#also nerium is another name for oleander
godwormeater · 3 years
i hold you
gently in my cold, bone hands
your tears salting my fresh wounds
i mumble my apologies
avoiding the pain in you
so clearly reflected in me
you always loathed that about me
i knew that, and i forgave myself for it
the holes in your hands a clear sign
the nails still welded in mine
you’ll curse me for them
you know i’ll take it willingly
i know it’s all you can say
your poison in my blood
credit: [me, quill inkling]
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Oh, so you have your own sidesteps? I would love to hear, if you'd like to share something about them!
I do have my own Sidesteps! Currently making even more to replay Retribution, actually, though I didn't really mention them in the blog. I haven't thought about this before, but I guess I could make a post about them? To keep it neatly organized if nothing more. I'm still figuring them all out, so the majority of it it's just "The Vibes™". Oh, well, if you don't mind my rumblings, I'll share a little something about them. Under the cut because it's long:
My first Sidestep I'm still undecided in which name I'll give. Either Oliver or Oleander, something plant-based. I do like the nickname Ollie for them. Undecided in the surname too, but probably something silly and literal like 'Gardener', instead of an actual, normal surname. Latinx, nonbinary transmasc, they/them pronouns. Between tall and average height, warm brown skin, lots of beauty marks, wears big square glasses and is a little chubby. Wavy, short dark brown hair that looks almost black, possibly gonna dye it to blue or green down the line. Dark, warm brown eyes. Expletive of choice is "Poppies" and their vice is sweet things. Tactician, tech-savvy, high blue stats, specially empathy. High telepathy stats as well, relies more on subtler approaches. Terrifying suit with Speed + Telepathy upgrades, villain persona is called Nerium. Either suicidal or friendless scar, also undecided on the motivation, but probably Justice or Better Life. Hero Hunter who's actually training the heroes for what's coming. Romance depends on playthrough, but I'm thinking either Ortega or Herald. Were known as a vigilant in their Sidestep days and was friends with Ortega despite having a crush on them. Told Ortega they're still a telepath. Went alone to the Museum as the Puppet, heard Argent and Herald arguing. Fought the Rangers at the Museum, ended up breaking Herald's leg and regrets it. Hesitated to hurt Ortega. Visited Ortega in the hospital and gave them a peck in the forehead. Their puppet is a woman called Yasmin, she's very short and latinx just like them. Friends with both Mortum and Ortega. They like being her, but would prefer to be themselves more often. Yasmin is seen more like a little sister they're taking care of. Uh, and Ollie got hobbies! They like gardening and drawing, it's pretty therapeutic for them, though they like painting more. They're probably the Sidestep I've doodled the most in the past, but my style isn't the same anymore so I'll wait until my art block passes so I can draw them again. They're probably the Sidestep I think about the most! My little sweetheart. I love them so much oh my <3
My most recent Sidestep is called Chris Bunny. Another one who can't think about normal surnames. Still figuring out her gender, either a nonbinary transfem, or a trans woman (weighting more towards trans woman). She/her pronouns either way. Bisexual with a preference towards women. She's very mixed so it's hard to pinpoint her ethnicity exactly, but she kinda reads as white at first glance because of the light skin and shoulder length straight red hair. Got some asian facial features. Average height, slender but muscular build, hazel eyes. Very freckled. I know for sure she will dress very elegantly in Retribution. Expletive of choice is "oh my". High orange stats, but empathy tends to waver a bit because of Feelings™ towards Ortega, and bitterness towards not being able to be a hero anymore. Tactician and Streetwise. Revenge motivation, either Friendless, Hunger or Puppetmaster scar. I'm very unsure about this part because her character keeps getting more complex in my head so she has a lot of layers for me to figure out. Imposing suit, undecided in the upgrades, but definitely is gonna rob the Museum. Mob boss path, friendly towards her henchmen. Definitely pairing her with Julia, but undecided if I'll go for one of the poly routes or not. I could see her with Argent as well, but will have to see how it all plays out, didn't finish retribution with her yet since she's relatively new compared to my other sidesteps. Will have a mirror image puppet, but I don't know what I'll call her yet. Her hobbie is reading child books, they have very fun and creative stories. That's all I have for Chris right now!
There's also Nathane Mariom. She's one of these people who have a surname that sounds more like an actual first name than her own. Bigender (one gender binary and the other nonbinary), lesbian, she/they pronouns, weighting more towards the "she". Thinking about Ortega calling her "Nana" or "Ane" as a nickname. White, tall, very pale, got a bit of a problem with sensitive skin so there's a shadow of acne there. Gray eyes, shoulder-length wavy black hair with white strands on it, doesn't look that good right now because they don't brush it very often and it's tangled beyond recognition. They're very, very thin, in a bit of a worrisome way, partly because of genetics, the rest a mix of depression, general executive dysfunction, lack of sleep and bad eating habits. Out of all my sidesteps, she's the one that is most obviously Not Okay at first glance. Probably hadn't brushed their hair since Heartbreak. Her vice is coffee and expletive of choice is "cheek kisses". I could see Nathane cutting her hair somewhere after Retribution as a promise to take better care of herself, but nothing set in stone yet. Blue-leaning stats for sure, but the rest of her profile I'm still figuring out. Either Outsider, Friendless, or Suicidal scar, unsure on her motivation, but probably Better Life. Somewhere in the ace-spec like me. Debating if I'll pair her with someone, but if I do, I could see they being in a nice relationship with Argent, and could work with Julia as well. Undecided about the puppet, I'll have to think about it. Also, her hobbie is doodling! They're not very good yet, but it's fun and they love it.
Then there's Matheus Carvalho! He was one of my firsts Sidesteps, so I'm very invested in making his story the perfect one for his character. He's a gay trans man and a very handsome one, thank you very much. Probably the only Sidestep I'm 100% sure that has a binary gender. Mixed, Black Latino, very dark brown skin and black eyes, shoulder-length afro-textured hair that he keeps in dreadlocks. Is between average and tall and got a muscular build. The biggest amount of facial scars out of all my Sidesteps. His vices are both coffee and sweets, mostly coffee though, and his expletive of choices is "sweet bread". I'm undecided on his Arrogance and Daring status, probably higher than some of the others but not as much as Chris. Thinking about either a functional or mysterious armor, Telepathy upgrade for sure, the rest undecided. I'm thinking really hard about the type of villain he will be, but honestly I could see him as any of the options. Weighting more towards Hero Hunter or Anarchist, not killing anyone. Probably will choose the Outsider scar with the Fate motivation for him, though the Friendless scar could also fit very well his character arc. Will definitely go for the poly route with Ricardo and Chen. Figuring out his Retribution choices, but I'm very sure his clothing choice will change to be more sophisticated, he likes to dress well. His hobbie is baking, it's convenient for his vice of sweets and surprisingly relaxing.
Last, but not least, there's Zenith Orionis! Likes space aesthetic, thus the name choice. Nonbinary, zie/hir, ace-spec panromantic. Mixed, got a variety of typically Latinx, Middle Eastern and White features. Light brown skin with a slightly golden undertone, straight brown hair with bangs that cover a lot of hir hazel eyes, long eyelashes and a large scar on hir forehead. Has a short, slender figure. Zie loves sweets, it's hir vice, and hir expletive of choice is "wuh". Yes, a dumb little "wuh". Tends to lean towards the orange stats, but empathy is very high. Admittedly, Zenith is my lil gremlin. Tech-savvy, unsure if I'll make hir a fighter or a tactician because I have way too many tacticians already, will see it as zie starts to evolve a bit more in my head. Unsure on the scar, either Hunger, Friendless or Suicidal. Either Justice or Better Life motivation because I love those. Unsure on hir villain path, maybe a Thief? I played Retribution with hir as an Art Thief and it's simply amazing, but there's time to consider. Will most definitely not intentionally kill people, tho. Dyed hir hair pink and got a quirky clothing style in Retribution, but still manages to be somewhat stylish. Haven't decided their past relationship with Ortega, either "old friend" or "had a thing", but current relationship is friends until further brainstorming. Zie will probably romance Herald, I loved their dynamic in Retribution because zie's basically a chaotic bastard who immediately turns soft around him. It's amazing. Zenith got a lot of different hobbies, but mostly likes to sing and doodle, which zie's very good at. Has a slightly hoarse voice that's very pleasing to hear, and a dark, surrealist art style. Zie and Danny tend to bond over art sometimes. Ah, Zenith is a Sidestep I'm incredibly fond of, zie's my little gremlin and I'd do anything for hir. Love talking about hir. I think zie deserves me doodling hir more often, speaking of which. My baby <3
That's all I got so far, still figuring out the majority of them out, but I wouldn't be surprised if I made even more Sidesteps eventually. Been making picrews of all them, maybe one day I'll share more!
Thanks for the ask, nonny, and sorry for spending so much time answering it, I wanted to do it justice ^_^
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kitaychan · 2 years
38, 36 and 33 for the fanfic asks <3
33. Have you ever stopped yourself from writing something? Why?
Yeah, I'm currently trying not to succumb into starting another wip (though that doesn't stop me from doing a vague outline) because I want to finish at least one before starting another.
On the other hand, there was this really old idea I had for a super edgy fic, it was probably the second story I wrote (or thought of writing) and when I say edgy I really mean edgy (derogatory) because idk I was in a bad place and it would have probably turn out as a vent fic, I stopped myself from writing it because I didn't want to dwell on negative emotions and started writing White flame instead. It's probably the best choice I could have made back then.
36. What fanfic of yours has the symbolism you’re proudest of? 
Nerium Oleander, if I ever went overboard with symbolism is there, specially when it comes to the whole flower theme, like I've spent so much time discussing flower meanings with my family that they think I'm using it for college and the town itself has a flower's name, but also because each crime is treated as a message (thanks Hannibal and the endless lectures on violence at uni) it's been quite a challenge to figure that story out.
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did? 
I call it a draw, it was the first thing I put out there for others to read, I was jokingly writing it because a friend dared me to and when the ending was near, I couldn't believe people where actually reading it.
The general idea for it was to write a love triangle (which I don't think I did, is more of a corner) and it was set on the cannon verse, which is precisely why it surprised me so much once it started getting comments and kinda pushed me to put more effort into it.
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howaboutleeches · 4 years
since you don't have anon on I will be brave: Jules, mafia au, meetcute, "are you sure this is legal"
                                Dangerous Affairs
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Word Count: 1,768
It was early. Like early early. Your boss had called you almost at midnight asking you to come earlier the next day. You were aiming to get a promotion, and in other to facilitate things, you had to make your boss happy, and that’s why you agreed. But damn, 5am is way too early. 
You worked in a really cute flower shop, very well-known around Vesuvia. It was a cute but very popular place, especially after the Countess ordered a bunch of flowers from there, which made everyone want to do the same, of course. That made the shop get busier, and you as well.
You fished the keys out of your pocket and unlocked the front door, doing your best to not bump into any vases, or else you knew it would come out of your payment. You quickly got in and turned on the lights, noticing how you and one other shop were the only ones open at the time, as expected at such an early hour.
White roses, pink note. White roses, pink note. You kept repeating that to yourself along the way and inside the shop as well, keeping in mind exactly what you had to do. Some company was celebrating their anniversary and one of the employees would come by around 6am to pick the flowers up.
It could've been at any time of the day, but there would be way more things involved so they booked to pick the flowers at first dawn to start things as soon as possible.
Going to the back of the shop, you quickly located the flowers and the note, starting to bring the large vases to the front, where they would be easier to bring outside. It took way longer than you expected and when the last vase was brought to the front, a ray of sunlight hit your face, noticing it was time to start the real work.
You sat on the counter and it didn't take long until a large van pulled up in front of the store, displaying the company's name on its side. You moved yourself to open the door and make sure it stayed like that, starting to bring the vases outside. You could feel your arm muscles burning from carrying all that.
Luckily, the trunk door was unlocked, so all you did was open it and start putting it all inside. But the second part turned out to be harder than you expected. Dragging the vase was one thing. Lifting it was hard work. You did your best, with grunts and all, and started to lift the vase, it being a few inches from the floor.
The vase became weightless, and your back became warmer. The presence behind you came so suddenly you didn't even hear it. Large gloved hands held the vase from behind you, carefully lifting and placing it inside. With one swift motion, one of the roses was removed from the vase.
You turned around to see whoever it war the person who helped you and a tall figured man stood behind you, his red hair charmingly falling on his face. Upon seeing your face he smirked, and the rose on his hand was gently placed behind your ear.
"A rose to a rose. Don't worry, they won't notice one of them is gone. And besides, it looks way better on your than on those dull vases" He smiled and slightly bowed, keeping his eyes on you.
Words weren't formed on your brain as you watched him walk to the store and start to lift those vases as if they weighed nothing. You took the opportunity to check inside the van, seeing all the other things the company must've had bought for the celebration.
It surprised you to see other flowers there. You've seen them somewhere, in some book. You cautiously entered the van, getting close to the flowers and gave them a sniff. Your eyes widened in realization.
"Beautiful, isn't it? I'm afraid we had to order that from...another flower shop. You see, they're not very common"
The voice from behind you made you jump. You couldn't understand the situation. He was acting so calm about it, and you felt as if the situation wasn't exactly quite what it seemed.
"You do know what those are right?" Your first words to him. For a few moments, it was like he got distracted by your voice. He took a few seconds to snap back to reality.
"Well, flowers, aren't they? And they look stunning. Will definitely have an impact" He smiled innocently, but his eyes told a different story.
"Nerium Oleander. This flower is extremely poisonous!" You exclaimed, feeling unusually worried about the stranger's well-being.
"Oh, are they? Well, the company told me to get them so...." He simply shrugged, seeming unbothered by the fact.
"Are you sure this is legal? You could get into some serious trouble for caring this around" You replied, still inside the van. He seemed to be blocking your passage, but maybe not on purpose.
"Absolutely sure dear, don't worry about that" He placed the last vase and extended a hand to you, which you gladly took, pulling you out of the van "I think I was supposed to come inside to leave the payment?"
"Oh yes, sure thing" I nod and walk inside, holding the door for him.
Once we get in the shop again, I go behind the counter and start to look around for the spreadsheet with all the information regarding the price. I found it on a nearby chair and turned around to grab it. Turning around, I placed it on the table along with a pan and slid it closer to him.
"Just please put your signature there and we're all done" You gave him a tired smile.
He looked up at you and smirked before leaning down a bit, grabbing the pen and writing on the paper attached to the spreadsheet. You could see his eyes rasing a bit, eyeing your name tag. He finished writing, his writing was truly beautiful, and handed you the sheet back, a warm smile on his face.
“It was a pleasure meeting you this morning Y/n. I thought this morning would be dull, but your presence sure made it exciting” 
He gave you a side smile and turned around in a swift motion, walking towards the door. You felt your head on the clouds while talking to him, his mere presence making you feel calm. So call, so peaceful and so careless that you forgot to ask for his name.
You heard the bell on the door, signaling that it had been closed and quickly lunged forward. You opened the door again, noticing the mysterious man already getting in the van. You quickly rushed to the driver’s side and knocked on the window, catching him by surprise. He jumped a bit on his seat and opened a smile again. As he rolled down the window you noticed he was different.
His work vest was unbuttoned and open, showing a fancy suit underneath it. His hair was slightly pushed back and he had sunglasses tucked on it, apparently very expensive ones. You gave it a curious look before he put his face closer to yours, bringing you back to reality.
“Y-You never said your name....” You said softly, still trying to figure that man out.
From the other end of the avenue, you hear police sirens. Although very low, there were definitely many. Six cars at least. He chuckled, unphased by the sound, and smirked.
“My name? You’ll know it very soon” He reached inside the car, opening the glove compartment and pulled out a black business card, holding it between his middle and index finger “Make sure to watch the news tonight”
And with that, he winked and took off. Not even two minutes later, several police cars passed you while you were still outside. Their noise caught your attention and you finally looked down at the card.
One side was completely black, the paper was a shiny tone, making it glisten as you moved it. When you turned it around, you saw something written in denim letters, a color close to blood.
J. Devorak
You could’ve sworn you heard that name before, you just didn’t know where. You shrugged and went back inside, keeping the card in your pocket the whole day. Work went by relatively fast and you dragged yourself home. Only in the middle of the way you reminded what the stranger from earlier had told you.  Make sure to watch the news tonight. With that in mind, you rushed to your house, almost tripping in the way as you quickly made your way through the streets. 
You quickly unlocked the door and searched for your remote. Once in your hand, you turned the TV on, browsing through the channels and selecting the most famous news one. Almost immediately, the anchor turned to the camera, a serious expression on her face.
“Now, we’d like to address a serious issue that happened this morning. An attack happened during a famous event this morning. The event consisted of the anniversary of the Wisecrest Company, owned by Kellaway Wisecrest. He had been accused of stealing donation money for personal usage recently but walked away freely. Apparently, someone decided to take justice into their own hands. A large number of poisonous flowers were delivered to Wisecrest’s personal room right before the party began, disguised with other non lethal white roses”
“Needless to say, he did not participate in the celebration. During the time, he was unconscious in his room. While that happened, someone hacked into his personal archives and leaked all his information, confirming to the crimes. Wisecrest is now being held in prison, waiting for his trial. The police believes that the Vesuvian mafia could be involved, making Julian Devorak one of the main suspects”
You could feel your jaw dropping. The man who did all that, the same man who charmed you this morning, worked for the mafia!?
“Julian Devorak is a very known mafia leader, also known as “The Mafia Robin Wood”. If he is in case responsible, this wouldn’t be the first time where he did something like this. As the investigation progresses, we will keep the public informed”
As you heard the anchor changing the subject, you slowly pulled the card off your pocket. But now it was different. Where it before was written J. Devorak, now showed, in the same denim letters Jules. And on the back part where there was nothing, a phone number.
I really hope you enjoy this, I’m sorry for the delay. 
I hadn’t noticed about the anon part 😅, but it’s available now!
Have a nice day! 💕🌻
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burnt-toast-life · 3 years
I got an idea for a flower person! what about Nerium (Neri for short) based on the Nerium oleander the most dangerous flower? he could be a rival of thorn? also, his Nerium is not his name it's actually Kane because Kaner is another name for the plant
Sounds interesting enough! Thorn already has a rival character, but I’ll take this into consideration sure ^w^
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xtruss · 3 years
These Are the Most Dangerous Flowering Weeds That May Be in Your Yard
— By Melissa Locker | July 15, 2021 | SouthernLiving.Com
Don't be too alarmed, but your yard may be trying to hurt you. As much as we love magnolias, grass, crepe myrtle, live oaks, climbing roses, and everything in our vegetable gardens, there are some plants out there that are up to no good (we're looking at you, poison ivy). While many dangerous plants are unlikely to appear in a flower garden, there are some weeds that produce beautiful flowers and tempting berries that may look right at home next to your camellias, but are downright deadly. These weeds may look sweet, but one touch can be bad news. Here are some of the most dangerous flowering weeds around.
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JIMSON WEED: This plant produces a white bloom that looks a bit like a morning glory, but from root to leaves, this plant is a no-no. Also called devil's snare, the plant's seeds, roots, stems, and leaves are all dangerous if ingested. Not only does it cause heart palpitations, respiratory and circulatory issues, but the seeds can cause terrifying hallucinations and even death.
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MEADOW DEATH CAMAS: It's just common sense to beware of any flower that has "death" in its name Zygadenus venenosus is no exception. The plant has delicate blooms that hint at its relation to the lily family. Don't let the fact that it's a part of the lily family fool you, because all parts of this plant are toxic, including the bulb, which looks like a wild onion. This pretty plant can cause vomiting, convulsions, and death.
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BELLADONNA: Atropa belladonna is commonly known as deadly nightshade and it has the distinction of being one of the most toxic plants in the entire hemisphere. The dark purple, bell-shaped flowers are pretty, but that beauty masks its deadliness. According to the Missouri Botanical Garden, it's leaves, fruits, and roots are all highly toxic whether eaten or just brushed up against if there's an open wound or abrasion. It's bad for grownups, but "the risk to children who do not understand the poisonous characteristics of all parts of this plant are huge."
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BITTERSWEET NIGHTSTANDS: While not as toxic as its cousin deadly nightshade, the pretty purple flowers and bright red berries on bittersweet nightshade are a tempting sight. However, the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) reports, "All parts of the plant are toxic." Those berries are poisonous to pets and can be deadly to children, so it's best to keep them out of the garden. "Use gloves and/or protective gear when handling plant,"
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WATER HEMLOCKS: These pretty lacy flowers (Cicuta douglasii) are part of the carrot family and look like wild parsnips or carrots, but they are far from edible. "Water hemlock is the most violently toxic plant that grows in North America," the USDA notes. Water hemlock has a toxin called Cicutoxin that even in small amounts can trigger violent seizures that lead to cardiac arrest and death.
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GIANT HOGWEED: Another carrot cousin is giant hogweed, which has enormous blooms that look a bit like Queen Anne's Lace on steroids. According to West Virginia University, the blooms are so pretty and the 15-foot tall plants so striking, that they were originally introduced to North America as ornamental plants. Don't plant them, though, as just one touch of the sap can cause severe skin irritation, burns, scarring, and blindness. If you spot giant hogweed in your garden, do not touch the plant or attempt to remove it yourself. Instead, call your county's environmental agency immediately.
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POKEWEED: Pokeweed, which is also known as poke root and pokeberry, is a confusing plant. While the properly prepared, boiled three times, tender spring leaves of this plant are the main ingredient in poke sallet, a fixture of Southern cuisine, the plant is truly toxic. Chefs preparing the pokeweed know that if they aren't careful, symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and rapid heartbeat can quickly follow cooking. There's no doubt that the full-grown pokeweed with its shiny berries, magenta stems, and delicate white flowers from root to leaves is harmful, invasive, dangerous, and difficult to eradicate. Poke sallet is great, but we're leaving it to the pros and sticking to poke cake.
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OLEANDER: You'll be forgiven for not realizing that oleander, specifically Nerium oleander, is toxic, because the woody little shrub is a common sight in suburban landscapes due to its abundant, fragrant white, pink, red, or purple flowers. Despite its prettiness, it is extremely toxic due to a poisonous substance it produces that can cause heart arrhythmia, difficulty breathing, and cardiac arrest. It's bad for humans and animals, including dogs.
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Nerium Oleander's reference sheet
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Name: Nerium Oleander August
Age: 18
Pronouns: She/her, they/them
Sexuality: Pan/demi
Significant other: Hollow
Occupation: Florist
Eeeeeeee I'm so happy to finally have an actual character ref for Oleander!!! Also hi!! I'm Potato, while that may not be my actual name, it'll be my name y'all will refer to me as when talking about the mod of this blog!
This blog was made August 27th, 2020
The best ask on this blog
Character fun facts!
• Ole stims, whether it's hand flips, small bouncing, you name it, they'd probably do it. Normally when they're happy. They're also very expressive and y'all can just imagine the body language when she speaks.
• They have glasses! But Ole normally wears eye contacts cause she always thought ahe didn't look good with her glasses on. She wears them when she's home only. Barn owl eyes aren't the greatest, after all.
• They have excellent hearing.
• Oleander loves autumn, one would think she'd love spring more, but she enjoys the beautiful colors the leaves turn.
• They're literally a night owl, back at home, it was never safe for her to go out from her room for garden, so at night when her family was asleep, she'd make herself dinner/breakfast so she wouldn't go hungry. Now it's just a habit.
• The bean knows nothing about love, nothing. Flirt with her and she'd think it's a silly friendly gesture, you may have to point out what flirting is in order for her to understand.
• Bugs, she loves bugs, even bugs one would think is scary. This goes for animals in general too. Tho she doesn't like ants, that's the only bug she hates.
• She knows all about flowers, like their meaning/symbolisms. Which means she knows about her name as well.
• She used to be interested in witchcraft, but never had the chance to thanks to.. Well.. Family circumstances..
• Her eyes glow like a flashlight, but she doesn't know how to do it on command.
• Give her a sword then boom, she's Pearl from Steven Universe.
• Voice headcanon is Komaru Naegi from Dangaronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls.
• She craves physical affection, that's also her love language.
Before Blogverse.
Oleander came to Blogverse as a way to run away from home.
They lived in the south, in a mansion (yes, she's rich don't @ me) with parents who own a bank company and two older siblings.
Back at home, she didn't have it so well, while I may seem like she was a lucky lady, poor babey didn't have any friends. As they all either left in some way, or betrayed her trust. Because of that, the only things Oleander could go to were bugs and plants. Even then, she was lonely, her only way of learning social skills were through books.
Oleander has become a broken person through all the pain and suffering they went through, hence why they made sure they couldn't get hurt anymore.
Hope is of course, something Ole has held on for as long as they can remember, if they lost that hope..
Hope can be hard to get back once you've lost it.
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mypetshopworld · 6 years
15 deadly Plants that can poison your cat
15 deadly Plants that are poison for your cat. Nothing is more beautiful and inspiring like a bunch of flowers or potted plants that give the last touch to your home. Flowers add a beautiful and welcoming touch to every home. Unfortunately for different reasons when you have cats you need to consider the plants you buy and have to choose them carefully as some of the plants can be toxic and will harm your cat.  Cats are carnivorous but they love to munch on greenery around the house and garden. There is quite a long list of deadly plants around what can harm your cat.
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Cats love plants, and sometimes they rub themselves on the plants or sit in the flowerpot. The danger starts when they start nibbling the plants as this can end deadly. Individual plants and flowers are toxic beyond any means and can put cats straight into shock, and that can cause heart failure or kidney failure. We go through some subjects like 15 toxic plants for your cat What should you watch out for and what are the symptoms Symptoms that affect the organs directly What to do when you suspect your cat been poisoned What Plants are Cat-Friendly and will not harm your cat Preventive measures 1.Lilies a favourite plant and flower but highly toxic for your cat
(  Lilium species ) 
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Tiger Lilies Day-Lilies Stargazer Lilies Easter Lilies Wood Lilies Japanese Lilies Rubrum Lilies I love lilies but with my cats, I do not buy them anymore.  There are other beautiful smelling plants or flowers that you can use around cats and they do the same job in making your home look welcoming or beautiful. 2. The beautiful Daffodils another poison plant for your cat,  Daffodils make cats vomit and cause an upset stomach. Cats usually only show symptoms if a larger portion of bulbs, foliage or pods are ingested. It will lead to poisoning, and it will show with signs of dehydration, vomiting, electrolyte imbalance, diarrhoea, and discomfort in the abdominal area. Make sure when your cat shows the symptoms you get to a veterinarian so he can check how dangerous it is. 3.All kind of Aloe vera. ( Agave Americana, Barbados or Curacao aloe) What is good for us humans must not be suitable for cats. The whole family of Aloe Vera can cause a toxic reaction to cats. Those plants also have thorns and cats and dogs can easily be insured by the thorns. Especially the longer ones. 4. Oleander is a deadly plant for your cat even it looks so beautiful. 
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But Oleander contains cardiac glycoside toxins that affect your cat's heart. Every single part of that shrub plant is highly toxic for your cat and dog. 5. Castor Bean is a deadly plant for your cat.  The seeds and leaves contain a highly toxic glycoprotein with the name ricin. Only a small amount of the seeds or beans ingested by your cat but also for dogs can end deadly. 6. Are daisies poisonous for your cat? Daisies are also from the chrysanthemum family and yes they are toxic to your cat. It starts with vomiting, diarrhoea, skin irritation, hypersalivation and loss in coordination. Act fast when your cat shows signs look for a vet, the symptoms are similar to tick poisoning both should not be taken lightly and it is advised that you visit as quickly as possible your veterinarian. According to the ASPCA, the Gerbera jamesonii also called Gerber daisy is on the other hand non - toxic for cats and considered a safe plant. It is a bit confusing and to make sure that you do not mix it up to keep them both as far as possible from your cat. 7. Rhododendrons and Azaleas are poisoning to your cat  When indigested by your cat both Rhododendrons and Azaleas contain grayanotoxins. Those toxins are in all parts like the pollen and the nectar. The average calculation is 1g/per kg body weight. (especially dangerous for kittens) Those toxins called grayanotoxins affect the skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, and nerve function in pets. It affects the heart and can cause an irregular heartbeat, it causes weeping, vomiting, salivation, weakness, convulsions, coma and death. Azaleas are also often given as a gift. Consider if you have a friend who has a pet not to give azaleas. As beautiful as they are kept in mind that they are highly toxic for your furry friends. Those plants are the more poisonous ones and you should bring your cat in case of poisoning straight to a veterinarian. 8. Hyacinths less poisonous to your cat.
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You ask why it is simple the bulbs of your hyacinths are under the earth and if you store them make sure you keep them safe and secure from your cat.  The bulbs are toxic to your cat. I have seen cats playing with the bulbs but never eating them or nibble on them. In any case, keep them away as they are toxic and can cause in rare cases death. 9.Tulips a high toxins plant that is poison for your cat. The toxins of tulips are concentrated in the bulb. Severe symptoms of poisoning include an increase in heart rate, and difficulty breathing. Symptoms according to ASPCA:  Vomiting, depression, diarrhoea, hypersalivation. 10. Begonias beautiful plants but toxic for your cat. According to the ASPCA has listed all species of begonias being toxic to cats and dogs. If a cat digests the begonia it can cause oral irritation, hypersalivation, difficulty swallowing and vomiting. Difficulty in swallowing can result in joking. Be aware when your cat shows sign. The more toxic part of the plants are the begonia tubers. 11. Umbrella Tree also is known as Schefflera actinophylla a mildly toxic plant for your cat.  Your cat has to eat a lot of the Umbrella tree to be toxic. The small or big amount each cat is different and it can cause toxic poisoning to your cat. The symptoms will be mild like diarrhoea and vomiting. It should not be matter mild or strong poisoning it causes a pain and suffering for your cat and I am sure you do not want your cat to suffer. 12. Spider plants again a less toxic thread to your cat.
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Spider plants do attract like the light the mots. The long-reaching leaves playing with the wind make a tempting play for your cat. Especially for cats who are bored or if there is only one cat in a household. Cats can easily reach them as they are mainly hung in baskets. Symptoms for ingesting the spider plants are vomiting, retching, salivation and anorexia. Even those plants are less toxic resist the temptation to buy them and put them into your household. Cats are different and some cats are stronger and some are weaker. Don't take any chances. 13. Australian Ivy Palm a deadly plant for your cat In south-east Asia, you find a lot of this plant. Nearly every street corner has at least one of those palms. These palms have toxic substances like Terpenoids,  saponins, and insoluble oxalates. Symptoms;  Oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing.  If you see your cat have difficulties swallowing or swelling in the mouth area, tongue and lips then you have to bring your cat immediately to an emergency animal hospital. Swelling of the mouth, tongue and lip can cause suffocation to your cat. 14. A deadly plant called  Dieffenbachia or also known as Dumb Cane Dieffenbachia is a beautiful plant and easy to grow. When it is healthy it is a lush green plant. The dieffenbachia contains toxic insoluble calcium oxalates and proteolytic enzymes. The Dieffenbachia also is known as the Dumb Cane has made its name due it has a numbing effect when the leaves are orally consumed. When consumed or chewed on by your cat it causes an oral irritation like the intense burning of the mouth what results into numbing effect to the mouth and then swallows to the throat. Excessive drooling and vomiting. It can cause life threating moments when the throat of your cat swells up and your cat cannot breathe anymore. The dieffenbachia is one of the more dangerous houseplants to keep around if you have pets. 15. The famous Mistletoe can kill your cat. It is a deadly plant ...
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Also called the American Mistletoe. A kiss under the mistletoe with your loved one a beautiful memory. Keep in mind to hang it high enough and unreachable for your cat if you need to have a mistletoe. American Mistletoe contains toxic substances like Toxalbumin, Pharatoxin Viscumin (Lectins, Phoratoxins). What can cause Vomiting, diarrhoea, low blood pressure (rare), difficulty breathing, low heart rate? A low heart rate needs to be treated immediately from a veterinarian. If your cat tries to reach your mistletoe and got hold of it and on top, she is chewing on it bring her straight to the vet. Your cat could go into shock and death within a few hours. Here is a list of the most common toxic plants for cats. Those plants are the most commonly encountered plants around. You can find them easily in any flower shop or Plant nursery. Amaryllis (Amaryllis sp.) Azaleas and Rhododendrons (Rhododendron sp.) Desert Azaleas (Adenium obesum) Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale) Baby's Breath Boxwood Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.) Cyclamen (Cyclamen sp.) Dieffenbachia English Ivy (Hedera helix) Poison Ivy Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe sp.) Lantana (Lantana camara) Lilies (Lilium sp.) Lavender ( Lavendula Angustifolia) Mint Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) Mock Azalea (Adenium obesum) Mistletoe ( American Mistletoe)  Oleander (Nerium oleander) Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum sp.) Pink Pearl Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta) Silver Dollars Spanish thyme (Coleus amphibious) Tulip and Narcissus bulbs (Tulipa and Narcissus sp.) Yew (Taxus sp.)   What should you watch out for, and what are the symptoms for your cat?
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Difficulty in breathing Gastric irritation Coughing and sneezing Vomiting and/or diarrhoea Bluetongue and gums Panting ( heavy breathing ) Dilated pupils Frequent urination Shivering Salivation Seizures, tremors or involuntary muscle twitching Weakness and potentially unconsciousness Depression Dark urine
Symptoms that affect directly the organs
#Many Plants are irritants and they affect often the gastrointestinal tract. ( cats chew on the plants for many reasons) Symptoms like irritation or inflammation, like swelling, redness or itchiness of the mouth and skin. #In case the toxic principle affects an organ the symptoms seen will be to that organ #If the airways and throat are affected than the symptoms are heavy or difficult breathing. ( some cats try to open their mouth to get more air) #If the mouth, throat, or Esophagus is affected than the symptoms are difficulty in swallowing and drooling. Heavy Breathing is also a sign. #When the stomach and intestines are affected than the symptoms are vomiting and diarrhoea #If the intestine and colon is affected than the symptoms are diarrhoea #When the kidneys are affected the symptoms are dehydration, excessive drinking and urinating. #In case the heart has been affected the symptoms are a slow irregular heartbeat and  low heart rate, Please note according to Veterinarian Melisa Nelson DVM (Doctor of Veterinary medicine )  Early symptoms are nausea/vomiting, stumbling and head tremors and increase urination and drinking (among other signs) later symptoms include: seizures, vomiting, producing little urine and painful kidneys.Source https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-a-Poisoned-Cat   What can you do when you suspect your cat is poisoned from the plants
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When you are lucky enough to see your cat eating a plant and you are not sure it is poison or not, then you should watch your cat for the next couple of hours to see if she shows any symptoms. First of all, if your cat shows symptoms and you suspect your cat has been poisoned from eating a plant or any other substances than please call immediately your daytime vet or if it is out of hours your nearest pet emergency service. Depends on the poison you need to act fast and should not take any chances. Do not offer your cat water or anything else to make her vomit as this might inadvertently move the poison into the body quicker. Only if instructed by the vet or emergency hotline. Otherwise, you might do more harm than good. If you know what your cat consumed than put it into a container and take it together with your cat to the vet. If your cat has already vomit than take the vomit ( scoop it up ) I know yikes but scoop it up and bring it in a container to your vet. Be aware that your cat when she is sick she might want to hide somewhere, and when you try to pick her up she might scratch and bite you it is a normal reaction.
What Plants are Cat-Friendly and will not harm your cat
Don't worry Nature created also plants for cats that are not poison or deadly. When you look around there are plenty of Plants that are Pet-friendly and they will also suit your home and make your home look welcome. Here are just a few The following plants are non-toxic to both cats and dogs:
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Blue Echeveria Baby’s Tears Bamboo ( there is a special potplant specially grown for a cat called cat bamboo) Areca or Golden Palm Boston Fern Hens and Chickens Spice Orchid California Pitcher plant Catnip Mistletoe Cactus Christmas Cactus Pearl Plant Celosia Violets Camellia Orchids Lemon balm Rose Lady slipper Sulfur Flower, The full list on toxic plants and non-toxic plants you can download here from the ASPCA Preventive Measures There are plants out in nature what can be fatal for your cat. The same goes for indoors. Be aware when you have a cat that there are deadly plants or flowers even in a bunch that exists. Inviting those deadly plants or poison plants into your home means you invite yourself the trouble. Cats are everywhere and they are nosy they love plants and rub against them or sit in the flowerpot. In some cases, they chew on them. To avoid surprises and accidents happen in your home remove those deadly plants or poisonous plants and replace them with cat-friendly plants. To keep your cat safe create a cat-friendly environment. ( indoor cats) For outdoor and indoor cats be aware and if your cats show signs of poisoning act fast as every minute counts. Here you find the link by ASPCA for all the toxic and non-toxic plants Do you have experience with cat poisoning if so share your experience or if you have any question please feel free to ask. A special thank you to our vet Dr Julian Walter for answering all my questions and helping me with my research.   Please note that this is only advice and if your pet is poisoned please seek emergency care immediately.  You should never put the life of your pet at risk, pets are family.  All yours Melanie Read the full article
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can-someone-tell-me · 3 years
Powerhouse | ♥︎
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Summary: 𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕠 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔼𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 𝔸𝕝𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕖'𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕥 𝕊𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕪, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕦𝕡 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕤𝕙𝕖'𝕤 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕥𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜.
𝕀𝕟 𝕒 𝕗𝕚𝕖𝕝𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕙𝕠𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, 𝔼𝕣𝕠𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔼𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕤...
Welcome to Ashvalor Academy for Gifted Students!
Ashvalor prides itself on raising some of the most named sorcerers and sorceresses out there, most have fought to compete in duos for the title of “Starlit Sorcerer” against other highly regarded schools, and has won 700 out of 3,000 matches.
This century’s duo is: Eros Hana and Estella Albright
In our school, a variety of magic is used:
10% of the student body consists of Electro users
30% of the student body consists of Pyro users
5% of the student body consists of Hydro users
5% of the student body consists of Cryo users
25% of the student body consists of Earth manipulators
20% of the student body consists of Dream walkers and Mind benders
5% of the student body consists of others
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Ashvalor’s weekly hallway gossip:
“Estella Albright..? Oh that girl… She’s very bright, as her name insinuates, but have you seen her fight in our training? She’s a whole ass machine gun with those electro powers, good god.”
“Ugh, she won’t get her head out of those books, and she’s so snarky towards Eros.”
“Hey, you have to admit, the snarky remarks are hilarious!”
“Do they actually hate each other?”
“I think Estella is super sweet… At times…”
“She helped me with my homework! That Albright girl has a super dark sense of humour, but you really get round to it!”
“When I asked her for homework answers, she told me that if I sewed my mouth shut maybe girls would like me…”
“Eros Hana… He used to get bullied for looking feminine, right? But then one day he completely snapped!”
“What are you talking about? He’s super patient!”
“You’re only saying that because he’s cute. He’s short and angry. The deadly duo.”
“Once my younger brother was crying because his balloon got popped, and Eros made him a flower crown. He won’t shut up about this “flower fairy” that passed him.”
“Eros is hilariously sassy, I heard him call Estella a “night light with anger issues” right to her face!”
“They’re apparently going to be competing together for the Starlit Sorcerer!”
“Yikes, those two are either gonna make or break that stage…”
“Eros isn’t very book smart, how did he get in and not me!!?”
“He’s super powerful though, he can bind people with vines and make thorns come out of them to pierce them!”
“Absolutely not.”
“He once made a poisonous flower come from the ground. A nerium oleander, no?”
“Yep, that could kill if he shoved it down someone’s throat, not that he would!”
“Estella was definitely gonna make it, but I heard that in the other rival schools, there’s this kid called Noah who uses hydro and is a real threat!”
“Darn, he’s cute. But there’s also another threat… Edmund from Forest Mansion? He looks really similar to Noah, and he’s a mind bender!”
“He can bend me over a table and-“
“Shut up.”
Chapter 1 will be out soon, not in this format though!
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D&D Homebrew Poisons
So, im working on a mini series for badassdanddpics and was wondering if you guys had any ideas. im calling the mini series “Bewildering Botany and Perilous Poisons” that will basically showcase magical plant homebrew that will aid adventures and villains alike. for the poison section of it, i put together some basic information from D&D about the rules as well as how they are applied and used against others as well as common symptoms from plants in the real world.
different poisons are applied to victims by
smoke from being burned
common rules (for 5th edition D&D regarding poison)
A weapon coated with poison will dry out in one minute.
When you are poisoned, you will usually suffer from the poisoned condition.
Poison can be bought or crafted using the downtime rules and a poisoner’s kit.
Cures for poison include low level spells or anti-toxin.
Truth Serum is listed under poisons, and is something I think could be useful in your campaign in many different ways.
Poisoned: A poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
each round until you make a saving throw.
Common symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, convulsions, liver failure, disables nerves, lowers blood pressure, and can stop the heart, muscle twitches, and sometimes paralysis, irritation of skin throat and mouth, swelling, burning pain, breathing difficulties and stomach upset. dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, tachycardia, loss of balance, staggering, headache, rash, flushing, dry mouth and throat, slurred speech, urinary retention, constipation, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, convulsions and photo-toxicity
underneath the “keep reading” i have included some actual plants that could help with creating realistic homebrew.
Dieffenbachia (also called dumb cane) If a leaf is chewed, these crystals cause an extreme burning sensation in the mouth, throat and tongue. It is also known to cause temporary vocal cord paralysis. While ingestion is not always fatal, victims describe it as excruciatingly painful and debilitating.
Aconitum genus (several species, commonly called aconite, wolfsbane and monkshood). All parts are poisonous. The poison is an alkaloid called aconitine, which disables nerves, lowers blood pressure, and can stop the heart. Even casual skin contact should be avoided; symptoms include numbness, tingling, and cardiac irregularity. It has been used as poison for bullets (by German forces during World War II), as a bait and arrow poison (ancient Greece), and to poison water supplies (reports from ancient Asia).[citation needed] If ingested, it usually causes burning, tingling, and numbness in the mouth, followed by vomiting and nervous excitement. It is usually a quick-acting poison, and has been used in the past for killing wolves (hence one of the common names).
Actaea pachypoda (also known as doll’s eyes or white baneberry). All parts are poisonous, especially the berries, the consumption of which has a sedative effect on cardiac muscle tissue and can cause cardiac arrest.
Agave genus. The juice of a number of species causes acute contact dermatitis, with blistering lasting several weeks and recurring itching for several years thereafter.
Atropa belladonna (commonly known as deadly nightshade, belladonna, devil’s cherry and dwale, an Anglo-Saxon term meaning “stupifying drink”). One of the most toxic plants found in the Western hemisphere, all parts of the plant contain tropane alkaloids[33] - as do those of its equally deadly sister species A.baetica, A.pallidiflora and A.acuminata. The active agents are atropine, hyoscine (scopolamine), and hyoscyamine, which have anticholinergic properties.[34][35] The symptoms of poisoning include dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, tachycardia, loss of balance, staggering, headache, rash, flushing, dry mouth and throat, slurred speech, urinary retention, constipation, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, and convulsions.[34][36][37] The root of the plant is generally the most toxic part, though this can vary from one specimen to another. Ingestion of a single leaf of the plant can be fatal to an adult.[33] Casual contact with the leaves can cause skin pustules. The berries pose the greatest danger to children because they look attractive and have a somewhat sweet taste.[38] The consumption of two to five berries by children and ten to twenty berries by adults can be lethal. In 2009, a case of A. belladonna being mistaken for blueberries, with six berries ingested by an adult woman, was documented to result in severe anticholinergic syndrome.[39] The plant’s deadly symptoms are caused by atropine’s disruption of the parasympathetic nervous system’s ability to regulate involuntary activities such as sweating, breathing, and heart rate. The antidote for atropine poisoning is physostigmine or pilocarpine.[40] A. belladonna is also toxic to many domestic animals, causing narcosis and paralysis.[41] However, cattle and rabbits eat the plant seemingly without any harmful effects.[37] In humans its anticholinergic properties will cause the disruption of cognitive capacities like memory and learning.[35]
Cerbera odollam (commonly known as the suicide tree). The seeds contain cerberin, a potent toxin related to digoxin. The poison blocks the calcium ion channels in heart muscle, causing disruption of the heart beat. This is typically fatal and can result from ingesting a single seed. Cerberin is difficult to detect in autopsies and its taste can be masked with strong spices, such as a curry. It is often used in homicide and suicide in India; Kerala’s suicide rate is about three times the Indian average. In 2004, a team led by Yvan Gaillard of the Laboratory of Analytical Toxicology in La Voulte-sur-Rhône, France, documented more than 500 cases of fatal Cerbera poisoning between 1989 and 1999 in Kerala. They said “To the best of our knowledge, no plant in the world is responsible for as many deaths by suicide as the odollam tree.’[42] A related species is Cerbera tanghin the seeds of which are known as tanghin poison nut and have been used as an ‘ordeal poison’.
Colchicum autumnale (commonly known as autumn crocus and meadow saffron). The bulbs contain colchicine. Colchicine poisoning has been compared to arsenic poisoning; symptoms typically start 2 to 5 hours after a toxic dose has been ingested but may take up to 24 hours to appear, and include burning in the mouth and throat, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and kidney failure. Onset of multiple-system organ failure may occur within 24 to 72 hours. This includes hypovolemic shock due to extreme vascular damage and fluid loss through the GI tract, which may result in death. Additionally, sufferers may experience kidney damage resulting in low urine output and bloody urine, low white blood cell counts (persisting for several days), anemia, muscular weakness, and respiratory failure. Recovery may begin within 6 to 8 days. There is no specific antidote for colchicine, although various treatments do exist.[47] Despite dosing issues concerning its toxicity, colchicine is prescribed in the treatment of gout,[48] familial Mediterranean fever, pericarditis and Behçet’s disease. It is also being investigated for its use as an anti-cancer drug.
Datura genus (several species commonly known as jimson weed, thorn apple, stinkweed, Jamestown weed, angel’s trumpets, moonflower, and sacred datura). Containing the tropane alkaloids scopolamine, hyoscyamine, and atropine, all parts of these plants are poisonous, especially the seeds and flowers. Ingestion causes abnormal thirst, hyperthermia, severe delirium and incoherence, visual distortions, bizarre and possibly violent behavior, memory loss, coma, and often death; it is a significant poison to grazing livestock in North America. Datura has been used as an entheogenic drug by the indigenous peoples of the Americas and others for centuries, though the extreme variability in a given plant’s toxicity depending on its age and growing environment make such usage an exceptionally hazardous practice; the difference between a recreational dose and a lethal dose is minuscule,[51] and incorrect dosage often results in death. For this same reason, Datura has also been a popular poison for suicide and murder, particularly in parts of Europe and India. Reports of recreational usage are overwhelmingly negative; the majority of those who describe their use of Datura find their experiences extremely unpleasant and often physically dangerous.
Heracleum mantegazzianum (also known as giant hogweed). The sap is phototoxic, causing phytophotodermatitis (severe skin inflammations) when affected skin is exposed to sunlight or to UV rays. Initially the skin becomes red and starts itching. Then blisters form as the reaction continues over 48 hours. They form black or purplish scars, which can last several years. Hospitalization may become necessary. Presence of minute amounts of sap in the eyes can lead to temporary or even permanent blindness.
Nerium oleander (commonly known as oleander). All parts are toxic, the leaves and woody stems in particular. Contains nerioside, oleandroside, saponins and cardiac glycosides. Causes severe digestive upset, heart trouble and contact dermatitis. The smoke of burning oleander can cause reactions in the lungs, and can be fatal.
Peucedanum galbanum (commonly known as blister bush). All parts are poisonous, and contact causes painful blistering that is intensified with exposure to sunlight.
Hemlock is a very poisonous plant. In fact, all parts of the plant are toxic. Hemlock is most poisonous during the early stages of growth in the spring, but it is dangerous at all stages of growth. The poisons in hemlock are so deadly that people have died after eating game birds that had eaten hemlock seeds. Hemlock has also been used to reverse strychnine poisoning. Hemlock contains poisons that affect the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle. Death occurs by respiratory failure.
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carryforthtradition · 4 years
9 July, This weeks shots from the neighbourhood and universe.
Nikon P1000 1760 Sec f5 ISO 400 Persian Silk Tree also known as sleeping tree (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albizia_julibrissin) in sleeping mode
Nikon P1000 1/320 f5 ISO 100 Oceanblue Morning Glory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipomoea_indica) and flowering Broom on the motorway embankment.
Nikon P1000 1/160 sec f2.8 ISO 100 Oleander (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerium) a sturdy shrub but beware it is toxic in terms of sap and if burned the inhaled smoke is harmful.
Nikon P1000 1/259 sec f4.5 ISO 180 Southern Gatekeeper butterfly (https://www.first-nature.com/insects/lb-pyronia-cecilia.php) with wings in a poor state but still going strong
Nikon P1000 1/500 sec f4.5 ISO 100 White Bladderflower (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Araujia_sericifera) with inspecting ant. Originally from South America and introduced to Europe, some now see it as a weed. Polinated by butterflies.
Nikon P1000 1/320 sec f5 ISO 100 Old Man`s Beard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clematis_vitalba) A favourite foodpland for many types of moth. The seedbearing fruit bear silky appendages which led to its name.
Nikon P1000 1/250 sec f4.5 ISO 220 Shrubby Globularia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globularia_salicina) Common in Madeira growwing in grassy slopes.
Nikon P1000 1/500 f6.3 ISO 100 Sailboat enjoying the light breeze
Nikon P1000 1/640 f5.6 ISO 100 Another sailboat enjoying the evening breeze.
Nikon P1000 1/640 sec f4.5 ISO 100 Carpet of blossom from the Pride of Bolivia Trees (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipuana) and Bougainvillea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bougainvillea) lining the footpath to the local viewpoint at Parc Del Turó Del Sastre
Nikon P1000 1/320 f2.8 ISO100 Sunlight through the canopy of Pride of Bolivia trees (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipuana) and a few remaining blossoms on the right.
Sony DSC-WX350 1/100 f3.5 ISO 80 Bougainvillea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bougainvillea) blooming on the park slopes.
Nikon P1000 2/5 sec f4.5 ISO 800 Full moon rising through the horizons haze over the sea 5 July 2020 with Jupiter to the left
Nikon P1000 1 sec f4 ISO 900 Moon haze behind the building as Jupiter and its 4 moons sit above left
Nikon P1000 1/60 sec f5.6 ISO 400 Building top and handrail silhuetted against the moon
Nikon P1000 1/125sec f6.3 ISO 450 Chimney pot silhuetted against the moon
Nikon P1000 1 sec f3.5 ISO 1100 Full moon above Montgat with Jupiter above and Saturn to the left
Nikon P1000 1/125 sec f6.3 ISO 400 90.7% Moon on 8 July 2020 showing craters
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kevinscottgardens · 5 years
6-19 January 2020
The new decade is off to a great start. My appetite is returning and I’m feeling much better. We are busy in the garden, primping every area with a big hit, getting ready to re-open to the public on 25 January with our Heralding Spring event. I will be leading a kokedama workshop on Sunday 2 February as part of the week-long event. Galanthus and other winter-flowering plants are coming to life, some a bit too early.
Wednesday we had a day-trip to Chiswick House and Gardens to assist with their three-yearly cycle of coppicing Salix which they use around the garden. We also had a quick tour of the main house, their propagation glass house and their historic collection of Camellia.
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Friday, we all worked together to move our large, excess soil pile, barrow by barrow, to into tonne sacks, which were then removed by our contractor who is installing a soak-away in our main lawn. That was fun. I always like days that don’t go according to the plan, they keep life interesting.
The first ident of the year was on poisonous plants, pulled together by Allison:
Amaryllidaceae Galanthus nivalis
Apiaceae Conium maculatum
Apocynaceae Nerium oleander
Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis ‘New Zealand Purple’
Plantaginaceae Digitalis lanata
Ranunculaceae Aconitum ferox
Ranunculaceae Helleborus niger
Rosaceae Prunus laurocerasus ‘Etna’
Solanaceae Brugmansia sanguinea
Taxaceae Taxus baccata
Plant of the week 10 January
Ranunculaceae Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb.
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common name(s) - winter aconite, winter hellebore, winter wolf's bane synonym(s) - Cammarum hyemale (L.) Hill; C. hyemale (L.) Greene; Eranthis bulgarica (Stef.) Stef.; E. hyemalis var. bulgaricus Stef.; E. × tubergenii Hoog; Helleborus hyemalis L.; H. involucratus Stokes; H. monanthos Moench; Koellea hyemalis (L.) Biria; Robertia hiemalis (L.) Mérat conservation rating - none native to - Balkans, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Lebanon, Syria location - dicotyledon order beds, accession 2011-0368 leaves - basal leaves are rich green, divided into several lobes flowers - cup-shaped, bright yellow flowers 30mm in width from late winter, surrounded by divided leafy bracts habit - deciduous, perennial to 100mm in height habitat - calcareous woodland habitats pests - generally pest-free disease - smut, multicellular fungi characterized by their large numbers of teliospores hardiness - to -20ºC (H6) soil - humus-rich, moderately fertile soil that doesn’t dry out; tolerates most soil types but does best in alkaline soils sun - full sun to part shade propagation - seed, sown in pots in a cold frame in late spring or separate tubers in late spring after flowering; dry tubers may not establish well pruning - none nomenclature - Ranunculaceae - little frog, diminutive of rana, (due to the amphibious habit of many); Eranthis - spring flower (winter aconite’s early flowering season); hyemalis - pertaining to winter, of stormy weather, of winter, hiemalis (flowering season) NB - All parts of the plant are poisonous when consumed by humans and other mammals, because it contains cardiac glycosides similar to those present in Adonis vernalis. Glycosides of this type stimulate the heart when administered in small doses, but in very large doses may cause serious, often irreparable heart damage.
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [18 Jan 20]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2791911 [18 Jan 20]
Plants of the World [online] http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:711189-1 [18 Jan 20]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/6540/i-Eranthis-hyemalis-i/Details [18 Jan 20]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eranthis_hyemalis [18 Jan 20]
Plant of the week 17 January
Buxaceae Buxus balearica Lam.
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common name(s) - Balearic box, Balearic Islands box, Balearic boxwood, Minorca box, giant box tree synonym(s) - Buxus haleppica K.Koch; B. longifolia Boiss. conservation rating - none native to - Algeria, Morocco, Sardinia, Spain, Turkey location - Swan Walk border, accession 1946-0329 leaves - simple, leathery, opposite leaves to 40mm long flowers - monoecious, clusters of small, pale yellow flowers in spring, followed by pale green to brown fruits habit - evergreen shrub growing to 3m by 3m, at a slow rate habitat - dry hills pests - box sucker, glasshouse red spider mite disease - box blight hardiness - to -10ºC (H4) soil - evenly moist, well-drained sandy loams sun - full sun to part shade, sheltered propagation - semi-hardwood cuttings pruning - diseased, damaged or dead nomenclature - Buxaceae - Buxus - an ancient Latin name used by Virgil for B. sempervirens; balearica - from the Balearic Islands (Baliares Insulae) NB - common name of boxwood is in reference to the prior use of the wood to make boxes; another theory on common name is that boxwood describes the quadrangular (square box cross section) stems of young plants; in Spain, it is included in the IUCN Red List of threatened vascular flora as Near Threatened, in the Red List of vascular flora in Eastern Andalusia, as Vulnerable.
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [18 Jan 20]
Missouri Botanical Garden [online] http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?taxonid=290622 [18 Jan 20]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2687848 [18 Jan 20]
Plants for a Future [online] https://pfaf.org/User/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Buxus+balearica [18 Jan 20]
Plants of the World [online] http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:340272-1 [18 Jan 20]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/2568/i-Buxus-balearica-i/Details [18 Jan 20]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buxus_balearica [18 Jan 20]
0 notes
antionetterparker · 6 years
Nerium: Impressive Growth but Questionable Ethics [Review]
Hot products and fast growth aren’t enough to win as an MLM…
You have to treat your people right, both behind closed doors and publicly…
And you have to take care of your distributors and customers.
With Nerium, time will tell, but their track record isn’t looking good so far.
Nerium International is an American based MLM company founded in 2011. It specializes in an assortment of anti-aging skincare products. By 2012, they were ranked the #86 MLM out of 100 by Direct Selling News and did over $100 million in revenue.
One year later, their ranking moved up to #54 and they did over $200 million in sales.
1. What does Nerium sell? Age-defying skincare and wellness products
2. What are Nerium’s most popular products? Nerium’s flagship product is NeriumAD, which has powerful antioxidant properties that help reduce the appearance of aging. Another popular product is their Firming Body Contour Cream. The contour cream contains NAE-8 (extracts from the Nerium oleander) and moisturizes while improving the appearance of cellulite an dimpled skin.
  3. How much does it cost to join Nerium? To get started with Nerium, you’ll need to buy a Starter Pack that supports your personal goals. Your four choices are:
Basic Kit, which contains marketing and training materials but not products. $49.95
Starter Pack, which contains marketing and training materials plus 10 products. $499.95
Builder Pack, which contains marketing and training materials plus 15 products. $749.95
Builder Pack, which contains marketing and training materials plus 21 products. $999.95
4. Is Nerium a scam? Nerium is a legitimate business, selling real skincare and wellness products. Their credentials are impressive: Nerium was listed No. 1 on the 2015 Inc. 500 List of fastest-growing private US companies in consumer products and named by the Direct Selling Association to the 2017 DSA Top 20. [1] The company has been featured in Shape, Cosmopolitan, Essence, BeautyInc, Bazaar, and allure.
But tread carefully here. Nerium has a history of using manipulative and/or dishonest tactics and poaching of top distributors from other MLMs to generate a better recruiting environment (see lawsuits, below).
5. What is Nerium’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has Nerium been in business? Since 2011
7. What is Nerium’s revenue? $1 billion
8. How many Nerium distributors are there? Nerium hasn’t published any numbers regarding their Brand Partners.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? Nerium has been involved in more lawsuits than you want to see from a possible business partner…
In 2018, Kimberly Gerdo filed a class-action lawsuit against Nerium, claiming it’s a fraudulent multi-level marketing scheme that unfairly profits off its Brand Partners. [2] In 2018, Nerium Master Distributors Mark and Tammy Smith sued Nerium for fraud, breach of contract, defamation, and civil conspiracy. [3] Nerium reciprocated by suing the Smiths for jumping ship and taking their downline with them. [4] Also in 2018, John Harris sued Nerium for failure to pay wages and similar complaints. [5]
In 2017, Christina Swiatek sued Nerium for causing chemical burns to her face and neck. [6]
In 2015, Nerium Skincare (whose parent company is Nerium Biotechnology, the company that developed Nerium International’s products and had 30% ownership of Nerium International) sued Nerium (the MLM) for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, declaratory judgment, and legal costs. [7] In 2018, after three years of battling, Nerium International (the MLM) purchased Nerium Biotechnology’s minority ownership interest to finally resolve the issue. [8] In 2015, Nerium was also sued by Willie Evans over civil rights, employment. [9]
In 2014, Angela Prejean sued Nerium for breach of contract, fraud, conversion, unjust enrichment, etc. [10]
In 2013, actor Ray Liotta sued Nerium for faking an endorsement from him. [11] That same year, Nerium sued Sunny Kum Sun and Rium for breaching the Policy Manual and soliciting other Brand Partners for a competitor. [12]
10. Comparable companies: Mary Kay, Nu Skin
So should you get involved with this hot company?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on Nerium.
The people at Nerium focus on reversing the signs of aging in both women and men alike. Their products are unique because, not only do they concentrate on skincare, they also offer supplements to help the mind stay youthful (like Seacret Direct or Rodan + Fields).
These products consist of:
Age-Defying Night Cream
Age-Defying Day Cream
Age-Defying Eye Serum
Firming Body Contour Cream
EHT Age-Defying Supplement
All of their products are plant-based and provide crucial antioxidants that boost cell renewal and skin hydration.
Compensation Plan
The People at Nerium want you to be in business for yourself, but they stress that you will not be working by yourself. They have a strong and supportive training program to help you realize your goals.
They have a relatively inexpensive start-up cost — if you choose the Startup Kit with no products. Add the products, and it gets pricey.
There is no glass ceiling to worry about. You can work from anywhere, at any time, whatever is most convenient for you.
Of course, like all direct selling programs, the more people that you can get to participate, the more potential income you can earn. You can earn anywhere from $16-$60 a week as a bonus by getting people to sign up.
Once you get three or more customers to sign up, you don’t have to pay out of pocket for your own inventory.
By selling retail from your own personal inventory, you make a direct sales commission. This ranges from 10%-25% on all customer re-orders.
Once you have built a team, there are many incentives to keep you on track. Things like:
10% Coaching Commissions
Team Commissions
Live Better Bonuses that can pay up to $50,000
Lexus Car Bonuses
Incentive Trips
All of these combine to help you live your life on your own terms, help others with their skincare needs and provide a sense of financial freedom. All from the comforts of your home.
Here are some pros about Nerium:
I feel that one thing that anyone interested in joining the Nerium team should take into consideration is their explosive growth in sales in such a relatively short period of time.
This success may reflect a few positive factors:
Superior Products
High Rate of Customer Satisfaction
Strong Marketing Strategies
Their products have been scientifically researched and proven in their effectiveness to fight the signs of aging.
Now, these products are a little on the pricey side in my opinion, it will set you back $270 for a combination of night cream, day cream, and eye serum.
Finally, obviously, they know how to make their distributors achieve success when marketing their products. The numbers don’t lie and the $403 million in worldwide sales mentioned earlier was from 2014. I’m pretty sure it has continued to climb.
Here are some cons about Nerium:
Nerium uses a substance called Oleander, this is highly toxic and bad for your skin. The reason the fine lines and wrinkles disappear is that it causes inflammation and puffiness, which makes the skin look and feel fuller. [13]
One big red flag is the sheer number of lawsuits Nerium has been involved in. They’ve poached top MLM distributors from other companies in order to generate excitement and growth for their own company. They’ve reneged on several contracts, most notably with their former product developer, and have had to pay huge settlements on each of them. Smaller lawsuits are listed on JuralIndex, but finding details is hard. You have to wonder if Nerium is trying to cover them up — again, to keep the excitement high and make sure people only see positive press.
Keep in mind the relative inexperience of Nerium, in general. They haven’t been in business long enough to forecast their stability.
Nerium seems to be a legitimate business for people to get involved in, despite the many red flags. If you have decided that you would like to try working from home an being your own boss, this might be what you’ve been looking for.
They have an excellent compensation plan and have paid over $100 million in commissions already, this is awesome.
If you check out their official website, you will see that is both very informative and easy to navigate through. This is a nice change up compared to many other MLM sites that are vague, confusing, and basically useless.
This being said, however, don’t believe that you will get rich overnight. Like most things in life, the success you achieve is relevant to the amount of work you put into it.
It all comes down to what it is you are trying to accomplish. Are you looking to retire early, or are you just trying to make a little extra cash?
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/nerium/
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lotsofdogs · 7 years
Macadamia Nut (Macadamia Integrifolia) Carrier Oil Profile, Benefits
Notes: If not used in a small dilution with another vegetable oil, Macadamia Nut Oil may overpower a blend.
Scent: Sweet, nutty, fatty and more fragrant than other nut oils.
Consistency: Thick
Absorption/Feel: Readily absorbed, leaves oil film on skin
Color: Clear with Yellow Tinge
Shelf Life: Users can expect a shelf life of 2 years with proper storage conditions (cool, out of direct sunlight). Refrigeration after opening is recommended.
Action: Anti-inflammatory, emollient
Benefits: Great for dry, aging skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles and has proven to be one of the best regenerative oils available. It is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, and closely resembles sebum (the oil naturally produced by skin to help protect it).
Macadamia oil is a terrific protective oil with a high absorption rate, and has been successfully used as a healing oil for scars, sunburns, minor wounds, and other irritations.
Good for Skin Types: All, but especially Dry/Mature
Chemical Analysis: Approximately 15% saturated fat, 60% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 2% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), up to 2% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid)
Precautions: None known, but should not be used by those with nut allergies.
Science and Research
Elemental composition and chemical characteristics of five edible nuts (almond, Brazil, pecan, macadamia and walnut) consumed in Southern Africa.
Characterisation of acyl-ACP desaturases from Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche and Nerium oleander L.
Get your herbs and oils at a place you can trust!
Starwest Botanicals not only utilizes their own milling and packaging operations for all organic herbs and bulk spices, they also conduct quality control testing on each and every product in their own laboratory.
With attention like that, you can be sure you will receive only the highest-quality organic herbs, dried herbs, organic spices, therapeutic essential oils and all natural products when you place an order with Starwest Botanicals.
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[Read More ...] http://www.natural-holistic-health.com/macadamia-nut-macadamia-integrifolia-carrier-oil-profile-benefits/
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mypetshopworld · 6 years
15 deadly Plants that can poison your cat
15 deadly Plants that are poison for your cat. Nothing is more beautiful and inspiring like a bunch of flowers or potted plants that give the last touch to your home. Flowers add a beautiful and welcoming touch to every home. Unfortunately for different reasons when you have cats you need to consider the plants you buy and have to choose them carefully as some of the plants can be toxic and will harm your cat.  Cats are carnivorous but they love to munch on greenery around the house and garden. There is quite a long list of deadly plants around what can harm your cat.
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Cats love plants, and sometimes they rub themselves on the plants or sit in the flowerpot. The danger starts when they start nibbling the plants as this can end deadly. Individual plants and flowers are toxic beyond any means and can put cats straight into shock, and that can cause heart failure or kidney failure. We go through some subjects like 15 toxic plants for your cat What should you watch out for and what are the symptoms Symptoms that affect the organs directly What to do when you suspect your cat been poisoned What Plants are Cat-Friendly and will not harm your cat Preventive measures 1.Lilies a favourite plant and flower but highly toxic for your cat
(  Lilium species ) 
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Tiger Lilies Day-Lilies Stargazer Lilies Easter Lilies Wood Lilies Japanese Lilies Rubrum Lilies I love lilies but with my cats, I do not buy them anymore.  There are other beautiful smelling plants or flowers that you can use around cats and they do the same job in making your home look welcoming or beautiful. 2. The beautiful Daffodils another poison plant for your cat,  Daffodils make cats vomit and cause an upset stomach. Cats usually only show symptoms if a larger portion of bulbs, foliage or pods are ingested. It will lead to poisoning, and it will show with signs of dehydration, vomiting, electrolyte imbalance, diarrhoea, and discomfort in the abdominal area. Make sure when your cat shows the symptoms you get to a veterinarian so he can check how dangerous it is. 3.All kind of Aloe vera. ( Agave Americana, Barbados or Curacao aloe) What is good for us humans must not be suitable for cats. The whole family of Aloe Vera can cause a toxic reaction to cats. Those plants also have thorns and cats and dogs can easily be insured by the thorns. Especially the longer ones. 4. Oleander is a deadly plant for your cat even it looks so beautiful. 
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But Oleander contains cardiac glycoside toxins that affect your cat's heart. Every single part of that shrub plant is highly toxic for your cat and dog. 5. Castor Bean is a deadly plant for your cat.  The seeds and leaves contain a highly toxic glycoprotein with the name ricin. Only a small amount of the seeds or beans ingested by your cat but also for dogs can end deadly. 6. Are daisies poisonous for your cat? Daisies are also from the chrysanthemum family and yes they are toxic to your cat. It starts with vomiting, diarrhoea, skin irritation, hypersalivation and loss in coordination. Act fast when your cat shows signs look for a vet, the symptoms are similar to tick poisoning both should not be taken lightly and it is advised that you visit as quickly as possible your veterinarian. According to the ASPCA, the Gerbera jamesonii also called Gerber daisy is on the other hand non - toxic for cats and considered a safe plant. It is a bit confusing and to make sure that you do not mix it up to keep them both as far as possible from your cat. 7. Rhododendrons and Azaleas are poisoning to your cat  When indigested by your cat both Rhododendrons and Azaleas contain grayanotoxins. Those toxins are in all parts like the pollen and the nectar. The average calculation is 1g/per kg body weight. (especially dangerous for kittens) Those toxins called grayanotoxins affect the skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, and nerve function in pets. It affects the heart and can cause an irregular heartbeat, it causes weeping, vomiting, salivation, weakness, convulsions, coma and death. Azaleas are also often given as a gift. Consider if you have a friend who has a pet not to give azaleas. As beautiful as they are kept in mind that they are highly toxic for your furry friends. Those plants are the more poisonous ones and you should bring your cat in case of poisoning straight to a veterinarian. 8. Hyacinths less poisonous to your cat.
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You ask why it is simple the bulbs of your hyacinths are under the earth and if you store them make sure you keep them safe and secure from your cat.  The bulbs are toxic to your cat. I have seen cats playing with the bulbs but never eating them or nibble on them. In any case, keep them away as they are toxic and can cause in rare cases death. 9.Tulips a high toxins plant that is poison for your cat. The toxins of tulips are concentrated in the bulb. Severe symptoms of poisoning include an increase in heart rate, and difficulty breathing. Symptoms according to ASPCA:  Vomiting, depression, diarrhoea, hypersalivation. 10. Begonias beautiful plants but toxic for your cat. According to the ASPCA has listed all species of begonias being toxic to cats and dogs. If a cat digests the begonia it can cause oral irritation, hypersalivation, difficulty swallowing and vomiting. Difficulty in swallowing can result in joking. Be aware when your cat shows sign. The more toxic part of the plants are the begonia tubers. 11. Umbrella Tree also is known as Schefflera actinophylla a mildly toxic plant for your cat.  Your cat has to eat a lot of the Umbrella tree to be toxic. The small or big amount each cat is different and it can cause toxic poisoning to your cat. The symptoms will be mild like diarrhoea and vomiting. It should not be matter mild or strong poisoning it causes a pain and suffering for your cat and I am sure you do not want your cat to suffer. 12. Spider plants again a less toxic thread to your cat.
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Spider plants do attract like the light the mots. The long-reaching leaves playing with the wind make a tempting play for your cat. Especially for cats who are bored or if there is only one cat in a household. Cats can easily reach them as they are mainly hung in baskets. Symptoms for ingesting the spider plants are vomiting, retching, salivation and anorexia. Even those plants are less toxic resist the temptation to buy them and put them into your household. Cats are different and some cats are stronger and some are weaker. Don't take any chances. 13. Australian Ivy Palm a deadly plant for your cat In south-east Asia, you find a lot of this plant. Nearly every street corner has at least one of those palms. These palms have toxic substances like Terpenoids,  saponins, and insoluble oxalates. Symptoms;  Oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing.  If you see your cat have difficulties swallowing or swelling in the mouth area, tongue and lips then you have to bring your cat immediately to an emergency animal hospital. Swelling of the mouth, tongue and lip can cause suffocation to your cat. 14. A deadly plant called  Dieffenbachia or also known as Dumb Cane Dieffenbachia is a beautiful plant and easy to grow. When it is healthy it is a lush green plant. The dieffenbachia contains toxic insoluble calcium oxalates and proteolytic enzymes. The Dieffenbachia also is known as the Dumb Cane has made its name due it has a numbing effect when the leaves are orally consumed. When consumed or chewed on by your cat it causes an oral irritation like the intense burning of the mouth what results into numbing effect to the mouth and then swallows to the throat. Excessive drooling and vomiting. It can cause life threating moments when the throat of your cat swells up and your cat cannot breathe anymore. The dieffenbachia is one of the more dangerous houseplants to keep around if you have pets. 15. The famous Mistletoe can kill your cat. It is a deadly plant ...
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Also called the American Mistletoe. A kiss under the mistletoe with your loved one a beautiful memory. Keep in mind to hang it high enough and unreachable for your cat if you need to have a mistletoe. American Mistletoe contains toxic substances like Toxalbumin, Pharatoxin Viscumin (Lectins, Phoratoxins). What can cause Vomiting, diarrhoea, low blood pressure (rare), difficulty breathing, low heart rate? A low heart rate needs to be treated immediately from a veterinarian. If your cat tries to reach your mistletoe and got hold of it and on top, she is chewing on it bring her straight to the vet. Your cat could go into shock and death within a few hours. Here is a list of the most common toxic plants for cats. Those plants are the most commonly encountered plants around. You can find them easily in any flower shop or Plant nursery. Amaryllis (Amaryllis sp.) Azaleas and Rhododendrons (Rhododendron sp.) Desert Azaleas (Adenium obesum) Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale) Baby's Breath Boxwood Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.) Cyclamen (Cyclamen sp.) Dieffenbachia English Ivy (Hedera helix) Poison Ivy Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe sp.) Lantana (Lantana camara) Lilies (Lilium sp.) Lavender ( Lavendula Angustifolia) Mint Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) Mock Azalea (Adenium obesum) Mistletoe ( American Mistletoe)  Oleander (Nerium oleander) Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum sp.) Pink Pearl Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta) Silver Dollars Spanish thyme (Coleus amphibious) Tulip and Narcissus bulbs (Tulipa and Narcissus sp.) Yew (Taxus sp.)   What should you watch out for, and what are the symptoms for your cat?
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Difficulty in breathing Gastric irritation Coughing and sneezing Vomiting and/or diarrhoea Bluetongue and gums Panting ( heavy breathing ) Dilated pupils Frequent urination Shivering Salivation Seizures, tremors or involuntary muscle twitching Weakness and potentially unconsciousness Depression Dark urine
Symptoms that affect directly the organs
#Many Plants are irritants and they affect often the gastrointestinal tract. ( cats chew on the plants for many reasons) Symptoms like irritation or inflammation, like swelling, redness or itchiness of the mouth and skin. #In case the toxic principle affects an organ the symptoms seen will be to that organ #If the airways and throat are affected than the symptoms are heavy or difficult breathing. ( some cats try to open their mouth to get more air) #If the mouth, throat, or Esophagus is affected than the symptoms are difficulty in swallowing and drooling. Heavy Breathing is also a sign. #When the stomach and intestines are affected than the symptoms are vomiting and diarrhoea #If the intestine and colon is affected than the symptoms are diarrhoea #When the kidneys are affected the symptoms are dehydration, excessive drinking and urinating. #In case the heart has been affected the symptoms are a slow irregular heartbeat and  low heart rate, Please note according to Veterinarian Melisa Nelson DVM (Doctor of Veterinary medicine )  Early symptoms are nausea/vomiting, stumbling and head tremors and increase urination and drinking (among other signs) later symptoms include: seizures, vomiting, producing little urine and painful kidneys.Source https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-a-Poisoned-Cat   What can you do when you suspect your cat is poisoned from the plants
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When you are lucky enough to see your cat eating a plant and you are not sure it is poison or not, then you should watch your cat for the next couple of hours to see if she shows any symptoms. First of all, if your cat shows symptoms and you suspect your cat has been poisoned from eating a plant or any other substances than please call immediately your daytime vet or if it is out of hours your nearest pet emergency service. Depends on the poison you need to act fast and should not take any chances. Do not offer your cat water or anything else to make her vomit as this might inadvertently move the poison into the body quicker. Only if instructed by the vet or emergency hotline. Otherwise, you might do more harm than good. If you know what your cat consumed than put it into a container and take it together with your cat to the vet. If your cat has already vomit than take the vomit ( scoop it up ) I know yikes but scoop it up and bring it in a container to your vet. Be aware that your cat when she is sick she might want to hide somewhere, and when you try to pick her up she might scratch and bite you it is a normal reaction.
What Plants are Cat-Friendly and will not harm your cat
Don't worry Nature created also plants for cats that are not poison or deadly. When you look around there are plenty of Plants that are Pet-friendly and they will also suit your home and make your home look welcome. Here are just a few The following plants are non-toxic to both cats and dogs:
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Blue Echeveria Baby’s Tears Bamboo ( there is a special potplant specially grown for a cat called cat bamboo) Areca or Golden Palm Boston Fern Hens and Chickens Spice Orchid California Pitcher plant Catnip Mistletoe Cactus Christmas Cactus Pearl Plant Celosia Violets Camellia Orchids Lemon balm Rose Lady slipper Sulfur Flower, The full list on toxic plants and non-toxic plants you can download here from the ASPCA Preventive Measures There are plants out in nature what can be fatal for your cat. The same goes for indoors. Be aware when you have a cat that there are deadly plants or flowers even in a bunch that exists. Inviting those deadly plants or poison plants into your home means you invite yourself the trouble. Cats are everywhere and they are nosy they love plants and rub against them or sit in the flowerpot. In some cases, they chew on them. To avoid surprises and accidents happen in your home remove those deadly plants or poisonous plants and replace them with cat-friendly plants. To keep your cat safe create a cat-friendly environment. ( indoor cats) For outdoor and indoor cats be aware and if your cats show signs of poisoning act fast as every minute counts. Here you find the link by ASPCA for all the toxic and non-toxic plants Do you have experience with cat poisoning if so share your experience or if you have any question please feel free to ask. A special thank you to our vet Dr Julian Walter for answering all my questions and helping me with my research.   Please note that this is only advice and if your pet is poisoned please seek emergency care immediately.  You should never put the life of your pet at risk, pets are family.  All yours Melanie Read the full article
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