#also sorry if this reply was unsatisfactory :*( i tried
jezzzebel · 4 months
so i hope you don't find this disrespectful or anything, but i'm writing a story about slavic paganism in my free time.
since you're a practicing slavic pagan i wanted to ask if it was disrespectful to make up lore for the gods or give them personalities and appearances as i imagine them in my head
i promise i'm doing loads of research on the religion and i'm trying to make things as accurate as they can possibly be but in order for the story to work i need to make up stories of the things that happened between the gods or purposefully change a god's role
i'm asking just because i want to release it at some point and i don't want slavic pagans to feel dissapointed about my portrayal of the gods and the religion :(
that.. is so disrespectful of you..
I don't see anything wrong with that!!! I actually saw a post on here saying something like "why don't pagans make up their own myths??"
And i personally believe that, as long as we are respectful, and we don't put gods in bad light, it would NOT be disrespectful 💓💓🌺
In fact, I'm sure many slavic pagans would be so happy to see a story about their religion!!
In fact, i am happy now too haha 😆
Sorry if my reply to this was unsatisfactory!! I tried my best to explain my words but, no morning coffee hahahaha..
Also! If you need any help with the story,or just wanna talk about your idea,, i am always here to discuss and help!! 💕💕💕😸😸😸
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134340am · 2 years
Uhmmmmm hello?? New profile and theme?? Is this your "IT-GIRL" era? Your profile is so prettyyyyyy
And yes i am also awaiting Spy x Family!!!
While waiting im rerunning bnha episodes and i was thinking which of the bnha babies will get married before they reach 25? This concept came into mind coz i read an Atsumu x reader fic where they married when they were 19.
I honestly cant say i see any of the bnha babies marrying under 25, they seem to be so focused about hero work y'know??
How was ur weekend???
KODZU MY BELOVED!!! i was brainstorming for my new shouto piece and thought of you :*) how are you? i'll answer your personal questions below the cut!
(rubs hands together) hmmMmMMm bnha characters that would get married before 25... this is hard honestly! i think for the first few years of their career, they'd be solely focused on proving themselves as sidekicks, and thinking of ways to get capital to start their own agencies(?). the 1A kids are wholly dedicated, mind and body and soul, to becoming the best heroes no matter what, and right now i don't really see any of them marrying young.
buUUuUut you know who i see getting married before 25?
wouldn't it be cute if he fell head over heels for someone? i'm talking tripping over his own feet when texting them, getting his wings caught when he walks through doors because he's too busy looking at his crush, almost flying into buildings because he's thinking about them.
lovesick hawks. because this is the first time he's ever had something, someone, that he wants so badly. because he's had so much violently ripped away from his hands, that he thinks he deserves to pursue something, someone, of his own accord—just this once. because while his parents' marriage didn't work out, hawks wants nothing more than to prove himself wrong: that love does exist, and it exists for him.
good things come to those who wait. hawks has always prided himself on being a patient person; waiting on information, waiting on sources, waiting on people. but he is the swiftest hero after all, and this time, he's not waiting around anymore.
alright now for the less fun stuff:
thank you for loving my theme! i was actually thinking of changing it soon because i don't like the colours :-( but i like how clean my navi is bc user friendliness and accessibility is a priority. please savour this bright spring theme while it lasts hehe
yesss i love spy x family! anya is my baby i would kill for her (and so will her parents)
my weekend's been good so far, thank you for asking <3 i went out for a while today with my family and we ate a nice lunch and went grocery shopping. really normal mundane things but i'm grateful for the time we spent together :-)
thank you for asking! u r very precious to me & i appreciate you very much (*^▽^*)
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fncreature · 3 years
Another Chance: 5
A/n: HELLO MY PEOPLES! I'm sorry it's taken so long. I've been super busy and I'm working out a toxic friendship and I have had very little inspiration to write. But it's here, it's finally done! I also am putting a second authors note in here, it'll be in bold so that way I can explain myself without adding to this since I'm going to assume not many people will read this paragraph.
“See, I think it worked!” You blinked, your vision hazy.
“Wha-?” You mumbled groggily.
“Still think Cap shouldn’t have been to hit ‘er, with the serum and all that”
“It still worked, didn’t it?” Stark snapped his fingers in front of you. “You good, kid?”
You rubbed your temples, still feeling dizzy. “Not sure good is the right way to put it”
“See, it worked! I told you, all of you” He pointed around the room.
“Shut the f*ck up or at least quiet down” You told him, annoyed at how loud everything was and how bright the room is.
“Like I said” Banner remarked. “She probably has a concussion”
“So do you know why Selvig’s machine even worked? We can’t figure it out” Stark asked.
“Don’t overwhelm her, I doubt she even knows where she is” Banner said. “Do you?”
“Hold on!” You groaned, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the brightness, but after a minute or two, you just gave up and looked around the room.
Stark, Banner, Romanoff, Rogers, and Barton.
“Yeah, think so. One of the Med rooms in the New York S.H.I.E.L.D. Base.” You answered, moving you were dangling your legs over the side of the bed.
“Good” Banner replied, shining a light in your eyes.
He ran a few more tests, before concluding that you did, in fact, have a concussion.
“So just rest up, kid, got it? No training or missions for a little while” He told you.
“Yeah, sure” You nodded. "What happened? Did I do anything?"
"We'll explain later, but for now, Loki controlled you for the better part of a week while we figured out how to un-mind control you" Stark said.
(A/n 2: Yeah, I didn't write the battle of New York, the iconic mcu battle other than Endgame. Part of the reason why this chapter took so long to write was that I wrote the battle three times and none of them worked so I came up with this. I'm really really sorry if this is unsatisfactory to anyone, but I really tried to make the battle work but I just couldn't figure it out)
They made you stay in the med bay for a few more days before they released you, but no one was letting you know what happened.
After you were released, you weren’t exactly sure what to do.
So you hacked S.H.I.E.L.D.
It wasn’t as bad as it seemed, you were just blocked from seeing the news.
And then you saw some footage. And then some more.
“Oh god” You whispered to yourself, horrified. You had hurt people. A lot of people.
You now knew why you weren’t allowed to see.
So you did a bit more hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D.’s files.
This part was probably more illegal, but you weren’t sure.
“Rogers, Steve” You mumbled, clicking onto the file.
Yeah, this part was probably illegal. Finding addresses was probably illegal.
But you did it anyway.
After all, if you were going to get arrested, you wouldn’t be at S.H.I.E.L.D.
You scribbled the address on the back of your hand, and got up, but then you stopped.
You had no way of getting out of the building. The guards at the door knew not to let you out. There weren’t any balconies or anything, and definitely not on the first or second floors. No one, including you, could control your powers, so there wasn’t anything you could do in that department. There was also the option of fighting your way out, but that would be extremely difficult, considering the amount of people that trained and worked in the building. So basically, you had no easy way out.
On the other hand, nothing in S.H.I.E.L.D. ever came easy. Fighting your way out was not viable, no matter what. There were too many people there, and it was too risky. Your powers had helped before, but you really couldn’t control them, and you weren’t sure if they would work when you needed them to. You could do the cliche thing and wait for the guards to swap, but that happened in…
You glanced at the clock.
Eight hours. So that wasn’t happening. At this point, fighting seemed like the best option. At least, depending on who was on guard.
You did a tiny bit more searching through files before you found the schedules and dates.
The guards on duty weren’t the worst.
But they would call for backup, and backup meant more people, and then you would hurt more people and-
You didn’t want to do that. But it seemed like your only chance. Your only chance to get out.
You would’ve done this earlier, but you didn’t know where to go before. But now you had a place to go, and so maybe, just maybe, this would be your shot.
“I’m gonna fight the guards and break out of S.H.I.E.L.D.” You told yourself. “I can do that. I can definitely do that.”
“No you can’t” You turned back to see the one person that could, and would, ruin your life.
You took in a deep breath before glancing around another time, and seeing the sign that you needed.
Floor seven. You weren’t too high to run down the stairs.
You turned back to Fury. “Yes, yes I can” You said, hitting Fury harder than you expected, and running to the stairwell. You rubbed your knuckles as you raced down the flight of stairs. You wouldn’t let yourself get out of breath, and definitely not after you heard the stairwell door open.
“At least I did it” You whispered to yourself, grinning. “I punched Fury in the face”
Around the third floor you realized how severely you underestimated how long it would take you to run down seven flights of stairs.
“Just two more” You huffed, trying to keep that burst of energy you had when you started.
And then you finally made it. The beautiful red door at the end of the stairs. You shoved the door open and ran for the doors.
The doors that would give you a chance you never had at S.H.I.E.L.D.
Another chance of being yourself.
And then you realized something great. There would only be the bare minimum guarding the doors because everyone else was focused on you. As in, there was only one guard at the door.
You mentally wished for your speed powers, but then remembered that you had your dampener.
So you just ran. And to your shock, it was easy. Because when you looked up, you saw Romanoff on one of the balconies giving you a smirk, holding a tablet. Your dampener was gone
It worked. You were out of S.H.I.E.L.D.
You ran down a few blocks before cutting into a side street and looking at the address on your hand. You looked around, before just speeding around for a few minutes before finding the building, and racing up to the floor you had written down, and looking around for Steve’s room.
When you found it, you knocked on the door.
“Fury, I swear to god-” He stopped when he actually opened the door. You grinned.
“I did it” You told him, still not a hundred percent believing it yourself. “I did it, Steve”
He smiled. “I’m assuming it wasn’t in a legal way”
“Oh, h*ll no” You replied.
“Language” He responded, leading you inside.
So sorry I originally forgot the taglist!
@blacktanwriter1, @acethecardsblog @broukaitlyn-blog @itsss4t4n@wandanatblogs
@sirsell, @mythicalamphitrite,
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raamitsu · 2 years
hi! i’m the anon and i’m sorry if my ask was confusing. i’m not a native english speaker either and i did type all that very fast, so the fault here is mine. regarding mikey, what i was trying to say is that he is very unwell mentally at the moment and if hanma does take the lives of all the people that were dead in the original timeline (mitsuya, chifuyu, hakkai, akkun and takemichi) as that twitter post suggests, i don’t see how him being defeated and understand that he is not invincible would help him. if that theory is correct the last arc would go down like this (i think): hanma kills four important characters, mikey confronts takemichi, takemichi obviously defeats mikey, takemichi then dies by the hands of hanma. the only dream mikey has, that we’re shown, is to have a family, made by all the people he loves. while life is cruel like that and it takes away your dreams and sometimes even the people you love, his dream was not something like going into one specific college or taking that career, that even if it does not happen, your life can readjust and you can do something else and be happy. having a family or friends or community or even-just-one-person is a basic human need. losing someone leaves you with a permanent and invisible bleeding wound and if we count all the people mikey has lost and stands to lose with that theory, we can say the boy would be flayed to the bone by the end. so i guess what i’m trying to say is that i’m not sure how a speech, that granted would change his self image, would prevent him to say to himself “fuck it, why should i pull through this hell to be alone; all the people who wanted me happy are dead, i can be happy with them in the afterlife”. having a support group is important when rehabilitating and healing, but maybe i’m just projecting myself and what i would do and think and yeah i’m not taking into consideration that there would still be left kakucho, which so far has been shown to care about mikey(i’m not considering benkei, waka and takeomi because they, to our knowledge, did not reach out after shin’s death and that was shitty of them -but maybe they had reasons idk). so i’m probably just wrong about it and don’t see the bigger picture and if wakui does take this route i’m pretty sure he will give us something that makes sense (so far i’ve always liked wakui’s choices for his story so i don’t doubt that he will deliver a satisfying ending) and it’s also been months since i last reread TR so i’m probably forgetting things and details about the story as a whole. i hope this makes sense lol and your reply was amazing, thank you.
First of all, to you my dear Anon: I am deeply apologized for not responding to you sooner as I received this. Days have been busier with Eid celebration and more, but never once I forgot your ask, and of course I wanted to properly reply you with the best answers like anyone else but unfortunately these are the only "best" way I could've figured. Once again I am deeply sorry if my respond still left you with another unsatisfactory. I tried my best to understand the main point of your messages.
Alright, I'll just get to the point and make it short here: I think what you were trying to imply here was “I cannot see a point in "saving Mikey" only by the methods of kicking his ass and having people who he loves dearly remain by his side.”
Truthfully speaking, there is NONE; as in 'no decent ways to save Mikey'. I convinced majority of TR manga readers, especially the intellectual Mikey stans have always been concious enough to realize that none of those could have made Mikey changed into his old self ever again. I guess I could understand why you were wondering about this because if there IS another way to save Mikey, it won't change every damages that has been done, but as long as he can be stopped, every possible methods has to be taken as a consideration.
In the beginning of final arc where Takemichi accidentally time leaped to ten years in the past, he already had a mission beforehand, which was to to 'save Mikey' and along that period of time while he was still figuring a way to do so, he determined about 'dealing with Mikey alone' and by that, it could be a possibility that it was an early measurement he has chosen at the time, until he decided to join Brahman and had Draken to help him. The same thing was repeated when he got into hospital after being kicked out to death by Mikey in the Three Deities War. Indeed, Takemichi has chosen to fight and face Mikey again and that's when you realized he spent times considering some alternatives (If not mistaken, few days before and during the hospital rooftop watching fireworks with Hina) and finalized his choice on what he should do to achieve his goal. Can we blame him for that? A bit, perhaps. But can any decent or even more professional methods will instantly solve the current issue that Mikey is experiencing? Nah. Proffesional methods, as we know better, would've applied after stopping him from continuing his crimes. You gotta realized that if Mikey himself decided to return to the world of delinquency and chose to be critically vicious, engaged in a fight that involved illegal businesses + deaths compiled, then there is NO OTHER WAY to stop or save him.
In conclusion, you may learned that most of us wanted to believe with simple methods like 'kicking his ass' , 'let him know people love him' or even 'make him realized that he is and not going to be invicible forever' could've been the only ways to pull Mikey out of his dark path that he claimed he chose for himself. Just like how Takemichi chose to bring everyone together and fight Mikey though it was impossible to begin with, the same way we all wanted something to believe in even though we knew the chances are so small and pointless. That's all from me.
Before I leave, I'm taking this opportunity to thank @odifarts for summarizing this ask for me :)
I don't know who you are Anon but I wish you a very good day, always. Please feel free to share your thoughts and I'll try my best to respond them. Also apologies for any grammar mistakes! too lazy to double check 😅
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lesbianlotties · 3 years
Comfort Food - Dani/Grace - Terminator: Dark Fate
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Terminator (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Grace Harper/Dani Ramos Characters: Dani Ramos, Grace Harper, Sarah Connor, Carl (Terminator) Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Post-Canon, Missing Scene, McDonald's, Fast Food, Comfort Food, Fluff, basically grace survives and they stop by mcdonalds after they escape Words: 2870
The Rev-9 is destroyed. The four of them are barely alive after the fight. The first thing they need is to find a safe place to go.
That's when they step into McDonald's.
Sarah didn’t have time to say it, and she couldn’t exactly remember where she heard it first, but there was something oddly comforting about McDonald’s. That’s not to say she loved the place. A most likely despicable company, sure. But it was just so goddamned… big. It was available in most of the globe, and in every stupid country Sarah found herself in she could turn a corner and there it was, like a fucking mirage. The ridiculous “M”, the lights, the colors, the food, and the bathroom too. They were all mostly the same everywhere. The most childish spot for feeling like stepping into a sort of time loop. Somehow the most appropriate place to stop by after destroying the Rev-9.
The four of them were in various degrees of falling apart, some of them quite literally. “Wait here,” Sarah instructed Carl, not any more gently even after everything. He diligently hung back at the door, missing arm and all, while the three women entered the fast-food restaurant. “You two, sit,” Sarah pointed at one of the tables and confidently walked to the register. Dani and Grace hesitated at the door, but eventually gave in and followed the instructions.
Their little group probably looked beyond suspicious and out of place. They walked a long way until they found this place, and they were still covered in blood, dirt, and ashes. At least Dani’s long hair was the only thing still dripping water. Surprisingly, the employees of McDonald’s barely bat an eyelash at the new clients. It fascinated and worried Grace to think they weren’t the strangest thing these people had seen walk into the establishment in the middle of the night. Thankfully, there weren’t any other patrons.
“Are you alright?” Dani asked, as soon as the two were comfortably seated in one of the booths.
“Hm. Yeah, I think so,” Grace mumbled. She lowered her head, realizing Dani had noticed the way she had ungracefully fallen onto her seat, wincing and bleeding. “What about you?”
“Well, I’m alive.”
Dani’s answer came in a whisper. Her voice was trembling just slightly. This still wasn’t the time and place to think about the events that lead her here. However, this place, the bright lights above her, the clean floors, the smell of food, it was enough of a taste at normalcy to make her feel like she could take a break, like chaos was solved and she had made it out alive, for now. Which was enough, surprisingly. The best part? Seeing the moment that the words she just spoke fully registered in Grace’s mind as well. 
Dani had survived. The Rev-9 didn’t make it through the second explosion they had pushed it into. It was definitely gone. More and possibly worse problems could be waiting for them. But, for now, all that mattered was this, Dani’s little smile from the other side of the table. Dani was alive and Grace had completed her mission, “You know,” Grace started to speak, “I didn’t think…”
“Dig in,” Sarah interrupted them, dropping two trays of food on the table and sitting down beside Dani.
The following seconds were a quick flash of very different approaches to their meals from the three women. Sarah didn’t waste a second to get started on her burger. They needed food to stay alive, they had a chance to eat a warm meal, no time to waste. Dani, on the other hand, took a deep breath then turned her head away from the food. How could they eat after everything that just happened? Her stomach churned just thinking of all the violence she’d had to stomach since the previous days. Then there was Grace. For a second, she frowned at the food. Offended about the interruption, about the way it seemed to upset Dani, and… and then there was the smell of the fries. She took a handful of them, slowly chewed them, and then there was no turning back. She got started on her meal as if her life- as if Dani’s life depended on her eating that burger.
“Let’s get to the point,” Sarah announced after a few bites and a long sip of her drink. “Grace. The terminator was a hundred percent dead, correct?” Her question was met with silence and thumbs up, considering the augment soldier was halfway done with her burger. “And you? Will you live?” She ignored the look Dani her sent her way. Sarah was used to being blunt in worse scenarios, she wasn’t about to change things now. If anything, change within her was barely noticeable. But there was just something uncharacteristically earnest in her tone as she made her question. She cared about the answer, more than she was ready to admit.
They had to wait until Grace was done chewing, but finally, she got her appetite to slow down for a moment enough to give an answer. “There was a lot of damage,” she said, quickly scanning through the systems in her body, a series of unsatisfactory percentages showing up in her vision, but nothing too alarming. “Nothing I can’t fix,” Grace stated with finally, diving right back into her food. This would hold her up for a short while, but she would need to raid a pharmacy soon.
“Good,” Sarah nodded. After a few more moments of eating in silence, she turned toward Dani. “What about you? How, uh, how’re you holding up?”
Dani, almost without noticing, had started to slowly go through her set of fries. Eating them slowly, enjoying the warmth and the distraction. However, instead of answering, she ended up blurting out the first thing on her mind. “How are you so calm right now?”
“It isn’t my first rodeo. Hell, it isn’t even the second time I go through this shit,” Sarah replied, finishing her meal. “No time to dwell on it. We have to move to safety. Plus, we got that monster as a bodyguard waiting outside.” She nodded her head to the window, where they could glance at Carl, calmly waiting outside for them. Dani almost made a comment about Sarah forgetting her promise to destroy him if they managed to survive, but she decided against it. “I’m going to the bathroom,” Sarah continued, “you two finish up, get cleaned up. I’ll get us a phone and a vehicle. Then we need a pharmacy and a safe house. Don’t take too long.”
A moment later, she was done. Up and moving again. Dani was thinking about how much she would have to learn from Sarah, how much she would like to learn from her. Grace was thinking… “Dani,” she whispered, “Do you think I could get another one of these?”
“You can have mine,” Dani chuckled. She pushed the burger toward Grace. After taking notice of Grace’s frown and already knowing that was a sign for an upcoming speech about her protection and importance, she added, “Please, Grace. I can’t stomach it right now.”
Grace was reassured by the fact that Dani at least was steadily eating her fries. Encouraged by her deep hunger, she accepted the burger. “Thank you,” she smiled. After taking the first bite she made a sound of appreciation. If her attention wasn’t all taken by Dani and her meal, she would have attempted to think about how profundly human she felt. It was a comfort to eat this incredibly ordinary food and pretend everything was perfectly normal about her, her life, and the world around her.
“What were you going to say,” Dani asked her without preamble, “before the food arrived?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Grace shook her head softly.
It wasn’t convincing in the slightest. Even less so to Dani, whose stubbornness could easily match Sarah’s and Grace’s. But then again, there was something mesmerizing, comforting, but also so simple and easy about watching Grace have the time of her life eating ridiculous McDonald’s food. It rendered Dani speechless. It got her thinking a little. About the way Grace had gone through so many years without these simple pleasures. About the way Grace’s body worked differently, but the bigger part of her was always so endearingly human. About Grace in general, fascinating even under the worst conditions. Done with what little food she could tolerate and soothed by the space and the company around her, Dani allowed herself to close her eyes for just one moment…
“Dani… Dani?”
Grace’s voice eased her out of that unlikely sleep she had fallen into. The soldier sounded concerned enough to still sound like Grace. But it was undeniable the hint of amusement and fondness in her tone. Was she used to waking up her Commander from accidental naps like that? Was that a spark of jealousy that Dani was feeling for her own self of the future?
“Sorry,” she attempted an awkward laugh. “Let’s stop by the bathroom. We don’t want Sarah causing a scene because we’re taking too long.”
“Take your time,” Grace said. Her words were soft, her frown was unforgiving. The fondness between her and Sarah was reciprocated, but still complicated. Grace wouldn’t hesitate to stand her ground against anyone that tried to disturb Dani’s brief moments of peace.
The bathroom was another unlikely little piece of heaven. It was clean, empty, functional, quiet. Most importantly, it looked like Sarah had acquired a first aid kit from the employees and left it behind for the two of them. What followed was a slow and steady process of dealing with the most pressing issues both of them had. First, a visit to the toilet, sure. Then, washing faces, hands, and arms. Grace wet her hair, and was almost completely unaware of Dani's appreciative stares at the whole process. They didn’t have a lot to work with, and there were a lot of bandages and healing in their near future. But, at the very least, they had a small bottle of alcohol, and they did what they could with it.
Cut clean and bodies slightly refreshed, Dani had time to openly stare at Grace. “You’re incredible,” she sighed. She hadn’t meant to just blurt it out, but at the same time she couldn’t figure out a reason not to. Grace turned to look at her with genuine wonder in her eyes. “It already looks better,” Dani added, pointing at the wound on Grace’s neck. Back at the dam, it had looked beyond deadly. It would have been, to anyone who wasn’t an augmented soldier, apparently. Now the wound appeared to be closed, at least. Though there was still a long road of healing ahead.
“See? I still got it,” Grace replied. Technically, the smile she wore at that moment was small. But it was so… new, to Dani, that she found it to be the brightest most beautiful thing in the world. For a moment she felt like the luckiest person on Earth knowing that now she would have time to really get to know Grace, her sense of humor, her personality beyond being a soldier, all of her. She didn’t even have time to think about all the upcoming smiles from Grace that would soon come to lovingly blind her. For an instant, Dani opened her mouth to reply, but then she closed it and turned away to stare at the mirror again. “What?” Grace gently prompted her.
Dani took a deep breath, and started washing her hands again, quite unnecessarily too, but it was better than staring at the other woman as she said, “It’s just that… not running for our lives? Looks good on you.”
Grace stayed silent. She took her time processing the information. The look on her face was complicated. A small arch in her eyebrows showed she was at least a little impressed by the compliment. Then there was that absolutely gorgeous pair of expressive blue eyes. They were delighted, caught off guard, for sure, and very appreciative for Dani’s matching ease, the first time she saw her relaxed and awake since they met. But there was an unmistakable hint of grief, nostalgia for something impossible to recover, even if what was in front of her was just as good.
Dani took the opportunity to ask something that she hasn’t been able to shake off her mind. “What were you going to say,” she slowly asked Grace a second time, “before the food arrived?”
The expression on Grace’s face instantly dimmed, but she didn’t look too bothered about it either. “I just didn’t think I would survive this far,” she gave a small shrug, “that’s all.”
That’s all, she said. As if that wasn’t a pretty significant thing, Dani thought. “I can’t imagine,” Dani frowned and spoke in whispers, while Grace tilted her head and listened intently. “I can’t imagine… ever, you know, being the person that gives the order to send you, Grace, in a suicide mission.”
“It’s not like that,” Grace shook her head softly. She was leaning against the sink, staring at Dani with all the devotion she couldn’t seem to shake off her eyes whenever they locked eyes. “I volunteered,” Grace said, “I, you and I, we both knew I’d be the best one to protect you.”
“Why is that?” Dani asked, considerably more breathless than she meant to. Then she took a hesitant step forward, and nearly started shaking when Grace mimicked her move.
“Can’t you tell?”
In the back of her mind, Dani was thinking about how she could probably spend the rest of her life analyzing that question, and the way Grace said those three words. She was genuinely asking, she was hopeful, she was afraid, she was sad, she was… She was placing a hand on Dani’s cheek. Grace was cradling Dani’s jaw with a delicacy and gentleness that most likely shouldn’t be possible in a soldier like her, wounded, traumatized, transformed, and scarred. But Dani felt like the two of them were standing on top of a cloud, leaning forward, looking up into crystal clear blue eyes…
“A car is here,” Grace announced, sharply turning her head to the right and schooling her expression back into deadly professionalism.
“Righ,” Dani exhaled a heavy sigh, took an extra moment to recover herself, and added, “Let’s go.” Then, without allowing herself to think too hard about it, grabbed Grace’s hand and led her outside. She didn’t look back to see Grace’s reaction to her taking the lead like that, but she could have made a pretty good guess.
Outside McDonald’s, they met Carl. The retired Terminator looked at them with his familiar but stoic stare and said, “I hope your meals were satisfactory.”
“Yeah,” Dani nodded, “Thanks.”
“Is that safe?” Grace asked, nodding toward the car parking a few feet away from them.
“Stay put,” Sarah ordered as an answer.
Carl couldn’t help but take a couple of steps forward, to be closer to the stranger, to protect Sarah if necessary and possibly even against her will.
Hearing Sarah’s curt response, mutual fondness or not, Grace nearly groaned out loud in annoyance. She did tighten her hold on Dani’s hand. Which brought to Dani’s attention the fact that their fingers were still comfortably interlocked and how natural it felt to just continue to hold on.
“Hey, Grace,” she said softly, tugging a little on the hand she was holding.
With her attention back on Dani, Grace instantly relaxed. Irritation vanished from her face, and the pressure of her hand loosened a little too. “Yes?” she asked. Looking at her with that same exact spark of adoration from before. 
“Can I kiss you now?”
First, Grace just smiled at her. It was an honest grin. She genuinely looked elated. Not at all like she had expected this outcome based on experiences from a future that hadn’t happened. She looked overjoyed and relieved as if she was experiencing the completion of a dream she’d had her entire life. 
“Of course,” Grace replied, in the middle of taking a deep breath and exhaling a soft sigh.
Grace stepped closer, Dani placed a hand on the back of her neck, they met in the middle. At first, it felt like a spark, an explosion of all the action, the adrenaline, the terror, and the thrills they had experienced during nearly every second since they met. Then, the feeling melted into a slow and steady flame, it was comfort, relief, triumph, safety. It was an action of complete love, and hope, and the promise of a future together.
A moment of such levels of perfection, of course, could only be interrupted by the loud and tremendously inopportune sound of a car horn.
“Let’s go, lovebirds!” Sarah yelled from the window of the driver’s seat. She sounded like her usual self, even if she couldn’t hold back her smirk.
“Please,” Carl added, “excuse her for the interruption. Would you like to have an additional moment of privacy?”
“No, Carl, uh, thanks,” Dani replied, a giggle stuck in her throat. “We’re, um, we’re good. Yeah. Let’s… let’s go.” She could hardly keep her composure, not with Grace standing behind her, arm wrapped around her middle and holding her close, her lips smiling and pressing a kiss on the top of her head.
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honeyoongiah · 4 years
Drifting apart
Pairings: Jimin x reader, Yoongi x your friend as a side ship  Genre: angst, smut, fluff, slice of life  Words: 7k Warnings: explicit sex, it’s pretty emotional sometimes :(  Summary: You and your boyfriend Jimin are facing a difficult time after drifting apart. Will you end up together, is there still a chance for you after all that happened? 
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You loved Jimin and Jimin loved you.
You had been a couple for a long time and you had even moved to Korea to be with him, but he didn’t have much time and you argued about it occasionally. You missed him and his presence. When he was gone, the world no longer felt complete, like a significant part was missing, and you hated that feeling. You knew Jimin felt the same, but it wasn't easy as a BTS member, they toured all the time and if they didn't they wrote a new album and then toured again, a vicious circle. You often lost yourself in grief, but didn't want to show any of it to your Jiminie. You wanted to be the perfect girlfriend when he was there because you didn't have enough time together to waste it with negative feelings.
Jimin was always terribly stressed and sometimes irritable because of work, but he never wanted to do anything other than being a performer. It was his passion. The only problem was that he didn't have his loved one around as often as he would like.
He missed you constantly and was never really focused at work, the longer you hadn't seen each other the worse. Often he was teased with it and then he smiled faintly, hiding how deeply this issue affected him. Every now and then someone asked if everything was okay, but he didn't want to talk about it. He hadn't even spoken to you about your problems. He knew you were suffering but said nothing to be strong for him. That suited you. The thought of you made him smile, but at the same time it hurt so much that he almost cried. Especially the past months were tough for your relationship since Jimin practically lived at work. They worked hard on a comeback and Jimin took a big part in writing and composing on this album as well. It was exciting but also really time-consuming. You felt neglected, like his love for his job was bigger and more important to him than you and that hurt you. You started to feel like he didn’t crave you anymore, like you weren’t attractive in any way. It really made you wonder if you were not enough anymore and you could tell that you became very insecure. You just wanted a little appreciation, a bit more affection and more time with the one you loved the most.
One day after the rehearsal he couldn't take it anymore and tried to call you. For the first time ever, you didn't answer when he called you. Immediately worries arose in him, had something happened to you?
What could be the reason you were unavailable?
"Oh hyung, did F/N tell you something about Y/N? Is there anything special today, I mean is she busy? She doesn't answer the phone."
"No she didn't, but calm down. She’s probably just not on her phone because she fell asleep or is meeting up with friends. Don't worry.", Yoongi tried to calm him down, but Jimin had a bad feeling and he knew he could always trust his gut feeling.
"I don't know, I feel kind of ... weird. I'm sure something's wrong. I know I sound ridiculous, I mean, she just didn't take my call once. But my gut tells me something is wrong." Jimin muttered, stepping from one foot to the other, glancing at his cell phone hoping you would call back, but you didn't. He tried again before deciding to stop by after the rehearsal. He didn't care that he actually had something else in mind, he had to see you now.
When he arrived at your place, he rang the doorbell wildly and you opened the door dumbfounded.
"Jiminie what are you doing here, you have to work ..." - "I don't care, I had to see you."
The fact that you didn't jump into his arms straight away, didn't smile widely at him straight away and didn't form the typical dimples were the second signs that something was wrong.
"What was wrong? You didn't answer the phone." - "Sorry, I was absorbed in my book.", you mumbled and stepped aside to allow Jimin to enter, but Jimin stopped and got a confused look.
"I have to go again .." he said, barely audible. He knew how it hurt you and it was exactly the same for him. He didn't even have time to check on you, but couldn't stop himself.
"Yeah thought so already. See you Jiminie.", you answered with a tired smile that instantly broke Jimin's heart and closed the door in front of his nose. No kiss, no I love you, not even a hug, not a single touch. This meeting had been very unsatisfactory for him.
But he just went back to work, a big mistake that he would realize too late.
Time passed and you saw each other less and less. You answered the phone less and less and Jimin stopped calling you that often. You seemed to be growing apart, but that burned like a dagger in Jimin's heart. He had to prevent that.
So he fought with everything he had for a day off that was finally given to him and he knew he would spend it refreshing old times. To show the love of his life that they belong together.
He had planned and set up big things, even called your workplace to give you a day off.
He cleaned and tidied up his apartment, because he knew otherwise you would complain, he cooked your favorite food as best he could and prepared the table romantically. Champagne and glasses were ready, only candles were burning everywhere. He had asked Jin to help him and of course he agreed.
So when that day finally came, he brought you a small box that said "open me" with a heart drawn next to the writing. Jimin even painted the heart in your favorite color and made you smile. You let Jin into your apartment and went to the living room to unpack.
In the box was a beautiful, burgundy, backless, tight-fitting dress with matching high heels (but not too high, as Jimin knew you weren't used to this and he didn't want to overtax you) and even a matching lipstick. On top of it was a small folded note, which you opened impatiently. "Dearest Y/N, I'm sorry about how things are between us right now. I miss you and I really want to make everything right again. Please get ready, no need to hurry, and then let Jin drive you. I hope you like your outfit, I can’t wait to see you in it. - Chimchim"
Your smile widened from word to word you read and your eyes filled with tears. So much had you wished for this Jimin again. You wanted to finally see him again and spend time with him. You were very happy, but a dark shadow weighed on you.
Because, as it goes with difficult relationships sometimes, your frustration steered you on the wrong track. But you quickly tried to shake off these thoughts and went to your bedroom with the box in your hands while Jin was waiting for you patiently in your living room.
About 20 minutes later you were ready and happy to face Jimin. Jin complimented you and led you to his car to get in. Less than half an hour later you were standing in front of the building Jimin lived in and Jin brought you upstairs to his apartment before saying goodbye and taking the elevator down again. With your heart pounding excitedly, you rang the bell and an equally excited Jimin in a black suit with a small bouquet of daisies opened the door for you. He looked you up and down and couldn't utter a word at first.
"I knew you wouldn’t look bad in it, but that exceeds all my expectations.", Jimin admitted honestly and was once again proud to have such a beautiful woman by his side, both inside and out. "Thank you. I have to thank you in general for everything, this dress is great and so are the shoes and the lipstick. I like it a lot.", you said with a warm smile and Jimin felt like when you had just met. In the past you had a lot of such dates and he had always tried hard, but at some point BTS became known and with that his schedule became more and more tight. He was happy that he managed to organize it for today. "But I can't stay too long-" - "You don't have to work, I already talked with your boss.", Jimin interrupted you with a grin and finally pulled you into the apartment and closed the door.
He led you into the dining room where he had dipped everything in candlelight and the champagne was already waiting in glasses for the two of you. You ate, talked a lot, and flirted again like you did on the first day. Finally you both had some time for each other again. But Jimin noticed how stressed you looked at your cell phone every now and then. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "Yes everything’s alright, just a little spam from my friends.", you replied as calm as possible and took Jimin's hand. "Thank you for doing this. I missed this so much," you said gratefully and leaned over to get a kiss from your dream man. He didn't hesitate for a second and enjoyed it when your lips met again after so long.
At some point you sat on the couch in the living room, already a little tipsy, because it was more comfortable and you were able to sit closer. You were in his arms and looked up into his flawless face. You gently ran your thumb along his right cheek and looked him in the eyes the whole time. You two usually didn't need many words to understand each other. Your chemistry matched so well that everything was said without words.
Jimin grabbed your neck gently and pulled you closer to his face, he didn't like this distance between you and he wanted to get rid of it immediately.
You moved closer and your lips met again. At first you were careful, as if you didn't know each other yet, but shortly afterwards the kiss became more demanding and intense so that both had to moan. You buried your hands deep in his blonde hair and never thought of ever letting go of him. With a jerk he grabbed Your hips and sat you on his lap.
You automatically wrapped your arms and legs around his body and tried to pull him as close to you as you possibly could, every millimeter between you hurt.
Jimin bit your lip, asking for entrance. You immediately responded and the kiss intensified with your tongues moving. You could practically feel the tension in the room and Jimin stroked your bare back, giving you goosebumps. "That's exactly why I chose this dress," he mumbled into the kiss with a grin and continued to stroke your skin.
At some point he grabbed you by the waist and stood up while muttering "I can't wait any longer." and carried you to his bedroom. Another few weeks passed and Jimin's schedule was fuller than full. But you two weren’t bothered so much because that evening together gave you new strength and your love was rekindled. You wrote sweet messages and sent each other pictures as often as you could. Jimin was so grateful that he had taken the time to straighten everything out.
That would be a nice ending, right?
But fate decided that things wouldn’t go peaceful.
You were feeling a little strange and weren’t sure what that meant.
You took a pregnancy test and were overjoyed when it was positive, since you wanted nothing more than to start a family with Jimin. To give birth to his kids.
You decided to tell him tonight at Yoongi and F/N's, as the others met there to do something in your friend group again. You didn’t tell your friends yet. First of all, the father of your baby should know.
Incredibly excited, you made your way to Yoongi and F/N.
Shortly after you rang the doorbell, a somewhat stressed F/N opened the door with her daughter in her arms. Little Juna grew so incredibly fast in your eyes.
"The babysitter has canceled. But Juna knows how to behave, so we didn't want to cancel today since everyone had found time."
Little Juna waved to her aunt and spread her arms to give you a welcoming hug.
"Hello my sweetie, how are you?" you asked happily and kissed the little one on the head.
Yoongi came around the corner and greeted you friendly before he kissed your friend on the cheek and disappeared back into the living room. You couldn't wait to live this life with your Jimin. As you greeted everyone, you noticed your other friends were there too, but without their son. Another couple in your friend group made it too, but they always carried their child with them; fifth month pregnant. There were happy families all around you, and you felt your excitement rise. Finally the doorbell rang and Jimin joined the group.
You immediately pulled him aside with a big grin and disappeared with him to your friend's bedroom. "I have to tell you something Chim.", you said, trembling with excitement. You were sure that he would be happy with you.
Jimin raised an eyebrow tightly. Unfortunately, he wasn't as enthusiastic as you were, he already suspected something. And if that were true, his whole world would fall apart.
"I'm pregnant."
You waited anxiously for his reaction, but he just stared into your eyes silently. "Aren't you happy?" You asked after a while of silence.
You began to worry. Didn't he want a family with you yet?
Or didn’t he want one with you at all? The panic slowly spread inside you.
"Who was it.", Jimin pressed out between his teeth, still fixed on your eyes. "What do you mean?" "Who was it that you fucked behind my back?!" 
Your heart immediately slipped into your pants. "Where did you get this idea now?"
Jimin started laughing hysterically and rubbed his forehead. "I should have known. That one day you didn't answer my call, it was because you were with him. And when we spent our evening he kept writing you messages, he was the one that spammed. God, I'm so stupid."
You felt caught and couldn't say anything. You felt guilty, it had only been a one-time thing, but since then Mark, the guy you slept with, hasn't left you alone and didn't understand that he didn’t mean anything to you. You deeply regretted your mistake and hoped to save it with this family cause, but it backfired completely.
Jimin shouted some things at you, about how you could do that to him and that he had loved you, he even bursted into tears but continued to yell carelessly.
Shortly afterwards, Yoongi stormed into the room and stared at both of you.
"Jimin, what's wrong? Calm down."
"I can't calm down hyung. She cheated on me. The love of my life betrayed me."
"And how do you know that?" Yoongi asked carefully.
"She's pregnant.” Yoongi's eyes widened and he looked at you in shock, while you still didn't understand what was going on,crying hard already.
"I'll go now before worse happens.", Jimin said and left the apartment with a loud bang.
You looked at Yoongi questioningly, waiting for an explanation.
"Jimin ... can't have children. He’s born with it. He just never knew how to tell you because he was afraid of losing you."
It was winter again. That meant it was time for you to wrap yourself in your cozy blanket and drink tea on the sofa. Your  motivation to do anything other than that was low anyway.
You switched on the television and tried to distract yourself, but as usually it was of no use.
"I'm back home tonight. Minne is sleeping in her bed. See you later, I love you." you felt that someone gave you a kiss on your cheek.
"Mmm.", you replied silently and didn't even bother to look into Mark’s eyes.
Mark looked at you with a sad expression on his face but said nothing and simply left your apartment. After you had done everything possible to talk to Jimin again, but he blocked it off completely and simply packed his things and left, you had given up and did what you thought was right.
Minne needed a father, her father, so you decided to give Mark a chance. For your child.
You didn't regret this decision, you didn't really care about it. Nothing but your daughter was of any value to you. Time passed and your daughter Minne was born. The little one was now 1 year old, so it was almost two years since you had last seen Jimin.
Again and again you asked the boys how he was and they told you he was doing well, making his dreams come true and slowly feeling happy again.
You were happy about it, you only wished him the best, but it hurt at the same time to realize that you were suffering so much and he just moved on. But you didn't deserve anything else.
After you took the last sip of your tea, you got up to put the cup in the sink and check on Minne again. "Hello my darling. Are you feeling good hm?" You mumbled against her head and kissed her. Minne was still sleeping calmly and didn’t seem to be disturbed in her sleep by her visitor. You went back to the living room and cleaned up a bit while you thought about your life. Your relationship with Mark was almost nonexistent. You let yourself be kissed by him, but otherwise there was no touching at all and you hardly spoke to him. Obviously he noticed all of this, but said nothing, hoping that time would heal your wounds and you would finally be ready for a real relationship with him.
But the only one who was buzzing around in your head was Jimin. It was almost two years ago and on the one hand it felt like an eternity the last time you touched him, on the other hand the pain of the loss felt like it was yesterday.
You sighed depressed and let yourself fall back onto the sofa. You had nothing to do, but you didn’t feel like doing anything either. Every day was like the other. Get up in the morning, take care of Minne, take care of the household, cook for everyone, go to sleep.
You assumed it would go on like this for the rest of your sad life.
But as fate would have it, you got a call with which everything began to change again.
You checked your cell phone and saw Yoongi calling you. Yoongi? You were wondering what he could want as you answered.
"Yoongi?" - "Y/N? No matter what, don't open the door!"
Startled but above all surprised, you opened your eyes and stared at your free hand. "And why?" - "Doesn't matter, trust me. It's not good. Don't answer no matter how often the doorbell rings. I'll be with you in an hour."
Without saying anything else, Yoongi hung up and you were still staring at your hand in confusion. Why shouldn't you open the door? Who would come and what would happen if you opened anyway? You sat cross-legged in front of the TV, but didn't concentrate on what was going on in the series. You stared at the door and waited for something to stir.
This was the first time in a long time that anything exciting happened in your life, so there was a tingle in your stomach. Suddenly there was a violent knock on your door and although you had stared at it and waited exactly for this to happen, you twitched in shock.
You put your covers aside and walked slowly towards the door. Except for a knock every 2 seconds, nothing could be heard. You couldn't make out who it was because you couldn't hear a voice and the person held a hand over the spy on the door.
Should you really open it? Yoongi sure didn’t warn you for nothing and if he even wanted to come by, it had to be something really serious. However, something inside you said you should open that door. You slowly lifted your hand and put it on the doorknob, gently pushed it down and pulled the door open.
Since the person had put his hand on the spy and apparently supported himself on the door, he stumbled a little step inward. "I didn't think you'd open." Jimin slurred and grinned a little at you. Those were the first words you had heard from Jimin's mouth in 2 years, the first time you faced each other again.
"Why shouldn't I open?” 
"I know that Yoongi called you. Thank you for always having your own head and never listening to others.", Jimin said and smiled again, closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall. He ran his hand through his hair and took a look around. "Nothing has changed." - "Have you been drinking?", you asked worriedly. Jimin wasn't a great drinker, he didn't really like it and stayed away from it most of the time. At least that was what you knew back then. "Don't worry, I'm used to it.", he giggled and held his head, apparently feeling dizzy.
You pulled him onto the sofa and grabbed your cell phone, quickly walking to the bedroom to make a call. "Yoongi, you don't need to come."
"So he's already there and you opened the door. Damn Y/N, can't you listen to someone just for once? It's not good for both of you. Jimin drinks a lot and has thrown his life away since you broke up. Every time he drank he wanted to see you but we stopped him, he should forget you and move on but he never could. Strangely enough, he escaped us today and we didn't find him again.”
"But I want to talk to him."
Yoongi knew he couldn't win this battle and gave up. He had tried his best to protect you two, but if you were so stubborn and wanted each other, maybe you just belonged to each other. No matter how much pain you had to go through. "Do what you need to do but take good care of him." You dialed the next number and waited for someone to answer it.
"Honey, is everything all right? You never call me."
"Please sleep at a friend’s today, I need time for myself and a little distance. We'll see you again tomorrow." you said and didn't wait for an answer but hung up straight away.
Sighing, you threw your cell phone on the bed and stared out the window until you could feel warm hands around you hips pulling you closer.
Jimin slowly laid his head on your shoulder and completely enclosed your body with his arms. "I missed you so much, jagi.", he whispered in your ear and gave you goosebumps all over your body. Immediately a tear ran down your cheek, but you made no move to wipe it away. "I missed you too, chim.", you whispered back just as softly.
When Jimin heard that you still called him that after all these years, he buried his face in your hair and tried to hold back his tears.
"You should go to sleep. You have been drinking and probably regret what you are doing when you wake up in the morning." Jimin immediately shook his head vigorously and began to distribute small, gentle kisses on your neck. You drew in a sharp breath in surprise, but tilted your head to give him more space. You hadn't let anyone close to you for two years.
Jimin remembered exactly where your weak point were and began to suck and bite the area. You moaned slightly and Jimin grinned against your skin, his breath tickling pleasantly.
"Jimin .. stop ..", you tried to say, but wished for nothing more than that he wouldn't listen to you. "How am I supposed to stop when you say my name like that?", he growled against your shoulder and began to run his hands over your body.
But apprupt he stopped and stood motionless for a few seconds.
"Jimin?", you asked, unable to see his face as you were still leaning your back on him. You were afraid that he had changed his mind and would decide to leave now. "That guy had been touching you like that since we last saw each other, right?” You immediately shook your head. "I didn't let anyone touch me like that again."
Jimin let out a relieved breath and pulled you a little closer to him. "Me neither. It's been way too long ...", he muttered and ran his hands under your top. Finally feeling Jimin's touch on your skin again made you gasp again. "Did you miss me that much?" He whispered against your ear and then bit it lightly. You could only nod.
"Tell me that you missed me."
"I missed you so much Jimin."
"Tell me that you are sorry."
"I cannot put into words how much I regret it. I am so sorry for what I did. Not a day goes by that I do not regret it."
"Tell me you love me. Me and only me."
"I only love you Jimin and I will never love anyone else."
"Tell me you want me."
"I want you Jimin."
"Good girl," he breathed against your skin as one hand wandered into your pants. You sighed in relish and made Jimin move his hand even faster. Your body shook slightly and you breathed in and out irregularly. You longed for Jimin's lips and wanted to turn around, but Jimin wouldn't let that happen.
"Not yet, baby." You could feel that Jimin was also aroused so you rubbed your body against his. "That's unfair, I have the upper hand here. Stop turning me on so much." Jimin replied in response and made you grin. You continued to move your ass against his already hardening dick, earning a groan in response. "I can't wait any longer." Jimin muttered and pulled his hand out. He turned you  towards him and took off your top before doing the same with his.
You gently stroked Jimin's chest and bit your lower lip. Jimin grinned when he noticed how you admired his body and grabbed your ass. You jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist, your hands around his neck. He pressed you against the wall next to you and only a few millimeters separated your lips. "Say my name", he breathed against your lips.
"Jimin .."
"I'm the only one who can touch you like that. I'm the only one you can touch like that. My name is the only one you can moan. Understand?” You nodded.
"I'll make sure everyone knows." He began to bite and suck on your neck again, only stronger this time. You whimpered softly, stroking his hair and enjoying his lips on you. There were so many nights you dreamed of this to happen again. After a while he stopped and looked at his work. He nodded happily to himself and looked at your face again.
Finally your lips touched and the tears quietly rolled down your face. His lips were still as soft as they were back then and even though he had drunk alcohol he still tasted like strawberries. Jimin noticed your tears and removed a hand from your bottom to wipe them away from your cheek. "You will never have another reason to cry, I promise you.", he whispered and placed soft kisses on your lips. You pulled him closer and made out passionately, the tension of two years finally breaking down. Two years of pain, two years of regret and longing after each other. Two years of wishing that things turned out different, but now was the time to destroy the circle. All you could think about was you and him, your Jimin kissing all over your skin and stroking your body as if he didn’t know it best already.  "Jimin ... how long are you going to keep me waiting?", you breathed out. You really enjoyed this, but you needed more. You needed all of him and you could tell that he felt the same way. “No wait anymore, we waited for way too long with this.”, he replied and brought you over to your bed. He put you down gently and hovered above immediately, kissing every spot of your exposed skin. Normally you would close your eyes to concentrate on the feeling, but there was no way you could look away now. You still couldn’t believe that this really happened, suddenly you felt as drunk as Jimin probably was and you were afraid as soon as you closed your eyes, you’d realize that it’s all just a dream. “You’re still so so stunning, nothing changed.”, he mumbled against your stomach. “You only got more beautiful with time.” You felt your cheeks turning red. Mark told you things like this all the time, but they never made you feel like Jimin's words did. Jimin opened his pants and you did the same. “Hey, I wanted to do that in a second.”, he said with a pout. You chuckled. “I’m sorry, I just have no patience at all, I really need to feel you now.” As soon as you both were fully naked, Jimin placed himself between your legs and began to kiss your breasts while his hand stroked all over your body. You watched how his dick twitched with every moan and whine coming from your lips, especially when it was his name. Jimin stroked your thighs and looked into your eyes. “I will make you mine again.”, he groaned against your lips while he entered you slowly. You gasped softly, feeling how his dick stretched you out. Both of you could tell that the last time was long ago, way too long ago. Jimin didn’t move, instead he caressed your body with soft kisses and strokes over your skin. You buried a hand into his hair and noticed that he let it grow a bit, it seemed like he even dyed it a shade lighter than you were used to but it looked amazing on him. Your lips found their way to his neck, kissing up to his ear before you asked him to move. He began to move his body against yours, thrusting into you slow but steady. You moaned, stroking over his sides and his back while you started to roll your hips against his. “God I missed feeling you, I missed feeling you close.”, he whispered into your ear. “I love you so much, Y/N.” You held him close, moaning into the kiss while you made out longingly. “I love you too, so much.”, you replied with a shaky voice. You were sure you would cry if you weren’t so full of lust right now. “Faster Jimin, please.”, you whined, rolling your hips more desperately than before. He granted your wish and thrusted into you faster, deeper, harder. “You feel so good around me baby, you’re all mine.”, he groaned and continued to mark your neck. There was almost no space left to do so, but he didn’t mind. Jimin just moved his lips to your shoulder and then to your collarbone and your chest. You pulled his hair softly as you began to clench around him, your orgasm building up in your lower stomach. Jimin noticed and moved against you just the way he knew it would drive you crazy, he still knew your body so well, you thought. “Say that you’re mine Y/N, tell me who you belong to.”, Jimin demanded and licked around your sensitive nipple. “Y-you Jimin I only belong to you.”, you whined desperately, the noises you made becoming louder the faster Jimin thrusted into you. “I always belonged to you Jimin, I never stopped being yours.” He loved to hear this from you, the past years were way too painful to even think about it anymore. All he wanted to do was to forget and start over with you, finally starting a life with the love of his life. Jimin was lost in you and you felt the same way as your bodies pressed against each other while your tongues played your old melody together. It didn’t take much longer for both of you to come undone, the intense ecstasy rushing through every cell of your bodies. You moaned each other’s names while you came, holding each other close after cooling down. Jimin buried his head in your neck, kissing your skin lazily. You smiled contently, stroking his back and just enjoying the moment fully, You didn’t feel like this for so long that it was more than just a blessing to you, it saved your life, made it worth living again. For a while you just lay there without saying a word, because you never needed any words to understand each other. You just needed to be with the other to speak without making a noise. Slowly though, you drifted off to sleep with a smile on your lips, noticing that Jimin snored softly already. 
The warm rays of the sun shone in your face and you heard your daughter laughing softly while you woke up. You carefully opened your eyes and sat up. You took a look at the empty space next to you in bed. Had he changed his mind?
But it made no sense that he was already gone because you were still wearing his shirt.
Maybe he just left without waking you up to not make things embarrassing? Maybe he had been picked up from someone that had brought him a shirt? You started to feel sick and decided to get up. With quick steps you went to the kitchen from which you heard the noises and saw how Jimin cooked while holding your little daughter in his arms. 
You made no noise and enjoyed the view that you had wanted to see for so long.
Jimin turned the pancake before putting the spatula to the side and now holding Minne with both arms. She put her little hands on his face and he smiled at her lovingly.
"Usually she doesn't let people get close to her that fast.", you said and Jimin immediately looked at the door.
"So that's Minne. Yoongi told me about her." You went up to Jimin and he gave you Minne on your arm. "What do we do now?", you asked carefully, scared what the answer might be. Jimin frowned in confusion. "Well, first of all I wanted to have breakfast, but if I see you in my shirt like that, we could prepone round two.", he said and grinned cheekily.
You laughed and hit his arm playfully before quickly getting Minne back into bed.
"I'm serious Jimin. You acted rashly yesterday, maybe you regret it. I am not angry if that’s the case. I did something terrible to you and I can understand if you cannot forgive me. You owe me nothing." - "I don't want to lie to you, it hurt like hell when I found out what you did. But these two years without you hurt a lot more. My anger faded away more and more and only my pain remained. Especially the pain not to have you with me anymore." Jimin walked up to you and pulled you into his embrace. "Yesterday you told me that you only love me, that you will always love and that you missed me. I want to hold onto this and try again, make it better this time. I don't want to say what you did wasn’t wrong, but if I had been there for you more I wouldn't have driven you into someone else's arms. I promise to be a better man than I was, that means only if you still want me.” You grabbed Jimin's neck and pulled him down to kiss him. After that, you placed a hundred little kisses all over his face and made him laugh. "Is that a yes?"
"Of course that's a yes. I love you Jiminie and I'll never let you go again."
Jimin and you decided not to change clothes yet and to take a rest on the couch after breakfast. However, he couldn't keep his fingers off you and kept pulling the shirt you were wearing a little higher to stroke your skin underneath. "Jiminie don't do that, I'm still in pain from yesterday I need a bit more time.", you laughed and Jimin pouted. "I've only just got you back and you're forbidding me to satisfy my needs."
Jimin pulled you onto his lap and kissed you gently. "You don't get what you want like that chim.", you laughed, but put your hands around his neck and pulled him closer to you.
Jimin grinned into the kiss. "Apparently yes," he muttered as you kissed him deeply.
But suddenly you heard how the door was unlocked and jumped away from Jimin, who just looked at you questioningly. "Hello darling, I hope you have gained enough distance, I missed you -", Mark's gaze met Jimin's and he fell silent. You only looked from one to the other and were slowly getting scared, if looks could kill both would be dead now.
At some point, Jimin's gaze broke away from Mark and he looked at you. "I thought there was nothing?" - "There wasn't ..."
"Oh, so our relationship was nothing?", Mark raised his voice.
"I did it for Minne! She needed her father and I thought it was the right thing ..." You fell silent. "So you lied yesterday?" Jimin asked coldly. "No, I didn't! Nothing ever happened between us." Mark ran up to you, but Jimin immediately stood protectively in front of you and looked at him aggressively. "Come one step closer and it won’t turn out good for you."
"Y/N, let's talk about it. We are Minne's parents, don't you want to be able to offer her an intact family?", Mark ignored Jimin's words and spoke directly to you. You wanted the best for your daughter, but you also wanted the best for yourself. You didn't want to lose Jimin again. "Please go, Mark. We'll talk another time about how we manage everything regarding Minne, okay?.", you tried to say calmly, but your voice was still trembling. “You are her father and you always will be. But my love life does not depend on this. I’m sure we will find a good solution that will make everyone happy.” You were sorry to the marrow, but you loved Jimin more than anything and there was no point in denying it.
"You can't be serious?", Mark asked with a sarcastic laugh and took a step closer.
"Didn't you hear her?" Jimin pressed out. You immediately noticed how angry Jimin got and that his patience would soon find an end, so you put your hand comfortingly on his back and he let out a heavy breath. “Mark, I am really sorry that my decision hurts you, but this isn’t right for us. I am not happy and I’m sure you are not happy with me either. I never gave you what you needed and you are someone that deserves more than this.”, you tried to explain and you meant every word of it. “I really like you and I want you to be a part of my and Minnes life, but in a different way. I’m sorry.”
Without another word, Mark stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door behind him. Jimin turned to you and looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"I didn't lie, nothing happened between us. He only kissed me now and then, but otherwise nothing happened. We didn’t even call it a relationship."
"He cuddled with you, saw you every day and touched you. Just because you didn't have sex I'm not completely relieved.” You sighed in frustration. "I understand you, but you really don't have to worry, I never wanted him the way I want you." Suddenly you felt Jimin's tight grip on your waist and how he pressed you against the wall. "You were a bad girl when I was gone," he said quietly, looking straight into your eyes. You looked at him in surprise and opened your mouth, but said nothing.
"Do I have to punish you?"
"It’s Jimin for you.", he corrected you and gave you a cheeky grin.
"Hush baby, don't say anything," he whispered against your lips.  "I didn't like the way he looked at you at all. That he always had you with him for the last few years. That makes me very sad." Jimin licked his lips playfully and lightly touched yours with it.
"You'll have to make it up to me. I thought about round two we were talking about already...” You sighed in relief as you heard his chuckle. “Hey stop! I thought you were seriously upset about Mark, but then this..."
"I am really upset about it. But I can't do anything about it, I can't blame you for thinking of your daughter. I love you and I wanted to use my jealousy for both of us at least."
"You're crazy," you muttered, giggling against Jimin's chest, as he pulled you closer in his arms. "Crazy about you." He kissed your forehead and sighed happily.
"Part of me wishes that Mark never comes near you, but I understand that he's Minne's dad. I can't just push myself in between. I'm sorry if I might be in a bad mood in the future when he’s over to visit Minne, but be sure that I can understand."
"You really are the most understanding man that I know.", you stated astonished and once again overjoyed to be able to call him your boyfriend again. 
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moonstruckbucky · 5 years
Come Over (3/7)
Summary: You’re new to New York City. Fresh out of post-grad and wanting a change of pace, and this change comes in more ways than one.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader. Neighbor AU.
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Warnings for Series: Fluff, angst, pining, the ush! Also, swearing, because nobody ever washed my mouth out with soap.
Notes: So I’ve daydreamed about a neighbor AU for an embarrassing amount of time, and I need something to get my creative juices flowing again. So, ta-da.
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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A month into your new life in New York, you feel more settled in. Your apartment doesn’t look like a warehouse piled high with boxes, and you’ve even spent some of your signing bonus on artwork to hang on the walls and a few plants to bring some life to the space. You’re even considering getting a cat.
At work, you frequently eat your lunch with not only Wanda and Vis, but the three other women on your floor. Maria, Charlotte, and Sarah are all mothers, so they don’t usually attend the girls’ night out you and Wanda plan every week, but they’re still pleasant to sit and chat with regardless. It’s made you feel even more at home at Stark Industries.
Speaking of, Tony is a riot, you’ve learned. You’ve come out of your shell a little more with each day you work for him, and it’s mostly in thanks to Tony’s easy-going personality. Though he’s clearly a workaholic on top of being addicted to caffeine (for anyone else this might’ve been a destructive combination but Tony seems to wield both extremely well), he feels more like a weird brother/father figure than a boss. He keeps most projects secret from you, but occasionally he’ll show you a new update or ask for your opinion as a consumer. You’re honest with him without kissing his ass too much about it.
Since he lives closer, Sam comes over a couple times a week to hang out with you and catch up on your favorite shows. He tries to bring Clint with him most times, but being neck-deep in a new case makes it hard for him to get away to visit. You settle for FaceTiming him during the week even though it isn’t the same.
It’s one of your weekly nights with Sam, who reclines in your new armchair with his feet up and an open beer in his fist. You’re catching up on Mindhunter with him, relaxed on the couch under a big fluffy blanket with your own beer. In between episodes Sam has been telling you all about the girl he’s been seeing, to which you demand you meet her for approval.
He rolls his eyes and asks, “Isn’t that my job?”
You scoff. “You’re my best friend, Sam, and as my best friend, I’ve got to make you’re taken care of just as much as you’re taking care of her.”
He grumbles under his breath but you can see a slight pinkness to his dark skin that makes you smirk in victory. A few moments of silence and then:
“So what about you and Neighbor Boy then? What’s going on there?” While your smirk drops, his widens. You take a long pull from your beer.
“Absolutely nothing, Sam.”
He snorts and gestures with his beer. “You have coffee dates almost every week!”
“He helps me put furniture together! There’s absolutely nothing but friendship there, I assure you.”
A doubtful look characterized by lowering of his eyebrows and pursed lips. A responding eye roll and scrunched up face, a silent don’t give me that look.
“Want another?” you ask, needing to busy yourself in order to keep your unusually attractive neighbor out of your head. Throwing the blanket off your lap, you stand up and accept the empty bottle Sam holds out to you.
If he notices that you take a little longer to fetch two more beers, he doesn’t say anything when you get back to the couch. He presses ‘play’ on the remote and the topic of your neighbor is dropped.
For an hour.
“So, you’re coming next Sunday for our football party right?” Sam asks.
Once a month during football season, Sam and Clint co-host a party at your brother’s apartment. You make your five-layer chip dip and Sam brings a massive amount of wings while Clint provides endless beer and a giant wrap-around couch that seats eight. (You’re still not sure how he fit the damn thing in his apartment.) To antagonize Clint and to make the day a little more fun, you and Sam always show up in your matching Patriots jerseys representing the McCourty twins.
“Of course I’ll be there! I never miss it!” you reply with an incredulous look. Sam holds up his hands.
“Hey, just wanted to make sure you didn’t have any new furniture that needed assembling that day.” He chortles when you chuck the throw pillow under your hip at him and nail him in the chest. “I’m kidding. Mostly. But, uh, I was gonna say, if you wanted to invite him, you could. Not as a date, don’t you throw that bottle! Jesus. Crazy. Just, Clint and I think he’s cool and it’d be cool to have another dude around.”
You watch him for a few moments, see no trace of his earlier teasing, and sigh and relax back into the couch. “I’ll think about it, okay?”
“All I ask.”
Sam, bless him, leaves you be about Bucky for the remainder of your evening together. When he’s gone, your mind can’t rest just yet, so you open up a new beer and put on a rerun of CSI. You’ll regret staying up so late in the morning, but for now, you let your mind get sucked into the emotional episode of Warrick’s funeral.
Regret is a bitter bitch, and the next morning it comes in the form of a prominent headache paired with under-eye bags your makeup barely hides. A three-hour binge of CSI definitely wasn’t your smartest move considering you’ve a fairly important meeting with Tony in about two hours. Hair tied back in a ponytail and makeup...done but slightly unsatisfactory, you slip into a black pencil skirt with a mustard blouse tucked in. Your feet slide into a pair of black pumps and you throw on a jacket to combat the cool October morning.
You know your face shows your exhaustion as you give yourself a final once over, but there’s not much you can do short of downing copious amounts of coffee. Tote bag slung over your shoulder, you head out of your apartment with a sigh. As you’re locking your door, the one next to yours opens, and Bucky steps out looking ten kinds of delicious in his running gear, tattoos on full display thanks to his tight tank top.
You grunt when he tells you good morning, chuckles good-naturedly until he sees your eyes. Then he’s frowning in concern and you’re almost desperate to do anything to wipe it off. Such a man should not be frowning.
“Did you get any sleep last night?” he asks, falling into step with you towards the elevator. You resist the urge to rub your eyes in order to preserve your makeup.
“Not really. Sam stayed till about ten and then I stayed up a little while longer. Guess I just couldn’t fall asleep.” To punctuate your sentence, a long yawn escapes. Bucky stands next to you in the elevator, close enough you can feel the heat radiating from him and it’s wholly distracting. “And I have a meeting in a couple hours and I’m not really sure how I’m going to get through it without dozing a few hundred times. Know anyone who can hook me up with a caffeine IV?”
He laughs, the sound echoing in the small space, and despite the warmth and your jacket you still suppress a shiver.
“I’m afraid not. Hey, do you have a few minutes? We can go get a cup now, if you want,” he offers, blue eyes boring into yours, and you nod before you can really think about it. His smile brightens up the entire elevator, and then he’s leading you with a hand on your back out into the lobby and finally out onto the street.
He takes you to a place between your apartment building and the subway, stands with his hands in his pockets as you both wait in line. Sam’s invite bounces around in your head, your nerves expressing themselves in the form of tapping your fingers on your arms, which are crossed over your chest.
Bucky and you order your respective drinks and he reaches into his pocket for his wallet. Your hand on his arm stops him, has him looking down at you with those depthless blue eyes.
“I’ve got it,” you say softly with a small smile. He opens his mouth, no doubt to protest, but you merely hand over some cash to the cashier. “You’ve helped me a ton this past month. Let me at least start paying you back with coffee.”
The blush that overtakes his face has your insides fluttering with giddiness. You have to bite your lip to keep back your grin, your entire body warming over the fact you’ve made this beautiful giant of a man blush. As the two of you stand off to the side and wait for your orders, you feel a small boost in confidence.
“Hey Bucky, I was wondering—” You’re cut off by the shrill ringing of his phone. He sighs and pulls the device from his pocket, and if you hadn’t been eyeing him so closely, you’d miss the slight downward twitch of his mouth.
“Excuse me just one sec okay?” he says apologetically. When he looks up at you, you know he means it and you nod. He smiles tightly and walks off down the small hallway that leads to the bathrooms, accepting the call with a hushed “Hi”.
You wait patiently until the barista calls your name and Bucky’s, and you grab both cups and sip lightly from yours while Bucky’s on his call. You can see him in the hall, shoulders hunched and free hand swinging about as he gestures. That pinched look is on his face again and you feel a faint tug in your gut that has you wondering if you’re close enough friends to ask.
Before you can decide one way or another, he’s pulling his phone from his ear and shoving it back in his pocket.
“Sorry about that,” he sighs, accepting the coffee you hand to him with a close-lipped smile. He takes a long drink from it, wincing a little at the burn, and licks his top lip. It’s horribly distracting for a minute. “What were you going to ask me?”
“Oh, um, I was just wondering if you maybe—oh shit.” A quick glance down at your watch shows you’re going to be late if you wait any longer. “I’m sorry, I’ve got to get going otherwise Tony’s going to kill me with his newest project. Um, I’ll see you later?”
Bucky’s blue eyes are slightly widened in surprise at your sudden departure. “Y-Yeah, definitely. Maybe you can tell me about this new project.” It’s said with a wink that tickles your insides.
“Maybe. If I’m not sworn to secrecy. Bye, Bucky!”
“Have a good day at work. And thanks for the coffee!” he calls out as you fly out of the cafe.
Your exhaustion only worsens as the day goes on. The meeting you’d sat in on was nothing short of boring—even Tony dozed off a few times, but only you’d taken notice because you were seated beside him and heard the tiny little snores. Your planner had been filled with new doodles of suns, clouds, flowers, and a tiny little witch in the margins. You’re still unsure why you’d been required to attend this meeting; you have a pile of things on your desk that could have been done in the two hours you sat uncomfortably in your chair, listening to the other tech geniuses go back and forth on new design ideas.
By the time it’s time for you to leave, you feel dead on your feet, which are cramping in your shoes. Your neck, shoulders, and back are also killing you due to sitting in your chair and hunching over the screen built into your desk. The subway ride home has you almost falling asleep, lulled by the gentle swaying of the car and the four hours’ sleep you got the night before.
It’s a slow climb to your apartment, and as you pass Bucky’s door you hesitate. You never did get to ask him this morning and so, because you’re too damn tired to be shy, you turn and knock three times on his door. From behind the wood you can make out a scuffle, and then the door is yanked open and your mouth runs dry.
Bucky stands before you, shirtless and gleaming with sweat. He’s breathless, that broad chest heaving up and down. There’s a smattering of dark hair across his chest and beneath his navel that disappears into the band of his shorts. The hair on his head is mussed, as if he’d been sleeping or hand run his hands through it.
“Y/N,” he gasps. Crimson creeps up his neck and across his chest, stains his cheeks as well as he avoids looking at your eyes. He glances over his shoulder briefly before turning back to you, eyes cast down at the neckline of your blouse. “Wha-What are you, um, doing here?”
“I, uh, wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to my brother’s with me for the football game on Sunday?” you ask in an equally breathless rush.
Bucky seems surprised by the question and is about to answer when a second, female voice calls from behind him, “James?”
A blonde head appears over his shoulder and the slender woman tucks herself under Bucky’s arm, looking equally as disheveled. You feel the color drain from your face even though it warms under the implication that you've...interrupted. There’s no question of what they’d been, or had about to have been, doing because the blonde’s hair is ruffled just like Bucky’s, her full lips red and kiss-bitten. Her blouse is untucked and unbuttoned.
You can’t take your eyes off her, nor she you as she lays a manicured hand on Bucky’s chest, a universal female power move that says he’s mine.
Bucky looks as awkward as you feel, shifting from bare foot to bare foot even as his hand rests on the woman’s shoulder. He clears his throat and gestures with his free hand to the woman, whose eyes have not left your form and are currently on their third sweep of your entire figure.
“Uh, Y/N, this is Sharon.”
“His girlfriend,” Sharon interjects. A sideways tilt of her lips that you know means no good. She reaches out with that manicured hand for yours and you shake it quickly, dropping it as if it’s burned you.
In a way, it has. It’s burned you so badly on the inside that you want nothing more than to duck into your apartment with your tail between your legs. You can feel the flames licking at your gut, sliding up your esophagus to singe your throat. It’s bitter, the burn, and it puts a pressure in your throat and behind your eyes.
“Sharon, this is Y/N, our new neighbor I was telling you about.” He won’t look at you, focusing instead on the blank wall just over your shoulder.
His sudden refusal to look at you pairs badly with your embarrassment, from both interrupting and for ever thinking you might have a chance, and you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
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Chapter Four
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff.
"Oi (Y/N)?(Y/N)? Get your lazy ass up!" I woke up to Levi's voice. "What's the time?" I groaned as I got up. "It's almost dawn. Everyone is already geared up. I told Armin to saddle your horse and I packed your bag with mine. Your cloak and fresh clothes are on the chair with the wig you got yesterday. Wear them." he commanded and went out of the room. Why didn't he wake me with everyone else? Why do I get to wear a wig and have a better chance of survival? I didn't question him because I decided that there wasn't much time to loose. I did exactly what he said, folded my clothes from last night and kept them in my bag. I hung the bag on my shoulder and went to the stable.
Everyone was already on their respectable horses except Levi who was in front of his and my own horse. "Sorry for being late.." I murmured towards everyone as I went for my horse. Before I got up, however, someone grabbed the bag from my back and when I looked back, I saw Levi taking my bag away and getting up on his horse. "Why did you take my bag?" I asked in complete confusion because that was the last thing I expected him to do. "I don't want you to take too much stress. Get on your horse." he commanded without looking at me. "But..." I started but he cut me off and said, "Don't question me." and trotted off. I was still in utter confusion as I listened to him and got on my horse and followed him with the rest of the group. We were going by roads into the forest because the military police were still looking for us and Kenny was at large.
It took us one whole day to avoid the military police and reach the Reiss territory. During the journey, a couple of things pissed me off but I didn't make a big deal out of it. Firstly, Levi gave me extra rations of food. I felt like it was unfair because Sasha clearly didn't try to hide her disappointment. I agreed with her in this case. I would just throw up what I eat anyway but I knew better than talking back at Levi. He already had a lot of burden on himself. Secondly, I offered to go check the roads before everyone since I had a good disguise. Levi didn't even consider the option and that got us in many strategic disadvantage and we almost got caught several times. Even in the forest roads, the military police had checkpoints.
We underestimated them. I didn't understand why Levi was restricting me so much and giving me special treatment. I felt like an useless burden to the team due to his behaviour. It was night when we reached a clearing inside a small forest like area in the Reiss territory. It was a cold night. "We will camp here. Get your sleeping bags out. This place by the rock is clean enough.." Levi said with an unsatisfactory tone. Of course, that man was the biggest clean freak ever. We all got our sleeping bags out and ate dinner. Again, Levi forced me to eat extra bread. I kept quiet about it again because I knew that he was already unhappy about the sleeping arrangement.
"Sasha, Jean, keep watch while the others sleep. Stay up for two hours and then Connie and Mikasa will be on watch for two more hours. I'll be up after that" Levi commanded. "But, heichou, you forgot to mention when I'll be on watch" I chimed in. I assumed that old rule of me calling him heichou in front of everyone still stands. He looked at me for a brief moment and said, "You're not gonna be on watch.". " But..." I tried to ask why but he he stopped me and told me again, "Don't question me." He paused for a while and then said, "You won't be needing your sleeping bag. Roll it up. You're using mine." and saying that, he went away leaving me unsure about how to react since he just said it in front of everyone. Everyone pretended that they didn't hear anything though, most probably to ensure that I won't feel embarrassed, except for Jean who went away giving half of his dinner to Sasha.
After a while, when everyone was done freshening up at the stream nearby, I went towards Levi's sleeping bag. Levi was still busy washing his hands and legs with an extremely annoyed expression due to the amount of dirt in in this place. I got into the slight warmth of the sleeping bag. It still felt cold when I was almost drifting off to sleep when I felt someone enter the sleeping bag, immediately warming the whole place up. I knew it was Levi because he always managed to smell good no matter what the situation is. "You smell disgusting" I heard Levi grunt behind me as he wrapped me into an embrace from behind making me feel incredibly warm and comfortable. I didn't answer to that and enjoyed the warmth he emitted onto me and fell asleep.
No one's POV
Jean was sitting on a tree and keeping watch. The fact that Levi literally commanded (Y/N) to sleep with him, and that (Y/N) didn't even get a chance to voice her opinion disturbed him. "I still don't understand why she's with him" he thought. (Y/N) was sleeping in Levi's sleeping bag alone. Jean looked at her from up there for a while. "She looks as beautiful as always" he sighed. He knew he stood no chance but he couldn't just shake away the fact that she was beautiful. A little while later, he saw Levi walking towards the sleeping bag. He averted his eyes because the sight of Levi with (Y/N) made him jealous.
He looked at the clearing outside of the forest for a while when his eyes betrayed him and looked back at (Y/N) and Levi. (Y/N) was almost invisible since she snuggled next to Levi facing him with her face buried in his chest. The sight made Jean both jealous and incredibly surprised as he noticed a slight movement of Levi's hand on (Y/N)'s head. Levi was patting (Y/N)'s head? Somehow, it seemed completely out of character for the cold hearted captain. "I guess that grumpy bastard does have feelings for her" Jean thought sourly.
The next morning:
(Y/N) woke up to the sound of everyone else around her. Everyone was already having breakfast and she was pissed because Levi didn't wake her up on time again. She had difficulty waking up on her own nowadays. She washed her face from the stream, puked on a tree, washed her mouth and joined everyone else to have breakfast. When we were done, Levi said, "Armin, Jean, Mikasa, go to the town nearby to get supplies. Try to get news about recent events too. There must be a reason for which the military police are literally on forest roads".
As he said that, (Y/N) started, "But heichou, Mikasa has a very unique face and she will be recognised easily. I should go with my disguise. If one of us is caught, we will be in greater disadvantage". Levi looked at her for a while and simply stated, "Mikasa is going. I already made that decision". Suddenly, (Y/N) felt a surge of anger flow through her and she shouted at Levi directly on his face, "Why are you not letting me do anything important? You're making me a fucking burden to the squad! Starting from giving me extra rations to not waking me up on time, you are not treating everyone fairly! Do you really think I can't take the pressure of being on the run? I thought you felt like I'm a strong person and now you're treating me like some fucking child who's good at nothing! Why the hell are you doing this?".
Levi looked at (Y/N) with a calm and bored face the whole time and when she stopped, Levi said, "Are you done whining like a fucking kid?". (Y/N) didn't know how to answer to that and just glared at him. "Oh shit! Are they gonna fight? I heard that their duels are worth watching!" Sasha whispered to Connie with excitement whereas Connie just replied with a "Shut up Sasha!".
The tension in the air was intensified when Levi said calmly but coldly, "I can't believe you don't understand why I'm doing this. I thought someone who spent so much time with Erwin would have some common sense. You're fucking pregnant (Y/N). I know you can take the pressure but do you seriously think that baby can? I thought you'd know some fucking biology given that you read books. Do you even read anything useful? Mikasa is going with Jean and Armin. Not you. Instead of questioning every fucking decision I make, use your excuse of a head for a change.".
Suddenly, (Y/N) understood the meaning of everything Levi was doing. Levi already walked away from the place and Mikasa, Armin and Jean went off to the town. (Y/N) felt like she was the most stupid person in existance and that she messed up big time, so, she ran after Levi who stormed off towards the stream.
Levi POV
Her stupidity was what pissed me off. I liked that she could strongly voice her opinion if required and also liked the fact that she challenged me but I never expected her to act so stupidly. I went towards the stream to enjoy the quietness. I needed some alone time to calm down. However, I heard the noise of leaves and knew that someone was coming this way. I waited till the sound came close enough and turned back to see a guilty looking (Y/N). "I'm sorry. I should've trusted your judgement. It was a really stupid thing to do.." she tried to say but I kissed her on her lips harshly to show just how frustrated she makes me.
She was taken aback by the kiss at first but then she kissed back. I kissed her till I felt more calm. "Don't do anything like that again" I muttered to her as she looked shyly at me and answered with an "okay" before going back to our camping ground. I went back too after a few moments. When I reached, she was sitting on the rock, looking completely bored. "(Y/N), get up a tree and keep watch." I commanded her. Even if I had every reason to be concerned about her, she was right about the fact that I was taking things too far.
Armin, Mikasa and Jean was back after a while. They brought news that all survey corps members including Erwin are jailed. We are the most wanted criminals now. Hanji and Moblit escaped arrest somehow as they were in the most wanted list too. I assumed that Erwin had a plan. Armin expressed his concern about our shortage of time and I mentioned that Eren is still safe since they are travelling by wagon and that will take one more day.
"I hear footsteps! Someone is coming this way!" Sasha said just as (Y/N) quietly got down from the tree and said, "Two military police soldiers are coming this way. By looks, they seem to be cadets". " Everyone, get up the trees except Armin. Armin, you go to the stream with buckets. (Y/N), come with me. We will have to maneuver down and get our swords at their throats. Take a sword from Mikasa since your maneuver gear doesn't have one. We will be on the trees beside the stream." I commanded as everyone climbed up the trees. The plan went smoothly.
I talked to the mp cadets named Marlo and Hitch about Annie being the female titan. After stripping them of their 3DMGs, I planned to send Sasha initially to test their loyalty but ended up sending Jean because he asked and I wanted him to get hit by one of them. I personally disliked him because he had a thing for (Y/N). "You sent him because he'll get hurt somehow. Right?" (Y/N) asked me with a smug look. "Seems like you're using your head again" I answered to that as we were waiting for Jean to return.
As expected, he returned with a swollen head to my delight. Marlo and Hitch informed us about the least protected and closest mp outpost that had someone from the interior. Our plan was to raid the place. Before going into action, I thanked them for their help. "(Y/N)? I want to see how good you got with swords after our knife training. We will only injure their limbs in a way so that it can be fixed later. I taught (Y/N) about it so we will be in cutting duty. Mikasa, Jean you will keep watch of our camping ground. Armin, Connie, Sasha you three will be in charge of the distraction. We need a horse and a wagon." I explained the plan.
This plan was beyond successful. (Y/N)'s cutting skills were as impressive as ever. She manages to bring perfection into everything by sheer hardwork unlike myself. I just always was good at fighting or anything related to that. Everyone in average did good. The only thing left was to torture the guy into talking. I've been doing it for a while but he wouldn't talk. "Should I help?" I heard (Y/N)'s voice. "I really am in mood for this. They arrested Uncle Erwin right? Who knows what he's going through now for these bastards..." she continued. "Go ahead" I replied monotonously. After all, I couldn't get anything out of his mouth anyway. I decided to take a break.
I watched (Y/N) go towards him, take a deep breath and kick the man's face almost as hard as myself, breaking his nose. Then she took her pocket knife and started inserting the tip of it under his nails. "I wish I could heat it but this will have to do.." she muttered. The military police wailed in agony and I felt both surprised and impressed that (Y/N) got so good with knives. "I don't care if you don't talk. I'm only doing this because you people tried to kill us, got my uncle in jail and had those people kidnap me and molest me. I want everyone who sees you next to know that you're a repulsive human who doesn't deserve to live." (Y/N) spat with hatred. " Atleast I'm human! You people are monsters!" he cried. "If you're human, I'm glad I'm not." she spat at him with hatred.
"Heichou, I'll probably kill him if he's anywhere near me. It's better if you take charge." she told me after that with her usual monotone voice. "Calm down. I'll take care of this piece of shit" I said to her as I went forward to continue my torture. He started talking after a while.
I felt good as Levi beat the guy into a pulp. I did my part but I was about to loose my control. I noticed that I was having a hard time keeping my emotions in check. It was probably because of the pregnancy. He started talking when Levi's beating, along with the bleeding of my cuts got worse. He mentioned that "Kenny Ackerman" doesn't give out important information. I was as surprised as Levi and Mikasa at that reveal. "Ackerman?" Levi asked in a monotone but curious voice.
"I know Kenny. Is that his last name?" he continued. "It is.. But.." the military police tried to talk but Levi stopped him and said, "True. There's a lot of things he doesn't divulge. Especially the important stuff. But you must have a rough idea. You best try to remember.. " he continued as the military police cried "stop it!" but Levi ignored him and continued, "You still have plenty of bones to break". " You.. You're insane!" the military police cried. To that, Levi simply said, "Maybe I am."
Hanji arrived after a while. We thought we were caught but that was not the case. The Coup d'état that Uncle Erwin planned was successful. It was decided that Eren and Historia were held in the Reiss chapel. "(Y/N), go back to Orvud district. That's the closest safe space from here. I don't want you anywhere near Kenny." Levi told me before turning at Hanji to ask if Moblit can take me there. I wanted to question his command because I didn't want to feel useless but I decided that he was right. Kenny was dangerous. I didn't question his command at the end. "Don't die on me" I told Levi before leaving for Orvud. "I'm not that easy to kill" he muttered as I got on my horse and galloped towards Orvud with Moblit.
I reached Orvud at dawn. We went to the military quaters and Moblit managed a room for me. I thanked him and fell asleep instantly. I woke up to find that it was already late afternoon. I went down to the canteen for some food and as I was eating the most disgusting porridge made in existence, I saw Moblit run towards me. As he got in front of me, he said, "The survey corp soldiers are here. They are sending a search party to the Reiss chapel to find Levi squad. Commander Erwin is here.".
To that, I sprang up from the table and said, "Moblit, do me a favour and tell Commander Erwin that I have to talk to him privately. I'm going to my room. I need to change clothes". " Y-yes of course" he muttered before getting out of the canteen. I went back to my room quickly and wore my Survey corps uniform because I assumed that something went wrong. I had to go with the search party. When I was done, I went for the courtyard of the military HQ. Soldiers were assembling and I found Uncle Erwin talking to Commander Pixis. As I went to him, he excused himself from Commander Pixis and told me, "I thought you were with Levi. Why didn't he take you with him? Won't they fight Kenny there? I heard he is hard to take down..." I interjected him to blandly say, "He didn't take me because I'm pregnant.".
Uncle Erwin's eyes widened as he exclaimed with concern, "What? But you two have been together for only about a month! How could you make a mistake like that in times like this? You two aren't even married yet!". "Uncle Erwin, we can't change the fact that it happened. Levi wants the child like myself. We will figure something out about marriage when all these shit are over. I needed to inform you about this. I need to be on the search party. I'm having a feeling that they might be in trouble. You won't arrange a search party for no reason." I assured him. To that, he said, "(Y/N), it's already hard for me to process all the information you just gave me. I can't allow you to go given that you're expecting a baby. Levi wouldn't want that too. You need to stay somewhere safe.."
"I don't have any intention to be useless. Even in this condition, I'm as good as a hundred soldiers. Taking me will give you tactical advantage. You're the commander of a military faction, Commander Erwin. Don't let personal feelings affect your decisions" I objected glaring at him. "(Y/N), you're not going." Uncle Erwin sighed. "I see." I answered bluntly as I went for the stable. Uncle Erwin was wrong because I had no intention to stay behind. I found Moblit on my way to the stable and called him out.
"What's wrong? Did Commander Erwin not let you join the search party?" he asked. I didn't mention him that I was gonna try to join the search party but as he was Hanji's second in command, he had to be smart. I wasn't surprised that he figured the issue out. "Yes. He didn't agree. I need you to get me a 3DMG in good condition. I'm going there alone. I'll be in the stable. Please, help me out. If Commander Erwin is arranging a search party, something is seriously wrong." I pleaded him. "I'm only doing this because you're Hanji-san's good friend. Could you, talk to her about me in return? I kinda like her..." Moblit mumbled. "Sure. I'll mention it to her" I reassured him as he ran off to find a 3DMG. I went to the stable to get a horse.
Moblit was back quickly. "I stole it from the supply storage. It's in good condition" he said as he handed me the very new and polished looking gear with new blades. "Thank you Moblit. I'll make sure Hanji goes on a date with you." I smiled at him as he blushed slightly and went off. I was done saddling my horse too. I strapped on to the gear, got on my horse and galloped towards the Reiss Chapel.
No one's POV
"Are you all ready to get your hands dirty?" Levi asked everyone. They all gave him a determined look. Levi assumed that they were ready and said, "I guess so" before reviewing the plan again and commanding everyone to go into action.
Sasha and Connie dropped the wheeled buckets full of gunpowder and oil bags attached. Everyone stormed into the basement of the chapel as Sasha threw fire arrows towards the buckets and exploded them. Taking the smoke to his advantage, Levi flew up to count the number of enemies. For more cover, Hanji and Connie were shootings smoke shells. "Forty Enemies! They are gathered behind the pillars! Continue the plan! We'll take em out right here!" Levi shouted out to his team before disappearing into the shadows. Connie, Jean and Hanji flew towards the enemy at that. Sasha kept shooting fire arrows at the buckets to keep up the smoke.
When (Y/N) reached the chapel, she heard sounds of explosion. Her horse was as fast as a messenger's so it took her only about an hour to reach the chapel. She got inside the chapel, found the entry to the basement and entered carefully to find Sasha shooting fire arrows at buckets down under the stairs which were exploding with heavy smoke. "Gun powder and oil" (Y/N) assumed. Just then, I saw a woman, not too far aim for Connie as he killed a man. (Y/N) didn't waste any time and flew as fast as she can and decapitated her with one slash. "Oi Connie! Get in the smoke now!" (Y/N) commanded as he looked at her and shouted "Hai!" before disappearing in the smoke.
7-8 anti personale squad members were trying to shoot Mikasa. Her speed saved her but before they realized anything, a blurry figure crossed them and they were dead before they knew it. "Is that Levi?" some anti personale squad members standing at some distance wondered but their mouth gaped open when someone slightly faster than the one attacking the squad members in the middle killed three of the men close to them. They only got a glance of him. If this was Levi, who was that? Before they were killed however, Kenny saved them by attacking Levi. "Thank God Kenny came just in time.." a guy started but couldnt finish because he was already stabbed with a blade thrown at his neck. That's when they saw (Y/N) swinging around and charging at them with unbelievable speed.
"Yo Levi. Not that I've got time to waste on you, but, if you get past here, it'll be all for nothin'. By the way, how's your little lady doing? I noticed that you taught her my slitting style! You gonna teach those to your runts too now?" Kenny told Levi smugly. He paused for an answer but didn't get any so he casually said, "So be it, guess I'll have to play" as he started flying and shooting at Levi.
Levi already noticed (Y/N) in the field. He was glad that Kenny didn't. While flying, he found Kenny's second in command flying and tried to get her. He missed but then he saw (Y/N) fly fast towards that woman. Levi noticed Kenny appear nearby too. "Not sick of playing yet? Good grief! Isn't that (Y/N) right there? So she's what was cutting my squad up when you were wasting my time here. Why was she so shitty at fighting back the last time?" Kenny sniggered before disappearing and attacking Levi from behind. Levi dodged the attack and the planks falling at him. "You aren't answering any questions brat!" Kenny said smugly as he charged at Levi with a knife, barely missing and cutting Levi's face. "She had morning sickness" Levi muttered as he threw a bag of oil at Kenny as he shot at Levi. Using the fire, Levi made a deep cut in Kenny's stomach.
After killing a few more soldiers on her way, (Y/N) kept following Kenny's second in command. Suddenly, Hanji appeared out of the shadows, joining the chase. "(Y/N)! How did you get here?" she asked eccentrically. "I made Moblit steal a 3DMG and stole a horse from the stable. You need to go on a date with him. That's what he asked for return" (Y/N) said monotonously. "Huh? Moblit likes me? I see..." Hanji muttered with a blush as Kenny's second in command shot at her. (Y/N) pushed Hanji and herself out of the way and Hanji shouted "You like to play risky too huh? Just like meee!" eccentrically but that didn't last because that woman shot a 3DMG hook at Hanji's arm. (Y/N) slashed the rope off and had to hide behind a pillar because Kenny came in sight and shot at Levi asking him to stay out of the way. Levi easily dodged this attack too but didn't follow them.
After the remaining anti personale squad left through a passage, (Y/N) noticed a really angry looking Levi stomping towards her with a menacing voice saying, "What part of 'Kenny is dangerous' and 'the kid can't take so much stress' don't you understand (Y/N)?". " I don't have morning sickness and they had to run for their lives only because I arrived. You were too busy with Kenny and Mikasa and myself are the only ones who can take down multiple opponents at once. I didn't interfere your fight with Kenny because I know he is dangerous." (Y/N) stated monotonously.
"Heichou, (Y/N) is right... We would've been perished if she wasn't here." Armin chimed in. Levi sighed and said, "I'm afraid both of you are right.. That doesn't change the fact that a pregnant woman should be fighting. It's risky for the baby and completely unacceptable. I can't believe Erwin allowed this.". "He didn't. I stole a 3DMG and a horse and got here. He has nothing to do with this." (Y/N) muttered. "Let's discuss this later. We need to find a way out of here and get to Eren first." Levi told everyone as the squad went towards the passage, only to find a huge net trapping them.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE:Let's assume, (Y/N) is travelling at 80km/h since her horse is a messenger horse and it is possible for survey Corp horses to attain such speed.
Reiss chapel is 80km far from Orvud district.
(Y/N) took 1 hour to reach the chapel.
Horse wagons usually travel with the speed of 15miles/h. That means its 20km/h approximately.
Erwin and the search party took 4 hours to travel to the Reiss chapel
Assuming that (Y/N) reached the Reiss chapel at 7:30pm, and that Erwin left for the Reiss chapel at 8:00pm, Erwin will meet Levi squad at approximately 11:00pm given that Levi squad already travelled 20kms after the fight.
Rod Reiss's titan will need to cover a distance of 80 km to reach Orvud district. That means, he travels at a speed of 12km/h approximately because it will take him 6 hours to reach as we know that it reaches Orvud at dawn which can be assumed as 5am. Rod reiss titan is slower than wagons due to his enormous size. It will take 3 hours for the search party and Levi squad to return to the military HQ therefore at 2am.]
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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catsafarithewriter · 4 years
“I want to say it was worth it. For a while, it was.” I think it’s cute of how Haru is now grown from a girl who couldn’t dance with Baron from a girl who could fight and make remarks better than baron. I just imagine how Haru is either in a situation where she dances with Baron for both of them to get out of a dangerous situation and both get carried away with the dancing cause it reminds them of their first dance. Sorry I just love fluffs and Haru is just so amazing in your stories.
A/N: I’ll be honest, the line itself is so beautifully tragic that using it for fluff stumped me for a good while, until I eventually remembered the music box scene out of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang that I loved as a child, so I’m stealing that concept for this. 
Also, this is set in a timeline when Haru and Baron have finished dancing around each other (metaphorically) and are adorable together. 
The plan had been simple. 
The plan had been simple and flawless and brilliant and definitely hadn’t involved Baron getting kidnapped by a mechanically-obsessed monarch. 
The execution of aforementioned plan... had left some things to be desired. 
“Hey, Chicky, I really don’t think this suits me...”
Haru tugged the rough tweed jacket around Muta’s broad shoulders and slapped the flat cap between his ears. “Yes, well you should have thought of that before you let Baron get kidnapped by a crazy king.” She paused, recalling her own first encounter with the Bureau, and snorted. “Not that the Bureau has a stellar record when it comes to that.”
“The birdbrain also lost him, and he’s on escape duty.”
“Toto’s on escape duty because he’s very, very good at it.” She finished fiddling with the cap. “So unless you want to be dancing instead, you’re filling the role of toy-maker extraordinaire. Honestly, Muta, it doesn’t look that bad.”
“I look like I should be yodelling from the nearest mountain.”
Haru snorted and gestured loosely to her own outfit - a white blouse layered over by a blue pinafore, with a yellow apron tied around the waist. “All I need is a shepherd’s crook, and I’d be ready to join you. Now, help me up into this box before I chicken out.”
Muta did so, and he didn’t miss the way Haru tensed as she stepped up. “Yer gonna be okay in there, Chicky?”
“Fine. Dandy. I’m just getting boxed up like some sort of twisted Christmas present so we can sneak into the palace for this royal celebration, then I’m going to have to dance like a wind up music box, and hope nobody spots the fact that I’m very much not a wind up music box until we get Baron back, and then escape without the kind of mishap that we are oh so well known for.” She grinned, far too brightly, at Muta. “I don’t know why you’d think I’d be worried.” 
He raised an eyebrow. 
“Just... be careful wheeling me up to the palace.”
“Gotcha. Run over every pothole and speed-bump I find, roger that.”
Haru laughed and bunched up her skirts. “Thanks, Muta.” Somewhere, a clock tower began to boom. “Alright, it’s time. Box me up.”
Baron had been mistaken for many things in his long lifetime. Some more flattering than others - there had been at least once incident where a Bible had been thrown at him - but being mistaken for a mechanical toy was fairly unusual, even for him. 
He sat in the seat he’d been assigned, head drooped, shoulders gently slumped, and hands tucked neatly on his lap, and tried, for all the world, to look like a clockwork creature wound down. At first, he had tried to convince the king that he was no mechanical toy, but a living, breathing individual, but that had only incited the monarch’s greed more and he had proclaimed the ‘unique, unrivalled design’ of the newest addition to his collection for all to hear. 
Somehow, Baron had suspected that if the king learnt of Creations, he would  just become an even more valued part of the collection.
So he had decided to play along. Eventually, the king’s interest would wane and he would be able to escape while attention was grabbed by the next new toy. Especially since he had feigned ‘winding down;’ sinking into a seat and refusing to move, and nobody had been able to work out how to wind him back up again. 
Even so, the king had still seated him along the royal table, like a prized pet for display, and it seemed escape would have to delay a little longer. 
He kept his eyes dulled, his breathing shallow, and wondered how long this farce was going to go on for. He listened as three of the entertainers’ acts were deemed unsatisfactory by the king and his short attention span - citing each one as nowhere near as impressive as the mechanical figure beside him - and sent packing. 
“Whoever’s next better make it good!” the king roared, and Baron nearly smirked, reminded of another monarch with a very similar outcry. Now, if he wasn’t the one captured, this would have been the perfect time for a dramatic entrance-
“Your Majesty, I can make the toy dance.” 
It took everything in Baron to not immediately look up at Muta. 
“Impossible,” the king grunted. “My finest toy-makers have examined the toy and have produced nothing-”
Surprisingly quick for one of his girth - at least to those who didn’t know him - Muta made his way around the royal table and set to examining the ‘toy’. Baron felt his head tilted back, and was treated to the unexpected image of Muta in a tweed suit and flat cap. He felt his eye twitch at the attempt not to laugh. 
He suspected Muta saw it regardless, for he was dropped back to his original position rather harshly. “Yeah, see this is part of a set, so once it’s wound down, it ain’t gonna work again until it’s reunited with its partner.”
‘What are you playing at?’ Baron wondered. His head dropped down, he could only listen as Muta paraded back across the room to what Baron had briefly glimpsed as a large red box. 
“And you have found this partner?” the king asked, his scepticism only outweighed by his hope.
“Course I have. I made ‘em both.” There was the sound of Muta opening something, followed by awed muttering from the royal guests. Baron caught a few strains of “well, they don’t look the same,” from a couple of onlookers, and dearly wished Muta had left his head at a more convenient tilt.
“So how does this work?” the king asked. “Do you have to wind them both up or...?”
“Nah, it’s... uh, wireless winding,” Muta bluffed.”Look, just wait and see.” 
Baron wondered whether that was Muta-speak for: no idea how this is going to pan out, so let’s not make any promises. All the same, he could have done with a better indication of what Muta had planned. As things went, he could only listen as there was a mechanical whirring, and then a strain of music box melody. A few delighted gasps. 
He raised his head and saw Haru. 
She was poised on a red stand, the interior of the box opened out into a trifold mirror that reflected back on her still form. As the music fell into a familiar tune, her head snapped up. It ticked from side to side in time with the music, searching, searching, until her eyes settled on him.
Then, with precise movements, she stepped down from the box and made her clockwork way to the royal table. Her path wasn’t direct - the steps were that of a waltz, a shifting box step - but there was little surprise in him when she halted before him. A single sure hand rested between them.
“Would you care to dance?” her eyes asked.
Mechanical toys did not smile, he reminded himself as he took the hand.
Still, he knew his eyes replied, “Always.”
Around the table he was led and he found himself surprised when Haru’s eyes were level with his. He shouldn’t have been, he noted; they had adventured much together in the ensuing years and she had not grown since her return to the Bureau, and yet... 
His mind went, unbidden, to a dance under similar circumstances a good decade ago, only he had been the rescuer and she the rescued then. How the tables had turned. How things had changed as, with a confidence that had only been a foundation all that time ago, she guided his hand to her waist and laid her own on his shoulder. She leant in.
“I suppose this makes you the damsel in distress then, huh?” she breathed, a teasing smile ghosting her lips. 
“I could get used to it with such a fetching knight in shining armour,” he returned. 
“Oh shush. If I blush, I’ll blow my cover.”
With a flick of his wrist, she spun, her skirts swaying and her steps sure, and when she was swept back into his arms, it was not awe, but calculations that lit her eyes. Her gaze slid past him and across the room. 
“I take it you have a plan?” he asked, drawing her close to hide the telltale flicker of lips. 
“Of course I do. Unlike some, I don’t rush in without an exit strategy.”
“You did, however, stop for a costume change.”
He heard the quick intake of breath, a laugh smothered. “I needed to look the part, and combat boots and trench coat don’t exactly match the music box aesthetic.”
“It looks lovely on you.”
“I want to say it was worth it. For a while, it was.” She wiggled her eyebrows, their faces so close that no onlookers would catch the discrepancy. “But this dress has like a hundred layers to shape it properly and I’m melting like a snowball in summer right now. Be glad I love you enough to suffer through this.”
“Be careful, Haru; keep proclaiming your love for me and I’ll have no choice but to kiss you and that’ll definitely blow your cover.”
“Oh, just shut up and dance with me.” She twirled away as if to remove the temptation, but when she settled back into his arms they were closer than ever. “Kiss me when this is all over and I’m not melting into a puddle.”
“Is that a request?”
“It’s a promise.”
Somewhere along the way they had both forgone their mechanical deceit and their movements had smoothed into an intimate duet that sent Haru spinning again, head tilting back in unshed laughter that nearly broke through as she was gathered back into his arms and dipped. 
“That wasn’t part of the dance I remember, Mr Gikkingen,” she admonished. Her hair, which had been so carefully pinned back into a doll’s bob, had now begun to lose its way, and wayward strands curled about her face. 
“Things change,” Baron whispered back, and he resisted the urge to tuck her hair away. 
Another sudden breath, another laugh hidden away, and Haru dropped her head back, knowing full well that if she stared into those emerald green eyes any longer she was definitely going to do something to give the game away. She let her gaze drift across the grand hall, across the king and his royal entourage, across the amassed guests, across Muta furiously gesturing--
“Shoot,” Haru muttered. She shifted her weight, signalling to Baron to pull her out of the recklessly romantic dip. “Okay, I think we’ve just been rumbled.”
“The music box ran down a good thirty seconds ago.”
 The king slammed to his feet with a sound like a gunshot. “You’re not a toy! Guards, seize her!”
“Ah,” Baron said. “Would now be a good time for your exit strategy?”
“Yeah. Run.”  
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miraculouscontent · 5 years
Oh my good lord is the Bustier and Marinette confrontation canon?? Are you planning on writing that???
Miss Bustier was familiar with conflict. Thus, when she entered the class that morning and saw the typical annoyed glares amongst them, she knew the cause.Ever since LadyBugOut had happened, a majority of the class had turned against Alya. Turning against Alya meant turning against Nino, and the class was also no longer fond of Adrien for whatever reason. It hadn’t been long after that Lila got ostracized as well.And now, Miss Bustier knew who’d made the blog that divided her classroom.“Marinette, could I speak with you outside?”Marinette straightened, looking at Miss Bustier with a confused expression. Ivan was about to speak up, but silenced himself as Marinette placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.Marinette glanced at Miss Bustier, nodding her head politely, then got up from her seat and walked over. Miss Bustier moved to the side, letting Marinette leave the classroom, then closed the door behind them.“What is it, Miss Bustier?” Marinette asked, turning to face her. “Is something wrong?”Miss Bustier nodded. “It’s about your blog.”“My… blog?” Marinette tilted her head, needing a moment before it registered with her. “Oh! LadyBugOut?”“Yes.”“I mean, it’s not really my blog,” Marinette pointed out. “It’s Ladybug’s. And, wait, what’s wrong with it?”Miss Bustier sighed. Could Marinette, her best student, really not understand? “I advise that you take it down.”“Wh–bu–” Marinette was flabbergasted. “Take it down?”“That blog is causing harm to my students and I can’t approve of that,” Miss Bustier replied. “It’s caused a rift between the class.”“Um… yeah?” Marinette said awkwardly, as if that fact were obvious. “Of course it did. Alya and Lila spread misinformation that Ladybug corrected. LadyBugOut only corrects rumors and supports the truth.”Miss Bustier recoiled, placing a hand on her chest as if she’d been personally offended. “Marinette, I’m shocked! You’re not bothered by this at all?”“…No?” Marinette shrugged, looking more bothered by Miss Bustier’s question than anything else. “I’m sorry, Miss Bustier, but this is just what happens when people spread lies. I can’t do anything about it. Even if I was bothered by everything, it’s still Ladybug’s blog. I just designed it.”“But surely you still have access?” Miss Bustier pressed. “I’m positive you could take it down with one click if you had to.”Marinette’s shoulders hunched up, now looking tense. She was clearly starting to lose her patience. “Why do you want the entire blog to go down?”“Taking down posts wouldn’t be enough,” Miss Bustier explained. “The blog itself going down would have the best chance of fixing things. It will make it feel like this whole thing has been a mistake.”Marinette said nothing, merely staring at Bustier like they were engaged in some sort of staring contest. Miss Bustier was fine with that, having no intention of either of them going anywhere until they reached an agreement.Then, Marinette responded. “No.”“Marinette!”“I won’t do it!” Marinette shouted, looking indignant. “And I can’t believe you’d ask me to! That blog has done so much good for everyone, and you’re asking me to just… delete it?!”Before Miss Bustier could respond, Marinette pointed an accusing finger at her. Suddenly, it was as if years of pent-up anger were being let out all at once.“It’s all just about keeping the peace, isn’t it? You don’t care about how your students feel as long as no one’s fighting, is that it?!”Miss Bustier went to speak, but Marinette cut her off.“Because I’m the one who takes the heat! It’s the good students who are expected to deal with it! You keep asking me to set good examples and do the right thing, but I don’t think you know what you’re talking about! You took the gift that I handmade and Chloe ruined and then tried to give Chloe credit for it! For all you say about making Chloe better, where’s the improvement?”“She–”“–gave you a gift, I know. And? Then what? Of course she likes you, because you don’t get her in trouble. Didn’t you wonder why she never got her miraculous back?” Marinette asked, the question sounding oddly personal. “It’s because she still treats everyone else like garbage! If she’s supposed to improve, how long is that going to take?”“W-well, if you just keep it up, then surely in a year or so–”“Oh, you mean wait until after we’re not in your class anymore?” Marinette threw her hands up in exasperation. “That’s convenient!”She huffed. “I get it, you hate conflict. I hated conflict, but sometimes, that’s the only way to get things done.” Standing strong, she continued, “And when people don’t improve, they have to face the consequences. Sure, maybe some of them might change by other people setting a good example, but that definitely doesn’t work for everyone, and I can’t believe you’d still try to spin it like it’ll solve everyone’s problems!”Marinette relaxed her shoulders a bit, looking ready to pounce but also like she had nothing else to say. Miss Bustier had honestly never seen Marinette act out like that.She sighed. Just another problem to be remedied, it seemed.“I’ll admit… I’m disappointed in you, Marinette,” she said. “Perhaps it was a mistake to let you run for class representative. The power has clearly gone to your head.”Marinette’s eyes went wide. Her brows furrowed. She opened her mouth to speak again–But the door behind Miss Bustier flung open, banging so loudly that Miss Bustier nearly had to cover her ears. She turned, seeing a majority of the class standing at the doorway.Judging by their expressions, they had heard everything.Ivan went off first. “Marinette’s right!”Alix gagged at Miss Bustier. “I can’t believe you’d side with Chloe of all people.” She paused. “I mean, actually, I believe it now, but it’s still gross.”“And how can you ask her to delete that blog?!” Kim asked. “It does way more good than bad! What’s the deal over a few people who deserved what they got?”After a pat on the back from Juleka, Rose piped up, “It’s true! LadyBugOut does a lot of good and spreads so much positivity!”Rose paused, then patted Juleka back. Juleka murmured, “It’s not Ladybug’s fault that people did things that they have to deal with now.”Miss Bustier was in shock, staring around at these students who were suddenly ganging up on her. She’d never been confronted before, especially not like this, so she was at a loss for words.Then, Markov flew out of the classroom, floating in front of Miss Bustier and giving her a look of disapproval. “I’ve been researching your methods for a while now, Miss Bustier, and I must say: I believe it is we who are disappointed in you. While your ways may seem beneficial at first, it actually only benefits you and the troublemaking students. Statistically, your class is far more likely to suffer self-esteem and instability issues as the result of your disciplinary tactics. This is supported by the fact that your class has had far more akuma than any other class in this school.”Markov continued rambling about psychology and statistical evidence, going into excruciating detail about every little thing. Miss Bustier could do nothing but stand and take it, mouth wide open. She was stunned that she was being lectured, and by a robot of all things.Desperate to get out of this situation, she scanned over the students and sought out Max.As she saw him, she called out, “Max!”Everyone glanced at Max, who seemed to be distracted by something on his phone.Miss Bustier felt a spike of irritation, both at being ignored and clearly losing control of the situation.  She raised her voice. “…Max!”Max finally looked up, meeting Miss Bustier’s gaze with disinterest. “Yes?”“Control your robot!” she commanded.Max glanced at Markov, who was still rambling about unsatisfactory teaching decisions. After a slow blink, Max looked back and faced Miss Bustier fully. “Sorry, Miss Bustier. You can’t expect me to lecture my robot in front of everyone like this.”He adjusted his glasses, then placed a hand on his chest. Despite the professional way he stood, no one could miss the spark of spite in his eyes.“I need to set a good example.”
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jezzzebel · 3 months
Hii! I saw your post saying you'd be open to questions about your practices and I was wondering if you had any notes for writing an occultist character? (I.e. practices, beliefs, environment/home life, etc) I really wanna do justice to this culture and practice since I've never really looked into it before now.
Thank you so much!
Hi! Sorry for not answering this sooner!
Hm... I don't want to be the type of person who says "just research" but it is true that researching DIFFERENT TYPES of magical paths and occultism is gonna benefit your writing! Expanding your views is gonna help you a lot!
I think that one thing i would love to see when reading about an occultist character, is the challenges of being an occultist. Especially the mundane challenges and obstacles such as:
-unsupportive environment
-AND also! The character's own flaws.
People think that just because a character is a part of a certain group, that they can't have their own prejudice and flaws! Which is very much false.
But also, a lot of writers try to neglect the "bad environment" aspect. They think that no one wants to see that. But it is a biiiiiig part of almost every occultist's lives.
As we all received a bad comment or a few from someone...
I PERSONALLY do not like ignoring such problems in stories! But that's just me!
I'm sorry if my reply was unsatisfactory! :") i tried my best lol
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hobidreams · 4 years
RAIIIIIIIIIN I love MLT so much. I’m not much of a historical au or historical anything kinda consumer, but something about your take on Joseon King Yoongi has ensnared my interest. I’m so invested in these characters- mc in particular. As you know, my minimal knowledge of Joseon Korea comes straight from the most reliable sources available- kdramas HAHA but I do know that life was tough af back then. I just want mc to be happy and healthy. I really feel for her when she’s ordered to move and
omg it is actually so special to me that you love MLT even though you’re not into history that much hahah 💕💕💕 thank you for taking a chance on me ;-; seriously, life was DIFFICULT back then! they lived so closely with death and poverty. (gonna reply to u in chunks for organizations sake again hehe)
+ poor baby thinks she’s moving OUT of the palace. Yoongi is less than predictable, but come to find out he’s moving her CLOSER to him?! But she feels it’s just for ONLY FOR convenience?!? Ultimate heartbreak ☹ BUT!!! the optimist in me feels that the convenience is only part of it since Yoongi is ALSO giving her a larger apothecary space AND a possible second infirmary. To me it seems that he’s trying to appease her as well and maybe even protect her from the palace gossiping??? 
GIRLLLL I FEEL like. i am an eternal optimist so when things like this happen in shows im like !!! best case scenario. 🤔🤔🤔 what’s Yoongi got goin’ on up in that head of his tho?
+ And the way Eunuch Kim is trying to comfort her has me ENDEARED. "Namjoon-sshi" AWW they must've ALSO grown up together!!!! He’s a gentle giant and I’m loving him. And I LOVE that you mentioned his DIMPLES T-T I would 11/10 marry this man with or without his balls. 
i need u to know that i SNORTED OUT LOUD at ur last sentence. I WANT TO PUT THAT AS HIS OFFICIAL EUNUCH SLOGAN WTF. who cares about balls when he’s got such a huge heart :’)
+ I’m still holding onto the theory that King Yoongi cares for her, he just doesn’t know how to show it. “Jeonha has move the women that remain into the residence next door, whether they wished to go or not. And if you so want, he will move them further.” WAIT WAIT. DON’T PASS GO, DON’T COLLECT $200. (RHRN, Rain, 2020). “The women that remain”…. Gives me the impression that he is most certainly NOT interested in his current concubines, perhaps even to be fucking any of them. INTERESTING. 
INTERESTING INDEED also DASFJLASDF THE QUOTE LMAOOOO. are the women concubines tho? 🤔🤔 also a question to consider!!! (or am i asking u a red herring question 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔) (sorry ily)
+ Rain, the way I straight up CHEERED when mc had her first PROPER orgasm (not like the first time where he pulled out right when she started cumming… how unsatisfactory ☹) HAHAHA yes bby get your clit rubbed the right way with a dick still in you to cum on!!! The way he has sex with her is kind of possessive… the way he leaves “imprints” on her body, he chokes her, etc. It makes me think that maybe he’s finally had enough practice and confidence after a month of fucking her to do it face to face, like the positioning is on HIS terms just like he controls everything else. 
the pure OUTRAGE at the way oc hasn’t been allowed to orgasm from you all has been absolutely hilarious to read. i love it. she does deserve so much and pleasure is just some of it HAHA. you have verrrrry interesting theories, my friend 👀👀👀
+ And the literal last sentence of this drabble is my FAVE line. “You’ll lose yourself in the feeling and let it linger as long as you can, even though this is never how you imagined having (if this even is such) the king, the man, the boy you fell in love with at fifteen.” OMGGGGG THE BOY SHE'S LOVED SINCE SHE WAS 15?!? RAIN YOU CAN HAVE MY HEART, IT DOESN’T WORK ANYMORE ANYWAYS T-T 
did you notice the date of the next drabble? heheehehe 🤭 i think ur rly gonna enjoy it!!!
+ But I still have questions??? How would it be possible for them to get their happy ending?? Where is mc’s mom?! Her dad that we’ve never met?? What’s mc’s actual background, doe she have noble blood in her??? What happened to Yoongi’s dad? AND WHO IS THE WOMAN WHO TRIED TO KILL YOONGI 10 YEARS AGO?! 
the answers to (some of) these questions & more in two weeks actually :D! heheh but i love that you’re thinking so hard about the series omg ur the literal best
+ As usual, I loved the update!! II think it's so fun to get glimpses of the story and piece it together as we go! I love you and your juicy brain, Rain. Sending you all my love while I sit on my bed and cry for poor mc. The thirsty hoe in me is hoping Yoongi gets an anatomy lesson and learns to rub her clit and she gets to cum more often to make up for her heartbreak HAHAHHAHAH
😭😭 i hope u know that ur comments literally make my entire night 💓 i get so excited when i see ur url in my notifs. thank you for always being such a source of support for me & my work. seriously :’)))) i will keep working hard to feed that thirsty hoe LOOOL pls take care omg. sending all the love back 💞
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grimey--gal · 5 years
For the anon:
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Andy did not plan on being so late from work, but it wasn’t his fault.
After a long day at work, he’d found his eyes crossing several times while trying to take inventory.  He was exhausted then, and he’s exhausted now.
His eyes can barely stay open, and he’s still fumbling with the doorknob before he remembers he’d locked the door – which means another few minutes spent on searching for his keys and then back to fumbling with the doorknob, only this time the keyhole’s involved.
The apartment is dark, but he can hear noises coming from the bedroom, and there is a strip of light against the hallway, so he knows that Chucky is awake still. There is the faintest sound of the television on, and he shakes his head, grinning stupidly. Chucky will never admit it, but the both of them know he can’t stand sleeping alone. Never mind the fact that Chucky can stay awake until ungodly hours of the night; it’s still an obvious factor that when he does finally go to sleep, it’s restless and unsatisfactory unless Andy is there.
Not that Andy isn’t guilty of that weakness himself. He’s aware that sometimes he spoons Chucky in his sleep without meaning to. The two of them have made a pact; Andy doesn’t make fun of the angry messages on his phone subliminally begging him to come home, and Chucky doesn’t make a scene when he wakes up with Andy’s arms around him.
He slips off his shoes at the door and leaves his keys on the counter, and he shuffles down the hall to the bedroom.
He hears it before he sees it, and had he not already opened the door, he would have tried to leave Chucky alone until he had pulled himself together. But his sleep deprived brain moved slower than his hand, and he had already entered the room to be greeted full on with Chucky cross-legged on the edge of the bed, flushed and scowling in frustration, tears falling heavily down his face. He grips the comforter tighter around him as soon as he hears the door, and immediately sets his burning gaze on Andy’s flustered figure in the doorway.
“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking,” he snaps, but his voice wavers, and it only makes him blush darker and Andy’s palms sweat.
“This is my room, you know,” Andy responds. His throat is very dry. “If you wanted privacy, you should have gone in your own.” His hand is still on the doorway, and he realizes he is gripping it too tightly. Confrontation still has a terrible effect on him.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Andy,” Chucky retorts, and now he isn’t looking Andy in the eye. He reaches for a glass bottle besides him and unscrews the top, taking a long drink before setting it down, still sniffling unceremoniously. “I get it. Don’t fuckin’ patronize me like I’m some moron.”
Andy almost points out that his nose is running, but his brain catches his tongue this time. Instead, he finally gets the courage to let go of the knob and sits next to Chucky, with just enough space between them that he knows is a comfortable distance. He runs a shaky hand through his hair and glances up at the screen, where the final scene of Toy Story is ending just before the credits roll.
“Were you…?” Andy starts to ask, and bites his tongue, but it’s too late.
“Shut up,” Chucky growls, wiping his eyes and tossing the empty bottle in the trash can near the dresser. It lands with a loud clank, and Andy is a little impressed that his aim is so good while obviously very drunk. “Just shut up. I get it, you wanna go to sleep. I’m going.”
He’s changing the subject, like he always does when he doesn’t want to discuss whatever it is that’s bothering him. Andy can’t fault him for doing it; if it were him in this position, he would probably do the same.
Chucky shrugs the comforter off his shoulders and makes an attempt to slide down from the bed, but as soon as his feet hit the floor he’s losing his balance, and Andy barely reacts quickly enough to catch him before he falls over completely.
“I’m not fuckin’ drunk,” Chucky protests.
“Of course you’re not,” Andy replies. His hands keep a hold on Chucky’s arms though.
He sighs. “Look, why don’t you just stay here with me,” he suggests as gently as possible. Chucky only seems to bristle under the caring tone in his voice.
“No, thanks,” he spits. He tries to walk out of Andy’s grip but ends up on his knees instead. He reaches into his hair and almost pouts. “My head hurts…”
Andy leans off the bed and steadies Chucky into a sitting position. “We both know how this is going to end anyways, you know,” he murmurs with a small yawn. “Why don’t we skip the arguing part and just get to the conclusion?”
Chucky nods his head, but it’s almost lopsided, as if his head is too heavy. Andy assumes it’s from his intoxication. He understands; he’s been there before.
“Whatever you say, asshole,” Chucky is mumbling, but his voice is very meek, almost submissive, and even the cursing at the end has little to no effect. Andy doesn’t know how to feel about it. He’s almost a little worried.
It’s when they tumble under the sheets that Andy discovers it was right of him to be concerned.
“You deserve better, you know that?” Chucky says, and that’s how it starts. Andy feels Chucky’s small hands patting his face and his neck. Then he hears Chucky crying again, only this time, he’s not trying to hide it. “You deserve so much better than me.”
Andy doesn’t quite know what to do. Chucky has never been this open, after all, and Andy suspects it’s not going to stop here. He knows how poisonous alcohol can be, loosening your tongue to say things you never meant to say. So he doesn’t respond right away. Instead, he just gives in to the need to hold Chucky, and threads his fingers into his hair.
“I mean it. I fuckin’ mean it,” Chucky babbles. “I’m such an asshole, and you’re like, I don’t know, so nice to me. All the time. I don’t deserve that.”
“I’m not always nice to you,” Andy reminds him, but Chucky is beyond listening.
“And you don’t even know,” Chucky goes on, grabbing small fistfuls of Andy’s shirt. It’s then Andy realizes he hasn’t changed yet. It’s fine. He’ll change in the morning; it’s too late now that he’s already in bed. Chucky trembles against him, almost as if he’s afraid he’ll lose Andy if he lets go. “You don’t know, and it’s my fault. It’s all my fuckin’ fault…”
“I don’t know what?” Andy consoles him, and he doesn’t know why, but he does. Maybe because he knows Chucky probably won’t remember it in the morning. Maybe because this is the first time he’s heard Chucky open up his heart and be so genuine and so raw with him. It doesn’t matter. It’s too late now, and he’s said it. And he feels the way Chucky responds to it, the way he seems to shiver and slide only closer to him when he talks to him like this. “What don’t I know?”
“I love you,” Chucky’s sobbing now, and he rubs his face in Andy’s chest. “I love you so much – it hurts a lot, you know? Fuck you. I love you so much it really, really hurts. And I’m really fuckin’ scared. I’d deserve it if you left, but I can’t stand the thought of how much it’d hurt if I lost you.”
Andy isn’t drunk, but he wishes he was. He doesn’t know what to say.  
“It’s not… it is fair. I’m sorry – that was so stupid – I’m so stupid – it is fair. I really would deserve it. I just hate being so frightened.” Chucky will never stop, Andy knows. He also knows Chucky will hate himself in the morning, and that he will somehow have to pay for it. Even though Chucky is the one who decided to drink too much at such an ungodly time.
At the same time, he’s heartbroken to hear everything that Chucky says. And it’s worse because he doesn’t know what words will comfort him. This is the first time Chucky has ever said anything like this, and Andy is heartbroken because these words mean this is what Chucky has felt for a long time now. He now knows this means Chucky has been trying to hide this and suffering from it for a while, and suddenly all of Chucky’s ornery anger makes sense. The pieces have all fallen into place.
He’s been pushing Andy away because he feels like he doesn’t deserve him. But he stays because he doesn’t know what he’d do without Andy. What a hopeless cycle.
This is what breaks his heart.
“Hey,” Andy murmurs softly, but firmly, as he’s really intent on soothing Chucky now, especially now that he has more of a grasp on the situation. His heart is pumping from the concern; he is nowhere near tired anymore, the adrenaline surge of protection in his veins. “Hey. Look at me.”
Chucky seems to respond to the authoritative tone he takes on. He lets Andy tilt his chin up, still crying helplessly. There is no retort, only the soft chant of Andy’s name and the devotion of love falling from his mouth as the tears continue to spill.
Andy knows Chucky might be angry in the morning. But at the same time, if these feelings have all been hidden for so long and Chucky is ashamed of them, he can’t let Chucky continue to think he has to keep hiding them. He can’t.
He doesn’t know what to say. But he rubs Chucky’s back, surprised at how soft his skin is now.
“You’re so soft,” he admits, before he can stop himself, and Chucky seems to only cry harder.
“I know,” Chucky cries, obviously distraught by this. “I’m turning human. I’ll be a dumbass fuckin’ midget.”
“Stop that,” Andy reprimands. It’s stupid, oh it’s so stupid – but Chucky is whimpering and shaking in his arms – and so he kisses his forehead. He does this more than once, and he tries not to think too much about it.  “You’ll be a human again. It doesn’t matter how small you are.”
He takes Chucky’s face in his hands and tilts it towards him again, just to make himself clearer. “Don’t say that again. You’re a human being, you understand?”
Chucky nods, but he’s still beside himself, and Andy can’t stay firm for long. This amount of vulnerability is too alarming for him.
He feels terrible, and even though he knows there’s no way he should have known, he wishes there was some way he had. For Chucky to not only worry about their past, but to have to shoulder these insecurities as well? How could he not have seen it?
“I’ve loved you for so long now,” he says aloud, as he realizes it, and he can feel his cheeks burning. “I didn’t think about these things because none of them matter to me like they matter to you.”
He’s almost embarrassed. But then he remembers that not too long ago, Chucky practically wept that he loved him as well, and then his own apprehension feels petty.
“I don’t care about those things because I love you too, you idiot,” he presses, and he tries to ease the tension, but Chucky is curled under his chin again, completely undone.
“Andy, oh Andy, Andy, please, Andy,” Chucky is so helpless, and so, so very vulnerable. Andy is frightened by how violently he’s quivering under his touch. “I love you, I really, really – oh I really love you, I’m so scared, Andy, please…”
“Alright, okay,” Andy starts, but he doesn’t know where to go. He doesn’t know what to do. He just runs his fingers through Chucky’s hair, right behind his ears, and tries his best to caress as gently as possible. “I’m right here. C’mere.”
“I can’t lose you,” Chucky moans. Then, “I’m so fuckin’ dizzy.” And then, “My stomach hurts.”
Even drunk, he is trying to divert Andy’s attention to something else, to avoid the subject. He’s still sobbing, and Andy hopes that he is doing the right thing now, hand tentatively reaching for Chucky’s stomach and rubbing. He’s soft here as well, and Andy suspects that Chucky is more human than he cares to admit. He wonders if the transition is complete, or if Chucky still has doll-like qualities anywhere.
He supposes he always will, what with being short and round eyed. He can see Chucky’s age showing through in his facial expressions sometimes, though, and knows that it’s Chucky really being Chucky in a new body. One that he doesn’t like, apparently.
And so he kisses him again, just where his cheek meets his earlobe. He wants to hit himself. He may as well be drunk himself, he feels like he’d be just as idiotic.
“Sorry,” he’s apologizing, but Chucky has other ideas, still trying to wind down from the tears.
“Hey,” he hiccups, suddenly distracted from his previous emotional breakdown. He’s still clutching Andy’s shirt, and he’s pulling at it to position Andy over him. He wouldn’t have succeeded, except Andy complies and tries not to crush him. Chucky’s frowning, but he doesn’t seem angry, just confused. Andy can see that he is still very dizzy.
“I like that,” Chucky says, simply, another hiccup and a sniffle following. Andy doesn’t know if he is mortified on his own, or mortified for Chucky. “Do that again.”
There’s no reason to be blushing, not really, but Andy feels himself heating up all the same. He stays perfectly still, outside of still mindlessly rubbing Chucky’s stomach.  
“I like your beard.” He’s touching Andy’s stubble gingerly now, and if it was not clear before, it is very clear now: Chucky is extremely drunk. In no universe would he ever dare to utter these things in sobriety. “It makes you look safe.” Chucky tugs at Andy again, and when he feels close enough, rubs his cheek against Andy’s.
It’s settled. Andy is feeling mortified for him, and prays that Chucky doesn’t remember a thing tomorrow.  
“Take care of me Andy,” he whimpers against his ear.  “I promise I’ll be good. Don’t leave me. I’ll be so fucking good to you. Cross my heart. Please take care of me… ”
His words are starting to slur. But Andy can still understand them enough to blush so fiercely he would swear his cheeks are on fire.
“Listen, I think you should probably try to go to sleep…” he starts, awkwardly, but Chucky is burying his nose under his chin, and muttering on how cruel Andy is for not kissing him more often.
Andy sighs, and tries to tuck them under the sheets. Chucky seems content with how Andy is holding him, and Andy adjusts the pillow. He leans to the side so that they’re facing each other, Chucky’s eyes blinking like he’s close to sleep. Andy feels himself giving into sleep as well.
“I’m serious, you asshole.”
Andy wakes with a start. He opens his eyes to Chucky scowling at him petulantly. “What are you talking about?” he asks, voice already groggy.
Chucky turns red, and it’s only the television the gives light to the way it reaches his ears. Andy suddenly remembers they never turned it off. It doesn’t matter. It’s faded noise compared to the rushing in his head from being woken so suddenly.
“About fucking … god damnit, Andy, are you going to make me say it again?” Chucky growls, and Andy can’t tell if he’s still drunk or not.
“Sorry,” he says again. He doesn’t know why. He rolls onto his side to face him, and pulls him close by his arms. “You just never seemed to want it before, that’s all.”
Chucky opens his mouth, then shuts it again. Then, “I..” And then, “Never mind.”
Andy catches his face again before he can pull away. “Don’t,” he almost growls, voice low. Dangerous, even. But it’s important to him, now more than ever. “I can’t have you hiding something like this from me and expecting me to just understand what it is you want.”
“Tell me what you want.”
The silence hangs heavily.
They are a breath apart. If it were not for Andy’s determination, Chucky may have very well pulled away. But they stay close, noses just on the brink of touching. Andy can feel Chucky’s skin warming under his fingertips, their pulses racing. It’s the loudest sound in the room.
           “Kiss me again,” Chucky growls at last, a deep scowl on his face. But Andy hesitates, and he crumbles quickly, adding a desperate and whispered, “please.”
           It’s all Andy needs, and it comes rushing as if a dam has been broken. Andy clambers overtop Chucky, and he is almost shaking as much as Chucky is. They are hurried and almost violent, with teeth catching lips and fingers digging into the other’s skin, bruising- marking. Chucky leans his head back into Andy’s hand, baring his neck, and Andy complies to the both of them, kissing and sucking. They are no one’s but each other’s, and they make it permanent now- Andy’s ragged breathing and Chucky’s soft moaning the only vocal testament.
“Oh, holy shit¸ fuck- for god’s sake, Andy, take me. Just take me already,” Chucky is practically begging.
“I’ll do nothing of the sort while you’re drunk off your ass like this,” Andy argues, despite wanting to do just that. “We’ll both hate ourselves in the morning for it.”  
“But I promise,” he continues, at Chucky’s crestfallen nature, “if you ask me again when you’re sober.” He cannot finish, Chucky pulls him close again for a kiss, and another, and another. He does not need to finish. It is understood.
“Promise me, promise me,” Chucky is falling prey to emotion again, but this time Andy is there to catch him. “Promise me this won’t end up being a shitty situation where I’ve been dreaming and you haven’t even come home yet.”
Andy almost laughs, but he catches himself just in time. “I promise. This is all real.”
The moment has cooled, but they tremble in each other’s arms still, the afterglow still lingering under their skin. Andy leans in to kiss Chucky along his cheekbone, across his forehead. Chucky catches his lips with his own, laughing hoarsely.
“I’m not dizzy anymore, finally,” Chucky says. And then:
“Why have I been such a fuckin’ idiot, for all this time?” he asks aloud, letting Andy kiss him again. “Why, Andy?”
“While I love to agree that, yes, you are an idiot- I gotta know. What gave you that sudden revelation?” Andy responds.
“You asshole,” Chucky retorts, but he’s grinning. Chucky looks away, but Andy can see the telltale blush creeping back onto his face.
“It feels so good to kiss you. It feels so good to be kissed by you.”
Andy finds himself grinning stupidly now. “I know. I could have told you that.”
Chucky shoves him. “Don’t be arrogant or I’ll take it all back,” he teases. Then he sighs. “It was that damn alcohol. And that damn movie.”
“So you were watching that…” Andy starts.
“Shut up,” Chucky says. Then, softer, “Listen to me.” And then, softer still, “I think I always knew what I wanted, I was just led to the point where I had to fuckin’ face it.” He’s pulling the covers closer to him, as if to hide himself. Andy doesn’t stop him, he just reaches for his hand under the sheets, and Chucky doesn’t pull his fingers away when Andy’s find them.
“I just wanted to really belong to you. To actually, really, be yours.”
“Are you still drunk?” Andy asks, just to be sure. Chucky peers at him from over the covers, if only to scowl at him in frustration.
“No. Yes. I know what I’m saying, Andy, don’t make this more difficult for me than it has to be,” he replies. “Yes, I was watching that stupid movie, okay? Yes, I was drunk off my ass. Yes, I heard your stupid name being said by stupid fictional characters with stupid fictional affection that made me want to barf and cry at the same time.”
He’s turned away again, but his fingers have not slipped out of Andy’s. In fact, they’ve tightened into a grip. “I heard him say he needed to get home to Andy and I realized that I- that I… I felt the same way, that you’re home.”
His voice cracks.
“You happy now, jackass?”
“Very,” Andy responds, simply, not wanting to draw out what Chucky seemed to consider torture any longer. He can’t stop grinning. “Just so you know, I’ve wanted you to be mine for a really long time, too.”
“Now I really am going to puke- and it’s not the alcohol,” Chucky mutters. “Roll the credits. Showtime’s over.”
Andy lays there, silently. He assumes that Chucky means to sleep now, and wonders if maybe he already regrets everything he’d said. But then Chucky tugs on his hand.
“And hold me, won’t ya’? Jesus, do you have any romantic bone in your body? We can’t both be heartless.”
Andy laughs into the pillow before complying.
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Mine (Lucifer x Sad!OC One Shot)
Okay, so this isn't my first time writing, but it is my first time posting anything like that on this platform, so please excuse the possibly terrible format. I made this using a friend's OC to cheer them up because they were feeling down, so I please also excuse how hasty it looks. I literally started writing this the moment she told me and it took me exactly 2 hours to finish. Let me say at this point that this was mildly inspired by the Lucifer kiss scene on the last chapter, but it's also quite different.
Rating: PG-13 (?) /SFW-ish
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy~
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Vanni's life has been turned upside down ever since she arrived at the Devildom. She was forced to live in a place far away from home and attend school there while cohabiting with seven strangers. And the strangers were seven of the most powerful demons in history on top of it all. As bizarre as it may sounded, however, she was able to adjust to her new life there. And she owed it all to a certain demon; the eldest of the seven brothers, the Avatar of Pride, Lucifer. 
Because of how fussy he was over making the exchange program a success for Diavolo's sake, he would always make sure Vanni was safe and satisfied with her stay in the Devildom. Even though she knew he was doing it purely because of business, Vanni was happy that he was so meticulous with his task and he never hesitated to help her with any troubles she was finding along the way. Before she knew it, she had become attached to him. She was seeing him in a new light more and more as the days passed, until the day came that she admitted to herself that she was in love with him.
But it was something she swore she would never tell Lucifer. Because she wasn’t merely infatuated by him. She respected and revered the man with all her heart and soul. She loved how dedicated, hardworking and loyal he was. She loved how he would show his care for his younger brothers in his own peculiar ways. She loved how his brows would furrow deeply when he was concentrating on his work or was thinking about some mischief his brothers had gotten themselves into again. She loved how he would always allow her to stay with him on his study as he worked with the condition that she wouldn’t bother him. She loved how he cared about her in the smallest yet most meaningful ways.
She loved everything about him.
And that was something she couldn’t help but think of constantly. Yet, today wasn’t one of those days. She didn’t know how or why, but she was feeling rather miserable today. At first, she could not understand why she was feeling like this. School was great, the brothers were all nice to her most of the time and she had a great time living with them. Her life was anything but boring down there at the Devildom. And yet, somehow, she was still having the urge to cry. She was still having the urge to let it all out and break down for no apparent reason. But she couldn’t do that. Not when she was still in Lucifer’s study.
The man was working relentlessly to make sure she would get through her year in the Devildom without problems, so who was she to simply add more problems on his plate? She loved him. She was already upset enough to see him collapsed over his desk oftentimes when she would bring him coffee, so making him stressed out because of her was out of the question. Wanting to prevent that, she slowly stood up from the chair across Lucifer’s desk and made sure not to make a sound as she tried to walk out, heading back to her room to let all the frustration out without being seen.
However, fate had other plans for her.
“Are you going somewhere, Vanni?”
Lucifer’s monotonous, tired voice stopped her in her tracks, but she didn’t dare turn around to face him as she started feeling more tears welling up her eyes.
“I think...I’m going to call it a night.” she replied in a low voice. “I’ll be heading to my room now. Goodnight, Lucifer.”
Vanni might have thought what she wanted of him, but the demon wasn’t born yesterday. The strained sound of her voice and her silent sniffling was enough to get his attention as he put down his pen and spoke up in his usual authoritative voice.
As much as she didn’t want to, she complied. There was something irresistible about him using that tone that she couldn’t pinpoint. But whenever she heard it, she was rendered immobile. She gulped as she heard him tap his fingers on the desk and wait in silence for a while, but soon flinched upon hearing the voice she had come to love so much address her again.
“Come here.”
“But-” she tried to protest, but she knew by now it was to no avail.
At this point, she had completely given up. With slow, insecure movements, she turned around and started heading towards his desk with her head low as she took smaller and smaller steps. Lucifer was waiting patiently until she reached him, watching her every movement through blood red eyes, as if reading the situation. Vanni, on the other hand, was feeling remorseful. She didn’t like troubling Lucifer any more than his brothers and Diavolo already troubled him, and she didn’t want to trouble him with matters as insignificant as this.
What was she supposed to say to him anyway, she thought as she made her way towards the carved wooden desk. She had no particular reason to be sad. Everything was perfect. The brothers were all nice to her, the angels and Solomon would often hang around her too, Diavolo was also willing to answer to most of her requests and Lucifer made her happy just by being there. Everything she ever wanted was there with her. Everything except from...her family and friends back home.
She made a full stop once she came to that realization.
She had never felt homesick before, so why now? Why did it have to happen so suddenly? And, more importantly, what was she supposed to tell Lucifer? Here he was, working himself to the point of exhaustion for her and the exchange program and she was feeling like this. She knew that she had no right to be this way, but she couldn’t help it. As much as she loved everything in the Devildom, she was still a human. Her home was still the Earth. And everything she loved was up there with it.
“Vanni?” Lucifer asked, snapping her out of her trance.
Widening her eyes, she lowered her head in shame and picked up her pace, arriving right next to the demon’s desk and slightly bowing her head in apology.
“I’m sorry, Lucifer. I just got lost in thought.”
Normally, she wasn’t like this. She wasn’t so weak and vulnerable. But there was something about the moment and the way Lucifer’s eyes stared into hers that made a stray tear she had been fighting back finally escape her eyes. Once the first tear fell, it was all over. The other tears all fell like a storm from her eyes, causing the slightest of changes in Lucifer’s normally cold and stoic expression. Seeing that, Vanni started apologizing profusely once again, burying her face in her hands to hide it from plain view.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry...” she mumbled through her tears. “Even though I didn’t want to bother you...”
What happened next though, she couldn’t have predicted it in a million years. Her wrist was grabbed a bit forcefully and she was dragged down by the arm, landing on the demon’s lap in the process, who lifted her chin with one of his gloved hands.
Her bewilderment couldn’t be described with words. But, in contrast to that, Lucifer was completely calm. He didn’t reply for a while; he simply held her face in that position, forcing her to maintain eye contact with him. It was only after a few minutes that he eventually let go of it, but not of her.
“What’s wrong?” he began asking. “Did one of my brothers do something?”
“No...” she reluctantly replied.
“Then, is your stay at the Devildom somehow unsatisfactory?” he pressed.
That, she denied it with all her might. She wouldn’t invalidate Lucifer’s hard work and dedication even if it killed her. Trying to dodge the subject, she put on one of her best smiles and properly faced him, making sure to sound as persuasive as possible.
“It really is nothing you should concern yourself ab-”
Her vile effort to get out of this died as fast as it was attempted, and at this point, she couldn’t hold it back anymore. She broke down into hysterics and made her best attempt to speak through the mess she currently was.
“It’s...It’s my family and my friends...” she trailed off. “I know how ungrateful I sound...especially with everything you have been doing about me since I came here. Even though it’s just business to you...to me...it was everything. It helped me settle down, relax and have a great time when I would have otherwise dreaded my fate for the rest of the year. I owe you more than you can imagine, and that’s why...that’s why I didn’t want to burden you with this. I didn’t want to tell you how much I missed them...”
After she finished her rant, nothing was said for a while. But that didn’t mean there was silence. Lucifer let his actions speak louder than his words ever could when he took his glove off and cupped her cheek with his right hand, causing Vanni to look up at him again with wide eyes.
“Understandable.” he interrupted her before she could say anything else. “I sometimes find myself thinking of how things would be after the year was over and you returned to the human world as well. I keep thinking of whether you are going to leave the Devildom with a year full of great memories that will stay with you in the human world. That is what Diavolo’s exchange program is all about, and that is how I want to carry it out at any cost. But, I also keep thinking of how my brothers would miss you; possibly enough to either become dysfunctional or cause a ruckus.”
Vanni didn’t know why, but as the conversation went on, she was feeling more and more honest with her feelings. And that honesty, she wanted to project it to Lucifer as well. Even though she knew she would probably regret asking that question, she knew she might never get any other chance to do it. And so she took it.
“What about you? Would you miss me, Lucifer?”
If the demon was taken aback by this, he didn’t show. Instead, his face morphed into one of pure amusement as his beautiful red eyes narrowed and his lips curved upwards ever so slightly as he leaned towards her in an appropriate distance; not too close but not too far away either.
“Do you want me to miss you?”
Unlike the Avatar of Pride, Vanni had no remorse showing how much his words shocked her. And yet, what shocked her more was her own self. The moment was just too ideal, and she was becoming more daring as the seconds passed; more greedy for his attention. She knew she’d end up confessing her love if things went on like this, but she couldn’t care less at this moment. Right now, all she cared about was him. All she wanted...it was him.
“Yes I do.” she daringly replied, causing Lucifer to raise an eyebrow. “Because I know I definitely would. Your presence has become...so important to me. Even though I miss my family, I cannot imagine a day when I wake up and don’t have breakfast with you and your brothers. Or not going to RAD and taking classes together. Greeting you in the hallways, then having lunch together and even studying together whenever I have problems with my homework. Even those little moments when I sit with you in the study and watch you work...even though we say nothing, your presence alone is so comforting to me. It has become such a necessity in my life that I can’t think of how I lived before I met you anymore. Nor can I think of how my life is going to be without you after this year ends.” she concluded, gulping slightly before mouthing her next words. “Because, despite my efforts, I have come to love you so much I can’t stand it. I love you, Lucifer.”
There were many moments of silence between them prior to this, but this one felt the most deafening to her. She regretted confessing the moment the words ‘I love you’ left her mouth, and she couldn’t stop thinking about the consequences this would have. Bringing all the worst possible scenarios inside her head made her shed tears once again and she brought her hands up to wipe them off.
However, that action was stopped midway. She didn’t manage to make another move as Lucifer grabbed both of her wrists and leaned a bit closer, kissing away all of her tears one by one. His lips were soft as they caressed her cheek, even as roughly as they did, but also meticulous as they made sure not to leave a single spot unkissed, causing Vanni to freeze once more.
“I have always known you wanted to say this.” the Avatar of Pride admitted as he planted another rough kiss on her jawline, where some stray tears were running down her neck. “I also know what you need to let your mind off those woeful emotions right now.”
His lips caressed her jawline some more, travelling down her neck, leaving possessive marks and butterfly kisses all over the area. He didn’t leave a single spot unclaimed. Meanwhile, Vanni’s breath had become rugged. Soft moans escaped her lips with every inch of her that he claimed as he unbuttoned the first two buttons of her blouse and lowered it just enough to expose her collarbone and shoulder, which he also began claiming in a slow, agonizing manner.
“Surrender yourself to me tonight; all night long, until the break of dawn.” he spoke between kisses, his hot breath tickling her skin and awakening each of her senses at once. “I’m not letting anyone else have you now. You are mine.”
She bit her lip to unsuccessfully suppress an even louder moan that escaped her lips as he bit the skin of her collarbone, before leaning away and looking into her eyes as he took his other glove out using his teeth, and then cupping her cheeks with both hands, pulling her close to him and forcefully parting her lips with his tongue as one of his hands left her cheek and traveled down her spine, all the way to the small of her back. Pulling her closer and deepening the kiss, he eventually pulled away with a bite on her bottom lip, finishing what he was previously trying to say.
“Surrender yourself to me tonight, and I promise you-” he paused to lean in closer, stopping one breath away from her lips. “I shall be the only one you will be thinking about until the break of dawn.”
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faefictions · 5 years
Pairing: 19th century! Tom Holland x Indentured servant! reader
Request: Thank you for letting me ask! Hm... Later 1800s, someone is an escaped indentured servant who was being kept longer than their terms of service specified and someone else who is working as a cabin boy finds them while their former master is searching for them and hides them. 
Word Count: 1,993
A/N: Just wanted to add a quick note that I have never written anything from a different time period, so this was a challenge, but I want to thank the anon who requested it! It was fun to write something different, but I am sorry if there’s any inaccuracies! Also I changed the cabin boy part, I hope that’s fine
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Y/n had just returned to her sleeping quarters, exhausted from her hard days work, as usual. The only difference between that night and every other night, was that she had just finished a conversation with the man that she had been working with for the past 7 years. Her mother had made an agreement with this man, Mr. Kitley, when y/n was 15. She was given safe passage to America and a place to stay for 7 years on the condition that she was to work for him for those years. She had 2 more days until those years were up, and she had brought that to Mr. Kitley’s attention, but he had claimed that her work was unsatisfactory so he had the right to keep her under contract until he felt that she had provided him 7 years worth of work. 
Once her door was closed, she began to bawl. She had been counting down the days until she was going to be paid her freedom dues and be able to finally walk off that property and begin the life her mother had hoped she would live. She had never thought lowly of Mr. Kitley either. He seemed to be a good, honest man. He had come to America from a town near where y/n grew up, and although he was wealthy, he had always seemed kind. The conversation had changed her views on him though. His face grew cold as he told her he wouldn't be paying her her dues and that he would be keeping her. 
While she sat on the floor crying, an idea popped into her head. If he wouldn't let her go, she would just have to escape. She was still too emotional to think clearly, but that didn't stop her from gathering up all of her things and packing them in a large bag she had made herself for the day she was finally going to leave. She hadn't imagined it would be like this, but it still served its purpose. 
Once she had gathered her things, she considered saying goodbye to the other housekeeper. She had grown to be a mother figure in her life, so the last thing she wanted to do was leave without saying goodbye, but she knew that involving anyone else in her escape was risky.
She took the lantern from beside her bed and looked out the window. She had the perfect view of Mr. Kitley's bedroom window from her own, and she could see that his light was out, meaning that he was fast asleep, so she took her chance. She turned the lantern on just barely, a small flame popping up to dimly light the way. 
Her heart was beating out of her chest as she made her way to the back gate of the property. It led to a large field that turned into the forest outside of the nearest town. She didn't know what her plan was, but she knew that she needed to at least get past the tree line before anyone noticed she was gone. 
She tried to run as quickly as possible, but the dress she was wearing slowed her down. She tripped over her own two feet plenty of times before she finally reached the trees and was able to breathe a sigh of relief, but then the realization set in. She had no idea where she was going to go now. If Mr. Kitley hadn't gone back on their contract, he would have provided a small sum of money for her to find a new place to live, but now she had nothing and no plan. She continued walking through the woods, pondering her options, although she couldn't really come up with any. She figured she could try to find somewhere to work and save up to find shelter, but she didn't know where she would be able to live until then. 
As she was thinking, she heard shuffling behind her, but didn't pay much attention to it until it got louder, and a few men's voices were accompanying it. She was torn from her thoughts when she recognized one of the voices as Mr. Kitley. From what she could hear, they had somehow found that she had disappeared, and they were looking for her. 
"She can't have gone far," she heard one of the other men call. 
Before the fear could properly swell inside of her, her feet took her off in the direction of the town. She could hear the men behind her pick up the pace as well and she could only assume that they could hear her running. 
She didn't stop when she got to the town, she wove between buildings and down alleyways. She couldn't tell if the noise she was hearing was the men behind her or her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. 
As she rounded a corner, she suddenly slammed into something and her lantern and bag were thrown to the side as she stumbled backwards. 
She looked up to see a man in front of her, brown curly hair almost reaching his surprised eyes. She didn't know whether to apologize or run from him, but his kind features put her at ease for a second. 
"I'm sorry," she stuttered out as she went to grab her things. Before he could reply, she heard the footsteps of the men chasing her, and she tried to take off running again, but he grabbed her arm. 
"Are you alright?". 
"Please, let me go, I need to go."
She was trying not to cry out of fear, and he could sense that. He was about to ask why, but he heard one of the men call "I think she went this way" and he had his answer.
Instead of letting y/n go, the boy pulled her down the alley and led her into a dark room. She tried to ask what he was doing, but he shushed her and peeked his head out of the doorway towards the spot they had just been standing. He waited for the men to pass, listening to the sound of their footsteps fading. When he knew for sure that the men had passed, he turned to her, realizing that he hadn't let her go. He removed his hand from her arm and moved to the other side of the room to turn on the lamp. It was then that they were first able to properly see each other. His heart skipped a beat when he looked at her. She was beautiful, but she looked afraid. 
"Sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Thomas, you can call me Tom," he blurted, holding out his hand to shake. She slowly reached out and shook it, still a bit on guard. 
"There's no need to be afraid," he said gently as he pulled his hand away, "Can you tell me why you were running from those men?"
"I wasn't," she quickly lied. She didn't know what would happen if he were to turn her in, but she wasn't about to find out. 
"Like I said, there's no reason to be afraid… Sorry, I didn't catch your name."
"Well, y/n, would you like something to eat or drink?"
She nodded and asked for some water, and he quickly obliged. He pulled out a seat for her and she sat while she drank. 
"Y/n, I'd love to help you. I just need to know what kind of trouble you're in."
She gave him a hesitant glance as he took a seat across from her at the small table. 
"Whatever it is, it'll stay between us. You have my word."
Something about him made her trust him. It may have just been how handsome he was, but it worked. 
"I was working for Mr. Kitley. We agreed that I would be free to go after 7 years, but 7 years ends in a couple days, and he said I couldn't leave… so I ran."
"You had a contract?"
"Yes, sir."
"You don't have to call me Sir, love. And you can calm down, I promise you're safe here, alright?"
She simply nodded, letting the tension abandon her shoulders. 
"Do you have somewhere to go?"
She was staring at the ground, doing her best to not cry. The adrenaline was leaving her bloodstream and it was hard to keep her emotions under wraps. 
He slowly reached out and grabbed her hand. When she looked up, she was met with the kindest look of concern she had ever seen. 
“I know we only just met, so I won’t be upset if you say no, but would you like to stay here with me?”
“I-I couldn’t.”
“You can. I’ll do my best to keep you hidden from whoever is looking for you. And you could stay as long as you’d like and leave whenever you please. It would be safer than living on the street. Please, I’d be more than happy to do this for you.”
She could feel the sincerity that was radiating off of him. There was no hostility to him, and it made her trust him blindly. She had nowhere else to go after all, and living with this handsome man didn’t seem to be the worst option she had. 
Before she could reply to him, a knock came to the door and her heart stopped. Tom held a finger up to his lips, instructing her to be quiet before he pointed to the corner of the room. She quickly got up from her seat and went to where he pointed, hidden from the line of sight that the door had once opened. 
“Hello, sir, sorry to bother you at this hour. I saw that your light was on, I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.” 
Y/n instantly recognized that voice as Mr. Kitley, and she held her breath, panic setting in once again. There was nowhere for her to run this time. 
“No, just a late night cup of tea. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“I’m looking for a servant of mine. You haven’t seen her by chance?”
“No, sir. Are you sure she came this way?”
“We lost her right around here. If you see anything, could you alert your nearest Watchman?”
“Of course, sir. I hope you find her.”
With that, Tom shut the door and turned to y/n. Her breath had grown ragged and a tear was streaming down her face. Tom rushed over to her and cupped her face in his hand. 
“Hey, it’s alright. Everything’s ok. He’s gone now, he won’t find you. You’re safe, I promise.”
She simply nodded, sniffling as she tried to compose herself. Tom pulled her closer and hugged her, and she welcomed it freely. His arms provided a sense of safety to her, which slowly calmed her down. 
Once her breathing became regular, Tom pulled away and brought his hand to her cheek again. 
“Would you like to get some rest?”
She nodded at him and he slowly pulled away, but grabbed her hand to lead her down the short hallway by them. At the end of the hall, there was a single door, which he lead her through. 
“You can take my bed, I have a cot I can set up.”
“No, no, I can take the cot. You’re being more than generous already.”
“A woman needs her beauty rest. I insist you take the bed, and who knows, maybe some day we can share it,” he joked. 
A bright blush spread across her face, but a chuckle left her lips. “That’s a bit forward, Thomas.” 
He laughed and leaned down to kiss her cheek before exiting the room. She stood in awe for a moment, then went to rest on the bed. 
She would have been lying if she had said she didn’t like what Tom had said, and with time, she was sure they would be sharing the bed.
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lyz-fics · 5 years
Igarashi X FEM! Reader: Cramming for the Exam
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Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
UGGGHHHHHH, hope this did you some justice anon. Sorry it’s soooo late but I’m a thicc procrastinator. I started this and got a few words in and completely lost my train of thought from there on. I didn't know how far you wanted me to go so I just went up to studying and cuz I’m lazy I time-skipped to the final exam.
Word Count: 1,436 Words
Summary: You realize that your grades are dropping in maths so when you get ready for the exams you ask one of the smartest students in your class for help in preparation.
“The scores for your tests are on the back of the paper. Remember students this week is the starting week for revision for the final exams. I would suggest planning out your study times to use them in the most effective way to make sure you get good scores.”
The teacher walked around the room as he was handing back the practice exams. He placed your exam papers back on your desk and stared at you for a few seconds before walking to the next student. Being the anxious little shit you were you grabbed you test and flipped straight to the back. In a bright red pen, you saw your score circled, 79 out of 115, a big fat 68% was underlined in the middle of your page. At the bottom, the teacher had left a little not for you to read.
‘(Y/N), this type of work is starting to become unsatisfactory as we approach the end of the year. For these exams might I suggest a study partner that is actually going to help you this time?’
You thought back to last semester, you had studied with (B/F/N) and she did you no justice. All you guys did was muck around and play on your phones. When it finally came to the exam you just barely passed but poor (B/F/N) had failed and she was sent to summer school for the break. You looked around the classroom at all the other students, one of them caught your eye. Igarashi, he was one of the smartest students in the grade and he definitely would have gotten 100% on the practice exam. He was the person you had to ask to help you study.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
“Igarashi-Kun,” you ran after him panting as you trying to stuff your books in your bag at the same time, “please wait I have to ask a favor of you.”
You were so distracted by your books that you didn’t notice when he turned to face you. You tried to stop but it was too late, you ran straight into him. You dropped your bag and your books spilled everywhere, you thought you were going to fall straight to the floor but luckily someone caught you. They had their hands wrapped around your waist as they pulled you into their chest to make sure you didn’t fall over. You looked up and realized you were nose deep in Igarashi's chest. He gave you a quick grin before brushing a (H/C) strand of your hair out of your eyes. Becoming really flustered you quickly pushed him away and started gathering your books and shoving them back into your bag as quickly as possible as to make sure that he didn’t walk away before you could ask him. You stood back up from where you were crouching picking up tour books and turned to face him.
Your head hanging low you finally asked him the question you had been meaning to, “if you wouldn’t mind I kind of need some help this semester with studying.”
He gave you a small giggle before he started walking off again. He looked back over his shoulder and gave you a grin from ear to ear, “Come on. We can study at my place today.”
Finally, you had someone to study with that would actually help you to retain your information and hopefully pass this semesters exam. You walked as fast as you could as you tried to keep up with him as he walked home. His long legs taking much larger steps it was a struggle for you to walk by his side and keep an eye on your surroundings. You finally caught a break when you got to the train station.
You both got on the second train that arrived and tried to find a place to sit but you were both left standing as the train started moving. Igarashi reached up to hold the rail that was attached to the top of the train and you tried to do the same but even when standing on your toes you couldn’t quite reach the top. Igarashi saw this and couldn’t help to let out a chuckle, he reached down for your hand and brought it up so you could hold onto him. His upper arm bent at a 90-degree angle acting as the rail for you. You went the whole train ride like this and when you got off he held your hand as you both walked through the busy streets and towards his house.
Once you were in his house you left your shoes at the door and followed him to his bedroom. He placed a pillow on the floor for you and you sat down, unpacking your books and placing them besides you as he sat next to you and did the same.
“So, what are you having trouble with so far,” he asked as he pulled out his maths book and placed it on the table in front of you.
“The three main things that I don’t understand and algebra, linear graphs and equations, and quadratics,” you pointed to the chapters with the heading as you spoke and he watched you closely.
He noted own the page numbers for the start of each chapter and flipped to the chapter titled ‘Algebra’. “I may not be the best at quadratics but I can definitely help you with algebra and linear stuff.”
You turned to your side as you pulled out your notebook ready to take notes as he was explaining. You made sure to pay very careful attention to him but you often got caught gazing into his deep violet eyes. And you often caught his starting back at your (E/C) orbs while you were trying to concentrate on memorizing the formula for something. This went on and on throughout the rest of the evening, you two were often catching glances at each other and making witty small talk in between lessons. By the time it was late in the evening and you were tired and ready to go home you felt like you had learned more with Igarashi’s help than you did through your whole schooling year.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
You wen to Igarashi’s house every few days so that he could help you with studying and other things that might prepare you for the upcoming exams. With every passing day, you felt more and more prepared but also more and more anxious and this caused you to stay up later and later at night so that you could cram more stuff into your brain. Igarashi couldn’t help but notice this every day he saw you, you were falling asleep every moment that you weren’t moving and this studying was really taking a toll on you, so this study session was going to be a bit different from all the others. He noticed you were starting to look tired and he definitely noticed when you almost hit your head against his table because you almost fell asleep.
He leaned over the table and started packing up the books and placing them back in your respective bags. You looked at him with such a confused expression. Why was he packing up? We still have at least an hour for him to teach me before I have to leave right?
“Well I think that’s enough for tonight, how about I make us some dinner?” he got up and walked out into the kitchen leaving you in his room with the most confusing train of thought.
You walked into the kitchen after him and saw him turn the frier on and start to boil some noodles. Was he going to make you soba? It sure looked like it. You watch him as he went and sure enough, he had made you both dinner and soon enough you were back in his room eating together. You made small attempts as too talk with him as you two ate and everything seemed to be going great. Once you both had finished you sat there in silence trying desperately to think of something to say to start the conversation.
That’s when Igarashi started the conversation for you. “You know, (Y/N),” he started as he placed his bowl on the table in front of him, “it’s been really fun hanging out and getting to know you but you’ve got to let me take you out on a real date sometime after the exams.”
You stared up at him again, your eyes transfixed on his violet eyes and deep green hair. You looked down again and whispered a soft reply.
“That would be amazing.”
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