#also neve Campbell is in this which I did know but yeah
sos-gonetolake · 10 months
Lana Parrilla stans are we all aware she paused her unemployment to be in Netflix’s Lincoln Lawyer S2?! Cause I just realized this tonight.
She’s looking amazingly beautiful as always. Her hair is unmatched. She woke up this man with homemade gourmet breakfast and my heart started beating arritmically. They have her in skin tight clothing. You do not need to watch the first season to understand. There’s a recap in Netflix’s extras anyway.
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Fuck Neve Campbell, Melissa Barrera deserved better
All the Neve Campbell interviews are about her glowing about the fact that Scream is finally about her again and recently said it's "Going back to it's roots"
Yeah, okay Scab. I'm so glad this was worth stabbing Melissa in the back.
She was never this happy about Scream 4, oh you know WES CRAVEN'S FINAL FUCKING MOVIE! She was never this happy about Scream 5, to the point where she phoned her scenes in Scream 5. You could clearly tell she wasn't happy to be sharing the lead or "passing the torch" But she's happy after they fired their 4 POC leads and one who was supporting Palestine and got fired for it.
At this point, seeing Neve Campbell pop up and lie about it all like she can act her way out of being a complete loser sellout is tiring. Someone I respected so much turns out to be a greedy sellout. Never meet your heroes.
And fucking shame on Courtney Cox for even agreeing to this shit as well. This is the kind of thing that she would have fought a war over if this happened on Friends. The only reason she’s as successful as she is is because of worker solidarity being what got her and the rest of the Friends cast to band together and demand equal pay and screen time.
Imagine being this desperate and pathetic She was fucked over by Spyglass. She left The Lincoln Lawyer for her own show Avalon. Avalon got cancelled so she immediately did Twisted Metal which she was desperate for. Once Spyglass fucked Melissa & Jenna over, Neve ran back into open arms without hesitation and without a finished script. She ran back with just a “concept” Neve showed us who she really is, the scab who crossed the picket line.
Since Melissa was fired, Neve has never showed support for her, but she would always only talk about how she’s getting paid for Scream 7. while Melissa was always showing support for her during Scream 6. Neve’s also agreed to work for a company who supports genocide
I have absolutely zero respect for Neve, Kevin or even Courtney. They saw that Melissa was fucked over by the studio and chose greed than to fight for Melissa's right to protest and finishing Sam Carpenter's story.
Melissa was fired for advocating for something important, and Neve “advocated” for something & quickly forgot as soon as their new lead didn’t fold for them. Definition of white feminism
Neve Campbell’s return to Scream 7 is the perfect example as to why a lot of these franchises fall off. They can never EVOLVE. They successfully passed the torch in Scream (2022), fleshed out the newer characters in Scream VI, and now they’re back to focusing on Sidney for 7.
Anyways. fuck Neve the Scab, fuck Spyglass, fuck Kevin Williamson, fuck Courtney Cox, and Melissa, Jenna, Jasmin and Mason deserved better, Scream 7 needs to flop, Free Palestine!
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022, dir. David Blue Garcia) - review by Rookie-Critic
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre, not to be confused with 1974's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, was about as unneeded a sequel as any of these new-age "requels" are (except for you, Scream, you're doing great. Just pay Neve Campbell more and get her back on board, like, c'mon guys), but I will admit to having a ton of fun on the back half of it. Discarding all other sequels & prequels and acting as a direct sequel to the first film, which I believe now puts us on timeline #4 for this franchise and perfectly mirroring the trajectory of the Halloween franchise, this edition of Texas Chainsaw sees a group of Gen Z entrepreneurs driving into a Texas ghost town where they're going to flip it for a profit and gentrify the living hell out of it, but, of course, we all know who's been hiding out there since the events of the '74 film.
Cameo by Alice Krige aside, the first half of the film doesn't have much to offer. The setup is pretty innocuous and the dialogue seems like it was written by someone who went on r/GenZ for no more than 30 minutes and said "yeah, I think I got this." Even the first few kills that Leatherface performs feel a little hollow. After my experience with 2017's Leatherface, I was already rolling my eyes and ready to write this off as another completely failed entry, and that's about the moment that a leg gets inverted with a sledgehammer. The kills in this movie are genuinely pretty sick, and I mean that in a genuine, complimentary way. There is, quite frankly, an amazing amount of "holy shit" moments in this, including one gonzo gnarly sequence involving a party bus. Sadly, that party bus sequence also happens to include what is possibly the worst piece of humor in the entire franchise, but we'll give it a slight pass because everything immediately following that atrocious joke is pure Chainsaw gold. There are a lot of examples of bad horror tropes being used even in the moments of this film that are good, including a gotcha moment that you can see coming from a mile away and a particular final girl-adjacent trope that I have always hated in horror sequels of the past. This is a frustrating one, because there is, undoubtedly, so much potential here for something that could have been good. If the writing had just been better (or a little bit worse, honestly), we could have had a Texas Chainsaw entry that was just a fun time, but instead we got an entry that is fun at times and hard to watch at most other times. While I did find myself having fun for a decent chunk of the film, I can't in good conscience give it a good score. Just know that if you're a genre fan, there is, at the very least, a little to latch onto here.
Score: 4/10
Currently streaming on Netflix.
0 notes
missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Groupie (part one)
Authors Note - this story is set in 2006 when Cillian starred onstage in the show Love Song.
Cillian has just turned 30, and has no children. Reader is a fan, has been since day one and is a plus size girl. I myself am a UK size 16, so I hope I don't offend anyone with my story (I'm writing about my own insecurities a little here so be kind please).
Also I apologise to any Neve Campbell fans - I'm sure she's bloody lovely but I needed a bitchy co star... Sorry!
Warning - smut (eventually)
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Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06
Waiting patiently in line, the man in front of you happily signed autographs and chatted with the girl in front of you. Posing for a photograph, he thanked her and turned to you.
"Had a feeling you'd be here y/n!" Cillian grinned, welcoming you into a warm embrace. You'd been a fan of his ever since that first stage show back in 1996. You and your mum had gone to watch Disco Pigs for your 15th birthday present, and you'd immediately been bowled over by the young man playing Pig. Since that first show, you'd been following his career and always made sure you were in the front row any time he returned to his theatrical roots. No different now - he'd just come off stage after the final show and was meeting his fans outside like he always did.
"I never miss a show Cillian, you know that! You were amazing as always." You held out your photo for him and he signed it, laughing.
"How many of my autographs do you have now, gotta be 100 or more?"
"Ah Cill, one more is never enough." He suddenly leaned in for another hug, which surprised you, and whispered in your ear.
"Meet me at the hotel bar in an hour?"
You didn't respond, you were in too much shock at what he'd said, when he winked at you and headed over to the waiting car, waving and smiling at his fans as he left.
You didn't need to ask which hotel - he always stayed in the same one in Dublin... But why would he want to meet you there?
You walked into the hotel lobby feeling extremely nervous. The security guard stopped you instantly, asking to see your hotel room key. You stumbled, before an arm draped across your shoulder.
"She's with me Mark, it's all good, yeah?" Cillian guided you through the door to the bar, asking what you wanted to drink.
"Erm... I'll have a small white wine.. please.." you looked around and saw the other cast members milling around and chatting to each other, paying no mind to either of you. Cillian pointed to a table in the corner while he headed to the bar.
Coming back, he placed a large glass in front of you and sat with his Guinness across the table. You raised an eyebrow at the large wine glass.
"What? We're Irish, we don't do 'small' y/n..." He smirked, taking a sip of his pint.
"Well, thank you. This is very kind Cillian, but I don't understand why I'm here..."
"You've followed me for 10 years. Always supported me. I wanted to do something to thank you for it all." You blushed, looking down at your hands, curled into each other.
"Cill, amazing show as always!! Blew me away," his co star, Neve Campbell squeezed his shoulder, kissed his cheek and gave you a quick once over, sneering.
"Thanks Neve. This is y/n - she's been a good friend since day one." Did he just call you a friend?
"Hi." She didn't smile, just looked you up and down and smirked a little. You instantly felt self conscious. You'd always been a larger girl - you'd recently lost some weight, but you were by no means a skinny girl. Neve would've fit twice into your size 16 jeans.
Cillian noticed your discomfort, and reached under the table for your hand, glaring at Neve.
"I think you're wanted over there." He pointed out the director of the show, and Neve turned to leave. Not before casting a backwards glance and chuckle at you.
Tears filled your eyes - you'd always thought she was nice but she'd just destroyed that image.
"Hey, hey no tears. She's a first class bitch and she doesn't deserve them," he squeezed your hand and took another sip of his Guinness, pushing your wine over to you.
"Sorry... Fuck sake I bet you think I'm a right eejit.. I better go..." You took a large gulp of wine and pulled your bag over your shoulder, standing up.
"Let me walk you home?"
"Let me walk you home at least, it's nearly 11pm. I can't have you walking through Dublin alone at this time of night y/n.."
"It won't be a long walk Cill, I'm staying upstairs! Room 249!"
"You're staying in the same hotel as me?"
"Don't get weird, it was the only hotel with rooms spare - it is Bank Holiday weekend..."
"Then I'll walk you to your room at least?" You nodded, and he offered you his hand. Smiling nervously, you took it and he led you over to the lift.
You heard Neve and her friend snicker behind you and Cillian turned around, telling you to stay where you were as he walked over to her. You saw him pull her to one side and although you couldn't hear him, his words clearly had an effect on her as her face dropped and she looked to the floor embarrassed. He glared at her, before coming back over to you and leading you out the doors.
"Cillian I don't want to cause problems..."
"Show's over Y/N, I never have to work with the stuck up bitch again. Don't worry about it." You bit your lip to stop yourself from crying as you walked into the lift with him. He pushed the button for floor 2 and looked at you, his smile fading.
"Hey come here, don't get upset?" He wrapped an arm around you and you couldn't stop the tears. Sobbing softly into his leather jacket as he stroked your back.
"I'm so sorry... It's just... god look at me Cillian..."
"I do look at you. And you know what I see? I see a smart, funny, kind, caring, beautiful woman. Someone who any man would be fucking proud to have on their arm." He cupped your face in his hands and dried your cheeks with his thumbs. You looked up into his eyes and you were sure the world stopped for a minute. He smiled, your faces edging closer together slowly, before the lift pinged and the door opened. You pulled away quickly, pulling your key out of your bag.
"Thanks for walking me back... Sorry for embarrassing you..." You headed out of the lift and didn't look back. Opening your room door, you quickly went inside and closed it.
"Fuck sake y/n what are you thinking???" You scolded yourself, forehead leaning against the door as you caught your breath and steadied yourself.
You opened the mini fridge and quickly sank the small bottle of vodka in it, the warm liquid calming you instantly. You were about to get ready for bed when you heard the door knock suddenly. You opened it to find Mark - the security guard from earlier, holding an envelope. Handing it to you, expressionlessly, he walked away. You closed the door and opened the envelope.
If you're looking to finish what we nearly started in the lift, I'm in room 532.
Your breath caught in your throat - was this even happening? You steadied yourself again, taking a deep breath.
"What the hell do I do??"
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lilshitwayne · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me @septemberrie! Now you get to read first hand while I gush about you being my tumblr crush lmao
Why did you choose your url? I'm a little shit, I love Bruce Wayne and his children, especially the little shit: Damian Wayne. No, it's not because of the rapper.
Any side blogs? Yeah, one that's a secret, because its basically just me being depressed. I run @rivusasource along with some lovely ladies. I also have @skloomsource saved for once this fanbase decides to exist, because right now its just me. I've ran too many other blogs to list, but my trusty one has always been lilshitwayne.
How long have you been on tumblr? Fuck, for too long. I joined in 2013, so 8 years I think.
Do you have a queue tag? No, I like to keep them guessing if I'm actually always online or not. (I am).
Why did you start your blog in the first place? I wanted to scream online about teen wolf and tvd.
Why did you choose your icon? Marcia, @rivusa, was softly bullied into making it for me. It's my new shiny OTP.
Why did you choose your header? To match the beautiful beautiful icon made by @rivusa , also because Sky is handsome as fuck and I need to broadcast how much of a simp I am
How many mutuals do you have? Just counted! 71 and I'm SHOCKED. I thought I had like 10
How many followers? I don't kiss and tell. A couple.
How many do you follow? 569 blogs. I get bored really REALLY easily. At least half of these are inactive though
Have you ever made a shitpost? All my posts are shitposts, what do you mean
How often do you use tumblr every day? More than I should. Like 3 hours, NOT counting the time I spend on discord thinking about tumblr.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Nothing recent that I can remember.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? Not gonna reblog it!
Do you like tag games? I do!
Do you like ask games? Yes, but not those chain asks. Hate those.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? I know for sure that some of them are. @lutes-and-dandelions gives me mad famous vibes. @skywalkerangst is definitely famous. @neve-campbells too, FOR SURE. (if they're not, they should be)
Do you have a crush on a mutual? afjsdkusfdsdka obviously. @septemberrie??? my crush grows exponentially by the minute with her. @lilly1235 this woman, ooof this woman. It's not even a tumblr crush, it's straight up just a crush. And of course, my lovely, beautiful, smart, secretly-evil wife @fitztragedy , it's not crush if you married 'em right
No pressure tags: @rivusa @enemiestoloverss @arlovegood and anyone else who wanna do it!
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200 MOVIES IN 2020, #9
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knives out. this is one of the movies i was most looking forward to this year, because i’ve been avoiding tumblr spoilers for it and saving related posts to look at once i had seen it. i knew going in that it had a great cast and that it was a murder mystery but that was about it. 
i honestly found this movie to be a really good time. jamie lee curtis, christopher plummer, toni collette and chris evans all in the same movie? how could i not have fun?? but i was not prepared for the sheer level of ridiculous that is daniel craig’s accent, from start to finish. not to mention his everything else. after seeing this movie i don’t think i could enjoy him as james bond even if i did watch those movies someday, because his comedic talents are clearly wasted on spy dramas. i couldn’t pinpoint who i felt like he was channeling though. he reminded me exactly of someone else, accent-wise. it’ll come to me later.
the other cast that i already knew and loved were all great here. they seemed like they were having a fun time, which fed the energy of the movie. chris evans as a smirking rich asshole? genius casting. i loved watching him. i wasn’t familiar with ana de armas before this, but i enjoyed her so much--she gave me serious sidney prescott energy especially at the end, and it made me nostalgic. i don’t think anyone else has had me rooting for her in that way since neve campbell in scream. i would watch ana be the center of a movie again anytime.
the plot was good, appropriately twisty while mildly self-mocking and aware. i predicted some but not all of it. my only real complaint is more of a general one, and it’s that i’m really sick of vomiting being a major plot device so often now. what is up with that? why?? i’m really glad i didn’t see this in theaters just for that reason, but also this isn’t even the only 2019 movie i can say that about! dear film trendsetters, please i am begging you take that one off your lists. yuck.
but anyway, yeah. as long as you’re going into this knowing it’s got murder in it (and unfortunately vomiting) i would highly recommend knives out. i know i would have fun rewatching it someday.
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wolffupdates · 4 years
Alex Wolff on 'Castle in the Ground,' Producing a Movie with Nicolas Cage and His 'Jumanji' Future
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The actor also reveals the text his friend Cage sent him about playing Joe Exotic.
[This story contains spoilers for Castle in the Ground.]
At 22, Alex Wolff has already had a full 16-year career in Hollywood. From his supernatural horror hit, Hereditary, to his expanding role in the Jumanji franchise, Wolff has even written and directed his own film, The Cat and the Moon. Wolff’s latest role as Henry in Castle in the Ground checks another box that is consistent with most acclaimed actors as his grieving, opioid-addicted character required dramatic weight loss. Since he was already quite lean, losing 30 pounds took its toll on the New York native.
“I only had a couple weeks before I started shooting. I know that [my diet] just didn’t turn out very well, and it turned out to be super unhealthy at the end of it,” Wolff tells The Hollywood Reporter. “I had a lot of problems, but I’ve now found out since then that there’s some totally better, more healthy ways that you can do it. And a can of tuna and an apple is not that.”
At the end of 2019, Wolff wrapped production on Michael Sarnoski’s Pig, and the experience went so well that he’s already collaborating with one of his co-stars on another project. That co-star happens to be one Nicolas Cage.
“I have a movie that I’m going to direct that I wrote and I’m really, really excited about it. And without spoiling too much, Nic is actually producing it with me,” Wolff shares. “I’m going to be starring in it… But yeah, I’d say it’s a character drama with elements of thriller. It’s definitely a psychological drama.”
In a conversation with THR, Wolff discusses Castle in the Ground’s impact on him, his Jumanji future and the text exchange he had with Cage regarding Cage’s new role as Joe Exotic.
You lost 30 pounds for Castle in the Ground. Did you subscribe to Christian Bale’s Machinist diet of one apple and one can of tuna per day?
Oh God. Yeah, I’ve heard of that. I’ve heard of a lot of different diets. I mean, mine was really interesting because I only had a couple weeks before I started shooting. It was like two or two-and-a-half weeks. I know that mine just didn’t turn out very well, and it turned out to be super unhealthy at the end of it. I had a lot of problems, but I’ve now found out since then that there’s some totally better, more healthy ways that you can do it. And a can of tuna and an apple is not that. (Laughs.)
Does a character like Henry ever frighten you to the point of being more cautious in your own life?
Interesting. I think more than anything, it really made me have empathy for people who make bad decisions. More than make me not make bad decisions, it makes me have more empathy for the people who make these kinds of decisions with addiction and everything. I see them more humanly.
As Henry showed, one wrong choice can create a ripple effect that has complete control over you.
Yeah, it just seems like this kind of thing happens so quickly. That’s the scariest part of the whole thing. This can happen so quickly once you start dipping your toe in this pool of these drugs and this kind of lifestyle. You just get completely sucked in, swept up, chewed up and spit out.
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When your characters go through a difficult experience and you have to play those feelings and emotions that come with the territory, has that ever prepared you, to some degree, for a similar experience in real life?
I think it’s more the opposite. I mean, there are certain eerie times when life imitates art, but it’s more that my life experience becomes applicable to certain movies and characters. I can do some transference, but I don’t really think that anything that I’ve done in a movie has prepared me for anything in life. What I’ve done in movies has been a collection of my own experience.
I loved the voicemail scene between you and Imogen (Poots). Did you guys rehearse that scene since the timing is so precise and comedic?
I love that scene. We didn’t do much rehearsal in this movie at all. It was pretty guerilla warfare. (Laughs.) We could just go for it. So, we may have run through it a few times, but really, the rehearsal was us just kind of figuring it out as it goes along.
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At first, I thought Henry was angling for a romantic relationship with Imogen’s character, Ana, but then I quickly realized that he wanted to transfer the caregiving of his mother (Neve Campbell) onto someone else who was sick in her own way. Do you also think he was dependent on caring for a sick person, as opposed to some romantic fixation?
Maybe he had a crush or something, but I think it’s kind of deeper. He needed anything. He needed anything from her — whether it was romantic or to just be around her, I think he just needed somebody in his life to fill the void of his mom. I don’t think it’s as simple and as clean-cut as her replacing his mom, but I think it’s just that he needs something. He needs some family.
[This next question contains spoilers for Castle in the Ground’s ending.]
The movie ends on an ambiguous, full-circle moment, but given the unforgiving and relentless nature of the opioid crisis, I think history repeated itself in Henry’s mom’s bedroom. Was that your interpretation as well?
Well, I almost want to keep the end a secret for people who haven’t seen it. So, I kind of want that to be one of these big surprises. But I think you’re right. I mean, I’m thinking about it, but I think you’re right. He kind of gives into it eventually. I think he protests, but he lets her do it. I think it’s this moment where, yeah, it’s like history repeating itself. It’s like a prophecy or premonition that he’s going to end up doing it. I kind of want people going in, thinking that it’s going to go a different direction or thinking that it’s going to all come up daisies. You think it’s going to go that way, and then, I think it’s important that it’s like “nope.” It should end super hopeless and punishing because that’s how this actually ends. This is how these drugs usually end.
I loved how aggressively blunt Henry could be at times. He was pretty reserved for the most part, but he did not hold back when it came to Ana’s friends. For example, Tom Cullen’s character said to him, “You seem like a good kid,” and Henry responded, “Thanks, I kind of thought you were a piece of shit...”
(Laughs.) Yeah, I think it’s his only way of survival. I think he is shy, and I love that too. That was really a good element in the script, and I think we worked on beefing that up a little bit. He’s like a little boy, and I think little boys are like that sometimes. They put on a front of toughing it out, hence “I kind of thought you were a piece of shit...” But I think it’s also his way of giving and receiving love. I think it’s how he and Ana bond. I think it’s just his way of connecting.
Henry’s girlfriend, Rachel (Star Slade), had her own life while he was taking care of his mother. She was also going off to school soon. Was Henry’s decision to break up with her partially inspired by the fact that she didn’t need him as much as his mother or Ana did?
That’s interesting. That’s a really good question, but I didn’t see it that way. Maybe to a certain degree, but I would say that instead of her being more independent, I think it was about the fact that she was almost too good for him at a time when he couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t handle any kind of positive thing in his life. He wanted to be miserable. He wanted to follow the danger and follow his id, not what was healthy for him.
You started acting at six years old. Once you became old enough to make your own choices, did you ever sit down and assess whether you wanted to keep acting or not? Obviously, you made the right call, but sometimes, we hold on to things just because they’re all we’ve ever known.
I think about quitting acting every single day. I have a very love-hate relationship with it. The second I start a movie or when I’m not good in a scene, I’m like, “Fuck, I don’t want to do this anymore. This is hard.” You have to, in equal measure, be completely in love with it and need to do it. It feels like a need. It feels super deep and heartfelt.
Given the sad state of the world, have you done a screen test or chemistry read with another actor yet via Zoom?
Yeah, I’ve done a bunch of monologues and stuff with people, which has been really fun. I’ve been writing monologues and sending them to my friends, and I think that’s been really good. I’ve done some play readings on Zoom, but it’s not the same. It’s not great, but it’s okay. It’s better than nothing. The lag time is better than I actually expected, but it’s just still not perfect. It just isn’t.
You were an uncredited partygoer in Cory Finley’s Thoroughbreds, and you just had a supporting role in his latest film, Bad Education, which is excellent. Clearly, Cory felt guilty over the size of your Thoroughbreds part, right?
(Laughs.) He better have! He better feel guilty. No, I was shooting Patriots Day like an hour away from where they were shooting Thoroughbreds, and I knew the producer. So, I came just to hang out, and they just threw me in there, which was fun. But yeah, he’d better feel guilty for not giving me a bigger part. (Laughs.)
In Bad Education, I was quite fond of your outburst after Geraldine Viswanathan’s character pressures your character to publish her exposé, but he’s torn because of his recommendation letter from Hugh Jackman’s character.
That was kind of a fun day because Cory doesn’t usually have people improvising, but I kind of just went for it.
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Jumanji: The Next Level left things in a very tantalizing place as the Jumanji game world has returned to the real world a la the original Robin Williams movie. Are you intrigued by the possibility of your real-life characters acting alongside the avatar characters for a change?
Oh my God, yeah. That better happen. That would be so amazing. I want that. Yeah, I think it would be full circle. To come back to the real world.
I think you just came up with the title.
Jumanji: Full Circle? Yeah, it better be that. Jumanji: Full Circle, I like that. The idea of all the kids, The Rock, Danny DeVito, Danny Glover and everybody else in the real world makes me so unbelievably excited.
Recently, your name was on a very exciting list of actors in connection with a new movie from one of my favorite filmmakers, M. Night Shyamalan. Can you say anything about this?
(Wolff imitates static noise.) We’re going through a tunnel actually. Sorry, I’m going through a tunnel right now. There’s a tunnel in my house. Can you hear that? (Laughs.)
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You’ve heard this quite a bit, but Hereditary’s car accident scene is one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve ever seen. Oftentimes, when the cast and crew know they have to shoot something dark like that, they find ways to keep the set as light as possible. Was that the case that day?
No, actually. That was not the case. For me, sometimes if they’re trying to make it too light, it’s kind of distracting. So, I sometimes have to just stay in the zone. I kind of just was wearing my headphones and trying to stay in the spirit of it. I think it’s sometimes too hard to completely jump in and out.
Did that scene mess with your head for a little while after shooting it? No pun intended.
(Laughs.) I think it did mess with my head in the moment. I think the whole movie was kind of difficult. It kind of stuck with me. I think that scene in particular definitely stuck with me at least for a few days. But I think that movie was like a constant attention-taker. I think it haunted me for a while.
This is a shameless question, but have you texted your friend Nic Cage about his brand-new role as Joe Exotic [of Tiger King fame]?
Of course, I have. Of course, I have. I said, “Are you playing Joe Exotic?” and he texted me back (Wolff imitates Cage.) “You bet your ass I am.”
It’s perfect casting.
When I first saw it, I said the only person who could possibly play him in a fictional world is Nic. I just feel like that guy is so larger than life, and anybody else would not be able to go there. Nic is the only person who can go there, I think.
Are you itching to direct again?
Yeah, man. I have a movie that I’m going to direct that I wrote and I’m really, really excited about it. And without spoiling too much, Nic is actually producing it with me. Yeah, I’m really excited about it.
Can you reveal the genre yet?
I would say it’s a character drama, and I’m going to be starring in it. I’m really excited about it. But yeah, I’d say it’s a character drama with elements of thriller. It’s definitely a psychological drama.
Castle in the Ground is now available on Digital HD and VOD.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXVI)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
And then... There's this gap here...
Hello my dears! How are you? This is the second meta from season 7 from my Destiel Chronicles. And this is very critical one, to the gap I found after Castiel's death.
I want to give thanks to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta and discussed with me the episodes.
Well, I should stop the cháchara, and just do it.
Changing the focus
I noticed after Castiel's death, the focus of the show was all over the topic GUILT and LIES. Because why not? Let's confront Sam and Dean again so we can get a little of Wincest fuel.
So, Dean killed that Kitsune woman, Sammy's maybe first love and friend (a monster friend, as Dean will have on Benny in s8). But well... Dean is lying and he feels guilty about what he did. And Sam ignoring the whole situation... Okay... Cas is out. That story ended. Let's focus on Wincest and Pathologic Codependency between the brothers.
Episode 7x04 Defending your life, was about GUILT, and how it came to haunt you.
And because it was a very Wincest episode when we confronted Sam and Dean with VERITAS en Season 6, why not repeat the thing? Let's use another God... OSIRIS to confront them again. Like watching the same bad movie twice.
Ok, soy, Dean is drinking a lot of alcohol, because of Cas? Well of course, but the writers made it because of the guilt he feels for lying to his brother.
In the middle of this situation, he talks about this with a waitress, and Osiris captured him.
And because Sammy is so smart and believes in his brother, he is the lawyer, his defensor.
The whole episode is focused in old guilts and regrets of Dean. OSIRIS called Jo, and then Sam, because he felt responsible for them, for their safety, and about Jo, for her death.
Sam is the person that try to clean all those old ghosts from his brother. But he failed, because Dean has a big issue with the guilt.
Aaaand Codependency again...
This is what makes Wincest strong: Pathologic Codependency... And we will see a lot of it thanks to Sera Gamble...
Episode 7x06: Slash Fiction.
There's two Leviathans copying Cas and Dean and committing crimes in places where they were hunting years ago (firsts seasons, bc Sera missed Bro-only episodes so much... Awww 😒).
Okay, so they had to meet this guy Frank, a very odd man and very smart. And Dean had to abbandon Baby in that place...
So we had this comic dialogue...
SAM: It's temporary, Dean.
DEAN: Nobody puts Baby in a corner.
SAM: Y-you know that's a line from --
DEAN: Swayze movie. Swayze always gets a pass!
SAM: Right. Uh, well, you want some tunes or something? Here.
And then there was Air Supply singing I'm all out of love... And Dean was like...
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Ok... If you weren't watching the episode, this could be a very Destiel song, BUT, this is Wincestland or Gamble-land, is the same, and the song is just for loosing Baby. Cas is erased here. No more Cas... And... Wasn't Sammy hallucinating with Lucifer? Oh, yeah, nevermind... If they don't want to write it... Okay, keep watching.
But the thing here... Was this scene...
LEVIATHAN!DEAN: I mean, honestly, I just... You know what? I can't stand the guy. Talk about a hero complex. And he doesn't have relationships. No, he has applications for sainthood. Oh, and he thinks he's funny. He thinks he's a damn comedian.
LEVIATHAN!SAM: Who has two thumbs and full-blown bats in the belfry?
LEVIATHAN!DEAN points at LEVIATHAN!SAM and LEVIATHAN!SAM points at himself with both thumbs.
LEVIATHAN!SAM: I'm serious. It's nothing but Satan-vision on the inside. I mean, how he's walking around in a jacket with detachable arms is beyond me. You know, I had a brother with this many issues once.
Okay, not this scene, but was funny, look how they talked about Hallucifer! Yay! They didn't forget! 😒
I wanted to show you this scene, when Dean and Sam got arrested by the police...
LEVIATHAN!DEAN: I just want to let you know how much I've really grown to hate you and your brother since we've been wearing you. I just don't get it. You could be anything. You're strong, you're uninhibited. 
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Another confrontation, the Leviathan here is saying he doesn't understand Dean and Sam pathologic Codependency, this gives a Wincest tint to the scene, it was written with that intention, and that's how it feels.
Then, the Leviathan! Dean told the truth about Sammy's monster friend...
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And I present here to all of you, the Wincest master topic, because Sam reacts exaggeratedly to this. It's a break up? It looks like. Oh yes, the kind of drama Gamble likes, the bro-only one...
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Now... Let's jump to episode 7x07, Sam is mad at Dean, they broke up 😒 but they bumped into each other trying to solve a case.
The clues lead them to a Museum... And this dialogue is just... Okay. Nevermind... Just look at it...
MUSEUM GUIDE: Never ended well for the siblings.
DEAN: Why is that?
MUSEUM GUIDE: Mm, the strain of working together, or maybe just being around each other all their lives. Those two were the exception, actually – the Campbells. Got along famously. Of course, that was just a stage name
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Ok.. all right... The Campbells?? Really? What was Mary Winchesters's last name??? Oh yes... Campbell! 😒 Ah, ok, they weren't actually brothers, they were lovers, nevermind... Nothing to see here... 🤦
Then.. we'll have more drama... And Dean will mention Cas trying to explain why he killed the Kitsune. Because CAS is compared here with a "monster friend" (??) And because his betrayal he doesn't trust anyone now (???!!) I know this could be written so differently... I know that.
Is an episode I want to forget. Thank you.
Okay, what I have to say of episode 7x08? Sam married with Becky (a Wincest shipper) and Dean being the third in discord. Love triangle my friends... Can I vomit now?
What a gap... And who was Castiel?? And... Wasn't Sam hallucinating with Lucifer?
I know we can find the plot and the storyline somewhere...
Don't worry... Edlund will be back to the rescue in episode 9, in the next Chronicle.
Okay, not all these episodes before Edlund were ugly, the one that wrote Gamble about Bobby is a cute one. I have to give her that, but kind of repetitive in some aspects... But, symbolically, it was a nice episode in which we could learn more about Bobby.
Episode 7x10 Death's door showed us how Bobby was the real good dad these boys had. We learn about his own childhood, with an abusive father, and how that past made him connect immediately with his sons, Dean and Sam.
One of the issues with Bobby was this quote...
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"You break everything you touch." Is the phrase that kept dancing in Bobby's head thanks to his dad...
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So we traveled all over Bobby's traumas, and how he was desperately trying to keep himself alive because he needed to deliver to his boys one last clue against the Leviathans, Bobby fighting till the end, my friends...
And this was my favorite part ...
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That's why Bobby was the lovely and normal father for these boys, and is so touching. He tried to give them a normal life. And they are so grateful with him because of that.
And this too...
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Bobby scolding John, trying to make him see what the kids needed from him. Trying to bring him back from that revenge path he was following.
Loable work.
So Bobby trapped his reaper, and delivered the boys those numbers, and then he died.
I can't forget Dean's words about trying to keep his faith... "
For him it was harder, because he is a chronic denying boy, and Sam was the one with his feet on Earth. And this dialogue broke my heart.
SAM: Dean, listen – we need to brace ourselves.
DEAN: Why?
SAM: Because it's real.
DEAN: What do you want to do? You want to hug and – and say we made it through it when Dad died? We've been through enough.
Gah, I wanted to hug them right there. 😟
Okay... Enough of sobbing...
To Conclude:
There was several episodes with big Wincest subtext content, and Cas and Hallucifer plot seemed to be erased... Also the storyline.
The episode about Bobby's death was a cute one, with touching scenes and flashes about Bobby's past, showing us his issues and what a good father he was with our boys.
I hope you had enjoyed this one's, it was kind of critical, but I promise Destiel in the next ones...
Tagging @weirddorkylittlediana @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper @justmeand-myinsight
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73
If you want to be tagged, please let me know.
If you want to read the previous chronicle from s7 here is the link.
Buenos Aires August 28th 2019 6:56 PM
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inflashback · 5 years
all of them for either sid or carrie?
part one: Carrie
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
it’s a movie, a musical, and a book; it’s about a girl with pyschic powers killing her abusers.
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
my baby brother loves it a Lot so I always knew about it... I ended up watching it because it was on netflix! Then I read it, then I listened to the musical and watched all the remakes.
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
I love that it’s REAL KIDS. None of them are exactly paragons of virtue— there’s no one 100% right, ever, except maybe tommy. They’ve got stupid petty problems and stupid petty things about them and it’s so goddamn good! Also for the movie I just really love dePalma’s work :)
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
my ultimate favorite scene from the movie is when tommy and Carrie have their dance; from the musical, it’s You Shine, when Tommy and sue talk; in the book it’s— “Do you like me?” “You’re beautiful.” And she was.
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
tommy!!!!!! I love tommy so much, because he’s genuinely SO kind and loving for no reason other than that’s who he is. he doesn’t have to have a good time with Carrie but he DOES and he makes sure she’s comfortable :). he’s such a wonderful boy!!! and obviously carrie herself, because she’s trying so hard to be good.
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
margaret white need I say more
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
I HC CARRIE AS AUTISTIC!!!! that’s canon, I won’t listen to anything else, and it means a lot to me as a hc. on that note, I hc sue tommy and carrie as all bi, and that means a lot :).
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
ahahahahahahaha yeah. they’re all my ccs!! i identify with tommy and carrie but they aren’t kins so much as I just see myself in them :)
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
um!!! the blood was made of corn syrup and they only shot that twice!
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
id absolutely love actresses that play carrie to be less conventionally attractive,,, I love all her actresses but the point is she’s not a paragon of beauty. Also, in the musical mrs White is kind of redeemed and NO.
part two: scream!!
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
a girl who went through a brutal murder of her mother starts receiving mysterious phone calls from an unknown caller.
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
it was my first horror movie because it was on netflix!
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
hoogh neve campbell’s portrayal of sid is what rlly brought me into it. she’s so talented. also it’s ALL about horror formulas and storytelling, which r both my big interests!!
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
from the first one, probably the “EVERYONES A SUSPECT!” or “TURN AROUND, JAMIE—“. i love randy. in the sequels I love the I think I love you scene, every time dewey and sid reunite, and when sid saves Jill.
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
sidney’s lament goes SO hard
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
GOD... it’s hard to choose but. i love dewey... he’s so dorky and kind and he’s just!! trying to protect his bb siblings
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
I mean I hate billy????? but I also strongly dislike Charlie. all his motives are stupid and he’s a jerk
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
SID IS NON-BINARY! I called them a girl up there but I usually use they them pronouns fr them and hc them as transmasc. randy is also transmasc and complicatedly neurodivergent. dewey is a trans man. Tatum is a lesbian.
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
ok let’s just be super cringe here I’m sid Prescott. Not past life or anything just... I’m them! That’s me!! That’s who I want to be! Also the entire first movie gang besides You Know are my ccs along with hallie derek jennifer kirby and Jill!!
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
not a fan of the “Sid is a killer angle”... they’re NOT a killer and never ever ever will be
thank you op sorry I rambled and i didn’t post this! I was on vacation
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harrysthoughts · 6 years
You - Episode 9/10
Youlinas! This is my last in-depth post about You, season 1. Feels like just yesterday I was just sitting down to watch a buzzy Netflix show with my girlies...little did I know what I was getting myself into. Spoilers from the last 2 episodes are nigh.
 “How did I get here?” That’s the question Beck asks herself as she sits on the floor of the glass cage we all knew she’d end up in since we saw it in the first episode. 
First, let’s talk about Candace, annoying as she is. Of course they just had to cast someone that looks like Lucy Hale sucked on too many helium balloons at a party, which isn’t a bad thing, it just is. In the second to last episode, we learn all about the doomed relationship that preceded Joe and Beck, and it’s not really as interesting as it could’ve been.
 Basically, Joe meets Candace while she’s complaining about being hungry. We learn she’s in a band called “Heathcliff’s Misery” (stop) and likes wearing Doc Martens (same.) Short story short, she cheats on Joe with a record label guy and he finds out. This is where Joe kills someone for the first time: he pushes said record label guy off a roof (after the guy offers him some blow. Have some manners, Joe!)
 Flash forward to today and Beck is following in Candace’s featherbrained footsteps because she’s also cheating with a man who’s supposed to propel her: Dr. Nicki, the therapist. Joe finds out (“THERE IS NO EMMA FOX FROM BROWN!” - there never is, is there?) and promptly beats John Stamos right up, but doesn’t kill him. 
When things might just be a-ok, Paco comes to ruin everything (his fave pastime.) He stops by to return a book to Beck, saying that he forgot he’d put it in the ceiling. Beck is like, “ThE cEiLiNg?!” And Paco is like, “Yeah it’s where Joe hides all the evidence from all the people he’s killed!” Not really, but basically. Curiosity, as it does, kills the cat. Beck retrieves a box from the ceiling while Joe is getting breakfast and discovers Benji’s phone, Peach’s phone, her phone, her panties, and Candace’s (Urban Outfitters) pendant. And the jar of teeth, which makes her freak out and drop it. While cleaning up the teeth jar glass, she cuts herself. Joe notices when he comes back that she’s shaking and bleeding and he’s like “let me take care of you!” This is a pivotal scream-at-your-tv moment. Beck is just about to leave, spewing something about how Annika wants to get brunch, when Joe slams the door and hits her. She wakes up in the glass cube. Of course.
Beck in the cage is stressful to watch, like a live-action millennial Beauty and the Beast without the singing cutlery. She goes back and forth between being distressed and being calm, as I’m sure anyone would in that situation. She wears a Nirvana shirt, which feels symbolic but ultimately just makes an already fake situation harder to take seriously.  
He brings her a typewriter like she’s Kit fucking Kitteridge and tells her to write. They share dinners through the little food box. Joe offers her the rest of his wontons, probably in an attempt to normalize the fact that they’re separated by impenetrable glass. Her first attempt to get out is when she begs to use a real bathroom, and not a pot in the corner. Joe is about to free her but then she looks at the staircase like she’s about to run up it. Beck, darling, we must never make our desires so obvious! 
While she’s locked up, Joe takes cautionary steps to insure he can’t be blamed if people start to wonder where Beck went. The Salinger private investigator asks Joe some questions before revealing that they’re testing DNA for evidence they found at the Connecticut house. He immediately flashes back to the time he peed in a jar and put it back on the shelf. I’m sure he’d be pissed if he got caught because of the jar. Sorry, had to. 
Paco attempts to kill his mom’s drunk boyfriend but fails so Joe does it for him. Meanwhile, Beck is back in the glass cage, writing the best, most Beckish prose she’s ever written. As I watched I was like...this is good! The New Yorker is shaking! 
Joe comes back and announces that the PI could potentially put him in jail. Beck tells him to read what she just wrote. She makes a strong case that they could blame everything on the therapist because he too has a random jar of teeth laying around. It would check out. They have a heartfelt moment, hands touching on opposite sides of the glass, like 3rd graders on a trip to the aquarium. Joe comes in to embrace her and just as he notices the missing keys from the typewriter, Beck STABS him. My roommates and I woke up the whole block with our screams of victory, as if we were straight boys watching soccer. 
She escapes and starts screaming at him, naturally. Throughout the entire scene, the keys remain in the door, which is SUPER stressful for everyone involved. Finally, she runs up the stairs, only to be faced with a metal door. So now she’s locked at the top of the staircase, banging on the metal door, screaming. It was a very Kate-Winslet-in-Titanic moment. Of all people, Paco wanders up, takes a look at her, and walks away, leaving her to go back into the murder den to retrieve the keys. After hitting Joe with a hammer, she gets the keys and goes up the stairs AGAIN. I haven’t been so stressed watching a screen since Skyscraper (a very underrated movie, Neve Campbell’s elevator performance alone is worth the watch.) She is frantically trying out the different keys when Joe grabs her. Blackout. 
The next scene is of Beck’s face plastered on a best-selling book at Mooney’s, where Ethan says something about not being able to get away from someone after they’ve died. So Beck’s dead. Joe, smartie pants psycho that he is, took Beck’s writing and turned it into a memoir, framing the therapist as the villian, just like Beck suggested. John Stamos gets arrested and Joe continues his life. Paco and his mom move away, thank ZOD. 
The final scene is similar to the very first scene of the very first episode. The bookstore is washed in hazy afternoon light and Joe is narrating. The familiar bells chime as we see a girl walk in. Joe creepily starts psychoanalyzing her based on her physical traits and clothing, just like he did Beck. And then...it’s Candace. She says “Hi bunny.” Joe is dumbfounded, as are we.
CANDACE???!?!?!?!?!? If Candace is going to be the focus of season 2, I might have to dip, because I did NOT sign up to watch someone who’s only facial expression is that of someone sucking on a penny for the first time.
I’ll digest this whole thing and report back with final thoughts later on, probably. Thank you guys for reading these little summaries. I’ve had so much fun writing them and seeing what you guys have to say. 
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thewyloren · 6 years
Scream (1996 - Rated R) Directed by Wes Craven.  Starring Neve Campbell, Skeet Ulrich, Courteney Cox, and Drew Barrymore.
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
What was once an innocent question is now an iconic line from 1996′s slasher classic, Scream.  While director Wes Craven is known best for A Nightmare on Elm Street where he was also a writer, Craven did not pen Scream.  The story comes from the mind of Kevin Williamson who went on to work on I Know What You Did Last Summer, and The Faculty; also horror films involving teens, so let’s say he’d found his niche.  It’s not too surprising to learn Williamson also created the hit teen series Dawson’s Creek.
If you’ve never seen Scream before, the killer is disguised in a halloween costume which is coined later as “Ghost Face Killer.”  He terrorizes high schoolers of Woodsboro, mainly Sidney Prescott, daughter of a woman brutally murdered a year earlier.  But her killer was put behind bars, so it couldn’t possibly be the same guy.  Right?
Scream grabs you within the first five minutes.  Poor innocent Casey Becker, played by Drew Barrymore, is home alone, about to start a movie and chill, when a phone call disguised as a wrong number turns into a game of cat and mouse, leaving her gutted, hanging from a tree for her parents to find.  One must always remember the killer from Friday the 13th is, in fact, not Jason Voorhees, but his mother.  Better luck next time, Casey.
Killed within ten minutes of the movie, one has to wonder why on earth a star like Barrymore would agree to play that part.  According to Barrymore herself, she wanted that role.  While she was sought out to play the lead role of Sidney Prescott, once reading the script, she asked for the role of Casey.  Writer Williamson originally wanted actress Alicia Silverstone (Clueless) for the role of Casey.  As if!  Barrymore nailed it, solidifying herself as an official Scream Queen with her memorable and iconic scene.
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While audiences are recovering from Casey’s shocking death, we’re introduced to the main protagonist, Sidney Prescott, played by fresh faced Neve Cambell, star of The Craft and drama series Party of Five.  Portrayed immediately as young and naive, we see her being pressured to be more sexual by her boyfriend Billy Loomis, played by cutie Skeet Ulrich, donning his best Johnny Depp look.  Depp stars in Nightmare on Elm Street, so maybe Craven figured that “look” was part of some kind of horror film formula for success.  Who knows?
We learn Sidney and Billy have been dating for two years.  My first thought?  Two years and this guy is still whining about her being a virgin?  Dumpppp himmmmm.  But apparently it wasn’t always like this.  The beginning of their relationship started out hot and heavy (but which relationship doesn’t, amirite?) then somewhere it falters... Sidney grows a bit cold as far as physical touch goes.  Ah hah.  That would be when her mom was brutally raped and murdered.  
The quaint (but rather rich... I mean, everyone’s living in these huge fancy farmhouses and none of these kids seem to have jobs, other than Randy, whom I’ll get back to soon) town of Woodsboro is shooketh.  They haven’t seen crime like this since Sid’s mom.  
With Sid’s dad out of town for work, Sid waits around for her best friend Tatum (Rose McGowen) to pick her up for a sleepover.  Sid gets a prank call and assumes its their friend Randy.  Told you I’d come back to him.  Randy works at a video store and makes many references to scary movies.  In fact, the movie itself is very meta.  Lots of name dropping and parallels to other horror classics.  “Randy” gets Sid to chat about scary movies where Sid confesses she hates them because they’re all the same.  “The big breasted actress that can’t act always runs upstairs instead of outside; it’s insulting” (I’m paraphrasing) which is comical because once she learns the voice on the phone is not Randy, and the person calling is actually in the house and attacks her, she can’t get out the front door, forcing her to run upstairs.
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Hiding herself in her bedroom, Billy pops into the window and a cell phone falls out of his pocket.  Dun dun dun!  All signs point to Billy!  There’s no way it can’t not be Billy!  But we are so conditioned by Scooby Doo as kids.  It’s never who we think it is.  There’s always a red herring.  There’s always a twist.  So while we believe they want us to think it’s Billy, we’re smarter than that.  We know it can’t really be him.  Because where’s the fun in that?  Giving away the killer so soon?  Nah bruh.  We’ll wait for the big epic “ah HA, I knew it wasn’t Billy” moment.
After a pit stop at the police station where both Sid and Billy are questioned, Sid stays over at Tatum’s house where the killer phones yet again, accusing Sid of “fingering the wrong guy again.”  Whoa, whaaat?  The wrong guy?  AGAIN?
It’s not long after we learn that Sidney testified against her mother’s killer, Cotton Weary, putting him away for good.  Tabloid journalist (think today’s TMZ) Gale Weathers played by Courteney Cox in a horrid neon green dress suit believes in Cotton’s innocence.  She made bank writing a book about the tragic event surrounding Sid’s mom and Sid ain’t too happy about it.  
Running into Billy at school, Sid and Billy chit chat about how the anniversary of the death of her mother is coming up and Billy thinks Sid should just “get over it” already.  Because he got over his father leaving a year ago.  Because that’s totally the same thing.
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Boyfriend of the year right there.  What a sociopath.  Here’s where we get back on board thinking “Yeah maybe it’s Billy... who else could it be?”
The town of Woodsboro is put on a curfew until the police can get to the bottom of things.  But kids will be kids and kids will have parties when parents are away and why are the parents always away?  Randy and Stu (Stu would be Tatum’s goofy boyfriend played by over-the-top Matthew Lillard, and Stu just happens to be Billy’s ride or die) chat about Billy.  Randy thinks Billy’s the killer.  Stu laughs, but defends his buddy.  The signs are starting to point more towards Sid’s dad.  The police haven’t been able to get ahold of him.  And when they checked the phone records for the calls made to Sid, they weren’t coming from Billy’s phone, but rather Sid’s dad’s phone.  Uh oh.  Could it be with the anniversary of mom’s death, dad is finally losing it?  
At Stu’s house, teens are drinking beer and watching scary movies, provided by Randy.  The killer’s there and Tatum meets her end, getting stuck in a doggy door and her neck snapping.  Billy shows up to the house after this happens, again, making us believe he’s the killer.  No one cares about Tatum’s whereabouts I guess, and Sidney slips away with Billy, upstairs.  Two high schoolers headed upstairs into a bedroom, what could possibly happen next?  Downstairs, Randy lists off rules for surviving a horror film.
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Number one, never have sex. Number two, never drink or do drugs. Number three, never say “I’ll be right back.”
Remember those rules and you too will be around for the sequel.
This film is full of clever bits.  While everyone is watching Halloween, Randy announces “obligatory tit shot” and just as the actress in Halloween bares her breasts, the shot then turns to Sidney taking off her bra but she gets blocked from view by Billy.  Hah!
Yada yada yada, Sid and Billy break rule number one and Billy is next to be killed.  This is when we believe we were right all along.  It wasn’t Billy after all.  The tricky movie makers tricked us but we secretly knew it wasn’t really him.  Sid escapes out the window after being chased around a bit.  The killer goes downstairs where Randy is now all alone on the couch watching Halloween.  Randy is played by Jamie Kennedy and if you remember, Jamie Lee Curtis is the lead in Halloween.  So Randy’s on the couch shouting “Jamie look behind you” as the killer sneaks up behind him.  Thankfully, Randy is saved by Sidney screaming for help outside and the killer leaves him, for now.
More death happens, yada yada, it gets bloody.  Sid ends up back in the house and Randy and Stu fight over who the killer is.  Stu blames Randy and Randy blames Stu.  We’ve seen Randy and the killer in the same room, but we’ve never seen Stu and the killer in the same room.... hmm.  Something to think about.  But not something Sid has time for, so she closes the door on both of them.  Billy comes stumbling down from upstairs, covered in blood.  Now that Sid is positive Billy isn’t the killer, she’s comfortable with him taking the gun from her, to be the protector now, even if he is half dead.
Billy lets Randy in and ends up shooting him.  Whaaat?  Sidney tries to escape, confused as hell, obviously, and bumps into Stu who came in through the kitchen.  Stu pulls out a voice changer and speaks exactly like the killer and everyone is shocked to discover it was THE TWO OF THEM THIS WHOLE TIME!  They admit to framing Cotton, who’d been having an affair with Sid’s mom.  Apparently Sid’s mom had multiple affairs and was the reason Billy’s dad left.  Dun dun dun.
Stu pulls Sid’s dad out of another room, bound and gagged.  He and Billy plan to stab each other, kill Sid, then shoot Sid’s dad, making it look like Sid’s dad went on a killing spree, and then offed himself.  Billy and Stu would be the only survivors.  How convenient!  
But things don’t work out how they hoped.  Billy ends up getting shot.  Then Randy, who isn’t dead, says “This is when the killer comes back for one final scare” and Billy comes back for one final scare before Sidney puts a bullet in his head.
The way the movie is shot, the clever way it pays homage to other horror classics, makes it so lovable.  It’s really revived the horror genre, or at least the slasher portion.  Many sequels have since been filmed, as well as a television series, and comical spoofs.  It’s definitely a film that I would call a masterpiece of story telling and directing.  Definitely add this one to your Halloween and Chill list for October.  It’s available to rent on Amazon.  Also check with your cable provider, as it was free on demand for me.
RATING: 🎃🎃🎃🎃 4 out of 5 pumpkins
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summerspn · 6 years
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Skyscraper (2018)
Random Movie Review...
[Spoilers - ish]
This is another movie I heard wasn’t good. Some people were comparing it to Die Hard & apparently some random guy made a big fuss about the movie not using a real amputee for the main character.
That’s ridiculous.
This was very entertaining & fun. Aside from being an action movie involving a skyscraper & bad guys it’s not like Die Hard at all. The actors/acting were all great even the bit characters.
I do feel the trailers should have advertised more than just Dwayne Johnson though. Neve Campbell did a great job & still has a ton of fans from her past work. Pablo Screiber must have a following from his work though I remember him more from his television roles (American Gods, Orange is the New Black. White collar etc). And Chin Han has a diverse filmography with roles in Ghost in the Shell, Captain America: Soldier & the Marco Polo series.
Action on movies have a formula they always stick to but I appreciate that this movie did the following to differentiate themselves from other generic action flicks: 1) The police aren’t stupid, they’re cautious & thoughtful as they try to do their job. 2) The female character/love interest isn’t a shrieky moron. Quite the opposite. It was refreshing. 3) the children don’t simply sit in a corner and cry. They’re scared & in danger but it’s not like they’re crying and flipping out the entire time. They’re just small people trapped & try to do their best like the rest of the characters. 4)There’s real conflict for one of the bad guys. And 5) the businessman isn’t just about saving himself - movies often have this character as stepping on others to save himself & this movie doesn’t do that.
This movie is of course, as expected, an action film so there are many surreal elements. But I don’t want to see realism because if I did I’d have chosen a documentary. Some of the stunts were crazy & out of this world but in the best way. When we were watching it we were going to each other “oh yeah right!” And “what?! Oh no you’re NOT going to do that!” But we we’re chuckling & having fun. It was somewhat ridiculous where the stunts were involved but we didn’t care it was actually pretty great.
As for the press making headlines about a real life amputee getting upset that DJ was the central role & not someone like himself, I have to do the non-PC thing here & call BS on that. Yeah we want diversity & for people of all manners to be in all sorts of careers. However, from what I’ve heard there haven’t been any stunt people with an amputation try out for the role (if they even had a casting call for this- I’m not sure). And if they did I doubt they would bring in audiences like DJ does.
However, I would like to challenge & encourage people with amputations & disabilities to workout, join the acting field & work up to that level. Now more than ever people are willing to work with limitations. I’m sure stunt people would love the challenge of figuring out stunts to do with wheelchairs etc.
Some even would have experience already with extreme sports. I know someone who was a fighter pilot, is now in a wheelchair & has 2 Olympic medals since his injury. If he ever chose to do stunt work he’d probably excel.
DJ did a good job of showcasing the amputation as well. He was hiding it & it didn’t define his character. People around him don’t even mention it. It’s just a part of him. I think that’s great. Movies often use limitations like that to define people but this movie treated the amputation as just an every day thing. Get up, shave, put leg on, get dressed. This movie even did a cool thing by using the prosthetic leg in a stunt! Not going to give that away but it was pretty cool. I say he ‘tried to’ because he also co-produced this film & probably had some say in what he wanted to see done.
Dwayne Johnson did a lot of crazy things but they also showed he was tired & taking a few seconds the get his bearings. Which was nice, added a little dose of realism while doing insane stunts.
Heard multiple media outlets being ‘surprised’ at Neve Campbell being able to pull off being in an action movie. Why? She HAS been in a lot. The scream franchise had her running around & fighting bad guys. And she was a ballerina! They get up at like, 4am and train for six hours a day. Not to mention having the ability to stand on their toes (when I tried that I fell over). NC is an actor they take on different characters so those people in the media ‘surprised’ by this need their heads examined. She did good but I kinda wished she had more scenes where she kicked butt.
Special effects were all good. I couldn’t tell they used a green screen & when the camera panned down a few times my stomach dropped. It really felt like you were looking down from way up high from the building. Also the technology in the building has me wondering about the future of architecture. If this technology really exists (anti-fire systems etc) then buildings would be very safe. Though obviously this movie highlights what could go wrong.
There were a couple predictable areas with two bad guys. 1 random person st the start that does something stupid when he sees a crack forming in the wall. A bit unbelievable that no one died from smoke inhalation. Other than that I’ve no issues.
I heard some people gripe about subtitles used every so often in this. I just say ‘suck it up’! It takes place in CHINA so I liked they used Chinese actors. But there are still many uncultured apes in North America so I’m sure that’s why people weren’t as into this film as many other movies DJ was in.
Generally action movies are brainless but the creators here tried to think things through. Also, I don’t usually re-watch action movies but I wouldn’t mind seeing this again.
A very fun watch. Went with a small group & we all loved it.
5/5 🎥 🍿
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kyrstin · 7 years
house of cards season 5 Opinions(tm) under the cut:
Good things: - claire fucking tom yates to death RIP IN PIECES HE WAS THE WORST - frank’s affair with the civil war soldier and all the meechum references in episode 9 - frank pushing kathy durant down the stairs (i actually Really like kathy durant but it was exciting and classic frank-pushing-people antics) (also like. is the bitch okay?) - claire absolutely ripping donald blythe a new one (although him calling her a cunt was SO ooc jesus) - neve campbell’s butt oh my god - conway’s slow descent into madness via the VR game and the scene with the pilots - frank had a ton of good really melodramatic speeches to the camera - the implication that remy and jackie ran off into the sunset and are living happily ever after - claire becoming president and... all that
Bad things: - uhhh like. the rest of the season lol - said it before, will say it again, house of cards does not work when frank and claire are fighting. i REALLY thought that whole thing was done but apparently not - none of what was set up in the s4 finale was delivered on. s4 ended on “we’re going to war” and like... s5 ended the exact same way and thus basically didn’t need to exist. and then also the whole claire-talking-to-the-camera thing, i expected her to like, actually TALK to us this season and hey maybe next season she will but it was set up way too early if that’s the plan - i’m so tired of drawn out election stories. remember when that ruined veep? now it ruined hoc too. it’s so fucking boring. - i don’t love usher or davis as characters, which isn’t to say that i don’t like them as people (though i don’t) but is to say that they offer nothing new. they’re just raymond tusk in wigs. we’ve seen this characterization before, and i for one HATED it the first time around. and honestly this is saying a lot coming from me bc i love love love patricia clarkson but davis is a waste of her talent - doug and leann? REALLY? really. you’re telling me that a woman who looks like THAT would ever hook up with fucking worst-person-on-earth doug stamper. i do not buy it - that said, i think doug is disgusting and even worse than frank and claire but he’s a good character because he’s just so awful. he wasn’t awful this season, which made him blah - my big overall complaint is that this season was just lacking everything that makes house of cards special. first, the old characters i loved who have been killed off or left weren’t replaced with anyone good enough to care about. there’s like 5 characters left out of like 30 that i have any investment in. i was actually thrilled when pres. walker showed up just because he used to be kinda likeable and that’s apparently hard to find now! - second, the underwoods aren’t the same genre of evil they used to be. claire killing tom was the one exception but their evil this season was too generally political, not the animalistic, predatory sort of evil it used to be, which was actually different from the million other politics shows and was what i found most entertaining. there used to be a handful of really visceral, fucked up scenes every season, or at least like, something you wouldn’t see on any other show (claire doing business from the toilet comes to mind in that case). everything they did (again, aside from tom’s death) could have been on like... scandal. the season was also lacking the like, one episode arcs that just sorta spoke to character, like the whole frank’s-dad-was-in-the-kkk thing - and third, kinda related, the politicking felt very rote and uncreative. they used to come up with super detailed and interesting ways for frank to get what he wanted, but this season was just kinda everyone-is-conspiring-against-everyone bullshit that later seasons of shows always seem to get mired in. (like i literally don’t think i got the last twenty minutes?? whose side is davis on??? fuck if i know) - yeah so that’s all, in conclusion, bring back meechum
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the-grumpy-panda · 7 years
Eat Them Up, Yum!
No fish heads here. Just the remains of my counter top junk food blow out. I can use my counter again! The real treat within these treats may be the two (originally three, but one was cancelled on the sellers end, and of course it's the one I really wanted. Maybe next time...) chips I ordered from Canada, because why not? Thanks Ebay! I've already gotten candy from all over the world, so let's see what the Canadians are hiding. Besides the secret to producing attractive celebrities. Curse you Ryan Reynolds. Do you know how hard you make it for us average folk? Bastard. But I'm keeping Neve Campbell and Evangeline Lilly. They are mine now! Oh, and Emily VanCamp. Thanks so much. I'll probably just blow right through these and make any comments short and direct. I think I'm simply ready to be done with this phase of eating. **Quick note. Parts of this were written months ago. So excuse the fact that some of these treats may no longer be on shelves. Maybe I should change my nom de plume to "That Fuc*ing Lazy-Ass Panda." HEY! Even Grumpy Panda's get busy. Orphan Black marathons won't watch themselves. But don't ask me to tell you about the show. I'm merely in love with Tatiana Maslany. Wait a minute... lemme check this internet thing... WOW! Another Canadian! Yup. MINE. Seriously, Canada... what's in your water up there? On to the eaty (Fake word number 46.) things -Honey Roasted Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! Almost no discernible difference from a regular Reese's cup. The aftertaste is where this gets you, but not pleasantly. There's an acrid note coming way at the end, and a bit of an oily sensation somehow. -Barbecue Payday candy bar! Take a Payday, roll it in some dry rub barbecue seasoning, and you'd have this bar. It doesn't work all that well, though. It's not gross, and I think I've learned that peanuts coated with a dry rub barbecue mix would be delicious, but the barbecue does not mix well with the sweet nougat portion. At all. -Hershey's Cherry Cheesecake candy bar! An unpleasant smell is the first thing to greet you. It's like a cheap, institutional soap almost. Taste wise, I don't like it. Whatever they did to try to get the white chocolate (not something I'm a fan of to begin with) to taste a bit more like cheesecake is off, and it leaves me reminded of lavender candy... which is also not very good. This may be due to the cherry element. It's present, and were it not for the surrounding chocolate, it might be a decent flavor element. Maybe they'll try this part in another bar. Then there's the cookie bits, which make the bar look unappealing as well. Little dark pieces festooned like barnacles. I suppose this is meant to simulate a crust like element, and while it does add a needed crunch, that's about all it does right. -Strawberry Kit-Kats! Was strawberry a flavor in the mix from all those Japanese Kit-Kats I tried way back when? I can't recall, but if it was, I bet it was better than this one. Not that this one is wholly bad, it's just a bit mediocre. It smells of Frankenberry cereal, which is fine by me, but the taste is just too artificial and a bit too sweet. -Mike & Ike Cherry Cola candies! Aw, man. These smell like cinnamon. They taste like a cinnamon or spiced cola. It's cool the cola flavor comes through, but no cherry seems present and a spiced cola is not appealing. Anyone else remember when Pepsi tried that exact thing one holiday season? Yeah, it was gross, and these unfortunately remind me very much of that. Mike & Ike also have a Root Beer Float candy out, but I didn't see those whilst oot and aboot. (Is that Canadian enough to trick Mia Kirshner, you think? Yet ANOTHER fine example of prime Canadian genes.) -But wait! What's this that just became a thing in my life mere minutes ago.I kid you not. I wrote the preceding paragraph yesterday, and today this makes its existence known. How coincidental... and saddening.  Pepsi Fire soda! Pepsi with cinnamon. Didn't they learn from the spiced cola fiasco? If this wasn't handed to me, I never would have bought it of my own accord. It smells like dank beer. It tastes like sheer awfulness. That is all that need be said. -Mike & Ike Buttered Popcorn candies! I know I've had a popcorn jelly bean before, but I can't remember my thoughts about it. These can't be much different though, can they? To start with, they certainly nailed the stale popcorn smell of a run down theater. That's not necessarily a bad smell, just a distinct one. There is a surprisingly decent and understated buttered popcorn to these. Unfortunately the gelatin aspect of the candy overpowers the whole thing, so ultimately once the initial flavor burst subsides, it's like chewing a mouthful of unflavored goop. Which, I suppose, is exactly what candies like these are before getting flavor added. I will say I like them, and eventually I finish up the box, but I do think an extra dose of flavoring pumped into the mix would take these up a notch.   Ruffles Mozzarella & Marinara potato chips! These smell just like a cheap,  frozen mozzarella stick. If that's good or bad depends on how you feel about cheap, frozen mozzarella sticks. I'm okay with them. I don't get a lot of cheese flavor from these, but there is a very noticeable marinara with Italian seasoning element, and it's not bad. But not great, either. It's... fine. Were the marinara flavoring not so noticeably powdery, these would be better. Not bad, overall. I'd try them again down the road once I'd forgotten I'd had them before. -Ketchup flavored Pringles! These smell like a ketchupp packet left open in the bottom of a mop bucket. I think the bucket part might be the can permeating out. What are you making these cans from, Pringles? The taste isn't all that bad, though. I'm reminded very much of a cold, limp french fry dipped in ketchup, but with the crunch of a chip. I thought these would be gross, but they're serviceable. I wouldn't eat too many at one time, but I'll graze on them in the coming week. -Chocolate Peanut Butter Twinkies! I almost passed on these, because they just LOOK boring. Do they come out a winner, though. Nope. Dry as desert toast and a nearly missing filling makes these a quick trick by Hostess to use up leftover batter and get your dollars. Don't give them any! -Lay's Crispy Taco chips! Lay's Everything Bagel chips! Lay's Fried Green Tomato chips! Shoot. I can't remember enough for a full run down. So here's the quickness... The bagel ones were my least favorite. The fried green tomato ones were my favorite, but I also liked the taco ones. However, I thought the variety should have been different. The taco should have been the 'kettle cooked' version leaving the bagel for the regular chip. -Let's not forget Lay's Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Popper chips! I had them. Again, specifics escape me, but I was left unimpressed. I didn't hate them, but would ignore them if I saw them again. -Dunkin' Donuts Mocha Oreos! I liked these. Just enough mocha flavor complementing the chocolate cookie for an enjoyable treat. Goes great with a glass of whatever milk or milk like substance is your fancy. -Tropicle Fruit Punch flavored pickle! Because... because sometimes life is sh*t and fruit punch flavored pickles in a jar are there to hold your hand as you take that last step off the bridge. However... I found these unassaulting. (Fake word number 86.) They were fine. Not delicious, but just "Oh. So that's what a pickle soaked in Kool-Aid tastes like. Okay. This is a thing, though?" Wouldn't buy them again, but if I were at your cook out and you put one on my plate I'd eat it. And then dial the suicide hotline for you. I believe that brings me to a conclusion. And a respite. It is now close to mid August. That means... Halloween sweets are soon to be upon us. As early as August 7th, 2017, I saw Pumpkin Spice Cheerios and Pumpkin Spice Quaker oatmeal on shelves. Now THAT'S early. And just a couple of days after that, I saw the pumpkin shaped Reese's cups. Time to cash in savings bonds and get ready for a spooky treat fest. Or a trip to Canada. What are they building? They have subscriptions to those magazines. They never wave when they go by... what are they building up there?
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