#also renn is very cute even though he's not there too much
t-u-i-t-c · 5 months
rewatching all the sentai crossovers with sosuke ❤️
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
For the OC duo ask meme: 🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Thanks for the ask, @saturnine-saturneight!
(Ask Game Here)
Rules: Answer the Asks as two of your OCs talking about one another, giving their opinions about each other - those don't have to be accurate but rather should be a reflection about what one character thinks of the other.
I'll go with Arzhel and Elodie from The Forgotten Ones + Jack and Deimos from Supernova Initiative + Renn and Kane from Song of Thorns!
Arzhel & Elodie:
🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Arzhel - "Elodie? She reminds me of a country mouse. But not in a necessarily bad way... rather because she is very energetic, always scurrying from one place to the other, full of boundless energy that sometimes is endearing and sometimes annoys me to no end. She's also really fast, and somewhat cute, but also mischievous and can sneak into almost any place that you can think of. I think a country mouse fits her personality quite well!"
Elodie - "He reminds me of a small, feral fox that will bite anyone that comes near it but is actually just really, really scared. The kind that has been through some shit in life, and thinks everything is out to get them, even if it's just a fallen leaf. The kind of fox that I would wanna pet and share my rations with but then get yelled at by it for getting too close, even though it begrudgingly stays near me regardless. That feral alley animal energy which stems from a lack of hugs as a when that fox was a pup. In other words, someone just really needed love as a kid but didn't get it in time, and so grew up weird. That's Arzhel for me. Still love him though."
Deimos - "Jack 100% reminds me of a Golden Retriever. He just has that kind of energy. I would know, I practically grew up with the guy. What do I mean? Well, for starters: an overly selfless personality that prefers to make others happy than to care for his own needs even if it has consequences later. He is also really smart, painfully extroverted, and is surprisingly a really good swimmer for someone who practically lives in outer space. And can't forget the always flawless, somehow 'stylishly messy' (he says that in a mock of Jack's voice) hair that confuses me to no end to this day."
Jack - "Hm. I would say that Deimos reminds me of a grumpy black cat. The type of cat that wants cuddles but will hiss, bite and look pissed the entire time. He is introverted, spends way too much time indoors playing old video games, has a borderline obsessive tendency towards perfectionism and symmetry, hates loud places, and is the grumpiest, most serious guy I know. Deimos will probably hate me for this, but fun fact: when he is really pissed off, he sometimes hisses like a cat. I know it's a natural sound for his alien species but for me it sounds like a cat and will always sound like a cat no matter what he says, haha. I'm also legitimately concerned that if someone startles him way too suddenly he might get stabby. Not with his claws, but with his knives. Which is so much worse."
Kane - "Ugh, I know you're gonna say I'm being unimaginative or cliche by saying this, because yes, Dhampyr... but Renn seriously reminds me of a bat. First of all the guy can turn into a giant bat - how am I supposed to not associate him with bats after that?! Second, I don't know. He just has that vibe. Full-time night owl even though he is diurnal, hates waking up early, has that 1000-yard stare that probably pierces straight through your soul, drinks blood, and so on. He is a bat and for me that's the most accurate representation of the dude for me. I'm pretty sure one day I'm walk up to him just chilling upside down on a ceiling and I'm gonna have to accept that as a simple fact of life."
Renn - "Kane reminds me of a peacock. Proud, cocky, 'pretty boy' who wants to be admired so much he forgets to take care of himself and so I and my friends end up having to save him every damn time. Yes, he is a good knight. Yes, the King is a scoundrel for betraying him - and quite honestly for everything else. But also, for the Goddess' sake, why the fuck does Kane have to not think through a single plan in his life before doing it? He is a peacock. I'm sure of it. A very proud and handsome one, but still needs to work on those self-awareness skills urgently."
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bomberqueen17 · 3 years
@dsudis replied to your entry “Crack” and said:
Okay but what absolutely WILD hoodie is Roche wearing to ~blend in~ at the clubs that can match his chaperon????
hehhhhh oh no. Curses, I’m not writing this-- but. Well so.
There’s got to be a scene at a stupid Renn Faire kind of thing expressly so there’s a reason to put Roche in a chaperon, because I can’t otherwise justify it. (He has a signature stupid hat though, he has to. Fuck, @akilah12902 is right, Foltest probably put him in a fedora or something, and he looks real good in it but mostly discards it when he becomes an international fugitive from justice.) Yeah they have to hire him for the event; Iorveth is too distinctive to accompany Saskia anywhere without it being a whole fucking production and he’s cranky about it but. Well. He helped frame Roche in the first place, he knows the guy’s good. And honestly Saskia can protect herself but.
Iorveth is furious when it turns out that Roche looks really good in a chaperon.
Then we can get into the clubwear.
Roche has to refuse anything that’ll expose any of his tattoos-- too incriminating-- but heh also, let’s get this delicious nonsexual noncon in here, he can’t turn down anything Saskia wants because he’s desperate for the job and she has him over a barrel and as far as he’s aware she’s a spoiled rich brat who’d hurt him for fun so that’s tasty. So she gets him into a stupidly cute dragon hoodie (oh maybe it’s got unicorns and rainbows) and a skin-tight holographic long-sleeved t-shirt and... okay has some mercy and lets him wear jeans so he can still hide his ridiculous array of weapons but they’re fitted jeans, and the eyeliner, oh no, the eyeliner-- he is far too old for this, and grumbles that he looks ridiculous, and Iorveth agrees and seems weirdly angry about it? but then Iorveth only has two emotions as far as Roche can tell, and those are smug superiority and seething anger, so like fuck that guy.
When they get home at like 5am and Roche has successfully foiled some kind of Bad Shenanigans Plot Point by being really good at his job and the girls are delightedly devouring pancakes and Iorveth grudgingly drops a plate of them in front of him and stalks away he has no idea that what Iorveth is so mad about is that with his eyeliner all smudged and glitter all over him and the hood finally pulled down and that unmistakable sweat-sheened glow of competence and his ridiculous fucking jaw he looks really fucking good and Iorveth is so goddamned angry about it.
mm yes and in this AU Roche is still a recovering alcoholic and he can’t tell anybody because that’s a weakness, and this gives us both the delicious angst of someone spiking a drink and him having to white-knuckle through the various Medical Problems that gives him, but also can give us an opportunity for a lovely personal misunderstanding, wherein Iorveth’s first overt gesture of peacemaking is to pour him a glass of wine, which he has to, teeth gritted, refuse, even though he’s off-duty and there goes his easy excuse, and Iorveth is offended so they don’t reconcile that way. (no that has to come during some kind of action sequence and maybe they punch each other about it and then make out listen i don’t make the rules these things just happen)
Oh yeah VES Ves is with him. She’s a grubby refugee with him. Their last gig was that they were scapegoated for assassinating Radovid which they very much were involved in of course but Roche will never tell anyone that he actually was only involved because Radovid tried to have Adda committed and he’d do anything for her. (Adda tried to take Roche in after, to protect him, and he refused, as he’s political poison and she can’t afford it and he’s right but she’s mad.)
Ves takes to being Saskia’s bodyguard like, well, something that takes to things really well, it’s pretty much a match made in heaven. Her daily outfit is a shirt cut down to her navel, of course, but for clubwear she just wears an open vest and pasties and all her incriminating tattoos are covered in vinyl body stickers and of course she’s wearing the booty shorts with the hip cutouts, and furry boots, and somehow she’s still the most heavily-armed person in this club and yeah she high-kicks a man to death probably, Saskia loves her immensely.
At some point when Ciri’s in town it’s Roche who notices that her erstwhile suitor and nuisance, Morvran, is not the idle socialite he pretends to be, he is not actually taking all the drugs he pretends to be taking, he’s actually far sharper than he ought to be and whoever trained this kid was good... anyway Morvran has to drop the act to help with the Plot Climax and it... turns out... he’s actually kind of a good dude.... in there somewhere.
a n y w a y
I’m not writing this but I’m not not writing this, you animals
there was art, i can’t resist art, god damn it
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Meet Cute
Show: Tales of Arcadia Characters: Celeste Millway (OC), Hisirdoux Casperan Word Count: 3045 Summary: Hisirdoux helps cheer up a sad customer at the café, he gains a very big tip from it.
   “Hey Casperan” Hisirdoux turned around and looked at Mr. Benoit. He motioned for Doux to walk over. 
   “what is it boss?” Hisirdoux asked and looked out the window Benoit was standing by. And then he noticed it. A girl was sitting by a table, and Doux knew she'd been sitting there for a while at this point. 
   “I need you to go ask the lady at table 13 to either order or leave” Benoit sighed and looked at Doux. 
   “you sure that'd be good for business sir?” Doux still grabbed a pen and notepad. “sending away customers seems counterproductive.” 
   “Not when they've been sitting at a table for an hour not ordering” Benoit sighed again. “not to mention it's clear she's not having a good night, at least she should go home and try to cheer herself up”  
   “you might be right about that” Doux looked out at the girl again. “Or, I could work some magic,” he mumbled to himself. “but are you sure we can't leave her for a few more minutes?” 
   “Sadly, not when we could be giving the table to customers who might order and pay” Benoit patted Doux' shoulder. “besides, I'm sending you because I know you're the most qualified on today's staff to tell her to leave nicely” 
   One of Douxie's coworkers decided to pipe up. 
   “I feel like I did a pretty good job that time I had to do it” 
   “the last time I had you ask someone to leave or order, they took it so personally they haven't been back yet!” Mr. Benoit replied, his tone a mix of anger and a hint of laughter.
   “I don't see how that a problem”
   “They were a regular who were here every week! And! It was the wrong customer you sent home!” this time Benoit actually laughed and the coworker shrunk back. “Hisirdoux is on this one, you stay away from that table” 
   Douxie laughed a little bit before walking outside. He decided to put his charm game on, to at least try and cheer the girl up a little bit.   Although he did realize that perhaps calling her Girl was a little unfair, she did seem to be a little older than that would apply, woman might be a better descriptor. 
   As he walked over, he could tell she was looking around every few minutes clearly looking for someone. So he prepared himself. 
   “Evening miss” even though he'd put on a very gentle voice, she was still startled. “I'm afraid that I have to ask you to either order or leave,” he gave her a small smile and she blinked at him a few times. 
   “Wait, really? H-how long have I been wai- sitting here?” she grabbed a purse from the ground and began looking through it. From the few clues he could gather, Douxie was pretty sure she was waiting for a date, which meant she was being stood up. A fact that he couldn't understand looking at her. 
   “you've been here for almost an hour, i'm afraid” 
   “an hour?” she found her phone and unlocked it. She stared at the screen for a bit, Hisirdoux wasn't sure if she was looking at the time or hoping a message notification would pop up. Either way, it seemed she didn't like what she saw. “that long, huh?” she sniffled and put the phone back into the purse. 
   “well then, I'll be going, apologies for any trouble I might have caused” she began to stand up, but Douxie stopped her. He really didn't feel right about letting her go home without trying to make her night better. 
   “listen” she stopped when he began talking, half standing in her seat. “i can tell you're having a rough night, so might I suggest you stay and at least get a nice meal before leaving?” he raised an eyebrow looking at her. “i don't feel right letting you just go home like this” 
   She looked at him for a few seconds before sitting down again. She has the faintest hint of a smile on her lips and Douxie hopes he's already helped just a little bit. 
   “you're probably right, so” she sniffled again and looked at the menu card. “What does my waiter recommend?” her face was buried in the menu card, and Douxie was pretty sure it was mure to hide it, rather than reading it. 
   “I would recommend the Milkshake, it-” 
   “the... the sweetheart milkshake?” he could hear her voice hitch and mentally beat himself over the head with a broom. 
   “Right, listen” he held his hands up in a defensive manner. “Not to make any assumptions” he kept a soft smile on his face. “But, you'll feel better knowing that whoever that should or should not be here, isn't here, enjoying that milkshake” he managed to save it, she laughed and wiped a tear out of the corner of her eyes. 
   “that good huh?” she looked at him, he noticed she had particularly bright eyes and white freckles. 
   “in my humble opinion at least” he put his hand on his chest and bowed forward a little bit. The girl snorted and looked at the menu. 
   “you work here, you have to say that” this time Douxie could tell she was actually reading it, because her face was at a reasonable distance for reading it. 
   “well...” he leaned closer to her carefully, he didn't want to seem creepy, but she leaned her ear closer to him. “the steak fries are always too dry, they're too thick and never cooked properly” she snorted a little bit as he stood back up. “but! You didn't hear that from me.”
   “Of course not” she seemed like she had to suppress a giggle, Douxie felt better and better about the whole thing. “at least I know I can trust you when you say the Milkshake's good” 
   “Of course you can! But seriously, don't tell about the fries, if Mr. Benoit found out he might fire me and I need this job” he kept his tone light to keep her happy, but honestly he was hoping that Benoit didn't hear it.   While his job might not be in danger, he couldn't say the same for the cooks'. 
   “okay then” her voice trembled slightly as she spoke, and she had to take a breath before finishing. “A milkshake sounds good to begin with” she put the menu card down and moved some of her hair behind her ear. 
   “As you wish Milady, I shall return with the milkshake shortly” Douxie hadn't even noticed his old Camelot speak had slipped out before the girl laughed. 
   “Milady? Why my good sir, thou doth have a way with words” Douxie felt his cheeks heat up a little, but he could also tell she wasn't being mocking in her words. 
   “Well, to be fair I don't know your name” 
   “that's a very smart way of asking for it, I have to admit” she smiled at him. “it's Celeste” Douxie smiled back at her.
   “You can call me Douxie” she nodded. “now, I should take your order back to the kitchen, or you'll end up sitting here for even longer waiting for it” he turned around and walked inside the café. Benoit stood by the counter and raised an eyebrow.
   “seemed to go well, is she leaving then?” he asked as Douxie passed him to get to the kitchen.
   “Better yet sir, she's ordering” he saw Benoit shake his head before he headed out to the kitchen with the order. 
   And a few minutes later, the milkshake was ready and he brought it out. She was humming a little to herself and seemed in a much better mood. 
   “Here you are, my lady” he bowed after placing the milkshake at her table. 
   “you really are laying it on thick with this 'lady' thing” she giggled a little bit and stirred the milkshake. “do you work at a Renn Fair as well?” 
   “now there's a million dollar question, Enjoy the milkshake” before he was able to walk back inside, Celeste stopped him. 
   “so, I'm not allowed to order then?” he could hear the smile in her voice. 
   “I wasn't aware you knew your order yet, sorry” he put the pen to the pad. “but of course you can order, so what have you decided?”
   “Well, I decided that tonight i'll treat myself and get fat, so, I believe the Duck Confit would be a good choice” she raised an eyebrow at him with a smile. While he got the joke, he simply smiled back. 
   “Excellent choice indeed, what about something to drink?” 
   “were it legal” Celeste rested her head on her hand, “i'd order an Irish Coffee” she sighed and put away the menu.
   “I'm afraid i'd have to see some I.D for that” 
   “and you'd see i'm only 20” she turned to face him. “so tonight, i'll just have some water thanks” 
   “nothing grabbing your attention? We do have other things that are little more exciting, even though they're not alcoholic” 
   Celeste laughed a little.
   “for now, I think the milkshake and the water will do, but thank you” 
   “as you wish Fair Lady-” Celeste interrupted him. 
   “Lady? Again with the Renn Fair- wait didn't you say you used Lady because you didn't know my name?” she laughs a little and Douxie mentally hits himself over the head for letting it slip out again. “What, already forgotten my name?” 
   He hadn't, well not exactly, but it never hurt to get it again.
   “I swear my memory is better than that of a goldfish, usually at least” 
   “well, a goldfish wouldn't have remembered to bring my milkshake” she took a sip and smiled. “it's Celeste, Celeste Millway” she held out her hand. Douxie shook it and for a second was about to kiss it, before remembering that wasn't a custom anymore, and also he was at work and it would look weird. 
   “Hisirdoux Casperan, but people usually do just call my Douxie” he let go of her hand, “of course, it's nothing compared to your name” 
   Celeste raised an eyebrow before talking.   “aha, how so?” 
   “it's out of this world” it was a bit cheesy, but he couldn't help himself. Luckily it seemed like Celeste didn't mind, she began snorting and had to cover her mouth. He could swear her cheeks were turning red. 
   “My oh my, someone's really trying to earn his tip huh?” she was still giggling. 
   “I don't know if you've ever worked as a waiter, but in this town? Trust me, I have to work as hard for it as I can” she just nodded and he bowed out, walking to the kitchen with the order.
   And the rest of the evening went off without much else happening. It began getting busier and he couldn't afford to spend as much time on Celeste, and he also felt he didn't need to, her bad mood had obviously gone and he'd saved her evening.   At least he very much hoped he had, it could make for a nice tip. 
   But it didn’t, and Hisirdoux has no idea how to feel about it. On one hand it is completely her own choice to not give him a tip, on the other he did feel like he deserved it.   Although there was hope for one maybe coming further down the line, she had left a little note with a 'I.O.U' scribbled on it. He decided to keep it, if he ever saw her on the street he would have to use it. 
   And a few days later, he had the chance to. 
   He'd agreed to take a shift for one of his friends, they had to move their schedule around because of some event Douxie couldn't really understand. He didn't mind however, it was an opening shift and the night before he'd actually had the chance to stay home the whole night, so for once he was well rested.   Sadly, it hadn’t helped with the bags under his eyes. 
   He still had the note with him in his back pocket, and he was happy he'd remembered to grab it, as he saw Celeste stand outside the café, looking at the opening hours printed on the door. 
   “Ah, Miss Millway?” he called out and she turned around. Her face cracked into a smile as she saw him approach. “the café hasn't really opened yet, but if you wait just a tick longer i'm sure I can-”
   “No need!” she began looking through her purse. “you're just the man I was looking for” she fished out a small envelope from the depths of the purse, a mystery Hisirdoux still had to figure out, and handed it towards him.   He laughed a little as he took it. 
   “I was gonna cash in that I Owe You, but I guess you're doing it for me?” he tried figuring out what was in it, he could only assume money but he couldn't tell how much. 
   “Oh you can keep that I owe you, but yes this is the tip” 
   “i have to admit, I wasn't sure you were actually gonna come give me the money, but I guess it just shows how little I know” he put the envelope in his back pocket and opened the door. “maybe we should change over some coffee?” 
   “Sadly, I can't, I do have my own job to get to today, I just thought i'd finally get the tip to you while I remembered”
   “remembered? You've been wanting to give it to me for a while then?”
   “well yeah, I was gonna bring it the day after but a lot of things happened, but here it is”
   “surely you didn't need an envelope?”
   “I sure did, you'll see” she began walking away and waved at him. “I'll see you around town, have a nice shift!” 
   “you too!” he walked inside and looked around. He could see a few things he should probably tidy up before customers would start showing up.   Whoever had the closing shift the night before obviously hadn't cleaned as well as they could, but then again not a lot of people had the same kind of love for cleaning as Hisirdoux did.   So he began his duties and put the envelope away, forgetting about it until the end of his shift. 
   “So she came with an envelope?” one of his coworkers asked. Douxie was about to leave, but he decided to hang out at the back for a bit while his friend finished their break. 
   “yeah, my tip's in it apparently” he opens it and looks inside. And nearly drops the envelope from shock. “merlin’s beard”
   “what, did she short you? That's an elaborate way of being a dick” the friend took a sip of their soda can. 
   “She uh, definitely didn't short me” Douxie pulled out a few dollar notes. Twenty dollar notes, five of them to be exact. “I think she gave me at least 300% tip on the check” both just stared at the money in Douxie's hand, neither believing it to be real. 
   “Bro, that's so much... what the hell did you say to her?” 
   “trust me, if I knew I would use those exact same words on everyone who came in the door, but who on Earth can just-” he cut himself off and looked into the envelope. He also noticed his coworker reaching for one of the bills and put them in his pocket. 
   “Oh come on, just spare me one bill, that's so much!”
   “I'm not- I can't accept this! This is more than I make working for a day here, I have to give it back”
   “I mean you don't have to” his coworker says. Douxie ignores him and pulls out a small letter. The lettering is kinda small but still very pretty. 
   “Hello Douxie! I really hope that you're the one reading this, I was having just the shittiest of nights yesterday, but you really helped with that. So, take the money I was gonna use on my now Ex-Boyfriend, he surely won't miss it.   Love, Celeste” 
   Just as he finished reading it, Douxie's coworker piped up. 
   “so, what's it say? Did she leave the wrong amount? Is it blood money? Is she a drug lord and she's using you to get the cops off her scent?”
   “She's giving me the money she was gonna spend on her now ex-friend” both looked at each other for a second.
   “Did... did you, make her break up with the guy? Did you really seduce someone into breaking up with their partner and give you a hundred bucks? Listen man you have to teach me-”
   “-what, no! He stood her up, she'd waited for him for an hour, honestly he deserves to get dumped just for that” he took the money out again and looked it over. They looked to be five newly printed crisp twenty dollar bills. “but honestly, who just, who just gives a hundred bucks as a tip?”
   “Someone who just won the lottery, is rich from birth or has absolutely so monetary self control” his coworker took another sip of the soda. “are you really gonna give all of it back?” 
   “well i'm at least gonna make sure she meant to give me this much, if she put in the wrong amount that's a lot of money to be missing!” 
   “they look like she just got them out of the atm too” both look at them, and Douxie can tell the coworker has a longing look. Were they lesser friends, and his coworker a lesser man, he probably would've robbed Douxie.   But that train of thought was broken when an alarm went off. 
   “ah nuts, break's over” he patted Douxie on the shoulder before leaving. “listen, tell me how it works out once you find her, I swear, I think you might have a sugar mama on the horizon”
   Douxie choked on air and he knew his face turned bright red. 
   “I do not! And I don't need one either” 
   “I think you do, and I know your pay grade Hisirdoux, you do” the coworker walked inside and left Douxie alone with his thoughts.   And honestly, Douxie couldn't argue with either of those points.
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vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 17: Friends Stick Together
Ren walked back into Le Blanc. “Ah, you’re back,” Sojiro said. He looked Ren over. “You seem exhausted. Busy day at school? Or did you apply for a job?”
Ren looked at him confused. “I can apply for a job?” she asked.
Sojiro sighed. “You probably should if you want any extra spending money. I’d rather not have to keep giving you money.”
“No, what I mean is, I can apply for one given my...record?” Ren asked again.
“Oh. Right” Sojiro said. “To be honest, I almost forgot about that. But yeah. There are places that would hire you despite your record. Heck, I don’t even know how you’d plan on making a living on your own once you get out of school if you didn’t think that.”
“I see,” Ren said. “I’ll have to look into that.”
“You should,” Sojiro said. “It might be helpful.”
Ren knew Sojiro meant that in the best possible way, but she did feel some stings coming off of it where she knew he still wouldn’t believe her if she said she was innocent. She figured she'd take what she could get. She walked up to her room and got a message from the Phantom Thief group chat.
Ryuji: So, how’s Shiho doing?
Ann: Well…
Ann: When I called her, she was inside the school throwing up.
Ryuji: WHAT?!
Morgana, who was looking on, wondered “Could this be a side-effect of her losing at Kamoshida’s Palace?”
Ren: Morgana wants to know if it’s Metaverse-related.
Ann: I think it is.
Ann: She said that she’d just started, which would make sense with the timeline.
Ann: When I got there she was still going.
Ann: After she finished, she told me she was sorry again. For trying to organize a student-wide burning of the school.
Ann: I assured her everything was alright and got her home.
Ryuji: Well that’s nice of you. I hope she feels better soon.
Ren: She apologized again? Didn’t she apologize in the other world too?
“Yeah, that’s a good point,” Morgana said.
Ann: I thought that was strange as well.
Ann: I asked her how she came up with such an idea.
Ann: She told me that a mysterious figure came into her room one night and gave her an apple.
Ann: Once she took a bite of it, she had a vision about what to do.
Ren: Eris…
Ann: Yeah.
Ann: She doesn’t seem to remember what happened in Kamoshida’s Palace.
“That makes sense,” Morgana said. “Kamoshida’s shadow wouldn’t know exactly what happened either.”
Ren: Morgana says it’s the same with Kamoshida.
Ryuji: Yeah, I was wondering about that.
Ann: Shiho says she’ll be fine, but she is going to be absent from school until she feels better.
Ren: Well, you know I’m here if you need anything.
Ryuji: Yeah, same.
Ann: Thanks.
Ren: Hey, wanna meet up briefly tomorrow? I’m going to check around the subway station for some part-time jobs.
Ann: Sure!
Ryuji: I’ll come too.
Ren: Great! See you then.
Ann: Good night.
Ryuji: Good night.
Ren changed into her pajamas and sat down on her bed. Morgana pounced up to meet her there. “Is something on your mind?” he asked.
Ren was thinking about something. “So, do you want to talk about what happened with the treasure?” she asked.
“Oh, um, well…” Morgana said, embarrassed. He sighed. “We went over this. I’m apparently attracted to human desire.”
“Right,” Ren said, “but why?”
Morgana sat there for a few seconds. “...Well, I guess it’s because I have no real desires of my own. I was created with the purpose of guiding you. So, I don’t know what it’s like to have any desires of my own. I’m just here to lend a hand whenever I can. You said I’m always thinking about the job. It’s because I don’t have anything but the job to think about.” Ren chuckled. “What?!” Morgana asked, incensed
“Sorry,” Ren apologized. “But we both know that’s not true.”
Morgana was perplexed. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on,” Ren said. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed your affection for ‘Lady Ann’.”
“Uh-Well-I” Morgana stammered.
Ren giggled. “It's fine. Relax. People get crushes all the time.”
“Well...yeah...but…” Morgana said. “But I’m not a ‘person’. If I confessed my affection for Lady Ann, there’s no way she’d take me seriously.”
Ren empathized with him in that moment. “Aww, it’s OK,” she said, petting him. “We all have crushes like that from time to time.”
“Yeah, but, even if I find some other girl I like,” Morgana lamented, “they won’t take me seriously either because I’m a cat. Or I’m in the body of a cat. Argh! The point is, I can’t get a significant other no matter how hard I try!”
Ren thought for a moment. “Do you think you would fancy cats romantically?”
“WHAT?” Morgana said. “What kind of question is that?”
“I think it’s fairly reasonable,” Ren said. “If you’re in the body of a cat, why not try wooing a cat?”
Morgana growled. “I get your logic, but I’m not a cat.”
“But you’re not human either,” Ren said.
Morgana pouted. “I guess that’s true. But, I dunno. I...feel human. I know that doesn't make sense.”
“I think it does,” Ren said.
“Really?” Morgana said.
“Yeah” Ren answered. “Being human is complicated, and there’s no one more complicated than you.”
Morgana glared at her. “Very funny.”
“It’s true though,” Ren said. “Believe me, if being a human was easy, then people like Kamoshida wouldn’t exist.”
“I guess that’s a fair point,” Morgana said. “In a way, we’re trying to make people’s lives easier.”
“That’s the spirit!” Ren said.
“Still, trying to find love in this body is impossible” Morgana said, once again dejected.
Ren simply smiled. “It’s human nature to wish for the impossible sometimes. Heck, there’s even a book that says you should wish for six impossible things before breakfast.”
“Huh” Morgana said. “So, do you have any impossible wishes?”
Ren paused for a moment. “Well, despite the fact that I’m talking to a cat, while being chosen to save the world from an emissary of chaos by sneaking into a parallel dimension to steal hearts, yes.”
Morgana smiled. “Would they happen to do with Sumire?”
“I-uh-What?” Ren said, feigning ignorance.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed either,” Morgana said. “It’s subtle, but you lose some of your usual bravado around her. Plus, you put off the entire operation just for her.”
“Well… I would have done it for anyone” Ren said, nervously. Ren and Morgana looked at each other. “OK, let’s say hypothetically you’re right. What then?”
“Well, it doesn’t matter to me,” Morgana said. “You’re both human at least.”
“Yeah, but we’re also both girls…” Ren said.
Morgana got confused. “So? That shouldn’t matter. Love is love. If you think I’m the type of person to be judgmental, I’m a creation of a powerful being who looks, and sometimes acts, like a cat with a crush on a human. I don’t think I have much room to criticize.”
Ren laughed and then smiled. “You know, you’re better than some humans, Morgana. Maybe you should take pride in that.”
“I guess” Morgana said. “But I’d still like to be one.”
“Are you still sad?” Ren asked.
“Nope!” Morgana responded. “I’m just wishing for the impossible now!”
“That’s the spirit,” Ren said.
Magician-Morgana: Rank 2
“We should really get to bed,” Morgana said.
“Yeah” Ren said as she slid under the covers. She fell asleep soon after.
The next day, Ren and Morgana were out walking around Shibuya Station. “Yo!” Ryuji said, walking up to her. “How’s the job hunt?”
“I just got started,” Ren explained. They continued onward and started looking at some brochures.
“Hey!” Ann shouted. The two turn to her as she rushes to meet them. “How’s it going you two?”
“I think it’s going well,” Ren said.
“Yeah, same,” Ryuji said. He continued to look through the brochures. “Hmmm.”
“So, are you two really just looking for jobs?” Ann asked.
“I guess” Ryuji said.
“Well, that’s part of it,” Ren said. “But I also called you here to debrief.”
“De...brief…?” Ryuji said, confused and embarrassed.
“She means she wants to discuss what happened yesterday, you moron!” Morgana said.
“Oh. Yeah. I knew that” Ryuji said. “Stupid cat.” Morgana hissed at him.
“Oh. I guess that makes sense” Ann said.
“Yeah, I wasn’t sure why you wanted to bring Ann job hunting,” Ryuji said. “She’s already a model.”
“Yeah,” Ann said. “Hey, would you want to be a model with me Ren? I think you’d be really good at it. You’re already super cute!”
Renn giggled. “I appreciate the gesture, but I’d rather not have more attention on me than need be.”
“Oh right,” Ann said. “I doubt that the modeling world is a place for someone on parole. It can be brutal at times.”
“You thinking of leaving?” Ryuji asked.
“Well…” Ann replied. “I’m not sure. There are things I enjoy about it, but at the same time… I need to think about it some more.”
“I see,” Ryuji said. “Well, whatever happens, I support you.”
“Thanks,” Ann said, smiling. She turned to Ren. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
“Well, how do you think yesterday went?” Ren asked.
“How it went?” An said.
“Yeah” Ren reiterated. “Chances are things are only going to get more difficult, so how did you feel about yesterday?”
“Huh” Ryuji said. “Well, I think it went pretty well, all things considered. We managed to steal the treasure while making sure Shiho didn’t kill Kamoshida.”
“Yeah, but we had to fight Shiho” Ren reminded them.
“Well, she did tell us Kamoshida was waiting to ambush us” Ann said. “I feel like we were going to have to fight either her or Kamoshida at that point.”
“Yeah” Ren agreed. “But also, Shiho managed to take over more.”
“Is that what you’re worried about?” Morgana asked. “Like I said, as long as we kept Kamoshida alive, the takeover wouldn’t be complete.”
“Yeah, but we originally planned on alerting Shiho specifically because we wanted to disorient her” Ren reminded them.
“Well, I think it did,” Morgana said. “It just disoriented Kamoshida even more. In fact, I think if we didn’t, we might have had to fight the both of them. Not to mention, we might have had a harder time convincing Kamoshida to confess his crimes.”
“Is that so?” Ren asked. Morgana nodded. Ren smiled. “Thanks.” She paused for a moment. “Ann. Ryuji.” They looked at her. “Are...are you OK with continuing this? I’m only asking because I’m the only one that HAS to do this. I kind of feel like I’m just dragging you along. Especially since it is probably going to get harder.”
Ryuji and Ann looked at each other, then back at Ren. “What are you talking about?” Ann asked. “We’re in this together!”
“Yeah!” Ryuji said. “I’m not one to give up when things get tough. Especially if it’s for a friend!”
“And if things are going to get as tough as you say they are, you’re going to need all the help you can get,” Ann told her.
Ren smiled. “Thanks guys. I...kind of needed that.”
Ann put her arm around Ren. “What are friends for?”
Ryuji did the same on the other side.”Yeah. We’re going to be by your side no matter what!”
Ren started welling up. “Heh heh.”
Ann fished her phone out of her pocket. She reached her hand out to take a selfie of the three of them. “Smile!” she said. She clicked the button. She broke off from the group embrace to check the photo. “Heh.” She sent it to Ren and Ryuji.
When Ren looked at it, she smiled. “This is good.”
“Thanks,” Ann said.
“No kidding” Ryuji added on. “You have a really good eye for this stuff.” Ann slightly blushed.
“Well, now that that’s settled,” Ren said, “I’m going to keep looking through this stuff.”
“You do that,” Ann said. “I think I’m going to go check on Shiho.”
“Oh yeah” Ryuji said. “Do you think we could visit her?”
“Well…” Ann said nervously, “she is still feeling a bit under the weather. I think it’d be best if only I went.”
“Oh” Ryuji said, somewhat disappointed. “Well, keep us updated. When she feels better, I definitely want to say hi.”
“Will do!” Ann said. “Seeya!” She walked off.
“Anyway, let’s continue,” Ryuji said. Ren and Ryuji continued looking through brochures to see if they could find a job they liked. Once they found a few things they linked, they took the brochures and headed back home for the day.
The next day at school, there were some murmurs. Shiho was still home sick from school, but Kamoshida was also nowhere to be found. “I wonder what’s going on?” Ann asked Ren when they met up in the hall during break.
Ms. Kawakami walked up to them. “Oh. Hey.” The two girls turned to face her. “Listen, you're probably going to hear things, so I just want to get out ahead of it. Especially when it comes to you two.”
Ren was confused. “Why us?”
“Well, more so Takamaki-chan” Kawakami said. “I’ve...heard things. I didn’t believe them, of course, but…” She sighed. “I’m sorry.”
Ann sat in silence for a moment. “No. I get it. You were probably just as wrapped up in Kamoshida’s influence as I was…”
“Yeah…” Kawakami said, dejected. “Anyways, I wanted to tell you as well since he called you into his office on your first day here. I don’t know what happened, but it’s evident there’s something between you and him.”
“Nothing really happened,” Ren informed her. “Thanks to Ann here.”
Kawakami was shocked. “Ugh. This whole thing is making my head spin.”
“Are you alright?” Ren asked.
“...Maybe” Kawakami answered. “I’ve had better days.”
“So, what did you want to tell us?” Ann asked.
“Oh, right,” Kawakami said. “Kamoshida said he was taking a leave of absence. He said he needed to reflect a little bit.”
“Huh” Ann said.
“I’m letting you know because you know how rumors are,” Kawakami said. “I just wanted you to know the truth before things get out of hand.”
“I see,” Ren said.
“Well, thanks for listening,” Kawakami said. She walked off.
“Huh” Ann said. “I think I’m starting to see Kawakami-sensei in a new light. She seems genuinely concerned about us.”
Ren nodded. “However, it seems like something is troubling her as well.”
“Yeah. I wonder what that could be though” Ann said. “If we knew, we could help.”
“Yeah,” Ren said. “Anyway, let’s meet up with Ryuji after school and tell him about this.”
After school, they told Ryuji. “No way! For real?! So, you think the change of heart worked?”
“Probably” Morgana said, poking his head out. “But we won’t know for sure for a bit.”
“Aw man!” Ryuji said. “I was kind of hoping he’d confess already.”
“Remember: Patience is a virtue” Ren said.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ryuji said.
The group overheard some voices. “So, Shiho is sick?”
“Yeah. I guess she’s also not moving forward with that plan of hers huh.”
“I guess not.”
“Man, why did we even agree to such a crazy idea?”
“I know, right? There’s no way the staff didn’t hear about this.”
“Hey, wanna just let them know Shiho was planning on doing that? You know, get out ahead of it?”
“What?!” Ren said.
“Those jerks!” Ryuji said.
“Shiho!” Ann said.
Before any of them could do something, a voice screamed at them. “HEY!”
The thieves were shocked. “Was that Mishima?” Ann asked. They went to investigate.
Sure enough, Mishima was staring down a crowd of students. “Don’t pretend you all weren’t in on this! Don’t pretend Shiho was the only one angry enough to do this! Lucky for me, I wasn’t. But I’ve been keeping tabs. For the record, the teachers had no idea that any of this was happening. But if you tell them, then I’m going to have to list you all off as willing participants. So, you have a choice to make: Either keep quiet, or I reveal each and every one of you who was willing to go along with it. What’s it gonna be?” The other students stood there frozen for a bit. They then quietly shuffled off. “That’s what I thought.”
“Woah!” Ryuji said. “Mishima’s really scary.”
“Yeah…” Ann said. “But he really stood up for Shiho.” She walked up to Mishima.
“Oh, Takamaki-chan,” Mishima said, surprised.
“Thanks...for being on Shiho’s side,” she told him.
“Oh. It was nothing” Mishima said. “We’re teammates after all.”
Ren and Ryuji walked over. “Dude…” Ryuji said.
“Oh, Hey Sakamoto. Amamiya” Mishima greeted.
“I’m stunned,” Ren said. “I wasn’t sure you had it in you.”
“Well, what can I say?” Mishima responded. “Hey, if you’re stunned now, just wait until I show you this surprise I’ve been working on.”
Ren was puzzled. “Surprise?”
“What is it?” Ryuji asked.
“Why would I tell you right away? It’s a surprise” Mishima said enthusiastically.
“Well, alright…” Ren said. “I’ll trust you on this.”
“That’s great. See ya later!” Mishima told them. He walked off.
“Man, that Mishima is quite the character” Morgana noted.
“Yeah” Ryuji said. “But I don’t think he’s a bad guy.”
“Yeah” Morgana agreed. “Just kind of weird.”
“I thought you weren’t the judgmental type” Ren said, reminding him of their conversation last night.
“Well...uh…” Morgana stammered.
Ren giggled. “Just kidding.” Morgana pouted.
“Well, at least Shiho won’t have to worry so much once she gets back,” Ann said.
“Yeah” Ryuji said. “I’m glad for that.”
“Same” Ren added.
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ficclique · 5 years
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In addition to our own personal top fics (which you can view here), we asked you all to send us your choices for your fics of the decade and why you loved them. We received so many wonderful submissions, and now want to share them with everybody! In an effort to not make this post too long we’ve edited down the comments that people left us, but everyone had some really lovely things to say, so if anything catches your eye here we really encourage you to take a look at the complete list of comments here.
Without further ado, please enjoy the top fics of the decade as chosen by you, our listeners: 
Submitted by: Cricket
Fic 1: pilgrimage by wolfsupremacist
Info: EXO RPF, Baekhyun/Sehun
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18411497/chapters/43607615
Cricket’s comment: I can't get over all the building in this fic -- the world building, the character building, the relationship building. The main character’s development was like watching a child grow: it's hard to see it happening, but once you reflect on who he became versus who he was, it's so obvious how he changed.
Fic 2: the eye of providence by minhyukwithagun
Info: NCT RPF, Jaehyun/Taeyong
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14981330
Cricket’s comment: I have genuinely never laughed so hard while reading a fic.There were so many little details that the author added that were unnecessary to the overall plot but just made the characters so much more real. You get to learn so much about everyone in such a (relatively) short amount of time.
Fic 3: so collect your scars and wear them well by addandsubtract
Info: Hockey RPF, Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5075128
Cricket’s comment: I feel like this fic changed me as a writer. It touches on such a relatable subject: that feeling of being completely unsure of what you should do with your life when Plan A doesn't work out, and discovering who you are without the thing that you previously thought defined you.
Submitted by: Claire
Fic 1: The Baffled King and The Idiot Hero by Ellarose C
Info: Hetalia, ?
Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5819880/1/
Claire’s comment: This fic launched 3 of my high school friendships that continue to this day. It's cute and Hallmark levels of unrealistic, and I LOVE it. The overwhelming nostalgia and gratefulness I feel towards this fic (and all of Carrie's work, honestly) still blows me away.
Fic 2: Embers by Vathara
Info: Avatar: The Last Airbender, gen
Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5398503/1/
Claire’s comment: The best, wildest, most comprehensively worldbuilt ATLA fic I have ever read. Tea, dragons, realistic motivations, that ending... perfect. *chef kiss*
Fic 3: Of A Linear Circle (series) by flamethrower
Info: HP, various
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/755028
Claire’s comment: I linked the whole series because I simply cannot pick a favorite installment. OaLC focuses on fixing the glaring plot holes in the Wizarding education system, accurately depicting the Founders' Era thanks to copious research, and showing that no one is truly irredeemable (except Voldemort himself, who more than earns it).
Submitted by: Threepwillow
Fic 1: All the Other Ghosts by rainjoys
Info: Glee, Kurt/Blaine
Link: https://rainjoyswriting.livejournal.com/146587.html
Threepwillow’s comment: All The Other Ghosts and its direct sequel, Grey, are some of the most incredibly original and simultaneously incredibly transformative works of fanfiction I have ever read. The way they masterfully twist elements of canon to fit into the lore of their AU is second only to the profound, revelatory character studies that they've executed. This shit is extraordinary.
Submitted by: Segs
Fic 1: Hemostuck (series) by roachpatrol and urbanAnchorite
Info: Homestuck, various
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/8470
Fic 2: transistor by fishcola
Info: Polygon RPF, Brian/Pat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18760093/chapters/44503969
Seg’s comment: Rips my heart to shreds piece-by-piece and then gently puts it back together in the end. It's another put-these-characters-in-a-darker-setting sort of thing. It is brilliant and beautiful and I love it dearly.
Fic 3: any sign of spring by bluecarrot
Info: Hamilton, Hamilton/Burr
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7523227/chapters/17100376
Seg’s comment: This fic is so dang atmospheric. It feels very physical -- the temperature, the environment, the drawing. It's bittersweet, but ends on the sweet, and I think the sweetness is all the more emphasized for it. Rereading it feels like coming back to a familiar place.
Submitted by: Ang
Fic 1: Anarchy In The U.K. by Yahtzee
Info: X-Men First Class, Erik/Charles
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/673552/chapters/1232410
Ang’s comment: the writing of this one made it so easy to get completely lost in the au while still knowing the characters so well from the source material! super engaging, totally consumed my life for a week
Fic 2: blackjacks running down by back by dangerbears
Info: 1D, Harry/Louis
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/499474
Ang’s comment: this is like my comfort blanket fic! every time i reread it (even though i'm not in that fandom anymore), it's still just as funny and cute as it was the very first time i read it - again the au is so easily believable because the characterizations are so familiar.
Fic 3: this city bleeds its aching heart by renne
Info: MCU, Steve/Bucky
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/835829
Ang’s comment: unsurprisingly, it's another au that is so easy to fall into! this is another one that i've been consistently rereading since i first read it (in 2015, for this one) because it's my absolute favorite trope with a ship that i'm still very much into!
Submitted by: Scout
Fic 1: she called it a void by vans88
Info: Star Wars, Finn/Poe/Rey
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5493500
Scout’s comment: Short and powerful and essential to anyone's viewing of the new Star Wars trilogy. Seriously one of the most careful, tender, and graceful queer addendums to a piece of pop culture this decade.
Fic 2: The Love Song of The North American Douchebag by gyzym
Info: Star Trek RPF, Chris/Zach
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/852395
Scout’s comment: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, I HOPE I CAN SWEAR. I'm not even in this fandom. The world building is just THAT good. It's one of my highlights *because* of its power to draw me in as a standalone. So much fucking talent in the transformative work community. The banter, characterization, sardonic-ness of this – international impact baby!
Fic 3: all this learning here is by you by decinq, nighimpossible
Info: Hockey RPF, Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5105441
Scout’s comment: Revolutionized – and I would argue – drove the GROWTH AND SURVIVAL of hockey fandom. One of the best known works in the fandom, and a masterclass in how to build a set of characters that you're genuinely envious you don't get to see or know. Two incredible authors and a plethora of personality. Fun and sexy and lighthearted but poignant. Chef kiss.
Submitted by: Em
Fic 1: the subtle science and exact art of chess-boxing, by fishcola
Info: Polygon RPF, Brian/Pat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18931885/chapters/44945971
Em’s comment: fishcola is definitely one of the top reasons i actually started reading/writing polygon rpf. this fic!!!!! i sWEAR its so /so/ good oh my GOSH. yes, full disclosure im fish's beta for chessboxing but also i am enthusiastic simply because it is a very beautiful and powerful narrative on trauma, healing, and how the people we choose to interact with affect our emotions.
Fic 2: the old men call me by my mother’s name by theviolonist
Info: HP, Hermione/Ron
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1044467
Em’s comment: as a certified Trans(TM) im always pursuing and consuming trans content. the old men call me by my mother's name is an hp fic that i still cherish years after first reading it. trans!ron is a concept not often explored in hp fic, much less trans /girl/ ron. massive gender feels, folks.
Fic 3: national hot dad alliance is now calling… by dicaeopolis, owlinaminor
Info: Haikyuu! , various
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5663683/chapters/13045579
Em’s comment: national hot dad alliance really is the perfect evolution of a groupchat fic. i laughed, i cried, i fell in love with the characters all over again as these captains from different teams bond over graduating. and also being Dads(TM). in some cases-- pining over their fellow volleyball players-- plus star wars, the x-files, and memes. overall its is very good and i will stan it eternally
Submitted by: Staci
Fic 1: No Homo, by orphan account
Info: Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1148039/chapters/2326073
Staci’s comment: Literally my favorite AU ever written. The characterization is SO on point and it truly is a super fun read. It’s also a super long which helps with painting such a detailed picture of these two dummies who are-totally-just-bros-with-added-benefits. I’d recommend this to anyone, even if they’re unaware of Teen Wolf, but if you’re a Teen Wolf fan then it’s even better.
Submitted by: Nadine
Fic 1: Too Long, Too Close (series) by callmejude
Info: MCU RPF, Chris/Sebastian
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/253528
Nadine’s comment: kink exploration and bdsm done well.... and so thoroughly. but there's more! theres FEELINGSSSSSS uhhhhhhh it made me CRY it's so good.
Fic 2: On a Clear Day by Saras_Girl
Info: HP, Harry/Draco
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/879841
Nadine’s comment: I could've put a few other fics by this author because they write the best drarry but uhhhhh. I had to choose and it was either gonna be TURN or this one. Idk why but this one makes me so unbelievably emotional bc it was Harry who's Going Through Stuff and I just loved it a lot.
Fic 3: around the world in eighty thousand days, by fallfreely
Info: 1D, Liam/Harry
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/856935
Nadine’s comment: It was hard to pick a 1D fave but I think that this fic always had a v special place in my heart & I can't even explain why. I love the dynamic of this pairing (even though it's not even my OTP, wtf. I'm a Gryles and Narry truther... *eye emoji*) and the whole FEEL of this fic and it's slow burn tour fic, soo.
Submitted by: Frecklebomb
Fic 1: Shalbatana
Info: Mars Trilogy, Gen
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6629
Frecklebomb’s comment: A beautifully-written gen fic (with an incredibly gorgeous podfic by Luzula) in the near-future-scifi Mars Trilogy fandom but very easy to enjoy without canon knowledge. I revisit this story over and over and always marvel at the presence of the landscape and alien planet in it, the way it feels like a character. Bonus Mars rover feelings (I cry every time about the robot).
Fic 2: Through a Glass Darkly, by susiecarter
Info: DCU, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19395793/chapters/46155535
Frecklebomb’s comment: Sprawling post-apocalyptic epic, so rich and cinematic that it feels like a movie I somehow read. The worldbuilding and tension of the focal ship are what sucked me into this fic, but what stayed with me was the richness of the ensemble characters. I find myself just thinking about their character arcs, and imagining what they'd be doing post-story. I want fic of this fic.
Fic 3: Too Far Down The Road, by SoniaVice
Info: Hockey, OMC/OMC
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13208136/chapters/30212907
Frecklebomb’s comment: An amnesia trope origfic set in handwavey hockey fandom (author said they 'set it free' to be OMC/OMC when the dynamic needed to be different from the RPF ship it started out as). It gives me so many good feelings about family (of choice and otherwise) and ageing and self-acceptance and sexuality, and the way you can choose to be changed by the people you spend your life with.
Submitted by: Em (Springsteen)
Fic 1: Pull Me Under, by zarah5
Info: 1D, Harry/Louis
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/870766
Em’s comment: first of all zarah5 is a fandom legend. second, this is like the pinnacle of fake relationship fics to me it's 140k and so much of it is pining and like truly, who among us doesn't love harry styles with their whole heart. I can't think about the '10s without thinking about one direction and when this fic came out I remember a lot of people fully losing their minds.
Fic 2: Door to Door, by Ferritin4
Info: Hockey RPF, Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3478298
Em’s comment: this is one of the first hockey fics I ever read and I still come back to it so often. The relationship builds so well, Tyler's dogs are in it, it's just so sweet, and plus it's a very readable 10k.
Fic 3: Darling It Is No Joke, by thehoyden
Info: Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/399194
Em’s comment: look I can't be retrospective about this decade and /not/ include a sterek fic. the first half of this decade for me was all 1d and teen wolf and full disclosure, it's been a while since I've reread this fic, but I remember the banter being really stellar and thehoyden is another one of those authors who I just. Adore.
Submitted by: Dan
Fic 1: The Heart Rate of a Mouse (series) by Anna (arctic_grey)
Info: Bandom, Ryan Ross/Brendan Urie
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/712953
Dan’s comment: This fic is incredibly iconic. It’s definitely one of my favorites of all time—the way the story is told is just heart wrenching, and it manages to always keep you on edge about what’s going to happen. The portrayal of self discovery, love, jealousy, down to the settings and all the social issues of the time period (the 70s), is amazingly done.
Fic 2: The Cat’s Miaow by Pennyplainknits
Info: Bandom, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/930529
Dan’s comment: This fic is unlike anything else I’ve read. First off, I LOVE historical AUs, and the noir setting is everything I could have wanted and more. The author has managed to create such a delicate and profound romance along with an interesting plot that borders on thriller without ever going too far with either side of the story.
Fic 3: Get Real Get Right (Fuckin Right) by sophiahelix
Info: Riveyonce Cuoknowles, Sufjan Stevens/Drake
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/9029020
Dan’s comment: Honestly? This is just art.
Submitted by: Carina
Fic 1: Bite Marks by provocative_envy
Info: HP, Hermione/Draco
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3580953/chapters/7894464
Carina’s comment: i've shied away from aus in harry potter fic for years, especially american college aus but this fic in my opinion kept the best of the characters and modernized them in a way that felt true to who they are.
Fic 2: old jokes from a wild youth, by knightspur
Info: SEVENTEEN RPF, Mingyu/Minghao
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18127073
Carina’s comment: mingyu and minghao are in love, but they're not soulmates. i love the dynamics and the quiet intimacy between them, and also how they work through wanting to be together despite them not having a bond in the way soulmates have.
Submitted by: Katy
Fic 1: The River and The Deep Green Bend by liquidmeasure
Info: 1D, Harry/Niall
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6005275
Katy’s comment: this fic honestly surpasses the genre of fic. it is a genre all its own. it is the pinnacle in catharsis and heartbreak and having a satisfying end that is completely unsatisfying as well. I will never recover from this fic.
Fic 2: Out of the Dead Land by Orphan Account
Info: MCU, Steve/Bucky
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1871955
Katy’s comment: there is a specific phrase in this fic that has and will continue to stay with me. I will never hear the phrase "up or down" without feeling immense heartbreak. an amazing blend of source material to create something altogether its own - but could still take place in either canon
Fic 3: Up We Go by Oh_Hey_Tae
Info: BTS, Taehyung/Jimin
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12297168
Katy’s comment: this fic is one that I found more recently, but I can already tell that it is one that is going to stick with me for a long long time. it is another fic that I feel transcends the genre of fic entirely
Submitted by: Corie
Fic 1: Build A Temple In Me by Authoress
Info: Haikyuu!, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3716002
Corie’s comment: A wonderful and moving fanfic with fantasy akin to studio ghibli. If I have to recommend Haikyuu fanfiction this is it.
Fic 2: Close to the Chest by darkmagicalgirl
Info: Haikyuu!, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3898771/chapters/8721568
Corie’s comment: Another haikyuu!! Fic! I remember reccing this to my friend and she said it was more akin to a novel then any fanfiction she has read. High praise IMO
Fic 3: Fake Sugar by minverse
Info: BTS, Jungkook/Seokjin
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14707098/chapters/33987549
Corie’s comment: Oh sweet god I love minverse’s writing and this fic has it all. Romance, smut, and a nice dollop of humor.
Submitted by: Abby
Fic 1: an awful curse by blinkiesays
Info: Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/604092
Abby’s comment: Non-linear timeline, au within the story, "every me loves every you," domesticity but also heavy angst, and it's so beautifully written it makes me want to cry reading it. also it harkens back to the time of when the show was still good.
Fic 2: dance this silence down (the emergency room remix) by Fahye
Info: Les Miserables, Enjorlas/Grantaire
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/994140/chapters/1966093
Abby’s comment: It's such a great, understandable ensemble fic for a dense canon, with such a great modern day au setting, but the whole time it really deals with the main character's depression and alcoholism and the complete overwhelming love that he has for the guy he's shipped with. it's so gritty and real but the ending brings so much hope I love it.
Fic 3: comment fic by anon
Info: iCarly, Sam/Spencer
Link: https://author-abz.livejournal.com/35003.html
Abby’s comment: this is an ANONYMOUS comment fic someone wrote me when I was feeling down on LJ and it's so short but so complete, and it says everything it needs to about it being okay to mess up and just be messed up together. also: "glitter emergency" (technically a cheat, it's from 2008; I forgot it was so old)
Submitted by: Kassie
Fic 1: An Exercise in ‘Worthless’ by beastofthesky
Info: Supernatural, Dean/Castiel
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/535676
Kassie’s comment: an exercise in worthless introduced me (indirectly) to my favorite musician and (directly) to the subject i almost minored in during undergrad, so honestly i would put it as a fic of the decade even if it wasn’t one of the best fics i read in the supernatural fandom.
Fic 2: Superstition (series) by Superstition_hockey
Info: Hockey, OMC/OMC
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/413233
Kassie’s comment: superstition started out as a tropey, fun, lighthearted short fic, and grew into a big thing that deals with a lot of serious topics incredibly well while also being still very funny and emotional and having honestly some of my favorite fictional characters i’ve read in years
Fic 3: United States v. Barnes
Info: MCU, Steve/Bucky
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2304905/chapters/5071058
Kassie’s comment: united states v barnes is the multimedia fic of my DREAMS. this is what i want to show people to explain why i love fanfic so much. it does so much with the medium its working in and the presentation of the fic, and fits that perfect fanfic niche of exploring the kind of background that will never appear in canon but that everyone wonders about.
Submitted by: Kat
Fic 1: I’ve felt and I’ve Been by autotunedd
Info: Big Bang RPF, Seunghyun/Jiyong
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15349758/chapters/35616516
Kat’s comment: Possibly the fic that marked my entire decade. The characters are so human and real, the plot is heavy and winding and the twists sometimes seem life ending. It is heavy, it is painful, it is sad, it is angsty, it is maybe even a smidge too real and dangerous at times, but it makes a solid read, a long, relatable novel about real people with real fears and problems.
Fic 2: Eversion by thespectaclesofthor
Info: Detroit: Become Human, Hank Anderson/Connor
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15754140/chapters/36638253
Kat’s comment: Beautiful, long, detailed, well written, hard hitting, serious, sweet, painful, kinky, all in one! The characters have so much depth, their issues and inner workings seem so real and the plot is so carefully crafted and detailed, every chapter keeps you at the edge of your seat. All in all, beautifully crafted, passionate, hard hitting piece that I couldn't help falling in love with.
Fic 3: Eggshell Landscapes and the Burden of Love by NoContractTermination
Info: NCT RPF, Taeil/Johnny
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10446438
Kat’s comment: Short, sweet, angsty and charming! I loved the intimate look into their relationship this fic brings, the trials and tribulations and the struggle to communicate. It all seemed so raw and real and coupled with the author's beautiful writing, it all came together in a perfect read, with bounds of re-read potential.
Submitted by: Wen
Fic 1: the bellwether by highoctane
Info: Polygon RPF, Brian/Pat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18634426
Wen’s comment: Feelings!!! It's really refreshing to read a character who, as an established adult, is reconfiguring an understanding of himself without it being either a whole crisis or a sudden seamless lightbulb moment. It's very fair to both characters' emotions, letting them both react in a way that feels wonderfully human and real rather than idealistic.
Fic 2: Five Times the Potion Seller Refused to Sell a Potion (and One Time He Didn’t) by misura
Info: Potion Seller (Justin Kuritzkes Short Film), Knight/Potion Seller
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5441447
Wen’s comment: It's based on a 3 minute meme video and if it was just a tweet or post with the title alone it would be a great joke but... someone went and wrote the dang thing! And it could have been ridiculous crackfic, and while it certainly toes that line it's also got a really fun flow of dialogue that leaves a lot to the imagination without it getting confusing.
Fic 3: I Am The Horrible Goose That Lives In The Town by Daniel Lavery
Info: The Untitled Goose Game, gen
Link: https://www.shatnerchatner.com/p/i-am-the-horrible-goose-that-lives
Wen’s comment: the writing is tremendous and sits beautifully in that razor's edge space where english is used just strangely enough to create a fantastic character voice without going too far and falling into some kind of awkward english language uncanny valley. it's so hard to pick out the best line because every line is the best line. "Here I am coming, with the good news of me, and you hate it. You can think only of the bell and how much I have it, and you are never the goose."
Submitted by: Mage
Fic 1: Fog, Sheets and Thunder by theopteryx
Info: My Chemical Romance RPF, Frank/Gerard
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/351396
Mage’s comment: i have literally thought about this fic at least once a week since i read it in 2012. do not ask me why. i have no answers.
Fic 2: Flowers in Bones by fringecity (indiachick)
Info: BTS, Taehyung/Yoongi
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16256390
Mage’s comment: sometimes i just wanna be a careful selection of small animal bones that yoongi gently unearths and meticulously crafts into an altar of pressed flowers and ink
Fic 3: It Happened Quiet by hobimo
Info: BTS, Taehyung/Yoongi
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15070646/chapters/34939646
Mage’s comment: haunted woods :) cryptids :) that deeply unsettling feeling that there are greater, mysterious forces at work and there's nothing you can do about it :)
Submitted by: BirdieLeonie
Fic 1: Reprise (series) by Elfpen
Info: Star Wars, various (Obi-Wan centric)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/454408
BirdieLeonie’s comment: I spent about seven months of my life reading nothing but Star Wars time-travel fix-it fics. (I am not exaggerating; there are enough of them to last that long or longer.) This is my favorite.
Fic 2: Friday Night Arrives Without a Suitcase by marycontraire
Info: Hockey RPF, Danny Briere/Claude Giroux
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/534247
BirdieLeonie’s comment: This is a fic I have kept coming back to again and again in the years since I first read it. It's domestic and sweet and still adult. It's like curtainfic, inverted; the leads live together and parent their kids and go grocery shopping before they have a romantic or sexual relationship.
Fic 3: The Hero’s Journey; or: What Jasper Sitwell Did Last Summer (podfic), by artzbots, blackglass, daroos, girlwithabubblegun, kalakirya, Opalsong, reena_jenkins, RsCreighton, sabinelagrande
Info: MCU & Welcome to Night Vale, Jemma Simmons/Jasper Sitwell
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6462223
BirdieLeonie’s comment: I love podfic, I love crossovers, and I love this fic. Again, I picked this because of all the thousands of MCU fics I've read, this is the one I find myself coming back to repeatedly. This crossover is creative, fun, and plays with one of my favorite tropes: what was happening to a minor character in the background of the story we saw?
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4th Anniversary Stuff
I had quite the long day yesterday and now I am a day late^^’
But, well, anyway... Watchdog of the Queen turned four yesterday! Yey!
I have been terrible again with updates in the last few months, so if you’re still here and waiting - thank you! Life and university kept me busy and exhausted lately (and I was, to my surprise, picked for a zine!), but I’m still working on the next chapter and have no intention of dropping this story anytime soon! Not when it is still keeping my brain busy.
I think I’m always getting so melodramatic and repetitive in these posts^^’ Sorry...
Well, last year, I put together some trivia and notes and I thought I would do the same this year! But that’s not everything...
When I started writing this fic, I created a file to collect little bits and pieces as I thought of them. So far, I have 258 snippets in that file^^’ Some are just a sentence long, others some pages. And I thought that, if someone’s interested, you can send me a number between 11 and 258 and I’ll post either the entire thing or part of it. However, if it’s just a sentence or a joke I have saved for later, I will reserve not to post it. (And it’s from 11 to 258 and from 1 to 258 because the first ten are just too old and irrelevant.)
Thank you so much for sticking with me for four years now! And let’s hope for many more^^
The little “add-on” about Oscar and Cloudia on the intermission chapter was actually supposed to be much longer. It would have not just been about Cloudia returning to the townhouse and talking to Oscar there after she met Cedric for the first time, but it would have been an extended version of the entire first three chapters. It was supposed to start with the morning before Cloudia went to that party and end with her conversation with Oscar. It even had a proper name: “The Countess, Once Again.” But I thought it would be too long and too boring, so I just kept the last part of it. I did like the beginning part when Cloudia woke up; I was quite sad to cut it. (I wrote it in late 2017/early 2018… while it was snowing! *sigh*)
While finishing the general outline and concept of Arc 4, I thought about roughly basing it on a fairy-tale, and because it’s set in France, I thought about picking a French fairy-tale. (Also the term “fairy-tale” was actually introduced by Madame d’Aulnoy, a Frenchwoman, so it would have been perfect!) Unfortunately, it did not work out because the arc became too stuffed with other things.
Originally, they were supposed to go to Réchicourt-le-Château, not Nanteuil-la-Forêt, but I changed it to cut their travelling time shorter. They were also supposed to stay at the proper Château Dupont, rather than at an acquaintance’s place. I changed it because I thought it would be too silly to say that, of all places, Nicodemus Townsend was spotted/the Clockmaker is living so close to where Cloudia’s relatives live. I just couldn’t do that – not after reading Villette…
Very early on, Townsend was to appear from the start of Arc 4. He was still the one who stole Queen Victoria’s super-secret box, but it would not have been so blatant. Instead, Townsend would aide Cloudia and Cedric and try to divert the investigation from himself. Cloudia was actually supposed to start liking Townsend (for some reasons), much to Cedric’s chagrin, but this particular aspect was so silly, I scrapped it all and rearranged it.
Originally, the last chapter (Mystery), the next chapter (Malady), and the one coming after it were one chapter. Please remind me to provide a word count for them when I have finished all three. What was I thinking…
Cloudia was lamenting about having apparently lost her family ring in the intermission chapter… Actually, I planned for Cedric to give her the ring in Faint and Low, wrote it into my outline, but I somehow forgot including it. Thankfully, I did not forget to make him return it to her in the intermission.
While working on the intermission, I thought about writing that Cedric and Milton met every now and then in the past year and became more acquainted with each other. Like, Cedric would come to Cloudia when she was extra busy, she would send him to town with Thomas, and they would run into Milton and Wentworth. But then, I finalised Milton’s story and decided that it would be better to say that he did not set foot into England since his villa was destroyed.
Milton and Cloudia met at a reception in 1846 because, years ago in English class, my teacher talked about how “receptions are little parties,” I jotted it down and thought “that might be a good place for their first meeting!” But, according to Wikipedia, “Formal receptions are parties that are designed to receive a large number of guests, often at prestigious venues [..]. The hosts and any guests of honor form a receiving line in order of precedence near the entrance. Each guest is announced to the host who greets each one in turn as he or she arrives. Each guest properly speaks little more than his name (if necessary) and a conventional greeting or congratulation to each person in the receiving line. In this way, the line of guests progresses steadily without unnecessary delay. After formally receiving each guest in this fashion, the hosts may mingle with the guests.” – which is not really what I had in mind back then. But I had already said that they met at a reception, so there was no going back.
 There will be a total of three side stories for this arc. The Poker Game was the first. The second will come sometime in the middle after certain pieces of information were revealed. The last will come right after the arc wrapped up.
“The Earl, Reckless” and “The Siblings, Partners” are actually the first two pieces in a little series of five stories about Vincent and Francis. I hope to get out the third next year!
There will be a few more stories about them, but they won’t belong to that collection because they won’t be very readable as “standalone” fics. One of them is the pirate story which was mentioned in the second zucchini bonus chapter.
Anaïs was always supposed to be a girl, but her name used to be Amable because it means “lovable” and I thought it’s such a cute name! Turned out it’s a boy’s name, so I changed it last-minute to Anaïs after the character from The Amazing World of Gumball.
Her aunt Sylviane was originally named Renée. I changed it because I remembered that “Renée” is the name of one of the musketeers in Barbie and The Three Musketeers, and I really dislike that movie.
Aurèle used to be named Gervais. But then, I named another character Gervais and forgot that I already had a character with the same name. Because I had worked more with the second Gervais in my head, I decided to rename the first one to Aurèle. At some point, I cut out the “final” Gervais (who was the original Clockmaker) though and replaced him with the current Clockmaker. So, there’s currently nobody with the name “Gervais” in the story…
I am actually quite lazy when it comes to picking names for any secondary characters. The names of the Dupont servants and most names of the inhabitants of Nanteuil-la-Forêt were generated with a random French name generator.
As I already said, I like naming characters after other fictional characters. I often base their personalities and stories on them as well. When I read a book or comic, or watched a movie or show which I did not like, I name and base characters who get killed, villain characters, annoying characters etc. after the characters from that book/comic/movie/show I did not like. For example, Maven, Manon, Axel, and Brenton were named and based on characters from Red Queen. Maven is, obviously, Maven. Manon is Mare, but her name is from Miraculous Ladybug because she was supposed to be the “puppeteer.” Axel Shade is named after Shade. (But his middle names are from The Infernal Devices which I do like.) Brenton is based on Cal. I chose the name “Von Brandt” because “Brand” means fire or blaze and Maven has fire powers in Red Queen. (-1/10 would not recommend that book.)
Nicer characters are, in turn, named after characters from media I liked. For example, Dahlia, Duke, Cas, the man Cas talked to in Duke’s tavern, and Lucas Renn are named/based after/on characters from A Darker Shade of Magic. Dahlia is Lila. Duke is Barron. Cas is Kell. The man he talked to is Ned. Lucas Renn is Alucard Emery (whose nickname is “Luc”).
Milton is my least favourite character to write because he has no humorous bone in his body. (Almost) everyone else is joking around, but I simply cannot picture him doing the same. At least, he can talk in waterfalls like most others – even if it’s in a different way. (This does not mean that I dislike Milton as a character! It just makes his dialogue a bit more challenging because he’s always very kind and never sarcastic. He’s the kind of person who, if you were to stab them, would calmly and softly tell you that it’s fine and that they have no ill-feelings for you even though they are literally dying and you are just a random thug.)
His rain-induced-heartache-memory-return is based on a similar thing a friend of my father’s has. When I was little – like six or seven – he and his family were visiting us. It was raining, and he explained that he had a heart operation many years ago on a rainy day and now, every time it rains, his heart phantom-pains. For some reason, it stuck with me, and I eventually decided to give Milton the same condition.
Townsend was a Frenchman (“Nicodème Etienne Bellamy”) for a very short time period because I thought “The arc is set in France, shouldn’t it have a French villain?” But then, I realised that it made no sense why a Frenchman should steal the Queen’s super-secret box and changed it back.
I wrote two stories for a Kuro Advent Calendar in 2017: Waiting and Warming. They were only replacement ideas though: Waiting was the replacement for a little game I wanted to put together but did not have the time for in the end. Warming was the replacement for a clockwork/clockmaker/machinery fic which I could not make work at that time. The Clockmaker Cloudia is searching for is something of a “remnant” from that fic idea.
Actually, Kamden was supposed to be the fidgety one before I gave that trait to Milton.
While Milton is someone who does not really hate anything or anyone, I think he would very much dislike the song “Love is an Open Door” if the fic was set in modern times.
Because my sister once asked why “I draw Cloudia with short hair when she has long hair”: I do not draw her with short hair. I draw her with barley curls and a chignon, but the chignon is never visible.
  Outtake – beginning of “The Countess, Once Again.”
The day Cloudia Phantomhive was to kill Ronan Parrish, she was tired – tired, bored, and wishing to be somewhere else.
She hadn’t slept well – she never slept well here – and her body both carved and dreaded more hours of sleep and rest. Cloudia had woken up far too early this morning and the dispute in her head had made her decide to stay awake and wait for the sun to rise – and in January, the sun was just as sleepy as she, but unlike her, it took its time to wake.
Not knowing what to do, Cloudia had taken the book she was reading from her bedside cabinet – The Chimes by Charles Dickens – but even though it was written by her favourite author, even though it was “just” a novella, she hadn’t been able to read more than a few pages. And so, until the sun rose and Lisa came, Cloudia spent her time staring into the darkness, the novella still in her hand. And when the sun had finally risen and Lisa had arrived, Cloudia nearly did not notice it; and when she was washing up and getting dressed, her head was still heavy and her body numb and she did not say a single word. Lisa did seem concerned, but Cloudia was thankful that she didn’t address it, that her concern was only shown in her gaze which Cloudia avoided.
Afterwards, Cloudia walked down the stairs to breakfast, the sun shining dimly through the ice-touched windows, and when she entered the parlour, Lisa in her wake and Newman opening the door for her, Oscar was already there.
Almost thirteen years ago, Cloudia’s father had died at the Phantomhive townhouse, and Cloudia herself had lost her memories. Since that day, Cloudia had never felt comfortable or safe or free inside the townhouse again – considering that she had ever felt like that here –, and because she was always sent back to that day whenever something triggered her – and this was even more likely at the townhouse – Eleanor and Barrington had decided that, even if she had Newman and Lisa with her, Cloudia was not to stay at the townhouse without another person. As both Barrington and Cecelia were busy and Oscar had helped her finding out about Parrish, although this “case” had been fairly clear from the very beginning, Oscar was staying with her.
“Good morning, Oscar,” Cloudia greeted him while sitting down, her own voice sounding odd to her.
“Good morning, Mylady,” he said, waiting for her to break her scone in half before he sunk his fork into his cake.
“Cake for breakfast again?” Cloudia remarked, but, instead of directly responding to her words, all Oscar said was, “Mylady, you should make sure to sleep more. Or, at all. It is not good for your health if you keep refraining from sleeping, even if it is the townhouse.”
Cloudia nodded absentmindedly and put cream on her scone. “I will when Parrish is dead and I can return to the manor,” she said, but Oscar did not reply and only ate in silence.
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irl-daddystans · 5 years
Daddy Squad Aesthetic Boards
uwu !! I already made one for Parker, but I made him a new one because I feel like that’s only fair since I made a new one for everyone.
I already made most of my ideas of my color theory for everyone in the flowers post, so I’ll try not to be redundant. Still, I’ll comment on the colors of the board if there’s something worth noting!
And yes: I also have another post in mind for 4/20!! 🤠
EDIT: Edited just to @mention uwu
Parker ♤
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Parker is mature—at least that’s how he comes off to me—but he is also quite a dreamer. I imagine the moon when I think of Parker, all wonderful and cool (haha). People have always looked at the moon and wanted to reach it—space race ring a bell?—and honestly, same. I want to be able to reach Parker and be friends. He said he has always been hesitant with making conversation; I’d like to think of the moon as an... old friend instead of unreachable and mysterious, but beautiful. Parker is beautiful either way (no homo, full homo).
Like Mars, Parker is both outwardly wonderful and bright, but they both have a not-so-hidden side of darkness and angst. They’re both emos, and I love them for it!! The top half is more like... the softness and brightness of Parker while the bottom half is more of the inner layers. However, what they have similarly is how wonderful Parker is, both on the surface and deep down.
The quotes are all the things I want to communicate to Parker because they are the same things he would say to someone, even if he doesn’t believe them about himself.
parker owns my soul.
Mars ♡
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Maybe it’s the name—probably the name—but Mars is such a dreamer as well! Very space vibes. Mars reminds me of the bigger picture, the simpler pleasures in life like lying down on the grass and counting the number of stars in the sky. I did add some more mundane, humane things like star lighting from the ceilings and some sweets on the side, though.
I tried to make it a little lighter, more materialistic on the top half. The bottom half is more... spacey, cosmic. The middle is kind of like the mediums between the two. Mars is the reconciliation between heaven and earth in the way that she is so heavenly and cosmic, but at the same time humane and in-touch with our very human qualities.
HOT PINK because Mars is fluffy and cute and adorable, but also punk and emo as fuck.
Going off my “light, mundane top and dark, cosmic bottom” theme, the quotes sort of play on that. “You are my universe” sounds like a big declaration, but if you’re Tumblr pals, then you will probably throw around declarations like that left and right as if they were nothing. However, “you are more than beautiful” sounds more... personal. “You are my universe” is very admiring, but “you are more than beautiful” sounds sincere. I use these because Mars easily loves people (as I mentioned before!) but you will notice that she will love you even more deeply if you become real friends with her, and she’ll do her best to relate to your experiences.
mars owns my heart.
renn ♧
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renn is a bit more unique from the rest of the aesthetic boards. For one, it has two color schemes. renn is still young and I adore her very much; she’s still vibrant and at the age where our personalities are more malleable and flexible to change.
Moreover, it’s lighter; renn is pure and I will protect her from the bad things. She’s like an undisturbed safe haven from the turmoil of the outside world—soft, welcoming, safe. She will be your safe haven. Being with her makes it feel like you really do deserve to go to heaven, that you can be saved.
renn is such a fluffy, safe person. She’s probably one of those people with really nice scents or really cuddly and you want to hug them all the time. It’s just that energy!! You just want to be around them, 24/7. She’s a magnet. She reminds me of childhood, too, with all those plushies and balloons and dreams.
Quotes? QUOTES, RIGHT. renn is very optimistic, looks for the silver lining—the person who thinks positively for you when you can’t bear to be positive (top quote). Honestly, all of the daddy squad are dreamers; renn is creative, lives in her world that is drastically different and more beautiful than we probably see our world (hence the bottom quote).
renn owns my uwus.
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amtopmthoughts · 4 years
Annie and Will met in Chicago in 2000? when Annie moved there from SAN FRANCISCO/
Samantha sam 
William will
Benjamin Ben
Violet vi v
Natalie nat
Olivia liv
Isabella Bella 
Skylar sky
Nathan Nate
Alexander Alex
Alexandra Alex lexie
Benjamin Ben
Last names: 
VIOLET duncan
Amelia & MATTHEW Duncan
she didn't seem to be from here, this town, this planet. she didn’t look or sound like she was from this time. I loved the way she could sometimes sound like she was ancient of how wise she was. mostly she didn’t even listen to music from this decade and not much from the decade before this one.
she always had a book in her hands, no matter what the genre. she read everything. she liked 80s music and 80s movies and 70s music and 70s movies. she loved musical theatre, surrealism and jazz and her dream was to have a guy throw her hundreds of parties every day in hopes of one day having her attend one and then one day be received by a room full of orchids, her favourite flowers. when she reads this, she’ll get mad at me for saying orchids are her favourite flowers, because “orchids are plants, not flowers”.
truthfully, she loves a lot of things. damn, i never even knew someone who knew so much about so many things. this world was too small for her. when i looked into her eyes I saw all the truths she held inside of her, how secure and sure she was about so many things. but inside, she was also very “doubtful”, like a troubled genius, with a troubled soul and a troubled mind, way ahead of her time. she had a lot of questions, about everything, questions nobody would ask. some because would never dare to do so, others because didn’t even imagine to ask such questions, let alone have them. she was the least ignorant, most aware person I had ever known. she seemed so polished yet so careless, unbothered, effortlessly beautiful. she was amazing. out of this world.
I remember so clearly the first time I ever saw her. I had just arrived in town. It was just like one of those “pictoresc” towns you only see in movies where there’s always “the new kid”, which in this case, was me, and you just know coming in your whole life’s about to change. I wasn’t really brought here against my will but I wasn’t that excited about the idea of moving here either. truth is I hadn’t been keen on felling much in a while. I had been feeling a little numb, to be honest with you. You know when you just feel like you’re getting by but not really living, you’re not able to feel excited about anything you do because you’re not actually doing anything you love. this may be too cliche to even say but she was the one who brought me back, to life.
It was the end of summer, the week before school started
we had just arrived along with the moving trucks’ guys and as soon as we parked the car our front neighbours were outside of what was to become our new home with a fresh baked pie to welcome us. like I said, just like in the movies. 
september had just came, summer was coming to an end and school was about to start, which meant having to make new friends or committing to be an outsider but I wasn’t intending on making an effort to do neither of those things. I was going to go with the flow. 
Hi! You must be the new neighbours. I’m “Claire” and this is my husband “Ethan”. We brought you pie! 
my mom “estendeu” her hand to receive the pie and said - Yes, yes we are. I’m “Annie” and this is “Richard”, my husband, this is will, our son and this is our daughter Olivia.
Hi, Olivia. Will, you must be our son’s age, Benjamin. You know, there’s a diner near by, all the kids in town go there. You should go too. It’s the best place to meet/make people your age/friends. 
Yeah, son, you should go. - my dad told me, patting (on) my shoulder. at the time I didnt ware he was “encouraging” me to go to the place where I’d meet you. I never thanked him, either. 
But, don’t you need me to help you with the moving?
No, no, sweetie. Today we’re only doing the kitchen so we can cook dinner tonight. We’ll take care of the rest later, there’s no rush. Go.
Okay, then…
So I went. My dad helped my mom start to settle in and Olivia played in the backyard. I sat in the car and I took a deep breath before I started the car and then, I drove. It wasn’t hard finding the diner. It was a small town. It was a very cool place, aesthetically pleasing and all. It really looked like the ones from the 50s. I came in and sat at the balcony. Took a look around. The place was really filled with teenagers. Most of them weren’t even seated. They all clearly knew each other but there wasn’t a big enough booth for everyone so they would switch places and be in between tables and engaging in multiple conversations. They all looked so happy and comfortable. I guess what they say about small towns, about everyone knowing each other and everything, really is true.
It didn’t took long until one of the “diners workers” came to me. - You’re new here. Guess you’re the son of the new neighbours.
I smiled. I actually liked how kind of invasive people were here. I preferred to think they were actually interest in being involved in the lives of the people around them rather than think they (are) were just nosy. Either way, I didn’t feel bothered or uncomfortable. I felt good so far. - Yes. Yes I am. How did you know? Besides the fact that it is a small town, there are not many houses for sale here. Only from time to time. And it’s never for long. 
I guess people really like living here, huh? 
Well, why wouldn’t they? This is paradise, honey, you’ll see. You’ll meet the love of your life here.
I wouldn’t go as far as to say that, but who knows… - I smiled again.
How about just a chocolate milkshake, for now? They’re the house specialty/specialty of the house. 
Sure. I’d love one, please. 
Right away. I’m Rose by the way.
Lovely to meet you, Rose, I’m will. - she smiled at me and she turned. She wore a typical pink 50s diner costume as well as all the other workers.
She brought my milkshake and I took another look around. As soon as I looked at the door the most stunning girl I had ever seen walked in. She didn’t look at me even though I was staring at her. (Thank god.) She had long brown hair, the most dazzling eyes, also brown, and was wearing a long white flowy dress with flowers on it. Looking so unbothered, careless and confident. She went in the direction of the other kids tables and greeted everyone.
I turned around, figuring one of them would eventually find creepy that I was staring but then, she came to the balcony.
Hi Rosie, can I have the usual, please?
Hello, violet! Of course. I’ll bring it to the table in a second.
No need, I’ll eat here next to…
I felt like spitting my milkshake all over the place and say “WHAT? ME?” but I didn’t want her first impression of me to be that I was a complete dork so I said “Will”.
Hey, will. You’re the new kid, right? 
So, what’s your story? 
I don’t really have a story…
Everyone has a story - she almost ran my sentence over with hers
I’d risk saying only in towns like this interest things happen but guess mine is that I lived in “Chicago” and my mom and dad suddenly felt like moving here, so now the 4 of us all live here.
Yes, I have a younger sister.
I’m sure she’s adorable.
And why where? I don’t even think “…” is on the map.
she made me chuckle - well, on their honeymoon they had a road trip and they made a wrong turn and ended up here and loved it so much they stayed here the rest of the honeymoon and they’ve been wanted to come back here since then but never did… life I guess… was always in the way
Until now…
Until now.
But wait, a road trip on a honeymoon? That’s the coolest thing.
I chuckled again. - Yes, I think so too. 
By that time she had devoured all her food and somehow managed to look very cute while doing it and continuing to question me
they stayed at a inn by the lake.
the diamond lake inn.
I didn’t really remember the name even though my parents told me about it a million times.
It’s called diamond lake because when the sun reflects on the water, it shines, like diamonds.
this really is a storybook town, it even has 50s inspired diners and everything
In fact, this diner opened in the actual 50s. They were Rosie’s parents and then they died and she started running it. She always worked here helping her parents so she couldn’t sell it when they were gone, even though it hurt her very much. It reminds her (of them very much) very much of them. 
I guess everyone really has a story.
Indeed. That’s what makes us interesting. The things that happen to us, they make us who we are.
You’re very wise.
So I’ve been told. - we were both silent for a second, I guess “digesting” the moment that had just happened. - Well, I have to go now, but you should come on saturday. We’re all going to the lake tomorrow, we’re having a bonfire at night. we’ll eat s’mores and it will be fun. you should come, that way you’ll meet everyone. I’ll introduce you.
Okay, sure, I’ll come.
Great. See you saturday. If not sooner. (she left money on the table), grabbed her purse, said goodbye to everyone and left the diner. 
The sound of the bell on the top of the door that rang when she opened it as she left was stuck in my head and all I got caught up on that “If not sooner”, what did she mean by that? 
There was no way of denying that there was something about that Violet girl. Something very interesting.
On my way home I was thinking about her and I realised she spent an hour asking me all these questions and yet I knew nothing about her. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in finding about her but she didn’t really gave me the chance, she would either in a very subtle way change subject and making that or other question about me or asking question after question. Still somehow the conversation “flew” in such a natural way
Dylan! We’re in the kitchen. - my mother yelled as soon as I opened the front door
I knew where the kitchen was because of course my mom made us all visit the house before we bought it and a couple times after that so we could all give opinions and decide which room would be what and where we’d put things and so on… My mom was very into home decor. Me on the other hand, not so much. My dad was into furniture “handcrafting”, actually, my dad was into everything handmade. My dad built furniture and made ceramic. My mom painted and managed an art gallery back in Chicago where we lived. Olivia, was into every (cartoon) disney cartoon movie ever.
My mom was sold (on the house) because of the location, first of all. My mom wanted to move there ever since her and my dad spent her honeymoon here, but they had to go back because she had still to finish college. She was only in her second year. She was an art major. In the forth and last year of her degree she got offered an internship at a local art gallery while she took her masters degree and got offered a job to work there when she got it. She loved it so much she ended up accepting it. But over the years they just realised they really wanted to live in a calmer, sunnier, warmer place and somehow their minds always went back to that place, that small town they spent their honeymoon in. So one day, they decided it was time, and we came. And here we are.
Second of all, the front porch, the picket fence, the foyer with the skylight and the kitchen nook.
The house had a big foyer with a “clarabóia” which my mom obviously loved. A big (open) kitchen and living room open space. The big kitchen with the island (countertops) were a must so we could have our famous weekly sunday brunches as well as a big couch which would later host our traditional family game nights. It’s not that we spent little time together as a family, we actually spent a lot of time together. My parents were always very present and they worked hard to be the “cool parents”.
She also painted for fun. We always encouraged her to try and sell her paintings but she always said the intention wasn’t to make money out of them, she said their only purpose was to be a way of her expressing/to express herself. Dad never went to college but was one of the most intelligent/smart people I know. He always had the best fatherly advice. He was funny and could “steal” a laugh from my mom even when she was her angriest self . She says that’s why they’re still married after 20 years (and together after 25). My mom is the single most calm, most peaceful person I know. Except when she gets really mad, it doesn’t happen that often, but when it does… man.
Liv was probably the one who was most excited about moving here. She said her colleagues from her school in Chicago weren’t nearly as smart as her. She says she wants to meet people who can match her level. She was only in second grade. 
I got to the kitchen and my mom and dad were making dinner and Olivia was setting the table
So, honey, how was it? Did you make friends already?
I made… one friend… sort of…
Really, who?
A girl… her name is violet.
A girl… named violet… that sounds like trouble, kiddo.
Honey… - my mom said, touching my father’s shoulder
we sat down at the table - anyway, she invited me to go with her and her friends, which is basically every kid in town, to the lake on saturday, they’re having a bonfire and stuff.
Oh, baby, that’s so great! That lake is so beautiful. I’m so happy… You’re going to have so much fun. I feel like we’re going to be very happy here.
We better be, you never “shut” up about this town ever since we sat our buts down in the car when we left.
There was something about this place, don’t act like you didn’t felt it to.
Oh… I know… I had fun in that lake, too…
The next day I woke up to chocolate chip pancakes. Dad’s famous chocolate chip pancakes. Because my dad worked at home, he was the one that always cooked breakfast/he always cooked breakfast.
Special pancakes for a special day. First breakfast in/on our new home. - breakfasts were a big deal in the Avery household. My parents say it’s the most important meal of the day. We loved breakfast. We loved breakfast food. My mom always said breakfast was the most important meal of the day because it set the mood for the entire day, if you started the day eating good you’d have energy to carry you through your day. Also, she always said it was important to start the day with good, positive “vibes” and that’s what we’d get in our home. Rarely ever someone would wake up cranky. In fact, rarely ever someone would be cranky at all. I loved my family. I really did.
Sit down kids. - my mom said while she poured orange juice in our cups.
So, I invited the Johnson’s for dinner tonight. Claire, Ethan and their son, Benjamin. That way you can meet him too, Dylan.
Since you’ve only met that girl yet, that is - my dad intervened
Anyway - my mom resumed her speech - you do know what means, right? - we all looked at her - Come on, guys, you know what it means! The moving guys are coming again today to help us bring the rest of the heavy stuff and move around some of the stuff.
After breakfast we "arranged" the rest of the house and after that we cleaned it. By six, we were done and my mom started cooking. At seven, the Johnson's rang our doorbell. I answered the door.
we brought you another pie. You mother said you liked the one we brought you yesterday. - I actually really did like it.  
Thank you. - I said while I grabbed the pie. 
And this is Benjamin.
Hey... It's Ben.
Nice to meet you/hi, Ben. - I laughed and we shook hands. - come, my parents and my sister are in the kitchen.
My mom was still with her apron on and as she saw the johnson’s come in to the kitchen she "sacudiu" her hands on the (front part of the) apron and she greeted our guests. - hi! I'm sorry, I just finished cooking! .... and you must be Benjamin. - she said while she took her apron off
Hello, mrs. Avery
Dylan, sweetie, why won't you show Ben your room.
We went to my room and although I didn't consider myself a shy person I was struggling to find how the hell would I start a conversation with Ben. Finally one of us broke the ice
We're having a sort of gathering on Saturday. We're going to the lake. You should come.
Yeah. I know.
Oh, my mom told you.
No. A girl-Violet- told me.
You've already met violet? 
(She's some girl...)
What do you mean?
It's like, everybody knows her, but nobody really knows her.
Kind of mysterious, huh?
I guess. Guys like it. But I've known her since we were like two so I could never look at her like that.
Do you or did you have a girlfriend back where you’re from?
I was seeing someone, but it wasn't serious. Nothing worth keeping long distance, for sure. You?
Nope. Never had one. Don't intend to. I just want to live my life, enjoy the best years of my life. Girls are trouble. I only intend on getting in trouble with them, not for them to actually give me trouble.
I guess he had a point... thing is I wanted to
“So what are your plans, now?”
“I’m going to keep doing what I have always done. Built furniture. And I’ve been pushing my wife to open her own art gallery for a long time. Now that we’re here it’s a great opportunity for her to do that”
“Yes! You should (definitely) do that. We don’t have any around here. It’d be a great addition (to the town).”
“See?” My dad said looking at my mom.
“Yes, Dylan already told me you spent your honey moon here by mistake and that’s why you ended up moving here but I’d really like to know the whole story, if you don’t mind telling it.”
“Of course we don’t, dear”, my mom said with a smile
I interrupted her. “Of course she doesn’t, she loves telling this story”
My mom gave me a side eye and continued. “So, anyway… We got married really young. Actually, shortly after we met. I had just moved to Chicago for college. I was studying, I believe it was the second night at my dorm and I broke my lamp so, and because I had little to no money, I went to a second hand/antique shop to look for the cheapest one I could find. Will was working there. I don’t really believe in love at first sight so I don’t say it was it but it was pretty close. He was shy but couldn’t stop smiling at me. When I got to my dorm I saw what I quickly figured it was his phone number and called him. We set up to meet the next friday and one month or so later we were moving together to a shoe box apartment. He proposed in december and we were married in may. Neither of us consider ourselves to be religious per say so we went to the city hall and had a small party in Will’s parent’s backyard. In/on my summer break, because we didn’t have any money, didn’t have much time either and thought ourselves to be very adventurous, decided to go on a road trip. Our initial idea was to stop by a bunch of different places, staying at cosy inns, stop by beaches and have lunch and dinner in cute places but on the first day our broke down on the way to our first stop so we had to take it to a car shop to have it fixed. The town ended up being this beautiful place and we ended up loving it and staying until the rest of our honey moon. We stayed at the DIAMOND LAKE INN. Had long swims in the lake, jumped tirelessly from the tyre swig hanged in that big tree and watched every sunset in our bathing suits. It was magical, we wanted to stay forever, but I had to go back for college, obviously. We still back for a couple summers after that but then I was offered a job at the place I was doing this/an internship and I loved what I was doing so I stayed and become harder and harder to come back and when Will was born it got even harder and when we had Olivia it just became impossible so we never came back. Life just got in the way I guess… But then we just decided we didn’t want to push it anymore and just decided to come. We sold the house, (got a good price on it) bought one here and we just came. I wasn’t worried about Olivia, I was actually more afraid because of Will but I think he’ll do/he’s going to be just fine.”
“I told you she loved telling the story… It’s a big story…”
“It’s a beautiful story.”
“Thank you, honey, I think it is, too.” My mom smiled so big. I could tell she was so happy.
A violet in a field of flowers. (I don't know if that's redundant or just cliche
Maybe Both. - we smiled. - my parents say they named me violet because they fell in love here and violet was the flower my dad picked? and gave my mother when he asked her to marry him. I just think that's a better way of saying I was conceived here
Maybe both. - we smiled again
Rosie - I told you you'd find love here. - we both smiled
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