#whatever i’m just rambling ik they can annoy me with
munamania · 1 year
i’m sorry (idk like. to whom) i wish i liked my one roommate more but they’re just so. like. there is something probably wrong with you. and u need to work on that. and i’m being mean by saying it in this way i don’t like that but they just annoy me so much.
#to be FAIR. this is the one that asked for money for. sitting on our shitty futon. even tho they will def be taking it after graduation#but they asked me to buy alcohol the other day and i was like ok sure what do u want#and literally just the way they texted me annoyed me. like. they didn’t even do anything i was just like 😐#can i pretty please have some. whatever#and they’re always talking about self growth and doing all these things to make life like. better for themselves and others and whatever.#oh my god i’m such a hater. bjt it’s like ok! why don’t you just do some of those things. anything you can. instead of just saying it#and then complaining all the time abt not having a social life#also. they don’t do the fucking dishes or trash. and when they do it feels like a spectacle. and they leave food in their dishes when they#put it in the dishwasher#and are just? not good at talking. that’s why i’m so awkward around them even when i’m trying to be normal and relaxed#in my own home.#abby talks#and they just casually say kinda bitchy or weird things to me. i need to start being like. What do you mean by that.#yeah i’ve noticed you sleep in. Ok?! thank you for doing the cleaning. Sure maybe u could next time. just judgy kinda faces abt me going out#when i do. girl. i promise i can take care of my own shit. if i seem like i’ve drank too much#or whatever maybe i have. but like. i don’t know u like that to be judged or whatever.#whatever i’m just rambling ik they can annoy me with#out reason but i HAVE reason.
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cosmal · 1 year
hey! i saw you have your requests open so i wanted to req a james or remus x reader where she goes off on a tangent about something she loves and then cuts herself off because she doesn’t think he’ll want to hear about it, and he is just very kind and explains that he likes to hear her talk and doesn’t find her annoying? i’m talking to a guy rn and he’s so nice but recently he dismissed a topic i’m really interested in (inadvertently i think) and i felt so silly for even bringing it up :’) ik james or remus would be so comforting!!!
it’s okay if not though! i hope you’re having a beautiful day 💞
summary james lets you ramble about your favourite tv show
content james potter x fem!reader
note men just dont get the point, do they!!!! fuck him. thanks for the req though lovely <3
You've managed to steal James away. A moment where you've worked the courage to talk to only him, not talk to him through other points his friends have made. It's just you and him and he's asked you about your favourite TV show.
"So, they're about to release a new season," you say. Your hands are talking more than your mouth is. Pointing and waving around to get your point across. "And," you think you should pause to take a breath but you don't, "and she's back."
"Who?" James asks you. He sets his drink down to fold his arms across his chest and leans in.
"Veronica!" you say excitedly, eyes creasing with pleasure. You're radiating excitement. "She's not dead. She was just missing, trapped somewhere. I’m not sure yet, the trailer doesn’t show much. How cool?"
James nods and hums and then his name is called out from across the lawn. You think it's Sirius. James doesn't pay him any mind.
"And then there's Alexander," you're talking quietly now, still just as excited, "her lover. God, he's been looking for her for centuries. Romance isn't dead."
You pause to take a breath but mainly because Sirius is still trying to gain James's attention. Standing by the fire bucket with a bunch of sticks in his hand.
"Sorry, one moment," James says, soft smile and apologetic eyes, and turns to face his friend. He's got his hand on your knee. "What?"
"Do you wanna roast marshmallows?" Sirius asks and can tell James is incensed. He has it in him to look sheepish.
"What? No, I don't, Sirius." You've never heard James get angry at Sirius. You think you might laugh but feel worse because it's because of you. "Can't you see I'm talking?"
"Whatever," Sirius grumbles.
James turns back and looks like he's about to apologise again. You beat him to it. "Sorry, James." You turn your head and feel yourself heating up. "Shit, sorry. I've started rambling again. You can go see your friends."
"What?" James' face softens and it hits you right in the chest. He's still got his hand at your knee. He squeezes it when your face ducks down. "No, ignore Sirius. He's being his usual annoying self."
You bite your lip and still feel bad. You've sat here and rambled about a TV show he's unfortunately had the displeasure of asking you about. "He's your friend."
"He's a dickhead," he grumbles but has it in him to smile. You know he doesn't mean it. They're basically like brothers; you've only known James for a few months.
"You can go roast marshmallows if you want." You feel stupid when you say it. There's the tiniest bit in you that hopes he doesn't want to. By the off chance he doesn't, you promise to shut up.
"I don't want to roast marshmallows. I couldn't think of anything worse." James laughs and grabs his empty cup. Your breathing jumps. "Hey, let's got grab another drink and you can tell me more about this show, yeah?"
You blink at him. "Really?"
James stands and holds his hands out. You stare at his arms, where his biceps strain underneath his white button-down. He's gotta be cold. "Yeah, what were you saying about Alexander? Centuries? That is romantic."
You think you beam. You know you look like an idiot. Smiling up at him until your cheeks apple. You try to tamp down the way he's making you feel but fail immensely. He looks at you with all the patience in the world until you snap out of it.
You take his hands and think being here is warmer than the space around the bonfire. "Totally romantic," you swoon. A little too dramatic. You feel worse when James guides you through the swarm of people in Emmeline's backyard. He wraps his hand around your elbow. "I envy their relationship. I mean, who can say the love of their life searched for them across time and space for hundreds of years?"
James starts to pour your drink before his. You'd told him once, an offhanded comment weeks ago, your drink of choice. He apparently remembered. "Looks like I have a bit of competition.''
James nods and hands you your drink. Stronger than usual. You don't mind, you might need it. "I've gotta lift my romance game," he says. "Gotta impress you somehow. I don't know how to time travel but I'm a good hand holder."
You giggle and let him take your hand. "I don't think you'll need time travel, James."
He doesn't. He lets you ramble all night.
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crowhyun · 1 year
a little bit of a ramble, also if you’re autistic or just in the spectrum pls read this or if you know a lot abt autism
so, my sister and i went out to eat at this ramen place, it was my first time going there and I loved it SO much like omg. The vibes were so nice and they were playing j-rock and our waitress was so cute, like i feel like we’d be best friends honestly, like we matched tbh.
Anyways, I was talking to my sister abt my concerns of me being on the autism spectrum and as usual, when I bring up these concerns, I try to give a thorough and well thought out explanation as to WHY i have these concerns. This is mainly bcs when i bring it up ppl are all like “you don’t have autism you’re just lazy, you’re just shy, you’re just anti social” etc etc excuse after excuse yk
especially my dad and it annoys me bcs he thinks he knows everything abt me as if he didn’t abandon me and my mom when i was born, like fuck off, he constantly belittles my concerns with my mental state as if he’s not an actual dumbass like seriously my dad is rlly dumb and he know it
anyways that was mean, i do love my dad, he’s just annoying sometimes and i can never have a serious convo with him.
Anyways, so yeah, I was telling her and then she was like “oh yeah, me and mom was talking about that actually”
wym y’all want talking abt that.
now i immediately went 🤨 bcs ik my mom is one of those people who calls ppl with autism and/or mental health illnesses “crazy”, and i’m obv v mentally ill (LMAO) and possibly autistic so it’s kinda like…hmm
and my sister is one of those ppl who is like “it’s all in your head, just eat right and be positive 🤩”
so it’s rlly surprising that they were talking abt that but it’s whatever
anyways, how do i go about being tested for autism? is there a sort of process and should i contact my primary care provider first?
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kelsiejayy · 2 years
Hi, may I have a ship for marvel, stranger things, and criminal minds. I go by she/her and am bi with no preference so any gender is fine.
I’m about 5’5, dark blue eyes, medium length hair thats kinda too dark to be dirty blonde but not so dark that its light brown with slightly lighter blonde highlights throughout. Ive been told I typically wear what would be considered 90s type of style but leaning away from more feminine things tho I’m not opposed to dresses and all. 
I do get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But on occasion and definitely when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Basically I will always find something to talk about though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. Im also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ, Sagittarius, and Ravenclaw. 
I absolutely love writing and have for the longest time rather that be random original stories I make up or the various fanfics I have(lol). I also love drawing and painting and recently realized I’m actually pretty good at making art related to animals and the occasional landscape. I’ve also been a big music fan since I was a kid, I honestly dont know what I would do without it. I also really enjoy reading when I get the chance, like I could spend hours getting consumed by whatever I’m reading. Which also travels into me when I’m watching things. As in I spend a good bit of time just binge watching new or old shows. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. Theres a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends. 
And thats about all I can think of to say, hope it wasnt too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
hi thank you for your request!
MARVEL: kate bishop!
i think you and kate would really click over your love for talking to be honest. you would both ramble with each other and go on tangents for hours, it would be one of your favorite ways to spend free time together. i can see y'all planning dates like a dinner, movie, or game night and end up talking the entire time. but this way y'all know each other inside and out and it's really sweet to just click with someone that easily. kate is always taking you on walks and adventures. going to the zoo or taking you on a new hike. i also feel like y'all would go on painting dates in a park and just sit and draw for hours. you guys just like spending time in each other's company and i think it's vv sweet.
ok so i think the thing steve is immediately taken by is your style. ik you said 90s but i feel like you and steve would dress low-key alike and he would want to know where you got your clothes from. shared wardrobes imedietly y'all have no concept of what is or isn't yours at this point. i feel like in your relationship you would be the one ranting and talking and steve would just listen, i think he would like to see how your brain works and where you carry conversations. omfg but if he is babysitting that night and you and dustin start talking it will never stop. he would act like it's annoying but secretly he loves how well you get along with everyone else. also if you make anything for this man he is keeping it forever. it could be a small sketch or a little love note and he will treasure it. also, nonstop movie nights are so common, since steve works at the film store you will be seeing all the latest ones that have come into the store. y'all would just be so cute together omfg.
ok you and spencer probably met through a book club and things would instantly click. he is talking about all the niche books he's read and you're either talking about them too or adding them to a future reading list. y'all will binge movies together too and i mean anything and everything. spencer is also taking you to the zoo just so he can show off all the cool animal facts he knows. his pride is being able to share fun facts and when you take as much interest as him in them his heart melts completely.
i hope you enjoyed! if you have any feedback feel free to leave it in my ask box i love to hear what y'all think!
if you want to request a ship head over to my blog they are open as of 6/23!
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
hi! ik sojourner's already ended but i have an(other?) idea in case u ever pick it up since i love ur albedo 😳😳 ok so
what abt a reader who is rlly excited abt alchemy, but they avoid talking abt it bc they start rambling and stuttering and stumbling over their words bc they're so excited? they get assigned/asked to go w/ albedo bc they're rlly good at alchemy too, but they end up fidgeting a lot, muttering and stopping just a few words in before their volume rises and giving short answers when w/ him bc they're afraid of rambling (since they do it to think better when alone, sometimes insulting and arguing w the objects when they don't get the expected result) & being seen as annoying or unprofessional?? i'd like to see how he reacts to these and what he'd think!! and how or when he discovers the reason reader is acting like that
it's kinda (a lot, rlly skowkskdk i always have ideas but never write them) specific, but i rlly like the idea!! i'd love to see what u do w/ it if u ever pick it up in the future :D hope you're staying hydrated and well🥺🥰 -🌌
What do you mean Sojourner's already ended, Sojourner is eternal, Sojourner is forever-
Kidding aside, this is too cute to pass up, even if it's quite a lot! Cute Albedo brainrot moments always please. It might be too much sometimes but I hope you enjoy my interpretation of it! Scenarios format! Starry night, oh I'm always hydrated, thank you and I hope you're well!
For the Record
Albedo working with a Reader that's highly enthusiastic about alchemy but insecure about rambling... (masterlist)
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You dealt with Alchemy a year before the Kreideprinz entered Mondstadt, your attunement to the mystic arts baffling and intriguing you every time. During that period, you're not really sure of what art you're doing but in the end, you kept doing great that the people had acknowledged your talents.
Through your own effort and self-study even if unnamed, you managed to put your talent into this art of Alchemy and created discoveries regarding powders and mineral-focused ingredients. It was a shame there was no one to share it to, and when you talk to scholars/practitioners alike, you end up rambling so much to the point that on their end you barely make sense. Whether this was caused by your eaten words or lax and personalized vocabulary over the matter, you're not sure.
Their confused and judgmental stare haunts you, leaving you alone with your raging thoughts and overworking mind when you just want to learn and expand your discoveries to other people without driving them away. Your enthusiasm is great and all, but it's not enough to make others understand.
So when the Chalk Prince entered Mondstadt, blessing the city with his scholarly knowledge and boundless creations, he easily made a name for himself and in extension the city itself.
Before Sucrose and Timaeus, you were called upon by the Grand Master Varka to accompany Albedo and be his temporary assistant seeing as his field in the division is still quite new and you were the only other 'Alchemist' in town besides him. You're both giddy and nervous, like really, really nervous.
You've heard of Albedo and maybe a caught a glimpse or two, but you've never actually interacted enough to know exactly what he looks like or how he is as a person. All you know is that he's a very, very attractive person overall.
"Good-looking, carries this aura of wisdom around him, he's just really charming," were the words that rang through your mind as you pointedly watched your steps, following the carpets leading to Ordo Favonius' laboratory while Lisa's words rang through your head.
Is he really that kind of person? You've heard that he's quite stoic too, but if he's really that distracting, you're scared that it would be harder for you to focus and help out. Honestly how would you even deal with him when your fields of Alchemy are so different from each other?
You have no idea how long you've been thinking, standing in contemplation in front of the set of double doors that leads to the workshop with nothing but doubt in your mind. But upon realizing the teal gaze of another person silently waiting instead of wooden doors, you figured it was far too long.
"Ah, I'm sorry! I was in my head, I wasn't expecting you to-!" You flailed your hands around comically before abruptly stopping, noticing the now confused stare of Albedo of which are distracted by your hands. Clearing your throat, you extended a hand towards him to shake, trying to stare anywhere but his face. "I'm (Y/N), I'll be your assistant until you're well settled in the city. It's nice to meet you, Ma-"
His hand finds yours in a firm grip, a firm shake so sudden you bit your tongue back, "Albedo, Kreideprinz of the Art of Kemia, but just Albedo is fine, I'll be under your care."
Albedo finds it intriguing and surprisingly not that distracting whenever you talk to yourself or to the ingredients whenever you so much as feel the slightest frustration. "Ugh, this Zinc powder is so stubborn, clingy," you angrily mumbled under your breath as you washed off the blue powder that spilled at your hand, "So, so clingy." Since you're facing the sink, you couldn't see the way he was holding himself from laughing audibly at your amusing antics.
You seemed lively and open, is what Albedo thought when he first met you. But this observation soon shattered when he kept getting hanged upon your abrupt stops when delving into your field, something he was really irked about the first few times. Your art of Alchemy is much different from his and he's wishing that you'd clarify and expound all your learnings to him, but in the end, you somehow step back everytime your words became lengthy.
Are you hiding something? Did you not want him to learn the same arts as yours? If those were the case, he couldn't bring himself to ask a simple question such ad why. Every time it crosses his mind, it brings a purse of a pout to his lips and furrowed eyebrows.
Every response you gave always hints even tiny bits of trivias and tips he's never heard, Albedo always takes note of your spills that always cuts before reaching its climax. "-sorry, yes, this is activated charcoal Geo and Pyro slimes reaction." He lets out an audible sigh upon your retreat, your frustrated mind too occupied to notice.
"Please," his desperation drips in his word when he looks at you with eyes filled with raw emotion you'd never know he'd be able to pull off. Your tightly locked lips only pressed on further at his puppy eyes, "Please continue, I wish to know more about your Alchemy, if you would be so kind."
"It's not really- I'm not really the best at explaining it..." You're almost fidgeting, cheeks aching from tensing and warmth. But he regarded you with a blank stare, forcing you to fill the silence, "If I- If I start, my ramblings may not uhm they're not easy to comprehend... or something."
Albedo had been watching more than he'd like to admit, and he's come to relieved (yet still confused) realization that your treatment with him wasn't his alone. You always step back before things get lengthy, words then cutting short and concise with a steeled expression. Lips caught between teeth.
"I digress," his hand motions to yourself to emphasize his next clause. "As your field and sole practitioner of this art, like my own condition, your word of mouth is the best ground of knowledge."
If he was irritated, he's doing a very good job in hiding it. And even with the respectable yet close distance in between you still felt cornered. This is still your master and it's not professional to refuse a scholarly talk, "The electro crystals when charged... ionized? create sparks, while also producing the same result when smacking- mining!"
The scribbles of his pen against his clipboard as he nods in attention urges you on, realizing his focus and sincere interest on the topic, "So when you put the little tidbits or even powdered version in a beaker thingy, depending on the material, they interact with the spark. Honestly, I'm unsure yet how lethal it is but if you put the sparks under fire too, they make like those makeshift gunpowder as well as additional reactions such as-!"
The lilt and proceeding high pitch in your voice usually signifies the approach of your insecurity as well as the climax of your enthusiasm. At this point, you pull your hand up to shut your mouth forcefully, and when Albedo really detests the abrupt end of the conversation his hand would shoot forward to grasp your own.
He'd intertwine your fingers to distract, before urging you to continue with a challenging stare, as if daring you to use your other hand to pull that off again. This whole scene felt oddly scandalous, but oh boy does it send your mind into a bambling, overloaded mess. A heated head forces your lips open even if they sometimes come out in a jumbled string, he learns to decipher them.
The more you get used to or feel more comfortable, Albedo uses that fondness skillfully whenever he wants. "Can you tell me more about the scarlet chunks from Dragonspine?" He throws it so casually in the silence as you two work back to back in your stations, without a beat as your mind is partially preoccupied, you answered into a narrative of trivia. It almost feels like you're talking to the flames of the bunsen while you wait, but Albedo smiles at the now filled silence as he listens with divided attention.
He really likes your voice, and the word of wonders you bring along with you.
"For the record, I don't mind it at all," his breath hovers on your lips, cold and prickly, "Whatever comes out of these lips, I want to hear it all."
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That last part eheh
Woah, this went long. Like reader babbling hahaha. I said I'm gonna speedrun, not freaking write this long smh
@zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @just-some-stars @volleybloop @tartuu @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @albaedhoe @xiaophilia @heisenwurst @childe-simp-exe
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bbienha · 3 years
enhypen as “enemies to lovers” trope
warnings: none
it’d be a one-sided hatred
although he never knew why you were always glaring at him during class
or why you were always speaking of him rudely he never went out his way to find out why
everyone was aware of your hatred for him
he was aware, he just didn’t care
that wasn’t until you two were forced to help out with the senior dance along with the student council as extra helpers
because you two hadn’t participated in any class/team building actives that year
your friends froze slightly laughing thinking about the fact that’s you’d and heeseung would “hang out” non stop for the next 2 weeks
as long as you avoided him there would be no problems? don’t make this harder for yourself.
turns out trying to ignore him was a lot harder than expected
it was either ‘teamwork 🥺’ or doing the work all by yourself
and you being the stubborn petty bitch you are,,
ended up carrying majority of the work while he hung out with his senior friends
it was 7pm after school on a winters night
you two had finished moving all the big boxes of decorations, plates, tables etc (i say you two but it was basically all you)
and you were sitting outside the bus stop swinging your feet back and forward
“gosh he’s so annoying he doesn’t even do any work” you mumbled kicking the rocks underneath your feet
if anybody were to ask you why you hated lee heeseung, one of the chillest people in school, so much? you wouldn’t have been able to answer
by now this memory of yours has been long forgotten but the feelings within are still there
6 year old heeseung and 6 year old y/n at the park running around like children do
(6 year old) y/n say on the swing for at least 30 minutes
or what felt like 30 minutes to heeseung
before he took matters into his own hands and pushed them
it wasn’t his intention to but you flew off the swing grazing your knee on the bark beneath
ever since then you swore to never be friends with people like him
it was dramatic of course but you were 6?! what else would’ve you said
but here you are 18 no memory of that incident whatsoever but still holding a grudge against him because that’s all you’ve ever known
heeseung was too waiting for his bus, actually he was catching the same bus as you
usually he would catch number 12 but it was night and this was the only route left
it was also the fastest route but he never had taken it
he lived on the same street as you, same class, same year, same after school activities yet he barely ever saw you around
that’s because he knew about your little annoyance for him
sometimes he would wonder what he did wrong
“should i go up to them and ask?”
“did i say something wrong?”
he often thought about confronting you but then again you two had never had a conversation past “hello” “*dead silence*”
he would take longer routes home, different buses to school and change his schedule for asa (after school activities) because he didn’t want to burden you
so there he stood, 5 feet away in the rain, trying to hide away from you so you wouldn’t get mad
maybe that’s why you disliked him?
because he never worked for anything yet you two had the same social status.
ahhh that must be why!
so the next day he put more effort into what he did
you didn’t understand why, and you were more confused than ever when he snatched the heavy cardboard boxes form your hands
“i can take this”
“i’ll hang this”
“don’t worry, sit down, i’ll fix the fridge”
something inside of you started to bubble a similar feeling to when yesterday when you wanted to punch his guys out for not helping
but also different... probably because he WAS helping now
“whatever” you scoffed letting him do all the work
hey? maybe this is fair. you did yesterday’s and he can do today
heeseung was stunned but kept his mouth shut as he didn’t wnat to get on your bad side
“y/n” he calls out for help
gosh he can’t do anything by himself can he?
even his voice irritates you but when you walk over to him, you find yourself with a badly made cupcake and a sorry note
wtfff is this? you think to urself
and for the first time in 12 years heeseung finds the courage to ask why you were so distant
it wasn’t that you were trying to be rude but more you didn’t have an answer to give him
“ahh” he nodded awkwardly
“i guess some things are meant to be kept secret?” he rubbed the back of his neck, a habit he had picked up from watching american tv shows
you tapped your foot on the ground all suddenly realising you were being rude for no reason
a arrow of guilt had shot right through your heart and you didn’t know what to do now
“don’t worry” he smiled brightly “i’ll prove to you why you can trust me :) i’m hard working too yk?”
and there you were, stunned. never in your life had you talked to him for so long
so now you were just bring down on your lip hoping to run away
“alright. cool” you say and leave him be.
the next 2 weeks were exactly as he said, he went above and beyond for this senior dance
not only finding more to add to the night but cheaper and better events for the nights
this was a job for the student council yet here he was helping as if he was son of them
anddd he too had also warmed up to you as well
you had to admit the past few days of his constant nagging and clingy behaviour did erupt some kind of feeling in your stomach
and heeseung as well felt comforted knowing he wasn’t n.1 on your hit list anymore
“so what to you think?” he asked passing you a cola can
“of me? do you still hate me?”
“w-what are you talking about?! i never hated you!!! don’t try make me a bad person” you rambled making sure he wouldn’t misunderstand you like you did to him
he laughed “ik ik i’m just joking”
even after a very very long 12 years of hating his perfect set of teeth and bright grin you can’t help return the smile
in the max of 14 days he had you regretting every thought you use to have
there would be a small conversation about the dance and who you and your friends were going with
until it dawned on you, nobody had asked you out
i mean who would after your scary persona with the school
“so then, would you... like to go with me?”
you accepted it of course but made it very clear to him you were only doing this because you didn’t want to seem lonely
on the night of the dance, you were the best person of the night
absolutely stunning!
at least to heeseung because he couldn’t take his eyes off of you
from then on, you weren’t known as “heeseungs personal hater 🥶” but now as his s/o
(and apparently the one who makes him the most happy, said his friends)
next is jay
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An oddly specific hc:
Weaver, Mason, Woods, Adler, and Hudson with an S/O who likes to give+recieve cuddles. (Guess whose love language is physical touch? Is me.)
DJDJDJSJ LITERALLY ALL OF MY HUSBANDS IN ONE ASK !!!! You know, love languages for the squad might be an interesting one, one day! I feel you tho, mine is words of affirmation but physical touch is a super close second 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Phew I went kind of all in on these, so sorry of they're really long or rambly, but I hope you enjoy them!! Weaver and Woods even feature a little dad bod action bc ik that's our thing 😌😌💅🏻
Honestly, at first he's not use to it
In fact, you'd be forgiven to think he didn't like it at all
However, he never shuts you down either...
If you persevere for long enough and are able to gain his trust, you'll be rewarded to find that he actually quite enjoys your touch
Well, more then enjoys I'd say
Adlers job is a lonely and thankless one, and although he could hardly bring himself to admit as much...
The loneliness takes a toll on him
He is only interested in receiving that kind of affection from someone he has a connection with, so as you can imagine, it's harm for him to get that need fulfilled without you
In a way, he grows rather addicted to you
You're the first thing he goes for when he comes home after time away
All in all, he's down for whatever you've got to give, but his favorite thing to do is to hold you
Whether that be while cuddled up and or just standing in place, it doesn't matter to him
In turn, he particularly likes when you stroke his jawline or pepper him with kisses
He's very sensitive about his face and scars as you know, doubly so after the torture and rescue stuff he went through
So when you show extra affection to that spot, not only is it a huge sign of his trust in you, but it also just so happens to make him melt
Hudson is an extremely similar case to Adler in that, although you wouldn't guess it, he craves physical touch
In fact, Hudson might be even worse off
I would argue that at least Adler works with his task force members, but Hudson???
He's more or less forced to stick to the shadows and only speak to others on a more or less need to know basis
Given that cannon Hudson has a whole wife and kids, I get the feeling that he just wants to be loved damn it!!!
So all this to say that, unlike Adler, I don't think Hudson would be even remotely as coy with his desire for affection
I mean, if you've managed to snag a relationship with him, he must trust you a whole lot already, so why not just clear the air, right?
However, I will say that I think he might be a little shy about it
What if he comes across as too needy or something? Not a good look for a grown man, surely
As a result, if he has nothing more pressing to attend to, he'll be your shadow around the house all day long, from one room to the next
Of course, he does his best to not follow you step for step or do anything else that would obviously give him away, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what he wants
You'll have to invite him to come to you most of the time
And good thing too, bc when he's with you, it's like heaven
He's fond of simply collapsing into your lap when your seated, or across your torso when laying down
From there, you can do whatever you want
If you really wanted, you could balance a damn book on his back and just read in silence for all he cares
As long as he can have that physical connection to you, it doesn't matter
This is another area where he's a step up in extreme from Adler
While Adler wants you, Hudson needs you
You're like his one place of rest in the whole world, the only place he can be safe and forget about his work, and you have no idea how much that means to him
Personally, I think Alex is probably the one most (relatively lmao) well adjusted adult of the group
He of course loves receiving physical affection from you, but he doesn't need to rely on it as some sort of coping mechanism
While he can be a little clingy, its a usually only after times that he has to be away for a long while
Personally, I feel like Alex is the safest for me to say that he probably also has physical touch as his love language as well!
He will often come seek you out just as much as you so for him, and he has no problem requesting some snuggle time
Mason is perfectly confident in his masculinity after all, so asking if you wouldn't mind cuddling him is a simple task in his eyes
The height of his interest in touch comes when he's trying to sleep though
He's prone to pretty awful night terrors given all that he's been through, so I'd say that's the only real time that he truly does rely on you and your gift
Even if it's just something as small as holding his hand while you lay next to him, any little bit helps
He definitely notices more difficulty sleeping when you're not around, so he's thankful for you for sure
Mason is also pretty big on pda I think lol
Like holding hands, hugging, and kissing...
None of that bothers him!
Although he enjoys nearly all forms of touch from you, he'd have to admit that he loves it the most even you run his back or hold his hands
It's... Comforting
Off, poor Weaver, he's a mess
Imagine someone who burns with an all consuming desire just to be touched damn it !!! like Hudson does, and yet has ten times the reservations and insecurities about it as Adler does
That's close to what Weaver is like
He's extremely shy around you, just to start off
In fact, he's probably still star struck that you actually wanted to be in a relationship with him in the first place
And so, he's not sure how to act...
He really is a big softie on the inside, and yet he's not sure if you'd like that
After all, he's the big, tough Russian guy to everyone else
That's who you met, so it would make sense that that's what you want, right?
While Hudson would warm up after a while and, albeit awkwardly I'm sure, ask you for some cuddling time or some such...
... Weaver almost never asks, but will instead make it painfully obvious that he wants it lol
It definitely does not help that he's quite insecure with his appearance
These days, he's a just a touch more soft and round then he use to be, and that's on top of his missing eye and greying hair
If you are of the opinion that such things only make him more suited for cuddling, warm and comfy as he is, it will take him an awful long time to believe you
Although he loves to pretend he only tolerates his at best, he does rather enjoy it when you give his chest or tummy some affection
It's sort of like Adler and his scars: Weaver loathes the state of his abdomen, amongst other things, but he must admit...
He likes that you like it
Geez, Woods is probably as opposite from Weaver as it gets
I once heard the phrase "a dog in human form", and honestly?
It doesn't get more accurate then that
This man lives for attention and the fact that you want to give it to him, drives him crazy
He's pretty shameless, and is down to be touched or felt basically whenever
It's to the point that he's taken up walking around the house shirtless just in anticipation of any cuddling or rubs to be had
He's a bit performative about it, which can be either entertaining or annoying depending, but he never misses an opportunity to show off his muscles to you and let you have a feel
Really though, anywhere you want to touch, however you want to do it, go ahead baby! He'll eat it up lmao
Of course, if you catch him at a time in his life where he's going the route of Weaver and developing some dad bod...
Totally different story
If that's the case, he's extremely adverse to letting you touch places like his thighs, chest, and of course his stomach
Really, just anywhere that's filled out
Which in his mind, could very well extend to his body as a whole
Needless to say, this creates a very powerful inner turmoil between his desire to be near to you and impress you, and his fear of rejection
With this Woods, it'll take a loooot of gentle touches and reasurace to bring him around
But once he trusts you, he's be right back to how toned Woods would act
Bare chested, tummy out, and ready for some lovin 😌
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passable-talent · 3 years
guess what I’m up to?
if you guessed “writing for another obscure hayden christensen character before that movie disappears from Tubi”, you’d be correct!
David Rice x GN!Reader, Jumper (2008)
ik this movie was based on a book but i have not read it. forgive me if, when i play around with the rules of jumping, it violates what the book says a jumper can do. I’m gonna operate with the best understanding i can. also i’m changing the ending woooo
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At fourteen, you met a boy. His name was Elliot Rhodes- and he was a jumper. 
At first it was freaky, sure. Finding out that teleportation is real? It would freak anybody out. 
But it... it also explained a lot of things. It explained the way that you’d always wake up in your bed when you swore you passed out on the couch. It explained the way that you’d sometimes walk in the front door, not really remembering the bus ride home. It explained how you’d pop into a different room when you’d only taken half as many steps as you needed to. 
Were you a jumper, too?
You met Elliot when you were fourteen, and life was good for five years. He was your best friend, he was more than that. He helped you learn how to jump, helped you hide it from your parents, from the school. The both of you knew that you should be hiding your ability, could feel that it was a secret you had to keep, but didn’t quite know why. 
Then, five years into your relationship, when you’d finally figured out how to live, how to use your powers to make a living without being found out, when you were just about ready to leave your parent’s place and move into the cabin in Canada his parents left for him-
Death came for you, on his pale white horse. But it was his hair that was white, instead. And he didn’t come for you, exactly. 
Roland Cox. He appeared at Elliot’s home, and killed him. Then, before you even had your hand on your phone to call the police, someone else jumped into the room. 
You’d lashed out at him, throwing him away from Elliot, but he pushed you back, getting right to business. 
He knew who Roland was. He knew why he’d come. He introduced himself, his name was Griffin- and he offered you a chance to help him get back at Roland. 
Griffin didn’t really hold up to his word. He couldn’t trace Roland any better than you could’ve, but you were happy to have an ally, someone who had a mission, and a mission that would keep you out of your grief. You channeled your anger into hunting paladins, just like Griffin did. He wasn’t the easiest person to get along with, but he was a good guy... somewhere, deep down. 
He was somewhat understanding of you. He recognized your grief, found it similar to his own. And, in the four years you’d been hanging out with him, you’d become a pretty skilled fighter. You’d learned the tricks- you were a paladin hunter. 
It was a pretty solid new life. Given the superpowers and the dead boyfriend and the newfound target on your back from some ridiculous religious zealots, you could’ve done a lot worse. 
And then, along came David. 
David Rice. You’d seen him a thousand times, even if it wasn’t actually him. He was just another jumper who’d never had a run-in with the paladins, who’d never lost someone to the paladins, just another idiot who robbed a bank (unoriginal), and took his girlfriend on an ill-advised trip (bland). There was nothing exceptional about David Rice. 
Well, he was cute. A little. 
Okay, fine, he’s really cute. He’s a jackass, but he’s got a sweet smile. And he’s still a little puppy dog, following after a girl that he’s not into, but he’s convinced himself he’s still in love with. 
Textbook. You’d seen it a thousand times. It was something that a lot of jumpers did, using their new power and money and suave to find the person they were in love with before things changed, and wooing them. It always worked, at first, but things fell apart, because those amateurs could never keep it together. Even if they did manage to keep their partners out of the claws of the paladins, the secrets or the lying did them in. Most of the time, these jumpers weren’t even in it for the people, anymore. Just like David- he didn’t love her, not anymore. He just loved the idea of getting what he’d always wanted. 
When you saw him, at a bar in London, you had this quick little thought, ‘he’s not gonna last long.’ 
No, no, he was more impressive than that. He showed up at the Colosseum, and Griffin followed, assuming that the paladins weren’t far behind. And he was right, he always was, and you got to have plenty of fun moving around and fucking with paladins. 
“Ya know,” you said with a laugh when one of them had their eyes on you, their cables tearing up another priceless stone wall, “you sure don’t have much respect for history.” 
They managed to get a cable around you, and you felt that familiar tingle of lots and lots of electricity roll through you. But you were used to this, and you slipped out of your outer layer, then using the fabric to hold onto the cable and jump it through a wall, so it couldn’t be yanked out by any human force. Now, it was useless, and they had one less weapon. 
You jumped in front of them, and slipped your jacket back over your shoulders. 
“Loose fabric,” you said with a smirk, then landed a strong punch across his jaw. 
You jumped back to Griffin’s lair with unconscious paladin in tow, and quickly handcuffed him to the usual spot. Griffin wasn’t far behind with the other, but then, David appeared too. 
Griffin kicked him out, fast. 
“Yeah, he’s dead in a week, tops,” you said with a shake of your head. Griffin rolled his eyes, and started his work with the same level of anger and annoyance that he always did. 
A few hours passed in silence. Griffin had a new controller, so you let him ramble on about whatever game he was playing while you stretched out on the short couch you’d swiped from a closing furniture store a few months back. It was the closest to peace you ever seemed to get anymore, at least whenever you hung out with Griffin. But then David came back. He had nagging questions, they always did, when they managed to get ahold of Griffin. It usually didn’t change their fates. 
No, what changed their fates was when someone they cared about died. It happened to Griffin. It happened to you. And when he discovered his dad dead, it happened to David, too. So he wanted to help hunt Roland. 
Join the club. 
David gathered up the most recent intel Griffin had on Roland- which just so happened to be what you’d given him, four years ago. You watched from across the room as he and Griffin got into a bit of a tiff. 
Griffin pulled out the scars on his neck, to prove to David the high stakes he was messing with. That caught your attention- Griffin wasn’t one to be vulnerable. 
“Look, forget it! Forget Roland. Don’t waste your time.” Griffin righted his shoulders, taking a step back. “Just leave it to me.” He went off to his business out of your line of sight, which just left David. You still hadn’t really said a word to the man, too focused on Griffin’s drama to pay the new guy much attention. But you stood, taking a step closer to him, so now you could at least see Griffin working at his safe. Like always when he pulled the key from around his neck, you looked away. David hadn’t yet learned that lesson. 
Just like it had been when you first arrived, David awkwardly turned his back to the safe while Griffin entered it. You still didn’t quite know what was in there, but you knew it was important, and you knew it was dangerous. There were a few obvious conclusions you could leap to. 
“I’m-” David started, letting out a little breath. He really wasn’t prepared for any of this, was he? How long had he been jumping without running into the paladins?
“I was thinking that if we do this together, we could get him.” 
“Oh, no,” you said with a bit of a laugh, laying your head back against the stone wall. “He’s a solo act. He only keeps me around ‘cause I’m so charming.” 
“No, you’re not,” Griffin threw over his shoulder, and you only laughed at him. “Look, I’m sorry, but I don’t play well with others.” When you heard the safe close, you lifted your head back to the two of them, and watched as Griffin paced toward the doorway. You followed only after David did, and noticed him heading toward one of his vehicles, an old trailer- why Griffin liked to mess with it before he jumped, you didn’t quite get. It wasn’t going to move, anyway. 
“Do me a favor, yeah?” Griffin asked David, “Don’t be here when I get back. Find a rock, crawl under it, stay there.” He turned back to David, and you watched with a raised eyebrow from against the doorway. 
“ ‘Joi woo’, brother,” He said, and you rolled your eyes. “That’s ‘goodbye’ in Chinese.” 
For some reason, you didn’t think it was. 
He stabbed a knife into the tarp and jumped, and though you hoped that was the end of it, David followed him through his jump scar. 
Perfect. Just perfect.  
You followed as well, hoping to at least keep David out of trouble. When he followed Griffin, you just kept pace beside him, sticking to him in a way you knew would annoy him. You were like a bystander, letting the two of them figure out their annoyances with each other, staying out of it. It took him what seemed like half of the length of Tokyo until he finally got around to the point.
“And I know where to find Roland.”
“Why didn’t ya lead with that?” You asked, smacking the back of your hand against David’s shoulder. 
Griffin turned away, but the two of you followed. He swiped a car, you loved when he does that, because it’s always a really nice one, and you get to lean out of it and feel the wind. David took shotgun, and that’s fine, he’s the one with the special information or whatever. Didn’t matter, you could just enjoy the way that Griffin drives. He’s fun. 
All the sudden, David jumped to an airport, and the both of you followed. After a quick conversation, it was time to jump back to the lair, get some weapons together. You pulled on your loosest hoodie, knowing you’d probably need it, if they were bringing cables to whatever fight you were about to have. Was there a plan? It’s not like you were listening, but it didn’t seem to you like David had exactly explained where he planned on finding Roman. 
“Hey, what the hell?” You snarled when he jumped into the lair with his little girlfriend. “Oh, no, no, you can not bring her here. No way.” 
“Look, I gotta keep her safe, alright? Where’s Griffin?”
“Out front. You have to get her out of here.” Your words fell on deaf ears as he charged out to get Griffin, and you watched with a bit of annoyance as the girl followed. What was her name? Millie? Poor lamb probably didn’t know anything of what was going on at all. 
You heard whispering behind you, and turned around with a drop of your heart. Oh, this was bad, this was bad. They’d used- they had a wormhole, right into the lair.
“Griffin!” You shouted, and not a moment later he appeared beside you, the same look of dread on his face that you were feeling in your chest. David appeared, then, and Griffin turned on him instantly. 
“What have you done?”
“Where does this thing go?”
“We gotta go.”
“David, what did you do?!”
The both of them jumped away, and it seemed like you were the only one who had any sense at all. 
You jumped immediately to the mouth of the lair, where you found Millie, looking confused and terrified. Naturally. Good for her, honestly, for keeping it together as much as she was. 
“ ‘ello, love,” you said, “Millie, right?” You took hold of her hands and jumped her away, far away, where she’d be much safer. On the other side, you waited for just a moment for her to get her wits together, so she’d register your words. 
“Stay here, okay? I mean it. Don’t go outside. There’s water and food and power, you’ll be fine. Just- seriously. Stay here.” You jumped back, then, to the mouth of the lair, hoping that when you entered, you wouldn’t be interrupting something important. 
Well, judging by the use of Griffin’s flamethrower, something important was happening. 
There were two men, plus Roland. As much as you wanted to take on Roland yourself, Griffin seemed to have that covered, and there were others you needed to deal with. With just a grab to the shoulder, one of them took a nice fun drop into the Mariana Trench. 
What? You’d read a book on it, once. 
The other was charred to a crisp, it seemed, and so you went looking for the only other person unaccounted for. 
“David?” You called into the lair, and you heard him groaning, along with the crackle of electricity. 
“Where’s Millie?” He asked, and you rounded the corner to see him strung up to the ceiling. 
“Somewhere safe, relax,” you said, shucking your hoodie off of your shoulders to wrap the fabric around your hands and grab onto the cables. Once you had them, you could jump away easily, pulling them off of him. You jumped back, slipping your hoodie back on, and gave him a cocky smile. 
“Loose fabrics,” you said, then jumped away to try to find out what Griffin was up to. 
A double-decker bus, that’s what. Then came Roland, and then came Griffin with the flame-thrower. When they both disappeared into the jump scar, David rounded on you, narrowing his eyes.
“Where’s Millie?” he snarled, and you took a step back. 
“She’s fine, I told you! She’s safe!” 
��Where is she?” David roared, and you shoved him away from you.
“She’s fine! Christ, boy, you don’t even love her, anyway!” 
That caught him off guard. 
“Oh, god,” you groaned, turning your head before snapping your eyes to him, more ferocity in your gaze. “You know you don’t. You’re just holding onto the last thing you had when things were normal.” 
“Where is she?” He said again, taking an intimidating step toward you.
“I get it, okay?” You said, though now you were yelling. “I get it. But you’re putting her in danger! David, just let her go. You’re never going to be able to protect her. Not from them.” David’s eyes widened for just a moment, and then he looked down. You could see it as he gave in. 
“Let me take her home. At least let me do that.” 
“Sorry,” you said softly, “The place I put her, I- I can’t let anyone else see it. You gotta understand.”
Before it could get any worse, Griffin threw himself through the jump scar. 
“Nice,” he said as he righted himself, then immediately opened his safe. “The whole lot of them are in that apartment.”
“Oh, you’re finally gonna use the safe?” You asked, watching as he punched a few buttons. 
“I’ll take ‘em all out while they’re still there.”
“That’s Millie’s apartment!” David said, and Griffin turned to him with a shrug.
“She’s not there,” he said, nonchalantly, as though it was obvious. What’s the harm in destroying the apartment if no one innocent dies in it?
Griffin readied the safe and jumped away, leaving you and David behind. You turned to him, raising your gaze to his. He still looked vaguely angry. 
“She’s-” You turned your head to the side, before you could finish the sentence. You hadn’t told anyone about the cabin, not even Griffin. “She’s in Canada. Near a lake. She’s got water and power, nobody knows about it but me. She’s fine. But-” You gestured toward where the jumpscar to her apartment used to be, “Now she’s got nowhere to go back to.” 
“I know where her mom lives,” David said, shaking his head. “I’ll take her there.” You nodded slowly, then brought your gaze to his. He had- he had really blue eyes. Strikingly blue. You knew he couldn’t get to the cabin without following your scar, so you made him wait for you, made him wait until this moment ended. He didn’t seem to mind. 
“Hey, thanks,” he said after a moment, “You got her out of there.” He was speaking a bit gentler now, and this tone of voice you could certainly get used to. Was he being genuine with you? That was new. 
“Well, she seemed important.” 
“Yeah,” David said, a small smile finally growing on his face, and even though it was dark, you could swear you saw him begin to blush. Bashful little fucker. “We never even- Rome, I-” 
“Save it,” you said with a smile, reaching out to take his hand, which was surprisingly warm. You jumped him to the cabin, and found Millie curled up on the couch, looking out the window at the lake. 
“Sorry about all this, love,” you said, letting David have his moment. 
“Just take me home,” she said with a bit of a whimper, and you shook your head, even as you walked to the cabinet to grab a packet of crackers. 
“Sorry, love, that apartment’s gone. Kinda had to. Hope you understand.” 
“What?” Millie asked in disbelief.
“Really, (Y/N)?” David asked over his shoulder, before taking Millie’s hands and jumping her out of your cabin. 
You were meant to move here, with Elliot. This wasn’t even technically your place, even though you’d taken it up. Every now and again, you still missed him- but now that Griffin had taken care of Roland, it didn’t hurt so bad anymore. 
Four years was a long time to heal, maybe. But you’d needed it. And now that you had, and Roland was gone, and the world was just a bit safer for you- maybe you could consider trying again.
Maybe with someone that had strikingly blue eyes. And surprisingly warm hands. 
-🦌 Roe
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🔹im the lead singer of the group!! i use she/he/they pronouns cause.. im a genderfluid queen. feel free to ask any questions!! nothing too personal though, please<33
🔹my tags are #ronnie rambles #veronica speaks #veronica my love #veronica the beloved
🔹oh and!! my answers are purple<33
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(shhhh shut up ik she's in gacha club I don't wanna draw her)
🔹️ Yoooo!! I'm the awesome guitarist of the band!! I go by they/them but i'm a girl bc girls rock and yes! My tags are #niki exclaims #niki is super cool!! #niki is the best!! #best guitarist in the universe!!
“ Melody Fontaine 'Mel, Mellie' ,,
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🔹Hiya! I'm Melody Fontaine, the pianist/keyboarder for the band! My pronouns are she/her and you can call me Melody, Mel, or Melli! I own two dogs, a pitbull named Olliander and an Australian Shepherd/German Shepard mix named Jason, along with a Scottish fold cat named Maximus! 🐾🐾🐾🐶🐶 Ask me anything you'd like I'll definitely answer! (Keep is sfw plz). My tags are #melody muses, #chitchatting with melody, #im just a little meow meow
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🔹Uh... hi. Name’s Emanuel, also known as ETHEOS in the group. basically what I am is providing the backing vocals of the group. Not too significant or anything, I guess. Basically also the only boy of the group. Can call me anything “Em, Ema, Nuel,” whatever I guess. Oh, and also, I’m gay. Sorry girls. But boys are welcome <3. My tags are #etheos #nuels says #the only boys musings
“ Kiera „
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🔹Hey there! I'm Kiera, the drummer of the group! My pronouns are she/her. Call me Keys, Ra ra, Era, or anything else as long as it's appropriate. I am told that I'm very aggressive. Which is true. If you hurt any of these members with an ask or anything, you better learn how to sleep with one eye open. My sticks could break bones if I threw them hard enough. Also, if you ask about the scars, it won't be very pleasant for you. My tags are #kiera yells, #little drummer girl, #keys hits the drums, #era of era, #ra ra
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🔹yo yo yo yo!! what up, my name's SCENE! and well it might not look like it but I play the cello. I go by they/he pronouns and is unlabelled. Scene is actually just an alias, not my real name, but i wont say my real name because I'd like to be known as SCENE!! got the name from my aesthetic (your local scene kid). overall, im a really chill guy who loves music. My tags are: #☆scene answers, #☆scene rambles, and #☆scenes cello music.
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🔹"What's up guys? My name is Suki! Pronouns are she/they. Call me Suki, Su-Su or anything that's appropriate. I am the rapper of the group, even though they expect more of a tomboyish girl when they hear that they have a female rapper. My favorite aesthetic is cottagecore, and I really like other people's aeshetics too! I am a little bit annoying sometimes, but I really enjoy company! My first language is Japanese, but i'm pretty fluent in English. Tags are: #su-su was here #suki answers #suki rambles #suki's rap ballads That's all! Have a great time here.
🔹"my answers will be teal!
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Sleepless in the Tower
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Title: Sleepless in the Tower
Pairing: Peter Parker x Barnes-Rodgers!Reader
Requested?: Yes! : Hi can I request a peter parker x reader please where I'm in a relationship with peter and I'm bucky and Steve's daughter and me and MJ go to a night club that we told not to go to and I end up getting really drunk and she ends up having to call peter and he takes me back to the tower trying to wake everyone up but ik being so loud and everyone goes mad that snuck out and got drunk and my dads try to take care of me but I just want peter thanks xx
Warnings: Teenage alcohol use, wild mood swings, Peter being scared shitless of your dads
Word count: hahahahahahahahahahaha...7K
Summary: Y/N’s drunk, Bucky’s angry, and Peter just wants to get some sleep.
    Peter Parker was not one to usually get the of 8 hours of sleep that was recommended for guys his age. Between homework, studying for decathlon, spending time with May, going on patrol, and trying to squeeze in more than just a few spare minutes with Y/N a day outside of school, sleep just didn’t fit into his schedule. Peter didn't dare complain. He loved doing all of those other things, and if sacrificing a few hours of sleep here or there was the price he’d have to pay for them, he’d willingly pay it. 
    Even so, he wasn’t completely tone-deaf to his body’s needs. Peter could tell he’d been running more than a few hours short for the past few days, but he had yet to find a way to get some sleep without letting one of his other responsibilities fall by the wayside. It was getting to the point where he was thinking very seriously about just taking a quick nap right on the roof where he was currently perched. If he was being completely honest, only the mental image of May and Y/N absolutely losing it if they found out about his little rooftop snooze was keeping him awake. Frowning, he yawned for what felt like the millionth time that night as he scanned the mostly empty streets. He was more than used to the constant urge to sleep, and was sure he could make it the next few hours without passing out.
Still, everyone had a breaking point, and Peter was relatively sure that he was nearing his. 
Miraculously, it seemed luck was on his side tonight. His patrol had practically flown by without much of a hitch -- save a few random muggings, Queens seemed pretty quiet. Peter felt a small bit of hope begin to bubble and build in his chest as he realized that he was going to get to go home early for once. Even more exciting was the fact that tomorrow was Saturday, and he had the opportunity to actually sleep in for once. He grinned beneath his signature mask, exhausted body beginning to tingle with anticipation at the prospect as he swung his way home. 
Peter had barely made it in his bedroom window before he flopped face-first into his mattress -- suit, mask, and all. He groaned loudly at the way his soft bed felt against his exhausted and aching muscles, thoroughly pleased and delighted at the welcome comfort. As he grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed and snuggled his mask-clad face into it, it suddenly occurred to him that he was falling asleep at an alarming pace and that he was still wearing his full suit. Peter groaned internally as he pictured all the jabs and jokes Mr. Stark would surely come up with once he found out Peter had fallen asleep in the suit.
Peter idly contemplated the effort it would take to remove it before eventually deciding in favor of not moving. Mr. Stark could tease all he wanted -- and he surely would -- but there was nothing on Earth that was going to make Peter move from his bed for the next 12 hours or so. 
Just as he was beginning to drift off, the dull buzzing of his cellphone registered somewhere in the back of his mind. Still too tired to properly function, Peter ignored the annoying sound and stubbornly attempted to fall asleep even faster now, before something could get in his way. Eventually the noise mercifully stopped and Peter smiled a little, feeling slightly smug that he'd successfully ignored the distraction.
“Peter?” KAREN chirped. 
Though the AI��s voice was as smooth and gentle as ever, the sudden sound in his ear breaking through the silence of the room startled Peter. He jolted upwards and yelped in surprise before scanning his bedroom urgently. Realizing that there was nothing visibly amiss, he flopped back down onto his pillows and groaned loudly. Thoroughly annoyed at whatever, or whoever, could be the cause of the interruption, Peter merely grunted in response as he screwed his eyes shut once more. 
“I’m sorry to wake you, but per the protocols you set I’m alerting you that Y/N has called you more than twice and you haven’t responded,” the AI calmly reported. 
Peter muttered incoherently in acknowledgement as he drifted in and out of consciousness, and KAREN fell silent. For a beat or two it seemed the tired superhuman had finally succumbed to the sleep that’d been threatening to claim him all evening -- his body still and breaths slowing steadily. 
Until KAREN’s words sunk into his mind and his eyes shot open. 
Peter gasped -- the hairs on the back of his arms suddenly standing upright and his skin prickling with alarm as he bolted up once more-- this time fully awake. 
“Y/N’s been calling?” he questioned KAREN, heart beating wildly and thoughts racing with the possibilities of what could be causing his girlfriend to call him at… “Also what time is it?”
“It’s 3 am Peter”, came KAREN’s calm reply. “She’s called you three times so far, and it appears she’s calling again right now.”
Peter lunged for his backpack -- it was propped up against the wall where he’d tossed it carelessly earlier tonight as he’d scrambled through the window. Fingers practically vibrating with anxious energy, he dug through the mess in his bag frantically in search of his phone. Finally finding it, he quickly swiped across the picture of the two of you that was flashing on his screen. 
"Y/N?" he questioned breathlessly. "What's going on, what's wrong?"
"PETEYY," you sang through the phone. "Oh my gosh I misssssed you!"
Peter felt his brows crinkle in confusion. You never called this late, knowing that he was usually on patrol at this time. Plus, he could sense that something was off just by the sound of your voice. Your words were just slightly slurred together, and the pitch was a little higher than it normally was. It reminded him of the way you sounded right before you fell asleep, when you were really, really tired. Peter briefly considered that you might actually be calling him in your sleep, but the constant buzz of voices and noises in the background that weren't yours told him otherwise.
"Y/N babe what's going on? Where are you?" he asked nervously. 
" 'm out with MJ and we saw this totally awesome band and OH. Petey you should've seen them they were so awesome! You would've loved it. The guitar player was...," you chattered excitedly through the phone, completely oblivious to your boyfriend's obvious concern. Peter's brows furrowed deeper, and he felt his face contort into a look of pure confusion. 
"That's great babe, but I'm confused," Peter cut off your rambling abruptly. "Where are you?"
"Mmmm I'm not really sure!" came your thoroughly unbothered reply. "Somewhere in the city maybe? Yep. Definitely in the city."
Peter sighed, a gloved hand coming to rest on his covered head in exasperation. 
"What? Sorry -- no MJ, it's Peter!" he heard you mumble to someone else. "Petey? MJ wants to talk to you, 'kay?"
There was some shuffling on the other end of the phone before Peter heard MJ's voice. 
"MJ? What the heck is happening?" he questioned for what felt like the hundredth time in just a few minutes. 
"Y/N just showed up at my door tonight and dragged me out to see this show," she explained casually. "It was actually pretty cool, but anyways people have been buying her drinks left and right the entire time. So now she is wasted and, don't get me wrong, it's hilarious, but I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to get her home."
"Wait, Y/N is drunk?" Peter exclaimed, shocked. Never in all the years that he'd known you would he have ever thought that you'd be calling him at 3 in the morning, drunk. You were only 17! You were incredibly smart and goal-driven -- underaged drinking was just not something Peter would've expected from you. 
"As a skunk," MJ replied in her deadpan voice. The knot of concern twisted deeper in Peter's belly as he realized the potential danger of your situation. 
"PETEY! Is that Peter? Tell him I love him!" Peter could hear you yelling from somewhere around your phone's speaker. Ignoring the light blush that always seemed to creep up his face whenever you said things like that, he asked again where the two of them were. MJ calmly gave him the address, and he instantly grabbed his backpack, scrambling onto his fire escape and out into the night. 
"Okay, just stay there, I'm coming," he grunted as he swung from building to building. 
"I'll do my best, but you might want to hurry," MJ agreed cautiously. "Your girl is about 10 seconds away from throwing a punch."
"She's what -- why?!"
"No, I told you I don't want another one! You are being so pushy right now!" Peter heard your irritated voice, slightly muffled in the background. 
Anger and panic started to burn in his chest like acid as he realized that someone, probably some dude, was making you feel uncomfortable. The anger churned and mixed with the concern in his belly, creating a fire the likes of which he'd never felt before. He'd been angry before, sure, but this feeling was entirely new. The protective feelings only intensified as he pictured you, alone and vulnerable as some creep was pushing his way into your space. 
"I'm coming," Peter growled as he increased his speed. 
MJ ended the call, and Peter started throwing himself through the skyline as fast as his muscles would physically allow. He wasn't sure who you'd been arguing with or why, but the pit of anxiety in the bottom of his stomach was only growing bigger the longer he wasn't with you. 
All he knew was he needed to find you and find you fast. 
Even though Peter's mind was screaming for him to get to you as soon as possible, he realized that him trying to find you while still wearing his suit was problematic at best. So he changed as fast as he could, throwing his regular clothes over his suit, just in case. 
Nearly tripping over his own feet in his attempt to get out of the alley quickly, Peter's eyes scanned the busy street. His eyes washed over the crowd, desperately searching, before they finally landed on your face. You were swaying your hips to an imaginary beat and singing quietly to yourself near the street. MJ was sitting on the curb near you, watching your performance with amusement written all over her features. Relief surged through him at the sight of your cheerful expression, and he swiftly jogged to your side. 
"Hey, you finally made it," MJ remarked sarcastically as he reached the two of you. Peter rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the small grin that was rapidly taking over his face at the sight of you. You looked so happy, so free, that the feelings radiating from you combined with the lingering relief Peter still felt made the poor boy let out a breath for the first time since he'd taken your call.  
You, however, still hadn't noticed that your much beloved boyfriend had arrived. Though you'd been whining to MJ about wanting to see him for the past few hours, you were extremely distracted at the moment. Save the few sips of scotch you'd snuck from your dads every now and again you'd never really drank before, and now that you were decidedly tipsy you were feeling great. You weren't really sure what the source was, but your body felt like it almost couldn't help but move. It could be the leftover adrenaline from the concert, the thrill of sneaking out late, the five (or ten) drinks you'd had, or some combination therein, but you felt incredible. 
Your body felt like it was practically buzzing with energy. Humming along to your favorite song, you hopped one foot onto the curb gracefully-- or more likely clumsily -- and began taking slow, wobbling steps down the narrow path. You idly wondered when Peter would arrive, the sudden thought causing the butterflies in your stomach to kick up in excited anticipation. As you walked the curb like a tightrope your brain was filled with images of his handsome features, and you felt your face break out into an even wider grin. Surely he must be getting close by now? It felt like years since you'd talked with him on the phone, and -- 
Your thought abruptly cut-off as you felt the foot closest to the street slide suddenly out from underneath you. Reflexes all but non-existent at this point, you only managed to let out the briefest gasp before you tumbled off the curb completely.
“Whoa,” a voice sounded in your ear. Someone was gripping your body tightly, arms supporting your entire weight to prevent you from toppling face-first into the street. The voice sounded familiar in a way your alcohol-infused brain couldn’t place right away. Scrunching your face in confusion, you quickly scrambled your way out of the stranger’s arms and put some distance between the two of you. Turning suddenly, you spared a glance at your savior, internally hoping it was someone you at least knew. A brief look was all you needed, confusion giving way to pure excitement as a jolt of recognition ran through you. 
"PETEY," you squealed, happiness bubbling up in your hazed mind as Peter's face came into your line of vision. You threw your arms open expectantly, and Peter chuckled lightly before pulling you into his embrace once more.
"Getting into all kinds of trouble, huh babe?" Peter whispered fondly into your hair, the gentle feeling of his breath tickling your scalp and making you smile. You let out a girly (and very out of character) giggle, snuggling deeper into your boyfriend's arms. 
"Mmm nope, no trouble here," you hummed playfully, grin widening as you felt Peter's chest gently vibrate as he chuckled. Unbeknownst to either of you MJ rolled her eyes incredulously. 
"Yeah right," she snorted. "Tell it to that guy."
Peter followed her jutted out thumb to see an older guy, standing near the bouncers of the nightclub with a surly expression and a prominent welt forming under one of his eyes. Peter pulled himself out of your death grip just far enough to send you a curious glance.
"Y/N...?" he questioned, clearly hoping for an explanation. Your eyes traveled to the man in question, irritation blossoming in your chest as you recognized him. 
"I don't like him," you huffed. MJ chuckled. 
"You don't say" she drawled sarcastically. "I would never have guessed, ya know, by the way you punched him in the face."
"You did what," Peter exclaimed.
"Punched him!", you piped up from his chest, smiling proudly at yourself. 
Peter took a slight step back and stared at you, wide-eyed and slack jawed. He couldn't picture you, his intelligent and sweet girlfriend punching anyone, much less a grown man, in the face. He sputtered incoherently, unable to formulate a response. 
You giggled at the look of pure confusion on his face for a moment before deciding you should probably explain. 
"Mhm, he was being really obnoxious! He kept, like, insisting -- no demanding-- to buy me a drink, and I obviously told him no way cause I didn't want one. And also I told him that my boyfriend was coming, but he didn't believe me! Fucking jerk, right? So I went to walk away, 'cause I was getting really annoyed, and he grabbed my arm really hard and wouldn't let go! So I punched him," you babbled, annoyance and pride lingering on your face as you recalled the encounter. 
Peter just stared for a moment, the adorable dumbfounded look still overtaking his sweet face as you told the story. An all too familiar feeling of complete adoration for him washed over your intoxicated brain like a wave as you watched him try to process things. How you came to deserve someone like Peter was still beyond you. 
"Yeah it was pretty awesome," MJ agreed, a sly smile taking over her features. "Guy was a total creep."
You huffed again, childishly shoving your face back into Peter's firm chest. 
"He was mean."
Peter’s protective hold over your body tightened as soon as the words tumbled from your lips. It seemed he'd finally broken past his complete shock and was now in full defensive mode. You looked up to find his normally peaceful, chocolate-brown eyes turned suddenly dark with anger, and you could feel the way his muscles tensed as he shot the man a glare. Guilt wormed its way into your chest as you realized how things probably sounded to your over-protective, chivalrous-to-a-fault boyfriend. 
Trying to think quickly, before Peter did something he was sure to regret later, you grabbed his face with both of your hands. He hesitated for only a moment before willingly allowing you to turn his face back towards yours. Smiling deviously, you peppered kisses all over his quickly reddening face in an outward show of affection. 
The effect was almost instantaneous. Peter's eyes softened and his cheeks heated with a light blush that made your tummy erupt into butterflies. Best of all, his lips quirked up into your favorite sweet, crooked smile. 
You gripped his body a little tighter, suddenly wobbly on your feet. The sight of Peter in all his lovely, shy glory never failed to make your knees weak, and this moment was no exception. Even though you admittedly probably wouldn't have been able to stand upright without Peter's support regardless. 
"Hey, s'okay Petey, I took care of it," you reassured him in between kisses. He sighed, pulling you closer into the fold of his arms and burying his face into your hair. 
"I know, I just got nervous when you called," he murmured against your head. "And then I heard you arguing with that guy and I couldn't stop picturing all the terrible things that could be happening. And I was just so scared because I wasn't there, and if anything ever happened to you I just… I couldn't…"
Your heart swelled with an overwhelming feeling of pure guilt as Peter trailed off. How could you be so stupid. Of course he was worried, it was Peter. The things he'd been through, the things he still saw on a daily basis. You sniffled, tears stinging your eyes as you realized just how upset you'd made him. You gripped Peter even more tightly, and a small sob ripped through your throat as you spiralled instantly into a pit of self-loathing.
"I-- 'm so s-sorry Peter," you blubbered, your voice muffled by his chest as big, sloppy tears rolled uncontrollably down your cheeks. "I didn't mean to make you worry, I just was having so much fun and I re-really wanted to see you!"
"Hey, hey," his smooth voice cooed in your ear as his hands began rubbing across your back lovingly. "It's okay, you're safe now and that's all that really matters. Please don't cry Y/N/N, it's okay angel."
His sweet words of reassurance did little to quell the tsunami of tears now flowing freely from your eyes. In fact, the idea that he was now comforting you when you were the one who'd caused this problem in the first place was only making things worse. You openly sobbed against his chest, too drunk on alcohol and self-loathing to really care that every person who walked past was eyeing you both with a mixture of pity and annoyance. 
It went on like this for several minutes (or maybe hours? You couldn't really be sure at this point), until Michelle cleared her throat loudly. 
"Not to break up this cute little love-fest--" she ground out, discomfort breaking through her disinterested facade. "-but I'd really like to get home now."
Peter's face flushed instantly, the adorable pink flooding from his neck to the tips of his ears. He backed from you a little but kept your bodies linked by threading his fingers through yours. You couldn't help but giggle at his obvious embarrassment, your tears drying as you were suddenly flooded with feelings of adoration for your sweet boy. Peter cleared his throat and nodded at MJ. 
Peter considered himself pretty brave. He fought off thieves, muggers, and would-be bank robbers on a near nightly basis. He faced the most sinister parts of his city with absolutely no fear at all, but at the moment he couldn't have felt more like a scared child. Because if he was being really honest, the thought of facing either one of your dads made him feel scared absolutely shitless even during the best of times. 
And clearly this was not the best of times. 
The mere thought of trying to explain why he was not only helping you sneak back into the tower in the middle of the night, but sneaking you back in while you were completely wasted, made Peter feel like he could vomit on the spot. He knew your dads were only begrudgingly okay with the idea of the two of you dating, and the fact that he was now bringing their sweet, innocent baby girl home -- drunk-- in the ungodly hours of the morning would surely do little to endear him to them. But nevertheless, you clearly needed the help, and Peter's instinctual need to protect you outweighed the pure terror he felt when thinking of your dads. 
And boy did you need help. 
If he hadn't been by your side the entire time he would've sworn you'd snuck a couple more drinks on the way home. If he thought you'd been loud beforehand, it was nothing compared to now. The entire cab ride home had consisted mainly of you alternating between singing loudly as you described the concert for the millionth time, sobbing because you 'just love you so much Petey!', or you sloppily planting as many kisses all over Peter's face as you could. If he was being honest with himself, Peter would have to admit that he found your alcohol and sleep drunk state extremely cute; if he wasn't so terrified at the prospect of your dads seeing you like this, that is. 
Getting you through the tower was simultaneously easier and much more difficult than Peter anticipated. Easier because you'd hacked into FRIDAY's system before you'd left and somehow deactivated the security alarm for the two of you. And so much more difficult because getting you to your room quietly was seeming virtually impossible. Outside of the fact that you practically screamed every time a new thought popped into your head (which was frequently), you also continually tripped over nothing at all and landed in a heap on the floor. Even clinging to Peter’s arm with a kind of death grip that was making his fingers feel slightly numb you still managed to find a way to fall over every few steps. 
“Whoopsies!” you ‘whispered’ giggling as you looked up at him from the floor once more . Peter sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes in frustration. While he was glad you’d taken his note about talking more quietly, the stage-whisper you’d taken to speaking in wasn’t exactly an improvement. As he helped you back on to your feet for the millionth time, he glanced down the hallway to see how far the two of you still had to go. He groaned and cursed under his breath -- you were moving at a near glacial pace, and the pair of you had only made it as far as the common room. Deciding a different approach was necessary, Peter motioned with a finger to his lips for you to remain silent before swiftly picking you up. One of his arms wrapped under your knees and the other around your shoulders as he scooped you up, cradling you like a child against his chest. Ignoring the way you squealed at the sudden movement he started walking towards your room, determination written all over his face. 
“How can you be so cute?” you questioned playfully. Peter’s eyes widened at the sound of your loud voice, internally begging you to quiet down. Evidently you did not get the subtle message -- instead, you attacked his face with kisses, cooing and fawning over him loudly as you did. Fear burned through Peter at the sheer amount of noise you were making and he jerked his head away from you in a futile attempt to quiet you down. 
Peter looked down at you with wide, pleading eyes. He shook his head silently, motioning once more for you to remain quiet. Your face scrunched in confusion as you looked up at him, bottom lip trembling. 
“Y-you don’t want my kisses?”
Peter stopped, eyes widening even more as he caught sight of your distress. Peter's heart broke as he saw the hot, fresh tears springing up in your eyes and the look of utter rejection plastered all over your features. Had you been even slightly more sober you would’ve seen the guilty look in his eyes as he realized just how his small action came across to you, but you were too wrapped up in your own feelings to notice. Those few tears had turned almost instantly to full-blown sobs, and you were now louder than ever. 
“No no no no, that’s not true. You know I love your kisses sweetheart,” Peter whispered urgently. He glanced nervously down the hallway, praying silently that you hadn’t woken anyone and that you wouldn’t get any louder. You scoffed, oblivious to his fear and overwhelmed with that kind of indignation that only drunk people could seem to muster up. 
“You don’t!” you exclaimed loudly, shoving yourself out of Peter’s arms in protest. “You don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t pull away!”
“I’m sorry, so sorry, Y/N/N,” Peter murmured desperately, hands reaching out to try and connect with yours. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, I just don’t want to wake anyone up or get you in trouble.”
You slapped his hands away, thoroughly enraged and too stubborn to listen to his reasoning. 
“That's not even true, you just hate me! Go ahead and just say it!” you shouted. Peter’s eyebrows shot up practically to the ceiling, complete shock written across his face. 
“What?! No no no no, Y/N/N that’s absolutely not true, you have to know that's not t--”
Peter’s pleading was abruptly cut off as the lights above the two of you flicked on and the entire common room flooded with light. Peter froze, hands still held upwards in defense as he faced you, too scared to turn and face the source of the light. 
    “Underoos?” he heard Mr. Stark’s confused voice from behind him. “Y/N? What the hells going on?”
    Peter swallowed thickly before turning to see the entirety of the team gathered in the doorway, all clearly having woken up to the commotion you were causing. If he wasn’t so completely petrified he might have found their various choices of sleepwear interesting. But he didn’t exactly have time to think about how Thor was wearing large fluffy pajama bottoms embroidered with storm clouds right now. Especially as he caught sight of your dads’ expressions. Arms crossed and clearly fuming with anger, Bucky was sending Peter a glare that could only be described as murderous as he appraised the scene in front of him, and Steve looked to be thoroughly confused. Clearly the slower of the two to wake, he was standing near his husband with sleep-ruffled hair and an expression like he was struggling to process the fact that he was even out of bed, much less the scene in front of him.
    “Yes Parker, please do explain why my daughter is crying in the middle of the night and what you’re even doing here at all,” Bucky barked. 
    “Hey-- uh -- Y/N she was...I-I was just trying to--” Peter stuttered, unable to really muster much of a response. He always thought that people were exaggerating when they said they were paralyzed by fear, but he knew that in this moment that they were right. It felt like he was trapped under the terrifying weight of your dad’s menacing look -- sheer panic swirled and clouded his thoughts, and he felt his mind go completely blank. 
    You, even though you’d been livid with him mere moments ago, seemed to sense his discomfort and threaded your fingers through Peter’s in a show of support. Peter felt his breath hitch just the slightest bit at your affectionate response, the crushing weight on his chest lifting just a little. He glanced at you quickly, sending you a look of appreciation as he squeezed your hand gently. You grinned upwards, all resentment clearly forgotten. 
    “Ahem,” Tony cleared his throat amusedly. Peter felt his cheeks heat up, embarrassment filling his chest and mixing with the fear that lingered there. You, however, seemed completely oblivious to the severity of the situation.
    “Hi guys. Nice jammies Thor,” you grinned sweetly at the team, waving your free hand in greeting. Several people chuckled, evidently amused at your behavior, and Thor yawned widely before shooting you a thumbs up. Your dads seemed to be the only ones still angry, Steve having to seemingly caught on to what was happening. 
    “Y/N Barnes-Rodgers, what on earth is going on here?” he asked harshly, arms coming to rest across his chest. Rather inappropriately and to Peter's extreme discomfort, you giggled loudly instead of an appropriate response. 
"You look so funny with your hair like that," you giggled uncontrollably, the hand not currently entwined with Peter's resting on your stomach as you laughed. Peter closed his eyes, unable to physically stand the awkward tension surrounding the two of you any longer. 
"Kid, level with me. Is she shit-faced?" Sam's amused and slightly shocked voice broke through the silence. Peter's eyes shot open, mouth agape as Bucky's glare deepend and his face turned a concerning shade of red. Steve, much like Peter, simply looked appalled at the accusation. His expression shifted from one of denial, to rage, profound sadness, and finally back to angry as he came to terms with what was going on. Peter opened and closed his mouth several times, wishing for nothing more than for the earth to open up and swallow him whole, when his attention was suddenly pulled back to you. 
"I think I'm gonna be sick," you mumbled, face rapidly paling and both hands flying towards your mouth. Peter's hands were instantly on you, resting over the small of your back and rubbing gently as concern washed over him. You spared him a single wide-eyed glance before darting down the hall. 
"Oh my little дорогая," Wanda hummed sympathetically as she breezed past Peter to follow you. Nat wasn't far behind her, patting Peter fondly on the back as she too disappeared into your room. 
Peter gulped audibly before slowly turning to face the rest of the team. Sam and Clint were laughing uncontrollably while Thor simply chuckled beside them, Tony had a gleam in his eye that betrayed his utter amusement at the situation, and now both of your dads were glaring at Peter with so much sheer force he was honestly surprised he wasn't already dead. 
"If I were you I'd start explaining. Now." Steve addressed him firmly, leaving no room for discussion. Peter sighed again and started to tell the entire story of how he'd gotten to this point. His hands were shaking the entire time and he was honestly pretty proud that he didn't physically pass out under Bucky's rage-filled stare. 
By the end, Sam and Clint had all but fallen to the floor they were laughing so hard. Thor was nowhere to be seen, having left the room after he lost interest in the topic at hand. Bruce had sent Peter a compassionate look before he too left, presumably heading back to bed now that he knew there was no immediate threat. 
Well, to anyone except Peter that is. 
Though Steve had left mid-way through Peter's recounting, Bucky hadn't moved an inch. He was still standing stoically in front of Peter, eyes dark with anger and distrust, arms crossed tightly against his chest. Peter couldn't take his eyes off your dad's metal arm, fretting silently about the many possibilities the lethal appendage held. 
"So let me get this straight," Tony interrupted Peter's mental musings. "You're saying Y/N snuck out to see some concert and didn't ask you to go with her, but then called you because she was too drunk to get home on her own?"
Peter nodded fervently. 
"That...makes perfect sense to me," Tony shrugged, looking over at Bucky. Turning his icy stare towards Tony for a moment, Bucky's arms finally fell to his sides, fists clenched in anger. 
"No it doesn't." he growled. He jammed his finger accusingly towards Peter. "He's lying."
Tony rolled his eyes, but before he could reply he was cut off by Steve popping his head out of your room.
"Buck. We've got a problem." 
"Yeah, I know," Bucky scoffed, eyes never leaving Peter's face as he replied. 
"Bucky." Steve snapped. "I mean an actual problem."
Brows raised in surprise, Bucky paused only momentarily before rushing over to his husband. Peter shared a quick glance with Tony, worry coating his features as he followed Bucky into your room. 
"Come on doll, open up," Bucky was pleading through your bathroom door. Steve was standing just to the side of him, fingers threading tiredly through his blonde locks. Peter felt his brows furrow in confusion. 
"Nat, what's going on?" he asked quietly as you continued to argue with your dads through the door. Nat smiled knowingly.
"She's locked us all out. Says she won't talk to anyone except you wonderkid."
Peter felt his face flush bright red at the implication, and the butterflies that'd been laid dormant for so long fluttered hopefully in his stomach. They were quickly squashed as he caught your dad staring daggers at him, and he gulped once more. 
"Peter, would you mind?" Steve asked tiredly. Peter's eyes widened and he physically turned to see if there was another Peter he could possibly be talking to. 
"M-me?" he squeaked. Steve nodded, and Peter cautiously approached your bathroom door before knocking lightly with shaky hands. "Y/N/N? It's me, can you open the door please?"
"Petey?" you mumbled through the door. Peter's heart felt heavy at the way you sounded so small. It was clear you'd been crying more, and his hands twitched with the desire to comfort you. 
"Yeah it's me angel," he murmured. "Can you come out? Please?"
You hesitated for a moment, and Peter would've sworn the everyone in the room was holding their breath waiting for your response. 
Peter sighed, deflating like a balloon and leaning his forehead against the door.  
"Come on sweetheart, Peter's here now like you wanted. Can you please unlock the door?" Steve pleaded. 
"No! You guys are just gonna make him leave as soon as I'm out, and I don't want him to go!" you protested stubbornly. Bucky clapped his hands over his face in exasperation.
"Doll you know the rules, your...friend isn't allowed to stay overnight," Bucky retaliated firmly, glaring at Peter once more. 
"Then I'm not coming out!". 
Peter groaned in disbelief, head banging lightly against the door. This was not how he thought his night would be going. Or rather morning? He realized suddenly that he didn't even know what time it was at this point. All he did know was that you and your dad were two of the most stubborn people on the planet, and he might be stuck outside your bathroom door for the next few days if one of you didn't relent soon. His eyelids grew heavy at the mere thought, entire face pressing against the door in total exhaustion. 
"Okay," Steve interjected, hands raised in surrender. "Okay fine. Y/N, Peter can stay."
Both Peter's confused squeak and Bucky's roar immediately echoed one another, the two of them flabbergasted by Steve's concession.
"Steve. Absolutely not. No way," Bucky growled, eyes wide as he shot his husband a look of pure shock. Steve frowned at him, crossing his arms defiently across his broad chest. 
"Buck. It's late, I'm too tired to deal with this now. They can stay on the couch, in the living room that way we can keep an eye on them," Steve replied. Bucky gaped at him, eyes travelling between him and Peter as his mouth opened and closed wordlessly. "I mean for God's sake look at Peter! The poor kid's about to fall asleep standing up!"
"Hmm?" Peter hummed, too tired to lift his head much from the door. Natasha clicked her tongue, pity written all over her face. Bucky crossed his arms too, face dark as he contemplated things. After a period of tense silence, he finally sighed, arms falling to his sides. 
“Fine,” he growled. “But I’m not happy about it.”
“Okay,” Tony chirped, clapping his hands together and startling the half-asleep Peter. “So it's settled! You hear that Y/N? Spiderling can stay, so you can open up now.”
Peter glanced hopefully towards the door, praying silently for you to finally see reason and come out. The entire team stared for a few moments, everyone wordlessly waiting for you to respond. Slowly the sound of the lock clicking open broke the silence of the room, and Peter outwardly sighed in appreciation. You cautiously opened the door, innocent wide eyes scanning the room before you stepped out fully to sheepishly face the group. 
Your face was still paler than usual, though it was worlds better than the white-and-green color you’d been as you ran away. There were stains from your tears marring the soft skin of your cheeks, and your eyes sparkled with a look of such exhaustion and guilt that it took Peter’s breath away a little. Instinctually, he opened his arms for you and you gratefully stepped into the fold of his embrace. Burying your face into Peter’s chest like a little kid, you rubbed your nose against the soft fabric of his shirt and hummed lowly in comfort. Peter’s face rested lightly atop your head, eyes closing once more as a synchronized wave of exhaustion overcame you both. 
“Barf. Alright, seeing as this little show seems to be over with now, I’m going back to sleep,” Tony’s loud chuckle broke the silence of the room once more. The rest of the team muttered their agreement, everyone filtering out as they said their goodbyes. You detangled yourself from Peter, sleepily murmuring something about changing into your pajamas. Peter took it upon himself to leave your room then, not wanting to push your dads’ patience any further than you already had for the evening. Steve too left the room, clapping Peter on the back as he set out in the direction of his room and quietly thanking him. 
It wasn’t long before Peter found himself lying on the common room’s couch, covered in a mountain of blankets with you wrapped around his body and sleeping soundly. You were sprawled out on practically top of him, arms and legs tangled around him in such a way that he wasn’t entirely sure where your limbs started and his ended. You were lying facing one another with your arms and legs clung around his middle, fingers wound tightly into the small hairs on the back of his head, and face pressed into his chest. His own arms were wrapped securely around your body, still slightly afraid that you would fall off the side of the plush sofa even though you’d clearly locked onto him on your own. Despite the somewhat strange positioning of your bodies, Peter felt immense comfort from your presence; the butterflies in his stomach were dancing around joyfully as he sleepily appraised your features and tried his best to commit them to memory. Your face was adorably squashed a little due to the way you pressed it into his chest, and Peter couldn’t help but find you incredibly cute in this moment. Even with the clear line of drool running from your mouth pooling on his chest. 
Yawning quietly, Peter snuggled a little deeper into your hold and hummed happily when he felt your sleeping limbs pull him in closer. Finally ready to put this day to rest, he closed his eyes contentedly. He was nearly asleep, breaths slowing to an even pace when suddenly all the hairs on his body stood upright. Heart racing, he scanned the darkened room worriedly, wondering what could cause his senses to go haywire all of the sudden. When he could find no immediate sources of danger he almost chalked his body’s response up to a state of pure sleep-deprivation, and he was just about to settle in once more when he saw it. 
A figure, dark and hidden in the shadows of the room that had only the nearly rising sun as a source of light, sitting near the windows and watching the two of you. Peter’s heart rate immediately picked up speed as he willed his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Slowly, the figure came into focus. 
It was your dad. 
Bucky was sitting stoically in a chair, arms crossed as he sullenly watched the two of you. He caught Peter’s frantic gaze on him and smiled darkly at his daughter’s boyfriend. Motioning for him to continue, Bucky settled back into his chair with a threatening and somewhat gleeful expression on his face. Peter swallowed thickly, snapping his eyes away from the super-soldier and scrunching them closed as his heart thudded against his ribacge. You stretched out a little in your sleep -- completely oblivious to your dad’s presence as you happily cuddled into Peter’s embrace. Peter laid like that for an immeasurable amount of time, heart still pounding wildly and body frozen against yours. He felt paralyzed under the weight of your dad’s stare and wondered internally what he’d ever done to deserve the position he was in now. 
At least he was used to going without sleep, because it didn’t seem like he’d be getting any anytime soon. 
Taglist: @rororo06​
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fuzzbuns · 3 years
👀 Please tell us your thoughts on an Ichimatsu and Atsushi friendship when they're adults
Ok so originally I was gonna draw something out because I had a lot I wanted to joke about but haven’t gotten around to it... so!
My ramble (I can not emphasize the ramble part of this sentence enough. this is post is so long I'm so sorry) about Atsushi and Ichimatsu:
So I actually already thought the idea was funny way before the episode with them in it came out. We see in the movie that Atsushi and Ichimatsu are pretty familiar with each other in high school. Atsushi isn’t like directly in Ichimatsu’s friend group but they are seen hanging out in some of the photos/ the obvious karaoke scene. So like off the bat I think it would be funny if Atsushi got to know Todomatsu through Ichimatsu. I have a friend who is an ichi stan so we went back and forth about like different scenarios in which Atsushi is basically stuck babysitting Todomatsu for Ichimatsu and being unsure what to do with him because totty use to be like That. Also, the status of being known as “so-and-sos little sibling” is something I think would really mess with Todomatsu’s sense of self (speaking from experience) which we know he already struggles with and I love to make him suffer <3.
So the thought of them meeting up again after the mixer (to Ichimatsus dismay) and talking things out was already on my mind. But then I really started thinking about it again recently because MY OWN TWIN AND BESTIE decided to gang up on me on my own birthday..... literally sooo evil.  It was really funny even if it was at my expense and I was like “I could see Atsushi and Ichimatsu doing this to totty”. Atsushi seems like the kind of guy who would just go along with whatever evil scheme Ichimatsu is planning either because he has no idea what is going on or because he does and just wants to poke fun at Todomatsu. So I thought about drawing it out but never got around to it.
Then the episode with Atsushi came out and after the original shock of Atsushi Osomatsu san actually being in a skit wore off I was like.... did I manifest Atsushi and Ichimatsu interaction??? wow..... my influence... <3 and then after that I was like.... I really want them to be friends so bad.... it would be so funny....SO
THREE PARAGRAPHS OF BACKSTORY LATER LOL??? let's actually get into it and like disclaimer: I’m gonna be taking a gag anime way too srsly (also gonna touch on the suicide and depression stuff so tw for that)
So as adults I think it's fair to say that Atsushi and Ichimatsu have drifted apart pretty hard. Their only real connection at this point is Todomatsu and Totty doesn’t let his personal life with his family and his public life with his......... “friends” mix. Even at the reunion, we don’t see Ichimatsu wanting to interact with anyone there. When Atsushi shows up, Totty is the only one who really has a reaction. However, I think that the fact Atsushi is still in touch with Totty even after high school (which I can not emphasize enough how hard it must have been for Atsushi... so brave....) shows that he would be more than willing to reconnect with Ichimatsu.
I’m not gonna whip out my Atsushi Osomatsu San conspiracy board (its actually a PowerPoint......... this isn't a joke btw its a real PowerPoint) rn but I feel like it's safe to assume that Atsushi does genuinely like Todomatsu and he does put a lot of effort into being his friend. Todomatsu on the other hand............................ is..... you know..... not a great person LOL. So I think Atsushi approaching Ichimatsu after all these years to talk about Todomatsu is like pretty reasonable. Ichimatsu would probably be really annoyed and uncomfortable because he doesn’t like being reminded of high school or talking to people, especially someone like Atsushi. But I think their personalities would actually go really well together and they would be able to get along and have normal conversations after Ichimatsu gets used to him being around. Plus I think they would really connect over their mutual care for totty (tho I would argue unlike Ichimatsu’s platonic love for his sibling, Atsushi borders on romantic but I can not get into that rn that's what my crazed powerpoint is for... I'm just saying a heterosexual explanation for Atsushi is pushing it). 
So having Todomatsu like be the stepping stone for them to get back in touch I feel like it would also give Atsushi someone to be emotionally vulnerable with. ik the skit with him and ichi as an officer is like..... technically not “canon” but I'm gonna take the liberty of assuming Atsushi is still acting in character (even if exaggerated) because any characterization of Atsushi I can get I will run with. Atsushi probably wouldn't feel comfortable (or like couldn't even if he tried) opening up to Todomatsu about feeling depressed let alone suicidal and I think those are both topics Ichimatsu can deeply relate to and I think it would be sweet if they both had someone to talk about it (maybe with less of Ichimatsus enabling but Atsushi seems to appreciate the dark humor).
With this, we have a pretty good basis for like a friendly relationship (tho they probably don’t meet often because of Atsushi’s busy life and Ichimatsu’s introverted tendencies) but I think the friendship gets funny when Todomatsu is dragged into it because I'm biased Ichimatsu is evil and Atsushi probably thinks its funny. Off the bat, it is gonna annoy Todomatsu to see ichi and Atsushi getting close and Ichimatsu is gonna play it up literally just to piss Todomatsu off. Totty is gonna mention thinking about hanging out with Atsushi and Ichimatsu would be like “oh we are already hanging out that day” which is a lie but it annoys totty and he knows that if he calls Atsushi up and asks him to hang out with him instead of Todomatsu, Atsushi will play along just so he can hear Totty yell at him over the phone. 
I also think it's just funny to picture Atsushi peeking into alleys when he is walking around to see if he can spot Ichimatsu talking to cats. Atsushi just starts casually chatting Ichimatsu up about whatever but Ichimatsu is like “just cut to ‘the chase.... Totty is ghosting you again right?” and Atsushi is just like “.................... yea”. Like the idea of Ichimatsu awkwardly being the middle man between Atsushi and Totty is so funny to me because I feel like he would act annoyed but like secretly he likes knowing what’s going on/ keeping an eye on their relationship. like Ichi tries to understand why Atsushi is so set on being Totty's friend when Totty is the way he is and the more he learns the more he is just like “....... these bitches ga-
at this point, I feel like I have nothing else to really add... just like the mix of genuine friendship for Ichimatsu and Todomatsu outside of the family.... Atsushi having someone to talk to about the things he can’t talk to Todomatsu with....... Todomatsu bullying....... Plus like I do genuinely think that just like how Ichi and Atsushi care about him, Totty in turn does care a lot about his brother and (debatably) Atsushi too so while it would annoy him a little to see Ichimatsu and Atsushi gang up on him I think he would secretly really feel comfort knowing that Ichimatsu made friends and that he thinks Atsushi is a good guy. Totty already knows Atsushi knows him from highschool so there is no point in being overly fake with Atsushi but I feel like that added layer of having Atsushi and Ichi be friends would let him open up a bit more and at the end of the day I'm a Todomatsu stan first, human second so that's all I care about. like at the end of the day I just like atsutodo and I like 110 because atsutodo is objectively funny (and like character development for totty or something ig) and 110 is the best sibling duo so any excuse to have both interact I will take it! 
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Head Cannons First Dates with the Dogs and Eddie
* You met him when he approached you at an Indy movie viewing in your town. You were getting Mike and Ike’s and he totally interrupts your transaction with the clerk by asking you your favorite flavors. Although a little annoyed you think he is adorable. You indulge and tell him your favorites and he tells you the entire history of the candy. After the movie he finds you and asks if you want to get a late night snack to discuss the film.
* You both go to a dessert bar around the corner. Although you offer to share a piece of pie, you know to be romantic he rejects the requests and orders his usual brownie with whipped cream.
* He goes on and on about the cinematography and plot.
* You add your own opinions and he is intrigued and fascinated
* You end up talking until closing.
* He walks you back to your car and offers to follow you home to make sure you get In safely.
* You decline although you didn’t think it was weird.
* He calls you the next day to chat and ask you out again
Mr. Pink
* you meet Mr. Pink in the wine shop in your neighborhood. He saw you before you noticed him. He kinda followed you around the store but tries to not make himself seem obvious or weird.
* You pick up a bottle of red to inspect. He peers over your shoulder “that one is kinda overpriced for what you get. If you’re looking for a full bodied red I would recommend this one.” As he hands you another bottle of red wine.
* You thank him with a smile. He barely gets the words out “you’re welcome”. He of course scurries away to check out the alcohol accessories.
* After you check out he is super nervous but trying to keep it together. “ hey I don’t normally do this but I would regret this for years if I didnt, but I was wondering if maybe I can take you out sometime.” Of course you say yes because he is super adorable.
* The day of the date you’re low key super excited. The appointment you had before your date canceled so you could meet earlier. You call him to see if he wanted to get together an hour earlier but when you call he assumes youre cancelling. “Oh I figured this would happen, really don’t feel bad... oh earlier?? Yeah sure. I’m free.”
* He takes you to a low key jazz lounge. You are wearing a tight fitting black slip dress. When he sees you his eyes get big and his jaw drops. “ wow you look incredible” he says as he greets you. You lean to kiss his cheek.
* Although he is trying his best to stay calm ans confident, he def is having a hard time staying focused on the music. Halfway through the evening you reach for his hand and ask if he wants to dance, the band is playing “In a Sentimental Mood”.
* He is super embarrassed about his dance moves so he groans and reluctantly gets up.
* You slow dance and put your head on his chest, his heart is racing!!!!
* He suggest going back to his house for more wine and to show off his record collection.
* You listen to a few records, totally impressed by the wine and music. Since you are both a little tipsy, you take an Uber home.
* He walks you to the car and you give him a soft kiss on the lips. Of course when you pull away his eyes are still closed and almost like he is in a trance.
* He text you good night and he hopes to see you again soon.
Mr. White:
* You meet white at a mutual friends birthday party in their backyard. You’re helping to bring out drinks and you catch him looking at you from across the yard. He is looking a little too long so you smile and give him your innocent big doe eyes.
* Throughout the afternoon you steal glances at each other. But never actually speaking. You of course are tucking your hair behind your ears and flirting from a distance.
* When the party is winding down and you’re bringing a few glasses inside, he saunters in a few feet after you. Causal but determined.
* “Can I help you with anything?” You turn around slowly and smile. “No, I’m practically done. Is there anything I can help you with?” You ask in a very seductive tone as you take a few steps toward him. Larry raises his brows and looks around. “ well since you’re offering... Could you explain to me who decides to have a garden party on the hottest day of the year?” You both laugh and gaze at each other. “I’m Larry.” “I’m y/n” Larry says “I’m about to head out but I would love to spend more time with you and get to know you. Would I be able to give you my information?” You smile and take his number.
* You wait a few days before you call him. When he answers he tries to hide his excitement when he finds out it’s you. “Oh hey Y/N I didn’t think you would call. It’s good to hear from you.” During your conversation he finds out you’ve never been to a baseball game.
* Of course your first date is to a brewers v dodgers game. He buys everything and is shocked to find out you’re a vegan. He finds a stand that has vegan options and buys whatever you want. Larry spends the game explaining the rules in a patient and calm way. He finds little ways to touch your hand and makes jokes to make you laugh. He asks questions about you throughout the game truly wanting to know more about you.
* At the 7th inning stretch he puts his arm around your waist to pull you closer as you watch the highlight reel. He tells you that he is having a really great time. You are as well.
* You of course buy a dodgers hat, Larry refuses to make the purchase since he is a Brewers fan.
* At the end of the game you walk around the stadium a bit laughing and talking before getting kicked out. Larry drives you home. He drives a classic muscle car (duh).
* He opens the door for you and let’s you out. He grabs your hands and pulls you into him as he leans against the hood of his car. His muscles are very defined through his shirt. He holds your hips into him as you both continue to talk for a few mins.
* Your eyes lock and you lean into him and make out passionately. LArry walks you to your door, holding hands slowly walking to the door . He kisses you again and is respectful to not ask to come in although you would have said yes.
* When you’re done getting ready for bed you call him to make sure he got in safely, “y/n I was just about to pick up the phone to call you, tonight was wonderful. I’d love to take out again.” You agree and make a baseball reference. “Aw sexy, smart, and a fast learner... I need to be careful. Sweetheart I would love to see you sometime this week. Let me know when you’re free.” Your heart melts and you set up a time.
Mr Orange.
* you know he pretends to be cocky AF and it kind of turned you off at first.
* You meet him through Holloway who is dating your best friend. Holloway promises he is a nice guy and a great cop. Evidently he has seen photos of you on social media and practically begged for an introduction.
* Holloway has a viewing party for a high profile boxing match, of course he invites you (even though you don’t care about the sports), Orange, a few cops from the precinct, and other friends.
* Holloway introduces you to Orange. Orange tries to play it super cool to the point where he comes off as nonchalant, uninterested and arrogant. The moment you shack his hand he says nice to meet you and walks away to a fellow officer across the room. You look at Holloway and look at orange who is involved in a completely different conversation now, like “what was that?” Throughout the rounds Orange is cheering and jeering on and taunting the guys during the under card, not paying attention to you at all. Holloway pulls him aside before the headliner, and asks him why he isnt making an attempt to talk to you. Orange says “man she is way too hot and way out of my league. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m not going to embarrass myself.” Holloway encourages him to at least to make small talk. Orange walks over to you with his hands in his jean pockets all shy. He asks if you’re enjoying the match and you lie and say yes. Of course you’re in the kitchen with the women laughing and not paying attention. Holloway enters the kitchen and joins his GF by you and orange to help lighten the mood. Orange is obviously out of his element. The final match is announced and you offer to watch it with him. During the Main card you sit next to him. He is too nervous to taunt anyone and sits quietly. A cop that Orange works with says “hey y/n needs to come around more often, I have never heard Freddy this quiet before.” Everyone erupts in laughter but Freddy turns beet red.
* Everyone leaves and Freddy Irish good byes without getting your information.
* Holloway’s girlfriend has to be the one to give you freddys number. You reluctantly call because why didn’t he at least say bye... and he picks up after the first ring.
* You meet him at the modern art museum, there is an exhibit on comics and anime. Freddy opens up and tells you all about the artwork and his love for comics.
* Half way through Freddy has to go to the bathroom. As he washes his hands he reminds himself he is super cool and he is the Barretta. He convinces himself you like him and you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.
* At the end of the exhibit Freddy is nervously chatting about how he didn’t expect you to come and how stoked he was, while he is rambling you kiss him to shut him up. He is stunned 😍.
* When you get home, Freddy immediately calls you. Some classicSpeed Racer movie is on to put on a movie channel and he thinks you’d like it. You get into jammies and stay on the phone and watch it with him. He is super excited as you both watch the movie over the phone ans chat.
* When you start getting tired, Freddy asks if you want to grab coffee in the morning before you start your day. You of course say yes.
Nice Guy Eddie.
* you meet Eddie at a dive bar after work while you’re getting drinks with coworkers.
* Eddie asks if you want to play pool. You say you don’t really play often but sure. He teaches you the basics and then challenges you to a match, “if you win Your next round is on me.” You ask what if he wins since that’s more likely... “ you have to let me take you out this Friday.” He says with a grin. “It’s a win win.” While playing you ask for extra help with Eddie standing behind you pressed against you with his hands on yours directing you softly on how to shoot the pool stick . Eddie wins the match and still buys you your next round.
* On Friday Eddie picks you up and let’s you pick the music. He takes you to a very nice Italian restaurant with white table clothes and candle lights. He hold your hand across the table and speaks low and softly to you. You’re literally melting.
* You can tell he is a big deal the way he carries himself and the way the staff responds to him.
* After dinner you hold hands walking around the busy neighborhood. Eddie stops you in front of a lit fountain and cups our cheeks in his hands. He kisses you softly on the lips. Eyes closed still smile and you gaze into his eyes. He kisses you again as you melt into him.
* Eddie takes you back home and you proceed to make out with him playing Sinatra and candles offering the only light
* Before things get too far you tell him he should go. He doesn’t Protest but is obviously a little disappointed. He is the type that gets everything he wants so you have to hold back some.
* He calls you a few days later. He would have called sooner but he got busy with a job.
* You suggest your next date be he takes you around to places that are significant to him from his childhood.
Mr Blonde
* soooo smooth.
* You don’t even remember when you first saw blonde, you just saw each other often enough at random places that he decided to speak to you. This time it was at a gas station... yes random as hell. You’re pumping your gas watching the meter ans you hear a voice come behind you “Hey are you stalking me?” He asks you in a smooth raspy tone, eyes squinted a bit but he was obviously joking. “Hmm I could ask you the same thing. I swear I see you everywhere.” He chuckles ans scratches his thumb nail above his eyebrow lowering his head looking up at you “everywhere huh?” Obviously implying something sexual. You roll your eyes but you unintentionally blush because well guilty. “Well what’s your name? I want to finally be able to tell my friends WHO this beautiful woman is I’m always running into.” You are literally struck, “I’m Y/N” you say almost in a dream like trance. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Victor Vega. I’m hoping the next time I see you it’s a little more planned.” Information is exchanged.
* Vic calls you the next day and asks if you have plans for dinner. You of course don’t.
* You drive over to vics and he is fixing his old school truck in the driveway. When you pull up he glances up and wipes his hands with his handy rag. He Is wearing a white tee shirt and dark blue jeans. He walks down to your car and greets you. He leads you inside and says he needs to get changed. He gets changed quickly and you are off. He drives down the Pacific highway along the coast. The sun is setting and the air is warm. You finally get to this little Mexican restaurant on the side of the road overlooking the ocean. The owner and his wife run the place. You’re led to a table for two outside.
* Vic is peering into your eyes and entranced by your conversation.
* You finally order and eat.
* After you eat the couple bring out a few shots of tequila and sit with you both. You all laugh ans chat and drink like you have all known each other for years.
* You hug the couple, a little tipsy but still coherent. Vic is able to drive no problem.
* As you drive up the coast back home, Vic has his hand on your thigh while he is driving. You lean closer into him and his hand gets higher
* When you get back to his house you are so revved up going home is not an option. You and Vic start kissing from the door and he leads you towards his bedroom.
* You end up spending the night and wearing his t-shirt to bed. The next day you bashfully get ready to go home as Vic is waking up. “Hey you’re not leaving already are you? At least let me make you coffee.” Vic goes to the kitchen and starts the coffee maker shirtless ans only wearing pajama bottoms. You end up staying at his house until the late afternoon. He has to get ready for a job and you need to get home to your own house.
* He calls you the next day and he tells you he already knows you’re something else. From then on you’re practically inseparable.
ok first of all i am SO sorry this took me forever to read and post but OMGGGGG I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! mr brown’s one has such a true romance vibe, also him telling y/n the entire history of the candy you’re buying is so accurate i can fully imagine that 😹😹
and the last part of eddie’s! like going around places from his childhood, i’ve never thought about that before but that’s so sweet and on point :’) i wonder what kind of places that might be? seriously though this is so great and i hope you’re doing amazing 🥰🥰 thank u so much!!!
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crowned-ladybug · 6 years
Marvin from the rivals au for that character thing or just in general bc I love him so much and I want to know more about him
This got so long, I’m so sorry. This is like 2k words bc if allowed to talk about this boy then i could talk Forever. Oops
(With the meme it’s here btw)
Occasional sleeptalker. Usually just incoherent babbling, andJackie finds it hilarious to listen to if he's awake for it
Can braid his own hair perfectly without any trouble. Fear him
Shows his love of certain ppl by buying them lil gifts but hatesthe confrontation and awkwardness of giving them to them so heusually just leaves them in places he knows they'll find them,usually with no indication that they're from him either
Colour codes Everything
Has his own way of organising things that makes sense to Him okaybut he can't really explain it to anyone else. It annoys poor Jamesonto no end bc he organises shit to help with his anxiety and MarvinKeeps Ruining It
His reaction to Chase and Jackie wanting to get up to impulsivefun shit is "sure, go ahead, just don't hinder whatever I'mdoing" (or sometimes he joins them) and Schneep is sodisappointed in him for not helping him keep them in check instead
Has a fuckin perfectly figured out skincare routine and he'sdragging all the others up with him
Generally v good at lazy/spa day kinda self-care
Has ADD (tho all the egos have ADD/ADHD tbh)
Chase has absolutely compared him to Mettaton X at some point andMarvin doesn't know how to react to that
Gets cold super easily and Hates It. Is an absolute lil bitchabout it and won't stop whining until he can get warm again(favourite way to do that is to cuddle Jackie, and he just goes allhappy and melty from it, but I still wouldn't try to talk to him if Iwere you. And Jackie is a good bf who puts up with Marvin's stupidcold hands and face)
Has two modes when cuddling btw, he either just lies peacefullywith someone (mostly Jackie) while having an arm draped over them orholding their hand or pressed up against them, or he turns into afuckin octopus. Good luck trying to get up, you won't succeed
Which has led to multiple instances of someone needing Jackie forsomething, only to find him unavailable bc he's completely trapped bya sleeping Marvin even if he himself is wide awake. But he enjoys ita lot too bc Hell Yes Affection and would never have the heart tomove him and wake him up
He's also p damn pointy so he's not really the most comfy personto cuddle but Oh Well
Also wakes up slow and says a lot of bullshit in the process (orstuff he'd normally filter out and not get to say, like sappy shit)
A flirty lil bitch
Knows Jackie blushes super easily and enjoys the fuck out of it.Constantly trying to figure out how little it'll take for him to beall red in the face (And he knows Jackie doesn't mind and he backsoff when he's told to. Don't worry. Consent is still there)
He on the other hand doesn't blush often so when he does it meanshe's Super Flustered
Ik i said this last night too but he knows how to dance and doesit p well tbh?? He used to dance a lot when he was a kid/teen butdropped it when he realised he was trans bc then he tried to be AsMasculine As Possible bc he felt like if he didn't he'd be "fakingit"
(Grew out of that eventually. He's so glad he did)
Insecure about more stuff than he would ever let you believe
Once he starts really caring about the other egos he tries So Hardto be good to them and secretly beats himself up sometimes for stillbeing an Asshole when he messes it up. Yeah it's angsty. He'd takehimself apart just to make it up to his friends for having been anasshole to them before
Not a morning person but he can still function if woken up early,he'll just make sure you know that he's Not happy about it
Very rarely gets dysphoric, really only if continously referred towith the wrong pronouns/gendered terms or if called his deadname
At some point he started shooting Jackie flirty looks while sayingbullshit in French (Jackie doesn't speak French) to fluster him butit got to the point where Marvin realised that if he wanted to keepdoing it he'd need to Actually Learn French instead of just spoutingthe same limited amount of bullshit all the time. And that's thestory of why he started studying a Whole Other Language
Likes flowers but knows fuck all about them
I don't think I'll ever properly type down how he got his scar sohere: before Marvin pledged alliance to the other egos, Anti alreadyassumed he would, and so he captured him and threatened to torturehim to get information out of him/possibly force him on his sideinstead. Marvin called his bluff and told him to fuck himself. Antigot angry, waved his knife a lil too close to Marvin's face duringone of his threats and ended up actually cutting him. Anti was superhappy bc holy shit I Did Something, and Marvin decided that he's hadenough and since he'd been saving his energy all this time, blew up acharge of electricity in Anti's face. He then proceeded to teleporthome (with the chair he was tied to still attached but uhh. That partof the story is a lil less dignified so shh)
Anti has had a special place in Hell for him ever since (and withthis I'm realising that Anti is actually p fuckin bad at his job??Wow)
Says he doesn't like his hair messed with. He's lying.
But you gotta be Special and Important To Him to have permissionto touch his hair (or a hairdresser I guess). But Jackie is one ofthose ppl so he can mess with Marvin's hair all he wants (he evenlearned how to braid hair just to surprise him and lemme tell you,Marvin was Absolutely v surprised) Stroke and pet his hair longenough and he'll go all melty
His teeth are a lil bit pointier than average (and Jackie is sofucking gay for that and I'm shaming him)
Used to write poetry as a teen. Don't bring it up, he'sembarrassed.
Shoves all his feelings and problems in a box and hides them inthe attic bc He Doesn't Want Them
Can sing okay but doesn't do it often bc it's not Perfect so it'sBad. Hums more often tho
He's scared of a bunch of stuff in horror movies (and triggered bysome) but No One is allowed to know that. He's glad most of theothers don't much like them either and thus they don't watch themtogether anyway. He really doesn't want others to see him scared bche thinks it'd make him look weak and ridiculous
(Yes, he double-standards himself vs other ppl a Lot. Being scaredor having bad mental health or messing up is only bad if he does it.But you didn't hear that from me.)
Pokemon is one of his biggest and longest-lasting hyperfixations
Holy shit I've never drawn him in a suit but my dudes he looks SoPretty in a well-fitted suit, Holy Fuck. Give him a lapel flower andit'll be Perfect. No one can resist that amount of charm
Knows how to walk (and even run and dance) in high heels but can'tfucking stand them (no pun intended, he just finds them reallyuncomfortable)
Will be stunned silent if anyone assumes he doesn't absolutelyAdore Jackie, both bc How Dare You and bc he's trying So Hard to be agood bf is he really That Bad at it?
Pressure is not his main stim but it's the best way to bring himout of a panic/anxiety attack and just ground him in general, espwhen he can't use his magic or doesn't think to use it. (He doesn'thave any weighted stuff so in others words: lie on him.) Once hecalms down enough he'll hopefully start doing his vital-readingmagic, which should help calm him more
(Also yeah, the whole vital-reading that I've probably talk aboutjust Way Too Much already but jic I'll mention it again anyway: hecan use his magic to read other ppl's vitals. It calms and comfortshim. He mainly does it to Jackie, who has given him blanketpermission for it)
Favourite stim is fondling with squishy things (like those foamanimal keychains??) and scraping stuff like candle wax or soap (itwould probably be chewing if he actually realised that that is aValid Stim but he Doesn't)
Has his own apartment for a while still after moving in with theother egos bc he doesn't expect it to last. He sells it about a yearlater
His job is being a magician too and doing his shows that bring inAbsolutely enough money for him to not have to get another job or doshows like every other night. Ppl don't know he has Actual MagicPowers which makes a lot of things easier for him
His masks are all self-made bc he didn't wanna chance lettinganyone else do it, and he's had many less fabulous ones before bc healways wants Better. The gold patterns on the one I've drawn him withbefore are covered in glitter. He has a couple other ones he usestho, all different styles and shapes and colours for the sake ofvariety. He always wears matching make-up (mainly eye make-up andlipstick) for his shows
The scoreboard on the fridge (a piece of paper where they trackevery time him and Jackie defeat each other in Anything At All) washis idea, but it was Jackie who drew the stick figure renditions ofthe two of them on it (so it was a joint effort, really. Yeah,ironic. Or typical)
Has no shame when it comes to PDA as long as it isn't suggestive,but Jackie is a lot less sure about it (esp when out in public) soofc he respects that
That also means that if Jackie decides to hold his hand in publiche gets So Fucking Giddy you have No Idea and also you wouldn'tbelieve it even if you saw
Speaking of giddy. If you manage to get him to start talking aboutJackie (not a hard thing to achieve tbh) he will get so happy andgiddy and excited and Will Not Shut Up okay. Or at least it'll takehim a While to realise that he's rambling and has completely shed hiscool exterior. He just really loves his bf okay and he kinda justwants everyone to know how great he is
Can remember names and face p well but numbers and dates? Nah son.You better believe he has to make memos and calendar entries on hisphone for Everything. He's glad he can remember his own birthday,almost everything else he just kinda remembers (so only as specificas season or month). He feels bad about it tho, esp when he has tocheck like twice a day coming up to an important date that yes, it'sstill two days away, he didn't miss it
Has the kinda handwriting that's v pretty to look at but is anabsolute Pain to try to read
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a-walk-in-silence · 6 years
Just A Dream
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: You’re in the delivery room, having a baby, but something is just missing from  your life. A dream helps you feel better about everything.
Warnings: Infinity War spoilers kinda?, semi-descriptions of birth, off-screen character death, cursing, family drama, bad parenting (smh Howard)
A/N: Y’all, ik it isn’t WCBB or my other writing challenge prompt but I saw Mamma Mia 2 and I fell in love with one song in particular just because the scene it happens in is so good and so tear worthy (I loved the whole show tho and all of the songs are 10/10). So thus, this song fic was born!
Y/N - Your Name
Y/N/N - Your Nickname
Y/H/C - Your Hair Color
Y/E/C - Your Eye Color
Song Inspiration(s):
My Love, My Life - Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Cast Recording
I’ve never felt this strong
I’m invincible, how could this go wrong?
No here, here’s where we belong
You screamed in pain, clutching Steve’s hand for support. Contraction after contraction, it never seemed to end. Your forehead was drenched in sweat, plastering your Y/H/C to your face.
With is free hand, Steve pushed your hair out of your face. He was clearly flustered and so unsure of his movements. “It’s going to be okay,” he tried to reassure you.
“You try pushing a damn baby out of your fucking body, Steven Grant Rogers!” you practically screamed at him before grasping his hand as another contraction hit. You finally whimpered as it passed, your head slamming into the back of the raised bed. “I can’t do this...”
“No, no, no, you can do this.” Steve gave your hand a tight squeeze before meeting your Y/E/C eyes. “Come on, Tony wouldn’t want you to give up here. Besides, you’re so strong. You’re almost there. Come on, Y/N, you can do this.”
Gulping, you nodded despite the fact that you felt so much pain and a huge want to just give up. Still, you knew you had to do this, not just for your loving husband clutching your hand. You had to do this for Tony.
Your brother was killed after the events of the Infinity Wars, as it would be come to dubbed in mainstream media, had come and passed. After everything had been fixed, everyone brought back from being turned to dust... your brother didn’t make it. And he never did find out about your pregnancy.
The thought of your brother, your last living blood relative, being gone made your heart swell. No, you would make it through this. You would make it through this god damn birth because, dammit, Tony wouldn’t give up... if he could ever have a child.
You laughed at your own thoughts, which seemed to make Steve relax. You looked towards your husband and nodded. “Okay... okay, I can do this.”
His lips pressed against your forehead before Steve smiled at you. “I know you can, doll. You can do this.”
I held you close to me
Felt your heart beat and I thought: I am free
Oh yes, and as one are we
In the now and beyond
Nothing and no one can break this bond
A cry filled the air as you relaxed back into the hospital bed, exhausted. “It’s a boy,” the doctor shouted over the cries of the newborn baby.
A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you looked over to Steve. His eyes were lit up, a huge smile tugging at his lips. A boy, your own little boy...
The small baby was placed into your arms, pulling you from your thoughts. Your voice choked on a small sob, looking at the small squirming baby. “Hello, my love.” You smiled brightly at the baby, your fatigue slowly edging away as he silently squirmed in your arms. With the baby pressed against your chest, you could feel his hammering heartbeat. You practically melted from the overwhelming joy that filled your body. “My boy...” you mused.
Steve smiled and kissed the top of your head as all six feet of him leaned down to your height to watch your baby move around in your arms. “He’s amazing,” he responded, almost as dazed as you were by the small infant.
“I want to name him Tony,” you quickly said, not even aware that the words had left your own mouth for a moment.
However, you were aware of Steve’s response to what you had assumed were your thoughts. “I think Tony is a great name,” Steve responded, holding you closely to him. “Tony James.”
Slowly, you nodded, silent tears falling from your cheeks. “Tony James Rogers. Named after his uncle, godfather, and you. It’s perfect,” you finally said to fill the silence, smiling down at the bundle. You held your son close to your chest, a small laugh escaping your throat. “Our parents would be proud, wouldn’t they?”
“Yeah, yeah they would,” he said, kissing the top of your head once more. “As annoying as Howard was, he would be proud of you.”
“Even if he never showed it.” You couldn’t help but sigh at the memory of your father. You had been young when he had gone from the world, and it still hurt. If only you had had more time with your father...
The doctor cleared his throat, once again pulling you from your train of thoughts. “We’re going to have to run some tests on little Tony, but we should be done soon. In the meanwhile, I would suggest you get some rest, Mrs. Rogers. Captain, you’re more than welcome to stay by her side.”
You handed the little bundle over to the doctor before relaxing back into the bed. “Please don’t leave me, Steve,” you murmured to your husband, relaxing into the bed.
In answer, he dragged the chair from the window over to the bed, sitting down and grabbing your hand. “I wouldn’t dream of leaving you, doll.”
You smiled softly to him before finally lulling off into sleep.
Like an image passing by, my love, my life
in the mirror of your eyes, my love, my life
I can see it all so clearly
All I love so dearly
You stirred gently before lifting your head to take in your surroundings. You were no longer in the hospital room in those silly gowns. Instead, you were standing in your childhood home.
“You know what?” your father said, smirking as he leaned against the piano that was in the grand foyer. “I never thought I’d see Steve with anyone but Peg. Even if she got married to someone else. Hell, I figured he was as good as dead, but then he showed up in... 2011, right? Well, rambling aside, I have to say I’m proud that he ended up with you, even if he is some 65 years older than you.” The man who stood before you was hardly the man you grew up with, he was much younger and definitely more relaxed. He was easily in his early 30′s. Still, he was definitely still your father.
“Dad?” you asked, shocked.
“Hiya, Pumpkin.” He pulled you into a quick hug before he took the time to admire you. “You sure have grown since I last saw you. You were 9 the last time I saw you in person. And I probably looked a helluva lot different, didn’t I?” He chuckled to himself before walking over to the small bar, pouring a tumbler of whiskey. “You want a drink? Childbirth isn’t an easy thing, your mother can vouch for that. She did it, twice.”
You shook your head in answer, looking around. “Is mom here? What about Tony?”
Howard only waved his hand in dismissal. “They’ll be here soon enough.” He took a seat on the white couch, patting it for you to sit beside him. “I figured I’d show up here early and get some talk time with my girl before everyone comes to congratulate you.”
“Talk?” you questioned, sitting down where he had motioned. “Talk about what?”
“You. How much you’ve grown. You know, you were a surprise to both your mother and I. You were a last minute surprise and, given both of Maria and I’s ages at the time, a complete and utter shock.” He laughed, taking a swig from his whiskey. “But you know what? I’m damn proud of you.” You scowled in response and he only sighed. “Your brother did the same thing when I told him. I know, I’m terrible at showing it. But I am proud of you. Of both of you.”
“You didn’t have a terrible way of showing it. You had a shitty way of showing it.” You cleared your throat, fully ready to mock some of the things he had said to you as a child, when a voice interrupted both of you from speaking.
“Howard, I better not see you antagonizing the poor thing,” said the soft voice of your mother. “She just gave birth to your grandson.”
Like reflections of your mind, my love, my life
Are the words I try to find, my love, my life
Yes I know I don’t possess you
With all my heart, God bless you
You stood up and turned to see your mother and brother standing there. You wanted to act normal, like you weren’t happy to see them, but the moment your eyes landed on Tony standing there, the same as you had last seen him, your heart broke.
So, instead, you ran up to your brother and wrapped your arms around him tightly, sobbing hysterically. “Tony, you’re here...”
His strong arms wrapped around you, too, holding you tightly. “If by here you mean whatever weird dream thing this is, then yeah, okay, I’m here.”
“Anthony,” said the warning voice of your mother, but you pushed her voice to the side.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, hiding your face in his chest. “I’m sorry I never told you about my pregnancy and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. I’m sorry, Tony... I’m so sorry.”
Suddenly, your arms were unwound from his torso as your brother held you at arms length. “Hey, none of that sorry crap. You shouldn’t have even been on the battlefield if you were pregnant, Y/N/N. Besides, I’m not sorry, especially since you named the kid after me.” He pointed a finger at your father. “You owe me money. Why the hell did you think she would name the kid after you any way?”
Howard only rolled his eyes, getting up to his feet to refill his tumbler with whiskey. Once it was filled, he turned his attention to the two of you. “I don’t owe you anything, Tony. We’re dead.”
“You made the bet, old man. Can’t pull this shit here.”
A calm hand landed on your shoulder, forcing your attention to your mother. Now she... she looked exactly as you remembered her. Her white hair was pulled back tightly in a bun, but her eyes were just as sweet as the day she left.
“My love, you need to wake up,” she said calmly, her smile soft. “Steve and Tony James are waiting for you.”
You took a step back and examined your family. Tony and Howard had finally stopped bickering and we’re giving you bright smiles. Your mother was leaning into Howard, her head resting on his shoulder. Once again, you felt tears threatening to spill
“Hey,” Tony said, pulling your eyes back to his brown ones. “Don’t cry, got it? And definitely don’t give up on my behalf. This kid needs you. You’ll see me again when you’re ready.”
“But I miss you. Why’d you have to go?” Finally, the waterworks started as tears started to stream down your face.
“Aw geez, come on, Y/N/N. What is it that Steve would say? Uh...” He racked his brain for a moment before snapping his fingers. “‘Every war has its casualties.’ Well, it sucks because it was supposed to be Pepper and I having the kid and all, but.... I suppose my nephew will have to do.” You rolled your eyes, fighting the smile that was threatening to take over your face. “Doesn’t matter. I still love you, kiddo. So go on and make the world a better place, got it?”
You simply nodded, unable to find the words to answer.
But I know I don’t possess
With all my heart, God bless you
You’re my one and only
You woke up in the hospital room and glanced over at Steve, who was on the phone in the corner of the room, talking away to whoever was on the other line.
“... Yeah Sam, I know. A boy... Yes, you can see him once we’re out of the hospital.” His eyes glanced over to you, lying on the bed, and a huge smile took over his features. “Hey, I’ll call you back, Y/N’s awake.”
He hung up the phone and returned to your side. “Hey, how long was I out?”
“Only about thirty minutes.” His hand brushed along your face, pushing your hair back behind your ear. “Doc said he’d be back in a couple minutes with little Tony and your release papers.”
You hummed in response, leaning into his hand. Your mind flashed back to your dream... dream? Was that the right word? Well, whatever it was, you thought of it, and of how your family was there and how much they loved you. And Tony... Your heart broke just a little, remembering your brother.
The doctor entered the room again, your son nestled into the crook of his arm with a stack of papers wedged between his arm and the side of his body.
“This little one is for you,” he responded, handing over the baby, “as are these.” The papers went to Steve. “All of the paperwork is signed for. You’ve given birth to a healthy baby boy. You’re set to leave whenever you’re ready.”
With that, the doctor once again left. You smiled down at your son and his brilliant blue eyes. Just like Steve. “Do you think he knows how much he’s going to be loved? And how many unofficial official aunts and uncles he’ll have?”
A chuckle came from Steve as he leaned down to look at his son. “I’m sure he does. Especially since Sam’s in the waiting room with some of the others, waiting to see the little squirt.”
The two of you laughed quietly to each other before looking back at Tony. You sighed in contentment before nodding your head. “Yeah. He’s going to be loved by everyone, I can feel it.”
@uservalkyrie @youreafangirl-harry @thedaydreamingwriter @starksparker
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ughseoks-main · 6 years
The Decathlon Boy
Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Summary: You lose decathlon to a boy from Midtown. A year later, you transfer to his school after being bullied at your previous one. What happens when you bump into him again?
a/n: ya it’s a lil longer than my last one ik!! only my second fic so go easy on me. also if ppl like this i could maybe make it into a series?
Requested by @minnie-marvel I hope you like it love!!
chapter 2
Bing! Bing! Bing!
Normally, the sound of the buzzer in your ears was a blessing. It gave you a rush, a surge of adrenaline. However, this time it wasn’t you or one of your teammates hitting the buzzer. It was a boy from Midtown.
No matter how fast you were, he was always faster, proudly hitting the buzzer and beaming out a correct answer. He was smart and charming, and it annoyed you so much that you began to think you might explode if you heard that buzzer one more time.
“We have now entered sudden death. The next correct answer wins the championship.”
You felt your heart rate speed up as you exchanged looks with your teammates. As soon as the question was asked, you began scribbling on your sheet of paper frantically. Almost done, almost done...
Your head shot up as you heard the buzzer go off. You immediately looked towards the boy, but saw that he was just as shocked as you were. Turning your head slightly, you saw a young girl pause, and then casually answer, “Zero.”
“That is… correct!”
The table next to you erupted in cheers along with the crowd as you and your teammates sat in silence. You couldn’t believe you’d lost. You and your team had spent all year prepearing for this decathlon, it was your life. As you felt yourself begin to spiral, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Glancing up, you found yourself staring into the deep brown eyes of the boy from the other team.
“Listen, I-” he began.
“What? Did you want to come and gloat over your victory?” you seethed, “Because if so, then you can just leave now.”
“No, not at all! I just, uh,” he swallowed and looked past you, “I wanted to say that you and your team did a really good job today, and I’m sorry you didn’t win.”
“Yeah, I am too,” you breathed, feeling slightly embarrassed at how you initially reacted, “thanks, I guess.”
“Hey, um-”
“Listen, you seem nice enough, but I’ve had a really rough day and I don’t need to be talking to one of the people who made it that way,” you interrupted him, “Congrats on winning or whatever, but please leave me alone, okay?”
With that you turned on your heel and left the boy standing there, seeing him for what you believed to be the last time.
--1 year later--
As you walked down the hallway of your new school looking for your locker, you couldn’t help but imagine all the laughs and whispers about you from other students. Deep down, you knew that they weren’t talking about you, but your anxiety took over and caused you to fall down a hole of stress and self consciousness.
After the national championship, the kids at your old school began to mock and tease you. It began with simple verbal insults to your intelligence, which you could handle. They were just looking for reasons to tease you about your dorkiness, and your loss at decathlon gave thema  perfect opportunity. However, it became too much when it got to the point of mocking your appearance and, on some occasions, physically hurting you.
It had become too much to bear and you begged your parents to let you switch schools. Initially, they’d tried to convince the school to do something about the bullying, but after another two months of continually escalating abuse and mockery, they gave in and allowed you to switch.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the boy walking right towards you until your shoulders hit and you jumped away with a squeak, causing the lockers beside you to rattle.
“I’m so sorry, please don’t hurt me, it was an accident,” you said quickly as you looked at the ground.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry- wait, what?” you heard a familiar voice pause as he processed your pleading, “Why would I hurt you?”
You slowly lifted your head up and gasped slightly when you looked into those memorable, deep brown eyes. It was him, the boy from decathlon last year.
“I-it’s nothing, sorry,” you said quickly, trying to get the interaction over with as quickly as possible. You were still shaken up from the collision and seeing his face again only made you more upset.
“No, it’s okay. My name is Peter, by the way,” he softly smiled, “What’s your name?”
“Uh, you can call me Y/N,” you managed as you shook his outstretched hand, “I should probably go ahead now, I need to find my locker before first hour.”
“Oh! I can totally help with that! That is, uh, if you need help-”
You tuned out his rambling for a minute as you thought about what you should do. On one hand, seeing him made you feel queasy and spending any more time with him would probably make you even more upset than you already were. However, you could really use the help, as you weren’t confident you could even find your locker before the bell rang.
“-I mean, it’s not a big deal, but like, I don’t really wanna get in the way if you don’t want me to-” “That’d be great, Peter,” you smiled.
“Yeah, okay! So, uh, let me take a look at that piece of paper you’re holding..”
As he looked down at the paper and then back up at you, you couldn’t help but notice his soft smile and kind eyes, or the way a strand of his chocolate brown hair fell across his forehead.
After a moment of staring, you slightly shook your head to knock yourself out of it. You barely knew Peter, and he’d indirectly caused one of the roughest years of your life. You silently told yourself that once he’d shown you your locker, it’d be the end of your interactions.
Little did you know, it was only the beginning.
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australiansanta · 7 years
idk if you’re in the mood to read this like idk you might be stressed or upset or angry or you might even be happy and #living and you might be like wtf im already living for it stop like trying to be positive but honestly i hope you guys are in a good place like i know mental health is such a... whats the word im looking for ....... ....... ...... ummm idk the only word i can think of is ‘iffy’ like i know mental health is such an iffy thing like it can change so quickly, intensely, at the drop of a hat, for weird/annoying reasons etc, and it can also change in such acute ways that are almost unrecognisable for even months and years before an individual even realises something may be off????? ok im rambling i think anyway i just wanna say i hope you guys are either in a good place or working towards a good place. i dont wanna be sitting here being like omg it gets better because trust me im not like #LIVING for it 24/7 but im at a point where i’m able to look back on my depressed times and be like hmmmmm wow???? wtf?? like honestly i dont remember so much of 2013-2015 but ANYWAYS ummm yea idk where im going with this LMAO ffs i just wnt you guys to know that there is more to life than what you may be feeling at the moment like literally the first time i saw my psychiatrist lmao i literally was like “idk i just feel like... i just know theres more to life....” like know theres a level of contentment/baseline happiness that i wasnt able to reach at that point in time for a multitude of reasons but anyways this isnt abt me soz to like be like helloooooo like look @ me but idk i just guess i wanna let u know that i been there at a low and i got help and im still not amazing and its taken some years and im still working on it in fact im seeing a new psychologist on the 12th of december omg but like!!!!!! im not seeing them for depression!!! bc i think im over it now!!! i think.... lol im still ike uummmmmmm but anyways now im jjust seeing them to work on my anxiety!!!!! so like ive pretty much conquered one thing and now im able to focus more on conquering the next!! 
WTF IM RAMBLING but like idk just...... there is more to life you will find happiness or you will actually be ABLE to experience joy n happiness and excitement and stuff just hang in there and take it day by day and try to appreciate the smaller things and recognise the love out there in your life and in your environment because its there i can guarantee it
WTFFFFF Fsorry for making a soppy post im like side eyeing myself and ill probably delete this soon but like yea lol even tho i might not know u, if we were able to meet in person whether at a party or idk how tf people meet randomly nowadays but if i met u and we were like helloooo lets be friends and swap numbers and hang out omg add me on fb etc etc just know i want happiness for you and that could be us one day!!! i dont wanna just be some random from the internet even tho theres nothing i can do to change that LMAO because thats literally what i am to you guys but like ???? omg idk ive just met so many people from tumblr whether its followers that have come up to me or mutuals or whatever adn now we are actual friends that hang out etc and its like ommggg i cant believe all u guys are real and i cant believe im just some random on the internet WTF i wanna be your friend omg
me: i cant belieeve im rambling sorry
also me: asfhsa ;dfhsa sa;fhjs fwej elf ;asdhfiu qwehf ashdf asjfhas f;sdfkalsdf
anyway yea ..... lmao imagine me giving you a hug and being like HELLOOO and thats my mood and thats what i want your mood to be too 
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