#also my mom was in the hospital last night and I stayed up and got some hw done while we were waiting on the ct scan
yawn-emoji · 2 years
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#who i was march 24 2022 and who i am now are completely different people. i remember crying in caffe reggio to zay sun and adiba because#my dad was in the hospital and we didnt know why and we werent even there to support him and my mom because we had travelled to nyc that#morning. and the whole trip was overshadowed by this sense of grief and fear and horror at what was unfolding back at home while i was#trying to pretend everything was okay and that i was fine. i never cry in public but i cried on the q train while visiting my coworker who#lives in manhattan and then i sobbed in a xi’an famous foods location in manhattan w my brothers because the cheapest and earliest train#home was that night and i had no idea what to do w myself#and when we got home finally we all knew what the diagnosis was but nobody wanted to say it not even the doctors. i dont think anyone used#the actual word cancer to us for months. they cloaked it in such technical terms so as to make it easier to swallow but it was still like.#an elephant in the room yk? nobody told us the stage either but it was a stage iv glioblastoma and i remember going on r/glioblastoma and#just crying reading all the posts abt how difficult this disease is. most projections were six months to a year and a half. a lot of people#even chose not to get treatment because of the high probability that it would make no difference to the prognosis. i have no idea whether we#made the right choice going w chemo or not honestly. only time will tell i guess. inshaAllah this will prove to have been the right choice#idk what im even trying to say now. i just dont reflect a lot on where i was when this started because it’s… almost too painful. i have#given up so much for my dad at this point and i still feel like it’s not enough but also i’ve been trapped by this sickness and i’ve given#up my life to it and idk how to rebuild myself from here. i need to move on w my life but what if these are the last moments w him and i#take those for granted by not staying home to take care of him and spend time w him. again idk what im trying to say here i just have no#idea how we got to this place. it still feels like some insane fever dream that i will suddenly awaken from#seeing pictures of my dad even from 2021 is the hardest thing. i have no idea what happened to that bright funny charismatic loving man. he#is literally a shell of himself at this point and i hate it. it actually turns my stomach sometimes because it all is so wrong#none of this was supposed to happen he was supposed to retire peacefully somewhere tropical in a couple years not get diagnosed w cancer#journal#illness tw
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unclewaynemunson · 10 months
After Eddie and Max were brought into the hospital, the waiting room was packed with people. But as time passed by, it got quieter. One by one, worried parents came by to pick up their kids.
“Are you sure you don't wanna come with me?” Robin asked Steve when her mother arrived.
Steve nodded. “Go home, Rob, it's okay. Just wanna make sure Max's mom and Eddie's uncle get here.”
She shot him a worried look, but she knew him well enough to recognize when she wouldn't be able to persuade him – and Steve in turn knew that there was no way Mrs. Buckley would leave the hospital without Robin, after all that had happened that night.
So Steve stayed and waited with Lucas in Max's room for Mrs. Mayfield. When she arrived, he decided to give them some privacy and wandered over to Eddie's room a couple of doors down the hall.
He hesitated for a moment, wondering if Eddie would already have returned from the operation room – and if so, if it would be good or bad news waiting for him on the other side of the door.
He swallowed. Waiting motionlessly in the corridor wouldn't change what he'd find. So he raised his hand and slowly pushed the door open.
Eddie was inside, leaning against a pillow in his bed. He was as white as the sheets around him and he had large stitches in one of his cheeks, but other than that, he looked – alive.
“Eddie,” Steve breathed out while an overwhelming wave of relief washed over him.
It was only then that he noticed the other people in the room and stopped in his tracks.
Eddie's uncle was sitting at his bedside, wearing sweatpants and only an undershirt underneath his denim jacket. He looked exhausted, but just as relieved as Steve felt.
But that wasn't what had sparked Steve's surprise. No, the thing that Steve couldn't make sense of, was the man who was sat in the chair next to Wayne Munson. It was Steve's old middle school science teacher, Scott Clarke. He was dressed in a plaid flannel that seemed more Mr. Munson's style than his own, buttoned askew on top of a pair of striped pajama pants.
“Mr. Clarke? What are you doing here?” The question tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop himself.
“Who are you?” Mr. Munson asked Steve before Mr. Clarke could say anything. It sounded defensive on the verge of being aggressive, but Steve couldn't really blame him for that, considering what the majority of Hawkins currently thought about Eddie.
“Steve Harrington,” he said, holding out his hand.
The lines on Mr. Munson's forehead deepened.
“He's my friend,” Eddie said. His voice sounded hoarse and weak, but Steve still felt a rush of warmth course through his whole body because of the words he said. “He saved my life.”
“Oh.” Mr. Munson's eyes widened slightly and he finally took Steve's hand. “Wayne Munson. Eddie's uncle. Pleased meetin' ya.”
“It's good to see you again, Steve,” Mr. Clarke remarked. “You've grown a lot since the last time I saw you.”
“I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Clarke,” Steve noted, still trying to make sense of what exactly his old science teacher was doing in this room.
“Uncle Scott is also my uncle,” Eddie explained.
Steve looked back and forth between Mr. Munson and Mr. Clarke, trying to find any kind of resemblance between the two of them.
“You're brothers?” he couldn't help but ask, unable to keep the astonishment out of his voice. He would never have guessed that those two men were related to each other.
“Steve, no...” Eddie's voice was almost a whisper and had an undertone of something that sounded an awful lot like exasperation. Steve knew that tone all too well; he had never been good at restraining himself from asking stupid questions, after all.
He noticed how the two men exchanged some kind of meaningful glance with each other.
“Um, I think we should go get some coffee, Wayne,” Mr. Clarke said. “Leave the boys to catch up.”
Mr. Munson nodded, but before he got up, he looked at Eddie. "You'll be alright?" he asked, a worried frown on his face.
Eddie nodded. "It's fine, Uncle Wayne." He said it softly, like he was trying to reassure his uncle, and only after Eddie gave him another emphatic nod, Mr. Munson started following Mr. Clarke out of the room.
Just when Steve realized Mr. Clarke must be Eddie's uncle from his mom's side while Mr. Munson had to be his dad's brother, Wayne let his hand linger on the small of Mr. Clarke's back. It was a tiny moment, that only lasted a second right before they went through the door, easy to miss if one weren't paying close attention. But it was still enough for Steve to understand the exasperation in Eddie's voice and the unease on his uncles' faces. That one touch told Steve all he needed to know: there was this casual, easy kind of intimacy behind it that only long-term partners shared. He had seen his parents act like that, and Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair...
“No fucking way,” he breathed out at the moment the door quietly shut behind Mr. Munson. He turned back to Eddie with wide eyes and his jaw dropped.
“Your uncle is – and he's with Scott Clarke?”
Eddie's jaw clenched. “You got a problem with that?”
In his pure astonishment, Steve barely even registered Eddie's question.
“That's impossible!” he all but exclaimed. “Here – in Hawkins? How?!”
Eddie looked slightly past Steve's face, to the bare white wall behind him. “Jesus Christ, Steve,” he said. “You've seen dozens of hell monsters and walked through an alternate dimension to fight an evil sorcerer, and this is what you decide is impossible?”
“Well, it is,” Steve stubbornly said.
He remembered how he once felt about his teammate Thomas, back in his freshman year, remembered the ache in his chest exactly because of how impossible it was. He remembered Robin talking about Tammy Thompson in that bathroom stall filled with the scent of their puke. But Tammy Thompson is a girl, he had said, in his instinctive and perhaps naive confusion - not because he deemed it impossible for Robin to feel that way about a girl, but because up until that point, he had deemed it irrelevant. He knew better than anyone that those kind of feelings would flare up from time to time around certain people, but as far as he was concerned, it didn't matter. There was no way to act on it, no point in lingering on something that was impossible to have anyway.
“They've been together for over a decade,” Eddie said. His voice suddenly lacked its usual warmth; a warmth that Steve had gotten used to over the past few days; a warmth that left a weird feeling of loss behind in Steve's chest now that it wasn't there. “They make each other happy. They don't hurt anyone with it. So don't fucking tell me it's impossible, man. They love each other, and if you're gonna be a dick about that, I'm gonna have to kindly ask you to fuck the hell off.”
“Woah, woah, woah, wait,” Steve hurriedly sputtered. “I'm not – I didn't-” The words got stuck in his throat, somehow. He didn't quite know how to explain the storm that was raging inside of him, the many emotions he felt upon discovering that there were two men happily sharing their lives together, who lived in the same town as he did. Two men who were just like him, who had figured out a way to not hide away, who had somehow found their way to each other, and who had fallen in love without it being something they needed to repress.
“I didn't know – that it could be like that,” he finally managed to stutter. “I never even imagined a future like that for myself. I didn't know – I thought we were just supposed to pretend like those parts of ourselves don't exist and marry a woman. I never met anyone who did it differently.”
Finally, Eddie averted his gaze to look at him again. His eyes were a little bit wider and he was staring at him so intensely that Steve felt something stir deep in his stomach.
“Stevie,” he said, his voice quiet and so much warmer than before in a way that sent a shiver down Steve's spine. “Jesus, I'm sorry, I had no idea. I thought you were saying..." He cut himself off and inhaled deeply, slightly shaking his head. "Listen, man, there's always a choice. I'm not saying it's easy; my uncles have to hide a lot of what they mean to each other when they're in public. They're risking Scott's job, and maybe even a whole lot more if the wrong people find out about them... But there is always a choice. They're much happier together than they would've been if they had chosen to hide and marry a woman, or if they'd spent their whole lives alone.”
Steve had to take a moment to let Eddie's words sink in. Eddie merely kept looking at him, not making a single sound, patiently waiting for him to get his thoughts straight again.
“Are there more people like them, here in Hawkins?” Steve finally asked.
“Not many,” Eddie answered. “Most people who are different move to the bigger cities, where you're a bit more free to be yourself. But they're friends with this lesbian couple who lives a few streets over. And they know some people in Indy, but Wayne refuses to move there. He's too much of a small town boy, he says.” Eddie rolled his eyes at that last part, as if he could in no way comprehend the thought of preferring Hawkins over a big city like Indianapolis.
But Steve did comprehend it. Hawkins was his home. Even after everything that happened to him here, it was where he belonged. It was where everyone he cared about was. He wasn't naive, he knew that that was bound to change at some point, but he had never dared to dream about going someplace else himself. He had never even dared to dream about being someone else. Yet here he was, sitting at the bedside of a boy whose eyes he hadn't stopped thinking about for days.
Maybe it was about time to change his perception of what was possible and what wasn't.
“I know one person who's like – like me,” he admitted. He wanted to tell Eddie about Robin. He knew that there was nothing to worry about – but he also knew it wasn't up to him to share her secret. “I don't know if this is a weird idea," he continued, "but maybe we could all, like, get together sometime. Your uncle, mister Clarke, their lesbian friends...” The idea of it made him feel weirdly excited. He couldn't really imagine what it would be like, to spend a whole evening surrounded by people he had this one thing in common with.
“Not a weird idea,” Eddie told him, that soft look still shining in his big brown eyes. “Sounds awesome, actually.”
“If we do something like that...” Steve hesitated for a moment. “Would you be there too?”
Despite the stitches in his cheek, Eddie managed to smile, dimples and all. He raised a pale hand and pulled a strand of his hair across his face, like he was trying to hide something written on the skin around his lips. “I thought that was obvious,” he said with a chuckle.
Steve chuckled as well. “Just needed to be sure,” he admitted.
He stretched out his hand and put it on top of Eddie's, where it was resting on top of the sheets. It only took a few seconds: he gently squeezed Eddie's hand, then pulled back again, still nervous and not quite knowing what exactly they were headed towards. But no matter how short, the touch still sent sparks through his whole body.
“I'm glad you're alive,” he said, softly.
Eddie's smile became just a little bit wider, and a faint blush colored his pale cheeks. “Me too, big boy. Believe me, me too.”
(I wrote this bc this post by @boldlyvoid refused to leave my brain for literal months)
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starkwlkr · 4 months
the sound of my voice will haunt you | mark webber
part 1 part 2
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Grace sat in a chair watching you and Mark talk. She was so bored that she started to imagine herself as you. She found a head set and slipped them over her ears. While she played pretend, you were facing reality talking with Mark.
“Does she know about me?” Mark asked.
“She only knows your name. I never talked to her about you. Why would I? You threw it all away so easily, Mark. You broke my heart.” You snapped at him. You had to calm yourself since your daughter was just a few feet away.
“I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness and the amount of times I say I’m sorry isn’t going to fix it.”
“If this is you telling me you want to be in Grace’s life, you have no right.”
Mark knew that. It absolutely broke him that he had a daughter and he couldn’t be with her, but he had fucked it all up. He looked over at the young girl and saw how she played with the head set. She was a miniature version of you.
“I know and I won’t ask for forgiveness of any kind, not from you or Grace. You’ve done an amazing job raising her.” He continued. “Maybe one day you could tell her about me? If not, i understand.”
“As if you told anyone about me in your book. Mark, I did everything for you. I got in trouble for driving you to races, my parents almost took away my keys! I worked day and night in a shitty restaurant, I almost missed my own graduation because of you! A little note would’ve been nice, but it’s as if I never existed in your world. It hurt me.” You held back tears. Suddenly you’re a teenager again hearing all the loud yelling coming from your parents for driving Mark to his races.
“I didn’t think you wanted me to mention you at all. . . ” He said quietly.
“You’re my past now, I would love to stay away from the past. So when you do attend any of the upcoming races and Grace is here, don’t talk to her. It would be better if she didn’t know about you. Please.” You stated.
My own daughter won’t know about me
Mark understood. It would be better after all.
“Okay.” Was all he managed to say. He nodded and lanced one last time at Grace. “Goodbye.”
Before he could leave, Grace looked at him. She wondered why he looked sad. “Why are you sad? Is your favorite team not winning?” She asked Mark.
“Grace. . . It’s time to go.” You hoped Mark wouldn’t start a conversation, but he did. Of course he was making it harder for you.
“Actually, I used to drive for the team that’s winning and I was okay for a number two driver.” Mark crouched down to talk to Grace.
“Did you win lots of races?” She asked.
Mark let out a chuckle. “I won nine races.”
Grace gasped. “My dad won nine races too!”
At that moment, you wished you were anywhere else. Why couldn’t Mark just leave? Why did Grace have to be nice to everyone and be so curious? And why did you tell Grace that her dad was a driver?
“Your dad? He drives?” Mark questioned.
Grace nodded. “Well I think he doesn’t anymore. Mom said my dad was a driver and that he won nine races, but that’s all I know. I had to make a school project about my family and I asked mom about my dad. Do you know my dad?”
Before Mark could reply, you stepped in. “Sweetheart, it’s time for him to leave. Come on, we’ll get ice cream on the way back.”
“Bye!” Grace waved to the unknown man as you grabbed her hand and walked away from Mark.
He felt a little okay knowing his daughter knew something about him. Maybe one day you would change your mind and let Grace know the truth.
MIAMI 2024
Mark wouldn’t see you or Grace until the Miami Grand Prix. He honestly didn’t feel like even going, but Oscar insisted. At least he wasn’t going to be alone, Jenson was also going, but the British man would be conducting interviews. He kept busy looking at his phone until found him in the Mclaren hospitality. He wasn’t sure why you were even looking for him in the first place.
“Can you look after Grace? My friend couldn’t make it and she was the only person I trust to look after her. I wouldn’t ask if I had another option.” You sighed.
“Yeah, I’ll take care of her.” Mark nodded, putting his phone away. “Where is she?”
“She’s with Oscar in his driver’s room. Just please don’t mention the obvious.” You demanded.
“I won’t, but can I ask one thing?” He stared at your eyes that he still loved after many years. “Why did you tell Grace that her dad won nine races and that he was a driver? You could’ve lied.”
You didn’t want to lie to your daughter, you just couldn’t so you told her part of the truth. Technically, you didn’t think she would even meet Mark ever.
“I can’t lie to her. She knows when I’m lying anyways.” You said.
“What’s her favorite color?” Mark suddenly asked. “I want to know at least some stuff about her so I can talk to her. What if she gets bored halfway through the race?”
You hesitated even telling Mark, but you did anyway. “Her favorite color changes everyday, but today it’s purple. She loved coloring with chalk, she wants to have a puppy and name it Goose like the character from Top Gun, her favorite book series is Junie B. Jones and she tells everyone that she’s tall for her age.” You listed several things.
Mark smiled as he listened to you. “Top Gun? We watched Top Gun on our first date, you know?”
“You’re so annoying.”
You and Mark walk back to the Mclaren garage, which obviously made several people confused. Were you back together? No, you couldn’t be . . . right? By the time the race was close to starting, photos of you and Mark were everywhere. Even Sebastian had texted Jenson wondering about you and Mark.
Grace was sitting next to Mark when the race began. She occasionally glanced at him then grabbed his paddock pass and read his name.
“You’re here with Oscar?” She asked.
Mark nodded. “I’m his manager.”
“So you’re like his dad when his dad is not here?”
“That’s one way to put it.” He chuckled. “Your mum told me you like want a puppy.”
Grace’s eye lit up with joy. “Yes! The puppy is going to be named Goose and they’re going to sleep in my bed.”
Mark hardly payed attention to the race. He kept asking questions in hopes that he could learn more about her. Once in a while, you would look back only to see Mark and Grace laughing.
“One time, my mom almost lost her necklace because she was dancing too hard to her favorite song. It fell and we looked everywhere for it but we couldn’t see it because it was a small letter. But I found it!” Grace said which made Mark question if it was the same necklace that he had given you years ago.
“What letter was it?”
“I think it was M?”
The ‘M’ necklace was a gift from Mark on your first anniversary. It was old, but you couldn’t bring yourself to get rid of it. If anyone asked what the M stood for, you lied saying it was your middle name or for someone in your family.
“Does your mum always wear it?” Mark asked.
“Not anymore. But I think it’s pretty.” Grace replied. “Your name starts with M!”
All Mark did was nod.
The race had finished and soon you were back to your daughter. She had told you how Mark has dogs and invited her to meet them.
“Grace, can you go sit over there for a little while? I need to talk to Mark.” You pointed to the seat that she was sitting during the race. She obeyed and now it was just you and Mark. “Thank you. I really hope she wasn’t too much to handle.”
Mark shook his head. “She’s very talkative when it comes to her favorite things. She’s a great kid.” He debated whether to tell you about the necklace story that Grace had told him. Finally, he decided he would keep that to himself.
“I wanted you to hear this from me instead of the media. I’m leaving the team after this season.” You said only loud enough for him to hear.
“But you’ll be back, right? I mean the team is doing well, Lando just won his first ever race, obviously it could’ve been better for Oscar, but you are the heart and soul of this team.” Mark could see a frown forming on your face.
“I love this team, but it’s time for me to be a mom. Grace needs me, Mark. I already told Zak and it’s final. They’ll announce my departure soon. Thanks again for looking after Grace, this is the last time you’ll see her.”
He was glad that he could at least spend some time with Grace. She was a joy to be around. Their time together was something Mark would cherish forever.
For the rest of the 2024 season, Mark stopped calling you the Mclaren team principal and, instead, used your name. He praised you, gave you the credit you deserved and defended you any time. Mark had even made a statement about the person who had leaked the information about you and him when he talked with Fernando. It was rumored that a photographer had leaked it. He knew nothing was going to change, but he needed to correct his wrongs. It all started with an instagram post about you.
(this is just for fanfic purposes, you can use any faceclaim)
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liked by oscarpiastri, f1 and 837,377 others
aussiegrit everyone i meet will have to know you, to understand me. anyone that truly knows me, knows your name.
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
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Evan “Buck” Buckley x fem!reader
Summary: you and Buck have a one night stand only to find that your world is a lot smaller than you initially thought
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) fingering, brief mention of grief
part two part three part four part five part six
word count: 6k
The LAX airport was crowded beyond belief and you were feeling yourself get overstimulated just by how many people were there. Every time you had touched down in LA, you regretted flying into that specific airport because of all of the foot traffic and actual traffic.
You took your suitcase and rolled it as you walked outside to wait for your friend Scarlett to pick you up. You checked your phone and noticed you had a bunch of messages from your uncle who was always a little too worried about you. You had flown down because you had gotten a nursing job in the city and he had insisted that a party be thrown in your honor because he was just so proud of you.
Scarlett’s familiar blue car rolled up to the curb and she popped the trunk where you put all of your luggage. She quickly got out of the car to help before pulling you into a tight hug.
“LA has been so boring without you, babe,” she sighed. “I’m so glad you’re back and for good this time.”
“Me too. You know I didn’t mean to leave you like that, it was just-my mom-“
“Let’s not talk about that right now,” Scarlett gave your back a sympathetic rub before putting on her signature look that told you that she was up to something. “We’re going out tonight so I hope you brought something slutty to wear.”
“Of course I did.” You had brought your whole wardrobe so there was bound to be something that was up to her standards. She was definitely the more stylish one out of the two of you and you were glad to have her be your fashion consultant again, even though for the most part, you’d be wearing scrubs most of the time.
You both got into her car and you felt nervous about being back in the city. You had to go back to New Jersey when your mom had gotten sick and stayed after she passed because you were afraid to contact people again. You had completely cut contact from the outside world since you had lost her because she was the only person you had left and suddenly, she was gone.
Your uncle knew that you had just graduated nursing school and had helped you get a job at a hospital in LA, and you decided that you had been alone for long enough, so you packed up all your stuff and took the chance to move back, ready to be around your found family again.
Turned out, neither Scarlett nor your uncle had been upset with you about your silence and had been nothing but grateful that you were okay. They had assured you that they wanted to see you and Scarlett had even offered to let you stay with her until you got on your feet.
You were excited to see your uncle, though. He has gotten married since the last time you saw him and you were excited to meet his new family at the party he had insisted on throwing you a party to congratulate you on not only graduating but also getting your first job as an official nurse. He was so proud of you and bragged about your accomplishments to anyone who would listen.
Scarlett pulled up to her building and parked in the parking garage before helping you with your luggage, the two of you hauling it all to the elevator. Once on her floor, you both got to the correct apartment and threw the stuff on the floor, deciding that you would work on it later since your priorities were focused on going out. After everything that happened in New Jersey, you definitely felt like you deserved a drink.
As soon as she was inside, Scarlett threw the suitcase that she was holding down onto the couch then unzipped it before going through all of the clothes that were inside it, not finding what she was looking for. She then went through every single one of your suitcases and shook her head before heading to her room.
You followed her curiously and collapsed onto her bed as she went through her closet. Your clothes weren’t exactly as outgoing as hers, but you at least thought she would like something of yours.
“So I guess I’m borrowing something of yours tonight?” You asked, leaning up to look at her.
“Of course you are. You know I usually support your outfit decisions, babe, but none of those outfits are going to get you laid.”
“What if I don’t want to get laid?” You did, though. Probably a little too much.
“You haven’t seen a dick in two years,” she turned to look at you. “You want to get laid.”
“I’m not even sure I know how to do it anymore.” You didn’t have time to sleep with anyone with taking care of your mother and after she passed, you were so riddled with grief that you couldn’t get yourself to get back out there.
“It’s just like riding a bike. Or I guess riding a-“
“I get it, Scar,” you cut her off. “So what am I wearing tonight?” You weren’t sure you could pull off whatever she was going to pick out, but you were hopeful.
“This,” she pulled out a red dress that left practically nothing up to the imagination. It was short and would definitely show off your cleavage. She tossed it to you without another word and you went to the bathroom to change.
You peeled off your clothes and stared at yourself in the mirror, wondering if you were even ready to sleep with anyone just yet. You had gained some grief weight and could see it in your stomach. When you slipped the dress on, you could see your stomach poking out and felt the need to cover up, but figured you could have worn a jacket over it.
You hesitantly opened the door and stepped out into the bedroom. Scarlett turned to face you and a gasp escaped her lips once she caught sight of you. She stepped forward and looked you up and down.
“Damn,” she let out a whistle. “I might even be into you. Oh yeah, you’re definitely going to score tonight.”
“Really? You don’t think it’s too much?”
“Not at all. You look hot. Now c’mon. Let’s get go get you someone to take home.” She grabbed you by the arm and called you both an Uber to head to the bar.
You were nervous to say the least. You hadn’t slept with anyone since your last boyfriend and he hadn’t exactly been able to please you in that way. It was always all about him and his needs. Maybe that night you’d be able to find someone who could please you more than Jared ever could.
The bar wasn’t nearly as crowded when you got there and you and Scarlett ordered your drinks. You looked around while you waited for them to be made, on the hunt for your hook up. Your eyes locked on a group of fire fighters and you felt your cheeks blush as you made eye contact with one of them. He gave you a wink and you turned back to Scarlett who was fanning herself dramatically with her hand.
“I think I’m having an emergency,” she told you and you just rolled your eyes.
“Is the emergency in your pants?” You asked with a pointed look and she just smirked.
“You know me so well,” she gave your shoulder a nudge and turned back to the bar where your drinks were sitting. You then followed her to an empty table, giving you a great view of the very cute firefighter who had caught your eye.
You could see Scarlett’s lips moving, but you couldn’t hear what she was saying, the man taking up all of your attention. His eyes didn’t leave you as you chatted with your friend.
Buck had frequented that bar more than he cared to admit. He recognized all of the regulars and you weren’t one of them because he definitely would have remembered you.
“Just buy her a drink, Buck,” Hen told him. She could see him eyeing you and just wanted him to make a move already.
“No,” he shook his head. “I-I’m not hooking up anymore, remember? I’m-“
“Buck three point oh,” the rest of the table finished for him. Was he really that predictable?
“With all due respect, Buckaroo,” Chimney spoke up. “No one said anything about hooking up. It’s just a conversation.”
As usual, Chimney’s word rang true. But even with a conversation, Buck was afraid that a conversation very easily could have led to sex and he was trying to cut back on that. It had been a few months since he had broken up with Taylor and he really wasn’t looking for anything, no matter how beautiful you looked and no matter how much he thought about what the dress you were wearing would look like on the floor of his bedroom.
“Yeah,” Eddie added. “Go talk to her. Do it.” He began chanting the last two words lowly and the others joined in, making Buck’s cheeks go pink.
He stood from the table and everyone cheered a little too loudly for his liking, catching your attention as he made his way over to your table. Scarlett saw the two of you making eyes at each other and decided to make herself scarce, heading over to the bar to find an empty stool she could occupy.
“May I?” Buck referred to the now empty seat across from you and you nodded. What were you going to do? Say no?
“Of course.”
“I’m Evan,” he smiled as he sat down.
“Y/n,” you replied and he nodded, taking a sip from his now empty beer.
“Y/n,” he repeated and you didn’t like just how much you enjoyed hearing him saying your name.
“Yup,” you nodded, taking a sip from your own drink.
“So, what brings you here tonight?” So many things, but mostly, the drinks. Evan was definitely going to be the one to make you stay.
“I just graduated nursing school.” Buck knew just how much it took to get through nursing school let alone to get a job as one, so he felt like you deserved a couple of drinks on him.
“Congrats. That’s a really big achievement. And you know what? Your drinks are on me tonight.”
“No, Evan. I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking,” he shrugged. “I’m telling you that I’m buying your drinks. So what are you drinking?”
“Margarita on the rocks. Salt on the rim.”
“You got it,” he nodded and headed over to the bar, leaving you alone. You tried to play a little hard to get, not wanting to seem too available. While he had his back to you, you turned to look at him.
You let your eyes raked down his body, stopping at his ass, admiring the way his jeans hugged it and you found yourself wanting to stick your hand down them to get a handful for yourself.
As soon as Buck felt your eyes on him, he turned to look at you but you turned away, pulling your phone out of your purse to check your messages and they all happened to be from your uncle Robert.
Text me when you land!
Your flight landed at 8:30 and it is now 9:00. Why haven’t I heard from you?
Guess you’re having too much fun to get back your old uncle, huh?
You had completely forgotten that you had promised him that you’d tell him when you landed. Scarlett’s plan had totally derailed yours. Maybe you could end the night early and go see him to make it up to him. He was practically a father to you and was the whole reason you had a job in the first place so you felt like you owed it to him to do that.
Robert, I’m so sorry! Time got away from me and I completely forgot to get back to you!
That’s alright. You have a good night and I’ll see you on Saturday.
You set your phone back in your purse as Buck came back with your drink and he handed it to you with a bright smile on his face.
“Thank you,” you took the drink and took a sip before setting it down on the table.
“You’re very welcome,” he smiled again, taking a sip from his own drink that looked like the same one you had gotten. “So, you got a job lined up?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Got my first day next Monday.”
“Well, I think you’re going to be amazing. Cheers,” he held up his glass and you did the same, letting them clink together.
“I haven’t started the job yet.”
“Yeah, but I have a pretty good feeling about you,” he leaned back in his chair, studying you. “And I’m always right about these things.”
“If you say so,” you shrugged and licked the salt from your glass which Buck was having a hard time watching. He wanted you to do the exact same thing to him. To feel your hot tongue on his neck as you sucked on it, leaving the nastiest looking mark behind once were finished.
“Trust me,” he winked. “You’ll be great.” He took another sip of his drink and grimaced. “That’s terrible.”
“Oh, so you’re an alcohol snob, huh?”
“I drink the cheapest beers so I’m definitely not a snob. This is just the worst margarita I’ve ever had.” It wasn’t the worst you’d ever had, but it definitely wasn’t the best.
“Okay, maybe it sucks,” you admitted with a shrug.
“See?” He leaned back in this chair. “Always right.”
“Whatever you say, Evan,” you rolled your eyes.
After many drinks and a few shots, you were the only ones left in the bar, giggling and flirting with each other. Somehow, Buck had ended up in the chair to the left of yours, scooting so that it was right up against it. You were talking in hushed tones, amping up the flirting as more alcohol entered your systems.
His hand rested on your thigh as he leaned toward you, his lips right by your ear as he spoke. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his hot breath on your skin as he spoke, wondering what it would have felt like as he whispered the filthiest things into your ear.
“Do you wanna take things to my place?” He asked, his other hand moving to your shoulder, slipping under the strap of your dress.
“Yes,” you breathed and just chuckled at your reaction, loving how you were already coming undone and he hadn’t even done anything yet.
“We could play Grand Theft Auto, maybe a little Mario Kart?”
“Oh, so you want to play games?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled again and the hot air being blown on your ear made you shiver. “All kinds of games.” He took your ear lobe between his teeth and gave it a little bite before pulling away completely just in time to watch your eyes glaze over with lust. He had you right where he wanted you.
Buck pulled you to your feet and payed the tab before leading you out to the parking lot where he pulled out his phone to get an Uber for you both. Neither of you had a drink for a couple of hours, but he still wanted to be safe.
He pulled you to his chest, watching you chew on your bottom lip, your red lipstick leaving a mark on your teeth. Buck watched you, completely captivated by your movements, wanting to know what your lips felt like, but not able to make the move.
You leaned closer to him, your eyes shifting to his lips. You looked back up at his eyes as if to ask for permission and he nodded, his lips parting slightly as he did so. Almost as if you had him in a trance.
You grabbed him by the back of the neck and your lips caught his bottom one just as a pair of headlights flashed in your direction as a vehicle pulled up to the curb.
“Uber for Evan?” The driver asked and Buck showed him the proof that it was him before the two of you got into the backseat. He gave the driver the address then turned to you, his hand moving back to your thigh, rubbing up and down it as you tried not to think about how you wanted it to move further up your dress.
You could imagine it perfectly: him slowly moving his hand up your thigh and underneath your dress, making his way to your underwear and sticking his hand down it, his fingers teasing your cunt, making you beg for him until he suddenly stuck his fingers inside of you to make all of your whining stop. He’d urge you to make some noise as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, telling you that you could scream his name as loud as you wanted to.
“I never told you, but you look beautiful tonight,” he said lowly in your ear, his hand giving your thigh a squeeze.
“Don’t look too bad yourself,” you replied, your hand going to his thigh and giving it a squeeze in return.
“No, this isn’t about me,” he took your hand and pressed a kiss to it. “Tonight is all about you.” You felt your cheeks blush and couldn’t help but feel like you needed to step up your flirting game just to keep up with him.
You could feel Buck pulling you forward, his eyes looking at your lips hungrily. He captured your top lip between his two and you moved together slowly, trying to figure out your movements, the feeling of each other’s lips so foreign to you both.
His other hand moved to your jaw, tilting your head up so he had more access to your mouth. He swiped his tongue along your bottom lip and you opened up, letting it slide inside, holding back a moan as it swirled around yours.
Before things could get too heated, the car rolled up to Buck’s apartment building. You both got out and he took you by the hand, leading you inside, making a beeline for the elevator. He pressed the necessary button then pulled you into his arms, his lips slotting between yours once again. Your tongue swiped along his bottom lip just as the doors opened and you pushed him inside, your lips still connected.
You pushed him against the wall and slid your tongue into his mouth as you moved your hands up his t-shirt, getting a good feel of his pecks. You broke apart just to take his shirt off and your lips were back on his in a flash.
The elevator doors opened and Buck guided you down the hallway as your lips still moved together, him only breaking away to unlock his door and as soon as you were inside, he pushed you against it, pinning your hands to it as his lips moved to your neck, peppering the spot with kisses before going in for a rough suck, pulling a moan from your lips.
“Evan, oh my god.” He chuckled at that before continuing to scandalize your neck, his teeth grazing the skin, causing your fingernails to dig into his back as you let out another loud moan.
“Yeah? You like that, honey?” Neither of you quite knew where the term of endearment came from, but had to admit that you liked it. Very much.
“More, please.” He kind of liked the idea of you begging for him. Teasing you until you were whining for him. He licked a stripe across your neck then grazed it once again and he couldn’t feel you going limp in his arms.
He pulled you from the wall and mumbled the word “jump” against your skin and you did as he asked and he caught you, his hands moving to your ass as he attached your lips to his as he carried you up the stairs slowly.
He set you down on your feet and you both removed your shoes and kicked them aside before Buck laid you down onto the bed and climbed on top of you, his legs tangling with yours as his lips moved back to the hickey he was working on. You turned your head to the side to give him more access and he took advantage, burying his face completely into it, giving it another suck as yet another moan fell from your lips.
“God, fuck,” you whined and let your eyes close tight and pleasure rolled through your body. Your back arched and Buck took that as an opportunity to slip his hands behind you, his hands pressing to your back, moving down to your ass.
His hand slowly moved up your dress and cupped your ass, giving it a squeeze which caused you to yelp in surprise. He chuckled at your reaction and went it for one more hard suck to pull another moan from your lips before diffusing the sting with another swipe of his tongue along the sensitive spot before rolling off of you.
“Wait here for just a second? I’m just gonna grab something.” Before you could answer, he raced down the stairs on the hunt for something and you just laid there, trying to keep yourself from drying up while you waited for him to come back.
You decided to do a little snooping and looked around the room, your eyes catching his jacket that he wore when he was on duty. You found yourself wanting to try it on, but didn’t feel like you had the right since you had only just met and the fact that you wouldn’t have forgiven yourself if something had happened to it.
You slowly snuck over to it, your fantasy getting the best of you as you as you slowly removed it from the top of his duffel bag. You noticed what you assumed was his last name on the bottom of it. Buckley. You liked the sound of it. You slipped it on over your shoulders and slowly zipped it up only to hear Bucks voice behind you.
“What are you doing?” His tone was more amused than accusatory but you were still nervous as you turned around to face him.
“I was just-I honestly don’t know. I’m sorry. I’ll take it off.”
“No, leave it on. You look…hot.” Buck had never fantasized about anything like that, but he had to admit that seeing you in his uniform was definitely doing something for him.
“Yeah?” You asked stepping forward. You turned around and unzipped the jacket and pulled your dress down slowly, letting it pool at your feet, your thong following it, then turned back around. Your eyes filled with lust as you grabbed onto Buck’s hands and guided them up to the zipper.
“Wanna unzip me, Buckley?” You asked, your tone even more flirty than before and Buck swore that he was going to cream his pants. “Go ahead. I can see how badly you want it.”
Instead of unzipping the jacket, He pressed his lips to yours roughly, his tongue slipping into your mouth and you moaned at the feeling. He continued to kiss you senseless as his hand traveled down the jacket and to your cunt, his fingers teasing the outside and he could already feel your slick, feeling a little cocky about getting you that wet with most just his words. He was definitely back in the game.
“Evan, please,” you whined, begging for his finger to fuck you, but he was still teasing you, not entirely sure that you wanted it enough.
“Gonna need you to beg some more, honey. Not sure you want it enough.”
“Evan, c’mon,” you grabbed hold of his wrist, but he felt like needed a little bit more.
“Gonna need to be a little louder.”
“Please, Evan? Need your fingers so bad.” There it was. He shoved his fingers up your cunt and you gasped, not entirely prepared for them.
“Oh,” was all you were able to get out and you turned your back to him, pressing it to his chest so he could have more access and he pumped his fingers in and out of you slowly, eating up every last one of your delicious moans. Your head fell back onto his shoulder and it gave him perfect opportunity to watch you completely fall apart at his touch. If his fingers were driving you wild, he wondered just what his dick would do.
“You’re so tight, hon. But don’t worry, I’ll loosen you up real nice.” You had absolutely it doubt about that. He was already making you feel much more pleasure than your ex boyfriend and your vibrator combined.
“Faster,” you moaned. He was being too nice for your liking. You wanted his fingers to fuck you roughly in a way that it was almost concerning.
Buck moved his fingers the fastest he could and you moaned so loudly that he felt his dick hardening even more. Just a few more pumps and you were definitely going to orgasm.
“That’s it,” you told him. “Just like that.” His fingers curved and hit just the right spot to make you reach your climax, your back arching as you did so.
As soon as you came down from your high, Buck removed his fingers from you and turned you around to face him. He slowly brought his fingers covered in your slick up to his mouth and sucked on them, watching your face for your reaction.
His eyes darkened as he sucked on his fingers, licking them entirely clean and you watched him in shock, your cunt now a sopping wet mess. The final straw was when he slowly pulled them from his mouth and licked up the back of them, a devilish smirk making its way upon his face.
“Christ,” was all you were able to say and Buck stepped closer to you, grabbing you by the waist and pressing his lips to yours one more time. He slowly unzipped the jacket and you were getting more desperate for him the longer he took. You were just ready to let him have his way with you already. The jacket fell open and his eyes widened as he took in your naked body, part of it still hidden by the jacket, but the little taste was all he needed.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I mean-“ he tried to come up with something more complimentary, but he couldn’t. You were perfect. The exact kind of woman that always appeared in his dreams.
“Fuck.” His voice was deep and raspy and you felt yourself slick run down your thighs because of how wet you were.
“Are you gonna stare at me all night, Buckley? Or are you going to fuck me?”
“The second one,” he replied, grabbing you by the jacket and pressing his lips to yours roughly. “Definitely the second one.”
“Good boy,” you replied and you both felt his cock tent in his pants as soon as the words left your mouth. That seemed to be the final straw to get him up and he was straight up desperate for you now.
You unbuttoned his pants and pulled them along with his underwear to the floor, his dick springing free as you did so. You felt your mouth water as you thought about what it would feel like in your mouth. But now wasn’t the time. You just needed him inside you.
His cock was leaking with precum and the only other man you had slept with had never looked like that before. Seeing Buck, you had come to realize that you were never the problem.
You grabbed onto Buck’s shoulders and pushed him onto the bed and took the condom from his hand, rolling it onto his cock before placing yourself on top of him, taking no time to roll your hips into his.
Your hands went to your shoulder as you rode him, watching him come undone underneath you, letting him be the one to be teased. His moans were absolutely intoxicating and you moved harder and faster to make him come completely undone and it worked.
“You feel so good, honey,” he moaned. “Look so pretty on top of me.”
“No, you’re the pretty one,” you complimented. “Love how you look underneath me, Buckley.” God, you were good. He had never slept with someone who could keep up with his game and he almost thought that you were better at it than he was.
“And I feel good. You feel so good.” You continued to ride him, going the hardest and fastest that you could and you watched his face, eating up just how much you were able to please him as he let out moan after moan.
You were nothing but pleased with yourself as you watched him come absolutely undone, eating up every last one of his moans as you leaned over him, pressing your lips to his. They moved together as you continued to ride him. You moved your lips to his cheek and down to his neck and he moved his head to the side to give you more access.
You peppered the spot with kisses, mixing in your tongue in with it, licking across the spot and just that alone was enough to make Buck lose his mind. Between both the feeling of your lips and the fact that you were riding him, it was so overstimulating, but he couldn’t have cared less. He was having the time of his life.
You began to suck on the skin and Buck let out gasp even though he had been very aware of what you were doing. Continued to ride him as you sucked on his neck and he couldn’t feel that he was close, but still wanted you to continue. He wanted you to mark him up good.
You grazed the skin with your teeth and he moaned again, his nails digging into your back as you did so. He scratched down your back and you gave the spot a full on bite, pulling a groan out of him.
“So fucking good,” he said and you sucked on the spot again, swiping your tongue along it to diffuse the sting and just as you were finishing marking him up, he reached completion and collapsed back to the mattress, letting out a loud sigh as you got off of him and cleaned yourself up while Buck disposed of the condom.
As soon as you were done, Buck pulled you back down onto the mattress, leaning over you. His hand reached for you and he lowered himself on top of you to press his lips to yours in a sweet kiss before rolling off of you. He turned off his lamp and bid you goodnight along with a kiss before the two of you drifted off to sleep.
A loud siren woke you up from your sleep and you turned over to find that Buck was still there, his back facing you. So it hadn’t all been a dream. You had actually slept with him and it wasn’t just a very real fantasy that you had been playing out in your head.
He turned over and a smile broke out on his face as he caught sight of you. That you had actually stayed the night. It always seemed that women liked to leave him right after the act so he was surprised that you were still there.
He smiled back at him and he moved closer, pulling you in for a kiss before rolling out of bed. You laid in bed, watching him get dressed, trying to find a way to ask him if he wanted to go for round two after he got off work, but you decided against it. Maybe you were just meant to only be a one night stand.
“Heading to work?”
“Unfortunately,” he sighed. If Buck had it this way, he would have the day off and had his way with you the entire day, only getting up to go to the bathroom or eat.
“Sure I can’t make you stay?” You asked, pulling down the blanket to reveal your bare breasts and Buck could drool pooling in his mouth as he thought about how much he wanted to suck on them.
“No,” he shook his head to wipe the thought away. Once he was dressed, he made his way over to you and tilted your chin up. “I really have to go. And you have unpacking to do,” he reminded you of what you had told him at the bar. He pressed a kiss to your lips and handed you your dress.
“Kicking me out, Buckley?” You asked as he helped you put your dress on before handing you your thong. You put it on and Buck helped you up from the bed before grabbing his duffel bag and jacket.
“No,” he replied. “Just thought you’d want to be dressed when you walked me to the door.”
The two of you descended the steps and he pulled you to the door, resting his hands on your waist as he did so. His blue eyes bored into yours and he leaned down and pressed another kiss to your lips.
“You’re more than welcome to stay here until I get back, but I know you have things to do, so we can end things here.”
“That would be the right thing to do,” you pursed your lips. “But fuck being right,” you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slotted your lips between his, taking no time to swipe your tongue along his bottom lip, causing him to pull away.
“Hey, that’s not fair,” he pointed at you and you just pulled him over to the staircase, attaching your lips to his.
“Life’s not fair, Buckley,” you told him as you led him up the stairs to go for round two.
Buck had been over an hour late to work and realized that he had a bunch of messages from the rest of the 118 asking where he was. Considering his shirt that was not buttoned correctly and his very kiss bitten lips, it was obvious what he had been up to.
He was met by Bobby when he entered the station and he let out a loud sight because he knew exactly what was coming and didn’t want to hear it. The others were nowhere to be found so he had no one to bail him out, so he was stuck listening to Bobby’s lecture.
“You’re late,” Bobby told him as he crossed his arms over his chest, like a parent who was scolding a child.
“I know, Bobby, and I’m sorry. Time got away from me.” Bobby eyed Buck’s shirt then looked back up at him.
“Clearly. Now don’t let it happen again.” With that, Bobby turned on his heel and headed up the stairs, leaving Buck alone.
Really? That was it? No lecture about how he had a responsibility to the 118? And what about the “new version” of himself that he was trying to become and wasn’t really making an effort since he had just slept with you?
Buck ascended the stairs and was met by the other members of the department turning to face him. They all knew why he was late and knew that he wouldn’t have been able to resist you. They just didn’t think that it would have lasted so that he would have been late to work.
“So, how’d it go?” Eddie asked as he sipped on a cup of coffee. Buck immediately wanted to make himself scarce because he was getting embarrassed. But he sat at the table anyway, the others joining him, wanting to hear about his night, but maybe not all of the details.
“Clearly very well,” Hen replied as she sat down to the left of Buck, spotting his very obvious hickey. She pulled his collar down to get a better look to which Buck pushed her hand away.
“Damn,” Chimney commented. “Guess that’s why you’re late, huh?”
“Sorry, I don’t remember this being any of your business and as close as we all are, I will never share my sex life with any of you.” As soon as he was done speaking, the alarm rang, causing them all to get up and race to the engine to answer a call, leaving the conversation for later. Much later if Buck could help it.
You and Scarlett arrived at Athena and Bobby’s right on time and the door opened, Bobby on the other side with a bright smile. He couldn’t have been more happy to see you. You were the only blood relation each other had and considering that your father was never around, Bobby had become one to you. And you were like a daughter to him and he was going to protect you no matter what he had to do to do so.
“There’s my girl,” he greeted, his arms open wide and he pulled you in for a tight hug, the both of you making up for lost time being wrapped up in each other’s arms.
“Uncle Robert,” you replied into his chest. “I missed you.”
“Missed you too, kiddo. Scarlett, get in here,” he waved her over and she joined the hug before the three of you pulled away.
“Come on in, there’s someone I want you to meet.” He led you over to a woman you could only assume was Athena. You had been nothing but happy for him that he had finally become himself again. He had gotten sober and even though he hadn’t fully healed from his guilt and grief, he was the happiest he had been in a long time and it warmed your heart to see that.
“It’s so lovely to meet you,” you told her and she was quick to pull you into a hug and you wrapped your arms around her in response.
“The feeling is very mutual,” she told you as she gave your back a light rub before pulling away. “You get in here too,” she gestured to Scarlett who she pulled in for a hug.
You looked at Athena and couldn’t have been more excited to meet the woman who made Bobby feel like Bobby again. From all of his texts and emails, it was clear that they were in love and that was what he had deserved after everything he had been through.
“And these are Athena’s children May and Harry and her ex-husband Michael.” They all received hugs as well and you were offered a drink as you waited for everyone else to arrive.
“The rest of 118 should be arriving soon and then we can eat,” Bobby announced. “I’m sure you must be hungry.”
“A little, but I’m fine,” you told him just as there was a knock on the door. Bobby ran to answer it and pretty soon, people were filing in.
Your heart warmed as you watched the living room filled with everyone your uncle had called family and you could help but feel honored that he had wanted you to meet them. That he wanted you all to get along and you sure that you would if Bobby liked them.
Your eyes looked over each person and you had to hold in your gasp as your eyes caught onto Evan. He was the “Buck” your uncle always talked about? He worked with your uncle? Your uncle was his boss and you had slept with him.
Buck’s eyes locked on yours and they widened as he went to approach you. What were you doing there? Who did you know that would have invited there? Unless…no. No way. You were Bobby’s niece?
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sunrizef1 · 4 months
What Happens in Vegas pt 14
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, verbal abuse
Word Count: 1.6k
Authors Note: No Charles content in this one but important nonetheless
Summary: Logan and Y/N talk, y/n finally reveals who’s been texting her
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“Have I ever told you about my family?”
Logan doesn’t reply for a moment, annoyance still resting under his deadpan expression. You’re both sat on the floor of his drivers room, backs resting against the wall behind you, coffee from the Williams hospitality sitting in foam cups getting cold as they sit, untouched. Champagne dries on the top of your skin, casting a sticky residue onto your face and the ends of your hair.
Your win was now forgotten, the trophy having been left in your room to be picked up by a random Porsche employee who’d eventually get it back to you. Logan’s DNF was also now forgotten, although it did leave a lasting effect on his mood, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed tightly.
“No, but I know your dad.”
You tilt your head, pulling the inside of your cheek between your teeth as you respond, “Well, you know him now.”
Logan doesn’t respond, not in the mood to play into your vagueness. He’d invited you here to explain. He knew you’d clarify eventually, whether he asked you to or not.
“It’s a complicated story,” you pause, bile rising to your throat at the notion of explaining your childhood and forcing you to swallow it back down, “You don’t have to say anything.”
Logan hums, obviously not planning on speaking much anyway. Both of you stare off toward the floor in front of you, unspoken words hanging in the air around you.
“I was born in France, not sure if you knew that,” you start after a moment, hesitance laced in your words, “Everyone thinks I was born in Texas but my mom would’ve rather died than let that happen.”
“You probably know my mom, Amelie Laurent, French, vogues favorite person and I guess she’s a pretty famous model,” Logan pauses for a second, no doubt not aware of who your mom was, before he nods in recognition of the name.
“When my parents had me, they were still in love, I think,” you furrow your eyebrows as the words leave your mouth, “Um, but after they had me, I guess they got really busy with their jobs and stuff so they sent me to live with my grandparents in Texas for a while.”
“Didn’t really see them much growing up. My dad took me to the paddock a lot though, I got to hang out with everyone at McLaren, which was nice.”
“But he was busy so I usually got stuck with Kimi and then eventually Lewis, when he joined, which is where the uncle Lew thing comes from. Sometimes I felt like McLaren and Mercedes raised me more than my dad did,” the end of your statement comes out in a whisper, this being the first time you’d voiced the idea.
Logan glances over as your face sours, his hand coming out to hand you your, now cold, coffee. You grasp it from him and take a sip, sliding it back down to the ground after.
“When I was 8 my parents had my brother, which I think was the final straw. They got a divorce right after and my dad moved me to England. My brother stayed in France with our mom,” you wince.
“I started karting, my grandma moved to England to take me around to races when my dad couldn’t. Despite my own… objections, I spent my summers at my moms house with her and my brother.”
You pause, stomach turning as you let out a shaky breath, memories flooding back. Logan shows his first emotion of the night, glancing over to check you're not going to die. When he confirms you're, in fact, breathing, he looks back to the floor.
“I don't think she wanted kids. Maybe she did. At one point. But I think, after the divorce, all I did was remind her of my dad, a man she hated more than anything. She made it obvious with the way she treated me, as well. Well actually, the way she treated both me and my brother.”
“She never wanted me in karting, made it clear. Only reminded her of my dad again, made me do ballet in the summers. Thought it was more proper, or whatever. Didn't let us speak English at her house either, we were only allowed French, took Juli forever to learn English correctly, he'd only grown up with her.”
“Juli?” Logan asks, adding his first bit of input since you'd started talking.
“Brother,” you mumble into your knees as you pull them into your chest, resting your tired face against them. Logan nods.
“Um, she yelled a lot, I guess. A lot of stuff about our futures and how we'd always be failures if we went through with racing and football, she didn't like that Julian only wanted to play football, either.”
“Dad didn’t know, I didn’t tell him,” you mumble, “I didn’t think there was that much wrong with it until I left.”
“She just sucked, man,” you groan, eyes shutting tight as your head falls back against the wall, “I hated her so much! Because I was winning, I was getting these championships and getting these trophies and I thought she’d finally accept that I wanted to kart but the only thing she’d tell me was that I’d never get anywhere!”
You take a deep breath, holding back the faint tears in your eyes.
“But yeah, that's the worst of it, really. Completely cut contact at 15. Begged my grandparents to let me spend summers with them. They let me.”
“It just stuck with me for a while, you know? The shit my mom would say. A lot of crap about how I was failing myself with racing or how I would never have a future if I continued down that path. Said a lot of things about how I'd always find a way to lose and that it would never be worth it if I wasn't the best. Everytime I lost a race, she would find a way to use it against me, proof that I shouldn't be racing.”
“I did block her though, couldn’t stand the constant texts when I lost. Probably wasn’t even very easy to find those results, they weren’t exactly mainstream,” you furrow your eyebrows, confusion passing over your face momentarily, “Anyway, three years later, I’m 18. I move out and sign an f3 contract. My dad got super busy with Lewis’s championships and Mercedes. Kimi was actually the first to congratulate me.”
“I haven't spoken to my mom or my brother in, what? 8 years? I've mostly forgotten them by now, paris a thing of the past,” you trail off, the air of Logan’s room suddenly feeling a lot colder.
“All this to say, um-“ you rush out, shaking your head quickly.
You finally look over toward Logan, moving your body to face his, “She texted me, in Australia. Told me that the crash was all she'd ever expected from me, anyway. She's been calling ever since.”
Logan turns his head, concern written on his face.
“I think I'd forgotten about everything she said since it's been so long. But that text kind of brought it all back. It's been stuck in my mind for every single race. That's the reason I’ve been so unfocused lately. I don’t even know how she got my number, she was blocked on my old number and then I just got a new one, I don’t know how she could’ve got it.”
Logan, having dropped his previous spite, quirks his head, “What about yesterday?”
You swallow thickly, “Julian texted me. She kicked him out. He’s staying with a teammate. He’s sixteen, Lo. He’s still a kid.”
You fall back against the wall with a thump, your hands coming up to cover your eyes, “He’s still in France, still training with PSG. He’s asked to talk to me before Monaco.”
You nod solemnly, “My least favorite race, too close to my mom. I was so relieved when they took France off the calendar, you know? I’m pretty sure that, until recently, she didn’t know I was even in F1. She’s sworn off any media that isn’t French and I chose to race under dads last name. Makes me think someone told her I was.”
Logan hums, trying to process all the information you’d just told him. Eventually, he pats you heavily on the back, groaning as he stands up. You look up as he reaches a hand down to you, questions laying in your gaze.
Logan pushes his hand further down toward you, “Seems like a good enough reason to go out, celebrate your win. We can talk heavy solutions in the morning. For now, you are a race winner. A race winner who needs to get her mind off her fucked up family.”
You grin at his words, grasping his outstretched hand and letting him pull you up, “You reacted better than Arthur did. Think he was about to throw up with me.”
Logan pauses, his face screwing up with faux betrayal, “You told Arthur before me?”
You roll your eyes, “I was having a panic attack on the floor of the bathroom, talking about it was the only thing to get me out of it.”
Logan smiles softly at your response, slinging an arm over your shoulder as you two walk out of his room, “Let’s go, winner. Who do you think the most famous person you can get to celebrate with you tonight is?”
You take a moment to think about your response, “I think I saw Kendall Jenner, I’m sure I’ll probably see her at some point.”
Logan hums, looking out ahead of both of you, “You know I’ve seen the pictures of you two in Miami last year? You were so far gone.”
You laugh, hitting him in the ribs, “Shut up. We should leave soon, Porsche has probably already started partying without us.”
Logan laughs, patting your shoulder lightly as you both go to leave the Miami paddock.
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Last hope (part 1)
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Characters:yandere Leon S Kennedy (older version) x reader
Disclaimer: This fanfic contains dark-themed topics, such as kidnapping, depression, suicidal thoughts, non-consent, unwanted pregnancy,etc
Warning: yandere Leon Kennedy, kidnapping, non-consent, depressed reader, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome, unwanted pregnancy, emotional & mental abuse, out of character leon etc
@dollywons credits for the divider, thank you :))
The pictures used does not belong to me!!!
Chapters: pt2 pt3
“Fuck off” you muttered to your Alex. Today was already as hard as it was. You didn't need him giving you unnecessary advice on how to grief a patient.
Who does he think he is?? You thought to yourself. Listening to a bratty egotistical younger resident telling you what to do when your patient dies during surgery? No. At least you will not tolerate his behavior.
Growing up with a careless single mother in poverty may have made you like this. Always numb and cold. That's just what people think of you.
You weren't always this unattending. In the first year of medical school, you were the nicest and the most helpful student there is. Things changed as your career proceeded within the years. You saw how ugly people can be. They took you as weak and something they can use to get what they want.
Not again. Never again
The loud alarm went off in the hospital wing. You quickly got up as your pager rang. In-room 303, there was a little girl. 10 years old, had a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy. When you were working the night shift and doing regular rounding checkups, she talked about her birthday plan to you.
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“I want Princess Jasmine to attend my birthday party. Her hair is so long and shiny and pretty and, and she's pretty. She's also so smart. Mommy promised me she would come” the girl suddenly stopped. After a few seconds she opened her mouth again.
“She said she… she will come if I live… will I live? Doctor?”
You thought about the past as the attending announced her time of death. 23:44. 12th of May, 2015.
Two patients. Two patients. In one day.
Hiding from people, you hugged your knees in the corner of an empty hallway as you sobbed. God. People thought you were heartless. What other choice do you have when you have no choice but to leave your toxic mother who had no other motivation in life other than drinking, to build a better future for yourself. What other choice do you have when you were the best student in the school but had no money for college? Would you rather stay with your mom to take care of her all your life, doing everything that drives you insane or follow your dreams?
Unfortunately for you, your dream was not something you imagined. Burden, depression, exhaustion were the main 3 words you could use for this job.
Not to mention the creepy, flirty attendings. Always being underestimated by the men in the field.
After the long hard 24 hours and arguing with your mentor about your recent research about brain cancer, you took a box with your belongings.
The old fat man fired you for standing up for yourself. Why would you allow anyone to take ideas from your paper? Especially if they were your teacher.
Fine. I'll find a better job in a better hospital.
After putting on your comfortable black coat and causing your boss to fire you for no actual good reason, you walked to your car with the box in your hand.
“Fuck” you yelled as you struggled to open the car door with the damn box in hand. In the reflection of the car window at midnight you saw a face behind you. Just as you were going to turn away, something was put around your nose and mouth and everything went black.
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Leon grinned to himself as he carefully put the young woman in his jeep. Tonight was the new moon. There was almost no light in the parking lot and he was sure the cameras couldn't catch the glimpse of his face.
He observed her for a few weeks. First he got a little headache and decided to go to the hospital, only to find a little angel for himself.
Leon noticed she was quite unique compared to the women he met before. Even though he wouldn't say she's rude, she wasn't exactly nice either. He was sure he could fix her up nicely to become a sweet little wife for him.
His baby just needed some guidance in life. What would he be if he let go of this girl to become a rude old bitch. Instead she could help the community by giving Leon a family he wanted for the last few months too much.
Staring at his sweet pumpkin through the rear view window, he was planning what to do next. For the last week he had already planned what to do. But his bunny was in a worse condition than he thought. Overworked herself, dressed in sad gloomy clothes. He would strip her out of these and put her in comfortable , cotton pajamas.
And feed her. He knows what she eats in a day. Sad cold dark coffee with a tuna sandwich for breakfast. No lunch. Leftover pizza or burger for dinner. Leon will make sure she eats plenty of vegetables and homemade food that will nurture her.
During the night he changed her clothes to what he had bought for her.
“Just perfect” he muttered as the t-shirt he got fit her perfectly. Hugging her waist, making her breast more prominent. He held himself back from touching her cunt as he pulled down her pants, along with her underwear.
He sniffed her and inhaled deeply, taking in the scent. “I’ll show you how much I love you when you wake up honey. Not yet… Leon… gotta wait” he muttered to himself.
He put a little underwear on her and undressed himself. Crawling next to the love of his life, Leon put an alarm at 4am on his phone.
“The drug should be out by then,” Leon thought as he cuddled her.
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After a few hours Leon was woken by clicking on the doorknob. His angel had woken up and was trying to open the door. Leon sneakily grabbed his phone and looked at the time. 3am.
The blonde signed and got up, causing his angel to scream and throw a vase on the shelf nearby at him.
“Get away from me, you freak!” you yelled, almost on the verge of crying making Leon's heart beat faster. He hated seeing you in pain.
“It's okay. It's okay, baby. Everything will be alright.” Leon cooed, getting up from the bed to her.
“Step away!” You screamed, throwing the left souvenirs on the shelf to him.
Leon walked in a few short big steps, in hurry and stopping you before you hurt yourself.
“It's okay my baby. Daddys here to take care of you. It's okay. Calm down. Everything will be okay.. no more work, no more ignoring yourself. It's okay..” Leon muttered trying to calm you down. He gripped your arms tightly above your head while kissing your head.
You squirm while sobbing, trying to kick him.
“What did I do to you?? Let me go.” You demanded squirming more, causing Leon to tighten his grip. Leon kept muttering to you his reassuring words while kissing your face all over when you managed to kick him in the crotch.
He let go of you and inhaled deeply, trying not to lash out on his dove on their 1st day as a couple.
“Y/n…. Honey… calm down…” he breathed out.
After a while of trying, Leon gave up. The constant cursing and screaming were giving him an awful headache, same as the ones he gets after missions.
“SHUT UP BITCH” he yelled at you, shaking your arms. Your eyes widened as you shut down, the room was quite apart from your sniffling and leons hard breathing.
“Please… just… let me go…” you sniffed out. You haven't felt this humiliated and weak since you were a little girl. Since your mother used to beat you after not cooking for her. Since you went against her words. Your childhood wasn't something you liked talking about, nor getting pity from strangers. You wanted nothing to do with the alcoholic bitch. When you were near her, you were a prisoner.
Ironic, now I'm a real prisoner
Leon breathed out and stared intensely. Suddenly he grabbed your waist, pulling you towards him before jumping on the bed. You protested, tried to bite his arm, kick him, scream, call for help, every way. Leon almost tore the piece of garments he put on her before.
“What are you doing?? Stop. No. Stop-” you protested, only for him to shut you up with a kiss.
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After the first night, Leon felt guilty. Not because he made love to his lover when she was throwing a tantrum. But because of the way he lashed out on her. For the last few days she was avoiding him, sitting in corners, not eating or making any noise. After a while being a gentleman as he is, Leon decided to surprise his bunny.
“Honey. I'm home” Leon smiled, locking the doors securely. He hid a small box behind his back.
You crawled away from him, to the edge of the bed. Leon reached out his hand to pull your hair back.
“My beautiful baby. Did you miss me?” He grinned stupidly. You wanted to cry. But you didn't want to show him your weakness, especially after that night. Leon frowned as you pulled your head back.
“Look what daddy got you sweet girl. I know you overworked yourself so daddy got you vitamins.” He grinned as he showed the box.
You frowned seeing it. The multi vitamins that had fruit flavors.
“Don't you like it? Daddy got you this one specifically because the pharmacist told me a lot of trying women get it” Leon smiled, placing his hand on your thigh.
You snatched the vitamin to see what it has.
Vitamin D, B6, B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, B9
What the actual fuck
“Are you insane??” You yelled. Leon's eyebrows raised. You finally said a word to him after the event, but yelling at him? He can't be having his wife yelling at the breadwinner.
“Dove. Watch your mouth” Leon said calmly, but his grip tightened.
“All I ever wanted for you is happiness honey. We will have many children. Look around the bedroom honey. The outside. Can't you see we are more than available to raise children? You're young and beautiful. We can have children. For now, I'm worried you're short on essential vitamins. And I heard it could affect fertility” Soon his eyes narrowed as he understood it was necessary to take another way.
“I know what I did was… wrong… Maybe you would have wanted me to approach it in a traditional way. But I just couldn't wait for you. Plus… you already know you would have rejected my offer. You were too deep in hurting yourself. I'm helping you. I'm helping us. We're building a future. Together”
“You should go to therapy”
Leon narrowed his eyes again. “Sleep well angel. You're not clearly thinking well” he said, kissing the forehead before lying beside you.
During the night you tossed around. What if you could overdose on vitamins and just end this suffering? There was no one to look out for you. You got fired, the only family you have is an alcoholic that you cut contact with, and no real friends. You were alone in this.
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autisticlenaluthor · 4 months
Hi, my name is Rory, I’m going to the Eras Tour in Amsterdam on July 5th and if you guys could somehow help me get this to @taylorswift / @taylornation - it would mean so much to me
Three years ago, I went from being perfectly healthy, to watching my body and my health rapidly deteriorate. My entire world got turned upside down— I lost the ability to eat, drink, and even stand for more than a few minutes.
I don't remember much from when I first got sick. But I know I listened to Mr Perfectly Fine on a loop almost every day because it was the only song that could capture how I felt. I've known and loved Taylor's music since I was six-years-old and first heard the album Fearless. i remember the first song I ever heard (love story) like it was yesterday; but somewhere during that time, her music became like therapy for me.
Since 2021, I've been diagnosed with three incurable diseases. two of these are rare, and one is predicted to only get worse with time. I've spent countless days inpatient on the peds floor receiving treatment, tests, and surgeries. And through all of it-- I've leaned heavily on Taylor's music.
My mom bought our Era's tour tickets last summer during the Europe pre-sale. I was in the hospital at the time and immediately told all of my nurses, doctors, dietitians and basically anyone who came into my room, that a year from then, i'd be seeing taylor swift. Whenever I could get out of bed, I was in the playroom with my child life specialists, making friendship bracelets to give out to other Swifties at the show. The thought of going to the Eras Tour singlehandedly kept me going through the hardest time of my life. And it's kept me going ever since.
Months later, I was hospitalized again, right before the release of 1989 TV. I'd been admitted the day after seeing The Eras Tour Movie in theaters (I was in theater 13, row 13!!) and I remember being so relieved that I hadn't had to miss it.
I had become known by most of the nurses as "the Taylor Swift girl” and the night before another procedure, I stayed up until midnight with everyone else so I could listen to 1989 TV. Hearing those songs-- I felt the happiest I'd been in so long. I felt normal again. I was sick and I was alone but I was connected to every other person who'd stayed up with me and that feeling was indescribable.
Taylor gave that to me, and so much more.
Over the course of my journey, I've listened to Sparks Fly to keep me calm while my doctors inserted feeding tubes down my nose. Whenever I have to be put under anesthesia, I have a nurse put her music on shuffle so I can listen to it as I fall asleep. When I had my big surgery in December, the last thing I remember was Bad Blood playing in the OR and saying "this is a funny song to have surgery to".
All of this is to say, Taylor has given me strength and hope during the worst part of my life, and she continues to do so. Her music is truly everything to me and getting to go the the Era's Tour is already a dream come true on it's own. And if it's possible - being able to receive the 22 hat and give Taylor a friendship bracelet would make all of that pain feel worth it. It would mean everything to me.
if you could reblog this and tag @taylorswift and @taylornation I'd appreciate that so much!! thank you to everyone whose read this far, and everyone whose shared this <3
EDIT: I’m going to be in section 119, row 20, seat 11
also if anyone is interested, I included some pics of the mentioned moments below the cut!
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seeing the eras tour movie the day before having to be admitted, and then making friendship bracelets for tour in the hospital
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the mirrorball is hung in my room for good luck
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the bracelets i’d started making in the hospital, right after getting the tickets
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and the day of the 1989 TV release - id stayed up until midnight to listen to the album, and then had my anesthesiologist play ‘Style’ for me to play while they put me out for my procedure
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enoughslices · 2 months
rewatched one breath (s2e8) last night, thinking today about how mulder has like absolutely lost his shit over scully in front of her mom more than once while scully was gone/in a coma. this man had to be dragged from the hospital while bellowing, "I WILL DO ANYTHING, WHATEVER IT TAKES." immediately after meeting her sister he got into several arguments with her because he was so sure scully wasn't gone yet. they all know now that he was the witness to her living will. maggie being like, "this is a moment for family, but you can join us if you want." she has adopted him; she has been spending time with this man and she KNOWS how devoted he is to her daughter. they have heart-to-hearts now! she has sat with him while he tells her it's TOO EARLY TO BUY A TOMBSTONE SDLKJFSDKJ.
and yet, when he sees scully after she wakes up he's SO SHY. it's like he doesn't want to intrude on her reunion with her family or be too emotional with her in front of them, even though he's been there in the room with them every step of the way. stay, mulder! kiss her forehead, tell her you love her, kneel by her bedside and clutch both of her hands, go ahead and openly weep my man, maggie and melissa being around was not stopping you yesterday! why should it stop you today!?
i'm just a little guy who loves a seven-year co-workers slow burn but then also wants to fix it every single step of the way AM I GOING TO END UP WRITING A FIC ABOUT THIS?
i will probably yell more about this episode even as i continue my rewatch, i have not screamed at you yet about symbolism but i'm sure it's coming.
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raya-hunter01 · 3 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 8
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Boston Medical Center
Two Weeks Later
Kara’s POV
“Kara, you gotta eat baby,” my mom pleaded as I sighed taking another bite of the soup she was feeding me.
“I just hate ya’ll gotta do all of this stuff for me,” I said feeling just discouraged and helpless.
“Don’t do that, what I told you last night?” Jey asked reaching over and wiping my tears.
“To let ya’ll help me,” I whispered as he took the food from my mom.
“Ma, gon’ check on the other one, I know you’re worried about her. I got Kara,” he said as my mom looked guilty.
“I wouldn’t make it back in time before visiting hours is over.”
“Mama, it’s ok go check on her,” I said as she sighed reaching over and giving me a hug.
“I’ll be back in the morning, they are going to transfer her from the jail to the hospital, I don’t want her to be alone,” she said as I nodded putting her mind at ease.
Even though deep down I wanted her to stay in jail not getting transferred to hospital for mental evaluation.
As soon as the door closed Jey and I shared a knowing look.
“A’ight gon’ let it out,” he said as I shook my head.
“What good would that do?”
“It may would help you feel better, you’ve been through a lot you need to talk Kara,” Jey said as I thought about how to even put into words how I felt.
“My sister almost killed me, and laughed over my body. I’ll never be ok with her Jey, and I don’t think mama can handle that.”
“Kara it ain’t for her to handle, I would be worried as fuck if you could be cool with everything that happened.”
“She’s going to try to get me to not press charges, I just know it,” I whispered as Jey sighed.
“I figured as much you’re both her daughters and she loves you both,” He said as I looked down at my chest.
“I stabbed her Jey, like I didn’t even second guess it-”
“Kara, she shot you, and was trying to kill you. I think anybody can understand that.”
“The lawyer said I would have to testify and so would Roman and Trin. I just want it to be done and over with,” I said as Jey sat down the bowl of soup.
“Trin is game if you are and even though I ain’t talked to Roman I know he will testify too. She can’t get away with this Kara. It’s gotta stop before someone gets killed. And I’ll be damned if that’s you,” he said as I burst into tears.
“I know,” I cried as Jey maneuvered himself in the bed carefully pulling me in his arms as I cried.
“We gon’ get through this…I promise you,” Jey whispered, and I prayed he was right.
One Month Later
Boston Municipal Courthouse
 Jey’s POV
This has been a straight shit show. Tia is really up in here on the stand painting a picture of Kara betraying her. I am just confused as shit right now as is everyone else.
“Ms. Morris what was going through your mind as you held your sister and you boyfriend hostage?”
“Boyfriend?” Trin whispered as I felt Kara’s grip on my hand tighten as she listed to Tia serve up her lies.
“All I could think about is that I had just got suspended and I just wanted to talk to my sister.  I go to her house and there is my boyfriend I couldn’t believe they were hooking up behind my back,” she said as Kara leaned on her knees.
“Is she serious right now?” Kara whispered as Tia began crying. “I saw he had sent her flowers and I just lost it. We were arguing and before I knew it, I pulled out the gun and it went off by accident.”
I put my hand on Kara’s knee as I saw the pool of tears in her eyes. “She’s lying and they’re believing her,” she whispered looking at the jury trying to not lose it.
I couldn’t believe myself when I saw a juror crying.
“Kara, it gon’ be ok,” I whispered as she shook her head in disbelief as Tia spun a new web of lies trying to save her own ass.
“No, it’s not. It’s hopeless,” Kara whispered getting up and going out of the courtroom as I got up to follow her.
“Kara, ya’ll are going to have your time up there, and it will work out, I said catching up to her. “Why are we here?” Kara asked, the look on her face breaking my heart.
“To get justice and you will get it, I promise,” I said seeing Trin coming out with Jimmy, Roman and a few other people.
“They are doing a twenty-minute recess and then I’m up,” Roman said as I rubbed Kara’s arms trying to get her to calm down.
“Did all that really just happen?” she asked as I saw her wince in pain.
“Look sit down you’re still hurt and trying to do too much,” I fussed as I saw Roman cut his eyes at me.
“Kara, we go up there, tell the truth and everything will work out,” Roman said as Kara took a deep breath and laid her head on my shoulder.
“I hope so,” she whispered rubbing her chest as Roman looked at me with worry.
“Jey, can I talk to you for a minute?” Roman asked as I reluctantly agreed as Jimmy switched places with me and sat next to Kara.
I didn’t know what he wanted but it must have been important for him to want to talk about it now at all places.
“I need to tell you what I’mma talk about up there,” he said as I stopped him.
“Kara already told me you were in the house when she got there. She told me ya’ll argued about me, the keys, her pulling a knife on you . She told me everything,” I said as Roman sighed in relief.
“I didn’t know if she had told you, so much has been going on. I just didn't want you to be blindsided,” Roman said as I nodded in understanding.
“Jey, I’m trying my hardest here to make it right,” Roman said as I sighed. “I know I got a long way to go, and things will never be the same, but I want us to at least be able to be cordial to each other if I see you at family functions.”
“I know, I just don’t think nobody will be able to move on until Tia is gone,” I said as we saw people heading back in the court room.
“Then let’s make it happen..Kara and Logan’s safety  are the top priority,” Roman said as I silently agreed as we went back to join the others.
The tension in the court room was so thick as Roman was sworn in. Tia looked so calm it was almost scary.
“So, Mr. Reigns on the night in question why you at were your ex-wife’s house?”
“Objection your honor, why Mr. reigns was there has nothing to do with this case. This case is about Ms. Morris showing up there and holding them hostage and almost killing her sister along with Mr. reigns and Mrs. Fatu who was almost shot at.”
“Sustained, Ms. Morris stated she showed up and her boyfriend was there, so continue counselor." The judge said as I frowned at him.
“Oh my god,” Kara whispered as Trin slid over and put her arm around Kara as I grasped her hand.
“We got you,” she whispered as Kara sighed, looking at Roman
“I had saw my ex-wife on a video my cousin had posted. I was upset so I flew to see her, went in her home to wait for her and we argued about it when she got home,” Roman said with remorse.
“Mr. Reigns how did your wife- ….I’m sorry ex wife-”
“Council stop badgering the witness,” the judge said seeing how uncomfortable Roman was at the lawyer taunting him.
“I’m sorry your honor…Mr. Reigns how did Ms. Morris finally get you to agree to leave?” the lawyer asked as Roman looked over at Kara then back at the lawyer nervously.
“Uh, I wouldn’t leave after she continuously asked, Kara did what made her feel safe. I don’t blame her, I was kinda out of control,” Roman said as Kara wiped her tears.
“That’s not what I asked you Mr. Reigns, what did she do?” The lawyer pressed.
Kara’s POV
This man is really up here trying to say I’m the aggressor. Roman looked at me and I gave him a small smile letting him know I was ok and to tell the truth.
“I’ll ask you ag-”
“I don’t need you to ask again, I wouldn’t leave so Kara pulled out a knife and told me to leave. I apologized and went to le-”
“So, what you saying is she was already angry and willing to hurt someone, maybe even kill them in her hysterics. I mean she almost killed her own sister,” the lawyer said as I looked over at my mom who was crying.
“Objection your honor how is the victim on trial?!”
“Sustained, answer the question Mr. Reigns.”
“This motherfucker,” I heard Jimmy hiss as I felt Jey calmy caressing my hand.
“Kara, was upset and hurt. I wouldn’t leave, and even though I put her through hell, do you know what she did?
“I’m sure you will enlighten us Mr. Reigns,” the defense lawyer said smartly as I saw Tia smirk.
“I damn sure will, when she had a chance to run, she stopped and came back when Tia threatened to kill me. She asked Kara did she want to be the reason my daughter wouldn’t have a father,” Roman said as getting choked up.
“You monster, you tried to kill my baby!” Ms. Janice yelled standing up as the judge began beating his gavel.
“Order in the court! Order in the court!”
“I can’t believe ya’ll are putting people through this! She did it and needs to be in jail!” Janice screamed as Jimmy was trying to get her to calm down seeing two bailors coming towards us.  
“Come on auntie, let’s go take a walk,” he whispered leading her out the courtroom as she cried against him.
 The judge seemed conflicted if he should continue, or not as Roman stood up wanting to go after his mom.’
“Are you ok to continue Mr. Reigns?” the judge asked as he nodded sitting back down.
“Um, your honor it has already been a long day can we reconvene tomorrow?” the state attorney said as Roman seemed happy about the suggestion
“Yes, reconvene tomorrow at 9 a.m.,” the judge said as Roman came down and went to check on his mom.
“Ya’ll this is going to be an uphill battle, she’s spinning everything,” Mr. Reiner said as we walked out.
“It’s hopeless,” I said as my mom walked over making me look at her.
“Baby, its gonna be alright,” she said giving me a hug as I tried to hold it together.
As I saw Roman talking to his mom, he seemed relieved as she nodded, and they hugged.
“What they so happy about? That was a disaster in there,” Trin said as they walked towards us.
“Are you ok? You acting real happy all of a sudden,” I said as Roman hugged me, as I saw Jey tense up for a second before I saw his body relax.
“Uce, do you remember when I met ya’ll to sign the papers for the house and Kara was talking about getting used to being alone in the city again?” Roman asked as Jey rubbed his beard.
“Uh, yea, I remember,” Jey said still not following and neither was I. “What did you suggest she get?” Roman asked as it then clicked for Jey.
“Ring cameras,” Jey whispered as Roman nodded.
“Yes, ring cameras…Now please tell me ya’ll got them,” Roman pleaded as I nodded.
“Yea, Jey and Jimmy started doing them, but they had only got to the living room and kit-”
“Oh my god, ya’ll got everything on video,” Trin whispered as Mr. Reiner seemed to perk up at the new information.
“How do you retrieve the footage, Kara?” he asked, knowing I didn’t live in that house anymore.
“When I used It, it would automatically save to my iCloud and the ring camera app. When I was out and about, I could look at footage from inside the house,” I said opened the app and going back to the date before giving it to Mr. Reiner as he turned off the sound and began fast forwarding through the footage from that day.
“Can we use it?” Jey asked as but he didn’t say anything for a few minutes.
 “Kara, Roman, and Trinity come with me please,” he said pausing the video on my phone as I looked at Jey, panicking. “I’ll be right here waiting,” he said as I nodded following behind Trin and Roman.
“Can I help you Mr. Reiner?” the clerk asked as he smiled. “Yes, I need to see Judge Kendell in his chambers this is important. I have new evidence this has come to light, and it is vital to our case,” he said as the clerk got up to see had he left yet.
“Please let him see us,” Trin prayed as I felt like this was too good to be true.
“I can’t believe I didn’t think about that. We could have avoided all this shit,” I hissed as roman grabbed my hands.
“Hey, it’s about to be over…Believe me,” he whispered as I nodded.
“I’m just glad you remembered, because I didn’t even think about it,” I said as he sighed. “It just popped in my head when I was talking to mom and I’m glad it did too,” he said giving me a hug that I actually welcomed this time.
“The judge will see you all now,” the clerk said taking us to his chamber. I felt like I was walking the green mile.
The poor judge looked ill watching the footage, thankfully he didn’t have the sound on, and we didn’t have to see it. I don’t think I would have been able to keep it together.
“I will inform the prosecution of the new developments. You do know this will be played in court tomorrow. Do you all think you can handle that judge Kendall asked as Roman and Trin nodded.
“Ms. Morris what about you?”
“If it gets to be too much, I’ll leave…They have to see it, she can’t get away with this.”
“Ms. Morris, you fought for your life in there that night, and I don’t want you to feel guilty. You had no choice in the matter, and the jury needs to see this,” he said as I nodded in understanding and feeling better knowing he knew the truth.
“Mrs. Fatu, I’ve watched your face throughout this trial, and I’ve seen a lot of this weighing heavy on you. I want you to know that you did the right thing, you ran and got your family help.”
 Reaching over I grabbed her hand in mine as she wiped her tears.
“Told you so,” I whispered, clearing my throat trying not to cry myself as Roman put his arm around us both.
 “I’m sorry we’ve had to put you all through this.” Jude Kendall said sincerely remorseful.
“I’m just glad Roman thought about it and we can set the record straight,” I said he looked at Roamn.
 “You didn’t hesitate to risk your life for these young ladies, its commendable.”
“They’re my family I wasn’t a hard decision,” Roman said as the Judge cracked a smile.
“Mr. Reigns the circus that took place in there today will not happen tomorrow; I promise you.”
“I hope not sir, but I’m just thankful this will be over soon so I can get back to my daughter.”
“I will see you all at 9 am and let’s finish this,” he said standing up shaking all of our hands.
I walked out feeling happy but at the same time unable to really feel it was over until I heard a guilty verdict.
Later on that night
Kara’s new house
Jey’s POV
“So, ya’ll didn’t see the footage?” Jimmy asked as Trin shook her head.
“Nah, he said watching it tomorrow was going to be hard enough. He watched and apologized. How’s Kara?”
“I just checked on her..She’s finally asleep.  It was hard on her today,” I said not even wanting to think about the train wreck that was court today.
“I know it was, I couldn’t believe that asshole was trying to paint her as the problem,” Jimmy said as I nodded taking a swig of my beer.
“I wanted to reach over and kill him, like do you know what she been through. What we all been through dealing with that crazy fool?”
“He gets paid to get his clients off, but he ain’t gon’ be able to do shit tomorrow, it’s game over,” Trin said with full of confidence.
“Your right let’s just focus on tomorrow. I don’t even know how Kara is going to react seeing that footage tomorrow. Hell, how are any of us going to react?” I asked, truly not looking forward to watching the video tomorrow.
The lawyer called earlier and told us they had lifted the footage from the app and put it together splicing the view from the living room and kitchen together.
Tomorrow people were going to see everything up until they carried Roman out of the house on a gurney.
The worst moment of our lives was about to be displayed for everyone to see but if that was what needed to be done for Tia to pay then so be it.
The next day
Boston Municipal Courthouse
Kara’s POV
I smiled watching that smile fall from Tia’s face as the judge allowed the evidence to logged in and tagged. They are currently moving the big screen TV to the middle of the courtroom.
“I have to warn you all this is graphic, and does have sound.,” the Judge said as Tia’s lawyer all but jumped out of his chair.
“Your honor, I object this is a witch hunt,” Tia’s lawyer said as the footage was being loaded.
“Sustained…. Counselor your client got on this stand and said her side of the story, now the prosecution is about to present their side of the story and evidence.” He said as Tia’s lawyer sat down placing his hand over the microphone as Tia leaned over talking to him.
She was shaken, that smile was gone now, and I loved it.
“Ms. Morris, Mr. Reigns, and Mrs. Fatu if at any time this gets to be too much you can leave,” the judge said looking at me as I gave him a small smile.
The video started with me walking across the living room with Roman in tow.
I felt the Jey tense as he saw Roman following me into the kitchen.
I felt embarrassed watching myself pulling out a knife on Roman. “God, I look crazy, maybe she was right,” I whispered as Jey shook his head.
“No, you were defending yourself, he wouldn’t leave,” Jey said looking over at Roman who had his head down, refusing to look.
“Kara, we need to talk about Je-”
“I don’t want to talk to you…I want you out!”
Hearing my voice, Iclosed my eyes almost transporting back to that moment as I tried to tune everyone out. But hearing a collective gasp, I looked up to see Tia urging Roman back inside the house and shutting the door with the gun pointed directly at him.
Lie number one exposed…..
“My god, Tia,” my mother whispered in disbelief as the scene played out like a movie in front of us.
“Get back here or I’ll shoot him.. Do you want to be the reason Logan has no father?”
I felt helpless once again, seeing myself this way was fucking with me. My hands in the air begging and pleading for her to calm down as she seemed to love the fear she had instilled in us.
Roman jumping in front of me to protect me.
“You didn’t give us a chance because you wanted her, Roman! You wanted her!..... Jey wanted her!”
I looked at Jey as he frowned looking the footage, but he never let go of my hand. His eyes full of tears.
“Kara, I got your food, twins ran up the street to the store for your ginger ale, and some snacks.”
“Trin Run!!”
“Help! Help us! She has a gun!” Trin hysterical screams fill the courtroom as she leans, over putting her head on my shoulder.
“I can’t do this,” my mother cried getting up, but my dad pulled her back down into her seat. “No, you need to see this, we all do.”
“Run Kara!”
I glanced up at the screen, hearing the first gunshot, my stomach becoming queasy as I looked over and saw Roman getting up to follow his mom, who was unable to stand it anymore.
 She had just saw her son head hit his head on the table as he struggled to get a gun away from a lunatic. His neck snapping back as he collapsed on the ground, unconscious and bleeding profusely from his head.
Who could blame her for wanting to leave?
I was finding people to look at instead of watching the video. I glanced at the jury as soon as I saw the video switch to the view in the kitchen.
I didn’t want to see it…I couldn’t see it.
As another gunshot rang out, I closed my eyes heard my body hit the floor with a thud.  I shifted in my seat trying move, but Jey stopped me, pulling me closer as I looked up at him.  
The ushed tears spilling from his eyes breaking my heart. I felt the walls closing in on me.
My heart dropping  to my stomach as a blood curling scream escaped from my mother’s lips as I stabbed my sister, the swift sound of the blade entering her flesh made me nauseous.
The silent sobs of the jurors making my heart race. I saw many people in the room focused on me, trying to see if I was actually watching the video…They wanted a show, but I wasn’t going to give it to them.
What they didn’t know was that I didn’t have to look at the TV screen to know what was happening.
It was a horrible nightmare etched in my memory, consuming me as I laid in that hospital bed thinking and wondering what I could have done differently.  
The way you could hear a pin drop in the courtroom when the Paramedic screamed, I wasn’t breathing and asking for backup sent chills down my spine.
Hearing Jey’s voice I looked at the screen. There was Jey seemingly in a daze helping the paramedic any way he could.
“She’s dead, Jey,” the joy in Tia voice shocking everyone in the court room. She truly wanted me dead and it ain’t no coming back from that.
Seeing the relief in Jey’s face as I began breathing again as he kissed me on the temple, I couldn’t stop my tears.  
“Kara, its Josh…I love you so much…You hear me I’m here and I ain’t goin’ nowhere,” I couldn’t take it anymore and as calmy as I could, I got up and left, as Jey followed me.
“Kara, stop for a second,” he pleaded as I tried to find a quiet place, finally going into an empty stairwell away from prying eyes.
“I’m so sorry I did that to you,” I whimpered as Jey made me stop walking and wrapped me up in his arms, burying his head in my neck.
“You ain’t got nothin’ to be sorry for,” his voice breaking as we silently cried together, the reality of what could have happened and did happen hitting us hard.
“I almost lost you and it’s fuckin’ wit me but I can’t even imagine what you feeling after having to see all that. It’s ok to not be ok.”
“I know, it just seemed to hit me all at once,” I whispered pulling away slightly, to look at him.
“We gon’ be ok though Kara, we are almost there,” Jey said as I gave him a tired smile.
“Thanks for being here,” I said as he smiled at me. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else, I got you and we can go back when you ready,” he whispered as I nodded.
After about an hour, we went back in the courtroom sat back down next to Trin and Jimmy.
“You ok? We had gone out to look for you but couldn’t find y’all.”
“Yea, I just had a moment sis, and needed a break. What did we miss?” I asked as she chuckled.
“Girl, the defense was so shook.. They waived calling any of us back up to the stand to be questioned. They know it’s a wrap, they rested and gave a weak ass closing argument and now want to take the original plea deal,” Trin said as rubbing my knee trying to calm my nerves.
“I’m so glad this is about over,” I said as Mr. Reiner stood up.
“Yesterday we heard this sad sob story from Tia Morris on how her sister hurt her by going with her boyfriend. When in actuality, Tia did that betrayal to her sister Kara Morris,” he said talking to the jury, briefly turning around to point at Tara.
Watching their faces, it seemed they were invested in what he was telling them.
“Your honor is this necessary?” Tara’s Lawyer asked as Mr. Reiner smiled.
“Your honor, they brought up this yesterday, so I feel the jury has a right to know how all this started.”
“Sustained…Keep it brief,” Judge Kendall said as Mr. Reiner nodded in understanding.
 “Tara Morris isn’t as innocent as she claims to be.. She sought out her sister’s husband, seduced him, had a child with him and them tried to extort money from him. The child hasn’t had anything to do with its mother really since birth.” He said walking back and forth down the jury box, making sure to look at everyone.
“When Ms. Morris realized Mr. Reigns still loved his wife, and wasn’t going to be with her, she abandoned the child and agreed to sign over her rights to her daughter if Mr. Reigns would give her 50 million dollars.”
“Dirty bitch,” Trin muttered as I sighed shifting in my seat.
“Her sister Kara Morris then moves away to get away from the chaos that is her relationship with her sister, and husband. Gets a divorce, is trying to piece her life back together to only have her home invaded and almost shot and killed by that same sister she left Florida to get away from.”
“Gon’ break dat shit down for’em,” Jimmy said engrossed in what the lawyer was saying. Everyone was and I actually felt a little more at ease.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, who taunts another human being as someone they love lays dying on the cold hard floor?” The dramatic pause in his voice captivating the room.
I’ll tell you who… An animal that’s who, an animal shows no remorse. The tricky part though is when Ms. Morris realized she had to face the consequences of her actions, she cried mental breakdown, and I don’t think that’s the case her at all.”
I felt Jey caressing my leg as I looked at him and he winked. “She’s going down,” he mouthed as I nodded, looking back at my mother who seemed just defeated.
“The video we all saw today clearly shows malice intent and while at times unhinged, Ms. Morris knew what she was doing. Now, I would never say deny someone mental help, but I do believe in actions have consequences and Tia Morris has been terrorizing people with no consequences for her actions.”
I nodded agreeing with him as I saw a few jurors looking at me with a sad smile.
I didn’t want pity. I wanted this to be over. Sensing my discomfort Jey draped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer, kissing me gently on the temple as I melted into his touch.
“It’s time we do right by Ms. Morris and make sure her attacker takes responsibility for her actions and her disregard for human life. It’s time for Kara to heal so she can move on with her life.”
He was working the room, and everyone was hanging on to his every word.
 “It’s time we do right by Mr. Reigns so he can move on a focus on being a father to his beautiful little girl who needs him so he can move on with his life.”
“Oh, he’s going in for the kill,” Trin whispered as I smiled. “Yea, he is.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time we do right by Mrs. Fatu so she’s not afraid to walk into her best friend’s home. Give her the comfort of knowing there won’t be a psycho lying in wait trying to kill the people she loves or even kill her.” Mr. Reiner said, his voice trembling as I saw an older lady juror nodding, wiping her tears.
“Damn, man,” Jimmy whispered trying to keep his emotions in check as he looked at Trin. “Hey, I’m ok,” she assured him leaning over giving him a chaste kiss on the lips.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have the power to give them all peace of mind so they can finally move forward with their lives… Please make the right decision and thank you all for your time.”
I wanted to jump up and give him a standing ovation, but I had to force myself to sit quietly. Looking over I saw Tia arguing with her lawyer, that cool facade long gone. She was scared.
“Oh, he did that,” Trin said with a small smile.
“Yes, he did.. Now let’s see if the jury can take it on home,” I said as the judge gave them instructions.
As they filed out the room to deliberate, I went and sat by my mom and dad. I had been somewhat avoiding them knowing they were struggling with being there for Tia and me.
They didn’t want either of their children in trouble or hurt.
“Honey, I’m so sorry,” my mom cried as I shook my head at her words.
“Mama, it’s ok…I’m good,” I said as my father gave me a hug. “You did what you had to do,” he whispered as my mom began sobbing.
“What was she thinking?” my mom cried as my dad sighed.
“Rebecca, she wasn’t thinking. She’s so used to getting away with stuff or shifting the blame she thought she was invincible. Now she’s going to have to deal with the consequences,” he said as my mother continued to cry.
“Maybe the time away will do her good and she can get some help she needs,” she said as I tried to share her positive outlook, but I wanted her ass in jail for the rest of her life.
Nothing would never ever be the same again.
As we went to lunch at a local eatery down the street, I tried not to worry but I was so use to Tia finding some way to get out of things I had to be prepared.
“So, when are you going to Mike’s?” Jimmy asked as I chuckled. “I don’t know yet, but he has been sending me ideas of what he could do to cover this,” I said pointing at my chest.
“It’s not that big, so you could easily get like a tiny tattoo,” Jey said knowing I was never really big on tattoos on my body, but I loved them on him.
“Doctor said it would be a few months before I could get a tattoo, I’m still healing. I think I want a little one, but the idea of the pain scares me. I remember your choice words as he did your back tattoo,” I said as he chuckled.
“Man, dat shit hurt, I was questioning my choices,” he said as we laughed.  
“Good choice though, it looks amazing, and I love it. It was really cool to see the process up close,” I said as he blushed.
“Damn, she got twin out her blushin’ n shit,” Jimmy said as Trin slapped him on the shoulder.
“Get out they business, Jurdy.” Trin warned as Jey rolled his eyes at his brother. Hearing my phone buzz on the table, I quickly picked it up.
“Hello, Mr. Reiner,” I said as the table got quiet in anticipation.
“I was just calling to let you know, they’ve reached a verdict. I’ll meet you all back at the courthouse.”
“Um, thank you, we’ll see you there,” I said hanging up, feeling anxious. Damn that was quick as hell.
“What did he say?” Jey asked as I looked at him in disbelief. “They already have reached a verdict, we need to head back to the courthouse,” I said as he smiled at me.
“What we still sittin’ here for then,” he said getting up to go pay the bill.
“Damn, in under an hour! “Jimmy said as Trin smiled at him.
“It’s guilty, I know it is,” she said as I silently prayed it was.
Boston Municipal Courthouse
Jey’s POV
“Will the defendant please rise,” the judge said as Tia stood up with her lawyer.
The appointed juror that was nominated to speak began to read the verdict.
“We the jury on the charge of attempted murder in the 1st degree we find the defendant, Tia Morris not guilty.” The collective gasp of disbelief spread throughout the courtroom as Tia smiled.
I wanted to bolt but Jey held me in place. “Just listen,” he pleaded.
“On count two, attempted murder in the second degree, we find the defendant Tia Morris guilty,” the juror said as I collapsed against Jey in relief.
“I got you..I’m right here,” Jey whispered as I tried to keep my tears at bay.
“On the charge of reckless endangerment in the second degree, we find the defendant Tia Morris guilty.” Satisfied murmurs filled the courtroom as I finally felt free, she had been found guilty.
“Was the verdict unanimously reached?” the judge asked as all the jurors answered yes.
“Good, we can begin to talk about the terms of the plea deal.”
Looking at Tia, I knew the theatrics was about to begin. She all of a sudden cried out, and collapsed on the floor as my mother screamed, running over to her with a bailiff.
“Oh, get up, ain’t nobody buying that shit,” Trin said as I shook my head.
“There she goes, always two steps ahead,” I whispered as Jey made me look at him.
“Aye, she can fall out all she wants, it’s a done deal…You hear me, they found her guilty,” he said as I nodded trying not to look over at her.
“Bitch, get yo’ fakin’ ass up off dat floor,” Trin whispered with a hiss as Jimmy shook his head in confusion.
“She really done fell her crazy ass out on these folks’ floor,” he said as Roman looked over at us in just as much shock.
“Leave her alone, she alright..Get up ,Tia,” my father said standing up as my mother scoffed at him.
“She’s hurt Bill.”
“Hurt my ass, more like caught. Tia get up before I come over there,” he ordered as she began to sit up, wiping her tears.
“Yea, that’s what I thought,” my dad said irritated, sitting back down shaking his head.
“Lord have mercy,” Ms. Janice said as Roman shook his head.
“They got her Rebecca, come back over here,” my dad said as my mom looked Tia over quickly and came back to her seat.
“Well, that was rather eventful,” Judge Kendall said looking at Tia as she wept standing next to her lawyer.
“Ms. Morris, your guilty verdict of second degree means some feel you acted in a moment of passion. That tails a 5-to-15-year sentence. Your reckless endangerment charge warrants three to seven years. Now your attorney wants your clean record to be taken into account and I tend to somewhat agree.”
“Thank god," my mother said as I rolled my eyes. I was getting irritated as fuck, as Jey reeled me in with his touch.
“Tia Morris, in taking all that into consideration, and you opting for the original plea deal. Ms. Morris, I hereby sentence you to eight years at the Boston State Women’s prison. Probation eligibility after three years served. Counseling will be provided on a weekly basis,” he said as Tia nodded, wiping her tears.
“Thank you so much your honor,” she whimpered making my skin crawl.
“You’ve been given a second chance Ms. Morris don’t make the court regret it. Also, I’m issuing a no contact order with your sister Kara Morris. When released if you violate the order, you will go back to finish your original 15-year sentence. Do you understand?”
“Yes, your honor I do,” Tia whispered as I nodded taking in the verdict.
“She could be out in three years.”
“Hey, let’s not think about it now,” Jey said as I looked at Tia as she hugged her lawyer.
Justice had been served, but I still felt like things between Tia, and I were a long time from being over.
Could we all really move on with this cloud hanging over our heads?
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo@arination99 @2-muchsauce
@bakugoumarianawrites@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae
@anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld jeyusosgirl  theninthwonder mya2real  justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant  reignsboy19
wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
Close as Strangers - B.B
“Through the tears I can hear that I shouldn't have gone, every day it gets harder to stay away from you”
summary : Brock’s playing in the stanley cup with the team. He looses and you tell him how you really feel. you’re a nurse and you’re overwhelmed and miss him.
A.N : Wrote this on my break, edited. enjoy tho. xoxoxo,M
You stand over your last patient of the day, an elder woman who on any other day you would feel bad for and have way more compassion than you do at this current moment. You live in Minnesota and you’ve known the Boeser family since you and Brock were in diapers, born a week apart and your mom’s both attending the same ‘mommy and me’ group. You are currently interning at Minnesota State Hospital as part of your last year in grad school, and to say it was overwhelming was an understatement. You and Brock typically spoke every night despite the time difference, yet lately you guys spoke maybe 5 minutes per week with the busy life you both had. Brock was still in Vancouver as the Canucks were still in the playoffs, you worked 12 hours 5 days a week.
“Miss Nurse, can you give me my meds and be gone” the patient you had just given meds to not less than 5 minutes prior had dementia and again any other day you would be more calm, but after getting thrown up on, slapped by an older patient also with dementia you had had it. “I just told you I gave them to you!” you raised your voice and huffed out. Your coworker looked at you as if to say he would finish up and you should head home for the night. You walk to the center reception desk and clock out not bothering to say anything to anyone, grabbed your bag and walked out to the elevator. You felt your phone buzz to life as you were prohibited from carrying it during your shifts as it was a distraction, 13 missed calls from Brock… You click his name and call him back though it’s only 5am your time so 2am his.
“Hey bug.” he says through the phone, “Hey sorry B, I was at work what’s up?” you tried your best to hold in your emotions but you had been so ready to let the tears flow once you got to your car it was like a leaky faucet that just got worse. “Well we lost, we are out of the play offs. The guys probably hate me for not playing.” you honestly felt numb for a moment, trying to process how you would comfort your best friend and suppress your own emotions. You thought you would be able to just pour your heart out through the phone to Brock like you used to and he would say all the right things like he always did, 6 weeks or 6 months since he’s been away. Hockey and the idea of the Canucks not making it through to the finals were the least of your worries. None the less you responded “I’m sorry to hear that B, not your fault though, you need to remember to take your health seriously. You’re of less use hurt than you are on the side for a little. The guys understand.” you say shaky as you comfort him in the way you longed for him to do for you.
“I know but this blood clot thing was the last thing I needed and it just sucks that I couldn’t be there in person to cheer them on.” “I hear you but you can’t focus on the what ifs. But uh- is it uhm - is it cool if I call you back in a little. I just- just got off and I’m gonna head home.” you say slightly hiccuping trying not to let the tears fall.
“Bug, are you ok? You sound like you’re about to have a panic attack, and don’t say you’re fine I can tell you’re not.” He responds. You let the tears start flowing and you’re honestly scared that you may not be able to stop. “I don’t know Brock, I want to be a nurse so bad and I have worked so hard but these long hours and missing you and not having you here to comfort me I just don’t know how to do it.” You say in one breath. “I don’t want to give up because all my work will have been for nothing but, how the FUCK do i get through this lack of sleep and pressure”. “You miss me?” he says as if he is oblivious to you’re hints you have been dropping for months now. “Yes of course, you’re the only one who knows how - how - how to help me when- i -i am like this. I think I love you.” you say through your sobs.
“Forget the stanley cup we can mourn my loss later, baby I can tell through the tears that I shouldn’t have gone to Vancouver, and I want you to know it gets harder every day to stay away from you. I want to fly you out to all my games and I want you to wear my jersey and I want to call you mine baby. What do you say, I’ll be back home in a few days, can you wait for me a little longer and we can talk in person?” “I’ll wait forever for you, I can’t wait to have you back home.” “I love you bug.” he says, you smile so big and wipe the rest of the dried tears. “I love you more.”
“6 months since I went away, and to know everything has changed, and tomorrow I’ll be coming back to you.”
Tags : @skylershines @puck-luck @quinnylouhughesx43 @noahkahansorangejuice
gimme feedback thanks. will edit around 8 my time.
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mariposa-writes · 2 years
The Assistant - Part 3
Summary: You loopy on drugs.
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: Hi, sorry this took so long to get out. I know many of you have been waiting for a third part to this. I was super busy with midterms and then working during all of spring break. I didn't even touch my computer until last night. Hopefully the next few chapters will come out sooner than this one.
Make sure to like and comment! I love feedback!
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You alarm was going off, making you groan. It was to early for this. You just wanted to sleep longer. You hated waking up early in the morning, you liked staying up late at night.
You snoozed your alarm for the 5th time, when Travis knocked on your door. "Y/N, you up?" He slowly pushed the door open, letting in light from the hallway.
"Travis" You whined motioning towards the door.
"We gotta leave in 15 minutes."
You buried your face in the pillow, "Just cancel the surgery. I don't want it anymore. I'd rather walk with a bum leg." He rolled his eyes.
"I expect you in the car in 15 minutes or I'm dragging you out." He shut the door, leaving you in darkness.
You groaned, reaching over to turn on the lamp. You put on shorts and a hoodie, before going through your basic morning routine. You were walking into the kitchen 10 minutes later.
"It should be a crime to get up this early just for someone to cut into your body." You complained, as you slipped on your tennis shoes.
"You're just a ray of sunshine in the morning." You rolled your eyes. Travis and you have had enough early morning together that he knew you hated them.
Travis on the other hand was a morning person. You also despised him for it. Why couldn't he do late night workouts instead of morning ones? You never knew.
You climbed into his car and got ready to take another nap. You had a 45 minutes drive and you planned to use it wisely.
You were out within 5 minutes. Travis looked over at your sleeping state and couldn't help but smile. He liked when you looked relaxed, which was something he rarely got to see.
Once you guys got there he woke you up. You guys entered through a private door, so other patients wouldn't see Travis. You sat on the bed in your hospital gown, waiting for the nurse to come back.
"Nervous?" Travis asked.
"What? No. I'm fine."
He raised an eyebrow, "Really, cause you haven't quit tapping your fingers since the nurse told you it was almost time." You placed your hand in your lap, forcing yourself to calm down.
"Maybe I'm a little nervous."
"Don't be. Doctor Locke is a great doctor."
"I know and you'll be here when I get out right?" You asked looking almost bashful, like you didn't believe Travis would stay for the whole thing.
Travis wanted to frown at your question, of course he'd be there when you got out. He wasn't just going to leave you, but what he didn't know is that's what you expected from people.
When you were 11 you had appendicitis and when you got done with the surgery your mom was no where to be found. She'd gone on a date that night, leaving you to an empty hospital room when you'd woken up.
"I'll be here, don't worry." Travis said just as the nurse walked in.
"Ready?" She asked with a bright smile on her face.
"I guess." You said as she injected something in your arm and wheeled you out. You don't remember anything after that.
All you do know is that when you woke up Travis was there, sitting by your bed. "Hey," he said standing up and coming over to you. You smiled at him as his hand reached out to cup your face.
He used his thumb to remove some of hair on your forehead. You leaned into his touch, not even aware of what you were doing. Travis pulled his hand back, when the nurse came in with the doctor.
"Ah, glad to see your awake." Dr. Locke said, as the nurse jotted down your vitals. "Vicky here's gonna help you get dressed and then you'll be free to go." He said pointing to the nurse.
"Ok." You said, trying to keep up. Your brain was scrambled from whatever they used to put you asleep.
"Hey, I'm gonna step out. I'll be back in a minute." You frowned at Travis, "I'll be right back promise."
You nodded, "Ok, lets get you dressed sweetie."
"Dr. Locke." Travis called following the man.
"Hey Travis, what can I do for you?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to say thanks for squeezing her in."
"No problem, anything for a you. She must be pretty important for you to call. You two make a cute couple."
"Oh, she's not my girlfriend. Just my assistant."
"My bad, just judging by the way you looked at her I thought you two were together."
"Yea, just friends."
"Well your a good friend then, I don't know many people that would pay for their 'friends' entire medical bill." With that Dr. Locke left, leaving Travis in the hallway.
Just friends, he reminded himself. You'd never acted interested in anything more and Travis didn't want to overstep or make things awkward.
You were a damn good assistant and he'd be mad if he messed that up and lost you. That's why he kept his distance.
Travis went back into your room and saw you laying in the bed. "She's gonna be out of it for a while and kind of drowsy. We order her some put some pain meds in this bag for her, along with everything else she might need.
"Travis!" You cheered when you finally noticed he was in the room. "You're here!" You smiled bigger than he had ever seen before, making his heart clench.
It's just the drugs, he reminded himself. "Told you I'd be here." He responded, now standing next to your bed.
"We're ready to take her downstairs and load her into your car." The nurse said as she brought in a wheelchair. Travis nodded as the nurse continued, "You can pull your car up the same entrance you came in we'll meet you there."
"Sounds good." He turned to you, "I'll be right back, just gonna get the car."
"Ok," You nodded seriously, which made him laugh.
The nurse loaded you into the wheel chair and pushed you to the entrance Travis was waiting at. He parked the car and got out taking over for the nurse and loading you into the car.
You weren't supposed to put any pressure on your leg for the next 3 weeks. Once you were loaded in the car, Travis got in and started driving. "Travis." You whined, gaining his attention. Not that you ever really lost it.
"What's wrong?" He asked worrying about you.
"I'm starving. I haven't eaten in like 50 million years." You whined, causing him to laugh.
"I don't think it's been that long."
"I think I would know how long it's been since I've last eaten." You replied.
"Ok, my bad." Travis said turning onto the highway. "How about I order us some food, for when we get home."
"Ok, I'll take pizza, Chinese, Mexican, and Italian."
"Your sure you don't want to choose just one?"
"Nope, it's been 50 million years. I want them all." Travis laughed. "Can you please not laugh. How would you feel if you hadn't eaten in 50 million years?" He put a hand over his mouth trying to muffle his chuckling.
You kept talking about random things as he drove you to his house. He was trying not to laugh, but the random things you were blurting out was making it hard.
Finally he pulled into his garage. "Travis!" You shouted as he turned off the car.
His head snapped to face you, "What?"
"How am I supposed to get into the house if I can't walk?" You were starting to freak out. You didn't want to be stuck in his car for 3 weeks.
He placed a hand on your arm calming you down. He spoke slowly, "I have crutches in the back seat for you. Plus I'll help you inside."
You nodded, slowly processing his words. He opened the door and grabbed the crutches for you and then helped you out of the car. You slowly made it inside, Travis helping you the whole way.
He helped you into his bed, and got you situated. "Ok, I'll be right back. I'm going to go order food." He put the remote next to you. "You can watch tv if you want."
"Do you have paramount?"
"No, but I have netflix, hulu, hbo max, peacock, and disney plus."
"How do you not have paramount? It has my favorite show on it." That's when your eyes widened, "Can you not afford it?" You whisper shouted.
He laughed, "I can afford it. But I might not be able to after I order all the food you requested."
"Yes! Go order the food" You commanded, pointing towards the door.
He chuckled, before leaving the room to order all the food you wanted. He had to call 5 different restaurants and placed an order through Hyvee for some ice cream to be delivered.
After he was done he went back to his room, where you were currently staying, to check on you. You were passed out in his bed, with a random tv show playing that he didn't recognize. He grabbed the remote from his nightstand and turned off the tv, before shutting off the lights and exiting the room. Leaving you to rest after a long day, despite it only being noon.
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readyforthegarden · 6 months
kait my beloved! i saw your prompts earlier and then forgot to send one, but allie's just reminded me, so i came here to request "peppering small kisses all over their face to wake them" with jakey pleaseeeee 🥰
we know he's a giggler as much as he tries to be serious all the time, and the thought of quiet little morning voice giggles almost just sent me to the hospital
okay i'm back with these prompts!!!! thank you for your patience pj my love!! i hope you enjoy!!
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It had been a long week, and you were so ready to be home. Your mother had decided to put your childhood home up for sale, citing the lawn care and general maintenance was becoming to much for her to do alone as she got older. Instead, she had found a nice condo, where everything would be taken care of for her. You'd flown back to your home state to help her pack and clean out the house.
Your boyfriend, Jake, had wanted to go with you, however his own schedule had been full of studio time and rehearsals before he and his brothers went back on the road in a few weeks. You made do with facetiming almost every night, or talking on the phone. You were usually fine being without him for stretches of time. You had to be, knowing your work would keep you from joining him on tour a lot, and during album cycles he'd be busy. But there was something about the emotional time you were having, packing up memories from your childhood, or setting them out for a garage sale or into a donation box. It made you crave the comfort of your partner, the reassurance that even through the changes that were happening, he was going to be steadfast.
You hadn't told him you changed your flight to an earlier one. Jake was supposed to pick you up from the airport at one-thirty in the afternoon, but your mom had been settled into her condo for a few days, and there wasn't anymore reason for you to stay. You'd opted for an uber back to your home, the sun just starting to rise as you arrived. You were thankful the uber driver got out to help you get your bag out of the trunk, it being heavier with a few extras from your home.
Rolling it up to your front door, you fished your keys out of your bag and quietly unlocked it. There was a fifty/fifty chance that either Jake was still awake putzing around the house, or he was in bed, dead to the world. You had fallen asleep on the phone with him last night, listening to him talk about at restaurant Sam had taken him to, that he was exited to take you to try. But that didn't mean Jake had fallen asleep.
The house was quiet, still dim with just the early morning sun starting to creep in. You could hear the faint hum of your fan on upstairs, meaning Jake was indeed in bed. You left your suitcase and bags at the door after locking it again and kicking off your shoes, nearly tip-toeing across the foyer and making your way upstairs. Pushing open the door to your bedroom, you were hit with the cool air in there, the fan blowing on you as it swiveled. Jake was tangled up in the bedding, his dark hair splayed across the pillow. As you stepped closer, you saw his phone clutched in his hand, a sign he also fell asleep while on the phone with you, no doubt listening to your breathing on the other end of the line to fall asleep himself.
Softly, you climbed into the bed, smiling at your love and how serene he seemed while sleeping, his mouth parted slightly. Jake's round face was always something you found so sweet, so handsome. His cheeks were the perfect place to leave kisses, other than his lips. You couldn't help yourself, you'd missed him too much. Leaning forward, you pressed a soft, gentle kiss to his cheek.
One turned into to two, and then suddenly you were raining soft kisses all over Jake's face, feeling him start to wake underneath you. As his body stretched, his chest rumbled with deep giggles, turning his face so you could get the side that had been resting on the pillow.
"Well good morning honey," he chuckled as his arms encircled you, rolling over so you were on top of him. You mumbled out a good morning reply between smooches, making sure to get every square millimeter of his face. Jake continued his laughter as you kept going. "I missed you too,"
"I'm sorry," you sat up, brushing the hair out of your face as you gazed down at him and caught your breath. "I just needed to kiss you, I missed you so bad." Jake raised a hand, sliding it under your hair and around the back of your neck, gently guiding you down for a sweet, slow kiss on the lips.
"You booked an earlier flight just to come home and shower me with affection?" he asked, a playful smirk on his lips. You shrugged with a small nod.
"And what if I did?"
"I'd say that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." Jake smiled sleepily. "Now, why don't you change into your pajamas, crawl back into this bed, and cuddle with me until it's a decent hour to be awake?"
"That sounds perfect." you climbed off him, and moved to your dresser, taking off your plane clothes and changing into one of Jake's old t-shirts and a pair of your sleep shorts before crawling back into bed, snuggling up into Jake's side, catching up on some much needed sleep.
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lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 34 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 35
Summary : Loki meets the ancient one and she has all the answers for you both.
Warning: 18+,, HUGE Canon divergence (Just me making shit up), timey wimey stuff topics dealing with cheating and falling out of love,
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You were at the hospital to see Mrs Geller but you were early so visiting hours weren't open just yet. You missed Loki, you hadn't seen him since the night of your birthday, which to be fair was just two days ago but you felt extremely anxious because of everything that has been happening.
Your mom had called you this morning to tell you that she had hurt her legs while working out and as soon as she had told you that you knew somehow it was connected to you.
Loki had told you that he would find the answers about all these glitches in time but you feared those answers would turn your world upside down again.
All those thoughts running in your head were starting to give you a headache so you got up and made your way to the staff area to grab a cup of coffee, luckily for you it was empty.
"You be like baby who cares, i know you care, bring it over to my place i don't know what you did–" you stopped singing to yourself as you felt a presence behind you so you turned around. It was Doctor Mark. Ofcourse.
"That's for staff members you know that right?" He asked you and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes,
"I know but ..it's just coffee you know?"
He shook his head in response and walked towards the machine to pour one for himself,
"How's she doing now?" You asked him so he sighed deeply as if your mere presence was irksome to him. Why were you meeting all these assholes doctors, at first Strange and now him.
"Same as before, she's stable but there's no improvement" he told you so you nodded
"But she'll be okay right?"
He turned his head to look at you as you asked him again, he seemed soft and sympathetic for once, he also seemed as if he knew she won't recover from this.
"What was that song you were singing just now?" he asked you to change the subject so you chuckled in response..
"It's under the influence by Chris Brown"
"The what?" He looked at you a bit surprised so you told him again, this time enunciating each and every word carefully.
"Don't think i have heard of it" he shrugged as he said that so you crossed your arms.
"That's fine i have not heard all the songs in the universe" you chuckled, however it wasn't from amusement but barely annoyance.
"I operated on that man once..we stayed in touch, that's not his song..I'd have known since he keeps sending me his tracks"
He said in a nonchalant manner so you squinted your eyes.
"Well that's nothing..i ..I work for loki..a literal god"
"Yeah what do you do for him?"
"I'm his assistant "
"If he's such a god why would he need an assistant"
"Because he does .." you walked out of there to save face after that. Why was he so annoying? And what did he mean when he said that song didn't exist? You heard it in the last timeline, that was the song you played as you both got high that night. You quickly took your phone out and searched for the song but you didn't find it anywhere..it didn't exist, he was right.
But how could it be? You remembered it, you heard the song, loki did too, you remembered the lyrics for god's sake.
As you reached home that evening you immediately called Loki.
Loki knew in order to find the answers you both were looking for he'd have to go find the sorcerer supreme and he did find her quicker than he had anticipated, maybe she wanted to find him as well..
"Pardon me, I need a moment," he said to the woman in front of her who was the sorcerer supreme before Doctor Strange. You were calling him and he never ignored you call no matter how busy he was or wherever he was so he picked it up immediately
"Darling are you alright" he asked you in a hushed voice,
"Yeah I just need to talk to you about something"
Well he needed to tell you something too but he knew it wouldn't sit right with you, he was being unfair again but he had to do this in order to protect you both.
"I'll be there in an hour okay?" He said to you softly before he hung up and turned his attention towards the woman everyone addressed as the ancient one.
"Is there no other way?"
He asked her in one last desperate attempt to avoid his fate but she only gave him a faint smile in response.
"If there was any other way you wouldn't be here seeking my advice. What you two have done have caused a warp in the current timeline, look around you Loki ..everything is disintegrating because you two chose to deviate from the original timeline and found each other before your time"
"It's's not out fault that your protégé messed up the spell and we both remembered each other"
"Well this time she won't"
As he entered your apartment you were pacing back n forth in your living space with a worried look on your face.
"You remember that song I played when we got high together the first time in the other timeline?"
You asked him hurriedly so he smiled but his eyes were teary, heart breaking at the thought that he was going to lose you again and this time you won't even remember him, he just had to rely on fate to bring you back to him. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you lovingly before he placed his forehead down on yours,
"I love you" he mumbled softly and as giddy as his words made you feel you knew something was wrong, you could just tell by the way he felt around you, it was as if you were connected to him in more than just a physical or emotional way.
"I love you baby .. something is wrong..isn't it?' You asked him so he sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"What were you saying about the song? I remember it clearly" He brought one of his hands to your face to tuck your hair behind your ears, the gesture made you lean into his touch.
"It doesn't exist..not in this universe..why?" You asked him so he sighed.
"Perhaps it hasn't been created yet"
"Then how come we heard it in the last timeline?"
"Because we were living a life that was never meant to happen darling and.." his voice broke as he paused his words for a moment and closed his eyes as if he was too afraid to say whatever he wanted to say,
"What is it?"
"We are still living that way darling..this is not how we were supposed to meet again"
You felt your heart drop as he said that. No, you couldn't go through this again, haven't you both sacrificed enough for the sake of the world?
"So? What's the problem then?"
You asked him as you pulled away from him so he grabbed your arms and pulled you closer again,
"You know what is the problem here sweetheart..you can see it can't you? All around you, things are happening..bad things and they'll keep happening until we fix our mess"
"We fixed it once" your voice choked on your tears as you spoke and it took everything in him to stay strong at the moment, he had to, he had to suffer this time for both of you.
"I know..I know we did, we did our best, it's not our fault that we remembered each other but I have found the sorcerer supreme.. there won't be room for any error this time" as soon as he said that you broke down in tears. This was your worst nightmare coming true.
"No please loki no please..pleaseee nooo" your hiccuped sobs crushed him to the core. Why couldn't he just spend a lifetime with you where he could just keep you happy? He knew he'd have to spend years without you before he was able to fulfill all the promises he had made to you.
"We are meant to be together my love, we are made for each other, I'll find you i promise, when the right time comes I will find you and I'll make you mine..i promise.. and then I won't let go until the end of time, until the end of us"
You stopped crying as he said that, you just felt broken at the moment, you didn't know how you'd survive this all over again.
"Thirty years, I have waited thirty years of my life..all my life to have a moment where I didn't feel so deeply sad or worthless. And then you came into my life out of nowhere and I have never been happier, i have been happier beyond my imagination with you" he cupped your cheeks as you let out broken sobs but you weren't done speaking just yet
"And now you want me to give it all up so I can go on and live miserably for a few more years? You are telling me that i…me..basic stupid me whose existence didn't even matter until I found you is the reason why this universe is falling apart and now I'm responsible to fix it? I'm supposed to sacrifice everything to fix everything all over again?"
He stayed quiet for a moment, he wanted you to vent, to take out your anger, whatever you had said had only pierced his heart deeply, he never wanted you to feel this way again but he had no choice, he never really did, he never got his will..
"Don't you see it, princess? It's all about you, everything has been about you, it had been about us finding each other but we find each other at the wrong time.. always the wrong time" He mumbled softly, things grazed over your cheeks to wipe your tears
You really wished his words had made you feel better but it really didn't, you only felt heartbroken at the thought of losing him, forgetting him completely and moving on with your life as if you weren't loved so immensely by this gorgeous man in front of you.
"And Yes you'll have to sacrifice again to save the universe and you won't even remember doing it but i promise that when I find you again I'll help you remember. The sorcerer supreme- she gave me her word that she'll help us remember everything, every moment that we have spent with each other, she'll help us relish those memories again, this won't be forgotten, our time together won't be forgotten"
You had to let go of him as if you had never fallen head over heels in love for the very first time.
You felt empty and all you wanted to do was halt time from moving somehow and freeze this moment right here so you could spend your whole life like this..a forever with him
"What if you don't find me lo? What if we don't find each other?" you asked between your broken sobs so he picked you up by grabbing onto your hips and walked a few steps to press you against the closet door, if he was going to lose you for years he'd want to engrave this moment in his head.
"We will..we are destined for each other. This is my last attempt to atone for my atrocities but I won't be so kind the next time.. I promise I'll ruin the whole multiverse and everyone in it just to keep you by my side"
Well you wouldn't even stop him.
You moaned as he pressed his lips against your neck and sucked on it while his fingers removed your clothes magically, he was going to fuck you but he was going to take his time, as you felt his cock inside you, you couldn't help but gasp as his girth stretched you out.
He didn't even use a protection this time but you didn't care about it, everything would reverse anyways. Right?
"What if you don't find me attractive when I'm older than this or bigger or ..just different" he chuckled but his teeth gritted and a moan escaped his throat as you clenched your walls around him
"You really think a few wrinkles on your beautiful face or a couple of pounds is going to change the way I feel about you?"
"Mmm i hope not" he didn't stop his thrusts until he had you a quivering mess, as he laid you down on the bed you were just staring at him with a dazed look on your face,
"God I'd never get enough of you" you whispered as your lips lingered over his mouth for a moment before you kissed him passionately.
"I'd never want that either sweetheart " he looked down at you, he can try all the positions in the world with you but this right here was his favorite of all, your body underneath him and eyes staring back at him with such love and adoration.
"Loo" you mumbled softly so he snapped out of his thoughts and leaned down to kiss you before he hummed "I'm scared"
"I know princess, so am I, but we have to do this. I can not lose you, I can't take such a risk" you nodded as he said that but he could still see the saddened look on your face.
"What if something happens and we aren't at the right place at the right time? What would happen to us then?" Your eyes welled up again so he cupped your cheeks and kissed you before he smiled.
"My love, no matter where in the world we are, eventually we will cross each other's path..I'll make sure of it. A moment so absolute where you'd would be eager and desperate to fall so deeply in love with me..just like this, you were made for me darling and I'll find you anywhere, anytime..i promise "
He kissed you tenderly and then he pulled away, a sudden look of confusion flashed across his beautiful features.
"That is strange" he mumbled and it made you giggle.
"What ..kissing me?"
"No..I uhhh ..just this moment we had just now..i have had a dream similar to this in the previous timeline..not same but similar..I always thought it was just us from the future" you hummed as he said that.
"It's a time loop Loki ..i understand it much better now"
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you snuggled him into you, one last time before you'd lose him again, you didn't even know how long you will have to go without him or when you'll see him again..it could be five years or ten or even twenty, you just hoped he'd find you before you're too old to love him the way he deserved, you wanted more time with him, you wanted forever.
Time was disintegrating so both of you had decided to go through the ritual the very next day, however this time you weren't really fixing the timeline but yourselves, the spell that sorcerer supreme was using would keep you in the same timeline but you won't remember the last few months in the way you did now, you'd remember it the way you were supposed to live it and so will everyone else around you.
She wasn't reversing the timeline again, she was barely fixing your time, she was fixing the mess Strange had caused with his spell. You'd wake up in the same time but your life will be completely different. She was going to make you forget each other. Or that's what you thought she was going to do. You didn't know the complete truth, he didn't tell you.
Before you could go through the ritual you wrote an important mail to Mark Johnson and asked him to send it to someone very important immediately. You needed it to be sent before the ritual, you had made sure to use an anonymous mail but you called him at the hospital to ensure that mail would get sent. Afterall he won't really remember you and you definitely won't remember him.
"I'll always love you lo, no matter where I am or even if I don't remember I just know my heart will always belong to you, it will never belong to anyone else"
His eyes teared up as you hugged him tightly, he wished he could have prevented this somehow but he knew he had to do this to protect you and your loved ones.
"And one more thing lo--" you mumbled softly and his brows furrowed
"Time was never wrong between me and you..it was always right..it was always pure and it was beautiful"
Just like last time you all sat down in a circle, he had kept his eyes on you before his world shifted right in front of his eyes, one moment he was there with you with your hands clutching onto his and the next moment he was in a prison cell in Asgard.
The spell had worked and it had worked the way he wanted it to work.
"When the time comes, you'd go see her and then you can make her remember everything you want.. before that you can not intervene no matter what" The ancient one warned him so he nodded, his eyes welled up at the thought but he knew he didn't want to live without your memories, he wanted to keep it, he wanted to remember you so he could make you remember him when the time comes, he was terrified of the pain that he will have to endure in the next few years but he was ready for it.
That's how he was destined to suffer.
A lone tear spilled from his eye as he sat down on the cold floor of the cell wishing that he was sleeping in your arms instead but he knew he couldn't afford that no more, he knew he won't get to see you, touch you or kiss you for the next seven years.
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72 @nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @elthreetimes @gruftiela @thenotoriouserg @greep215 @yallgotkik @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie @purplekitten30 @sunnixart @nikkig496-blog @frozenhuntress67 @qardasngan @rosecentury @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @hrefna-the-raven @jennyggggrrr
@cosniffee @lotsoflokilove23 @oreo-cream @aesonmae @salvinaa
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xoxoxkisses · 15 days
Slowly losing you
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Muichiro x fem!Reader
warnings: angst
muichiro’s pov
We had been friends for years. Y/n was a sweet girl. She was perfect in every way. She was kind, beautiful, smart, and so much more. In all honesty, I fell in love with her.
Everything ended April 8, 2004. ————————————————————————
“Y/n! We need to go, it’s starting to storm!” Thunder cracked in the sky as I said that. She looked at me, not with worry, but with amusement. She smiled at me as I smiled back at her. She stood up quickly and ran as she called out, “Last one home is a rotten egg!” She began running as I quickly got up and chased after her.
Unfortunately we didn’t beat the rain, but that was fine. We were having fun chasing each other back home. As we reached the hydrangea bushes, the rain was flowing down the steps. I was in front of her now. “Y/n, we have to be careful going up the steps, ok?” She nodded, and I ran up the steps carefully.
She was behind me, the two of us were laughing together. We knew we would both be catching a cold tomorrow, but that was fine.
I reached the top of the steps as I turned to watch her. Just as I did, she slipped. I couldn’t get to her fast enough. Her foot slipped from under her and she crashed down onto the steps. Her head hit the edge of a step as she began to slip down. I ran down the steps not caring if I was careful or not and I picked her up.
“Holy crap Y/n! Are you okay?!” She looked at me confused, until suddenly she began laughing. “I’m fine Mui.” I scanned her with worried eyes before she put her hand on my shoulder, assuring me she was okay.
We didn’t chase each other after that. We walked home slowly. We reached her house first, as we walked in her mom saw us. “Oh my- kids you need some new clothes!” Her mom ran into the spare room to grab me some clothes and back into Y/n’s room to grab her clothes.
I changed first, I came out of the spare bedroom and sat in the living room with Y/n’s mom. I loved her mom, she was a very kind woman. We sat in silence waiting for Y/n before I remembered Y/n’s fall. “Um, while we were coming home, Y/n fell on some steps and hit her head.” Her mom turned to me with a shocked face. “Oh goodness! I’ll keep an eye on her, thank you for telling me.” I nodded as Y/n came out of her room. She looked sort of disoriented, but other than that she looked fine.
Her mom let me stay the night. And as I predicted, the next day me and Y/n were sick. ————————————————————————
At first it started as a mild migraine. Then it exceeded to a migraine that wouldn’t go away. Y/n stopped coming to school. She couldn’t handle the bright lights or the noises anymore. She stayed in her dark room with earplugs in her ears to stop the noise. No one knew what was going on. It didn’t take till Y/n began to experience seizures that we realized something was wrong.
Her parents took her to the hospital after the first one. And we learned she developed a head injury.
Unfortunately, we all took action too late. Just a week after being admitted to the hospital, Y/n died in her sleep. We were all devastated, her parents lost a daughter, and I..well I lost a best friend and someone I loved.
April 8, 2004, 4:23AM. Her time, and date of death.
Her funeral was held just 2 weeks after her death. I walked up to her casket and she looked ethereal. She was just as beautiful as the day I met her. Y/n was just 13 when she died, I was 14. ————————————————————————
I never met anyone like Y/n. I’m married now, and my wife reminds me of Y/n, but they’re both still so different. I also have a little girl, and I named her after Y/n.
I still miss her after 10 years. I visit her grave on holidays and her birthday. Her parents adopted a cat a year after her death. Y/n loved cats but couldn’t have one since she was allergic. The world changed after Y/n’s death. The steps she slipped on were remodeled so it was nearly impossible to slip, even when it rained.
I miss Y/n more and more every day because I know she should still be by my side. I blame myself for that day, if only I didn’t run up the stairs first maybe she wouldn’t have been influenced to do so, and maybe if I took the other route home she would’ve been ok.
I still have a long time till I see her again, and I can’t wait. ————————————————————————
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Could you do a headcanon with Ethan Landry and Carpenter!reader (I love love ur fics btw)
hiii, thank you so much for the love
I hope you like how I interpretate your idea, for this I wanted to do it with gf ethan because when you sent the idea my mind started to flow with reader reaction during the act three
credits to CZsWorld and his video of 156 Things You Missed on Scream VI because it helped me to write a part of the shrine
being a Carpenter and dating Ethan Landry
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Since your older sister left the house due to a fight with your mom, you and Tara stayed together
Due to Tara being the oldest by a year, she was the one that took care of you when your mom was on a work trip
Like the one that changed everyone lives with the return of ghostface
That night while you and Tara were preparing dinner, she answered a call that seemed innocent and some prank at the beggining, but the moment it turned threatening, Tara instructed you to run towards the second floor and call the police
Even if you wanted to stay with her, she was quick to push you to the second floor
While you were in there calling the police, you cried hearing how your sister was being attacked, finally getting down the moment you heard the police on the first floor
During the whole night at the hospital, you spend it answering the police questions and waiting in Tara's room unable to sleep
The arrive of Sam along with her boyfriend was a relief to you because having your older sister meant someone to take care of both of you
But the killings didn't stopped, ending in loosing Wes, sheriff Judy and Dewey; and you, Tara and Richie were attacked at the hospital, leaving you with a medium scar in your thigh and a small one in your back
Deciding that leaving the city was the best for yours and Tara security, Sam took the decision to move to Modesto where she and Richie lived
Unfortunately, Tara didn't had her inhaler with her and the replace was at Amber's house
Hell broke in there because of the reveal of Amber as the murder when she shot Liv on the head, and then Richie when he stabbed Sam
So, after a long night that ended up in you, Sam, Tara, Chad, Mindy and Sidney and Gale, the OG's, injured, the killing spree was over
Since your mom ignored Sam after she told you and Tara the truth about her biological father, you felt bad for her because she did everything to protect both of you
So you started to hang out more with her to recover the lost time
After Tara and the twins finished high school, they decided to go to Blackmore University in New York, along with you since you mannaged to finish your last year online
Sam also went with the four of you to keep an eye on both of you, which Tara didn't like
While Tara decided that the best way to cope with the situation was forgetting what happened and try to live her life as a normal young adult, you got closer to Sam because you felt safe with her
Renting an apartment close to the university, the three of you manage to get a roommate named Quinn to share the costs of living there, who was the daughter of a detective
Meanwhile, Chad and Mindy stayed in the dorms
That's how you and Ethan met
He was a little shy and quiet, and that's what you liked of him, also how he was sweet, nice and caring with you
So, after three months of knowing each other, you and Ethan started a relationship
But before he had a small interrogative by Sam, Tara, Mindy and Chad
Ethan was basically the perfect boyfriend
He listen to everything you said, took notice of small mannerisms you use to do, remember everything you liked, help you with your homework or school projects, almost every morning got your favourite drink from your favourite cafeteria or your favourite snacks, give you gifts on random days
Taking you to dates to dinner, to the movies, to the theater, etc
You trusted him enough to tell him what happened last year
When Halloween was around the corner and a frathernity was organizing a party where all the friend group planned to go, Sam didn't let you and Tara go
"What about we stay in your department or in my dorm and have a movie night?", Ethan suggested while walking around campus
"Oh, we're going to that party", you exclaimed
"I thought Sam forbidden you and Tara to go to the party"
"She did, but she also has her therapy session that night, so we are going to scape the apartment, and Quinn already said she will cover us, anyway, what are you going to use as a costume?"
"I was thinking about the cardboard knight costume of Murder Party"
"Sounds interesting! I might be using something similar so that way we can be complementing each other"
"I like that idea", Ethan smiled leaning over to give you a kiss that you acepted with a smile
After an emergency go out shopping with Tara, both of you got your costumes
The night of the party, the moment Sam anounced she was going, you and Tara were getting ready to leave for the party
While Tara dressed as a pirate, you chose to be a princess, with your outfit that consisted in a short pink dress with silver platform ankle boots and a tiara with your hair in small waves
A few minutes after Sam left the building, you and Tara practically run towards the campus which wasn't so far
Arriving at the frat house, you were quick to glue to Ethan and Chad while Tara stayed with her friends but still been supervised by Mindy and Anika
Things were normal for a few hours, except for the people dressed as ghostface, until Tara got into little trouble
"Hey, big guy, you're needed", Anika called, "You too little Carpenter"
Knowing it was about Tara, all of you ran towards the stairs where a drunk Tara was going to the second floor with a random guy
"Hey partner!", Chad called getting their attention, "Tara's good down here"
"Sorry, bro, I didn't catch that", the random guy said
"Yeah, you did", Chad laughed sarcastically
"Tara, what if we go to get some shots", you tried to convince her to stay, "A fun contest between sisters"
"Chad, Y/N, it's fine", Tara said getting down from some stairs, "I want to"
"No, you don't", you continue to try, "Just stay here with us, please"
"Yeah, see, Chad?", the creepy guy intervined, "She wants to, Y/N can come too, to have more fun"
"Don't talk to her", Ethan intervined steping closer to you
Taking Tara by the arm with strength causing her to fall at what Chad was quick to pull him to the first floor and start a small fight, while you kneeled next to Tara to help her
Things started to get violent, until Sam arrived tasing the creepy guy in the balls leaving him in the floor, but Tara wasn't happy to see her sister there, so she was quick to leave the party with Sam and the rest of you following close
"Tara, will you stop?", Sam demanded walking behind her
"I cannot believe you did that! You embarrased me", Tara yelled
"That guy was a dick", Sam yelled in response, "He was gonna take advantage of you"
"You did not say that!", you intervined getting closer to them
"If I want to hook up with an asshole, that's my decision! It's my decision", Tara exclaimed, "It's not about you! You're out of mine and Y/N lives for five years, and then you can't leave us alone for five minutes"
"Hey! I'm happy to have Sam around us", you said standing by their side
"Because you're not dealing with what happened to us, Y/N has gone with me sometimes with my therapist to talk about it, have you even gone to see the counselor once?"
"No, I'm not going to"
"Why not?", Sam asked
"Because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are"
"What's that supposed to mean?", Sam questioned a little shocked
"Guys, come on", Chad tried to stop the discussion but it didn't work
"It means I'm not gonna let what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life", Tara explained
"So you're just gonna pretend it never happened", Sam concluded
"What are you doing here, Sam? In New York", Tara sighed, "You're working two shitty jobs to help with rent, whatever, but what's your plan? I know what I'm gonna do, okay? Because I'm gonna keep going to college, I'm gonna get my degree, and I'm gonna live my life"
"I was the one who told Sam about our plans to move here", you revealed surprising her, "And convinced her to come with us"
"Why did you do that?", Tara questioned
"Because I feel safer with her around", you exclaimed
"Are you fucking serious?", Tara yelled, "She is here breathing in our necks because of you?"
"Exactly", you responded in the same way, "You're welcome"
"I'm just trying to look out for you", Sam spoke looking at the both of you
"I know you are", Tara sighed more calmed, "You can't do it for the rest of my life, though, you have to let me go, you have to let us go"
But before Sam could say anything, a group of random girls throw a drink towards her accusing her to be a murderer
Arriving at the apartment Tara was quick to enter her room while you did the same to change into your pajamas that consisted in an oversized shirt and biker shorts and to return to the living room where the rest was and sit with Ethan in the one-person couch
Watching the news, they anounced that there was a multiple murder that night alerting everyone because ghostsface masks were involved
Of course the instant reaction of Sam towards that was to you and Tara to pack your things to move, but of course both of you refused
Getting a call from detective Bailey, Sam started to make her way to the police station, at what you and Tara decided to follow her
But Ghostface apeared threatening to kill the three of you, ending up in a tense scene in the bodega close to the apartment, fortunately getting alive from there
So, after being in the police station all night, meeting Kirby Reed and knowing by Gale that Sidney decided to not intervined and go away, which the three of you understand
After changing clothes and being a little more calmed and reuniting with the others, all of you decided to have a little reunion to discuss the situation
"Okay, nerds, listen up!", Mindy started with her monologue, "As terrifying as this all is, I’m actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time, the way I see it, someone is out making a sequel to the requel?"
"What's a requel?", Anika asked
"You'are beautiful sweetie, let's hold questions to the end", Mindy responded
"Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro, Stab 2 took place in college", Sam reminded
"So the killer is trying to copy the movies?", Tara suggested
"That is one posibility", Mindy nodded, "Heroes now in college, check, suspicious new characters brought into to add to the suspect list and our body count, check, check and check"
"I don't like this", Ethan murmured at what you sitting by his side took his hand in yours
"But it can't be just about Stab 2"
"Why not?", Tara frowned at Mindy comment
"It make sense if this just a sequel, but we are not in a sequel, because no one does sequels anymore, we're in a franchise!", Mindy exclaimed, "And there are certain rules to in a continuing franchise, rule one: everything is bigger than last time, bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chasings, shoot outs, beheadings, you've got to duplicate everything to make people keep coming back; rule two: whatever happen last time expect the opposite, franchises only survive by suberting expectations, if the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be though here; and rule three: no one is safe, legacy characters are expandable at this point, usually brought back only to be killed of in some cheap bit of nostalgia, it's not looking too good for Gale and Kirby, and that's not even the worst part"
"This is the part were she tells us the worst part", Chad said writting in his notebook
"The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic stallments designed to boost an IP, which means, main characters are completely expandable too, Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Ellen Ripley, Sally Hardessy, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond, even Luke Skywalker, all died so their franchises could live on, that means it's not just us friend group, any of us could go at anytime, specially Sam, Tara and Y/N"
"Wait, wait, wait", Ethan spoke, "Any of us? Am I in the friend group?Am I like one of the targets? Am I gonna die a virgin?"
"You're not a virgin", you exclaimed turning to look him while frowning, "And we both know it"
"That was a weird and gross overshare", Mindy interrupted, "But that bring us to our current suspects, Ethan, the shy dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky"
"Wait, why am I on the suspect list? Because I randomly Chad's roommate and Y/N and I are dating?"
"Rommate lotteries can be juked, you could've fix it to be next to us, and that also applies to your relationship with Y/N; Quinn, the slutty roommate, a horror movie classic"
"Sex positive, but, thank you?"
"Hmm, how did you come up to live with Sam, Tara and Y/N?", Mindy asked
"I answered their add online"
"Okay, say no more, you already implicated yourself enough"
"It was an anonymous add, Mindy", Tara said, "And you know we vetted her, plus her dad is a cop"
"And that makes her more likely that she is the killer, because having a cop dad is a great cover, you don't remeber how this movies work, Tara?!
"Is she always like this?", Quinn asked at what Sam nodded
"And finally, Anika, never trust the love interest, that also goes to you, Y/N"
For the rest of the day, all of you tried to stay together or in pairs, untill the night were everyone will be having a sleepover at the appartment, but Ethan couldn't go because he had econ that night
Things started normal at first, until Danny, the cute neighboor and Sam's boyfriend airdroped a photo in which the scene of Quinn being stabbed by ghostface in her room followed by screams and hits inside her room, and then a creepy silence was enough to run towards her door
Hell was released when the dead body of Quinn was thrown out of the room towards the group landing on Anika
In a reflex move, Chad took Tara's hand who took you by your arm dragging the three of you to the entrance door to scape, but leaving the rest inside, but relazing that the rest were still inside the three of you tried to enter again but all of your keys were inside
The next morning, Ethan arrived at the scene instantly being interrogated by Chad about where he was last night, at what he said that he was at econ, just what he told you the day before
After everyone was more calmed, Gale lead the group to a old theater that now was a shrine dedicated to ghostface and the Stab franchise, from some posters to all of the ghostface robes, everything was there, except the masks
Coming out with a plan to catch ghostface in broad daylight and in a public space, you along with your sisters put yourselves as the bait while the others wait in the van where Kirby will be tracking the origin of the call
Unfortunately, the call was track down in the same appartment building where Gale lives, making the three of you to "steal" Wayne's police car and drive towards there, arriving when she was laying on the floor with life threatening injuries but alive
Another plan was made: catching ghostface in the shrine and traveling in group
Arriving at the subway, and due to the crowd station because of Halloween, the group got separated in two, with you, Sam, Tara, Chad and Danny in a train, and Mindy and Ethan waiting for the next one
Being the first ones to arrive at the shrine and leaving Danny outside, Tara and Chad went to the snack bar, while you stayed with Sam, trying to contact Ethan or Mindy but none of them responded
Being there, you just took a seat in the steps of the stage watching how Sam took the old knife that once belonged to her father
"Should I grab a knife too?", you asked getting her attention
"Only for security", Sam nodded
Walking a little, you watched the collection until you stopped in front of a display where a draw of Richie's death was along with a knife covered in blood, so you opened it to take the knife and hide it in the back of your jeans
Things went down quickly when Sam recieved a call from detective Bailey warning about Kirby being ghostface due to being to affected by the Woodsboro 2011 masacre
Running to get Chad and Tara, they informed that ghostface was there and where attacked by him, so a persecution in the whole theater started, realizing that they were two of them when Chad was stabbed multiple times by them leaving him in the floor
Keeping running and dragging Tara, the three of you returned to the central part of the shrine only to being circled by the two ghostface at what Sam took some brick from the floor to defend yourselves
But the son-to-be fight was interrupted by a injured but alive Kirby who started shooting at the masked killers
When detective Bailey arrived, in a unexpected move, he shot Kirby while the two ghostfaces
"Great job, both of you", Wayne praised his two partners leaving the three of you shocked
"You?", Tara asked in shock
"Yeah, of course me", Wayne responded, "Frankly, I expected more from the three of you after what you did to us"
"What do you mean, 'us'?", Tara asked again
The moment you saw the face of one of the ghostface you felt like something broke inside of you, most exactly your heart
Sensing how you must be feeling, Sam was quick to hold one of your hands
"Mindy was right", Ethan laughed, "It was easy to juke the roommate lottery, all I had to do to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha literally named Chad, fuck it felt good to kill him! And Y/n, you were never part of the plan, but we kinda connected, so being in a relationship with you was even better for this"
"Fuck you", was the only thing that was able to come out of your mouth at that moment
"This was your grandmother's, Sam", Ethan continued pointing at the mask, "Nancy Loomis, really runs in the fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family...wait for it, my name's not Ethan Landry, is it, dad?"
"Well, that explains why I never met your parents", you commented with your arms crossed, "Wait a second, if you are father and son, that means Quinn was also part of your family, and most probably knew the twisted plan, and she was "killed" last night, or it was all fake, am I right?"
"I told you she has a great mind", Ethan murmured to his father while the other ghostface took their mask out
"Hey, roomies", Quinn sing softly, "You didn't see that coming, did you?"
"Yeah, because you died!", Tara exclaimed
"Kind of didn't, though", Quinn said, "It was a good way to get off the suspect list, stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train, that sort of things"
"Yep, and I just made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one", Wayne explained like it was a normal thing, "Little fake blood, a prosthetic, you'd be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with"
"I got Stu Macher's mask", Quinn spoke now being at one side behind some displays, "He was my favorite"
"Nice, that's number three", Wayne continued refering to the masks, That's two, which leaves your father's, this is what we've been counting down to, Sam, I'm gonna need you to put it on"
"Fuck you!", Sam yelled throwing the mask away
That action made Ethan slash Sam's arm scaring you and Tara more
"What? What is this? You did this as a family?", Sam interrogated
"Hell yeah, bitch!", Quinn screamed getting closer to the three of you, "You should know better than anyone"
"They're still not getting it", Ethan giggled
"I don't know what you believe, but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro", Sam said with desesperation, "It wasn't me!"
"We know that", Wayne spoke again, "Of course you didn't, you think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory? Come on, who do you think started the rumors about you in first place?"
"Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain?", Quinn mocked, "How easy it is to convice the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?"
"Because it's not enough to just kill someone these days", Ethan continued, "You have to assassinate their character first, so when dad here "discovers" your horribly mutilated bodies posed with Sam wearing her father's mask, he'll say some poor bastard read on the internet that you're the real ghostface and took matters into their own deluded hands"
"Exactly! That's why it's the perfect alibi", Wayne exclaimed, "All the best lies are based on the truth, and you're a killer, just like your father"
"No, I'm not!", Sam denied
"Yes, you are, you motherfucker!", Quinn yelled, "You killed our brother!"
"What are you talking about?", Sam questioned
"You said your brother died in a car accident", Tara reminded
"No, no no, you sweet, dumb thing", Ethan spoke again, "He died in Woodsboro at the hands of your bitch sister"
"Wait a second", you said finally realizing everything, "Curly and kinda light hair, light colored eyes, Richie was your son and sibling"
"Yeah", Wayne nodded
Slightly turning around, Sam recieved a quick stab near her chest by Ethan, which made the three of you to try to scape but again you were circled
"Now! It wasn't until I saw that photograph of what you'd actually done to him that I knew, that I knew you had to fucking die! You had to be punished! Along with anyone else who stands in our way", Wayne continued to yell
"There she is", Quinn murmured with her knife against Sam's throat noticing the look in her eyes, "There's the fucking killer"
"Great parenting job, by the way", Tara commented at what you snorted
"Shut your whore fucking mouth!", Quinn screamed pushing the three of you to the center of the space
"Have I been a perfect dad? No", Wayne proceeded, "Have I maybe overindulged Richie's love of these little movies? Yeah, maybe, for me, they're just a little dark, but...Richie really loved them, he loved them! He even made a few of his own"
In the screen on the scenary, one of Richie's home made movies was playing while Wayne started to climb the stairs
"There's a very special bond between a father and his first son"
Hearing that phrase, you turn your head to look at your psycho boyfriend with pity at what he shared a look with you that demostrated a little bit of pain, but he hide it quickly pointing his knife at you, making you return your attention to the stage
"Which is why I helped him build this collection"
"This was all his?", Sam asked
"Yes, he's a very passionate collector, and he inspired others, we had to kill those two wannabe film students because, well, we had to do kill you first, Sam, I put the theater in their name, then good old detective Bailey would've just stumble on it, but I didn't have to because, by golly, that Gale Weathers is one hell of a journalist, I built a tribute to my son, which is why this is where you have to die, Sam, surrounded by the things he loved the most"
"What happens next? After you're done with us you just disappear?"
"No! We got to hurry over the hospital and make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through, because everybody dies, Sam! Everyone who had anything to do with the death of my son suffers and dies, now put on the mask"
"He was so pathetic", Sam sighed
"That's not true", Wayne suttered
"Yeah, your son, he was a man-baby who made his girlfriend do all the killing"
"He was a strong, virile young man", Wayne insisted slightly trembling
"He was a limp-dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat"
With that last phrase, hell got loose because Quinn angry for hearing those words of her late brother loose control running towards the three of you which caused to you and Tara to hit her with the blocks, running towards a stairs thanks to a distraction by a very alive Kirby who shoot at Wayne
Stopping for a second, you turn to look at Sam stabbing Ethan repeatedly in the chest and shoulder, before following Tara on the stairs to the second floor, at what you were quick to grab your knife from your jeans
Once Sam was by your side, the three of you started to walk in the little to no space being careful to not fall
Until a bullet hit where you were passing, causing you to almost fall if it wasn't for your sisters holding your hands
"Guys, I'm sliping", you said with desesperation
"We got you", Tara tried to reassure you
"It's okay", Sam continued
But even with both strenghts combined you were still sliping because the blood on their hands, even worse when Ethan was under you waving his knife at your feet
"Come here so we can play like we like to, Y/N", Ethan mocked
"Fucking psycho!", you yelled, "And I'm breaking up with you!"
"Fuck you! You guys are so fucked now"
Noticing how Quinn with her face all bloody and a few teeths gone was aproaching the three of you, Tara was quick to give a solution
"Sam, we have to let her go"
"No", Sam denied
"Sam, please", you pleaded understanding the plan, "It's the only way, please, let me go"
"We have to let her go"
Trusting in both of you and making sure you got your knife in your hand, Sam and Tara let go your hands to take care of Quinn
Falling to the first floor, you landed in front of Ethan who was quick to stab you in the stomach
"Gotcha!", Ethan smiled with pure evil
Taking advantage of his open mouth to return the stab in his throat leaving him surprised by that action, but still looking you in the eyes
"At least you won't die a virgin, my love", you said in a low voice twisting the knife, "By the way, this is the knife that killed your brother"
With that last sentence you pulled the knife feeling the blood combined with saliva splashed in your face and upper body from your psycho now ex boyfriend at the same time his body fell on the ground
Almost a few seconds later of your first kill, a gunshot along with screams sounded on the shrine, next to the scene of Sam and Wayne falling into a glass display
Thankfuly you and Tara managed to wake her up and make a plan to finish the situation
So while Sam will be using her father's robe and mask to kill him, you and Tara will be doing an old fashioned ghostface call from her phone
Fortunately, Wayne fell into the trap, ending in Sam stabing him multiple times, finishing him with a stab on the eye
After a jumpscare of Ethan which ended in Kirby trowing a TV in his head to kill him, Danny arriving with the police and the core five reunited and alive, hell was over
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ppushable · 1 month
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moodboard creds to @firefly--bright tytyty
low tide
jean kirschtein x fem!reader / multichapter / wc: 10.8k
part 2 of rose tinted hours
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
Monday morning and here I am, missing out on my classes, struck with a sore throat and an invisible ax sticking out of my head.
Maybe the only nice thing about today is the man craning over me in the dark, feeding me porridge.
That, and the overly-sweet tea.
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
cw: kissing.
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there's a soundtrack for this one! completely optional, of course.
queue: ==> new home (slowed), austin farwell ==> dreamcore, daniel.mp3 ==> farewell, erikson jayanto ==> october, adrián berenguer ==> parfum d’etoiles, ichiko aoba ==> i was only temporary 2 u, my head is empty ==> might start singing - sped up, sheldon charlot
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
The figures in front of the dorm converge in front of Jean’s car as they engage in some sort of conversation. Sasha (I think that’s Sasha) slinks around Jean’s taller form and attaches herself to the side of his car, being scraped off a moment later.
Unsticking myself from the window, I carefully reposition the dark blue curtains so that no light filters through, the simple action causing my head to swim as if filled with honey.
I got Jean’s flu. Which, obviously, is to be expected, considering what happened yesterday. Paired with the fact that we slept together last night.
As in, laid down and fell asleep in the same bed with nothing strange happening in between. Whoever came up with that wording needs to be shot.
Contrarily, Jean is perfectly fine. And despite all the urging that I’ll be fine too and that he shouldn’t skip out on classes, he’d insisted on staying right here.
Not that I’m complaining.
I glance at the red numbers projected onto the corner of the ceiling indicating the time as I sit back so I’m leaning against the wall. 8:28. Almost time for my first class, which I won’t be going to, as so firmly put by Jean before I shooed him away.
“If I come back here and the room’s empty, I’ll make Connie march into Hospitality with a condom pulled over his head with your name written on it.”
He’d do that, too.
Running my hands over Jean’s fleecy Cars blanket, I find and unlock my phone to type a quick message to Sasha.
me: sorry sash,, not coming to hospitality. i got sick :(
me: jeans staying home for me tho. dont wait up <3
Pray she doesn’t get the wrong idea.
sashacado: dw about it!!!
sashacado: 😏
I shut my eyes as the screen induces a sudden wave of dizziness. Alright then. Knowing her, everyone and their mom will know about this before the day ends. I toss the phone somewhere on my bed and it falls to the ground.
Jean, where are you?
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
He nearly barrels into an old lady in the soup aisle. With a profuse apology, he continues half-jogging to the fridges, glancing at the list on his phone.
🖤: onions, rotisserie chicken (should be on sale), chicken broth
🖤: oh also rice. and carrots and mushrooms if u can. plus milk. thats a must
🖤: im trusting u wkth this. if u spend over budget im scalping u personally
🖤: <3
He can’t help the little smile that twinges his mouth with the last text. There it is. The end product of many sleepless nights, wondering if his feelings were, in fact, reciprocated. All in a little text. Less than three. Two dumb symbols he’s dreamed of receiving. It makes his heart feel a little warmer in his chest, a little heavier, like a reverse-Grinchification. The good ending, he can hear Connie saying.
That, or he’s misconstruing the whole thing. That’s definitely possible too! She sends that little symbol to everyone. For all he knows, he probably moved up the friend ranking a little. It probably means nothing at all.
Watching the pill be so carelessly popped into her mouth, that small smile, the look in those eyes. Hands on the headboard. Hand on his body. Hand in his hair—
“Woah! Excuse me, sir—”
And then reality comes shooting back to him like an oncoming bullet train, because nothing snaps Jean out of his happy place like that voice.
Jean stops in his tracks and slowly turns, somewhat hoping it’s not who he thinks it is yet knowing at the same time. “Jaeger.“
“What the hell are you doing? You can’t run in a grocery store.”
And there he is in the flesh; Eren Jaeger, the hobo-looking microbiology major that for some reasons girls (even stone-cold Mikasa) love to swoon over. Not that he cares, really. What’s more important is the fact that he’s in full customer service garb: plain jeans with lanyard string sticking out of the front pocket, blue vest, retractable name tag.
And Jean can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of his chest.
“What the hell are you laughing at?” Eren mutters, damn well knowing why.
“What, no ‘hello, sir?’ Aren’t— aren’t you supposed to be asking if I need help finding anything? Sir?” The old lady in the soup aisle is staring at him as he devolves into a full cackle.
Eren’s scowl deepens. “That’s low, Kirschtein, even for you.”
“Stop being such a pissbaby. I’m only laughing because it’s you.”
“Romantic.” Rolling his eyes, Eren shoves his hands into his pockets. “Speaking of which, don’t you have someone waiting for you at your dorm?”
Jean shuts up immediately and blinks. “What?”
“You know, your lover.” He smirks. “Sasha told us all about you two.” He ducks his head to do something on his phone and a second later Jean’s own pings.
aaron yogurt: One image attachment
Raising an eyebrow, Jean moves back against the aisle (away from soup lady’s scrutinizing gaze) before opening it. It’s a screenshot of a groupchat, with the first text being a screenshot from Sasha of what appears to be some texts.
sash: we did it boys
bald idiot: 🔥🔥💯💯‼️🤯🤯🥶🥶🥶🥶
bald idiot: everyone stand up and clap for sasha
sash: ill fucking kill you springer
miks: so are they together now?
min: That’s inconclusive, Sasha. You can get sick just being near a person.
marc (replying to @/sash): they’re*
marc: besides who would leave Jean there all alone overnight?
me: me
And then the screenshot cuts off.
“Romantic,” Eren drawls.
“Shut up.” Jean makes a mental note to find and perhaps tie Sasha to a rocket.
“Oh, come on. Everyone knows you’re whipped. You’re like a little schoolgirl when it comes to this kind of stuff.” Bringing his fists up to his face, he puts on the stupidest face ever and giggles.
“Fuck off.” Shoving his phone back into his pocket, Jean tries to cover the heat on his face. “Just tell me where the hell you guys put the chicken.”
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
The sound of the front door unlocking heaves me out of the half-drowsy phase I’ve been simmering in for the last, what… I glance at the ceiling clock again. Half hour?
“Hey! I’m back!” Every word becomes a little louder as Jean barges down the hall, tosses something into Connie’s room, and appears in the doorway.
“What was that?”
“The thing you put in Connie’s room.”
His shadow pauses. “Just… something for Connie. Is everything okay?”
I smile. “How the hell did you go to the gym like this?”
Plastic crinkles as he sets the bag down on the ground. “Well,” he says, walking closer, “I was thinking of you. And how much you love my really big muscles.”
My smile cracks wider. “Is that so.”
“Were you also—”
“—thinking about how pissed I would be—”
He inhales.
“—when I found you?”
His lips curve upward, maybe a little to close to mine. “Maybe a little.”
I tap his thick sleeve. “Go take this big thing off.”
He recoils immediately. “As you wish.” And sheds the coat, dumping it against his chair.
“Are you hungry?”
Fixing his sleeve, he shrugs.
“What do—” my voice cracks as it runs dry— “what do you eat when it’s just you and Connie?”
“Cereal. Bread sometimes.”
“I really expected better from you.”
“I’m healthy.”
I let my eyes drag shut. “Your idea of fighting off a cold is… going to the gym.”
“You’re a piece of work.”
“Do the— does the window open?”
Clothes rustle. “Yeah. But I’m not opening it.”
“It’s hot.”
And he looks back. “You’re sick.”
“Well, I don’t plan to strip in front of you.”
Jean sighs but it only takes a moment for it to turn into a laugh. “Alright.”
I try to swallow but my throat’s dried up between the time I woke up and now. “I’m getting up.”
“Sure you are.”
“I’m thirsty.”
“Aren’t you needy?” he teases. “What do you want? I can get it for you.”
“You’ll burn the dorms down trying to make tea.”
“Since when did you have such little faith in me?”
I crack my eyes open. “Connie told me you tried to stop a grease fire by splashing water on it.”
He’s rolling his eyes. “Your first mistake was believing Connie. He loves to spread misinformation. Especially about me.”
“Okay, Jean.” I shake my hand in his general direction and he takes it, large, warm hand clasping mine. “Pull me up.”
He smiles and leans in to wrap his other arm under my knees, his neck pressing into my face. Muffled, cheap cologne. “What are you doing?”
In one smooth movement, he releases my hand to slide his other arm across my back. Holding me at the anchor points.
“Wait.” Already a sinking feeling drains through my organs. “Jean, wait—”
With a small heave he lugs me off the bed and my arms immediately sling around his neck. “Jean!”
“Put me down!” And I would be laughing if not for my throat and the fact that I’m clinging on for dear life.
He looks down at me, still with that smile. “Hmm. No.”
And the way his voice rumbles through his chest into mine as he hums deeply makes me want to explode. I dive my face into the cloth of his sweatshirt, ignoring the strange way my weight is distributed, the chance that something might slip and I’ll fall to my untimely demise.
“You can let go of me.” He starts walking. “I won’t drop you.”
Pushing harder into his chest, I say, “I’m heavy.”
“No, you’re not.” As if to prove himself, he lifts me a few inches higher as he shimmies through what I think is the door. My grip tightens as the pressure on my back and thighs increases. “Okay, you’re choking me.”
“I can’t help it.”
“Relax, okay? I’m strong.“
“Come on, look at me.”
I have to force myself to meet his eyes.
It’s not just about how high up I am, or how heavy I might be, or how intimidatingly good-looking he is (I definitely look like shit). It’s about the power.
Things have changed since yesterday. Now it’s Jean’s turn to take charge. And just like he did, I’ll have to allow that.
==> new home (slowed), austin farwell
“Do you trust me?“
His words hit like boulders against my stomach and his eyes are so wide as they dig into mine, so willing to accept the outcome yet so full of this new, gentle compassion that I’ve never seen before. A willingness. An invitation. An assurance. A desire.
So many sides of Jean I’ve never seen before have been presented to me in the past day and it makes my head so heavy it might snap clean off my neck and roll across the floor with the other boulders like a macabre marble match.
Do I trust him?
With a final squeeze, I let my hands fall to rest on either side of his chest. He smiles, showing a sliver of teeth.
Of course I do.
I watch his face as we go to the makeshift kitchen. “So you want tea?”
Though he can’t see me nod, he should be able to feel it.
“It’s easy, right? I just boil some water, and then. I.” Seemingly unconscious to the action, he worries his upper lip as he thinks. “We’ll get there when we get there.” He looks back down. “Where’s the tea?”
With a stupid grin I point to the cabinet where I found the tea and Jean lifts me to height — fucking lifts me a good five feet into the air — so I can snatch the tea packets. “Put me down! I’ll kill your arms.”
He lowers me back to waist-chest height. “So that’s the tea.”
I set the box on my stomach. “You— you’ve never used it before?”
“Forget I said anything. Now what?”
“Now, we… are you sure you don’t want to put me down?”
He rolls his eyes so hard I’m surprised they don’t separate like a chameleon’s. “I’m strong. Let me carry you.”
God I want to shut his smirk up so bad but if I’m in no position to reach up and… I don’t know. I’d do something. Arrogant little prick. “Counter.”
Jean obliges and I take the kettle one-handedly, emptying the old water and adding more, enough for two cups again. “You want some?”
“Is there enough for both of us?”
“Hit me.”
I hit the plunger on the kettle. “Mugs.”
So we move like this, a strange, inefficient, two-person machine. I nearly drop one of the cups, all the cabinet doors are left open, and nearly a quarter of the milk got spilled because I cut the hole in the milk bag too big.
But we got it done. Like yesterday, I find myself drawing little circles into his back, and again, I have to stop myself. “Are you sure you don’t want to—”
“You didn’t let me finish my sentence.”
“I know what you’re thinking anyway.”
What an asshole. “There’s milk all over the ground.”
“I’ll clean it.”
“I can’t drink my tea if you’re carrying me.”
“I think we have a straw somewhere.”
Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes and I smack his back. “At least let me sit. My legs are going numb.”
“That I can do,” he purrs, every word dripping with smug that lands on my face like hot wax. I want to curl into myself as he swings me like a mannequin, placing me on the couch as if I’m made of cobwebs. “Don’t move.”
I’m going to kill him. Cold air presses in on me and I push myself into the rough fabric in a vain attempt to escape it.
Jean returns with both mugs and offers one to me before sitting down on the other side of the couch and taking a sip, recoiling immediately as if slapped. “Hot!” He puts the mug down and hones in on me. “Don’t drink it yet.”
Rubbing the sides of the cup, I soak in the fleeting warmth it offers me. “I’m thirsty, Jean.”
He blinks, putting his hands up as if suddenly unsure of what to do with them. “Uh.” Then he holds them out. “Here.”
Our hands brush as I hand over my beverage. Once, twice, he dips his head forward as if to drink it, purses his lips, and asks, “is it okay if I blow on it?”
I get a little warm inside. “You… don’t have to do that.”
“I’d like to. I mean,” he adds quickly, “if you’re comfortable with that.” Two of his fingers tap the glass in a rhythm known only to himself. I smile a little. Didn’t we literally kiss?
He flashes me a quick smile in return before puckering and puffing gently, cautiously into the tea, blowing small ripples that lap at the opposite side of the mug but never spill over. I trace a green line on the couch until it disappears over the curve of the back cushion and a shiver abruptly passes through me.
With effort, I wrench myself into a sitting position, spurring him to look over from his delicate task.
“Sorry. Can I… can I hold you?”
He stops. I stop. “Oh, I— uh.” He rubs the bridge of his nose. “Of course.”
Hesitantly, my arms snake around his closest to me and I lean my head against his shoulder. Feeling the expansion and contraction of his chest with every forced exhalation.
This feels different from last night. That was a necessity. I mean, I couldn’t leave him all alone; he was in rough shape. Not to mention he didn’t want to be alone. Not that he… terribly influenced my decision. No. I did it because I’m taking care of him and nothing more. Like… inserting a catheter. Strictly a necessity.
As for the pill, well. That’s… well, I’m just kidding myself at this point.
Maybe I am a bit in love with him. Maybe I don’t know what to do with myself around him anymore. Should I lean in for a quick peck? Give him a fist bump? Stroke or tousle his hair?
He likes me back, right? He does, right? I mean, the way he looks at me is… different.
I close my eyes. “Tell me a story.”
“Mmm.” His little baritone hum, deep in his chest; does he know what it does to me? “Tea first.”
Groggily, I open my eyes as the warm brim of the mug presses against my bottom lip and tilts; I open to let the warm fluid run into my mouth. “Mmmh,” I grunt, and he puts the mug away.
“You were saying?” Jean says softly, landing his closest hand over my shoulder, rubbing in circles with his thumb. I look into his eyes and the acidic words forming on my tongue neutralize right there.
“Tell me a story.”
“Let’s get comfy first.”
I let my head fall onto his arm again but he takes my shoulder and gently pushes me onto my back, hovering over me, silhouetted by the light. “Is your neck okay like this?”
My words are but a whisper. “Yes.”
“Okay,” he murmurs as he lies down himself, trapping me between his warm body and the back of the couch. It’s small piece of furniture; Jean’s visible leg hangs over the other armrest and he probably has the other on the ground.
“Isn’t that uncomfortable?”
His breath hits my face as he speaks. “It’s okay.”
My eyes trace up the curve of his body, up to his face which is so close to mine we might as well be touching, and he smiles again, and this time I can see how it lights up his entire face; the way his skin stretches, the way his eyes get a little smaller. If I really focus, I can see my own reflection.
“What kind of story do you want?”
“Whatever makes you happy.”
Our gazes don’t break as he pauses, and when he speaks, his voice fills the air between us, vibrating every molecule. “When I was a kid, my mom would tell me stories.”
“They were always about my dad. And I never really understood why she told me these stories.” He breathes out in amusement. “I’d get so… irritated. Asked her why she always told me stories about the guy that didn’t — doesn’t — even care about us.”
As he speaks, his focus wanders, but always lands back on me. I reach for the arm that rests at his side and pull it in between us. He watches the whole time but doesn’t shrink away.
“And she would always say that the memories they had together were real, even if it didn’t turn out in the end. And I’d tell her he’s just a deadbeat and that she shouldn’t care about him.”
“And then I met you.”
I can’t help it. I smile again.
“And then I just… understood. How it’s the little moments you hold on to the most.” And he grins.
“Maybe,” I murmur, swiping my thumbs over his warm, fleshy palms, “it’s the other way around.”
He blinks. “Maybe.”
==> dreamcore, daniel.mp3
I bring his hand up to face level, examine the veins that splay out beautifully under his skin, weaving between tendons, plunging deep into the muscle and bone and fat. “Tell me one of your mom’s stories.”
It takes a moment for him to think. “It was after high school. Their last summer together. He was going into fine arts and she was going to study medicine.”
“But that night, long after the sun went down and the birds stopped singing, they were just walking around aimlessly. Nothing to do except enjoy each other’s company, I guess.”
Something shifts in his tone as he lapses into the narrator’s perspective.
“But even though they were spending time together as usual, both were thinking about how one day, very soon, they were going to move to opposite sides of the country and maybe never see each other again.”
“But they did see each other again, right?” His skin burns against mine. “They had you.”
“Well, not exactly.” His hand suddenly gains life, flexing lightly. “That’s the summer I was… conceived.”
“Yeah. Needless to say, I’m not super close with my grandparents.” He purses his lips and now he’s looking at his fingers. “That’s an entire story on its own. Anyway. They were walking together at night, fearless to whatever was in the dark. Only their own futures.
“And while they were walking it suddenly started to rain. My mom said it came out of nowhere, like a bucket of water was poured on their heads. So they did what any other person would do.”
“Go home?”
“Run to the park.”
“Sounds like something you’d do.”
“Shush, you… They ran for the park like their lives depended on it, but they were soaked by the time they got there. So they decided to have a picnic in the pouring rain. And they stayed there until the rain stopped and the birds started singing again.”
“What happened after?”
“Well, by the time she got to that part in the story, I fell asleep.”
I huff lightly. “Finish it for me.”
After some hesitation, he speaks again. “When the birds started singing, they noticed a strange person in the trees. It appeared to be a man in a fedora.”
I crack my eyes open, not realizing they shut in the first place. “A fedora?”
“Fedoras are cool!”
The worst part is, I can imagine him wearing one.
“Stop laughing.”
“Sorry.” Without thinking, I use his hand to cover my mouth. “Continue.”
“The— the man in the — hat — approached the two. And he asked them if they’d seen his notebook anywhere. It was a sketchbook, he said, and he liked to draw birds. They said no, so he kept moving on.
“Truth is, he didn’t use it to draw birds. He liked drawing people.”
I hum.
“People were everywhere, and every one looked so different. Every mark and wrinkle was a testament to their way of life. He’d examine people’s faces for so long, he could see things that others couldn’t. He noticed things that the faces’ owners didn’t.
“He’d bring that little sketchbook everywhere, drawing every face that he saw, beautiful, ugly, short, long. And after a while of doing this, he realized that, despite all faces being slightly different, they were all the same, too. They were all strangers in his life, predictable. Every face followed a… a pattern. He couldn’t quite put it into words.”
I give his hand a small squeeze.
“One day, he went to the cafe. And of course, he brought his sketchbook with him. He sat on a barstool near the corner of the restaurant, right in front of the big window, and started sketching the people walking outside. When the waiter came up and asked what he wanted, he asked for a coffee.
“He didn’t look back up until the waiter returned, and when he looked into her face to say thank you, he noticed something strange.
“It was pretty, the most beautiful face he’d seen in his life, and he’s seen a lot of faces. It wasn’t just her face, though. It was her mannerism, her tone of voice, the way she stirred his drink a little so the grounds and sugar wouldn’t sink all the way to the bottom and the way she asked if there was anything else that she could do for him, as if the question was truly asked out of her heart and not just because she’s getting paid to… this person, at that moment, broke the pattern.”
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
When I wake up, the Cars blanket is draped over me. Music plays over the sound of the sink running, and if I listen close enough, I can hear Jean humming along. Dishes clash.
I must have fallen asleep with my mouth open, because now my throat is so dry it takes an effort to swallow. Slowly, I sit up and lean forward to take a sip of (cold) tea, but it doesn’t do much for the wheeze in my lungs. Jean starts singing softly with the chorus.
“And don’t go there ‘cuz you’ll never return…”
Standing there, washing dishes like a maniac and singing. The strands of his voice, like a bobbing needle, weave between the guitar and bass, and at times it’s hard to differentiate them at all, the tangle of melody and tempo. I melt into the sound, dissipating into thin air. Almost forgetting how much harder it became to breathe.
“Then you did something wrong and you said it was great…”
I stand at a snail’s pace — not avoiding the sudden pressure in my head as I do so — and drag myself into the kitchen.
There’s a dishcloth slung over his left shoulder and his hair’s tied up with — I check my wrist — my hairtie. Seemingly careless of his crime, he nods his head slightly with the music, biting his upper lip in concentration. I wouldn’t forgive him if he didn‘t look so…
at ease. Loose?
The sink suddenly spits water at him, drenching his already-wet sweatshirt.
“Ugh.” And now he looks up. “Oh.”
I smile as the singer reaches a high note and Jean hurriedly shuts off the tap.
“Alexa, stop. What’re you doing up?” The music cuts and he rushes to my side in an instant, cupping my shoulders as if expecting I’ll collapse. There’s a spoon in his hand and it drips on the ground. “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“I was sleeping.” His top-knot sticks out and it’s just begging for me to touch it. “You have a… beautiful voice. By the way.”
He eyes the ground, reddening. “Yeah, yeah.”
Without thinking I tap his cheek. “Let’s cook,” I say. “I’m hungry.”
Jean blinks, touching the area of impact. “Cook?” He stirs again when I snatch the dishcloth from his shoulder. “Wait! No, you’re sick!” But I’m already in the kitchen.
“Oh, you… put the groceries away?”
“I’m not a barbarian. Sit down.” He tosses the spoon in the dish strainer. “Let me cook.”
“No, Mr. White.” I clear my painful throat.
“Ha, ha. Sit down, okay? Do you want me to bring a chair over?”
When he touches my shoulder I turn. “Jean, really.” But my voice is small, and it betrays me, the familiar weakness sapping at my muscles and limbs. “If I have to eat another… butt-end almond butter and cheese sandwich I’m really gonna lose it.”
==> farewell, erikson jayanto
His jaw clenches and unclenches. “Okay. Fine. But I’m helping you.”
“In that case.” I use the cloth to wipe up the water around the sink. “Chopping board. Please.”
“On it.”
“Knife?” Cloth hangs over the tap.
Taking an extra deep breath in an attempt to sever the strings binding down my lungs, I joke, “don’t kill me.”
He takes the utensil in a stabbing pose. “No promises.”
I bat his arm aside, to the counter. “You know how to cut vegetables, right?”
“Yeah, I know how.”
As he rummages in the fridge to make himself useful, I rinse the rice in a definitely overqualified patterned bowl, nearly falling asleep as my hand draws lazy circles in the warm grains. I’m done in time to see him cut up a carrot — attempt to, at least. He sticks the knife in at bizarre angles and intervals, creating weird orange blocks that skid away from the board after every uneven chop.
“Eh?” His voice is muffled because he’s biting his lip again. It’s painfully obvious that he’s never done this before.
“Did you peel it?”
“I told you, I’m not barbaric.”
I wrap a hand around his left hand — his chopping hand — and lift it above my head. Jean is silent as I push into the space between his body and the counter and put his arm back to lock myself in. He doesn’t budge as I lean heavily back against him. “Like this.” And I grab the backs of his warm hands like computer mice and awkwardly move them into a good position.
His every breath presses against me, chin resting on top of my head, and if I lean just right I can feel his heart race against my back.
And the heat. Maybe it’s just the sickness raising my body temperature, but it burns where we touch.
He does, muscles and tendons going rigid under my grip as he puts his weight on the blade. The carrot slice rolls away and falls off the counter, but Jean catches it. “Aha.” His voice a vibration in his throat. “See that?” He brandishes it in front of me like a trophy.
“Yes, Jean, very impressive.”
We position ourselves again. Jean lets me set his hand at an angle so the tip of the knife leans down. “Try cutting. At an angle.”
He does, requiring little help from my guiding hand. The carrot slice stays on the cutting board. Amused, I twist to look up at his face.
Jean looks shocked as if I caught him doing something heinous and his skin reddens like he’s just been blasted with four hours of unadultered sunlight. His mouth becomes a smile despite it all. “Ma— uh, magical.”
It’s like this for a few seconds before I turn back to our work. “Let’s finish.”
What are you doing to me?
It turns out Jean is quite the natural; after just a few more tries he can use the knife on his own, and I’m just decoration. If you think about it, cooking is a kind of art. And Jean is good with his hands.
I stick with him, though.
“Any pots?”
“Mmm. We have one under the stove.”
“Another gift from Reiner?”
He scoffs lightly. “That was a one-time thing.”
I reach backwards for his arm and end up tapping his bicep. “Pot.”
He detaches from my back and I suddenly realize how cold the air is — it’s like a warm blanket was thrown off me. I lean against the counter. The pot of choice, a great red thing that looks like it’s never been used before, is plopped on to one of the burners and Jean immediately wraps around me again. Delirious heat.
“Now what?”
“This way.” I shuffle us over to the stove, stepping on his feet a few times, and turn the element on. “We put the rice in.”
Jean’s on it, taking the bowl and unceremoniously dumping in the rice.
“Not yet!”
He recoils. “Oh, oops.”
Shit. Knowing it’s going to hurt, I swallow anyway. “It’s okay.” I grin reassuringly, though he can’t see it. “Just need to stir.” Grateful for his presence, I search the drawers for a spatula — a nice wooden one — and hand it to Jean.
“Think you can do it?”
He takes it, grasping the pot handle, and pushes the rice around the pot. “Like this?” he asks, not noticing the jab. Just dripping with innocence. I feel bad.
“How long?”
“Until you feel like it’s done.”
His chest undergoes a sudden compression as he huffs and I realize just how much I’m leaning on him. “And how do I know that?”
I shrug.
So Jean stirs.
“Hm?” he says when I nudge him after a while.
“Add the broth now. And carrots.”
He hums. We turn in tandem so he can fetch the former from the fridge and I watch as he pours it slowly.
“That’s enough.”
As Jean inhales deeply his beard scratches my cheek; he’s bringing his head down to my level. I turn to meet his gaze and smile. “What?”
His eyes flutter to my chin and back.
“You want something?”
He doesn’t stop boring into me, swirling something deep in my gut like a witch’s brew. “I dunno.”
“I do.” I tilt my head up at the slightest angle to afford him a better view and his eyes widen. “You want the carrots. In the pot.”
There’s a little tic in his expression. Like he wants to engulf me, pull me deep into himself. But he just breathes, “right.” And dumps the carrots.
“Are you tired?”
“No.” I clear my throat again and it takes a while for the phlegm to go away fully. My feet shuffle back in an attempt to support myself, to no avail. “Bought chicken?”
“Let’s tear some of it.”
==> october, adrián berenguer
The spatula clicks against the stovetop as Jean puts it down. “Wait.” I turn to meet him, backing against the hard edge of the counter, and the world turns to mush before I gather my bearings. “Wait,” he repeats, softer, putting his hands down on either side of me, locking me in place. “I need to say something.”
“Jean?” Skin turning cold where we once touched. Knees loose. Breath heavy and laboured. I latch onto his gaze and stay there. He is quicksand, sucking me in deeper with no bottom in sight, and I’m powerless to it, to the shifting grains and the lashing wind, the indefinite maelstrom of everything built up and unsaid. Until he says it, and the storm stills.
“What… are we?”
My breath is loud; every one another closer to the answer. The witch’s brew is long since tipped over, seeping its uneasy juices into my bones and muscles and tendons, rendering me feeble and invertebrate.
What are we?
“What do you want… us to be?”
A heartbeat of pause. His voice is soft but confident and takes over my every sense, light filtering into dark, soup into ice, pain into numbness. “More than this. More than what we had before.”
My hands gravitate to cover Jean’s and brush up to rub his forearms, right before the wrists, and I can see the terror that he holds, the possibility of abandonment that he keeps framed up and hung away in a little corner of his mind.
“Like now?”
His eyelids shut, separating us for a few seconds before he opens them again. “No.” And he lowers to my height. “Not like this. I dont— I don’t want any more second-guessing. No more in-betweens. I just— I need to know if we’re together or if we’re just…” He does that thing with his lip again. “I can’t do it anymore. Wondering how close I should be walking beside you, if I should offer you my chair or share it, if— if you’ll ever think of me the same way I think of you.” Despite swallowing, his voice wavers still. “I really think highly of you. I mean, I just— I— sometimes.” The last word is uttered with a small sigh as if he’s accepting defeat.
“Sometimes I feel like you’ve taken me over completely. It sounds stupid, I know, I… When we’re all together, I’m always… thinking about you. If you’ll like this thing. What I should say to make you laugh. God, I love your laugh. There’s just something… about… you… that makes me want to be by your side, and when I’m not, it doesn’t feel right, I didn’t know what right felt like until I met you. When I— I… looking at you just makes me really, really happy, and I’ve never really felt like this before. Never felt so ready to do anything, absolutely anything for a person.” He inhales deeply. “I’m— it’s hard for me to describe how I feel, but in the end I just know.
“I’m in love— I’m in love with you, the way you walk, your voice, the way you’re always looking around, everything that you think is a flaw and… I don’t want to play this game of in-between anymore because this, not knowing how you feel, is killing me. If you— you don’t have to say yes. I just need to know. What are we?”
What are we?
The frame is broken, fallen off its hook, glass shattering on impact as the wooden body collapses and snaps in on itself. Cutting countless tiny holes torn into the fabric guise of courage. Hands trembling against my sides.
The answer I want to give him is there, a vibrating and incomprehensible bundle of warmth and devotion and tenderness that is utterly unattainable behind the metal barrier of the spoken word, as much as it beats and bores into the confines of its enclosure. How much longer?
They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. It’s more like a well. Dark, deep, secretive of what lies inside behind its deceptive beautiful adornments.
But if I let myself go, if I allow myself to hang over the stone ledge and slip in to see for myself, despite the fear of hitting the cold, lonely bottom…
My hand cups his cheek and he tilts his head, leaning into it.
He says my name back, just as tender, twice as fearful, and the unfamiliar frequency twinges a string in my consciousness. I open my mouth.
“How you managed to fall for me is… it’s beyond me. You’re smart, you’re strong, you’re talented… To me, you’re about as attainable as a star.”
He shakes his head tightly but I continue as he inhales to speak, hints of his voice catching the air through his throat.
“You might not think so but you’re… whenever I’m with you I just feel like everything is going to be okay in the end.” My chest burns and my voice falters. “You make me feel safe. When I imagine our future together, I’m— we’re always happy.”
If I wasn’t touching him I would never notice the small nod of gentle encouragement he gives, so much hope piled onto such a tiny movement.
“And it’s been eating away at me, because every time we look at each other I have to wonder— I have to stop and ask myself if you really like me back too.”
His eyes widen. My pulse races through my body; he can probably feel it through my hand. The truth, that’s all it is, comes pouring out unrestricted, a torrent of words tearing through my soul.
“What are we? That’s a silly question. We spend time with each other and care for each other. We share our food and our beds. You passed an important test last month and I brought everyone over with cake to celebrate, and you know my schedule so you always come to the cafe when I’m working.” I puff in amusement. “And it’s when I least expect it, too. We share so many playlists it isn’t even funny anymore, because you influenced my taste in music so much.”
“You’re the one who influenced me,” he says with a small smile.
“Frankly, I’m in love with you, and— and you’re in love with me.” I sway on my feet and put my other hand to his face to steady myself. “We know that now. We know that, so isn’t that enough? We’re two people in love, who act like they’re in love, who know they’re in love… Has anything really changed?” My peripheries go blurry. “Can’t we figure it out from here? No labels?”
“No labels.” A smile is cracking his face, skin pulling beneath my palms as his eyes crinkle, shattering the restrictive veil he wears and painstakingly paints on every morning. “We’re us. You’re right. Nothing’s changed at all. Just two people in love.” His grin widens. “Just… us.”
I smile too, I smile until my face hurts and I start giggling, but Jean is right there with me, unable to help the laughter that rings around his ribcage with a melody that is uniquely his. I let my head drop and he closes the distance between us, pulling me deep into himself, and it’s like an invisible film wrapped around me has been popped for the first time. We’re hugging for the first time. We’re touching for the first time. Unrestricted. Without fear.
Two people in love.
My laughs soon turn into coughs and the illusion is broken. Jean steps back, still pinning me against the counter.
“You want more tea?”
I scan the kitchen. “I don’t suppose Reiner got you guys a microwave?”
“I’ll make more.”
“No buts. You trust me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” I say before the clamouring in my mind.
“Go lie down. I’ll finish up here.”
I turn my head up and a string in my neck suddenly starts to burn, halting the action. Stiff neck. I look down at his socks.
“You sure?”
His hands enter the picture and take mine. “Let’s get you to bed, okay? Granny?”
“You know what? Just take me to the gym.”
He hisses through his teeth. “Okay, I get your point. I’m sorry.”
Pot bubbling away in the background, we make it to the bedroom. I roll onto Jean’s criminally soft covers and he drapes the quilt over me, trapping me in my own heat.
“Go to sleep, okay?” His voice is a soft rumble, sandpaper fleece.
“Okay, father.”
“I don’t want to see the lights on when I walk by,” he adds, sternly.
“Or what?”
His dark form pauses, then leans down against my ear. “Sleep.” And he plants his lips against my hot cheek before withdrawing.
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
me: @/chismosa
me: sash
me: wya
chismosa: im at the store
me: ??? i thought we were meeting at urs?
chismosa: change of plans! eren said jean came in whilw he was working soo
chismosa: just wait there. shave ur head or sth
chismosa: dont use my razor tho
me: .
me: ur lucky my phones abt to die or i woukd call nd cuss u out
me: im just gonna go back to mine
chismosa: wait
chismosa: cons
me: phobe dying
chismosa: CONNIE NO
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
When the spoon clinks against the bowl my head nearly splits open. My mouth is dry because my nostrils are plugged and everything inside me feels warm and centrifuged. I try to breathe in through my nose, fail, and end up coughing instead.
“Oh—” Jean drops his book— “are you awake?”
“It got worse,” I croak.
He smiles wryly. “Yeah. It’s pretty bad.” The sketchbook on the ground skids under the bed when he kicks it as he stands. “You hungry? Thirsty? Hot?”
I shut my eyes, not daring to move. “Just want to sleep.”
“You should eat something.”
“I don’t wanna puke.”
“You won’t puke.”
“You did.”
“That’s my own fault and you know it.” He reaches for something on the nightstand and produces a bowl. “You should at least try it. Please?” With the disposition of a kid trying to show off a cool drawing that he made.
“You finished making it?” I start to lift my head but Jean lunges forward.
“Wait! Let me.” He reaches over my lap for the pillows on the other side and works on propping them up against my back, chest against my face. Maybe I’ll pass out again.
“Hm?” He returns to his original position, cradling my back. “Lean back now.”
I do and it’s just like yesterday, except our positions are switched. “Your hair is so pretty.”
“Oh.” A wavering smile takes over him. “Really?”
==> parfum d’etoiles, ichiko aoba
He leans in when I beckon and lets me brush away the silky-soft strands that fall onto his face, gently pressing them back into the main mass of his hair with the backs of my fingernails. His hair. How long have I dreamed of doing this? Seeing the way it catches the sunlight to flare a molten gold during sluggish fall afternoons at my dorm, how the wind picks up strand after delicate strand as we walk through campus on the way back from the cafe, the way it always sticks to the back of his shirt when he turns his head. Something as unreachable as the reciprocation of my love. And yet… “So beautiful.”
He dips his head a little so I focus on his mini-ponytail—
“Ponytail,” I muse out loud, grinning. “Horseface and ponytail.”
At this he looks up indignantly, undoing all my work. Betrayal weighing on his brow. “You did not.”
“Oh—” my finger, entranced and with a mind of its own, traces his hairline, “—but I did.”
He scoffs as if it’s the only thing he can do and turns his head to the side, not hiding the heat that shows and radiates from his face as I stroke the strands over his ear. He eases down onto his elbows on either side of my body and he plays with his hands on my stomach. My thumb never leaves his skin, tracing his delicately shaved beard from the curve of his jaw down to his chin, and I use this position to pull his face toward me. Feeling his pulse, feeling the way the soft skin under his jaw moves as he swallows, inhales, opens his mouth with a small wet sound and speaks right into me.
“You’re beautiful.”
I want to cry.
Despite feeling like death, despite the mouthbreathing, despite the greasiness of my hair…
Jean’s gaze is unveiled, blazing with all the fondness and revere previously hidden and locked away, an unsurmountable number of words press-printed and bleeding onto millions upon millions of honeyed pages but never bound, never shut away from the sunlight and the sky and the polished wood shelves, blowing, scattering in the wind. I just might wither away under it all if I wasn’t looking back at him with just the same intensity. Locked in a silent competition neither of us will ever win.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
“Jean,” I say ever so lightly, only forming the shape of his name of his tongue as I exhale.
He blinks a few times and the mattress tilts as he reaches under the frame and pulls up his sketchbook, settling on the edge of the bed. It’s about the size and shape of a placemat, bound in black leather with a stiff metal coil binding it together. He flips through the heavy cream pages with experienced ease, squishing the flesh of the hand that holds it open. I can stare at his hands all day. The hairs that sprout near the wrists, the thick, sturdy fingers, the laced veins that bulge when he brings them down to his side but are always, always visible, the way the skin folds and creases at the joints, the white-hot tendons that decorate his knuckles and poke up when he flexes, the soft and jagged way he cuts the white of his fingernails, the warmth, the padding of his palms. The power that lies dormant in his muscles under every gentle movement. I want them forever to hold and cherish and cuddle. Among other things.
He finally finds the page he’s looking for and he folds the sketchbook in on itself on its metal hinge to flatten it. He taps his fingers against the back, a soft pitter-patter like rain.
“Are you going to show me?”
Face contorting slightly, he says, “it’s not finished.”
“It doesn’t… exude you.”
I smile. “Exude?” But he’s lost in his mind, lost in the lines interwoven in shapes and shadow on the page that are supposed to constitute a greater picture.
“Qu’est-ce que…” he mutters, not to me, not to anyone. Without looking he picks up a pencil from the nightstand and lays a few more strokes onto the paper. The graphite scratches the bumpy composite, seemingly at random at first, but Jean’s movements soon fall into a rhythm. Every once in a while his eyes flicker from the page to me and I meet him every time.
I don’t know how long we sit here, soaking in the comfortable silence, but he eventually breaks the illusion by leaning back and swiping the eraser crumbs off. “I don’t like it,” he says with a note of finality.
I’m almost asleep. “Mm— show me.”
His face disappears behind my hand, which makes a pinching motion. “Jeaaan.”
He sighs; reluctantly, he offers the whole book to me and stares through the window (curtains still drawn). I flip it over to see and—
I blink away the gunk that doesn’t exist and hold the page back so it catches the dim light from the hallway better. “Did you just do this?”
It’s… me. It’s me in his bed, hair splayed, eyes half-lidded yet still staring through the page, features lit from on one side and bleeding into the shadowy graphite at the other. Pinned up and immortalized in this very moment by his own hands, every stroke with a purpose.
“I know, the composition is off and the lines aren’t harmonizing.”
“Harmonizing? Jean, this is beautiful.”
“Hah?” He clambers to the empty spot beside me so we can both look. “No, look, I messed up right…” he points with the worn-down eraser end of his pencil. “There. And there, and—”
I swat it away. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Don’t you realize how good this looks? I mean—” holding the portrait up next to my own face, I smile. “See?”
“Not the same,” he groans. “Everything’s—”
I stick the side of my finger against his teeth and he recoils into the pillow. “What!” He pries me off, gripping my forearm with virtually no pressure. “What was that for?”
“Whatever you think, I love it.” I clear my throat. “Thank you so much, Jean. I mean it.”
He pauses. “Well, I’m— I’m glad you like it. Expect more.”
His eyelids flutter; hesitantly, he takes some of my hair and twirls it in his finger. “I can’t help myself.”
Some of the heat in my core rises to my face, but it’s okay, so I don’t bother turning away.
“One day I’ll get good enough to draw you for real.”
Draw me for real? As far as I’m concerned, he’s always drawing me, conjuring up a little image of me in his mind every time my name is brought up. That’s enough. That’s more than enough.
“Are you ready for soup now?”
“I’m tired. I don’t wanna move.”
“When did I say you have to move?”
It’s easy for him with his stupidly long limbs to climb over me and stand again. He takes the bowl on the nightstand and hooks his chair with his foot, dragging it forward before sitting. “It’s still a bit warm, okay?” he says, stirring the mixture.
“That looks good.”
He looks up briefly to smile. “Thanks. I found a recipe online.”
“You should get into cooking.”
He shrugs and holds up the spoon, bowl close underneath to prevent spillage. “Aah.”
I take it. The metal clicks uncomfortably against my teeth but the food is warm and good. “This is good,” I declare when my mouth is empty. “Do you really not cook that often?”
“Nope. Aah.”
I chew and swallow. “When do I get my pill?”
Jean looks like he’s choking for a second. “Uh— what, do you want it right now?”
“Sooner the better, I guess.”
He blinks, then takes the package of ibuprofen from the nightstand and unwraps a pill, puts the box away, and pinches it in his hand like it’s a precious stone. “Are you sure?”
I raise an eyebrow and hold my hand out. He stares at it, dumbfounded.
“What’s that for?”
“The pill?”
His mouth opens and closes. “Oh.” He gently places the pill onto my waiting palm. “Right.”
“What were you thinking?”
He licks his lips. “Nothing.”
I pop it dry and it hits the back of my throat before disappearing forever. Jean cringes. He’s staring at the ground, knees pushed together to hold the bowl, slightly too big for the chair he’s sitting on.
“Yeah?” He perks up.
“If you want to kiss me, you can.”
He tenses around the bowl. “No! That’s…” A weak chuckle rolls in his torso. “Uh. Good to— good to know.”
I smile as silence falls between us again and the room teems with potential. He feeds me in silence, gentler with the spoon this time, pushing it against my soft bottom lip and inserting just the right amount not to hit my throat, tilting it up during the exit so my upper lip rides the gentle curve of the metal and scrapes out the meal. Everything with a calculated and smooth movement, as if feeding me is an art.
He really is good with his hands.
Now he has a tissue and holds it up as if asking for permission. I nod; he leans in to wipe some off my face, a soft furrow in his brow, biting his lip. Starting at the corner, pressing into the supple skin and making his way inward, he easily catches the mess, folds the tissue, and does the other side. He finishes off with a small dab and crumples the it, obscuring it completely in his fist. Not moving back.
“Can I have some tea?”
==> i was only temporary 2 u, my head is empty
Silently, he stretches to take a mug off the nightstand, and just like before, pushes the rim against my lip. I tilt back and drink; it’s sweet, almost head-swimmingly so, and liquid smooth.
He puts the mug down and one-handedly stashes it back to its spot. Some of the drink had dribbled from the corner of my mouth to my chin and drips onto the sheet, forming a small, dark blotch on the white. When I glance back up, so does Jean, and we lock eyes.
I don’t notice him get closer until he’s on me, trapping me against the headboard, tracing the path of the tea to the corner of my lips with his own. Not satisfied, he brushes against the other side of my lip and the tip of my nose before stopping at eye level. Taking in a breath before ever so slowly inching forward, sealing off my air. My eyes slip closed.
It’s different this time. He’s hesitant, waiting for me to make the move, so I do, tracing the crescent of his warm, plump lip with my tongue — god, how long have I wanted this? How long have his lips stared back at me? — in an attempt to crack him open, without pattern but with hidden rhythm, just like his pencil. He tastes like overly sweet tea.
His fingers caress my jaw and tangle into my hair as mine do the same, tracing the scrub of his beard, pulling out the hairtie and tossing it before taking the impossibly silken strands in greedy fistfuls, making my blood go loose and coat my guts in something inexplicable that almost makes me lose my focus. The air from his nose tickles my skin and finally he gives, breaking the dam, exploring the surfaces I have to offer as if mapping it out for later with a painful, cautious leisure. Never stopping, always movement: the bristles of his chin occasionally scraping against mine; his hands languidly falling down my neck, pushing me back against the pillows; mine, seizing his collar, pulling as a desperate indication to remove it and to come closer; the dip of the bed as he obliges to the latter, knees locking me in place. As if I would move, despite my racing pulse, despite my heart threatening to slip out of its bony confines and tear my burning lungs—
==> might start singing - sped up, sheldon charlot
The metallic sound of a key grating into the keyhole. Like deer in the headlights we freeze as the key turns, the lock disengages, and the front door swings open.
Jean looks like someone just shot at him; blindly, I swat at the thick muscle between his neck and shoulder until he awkwardly rolls off, ramming into the nightstand with his head in the process. The bowl and mug and clock rattle, nearly drowning out his pained grunt. He lands sitting on the ground and I sit up ramrod straight.
“Jean? That you?”
We peer at each other through the dark, thoughts unspoken, yet still understood. My pulse is on overdrive, for a different reason now.
His footsteps get louder as he stomps down the hall; I pull the blanket up (to cover what, exactly?) as Jean shoots onto his feet — slamming his shoulder against the nightstand again — just as his roommate’s shadow fills the doorway to Jean’s room.
“Ugh, you’re gonna kill your eyes, man.” A blinding light pierces as Connie flips a switch. “Can I borrow your charger? I left mine— I left…”
When my eyes adjust, Connie’s staring into me under Jean’s arm. He looks between the two of us as the pieces fall together in his head like a game of jelly Tetris and it’s evident when he figures it out, when all the rows are cleared and the trumpets blare and the screen flashes with confetti, when a grin that’s all too Connie takes over his face. “Oh. You guys have been real naughty while I was gone, huh?”
I start to speak but Jean’s faster. “What are you on about? I was just giving her food.”
Connie raises an eyebrow, skeptical. At the obviously empty bowl, the ruffled covers, our heaving chests and wrinkled clothes, Jean’s hair which is uncharacteristically roughed up and messy and falling all over his eyes. “Yeah.” He smirks at me. “Food.”
Jean swallows.
“Connie,” I say slowly as the last taste of Jean slips away, “you won’t tell Sasha, right?”
“I dunno.” All too gleeful, he leans against the wall, tapping it as if waiting for something. “Will I?”
“You can use Jean’s car for a week if you don’t.”
Said person twitches. “Huh!?”
No stranger to the bargain, Connie narrows his eyes. “A month.”
“Two weeks or no deal.”
“Fine, but I get to decide which days.”
“Wait, when did I—”
“Deal,” I say, cutting Jean off. I shoot him an apologetic look as Connie caws in victory.
“Hell yeah! Suck it!” He points at the owner of said car. “She’s all mine now, Jeanboy!” Then he points at me. “I love you and my lips are sealed forever, okay? This is our little secret. Woo!” He skips down the hallway and picks something up with a jingle before the door opens and shuts and all is quiet.
At a sloth’s pace, Jean reaches for his pants pocket. “My keys aren’t here.”
“I’m sorry, Jean.”
He slumps, leans his butt against the bed, and turns to me like a war widow, voice barely a whisper. “It had to be done.”
“Your car will be fine.” I try to undo some of the damage thoughtlessly wrought upon his hair, smoothing it out. “It’s only two weeks.”
“Knowing Connie, he’s going to spread it out over two years,” he sighs, staring at the wall. “You know he likes to eat in it, right?”
Saying nothing, I keep stroking his hair, tracing my his scalp with my fingertips, and he leans in to my shoulder.
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
“Connie?” Sasha says when he pulls up outside the store, hiding her fingers from the bitingly cold air by shoving them in her coat pockets. “What are you doing here?”
“More importantly, what’s he doing in Jean’s car?” Eren adds, in the process of pulling up his hair into a bun. “Did you kill him, Connie?”
“I struck a bargain,” Connie says smugly. “You guys want a ride, or what?”
Sasha blinks. “You saw them together and they agreed to let you use Jean’s car as long as you kept quiet about it.”
“Nuh-uh!” the driver bursts as Eren nods.
“Adds up.”
Connie’s grip around the wheel tightens. He won’t— he can’t let his dream ride slip from his hands so quickly. “Sasha, no! I just let him use— I mean, he let me use his car if I did all his laundry for a month.”
“Really?” his best friend muses.
Frantic, he nods.
She scowls. “Don’t give me that crap, Constance Springer.” Trace puffs of steam appear at her rapid spew of words. “You don’t even know how to do laundry.”
“I do so! I Youtubed it!”
“Woman, nuh uh!”
“Can I go now?” Eren drawls, almost immediately drowned out by their combined bickering. He sighs, putting the finishing touches on his bun, and traces the leafy skyline.
So they really did get together. He didn’t think Jean had it in him. Casually, he taps his pocket, the bunched-up lanyard underneath.
Sasha had grilled him constantly though the store as he did his rounds, even following him to the employee-only area. Hell, she stood outside the bathroom waiting for him when he tried to hide for his break. There was just no escaping her.
“What did he buy?”
“Like, soup stuff.”
“What’s the first thing he said?”
“My name?”
“Did he mention her?”
“Do you have a receipt?”
And so on and so forth. She asked for Jean’s grocery haul maybe a hundred times, and he answered every time with the same mind-numbing ingredient list. Every. Single. Time.
A small smile lights his face. He didn’t tell her everything, though.
As much as he wanted to mention Jean’s embarrassingly poor attempt to hide the box with his body from Eren’s prying eyes at the checkout, he thought better of it, because then she’d really go off the hook. That, and he wants Jean to owe him. He covers his mouth before the others notice his growing smile at the memory replaying in his mind. Condoms? Really? Does Jean not trust Connie enough to use some of his? More importantly, does he really think he’ll be using them? Truly?
Eager beaver.
“Don’t tell them, okay?” Connie says, already defeated. “Or else they’ll take this car away…”
“Don’t you realize, Connie? It doesn’t matter who I tell because soon enough they’ll be walking around in public holding hands and all that. So your leverage is basically null.”
He stares forlornly at the little Sanrio charm hanging from the rearview mirror. “When did you get so good at this?”
“That’s just common sense.”
Sighing, he rests his forehead on the steering wheel. “Well,” he says without looking up, “you guys wanna go for a long drive?”
⋅ ⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋅ ⋆
writing confession scenes kill me in every physical metaphorical and metaphysical way you can imagine. thats some psychic damage right there. despite that, i love writing
seems we cant escape the inevitable kiss scene! i tried to switch it up this time. not a huge fan of recurring plot and all but i think in circles sometimes. like a dying fruit fly
about that epilogue -- i dont think i'll be employing those for a while. or maybe i will. who knows?
masterlist part 1 - two ibuprofen
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