#also old taylor will never stop being funny
rrat-king · 5 hours
And what if I tell you my Fight, Flight, Fawn theory for the Appleboys reuniting with Kristen. What then? Going by your age gaps of 2, 4, 8 because they're canon adjacent and the idea of the Applebees having a playpen when three out of four kids were 14, 12 and 10 is too funny. Assuming a reunion between Kris and the younger two happens post her birthday so it's 17, 13 and 9 respectively. Buckys is analysing his actual response we saw from 14 year old him. When I say leave in reference to Kristen, know that I know it wasn't her choice (Mac and Donna when I fucking get you)
Bucky got the Fawn response. I'll be real, when I began theorising that an Applebees brother would feature I thought "Oh god here comes the angst. There will be resentment, Mac and Donna have undoubtedly been talking shit for two years. But we see him and he's happy. He missed her. He hugs her. He wants to hang out. And yeah that probably stems from the fact you'll naturally miss your sibling and the fact he probably had to take the oldest sibling mantle. But he barely even commented on her life and friends (aside from the half baked comment about her living in sin and side eyeing Fig). I was expecting more problematic behaviours to be honest. The theory is he entered full people pleasing mode, desperately tampering down any complicated feelings because he NEEDS to make himself a good brother that Kristen will want to stay for this time (of course not realising Kristen will stay the best she can no matter if he kicks and screams)
Bricker got Fight. Was like 10 when Kris left, and I say this with love, in the absolute throes of puberty. I don't know what it is but this kid just gives me angry vibes, maybe it's the middle child. Very Nico DiAngelo "He looked too young to be so angry". When you're a kid, especially in that horrific period of 10-13 you go to the easy solution which is being mad, and you go to the easy target which is the one who "started" this huge upheaval (read Kristen). To a lesser extent, Bucky, for trying to play big brother (Bricker doesn't even realise this but the anger mostly came from a subconscious desire to preserve Kristen's place in the family for if she comes back).
(Bonus: Once they have a very good conversation and Bricker is reassured Kristen never did stop thinking about and loving him he will cry three years worth of pent up tears and beg her not to leave again)
Cork got Flight. He was only 6 when she left, its been 3 years of experiences (little man went from first grade to third in that time its a Lot). Kristen has physically changed a lot since they last saw each other. All this to say, he takes a minute to recognise this older person who's eyes are all wet at the sight of him. Some part of his brain blocked out memories of her because the way she was just gone one day was so scary to his little brain. When it does register who she is, Cork becomes completely unlike himself and gets shy. He makes Bucky stand close by because all he knows is that 1. This is a heathen who rebuked Helio's light 2. This is Krissy, back after what felt like forever and 3. She's so cool looking and why would someone this cool ever want to talk to him.
(Bonus: She played it off but Kristen's heart did break seeing Cork, the little boy she raised, take a minute to work out who she is, when she never forgot him. Not to quote Taylor but very "And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe")
god yeah kristen having partially raised cork only for him not to know who she is anymore/barely recognize her haunts me so much. bucky as a people pleaser is such a good read especially as he is forced into kristen's role as head of the siblings I just. yeah. also angry bricker is so important to me. he got left behind! he's not ok with that and he's gonna be angry. god I just. applebees kids make me crazy this is such a good read.
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endrimer · 1 month
god i just finished season 2 nad that marchig band cover was INSANE!!! WHAT THE FUVKL!!!!!!!! i will scream about it for ages and also in the tags but on an unrelated slash kind of related note. i am soooo scared to start season 3 i need to emotionally prepare myself
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star-girl69 · 5 months
I Did Something Bad
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Demigod!Reader
synopsis: you somehow become the target of a deadly vendetta, and it ends in an overnight stay in the infirmary, a lot of blood, and a lot of your scary girlfriend being her scary self.
a/n: save me clarisse “touch her and die” la rue save me save me save me save me save me save me… this is a completely self indulgent fic and no i will not apologize. love y’all!!!!!
inspired by an ask @nvirskies sent me
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
warnings: not proofread, VERY VIOLENT AND GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF Y/N GETTING INJURED!!!!! BLOOD!!!!! WOUNDS!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, anyways…. DANNNNNYYYYYY MY BABY!!!!! HES BACK!!!!!, ares cabin bonding time <3, FOUND FAMILY, y/n is crazy too, insane power couple who are insane together!!, y’all know what’s going on…… protective clarisse, possessive clarisse, insane clarisse, murderous clarisse, again clarisse gets a bit too into capture the flag, swearing, attempted murder!, LOTS of violence, kissing, clarisse hates talking about her feelings but she will do it for y/n, tell me if i missed anything!!
Clarisse loves capture the flag.
It’s the one place where she really gets to be in her element. That’s where she prefers to be- in the moment, hard and fast, a flurry of swords and adrenaline and the feeling of someone surrendering.
Of course, Clarisse is never the one surrendering. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone surrender to her.
Clarisse loves capture the flag.
And that love is also shared by her equally violently-minded siblings, which is why you’re sitting on her lap in the middle of the Ares cabin, listening to everyone scream and shout about tactics and plans and things that are just general boring.
Clarisse, of course, listens to everything. Silently humming to herself, drumming her fingers against your stomach, rolling her eyes and scoffing silently at some of her siblings ideas.
They all shout out ideas, but everyone knows that Clarisse has the final say.
You should probably be preparing with your own cabin- but this is just so much fun.
The tension in the room rises significantly after Nelson shuts down another one of Carrie’s ideas. Carrie has a mind made for the strategy of battle, where Nelson is all tough war and pain.
Clarisse likes to brag that she’s the perfect mix of both.
“I’m bored,” you huff, leaning back into your girlfriend. “Can they start punching each other again? Or something entertaining?”
She laughs and wraps her arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder. “You’re so violent,” she mumbles. “I’m supposed to be the violent one.”
“I jus’ think it’s really funny,” you shrug. “Like, can you blame me? It’s objectively funny.”
Danny, your favorite of Clarisse’s siblings, skitters through his older siblings and throws himself onto the couch next to you.
“Did they start fighting yet?” he asks, practically bouncing in his seat.
“No,” you sigh, dramatically.
Clarisse puts her arm around his shoulder, and you know she feels ridiculously proud over the fact that she’s the favorite of the most lovable member of the Ares cabin, and the fact you’re literally draped over her.
Not your fault she’s so comfy.
“Hey, how you feelin’ about tomorrow?” you ask Danny.
His face hardens. “I’m gonna fuck a bitch up.”
“Oh, my Gods,” you mutter, listening to Clarisse chuckle and pat his back.
“Hell yeah,” she smiles.
“Good!” you say after a second, feeling slightly disturbed over the 11 year-old’s colorful language. But, who are you to stop him?
Clarisse sighs after a moment, and you look up to see Carrie and Nelson finally at each other’s throats. Besides for the fact it’s just so funny when the siblings fight, they should get all of the anger out now so they can work as a team tomorrow.
“Well, no, Nelson, we aren’t gonna fucking ‘kill them with kindness,’ because that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Hey, fuckers,” Clarisse says, but they’re too absorbed in the fight to hear her.
You scramble off of her, climbing over Danny, watching in amazement as he opens the bag of pretzels he did not have in his hand a second ago- stuffing one in his mouth and holding it out to you.
These pretzels might have been buried in between the couch cushions. But they’re sealed, so who cares.
“You know what, fuck you, Carrie!” Nelson shouts, pushing her back.
“Askin’ for it,” she laughs, winding up and punching him straight in the face.
You can’t feel bad for the crunch, because Nelson should have know Carrie was gonna punch him- he could have at least put in an effort to stop her. Instead, he just stood there and took it.
“Oh,” Matty winces, sliding next to you. Why the hell are random things just appearing? Did he come out of the cushions too? Probably, seeing as he’s always falling asleep. “Askin’ for it,” he mumbles, shaking his head.
Nelson recovers from the hit and jabs at Carrie- but she stands there, hand on her hip, completely still.
Clarisse catches his arm.
He’s breathing out heavily, and the room goes pretty much silent- except for you, Danny and Matty chomping on pretzels in the corner of the couch.
“You’re fuckin’ embarrassing, Nelson.”
He pulls himself away from her and huffs, heading to the bathroom to deal with his bright red cheek.
Clarisse sighs heavily.
“Gods, can’t have one night without someone punching someone.”
Carrie looks around the room with a smug smile, scoffing when Clarisse shoulders her as she walks past. She lays down in your waiting arms, kissing your hand as you wrap them around her.
“Gettin’ on my nerves,” she mumbles, closing her eyes and leaning into you.
“I know,” you soothe, turning around and making a silly face to Danny at her dramatics.
Nelson is obviously still angry the next day. His helmet doesn’t cover all of the nasty bruise on his cheek, a sickening purple against his tan skin.
Him and Carrie swap glares across the the throngs of red helmets.
“Okay, Carrie, stop,” you huff. “He might actually kill you. You’re the one who got a punch in- let it go.”
She turns to glare at you, now.
“Tell him to stop staring at me.”
“Well, you can help by looking away first.”
“Fine,” she mumbles, putting her helmet on and tightening her grip on her sword. Chiron made his usual speech around 10 minutes ago, and Clarisse has finally finished updating everyone- more like yelling incoherently at everyone- about their positions.
But you have a similar strategy.
The blue team has the brains of the Athena Cabin, but the red team has all the brute strength.
Clarisse huffs, walking over to you and Carrie.
“Okay, ready?” she asks, reaching over to tighten the straps of your armor- even through they’re perfectly fine- by habit.
Carrie let’s out a deep breath. “Yes. Very ready to fuckin’ pummel those blue shits and pretend they’re Nelson.”
“That’s the spirit!” you smile, slapping her shoulder. She rolls her eyes and steps away from you, smiling slightly.
Danny and Matty walk over, and your little band is complete. You hunt in the woods just south of the flag, deterring a lot of hopefuls. The older campers know to come up with sneakier ways to get by, but Clarisse is otherwise confident in those she placed by the flag to really protect it.
You strike out into an offensive stance, pointing the end of your blade straight at Danny- and he quickly counters with his own impeccable stance.
“Oh, yeah, they don’t stand a chance,” you smile, and he returns it.
You take your normal routes through the woods.
With the added weight of you and Danny, the group is not as stealthy as they could be- but Clarisse is a secret teddy bear who doesn’t like to be away from you for long, and Danny is too young to be set loose, left to watch the big kids work, occasionally jumping in for a few swings.
Leaves crunch under your feet in the otherwise silent forest. You’ve already come across a few stragglers, and before you could even raise your sword the Ares siblings had disarmed them. Your heart squeezed seeing the absolutely heartbroken look on Danny’s face- he was promised that this time he could really fight.
And after you pulled Clarisse off to the side and reminded her of her deal- Danny was leading the group, with you and Clarisse behind him.
He marches tall and proud, sword pointed out, even though Clarisse scolds him and says his arm will get tired- he’s young and doesn’t listen to his half-sibling.
You smile, watching him, admiring how carefree he is. The walk continues mostly in a stealthy silence- Clarisse, Carrie and Matty has mastered the art of walking silently- so your cover is lost by you and Danny.
Of course, whenever you try to convince Clarisse that maybe you should go somewhere else- she looks at you like you’ve suddenly turned into a female Minotaur.
Clarisse, her hand in yours right now, has a hard time understanding the concept that she can’t be with you all the time. That you might get hurt, that she can’t always stop it.
It’s sweet how constantly concerned she is over you, it makes your stomach twist so good.
She squeezes your hand, bringing you out of your reverie. Voices.
“Danny,” you whisper, almost silently, kicking the back of his leg. When he turns around, frown on his face, you point towards the direction of the voices- and now footsteps.
You all stop in your tracks.
Danny practically jumps up in down, you smile wide, and Clarisse signals to Carrie and Matty, urging you and Danny closer to the action.
When they come into the clearing, a few Hermes kids dressed in blue bandanas, swords in their hands. They’re all strong, you’ve seen them around- recognize them vaguely as potentials that lost to Clarisse in ugly sparring matches.
The siblings have disappeared into the trees.
So it’s just you, unsuspecting, and Danny.
You can see the triumphant looks on their faces.
Except for one of them.
Nicky, maybe? You don’t care enough about him to know his name. But there’s something more in his eyes that you notice immediately, something similar to the passion Clarisse gets in her eyes at the mention of this game.
Danny jumps forward, sword swinging just the way his blood knows, the way his siblings have taught him meticulously.
They seem momentarily surprised at the force his small body can produce, quickly countering with their own jabs, swords clashing together. The other focuses on you.
You’re not worried, you know the siblings are just letting the two of you have your moments before they really come in and you can sit back and watch Clarisse fight. Muscles rippling, sick smile on her face, spear glowing with electricity.
He comes at you and your swords clash together, the force of it making your teeth ring- Gods, he’s strong. He pulls back and you do the same thing a few more times, neither of you able to get the upper hand- until he finally seems to realize his height advantage.
He swings his sword down on you, pressing down hard- and with gravity on his side you have to put all of your focus into stopping that downward sword.
You don’t see his foot coming out to kick you back.
You only feel it, boot in your chest, wind knocked out of you, groaning as you slam into the ground.
“Fuck,” you breathe, tasting blood in your mouth.
“Y/N!” Danny shouts, and that’s when you see his sword coming down on you again. He does it on purpose, that much is sword, the strategic placing of his sword slicing through the top of your arm.
He doesn’t mean to kill you. He means to hurt you.
His purpose isn’t winning the game, you realize as the blade tears through skin, his purpose is to hurt you. That’s what you saw in his eyes.
Delight that his prey was right in front of him.
The realization washes over you like a wave- but like the real ocean, another one comes- an overwhelming feeling of pain, blooming outward like a flower.
He bites his lip in concentration, standing over you as his blade sinks into the dirt. He smiles wide, hitting his target.
You scream.
It’s a quick stop. The clearing is filled with the sound of your screams, swords stopping in midair- everyone realizing simultaneously that you’re really hurt. That this boy hurt you on purpose.
Something cuts through the air, wind in your ears, swiftly burying itself through Nicky’s armor and into his side.
You’ve realized in the last day that men are stupid. First, it was Nelson not expecting to get punched, and now it was Nicky not prepared for a retaliation after hurting you.
The thick armor slowed down the spear, so it unfortunately stabs his side and falls right out.
He yells in pain, ripping off his armor, revealing a small cut. Nothing compared to yours, but you can faintly recognize the fire in his eyes before Matty is leaning over you and Carrie is wrapping a bandana above the pain in your arm.
You hear the sounds of something happening, someone fighting, skin on skin.
You hear all of this, you see all of it, but all you can feel is the burning, burning cut in your arm. It feels like he cut it off. Your mind is hazy, you know blood is gushing, you never knew something could hurt this bad.
You faintly realize you bit your tongue when you went down. Blood spurts from your mouth when you cough, when you groan in pain, when you say her name like a prayer over and over again.
“Clarisse,” you moan, legs twisting around, trying to get away from the pain that you can’t escape from. “Clarisse, Clarisse, please, Clar…”
Matty pulls your head into his lap.
You can tell it’s bad, you can see the queasy look on his face. You clench your fist- the one you can feel, at least- to keep from screaming, heels digging into the dirt. You’re still trying to get away. But you can’t. You can’t get away from this all consuming pain.
“It’s okay,” Danny whispers, suddenly appearing next to you. He voice shakes, he doesn’t know, he can’t tell you anything reassuring.
“Can you go find someone, Danny? One of the Apollo kids, anyone?”
He ignores Carrie, starring at you for a second longer.
“Y/N,” he mumbles, his voice quiet, finally able to act like the young boy he is.
“You can go,” you breathe, somehow finding the strength to make him believe you’re okay. “Go help me, okay?”
His little footsteps disappear into the woods faster than you’ve ever heard him run, even when they have his favorite brownies for dessert.
You let out a sob.
“D-did he cut it off?” you moan. “It feels like he cut it off, please tell me he didn’t… he didn’t cut my arm off…”
“Oh, fuck, no,” Carrie breathes, pressing down agains the wound to try and stop the blood from gushing out- but it doesn’t really help. It’s just too much. “I mean, it’s deep and it’s nasty, but you’ve still got an arm, don’t worry.”
She laughs, awkwardly, nervously. You can feel even more of your arm drifting away, blood pouring out onto the ground.
“Hey, hey, no,” Matty mutters, lightly hitting your face.
“Can’t fall asleep, Y/N,” Carrie says, nervously. “Sit up against Matty, come on, huh?” you lean against Matty, head clearing now that there’s fresh air in your system.
Your eyes focus on Clarisse.
Except she’s not anywhere near you, she’s 10 feet away, punching Nicky so hard you’re surprised he’s still standing.
Carrie cringes. “Okay, maybe don’t look at that.”
But you’re sort of entranced by her. She’s not outwardly angry, her face reveals nothing- just a mask of hard, unrelenting focus. It should scare you, how much concentration she puts into her deadly punches, blood flying with each hit she lands. Her knuckles are red, his face is a mess, but it’s exhilarating to know she would do this for you.
A sickening crack rents the air. “My fucking nose, fuck, fuck, screw you, you fucking bitch! Fuck-”
The smallest smile creeps it way onto her face. She wipes her mouth, leaving blood on her lips- but she doesn’t seem to notice.
“I can keep going!” she shouts back, grabbing his shirt. “You wanna do that shit? I’m only getting started. I’m gonna throw you around, then I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you.”
“Wait! Wait, okay, wait, shit,” he breathes, holding his hands up in surrender. Blood pours from his nose, down to her hand bunched in his shirt. He’s taller than her, yet he’s surrendering.
“You’re pathetic,” she hisses, pushing him back. He hits the ground with a groan, trying to grab for a rock, a sword, anything to defend himself against Clarisse and her fury.
Clarisse loves capture the flag.
One of the reasons why she does is because she gets to let out all her anger. She looks at you, but not in your eyes- she looks at the wound on your arm. You can see the red pouring out of the corner of your eye- but you choose to ignore it, instead focusing on the way the fire inside of her gets relit at the sight of your blood. She has plenty reason to be angry now.
She grabs her spear, sauntering over to him, laughing at the way he can’t even try to get up.
“So fuckin’ stupid,” she smiles, tilting her head. Then the tip of her spear is pointing right at his neck, she’s standing over him the way he did to you. “How’s it feel?” she smiles.
He coughs, hissing in pain.
“I’m scared, Clarisse, okay? You got your fucking revenge, but it wasn’t me.”
She laughs, loud and boisterous. “I just saw you cut her, dumbass. I really should kill you, just as a favor to the world.”
“Paid me,” he coughs. “Drachmas, in exchange for hurting your girlfriend-”
She presses the blade against his throat, he yells out.
He stays silent.
“Who?!” she yells, kicking his stomach.
“Nelson!” he screams. “Nelson! Nelson paid me, please, Clarisse-”
She moves the blade away, and he hisses- she probably just barely drew blood.
“I’m not done yet,” she whispers, deadly promise dripping from her words. She turns around, fades out of focus for a second, and then she’s right next to you.
Her hands are cupping your face, she looks sick, seeing you like this up close- but all she does is kiss your forehead. Like you, she doesn’t want to look at your flesh and blood.
“I’m here, I’m here, oh, fuck. Gods, what the fuck,” she mumbles, looking very pointedly away from the wound, finally seeing how bad it is up close.
“I know,” she whispers, smoothing your hair back. “I know, baby, I know, but it’s gonna be okay.”
Danny runs into the clearing, shouting “just over here” while healers follow him, immediately groaning at the smell of blood, the sight of it.
Clarisse switches places with Matty, holding you against her, kissing your head again and again, muttering about how brave you are.
You almost laugh at the odd looks the Apollo kids give her, unused to seeing the big bad Clarisse so soft. But they just don’t know her like you do. She doesn’t love them like she loves you.
One of them starts to clean the blood, and your eyes drift shut as the other starts to mend your skin back together.
You wake up with familiar curly hair in your face.
You spit it out, groaning, mouth feeling fuzzy, everything feelings fuzzy.
“Clarisse?” you mumble, eyes not even open, but you wake up with that hair in your mouth everyday, and you’ve memorized the weight of her arm around your waist.
She sits up immediately, jumping out of bed, standing up and fixing her messy hair like someone’s gonna be there.
“Um, hello? I was speaking, crazy girl.”
“Oh, thank Gods,” she mumbles, blowing hair out of her face and sitting back down. “Thought we got caught.”
You look at her, then your surroundings-
“Oh, holy shit,” she says, staring at you like a deer in headlights. “Wait, you’re awake. You’re awake!”
She throws her arms around you, burying her face into your neck, reverberating with the sound of your laughter.
“You make it sound like I’ve been in a coma for 10 years.” Your heart drops. “Have I… been asleep for a while?”
“Um,” she says, softly, biting her lip as she extricated herself from your neck. “Capture the flag was yesterday, so… no.”
“So you’re just being dramatic?”
“Possibly,” she smiles. “It’s not my fault you’ve taken over my entire brain.” She shows her bruised knuckles, split open, already starting to scab. “I said not to fix ‘em up. They don’t hurt that bad, and they look fucking cool.”
You grab her hands, relieved it’s only been a day, kissing the rough scabs. She blushes, although she tries her best not to, breathing in deeply.
“How are you feeling, baby?”
You look towards your totally healed arm, finally realizing that you know have full control of your hands, unlike yesterday. It’s wrapped in a bandage for precautions, but it feels totally healed.
“All good,” you smile.
“You gotta take it real easy for the next week or so, yeah?” she fusses, brushing hair behind your ear. “So you call me, or one of my siblings, anyone to help you with anything. No lifting heavy stuff, don’t do anything too fast- you might tear the healing.”
“I don’t suppose you’ll carry me around like a princess?” you giggle, laying back, inviting her into your arms. She gets back under the covers, head against your chest so she can hear your heartbeat.
“That’s not a bad idea, actually. Practical. Very safe.”
You hit her shoulder. “I’m joking.”
“Eh, I’ll change your mind.”
You smile, running your hands through her hair, enjoying the early mornings with her warmth against you, soft sunlight peeking through windows.
She sits up after a moment, laying her head back on the pillow, arm back around your waist. She just sits there for a moment, you can feel her admiring you. Clarisse doesn’t look at you. She traces your face with her eyes, imagining it was her hands, her lips, she admires you like she sees a reverence in your eyes that has nothing to do with your godly parent.
“Can you promise me something?” she asks, whispering softly, even though you’re the only two people around.
“What?” you say, staring at the ceiling, feeling like you might fall back asleep.
“Don’t get hurt. Like, ever again, please.”
You smile. “Okay, baby,” you mumble.
“I’m serious,” she smiles, nudging your cheek with her nose. “I… I was really scared. And I don’t like to feel that way, especially when it comes to you. I was angry, too. I was so fuckin’ angry I’m surprised I didn’t kill him. You can’t get hurt like that, not again, you just gotta let me protect you. Or else I might actually kill someone, Y/N.”
“I know,” you mumble. “I watched you.”
“Did I scare you?” she asks, voice soft. There’s no hint of your loving, smiley Clarisse in this bed right now. She’s worried, as if she could ever scare you.
“No,” you say, honestly. “It’s sweet how far you’re willing to go for me.”
“Yeah,” she mumbles. “You better like it. Do you know what I got for that? Eight months no dessert. Five months cleaning the fuckin’ stables.”
You barely hide your laugh. “Oh, my Gods, are you serious?”
“Yes,” she grumbles. “But, I’ve decided it’s fine. You’re my loving girlfriend, right? You can sit there all pretty so I have something to look at when I’m cleaning. And you’ll share your dessert with me, won’t you?”
“Yeah,” you mumble, turning your head. “I will.”
“I really love you. My perfect pretty princess,” she jokes, smiling lopsidedly, and you return it. “You’ll let me protect you, and maybe I can get some decent sleep at night, huh?”
When she presses her hand to your face and her lips to yours, you think nothing could possible ruin this moment. It’s just you and her, and everything that’s beautiful.
“You always protect me, Clar,” you smile.
She smiles, lips grazing yours. This is your Clarisse. The one who smiles just for you, who puts her rough hand softly against your face. This is your Clarisse, the one who would do anything for you, the one who wants to carry you around, the one who wants to protect you and hold you and never let anyone fuck with her baby.
The door slams open, someone is laughing boisterously, another person is groaning in pain, and a familiar voice is shouting your names.
“Clarisse! Y/N! Clarisse, Clarisse! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!” Danny shouts, dragging out the last syllable of your name. He jumps onto the bed by your feet, even when Clarisse frowns, looking at you like a puppy dog who’s just brought a dead bird to your doorstep.
And as you look at the scene behind you, Nelson being laid on another bed, Carrie being helped into the corner- laughing hysterically, knuckles split open.
Nelson’s face is practically unrecognizable.
You suppose Danny really did bring something unsavory like a dead bird, dropping it right at your feet.
“So, we all woke up right?”
Your eyes whip to Danny, shocked as he know launches into a story about Carrie waking up to Nelson saying he hadn’t been called to the Big House yet, maybe he would get away from it- but swiftly received punishment in the form of Carrie’s fists. With Clarisse in your bed, no one had the guts to stop them, and they fought for what must have been 10 minutes- Nelson very obviously losing.
“And, now we’re here,” Danny sighs, breathing out after his long and embellished rant. “But you’re awake, Y/N!”
He looks at your skeptically- specifically, at your arm.
“Can I hug you?”
“Oh,” you smile, your heart twisting with such a fondness for this wonderful little kid. “Of course you can, Danny,” you smile, opening your arms wide.
“Yes, just be careful,” Clarisse cautions, her arm around your waist. “Watch the arm, huh?”
“He’s just a baby, Clarisse,” you mumble, breath messing his hair.
“He’s 11.”
“Baby,” you reinforce, squeezing him tighter.
“Y/N… you’re crushing me,” he groans.
“Oops,” you say, letting him go. “You’re just too cute,” you coo.
Clarisse scoffs from next to you. You smile, kissing her cheek. “You’re beautiful. Scary, dangerous. Not cute, though.”
She hums. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Carrie walks over, sporting her split knuckles, also opting to let them heal naturally like Clarisse. She shows them off with a wide smile, even as Nelson screams in the background when they reset his nose.
Matty rubs his temples.
You smile, looking around at your very dysfunctional, very awkward, but loving family-adjacent.
“Hey, did we end up winning the game?” you ask.
Clarisse snorts. “Oh, nah. Without us, they were lost. Who cares, though?”
“Yeah, I liked beating Nelson up much more than I would have liked winning,” Carrie smiles.
“Next time,” Danny starts, “Can I lead again?”
Clarisse squints at him. “…Maybe.”
You wink at him, nodding subtly.
“Okay!” he smiles.
Clarisse kisses your forehead.
“I love you, pretty baby,” she mumbles.
You smile. “I love you too, scary baby.”
clarisse when she sees y/n get hurt: oh so the only natural response to to THROW A FUCKING SPEAR AT SOMEONE
appreciation for the fact she threw it from like really far away and just tore through his armor likkkkeeee
nelson and nicky sitting in the infirmary together hugging each other terrified clarisse and carrie are going to come back for more
nicky does not sleep at night anymore SHE SAID SHE WASNT DONE
shout out to my baby danny he carried this fic fr
shoutout to y/n for getting WRECKED so we could have this beautiful moment w clarisse
shoutout to matty for being his beautiful self
shoutout to carrie for being her violent self
and finally shoutout to clarisse for being overprotective and insane
clarisse after she actually convinced y/n to let her carry her around everywhere: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
bitch is so happy…
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish @rebecca37 @saltair-and-palemoonlight @ace-spades-1
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strongheartneteyam · 5 months
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Everyone wants him, that was my crime.
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!omatikaya!reader
cw: mostly angst, TRIGGER WARNING for Reader being bullied bad by some Omatikaya girls, the perks of dating a popular boy (irony alert), hurt/comfort, neteyam reassuring Reader, some fluff, a stab in the heart disguised as a fic basically
So, this is just an angsty Neteyam fic inspired by “Slut!” by Taylor to make you guys suffer with me, I guess.
na'vi words: tweng (loincloth), nantang (viperwolf), tanhì (star - term of endearment)
Not proofread.
Love thorns all over this rose
I'll pay the price, you won't
But if I'm all dressed up they might as well be looking at us
And if they call me a slut
You know, it might be worth it for once
“Slut!” (Taylor Swift)
You were dressed in your best tweng, one you had spent a long time making, wearing your best beaded long necklace to cover your breasts and even wearing some flowers to decorate your black, silky hair.
But none of that mattered. They laughed at you. The girls you thought were pretty and just so skilled and… popular. Something that you were never able to be, it didn't matter how hard you tried when you were a teenager. You were now a 22 year old girl, so, being popular did not matter to you anymore but it did not mean that having only one friend and having those girls look funny at you stopped hurting. The harassment did not stop there, it also included pushing you, putting their feet in front of you so you could trip and then pretending they hadn't done anything, saying something smelled bad whenever you were close to them and laughing inside their little group, making you smell your arms and your hair to try and see if you were the one who was smelly, just for the sadistic pleasure of messing with your head. You were a strong girl but stuff like that would bring down even the bravest na'vi female warrior.
“She thinks she's from the Tawkami clan, all dressed with flowers like this.” The girls would mock and laugh as you passed by
Your sad big amber eyes focused on the ground as shame and self doubt covered your body and beat you up from the inside.
Yes, you did love wearing flowers, sometimes wearing them in many different places in your body, on your hair and on necklaces over your breasts, but you never thought it was a bad thing until they pointed it out. It got to a point where you just couldn't take that many comments about your flowers anymore, the ones you used to pick up in the forest with a chest filled with joy. It used to be an incredibly wholesome, spiritual activity for you, but at those following days, you only felt rage and pain when you looked at your flowers. Poor them. It wasn't their fault. They were as pretty as ever. But you decided to tone it down and now you only wore a flower crown most days.
It was hard to relax. You could almost never be at ease when you were walking around the tribe, trying to focus on doing your chores as an Omatikaya, because you never knew when some girl would make a mean comment or just laugh at you, leaving you wondering if you looked weird or walked funny.
You tried to convince yourself that it was worth it, that you would get through it to be with the boy you loved, the one you were promised to and was soon to go through a mateship ritual with in front of the whole clan to bond you two together forevermore.
But it was insanely hard and sometimes it felt like you couldn't breathe.
Being Neteyam Suli's, the Omatikaya tribe heartthrob, mate to be was challenging to say the least. And yes, you knew that you were being bullied because he had chosen you. When it all started, you tried to convince yourself it was all in your head, that there must be another more rational reason for you to be bullied by those girls, that they couldn't be doing all this out of jealousy. It seemed too stupid, childish and… cruel, honestly. But even Neteyam pointed it out to you.
“Don't be sad because of those girls, tanhì. They are mad because you're mine and they wish they were in your place. But I chose you because I saw something in you that I didn't see in any of them. You're always honest, you have a childlike light in your eyes and a pure soul. They got nothing on you and that's why they treat you badly.”
He had told you those words one day when you were crying about being excluded from the girls’ friendship groups in the tribe. Neteyam's words reassured you of his love and made you feel better but the wounds still hurt.
Sometimes, the worst part of you told you to give up on him, that it was too difficult to bear, all those nantang like girls scorching you with their mean eyes every time they saw you walking around holding hands with Neteyam. But after a while, when you could think more rationally, you would think about how it would be unfair to him to do that. So what if those petty girls made you suffer? Making Neteyam suffer because you couldn't be brave enough to deal with that hardship would hurt you way more. Neteyam was worth it, he treated you like a princess, like you were the most beautiful, the most precious thing he had ever laid eyes upon. You'd be damned if you threw a love like that away because of other people's envy.
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f1letters · 1 year
dear reader | cl16
"to a house, not a home, all alone cause nobody's there"
summary: when two strangers meet by fate in the same bar with the same goal - to drink their feelings - maybe they discover that they are actually two halves that fit together perfectly
warning: overall fluff with a little hint of angst, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of feeling trapped, mentions of Ferrari struggling over the season, brief mention of Charles' father and Jules Bianchi, strangers who fall in love on the same night they meet, instant lovers, a story very much driven by the idea of fate/destiny, open ending heavily inspired by the movie 'serendipity'
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
word count: 2.8k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts, and a note written by the reader.
if you never watched 'it 'serendipity' and you are a hopeless romantic like me, please do, you will love it 💕 enjoy this one!
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Dear reader, if it feels like a trap
You're already in one
Dear reader, get out your map
Pick somewhere and just run
The funny thing about time is that it waits for no one.
No matter how many clocks have stopped, time is always ticking, regardless of who manages to keep up with it.
It seemed to advance at a speed impossible to follow and without even realizing it, Y/N ended up feeling like a spectator in her own life.
After being pushed by her parents to go to law school against her will, fulfilling their desire for her to join the family business, the girl just ended up with a degree she didn't like, a huge debt in her pocket and even more pressure on her shoulders.
Maybe working with them will make things better, maybe they'll finally be proud of me, she thought through the painful college years trying to make ends meet. But in the end, joining the company had been the worst decision of her life.
Her parents seemed to expect even more from her and no matter how long she worked and how hard she tried, nothing ever seemed enough for them. Her quest for validation from her parents just ended up suffocating her.
The young woman simply felt trapped with no options for escape.
In serious need to unwind for a night, the girl grabbed her old purse lying on her bed and walked through the corridors of the tiny apartment that she could barely afford, making her way to the exit door.
She knew she couldn't escape time or fate, but just for one night, Y/N allowed herself to breathe again, in hopes of regaining the lost sense of freedom she once used to feel.
Dear reader, burn all the files
Desert all your past lives
And if you don't recognize yourself
That means you did it right
Someone awfully familiar with the struggle she was feeling was the Monegasque lost in the same streets of the small Italian town.
Charles had never felt like this before, living so intensely inside his own head, as he looked for answers to everything that seemed to be going wrong around him.
And his head was a darker and darker place the longer he stayed there.
The beginning of the season now seemed like a distant and foreign memory. He could barely remember how he felt on top of the world as he climbed on top of the podiums, how his face hurt from smiling so much and how his confidence and his ambition were through the roof.
He couldn't recognize that hopeful, optimistic man anymore.
Being a Formula 1 driver had once been his biggest life goal. It was something he had to do not only for himself but also for those who had sacrificed time and time again for his success. For his father. For Jules.
Now his career seemed to be just a weight on his conscience.
They didn't deserve to see you fail, you're such a disappointment, he thought to himself, falling back into his self-sabotaging behaviour.
If his love for the sport no longer served as his safe haven, maybe for one night alcohol would serve as a distraction for a few hours.
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Opening the dark bar's golden doors, Charles was immediately enveloped by the warmth and the nostalgia that filled the place.
The room was nearly empty. Just two tables were occupied by a couple of foreigners and a group of friends making casual conversation.
And at that moment, loneliness only filled him more, because he had no one. How pathetic.
His eyes went to the bar stools, noticing then the presence of another unknown figure next to the bartender who was cleaning the counter.
The girl rested her head on one of her hands while the other entertained a glass with a clear drink into circles without much thought. 
The Monegasque was sure her expression mirrored his empty one, and for a second he found a scrap of comfort in the solitude shared between them.
The driver approached the bar, taking one of the high seats and leaving a couple of empty stools separating the two of them.
"A bourbon, neat." He asked the employee.
"Ugh," He heard unexpectedly in the distance coming from the girl, enough under the influence to have no filter anymore. "I hate bourbon. I swear I don't know how you people can drink that."
Giving in to his curiosity to know more about the mysterious gloomy girl, Charles answered her. "What do you suggest I drink then?"
"For me, nothing beats a classic Vodka Martini," She replied, raising the glass in her hand to her mouth and finishing the drink in one go. "Especially when it comes to forgetting your problems." Y/N whispered to herself.
"Hey man," Charles called the bartender, grabbing his attention. "Forget the bourbon and bring me a Vodka Martini instead. In fact, make it two." He ordered, giving the girl a smirk as he walked over to the seat beside her.
Dear reader, bend when you can
Snap when you have to
Dear reader, you don't have to answer
Just 'cause they asked you
"Forgetting your problems, huh?" He asked, inquisitive.
"You're damn right..." The girl huffed, irritated not by the boy next to her but by the mess her life was.
"Well, that makes two of us," Charles tipped his glass towards her, clinking them. "Cheers!"
Y/N turned her body towards him, leaning her back against the cold bar and placing her elbows on top of it.
"Let it out, pretty boy," She said in a flirtatious tone brought on by the unusual confidence that alcohol brought her. "Tonight I'm all ears. What's wrong with you?"
"Where should I start." The driver snorted.
"And how about the start? What bothers you the most right now? What's the first thing that comes to your mind?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Hmm... Work." Charles responded, in an attempt to keep some secrecy between himself and the stranger, though her magical aura begged him to drop his guard.
"What you do?" The young woman questioned but she saw the unsure expression on the man's face straight away and couldn't help but feel guilty for trying to invade his privacy. "I- I'm sorry, you don't have to answer just because I asked you something."
Charles was so used to being flooded with questions and forced to suffer through endless interrogations with no way to escape that the girl's small gesture made him visibly relax in his chair.
"It's okay, I- Thanks," He said, eyes twinkling in her direction.
Tonight, all he wanted was to keep that detail about himself hidden. But something about her... Something about her made him vulnerable, as if she could see beyond all the walls and facades he put up.
"I drive for a Formula 1 team. Ferrari, to be more precise." He confessed.
"Oh, really?" Y/N said, his confession not having much of an effect on her tone. She shrugged her shoulders as she finished off her fourth drink. "Sounds fun."
Never did Charles feel so special in feeling so insignificant.
Y/N was the first person who saw him as Charles instead of "Il Predestinato" in a long time.
Dear reader, the greatest of luxuries is your secrets
Dear reader, when you aim at the devil
Make sure you don't miss
Time flew by as the two were lost in the light that shone through the cracks of their shattered souls.
By fate or some magic of the universe, two equally broken halves felt understood, acknowledged, complete.
Both Y/N and Charles had always been people to keep their secrets hidden like they were their greatest of luxuries, but the enigmatic connection between them brought such an astounding, tender feeling in their hearts that both of them felt quickly taken aback.
As the night wore on, Charles's hand unknowingly moved to the top of hers, and Y/N let their fingers lovingly intertwine, causing her heart to flutter.
"Do you want to get out of here? We could go for a walk, maybe you could show me around the town a bit." The Monegasque questioned, receiving an immediate nod from the young woman.
It was completely crazy to feel like that in only a few hours, they both thought to themselves.
But even if only for one night, just one night, the couple was determined to make the most of the chance destiny had given them.
Even if they knew they were living on borrowed time.
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
The streets were deserted, with not a person in sight or a voice echoing along the roads.
On the grey pavements in that hidden little town, there was only the mystical light of the moon, the enchanting laughter that escaped their mouths and the lingering magic between the two strangers wandering through the night.
With their hands still clasped together like two magnets, Charles was telling her a story from his childhood, the frown he had on his face earlier now long forgotten.
"You should have seen Jules and Enzo's faces! They couldn't believe I won when I was just a little kid next to them! They were- What?" The boy stopped in his tracks when he saw the smirk Y/N was wearing.
"Nothing," She replied with her big starry eyes, not letting her smile drop. The girl hugged his arm, resting her head on his shoulder, sighing. "I'm just glad I met you."
Charles came to a stop, causing her to do the same, and let his gaze settle on her face as he tried to memorize every last detail about her to keep safe with him.
"Y/N," The driver whispered, grabbing her face delicately and pulling her closer to him. "You'll never understand how much I needed someone like you right now."
So I wander through these nights
I prefer hiding in plain sight
My fourth drink in my hand
These desperate prayers of a cursed man
"We shouldn't do this." The girl said apprehensively, though her body give in to the rising tension as she closed the distance between them even more, her nose slightly brushing his.
"You're right, we shouldn't," The Monegasque agreed, letting his forehead rest on hers, with the girl's warm lips now so close to his mouth that he could feel their inviting heat. "Tell me not to kiss you and I won't. But please, tell me to stop."
"Don't kiss me," She spat in a second, simultaneously in a battle between her head, which feared the guaranteed end to their short-lived romance, and her heart, which just wanted to feel alive for one night in the arms of someone who understood her better than anyone ever did.
Without controlling the words that came out of her mouth, as well as the way her lips laid barely over his, Y/N surrender to her temptation. "But, you know, you should never take advice from someone who's falling apart."
Without thinking twice, Charles kissed her as if the world was going to end that night.
Spilling out to you for free
But darling, darling, please
You wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking
If you knew where I was walking
There was no going back.
They would never know a world where they wouldn't remember how it felt to have their lips connected, how their tongues fought a flawless, other-worldly battle, how their breaths and their hearts were in perfect sync.
It didn't matter how much time passed, or what outcome their brief history might have: they lived it and it was going to be forever a part of them.
The sun was threatening to rise and the two were still involved in each other, fearing the inevitable end they had to put to their once-in-a-lifetime romance.
Y/N noticed one of the street vendors who usually occupied part of the sidewalk displaying a large collection of books in his small blue sales stand and her eyes were immediately drawn to a familiar red and gold book.
To a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there
Where I pace in my pen and my friends found friends who care
No one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire
Pulling the driver by the hand, the girl picked up the book. "Oh my god, it looks exactly like mine. It's my favourite."
"'The Song of Achilles'? Never heard of it."
Looking at the man, Y/N couldn't let their fairy tale end with a simple goodbye. So she took a pen from her bag and opened the first page of the book, writing something the driver didn't get a chance to read.
"Tonight was amazing, Charles. You are such a wonderful person, an angel who came to rescue me from myself when I felt all alone and when I needed it most." She said, letting a tear fall as she ran a hand over his jaw. 
"I will be grateful every day for having met you and I will forever keep you close to my heart."
She pulled him to her, kissing him through the tears and sadness they felt.
"Y/N, I don't want to say goodbye." Charles said, his head resting on top of hers as he hugged her tightly with his eyes closed.
"This isn't goodbye," He released her, looking confused at her words. "Fate brought us together and I believe it will bring us back together if it's meant to be."
She closed the book, placed it back on the shelf and gave the seller some money as a reward.
"In that book, I wrote a message for you and my number. If one day you find it, you'll know what to do."
Y/N kissed his cheek and, with those vague words, turned her back and walked away until he could no longer see her everlasting image.
You should find another guiding light, guiding light
But I shine so bright
You should find another guiding light, guiding light
But I shine so bright
You should find another, you should find another
Find another, you should find another
For a year, Charles searched incessantly for that book.
He couldn't keep track of the number of times he went into thrift stores looking for it, or that he approached people reading a similar book on the street, questioning them about a possible mysterious note at the beginning of the story.
Every time he came to Italy, wherever part of the country he was in, his focus was on finding the girl he let go of that night.
And as a driver for the iconic Italian team, there were hundreds of opportunities and attempts... All in vain.
Eventually, the boy gave up and decided to just believe her words: fate brought us together and I believe it will bring us back together.
Time moved on, the seasons changed and their adventure just became a distant memory hidden in the most intimate part of his mind as he devoted himself to his career, the one thing he was tremendously passionate about once again.
The man was getting ready to jump in the car for one more training session before the season started, when his younger brother walked into his room, holding a book.
"Hey, you will never guess what just happened out there!" Arthur announced his entrance enthusiastically. "This random guy just randomly gave me a book in the lobby! I think my girlfriend mentioned it the other day and-"
Charles, who had finally glanced at the younger Leclerc, immediately recognized the cover and roughly snatched it from the boy's hand.
"Hey! That's mine!" Arthur protested.
The driver opened the first page in anticipation and he could have sworn his heart flatlined for a few seconds when finally, after so much searching, the book fell right into his hands.
Her delicate handwriting decorated the top corner of the page, signing her name above a set of numbers.
'Dear reader,
I've always heard that if two people are meant to be together, they always find their way back to each other.
So please, destiny, be kind and bring back my guiding light because no one ever shined as brightly as he did.
Forever yours, Y/N.'
The universe had finally given him the second chance he'd been waiting for, and Charles surely wasn't going to waste it.
You should find another
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taglist: @dan3avocado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12
@amsofftrack @scuderiamh @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin @ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips
(taglist continues in the comments)
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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polkadotjohnson · 2 months
I think I will cancel the petition as it is going nowhere and we got half of it anyway. Or I might update it later with actually all of the lost films.
Lost short films:
The Pandora Experiment (dir. Mike L. Taylor, Matt Steinauer, Collier Landry)
Arc of a bird (from the director of Cass, Hugh Schulze. David plays the same character)
Credits (dir. Hugh Schulze)
Head Case (dir. Collin Schiffli, Bradley Jakubik)
Band (dir. Collin Schiffli)
Keen (dir. Jimmy McDermott)
Say When (dir. Greg Fitzsimmons)
Tweet Me in NY (dir. Traven Rice)
All the Pretty Girls (dir. ???) (Robert Goldman perhaps?)
Girls Will Be Girls 2012 (not a short) (dir: Richard Day. From Reddit: I heard the director, Richard Day, had some technical setbacks with not being familiar with green screen work/a lot of his work being lost when his hard drive crashed. According to Coco Peru, it's in some sort of post-production limbo state, so who knows?)
Also apparently this got successfully backed on Kickstarter, so maybe we should kick some start into the director's butt?/cringe
(there are probably others)
Things to keep an eye on:
Hide Your Eyes (written by David, dir. Erica Scoggins, could be in development hell)
Can't Stop the Dawn (dir. Marianna Palka or Tony Armer, status unknown) (could also be called "Terminal Kill")
Jack and Jill (unknown, mentioned in Dast's old webpage)
Her Director (unknown, mentioned in Dast's old webpage)
One and Only (an (old) screenplay by Eve)
Leech Lake (probably a project with Leah Kilpatrick, could be a comic book)
Knights vs Samurai (comic book project with Todd McFarlane and Federico Mele)
These were never made but I'll keep them on the list anyway because eh I'm like that
33 Reverse Gunther
Other things I'm looking for
No Calls, Please (Funny or Die sketch)
Master Class (Funny or Die sketch)
Master Class II (Funny or Die sketch)
Axe commercial from 2010 (mentioned in old blog)
Ad against smoking (mentioned in Steve Agee's podcast (?) (maybe?)
BestBuy commercial (mentioned... somewhere, I will remember)
Any news/info on any of these is greatly appreciated
To come out this year (2024)
They Listen (dir: Chris Weitz, est. release date August)
Rosario (dir: Felipe Vargas, est. release date September)
No release date as of yet:
Dust Bunny (dir: Bryan Fuller)
The Life of Chuck (dir: Mike Flanagan)
Murderbot (TV)
"I don't like the idea of something existing if I can't get a copy of it."
— Brad Jones, DVD-R Hell.
(1) Various
(2) Various
(3) Cass & Under the Pyramid
(4) Double Black
(5) Various
(6) Shortcake
(7) Cora
First two links might not work on mobile because it sure as hell isn't working on mine but it's just the links to my Vimeo and YouTube playlists, you can see them on the header of the blog
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popbloganddropit · 1 month
The Tortured Poets Department - Taylor Swift (Part 2)
9. Guilty as Sin? - you cheeky little minx, Taylor!!! I’m not sure she’s made me blush like this before! A song about…fantasizing outside of your relationship that sounds like the first day warm sun hits your skin after a long, cold winter. And I personally love a song with some good old fashioned yearning, so the bridge really takes it over the top for me. 5/5
Best Line: I really love a lot of lines here, but if “Drowning in the Blue Nile, he sent me ‘Downtown Lights’” is such a killer opener.
10. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?- this song is an insane, showstopping moment. Edgy, raging, biting, and even still a little witty - “So tell me everything is not about me. But what if it is?” WAOLOM strikes such a good balance of being self-aware of her image and faults with genuine anger. Being the biggest pop star doesn’t make everything just roll off your back. Perfect production that builds and escalates exactly as it needs to. 5/5
Best Line: “I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean. ‘Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth’”
11. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - I really like the pseudo-western vibe going on and that lower register is always welcome in my books, but lyrically this doesn’t do a lot for me. It’s building to a punchline we all know is coming. She can’t fix him, shocking, and there’s not enough for me to root for the protagonist being delusional. Ending with just, “Whoa, maybe I can’t” is funny, but it’s not satisfying. If a common complaint is that this album is too long, this song doesn’t feel essential, story-wise. 2.5/5
Best Line: I said all of that, but I do really like the second verse, the best part being, “His hand so calloused from his pistol/Softly traces hearts on my face”.
12. loml- I had a really hard time picking a best line for this song. I almost made a list but decided that would be a little obnoxious. There’s references to her other work expertly weaved in to really great wordplay and metaphors and imagery. The development of the story in the three times you hear the chorus is stunningly good. It’s a pretty simple piano in the background with additional vocal layers right where they are needed for emphasis. There’s something a little bit missing from this song for me to give it a full 5, but I can’t quite put my finger on it and I also think loml really is a grower that’s not meant to be gobbled down in one bite. There’s a lot of lyrical details to be noticed and anything additional might take away from that. I vote this song most likely to be my favorite in 6 months that I don’t understand how it took so long to fully click. 4.5/5
Best Line: I had to do two, from the very beginning and end, that echo each other so it’s kind of like I only picked one then, right??? “Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway?” —-> “Our field of dreams, engulfed in fire. Your arson's match your somber eyes” Kill me (complimentary). The never before, never since turning into never before and ever since is also brilliant.
13. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - This song is great. There’s a long history of Miss Swift making bops tinged with depression and anxiety and this may be her most unhinged version yet. A celebration of putting on a brave face when you’re going through some shit. Chanted like a mantra she tells herself, we get a peek behind the curtain of reaching glittering professional peaks not seen in this generation while her personal life was crashing. But no one can ever say Taylor Swift is not a professional - I love the delivery on the outro where she laughs off being miserable and ends with a little spoken zinger. Try and come for her job, indeed. 5/5
Best Line: “I’m so depressed, I act like it’s my birthday everyday. I’m so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague,” tickles me so. This her comedy album. Inevitably going to go viral on Tik Tok at some point.
14. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - An absolutely killer bridge. It builds the drama up until the very end. Unfortunately, the verses could use a little stronger melody, the first half of the song is a little forgettable and feels a little clunky. 3/5
Best Line: “You kicked out the stage lights, but you’re still performing” is a close runner up but had to go with the opening of the bridge. “Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?” is such a perfect escalation and so descriptive of a feeling without saying any feeling words.
15. The Alchemy- I really enjoy some parts of this song but I unfortunately have the desire to hire someone to dub over every single football reference so I can fully get into it. It’s too much, it’s too on the nose. I like the verses, I love the way she says, “I haven’t come around in so long,” and I think “who are we to fight the alchemy?” is a great line. There are just parts that feel like football Mad Libs in a way that makes this song pretty unlistenable to me. 1/5
Best Line: “This happens once every few lifetimes. These chemicals hit me like white wine”
16. Clara Bow - She’s known for writing about relationships and that has let the fact that songs about her relationship with fame are consistently top tier (despite being unrelatable to almost anyone since she is the most famous person on the planet) slip by mostly unnoticed. One of my favorite Taylor tricks is when she alters the lines a bit each go-round and/or flips the script in some way in the final chorus and this song is really an excellent combination of some of the best Taylor moves. I’m not going to pretend have known who Clara Bow was before this record, but it works and I don’t mind an album that makes me do a little Googling to understand some things. The Stevie Nicks reference is perfection. Saying her own name in a song really snaps you to attention. And I think this is a perfect album closer. She’s reckoning just as much with her own desire for notoriety and the consequences that go along with it as she is with former lovers, if you’re listening. 5/5
Best Line: “Crowd goes wild at her fingertip. Half moonshine, a full eclipse.” I’m not even sure I should include the first part. “Half moonshine, full eclipse” is one of my favorite things she’s ever written. (Side note as this is the most appropriate place to put it: the fucking personal poem from Stevie in the liner notes??? Stevie being a loud YOYO,K stan??? I weep at the coolness. Which is the opposite of cool and continuing to comment on it is even worse, sorry!)
Part 3 on the way!!!
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hopetorun · 10 days
🎤 maggie with the cup final in play, i have ogwacs on the brain. who are your guys who haven't won that you would most love to see get one before all is said and done? we won't define an ogwac as strictly as most, so i'd say like. if we feel like they've been around forever and they're like 30 at least we can call them an ogwac for this exercise!
oh gosh!!!! there's such an assortment of guys that i've been fond of over the years for various and sundry reasons so in no particular order of fondness but starting with oh let's say the strongest contender on the list
pomo!! you didn't say i could include non-players but i am anyway, i think he's earned the title. two scfs more than twenty years apart gets you on my list
jeff skinner revenge tour. i don't think this requires explaining. i can't believe i have to root for the sabres but christ. if there's anyone in the league who deserves it. my only comfort here is that the previous record holder for most gp without any playoff games got traded to a contender as a deadline rental and promptly won the cup that year. only good thing the p*ns have ever done for me.
taylor hall. he's one of my longest-tenured favorite guys and like. man what a rough go of it he's had since 2018. also before 2018. but i had such a blast watching him when i was first getting into hockey and i think he deserves nice things.
jordan eberle. he was never quite the same level of special guy for me but i would truly be so stoked. kr*ken stop being cowards and make him captain.
justin faulk. one of my guys!! not on the blues though. i would bust out my old extremely stained faulk jersey in his honor!
someone on twitter pointed out that if the cats win, oel will be the person player to win the cup while on the canucks payroll which i do unfortunately think is very funny. anyway i love a comeback story AND that man did his time in the wars (coyotes org) so i think that would be a lovely cap on a rough few years
honestly most of the core players from the sharks mid-teens teams. some exceptions apply. that team was so bananas good for so long and not only did they never win, i don't think any of them have even gone on to successfully cup chase anywhere else? rough. i think pavs' likely retirement leaves burns as the only guy who was really there for all of it, assuming @moregraceful told me correctly that couture is probably a perpetual LTIR guy now, and burns took a step back this season in a way that has me wondering if father time is finally coming for him. anyway it's a bummer. and on that note
erik karlsson. god i can't root for the p*ns for it but i've been fond of him for so long! yet another man who has been in the wars. one of us, etc
claude giroux. because i've had to see that goddamn quote about how he thought he'd have plenty more chances at the cup back in 2010 and he's literally never even made it back to the final. good god man
john hock. i've enjoyed his work for years (he's actually the reason the flames ended up as one of my higher ranked sure i'll put that game on teams)
dylan larkin is only 27 but like. spiritually.
i would love for sam gagner to cap his baffling, delightful resume with a cup. but not this year.
roman josi. i was hardcore pulling for the preds the season they made the final 😭
yes i did go through every roster for this. yes i did find several old guys without cups where i was like, no i want him to stay that way.
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bcofl0ve · 3 months
I'm new here so sorry if you've talked about it before, but what's the tea between Austin and Olivia deJonge? a while ago I heard someone say that they had something during the filming of Elvis but that they are no longer close and don't follow each other on Instagram. they also said that Austin was unfaithful to Vanessa with her, but tbh I don't give these rumors about celebrities cheating much credibility unless they are 100% confirmed 😅 thanks!!
oh, my sweet summer child…*pats your head*. this has become a veryyy contentious topic on my blog so i don’t talk about it much anymore but since you’re a new fan looking for info, as was i once, i will do one Final brain dump about it.
he still follows her and her finstas that i don’t think she uses anymore lol, but yes olivia unfollowed him in september. something that is funny (at least to me) within the context that said unfollow was when she went out with sophie turner and taylor swift. like…what did blondie say that pushed you ever the edge girl LOL. then little miss instagram anxiety unfollowed 100 random accounts the next day trying to pretend it wasn’t selective.
this is also a little contentious because there isn’t proof proof in the form of like kissing photos or something (just beach pap photos from nov 2020 where they aren’t touching each other haha). but in my humble opinion they were involved during filming.
timeline gets a little messy at the start, but i do think re: some late december early january gossip about him being seen with olivia that austin and v were broken up a hot minute before it came out publicly on jan 14th 2020 so 🤷🏼‍♀️. don’t think it was some big affair. they were def broken up before jan 2nd, a day that will leave in infamy lmfao. olivia posted a photo in austin’s shirt, which v fans clocked immediately bc he’d wore in it on vacation with v. and this was jan 2nd, two weeks before the breakup went public. i wasn’t in the fandom for this, but as ive been told it was a real mess. olivia went private briefly, deleted the pics, asked the society fans to take the photos down and it was the beginning of instagram becoming the seemingly anxiety inducing thing for that that it is now.
(ex: after the oscars last year she posted some elvis filming throwbacks on her story as a nice little end of the era thing. one of her and austin she wrote ‘so proud 🥀 @austinbutler’ on. she then deleted that story, reposted it, deleted it again, and reposted it without the text.)
and i mean yeah- big (probably intentional) goof on her part with the shirt thing. but idk. she was 21 at the time, and i’m willing to give 21 year olds a little girl what are you doing grace.
whatever happened between her and austin, the most she’s done re ‘shade’ is liking a comment someone left on her page saying she deserved better when he was seen with lily rose and something got sent to deuxmoi that said he’d cheated on her (imo he didn’t. she was just hurt bc seeing him move on stung, or maybe the door that should have been fully shut wasn’t. lily was august 2021, he left australia march 2021)- and hanging out with v a handful of times mid 2022 (though she herself never posted about it, it was either other people or paps).
a lot of people on here reallyyyy don’t like her, but i’m a fan so that’s my girl. i have a real big soft spot for her, and a while ago when a friend of mine in the fandom at the time told me ‘oh the internet wasn’t nice to her at all’ in the months after the shirt debacle it really hurt my heart.
even with a little smidgeee of shade as explained above ^ i think she’s handled whatever maybe not so positive feelings she has towards him reasonably. they seemed to get a long just fine and happy during elvis press- esp so in toronto which my fav interviews of the two of them are from bc that press tour stop was just them and baz. she’s never said a negative world about him publicly, and i doubt she ever will. the most candid she’s ever been about elvis filming was an interview earlier this year where she said she did ‘a lot of growing up on that job’ and that she sees her life as before and after elvis. i think that’s the most “deep” she’ll ever go down that road, at least for a long while.
between her unfollowing him in sept, turning off her tagged photos in feburary. and recently deleting a comment v left on a post of hers within 30 seconds (i presume bc she knew just like we did that v was doing that for drama/attention, it was right after austin’s esquire interview where he briefly, respectfully talked about her), i think she’s genuinely trying to move on with her life. which can be hard! i never get over anyone! and if my personal read is right that she was a mix between a rebound and the priscilla to his elvis when he was really living in that man’s head that’s even more of an idk…niche heartbreak to have to wrestle with? whether the other party actually did anything wrong or not. i don’t think austin did anything to her or broke her heart with any malicious intent at all. none of the olivia/austin stuff changes how i see him as a fan. he’s a complex human, olivia is a complex human. that’s the gist.
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gwyns · 2 months
E/riel’s are really going crazy over SJM posting that Taylor Swift song, Guilty as Sin, on ber Instagram story. 😂 One E/riel even said “Not going to lie, I think Taylor is an ACOTAR fan. So many of her songs are coded for our girlies. I'm like she's had to have read these books!!!”
I feel like not everything that Sarah posts has to do with her books. Maybe she just wants to post/enjoy girly things without it being deep. If people want to headcanon it for their ship then that’s obviously fine, but some people are being way too aggressive about it. According to and E/riel, one Gwynriel on TikTok said it reminded them of Gwyn because sin makes them think of protested and the E/riel said “People will reach for anything”. So it’s okay for E/riel’s to make headcanons about the song, but Gwyn fans can’t? E/riel’s believe that song is their ship because of the religious language that mimics E/riel.
It kinda reminds me of how E/riel’s say Elain isn’t leaving the NC, but when SJM posted spring stuff on her story they were screaming Elain. Or when some came up with the theory that Azriel’s mother is living in the Spring Court because of his property being called Rosehall, and so they connected Elain to that. Azriel does have a property called Rosehall, but I’m pretty sure Tamlin does too in the SC. Also, it would be weird for Azriel’s mother to live in the SC. Wouldn’t he want his mother close to him just in case? And wouldn’t he and his mother have to get permission by the High Lord of Spring to live in his court? Funny how E/riel’s don’t place Elain in Spring unless it’s to their benefit/it connects her to Azriel. Gotta love that cherry picking.😂
or... and hear me out... taylor makes songs that can be applied to any ship in any fandom, much like a lot of other pop music. it's not that deep lol. e/riels really need to stop reaching so hard, they might throw their backs out if they're not careful
yeah, sjm isn't subtle or really sneaky at all but these new fans seem to think everyone has to leave hints and clues outside of their work, when she has never done that over the span of her decade old career. why start now? anything she writes will earn her millions anyway, seems unnecessary to me. i believe that sjm's new team is just trying to get engagement and that it doesn't go very far beyond that
oh e/riels have severe main character syndrome. they think everything is about them and their ship and if it isn't they twist facts and omit information to make it seem so. it's sad that a lot of them are grown ass adults too like girl... don't you have bills or something to worry about? but you're on social media bullying others over fictional pairings? embarrassing. i know i talk mad shit but god damn i don't keep up with them like they do gwyn fans/gwynriels. i spend my free time on things i don't claim to hate, weird i know! but honestly we all know they're secretly fans at this point 🤭
lmfaoooo they're so hypocritical it's insane. how is elain going to stay in the night court with her sisters, spy besties and broody bat "where she belongs" while also being in spring/tied to spring? we all know azriel is not leaving rhys or his court so... seems to me like you wouldn't want to connect elain to spring. you know something that eluciens and actual elain fans have been doing for years now? because we understand her character?? and yes! no way in hell does az's mom live in the spring court. no way. they're just killing off all their own critical thinking for fun at this point
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iwanthermidnightz · 10 months
I don’t know if you want to post this long explanation and train of thought, but thought it might be worth sending my thoughts.
I’m on gaylor twitter as much as I’m on Tumblr these days, and I watched the rise of the term LSK. Where it came from was after Taylor seemed to make it clear that Karlie betrayed her (post-folklore and through the release of ITTG and Closure, her explanation of MTR at long pond, and during the confirmation of Karlie’s first pregnancy,) kaylor as a fandom essentially died. 99% of people believed they broke up, and it was ugly. Kaylor was already on life support after the masters thing, but this period essentially killed it. Even those who were willing to consider they were still together stopped posting about it because there was no point and we got a lot of hate. It was seen as embarrassing to still believe they were together. Why would anyone want to participate in something that brings no joy? A few like you and 9wift stuck around, but I know that even you took a step back for a while.
But starting around early 2022, a few people started admitting out loud that there were a lot of clues that maybe they were together. Because the evidence for them having broken up was so strong, still very few people would entertain the idea that they never actually broke up. But it started to become clear enough that there was something going on. And eventually enough accounts on twitter who made good points (and do so in a funny, joyful way, unlike the toxicity of tumblr at the time) it became relatively popular, and more and more people became convinced. These people needed a term to separate themselves from “kaylors” who believed they never broke up, at the time were very small in numbers, and had a very bad reputation because of some personalities, particularly on tumblr. They chose Late Stage as their term. It probably was already a term used in other fandoms, but I’m not sure. In the past, we used to describe swiftgron in terms if versions (1.0, 2.0, etc) so I look at LSK as similar to this. They see LSK as a sort of kaylor 2.0. A post-breakup reconciliation.
As is the case with all other subgroups, there are various beliefs about how and when LSK happened, and some of them even go back and forth about maybe they never actually totally broke up. But even those still call themselves LSKs as a way to distinguish themselves as a new generation (who look at things differently.) One of the most obvious ways they look at things differently is they are less concerned with josh. They see him as Karlie’s gay bestie rather than calling him names and thinking he is the devil, both Karlie and Taylor hate him and he’s blackmailing them and he’s a war criminal. All that became canon on tumblr over the years (and also among the meaner parts of Gaylor twitter, much of which was born on tumblr and The Lchat and migrated to twitter.) Most LSKs don’t like josh as a person, but they don’t believe Karlie hates him. This allows them to approach kaylor with fun and joy rather than being miserable all the time like a lot of the old tumblr kaylors. I think a fair amount of this is that there is some separation at this stage from the trump presidency and some of the most controversial kushner stuff and they are young and often not Americans, so it is easier for them to not know or overlook this part of things. Also over time as joshlie continue to be married and have children and look happy together, it becomes harder to see disdain. Another part of this is that they don’t know the lore. There are some advantages to this. While they might not understand all the stuff we understand and sometimes they say incredibly dumb things, they also aren’t weighed down with the baggage that we have that is so hard to let go off. And they can look at things from different perspectives, which also can be hard for those of us who made decisions on how we feel about things years ago, and therefore developed biases that can cloud our thinking. Again, there are pros and cons and neither perspective is necessarily better. But I tend to lean toward a way for people to enjoy their experience in this fandom rather than giving in to misery and anger. I don’t understand why anyone would want to spend a lot of time on something that made them unhappy. I would simply find another hobby. So the fun of LSK on twitter is one of the reasons it gained traction and a lot of the obvious clues that have been thrown at us, especially over the last year, were caught and popularized. That’s not to say they don’t still get hate from gaylors (and swifties of course) who can’t see it, but there are enough LSKs now who support each other to cancel out some of that negativity.
Wow. Thank you for explaining it like that. This is mostly a very accurate account of things. I don’t think that term (lsk) is accurate for us in these parts but it’s interesting to hear how it came about. Personally, I think the twitter gaylors are cute, but theres a gap in beliefs in some cases for sure.
First, I think a lot of us here never felt from the songs that Karlie actually betrayed Taylor. That’s where a lot of the disconnect is. Songs deserve nuance and the situation is of course delicate. It’s obvious there have been some real hardships and tests and breaks as normal relationships have, but nothing absolutely permanent. Who knows the period of time when this all truly takes place. She may have put it out on folklore, but that doesn’t mean it was recent events. I think she dug deep/went back time for a lot of those songs. MTR for example screams Scott. I wont get into song analysis but if one wanted to apply it to Karlie sure, they could. I can see why others would come to the conclusion that they were done forever. But it’s never that simple. Maybe the point was to kill kaylor if you get what I’m trying to say.
The series of events that happened during this time were intense. There were splits in the fandom, weird, crazy and toxic rumors going around etc. To be honest, I’ve pushed a lot of this period of time back in my conscious because it was traumatic to say the least. The amount of hate and toxicity here completely changed the way I and others went about posting for sure. The threats, the hate, the gaslighting, the daily harassment… getting blamed for certain things I had nothing to do with. Yeah. I stepped back for a while and was terrified to say what I wanted. A few people caught on. Even saying this gives me anxiety. If it weren’t for few close mutuals it would have been much harder.
But still there was evidence even through quarantine that things were fact not over between them. And you’re right, it was not popular to say so at the time. It was kind of like walking around with a letter A or K on your chest… the Hester Prynne’s of the fandom if you will. So a lot of us took our thoughts underground, but were still around. There’s some delicate things I still rather not talk about, except for privately.
I think whatever people want to call themselves is fine… and that most of us have the same idea in mind as to how things may turn out. I get there’s varying opinions and thats fine too. There are bigger things to worry about as long as it’s respectful.
And tbh, my opinions on certain things have changed. Or at least how I’m willing to talk about it i.e. jk. I really don’t want to talk about him. Personally, ignoring him/making stupid silly comments about situations has done wonders for me. That does’t mean I like the dude. But to hold that much animosity continuously isn’t good for ones mental health. I don’t want to keep reliving one of the worst periods in history.
That said, we’ve all been through a lot. Like you mentioned, theres a lot of baggage. But for me, taking a different approach and making an effort to be both positive and realistic at the same time has really helped. It’s not being naive. It’s choosing what’s best for you. I don’t want to be that person spewing negativity all the time. I refuse to. I’m so thankful for the people here who choose to see the light through dark times. Sending an extra hug to everyone around 🤍
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towlerknows · 8 months
Harry is not who you think he was because Taylor says he was sleeping with a ton of women? I mean that’s been the party line for years (and I’m open to believing it) but get that is a change if you have always believed he is gay and hated being called a womanizer.
I think Harry is queer but I don’t really have an issue thinking Harry/Taylor actually hooked up (even on/off and stopped when she got with Calvin) in addition to doing the PR song and dance. These songs scream she was mad he was paying attention to anyone else (which, fair, she is beyond special). But I’m not going to take her lyrics as 100% truth when it feels like a lot of this is melodramatics (throwing herself off buildings?) when she was annoyed he had the nerve to be seen out with other hot women. And turning the “slut shaming” narrative around to him is also fair play and well done considering how the media treated their real or perceived conquests individually.
No. Harry's not who I thought he was because over the last 5 years, I've found him increasingly assholish and only appealing when he's projecting his stage persona.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt in 2013 when he broke up with/ended a contract with/whatever with Taylor and posted a picture laughing in a hot tub with a bunch of pasty white guys while she left on a boat by herself.
No matter what, that was a humiliating moment for her and we laughed.
We laughed that on New Year's Eve he avoided her until the very last minute, gave her a half-assed kiss at midnight in front of the whole world and looked like he would rather die. We thought that was him signaling his unhappiness with being forced to be with her.
What it was was him being a fucking jackass to her for no good reason. Again, no matter what the situation was, he was being a jerk.
He has been a jerk to every single woman he's been intentionally linked to. "I've never dated anyone publicly, just because we're seen together doesn't mean it's a relationship" he says a year into his relationship with Olivia Wilde whose name he got tattooed on his balls upper leg.
I can't stand her either, but that was shitty. He was incredibly shitty to her for TWO YEARS and because we didn't like her we thought it was funny. Was it real? I don't know. Maybe not, but he sure took every possible opportunity to make it look as fake and himself as disinterested as possible while it was happening. And in retrospect, I'm pretty disgusted by that.
I don't feel bad for Olivia, I can't stand the woman, but I do think this behavior is a pattern for Harry and frankly, I find it kind of repulsive now that I'm seeing it's happened repeatedly. When I thought it was mean old management controlling our poor baby, it was one thing. But "mean old management" doesn't have that kind of control now and we're lying to ourselves if we pretend they do.
So yeah, I don't hate him, he'll always have a place in my heart, but I don't like who he's become or perhaps I should say, who he has been showing us he is.
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kaylor · 1 year
I was today years old when I came across a post and finally realised that the stans have convinced themselves that any mention of Taylor not wanting the whole marriage thing is a reference to Calvin cuz of course she wants to marry joe so hence obviously Taylor isn’t even talking about their obsession with her impending marriage with joe cuz they could never do something that Taylor dislikes to the point of including it in a song. Truthfully I had wondered how hardcore stans felt about those mentions cuz I haven’t been exposed to any of these opinions since the release cuz I’m not following anybody that posts stuff like that so I genuinely froze for a minute straight after reading this 😂😂😂
I hope you don’t mind this ask, I just found it funny and interesting so I thought I could share it with you
it's really funny and interesting how swifties will ascribe any recent song that doesn't match up with their idea of taylor and joe's perfect relationship to an event or relationship from the past, regardless of how far fetched. any song that seems "sad" is immediately about 2016 obviously because that's when she was sad and now she is the happiest she has ever been. any recent song about any tension in a relationship is obviously about a fight she had with joe that has since been resolved because they're sooo in love, or about a previous relationship because that guy obviously sucked and she was so unhappy with him, unlike now!! or it's just entirely fictional of course!
it's become almost farcical how no one seems to want to acknowledge the profound sadness and grief that is so apparent in every album since lover. this of course isn't to say i think she's Unhappy as a static permanent state of being, but i also find it extremely grating to see people straight up dismiss or gloss over or laugh off as quirky things that would otherwise be considered actually quite concerning. for example if my friend said they woke up at 4pm and don't get any sleep at night i would be concerned. if my friend told me they don't feel like a real person and that there is something really wrong with them, i would be concerned. and yeah how much of it is just Being Famous and how much of it is just the continuation of her broadcasting her life experiences (including her trauma) in the form of songs, performances, and interviews. like how much do you decide to read into it all, when joking about depression is very in vogue with the youths. i don't know the answer to any of this.
um anyway. more to the actual point you were making - there is absolutely a super weird feedback loop going on with swifties being loud about certain things, taylor responding to that in the only way she can, and swifties being like i wonder who that sign is for? rinse and repeat. to the point she had to explicitly tell people to stop with the scarf speculation. or, maybe, burning down that fucking house on tour every night (but that is open to interpretation). maybe more pertinent is the anti hero tour visuals where you see Normal Taylor screaming for attention while Sparkly Taylor is distracting from the version of herself who just wants to be seen, noticed, understood, and who eventually walks away defeated. every night.
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the-phantom-author · 9 months
okay so all of these are taken from diff episodes, sometimes i clarify sometimes i don't, had so much fun listening to the paywalled episodes, that podcast has become my jam so fast. anyways here are the tidbits, enjoy!
they started sing alongs at one point where will was singing and qt picks a random word from his singing to sing a different song but before they were able to do that, austin sneezed hella hard and they all started clowning him
austin: sorry i sneezed
austin: your brother and i have a special bond (talking to hasan about murat)
  qt: i don't even know if he likes you to be completely honest
at the end of an episode, hasan's dad randomly slides the door open a little bit while wearing his bathing suit and hasan scolds him in turkish immediately while everyone dies laughing, took me out personally, had to rewind that moment so many times
 the "electric chair drop" episode is golden and the paywalled version is even more so bc the first half is just random unhinged sex talk and the second half is chaotic chill where hasan and will are messing with their ears with instacarted meds while austin blasts italian music, i couldn't stop laughing
austin wanting to be in one of qts shows/plays and his pitch is "lights, camera, *pause followed by dramatic flailing of hands* austin show" with will and qt giggling at that proposal
i love moments whenever will is exasperated with austin or qt and he just turns to hasan with the wtf look at his face and hasan sighs like an old man and rolls his eyes (not restricted to the paywall, happens a lot as is but still worth mentioning)
will pointing the "gun" at qt and qt holding up her toy otter in return and hasan yelling "NOT THE OTTER" 
austin randomly fixing his hair and looking at his reflection on his phone while hasan is walking around making sure little kaya doesn't make a mess and looks at austin and goes "wHat are you doing?? wHat is he doing??" while being in a disappointed dad stance
qt talks about a challenge she had on a streamer camp: get out and earn as much money as you can like selling water bottles, lemonade stand, etc. this convo ensues:
will: how would you guys make money on a street if you had to?
austin: i would just start sucking dick
hasan: you went there SO FAST WTF
cue everyone laughing and hasan having the dissapointed dad stare hehe
austin drops the fake gun on his crotch and hasan IMMEDIATELY goes "you deserve it"
austin calling ludwig and asks if he can suck his dick
 random but i love whenever will laughs quietly and tries to hide his laughter by hiding his face in his shirt, it's so cute lol (also not restricted to the paywall)
hasan's dad thinking that austin is poor bc everytime he sees him, austin is wearing the same shirt, and he was even considering buying austin four new shirts and austin goes "aND HE IS RIGHT, I AM POOR"
honestly in the nutshell, you pay $5 to see all of them munch every episode, it's like a mukbang podcast without intending to be a mukbang podcast, it's so funny
in the anniversary episode, austin and hasan went down the slide that was the background with will chanting "RIDE THE SLIDE" obv hasan looked comically huge on the little slide hehe (while wearing sunglasses while going down the slide, obv very fashionable of him)
also kaya being present during that episode for all good of 11 minutes was so sweet, i love that dog a lot
also that episode is golden lol like hasan and will beefing with qt and being like YOU DIDN'T INVITE US TO THE TAYLOR SWIFT IN COLORADO
qt: you all would've made fun of me like 'oh qt cried at all too well, so cringe'
austin & will: we would NEVER do that
hasan: i would definitely do that (while looking straight at the camera
apparently hasan doesn't do luggage with wheels when traveling and it makes will confused a lot
here ya go, if tumblr eats this, murder will occur
!!! The fear& exclusive is here. Thank you for sharing. 🩵🩵
I love when they all choose to gang up on one person, it's a personal favorite trait of Fear& for me.
There is something so Austin about him confidently stating that Murat likes him, when everyone else is just like mmmmmm, I don't even know if he knows you
Hasan dad continuously is one of the best people I've heard about, even if we only know very little. I need Hasan to talk more about him.
"lights, camera, Austin show" needs to be his slogan from now on.
Will and Hasan having o parent QT and Austin, is not what I would expect that dynamic to be but it's very entertaining.
"NO THE OTTER" 😭😭 I can only imagine how it sounded.
Hasan and Little Kaya. Not the "what are you doing? What is he doing?" I must not think of dad!Hasan I must not think of dad!Hasan
I have seen the clips of Austin saying he's going to suck dick on he streets and calling lud. Both are 10/10 moments.
Will is such babygirl. I have headcanons for him I promise the just not will Neffing yet and arn't done
Not Hasan taking his dad out of buying Austin new shirts, I wanna know what he would get him.
Big man, tiny slide. Love to hear it.
Why do you mean Hasan doesn't do wheeled luggage, that so dumb of him. It's also not canon, you sit on luggage and he wheels both it and you around the airport. Sorry, I don't write the rules.
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winterrhayle · 11 months
Ive been watching you and Bea go back and forth making each other rank Taylor albums and Im going to miss it SO MUCH Could you two rank the taylor swift tour videos please? I love looking at you guys' takes on things (even if yours are just complimenting every song and Bea is the one who knows how to actually criticise things 💀) love you guys <3 - an anonymous observer😉💗
TYSM :((((( SOBBING LY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @deprivedmusicaljunkie look we've been percieved ! anon ur slight diss at me for not being able to criticise things is KILLING ME HAHAHHAHAHA (ur right though)
okayy heres my tour ranking (note that there isnt an official tour video for red OR eras so this probs affects my ranking,,, more for red than eras bc i see eras content every single day online anyway)
speak now world tour - okay i may be biased because this is my favourite album,, but even if it wasnt this would be her best tour (in my opinion),, i feel like in her old concerts she was so theatrical, and parts of it kinda looked like a full broadway production,, also the iconic elements like the lyrics on the arm, also shout out to the live album recording of this bc i listen to it soooo much and its amazing and perfect and show stopping etc etc im literally gonna list a bunch of iconic moments right here: THE HAUNTED BELL, the fireworks during dear john, the koi fish guitar with the light up tree, the gold fringe dress (DROP EVERYTHING NOW) the ballgown, just the wholle thing is the best thing i have ever seen
eras tour - this tour actually is killing me with all of the nostalgia watching her sing through and acknowledge all of her old albums and past selves (except debut, rip😔). and i especially love all of the details from past concerts she has (like the fearless spins, the sparkly & koi guitars, the over head hand heart) and also the new visuals for existing tours (like the old taylors in glass cages for rep) AND the visuals for the albums that hadnt been toured before (lover, folklore, evermore, midnights) i just think that she really did her albums justice (again, apart from debut☠️) and its insane that the show is so long 3+ hours
reputation stadium tour - karyn the snake is the coolest thing ive ever seen. also the ready for it intro with the hooded bodysuit outfit is ICONIC,,, i love the choreo on this tour, like the part of i did something bad where taylor gets lifted up like a cheerleader (AHHHHHH) and i love the quiet long live / new years day moment on the piano,, its so nice
the red tour - like i said before, there isnt a tour movie for this one so i dont know as much about it, but i loveeee how fun it is, i love the ringleader outift and circus theme for the closing song, we are never ever getting back toghether (my favourite part of the show) and i love the unnecessary hairflips during all too well😭
the 1989 world tour - this tour feels like her biggest one (even though it isnt), its like the most pop artist thing ever, its less theatre-production like than any of her other tours and it feels less personal? that being said its obviously very iconic, im forever obsessed with the wildest dreams/enchanted mashup, and that one out of the woods bodysuit that she only wore once for some reason, + the FOREVER iconic rock version of wanegbt BUT THE WAY THE TOUR MOVIE IS EDITED IS SOOOO ANNOYING LIKE IT SWITCHES TO A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE EVERY 2 SECONDS😭 anyway i really do appreciate this tour bc taylor really did give it everything she had, and looking at the miss americana documentary, u can tell it was really hard to have put on that show with what she was going through
fearless tour - this is ranked last but i actually really like this one, its cute. her vocals werent as good as they are currently but idc because this show was so funny,, it had the iconicccc throwing of the red chairs in forever & always and shoudlve said no in the rain!!!!!!!!
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kwyw · 10 months
Yeah the VS Angel Wing rings were extremely expensive custom pieces that VS CMO Ed Razek had made for the 16 VS Angels that hadn't quit by 2016 because VS stopped paying the Angels 7 figure salaries and started paying them 6 figure salaries that were on the lower end of six figures and Taylor, because the VSFS 13 & VSFS 14 were the two most watched VSFS in the entire 20+ year history of the show because of Kaylor, so that man would've done almost anything to get Taylor and Karlie to come back and do more VSFS together
Somewhere on the social media of the guy who custom-made the VS Angel Wing rings he mentioned that they're worth like 16K each and that Razek himself commissioned an extra ring for Taylor so he could give it to her as a gift, so the only way a Z-list nepo-baby without any type of contract with VS like Donaldson could've ever gotten ahold of one of those rings is if she committed felony Grand Theft Larceny and stole it.
Razek actually sexually assaulted one of the Hadid sisters in front of dozens of other A-list models in a dressing room once just because he felt like it and knew he could get away with it because nobody tried to stop him the other thousands of times he's sexually assaulted women at work over like 25 years. Literally the ONLY women that Razek has ever treated vaguely like a human being when he worked at VS was the VS Angels, which BTW the VS Angels was a thing that Razek himself came up with, and there's only 42 of them and there will never be any more because VS has done away VS Angels.
So ayone who thinks that a wannabe Z-lister nepo-baby with no actual affiliation with VS like Donaldson got a custom $16k ring from a VS executive who'd sexually assault her a thousand times over before he'd ever treat her like a human being let alone give her expensive custom jewelry that he got made for 17 specific women who achived more by the age of like 15 than Donaldson will ever achieve in her entire life is so beyond fucking delusional that it's not even funny.
Like get real, these dumbass Gaylors who are obsessed with that Z-lister are not only some of the most pathetic and delusional people in Taylor's entire fandom, they are also some of the stupidest by far.
Gaylors *DO* deserve to be bullied actually, if they want to keep saying delusional things with no basis in reality because they've got a weird fetish for making up shit that could've never happened in a million years because the thing they're lyingabout has literally never worked like that so they can treat Taylor like a Barbie Doll in the moronic collective delusions they mastubate to, then I'm all for the rest of Taylor's fans banding together and crushing the Gaylor fandom out of existence.
Gaylors are a detriment to Taylor at this point and there is no real reason to stand in the way Taylor's other fans who actually care about her as a person harassing them all off the internet for being delusional freaks without a grip on reality. These Gaylors are legitimately delusional and don't understand the difference between easily debunkable made-up bullshit lies with zero substance and real actual life and hard facts, they're so fucking beyond disconnected from any form of reality that they could easily become a danger to Taylor and her loved ones because these Gaylors are just the Swiffer version of Q-Anon fanatics
I honestly just find it mostly funny… until I see gullible gaylors falling for it. Most seem to be quite young. I just want them to grow up with critical thinking skills. Not to sound like an old fart, but I feel like so much of that is lacking these days.
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