#also shout out to adam scott for showing up for like two seconds and also for part of the movie taking place in oklahoma. targeted
psygull · 4 months
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First Snow (2006)
"Hey, they say it's gonna fuckin' snow down here this year, can you believe that?"
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Summary: Steve thinks you’re too young to like him despite the obvious hints you’re dropping.
Warnings: unspecified age gap
Word count: 2246
a/n: I’ve clearly spent too much time on TikTok recently, but inspired me to write something so that's good. It was loosely based on a request for a young reader x Steve, but I forgot part of the request so I'm gonna write something else for that one! Also, I wrote this on my phone so please excuse any typos I missed when trying to edit it lol
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Messing with Steve is one of your favorite things to do. Tiny pranks, over the top flirting, poking fun at his lack of understanding of technology. Anything you can do to get him to roll his eyes and chuckle.
Nat would say it’s because of your feelings for him. She would be correct. Not that you’d ever admit that to anyone. Nope. So instead, you have your fun, and enjoy the way his eyes crinkle and his cheeks redden.
Your newest method of hearing the sweet sound of Steve’s laugh? TikTok. It’s a double whammy. One because he doesn’t understand the app and two because a lot of the trends make him blush.
It started as a fun way to blow off steam. Sometimes, being one of the younger and newer team members made you feel like an outsider. Of course, Peter was younger than you, but he had his own friends outside of the team. You didn’t have anyone else. When Tony found you and invited you to join, it was you against the world. Now you have this makeshift family.
Having your account on TikTok helped you when you hadn’t really become a part of the group yet. You bonded with Peter because of his account, and you found a new way to make Steve blush.
Anyway, you’ve learned way more TikTok dances than you ever would have thought just to see his pink cheeks. It’s not even always over the top dances that have him chuckling. The last trend you did had him laughing the entire day. It was that sound about Wednesday Adams having one thing on her mind. Only when it said homicide, instead of a deadpan expression you panned the camera to show Bucky and Sam arguing over who got the last donut.
Of course, you knew when you made the video it would appeal to Steve’s sense of humor. Sam and Bucky feature in a lot of your videos for that exact reason.
In general, you make a lot of videos featuring the Avengers just to keep Tony happy. He likes to be the center of attention, plus the only way he would approve of your account was if it could also feature as PR for the team. You agreed, as long as you had final say over what you posted. There’s nothing scripted or designed for a specific reason, you just feature the team sometimes.
Like when that sound from the Big Bang theory was popular amongst Avengers fans, you made a video confessing to Pepper that you’d been thinking about the Avengers, panning to show the team during training.
Of course, the text on the screen said “you are an Avenger” instead of “I believe that”, allowing you to play off the joke. But still, it was fun to include the team.
One of your favorite videos features none other than Scott Lang, mostly because nobody else would do it. Scott thought it was hilarious though.
Using the sound from New Girl, Scott played Schmidt and you Jess. The text on the screen read as follows:
Scott: You just walk around all day thinking about America’s Ass?
You: Yeah, don’t you?
Scott: No! How do you get anything done?
You: It’s hard…
Steve blushed like crazy when everyone cornered him to watch it. Bucky, Sam, and Tony wouldn’t stop bringing it up for at least a month. A part of you hoped he might make a move after that video, seeing as you put yourself out there, but he just assumed it was a joke and laughed it off.
Honestly, you were running out of trends that you could use to get him to understand your feelings. You only had two ideas left, and one of them would be mortifying if it didn’t work out…
“Steve. You’ve got to be kidding me.” Bucky sighed, exasperated with Steve for the umpteenth time that month. “You’ve been pining for forever, just make a move!” he whisper yelled, doing his best not to throttle his lifelong friend.
Steve rolled his eyes, purposefully ignoring Bucky’s pointed glare. The two men had spent the last hour looking through your TikTok account. Bucky was adamant that you liked Steve, but the blonde didn’t believe it, despite the so called proof Bucky kept forcing him to watch.
“Buck, would you please just back off? We’re friends. She’s too young to want to be with me like that.” Steve blushed, thinking about the context of his words.
Before Bucky could say anything about how repressing his feelings is bad for him, a new video popped up on your account. Bucky smirked when he saw the thumbnail was once again a picture of Steve, this time with a beard. Steve took the silence as an opportunity to escape, walking into his closet to change.
The video opened with a video of you and Natasha just hanging out, you lip syncing to the words “I like you have a cupcake.” You repeated the words as the video cut to you and Tony.
Bucky nearly dropped the phone when “smack my ass like a drum” blared from the speaker. He cackled bending over in a fit of laughter when he realized that’s what Steve’s picture was used for- and one where he had a beard to boot.
“What is it now, jerk?” Steve emerged from his closet, having changed into loungewear. The sight of Bucky fully cackling had him nervous.
Bucky tossed him the phone, doing his best to stop laughing long enough to tell him to watch the most recent video. With a hesitant sigh, Steve obliged.
Again, Bucky rolled his eyes at how obvious Steve’s feelings were. The second he saw you on the screen, he smiled. And not one of those half hearted polite smiles, a full on happy smile.
Steve’s eyes widened, nearly bulging out of his head when he got to the end of the video.
“‘She doesn’t want to be with me like that.’” Bucky mocked his friends earlier words, grabbing his phone back. “Punk, I don’t know how much more obvious she could be.”
With one more glare in Steve’s direction, Bucky finally left him to his own thoughts. Okay, so you made a lot of videos about how you find him attractive. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’d want to be in a relationship with him. Leave it to Steve to talk himself out of everything Bucky had spent so long trying to convince him of.
You were desperate at this point. You honestly thought the cupcake one would send him over the edge, but it didn’t work either. It has been three days, and you know Steve’s seen the video because everyone likes to tease him about it.
“Naaaaaat, it’s not working,” you whined, dramatically throwing yourself onto her bed. She laughed at your antics, briefly looking up at you before deciding to stop what she was going and give you her full attention.
“Look, not only is Steve one of the most clueless people I’ve ever met when it comes to women, but he can also talk himself out of believing someone’s interested in him. Especially you.” Nat watched as you lifted your head from her comforter, slowly turning to stare at her with narrowed eyes.
“Especially me?” you questioned. Why would you have a different standard?
“Y/N, Steve’s from the 40s. He’s super old fashioned. You're a hot young thing, super up to date on modern trends. He thinks you're just messing around as friends because he doesn’t believe someone as young as you would be interested in actually having a relationship with him,” she spelt it out for you, sick of trying to get you to figure it out on your own.
You took a minute to fully understand what she was saying, but then sat up when a new idea struck. “So you’re saying I need to be more direct?”
Her eyes narrowed, but she nodded nonetheless.
“I’ve got an idea. Thanks Nat!” you ran from the room before she could question your newest plan, instead checking to make sure her notifications were on for posts from your TikTok account.
“Steve!” you shouted when you saw him down the hall, about to turn a corner. He immediately stopped, turning back to see you running at him. “I need your help!”
You pulled him into the gym, briefly glancing around the room to make sure it was empty. Confirming nobody else was present, you set up your phone on one of the weight racks to record the two of you. It was already open to the recording section of TikTok, the sound you needed queued and ready to begin.
“What’s going on?” Steve looked between you and the phone, nerves heightening as he realized what you were doing. All of your videos about him thus far hasn’t actually involved him filming anything.
“I just need you to react to this trend, okay? It’s kind of old, but that doesn’t really matter,” you spoke quickly, trying to start the video before he could decline.
The music started playing instantly, with Steve awkwardly looking between the screen and you. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was reacting to, and it had him on edge. Just as the song reached the chorus, you turned and grabbed his face. Throwing caution to the wind, you followed through with your plan before you could back out, kissing him with all the passion and emotion you’d been holding back.
Steve froze, clearly surprised by your actions. Before you could pull away, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. He kissed you with equal passion and emotion, no longer paying attention to your phone recording the moment.
Neither of you noticed when the music cut off, too wrapped up in each other. When the need for air overpowered the desire to keep kissing him, you pulled back to gasp in a few breaths. Steve leaned his forehead against yours, eyes closed and breathing erratic.
The two do you spent the next few moments just breathing, trying to come to terms with what just happened. You gasped when his hands moved, one resting on your waist and the other cupping your cheek. His eyes were still closed when you chanced a glance at him.
“What was the trend?” he breathily whispered the words, still coming down from the high of kissing you.
“Huh?” you mumbled, unable to comprehend the question when he was still touching you like this.
“The TikTok trend? What was it?” his grip on your hip tightened, but his hand framing your face remained gentle.
“Oh, uh, it was- it was kissing your best friend/crush.” You whispered, heart still racing from his proximity. Your nerves had never been greater. Yeah, Nat always tells you that Steve has feelings for you, but what if he was just being polite? Maybe he didn’t know how to reject you when you kissed him out of nowhere, and now he’s trying to find a way to turn you down gently. What if-
“Was my reaction good enough to post?” he broke your train of thought with another question. You took a minute to think about the question, your brain still moving like molasses
“Um, that depends…” you froze when his eyes opened and stared into yours.
“On?” he prompted you to continue.
“Which caption I can use.” you finished the thought, finally remembering the two most common outcomes of the trend.
“What are the choices?” Steve smirked when you looked flustered, clearly not expecting this conversation.
“Uh, the two-” he began rubbing small circles into your hip with his thumb, effectively cutting off your train of thought again. It wasn’t until he lightly squeezed your hip again that you remember you were answering his question.
“Right! The two most common captions are some variation of ‘this was so awkward’ or ‘we’re dating now’,” you managed to blurt out the choices, blushing when he smiled at you.
“Well, I know which I prefer…” you waited with bated breath as he prolonged the silence, enjoying seeing you so on edge. You nearly whined when he let you go, moving to pick up your phone from the weight rack.
You watched in silence as he typed out a caption, tapping each letter with his pointer finger. A small smile formed on your lips at his adorable old man behavior. He then managed to find the post button, adding the video to your account before handing you the phone to see what he chose.
Your smile only grew after you read the caption, dropping the phone and immediately kissing him again.
Meanwhile, Nat had gathered the rest of the team that happened to be around to wait for whatever video you had planned to be posted.
Tony, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Peter, and Clint all watched as the new video popped up on the screen. Peter bounced with excitement when he heard the song, instantly recognizing the trend. The rest of the group watched as you kissed Steve, mouths gaping open when he actually kissed you back.
Fans were already commenting about how long it took for the two of you to get together, but the team was too focused on laughing at the caption to pay any mind to the comments.
She said the trend was kind of old, but that fits because I’ve got a habit of waiting too long anyways.
Permanent taglist: @averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman @strawberryspence @sebastnstn @jswessie187 @ellobruv
Marvel: @leyannrae @livstilinski @oceaniamaddness @justreadingficsdontmindme
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charlie-boio · 4 years
The Only One For Me: Part Two
Summary: Everyone gets assigned a magical allegiance once they turn 16: Healers, Electrics, Shifters, and Darks, who were more often referred to as Voids. Once you reach 25, you no longer age until you meet soulmate.
After being outcasted by the world so long ago, Stiles Stilinski gave up on ever subjecting his soulmate to being with a Dark and decided that if the world would only ever treat him like it, he’ll be exactly what they wanted him to be: Void
Word Count: 10,098
A/N: My dudes I cannot BELIEVE I thought this ENTIRE story would be a 5k word fic lmao in total its over 16,000 words!! Also I know I said Wednesday but better late than never. Some of you wanted to be tagged which I’m so happy that you enjoyed the first part so much to be tagged in part two. This is the final part so I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I did. I do have new stuff coming soon! Anyways, I’m super proud of this so I hope you enjoy it too!!
**WARNINGS: NFSW! Self-harm, mentions of suicide, angst. On the smut side there’s fingering, oral (female receiving, mentions of male receiving), multiple orgasms (first detailed smut lmao). 
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 The house shook after the door slammed shut. You laid there slumped on the ground, with a dumbfounded look on your face.
What the fuck just happened? We’re soulmates, we’re supposed to love each other…right?
You knew the stories of people who had met their soulmate then immediately were separated from them or if they couldn’t satisfy the sexual drive that heightens significantly after meeting. A lull falls over the both of you that could easily be described as a depression fog that clouds you both until you’re reunited once again.
You could already feel it heavy in your chest. Your heart pounded loudly in your eyes while you sunk further into the ground, sobbing loudly. What was wrong with you? Were you truly so unlovable that your soulmate hated you?
Mustering up your strength, you managed to pull yourself up from the floor, feeling embarrassed since your underwear had been torn to shreds by Stiles. You hurried yourself to Allison’s house, crying in her lap about everything that happened as she did her best to reassure you. Nothing worked. You went to bed, feeling worse by the second.
Too top everything off, you had killed someone. Someone you had known, and while he had taken a liking to shitting on Voids once he had gotten older, you couldn’t help but remember the sweet kid from grade school who had sat with you because you were new. And you had killed him, _and then proceeded to have sex?! What the fuck? _Those thoughts sunk you even lower. The tiny rational part of you that knew if you hadn’t of killed Adam, both you and Stiles would be dead, but you weren’t listening. Instead, you listened to the part of you that was convincing you that you were the worst person alive.
No wonder Stiles doesn’t want you. Who would want someone who just kills anyone then fucks someone else? You’re disgusting, pathetic. You don’t even deserve a soulmate.
Scott promised that he’d do everything he could to make Stiles talk to you, but every time he walked the long trail back from the Stilinski home, he never brought Stiles back with him. For five agonizing days, he actively avoided any sort of interaction with you while your thoughts spiraled deeper into self-loathing. He had to know that if you two continued to avoid each other like this what the consequences were; he couldn’t want that for you or him, could he…?
On day six you had decided that enough was enough. You had decided that you would invite him over, make him dinner, and you two would talk. You’d make it clear that you two could take it at whatever pace he felt comfortable with since he took extreme caution in who he’d let in his life. All you wanted was someone to spend the rest of your life with, and if that took some time, you were okay with that.
You gave yourself at least a thousand pep talks in the mirror, put on a cute blue sundress with sandals, and made your way up to his house.
Your heart thumped loudly in your chest, the nagging voice in your head begged you to turn right back around and crawl back under the covers, and your confidence was draining by the second. Nevertheless, you persisted, and before you knew it, you were standing in front of his door. Raising your hand, you attempted to knock on his door. However, something was blocking you from reaching the door. Confused, you tried again to knock, only to have your hand whipped backward, nearing removing your shoulder from its socket. You stood there for a second, dumbfounded, before the door finally swung up, revealing an extremely unhappy Stiles.
“What the fuck do you want?” he said, voice dripping with malice, making your stomach drop to the floor. His gaze pierced right through, jaw ticking in irritation.
Panicking, you said the first thing that came to your head, “Did you put a forcefield around your house to keep me out?” Stiles’ eyes hardened, his scowl deepening. Clearly, not the right thing to say as you mentally cursed yourself.
“You and Scott, who keeps pestering me like a goddamn dog. Now, I ask again, what do you fucking want?” he raised his voice at you, nearly shouting. You began to play with your fingers nervously. A dark voice in your head began to shout louder that you shouldn’t have bothered coming.
“I…I thought we needed to talk about this-“
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
You fumbled for a second, you could feel your breaths become shallower. This wasn’t how this conversation was supposed to go.
“Look, I don’t know why you don’t want to, but this is pretty important. We at least need to-“
“LOOK! There’s nothing to do, there’s nothing to say! I don’t want anything to do with you! You really thing I’m the type of guy to go around having a soulmate? No! I’m a Dark, and I’m Void! I don’t want a fucking soulmate, and I decided that a long time ago, so you need to get used to it. I don’t want to see you, talk to you, in fact, if I could, I would kick you out of my town! So do us all a favor, and get the fuck off of my property!” And with that, he slammed the door, once again leaving you alone.
The voice in your head laughed at you. Pathetic. You really thought that’d work. Are you two actually soulmates? Because if you were, you would’ve known that wouldn’t have worked. Obviously. Over and over those thought plagued you, and the tears flowed down your cheeks faster than you could process. Quickly placing a hand over your mouth, you tried your best to cover your sobs, not wanting to seem like you were begging for his attention. Well, you were, but you had a feeling things would only end up worse if you stayed here crying. He’d likely come out and just keep yelling at you.
Gathering up your shredded dignity, you turned around and began the lonely walk home.
Stiles thumped his head against the door, sliding down until he was sat against it. He banged his head three more times, each time harder than the last. Two sides of him were competing, the one wanting nothing more than to spend every ounce of his time with you, showering you with love and affection, showing you just how much he cared, how much he’s always cared. The other part was telling him how you’d want nothing to do with him, that you deserved far better than what he could offer, and he should just let you go and leave you to your life without him in it because that’s what’s best for you. Unfortunately, the latter part of him is winning.
Scott was up at his home every single day, telling him he should at least talk to you, and Stiles wanted nothing more than to do just that. Instead, he told Scott to fuck off every time, and eventually he put up that shield around his house, keeping everyone out. Stiles treated Scott the same way he treated you; he told him he wanted nothing to do with you or Scott, and that everyone should just leave him alone.
He told himself that this is for the best. He learned a long time ago that he couldn’t be loved. Not by anyone. Not even you…
He sat there against the wall, feeling worse by the second.
The next two days dragged from him. A part of him hoped that you would show up again, but you didn’t. He knew he had driven you away for good. He didn’t leave his house or bother to eat, none of it really feeling worth it. Stiles spent most of his time in bed, simultaneously sleeping way too much while having it feel like not enough.
On day three, he felt his forcefield shake, meaning someone had tried to at least knock on the door. He ran from his bedroom, hoping it was you. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed when it was Scott on the other side.
“What do you want,” Stiles muttered, not having any energy.
“Oh? No ‘Fuck you,’ for me today?” Scott’s tone was biting, and his face wasn’t friendly. Stiles looked at him with shock, he hadn’t spoken to him like that before. “Look, Stiles, I’ve tried to be nice about this whole ‘you avoid your fucking soulmate’ bit, but enough is enough. You need to at least talk to her! You’re soulmates for a fucking reason! You consider me your friend, right?”
“Yes, I-“
“Then quit shutting us out, shutting _me _out, and shutting y/n out because let’s not forget the fact that she saved your fucking life. Without her, you’d be dead, you understand? Even if she wasn’t your soulmate, you should at least, the very fucking least thank her!” Scott slammed his hand against the forcefield. “All any of us want is for you to be happy, and to get out of your deep mistrust of people because look around! This entire place is filled with Darks and people who don’t give a shit about your magical allegiance if you’re a good person. We’re not going to cast you away, Stiles, all we want is to help you,” Scott’s tone changed from anger to sympathy as he spoke.
The forcefield Stiles had been maintaining began to fade away, mostly out exhaustion on Stiles’ end to keep it up. Still, he couldn’t help but let his walls start to crack after all these years of keeping them up.
“Scott…I don’t deserve her. I’m not enough,” Stiles whispered, holding back his tears. Old habits die hard.
“You don’t know that,” Scott took a step forward and placed a hand on Stiles’ shoulder. “Just talk to her man.” Scott continued with his speech, but Stiles stopped listening, suddenly feeling and overwhelm urge that something was wrong.
“Scott…where does y/n live?” Stiles said so quietly that Scott almost missed it. Scott noticed instantly his tone wasn’t of resolve to see you, but of panic.
“Um, wha-“
“Where does she live?” Stiles said, louder and more urgently. He grabbed at Scott’s shoulders, panic in his eyes while Scott’s also widened in fear at how Stiles was acting.
“Um, three houses from Allison-“
“Is she there now?!”
“Uh-ye-yeah I think-“ Stiles didn’t bother hearing the rest of what Scott had to say as he shoved him aside and bolted down the path
Please don’t be too late, he thought. Please, don’t be too late!
You had decided that day that you’d end your life. You had read countless stories on how soulmates who had been separated or died before they got to know each other. The survivor usually killed themselves after they’ve aged another ten years. Usually, the were miserable the entire time with their powers draining to the point where some couldn’t even access their abilities anymore. You didn’t want to come to that fate. If it was inevitable, you’d get it out of the way, saving yourself from years of grief and giving Stiles the life he wanted.
You sat next to the bathtub, swirling the water around with your hand. Honestly, you weren’t sure why you had it on; you weren’t going to get in. Maybe to make it easier?
You looked at the silver dagger, a gift from one of your old friends who were driven out of your hometown for being a Dark, and decided it was now or never. Picking up the blade, you pressed the tip to the skin on your wrist, tears streaking down your cheeks. You didn’t want to die; you wanted a life with your soulmate, with Stiles. But he didn’t want you…God, you’ve never felt so unlovable in your entire fucking life.
Taking a deep breath, you let the blade slowly cut through your skin, seeing the crimson blood leak out slowly.
Then the door flew open, startling you and causing you to jump. You jerked your head in the direction of the open doorway with Stiles standing there. He was breathing heavily, his forehead covered in sweat. Seeing the knife in your hand, his eyes widened.
For a split second, neither of you moved, unsure what to do.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” Stiles sprang into action, rushing toward grabbing. Forcefully, he ripped the knife out of your hand and flung it toward the wall where it stuck like a bullseye. Gently but with fever, he grabbed your shoulders and ran you over to the nearby sink, turning on the water and thrusting your wrist into the stream. He used his finger to wipe away at the blood.
“It’s not that bad…it’s not that bad…” he whispered, mostly to reassure himself. After cleaning out the cut as best he could, he ran around your bathroom, frantically opening drawers and cabinets until he found the first aid kit. He pulled out the disinfectant and began to work, cleaning the wound and bandaging it up as best he could. He took in a shaky breath once he realized that you were going to be okay.
Meanwhile, you had merely been staring at him, eyes wide while you watched him work to patch you up. This didn’t make sense. I thought he didn’t care…
You two stayed like that for a few minutes, you staring at him while he stared at your arm, his thumb smoothing over the bandage. Every so often he would dip down and press his lips to your wrist.
After what felt like an eternity, you heard Stiles mumble something, but you couldn’t decipher it.
“Hm?” you hummed softly, trying not to scare him away.
“Why…” he whispered, finally lifting his head to look at you properly, tears welling in his eyes.
You were confused. “What?”
Suddenly, he grabbed your shoulders roughly, forcing you to stand and walk backwards until your back was pressed against a wall. Tears fell openly across his face while he looked at you with a mixture of pain, panic, and…love?
“Why? Why would you do that? Why would you even think to…just please! Don’t do that please just tell me why?” Stiles was pressing you, his voice becoming shakier with each passing word.
“BECAUSE YOU DON’T CARE!” You shouted angrily. Stiles jumped back, his eyes wide with shock and fear. He still held you at an arm’s length away. You took a deep breath before continuing. “Look…if you want to spend the rest of your life alone without…without a soulmate, go right ahead. I won’t stop you. I want you to live the life you want. But I can’t follow that path. I won’t lie, this past week and a half has been absolutely miserable, and I won’t let myself spend the next years just withering away. I won’t, I can’t…I’m sorry” your voice faded away once you were finished speaking.
Stiles dipped his head low, not meeting your eye. His grip on your shoulders tightened while you two stayed there for another few moments of agonizing silence.
“I want everything for you,” Stiles spoke, voice wavering as his tears fell quicker than they were before. “I want you to have the life you deserve. A life that you want for yourself, a life filled with every opportunity that you could ever imagine. But…I’m a Dark…all my opportunities are gone, the world just won’t let me have even a chance. I can’t give that to you, I can’t give you want you deserve.”
“But what about what I want?” Stiles’ eyes snapped up to meet yours with a hopeful look in them. “What I want, more than anything, is you. My soulmate. I want you with me. I’ve been waiting my entire life to meet you and show you just how much I care about you. I don’t need anything else. And I promise you, Stiles, that no matter what hell you went through to get to where you are now, I promise I’m not going to run away. I’ll be right here, by your side. Like how we are meant to be. You’re the only one for me,”
Stiles head fell forward until your foreheads were pressed together. You could hear him take in shaky breaths as he tried to calm himself down.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean what I said, I just-I don’t-I’ve never had someone like you in my life before. I shouldn’t have ran away that day…I just got so scared that I would fuck things up, then I went ahead and fucked things up. I’m sorry…I’m sorry…”
He moved his head to the crook between your neck and shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He continued to mumble constant apologizes while you reassured him. You could feel his warm tears soak the front of your shirt as he breaths became less ragged until finally his breathing was slow and deep; your heartbeats in sync with each other. The depression fog you had felt after that day slowly began to lift with a sense of peace washing over the both of you.
Stiles was the first to pull back, taking one step away. You looked at each other, the sexual tension dropping in out of nowhere.
Seriously? You thought. You can’t wait? We’re having a moment! Of course you knew how it was with the first few days interacting with your soulmate. Biology stops for no one.
His hand slid down until you two were holding hands, giving you a small smile in the process. The other hand ran through his hair nervously.
“Um…th-that day, uh, after we-um-after we-“
“Had sex?” you offered. A deep blush settled onto his cheeks, his eyes widened at your bluntness.
“Uh, yeah, well…” Stiles trailed off, gripping your hand tighter.
“You don’t have to be afraid,” you said, gently placing your other hand on top of his. “I’m not gonna bolt out the door at a personal question. We’re soulmates, we should probably know each other pretty well, or at least know what our favorite color is,” Stiles laughed at your comment, and while it wasn’t a long or loud laugh, you still felt accomplished.
“…yellow,” Stiles said with smile still split across his face. “It’s yellow.”
You smiled back at him, giggling at the irony. “So’s mine,” He grin brightened. “So…what did you want to ask me?”
Stiles pressed his lips into a thin line before clearing his throat, his eyes flicking up to meet yours. The sexual tension laid thick between you two, appear almost out of nowhere. “Were you a virgin before we had sex?” Sex wasn’t something he often talked about, so talking about it so openly, especially with you, still made him a little uncomfortable.
You squeezed his hand, silently congratulating him for that minor win. “I was. I had a boyfriend back in my hometown…Adam…”
Stiles eyes widened, his jaw falling to the floor. “You dated the guy that almost killed me?” He nearly shouted, tone harsh.
You scowled at him. “I killed him, Stiles, to save you. I…I didn’t even think twice…” Your face quickly changed from anger to…sadness? No, that wasn’t right. Stiles had seen that look on his face numerous times. Guilt.
He panicked slightly, unsure of what to do. He’s never really comforted someone before. Looking back now, it seems like everyone else was always taking care of him. With his panic rising, he blurted the first things he could think of.
“Thank you, y/n. Seriously. If you hadn’t of done that, I wouldn’t be standing here right now…with you,” you looked at him with a smile that didn’t reach your eyes. Fuck. He wasn’t good at this. “Um…I think it would also be good to talk to someone about it…”
“Not you?”
“Y/n I-“ love you. He’d almost said it but caught himself. He did, he had loved his soulmate from the second he found out he had one, but he had just gotten you after nearly losing you. He didn’t want to scare you away. “-care about you. So much. But…we’ve just met. Right now, we don’t know too much about each other, and believe me, I plan to spend every single moment I can getting to know you, but I am in no position to give you advice about this because I don’t know how to help you,” he squeezed your hand gently, moving the other to cup your face, his thumb wiping away the stray tear. “Awhile ago, Scott had dragged me out to see a therapist that’s around here. I only went twice, but honestly I wish I had kept going. She was really helpful, and she said things that I just wasn’t ready to hear, so I got angry and left. But she’s part of the reason I was able to venture out of the house once in a fucking blue moon…or go to dinner with Scott and his friends-“
“You know, they’re your friends too,” you whispered.
Stiles nodded, more to reiterate that point to himself. “I think you should see her. She’d be able to help you know a lot more than I could. But I’ll tell you this: Y/n, it wasn’t out of malice what you did. I promise. If you hadn’t of killed him…I would’ve died. And I think he would’ve killed you after finishing with me. No, scratch that. I don’t think. I know. Come here,” he pulled you forward until your cheek was pressed against his shoulder, his arms around you again, only this time it was him comforting you.
“You underestimate yourself, Stiles. I feel a little better thanks to you,” Stiles hummed, the vibrations hitting your cheek. “Would…would you come with me? It’s not too late to go back…”
He hesitated for a moment, then answered, “Yeah, I’ll go with you. I owe her an apologize. I owe a lot of people an apology…” you shushed him quietly, not letting him sink into his usual self-loathing. This time, you pulled back, smiling up at him. He returned the smile, making you realize just how little you’ve seen him smile, but loving it all the same.
Of course, the sexual tension from earlier had decided to hit you both like a goddamn truck. You’ve got to be fucking me, you thought. Despite what you knew, you tried to suppress your desires, not wanting to mess up this moment with him.
Unfortunately, Stiles had already felt it, and you saw his nervous ticks return. An awkward silence joined the room besides the heavy sexual tensions, clearly a perfect combination. This continued for a few painstakingly long minutes, neither of you sure of what to do.
Stiles cleared his throat, “Um…how-how come you never…did anything with him?” he asked tensely, trying not to break the delicate peace you two had achieved.
“Well…he wasn’t my soulmate,” you said slowly. “Once I had found out about them, I had felt guilty for taking that step with someone else. Even if I was drunk.” You shrugged. “But if you had sex with others, I’m not gonna freak out or anything, that’s just how I felt. I couldn’t do it even if I wanted to.”
Stiles looked down at his feet. He had felt the same way before, but once the world abandoned him, he thought he’d never meet his soulmate. He silently cursed himself, regretting every other sexual encounter that he had. “I’m guessing that wasn’t how you imagined your first time would be,” he said sadly.
You shook your head. “No, it wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it,” A smile flickered across his face. His hands slid down your body before they were settling on your hips, pulling you close to him. Your eyes looked into his honey ones. He bit his lip, his stare full of lust, want, yet it was also pleading with you.
“Can-can I try again?” he whispered, nearly inaudible. But you heard him, and all you could manage to do was nod, unable to find the words.
Tentatively, he moved his hands until they were gently cupping your face before he pressed his lips to yours. It was different from before. It was soft, almost like he was afraid to break you. Your hands moved to wrap around his neck, bringing both of you closer together than before. You felt your hearts beat together, signifying how this was all meant to be.
Slowly, the kiss became more heated, his tongue darting out to meet yours. His hands roamed freely around your body, ghosting over your breasts to settle back on your hips, giving them a squeeze.
“Jump,” he breathed out between kisses. You happily complied, wrapping your legs around his torso once again, only instead of him pressing you up against the wall, he walked out of the bathroom and into your bedroom, placing you down gently onto the mattress as he hovered over you, smiling down at you before kissing you once again. He slid his hand up and down your thigh before lifting it up and slotting it against hip, rocking his hardened cock into your core while you rolled your hips up to meet his needy thrusts. Everything happening was slowly, but deliberately.
Leaning back, Stiles skimmed his hands down the hem of your shirt, tugging for a second before lifting it above your head and tossing it over his shoulder, not caring where it landed. Since you had forgone a bra, your chest was completely bare to him. He bit his lip, looking up at you, his once honey brown eyes were now almost jet black, blown wide with lust. He moved his hands to cup your breasts, squeezing them roughly, his lips brushing at your neck.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he muttered into your neck, causing you to moan out and arched your back toward him. “’M gonna take care of you, ‘M gonna take such good care of you baby I promise. I’ll fuck you so good…so good,” He continued to palm your tits before dipping down and sealing his lips around your nipple, swirling his tongue around the hardened peak. Frantically, you grabbed the back of his head, threading your fingers through his dark hair before grasping them roughly.
“Fuck, Stiles…” you moaned, closing your eyes tightly at the sensations he was giving you, his tongue moving expertly across your chest, leaving angry red marks in his wake. You relished in the feeling, never wanted it to end.
Reluctantly, he removed his mouth from your breast with a pop, reaching behind him to remove his shirt and toss it. He shifted down further, feather touching your body until he reached the waistband of your shorts. Looping his fingers, he dragged them down your legs slowly. Too slowly. After they were thrown off you, Stiles massaged his fingertips into your thighs, spreading your legs wider to expose your covered core to him. Leaning forward, he kissed the inside of your thighs, trailing around your panties and nibbling on your hipbones. His fingers slid up and down your covered core, feeling your wetness through the soaked panties.
“Stiles…please, please…” you begged. He looked back up at you, his movements stilling. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“As you wish, anything for you my dove, anything,”
Not taking as much care as before, he threw your panties off you, groaning at the sight of your glistening folds. Adjusting himself so he was on his stomach, he circled his hands around your thighs, placing one final kiss on each one before he dived right in, licking a long stripe from your entrance to your clit. You cried out instantly at the contact, your hips leaving the bed to roll into his face. That barely lasted a second while his arm snaked around and pressed your hips back down.
He began to suck on your clit harshly, flicking various patterns across the bud. His other hand moved to probed at your entrance, circling one finger around before he was sinking it in knuckle deep. He swirled his finger around slowly, thrusting a couple times before adding a second finger into your warm wet core. He glanced up to look at you, only to find your head thrown back in ecstasy, soft moans exhaling through your lips.
He tipped your head forward. “Open your eyes dove, I wanna see you fall apart please,” Stiles’ voice was low and sultry.
You pried your eyes open, but they so heavy, every limb in your body felt boneless. “Stiles…I-I don’t know how long-“
“Keep them open as long as you can baby, I know you can do it,” Stiles’ mouth was back on your clit, slick sounds filled the room as he pumped his fingers at a speed that was nearly incomprehensible, but his eyes were on yours, pupils dilating even more at the state you were in.  Your moans grew louder, his name spilling from your lips over and over again. The coil in your stomach tightened further while you clenched desperately around his fingers, drawing him in further and further.
“Stiles, I-I’m close!” you panted out.
“S’okay, baby, let go I’ve got you, I’ve got you baby,” And with a particular thrust of his fingers and another harsh suck on your clit, you came undone. Closing your eyes tightly and throwing your head back, you orgasm crushed over you, shaking your entire body as you grabbed the sheets of the bed. His tongue continued to work against you, lapping up all your juices from you. You jerked and spasmed in his grip, toes curling at the over-stimulation until he pulled away, smiling cockily at you and wiping his chin with the back of his hand.
Stiles hovered over you once again, bracing himself on one forearm while the gripped your right hip. He peppered kisses on your forehead, cheeks, and across your face. Meanwhile, you were sucking in deep breaths trying to calm your racing heart. He smiled down at you, kissing the tip of your nose and giving you time to recover from your intense orgasm.
“You okay? Was that alright, not too rough?” he whispered, his tone sweet and laced with adoration. You nodded, still breathless.
“It was perfect,” you whimpered.
He smiled against your skin, moving his kisses from your face to your jaw, trailing down to your neck. “Good,” he said. “I wanted it to be perfect. I want _everything _to be perfect for you. I want absolutely everything for you, my dove,” he continued to kiss your neck softly, not pressing any further to let you recover. “Do you want to take a break? We do have to keep going,” your heart melting at his words, a smile tugging at your lips.
“It’s okay, I want to keep going,” you said confidently.
“Good,” he smiled genuinely at you, placing a chaste but sweet kiss to your lips. You sighed into the kiss, disappointed when it ended all too soon.
Stiles moved to stand, undoing the belt on his jeans quickly. Popping the button, he dragged his jeans down with his boxer. Your eyes widened, staring directly at his cock. It was large, bigger than what you remembered, although your last experience had been a lust-filled blur you can’t really remember it. Honestly, it felt rude to stare, but you couldn’t help it. The head was leaking with precum, and instinctively you bit your lip.
After a moment, you flicked your eyes up to see Stiles’ gaze already on yours, a cocky smirk stamped on his face. “Whatcha doing?” he said teasingly. You blushed, now doing everything in your power to avoid looking at his dick.
“Um…is-is it gonna fit?” Stiles laughed loudly at that.
“Baby, it fit before!”
“Well, I wasn’t really pay attention before!” Now you were laughing, breaking the awkward tension that had started to form. You sat forward, reaching your hand out to stroke him before he stopped you.
“Tonight, my dove, is all about you,” he said, pushing you gently back to lie among the covers again.
He crawled up toward to, spreading your legs wide and slotting his hips against yours, running his cock up and down your folds, which were still completely soaked from your previous orgasm. Stiles tipped your head forward again, the playful look from before was gone and replaced with a serious one. His eyes, however, expressed such love for one, that maybe one day he hoped to be able to find the courage to explain how intense his feelings are. Instead, he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
“Are you sure?” he checked one last time. You smiled at him, nodding your head.
Placing another kiss, he lined himself up at your entrance and slowly began to push himself in. You gasped, still not used to having someone inside you. He took his time, moving his cock in inch by inch until he was seated in you completely, his hips pressed up against your own. He bit his lip, trying not to cum just by being inside your warm, wet, and tight pussy.
Your hands grabbed at his shoulders. “Move, Stiles, please! Please!” you begged.
“I’ve got you, dove,” Slowly, he moved his hips back, pulling out nearly all the way before sliding back. He started slow, but each thrust into you was precise, hitting all the right places inside you. The pleasure was building in your stomach as he got deeper and deeper inside you. He was taking his time fucking you, not wanting to rush anything.
Your legs wrapped around him, locking together at your ankles so he was able to sink even deeper into you. His hot breath was against your neck, moaning out your name.
“Oh fuck, you’re so tight baby,” he said, thrusting in between each punctuation. “You feel so good, so fucking good, oh my god. Fuck! You’re so warm, s’good. You were made for me, dove, made for me in every possible way,” With each thrust, he picked up his speed while your fingernails dug crescent shaped moons into his skin, your mind becoming foggy with only his name running through your mind. You felt every throb of him each time he pounded into you while his whispered filthy things in your ear, spurring you on even further as you got closer and closer to the edge for the second time.
“Want more baby? Need more from me?” you let out a moan, unable to find words. He chuckled at your fucked-out state. Stilling for just a moment (you let out an uncomfortable whine), he shifted your leg to settle over his shoulder. He picked a grueling pace, thrusting into you again. By now, your moans were loud, you were pratically screaming out his name as he fucked you into oblivion. Somehow, Stiles kept up this punishing pace, chasing his own climax.
Eventually, his thrusts grew sloppy and needy, his orgasm nearing closer and closer.
“Stiles-“ was all of a warning you could muster that you were close too. He looked at you and pressed two of his fingers against your lips, slipping through into your mouth. You sucked on them languidly, Stiles’ eyes slipping shut as he groaned.
Pulling them out with a pop, he slid his hand back down, pressing hard against against your overly abused clit. One quick circle around the bud was all it took for you to come crashing over the edge, cumming harshly as your orgasm took over your entire body, flooding all of your senses like fire rushing up through your veins. Every single part of you shook, waves of pleasure flooding over you while Stiles fucked you through your orgasm until he came himself with a shout of your name on his lips, his cum coating your walls. That was the last thing you remembered before blacking out completely.
When you came too, you had another pair of panties on along with his shirt, and you were tucking under the covers. You pried your eyes open, only to find that Stiles was nowhere to be found. You panicked, thought that he had left you again. You stood, maneuvering on shaky legs toward the bedroom door. Leaning against the wall, you opened the door as best you could.
“Stiles,” you called. No response. Dread pooled in your stomach as your anxiety heightened even further. Did he leave again? “STILES?” you shouted.
“Baby?” he said, sounding far away. You let out a breath, relieved. You heard him climb the stairs, taking two at a time. Stiles peered around the corner, shirtless with only his boxer briefs on and a glass of water in his hand. He rushed up to you, placing a quick peck on your forehead before running into the bedroom to place the glass of water on the nightstand. Walking back to you, he scooped you up and carried you bridal style back onto the bed. “What’s wrong? Why did you get up?” he asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I-I got worried…it seems a little silly now,” you said, not meeting his eyes.
Stiles chuckled, then nodded over to the floor, “My pants and shoes are still here dove, I highly doubt I’ll be going anywhere without those,” he said, his tone playful. You looked to the floor, a giggle on your lips as you laughed at your obliviousness. “And besides,” he said, leaning and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, “I’m not going anywhere.” Stiles shuffled you around until you were laying a cheek on his chest, his heartbeat thumping steadily against your ear while your legs tangled together.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
“Go to sleep, my dove.”
You two spent the next week in bed, pretty much just fucking the entire time. Sometimes it was slow and loving, him thrusting into you slow and deep, dragging out your experience together. Other times it was rough, him tugging on your hand as he pounded into you with godlike speed. You’d ride on his cock, tits bouncing for him while he left fingerprint bruises into your skin, he’d have you on your knees choking on his cock, or he’d pound you from behind, pulling your back against his chest while he muttered what a good girl you were for taking him so well.
In between the sex, you two would talk about everything and nothing all at once. You found that he still had a little trouble opening up to you, which you knew would take some time. However, you would be here with open arms whenever he felt ready. Nevertheless, you still saw parts of him that you never expected: he was shy, sweet, but at the same time he was really funny. Even a little charismatic at times. You could also see just how much he cared about other people. It was buried, yes, but there.
In return, he learned so much about you. You told plenty of childhood stories, from when you broke your leg by falling down two steps of stairs (“Hey! I was frail five-year-old!”) to the time on Halloween when you dressed as a werewolf and instead of saying “trick or treat!” at the door, you howled.
Things weren’t always so easy, once your little sexapade ended. A lifetime trauma of neglect wasn’t going to disappear overnight, and neither was the looming guilt that you killed someone. Early on, it had been frustrating when Stiles got into his moods or had a bad day. He’d reverted into his cold exterior shell that wouldn’t open for anyone, not even you. All you wanted to do was help and he wouldn’t let you. Some of the bad days, he wouldn’t let you out of his sight. Other times, he’d get angry at your mere presence. He’d shut you out and you’d angry, only for him to come around and apologize. You had decided that this wasn’t exactly healthy and came up with a solution that seemed to work for him. He’d tell you if he was having a bad day, and you’d ask if he want to talk about, wanted you to distract him from it by talking, wanted you to just hold him, or wanted to be left alone. You thanked your therapist for the idea, and it worked wonders.
Even for you, when you had your first bad day, Stiles was in a particularly good mood, and you didn’t want to spoil it for him with your own troubles. But he was smart and caught on pretty quick that something was wrong. You had immediately started sobbing, thinking you had ruined everything when he used your own tricks against you.
The only caveat was when you both had a bad day, but overtime, your guys’ bad days became less and less frequent. You had made it a point for Stiles to go outside at least once a day, either with you or Scott, and to join all of your friends for dinner whenever they got together. Of course, he’d been reluctant to go, but eventually he did more than just sit there with a brooding look on his face. He made small comments every now and then, even allowing himself to chuckle at a joke or two. It was small progress, but progress, nonetheless.
It had been three years since you and Stiles had found each other, and for the first time in a long time you were nervous, pacing back and forth around the living room of Stiles’ home. You had asked Scott for help in distracting Stiles while you got everything ready. Slowly, your negative thoughts overcame you. Maybe this was a bad idea… you thought. Maybe it’s not too late to fix it! Unfortunately, just as your resolve to do this had dwindle, you heard the doorknob turn. You gasped, turning to see Stiles walk through the door, a small smile on his lips as his eyes met yours.
“Hey Stiles,” you said, forcing a smile as best you could.
“Hey, my dove,” he responded, taking quick steps over to turn. Placing his large hands on your waist, he pulled you closer, leaning down to kiss you, which you happily returned, thinking that you had fooled him. Obviously, you had been wrong.
“Bad day?” he muttered into your lips. “What do you need from me baby?”
“Um, uh, not a bad day,” you stuttered.
“Nervous? You haven’t been nervous in awhile baby,” he squeezed at your waist reassuringly.
“Well, um, I-“
“Flustered now too? Are you sure everything’s okay?” Stiles peered down at you, worry swimming in his eyes.
You couldn’t handle that look in his eyes much longer, “I sold my house!” you blurted out.
Stiles’ eyebrows shot up to his hairline as his jaw fell open. He took a few steps back, scratching as the back of his neck nervously. “Um…come again?” he asked.
You sighed, willing yourself to focus your gaze on him. “I, uh, sold my house. There was this really nice family that was moving in, and their budget was super limited and I felt really, really bad honestly it was just so spur of the moment and-“
“Y/n, where are you going to live?” he asked, running a hand through his hair.
“Um, I was kinda hoping I could move in with you?” you said slowly. Stiles mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as he finally understood. “Look, I’m already here nearly every single night with you, and we’re actually running out of homes here because it’s no longer just single people coming it’s whole families! And I really don’t need the space especially since all my time is with you, which I absolutely love by the way, and they were pretty desperate to find a home so next thing I knew I was offering up my house, and your really should’ve seen their faces, and-“ he cut you off, grabbing your face roughly and pressing his lips against yours, slipping his tongue inside with ease.
Pulling away, he smiled at you. “I would love for you to move in with me,” Stiles said with a goofy grin on his face.
You squealed, jumping into his arms while he spun you around, both of your laughter filling the air.
“So, should we go and get your stuff?” Stiles asked after setting you down.
A blush crept onto your cheeks as you smiled nervously. “About that,” you drawled out. “I, uh, may or may not of had Scott distract you so I could move in all of my things,”
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, jerking his head to look around the room. “Um? It literally looks the same baby,”
“Well, there wasn’t much to move, considering I had practically all of my belongings here for almost half a year now,” you said, with a sudden realization. “But there was something I had to move over, wait here!” you ran over, placing a quick peck on his cheek before into your now shared bedroom, opening a box and filing through all the different pieces to find the letters that you had written to your soulmate before you knew it was Stiles. Gathering up the small bundle, you excitedly rushed out to a waiting Stiles. “Um, when I first heard I had a soulmate, at six, I had wanted to write you a whole bunch of letters, but my parents restricted me to one a year, so,” you chuckled nervously seeing Stiles’ eyes widened, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Wait here,” he said quickly before running out of the room. You sat down on the couch, a little confused. When he returned, your jaw dropped to the floor with the enormous pile of letters, nearly overflowing and falling out of his arms because there were so many. “Um, my parents didn’t restrict me, but looking at it now, maybe they should have,”
“Holy fuck Stiles!” you laughed. “How many are there?”
“I think I lost count after around sixty-four...?”
“SIXTY-FOUR?” By now, you couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity of it, but at the same time your heart melting at the fact that he cared so much for you then, even if you didn’t know him.
Stiles smiled fondly at you. “You should read some of them, I probably should’ve kept them in order…”
You chuckled, plucking a random one from the pile and tearing it open. This one was from when he was nine, telling you about some of the new friends he made in fourth grade, how he loves science and hates English, and how he finally has all of his grown-up teeth in. He also complimented you, saying that no matter what you looked like, you were already the prettiest girl in the world. You smiled at how adorable he was, only for it to turn into a sad one as you wondered what happened.
The next letter was a cringey one from when he was 13 and writing some God-awful poetry (“Hey, Romeo and Juliet really hit it home for me!” he had told you.) You cringed the whole time reading it but smiled at his efforts.
The last letter you grabbed was from when he was 15. His birthday was a few months away, and Stiles was spending his time wondering what his magical allegiance would be. He seen some of his older friends with powers, and they looked cool as fuck! He also mentioned how he now despises science thanks to a teacher named Mr. Harris, and his girlfriend had recently broken up with him. He said how sorry he was for dating her, thinking maybe she was you, but now he knew it wasn’t, and he was going to try his best to be patient waiting for, but he was just so excited to meet you so he could spend the rest of his loving you. He signed it “Love, Stiles” that’s how he signed every letter.
“You had a girlfriend?” you asked, a hint of teasing in your voice.
“Yeah, uh, she broke up with me when she tried to kiss me, but I couldn’t kiss her back.”
“Why not?”
“Because she wasn’t my soulmate; she wasn’t YOU. I wanted my first kiss to be with them, and she had gotten really angry and broke up with me on the spot,” his smile faltered as he talked. “I really wish I had kept that mindset…” he trailed off, not meeting your eye.
“You know, I’m not angry at you for that,” you said sympathetically.
“I-I know, I know!” he said quickly. “It’s just, I wish it could’ve been as special as yours was,” Stiles reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out another letter. “This is the final one I wrote to you. I had just turned sixteen,” he whispered.
His hand was shaky slightly as he held it out for you. You knew that he was opening up to you like never before.
Slowly, you opened the letter. It was shorter than the other ones you read.
Dear Soulmate,
I’m fucked. Forever fucked. Oh God why did this have to happen to me? What the fuck did I do wrong?
I thought I could be different, but I was wrong. Even my parents are still afraid of me, afraid of what I can supposedly do. I won’t use my powers. I won’t, even if it does slowly kill me.
They all hate me now will you hate me too?
Please don’t hate me
I love you.
Tears welled in your eyes. You looked up at Stiles, only to see him avoiding your gaze, much more interested in the floor.
“Stiles,” you said quietly. He looked up at you, his shoulders slumped low. “You don’t have to say anything.”
“I want to,” he said, his eyes fixed onto you. “I want to…”
He shuffled for a second, scratching at his face and running a hand through his hair. He leaned heavily against the wall, his head low again. “It was instant,” he started. “The change. One minute I had loads of friends, and the next they all despised me, throwing insult after insult. Some just pretended I didn’t exist. Quite honestly, I don’t know which hurt more, but either way, they all abandoned me when I needed them the most,” Stiles took in another shaky breath before continuing. “Everything changed. I got detention once for breaking a pencil and going up to sharpen it. I became what everyone thought I would be not because its who I am, but because they made me feel I had no other choice. I started getting death threats everyday that they just became normal. I tried reporting them, but everyone just assumed I was lying because I’m a Void right? It’s in my goddamn nature!” His voice had risen considerably, feeling something shift inside of him now that he was letting this part of his past go.
“My parents were the only ones that still loved me, and they burned down my fucking house because of it. They killed the only people who were willing to give me a chance, who were willing to love me despite everything that had happened to me, and I just got so angry that day. So fucking angry. I decided to throw everyone out of this town. I didn’t want to kill them, I just wanted to be left alone. I didn’t mean to start this whole safe haven bit, but once people heard, Darks just came here so they could finally live under the sun, because they knew exactly what I had been through.
“Now the whole world has changed. Some safe havens didn’t even need to fight! Their governor or whoever the fuck just said ‘Hey this place is open for Darks! Don’t like it? Fuck off, then,’ and people just accepted it. They’re all over the entire world now! All because I just wanted the people who used to love me to go away, I didn’t intend any of this…and sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if you had known me back then…would you still love me?”
“Stiles, of course I would still love you!” you exclaimed, the tears streaking down your face. “You’re parents loved you-“
“They had to. I was their only son…”
“And I was my parents’ only daughter, and they didn’t think twice before throwing me out into the streets,” you said, eyebrows furrowing. “They throw me out without even a second glance. That’s how a lot of Darks ended up in the dark corners of the world; their parents threw them out. But not yours, Stiles, because they truly loved you,” you stood, walking slowly over to stand in front of Stiles. His cheeks were shiny with tears, but his eyebrows weren’t furrowed, and the tension in his face was gone. You reached up to cup his face in your hands. “I know you didn’t intend it, but you changed the world for the better. And…I’ve learned that the people who truly love you won’t care about something you have no control over. They love you for you, just like I love you, Stiles”
His arms snaked around your waist, settling on your lower back while he pressed his forehead to yours. “I love you. So much. I’ve loved you since the second I’ve heard about even having a soulmate. I loved you that first day I saw you eating ice cream with our friends. I’ve loved you my whole life…you’re part of the reason I didn’t succumb to my isolation. I thought about getting rid of those letters, but every time I tried, I couldn’t do you because I love you, and deep down, I knew that you loved me too.”
“I do love you, Stiles,”
“I know, if there’s one thing I’m absolutely sure about, its that you love me, and I love you,”
“Congratulations on the engagement!” Stiles said, patting his friend on the back.
“Thanks man,” Scott said, smiling his big goofy grin. “I’m so excited to finally marry her, when are you gonna pop the question for y/n?”
Stiles smiled with a twinkle in his eye. “Oh, I have a plan,” he said rather nonchalantly.
“Will I be informed of this plan?”
“Bro! Come on, I’m your best friend,” Scott made it a point to bring that up nearly everyday since Stiles told him that.
“I know, BUT you’ll tell Allison, who will then tell y/n, making it not be a surprise anymore, and I want it to be a surprise,”
“Fair enough,”
They continued on for a moment in silence. Not the awkward silence from years before when Scott had to drag him out of the house, but a comfortable one. One between good friends.
“Hey,” Scott said, stopping in his tracks for a moment. Stiles looked at him concerned. “I just wanted to say how proud of you I am. You’ve really come a long way,”
“So has the world. How many safe havens did you say there are now?”
“I think it’s around 250?”
Stiles whistled lowly at that. “Oh, um, thank you,” he said, with more awkwardness then he had intended.
“Of course,” Scott said sincerely, saving the moment.
“Um, actually, if you don’t mind, I could use a favor,”
It was a lazy day for you. Stiles had woken you after a night of mind-blowing sex to tell you that he was leaving for a bit to hang with Scott. You didn’t mind. After all, you were pretty sore. You could use the extra rest.
Unfortunately, you had slept another five hours, sleeping through Stiles entire visit with Scott. You would’ve kept sleeping too, had Stiles not woken you up.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” he said sweetly, gently shaking your shoulder.
“Mmm,” you whined. “More sleep,”
“Baby, its almost one in the afternoon!” he laughed incredulously at you.
You sighed, peaking one eye open to look at him. “So?”
“So,” he drawled. “I have a surprise for.”
You shot up at his words. “For me? It’s not my birthday or our anniversary…”
“Come on now, I can’t surprise my lovely girlfriend just this once?” he said, tone a little smug but you didn’t mind.
“What is it?”
He smiled, holding out an envelope for you, and for the first time in a long time, he wasn’t nervous about it. Giving him a playful but confused look, you took the envelope and peered inside.
“Plane tickets?” you looked up at him, a smile spreading slowly. “Where are we going?”
“Everywhere. Anywhere. I’ve always wanted to travel the world, and when I found out I was a Void, I didn’t think it was possible, but with the way the world is now, I don’t see why not. I picked out our first destination, but after that, its up to you,” Stiles took your hand in his, squeezing gently. “I was also thinking that, even though I never meant to, I started this massive shift in the world. I want to do more good, and I to abolish the safe havens so that we don’t need sacred places to live. We could live wherever we want to live because we’re no different. I’m hoping with you by my side, you could help me with that.” He smiled at you hopefully, and it took you no time to think of your answer.
“Yes, yes of course!” you exclaimed, pulling him down to kiss him passionately.
“Alright, we’re leaving today. Quick! Get dressed! Start packing we’ve got a lot to do baby!” He kissed quickly again before running off, babbling on for what you and him needed to do.
In no time at all, you two found yourselves at the front gate, a bag in one hand while the other held tightly onto him.
He smiled brightly, a light in his eyes twinkling. “We could change the world, my dove,”
Stiles smiled down at you. “Always.”
And with that, the front gates opened for you. Hand in hand, you two walked out, ready to change the world.
@beaubinxie​ @writingsbychlo​ @weirdowithnobeardo​ @0castergirl0​
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jamielea81 · 4 years
Just a Simple Lie
Chapter 10
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Description: Having worked on small independent films for the better part of a decade, your friend tells you about an opening for a script supervisor with a large studio. Wanting to advance your career, you apply and get an interview. The only downside, they prefer to hire crew who are married. It’s just a simple lie, right?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, minor angst, FLUFF!!
A/N: This is NOT the final chapter. There is one more after this one that we’ll call a mini chapter or epilogue. Per the usual: this fic is simply for fun and I mean no disrespect to any of the actors mentioned in the fic. I am also totally guessing regarding the studio talk. Comments, reblogs, and likes are always welcome.
Word Count: 4,167
Catch up with Chapter 9
Avoidance really wasn’t the word that you would use to describe what you were doing with Chris. You just didn’t know your place in his life and every day was getting harder to define that line. He was hot and cold with you. So, you kept your head down, figuratively of course, and tried to maintain that friendship line that he had put in place a couple of months ago.
After that night you agreed to work on his film, he came back to the bar during your next shift and hung out with you until close. He crashed your lunch date with Scott a few days later, showing up with a smile on his face and Scott lagging behind with eyebrows raised. But after that, you didn’t hear from him until a month before filming was to begin. It was a brief call to let you know you would receive your contract via carrier and that your flight would be arranged shortly. Filming would last two months but he wanted you to stick around an additional month when editing began because per Chris, he wanted your input. This project was his baby. His exact words were “I need you here.” How could you say no?
You were staying with Chris which is what made the avoidance or non-avoidance, whatever you were doing, hard to actually accomplish. You were fine with staying at the hotel the non-local crew were staying in, but Chris refused. He got very alpha with you on that topic and you had to admit, it turned you on a bit. But you couldn’t go there because Chris didn’t see you that way anymore.
The hot and cold thing was hard to describe. He’d casually throw his arm around you when the two of you were going over scenes, whether other people were around or not. He’d pull you into conversations with the AD and cinematographer to get your opinion, often keeping hold of your hand. The next day he’d be in a mood and barely speak to you, let alone glance your way. The cast would often look to you to be the go between because they knew he was in a mood. You knew it was stress. It had to be, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t confuse you. On those days you’d grab a bite to eat at a restaurant to give him space, often returning to your room in his house at night without as much as a hello.
Friendships are hard. That’s the bottom line.
“Adam! Reset! Jesus!” Chris yelled causing you to visibly wince. “Y/N!”
“I’m on it. I’m on it,” you mumbled mostly to yourself walking briskly towards Adam Scott who was getting touched up by makeup.
“He’s in a mood,” Adam sighed.
“It’s been a long week.” Why you were making excuses for Chris was beyond you. That’s all you been doing lately. “I think he wants a little more…” You gestured wildly with your hands. “Gusto. Yeah, gusto.”
Adam raised and eyebrow to you. “Gusto?”
“You know what I mean. He wants a big reaction, so give it to him. I thought the take was fine, but I’m not directing. Let’s give him that additional option.
Adam gave you a hint of a smile and nodded. “Yeah. Okay. Maybe I can do it better.”
“You’re the best,” you said over your shoulder as you walked back to Chris who chugging down a cup of coffee and going over notes.
“All good?”
“Yep. We’re ready whenever you are.” You plopped your butt in Chris’ chair since he preferred to stand during takes.
The scene ran again without interruption and the next scene was called for setup meaning you had about fifteen to twenty minutes.
Getting up from the canvas chair, you made your way to the coffee station in the far corner of the sound stage. The small liquid cream containers were missing from their designated bowl again which made your eyes roll. Someone was hogging them; you just didn’t know who.
Craft Services was an option, but you didn’t feel like making the trek across the lot. You picked up the powdered cream and mixed it into the paper cup. Powder is always a last resort. It never mixed properly and you could always taste it. But you were desperate for your caffeine fix.
“Liquid all gone?” Chris asked, stepping up beside you, grabbing his own fresh cup.
“Yes. Again!”
“I’ve got some in my trailer,” he offered.
“That’s not any closer than Craft Service, so you’re not helping,” you said dryly.
Chris chuckled lightly, turning to lean against the table as you mixed your cup with a flimsy plastic straw. “Glad to be done with that scene.”
“I’m glad you were happy with the last take,” you replied, turning around to lean next to him.
“Once Scott quits flirting, he does pretty good work.”
You choked on your coffee causing Chris to chuckle again. “Flirting with who?”
“Adam is not flirting with me!” you shouted. “He’s married and has kids,” you said much softer, trying to control the level of your voice. “His wife was here last week. She asked me to join her book club for goodness sake.”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” he said, bringing the cup slowly to his lips, but keeping his eyes on you.
“You’re ridiculous,” you added with a head shake.
Yes, you fangirled when you met Adam for the first time. Parks and Recreation was one of your favorite shows. Still is.
“Adam is not a cheater and neither am I.”
“Maybe so, but you’re a liar.” Chris challenged.
Tears instantly welled in your eyes. You thought he was over it or at the very least accepted your apology. You bit your tongue, trying to find the right words and willing yourself not to cry at his remark.
“You’re lucky we’re at work, otherwise I’d tell you to go fuck yourself,” you said harshly before walking away.
Fuck him.
“Fahck. Y/N! Wait!” Chris called after you, quickly catching up.
You stopped abruptly, swinging around to face him. The action caught Chris off guard as you heard him suck in a breath as his eyebrows shot up.
“Not now,” you warned before turning back to where the next scene was being set up. “Are we all set?” you asked to no one in particular. It wasn’t your job to ask, but you needed the distraction and you weren’t in the mood to talk to Chris.
A couple of non-committal hums and murmured words were spoken. You kept your eyes on your script, scribbling nonsense among the various notes you had already written. Chris’ eyes were on you. You could feel them. But now was not the time to dive into what was going on between the two of you.
Immediately after the scene, you tucked your script in your armpit and pulled your phone out of your back pocket, hightailing it to your office.
Y/N: Can I stay with you tonight?
Chris wasn’t behind you, which was a good thing. You snuck out of there when you saw that he was stuck in a conversation with one of the producers. Making it to your office in record time, you shut the door and finally took a breath. Today was a day that you really appreciated having a door. Chris made sure that you had one, after you mentioned only having a desk on the last shoot. It really needed a lock though.
Darn lockless door.
Scott: I’m not staying with Jen. I’m at my mother’s.
You were desperate.
Y/N: Would she mind if you had a guest??
Two seconds later, your phone rang.
“Hi Scott.”
“Hi Y/N. Whaaaaaat’s going on?” Scott asked with amusement in his voice.
You blew out a breath, plopping yourself down on the small loveseat next to your desk. “He’s still mad at me.”
“Who’s mad at you?”
“Your brother. Who else?” Hearing the annoyance in your voice, you followed that up with a quiet, ‘sorry’.
“Oh boy. Well, I’m staying at Ma’s and don’t you think that would be an awkward conversation to have with her as to why you want to stay at her place?”
“Yeah,” you said softly.
“How do you know he’s still mad at you?” Scott asked.
“Well, besides the fact that he called me a liar this afternoon, he’s been hot and cold with me. He’s been real pissy at the crew as well.”
“You two.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, getting a little defensive.
“It means you really need to work your shit out.”
“Yeah, I know…But I don’t wanna.” Scott chuckled at your comment. “Could you come over? I could use a friend right now. I know he’s your brother, but if he’s just going to be moody, I don’t even want to go home.”
“He is my brother, but even I’m inclined to think he’s jerk now and again.” That made you smile. “I’ll stop by. Even pick up some pizza.”
“Thank you, my favorite Evans.”
“Appreciate the flattery sweetheart. See you later.”
“Bye, Scott.”
Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes, you let yourself sink into the sofa. Avoiding Chris forever was not an option, but at least with Scott there, you’d be able to keep your emotions under control for the night. The buzz of your phone brought your mind out of the fog like haze.
Chris: Are you heading home?
Home. Now that was a funny thing. When Chris wasn’t pushing you away, it did feel like home. But it wasn’t your home. Not really. You are a guest and Chris is your host.
Y/N: Yeah. Getting ready to take off for the day.
You chewed on your bottom lip waiting for his reply. You really hoped he wasn’t planning on stopping by your office before you left.
Your cell buzzed again indicating another text was received.
Chris: I have a few things to finish up here, then I’ll be home.
Deciding not to reply, you grabbed your bag, stuffed your script and laptop into it, and left the studio.
You cleaned up your room a bit, even though it wasn’t particularly dirty. The bed was made and besides a few pieces of clothing that didn’t make it into the hamper, it was mostly clean. Dodger was fed and you had let him outside when you first made it back to Chris’ house. Scott would be at the door any minute and you really hoped he’d beat Chris home. Why? Because apparently you were twelve years old again. You were one step away from locking yourself in your bedroom with angsty music from the nineties playing on full blast.
The doorbell rang and along with it, your body relaxed. Jogging to the door, you threw it open to let Scott in, who came armed with two cardboard pizza boxes.
“Hey sweets!”
You grabbed the boxes from his hands, bringing them both into the kitchen so that Scott could step out of his shoes.
“Thanks for dinner, bunches,” you replied.
“No problem.”
“Two though?” you asked, while grabbing a couple of plates from the cupboard.
Scott walked into the kitchen, giving you a hug from behind. “Even the jerk has to eat.”
“I suppose your right. I’m not sure when he’s going to be home. I’ll turn the oven on low and stick a few pieces on a cookie sheet to keep them warm.”
“So domestic!” Scott teased.
“Shut it bunches.”
Scott gasped out a laugh. “Are we throwing darts at Chris’ old head shots. I know where he hides them if that’s part of the plan.”
You turned around and threw your arms around him in a fit of giggles. “I’m so glad we’re friends.”
“Yeah, me too sweets,” Scott mumbled into your hair.
Scott had insisted on watching Spice World since you had never seen it, but you mentioned watching the Sandy Duncan version of Peter Pan when you were a kid and Scott couldn’t get it out of his head now. So, that’s what the two of you decided to watch. After a quick search YouTube, you found it and watched it through the Roku on the large flat screen in the living room. Sandy was flying around the Darlings’ bedroom when the front door opened.
“Hey. Didn’t know you were coming over tonight,” Chris said, presumably to Scott.
“Yeah, sweets and I are hanging out. Your welcome to join us,” Scott replied.
You kicked his foot with your own. Scott scowled at you and you shrugged your shoulders in return.
“There’s a…there’s pizza in the oven for you,” you said keep your eyes on the screen.
“Thanks,” Chris replied, flicking the back of Scott’s ear as he walked by.
“You can’t avoid him. And this is house, of course I’m going to offer that he joins us.”
“Whatever,” you mumbled, eyes going back to the TV.
Chris walked back in the room a few minutes later, sitting in the arm chair that was angled toward the side of the couch you were sitting on. He kicked up his feet on the cushion your body was half laying half sitting on. Turning your head to look at him, he bounced his eyebrows at you before turning his head to the TV.
“Sandy Duncan? God, I used to love this.”
Scott shushed Chris and you smiled.
The video ended and you stood up to stretch, Scott following suit. Chris disappeared into the kitchen, presumably to grab another bottle of beer.
“Welp! I’m out of here,” Scott announced, walking to the door to slip his shoes back on.
“What?” you whispered yelled, following after him.
“You two need to talk. And I mean really talk. None of this, I forgive you bullshit, let’s be friends. You know it. He knows it. We all fucking know it.”
You stood there with your mouth agape letting his statement sink in.
“Night Chris!” Scott yelled with the door already open.
Chris jogged back into the room, two beers in his hand. “You taking off already?”
“Yeah, I’m beat. Talk to you both tomorrow,” he said, stepping out and closing the door.
You stood there starring at the closed door, clearly not sure what you were supposed to do in that moment. Turning around and facing away from a closed door was a good option. Deciding you’d been standing there a second too long, you turned around to see Chris looking at you with beers still in hand. A small smile tugged on your lips.
“Beer?” He offered taking a step closer to you.
Taking the last few steps to meet him, you took the bottle he offered from his hand, fingers grazing his. “Thanks. I’m probably going to head to my room for the night.”
“Wait. Please? Could we…talk for a minute?”
Bringing the bottle to your lips, you took a long pull before lowering it and nodding. The two of you turned back to the couch Scott and you had occupied moments before. You sat on opposite ends, but both turned to face one another. You finding comfort in your bottle which you drank from again, before noticing it was half gone.
Chris licked his lips, finger tapping audibly on the bottle. “I didn’t mean it. What I said earlier today when I called you a liar. I don’t truly believe that. I was being an asshole. I’m an asshole sometimes. I know that about myself.”
His honesty surprised you. You didn’t know how to answer, so you simply nodded.
“This movie is stressing me out. When it’s your movie, it’s a lot of pressure. I want to put out a good film, it needs to be good. So, all this pressure puts me on edge. Everyone’s doing a good job and doing what they should be doing, but I have these moments where it doesn’t feel right. It’s not perfect. If it’s not perfect I have to take the fall. Who’s going to fund a film with a shitty director who puts out a shitty product?”
“It’s not shitty, Chris. The play backs I’ve seen have been amazing.”
“It’s in my head though. I don’t think I’ll stop being stressed until it’s released to be honest.”
“I get it, but…”
“But that’s not the only thing,” he interrupted. “It’s us too. You.”
“Me?” you asked, eyebrows creasing.
“I’m honestly and completely not upset about the engagement thing. It was something you had to do for a job and I’m over it.” He runs a hand through his hair. “But we went right back as if nothing happened.”
“If you’re over it and you’ve forgiven me, why can’t we move on?” you asked honestly.
“I don’t want to move on as if nothing happened.” Chris closed his eyes, mouth opening as he pulled in a big breath. “That night where you told me the truth, I told you my truth as well. I’m crazy about you Y/N and it seems like we’ve forgotten all about that. And you kissed me! How can we act like none of that happened? That none of that mattered?”
“Figured you didn’t feel that way anymore,” you mumbled before clearing your throat. “That the lie was too big and the secret was too big that you didn’t see me like that. Like someone you could care about. More than a friend.”
Chris set his bottle on the coffee table and scooted closer to you on the couch. He grabbed the bottle from your hand, placing it beside his. He took both of your hands in his, playing with the ring on your right hand with his thumb.
“Not possible.”
The words were so simple yet so deep that you felt your heart banging wildly against your ribcage.
“I still want you. Want us,” you whispered.
Chris’ lips curved up into a hesitant opened mouth smile. He brought your hands to his mouth, kissing each one, before lowering them back down between you. “That’s all I want.”
You lifted yourself to your knees, leaning in closer to him, but wanting him to decide what happens next. You kissed him the first time, it was his turn to make the move.
It didn’t take him long to decide as he let go of one of your hands, bringing it to the back of your neck and pulling you down to his lips. They were as soft as you remembered. His kissed you tenderly, with no rush, as if the two of you had all night. You pulled back slightly and gave him a smile.
“That was nice,” you said softly.
“I’m not done.”
Chris pulled your mouth back to his, kissing you gently until you felt his tongue skim along your seam. You opened immediately, allowing him entrance. He rolled his tongue along yours as you trailed your hand up his chest, along his neck, and into his hair.
The two of you made out for what felt like hours. You straddled his lap and eventually he positioned you both so that you were laying on the couch. It was kept mostly PG13 with kisses, whispered words, and a lot of cuddling. It was nice. Better than nice and you knew this wouldn’t be the end of it.
Chris: Can you come to my trailer? We need to go over scene 28.
Scene 28 was code for ‘I want to kiss you’. The two of you had been sneaking around on set for a week. You still hadn’t gone further than second base which was fine by you since you wanted to take this slow. Plus, you were working together. Working together and starting up a relationship could be complicated. Filming would be wrapped in a couple of weeks, and you had already committed to staying an additional month for the start of editing.
Your relationship with Chris right now was in this tight fairytale bubble that you didn’t want to pop. There was no talk of the future. Not even talk about how you’d spend the holidays. Whether it was Chris or if it was all you, either way, you wanted to stay in this bubble.
You quickly grabbed your script along with a pen and made the quick walk from the studio offices to Chris’ trailer. The sneaking around was thrilling. It was your own private secret that only you and Chris shared. No one was following you, but you couldn’t help but glance behind you every few seconds.
You reached Chris’ trailer, knocking twice on the closed door. Chris opened it wide, looking around to see if anyone was watching the two of you. They weren’t.
“Hey! You wanted to go over that scene?” you asked too loudly.
“Ye-yeah. Come on in Y/N.”
They two of you were so good at this game.
You stepped in, shutting and locking the door behind you. Chris grabbed your script and pen before you had a chance to set them down. With his free hand, he grabbed your elbow and brought you to him, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispered against your lips.
You gave him a chaste kiss. “I just saw you this morning.”
He kissed you again. “Yeah, that was hours ago.”
You laughed, wrapping both arms around his neck as Chris started walking the two of you backwards to the bedroom, his mouth never leaving yours. Your calves hit the end of the bed, so you lowered your bottom to the soft mattress. Chris lowered himself over you and dragged the two of you up the bed until your head hit the pillows.
“Can’t wait until we don’t have to hide this. Us,” he said against your ear, mouth leaving wet kisses along the length of your neck.
“Me too. This is fun though,” you moaned when his tongue traced the shell of your ear.
“It is. But I want to take you out and not have people whispering about us,” he said, causing you to giggle. “What?” His face pulled back to look at your own.
“Well, you are Chris Evans. They’re going to stare and whisper about you no matter what.”
“Shut it,” Chris replied, kissing your nose.
“Are you ready babe?” Chris called from the hallway outside your room.
“Just about,” you called back finishing your hair in the mirror attached to the closet door.
Grabbing your lip balm from the dresser, you stock it in the pocket of your jeans and joined Chris in the living room.
“Wow. You look great,” Chris drawled out.
You looked down at your dark jeans, boots, and burgundy sweater. “This?”
Chris wrapped you in his arms. “Just beautiful.”
You kissed his perfect pout. “You’re too kind Mr. Evans. Now, let’s go. I’m hungry.”
Chris interlaced your fingers and pulled you to the door.
Dinner was at Chris’ mother’s house tonight. It wasn’t the first time; in fact, it was the fifth time not including brunch one Sunday since you came to town. You had met the whole Evans clan minus his father and you truly liked them all. You missed your family back home in the Midwest, so being around a close bunch such as the Evans made you happy.
“Ma! We’re here!” Chris yelled as the two of you walked into her home.
“You don’t need me to make yourselves comfortable,” Lisa said, peeking her head outside the kitchen.
“Hi Lisa,” you said with a wave, Chris still holding your other hand.
“Hi sweetie. Dinner should be ready in five. You know where the drinks are.”
“Sure do.”
You pulled Chris in the kitchen with you, not that you needed him to accompany you, but he wouldn’t let go of your hand. Chris released your hand when you gave him a look. You needed both your hands to grab glasses from the upper cupboard after all.
Digging into the fridge, you pulled out a pitcher of lemonade no doubt made by Lisa that afternoon. You poured two glasses and put the pitcher back in the refrigerator before handing Chris his glass, only for him to set it on the counter. He took your free hand in his once again.
“Ma,” he said, Lisa turning from the stove to look at him. “I’d like you to meet Y/N.”
Lisa chuckled as did you. Her face one of confusion. “Christopher, are you feeling alright?”
“I’m feeling wonderful ma.”
Lisa stood in front of the two of you. “Then why are you introducing me to Y/N who I already know?”
“Well,” Chris started, coy smile on his face. “I’d like to introduce you to Y/N, my girlfriend.”
A surprised smile sprung up on your face as you squeezed Chris’ hand tightly.
“Oh! This is quite the development. When did this start?” she asked pointing between the two of you.
“A little more than two weeks ago,” he replied, throwing arm around your shoulder.
“Well, then I say, it’s about time,” Lisa replied, giving you a wink and turning back to the stove. “But how’s this going to work when Y/N goes back home to California?”
That was a question the two you in your fairytale bubble hadn’t yet discussed, but would need to.
Tag List: @tanelle83 @pinknerdpanda @allaboutthebooz @estillion14 @panicfob @patzammit @xoxabs88xox @heartislubbingdubbing @twittytelly​ @linki-locks11 @ab-baybay @impalaimages @jesseswartzwelder @rainbowkisses31 @xostephanie @smoothdogsgirl @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xxloki81xx @thenormreedus @firstangeldragonranch @soitmightgetweird @maeleeme @denisemarieangelina @rvgrsbrns @icanfeelastormbrewing @velvetwonderbucky @kitkat1690 @smilexcaptainx @dangerouslovefanfic @dwights-new-plague @kelbabyblue @sweetlittlegingy @dont-need-another-fandom @chrisevansforever @evansxxx @southerngracela @bitterstar88 @squirrelnotsam @kitkatd7 @marvelislove10 @the-doctors-fallen-angel @hista-girl @cocomel0613 @also-fangirlinsweden @chrisevansfanfic @zsuzstyina @peach-acid @trynnabemultifandom @mrsshiddleston@tfandtws @heyyouwiththeassbutt @evanlys19 @cheeseburgersstuff  @evemej @whymalu @straightforwardly @deidrashouseofpain @samsgoddess @fanfictionaffair @lakamaa12 @imaginesofdreams @captnstarryeyed @the-walking-daryl​ @benedicttcumberbabe @michellemybelles-world @lorilane33 @divadinag @bellaireland1981 @illi-vanilli @the-walking-daryl @dezzylou24 @jennabenna12 @tinycertain @perplexed3001
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macaroni-rascal · 5 years
Wax poetry about their lifts please
On the very long, long, long list of things that vm do exceptionally well and better than anyone else, their lifts sit easily among the top three. I definitely think it’s part of the reason that they were/are set apart from the rest of the competition. For me, there are a few things that stand out which contribute to why their lifts are so iconic and so far above anyone else’s
Tessa and Scott’s lifts:
Get integrated seamlessly into the program
Are incredibly musical
Acrobatic, yet precise
Explore varying levels, positions, and shapes
Always in the character of the program
Have equal participation
Hardly ever get reused
Are constantly improving and pushing boundaries
In fact, for that second to last bullet point, the wonderful Tina (@bartowskis) made an entire gifset of different lifts that vm only every used once. 
For the purposes of time and gif space, I’m only going to focus on their senior career, because that is when their lifts really began to emerge as something distinct and unique onto them. 
Get integrated seamlessly into the program
One thing that has always bothered me about lifts in ice dance is that they are just used as tricks to make the audience gasp. Far too often I find they also get telegraphed, more pre-Gadbois days/pre-Canton days, it was very much skatingskating – and here’s a lift – and more skatingskatingskating and there was no rhyme or reason for the lift to be placed where it was, it just needed to be in the program. I think Tessa and Scott were really the first team to utilize lifts in a completely new and interesting way – they made their lifts part of the story of their programs, not just an element to be completed, and I think Valse Triste is one of the best examples of this.
I love the lifts in Valse Triste because they help so much to build the program; the music in this free program starts very slow and sweeping with the violin and the entire beginning of the free dance their movements are very purposeful, drawn out, extended, and sweeping, to match that music. When we get to the first lift, its almost the end of that first part and so they have this wonderful little straight line lift that you do not see coming, Tessa’s arm are lovely, the arch in her back, and the strong base from Scott creates such a lovely picture and creates with sort of “swooning” picture that fits the story they are trying to tell. It is just placed so perfectly, as soon as the lift ends, the music changes and it feels like the next part of the story is about to be told.
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Incorporating lifts always ties in with musicality, because they are using the music to add little accents to the lifts. The combination lift is so quick in with Tessa just popping up, grabbing her leg and Scott holding that lovely edge before they go into the rotational aspect. Their rotational lift builds speed and momentum just as the music swells, and their final lift fits the theme so perfectly! They gain speed around the corner as the music becomes frenzied, Tessa lifts her arms into the air right when their is a small break in the music, she changes position, and Scott’s arm comes out as Tessa uses her core to balance right when the music stops and they get back on the ice as the music starts up again. So, as the music starts sweeping and simple, their lift matches, and as the music swells into a flurry, their lift matches, which helps to integrate the lifts and make the program seem like one complete movement and story, not a series of starts and stops and vignettes. 
I think Valse Triste was a perfect little appetizer to what they were working towards and what was in store for their skating careers. 
Are incredibly musical 
Umbrellas was a whole different story – and their short dance that year had one of their one off lifts and a reused an old rotational lifts, and every. single. lift. in their free dance that year, was new. New and wonderfully musical. 
The first lift I think especially is so unbelievably gorgeous. I have talked and ranted at length about how boring I find around the shoulder lifts because they always look labored, the man’s posture is terrible, and the lady’s position is awful…then there are these two, hitting this stunning lift right when the music swells triumphantly, they wait until the singer stops singing, and they hit this lift so quickly and so on time, it feels like the music was composed for the lift, not the other way around.
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They are so fast into the first position, Tessa’s legs are extended, there is toe point and Scott is so strong to glide on one foot! And that is all only the first part of the lift, the rest of it is just as lovely and just as musical. The shapes they are creating and how seamlessly it is integrated into the program is just beautiful. This was the year they really started working with acrobats and cirque du soleil as well. And it certainly shows.
Once more, with their straight line lift – it comes right at the end of a piece of singing as the music swells so they are not only creating interesting shapes and adding to the story, they are using the music to make the story come alive and make the flow of the program match the flow of the music, as soon as the lift ends, the singing begins again. Just brilliant.
The last two lifts back to back at the end of the program during the din of the music are so wonderfully effective: how after a stunning step sequence where the singer is crooning “je t’aime je t’aime je t’aime” over and over again to have them choreograph to hug desperately, let go of each other then go into the lift that picks up right when the music does creates a wonderful moment that is only then compounded by the serpentine lift of Tessa standing on Scott’s leg and hitting her position right on the boom of the music and hitting her second position right when the music is beginning to soften – so the exultant position of Tessa standing tall fits the music just as the second position of Tessa upside down and lower fits the music just as well. 
It is no wonder this was their breakout year, the lifts just contributed to the overall impression. 
Acrobatic, yet precise
Now the next year, post surgery, Tessa and Scott still decided to put nothing but new lifts in the free dance yet again, like the legends they truly are. Must give a shoutout to the first iteration of the goose with Scott’s arms on his knees, that some honest to god ridiculousness and such a cool moment, such an interesting balance point. Of course the serpentine lift, The Serpentine Lift, is such an amazing moment, with Tessa literally just diving head first towards the ice as Scott catches her, the changes of position without getting messy, and the last part where they create of a sort of guitar looking shape to match their rock anthem free dance. That curve lift as well, is so interesting, the entrance and Tessa’s position along with Scott’s posture make such a wonderful impression on the ice. 
What I especially love is that even though their lifts became more and more acrobatic, they didn’t loose any of their speed or precision, rather they worked to improve is constantly to the lifts would have even more of an impact. 
Explore varying levels, positions, and shapes
What has always bothered me about lifts in ice dance is when they man holds a base and the lady just flips and flies into all these different positions without ever created a nice picture. To me, it points to a lack of core strength or a desire to hide a lack of extension and posture.
Tessa and Scott cannot relate.
I love that they always maintain a position, even in lifts with changes of positions, they are held long enough to create a gorgeous picture and wonderful effect on the ice. Special shout out to the Farrucas lift for being a perfect example of everything they do well in lifts: the quick, interesting, and acrobatic entrance, the gorgeous position and extension, Scott’s posture and strong base, in the character of the program with the Flamenco hands, right on the music and perfectly integrated. It’s just a masterclass in everything lifts can and should be. I love that Tessa has the core strength to get out of the lift by herself, her free leg doesn’t lose the extension and she just drops her leg and glides smoothly back to the ice.
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I couldn’t make a waxing poetic post about their lifts without mentioning The Lift, the VM Lift: the Goose. I’m trying to think of any other team that has an official name of their lift, you have elements in singles named after skaters: the (brian boi)tano, the (adam) rippon, the (nancy) kerrigan spiral, etc. etc. But what other team has a lift so iconic, so recognizable, so unbelievable, as vm?
No one, that’s who.
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As an aside, the fact that they learned the most iconic lift in ice dance post Tessa’s first surgery, when they weren’t on the best terms, and then continued to improve it constantly and consistently up until the olympics, makes me feel very soft and tender towards two young Canadian ice dancers. I remember reading, I think it was from their book, that they only started to really get back on terms and work together when they had to figure out a new exit of this lift, because lets not forget, originally, Tessa does a motherfucking half loop jump off of Scott’s thigh to land one footed on the ice, only to change it to maybe the only equally difficult and dangerous exit of Tessa just falling forward into Scott’s arms. I also love the little music lick that happens right when Tessa gets into and holds position, its just radiant ice dance.
The position they create is gorgeous, the parallel arms, the view for the judges where Tessa’s leg is hidden and she looks like she’s floating magically above Scott. Not the mention the exit itself creates a gorgeous position even though it lasts a half a second. I wish I had the words for the emotion this program gives me, but its completely ineffable. 
Across all the lifts vm do in this free dance, they create wonderful shapes and move into varying levels perfectly. Whether Tessa is reaching her hands up to the heavens only to go upside down and right side up again in the rotational lift, or the expansive nature of the goose, the shapes are just gorgeous. 
I especially love the stationary lift! This was during a time when stationary lifts were far more rare in ice dance than they are now, and this lift doesn’t even look like a lift, it just looks like a stunning and interesting transition until you realize the balance point. They get into it so seamlessly, Tessa’s extension and toe point is beautiful, her arm reaching up only to come down and wrap around Scott’s neck as if they aren’t defying gravity and physics, but are just in their own little world. 
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Always in the character of the program 
Then we have the second surgery, and vm come back with, you guessed, all new lifts(-ish) in both their short dance (a one off lift) and their free dance – their straight line had the same position as the curve in Farrucas, but a different entry. I love the curve lift in Hip Hip Chin Chin, how it lasts for the entirety of the singer singing “temptaa-a-tion”, the lift itself fits the dance and the music change so well – Scott holds an amazing edge as Tessa winds herself around his body. The debut of the rotational lift that would serve them well in the olympics also appears here and the baby twist Tessa does into the lift is right out of Latin ballroom.
Shout out to Funny Face for having the most in character lifts, each one feels like it came out of an old movie. I especially love the curve lift and the combination lift, the curve lift is so in character, Scott is giving Fred Astaire face and Tessa’s positions are so interesting. The rotational lift, the entrance and the arch in Tessa’s back with her arms thrown out backwards is so triumphant and glorious. Not only are the lift positions in character, but vm stay in character during the lift itself. It’s always awkward to see ice dancers thinking in the middle of a lift, it takes you right out of the program. I love that Scott pulls Fred face in the middle of a lift, it makes the program come alive. 
I also love that they will change and workshop lifts if they aren’t working, during the 2011-2012 season, they changed their short dance lift a couple times before settling, they don’t let a program or a lift become stagnant or rote, rather the lifts stay alive and engaging as the skaters themselves.
Have equal participation
 Chaotic shoutout to Carmen for having the most sexual and gravity defying lifts. I’ve mentioned it before but I’m always annoyed by lifts that are clearly just the lady being dragged and thrown into different positions while she either hangs on for dear life or does the absolute least. With Tessa’s ballerina training and dancing experience, she knows how to hold herself, she is getting herself into position before Scott puts her there. 
To be totally honest Scott and Tessa’s lifts are not really lifts because Tessa isn’t getting lifted, she is just already there. Their lifts would not be possible if were not for Tessa and her core. It supports her, it supports me, it supports us all.
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(tiny shoutout to the seasons for being both their most underwhelming program with the most underwhelming lifts – underwhelming for vm, that is to say amazing for any other team, the first part of the rotational lift is stunning and the curve lift at the end is gorgeous, but they had the same exit for multiple lifts and because of the music cuts in the music the program didn’t feel harmonious and that feeling bled into their lifts as well)
Hardly ever get reused
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir said if we are going to do a comeback, we are going to comeback with new lifts.
And we are going to come back in style.
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And did they ever.
God bless this curve lift, Scott’s strong squat and amazing edge quality giving them an amazing lean, Tessa’s core and strength letting her abandon herself into the lift, her arms gesturing expansively and expressively with the swell of the music and the tension in Prince’s voice during Purple Rain…I love the entrance because they get into it quick, Tessa’s leg kicks up SO high, the position and speed are wonderful, then the exit, so ridiculous if you realize the millisecond Tessa is in the air and completely flipping her body, Scott gets out of the squat and has to catch her, while she turns again and exits in a cool and amazing lunge right into their end pose.
Latch, just like with several others of their programs, they came in with all new lifts. The first position in the stationary lift is similar to the mahler stationary lift but Tessa’s leg is bent underneath her and her arms are around Scott’s neck, and the other positions create such amazing shapes, and they’ve done a similar position in the second part of the rotational lift as well, though they altered it. Let’s take a moment to appreciate that vm book ended Latch with similar yet different lifts, because I love it and it makes me happy inside.
I love the rotational lift so much, I love how musical it is, how Scott does a small jump right before the entrance, how quickly Tessa flips up into position, then she slides down Scott’s body just as the music cascades to match her. It’s just a lovely moment.
My favourite lift in Latch is without a doubt the straight line lift, for a few reasons: I love that they changed it from what it was originally, a lift that worked better in theory than in practice. So rather than keeping the lift they did at ACI and SC, they came up with a completely new lift between their first and second grand prix. 
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I love the entrance (similar to the entrance into the choreo lift from carmen, but so different as well). Tessa’s free leg does a complete circle from the entrance into the position she holds all while Scott changes direction and gets into a squat. The position she hits is so stunning, I see her make a full moon with her free leg then holding the position of a half moon during the lift. The arch in her back, her arms, her posture is gorgeous. The exit is just breathtaking, Tessa glides down Scott’s body so effortlessly she looks weightless, and to top it all off, Scott changes position again, turns on one foot (!!) and sets Tessa back on the ice.
It is just perfection.
Are constantly improving and pushing boundaries
Just as with everything else in their skating, they never remain stagnant and are always working to improve and sharpen their craft, which I appreciate so much. There is no complacency here. 
Watching The Rotational lift from Carmen versus Moulin Rouge is so amazing, how much more speed they have into the lift, how much faster Tessa gets up and into position and the much more difficult position change. It is truly such a mark of greatness to be constantly and consistently wanting to grow and learn and improve. Let’s also not forget that they changed this lift for the team event only to change it back for the free dance. Just because they could. In the same vein, going from the rotational lift in 2011 Hip Hip Chin Chin to 2018 Sympathy for the Devil, the lift improved so much! The entrance was quicker, the position is better, they are much faster, and the exit is far more seamless. It’s wonderful and fascinating. 
I love that for their curve lift, as they changed the music they also changed the lift in certain specific ways, Tessa’s arm movements changed to her powerful thrust up into the air and the exit became far more intense with Tessa jumping and twisting into Scott’s arms rather than gliding down his body, they shifted and improved the lift when they changed the program. 
Like, let us never forget that this is what is happening mid lift: she is flying.
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Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir invented stationary lifts.
As this gif set shows, one of these things is not like the others.
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No one has entrances and exits like that, Tessa vaulting herself backwards blindly knowing Scott will stop at the right time in the right spot, going from a full stop to the momentum to turn, switch positions twice, all the while maintaining speed, staying centered, holding positions and even holding eye contact. It was the perfect beginning of the free dance and set the tone for the next four minutes.
Lifts can so easily be just an element to check off where ice dancers look into their repertoire and chose what fits best, I appreciate so much that Tessa and Scott refused to be complacent when it came to their lifts, that at the beginning of their senior career they were completely committed to making their lifts more difficult, more interesting, just more more more.
Their lifts go above and beyond what we think is possible, literally and figuratively. 
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
High Expectations - Ch19
Sorry for the two week delay - life, work and insomnia combined to make writing a bit of a slog.  Anyways, on with the show.  
Thanks (maybe) to @willow-salix who has been helping with the direction this is taking.  She is far too under the thumb of Scott though and now I have rather more chapters lined up to write.  Also thanks to @gumnut-logic who popped up as a cheerleader when I was having a wobble over last lines.  I’m still not totally happy but it gave me the confidence boost to at least get something set down.
Earlier parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen
AO3 chapter link
Chapter Nineteen
The temperature at Marineville was a solid 15 degrees lower than Los Angeles with a weak sun that bathed the parade ground in a pale and washed out light.  The chill January air had a bite to it as it blew across the square but Jeff sat straight and unflinching despite those around him shuffling and wrapping themselves up tighter in their coats.
The formal part of the commissioning ceremony was nearly over.  There had been speeches, the inevitable demonstration by the Marineville drummers and all that was left was for the latest cohort of the WASP officer training school to march past their assembled families before moving inside for the more informal reception.
This was the culmination of six months of hard training.  Six months of commitment and dedication that not all had managed to complete despite WASP’s rigorous selection process.  When he had said his goodbyes to Gordon he had done so with confidence that his son would make the grade but Jeff reflected with some shame that this hadn’t always been the case.  I8 months ago he had been adamant that Gordon needed to go to college, even a year ago he’d harboured some doubts over his fourth son’s suitability for military life though he had done his best to keep those doubts hidden.  
The commands were shouted out causing the newly minted officers to snap to attention with regimented precision.  The ranks of men and women in immaculate grey marched past their loved ones with a uniformity that Jeff found himself unable to find fault with.  The display was in stark contrast to the march past of the Olympics; for a start the emotions of the WASPs were unintelligible, locked away behind expressions schooled to careful neutrality.  Jeff hoped that some of the happiness that Gordon had displayed so freely at the Olympics was still being felt by his son now.
The contrast didn’t end at the bearing of the participants.  The Olympic opening ceremony had been all bright colours and beaming smiles, spotlights and camera flashes.  Today was still celebratory but with a slightly sombre undertone.  The speeches of those two events had shared the common themes of honour, glory and self-sacrifice but in the background every family present at Marineville knew there was a chance their son or daughter might not come home.  Military service always came with a risk.  It was a risk Jeff himself had taken, a risk currently being taken by Scott, and now Gordon had stepped up to serve too.  
He had watched with pride as Gordon had sworn an oath to protect the world.  It was an oath that Jeff hoped his son would continue to live by beyond the scope of his military life as the rescue outfit plans moved closer to fruition.  If Gordon should consent to join them as an aquanaut, and add his soon to be acquired skills to the operation when the time came, it would extend the scope of the services they could offer to humanity, enhancing their ability to save lives.  It was a conversation Jeff was yet to broach with his fourth son but he had confidence that Gordon would see the sense in his plans and join the rest of the family when he made the offer.
Almost the rest of the family.
Scott was still being difficult and Jeff couldn’t help the tremor of a frown that flitted across his features at the thought of his eldest son.  Scott was meant to be his field commander and pilot of the organisation's flagship craft.  He should have leapt at the opportunity to take control of the rocket plane.  He should have wanted to join their cause to help save lives and prevent other families from experiencing the grief and trauma they themselves had gone through.  He couldn’t understand Scott’s reluctance to resign his commission in the Air Force and swell the familial ranks.  It wasn’t even as if he was asking Scott the step away from his military career right away; his plans were still a year or two off completion, although he would need Scott on site sooner than that in order to familiarise himself with the aircraft that was to be like no other on the planet.  
A tug on Jeff’s sleeve brought him back to reality.  “Uh, Dad?  Time to get moving, Gordon will be waiting for us at the reception.”
The stands around them were almost empty as spectators hurried to get out of the cold.  There was no sign of Gordon or the other officers who had marched off to the hall ready to meet up with their families.  Jeff nodded his acknowledgement to Virgil and followed after the crowds heading off to be reunited with their loved ones, Virgil and Alan trailing along behind in his wake.
It didn’t take long to find Gordon in the reception hall, or rather it didn’t take long for him to find them.  He had been eagerly watching the doors as the relatives arrived in small clusters and barrelled up to his  father and brothers the moment they had deposited their coats on the racks. 
“So, what do you think?”  He spread his arms to better show off the uniform.
“You look great, son.  I’m proud of you.”  It was going to take some getting used to, seeing Gordon in military garb.  The shoulder detailing, complete with the shining new rank slides of an Ensign, emphasised his swimmers physique but the cap looked a touch too large and reminded Jeff of just how young Gordon really was.  Scott had worn his uniform like a second skin from the outset but then he had let the family know from an early age that the Air Force was his chosen path, conforming to expectation.  He had also been that much older when he had followed the call to arms.  WASP was a path that had appeared out of left field and, while he’d had plenty of time to reconcile himself to Gordon’s choice, it still felt a little surreal seeing his son in the garb of an aquanaut.
Gordon felt his arms sagging slightly as the weight of those words hit him.  Pride was a feeling more usually directed towards one of his older brothers.  It still felt unusual to hear those words aimed at him at himself without a medal in his hand as a focus for that feeling.
“Thanks Dad.”
“Y’know, it’s going to take some getting used to, seeing you in uniform”
“I’ve worn a uniform before, Virg.”  Gordon rolled his eyes in response.
“Technically true, if you count team colours as a uniform, but I mean on dry land.  You’re going to be wearing this a bit more full time than your trunks.  I never had grey down as your colour before but you look good.”
“You’re not doing so bad yourself.  Finally got some dress pants that fit then?”  He aimed a dig at Virgil who shuffled uncomfortably at the reminder of his birthday faux pas.
“Dad insisted we both get new suits” Alan grimaced, clearly uncomfortable in the stiff outfit that was far removed from his usual jeans.
If Alan and Virgil looked uncomfortable in their suits, Jeff was a complete contrast.  He had opted for his own dress uniform to mark the occasion and wore it with his habitual confidence.  No longer hidden behind an anonymous winter coat the brothers could sense the stirrings in the room that always happened whenever their father was in attendance.  It didn’t help that the senior officers from WASP were by now well aware of who was in their latest cohort and were beginning to circle in order to congratulate their honoured guest and extol Gordon’s virtues; they weren’t to know that such flattery rarely worked on Jeff but Gordon decided to make himself scarce before being subjected to the embarrassment.
Grabbing Alan and Virgil by the arm, Gordon led his brothers away on the pretext of finding some refreshments, leaving their father to handle the military small talk.  They joined the long queue waiting to order drinks.
“So, how was it, really?” Virgil asked, the ever present concern for a brother clearly evident.
“It’s great, Virg.  Honestly it is.”  He took in the skepticism in his brother’s eyes.  “This is the right choice for me.  I know you’re not sold on the whole military thing but this is where I belong.  And now I’ve got the basic training out the way it’s going to start getting really interesting.  In two days I get to start my pilot training on the Merlin class subs.”
“Two days?” Alan let out a devastated wail, “So does this mean you aren’t coming back with us?  I thought you got some leave after basic training?  We didn’t see you at Christmas and I barely got three days with you at Thanksgiving.  You’ve had even less time off over the last six months than Scott has.”
Gordon felt the guilt rise up in him.  Graduating cohorts generally did get a week of leave before going on to their advanced training but he had volunteered to forgo this in order to get his hands on the Merlin.  The small patrol sub appealed to him far more than some of the larger vessels in WASP’s fleet which is where he would likely have ended up if he had taken advantage of the standard vacation.  He hadn’t really considered how this decision would go down with his youngest brother when he stepped forward to claim the opportunity.
“Uh, sorry Al.  But the good news is that my break gets shunted to when your birthday is so I’ll be home for your 16th.”  His brother brightened up considerably at this prospect.  “I thought that would be better than taking it now while you still have Virg and John for company.  Where is John by the way?  I thought he was going to be here.”
“You aren’t the only one making the most of advanced training” Virgil explained.  “John got specially selected for a stint on one of the orbital communication posts so he’s currently in quarantine.”
“Already?  I didn’t think you guys actually got to leave the ground until at least Easter?”
“This is John” Virgil shrugged, as if that explained everything.
“At least there was no chance of my school getting in the way of me being here” Alan smirked.
“Yeah, how’s the whole online gig going for you?”
“It’s good, I tell ya I don’t miss the High School at all.”
“What, not even your friends?  It can’t be that great being stuck on your own all the time.”
The snort Gordon got in response did not fill him with confidence.  The High School might not have been great but he worried how isolated Alan now was with the move to online school.  Looking back, however, he realised Alan had always been pretty isolated.  His brother, like the rest of them, had never had many friends outside of the family.  It was the curse of being a Tracy.  Each of the brothers had one or two bad experiences etched in their memory, friends that proved false as the other party was exposed for being after money, power, influence or a combination of it all.  Alan had watched his brothers get hurt, and been hurt enough times himself, to have decided fairly early on that sticking with family was safest.  The problem was there was no longer any family left at home for him to stick with.  
“Don’t worry Gords, Alan isn’t alone that much.  John and I get a visitor pretty often.  If I wasn’t only there on a short course we’d see about renting a bigger apartment so we could have a guest room.  As it is, there’ll be a spare room anyways once I finish at Tracy College.  Actually,” Virgil turned to his littlest brother, “seeing as John’s heading topside and Gordon isn’t coming back, how about I take you back to Kansas for a bit after this shindig is over.”
“Sounds great.  Does this mean I get John’s bed rather than the sofa this time?”
Gordon quirked an eyebrow at Alan who flushed slightly with embarrassment.  The two brothers had spent enough of their lives with just each other for company that they didn’t always need words to get their point across.  Alan knew exactly why his brother was getting at.  The vile accusations of Virgil taking on charity cases and pity projects rose in his memory, accusations that he had known deep down were unfounded but that he had still flung out in a fit of rage and heartbreak.  Virgil, however, seemed oblivious to the silent exchange.
“Sure, as long as you don’t mess up his room.  You can do your school work while I have class and then maybe I can give you a few more flying lessons.”
Gordon felt infinitely reassured that things had been patched up between Alan and Virgil.  If Alan was regularly spending time in Kansas then he has every confidence that the youngster was being looked after.  Virgil and John would keep an eye on things and make sure he wasn’t becoming too insular or crushed under the pressure of being the only one at home with their father.  He also knew that Alan would not be permitted to slack off his school work during these trips.  Perhaps the move to online school, which had worried him so much when Alan first told him the news, was for the best after all.  It certainly had to be better than Alan bunking off for weeks on end.
The brothers had finally reached the head of the queue and stood in front of the urns debating what to get.  The smell of scorched grounds assaulted Virgil’s nose and mortally offended the coffee connoisseur.
“Sorry” Gordon shrugged, “no single origin blends here. Just count yourself lucky that the cream is fresh, the preserved stuff they serve on the subs is particularly nasty. The best you can say about the coffee we get given is that it’s hot and wet.”
“I suppose one cup won’t kill me” although Virgil’s tone suggested he doubted the truth in that statement.  “I’ll grab mine and Dad’s if you two can sort yourselves out and maybe grab a couple of those cake slices.”
The brothers loaded themselves up and made their way back towards their father.   
Scott had been like a bear with a sore head all day.  Those in his unit had discovered very early on that the young Captain, normally so amenable to those around him, was not in a mood to be trifled with.  Anything that could be found fault with was picked over and many of the airmen under his command found themselves on the receiving end of harsh words.  It was out of character and had the whole unit on edge.
There had been a lot of change in the unit lately and it was taking a while for the new status quo to be found.  His well deserved promotion to Captain had coincided with some retirements further up the rank structure and the whole chain of command had been reorganised.  Superiors that he had respected were no longer in place and those he now reported to seemed to have a dislike for the Tracy name.  He had spent so long proving himself as his own person, determined not to play off his father’s reputation, but the sneer he had received upon meeting his new commanding officer showed that the man did not believe he had reached Captain off his own merits.  He had tried not to let it affect his performance, to remain professional, but today he was seething.  Today he should have been at Marineville watching a brother receive his own commission but instead he was stuck on base, his request for leave denied seemingly for no other reason than that he was a Tracy.  Scott found himself thinking distinctly uncharitable thoughts towards his new commanding officer.
The end of the working day, which had been filled with trivial and meaningless tasks, saw Scott hurrying back to his quarters.  Once inside the sanctuary of his own space he dug out his phone, not even bothering to change out of his uniform first; some things were more important.  He had been filled with worry, imagining scenarios in which their father belittled Gordon and the service he had fought so hard to join.  It only took 2 rings for the call to be answered by the brother that had been in his thoughts all day.
“Hey Gords, how’d it go today?”  
“Great, Scott, just great.  Absolutely freezing out on the parade square but can’t have everything.”
“So you’re a proper squid now.”
“Yup, got the hat to prove it and everything.”  He grabbed his cap from where he had thrown it on the night stand and waved it in front of the camera.
“I’m surprised I caught you.  The night of my commissioning ceremony the base bars pretty much ran dry.”
“Actually it’s pretty quiet here, most folks have gone off for a week and the barracks are near enough deserted.  Y’know, I get a room to myself tonight for the first time since I went home at Thanksgiving.  The only snores I have to deal with tonight are my own.”
Memories of shared dorms flared in Scott’s mind.  He’d always appreciated having his own personal space meaning the communal living element of basic training had in some ways been more of a challenge for him than the Air Force training proper.   
“So you’re not out celebrating?”
“I might wander out later, see if this place has any night life.  There hasn’t really been any opportunity to explore before now, training was pretty full on.”
“I can imagine.  Well take it easy, I keep forgetting you’re still under age so stick to soda, the military police are not to be trifled with.  Getting a DND is bad enough, getting one as a minor will see you out of WASP quicker than you can say submarine.”
“Yes, Dad.”  Gordon responded with mock sincerity and a half-assed salute.  The mention of Dad reminded Scott of just why he had been so on edge.  
“How was he today, anyway?  Cos if he gave you any grief…”
“Relax Scott” Gordon could almost feel the tension vibrating though his older brother “Dad was fine.”  He received a single raised eyebrow in response.  “Honest, he was.  You can check up with Virgil if you want.  He...he said he was proud of me.”
Scott felt his heart ache at the slight crack that had appeared in Gordon’s voice.  At least their father seemed to have held off with the criticism he was normally so quick to dispense in Gordon’s direction.  “Well he has every reason to be proud of you.  Seriously, there’s not many that make it into WASP at your age, let alone as an officer.  I wish I could have been there today.  I should have been there.”
“Chill Scott, it’s fine.  I never made it to your commissioning ceremony either.  Call it even.”
“Gords, when I got my commission you were about twelve and off swimming in Europe somewhere.”
“Thirteen and Singapore.”  The instant response had Scott widening his eyes in surprise.  Gordon just grinned and shrugged his shoulders.  “You aren’t the only one that keeps tabs on the important stuff.”
This surprised Scott and he wondered just what else Gordon was hiding below the surface.  Growing up Gordon had only ever seemed to care about his swimming, an athlete with a focus that was single minded to the point of being selfish.  It was an impression that Jeff had done nothing to disabuse him of over the years.  This perception had come crashing down with the exposure of Gordon’s role in Alan’s life and now it would appear that the fourth Tracy had also been paying attention to those above him in the age hierarchy.  Scott felt a gnawing guilt at the past wrongs he had heaped at his brother’s door.
“I still should have been there today.  Christ, Gords, you’ve worked your ass off to get to this point.  It’s been killing me today, not being able to be there with you.  It’s not just Dad that’s proud of you, I am too.”  The guilt only intensified when he realised Gordon wasn’t quite meeting his eye, still unaccustomed to the praise that flowed more freely now.
“Yeah, well, I’m just glad I didn’t let you down.  You took a risk, standing up for me against Dad.  Thanks for that.”
“You couldn’t let me down.  I know whatever the outcome you would have tried your best, it’s what you do.  I always used to think John was the single-minded one but when you get an idea in your head you can blow him out the water for focus.  So anyway, how come you aren’t heading off on leave like everyone else?”
“Got a chance to get my hands on a Merlin.  I know they are being phased out but those of us signed off on the Merlin will be the first to get trained on the Stingray when it comes in and I’m gonna be putting myself firmly in that queue.”
Scott grinned at the enthusiasm pouring off his little brother, although as a commissioned WASP officer perhaps Gordon wasn’t so little any more.  He remembered that feeling of excitement about getting his hands on a new craft, in his case it had been planes rather than submarines, but the thrill was still the same and from what he could tell that Stingray was going to be one hell of a craft.  He listened happily as Gordon prattled on, regaling him with tales from basic training and thoughts on the opportunities about to come and when they cut the call nearly an hour later he did so with the confidence that Gordon really was happy with his choices.  The family fish had taken to WASP like, well, like a fish to water and Scott just knew Gordon would make a success of it.
Scott wished he could summon up that same enthusiasm about his latest assignment.  With the call to his brother over he turned to the mission briefing he had brought back to his quarters.  The details in it were scant and the intelligence it was based on looked questionable but his earlier attempts to raise his concerns with the new CO had been meant with a swift reprimand for daring to question authority.  
With an audible sigh he examined the paltry file in as much depth he could, liking what he saw less and less as he read between the lines of the report.  He had enough experience to know that casualties were likely to be high on all sides.  The weight of command sat heavy on him; soon enough he would be expected to brief his unit then lead them out on this mission that in all honesty he could not bring himself to support.  
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songtoyou · 4 years
Chapter Four: Mission Hills - Part 1
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Would You Call That Love
Pairing: Chris Evans x Raina Morrison (OC)
Rating: PG to PG-13 (Might be 18+ for some chapters)
Description: There was always that one person Chris Evans tended to turn to when he was not in a committed relationship, Raina Morrison. He could confide in her about things going on in his life that he did not feel comfortable talking to his family or close friends about. Chris and Raina were able to establish a way to openly communicate with one another, but also being respectful of the other’s time and needs. It was the only constant “relationship” he had, but without all the nonsense of trying to build a life together. A “friends with benefits” situation. However, what happens when Chris starts rethinking his “relationship” with Raina and if either are willing to pursue something more?
Chapter Rating: PG-13 
Warnings: Swearing and some sexual content.
Word Count: 3,400
Author’s Note: This chapter is a flashback to Chris’s 33rd birthday. It dives deeper into Chris and Raina’s friendship and how it became sexual. 
Feedback is always welcomed. If you want to be tagged, please let me know.
Sadly, I do not know Chris Evans or anyone in his family and this is just a fictional take on his life. I do not permit this fic to be reposted on other platforms.  
Again, thanks to @southerngracela​ for the support.
Updated for grammar and punctuation edits.
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Press Release – June 10, 2014
Sporting legends and golfing greats are not the only ones heading to China for the annual Mission Hills World Celebrity Pro-Am tournament. An abundance of Hollywood superstars will also be making appearances. The eagerly awaited week-long event not only highlights golf but glamour and socializing with the Who’s Who of show business and elite sporting personalities. 
While the tournament does not officially begin until October 24 with a red carpet and cocktail reception to celebrate the opening ceremony, followed by a gala dinner, the festivities will begin early on October 23, where celebrities will be able to partake in a football-golf challenge. 
Oscar Winners Morgan Freemen and Nicole Kidman are expected to make appearances, and Captain America actor Chris Evans and stunning actress/entrepreneur Jessica will also participate in the event. Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, Raina, will also be in attendance and is slated to perform at the opening ceremony celebration.
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June 13, 2014 
“Why are you making that face?” Chris asked Raina when he saw the irate look on her face.
“I’m not making a face,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders and sipping her drink as they watched their friends laugh and enjoy themselves.
“You are too,” Chris pointed out and added, “What, are you upset that I was talking to those girls over there?”
Raina scoffed and rolled her eyes, “I don’t care who you talk to. You’re a grown man. You can talk to whomever you like. It’s your birthday, so you can dick down every girl that you come into contact with tonight. You’re no longer with Minka, so you are a free man. Soak it all up, Evans! Cheers to you! You big ol’ slut!”
“You’re drunk. How about you go sit this one out and relax. Get some food in you,” Chris instructed with a condescending tone. 
“Fuck you! Don’t you fucking patronize me, Evans. I may be a lightweight when it comes to drinking, but I’m not drunk. Dickhead!” Raina shouted over the loud music.
“You’re weird!” Chris shouted as well. 
“You’re weird!” Raina retorted lamely. 
She hated fighting with Chris over stupid things. Normally, she did not care if he flirted with girls as she had seen do it many times over the years. Recently, however, Raina started to look at Chris in a whole new light. It was getting to a point where she could no longer deny her attraction towards her friend. 
To Raina, Chris was not only handsome but kind and generous towards everyone he met. There were just so many attractive qualities about Chris that Raina could not help but find him desirable. He was always there when she needed him, especially after the death of her mother. In fact, the entire Evans clan showed Raina support and extended invitations to her for family gatherings and festivities. Lisa ended up becoming a second mom to Raina, which the younger woman really welcomed. That is why Raina knew that she could not act on her developing feelings for Chris as she could end up losing more than just a friendship, but a family. 
“Hey, what’s going on over here. I swear you could cut the sexual tension with a knife,” Scott walked over to intervene. He slid an arm around Raina and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek to help take the edge off and resumed with, “Come on now, there is no need for you two to be fighting. It is a time for celebration. Raina, it’s your turn. We are losing, by the way. If you get the ball in, then we are on our way to catching up.”
For his birthday, Chris and his friends all headed to Las Vegas. It was a nice break for Chris, who was currently filming Avengers: Age of Ultron. While the time off would be short, Chris definitely needed it. Getting the chance to hang out with his family and friends from Sudbury was the time Chris cherished most deeply. While he had friends in the entertainment industry, they were not exactly a part of his close inner circle. 
He tended to keep his “Hollywood” friends separate from his “real” friends, so to speak. However, there was only one person who was able to infiltrate both circles. Raina. She was different. She was able to fit comfortably within his world. Not only did she get along with his family, but his friends adored the singer as well. Raina could definitely hold her own amongst the rambunctious Bay Staters. So, it was no surprise that Raina joined in the birthday festivities.
The gang was currently hanging out at the MGM Grand’s top nightlife hotspots, Level Up, which could be considered a tech-savvy adult Chucky Cheese. From pool tables to traditional arcade games with a 21st-century twist, and of course, slot machines, Leve Up was a great start to Chris’s birthday celebration. Currently, a game of beer pong was in play. Scott, Raina, her cousin Mercedes, and Tara were on one team. While Chris, Adam, Brett, and JD were on another.
“Let’s go, Rai! You’re up!” Tara shouted while JD, Sean, Adam, and Brett began to heckle playfully.
Mercedes stepped aside and handed her a ping pong ball. Getting into position, Raina lightly tossed the ball and landed in one of the other team’s red cups with ease. 
“Drink up, boys!” Raina cheered alongside Tara and Mercedes. 
“Woohoo! That’s my boo!” Scott praised joyfully.
“Evans, you better get your ass over here and drink up!” Tara yelled out.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m going to. Don’t worry about me,” he replied.
As the game continued with his team losing, Chris stepped away to get something else to drink from the bar. Scott excused himself to follow his brother.
 “Chris, I know it is your birthday, but maybe for tonight, you cool it with the flirting with random girls, especially around Raina. Or try to be at least more subtle about it,” he reprimanded. 
“I don’t get why she cares. She never has before,” said Chris as he took a swig of his whiskey.
Scott just gave his brother a look and said, “You really are clueless.”
“What the Hell is that supposed to mean? Why am I clueless?”
Scott turned his back and walked away from Chris and replied simply with, “Clueless.”
Meanwhile, Raina was in a side conversation with Mercedes. “He doesn’t have any standards when it comes to flirting with girls. It’s like, if you have pair of tits and a nice ass, then you are fair game,” she ranted on.
Mercedes just laughed and asked, “Why do you care?”
“I don’t. It’s just…he needs to be more careful with who he associates himself with. More than likely, those girls posted all over Twitter about meeting Chris and how he flirted with them. His fans see those tweets and the pics those girls posted, and they all get in a tizzy about him being in Vegas for his birthday. They’re probably wondering who he is with, and it just turns into a clusterfuck.”
Mercedes continued to laugh at her cousin’s temper tantrum, “You’re really cute, Rai. I forget how innocent and naïve you tend to be.”
“Bitch, please! What are you talking about? I’m not naïve. Naïve about what?” she asked. 
“You like Chris. It’s okay. I mean, what is there not to like about him. He’s gorgeous, charming, and a total sweetheart. I saw how he was there for you and Uncle George when Aunt Marie died. Chris is an all-around good person. So, it is no surprise if you developed stronger feelings towards him. No one could blame you,” explained Mercedes and left her cousin alone to mull things over.
Later that night, as the group went to dinner at Crush, Chris and Raina barely spoke or looked at one another. It was putting Chris in a shitty mood. He hated when Raina was upset with him.
“What’s going on with Rai? Is she alright?” Tara, who was sitting next to Chris at the table in the private room, asked.
“Ask her,” Chris merely replied sullenly. 
Tara slid an arm around Chris and kissed him on the cheek. “Buck up. She’ll get over whatever it is that’s bothering her. She loves you too much just to let you go,” she told him.
“Thanks, Tara. I know she will. She needs time to cool off. She’s got a lot of stress going on with getting the tour ready and everything. It always causes her stress and worries,” Chris explained as he stole a glance or two at Raina, who was sitting between his brother and her cousin.
Tara merely smiled at Chris and patted him on the back, “You’re incredibly soft on her. She is lucky to have you as a friend. We all are. We love you, Christopher, even though you can be a shithead sometimes.”
Chris barked out a laugh which drew Raina’s attention to him. She could not help but smile and feel at ease whenever she saw Chris happy. It was irresistible and infectious. 
“You know what else you two should try? Sex. Like, get it out of your systems and move along with being friends,” Mercedes piped in unexpectedly. Luckily, she spoke low, so no one could hear what she suggested, except for Scott, who was sitting right next to her. 
“I agree,” said Scott and added, “Sometimes a good fuck can really help.”
Raina was shocked at how coarse the two were being.
“Will you two stop it. You’re very…inappropriate. Mercedes, I expected a little more from you. I can’t believe you, of all people, would ever suggest that I sleep with Chris,” Raina whispered. “Scott, you better wipe that shit-eating grin off your face. Both of you better stop and concentrate on what you are going to get to eat.” 
“What sounds good to you, Rai?” Chris asked, speaking loudly enough so she could hear him over the chatter.
Looking over at him, Raina answered in an even tone, “The cheesesteak dumplings on the starter section of the menu. What’s caught your eye?”
“Uh…either the New York sirloin or filet mignon.”
“Ooh, those sound good. I’ll probably do the cheesesteak dumplings and side of fries.”
“You’ll give me taste right,” Chris asked with his lips pouted and made sure to put on the puppy dog eyes.
The annoyance Raina had for Chris earlier had now melted away when she looked at his sweet face. 
“Anything for the birthday boy,” She replied happily with a smile.
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After dinner, the gang headed straight to Hakkasan, the main nightclub at the MGM Grand. The oversized VIP booth surrounded the dance floor, allowing participants to be right in the center of all the action. The atmosphere of the club was high-energy. One of the VIP waitresses took everyone’s drink order, with JD ordering a round of shots for everyone to toast Chris.
“To our boy, Chris. One of the most loyal, genuine, and kind-hearted people I know. I think everyone would agree with me on that assumption. You haven’t allowed Hollywood or anyone to change you. You are still that same scrawny kid from Sudbury. We love you, brother,” JD professed to the group.
Everyone cheered and knocked down their shot glasses. Chris gave JD a strong pat on the back and engulfed him in a big hug. “Thanks for that, man. Means a lot.”
“It’s nothing but the truth,” JD replied.
With the drinks flowing, everyone was feeling good. Whatever drama Chris and Raina had her was long forgotten as she sat next to him on one of the couches in their VIP area. The two were laughing and having a fun time, like always.
“Are we still up for golf practice tomorrow at Top Golf?” she asked him.
“Yeah, sure. You still want to go, right?”
“Yeah, I want to go. I need all of the practice I can get. I don’t want to embarrass myself at Mission Hills completely. I can’t believe we are both going to that event,” Raina said as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“It should be fun. I know we’ll have a good time,” Chris told her as he placed a hand on Raina’s leg. He began using his thumb to make circular motions on her inner thigh. 
Raina noticed Chris’s hand position was beginning to make her think of all kinds of dirty thoughts. Like, if he moved his hand up higher and began rubbing her clit. It was dark enough that no one would notice them. Then Raina imagined him slipping a finger in her pussy. She wondered how many fingers he could get in. It has been a long while since Raina had sex. Here she was fantasizing about her best friend fingering her while in the accompaniment of their friends. 
“Everything okay?” Chris asked when he saw Raina breathing a little heavier. 
“Yeah, it’s just… it’s sweltering in here all of a sudden.”
“Do you feel an anxiety attack coming along?” Chris questioned.
Raina could hear the genuine concern in his voice. “No, it isn’t that at all. It’s just…” Raina began to say but got lost in Chris’s blue eyes. She looked at his plump lips. Letting all of her inhibitions go, Raina moved her head closer to Chris and placed her lips on his. 
There was a battle of voices inside her head as she kissed Chris. One voice was yelling at her that she was an idiot and to pull away. In contrast, the other voice cheered Raina on for having the guts to take the initiative. Thankfully, the battle ceased when Chris proceeded to kiss her back. Chris took it one step further when he slowly slipped his tongue in Raina’s mouth. He moved one of his hands in her hair and gave it a soft tug while his other hand made its way down her back. Soon, Raina felt that hand slide up under her shirt. She pulled back.
“I think…I think need to get…I need some air,” Raina said as she tried to catch her breath.
“I’ll go with you,” Chris replied and stood up. He helped Raina up as well and began to lead her out of the club. Chris made sure to let Scott know that he and Raina were leaving.
“Everything okay?” Scott asked, concerned.
“Yeah, everything is fine. We need some air, that’s all. Thanks for everything. It was a great birthday,” Chris said and hugged his brother goodnight.
As they made their way out of the club, Chris wrapped in arm around Raina’s waist, which she reciprocated by doing the same. It was not uncommon for the two to be affectionate with one another; however, neither have taken it to the point where kissing was involved. Walking silently side-by-side, the two walked through the casino and towards the elevators.
“Did you have a nice birthday?” Raina asked to break the silence between the two.
“One of the bests. Thank you for coming. I know you are busy as well, but I really appreciate you coming along.”
“Of course. There’s no other place that I would rather be than…than here with you,” revealed Raina.
Chris just stared at Raina. There was nothing but love and adoration in her eyes. It was almost too much for him to handle. He slowly leaned in and captured her lips against his. This kiss was softer and sweeter. Neither felt that they had to rush or worry about being caught. They were in their own world. 
When the elevator finally reached Raina’s floor, both broke away from one another and breathed a sigh of relief. Raina walked out first with Chris behind her. She shared a two-bedroom Skyloft with Mercedes and Tara while Chris was in the three-bedroom Skyloft with the guys. 
When Raina stepped in front of her door, she turned back to Chris and asked, “Do you want to come in?”
Chris nodded his head.
Once inside the loft, Chris excused himself to the bathroom. He splashed water on his face to help relax.
“What are you doing? She is one of your best friends. You going to fuck it all up if you take this any further,” Chris quietly scolded himself. However, a part of him wanted to succumb to his desires. Chris would not deny that he thought Raina was stunning. She was also funny, charming, and self-deprecating. One of the things Chris loved about Raina was that she had no problem busting his balls. That is partly why she fits so well with his crew. She kept him grounded and on his toes.
Realizing he was spending too much time in the bathroom, Chris wiped his face with a towel and took deep breaths before remerging in the living area. 
Raina was already seated on the couch, shoes off, and a beer resting on her lap. 
“Everything alright?” she asked while flipping through the TV channels.
“Yeah, all good,” Chris responded with a chuckle.
Coming to terms that he did not want to leave, Chris kicked off his shoes and grabbed a beer from the bar’s mini-fridge. He made his way over to the couch and plopped right next to Raina. 
Comfortable silence filled the room until Raina spoke up.
“I’m sorry I was a bitch to you earlier. I should not have said what I said,” she apologized.
Chris shrugged, “It’s okay.”
“No, it isn’t. It is not okay for me to talk to you like that, especially on your birthday. Of all days for me to be a total bitch, it had to be on your birthday.”
“Raina, I know you didn’t mean any of it,” Chris said to her.
“I’m…I tend to get very protective of you. I don’t want to see you hurt or taken advantage of, okay. I’m always going to look out for you, just like I know you’d do the same for me. I don’t want anything to come between our friendship,” Raina confessed and continued with, “That kiss at the club and elevator…well…I don’t want those incidents to make it weird between us. You’re one of the very few people with who I am comfortable around. I don’t have to be something or someone I am not. I don’t have to be ‘on’ while I am around you. You know what I’m saying?”
“I do. Nothing is going to come between us, Rai. I promise. Those kisses…they were nice. Great even. I don’t regret them. Hell, don’t be surprised if I kiss you again tonight,” He admitted flirtatiously.  
“So, you wouldn’t stop me if I straddled your lap and began trailing kisses from your neck to your ear?” Raina asked sincerely. 
When she saw no refusals from Chris, Raina placed her beer on the coffee table and got up to straddle Chris’s lap. He set his own beer on the side table and placed his hands on her hips. Chris groaned when Raina readjusted herself on his lap to get more comfortable. 
“Oh, you like that, Evans? You want me to do that again?” Raina asked seductively as she began to grind herself against Chris’s bulge, which was starting to get hard.
“Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop,” he begged. 
“I like hearing you beg.”
Chris ran his hands under Raina’s shirt and proceeded to pull it up over her head. When he saw her lacy black bra, Chris could not help himself and buried his head in her breasts. He cupped her left breast, squeezing it, and released its nipple from its contraption. Chris flicked his tongue on Raina’s freed nipple, to which she responded with a moan. She pulled back a little to unclasp her bra and toss it aside. 
“Now you can have as much as you want, Christopher,” Raina purred in his ear. 
Chris could not take it anymore. He was so close to spilling his load in his pants that he did not want to spoil the rest of the night.
He grabbed Raina roughly by the hair and kissed her deeply on the lips. Biting and sucking on her bottom lip, Chris finally let go when both needed to breathe and rested his forehead against Raina’s.
“Bedroom. Now!” He ordered with a slap to her ass, which Raina was more than happy to oblige.
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Fic: Catching Feelings 4/? (Keanu x OFC)
Summary: AU in which Keanu is down on his luck after he comes to  Hollywood  trying to be an actor. To earn some money, he joins this app for   escorts and meets Steph, a rising star who hires him to try to forget   her ex. Neither of them are expecting to fall in love and all the   problems it brings. Previous chapters: 1 2 3
Author’s Notes: Once again, thank you for all the lovely feedback. They really make my day. Here we are with a new chapter. Let’s get on with the angst.
Wordcount: 3146
Warnings: smut (unprotected sex; prostitution).
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His new jeans were still a little uncomfortable tight and the t-shirt felt a little itchy even if the fabric was soft against his skin and, as Keanu looked at himself in the mirror of the bathroom, he couldn’t understand how he looked so different when he was wearing the same type of clothes he always did.
Maybe it wasn’t about looking different but feeling it. The fabric covering his body right now cost more than two months of rent for his apartment and that was a strange thing to know. Also strange was the fact that Steph bought all of this for him in a blink of an eye, without hesitation or asking him anything in return. Keanu didn’t know what to do with that. Only that it didn’t feel right. It felt like he was taking advantage of her, of her kindness and it made him feel like a piece of shit.
“Ke, you’re ready?” she called out and he smiled at the nickname. He loved how it sound in her voice.
“Yeah,” he combed his fingers through his hair one last time, before stepping out of the guest room, jacket hanging from his arm.
He found Steph sitting on the couch while putting on her ankle boots. She was dressed in a short black dress that hung above her knees and accentuated her gorgeous curves and he felt the familiar stirring of arousal in his belly. He could just flip her skirt and fuck her senseless right there on the couch.
“I know that look,” she said with a smirk as she stood. Even in heels, she was so much shorter than him. “Not yet, lover boy.”
She grabbed the tweed coat that was laying beside her and led the way to the garage and threw him the car keys, which Keanu caught more out of reflex than anything.
“Can you drive, please? I hate doing it in heels.”
Keanu nodded, getting the door for her, before sliding onto the driver’s seat of her Audi, hands caressing the soft leather of the wheel as he admired the vehicle.
“Do you want me to give you two a moment?”
“Sorry,” Keanu replied with a chuckle, starting the engine and groaning as it purred to life. This was one hell of a machine.
“Are you sure? I think this car is turning you on more than I do,” Steph teased as she got the gate open and Keanu flashed her a grin.
“Nothing turns me on more than you do,” he assured, maneuvering the car into the street and Steph smirked.
“That’s good,” she said, turning her body his way and glancing at Keanu under her lashes. “Because the car didn’t forego its underwear just so you could fuck it in the club’s restroom.” She pulled her skirt up high enough so Keanu could catch a glimpse of her dark curls, before she pulled it back again, smoothing the fabric over her legs.
“Fuck Steph!” he hissed, his dick throbbing in his pants. “You can’t just do and say stuff like that when I’m driving.” She just chuckled in response, looking out the window.
“I’ll be good from now on. I promise.”
Steph did keep her word and dinner was a quite pleasant affair. They talked and laughed and ate some delicious dishes that Keanu couldn’t name for the life of him. He had only one glass of wine through the night so he could drive without breaking the law, while she worked her way through some of the sommelier’s suggestions.
Keanu cut her off after the third glass because her eyes were getting a little glazed and her speech slurred. If it was up to him, they would go straight home – and he didn’t want to think over the fact that he was thinking of her house as home – but Steph insisted that she was perfectly fine and still wanted to go out dancing.
He helped her back into her coat and tucked her closer to his body as they walked through the small mob of paparazzi waiting for her outside. Keanu was nearly blinded by all the flashes and questions shouted, but he managed to get her safely inside the car without any incidents.
“You’re ok?” she asked as he pulled the car into traffic, hand rubbing circles on his thigh. “I know how that can get overwhelming.”
“I’m fine, babe. A little blind,” he joked, making her chuckle, but it was weak. “You hate it, don’t you? That part? The lack of privacy?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” she sighed, looking out the window. “It makes me wonder if it’s all worth it sometimes.”
“Do you love what you do?” Keanu asked and Steph nodded, glancing at him as he caught her hand and squeezed lightly, making her smile. It actually reached her eyes this time around. “Then it’s worth it.”
“Thanks, Ke.”
Things went a lot easier in the night club Steph led him to. It was pretty exclusive and the bouncer waved them in as soon as he spotted her. They dropped off their coats and she led him straight to the bar, opening up a tab and asking for a shot of tequila.
“You’re sure you want to go straight for the hard stuff?” Keanu asked, shouting over the pounding beat of electronic music.
“Yes!” Steph declared, sprinkling salt on his hand, before licking it, swallowing her shot and sticking the lime in her mouth with a wince and head shake and Keanu just chuckled, ordering himself a beer, before following her to the dance floor.
They danced most of the night. Well, Steph danced, Keanu stood close to her, swaying awkwardly from side to side. It made her giggle and pull him closer, trying to guide his movements with hands on his hips, but without much success.
She pressed her back against his chest, grinding against him and Keanu swallowed hard, mouth going dry and skin even more overheated in the bad illuminated club. He knew she was doing it on purpose by the way Steph pushed her ass against his crotch, bringing his hands to her thighs. Better men than Keanu would get a hard-on from that.
“I need a sec,” he said in her ear, feeling the vibrations of her laughter before he pulled away and headed for the restroom, washing his face with cold water to try to get himself under control.
Once Keanu was sure he was ok and his dick was under control, he checked his phone, noticing a few missed calls from his bandmates. He texted his apologies, promising to be at rehearsal tomorrow, before pocketing his phone and heading back into the club.
A small wave of panic caught him when Keanu didn’t spot Steph right away. She had a little too much to drink and was vulnerable to creeps. He should never have left her side. He was there to take care of her, keep her safe.
“Hey buddy,” he called out to the bartender, catching his attention. “Did you see the girl I was with?”
“Steph?” he asked, and Keanu should’ve known she was a regular there. He nodded and the bartender gestured over Keanu’s shoulder. He turned around to look, catching sight of Steph arguing with her ex at the balcony of the VIP area.
Keanu made a beeline to the stairs, worry increasing by the second, but was stopped at the stairs by a bouncer.
“Sorry pal, can’t go up without a bracelet.”
“My…” he hesitated, unsure of how to describe Steph. “Friend is up there.”
“Sure, they are,” the bouncer snorted in disbelief, blocking the way, arms crossed over his chest. Keanu took a moment to evaluate the situation. He could probably take this guy, even if he wasn’t much of a fighter but that would get too much attention and he knew that was the last thing Steph wanted.
With worry still twisting his guts, Keanu stepped back his gaze shifting to the couple in the VIP lounge. What had looked like a heated argument moments ago had shifted into an intimate conversation. Kevin was crowding her space; his hand tracing patterns on Steph’s arm as he spoke in her ear. Jealousy burned in the pit of his stomach and something in his chest ached.
Keanu had been so stupid to let himself believe this thing between them could be anything more than some adventure to her; some crazy fun. Hire a hooker, sleep with him while she was on a break with her boyfriend. Maybe even let herself be photographed so he could see and be jealous. Keanu meant nothing to her, and he should’ve known.
He snorted at his own naivety and moved away, grabbing his jacket on his way out. The cool drizzle falling made him hug himself as he hailed a cab. When Keanu got inside the car, he thought he heard his name being called out, but ignored it.
In the first couple of weeks, Steph would send him requests every day. They hadn’t shared phone numbers and the Mars and Venus chat was only available when both parties accepted the transaction. So, Keanu kept refusing it until she gave up; even if it broke his heart every time he got a new notification and saw it wasn’t her.
Keanu shoved the clothes she bought him to the back of his closet and made sure to keep himself oblivious to any news that featured her. He blacklisted her name on his google news notifications and avoided all gossip magazines whenever he stopped by the newsstand to buy himself some cigarettes. If Steph’s face showed up on his TV, he made sure to change the channel as quickly as he could.
Instead, he threw himself into his band and work. He upped his price again on Mars and Venus and Keanu really thought that would make his requests drop, but it only seemed to encourage these women. Like Scott had told him, they were mostly older, some widowers or divorcees who wanted a company for the night or something pretty one their arms for an event. Every once in a while, a married one would hire him to make her husband jealous.
Keanu made clear from their first interactions in the chat that he wouldn’t sleep with them and most of them accepted his conditions. Some still tried to seduce him, but he remained adamant even if he felt attracted to them. He was never good at keeping feelings away from sex so he couldn’t let himself be vulnerable to what happened with Steph.
After a month, he had made enough to get himself a better apartment and moved away from the one he had shared with Scott. Keanu was even managing to send some money back home, help his mom and sisters a little. He didn’t feel as awkward about being an escort anymore and got quite apt at hiding his face whenever he was out with a client in an event and someone happened to snap a picture. Keanu liked to keep his anonymity.
He still worked at the bike shop, more out of habit and love for bikes than actual need and Dogstar finally managed to record their first demo. Now they only needed a producer to give them a chance.
With all that was going on in his life, Keanu managed to push Steph mostly out of his mind. She still haunted his dreams, but there was nothing he could do about that. It wasn’t all that surprising that he was caught off guard when Gard called out his name one day, holding the phone against his chest.
“Ke, there’s a woman on the phone wanting to talk to you about a bike.”
Figuring it was just a customer he had helped in the shop, Keanu didn’t think twice about answering with a quiet greeting.
“Hi,” she breathed out and it was enough to make his heart hammer against his chest. “Please don’t hang up. I’ll be quick, I promise.”
“How did you get this number?” Keanu asked, his voice breaking a little and Gard shot him a worried look.
“I researched all bike custom shops in Los Angeles until I find one owned by a Gard,” Steph explained, and he could hear the small sad smile in her voice. “I know you don’t want to see or talk to me, but your bike has been sitting in my garage for a month and I know how much it means to you so I just wanted to know if you want me to arrange it to be sent to Gard’s shop or…”
“No,” he cut her off, squeezing his hand into a fist to keep it from shaking. “I’ll pick it up. Can I?”
“Of course, Keanu. It’s yours,” Steph replied with a sigh. “I’m leaving for France in a couple of weeks until then…”
“I’ll pick it up tonight,” he said running his fingers through his hair. Keanu should just get this over with. “Is eight, ok?”
Keanu hung up without saying goodbye, dropping the phone and rushing to the restroom, dry heaving on the toilet as his lungs struggled to catch a breath. He thought he was over this. Over her. Apparently, he had been wrong.
At eight, Keanu stepped out of the cab in front of a house he thought he would never see again. His hand shook as he pressed the call button on the intercom, hearing the electric buzz of the lock releasing. Steph saw him through the security camera and let him in without a word.
His foot felt like they weighed a ton as he crossed the red brick pathway to her front door, which was pulled open before he could even reach the porch. Keanu froze at the sight of Steph standing there, oversized t-shirt – his he realized – and dark leggings, her hair falling messily around her round face, her brown eyes sad and hesitant as she watched him.
And he knew he was going to regret it later but he stalked towards her, hooking an arm around her waist and catching her lips in a kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs coming around his waist as he lifted her up and pushed her against the wall, kicking the door shut with his heel.
Their kisses were hard and frantic, almost bruising as they all but tore each other’s clothes off, hands desperate to find skin they craved for. Keanu dipped his fingers inside her panties, spreading her wetness over her folds before his fingers pushed inside her, making Steph gasp and claw at his shoulders. He hissed against her neck, biting at the tendon, his cock throbbing and aching for her.
“I need you inside me,” Steph gasped, tugging at his hair to make him look at her. “Right now.”
“I don’t have any condoms with me,” Keanu said, rubbing at her clit to make her moan and rock her hips.
“I don’t care,” she whimpered, pulling him closer again for another hard kiss. “Just fuck me, Ke.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he grunted, her tone making him just as desperate for her. He pulled his fingers away from her cunt long enough to rip her underwear away and line himself against her opening.
They moaned together as he pushed inside, the feel of her walls quivering and stretching to accommodating him, hot and wet and so goddamn tight nearly driving him to the edge.
Keanu held her against the wall, his hands probably leaving bruised on her soft skin as he supported her weight and started to thrust into her.
Steph groaned, her hands grabbing at his hair, squeezing to the point of pain as she gasped and panted against his mouth and Keanu could taste the wine in her lips as their breaths mingled together and he swallowed her curses and praises.
“Yes, Ke. Just like that,” she pleaded, head thudding against the wall as he sped up his movements. “You’re gonna come inside me, babe? Fill me up?”
“Fuck yes!” he grunted, and she bit on his lip and ran her tongue over to soothe the sting. “I wanna see my cum dripping out of you.”
Steph whimpered again, her hand sneaking between their bodies to swirl her own clit and Keanu could tell she was close by the needy little cries and the way her walls were squeezing him. He was nearly at his limit too, pleasure building on the base of his spine and making his body hypersensitive and his movements uncoordinated.
“I’m gonna…” he warned, thrusting a couple of more times before his climax made his vision white-out for a second and he almost missed the way Steph moaned his name as she came too, cunt pulsing around him deliciously.
Keanu locked his knees together, his thighs quivering with the effort of keeping himself and Steph upright. He gulped huge gasps of breath as she ran her fingers through his sweaty hair almost soothingly.
“Let’s go to bed,” she invited, pressing soft little kisses over his face and Keanu sighed. He wanted to say yes. He really did.
“I can’t. I have a client.”
“Oh.” Steph’s eyes clouded for a second before she looked away from him and nodded. “Better put me down then. You don’t want to be late.”
“No,” Keanu sighed, letting go of her legs so she could stand on her own. “Can I…?” he gestured towards her bathroom and she nodded, still not looking his way.
He felt like a jerk as he cleaned himself up and tucked himself back into his jeans. When Keanu stepped out, Steph had put his shirt back on, but he could still see the evidence on their desperation on the marks on her neck.
“I’m sorry,” he said touching his own neck and she shrugged.
“They’ll fade,” she said, leading the way to the garage where his bike was parked right next to her car, the keys inside his helmet.
“I wasn’t getting back together with him, you know?” Steph said, starting Keanu. “He tried to sweet-talk me, but I knew he was only doing it so I could put a good word for him with Fincher. Which I wasn’t gonna do.”
“Oh,” Keanu said dumbly, guilt making bile rise to his throat and he swallowed around the painful lump and looked away. “You deserve better anyway.”
“I know,” she nodded and stepped up to him, kissing his cheek so gently and affectionately, it brought tears to his eyes. “Goodbye, Keanu.”
He didn’t manage to say anything in response before she had the garage door open for him. Keanu looked at her one last time, his throat blocked by sorrow as he put on his helmet and sped away from her house and her life. Or so he thought.
xxx (tbc) xxx
go to part 5
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cookiedoughmeagain · 4 years
Haven DVD Commentaries; 5.05 - The Old Switcheroo (Part I)
Notes on the commentary with Adam Copeland (Dwight), Adam Higgs (Writer), and Bian Millikin (Executive Story Editor). Officially this commentary is just with the two Adams, but Brian is there as well (setting up the equipment??) and joins in after a while. 
(It is possible I’ve mixed Brian and Adam Higgs up sometimes, sometimes all the different voices blur together a bit in my head. Adam Copeland’s is easier to separate because his is more familiar.)
AH: We’re going to give a shout out to Cindy McCreery and Scott Shepherd who wrote these two episodes (we’re just talking about 505 right now, but we’ll get to 506 in a bit), and they sadly couldn’t be with us today but we’re going to do our best. AC: This is very important to the Havenites; pancakes. And the fact that they are not enjoyed [by Mara] which is very strange because Audrey loves her pancakes, but Mara doesn’t. AH: Do you like pancakes? AC: I devour pancakes. Some call me the master of pancakes. Yeah I’m like Paul Bunyan. AH: What do you put in a pancake? AC: Well I usually just buy them because I would butcher it, and I know that going in.
AC: That is the Grey Gull. AH: And it’s a grey day. AC: Which in Nova Scotia is not necessarily that strange, but a beautiful place, one of my favourite places and favourite sets. I actually contemplated buying the Grey Gull because it’s for sale. But I think there’s no plumbing, or no toilet. AH: That would be a bit of a difficulty. AC: Yeah. So that was my reason for not buying the Grey Gull. What do you think about that Brian Millikin? BM: I think that was a smart investment move on your part. AC: That’s Brian Millikin, sitting in the rafters. AH: There’s Manteo. Who do we know who has ties to North Carolina? Brian Millikin, maybe you and Nick Parker (another illustrious writer on the show)? BM: I love the way North Carolina looks just like Nova Scotia. AH: Yes, we did not actually go to North Carolina to shoot these episodes. AC: If we had it would have been closer to my home in Ashville, so it would have been a lot easier for me. AH: We should have just shot at your house.
AC: Ah, Richard Donat, aka Vince Teagues, one of my favourite men that I’ve ever met. Such a quiet and strong presence on set. He pretty much just rocks. I’ve been told that’s what I will look like when I’m his age. AH: Maybe it’s time travel. You’re a younger version of Richard, sent from the past? Or the future? AC: Yeah. It could be the case. That could be a spoiler alert. *laughs all round* AC: OK. It’s not. But it could be! Who knows; Dwight Teagues. I just heard all your minds blowing out there, Havenites. AH: Well there is a lot in this season; we’ve got a lot of father/son dynamics between the two  of you. Maybe it could explain it. AC: It could explain all of it. AH: Both leaders of the Guard at different times. I’m just saying. AC: Yeah, the alpha male, banging of heads. We both have large craniums. You know, it could fit. AH: I like this theory.
AC: North Carolina was a nice change of pace, to take it out of Maine. AH: I haven’t been on the show very long, but Brian Millikin who has, and is still sitting in the rafters, how many times have we left Haven on the show? BM: I’m going to go ahead and say this is the second time ever. We went to Boston at the beginning of season four. AC: Brian was actually on a swing hanging from the rafters of the building, and he’s now hopped off so he’s back with us.
[As we see Vince and Dave switching bodies] AC: This is one of my favourite bits actually, because John Dunsworth (Dave) and Richard are just amazing, and I love them both. So to see them inhabit each other’s characters was fun. AH: And this was a nice episode too, because one of the things we wanted to do was give them a bit of a spotlight epsiode. We never get to spend as much time as we want to with the brothers Teagues and we decided, well let’s do it - let’s have them drive a plot and have fun with it.
[As Vince knocks his head on the doorframe in the cafe] AH: I love that gag. We had so much fun with the height thing when we were coming up with this episode. AC: But it makes total sense, that’s the great part of it. If you were that tall and suddenly you’re in a frame … you know because Richard is 6’3”, 240 pounds; he’s a huge man. And John is, not. [As Gloria comes up to talk to Vince in Dave’s body] AC: Ah, I love Jayne Eastwood, I love Gloria. This is a combination I’d been dying to see together, just because of the comedic talent involved. These two, they’re comedic … we’ll I’ll say legends, in Canada. Both so funny, so I was really looking forward to that short interaction. AH: And it’s been fun, it’s the miscommunications and it’s very much a farce kind of episode. Besides the murder and death. AC: Besides the choking and murdering and psychiatric wards, you know. AH: And this is not the first time we’ve been to the Freddy. I look again to Brian Millikin who has moved down from the rafters. BM: This is the first time since season one, episode three. AC: Wow, you are a fountain of Haven knowledge my friend. BM: I have been here since the very beginning. AC: A veritable fountain. BM: I’m going to cut in though for a second, I’ll say this much; as someone who has been here from the very beginning, the body swap idea for an episode is sort of the low-hanging fruit for any genre show, any supernatural show will eventually get there. And we always knew that we were going to have to do it at some point in time. People were asking, they asked at comic book conventions and they asked on twitter. They asked in the street. When are you going to do it? Primarily because of Duke and Nathan. They have history with each other, they’re both great characters, strong actors. It just made sense that they would have to switch places at some point. Especially because Nathan can’t feel anything. But we just needed a time, like we needed the story to make sense. We didn’t want to do it just to do it, we wanted there to be a reason, so it did feel like we were just doing the thing. Like, our groundhog day episode is another low-hanging fruit of a genre show but it felt like it really fit in the moment because of the story we were telling. So we were super-lucky that this one came into play. We knew that we were going to do this Vince and Dave road trip, but we needed to tie what they were doing to what was going on in Haven. And that’s where we started thinking, now we can do the body swap. And then, we didn’t want to just do Vince and Dave, we didn’t want to just do Nathan and Duke, we wanted to somehow work in Dwight. We were like, who do we do? We can’t do Mara, because she’s immune to the Troubles. So who else is there. And then we were like; oh my god. We now have Jayne Eastwood, we added her last year. So we were like; what if we swapped Dwight and Gloria? And as soon as that came out of someone’s mouth, our showrunners Matt and Gab were like, So we’re definitely doing that; we’re doing this episode, and that’s happening before the Nathan/Duke swap. And as soon as we landed on that, there was no turning back. [As we see the swapped Dwight and Gloria walk up to each other, Gloria checking out her new face in the mirror] AC: This was an interesting shot, because Eric Cayla our DP was on a handheld and had to whip around and follow me, so the timing on that was really interesting. BM: You were so good in this episode. AC: This was my favourite ad lib. AH: I love that. BM: So funny. AC: That was an ad lib, no one knew that I was going to grab my crotch, but thankfully they went down with me and I saw they went down and I thought; OK good, I hope they use that take. And they did. BM: Now, I heard a rumour, I don’t know if it’s true but as soon as we heard it we were like; I hope it’s true. Because we heard that you went back and watched episodes of Haven that she was in, to sort of learn her tricks. AC: I did. I watched all of her scenes. I tried to stand like her and pick up her mannerisms BM: You can tell. AH: Yeah, all those funny little touches. AC: The way that she’s just kind of over it. And her kind of sarcastic nature. But after watching her episodes, I tried to relate her to a male actor who I could then watch and see how a man would do it. BM: Such a good idea. AC: And so she was De Niro from Meet the Parents. BM: Yeah! AC: So then I watched Meet The Parents, and I watched how De Niro acted. And I tried to take her stance with hands on hips and slouched forward a little bit, and tried to maintain that posture throughout, which was … I did forget sometimes. But this was a lot of fun when I found out this was going to be happening. I knew the comedic potential on this. Which up until this point as Dwight, I haven’t really had the ability to show. BM: Yeah, a couple jokes but that’s it. AC: Yeah, so I was really looking forward to sinking my teeth into this because I don’t know if anyone really knew if I had comedy in me. And in WWE initially my character was all comedy. So it was nice to be able to dip back into that. [As Nathan is getting Mara out of the bronco] BM: Well look and even in the background of this shot right there [Adam in his hands on hips stance] AC: Yeah she would stand sometimes with her hands on her lower back, so I really just tried to watch everything that she would do. BM: Well, we just got such a kick out of watching it. Or even writing it. Because this was the only one where it was a gender swap also. And a real age swap. You know, Duke and Nathan are the same age. So, this was really going for it. And you crushed it. I remember when the dailies would come in and we would just pause what we were doing in the writing room and we would just put them up and watch them. We were just having so much fun with it. AC: Well it was interesting because Dwight as a character is kind of reserved and close to the vest, so it was more of a challenge for Jayne to figure out how to pull of Dwight. Because he’s not very over the top in anything that he does, and that was by design, that’s how I always tried to attack Dwight. So it was a big challenge for Jayne I think because Gloria’s character there’s so much to work with, there’s so much to play with. And with Vince and Dave there’s so much to play with. [On screen Vince is checking the wound on Dave’s leg] That was pretty nasty. Great job by the makeup department. It looked really gross that day too. I was like; that looks disgusting. [As Vince is answering Dave’s phone] Is that a Blackberry? AH: Well this is taking place in the past. What year is this actually in Brian Millikin? BM: This would be the year 2011, going on 2012. AC: OK. BM: Despite the fact that it aired in 2014. AH: And this is something we would constantly have to remind ourselves when we were writing the show, like - wait a minute it’s not 2014, it’s actually … And we’d just all look at Brian. BM: It’s a real problem in serialised TV shows. Like Lost, the first three years took place over 90 days. AC: Wow. And that’s always a challenge too from the performance aspect for the continuity. And also just in each show, because everything’s shot out of sequence. So you’re always questioning, what did we just come from? What did we just do? Why are we here? And that can be a huge thing to keep track of sometimes. And thankfully there’s people on it, as well as you’re supposed to be on it too. But, it can get lost sometimes.
AH: There’s a lot of little humour things, just Mara reading the “Me, Myself & I” schizophrenia brochure. I think in a lot of ways these are probably our most humorous episodes of the season, which was a lot of fun. We can be very grim and gritty some days and just to take a step back and come up with some of the little goofs and gags for what everyone can do once they’re swapped was a lot of fun. AC: Well yeah Haven can be a pretty heavy place, so when you can kind of lighten that weight a little bit it’s nice. [As we see Nathan talking to Audrey in the Freddy] This was a really interesting change for Emily. And you can just see the switch in her eyes which was really great. AH: Yeah credit to her acting there. AC: Because you knew instantly; something just happened. Just from the look in her eyes. AH: Yeah; that’s Audrey not Mara. Which is not an easy thing to do, and she pulled it off. And it became very complicated on the page when we were going, OK so these people are in different bodies but now this is Mara, but Audrey’s come to the surface. And trying to keep that whole piece together was interesting. Brian do you want to tell the story here? Or just give a little insight into the behind the scenes scriptwork that had to be done on the formatting of the scripts here. BM: Oh my gosh, well maybe it showed our level of inexperience with bodyswap episodes from other shows that have done them before; we probably should have looked at them. But one issue that we ran into was that it happened with so many different characters, you know a lot of shows it’ll just be Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural or whatever. But we eventually got hold of the Freaky Friday scripts, the original one way back when, just to see how they did it. Because the problem we ran into was that you couldn’t tell from reading the script who was who. We got the script in, and it was great, but at no point could you ever tell what character was saying what to whom or why. And so it was impossible. A script is like a blueprint and you need to be able to read it and know what you’re seeing on screen. And when the actors read it at a table read, they need to be able to know who is who. And it was impossible. Because, when it was you speaking in the scene right now Adam, it would have said Gloria then parentheses Dwight. And then you’re talking to Gloria parentheses Dwight. And it was just like; I don’t know what’s going on here. So we eventually had it just say Dwight in quotation marks. It was important for it to say who it is that you’re looking at, so that you [Adam] knew you’re still reading the Dwight dialogue but we’ve got these quotes around it so you know that’s not quite Dwight. AC: And what was interesting was, Gloria in Dwight’s body, she doesn’t have bad eyes but she instinctively goes to squint. So those were little things that Dwight’s not used to wearing glasses, so just all of those little things that we tried to add in. Gloria’s always so bemused which, I knew it would be so much fun to play her. And it was. BM: That’s amazing. We kind of didn’t know how far to go with some of the gags. Like with the bathroom gag. How much … would she check herself out? What are we doing here? What show are we working on? So I think we went too far and then pulled it back.
AH: I remember the table read for this was a lot of fun. AC: And it was interesting at the table read to see everyone take on the other character and to see the reaction from the other person watching their character and their mannerisms be recreated at this table read. It was actual fun to be a fly on the wall for it. AH: And I don’t know if we’re doing the bloopers this year but some of the stuff between takes were just as fun. Like; I do that? What are you doing? I do that?
[As Gloria in Dwight’s body is finishing up her milkshake] BM: We loved the idea that she was put into like, Captain America’s body. Like a super soldier so she can now just do whatever she wants. At one point we were she was going to be eating doughnuts and stuff in every scene. AH: Every single scene. AC: Thank you for not doing that to me. BM: Pizza. AH: Yeah it was just non stop. Burgers. AC: I think that was actually ice tea that I was slurping because I wanted to do a nice long exaggerated slurp on it. This was a lot of fun to do this episode, it really was. As we’ve talked about because it was such a departure from the norm. And I think a chance for the audience to just take a breath. AH: Yeah because it was about to get heavy. AC: Yeah and you kind of need that small gap to take a breath, reboot, get ready for… AH: And just have some fun with the characters. AC: Yeah. And see a different side of them too.
AH: Now I remember Brian, and fill me in if you recall this stuff too, but in the room we also played a lot with the distance between Haven and North Carolina. BM: Are you asking to insert an apology to people who live on the East coast? Because we make it seem like they can get around a lot faster. The distance between coastal Maine and the outer banks of North Carolina, that’s … you so could not do that in a single day. AC: I’ve driven it. And it’s not a fast drive. There was also debate about how to pronounce Manteo *tries out different possibilities* AH: That’s right. But we had experts in the room, thankfully. AC: Yeah. But there were a few takes where the wrong pronunciation still snuck in. AH: And the other one was Croatoan that we had in this episode as well. Where there was a pronunciation issue. BM: That’s right. It’s a pretty popular local legend down in that part of the world, that’s where I’m from. I had not know that it was … There was a lot of people working on the show who didn’t really know about it. AH: I had not heard about it. And I remember being in the room and everyone talking about it as if it was something everyone should know about. And I think I pretended for the first hour and then opened up the Wikipedia … Ah, I see. BM: We were shooting the last episode before this one, when Croatoan first gets named dropped, when Sleepy Hollow had an episode where they also dealt with it. They go to the lost colony and everything else, and we all slapped our foreheads because we thought we were so clever. So that was very upsetting.
[As Duke and Nathan are talking while Mara is asleep] AC: By the way; Lucas Bryant and those cheekbones. AH: *laughs* full stop. AC: I always bust his chops. AH: The fans love his cheekbones. AC: They do. You could … It’s like climbing a cliff, those cheekbones. Essentially my job, besides being Dwight, was trying to bust Lucas Bryant’s chops BM: It’s an important job. AC: It is, someone had to do it. AH: You guys’re from really close to each other, right? AC: Yeah, we … for the Americans we grew up about 20 miles apart. AH: That’s crazy. AC: Yeah. Unbeknownst to us. We didn’t know. So we obviously hit it off pretty quickly because we both watched Polka Dot Door growing up as a child. All the Canadians will be going whoop whoop. AH: Yeah, the Polka Dot Door! Polkaroo! AC: Polkaroo! *The two Adams start singing what I assume is the theme tune* AC: Casey and Finnegan. The Friendly Giant. The Friendly Giant made us both cry as a matter of fact. Being both sensitive souls, and creative souls as Lucas and I are, we cried during the music for The Friendly Giant. AH: I remember when he passed away, that was very sad. It was a great show. AC: Yeah. *another snippet of song*. There’s so many people right now going; What the hell is he talking about? While we’re on the subject i also loved the Hilarious House of Frankenstein. You’d like it Brian. AH: You would actually. That would be right up your alley. BM: You guys are speaking a different language. AC: Yes. It’s southern Ontarian. AH: Now you know how it feels when you mention Croatoan to a Canadian.
BM: I’m going to add one other comment here. Since we’re looking at Emily Rose as Audrey/Mara. She was one of the other reasons why we did this bodyswap episode. She in a sense for this entire season, got to do that. I think it’s a nice thing to be able to deliver to one of your actors that they (especially in the fifth season of a show) get to play a different character. And we sort of felt, almost a little bad that it was just her. And even the year before with the Lexie/Audrey of it all. And so I think emotionally we wanted to deliver a bodyswap two parter just so that you and Lucas and Eric got to do some of that too. We didn’t want her just to have all the fun. AC: Well it is fun to throw on a different skin after you’ve worn that skin for four or five years. But there’s something uncomfortable about that too, but it’s a nice challenge. And I know Emily had fun with it too. AH: Absolutely, she killed it. AC: Because Mara was so different, and so evil, and so vile. BM: And big, you know? AC: Yes. BM: And she did a great job. AC: Yes. And I know she had a lot of fun with it. And it’s interesting too, although also the challenge of how she was so evil - I think that was a part of the challenge. Because, you know Emily in having to take on this evil character had to say things that were just horrible. Like talking about Dwight’s daughter and all of those things, I know it bothered her. And to be able to step up to the plate and do it, there’s something to be said for that.
AH: And there’s a doughnut! How many doughnuts did you eat? AC: It was about four. And that was the one where I got so deep into it, I knew that ... BM: It’s not easy to get the perfect amount of schmeer. AC: Well that was the one where it was so deep and I was like, I’m going to have to do the rest of the scene with chocolate all over my face. *much laughing over Gloria and Dwight in their swapped bodies* BM: We should have just kept you guys. AC: I think Nathan slash Lucas had a really good time being the straight man for it as well. Because he was the straight man for their interactions a lot of the time. BM: We so wanted to send you guys off to the crime scene. But there was just going to be so many people in those scenes it would have just taken forever, schedule-wise. But we wanted to get you guys in on the action. We wanted it so bad but we couldn’t do it. AC: Well in the morgue we got into some of it, with the mitts fitting the gloves and feeling like she could punch through ceilings. BM: And we wanted her to … or you, but Gloria’s body … to have to chase after a perp, run him down, you know, like an action sequence. Or you have to punch somebody and not know how strong you are. There could be an entire show. AC: Well and then the interesting aspect is, does she know how to throw a punch? Or does Dwight’s body just automatically know how? And there as a performer you go, well which is it? AH: It’s a good question. BM: I think it’s the former, not the latter. I think she would know what to do. It’s a different brain in there. AC: Right? Because it’s a different brain but instinctively, like with the glasses Dwight doesn’t need them but Gloria thought she did so she squinted but then realised she didn’t need to. So I think there would still be a moment of … um BM: I think we just came up with the Haven spinoff by the way. You two swap again; can’t switch back; solve crimes. AH: I would watch that. AC: I could work with Jayne Eastwood for the rest of my life without a doubt. BM: But you have to be swapped with her. AC: Yes. BM: But, we also like you as Dwight so maybe, go back and forth. AC: Yep, but the majority of the time if I got to play that, that would be a whole lot of fun.
[As Gloria and Dwight are on the video call with Vince and Dave] BM: I imagine this was a tough scene to shoot because there was nothing on that screen, right? AC: Yeah, it’s an empty computer. AH: And they add it in in post AC: And your eyeline on the computer has to be right, and all of those - sometimes those technical things are the most difficult becuase you’re acting to nothing.
AC: What’s interesting too is to see how over the seasons and years how everyone has grown. And not just from a character perspective but from a personal perspective. AH: You get to grow up a bit as a family, it’s nice. We were just talking before we came in here about how much older everyone’s kids are getting and everything. AC: Yeah. And well I mean Emily, they had their son. Beth and I we had our daughter. Lucas and Kirsty’s daughter has grown. And just all of the families that have grown or have started since the beginning of this show, it’s pretty incredible. AH: And it’s always interesting when you look at a show that lasts this long, with the crew sometimes relationships have formed, or there are kids because of relationships that have formed, and it’s just amazing to see the community that grows up around a television show. AC: Yeah it always felt good walking on set too. Because there was just a sense of comfort to it.
AC: Jayne really played straight so well. Because playing that straight when you’re someone that’s usually so animated, it’s hard. And she pulled it off, she really restrained her natural kind of … I guess her natural charisma.
[As Duke and Nathan are swapping bodies] AH: And I’m sure everyone at home was just waiting for this to happen. It just had to at some point. AC: And then at this particular moment as well. [As Duke in Nathan’s body realises he can’t feel] AH: And just a little tease of what’s to come with the Troubles not transferring with the soul. AC: This was a really interesting swap to watch, because Eric, Duke, has the same job as Jayne and Gloria had, in that Nathan is a very reserved character. So pulling back, because Duke is very animated, as you’ll see from Lucas’s portrayal of Duke, so it was pretty hilarious. On both sides. AC: The hands, that was what I really noticed. AH: The pointing is my favourite. AC: Yes, and the hands on the hips. And I know for Lucas that was a lot of fun. Because Nathan is a very reserved, stoic, contained character. And Duke is the opposite of that. BM: Yeah. Well, Lucas Bryant is also the opposite of that. AC: Yeah. Yes, Lucas is a complete moron *laughter*, so the fact that he gets to be more animated is much closer to his actual personality. It also goes to show that having acted and worked with someone for that long, how much you just inherently pick up from just spending so much time together as those characters. Even just those things like the delivery … AH: The delivery, the timing. And this was a good idea to have this early conversation between the two of them, just so that you can really see the difference. AC: Yeah, it was fun. And this was actually fun at the table read too. It was also really interesting because you get so used to seeing Duke as Duke, or Eric as Duke and Lucas as Nathan, it was interesting to see them play completely different characters. Like, there were times when I would go out to dinner with some of the crew and they’d see me without the bullet proof vest and be really surprised - because you get so used to it. You know, like; wow you wear real clothes, you don’t walk around in a bullet proof vest, I forgot. So when you inhabit those characters for so long it’s interesting to see all of that get flipped on it’s head. How about that orange house back there by the way? [Behind Eric’s head outside Audrey’s apartment]. AH: It’s kind of a scene stealer. AC: Yeah, right? That’s one of the great things about Nova Scotia too. You’ll have a purple house with seafoam green shutters. Which on paper sounds disgusting, but it works. BM: They pull it off. That house, we actually finally shot outside of it in …. Hmmm I don’t remember. AC: You don’t remember?! *surprised noises from both Adams* Woah. Hold on, record scratch. BM: Was it season three, at some point?
[As Vince in Dave’s body starts to get affected by the thinny] AC: I love that part! Because Vince does that! He would kind of do the tasmanian devil spin to get his mouth going sometimes, and John picked up on that. These two were so needed to the show. And always brought a sense of levity, but every time they popped up on screen I would smile.
AH: Well, thank you for listening and we’re going to be right back doing 506.
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mrs-mitch-rapp93 · 6 years
Mitch Rapp X Reader Short Story: Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress **)
Author: @mrs-mitch-rapp93
Word Count: 5, 756
Warnings: Smut, Cussing, Violence, Unprotected Sex, 
Summary: Mitch Rapp “counter-terrorism operative” for the CIA wakes up to find a mysterious woman in his room, was it a one night stand or something more. 
Characters: Mitch Rapp, Reader, Scott Coleman, Liz, Reader’s Father. 
Author’s Note: I want to thank @sterek3026 for letting me use this picture that gave me the idea for this short story, and I want to thank @julzdec for helping me, and my friend Ehron. 
Also, while you are reading this there are a few shout-outs to the Mitch Rapp books and that we’re not in the movie, I highly recommend reading them there really good books. 
The title, while I was working on this I was listening to music and the song Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) by The Hollies came on and it kind of helped me with the story and the title, if you have never heard of this classic 60s song go listen to it. Enjoy!
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Mitch’s eyes slowly open, the sun shining through the window brought him back to reality. He gradually sat up in bed, his head pounding a little. He pulled the covers off himself and swung his legs over the bed, he placed his elbows on his knees. Mitch sat there for a moment, he dragged his fingers through his messy dark hair. Some of the previous night was a blur to him. He did remember being with his best friend Scott Coleman at the bar but anything after they arrived he didn’t remember.
He heard the bathroom door click open causing him to turn his head. Standing in the doorway was a beautiful y/h/c, y/e/c young woman wrapped in a gray towel, her hair was dripping wet, steam was coming out of the bathroom behind her. Mitch looked at the unfamiliar woman with a confused look on his face.
“Good morning, handsome,” the stunning woman said in an indistinguishably foreign accent. Mitch’s fight or flight mode kicked into high gear; he reached under his pillow and pulled his 9mm out from under his pillow, he turned the safety off and pointed it towards the woman.
“Who the fuck are you?” Mitch asked as the stunning y/h/c woman walked over chuckling at Mitch’s response.
“Put the gun down, cowboy,” she reached the bed and bent down in front of Mitch. Her damp hair was hanging in front of her causing water droplets to fall onto Mitch’s lap. Mitch kept the gun pointed towards her when she said “cowboy,” it sounded oddly familiar to Mitch he chose to ignore it for now. Mitch was a little struck at how forward this woman was even with a gun pointing at her. They stared at one another for a few seconds until Mitch broke the awkward silence.
“I’m gonna guess we fucked last night?” Mitch asked. The mystery woman’s eyes got big and a smile formed on her face.
“Yes, seriously, you don’t remember? And during the incredible sex, you couldn’t stop saying my name,” she said, with a laugh. Mitch could see the dimples forming on her cheeks as she smiled. She brought her left hand up tucking some of her hair behind her ear, she continued smiling, she waited for Mitch to say something he didn’t. She brought her hand up to playfully pat Mitch on the face, but Mitch grabbed her wrist before she could. After a second, she pulled her hand away from him and a small giggle escaped her mouth. She stood up and walked away from Mitch, she untied the towel and began to dry her hair with it.
   “You can put the gun down, cowboy, I’m not going to hurt you,” she said with her back turned towards Mitch. Mitch’s eyes looked at her perfect naked body up and down, she turned around to face Mitch after a moment, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Mitch’s fight or flight began to come down; he lowered his arm turning the safety on and brought it down placing it next to him on the bed. She stopped drying her hair and dropped the towel on the floor and walked back over to Mitch. She sat down on the bed next to Mitch, he looked into her beautiful y/e/c then his eyes traveled down to her perfect sized breast.
“My eyes are up here,” y/f/n said, Mitch, snapped out of his trance and cleared his throat he looked up she had a smile on her face.  
“Can I ask you something?” Mitch asked.  
“You can ask me anything, handsome,” she said.
“What’s your name?” Mitch asked. For the life of him, he couldn’t remember.
“My name is y/f/n, and damn the bartender last night must have spiked your bourbon or something for the love of God if you can’t remember my name,” she said with a chuckle. A small chuckle escaped Mitch’s lips.
“I guess…” Mitch said. y/f/n stuck her hand out towards Mitch, Mitch took her hand and shook it, he pulled away after a moment.
“Honey, I could not forget a name like that,” she laughed. Mitch softly smiled.
“Alright y/f/n, can you tell me what happened between us last night?” Mitch asked.
“Well, it all started when your friend Coleman, I think that’s what you kept calling him... he ended up spilling a drink on my friend Liz, which caused them to start chatting, they eventually went to her place afterwards, so it was just us two. We ended up having our own conversation one thing led to another,” she said. Mitch thought for a moment before he spoke.
“I remember being at the bar but after that, I can’t remember,” Mitch said.  
“Well, maybe this will jog your memory,” y/f/n said she leaned forward and roughly kissed Mitch. He slowly began to pull away but then became intoxicated by her warm lips. He slowly placed his hands on her shoulders, she placed her hands on his chest, they melted into the kiss.
After a few steamy minutes y/f/n pulled away, Mitch licked his lips he could faintly taste mint that came off her lips. The way his lips formed against hers brought some familiarity back to him.  
“Did that help?”
“A little.”
“Good,” y/f/n pushed her damp hair back. “I don’t know about you, but I need a fresh cup of coffee and a doughnut,” she said. She got up from the bed slowly. She walked away from the bed and picked up a dark blue thong. Then she walked towards the door, Mitch watch her walk out of the room. Mitch tried harder to remember what happened but nothing.  A minute later she walked in carrying a long black dress and black heels, and the smell of cigarette smoke that was lingering off her clothes caused all his memories about this mysterious woman to flood his mind.
“Mitch, want another drink?” Coleman yelled over the music playing in the upper-class bar. They have been there for about an hour.  
“Yeah how about a Manhattan this time,” Mitch yelled back at him, they had a few empty glasses pilled on the table.
“Gotcha,” Coleman nodded his head and got up from his seat and headed to the bar.
Mitch watched his friend make his way pass the crowd of people and head up to the bar, he turned his attention to the door, he began to people watch. He watched as a drunk couple stumbled out the door, as a group of young women came in, one of them had a bachelorette sash on.  
After a few minutes, Mitch noticed Coleman never returned with their drinks he turned his head to the right and noticed that Coleman was talking to two women, it looked like he was apologizing to a short brunet who was dabbing at her dress with a napkin, it looked like Coleman must have spilled his drink on her, “You damn idiot,” Mitch chuckled to himself. Standing to the left was another woman who was slightly taller and had her back facing him the only thing he could see was her y/h/c that fell in a ringlet of curls down her back.  
Mitch continued watching until Colman pointed towards Mitch, the brunet waved to Mitch. Mitch gave her a slight nod. Coleman turned and began heading toward the table gesturing them to join him and Mitch. The brunet followed Coleman, her friend turned and followed her. The other woman was wearing a plunging v-neck long black dress that showed her cleavage and had a slight down her right thigh, as the y/h/c woman made her way towards Mitch for some odd reason the way she walked cause him to think of the lyrics to The Hollies’ song, “Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress).” “My temperature started to rise, she was a long cool woman in a black dress, just a 5-9 beautiful tall, with just one look I was a bad mess, cos that long cool woman had it all,” Mitch was intoxicated by how stunning she was, he watched as her hips swayed from side to side, and how her hair bounced as she walked, he felt his groin tingled a little, he brought his hand up to his to his neck and began to rub the back of it.  
They finally reached the table. Coleman sat on Mitch’s left while the brunette sat next to him, and the y/h/c woman pulled her chair out that was next to Mitch.
“Well, aren’t you handsome,” she said, she flirtatiously rubbered Mitch’s shoulder as she sat down next to him, Mitch could smell cigarette smoke coming off her dress. She brought her red drink that had cherries floating in it up to her lips and took a drink, Mitch watched as her perfect shaped lips suck at the pink straw. He cleared his throat before speaking.
“Thanks,” Mitch said, he turned his head to Coleman and gave him a look.
“What the hell man,” Mitch mouthed to Coleman.
“Faith man,” Coleman said as he slide a drink to Mitch, he took it and took a big swig of it.
Two hours have passed, Coleman and Liz left, leaving Mitch and y/f/n together who were know practically on one another’s laps. Mitch could feel the whiskey kicking in, he brought his hand up to his beard and began to tug a little.
“So, Mitch how did you get that scare on your face?” y/f/n asked she took a cherry out of her almost empty drink. Mitch didn’t hear her, he was too busy watching as she brought the cherry up to her lips and began to eat it a very seductive manner, causing Mitch’s Adam’s apple to bop as he swallowed dryly.
“Mitch,” y/f/n said, as Mitch continued to watch her chew on the cherry.  
“What?” Mitch said, as y/f/n waved her hand in front of his face.
“I asked, how did you get that scar on your face?”
“Oh… I,” Mitch said with a slur, he began to throw around in his head an excuse not to tell her the real reason on how he got the scar, that started out at the top of his left ear and ran down to his jawline but part of it was hidden under his beard.
“Bicycle accident hit a huge-ass branch,” Mitch said. y/f/n brought her hand up to his face and gently ran her fingertips down until it stopped above his beard, Mitch’s heart skipped a beat at her touch.  
“That sucks, you have such a beautiful face,” y/f/n said, she began to play with Mitch’s beard, then she leaned in closer. Mitch watched as her y/e/c watched him intensely, she slowly leaned forward pulling Mitch by his beard forward, she locked her lips with his. Mitch brought his hand up to the smalls of her back pulling her closer, he felt y/f/n hand leave his beard and traveled down to his chest. Mitch let his tongue enter her mouth he could taste the cherry that she just ate.   
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Mitch began to fumble with his keys that were in his pocket, after a few seconds he got them out.
 “You better hurry up their cowboy before I fuck you out in the hallway,” y/f/n said as she came up from behind grabbing Mitch by his groin, causing Mitch to flinch and dropping the keys. y/f/n let go after a second, a small drunken giggle escaped her mouth. Mitch bent down and grabbed the keys, he stood up turning his head.
“Just give me a minute damn,” Mitch said with a cocky smile, he could sense that she was lusting for him, she looked up at him with a big drunken smile on her face. Mitch brought the keys up to the doorknob and put it in the keyhole, he turned the knob opening the door. Mitch walked in with y/n/f right behind him he pulled the keys out of the hole tossing them on the table next to the wall.
Mitch shut the door behind them, he turned around to have y/f/n place her hands on his chest pushing him up against the door with a thud. She stood on her tippy toes kissing Mitch hard, she began to pull his tucked in dress shirt out from his pants. Mitch brought his hands up into her hair pulling her closer to him, he let his tongue enter her mouth, he roughly bit her lower lip triggering a loud moan to escape her lips. Mitch’s hands slid down her body, stopping at her ass he squeezed. y/f/n began to unbutton his black shirt, when she was finished she pushed the shirt off causing it to fall to his forearms.
Mitch began to walk forward, making y/f/n walk backwards. Mitch knew his apartment like the back of his hand, he began to guide her to the kitchen which was closer than his bedroom, and he wasn’t sure if he could hold his it in anymore. As they made their way to the kitchen they ended up knocking a lamp over causing a loud thud against the hardwood floor, but as they continued their hands were traveling over one another’s bodies, their passion for each other grew even stronger as the minutes passed. They reached the kitchen y/f/n bumped into the kitchen table with a light thud.
Mitch pulled away, his chest was rising up and down and so was y/f/n’s. They looked into one another’s eyes intensely. y/f/n brought her hands down to her dress and began to pull her dress up. Mitch stepped back pushing his shirt off. He watched as she took the long black dress off. Mitch’s eyes grew and his groin tingled. y/f/n was standing braless and only in a dark blue thong. Mitch brought his hands down to his pants and began pulling on his belt but it was being stubborn.
“Fuck,” Mitch said as he continued to pull on the belt.  
“Having some trouble there, cowboy?” y/f/n said a small giggle. Mitch was about to answer her but only to have her bring her pointer finger up to his lips to get him to shush. She slowly dragged her finger down from his lips, down his neck and chest. The hair on Mitch’s neck stood up. y/f/n bent down slowly until her face was right by his groin; she brought her hands to Mitch’s and pulled them away. Mitch watched as she unfastened his belt pulling it out of the belt loops and tossed it on the floor causing a thud on the kitchen tile then she unbuttoned his pants and pulling the zipper down; she brought her hands around his waist pulling his pants down exposing Mitch who was just in his boxers. A light growl of frustration escaped Mitch’s lips.
“I like what I see,” y/f/n said. Mitch watched as she licked her lips, she stood back up.
“Well, I think you’ll really enjoy this,” Mitch said he brought his hands down to her waist picking her up with his muscular arms, and placed her on the oak table, then he grabbed her arms bringing them above her head he began to climb on to the table he slammed her onto the table hard, but it didn’t faze her. Mitch let go of her arms and ran his hand down her body until he stopped at her waist, he locked his thumb under her thong and began to pull, until they were to her ankles, she kicked them off. Mitch sat up and pulled his boxers down until they were to his ankles. y/f/n wrapped her legs around his waist.
“You’re very dominant, Mitch,” y/f/n said as she wrapped her arms behind Mitch’s neck Mitch could feel her nails dig into his skin causing him to lust more for her.
“Do you care that I’m on top?” Mitch asked as he pushed his slightly sweaty hair back.
“By all means,” y/f/n said she pulled Mitch down their lips locked. Mitch pulled his lips away from y/f/n’s and slowly made his way down to her neck and began to leave kisses. y/f/n brought her hands up to Mitch’s shoulders and dug her nails into his defined shoulder blades drawing blood. Mitch moaned, pulled his lips away from y/f/n’s. They looked into each other’ eyes they were both breathing heavily. Mitch brought his left hand down to y/f/n’s leg stopping at the back of her knee and pulling it to the side, he thrust forward, causing a loud moan to escape y/f/n. Mitch began to grind against y/f/n, she began to move her body in the same manner as Mitch’s. 
“So, speaking of coffee and doughnuts have you ever been to Bill’s Doughnuts?” Mitch asked, he still wasn’t sure about y/f/n but maybe if they got some food in them he could figure her out better.
“No, I’ve heard they are really good, though,” y/f/n said she sat up from the bed and started getting the wrinkles out of her dress.  
“Would you like to go?” Mitch asked.
“Yes, I would love to, but you might want to put some clothes on and I’m actually going to go put some makeup on before we head out,” y/f/n said, Mitch shyly smiled, he looked down to noticed he was still in his boxers.
“Probably should,” Mitch said. y/f/n walked over to her black Michael Kors bag that was resting on the table by the window and pulled out a matching bag, she walked away and headed to the bathroom closing the door behind her.  Mitch got out of bed and walked over to his dresser pulling a pair of jeans out and put them on, he began to pull a black shirt over his head until something caught his eye, he finished pulling his shirt down. Mitch noticed a vanilla envelope sticking out of y/f/n purse, he walked over. He turned his head towards the bathroom to make sure y/f/n wouldn’t come out, he waited for a second, the close was clear, he pulled the envelope out and opened it.
Staring back at him were pictures of himself. There were three black and white surveillance photos of him each of them showed him in a different outfit walking out of a different building, and at the top right corner showed three counties capitals, Kyiv, Ukraine, Bratislava, Slovakia, and Bucharest Romania. They all spanned three months. Rage fell over Mitch, it took every cell in his body not to bust threw the bathroom door. He pulled one of the pictures out and stuffed it in his pocket and placed the rest back in the envelope and placed into the purse. He walked over to his bed grabbing his 9mm and shoved it in his back pocket. He grabbed a pair of Adidas that was by his bed and slipped them on, he heard the bathroom door open.
“Ready Mitch,” y/f/n said as she walked out of the bathroom door. She had her hair in a side bread and a freshly coat of makeup. She grabbed her purse off the table and stuffed her makeup bag in it. It took everything in Mitch not to punch this bitch in the face.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” Mitch said as he finished tying his shoe. They headed to the front door, Mitch let y/f/n walk out first, he grabbed his keys from the table before heading out the door.
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Mitch pressed the button for the first floor. They were the only ones in the elevator, y/f/n pulled some foundation out and started placing it on her neck, Mitch watched her, he just now noticed he left a few hickeys on her. After a few minutes, she placed the foundation back into her purse. The elevator door binged, they began to open, y/f/n began to walk out the elevator. Mitch decided this was the perfect opportunity to ask her how she knew him. Mitch grabbed her by her wrist, turning her around and slamming her against the wall hard. A bright smile spread across her face.
“Ohh, Mitch, I’ve never fucked in an elevator before…” y/f/n said, licking her lips. Mitch ignored her flirtatious statement. He moved back a little, taking his eyes off her for a split second, he turned his head slightly to the elevator panel clicking the emergency button causing the elevator to stall. He reached down into his back pocket and pulled out the picture.
“How about you explain this,” Mitch said shoving the picture in her face, y/f/n looked at the picture for a second, then a sinister smile spread across her face.
“You want an explanation, Rapp. Well, fuck you, you don’t intimidate me,” y/f/n said. Mitch narrowed his eyes at her.
“How about you answer the fucking question sweetheart,” Mitch said, he pulled his gun out from his back pocket turning the safety off and pointing it towards her. y/f/n gave Mitch a cold look. Mitch began to get irritated and impatient. He brought the gun to her cheek and pressed his forearm against her sternum to see if it would get her to talk.  
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“Fine, you want some answers?” y/f/n said, she brought her head back and then forward smacking Mitch square in the face causing him to stumble backwards. Mitch tasted blood in his mouth and then spit the blood out. He looked up at y/f/n she had blood trickling down her nose and a bloody smile from the blood. Mitch brought his left hand up hitting her against the head with the butt of his gun, she flinched a little, then she brought her right hand up punching Mitch in the stomach causing him to hunch over knocking the wind out of him. y/n/f swept her leg under Mitch’s knocking him on the ground, it caused him to let go of his gun, he turned his head seeing his gun just a few inches away, he reached his hand out for it, only to see a black high heel kicking it away. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, he turned his head to see y/f/n heel twisting and digging into his chest, he looked up at an angle to see her pull a Ruger LC9s out of a gun holster that was attached to her thigh, she turned the safety off. Mitch began to squirm underneath her until a gun was pointed at his forehead, he felt the cold metal against this skin.
“I wouldn’t try anything if I we’re you Mitch,” y/f/n said, as she bent down placing her knee on Mitch’s chest, causing it to become hard for him to breath.
“Bitch,” Mitch snarled. y/f/n looked down at him a menacing laugh escaped her lips.
“Mitch, Mitch, Mitch. I truly thought you would have been smarter than this, but you were just acting like a stupid little boy, thinking with his dick,” y/f/n said, she leaned down a little closer. Mitch kept his mouth shut, he gave her a murderous look. y/f/n looked down at him with darkness in her eyes.
“I’m going to tell you a story that will sound so… so… familiar, and if you try any funny shit while I’m telling you this, I’ll blow your fucking brains out,” y/f/n said she moved the gun down to Mitch’s cheek.
“I’m all ears, sweetheart,” Mitch sarcastically said.
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St. Petersburg, Russia 11 PM. 2016
y/f/n was carrying a tray with a gorgeous, teal and silver flower vintage teapot and matching teacups, and another cup with sugar cubs and a silver spoon. She stopped at a heavy oak door, she began to balance the tray in her right hand. She brought her hand up to the doorknob and slowly opened the door.
“Hello, Papa I brought you your evening tea,” y/f/n said as she opened the door wider and entered the study. Sitting behind a massive desk was a middle-aged man — he had a thick salt and pepper beard and mustache and a thick head of hair. He pulled his glasses away from his face and looked up at his gorgeous y/h/c daughter.  
“Ah, y/f/n my beautiful daughter, how are you this evening?” y/f/n father said, his voice was raspy. y/f/n placed the tray on the table and began to pour the tea, she placed two sugar cubs in it and stirred.
“I’m well, Papa. Just got back from picking up a few things from the market... so how is the gun deal going?” y/f/n said as she handed him his tea, he chuckled and then brought the cup up to his lips and took a sip.
“You have a lot to learn, it’s called weapons deal,”
“Ok, weapons deal, got it,” y/f/n said rolling her eyes. “So how is the weapons deal going,” y/f/n correctly said.
“The deal is going as plan, Demetri is downstairs boxing the guns and will be sending them off to Iran,” y/f/n placed his tea on the table.
“How much money are we getting in return?” y/f/n said, as she poured herself a cup of tea.
“About €80,000, the Taliban just transferred the money to Seberbank this afternoon,” y/f/n father said.
“That’s a lot of money pap—,” y/f/n said mid-sentence until they heard a loud “bang” from outside the door. They both froze for a second looking at one another.
“Was… that a gun?” y/f/n whispered, she felt her heartbeat quicken. Her father brought his hand up to his lips telling her to be quiet. He sat up from his seat grabbing her by her shoulders. They heard another shot which sounded closer, then he brought her in close.
“y/f/n go hid in the closet, whatever happens, don’t make a sound,” y/f/n said. They heard another shot, y/f/n turned her head towards the door then back to her father.
“I’m not leaving you, we can escape through the back,” y/f/n said as they heard another shot and then a thud against the door.
“There isn’t time,” y/f/n father said, as he continued pushing her towards the closet.
“Papa, stop,” y/f/n began to pull away from her father, but he was to strong. They reached the closet, y/f/n father let go of her shoulder and opened the door and gently pushed her in.
“Papa, don’t do this,” y/f/n said as they heard the front door bust open, y/f/n father shoved her into the closet. She fell backwards causing a few coats to fall on top of her and landing on the ground she watched as her father slowly closed the bifold door leaving a little crack through it. y/f/n pulled the coats off her and crawled towards the door, she peeked through the door and saw her father leaning against his desk with his hands in the air.
“Please…” y/f/n father began to beg until a bullet went right threw his head, blood exited the back of his head splattering all over the desk, the blow caused him to fall back onto the desk, knocking teapot to shatter on the floor, a gasp escaped y/f/n lips, she brought her trembling hand up to her mouth to block the scream that was forming at the bottom of her throat, tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. She watched as the blood began to drip onto the white fur carpet creating a pool of crimson blood.
A split second later, she saw a gun come into view, then a young man. He was wearing a black ballcap backwards with his black hair sticking out from behind, he was dressed in a black shirt, jeans, and combat boots. y/f/n noticed a scar on the side of his face that ran from the top of his ear down to his jawline. He walked over to the dead body examining it, then he brought his free hand up to the side of his face and pulled down an earpiece and spoke into it.
“Hawkeye, this is Iron Man, copy,” the young man said, he waited a few seconds before responding.
“Tango down, copy,” the young man nodded his head.
“Copy,” the young man looked down at the man he just killed and turned on his heal and walked away.
y/f/n sat there she couldn’t move, her stomach was in a knot, her hands were shaking uncontrollably, the tears continued. y/f/n slowly pulled her hand away from her lips, she reached out pulling the bifold door open. She got up her legs began to shake a little as she walked over to her father’s dead body, she turned her head seeing the assassin walk down the hallway.
“I watched you murder my father… you destroyed my world, he was everything to me, what 20 something has to bury their father,” y/f/n said as she held back tears as she continued. “You turned me into something so cold and heartless because you took someone I loved away from me,”
“Your father was a terrible man who wanted to support terrorism,” Mitch said. y/f/n looked down at Mitch she lifted the gun off of Mitch and hit the side of his face with the butt of the gun, Mitch groaned he felt a sharp pain against the side of his forehead, blood began to trickle out of the wound. y/f/n placed the gun back against the middle of Mitch's forehead. Mitch bit his lower lip before speaking.
“How did you find out who I was?” Mitch asked, looking up into y/f/n cold y/e/c eyes. A sinister laugh escaped her lips.
“I found out who you were because some dumbass congressman decided to throw your picture up all over the news. I did some digging into your past, Mitch — you work for the CIA under the supervision of Director Iren Kennedy. You started working for them after your fiancé Katrina was killed in a terrorist attack. So, you know exactly how I feel, the sleepless nights, recurring nightmares, all the anger boiling in your blood, and you want to seek revenge so badly that you can’t wait to put a bullet through the person who killed the person you loved,” y/f/n said. She pulled the gun back a little.
“Goodbye, you fucking piece of shit,” y/f/n said, as she began to pull the trigger back, Mitch brought his hand up to hers pushing the gun away from his head, just as the gun went off, the bullet ricocheted off the elevator wall, causing both of their ears to ring. Mitch and y/f/n began to wrestle with the gun, both their hands wrapped around it. Mitch began to turn on his side causing y/f/n to fall off him, he rolled on top of her, they continued fighting for the gun. Mitch pulled y/f/n arms above her head, he crashed her arms against the floor three times until she let go of the gun, he brought his hands down to her neck and began to choke her. y/f/n brought her hands up to Mitch’s face and began to claw him, he ignored the nails digging into his skin, he tightened his grip around her.
It became harder for y/f/n to breath, she began to become lightheaded, she had to think of a way to get Mitch off her, she brought her hand down to Mitch’s torso, she balled her hand into a fist and punched him as hard as she could in his gut. The wind was knocked out of Mitch causing a loud grunt to escape Mitch’s mouth, he let go. y/f/n brought her balled up hand up punching Mitch in the side the face, knocking him off balance. y/f/n wiggled out from under him, she turned on her side and reached out for Mitch’s gun that was lying a few inches away from her. Mitch looked over to his left and saw y/f/n gun he began to reach for it.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” y/f/n said, Mitch, looked up to see her pointing his own gun at him. They both stared at one another for a few seconds until y/f/n, broke the dead silence.
“Get up,” y/f/n said as she turned the gun at an angle, Mitch slowly began to get on his feet.
 “Hurry the fuck up,” y/f/n yelled. Mitch picked his pace up and stood up. “Any last words?”
“Yeah, I loved watching that bullet go right through your father’s head, you fucking bitch,” Mitch said, with a sarcastic tone. Rage boiled in y/f/n veins she cocked the gun up and pulled the trigger making a loud echo in the elevator. The bullet went through Mitch’s shoulder, Mitch grunted in pain, as the bullet sliced through exiting his back, blood splattered onto the wall behind him. Mitch brought his hand up to his shoulder, he felt a wet and sticky substance against his fingertips. He pulled his hand way looking down at the blood on his hand, he fell backwards against the wall behind him, he slid down the wall and fell on his side, his vision began to become blurry, a cold sweat broke out all over his body. y/f/n stood over him, Mitch looked up into her dark y/e/c’s.
“Burn in hell,” y/f/n said as she pulled the trigger once more, Mitch felt another sharp pain in his forearm, y/f/n kicked Mitch in the side, making Mitch winch. y/f/n bent down picking up her gun and placing it back into its holster, she went over to the elevator control panel the doors opened and she walked out quickly bumping into someone who turned out to be Scott Coleman.
“Sorry,” Coleman said, he turned his head and watched the long cool woman in a black dress quickly walked away.
“Hey, aren’t you that chick from last night?” Coleman yelled but y/f/n kept walking, exiting the apartment building. “Mitch must have scored some,” Coleman whispered to himself. He walked into the elevator, he looked down to see his best friend lying on the ground.
 “Shit, Mitch,” Coleman said in shock, he rushed to his friend’s side he bent down and began to examine Mitch’s wounds. Mitch lied on the elevator floor as a small pool of his own blood began to surround him.
“Mitch, Mitch, man look at me! Keep your eyes open,” Coleman yelled he picked Mitch’s head up and began slightly smacking him on the side of the face. Mitch looked up at Coleman for a brief second until his eyes began to roll into the back of his head.
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editorandchief · 6 years
Trust | Montgomery De La Cruz | Part 2
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Summary: Reader was having a normal morning until someone decided to pull a stupid prank
Warning: None
Montgomery De La Cruz x Reader
Its been about 2 months since you broke up with Montgomery and you had no intention on getting back together with him.
Everything seemed so better, you got to wear your favorite perfume that Monty told you sent like shit, and dress, shirt, or shorts you want without him yelling at you about ‘walking about with you ass half out’.
But like everything there was a bad side Monty had been calling and texting you almost nonstop half of which were happening while he was drunk, he ever showed up at your house one night thank god your parents weren’t home, having to sleep alone with no one to cuddle with even though Montgomery was cheating on you he held you so close to him at night that he might have thought you would evaporate if he didn’t.
You also started to notice him getting into more fights at school or coming to school with bruises that weren’t there the day before leaving you to conclude that he had been sleeping at home most nights.
The bell had just rang for third period while you were on your way to ap history when a hand went over you mouth and one around your waist. You start to kick but soon after your feet are restrained as well.
When you finally set down you look around and your surrounded by guys in the middle of the boys locker room.
As you survey the faces of your attackers you realize it none other than the Liberty High baseball team.
“Thanks I’ve alway wanted to know what it felt like to be kidnapped.” You said sarcastically but still with and uneasy feeling as you knew what most of the baseball team were into. “I guess I can also say I know how Natalie Greendale felt at Sheri’s party.” You joked with a small laugh once you realized no one else was laughing you kept quiet....of a while.
“Well explain in a minute just calm down.” Zach said.
“No zach I’m not gonna calm down in a room full of high school male and not a witness in sight.” I sneered.
“What do you think we’re gonna do Y/N?” Bryce asked taking a step closer to you.
“I don’t know Bryce you tell me, but I do know that if you don’t back the fuck up it will be the last think you do.” You replied.
“Alright let’s all calm down here.” You turn at a new voice entering the locker room.
“We’re all calm here coach.” Bryce says taking a few steps back.
“No were not I was just kidnapped.” You interjected.
“Look we’re sorry about that we just needed to talk to you.” Scott explained.
“And ‘hey Y/N.’ Wasn’t gonna workout for you?” You asked rolling your eyes.
“We didnt think you would listen if you knew what it was about.” Zach said making you have him a look to tell him to continue. “Monty.”
“Oh hell no.” You said turning on your heels and heading towards the door, only to find you path blocked by no less than 7 males.
“Hey Y/N, is it? Monty is one of the best guys on this team and as of late it’s been showing in his preformance on the field that something is off with him.” Coach spoke up. “And according to the team this all happened when you guys broke up.”
“Still not seeing what this has to do with me.” You interrupted.
“Look I’ve seen you around school with Monty and at the games in the stands cheering him on and you two seemed like a pretty solid pair and you don’t want one little fight to ruin that do you?” He asked condescendingly.
“Uh coach.” A random member started. “He was cheating on her for almost a month.”
“And that’s awful but everybody makes mistakes.” Bryce replied.
“Yeah and im not putting up with his ‘mistakes’ anymore.” You snapped. “I had to come to school everyday and see the girl my boyfriend was fucking behind my back, see them talking and flirting and act like I didn’t know anything so I don’t look like the crazy jealous girlfriend! For 3 week he looked me in my eye and lied to me and then had the nerve to accuse me of cheating and call me a slut!” You yelled causing half the team to flinch.
“Look no one ever said Monty was smart, but i since you dumped is ass he’s had a hair trigger and if he gets into anymore fights porters gonna bench him for the rest of the season, not that it matters is playing has sucked.” Scott quickly got to the point seeing you were running out of patience.
“I never asked him to be smart Scott I just wanted him to be loyal, or is that too much to ask from you people. You know if the roles were reversed I’d be slut-shamed out of the school, but when a guy does it we’re just expected to forgive him?! Well fuck you! I’d say fuck Monty but I’m sure someone is already on that now either you let me out of this damn room or I’m gonn a start screaming rape at the top of my lungs not that that would be beyond any of you!” You shout. “No offense Zach, Scott.” You said becoming a little calmer.
“All good.” Zach said at the same time Scott replied with a “no problem.”
After you exited the locker loom you went straight to class but you couldn’t focus on anything that was happening your thoughts were only on Montgomery.
Was he really that upset about your break up?
Of course not he wasn’t thinking about you when he was screwing Natalie.
But the team needs him.
So what has the team ever done for you?
Everyone deserves a second chance.
He had a second chance the first time he slept with her, the chance to come clean and never do it again but he wanted to her more than he cared about you.
Thoughts like these were floating though your head the whole day. Finally it was time to go home when you were trying to make your way to the door but a huge crowd was blocking your exit.
“I’m gonna beat your fucking as Adams!” You hear a familiar voice from the core of the mob.
“What the fucks your problem all I’m saying is it not my fault you cheated on your girl and got caught.”someone replied.
As you pushed your way through the crowed you saw just what you expected to see and angry Montgomery. What you didn’t expect was to see the face of the Asshole jock the tried to suck your face.
You felt a presence beside you causing you to look and come face to face with Bryce walker.
“What Walker?” You sighed.
“Nothing just wondering if your gonna let this happen?” He asked gesturing towards Monty.
“I’m not letting anything happen, this has nothing to do with me.” You replied.
“Yeah your probably right. But it’s no secret Monty has been looking for a reason to beat Adams to a pulp, and when he’s does there will be no more baseball he could miss the chance at a scout. Not to mention his dad will hear about it as we both know how that’s gonna end assuming no one presses charges and sends mont straight to jail, but yeah completely out of your hands it’s not like you could stop it or anything.” He went on and on.
Taking off your backpack and trusting to towards him which he takes.
“I hate you.” You say before walking to stand between Monty and Adams.
“Y/N what are you doing? Move.” Monty said still staring down the boy behind you who once you looked at him realized how scared he was. He knew he fucked up and that once Monty started it would take a lot for him to stop.
“Monty no.” You said holding you hand out keeping him from coming forward. “Think about this, even if you beat him up now what’s gonna happen to you after?” You asked.
“I don’t care.” He gritted out.
“I do Montgomery look at me.” You order but you demand went ignored.
You move closer to him and put your hand on either side of his face and gently guilt it down to the level of your eyes.
“Look at me.” You say softly as he finally submits. “I’m willing to talk about us Monty but you have to prove to me it’s worth it. Please just come with me and walk away. Please.” You quietly beg.
He started into your eyes for what seemed like forever.
“Fine.” Said causing you to let out a sigh of relief. You glance over to Bryce and nod.
“Alright, alright folks nothing to see here clear out!” He said starting to wave people off.
Once the group had dispersed Bryce had returned your bag to you and reminded Monty about having practice before the game tonight.
“Okay let’s go talk.” He said reaching for your wrist. You move slightly out of his reach.
“Not now Montgomery.” You replied.
“But you said.” He started.
“And we will, but you heard Bryce you have practice and a game. We can talk after.” You clarify.
“Your coming to my game?” Monty asked. You didn’t miss the joy fill his eyes as he waited for your answer.
“Yeah I’ll be there.” You say bitting your lips.
“Okay that’s great.” He exclaimed. Before you could stop him he quickly pecked you on your lips. “Oh I’m sorry.” He said once he realized what he didn’t.
“It’s fine, but just because I’m willing to talk doesn’t mean we’re getting back together.” You clarify.
“I know but if you do get back together I promise I’ll treat you like the angel you always were to me.” He said.
“You should go you have a game to win.” You said with a small smile.
“Yeah I’ll see you later.” He said walking backwards as if when he turned around you would disappear.
“I’ll see you later.” You said turning to walk away.
Once you got you your car you sat there staring straight forward.
“What the hell am I gonna do.” You said dropping your head down into the steering wheel a little too hard.
“Ow.” You quietly wined rubbing your forehead.
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william-williams · 3 years
Police killings, other racial injustice cases pending in US
Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man, was chased and fatally shot by three white men who spotted him running in their Georgia neighborhood on Feb. 23, 2020. Glynn County police were widely criticized for making no arrests. Charges didn’t come until the state took over the case more than two months later. Jury selection for the three men, charged with malice murder and other counts, is scheduled in October, and federal authorities have charged the men with hate crimes.
Brown, 42, who was Black, was fatally shot in April by sheriff’s deputies in Elizabeth City, N.C. They were serving drug-related warrants at Brown’s home when they surrounded Brown’s car; he backed up and moved forward before several shots were fired at and into his vehicle. Attorneys for Brown’s family say he was trying to get away, while authorities have said he was using his car as a weapon. The deputies were cleared by a prosecutor who agreed with authorities. An FBI probe is ongoing.
Bryant, 16, who was Black, was shot four times in April by a white Columbus, Ohio, police officer as she swung a knife at a young woman. Police were responding to a 911 call from Bryant’s foster home about a group of girls threatening to stab members of the household. Bryant’s family has said the teen and her younger sister were the ones who called for help. The city’s mayor invited the Justice Department soon afterward to review the police department for any possible racial disparities.
Wright, 20, who was Black, was shot during a traffic stop in April in a Minneapolis suburb in the midst of the Chauvin trial. A white police officer, 26-year veteran Kim Potter, is charged with manslaughter. Body camera video shows Wright attempting to pull away from officers, and Potter shouting “Taser! Taser! Taser!” just before shooting Wright. The city’s police chief said he believed Potter mixed up her Taser with her handgun; both he and Potter resigned two days after the shooting. Wright’s family and activists have rejected the Taser explanation and called for more serious charges.
Toledo, a 13-year-old who was Latino, was fatally shot in March by a white police officer in Chicago. Body camera video shows the teen appearing to drop a handgun less than a second before the officer fired his gun. A civilian police accountability board hasn’t yet made a recommendation on whether the officer should be charged.
Alvarez, a 22-year-old Latino man, died March 31 after being shot by a Chicago police officer during a foot chase. Police said Alvarez brandished a gun while being chased. Body camera video showed Alvarez had his back turned and appeared to be holding a gun when Officer Evan Solano fatally shot him. The city’s independent police review board recommended that the officer be stripped of his police powers until an investigation concludes.
Greene, a 49-year-old Black man, died in 2019 in Louisiana in the custody of state troopers, but his case drew new attention in May after The Associated Press obtained and published body camera video of his arrest that appeared to contradict at least one trooper’s statement. The trooper said Greene was a threat even after restrained and that his behavior was the reason troopers used force. The video shows troopers stunning, beating and choking Greene after a car chase. He also was placed facedown on the ground for more than nine minutes while restrained. Activists have called for the troopers to be fired and charged with crimes.
Scott, a 26-year-old Black man , died in March while struggling with detention officers at a Texas jail. Scott was arrested at a mall on a charge of marijuana possession, then taken to a hospital because he was reportedly acting erratically. After he was released, he was taken to the Collin County jail, where he exhibited what the sheriff called “some strange behavior.” Jailers put him on a restraint bed, used pepper spray and covered his face with a spit mask. He eventually became unresponsive and died of what the medical examiner’s office called “fatal acute stress response” during restraint struggle with law enforcement. Seven jailers were fired and one resigned. Scott’s family called for their arrest. A grand jury in June declined to indict the jailers but called for a work group to study Scott’s death.
Myeni, a 29-year-old Black man, was fatally shot by Honolulu police in April after they responded to a 911 call. Tourists staying at a home called police after a stranger — Myeni — walked into the home and acted oddly, according to their attorney. Police said Myeni violently attacked responding officers, leaving one with a concussion, and released clips of body camera video showing him ignoring commands to get on the ground and being unaffected by a stun gun. Myeni’s widow has filed a wrongful death lawsuit saying he likely mistook the home for a temple next door.
Winston Boogie Smith Jr., a 32-year-old Black man, was fatally shot in a Minneapolis parking ramp by members of a U.S. Marshals Service task force. Authorities said they were trying to arrest Smith on a weapons violation and that he showed a handgun. The state investigative agency said evidence shows Smith fired the gun. A woman with Smith said through attorneys that she never saw a gun on Smith or in his vehicle. The two sheriff’s deputies who shot Smith weren’t wearing body cameras, saying the Marshals Service told them they could not. The lack of video in the city where George Floyd died contributed to anger over Smith’s death, sparking several days of protests.
Prude, a 41-year-old Black man, died in Rochester, New York, in March 2020, several days after encountering police after he was released from a hospital following a mental health arrest. He ran naked from his brother’s home and was seen breaking store windows; his brother Joe testified that he warned an officer who came to his home not to kill his brother. His death drew new attention six months later when his family released body camera video obtained through a public records request that showed Prude handcuffed and naked with a spit hood over his head as one officer pushed his face against the ground and another pressed a knee to his back. The officers held Prude down for about two minutes until he stopped breathing. A gran d jury declined to indict any officers in February. An internal investigation may still result in disciplinary charges.
Hill, a 47-year-old Black man, was visiting a family friend when he was fatally shot by a white police officer in Columbus, Ohio, in December as he emerged from a garage holding a cell phone. Officer Adam Coy was fired and has pleaded not guilty to murder and reckless homicide charges. The police chief was forced out and the city agreed to pay a $10 million settlement to Hill’s family.
Goodson, a 23-year-old Black man, was shot in the back five times by a white sheriff’s deputy in Columbus, Ohio, on Dec. 4. The deputy, Jason Meade, was working for a U.S. Marshals Office task force and just finishing a search for a fugitive when he shot Goodson, who was not the subject of the search. U.S. Marshal Peter Tobin first said Goodson drove past the deputy and waved a gun, then withdrew the comments as based on “insufficient information.” Relatives said Goodson was opening the door to his grandmother’s house when he was shot. Two special prosecutors were appointed in June to examine the case.
Brooks, a 27-year-old Black man, fell asleep in his car in the drive-thru lane of a Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta in June 2020. Police body camera video showed him struggling with two white officers who told him he’d had too much to drink to drive and tried to arrest him. Brooks grabbed a Taser from one of the officers and fled, firing it at Officer Garrett Rolfe as he ran. Rolfe fired his gun, hitting Brooks twice in the back. Rolfe is charged with murder and was fired after the shooting, though that dismissal was reversed on the grounds the city hadn’t followed its procedures.
Ellis, a 33-year-old Black man, died March 3, 2020 after he pleaded for breath under an officer’s knee in Tacoma, Washington. Ellis was Tasered, handcuffed and hogtied, with his face covered by a spit hood. A medical examiner said he died from lack of oxygen caused by restraint, with an enlarged heart and methamphetamine intoxication as contributing factors. Tacoma police officers Christopher Burbank and Matthew Collins are charged with second-degree murder after witnesses reported they started beating Ellis without provocation. The officers say he attacked them. A third officer, Timothy Rankine, is charged with first-degree manslaughter for allegedly kneeling on Ellis’ back and shoulder as he repeatedly said he couldn’t breathe.
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Chapter 6
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Description: You accompany your friends on a day trip to Animal Kingdom Theme Park where you meet Scott Evans by chance. This one afternoon leads to a year long friendship with both Chris and Scott over text messages and phone calls.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, drinking, maybe a little heartache.
Word Count: 7,750
A/N: Comments and reblogs are always appreciated. Italics are internal thoughts. This is strictly for fun. I know nothing about the lives of these two individuals, so this is purely fiction.
Catch up with chapter 5
Scott called about an hour later. The two of you apologizing to each other which neither of you really needed to do.
“Look, I’m sorry about Chris taking my phone. I should have called you when I got home rather than calling you with Chris there,” Scott said.
He sounded down which you hated. None of this mess was Scott’s fault.
“You honestly have nothing to apologize for. I’m sorry that you were even caught in the middle of whatever that was,” you replied and took a deep breath. “I don’t want to fight with Chris. But I don’t think it’s fair that he gets to pick and choose when he wants to be a part of my life. I mean, it’s been about a month of us barely speaking.”
“Completely agree with you there,” Scott said.
“I get it though, he’s with Courtney now. And for as much as he and I were talking before New Year, I can see how that wouldn’t necessarily be something you could carry on doing when in a relationship,” you said.
“Plus, my brother is a flirt.”
“That he is,” you sighed.
“On to more serious topics. So how slutty did you decide to go?” Scott asked.
“You’re impossible,” you replied.
Jana agreed that neither dress would be considered as Scott put it, slutty. One just showed a tiny bit of cleavage and the other showed just a tad more. You decided that the deep purple flattered more, even if it did show a bit of cleavage.
Ethan arrived promptly at six with a bouquet of roses in hand. The varying shades of pink matched the color of his cheeks, which frankly was adorable.
The Capital Grille was a beautiful restaurant with old world charm. Mahogany stained wainscoting and rich red paint covered the walls. Crisp white linens with intimate lamp lighting adorn each of the tables. It’s far nicer restaurant than the last few dates you have been on. You like Chilis as much as the next person, but Ethan was definitely trying to impress and you appreciated the effort.
“I hear congrats are in order,” you said, pleasant smile on your face.
He ducks his face for a second but then offers a strong grin. “Thank you. Thank you. I take it Jana told you the news?” he asked. You nodded, taking a sip of your champagne cocktail, enjoying the flavor of the peach vodka. “I worked hard and it paid off.”
Lifting your glass, you angled it toward him. “Cheers to making partner,” you offered.
He clinked his glass of bourbon against yours, offering you a gentle smile and a muttered thank you.
Dinner was delicious and the ride home not as awkward as you assumed it would be. While you had known Ethan for over a year, each interaction had only been minutes and it was generally him offering you dazzling smiles. This Ethan was sweet and eager to know about you. The cockiness that he generally pushed out was more subdued and a part of you could see this moving on two a second and a third date.
Ethan walked you to your door and you were almost tempted to invite him in, but you did want to push this into a one and done date. Leaning in, you offered him a hug which he fully embraced. The woodsy scent of his cologne enveloped you as your face rested in the crock of his neck. After you hugged a bit too long, your pulled back with flushed cheeks, only to be met with his soft pillowy lips cooling the heat.
You went to bed that night with a smile on your face. Jana and Scott could hear about your evening later.
Ethan sent you a text around lunch the next day. Just a simple check in that kept that smile going.
Ethan: Hi 😊 Hope your day is off to a great start.
On Valentine’s Day, Ethan didn’t send anything or ask to take you out. It was much too early for something like that in your opinion, but he did send you a good morning text and another that afternoon.
Ethan: I know this is short notice, but can I take you to breakfast tomorrow?
Y/N: That sounds great. Do you want to meet somewhere or are you picking me up?
Ethan: I’d like to surprise you. Pick you up at nine?
Y/N: Great! I’ll see you tomorrow.
Ethan: Have a wonderful day beautiful.
 Brunch was at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. The California Grill not only offered dinner with a spectacular view, but it also offered an upscale brunch on the weekends. On your first date, you told Ethan about your love for the mouse. Even though he was a native Floridian, he confessed he’d only gone to the parks a couple of times as an adult.
“We should go sometime,” you said, pointing at the castle that could be seen from your table.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“I mean, only if you want to. It would be a fun date,” you said shyly.
“You’re going to let me take you on more dates?”
What a flirt.
“Or I could take you. Ever think of that?” you sassed.
“Alright. Yeah, you take me out. As long as you buy me a churro,” Ethan said.
“I’ll even throw in popcorn!”
Ethan stuck out his hand for you to shake. You turned your head to the side and gave him a lopsided grin before extending your own.
“Deal,” he said.
The date ended in a sweet kiss that felt right.
It was a week before Chris makes the first move and reaches out to you. Via text message of course. You’re in the middle writing an article about your brunch with Ethan a couple of days ago. The brunch is not a new offering at the hotel, but it’s the first time you’ve dined there and your boss agreed it could be a nice article for the paper’s online edition. Since you thought an article was a strong possibility, your date humored you as you took several photos of your and Ethan’s entrees, the buffet offerings as well as the Bloody Mary bar with your phone’s camera. You’re happy you did. It’s always nice to be able to use your own pictures to add a personal touch to the article rather than using images Disney supplies.
Chris: “Please forgive me – I know not what I do”
That asshole.
Using your love of soft rock against you was a cheap move. He knew about your obsession with Bryan Adams. It wasn’t something you shouted from rooftops, but you also didn’t hide it which is why you confessed one of your more recent regrets was missing him in concert at Red Rocks. A guy you were seeing at the time suggested the trip to Colorado but you didn’t feel the two of you were at the “vacation together” stage.
Chris: Can I call you? I really want to talk to you.
You slapped your phone face down on your desk.
Nope. Not right now. Work first. Chris drama later. Much later.
A second later you grabbed your phone off the desk and saw that a new message had come in.
Ethan: Hi Beautiful. Can I see you tomorrow night?
Smiling to yourself, you typed out a quick reply.
Y/N: Hello Mister charmer. Yes, I’m free tomorrow night.
Hitting send on the message, you placed the phone in the desk drawer. Out of sight, out of mind.
 With the dinner dishes currently drying in the rack, you walked outside to your lanai, sitting down on the cushioned loveseat. Tucking one leg under the other, you got comfy. Despite it being the middle of February, the temperatures were still comfortable in the high sixties at night. You dug your phone out of your pocket and passed it back and forth between your hands. The text from Chris had burned a hole in your brain all afternoon, despite your best effort to forget it. Taking a deep breath, you counted to three before hitting the phone icon on Chris’ contact information. If you two were going to have a conversation, you wanted to have some control.
It rang only twice before he answered.
“Y/N? Hi.” He definitely sounded nervous which slightly put you at ease.
“H-hi, Chris. Is now a good time?” you asked.
“Yeah…Just give me a second,” he replied.
It sounded as though he was moving. You could hear voices in the background getting quieter. Then you heard a door close.
“I can call you back later, if you’re busy,” you offered.
“No. No. Just watching TV with a friend. Not a big deal,” Chris said.
Part of you wondered if the friend was Courtney. Not that it was any of your concern.
“I’m glad you called. I was a little worried when you didn’t reply to my text,” he said almost shyly.
“I was working.” You took a breath. That wasn’t the whole truth. “Too be honest, I wasn’t sure I wanted to. This has been weird for me,” you said.
“Been weird for me too,” he interrupted. “You’re right. We haven’t been talking, so I shouldn’t have expected you to have told me you had a date. I’m sorry.”
You’re not sure what you expected from the conversation. Chris didn’t really owe you anything. If you guys weren’t as close as you once were, then that’s just the way it is. But you couldn’t help yourself.
“Why haven’t we been talking? I mean…I feel like I’ve put effort into it. Into our friendship. You know what? Never mind. I appreciate you saying sorry. I’ll let you go,” you said.
“What? No. Please. Tell me what you were going to say. Please,” Chris pleaded.
You let out a slow breath and licked your lips. “You really pulled away in January,” you started. “And maybe the last couple of weeks I’ve stopped trying as much, but I started to feel like I was the only one trying. This…this thing between us shouldn’t have to feel like work.”
He slightly groaned. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been busy and I know that’s not fair to you. Sweetheart, I don’t want to lose you. Can we please try again?”
There he goes again making you weak with that nickname. You truly missed talking to Chris and you really hoped the two of you could get back to the way you were. As long as he tried.
“Okay. But only because you said please.”
He chuckled at your response. “Good. Ma did teach me manors, I’ll have you know,” he said.
“Then how do you explain Scott?” you asked.
 You’d like to say that your friendship with Chris went back to daily phone calls and constant text messaging, but it didn’t. It was better, but it wasn’t what it once was. You chalked it up to him being with Courtney and you being with Ethan. The two of you texted each other once a day, but it was mainly memes and the occasional, “how’s your day?” Neither of you brought up your partners. But that was probably for the best. Besides, that just seemed…awkward.
That Magic Kingdom date you wanted to take Ethan hadn’t happened yet. The two of you had been seeing each other for just over a month. Two weeks in, he asked if you were exclusive and you said yes. It might have seemed fast to some, but you were seeing each other every other night. He texted you daily with sweet words and charmed you with multiple phone calls. A fresh bundle of various types of flowers in gorgeous hues of red, pink, yellow and creams were given to you weekly. Ethan was great and you were happy. Were you in love? No. But that’s something that came in time.
While you hadn’t gone on a true double date with Jana and Brooks, you had dined with the two of them at dinners with the other partners. Other nights were spent schmoozing Ethan’s clients. It had become a regular thing the last two weeks. You drew the line at three nights a week. Some nights you just wanted time with your boyfriend. And some nights you just wanted time for yourself. On the nights he was out without you, he’d come over when he was finished to spend the night at your place. Often dragging you to bed way earlier than you were used to. Scott did not appreciate your missed late-night phone calls, but you always made sure to touch base with him at some point during the day. You did not want to be accused of being a friend who forgot about everyone else once in a relationship.
“You’re lucky I love you. Taking your calls during the middle of the day like you’re my mother. Am I going to meet this boyfriend of yours?” he asked.
“Am I going to meet yours?” you countered.
“Touché…So, Chris and Courtney broke up,” he said casually like he was discussing the weather.
“Oh.” You’re so caught off guard, you’re not sure how to respond. “Is he okay?”
“Yeah, they do this. He says this is it this time. They just don’t work together,” he replied.
This is none of my business.
You reply with a hum. Since Chris and you don’t discuss your relationships as some sort of unwritten rule, it doesn’t feel right to discuss his breakup.
Scott seems to get the hint.
“What are you guys doing tonight?” he asked.
“Just watching a movie at his place. Nothing too exciting,” you replied.
Ethan knew about Scott, but he didn’t know Scott was an actor or the brother of Captain America. You didn’t hide it, but Ethan just wasn’t invested enough in knowing your friends. He was busy and you understood that.  
 Jana had taken a late lunch and met you at a strip mall near her office for a quick lunch and some shopping. With all the dinner dates, you needed to add a couple of dresses to your rotation.
“Are you out five nights a week like Ethan? I just feel it’s excessive,” you asked Jana.
“Kind of.” She shrugs. “Maybe three nights. Some weeks, just once,” she said.
“Then why the fuck have I been going three nights a week the last two weeks? I have to encourage him to go without me. Sometimes I just want to watch TV,” you whine.
She lets out a choppy laugh. “Ethan’s a work-aholic. I’m pretty sure I told you that before you two even got together. He’s just trying to prove himself to his new clients and the other partners.”
You had a pile of dresses in your hands and it was getting to the point where you were pretty sure your arm was going numb.
“Come please,” you beckoned Jana with a head nod toward the changing rooms. “I need you to help me decide.”
She followed you, taking a seat just outside your changing room door. Before you even put on the first dress, Ethan was calling you on your phone.
“Is it Ethan?” Jana asked.
“Yep. Hang on,” you told her through the changing room door.
“Hey Eth.”
“Hey Beautiful. How are you? Are you at work?” he asked.
“Good and no, taking a long lunch,” you said while shimming your pants down. Expertly holding your phone between your cheek and shoulder.
“What are you doing?”
“Shopping for some dresses. All these dinners we go on, I’m running out of things to wear. Jana met me, we grabbed lunch before and are headed back to work soon,” you said.
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed “Where are you?” he asked.
“At that strip mall on Citrus near your office,” you replied.
You’ve managed to unbutton the twelve or so buttons on your shirt without dropping your phone. You throw your fist in the air to celebrate, almost dropping your phone in the process.
“Wait, you’re near my office and you didn’t stop by?”
You love that he always wants to see you, but he spent the night at your place last night. But then again, you’ve dated guys that thought two dates a week was a lot.
“Eth, aren’t I seeing you tonight? I just needed some girl time,” you replied.
“Alright, fine. I just miss you,” he mumbles over the phone.
Your cheeks grow hot. This big, bad, scary lawyer is mush for you.
“You’re too sweet. I’ll see you later though,” you said.
“Okay. Bye sweetie,” he said.
“Bye Ethan.”
You slip on the first dress and walk out to show Jana. She immediately shakes her head and you walk right back in.
The next three she’s iffy about, but tells you to put the last of the three in the maybe pile.
You walk out in the fourth and she gasps. “That’s way too nice for a night out with clients, but that looks so good on you.”
You turn around to get a different angle in the mirror. She’s right. The cobalt blue looks great against your skin tone. The cut making your ass look great. You nod and smile, doing a twirl to make her laugh.
Before you make it back in the changing room, she grabs your hand.
“What did Ethan have to say,” she asked.
“He was just checking in,” you say with a shrug. “Wanted to know if I was stopping by when we’re done.”
“He calls a lot, doesn’t he?” she asked hesitantly.
“Jana,” you half chuckle. “Where’s this coming from?”
She lets out a small sigh. “It just seems like you guys spend a lot of time together. Do you ever feel like it’s lot? You were texting him at lunch.”
You’re not sure what’s she getting at. Yes, Ethan checks in quite often, but it’s a new relationship and you like spending time with him. It makes you feel good that someone cares that much about you. And yeah, it’s a lot, but it will probably lessen as time goes by.
“It’s new, Jana. We’re at that stage where we can’t get enough of each other. It’s fine. It’s sweet.”
She gives you a small smile. “Okay. You’re right. I’m just being weird. I am really happy for you,” she adds.
You walk back into the changing room, suddenly feeling a little down. You change out of the dress, opting to put your dark wash jeans and pink button-down back on. You grab the maybe dress and the cobalt blue dress to pay for. There’s a tiny bit of doubt planted in your mind now and you’re not sure what to think.
 Ethan’s cut back on the amount of nights he works late in the office, instead opting to work at your place or at his. He’s even trimmed down on the client and partner dinners, only going if you have agreed to go. It’s a lot of time together and it’s really starting to take its toll. At first, you loved all the attention, but you can’t help but think back to that tiny seed of doubt that was planted a few weeks ago. Scott’s even mentioned that you’re more withdrawn, despite your best effort to call or text him often.
It’s a beautiful spring night and you’re on your lanai enjoying the extra hours of sunlight that April brings. The darkness of winter always gets you down; you can’t help but soak up the sun for as long as you can get it. You’re working on an article for Epcot’s Flower and Garden Festival for the online edition. The festival has been going on for a month and you’ve already written a preview article for the paper, but this one is more your speed. You’ve been writing more and more for the online edition. Those articles allow you to really insert yourself into the story and write about the event from your personal experience.
The sliding glass door opens and closes behind you. You feel Ethan’s hands on your shoulders as he starts to gently rub them. An hour ago, volumes from The Southern Reporter and The Law of Torts, as well as his laptop were spread out across your kitchen island.
He kisses the top of your head. “Let’s go to bed sweetheart,” he softly says into your hair.
It’s eight o’clock. And the sun hasn’t set. The urge to snap at him is strong, but you bite your tongue.
“Go ahead without me. I want to finish this tonight so it can go up tomorrow,” you replied.
You turn around slightly and give him a small smile. This has become a normal fight between the two of you the last couple of weeks. Ever since he’s cut back on his nights out. You’ve always been a bit of a night owl, going to bed at ten feels like a compromise.
“Sweetie, I’m beat. It’s been a long week. You can finish that up in the morning. Wake up with me, you sleep too late anyway.”
You sigh out loud. “Ethan, this is work. I really need to get it finished and I don’t want to wake up at six and feel like I need to rush to finish. You’re perfectly fine to go to bed without me.”
He comes around the loveseat to stand in front of you.
“Please? For me?” he begs, voice light and sweet that you almost cave.
You shake your head. You’re not even tired. He’ll be passed out in fifteen minutes and you’ll be lying awake for hours.
“Sorry Eth. I’ll see you in there later,” you said.
You offer him a smile again before turning your attention back to your laptop screen.
“It’s like you don’t want to spend time we me anymore.”
Really? This is how this night is going to go?
“That’s not fair. We see each other almost every day. Even yesterday when I was at the park late for work, I still crawled into bed at your place when I was done.”
“My point exactly, I was already in bed.”
“We’re both busy Ethan. You work a lot. I work a lot. I honestly am giving you all my free time. I haven’t seen Jana in forever and she works in the same building as you!”
The two of you have only been together for two months. It’s too much too soon and you feel like you’re going to implode.
“Excuse me for wanting to spend time together with my girlfriend,” he said abruptly.
“If you’re sleeping, we’re not really spending time together either,” you counter. “I have to get back to this.” You point at your laptop.
“You write stories about theme parks, Y/N. It’s not that serious,” he grumbles as he starts to walk back inside.
You hop up, going after him, catching the door before he closes it.
“What a shitty thing to say. This is my career. I don’t care if I am writing about the neighbor’s dog taking a shit in my yard. I’m a writer and a journalist.”
Your face is on fire and you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest.
“You’re right. You’re right. You’re right,” he quickly offers. His hands going to your biceps.
“I think you should leave,” you said sternly.
“Y/N, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
“Ethan, I need space. Please just leave,” you replied.
He nods solemnly, letting go of your arms and walking back in your bedroom to grab his duffle bag.
He walks back out of the room and gives you a sad smile before making his way to your front door. “I really am sorry for what I said.”
You nod your head and follow him to the door, closing it once he’s through the threshold. There’s a pit in your stomach and you’re shaking slightly. Finding the couch, you collapse onto it and as the tears start to flow. You don’t know if your crying because your angry, hurt, or overwhelmed.
Sleep that night is restless. Ethan has been a part of your day for the last two months. It was an odd feeling to sleep without him. What he said about your job was hurtful. Did he really think so low of you? The man that praises you daily with sweet words and gentle kisses found it so easy to cut you down.
The story doesn’t get posted the next day like you had planned. You opted for a sick day, staying in bed and ignoring your phone completely. You needed a day just for you. The relationship was too much way too soon. You’d always had that independent streak and to practically be living with someone suddenly, it was a big change.
You managed to finish your story before going to sleep that night, e-mailing it off so that it could be posted in the morning. Finding your old alarm clock because you still didn’t want to face your cellphone was a struggle. It was buried inside a box of clothes for donation that you’ve been meaning to drop off for the last seven months. Setting the alarm for nine, you fell asleep easy due to the lack of sleep and the crying the night before.
 As expected, you had several missed phone calls from Ethan, a call from Jana and a couple of text messages from Scott and Chris. You didn’t talk to Jana or Brooks at all yesterday and you knew Ethan wouldn’t go to her with this, so you knew it was just a normal check in call you missed. It was hard to listen to Ethan’s calls in the morning. You were still pretty angry at him for what he said about your career. You were also angry at yourself for sticking in a relationship you weren’t entirely happy with. You really liked Ethan and cared about him, but you knew you couldn’t go back to the way things had been. The three messages were all the same. Apologizing for how the conversation went. Saying he missed me and hoped I would forgive him. You still needed more time.
Y/N: I need more time. Please understand.
A few minutes later her responded.
Ethan: Of course. Take all the time you need.
You fired off similar texts about having a migraine yesterday to Jana, Scott, and Chris. Since you weren’t sure what was going to happen with you and Ethan, you didn’t want to say anything to Jana or Scott yet.
 A few days had passed when you finally called Ethan and asked to meet at the coffee shop the two of you took to visiting on Sunday mornings. You were nervous about seeing him which was such an odd feeling. You had gone from seeing him, kissing him, sleeping with him, to not speaking for several days and your nerves were shot.
When you entered the small shop, you saw Ethan already sitting at your normal table, two cups of coffee already waiting. He spotted you as well and quickly stood up, offering you a nervous smile.
“Hi,” you greeted him.
He leaned in for a hug and you accepted it.
“Hi,” he responded, still holding you.
When the two of you let go, you took a seat, already grasping on to the mug for comfort.
“Thanks,” you said, slightly lifting the warm mug.
“Thanks for meeting me,” he replied, small smile on his lips.
“Of course. Listen. I’m sorry for how I handled our fight that night. I shouldn’t have kicked you out, instead we should have talked. Actually, I think we should have talked a lot sooner than that night,” you said.
“I’m so sorry for how I behaved,” he interrupted. “I didn’t mean what I said about your job. I over reacted and I apologize.”
“Ethan, it’s more than that,” you sighed out. “We aren’t working. I care about you, but I don’t think we fit together as a couple.”
He starts to shake his head slightly. “That’s not true. We get along so well and we feel so right.”
You take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “It’s just too much for me. All this time we spend together, it’s too much too soon for me. I’ve always liked my alone time, and time with friends. I’m not used to spending every night with somebody. I’m sorry.” You pick up the mug and take a few sips. Breaking up with someone is never fun and your thankful this is only your second time. Granted, getting broken up with is no picnic either.
“But-But that doesn’t mean we need to breakup. I can give you space. Start sleeping at my place more. This doesn’t mean we can’t see each other,” he argues.
You take his hand in yours. You truly do care about Ethan, but you let yourself get wrapped up in someone else which you know isn’t healthy. Ethan pretty much planned your days and nights for the last two months and you just let him. Looking back, you wish you wouldn’t have jumped right into the relationship. Maybe things would have been different.
“I care about you, but this isn’t what I want. I’m sorry and as cliché as it sounds, I want to be your friend again,” you replied.
You’d still see Jana; she was your best friend. Neither of you would want the awkwardness that would come from your regular office visits.
He squeezes your hand and then keeps it encompassed in both of his. He takes a couple of breaths before speaking.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t work this out and I’m sorry if I pushed to hard too fast,” solemnly he replied.
You shook your head no. “That’s on me too.”
The two of you part the same way you began, with a hug.
 That night you call Jana and then Scott. Jana’s supportive of your decision but she’s also upset for you. She brings up your office visits and you explain that you don’t see a problem with them. Of course, it will be awkward to begin with, but you hope you and Ethan can get to a place where you’re able to have conversations as you are coming and going.
Scott is taken aback that you’re calling him at midnight your time, he’s even maybe a little surprised you are calling at all.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I recognize this number,” he said with such snark.
“Is this Chris Evans? Maybe I have the wrong number,” you sassed back.
“You bitch,” he said before bursting into laughter.
“Yes, it’s me calling, brat. Deal with it,” you said.
“The boyfriend let you have a free night?”
Had you still been dating Ethan, you would have only rolled your eyes at that, but now that you’re broken up, it only shows you that you really were wrapped up in each other.
You let out a small cough, then clear your throat. “Well, actually, um, we broke up.”
“You did? I’m so sorry sweetie. Are you okay?” he asked sincerely.
“Ye-yeah. It was for the best. I think I just need to pledge of celibacy. Apparently, I’m not cut out for a relationship.”
“I doubt that. That’s not what he said is it? I’ll beat him up,” Scott threatened.
“No, no. Not at all,” you chuckled. “I broke up with him. I was beginning to feel suffocated by the amount of time we spent together. And if I wanted to do my own thing, he would make me feel bad about doing so. Plus, he called my job a joke more or less.”
“Well, that’s horseshit and I hope you know that,” Scott said.
“Completely agree. Sure, maybe it’s not something I want to do forever, but I enjoy my job and I do it well. It hurt that he said that, which is what caused me to take time to myself and decide to end it. I just need some me time,” you said.
“You deserve it. But don’t get holed up in that house of yours. Call Jana and some of your work friends to go out. You need to let loose,” he said.
“Yeah. You’re right. Probably this weekend.”
But you didn’t. It was work and then home for the last five days. You did make it to the grocery store over the weekend, but that was the extent of your adventures. You hadn’t gone to Jana’s office yet, but you did meet for lunch a few days prior. It was easier to mope at home. Alone.
Scott: Please tell me you’ve left the house besides going to work.
Y/N: I went to the store on Sunday. Does that count?
Scott: Sassy, you can’t stay home and just be sad. That’s not good for you either.
Y/N: I’m fine. I was with someone almost every day for two months, being home alone is a nice change.
Scott: I’m not disagreeing there. But it’s also therapeutic to socialize with others. Maybe get drunk. Dance on a table.
Y/N: That sounds more like your speed Grumpy.
 Yes, it was nearing the end of April, but you still had those twenty or so Christmas movies to get through which is what you were working on Wednesday night when Scott called you at a surprisingly early time.
“Guess what?” he gushed.
“What?” you said with a laugh.
“I’m coming to visit you!” he sing-songed.
“What?! When?” you asked.
“Friday. So, you better call in sick or take the day off.”
“Not that I don’t want you to come, but what’s with the last-minute trip?” you asked.
“What? I can’t just want to visit?” he insisted.
“When one of my bestie’s is down, I am there for them. You’re one of my bestie’s and you need me. I’ve already booked the flight, so you can’t say no.” he chided.
“Hon, I appreciate it, but I promise you I am fine. Of course, I’d love to see you though.”
“Good. Then it’s settled,” he said.
“Are you renting a car or am I picking you up?”
“You are stuck with me all weekend, so you are picking me up. I’ll text you my flight info,” Scott said.
“Goodnight trouble,” you replied.
“Night Sassy.”
Now you needed to clean your house. Sure, it was clean, but overnight guest clean? Not even close.
It was Thursday night and Scott was packing his bag last minute for his trip to Orlando in the morning. Not entirely sure what their plans will be, even though he’s the one that planned the trip, he packs a little bit of everything. A suit for going out, shorts, tees, sandals, boots.
“Sassy has a pool, right?” he said to himself. “I’m sure she does.”
With swim trunks securely packed in his rolling bag, he zips it up, before dropping it to the floor.
His phone starts to ring and he sees that it’s Chris, suddenly remembering he was supposed to call him to cancel.
“Hey,” Scott answered.
“Hey. What time are you coming by?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, I forgot to call you. I’m flying out early tomorrow so, I’m not coming by.”
“What? Where are you going?” Chris asked.
“To visit Y/N,” Scott said.
“Why are you visiting Y/N?” Chris asked, surprise evident in his voice.
“Because I want to see her. Plus, she needs me.” Scott answered.
“Needs you? What’s going on with Sassy?” Chris asked, growing tired of this game Scott was playing.
“Why? God, do you not talk to Y/N, like ever? She and Ethan broke up.” Scott exclaimed.
“We talk,” Chris scoffed. “Just not about her boyfriend. When did they break up? Is she okay?”
“Like a week or so ago. Maybe call your friend once in a while,” Scott spit out.
“Yeah, you’re right. You’re right.” Chris sighed out.
When the call ended, Chris wiped a hand down his face, leaning back into the couch cushion. Scott was right. He hadn’t been calling Y/N like he should. When they had that long call a couple of months back, he told her he didn’t want to lose her friendship and while they still talked, they were barely friends at this point. If he was being honest with himself, he was a little jealous that Scott was visiting her. He needed to make a change.
After picking up a very excited Scott from the airport, the two of you made a stop at the liquor store per Scott’s request, because, per Scott, “I don’t trust your wine selection.”
After that regretful stop which included picking up a bottle of raspberry flavored vodka, the two of you stopped at a grocery store for breakfast items, frozen pizza, and chips and salsa. The essentials of course.
After a quick tour of your house including a stop in the guest room so that Scott could set his bag down, he immediately ordered you to take a shower.
“I love you like a sister, but you’re looking rough my dear,” he said.
You had showered that morning, but didn’t put any effort into your hair, makeup, or outfit choice.
“Scott, I really don’t want to go out. I rather just hang out with you. Please?” you pleaded.
“We don’t have to go out, but we are getting pretty tonight. Go shower and I’m going to lay out what you are wearing on your bed,” he said.
You stuck out your lower lip to pout, but complied. Scott was here. In your house! Really, you’d go out if he asked. You started toward your bathroom, Scott promptly slapping your ass as you went.
“Brat!” you said, turning around sticking out your tongue.
After a quick shower, you blow-dried your hair, applied some light makeup before walking your towel clad body to your bedroom. Scott laid out the cobalt blue dress you bought with Jana about a month ago but never had the chance to wear. You smiled to yourself, quickly changing into the dress, opting to go barefoot since you weren’t actually leaving.
Walking back into your living room, you were met with a wolf whistle from Scott. He was dressed in a blue suit, the shirt underneath in a slightly lighter color. The two of you almost matching which made you grin.
“Looking pretty good yourself Evans,” you replied.
“Thank you.” He bowed to you. “Thank you,” he said.
“What are we having for dinner?” you asked.
“Let’s start with the chips and salsa. And the vodka. We’ll have the wine tomorrow,” he replied.
It was going to be a long night.
 The two of you never did eat anything else. The bag of chips was entirely gone as well as a lot of the raspberry vodka. Scott commandeered your Bluetooth speakers at one point, starting a playlist he had created. The two of you dancing in your fancy clothes and barefoot to Liam Payne’s Strip That Down.
You know I love it when the music's loud But c'mon, strip that down for me, baby Now there's a lot of people in the crowd But only you can dance with me So put your hands on my body And swing that round for me, baby (swing)
“Are you having fun?” Scott yells over the music.
Your body continues to dance to the beat. You offer him a thumbs up, because you’re singing along.
“Oh, strip that down, girl. Love when hit the ground, girl. Oh, strip that down, girl. Love, when you hit ground.”
The song changes to Demi Lovato Confident. Scott starts to sing along and you’re in hysterics.
“I used to hold my freak back. Now I'm letting go. I make my own choice. Bitch, I run this show So leave the lights on. No, you can't make me behave.” Scott sings out.
Scott grabs you so that your back is against his chest. He takes his phone and starts recording the two of you swaying and singing along.
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident?
Scott apparently sends the video clip to Chris because a short time later, Chris is facetiming Scott on his phone.
“Chris!” Scott shouts when he sees his brother’s face on the screen.
“Where are you two?” Chris asks.
You kind of duck out of the way of Scott’s camera. Throughout all your phone calls with Chris going back to October, you’ve never once facetimed him before. Even with the amount of raspberry flavored vodka in your blood, it still made you nervous to talk to him face to face.
“We’re at Sassy’s house!” Scott replied.
Chris chuckled at Scott’s response. “I could have sworn you two were at a club. You’re dressed to go out. Sassy, you were lookin’ sexy in that video Scott sent,” Chris said loud enough for you to hear.
You know your cheeks are flushed, from the dancing, drinking, and now, Chris’ comment.
“This is just how we do big brother,” Scott said. “Sassy’s being shy from the camera.”
Scott flips around his phone so that you can see Chris and he can see you. You wave awkwardly at him.
“Hey sweetheart. Good to see you again,” Chris said.
He looks good, but, when doesn’t he? He’s got on a simple gray t-shirt and jeans, but his hair has grown out a bit and his beard is full.
“You-you too,” you said with a smile.
Scott turns the camera back to him. “Don’t give me that pout. Call Y/N on your own time.”
“I was just calling to see how you to were getting along,” Chris offers.
“Smashingly of course. But if you will excuse us, we have a dance party to get back to.”
Scott disconnects the call before you hear Chris respond back. You give him a smile and resume Demi’s song.
 You wake up to another hangover. In your defense, Christmas was months ago. You did pretty well with the whole ‘I’m never drinking again’ thing. Despite Scott being shown where his room is this weekend, he’s asleep next to you. You had managed to change into a t-shirt, but Scott had only managed to take his jacket off. Deciding to let him sleep since he is a guest, you make your way to the bathroom, slipping on a pair of sweats first, and then to the kitchen.
You make pancakes and sausage patties because it’s quick and easy and you really need something in your stomach as soon as possible. It’s already after eleven when breakfast is ready.
Walking back into your bedroom, you crawl back into the bed, running your hand through Scott’s hair to gently wake him. He starts to stir and puts on a sleepy smile.
“Breakfast is ready,” you said softly, withdrawing your hand.
“Well, don’t stop,” he said, eyes still closed.
You let out a giggle and resume rubbing his scalp. “It’s going to get cold.”
When that does nothing to get him moving, you speak again. “I made pancakes.”
“Finnnnee. I’m awake.”
 You both spend a lazy day in the pool. Scott lounging on a floaty shaped like a piece of pizza and you on a donut. A frozen pizza is baked around three in the afternoon because your stomach starts to growl much to Scott’s delight.
Jana calls to see how Scott’s visit is going, but you think she’s more calling to pry. When Scott hears his own name, he asks who you are talking to. You tell him it’s Jana and he grabs the phone from your hand. You’re only hearing one side of the conversation but he’s asking her and Brooks to dinner and apparently, they agreed because he tells them we’ll meet them at seven.
Dinner is at a bistro near your house that you’ve eaten at several times before. You always get a cup of French onion soup no matter the time of year.
“Is this one driving you to book an early flight tomorrow?” Brooks teases.
“She won’t let me leave! I don’t know how you worked with her for so long.” Scott replied.
You and Jana shake your heads at their teasing.
“The paper offers great benefits. That’s really the only reason.” Brooks said while shrugging his shoulders.
“You two love me. Don’t give me this shit.”
The table erupts in laughter and you find yourself smiling for a second night in a row.
 Scott and you opt for more pool time on Sunday. His flight isn’t until six that night, so neither of you are in a hurry.
“How are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m fine. I’m really glad you came out. This was a lot of fun,” you replied.
“It really was. I’ll bring Zach next time.”
“That’d be great,” you said.
“How are you feeling since the breakup?” Scott asked.
“Mostly good. Ethan was a really good guy, but we moved too quickly. He moved too quickly, but I just went along with it. I’m sad it didn’t work out, but I learned what I don’t like.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” he asked.
“Losing myself. While I was still very much me, I caved a lot. Mostly did what he wanted to do. I love being in a relationship and spending time with someone I care about, but I’m also important. My work is important to me. My friends are important to me. I lost a bit of that when I was Ethan.”
Scott offers you a smile. “You’re still very much Sassy to me.”
“Always,” you replied.
 With Scott safely in the air, headed back to L.A., you resume your Christmas in April marathon. You’re phone rings with Chris’ name on the screen. He hasn’t called you in months, so you’re a bit surprised. You hit pause on your movie and hit the call accept button.
“Hi, Chris.”
“Hey sweetheart,” he said.
“Scott’s already on his way home if you are looking for him.”
“Yeah, I know. He called me from the airport. I just wanted to call and talk to you, if that’s alright.” He said.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s completely alright. Dork,” you chuckle out.
“Oh, I’m the dork? I’m not quite sure about that.”
And just like that, the two of you started to build up your friendship like it was the first time around.
Tag list: @tanelle83​ @pinknerdpanda​ @allaboutthebooz​ @estillion14​@patzammit​ @heartislubbingdubbing​ @collinsstanharbour​ @twittytelly​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @linki-locks11​ @mywinterwolf​ @ab-baybay​ @rda1989​ @impalaimages​ @jesseswartzwelder​ @rainbowkisses31​ @xostephanie​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @xxloki81xx​@panicfob​ @mustangshelby04​ @bellaireland1981​ @carolina-thiell​ @straightforwardly​ @torntaltos​ @denise1605​ @mcuclintasha​ @southerngracela​ @iam-cj​ @trynnabemultifandom​ @chrisevansforever​ @kelbabyblue​ @broadwayandnetflix​ @kyjey​ @thevelvetseries​ @i-just-feel-like​ @daddieslittlefangirl​ @hista-girl​ @stankface​ @denisemarieangelina​ @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​ @whymalu​ @the-doctors-fallen-angel​ @mariswritingforfun​ @tessabb7​ @chrisevansfanfic​ @lakamaa12​ @thinkxlovexloud​@deidrashouseofpain  @nea90sweetie​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @dangerouslovefanfic​ @ripvandrinkle​ @bitterstar88​ @andymi3ntus​ @zestygingergirl​ @xstudiousslytherinx​ @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall​ @cocomel0613​ @onceuponathreetwoone​ @supraveng​ @michelehansel​ @fanfictionaffair​ @genesgoingtohamslam​@barnesthot @chrisevansforever​ @agirlcanstilldream @what-is-your-plan-today​
Chapter 7
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So I think I found a new Face Claim for my Teen Wolf OC :)
So I’ve been working on my Teen Wolf OC that I’ve had for a few years now. She was first Gabbie Reynolds and I picked Ashley Benson for her image
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She was such a mary sue and I made her too much like other ocs that I’ve seen. And I didn’t like that she really had no originality to her. So I spruced her up a bit after rewatching the series the second time and picked Troian Bellisario.
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I changed her story (mostly) from a girl that grew up with Stiles and Scott after moving to Beacon Hills after her parents died in a car accident (to live with her aunt and uncle) to Beacon Hills High outcast living with her dad and aunt. Her dad worked at the Sheriff’s Station as the Chief Deputy Sheriff (who works directly under the Sheriff) and was also born into a long line of druids. Gabbie’s mother left when she was 4 and at first, I wanted her to be Mrs. Blake the Darach from season 3A but then I wanted to try something different. So after starting the series again so I can finally start and finish season 6, I decided to remake her one more time. 
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I introduce you to Paige Aisling Quillan, a sophomore at Beacon Hills High School, and school weirdo for her hobby of studying mythology and the supernatural. Her dad still works at the Sheriff’s Station as a Major, and her aunt owns a small cafe in town called “Beacon Hills Coffe and Tea” (where the cup was from that gave Allison the idea to look for logos at the beginning of season 3). Their family still has a long line of druid magic linked to it, but Paige’s mother (who still left when Paige was 4) was from Massachusetts. Wanna know why??
Because one of her ancestors was killed in the Salem Witch Trials.
It was never proven if she was a witch or not, but after Paige’s dad gets killed by the Kanima in season 2 (that one shot of police who get killed when Matt takes over the station) it awakens something in Paige and gives her a power (that I have yet to think of yet.)
She does end up with Stiles but it is a very slow burn, like halfway through the series slow burn. She even tries to date Matt at the beginning of season 2 to get over the bubbling crush she starts to have on Stiles (her best friend). It doesn’t help the relationship that a) Matt was completely obsessed with Allison. and b) he pretty much killed her dad.
After season 2, Paige and her aunt go to Ireland for the summer so that Paige can finally train with other druids and learn more about her people. They also spend a couple weeks in Salem to learn more about Paige’s mom and her maybe witch ancestor. I’ve only got up to where I am now thought out for the series (so the beginning of season 3). But I hope to develop this character a lot more because I absolutely adore this show and Jeff Davis.
Other fun stuff:
I picked Holly Marie Combs to play Paige’s Aunt Claire
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She grew up in Beacon Hills with her brother until he moved away (and ended up meeting his ex-wife). She also grew up with Chris Argent, and the two dated for a while but Chris broke it off after finding out about his family of hunters and that Claire wasn’t technically human. He loved her so much he didn’t want to put her in danger. They do end up together instead of Chris with Melissa.
Next is Adam Quillan, Paige’s dad who was first Ryan Reynold ( and of course I wanted Ryan Reynolds to play him) but now I’m thinking maybe David Boreanaz but I’m still on the fence so if you have any ideas for face claim please let me know. 
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Adam works at the station and helps Sheriff Stilinski (who is basically his best friend) in many cases. He also has a huge ass crush on Melissa McCall. When he hears that Melissa went on a date with some guy (Peter) in season 1 he is so mad at himself for never manning up and asking her out. But then directly after Paige tells him it didn’t go well, Adam walks into the hospital (where he volunteers to go talk to people of interest when needed so he can see and talk to Melissa) and asks her out.
They are dating up until he gets killed by the Kanima, letting his last words to his daughter be that he loves her, and to tell his sister, Claire, he loves her too. He then shouts at Stiles to watch out for Paige, and for Scott to make sure his mom makes it out alive. He then says to himself (but Scott, Stiles, Paige, and Matt all hear), “I love her you know? I-I love her and I never got to tell her.”
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I also have an idea for Paige to have an older half-brother that shows up maybe at the beginning or middle of season three. 
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His name is Julian Kent, and his mom (who is also Paige’s mom) had him 2 years before she met Adam, making him 7 years older than Paige (basically around Derek’s age). He was put up for adoption, and then when he found out he was adopted at 18, he spent so long looking for his mom and ended up finding out he had a sister 5 years later. He is a witch (or warlock because male witch), and the time he spent looking for his mom, he trained himself in the art of magic.
Speaking of Derek, when Julian shows up, Paige automatically doesn’t trust him. As season 3A continues, and Julian tries to help with Deucalian and the Darach, eventually Paige warms up to him. And slowly, Julian and Derek become friends; even best friends. He even starts to live in the loft with Derek and Peter. Julian is also the partial love interest for Malia (so instead of MaliaxStiles its MaliaxJulian). And then Julian ends up falling in love with Lydia. There is a bit age difference, but I figured that Lydia had that thing for Parish so this would be fine. (also I know I keep picking people from Charmed but that is because I love them and the show).
so yeah, that’s what I have so far for this storyline. I think I’m going to keep the title “In Knots” for the first book and keep it going with that. Let me know what you think, I would love some feedback on this :)
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slayxwolf · 7 years
Stiles Stilinski Imagine- Save Me Dumbass
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Request: Oh my word I love your writing! Could I request a Stiles imagine where the reader and him go on like a cute date but then the reader gets kidnapped and is just really sarcastic with her captures and Stiles and Scott try and save the reader in the most unconventional and hilarious ways possible. P.S. I love your writing.
Word Count: 2,662
You ran out to Stiles’ jeep on your driveway. “Hey beautiful” he beamed as you opened the door and sat down. “Hey handsome” you returned, clipping in your seatbelt. “So what did you chose for date night?” you asked, as he took the jeep off park. “A drive in movie” he smiled. “Good choice” you nod, as he began to drive. When you arrived it was an abnormally busy day there, I guess it was because tickets were half price due to it closing down within the next few months. “What film is showing?” you asked, staring at all the people walking around with popcorn, drinks and snacks. “It’s Taken 2″ Stiles answered, after the lady passed you your tickets. You picked a space and reversed into it. You then both climbed out with all your stuff and set up in the back of the jeep. Stiles had packed blankets, pillows, food and even fairy lights to hang up. “You’re cute” you whispered. “I know” he winked playfully. You rolled your eyes and he kissed your forehead. You watched the film curled into your boyfriend’s chest, that was until you decided to need the bathroom. “I’ll walk you up there” Stiles offered. “It’s fine, plus when we get back people would have taken all of your cute stuff” you said climbing out. “I don't care about my fairy lights, I care about you” he pouted. “Well I do, and I promise I’ll be back in five minutes tops” you sounded adamant. “Okay, well be safe” Stiles said hesitantly, not being able to hide his concern. “I will” you smiled sweetly, kissing him and walking off.
You hadn't even walked four steps when your phone started to blow up with notifications. ‘You okay?’, ‘No guys are looking at you are they?’ ‘Tell them I have a bat and a werewolf best friend’ ‘Y/n you better reply I'm panicking’ . You stood still and turned around. “Stiles you can literally still see me” you shouted. “Just making sure” he called back. You shook your head and laughed, before continuing to the toilet. You and Stiles text back and forth the whole way there, because he wanted to make sure you were completely safe. ‘I'm going into the bathroom now, I’ll text you the second I’m out’. ‘Okay baby’. The toilets were packed when you got in there, but once you came out of the stall they were completely empty. You washed your hands and dried them on your clothes, to get out of there as quick as you could. You couldn't deny that something didn't quite feel right. You got outside and reached for your phone in your back pocket. You started to text your boyfriend, when you felt like someone was watching you. ‘I'm on my way bac-’ you started to type, before you felt someone grab your shoulder firmly. You instantly turned around to see a hooded and masked figure, you also noticed that there was no longer people walking around, as it was now the climax of the film. “But it’s date night” you whined to yourself, being no stranger to the bad in Beacon Hills. You weren't exactly terrified, as you’d come face to face with tons of supernatural creatures by now, and a kidnapper was hardly the scariest. Stiles must have seen that you had been ‘typing’ on the chat for a while, so he called you out of concern, which the capturer’s attention was automatically drawn to, giving you enough time to elbow him In the dick and run.
You ran to the closest staff car park, which was a lot darker and quieter because no one was around. You ducked behind a car, realising that there was more than one kidnapper looking for you. You turned your phone onto silent and dimmed the brightness, before calling Stiles. “Are you okay, where are you?” he immediately answered. “There are about three masked people looking for me- and I’m in the staff car park” you whispered into your phone. “Okay I’m coming, don't panic and just stay on the phone to me okay” you could hear his own panic in his voice, yet he tried to remain calm to not worry you. “Okay” you breathed. You looked under the car to see if you could see their feet, as they looked for you, and whatever Stiles was saying became blurred as you couldn’t see any of them. You stood up slowly and turned around, ready to make another run for it. “Oh shit- you scared me” you couldn't help but add the sarcastic comment at the end, as you came face to face with them all. They covered your mouth with tape and shoved an empty pillow case over your head, before shoving you in the trunk of a car. Just great.
They must have sedated you or something, because the next thing you knew, you were waking up in the middle of an empty warehouse. You opened your eyes, seeing you were tied to a chair by your wrists. Shortly after that, you let out a small splutter. “What’s so funny?” one of them wearing a blue mask spoke, feeling mocked to say the least. “It’s just very cliché” you criticised, with a smirk. “Someone has balls” the one that grabbed you said, wearing a grey mask. “Clearly bigger than yours” you commented with a fake pout, referring to how he groaned like a little bitch earlier. “I like her” the third spoke, who you now knew was female under the green mask. “Why don't you take your masks off then, and we can become better acquainted” you smiled falsely. “No can do I’m afraid, boss’ orders” the second male spoke. “And what would your boss want with me?” you asked, furrowing your brows. “You know if I was in your position, I’d be a lot nicer and do a lot of begging and less of the sarcastic comments” the first taunted. You stuck your finger up at him, with the little mobility you had and mouthed the words ‘Fuck You’, before looking back to the others for answers. He stormed out like a child, slamming the warehouse door shut as the others laughed. “All we know is that we have to keep you here, until someone of more value comes along” the girl shrugged. Their boss clearly knows about your supernatural friends, and rather your capturers know a lot more than they’re making out, or their boss has genuinely sent them in blind to see what Scott and the pack are really capable of. “So I’m the bait?” you quickly asked, not wanting to give too much away. “I guess you could say that” the male spoke. 
The next few hours were torture, simply because you were that fucking bored. They didn't ask questions, no interrogation, hell you were even waiting for a physical altercation to have something to do. The only fun you had came from bullying the man in the blue mask, who had stormed off a total of ten times because you were so mean to him. The worst part was that you couldn't even try to save yourself with the training Allison had given you, because literally all they did was sit and watch your every move all day. You could blink and one of them would jump up, gun at the ready. Luckily the first guy didn't have a gun like the other two, because you certainly wouldn't have left unharmed otherwise.
Meanwhile, Scott and Stiles were having a lot more of a ‘productive’ day than yourself. I say ‘productive’ as they weren't really getting anywhere, but the pair of them were really trying. Bless them. They didn't want to involve the rest of the pack or Stiles’ dad yet, until they at least knew more information. Which of course they didn't have, because the people that took you were clearly a new threat to the pack- and partially because they were acting like nervous wrecks. Stiles had stripped his murder board and replaced it with your case. In other words, all he had done was place a picture of you and him together, with a string attaching it to a terrible drawing of three stick people. Scott on the other hand, was sitting on the bed searching the bestiary for answers. Which of course, would have been no help what so ever. “There’s nothing about a kidnapping creature that hunts in threes” Scott finally concluded, shutting it. “So maybe they’re not even supernatural?” Stiles suggested. They looked at each other intensely for a second, before both brushing it off and saying “Nahh” in unison. In the pair of their minds, anything surrounding the crime in Beacon Hills was supernatural based. “I could try and track her by scent” Scott suddenly remembered he was a werewolf. “You don't have to” Stiles suddenly remembered. He grabbed his phone off his desk and waved it at Scott. “You're going to call her?” Scott asked, confused. “No, I'm going to track her phone” he corrected, as if Scott should have known. “You have a tracking device on her phone Stiles?�� he asked, judging his best friend’s overprotective and concerning behaviour. “I have a tracking device in all of your phones- Scott we all agreed to it months ago” Stiles stated. “Oh yeah” he nod his head, recalling the pack meeting on it. “To the jeep” Stiles shouted, very hyperactively. “Never say that again” Scott commented, trailing behind him.
“My boyfriend will find me” you said smugly, fishing for conversations to cure your boredom more than anything. “Good luck with that” one of them retort. “He will” you couldn't help but have the last word. “Do you still have that tape?” the first capturer spoke again. “And he’s going to destroy you” you carried on. “Your boyfriend wont do shit” he said, getting into your face. “Well I certainly will” you bit back. He hovered confused above you for a second, that was before you forcefully kicked him in the balls, causing him to drop to the ground in pain this time. You smirked and raised your eyebrows, and the other two couldn't help but laugh. He then stood up angrily (Still holding his balls) and grabbed the gun out of the girl’s hand. “No don't” the other male shouted, stepping in front of you. “If you kill her now, without getting whoever the fuck we’re supposed to be luring here, we won’t get paid” he spoke in a low voice, which you managed to just about hear. “Yeah you cant kill me, I'm the bait” you smiled both sarcastically and smugly. He reluctantly gave the gun back while simultaneously giving you a death stare. ‘You’re screwed’ you mouthed, so only he could see, realising that they didn't know anything about your supernatural friends. He clenched his fists and breathed, you were relying on Scott and Stiles because you knew that motherfucker wouldn't hesitate to kill you if they didn't show.
“The signal ends here” Scott pointed out, staring at the locater on Stiles’ phone. He then pulled up into the empty car park and the two of them hopped out, slamming the doors shut. The sound of that echoed into the windows of the warehouse, alerting them of the arrival. “We’ve got company” the girl said, as her and the second capturer made their way to glance out the window. You squinted your eyes shut for a moment, out of their stupidity. When you opened your eyes the first capturer was standing there with a cocky expression, he mouthed the words ‘show time’ to you, before joining the others to look out the window. He grabbed the girl’s gun once again. Meanwhile Scott and Stiles stood by the jeep oblivious, they picked up your smashed phone from the floor. “Maybe she’s in there” Scott suggested, as they looked at the large warehouse. “Nahh” they both said in unison once again. “That's what they want us to think” Stiles said wisely, as they both went to get back into the jeep. All of a sudden, one gun shot was let off. “Stiles!” you screamed, not being able to see what was happening. You then began to pull against your restraints desperately. “Shit” Stiles said in shock, as Scott pulled out the bullet from his own arm. He turned to look up at the window, his eyes glowing bright red. “What The Fuck” the second capturer said in disbelief. “GET THE FUCKING DOOR” the first kidnapper shouted, while continuing to shoot at the pair of them from the window. The other two then ran and stood facing the door, the girl stood defenceless behind the second guy. The first capturer quickly joined them, after Scott had managed to make it to the building effortlessly. You had managed to cut one of your restraints, and were now tugging at the much tighter second one, when the door burst open. 
You couldn't look, all you heard was the sound of gunshots, growling, and bodies flying around the room. You then turned to see Scott standing, looking down at the three of them on the floor. You breathed in relief, and then your eyes widened when you couldn't see your stupid, wreckless, irrational, smart, loving boyfriend. That was until he stumbled into the room a few seconds later, completely out of breath, “Sorry, he got up all of those stairs a lot quicker than me” he spoke slowly between breaths. You looked at him and shook your head, “Save me dumbass” you interrupted. He then came over and untied your other restraint, before helping you up. “You found me” you then smiled at him sweetly. “Because I love you” he replied, cupping your cheeks and pulling you into a passionate kiss. “I helped” Scott interrupted, also puckering his lips playfully. You and Stiles pulled away and smiled at each other adoringly. “And come here you” you turned around and pulled Scott into a hug. That's when you saw the first capturer half standing up, attempting to raise his gun to shoot Scott. Stiles must have clocked on because before you knew it, Stiles had made his way over to him. “Where are you going?” he asked, punching him in the face, knocking him back over. Which low-key turned you on, because who doesn't fancy badass Stiles? “Who sent you?” Scott asked, as you also made your way over to him. He simply let out a laugh through his bloody mouth, and spat on the ground to show his lack of respect. “Asshole!” you muttered, punching him in the mouth, knocking him out cold. Which low-key turned Stiles on, because who doesn't fancy badass Y/n?
The three of you climbed into the jeep. “Thanks dad” Stiles said out of his window. “I’ll take them in for questioning, I’ll help you guys write up your police statements later, with alterations I assume” The Sherriff nodded, relating to the supernatural parts the three of you will need to edit out. “Thanks” the three of you said in unison, as Stiles started the jeep. “So is that all they said, their boss is after one of us?” Scott asked, as you began to drive away. “Yeah, that’s all” you said in agreement, after telling them both all that had happened. “Looks like we’ll need to do some research, and call for a pack meeting” Scott suggested. “Tomorrow then” Stiles said. “Why not tonight?” Scott asked. “Because me and my girlfriend here, have a date night we need to compensate for” Stiles grinned, causing you to smile. “Oh I see-” Scott laughed. It had been one of the weirdest days of your life, and one you were surely never going to forget, you were glad to have such great friends and a perfect boyfriend to stay with you. No matter how completely and utterly stupid they can be, you wouldn't change them for the world.
Sorry if the request didn't turn out as funny as you would have wanted, but I sort of ran away with the plot x
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pcwpolwrestling · 4 years
Chapter One- The Return of PCW
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PCW Executive Director Dawn McGill
To say that the last six months have been frustrating for Dawn McGill would be an understatement of epic proportion. Having her show taken off the air and having to endure the Star Chamber of Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler and their investigation had been not only tough on her but the PCW talent as well.
As 2019 came to a close, Dawn fired off a shot across the bow when the PCW Christmas show suddenly aired causing a few eyebrows to be raised. The show featured both PCW and Women’s Champion working non-title matches and the tag team champions Rah and Halitosis headlining against The Professional Bad Guys- Hans Grueber and Carl Vreski in a Nakotomi Towers Death Match.
As 2020 arrived, McGill finally said the hell with it and pulled the trigger. As she was unceremoniously hauled before the Pelosi-Schiff-Nadler hearings again, Dawn had a plan and knew exactly what she was going to do.
That brings us to PCW- The Hearings…in January
PCW Headquarters – Washington D.C. Today was THE day. The hearing with the express purpose of determining whether or not Dawn McGill would be removed as the Executive Director of Political Championship Wrestling.
Now, you may be asking yourself, “wait a second. I thought she owned PCW.” Well, let’s go back a few months to May of 2019.
[REPLAY: 5/2/2019-Donald Trump (R-NY)]
The CEO of Political Championship Wrestling Donald Trump explains why the Red Brand and Blue Brand went dark, shows were cancelled, and why PCW ran replays of shows from ten years ago over the past two weeks. Short and to the point, Trump states the current method of doing business with three brands wasn’t working so, he felt it was time to make a change.
Trump reaches under the podium and pulls out an Infinity Gauntlet (ie…the very same Infinity Gauntlet featured in the recent Avengers movie). He places said Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand. Trump raises his hand in the air.
Then he attaches a red stone to the gauntlet. Then he snaps his fingers and says Red Brand is no more. The press- except for most of the Fox News contingent – let out a loud cheer. Trump then attaches a blue stone to the gauntlet and snaps his fingers and proclaims the Blue Brand. No more. The press- except for most of the Fox News contingent – groan. Then Trump attaches a white and black stone with PCW written on it to the gauntlet. But this time he doesn’t snap his fingers. Trump announces he made PCW owner Dawn McGill a generous offer for PCW that sets her up for life and she accepted. So what does that mean? McGill’s investment in trying to keep PCW alive just paid off for her in a big, big way. The Red and Blue Brand will consolidate under PCW. So, who will lead PCW going forward?
Dawn McGill comes out followed by PCW Hall of Famers “No Frills’ Chris Escondido and Justin Sufferable. McGill shakes Trump’s hand as does Escondido and Sufferable.
There’s a disturbance and male voice shouts out: “GET THAT GAUNTLET! THE FATE OF THE POLITICAL UNIVERSE DEPENDS ON IT!”
Suddenly, Captain America (aka Chris Evans dressed in costume), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.- in costume), and Captain Marvel (Brie Larson- in costume) rush towards Trump and his Infinity Gauntlet that’s made the Red Brand and Blue Brand specific shows disappear.
But before they can reach him: Escondido steps in to kick Evans in the balls. He then power slams Evans. Sufferable chops Downey Jr. with an open hand and drives him to the floor with the Lou Thesz press. McGill stops Larson in her tracks with a Spinning Heel kick and then follows with the McGill Bomb (sit-out powerbomb).
Sitting at a table cutting a solitary figure with a glass of water placed next to her elbow, Executive Director Dawn McGill faced the stern glare of one Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA). She wasn’t happy to be there and made sure both Pelosi and Schiff knew it in her opening statement.
Dawn McGill: I said this before but let me make this clear to the Establishment…PCW is not here for you. PCW is here for…THEM…the fans. All we need to succeed is our fans and their support.
Pelosi called the hearing to order following McGill’s opening remarks and Schiff announced that the minutes will be waived.   He announced that he will proceed with questions towards the Executive Director of PCW.
Schiff doesn’t waste time cutting to the chase- he wants to know about the deal Donald Trump made with her in May 2019.
McGill responded directly that the deal was a basic business transaction to bring PCW back under the political universe umbrella while rewarding her for her hard work over the past five years trying to keep PCW alive.
Schiff fired back that he believed it’s easy to connect the dots that prove McGill clearly was in cahoots with the Les Miserables – the one Schiff felt were directly responsible for preventing Hillary Clinton from winning in 2016. He demands to know if there was any quid pro pro- McGill sold PCW in return for Trump putting an end the Red and Blue Brand shows.
Brushing off Schiff’s challenging demeanor, McGill smiled and then recalled the intense reaction of the Progressive Alliance – most notably Jerry Nadler’s (D-NY) Oversight committee – to the deal made. Her description of the response was “predictable.”
[REPLAY: Nadler Committee Reacts]
There’s lots of screaming, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Some random person shouts out “IT’S THE APOCOLYPSE!” Nadler pounds his gavel over and over and over while yelling “I WILL HAVE OVERSIGHT!” over and over and but it comes out like…
McGill also made sure to recognize that the American Patriots didn’t take the news so well either.
[REPLAY: Republican Reaction]
Several Republicans muse aloud whether or not this is going to be good for business. And then there’s…
Schiff continued to press the issue and asked if McGill took into consideration that Trump could be breaking the law by making a deal with her.With a bemused grin, McGill asked which particular law Schiff was referring to.
Schiff said that’s what they’re trying to find out.
Dawn McGill: Oh? Is that kind of like passing a bill just to see what exactly is in the bill?
Pelosi was not amused. She brought up the fact that McGill hired back Russian referee Corrina Romanov after previous PCW CEO Barack Obama had fired her after Extreme Election Night 2016 as a striking example of the ‘poor judgment’ McGill has.
McGill retorted she couldn’t help that elements remained inside the Progressive Alliance who still blamed Romanov for Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Before Pelosi can respond to that, McGill also threw in for good measure the fact that Pelosi also continued to be chapped at her because she refused to back down and give in to her demand that the 2020 CEO candidates return to the old way where their candidates would hire surrogate wrestlers to wrestle in their place- unlike in 2016.
Pelosi made sure to reference the match at 2008’s Extreme Election Night between then-champion Starz N. Stripes (now Kevin Scott) – representing John McCain- and challenger O’Beck Bahama- representing Barack Obama- one the greatest matches ever in PCW history. She implored McGill to be reasonable and allow a return to that very system.
McGill remained steadfast. She told Pelosi that both sides have allowed others to fight their battles for too long and maintained 2020 would have the same format of 2016.
Pelosi strenously objected and called her a puppet- one more reason why she should be impeach- . . . er . . . removed as the Executive Director of PCW.
Nancy Pelosi: The people vying to become the next CEO of the Political Universe are not ‘ordinary’ men and women and should not be treated as such.
McGill fired back that regardless of what special privileges she feels they are owed, the fact remained that they are ‘people’ and should be subject to the same rules everyone else is.
Pelosi then brought up the time McGill allegedly hurt the feelings of a wrestler who wanted to wrestle a match under the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rules.
What was Pelosi talking about?
THE CALIFORNIA 9th CIRCUIT OF APPEALS RULES The California 9th Circuit of Appeals Rules state that the referee’s ruling in the ring can be appealed and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals can overturn the result and order a match restarted as many times as necessary until the ‘correct’ political outcome is achieved.
McGill rolled her eyes and then recounted the incident.
(VIDEO: 6/10/2019 PCW Extreme Political TV)
The Ultimate Social Justice Warrior (Progressive Alliance) raises an objection.
Dawn McGill: Go ahead.
Ultimate Social Justice Warrior: I demand that my upcoming match be wrestled under California’s Ninth Circuit Appeals Court Rules. If my demand isn’t met, I will walk out.
Dawn McGill: Okay. ‘Extreme Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee of the Green World Order will replace the Ultimate Social Justice Warrior in the match.
That pisses off the USJW.
Ultimate Social Justice Warrior: Wait! You can’t do that! By not giving in to my demand, you’re preventing me from having a chance to compete in the match.
McGill waves at him.
Pelosi immediately accused McGill of acting like, judge, jury, and executioner in refusing to acquiesce to the SJW’s request.
McGill shot back that SJW wanted special dispensation.
Dawn McGill: This is the exact reason why I wanted to go to a merit-based system where wins and losses are the final determinater and not politics. And that’s when all this stuff started blowing up for real.
Schiff said another reason McGill should be removed from PCW is because of a whistleblower who came forward to report improprieties.  McGill quickly replied the ‘whistleblower’ is one Nicholas Tarkowski whom she caught rummaging through her belongings looking for evidence.
Dawn McGill: And we all know what happened after that now, don’t we?
(VIDEO: 4/1/2019 PCW Extreme Political TV)
Adam Schiff (D-CA) calls out Dawn McGill and Corrina Romanov. Schiff states he doesn’t care what Robert Mueller says, he’s found proof of Russian Collusion right here in PCW. He accuses McGill of being blackmailed by Russian referee Romanov into giving her job back and giving her a promotion.
Jerry Nadler (NY-Progressive Alliance) says Tarkowski found evidence in McGill’s office of Russian Collusion. Salacious photos of McGill and a letter that references both McGill and Romanov demanding money.
The Guild of Low-Level Reporters and Conservative Inc. both believe it’s collusion.
Jerry Nadler: There’s collusion all right…there’s collusion everywhere, I tell ya…everywhere!
Now the spotlight turns to McGill and Romanov.
Dawn McGill: it’s not Russian Collusion, you dolt. It’s a makeover. Both Corrina and myself got makeovers.
McGill holds up the ‘letter demanding money.’
Dawn McGill: This is a ‘past due’ letter from the spa because…oops…I forgot to pay the bill on time.
McGill holds up one of the ‘compromising’ photos.
Dawn McGill: And this is a photo from a recent photoshoot I had taken to celebrate the fact that I’ve lost over thirty pounds…
Schiff implied McGill may be guilty of retaliation in her response to Tarkowski.
(VIDEO: 4/1/2019 PCW Extreme Political TV)
The camera is situated behind McGill. She reclines comfortably in a black Barcalounger Coss II Wall Proximity Hugger Lay Flat Recliner Chair with a wash cloth covering her eyes, her right foot propped up on the foot rest and adorned with cotton balls in between each toe and the left foot soaking in a foot bath. We see a pair of hands carefully applying red polish to Dawn’s toenails.
The camera pulls back. It’s Nicholas Tarkowski. He’s painting Dawn’s toenails and taking great care not to get any polish on her skin.
McGill reminded Schiff she could have – and maybe should have – filed charges against Tarkowski for violating her privacy and stealing her mail.
Schiff responded it didn’t matter and claimed Tarkowski isn’t the only one who has ‘dirt’ on PCW.
Adam Schiff: We’ve received two dozen reports of individual acts of perversion, so profound – and disgusting – that decorum prohibits listing them here.
Schiff declared there is a solution to this problem- the removal of Dawn McGill followed by strict oversight of PCW by Schiff’s and Nadler’s committee.
McGill’s response?
Dawn McGill: Yeah, that’s not happening.
Pelosi threatened McGill that oversight is coming whether she likes it or not and if need be they will personally take control of PCW to ensure that there’s appropriate oversight.
Dawn McGill: Oh?  Like the one Joe Biden was proposing?
(VIDEO: 6/10/2019 PCW Extreme Political TV)
Joe Biden’s voice: Perhaps I can be of assistance.
Joe Biden, former Aide de Camp to former PCW CEO Barack Obama (D-IL) and the  twenty-second candidate to declare for the 2020 race, comes out.
He strolls out to the ring and stands behind McGill.
Joe Biden: If I become the next CEO of the Political Universe in 2020, I plan on taking a more ‘hands-on’ approach than Donald Trump has.
As he talks, Biden puts his hands on McGill’s shoulders- much to her surprise…and annoyance.
Joe Biden: Not to say that Ms. McGill-
Dawn McGill (pointedly): Miss!
Joe Biden: …has done a bad job of running PCW…
Biden rubs McGill’s shoulders.
Joe Biden: …but we need a different approach than the one offered by Donald Trump. I plan on bringing a new vision to bring us closer together…
His hands start moving down- much to McGill’s alarm. She finally turns around and whispers something in Biden’s ear.
Joe Biden: …huh?
McGill continues to whisper something to Biden.
Joe Biden: If I don’t stop doing that you’re going to do what?
McGill rolls her eyes and explains to him again what the problem is and what will happen if he doesn’t stop.
Joe Biden: I’m sorry but that seems physically impossible to do- to yourself.
Dawn McGill: How bad do you want to find out?
Biden wisely removes said hands from McGill’s person.
Nadler accused her of ‘obstruction’ of his oversight.
Pelosi again threatened to take matters into her own hands if McGill did not acquiesce to her demand.
McGill called herself a businesswoman – an ordinary person trying to make ends meet in an increasingly toxic atmosphere by politicians just like Pelosi and Schiff.
Dawn McGill: Perhaps if Joe didn’t send Hunter Biden to try to buy my silence after he got all handsy on me-
Pelosi quickly cut her off.
Nancy Pelosi: Well, I think we’ve heard enough.
Jerry Nadler: I agree.
Adam Schiff: Let’s finish this damn thing.
Nancy Pelosi: Right now!
McGill stood up from her chair.
Dawn McGill: That’s right.  We’re not going to sit here and take this from you anymore.  If Dianne Feinstein can leave early, we’re going to leave too.
McGill turned and motioned to the PCW supporters in the hearing room who suddenly prepared to take their leave.
Dawn McGill: Ladies?  Gentlemen?  We’re done here.
And with that, they began to exit from the hearing room while humming ‘The Star Spangled Banner’- kind of like this…
This, of course, pissed off Pelosi and Schiff to no end.
Nancy Pelosi: Where do you think you’re going?  You’re not walking out on this one!
But they were. The PCW supporters continued to exit as Schiff banged the gavel on the table and tried to restore order.
Nancy Pelosi: You’ve bought it this time.  You’re finished!
More supporters left while Schiff continued to bang the gavel down on the table.
Nancy Pelosi: I’m taking you down.  I’m taking ALL of you down.  No more fun and games Miss McGill.
And more supporters streamed from the hearing room.
Nancy Pelosi: No more PCW-
McGill furiously scribbled away on a sheet of paper. Finally she glanced up and faced Pelosi.
Dawn McGill: Oh. Just to clarify. When Trump ‘purchased’ PCW, he bought the right to air and produce the show. *I* still own the PCW name. *I* still own the shows and intellectual property. *I* still own the pay per views.
She held up the paper.
Dawn McGill: And with my signature right here on this sheet of paper, I just reclaimed my right to air and produce PCW shows as I see fit.
Pelosi and Schiff’s jaws dropped.
Dawn McGill: You can call this…a wres-xit.
Then she got up from the chair and left with the rest.
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