#wip supernova initiative
mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
Supernova Initiative - WIP Intro/WIP Someday Tag
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I wasn't tagged for this recently, but I wanted to make a WIP Intro/WIP Someday post for this story in the style of my previous post for Song of Thorns (here). So here we go😅! Feel free to make your own version of this Tag for one of your WIPs, if you'd like!
By the way, if you like this, please reblog, it helps a lot 💕
And tell me if you'd like to be added to any future taglists of this WIP!
Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever! It can be literally anything! (:
WIP INTRO - Supernova Initiative
Title: Supernova Initiative
Genre: Science Fiction/Space Opera/Adventure & Mystery/Whump
Tags: #wip supernova initiative #supernova initiative
Synopsis/What Is It About?
Jack Tithus, a young and charming intergalactic thief, along with his crew - Vesper Foxx, a feared cyborg assassin; Cassiopeia Tithus, his younger sister who is also a genius engineer; Aleks Keldora, a master in the art of temporary identity theft; and Artemis Zreeth, their edgy new recruit - are the most wanted criminals in this quadrant of the galaxy. Never once caught, the team defies their galaxy's oppressive government by using their combined talents to steal from the government as their own act of rebellion.
However, their luck takes an unexpected turn for the worst when they find themselves set up and arrested after a botched heist. Taken to the most secure facility in the whole Junction, the group expects nothing but problems in the coming future - instead, they are offered a strange deal: if they agree to work for the Junction and retrieve some highly classified files that were lost in a hostile planetary system, they will be spared from execution. With few other options, the group begrudgingly accepts to carry out this heist for the government they spent their lives trying to undermine.
Meanwhile, Jack finds himself trapped in a horrifying web of unethical experiments and illegal bioengineering when, while still having to carry out the heist along with his crew, he is secretly forced to become a test subject to the fearsome Director, head of the Junction's division of sciences, unbeknownst to his crew.
The team will need to count on the help of old allies-turned-rivals such as the cold-blooded mercenary and sniper Deimos Soll, their former crewmate, and the secret agent assigned to oversee their mission, an uptight and by-the-book young man called Noctus - if they wish to complete the most dangerous heist of their lives, and get their freedoms back.
Tropes and Nice Stuff! (Or, a.k.a. What you can expect in this book!)
Found Family/Team as Family!
Space adventure, exploration of unique, uncanny, beautiful, and outlandish alien planets, all the good science fiction stuff!
Robots, cyborgs, and sarcastically friendly AI!
A terrifyingly strict aspiring utopian regime that promises progress and freedom but is actually an unethical dystopia in disguise, with many bloodied skeletons in the closet, if you will.
Intergalactic politics, multiple alien cultures, and a bubbling interplanetary conflict about to explode between vastly different civilizations, each seeking either revenge or power.
Sibling bonds! A lot of this story centers around the siblings Jack and Cassiopeia Tithus, and the struggles they go through to keep each other safe and live another day, among some other notable siblings throughout the book.
Laboratory whump - A LOT OF IT. Also expect a crazy, unethical scientist/politician as a villain who is willing to do absolutely horrid things in the name of progress, even if it means human experimentation.
A suspicious, morally grey antihero with a reputation for being a cold-blooded killer, whom you'd expect is going to betray the group sooner or later, but is actually one of their most loyal allies and HAS A REDEMPTION ARC aaaaaa
Heists! Heists! Heists! And all the good stuff that comes along with this trope!
An edgy rogue-type character who is super impulsive and does not always make the best decisions, who only recently joined the group but would defend them with his life.
Traumatized - and hot - cyborg assassin lady on the path to have revenge on the people who destroyed her life in the past, and who is going to get said revenge in ✨style✨
A conformist secret agent who has always been "the perfect soldier" and follows rules like his life depends on it has an existential crisis and learns that his government has lied to him
A subplot that follows a young cadet from the Junction's Void Program, who discovers a dark secret about their government and starts investigating, but who needs to escape (and ends up meeting the MCs) after the government makes an attempt on his life + his war hero (adoptive) older brother who is a fighter pilot and really just needs a break and was tasked by their parents with trying to keep Pax from getting into even more trouble, but fails successfully.
Outcasts and society's "rejects" decide to make a better future together and it is great
Angst, team dynamics, and a lot of action-packed fight scenes!
And more! ✨
Meet The Main Cast! (The good guys)
Jack Tithus
A charming and rebellious intergalactic thief, Jack always sought a better life for himself and his younger sister, Cassiopeia, his only family - and he finally got his chance many years ago by joining a famous space pirate crew and leaving the dusty mining settlement moon he grew up in behind. After that, he took on a solo career - along with his sister and a few friends they had made along the way - and became the most wanted thief in the galaxy. He only steals from the government and seeks to help people who are oppressed or neglected by the system. He has a kind heart and a free spirit, and despite being a thief has a stronger moral compass than most, believing in breaking the rules to do what is truly right.
Cassiopeia Tithus
Cassiopeia - or Cassie, as she is usually called - is a brilliant robot engineer and inventor, able to build even the most complex machines from little more than scraps. She built her first robot when she was a child and has had a passion for mechanics ever since. A part of her older brother's outlaw team, Cassie uses her tech to aid in the heists and allow them to be mostly undetected. Most times. A lively young girl with a fiery personality, Cassiopeia has a lot of passion for what she does and is the glue that keeps their little team of misfits together.
Aleks Keldora
Raised by his two mothers on a struggling planet on the edge of the system, Aleks always wanted to help his family financially and give his mothers the life they deserved. However, struggling with self-esteem issues and often feeling discarded by society, Aleks knew what it meant to be invisible in the eyes of the world around him - with his family being the only ones who ever saw him for who he was. Tired of feeling left out by the world, and wanting to help his mothers - whose business was about to go bankrupt - Aleks decided to take a stand after winning a high-tech device in an underworld completion, a mask that allowed him to shapeshift into anyone he'd like. With the help of this mask and his other talents, Aleks completed his first heist in secret and was able to use the funds to help keep his family's business afloat, though they never knew the truth about how he got the money. After that, finally able to use his feeling of being invisible to his advantage, Aleks became more and more bold, eventually leaving his home planet in search of better heists to be able to continue to support his family.
Vesper Foxx
Traumatized by the day her home planet was raided by a ruthless group of mercenaries - who were hired by the neighboring galaxy's government to establish a Junction colony in Khosmonian territory - Vesper was kidnapped by the soldiers along with her oldest brother, Atheris, after their mother was killed in the raids. After witnessing him be tortured and killed, which scarred for life, Vesper was able to flee in an escape pod, being reunited with her little sister, Lysia, and their cousin, Deya, with whom she left their destroyed homeland behind. Despite settling down in another planetary system with the family she had left, the girl was never able to let go of the past, yearning for justice and revenge. Eventually, she left behind her sister and her cousin to pursue the deaths of the mercenaries who destroyed her life, using cyborg implants and upgrades to turn herself into the deadliest assassin in either galaxy.
Artemis Zreeth
The son of a renowned bounty hunter, Artemis never thought he would ever join their galaxy's criminal underworld, but after his father was betrayed by the crew he trusted the most, Artemis was left to fend for himself. Feeling betrayed by the system he trusted and lacking a purpose in life, Artemis survived by doing some gigs as a mercenary and pirate, a gun for hire in the criminal underworld. After winning a race and accidentally meeting the main cast, Artemis joins the group thinking this would just be another job to pay the bills, but as they spend more and more time together, the teenager finds that this group of outcasts might be the closest thing he's had to a family in a long while.
Pax Stellaryn
A genius young cadet, on his way to becoming the youngest cadet to ever graduate from the Junction's Void Program, Pax always wanted to make his beloved adoptive family proud, feeling oftentimes like a fish out of the water. After discovering a terrifying government intrigue by accident, Pax finds a chance to prove that he too can be a hero, and sets off to investigate more about this and seek a way to prevent the Junction's wretched plan from coming to fruition, after realizing his life too is in danger. However, he may have overestimated his ability to get out of this mess alone.
Deimos Soll
A cold-blooded and practical sniper, Deimos was Jack and Cassie's childhood best friend and their first crewmate. The trio split ways years ago due to conflicting beliefs and a few bad misunderstandings and ended up becoming rivals and competition when it comes to stealing from the Junction. Years later, however, after a harrowing encounter with a cruel and sadistic woman who sought to enslave him in order to force him to join her army, Deimos ends up fleeing to the only people he ever trusted - which unfortunately means having to confront his past and face Jack and Cassie again, who is very confused about his return to the crew - while being hunted down by the insane general he seeks to escape from.
Though his full name is classified and unknown to the cast, his reputation precedes him. He is the single most successful special forces secret agent currently in the employ of the Junction - he has never failed a mission, never missed a target. And he always follows orders, always obeys the rules. However, is everything about him what it seems? A forgotten and suppressed part of his memory may prove that the system he fought so dearly to uphold may have actually made him into their perfect living weapon, and there may be many other lies yet to be uncovered
Ethean Mirannir
Pax's adoptive older brother, Ethean is a fighter pilot who has made a name for himself as a war hero and has always been the perfect soldier. Unexpectedly, he finds himself having to choose between his duty to the government and keeping his family safe when Pax discovers a secret that even he had no idea existed.
A few Plot Points, chaotically described🙃 (A.k.a - Badly Summarized WIP Tag but different)
Celebrating a successful heist on a space diner with the homies
I don't know why but I have a feeling this is going suspiciously well for our standards... Are we being set up? Hmm. Nah, I must be thinking too much into it-
Yep. Yes, we were being set up.
🎶Hell to the no, to the no, no, no🎶 WHAT IN THE DYSTOPIAN BULLCRAP EVEN IS THIS PLACE?
"Making shady deals with psycho government officers and bargaining for our freedom - with a bonus of Trauma✨"
THIS JUST-IN: 20-something agent totally done with everything must babysit this group of reckless space pirates that refuse to obey the rules
Cue the most uncomfy space travel in the whole galaxy~
"Hey guys, so yeah, this wasn't my plan either -" Promptly passes out, and everyone has more questions than answers.
Preparing to steal important files lost✨IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE✨ with a plan with came up with at 2AM with three bottles of energy drinks and a dash of improv
Operation "Let's Try Not To Die In Less than 20 Mins" begins and goes about as well as you'd expect
Losing communications with any backup we might have had and having a bit of group therapy because why not~
Things get Oh, so much worse, Special Edition - a.k.a - a not-so-nice crash landing on the worst possible planet ever
Let's improvise again Pt.2
Questionable problem-solving and emergency hot chocolate bottles
Cyborg Girl and Sniper Dude absolutely do not get along for a whole week and make it everyone else's problem
This is nice! Finally, something goes according to plan in this mess. I'm honestly surprised we got this far. Bravo to us!
(POV Shift) "Hi, yes, you're probably wondering how I even got into this mess. Let's start from the beginning."
This isn't a regular doctor's appointment, is it? What is that needle?! What are you doing -
Political drama, espionage, and manipulative teachers
And The Whump Begins
Well, well, well if it isn't the Consequences of my actions striking back at last. I probably should've mentioned this teeny tiny major problem sooner though. Yeah, my bad...
This is either the single most adorable little alien or the most concerningly ugly thing I've ever seen and now I'm confused
Cue existential crisis - "So no one was gonna tell me my whole life was a lie? Cool. Cool. Just checking... WTF"
Two tired older brothers try to keep their respective gremlin younger siblings from encouraging chaos and fail miserably
Insane Femme Fatale makes everyone hate her in less than 2 seconds and is so proud of it
Midnight Talks and Crispy Snacks
Things just got serious, Oh No.
How To Keep Two Rival Civilizations from Destroying Each Other 101 - We're still trying to figure it out
Hm. This plan wasn't half bad. Except it was. It was oh, so bad, OMG
To be Continued...
Antigravity - Runaground
Superhero - Simon Curtis
Die For You - Valorant
Notorious - NEONI
Fighter - The Score
Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix @elshells
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the-ellia-west · 4 months
Another WIP ramble!
I've got another main WIP called Supernova Initiative, which is a sci-fi space opera/adventure set in a fictional galaxy cluster that is torn by civil conflicts, invasions, and overall there's just something sus that is going on behind the scenes. The main characters are Jack Tithus, a young man who is a renowned intergalactic thief wanted in many planetary systems for stealing from the government (known as the Junction) as a form of rebellion, and his crew - who include his sister, Cassiopeia Tithus, and his best friends: Vesper Foxx, Aleks Keldora, and Artemis Zreeth.
After a heist goes wrong, Jack and his friends are arrested by officers of the Junction, and taken to a high-security space station, where they meet the villain of this story, the immoral and cold-hearted Director (the Junction's head scientist and a very influential man).
From there two arcs of the story are set in motion:
the Main Arc - Jack and his crew are given a mission: in exchange for not facing execution or being arrested for life, they must retrieve extremely classified Junction files that were lost in a faraway, hostile planetary system, accompanied by a secret agent named Noctus. They accept, though hesitantly and fearing for their safety.
And the Subplot - The Director is a much more immoral and cruel scientist than he first seemed. Obsessed with what he considers "progress", he is willing to go to horrifying lengths in his pursuit of scientific knowledge. With a current pressing project/experiment he intends to bring to fruition, and looking for a willing test subject, the Director forces Jack to accept to become his main test subject for this experiment - blackmailing him with the discovery of an anomaly in Cassie's DNA that would've made her the perfect test subject should Jack refuse. While the story progresses, and the group has to try and make the heist of those files successful, Jack struggles to keep this deal he made with the Director a secret (but eventually he realizes the experiment is changing something about him, and soon he won't be able to hide the truth if that is the case).
This story is mainly a mystery/adventure, as our heroes struggle to break free from the Junction and end up discovering more and more dark secrets about their galaxy's government. It also has a strong whump element (mainly in that Subplot with Jack being a test subject in the Director's lab) and can be quite dark/bloody at times, but not too much. This WIP also includes tropes such as Found Family, with the main crew being extremely close friends who would do anything for each other, and there is a certain "antihero to good guy" scenario going on with Noctus as he slowly realizes the Junction has been lying to him his whole life and as he starts to bond with the main cast (finally making friends). There's also a lot of cool spaceships, cyborgs, and alien planets with extremely unique settings!
First off, Sci fi space opera, you had me hooked. Civil conflicts is always a fun time. Thief MC is always a win.
BADASS villain, and amazing plots that will intertwine beautifully! (MORE WHUMP LETS FUCKING GOOOOO)
Mystery adventure is a slay combination.
You can find me chanting 'Found Family' and 'Cool Alien designs' in the corner.
Now for ideas!
The wackier the alien designs, the better, in my opinion. PLEASE HAVE ALL THE THIEF CREW BE SASSY AS FUCK. Ship repair issues are a fun subplot.
Holy-shit-what-the-fuck aliens are also cool subplots! Also, a bunch of cool space mumbo jumbo, new crew members, big mysteries revealed in part sections by clues and Junk that slowly reveal a bigger and bigger picture.
Asteroid belt stuff is badass, storm planets, way too much worldbuilding, and OML. Please have a ship with two characters in space suits watching a nebula.
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Happy STS (story teller Saturday)! What aspects of your current WIP would be difficult/impossible to translate from book to film, and how would you handle that as a creator?
Ooh, this is a great question.
I've said this before, but I am anti Life in Black and White becoming a film in general. Thematically, I don't think the story could be framed well or responsibly in less than three hours. Of course, if it's published traditionally, this is most likely out of my hands, but I wouldn't support it. If it absolutely had to be adapted to the screen, I'd prefer a limited (TV) series, but my ideal adaptation would be to a graphic novel. All of this being said, there are a few dealbreakers for me edits-wise & that would also apply to any adaptations (ie. that would be discussed with my future agent pre-contract and that would prevent me from signing a book deal), but those aren't related to things that would be difficult to adapt.
The Dotted Line is scope-limited enough to become a film, imo - this isn't to say that it should become a film, necessarily (it would, at best, be relegated to the "profoundly disturbing cult classic" horror aisle à la Clockwork Orange), but the main issue would be essentially the same as what I see being an obstacle to any screen adaptations of Life in Black and White: the introspection, which imo is a core aspect of the essence of both stories, is lost. In TDL's case in particular, the protagonist's introspection is often part of the horror. In Life in Black and White, the overall story makes significantly less sense if you're not following Gabriel's introspection and internal logic throughout.
Supernova is - so far, anyway - my most "adaptable" project. It was conceptualized as a serial webcomic initially, so it's fundamentally a lot more "screen-friendly," I think.
In terms of how I would handle adaptation challenges: I'd obviously ask to be involved in any adaptation, but I'd strongly advise against adapting Life in Black and White to the screen. For The Dotted Line, I'd encourage heavy use of symbolism etc. that can "replace" the introspection where possible to heighten the horror in its place.
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wallacejwriting · 2 years
Me & My Writing
Call me Lace, Wally, or Wallace
they/he, late twenties, Canadian
Been writing for fifteen years
Chronically ill, autistic, and always exhausted
My Writing
SFF, largely focused on fantasy
If not writing character and mystery driven fiction, I'm writing romance
Disabled, neurodivergent characters
Queer characters, stories, relationships, and polycules
Lots of mysteries, intrigue, history, and thematic echoes
Love found family, slow burn romance, strong platonic bonds, and the ways people find each other
Lots of fantasy creatures, in-depth magic, big worlds, deep and intricate world building
Puns. So many puns.
Personal Tag: #wall talk
My Blog
Posts about my wips, including intro posts, character posts, snippets, rambles, etc.
Asks and the occasional tag game
Reblogs of inspiration for projects
Posts about my process, how I go about things, etc.
Tips and tricks for various aspects of writing based on my own experiences
Reblogs of people's things I think are neat
Screenshots of various writing programs that just look like so much nonsense but is me having breakthroughs and a good time
Rough (and snarky!) WIP Summaries Below the Cut
Main Projects
The Metahuman Initiative Urban fantasy, mystery, adult. Series A city built to uncover the secrets of superpowers draws Nat Carter, a grieving adult who just lost their family. Yet no matter how Nat digs, or how far they go, it seems they're only uncovering the surface of the darkness within Veda. A long series, TMI focuses on Nat Carter, a traumatized and bitter person who craves only to protect and care for those they love, in their quest to discover why their family was murdered and what the secrets of Veda have to do with it. Vibes: perseverance, revenge, grief, and learning to trust and heal Tag: #the metahuman initiative
Descent | wip post First book in The Metahuman Initiative. 21-year-old Nat Carter seeks out answers behind their family's sudden and horrific murder in a dark metropolis filled with secrets, crime, and superpowers. Vibes: perseverance, guilt, grief, collateral damage, moody noir city Tag: #wip: descent
The City of Fractured Dreams | wip post Scifantasy, political drama, adventure, series First book in the Book of Farside. A city-state in political unrest is thrown headfirst into all out war when a failed attempt to stop monsters kills the city's most powerful soldiers and leaves its streets vulnerable to all those who'd seize them. In the midst of this battle, a pair of siblings seeks out one another after eight years apart, but both have changed far more than the other realizes. Vibes: scifantasy, dystopia, urban fantasy, gritty oil/greasepunk, floating islands, looming doom Tag: #wip: farsiders
Beurkratti: The Place of Stones | series post High fantasy, adventure, adult, series A constructed fantasy world at the beginning of a magically-fuelled industrial revolution begins to undergo great change as the ancient magic left behind by the Architects begins to attack the world and sets a time limit for uncovering its secrets before the world is lost. Vibes: trans, found family, adventure, hopepunk, friendship, very queer Tag: #wip: beurkratti
Tales from Lumira | wip post High fantasy, romance, adult. Series Three small countries are forced to put aside their differences when the major superpower countries on either side of them enter a cold war that threatens to tear the continent apart. Vibes: found family, romance, enemies to friends, big house with a bunch of strangers in it, forced proximity Tag: #wip: tales from lumira
Supernova | wip post Urban fantasy, contemporary, young adult. Standalone 15-year-old Andie has never belonged. Bounced from foster home to foster home, they figure they'll leave the system when they age out. An encounter after school one day awakens powers Andie never knew they had and quickly turns their life upside down. A foster home that cares, foster parents who know their struggles, a new school, and even new friends. But where did Andie come from? And how did they get here? They need to know, or they'll never be able to rest. Vibes: superheroes, hopepunk, a nicer world, friendship, found family, belonging Tag: #wip: supernova
Ghostpossible Urban fantasy, new adult. Standalone When Y2K hit, it tore open a portal through the ether, letting ghosts, spooks, and all sorts of monsters through. Sixty years later, the best people to tackle the dead and ghastly are the young, and Kai Yeung, part time college student and full-time big sibling, is trying to make it big in the ghost hunting live streaming business. Money is tight, and this is their best option. Until a guy named Archie shows up and reveals that he's been possessed by an ancient magical artifact and the very grumpy warrior trapped inside it. If Kai can get the artifact off, they can sell it and provide for their sister for years to come, but that's only if they can get it off Archie before those chasing him can catch up. Vibes: monster fucking, content creation, toxic online communities, ancient sexy warriors trapped in jewellery Tag: #wip: ghostpossible
Demon Fuckers Anonymous Fantasy, dark academia, new adult. Standalone A disabled student in their upper years at a prestigious, elitist, bullshit academy for magical grad school struggles to keep up due to exhaustion and ableism. To get back on track, they summon a demon in hopes of getting him to help. But the summon uncovers a deep conspiracy beneath the bowels of the school, and a long pent up desire to connect with someone, mind and body. Vibes: disability, ableism, mystery, body horror, horror, erotica Tag: #wip: code magic
Queer Witch Cozies Urban fantasy, cozy mystery, romance, adult. Series Ciar Gallagher can find things no one else can, that's their talent as a witch. So when a frantic man comes to the door one night begging for Ciar's help, they're pretty sure they can do it. But there's two problems. One, the man is a regular human, one with no knowledge of magic, and two, he's asking Ciar to find his kidnapped daughter, and Ciar's never tracked a person before. Vibes: soft, cozy, found family, cooking and baking Tag: #wip: finder witch
Care Home for Chosen Ones Urban fantasy, contemporary, adult. Standalone 25-year-old Marlowe takes great pride in their career as a care worker at Sunrise Elder Care, especially in their chats with the remaining chosen ones of a long finished prophecy. But when strange shadows begin to haunt the care home, Marlowe must summon all their knowledge and their most trusty weapon – the push broom – in order to stop the returning Dark One and save the elder chosen ones and their home before it's too late. Vibes: found family, caretaking, caring for each other, pride in small things, forgiveness, compassion Tag: #wip: care home for chosen ones
Persephone Project Science fiction, mystery/thriller, adult. Standalone Five years ago, Axl Thorn was arrested aboard the U.S.S. Faraday for techno-terrorism and multiple counts of first degree murder. Now, the cybernetic attacks have made a resurgence, but this time someone else is behind the keyboard. Pulled out of holding to help, Axl is kept on a short leash by their pissed off personal guard, whose job is both to keep Axl out of trouble – hah! – and to keep others from attacking them. Yet as the attacks grow stronger, the unlikely allies must cast aside their differences if they have any hope of saving the station and all those it connects to. Vibes: horror, technothriller, forgiveness, redemption, atonement Tag: #wip: persephone project
Standalone Romance Projects
On the Mountain Contemporary romance, adult. MM. A painter in his mid 20s wants to know more about the father he barely knew, and hunts down a military  buddy who sent his father postcards for over two decades. He finds the vet on a mountain, one leg gone and handcrafted furniture all around him, and the two strike up a friendship to remember a man they both cared dearly about. But what starts as friendship begins to morph, and both must struggle with what their relationship is, and if they can handle the change. Vibes: age gap, strangers to lovers, bonding, anti-military pro-veteran Tag: #wip: on the mountain
Writing Retreat Contemporary romance, adult. MM. A struggling best-selling author goes on vacation to a small mountain community to break his writers' block and meets a gruffy, grouchy lumberjack who has the cabin next to him and helps run the lodging that the author is staying at. As the two spend their early mornings by the water together, they begin to bond and fall in love. Vibes: coming out, safety, falling in love, learning to trust Tag: #wip: writing retreat
Singing in Silence Contemporary romance, adult. MM. The popular musician and front man for a band is forced to get a bodyguard after an encounter with several fans goes horribly wrong. Scared of the stage but not willing to admit it, he lashes out against the new guard, and the two quickly bash heads. But fear is the mind killer, and if the singer can't get over it, he won't be able to perform at the biggest show of the year, the one he's been waiting for his whole life. Vibes: trust, safety, music, fame Tag: #wip: singing in silence
Werewolf in the Barn Contemporary fantasy, romance, adult. MM. A sheep farmer opens his barn one day to find a very attractive, very naked man sleeping in his hay loft. The man turns out to be a werewolf, and the two strike up a deal for him to help out around the ranch. Now if only he'd put pants on more often. Vibes: slow burn, awkward physical contact, flustered showers Tag: #wip: werewolf in the barn
[Last edited July 31st, 2022]
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artofflorescence · 2 years
For the wip title ask thing, I wanted to know more about this one
"effigies of infinity" title. I'm always so curious about stuff that has immortality or infinity attached to em
ok this was an older idea that i had, that I ended up not writing because while I knew what I wanted to do initially, I didn’t have any further plans.
In this AU, Izuku is an actual late bloomer. He manifests a quirk I affectionately named blink. This was a time where I was devouring fics that explored alternate universe/future seeing quirks for reference. I tried to include more drawbacks and it was going to be less dark than most I’ve read. Not by a ton, but a bit of a different tone.
In essence, Blink is a quirk that allows Izuku to peer into alternate realities but he can only see them, and cannot travel to or affect them. He perceives normal reality differently as well because it’s partly a passive quirk that affects his daily vision. He largely can’t control what he sees, but he can pull on “threads” when he does wants to see something specific, but this can result in splitting headaches + quirk exhaustion. Since different realities move at different paces, he can peak into both the past and future, or completely unrelated realities (sleeping is terrible). The part he can activate is “hopping.” He can basically jump into and out of the void, to teleport, but the drawback is that if he tries taking anyone with him, they will physically be torn apart and he is largely confined to areas he knows very well or can plainly see with his eyes. Further drawbacks into migraines, dissociation, and light sensitivity. I tried really hard to mitigate the OP-ness. There’s a bit more complexity but I don’t want to bore you by regurgitating all my notes.
Humans are not made to hold infinity. Yet eternity forces Izuku’s eyes open, widens them until all of time is burned behind his retinas. His quirk is a fold in the very fabric of reality, something that should not be able to fit behind the eyes of someone human. Izuku, helpless and so young, watches battlefields blood slick and weeping, titans clashing on planets with fourteen moons and acid rain. The first rise of the sun upon the horizon line, the coalescence of a star. Every birthright of a black hole and every cold, cold death of a constellation. He watches infinity weave time into existence and knows that in the end, he is nothing at all. So infinitesimal, he doesn’t even encompass a puff of breath in the timeline of everything.
Izuku’s quirk comes in late, almost too late. And it’s different. It flickers slowly in, turning the edges of Izuku’s black and slipping stardust down his throat, the taste of ash and chalk making its way onto his tongue. It flickers slowly in, like a vignette filter, first black before lighting up and those moth-eaten parts of his vision explode in threads and supernovae. Izuku is nine, almost ten, and he watches the universe open itself to him, beckoning with pooling starlight and a whisper of something so other. Maybe Izuku was made for this, because he watches the void reach out, feeling not fear but excitement as he just reaches back.
It pulls him in. All this starlight and pitch black blooming before his eyes, worlds unraveling and raveling back together, realities shifting, rapidly flickering like highlight reels, and some of them collapsing, winking out and leaving behind silence. It’s beautiful. The void pushes the threads into his hands and his clumsy fingers tug, so he watches the void fade out and something else fade in. It’s an image of him, but just ever so slightly different because his eyes. His whites are still there but his iris has been replaced with a deep black, speckled with constellations and supernovae beating in time to the call of the void. It’s him, a fragile boy, too old, too knowing, with the edge of the universe lined in his eyes.
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iminye · 2 years
oooo all of your WIPs sound so interesting!! I'm restricting myself to only two, so can I ask about xanatos on crèche duty and how it (almost) saved the galaxy and sci-fi cuivienen elves?
Ohhh! These two are fun.
"xanatos on crèche duty and how it (almost) saved the galaxy" is as the title suggests an AU.
I always wondered how one could fix Xanatos without doing too much crazy stuff and all I could come up with after looking after my nieces and nephew for a day was: Babysitting!
Look he doesn't like children, he thinks himself above that, so when he takes advantage of kind strangers on a mission by letting himself be paid for helping them the council puts him on detention and crèche duty. He has, you might have guessed, to watch over a small group of Jedi Initiates and Younglings by the names of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Reeft, Garen Muln, Bant Eerin, Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos and help them with their assignments and duties until his Master comes back from a solo mission (which was supposed to be two weeks but it gets longer because we're talking about Qui-Gon here when do things ever go according to plan for him?)
Here are some of my favorite snippets:
1 -
"It will only result in my being stuck here longer, I know," Xanatos sighed. He didn't even possess the energy to get angry anymore, because it was late and the conversation with Master Bhiladan about the rough draft of his essay had completely worn him out. The result? 'A good approach, with many possibilities for improvement’.
The list with suggestions for improvement was almost as long as Xanatos' whole essay.
"The point is for you to develop a sense of responsibility, my young padawan," his master replied. Qui-Gon looked over at him briefly, then glanced at the bag on their dining table in front of him, which so far contained nothing but a spare robe, a few datapads, and other odds and ends which might or might not be useful. Sometimes Xanatos wondered how his master always managed to live on nothing more than a proverbial grain of rice. "Besides, I also think some time with the younglings will do you good. They are like little supernovae in the Force, bright and pure. It's always gratifying to watch them discover the world around them."
"You made the suggestion that I assist Master Dolan, didn't you?"
Qui-Gon was silent, but the thin smile on his lips and the twinkle in his eyes said all Xanatos needed to know.
And he had been so naive, believing his master to be on his side. Urgh.
2 -
"Is it true that the council grounded you?" Reeft blurted out. [...]
"Yes, that's me," Xanatos admitted, not lifting his head from his hands. He had already embarrassed himself now anyway, so there was no point in trying to restore his dignity. "Just don't break any rules on your missions no matter how loose your own master is with them and you won't end up like me."
"But isn't it a master's job to be a role model? And as his Padawan, shouldn't you then do exactly what he sets for you?" asked Luminara, confused. Oh how naive? Had he ever been so in awe of Master Qui-Gon, too?
"Not if the master is Qui-Gon Jinn. Then it's best to just do the exact opposite of what he does," Xanatos replied dryly. That wasn't entirely true, but what were the chances that his master would choose one of these children as his next Padawan?
It only almost saves the galaxy because I have not yet figured out how Xanatos staying good could mess with Palpatine's plan and to be honest I quite like the idea of maybe writing a Fix-it that doesn't fix everything. Maybe some things are better but others stay the same you know?
"sci-fi cuivienen elves" is basically a retelling/reimagining of the awakening of the elf fathers and their wives in an alternative universe.
They (Imin, Iminyë, Tata, Tatië, Enel and Enelyë) were the leaders of a mission to a recently discovered planet that was assumed to be habitable. With them were the other elves aka members of their crew
After their not so smooth landing most of them fell into a deep sleep and when they weakened they basically had no memories and only over time can pierce things together by going through old mission logs.
A mix between fantasy, sci-fi and something like post apocalypse (think botw vibes) with a major focus on rediscovery and solving the secrets of one's own past.
Oromë is the leader of the search party who went looking for the crew once they go missing
The Valar are all probably Aliens of some sort and maybe have been working with the people of the original home planet if the elves? And now feel responsible for losing them? Also they're all pretty eldritch looking because why not
Melkor and his minions are the evils that lurk on this new planet ready to devour the newcomers or they are an intergalactic crime organisation that is staging a civil war im not sure yet… maybe both?
Hm Ungoliant could be that evil thing lurking in the shadows, I'll think about that.
And it will end like it did with Finwë, Ingwë and Elwë taking parts of the crew back home, while parts remain on the planet they discovered because they feel more at home there now.
I have no idea how Elwë and co go missing but idk it happens they chill on a forest moon somewhere. And Elwë gets an alien wife ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not much in terms of plot it's mostly just vibes
Ask me about my wips!
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
WIP #47
(Send me a number 1-60 [or a fandom/character I guess] for the corresponding wip) because I’m bored and brain-fried and have too many wips that’ll otherwise never see the light of day.
For @misssquidtracy who asked for “Number 47 - Thunderbirds (specifically da Gords)”.   Luckily, this happens to be a Gordon PoV wip, so it’s all Gordon!
It’s also a Scott!whump, because it’s me and I’m terrible and I have way too many of these lying around, so watch out for that.  There’s also a lot of this.  Nearly 6k words, so enjoy :D
Gordon hated it when his squid sense started to tingle for no discernible reason.  On a rescue, his squid sense was invaluable, warning him just in time that a building was about to topple, or that an aftershock was on its way.  Lives had been saved by his mysterious power – hardly a power, more an instinct honed by too many years of military precision combined with a predisposition for pranks whilst living in a house with three older brothers.  Alan joked about him being bitten by a squid, like that old superhero story about the guy and the spider.
It was easier to laugh it off than get into a debate with the astronaut about the biting habits – or lack thereof – of aquatic creatures his younger brother knew nothing more than the required basics about.
However, joking aside, Gordon’s sixth sense was particularly active, and while usually it was a life-saving boon, this time it was just a nuisance.  He was at home, safe and comfortable in the clean water of the pool. He’d opted for lazy backstrokes, taking his time to reach from one end of the pool to the other before executing a neat flip to repeat the stroke back the way he’d come.  None of his brothers were on missions, either.  John was as ever up in Thunderbird Five, but from the far end of the pool he could see the holographic form of his brother just visible in the den.  Alan was, last checked, also in the den – the two space mad brothers had decided to watch a documentary on, surprise, surprise, space, during what downtime they had – while Virgil had decided to do some maintenance on Thunderbird Two with Brains.
Scott was away on boring business, a stuffy CEO meeting that he couldn’t palm off onto the board of directors that were supposed to be handling that sort of thing for him, or even attend via hologram.  They had insisted on a personal touch – literally – and as it was, apparently, a big deal, that meant Scott had to ditch the blues, send one last longing look at Thunderbird One, and let Kayo escort him in Tracy One to the meeting place.
The meeting had been due to start about an hour ago, if Gordon was getting his timezone calculations correct.  Why Tracy Industries still had its headquarters in America, far too many hours behind Tracy Island, when there was a perfectly respectable landmass or two closer to home, he couldn’t quite fathom, but when he’d raised the point Scott and John had both fixed him with tired, don’t be an idiot looks, with just a hint of be glad you don’t have to deal with this nonsense to stop him from pestering further.
Kayo herself was who-knew-where, sneaking around in her sneaky Kayo way.  He’d seen Tracy One return several hours ago, Kayo’s taxi service duties over until Scott called for her.  Apparently, head of IR security did not equal anything in terms of Tracy Industries security, a fact that he knew grated on her.  Still, she and Lady Penelope had run multiple background checks on all the men and women that made up Scott’s official security, and were as assured as they could be with Kayo not amongst their number that he was in good hands.
So if his squid sense could stop tingling randomly, that’d be great, thanks.
It didn’t, and annoyance turned to dread when the emergency signal went off, summoning them all to the lounge.  A tingling squid sense, and an emergency?  Gordon had a really bad feeling about that.
He made it to the den in record time, more damp than not with a beautiful trail of drips across the carpet that Grandma was going to murder him for later, and still in nothing but his swimming trunks.  Alan made a face of disgust as he threw himself down onto the sofa next to him to face John.  The documentary that the two astronauts had been watching was paused on what his old school lessons told him was a supernova eruption.  The imagery of an explosion did nothing to help his jittery squid sense.
Virgil was last to join them, grease streaking up one sleeve and smearing onto the sofa he chose to sit on – at least he wasn’t the only one that would be facing the wrath of Grandma later.
“What have you got, John?” his eldest currently-home brother asked, looking far too laid back for Gordon’s liking.  Not that there was anything wrong with it – Virgil still was far from relaxed, alert and ready for the briefing before launching himself down the slide of death – but Gordon found himself tense in comparison.
“A plane’s gone down in America,” John told them.  “I intercepted a mayday call from the pilot; the GDF have already responded but it’s a bad one and they don’t have enough resources to get everyone out.   Gear up; I’ll give you the details on the way.”
One of those, huh? Gordon flew towards the fish tank that housed his launch tube, slapping his palm against the hidden sensor and feeling the familiar downwards rush towards the hangars, splitting off from the route to Four and instead making a beeline for Two.  He met Alan on the platform, his youngest brother jittering excitedly as always, just in time for Virgil to retract it, bringing them up into the cockpit.
Co-pilot was his chair, and the only person annoying enough to turf him out of it on ‘superiority’ grounds was Scott.  Even Kayo knew better than to steal his chair, so Alan settled happily enough into the navigation chair behind Virgil, pulling up the screens ready for John to transmit the data straight though.
“You alright?” Virgil asked him as the hangar door rolled down, revealing rows of palm trees ready to bow in homage to the green beast.
“My squid sense is going haywire,” he admitted, no point in lying.  Not on a mission.  He expected John to scoff – his second eldest brother always slightly more dismissive of it than the rest of them.  After all, there was no scientific explanation.  All joking about fish and gills aside, Gordon was one hundred percent human.  John didn’t scoff, and that made his squid sense reach an uncomfortable level.  In fact, John didn’t say anything at all, his hologram not paying them any attention at all as he fiddled with something invisible up on Five.
“Well, it’s a plane crash,” Alan pointed out, his voice somewhat subdued.  Virgil made a noise of agreement as Two’s engines roared to life behind them, punching them into the air.  She was no rocket, but Thunderbird Two could still produce a decent amount of Gs. Gordon wished that was it, but the tingle had started before John briefed them.
“Guys,” John finally said, once Two was cruising at full speed towards America.  “I’ve got hold of the flight details for the plane.  It wasn’t easy; turns out it was a top-secret flight even the GDF didn’t know about.”
“That sounds ominous,” Virgil observed.
“It gets worse.” John’s face was grim.  Really grim.  Bearer of terrible news grim.  “It was a private flight chartered for a top secret business meeting between the biggest aerospace companies in the world.  Four CEOs were on board, including-” his voice broke in a very un-John-like manner, and Gordon’s stomach dropped.
“Don’t say it,” Alan begged. In front of him, Virgil’s knuckles were white on the yoke, Thunderbird Two’s engines whining as they went just that little bit faster.
“Including Scott,” John finished, visibly pulling himself back together.  “In total there were thirty people on board, including the pilots. The reports from the GDF so far say that the rear of the plane is trashed but the cause isn’t yet clear. Two bodies have been recovered so far – neither of them Scott – but they can’t get into the main body of the plane. Scans suggest that approximately half of them survived the initial crash.  I’m picking up fourteen life signs; two of them in the cockpit area so they’re most likely the pilots.”
“Scott’s communicator?” Virgil asked as sea gave way to land beneath them, the American coast looking unfairly beautiful.
“I’m not getting a response,” John admitted.  “I’ll keep trying.”
“Anything from the telemetry?”  Alan was tapping away at the screen by his chair, clearly manipulating the data John was sending him.  Gordon envied him the distraction.
“It’s offline,” John sighed, rubbing his face tiredly.  “Seems like it was damaged in the crash.  EOS is attempting to reconnect but no luck so far.”
“Do you have any good news for us, Johnny?” Gordon asked hopefully.
“Colonel Casey is one of the GDF officers at the scene,” John offered, notably not rising to the bait. Well, Gordon supposed that was better than random officers, or worse, the ones that weren’t overly fond of International Rescue and didn’t fully co-operate.  “Kayo’s just launched in Thunderbird Shadow for the airport they took off from.  Lady Penelope is also on the way; she and Parker are already making enquiries to find out what happened.”
“They think sabotage?” Virgil asked.
“The CEOs of the four most powerful aerospace industries in the world were on that plane,” John pointed out.  “It’s suspicious, at least.”
“Do you think it’s the Hood?”  Gordon sent Alan a withering look.  Not everything was the Hood’s fault, even if it felt like it.
“I don’t know, Alan,” John said.  “Kayo thinks it isn’t his style.  He’d have been looking to get money from them, not kill them.”
“He killed Dad.”
Gordon flinched.  He wasn’t the only one.
“No-one said Scott’s dead,” Virgil said, voice steady even though Gordon couldn’t remember the last time he’d looked so tense.
“He’ll be okay, right?” Alan asked.  “I mean, it’s Scott.  If anyone can walk away from a plane crash, it’d be Scott, right?”
“Let’s hope,” John replied.
The co-ordinates John had programmed into Thunderbird Two’s navigation system flashed up, warning that they were on final approach.  Slowed to subsonic, they came to a hover alongside a GDF flier and got their first glimpse of the downed plane.  It wasn’t pretty.
The final third of the plane no longer resembled the tail of anything remotely flight-worthy.  Twisted and warped metal was crumpled and torn ragged. Men and women in GDF uniforms were hovering around the area, large lasers deployed to slice their way in. Gordon knew instantly that no-one who had been in that part of the plane could possibly have survived.
At the other end of the plane, the nose was also crumpled but not as far back as the cockpit windows. It looked as though whatever had downed the plane had occurred at the back, with the damage to the nose only made by the impact of the crash.  More GDF were swarming the cockpit windows, cutting their way in with infinite more care than their counterparts were cleaving the rear.
The area of most interest to them was the middle third.  While not the complete write-off of the rear, massive dents and warps in the metal warned of a serious crash.  Any survivors would be in that area, but the condition of said survivors was unknown. All of the emergency exits were untouched; from a distance, Gordon couldn’t tell if they were wedged shut by warped metal, or if there was another reason that none of them had been opened.
“International Rescue!” Colonel Casey flagged them down, guiding them towards a space just large enough for Thunderbird Two to land.  “You boys are a sight for sore eyes,” she greeted.  “The fuselage is too thick for our lasers to get through without endangering the survivors inside.  We’ve got the pilots under control, but we haven’t been able to make contact with any of the passengers.”
“F.A.B.,” Virgil answered her.  “We’ll get them out.  John said fourteen life signs?”
“Affirmative,” she said. “We have visual on both pilots. The other twelve are randomly positioned within the front half of the plane.”
“We’ll get them out,” Virgil assured her, and ended the call.  “Gordon, Alan, get as much cutting gear and first aid supplies as you can carry.”
“You didn’t mention Scott,” Gordon observed, and he sighed.
“No point worrying her. You two know we have to treat him the same as the rest?”
Alan frowned.
“But couldn’t he help us?”
“If he’s fit to help, then that’s one thing,” Virgil told them.  “But I don’t like that none of the doors are open.  Don’t get your hopes up; this is a nasty crash.”
“Come on,” Gordon muttered, grabbing Alan’s arm and tugging him towards the module.  “Faster we get in there, the faster we’ll find him.”
“I know that much!” Alan grumbled, yanking his arm back.  “I can walk by myself, Gordon!”  He stalked off ahead.  Gordon let him, hearing Virgil catch up with him from behind.
“You don’t think Scott’s okay,” he said, quietly.  It wasn’t a question.
“If he was, he’d have got word out somehow by now,” Virgil replied.  “Even if his communicator’s broken, there are GDF swarming the place. He’d only need to catch their attention through a window.”  He made a beeline straight for his exosuit, pulling on the heavy gear with the ease of practice and charging out of the lowering module door.  Gordon collected their last hand-held cutter and shouldered a medical pack before following alongside Alan, who was kitted out the same.
Virgil’s shoulder laser was powerful and made short work of the fuselage that the GDF had been too reluctant to touch.  A wrench with the claw arm and a thick wodge of metal slammed down on the ground in front of him.  The opening wasn’t huge, too small for Virgil with his suit to fit through comfortably, but it was the largest they’d been willing to risk with the unknown structural integrity of the fuselage.  Gordon slipped through first, hand laser in hand for any further obstacles, and let out a shaky breath.
“Woah,” he muttered, pulling his helmet on.  The air was murky, dust kicked up and swarming around from the warped metal. None of the seats were upright; sheered metal struts protruded from where they should have been, in a circle around what was once a table.  That had broken in two, the far end buried under the start of the truly warped area. “Hello?  International Rescue!”
Alongside personal effects and broken pieces of aircraft, the floor was strewn with bodies.  Some were obviously dead, impaled by shrapnel made from the very plane that should have been protecting them.  One in particular was grotesque, a metal strut that had once supported a chair stuck straight through his chest from where he’d been thrown on top of it.  Gordon recognised him as part of Scott’s security detail and had to fight to hold back the bile.
Scott.  Where was Scott?
Despite Virgil’s words, he wasted a moment looking around the scene, but there was no sign of his eldest brother.  Unable to justify hunting for him before checking for signs of life in those immediately visible, he crouched down by the nearest person not obviously dead and checked their pulse.  It was weak but there.
“Woah!”  Alan mimicked his own reaction upon entering.  “What a mess.”
“Alan, I’ve got a survivor here!”  Gordon called him over immediately.  “Mind your step.”  His youngest brother picked his way over to him.  “Find a way to get him out.  I’ll look for more.”
“Have you found Scott yet?” he asked, kneeling down and opening his med kit.  Gordon shook his head.
“No sign.  I’ll let you know as soon as I do.”  Alan nodded, and Gordon continued his search.  It was a grim one.  He’d suspected as such when no-one had responded to his call, but even when he found a warm body, they were unconscious.  Virgil joined him, exosuit stripped off and replaced with more medical kits and a small group of GDF personnel courtesy of Colonel Casey. Between them, it was a far more manageable task to carefully remove the survivors from the wreckage.  Those pronounced as dead were left for the moment as John’s countdown of life signs inside the remains of the plane slowly ticked down.
All in all, they’d so far found eighteen of the twenty eight passengers, including the dead pulled from the ruined tail section.  Ten to go, two of which were still alive according to Thunderbird Five’s scans. One of the ten was Scott.  Gordon felt cruel when he found another breathing body and mentally cursed her for not being Scott.  It wasn’t her fault; she was lucky to be alive herself, torso contorted in a way he knew meant a broken back.  He should be relieved to find any survivors at all, not cursing them for not being the one he wanted to be alive.
He flagged her up to one of the closest medics and moved on.  It was almost too dark to see at the back of the plane, up against the crushed wreckage.  His toe snapped on something soft and he tripped.  Landing in a crouch, he turned around to face the obstruction.  A dead body.  He didn’t even need to check the young man’s pulse; the poor guy had been caught in the mangled metal and torn in half.  His face was twisted in pain and terror, blue eyes wide and glassy with death.  It wasn’t Scott, but Gordon knew he’d be seeing those eyes in his nightmares nonetheless.
Turning back around, he moved to stand before realising he was by part of the fallen table.  Various limbs had been protruding from beneath the large slab at intervals during Gordon’s search, but here there was a gap. A seat, wedged beneath it, had left part of the table at an angle.  It was too dark to see into it, so Gordon palmed a glowstick and snapped it, illuminating the area in an eerie green.  Immediately the silhouette of a body greeted his eyes.  Mindful of additional shrapnel, he reached in carefully, fumbling until he found their wrist.
Thump… thump…
Slow, but there.  At the same time, a GDF woman called in another survivor.  One more than expected.
“Virgil!” he called. “I’ve got someone under the table with a pulse.  Going to need some heavy lifting to get them out!”
“F.A.B.” his brother replied.  He raised the glowstick above his head with the hand not measuring the pulse and waved it around.  “I see you.” A moment later, Virgil and a trio of GDF officers appeared.  “How much of this are we going to need to shift?” he asked.  Gordon shrugged.
“I can’t see.  Got a silhouette but not much more.  Give me your torch.”  He dropped the glowstick and kept his hand open for Virgil’s gear. It landed in his hand and he carefully manoeuvred it down before turning it on.
A once sharp grey suit was covered in dust, but that wasn’t what caught Gordon’s breath in his throat. It was the dark brown hair, and the broken but unmistakable International Rescue communicator on his forearm, less than an inch from Gordon’s fingers on the slow pulse, that made him gasp.
“It’s Scott.”  He cut Virgil’s query off.  Behind him, the GDF murmured in surprise.
Virgil didn’t ask anything more.  Gordon stayed where he was, watching the limp form of his eldest brother with a lump in his throat as they moved around him.  His fingers didn’t budge from the pulse, a fear gripping him that if he stopped measuring it, it would stop altogether.  Orders barked and a concert of groans resulted in a large part of the broken table slab being cut up and lifted, letting what pitiful light had reached so far back into the cabin illuminate Scott’s body.
It wasn’t good.  Blood matted his hair, a mark of something striking him in the crash.  One leg was twisted almost completely around, a dislocated hip at best, and more blood stained his arm.
Virgil took charge, nudging Gordon out of the way.  He went willingly only because out of everyone in the world, he only trusted Virgil or Grandma to handle his brother in such a broken state.  He tapped his communicator.
“John, Alan?”
Both answered immediately, eager for news.  Inwardly he was glad not to be the bearer of tragic news, not sure he could have managed it.
“Found him; he’s alive.”
“How is he?” Alan demanded over John’s sigh of relief.  Gordon winced.
“Alive,” he repeated. “Virgil’s got him.  It’s too dark back here to tell past that.”  That was a bare faced lie; even as he spoke he could see Virgil attaching the medical scanner to him, still glowing glow stick highlighting the frown on his face.  Neither brother called him out on it.
“I’ll update the others,” John said instead.  “Keep looking for survivors; you’re on one more than our scans showed.  There might be more.”
“F.A.B.”  He ended the call.  “Virgil?”
“All in hand,” his older brother said shortly.  “Keep looking.”
Seven dead bodies later, all thirty crew and passengers were accounted for.  He exited the craft, removing his now filthy helmet, only to almost collide with Colonel Casey.
“You knew Scott was on board the flight,” she said without greeting.  Her face was displeased, and he figured he was the first Tracy she’d managed to collar.
“Of course we did,” he confirmed.  “But that didn’t change how we operated.”
“I can see that,” she said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”  He glanced back at the corpse of the plane, where Virgil was still inside with Scott, carefully transferring him to a hoverstretcher, last Gordon had seen.
“Because it didn’t change anything,” he repeated.  “Excuse me, Colonel, but my job isn’t over yet.”
He didn’t wait to be dismissed, heading towards Thunderbird Two’s open module to prep it for Scott’s transport.  The GDF might be taking the other injured to hospitals, but there was only one craft their brother would be travelling in, and that was their own.  He wasn’t naïve; Scott’s injuries were bad, beyond anything Grandma and Virgil could handle at home.  John and Kayo were already working to locate a hospital both capable of treating him, and with enough security that he would be safe from ill-wishers during his recovery.
None of them were convinced this was a simple accident.  Not with so many high profile individuals on board.  The Hood aside, there were many people that stood to gain from the deaths of the four CEOs.  Lady Penelope was already digging into the employees from the other three companies who stood to benefit from the deaths.  Regretfully, the only CEO still with a pulse was Scott.  All four of them had been towards the back of the cabin, all bar Scott caught up in the twisted metal that was the final third of the plane.
Scott had been lucky, for all that he wasn’t out of the woods yet.  Gordon wasn’t a medical professional, but Virgil’s face told him that much.
“The medical carrier is ready to leave,” Colonel Casey told him.  He assumed she’d followed him to Thunderbird Two, although had at least refrained from entering uninvited.  “As soon as Scott is on board, they’ll be on their way.”
“They can leave now,” Gordon retorted.  “We’ll handle Scott.”
“I know you are concerned, but this crash is a GDF investigation,” she told him.  “All casualties fall under GDF jurisdiction.”
Gordon was shorter than her – the only one of his brothers bar the still-growing Alan with that distinction – but inside the module bay he could still look down at her.
“Scott is International Rescue jurisdiction,” he corrected her.  “And as the CEO of the family business, also Tracy jurisdiction.  He’ll be treated at a location approved by us, not the GDF, and if the GDF have an issue with that, they can take that up with our head of security.”
“And your other employees?” she challenged.  Gordon pushed away the memory of a man impaled by a seat strut.
“None of them survived.” He turned his back on her, readying the finishing touches.
“I’m sorry for your losses,” she said, and he heard her walk away.  He’d barely known them, the six men and women wearing Tracy Industries logos, but Scott had.  John, too, and Kayo had hand-picked the four members of security.
Alan appeared beside him, putting away what remained of the medical supplies he’d taken out earlier and locking the hand-held laser back where it belonged.
“Is he going to be okay?” he asked, and Gordon shrugged, putting an arm around his shoulders.
“I don’t know,” he admitted.
“Do you think this was sabotage?”
“I don’t know.”
“Why would anyone do this?”
Gordon sighed.
“It might have just been an accident,” he reminded him, even if he doubted his own words.  Alan looked equally unconvinced.  “Come on, let’s get her ready to go.”
“F.A.B.,” Alan said quietly, and they headed out towards the loading platform, only to be brought up short at the sight of Virgil approaching them, hoverstretcher alongside. Immediately they got out of the way, letting their older brother brush past and secure the stretcher to the wall.
“Gordon, pilot,” he said. “John and Kayo found us a New Zealand hospital.  It’s a fair distance, but it’s secure.  Scott should hold on long enough to get there as long as you don’t dawdle.”
“F.A.B.”  Gordon wasn’t a fan of the implication that Scott might not, but had no choice but to trust Virgil as he jabbed the button to raise the platform.  Alan stayed behind – understandable, as he hadn’t seen yet seen their eldest brother – but Gordon didn’t say anything.  He could pilot Two solo.
There were many words that could be used to describe the speed they left the crash site and headed for the other side of the world at, but ‘dawdle’ was not one of them.  She was no rocket like One or Three, but Two was still one of the fastest planes in the world, and Gordon was determined to get as much speed out of her as he dared.  Virgil could take her faster, another Mach at least, but he wasn’t Virgil and didn’t trust himself to keep her flight smooth at top speed.  He just hoped it would be fast enough.
About halfway there, somewhere over the large expanse of water that Gordon would much rather be in than over, Virgil contacted him, a hologram flickering into life in his periphery.
“If I send Alan up, will you go faster?” he asked.  Gordon’s heart sank.
“Is he getting worse?” Please no, please not Scott.
“I’ve got him stable,” Virgil reassured him.  “But he’s still critical.  The sooner we get him to the hospital the happier I’ll be.”
“More speed coming up,” he confirmed, reaching for the throttle.  “Uh, yeah, send Alan up, would you?”  He could probably do with a co-pilot if he went any faster.
“Sure thing,” Virgil agreed. “He’s on his way.”
Sure enough, no sooner than his older brother ended the connection, the door opened and Alan stumbled through it, all but collapsing into the co-pilot’s chair.
“He hasn’t woken up,” the astronaut offered as he reached forwards to power up the co-pilot controls. As soon as the second set of lights lit up, Gordon accelerated the craft towards top speed.  “Virgil’s worried about the head injury.”
Gordon grit his teeth, remembering the red matted into the brown under the powerful beam of Virgil’s torch.
“Head injuries are tricky,” he agreed.  “But Virgil knows what he’s going, and John’s found a hospital that specialises in them.”
“I know,” Alan replied quietly.  “That’s what worries me.  They’re not telling us something.”
“The hazards of being the youngest,” Gordon groaned, unsurprised but as annoyed as Alan about it. Scott was their brother too, dammit. “So, what are they not telling us?”
“Have you seen the results of the scan?” Alan asked him.  Gordon shook his head.
“Nah, had to leave to look for other survivors once Virgil was dealing with him, and haven’t seen him since.”  Five seconds of hoverstretcher rushing past didn’t really count.  “What came up?”
“No idea,” Alan sulked. “Virgil’s been keeping it out of my sight all journey.  But I know John knows.”
Gordon growled and slammed the comm button.
“John, Virgil, I want the result of those scans,” he demanded.
“You’re piloting,” Virgil responded immediately.  “No reading while you’re controlling my ‘bird.”
“Then summarise for me,” he retorted.  “Starting with that head injury.”
“Just get us to the hospital,” Virgil ordered.
“Already doing that,” he ground out, hackles rising.  “Stop trying to keep us in the dark!  He’s our brother too!”  Thunderbird Two lurched under his grip before Alan hastily stabilised them.
“What are you doing up there?” Virgil demanded.  “Be careful!”
“Letting my imagination fill in the blanks,” he lied – he was, in fact, keeping his imagination carefully blank.
“Is it that bad?” Alan interrupted before Virgil could find a fresh retort.  “Is he dying?”
Silence filled the cabin, and Gordon’s temper flared.
“You said he was stable!” he yelled.  “Dammit, Virgil, don’t lie to me about that!”
“I said critical but stable,” Virgil corrected.  “He is stable, Gordo, but…”  He trailed off, and Gordon glanced over at Alan to see his own growing panic mirrored back at him in blue eyes.
“He’s comatose,” John said quietly.
“What?” Alan yelped. Gordon stiffened, hands threatening to crush the yoke in his hands before he forcibly relaxed them.
“You didn’t think I might like to know that?” he growled, flashes of hospitals and white coats and bodiless voices stirring in the back of his mind before he trampled them down ruthlessly.  Not now. Silence answered him.  Clearly both his conscious older brothers knew they were in the wrong, and that whatever nonsense they fed him about not wanting to distract him while he was piloting wouldn’t pacify him in the slightest.
Alan’s face had gone white, big blue eyes focused on him, and he knew his younger brother was remembering the last time he’d had a family member in a coma – him.  He forced a smile for his benefit, which had about as much of an effect as any pacifying words John or Virgil might have tried to use.
“Why?” Alan asked, voice shaking.  “Who would do that?”
“Kayo and Lady Penelope are looking into it,” John told them.  “Whatever happened, they’ll find out.  I’ve got EOS doing some digging of her own, too.”
“But… is Scott going to be okay?” Alan pleaded, looking back at Gordon, who was clearly the resident expert on comas.  He remembered the fight for consciousness, pleading voices turning to resigned ones as they talked about their day yet again.  He remembered wanting to respond so badly but being trapped by his own body.
The idea of Scott going through that filled him with dread – if he even did.  Comas were different for different people, he’d found out later, when he’d torn through everything he could get his hands on in a desperate attempt to understand what had happened to him.  He wouldn’t wish that on anyone, except maybe the Hood but then even only in his blackest moods.  Scott had done nothing to deserve that.
“He’s a fighter,” was all he could say.
The hospital staff were ready and waiting for them when they finally arrived, a two hour flight that had felt far longer.  No sooner had he touched down and opened the module than they were swarming, hurrying Scott inside with Virgil hot on their heels, presumably talking doctor-speak and filling in anything they hadn’t already been briefed about.
Gordon and Alan were left in Thunderbird Two’s cockpit, watching out of the windows as their elder brothers vanished into the maw of the hospital.
“Do we follow them?” Alan asked after a moment.  Gordon looked at the doors with no small amount of dread, and shook his head.
“They won’t be allowing visitors just yet,” he said.  “Virgil will have a fight to stay with him, and he’s our medic.  We’ll just get shoved in a waiting room with sympathetic looks and no news.”
At least, that was the stories he’d heard from his brothers, regarding his own accident. International Rescue might have more weight than merely the Tracy name had back then, but a patient was a patient.
“Come home,” John said, popping up from the dashboard and looking them both over.  He looked tired, too, and Gordon wondered how much worse it was for him, stuck up in space and fully reliant on holograms to see Scott. At least the rest of them had been able to see – and touch – him.  It didn’t take much for Gordon to recall the thump-thump of a faint pulse beneath his fingers as he clung to the sign that he hadn’t lost anyone else.
Not yet, a nasty voice whispered in the back of his mind.  He silenced it sharply.
“But-” Alan protested, clinging to the edges of his seat as though it was the hoverstretcher carrying Scott’s limp body.
“Come home and get cleaned up,” John said firmly, reminding Gordon that he’d spent several hours in a wrecked plane with dead bodies.  It was hidden slightly better on Alan’s uniform, but a glance at his own showed red drying into brown on his yellow baldric.  “By the time we get back there, they might have news for us.”
“We?” Gordon locked onto, and John crossed his arms.
“I’m not staying up here waiting for news to trickle in,” he snapped, and Gordon raised his hands in surrender.
“Never said you were, big bro,” he soothed.
“What about the investigation?” Alan asked, even as he started flicking switches and preparing the massive craft for lift off once more.
“I’ve got EOS on that,” John replied.  Following Alan’s lead, Gordon took control of the massive Thunderbird again, her VTOLs roaring as they peeled away from their landing spot back into the sky.  “I’ll let Virgil know where you are once he gets in contact.”
“F.A.B.,” Gordon acknowledged.
He pretended it didn’t hurt to turn their back on the hospital where Scott lay comatose, but even if it fooled his brothers (doubtful), he couldn’t fool himself.
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shevoj1207 · 6 years
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【WIP Voltron Supernova Vol.2 Zine 】 A result of 3 panels in the zine after redrawing again. Initially these panels was more funny but think about Allura's feeling..poor princess has her thoughts about Galra, and so I redrew it. Other than that, I admire King Alfor a lots, too.
And well, I remember I said I wont post any WIP again but oops unexpected changes was here. I have a habit to keep checking files until proceed printing Otz
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planets-and-prose · 5 years
WIP (Re) Intro
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Hi everyone! So when I initially posted a (kinda) WIP intro, I had like. 0 followers. (Actually 0 though) and now I have Some! Which is a pity for you guys bc it’s Dead Week at my college right now, so Writing Time is very, VERY limited. Meaning new content is probably not gonna be up till May. However, I figure that I’d at least let you know what’s going on WIP-wise!
Becoming A Supernova is a collection of short stories, all about one starship crew who operate outside the law and do what they can to resist the influence of the well-loved, propaganda-fueled Galactic Peace Federation. This crew consists of...
Sellia Galuzio: The kinda-sorta-captain who has never forgiven the GPF for allowing her former partner to die in captivity. She’s got a lot of energy, a lot of plans, and a lot of anger at the injustices of this world.
Morgan Hawkes: A young piloting prodigy who was hunted down after refusing to help the GPF colonize planets in far-out star systems. They’re a bit timid, but they trust Sellia and the rest of their crew to help them resist and not die doing it.
Sergei Belmonte: A war veteran who lost his hand on a GPF warship, and then escaped after refusing to help the GPF go to war against an alien civilization that resisted their colonization practices. Currently works as an engineer with a bit (a lot) of a soft spot for AI.
7E-019283 “Syemme”: Syemme is a former GPF AI that was about to be destroyed since they were “glitching” (resisting their directives and gaining self-awareness). Sergei rescued them and took away the restrictions on their personality programming, allowing them to come into themselves (and discover their love for sarcasm and sass)
Anura Mazack: Anura is an alien, a species that is only known as The Verdant to humans. The Verdant are hybrid plant-humans (A post is going to come with more info on that later!) and Anura barely managed to escape the GPF after they destroyed her home village in “self defense.”
Dawn Alquist: Dawn is also an alien, a Lysal. Lysal are people who’ve evolved bioluminescence (Again, more info later!) She’s the youngest of the crew and wants to learn about EVERYTHING. She speaks a lot of languages and joined the crew with Henry to learn more about the universe.
Henry Campbak: Henry’s a doctor who found Dawn when she was very young. He took her in since her parents had “joined” the GPF and as such is protective of her and sees her like a little sister, and even teases her like he’s her big brother (even though he isn’t THAT much older). He’s the most skittish of the crew and the least likely to break rules.
Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist for Becoming A Supernova! I’ll put up a masterlist soon, but since I only have one story up, it’s kind of pointless right now lol.
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
OC Picrew!
Thanks for tagging me @oh-no-another-idea (here)!
(picrew maker here)
Behold Jack Tithus (red-haired picrew) and Valen Cassidy (blond picrew), from Supernova Initiative and Scrapyard Boys respectively!
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Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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antarespromise · 6 years
So this is how I write...
Titles are tricky. 
Sometimes initially I would know nothing about a story except the title.
This is how Five Four Three Two One, and Supernova was created.
Other titles in my WIP list:
One Thousand Skies (I’m writing this one next!)
Ugly Stupid Love (no idea what this one’s about)
A Confusion of Crows (700 words in, shapeshifters, magic, dark fantasy)
You, from the Stars (I wrote this on paper a long time ago, will edit it eventually)
You get the picture 😊
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exquisitliltart · 7 years
Lotto95 SQ Supernova Author Interview
Check out the spotlight interview with Lotto95 - on their story “Operation Cobra Part Two”
What inspired your story?
My initial focus was always Emma and wanting desperately to give her a better story. I don't know about everyone else, but watching what had become of her character on the show...hurt, and was frustrating. I hoped I could bring her back to life, whilst giving swen the happy ending we deserved. As I was plotting and writing, I realised there were some other plots I wanted to rewrite and somewhere along the way, the story seemed to fall into place.
Let's get deep: why do you write?
It started as a hobby that I believed no one would ever see! Now, it's more about writing the stories that no one else will. I'm sure a lot of us know what it's like to turn on the tv, for there to be no characters that are relatable. I came to realise that we need to write them ourselves; no one is going to do it for us. It's also something I just enjoy to do!
Do you ever have conversations with your characters, and talk back to them?
It's more like my characters have conversations amoungst themselves in my head. I write down what they tell me!
What is your favorite type of writing to do?
Fanfiction mainly! Plotting out longer fics that I never have time to write is usually what I do best. I do like one shots, but they usually end up morphing into multi-chaps anyway!
If you could live out one scene of your writing what would it be?
I'm not sure if there's any scene in particular, but I have a fluffy WIP and I wouldn't mind having a cute meet like Emma and Regina in the fic ;D
How do you shape your characters?
That's something great about fanfic! The characters are already shaped. I have started to dig deeper into their motivations and who they are at their core, to figure out how they react in certain situations and why they do the things they do. Definitely makes things interesting!
Where can we follow you on social media?
@GotDynamite208 on twitter and Lotto95 on ao3/ff.net
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squirenonny · 7 years
Tagged by @bluethepaladin :D
1) How many works do you currently have in progress?
Ha. Haha. Hahahahahha.
Okay, let me count them all. Duality (main + D&D side-story, ongoing.) Horror bang (waiting on revisions.) Galra bang (75% done with first draft.) Supernova bang (~10% done.) Another Voltron thing (in the planning stage.) Scops & Co (ongoing.) Plus an idea I have mostly planned but haven’t started writing yet that’s probably going to be for the Hunk bang next year. And some original novels that I’m going to get back to one of these days, I swear. So 7 active WIPs at the moment?
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
Yes I do! (Obviously, given the above paragraph.) I adore fanfiction and will defend it both as a valuable way to build writing skills and as art in its own right until the day I die.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Paperrrrrrrr. I’m sorry, but I love the smell of books, and I stim on the pages as I read. I have ebooks of things that aren’t available in print, research type books, and a few others, and I’ve gotten really into ebooks the last year or so because I’ve been listening to so many podcasts at work. But physical books will always be my true love.
4) When did you start writing?
I’m not actually sure? I wrote my first complete short story for a class in fifth grade, I remember that. (Two stories, actually: a standard portal fantasy story called, “Into Eltania,” which only needed to be three paragraphs and ended up at six pages, and “The Life and Times of my Talking Pencil,” which ended in the narrator murdering a sentient mechanical pencil. My teacher was concerned.) I know I was writing before that, though. Some fanfiction in my diary (notably Star Wars and Transformers), a few feeble attempts at original fiction, including one that I think was titled “The Friend Ship” in which I described a tree house and the people inside and then realized they were going to have to talk and ragequit.
I started writing consistently in high school, which is when I finished my first novel (which was kiiiiinda a mess, but hey. That’s the learning process, right?) And I’ve never really stopped since, just flipped between fanfic and original works.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
@survivorofhighstorms is the first person to know about my stories and often the first person to read them.
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
My house. I mostly write on the couch, but I sometimes move to my bed or the kitchen table if I need a change of posture. I occasionally go to the library to write, and I write a lot on my lunch at work, but I prefer to be home where I’m comfortable and not worried about strangers looking over my shoulder. (Social anxiety, folks. It’s awesome~)
7) Favorite childhood book
You expect me to pick one?? Based on sheer number of rereads, it would probably have to be either the Jedi Apprentice or Young Jedi Knights books. I read both series in their entirety at least twice a year for a good 4-5 years.
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
Primarily for fun, but I do want to pursue publication once I get at least one of my current manuscripts into shape.
9) Pen and paper or computer?
Primarily computer. I write by hand when I’m out of the house, and I find planning by hand to be a little bit easier most of the time, but for actual writing I prefer to type since it’s a billion times faster.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
I took a creative writing class in college! It was only one semester, but it was really helpful, especially with learning to plot and to create compelling characters, and since then I’ve taken the initiative to go out and teach myself more about the craft.
11) What inspires you to write?
Oh, lots of things. People, places, random shower thoughts, pure unadulterated reactance. (Seriously, I came up with an entire series purely because I once read a piece of writing advice that boiled down to, “Don’t kill a character in the first chapter. No one will care.” And I took that as a challenge.) It’s hard for me to track where a lot of my inspiration comes from because any given piece probably has about a dozen different seeds that have all come together, not to mention little strings of inspiration that flesh the whole skeleton out.
Uhhhhhh, I’m terrible about tagging people, so if you follow me and you write, consider yourself tagged.
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Fanfiction Index for Even The Littlest Monsters (FFVII Monsters-verse)
~ Monsters Tidbits - 100-word Drabbles, 50x1Sentence Challenges, Flashfic, and other Short Stories ~
The Sin of Inaction Has Old Roots, Vincent & Grimoire, G. Vincent's penchant for inaction began when he was young. (100 words)
Lucrecia Crescent, Ph.D., Lucrecia, G. The initial years of Lucrecia's career were not easy. (100 words)
Spillage From One Of A Thousand Tiny Cuts, Lucrecia, Gast, T. The problem was not within her. The problem was endemic within the environment. (100 words)
Forever Her Greatest Desire, Lucrecia/Science, G. Lucrecia wants recognition for her work. (100 words)
In the End She Got What She Wanted the Most, Lucrecia/Vincent, Lucrecia/Hojo, Lucrecia/Science, M. Fifty one-sentence snapshots of Lucrecia's thoughts about Vincent from the moment the meet until she says goodbye. (1700 words)
They Bring Out the Best and the Worst They Can Be, Vincent/Yuffie, T. Fifty one-sentence snapshots of Yuffie and Vincent over the years, in-canon and post-canon, as they grow as friends, as individuals, and eventually become life partners. (1920 words)
Sunrise, Sunset, Supernova (WIP), Vincent&Aerith, DeadTurk!Vincent/Lifestream!Aerith, Chaos/ThePlanet, T. Once Aerith figured out what Vincent was, she felt compelled to keep an eye on him. (Currently 2280 words, perhaps 5-7K when done. Will post in Jul-Aug 2017).
Envying Unconditional Love Was Never Yuffie’s Sin, But Coveting Thy Neighbor’s Property…, Yuffie/Vincent, Shelke, G. Yuffie provides Shelke with necessary reassurance and then wrestles with a different dark and disturbing emotion. (200 words)
Of Ephemerality and Immortality, Vincent/Yuffie, G. Yuffie, in her early 30s, leaves Reeve's WRO and returns to Wutai. Vincent goes with her to Wutai as her companion. A few months later this little slice of life scene occurs. (100 words)
~ Even the Littlest Monsters -- An FFVIIFanfic Novel ~
Even The Littlest Monsters Cast Shadows Long and Tall (WIP), Turk!Vincent/Lucrecia, Lucrecia/Hojo, Undead!Vincent/Yuffie, M.  (WIP:  50,000 words of first-draft manuscript plus 50,000 of notes, expected to be 100-120k when complete).
Chapter Index to be posted in Jul-Aug 2017.  Chapters to be posted throughout second half of 2017 through first half of 2018.
~ Other Short Stories in the Same Universe ~
There Is Always One In Every Group, Tseng, G. Tseng was destined for a position in management. (100 words)
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
‼️Clickbait Description Tag Game 😱😱👇👇 ‼️
Thank you for the tag, @the-golden-comet! And honestly shoutout to @the-letterbox-archives for creating this lovely tag! I love a good tag game and this one is super cool!
Rules: explain the plot/premise of your wip/s as if it were a clickbait (or just a regular one if you don't want to do clickbait) y Youtube video.
Supernova Initiative
Hot 25-year-old and his group of friends trespass on a secret government property, you will never guess what happened next! 😱😱😱😱
Scrapyard Boys
UNBELIEVABLE billionaire conspiracy scheme uncovered by HOMELESS TEENAGER - have they lied to us this whole time?
Crooked Fable
HELP, my crazy rich aunt tried to kill my boyfriend and tried to gaslight me into thinking she was right! 😓💀
Song of Thorns
Have they cracked the code to ETERNAL BEAUTY AND IMMORTALITY - follow these 10 easy, that absolutely not murderously bloody rituals, steps to do the same! (authentic advice from Royal Alchemist)
The Crystal of Ash (New)
Don't fall for those absurd lies! Top 10 reasons why you should absolutely trust the Triarchy with your life without question. Don't be ridiculous. Trust us.
+ Bonus: Young crook attempts to ASSASSINATE the reputation of BELOVED local benefactor. Are kids these days truly lost?
The Last Wrath
They invaded her home and she lost everything! You'll never believe what this 16-year-old did next! 😱😱😱
Enchanted Illusions
TEN MORE PEOPLE KILLED by mysterious killer, GOVERNMENT TURNS A BLIND EYE - what is it that they are hiding? 🙄
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
OC Picrew Tag!
I found this really cool Picrew and decided to make some of my OCs using it! I think you guys might like giving it a try as well, so I'm tagging a few people in this post (:
Here we go!
Rules: Use the provided Picrew to make one of your WIPs OCs, then provide a quick description of the character, and (optionally) a "funny/bad" version of a summary
Deimos Soll
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About: An infamously silver-tongued assassin, sniper, and mercenary known for being unpredictable and always having hidden intentions, Deimos is Jack and Cassie's former crewmate and first childhood friend, turned rival, turned begrudging-friend-again. Deimos is the most successful and deadly sniper in the whole galaxy, feared even by the Junction at his full potential.
Badly/Funny Summarization: Essentially a young, alien, 'space opera' version of John Wick with extra angst and a very questionable moral compass
Lyorna Alyrii
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About: A young and optimistic freedom fighter from a water folk of a faraway planet in the Khosmonian galaxies who believes in a freer future for her people and an end to the oppressive regime of the Junction. Focused and brilliant, Lyorna wants to uphold her father's legacy and bring peace to the galaxy. She becomes friends with Jack Tithus during his crew's mission on the Khosmonian galaxy and later on they become each other's love interest.
Bad Summarization: An overly optimistic, too-precious young adult who should be protected at all costs and has almost no plan for anything at any given moment in time and should not be left unsupervised.
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About: Though his full name is classified and unknown to the cast, his reputation precedes him. He is the single most successful special forces secret agent currently in the employ of the Junction - he has never failed a mission, never missed a target. And he always follows orders, always obeys the rules. However, is everything about him what it seems? A forgotten and suppressed part of his memory may prove that the system he fought so dearly to uphold may have actually made him into their perfect living weapon, and there may be many other lies yet to be uncovered
Bad Summarization: Twenty-something secret agent done with everything and everyone who only wanted to have a simple mission and ends up 'adopted' by the gang of misfits he was sent to supervise.
Tullieh Aerlys
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About: The undefeated and steadfast commander of the Guardians, who protect the Mountain Elves' hidden kingdom and keep outsiders from discovering their land. Tullieh is a serious, no-nonsense young man to whom duty and honor mean everything, due to a personal grudge against humans, especially those who hunt mythical beings, he will do anything to honor his vow and keep his people - especially his younger siblings - from being found by outsiders, even if it means being ruthless and unforgiving to a questionable degree.
Bad Summarization: Traumatized ancient teenager who grew up way too fast and should never have been given a gun and a sword under any circumstances, but has both of those things and a lack of self-preservation instincts to make everything worse.
Renn Atrius
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About: A foreign noble from beyond the royal lands, he was forced into the lifestyle of a thief from a young age, after being orphaned when his father, a Vampyr, was murdered for refusing to obey their neighboring kingdom's crown. Learning the art of disappearing into the night and taking valuables from the land that took everything from him and colonized his nation, Renn quickly became quite the nuisance for the King. But thankfully to his connection to raw blood magic, his slight vampiric abilities ensure no human soldier ever proves a real threat to him. He starts to fall in love with Roselyn, having become friends with her after trying to steal her coin purse (having mistaken her for a tourist from the capital).
Bad Summarization: Goth dhampyr way too reckless for his own good chooses to be a menace to the System while also refusing to deal with his very much unresolved childhood trauma.
Cadenza Narellie
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About: A young faery noble, Cadenza is the only child of a once-powerful, now defamed, High House. After rumors about her father's supposed alliance with their nation's enemies, the human royals from the neighboring kingdom, their reputation came crashing down, and so did the bond they once shared, as her father grew mysteriously distant from her. Realizing something is seriously amiss, Cadenza takes it upon herself to investigate and find out the truth about what is truly happening, even if it gets her accused of treason herself.
Bad Summarization: Local faery with way too much time on her hands and no friends decides to dive into a conspiracy and is surprised when that decision has consequences.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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