#oleander is poisonous btw
superbeth18 · 5 months
Ren and Lawrence give me Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy vibes because one is a normal person that falls in love with a crazy psychopath who turns exactly like him but then treats him badly and the other is a solitary guy who likes plants and collects them in his apartment.
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maligknightsthorns · 2 years
Of the ragtag group of heroes Larcei would be stuck with in the coming days, Camilla has proven one of the most capable. Sure Kent arranged for their meeting and sure some of the others have boasted their great talents, but she demonstrated something far more powerful:
"Hey, nice job elbowing that guy in the ribs."
She hates flirts. Well, maybe hate is a strong word. But Larcei has witnessed first hand what a life of romance and lying about one's feelings can do to someone--how abandoning reason for love has the power to destroy. And so not only is Laslow a danger to Lady Edain, but he is hazardous to himself.
"If you ever catch him trying to pull something like that again," she continues, wearing something of a grin while speaking to the woman she so clearly looks up to, "let me know. I'll jump him with you, and that way one of us can hold his mouth open while the other stuffs it with soap."
"Hm?" Camilla barely registers that she had elbowed Laslow in the ribs. Again. "Oh Laslow. He's harmless, just foolish. And annoying." She wrinkled her nose in disdain. "But my brother isn't around to protect him right now. And there are so many more fun things to do to him besides sticking soap in his mouth." Stuffing poison ivy in his mouth for one thing. Or oleander... Perhaps that one might be a bit too extreme... Laslow was annoying, but he was a valuable swordsman who was quick on his feet. And she would never hear the end of it from Xander if she killed the man.
She sighed. "Unfortunately, and if you were to tell him I said this I will find you and make you pay, Laslow is a very good swordsman and quick on his feet." She gestured to the sword on Larcei's hip. "If you want to get better in a fight, watch how he moves. Just... try not to speak to him if you can help it. If he becomes a problem I'll take care of it."
She'd string him upside down in only his underwear. She'd put wasps in his shoes. She'd lead him on in to thinking he had a chance with her and waste his time. There were lots of entertaining things to do to Laslow.
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godwormeater · 3 years
i hold you
gently in my cold, bone hands
your tears salting my fresh wounds
i mumble my apologies
avoiding the pain in you
so clearly reflected in me
you always loathed that about me
i knew that, and i forgave myself for it
the holes in your hands a clear sign
the nails still welded in mine
you’ll curse me for them
you know i’ll take it willingly
i know it’s all you can say
your poison in my blood
credit: [me, quill inkling]
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leeblissy · 4 years
transmascs choosing a name for themselves
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bwitchh · 5 years
someone sneaks oleander into whumpee's tea.
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1-beadyeyes · 6 years
i was an only child and when i was super young i lived right next to this other only child named christian and one time during monsoon season we found some animal bones in my back yard after it flooded like u kno in az the dirt is basically clay when its wet any ways we built this giant mud idol with bones sticking out of it and wed put oleander flowers all around it every day bc . thats the only flower in mesa lol . then like a week later it flooded again and washed the whole thing away and we literally just never mentioned it to our parents or any thing i love it still only childs are fucking freaks
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newspecies · 3 years
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just spent AGES on this symbolism thing thats apparently on twitter. original by iguanentapioca
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What does the allium flower mean? Also, what's a bouquet I could compose to threaten and insult someone? Not necessarily poisonous flowers (although I wouldn't mind), just flowers that mean really rude and angry things. This is for literary purposes btw, not irl
Allium - prosperity
Chives [Allium schoenoprasum] - protection from evil spirits, protection of house, weight loss, protection, long life
Garlic [Allium sativum] - good fortune, protection, strength, courage. Aphrodisiac, wholeness, immunity, avert envy
Leek [Allium ampeloprasum] - victory, protection
Onion [Allium cepa] - protection, purifiction, detox, hibernating energy. Potential
For bad bouquets?
Basil - Hate. (Careful tho, this also has strong ties to love and could be misunderstood)
Scarlet geranium - Stupidity, I do not trust you, folly, duplicity
Lavender - Mistrust (but can also mean trust. Be careful)
Yellow carnation - Disdain, you have disappointed me, rejection
Crab apple Blossom- ill tempered (also has love ties)
Lettuce. Cold heartedness (can also mean love)
Lobelia - malevolence, dislike, storms
Meadowsweet - uselessness (ALSO means love)
Nettle - cruelty, you are cruel, you are spiteful, pain. Slander
Oleander - beware, caution
Peony - anger, shame (also means romance and weddings
Pomegranate - foolishness (also means grace)
Red bud - betrayal
Rhododendron - beware, shadow self. danger, limits
Tansy - I declare war against you, war
Scotch thistle - retaliation
Stuart's desert pea - you have hurt me
Sunflower - false worth
Rocket - deceit, rivalry
Good luck with whatever you're doing!
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morguenecrosis · 4 years
Thanks for my first ask! Here have some quality caffeine & hyper fixation induced rambling:
If you carve a jack-o'-lantern and leave it out it will develope mold, collapse in on itself, and eventually be reduced to a hard flat disc... this all happens in about four (4) weeks... so a pumpkin has its insides ripped out, it's face carved open, and then is left on a lawn to rot away... a existence of pain for human amusement... anyway, speaking of decay, leafs when they start falling are basically dead/dying... then they get crunching and brown... and then we just crush their pathetic brittle corpses under our feet for fun... flowers are nice... except for when they're not... like with my favourite poisonous shrub, Oleander, who's flowers are so harmful that even just touching them can cause skin irritation and consuming then could cause stomach problems, seizures, or death... oh btw I had a dream earlier that everything on my phone disappeared except for tumblr and a weird folder labeled 'hats'... then I woke up into another dream that made me walk into my closet and lay down to get suffocated my pressure and darkness (not the first time I had a dream like that)... and then I woke up into another dream and I was laying exactly were I had gone to sleep but I had no control of my body and it felt like my arm was being moved around in unnatural ways infront my closed eyes... and then I finally woke up for good... I hope your having a good day and that you sleep soundly at night without the bother of astral projection or demonic possession!
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moss-anon · 4 years
Oh yeah btw oleander flowers are poison
That is helpful for the scheming good thing Moss still has them then! Though it is kinda suspicious of what anon wanted Moss to do with them!
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nyx-xiii · 7 years
hello dearie, Poison Ivy, Catwoman and Zatanna!😽
Asdfww 😽 Hi there~Poison Ivy: There are so many beautiful flowers and plants, but I think my faves are cactus, crisantelmo and nerium oleander *doesn't remember the names in english*Catwoman: Like a person who has both, I can't decide. I love cats because well they are so cutes, independent and doesn't need constant attention, I empathize with them in someway. But dogs... I mean they are dogs!!! (?)I once thought I was more a cat person but now I can't see my bby boy everyday I miss him so much 😔, also Haise is always avoiding me except the times he wants something 😓. But both of them are my children and I love them equally... (Tbh Shiro is my fave sry not sry)Zatanna Zatara: I don't think so... But people says I am good at doing make up and signing (honestly I don't agree with the last one).Thanks for asking 💖. (Btw I really love all the characters that you choose, they are all strong and badass chicks)
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