#also sorry if the Dutch is wrong XD
electricrogue · 10 months
Got tagged by @tinknevertalks and @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter and fianlly got around to do this, so thank you (and sorry it took me so long)
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
72 apparently :D
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
244.448 - whew that was a pain to add up. But it is also scary from other points of view (but also fun) so worth it.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sanctuary the most though I did some other stuff as well historically speaking xD.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Keep in mind the kudos are 100% based on how big the fandom is I guess so hmmm not sure it's fair. Here it goes anyway:
Mysterious Ways - Fleabag with Fleabag/Priest which is the only fic I wrote in that fandom funnily enough.
Confessions - La Casa de Papel with The Professor/Raquel
Reunion - same
Five Times Randall Came Up With Vermish Theories And One Time It Got Confirmed - this is The Order with Vera/Hamish and yeah it's basically the kids finding out their sexy boss is fucking (around) with someone they shouldn't but it's The Order and not Sanctuary for some reason :))
Meeting Someone Big - Again Vera/Hamish from the order and funnily enough this is one I would have done a lot better if I were into werewolves but I'm not so it turned fluffy and yeah xD.
See? 5 of them and none Sanctuary it's a good thing I don't write for kudos because I would have been pissed otherwise. I mean I loved these when I wrote them don't get me wrong but... Sanctuary is my baby ok. It's just that it's a very small fandom so yeah.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes I mean come on people do their best to leave them (never got nasty ones not really) so it's the least I can do
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angst not on ao3. Should have been Love in Perpetuity I started that one wanting to kill Helen but it's not ended because I couldn't bring myself to do it so yeah does it really count?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Either The Secret Beneath The Ice or Dear Stranger I guess (I mean Teslen is basically either engaged or with kids at the end so yeah)
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not really
9. Do you write smut?
At some point I did it enough that it had kinda become my go to thing xD
10. Do you write crossovers?
Did my share of those as well
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes - London Miracles got translated into Russian partially.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh I did a lot more than that only not on AO3 xD. Me and some other girls had a porn writing club if you can call it that? And we did some Teslen stuff together. It's on fanfiction.net because we didn't know about ao3 at that point and at least two of us were hormonal teenagers and that's pretty much the only excuse I have for it existing xD. Look it up on your own risk
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Teslen all the way
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Pffff that's a lot of them. London Miracles is the one I feel the worst about because I liked it but I haven't written in ages for it so not sure I can start over. Plus I am taken mostly writing wise for the next year so yeah. Not optimistic about this.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm better at writing dialogue than anything else (which can also get to be a major pain sometimes)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I hate descriptions with a passion especially if it's clothes (filled under why the hell did I sign up for some stuff Jesus Christ)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Me or other people? xD. I know like 4 languages in various degrees but I could get some sentences written in all of them. But French is too cliche, Romanian who the fuck speaks that, Dutch... well doesn't make sense with any of the fandoms I am in (except one but that's not fic writing material I said like the biggest liar in the world) and English is what I am writing fics in in the first place.
Other people writing this? More power to them :). Though if they mess up Romanian (which is the only one I know well enough to know if they do) I would gently point it out.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Tom and Jerry crossover with Chip and Dale. I was like 5 and I shipped Jerry with one of the squirrels not sure what that says about me xD.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
The Admins Know Better. Ooor Feather-Like Messages. They're the most me fics I ever wrote (as in they have a lot of stuff I like, I mean the first one is subtle but I know and this is what matters).
Tagging... hmm. Not sure who wasn't tagged yet from the people I know so I will go with @xbleeple, @zebsfloppyears, and whoever else wants to do it :)
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true-blue-sonic · 1 month
🍓🛼🦷🥝🐚 - If the ask game is still valid
It is, no worries; I reblogged it only yesterday evening, after all🍀
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I'd always had tons of stories floating around in my head, but earlier attempts to write things down (which were very few and far between) just never got anywhere. I think what went wrong there is that I tried writing them by hand... when my hand can't keep up with my mind to begin with and my handwriting is shit XD Though, I'd had a laptop for years at the point when I began writing fanfic, so apparently it never came up in me to try it out? But regardless, one day I decided I'd had enough and I really wanted to give it a shot, and it was so much fun it almost immediately led to my first fic, Belong! So it was basically the desire to create stuff that led me to begin writing fanfic ^-^
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
That's just one of the wips I have, but it's the first one that popped into my mind ^-^
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Perhaps it is on the nose, but GO OUTSIDE if you can. I easily notice that my anxiety is through the roof on days I've been trapped inside the whole time on my 12 square meters of space. It's recommended to walk 30 minutes a day in nature, iirc; I unfortunately don't have much True Untouched NatureTM nearby (or anywhere in Holland lmao), but just seeing some grass and some trees and flowers is already a great start. Our brains like green things, apparently.
Also, if you feel nauseous or your stomach is simply upset, try mint tea. I got it recommended from a friend who swears by it, I myself do too now, and when I told a friend of mine who was sick he said it worked wonders. But steer away from mint toothpaste, that will only aggravate your stomach instead, my mom says.
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
Certainly not about big things, and white lies can make me feel bad as well, depending on the situation (though I am also a firm believer in that white lies aren't necessarily bad and depend heavily on the wording you choose. If someone's wearing the ugliest shirt ever and ask me what I think of it, I won't tell them that if I can see they're happy with it; I'll probably throw out a "It's not my style, but it looks good on you" or smth like that. If I see repercussions attached, I do feel bad about white lies, however. And it depends on the person too: if it's an acquaintance at uni I'll give them a white lie, and if it's my parents I'll ask them if I can be honest and tell them what's really on my mind. I've been hurt enough by brutal honesty myself to know someone immediately going "ew that sucks" about something you like is just really painful.). I'm not sure what the last lie I told would be... I really can't remember, sorry. I'll update when I do ^-^
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
To translate the words of a Dutch comedian: "They're people who do like surprises... but not when it's suddenly." In other words, I can enjoy surprises, but I don't like being caught off-guard in a negative way XD That being said, it does depend on the surprise, though! I got an award from my study association once and that completely blindsided me, but I was delighted to get it <3 Negative surprises however can stay far away from me!
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red-dead-do-over246 · 2 years
Hello!! Love your work so much. I was so excited to see you also write for Kieran!! Can I pretty please get prompt #66 and 82 for Kieran and f!reader? Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤
Sure thing! He’s adorable XD💖I hope this scenario is okay
Forbidden Feelings
You are Dutch’s daughter, which happens to be the worst situation for Kieran.
#66 “Did you just kiss me?”
#82 “I think I’m in love with you and it terrifies me.”
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He was where he always was, with the horses. Ever since getting out of Colter, Kieran can be thankful for one thing.
A place in the gang? Some food? Maybe he’ll finally get some water?
No. Warmer weather.
Even though he saved Arthur’s life, apparently that wasn’t enough to gain the trust of everyone. Granted, he understands the hatred from some, but he still didn’t think that being part of the O’Driscoll's gave Dutch permission to threaten to geld him.
Speaking of Dutch, Kieran never knew that he had a daughter. 
It was needless to say that Kieran had a type. Smart, beautiful, and sweet was something he wanted in a woman. Perhaps it came from his hard lifestyle and wanting some gentleness from that. Whatever the case may be, he can’t help but fall deep into Cupid’s pit whenever the case arises. 
So, he couldn’t help but fall for you, which was a problem.
Dutch was your father and would absolutely shoot him if he ever had the courage to confess to you. So, Kieran has tried to suppress his feelings, but he was such a hopeless romantic that it was hard to do so. 
Kieran just did what he does best. He stayed quiet and admired from afar. However, he didn’t take into account that you would come and talk to him.
“Hello Kieran. How’s H/N?” You one day came up to him one day, asking about your horse who had an injured knee from jumping. However, the sound of your voice nearly put the man into cardiac arrest.
“Sorry!” You said quickly, knowing how easily he frightens. Kieran composed himself quickly before calming the horses that spooked at his reaction.
“I-It’s alright, Y/N...just a little jumpy around here is all...um, H/N is doing a lot better! I hope it’s alright that I gave her a couple treats.” Kieran said, and you nodded happily. Then, you got this look on your face that sent his heart rapidly beating.
“You’re always so kind to the horses, Kieran...it’s adorable. Thank you for taking such good care of H/N.” You mused, not even realizing how much those words had power over him.
“Um...Well...I...” Kieran was at a loss for words as he tried to think of some way to diffuse the situation and change topics. However, as he struggled with his anxiety, you moved forward and placed a grateful kiss on his cheek.
That sent Kieran to space.
“Did you just kiss me?” He asked in complete shock, looking around wildly in case someone saw. You found his reaction both cute and worrisome. Did he really get that scared of the gang?
“Yeah...is there something wrong with that?” You asked him, eyeing him carefully. Kieran was still in a panic.
“What if your father saw?” He asked in a whisper, fearful of Dutch’s wrath. To his surprise, you just started to giggle a bit, making Kieran even more nervous. He was about to say something, but you beat him to it.
“My daddy won’t do anything to you...not if I can help it.” You said sweetly, moving a bit closer to him, biting your lip. He backed up until his back hit the hitching post. 
“W-What do you mean?” Kieran asked, confused by your statement. You innocently moved to fix his neckerchief and brush out his shirt. Then, you gazed up at him, nearly causing his heart to stop.
“You tell me.” You said to him, staring him in the eye.
It was at this moment that Kieran realized he had a choice before him. You clearly knew something was up and was waiting to see if he would reveal it. Kieran didn’t keep secrets well, and his feelings were obviously eating him up inside. He knew he should say something, tell you the truth, even if it got him killed.
Lying was impossible with him, so he was left with no choice.
“I think I’m in love with you and it terrifies me.” Kieran confessed shyly, playing with hands. You slowly removed your hands from his chest, giving him a look that he didn’t know how to read.
Then, without any warning, you kissed him.
It lasted for less than a second, so no one took any notice. However, for Kieran, it felt like a whole new world. It was too short for him, but once you pulled away, he realized where he was and felt all small again.
“It seems I’ve fallen in love with you as well...” You told him, causing his heart to soar.
“B-But...how...” He started to say as you placed your hands back on his chest.
“We’ll make it work.” You promised him before moving to rub one of his arms in a loving manner. Kieran could only smile a bit before you turned to leave, not wanting anyone to get aggressive with Kieran for talking to you. Which they would, no matter what you say.
Kieran just watched you, feeling a bit safer in camp for the first time in forever. You returned his feelings, and he could finally stop having them eat away at him. Kieran moved back to the horses, feeling oddly calm for some reason.
Then a voice brought all the tension back.
“Son, we need to talk.”
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haikyuu-sins · 4 years
Hello!!! I have another fun request for you!
Can I request scenario Law x S/O? Okay a while ago my mother called Law's six pack Kadetjes. XD (Kadetjes is a Dutch word for bolletje brood. Bolletje brood in Eng is bun bread.) And I was like they look the same!
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Also Law hate bread so, *evil laughing😈* It's gonna be fun. Anyway S/O sees his six pack and bun bread on the table. And suddenly realizes they look the same. And they were like heeeey do you know what your six pack looks like? And he's like heh what's it like? And then they say it looks like Kadetjes. Law is like what???? (Kadetjes is old word. So it's use almost never.) They grabs the six bun bread like in the pic and put on the stomach and tell that the six bun bread looks like his six pack and laugh at it. Law looks disgust and the rest you can decide how it goes.
Okay but your mom isn’t wrong! 😂 I’m gonna need that full picture of Law for uh.. Research purposes 😬 lol
*****Law x Reader
You and Ikaku sat in the kitchen waiting for the bread to be done in the oven. “This is when I’m glad that Law doesn’t like bread, it means more for us!” you grin as the timer goes off.
“I know! Now we just have to eat it before the rest of the crew gets here.” Ikaku laughs and she grabs some oven mitts and takes the pan of steaming buns out. The two of you are nearly drooling at the sight and smell of them. “Oh I can’t wait to have one with some butter and jam~”
“I’ll give them five minutes to cool before I start eating!” you exclaimed as you took a deep inhale of the hot bread.
“Come and get me when they’re ready okay? I’m going to go shower really quick and I’ll be in the cabin.” While Ikaku was off showering, you simply cleaned up the kitchen, humming a little tune as you did.
It was then that your captain decided to grace you with his presence with an almost disgusted look on his face. He rarely came out of his office except to eat and get coffee or tea and he just so happened to come out when, “You made...bread.”
“Perfect timing! We made your favorite!” you tease him with a smile.
Law just rolls his eyes and tries to pay no mind to the bread that’s sitting on the counter. It looks like he wants to gag and you can’t help but stifle a laugh. That’s when you noticed something. Law’s button up shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way so you were able to see his abs peeking through.
“Hey Captain.” you said as you eyed him.
He made a sound of acknowledgement while he grabbed a clean mug from the cupboard and some tea to steep.
“You wanna know what your abs look like?”
He’ll admit that this somewhat peaked his interest and he turned around and leaned against the counter with a smug look on his face. “And what’s that?”  
“Kadetjes.” you try not to smirk walking over to the pan of buns and that were cooling off and because it was usually so cold in the sub, it didn’t take long for it to become warm.
“Kadetjes?” His smug look began to fade and his eyes began to narrow as he noticed where this was going. “Don’t you dare.”
You grab the warm pan and put it next to his abs. “Look! They look exactly like bu-”
“Don’t!” Law stared you down, ready to grab them from your hand and throw them across the kitchen. “Don’t do it.”
“Buns.” you finish your sentence and you’re doing your best to keep the smile off your face and you have to put your hand over your mouth to stop the laugh that’s about to escape. But it’s too late. The look on Law’s face caused you to burst out. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it! Captain you can’t even deny it!”
It was true and he hated it. But as much as he wanted to get rid of the bread, he knew you had taken the time to make it and would probably feel about it later. “You better count your blessings that your bread is still in your hands.”
“Okay okay~” you put it back on the counter. “How about I make it up to you? I’ll make you something for a snack.Your tea, too.” taking the mug from his hand, you place it on next to the stove and begin to boil some water for him and make it for him. He watched you cut up some fruit for him and boil some noodles and an egg, as well as some other things to go in as well. “You really should take a break.”
“This is my break.”
“You know what I mean. A longer one. I know you’re just going to eat for ten minutes and then go straight back to work. You deserve some rest for how hard you work.” you brows furrowed and you sighed, stirring the noodles, then putting them in a bowl. You cut the egg in half and placed it on top as well as some other garnishes. The bowl of noodles and the plate of fruit was set on the table for him.
Law let out his own sigh and sat down to eat while you finished making his tea and brought that to him as well. “I can’t exactly afford to take too long of breaks…But thank you.”
You sat down with him. ”Don’t you wanna hang out with us? We miss seeing our captain.” you put your hands under your chin and pout up at him with puppy dog eyes to try and guilt trip him into spending more time with the crew.
It was working. “Stop acting cute…”
“Oh so you think I’m cute~?”
His ears turned a bright shade of pink and his voice gets stuck in his throat for a moment before he rolls his eyes and pushes the plate of fruit over to you so that you can both share. “Shut up…”
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littlestarofthewest · 5 years
Gahd I love your kinky fics!! Pls can u do one with a younger femreader & arthur? Like they like each other but she's younger so he's hesitant to start but then just shows her how a man his age gets it done *wink wink* I'm not into the daddykink but I do like an age gap haha I know youve just done creampie (it was so daamn good!!) but pls pls creampie & dirty talk 🤤 how Javier opened her up....I can imagine Arthur loving that 😂 ps. Honestly best fics out there! ♥️ Thanks for the prompts again!
Thank you for all the love, dear
Also dedicating this to @emily-strange who had a very similar request (you two should talk xD). Sorry I kept you waiting for so long (since freaking December).
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Title: Young Love | Word Count: 9352 | Rating: Explicit!!! (18+)
Pairing: Arthur Morgan & female reader | Tags: angst and fluff and smut
Arthur has no idea what it is that makes you so different. Back when he and John rescued you, you were just a young girl that needed help, and by now, he wishes he would still feel about you this way. 
For months, Arthur tried to treat you like Mary-Beth or Tilly, a young girl that could very well be his sister. It’s just that you make it so hard for him. You’re not naive and silly like some 19-year-olds Arthur met, and although you’re more on the shy side, you still have a way of teasing him with winks and smiles that shouldn’t affect him as much as they do.
In the beginning, Arthur fell headfirst into your trap. He rescued you, after all, so you tended to stick to him, and Arthur let you. You were easy to talk to, with a hunger for knowledge and a good sense of humor, not easily offended when he spoke out of tune. 
When it became clear that you would stay with the gang, Arthur and John taught you how to shoot, and you went on hunts with Charles. After a while, Hosea also allowed you to take part in little heists, Arthur always by your side to make sure you were safe. 
It started then that he began to see you in a different light. You were smart and cunning, using your innocence to lure people in. Men, in particular, are unable to withstand your shy smile, and Arthur found himself to be one of them.
It’s not that you used it against him, but whenever you asked something of him, there was no way for him to say no. Soon, Hosea found bigger jobs for the two of you, calling you a great team. You ended up on the road a lot, often just the two of you.
Arthur did his best to act respectively, but you seemed so comfortable around him that you sometimes didn’t care much about decency. He got to see more of your long legs and your cleavage than was good for him, and you had no trouble touching him or sleeping closeby when sharing a tent.
Slowly but surely, Arthur got more and more enticed by you, and it got so bad that he dreamt about you in ways that were anything but decent. Soon, those dreams and reality blurred together, and Arthur found himself staring at you at the worst of times, imagining all kinds of inappropriate things.
Today, Arthur would give anything to not be in camp. It’s your 20th birthday, and since it’s your first one since you’ve joined the gang, Dutch announced a little celebration. Arthur gave you his present, a new hunting knife, early in the morning, and ever since then, he tried to stay away from you.
Now, Arthur‘s sitting on a log farthest away from the fire, nursing a beer in his hand. The others are going to town with whiskey and rum, the alcohol taking its toll. Karen is sitting on Sean’s lap, the two of them the loudest but not the best at singing along to the songs Javier plays. 
Once in a while, Uncle chimes in with the banjo, causing some laughs. Soon, most of the gang is drunk enough to dance around the fire. John and Abigail do a surprisingly decent job, not arguing for a change, while Lenny tortures your feet.
Arthur can tell that you’re soldiering on, but while Lenny is kind and wicked smart, he’s still not the most skilled when it comes to dancing. When Hosea gets up from his seat, Arthur hopes that he might release you, and he actually claps Lenny’s shoulder.
“My dear boy, I fear you need some more practice before we can let you dance with the ladies.“
Everybody laughs, and you give Lenny an apologetic smile, but he just shrugs, not taking offense. Arthur’s sure Hosea will take over now, showing Lenny how to do a better job, but instead, he turns around.
“This lady deserves a decent birthday dance,“ Hosea says. "Arthur? Would you be so kind?“
All eyes dart to Arthur, and he wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole. He loves Hosea with all his heart, but sometimes he would like to smack him. 
"Arthur can’t dance,“ Sean blurts out, saying out loud what everybody else must be thinking. 
Dutch laughs at the heartfelt announcement. "No see, there’s a big difference between not being able to do something and deliberately denying the world your gift.“
Arthur shakes his head, ready to disappoint both Hosea and Dutch, but then Hosea points at you. "Come on, you can’t say no to a birthday dance with this lovely young lady.“
That’s exactly the problem. You’re young, way too young for Arthur, and he can’t say no to you, not ever. Looking into your curious face, Arthur puts down the bottle and gets to his feet. Hosea pats his shoulder, and Dutch applauds as if they already watched a great show.
"Now watch and learn, gentlemen,“ he cheers.
Arthur does his best to ignore everybody else, his eyes focused on you. A tingling feeling rushes through his body the second he takes your hand, and he leads you away from the fire to have more room. Besides, it will be easier to talk to you without the others hearing what he says.
"I’ll have to put my hand on your back,“ Arthur warns you, wishing he could say something that would turn you away, but you just smile at him.
"It’s alright, Arthur,“ you say, amusement in your voice, "I know how dancing works.“
Arthur swallows hard when he puts his hand in place on the small of your back. You rest your hand on his shoulder, and just like so many times before, you have no problem with being near him. Taking a step forward, you close the gap between Arthur and you, and he feels like dying when your body presses warm against his own.
Counting in a whisper, Arthur tries to give you an idea when to start, and then you’re off. Although Arthur hasn’t danced in years, it all comes back to him now. Just like shooting a gun, it’s something you do without thinking. Lead by Arthur, you have no trouble following along, and some of the gang members even whistle and cheer.
By the time the song is over, Arthur has a hard time letting you go. Still pressed against him, your chest rises and falls with the exhausted breaths you take, your face flushed, and your hair a little looser and out of place from being swirled around. You look as if you and Arthur did something way more indecent than dancing, the picture searing itself into Arthur’s brain.
To make the torture complete, you smile at him as if he just hung the moon, going on tiptoes to press a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Arthur.”
There’s clapping from around the campfire before Dutch and Hosea take turns telling stories about heists where their dancing skills were essential. When Arthur is sure that nobody focuses on him anymore, he takes the chance to sneak away, heading into the nearby woods.
On the first day at the new campsite, Arthur found a hidden arch in between two big trees that leads to a small meadow. He leans against a tree with closed eyes, filling his lungs with fresh evening air, trying his best not to think about the dance. Of course, he ends up thinking just about that, and especially about how you looked afterward.
Your voice draws Arthur out of his daydream. It’s not you in his imagination, but you’re really in front of him. "What?”
“I’m sorry,” you say in that timid voice you use when you think you did something wrong, “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“No, it’s alright.” Arthur pushes himself off of the tree. “Just didn’t think anybody knew of this place.”
“I found it a day after we made camp,” you say, twisting the fabric of your skirt with your fingers.
Arthur knows that it’s a habit of you that only shows when you’re nervous. He’s not used to seeing it when the two of you are alone.
“Is there something you need?” he asks, thinking that you might have some sort of problem.
“I wanted to ask you something,” you say, still fidgeting with your skirt. “I know you’ve already given me a great present, but there’s something else I wish for, and you’re the only one I want to ask for it.”
Arthur’s heart pounds faster. It’s as if you know that he won’t be able to say no, and since you’re asking him in the middle of the woods, it’s probably something more than just a request for more shooting lessons. Still, Arthur can’t help himself. It’s you, after all, so he has to ask. “What is it?”
“In Mary-Beth’s novels, people always have these great kisses, but all the boys I’ve met were just-” You don’t finish the sentence, but Arthur has been a 19-year-old boy himself. They often aren’t that great with romance and tenderness. 
You take a step towards Arthur, making his heart almost leap out of his chest. “I’m 20 years old now,” you continue with a sigh, looking up at him. “All I want is one real kiss. With a real man. Like you.”
Arthur can tell how hard it is for you to say this, your voice getting quieter with every word while the blood rushing through his veins becomes so loud that he can hardly hear you. Still, you manage to hold his gaze when he’s looking for words.
“Those are just books, ya know?” Arthur says.
It’s the wrong thing to say. You shrink like fruit in the hot sun, all hope draining from your face to be replaced by sadness. Arthur hates to see you like this, especially when he’s the reason for it. But what else can he say? It’s not his place to give you any kisses. The way he thinks about you is already shameful enough.
“You’re right,” you finally say, your voice near tears. “It’s stupid. I shouldn’t have asked.”
You turn around, and Arthur’s heart stands still. He failed you. After promising to protect you, he hurt you more than anybody else. And why? Because of stupid rules. It’s not like you’re asking for something terrible. Just a kiss. Just a favor from a friend.
“Wait,” Arthur says, the word barely more than a whisper.
You turn back around, and Arthur takes your hand, tugging just enough to have you come back to him. You look up to him, waiting for an explanation, but he knows he doesn’t have the words for this. Instead, Arthur cups your face with his hand, pulling you closer. 
He feels like he’s drowning in your eyes, unable to stop now, so he leans in to close the gap between you. Arthur can hear you taking a shaky breath, his own chest feeling like it’s about to burst. He’s never considered himself a great kisser, but he tries to be gentle with you, knowing all too well what novels you’ve been reading.
At first, your lips barely touch, Arthur still giving you a chance to stop. Instead, you lean into it. Arthur puts his hand onto the small of your back the same way he did during the dance, drawing you in before pressing another soft kiss to your lips. Your hands come to rest against his chest, sending waves of heat through his body.
Arthur knows that this should be it. You got your kiss after all, but something deep in his soul keeps him in place. It kept screaming and clawing at him for months, telling him how much he wanted to be with you. You mentioning other boys kissing you awakened a horrible ache in Arthur, raging like a fire that consumes him.
Despite telling himself over and over that he can’t be with you, Arthur longs to have so much more with you. The thought that someone could take you away is killing him, forcing him to hold on to you. 
Arthur teases your lip with his tongue, and you eagerly open up for him, giving him a sweet taste of what could be. His hand runs down from your face along your neck, touching soft, warm skin before it ventures deeper. Arthur caresses your side, his fingers trailing along the curve of your breast and down to your hip.
With his other hand moving down to the swell of your ass, Arthur pulls you even closer, deepening the kiss. Your hot tongue brushes against his own, the sensation so overwhelming that everything around the two of you blurs. 
Arthur gets lost in your kisses, the warmth of your body, your scent, and all the promises your body makes, pressed against him like a second skin. His fingers claw into the flesh on your hips as he rubs himself against you, lust tightening his pants.
You let out a soft moan, and from one second to the next, the world shifts back into focus. Searing pain shoots through Arthur’s body as if hit by lightning. This isn’t one of his fantasies where he’s allowed to be with you. It’s real, and it’s you. A girl who deserves so much better than him.
Arthur steps away from you in a hurry, his tone harsh as he barks at you. “Go back to camp!”
You take a step toward him, reaching out. “But Arthur-”
“Goddamn, girl! Go back to camp, right now!”
Arthur’s never thought that he’d be able to even raise his voice when talking to you, but now he shouts, making you freeze on the spot. You stare at him for a few seconds before you finally come to your senses. You turn around and rush through the trees, running from him like a startled deer.
With a growl, Arthur turns around, punching his fist against the nearest tree at full force. He’d hoped the pain would drive out the thoughts about you, but even with his knuckles bleeding, it’s not enough. Memories rush into his mind, of you looking at him, talking to him, touching him. 
Arthur remembers the dance with every detail, and even worse, the kiss you just shared. Usually, it’s a gift to see something and be able to draw it right from his memory, but now it becomes a curse. He’ll never forget the taste of your lips, the way you held on to him, how your body melted against his. In dark, lonely nights, he’ll remember that enticing sound you made when he pushed himself against you.
You didn’t shy away from his touches, and Arthur realizes with horror that you might have let him do even more. You asked him for a kiss, but that’s rarely where the stories end. Maybe, you would have wanted more. Maybe, you would have allowed him to have you, right then and there, on the forest floor.
With a grunt, Arthur frees himself from his pants, stroking his cock so hard that it’s more painful than pleasurable. The thoughts consume him, the memories of you so vivid as if you were still there. 
It doesn’t take Arthur long to reach his peak, his cock throbbing, hot spurs of come shooting against the bark of the tree in front of him. Tucking himself away, Arthur watches as it trickles down. Out of control as he is, he could have done such horrible things to you. 
Consumed by shame, Arthur walks back through the trees, a plan forming in his mind. If he wants to protect you, he can’t be near you until he’s ingrained it in himself that he can never have you. Arthur has to go - far away.
You have a hard time focusing on your work, looking up again and again to sneak a peek at Arthur across camp. If you keep going like that, the water will be ice cold until you’re done washing all the clothes, and Miss Grimshaw will have your head. Still, you can’t keep yourself from doing it, almost like you need to have your fill of Arthur before he disappears again. 
With a sigh, you remember the time after your kiss. In the morning, Arthur was gone, only Hosea knowing where he went. He didn’t come back for four weeks, and when he did, he avoided you at all costs. You barely got to see Arthur at all for about three months after that. He either was in his tent or out of camp altogether. 
Over the last month, Arthur stayed more often and didn’t leave the second you showed up. You at least got a “good morning” out of him every day, and once in a while, you had brief conversations about the weather or the latest successful jobs of the other gang members. 
You feel like it still might take quite some time before things could go back to normal, if at all. You don’t blame Arthur, though. You risked your friendship over a stupid crush, using his kindness to trick him into getting what you wanted. 
Of course, you should have known that Arthur didn’t feel the same way as you. To him, you must be nothing but a stupid little girl that needs constant supervision and help. You asked Arthur for a real kiss from a real man, ignoring that you didn’t even come close to being a real woman. 
After all this time, you still can’t forget how Arthur kissed you, giving you all that you wanted while you had nothing to offer in return. All you could do now is to apologize and beg Arthur for forgiveness. 
With another sigh, you go back to scrubbing the laundry. When you carry the basket with the wet clothes through camp to hang them up to dry, Hosea and Arthur walk past you. You give them a quick nod, keeping up appearances for Hosea’s sake. Arthur looks up, and it’s the first time that you get to hold eye contact with him for more than a second.
“Mylady,” he says, his voice soft.
The two men keep walking without pause, but you almost trip, your heart pounding. It’s been so long that Arthur had a kind word for you, but the familiar greeting brings you right back into the time before the kiss when everything was alright.
Your eyes fill with tears, and you do your best to quickly blink them away, but when you begin to hang up the clothes, Mary-Beth walks over to you.
“Are you alright?” she asks, leaning over to get a better look at your face.
“Sure,” you answer, focusing on the laundry.
From the corner of your eye, you can see Mary-Beth looking over to Arthur. “I didn’t mean to say anything. After all, it’s your business if you get along with Arthur, but this? If he makes you cry in the middle of camp, I’ll have a word with him. I mean it.”
You’ve never seen Mary-Beth talking so fiercely, and usually, she adores Arthur. That she would pick a fight with him over you makes your heart melt.
“It’s not him, it’s me,” you explain. “I did something foolish, and Arthur is right to be angry at me. I appreciate that you’re trying to help, but please don’t say anything to him.”
“But the crying,” Mary-Beth insists.
“Happy tears,” you say, giving her a big smile. “I think it’s going to be alright again.”
Mary-Beth looks back and forth between you and Arthur before pulling out a handkerchief and giving it to you. “Fine. But if there’s anything you need, please tell me.”
“I will. Thank you, Mary-Beth. You’re the best.”
She blushes a little and finally walks away, giving you another chance to look over to Arthur. You almost get caught when he and Hosea come your way.
“Can we have a word?” Hosea asks you with a smile, and you almost drop the shirt you’re holding.
You can’t believe that Arthur would tell Hosea about the kiss, but you can’t think of anything else they would want to talk about. “Sure,” you say, your fingers playing with the wet fabric in your hand while your heart pounds so hard that you wonder if they can hear it.
“I’ve got some information about a rich couple that moved from the city into a cabin up north. Really secluded, good spot if you know how to live off the land,” Hosea explains, giving you a chance to breathe again. It’s about a job. Nothing more.
“And they know how to do that?” you ask.
Hosea smiles. “Not from what I hear. I want Arthur and you to go up there and check it out. You might be able to charm them, offer your help. Maybe you can find out if they still got more riches left in the city.”
“Or we could just rob them,” Arthur says, his voice barely audible, but Hosea nudges his elbow into Arthur’s side.
“Don’t act like the brute, Arthur. We both know you’re much more than that.”
You know that to be true, but Arthur just grunts as if he doubts Hosea’s words. You wish you could tell him otherwise, but you don’t even dare to look at him.
Hosea takes a piece of paper out of his jacket and hands it to Arthur. “That’s the place.”
Arthur studies what looks like a hand-drawn map while rubbing his beard. “I say we head out right now. If we make camp when it gets dark, we should be able to reach the cabin tomorrow by noon.”
You wait for Hosea to answer, but when he stays silent, you look up to find the two men looking at you, and you realize Arthur’s talking to you, not Hosea.
“Oh, sure,” you hurry to say, “just let me finish up here, and I’ll get my things.”
“Great,” Hosea says, “glad to have the two of you on this. I was worried I’d have to send Bill.”
He winks at you and walks away, leaving you alone with Arthur. You rack your brain what to say, but Arthur beats you to it. “I was kinda planning on wearing that again.”
You stare at him, drowning in his eyes until he nods to your hands. You’ve been wringing the shirt between your fingers, only now seeing that it’s one of Arthur’s. “Oh, of course. I just-" 
You turn around on the spot, hastily going back to work. "I’ll meet you at the horses,” Arthur says behind you. His voice is warm, flowing down your back like a sweet caress. It tightens your chest how much you missed him talking to you. 
“I’ll be just a minute,” you manage to say, only able to catch your breath once you hear Arthur walking away.
After finishing the laundry, you pack what you’ll need for the trip and say goodbye to the other girls. Mary-Beth gives you a wary look when she hears that you’re riding out with Arthur, but you give her a big smile to reassure her that you’re alright.
Not that you are. On the one hand, you’re looking forward to working with Arthur again, and the trip might finally give you a chance to apologize, but on the other hand, you’re nervous as hell. It’s been so long since you’ve been alone with Arthur, and he might still be angry with you.
With your heart almost beating out of your chest, you walk over to Arthur. He already saddled up your horse, checking if everything is in place on his own mare. 
“Hey,” you say, trying to make him aware of you.
“You ready?” he asks, not looking up from what he’s doing. 
“Yes, I am,” you say, and when he stays silent, you feel the need to keep him engaged. “Where are we even going?”
Finally, Arthur looks at you before handing you the map Hosea gave him. When you reach for the paper, your fingers brush over Arthur’s skin. It’s warm and so weirdly familiar that this brief touch tightens your chest again while Arthur gets back to his work. 
You stare at the map, trying hard to level your breathing without Arthur noticing. Finally, Arthur pulls himself up on his horse. “Ready to go?” he asks, and you quickly climb onto your mare.
As you head out on the narrow path, you hold the map out to Arthur. He takes it back, his fingertips trailing over your skin this time. Arthur doesn’t react at all, but your body fills with heat, brought on by the memories that have been haunting you for months.
Your horse keeps pace with Arthur’s while your mind drifts off, remembering how everything started. At first, you were just thankful for Arthur saving you. Even in your short life, you had to learn that there were evil people in the world, especially men when faced with a young girl. Arthur was nothing like that. 
Despite his own claims to the contrary, you can’t bring yourself to think of him as bad. He might be robbing people, but he doesn’t lay a finger on them. Just like he always respected you. At first, you thought of him as a good friend, a little bitter or sarcastic at times, but also funny, kind, and awfully sweet if he wanted to be.
Your feelings for him changed one day when Arthur helped you down from one of the wagons when the gang was moving camp. He waved at you with outstretched arms before lifting you down. You held on to his broad shoulders while his large hands closed warm around your waist. He set you down on the ground and smiled, having your heart pounding like crazy.
Maybe you’ve read too many of Mary-Beth’s books, hoping for so much more than there was, but everything changed after this moment. You found yourself staring at Arthur at all times, and somehow he turned from a friend to a man. You were always aware of his body and his voice, your body reacting to him in ways that often took your breath away.
After a while, you found yourself wanting more, and when Hosea sent you on all these jobs together, you even tried to seduce Arthur. Not that you had much experience on how to do that, but usually, a little naked skin and closeness does the trick for most men. Arthur didn’t react at all, not even when sleeping with you in the same tent, making you want him even more.
And then there was your birthday. The dance put a final nail into your coffin. There was something about the way Arthur held you, how he effortlessly made you follow him, and twirled you around. You wanted for him to do more, to take you like those confident men who swept the women off their feet in the books. 
Arthur disappearing into the trees was a siren’s call to you, and when he walked to that secluded meadow, it seemed like fate. This could have been your fairytale, so you put up all your courage, offering yourself to him. You imagined it many times, but then Arthur kissed you in a way that was beyond your wildest dreams. You asked for a real kiss but never thought that it could be that good. 
Despite Arthur’s anger, you still can’t fully regret what you did. Now that Arthur showed you how he feels, you have to make your peace knowing that you’ll never be with him. But no matter if you die alone or find another man, you’ll at least have the memory of one perfect kiss.
“Are you hearing me?”
Arthur’s voice only slowly reaches your ears, stopping you from wallowing in your memories. “What?”
“Let’s head for the saloon over there. They might have rooms.”
You stare in the direction of his outstretched hand, your mind racing. You planned to apologize to Arthur once you made camp, in the silence of the night. You won’t have a chance for that in a noisy saloon. 
“But it’s still early,” you say. “We can make a few more miles until dusk.”
Arthur’s already steering his horse off the road. “We don’t have to. We already made more than half of the way. You’re better off with a real meal and a bed to sleep in.”
You bite your lip, hating that Arthur messes up your plan by looking out for you. It’s infuriating and sweet at the same time, the embodiment of Arthur. 
After hitching your horses outside, you venture into the saloon. For such a secluded place, it has quite the amount of customers, even more so considering the early hour. You walk to the bar with Arthur, where he orders two whiskeys, but before you’re able to drink, he suddenly taps your shoulder. “Excuse me for a second. I know these men over there.”
He walks over to a table where a bunch of rowdy fellers play poker, leaving you with a burning sensation where he touched you. You make up for it by downing one of the two glasses in one go, contemplating to drink the other, too. 
“Now, who would let a sweet girl like you drink alone?”
The high pitched voice behind you sends a shiver down your spine. You’ve had men talk to you like this many times, but it hasn’t happened since you’ve joined the gang. When you were out, you always had someone like Arthur or Charles with you who kept idiots at bay without even trying.
“I’m not alone,” you say, trying to spot Arthur, but you’re suddenly surrounded by four men.
The one who spoke to you before comes closer, putting an arm up on the bar to box you in. “I don’t see nobody.”
“My husband will be back any second,” you say, hating how weak your voice sounds.
The man gives you a wide grin, presenting his half-rotten teeth. “He’s not here now, missy. Only you and us.”
He trails his fingers over your hand, and you react without thinking. Using the element of surprise, you duck below his arm, sidestepping another guy before he can grab you. Basically flying through the room, you reach Arthur, immediately clinging to his arm. 
Both Arthur and the men at the table are staring at you in surprise, but nothing in this world could make you let go off Arthur now. “I missed you at the bar,” you say, trying to sound casual, but your voice is shaking a little.
Arthur takes a look at them, and his eyes narrow, a wild look appearing in them while you can see the muscles of his jaw clenching. He reaches into his pocket before turning back to the men at the table. “Anyway, I just wanted to pay back what I owe,” he says, handing a few dollars to one of the men, “no hard feelings, right?”
The man counts the money, a smile coming onto his face. “Of course, no hard feelings,” he says, sharing the money with the other men.
“Have a good day, gentlemen,” Arthur says, tipping his head. 
As Arthur turns, he pries your hand away from his arm, prompting you to protest, but then he puts his arm around you, his hand resting on your hip as you walk back to the bar. Arthur orders more drinks and keeps standing so close that you can feel his body against yours.
“So that’s your husband, missy?” the man with the high voice asks from the other end of the bar, letting your blood run cold. You forgot to mention that little detail to Arthur.
“Excuse me?” Arthur asks, an edge to his voice that you know. It never ends well for the person he’s talking to.
The man sneers at him. “I’m talking to her.”
“You don’t talk to my wife,” Arthur says, the words making you shiver. Then he steps in front of you, shielding you from view with his whole body.
The two men stare at each other in silence, and you know that something terrible is about to happen. The man moves his arm, there’s a loud bang, and then he falls backward, blood trickling down his forehead. All eyes are on him as he collides with the floor, his gun slipping out of his hand. 
Deep down, you seem to relive every lesson about shooting a gun that Arthur and John have given you. You step around Arthur, pulling his second gun out of its holster and pointing it right at the man’s face nearest to you. He stares down the barrel with wide eyes while Arthur trains his gun on one of the others. You know you’re outnumbered, but you won’t go down without a fight, and everybody in the saloon just saw that Arthur might be quicker than them.
The men look back and forth between you and Arthur, contemplating if they can take you. Before it can come to that, the poker players get to their feet, taking position behind you and Arthur. The man who took Arthur’s money rests his hand on his gun.
“The way I see it, your friend here was outta line. That’s really no way to talk to a married woman.” He looks around, and the other men in the saloon give small nods to agree with him. “I suggest you take him out of here and be on your way. We wanna play in peace, you understand?”
The men don’t move until Arthur slowly lowers his gun. You follow his lead, and the man in front of you steps back. They put their guns away to pick up the body and quickly make their way outside.
“Thank you,” Arthur says to the poker players, and the man who spoke just shrugs.
“Never liked those fellers anyway. You fancy a game?”
“No, we’ll better be on our way.”
“Suit yourself.”
The men go back to their game while Arthur puts his hand on your back, leading you outside. He unties the horses, constantly looking around. 
“Why are we going?” you say, your heart still pounding from what just happened. “Wouldn’t we be safer with these guys?”
“These guys are only friendly for a prize,” Arthur says. “And the men who left was O'Driscolls. I bet they’ll be back in numbers. We don’t want to be here when that happens.”
Arthur gets on his horse and holds out his hand to you. “Come on.”
“I have my own horse.”
“I won’t let you ride alone when those guys might come up behind us.”
Arthur just shot a guy because he didn’t like the way he talked to you. It’s probably useless to argue with him now. You take his hand, and he lifts you up with ease. “Hold on,” he says, and you happily reach around his waist, pressing yourself against his back.
Arthur spurs on his horse, quickly bringing it into a gallop, barely giving you time to whistle for your own horse to follow. You ride hard until the sun begins to go down. Arthur checks both sides of the road to find a good spot for camp, and you end up on a hilltop. A few large boulders shield you from view while the higher ground lets you see for miles in any direction. There’s no chance that anybody could sneak up on you here.
You get a fire going, and Arthur sets up a tent while you try to make a decent meal out of the provisions you brought along. When Arthur is done, he sits down on his bedroll, and you hand him a steaming bowl. 
“It’s not the decent meal you were talking about earlier,” you say, feeling guilty that Arthur’s plans got all messed up because of you.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Arthur says, bringing the bowl closer to smell its content. “I remember the great meals you used to make on our last jobs.”
You almost joke about that being a wife’s job, but while Arthur backed up your lie in the saloon, he might not find it funny. Instead, you eat your food in silence. When Arthur’s finished, he takes out his journal and writes, leaving you to stare into the fire. Everything is so nice and peaceful, you’re not quite sure if you should apologize to Arthur at all. What if that only rips open old wounds?
Sneaking a look at Arthur, you can see the difference in how he moves his pencil. He’s no longer writing but draws something. You tell yourself that it’s none of your business, but you’ve always loved Arthur’s art, and you are one of the few people he sometimes shows it to. Hoping that this might be something you can talk about, you crawl over to Arthur.
“What are you drawing?”
Arthur puts the pages together for a moment, looking like he’s embarrassed, but then he opens the journal and hands it to you. The drawing shows a campfire with a woman sitting in front of it, staring into the flames. You.
“You’re so good at this,” you say, your eyes fixed on the page. 
“Good at something useless,” Arthur grunts.
You have to disagree. It’s still a mystery to you how someone can capture life and emotions with a pencil and paper. The woman in the drawing looks lost, though. You won’t be able to just forget what happened, you have to talk to Arthur.
Putting down the journal, you take a deep breath. “Arthur, I’m sorry.”
He studies your face for a long moment, deep in thought. “Sorry for what?”
“The kiss,” you blurt out before you lose your courage. “You’ve always been such a good friend, and I took advantage of that. I asked you because I knew that you wouldn’t say no. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you,” Arthur says, and you feel like hitting him for taking any of the blame.
“You were right to be angry. I should have known that you’d never feel the same way about me.”
Arthur takes a deep breath as if it’s hard for him to say the following words. “If you was a little older, or I was a bit younger-”
Arthur trails off, but your heart is already pounding. You thought that Arthur doesn’t feel anything for you, but here he is, drawing your picture and worrying about your age, not angry about the kiss at all.
“I thought you didn’t like me, Arthur.”
“Jesus, girl,” Arthur huffs, almost amused, “of course I like you. You’re right out perfect. It just doesn’t matter what I feel. It’s just not right.”
“It matters to me,” you say, your voice breathless as hope blooms in your heart, “I don’t care about the age difference.”
Arthur’s lost for words for a moment, but then he shrugs. “It’s not just that. You deserve way better than me.”
Usually, you’re not one to get your way. You accept what others tell you and move on, putting their wishes above yours. This can’t be one of those times. It’s too important, and you couldn’t live with yourself if you didn’t try everything to be happy. 
“I might be young, but I’m not naive or stupid. I know that you’re not perfect, but neither are the ranchers who hurt their cattle or the merchants who draw up the prices when the poor can barely pay them,” you say, talking yourself into a frenzy. “Unlike those fancy dressed crooks in the big city, you are so much more.”
Arthur lifts his hand as if to interrupt you, but for once, you don’t let him, continuing your tirade. “I fell in love with you because you’re kind, funny, and caring. You’re not lining your own pockets, but do whatever you have to to help your family and even strangers. You don’t take pleasure from cruelty, but manage to ease other people’s misery and pain. You’re a good person, Arthur. I really don’t see how I could possibly do better.”
Staring at you out of big eyes, Arthur opens his mouth, but nothing comes out until he clears his throat, his voice still hoarse when he speaks. “In love?”
It’s unnerving that this is the one thing Arthur took from this, but you said it, and there’s no point in denying it. “Yes, I love you, Arthur,“ you say, shrugging your shoulders. "I’m old enough to know that I want to be with you. Not a better or younger version of you, but you just the way you are.“
Arthur drops his head, his eyes fixed on the flames in front of him. You would give anything to know what he’s thinking, but you won’t ask. You said everything you wanted to say, and if that’s not enough for Arthur, then there’s nothing you can do.
When Arthur looks back up at you, there’s an expression on his face you’ve never seen before. You can’t tell if it’s good or bad, your heart racing in your chest. All you know is that whatever Arthur’s about to say next will decide your future together.
Everything you said to Arthur is swirling around in his head, making him dizzy. For months, he tried to get over you, and Arthur only agreed to let you come along because he was sure he finally got his feelings under control. He should have known better.
What happened in the saloon showed Arthur how afraid he was to lose you, and calling you his wife, even as a ruse, made him happier than anything in a long time. After what you just told Arthur, the two of you can’t go back to things how they were before, and he has to admit that you’re right. You’re able to make your own decisions, and if you decided – for whatever reason – that you wanted to be with him, then who is he to take that away from you? 
Arthur‘s heart sings at the mere thought of giving in. No matter his feelings of right and wrong, nobody can blame him for losing this battle, not if you’re sitting there, begging him with all that you have to allow the two of you to be happy.
When Arthur looks into your eyes, the longing in his heart grows so unbearable that he can’t take it anymore. He opens his arms, inviting you in. "Come here.“
You fly into Arthur’s arms without a second of hesitation, proving once more that he’s doing the right thing. Arthur pulls you into his lap, and you put your arms around his neck, making him look up into your beautiful face.
"I tried for so long,“ he says, defeat in his voice. "I can’t get you out of my head.“
Arthur trails his fingers along your cheek as you smile at him. "You’re not supposed to.“
He draws you in, and you follow, letting him kiss you. Arthur thought there could be nothing better than your first kiss, but nothing compares to this one. This time, there’s nothing bad or shameful about it. 
You melt against Arthur’s body, your hands running through his hair while he holds you close, not wanting to let go ever again. Arthur wouldn’t mind staying like this forever, but you roll your hips, grinding against him.
"Arthur, I want you,” you say, looking at him in a way that makes his heart miss a beat, but then you cast your eyes down as if ashamed. “If you want me, too.”
Every impure thought that Arthur had about you rushes through his mind, and he has a hard time not to throw you down to the ground and have his way with you. After all, you deserve much better than that. He’ll respect your wishes, but he still feels like it’s his responsibility to protect you.
“Of course I want you,” he says, his words getting you to look at him again, “but we have time. There’s no need to rush anything.”
“Rush?” I’ve been thinking about this for a long time.“ You let out a little laugh before running your hand over your face as if you want to hide. "I even tried seducing you when we were alone, but you never seemed to care.”
Arthur can’t help that his mouth falls open, thinking about all those times he had to hold himself back. “You did that on purpose?”
“What do you think? I don’t just undress in front of everybody,” you say, playing with the buttons on Arthur’s shirt.
“You gave me such a hard time with that,” Arthur says with a sigh. “This is already bad enough.”
He’s holding you by the hips, feeling how you begin to move on top of him. “Then maybe I should try one more time,” you whisper.
You reach down to unbutton your dress, pushing down your chemise. This time, Arthur looks without reservation before leaning in and kissing the exposed skin. You bury your fingers in his hair, still rolling your hips, and Arthur has to admit to himself that you might not be as innocent as you seem. It makes no sense to treat you like a delicate flower when you’re actually the storm.
Arthur reaches down to hike up your skirt, his fingers trailing along the soft skin of your thighs. You hold still but reach down to help him, pulling your dress up right over your head. It takes a little fumbling, but it’s worth it. Having you sit on top of him in your thin chemise brings heat to Arthur’s whole body, and he can’t help that he’s getting painfully hard in his pants.
There’s a knowing grin on your face, almost as if you’re mocking him, and Arthur can’t take it anymore. He lifts you up and leans forward, carefully putting you down on his bedroll. Without hesitation, Arthur pulls up the skirt, and you wiggle under him, letting him undress you fully.
Arthur can’t remember having seen anything so beautiful in his entire life. In the dim light of the fire, your skin has a lovely glow, your body a perfect combination of straight lines and inviting curves. If he wasn’t so desperate to touch you, Arthur would have loved to draw you like this.
With his fingers, Arthur follows a line from your cheek along your neck, tracing your collarbone and climbing up the swell of your breast. Your nipple hardens under his touch, and Arthur can’t help but lean in and suck it into his mouth. You let out a surprised gasp, soon followed by barely audible moans when Arthur keeps teasing your breasts with both lips and hands.
You reach for him, eagerly pushing down his suspenders, and Arthur comes up for a moment to let you get him out of his shirt. Your eyes roam over his naked chest while your hands massage his muscles, coming to rest on his shoulders. You draw Arthur in, letting him kiss your breasts and stomach while your fingers dig into the skin on his back. 
Arthur moves even lower, his hands closing around your thighs. You eagerly open your legs for him, giving him a first look at the sweet locks that cover your mount and lips. Arthur traces his fingers in a swirling line through them before touching your soft center. You gasp again when Arthur pushes between your folds, enticing wetness greeting him. 
He wouldn’t mind teasing you some more, but you reach for him, beckoning him to come back to you. “Arthur, please.”
Arthur follows your plea, crawling over your body, his arms propped up next to your face. You pull him in for a kiss, your tongue licking into his mouth as if you might die without his taste. You keep him close like this while your hands wander down his chest and to his pants. You pry them open, getting hot waves to roll all over Arthur’s body.
The anticipation is unbearable, and Arthur moans against your lips when you finally close your fingers around his cock to get him out of his pants. Free from the enclosure, you reward him with slow strokes along his whole lengths, making Arthur bite his lip.
You soothe him with soft kisses, but you’re just as desperate, your hips moving under him. “Take me, Arthur, please.”
Arthur wishes he could show more restraint, but he’s dreamed about this way too often in too many ways to hold back now. He runs the tip of his cock through your folds, using your wetness to get himself slick as well, and when your fingers dig into his shoulders, Arthur pushes in. 
You’re so hot and tight, he hopes he can keep this up and goes as slowly as he can. You still gasp in surprise, and more sighs and moans break out of you when Arthur conquers you inch by inch. Once he’s fully sheeted inside of you, Arthur holds still, enjoying the feeling of being close.
“You okay?” he whispers against your lips, and you take a deep breath before being able to reply.
“God, yes,” you sigh, rolling your hips again.
Arthur dares to move with you. You kiss, again and again, hands roaming over heated skin, while Arthur pushes into you at a steady pace. Your hands wander around Arthur’s neck, and soon you seem to hold on for dear life. With your breathing speeding up, Arthur knows you won’t make it much longer, and the harder he thrusts into you, the more desperate become your moans.
Leaning in to kiss and bite your neck, Arthur finally throws you over the edge. Your thighs shake as you come, your muscles clenching around Arthur’s cock. You cling to him, whispering profanities he never thought you capable of knowing, and it becomes harder and harder for him to hold back.
Still, Arthur tries not to overwhelm you, but you keep moving, spurring him on. “Please, Arthur. I want you, I want all of you.”
With your beautiful, young body moving under him in ecstasy, Arthur can’t hold back his lust. His fingers dig hard into your flesh as he buries himself deep in your hot core, filling you up with his come.
You’re both drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Arthur wishes he could ask if you’re alright, but he doesn’t have enough air. Instead, you share a few soft kisses. Despite that first wave of satisfaction, Arthur can’t stop touching you. His fingers trace over your smooth skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Arthur’s been thinking about being with you for so long, he feels as if he’s in a dream. He kisses his way down your body, and when his hands massage your thighs, you open his legs for him. Arthur trails his fingers over your soft lips, making you roll your hips.
Teased like this, Arthur can see how your muscles work, and his come is swelling out of you, trickling down. The sight steers something inside of Arthur. It’s as if he marked you, finally making you his. 
He can’t help but touch you, and the urge to taste you as well overcomes him. Arthur leans in, running his tongue over your clit, and you let out a surprised moan. With his hands on your thighs, Arthur keeps teasing you with his tongue. 
He doesn’t mind his own taste that’s soon replaced with yours, your moans and soft cries growing more urgent. The way you move under Arthur steers up his own arousal. Caught between your legs like this, he can’t hold in his own moans.
You bury your fingers in Arthur’s hair, lifting your hips and urging him on with pleas for more. He happily indulges you, teasing you with his fingers as well as his mouth until you let out a frustrated groan.
Arthur stops and looks up to you, and before he can ask if you’re alright, you already push him back by the shoulders. The second he’s on his back, you crawl on top of him, rubbing yourself against his hardening cock. 
You lean in and kiss Arthur, taking heavy breaths in between. All he can do is hold on to your hips as you lift yourself up to push him inside of you again. Trapped in your tight heat, Arthur lets his head fall back. 
He might have marked you today, but at this moment, Arthur knows that you did so long ago. Arthur’s been yours from the start, and that won’t ever change, not as long as you’ll have him.
You dreamed about being with Arthur many times, but none of it compares to the real thing. His every touch sets you on fire, waking a lust inside of you that you’ve never known before. Longing to be close, you keep kissing Arthur, your body pressed against his as you move your hips to feel him deep inside of you.
All of it still seems like a dream, and you have the urge to make the most of it, feeling and tasting Arthur, desperate to make as many memories of this moment as you can.
Your eager cries fill the night, mixed in with Arthur’s moans, the both of you too desperate to hold back. You claw and bite, leaving marks on each other’s skin. The thought of the other gang members seeing them turns you on more than you ever thought possible. 
Now that Arthur finally agreed to be with you, you want everybody else to know. You kiss along Arthur’s neck and suck the skin between your teeth, biting down enough to make Arthur growl. His fingers dig hard into your hips, and he holds you in place while he thrusts into you. 
Arthur’s cock hits you deeply as he slides in and out of you with lewd sounds, and from one second to the other, everything becomes too much. You bury your face against Arthur’s neck as you fall over the edge, waves of pleasure rolling all over your body.
You cling to Arthur, and he holds you tight, his hips bucking as you shake on top of him. He moans against your ear, filling you up with his come as your clenching muscles tighten around him. 
For a while, you just stay like this, enjoying the warmth of Arthur’s body against your own. His fingertips trail softly over the skin on your back, and when your eyes threaten to fall shut, Arthur gets you to move.
After helping you into your chemise, Arthur carries you into the tent, and the second he lies down, you cuddle up to him. Arthur kisses your forehead and puts his arms around you as if he never wants to let go again. 
You just lie there for a while until Arthur lets out a long sigh. “I fell in love with you, too, you know. Pretty much from the start.”
Warmth spreads in your chest, and you bury your face in the crook of Arthur’s neck. “I love you, too, Arthur.”
“Do me a favor then?” Arthur says, the words turning into a question.
“Next time, just tell me right away what’s good for us. I’m an idiot most of the time.”
You laugh, but run your hand over Arthur’s chest as if to wash the thought away. “You’re my idiot now, so don’t worry, I’ll tell you.”
“Thank you, darling,” Arthur says, squeezing you slightly. 
You close your eyes, feeling safer and more comfortable than ever before in your life. Everything bad in your past just drifts away, making room for happiness and a future you only ever dared to dream about. 
“You were right,” you say. “It’s just books. This was so much better.”
Arthur chuckles, and you fall asleep to the sound of it, the first time of many over the years to come.
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chaotictommy · 3 years
How do the guys react to when they realize they have a crush on someone
hi! great question :) I’ll try my best to answer it XD
Well, so I think that Jimmy would be all confused about it at first and get flustered till he worked it out, which would probably make the others wonder what’s going on and I think they’d definitely (in a caring way) start pestering him for answers, Tommy, probably does that the most, because he really cares about his friends, especially Jimmy.... and Jimmy would have to verbalize it to them, basically tell them about his crush, I definitely think either Tommy or Dutch would say something like ‘Awwww, thank you, but, sorry buddy, you aren’t my type,’ and Jimmy would roll his eyes and tell them who it was or keep silent and they find out weeks later and tell him to go for it... I think Jimmy might blush a lot too and might act awkward around his crush
Johnny I think would realize it off the bat and totally go for it like he did with Ali, just telling the person straight out, probably try acting cool around the person, because he thinks he needs to do that...
I think this would be the only thing Tommy would be slightly quiet and embarrassed about, he’d probably get real into his head and psyche himself into telling the person, making his friends worry that there was something wrong with him. I think he’d be very thoughtful about it and possibly cautious to tell anyone, except Jimmy. I think his loud ’obnoxious’ attitude/personality is just partly a cover for the really kind but hurt person he is. I think it would weird his friends out if he was ever quiet like that. He’d also probably be getting up the courage to talk to the person.
I don’t know about Dutch much, but I think he’d probably be very like Johnny though possibly a little more considerate, seeing as how he acted with Susan at the beach party before the whole ‘fight’ between Johnny and Daniel
Bobby I think would be the best out of them and just accept his crush and tell the person, or if he had to figure it out, I think he’d sit down and think about it, then accept it and go off and find his crush to tell them... it really depends on who his crush is, he would act differently with different people, but he would always be kind and courteous.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
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Hi, Ben!  I hope you are having a good day, today!  I’m glad your bloodwork came back good, and I hope your meds’ side effects are finally settling down some.  I saw that your punching bag came in.  I hope it helps!  That’s something I’ve yet to try using (the few gyms I’ve ever attended didn’t have them.)
So while restocking some of our bandanas at work, I started having thoughts about Peter losing a bet or something and having to wear one for a while whenever Noah takes him for a walk in wolf form.  The collage is a selection of some of my fave options (the Wiggle Butt one had me giggling for like a solid five minutes, ngl).  Theoretically this could also be a disguise to make him look more like a dog and less obviously a wolf (not sure it would really work, but people tend to be pretty oblivious at times.)
I’m glad you liked the DILF Club adopting the Winchesters thing (at least, I think I saw something about that?)  It was definitely one of those ideas that gave me all the warm fuzzies.  I’ve been trying to decide if they just take Baby when they take the boys (because it’s BABY, and I fully believe all three would know how to hotwire a car if need be, for various reasons), or if I’d rather they (probably mostly Peter) bought Dean a really beat up old Impala to restore himself, that’s free from any memories or influence from his dad.  And how it might affect Sam to not be the only “smart kid” in the family (and would that lead to Dean not dumbing himself down so much for his brother’s sake?)  And Chris could teach them hunter stuff, and Peter could show them where hunter biases and inaccuracies are, and about what the supernatural is really like, and Noah could teach them driving and classic rock and police procedure far better than their birth dad ever could.  And depending on the age gaps involved, Bobby could either be like “fuck, I forgot what it’s like to have actual friends” with a side of “making a fuck asshole dads club”, or he could figure out a few things about Chris and Noah (and possibly some of the stuff with Peter and Talia), and be like “Okay, so this is gonna be a mutual adoption of wayward idjits.  Deal with it."  I’m not sure how to bring in Cas without all the Armageddon/fighting God insanity, though.  Maybe he’s connected to a pagan god they encounter instead or something.  He wouldn’t need to show up for quite a while, though, so there’d be time to plan that out.
Also, that "sentiment is chemical weakness”, “you’re literally making them a card” quote thing is pretty much the exact mood I’m going for in Peter and Derek’s conversations in IYWTD.  XD  Which I really need to be working on, but my focus is all over the place today.  I also keep really wanting to write a little Valentine’s one-shot for my series, but I keep reminding myself I’ve got too much to do already.  It’s only somewhat helping.
That last preview was adorable, by the way.  ;D  I’d say that if it works, then it’s plenty smooth, frankly, and I don’t know that either of them have a leg to stand on, really.  XD  Sublty is none of them’s strong suit.  And Peter’s whole vibe of “goddamn, but I could watch you two all day” is kind of a fucking mood, tbh.  XD  I look forward to finding out what all shenanigans they manage to get up to before stumbling back to mildly traumatize their children.  ;D
And those are some excellent and admirable goals for this year!  Sending all the best energy for successful completion of as many as you wish!  I hope you’re feeling better today, and that things are going well overall!  (Eat, hydrate, and) Take care!  *Hugs to you both!*
Hey B! Glad you’re alright and I’m doing okay. I’ve started making lists again with things I need to clean, restarted my eating patterns, and restarted an exercise regime. We’ll see how that goes, but for now, I’m doing okay. 
Financially I’m not looking so hot, but eh, yeah I’m hoping next month will be better. Hopefully.
Also, those bandanas are everything omg <3
The wigglebutt XD Peter needs that one. *makes mental note to put that into the oUAT and TWITTB verses.* XD
Also needs the one for pets, attention, and cuddles, pretty much all of them. Omg these are amazing!
I mean Saarloos Wolfhonden (Saarloos Wolfdog, a Dutch breed) are a thing:
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So I feel like with a bandana, Peter could probably pass for one of these:
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He’s just a very big and broad version of one.
(Or that’s what Chris tells everyone who wants to hear it.)
Ok aaaaah, everything about that whole bit with our boys coming together and being adopted and Bobby making friends or adopting a couple more idjits, urgh!
I’m too tired to form many thoughts but, yes to all of it!
And I’m glad to hear you liked the preview for that one. I still hope to actually finish this chapter before the weekend starts and I’m trying hard. I think it’s gonna be real funny and sweet and also a bit sad. I mean they are going from one day of having sex out of boredom and repressed feelings to suddenly having to act like nothing is wrong. And then stuff with Chris happens and more shit happens and drama, drama, drama, and lots of Stilinski brother shenanigans (Stilinski twins and Liam) and they rope Scott, Isaac, and Jackson into it. And I have a few fun things planned for the universe. ^^
And thank you <3 I hope I manage to tick a few off as well, at the very least the writing and editing part and the bottom few and that alone would be amazing. Hopefully I can keep that up <3
I hope you’re doing okay B <3 and I’m sorry for the slighty shorter reply but I am exhausted right now and will be heading in early. It’s 9 pm but I am falling asleep.
Lots of love from me and Mo <3
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity :) ❤💛💚💙💜
What a fun question! Hum... let's see
1. My best friends. I love them so much. I have two wonderful best friends that have stuck by me for years, even during the hard times. They are just the source of so much of my happiness with our all goofs and indide jokes, but also a feeling of comfort and safety with them. I can tell them anything and they either just accept it (like me coming out or telling them about my past) or are ready to help (like if I'm having a panic attack). It's not all one way of course. I will drop everything yo be there for them too. It's funny, but when we're tired of people and want to be alone, it never includes each other. Like we just don't drain each other's batteries. It's nice.
2. My online friends. Yes. I'm talking to you @winterpower98, @fuocsniperbot98, @parano--vigilant, @fangirltothefullest, @random-pianist, @thesearcher1092, @champions-of-spirits, @madly-handsome, @crystrifoglio, @anotherphaseofpain, @5am-the-foxing-hour, @shoot-i-messed-up, @dillbugg, @an0therrand0, @ymmm-someone, @uwillneverknowwho, and anybody else on here that has touched my life (sorry if I missed anybody!) as well as the wonderful people I've met on other platforms too. You all have brought me so much joy. Yes, some of you can annoy the ever lovin HELL out of me sometimes, but I still love ya ;) Thanks for being a part of my life. You are all such wonderful people, each in their own way.
Winter, you are overflowing with kindness, understanding, and artistic talent that makes everyone who knows you see you as precious. I mean it. You are a beautiful precious bean. Anybody who doesn't see that is an idiot and I will fight them (and I wont be alone). You are always willing to listen, always ready to help, and always willing to learn and grow as a person. You accept everyone as they are and you are such a giving friend. You love what you love so purely and enthusiasticly too. Is it any wonder that anyone who knows you is ready to protect you with the ferocity that most people reserve for their favorite character and baby animals?
Fuoc, you are filled with chaotic energy, but also so much good and such a strong desire to help that you at times feel like a dnd character given human form. You are also a kickass artist! I love what you create and watching you put your own spin on things. You are a delight my wonderful rainbow demon seal and I am so lucky to have met you. ^_^
Celeste, you are a great listener and so brave and creative with your art. Not a lot of people are able to withstand the pressure to keep putting themselves out there like you do. You also have this... undercurrent of kindness that flows through your being. I'm not sure you're even aware of it, but it's always there and it's beautiful.
Toshi, you are just... you. A goose let loose on the world. You feel how you feel. You art how you art. Just... stream of conciousness randomness creating beautiful insanity. You own who you are and what you believe fearlessly. You work hard to achieve your dreams (even when your professors are being idiots) and harder to help your family. You deserve to be as kind to yourself as you are to others.
Random, you are cautious and walk the world like an adventurer exploring a cave with light steps and wide eyes, but when you share something, it's always worth it. Rather it's art, a story, or letting down a wall just enough to let yourself shine through. I love the caring talented person you are.
Blue, you are the embodiment of the kid in a candy store. Just so filled with bubbly pure excitement (with a bit of anxiety that tends to leak through at times *hugs*)! You apreciate things from rooftops, both creations and people. It's a sight to behold and absolutely contagious. I can't tell you how much I squealed when I seen your art of my story. I really did print it out ya know? I lost it in the move, so I plan on making another at some point. My new fridge requires art ;)
Josie? My dear? You are a doll. A tiny ball of hope, anxiety, and dreams. You care - just so much - about everybody. Strangers? Animals? Superiors? Friends? Family? It doesn't matter. You want to help them all. You will drive yourself into the ground to help someone. You will juggle as much as it takes. Your major in college was even picked BECAUSE of how much you want to help people! You are an amazing talented beautiful person who deserves all the love and appreciation in the world and your love of the written word is precious and contagious. Just... try to direct some of that beautiful carring nature towards yourself ya?
Madly. Madly, Madly, Madly. My fellow beautifully insane person and lover of dark things. We literally met brainstorming a serial killer! I love your dark sense of humor. Sometimes it's nice to just sit down with someone that I know wont get nightmares from darker story ideas and recommendations (or look at me like I must have something seriously wrong with me to come up with such things). You are that person. And you care. You really do. When you ask someone how they are, you mean it. You sincerely want to know. And you are so very... alive. It's the only way I can describe it. Just filled with... life. It's a beautiful thing.
Cryst, you are one of the people that inspired me to come on tumblr and share my first short story. You are wise beyond your years, kind, creative, and a real friend to those you know in real life and online. Your that person who always needs a tablet on hand because you never know when creativity will strike. You love the silly things and jokes, but you aren't afraid to roll up your sleeves and get down to business. You're also also a good listener and an honest editor and I'm so glad you seen my note on your speed paint. ^_^
Menace, you are the other person who inspired me to come to Tumblr and share my story, but instead of excitement (like Cryst), you used a gentle nudge and I think the one-two punch of the two of you is exactly what I needed. You my dear are made of feelings. You wear them like a cloak and they pour out of you with pure sincerity... and yet you somehow still have this quiet calm energy about you. It's like a flowing stream; calm and overflowing with life and movement at the same time. It actually comes through in your art and gives your pieces a very unique and beautiful feel. You're also kind and willing to listen. I know sometimes it feels like the world is on your shoulders, but I also know that you are filled with such great and beautiful things that sometimes are hidden just under the surface. Thank you for finding me.
Foxy? God. What do I even say about you? You dive in head first when you love something and make it your own. And when you don't like something? You don't play around with it either. You walk the world with a stubbornness that could put some bolders to shame, but because of it, you are honest about how you feel. You talk to a person because you like them, not because of social norms. You praise something because you think it's good, not to take it easy on somebody. It's actually very comforting. You're also silly and goofy and fun. You're empathetic and always trying to help out your readers, rather it's through asks, over tagging your creations, or making sure you balance your creations so they never end on a bad note. You are... you.
Shoot, you were my first reader. The first person to find me on this mess of a site. God. How confused were you when I practically wrote an essay thanking you for liking my little fic?! XD I've watched you grow and become the person you are and that person is pretty cool. Your desire to create comes in bursts. You live up to your username a little too much though and I desire to flick your ear when you worry so much. This momma bear says you are an amazing creator and a good friend and I'm proud of you ^_^
Dilly, you were always a hoot. I loved your stories and your creativity. It's been entirely too long since we've talked.
Rando, I haven't known you long, but I like you. You remind me of a kid rocking on their feet before jumping into a game of double dutch (type of jump rope with two ropes), hesitate and anxious, but still willing to jump in. I look forward to getting to know you more.
Ymmm, you are also fairly new, but I have had so much fun getting to know you. I think we started talking when I seen my phone was blowing up and realized you were going through and liking everything I've ever posted and reblogging half of it. XD You are fun, energetic, and you still read my tumblr even though I'm far less active than I used to be. I love your asks, your random messages, and chatting with you about nothing in particular. You are half the reason that I started getting back on occasionally to post things. ^_^
Who, you are the embodiment of a keysmash. Just stream of conciousness feelings and thoughts and all the things you love. It's a blast. You love to listen, you love to talk, and you love to have conversations about everything and nothing. It's wonderful to witness you finding something new and spazzing out over it. Your energy is infectious and sometimes it's nice to talk to someone who is cool with me talking in paragraphs. Case in point. Jesus. I think my point 2 went on a LITTLE long O_O
3. My cat Danny. He's a wonderful spoiled boy and a FANTASTIC ESA. He makes me laugh, he brings me comfort, and no matter what's going on, I know that this gray ball of crazy cat energy loves me.
4. Reseraching. Yes. I'm well aware that that's weird, but there's something about diving into something new and learning new facts and viewpoints that you never knew your entire life that is just so satisfying. Reading, experiments, or just talking to someone outside of my social circle. They all help me understand the world a little better and be more open minded. Some are simple (like learning how dice are made and what makes them more or less likely to be fair), some that seem simple at first turn out to be complex and nuanced (like black haircare, styling, and culture), and some are massive undertakings from the start (like intersex conditions). Each subject - from big to small - changes how I see the world.
5. Enjoying creations. I know that sounds vague, but I sincerely enjoy seeing what people create! As long as the creations aren't bigoted, odd are I'll love it because I love seeing the result of somebody take something from thought to reality. From classical art to fanfiction to my nephew's lego towers, each creation has it's own merit because each creation (even commissions) shows a part of the person that created it. After all, you can give five guitarists the same chord to play and no two sounds would be exactly the same. Now rather I actually like the end product of their creation varies. Some thing just aren't for me (like creepy pasta and country music). However, I can still appreciate that they made it.
On a side note, please don't be cruel to creators. Imagine there's a toddler still inside every creator who shows what they create. Some who are shy and fragile. Some who are overwhelmingly confident and proud. Some who just want to draw on the walls. All so easily crushed with a single hurtful word. Choose to see the good in what they make. Point out where they improved, tell them what you liked, and gently and tactfully pointing out small mistakes (like a typo or some other small overlooked thing) if you need to. And for god's sakes, don't be a bully.
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squidproquoclarice · 6 years
Just read your Chapter 12 of Sunrise and just gushing about the whole thing. Those two have really progressed in their friendship and they’re now more comfortable around each other. Wonder how they’re gonna adjust to being in a party after a whole year of running for their lives. It’s Mexican music so they’re gonna have to amp up their dancing XD
(Part 2) It’s good on Sadie that she feels comfortable enough to let herself be comforted by someone else other than her husband because it shows how much she’s developed from the O’Driscoll attack and how much she trusts Arthur. It’s also good on Arthur for him to not feel awkward with physical touch and actually responds to the hug that Sadie needed. Definitely loving the slow burn you got goin and looking forward to their progress :)(Part 3) Btw will Arthur continue to grow out his hair or do you plan on changing his look down the road of his recovery. It’s a smart move for him to look different from his bounty posters but will he just go full on mountain man? I’m thinking he has to grow a beard since his posters are of him with a stubble~~~~~~~~~I’m guessing all of these were from the same Nonny since they came in together and sound like they go together, so if I was wrong, sorry! I’m really loving the friendship between them so much.  And we saw a bit in chapter 11 with how things have progressed over the year since the end of RDR2 that they can be supportive in rough times, remembering their dead and all, but I liked the chance in this chapter to show different facets of the friendship: the playfulness in the banter, their ability to call each other out a bit, and yeah, how they’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with physical touch and comfort as part of their friendship.  Arthur for sure has found a far greater ease in offering that and not being anxious that there’s no way anyone could want that from me, I’m terrible and all.  And yeah, him being able to accept that too and not feel like him needing a hug or the like is an imposition is important.He still has his moments.  Him assuming Sadie’s looking at him because he looks ridiculous or wrong somehow is still the anxiety and self-esteem at work (as was the remark about “even a dumb squirrel finds a good acorn sometimes”, etc.)  But he’s getting better.For Sadie, feeling OK in taking comfort from someone who’s not Jake is important too, and her progressing to where her love for him is a good memory rather than one that tears her up with grief has been an important step.  She’s not ready yet to move on entirely, but she’s getting there.Mostly I liked them having that kind of ease and support in their friendship where they can talk about serious things like Sadie’s sister, tease each other about sex and the like, and just be solid friends.  They’ll get there on the romance, but it doesn’t need to rush, especially since they’re not there yet.  It would have been far too easy to spin a lot of things in that chapter as sexualized--getting dressed in the same room, seeing each other dressed up and looking nice, the hug, the jokes about sex.  I really didn’t want to force it to go there.  Even once the sexual awareness, and eventually the sex, is there, the friendship is at the center of the whole thing.  Not everything has to be drenched in eroticism to be worthwhile.  ;)On Arthur’s look, I don’t see him going full mountain man.  He’s doing fine with looking a bit shaggier, and making his look his own rather than imitating Hosea and Dutch’s very scrupulous haircuts and shaving, but to be honest, there’s a difference between relaxed maintenance and just giving up.  I personally see him still having a bit of flair and not wanting to look like he lives in a cave.  Not to mention a somewhat hobo-looking gringo might well stick out in Mexico.  ;)  He looks different enough from his in-game look of short hair (length 2ish) and clean shaven (level 1) to maintain it where he’s at now.  The hair’s probably about a 4 or 5 and he’s got a bit of a close-cropped beard (2 to 3) that he’ll likely keep.
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mrsjadecurtiss · 6 years
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@captainwordsmith​ thank you for the question! :D
!DISCLAIMER!  Nothing of this is set in stone... since i’m not producing for an official comic or TV show, i keep myself the freedom that i can sometimes change things up if i find a better design idea.
For any history/fashion buff reading this, I’m really sorry if i name things wrong xD this is more about what i’m looking for when i look up references, but i always also change things up or combine them.
So, since the seven kingdoms are loosely based off europe, i always thought it a given that the fashion in them is different from region to region :D When i look at a character or house i get like... an idea in my head, and i try to finetune research until i find the real life fashion that mirrors it. While i always name a country it’s never really 100% consistent since i’m not making accurate historical art... i always mix it around with several influences/time periods, and im more about getting a look that’s semi-consistent in itself than a look that’s necessarily consistent with a historical period. after all im trying to make fashion for a fantasyland... So this is more of a list of what stuff i look up when researching.
Also, unless speciifed, if i say a country’s name i either refer to folk clothing, or medieval fashion and up to the 16th-17th century.
The amount of info is based on how often i draw the people from the region, so sometimes a lot, sometimes very little (yet!).
There’s also my pinterest wall where i collect references, nothing i uploaded myself just stuff i favourited from browsing the site
The North
The North makes me think furs, and clothing from solid materials. My mental image is always primarily slavic countries, but with added scottish and scandinavian influences since it’s a huge region and should have differences in itself.
House Stark: Since they are the main northern house and have many important characters, i try to give them a more standard "fantasy” appearance; they are kind of like an introduction to both the north and the series itself, so while i want to already start with the furs and all, i still like to kind of keep them like the readers and show watchers would expect. though i saw a really rad polish eddard and it makes me want to up the slav with these guys
House Karstark: what i would call “high russian”... I don’t really have a deep reason for this it is just the mental image that immediately springs to my mind. Maybe their sigil reminds me of that aesthetic
House Bolton:  Elegant clothing, not too fancy but not conservative either. I first kind of got an idea for their vibe when i saw someone describe roose as “westeros’ vlad the impaler”; so usually when i look for references i try to stick to romanian and hungarian clothing, and stuff that fits in with that fashion; The dreadfort lies in the east, so hungary/romania/ukraine seems fitting to me.
House Ryswell: Very loosely scottish influences... also for the women, 14th century french/german vibes
White Harbor: They migrated there from the south, so i try to give them a more “southern” fashion (ie fashion that does not look like the rest of the north). Influences from france/italy, and netherlands.
House Umber: Vaguely russian, but not very elaborate. Kind of simple, big, warm, clothing (they are the closest to the wall), but with those cool hats.
House Dustin: Pretty celtic, invoking an idea of “the first king”. Maybe a king arthur vibe added... normannic...
When i read descriptions of it, i always think germany... Green, with a river through it, and medium climate...
House Frey: really vibe me as german, flemish or dutch, so that’s kind of what i’m going for with their clothing. Also some 16th century influences, i often see paintings in museum’s where im like “thats walder!!”
also these hats
House Tully: Kind of a conflict with the german/dutch thing i want to have going on, but the name is irish and they have red hair so irish fits... usually a case by case decision how i mix it
this is hard to specify because i can’t quite name what exactly im seeing in front of my inner eye... It’s this sort of, really medieval style, maybe 12-15th century, influences english and german?
The eyrie is so far up and kind of magical seeming, it reminds me of a fairy tale... so that is the vibe im slightly trying to achieve, this innocent medieval vibe you get from history books geared at kids. Maybe also sort of a king arthur feel.
Obviously neighbour to the riverlands so it can have similar fashion at times... exchange of trends....
And since It’s near Essos we can also look at cultural exchange there. It would make sense if a vale lord or two had mixed heritage...
House Royce: Their seat is runestone, and runes are on their sigil, so maybe these crowns... or some fantasy dwarf elements... Also general celtic influences (very vague and i WILL research more about celts when i actually draw members of this house). Hope when i research, that i will find a good idea on how to differentiate to two cadet branches well.
House Lannister: I’m seeing the Lannisters as like, really hip english and french fashion. You know the awesome hats, and beautiful dresses... The hair up in this horn-like headgear... jewels and ornaments...
Not so sure on the rest of the westerlands houses since i don’t “see” the characters around as much, i didn’t form a good impression... But I’m thinking solid english/french folk. Not the same as the ryswells, more of a rennaissance flair.
The Reach
House Tyrell: something in me wants bosnian Tyrells... The way the reach’s described in Dunk&Egg makes me think of my summers there, and they have brown hair/brown eyes. Though realistically (as in, what seems intended by grrm) i’m getting a huge french vibe (highgarden like those french gardens), so i’d strive for a good mix. I just need to differenciate it from the Lannisters, probably by keeping the mediterranean influence strong.
House Hightower: Burgfräulein vibes
Nobility/King’s Landing: Should scream “king’s court”, im thinking just the coolest looking medieval fashion i can find. A bit more modern, rennaissance-y, maybe. And stuff like this
House Targaryen: very boring but whatever the influences for LotR elves are, plus generally european kings, those with all the drama that martin was inspired from... i will need to work out something right proper for future targ drawings tbh
House Martell: I had a drawing or two using the indian influence that is popular in fan art, but i'm not sure if i want to keep it... ivansbadart gave me the idea for north african influences, i might use morrocco myself, and i think i might also look into middle eastern fashion a bit. Or i mix a bit of both, considering the Region’s history of both the martells and the rhoynar... Most importantly i need to agree with myself on what my main inspiration for the rhoynish look will be.
Mainland: I don’t really have an idea for the stormlands at all, i can’t remember if any of the books ever had a segment there... i just have zero impressions so far.
House Tarth: Toying with a greek vibe, since it is located in the narrow sea... maybe mixed with a bit of italian.
Iron Islands
I really really have to get into researching a bit for this location... whenever i want to draw greyjoys my mind’s just like “uuuh vikings” and that’s that. this is theon
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headlesshagrid · 6 years
I saw a dream about RDJ
So there was a Qi / late show type of interview/gameshow program.
Stephen Fry as a host, of course. Alan was ”a team” with RDJ – on the other team were Chris Evans/Steve Rogers (not sure which) and Bruce Banner (not Mark Ruffalo! This im sure of.)
RDJ had the hair-floof from Iron Man 2-era, and a red white black flannel/checked shirt. (because of course my lesbian brain would dress him like that XD) Still managed to look amazing though, like it was high fashion. I dont think he was wearing any glasses, because i remember the camera zooming in his eyes at some point. Also, he was smoking a cigarette for some reason, because I remember thinking only RDJ could ever be allowed to do that in the studio while taping a tv show in the 2000's.
I was watching this on YouTube or something, didn't see the show from the beginning though. They were answering a question about some dutch actress (what the hell, brain???) who lived back in early 1900's – Stephen had asked why she was such important figure historically– and RDJ had just finished a rant about how pretty she had been and a fantastic model etc etc. There was the QI ”wrong answer”-sound, as Stephen explained how she was actually – and many dont know this - very talented engineer/mechanic and invented (something I didn't understand) and everyone always forgets about that because she was also a model.
RDJ acted a scene where he was absolutely mortified. ”Oh how could I not know that!? I'm so sorry!” He used the puppydog eyes and everything! Stephen fell for it, of course, and started saying how RDJ was such a good guest and a real talent, and the reason why everyone was there (???) Rdj was like, ”no, that's Alan.” and everyone laughed.
Then there was an interview-y type bit, where they asked Chris/Steve about some movie he had made when he was just starting acting. He was very embarrassed about it, talking about some nude scene in the movie and suddenly RDJ dropped something (i dont know what, it was outside camera but you could hear the crash before the camera quickly turned to him). He stared at Steve/Chris and was like ”That was you??? I thought it was a body double or something” and then full on flirting like ”wow, that was very.. impressive.” It practically turned to flirt-war after that, everyone vs. Rdj. Stephen won in the end, saying some big words in old-timey english (which I didin't understand, because it's not my native language) and making RDJ laugh and hide his face in his hands.
Then there was somekind of break in the program and Susan Downey walked to say something to one of the cameramen, and RDJ made a big deal about getting her attention. His eyes were shining and he was smiling like crazy. He literally climbed over the table, and was half standing on it, the other leg perched on a nearby camera grane. Susan laughed and walked to him, giving a quick kiss.Everyone applauded and laughed. Everyone was so jealous of how happy they are together.
And then I woke up.
The end. :D
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somedaytakethetime · 3 years
See this is exactly why people think there bad luck! 😩 I watch Denmark, they lose I'm so sorry! 😩
I didn't think a friendly match would be so intense and apparently Denmark already had many players missing not only Simon but also another important defender, so I guess this is why the defense was struggling?
And then more players got injured and omg the two guys bleeding so much! 😫 Blood is something that I cant deal with. I hope they're allright!
I liked your keeper tho, Kasper. The goals werent really his fault I think and he seems to be a great captain for the team he always was with the injured guys checking up on them. 🙂
This wasn't your fault trust me, they very much were a mess. xD Also missing Simon and Andreas (Christensen) at the back didn't help at all. Simon isn't just their captain, he's a whole ass leader and mastermind so they'll always miss his presence. And Kasper..... that blonde little mf... I love him, I would sell my kidneys just to touch him but.... *heavy sigh* sometimes oh boy..
Thomas was injured early on, Yussuf had something wrong with his groin, then who was it... it was Joakim with an head injury and ... Alexander! They both got injured too with some nasty cuts. So the team is very much in shambles plus the Dutch just weren't letting up.
BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE CHRIS SCORED GOD BLESS I LOVE HIM!! 😭❤️ At least one goal *was* Kasper's fault and he's very much on the naughty bench for it. He's not the captain, he's the vice-captain, Simon is the captain but you wouldn't have a way of knowing that. 😊
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You wrote chapters too fast but I'm working on the comments right now! I'll just start with this, which I think it should be separately. Vera is unfortunately, and italian name, but I checked on wiki's page. The english one is wrong. I'm sorry to inform you the name is not original russian as they stated (-_-) but it's italian, from latin. It had two branch: Vera, which comes from 'verus', 'truth', or Vera based on the russian 'Bepa' (faith), prounced 'vera'. So your choose could still be right
I’m gonna put this under a cut because of length. :)
But it differs in pronounce/writing. Also I don't know if 'Bepa' pronunce 'Vera' is the russian one or an italian one.
I'll start from the last because I reread them backwards xD I'm still getting a bit confused about the children, but I starting to focus some of them at least. I loved a lot Kotori's child moment! But Vera is my best I think, and I like Isla too but I'm not getting over she's Hanayo daughter. Not because Raven, but because how Hanayo is doing right now. That phrase was really uncalled for "This isn't my fault!". If this matter involved Eli I'm sure she'd already punched her. (1)
I like how much Vera resemble both Eli and Honoka in character too. And Kikyo! She inherited so much from Umi t_t She's such a good kid! I'm really sad how they were separated. Hope they still can work together and consider themselves as sister..! And also I think all this Rin-future plot is bullshit. It's true she saw many timelines, but I think she still believe her timeline is the one Right. She's trying to edit timelines but on hers judjment. (2) (don't kill me I made too much ask)
Also this protect Vera a-la Elsa it's dumb (and it's Eli's will -_-!!!). But Rin should really take it down a notch in general. And I really hate how F2Rin talk and refers to Eli (before the meeting). Other thing. FHonoka. While she likes Umi and all, and sure it's nice to have all of them alive, I think it should be time to remember they're all dead in her TL, apart from Nico and Yukihko. While she say they are hers F ones, because it could be, things are different and she has only Nozo. (3)
Last one half I swear. I loved how the focus is returned on Eli and on consequences on Honoka and Umi too. We need to know exactly why Honoka died. It was something genetical? Power's related? Medical related like a illness? So they could choose what to do or not. But in general I think this Honoumieli is stronger than their Fvers. They were together from longer, they accepted themselves, Umi is very protective on Eli and need her too. (4)
They passed throught Yukikho (which the others didn't), Eli sacrifice for Umi. If they can work this Yuki's matter they are well. And even with Hono dead, I think thing would go differently. Honoka's dead would united more Eli and Umi..! They both said it before, and you show how much Umi cared deeply for Eli. Eli still didn't show a lot but I think it's there. It's not only Honoka that matter to her, even if she always there doubting Honoka's love for her.///In terms of the name Vera, the information I get is from a few websites which say that Vera is Russian, meaning faith. Like this:Both the origin and meaning of Vera is inherited by all variant forms.2: Vera's origin is Russian. It is from the word viera meaning 'faith'. The name can also be derived from the Russian 'viera'.3: Vera is mainly used in the Ukrainian language and it is also of Ukrainian origin. Meaning: faith.4: Vera's origin, as well as its use, is in the Albanian language. It is derived from the word 'verë' which means summer. (https://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Vera)And this:VeraPronunciation/ˈvɪərə, ˈvɛrə/GenderFemaleOriginWord/nameRussianMeaning"Truth" or "Faith"Region of originEuropeOther namesRelated namesVeronica, Verena, Olivera, SeveraPopularitysee popular namesVera is a female first name of Russian origin, from verus meaning verity and coincides with the Russian meaning of faith. [1]Gender: Feminine[2]Usage: English, German, Scandinavian, Slovak, Czech, Italian, Greek, Dutch, Slovene, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian[2], Albanian, French, Polish, Armenenian, Hungarian, Romanian. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_(given_name))And this: Means "faith" in Russian, though it is sometimes associated with the Latin word verus "true". It has been in general use in the English-speaking world since the late 19th century. (https://www.behindthename.com/name/vera-1)And this:Etymology : Means "faith" in Russian, though it is sometimes associated with the Latin word verus "true"Saint :Origin : Russian (http://www.first-names-meanings.com/names/name-VERA.html)I’m really glad you like the kids! Kikyo is super sweet to be honest. In terms of Rin she’s trying to keep the timeline from changing which I guess, in a sense, is putting the control of the timelines in her own hands like you said. She does have a lot of knowledge about it though and does see herself as it’s protector. Could seem to be a bit like she has a god complex or something though maybe. Future Rin is definitely not as personable as younger Rin. She has a mission and that’s basically the only thing she’s focused on. Her mission comes before pretty much everything. I’m not sure if Honoka died that Eli and Umi would stay together exactly but they would still be really close. In the timeline now where they’ve been through all of the stuff you mentioned, it’s not entirely impossible that they would stay together if Honoka died though. Actually yeah, I could probably see them staying together now that I think about it a bit more. I agree, HonoEliUmi are stronger in this timeline because they’ve been through so much together. Definitely. Thanks for the comment! :D
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mmd-ask-italy · 6 years
Tag Game! :D
-Rules: Answer 11 questions - Add 11 of your own - Tag 11 people
was tagged by: @grandparomeaskblog  
..and then you where tagged by a second person
was also tagged by @catnipkitten
tagging: @asktheitalianempire   @ask-south-holland @ask-noodle-gerita @ask-bonnefoy @ask2pnyoitaly ...thats ...11...
(Questions from @grandparomeaskblog )
1) what’s the best way to wake you up on a lazy sunday
gently on your own, with no chores to do,
2) what annoys your friends most about you
Oh boy...Ummm when I talk over people, I don’t do it on purpose, but it happens a lot more then i would like. Just when I remember something, I start talking afraid i might forget it, and then happen to talk over people, problem is i am befriended with a lot of shy people who don’t tell me I am doing this, so it took me a long time to notice this...wich annoys me greatly. Please tell me when I do, i don’t wanna be rude
3) what family member do you like best and why
My grandma on my fathers side. She is the best, she is badass 
4) what habit did you which you did not have
uuh, not sure what you mean here? do you mean, what is a habit that I do now, that I hadn’t when i was younger? 
uum I dunno..i think eating when bored...i guess...
5) pineapple on pizza?
Love it, (sorry Italy ) I love fruit on pizza,i don’t care what other people think, I will not force you to eat it if you don’t like it
6) coffee or tea?
Tea espeasily cinnamon, I don’t like coffee. to bitter. 
7) i hate…
saying goodbye
8) name 3 not so known movies you recommend
Happily Never After ( fun take on the cinderella story, the animation..is not..the best but i really liked this movie )
Barbie movies ( not all, but they got good morals, and its fun to look at the quality of the old ones XD ) 
Koning van Katoren (not a perfect addaption of the books but fun to get you intrested, it made me start reading them..should finish them ) 
9) can you dance?
..depends Can I do different dance styles, or dances ...No...Can I learn certain dances and execute them enough to be considered dancing ..YES...do i have fun doing that...Absolutely
10) Here you have 10.000 euro pocket money but you have to spend it today. What do you buy?
Buy a car so that my family has once again, a few tickets to cons i wanna go to, maybe an overseas trip with my dad and sister..i dunno..what else..a few video games i guess
11) Grandpa Rome conviscated the couch in your living room, your reaction?
....I don’t see the dog..is he hiding between Grandpa and the Couch cushions to keep warm? 
(Questions from @catnipkitten )
1) is there a language you wish you could speak fluently?
I wish my German was more fluent I got to a lot of german speaking Countries
Also wish i could speak Italian, Japanese, 
2) name 3 books you recommend
um for the Dutch people “Het geheim van Teveel Torens” it’s defintly a kids book, but a funny one
um for the rest... i dunno 
3) if you had the chance to become immortal, would you take it?
No, I don’t wanna see my family and friends die around me while beeing able to live forever 
4) followed eurovision last week? what’s your opinion about the results?
No i didn’t, i am one of the few people i know who doesn’t follow it
5) any ideas for what you’d want to cosplay next?I got this pattern for an Italy jacket..and fabric which is closely coloured to Lucianos...so 2p Italy is next on the list, after that...chibitalia? 
6) can you draw well?
uuh.. sort of, i can ‘redraw’ things not much on my own, 
7) what country would you want to visit some day?
Japan, and i wanna go back to Venice when the carnaval is there with my grandma 
8) favourite genre of music?
at the moment...musicals, I don’t really have a genre, i just come across music if i like it, i add it to my list
9) a lie form your childhood that you believed was true as a kid?
not a lie... I was just convinced my dad had the words of an English song wrong, years later we listened to it again, and of course my dad was right, what we where saying was just gibberish, what sounded like the English text, but we where convinced that was what they said, because dad it’s our music and you don’t know it  XD 
10) do you like answering the phone?
Noooooo. I don’t, I will...but I don’t like it
11) do you know people irl here on tumblr?
yes quite a few 
My Questions
1) What is something you do that makes you feel good about yourself?
2) what is a useless fact you know?
3) do you have / want any pets?
4) Do you like to sing? (not are you good, do you like it) 
5) Ever broken a bone, if yes wich?
6) What is your favorite type of wheather?
7) Favorite song from your childhood?
8) Ever binged watched a show, so yes which one?
9) First fandom you joined?
10) Favorite colour to wear? 
11) Say something nice about yourself !
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aarafox · 7 years
hi! would you mind answering 13, 15, 26, 27 from the "not from the us" ask thing?
Yeees omg of course!! Thanks so much for asking!!
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set
Alright so I’m from the Netherlands! Here we go~
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
This reminds me immediately of one of our annual feasts called “Sinterklaas” (”St. Nicholas”) and Black Pete; it was probably not until outsiders started to realise what exactly was up with this feast before many Dutch people discovered that Black Pete was racist,, so thank goodness they’ve been working hard to change it! I’m trying to think if there are any other things that might seem strange to outsiders but, I can’t think of any right now!
15. A saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
ADGHGFDSA “EEN DAG DIE JE WIST DAT ZOU KOMEN IS EINDELIJK HIEEEER” okay so the entire country made a meme of our official “King’s Song” of the coronation of our king kdjbhfjdk because the sentence was so gramatically weird!!! And it’s been a few years since then but it’s still being used as a meme and – holy shit that entire SONG is a meme, there’s this one sentence going “de W van wakker, stamppot eten” and it always cracks me up BC NOOOO
Ok sorry I should probably try to translate the sentences wait, the first one is “the day which you knew would come” or sth like that and the second is “the W from ‘awake, eating hotchpotch’” god I’m still screaming bc of that line hahahahahdgffhgbjd (it’s called “Koningslied” on youtube if anyone wants to take a look idk :’)))
26. Does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Heck this is such a coincidence but this was an item on one of my fave shows yesterday! That apparently Amsterdam gets portrayed in American media now and then but compleeetely wrong xD they have American people speaking Dutch and its sounds awful, or they try to portray Amsterdam and use a Berlin harbour, etc, it was so funny :’) and they created an address which was taken from internet but was not supposed to be an address I’m wheezing. For the rest I don’t really know, I haven’t seen that many things myself :D I know that the Fault in Our Stars filmed some scenes in Amsterdam so that was all good!
27. Favourite national celebrity?
Hmmmmmmmm I’m not sure actually! I’m not like,, a huge fan of any Dutch celebrity but I think Ruud Feltkamp (an actor) is a really great guy! And the host of one of my fave tv shows, the one I mentioned in the question above, is also cool! His name is Arjen Lubach :D
Thank you for these questions!! I really enjoyed answering them :DDD
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
Hey ash. I think you have given up on Neymar staying. I haven't. In the past couple of weeks I read just about every article, rumor, analysis, opinion & editorial posted in any language ty google translate.Even the ridiculous ones.I got br app, Barca live app, one of my monitors at work is dedicated to ney stuff..Thought abt it a lot. Got mad at him often.But I haven't lost hope. I agree with most unbiased experts if he wants better sporting opportunities he'll stay. His fathers greedy, he's not
I hope he does anon. I really hope he does… 
1% chance right? ;) 
Anonymous said:How do the psg fans/board/players expect from neymar to win for them the ucl ? And even if neymar thinks that he might carry that team by himself he can be wrong, even messi when he created history with barca and won everything it’s not because of him alone, he had iniesta xavi… by his side to help him win, no team can depend on one player, plus psg is not that kind of team that u can improve urself in it, team with no personality, if they were a good team they wouldnt lose 6-1 after winnin 4Anonymous said:2(forgot to put 1 on the previous) Geri put it best you want more money or you want to win titles. Neymar is way too young to think solely abt money and piling it up for his eventual retirement. Money is tempting(more so to his father) but he wants titles and glory. We’ve been over the level of league and psg. I’m sure he knows it too. If he was 30, I’d believe wholeheartedly he’s gone to PSG. But he’s 25, his best years ahead, he won’t bury those in psg in league 1. Take heart, he won’t go
wowowowwww I like the positivity in you two anons!! I really like it.
I mean Leo became a natural leader over time and with the retirements of Xavi etc. Of course he wasn’t a leader when he first made his debut. I can understand Ney might wanna have a team around him and be the leader of one. I can 100% understand that he wants that and feels he might be ready for it and it would be good for his growth - like i previously said in an aks.  I feel he has the opportunity to be the leader of a team, full of talented star players, during the THE BIGGEST sports tournament in the world: the 2018 World Cup. 
However he gave up the captaincy of the NT, because of the insane amount of negative press he got during the Olympics. And while I agree that it was over the top: You are the leader so deal with it. In France L’Equipe is also brutal, but the pressure in France won’t even be remotely the same as in Spain. 
In France he will defiantly win some titles the Champions ship, the cup etc,.. But other than that…. I hope for him if he goes he succeeds (not when he plays against Barca) but I hope for him he succeeds. 
But I hope more that he stays here. At Barca. 
Anonymous said:(French anon) I’m watching PSG-ASM… BORINGGGGGGGGGGGG help!!!!Anonymous said:GO MONACO! lol
HAHHAHAHHA, Did you survive tho??? Tout bon? xD 
Anonymous said:this means he gonna stay yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas yahooooooo :D am madridista btw love you ash and ramos loves you ;)
What? xD 
Anonymous said:I dont even care. Wheter he leaves or stays. I just want him to say something.
Same… But I think we have to wait for a bit still… 
Anonymous said:But is not that means forcing the person that doesn’t want to stay to stay?! Barcelona should let Neymar go if he wants to go and buy other players with the money before the window closes. I want ney to stay but if doesn’t want to stay he should leave because forcing player that want to leave to stay will only create problems in the team.Anonymous said:This is not PSG who will buy the clause but Neymar, he’s going to buy his buyout clause by himself with the money he would get when he will go to Doha 😉, this is official by the way.Anonymous said:And Barça will not report PSG bc they buy the buyout clause but they will report them by the way they would buy it, that’s not the same thing thoAnonymous said:Argh, sorry it’s pay** not buy ahaAnonymous said:And to be honest this is pretty ridiculous from the club tho, I mean report PSG because they paid the clause? Smh 🙄
Neymar can leave if he wants (and if a club buys him out) but he signed a contract renewal in October so.. 
This isn’t  about P$G paying his release clause like any club can. This is about P$G probably violating the FFP rules for the second time meaning a bigger punishment. Again IF they violated these rules. 
Think this is a logical explanation. 
“Barcelona have decided to lodge a complaint against PSG if the French club sign Neymar. The Catalan club feel that if the player’s buyout clause is paid (222 million euros), UEFA must investigate where the money came from. In then numbers clubs present to UEFA each year, there are none able to pay more than 200 million euros for a player.  PSG have previously been punished and fined for breaking UEFA’s Fair Play rules. Therefore, a second punishment would not only lead to a fine, but also to sporting consequences, such as the possibility of suspension from the Champions League.”
And I liked what Tebas said the other day. If they do it with Barca now they do it to RMA or Atleti tomorrow. He also wants to take action wether they buy Ney or not… 
Anonymous said:It really hurt to see all this hate toward Neymar…
Yeah some of it I can understand. Some is way over the top. Like the hate from today because he went to the RMA locker room… 
Anonymous said:After messi’s goal didn’t ney celebrate with him??🙈😞
For a second you had me worried haha. But Ney was injured outside of the field. That’s why you didnt saw him celebrate. 
Anonymous said:i ship ash with Asensio
HAHAHHA, He’s a cutie pie, but he looks too young and probably is xD But we can have dinner and eat Dutch things hhaa. 
Anonymous said:Ney looked sad? Idk quiet not his usual charged self he even was sitting all by himself when taken off. The guy who normally comes running to celebrate with lio after the latter’s goal was the last to come& it was different. He looked like he is playing his last classico last game here
I dont know where he sat when he went off. I didnt think he looked sad. He looked happy and like I said above he was injured off the field so he couldnt run towards Leo. Have you seen how he celebrated with Ivan? And Geri??? 
Anonymous said:Least neymar can do even if he doesn’t want to talk is rebuff the ‘tired of staying in Messi’s shadow’ rumours. That’s sooooo unfair on Leo especially when he loves and has accommodated neymar so much.he could have easily done an insta post with Messi or something, laugh about it…if it was a brumar or Bruna rumour best believe he would have rebuffed it soo fast 🙄.if he just stops the Messi rumour he would gain at least a little respect back from Barca fans.
I’ve previously - a couple days ago - explained it could be true tho not as mean as it sounds. Just that he wants to be a leader too and knows here at Barca Leo is. 
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