#by it not being a bad financial decision i mean that its only a bit irresponsible and i should probably save up for something more responsi
antennatoheaven · 1 year
i just realised that i've save up more than enough that i could, in theory, get a nintendo switch and it not really be a bad financial decision,,,,,,,,,, but i also kinda dont want to
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eisthenameofme · 2 years
The piano. It is approaching.
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tribow · 11 months
I don't get the discourse around supporting Tumblr.
Like if you give money to Tumblr you are supporting all of their bad decisions!!!
Okay, but then how do they keep the site alive? Ads? How many people are clicking on ads here? Tumblr hasn't been scraping every tiny piece of data they can get to sell it like Facebook does either. Should they start doing that? Or should they sell more ad space even though they're already known to be a site that isn't all the great for advertisers.
This is the only two routes I can think of for attempting to stay sustainable without the use of getting money directly from their users.
Someone's gotta pay to maintain this site and also pay all employees working to do so. This isn't a one man job you need a whole team for this. Tumblr costs quite a bit to maintain.
Is it wrong to pay for an online service you frequently use? I mean, let's imagine every Tumblr user magically unite to protest against all the changes to Tumblr they disagree with by making sure Tumblr gets no financial support. What would happen? Who is paying Tumblr's staff to listen to the demands of its community? Does anyone know how long that could take? Would that really save the site or would that send it straight to its doom?
To change topic a bit. Is financially supporting a company indicative of you agreeing with what they are doing? Is it not entirely possoble to critique a company in spite of your support? There's still things like review bombing and disrupting customer service. Besides, without being a paying customer you wouldn't have much of anything to threaten Tumblr with. If majority of the userbased was supporting with money it would be very scary for Tumblr if a ton of people really pulled out.
I don't know it just seems to me that people want to protest to Tumblr staff by just....doing nothing and continueing to use Tumblr. What does that do??? Do YOU want to become the product??? Tumblr could axe Tumblr Live right now all of those people complaining wouldn't give Tumblr a dime for it. These devs are fairly communicative. They have several blogs dedicated to development, there's devs with their own blogs who respond to the community and even post surveys for suggestions to other staff, they did a Q&A in Tumblr Live (annoyingly), and have been fairly transparent in clearly communicating their plans while keeping it very open to criticism.
I can't really say that about many other companies. Tumblr staff gives its users SO MANY avenues to communicate. It's almost too open. The staff can get harassed very easily (I'm sure some do). Are the people complaining about this site not using these avenues to get staff's attention? I don't see how not giving them money will get their attention. If anything it would make them more desparate to get money from us through other means than something as inoffensive as merch.
This is a website that you are using. Is it wrong to compensate those maintaining/providing this service as you use it? If it is wrong, then what are the alternatives? Am I just stupid am I missing something?
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sourlemon04 · 11 months
In regards to Project Moon
I don’t think I need to explain anything regarding the latest controversy of Project Moon, from the incredibly unprofessional firing of Vellmori from PM to the recent things coming out about PM’s CEO Kim Ji-Hoon. 
I think I share the same point of view that all of this is incredibly shameful and is an overall incredibly disappointing turn of events that changed the views we had of PM in just the last couple of days. Creating strong characters and basing them off from literature written by authors whose purpose was to defy the standards of society with their strong will and passion, just to not follow those same principles whenever they get applied presssure from a really stupid and shallow minded minority (who probably don’t even play any of the games anyway). 
All of that personally devastated me as, at least in my case with Limbus, I saw the main cast as an amazing representation of strong characters, both women and men, with actual defined personalities and charm, and the game itself having a deep importance on its lore and character development rather than pretty or hot designs for cumbrains to hold onto, and while I’d like to believe they will hold to their standards in that regard, I must admit that I feel like the future is uncertain...doesn’t help we have not gotten any actual official statement either since the day they announced they fired Vellmori, which btw is absolutely disgusting they wouldn’t keep one of their own and kick her out just for the pressure of a few individuals whose lives hold no meaning. As a small artist myself and one who found a lot of charm and personality in her artstyle, I find what they did with Vellmori and her career to be absolutely disgusting and for that I will not forgive unless she gets hired again.  Now regarding the community, I’d understand if people decide to jump the ship because all of this, I myself was thinking of it too despite being relatively new, but I think more than never we have to keep eachother the closest and support eachother, some people are taking it especially bad. Fanartists, fanfictioners, overall fan content creators, members of the community or even those who simply enjoy it casually, keep eachother close since it’s a way we can support eachother while all of this happens. It’s time for us to be closer. 
As for me, I will keep drawing Limbus characters, not because of devotion to the game but because they mean something personal to me outside of whatever PM and Ji-Hoon may do with them in the future. I may even get myself into either Ruina or LC just to understand the lore a bit further, but as it is for now, I do not plan to support PM in any of their decisions and much less financially...and speaking of, if you decide to cancel any purchase from any fan merch or commissions you may have gotten related to any PM project because of this, that’s understandable, but please remember the only person you’d be affecting is the artist and not Project Moon. Just be mindful of that, please.
Participating as a lurker and simply posting fanart, I can say the PM community is one of the most interesting and coolest communities I’ve seen (and perhaps partially been a part of). Keep eachother close, support eachother, and let’s hope for the best. The fight is not over. 
PD. I’m still drawing Ishmael X Quixote. Have a good day.
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ekebolou · 4 months
So I did start watching the live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I will probably keep watching it because I want to see what these actors do, but I also think it's a pretty good indication of How Not To Make a Good Adaptation, not because anyone is doing a bad job but because somebody with a financial spreadsheet and no spine was making all the final calls.
If you're looking at this show, I think it's important to understand its parameters to understand the creative decisions being made. There are a few that are great - it is the dreaded live-action adaptation of a beloved franchise. That it's a beloved franchise, however, means that meaty roles can be filled with underrepresented or underappreciated actors, so rather than being mad that it's a live-action adaptation, you can be excited that you're getting to see new talent or overshadowed talent in big, extended, emotionally varied roles. That it's live-action means we see these people get to do what they do best, so at least it's not CGI cats voiced by big-name celebrities instead of talented voice actors.
However, because it's Netflix, whose whole business model circles the drain of 'how to not pay or pay the absolute least amount of residuals or really any money to any creative or technical person or really any person not in the c-suite', it is an 8-episode season. It's an 8-episode season because they've cut 'filler', or as many would see it, 'character development', because 'filler' costs money. They want to make it cheaply and quickly, and finish it cheaply and quickly, on the back of its existent fame, so that any chance any of the people involved might conceivably develop favorable bargaining conditions, or even time to bargain, is headed off at the pass. For the guy with the financial spreadsheet, they can put out a lot of money to make it 'good' (avoid the 'mistakes' of previous adaptations) but only if they cut off any chance of anyone else making money off whatever favorable reception it gets. [This is my own belief. I don't believe anything anyone else has said about this, because all of these media companies and indeed many companies are run by cultural vandals, who understand nothing but how to lie to make money. Cut them and they wouldn't bleed, lies would pour out of the wound. Not to be dramatic about it or anything.]
That means you've got a 20-episode season shoved into an 8 episode season. But otherwise, the creative (not the c-suite, or spreadsheet guy) forces behind the show are working hard to make that a rewarding 8-episode season. So taking that as a starting point, they have made some interesting creative decisions, some of which work better than others. I don't really know why I'm writing this, except that I think it's actually a really great opportunity to learn what works and what does and why as a way of improving your own work.
{I guess I should say there's probably some variety of spoilers coming up? If that's even a thing that can happen at this point?}
If you've ever seen writing advice go by that says stuff like 'no prologues' or 'no dreams or flashbacks as exposition', this show gives you a good example of why that's shit advice.
The animated series (OG) starts, for the most part, in media res (not totally, that's for later). Sokka and Katara have a fight over fishing and waterbending, establishing a shitload of worldbuilding as well as solid relationship dynamics (siblings!), and they stumble on Aang, who is genuinely like a goddamn alien to them almost, which establishes significant change in the setting as well.
The live-action series (LA) starts by introducing Aang as exceptionally talented, and the Airbenders, and the concept of the Avatar (all through dialogue, except for the talent bit, where instead we get an audience 'ooh-ing' and 'ahh-ing' at what comes across, thanks to the dialogue, as arrogant high-jinks in perhaps one of the most annoying introductory scenes I've seen lately).
Actually, wait, I've already fucked up, because in fact the annoying scene was so annoying I forgot the show actually starts with some really good in media res dynamic action as a spy is chased through the streets of the fire nation trying to smuggle out plans to invade the earth kingdom- he's captured, though he manages to get the plans out, and we see it was really a clever ploy by the fire lord to distract everyone from his true intention, eradicating the airbenders, and then he absolutely gruesomely murders the spy by literally burning him to a blackened and charred husk on the spot.
So that's actually great.
But then things proceed chronologically. Aang is informed he is the Avatar and is also informed, verbally, of all of his virtues and the fact that this means he will be the best possible avatar, all of which is annoying. Aang leaves to think about his future in the place where things always make more sense, the sky, which is honestly impressive in its invocation of cliche in such a wholly fantastical world. The airbenders are wiped out viciously, which is a cool scene and it's honestly nice to see some of their resistance because they get undersold as combatants, but at a wholly vague distance Aang is somehow embroiled in a storm, part of a weather system so entirely separate from what's going on back at the temple it's nuts because we have no sense of where or how far he went to 'clear his head, in the only place where things make sense' because that's up, and it seems like it would be mostly just going straight up and not to a wholly separate environment, and also then there's an ocean and whoops, iceberg time.
It would be laborious to take account of the show don't tell violations - we're giving leeway to this because of a compressed timeline, really, and such critique is in itself a little annoying, even if it's true. You're going to have to tell some things. And I think they deserve some kudos for working in a few of the important worldbuilding concepts in kind of interesting ways, even if they're a little 'tell'-ish, like the firelord saying that if it were any other night than that of the comet (which also we don't fuckin' see? Like, we're literally in the realm of the sky and there is absolutely no one going, look at that comet, even coincidentally, as in like the camera just shows it when pointed up at the goddamn sky?) - like it if were any other night, the airbenders might have stood a chance against the invasion. Before he roasts the shit out of the last ones. Proud warrior bullshit - it's good.
And then we proceed to Sokka, Katara, etc etc.
But they've dramatically weakened the narrative impact of learning Aang's past, and paired it with a very dramatic weakening of his character development. There is a horrific punch in the OG as the water tribe folks come to realize what's happened, and try to introduce gently the idea that Aang is unaware of a significantly changed world, one change of which is that his people were brutally eradicated, something he doesn't even believe until he sees the temple for himself, triggering an emotional meltdown (avatar state). This meltdown is not mere grief, but the realization that he wasn't there not because he was 'clearing his head' before taking up his responsibilities, but because he was fleeing their onset entirely, denying his new role and the responsibilities that came with it. He is, in fact, very much part of the reason the airbenders were successfully eradicated if only because of this 'refusal of the call' and thus, as becomes clear over the course of the show, very much responsible for the 100 years of bloodshed that followed (ironically because of his evasion, a very airbender thing to do - flow and evasion are a big part of how that discipline works).
This Aang, however, went out for a stroll and missed some shit, through, really, no fault of his own. Arguably, it's Gyatso's fault, because if he had followed directions and sent Aang away to start training immediately, either when they became aware he was the Avatar or when he was given the final warning to deliver the news, he would have been nowhere near the temple during the invasion and on his way to being capable of combating the fire nation. It's not even really fucking clear why Aang was so far away or his head-clearing mission, as there is no strong emotional impetus for him to flee, because he's just been given the news of his role of Avatar couched within the utmost comfort and without any real indication of the time pressure on him to take up the role except 'you're supposed to leave now, but by now I guess I mean tomorrow because even though I said now we instead show you going to bed at the temple like normal'.
This means we're trying desperately to take seriously a 12-year-old saying 'he should have been there' for the monks who 'were there for him', which is like, sure, believable a child would think that, I guess, eventually, but like, in this world your ass would just have been roasted like everyone else's. Aang didn't refuse the call, he went for a walk. Which is like, totally normal reaction to heavy news. He didn't evade shit. Unlike a kid in the middle of a runaway plot getting stuck in a storm he's now just an idiot who went for a walk in the rain for some reason rather than going 'hmm, looks like bad weather, which I can see clearly and understand because I am literally in the fucking sky, my natural element, I think I shall take my pensive walk through that shit'.
Kids make dumb choices, though, so this isn't really a huge fault of characterization as much as a huge fault of narration. Failure to equip dramatic irony. Because imagine if you got the first scene, dramatic spy escape, but it just ended with an incredibly cliche 'that's just what I wanted to happen' before crisping instead of a full plot reveal, and then we cut to Aang's annoying introduction as is, skip the eradication, straight to iceberg, then Sokka and Katara... All of the sudden there's a lot of tension for the audience in seeing Aang come to grips with having woken up 100 years later. If you know the series already, you know why, but if you don't, you've preserved that mystery of 'what did that seemingly unconnected scene of intrigue and terror mean?' at the start of the show. Even though the characterization of Aang remains weak, the narrative buoys it by maintaining some tension while not necessarily altering the material as shot.
The problem is that then, the revelation of the eradication comes as a flashback, if it comes at all. But then, it was effective in the show to never show it, because it increased the sense of Aang's displacement, his strangeness, as he walks through what are essentially the ruins of the world he knew - ruined because he evaded his responsibilities. Now, that clause wouldn't occur in the LA, instead it would be 'ruined because I took a minute to reflect on life-changing news and have a bad sense of the weather' but then his switch to driving himself towards perhaps mistaken ideas of what he can do to make up for it, an increasingly desperate search for the right way to make things right again, will add a good sense of tension anyway. I mean, you could compare it to something like Demon Slayer, where ultimately it wasn't anything but the normal, day-to-day decision making - and maybe a mistake of staying out a bit too late - that led to the main character being the only survivor of the slaughter of his family, which leads to his quest and provides plenty of raison d'etre on its own.
Instead, LA Aang clings to the comforting words of his mentor that told him he would be a slap-bang Avatar from the get-go, and the audience (or over-twelves at least) understand he bore no real responsibility for being absent for the massacre, and while he continues to misunderstand the state of the world as-is as different from the world he knew, it becomes creepily apparent that his representation of a nostalgic period of 'peace' is being presented as superior to and the appropriate goal of the jaded, traumatized, and abused understanding of those who have lived through war. Instead of being alien, or irresponsible, he's just pure and untouched.
And that's both creepy and a shitty way to set up a story. And I think it isn't intentional, because the characteristics Aang brings to the war-torn world around him are genuinely praised and seen as desirable in the OG show, too, and him losing those, even temporarily, is a terrific point of conflict in that show. Changing the order of events to be less chronological (or, as in the show, demonstrating a change in the state of the world by, in fact, changing the story outline given as prologue before each show [remember them doing that? I had to re-watch before I noticed but they did] talk about show don't tell violations that fuckin' work). would at least increase the sense of Aang's alienation by disassociating his experience from the main timeline, and the perspective of our main characters, thus preserving more of sense of dramatic tension, upping the stakes, emphasizing important moments of growth, etc.
And, I mean, honestly, fucking about with story structure is like the easiest and cheapest way to do this, so it really struck me that the adaptation wasn't using it despite being otherwise forced to cheap condensations of events and storylines. I mean, that's why you're supposed to avoid it, because it's cheap and easy and often done ham-fistedly. So this was a good example of why use of prologue and flashback could honestly improve a story without significant changes to the material or characterization.
They should change those things. It would make it better. But, like, there's just some editing of the storyline that could also make it better. They should also teach the actor playing Aang how to cry on command, but, like, that's a child actor, a little guy, he's improving as he goes and doesn't really deserve to be chided. Maybe they didn't want him to cry, so the director should really be talked to about that because you think there'd be some really snotty tears at incinerated husk of your former friend and mentor and the destruction of your whole culture, but yeah.
Tears wouldn't help if there's no support in the narrative for the drama anyway, so maybe it doesn't matter.
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leporellian · 2 years
Why I Chose Every Character That Went Into The Opera Playing Cards
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so! if you are unaware, one of my Products(TM) that i sell are whole opera-themed card decks. they are probably one of my favorite projects that i've worked on (and you can get them on my etsy). i realized that i never did actually go into the way i chose opera characters for each playing card here, which is silly bc honestly figuring that one out was the most difficult part of the process. i decided instead of focusing on specific operas, i'd focus on the cartomancy meaning behind every playing card. i looked at each one, figured out who they reminded me of, and then went from there; ground rules being every character only got one card and no opera could have more than 3 card representations in the deck.
i should note that cartomancy meanings vary by source to source so mine might not be fully 'accurate' to everyone. i should also note that while i find it a fun idea, i don't actually have any supernatural beliefs regarding cartomancy (or everything else) and took it as a literary analysis thing more than anything.
without further ado: every card meaning and character on it.
also i spent like 2 hours on this post so. Ha ha
THE SPADES (regarding challenges and overcoming them)
MEPHISTOPHELES, THE ACE OF SPADES: The Ace of Spades, traditionally the first card in the deck, stands for 'death' and endings. It can also stand for all sorts of other bad things; spite, misfortune... but the Ace of Spades isn't necessarily a 'bad' card. It can mean endings of anything, deaths of anything both literal and metaphorical.
AZUCENA, THE TWO OF SPADES: The Two of Spades can stand for deceit, change (particularly regarding identities from what I can tell), and difficult decisions. It can also suggest uncertainty and a removal, as if this change in identity wasn't planned but rather forced by circumstance.
COUNT ALMAVIVA, THE THREE OF SPADES: Infidelity, particularly in marriages. Poor communications, opportunity running dry, troubled relationships; the Three of Spades has it all in one unfortunate package.
VIOLETTA, THE FOUR OF SPADES: The Four of Spades is traditionally associated with illness; sometimes even just the lingering worry of it. However, it carries the dual meaning of broken promises: Either you will be able to fulfill a promise, or someone you love will break one for you.
SIEGFRIED AND FAFNER, THE FIVE OF SPADES: The Five of Spades stands as something of a 'starter' problem, a challenge you will rise against for now. You might have greater challenges in the future ahead of you, but for now you will find success against this first difficulty. Hooray!.....?
TOSCA, THE SIX OF SPADES: Improvements, positive change, purpose, rebellious upswing. The Six of Spades is never the answer to a conflict, and there's often the implication that problems will go on. But in the moment there is this little bit of revolution, this little commitment to making life a bit better.
EUGENE ONEGIN AND LENSKY, THE SEVEN OF SPADES: The Seven of Spades stands for bad advice, and worse decisions, often ones made on impulsive whims. It may also refer to a difficult situation with no clear winners. Either way, it also stands for the grief and loss that will arise because of itself.
SPARAFUCILE AND MADDALENA, THE EIGHT OF SPADES: The Eight of Spades stands for deceit and danger, particularly coming from what was once a promising financial/personal opportunity. It can also refer to plans going awry, or crossroads at work forcing you to make an important decision. Caution is advised, in any case.
LEPORELLO, THE NINE OF SPADES: Bad luck, accidents, anxiety. The Nine of Spades is sometimes a card of indecision, and sometimes a card of helplessness in the face of danger. It can also mean that the threat of loss is looming over your life- the loss of somebody close to you.
DON GIOVANNI, THE TEN OF SPADES: The Ten of Spades is a warning. Bad news and evil- often implied to be something untamable and fundamentally irrational- is on its way, and the best you can do is duck out of its way before it gets to you. Something wicked this way comes...
L'ENFANT (from ravel's 'l'enfant et les sortileges'), THE JACK OF SPADES: The Jack of Spades is the sign of a troublesome youth, wild and unkempt, who will cause problems almost unwittingly. However, this card isn't necessarily a warning of evil like the Ten of Spades; the Jack of Spades is an annoyance but not actively really malicious.
THE COUNTESS (from tchaikovsky's 'the queen of spades'), THE... QUEEN OF SPADES: Besides the fun name coincidence, the Queen of Spades stands for a dark-haired woman, commonly interpreted as a widow. She will offer you advice but it's up to you how to utilize it or even if you should utilize it at all.
BARON SCARPIA, THE KING OF SPADES: The King of Spades stands for an accomplished older man, often a position of authority. He is smart and ambitious, and a force to be reckoned with; but he is selfish and it will be his selfishness and blind pursuit of his own desires that will do him in.
THE DIAMONDS (regarding money and financial matters)
ROSINA (barber of seville), THE ACE OF DIAMONDS: The Ace of Diamonds, most literally, stands for small gifts- a bracelet, or a ring, or (most commonly) a letter. However, more metaphorically, it stands for upgrades and new opportunity; new households, new relationships, and new social status.
DONNA ELVIRA, THE TWO OF DIAMONDS: The Two of Diamonds usually stands for disapproval of a relationship, whether personally or societally. Often these relationships are implied to be affairs- ones that could have disastrous consequences for all involved.
LUCIA ASHTON, THE THREE OF DIAMONDS: The Three of Diamonds is another warning card. In its broadest strokes it symbolizes trouble, but if you look closer it often stands for broken marriages and violence in the home between families. It is a card that is at once very still and very violent; the calm before a storm.
TOM RAKEWELL, THE FOUR OF DIAMONDS: The Four of Diamonds stands for unexpected money and inheritance, and a sudden coming into one's own. However, it can also stand for heeding the advice of those closest to you, whether positive... or negative.
PORGY AND BESS, THE FIVE OF DIAMONDS: Like the Six of Spades, the Five of Diamonds is seen as a smaller card in the grand scheme of things; problems will go on before and after it. But it stands for improvements, and solidarity; quiet new beginnings and newfound hope.
B.F. PINKERTON, THE SIX OF DIAMONDS: The Six of Diamonds stands for domestic trouble and infidelity, but unlike the Three of Spades it focuses particularly on problems in a second marriage or multiple conflicting promises that cannot all be fulfilled. There's an urge to take responsibility- but also a sense that the urge will be ignored.
RODOLFO AND MARCELLO, THE SEVEN OF DIAMONDS: (fun fact this was the last card i did in the whole deck.) The Seven of Diamonds stands for financial challenges, particularly when it comes to work. It can also indicate meeting someone new, although this interpretation is much rarer.
FAUST, THE EIGHT OF DIAMONDS: The Eight of Diamonds stands for things coming in time. You may not find financial opportunities or even romance now, but they will surprise you later in life; you just have to look for them and stop worrying about the alleged value of youth.
BILLY BUDD, THE NINE OF DIAMONDS: The Nine of Diamonds often stands for new business opportunity presenting themselves in the workplace; most commonly the opportunity to travel.
HANNA GLAWARI, THE TEN OF DIAMONDS: The Ten of Diamonds stands for financial prosperity to the point of excess, as well as good fortune with your relationships and the people you choose to surround yourself with. Success is here! Celebrate!
DESPINA, THE JACK OF DIAMONDS: The Jack of Diamonds represents a close friend with darker intentions. She may be the bearer of bad news, or she may just be a gossip. The Jack of Diamonds is unreliable and dishonest, and would absolutely sell you out in a heartbeat.
CARMEN, THE QUEEN OF DIAMONDS: The Queen of Diamonds stands for an outgoing, flirtatious woman, one who isn't afraid to take life by the horns. Be her friend and she will be a great asset, be her enemy and you will always be annoyed with her. However, either way: Try to sever her from her carefree life, and there will be consequences.
KING FILIPPO, THE KING OF DIAMONDS: Like the King of Spades, the King of Diamonds is an accomplished older authoritative figure. He is often one of great influence over the people around him, although he may not realize it. Further information on the card tends to be contradictory, but it seems this man is more easily influenced than he initially appears and might not be trustworthy.
THE CLUBS (regarding chance and the wheels of fortune)
ORFEO AND EURIDICE (gluck), THE ACE OF CLUBS: The Ace of Clubs stands for a story that otherwise would end in tragedy, but- through compassion, or luck, or even the hand of God- has ended happily. Sudden changes of plans with positive connotations, sudden good fortune; very rarely is a sudden thing a good outcome in cartomancy but just this once it is.
AGRIPPINA, THE TWO OF CLUBS: The Two of Clubs stands for gossip and manipulation, as well as challenges in life brought about by them. The gossip in this case is entirely planned in order to influence specific outcomes. Be careful of those around you, and be even more careful of their ulterior motives.
LOHENGRIN AND ELSA, THE THREE OF CLUBS: The Three of Clubs stands for marriage, particularly marriages of wealth and power. While some allege the card also stands for successful marriages, there is a distinct layer of melancholy to it- perhaps the powerful are, in some way, always alone.
NICK SHADOW, THE FOUR OF CLUBS: The Four of Clubs stands for deceit and betrayal from those around you. You may find a friend or mentor that you trust greatly, but they will turn on you and manipulate you- and it's because you blindly accepted them to begin with. Take caution and beware of those with promises too sweet.
MIMI, THE FIVE OF CLUBS: The Five of Clubs indicates new friend groups, new support networks, and new places. It may be an indication to reach out more and see the world around you, but in this way it can serve as a warning: Do the things you want to do before your time runs out.
GIANNI SCHICCI, THE SIX OF CLUBS: The Six of Clubs indicates success in finance and relationships, primarily finance, but not one you will achieve yourself. Someone else- someone who you might know, or who might be a stranger- will financially assist you and find ways to help you get your matters sorted.
DIDO, THE SEVEN OF CLUBS: The Seven of Clubs stands two things at once. The first accomplishment in business, and a high societal rank. However, the second is trouble in relationships, and a deep sense of loneliness or isolation stemming from the first. These two go hand in hand- and in trying to please one you may lose your grip on the other.
LADY MACBETH, THE EIGHT OF CLUBS: The Eight of Clubs symbolizes difficulty, both personally and professionally, relating particularly to decay. Opportunities that seem tempting right now will crumble and turn on you. Be careful, and keep your ambition in check.
ESCAMILLO, THE NINE OF CLUBS: The Nine of Clubs is flashy and immediately draws your attention. You will find new opportunities, particularly presenting themselves in the form of a new admirer or romantic partner. However, at the same time, it is a warning against stubbornness, and should strike a bit of fear into the hearts of the bullish.
MANON LESCAUT, THE TEN OF CLUBS: The Ten of Clubs stands for unexpected- and joyful- travel, although it may come at the expense of other things. It can also represent newfound opportunity and a sense of love for the world at large.
BRUNHILDE, THE JACK OF CLUBS: The Jack of Clubs represents a strong-willed, trustworthy friend who will go to bat for you regardless of circumstance. She may be dramatic and fiery, but this is to her benefit, and to yours- you may always count on her in the face of struggle.
FRICKA, THE QUEEN OF CLUBS: The Queen of Clubs represents a confident women, unafraid to speak her mind yet burdened by her own power, in an authoritative position. She may infuriate some, and impede the plans of others, but in the end she has her reasons for her behavior and does bring up some good points.
WOTAN, THE KING OF CLUBS: The King of Clubs represents a strong older man. He may be affectionate and well-meaning in some readings, and deeply corrupt and contemptuous in others- perhaps these may both be true. He may seek money or a particular resource from you, and he may have ulterior motives to get it. What you think of him, ultimately, is up to you.
THE HEARTS (regarding love and relationships)
OCTAVIAN AND SOPHIE, THE ACE OF HEARTS (yes rosenkav is my least favorite but i had to put it in there somewhere i guesss): The Ace Of Hearts represents newness, and naïveté, and wet-behind-the-ears. It stands for puppy love and young couples, as well as new opportunity and budding romance.
FIGARO AND SUSANNA, THE TWO OF HEARTS: The Two of Hearts represents balance, harmonious relationships, or even just evenly-matched partnerships of any kind. Both parties are respectful and share balanced power, and happiness in the future is guaranteed as a result. The card may also suggest a knack for romantic fortune.
DON JOSE, THE THREE OF HEARTS: The Three of Hearts stands for romantic jealousy and possessiveness of others. It suggests foolishness, and misplaced priorities; it is often associated with throwing one's life away in the pursuit of supposed love, and for believing you have more control over others than you really do. The Three of Hearts serves as a warning: Be cautious in your relationships.
LEONORE/FIDELIO, THE FOUR OF HEARTS: The Four of Hearts stands for change and revolution on the horizon, often in the pursuit of passion or love. It may also mean peace prevailing, and love conquering all; in any case the Four of Hearts may be intimidating but it is ultimately a boon and a sign of good things to come.
OTELLO, THE FIVE OF HEARTS: The Five Of Hearts stands for envy. Either you may be envious of others, or others with dark motives may be envious of you. Either way, it is best to be cautious, and not let the green-eyed monster get the best of you.
PAPAGENO AND PAPAGENA, THE SIX OF HEARTS: The six of hearts stands for many things- things that are, in some way, united. It stands for keeping hope in darker times, and finding love in unexpected places- or simply being surprised by the person you end up with. It may also suggest something childlike or a moment of harmony.
SANTUZZA, THE SEVEN OF HEARTS: The Seven of Hearts, similarly to the Four of Spades, represents broken promises, although without the promise of illness. It often particularly represents a partner or friend, or other close figure, who will let you down in a moment of crisis.
HANSEL AND GRETEL, THE EIGHT OF HEARTS: The Eight of Hearts stands for visitors and invitations; comings and going. You may be invited by someone, or someone may visit you; in either case, however, be wary of their intentions because both positive and negative invitations are prophesied by this card.
NEMORINO AND ADINA, THE NINE OF HEARTS: The Nine of Hearts is somewhat unique in that its meaning is nearly universal. Known as the Wish Card, it is said it makes the wildest dreams come true, often synonymous with a new job, or partner, or child, or house. Think on your hopes with this card and they may come true.
CENDRILLON, THE TEN OF HEARTS: The Ten of Hearts represents good fortune on its way to the needy, often in the form of a large gathering or public social event. This event can be a wedding, or convention, but most often it is said to be a large party. You may meet important people there.
CHERUBINO, THE JACK OF HEARTS: The Jack of Hearts represents a young ally, often associated with young love. They may admire you the way schoolboys admire young teachers, or they may simply be a childish youth. They are your friend, although they are young and innocent and may not be the most helpful.
ALICE FORD, THE QUEEN OF HEARTS: The Queen of Hearts represents a kind woman, who will help you in your journeys and plans. She is usually a maternal figure, although she is not usually your literal mother, and she will be more clever than she initially appears to be.
HANS SACHS, THE KING OF HEARTS: Like the maternal figure of the Queen of Hearts, the King of Hearts is a paternal figure. He is a kind if somewhat more distant man. He will dispense good advice, and will help you in your romantic pursuits; although he is just as often associated with literature and the fine arts.
RIGOLETTO, THE RED JOKER, and CANIO, THE BLACK JOKER: Jokers are unique in the they are far younger than the rest of the deck, having been invented during the American Civil War for specific trump card-related games. They are not traditionally included in cartomancy for this reason, although they may be used as something similar to the Fool in the Tarot Major Arcana. They are often discarded immediately, and not given much further thought; while both Joker cards were obvious character choices I wanted to also highlight the sense of being discarded and unwanted that is pivotal to the card.
Thats all of them. If you're still reading this I'm so sorry.
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hayleyesther · 1 month
Dear "socially acceptable blogging etiquette"
This isn't working I think we need to break up.
I know you have a lot to offer with your sponsorship's and other opportunities be they financial or otherwise,  but the thing of  it is,  being with you has caused me to lose myself and that is something I'm just not okay with, like at all. Not even a little bit.
Compromising on what I stand for has never been an option for me and yet because I got lost in your ever-climbing stats  and shiny monochrome template, I somehow forget that.
 I forget that I have been brought up to stand away from the crowd even if that does mean standing alone.(if said crowd is going in a direction I don't want for myself)
I've learned a lot about myself during our time together and I have no doubt that there is someone out there perfect for you, but it's just not me.
I know that you like to know in detail why I make the decisions I do, so despite the fact I don't like to pull things apart, I will give you a couple of reasons as for why I want you out of my life.
You drain me. 
Bloggers have to wear so many hats already I don't want to add among other things working myself into the ground to gain a following that quite honestly I don't care about because they are self-interested, and most likely only followed me because they want me to follow back. 
You know what?
 I don't actually care about the numbers. I do care about my readers even if they are small in number.
 You stand for everything I hate. 
You know that I've never been the kind of girl to care much for formulas, sure tips to make life easier are great, but generally, I  live by standards that I have vetted and decided are right for me as a person. You stand for making money, which is not a bad thing of its self . 
What is completely wrong though is that making money is your main and sometimes only goal. Readers are nothing more than potential customers and you use them for this goal and then throw them out, unless they are likely to buy from you again.
 I  really hate "me too" bloggers!! - The formula of a black and white blog, blogger's picture on the right-hand side, everything uniform everything too professional and the content on said blogs is usually a copy-cat topic about something I couldn't care less about seeing again, aghh!
This just annoys me.
I know I have a simple format too, but I try my hardest to include as much colour as possible.
People that want my loyalty to their work need to produce something unique and interesting, and frankly I'm not interested in seeing the same shallow posts over and over again.
Just No! Please Stop! 
You are too controlling and I don't want the pressure blogging is supposed to be fun, and blogs should ooze personality. You pressure people into conformity because the fact is the likelihood of turning a blog into a business (or at least a part of one) without conforming seems nigh on impossible. Or at least you make it seem that way.
This makes absolutely no sense because in the world of business it is called a unique selling point, not a uniform selling point!
You make people feel like they have to be really "professional" in order to be considered worthy of readers, and that is not what blogging was created to be. 
Some people want to blog for fun, and that's okay but you make people like this feel like they are committing some great crime for not wanting to turn their blog into a business of sorts.
Oh and as for new bloggers?
Forget it! You have so many "rules" that new bloggers usually feel really overwhelmed and as a result, a really awesome would-be blogger may not ever get their idea of the ground because they are scared off by your etiquette and unwritten law
You big bully. 
Stop being so damn cold and unfeeling!! 
We all need each other and the little guy might actually have something to say.
So there you have it, you are too damn controlling, we have nothing in common and I don't care about what you care about so that is why I'm done with you. 
I will take the lessons you have taught me such as not being so wordy, remembering my grammar and spelling and making sure I share other people's content as well as my own on social media, but I honestly don't think there is anything else you can teach me and I really don't like you so that's it.
I hope you will be very happy with the blogger(s) that decide to conform to your rules and regulations but as for us,
We're done.
0 notes
thechristmasbloguk · 1 month
Dear "socially acceptable blogging etiquette"
This isn't working I think we need to break up.
I know you have a lot to offer with your sponsorship's and other opportunities be they financial or otherwise,  but the thing of  it is,  being with you has caused me to lose myself and that is something I'm just not okay with, like at all. Not even a little bit.
Compromising on what I stand for has never been an option for me and yet because I got lost in your ever-climbing stats  and shiny monochrome template, I somehow forget that.
 I forget that I have been brought up to stand away from the crowd even if that does mean standing alone.(if said crowd is going in a direction I don't want for myself)
I've learned a lot about myself during our time together and I have no doubt that there is someone out there perfect for you, but it's just not me.
I know that you like to know in detail why I make the decisions I do, so despite the fact I don't like to pull things apart, I will give you a couple of reasons as for why I want you out of my life.
You drain me. 
Bloggers have to wear so many hats already I don't want to add among other things working myself into the ground to gain a following that quite honestly I don't care about because they are self-interested, and most likely only followed me because they want me to follow back. 
You know what?
 I don't actually care about the numbers. I do care about my readers even if they are small in number.
 You stand for everything I hate. 
You know that I've never been the kind of girl to care much for formulas, sure tips to make life easier are great, but generally, I  live by standards that I have vetted and decided are right for me as a person. You stand for making money, which is not a bad thing of its self . 
What is completely wrong though is that making money is your main and sometimes only goal. Readers are nothing more than potential customers and you use them for this goal and then throw them out, unless they are likely to buy from you again.
 I  really hate "me too" bloggers!! - The formula of a black and white blog, blogger's picture on the right-hand side, everything uniform everything too professional and the content on said blogs is usually a copy-cat topic about something I couldn't care less about seeing again, aghh!
This just annoys me.
I know I have a simple format too, but I try my hardest to include as much colour as possible.
People that want my loyalty to their work need to produce something unique and interesting, and frankly I'm not interested in seeing the same shallow posts over and over again.
Just No! Please Stop! 
You are too controlling and I don't want the pressure blogging is supposed to be fun, and blogs should ooze personality. You pressure people into conformity because the fact is the likelihood of turning a blog into a business (or at least a part of one) without conforming seems nigh on impossible. Or at least you make it seem that way.
This makes absolutely no sense because in the world of business it is called a unique selling point, not a uniform selling point!
You make people feel like they have to be really "professional" in order to be considered worthy of readers, and that is not what blogging was created to be. 
Some people want to blog for fun, and that's okay but you make people like this feel like they are committing some great crime for not wanting to turn their blog into a business of sorts.
Oh and as for new bloggers?
Forget it! You have so many "rules" that new bloggers usually feel really overwhelmed and as a result, a really awesome would-be blogger may not ever get their idea of the ground because they are scared off by your etiquette and unwritten law
You big bully. 
Stop being so damn cold and unfeeling!! 
We all need each other and the little guy might actually have something to say.
So there you have it, you are too damn controlling, we have nothing in common and I don't care about what you care about so that is why I'm done with you. 
I will take the lessons you have taught me such as not being so wordy, remembering my grammar and spelling and making sure I share other people's content as well as my own on social media, but I honestly don't think there is anything else you can teach me and I really don't like you so that's it.
I hope you will be very happy with the blogger(s) that decide to conform to your rules and regulations but as for us,
We're done.
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I have decided to read more and not just fanfiction related stuff. If it's not online, it turns out I actually have a substantial reading quota, you just dont notice it when scrolling down pages.
So I decided to read general literature again. 😁 I'm reading "Perfume" again and yes, that's heavy. I've also just gotten "Looking for Alaska" in the mail yesterday and I'm looking forward to reading it. I found it recommended online and it seems to be more youth-literature but that doesn't mean anything about its quality. Very often I enjoy this more than specifically marketed grown-up literature.
So yesterday I went to a book shop because I was searching for books about Middle-High-German, which I'm currently learning and researching for my own happiness and it's great! I didn't study German studies for whatever reason (and I think that was actually not a bad decision) but I'm learning it now. 😊😍
So anyways, this book shop is a big one and it's a chain. No surprise that it is full of bs and third-rate zeitgeist literature, which huge parts of the population seem to be completely unable to identify as trash. Both stylistically and content-wise. Now I'm still curious, so I looked around a little yesterday. This was on display and of course I had to look. Beautiful, so beautiful! The cover, the design of the edges, the idea itself, even the name of the female protagonist (at least for the green one) ! Wonderful, it really draws you in!
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So I opened the book and read a little bit randomly and yeah. The story as far as I can see is garbage and the way it is written is flavourless and verbally/ linguistically dismal and repulsive. Lots of useless anglicisms in it, which reflect well the level of verbal communication that many people are only capable of presently. No surprises here but it's sad in terms of literature being made. I looked up the lady and also no surprises there. Young, adapted and extraordinarily confident. She even studied German studies, which to no surprise didn't help her linguistic skills one bit, rather the opposite I reckon. I only wonder where she got the financial means to publish on that scale. Holding the books looks good on Instagram is all.
I've definitely read fanfiction MUCH more skilful and worth reading, really good literature!! Honestly, if you still have any tastebuds left that mainstream-culture hasn't etched away, I would recommend that you find something more stimulating and that doesn't mean it has to be super intellectual, but I would genuinely recommend you find something beautiful. You'll feel it, don't settle for that tasteless, unimaginative trash that is being presented as art. Follow your sense of awe and wonder and it'll lead you to places truly worth going.
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lost25yearold · 1 year
My old self
So I'm writing this alone in our apartment with my husband, 30 years old and unemployed.
So its 2023 now self and I'm still discovering new revelations about myself, about behaviour, environment and relationships.
I am telling you self, you are not in the happiest situation right now. Life has been good and harsh with you at the same year, 2022.
I almost gave up on the thought that I'd be with the person that I love, and being stuck in a place where I am constantly being beaten up by myself and my thoughts.
You keep telling yourself that this is only "temporary" but for how long you ask? In all your young and prime years, you have been strong, assured and confident on the decisions on you make, but you didn't foresee that it is different if you are married and with partner already.
This is the lowest that you have reached in your life, financially and mentally. Not only that but you yourself know that your health is depleting, which means its getting bad.
I sometimes wonder is it okay to question myself if I really chose the right thing? Why did I do this? What were the things I was thinking to have succumbed this experience? Am I loving my partner too much? Too much that I have forgotten a little bit of myself?
But always remember that no matter what pain you are in right now, you still managed to fight. To fight whatever ounce of dignity you have.
Never in your life that you felt so insulted, belittled, swallowed your pride to please the people in your life together with your partner's family, but you still manage to smile and hide those pain even though it hurts already.
Writing this made you realize that in life, you areally are lonely and you wish you can just hug your ownself because nobody will do that.
Your partner is incredible but you cannot ask him much more cause even him are in the same boat with you.
You have indulged yourself in substances just to manage to get through the days without worrying, crying, and passing out. You don't know when you are really going to get a heart attack and die because damn cannot afford any medical check up or medicine.
The only strength you are holding is the promises, your partner, family and friends, and most of all not giving up on yourself.
Remember that I love you! So so much.
January 13, 2023 10:21pm
0 notes
abecedarienne · 2 years
A cult of indulgence
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La manifestation (1893) - Félix Vallotton
Today I'm home sick from work, actively fighting what might be the flu, but also fighting guilt. Battling a sore throat while teaching a class is not a good combination, so I've decided to abstain temporarily from putting on a public face. I'll make it back tomorrow. I just needed this one day off to feel healthier, but also to transgress.
I figured hot tea is one remedy for my ailment, so I put on the electric kettle and checked the tea box for how long I should let the sachet steep (I only recently learned that the time spent steeping matters...). The packaging told me five minutes, but in seeing this, I also caught a glimpse of the front of the box, which reads: "VANILLA COMORO: A Creamy, Decaffeinated Indulgence." I found this puzzling, given that I wouldn't consider this tea at all "indulgent." Yes, it has a pleasant scent, but it contains no "guilty pleasures" that, to me, would constitute an "indulgence." It is not fatty or sugary or salty or any other alimentary attribute that makes something "bad" for you taste "good."
For me, to indulge means to allow oneself to participate in or enjoy something pleasant. While this tea does have a pleasant odor and taste, I did not feel like I had to "allow" myself to partake. I wanted to soothe my sore throat, and this tea is what I had available. Granted, this tea was probably a bit more expensive than, say, Lipton, but I doubt it cost me more than $10. A little extra cash, sure; an indulgence, no. There was no hemming and hawing, no cost-benefit analysis. I bought and consumed the tea without debate, and it was only upon encountering the label "indulgence" that such an act became a possibility to me. In other words, I had not seen the tea as an "indulgence," but the tea packaging swiftly made me feel "indulgent." In this way, it seems that marketers are responsible for not only creating desire, but also for creating guilt.
Once such decadent guilt is created in the tea-drinker (i.e., the consumer), they're willing to pay a higher price to assuage the guilt of having even considered consuming it. It's financially masochistic in a way. If I had to decide to indulge in either a $1 candy bar at the checkout line and a cute $60 pair of shoes that I don't need, I would probably go for the latter. Though both are excessive, with the shoes being much more so economically, being able to throw down more money for a "guilty pleasure" is like being able to proclaim, "I'm unashamed to indulge! I'm proud of my guilty pleasure!" Autrement dit, money allows for a way to bypass guilt. Monetary decisions transcend any moral conundrums. Morality poses a question that money can supposedly answer. If I can proudly slam my cash on the counter, I have apparently solved my moral dilemmas, defining "right" and "wrong" through where my money does and doesn't go.
If not in confession with a priest, with a good friend, or in another private setting, to talk about "guilt" and "indulgence" publicly belies such a claim. This is why public discussions of "indulgence" seem to me to have another function. I don't believe by talking about those feelings that one assuages oneself fully. (Such a belief—the all-healing power of "talking through things"—is probably attributable to the rise and subsequent pervasiveness of therapy-based language and ideologies.) Instead, what I think is happening here is that guilt, like perhaps all other "emotions" nowadays, has been reified, harnessed, and commodified beyond the point of personal recognition. It works in service of capital, at least when we see it rear its public-facing head. What marketing teams do is much more convoluted than simply creating desire and its objects. Rather, in addition to manufacturing these things in a way that aligns with company interests, they also make you feel guilty about doing these things, and then they provide a simple escape route from that guilt, for the low price of $60 (and your morals). The object of desire is painted at once as the problem and the solution. Companies line their pockets as consumers spend time wringing their hands over buying or not buying a specialty latte.
Indulgence is our God. We're an indulgence-fearing people, in awe of the ways in which indulgence (or guilt) can punish us, reward us, or guide us. By seeing indulgence as a divine force, we stop ourselves from asking if there is a power higher than indulgence itself, if there is a sort of grammar or metaphysic that organizes the indulgent powers that be. Inspired by my current Nietzschean kick, I'll say this: indulgence is dead, and it is our economic system that has killed it. We can no longer ask if we can get away with something just by covering it up with whatever means we deem fitting (in this case, money). We cannot even pass on questions of "right" and "wrong" to things that call themselves higher powers. Sometimes we learn that what we have done is "wrong" or "indulgent." But these are experiences that we should not be trying to evade or shield ourselves from with capital. Indulgence should be more like a wind than a burning bush or a flood. It passes through, and though it may change things, it does not destroy.
Irène Némirovsky wrote in Suite française, "Important events—whether serious, happy or unfortunate—do not change a man’s soul, they merely bring it into relief, just as a strong gust of wind reveals the true shape of a tree when it blows off all its leaves. Such events highlight what is hidden in the shadows, they nudge the spirit towards a place where it can flourish." "Good" choices color a life as much as "bad" choices do, but very often what we understand as "choice" makes up a very small portion of a life. These "winds" are supposed to move through us; we are not supposed to move around them. But this is only known to those who are faithful enough to their own morals (whatever those may be), rather than to ambient economic forces and anxieties.
And no, neither the day off nor the tea made me feel any better or less guilty. Venting via essay about my guilt also did nothing. I should hold hands with my guilt until it chooses to walk away, telling me "it's not you, it's me." If corporations should not dictate or manipulate feelings, then "I" should not be able to do so either. What are feelings to "I," to a conscious mind? The mind can take a sick day, feelings not so much.
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Think You Just Need Luck To Trade On Forex? Think Again!
Jean-Francois Geschwind Skilled tips provider.If you're thinking about getting into forex but are feeling intimidated by what you need to do then look no further. When it comes to forex you have to learn as much as you can and apply that knowledge to the best of your ability, knowledge like that here in this article.
Avoid the "set and forget" robot products for handling your trades. People will always try to profit off of making your trading "easier" with "foolproof" automated systems. If these magic products worked, why would these sellers want to share them? Taking your decisions out of the equation through "get rich quick" robots only profits the seller.
Remember that Forex trading is not rocket science. You should be able to clearly explain why you are investing in the currency that you are investing in. You should avoid over-analyzing situations as this could lead to a bad investment. Your investments should be very clear and easy to explain.
When trading in foreign currencies, it's important to watch the news factors that affect changes in that currency. News that indicates a positive trend in that country, such as a favorable trade agreement, will increase the trading power of that currency, while news that indicates negative trends, such as a natural disaster, will reduce its trading power.
Watch the home location of your broker when picking a Forex broker. The majority of fraudulent Forex brokers are located in just a few locations: Boca Raton and other parts of Florida, southern California, and Russia. Not all brokers in these areas are scammers, of course, but you need to use some extra caution if you see a broker is located there.
When considering purchasing an automated Forex trading system, make sure that the software is able to analyze the Forex market. Read customer's comments about the product, look for facts not just pure opinions. You have to be able to understand what the software can do for you before you buy it, and make sure it's claims of success are backed up.
Be wary of anyone telling you that they have some secret that will guarantee you profits in the forex market. There are no guarantees so anyone that says that they can give you one is not being honest with you and is most likely trying to scam you out of some money.
Remember that loyalty is a good thing, but that is not always a good option when trading with the forex market. If you are trading and you see that you are steadily losing money on a trade then the best thing to do would be to change positions.
A great Forex trading tip is to always use a stop loss. Opening a Forex position without the aid of a stop loss can spell disaster. Imagine you lose your internet connection or your power goes out suddenly. Without a stop loss, you won't have any means to prevent losses.
There are a few things that heavily affect the trading market. These things include interest, inflation rates and exchange rates. These things should be paid attention to, as they can affect global trading of currency. The exchange rate can affect you directly too, because it affects the returns on your investments. Be sure to learn about everything that can affect the outcome of your trading.
To succeed with forex trading, you need to set boundaries for your investment budget and then further research which markets that you understand. Taking some extra time to research companies you know about, will help you to produce a sound investment strategy. Make sure that you are not investing more than you need to survive, as you may find you need those extra funds for an emergency.
Familiarize yourself with a little bit of European geography "in a financial sense" when trading with forex. One great point to remember is that the Swiss Franc has a very close relationship with the Germans, meaning that it's tied in closely to the Euro zone. Information like this can help you plot a plan of attack.
Jean-Francois Geschwind Qualified tips provider.Sit down and make a plan and stick with it. You should make the decisions before you get started about what you are willing to risk, your profit goals, methodology and criteria that you are going to use to evaluate your trades. Be sure to stick with your plan when you are actively trading.
When dealing with Forex trading, it is important to understand that no one can see the future, so there is not a fool proof way of predicting how currencies will trend in the next few hours, let along the next few weeks. It is important to understand that no matter how solid your predictions, it is always possible to get a different outcome.
Stay informed about the employment situation in the country. A rising unemployment rate in a country signifies a weakening economy. This often leads to the government lowering interest rates, which has adverse effects on the country's currency. All of this will impact how this currency is traded in the Forex market.
If you are starting with Forex or wish to trade in a simpler environment, you should look for a platform that offers real time information and is completely transparent. Oanda is a good place to trade: it is easy to keep track of what you are doing and to understand the situation of a market thanks to their interface.
Don't invest any money into your Forex account until you have had plenty of practice. Work on your demo account for a couple of months before you put your own money out there. Remember that the majority of traders do not succeed when they first start out with actual cash. The reason for this is simply that they haven't practiced enough, so make good use of your demo account.
Jean-Francois Geschwind Expert tips provider.Now that you have a good idea of what you need to do to be successful with forex you should already be thinking of strategies you want to apply towards your goals. With forex you have to take a chance and start somewhere, the only way you're going to see success is if you do just that.
0 notes
Continued from this post, Part 3 of my discussion of Essek Thelyss in the context of real-world espionage. This time: what happens to espionage assets in the long run? Do they break contact, and why? What might have been in store for Essek?
At the treaty meeting Essek tells Ludinus to his face that he wants no further contact with the Assembly, not even to learn what the Assembly discovers via their own beacon. He’s far from the first asset to try to sever their relationship, and it ends in one of three ways: they don’t manage to break contact, they break contact but voluntarily return, or (rarest of all) they end the relationship permanently. 
Most attempts don’t go beyond option 1, because intelligence agencies are not in the business of respecting their assets’ choices. Handlers are skilled in keeping the upper hand in their asset relationships and will take any further opportunity to gain leverage by compromising the asset. For instance they’ll often pay for information even if the asset hasn’t requested it, because money changing hands makes it far harder for an asset to frame their activities positively to their own side if they attempt to confess (”You expect us to believe they were blackmailing you when you got $10,000 to hand over the secret manual?” etc.) And when push comes to shove most people aren’t willing to accept the severe punishments for espionage. An asset’s threat to confess is more likely a negotiating ploy than a serious option.
Some assets, especially nervous or ego-driven ones, get the carrot: the KGB did a strong line in awarding secret medals to convince them they were doing important, well-regarded work and that the KGB would protect them - not an empty reassurance, as highly-placed moles like Aldrich Ames warranted elaborate ops involving double and triple agents to avert suspicions. And some assets get the stick: the handler tightens the screws using whatever leverage they’ve gained, implies that they’re already “too far in to go back,” or gives some time for those who were blackmailed into spying to think about the consequences of exposure.[1]
Those who get as far as option two, breaking it off and later returning, are usually driven away by fear but back by finances. Fantasy spies have all sorts of motives but in real life the majority are in it for the money. Assets, as you might imagine, make bad choices. About half start selling secrets just to stave off massive debt from overspending and poor financial decisions (the rest feel underpaid.) So even if these assets stop temporarily, the circumstances that drove them to espionage in the first place are still very much present. In these cases all a handler has to do is shrug and say, “You know where to find us.” Infamous FBI mole Robert Hanssen broke off contact with his Russian handlers when the Soviet Union collapsed, fearing he might get outed in the chaos, but linked back up with them just 10 months later when, surprise surprise, he needed some cash.
And then there are the rare handful who stop completely. There’s a bit of survivor(?) bias here because anyone who passes along secrets, breaks off the relationship before being caught, and manages to get away with it is by definition someone we don’t know about. Those who do manage to break contact long-term are usually able to do so because they left the situation that gave them access to interesting secrets and therefore the controlling agency determined they were no longer a useful resource and not worth pursuing. But even if an asset stops working for an agency, they’re far from forgotten - and far from off the hook. Names and evidence of their espionage would be kept on file for potential use as blackmail, leverage in state-to-state negotiations, or expendable material to prove bona fides in ops involving fake defectors or triple agents. A surprising number of spies are caught/outed years after their espionage ended.
Very few assets permanently sever their espionage relationships the hard way: making a genuine confession and accepting punishment. But it’s not unheard-of, especially if the espionage was brief and the asset believes the damage can be repaired. In 1989 Army signals analyst Michael Peri disappeared from his post in West Germany along with a portable computer containing numerous classified documents. Eleven days later he returned to his previous post with the computer and voluntarily confessed to the theft and sort-of defection to East Germany. When interrogated, Peri - who had been a model soldier until that point - said he felt overworked and underappreciated by his superiors, though he couldn’t entirely explain his decisions either to leave or to return (a sexy female Russian agent might also have been involved). He received a 30-year sentence.
Marine Clayton Lonetree, a guard stationed at the US Embassy in Moscow in 1985, was blackmailed over an affair to hand over details on the embassy compound for a year, but his conscience finally got the better of him and he confessed in late 1986. Being a Marine he faced the very real prospect of death by firing squad, but the court martial ended up giving him a 30-year sentence. It was later reduced to 15 after the Marine Corps Commandant wrote a letter to the Navy Secretary on his behalf attributing the young Marine’s actions not to treason or greed but to loneliness, naivety, and poor judgement.[2]
Going back to Essek’s case, he’s already in the minority of espionage assets because he doesn’t want money in return for the secrets he passes along; though the knowledge the Assembly promises him in return fulfills a similar desire, Essek doesn’t need that knowledge to pay off the equivalent of debt or to maintain his lifestyle. He has no pressures at home that force him to continue spying. With the beacons returned, the fall guys in place, and their tracks seemingly covered, he tells Ludinus that all he wants is to be rid of the entire affair. That rules out option one (he sincerely means to cut the Assembly off) and option two (he won’t be driven back by need.) 
Essek is also in an unusual position in that the worst of the damage he caused is repairable - just return the beacons.[3] A secret, once compromised, can’t be un-compromised. If an asset hands over a cipher machine they can’t fix the situation by stealing the cipher machine back; the foreign agency they sold it to has already studied the machine and learned its secrets, meaning it’s now effectively useless. But returning the beacons restores what the Kryn lost. While keeping dunamancy secret gives the Kryn a tactical edge, and I’m sure the Dynasty would prefer to keep the magical soulstones of their elite hidden from their long-time rival, the beacons don’t need to be secret to work. Essek therefore has a much better chance than most to simply repair the damage, cut off his handlers, and try to forget the whole affair ever happened. He might even think that, now that the Assembly has their own beacon, they’ll have no further use for him and will just leave him alone.
But from the Cerberus Assembly's perspective, this fruit still has plenty of juice in it and they risk nothing by continuing to squeeze. Now that they have their own beacon Essek’s knowledge becomes even more valuable. He has access to hundreds of years of dunamantic spellcrafting - and more importantly the rite of consecution, since the Assembly were probably after beacons in the first place to make themselves immortal. If Essek is caught, it’s treason for him, but the Assembly doesn’t suffer; they were doing it for the good of the Empire, learning about dunamancy to help the war effort. So if he refuses to keep spying voluntarily for the Assembly, they’ll just have to find another way to motivate him. 
As part of evaluating Essek before recruitment, Assembly operatives would have noted that he’s, well, highly motivated to save his own skin. Ludinus’ goal therefore becomes to make Essek see further espionage as the only way to stay alive. So instead of confronting Essek then and there, Ludinus shrugs and goes, “Okay. Sure.” Then he activates the Volstruckers, maybe leaks a little info to the Dynasty about a traitor in their midst, and sets up Essek to stew in fear, feeling isolated and attacked from both sides - targeted by the Assembly for his defiance, under suspicion from the Dynasty, unable to ask for help because of his crimes. Ludinus sits back and waits for Essek to re-establish contact on his own. Of course Ludinus didn’t know that the M9 had confronted Essek and gotten him to confess, making a return to spying impossible even if he tried.
While Essek’s motives revolve around ego, frustration, and rebellion, his situation is more like those of people who end up defecting because they’re unable to pursue their careers or live as they want to back home. He has virtually no social/family ties to leave behind, no loyalty to Dynasty authority, and no religious fervor to defend the Luxon, while the Assembly promises him the company of like minds and free rein in his experiments. Assuming no intervention by the M9 I think Essek would have ended up defecting to the Cerberus Assembly. If he did it early enough in the story he might have even joined the Volstruckers to complete the narrative foil transformation.
If the crew had confronted him at the treaty but not offered mercy I think he would have defected purely out of fear, thinking the Assembly were the only people who could protect him from both the Dynasty and the M9. He was already on edge watching the guy he'd set up to take the fall getting walked away in chains and with the Assembly's Wind of Aeons ship right there it would be the ideal time to make the move. Assuming the treaty confrontation went as it did (the crew makes him confess but lets him live) but the M9 hadn’t shown up in Eiselcross, Essek would likely have fled the outpost and gone into hiding in a bid to outrun his crimes (and probably gotten caught two weeks later given how awful he was at being “Dezrain Thane.”)
Essek is far from the first recruited asset to regret what they did even as they kept doing it. Those who can sell out their nation and not feel even a pang of guilt are thankfully thin on the ground. Most start off doing what seems to be a favor for a friend - or accepting a favor from a friend who wants to help with their “financial difficulties” - and end up so deep they can’t see any way forward other than to keep handing over secrets. He’s one more in a long line of those who compromised information out of frustration, especially through the appeal to shared professional interests (that’s how industrial assets tend to be recruited.)
But he’s also in a much better place to make up for it than most assets. Since he primarily compromised property, not secrets, returning said property can (somewhat, mostly) repair the damage done, which goes a long way towards buying leniency from the powers that be. And now I’m realizing that this post actually needs one final part, which is: how do you try someone for espionage, and should you charge them with it in the first place?
[1]  While spy dramas love sexy blackmail, and handlers will happily collect it to leverage against a balky asset, it works far less often in reality as a main reason for espionage. Social penalties for extramarital affairs pale before actual legal penalties like the death sentence for treason. On the other hand, those with foreign relatives are sometimes coerced by threats against those relatives.
[2]  Lonetree’s case for leniency got a boost in 1994 when Aldrich Ames was finally caught and some serious breaches of embassy security that had been attributed to Lonetree were found to be Ames’ work instead. In 1996 Lonetree was released after having served 9 years total.
[3] Although I did just think of a really messed-up Cerberus Assembly plan: consecute a handful of completely loyal Volstruckers, kill them, and send the beacons back so said agents will be reborn in the Dynasty and work to undermine it from within. How fucked up would that be?? Campaign 3 plot hook anyone?
(This accidentally turned into a series on Essek & IRL espionage: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4)
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twentytarot · 3 years
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wow, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? sorry that i kinda dropped off the map there, but you know how it is. life calls when it does. anyway, today we’re doing a reading on your next five years. for this reading in particular, if you’re drawn to more than one group then i’d suggest you read them both, because 5 years is a long time and it’s definitely possible for bits and pieces of your prediction to be scattered around this reading. devise a strategy that works for you even, for example, if i’m drawn to pile 1 first and then 4, maybe the beginning of pile 1 is more relevant to me but the end of pile 4 will resonate more. enough of my rambling, on to the reading!
*year 1 means from now till year from now, year 2 1-2 years from now, and etc.
overall, the next five years has you waiting for the right moment to begin living. currently you are stuck in a place where you’ve been hurt and betrayed— yet you cannot leave yet. you’re probably trying to plan a way out, but perhaps, surrounded by the unbreakable glass panels in your life, you’ve come to the same conclusion as me: it’s not going to be any time soon. for the next two years, you will have no way out. however, you will become much more resilient so that 3 years from now, you have the power and strength to break out of your current situation and build your dream life. it seems that there will be a lot of movement leading up to this event; perhaps you will be moving house and leaving most of the people around you now behind. whatever the case, in year 3, you will be building a new foundation for yourself. if there are responsibilities and duties you cannot fully leave behind from your past, you will learn to balance them in year 4. in year 5, you’re building up your finances, having found your footing at home and at work. finally, five years from now, you will finally feel like you are in a place where you can feel stable and secure financially and emotionally.
in other words, the main message for you is “one step at a time”. you will have the life you want, but it will take a while. for now, you will have to heal your inner wounds and learn to brave the coldest of storms on your own. then, the next step will be to gain the courage to forge ahead and create a foundation that will allow you to build your life the way you want, away from the toxic people that you have had to rely on. once you have found your own independent footing, then the next step will be to go after you want, especially in career and life purpose. don’t be afraid if things start coming down, almost no one goes through their 20s and 30s without having to destroy something fundamental. finally, once you have learned to juggle all of this alone, the final piece will fall into place, and that is the rest of the world. friends, a new family, and days that make you so excited you want to sleep early so that the sun rises faster tomorrow. this is a long journey, but i’m confident it’s worth it. you got this! :)
for the next five years, you will ride a wave that brings you to the top of the world, and then you’ll prepare for the next chapter in life. we start off in year 1 with you being a little unsure of what it is you want to do long-term— perhaps you’re aware that it’s about time you start settling on a path with how responsibilities are piling up, but you’re also rather reluctant to let go of all your ideas and inspiration. that’s alright, you don’t have to decide just yet. in year 2, things get a little more exciting in the personal department: you might meet your future spouse, get engaged, get married, or even have a kid, depending on where you are in personal life right now. i’m leaning towards you being pretty young and just beginning to entertain the idea of marrying your special someone. whether it’s navigating a new relationship or wedding planning, you’ll be pretty caught up in it in year 2, and your work life will naturally fall into the background. not for long, though, because someone enters your life in year 3 and they don’t have your best interests in mind. they’re not out to get you, but they also don’t care if they had to step on you to get higher. this person brings you a whole lot of clarity on your life purpose and career, though, and so you transform your life quite rapidly, especially in view of the fact that you’re getting older and it can’t be helped, you’re going to have to start making some commitments. the transition is very successful and in year 4 you reap all the benefits. you are like water, you balance the push and pull effortlessly like the waves, you bring energy wherever you go, you complete the cycle and finish what you start. you’re in a position to give advice now, and people begin to look up to you. life’s... well, it’s actually pretty good.
year 5 is whole new chapter, likely on patience. the bliss of making it through one chapter in life never lasts long enough, and it is time for your life to move on. take care of yourself and always be open to growth. take the people that will betray you as lessons on how to better watch out for and protect yourself. wield the sword of clarity with conviction. before you know it, everything else will follow.
your next five years is about breaking free. you are often harshly judged by the people around you, and it’s like you can never catch a break. you wished for a peaceful getaway, and your wish is only partially granted. let me stop for a second and explain. for example, if you’re harshly judged at work, you might be able to get out of working with the particular team that makes your life difficult, but you won’t be able to leave the company entirely. something like that. you’ll have to do more than what you’re doing right now to truly get out of this situation. thankfully, towards the end of year 2, your heart hardens. enough is enough, you decide, and with your sharpened sword, you go after what you want.
the battle in year 3 is ugly. you say things you wish you didn’t have to, you do things in ways that keep you up at night. sometimes we don’t have a choice, though, because it was the only way you would be able to take what is yours and run. just in time, too, because in year 4, you will realise the stability you thought you were being offered was as strong as a house of cards. by defying expectations and going out on your own, you have nudged this house and cause it to topple. you get to watch from somewhere a little further away, but it’s still hard to deal with the questioning, the anxiety, the wondering whether you shouldn’t have left in the first place. no, darling, of course you should have left. year 5 is a year filled with so much more stability and happiness, it’s like you can’t recognise the person you used to be, the world you used to live in. if you thought that you will never truly make it out of there, my cards are here to tell you that there is a day where you will stop wanting to cry before you go to sleep, there is a day where the demons will shut up for good. so don’t give up! you’ll make it out of there if it’s the last thing you do, because that’s you: strong, persistent, and forever optimistic in your heart. and this personality of yours is what makes you lucky. when you want something with all of your heart, the universe can’t help but want to give it to you.
pile four, your reading is all about finding love! things are about to slow down for you now, and it looks like it will continue to be slow for awhile. and honestly, for you i don’t think that’s a bad thing at all, seeing as you are just coming out of having had to make difficult choices and work hard for what you want. for the next year or so, you’ll simply be continuing what you’ve started and letting the payoff roll in. in year 2, however, you’ll begin to look around at your life again and find out what is it you want next. at that point, perhaps you will come to the conclusion that it is love you’re looking for. or maybe it’s just excitement, since you’re pretty collected yourself. you’re the kind to meditate and sleep on things before you decide, and the person you meet in year 3 is decisively... not that kind of person. they’re hardworking, smart, funny and honest, but they’re also rather blunt and impatient. they’ll jump from one thing to the next without thought; they’ll argue with you through the walls of your room is it means they’ll win. you may wonder if this person is going to force you become their parent. well, no. this person has entered your life to show you that the world has so much more to offer if your just take the leap and jump. this person is here to show you that sometimes, you don’t sleep on decisions. you just go for it. once you begin to see the charm of this person, they will light up your life as a friend, a listening ear, then a worthy partner, then a worthy opponent, and then finally, in year 4... a worthy soulmate. and you will realise that taking risks is actually not as scary as it seemed, because this person is right next to you, and will be there to help you pick up the pieces should you fall. this might be a new feeling for you, because you come from a background of having to watch your own back all the time. being able to take calculated risks is what pushes one up from being a prince to a king. it pushes you and your life purpose to its full potential, and even if the ride of taking risks and forging ahead is rocky with this person in year 5, you will come out hardships closer than ever, stronger than ever.
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shaolin-spin-doctor · 3 years
I've been thinking a lot about the Kung family lately and how they seem to be shrouded in mystery outside of some very specific bits of information despite the notoriety of some of their members.
This is pretty much all we know about them:
They're direct descendants of The Great Kung Lao;
After Kung Lao's death, they lost all their money and moved to the United States;
Some of them seem to have strong spiritual powers;
They seemingly disapprove of Jin's sexuality, which points to them being traditionalist (perhaps to a radical level);
The person giving Jin a statue in his X ending, presumably a family member, is wearing a suit, meaning he might be a businessman of some kind;
Going off of the previous two points and the fact that they pretty much disowned Lao in Jin's X ending, you could argue they care more about the family name than the family members themselves, shunning those who they deem a "disgrace" to their ancestry and putting those who honor it on a pedestal;
This indicates they're very proud of their heritage.
All these points pose two important questions: Why did Lao's death cost the house of Kung their entire fortune, and why are there only two known members aiding in Earthrealm's defense despite the family's obvious obsession with upholding GKL's legacy?
@xsanguinisdulcex and I were discussing the first topic the other day, and we theorized that, just like pretty much everything in this family, it might have to do with their name. Perhaps they used their status as descendants of Earthrealm's greatest savior to give an initial boost to their earnings and as a basis for the eventual creation of a family business - hence the man in a suit -, and this carried on generation after generation up until Kung Lao's death; maybe their image had already suffered greatly after the monks chose Liu Kang over Lao as Earthrealm's champion, and the ultimate loss of their biggest representative at the time was the final nail in the coffin for their reputation. Given their traditional ideas, it wouldn't be far fetched to assume they associated with people who had similar values, and their bad fortune was probably seen not only as shameful, but also as a bad omen for business. Maybe that's why their money ran out right after all this happened: their financial links were severed by their partners, and their enterprise failed to stand on its own after this, eventually costing the family everything and forcing them to start anew. Perhaps the shame that befell their name played a part in their decision to move out of China, too.
This is where the next question comes into play - why did the family's entire image hinge on Kung Lao exclusively? If they're so proud of their heritage, why didn't more members step up to help protect Earthrealm as well?
It's a bit harder to come up with an answer to this, given how we have no information about any other Kung aside from the three we know already, but I have a small theory that could possibly explain it: only a few of them have a very specific set of qualities that makes them fit to fight, and it's these people and these people only who are seen as worthy to continue their family's legacy in Kombat.
These "qualities" actually tie in with one of the bits of information discussed before - the family's spirituality. To elaborate on this, let's take a look at Lao and Jin, the only two Kungs (we know of) who have followed in their ancestor's footsteps: Kung Jin, aside from his martial arts expertise, is described as a proficient mystic who is not only able to empower his arrows with the spirits of his ancestors, giving them different properties, but also create a spiritual string to fire them with, produce fire from his staff's dragon maw and even control these fireballs mid-trajectory to some extent. Kung Lao, on the other hand, has insane control over his hat, going as far as being able to clone it for a short time and making it reappear back on his head regardless of where it is. He also has his trademark teleportation powers. Based on his ability to call upon GKL's soul to aid him in MK11, it's pretty safe to assume these powers are related to his spirituality as well - maybe, just like Jin's arrows, his hat is infused with spiritual energy which he can control at will, and his teleportation is somehow influenced by this, too.
There's a clear pattern here, and that might be the key to answering the question at hand; perhaps the reason why no other members of the Kung family have joined the cause to defend Earthrealm is because, as far as they know, they didn't inherit the spiritual powers Jin, Lao and (potentially) other prominent family figures have, which might be seen as a sign of inadequacy for battle. It would be interesting to explore to which extent this is true - perhaps all of them do have powers, but they can only be brought out via special training as opposed to others like Lao and Jin whose abilities were strong enough to be pretty much apparent from the start, meaning most Kungs spend their entire lives without knowing they all have immense hidden potential.
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Reading on HC
DISCLAIMER: If you will send me an Anon, I will answer in the same tone as your ask, opinion is written.
All information and statements made in this reading or any other post of mine are all alleged until proven to be fact and for entertainment purposes & usage only. All information stated is based on my intuition and my tarot cards. Opinion only. The readings have no intention to cause any harm to the individuals, people featured in it.
Disclaimer 2 : seems extra long reading to me, sorry for that. If there any typo sorry for that too, I wanted to post this today, so I typed like a mofo. 
Cards pulled on 15/07
What is happening now?
Devil rx Eight of Wands. 
On The Devil card, you can see the couple from the Lovers card chained together while The Devil is watching them. Those two cards are numerological counterparts ( The Lovers 6 The Devil is 15 = 1+5=6) so they have a connection but this is not limited to some romantic relationship. This card also deals with addiction, obsession, influences, control, illusion, materialism. And when the card is upright the pentagram is in the “wrong” position, it’s upside down. So when the card is reversed, the pentagram returns its correct position and becomes the protective symbol again. 
So The Devil rx means the chain falls off, it’s an opportunity to free yourself from those obsessive, addictive things which affect you. It's realising you have the power to change. But before you came to this realisation and urge to be free, you have to hit the rock bottom. I feel it’s important to say that in this question I haven’t asked about his romantic relationship, so it could mean changing a circle of friends or situations too. 
8 of wands is often called the cupid’s arrow or the falling in love card while it is more about infatuation and adrenalin rush. It’s also a fast-moving card. This card is also called the holiday love card.
So I see two possible options. One of them is he is ready to free himself from some bounding situation fast. And this freeing attempt makes him enthusiastic, cause some adrenalin rush and in this case, it means he is trying to free himself from infatuation. He wants rapid results.  The second option is that he is trying to free himself because there is another person, a third one if you like. 
HC+NV relationship now. 
Eight of Swords rx, Five of cups, The Sun rx. 
It’s very interesting to see those 3 cards together, I had to meditate on them a little bit longer.
With the 8ofSwrx I think he has a more realistic, clearer view on this relationship. I think this clarity cause great sadness and regret. (5ofC) Sun rx means the relationship is cooled down. 5ofC is a traditional bad relationship card. Not necessarily a breakup but definitely arguments and disharmony. Because this is about the relationship and because 8ofSWrx is about to break free, release, escape freedom (like the Devil rx) and the 5ofC has a breakup meaning, I think the relationship itself lost its warmth, burnt out. Maybe because the past events were too much or one of the parties is still crying over a “spilt milk” aka cannot let the past go, a past relationship perhaps. If this is about letting go of this current relationship with NV, it won’t be a lucky “escape”. It will bring sorrow, probably thinking about why this didn’t work? 
HC feelings, emotions
Judgement rx on top of it 7ofSwords
Judgment rx is about a difficult transition you are resisting or need time to adjust. It’s the refusal to hear the call. Delays, confusion, broken family units. etc. But because we have the 7ofSw on top of it ( and I mentioned before how I pay attention to the cards that fall on the others. This is only my method, maybe others don’t care but I do) I think he is seeking a way out about this situation he seemingly cannot let it go. But this card is an unsettling, shady, sneaky one. It brings dishonesty. Walking on eggshells, getting away with something, preparing for some action. Discomfort is the foundation of this card, it’s almost like you want to be truthful but cannot get what you want with honesty. This is the white lies, diplomatic approach to a situation. You know how he was compared to a politician, this is it basically. I feel this is the I cannot let go, but somehow I want to but my methods and ways won’t be honest and nice. For example when your partner is cheating you but too coward to admit it and accusing you of cheating. You fed up, break up with them, so they got what they want without being hones. That was just an example to describe the card, not the exact situation I saw here. 7ofSw is also means planning, mind games, tactics, being undercover etc. 
9ofWands, Page of Cups, Star rx, 2of Cups rx
He was defensive, he protected a young feeling which was a teen love type of emotion ( I remember I got this card ones how this relationship felt at the beginning and I think this was his card back then too) and probably this is why he feels he is stuck, he cannot let go because he was protective over this. And just left this doesn’t seem an option, not with a clear exit. (again, not whit honesty)
With the Judgment rx this again means, hard time to let it go. He feels he was committed to fight for and guard that young feeling (as we saw with his FO post ) but now he is hopeless (Star rx). He also feels he is constantly battling and this wears him out. Maybe that’s why a relationship seems to burn out. 
Pages are not just the youngest but they are the news bringers in tarot. This cup could mean gossip, being overly dramatic. To be honest I think this perfectly fits for his FO post and maybe he feels it was too much, too dramatic. On the card, the Page is offering his cups to someone and it could mean he feels he made those offers. He offered his emotions to her but the situation is hopeless. Or more likely it was a false hope. I said once in my previous reading that the most intense feeling I get from him for NV is this Page of cups, teenage love thing, which is more like the first few weeks, head over heels emotion, but this is without any real substance. 
There is no love here. 2 of cups if it’s upright is still not the love we saw on the Lovers card. It’s more like the early touchy-feely phase of a relationship which could grow to something more but it could die down too. Reversed 2ofC means trouble in a relationship even the end of it. Two people realise they are not meant to be together. 2ofC not only represents romantic relationships but friendships too. In that case, it could mean a fallout between friends. 
What I found interesting is that this could mean a codependent relationship between two people to the extent they cannot leave each other. This resonates with the Judgment rx. 2ofCrx can be a sign of a third person in the relationship or that one of the parties feels attraction outside of the relationship. 
His relationship with his family
Wheel of fortune, 2 of wands
Wheel of Fortune could be a fate, a karmic card. As I understand here that it means they as a family have a strong relationship even if the wheel is turning to negative. I don’t see this bond be destroyed by a woman (like MM did with Harry and the BRF). Rifts, arguments yes, but I don’t see this as a permanent situation. 
The 2ofW is often described as planning the future because the figure on the card is looking at a globe he is holding in his hands. Here I almost feel he is looking into the wheel. 
2 of W is decision making. Seems like a passive card without moving but you are thinking, making plans, so it’s not passive really. He knows the decision he makes will affect many. But as a relationship nor the Wheel neither the 2ofW are good cards. So I definitely sense some trouble now ( at that time of the reading) but he is in the position to change things. 
9 of Pentacles, Strength.
The imagery of those cards are very similar. Both have a very bright yellow background, on both, we have a female figure alone with an animal. 
9ofP could represent an older woman, but first I want to talk about the Strength card. This is about your inner strength, calm the beast inside you. It means your inner strength is put up on a test. 9ofP could mean that you are sacrificed many things for success. I think he temporarily sacrificed some part of his family and this is what put his strength to the test. This card also correlates with material wealth and success. I used the RSW deck for all of my HC readings but I cannot let go the feeling I have when I am using my own, personal deck which is the Druid Craft Tarot. On that card, the woman has everything financially, but still, there is boredom on her face. She is not happy, she is missing someone or something from her life. And I feel as an emotion this is very much present. He has a good status financially, seems everything is good, but still he is not happy. And this is something that could put his inner strength for a test. 
2 of pentacles rx
If this card is upright it means we are successfully juggling between 2 things. Because it’s a pentacle many times this is about 2 jobs, but as I said pentacles are about resources. 
If this card is rx it means you cannot do that anymore. You know that you have to choose between the two things. It could mean his family vs NV, or NV and another one, but could mean a poor financial decision for example with his FL house, maybe he overspent. (Tbh I think I mentioned this before somewhere that maybe he will have problems with his house)
This card also could mean a breakup. I don’t see this means a breakup from his family, I think their relationship is tested. Since this is a rx 2 it speaks about imbalance. 
This very much describes the whole reading. I felt imbalanced. I had a hard time reading certain combinations, first, this whole didn’t make sense. I am not sure how clear I was, this is definitely not my most polished reading. But then I thought I think I am picking up their imbalance. Because this whole has the “ I want to be free” feeling, but at the same time the “I cannot let it go” too. Like I want to go but there is an anchor which is holding me back. 
If we check the cards I get, we have 4 twos ( 2 of cups, wands, pentacles, Judgement), 3 of them is reversed. It means losing harmony, trying to do 2 things at the same time unsuccessfully. The illusion of companionship. You don’t have equilibrium. etc. It’s about decision making, serious ones. Two sides of a story. It also means because those are reversed that he is afraid of making a decision, he rather wants to other make those on his behalf. 
We also have 4 eights ( 8of wands, swords, The Star, The Strength). 2 of them upright, 2 of them reversed. Eight is strength. His inner strength is tested, his life gets busier. Reversed one means bondage, lack of courage.
If you want to imagine his situation, imagine a swing. Back and forth, up and down. He needs to make a decision to slow down or stop, or he will lose control and fall off. This is what he is now and this is what I picked up, while I had a hard time understanding the cards.
I hope you enjoyed it. :)
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