#also sure it's not your bog standard type of complaining on this one. i am in a quite amused mood
krockat · 5 months
lol. sooo it seems my followers list is also bugged now,,,, not just my following list..?
yeaaa.... it's staying at the same amount - in the number, visually, on mobile... meanwhile even though i am blocking bot followers - it doesn't go up or down, even when i reload and leave, lol
my following list has been broken for Years. i have hit its prostrate several times and so good and deep it couldn't think no more and could no longer function.
but that's okay. it doesn't need to be able to think. heck, i can't think a lot of the time either!
but it does get a little bit confusing at times, for sure, hmm? and frustrating?
like being unable to follow new people sometimes, but only sometimes, and sometimes totally being able to Without having to do any unfollowing.... it's uh.
it leads to confusion ':D
aahh.. my best era was when i was definetely and also Visually past the following limit. i remember sitting there at 5013 and being smug as a bug who had fugged.
and alive!!! i felt so alive!!
which some bugs don't after they have fucked.
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performing-personhood · 3 months
Ladies, gentlemen, theys, thems and those too interesting for labels:
I have acquired a job.
Cleaning an office for a few hours in the evenings. Scored a M-F gig, too!
I'd like to thank modern chemistry for this achievement - shoutout to Buspirone for proving themself to be a True G - and also the community of assorted goblins, cinnamon rolls, and feral raccoons that is Tumblr. Couldn't have done it without yall and yalls blorbos, thanks so much.
Further rambling about the new gig under the jump.
I'm optimistic but trying to be tentative about it since I've been burnt so many times, but this is a chain of franchises instead of a small business so there's less of a chance that I'll be treated with outright toxicity. And I mean, the office manager seemed stoked about my enthusiasm. I really wanted the gig I applied for, I wonder how many other applicants are as genuinely enthusiastic as I am for an opportunity to do a couple hours of scrupulous work in the space and privacy of a quiet office after hours. And she seemed to be genuinely understanding when I answered the bog-standard "why do you want this job" question with a quick anecdote about my nineteen years in the service industry and wanting something less stressful where I'm "not performing as much."
I also made absolutely certain to drop the words "I'm neurodivergent" into a sentence early in my phone interview. I mean, that is the reason I find it really satisfying to do a thorough cleaning job! Hopefully nobody will be taken too much by surprise.
So far my only "oof"s are one mention of "honoring god" - big g "god" - in the onboarding paperwork. Unsurprising, my otherwise beautiful city has two name-brand megachurch homebases and three military installations, I probably wasn't going to avoid this one but I grew up here so I can play ball with the WASPs just as long as nobody asks any probing questions.
And, there is a note in the dress code about "jeans, shorts, or slacks only. Spandex is unacceptable." Which makes sense, they're aiming for professionalism to go along with the corporate office buildings they clean. And anyway I did eight years at Starbucks back in the days when the dress code was black or khaki pants absolutely no jeans (this was the early 00s, yoga pants had not been invented and leggings were still considered hosiery) with black or white collared shirt, and black or white socks no exceptions and yes some store managers absolutely will check your socks. I have photos of some outfits I wore to that job that are truly, honestly, horrifyingly hideous and completely inexcusable, like so ugly that even accounting for the sensory problems they are still wholly unforgivable. So this dress code does not scare me, though my IBS doesn't tolerate waistbands anymore so I'll have to ask some questions. But they also said scrubs are acceptable so perhaps I'll just get some jogger scrubs. I'm sure I can get more specifics as we go along.
I'll be disappointed if I have to get a haircut. I think the term for my haircut is no longer considered an acceptable term, as it also refers to an American Indigenous tribe, so I don't know what we call it anymore tbh. But it's buzz cut on both sides and long down the middle. (I don't spike it up with Elmer's Glue or anything, I'm too lazy and don't go anywhere, but I theoretically could if that helps deliver the correct image.) So not the most "professional" haircut known to modern culture, but I usually have it pulled back and it's not as clockable as an antisocial type of style that way. More things to discuss over paperwork.
Anyway, I've been complaining a lot about my job search. And I thought it was important to post an update that I scored one. It's evening work and it is physical labor, but it's only a few hours and it sounds like much lighter labor than I've done at all my other jobs.
0 notes
hpoutdoors · 6 years
Why Woodie-n’t You?
How hunting woodcock can increase your dog’s success with waterfowl.
By: Chad Fix
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Most of us hunting dog owners think our dogs are the greatest things since sliced bread. We’re the soccer moms of the hunting community. The truth of the matter is 90% of hunting dogs are decent, at best; this is especially true in the duck hunting. It’s not the dog’s fault either – it’s us, the handlers.
We don’t look from an outside lens. The standard colloquialism in the duck hunting tribe: “I’ve got a great a duck dog. He’s pretty good with pheasants too when we’ve gone to the Dakotas.” Upon hearing this, I just think to myself: so he’s pretty good with pheasants in the thick stuff (cattails, hedgerows, etc.), but why is he good for nothing at finding crippled ducks that bury themselves in the exact, same cover?
I imagine if I actually asked this out loud, the conversation would go South as quick as a blue-winged teal even feels a semblance of an autumn chill. My hope would be that the conversation would be like the following conversation (or better!):
“Oh what are you talking about? He’s found some this past season. And it’s a cripple, we’re talking about here…those things are long gone…besides, they’re food for the foxes and eagles.”
(what a note of consolation at the end…anyway, back to the convo)
So if foxes and eagles can find them, why can’t your dog?
“Look, just the other day my dog made a 200 yard retrieve on the water.”
That’s, great! You should be proud of your dog, BUT what about all those cripples? It doesn’t make sense; your dog shouldn’t have a problem finding them in similar cover he finds pheasants. Am I wrong?
Please hear me out.
First off, we, as hunters, have a moral obligation to give fair chase to every animal we down. Why then is it okay to easily shrug off cripples that go into thick cover? We owe it them.
Further, you owe it to your dog. They’ll get the same praise from you – just like the time when they made that 200 yard retrieve on the water. Which only encourages them even more to hit the thick stuff even harder the next time – there’s a reward!
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                                                         GIve your dog more credit in this.
Call it hypothesizing, but there’s a truth to be heard: when a dog is exposed to a certain type of cover they may familiarize the scent of it with the game they’re scenting out; if a dog has been exposed to pheasants in cattails, it may have learned that a “Good boy” is when they sniff out and retrieve a pheasant – meanwhile, not giving two sniffs to a duck because a “Good boy” for a duck is when it’s retrieved on the water or cut corn field. Essentially there could be a disconnect.
The connection can be made through exposure.
If it’s hunting season for you, the best form of exposure you can provide for your dog is through pass shooting on land. Look to add a couple of these hunts to your schedule for some needed change. My old man and I have been fortunate to pass shoot a wood duck roost for the past few years with our dogs. It has made a world of difference because it has a perfect diversity of thick cover: we hunker down in tall grass with the dogs, behind us are woods, and in front of us are cattails.
As the birds pass, they’ll fall in each type of cover – given their flight path, how fast they’re going and how long it takes / how many shots fired before a bird is dropped. Thereby giving opportunity for the pups to associate birds in all three types of cover.
After one or two hunts, your four-legged companion will get their reps in – pending you being able to drop some. If you do, be sure to put a good mark on the bird(s) that fall before pulling up on more flying overhead. Birds don’t stray too far from where they land if there is cover for them to hide in.
You want to set your dog up for success, so putting them on the exact area it falls is the best option to do such. When you bring your dog over to the marked fall, position your dog downwind of the bird, if possible. It’s a cardinal sin not to and I can’t count how many hunters just go in with their dogs without thinking that through. It’s those same hunters that were the big pheasant hunters mentioned before and the ones I wonder if they even know how critical wind plays into hunting pheasants: hunt into the wind for the dog’s sake and, secondly, because pheasants generally fly with the wind. Just my two cents, but now I’m digressing…
So what if you don’t have that ideal pass shooting spot? No problem! If you’re in the Mississippi or Atlantic Flyway, you’re in luck. There’s another migratory “woodie” you can hunt: the American Woodcock. Before snarling your nose at me, hear me out.
They are an absolute hoot to hunt. They’re the reason why my girl, after a catastrophic encounter when she was a pup, has turned the corner on becoming a solid duck dog too. “Yeah, but woodcock eat worms. That’s gross!”
Know what else eats worms? All those bluegill you caught this past spring on their spawning beds. I didn’t see you complaining after your fourth plate of filleted, fried gluttony. While I’m at it, those jumbos (perch) and crapps (crappies) eat maggots! Walleyes eat leeches for Pete’s sake. Turn your eyes to birds of a feather. The most highly coveted upland game for the table, the ruffed grouse, is found in the same cover. The first one I ever shot in my life had a garter snake it its crop! It was the best tasting bird I’ve ever had.
Pluck a woodcock and put it against your favorite duck species on the spit and see which one tastes better. I’ll put $100 down that the woodcock will taste better.
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                                               Laugh all you want at their prominent beaks.                                                        There's more than meets the eye.
That’s what I told my “duck-hunting-or-nothing” buddy during the annual “Waterfowl Weekend” that he hosts for a handful of his friends and family. In years past, we hunted all day for 3-4 days straight. Normally the birds are flying in the mornings and loaf the rest of the day. I believe we’ve only shot one bird out of the 5 Waterfowl Weekends I’ve attended over the years during the afternoon hunts, and that was during the middle of a migration – sadly, we just were in a bad location.
Getting to bad, last year’s Waterfowl Weekend was atrocious. We were in between migrations. The dogs were getting restless. We were too; after the second, full day of hunting without seeing a single bird in the two different counties we hunted, I asked my buddy if we could change up our afternoon activity for the third day.
Instead of hitting the water, I suggested hitting the woods. It’ll give opportunity for all of us (dogs included) to at least get a change of scenery, do a little walking where the leaves were dropping, and maybe put some meat on the table.
My “duck-hunting-or-nothing” buddy graciously relented. When the time came, we limited out in twenty minutes. His grin said it all when we rallied up before walking back to the truck.
“I don’t know why I haven’t done that before, but you got me hooked for life. It took a couple birds to get used to shooting in thick cover, but I think it helped me to key in on the bird and not worry about the cover around me…It’s good for Leo (his 2 year old chessie) too – bird diversity in different cover only helps!”
So it not only helped him change perspectives on shooting better through cover (as this sometimes can be the case when hunting out of a duck blind), but it also benefitted his dog. Win, win!
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                                                  The next day he also got his first grouse
They also have a little oily, funky taste – just like our beloved waterfowl. And, their breasts are red meat – surprisingly enough – something I’d bet our pups may be able scent as well. I could be stretching it on that, but who knows (considering their olfactory acumen). The similarities can help your dog associate that oily, funky smell to woods, bogs, tall grass, creek beds, and edges of cattails – where woodcock tend to reside. This, in turn, can help to turn on the proverbial light bulb upstairs in their noggins. They’ll be versed to associate that smell to various cover.
What if you don’t have woodcock in your area? Try to walk for snipe after a duck hunt, or if your state permits it, have a blind mate paddle around close to shore with your boat and see if you can jump any.
Another great option is getting into some dove shoots, if your state allows it. Typically you’ll be setting up on tree lines, so you’ll probably be getting some thick cover for your dog to work in. Dove shoots provide the bonus for reinforcing steadiness prior to the season.
And if you’re reading this in the offseason, then you’re in luck! You’ll have the opportunity to get in some offseason reps, then some dove hunting, and then on to the real show when the waterfowl season begins. But, first, let’s get into training.
Hopefully you have saved a duck wing or, better yet, freeze a small to medium sized duck, such as a teal, bufflehead or wood duck. If not, contact a local retriever club – they should have someone that could provide you one.
Start first with your mindset. Always put your dog in situations to succeed, especially when they’re learning something new. Challenging a dog has its time and place, but not at this point.
First, place the wing or bird on the edge of the cattails or tall, thick grass and have your dog retrieve it. Then slowly progress further into the cattails/thick grass by 3 foot intervals on a straight line. This helps keep the scent localized so the dog can find it easier. Think of it like a blood trail with deer; each spot you drop it will retain its indication that a bird was there. Your dog will then be encouraged to go deeper into the cover.
Remember to never just throw it in the cover as we’re not training the dog to mark the bird, but to scent the bird. In addition, it’ll give you the chance to bury the bird under cover, once your dog progresses successfully along.
That’s what it’s all about. Success is the greatest tool in the dog trainer’s tool box. Exposing your dog to success in various cover only makes them better.
I’ll be the first to say that my dog does not have the best nose. In fact, I be willing to say that your dog probably has a better one than hers. Remember earlier where the conversation was about finding cripples?
Well, my pup had a 95% success rate last season at finding crippled waterfowl. Since your dog has a better nose than mine, this translates to you and your pooch having an even higher percentage of success! In turn, you’ll have more meat in the freezer. Plus, who wouldn’t want to add more fond memories with our best friend? There’s something to be said about seeing your dog come out of the gnarly stuff with a bird you downed; if you have even the faintest of pulse, it’ll give you goosebumps.
Versatility is the name of the game. Think outside the box for a change. Quit being a soccer mom!
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                                                         This won't be a sight you loathe
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xwing-baby · 7 years
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Sam, Dean, Lucifer, Michael, OMC Alex Moffatt, OMC Benjamin Moffatt, Nephillum!Reader.
Warnings: Angst, none other than that really.
Word Count: 3254
A/N: It’s official, I am the worst at deadlines. THANKS BT! My internet decided it wanted to mess around last night so I couldn’t post this. But anyway, better late than never, right?
This is written for @hiswickedkitty ‘s 21st Birthday Challenge. My drink of choice was Black Russian: “I don’t do karaoke”
Also for @gone-to-fight-the-fairies ‘Supernatural Summer of Superheroes’. My quote was from Gomora: “Touch me and the only thing you’re gunna feel is a broken jaw”
It was unusual for Sam and Dean to get invited to a party. In fact, apart from a few college ones the brothers had never really invited to a party after all hunters aren’t the most social types. However, now they were in a huge 19th-century mansion on the outskirts of Chicago surrounding by at least forty other hunters of all ages, there were even some little kids as young as three running around with their parents. It was surreal, to say the least.
The house itself was entirely too extravagant for any hunter. Fourteen bedrooms, four reception rooms, a mock-up of a western saloon in the back over looking large gardens, and a garage full of fancy cars and trucks of every make and model. The house was owned by Rachel Barrett, an ex-hunter turn inventor/philanthropist extraordinaire. She was one of the main people who made sure the government never found out about the hunters and invented hundreds of new weapons to help hunters stay under the radar. She was also a close friend of Bobby Singers, though she’d never met the Winchester’s, she invited them in his place.
Neither brother was entirely sure who they knew here, but having been here for half an hour, they definitely knew that everyone here knew them. It was like they were celebrities. One guy even asked for a picture with Sam! 
After a while, people got over the fact the famous Winchesters were there and left them to it. The brothers were now in the bar in a booth with two younger hunters, Alex and Benjamin Moffatt, having their ears talked off about anything and everything. The Winchester’s didn’t really mind, it was nice to talk to people about something fairly normal for a change.
“Who’s she?” Dean asked, noticing a pretty looking girl sat alone at the bar.
“That’s Y/n, gorgeous ain’t she?” Alex looked over and smiled.
“You know, I heard she’s the illegitimate child of Michael, you know the archangel?” Benjamin added, lowering his voice as he spoke.
“Fuck off man, no she ain’t!” Alex scolded his friend slapping his arm, “She’s way too goody goody for that! Look at her!”
“Yeah? She may not look it but she ain’t some angel, man! I’ve seen her, she’s as dark as some black eyed bitch,”
“So she’s a hunter?” Sam asked, now the four of them were staring at the girl.
“Yeah, and an amazing one at that!”
“I heard she killed a nest of vampires alone with just a piece of barbed wire,”
“Will you shut up?” Alex exclaimed, trying to hide his embarrassment at his brother’s behaviour.
“It’s true! Ricky told me,”
“And Ricky is such a reliable source? Such an idiot I swear,”
“I’m going to go talk to her,” Dean decided.
“Do you want to get your head snapped off? She’s a feisty one that’s for sure. Benjy tried to talk to her last year? Didn’t last a minute,”
“Hey! It was longer than that!” Benjamin tried to defend himself but he eventually joined in with the rest of the table’s laughter.
“I bet I can get her to talk to me! Ladies love me,” Dean smirked cockily.
“Yeah?” Sam countered, “Ten bucks says you don’t last five minutes,”
“Oh, it’s on Sam,” Dean laughed as he stood up from the booth. The brothers shook hands and the three men watched Dean as he walked over to the bar. He sat down on the bar stool and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off almost instantly.
“I don’t do karaoke,” Y/n said sharply, not looking up from her glass of whiskey.
“Never asked sweetheart,” Dean laughed. Y/n looked up at this time, saw Dean, and looked him up and down them smiled approvingly.
“You’re a Winchester aren’t you,” She said with a smug smile, “Sam or Dean?”
“Hm shame, prefer you’re not so little brother more really,” Dean scoffed, not sure what to say. “Chill Dean I’m joking!” Y/n laughed. Dean sighed in relief, getting out of the awkward situation. “What’s your poison choice, Winchester?”
“Beer’d be good,”
“Sure thing,” With that Y/n stood up, jumped and vaulted over the bar. Dean watched in awe as she in the bar flipped them rather flamboyantly then cracked the caps open on the corner of the bar top.
The pair got talking and found they had a lot in common. They both had shitty childhoods, both enjoyed a good burger and although they had very different tastes in music they could both agree that nothing beats ‘Eye of the Tiger’. Sam came over to join them as the party died and eventually Y/n decided she’d had enough too. Dean walked her back to her hotel across the street, leaving Sam to collect the car on his own.
“You don’t have to walk me back, you know I am a big girl now,”
“I’m sure you are Y/n, but I can’t just let a pretty woman like yourself walk about in the dark, can I?”
“I’m pretty sure I can handle myself, Dean,” Y/n teased, turning to unlock the door to her room. It opened with a click but Y/n didn’t go inside. Instead, she turned back to Dean, hand on the door handle still, and smiled. The flirty tension they’d created all evening had been building and building until this moment. They stepped closer to one another. Dean leant in to kiss her. The moment was perfect, until…
“Dean Winchester smells!”
Sam shouted up at them from the carpark and honked Baby's horn loudly. Y/n moved away, burst out laughing and waved down to Sam who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Dean pouted but ended up laughing too.
“I guess you’d better get going then Winchester, see you next time,” Y/n smiled then pressed up to her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. Dean smiled and nodded.
“Next time,” He said.
Dean watched Y/n go into her room then walked down the steps and over to Sam, slapping him on the arm before snatching the keys to the Impala and sliding into the car.
“You’re such a jerk,”
Months passed and the Winchesters never saw Y/n again. It wasn’t rare that a girl stayed in their minds this long but something about her just stuck with them both.
They were on a demon hunt in Connecticut. It was a fairly routine hunt. Dead people, Demon omens, track, capture, and kill. They were at the tracking stage and had finally found their guy. Or girl in this case.
They’d got her into an alley behind a bar. There had already been two casualties already tonight, both the Winchesters and the demon were starting to get tired.
“Sleazy, slimy, good for nothing, hunters,” The demon growled. “Think you’re doing good all the time, I can’t wait until you finally all crash and burn,”
“Just shut up and die already!” Dean complained, launching himself at the demon again. Sam tried to exorcise it but this demon was strong and managed to throw them both across the alley, knocking their weapons in the opposite directions. The boys were both out cold
“Hey!” A woman shouted from the top of the alley.
“Hey, pret-.” The demon stopped and started to choke on air. The demon screamed in panic as they had no idea what was happening. A bright blue/white light flooded the alley in seconds. Sam and Dean quickly covered their eyes as the light pulsed, getting even brighter. Then, as quickly the light appeared it disappeared.
Sam was the first to look up and was amazed to see Y/n stood there. She looked over at them for a moment, eyes glowing white, then disappeared back into the shadows. Sam scrambled and ran after the girl, Dean three feet behind.
“Up there,” Sam whispered pointing to the light that just turned on in the window above them. Dean nodded and ran to the other set of stairs. Pulling their guns from the belts they crept up the metal staircase. They got to the door and tapped on it.
“Y/n, open up,” Dean spoke first. No reply. “Y/n open the door. For god’s sake, we just want to talk,” Nothing. “Please?”
There was still no reply. The brothers looked at each other for a second, silently agreeing on their next move. Sam picked the lock and opened the door. Y/n stood on the other side, gun raised and loaded, pointing at the door.
“What the hell do you want?” Y/n snapped, not wavering from her position.  
“It’s nice to see you too, Y/n!” Dean said sarcastically. “Put the gun down we’re not going to hurt you,”
“What do you want,” Y/n asked again, still not moving.
“Answers would be good! What the hell was that?”
“It’s true, isn’t it?” Sam said, “You’re a Nephilim?”
“Yes,” Y/n glared at the brothers, finally putting the gun down, however, still keeping a strong grip on it in her halter.
“Why didn’t you say? Someone with your power could be really helpful right now and-“
“Just because I’m Michael’s daughter doesn’t mean I want to help! My dad’s a deadbeat- left my Mom for dead when she was eight months pregnant. For all, I care Lucifer can fuck the world and everyone in it,”
“Seriously? You can’t really think like that! Lucifer will destroy the world!”
“Yes, I know what an apocalypse is, Dean!”
“But you are a freakin’ archangel Nephilim! Who knows what you can do! You could be the end of all this,”
“No, just no. I’m a normal, bog standard, run of the mill, hunter, I will never help you because I have nothing to give to your death wish mission,”
“You killed that demon with a look,”
“So?” Y/n exclaimed. Dean opened his mouth to speak but Y/n quickly started to speak again cutting him off, “This is why I don’t come to these stupid ‘holiday retreats’ of Ricky’s! I don’t want any more suicidal fucktards like you two running in trying to recruit me like I’m one of the angels! From what I’ve heard Dean Winchester, you’re more than friendly with one so why don’t you pull him out of your bed and fucking use him! I’m not a weapon. I’m not special. I’m certainly never going to help kill Lucifer!”
“Y/n I’m sorry-“
“No, you’re not! Now get out before I kill you- permanently,”
“Get out!” Y/n screamed. A light bulb smashed in the corner startling, Sam and Dean quickly got the picture and left.
With a heavy sigh, Y/n sat down on the couch. Head in her hands, she took deep breaths to calm herself down. She knew what she was, of course, she did, but whether she chose to accept that was completely different.
 “Lucifer,” Y/n snarled as the grace inside her tingled at the familiar feeling of being around an archangel.  Lucifer appeared, perched on the arm of her couch with an evil grin on his face.
“Hello, Doll. Long-time no see! How’s your Mom?”
“Dead, you asshole,”
“No need to be bitchy about it, missy. Uncle Luci is only here to help,”
“Touch me and the only thing you’ll feel is a broken jaw,” Y/n growled stepping backwards, away from Lucifer. He rolled his eyes and gave a dramatic sigh.
“See this,” He motioned between them both, “Is why we don’t hang out more. You’re all bite and no banter, aren’t you?”
“No, actually it’s just you’re the devil and I don’t tolerate assholes,”
“Such horrible names! And to think we’re family, too,” Lucifer said ran his fingers through Y/n hair. She flinched and stepped backwards, unfortunately cornering herself between Lucifer and the wall.
“We’re not family,” She spat, putting her hands out in front of her trying to keep him off.
“Such a naughty girl! What would your daddy think?”
“Get off me!”
“Oh shut up,”
“Let my daughter go, Lucifer,”
“Michael!” Lucifer exclaimed, “So happy you could make it!”
“Brother, let her go. She has nothing to do with this,”
“Nothing to do with it! Oh, Michael, she has everything to do with this! A little archangel Nephilim like her would be very helpful for you wouldn’t it? Thought I might just bring her down here, show her how much fun she could have with her Uncle- after all we’ve got a lot of catching up to do,”
“Get off me, you creep,” Y/n shrugged Lucifer’s hand off her shoulder.
“Oh sweetie, that’s not very nice is it?” Lucifer grabbed Y/n by the hair, yanking it tight so her head snapped back up to face him- facing the ceiling. Y/n yelped and struggled a little, but it only made the pain worse.
“Let her go Lucifer!”
“What’s the matter baby bro? Scared I’ll hurt her?”
“No, you wouldn’t do that,” Michael said, sounding rather confident however as soon as he finished the sentence Y/n screamed as thousands of harsh electric shocks coursed through her body. Lucifer laughed down at her. “Lucifer! Stop!” Michael barked.
The pain immediately stopped but Y/n was left sobbing with pain in the chair, her ponytail still wrapped tightly in Lucifer’s hand, her head still being pulled backwards. It was becoming harder to breathe and very uncomfortable.
“Lucifer, let her go,” Michael said angrily, his eyes flashed blue and thunder cracked through the room. Lucifer laughed loudly.
“Try all you want baby bro but the girl is mine. Finder’s keepers,”
“Don’t be so childish Lucifer,”
“Does Dad know about your little love child?” Lucifer asked, Michael stayed silent, “Of course he doesn’t. Or she’d be dead a long time ago wouldn’t she?”
“She’s under my protection Lucifer,”
“You bastard,” Y/n spoke up, “You never protected me! My mother died and you did nothing. I tried to have a normal life, I had a family and a fiancé but they all were murdered by demons! I became a hunter and you did nothing!” Y/n was shouting now, tears streamed down her face as all the pain of her life came flooding out, “You did nothing! I thought I was some kind of freak because of my powers. I killed people, innocent people, because of it. You never did anything to help me! But I suppose now I can control it, now I can be your perfect weapon, I’m useful,”
“You were with the Winchesters, they’re a great threat to you,”
“Don’t pretend you care,” Y/n spat.
“That’s right Y/n, he doesn’t care,” Lucifer coaxed her on.
That was the final straw. Y/n had had enough. She took a deep breath to prepare herself.
Just like with the demons before, Y/n shut her eyes and let the barrier between her soul and archangel grace break down. The power of the mixture flowed quickly through her and she felt light. A large orb of power gathered in her hand glowing white and blue. Both Lucifer and Michael laughed, knowing what she was trying to do, but neither was prepared for the power she could amass. The anger, the hurt, the despair and the pain that had been collecting inside her erupted in an enormous fashion.
White light filled the room and the angels were banished. Even though they’d gone Y/n didn’t stop. The walls around her began to crumble and fall, the ceiling collapsed and the power in Y/n’s hand shot up into the night’s sky. A loud explosion like sound echoed through sky and light flashed, lighting the entire country up for a few seconds.
Y/n should have been worried, but she had one thing on her mind. Dean.
Sam and Dean arrived back at the bunker just as the storm erupted. Thunder and lightning shattered the peace and rain hammered down hard and fast. The rain was relentless. The previously dry ground was starting flood with the volume of water that was being chucked onto it from above. The bunker was starting to leak in places. Buckets and pans were scattered around catching drips coming through.
It wasn’t uncommon for large storms to come and go across the south but this time it was different. It seemed as if the storm was focused on the bunker. Lightning struck the trees of the forest surrounding it and thunder cracked over the top without ever moving away. It had been like this for hours.
Dean had his whiskey and a classic car magazine. Sam had a coffee and his laptop. All was well, and nearly even peaceful if it wasn’t for the lashings of rain and huge eruptions of thunder shaking the bunker. Suddenly, the power went out.
The brothers immediately stopped what they were doing. Sure, if this was a normal building they wouldn’t mind but the power system for the bunker was guarded with heavy and very powerful magic. It couldn’t be affected by bad weather or a broken line.
A large, loud crack of lightning light up the bunker and a black figure appeared in the centre of the room. The figure faded in and out of focus for a minute. Almost instantly, the boys had their guns ready and loaded. The figure finally managed to manifest itself properly. It was Y/n. She immediately collapsed to the floor, shaking and barely breathing. The power came back on as her body hit the ground. Sam and Dean put down their guns and ran over to her.
“Y/n?” Her face was barely recognisable. Her skin was as white as paper and blue lines covered the majority of her neck and jaw. Her eyes were open but glazed over- constantly switching between the white glow that they saw and their usual colour. Occasionally her once strong body would twitch and jerk, making Sam and Dean jump a little. They had no idea what was wrong with her, they’d never seen anything like this before. Her mouth was moving and very quiet noises escaped every so often.
Sam and Dean helped her sit up, thinking that might help a little. Her skin was boiling to the touch, almost so it was unbearable for either of the brothers to touch it for more than a minute. Her head lolled forward and her eyes closed, the brothers feared the worst for a minute but suddenly her head snapped up. Her breathing becoming harder like she was scared or running from something. She looked at Dean and smiled, everything going calm.
“Hey-, “ She started to speak. Her voice was hoarse and broken. But she was cut off as large lightening like lines erupted from her. Sam and Dean quickly jumped out the way, now more concerned than ever. White bolts of light licked the walls and floors, making all the light bulbs explode and books fly off the walls and burn as they fell.
Everything was dark. The storm outside had stopped. Lights from the corridor and the entrance cast large shadows over the walls in the library. Everything was still.
“Y/n?” Sam asked peering around the chair he’d been pushed behind. 
“You okay?” Dean asked, moving towards the girl cautiously. Y/n was lay on the ground again. Blood pooled around her as burns and cuts began to appear on her body. “Y/n!”
More injuries appeared but after a few minutes, everything stopped. The brothers looked down at the girl. She wasn’t breathing. Dean hung his head sadly, sitting back away from her. The pair sat in the silence, neither daring to say a word and still trying to work out what happened. 
“Thought you said you didn’t like chick-flick moments?” Y/n whispered. Her eyes slowly opened and the brothers gave a sigh of relief. “Is your offer to help still open?”  
“We’d be honoured to have you on the team,”
tagged: @bethanystan @bcr36 @mybittersweetbullshituniverse @lindsaylove1226 @gone-to-fight-the-fairies @hiswickedkitty
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chloeinsp · 7 years
STAR SIGN → ( SCORPIO ) — scorpio is one of the most complex signs of the western zodiac. That’s because there are many seeming contradictions to scorpios that are difficult for others to understand. this comes as no surprise to Scorpios as they often have a hard time figuring themselves out. this is the sign of the old soul, the hermit, but also the practical and resourceful worker. scorpios don’t trust others easily and have a hard time showing their feelings to others until they are nearly certain that their desired secrecy will be honored. secrecy, especially of emotions, is a hallmark of this sign. scorpios bury their problems deep within themselves, so deep that they hope they will never resurface again. scorpios live life their own way, by their own rules. they are extremely intelligent and have a strong intuition to boot, though it easy for them to become paranoid and take comments and actions from others personally when they were not intended that way. It is very important for scorpios to be respected, and they are willing to manipulate people and situations in order to exercise their power. at the same time, they dislike playing social “games” with others and have little respect for those who do.
JUNG ISTP TYPE → ( THE ENTERTAINER ) —“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you surely don’t deserve me at my best.” If anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it is the ESFP personality type. ESFPs get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as ESFPs when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.
ENNEAGRAM → ( TYPE SEVEN ) — Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over- extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. Basic Fear: Of being trapped and in pain. Basic Desire: To be satisfied and content—to have their needs fulfilled. Key Motivations: want to maintain their freedom and happiness, to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, to keep themselves excited and occupied, to avoid and discharge pain.
MORAL ALIGNMENT → ( CHAOTIC GOOD ) — A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he’s kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit.Chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.
TEMPERAMENT → ( MELANCHOLIC ) — Melancholic people are emotionally sensitive, perfectionistic introverts. The defining feature of a melancholic attitude is perfectionism. They are idealists who wish for things to be a certain way, and they get distressed when they are not.They hold themselves and others to unrealistically high standards, and get distressed when these standards are not met. This leads to them being self-deprecating - because they do not meet their own standards - and critical of others - because those others do not meet their standards.Their generally dour demeanour comes from their inner struggle between an imperfect world and a desire for perfection.Many melancholics wish to learn and to understand, to know the details of every little thing, because to be ignorant is to stray from perfection. They are not content to just accept things the way that they are. They are inquisitive and ask specific questions in order to come to a clearer understanding.This leads many of them to be overanalytical, neurotic worriers.They are very stubborn, because they try very hard to stick to their own carefully considered views and standards of perfection, and are not easily shifted from this path. They do not go with the flow.They are tenacious and cannot let things go, because ‘good enough’ is not good enough. They strive for perfection.They are very pessimistic, and assume the worst due to these unrealistic standards.They think and plan before they act; they are not the types who will resort to rash, impulsive behaviour, and will panic if they are unable to plan in advance.It’s easier for them to reject and hate things than it is for them to love and embrace them. Their interests and tastes are picked carefully, and they give a lot of attention to each one, and hold them close to their hearts, rather than having many fleeting interests that change quickly and often.They complain a lot, in a ‘whinging’ kind of way rather than a ‘put down’ or ‘demanding’ kind of way.They tend to argue, because they cannot simply let things be if they seem wrong. They argue using reason, evidence, logic, and explanations, delivered analytically or with pleading. They only argue to set wrongs right, rather than to assert dominance. The argument is about the issue, not about them.They respond poorly to compliments, often ‘rebutting’ them by saying that they’re not so great after all.
GREEK GODDESS → ( ARTEMIS ) — Artemis, the Greek Goddess of Light and the Hunt, was known for her wildness, but also for her responsiveness to the needs of the suffering and those who were vulnerable. An early feminist, she was quick to defend the powerless from unjust treatment at the hands of the Olympian patriarchy. She was fiercely independent, choosing the wild and verdant beauty of the forest and mountains over marriage, parenthood, and life in a city. As goddess of the moon and the hunt, Artemis had keen focus and a steady aim, always able the reach the goals upon which she set her sights. Courageous, intuitive and skillful, Artemis was the protector of all those who were vulnerable, especially women and children. Of all the Greek goddesses, the goddess Artemis was the most self-contained. Considered to be one of the “virgin goddesses”, i.e. unmarried and not susceptible to the pangs of love, the godess Artemis demanded to live her life on her own terms and was comfortable both in solitude but also in leading others.
INTELLIGENCE → ( VERBAL & LINGUISTIC ) — You typically display a strong understanding of words and language. This also means you are likely to be good at remembering words and dates. In everyday use, you are likely to be a good talker and very able to understand narratives more quickly than other people. Reading and books likely play an important role in your life.
DATING PERSONA → ( THE PEACH ) — Playful, kind, and well-loved, you are The Peach.For such a warm-hearted, generous person, you’re surprisingly experienced in both love and sex. We credit your spontaneous side; you tend to live in the moment, and you don’t get bogged down by inhibitions like most women your age. If you see something wonderful, you confidently embrace it.You are a fun flirt and an instant sweetheart, but our guess is you’re becoming more selective about long-term love. It’s getting tougher for you to become permanently attached; and a guy who’s in a different place emotionally might misunderstand your early enthusiasm. You can wreck someone simply by enjoying him.Your ideal mate is adventurous and giving, like you. But not overly intense.
MUSICAL PERSONALITY → ( REFLECTIVE & COMPLEX  ) — People with high scores on the reflective and complex music-preference dimension tend to be open to new experiences, creative, intellectual, and enjoy trying new things. When it comes to politics, they tend to lean toward the liberal side. Wisdom, diversity, and fine arts are all important to them. When it comes to lifestyle, high scorers tend to be sophisticated, and relatively well off financially. After a hard day of work, if they’re not listening to music or reading a book, they enjoy documentary films, independent, classic, or foreign films.
BRAIN LATERALIZATION → ( RIGHT BRAIN DOMINANT ) — Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what’s not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.
PSYCHOPATHIC SPECTRUM → ( 64 PERCENT ) — Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally aren’t afraid to do your own dirty work! You’re no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another person’s perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. ‘Everything in moderation – including moderation’ might sum up your approach to life.
HARRY POTTER ASSESSMENT → ( HUFFLEPUFF ) —    The cardinal traits of Hufflepuff are loyalty, patience, kindness and hardworking. They are generally extroverted but not as socially ambitious as Gryffindors—they enjoy being around other people but do not require being in the limelight. Hufflepuffs placecooperation above conflict; they are also more emotionally balanced than some of the other houses. Unlike gryffindors, they do not have hot-tempers and are not as likely to become offended by criticism. Hufflepuffs are loyal to their beliefs and to their friends; once they’ve established roots, they stick with them. It takes a lot to convince them to change their worldviews. Although Gryffindors also exhibit loyalty, if their pride is hurt or their principles violated, Gryffindors will leave (whereas a Hufflepuff has stronger ties).          Hufflepuffs are much more steady and easygoing than the other Houses. They work hard, are very down to earth and not prone to flights of fancy. In contrast, the other houses are much more likely to be erratic in their behavior, especially Slytherins and Gryffindors due to emotional instability. Although Ravenclaws may also be hardworking and patient at times, they are more likely to be swept away by a new idea and abandon projects than a Hufflepuff would.There is another side to the Hufflepuff house, however:
ATTITUDE → ( INDIVIDUALISTIC DOER ) — Individualistic Doers are good and precise observers who register everything which goes on around them. However, they are not so sensitive as regards interpersonal relations and are surprised when they occasionally rub someone up the wrong way with their direct and blunt manner. They are not particularly fond of obligations; but if you give them space, they are uncomplicated, sociable and cheerful individuals. Individualistic Doers enjoy challenges - action and the odd kick are simply part of their life. They love tempting fate and many people of this type have risky hobbies such as skydiving or bungee jumping. This also applies to their workday life. Individualistic Doers are in top form in critical situations; they can grasp situations, make decisions and take the necessary steps extremely quickly. Hierarchies and authorities impress them very little; if a superior is not competent, they will have little respect for him.
WESTEROS HOUSE → ( TARGARYEN ) — The blood of dragons courses through your veins. You were put on this planet for greatness, even if others are slow to recognize your fiery resolve. They’ll wise up soon enough. After all, all men must die, but you’re a dragon — and dragons can do whatever they like.
AUSTEN HEROINE → ( ELIZABETH BENNET ) — You are Elizabeth Bennet of Pride & Prejudice! You are intelligent, witty, and tremendously attractive. You have a good head on your shoulders, and oftentimes find yourself the lone beacon of reason in a sea of ridiculousness. You take great pleasure in many things. You are proficient in nearly all of them, though you will never own it. Lest you seem too perfect, you have a tendency toward prejudgement that serves you very ill indeed.
TAROT CARD → ( STRENGTH ) — The title of this card is often misleading because most people tend to think of strength as a property of the physical body. But this is not a card of brute force, because none of the Major Arcana apply directly to the physical body. These are cards of ideas, feeling and beliefs. This card continues the lesson of the Chariot, showing that once we have learned to control emotion, we must rise above it. Many people attribute the notions of forgiveness, compassion and nurturing to this card, but this is clearly not what is shown by Strength. This is a Fire card, and therefore detrimental to all the emotions. The only qualities that abound in Strength are courage and patience. Neither of these are really emotions, but ways of acting and doing that are not tempered by feeling. Courage is the antithesis of fear; patience, the control of worldly desires. There is no emotion here, just determination and action. The symbology of the lion is common to Strength, and aptly so. The lion is the “beast within”, the raging inner desire inside every one of us that must be controlled or it will be set free to manifest in the world. The image of the woman opening the mouth of the lion shows both courage and patience; she must not fear the lion, and she must wait for it to tire before she can exert her own will upon it. This is not an image of compassion in any sense of the word; how can forcing a creature to obey your will be seen as compassionate? Forgiveness and nurturing are likewise not to be seen anywhere in this image. There is just the purity of the maiden and the power of her inner beast that she is attempting to control. She needs patience to defeat the lion because her power is not brute physical force, as mentioned. The force she has is very little, but it can be applied infinitely, and she will continue to apply light but constant pressure until the lion submits to her superior will. It does show a certain determination, and the conviction that even small results will have effects if kept up long enough, just as a constant dripping hollows a stone. So Strength is not a card of compassion and love, but a card of quiet yet unstoppable power. Such power radiates from the soul, and for a consciousness aware of this power, there can be no resistance, and no defeat.
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