#also the “you get your other bandmates under the bus” “nice :)”
lnights · 2 years
Do you still take requests? Can I request soft Aleksi/Samy? I love your little fics! 🥰
Taking them, yes, fast with them at all... Not so much 😅. And thank you!💕
Tours can be stressful, as much fun as they were, and Samy was so relieved to have a day off.
He was going to hang in his bunk all day if he could help it, he had made it his little corner of home and it was calling him back after they finished their group breakfast, their enormous group taking a good portion of the small cafe near their venue for tomorrow night.
He heard Mirko making plans with Olli and Tommi to take a hike near by, a couple people from both crews going to local shops, and everyone else going back to Blind Channel's bus to watch a movie marathon.
Perfect, he could have the whole bus to himself even.
"Not joining us?" Arttu asked as he split off from the group, walking back to their own bus.
"Naw, I'll join later."
He got a nod in return and let himself into the blissfully quiet bus, kicking off his shoes and diving under his blanket.
Samy let out a small sigh, feeling himself relax against the soft blanket and pillow, starting to drift as time stretched.
He jolted up to the hiss of the bus door opening, a single set of footsteps walking up the steps and pausing, as if someone was looking around.
He hadn't bothered with pulling his curtain closed since he was alone, and leaned out of his bunk, almost falling out when he saw who was there.
The DJ gave him a small smile, "hey, sorry to intrude..."
Samy gave a small yawn and sat up a bit straighter, "don't worry about it, what's up?"
Aleksi shrugged, "just needed a bit of time to myself, as much as I love my bandmate..."
"Everyone gets really fucking loud?" Samy guessed.
Aleksi chuckled and nodded.
"Fair enough, it's the same for me, just need a moment some times." Samy told him, "feel free to hang out here."
"Thanks," Aleksi told him, settling on their couch and pulling out his phone and headphones, "I won't bother you."
Samy snorted, "don't worry about me."
For a while they relaxed in their sperate spaces, but Samy couldn't fall back asleep knowing he was also in the bus, unable to forget his presence. He resolved to at least do nothing but play a game on his phone for a while until he felt up to joining the other. He had played several rounds of Among Us when he heard a stifled laugh coming from the couch.
"what's so funny?" He called out, "show me."
He heard footsteps approaching before Aleksi popped into view, Samy scooting back in his bunk and waving Aleksi.
Them half sitting, half laying in the bunk, shoulder to shoulder and watching funny videos wasn't what he expected of his morning alone, but Samy couldn't say he objected.
Especially not when he laid his head against Aleksi's shoulder.
Or when his arm slid around Samy's shoulders a couple minutes later.
Maybe it should have made him raise an eyebrow when the phone was abandoned after Aleksi asked about the colorful bed spread, wiggling under the blanket next to him while he explained how he found it at at thrift store.
But it didn't, there was something nice about them both looking for peace and quiet and ending up finding it together.
Although it wasn't until after the tour he found the photo someone had taken on his disposable camera; showing him and Aleksi leaning into each other and napping, his head on Aleksi's shoulder.
He smiled at it, he would have to show Aleksi the photo when they had dinner that night.
Not very romantic but I hope it was soft enough?
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stuck with you ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2102
request?: yes!
“Ooh how about an enemies to lovers fic where Colson and the reader get stuck in an elevator together please”
description: it’s hard to keep up a petty beef when you’re stuck in an elevator with your supposed sworn enemy
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, claustrophobia, panic attack
masterlist (one, two)
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I don’t even know how the fight between Colson and I ever started, but I knew it was extremely prevalent even though we were forced to go on tour together.
The first big gig my band and I had ever gotten was to go on a massive tour with a bunch of other popular and legendary alt rock acts. It was sort of like Warped Tour, but under a different name. We were touring with the likes of All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, etc. We were relatively unknown, so to be given this opportunity was such a big deal for all of us.
My feud with Colson had started before that. Again, I have no idea how it started. I don’t know Colson even knew. All we knew was that we hated one another, or rather we thought that we did. So when the full line up for the tour was announced, and none other than Machine Gun Kelly was on the list, I instantly regretted my decision.
“You won’t even be in contact with him,” my drummer told me after we found out the lineup. “It’s a massive tour, we have our own bus, and the likeliness that you’ll run into him in the hotel or even backstage is so small.”
“You also need to get over this stupid fight,” my bassist added. “You guys barley know one another, how can you be in a feud?”
“That’s the thing, he barley knows me and he’s ragged on me in interviews. Do you realize how much that could effect the reputation of the band?”
“You won’t even run into him,” my drummer repeated. “Just remember that.”
Well, I wish he was right, because I happened to run into Colson on our first night.
The four of us were staying in one hotel room, and in true fashion of a band on their first big tour, we bought enough alcohol to make sure we wouldn’t remember anything the next morning. I offered to go grab ice from the floor above us so we could keep everything cold, and decided taking the elevator was the best idea. The minute the doors opened, I wished I had taken the stairs.
Colson raised an eyebrow at me, glancing down at the ice bucket in my hand.
“I didn’t realize the house keeping went to get ice for the rooms,” he said.
“That wasn’t even clever. You’re starting to fall off Colson,” I said. “I’ll just take the stairs.”
“The floor is literally just one up, it won’t kill us to be in an elevator together for five seconds.”
I glared at him as I realized he was right. I let out an exaggerated sigh and stepped into the elevator, making sure to put a lot of distance between the two of us. Colson hit the button for the next floor up and the elevator doors closed.
It didn’t move.
I looked over at Colson in confusion, wondering if he was also feeling what I was. The look on his face mirrored mine, which was enough to answer my question.
He hit the floor button again, although it was already lit up. Nothing happened. He hit it again, and again, then furiously started jabbing it repeatedly.
“Stop, that’s obviously not doing anything,” I said to him.
“What else am I supposed to do?” he asked.
“I don’t know, see if the doors will open?”
He pressed the button to make the doors open, but again there was nothing. He started jabbing that one too, which resulted in me snapping at him to stop again. He opened his mouth to retort, but before he could the elevator jolted suddenly and a loud alarm rang out.
“Oh fuck,” Colson breathed. “Must be stuck.”
“Wait like...like we’re stuck in here?” I asked.
“That’s what stuck means, yes.”
I felt panic starting to rise in me. I dropped the ice bucket and started clawing at the doors, hoping to somehow pull them open. Colson put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me away.
“Hey, that’s not gonna work!” he said. “For one, you’re literally the size of a toothpick, and two, if the elevator is stuck we can’t open the doors. We’ll just have to press the help button and wait for something to happen.”
My breathing became heavier and I started to hyperventilate. I pressed my back against the back of the elevator and slid down till I was sat on the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them tightly. I closed my eyes and tried to come down from my panic attack before it even started, but I knew it was no use. The feeling of the confined space in the elevator was baring down on me, I needed to get out of there somehow.
Colson knelt next to me and put a hand on my arm. I looked up at him but I was having a hard time focusing because of how violently I was shaking. Through my somewhat blurry vision though I could see a concerned look on his face.
“Hey,” he said, this time softer than before, “look at me. Are you claustrophobic?”
I felt like I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded instead. Colson’s eyes widened and he quickly turned back to the help button. He started jabbing at it the way he had the other buttons earlier. I was panicking too much to really care at this point. I felt like I was going to throw up, which made it lucky that the ice bucket was right next to me I guess.
“I don’t know if anyone can hear us,” Colson called, “but we’re fucking stuck in an elevator and one of us is having a panic attack! Someone get us the fuck out of here!”
I buried my head in my knees, trying to calm myself down. I tried to imagine that I wasn’t stuck in an elevator, that I was back in my hotel room with my bandmates. Unfortunately I was too far into my panic attack to calm myself down that way. My only hope was getting out of the elevator.
Colson came to sit next to me. I could feel his body close and, even though we were constantly fighting, there was just something comforting about knowing he was there with me. We sat in silence for a little bit, besides the sounds of my hyperventilating. I felt Colson’s arm move next to me, then a gentle tap on my arm. When I raised my head he was holding his phone out to me, showing me a picture of a young girl.
“That’s my daughter,” he told me. “Her name is Casie. She’s my entire world.”
“She’s beautiful,” I said, my voice very shaky.
“I don’t know what I’d do without her,” he said. “Whenever I’m having a bad mental health day, or I’m having an anxiety attack, I just think about the next time I’ll be able to see her and it helps me to calm down.”
“I didn’t even know you had a daughter,” I admitted.
“We don’t know a lot about each other.”
I nodded. “I know, I say that all the time.”
He smirked at me. “You talk about me, huh?”
I rolled my eyes. “Of course I do. We hate each other, so naturally I have to talk shit about you all the time.”
His face softened then, which shocked me a little. I had never seen him look so...well...just nice. When I wasn’t looking at him through a haze of anger from our stupid feud, he really did look...handsome.
“I don’t hate you,” he said.
“What? Of course you do. You always say shit about me, you even mentioned me in one of your songs recently in a negative way.”
“Yeah, cause I thought you hated me.”
“I don’t hate you.”
And in that moment I realized that I really didn’t. My dislike towards Colson was purely under the idea that he hated me too. I thought that was the way I was supposed to feel towards him, not the way I actually felt.
“Wait,” I said, uncurling myself from the ball I was in. “Are you telling me we’ve been fighting and having this stupid feud...and we don’t even hate each other?”
Colson awkwardly chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I guess that’s exactly what happened.”
I tried to laugh too, but the elevator suddenly jolted again, which immediately brought back my panicked state. Colson wrapped his arms around me and held me against his chest, running his fingers through my hair and trying to calm me back down. Surprisingly, it worked at least a little bit.
“I’ve had a crush on you for a while, actually,” Colson admitted. When I looked up at him, even he seemed shocked by this. “I always thought you were beautiful and I wanted to get to meet you in person. But when all this fighting started, I tried to push those feelings aside and pretend like they never existed, but they’ve always been there. I think that’s why I’ve said some extra harsh things towards you, just to try and make myself believe that I really didn’t like you.”
The silence in the elevator was deafening. I pulled away from Colson to look up at him. He averted his gaze to his lap, refusing to look at me at all. I could see red creeping up his neck, embarrassment rising within him no doubt.
I had a brief moment of courage build within me, and I decided to act on it. I cupped Colson’s face in my hands and forced him to look up at me. Before I could lose my courage, I pressed my lips against his.
He hesitated at first, like he couldn’t believe this was happening, but it didn’t take him long to melt into the kiss. His hands found their way to my hips, holding them gently as our kiss became deeper and more passionate. With little effort, he lifted me from the floor onto his lap so that I was straddling him. I ran my hands through his messy blonde hair, curling my fingers into the stands at the back of his head and pulling slightly. The noise I earned from this was definitely a moan, although Colson was adamant that it wasn’t.
Before we could go much further, the elevator suddenly rattled back to life and started moving. When the doors opened again, I nearly sobbed with relief. The two of us quickly untangled from one another and stumbled out into the hallway. The air felt so fresh and my chest, which I hadn’t even realized was so tight, felt like it was opening again.
“Thank fuck,” I breathed. “I’m taking the fucking stairs.”
Colson chuckled. “Can I walk you down to your floor?”
“Aren’t you upstairs?”
“Yeah, like two floors above you I think. But I’d like to spend more time with you before we part ways.”
I smiled and agreed. We walked down the stairs together in silence, but it was a much more comfortable silence. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, and neither could Colson.
He walked me all the way to my hotel room door. We faced each other for another moment, just smiling at one another. It felt weird to not be fighting with him in that moment, but a good weird.
“I should get up to my room I guess,” he finally said. “I have to be up pretty early tomorrow for soundcheck.”
“Me too.”
“Maybe...we could meet up there and continue what we started in the elevator.”
Somehow my smile got even bigger. “Okay, I’d like that.”
He nodded, his face bright with excitement. He said goodnight and headed back towards the stairs. I leaned against my hotel room door, feeling like a lovesick teenager all over again.
That’s when I realized I wasn’t carrying the ice bucket. I had definitely left it in the elevator, but there was no way in hell I was going back for it. I was prepared to explain the entire story to my bandmates, who I was sure had heard the last of mine and Colson’s conversation through the door. I was expecting so many questions about why I was gone so long, why they had heard Colson outside with me, and why I was smiling like such an idiot.
But instead, they looked at me for a moment and my drummer asked, “Where’s the ice?”
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wastelandcth · 3 years
In the Mountains - cth
summary: who would've thought hiking with the boys would have ended up being so eventful? as the fifth member of 5sos with a crush on a certain bass player, you’re about to find out. 
author’s notes: thanks to @calumspupils for sending this request in! I hope you enjoy it!
masterlist || request
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You didn't really know how you'd gotten to this point in your life. How you had ended up in a band with four people you'd give the world to, it all still seemed like a fever dream. Most mornings you'd wake up either on a tour bus or in a hotel room miles from home wondering if this was your real-life and it wasn't until you were sat at breakfast with your bandmates that you realized how grateful you were for the twists and turns that had led to your crazy life.
Some days you'd play shows and feel like you were on top of the world, rocking out on stage with your best friends. Some nights the views from the airplanes you'd grown used to being on took your breath away for so long you were afraid you'd actually imagined it all. That all the cameras flashing and fans screaming out lyrics you'd written with the four guys on stage next to you were a figment of your imagination and you'd wake up one day to find it all gone.
"Hey, I know you don't love hiking but...I'm sure we'll make it fun," Calum's voice rang out in the car, bringing you back to the moment at present, "And I'll be there to tell you all the jokes and point out cool rocks," he said with a wink.
Calum Hood. You'd turned your head to face him, the California sun was hitting his skin and making him glow. His bright smile adorning his face as the sunglasses he was wearing slid down his nose to reveal those brown eyes you'd fallen for. His soft voice and gentle teasing bringing warmth to your stomach that always seem to linger whenever you two were alone. It was something that you thought you'd kept to yourself, a little secret, but the comments online only left you a blushing mess.
If you were being honest, you'd been in love with Calum since the first months you'd spent with the band, getting to know each other and making sure you'd be a good fit into the group. those weeks had been filled with outings together where all five of you would spend hours on end telling stories about growing up and then laughing over how the internet blew up when they introduced you to their fanbase. But those few weeks were also spent trying your best to not make a fool of yourself in front of Calum, who seemed to always be at the right place whenever you stumbled or when your voice would crack while you were practicing alone.
You two had clicked instantly, both stuck to each other's hip as you took on the world. You'd write together, spending hours on a couch drafting out possible songs and humming along to tracks that had potential in matching the band's sound. You'd even become neighbors at one point when you'd first moved into the city to be closer for band work. He'd helped you move into the apartment next to his and you'd spent many weekends at each other's place, laughing over the awkward silences when you'd both caught each other glancing for a few seconds too long.
So you were in love with your bandmate, your best friend, with Calum Hood. How bad could it be?
Apparently, very bad. You and Calum had never been the subtle type and although you both pretty much knew there was more than friendship between you two, no one made a move to make it more. Ashton had asked you once when you two had gone out for lunch after a studio session.
"I just can't understand why you two haven't already gotten over it and got together. You'd thought about it, he's thought about it. Just do it," Ashton huffed, shaking his head as he watched you tense up and shake your head.
"The band is what's important, Ash. We can't let our feelings get in the way of fucking up what all five of us have created. He knows that and I do too," you'd replied, laughing quietly as Ashton only shook his head and mumbled something under his breath.
But Ashton was always one to try and make others happy in his own special way. And that's how you found yourself in the car with Calum on the way out of the city for a hike you were less than excited about. You knew Ashton was up to something when he'd texted the group saying that you and Calum would have to drive to the trail together since you wouldn't fit in his car with Luke, Mike, and their partners. As a form of payback, you'd purposefully told Calum to pick you up thirty minutes after the original time to make sure you were the last ones to get there because there was nothing more than Ashton hated than being late. And that's how you found yourself driving out of the city with Calum, lost in your own head over how beautiful he looked.
"Mhm, you always make things fun," you chuckled and winked back at him, "We're gonna need it especially now that we're late and Ashton will definitely kill us."
The hike had gone surprisingly good considering three of you were not the most athletics and Luke and Michael had constantly been racing seeing who could go the farthest faster. Ashton had tried his best to keep everyone on track until you and Calum had teased him about being the mom friend as he'd set up his phone on a rock to shoot an update video for fans to let them know about the band had been up to. It had all been going according to plan until you moved closer to Calum and twisted your ankle, ending up on the floor staring up at the blue sky.
"Oh my god, I'm going to die. Just leave me here to die because I'm not making it," you cried out, "This is the end of me!"
In a matter of seconds since your back had hit the ground, four familiar faces hovered above you, one of them looking more concerned than the others. The pain shot through your spine and down your leg, your eyes closing as you tried to stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. Soon enough you found yourself being lifted up from the ground and a warm body pressed against your back. You could hear all the guys fighting over what to do, which meant your ankle wasn't twisted backward since none of them had screamed or puked their guts out. Their voices all mumbled into one as you breathed through the pain and it wasn't until Calum's warm breath was hitting your ear that you felt yourself take a deep breath in and open your eyes.
"I'm gonna stay here with you until Ash and the others can get a ranger to bring a car or something like that, okay?" he mumbled softly, his hand rubbing at your back as he helped you sit back against a rock.
"Please don't let my leg fall off, I need it to run on stage and to kick Michael when he steals my food," you whined.
"That's not gonna happen, okay? I think you just twisted it and it's all going to be okay, sweet girl," Calum mumbled and kissed your forehead, "Promise."
The sun was still high in the sky by the time you started thinking Ashton had left you both in the desert. You'd both been sitting on the ground together, watching as  your ankle grew and grew in size as the time passed by. The pain had dulled and your head was resting on his shoulder when your brain had started to think of the worst.
"You know, this wouldn't have happened if you were Australian. Us Aussies are known for our athleticism," Calum chuckled as he nudged your side with his elbow, "It's a well-known fact."
"I can do a better Australian accent than all four of you," you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you smacked his thigh, "And I can outrun pretty much all of you except Ash."
"Except right now."
"Calum Hood, I swear if you don't stop making fun of me-"
"What? Are you gonna hit me again? I dare you-"
You don't know what came over you. Maybe it was the heat of the sun beaming down on you both. Or maybe the fact that you were thirsty since Michael had taken the only backpack with water with him before you two realized it but Calum's lips looked very nice and it took no self-restraint for you to lean in and stop him mid-sentence.
"Maybe you should twist your ankle more often, huh?" Calum chuckled as you both pulled away, "Or bully you more often."
"Shut up and kiss me again, idiot," you laughed and pulled him back in for another kiss.
"Who knew all I had to do was get you two alone on a hiking trail for you to finally kiss, huh?" Ashton's chuckled made you both pull away, making you both look like a deer caught in headlights.
"Oh shut up, I'm never going on a hike with any of you again," you huffed and gratefully took the park ranger’s hand as he helped you on to what looked like a golf car.
It was a short trip back to the medical center, where they treated your very swollen ankle with ice while you downed all the water you could get your hands on. But you were grateful that Calum hadn't left your side once, his hand in yours as you squeezed it whenever you'd hit a bump or when the park ranger wrapped your ankle. His hand was still in yours as you both drove back to the city and it never left yours even when you both laid on the couch in his living room that night, drifting off in each other's company for once accepting that maybe, just maybe, this could be more than just stolen glances.
taglist: @hoodhoran @finelliine @moonlightcriess @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop  @hemmo1996-5sosvevo @myloverboyash @notinthesameguey
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"I'm just getting comfy" with Aleksi and Niko, inspired by the tiktok last night
This is a very cute prompt and I instantly had Aleksi cat vibes back in my head😄 And thank you for your other nice message.
The spirit on board of the tour bus was still high as was noticeable by the loud chattering and music blasted out of someone’s Bluetooth box.
Everyone was still talking about the amazing concert, Niko for the hundredth time saying this one was the best for him, followed by a groan of his bandmates and Tommi saying into Joel’s phone how he was proclaiming that every night, but Niko was too happy to care that he was made fun of.
He was seated on one side of the couch, his legs stretched out, an arm behind his head, and enjoying a cold beer. The night was amazing, he felt amazing, there was nothing that could make it even better.
Well, with his eyes straying further into the part where their bunks were located, he could make out a mop of black hair which obviously belonged to Aleksi and a twinge went through his stomach.
Aleksi had been completely exhausted after the concert, excusing himself to bed as soon as they stepped back onto the bus and Niko was disappointed that he couldn’t spend more time with him. Apart from having that opportunity every day for the last, what, almost two months now?
Still, there was never enough, but Niko couldn’t say it as it was because it would sound stupid, and especially with how close they already were he couldn’t ask Aleksi for more.
Although he wished he could. As confident as he always appeared, when it came to Aleksi it all seemed to disappear, and he was left a blushing, and grinning fool. As soon as Aleksi looked at him with his blue eyes Niko forgot what he wanted to say and later groaned into his pillow because how come it happened again? It’s been years and he still wasn’t used to Aleksi’s attention although he could argue that some things had changed lately.
The tingly feeling spreading all over him when he was interacting with Aleksi for example Oh god, he was head over heels for him, he couldn’t even deny it, not to himself anyways. In front of the others he still kept a cool face, despite feeling anything else but cool inside when he was talking with Aleksi or when he was near him.
And that Aleksi was now laying all alone in his bunk didn’t suit him at all.
“Hey Aleksi, don’t you want to join us at least for an hour?” He yelled across the bus before he could hold the words back.
A head peeked out from behind the curtain and bleary eyes blinked at him.
There was no way for Aleksi to fall asleep under these conditions and so he must have dozed since they came back, getting as much rest as he could. He still didn’t look better than before though, the pattern of his pillow printed on one of his cheeks and Niko smiled at the cute picture when Aleksi slid down out of his bunk.
He dragged his blanket behind him and without another word he got on the couch on Niko’s side, getting closer still on all fours.
“What are you doing?” Niko asked as Aleksi wiggled himself under his arm into his lap, his head coming to rest on his thigh, the rest of his body curled into a ball under the blanket he took with him.
“I’m just getting comfy.” Aleksi replied in a quiet voice, an obvious tiredness swinging in it as his eyes had closed already.
Niko was perplexed about having his lap full of Aleksi and unsure where to put his arm as if he had never before cuddled with one of his bandmates, but at the same time he was content to have him there. And maybe there was also a bit of pride that Aleksi was laying in his lap and not anyone else’s.
If that was anything to go by, he couldn’t tell, but he would pretend for the evening, letting his butterflies go wild as Aleksi fidgeted on his legs until Niko ran a hand through his hair, soothing his restlessness.
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i wanna know what love is - 04
Pairing: rockstar! sebastian stan x writer!reader
Warnings: sexual tension
A/N: let me know what you guys think, i love receiving your feedback rly warms my heart xx
Last Chapter // Next Chapter
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Everyone in the band had their little corner of the bus only for themselves. Fred and Michael were normally around the kitchen, happily munching on the snacks found on the always filled cupboard. Anthony would be on his little bed bunker talking on FaceTime with his wife and kids while Sebastian had the whole second floor for himself where no When she questioned the other band members why he had such a big space for himself, they replied with shrugging and that it was mostly for his entourage. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder why they kept up with his shenanigans but it was obviously that they all still held care and love for their front man.
Y/N herself had been handed the back lounge which had been turned into a room for herself. It had a nice plush queen sized bed, a full sized shower, a TV within the wood like walls of the tour bus and a wardrobe for her to keep all her belongings. It also had a nice full length mirror.
She was in her cozy bed, polaroids and notes scattered around her as she all compiled it within a word document on her laptop to send to her editor as work evidence. Maybe as a senior writer or even a hired writer she could keep her work for herself but as an intern, her editor had to get proof she was actually working and not “parading” with the band as he had phrased it when she called him to inform him of the tour reporting offer. 
She found herself reaching Sebastian’s section and having nothing on him. She could write about his snarky remarks and how every single girl in the club immediately flocked to his side but that would go against what he expected of her. On the other hand she could write that he protected her from someone trying to forcefully hit on her. However, as a female writer, if she wrote that, she would get criticism from her editor saying she had hit on Jack or Sebastian. 
Y/N had no choice but to go upstairs and try and get something out of Sebastian that wasn’t a tease or a useless reply. She sighed, getting up from her bed along with her trusty notepad and walked to the door of her bedroom opening it to find most of the band mates asleep in their very upgraded bunkers or watching Netflix. She kept on walking until the stairs, climbing them and reaching the top expecting to find a drunk Sebastian or an accompanied Sebastian. Instead she found him in his bed, shirtless as he usually walked around, with a guitar on his lap and headphones on. 
   - What are you wearing? - he smiled like a little school boy once he noticed someone was in his space. Y/N was in her pjs, a white spaghetti top with pink flowers along with matching shorts. It was very different from what the girls he’d bring in the bus would wear to bed. - Do you enjoy dressing like a little kid, is that it? 
  - Says the person who was sworn war against shirts. - Y/N looked at his very naked torso. Only now had she gotten the option to actually study it and the tattoos he had scattered in it.  He had two guns tattooed very close and pointing to his pelvis and a rose by his left shoulder. She wondered how drunk you’d have to be to get two guns, one of each side of his torso, pointing directly at his pelvis. It was almost as an invitation. She blushed at that thought, looking at the wall trying to erase that idea from her head. - I need to ask you some questions for my editorial evaluation. 
  - I thought you had gotten enough material for tonight. - he put his headphones back on his ears, returning to ignore her to play something which she couldn’t hear. Y/N sighted and stormed to his side, ripping the headphones away from his head. - That’s not very nice, sweetheart.
  - We have a deal. I get this tour report if I clean your messy dirty slate. If you want me to clean it then you need to answer my questions and act like a grown up. - she disconnected the headphones from his guitar, holding them on her hand which made Sebastian furrow his eyebrows at her display of dominance. 
  - Right, sweetheart. - he took the strap of the guitar that was wrapped around him, placing the instrument in his bed. - What do you wanna know? 
  - Thank you. - she placed the headphones on the floor before grabbing a bean bag and taking her seat there, making her look way smaller than him. However, right now that wasn’t what she was worried about. - I just have to wonder, you’re almost 35 and all your bandmates are either married or have kids. How come you haven’t settled down?
  - I don’t wanna answer that question. - his whole demeanour changed as if she had insulted him and all she stood for. She had never felt afraid of him, maybe frustrated or embarrassed but never afraid. Yet that look, that very icy look that took over his whole being as she finished speaking. - Next question.
  - Okay ... - she looked at her pad, not wanting to hold eye contact. - You know, I get this sense that you believe you’re above everything else and you can have anyone else you’d want in your bed or by your side. But ... but it’s not real. It’s not love.
  - No. - he shook his head at her. - It’s not love, sweetheart. It is not supposed to be love.
  - Then what is it? - she was actually curious. Growing up, her mother was a reporter and she knew, she knew these type of people. Those people who were famous, gods of their own craft and could have anyone they wished. As a young girl she always thought it was because they deeply craved love but Sebastian didn’t seem to fit that theory. Sebastian didn’t seem like the type of man that surrounded himself with women and one night stands because he was a deeply insecure man requiring love. No, he didn’t seem like that man. 
  - Sex. - he said almost in a whisper-like manner. She felt like the mere tone of his voice and the lack of flinching in his whole demeanour would send her straight to hell just because she had witnessed such event. - And other people’s projections of what they want me to be. Of what you, your editors and your readers want me to be. Sex. 
   - A .. ar ... - she had to clear her throat trying to bring herself to Earth. - Are you talking about your blatant sexualisation in the media? 
   - You know what I’m talking about. - he sat next to her in the very small bean bag making her move to the other side, almost falling on the floor. - It’s part of the job, sweetheart. Don’t get so flustered, it’s part of the industry.
   - I’m not flustered. - she moved again but he only followed her. - I’m trying to interview you and you’re not taking me seriously. 
  - You just didn’t like the answer. - he grinned at her, satisfied with how flustered he had made her. - Don’t ask questions if you’re not open to the answer, Y/N. C’mon, it is better to have sex and have however you want then be heartbroken. Love is a social construct, it does not exist.
  - What do you know of heartbreak? - she pushed him away from her and Sebastian couldn’t help but sense the shift in her emotions. She almost looked angry at his reply. 
  - Woah, sweetheart. Did I hit a nerve? 
  - What would you even know about love? All you do all your time is be surrounded by girls who you use to take to your bed and that’s it. You haven’t experienced a single drop of love much less heartbreak. - she got up, starring down at him.
  - Well, maybe the reason why I haven’t felt a single drop of love is because all you and your friends want me to be is sex, sex on legs so I can continue to do what I like. 
  - It’s not our fault that you cannot not bring a girl to the tour bus. 
  - Well, I ...
  - Everything okay? - a girl peaked from the bathroom door, calling for Sebastian’s and Y/N’s attention. He mumbled a quiet “fuck” under his breathe, getting up to fix his problem. Y/N on the other hand just rolled her eyes before taking out and going down the stairs. - Did I ruin everything?
  - No, Sherrie. She has her opinion about me set in stone. 
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Slippery Slope: An Izzy Stradlin FANFICTION
Chapter 2: It Was Nice While It Lasted
Chapter 1
Story Summary: 6 part min series about Izzy meeting a biologist at a zoo
Chapter Summary: A date in a fancy restaurant
Poppy sat in her car attempting to calm herself down.
Why was she so nervous?
She wasn’t this nervous when she took any of her exams back in college.
This was just a dat. That’s all it was. Just a silly date! Middle schoolers go one dates, so they couldn’t be that bad...right?
She quickly adjusted her rear view mirror, checking over her appearance.
She looked over her makeup one last time, makeup that took way too long to put on. She felt like she was in middle school again as she went to war with the eyeliner and mascara trying to get it to look right. One of the millions of perks of working at the zoo was that it wasn’t uncommon to go swimming which meant no makeup.
Izzy placed the flowers on the white cloth covered table in the restaurant he chose. He couldn’t remember the last time he worse a suit, and he couldn’t wait to take it off. The flowers were identical to the poppies he had given her earlier today when he asked her out at work. He loved the smile that grew on her face when he handed them to her, and he hoped to see it again.
He second guessed himself the entire time he wandered around the aquatics area looking for Poppy that morning to ask her out.
What if he misread her yesterday?
What if she wasn’t flirting with him?
What if she was just being nice?
He chastised himself for potentially thinking that every girl who talked to him wanted to fuck or date him.
He wasn’t a rockstar anymore, and he wondered if Poppy would even be interested in the old him. He shook his head, erasing the thoughts that haunted him. It didn’t matter what Izzy from Guns N’ Roses did or didn’t do. Poppy had no idea that was him, she only knew him as ‘sweet Izzy’ as she called him last night.
After searching for what felt like an eternity, he found her standing next to a penguin talking to a crowd of kids about where penguins come from or what they eat.
Izzy watched as her cheeks went redder the moment their eyes locked. It was cute. Izzy made sure to lean up against the back wall as he watched her continue on with her class. She was a natural with dealing with kids. Izzy knew he wouldn’t last two minutes with the little kids.
“Can everyone thank Dr Poppy for introducing us to her penguin friends?” The tour guide said to the group of children who quickly sent several thank yous towards Poppy. The smile she wore was radiant as she smiled back and thanked them.
Once the children left, Poppy immediately headed over towards Izzy.
“Hey,” he said once she was within earshot.
“Hey Pops,” Poppy giggled at the nickname that Izzy gave her.
“Don’t call me that, you make me sound like an old man,” Poppy teased back.
“Ohh come on babe, it’s cute,” Poppy lost her breath when Izzy wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer.
“Fine...how about Marry Poppins,” Izzy’s laughter filled the room as Poppy playfully shoved Izzy.
“Do I look like Marry Poppins?”
“Well you have the penguins!” Izzy pointed towards the penguins that were now back in their home. Izzy smiled as Poppy’s laughter filled the room around them.
“So what brings you back to the zoo? Last we talked you were going to call tonight,” Poppy eyed the flowers that Izzy held as he spoke.
“Well, I decided that I couldn’t wait any longer. Turns out I don’t have a lot of patience,” he handed her the poppies and watched her smile grow larger and larger by the second.
“Patience to do what?” Poppy had a good guess at what he was getting at. She pushed all thoughts of him asking her out to the back of her mind. She was just thinking like a foolish child.
“Patience to ask you out,” Poppy swore her heart stopped.
Izzy also swore that his heart stopped the moment he saw her walk into the restaurant. Her red hair cascaded over her golden dress the shined under the lights the illuminated the restaurant. Gorgeous was an understatement. While Izzy would agree that she did look cute in her lab coat, he would also say that she looked drop dead gorgeous in her little golden dress. He raised his hand to help get her attention, and she sent a warm smile towards him.
“This place is gorgeous!” Poppy said the moment she sat down.
“Not as gorgeous as you,” Izzy’s words earned a giggle from Poppy.
“I figured you to be a corny guy....but I didn’t think you were that corny,” Poppy teased.
“Ohh and I thought I was being so original with bringing you poppies,” Izzy could have said anything and Poppy would have blushed.
Truth was, he was the first guy to bring her poppies. He was actually the first guy to ever bring her flower. He was also the first guy to ask her out.
“Have you ever eaten here before?” Izzy asked as he looked over the menu.
“No....I’m gonna be honest....I haven’t had half of the stuff on this menu. The college diet usually includes more Ramen and fast food than fine dining,” Poppy’s eyes were glued for the menu.
“What the hell is Toscana?” Poppy wanted to dramatically throw her menu in the air as a joke, but she knew that now wasn’t the time nor the place. Little did she know that Izzy had done far worse than throw a menu in a crowded fancy restaurant.
When she looked around, she got a good look at the restaurants clientele. Poppy and Izzy were the youngest patrons there by at least 20 years. She could feel eyes on her every time she picked up her water to take a quick sip while talking to Izzy about how her day was.
At first Izzy was going to order the calamari, but he quickly changed his mind. He didn’t know how often she worked with squids, but he didn’t want to upset her by eating one in front of her.
“I’m thinking I’m going to try the Gnocchi alla Pesto...sounds good!” Poppy sent a warm smile toward Izzy who returned it right back to her. Truth was that Izzy had already offered to pay, and she agreed before looking at the menu prices. She couldn’t remember seeing a menu this pricey before. Honestly $18 for gnocchi seemed expensive, but it was the cheapest option on the menus that had a description and sounded edible.
“Well I’m going to try the penguin pasta,” Izzy laughed at Poppy’s auditable gasp that captivated some of the tables around them.
Poppy’s shock quickly turned into a playful smile after the realization that Izzy was joking had hit her.
“Ohh my god Izzy! You better be careful because I ALMOST believed you for a second,” Poppy harshly whispered back. Izzy laughed at Poppy’s playful tone that matched the smirk on her lips.
Dinner flew by for the pair as they chatted away about everything and anything. Poppy was surprised at how much Izzy was talking. She pegged him for the shy type, but he slowly talked more and more as the night progressed.
The night prior, she asked him what he did for a living, but he simply responded that he wrote music. She tried asking follow up questions, but he would quickly change the topic. It was clear he didn’t want to talk about it, so she decided that maybe the next time she saw him they would talk about it. Tonight she once again shyed away from asking. She figured that work was stressful and he didn’t want to talk about it.
“I take it that you enjoyed your gnocchi?” Izzy pointed towards her now empty bowl.
“Yeah, it was really good” Poppy patted her stomach as she spoke. She felt silly and animated about the action, but she was nervous and it made Izzy giggle.
“Did you enjoy your dinner Mr. Stradlin?” Their attention quickly changed from each other to the bus boy who was collecting their dirty plates.
“Stradlin...now that a silly last name,” Izzy froze as Poppy giggled at her comment.
“Well I guess that is one of the perks of being a rockstar...you get to chose whatever name you want. Plus it’s not the weirdest name, he has a bandmate named Duff and another named Axl,” Izzy’s jaw clenched as the bus boy spoke. He watched as realization filled Poppy‘s features. At least it was nice while it lasted.
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elizabeth-baelish · 4 years
Life’s a Sick Joke pt 14
wohoo, finally!!
Would like to start from the beginning? Here is Part 1!
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14. Truth and Lies
After that thing happened on the bus and that chick Tommy became a bit calmer than he usually was. It scared you cause he was the always energetic one who annoyed you all the time.
"So, what will you do in the Christmas break?" Doc asked reading through his papers and walking around on the stage to see if everything was ready for the last concert in 1983. You were dealing with your camera while Nikki was drinking a beer next to you before the concert started.
"Christmas? This wasn't last year?" Nikki asked drinking a beer next to you.
"It's in every year, you know." You sighed while angrily pushing the buttons on your camera.
"Did that poor camera hurt you?" He asked laughing.
"It's just messing with me." You snapped. "Go, take it before I smash into small pieces." You handed the item in question into his hand.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing. Just the usual. Not that my life is a fucking joke this camera can't even work properly." You huffed.
"Do you say this because neither your brother nor your sister will spend the holidays with you?" Vince spoke up who just finished with his costume and makeup session. You sent him a death glare as he took next to Nikki. You hated that he knew you this well, it was pretty annoying not being able to hide any of your emotions in front of them.
"What?" The bassist inquired. "You don't have any relatives or what?"
"Why? Do you have any?" You asked back. You didn't mean to fill your anger on them, to be honest, but they were the curious ones. "Sorry, it was rude." You apologized to him. "It will be just weird not spending it with them. And enough of me. I'm always talking about them."
"Hey, it's okay. We understand." Vince said giving you a big smile.
"Anyway, why don't you spend the holidays at Mick's family? Not that, I ever heard him speaking of them so I don't know if they exist at all." Nikki added. He was surprised that he didn't even know about his bandmate's family's existence.
"I don't know. I don't want to interrupt anything and to be honest, Mick doesn't talk about his personal life too much." It frustrated you that he knew almost everything about you whereas you only knew that he has three brothers which you doubted now. And there was the thing with those child support envelopes back in the hotel. It still didn't let you rest, but you didn't want to bring it up, it wasn't your business.
"I thought at least he told you something. Creepy man." Vince said adjusting his fluffy hair. "But I don't think you should worry, I'm sure he will open up, someday...at least I hope so."
"May the odds be ever in our favor, guys." You said jumping down the stage.
"Where are you going?"
"I need some fresh air before the concert starts." You yelled and headed toward the back door. When you were out you sniffed in the air and filled your lungs with fresh air though it's wasn't that good as at the camping.
"Hey, (Y/N)." Tommy greeted you when he saw you exiting the building. You took a seat next to him. Tommy noticed your not so satisfied face so he offered you a cigarette which you took happily.
"Thanks." You muttered while he held the lighter for you. For a few minutes, you were sitting there in silence, just enjoying the silence. Tommy and silence still didn't sound good together. "How are you?" You asked rubbing his thigh.
"Well, that's not a lot."
"And what about you? What was that face? Did they annoy you?" He asked smirking.
"Imagine, this time it wasn't them." You laughed.
"Wow, miracle still happens. Then I bet it was your sister right? To be honest, I miss her, too." You glanced at him.
"You can call her anytime, you know that right?" You called her almost every day but it wasn't the same. And Tommy was aware of that, too."
"I know."
"Tommy, I know I told you this many times, but it wasn't your fault. That chick. She was just crazy and rude. She didn't know when to say when. Also, I hate to see you this. I miss your goofy self." You pushed him playfully in the arm.
"Thanks, (Y/N). I just need some time. I've never hit a woman before and I feel like a monster." He looked at his hands then smiled at you. "I miss annoying you, Cooper. Be prepared." He smirked.
"Not now, please." You chuckled but tried to keep the serious face on.
"Finally, it's over." Mick sighed putting his guitar down and sitting down the couch.
"It's not over yet, there will be still a Christmas party," Nikki added.
"No way I'm going. The tour next year with Ozzy will be more than enough." Mick muttered opening a bottle.
"Speaking of Christmas...how will you spent it?" Vince tried to bring up the subject since you didn't dare.
"I thought we have already discussed it with (Y/N)," Nikki said when Vince elbowed him in the stomach. Mick just raised one of his eyebrows. He was thinking of spending it at home with his sister and parents since he was sure you will spend it at your relatives' far away.
"So, Mick?" Vince asked again.
"Well, maybe at home, in silence and peace." He smiled from the thought.
"And what about (Y/N)?" Tommy spoke up after a long time among his bandmates.
"So, you are speaking now. Good to know." Mick said knowing that it must be your hands in it. "And back to the question...well I don't know. You mentioned that you already know, why are you asking me?"
"Cause...for the fuck's sake she will spend the whole Christmas alone. Well, I wouldn't let that but I'm sure she wouldn't want to spend it with me while she has other options." Vince said crossing his arms. Mick looked concerned for a bit.
"You should talk to her," Nikki said after he could get some air after that punch from the singer.
"If you don't bring her with you, I will," Tommy added smirking at Mick.
"No, neither of you are taking her, understood?" Mick didn't understand why you didn't tell him this yet. It
"Yes, sir."
"Hey." You put your smiling and happy face on not to let him know the situation.
After you went back to the hotel, you went to your room and started packing. You left the stadium without a word to anyone, just called a taxi. You wanted to be alone. You didn't want Mick to see you this miserable.
"(Y/N)?" He said after entering the room. You were sitting by the window and was gazing at the city night.
"Can we talk?" He asked while taking your hand and pulling on his lap on the sofa.
"So what is it?" You bit down your lip. Maybe those bastards told him everything.
"The boys told me that..." Of course, they did. "That you are spending Christmas...alone?" He asked still not believing it. You sighed and looked away.
"And why didn't you tell me? Those teenagers are thinking that I'm a careless bastard for letting you alone. Whereas the truth is that I didn't know." He put his finger under your chin making you look in his eyes. "I thought that you will spend it with some of your relatives or friends."
"I don't have any relatives. We either aren't on speaking terms or they don't know about my existence. And won't visit them by 'Hey, I'm (Y/N), your cousin can I spend the holidays here. I don't know a thing about you and maybe I'm a serial killer but I hope you will let me in your house.'"
"Okay, that sounds ridiculous, I will give you that. But why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I thought that you will be with your family and I don't want to disturb." He placed a kiss on the top of your hand.
"You will never disturb, understand? And stop thinking about yourself like you were worthless."
"So then?" You asked.
"I don't know, Mick. Are you sure that they will like me?" You bit down your lip while adjusting your coat on yourself. He pulled you by your hand towards the entrance of the house.
"It's high time for them to finally meet you." He said opening the gate for you and letting your forward. You were standing in front of the door playing with your hair. 
"Don't worry, okay? You are perfect and they will like you I'm sure." He pecked your lips and knocked on the door. You were sure you would've faint if he wasn't holding your hand.
"Omg, Robert! I missed you so much." Her mother hugged her son tightly which made Mick smile.
"I missed you, too, mom."
"And you must be (Y/N), right? Hi, I'm Mick's mother." She offered a hand and you shook it happily.
"Nice to meet you, ma'am."
"Call me, Tina, please." She said smiling and invited you to the house. Mick helped you taking down your coat and put it on a hanger while you took the opportunity to look around. The whole house was decorated and there was a huge tree in the living room still blank. "Come, Frank and Susie are in the kitchen making a mess, I guess." She whispered turning back to you while heading towards the mentioned place. You could smell gingerbread in the air which remembered you the recent holidays. When you entered the kitchen you saw Susie and Frank throwing flour on each other while laughing from the top of their lungs. Tina rolled her eyes and shook his head while Mick was just smirking. You liked the way his family made him feel.
"So that's my family. I told you not to worry that they will be crazier than you. " He whispered in your ear.
"Alright, I surrender, and I advise you to do the same. Our guests arrived." Tina announced gesturing towards you and Mick.
"Mickey!" Susie screamed while running in the arms of his older brother. You can't help but smile at them.
"Susie, dad, I would like you to meet (Y/N). She is my..what we are for each other?" He asked you playfully.
"We are just acquaintances. I think." You joked.
"No, we are more than that." He chuckled gripping your hand.
"Oh, you look so cute together." Susie blubbered. "By the way, I'm Susie, his little annoying sister." You offered a hand but she put it away and hugged you tightly.
"Sorry for manners. I'm Frank." You shook with hands with him smiling.
"Nice to meet you." You said. They all seemed super nice. You didn't understand why Mick never talks about them. If you had a family like this, you would talk about them 24/7.
"Come on in, there is much more space in the living room and you must be tired, you may go and bring your bags up in your room," Tina said while going back to the kitchen cleaning up the mess Susie and Frank did.
"I will bring up our luggage then I will come back. Don't run away while I'm away." Mick said to you when Frank took the bags out of his hand.
"I will do it, don't bother about it." Mick's family was aware of his condition, too and they cared about him, even if Mick didn't feel himself a man like that.
"Thanks, dad." Mick sighed and sat down next to you.
"Okay, so I want to know everything. Tell me from the beginning!" Susie giggled, she was all ears.
"Calm down. You will know everything, I promise. Just wait a bit, we have just arrived. And don't annoy (Y/N), she drove all way here."
"You did?" Susie turned to you.
"I didn't let him drive my car. I'm too overprotective." You laughed. "And you are not bothering me."
"She is a great girl, I don't even know how you are with her." She joked to Mick. Mick gave her a fake smile and threw a pillow in her face.
"So what do you think?" Mick asked while packing your clothes in the wardrobe. You were sitting on the bed handing him your stuff.
"They are all kind and generous. It must've been good to spend your childhood with them in this lovely house."
"Things weren't always this decent, (Y/N)."
"So that's why you never talk about them?"
"Yeah." The truth was that he was afraid that his family would say something, you shouldn't know. Now, he prepared himself for those conversations and it was time to let you know the truth.
"It's really delicious, Tina." You said while consuming the food which covered the whole table.
"Thank you, honey. You want the receipt?"
"Oh, I don't know. It must a family receipt."
"You are family, now." You gulped and almost choke on the food but you managed to smile and nod.
"Thanks." You cleared your throat and drank a bit. It wasn't that you didn't want to be part of this wonderful family. The fact made you choke was that they barely know you.
"Mickey, now talk. I'm dying of curiousness!" Susie pouted pointing with her fork at her brother and you. Mick glanced at you then back at his sister.
"What do you want to know?"
"E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G." She snapped.
"Where did you meet?" Frank asked dealing with his turkey.
"Umm, at my job interview." You chuckled remembering back the day.
"Mickey gave you the job?" Susie asked.
"No, he just saw how stressed I was and encouraged me. His manager hired me." You said.
"Really? Are you sure, it wasn't Mick?" She laughed staring at Mick. Mick jaws tightened. He gave a death glare at his sister and took a deep breath. You blinked and glanced at him.
"Shut it." He snapped. You bit down your lip now knowing he was the reason you got the job. Not your qualifications or photos. You knew it wasn't the best place and time to fight over it so you just calm down and continued eating. You felt Mick's hand on your thigh on the table but you didn't react anything.
"You have a beautiful house, Tina. Have you always lived here?" You asked to break the awkward silence.
"Thank you, you are kind. And no, we moved here when Mick was 7 years old and went to primary school. Frank got a new job so we had to move here."
"I see. And did you like going to school here, Susie?"
"Yes, much better and more than Mickey. He was absent many times unless I. I had a pretty good time there."
"Really?" You thought Mick was a nerd, but maybe studies and music weren't hand in hand. "And what about your brothers. Mick told me you have three brothers." Susie spit out her food, Tina and Frank shared a look. Mick placed his face in his palms.
"We don't have any more children. They were more than enough." Tina laughed. You pouted and you felt your face burn from embarrassment.
"I'm sorry. I might misunderstand something. If you excuse me, I have to go to the restroom. Be right back."
"Sure, darling. It's at the end of the corridor." Frank told you.
You needed some time to calm down. Mick lied about you now in two things as well. You were upset and you wanted to scream his head off for lying. But on the other side, you were grateful for him to arrange this job for you. And about that brother's topic. You were completely clueless.
"Robert, why did you lie to that poor girl that you have three brothers?" Tina whispered to her son while you were away.
"Just let it go, okay? She could be back at any moment." He drummed with his fingers on the table from the stress.
"Then until she arrives, do you know anything about Stormy, Erik, or Les Paul?" She whispered. Well, you heard everything. You knew it was rude but you needed to know the truth after all these lies.
"I don't know, mom. But can we talk about it later?" He hissed through his teeth. Stormy, Erik, and Les Paul? Who were they? No, they can't be. But that child support mails at the hotel. Something big was going on. You walked back to the table when neither of them talked and sat down.
"Did I miss anything?" You asked smiling but deep down you wanted to scream.
"Just how clumsy Mick was back in the days. Omg, can I show you pictures?" Susie went into a crazy mood.
"Yes, that's a wonderful idea," Tina added.
"Mom, Susie, please don't!" Mick said shaking his head. He still didn't dare to look at you which he did well cause you were on the edge of punching him or at least kick him under the table. Frank gave you an empathetic smile, so exactly knew that they were lying to you. Nice. At least someone was on your side, too.
"Look at him! Isn't he adorable?" Tina asked while pointing at a picture of Mick who was posing with his Mickey Mouse guitar.
"Sure, he is." You chuckled. Frank and Mick didn't want to be there so they went into Frank's working room to talk.
"Son, I understand that you don't want to tell her your past, but I think you can be honest with her. She deserves it." Frank said watching his son watching the books on the shelves.
"I know. I just haven't got the perfect occasion to tell her. Lots of things happened recently and I didn't want to put his pressure on her as well." He sighed.
"You love her, don't you?"
"Of course, I love her. That's why I dared to bring her here, but maybe it wasn't the best idea after all." He rolled his eyes regretting the whole night.
"I think it was a good idea. I'm happy to see you and I think Susie and your mother think the same. And if you are happy with her then you are making us glad as well. Just talk to her. I'm sure she will understand it." Frank gave an encouraging smile to Mick.
"Come on, (Y/N), you can do this!" Tina supported you as you were sitting on the shoulder of Frank and were about to put the star on the top of the tree. When you managed to you cheered and Frank put you down cautiously. He gave you a high-five smiling.
"Good job." He said.
"It's beautiful," Susie said admiring the tree. Mick was standing behind you, his hands on your hips.
"Now it's time to let Santa bring all the presents. Go to your rooms." Tina said smirking.
"Oh, mom. But I'm an adult now. I know it's not the Santa."
"I don't care, young lady." You were just laughing along with Mick seeing Susie. Mick took your hand and pulled you towards his room.
"Good night." You said.
"What?" You asked noticing his facial expression.
"Good night, darling." Tina greeted back waving.
You went upstairs and entered Mick's room. While you looked around he closed the door even with a key. He was standing there with his face to the door and was gazing at you. You deserved the truth.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying to you. I didn't te you everything and I would like to tell you if you are even willing to stay here with me. You probably hate me." He put his hands in his pockets.
"Hate you? Never? Wanted to punch you? Maybe." You chuckled. He smiled but he was relieved. So he didn't fuck up everything in the end. "Look, I'm grateful that you got me the job, but you could've told me." He sat down beside you on the bed.
"I know. But I owed you this. You looked so stressed that day that I thought I might help you."
"Thank you, really. But I wanted to hear from you, not your family."
"Speaking of family...I don't have three brothers." He smirked.
"No shit. I figured it out now." You laughed. Mick rubbed the back of his head then he stood up and searched in his pockets. He handed you his wallet.
"Open it."
"Um, okay?" You opened the layers. Mick pointed in a little secret pocket in it. You sighed and found three tiny pictures.
"She is Stormy. She is 10 by now. He is Les Paul, he is 12 and there is Erik, he is 7. They are my...my children." His lips curved into a smile seeing his children even if just only in a picture. You hummed.
"They look cute. And where are they?"
"At their mother's, I guess. But I don't know much about them. Their mother took them from me cause I didn't have the money back then. I didn't have work so the court took them away."
"I'm so sorry, Mick." You hugged him tightly while rubbing his back.
"I'm sorry for not  telling you. I was just afraid."
"Don't apologize. It's okay." You hushed.
"Good morning, fellas!" Susie knocked on your door yelling. You groaned from the noise not wanting to get up. Mick stroked your hair and your bareback with his fingers. He loved you with your messy hair and sleepy face. It made you so much younger.
"Good morning." You murmured into the white pillow.
"Morning." He leaned closer and started kissing your back from your neck down your waist. You smiled but didn't move. "I think we need to get ready. Susie won't stop until we get down."
"I think you are right. We can finish this later." He leaned closer to your ear. "If you want." He whispered making you chuckle.
"Come on, doves! Santa was here!" Susie yelled again.
"Give us a minute!" Mick yelled back rubbing his face. "Or two." He muttered.
After you got dressed you went down the living room and admired all the big presents under the tree.
"Wow, someone was a good boy." You said when you noticed all the presents behind Mick's name card.
"Look who is talking." You raised your eyebrows when you saw the number of boxes with your name on them.
"Finally, your respect is with your presence." Susie snapped sitting on the couch.
"So who's gonna start?" Tina asked bringing a camera in her hand.
"I will." Susie giggled. She was a few years younger than you, whereas she acted like a 10-year-old. But she was happy. After she opened all of her boxes she insisted that you would be next.
"Alright. Let's see." You took a quite heavy box in your hand and cautiously opened it. When you saw it your lips curved into a big, happy smile.
"I heard that your current one didn't work properly. I hope it's all good." Mick said from the couch.
"It's perfect, thank you." You felt tears running down your cheek from happiness. You walked over to him and pecked his lips when you heard a click. Tina held the camera in her hand and smiled.
"This goes to the family album," Frank spoke up watching the picture. After all of you finished, you sat down on the floor and Susie showed you what she got. "(Y/N), Mick there is one more." They handed you an envelope. Mick took it and opened it. "We thought, you might need some time off." Frank pulled his wife in a sideways hug.
"A whole holiday to Hawaii?!" You gasped. "No, we can't accept this. This is.."
"Stop, both of you deserve it. And there is no payback so it will go waste if you don't use it."
"I will happily use it if you won't," Susie added.
"We will go," Mick said. "Thank you."
"Thank you for everything. And the food, too." You thanked hugging each of them.
"Very welcome."
"Thanks, mom."
"We would like to see our grandkids next time," Tina added. Mick's facial expression made you laugh. After you sat in the car Mick glanced at you. "You know, if we continue this night routine we might bring their grandkids next Christmas." You blushed and covered your face. "Just kidding." He chuckled and started the car.
Tags: @cmft-jr-winchester​ @leatherandheels​ @karrotkate​
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bxcketbarnes · 5 years
Questionable Relationship Status
Tumblr media
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader
Words: 2400+
Author’s Note: I’ve been dying to write for Ashton again, especially after meeting him and I had a prompt I planned to use with him. Thank you to my lovely friend @h0tsos for providing me with this cute ass idea! I hope it turned out okay xox ALSO THANKS TO STEFF (h0tsos) FOR MAKING THIS GIF FOR ME
"Ash! Where's your hoodie?" I yelled from the bunk area as I shift through the clothes in his bag. A chuckle was heard from the other room before Ashton walks into the back.
"What do you need my hoodie for?" He asked and I glanced towards him to see a dimpled smile on his face.
A huff escapes my lips as I stand up straight, turning to face him. "I'm cold," I pouted and he giggles, his hand reaching for the same exact hoodie I have.
"Your hoodie's right here?" Ashton questions with his eyebrow raised.
"Yeah," I draw out, crossing my arms over my chest and look to my feet, "but yours is baggy and it smells like you."
Ashton rolls his eyes and reached into his bunk to grab the black 5SOS hoodie before tossing it to me. "You're so lucky I love you," he laughs while shaking his head, stepping back out into the living area.
"I love you!" I call out with a giggle. I threw the hoodie over my head, slinging my arms through before hugging myself.
I inhale deeply, smelling Ash's cologne on the clothing and my heart flutters. I always loved the way he smelled. It smells like home. I walked out of the bunk area, seeing the boys on their phones.
Ashton's sat on the couch, his legs spread wide and I head towards him. His hazel eyes meet mine to which he smiles softly. "You look cute," he grins and I give him a cheesy grin before moving to lay in between his legs.
I rest my head against his chest and rest my eyes as Ash's long fingers comb through my hair. A content sigh comes from my nose as my arm wraps around his waist.
The drummer could feel his mate's eyes on him and he looks up from his phone, seeing Luke looking at him with a confused look on his face. "What?" Ashton asked with furrowed eyebrows and Luke let out a short chuckle while shaking his head.
"Nothing," he starts and motions his head towards me, "she been doing good being away from home?"
Ashton glances down at me as I stay silent, listening to their conversation. I nuzzle my face a bit, tucking my hand under his back. "She's been doing good, surprisingly. I'm really glad she's here with us," he smiles softly and Luke nods his head with a smile.
"Yeah, she’s certainly keeping us intact," Luke laughs and Ashton joins in. I couldn't help but smile a bit before biting on my bottom lip.
Ashton and I were on the tour bus as everyone else had made their way into the venue we were at. I sat on his lap, my legs on either side of him as my hands comb through his hair.
"You feeling okay, bub?" I ask quietly and Ash moves his hands to my waist, nodding his head slowly. I frowned a bit, continuing to comb my fingers through his hair.
"Y/N, sweetheart, I'm okay. Just having an off day. I'll be fine," he mumbles and opens his hazel eyes to look at me. "You don't need to worry about me."
His hands move up my back and I sigh, shaking my head. "I may not need to, but I do," I tell him and he gives me a soft smile.
Ashton runs his hands up my back before his fingers find their way into my hair. "You're so amazing, you know that?" He asked me and I shrugged a bit, giggling.
"Hey, I try to be." More giggles leave my lips before the brunette pushes my face closer to his. My breath catches in my throat as our foreheads rest upon each other, sitting in comfortable silence.
The door to the tour bus opened and I turn my head to see Luke standing on the stairs, his blue eyes set on the two of us. I give him a small smile and glanced back at Ash to see his eyes were closed again, his hands ran up and down my back.
"Everything alright?" Luke asks and I watch Ashton open his eyes, looking towards his best mate.
"Yeah, everything's good," Ash smiles before he taps the side of my thigh, motioning for me to get up.
I slide off his lap, laying back on the couch as Ashton moves to gather his things from the back. Calum piles into the bus after Luke moved towards the table in the kitchen area.
"So," Luke starts, gaining both mine and Cal's attention, "are you guys dating or?” The blonde asks and I furrow my eyebrows together,
"Me and Ashton? No, we're not dating," I inform him and Calum lets out a laugh. "What?!" A laugh leaves my lips as I look between the two boys.
"There's just no way the two of you aren't dating. You two are all over each other all the time, like, not in a best friend kind of way," Calum speaks up for Luke and the blonde nods his head, pointing towards his bandmate.
“Well, believe it you two. I would know if Ashton and I were dating and we aren’t… unfortunately,” I barely whispered the last part, looking down at my hands as they fiddled with each other.
Calum moved to sit beside me and I sit up, looking over at the blue-haired man. “Look, I know you’ve got the hots for my best friend and I’m telling you that you should go for it,” he mentions and I scoff, shaking my head. “I’m serious. You two are on the verge of dating anyway. I’m surprised the two of you haven’t kissed yet.”
“You really think so?” I ask quietly, glancing towards him as he smiled, nodding his head. I nibble on my bottom lip, my eyes moving towards the bunk area where Ashton currently was, hearing him roaming around.
“Go get ‘em,” Calum whispers and smacks my leg.
I could hear Calum and Luke exit the bus as I peeked into the bunk area, seeing Ashton looking at the various jumpsuits lying on the table. "Need help deciding?" I tease and Ash jumps a bit, turning his head back to look at me.
"Yeah, that'd be great," he laughs and I walk into the area. The drummer drapes his arm over my shoulder as I stand beside him, looking down at the four jumpsuits. "Which one is your favorite?"
"The green one," I answered immediately and Ash chuckled. I giggle, glancing up at the brunette. "What?! You asked and I answered."
"I know, I know. I guess I didn't expect you to answer so quickly," he tells me and I shrug my shoulders.
"I'm gonna be honest. You look fucking great in the jumpsuits. They suit you really well," I confessed and could feel my cheeks heat up.
Ashton and I's eyes met and I blushed, even more, seeing the adoration in his hazel eyes. "God, you're so fucking incredible. I don't know what I did to deserve you," he mumbled quietly and my heart flutters.
"I think it's the other way around, Ash," I whispered and he shakes his head.
"Nope. Not a chance," he grins and I roll my eyes before wrapping my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest.
Ashton's arms wrapped around my neck, holding me close to him as we stood in silence. "Wanna know something funny?" I asked, feeling my heart pound against my chest and he hummed in response. "Luke, uh, Luke asked me if we were dating."
He pulled away from me, his hands on my shoulders as his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. "What? He did?" I nod my head slightly, biting my lip.
"Yeah. I guess we're very friendly with each other," I chuckled nervously as my fingers fiddled with his shirt.
Ashton's eyes roamed over my face as he didn't say anything, the tension becoming too much. I cleared my throat, needing to get away from him as nothing but negative thought came to my mind.
I drop my hands from his waist, tucking strands of hair behind my ear before walking out of the bunk area. I couldn't stop the tears coming to my eyes, quickly opening the door to the tour bus to get outside.
"Wait, Y/N!" Ashton calls out and I halt my movements, turning around to see the drummer bust through the door. I cross my arms over my chest and look at my feet, hearing his footsteps become closer. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I just… I didn't realize that my affection for you was so loud. I-I'm not sure how you feel about me because a lot of the times I thought you were just being really friendly and-"
"Ash," I cut him off, speaking softly and takes a step towards him. "I like you, a lot. Cal was actually the one that told me to go for it so I brought up what Luke had said because it made me realize just how close we are."
Ashton lets out a breath of relief, lifting his hand so his palm lays against the apple of my cheek. I give him a small smile, leaning into his touch and he leans forward to press our foreheads against each other again. “We have a day off tomorrow and we should be in DC by the time we wake up. Would you want to get some breakfast? Or brunch?” He asks and I nod my head.
“I’d love that, Ashton.”
He smiles widely, his fingers combing through my hair as he reduces the distance between us, our lips colliding with one another. My hands move to his torso, gripping his shirt as I move my lips against his. Ashton was about to deepen the kiss, running his tongue along my bottom lip when a few screams came from behind him. The two of us pull away from each other and I jump slightly. Both of us glance over his shoulders to see a few fans standing by the fence, waving at us.
“Hey, guys,” Ashton giggles and I hide my face in his chest.
“Are you guys finally together?” One asked and he glanced down at me for a quick second before answering.
“We are. I finally decided to gather some balls and ask her out.”
The show was fucking incredible, as usual, and I found myself sitting on the couch in the tour bus while waiting for the guys. I managed to take a nice hot shower without getting interrupted by anyone, which doesn’t happen often, to be honest. The door opens and the boys file into the spacious bus.
Each one of them gives me a smile and Ashton walks towards me as soon as he closed the door. “Hey, beautiful,” he whispered before kissing my forehead. He sits on beside me as I stand up, taking advantage of the couch being empty and sprawls out onto it.
I went into the back to get my phone charger, coming back out to see Ashton taking the entire couch. “Really? I was gone for like, a minute,” I giggled and slapped my hands against my legs.
“You also missed me making an Instagram story,” he adds and I shake my head, walking towards him before laying directly on top of him. “Alright, sure, you can lay here.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have taken my seat then,” I joked and rest my chin against the back of my hands, looking up at him. I glance back towards Calum as he sits across from us and the two other boys are scrounging the cupboards and fridge.
I watched as he took out his phone, tapping a few times before he began talking. “Hey, boys and lady,” he greets and pans the camera towards Ash and me.
“Watch my story,” Ash comments, looking at the blue-haired lad and I make a scrunched up face for the camera before bringing my eyes back to Ashton.
“You’re an egghead,” Cal mentions and a laugh leaves my lips.
“You skipped my shit.”
“Your head looks like an egg,” Calum laughs and Ashton makes a face to which Calum and I blurt out laughing and I hide my face into his chest.
Luke joined Calum on the couch across from us, scrolling through his phone as this situation became quite similar to the other day. Calum was making another story and he mumbled the word kawaii to Luke making the curly-haired boy lift his head and make a face at his friend. I shake my head, looking away from the two and glance back towards Ashton who already had his hazel eyes on me.
“Whatchu staring at?” I giggle and he shrugged his shoulders, a grin on his lips. He mumbles something incoherently before pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“Hey, hey, wait,” Luke’s voice interrupts our moment and the two of us look towards the blonde. I hum in answer, seeing his eyebrows furrowed together. “I thought you guys weren’t dating?”
This question gained the attention of the other two, having all three bandmates looking at the two of us as Ashton wraps an arm around my lower back. “We weren’t until about seven hours ago,” Ash mentions and everyone’s lips parted in shock.
“Holy shit. Fucking finally,” Michael commented before tossing his plate into the sink, heading back into the bunk area. I giggle and rest my head against Ashton’s chest once more, feeling the exhaustion fill my body.
“Yeah, finally,” Cal mentioned with a smirk on his face, his honey-brown eyes dead set on me.
A laugh leaves my lips and rolls my eyes playfully. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, get used to it,” I tell them and Luke scoffs.
“We have been used to it. You two have been like this for months.”
“It’s not our fault we’re oblivious as fuck,” Ashton mumbles and I nod my head, agreeing with the drummer. “I’m just glad I don’t have to hide it anymore.”
I move my head, looking back up at him with a smile on my lips. He gives me a cheeky wink and I can feel my cheeks blush a bit. He leans his head forward, barely reaching my lips as he presses a feathery kiss to them.
Groans were heard from Calum and Luke and I giggle. “Alright, damn, we’re happy your together but don’t do that shit in front of us,” Cal comments and I shake my head.
“Fine, fine. We’ll just go in my bunk and makeout,” Ashton mentions and taps my ass cheek, signaling me to get up.
The two of us get up from the couch, his hand intertwining with mine as he leads us towards the bunks. “Night, boys!”
Taglist: @bumblebet-20 @daisyxbuckley @thebookamongmen @h0tsos @ashtonsunshine @maddz-world @gotta-try-something-new @twilightparker @ashs-cheergirl @therainydays4 @thatcheekychic @dashlilymark @shower-me-with-roses @latemikedevil @lukeskisses @fayesfairylights @marshmallowtraver @morningfears @trashbin2 @whatmakesmehappyy
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senorarelojes · 4 years
Fic: Happiest Girl (Part 10)
Alan makes a bet that Dave would not be able to pass off as a woman in ladies’ clothing. Dave decides to prove him wrong. (This is set sometime during the Black Celebration era.)
Pairing: Dave/Alan Rating: Explicit Notes: Thank you @pinksyndication, @what-could-have-been and @im-knocking-on-deaths-door for generally being wonderful! Also, @what-could-have-been outdid themselves with this fantastic artwork of Alan shaving Dave’s legs from Part 4. It’s so hot, I can’t get over blushing Alan!
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. Part 4 is here. Part 5 is here. Part 6 is here. Part 7 is here. Part 8 is here. Part 9 is here.
By unspoken agreement, they’d gone back to Alan’s room. Everything was exactly where they’d left it, various tubes of lipstick and eyeshadow palettes strewn all over Alan’s dressing table, the shaving implements still left abandoned beside the tub. It was a testament to how distracted Alan must have been earlier; Dave knew he normally would have cleared everything away neatly before leaving.
Then again, Dave couldn’t quite blame him. It’d been a really strange but illuminating evening.
Alan helped him with the wig first, sliding out the hairpins before taking it off Dave’s head. Dave couldn’t help the sigh of relief. It had been fun, having long hair, but it was starting to get a bit hot and itchy as well. Alan also unzipped the dress for him, and they dropped it into the bag designated for hotel laundry. Once Dave was just in his briefs, he hooked an arm around Alan’s neck and dragged him closer, kissing him with a low sigh. Alan hummed in approval, a hand slipping into Dave’s underwear to squeeze his bum. Dave could probably get hard again in a while or so, but Alan obviously wasn’t having a problem with that now.
Dave broke off the kiss, much to Alan’s obvious displeasure which made him chuckle. “Lie down on the bed,” he told Alan. 
“I’d like to get my mouth on you, if you don’t mind,” Dave said with a grin. He laughed outright when Alan immediately started shedding his clothes, leaving them in a neat pile before bouncing on top of the mattress, naked and smiling devilishly at Dave.
It was impossible to resist the siren call of a naked Alan in bed. Dave immediately climbed on top of Alan, kissing him deeply like he’d wanted to the whole night - and for a really long time now, if he were being honest with himself. Making out with Alan was completely unlike being with a woman; Alan’s body was firm and unmistakably masculine, from the scattering of hair on his chest down to the strong, muscled legs tangling with Dave’s own. And fuck, the way Alan kissed him, sure and possessive, like he was trying to shove that clever tongue right down Dave’s throat. 
And the biggest reminder that Alan was a man was pressing pointedly against Dave’s hip, leaving a sticky trail of pre-come all over his skin. Alan was already so wet, and he sighed when Dave reached down and brushed his thumb over the head of Alan’s cock, smearing the wetness gathered there. “Fuck, Dave.”
Dave held his gaze as he raised his hand to his mouth, licking Alan off his thumb and watching Alan’s pupils dilate. “You taste good,” Dave whispered, before leaning down and slipping his tongue into Alan’s slack mouth.
When they broke apart for breath, Alan was panting now, high spots of colour in his cheeks. Not so indifferent now, are you? Dave thought smugly, nipping at Alan’s lips. “I want to suck your cock,” Dave told him with a grin, as Alan’s nostrils flared. “But be nice, it’s my first go.”
“I’m always nice,” Alan deadpanned, before they shared a wry glance and dissolved into laughter together. Dave pretended to cuff him on the ear before licking the shell, making Alan shiver as Dave travelled down his body, taking in Alan’s scent of sweat and faded cologne.
However, he had no idea what to do or how to react now that he was finally face to face with Alan’s erection. Alan was slightly longer than him, although Dave was thicker, and the head of his cock had a nice shape. Dave experimentally licked off the fluid on the tip of it, which made Alan almost kick him off the bed. “What the fuck, Al?” Dave demanded, steadying himself on the mattress.
“Sorry, sorry.” Alan seemed torn between watching Dave and flinging his arm over his eyes. “Er, proceed.”
All right, it seemed that Alan was especially sensitive there. Dave made a mental note of it, kissing the tip of Alan’s penis before experimentally wrapping his lips around the head.
Alan was moaning like he’d been drugged, fingers clawed in the bedsheets. Dave was getting a huge thrill of seeing Alan - always so restrained, always so cool - lose his mind like this in bed. And Dave hadn’t even tried to take him in fully yet. Eyeing Alan’s length and gauging it with his hand, he didn’t think he’d be able to fit all of Alan in his mouth. But he could damn well try his best.
Trying to remember all the times he’d gotten blowjobs from various women, Dave loosened his jaw and slid his mouth down a few inches, praying Alan wouldn’t buck him off the bed. He had no idea what he was doing, but Alan was groaning with such approval, eyes shut in utter bliss. Encouraged by Alan’s extremely appreciative reactions, Dave tried to bob his head up and down a bit, supporting himself by planting a hand on Alan’s thigh while the other curled around the shaft a little uncertainly to cover where Dave’s mouth couldn’t quite reach.  
Alan was still leaking pre-come like crazy, enough that Dave had to wipe his mouth with the back of a hand. “Wow, Al.” Dave was a little in awe; he’d imagined all sorts of lurid fantasies with Alan, but no amount of fantasizing on the tour bus could have prepared him for the reality of having Alan laid out in front of him like this, his taste a little salty and bitter on Dave’s tongue.
“Come here,” Alan himself sounded wrecked. Dave quickly crawled up his body, their mouths meeting again in an urgent clash of lips and tongues. They were rutting together messily now, Dave’s almost fully hard erection rubbing against Alan’s stomach while Alan’s cock was bumping against Dave’s hip. Suddenly Alan came with a silent cry as Dave nipped at his jaw, and it took Dave just a few more thrusts in the slickness created by Alan’s semen before he buried his face in Alan’s neck, both of them panting as though they’d just run a race.
Dave was normally really relaxed and a little sleepy after a good orgasm. Fuck, he’d had two now, almost in a row. So he didn’t know why his mind was racing, his heart still hammering in his chest. He was trying to decide whether to risk a glance at Alan's face or not, afraid of what he would find there. What if Alan regretted this? What if this really was just a silly bet they’d taken too far because of alcohol and God knows what else?
“Ooof.” Alan sounded normal enough as he rolled over, nudging Dave in the ribs. “I don’t know about you, but-- I desperately need a shower.”
“Oh.” Dave didn’t know what to say. Was Alan trying to get rid of him? “Should I go back to my room, then?”
“What?” Alan gave him a look that could only be described as the non-verbal equivalent of ‘puh-lease’. “Don’t be silly, there’s plenty of hot water here.” His mouth crooked up in amusement again. “Unless you want the hotel staff to catch you sneaking back in your briefs? Or worse, Mart and Fletch?”
“God, no.” Dave happily got up and followed Alan to the bathroom, deciding not to mention that he had clothes stashed in Alan’s wardrobe. After all, there was no point looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Dave woke up before Alan did. They’d forgotten to draw the curtains before passing out in bed last night, and it was already starting to get light outside. Alan had his head buried under the pillow, his towel dried hair sticking up in spikes from underneath. His t-shirt was rucked up so his belly was exposed, and Dave watched the soft rise and fall of his stomach for a while.
The very real panic he’d felt in the alley outside the club came back with a vengeance. Alan was his friend, his male best friend, his bandmate and colleague. It was true, he’d been attracted to Alan for quite a while now, but he’d always resigned himself to letting it simmer below the surface, unwilling to recognise it and give it a name. Then this stupid bet had come along and blown everything out of the water, setting things in motion that Dave didn’t know how to handle. 
He rolled over in bed, adjusting his shorts thoughtfully. Even now, after the wig and the dress and the make-up were gone, he still wanted Alan with a longing that both thrilled and depressed him.
Sitting up, Dave quietly got out and wrote a quick note on the hotel writing pad, letting Alan know he’d gone back to his room first to pack since they were leaving Hamburg right after the gig tonight. It was a valid enough excuse. Whenever one of them had crashed in the other’s room after a drunken night of partying, it wasn’t abnormal to wake up and find the other one gone. Dave had done it to Alan plenty of times before, and vice versa. It was what mates did.
So he didn’t know why he still felt riddled with guilt as he snuck out of Alan’s room and back to his own.
Martin and Fletch were already at the hotel restaurant, helping themselves to the breakfast buffet and looking as hungover as Dave felt. Martin was peering at a German newspaper and nibbling on a pastry, while Fletch was diving into some combination of potatoes and sausages with gusto. They nodded when they saw Dave. “How was last night with the record people?” he asked them, taking a seat opposite Fletch.
“Brilliant,” Fletch told him with his mouth full, which made Martin wrinkle his nose. “You and Al missed out.”
“We saw him with some bird, though,” Martin said, failing to notice Dave’s blush as he nudged Fletch with a frown. “It was at-- um, what was that club again?”
“Something with a weird name. Ballsack or wotsit,” Fletch suggested, making Martin let out a sharp bark of laughter.
“Baalsaal, yeah.” An amused Martin turned back to Dave. “Where were you? We didn’t see you.”
Dave was thankful for the timely hotel staff who served him a double espresso, so that he could hide his face behind the cup. “Dunno, probably dancing.”
“Al’s date last night was pretty,” Fletch commented, shoving more food into his mouth. 
Martin flipped over to the next page of the newspaper. “Thought you said you couldn’t see her face.”
“Saw a bit. It was her arse that stole the show, though.” Fletch sighed, as Dave almost spat out his espresso. “How does Slick get all the pretty ones?”
“Speaking of whom--” Martin gestured with his chin, the three of them turning to watch Alan crossing the lobby, his video-camera bag hoisted on his shoulder. Dave took advantage of the diversion to clear his throat, downing a glass of water as Alan joined them at the table. He didn’t look at Dave.
“Got lucky last night, did you?” Fletch grinned at him with a wink. “You’re welcome, by the way, for us making ourselves scarce.”
Alan simply seemed amused. “Why are we talking about this?” 
“It’s better than Andy talking about your date’s beautiful arse,” a bored Martin said, flipping to the comics. 
Alan’s lips twitched up slyly. “She did have a fantastic bum.” Now Alan turned to Dave, evil pouring off him in waves. “What did you think, Dave? You met her.”
Dave felt like his face was on fire; he didn’t know whether he wanted to wipe the smirk off Alan’s face with a punch or a kiss. “I think you lot are all cracked,” he said, as the rest chuckled.
“You two had a great night too, then?” Alan said to Mart and Fletch, and Dave really had to admire the smooth way Alan gracefully changed the subject. The other two were now engrossed in telling them about their night out, Alan nodding along as he sipped his cup of tea while Dave poked at a piece of toast. The animated conversation died with the arrival of a cheery Daryl, armed with their hectic schedule for the day. Radio interviews, then a few telly appearances before a rushed soundcheck and a meet-and-greet with some VIPs. Then there was the big show, of course, after which they had to board the bus for West Berlin. Dave already felt tired.
Gobbling up the last of their breakfast and tea, Dave stopped to sign an autograph for the starry-eyed waiter as the rest made their way to the waiting tour bus. It was only when he looked up that he realised Alan was waiting for him at the doorway, a little smile playing about his lips. “Did you hear about my date last night with the great arse?” he said, as Dave caught up with him.
“Wait until you hear about my date, who is a great arse,” Dave muttered, although he admittedly felt relieved as Alan laughed. Maybe things would be normal between them again. (Note: I might stop posting Happiest Girl on Tumblr once it goes up on AO3.)
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11thstreetgirl · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet (Sami Yaffa)
Warning: adult content 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Cuddly. It would be ideal if the two of you could just lay in bed for hours. He likes it when you lie on top of him or vice versa, as long as you're as close to him as possible (one time he even fell asleep still being inside you). He doesn’t talk much but mindlessly caresses your skin wherever he can reach. If the sex was exceptionally hard he'll light up a cigarette as soon as he can move. He can be lightheaded for quite a while after.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's a musician so hands of course! He likes his strong long fingers and the things they can do to you. He's pretty much a booty guy, so he adores your ass. That's where you usually find his hands, he loves to stick his hands into the back pockets of your jeans.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Sami likes the way it looks on you, especially dripping out of you after he came inside of you. He could watch it every time in his post-orgasmic haze. It can get a bit messy sometimes. He likes the way it kinda marks you as something of his. He also loves when you swallow after a blowjob. In a weird way he also likes it when he can taste his own cum when you kiss.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wouldn’t mind sharing you, or at least in his head the thought turns him on. Reality could be a lot different. Just the image of you completely satisfied and utterly exhausted from him and another guy or girl does wicked things to him. It would all need to come down to you being satisfied, that’s what does the trick.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Sami’s had quite a lot of sex, but nothing too meaningful, so you’re learning the more intimate part of it together. It still sometimes amazes him how much more intense it can be with someone who he has genuine feelings for. He’s pretty talkative and always makes sure he’s doing it the way you like.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying)
He loves it when you ride him. He prefers to see your face, especially when you cum, but occasionally he wants to do it in reverse cowgirl just so he can see your ass too. He sometimes jokes about getting the Kama Sutra and trying every position in it. Sometimes it gets a little wild and you end up in the weirdest positions. And if no one’s around, he’ll bend you over any surface available.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Depends on the situation. Sometimes goofing around leads to sex and sex to goofing around. In the heat of the moment he’s usually more serious but not too serious. Sex needs to be fun!
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He shaves every now and then, but isn’t too serious about keeping it neat. It’s the same color as his natural hair – dark brown
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's a total sucker for romance but would never say it out loud, not that it’s too hard to notice. He showers you with kisses and it wont go unnoticed how much he adores you. Especially right before he cums there’s usually small I love you’s and compliments. He’s brain doesn’t work too well when he’s super horny so he sometimes gets a little clumsy with showing his affection in the moment, but you can see it clearly. And when you show the same amount of love for him he basically starts to purr.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Sami does it every now and then, usually when he’s away from you, but to be honest he thinks it’s gotten a bit boring since he has you to help. Sometimes when he’s on tour you have phone sex after the shows because he’s always horny after a gig. Watching you masturbate is the biggest turn on for him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He's down to try almost everything once. He's adventurous and curious in bed (and, ehm, everywhere else you might do it, meaning nearly every place possible) and sometimes you purposely look for new things to try. His favourite ones have something to do with being tied down; doesn’t matter if its you in the handcuffs or him giving you free rein. Include blindfolds and he’s putty in your hands in no time. You two are no strangers to the rougher things either, but it takes more planning. There’s a few items, like a flogger, at hand.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Just about anywhere! Bedroom is of course the ideal because there everything you might need is in an arm’s reach, but he’d get bored if it was just the bedroom. So all the places with a little privacy work! One of his favourites is taking you in the tour bus after the show when all the other guys are still backstage – the fear of getting caught adds a nice spice
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The sheer pleasure that comes from sex is a huge motivation! Just being able to have fun with you and to satisfy you is what gets him going – among other things. Like the simple fact that you exist and he knows he basically owns your ass. That’s all it takes.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Public humiliating, daddy kink and age play are a no go. He wouldn’t do anything that makes you even a little uncomfortable, and not being able to communicate/ have agreed on the limits beforehand is a turn off – he can’t focus on the pleasure if he’s not sure.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves a good blowjob just as much as the next guy! He loves the way your lips curl around him and how he can gently guide your movements by your hair. His knees usually get totally weak after a good blowjob. He likes giving you oral almost as much – watching your face twist as you become undone under him (or over, on the occasions he pulls you to sit on his face) and he loves your taste in his mouth. He definitely knows what he’s doing and has quickly learned just the tricks to drive you mad!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s usually slow and sensual at first, savoring the moment and the way you look, but as soon as you start to lose it he’s gone and pounding into you like there’s no tomorrow. He always tries to take it slow all the way until the end but rarely succeeds – but when he does, oh man...
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Sometimes the pressure just gets too much and you two just need to release it as fast as possible. It’s not ideal but he definitely has nothing against quickies. The absolute best thing he knows is a quick fuck right after he comes off stage before the afterparty starts – that’s also when he’s probably the horniest.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He doesn’t mind the risk of being caught! Especially his bandmates know that it’s not a good idea to come looking for him before or after a show; you two might be going at it in the weirdest places. As long as you’re comfortable there’s no stopping him!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
When he’s super horny he can get a little carried away and finish quite fast, but he makes sure to repay you the next morning. Otherwise he can go on for quite some time and after a little rest he’s always up for another round – if you have time to just lie around he won’t let you leave the bed.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s curious about everything so he sometimes surprises you by getting you two a new toy that you can fool around with it. The best ones make regular cameos in your sex. He also loves to watch you pleasure yourself with one.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He knows how much seeing him play his bass turns you on so that’s how he usually teases you. He loves the feeling of knowing you want him badly and could tease you for hours – if it wasn’t for the fact that it gets him so horny he just can’t stand it. During the actual sex he sometimes likes to hold back and make you beg for it. If he’s the one being teased he’ll get impatient and basically become a writhing brat.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
At first he’s pretty quiet, just whispering sweet nothings to you or how good he feels, but the closer he gets the more he forgets to keep quiet, then it’s heavy breathing and moaning. He also loves to make you make some noise; he wants everyone to hear how good he makes you feel.
W = Wild Card
He doesn't get jealous and riled up often but when he does, it doesn't matter who you're with, he'll come up behind you and pull you into a deep kiss.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's pretty average but in his case it’s definitely not about the size! He also has probably the most beautiful cock ever...
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Simple question, simple answer: high. It doesn’t take much to get him going and he’ll surely let you know when he’s in the mood, which is pretty much all the time
Z = ZZZ… (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He dozes off for a moment right after but usually drags himself into the shower after resting for a while. If it was rougher than usually, after making sure you're all good, he's out like a light. You find it so cute and you always tease him about it in the morning.
// taglist: just my loyal @thespacecowboyyy for now! (if someone else wants to be tagged please do tell!!)
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Lay it On Me - cth
part of nation of two
summary: Petra stays up one night while Calum's away thinking back on all the happy moments she wishes she could relive. Meanwhile, Calum's dealing with the fear of loving someone after so long. 
author’s notes: I hope you guys enjoyed chapter one of Nation of Two and that you enjoy a closer look into Calum and Petra’s little world!
warnings: Not much, just two lovestruck fools missing one another. 
masterlist || request || previous part || next part
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Sometimes, Petra’s life felt like it was something out of a cheesy romance novel, she felt herself craving to reread the pages that made her cheeks flush and heart race. The pages that had made up her life. She’d stay up at night when she was alone, staring up at the ceiling as she tried to relive the moments she’d treasured so much. She wasn't sure how long she'd been doing this, maybe she had done so her entire life trying to remember the little details of precious moments so they couldn't slip past her. 
Most recently, those memories included Calum and his soft laugh.
If she closed her eyes and focused, Petra could almost live through the flower shop exchange. She could feel her heart race as she turned the corner into the vase aisle and was met with a familiar face of a stranger. Calum had been wearing a shirt she'd remembered seeing him wear at some show online, the soft white shirt lined with red fitting his arms and chest so snug it made her lose her breath. His hair was blonde and cut short, making his jaw seem soft and the perfect place for Petra to kiss. His tanned skin was smooth and the tattoos on his arms decorated him like a piece of art. If Petra really concentrated, she could still smell his cologne, the woodsy scent that seemed to be mixed in with something sweet. It wasn't too strong, but she had been close enough to Calum that she could smell it over all the flowers in the store. 
When Petra opened her eyes again, the darkness of her room brought her back. The moonlight was filtering in through her window and gave a soft blue hue to everything. Her arms spread out at her side and she felt a pang in her heart as her left hand didn't bump into the warm body she'd gotten used to being there. Calum had been gone for almost a month now, leaving the side of his bed cold and empty. He'd been busy with work and Petra appreciated when he'd have the odd minute or two to call her so they could catch up, even if it had to be two in the morning and her sleep-filled brain could only come up with strange answers. Not that it mattered too much because before the conversations turned into anything meaningful, Calum was saying goodbye and promising to call when he could next. 
But Petra still loved him. She loved Calum and the short phone calls, where the only thing that mattered was that he ended them with a quiet I love you and kissy noises. She loved the Calum who was living his dream every night out on a stage in front of thousands of people. The Calum who at the end of every show would snap a picture and sent it to Petra with another cheesy pickup line or a joke he'd heard that day. Petra was in love with the Calum who would call her in a rush and babbled out some story where his brain worked faster than his mouth and his giggles warmed Petra's heart from halfway across the world. Even in the darker days, when they both craved to feel the touch of the other and their usual happy interactions were clouded over with a pang of sadness. Petra knew it would all be worth it when she was in the arms of her lover in a week's time. 
"Can't sleep?" Calum's groggy voice rang out into the darkness of the room. 
"I got too used to having you sleep next to me, jerk," Petra laughed, her eyes falling back onto the small screen next to her head, "You're seriously not gonna let me see your new haircut yet? I'll see it all over the internet by lunchtime tomorrow, you know that?" 
"Yeah, you might," Calum laughed, "It's a surprise though! You love surprises," 
"I also love running my hands through your curls," she snorted and shook her head, "I just miss your cute face."
"I miss your cute face too," Calum chuckled, letting out a sigh as Luke called his name out from outside the tour bus, "I've got to go, but I'll talk to you soon, okay? Try and get some sleep,  darling."
And with that, Petra was thrown back into the silence of her dark room. The sun would be up in a few hours and that would mean she definitely wasn't getting any sleep so she closed her eyes and begged her brain to let her drift off. Eventually, her breathing evened out and the pillow she'd been using as a replacement for Calum lulled her into sleep. 
Arpeggiated chords rang out from the room next to the entrance where Petra had been standing, the chill from outside hitting the back of her neck as she pushed the door closed with her foot. The house was warm and Petra could smell the soup that was brewing in the kitchen but her legs lead her towards the soft music that was playing in the living room. In the corner of the room, near the big windows that show the snowy landscape that Petra had been out exploring just a few minutes earlier, Calum was sat by the piano. His eyes were focused on the keys in front of him, his fingers working over them as if he'd played the piano his whole life. With every note he played, Petra felt herself drawing closer and closer to him, her hands landing on the softness of his shoulders with a soft squeeze. 
"How was your walk?" Calum asked, the soft music coming to a stop that left the house feeling empty and Calum was glad Petra's hands were on him, the shiver he'd felt earlier replaced with her warmth. 
"It was nice," Petra mumbled, her hands massaging his shoulders and working Calum as he'd worked the keys a few seconds ago, "I like it here."
"I do too," Calum mumbled and leaned back against her touch, "I like being here with just you and the snow and the piano."
"It's nice," she agreed, her eyes looking out the window as the snowfall began again, "Complete opposite of our beach dates,"
"We can just stay in and watch the snow, eat some delicious soup," he mumbled and hit a few more notes on the piano before standing up to wrap his arms around Petra, "Maybe watch a movie or read a book."
"That sounds lovely, we can keep warm by the fire and hope that no bears find this place too cozy and try to break in," Petra laughed.
In the haziness of her sleep and the sunlight hitting her face, Petra could still hear the warmth in Calum's voice when he'd read to her that night next to the fireplace. She could still feel the way his arms were wrapped around her as he read about the highlands of Scotland. How his voice felt like a warm blanket and how the grassy hills of the Scottish countryside filled Petra with the urge to explore them with Calum.  As the memory of her dreams slowly faded and the sunlight warmed her face, Petra found herself alone in bed, wishing she could hear Calum's soft voice and his best try at a Scottish accent. 
Calum had been staring out the window of the tour bus for hours, watching as the landscapes changes from desert mountains to a lush forest with trees that went back as far as his eyes could see. He'd been sitting in the backroom for so long the sun had gone down and the stars were twinkling above him, the room now dark and the bus silent as his bandmates slept the night away. Calum usually never had trouble sleeping on the bus, he was usually exhausted from the busy days tour had him working. But ever since the start of this tour, where he'd left Petra behind for a few months while he left to promote the latest album the band had released, he'd had trouble sleeping. 
The silence on the bus hadn't helped either, it had made Calum's thoughts louder and even the movie playing quietly in the back room hadn't stopped his thoughts from running faster than the cars that sped past them in the night. Calum was exhausted, how could he not be when the band had done back-to-back shows for the past week paired up with endless interviews during the day. The only time the band had a real break was during the drives between stops and even then, it was only a few hours spent sleeping or reviewing what that next week would look like for them as a band. 
Calum had noticed how tired he looked. He saw it every morning when he washed his face in the tiny bathroom, how his eyes were puffy and the darkness under them gave away just how exhausted he was. He saw it when the label sent them promo clips to approve and his smile didn't reach his eyes. He saw it when the other guys laughed and joked around with one another while he stood off to the side, quiet and yearning for a nap. He was pretty sure that if he could see how tired he was, the rest of the world could see just how far gone he was. And that meant that Petra could see how tired he was. 
Fuck, Calum missed Petra. She had been such a constant source of Calum's happiness in the months leading up to this promo tour that Calum hadn't realized how much he'd miss having her around. Petra's name meant rock, something Calum found ironic since she was the one who was always grounding him, and in many ways, Petra was his rock. She was the one that Calum found himself drifting towards when he needed to feel more like himself again. She was the one who would always hold his hand when he needed it and would listen to Calum's mumbling whenever he'd decided to let his brain talk. She was his rock and Calum missed the hell out of her. 
He'd been trying to write more while on tour, figuring he might as well put his insomnia to use. His old journal had been used up and Calum had been regretting having to buy another one. That was until Petra had shown up with a going-away present, the brown paper bag she'd been holding was decorated with flowers and hearts. At first, Calum had been confused, because he didn't know going away presents were a thing and he hadn't gotten Petra anything. But after she'd kissed his cheek and told him it was nothing serious, Calum's nerves settled and he opened the bag to find a leather journal, much like his old one, with his initials stamped on the side of the binding. 
"So you can keep writing those pretty songs," Petra had mumbled, her cheeks flushed as she played with the bracelet that Calum had given her a few weeks back, "Or just to keep your mind off of things."
Calum had been writing in the journal every chance he got, the unlined pages filling with song ideas and little doodles that Calum found helpful. He'd write about his day sometimes, whenever something memorable happened that he wanted to remember in order to tell Petra or his mom later on. He even sometimes sketched what he saw out the window of the tour bus, although those were never really any good. It wasn't until that night that Calum had been lost in the landscape that he noticed a page near the back of the book had been folded. It was only on the top corner, a fold so small Calum had wondered if he'd done it himself on accident and it wasn't until he turned to the page that he realized what had happened. The page, which had been filled with doodles and handwriting that wasn't Calum's, warmed his heart and made him smile for the first time in weeks. His fingertips traced over the words, almost as if he could feel Petra's touch through them, almost as if he could see her writing in the middle of the night much like Calum did nowadays. 
"I know you might be tired and stressed. That you might miss home and Duke and everything that brings you warmth. But your dreams will always be important to not only you but those who you make come true as well. I don't know when you'll read this or if you'll even find it while you're away but I hope it brings a smile to your face. The world deserves to see that pretty smile you reserve for only special moments. They deserve to hear your thoughts and that laugh that makes my heart race. I hope you don't mind that I stole one page from your notebook, it seemed like a fitting gift to give you, better than a piece of paper in your coat. 
Thank you for letting me into your world and letting me find your love. I'll forever be grateful. 
I love you to the end of the universe and even further. 
Calum's smile, the one he'd reserved for Petra apparently, hurt his cheeks. He'd reread the note over and over, soaking in her words and if he closed his eyes and tried hard enough, he could almost hear her saying them to him herself. The promo tour might long and lonely, but that didn't mean that Calum hadn't had a piece of home with him the entire time. With a deep breath and his blanket wrapped around his shoulders, Calum walked back to his bunk. The journal was tucked under his pillow as if Petra herself had been captured between the pages and Calum could just open it and see her again whenever he felt alone. 
Calum's eyes felt tired and the more he relaxed on the bunk, the more he realized just how much his life had changed since finding Petra. He'd never had to deal with leaving a loved one while touring. He never had to deal with the time zones fucking up his calls or having to wait hours for a text back from someone because they were asleep as he was waking up. He never had to worry about whether his partner was missing him and much as he missed them. But then he met Petra and that all changed. Leaving her bed that morning had been hell, he'd dragged himself out of the apartment, trying not to convince himself to turn around as he hit traffic on the highway and go back to the warmth of her bedroom. He'd closed his eyes and held her a little longer as he'd said goodbye to her by the kitchen that morning and it was all so new and different that Calum hadn't expected to have it hit him so roughly. 
He hadn't expected to push all his defenses down and become so vulnerable for someone before. So when his plane had taken off and the city had become a blur of streets and then hidden beneath clouds, Calum wanted nothing more than to be back with Petra. But he had her note, safe in the journal with his initials and the page smelled like her perfume so maybe it'd be okay. Maybe Calum would smile a little brighter during the meet and greets and he'd chuckle a little louder during the interviews and make sure he spoke his mind a little more often. Even as his eyes squinted at the dim screen in front of him, his fingers typing out a message to the love of his life, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Petra in his life. With his phone set next to him and his heart happy, Calum's eyes closed and for the first time in weeks, he got some well-deserved sleep. 
Petra woke up a few hours later, alone once again, but her heart warmed at the sight of the notification on her screen. She knew that Calum had been having a rough time on tour recently and she was hoping that he'd find her letter soon. The message she'd hidden in the middle of a journal he'd held so close to him ever since it became his. Even the chilly air that was coming in from the window Petra had left open couldn't stop the warmth that she felt inside her, knowing that Calum had gotten her message. He was always laying down his love for her, showing it in different ways like how he held her closer whenever he was near or how he'd tell her all about his day even when the rest of the world thought of him as a silent man. Petra knew that it wasn't true, that the Calum she knew and loved would talk off her ear if given the chance, which she often did give him.
 She knew that he would have a hard time being away, he was a homebody and he'd be gone for a while, so with shaky hands and a heart full of love, she'd written down the words she'd so rarely had the courage to utter to him, the words she held so close to herself in fear that he'd slip away. But Calum was always surprising her and it hadn't been too much of a shock to know he appreciated the message. Calum's love was always finding her, even when the bed was lonely and he was miles away. She'd been staring at the message for while, her fingers ghosting over her screen as her heart raced and her smile widened with every reread of it. 
She'd reply eventually, once her cheeks stopped blushing and her smile stopped making her jaw hurt. But for now, the early morning sun lulled her back to sleep and her eyes closed slowly. She hoped that she'd dreamed about the snowy cabin and the hills of Scotland again, but really, any dream with Calum in it would be worthwhile. 
"Thank you for the beautiful words, you've always known exactly what to say when I need it the most. I love you forever, rock."
taglist:  @hoodhoran @finelliine @moonlightcriess @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop  @notinthesameguey​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo @ashtonsunflower @2fangirl4u @multistann @himbohood @in-superbloom @suchalonelysunflower @killmywildflower @sebsbrokentoe
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anxious-l0ser · 4 years
Still Into You
so um, i guess, welcome to my first full fic? idk, this was supposed to just be a ficlet, but my mind wondered and wouldn't stop, so now i have this lmao. this is basically a LAMP fic (only one chapter) in a rock band au, where Roman is the lead singer, Virgil is the guitarist, Patton is the bassist, and Logan is the drummer (generic, ik, let me live lmao) (also somebody please teach me how to tag shit, idk how-)
Ship: romantic LAMP
Warnings: concerts, ig? mentions of kissing, homophobia in the musical industry
The cheers from the crowd echoed back to Roman in a perfect harmony, his veins pumping the pure electricity from the energy in the room, and even their imperfect, gasping breaths for air seemed to mix perfectly into the internal beat of the room.
Roman had never felt such euphoria.
“Thank you, LA!”
Another round of applause and cheering caused Roman’s head to feel floaty, a dopey smile already playing around on his face as he tried to suppress the laugh bubbling up in his chest. He always found the feeling of performing intoxicating, and the presence of his bandmates was no help.
He couldn’t really stop feeling happy when surrounded by his secret lovers.
It was hidden pretty quickly after they figured out what kind of relationship they wanted, and it was hard. Of course it was. How could Roman resist for so long, when Virgil was so perfectly disheveled from giving it his all on his guitar? When Patton was giggling so happily that the crowd seemed to visibly grin back at him? When Logan looked so ready to start another song at any moment, but that didn’t stop the poorly hidden smirk that he had from pure pride in his drumming? Roman barely had enough willpower to kiss them all senseless, but they could do plenty of that backstage. Right now, they just had to be best friends for the crowd, and Roman had to stop himself from waxing poetry right there, in front of everybody.
“Thank you all for such a wonderful evening, you’ve been an amazing crowd!”
Roman was cut off again by their cheering, but he could never find it in himself to be angry at that.
“We have one more song for you, so let’s make it count!”
The excitement in the room was so contagious Roman couldn’t stop himself from laughing from the euphoric feeling of pure energy. He gave Logan a nod and a smile, and the other two shared a look before a familiar beat began, and the crowd cheered in recognition.
“If you know, why don’t you sing it with me!”
And Roman had the best performance of his life.
“Thank you, again. Are you sure you don’t need assistance in packing everything into the bus?”
Patton’s feet swang in the air as he sat on the edge of the stage, rocking left to right from the pure excitement of tonight’s performance. He watched Logan with a far-away look, his eyes really examining how beautiful he could look even after a 2-hour performance and 16-hour plane ride. It didn’t seem fair, but as long as he got to look at him, he supposed it was okay.
“I know, he looks so pretty.”
Patton jumped slightly, relaxing when he saw it was only Roman, giving him a dopey smile.
“He really is. Did you see that thing he did for track four? It was so cool, I didn’t expect it! Oh, oh, and then Virgil just played off of that and started adding a bunch of riffs, and don’t even get me started on that run you did, it just all worked so perfectly-!”
Patton could’ve ranted for hours on end about how perfect his lovers always seemed to perform, but he stopped to match Roman’s love-sick grin.
“Thank you, sunshine. You were...simply exquisite tonight! How you dare to have so much talent and beauty in you still astonishes me to this day.”
Of course, Patton had unlocked sappy Roman. He giggled as Roman started peppering his face with kisses, trying to mumble back as many compliments as possible for every one of Roman’s admirations. He didn’t even notice that they had a crowd until someone cleared their throat, and he turned to see a smirking Virgil, already shaking his head.
“Only half an hour and you’re already all over each other?”
He teasingly poked, sitting on the other side of Patton while the other two shared a smile.
“Can you blame me? How am I supposed to do another 49 2-hour performances without kissing my talented and beautiful boyfriends?”
“It’s called self-control, love.”
Logan remarked as he walked over, locking his phone after presumably shooting a text to their manager. His tie was usually pulled down before performances for comfort, more of a stylistic choice, but the first few buttons of his shirt were also unbuttoned, and his sleeves were rolled, comfortable for helping the crew pack up.
“How am I supposed to have ‘self-control’ when I’m faced with such temptation?”
Logan rolled his eyes but didn’t stop Roman from pulling him in by his waist for a kiss. Logan’s hands came to wrap around his neck and they didn’t go far once separated, their hands intertwined as Logan joined their tiny circle.
“You did amazing tonight, Specs. I know you’ve been working on that for months.”
Virgil remarked, sending Logan a smile. Logan shrugged sheepishly as the other two showered him with similar affections. They had a habit of doing that, getting lost in their own little world that the only words they could understand were ‘I love you’.
It was a miracle they heard their manager at all.
“Great performance tonight, guys. The parking lot is practically buzzing with energy, y’all really didn’t hesitate for this first performance.”
The group shared smiles and ‘thank yous’ with their manager, before he pulled his usual serious face.
“I talked to the agency today-”
Roman perked up immediately, not able to stop himself from his curiosity. They had proposed making their relationship public during the tour, talking about how excited their fans must be and how many people were already suspicious of them. Forcing them to be together for 2 whole hours without any displays of affection or words of love or looks of passion was pure torture, even if tonight was their first night. It just wasn’t fair. But from the resigned look that their manager gave them, they knew they had lost this fight again.
“-and...they’re thinking about it, really. They aren’t sponsoring this tour, but they...they threatened again. To end the contract if you didn’t ‘behave’, which would mean...an unforeseeable future after this tour. As much as I want you to be happy with one another and open about it, this could be your last tour if you’re not careful.”
The happy, underlying tones from the evening were starting to blur into the harsh reality of the business they were in. Of course, they knew they would face homophobes and backlash. Their sales may dip, their shows may not be fully packed, and, the most terrifying, in Roman’s opinion, they may not get re-signed with their label. Yes, Roman despised them with every fiber in his being, and he regretted convincing his boyfriends to make a band with him under that label everyday, but he couldn’t be completely mad when they helped pay his bills. The reality of the situation sucked, but it was honest. Their careers could be ruined by their relationship.
The squeak of his office chair and the soft noise of his bouncy ball hitting the ground every so often was the only noise heard within their hotel room. Roman had been trying to figure out a solution for their label issue that wouldn’t land in their careers being ruined, but so far, his mind had blanked the entire morning, not a single idea good enough to even be written down. 
He had tried, really, he had, so hard last night to reassure his boyfriends that everything would turn out okay, that they’d be able to be proud of who they were while also doing what they love. And he had finally made progress, getting all three of them out of bed to get breakfast from a nearby cafe, and in that time, Roman had been able to find every single flaw in his argument. He had pinpointed the exact moment he lost hope in ever being truly happy, and now, his brain was just a down spiral of what-if’s and fears. 
There was the underlying promise that they’d never be able to be public about their relationship without jeopardizing their entire careers, and even though Roman would lay everything down for his boyfriends, he had never seen them happier since they started performing.
It was kind of funny, how much they despised each other when they first met. Even Patton, who held so much love for them now that he almost felt like he was suffocating without showing it, had hated Roman’s guts, and Roman didn’t blame him. He was an arrogant, loud, cocky teenager with the perfect voice but the worst attitude. He sassed anybody and everybody that came to his competitions that he found at least a tiny bit threatening, and when he saw Logan, he knew instantly that they could never be friends.
Logan was a stuck-up, booksmart, angry nerd that never got along with Roman to begin with, but when he started playing the ever-predictable violin at a competition, Roman had practically led the crowd to booing him offstage.
The next week, when Virgil had mustered up enough courage to play piano at a competition, Roman was a little more generous at how nervous he seemed, but didn’t think twice about embarrassing him once he was off stage, mockingly babying him until he left.
Patton had showed up at the competition at the end of the month, and Roman had already seen how much fun he would have tormenting him. He was a too-nice-for-his-own-good kind of kid, with a smile that seemed too rehearsed, and Roman hated how well he was able to talk to the judges after singing a song. Singing was Roman’s thing, so he went all out for his performance, purposely using Patton’s performance as an example of what one shouldn’t do on stage. 
Roman was an absolute bitch.
And he regretted it, he regretted it to this day, despite his boyfriends constant attempts to reassure him that they were just kids, they were just young stupid teens that were all terrified of what people thought of them. Because Roman didn’t mean to be rude, but that’s the only way he knew to survive, after years of being in the same toxic friend group. When Virgil had stumbled upon Roman’s friends, it all seemed to click, and he still held a certain degree of resentment against him for bullying him. But when he told Logan and Patton, who he had managed to befriend, he had never seen Patton switch so quickly.
He organized a day for them all to hang out, despite all of their protests, and even though Roman really didn’t want to at the time, he still showed up. They talked and talked, growing more and more comfortable with one another as the time passed. At some point, Logan had asked Roman for critiques, but genuine critiques. No comparing performances, no school-yard name calling, and no rude names. Just genuine notes that Roman thinks can genuinely improve their performances. Because, even though young Logan never would’ve admitted it, Roman knew how to win those competitions.
So Roman did. He gave them notes. He talked about how talented they were (probably for a little too long, but he won’t say admit that) and how they could improve a bit of stage performance. That meant different things to all of them, but one day, Roman invited them over to his house to hang out again. Because this time, he would prove it to them. Yes, they were talented. Just at different things.
So when Patton played the bass like he was born playing, when Logan was able to find the beat of a song after only two seconds, and when Virgil was able to find all the notes on a guitar in record time, Roman knew they had found their element. It wasn’t that they weren’t talented. It was that they were talented in different things.
Roman almost didn’t hear his boyfriends return until the hotel door clicked close, and he looked up. They all looked varying degrees of concern, but after coming straight out of a daydream, there was a flash of them when they were still just kids. Smiling, ignorant, hopeful kids. The ones he fell in love with. 
“Ro? Are you okay?”
Patton approached him slowly, picking up a few of the crumpled up pieces of paper that Roman had thrown everywhere, throwing them away before placing his hands on Roman’s shoulders. Logan and Virgil joined shortly after, placing their breakfast on the table before Virgil sat on the floor next to Roman’s chair, holding his hand, and Logan stood in front of him, taking the other hand and placing a soft kiss to the back of it.
“Yeah….yeah I’m okay, now.”
Patton sighed out in relief, resting his forehead on Roman’s neck. Roman pulled on Logan’s hand until their foreheads were touching, and he squeezed Virgil’s hand. This is what he truly loved. Sure, the feeling of pure energy coursing through his body after a performance was wonderful. But just being here, existing with his loves, kissing them whenever he pleased and telling them, openly, about how much he loved them? That was a feeling that could never be replaced.
So screw the label, and the sales, and the homophobes, and all the people that’ll try to end his career. Roman was happy with his loves, and nothing could ever stop him from showing it.
“I...I have an idea for our performance tonight.”
Roman’s nerves were shot with pure adrenaline and he couldn’t believe this was real life. Standing on an entirely new stage in a different part of California, his hand on his mic, the cheering and pure excitement after completing their first song. It was like a drug to Roman, but the giddiness of what he was about to do next was partly to blame for his contagious smile and random giggling.
“Good evening, LA! How’re you doing tonight?”
Cheers and laughs were repeated back to him and Roman laughed out of sheer nervousness, his hands subtly shaking, but he was able to play it off.
“So tonight is actually a really special evening! You may not know why yet, but after this next song, you definitely will! It’s brand new, we’ve actually all been working on it for weeks, and we’re so excited to share it with you, called Still into You. So, this next song is dedicated to them.”
Excited squeals burst around Roman’s brain, and he smiled, nodding at the tech crew backstage. It was like a movie reel, a countdown from three and they started singing, their hands a bit jumpy from nerves but still perfectly combined to feel right. Pictures started flashing up on the screen behind them all, first of all of them as kids, getting to know each other all the way to high school. Pictures of a young Roman winning his first singing award, Logan and Patton’s first duet. Their first ever performance as a band was during a talent show, junior year. The crowd laughed and smiled at each photo, dancing along to the melodic singing of all of them together, but then came Roman’s favorite moment. 
Logan’s drumming started to quiet down, and all you could hear within the room was their instruments humming out the heart of the song and Roman’s voice.
“I’m into you. Baby, not a day goes by that I’m not into you! I should be over all the butterflies-!”
And just like that, it all came back, Virgil and Patton joining him on harmonies. And the pictures changed, and suddenly there was some understanding. Because the first photo, after Roman’s high note, was all four of them. Holding one another. And another, of them kissing. And another, more affectionate, more domestic, more loving than the world had ever seen them. And cheers could be heard, of excitement, of passion, of understanding, as everybody finally got a peek into their last few years. 
By the time they finished, the crowd was cheering louder than Roman even thought was possible. He was smiling, bigger than he ever had on stage, and he laughed out of the pure relief he felt of finally being able to say it. He loved them. He loved them with his entire being, and he wouldn’t ever try to hide it again. The crowd quieted only somewhat to let him speak, and when he did, he had to clear his throat to not tear up.
“The last four years of my life, I have never been so happy as I am with my boyfriends. And to say that they’re the loves of my life doesn’t even begin to cover how much I love them. Because I do. I fucking love them!”
The pure adrenaline coursing through their veins was reciprocated with so much support that all four of them couldn’t help but smile.
So no, Roman wasn’t worried about his career, or what he’d do at the end of the tour. What he cared about was that the entire world knew that he had found his soulmates. And he would never stop loving them.
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subtextread · 4 years
Dear abu,
I can imagine a different timeline where it’s you and me getting coffee this week instead of me being a weird dissociating zombie human trying to reckon with the one year anniversary of your death. We would definitely be talking about the insurgency at the capitol (would there still have been an insurgency in this timeline though?). I think I would be talking about whiteness and you would be talking about hubris and false conservatism and it would be sentiments as shared as possible between two people who hold different textbook party affiliations and different generational experiences, etc.
It threw me a little that the conversation we had about land was in 2017. That’s longer ago than I expected. That means you were in a darker place for longer than I remembered. Heatedish conversations about politics were before then because after, you were kind of preoccupied.
But even in this period where you were struggling with land shit, you still came to some of my shows. My bandmate said she saw that you got some of the best photos of the stage. I don’t know where your phone is, but I wonder if you enjoyed rewatching our noisey Beatles covers when you had some time away from the rest of the family in Pakistan.
Here are some other random memories:
- when we would take the bus for some reason you really liked the Claritin ad lol
- i think the first time i saw you and mom share space intentionally after the divorce was when i got a tonsillectomy. I remember waking up from being under and being like wtf this looks wrong somehow haha
- i used to wait by the windows on days you were supposed to come visit in the pre cell phone era because i was a brat and didn’t understand the fraught nature of public transit and i would get super mad at you when you were late and you would laugh about it with mom behind my back
- one time my mom heard me reading urdu and she was so amazed that she called you to have you hear it and it was the first time she did something like that and it was such a moment of recognizing that a person’s child was doing something impressive and that person wasn’t there but probably deserved to be witness to it too - and such a moment was so foreign because really you and mom barely spoke in the 25 years you lived past your divorce
- you weren’t like really interested in not me members of my family lmao. I remember when I tried to show you photos of the niblings or hc’s kiddos who were/are my entire world you were like (pat pat) on their heads lol
- you asked about my childhood friend a lot, and i told her that when she reached out to offer condolences
- i think i have a weird affection for cnn because i remember you watching it lol
- some of the films we saw in theaters together were clockstoppers (lol), tron: legacy (which is like a random favorite movie that I haven’t watched since you died because #dadfeelings), i think both rugrats films?, princess diaries (also #dadfeelings but #poorlyexecuted), a really bad bollywood film that had a trailer for eik ladkhi ko dekha at the start lol. I had to leave the theater for this one because the gratuitous nationalist torture scenes and the audience weirdly applauding them made me want to die, but i respected that the second you came out the theater you apologized LOL. i’m sure there were more!
- you wanted me to go to whitney young (satan’s playground), and I did (not because you wanted me to lol) and it was the worst lol
- you used to spontaneously bring me burgers when i was a kid even though you never ever ever ever ate them and i wonder now if it was some sort of like vicarious thing because you were cautious about your health but maybe wanted to just buy it to get it out of your system lol
- one time we spent all day at cook county hospital because you needed to get checked out and it’s the only place that doesn’t require insurance and it was so busy and the wait and all the people in the gigantic industrial-feeling waiting area was like such a damning example of healthcare injustice that i saw and didn’t understand at all at that young age
- one time we went to six flags but i only went on one ride because i was too scared!
- one time we went to the circus and as we were walking through a parking lot, I was turning to face you to talk as I walked and you, because you were a super chill and tentative person, didn’t warn me in time that i was about to smack into a parked car’s side mirror and i had a long gash in my face that left a scar for a few years lmao
- i remember you fractured your foot once and i didn’t understand why you were still walking on it
- one time you mentioned the dum dum girls and i was like what dad when did you get cool but it’s just because you read their name in a magazine
- you bought me my first cd! Alicia Keyes Songs in A Minor lol
- you wanted me to be good at the monkey bars but i wasn’t - the playground where we tried has been torn down but the park is still there and that’s where i put the dried stems from the flowers tracy got me when you died
- i wish i drove you around more. should’ve chauffeured you around dad lol. I have no recollection of seeing you drive ever even though you drove a taxi and a truck
- [redacted trauma memory]
- i just went through my emails and messages on facebook - i wish i had like a record of all our texts ever but whatever. some are cute and nice, some are uh bizarre lol, some are angry, but the vast vast majority are emails of me just being like “hi! Hope you’re well! Where are you! Did you get a new number!” Lol you would always leave without telling me or telling me super super last minute and so much of my virtual communication was just like trying to find you.
This makes me sad:
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Hope you are resting peacefully. I hope I remember more things soon!
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american-satanxx · 5 years
Animal in Me//Chapter 4
Author’s note: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list. Also if you want a link to the playlist I use for this story as well as my other Nikki Sixx fanfic, Rebel Love Song.
With A Smile And A Wink And A Sparkle In Her Eyes
By the end of the week, Nikki and I have fallen into a nice little routine of sarcasm and banter between us. Mick has almost become my best friend while Tommy actually has become my best friend. And Vince? Well I still think he’s a major pig; but he’s handsome so I’ll let it slide. Right now we are at a hotel in the middle of nowhere, relaxing by the pool. This should have been my day away from the guys but they insisted on sitting right next to me as I sunbathe. Nikki is on my left side and Vince in on my right. Tommy is next to Nikki and Mick is sitting under the umbrella a distance away from us. Tommy, Nikki and Vince are all talking about the girls they managed to bed today, alone. This was enough to earn an eye roll from me, which didn’t go unnoticed by Nikki. “Jealous, baby girl?” He asks and I cringe at the pet name. “Yes because I’m so jealous of girls that chase every rock stars that manage to come through their tiny towns.” My eyes roll again. “You do realize these girls are only sleeping with you for bragging rights, right?” “You make it sound like a bad thing.” Vince chuckles before taking a sip of his beer. “Hey, it’s not my body that’s in danger of AIDS or some smaller STD.” I shrug. “And do you really want to be with some rockstar’s sloppy seconds? Your fellow rock stars aren’t exactly the cleanest.” “And you’d know all about that wouldn’t you?” Nikki smirks. “You’ve dated musicians before.” “I dated one musician before.” I correct him. “And besides, I don’t see Axl Rose getting any more famous than he already is with Hollywood Rose.”
“No faith?” Tommy asks. “That’s harsh, aren’t girlfriends supposed to be supportive?” “I’m not his girlfriend anymore, I don’t have to stroke his ego.” I reply. “He’s too demanding and overdramatic. He’d have to find these amazing people in order to form a band with. They’ll have to be more talented than his ego lets him think he is.” “Do girls really do that?” Vince asks. “Do they really stroke our egos and call it support?” “Duh.” I chuckle. “Because if we bluntly tell you that your band sucks, you’d call us bitches and break up with us. So yea, sometimes we really do stroke egos and lie to the ones we love. That’s what you call support.” “That’s harsh.” Tommy once again says. “That’s life.” I shrug. “Would you seriously be with someone that tells you your band sucks?” “She’s got a point, drummer.” Mick says. “Girls lie but sometimes it’s to protect themselves. They know if they don’t lie and support their man, that guy will find support somewhere else.” “I wouldn’t be like that.” Tommy defends himself. “Don’t lie to yourself, Tommy baby.” I tell him. “The moment a girl you love, doesn’t love your band, you’ll dump her. And I’m not saying her not liking the bandmates, I’m talking about the music. Because if it was the bandmates, you have every right to dump her.” “You’re too blunt for your own good.” Vince says. “No wonder why you’re single.” “Soon, you’ll understand why I’m so blunt.” I tell him before getting up out of my lounge chair. “I’m going back inside, I’ll see you boys later.” I say before walking away, just as Ozzy comes out with nothing but a bathrobe on. “Aria!” He says, slurring his words already. “It’s so good to see you, how is your old man?” That’s the one thing about Ozzy, he cares about everyone on his team and remembers everyone despite all the drugs he has in his system. “Enjoying retirement in Ohio.” I smile. “It’s great seeing you again, Oz.” “The boys in Motley Crue treating you good?” He asks. “Give me one word and I’ll so ‘em Hell.” I look back at the boys, goofing off as Mick watches them like an annoyed dad. “They’re treating me great. Don’t worry. I’ll be able to handle them if they weren’t.” With a hug, I leave Ozzy and the pool area to finally be alone without any of the boys around. ** As I’m getting ready for the show tonight, there is a knock on my door. I open it up to reveal Nikki standing there, shirtless and half ready for the show tonight. “Nikki, what’s up?” I ask the bassist as I move aside enough to let him in. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the show tonight.” “Something has been bothering me since this afternoon,” he admits as he runs his fingers through his raven hair. “I’m sorry about what Vince said. About you being blunt is the reason your single.” “Honestly that didn’t bother me.” I admit, chuckling. “But thanks for apologizing on Vince’s behalf. That show maturity.” “You being blunt should be the reason why guys would want to be with you.” He tells me. “I’d hate for someone to lie to me about something I’m passionate about. If they don’t like it, I’d want to know. If I wanted someone girl to stroke my ego, I’d turn to a groupie. But I’d want my other half to tell me the truth.” “Wow, didn’t think I’d hear that from our resident chaos kid.” I smile. “But seriously, I’m not worried about what Vince said. He doesn’t like me much anyway. Probably because I think he’s a pig.” “Naw, he’s mad because he’s not the prettiest blonde on the bus anymore.” Nikki chuckles and for some reason, his words make me blush. “I’ll see you tonight at the show, right?” “I’ll be backstage.” I smile. “Break a leg, Sixx.” “Thanks Summers.” He smiles before walking away, leaving me with a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. Get it together Summers, I think to myself. This is Nikki Sixx, you can’t get feelings for him.
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preface2adreamplay · 5 years
Under Your Spell (Part 14) - Morning After You
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Summary: A Jared Padalecki/OFC/Oscar Isaac fiction.
Stef is a musician, recently gone solo. Happy with her life as a forever single person until Jared makes it his mission to get close to her. Her ex, Oscar isn’t sure what to make of her new relationship. Should he step in or leave her be? (For the purpose of this fiction, I have liberated some lyrics from various artists and their videos. This is fiction, with real people mentioned.) Married Jared, single Oscar!
Chapter warnings: Cursing
Chapter WC: 1,928
You doubt and you're desperate, you wear both your cross and your hammer.
Reactions to Twin Flames had been better than she could have ever imagined. The distraction of Jared visiting kept her away from the anxieties of releasing another new song. He had left an hour before the bus pulled away, holding her face in his hands, kissing her like he would never see her again. She missed him already. Already pining for him. He felt the same.
As she made her way across state lines, texts were coming through from everybody she knew.
Jared: I miss you so much. I keep watching this video, wishing we were making it all over again.
Stef: Making the video or making love
Jared: Both :) 
Claire: My god, that video is hawt. Brendan misses you, he’s being a douche rn.
Darius: Mom, that video is amazing, I’m glad I didn’t have to see dad doing those things to you though. Warn me if the next one will be that graphic pls.
Oscar: I was not expecting the video to be like that. It’s both beautiful and confusing. 
Stef rolled her eyes. She could just imagine Oscar’s brows furrowed, thinking over the video. 
Stef: It’s past demons coming for me. I’m allowing them to devour me so I am reborn. I thought you’d be happy for me. Growing up and moving on.
Oscar: So happy for you. x
Several messages popped up from Jared while she drank her third coffee that morning.
In trouble
They were Paps
Gen angry. 
Stef snorted with laughter. He was really panicking. 
Chill. I’ll put something up on my twitter about us hanging out, it should take some heat off.
Sure enough, it did. Stef had posted a short tweet about Jared coming to NY to celebrate the release of the song. She tagged her bandmates too. Mentioning that she would see her fans at the next show in Pittsburgh. 
Two more shows in Canada, then home. 
Just before she stepped on stage that night, she shot off a text to Jared.
Stef: Everything ok now?
It was hours before he replied. 
Jared: Still in trouble, will call you later.
They were travelling again, hitting the road as soon as the show was finished. They all stank of sweat and beer. Luckily, they were staying in a hotel the next day. Her phone, on silent, flashed with Jared’s name across the screen. Keeping her voice low while the guys slept, she answered, her heart hammering in her chest.
‘Hey you,’ his voice just as low as hers.
‘What’s going on?’
‘Oh, just, Gen not happy we got caught. Photos of us on some gossip website. Did you see?’
‘Nah, I don’t care much for them. I didn’t have food on my shirt did I?’
Jared snorted, the tension easing as he laughed. ‘No. Gen showed me the photos but I told her not to look. We were just having lunch.’
‘Well, don’t look at comments on anything right now, it might upset you.’
Jared sighed heavily. ‘I hate that I’m getting in trouble over this. Can’t I just see my girl without someone else putting it out there for everyone to see?’
‘That’s kind of part of the agreement, honey.’ Stef yawned. She couldn’t help herself, her mind and body were achingly tired. 
‘Yeah, but I broke the rules by going to see you.’
‘What rules?’
‘Well, we date other people when I’m away working. And I’m not working right now, I will be in a week or two but yeah, I may not get to see you all too soon. I’m sorry.’
‘What does that mean for us?’ Stef swallowed a lump in her throat.
‘Nothing baby, I just have to put my energy into my family right now. The kids missed me and I missed them. They’ll be back at school soon...’
‘So, I’ll be put on the back burner.’
‘Nah not like that. Come on.’ He pleaded.
‘It is like that. It’s what we signed up for. It’s not like you’re leaving your wife for me, you have to work between the two of us.’
Jared was silent on his end of the phone, it made Stef feel uncomfortable, she really didn’t know how to move forward in the conversation. 
‘If that’s what you still want,’ Stef said, her voice lower that before. Her fingers winding into her hair nervously.
‘I always want you. Never think that I don’t.’ 
‘But you want to take a break from us for a while?’
‘I don’t want to, but it looks like we have to.’ 
It wasn’t final, but it felt like a kick in the gut. 
Stef couldn’t agree to it, couldn’t say yes or no or fight with him. 
‘Stef?’ His voice came through, she could hear his longing. 
‘Yeah, it’s fine.’
‘No, it’s not. It’s not what you wanted. You told me you didn’t want this to be for everyone else, it was just for us and I promised you that. I said it was just for us. I fucked it up.’
‘I wouldn’t take it back though.’ Feeling as though she couldn’t punish him for everyone else’s reaction to it. It seemed so simple all of a sudden. 
‘No I don’t regret a single thing. Maybe I just need to be a little more careful.’
‘We need to be more careful. I don’t want to talk about shit I know nothing about but I hope your wife isn’t too upset about this.’
‘Yeah well. I’ll have to work to get back in the good books.’
‘Good luck with that!’ 
Jared hummed on the other side of the phone. ‘You know what will get me through the next few days? A picture of my girl.’
Stef smiled. ‘Of me now? I look horrid after the show.’
Jared chuckled, ‘Impossible. And send one to me tomorrow too. I need my fix.’
‘Are we talking kinky pictures or...’
‘Well, now that you mention it, the idea is in my head.’ 
Stef bit her lip, curiosity taking over. ‘Maybe I’ll take a sexy picture. You’ll have to wait and see.’
‘Oh, baby don’t make me wait.’
‘He complains! After having me several ways yesterday.’
Jared whimpered. ‘I’m touching myself through my pants right now.’
‘Behave,’ she scolded playfully.
‘I can’t! You make me feel desired.’
‘Hey, can you not quote my lyrics to me!’
Jared started laughing then, feeling the funk of the last few hours draining away. ‘You make me feel so much better about this whole situation.’
‘It’s nothing, Jared. You can move past this. And I’m here until we decide otherwise.’
‘You mean if we decide to break up? Which we’re not.’ Jared pressed, ‘we’re not are we?’
‘No.’ Stef said with finality. 
There was a voice in the background, she heard Jared pulling the phone away from his face. 
‘I gotta go.’
‘Ok, good luck.’ Was all she could say before she heard his weak ‘goodbye.’ 
‘Brendan! My little douchebag, you miss me?’ Stef was kneeling on the floor of Claire’s hallway. Brendan was rubbing himself against her legs, annoyed that she had left him and happy that she was back. He couldn’t decide to be excited or just ignore her completely.
‘He was good for most of the time, but he destroyed some shit, as usual!’ Claire spoke to the cat, not Stef. 
Sitting on her back porch in the bright autumn evening, hands around a strong mug of green tea, Stef gagged with each sip. She hated the stuff, but it was all Claire had.
‘So you hear from Richard at all?’ Stef didn’t want to the conversation to get on to Jared. They hadn’t spoken in three days and she missed him desperately. 
‘Yes! Oh my god, we went out last week, that guy is sooooo funny!’ Claire exclaimed. 
‘So, have you fucked him yet?’ Stef asked, remembering Claire asked her the same question about Jared.
‘I did, actually.’
Claire was beaming, ‘that guy is amazing in the sack. He’s amazing anyway.’
‘Woah, Claire. This is starting to sound like love.’
Claire rolled her eyes, ‘maybe. Oh my god. Listen to me.’
‘You’re gushing about a man!’ Stef couldn’t disguise how happy she was for Claire. 
‘I’m seeing him next week too, he’s working on Supernatural so I get to see him and go on set.’
Stef’s heart sank a little, thinking of Claire on set meeting everyone again. Meeting Jared.
Claire nudged her, ‘You’re coming too, you know! I’m not walking on set by myself.’
‘Am I going? Jared hasn’t asked me.’
‘Shush, Richard said he would arrange it with Jared so we can go for dinner. All of us. All the cast, so it won’t look too suspicious for you guys.’
‘That’s nice of him. So he knows about me and Jared?’
‘Yes. And he’s totally cool with it. He said it’s also cool if you want to join us for a threesome.’
‘Oh tell him yes, right now. Tell him I’m ready and waiting.’ 
Claire clapped gleefully, ‘Oh he will be so happy. He’s always wanted to have a brunette and a redhead at the same time.’
‘You know, if I weren’t seeing Jared, I might even consider it.’ Stef imagined herself rolling around in the sheets with Richard, she bet that guy could fuck. 
‘You’re not exclusive are you? It’s more of an open thing, right?’
Stef considered it for a moment, ‘I guess it is. But, I don’t think Jared would be too happy with the thoughts of me and Richard. And you!’
Claire shrugged, ‘As if he’s not sleeping with is wife too.’
‘Please stop, I don’t want to think about it!’ Stef put her head into her hands.
‘Sorry, but he does. That man has a good thing going. Two women on the go.’
‘Am I foolish, Claire? Tell me truthfully.’
Claire reached over and placed her hand in Stef’s. ‘We have been friends for so long, I would tell you if I thought you were being an idiot, in an instant you know I would.’ 
Stef nodded, agreeing.
‘To anyone on the outside looking in, yeah you could be a little foolish. But this is what you want and it’s what he wants. It suits you both. You’re enjoying it now.’
Claire kissed Stef’s hand. ‘So stop thinking too much on it. Just enjoy the love and attention of a good man with a good heart.’
‘You’re right.’
‘Of course I’m right.’
They fell into silence, thinking of the men currently occupying their mental space. 
‘He has a huge dick doesn’t he?’ Claire mused.
‘Totally. And Rich?’
Claire sighed happily, ‘it’s as big as his personality. God, that man is made for me.’
‘Oh I told Jared I would send him a selfie.’ Stef pulled her phone from her pocket.
‘No, let me take it. Pose sexy,’ Claire grabbed the phone and typed in the pin code. 
Stef leaned back against the rail on the porch, her hand in her hair. licking her lips. her gaze cast down.
‘Pull your tits out a bit, perfect.’ Claire showed Stef the photo before whipping it away and texting it to Jared.
‘Bitch, I can send my own messages!’
‘Yeah but you’ll put something boring. Let me.’
Stef laughed, covering her face with embarrassment seeing the picture that was sent to Jared with the tag line. ‘This pussy is so wet thinking of you.’
Brendan was in the lower half of the picture drinking water from a flower pot. 
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
A concet: danger days Gerard. Secret fling with reader. Trying to hook up in the bunks on the bus and inevitably almost getting caught every time.
Three Times You and Gerard Almost Got Caught (And One Time You Didn’t)
Pairing: Gerard Way x Gender Neutral ReaderRating: TeenRequested By: AnonWord Count: ~2,500Author’s Note: So I wrote this in a format that I hadn’t used before. It seems like you used to see these more often, but not so much anymore. Either way, I hope you enjoy. Also it gets steamy, but I wouldn’t call it smutty.
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You were standing just to the side of the stage, in front of the barrierwatching My Chemical Romance perform. As tour manager, you had your pick ofwhere to watch most of the show, but this had become your favorite spot. Theguys were all incredible performers, but over the weeks of rehearsals, and thefirst few shows of the tour, your attention always landed squarely on the firehaired singer.
Asall the tour plans were in the works, you and Gerard worked together closely.You also got along quite well, and you felt like you’d be crazy to deny thechemistry between you.
Nowas you watched the show, you felt like he was making even more eye contact withyou than usual. You gave him a smirk before realizing the show was almost overand you had to get back to work. You hurried backstage as they finished theset. Usually they’d each grab a quick shower after they came off stage beforeheading to the buses. If there were fans waiting dutifully for them to comeout, they would stop and sign autographs.
Youwaited around for each of them to come out of the dressing rooms. First Mikey,then Frank. A while later Ray, who always took the longest with his hair as itis.
“HeyRay, Gerard ok in there?” You asked, not wanting to barge into thedressing room if he was changing. Well, you wouldn’t mind seeing that, but youhad to act professional.
“Yea,actually he said if you were out here to send you in,” Ray replied as heheaded out.
Youfurrowed your brow in confusion as you knocked and opened the door. “Hey,Gee, you ready to go?”
Youfound him at the mirror drying his hair with a towel. He smiled as he turned toface you. “I just wanted to talk to you alone for a bit, if you don’tmind?” He asked tentatively.
“Ohyea, I don’t mind. It’s nice to have some quiet for a change,” you said asyou made your way over and leaning against the vanity. “So, what’s on yourmind?”
“Haveyou been enjoying the tour so far? Like everything going well?”
“Yea,the tour is going well, and you guys are killing it. You especially know whatyou’re doing up there to get the crowd going,” you replied, biting yourlip and looking up at him.
“Justthe crowd?” He asked with a cocky smile as he shrunk the distance betweenthe two of you.
“Maybenot,” you answered. You reached out your right hand and ran a finger uphis hand, along his arm and up to his shoulder and your other hand draped overhis other shoulder. He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you againsthim.
“(YN),I’m gonna kiss you, ok?”
Younodded, looking up into his hazel eyes as he leaned down, lips meeting yours.You ran your hands through his hair as he backed you against the wall. That’swhen you opened your mouth, deepening the kiss. Tongues dancing together, agasp escaped your lips as his lips moved to your neck and he started to leave amark. You found your hips grinding against his involuntarily.
“Gerard,are you still in there? Have you seen (YN)?” You heard the head roadiecalling from the other side of the door.
“Shit,”you muttered as you pulled back.
“Yea,umm,” Gerard looked down at you nervously, unsure how to respond on yourbehalf before shrugging. “(YN)’s here, just discussing the show.”
“Ok,I guess they’re ready to go,” he shouted back from the other side of thedoor.
“Iguess we should go then,” you said.
Gerardleaned down and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “Should we continuethis soon?”
Younodded and smiled. “Definitely.”
Youwere sitting in the back of the tour bus that had become your makeshift officewhere the guys knew not to disturb you when you were working, with paperworkspread out in front of you on the table and your headphones in to drown out theconversations at the opposite end of the bus. You had to get everything donebefore you arrived at the next city. After a while you felt like you were beingwatched. You looked up to see Gerard leaning against the wall.
“Hey,”he said after you pulled out your headphones.
“How’sit going?” You asked with a smile. It had been a couple days since the dressingroom, and you hadn’t gotten a private moment with Gerard the entire time. Itwas getting to the point where the only thing keeping you from jumping him infront of everyone was your job and maintaining some semblance ofprofessionalism.
Heshrugged before pulling the curtain that acted as a door closed behind him and sittingdown next to you. “Busy?”
“I’mpretty much done with these forms, but we got a few more hours before we getinto town so they can wait if you have something else that needs attending to,”you said with a quirk of your eyebrow.
Hesmirked before he leaned in and cupped your cheek, his lips meeting yourseagerly. You grinned into the kiss as you turned your body toward his on theshort section of bench you were sitting on. You ran your hands through his redlocks, as his other hand wrapped around you to settle on the small of yourback, pulling you closer to him. You took the hint and threw one leg over hisand settled onto his lap.
Youopened your mouth, inviting his tongue to move against yours, as his hand movedfrom your cheek to your back, his other hand venturing lower to your butt. Yousighed contentedly as you reached down and started to run your hands under hisshirt against his taut abdomen.
You felta rush of nerves and excitement you hadn’t felt in ages, like you were ateenager again, doing something just on the edge of what you shouldn’t bedoing. You never wanted it to end.
“Hangon, just pause it, I gotta pee,” you heard Mikey say, footsteps coming closerto your end of the bus. The end of the bus with the bathroom.
Youand Gerard pulled back and shared a look before you jumped off him and back tothe far end of the bench, turning your attention back to the papers on thetable, long forgotten. Gerard ran a hand through his hair as his brother walkedinto the small space, looking between both of you, suspicion in his eyes.
“HeyMikey,” you said, hoping he wouldn’t notice you blushing.
“Heyguys,” he responded before shutting the door to the bathroom behind him.
“Thatwas close,” you said under your breath.
“You’reworth the risk,” Gerard said with a smirk as he got up, and placed a quick kisson your lips, before slipping behind the curtain.
Lifewas not getting any easier the longer you waited for a private moment withGerard that lasted longer than five minutes. That was the problem with tourlife, everyone was constantly in close quarters, privacy was at an absoluteminimum. That didn’t stop Gerard from stealing kisses from you whenever he couldor whispering things in your ear when you were trying to work because he likedto watch you blush. You were already known for giving hugs to everyone, so itwas a good excuse to linger in Gerard’s arms. The thrill of the secrecy wasexhilarating, but you also wished you could just tell everyone so you wouldn’thave to sneak around.
Youwere off stage feeling especially mopey while the guys finished their soundcheck. Gerard had glanced at you a few times. When they finished, he made hisway over to you.
“Youok, Sugar?”
“Eh,I just wish we didn’t have to sneak around so much.”
“Welllet’s tell them then,” Gerard started.
“No,what I’d I get fired or something? Like if someone complains about me hookingup with you, then it would be even worse.”
Gerardnodded. “You’re right. After the tour is over though, you won’t be able to getrid of me,” he said with a goofy smile.
“Good,I wouldn’t want to.”
Thatnight after the show, you were in your bunk staring at the ceiling. There hadbeen a busy string of shows in a row and everyone was exhausted, but you hadother things on your mind.
Youquietly slid back the curtain on your bunk before sliding it back behind you.You glanced up at the front of the bus, seeing Frank silhouetted against the TVscreen, snores of the sleeping bandmates filling the narrow corridor. Youtapped gently on the edge of Gerard’s bunk and he pulled back the curtainenough to see you standing there. He smiled and pulled the curtain back enoughfor you to crawl into the small space next to him.
“Can’tsleep?” he whispered. You shook your head before glancing at his lips. Youleaned in and pressed your lips against his. He pulled you closer to him as youkissed and you realized in that moment just how little clothing you had been wearingwhen you went to bed, only a tank top and shorts, as your legs tangled with hissearching for any sort of friction.
Youlet your lips trail down to Gerard’s neck, and started to kiss until you gotthe reaction you were looking for as a soft moan escaped his lips. You smiled mischievously,relishing the sound, as you continued to work your lips against the spot,returning the favor of the mark he had left on your neck the first time youhooked up. Only one person had spotted and commented on it before you got achance to properly cover it and that had been Ray.
Afew more soft gasps and moans escaped Gerard’s lips before you were satisfiedwith your work. Gerard looked down at you and gave you a smirk and his handsbegan to pull at the hem of your shirt, but before he could say anything therewas a knock on the edge of his bunk.
“HeyGee, might wanna keep it down in there, you wouldn’t want (YN) to hear you inthere by yourself?” Frank giggled before you could here him climbing into hisbunk.
Yourlook of terror at being caught turned into amusement of what Frank thoughtGerard was doing in the bunk alone. You bit your lip to keep from laughing outloud.
“Fuckoff, Frank,” Gerard grumbled, a blush spreading across his cheeks.
Thena thought dawned on you. “He knows you like me?”
Gerardsmiled and nodded before capturing your lips against his. You smiled backbefore slipping out of his bunk and back to your own as silently as possible.
“Alrightgentlemen, here are your room keys, you are free to do whatever you wanttonight so long as you are back here by 11 AM tomorrow, understood?”
Frankstood up and saluted you, before grabbing a key card from you and hurrying offthe bus. Everyone else followed suit and made their way off the bus and totheir accommodations for the night. It was the first time so far on the tourthat there was an overnight stay, and everyone was excited for their ownpersonal space.
Whenyou gathered your things and headed inside, the guys were signing autographsfor a handful of gathered fans. Gerard spotted you and stepped away from thefans for a moment.
“Hey,(YN), what room are you in?”
“319,”you said quietly so the fans wouldn’t hear it and come harass you. “Don’t youever forget it,” you said with a wink.
Gerardlooked at you stunned for a second, before a grin spread across his face as heturned back to the fans.
Itwasn’t too much later that you were up in your room, unpacking your things forthe night. You had just flopped back onto your bed and let out a sigh whenthere was a knock at your door. You grinned to yourself, suspecting who itwould be. You hopped up and rushed to the door, checking the peephole beforeopening the door.
“Youdidn’t forget,” you said with a cocky grin as you let Gerard in, and lockingthe door.
“Idon’t think I could,” he replied as he reached out and grabbed your waist,pulling you to him. You grinned and wrapped your arms around his neck, and heleaned in and kissed you. The spark that had been between you since the day youmet, that had been building for weeks, was now a fire that was raging betweenyou. You took a few steps backward until the backs of your knees were hittingthe bed. You tumbled back and he followed you, laughing at the less thangraceful movements.
Yourolled him over, reconnecting your lips as you ground your hips against his. Amoan escaped his lips as you kissed down his jaw. You sat up and started topull at the hem of Gerard’s t-shirt and he took the hint, sitting up to allowyou to pull it off. You ran your hands over his body, taking him in. “You’re gorgeous,”you murmured. He grinned and leaned in kissing you again.
“Youlike being in control, hmm?” he murmured after a few minutes of tongues dancingtogether and you leaving a few more fresh marks on his neck.
“Forthe most part,” you replied.
“You’realways doing things for me, let me take care of you, beautiful” he said,rolling you off him. You grinned as you scooted up the bed. He started kissingyour neck, before reaching for the hem of your shirt. He pulled it off, tossingit aside and looking down at you in awe. “Beautiful,” he murmured again lookingin your eyes, before dipping down to trail kisses further down your body.
Soonthe last layers of clothes were shed from both of you, compliments and terms ofendearment spilling from both of your lips. Moans and gasps filled the room asthe soundtrack to kisses on the neck and hips crashing together until you wereboth finally laying still, Gerard’s arms wrapped around you, holding you closeas you rested your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“Thatwas worth the wait,” you said breathlessly.
“Afterthe tour is over, are you still gonna want me?” Gerard asked almost shyly.
“Evenmore so now,” you grinned before kissing him as he squeezed you tight.
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