#also thanks for the money I kinda need it-
accio-victuuri · 12 hours
5/16/24 LRLG post + interpretations ❤️💛💚
so it’s not enough that we’ve been struggling for the past days, they really put meaning to the saying of “when it rains it pours”. at least they let people sleep and then released this in the morning. it is an unusual posting time cause it’s usually evening or even late like 1:00 AM but not this early.
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original link from the rumor house is here. i will omit some parts and just explain what happens but i tried to preserve the integrity of the post. all of this is fake. if i missed some cpn related to this, feel free to comment or just reblog and add on. enjoy ^^
XZ: "Do I have to buy the flowers myself? I can't spend hundreds of dollars."
WYB: “You don’t need to buy it and use it at home. The bottle is also pretty.”
XZ: 🙄
WYB: “Your skills are really top-notch now.”
XZ: "Why don't you try to be more yin and yang?"
WYB: "Well done. Well done."
XZ: “Don’t let me go if you don’t have any symptoms”
WYB: "You know if I have a fart or not, I'm so awesome."
XZ: "gun"
WYB: 😘
XZ: "There is also gas in the mouth"
WYB: 🙄
XZ: "Hey, your skills are also top-notch."
WYB: “I can’t compare to you, but practice makes perfect”
XZ: “It’s boring.
WYB: “Come and play”
XZ: "If you don't want to play, you won't come from xx"
👧: "Looking for me, I won't delay the fun of you two"
WYB: "Then shall we leave?"
👧: “I also know that practice makes perfect”
WYB: “Excuse me”
XZ: "Whose number should I use?"
WYB: "I'll log in for you
Yibo really be buying useless stuff again. lol. I can only imagine him scrolling through shopping apps in between takes and ordering everything. Thank you ZZ for being the voice of reason. LOL. and them complementing each other’s skills in gaming, even the log-in, we think is for the game. && how they are trolling each other talking about gas/fart, it’s so them 😂😂😂😂
the part about the kiss emoji makes us think that wyb kissed xz but then xz had to comment like that lol and be a gremlin 😂😂😂
i saw one guess that the bottle/vase he is talking about where you can put flowers may be a souvenir from abroad that wyb gave him
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WYB: XZ believes in Buddhism and doesn’t believe in anything.”
XZ: “Watch me assist”
WYB: "You are not playing support role."
XZ: "Okay, I won't go even if you call me daddy."
WYB: “Don’t help, you still have to help”
No but seriously i will pay good money to watch them livestream a game lol. to those who are not familiar of why XZ was saying “call me daddy”, it’s a common quip among people. kinda like saying “im your father” cause i’m helping you and more superior than you— nothing kinky okay?
WYB: “Where did the cat come from?”
WYB: "Can I not hear it when it’s meowing at me? "
WYB: "What to record"
WYB: “So where did the cat come from?”
WYB: “Questioning you on behalf of 🌰🌰”
WYB: “Oh, great shooting”
people are thinking it’s this chonky cat that xz got attached to
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and all of us are cackling at how wyb is “asking for 🌰🌰” because his dad is being a traitor and looking at other cats! 😤😤😤 yibo is so loyal to their daughter lol
WYB : super cold, i’ll eat a fried egg for you in awhile
WYB: look closely, i’m going to eat one for you (fried egg = sun that just appeared ☀️)
WYB: i ate it too early, it’s not fully cooked yet
WYB: sure, i’ll wait for you to eat a cooked one
i swear their conversations don’t make sense unless you have some background. cpfs are saying here that it means, wyb gave xz a fried egg ☀️ and then xz ate a cooked egg, the way he did it in that milan vlog
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and like, if we are talking about a literal egg, that was featured as well in the Milan vlog 🍳 so could that be a bit for bobo? a literal easter egg? lol.
next part is bobo asking xz why doesn’t it look the same to him and how xz hasn’t responded to the group chat. and how he will call him later 📲
them having a gc is not even a secret but just 🥹🥹 that must be one hell of a group chat to be in.
WYB: “How was the restaurant you ate at last time? Let's go there when Zhan ge comes."
🧔‍♂️: "Their ribs are amazing, but the chops are not as good as they should be. Why don't we order one for you tonight and try it?"
i won’t include this part anymore but it’s a conversation between yibo and members of his staff about food and what to eat. i love how wyb is always thinking about xz when he sees something that is good to eat. feeding xz is really his love language. i’m cackling how they are conscious about the carbs to eat. planning what and where to eat with your loved one seems so simple but really special too. there were talks about fruits, which we know what xz is fond of eating in CQL BTS. ( sorry for the screenshot lol xiao zhan i love youuuu. you have no bad angle! )
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there was also a part that wyb was telling them to buy blueberries and the staff is like: "Just tell me what you want to eat and I'll give you whatever you want" but yibo was all "Let's see what he wants to eat" 🥹🥹🥹 it all depends on XZ.
and then this scene in the wedgwood ad. which is most likely a coincidence. but still 👀
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WYB: “Look at this big pot”
XZ: Saw it
WYB: "I won't let you try the dishes in advance."
XZ: "If you want to eat, just say so and don't take the blame."
👧: Boss Xiao, we have already eaten it.”
XZ: "Grateful and thankful"
WYB: "Why are you so happy?"
XZ: You guys are going to have another meal in two days.
WYB: ☺️☺️🤭☺️🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
XZ: "Eat quickly and fight again when you get back."
WYB: “🫡Received”
XZ: "Idiot, hang up, bye"
WYB: "Bye"
with this fake rumor i feel so soft cause having a meal together is something they look forward to. i especially loved this comment from a cpf which u think perfectly explain why this romantic: But I especially understand how dad feels. . . When you are in a long-distance relationship, if you already have a date for your next meeting, you will really feel like you don’t want to taste the delicious food you want to eat with you before meeting! Just like "I want to share the surprise of the first bite with you" is the real thing. I only want to taste one-fifth of the taste. I want to wrap this little bit of deliciousness with the anticipation of seeing you soon. I want to see you soon. I have been stuffed to the brim these last few days, so that the day I see you I will explode with happiness!” 🥹🥹🥹
next part is wyb talking to a staff about eating and then this one, yibo! give your assistant a vacation! and well the boss is not taking a vacation too sooooo….
👧: “When can I take a vacation?”
WYB: "Anytime, if you have anything to do, just take a break."
👧: “Want to take a big vacation”
WYB: “It’s early then”
👧: “This year’s Qingming Festival and May Day are all in vain”
WYB: "Have arrangements been made for May Day?"
and the final part of the rumor contribution:
WYB: "Where"
WYB: “Okay, be safe.”
WYB: "I don't have time to ask you to keep the fake house.
WYB: "good"
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mcfallen-god · 1 day
Tagged by @zaegreus thanks bestie ✨💜
Do you make your bed?
I often make the bed when I leave for a couple of days, or for a night over, so when I come back home I feel comfy and all hehe.
What’s your favourite number?
Yub, 3
But why? Eh.. The shape? The 'color'? The vibe? Occurrences in my life liked to the three? Idk, just 3 and all the 3 related numbers (33, 333 etc)
What is your job?
Student is not a job, because I am the one losing money, but yeah
If you could go back to school would you?
Probably, I'd like pre-school/middle-school, when I could learn new but easy things lol and I loved the smell and things at my school back then. I'd like to go back in whatever you call that period between 15-18 yo school time, but not for all aspect, let's say I was in a school specialized in art and it was a lot of fun to have a class like that. And for some reason too (but definitely NOT ALL ASPECTS) I'd like to be back to study literature, a part of it...
Can you parallel park?
Yub kinda but I don't like it, and I think it is easier to park on the left part of the road than the right (note: my country drives with wheel on left and road on right)
A job you had that would surprise people?
I didn't had any real job, but maybe the fact I study English literature... Because when I was a kid, until hmm 13/14? I had a deep hatred for English language xD don't ask me why, it is just a fact... This, and me studying literature to begin with, when I barely ever read.. (note: I love to read, but due to other reasons I have a very, very hard time to read even things I really really wanna read :( sed)
Do you think aliens are real?
Sure, but not in the sci-fi kind of way. I think it is absurd to think Earth is the only planet in the infinity of space that met the right conditions for life to develop. But I doubt these forms looks like... humanoid-green/grey skin beings or that they look anything as we know on Earth. I don't even know if there's any 'developed' (in human's terms) form of life, but definitely things that feed and live. (Once again, I doubt they come on Earth with super technology and such... if they do, I really hope they see their mistakes before making first contact and go far far away, before getting involved with the toxic humanity...)
Can you drive a manual car?
Lol of course I can (this question sounds very American oriented question(?) but in my country, manual car is base, we have many non-manuel, but majority is manual) but yeah, I can drive it
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Uh... I don't really know... Some shows? Some I don't even 'like' but more because it reminds me of my youth? (Glee, Ugly Betty, Bones, etc) Idk if it is count as guilty pleasure... If anything else... uh I have unspeakable kinks (only in fictional/role play dimensions, nothing sicko irl), collecting PopMarts figurines? Fried chicken with spicy sauce?? Chocolate biscuit with chips??? I DONT KNOW
Not yet, I wish to have some one day, but first I need to find *the one* I have many artists/kind of tattoos I like, but eh
Favourite colour?
Green and Purple (mostly all the hues) but also: pale mint, pale yellow, pale peach, pale pink, pale bleu, pale lavender, black, white and orange...)
Favourite type of music?
I literally can enjoy anything, from rock, pop, electronic, classical, ethnic/traditional, etc... I have some issues sometimes with some form of Jazz or RnB, but I still enjoy songs from these genres, so I can't say I hate it... I would say rock is always a go-to?
Do you like puzzles?
Most of the time yeah, if it is like puzzle board game 🧩 or puzzle video games 🎮 or riddle games ❓I love it all (Im not saying I am good at it, I say I like it)
Any phobias?
Won't say it is phobia? But I feel grossed at any .. milling bugs? Like colonies of ants or when baby spiders get out of mother spider 🤢 This and I'd say it is more anxiety, but I have a hard time being in crowded place/windowless places (a bit agoraphobic/ claustrophobic but since I can manage to deal with these situations sometimes, I won't call it phobia)
Favourite childhood sport?
Maybe archery🏹 ? Or hmm basketball 🏀 and badminton🏸 ... And I kinda like to play football ⚽ but the toxicity around that sport is making it annoying and boring
Do you talk to yourself?
Rarely out loud, but pretty often in my own head. I feel dumb when I hear my own voice/sometimes it is even stressful because I grow aware of silence around me after I spoke....
What movie(s) do you adore?
Hmm tough question... Many for many different reasons.. But let's say: Legally Blonde (the vibe and the topic, go girls, can be barbie and have a brain), Princess Mononoke (base), FFVII: Advent Children (thirst), Nanny McPhee (chiiill), Crazy Kung Fu (top tier), Ne Zha (2019) (bery nice), ... That's it for TODAY's pick, what about tomorrow..?
Coffee or tea?
Both but ✨☕C O F F E E☕✨(even if Earl Grey Yin Zhen is honestly DOPE)
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
🤔 Idk which come first, but I remember I had the mad project to do "all my dream jobs at once", so I'd have been: a painter, going around the world with a circus where I'd be acrobat and magician, and yet, using the world-travelling to heal any animals I find on my way 😂🤣
I tag... *go through mutuals*
@beardedladyqueen @kales09 @chinchilla-7 @astraluxe @general-kalani @alladeline @chromium-siren
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animentality · 3 days
Hiya. Little chance you'll see/respond to this, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. I'm kind of stuck, gender-wise. As a gender-fluid afab person, I kind of know where I want my transition to go, with both T and surgery. The problem is, my very lesbian partner has some squicks about the way I want my transition to go, (namely the clitoromegaly and metoidioplasty.) I haven't talked to her about this yet, because of the squicks. (I know I need to, it's just something I haven't built up to yet.) There's a lot of love in the community for the effects of going on T that I want, which makes me feel good, but knowing my partner would no longer find me attractive because of it is. distressing. This is complicated by the fact that I do sex work, so I'm putting off transition anyway to retain my audience. I know I need to stop letting other people's approval and attraction dictate what I'm doing with my body, but it's money to live off of and I desperately love my partner, (and I'm used to sublimating what I want for others.) I don't know if you have or care to give any advice or response, but even just typing this out and sending it is making me feel better, so thank you <3
I get it, friend.
I really do. You know it's what you want, but you're also afraid of how much it'll change things.
And I don't blame you. There's always comfort in stability and the status quo. holding on to things you've grown so used to having, that you worry you might not be able to survive without them.
But if you know it's what you want- and I think it must be, otherwise would it really be a difficult decision? - then you'll find some peace in knowing that things are never as stable as they seem anyway.
you have to pursue the things that will make you happy in this life. it's the most important thing. sometimes that means choosing something that's harder to do, in the short term, but will bring you peace in the long term.
and yeah, it will be uncomfortable and painful if, or when, your partner no longer finds you attractive because of the transition, but if she really loves you, and cares for you as a person, then she'll support you, even if it's only as a friend. she won't cut you out of her life, if she loves you as much as you love her.
And I know that sounds bad, but the truth is, people are attracted to what they're attracted to. Now that doesn't mean she definitely will lose interest in you, though. Because honestly, I think you definitely need to talk about it, and maybe you'll be surprised.
I have known lesbians who have a few exceptions, just as there are straight people with their own "gay exceptions."
And transition isn't exactly a new practice or anything, but transition surgeries sort of are, in the grand scheme of things. they can be kind of disturbing to people, even supportive people, at first, because surgeries in general are always disturbing.
something primal in us just doesn't like the idea of letting someone else cut into our flesh and rearrange all the parts inside. it's instinctive, i think. but just as you can grow and change, so can other people.
even if they never ever thought about it before.
life is kinda funny like that. you can think you'll never ever do something, but then someone else might come along, someone you desperately want to be with, and then you'll become more than you ever expected you would be. and you'd do it together.
but you definitely need to talk to her. she might surprise you. or she might surprise herself, actually, if you give her the time to consider how it'll change your relationship.
But if she's no longer attracted to you, and if you break up, well, relationships always fall apart when one person wants to stay the same, but the other desires growth, and change. It might seem terrifying, not to have her as a romantic partner, and maybe you're afraid you'll never find someone else, but these things are normal, these things are not as scary as they seem.
All human beings, trans, cis, het, gay, bi, have to deal with the fact that people change and some relationships end. Some people can adapt, and stay together. Some can't.
Some people lose interest in their partners over many, many years, and some people can't stay in relationships with people who become sick, or disfigured, who have horrible injuries that change who they are. Life doesn't go the way you plan, ever.
So you aren't alone in that feeling. And I hope that your community is there to support you too, so that you don't feel alone in this either.
You might consider joining groups, or finding people, who know what it's like to lose partners because of transition, by the way.
It's always good to have a network of support.
Now as for the sex work... listen, I don't know your financial situation. if it makes sense to not transition right now, to put it off so you can pay the bills, have a roof over your head, then you can always wait as long as you need to.
But I wouldn't let that hold you back either.
Financial stability is very important, and being able to pay for food is your first need and all that, but emotional and psychological fulfillment are important too.
so in the future, if you have the money, or maybe find other jobs, or other means of income, then don't let it stop you.
and also, if you enjoy sex work, and you don't want to stop doing it, or having it as an option...you can find another audience.
it might be smaller, and different, and you might have to start from the ground up, but if you already have an audience that makes you good money, then you're resourceful. you're creative.
you can do this. all of this.
but anyway.
my advice to you is...do what you need to do, to make money, but remember that life is primarily about being happy. it can't always be happy, but...the end goal is happiness.
you have to go looking for it, though.
even if it doesn't look the way it used to, that's the grand adventure called living.
thanks for the ask.
always feel free to vent to me, by the way, especially about this, because as a transmac, I get it.
I personally only would want top surgery, but I understand completely the afabs who want to fully transition.
I remember the first time I used my name, and not my deadname...I remember the joy I felt, when my friends started calling me by masculine pronouns...
I couldn't discourage you from seeking the self you were born to be. It's a wonderful feeling, being the person you dreamt of, on those lonely nights where you laid in bed and wondered why you feel so different and alone.
But you aren't alone now.
Good luck, anon.
Hope everything turns out ok, and then I hope the rest of your life is wonderful.
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bunnygirllover45 · 2 months
Meow meow.
CAT ANON, YOU'RE BACK!! I missed you so much my lovely cat anon, it's been a while. I know you're non-verbal and just keep leaving gifts at my doorstep (which I appreciate) but I would love to know how you've been, did you become a stray? why aren't you visiting anymore? patpatpatpat
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ladsofsorrow24 · 4 months
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commission link -> x
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cinnaminsvga · 2 months
actual conversation i had with my dental hygienist
hygienist: so what did you study at university?
me: chemistry...
hygienist: damn, no wonder you look so sad!
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todayisafridaynight · 23 days
mine's done a lot of sexy things in my opinion but top five to me still is asking daigo if he wanted to prioritize The Family or one man Not In The Family
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#I THINK THAT I FIGURED IT OUTTT#thanks to a Crossway article that showed up in my email last night and a Credo Magazine article from 2016#that I read while eating lunch when I probably should've been studying for my earth science exam coming up!!!#'solA scriptura' does not necessarily equal 'solO scriptura'!!!#to quote the article#that's what's been bugging me!!!!!#I also read a couple articles on the need to read and study medieval and patristic theology as well as modern theology#and that made me realize that like. I thought everyone understood that.#a really big part of the last 5-8ish years for me as been digging around in church history poking at augustine and anselm#and all those guys#(though I haven't read any of them in-depth yet; was too busy killing myself in an attempt to save money for college)#so like. I kinda forgot that tons of prots/evangelicals DON'T see that as a given and actually kinda avoid it???#like apparently a lot of them don't read the church fathers at all and also they basically avoid the creeds#which is bizarre to me bc that's a big thing that grounds me when I feel like I can't see straight (faith-wise) anymore.#the historical context and nature of my faith.#so HM YEAH THINKING ABOUT THIS#also this kinda confirms for me something that I've been really thinking about a lot lately#which is that when we try to understand concepts that come from a historical context#we should like really really really put effort into understanding the historical context that they came out of#not just grabbing the concept and running with it. whether we agree or disagree with the concept itself.#we can learn a lot about studying the ideas within their historical context bc ideas don't just spring into being within a vacuum!!!#and this is important re: the Reformation and the solas especially because those beliefs were meant as a COUNTER to things happening#in the mainline/Catholic church *at the time*#sola scriptura was meant as a COUNTER to holding papal authority over or at least as high as scriptural authority#not to say like 'oh the bible is LITERALLY THE ONLY THING WE SHOULD EVER REFERENCE EVER NO EXCEPTIONS'#history and tradition is important and necessary in all religions! otherwise you just keep doing the same work over and over again#(obviously the fathers weren't right on everything but like. it's silly to avoid them. ya know.)#delete later#gurt complains at college#<< should make that an actual tag for my rants and rambles while i'm here lol :')
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emmaspolaroid · 3 months
what a long day
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hella1975 · 1 year
bagged a trial shift at a new pub just for my manager to immediately put on facebook if anyone wants an extra shift on wednesday. he knows what im doing
#he said GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RN#lmfaoooo the notif came through literally as i put the phone down i was like 😳😳😳#like that 'CONNOR' tiktok audio like no king im not doing anythinggg haha wdym#anyway im a bit annoyed that the first place to get back to me from my applications was this one#bc im pretty sure their pay is still minimum wage and also my cousin worked a trial shift there once#and not only did they not pay him but they also never called him back or even emailed to politely turn him down#literally just used him for free labour and that was that#word of warning from a very tired waitress if ur thinking about starting: always take trial shifts with a pinch of salt#if the trial shift is longer than 2 hours they really really should be paying you and if they dont the odds are you got mugged off#also the woman on the phone after i said i worked at the place i currently work at was like 'and do you still work there?' SHE KNOWS#and when i said yes she was like 'would you be willing to leave?' HOW CAN I BE TWO-TIMING BOTH OF YOU RN#LYING TO ONE JOB ABOUT SEEKING ANOTHER JOB LYING TO THE NEW JOB ABOUT LEAVING THE OLD ONE COME ON NOW#IM NOT BUILT FOR THESE LAYERS#but yeah summary here is i have a shift at my actual place on wednesday (thank god i havent had work in over a fucking WEEK)#and i have a trial shift at a new place where i'll most likely be offered a job. life is picking up#ALSO i have enough money to change my america flights bc basically something came up with that and i need to change my return flight#and i was originally rlly worried bc the change cost was £161 and that piled onto my current no-shifts stress was Not Fun#but ive been working a lot for my mum and i got paid for the shifts i HAVE done and it all kinda fell together anyway#the way everything is sorting itself today within the same HOUR yet ive been stressing about these things for days now#hella goes home#hella slaves to capitalism
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rohirric-hunter · 6 months
I ought to have been doing so well money-wise this month but for that week and a half where I couldn't actually access my money except through PayPal I lost so much to DoorDash fees because that was the only way I was able to actually eat, since I wasn't able to go to the grocery store
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antennatoheaven · 11 months
i just realised that i've save up more than enough that i could, in theory, get a nintendo switch and it not really be a bad financial decision,,,,,,,,,, but i also kinda dont want to
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munamania · 1 year
i’m sorry (idk like. to whom) i wish i liked my one roommate more but they’re just so. like. there is something probably wrong with you. and u need to work on that. and i’m being mean by saying it in this way i don’t like that but they just annoy me so much.
#to be FAIR. this is the one that asked for money for. sitting on our shitty futon. even tho they will def be taking it after graduation#but they asked me to buy alcohol the other day and i was like ok sure what do u want#and literally just the way they texted me annoyed me. like. they didn’t even do anything i was just like 😐#can i pretty please have some. whatever#and they’re always talking about self growth and doing all these things to make life like. better for themselves and others and whatever.#oh my god i’m such a hater. bjt it’s like ok! why don’t you just do some of those things. anything you can. instead of just saying it#and then complaining all the time abt not having a social life#also. they don’t do the fucking dishes or trash. and when they do it feels like a spectacle. and they leave food in their dishes when they#put it in the dishwasher#and are just? not good at talking. that’s why i’m so awkward around them even when i’m trying to be normal and relaxed#in my own home.#abby talks#and they just casually say kinda bitchy or weird things to me. i need to start being like. What do you mean by that.#yeah i’ve noticed you sleep in. Ok?! thank you for doing the cleaning. Sure maybe u could next time. just judgy kinda faces abt me going out#when i do. girl. i promise i can take care of my own shit. if i seem like i’ve drank too much#or whatever maybe i have. but like. i don’t know u like that to be judged or whatever.#whatever i’m just rambling ik they can annoy me with#out reason but i HAVE reason.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
Yeah I said you do you cuz... Well who the fuck am I to tell you not to ya know? Go off tag queen. Run them tags🤙🏻 I love reading it all honestly I was just curious and wanted to peck your brain on it. I hope the night is treating you well. I love your vibe. You deserve someone to match it and run tag shit with you 😌
🤞 here’s to hoping I find someone to run tag shit with me 🤞
#I’m looking for my tag king/queen#I’m not expecting someone to go crazy in the tags like I do cause I’m a special type of weird#but I really wanna find someone that reblogs my content with cute tags#like cute tags melt my HEART#I always see tags that are on my posts and they always always make me smile 🥺#feel free to peck my brain about anything at anytime!#I love giving my opinions cause I have a lot of them 😇#buuuuut I’m the type of person to usually keep my opinions and thoughts to myself#so maybe that’s another reason why I use tags#so I can kinda talk to myself and say my thoughts out loud#but also not like scream it at people hahahaha#I think I’m so used to tags that when I actually make a post or write a comment instead of using tags I feel like I’m screaming#my tags are like little whispers#or maybe I’m just thinking all of them and you somehow hear all my thoughts#my night has been pretty good thank you!#I was able to finish a gold leaf painting and I figured out an idea for two other ones!#I love painting and I really hope I can make a profit out of it so I feel like it’s worth doing#I know I know creative outlet is always good but craft supplies are EXPENSIVE#so I would love to get some money back somehow also I don’t need billions of paintings hahaha#though it would be really fucking cool to cover a wall with just paintings…. or like make a ‘tapestry’ of paintings#anywayyyyy#thank you lovely! I love it when people compliment my vibes 🥰#sending you some hugs! I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night 💖#ask
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kimmkitsuragi · 2 years
#ah im not in a bad mood rn honestly but i cant stop thinking this#i say 'i need to get out' and okay great i guess but feels like every place in this world is also going towards a shittier future 😭#so like. where tf do i even go. i mean ive been basically thinking anywhere is better than this#which is TRUE still. imo#but also it is such a big and scary decision and i wanna do it right and i mean i dont even know if i will be able to do any of this sjdjd#yet here i am worrying abt these things every day#like. are Most places in the world a better option than what i have rn? probably yes 😭#but i dont knowwwwwww i dont know anything abt the world and living and stuff like. everything sucks forever can i pls get some rights pl#i sometimes think i developed some kind of a Stockholm syndrome with this country lmao#like. yes everything is incredibly terrible yet sometimes i just sit down and think#like why even try to get out. life is kinda tolerable here and it's not That Bad (lies)#anyway feeling very hashtag fleabag rn like wont anyone PLEASE tell me exactly what i should do in life. thank you.#i wish i wasnt born in a country where i have to question the possibility of living an Okay Life every day#and as i said I KNOW things are going pretty bad all around the world rn and so many more terrible things are happening#but. but. but.............. this one is completely a lost cause it feels like#anyway!!! i said i wasnt in a bad mood and it's true but i just had to come here and be a doomer sometimes#🗒#neg#i dont even know wtf will happen about any of this and i have to make Decisions and yeah. 👍 yeah#it's okay it's normal it's fine (i dont even know i'll be able achieve anything and even if i do how tf will i have the money to pay and-)#( do i even want this can i even do it do i even deserve this-)
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your-fave-is-bi · 2 years
“Haha yes i can chill after dinner bc i dont have any tasks for thesis still to do currently!”
Spends the majority of that time mindlessly watching gaming vods while trying very hard to not make eye contact with the planet sized personification of stress and anxiety in my mind
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