget” video right now- not to mention having any left over for anything else- you’d laugh if you saw the budgets we filmed the new panic and gch videos on. but i couldn’t say enough about how nice these kids are- they don’t even get how big their band is and thats a good thing… i personally would rather see great bands on the forefront of music… and yes there are lots of other bands that deserve to make it there as well- so maybe on our messageboard tell me about some great (unsigned) bands that we should check out.
other than that we’ve just been writing new songs and working on the new video. pretty soon its going to become time focus all attention on a new fall out boy record again.
got some big news for you coming up very soon…
peter lewis kingston wentz
ps 'hater dudes marry hater bitches and have hater kids’
1/26/06 Q&A
hey, what kind of books are you and the rest of Fall Out Boy into? p.s. tell patrick he is spectacular
andy is into comics and books on anthropology/human civilization i dunno what books joe reads patrick is into reading about music i am into a bunch of different authors lately hemingway still. before he went and hung out in africa. i haven’t been reading as much as id like lately. ps the book panic has in their book club this month is a great book. its the first thing i gave ryan after reading his lyrics, it kind of reminded me of him- so if you like panics lyrics head on over and check out their book club
do you watch that show roseanne on nick at night. i love that show!
me and my friends used to hang out with becky in evanston, il in highschool. she was not to fond of me or my friend jody.
ok i know this is nobodys business but yours but there is alot of stuff going around on the boards saying that the big news is your engaged just to get things straight is that it? because those people are starting to annoy me….
me being engaged is most definitely not the big news.
in the song calm before the on take this to your grave, there is a line that says :Well theres a song on the radio that says lets get this party started, lets get this party started. did you write that line because of the song by pink called lets get this party started. just curious.
Hey Pete. My grandma is dying (and she doesnt care) and I for real dont feel anything towards her. My mom is seriously upset, my dad is just about the same and my sisters dont know. I am suppose to tell them but how do I do that when my grandma wasnt a grandma for me but for them she was a great lady? I just want this done and over because I am kind of tired of waiting for her to die since she has been making suicide references for the past two years.
that is one of the hardest places to ever be in. i remember seeing thoughts of my grandfather in my head when he died i was on tour. and i couldnt really feel sad unless i thought of it as my dad and it really freaked me out. it made me feel like i wanted to see my dad right that second. id be completely lost with out him. i think that people handle grief in different ways and the best thing we can do is try to be there for them. im sorry to hear about that though.
my roommates and i almost got into a brawl at 4am with some drunk kids who wanted to fight us because we did not appreciate the hint of lime in their tostitos. is it just me, or is your life this ridiculous as well?
it is . we were thrown out of another fob afterparty after nearly fighting the staff who was berating dirty.
Peter, I just got the “Panic! At The Disco” cd and I love it! could you recomened any others?
the hushsound “so sudden” - myspace.com/thehushsound october fall “season of…” myspace.com/octoberfall dangerradio “party foul” myspace.com/dangerfall the academy is “almost here” myspace.com/theacademyis armor for sleep “all” myspace.com/armorforsleep shiny toy guns “all”
do any of you have brothers and siters? (like any single younger brothers…:) if so, who and how old?
um come on this question is kind of insane. but my one dog marley is super hot for a dog. hes a good kisser though.
I read somewhere that Patrick was a vegitarian. Is that true?
he was he eats fish and likes to talk long walks in the park with hot babes.
Why does patrick wear a hat all the time and why does the drummer never talk?????
just to drive your pretty little head mad with these questions.
Okay, heres a question: Has someone you superly-duperly adored gone away? And by adored we are talking like, lets-run-away-to-isreal -and-get-hitched-without-telling-anyone adored.
yes. the sinking feeling in your rotten gut is your reminder. cool sheets on your bed are your antidote.
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frekydeki · 4 years
Hiya :) I was wondering if you could do hcs (or whatever!) with Bakugou where reader is having a rough time because they finally talked to an adult about *buse that they went through in the past? This week I found the courage to talk to the police about the gr**ming and ab*se a former friend did to me and wouldn’t mind some fluff but if this is uncomfortable please feel free to delete this!
You are so strong dear! It’s not easy to open up about that sort of thing, I’m soooo sosososoo proud of you!!! 💕 I hope this puts a smile on your face, dearie, even for a second. Thank you for your request too, this was the first headcanon I've done, and it was really refreshing to write this way! Xoxo
ps. I don't want to overstep my boundaries, but if you ever need to talk, I'm here! I'm a stranger on the other side of the screen, but I'll listen well to you, scouts honor. This invitation is open to everyone: if you need someone to talk to, message me! Ily.
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Bakugo with S/O who’s down because of opening up about past abuses
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Everyone, say hello to super soft, extra supportive Bakugo.
Generally, Bakugo is soft and affectionate with his gestures towards you, but his words can sometimes be harsh: this boy cannot use his words pls understand this 😖
But in fluffy times like these, this man is sweeter than candy to you
He’ll notice something is bothering you instantly, like
Why the hell are you so quiet?
Your smile and laugh are off... why the hell aren’t you making eye contact with anyone?
Your eyes are distant, downcast; ugh he’s so worried he can’t stop glancing at you throughout class.
Shifting a bunch in his seat, super uncomfortable and can’t get his mind off of you: why the hell do you look like you’re on the verge of tears?
He’s in agony, trying to remember if something he said recently could have upset you.
Poor mans is tearing his hair out trying to put two and two together and come up with a game plan.
Great strategist in school but when it comes to you he doesn’t know what the hell.
Usually goes with his gut, flying by the edge of his seat, not knowing what the hell he’s doing in a relationship but he low key loves it.
Anyways, he’s got no dice in trying to figure out if he upset you.
He does what any normal boyfriend would do: he holds your hand.
But that makes his alarms get louder; you pull away slightly before realizing it’s him, and then relax your hand into his, drifting off to wherever the hell you’ve been again
“That’s how you wanna play it, Y/n? Fine, I’ll play that way” he thinks in a rage as he pouts slightly and let’s out a huff of air.
This guy is such a baby he will throw a fit whenever you stop snuggling him, holding his hand, hanging on his arm, etc
Bakugo acts like he doesn’t like PDA but literally blows a gasket when you stop holding his hand I cannot be swayed on this concept.
You stayed after school a little bit to talk with Aizawa, and Bakugo was in action mode:
He buys snacks. Buys your favorite meal from you favorite restaurant, high tails it back to the dorm and shows up at your door with a blush on his cheeks and bags lining his arms.
“What are you doing Katsuki?”
“I got you snacks.” He grumbles, “What the hell does it look like I’m doing?” He knows you’re down, and he’s responding with the best way he knows how:
His love language is acts of service can’t convince me otherwise.
He quickly pulls out the meal and sets all the snacks and side dishes set up like a buffet.
Side note: this man would absolutely peel your clementine's for you, would also make you a five star meal in the middle of the night if you asked just be ready for some mumbled insults...
“I’ve been down today haven’t I?” You’re the one to bring it up...
Bakugo respects boundaries, and is a firm believer that you will talk to him when you’re ready.
Absolutely not.
“Don't apologize for having emotions... it’s stupid” he adds, but scolds himself afterwards for being harsh with his words again... “You needta talk?” He quietly asks over food.
“Yeah...” You explain to him why you’ve been so out of focus; opening up about your past abuse to an adult is scary, it’s vulnerable, and your freaking out to say the least.
For some reason you felt ashamed, helpless, that you couldn’t stop it.
Again, he’s not having it.
“It’s not your fault.” No ifs, ands, or buts; it’s not your fault. “They took advantage of you, you trusted them and they used it against you, the fuck-“ he bites down on his lip and tries to blink away the frustrated tears in his eyes.
Sure, he’s trembling with rage, and he’d knock the person out if he ever saw them, but more importantly, he’s so heartbroken for you
It broke his heart that you have to live with those memories and emotions, he wanted to shield you from them but he couldn’t and he knew it...
“I am so damn proud of you.” He will hold you gently, resting his chin on top of your head, which is cradled to his chest.
From then on, Bakugo communicates his support in the way he best knows how when you get into this mindset:
If your room gets a little cluttered, he cleans it without saying a word.
If you don’t feel like doing your laundry, he sits you down with your favorite book and does it for you.
Don’t feel like leaving bed? Worry not! Bakugo loves cuddling you and could do it all day.
Did someone say breakfast in bed? Favorite comfort movie? Check and check, Bakugo is always ready to respond to your emotional state.
Absolutely insists you take a shower, at least to wash your body.
“You’ll feel so much better after baby.” Totally has favorite pair of pajamas and a snack ready for you upon your return.
Will absolute fight anyone who won’t leave you alone about it.
“Y/n you’ve been so quiet lately...”
“Oí, y/n doesn’t wanna talk about it, yeah?” Fire burning in his eye, very intimidating.
Gets a little sassy but that’s okay.
“You owe me dinner and a movie after you feel better.”
Always grumbles while making food for you, “what am I? Your personal chef? A maid?”
“What’d you say? Sorry I couldn’t hear you...”
“Nothing. I love you.”
Seriously he’s the best in these situations.
This mans adores you, and will support you through every up and down. His words may be a little harsh sometimes, but his actions get his point across:
Bakugo loves you and will be there every second, through every up and down, supporting you.
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taglist: @zeyyackerman, @chibiiichann
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
hehehe YESSSSS the be ur own king video is the one that firmly cemented my sunwoo bias.... ultimate bf material.... i'd let him wash My car any day if u know what i mean 😏.
and WOOSUNG please listen to his song lazy his voice is so pretty and the rose is a great band (i could talk about n.flying and lucy here but i will refrain. for now.)
woodz is my beloved. have u seen love me harder mv. have u seen that one waiting dance practice where he just straight up bites one of his backup dancers at the end. this man is secretly feral but also one of the biggest sweethearts ever to exist and i am HERE for it
i actually don't stan p1harmony bc of the aforementioned babies and their rather sus line distribution (enhypen's maknae is '05 as well i think, so i am also Firmly Looking Away there) but i keep seeing p1's chaotic tiktoks and that video of their vocal line just singing live is really pretty!! so do with it what you will
sunmi. hrkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. bae. the lapdance. the tail imagery in the choreo. the crawling under the dancer's legs to eyefuck the camera. i haven't had this many emotions about a studio choom performance since yeonjun's aotm watermelon sugar (which i wrote practically an entire essay about dance dynamics and movement on in a friend's dms lmao)
me, @ the backup dancer that sunmi jumped on: HOW DOES IT FEEL??????? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO LIVE MY DREAM???????
and yessss i am not verbose enough nor educated enough to write about sunmi/hyuna's musical themes but by GOD i want to read about it
onewe is lovely. here, have a rain to be mv. also, their brother group oneus was on road to kingdom, if you've seen it? if you haven't *deep breath* ohhhhh boy do i have some stuff for u :))))))))
hehehehehe the svt analysis is just a silly little brain dump in my notes app :] it's incredibly messy and incoherent but i will tidy it up and drop it in your ask box sometime if you so wish <3
(btw, i never answered ur question from that other post!! yes kevin is actually named after the boy from home alone, yes he is the twerking one, yes this happens fairly often. sarcastic canadian king we love him)
- honey 🍯 <33333
i do not even HAVE car, but i would steal one if that's what getting a carwash looks like these days 👀
ahhhhh, Lazy was very cute! and that look in the end!!! 😳 @muselin was spiraling over Woosung a couple days ago, i think and it was adorable, but also felt like a foreboding look into my own future 😂
i have seen them now 👀 VERY into the red hair and the first and the kill-your-double vibes of Love Me Harder—that one’s going on my crime playlist for sure. the dance practice was cute, i love that we’re circling back to vampires again, would let this one take a bite out of me 💯
i genuinely forget about everything that happens with the chair until i’m watching it again, i feel like my brain has decided it simply is not safe to hold that memory it’s so 🥵🥵🥵 and no yeah, i fuckin lost it over the tail imagery the first time i saw it, and kinda still continue to do so.
also! i just learned that Hyuna and Sunmi were in the same girl group before becoming soloists??? and i don’t know if that means anything, but it feels like Something. (tbh there is so much in kpop that feels like it means Something, and i simply do not have the correct context to parse it and it’s soooooooo frustrating 😭)
oh!! Rain to Be has popped up on autoplay for me a couple times! i never actually payed attention to who it was, but i'm into it. and i was planning on watching Road to Kingdom, since i'd heard The Boyz stages there were better than the ones on Kingdom and that made me curious, but it wasn't on viki with Kingdom and i was too lazy to try and find it somewhere else 😂
i absolutely wish it, and so does at least one other anon!!💕💕💕 (tho if you wanna made a sideblog… 👀 and just drop the link…. 👀 i’m definitely not gonna bully all my anons into making side blogs, that’s not what this is 😗)
idk of being named after That Kevin is a gift or a curse, but it sure is Something 🥴 also, i can recognize him now! he was the one talking about cereal on Eric Nam’s podcast 🥰 love Cereal Boy 🥰🥰🥰
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ritualslaughter · 3 years
(werewolf tartaglia time xoxo)
The papers attached to the cage door mark him as a 'husky mix - 5 to 5 yrs old'. But just one glance tells you that this is a lie. He's more like a wolf than anything you'd ever seen, and the scars that riddle his body age him well beyond his years. And his eyes - they don't feel like they belong to a dog. They feel as if its a human staring back at you from behind that chainlink.
Originally, you didn't come to the shelter for a dog. You were here to look at rescued cats, preferably those considered elderly, wanting to give them a chance at living comfortably. Yet, somehow, you'd ended up standing here in front of his cage. You felt... drawn... to him. Like you were meant to meet him. Those intelligent baby blues continued to study you, and you couldn't look away.
It was like nothing else mattered in that moment - nothing mattered except getting him out of that kennel and taking him home. And, naturally, when the poor worker finally managed to find you amidst the sea of barking dogs, you inquired about this 'husky mix'. The look of concern flashed your way wasn't something to be brushed aside. A twinge of unease settled in your gut.
"He's.... well.... none of us have managed to really get close to him. We were hesitant to even have him listed as 'adoptable'. But... every dog needs a chance," they send a very pointed look his way. "Even if they're an asshole."
You swear the dog is grinning when its lips peel back to reveal very white, very sharp teeth. You chuckle under your breathe, looking from the dog to the worker. "Does he... does he have a name?"
"We call him Tartaglia, it was all we could make out from the tag on his collar. We also found an 'Ajax' but he seems to like Tartaglia better."
"Tartaglia, huh? What would I have to do to convince you to let me adopt this guy?"
A pensive look. A heavy sigh.
"I'll get my clipboard."
Of all possible outcomes, this wasn't one he expected. Sitting shotgun in some old truck with his 'rescuer' at his side, window rolled down just enough he could stick his nose up and smell the outside. There was a faint electricity in the air - a storm was on its way. He'd always liked the rain. It was soothing and it brought back memories of when his younger siblings would hide under his blanket, claiming the loud thunder to be terrifying.
His tail began to softly wag at the memory, only snapped from his thoughts at your quiet chuckle. You - who'd unknowingly saved him from possible euthanasia. You, who'd just invited a monster into your home. He didn't know if he should pity you or call you a fool - but you'd given him his freedom back. And he supposed that for that fact alone, he'd at least let you live tonight.
Turning his attention back to the window, he found it rolled down just a bit more, and he could feel rain droplets hitting his snout. No matter how much time he spent in this form, it still threw him for a loop to experience such things in a body that wasn't completely his own. He'd have to abandon you - quite soon at that, if he had any hope of tracking down his knives again.
But as the truck cab began to fill with the sounds of you humming along to the radio backed up by rain hitting the roof of the cabin, he felt at ease. Perhaps he didn't have to abandon this little haven quite yet. It was, after all, a place to sleep and food in his belly. Yes, he'd use you for what resources you could give, and when you were no longer of any use he'd simply leave.
And for now, his only mission was this: recover just enough to do well on his own, secure the missing knives and return to living as a man. Destroy the bastard that trapped him in this form. Do not get attached. If only this mission were as simple as saying it. Too bad he had a dog for a heart.
OMGOMGGGGGGGG got me feeling SOFT THINGS for this werewolf boy 😭💖
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet: Carewyn/Orion
@weasley-adoptee tagged me, and uh...yeah, while I’ve done this before, I did it before I’d settled on an endgame ship for my girl Carewyn! Now that I have, I can do this for the HMS Carion (AKA Carewyn Cromwell/Orion Amari)! XDD
Tagging @smarti-at-smogwarts, @department-shoe-stud, @cursebreakerfarrier​, @that-ravenpuff-witch​, @words-and-wands​ and anyone else if you’re interested and either haven’t done this already or want to do it for a ship they haven’t done it for! xoxo
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A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Carewyn thinks Orion is the wisest person she’s ever met. She’s always admired how content he is with his life, even while he chases victory on the Quidditch field. He got dealt a pretty bad hand in life, but he’s always been able to make do with little and reach for the stars without being unhappy on the ground. She also absolutely loves how much he loves his friends and later his daughter, Eos. Orion’s a lover, not a fighter, and Carewyn finds it very attractive. Plus his smile, when he actually ends up smiling fully, makes her heart melt every time!
Orion loves how generous and selfless Carewyn is. Her putting her own safety on the line to help him achieve his dream of Slytherin winning the Quidditch Cup remains one of her most beautiful moments in his eyes, even after so many years. Although her passion can get a little much for him sometimes as well, he nonetheless finds her absolutely stunning when she’s fighting on behalf of somebody else -- the fire in her eyes, to him, are akin to the eyes of a wild stallion, and it makes his heart race.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not)
When Orion and Carewyn reconnect post-War, they actually both have kids already, Orion being the single father of an infant daughter, Eos, and Carewyn being the legal guardian of twelve-year-old Erik Apollo. Carewyn has no interest in bearing any children herself, so both she and Orion are very content raising their own kid as well as helping support their partner’s.
C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Orion and Carewyn are both on the “A” side of the LGBT+ community (Orion being gray-A and Carewyn being ace/pan), and Orion himself wasn’t raised with a lot of physical affection, so their cuddling is a bit muted, compared to a lot of other couples. They’ll very often sit side-by-side with their shoulders touching and/or holding each other’s hands, and sometimes Carewyn will rest her legs across Orion’s lap or Orion will rest his head on top of Carewyn’s, but they don’t usually tend to get way up in each other’s personal space for very long. When one of them decides to spend the night at the other’s place, they’ll take turns as the big spoon, with Carewyn sometimes resting her head on and arms around Orion’s chest and Orion other times resting his head over Carewyn’s heart with his arms around her waist.
D= Dates (What are dates with them)
Broomstick flying dates! Carewyn’s out of practice, considering how much of a workaholic she is, but she loves having the chance to fly alongside and with Orion again. Carewyn will also attend Quidditch matches with Orion when he’s not playing, and they enjoy cooking, baking, Wizard Dueling, and taking their kids on outings together.
E= Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Orion to Carewyn: “You are my Abraxan.”
Carewyn to Orion: “You are my partner.”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Orion first had the feeling he could fall in love with Carewyn (in other words, he realized that he felt romantic feelings for her) when he saw her Abraxan Winged Horse Patronus (same as his) for the first time at the tail end of his seventh year and her sixth year. He was too afraid to chase those budding feelings at the time, only to realize how strongly he still felt for Carewyn and how much deeper his feelings had gotten when -- after they reconnected -- she immediately resolved to deal with all of the paperwork needed to give Orion sole custody of his daughter Eos. The blazing look in her blue eyes when she stubbornly insisted that she would do whatever she had to in order to make sure that Eos stayed with “the man who had put his life on the line to keep her in his life and safe” was so beautiful that Orion for a moment forgot to breathe, and he felt like such a fool for not chasing her from the very start.
Carewyn realized she was in love with Orion as she spent time with him post-War and saw both how much he’d changed and also how much he’d stayed the same. She saw how he’d only gotten wiser about himself and how he wanted to live his life, as well as how well he got through the more recent struggles he went through and how well fatherhood suited him. Seeing him again reminded Carewyn how much she’d always admired him, and also gave her all the more reason to admire him. It all came to a head one day, when after she’d sung Eos to sleep and brought the usually serene Orion to tears, Carewyn and Orion ended up sitting on her couch for the next half-hour or so together, with Orion holding the sleeping baby over his heart with his eyes closed, softly asking Carewyn if she could sing “just one more song” while they sat together. Seeing his handsome, peaceful face as he sat with her and his daughter was the thing that made Carewyn suddenly realize how precious Orion had become to her, and maybe had been, a lot longer than she realized.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Oho, Carewyn is the ultimate Mama Bear type and Orion is a pacifist to the nth degree, so these two are ridiculously gentle. If Carewyn’s ever having trouble reaching something high up or lifting something heavy, Orion will frequently whisper a quick “would you like some help?” and if Carewyn says yes, he’ll either very gently pick her up or place his hands/arms on top of hers to help her with the object. Carewyn is prone to giving Orion chaste kisses of gratitude and helping him fix his collars or clothes before they head out.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
LOL, when Carewyn first initiated hand-holding between them when they were still at school, Orion was faintly uncomfortable because he’d never really held hands with much of anyone before, but it quickly became something he really enjoys doing with Carewyn. Most commonly one of them will rest a hand on each other’s while it’s resting between them on the couch or in their lap, and then the other person will hold the first’s hand in return. When they’re out and about, Orion loves holding hands with Carewyn at their sides, though Carewyn will sometimes also hold Orion’s arm with one or in both of her hands, at which point Orion often kind of lean into Carewyn. Most commonly Carewyn is the one to initiate most physical intimacy, since Orion’s still rather unaccustomed to it given his background, but it makes it so that when he does initiate, it’s usually very spontaneous and romantic, since it’s often done in the heat of passion.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Carewyn about Orion: ‘So that’s the Slytherin Quidditch Captain? ...How is he balancing on his broom like that??’
Orion about Carewyn: ‘Short and round, a Snidget’s build -- ginger ponytail, like the Weasley boy’s -- tight grip on her broom, slightly tense...a Seeker, perhaps? ...No. No, those are a Chaser’s eyes.’
J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Actually, no! Neither of them really feel jealousy much of ever. They’re both rather secure in themselves and in their relationship to not get jealous. In Orion’s case, he’s way too chill to really get aggressive or surly because Carewyn’s spending time with other people, and in Carewyn’s case, she knows Orion and herself well enough to not be that distrustful.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Like with most gestures of physical intimacy, Carewyn initiated the first kiss, right after she learned she and Orion had the same Patronus and Orion finally came clean to her about how long and deeply he’d felt romantic feelings for her and she’d likewise expressed how she felt. Carewyn’s first kiss to Orion’s lips was very chaste -- so chaste, in fact, that almost as soon as she’d pulled away, Orion brought both of his hands up to her face so he could cradle it and hold it in place so he could kiss her himself more deeply. There’s often a build-up for their kisses, starting very short and then either growing deeper, or just turning into a stream of traded chaste kisses back and forth. Carewyn tends to prefer shorter kisses because she likes being able to see Orion’s expressions and deep kisses kind of require having your eyes closed, so over time, both Carewyn and Orion become very fond of kissing each other’s faces, foreheads, noses, neck, hands, and shoulders when they’re intimate so that Carewyn can more properly enjoy Orion’s facial reactions and Orion can be a bit more creative in how he expresses his affection.
L= Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Orion. Though, rather predictably, he said it in a very round-about way:
“...I have...nurtured this bud in my heart...longer than I have ever admitted to anyone -- including myself. But when we collided again, during the War, that bud only served to grow further...and then bloom into a blossom so strong and beautiful that I could never hope to hide it...however ashamed I am that I denied it the sunshine and attention it deserved years ago. I’ve wasted...so much time, trying to stifle it...trying to be happy with what was in front of me, rather than chase what my soul was clearly aching for...all because of my own inner doubts...because of the reluctance I felt, in the face of making a choice between the dream I’d been fighting for for so long...and the chance of a new dream I’d never imagined. I realize I have been a coward, Carewyn Cromwell -- something you have never been, from the moment we first met. I don’t know if someone like that could be your soulmate -- if I could ever live up to the standard that word entails...but most assuredly, you are a special woman, one I will never know the likes of again...and I love you, all the same.”
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
One will always be the morning they spent together in the Commentator’s Box talking after Slytherin won the Quidditch Cup. Another is when Carewyn accompanied Orion to drop Eos off at Platform Nine and Three Quarters for the first time -- Carewyn took Orion out for an outing to the shore afterwards to cheer him up, and they spent the day swimming in the ocean, playing volleyball, and walking around the seaside town together.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Both grew up without a lot of money, so neither are the type to buy extravagant presents, but Orion does like to “surprise” Carewyn now and again, if he sees something he thinks she might like. Most commonly this involves single flowers or small bouquets, which he’ll leave in a spot he knows she alone will find them, such as on her office chair at work or on the windowsill next to her bed at home. Carewyn in return tends to spoil Orion with surprise visits (popping over to watch one of his Quidditch matches without telling him she’s coming and then running to greet him afterward -- the first time she did this, Orion was so stunned and happy that he barreled over to her and, once she hugged him and he’d recovered from that surprise, clung onto her for almost a full thirty minutes afterwards), as well as handwritten love letters. She’ll sometimes send them through Owl Post as usual, but other times she will leave them in his locker or on his pillow for him to find too.
O=  Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Carewyn always thinks of Orion whenever she sees anything black and white, as those are his Quidditch team, the Montrose Magpies’ colors.
Orion always thinks of Carewyn whenever he sees anything light blue, like her eyes -- he particularly likes forget-me-nots, since they remind him of them.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?
Although Orion frequently cites how Carewyn “has more fire than a Fire Crab,” he most commonly compares her to an Abraxan Winged Horse, with his pet name for her being “his Abraxan.” Carewyn dips into the usual “dear” and “love,” but when she’s particularly affectionate, she calls Orion “starlight,” as a reference to the constellation bearing his name.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Carewyn loves records! Their audio quality is so much better than CDs.
As dumb and predictable as it sounds, Orion does enjoy lava lamps. He likes colored lighting as opposed to stark white light, as he finds it more calming (even if Carewyn points out that it often makes it harder to see!!), so you’ll find a lot of colored lightbulbs and such around the tiny cottage he shares with Eos.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Orion enjoys games of all kinds, not just Quidditch, so he and Carewyn will sometimes bust out a game of cards, checkers, or Scrabble when it’s raining, especially if Eos and/or Erik are also around. Carewyn’s favorite games are Hearts and Mancala, while Orion’s favorites are Blackjack and Jenga. Wizard’s Chess is one of Erik’s favorite games, so sometimes Orion will play with him while Eos and Carewyn watch, too.
S = Sad (How do they cheer each other up?)
When Carewyn’s down, Orion likes to encourage her to talk about it, but usually does so by starting off talking about something else entirely, so as to help her relax first. He will also sometimes want to show physical affection, like trying to hold her hand or wrapping an arm around her, which he always does so tentatively out of the worry of Carewyn not being comfortable with it that even if Carewyn’s not in the mood, she’ll nearly always try to adjust and initiate some physical affection in return to show some gratitude for the attempt (i.e. sliding her hand out of his, but kissing Orion gently on the cheek afterward).
When Orion’s down, Carewyn goes into full-on Mama Bear mode, coddling him to the nth degree and being his attentive listening ear.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Anything and everything! Orion is a philosopher to the max and Carewyn is intellectual enough to enjoy deep conversations, so they can go way far afield when they’re talking about stuff. Sometimes Carewyn needs to refocus the conversation because Orion gets too vague and dreamy and sometimes Orion has to “lighten up” the conversation when Carewyn gets too serious, but one of the things they love most about each other is how easy it is to talk to each other. You could hear them talking about their respective kids Eos and Erik and their careers just as often as the meaning of life or the current status of a piece of legislation regulating dragon breeding.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Orion meditates constantly. He’s occasionally been able to get Carewyn to join him, but more often she prefers putting on some calming music and getting some work done at the kitchen table while he does so, claiming that the music helps her relax. (It does. To a limited extent.) Whenever she does this, Orion -- upon finishing his meditation -- will fetch her hairbrush from her room with a smile and then come up behind her and start gently brushing her hair for her, which does actually get Carewyn’s shoulders to loosen up slightly. They also will often drink tea together, which is very calming.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
LMAO, if Orion manages to catch sight of Carewyn in the audience during a Quidditch match, he ALWAYS has to break out the old “Inspired Broom Surfing” technique for her. He can’t resist showing off on his broom around “his Abraxan.”
Carewyn’s much more prone to “show off” her partner’s accomplishments by telling others about them when they’re out and about together, as well as any pretty new outfits she’s wearing.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?
Carewyn and Orion would never get married, instead becoming legal partners with their own separate homes and lives that nonetheless exist in perfect harmony. Orion describes their relationship as them being two flowers that have bloomed on the same branch -- separate entities that nonetheless are connected and are fueled by the same sun and nourished by the same water. Carewyn felt strongly about them having some sort of lasting legal statement for the sake of both each other and their kids, so that if anything happened to either of them, their partner would have the right to be with them in St. Mungo’s, make decisions in their stead, and take custody of their respective child in an emergency. The two had a very small ceremony at a courthouse in London, only attended by their respective kids, before attending a larger gathering later with all of their friends and Carewyn’s mother and brother.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
These two have a whole playlist! ^.^
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Answered above, but no. Orion has his own cottage in Montrose, Scotland, home of his Quidditch team, while Carewyn has her own flat in London, England, close to her job at the Ministry of Magic, so merging their two households would’ve been a real challenge. On top of that, Carewyn was never in much of a rush to get married and Orion never saw much point in the ritual to begin with.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
There are actually a lot of hinkypunks in the woods around Orion’s cottage in Montrose, which Orion and Eos actually leave little treats out for and treat like pets, even if they’re generally known for luring people to their doom with their lamps. Eos tends to call every hinkypunk she comes across “Punk” by default, but there are a few she’s learned to recognize by overall attitude and given individual names like “Impy,” “Mello,” and “Wisp.” There’s also a large tribe of selkies that often pop up near the shore a short trek away from the Amari home too, and although Eos and Orion can’t communicate with them, Orion enjoys taking Carewyn down to the beach and encouraging her to sing so that the selkies will come up out of the water to listen better.
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Marrow with A, P, X and Y for the Valentines Ask Meme?
(This is self-indulgent and me totally just writing for myself but GUESS WHAT? THIS IS WHO I AM)
Marrow Amin: 
A - Affection: 
Marrow is pretty affectionate when it’s just the two of you, nuzzling against your cheek and pressing needy kisses to your lips so he can steal away your attention. He especially loves to be wrapped up in your arms on cold nights, sometimes curling up in your lap and resting his head on your thighs on bad days so that you can stroke his hair and soothe him that way. All in all, he loves when your attention is on him and whenever you’re touching him. In front of others he’s a bit more stiff, as he feels there’s an image he has to uphold, but his tail wagging rapidly whenever you’re around gives him away immediately, his fellow Ace-Ops well-aware of your relationship. 
P - Partner: 
Marrow looks for someone stable, hard-working, and kind. He’s more attracted to a person who has a nice smile or has big eyes, preferring those with a more cutesy look to them. He might be more comfortable dating a fellow Faunus, but he wouldn’t turn down anyone who piqued his interest enough. 
X - XOXO: 
They’re alright. Marrow prefers being called his name or something cute, like ‘my love’ or ‘my sweet boy’ but he generally lets you say what you want (as long as it’s not too embarrassing and it’s appropriate). He’ll generally use pet names with you when he’s trying to convince you to do something or you’re playfully fighting, whining ‘Oh come on, baby!’ or ‘Aw babe!’ in response to your actions. Casually, he likes to use your name more than anything because it just feels the most fitting, so people know that the two of you are together. 
Y - Yours: 
Marrow can be rather reactive when it comes to your safety, jumping in without much thought of whether you’d even want him to come to your defense or not. He’s apologetic if he upsets you, but also insists that as your significant other he should be able to stand up for you without you getting mad. It’s not that he saw you as weak or thought you couldn’t handle yourself, just that he didn’t think you should waste the energy on said person who’s hitting on or bothering you. 
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stusbunker · 6 years
Questions: How?
A Supernatural Fan-fiction
Featuring: Sam Winchester X Female Reader
Setting: Starts in Season 6, breaks off in Season 8
Chapter 1 of my Questions Series
A/N: I started a challenge for @ericaprice2008 and needed to build up to the fluff parts. There is canon level violence and a story of a dying kid. This is a collection of back stories from Y/N’s perspective. Other chapters are from Sam’s, hope y’all like how it goes! A comment or a reblog goes a LONG way. xoxo Stu
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Sam smiled shyly down at you, his eyes twinkling with hope. And the only thing that crossed your mind was ‘How did I get so lucky?’
You first understood how misunderstood the Winchesters are, after a case in Indiana. The Brothers that had started and somehow thwarted the Apocalypse, Death and an array of demons were just regular guys with a few too many chips on their shoulders.
You and your cousin Rafe had been closing in on a pair of Djinn who were also running a substantial drug operation. Which, of course, made it harder to get to the monsters themselves. After two weeks and Rafe getting abducted did you get them within your grasp. Suddenly two bulky dudes were barking orders; guns in one hand and knives in the other.
“Back off pricks. These djinn are mine.” You spat, glaring at each of them suspiciously.
“Cool it, sweetheart. That’s fair. I can tell it’s personal,” the cocky one started, side eyeing the giant. In silent agreement they helped you flank the bottom feeders, making good use of your blood caked blade.
By the time you got to Rafe, it was too late; his body limp and drained. The look of euphoria the only solace as the sick satisfaction of killing his captors had already begun to fade. You tried to act strong in the presence of these strange hunters, but you all knew it was a mask.
Hours later and you had begun to hold normal conversation again. You chuckled humorlessly upon learning their identities. After all, they were their own type of legend. Sam spoke to you in low tones, his long hair floating in the night breeze as you told him about your cousin and how you had been hunting together most of your lives.
“How’d you get started?” He asked, true curiosity in his fathomless eyes.
You sighed and dove into your origin story: “Family camping trip. Rafe’s little sister was dying of cancer and we went as a last hoorah, so to speak. The Wendigo came at night, dragging our parents out in to the woods. Rafe, Julia and I slept in one bed. I saw it, lingering in the shadows by the door.
“The only thing that saved me was my cousin’s disease riddled body. It could smell the sickness, but we were all intertwined and it couldn’t tell which of us was poison.”
“Wow. So what happened, after?”
“Julia died about a week after we were put in foster care. Our parents were considered missing, but Rafe and I knew...a monster had stolen them in to the night forever.”
Sam didn’t offer sympathy or change the subject. Dean patted you on the back as you watched the last of Rafe’s fire smolder out. Strangers that stood with you as you mourned your last family member were strangers worth knowing.
It was another six months working odd jobs and figuring out your strategy as a lone hunter before you laid eyes on the notorious duo again. After a frustrating and unsuccessful tracking of a vengeful spirit, you called Bobby Singer for some advice.
“How’s my best girl?” Bobby always was sweet to you and spending time with him reminded you that not all old men were creeps.
“Got a real vexing ghost on my hands. What can you tell me about Hoodoo dispelling charms? I’m thinking someone is keeping it only half-way in check.”
After an hour Bobby called back with the right summoning to attempt to purge it for good. “Now there might be a pair of idjits nearby if you want some free help.”
“Thanks, Bobby. I’ll consider calling in the cavalry, if it goes south.”
“Keep me posted.”
You hung up and got to work on finding the ingredients. This was a nasty spook, shaking the walls and generally making it hard to light the moss in the ceremonial bowl. A slight click of a closing door sent the hairs on the back of your neck on end. You continued to flick your lighter, chanting under your breath. As it turned to steam in the air your adrenaline peaked.
Sam’s hands locked onto your clavicles, yanking you backwards. The sensation was jarring. Before you knew it both you and Sam were on your asses as the wall caved in, precisely where you had been performing your spell work. A shotgun boomed beyond the rubble, Dean was here too. Slowly and with slight annoyance at the boys and Bobby, you finished off the bitter old mistress of the house.
After Bobby passed and the Leviathans were sent back to which they came, you began to worry about Sam. Sure, Dean had been lost before, but something about the restlessness in his eyes told you that Sam was leaving the life behind. You weren’t more than acquaintances, so you kept your opinions to yourself. The world was crazy enough without you trying to handle his burdens too, you thought.
And regretted it instantly.
After a few bad one night stands and months of radio silence you got a late night phone call.
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice was a cautious whisper.
“Winchester you better be bleeding if you’re calling me this late.” You muttered, rolling to sit on the edge of the pull out sofa you were crashing on.
“Garth said you were in the area. Up for some digging?”
“I assume you mean actual digging and not research, right?” You yawned, not really wanting to leave your lumpy bed.
“Guilty. We’ll buy you breakfast.” Sam offered, muffling the mouthpiece as Dean spoke in the background. “Dean promises there’ll be dessert.”
That got your attention, “Uh, hello? When did he show up?”
“Oh, right, well, about a month a go?” Sam sounded sheepish.
You rolled your eyes and stepped back into your boots. “You picking me up or am I meeting you?”
“Just text us your address, we’re already on the road.”
These were not the brothers you had known. Their faces were long with exhaustion, their words clipped and looks guarded. You realized after cleaning up at their motel that you were there as a buffer. They were fighting and needed a minder. You were no Bobby, even your best teacher voice couldn’t get their heads out of their asses.
You walked out of the bathroom with a towel on your head and a borrowed tee shirt of Dean’s. They had been yelling.
“Cut it out!” You bellowed. “You guys want to get kicked out and find another hole in the wall at this hour?!”
Sam gritted his teeth and gestured toward Dean in frustration. You crossed your arms over your chest as Dean scratched his eyebrow pointedly at Sam, with his middle finger. Slowly they relaxed, the tension rippling through the night. Sam left for a walk and you and Dean caught up.
“Purgatory? Better or worse than Hell?” You teased, but curious none the less.
“It’s not really a comparison. Hell was torture. This was constant battle. But I had a choice, and I chose to keep fighting. While, Goldilocks turned tail and found himself a little woman.” Dean grumbled.
It was starting to make sense. “So, why is he here now and not making baby Sasquatches?” You countered, knowing that Dean was missing the sacrifices Sam made for him.
“Hell if I know, Y/N.” Dean poured another finger of whiskey into your glass while he topped himself off.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back. Both of you.” You raised your glass in a toast. Dean’s head lilted to the side, not quite a nod, not quite a shrug.
A month later you were hitchhiking through Kansas when Garth sent you a message.
‘See if you can get a hold of them Winchester idjits, they stopped answering my calls.’
You held your breath and hoped the boys were on better terms.
“Hey there, handsome,” You purred into the phone. “Help a girl ease a friend’s mind?”
“Y/N, hiya sweetheart,” Dean answered gruffly. “Where the hell are you?” Dean responded to the cacophony of the roadside.
“Along I-70. You?”
“On my way, got something to show ya.”
An hour later the Impala pulled up to the window in the truckstop diner you had perched at. After a refuel, Dean drove you to the Bunker for the very first time.
Chapter 2: When
@madlu45 @dontshootmespence @because-imma-lady-assface
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nancypullen · 6 years
Annnnnd We’re Back!
So I wished you all a happy Thanksgiving and then I dropped off the end of the Earth.  Sorry.  We kicked our holiday prep into high gear so that we could ship boxes north...
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and then we packed our bags and took off for D.C.  We played for a couple of days and spent the remainder of our time snuggling the world’s cutest grandbaby.  What a wonderful trip! While in D.C. we reacquainted ourselves with the National Air and Space Museum - it’s fascinating no matter how many times we visit.  Of course I had to pop into the gift shop for a look and I was so happy to see the variety of things available for kids.
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We also visited the new Law Enforcement Museum.  The mister has donated for years, always in honor of a couple of good trooper friends that he lost, and he was so happy to hear that construction was complete and that the museum opened in October.  Across the street from the museum there’s a small memorial park that’s been in place for quite a while.  The walkway walls are covered in the engraved names of law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.  There are four bronze sculptures of lions guarding the path, two at each end - one male and one female, standing guard over cubs. Below each lion is carved a different quotation:
"It is not how these officers died that made them heroes, it is how they lived." —Vivian Eney Cross, Survivor
"In valor there is hope."[—Tacitus
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are as bold as a lion." —Proverbs 28:1
"Carved on these walls is the story of America, of a continuing quest to preserve both democracy and decency, and to protect a national treasure that we call the American dream." —President George H. W. Bush
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I noticed that there appeared to be a bouquet resting in the forearms of one lion., so of course I walked over to have a look. Oh, what a lump in my throat when I read saw that it was a birthday greeting for a fallen officer.
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As in any just about any profession, there are those who perform their duties with the purest of intentions and those who seek only to have power over others.  During Mickey’s decades in law enforcement I’m grateful that we knew far more of the former than the latter.  When I scan the thousands of names carved into those walls I think of the families.  The spouses who received a hurried kiss before their officer reported for duty, the kids who understood that a parent wasn’t at their recital or little league game because they were out “catching bad guys”.  The mothers and fathers who were both proud and terrified that their child chose to stand between good and evil. Oh, my heart.  YIKES! I didn’t mean to get melancholy and fill this post with sorrow.  Trust me, the museum itself is not at all like that.  It was filled with interesting information, lots of interactive stuff (I can pick the right person out of a line up but I’m terrible at tailing a suspect), some really cool displays, and beautiful tributes to everyone from law enforcement helicopter pilots to sniffer dogs. Moving on! We ran around D.C. and acted like tourists, zipping all over on the Metro, and ending our last day in Chinatown.  I love D.C.’s Chinatown!  Best restaurants and shops around!  That’s where we ate lunch before hitting the museum, and guess what we had for dinner?  Did I mention that I love Chinatown?  I mean, even the crosswalks are fun!
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Even better, after we left Chinatown we headed just down the street a bit to the D.C. Holiday Market.  Oh, what fun! Each stall offered unique items - paintings, pottery, needlework, metal work, one-of-a-kind home decor, clothing, photography, leather crafts, and I know I���m forgetting a million things. Add to that some catchy live music and delicious treats and you’ve got yourself a heck of a holiday market.  It was cold, the lights were cheerful, the goods were fascinating, and it certainly put this shopper in a Christmas mood. Perfect ending to a perfect day.
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The next day we hopped a train toward Tyler’s house, knowing he’d be waiting at the station to pick us up.  We texted when we boarded and he told us where he’d be parked.  Try for just a minute to imagine my surprise and the whoop of joy that I let out when we arrived and Tyler exited his car...and so did MATT!  Those two boys f mine had planned a surprise and boy did it work!  Matt had flown in from Minneapolis earlier that day and timed it so he’d arrive at the station just before us. I think I skipped across the parking lot to hug them!  We spent three days soaking up love and laughter, enjoying our boys under one roof and snuggling the sweetest, smartest, most beautiful baby ever born.  Jamie prepared an incredible feast and we had a second Thanksgiving.  When I say she prepared a feast, you have no idea.  She’s an amazing and creative cook - every little thing is from scratch, and she makes it all look effortless.  Everything was delicious and the leftovers were even better! I’ll wrap this up by saying that time spent with our grandbaby is nothing short of magical.  She is such a delight and my heart fills up over the tiniest things -  patting my face or reaching for me, giggling at me, or snuggling up. Oh my. I’m not allowed to post pictures of her on the internet, so just imagine blue eyes, golden hair, dimples, and chubby cheeks.  She’s got a little bed head going on in this one, but you can’t see her face so I’m safe!
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Cutest little booty in town!
So we’re back, and life is chugging along.  I still have some gifts to ship, then I’ll get busy writing cards.  The tree is up and lit, but I didn’t hang any ornaments before we left because I didn’t trust a certain cat. cough*Phoebe*cough   I’ll need to finish trimming the tree, and that’ll do it.  Mickey hung all of the outside lights and decor right after Thanksgiving, so we’re the sparkliest house on the block. Is that a word? It is now. My holiday wishes have come true, so I don’t want or need a darn thing.  Still, if Santa wants to stop by he’ll always find a warm welcome here.  Don’t laugh. When you stop believing, you get underwear. Hope you’re feeling loads of holiday cheer!  XOXO
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thechkncoop · 8 years
Just a lil rough start.
March 5/6th 
Day One.
I threw up in the airport. It was 6am.
And you don’t NOT go a beer festival.
But I felt ten times better if you were concerned at all.
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We realized we forgot like ten things after we hobbled through TSA and decided, YOLO.
Two flights later, we’re in the smallest airport waiting for our bags.We flew into Fayetteville and met Chris’s brother and sister-in-law to pick up the car that we would be driving to AZ for them.
 And because they have such a cute baby, we decided to leave early the next day instead of getting on the road right after our flight.
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Fast forward to 9am Monday.
 The first five minutes in the car I had to pee. AND YES, I PEED BEFORE WE GOT IN THE CAR.
But you know how sometimes your body tricks you into thinking you emptied the tank and then you sit funny in the car and all of a sudden, the world is ending because you remembered you drank three sweet teas at dinner last night? That’s my struggle.
 First stop, Atlanta.
 The drive to Atlanta was 5 hours. Mostly uneventful. Just imagine a montage of my hand riding the wind with the window down. Basically that. For five hours.
 I did find a funny billboard for a sausage factory ad. It was “You never sausage a place”.
Yes, I lost my shit for five straight minutes. Chris briefly regretted being my boyfriend for four of them.
 Also, Atlanta what is up with all the strip malls? Maybe because we were on Buford Highway but there seemed to be more strip malls than actual stand-alone stores.
 So Chris has a big boy crush on Anthony Bourdain and we found a seafood spot called Crawfish Shack that Bourdain had visited a while back. I don’t know if it was the bowls of steamed crawfish that everyone was diving into, or the nice man behind the counter, Hugh, that had a shirt that said, “go cray cray” that made me feel at home. Holy shit, these po’ boys would have made me blush at the Shedd. Chris got the crayfish and I got the soft- shell. When we were given the option of regular fries or Cajun, I was like BABY CAJUN THEM FRIES UP BOOOYYYYYY.
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LOOK at that soft shell crab dissection. 
And because I’m SUCH a planner, I had looked up a bakery that had sandwiches that we could take on the road with us after lunch. I found Lee’s Bakery just under a mile away that sold banh mi sandwiches. They’re basically the Vietnamese po’boys. Also because we love sandwiches. LET ME TELL YOU, two sandwiches cost us $7. 
We opted for the additional 15 minutes just to drive through downtown Atlanta for the view. It didn’t disappoint. It was cute.
Bye Atlanta, we’ll be back for more than the food. But probably just more food.
So the last 6 hours of the leg were a drag. I, being a city girl my entire life had never seen such a sight as stars at night. It was amazing.
Getting into Naw’lins was crazy at 11pm. People, drunk everywhere. 
It WAS the tail end of Mardi Gras so I forgave everyone as we dragged our luggage to the Astor Crown Plaza.
There was a long ass line. I was confused.
Apparently, there was some situation and the rooms have been overbooked. So, they were relocating us to another neighboring hotel. Chris was Mr. Grumps at that point and rightfully so, since he was just cooped up in a car with me singing show tunes pointing out every single star for 6 hours. 
We got to our hotel room, the Marriott and it was past midnight. People were still whoopin’ it up downstairs, but all we did was take the longest shower and crawl into bed. 
Lets see how tomorrow goes. 
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Chris: I wonder if Jon watered my basil. 
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
yeahhhh you get me you GET me (i'm about to word vomit at you so i'm sorry in advance)
- i too have no romantic/sexual feelings towards seungkwan, he's simply My Boy i wanna be his best friend and fight people for him and peel him tangerines
- wonwoo is. *deep breath* he sure is. the joker performance. i-
- skz minho is just so CHAOTIC and i love that in a man, but channie is perfect bf material and hyunjin is so pretty and soft and talented???? and the long hair????? girl help (gender neutral)
- seungmin is like that... he seems so innocent and sweet until you notice how much he teases both stays and the members and let me tell you there was a Specific vlive where i went OOP 😳 but i can never find it ;w;
- PLSS hongjoongie was my bias until (and this is so shallow and hilarious) he cut his hair before kingdom. i don't like short-short hair on men like, attraction-wise (short-short hair's not really my thing unless it's a woman doing it) but black cat nero hongjoong had me in a vice grip and seonghwa with the curly longer black hair deja vu era is climbing up the ladder.
- if u didn't notice i really like long haired pretty boys. this may have been the catalyst for gyu coming dangerously close to toppling junnie as my txt bias during lover loser era. HE WORE A SHORT PLEATED SHIRT AND HAD LONG HAIR WITH HIGHLIGHTS AND I AM WEAK. I LOVE A PROUD ANDROGYNOUS LOOKING MAN SECURE IN HIS MASCULINITY
- also when hyunjin cut his hair i was devastated i went through the 5 stages of grief and invented 2 more (denial 2, astral projection)
- oh god, iu. iu is SO. god. my friends still make fun of me bc the day after i binged half of hotel the luna i spent the entire time explaining the plot but had to stop every 2 minutes to inform them of how Pretty that woman is. like. she is SO PRETTY AND TALENTED I CAN'T
- and yeah i know sunmi's song tail (moreso the mv than the song itself, but the choreo SLAPS you should watch the studio choom dance) is a representation of the way that women are cast aside and seen as "garbage" after they're "ruined" or "spoiled" because they were used by men!!
- i love eaj!!! love that he's more free and able to speak his mind now, love his music, love his dynamic with other idols (his podcast with aleXa, who is a sweetheart, is adorable and hilarious)
- dpr music is SO GOOD
- eric nam is hilarious and i love his music i would die for this man. i would've bullied him in high school (affectionate).
- seori's vocals in txt's ikily and her own stuff are so pretty! her collabs with eaj were *chef's kiss*
- what are your opinions on jay park swoony i'd like to hear them
- lisa in how you like that slammed me into the ground and stepped on me in high heels jesus fuck
- THE SUNWOO LINK I- 👁️👄👁️ he's one of my ult biases he's like. a whiny baby who wants attention. but also he could 100% top me. ultimate cutie boyfriend and actively encourages deobis to see him like that????? gets jealous when deobis watch other idols???? incredible performer???? just wants affection???? would fuck me into the mattress but also want headpats afterwards??? what a switchy nightmare of a boy. i want to tie him up but i also want to sit in his lap
- not gonna ask u to get into the boyz bc i know you are Overwhelmed enough by ur own new boys, but just a little taste: sangyeon has daddy energy similar to chan, kevin is an unprecedented meme queen named after the kid from home alone, jacob is a Sweet Boy, new and q are chaotic and incredibly pretty besties, and younghoon's nickname is bread.
WHEW ok im done the word vomit is over <333 sorry its a million words long
xoxo honey 🍯
holy shit, this is SO LATE, i'm sorry you got buried in my drafts, boo 💀
Seungkwan is Best Boy, absolutely!! i just wanna sit in the stands with a camcorder while he murders people, he's precious perfect son
god, JOKER, i simply cannot—i had no idea that was Wonwoo when i first saw it, i didn't know his voice well enough to recognize it yet and also just wasn't expecting THAT to come out of HIM????? so i was losing my mind trying to figure out who it was and then lost it even more when the mask came off 🤡 the entire HHU is fucking insane honestly, we gotta talk about a HHU gangbang one of these days now that Vernon's on his hot bitch shit 💀
there were SO MANY weird anecdotes i heard about stray kids before i got into them that i found out later were ALL Minho—him telling Stays he hoped they’d fall into a toilet, stuffing tissue into Hyunjin’s mouth, the terrifying snow filters 😂 he was honestly making me fall in love with him before i even knew who he was, it's absurd. and i think i get what you mean by teasing—i remember that one fancall where he was very slyly 'are you into younger men?', plus the way he was shamelessly flirting with Eunkwang during kingdom 👀
ahahahaha, i get you with the short hair!! when i was just getting into them, i also definitely thought that was Unfortunate 😒 but haircut/style can become a nonissue for me if i like someone enough and Joongie very quickly reached the point where he’d be attractive to me no matter what his hair looked like 😭 like, if he shaved his head, i might cry but id still want to peg him 😭😭😭 BLACK CAT NERO HONGJOONG MAKES ME DOWNRIGHT FUCKIN FERAL, THO, THE PONYTAIL??? WITH THE WISPIES????? PLEASE RAIL ME IN A GRAVEYARD, SIR
LONG-HAIRED GYU IS TOP TIER GYU and i literally only know one stage of grief when it comes to Hyunjin's hair and it's denial 😌 has it been cut? 😌😌😌 i simply do not see it 😌😌😌😌😌
IU is wild to me because. if i try to explain what makes her stand out, i literally cannot???? like, she's beautiful and talented, but there's something beyond that that just drags your guard down and want to use big dumb words like 'insouciant' and 'vivacious'—she's just so goddamn charming, that woman has a +15 to charisma i swear 😭
the tl;dr on Jay Park is that i find his habit of yoinking artists who seem to have had a rough time with other, bigger companies very amusing, and i think the way that these artists seem to be thriving with him probably says quite a bit about who he is as a person. his biggest sin seems to be saying dumb, problematic bullshit, and when that doesn't get followed up with more serious allegations, i'm more inclined to believe you're just an asshole with no filter rather than like. an actual menace to society. (caveat: i absolutely do not keep up with scandals or really go digging into past ones, so like. do with that what you will.) is the bar very low here? absolutely. but i'm still gonna write about pegging his scrawny ass, and i'm probably still gonna drag my ass up to Seattle to throw a bra on that stage when he gets that ass back on tour.
i'm so glad you enjoyed the fic!!!! i rlly enjoy that particular writer, and when they popped up with a fic about one of the boys who just KEPT catching my eye during kingdom, it felt like an awful, hilarious trap 🤡
i appreciate you not trying to get me into a new group 😭 i am definitely wavering on The Boyz, tho—i don't know how but @tmrwxtg ruined my youtube algorithm and i mainlined a bunch of their mvs today. so far it's still only Sangyeon and Sunwoo who really have my attention, but we'll see how long that lasts 🥴 but also, for someone not trying to get me into a new group, you are SELLING me on Sunwoo—i love a bratty dom, love a boy who's jealous and needy and soft, sign me the fuck up?? 👀👀👀👀
also, i think i remember Kevin!! wasn't he the one who was twerking during the sports episode of kingdom? wait was he ACTUALLY named after Kevin Home Alone????
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