#and i realize i have to wait 2 more weeks for another episode
endrimer · 1 month
god i just finished season 2 nad that marchig band cover was INSANE!!! WHAT THE FUVKL!!!!!!!! i will scream about it for ages and also in the tags but on an unrelated slash kind of related note. i am soooo scared to start season 3 i need to emotionally prepare myself
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taahko · 4 months
I just found your blog today can you please explain or point out a post that explains the MASH timeloop thing? I love the show but I've never heard anyone talk abt it that way before
oh yay hurray ive been waiting for an excuse to talk about this lmao sorry this is long
ok so basically maeve (my gf) and i started watching mash for the first time about a month ago and we started joking about it being like the characters were stuck in a time loop mostly because the same basic episode format is repeated over and over, because it's a sitcom from the 70s and the episodes arent meant to be watched en masse where you can start noticing all the little repetitions and plot holes and inconsistencies that naturally occur in longform tv
but then i started to pay attention to the dates being mentioned in the show - famously the korean war never technically ended, but american troops were involved in active on the ground fighting between 1950 and 1953, so the entire 11 seasons of mash have to be squeezed into that three year period. with 251 episodes occurring within 1,129 days, that gives every episode about 4.5 days of real time. so it works right? no time loop right? well wait a sec
for the first 5 seasons or so of mash they give very consistent dates about when things are happening. for example, bj arrives in korea in september of 1952, at the start of season 4. colonel potter arrives about a week after him, and talks about how he has 18 months left before his retirement. that gives us about 7 months for the shows final 7 seasons to take place in, meaning that by the episode 'point of view' in season 7 we should be around december of 1952. in that episode the pov character starts writing a letter home and in the corner he writes the date:
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september of 1951. ok, could be that this episode isn't meant to take place in the regular timeline of the season - maybe for some reason its just like, a random flashback episode. but bj, charles, and potter are all present, even though none of them got to korea until 1952. now i KNOW that this is not like, the True Hidden Secret Lore of MASH, this is the writers realizing they were running out of road and turning back the clock a bit to accommodate for how long the show was running on. but play in my time loop space with me please
more talking points:
consistent jokes about time zones and how difficult it is to call the states because "our today is their yesterday but if you call them now it might not reach them until our tomorrow and by that point our yesterday will be their today"
hawkeye's increasing mania over the seasons and his conviction that the war will never end, comparing the camp to dante's inferno multiple times. maeve once pointed out that the closer hawkeye comes to realizing that he's trapped in a time loop the closer he gets to being institutionalized - and what does the series finale cold open onto ? hawkeye in a mental institution. the only way out is to lose yourself etc. sidenote frank also escaped the time loop by going insane and getting institutionalized
in a war for all seasons bj potter and charles are all present at the 1951 new years party as well as the 1952 new years party
there are three christmas episodes, two of which bj is present for even though he should only have spent one christmas in korea
details of people's families and lives shift around - sometimes potter's got multiple grandchildren, sometimes he only has one, sometimes its a girl, sometimes its a boy, sometimes she's 5, sometimes he's 2
we're not the first people to talk about this either, here's a good video compilation posted a couple yrs ago of time loop moments
overall ive been using the time loop thesis to add another layer to my mash viewing experience. it increases the already present sense of constant dread, anger, frustration, and disgust with their situation that the characters feel, plus it feels like a very poignant take on the united states' constant warmongering and violent existence. it really never ends, it just goes on an on. the future's been canceled by the war department- we're just gonna replay the past.
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retrieve-the-kraken · 3 months
So after taking some time to clear my head, and letting the wave of relief and closure wash over me, and feeling like someone literally unclogged my brain, I rewatched season 3 of Young Royals, but only finished just the night before I was going away for Easter weekend, so I didn’t have time to write anything.
But now I can finally say this: I liked it much better the second time.
And it wasn’t just the trepidation and anxiety that i had for finding out what happened in the end that kept me from completely enjoying it the first time. It was also that annoying week-long gap that we had to endure before watching the finale.
(I get that they did it for promotional purposes, and it was a lovely thing to be able to have that event for the final chapter, which obviously could only be one chapter, imagine having everyone there for the entire season, everyone watching for nearly six hours… no good.)
That gap, I feel, made it feel like we just landed randomly on an episode that was meant to tie up all the storylines. And of course it is, and of course it still feels that way in regards to some storylines, but wow, what a difference it makes to watch the whole thing as a whole, the way I’ve enjoyed the previous seasons.
I definitely could process it much better the second time around, watching calmly and carefully, and once I jumped straight from episode 5 into episode 6, it definitely felt more cohesive. It felt like it followed the same pattern as the previous seasons, the conflict at the end of episode 5 is very similar in every season, and it felt right.
And the final episode of each season seems to follow a very similar pattern too, except that it shifts a little each time as Wille gains autonomy. In Season 1, the climax was that Wille had to do what the crown said, on the crown’s terms (deny the video, keep August’s betrayal secret, lose Simon), because he didn’t know what else to do, he didn’t have a choice, sad ending. In season 2, he has to do what the crown says (do the speech, play the part of the Crown Prince), BUT he’s doing it on his own terms (telling the truth about the video, being with Simon, even if it means keeping August’s secret), he has somewhat of a choice, bittersweet ending. In season 3… well, it looks like he’s doing what the crown says still… and then he finally realizes that he does have a choice. Sad ending? Nej! He finally gets his happy ending. He has come to terms that the can have a choice.
The second time around, just when we thought we were getting yet another sad ending or bittersweet ending like the previous seasons, it shifted. Plot twist, he’s getting out of the car. Of course there is a lot up in the air (was your first thought also literally “but Wille, you left your bag in the car! You don’t have a toothbrush! You don’t have a phone charger! You don’t have clean underwear!” or are you normal? I am not normal, I have anxiety about things like that), there are many things that will still need to be resolved after the credits roll, but… it felt right.
And of course there are things that got tied up and still felt a bit quick, and things that felt annoyingly left up in the air, but that was precisely what happened each season, things that felt like maybe would get properly addressed the next season, but that’s not how life works. Not everything gets resolved. And it feels a little sadder or more bitter because we’re not getting another season.
But we are. It’s playing in our heads right now. People are writing fanfiction about it. And I can’t wait to absorb it all.
I’m definitely watching the whole season again, and doing a play-by-play analysis like I did for season 2, because I love hyperanalyzing every detail of this show.
Can I just preliminarily warn that I will be gushing about Edvin and Omar, and Nikita and Frida and Malte, so so much? Because the second time watching season 3, I was in awe, true awe, of how good they have all gotten. I mean, they’ve all been incredible from day one, but I feel like there were nuances to their characters this season that highlighted so much how incredible they all are. Particularly my babies, Edvin and Omar, deserve all the awards. Can’t wait to see everything they do.
I will miss them with all my soul. But I don’t have to let go of them yet.
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getosbigballsack · 1 year
Hiiii I have an idea for a request, dunno if it's good.
What about,
Y/n and Satoru on their phone in their couch. You vaguely watch TV until you find an interesting subject, a report on fantasies. A man on TV is embarrassed to say he has 2 fantasies and you whisper a "little player". Satoru asks you why, if you have more, you answer that yes obviously you have a lot like everyone else. He asks you what they are, you're a little embarrassed to say them out loud. So you both make a list of your respective fantasies. And when you want to do "the thing" you draw a paper (after rolling a dice or wathever) to realize one of them.
Maybe a one shot, but I feel like it can become a series with a fantasy for each chapter.
I just had this idea in mind and think you'll write it so well. It's very precise sorry (don't do it if you don't feel like it). Anyway for this request you have 3 days ! No just kidding haha, a week (or 2, actually I feel bad about giving a time limit-)
Hope you had a nice day !
𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒔
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𝑫𝒐𝒎! 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝒙 𝑺𝒖𝒃-𝒑𝒆𝒕! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝑽 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒎 𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔. 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒎 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒉 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒂 𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒔, 𝒂 𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒉 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒗𝒆, 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒚, 𝑬𝒙𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝑽𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒎 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚, 𝒅𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒑𝒖𝒔𝒔𝒚 𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆, 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒙, 𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒆𝒙 (𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈) 𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒈𝒆, 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒏.
𝑨/𝑵: 𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔. 𝑺𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒚. 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒉𝒖𝒈𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒐 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒎𝒚 𝒖𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒆. 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒊𝒕. 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑩𝑫𝑺𝑴 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒔 𝑰 𝒅𝒐.
𝑾𝑪: 9.9𝒌 (9966 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍)
𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏✯ 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖'𝒔 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝑷𝒆𝒏✯
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What’s your fantasy? 
Just that one simple question and you were already perked up from your lying position, eyes fully on the television before you. 
Hello and welcome my lovely people, my name is Toniann and welcome to another episode of what’s your fantasy.
“Is this a new tv show or something?” your boyfriend of one year asked, slowly lifting his head from his phone to look over at you. 
“I guess so,” you answered as you watched as the beautiful dark skinned woman glided across the stage, her braids bouncing with every step she took before she spoke again. She went to have a discussion with the audience. She spoke about safe sex, why it is important to use a condom. She talked about the LGBTQ and BDSM community which she is a part of ( as a sub) and lastly she spoke about her new collection of sex toys. 
So guys tonight, I know you all are waiting for me to ask the burning question, WHAT’S YOUR FANTASY? The first two guys to press the button under their chair will have an opportunity to come up on stage and tell me what’s their fantasy. So in three two one. 
You watched as chair number 28 and 43 appeared on the screen which meant that the person who sat on those seats was supposed to go up on stage. Once they were on the stage they introduced themselves before sitting down on a chair while Toniann handed them a microphone. 
Toniann: Looks like we both got some handsome men here tonight with us. Well Chad, it’s no secret that I Toniann has a lot of kinks. And I hope, I really do hope that you’re kinker than I am. 
Chad: Well, I’m happy to say that I am.
Toniann: You are?
“This is about to get interesting,” you said giggling and your boyfriend couldn't agree more. 
Chad: Yup. 
Toniann: Well then, so tell us, WHAT’S YOUR FANTASY? 
Chad answered. He informed Toniann and the audience that he was very much interested in the BDSM fantasy, he also had a thing for pet play, gunplay, knife play. He was very much interested in Voyeurism. He informed the audience that he enjoys watching his sub masturbate and show him how much of a good boy they were, (yes Chad is gay). Threesome, sex tapes and sex toys on his sub was the biggest turn on for him and he took the time out to congratulate Toniann on her new line of sex toys. Lastly, he said that he had a big fan of boss and employees since he was a CEO for a well off company. He really likes the idea of his sub all dressed as his assistant looking cute and sexy for him, while he dominates them in his office at home. 
Your boyfriend, Gojo, applauds the man along with the audience. He looked pleased with the man, “Well then, my guy is not playing around.”
“He definitely ain’t playing around,” you commented. Toniann to a gulp before looking back at Chad. 
Toniann: If I was born a man, I would definitely be coming after you. 
Chad laughed and so did the audience. Toniann then turned to face the other man. 
Toniann: Ryu, I hope you ain’t no soft boy now. I hope you can do better than Chad so let’s hear it. 
Ryu: Sadly I don’t.
Toniann: huh? What do you mean?
Ryu's cheeks immediately turned pink when Toniann leaned forward to stare into his face. Her dark brown eyes staring deeply into the poor man’s green eyes as she waited for him to answer. Ryu sighed quietly before speaking. 
Ryu: I only have one fantasy, I’ve never really had time to experience any other fantasy. 
“What? Such a little baby,” you whispered hoping that your boyfriend wouldn’t hear. But he sure did and he wasn’t about to let that slide. 
“What do you mean by little baby?” Gojo asked. 
You scoffed, “He’s a baby. Why have only one kink?” 
“What?” Gojo laughed as he got up from his seat and walked over to you. “So what if he has one fantasy? Do you have more than him?”
“Of course I do,” you whispered under your breath as you glared at your boyfriend who had a smirk plastered upon his beautiful face. 
“Is that so?” he asked while his long slender fingers reached out to cup your chin. “Why don’t you list them out for me?”
“No, I don’t want to,” you whispered under your breath as you tried to pull your head away from his. He chuckled, his grip on your chin tightening as he pulled your face closer to his, until you were both in each other's air space. 
“Come on, don't be a little baby now. I’m your boyfriend right,” he said, grinning while your bottom trembled a bit from the embarrassment that suddenly washed over you. 
“Yeah and so.”
“I need to know. I need to know what my baby’s deepest fantasies are. Don’t you want me to make your fantasy turn into a reality pretty baby?” he whispered before placing a chaste kiss on your lips. 
“I… I,” you began to stutter, the words felt twisted inside your mouth as you tried your hardest to answer his question. But you couldn't, you were just too embarrassed to let him know what your deepest fantasies were, more like you were just afraid that he’ll think that you’re weird for having these types of fantasies. “I… I don’t know.”
He grinned, “Alright then how about we turn this into a game,” he suggested as he released his hold on your chin and sat down beside you. 
“A game?”
“Yes, let’s call it, 2 fantasies and 4 kinks,” he said to you. 
Your face twisted with confusion as you stared at him, “You’re not making any sense here. I don’t understand.”
“I was just about to explain, just be patient,” he said to you. You nodded your head and allowed him to explain his game. “First we’ll each write down our kinks and fantasies on tiny pieces of paper, fold it up, write numbers on them and then put them in separate bowls.”
“Why do I need to have two bowls?” you asked him. 
“Because, one bowl is for your fantasy and the other bowl is for your kinks,” he answered. You whispered ok and then let him continue to explain his game a little further. “Ok so once that’s complete, we’ll each have 3 threes to roll a dice and any number the dice lands on, then that's the kinks and fantasies that we’re going to do. You understand?”
“A little,” you answered honestly. 
“Alright let us get to it.” he said happily as he jumped out of the sofa, ran into the kitchen and came back with four bowls. Two for you and two for him. Then he left and came back shortly after with sticky notes and pens. He gave you the pink and yellow sticky notes and he took the green and blue. “Alright then baby, I can’t wait to see what your fantasies are.” 
You thought it was childish to say the least, to be sitting here like five year olds writing words on paper before folding them up and tossing them inside your respective bowls. But the more you wrote, you began to realise how nervous you were. Who would have thought that you would be sitting here in front of your boyfriend, writing your kinks and fantasies on papers to present to him. He was already finished, he was just waiting for you to be done, and from the looks of him, he was really excited to get this started. 
You sighed heavily as you folded the last sticky note that you had, wrote the number on the back and tossed it into the bowl. “Yes…” he clapped as he tossed you a d12 dice. “You roll first. You must choose one from the fantasy bowl and two from the kink bowl. Fantasy first and kinks after.” 
“Ok,” you said as you shook the dice in your hand before rolling it. It landed on the number 4 so you reached into your bowl, filled your different types of fantasies and pulled out the number 4 paper. You rolled the dice two more times and you got the number 8 and 10. “Your turn,” you said to him as you took out the number 8 and 10 papers from the bowl, filled with your different types of kinks. He took the dice from you and rolled three times. He got the numbers 1, 9, 12. He picked out the number one paper from his fantasy bowl and 9 and 12 from his kinks bowl. 
“Ready,” he asked and you shook your head yes. “What is your fantasy?” he asked? 
You unwrapped the paper and read, “Role play and the role play I chose was pet play.”
You swore you saw your boyfriend's eyes twinkling with excitement the moment you told him that one of your fantasies was pet play. “Fuck,” he chuckled while biting his lips. “Kitten or Dog?”
“I wrote kitten,” you answered before handing him your paper. “It’s your turn now. What’s your fantasy?” 
He was still biting his lips as he unfolded his paper. “I have role play here as well, but mine is Dominatrix. Master and Slave play.”
“Do you want me to call you master?” you asked as he rested the papers on his lap. 
“I prefer daddy or Alpha,” he replied. “But I wouldn’t mind hearing my little kitty call me master.” 
“Shut up and let me tell you what kinks I chose,” you said while looking down to hide your flustered face. You sighed quietly and unfolded both papers. “I have humiliation play and dirty talk.” 
“Humiliation as in, you want to call you a slut, a nasty whore? Do you want me to tell you how pathetic a dumb kitten you are while you lick my shoes?” he asked. His words had your thighs clenching tightly together. “Someone's turned on.”
“Ru, cut it out and tell me your kinks,” you whimpered. 
“Ok,” He chuckled as he unfolded his papers. “I have Voyeurism and Impact play. Looks like I have to go buy some toys sweet girl. How about we choose two more kinks for good luck.”
“Ok,” you mindlessly agreed and reached into your bowl and pulled out a kink while he did the same. You unfolded it and whispered, “I got exhibitionism.”
“I got a degradation kink. Fuck, I finna spit in your fucking mouth baby,” he said while biting his lips. 
“Are we going to do this now?” you asked him. 
“No, we have one week to prepare. I’ll rent us a penthouse for the night and I’ll give you my card to buy what you think you might need.”
“Ok,” you said to him. He smiled before leaning forward and pulled you in for a kiss. 
“I can’t wait. I’m going to have so much fun with you.” 
To say that you were nervous was the least, it’s been a week since that day and somehow no matter how you told yourself that you had no reason to be nervous, you still couldn’t shake off the feeling that was settling in the bit of your tummy. 
“The room is beautiful,” Gojo whispered as he rested his hand on the small part of your back and guided you inside the elevator. “When we get there we’ll both go our separate ways and get ourselves washed and dressed up for our special night.”
“Ok,” you whispered. “I had fun today.” 
He smiled, “I’m glad you had fun. I had to make this day extra special for us, baby. I had to make sure that you had an amazing day and also prepare you for what’s about to happen later on tonight.” 
Going on dates with your boyfriend was the norm. Nevertheless, as he stated, today had to be particularly special. He took you to the spa and salon to have your hair, nails, and toes done. He took you shopping and then to a high-end restaurant with the most exquisite meals. He needed to make you feel comfortable around him so that it would be easier for him to break you when the time came for him to have his way with you.
He was excited to say the least, the closer you both got to the penthouse the more he felt as if he could just devour you right then and there. But he had to wait, for the sake of wanting to try out your fantasies and kinks. 
The doors to the elevator slowly open revealing a luxurious view that has every grazed your eyes. Perched on the highest floor, the view of the city was immaculate from where you stood. A round oval crystal tub in the middle of the room, and few elements like a glass curtain wall, the black and white barrel-vaulted ceiling, black velvet upholstery and other custom designed furniture that made this place looked like a true place. 
You wanted to look around the room a bit more, but your boyfriend was eager, he was impatient. With one pull of your hand, you felt yourself being dragged up a set of modern glass stairs, down a small corridor and into the bedroom you assume that you were going to use for sex. “Shower and get dressed love, I’ve already set up the room for our playtime. I’ll shower and get dressed in the other room. Your suitcase is the bathroom,” was the last thing he said before kissing your lips. He pushed you inside the room and locked you inside. 
You were in for a long night. 
Bordelle Cymatic Basque in Black, the most luxurious, most detailed bustier that you owned, the front was low with a slightly see-through pattern, just enough to tease and you knew your boyfriend would love that. The back was absolutely stunning as well, the kitty tale that you managed to pluck into your ass complimented the lingerie so well. The straps were adjustable and the 24k gold-plated hardware made it easy for you to fit your boobs perfectly. The lace bustier has straps that were attached to the cymatic garter and the stocking that had the same design as the basque. 
It framed your body so perfectly. You also had on the cymatic ouvert brief. It was a daring piece to wear especially in front of someone like Gojo Satoru. The front of the briefs were made from lace embroidery. The back of the briefs was open, so it was easy for your kitty tale to hang free without any problem, plus it added a bit of sexiness and playfulness to the look that you were going for. The straps on the briefs were adjustable as well. 
You looked stunning to say the least. With your hair combed so beautifully and your makeup done perfectly too. You wore Gojo’s favourite red lipstick. The only thing that was left for you to wear was the cat ears which you quickly slipped onto your head. And now that you were fully dressed in lingerie you walked out of the bathroom and went to sit in the middle of the bed and waited for your boyfriend to enter.
Seconds turn into minutes as you wait for your boyfriend to walk through those doors. You were nervous, anxious and most of all horny. You were excited and you honestly could not wait to share this wonderful experience with your boyfriend. 
The doors to the room finally open, the sound of his expensive tapping against the marbled floor as he slowly walks inside the room. Your palms sweaty, heart thumping rapidly against your chest as he edges closer to the bed. There was something about the way he slowly walked towards you with his hands stuffed inside his pants, the smirk that rode his beautiful face and those predatory cerulean eyes that stared you down as if you were his prey. Your cheeks flustered a deep wine red colour, your body ached the moment he made his presence known inside the room. Did I (the author) mention that he had on a corset over his dress shirt that matched his pants? 
His cologne. You know this one. It’s the very first cologne he wore when he took you out on your very first date together. He must have remembered how much you adored that scent . Maybe it’s the reason why he chose to douse himself with that scent, the manly scent like a gas filling up your mind with hallucinations. “Toru… I… You” you quaked as your boyfriend stood before you. 
“Nuh… huh. Quiet! Not a single word my little kitty,” he whispered, his long cold finger grazed your cheeks, caressing your flustered skin slowly as if you were a precious fragile little thing. A precious fragile thing that he could not wait to break. “You are so beautiful,” he complimented as fingers moved to wrap themselves around your neck. “So beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
“Nuh… huh. I said quiet little kitty. I appreciate you being polite and thanking me for that compliment. But right now I don’t want to hear from you. We’re in my domain now. I’m in charge here, let’s make that clear. There’s only going to be one voice heard in this room. It’s mine.” Your thighs trembled, lips quivering as he tilted your head back with the hand that he had wrapped tightly around your throat to get you to look up at him with your beautiful glossy eyes. “You will not speak! You will not moan! You will NOT beg! Unless I give you permission to do so. Do you understand little kitty?” 
You bit your trembling lips and nodded your head yes. 
He smiled, “Good Girl. Now remember this, your safe word is ICE CREAM. Even if you forget your own name, remember that your safe word is ICE CREAM. You got that?”
You nodded your head yes. 
“Good kitty cat, now let us begin,” he whispered. He began t o peck at your lips before he fully placed his lips on yours. Time must have slowed itself down the moment he moulded his lips with you in a perfect harmony, his soft glossy lips hungry to savour the taste of yours. His lips so sweet, His endearing, wet and hot kisses slowly melting your from the inside you could almost feel your knees getting a bit weak. A moan slipped from your lips, with you having no control over it, you were lost deep into the kiss, and he chuckled.
His big hand tightens itself around your neck. “I said not to moan kitty. We have yet to begin and you’re already defying me,” he whispered, kissing your lips one last time before pulling away to stare into your eyes. His fingers unwrapped themselves from around your throat, slowly creeping down to cup the swell of your aching tender breast. 
“Buh… Buh, ah,” you cry out. Did he just… slap my boobs? 
“Quiet kitty!” he warned. He lifted his hand right over your breast and delivered a sharp slap on your left breast, which almost caused you to cry out again, but you were quick to sink your teeth into your bottom lip to muffle the sounds that were trying to escape as best as you could. 
Your pussy lips felt as if they were swollen with arousal, enough to make the pressure between your thighs on them a bit uncomfortable. You wanted to move, maybe spread your thighs a little bit wider, but you didn’t instead you sat still, your heart hammering, sending hot-cold blood through your shivering body. 
“Don’t let that happen again,” he whispered, tweaking a nipple through your lingerie. Your skin tingles, your nipple aching with need. You wanted to beg for more, you wanted to feel his big hand strike your breast one more time. But you couldn't, you just hope he’d do it again. “Or next time I won’t be so nice.”
Hope seemed to be on your side, because once again, he delivered one, two, three, four, five more slaps to your breast, each one harder than the last, making your teeth sink deeper into your lips. He ran his manicure nails up your breast then your throat keeping your skin hot and bothered. You leaned into his touch and when he wrapped his finger around your neck yet again and subtly squeezed you could do nothing more than lean into the grip, head dizzy from his light torture. 
“Lay down,” he growled, his hand guiding you to the mattress, crawling in between your legs to spread them open. He released your neck and grabbed your panties, admiring the lacey fabric that was soaked with your juices. He hummed and dragged to your inner groyne, gently caressing your sensitive skin. “Look how fucking wet you are,” he praticaly moaned, clearly referring to your panties that were drenched with your arousal. 
Using two fingers, he squeezed them on the moist fabric, closing them together and trapping your clit between your swelling folds. You put out a soft whine to draw his attention to your pussy. You hope he doesn't penalise you for making such a minor noise, afterall you can’t hold back every little sound that you’re about to make right. RIGHT? 
He chuckled while taking your hand and putting it over your vagina. “Show me how you touch yourself, my little kitty… I want to see you surrendering into your deepest pleasure for me. Can you do that little kitty?” 
You whimpered, but nodded your head yes. A mischievous smile rode his lips as he pulled away from you, slowly getting off the bed and walked over to the nightstand to pick a cane. 
“No moaning, no begging alright kitty,” he reminded you as he headed towards a chair that was at the corner of the room. He took it and placed it in front of the bed. You watched with lust filled eyes as he straightened his corset before taking a seat on the chair. He folded one leg over the other, folded his arms over his knee and leaned back into the chair. “Come closer.” 
You swallowed thickly, slowly moving towards the edge of the bed with your legs spread open. You were nervous to say the least. It’s been a while since you last played with yourself. You really didn’t need to masturbate the moment you started to date Gojo. He’d always be the one to do that for you. But right now, in this moment he wanted to watch as you screwed yourself over. 
You lean back resting all your weight onto the pillows behind you, your hands moving over your body, caressing your aching boobs, pinching your tender nipples, then moving down lightly dragging your fingers down your tummy. You head pressed back into the pillows as you bit your lips to keep your whimpering under control. You could hear the soft breathing coming from your boyfriend as your hands rubbed delicately on your inner thighs. 
You could feel his eyes watching your every move, studying how your chest slowly rose and fell the moment your hand moved to centre and rub small circles over your clit through your panty. “Give me those,” he said to you, feeling the cane he had trailing up your right thigh to hook the ends of your panty. You whined a bit, slowly lifting your hip to grip the other side of your panty and with his help, you slowly pulled it down over the tail that was still plunged deep into your ass and down your soft toned legs. “There we go now, that’s better,” he said as he took the panty from you and brought it to his lips. “Tasty as always kitty,” he moaned while licking the seat of your underwear. 
You sat up on your elbows to see his eyes close, lips closed around the seat of your panty, lapping up your arousal that soaked the flimsy clothing. He smirked a bit, barely opening an eye to peek at you and groaned, “Don’t mind me kitty, keep doing what you’re doing.” 
You leaned back on the pillows once more, hand returning to your throbbing clit. Slowly circling your nub, you tilted your head to the side to look at your boyfriend who was sitting there with your panty dangling from his cane, his eyes fixed on your dripping pussy, his chest moving with every breath he drew in. You bite the inside of your cheek, nibbling fingers rubbing your clit a bit faster as you try to build up more friction between your thighs. 
He growled deeply as he took the panty from the cane and used it to trail up your thighs again. Your lips slightly parted to release desperate gasps as he moved the cane closer and closer to your aching core. Your hips jerked a bit, feeling the flat leathered material tapping your core, making it sting a bit as you rubbed your clit. 
“Come on kitty, show me how you play with it,” he urged you on with more taps to your core. "Show me how you play with it." 
"Fuck-k," you moaned eyes squeezed shut, head rolling back, and heart rapidly beating against your chest. 
"Bad kitty," he groaned lowly, rubbing your entrance, slowly pulling away to slap your cunt. Your back arched into the bed, toes curling under the sheets, your eyes wide open and your lips trembling from the sudden impact. It hurts, like hell. But you loved it. "Bad fucking kitty." 
Looking at him with your teeth digging deep into your bottom lip, you pressed the pads of your index and middle finger harder against your clit and he growled, the paddle still touching your dripping, tracing tiny figures as he watched as you whole clenched and unclenched from your ministrations. 
“You have such a perfect little pussy, I love it so much” he moaned, the paddle moving from your cunt and resting flat against your thigh. You spread your folds with your fingers, slowly thrusting a single digit inside your gaping hole to stroke that soft spot that your boyfriend loves to press against whenever he has his long fingers deep inside you. You couldn’t reach as deep as he could but at least you were still able to press your finger against that spot that had your eyes rolling to the back of your skull, your lips slowly parting, but no sounds came. 
You were so deep, so caught in your own thoughts, you own pleasure from practically fucking yourself on your own finger in front of your boyfriend who had those dazzling blue eyes staring immensely at your aching, hot and trembling body. 
Did masturbation alway feel this good? Or is it just the simple fact that you were too humiliated to admit to yourself that having an adonis sitting before you was sending your body into override, the fact that you weren't even able to make as much a whimper fall from your lips as you gave him what he wanted. The fact that he watched your every move, his eyes never missing the way your tiny finger slowly pulled it from your core to press against your throbbing clit. 
You were so so lost in your mind, in the warm feeling that was starting to grow in the pits of your tummy, you didn’t even feel when he pulled the paddle away from your thigh, but did feel when the paddle made contact with your right thigh. You quickly bit your lips to prevent yourself from moaning as he pulled the paddle away from your right thigh to slap your left thigh. 
“Show me how wet you are, my little slut,” he said, the tone in his voice dropping lower than you’ve heard. “Spread your thighs a little wider and let me see how much you're dripping,” and slowly with the paddle rubbing against your thigh you parted your legs for him. “Atta girl, now I want you to cum for me.”
You nodded, your eyes still lodge in the back of your head, your fingers circling the little nubs before adding a bit more pressure to feel that stimulation that would send jolts of fiery electricity through your body. You slipped your finger back into your hole, gathering your slick to smother it over your fold as the warmth in your tummy increased. 
You were close to cumming, you were so close to cumming all over yourself for your boyfriend. This is what he wanted right, to watch as you surrender into your deepest pleasure. But oh you were so fucking wrong. 
Your boyfriend wanted more. Gojo Satoru wanted more, he was hungry, he was greedy and on top of that he didn’t want you to be the one to break your mind, he didn’t want you to carry yourself to an intense orgasm. He was the only one who gets to make you cum, it’s his pussy after all. 
Gojo abruptly stood him, his hand yanking your hand away from your pussy while he rested the paddle next to your head. His left hand wrapped itself around your throat and his hand slipped between your thigh, separating your throbbing folds with his long, slender fingers. He collects your slick, smothering it over your entrance before thrusting his middle and ring finger into your warm hole. You moan, too loudly for your own good, your pussy clenching from his sudden intrusion. 
You weren’t expecting this, but fuck it you love every minute of him. “Who the fuck do you think you are hm?” he whispered as he stared down as your eyes were no longer stuck in the back of your head. His eyes sparkling as a sinister smile appeared on his face as he watched you fall apart on his fingers. “You thought I would allow you to cum all your fingers baby?” 
“But… you said that I…” Your sentence was cut short when he leaned forward to bite your lips. 
“Shut the fuck up. Bad kitty,” he grumbled above you, stretching your walls painfully fast. You whimpered, your pussy still flexing around his fingers. The tip of his fingers reached your deepest spot, rubbing its spongy surface that you loved so much. You bit back your moans, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill. “Think you can take another finger, oh I bet you can you greedy whore,” Gojo hissed as he entered another finger inside of you. You hissed a bit, but as soon as the pain came, it was quick to disappear. Your boyfriend's fingered you with three of his fingers already so this was becoming even more  pleasurable to you. 
“Just look how wet that fucking pussy, such a messy slutty cunt,” he whispered, leaning forward to nibble on your bottom lips.  He felt you lifting your hips to thrust his fingers deeper and further into your nether bits. “Ooh… What's this? Does the little kitty want more?” He teased, lifting his face to look at your flustered expression, admiring how pleasure was written all over your face. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out, his hand around your throat tightening its grip. “Three fingers not enough?” 
You felt the fourth finger slowly stretching your pussy, spreading nothing but pain and sweet pleasure across your walls. You teeth clenched tightly together, “Poor kitty, it must hurt so bad huh?” he chuckled. Of course it hurt that the obvious pain was written all over your face. “I’ll make it feel a little better for you,” he cooed, quickly using his thumb to circle your swollen clit to help you to adjust to his fingers. 
You’re dripping over his hand, while he plays with your bundle of nerves you could slowly feel that warm pressure in your tummy slowly returning, cramping as you prepare yourself to cum over his fingers. “I’m going to drain every last ounce of cum out of you,” his low voice just gave you the extra push that you needed to cum. And you took it, you quickly claimed it with your back arching, teeth biting into your lips to silence your moans. “Atta girl! Atta fucking,” he praised as he let you rode out your orgasm, thrusting in and out of your flooding quivering hole. When he felt you relaxing under his touch, he pulled out his finger, your cum dripping from them. He smirked, his hand above your face showing how your cum coated his fingers right before he wiped his fingers on your cheeks. 
He pressed his lips against your cheeks, licking the cum from it before pulling away to grab the cuffs that he so badly couldn’t wait to put on your pretty body. He grabbed them from the night stand before walking towards the bed, his hand wrapping around your forearm to pull you off the bed. 
You watched with curious eyes, still breathing heavily as he wrapped a leather cuff around your right wrist, your left wrist, your thighs and feet. “On your knees,” he said and without question you dropped to your knees. He left again to go pick up another item from the nightstand. You took the time to admire the sexy black leather on gold combination that looks tough to break to be elegant around your wrist at the same time. It was obvious that the cuffs were made from a thick material that was fastened with gold coloured buckles with 3 D rings. 
The leather felt soft and it felt great on your skin, you couldn’t help but to wonder how much this must have cost him. “Put your hands around your back,” he said as he returned with 2 double ended clips. You did as you were told and he fastened your hands to your thighs as a smirk rode his lips. “Perfect.” 
You were growing more anxious as you sat there on your knees, your head resting against your boyfriend's thigh as you waited for him to play with your pussy. He had one hand in your hair and the other hand resting against his jaw. He was deep in thoughts, trying to decide if he wanted to take your fantasy for pet play a bit further than having you dressed up as a cat and calling you kitty. 
He should and he had something in mind, but he wasn’t sure if you’d be up to it. He glanced down to you, to see you desperately staring up at him with those gorgeous eyes of yours. He bit his lips as the image of your lips doing the most unforgiving thing crossed his mind. God you would look so pretty doing just so. 
“You’re so beautiful. Such a pretty and obedient kitty for me,” he praised as he ruffled your hair. “You’re an obedient kitty right? Nod your head yes or no to answer my question.” And you did. “And you know that good obedient kitty cats listen to their masters right?”
You nodded your head yes. He smirked, his finger gripping your hair to pull your head away from his thigh. “Now why don’t you be a good kitty cat and lick my shoe.” 
Huh? You thought as you stared up at him. Did he just ask you to LICK his shoes? You thought. You feel his foot tapping against your thigh, eyes fix on your face patiently waiting for you to get down on your chest and lick his shoes. 
“Waiting,” he said, tapping said shoes against your thigh impatiently again and again. It shouldn’t be possible to feel any more humiliated than when you had to play with your pussy in front of him, and cumming all his fingers too. Still, he had to be joking, right?
“Kitty, I don’t want to have to punish you,” he said, his foot still tapping impatiently against your thigh. He released the grip from your hair and grabbed your chin, “Lick my shoe.”
For your sake, you pulled your head away from his hand, leaned down carefully so as not to fall over since you can’t use your hands, and pressed your lips to his new black leathered shoe. You slowly gave the shoe short kitten licks, looking up to see your boyfriend earnestly watching you from where he sat on the bed, his lips slightly parted curled into a smile as he looked pleased with what you’re doing. He didn’t think you’d actually go along with it, if you had opened up your lips and told him you did not want to, then he wouldn’t have pressured you to do it, but you didn’t. The shoes tasted bitter, however with just a quick glance at his face, you quickly ignored the awful taste and flattened your tongue against his shoe in longer licks coating the surface of his shoe with your spit. “Good fucking kitty,” he growled, his voice deep and heavy with lust. “Kitty, make your way up with that naughty mouth of yours. Quickly now, you know what I want to do to you right?” 
You kissed your way up his leather until you reached the fabric of his pants. You pressed your lips against the cloth, making sure he could feel warm lips against his skin as you kissed your way up to his knee. You drew back when you noticed him leisurely stroking his cock, which was lying on his thigh through his jeans. You wet your lips, your pretty little tongue dripping with saliva as you placed your lips on his thigh, slowly pushing your mouth closer to his thigh, getting closer and closer till he stopped stroking himself and threading his fingers through your hair. You can smell his excitement and it makes your body shudder a little.
You leaned your clothed chest against the mattress, settling on your knees between his legs. His hissed when you finally connected your lips to the tip of his cock through his pants, tasting the salty precum on your tongue. You tried to suck on the tip of his cock, despite the fabric blocking you from doing what you wanted, but still managed to get a good suck in before pulling away. 
He’s shuddering above your hands carefully massaging your scalp, his eyes watching as you desperately try to hump yourself on the back of your heels as you try to suck more of him in your mouth. “Here let me help you,” he whispered. You watched with lust filled eyes as he slowly pulled the belt from his pants, pulled the zipper down along with his underpants to free his cock just for you. 
“There you go kitty,” he groaned, one hand wrapping around the base of his cock, giving it light strokes and precum beading the pinkish tip of his throbbing cock. You lick your lips as you lean your head forward, lolling your tongue against the head to lick up his precum with soft moan. 
“Fucking gorgeous,” he groaned, his eyes watching as you take the head of his cock in your mouth, wrapping your lips tightly around the head as you move you head up and down, quickly finding your rhythm and meeting his fist that was still wrapped around his cock with your mouth. It’s no secret at this point that your boyfriend had a big cock, most times you found it very difficult to handle his girth, even now with your hands bound to your thighs. Your saliva dripped down his cock and hand, which never really bothered him since he was using it to slick himself as you bobbed your head against his shaft. He groaned, head tossing back as his hip slightly raised to thrust a bit, not too much though he wasn’t ready to do that just yet. “Fucking hell, that mouth, so fucking perfect.” His grip in your hair tightened, moving your head a bit faster, pressing you down on his cock more. 
“Fuck,” he groaned as he pulled his hand away from his cock. “Do your work.” With his throbbing cock still lodged inside your mouth you pressed your tongue against the biggest vein on his cock and you couldn’t help but to grin. You sucked him back into your mouth and you hollow your cheeks to take more of his cock. You felt a bit frustrated because you were unable to use your hands, you continued to suck him anyway until salvia pooled at the corners of your mouth. 
“Fucking hell, I can’t take this anymore,” he groaned as he pulled your head away from his cock and stood up from the his seated position. With his hand still in your hair he was able to push you closer to the bed until your head was resting against the mattress. “That pretty face deserves to be fucked,” he said as spread his legs over yours in his standing position, step closer until his cock was pressing against your mouth. “Open up that naughty mouth of yours.”
You swallowed as you slowly parted your lips. You watched as Gojo lifted one and rested it beside your head before slowly thrusting his cock deep inside your throat, all the way down, hitting the back of your throat.
More tears streamed from your face as you tried to breathe but ended up choking and gagging around his cock. You struggled against the restraints, you wanted to push him off you, this was too much more than you can even handle, but he kept you there as he rocks himself into your mouth. 
Your mouth started to close around his cock, but the sound of his voice and the grip he had in your hair stopped you from going further. “Keep that slutty mouth open to me when I’m fucking it, kitty.” You can feel the quivering of his thigh on the mattress where your head rests, as he rocks gently, grinding himself into your mouth as the face that stared down at you became blurry. 
It’s a miracle you can still breathe, you're getting air but your find was still going numb with the longer your stay pressed with your nose against his neatly trimmed pubes. He’s grinning down at you, grinding himself against the heat at the back of your throat. His cock twitched heavily inside your mouth, his balls aching with the need to release deep down your hot little throat, he felt so close to cumming. He tossed his head back, cursing from how good your mouth felt, it takes his breath away every time he gets the chance to fuck your throat. “Fuck, fuck ugh gonna swallow all my cum, kitty,” he moaned as he took another glance at your adorable fucked out face. To see your watering eyes staring back at him, your tears staining your cheeks, red lipstick smeared all over his cock and your pretty little mouth overflowing with saliva, to the point where it began to leak down to your nose and cheek. 
And that sight alone did it for him. 
His hips stuttered as he shot his thick creamy cum down your throat. “Ah fuck, what a good fucking cock loving whore,” he pulled his hand away from your hair and without much warming his hand greeted the side of your cheek with a harsh slap. “I’m not pulling out until you swallow every fucking drop… mhm look at those tears shed for me.” he groaned. You whimpered around his cock, trying your hardest to swallow as much as you can without choking. “Relax those jaws for me baby” and you did and allowed him to thrust more of his cum down your throat. “That’s it kitty,” he groaned before slapping you yet again. “Drink it all for me, don’t waste it.” 
With one last thrust he slowly pulled out of your mouth and watched as you swallowed what little cum was left inside your mouth. He smirked as he stepped away from you, bent down to kiss your lips. Shortly after he stepped away from the bed, lifted you up and tossed you on the bed. 
“On your knees baby,” he groaned as undressed himself while watching you struggle to get on your knees with your back arched. Well, he only took off his corset and unbuttoned his shirt. There was just something about being fully clothed while you were fully naked. Well you weren’t completely naked, you still had your bra on along with the garter belt on. Your cat ears were long gone the mouth Gojo started to fuck your throat and your panty was laying somewhere on the floor. 
Anyways, as mentioned he thought there was something about being fully clothed while you were naked that had his cock twitching heavily. Maybe this is just another aspect of the master and slave play. He hadn’t dived much into either of your fantasies since honestly this is your first time with him and he honestly didn't want to scare you. 
“I’m gonna pound your little pussy kitty,” he said as he walked up towards the best and rested his hand against your ass. He rubbed your right ass cheek, while the other one went to mess with your kitty tale. “Do you want me to fucking pound this little pussy?” he asked. You nodded your head yes, but he wouldn’t take that for an answer. He wanted to hear your sweet voice. “Say it, tell me that you want to pound your cute little pussy, kitty cat.” 
It felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders when your boyfriend finally gave you the permission to speak. “Yes, I want you to pound my little pussy master.” 
He chuckled as he yanked at the kitty tale, then moved his hands between your thighs and happily, fingers stroking and teasing your quivering pussy lips as he teased you yet again. “Yeah and how badly do you want it?”
“I want it, so fucking bad. Toru please, please fuck me,” you beg. You bit your lips and squeezed your eyes such as you tried to impale yourself on his fingers. “Please…” 
He lets out a low approving chuckle to himself as he watches you try your hardest to impale yourself on his fingers. He grabbed his cock and dragged the tip up and down your quivering hole. You’re trembling, your hands struggling against the restraints as he teased to the point where your arousal felt painful. 
“Satoru… Please…” you begged yet again. 
"Be a good kitty and invite me in nicely,” he teased. You whined, burying your face into the mattress while spreading your thighs further apart. 
“Please,” you cried with pussy fully on display to him. 
He rocked his hips forward sharply, giving several fast drag of his wet cock tip along your dripping opening. “Here you go kitty. This is what you wanted right? Hm this is what the bad little kitty cat wanted right. Answer me.”
You groaned in frustration, tears staining the bed sheets. You gasped out, “Yes… I wanted to feel your cock inside me.” 
He chuckled as he pressed his cock into you some more. He then yanked you up by your bounded wrist until your arched back was pressing against his chest. He wrapped a sturdy one around your neck while the other held onto your hip tightly. Gojo then used the he had on your neck and hip to brace you as he started to thrust in and out of your wet out. “Beg me to fuck you, slut.” 
“Toru… Please fuck me… fuck my little pussy, ruin my little pussy please Toru.” Without much more warning he pulled out of you, grabbing our throat even tighter before his hips bucked into you in one long harsh thrust. He was quick to bottom out with how much you were dripping around his cock, how much your pussy walls were trembling and even the deep arch you have in your back despite being pressed up against him. 
You can feel his heavy balls smacking against your drenched folds, the warmth of his girth stretching your aching cunt around him like you always do, your whole body was trembling in his hold. “I’m deep huh?” he breathed into your ear. He pulled out to thrust even more deeper inside than you had experienced from the many times you had sex with him. His hips were relentless, despite the cries that escaped your lips, he was still moving his hip in deep strokes that had your thighs trembling and your knees growing weak. 
The slick sounds of your wet pussy, had him groaning and moaning in your ear. He moved his hand from your neck to squeeze you breast and pinched your nipple, it had you wailing his name, over and over as he continued to thrust deeply, loving how your pussy lured him and hugged his cock like a glove. Your pussy was flooding with your arousal, slick running between your thighs and down his cock. 
“Huh? What’s that kitty? Call my name again and watch what imma do to you, fucking bad… bad kitty,” he mumbled lowly in your ear before biting gently at the lobe. 
“Master… fuck,” you moaned, your wrist tensed as you leaned back and thrust your hips to meet his already pistoning hips. 
He cursed, his hand moving from your breast to wrap around your neck, “Oh, is the thirsty slut having fun?” He bit your ear once more as he picked up the speed, you cried out and squeezed your eyes shut as his pelvis repeatedly slammed against your ass. “I love it when I can feel you squeeze your pussy around me,” He cursed and gave you a hard thrust that had you gasping and chanting his name repeatedly. The searing smack of his hips against your grew louder with every thrust, you could almost feel the bed trembling beneath you. 
It suddenly became hard for you to breathe because of how amazing it felt to have your boyfriend brutally assaulting your pussy, to use you as he owned handmade flesh light and his as his cock rubbed against the spongy good spot inside you, your body felt hotter and your eyes couldn’t help but to slowly rolled to the back of your head. 
Every sting of pain was slowly being overcomed by mind numbing, overwhelming pleasure. He pulled hand away from your hips momentarily and violently whacked the left side of your ass cheek, prompting you to throw yourself back against him with the same speed he was at. 
Your waterline was pricked with tears threatening to run down your cheeks. “Toru…” you moaned. He groaned and bit your neck this time before his hand smacked your ass not once, not twice but three times. 
“Call me Toru again, kitty. I dare you,” his whispered against your neck. 
You so badly wanted to defy him, like the little bad kitty you are, but the heat that was present in your tummy prevented you from doing so. You were so close to cumming and you wanted him to know that. “Master, I’m close… I’m close.” 
He only hummed in your ear, as his hand slowly moved from your ass and dipped between your thighs to rub slow circles against your throbbing clit. The muscles in your thighs tensed from the new added stimulation on your pussy. 
“Mhm, good fucking kitty,” he praised, smirking when your body began to shake against him. You loved it when he praised you. The heat in your tummy grew even hotter, your thigh felt numb, you were so close almost there.  “Cum for me kitty,” and that’s all you needed to hear before your tummy clenched and your walls quivered as you cum around his shaft. 
“Fuck… Fuck…” you cried as your body trembled from your intense orgasm. Gojo groaned in your ear, his finger pinching your clit as he continued to thrust inside your now overstimulated pussy, he wasn’t going to stop until he drained every bit of cum from your pussy. When you finally came down from your high, he pulled out of you, unclip the clips that were bounding your hands to your thighs and quickly unclasped your bra and pulled it away from your chest. He tossed the bra behind him, then pushed you against the bed before turning you over just so you could lay down on your back. 
He quickly spread your legs apart, pushed your knees to your chest then quickly bound your hands to your thighs once more. You gulped as you watched as he ran his finger through his hair while he grabbed his cock that was still standing proud on his lips and lightly pumped. 
“Look at fucking pretty pussy,” he said as he kneeled on the bed between your thighs. He pulled his hands away from his cock to push open his shirt even more to expose his well toned abs to your lust filled eyes. “Such pretty naughty pussy clenching and dripping with your cum. You want more?” he teased. 
“Yes, please put it back in,” you begged.
“Haven’t you had enough, you greedy whore,” he teased as his fingers rubbed your aching and overstimulated clit once before pulling back to slap your sensitive pussy. You screamed, eyes widening from the sudden sting you felt on your pussy. Fresh tears began to pool from your eyes as he delivered more spanks to your now abused flesh. “Hm? And even after I fuck your pussy a few minutes ago and you came so much you still want more. Such a greedy kitty. No, A fucking greedy whore.” 
“To… Master please… Ugh…” you cried. 
“Fine,” he said as he slapped your pussy once last time before grabbing his cock and slapped it against your messy, dripping cunt, before slowly thrusting inside you. “Here, take it.” 
From this angle, you felt extremely full, too full. It felt like his cock was about to rip your little cunt. Gojo groaned at how tight you still were, and despite how much he had fucked you he was still amazed by the amazing grip your pussy still had, even when he fucked you deep. 
He inched deeper into you, his cock twitching when his cock head rested comfortably on your g-spot. He stilled a bit inside of you, breathing heavily as he locked both his hands under your knees. His balls felt a bit heavy and warm, “Feel like I’m about to cum in this pussy. Fuck.”
“Yes please,” you cried. He grunted as he slowly pulled out then abruptly sammed inside of you. Just like before his thrust was harsh, calculated, welcoming and brutal. “Fuck, you make my pussy feel so good.”
“Yeah I do,” he cockily responded, which was followed up by a low groan as he watched your bent legs bounce in his hold. “Only I can make this kitty cat’s pussy feel good huh?” 
“Yes only you.”
“Atta fucking girl,” he said, panting as pounded into your pussy mercilessly. He was lost in cloud nine, your pussy had his heart hammering against his chest, sweat trickling down his pristine neck, down his pecs and abs. You were doing things to him, especially that he knew how much you both enjoyed kinky and fantasy play. God you couldn’t be anymore perfect than you already were. And to believe that you were all for him. 
He glanced down through his lashes, to see just how much of a beautiful mess you were for him. Your lipstick smeared over your lips and chin, eyeshadow smudged by your tears. He couldn’t help him, he had to mess you up just a bit. “Show me your tongue,” he moaned as he leaned his body forward until his face was directly above yours. You lolled your tongue out for him. He groaned as he gathered a glob in his mouth before spitting it on your tongue. “Swallow and show it to me again.” You did as you were told, he didn’t waste another second to spit in your mouth again. 
You swallowed then moaned, “I’m close again.” 
“Me too,” he groaned as he straightened his posture to speed up his deep thrust. The sounds your bodies made as they slapped against each other was driving him mad. “You want me to cum inside your sweet little pussy?” 
“Yeah, tell me who owns this fucking pussy,” he demanded as his thrust grow more violent. 
“You do, Gojo Satoru owns my pussy,” You cried, fingers clenched tightly.
He leaned forward yet again and gave you the most neediest, sloppiest kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips and let not forget the big glob he left in your mouth parted from your lips. “Tell me how much you love it when I fuck this slutty messy cunt, kitty. Tell me how much you love it when your master pounds your little cunt.” 
He cock began to abuse your g-spot, each thrust punching every syllable from your lips as you told you answered him. 
“I FUCKING LO… I love it when you fuck my slutty cunt… AH FUCK… FUCK. I love when your big cocks pound my pussy… ah shit I’m going to cum.” 
Your third orgasm hit you harder than the others. “Atta fucking girl,” Gojo praised, then winced as your wall contracted around him even tighter. It was getting hard to move, but he kept thrust, he was about to cum too, the slow pressure building from his tummy travelled to his balls, and slowly made its way to his cock. His hips stuttered, the grip on your knees tightened as he thrust until he burst his load of cum inside of you. He shouted your name, balls and thighs tensing from how hard he came. Sweats trickled from both your foreheads, hair sticking to your faces. Both your bodies trembled from your orgasm as he slowly pulled out of you. 
He watched as he white creamy cum oozed from your pussy. “ICE-CREAM baby?” he asked as he used his fingers to thrust his cum back into your hole. 
“Yes I want ICE-CREAM Toru,” you said with a smile on your messy tired face. 
“Alright kitty, let’s get you some ice-cream.” He got up from the bed and unclasped the clips, unwrapped the cuffs and tossed them to the side. He went to grab the wipes that were also on the night stand along with the hotel's phone. He pulled out a couple wipes as he called room service. “Hello?” he said as he walked towards and gently started to clean up the mess on your face. “Yes, this is Mr Gojo Satoru. Penthouse. I would like to order room service.” 
You smiled as you listened to your boyfriend order your favourite ice-cream. “Yes, I would love to have a triple chocolate ice-cream sprinkled with cookie crumbles and also a 2-in-1 Strawberry-Vanilla ice-cream with chocolate ganache. That would be it, thank you.” he said before hanging up the phone. “Alright baby come here, are you hurt anywhere?” he asked as he patted his lap for you to sit on. 
“No,” you answered. 
“Awesome, give me a kiss now. You were such a good little kitty tonight. I hope we can do this again,” he said as he cupped your cheek. He kissed your lips and kissed him back with more passion. 
“Me too,” you giggled against his lips. 
“Alright baby let’s get you cleaned up while we wait for our ice-cream.”
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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒉𝒖𝒉? 𝑰𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒈𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒋𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏.... 𝒍𝒐𝒍
𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚. 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅.
@getosbigballsack 2023
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selfindulgentpixies · 11 months
And part 6 is here! This chapter is very mellow I guess compared to the others? Just a sweet break from everything else because honestly it's what they all deserve and I feel like you all might be ready for a break from the angst. Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 7 Contains: Satoru x reader x Suguru, Gn!reader, reader has 'chan' attached to the end of their name, reader is referred to as cute. (Keep in mind this is very self indulgent) Spoilers up to episode 28. This chapter and next can be viewed as taking place between hidden inventory and premature death. I hope you all enjoy this. Word count: A lil over 3K
The boys look at you when you curl and cover your face, their expressions amused and a touch concerned.  “If I’m getting the wrong thing from what the two of you are talking about and you tease me when I ask, I'll hobble my way back to the infirmary and not speak to either of you for a week.” You mumble into your hands. 
“Satoru,” Suguru says, giving him a look. 
“Yeah I get it, I won’t make fun of them for what they’re gonna ask,” he says with an eyeroll you can hear and you know is directed at Suguru. Of course he’s not gonna fuck this up. 
You take a deep breath and let it out slowly before lowering your hands. You really wish you weren’t right between the two of them for this. “So uh… Does this mean that the two of you…” You trail off and stare hard at the blanket, suddenly painfully shy and nervous. 
You feel Suguru’s hand brush against your cheek. “Go on. Ask us.” 
You glance between the two of them, only seeing encouragement and perhaps a bit of their own apprehension.  Swallowing you wiggle from between them and crawl a little ways away on the bed so you have the space to turn and face them both. You must not have done the best job concealing your wince of pain at the movement because you can see a crease of worry on both their faces when you meet their eyes though they don’t comment on it and instead wait for you to speak again. 
You force yourself to not fidget.. “So does this mean that the two of you like me as more than just a friend then?” Your stomach is a mess of knots and you feel like your face is on fire. 
There's an amused quirk to Satoru’s lips now and when Suguru notices he elbows him in the ribs. “Ow! I didn’t say anything,” He hisses at Suguru.  
Suguru gives him a look that says he looked like he wanted to before turning his gaze back to you. You were so cute it made his heart ache, though the longer they didn’t say anything the more nervous you looked and he thought perhaps you might flee if the words were left hanging in the air long enough, not that he’d let them. “Now do you think we’d pull just anyone into our bed?” His smile is warm.
“Well i-” 
“Of course we like you as more than a friend.” Satoru cuts in, giving you the more direct answer that’s needed to soothe your nerves. “The real question we have is do you actually want both of us. He ignores how Suguru’s eyes flick toward him, knowing that he was aware of Satoru’s own insecurity that you actually only liked Suguru. After all, you'd warmed up to the other curse manipulator much more quickly than you had to him. 
Your mind reels. They both really did like you. You hadn’t been reading too deeply into teasing like you’d been telling yourself the past few months. You release a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. “Yeah… I like both of you a lot,” You glance away, looking toward the window that’s now being battered with rain. “I want to be with the both of you.” for the second time tonight not looking at one of them while talking results in you getting startled, drawing a yelp from you as you suddenly feel yourself being tugged back up the bed, being gently and quickly rolled onto your back. You blink up at Satoru as he half covers you, an excited and soft grin taking over his features. 
“You really mean that.” And there’s a note of wonder in his voice. That’s another thing that clicks for you, the way he’d sounded hurt when he found out you were using Suguru’s first name and not his, the way he’d been so insistent you use his too. The way he’d almost always tried to be at your training sessions with Suguru even if he wasn’t doing anything other than watching. The great Gojo Satoru had been feeling insecure. Jealous even.
You blink up at him and then reach up and touch his face with your right hand. “Yeah I do.” 
Oh he feels absolutely giddy. It’s only slightly tempered by Suguru suddenly poking his cheek. “Don’t hog them now. You’re not the only one who got confessed to just now.” 
Satoru whines “Oh come on them liking you was a given.” 
“W-was I that obvious?” You hadn’t meant to say that out loud. 
Both of them look at you and in unison say “Yes.” 
Just Satoru this time, “Proves my point that you should let me have my moment.” Suguru shoves his shoulder, forcing him to flop over next to you. He lets out an annoyed grunt.
You cover your face with your hands, embarrassment running hot through your veins. You hadn’t thought you’d been that obvious with your crush on Suguru. 
“Hey now, you don’t need to hide.” Suguru coos and then you feel his hands gently uncovering your face. You consider fighting to keep your hands in place but ultimately let him have his way. He’s smiling at you. “Honestly I thought it was cute, though it was definitely making Satoru jealous,” the warmth in his voice shifts to being more teasing. 
“Suguru.” Satoru’s voice is caught somewhere between a whine and a warning. 
Your eyes flick to Satoru, he looks disgruntled, a pretty blush staining his cheeks. For as much as Satoru liked being in the spotlight he didn’t like it in this way. “Well..” You start carefully, “now you know I like you both, and I’m with you both so there’s no reason to be jealous now, right?” You give Satoru a warm little smile.
And something about those words and that warm smile draws him in. There’s a lump in his throat and his heart thrums against his ribs. It’s no great distance, not really a moment for a second thought before his lips are pressed against yours. Kissing you gently for what are several heart-stuttering moments, you’re not sure what to do but you press back into the kiss for just a moment before he pulls back. You’re staring at him bewildered, cheeks hot but a giddy feeling unfolding in your chest. “That was my first kiss..” the words are so quiet neither boy actually thinks you meant to say them. 
The effect the words have on each of them is different. For Satoru it’s pride, you may have liked Suguru first but he got to kiss you first. Not just your first kiss with them, but your very first kiss. Something tightens in Suguru’s chest, a thread of an emotion he doesn’t want to examine in that moment. 
“And how about your second now?” Suguru questions, moving in close so his face is right next to yours. His eyes flick for the briefest of moments to Satoru before going back to you. 
“Y-yeah okay…” Your voice is shy but no reluctance lies beneath it. Sugruru’s kiss presses a bit harsher against your lips, something possessive bubbling under the surface.
Satoru lays down next to the two of you, watching before he runs his fingers through Suguru’s hair at which Suguru becomes gentler, jealousy soothed at the reminder that there’s also affection between him and Satoru to be had. You look a bit dazed when Suguru pulls back. 
The rest of the night passes in small kisses and quiet conversation with the two of them tangled around you. 
Several loud knocks sound at the door. “Geto! Gojo! I better not find my patient in there with you!” 
All three of you jerk in the bed. You didn’t even remember falling asleep. 
“Shit- Suguru, did you lock the door?” Satoru asks.
As if in answer Shoko slams the sliding door open. So that was a no. She surveys the three of you, relieved to at least see you’re all clothed. “You three are so lucky Yaga left on a mission before he could go check the infirmary today.” Her gaze zeros in on you, still blinking groggily but with your heart racing from being startled awake. “Please tell me one of them at least carried you here and you didn’t walk here on your own.” 
“Ahh wellll…” You look away from her. 
She pulls at her hair. “You’re a terrible patient, you know that?” 
“I’ve been told that before yeah.” You glance away sheepishly.
“I won’t but I really should tell Yaga. You need to be in bed and resting.” 
“They are in bed,” Satoru quips, propping himself up on his elbow. 
“And they’ve been resting, slept all through the night,” Suguru adds. 
“They’d still be asleep if you hadn’t woken us all up.” Satoru again, god how the two of them had the energy to be smartasses already was beyond you. You just wanted to curl back up and sleep more..
Shoko glares at them and gets two sleepy grins in return. She sighs. “So I take it the three of you stopped dancing around each other finally?” She starts patting at her uniform pockets looking for a cigarette. 
Oh. It had been obvious to Shoko too? You did not need to feel embarrassed right after waking up but here you were trying to sink back into the pillows. “Was.. Was I the only one who thought I was just being teased?” God even Haibara had been poking at you about it now that you think of it. 
Shoko finds her cigarette and puts it between her lips. “Sure were.” She says flippantly as she walks into the room and goes to sit by the window which she slides open. It’s a gray morning but the rain has mostly stopped. “You followed Suguru around like a lost puppy half the time after your first mission with him.” 
You roll over and bury your face in the pillow. “I’m going back to bed.” You blindly reach around and pull a blanket over your head and pointedly ignore the conversation still happening between the upperclassmen. You’re not sure whether it’s Satoru or Suguru but you feel one of them rubbing your back through the blanket, helping to coax you back toward sleep. 
It feels like only a moment later when you blink your eyes open and peek out from the blanket. You sit bolt upright when you realize you're the only one in the bed. Suddenly quite awake your eyes move around until they land on Shoko who’s sitting by the window still. 
She glances up from her phone. “Don’t look so panicked, they just went to pick up some breakfast. They asked me to stay with you, like I wasn't going to already.” She seems to debate something for a moment. “How are you feeling today? Apparently you were well enough last night to make it here on your own. “
“Ah.. I’m okay. Thanks to you. I’m still sore basically everywhere between my neck and hips but nothing I can't manage.” 
She frowns though when she speaks her voice is gentle. “You got lucky, when Geto carried you in I thought you were already dead for a second. I’ve never seen him look so desperate before. Even with his own injuries he wanted to be sure I saved you before even beginning to heal him.” The events play back through her mind, the campus was already in chaos with no one sure exactly what was going on. Just that there had been fighting and fly heads were  everywhere. Then Geto was bursting in to see her looking absolutely desperate, bloody and tired.  He’d begged her to save you, demanded it because he couldn’t lose you too. That’s how she’d found out about Gojo being ‘killed’. Her hands shook the entire time she healed you. Healed you enough that you’d be able to recover normally before moving onto Geto so he could get back out there.
You look down at your hands. “I’m so-” 
She sighs. “You don’t need to apologize to me. Missions go bad.” She shrugs one of her shoulders and then reaches into her pocket to pull out your phone and toss it to you.”You left this in the infirmary.”
You catch it, nearly fumbling the dead lil brick. “O-oh thank you.” You got the distinct impression that neither Satoru or Suguru had given Shoko the details on how you’d ended up in such bad shape. Now that you think of it, you don’t think they actually gave Yaga the details either because you’re pretty sure you would have gotten way more of a lecture if so. You’d have to ask them exactly what they’d told people about how you’d gotten so injured so you don’t contradict them by accident. 
“You know.. I hope you’re able to ground those two a bit.” Shoko says, breathing smoke out the window. 
You blink. “Huh?” 
“Gojo and Geto. I hope you’re able to keep the two of them more grounded. They seem so far away and on their own, even when I’m with them they always feel a bit out of reach. But it really seems like they may be letting you into their little world, I just hope you’re able to bring them out of it a little and don’t get lost in it yourself.” You can’t help but think the small smile she gives you carries a certain sadness to it.
The bedroom door slides open. “We’re back and we have breakfast!” Satoru sing songs as he breezes into the room, Suguru not far behind. He plops onto the bed heavily enough to make you bounce before reaching into the bag he’d be carrying to pull out a box that he then sets on your lap. “I noticed you kept getting strawberry flavored things while we were on the mi- while we were out.” He falters slightly but maintains a cheerful smile. He flips open the box and it’s a pretty stack of fluffy pancakes with whip cream and strawberries. Your face lights up.
Before you actually say anything though Suguru knocks the bag he’s carrying against the back of Satoru’s head. “Don’t take all the credit.” And then he pulls a box out of said bag and passes it to Shoko. “This one should be yours.” 
“And here I thought you might forget me.” She stubs out her cigarette before getting to her food. 
“Of course we wouldn’t forget you. Give us a lil more credit,” Suguru says as he sits down by you as well on the bed. 
The meal passes in relative peace, the four of you mainly focusing on eating. Though Shoko makes a face when Suguru wipes whipped cream off the corner of your mouth with his thumb  and then licks it. She supposes she should just be glad he didn’t kiss it off- and there goes Satoru. She only watches the blush bloom across your cheeks for a moment. 
She stands up. “Thanks for the breakfast but i’m not gonna sit here and watch the three of you do-” she makes a sweeping hand gesture at the three of you, “do whatever it is you’re doing.” She waves off any protest as they start. “Just make sure you actually rest, ___-chan.” She says with a wave, leaving the room with the rest of her breakfast. 
You pout a little “Well there she goes…” You close the box containing your meal. 
“You only ate a third of your food,” Satoru points out. “Was it not good?”
“Ah no it’s really good. I’m just not super hungry.” You furrow your brow, looking as if you were considering a question. 
Suguru takes the box containing your food and sets it on the nightstand along with his own. “Something on your mind?” 
“I was uh.. Just wondering what the two of you told Shoko and Yaga about how I ended up in such critical condition. Kinda feel like Yaga would have chewed me out a lot more if he knew and I feel like Shoko would have been at least a little more irritated.” Despite your current safe position you feel a sick feeling begin to unfurl in your chest as your mind runs over the end of that mission. 
“Oooh yeah we left some things out. As far as anyone outside the three of us is concerned he attacked you as soon as both of us were down. He was too fast for you to avoid the fight,” Satoru explains.  
At this you nod. Your mind thinking about that man and how he must still be out there and your shoulders begin to shake slightly. This is why every time you’d thought of that man you’d tried to redirect your thoughts.
The boys share a look before Satoru speaks. “No one’s given you a proper mission debrief yet so you wouldn’t know yet, but I took care of it.” The words hang heavy in the air as the meaning sinks in.
You look at Satoru your eyes refocusing on him. His face is solemn and a brief glance at Suguru shows the same. Both of them suddenly looking so tired, the cheerful atmosphere of just a few minutes ago melting away. “You mean that you-”
“After I healed myself I went after him. He’s dead and won’t be able to harm anyone else.” Satoru smoothes a hand over your hair. The look he’s giving you telling you don’t need to be scared. He can see all the other questions swirling behind your eyes, because while knowing that the man, hell you never even learned his name, who brought so much pain is dead brings on questions of its own. 
“We’ll tell you everything later, ___. “ Suguru’s voice is a bit strained and you realize that maybe he even more than Satoru doesn’t feel up to talking about this. 
You nod. “Alright.. Yeah we can leave it for later.” You glance away, releasing a slow breath. You would take comfort in what they’ve told you so far. They probably have good reasons for not going into further details. They both looked haunted and you were almost afraid to hear all that had happened while you were unconscious.
“Are the two of you doing anything today?” It’s summer afterall, even under the current circumstances you wouldn’t be surprised if they were already going to get sent back into the field today but you’re relieved when Suguru answers for them both. 
“If you mean anything mission wise then no, we’ve been given at least a few days leave to recover.” 
“And outside of missions?” You prod. 
Satoru cracks a smile. “Nothing. Sounds like maybe you have an idea. Though you're supposed to stay in bed.” 
You stick your tongue out at him and he gives you a mock offended look. “I know that. How about we have a movie marathon today?” You give both of them a hopeful smile and really how could either of them say no to you when you look at them like that. That’s how the three of you spend not just today but also the next, curled up in a bed that is too small for three of you, and basking in the glow of new love and taking shelter from the harrowing ordeal that had nearly extinguished it before it could take form.
And that's it for part 6! Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. This has been so much fun to write. I hope you don't mind that reader never leaves Suguru's bed for this chapter. Just a whole lot of talking and the slow burn finally starting to cook.
Also your kind comments have gone a long way in keeping me motivated so thank you all for that.
Remember if you wanna be on the taglist you need to have your age listed and be 18+ The fic may not have anything that requires that at this point but my blog itself isn't for minors.
Taglist: @strawberrystepmom @nanamikentoseyebags @gojoest @yuuuumii @yokaimoon @chibiizzy @porridgesblog @icy-spicy
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
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✧.* hold me close
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— summary : when lost in darkness, peter looks for his light.
— pairings : tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
— word count : 0,9k
— warnings : angst, hurt to comfort, mutual pining kinda, eventual friends to lovers, kissing mwa mwa, peter & reader are roomates and share an apartment, mentions of self doubt and wounds, sad peter :(
a/n : based off of 1999 by beabadoobee but i skipped a lyric whoops. also sorry this is so messy lolz 🐟🐟 this is blurb is kinda similar to this but with moreeeee angst. not proofread btw
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🎵 hold me close,
being spiderman was never easy. it came with all different responsibilities that peter parker had to face, and most of the time it was too much for him.
you knew peter's secret identity. well by accident, one day just finding him at 2 am, opening the fridge in his red and blue suit with his mask in his mouth.
since then you made a promise with him, to look out for each other. to have his back, even when it's hard for him to have yours.
🎵 and say you care,
it was a usual night, you had just finished your presentation and essays for the week so you decide to watch a tv show while waiting for peter to finish his patrol.
an episode went by, and another, and another.
that's when your hear the knock on your window and peter's silhouette peaking. he has his mask off and you can see the tiredness on his face.
🎵 because i'm in love with your brown hair,
you open the window and catch him as he nearly falls on the floor. "hey i got you." you guide him to a chair and sit him down before rushing to the bathroom and getting the first-aid kit.
you clean the dirt from his face, and fix his messy hair from the rough wind outside. you two sat in comfortable silence as you clean him. you hide the worry in your face, not wanting to pressure him with questions.
but peter notices you, your body language. how your hand shakes when you grab the hand towel, how your eyes seemed concerned, almost scared.
🎵 the way you touch me is a curse,
peter presses his forehead against yours, keeping you close to him.
you finish up with his wounds and push the first-aid kit aside.
you look at him, he observes you. he wishes he can just hug you and never let go. he wishes he wasn't spiderman. he wishes you to be happy and not worry every time he goes on a patrol. he wishes you feel the same for him so he could just kiss the pain away.
you wish happiness for peter. you wish for him to be safe every time he goes on a patrol. you wish you could be there whenever he needs it. you wish he'd feel the same for you. you wish to hold his hand and kiss his pain away.
🎵 and i'm not willing to let it all hurt,
"do you wanna talk about your patrol?" you ask softly, face saddening.
his heart aches hearing your voice, how it sounds like its gonna break any second now.
he shakes his head.
"okay, i'm just letting you know i'm here okay? if you wanna talk about it i'm always here to listen." you state.
he wishes he could tell you all the things that has been happening lately, how he wishes he could be the happier version of himself, the version who's always in the mood to ramble about the missions he's had, the version that can always find light in darkness.
now he's just lost in the darkness, and you're the light.
🎵 watch your mouth and wash with soap,
"i'm sorry." he says, eyes teary.
"don't apologize, you have nothing to apologize for peter." you reassure him, hand cupping his cheeks.
"i'm sorry that i always come home like this, i'm sorry that you have to stay up for me, i'm sorry that i always miss our movie nights, i'm so sorry-" — "peter don't you dare apologize. you protect this city and i am so proud of you, i don't mind patching you up pete, i will always be here for you okay? i care for you." you cut him off, your tone stern.
🎵 cause i just hate the way you spoke,
"you got that?" he nods.
there was another moment of silence. a moment where peter realizes that you care for him so much more that he can imagine. a moment where you just want to hold him close and reassure him.
"you care for me?" he asks, he needs to be so sure. "yes peter. trust me if i can take away all the pain your feeling i would. and i won't care how that makes me feel as long as your happy."
🎵 and i'm not willing to give it all up,
peter pauses.
he knew you cared for him like no other, but he never processed how much you cared for him.
he hesitates but the tension grew almost suffocating him.
he thought about confessing everything to you. how you make him feel like flowers are blooming in him, how he melts into the slightest touch from you, how he thinks you have the most kissable face ever.
🎵 and i'm not wasting time again,
peter kisses you.
you could feel all the emotions in him wash away, how he melts under your touch.
"i love you y/n. and i'm sorry that i never showed you enough of that. i wish to be with you every time i couldn't. i wish i could spend more time you. i wish i could just hold you close every time i see you worry for me." he rambles, smiling, hands cupping your cheeks.
"i love you too peter." you chuckle, "but don't ever apologize again okay." you kiss his hand.
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fillingthescrapbook · 7 months
Let's Talk About: Burrow's End and the First Stoats
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Hi, invasive investigators!
And speaking of invasive--oof! That ending! But first: What an episode!
My MVP this episode is Brennan Lee Mulligan and his decision to weaponize kindness even when it could backfire majorly. Amazing man.
But I also want to give major props to all the planning Aabria Iyengar has done for this season. The stakes for the stoats would not be this severe had she not mapped the roads that the art department could then pave for the players to take. This was a massive ordeal, and I cannot believe there are three more episodes after this because this felt like finale-levels of heavy.
Guys, one stoat died at the start of the episode. Immediately followed by another one. My heart stopped for far longer than it should have. Honestly, when Aabria said "I'll certainly try!" to Izzy Roland's "Kill them all--" I didn't realize the viewers weren't safe as well.
I mean, she yeeted a player off the table! In the middle of the episode! That is crazy! And then when Sybill was brought in? My thoughts were: "oh no." "Oh no!" "NOOOOOO!!!" and "AABRIA, YOU'RE TRYING TOO HARD TO KILL THE STOATS! NOOOOOO!!!!"
Oh, and I'm not gonna forget: "A WOLF?!", "The flesh easily gives way?! Aabria?!", and "EVOLVE?!"
That was absolutely narsty. And another thing that was narsty? SILENCE. Holy rabbits! Which is something Silence cannot eat--because THEY DO NOT HAVE A JAW. AABRIA.
And then the Natural 1s came rolling in. When Izzy and Siobhan Thompson rolled their twin 1s? Oh. My. Goodness. It was funny when they were rolling against Jasper--who rolled a four and elicited thunderous cheers. But in the middle of a battle? When they are fighting for their lives? Izzy's Lila was down to 2 hit points at one point. And the battle was still far from over at the time!
My goodness. And the thing is, this is a streaming show. I could absolutely pause and take a minute to take a breath. But I didn't. Because the tension is high. And I was already breathing too fast. So I just continued to watch with my eyes growing wider and wider.
And, look: Sybill has a point. What is the plan after this battle? Like, granted, asking in the middle of the battle was not the best time--but she's still right. I can't wait to find out what the answer is next week. Along with what's going on with Aabria's other bombshell. Because, in the words of Rashawn Scott to one Brennan Lee Mulligan, "you're such a secretive bitch!" To which I add, "Tell 'im, Rashawn!"
Stray thoughts time:
I understand that they need to have a teaser at the end of the episodes, but I truly wish we didn't see the second map last week. Because I feel like our reactions would've been just as visceral as the players when Aabria said "now bring in the other map--" had we not known that it was coming.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Tula is fucking scary.
The Wolf of Theseus was a fun pun.
Director Dictator Dude feels like a game akin to Fuck Mary Kill.
This is the first time I felt really bogged down by 5e's combat mechanics. No shade to Aabria or the players. I understand that they're going to do what needs to be done because everyone wants to survive. This is completely a system fault for me.
Now let's get to the screencaps:
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Oh, and one more thing:
"You stood here for generations... Was that on four legs or two?" Tula asked as she looked down at the downed First Stoat. "The humans are already here."
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heyitsspiders · 4 months
Lucifer x Transmasc! Reader - Falling for the Fallen Angel - Chapter 2
Just You and Me
Lucifer comes over more often, but this time it's only you two in the hotel.
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Lucifer sure kept his word, he was there at least once a week. He always made sure to call Charlie in the morning and arrive later that evening to give you plenty of time to cook. Of course, that wasn’t the only reason, it was to let everyone know he’d be there so it's not a surprise. 
He’d come by and see how everything was going and chat with Charlie until dinner was ready. Then you’d seat him and he’d eat with everyone else, always making sure to give you some sort of indication that he enjoyed the food. It was nice to know the King of Hell enjoyed your cooking, and you couldn’t help your heart from fluttering every time he’d give you one of his silent compliments.
Today you were watching some show Angel recommended to you. It was another romance show that used any and every excuse to get the characters to fuck. It wasn’t your cup of tea but you wanted to watch at least a few episodes to see if it got better. Your mind kept wandering back to Lucifer. Sometimes he showed up without his overcoat, showing his pink and white gatsby vest and his white long-sleeved undershirt. He’d roll up the sleeves, showing off his dark forearms. You usually had to not look at him for too long. 
Were you falling for Lucifer? No, no, you were just happy he liked the food. And that’s only important to you because he rules Hell. 
Charlie startled you out of your thoughts with a light touch on your shoulder.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you,” She apologized with a hint of guilt present on her face.
“You’re good!” You reassure her. “Did you need something?”
“No, I just came to tell you that my dad will be around later. I told him me and Vaggie have a date tonight but he insisted on coming over anyways.”
“I’ll start preparing then!” You got up from the couch, turning off the TV. “Oh, and I hope you and Vaggie have fun.” 
Charlie smiled at you, “Okay, I’m going to get ready for tonight, good luck!” And with that she was off to her room.
As you walked you wondered why Lucifer would want to be here if Charlie wasn’t here. Wasn’t that the whole point of his visits? You shrugged it off, maybe he was helping around the hotel or doing something for Charlie. Either way, none of your business.
You entered the kitchen and got to work. Charlie had started to become more laid back with what you were to cook so you got to decide what you’d make for Lucifer. You’d had quite a hard week mentally, the realization of you being dead set in more and more with each passing day your headaches increased as you tried to remember what your life had been. You had a feeling you’d never know. You wanted to give up, no use thinking about now that you’re dead but it just wouldn’t leave your mind. 
You sighed and hoped Lucifer wouldn’t mind a simple dinner as you downed some painkillers and got to work. 
While you couldn’t remember a lot, you did regain the memory of you making yourself breakfast when you were sad or having a hard time. It was something that calmed you down and you needed that right now. You cracked some eggs, got some bacon and whipped up some dough until you had a pretty good dinner, or well, breakfast. You carefully organized the foods onto separate plates before carrying a few at a time to set on the table. You sighed contently, looking over at your work as you exited the dining room and went down the hall to the lobby.
Where was everyone?
You facepalmed. Everyone was gone. Alastor was out at an overlord meeting, Sir Pentious was out with his egg guys, Charlie and Vaggie were on the aforementioned date, and Angel Dust and Husk went to a bar. You gulped. That meant it’d just be you and-
Suddenly the doors opened and in walked the man of the hour. Lucifer smiled a toothy grin at you, “Hello!”
“Hello, Lucifer!” You replied, trying to give him a smile back but your heart was pounding in your ears.
“I heard it’s just us tonight, how exciting,” Lucifer said smoothly, as if it was nothing. “Here, have this.”
He handed you a.. Rubber duck? It had a little chef hat. 
“Take it as a thank you for all the delicious meals.”
“Oh, thank you!” You said as you looked back at him before focusing on the duck once more. You gently squeezed it and it squeaked in response. Adorable. 
You turned your focus back on Lucifer, “Come, I’ve made us dinner.” You said as you led the way to the dining room.
He followed, once you reached the door you held it open for him. You waited for him to move to his chair but instead he pulled a seat for you to sit in. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat, come, relax.” He said in a soothing voice. 
You didn’t typically eat when everyone else ate, you felt like it was rude. You accepted his invitation and sat down as he pushed in the chair. He sat in his normal spot, which you were now sitting beside. 
“Breakfast, huh? I think it’s a little late for that,” He joked before bringing a few pancakes to his plate followed by a few sausages. 
“I’m sorry it isn’t as grand as it normally is. I wanted to do something a little easier,” You explained sheepishly. Lacking on the job already.
“Oh? What, didn’t want to put in all the effort for little ol’ me?” He teased before taking a neat bite of his food. 
Your stomach felt like it was going to explode. “That’s not it, sir-”
He raised a hand and laughed, “I know, you’re okay. After all, it’s just the two of us. Any more food and it’d be a waste.”
You let out a sigh of relief as you took a few small portions of the dinner you prepared. Your hands were shaky as you took a bite, Lucifer’s gaze sliding over you. You swallowed hard.
“So, how has my daughter’s hotel been treating you?” Lucifer asked as he swallowed another bite.
“Good, the residents are cool and Charlie is so sweet,” You responded before eating more.
“I’d expect nothing less from my daughter,” He smiled.
You both fell into a comfortable silence, the only noise being the clinking of utensils to the plate as you two ate. Lucifer took a napkin and dabbed his mouth with it. 
“Another fantastic meal,” He said as he set his napkin down and looked at you.
Your heart could have exploded right then and there. “Thank you, Lucifer.” You mumbled quietly, scared if you talked too loudly your thoughts would run out.
He raised an eyebrow at your behavior before smiling, “Now,” he began as he stood up, pushing in his chair. “Everyone else has decided to leave the hotel, so why don’t we join them?”
You looked up at him. 
“Like, go out and… Do something?” You questioned. Was he serious?
“If you’d like!” He offered you his hand. “I’d like to put more of an effort into getting to know Charlie’s friends, and who better to start with than the one who creates the amazing meals.”
Yes, of course. Obviously. He was going to do this with everyone else. Now your heart needed to stop beating a million times a second. You took his hand and stood. Before you knew it he pulled you to him and through a portal. You blinked several times as you looked around. You weren’t in the hotel anymore, where were you?
Oh wait, you knew this place. This was the city! It’d been awhile since you’d been here, the crimson sky laid hauntingly in the sky as always. You looked at Lucifer, amusement in his eyes. 
“I don’t go out much, so I don’t really know what people do for fun,” He laughed awkwardly. “However, you can’t go wrong with buying things.”
Shopping? You pat your pockets frantically. “Shit, bring me back to the hotel, I don’t-”
Lucifer held up a hand, “Oh please, money is nothing to me. Don’t worry about it.” He leaned against his apple-topped cane, “Now, what place looks interesting to you?”
You felt guilty but looked around from where you stood. Then, it caught your eye. You pointed to it, a simple toy shop. Lucifer looked over at it before staring at you, yanking at his collar. 
“Oh-ho boy, uh, are you sure?”
You nodded, you needed more stuff for your room and you figured it’d have some interesting nick-nacks. Why was this such a weird thing? Was it because you were an adult? He seemed to be avoiding eye contact and you worried that you did something wrong but nonetheless you two made your way across the street. 
Lucifer did his best to keep his composure but as you two got closer, his facade was falling. He grabbed your arm as you pushed open the door.
“Look, uh, I’ll stay out here, just tell me how much money you need.” 
You blinked at him, “Uhm, okay? I’ll just come back out and tell you when I find something that looks neat.”
He let you go and you went inside.
You then came right back out, your face bright red.
“That is NOT what I wanted.”
Lucifer looked at you puzzled before bursting out laughing. “Oh my golly- You-” He tried to speak as he continued laughing at you. You buried your warm face in your hands, humiliation overwhelming you. 
After a while of embarrassment and Lucifer laughing at your mix-up, he finally calmed down. 
“Golly, I haven’t laughed that hard in a while,” he said with a chuckle, wiping a stray tear away from his eye. “Now, come, I can lead you to the place you were looking for.”
You awkwardly followed, your eyes never leaving the concrete side-walk. This was hell, of course it’d be a store full of sex toys. You really should have taken the name “Valentino Toys” and thought about it for more than a second. You were pretty sure Angel had mentioned his boss was Valentino, and considering what Angel Dust did for work you should have put two and two together. Either way, you followed Lucifer down a few streets before bumping into him as he stopped. 
“Ah sorry-” You mumbled as you looked over the store in front of you. 
“Here, you’ll have much better luck finding what you were looking for,” Lucifer teased as he opened the door for you. 
You walked inside and looked around, your eyes widening in awe. It was huge, several shelves stocked to the brim with figurines, stuffed animals, posters and other various small trinkets. It was like a little kid's dream.   
After at least an hour of vibrating from shelf to shelf, you finally grabbed a few things, a plush of your favorite animal and a few other things to put on your shelves. As you checked out and watched the total rise you felt intense guilt creep over you. Oh no. Did he think that you were using him? You’d have to make it up to him, you didn’t want to leech off of him. You grabbed your bags and gave Lucifer a good handful of apologies as the two of you walked out. You two continued to walk around the city, the crimson sky darkening and the lights turning on. It was strangely beautiful as the two of you walked. You both stopped at a park, resting on the park benches and falling into a comfortable silence as you watched the strange Hell fish swim in the pond. It was peaceful, which was strange considering you are literally in Hell. 
As the sky darkened further, exhaustion crept into your body. This was around the time you went to bed. You yawned, stretching. 
Lucifer looked over at you, “Time to leave?”
“Unfortunately,” you said with another yawn. You’d love to continue this hang out but you really needed to sleep. You still had to work.
He stood up and offered a hand, which you took and stood up. Once your feet were on the ground you were being pulled back to the hotel through a golden portal. You rubbed your eyes at the sudden bright lights of the interior.
“This was fun, hopefully we can do this again sometime,” he said with a smile.
You could feel the burning make its way back onto your face. You nodded, “Yeah, it was.”
“Look I’m really sorry-” You started but you were swiftly shut up by Lucifer pulling you into his embrace. 
You blinked in surprise before returning the hug, any guilt from earlier melting away in his arms. You didn’t want to let go as the scent of crisp honey apples drifted around you.
“You apologize too much, darling,” he said kindly, his smile soft as he pulled away.
You mourned the loss of his warmth as he walked away, “I’ll be seeing you soon.”
He turned to you once more, that pretty smile aimed for you as he disappeared. You walked back to your room and set down your bags before falling onto your bed, your face growing red as you recounted the day’s events. The faint scent of crisp honey apples stuck to your clothes. You breathed in the smell as you drifted to sleep, thoughts of the King of Hell dancing throughout your mind.
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levelofyoureye · 9 months
there is absolutely nothing more entertaining to me right now than showing rebels to my mom for the first time while simultaneously watching ahsoka episodes as they release each week. for context she hasn’t seen any of the animated star wars shows, but she keeps up with live action so she was very confused the first couple of weeks of ahsoka. after episode 4 came out, she couldn’t take it anymore and was like “literally what is the big deal about finding ezra??” naturally i put on the pilot episode of rebels and we watched it together, and have been watching a couple of episodes a night ever since.
she’s had a lot of funny moments and commentary that i’ll probably share in another post but i think my favorite happened tonight—we just got to the season 2 finale. unfortunately, since she’s very smart she was able to piece together the fact that kanan’s dead by the time that ahsoka is taking place. BUT she had no idea that maul blinds him. when it happened she literally screeched “WHAT THE FUCK” at the top of her lungs. and then she looks at me and goes “he got him in the eyes?” a couple of minutes passed by, and then she finally starts to realize and goes “wait… is he blind now?!?!” and y’all…
she is so mad about this. during the ending sequence of the finale, she went “okay so they blind him and then they kill him later? what the fuck kind of a show is this?!?!” she is so mad on his behalf and i don’t even blame her lmao that man has been THROUGH some shit.
if she was this mad over him being blinded i am so curious to see how she’ll react to his death when the time comes… she has no idea how he dies yet. it’s gonna be interesting that’s for sure
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you know what time it is! it's the long-awaited (?) return of Thought D: Thoughts on Hot D, where i tell everyone what's going through my head immediately after watching House of the Dragon.
season 2, episode 1
love the new intro. much better than the season 1 intro
there's no Daeron (Viserys and Allicent's third son in the books, who was being fostered by his great uncle in Oldtown). this is a massive disappointment for me, and i have little hopes of it being rectified
it would have been nice to see more of Cregan Stark and anything at all of Jayne Arryn. really expected Jace to spend more time in the north than that. still, liked what i saw. love that they mentioned how the dragons refused to cross the wall
good to know that criston cole is still... performing his duties
Alyn of Hull!
was that Hugh Hammer in the throne room? what the hell is he doing in King's Landing?
it seems incredibly risky for Rhaenyra to be flying unaccompanied in the stormlands after they've declared for Aegon
Larys' motives are a complete mystery to me right now, which is very book-accurate
those balls in the small council room have been nothing but a liability. no wonder they're not there by the time Game of Thrones happens
i was not expecting to see Mysaria or her Accent this episode, but i'm glad we did because i like Mysaria and her Accent
more of the runtime was Blood and Cheese than i was expecting
(for those unfamiliar with Fire and Blood - which, to be clear, is entirely reasonable - the killing of Jahaerys in the books is done by a butcher and a rat catcher. their names are unknown, so the book refers to them as Blood and Cheese. no names were given in the show, so i will also refer to them as such)
changing the intended target to Aemond (it was always supposed to be one of Aegon's sons in the book) is interesting. it makes Daemon a less detestable character (which was certainly unintentional, given what i've heard about the showrunner's opinions on Daemon), but gives a weird amount of agency to Blood and Cheese
"they have different rat catchers for upstairs" what is this? why is this? what are you on about?
surely they did not have to walk directly across the throne room. surely there was another route
this assassination is such a clusterfuck
i didn't realize until now that Aegon doesn't have a younger son in the show like he does in the book
in the book, Helena is forced to choose which of her sons - Jahaerys or Maegor(?) - gets killed. she chooses Maegor, so they kill Jahaerys. changing that so instead they can't differentiate Jahaerys and Jahaera definitely makes them less cartoonishly evil and more weirdly hapless
actually this whole Blood and Cheese thing is weirdly hapless from start to end
can't believe she just walks in on criston fucking Allicent. surely they would have taken any amount of precaution to prevent people from doing that
so, when Allicent is in the sept, she says three names as she lights the candles: Alerie Florent, Viserys Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon. now, i am more likely than most people to recognize an obscure Ice and Fire name drop, but i do not know who the fuck Alerie Florent is. based on the fact that she is a) apparently dead, b) presumably important to Allicent, and c) from a major house of the Reach, i assume she's Allicent's mother, but i don't recall that name ever having been given before now
anyway, i'm still enjoying the show and can't wait for next week
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wrengrif · 3 months
Are we ready? It's Time...
I have been chewing on this one for awhile. Like, really ruminating on it. Probably because it's so far-reaching. For me, for others. It's a matter of the Journey From The Final Fifteen.
I will openly admit it, when I first came off the Final Fifteen, sometime in August/September (yeah, I was so worried about Season 2 I didn't watch it for a month after it came out and I realized I was right to do so.). I was, and still am, heartbroken. I was angry, despairing and wondering what the point of an ending like that was. I was angry at Neil Gaiman, I was angry at all the creators behind Good Omens. I was angry at Aziraphale, first, and then after about five minutes, I was angry at Crowley too.
Note, I was never mad at David Tennant or Michael Sheen. I respected their acting choices so much in the Final Fifteen. It was beautiful. It ripped my soul out through my chest. They are both brilliant. I know everyone has their favorite GO counterparts - they are mine.
Then a funny thing happened. A few weeks passed. I started fumbling around Good Omens Tumblr again. I'd been a big contributor during Detroit: Become Human (of which I am still a HUGE FAN, god I love that game.), and until Good Omens 2 came out, I was on the side of Good Omens fandom. Reading, mostly, but at the time I was very deep into my Wangxian fixation (haaaaah, I say, like I have ever left it. My dream AU is Aziraphale and Crowley in the Sunshot Campaign, causing trouble with Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.). That changed after Final Fifteen. Now I was hurt, I was looking for comfort. I was looking for my fellow fans.
Clearly, I found you, you gorgeous bastards (saying nothing about your moms, unless you want me to). I started to read more meta, started having my own thoughts and carefully posting them. Reading fanfiction, and ... becoming less angry. Stepping back, to really look at the story. I was swallowing content like Aziraphale swallowed ox ribs. In the midst of this, I realized this wasn't The End of Good Omens, but merely the second part of a Trilogy. I'm a writer, I know what the second part of a trilogy is. It's where your heart breaks, it's the cliffhanger episode. I stopped being mad, and started loving the craft. I started to actually look at the scenes instead of just watching.
With that, I started to realize I had been missing so much. I realized I had been wrong, about a lot of things. My perspectives, and thoughts changed. Aziraphale wasn't at fault, he was a victim of the situation as much as Crowley was. Crowley left the bookshop, but he never left Aziraphale. He waited. He's still waiting. As more time passed, the more my thoughts evolved. Changed, formed anew, and I felt better for it. I decided to be hopeful about the whole thing. Yes, it was bad now, but there were enough signs and easter eggs to say this wasn't the ending we were going to get.
I healed, in short. I forgave. I'm waiting for our next chapter, because I know this story isn't done, not by a long shot. I'm waiting to see how our heroes will cope.
Rather like, I think, Aziraphale and Crowley will. The initial pain is going to fade, the anger, the feeling of rejection (whereas they will some day realize neither one of them were in fact, rejected.). The longing is going to kick in. They're going to miss one another more than they will ever be angry. There's going to be moments of grace, of forgiveness, partnered with sadness. What I think we forget, sometimes, is that Aziraphale and Crowley are 6000 years old. They've fought before. They'll fight again. With the fullness of time though, they'll come back to one another. They'll talk again.
Right now though, they've had time. Time to hopefully process (I really, really hope Aziraphale has had SOME time to process), time let the anger fade a little. Maybe not enough time - some of us here still need time - but enough to let them wonder ... is it really over? Maybe to realize, no. No it's not.
Time doesn't heal all wounds, but time does allow you to find equilibrium. I hope time will do the same for our angel and our demon. I know time helped me. I hope time will help us all.
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camryn-haitani · 9 months
hello m'lady
pt2 to c'mon bugaboo
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no specific episode
TW: cursing, tad bit if angst
part 2 to c'mon bugaboo. y'all asked and now y'all shall receive. hopefully y'all like it 🖤
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cat continued to visit y/n almost every night when ladybug didn't show for night patrols. they would always talk on y/ns balcony. talked, laughed, cried, or anything else that happened that night.
they talk about a lot of things. stories about what's happened in the past, what they want for the future, or random shit. tonight.... was a little different though..
"did that really happen?" "yeah it did... hehe" he let out an embarrassed laugh. they laid on the lawn chairs y/n has on their roof. they've built a little hang out for the two of them ever since cat met them that night.
the sound of a yoyo can be heard in the distance, but cat was too distracted to hear it.
Ladybug POV
'i swore I heard cat's laugh.' I thought to myself. I heard him laugh again and I decided to follow it. i see up him on..... a rooftop? with..... who is that? a feeling bubbles up in my stomach as I see them two together.
I'm confused as to why I'm feeling this way. but these questions keep flying through my head. 'who are they?' 'are they dating?' 'who are they to him?' the question that made my stomach turn most of all. 'do they know his identity?'
I swing over to where they are. "hey cat, you ready for patrols?" I say to him, trying to hide unknown jealousy in me.
"oh... yeah I guess." he sadly says. he slowly gets up from his chair and looks at y/n. "I'll see you soon?" he questions. "uhm yeah, I guess" they look at him.
"c'mon cat, let's go. we're already late." I try and hurry them up so me and cat can leave. I walk up to the edge of the roof and look back at him. "well... come on." I say. he walks up beside me and looks back at y/n. he sadly waves at them and they wave back. I grab his hand and jump down.
we fall onto a random roof as I begin to question him.
"who are they? do they know who you are? where did you meet them? how did you meet them? what happ-" I get stopped by cat mid question
"stop with all the fuckin questions, ladybug! they're my friend and you have no business knowing who they are. now, let's get this patrol over with." he jumps down and swings to the next roof.
my body fills with anger. how dare he speak to me like that. I stop my thinking when I realize something. I'm jealous. what? no, no I'm not. why would I be jealous of that bitch? it's not like they're together.... right?
Cat Noir POV
I jump from roof to roof, fuming with anger. why is she interested in y/n all of a sudden? I push past my thoughts to slow down on a roof. I didn't realize I was out of breath and ladybug yelling for me
"cat! slow down!" she yells from behind me. I stop and turn around to wait for her.
she finally catches up and leans down to catch her breath. "cat *gasp* why are *gasp* you going so fucking *gasp* fast?" she pants.
"I don't know, maybe if you weren't so slow, you'd catch up" I go off again.
roof after roof after roof. once my foot leaves the ground, it's onto another roof. I can't stop running.
I feel something grip around my waist and pull me back. I fall on my ass and try to get up again, but a foot steps on me.
"what the hell is your problem?" ladybug yells at me. "I'm fine, leave me alone" I struggle to get up. "no, you're not leaving until you give me goddamn answer. now, spill" she pushes her foot more into my stomach.
I groan from her foot digging into my stomach. "fine fine." 'well now's not the time to lie' I think. "how could you come swoop in and act like nothing's wrong?! you walked up like nothing has happened. you've missed our patrols everyday for 3 weeks. how do you think I feel?"
she looks at me with sad eyes, filled with regret. "i-im sorry, kitty. I didn't mea-"
"shut up. just shut the fuck up! don't call me kitty. I'm done. we're done. there's no more ladybug and cat noir. it's. just. you" I grab her ankle and throw her down on the ground, then I run off.
I run and I run and I run. with one destination in mind.
y/n POV
i start my skin care routine, ready to go to bed, when I hear footsteps. and they're coming quick. I go out to the balcony to see cat running at me. jumping from roof to roof, with no intent on stopping
"cat? what are you doing here? I thought you-" I stop when he reaches me and traps me in a hug.
this isn't like the other hugs he's given me. it's more.... loving? I return his hug, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him closer.
"are you ok?" I ask in his chest
"I am now. thank you"
"for what?" I question
"making me realize something very important. plagg....." he pauses
I pull from our hug and look at him. his perfect emerald green eyes. his bouncy blond hair. his clear skin. his perfectly shaped lips. his black cat ears making him cuter. it all makes me attracted to him even more.
"who's plagg?" I ask, tilting my head to further my confusion.
".....claws in" he closes his eyes
his famous black cat suit disappears from his feet to his head. my eyes widen to see who he really is.
"Adrien? it's you? you're my black cat?" I ask. "it was me all along, my love. I couldn't hide this from you any longer."
I cup his face with my hands. "I'm glad I finally know who I'm in love with. after all these weeks I finally know who you are."
"you.... you love me?" his eyes widen slightly. "I do. Adrien I lo-" before I could finish, his lips crash into mine.
we pull apart. love intoxicating both of us.
"-ve you" I finish. he laughs at me and hugs me again.
"y/n I love you so much. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. will you be mine?"
"of course. I'm all yours, and you're all mine" I give him a quick kiss.
"my pretty kitty" I smile.
- - - - - -
- - -
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oh-three · 3 months
Bad Batch S3E9:
Beautiful opening shots and music
Guysss, Cross as updated his armor a bit….I miss the antenna pauldron 😭
Not Batcher chasing the moon-yos reminding me of Jurassic Park II's opening scene
Who the fuck landed in that cave.
Okay, I should've realized it when the description said "mysterious stranger".
Damn, she knows exactly who they are.
The way they phrased the dialogue to say "more capable of wielding the Force". Dave Filoni watching out to make sure that another Sabine situation makes sense.
"I need to know what I am." 😭
Ventress putting Omega through basic Jedi tests >>>>
Damn, they figured out who she was fast.
….Is riding Batcher cheating?
Ventress fist fighting the Bad Batch isn't something I thought I needed, but this is actually kind of entertaining.
BAD BATCH THEME. Like, not the full theme, but maybe as close as we'll ever get to it, with the pitching changes to the score over the seasons.
Shitttt, the "I wasn't planning on killing you, but you're making it very tempting" quote was directed at the team.
"We were pawns in the same war. And we all lost. "The Empire is more dangerous than you could possibly fathom. I'm many things, but I am not your enemy." Honestly, I don't think she came here to do harm. They just pushed a little too hard- can't entirely blame them, though, with her record, but still.
"Okay, but if she's as bad as you say, then why didn't she kill you when she had the chance?" Glad to see she's thinking about this rationally.
Omega making decisions for TBB (and them going along with it) >>>>>
Wait. Using Batcher wasn't cheating? Must've been an improvisation test, then.
Okay, but seeing Ventress casually sitting on that boat, more curious about Omega than anything, is very satisfying for her journey after seeing how violent she had been at the start of TCW and how far she's come since Dooku.
Not Ventress turning to glare directly into the binocs 🤣
Ventress, you accidentally summoned something that wants to eat you, good job.
Oh, it has kraken tentacles!
The animation of Ventress's hair when it's wet is so fucking good.
Wait, I saw a Tumblr post about the Marauder getting blown up in the Teth episodes- I don't think that actually happened, because that's definitely it.
I half thought they were gonna leave Ventress there, I'm surprised Crosshair was the one to let her aboard.
Test 1: Patience/Mediation/Balance. Test 2: Improvisation. Test 3: Connecting with animals through the Force.
So, Omega does have a high M-count 👀
"You're not as safe as you think you are." Well, that's ominous as fuck.
That ship has an extra-long wing like the Twilight, neat.
Are we all in agreement that next week is the invasion of Pabu?
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It Started With a Kiss (8/?)
Thanks so much, everyone for your reviews on the last chapter! I’m so glad you all enjoyed my take on the Alex Conrad situation. And now for one of my favorite episodes of the show, To Love and Die in LA. Seriously, this episode is in my top 5…maybe even top 3 depending on my mood that day.
Date wise, the last chapter took place around April 11, and this one takes place around May 2. So that’s a 3 week time gap. Wonder what our favorite couple got up to after the way Kate kissed him in the last chapter, hmm?
Again, I want to remind you that this will be the last update on this story until after I return from vacation on June 15…and Hell Hath No Fury will be due for an update first. So enjoy this one, because it will most likely be several weeks before I get around to writing the next chapter. I promise I’ll get it up as soon as I can though!
Also…there is a section rated M in this chapter. It is clearly marked where you will want to stop reading, and then when it ends. It’s sex heavy, but not smut heavy. Still, read at your own peril, lol!
I still don’t own Castle…
Castle had barely seen Beckett since that night 3 weeks ago when she’d kissed him. The first week she’d been tied up prepping with an ADA for a trial, which worked out with him needing to finish a couple of chapters for the next Heat book, as well as some edits. And then Gina and Paula had worked together to ambush him with some promotional book signings and appearances in an effort to drum up more presales for his newest novel, not to mention the graphic novel for Storm that was being put together.
He’d seen her exactly twice…both times at the precinct when he’d brought her coffee. Neither time for very long, so they hadn’t been able to discuss their relationship or if the kiss she’d given him was a sign she was ready to move forward, but she had made time to spend several minutes with him in the break room since he had come all the way to the precinct just to bring her coffee. They would spend those ten minutes or so in the break room together, innocently flirting and occasionally standing just close enough to brush up against each other. And it always ended with the most brilliant smile from her, thanking him for the coffee. Castle knew he would go out of his way to bring her coffee every day for the rest of his life if she continued to smile at him the way she had those two days.
They had, of course, chatted via text and twice over the phone, but neither of them seemed to want to discuss the kiss or their relationship over the phone or text messages, and rightfully so. It was a big step for them; when it happened, it needed to be in person. She had known he was returning to the city that afternoon, so when his phone rang, he didn’t bother to look at the caller
ID, simply assuming it was her. No one else usually called him after 9 anymore.
“Did a body drop, or did you just miss me so much you couldn’t wait another day to see me?” he asked with a grin.
“Castle, I’m going to send you an address, and you need to get down here,” Lanie said simply.
“Lanie? What’s wrong?” he asked, the smile falling from his lips. Lanie never called him. Kate was the one who called him about a body drop.
“A body was found…”
He swallowed hard. “Kate? Did something happen to her?” he had to ask, interrupting before Lanie could finish her sentence. He felt his heart sink. Was Lanie calling to tell him something had happened to Kate?
Hearing the worry in his tone, Lanie realized what he must have thought. “The body we found is Mike Royce. Espo is just now calling her, so she’s not here yet, but you need to hurry. I doubt she’ll admit it, but she’s going to need you on this one.”
“I’m on my way,” he said, already out the door. He’d watched her go through hell several months ago when she’d realized Royce was part of their investigation and she’d had to arrest her former training officer. He could only imagine how his murder was going to hit her.
Castle’s eyes were on her the moment she got out of her unit. He could tell, just in the way she carried herself…the tension in her shoulders, the firm set of her jaw...she was torn up and doing everything she could to not appear that way.
“Where is he?” Beckett asked as she approached.
Montgomery stood beside Castle, shaking his head. “Turn around, go back home, and let me handle this.”
“Sir, I’ve seen dead bodies before,” she insisted.
The captain studied her for a moment but knew it was better for everyone if he just let her through. He nodded toward the back of the alley where Lanie was standing.
Castle was immediately at her side as she headed in that direction. “Come on, Kate…you don’t want to remember him like this,” he tried to get through to her.
“Castle, if it were me lying there, would you just walk away?” she turned to look at him.
Just the thought of that possibility sent a chill through his body and made him nauseous. He didn’t have to answer her question; the look he was giving her was answer enough–hell no, he wouldn’t just walk away. He would find whoever had hurt her, and then no one would ever find the body.
“I’m so sorry, honey,” Lanie offered her condolences.
Beckett clenched her jaw and blinked, but Castle could tell she was struggling to hold onto her composure. “Tell me what happened.”
“He was shot in the leg. Judging from the blood trail, I’d say the bullet broke the bone. He tried to hide, but…” she trailed off with a shake of her head. “I found this in his pocket,” she handed Beckett an airplane ticket stub. “He flew in from LA this afternoon.”
Castle took a step closer to Beckett then. “What was he doing in LA?” he asked curiously.
“I heard he moved there after he lost his bounty hunter’s license. I guess he was trying to make a fresh start,” Beckett answered, looking over the ticket stub.
“When was the last time you spoke with him?” he asked her softly.
She swallowed hard, staring at the ticket stub before folding it back. “When I arrested him.” She took a deep breath. “Lanie, could I?”
“Sure,” Lanie answered, stepping out of the way and exchanging a look with Castle as Beckett approached Royce’s body.
Castle watched intently as she crouched down near the body and took a few minutes. He watched as her shoulders tensed a little more. He watched as she touched Royce’s hair and either sniffled or inhaled deeply…he couldn’t tell. He was ready to move to her side the minute she stood and headed back in his direction.
“Royce had something else in his pocket. It’s addressed to you,” Lanie handed her a note.
“Is it about the case?” Castle asked her as she opened it.
After reading for a few moments, Beckett folded the note and put it in her pocket. “No.”
Esposito approached them, carrying a gun. “I think we got the murder weapon. Found it in the garbage around the corner.”
“Gun was definitely fired recently,” Ryan added as he joined them. “Shooter took the time to empty the ammo before he dumped it.”
“Worried we’d find fingerprints on the bullets?” Castle raised the question.
Beckett took the gun and examined it. “This is a cheap street gun. It’s a throw away.” She studied the gun a little more. “There’s threading on the barrel.”
“Silencer?” Castle suggested.
Esposito nodded. “Yeah.”
“Allowing our killer to shoot Royce in broad daylight,” Beckett stated, handing the gun back to Esposito to bag as evidence.
“Listen, Beckett…we’re gonna get this guy,” Ryan assured her. “We got uniforms heading to every store and apartment within a 5-block radius.”
“This is New York. Somebody had to have seen something,” Esposito added.
Castle turned to her, placing his hand on her shoulder lightly after the boys walked away. “Kate…”
“Castle, I’m fine,” she insisted.
“You’re not fine,” he said softly. “Royce was your friend. It’s okay to take a few minutes to grieve,” he added. After a minute, he let his hand fall from her shoulder. “Why don’t you let me take you home? There’s nothing else you can do tonight. You can get some sleep and start fresh on the case in the morning,” he suggested.
Beckett was about to protest when Montgomery walked over to join them. “Alright, you’ve seen him. You paid your respects. Now go home, Beckett.”
“Sir,” she started to protest.
“There’s nothing else you can do here tonight. Dr. Parish won’t have anything for you until she does an exam. Uniforms are canvassing everywhere. Ryan and Esposito will handle anything else. They’ll call you if anything pops. Go home, Beckett. That’s an order.”
She looked between her captain and her partner and finally relented, wordlessly stepping away from them to go back to her unit. Castle was quick to follow her.
“Castle, you go home too,” she told him, stopping him as he went to get into her car. “You just got back from a book tour. I know you’re tired.”
“I’m okay. I can just sit with you. You shouldn’t be alone…you don’t have to be alone,” he offered.
“I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” she assured him.
“Rick, please,” she said. She needed to be alone. She was going to fall apart when she got home, and the last thing she wanted was for him to see her break like that.
The way she said his name, coupled with the look in her eyes had him nodding. “Okay. I’ll go home. But if you need anything…you call me. Even if all you need is me to sit on the phone with you in silence, ok?”
“Do you even know how to be silent?” she teased lightly, trying to show him that she was okay.
“I do, actually, when it matters. And I’m serious. Call me,” he insisted.
She nodded. “Okay.”
“Beckett, I’m not sending you to LA. You have no solid evidence linking Neal McCauley to this murder,” Montgomery insisted.
“He came to New York for 6 hours. Who flies in for that short a stay?” Castle pointed out.
“Businessmen do it all the time,” Montgomery countered.
“Businessmen don’t use fake IDs,” Castle countered back.
“Or pack silencers,” Beckett added.
Montgomery shook his head. “That’s supposition. I need a lot more than that to justify flying a detective across the country.”
Beckett shook her head as well. “You and I both know the longer I wait to go out there, the colder this trail gets.”
“Take a day to shore this up. And then if there’s sufficient evidence, I’ll contact the LAPD.”
“You’ll contact the LAPD?” Beckett asked incredulously. “This is my case! This happened in our jurisdiction. You think the LAPD is gonna lift a finger?”
“Kate, you’re too close to this!” Montgomery insisted.
“No, Sir, I am committed. I am not compromised.”
“You’re torn up,” he interrupted her. “Kate, things between you and Royce ended badly. I get it. But that emotion is exactly why I need to assign this to someone else.”
Beckett paused then, taking a step back. “You know what? You’re right. I am too close to this. I have some vacation days coming up. I think now would be a good time,” she stated, turning to head out of the office.
“Kate,” he called, stopping her. “I hope you’re not thinking about doing something reckless.”
She turned to face him, meeting his eyes for a long moment. “No, Sir,” she stated, leaving the office.
Castle’s eyes met Montgomery’s and both men seemed to understand each other. Montgomery’s look told Castle to follow her…something he would have done anyway…because neither man believed she was stepping back and doing nothing.
“Where are you going?” Castle called after her.
“Home,” she insisted.
“The hell you are. I know you better than that,” he tried to stop her with a hand on her arm.
“Castle, please,” she pulled it away. “He was my training officer…my friend. I just…I really need to be alone right now,” she told him, making her way to the elevator.
Castle watched helplessly as the doors closed. Why did it always feel like they’d take one step forward and then something happened to make them take two steps back? He was really beginning to hate that dance.
“You know she’s going to LA,” Espo said, coming up behind him.
“I know,” Castle sighed.
“You really think she’s going to just willingly let you go with her?” Ryan asked as he joined them.
“She won’t have much of a choice if she doesn’t find out until the plane is already in the air,” Castle stated simply, already pulling out his phone to check for the next flight to LA, knowing she’d be on it. “Whether she likes it or not, someone’s got to have her back…and I’m her partner.” He headed for the elevator himself; he had a couple of hours to pack a bag and get to the airport, already calling to arrange a hotel suite for them.
Kate Beckett hated the middle seats in airplanes. Unfortunately, that was all that was available to her last minute. She knew she was lucky to have gotten on the flight at all considering she’d been on standby status. Still, being squished between two larger men was going to make for a very uncomfortable flight across the country…especially if the baby screaming in the cabin didn’t eventually tire itself out and fall asleep.
“Excuse me, Detective Beckett?” one of the flight attendants approached her.
“Yes?” she answered.
“You’ve been upgraded to first class.”
Beckett didn’t even question the reason. “Thank you,” she smiled, standing quickly. “I’m sorry…excuse me,” she said to the man, climbing over him to get out of the cramped row. She followed the flight attendant to the first-class cabin.
“Seat 3C,” the attendant told her.
“Thank you,” she smiled her relief. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the man she’d be sitting next to.
“Champagne?” he asked innocently with a smile.
She took the seat beside him, fastening her seatbelt. “Castle, what are you doing?”
He shrugged with a grin. “The studio’s been after me for weeks to fly down and do a set visit for the Heat Wave movie. Imagine my surprise when I saw your name on the standby list,” he took a sip of the champagne.
“You cannot be a part of what I’m gonna do out there,” she told him simply.
“I thought you were on vacation,” he pointed out.
“Castle,” she shook her head. “Look, it’s one thing for you to follow me when we’re in New York, but I’m not a cop in LA. I don’t have any authority or backup,” she told him.
“I’ll be your backup,” he insisted. Seeing her roll her eyes, he continued. “I’m your partner. Besides, going rogue is kind of my specialty.”
“Yeah, but subtlety isn’t,” she countered with a small smile. “I’m not going to get rid of you am I?” she asked him. Seeing him shake his head, she sighed. “Okay, if we do this together you have to promise me that we’re gonna fly under the radar.”
“Of course,” he smiled, offering her the extra glass of champagne.
She studied him for a moment before taking it with another roll of her eyes. She took a sip, offering him a small smile. “Thank you for upgrading me. I was kind of miserable back there.”
“You mean, you didn’t enjoy your seat sandwiched between two of the linemen for the Giants?” he asked with a chuckle.
“No,” she smirked. “The screaming baby didn’t help either.”
He laughed softly. “You’re welcome. Besides, how are we supposed to talk strategy with you in the back of the plane and me in the front?”
“We weren’t supposed to talk strategy at all,” she laughed, nudging his shoulder playfully.
“We have a 6-hour flight, Beckett. It’s going to be a long 6 hours if we don’t talk.”
She smiled and took another sip of her champagne. “Some people sleep on a flight.”
“Are you one of those people?” he asked with a smile.
She shrugged. “Sometimes. Probably not this flight. I’ve got too much on my mind.”
He nodded, placing a hand over hers. “I’m here for whatever you want to talk about,” he offered her a smile. “Or we could just drink,” he joked.
“I think one glass will suffice,” she chuckled, stretching her legs out.
He smiled and squeezed her hand before releasing it. The surprise was evident on his face when she took his hand back in hers a moment later.
“Thanks for coming with me, Castle,” she said softly, offering him a smile and pulling their joined
hands back into her lap.
“Always,” he smiled, stretching his legs out to get comfortable as well.
“Is this what you call under the radar?” Beckett asked, gesturing to the red Ferrari they were currently in.
“In LA, this baby fits right in,” Castle insisted. “So what’s our first stop?”
“My hotel. It’s on Ventura Blvd.”
Castle shot her a look. “That’s all the way in the Valley. How are we supposed to work together if you’re an hour away?”
“Castle, we weren’t supposed to work together at all,” she reminded him.
He shrugged. “Okay, well the studio comped me a two-bedroom suite at a 4-star hotel. You just stay with me,” he stated as though it were a no-brainer.
She snorted a laugh. “Yeah right!”
“What?” he asked, turning to look at her. “You’ll have your own room.”
“No! I am not staying with you!” she insisted, biting back another laugh.
He raised an eyebrow, almost in a challenge. “Worried you can’t control yourself when we’re alone together?”
Her smile faltered only slightly. It was a legitimate concern of hers, yes, considering the current state of their relationship and how close they currently were to crossing the line between friends and lovers…but she wasn’t going to admit that to him. “Actually, it’s not me that I’m worried about,” she replied.
“I assure you, Detective, my intentions are pure,” he insisted as the light they were stopped at turned green. He paused a moment before continuing. “Need I remind you that the last two times we were alone together, you were the one who kissed me,” he commented nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on the road.
She tugged her lower lip between her teeth. She couldn’t even deny that. Even though it had been months ago and she hadn’t ended her relationship with Josh at the time, she’d still been the one to kiss him on Valentine’s Day over wine in his loft. And now that they were both single,
she hadn’t been able to resist kissing him when they’d gone out 3 weeks ago after he’d been so jealous of Alex Conrad.
Yes, they were here to work…at least she was…but she also couldn’t deny the attraction and connection that pulled them together, couldn’t deny that they were one “Yes” from her away from becoming romantic partners in addition to professional ones. Here to work or not, she knew it was a very real possibility that when they were alone together she would give into the temptation that was her desire to be with him. Simply having her own bedroom didn’t guarantee she wouldn’t seek him out in the middle of the night without anything holding her back anymore.
“Fine, I’ll stay with you,” she finally agreed. She knew herself well enough to know there was a very real possibility she would find herself in his bed…or invite him into hers…before they left LA. She only hoped she was ready for everything that entailed. Because once they crossed that last line between them, she knew there would be no going back. If she messed it all up, if they crashed and burned, she would lose him forever…and she wasn’t sure that was a loss from which she’d recover.
“We’re so happy to have you back, Mr. Castle,” Maurice the concierge smiled. “I’ve taken the liberty of setting up the suite just the way you like it.”
“Thank you,” Castle returned the man’s smile.
“And I’ve scheduled a couple’s massage at 7,” Maurice added.
Beckett paused looking around the suite for a moment to cut Castle a look. “Pure, huh?”
Castle’s eyes widened slightly. “Uh, Maurice, you can cancel the couple’s massage. We’re actually here to work, so we won’t be needing that tonight.” He didn’t ask for the champagne or flowers to be removed, however.
Maurice nodded. “Very good, Sir.”
Castle handed the bellhop who handled their luggage a tip and offered Maurice one as well. “Thank you, Maurice.” He followed the men out and closed the double doors behind them. “The last time I was here, I brought this Parisian supermodel, so he…” he trailed off when he caught the look Beckett shot him and he realized bringing up the fact that he’d been with other women here was probably not the best idea considering they were working toward a relationship with each other. “You know, that is not important. Would you like to choose your bedroom?”
She rolled her eyes and went to her carry-on to get her jacket. “No, I would like to start the investigation.”
“But we haven’t even ordered room service yet,” Castle pointed out.
“Castle, I’m not here for room service, I’m here for justice,” she stated, heading for the doors.
“Can’t we have both?” Castle called as he followed her. “Wow. In LA for all of a minute and already she’s spouting cheesy movie dialogue. Must be something in the air.”
“Picture this: a gullible young actress, desperate to make a name for herself. She meets our mastermind at a club. He needs a pretty girl to help him get the voice code. He tells Violet he’s a producer, promises to make her famous if she helps him play a practical joke on a friend,” Castle theorizes. He turns to face Beckett on the couch in the living room area of their suite.
Beckett turns a little more facing him, her elbow resting on the back of the couch with her head resting on her hand. The bottle of champagne from earlier is opened and mostly empty on the coffee table in front of them. “She doesn’t even realize that she’s participating in a crime until afterwards. She can’t call the cops, so she contacts Royce.”
“But then, our Mr. McCauley finds out,” Castle continues to build theory with her.
“And Royce tries to change the game. He goes to New York; home-field advantage. Classic. Classic Royce,” Beckett smiled slightly. “I was so in awe of him, Castle when I first met him. I just hung on his every word. And then later, I realized he was just making up stories to mess with me,” she gave a soft laugh, but her smile faded. “I can’t believe that I’m never gonna see him again.”
He studied her for a moment, shifting just a little closer. “You know what I first thought when I met you?” he asked her.
She turned her attention back to him. “Mm?” she hummed the question.
“That you were a mystery I was never gonna solve. Even now, after spending all this time with you, I’m still amazed at the depths of your strength…your heart…” he trailed off as the faintest smile teased his lips, “and your hotness.”
She looked down for a moment and then met his smile with one of her own. “You’re not so bad yourself, Castle.”
Their eyes locked and they held each other’s gaze. He wanted to kiss her…so badly. Under any other circumstance, he would have. But she was vulnerable now. She was dealing with her grief over the loss of her friend whom he knew she cared for deeply. He wouldn’t be the guy who took
advantage of that. He cared too much about her to be the guy who did that to her. If there was a move to be made, she was going to have to be the one to initiate it.
“I should go. It’s late,” Beckett stood, finally breaking the moment between them as she headed for her bedroom door.
“Goodnight, Castle,” she stated, stepping inside and closing the door. She leaned against it, running her hands over her face and through her hair. A hundred thoughts were running through her mind: She should have kissed him. Why was she running? How badly she wanted to kiss him. How badly she wanted to lose herself in his arms tonight, let him make her forget everything else but him and the way she knew he would make her feel. But was that fair to him to do it this way? Was it fair to either of them to spend their first night together under these circumstances? Was she ready to fully embrace the depth of her feelings for him? Was she ready to embrace the depth of his feelings for her?
Her hand lingered over the door handle for another moment as she hesitated. The words from Royce’s letter echoed in her mind: And now for the hard part, kid. It’s clear that you and Castle have something real. And you’re fighting it. But trust me, putting the job ahead of your heart is a mistake. Risking our hearts is why we’re alive. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder, if only. A moment later, she’d made her decision. She wanted the comfort he would provide. She wanted to touch him, to taste him, to feel him. She just wanted him. She opened the door and met his eyes as he stood from the couch. “Castle…” she breathed from her doorway.
He wordlessly approached her, coming to stand in front of her in her doorway. In her bare feet, she was a good 5 or 6 inches shorter than him, and his eyes were soft as he looked at her. “Kate…” he murmured, unable to resist reaching out to run his fingers gently across her cheek.
Her hands moved to his chest and her eyes closed as she leaned into his touch. Her fingers tightened in his shirt and she pulled him closer against her, opening her eyes to look at his lips.
He leaned down, his lips stopping just before they touched hers. Swallowing hard, he had to make sure. “Kate, I don’t want to take advantage of you,” he murmured in a whisper.
Her nose nuzzled his, her lips moving the tiniest bit closer until they were only a hair’s width apart and she could feel his breath tickling her lips. “You’re not…” she breathed, her lips barely brushing his as she spoke. “If we hadn’t been so busy the past few weeks, this would have already happened…”
He swallowed hard again. She was making it so damn hard to think straight, to try to be the
gentleman. “I thought you wanted to wait…”
The last words from Royce played over again in her head. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder, if only. “I’m done waiting,” she told him.
“You won’t regret this in the morning?” he had to ask her. Because he wouldn’t be able to handle it if she did.
“No regrets,” she promised, unable to take it anymore and closing the almost invisible distance between their lips with a slow kiss. She stepped back from him into her room a few moments later, her lower lip tugged between her teeth and the look in her eyes inviting, imploring him to follow her.
He was powerless to resist her now, and he knew it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them a second later, he followed her into her bedroom and closed the door behind him.
Her eyes never left his as he approached her. She took the final step toward him necessary to close the distance between them again and took his face in her hands. This time when she kissed him, the dam broke; her feelings for him, their physical attraction to each other, the past two+ years…everything poured into her kiss. She was drowning in his kiss, in him, and for once she didn’t care.
Her tongue ravaged his mouth, and he let her take what she needed, what she wanted from him while his hands gripped her hips and pulled her closer. One hand slowly ran up her back and curled into her hair, deepening the kiss until both needed some oxygen. His mouth ran along her jaw to her neck and finally along her throat, grazing her skin lightly with his teeth as he tasted her.
Her hands moved to his plaid button-up shirt and shoved it over his shoulders, causing him to release his hold on her long enough to yank his arms free from it. She grabbed his t-shirt and tugged it over his head as well, her eyes and fingers traveling the lines of muscle across and down his now bare chest appreciatively. Her lips grazed against the hollow of his neck where it met his chest, her tongue darting out to taste his skin. Her arms moved around him, her fingers sliding up the muscles of his back as she pressed an open-mouth kiss to his chest, smiling against his skin at the low groan that escaped his throat.
When he felt her fingers at his belt before he’d even had the chance to get her shirt off her, he
caught her wrists and brought them to his lips for a gentle kiss. “Not so fast,” he murmured with a smile. He caught her playful look and returned it with one of his own before grabbing the hem of her shirt and bringing it up and over her head. His eyes darkened at the exposed skin, the black lace of her bra a stark contrast against her tanned skin. His fingers gently traced along the length of her bra strap at her shoulder as he circled behind her.
The feel of his lips on her shoulder and then her neck as he pushed her hair aside drew a gasp from her lips. His mouth lightly danced along the curve of her neck as his fingers unclasped her bra. She leaned back against him as his hands slowly slid the straps down her arms until the piece fell from her body to the floor. Her head fell back against his shoulder and her eyes closed as his lips slid to her shoulder, one hand flattening against her stomach to hold her against him, the other moving to her breast, eliciting a soft moan from her lips.
He bit her shoulder gently as he squeezed her breast. One of her hands moved to cover his on her breast, and her other moved to his head, pulling him into a smoldering kiss. As she tugged his lip between her teeth and bit gently, the hand on her stomach slid lower, dipping inside her pants, his fingers lightly tracing along her underwear. She moaned her approval into his mouth and released her grip on his hand to guide the hand in her pants lower until she could press his fingers into the heat between her legs.
Even through her panties, he could feel her arousal, causing him to groan against her lips. “Kate…” he breathed, his mouth moving to her neck as his fingers slipped past the barrier of her underwear to slide between her legs. The feel of his touch where she was already so ready for him caused her hips to buck against his hand and nearly sent her spiraling. The hand still joined with his on her breast flexed and squeezed, while her hand that had guided his into her pants gripped his hip, her fingers curling in his belt loops.
He continued to work her up with his fingers at her core, his lips gently sucking and nipping at her skin, and his other hand on her breast, alternating between massaging and rolling her nipple between his fingers. It wasn’t long before he had her a whimpering mess, his name escaping her lips in a breathless moan as she crashed over the edge. His fingers continued to work her through her orgasm until she couldn’t take it anymore and gripped his forearm, tugging his hand away. He smirked against her skin, moving his hand to her stomach to hold her against him as she recovered, his lips softly caressing her skin.
Once she regained her senses, she turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and meeting his smile with one of her own. “Hi,” she murmured, kissing him slowly.
“Hi,” he returned, resting his forehead against hers. He slowly walked her back toward the bed, easing her back and lowering her down on it when her legs hit the edge. He moved over her, capturing her mouth with his in a passionate kiss, his tongue slowly stroking hers. This time when he felt her fingers slide down his chest to his belt, he didn’t stop her.
She easily unfastened his belt and the button on his pants, and then slowly slid the zipper down. Her fingers teased just underneath the waistband of his boxers before her hands moved to his hips. She pushed both his jeans and boxers over his hips, her hands sliding around to grab his ass, squeezing the ample flesh as she pulled him into the cradle of her thighs. “Get them off…” she murmured, her lips brushing against his jaw as she pushed them as far down as she could.
He did as he was told, standing and removing his last remaining clothing. She pushed up to her elbows to watch, her eyes darkening as she took in the sight of him for the first time. She sat up, her hands moving to his hips as she pulled him to stand in front of her.
“Kate…you don’t have to…” he started.
“I know,” she met his eyes with a smile. She knew he would never expect or even ask her to do what she was about to do. But she wanted him, wanted all of him; she had for awhile. “I want to taste you.”
Her lips pressed a soft kiss to his stomach, glancing up at him as one hand moved to his length, her slender fingers stroking him slowly. She smirked against his skin at the low groan and moved her mouth to his hip, nipping playfully before blazing a trail of open mouth kisses across his skin as she worked her mouth further down. She looked up at him watching her and saw his eyes close as she ran her tongue the length of him before taking him in her mouth and sucking gently.
It took all of his willpower not to buck his hips into her mouth, but he somehow managed. He forced himself to keep his eyes open, watching her, one hand tangling in her hair…not to guide her movement, but to simply caress her. After a few moments, he hand to stop her. “Kate…” he managed to choke out her name on a strangled moan, his hand gently caressing her cheek. “I can’t…you’ve got to stop…or it’s going to be over to soon…” he managed to get out, trying to force his breathing to return to normal.
She raised an eyebrow, slightly amused as she leaned back on her elbows. He moved with her, leaning down to kiss her again, moaning against her lips as her tongue sensually tangoed with his. His hands gripped her leggings and pulled them down her legs slowly, standing to toss them aside as she shifted to push herself up on the bed, resting her head on the pillows.
He crawled up the bed to her with a grin, dropping soft kisses to the inside of her knee and trailing his tongue along the skin of her thigh. When he reached her underwear, he paused and looked up at her. “You’re sure?” he asked her again.
She pushed up on her elbows so she could gently caress his face. “Make love to me, Rick…” she told him softly, pulling him to her for a slow, deep kiss as she slid her body against his.
He groaned, wrapping her in his arms as he deepened the kiss. When he finally broke away, he pushed up to his knees and hooked his fingers in her panties, drawing them down her legs slowly before dropping them to the floor to the side of the bed. He swallowed hard as his eyes traveled over her body slowly. “You’re beautiful, Kate…” he murmured in awe. His hand slowly, lightly ran up her thigh as he settled between her legs.
He trailed kisses across her stomach before getting sidetracked by the tattoo on her hip, which she’d fully expected, tracing the outline with his tongue. His mouth continued it’s path, until his tongue dipped inside her, finally tasting her, and he knew at that moment he was addicted. Each touch of his fingers to her skin, each press of his lips, each stroke of his tongue was reverent, as though her body was a temple at which he was worshiping. He took his time as he worked her up, enjoying the taste of her, enjoying the soft moans and whimpers of pleasure as he explored her body, learning the way she liked to be touched so intimately.
It wasn’t long before she was moaning his name as she came, her fingers clenching in the comforter on the bed. He gently but firmly held her hips in place as mouth continued to work her through her orgasm, and then suck on her bundle of nerves until she quickly came undone again, his name falling from her lips in a strangled scream. Only when her fingers curled in his hair and pulled him away slightly did he move his mouth to her hip, biting enough to leave a mark and soothing it with his tongue.
His kisses were slow and gentle as they moved back up her body, giving her time to recover. It wasn’t until he was settled in the cradle of her thighs with her hips rocking against his as they kissed passionately that he realized–he didn’t have protection on him. “Kate…” he pulled away breathlessly. “I didn’t bring…I mean, I didn’t expect that we would…I don’t have condoms…”
“Neither do I…You don’t carry one in your wallet?”
“Not if I don’t think I’m going to need it…which I didn’t…because we weren’t together…and I did not come out here with the intention of sleeping with you…” he murmured, moving to shift off her.
She gently stopped him, her fingertips lightly caressing his jaw. “Castle, it’s okay,” she assured him softly, pressing a kiss to his chin. “I’m clean. And I’m on birth control. So I’m good without one if you are.” He was the only man she would ever consider doing this with, and only because she trusted him implicitly. She'd never even had unprotected sex with Josh. There was no one she trusted the way she trusted Castle.
He stared at her for a moment, because he knew the level of trust that she was putting in him with that statement, with that action. “I’m clean…” he promised. “You’re…you’re really sure about this, Kate? Because I can’t promise you I’ll be able to pull out before I…”
She interrupted him with a kiss. “I’m sure. I trust you completely, Rick…”
This time it was him who cut off her words with a deep kiss. I love you, was right on the tip of his tongue to say, but he didn’t dare say it now. He’d told her before…on more than one occasion, admittedly not always at the best moment. The last thing he wanted was to send her running now if she wasn’t ready to hear those words from him again. Instead, he’d show her.
One of his hands found hers and he laced their fingers, pushing their joined hands above her head. His other hand lightly caressed her thigh and shifted, meeting her eyes as he slowly slid inside her. She gasped softly, and his forehead rested against hers as they both took a moment to savor the connection.
Her hand squeezed his and her free hand caressed his cheek as her lips met his again in a tender kiss. One of her legs hooked over his hip, pulling him in closer, and a soft moan escaped her throat. Another moan escaped, this time from each of them, as she rocked her hips against his to get him to move.
They exchanged breathless kisses, gentle caresses, soft moans as their bodies moved together almost seamlessly, meeting each other perfectly, each knowing what the other needed or wanted as though they were in a well-choreographed dance and not coming together for the first time.
As he felt his climax approaching, he released her hand and shifted so that he had a deeper angle. “Kate…I’m close…” he warned dropping his mouth to her neck.
Her lips moved to his ear as her hands slid down his back, her nails raking across his skin. “Let go with me…inside me…” she panted breathlessly, tugging on his ear with her teeth as her legs pulled him in closer to reinforce her words.
Her breathless moans and the way she moved her body with his, the way her legs tightened around his waist, was enough to push him over the edge and pull her with him. He thrust a few more times until he was completely spent, and dropped down, rolling them so she was on top of him.
They stayed wrapped in each other's arms silently, both catching their breath. He caught her hand drawing patterns on his chest after a few minutes and brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss.
“You were right…I had no idea,” he admitted with a grin.
She laughed softly and pushed herself up on his chest to look at him. “You still don’t,” she grinned. Seeing his look, she kissed him as she laughed again. “That was just a preview,” she murmured against his lips before pushing herself up off the bed. “Be right back,” she promised, pressing one last kiss to his lips before disappearing into the bathroom.
When she returned, he’d gotten under the covers and made no attempt to hide his enjoyment in the fact that she hadn’t bothered to put any of her clothes…or his…back on to cover up. She met his gaze with an amused arch of her eyebrow, turning the lights off on her way back to bed. “Staring is still creepy, bud.”
He chuckled as she slipped back into bed beside him. “Can’t help it,” he shrugged, turning on his side to look at her. “I told you before…I’m still amazed at your hotness.” He couldn’t help but reach out and let his fingers trace along her curves.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” she echoed her own words from earlier, sliding closer to kiss him. She grinned against his lips as he deepened the kiss and threw her leg over his hips, quickly straddling him, running her hands over his chest as she stared down at him. “You wanna find out what you really had no idea about?” she asked in a husky tone, already sliding her body sinfully against his as she bit her lower lip.
He swallowed hard, his hands moving to her thighs. “Yes, please,” he managed to choke out. The way she was moving her body against his was similar to every fantasy and wet dream he’d had about her since that undercover date in the club back in February. Only now it was real…she was really here, it was really her body moving against his, and it was better than any fantasy.
She leaned down to kiss him with a wicked grin. “Your safe word still apples?” she purred against his lips.
All he could do was nod.
Okay, I am aware this is only the first half of the LA episode. I went a little crazy here…I told you guys it was a favorite of mine! And I am sorry, but you will have to wait until I return from vacation to get the chapter dealing with the second half of the episode. But I did make this a long one to tide you over in the meantime!
I really hope you enjoyed this one! And I look forward to reading all your comments for those who leave them!
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renjibozo · 1 year
a coherent (probably not) thought dump about the new buddy daddies PV 3 (and additionally, PV 2)
because i'm sitting crying and need people to hear what i'm thinking about this PV i am brocken
edit: we’re making a few edits because i realized PV 2 exists and now i need to revise some parts so i don’t look like an utter clown next week (and please don’t trust me 100% with translations i’m using my very limited knowledge)
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ok so starting off with this from PV 3, you can hear miri telling rei something along the lines of "Papa Rei! Get home quick, 'kay? Because today's!" before it just cuts to the next voice line
a birthday mayhaps? it might be miri’s birthday, it might be rei’s birthday, or it might be kazuki’s birthday and they’re preparing a surprise. unless it’s something else then literally please ignore this entire section
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in PV 2, you can see her wearing a party hat along with streamers strung up behind her off to the side + another party hat at the corner of the screen
this means there IS a birthday (like i thought earlier before the edit) and it’s rei’s because kazuki is in the same room as miri while they’re talking
“Papa Rei looks lonely sometimes...” - Miri “Isn’t that guy just always grumpy?” - Kazuki
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moving on, kazuki saying something along the lines of "I don't like this season/weather..." and a shot of a drawer opened to reveal a polaroid in the middle of many many knickknacks
judging by one of the shots in the opening,
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his wife probably died in the rain and we're getting more information about the incident because it's been hinted at in the early episodes before it became parenting focused
and adding onto this because of a nice person in the replies!
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the building behind him looks exactly like aozora daycare, just not sure if its the front or back (maybe the front bc of the hint of a blue gate beside him) but there doesn’t seem to be bushes planted anywhere near the spot where you can see the hydrangeas, so maybe it got planted a while later?
considering the clothes he’s wearing, this has to be before the dinner scene and is what leads up to it... the connections are getting stronger
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you cannot convince me that this isn't rei's brother and that he isn't the favorite child
even rei (as seen from a flashback) couldn't call his father "dad" and that he should refer to him as "boss", but then there's this guy fighting him that calls rei's father as "father"
and something something about "Didn't Father tell you to return to the organization?" which implies he escaped the organization and got hired by kyutaro somehow
how he managed to get an apartment? i'll probably just say kyutaro did it i have no idea if he can even make forgeries like kazuki does
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additionally: in PV2 you can see more of the gunfight between who i assume to be rei’s brother (older or younger? who knows)
and i assume this is set while miri and kazuki are waiting for rei to come back because it’s his birthday and they set up a nice surprise party for him, so, hoping he hurries back home because he can’t just stand them up like that on his own birthday
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there must've been some kind of falling out between rei + miri and kazuki because he was screaming "I'm... not your housekeeper!" during dinner
i'm suspecting that they finally got on his nerves if they never pick up after themselves properly or just the small stuff piled up onto kazuki and he had enough despite usually not really minding the fact that he has to do most if not all of the house chores
but another theory i have is that the scene with the photograph is connected and because of the stress, it leads up to him taking it out on rei and miri. i'm distraught i don't want to see this episode but i have to. mfs gonna have a sk8 episode 7 situation and i'm powerless to stop it
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already saw a post or two about this one and i also hope it's just a red herring but judging by the shirt that rei has on which is different from the shirt he wears inside the house in earlier episodes, this was probably right after kazuki's meltdown
maybe kazuki ran off somewhere? maybe miri tried following him and got sick in the process and rei had to come fetch her? i just wonder how desperate rei must've been to run to kyutaro for help even if he's not as wary about kyutaro like kazuki is
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kyutaro's talking about something being a warning because the organization doesn't forgive something (possibly kazurei taking in miri and raising her)
this shot looks like it could've been a flashback from when his wife died because he was wearing a green shirt during the dinner scene
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ignoring the crossed out line because it has to be during the birthday surprise episode because if it really was after kazuki’s meltdown, he has to have been wearing a green shirt. but in the scene where he’s standing in the rain looking a little roughed up, he’s wearing the same exact clothes as here
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and then a shot of rei's father without the shadows mostly hiding his face from a flashback!
he's gonna be a major player in the second half and i am Not Here for it
bonus: i think karin's a spy tasked to idk infiltrate kazuki and rei's apartment and see what they're up to i just know she's gonna be a pain in the ass for them
that's all folks i just needed to get these out right now
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angelflungoutofspace · 5 months
abbott elementary season 3 ep 1 & 2 REVEIWWWWW
idk why but I thought y'all might wanna hear what I thought about the season premierrrrrr!!!! it was so good and so chaotic. so many things going on at once.
when Janine walked out and revealed as district, I HAD A HEART ATTACK. but then the context helped. im just a little confused because didn't the Manny the district guy say Janine could go back into her class 1-2 days out of the week to teach?? or was it just to go around about hearing feedback?? it was so sad to see Janine's kids not caring about her presence and the super mean substitute. But, that one little boy, Alex, made my heart just warm!!!! It just reminded Janine why she's doing what she's doing!!!
omg and Janine and Gregory?? the way Janine HAD THE CONFIDENCE to go talk to Gregory about her feelings at the beginning of the school year??? like where did that bravery come out of, and she handled the rejection so well. like honey. I would have DIED. but also.... the way Gregory just... moved on???? well, I get why. bro has to protect himself, but like come on greggy boy, don't tell me YOU DONT just feel a little of love for Janine???? but I love the way writers handled it at the end. they didn't leave the awkwardness for the season and that is something I APPRECIATE. and at least we know that Gregory and Janine still want to be friends and still miss each other platonically.
am I being paranoid for being scared of Manny the district guy???? Like my boy Jacob had a point. Manny WAS giving me some crush vibes and it doesn't help how nice and genuine he is. LIKE IM LITERALLY FALLING FOR HIM. and his mom was a teacher??? I would love to see him more, but just not as another pawn in Janine and Gregory's relationship. but, I knowwwww better. and my girl QUINTAAAA will make us wait.
I think Janine is getting really confortable and friendly with the district crew and it's kind of scary me because if she gets TOO comfortable, she won't want to leave. I think when the fellowship ends, they'll offer her a permanent spot on the team and she'll want to take it but still teach at abbott.
Barbara was so cute this episode, with her makeup. and with how honest she was to the district. as some who works at a high school and has been dealing with a particularly horrible district and administration, Barbaras words hit too close to home. but she realized that the whole district team is essentially just 4 Janines with the power and position to make things happen. and I think she's really opening up to relying on the district more.
omg my girl Melissa. honey., I was so scared every time Gary made a marriage joke. and when he proposed I HAD A HEART ATTACK AND FOR A SPLIT SECOND I THOUGHT MELISSA WAS GONNA SAY YES and the rest of the season would be wedding planning. but as embarrassing and heartbreaking as it was for Melissa, she stayed true to herself and was mature to end the relationship. and my girl just crying made me cryyyyy omg. she looks so sad even though she was the one to break up with Gary, AND I KNOWWWWWW SHE'LL STILL BE HEALING. I don't think this is the last well see of Gary since he goes to the school every Thursday, but I think it'll be the end of their relationship permanently. but now that Melissa knows fs was wants to date and knows she doesn't wanna get married, I think she's gonna be in her exploration phase. HOEEEEE PHASSEEEE. god please send Melissa a gay awakening PLEASEEEEE. she needs a rebound and no better rebound than a woman. that would be so fun and so true to her.
but yeah thats all I think so far. and it was a great epsidose and a great start to an already unpredictable season!!!
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