#also the elf girl. like. the redhead
forgotten-daydreamer · 2 months
started vox machina (i should be studying) and it's cool so far. as i said multitple times, i'm always glad when animation is interpreted as a mean and not a genre. adult animation fucking rocks.
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leviathanspain · 1 year
will i see you again?
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bill weasley x reader
synopsis: a one night stand in egypt has him reeling about what could’ve been. bill returns home to see his possibilities right in front of him
a/n: i wanted more bill x reader and there barely is any so i had to take matters into my own hands
part two
you stared at the bump that was protruding from under your dress. summer was all year round in egypt, but as you got bigger, your dresses got tighter and shorter, and you knew that it was time to return home and face the undying music.
a consequence of a night you knew you would never forget. he was lucky, you thought, he would never have to know your world, carry your burdens.
only thing you regretted was he would be missing out on a child’s life. his child’s life. but there was also the possibility that he would’ve never given a damn to begin with.
your lips connected and all you could taste was the bitterness of his rum that he had chugged before letting you drag him away from the tantalizing bar maids. his hand mushed into your hair, and kissed you roughly. he was all teeth, and you felt your lip in between his. it made you feel the thrill of it all as his hands roamed your body. it was dark, people were dancing around you and you could hardly feel anything but him until you realized what this was going to lead to. you were anything but someone to fuck on the dance floor like this.
you grabbed the man and pulled him close as you ducked the arms of dancers and dashed towards the bathroom. you threw the door open, seeing a woman washing her hands. it was ill lit, a neon pink decal above the mirror was your only light as you kicked the girl out with a mere gaze.
you pulled the man back onto you before slamming the door shut with the weight of his body. he moaned as you kissed him, a hand reaching for the lock, you turned it and let yourself roam his body.
he was attractive, a redhead, which was new for you but you’d try anytbing once. he had a scar on his face that made you question everything but he was a great kisser, and that was all it seemed to matter in the moment.
he didn’t bother asking your name, and nor did you, all you knew him by was- “sir!” you screamed as he fucked you against the door. you were gripping his shoulder as he was holding you. you threw your head back and the thumping got louder. he was frantically fucking you, and you felt yourself tense up as you came, moaning loudly as you shook. you felt cum trail down your leg and realized he too had came.
“fuck.” you muttered as he set you down.
the house was the same. old, creaky, dusty, hateful and wretched. but it was home. and as you set your bags down, really taking it all back in, the familiar house elf from your childhood came to greet you.
“mistress y/n.” kreacher gazed at you with squinted eyes, taking in your pregnant self, “how was your trip.” it was more of a statement rather than a question so you ignored him as he stalked away with your bags.
your father was supposed to be here, but as you gazed at the clock, you realized that you had arrived earlier than you had expected. so you grabbed your remaining bag and hauled it up the steps, following kreacher to your old room, you passed the portrait of your grandmother and the silence was suddenly filled with a shriek of disdain.
“don’t tell me you got yourself impregnated unwed! a disgrace this great house has been brought, such a disgrace, like your father!” walburga shouted, and you sneered, “i missed you too, grandmother.”
as you looked at your room, everything left in its place as the night you had left it, you realized with a sinking feeling that you weren’t a teenager anymore.
you let a hand trace down your belly, you were a mother now.
as you toured your old belongings, you came across the pictures that you had pinned poorly to your budoir, pictures of you with harry and your father, a makeshift family, you had always said. another with your old friends, cedric before he passed and cho.
a knock at the door brought you out of your thoughts and you pulled your feelings back and turned to see your father at the doorway.
you sniffled, wiping your teary eyes, “sorry, it’s the hormones.” you excused and embraced sirius. sirius chuckled warmly, “don’t worry about it, kid. im just glad your home.”
you pulled back and sirius looked down at your belly, “you too.” he talked to the baby and you laughed.
sirius grabbed your arm and pulled you into the hallway, “molly has been preparing a dinner for your return at her home.” he looked at you, “i understand if you don’t want to attend, but harry will be there.”
and now you were apparating to the burrow, a long heavy coat over you as you had failed to realize too late that no one knew of your surprise.
as you opened the door to the weasley home, nothing but the warm scent of cinnamon and honey filled your nose as you walked in. shouts and banter could be heard from somewhere in the house and all eyes were on you suddenly.
molly was practically jumping up and down as she ran to hug you. as she hugged you, you realized that your belly was bumping against her, but molly didn’t seem to notice in her joy. you had always been like a second daughter to her, coming around so often after harry had set your father free.
“i’m so happy you’re back, my darling girl!” molly kissed your forehead and she laughed joyfully. she greeted sirius with a smile, “i just know your father is so happy that you’re home, he wouldn’t stop talking about it when you wrote that you would!” you turned to your father who was now a slight shade of pink.
before you could say anything else, harry, hermione and ron all ran up to you. harry was the first to hug you, and unlike molly, he was the first to notice you were different. harry frowned as he pulled back and you exhaled. you tugged the coat off reluctantly and your bump was now in full view.
the three looked down at you with shock and you smiled sheepishly, “surprise?”
hermione didn’t care as she hugged you, screaming joyfully that she was going to be aunt.
harry and sirius exchanged a series of looks and all ron could do was stare.
“blimey, y/n, but you certainly put some weight on abroad.” he hid his shock and hermione pulled away from you with a roll of her eyes, “she’s not fat, she’s pregnant, ronald!”
you chuckled, “it’s alright. trust me i thought i was getting fat too.”
molly was busying herself in preparing the dinner so she was the last to notice your bump. yet still the loudest in her congratulations.
it seemed that everyone, your father, harry, hermione and the rest of the weasley family all made the pointed question not to ask about the father.
wouldn’t be the first time someone from the noble house of black would be a single parent. sirius was with you, and that earned you some interesting nicknames growing up.
but you and your father liked to joke that you were like zeus and athena. a mere thought turned into a child, you didn’t need a mother if you had your father.
but after he was put away, you found the much needed influence of a girl in tonks, who had done the great deed of taking you in, even if she was barely an adult herself.
and after your father had returned during your fourth year, you spent time with him until you realized that the world of war had no place for you, and you had saved yourself the rest of the despair after cedric died.
“why didn’t anyone wake me for dinner?” a voice could be heard calling down the steps. you turned to molly who smiled, “bill is home from egypt. i was assuming he was tired after traveling all day, so i let him sleep.” she mentioned and you nodded.
out of all the weasley siblings, you had only met ron, the twins, ginny and the insufferable percy. the two eldest weasley brothers had been a total mystery to you, something out of legend as you hadn’t even seen pictures.
“hurry down now, bill.” molly called out, and as he finally rounded the corner towards the table, you realized with a wave of nausea who it was.
and seemingly, he did too.
bill hadn’t bothered to properly greet his family when he came home. it would all be in due time, he excused, and made his way to his bedroom where he would continue to wallow in the sorrow.
it had been just a few months since that night but it was like she had been a siren, a woman untouchable that he only desired more of. she consumed his thoughts, his dreams, even his nightmares.
bill had to leave egypt to escape her, or at least the thought of her. but back home, it seemed to intensify even more.
all he could remember were her piercing eyes, a sight he would never forget.
as he heard clamor downstairs bill sat up and stretched. he saw fred exiting the room and he stopped him, “what’s going on?”
fred shrugged, “mum said sirius and his daughter were coming over for dinner.” bill waved a hand as his brother left and threw himself into the pillows with a yawn.
he tried to make himself comfortable but the smell of the food had snaked its way up to his room, and now all he could feel was the pain of his empty stomach.
so with a sigh, bill pulled himself together and set down to greet his family and the guests.
you gulped as the silence seemed to drag on.
“bill?” you asked and he nodded. the same man from the nightclub was standing in front of you. in a pair of sweats, ruffled hair and a cheap hoodie, he was standing there.
same facial scar, same hanging earring. the father of your child was bill weasley.
bill was astounded. hearing his name from your lips had him flown back into a muddle of daydreams. he had imagined this moment before. meeting tou again, and professing his love to you.
but the shock of seeing you with his own two eyes for the second time was enough to send him back into a slumber.
you had stood up and he had noticed it. a bulging piece of evidence from under your dress, bills mind went to all the possibilities.
what if the baby is mine? was she pregnant during and i had missed it? have i gone so crazy that i’m imagining her face on other bodies?
“between the looks of you two, i’m assuming you two know each other?” fred let out a whistle and you and bill looked at each other before answering at the same time.
“no.” you echoed.
fred and george both cringed and suddenly things became awkward. molly caught their hint and clapped a hand, “dinner will resume in twenty minutes. let’s all have tea in the living room!”
your father looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you shrugged slightly as he was dragged off.
bill went outside, and a cigarette appeared in his hand. he was nervous, seeing you was too much. seeing you pregnant was coma worthy, and how he was still standing was an achievement.
you followed him and stood away slightly as you realized he was smoking.
silence once again, and you cleared your throat as you moved a hand down your belly, “it’s yours.”
“what?” bill was too busy trying to focus on his cigarette and missed your comment.
you repeated, “the baby. it’s yours.”
bill looked at your belly and back at you, “i know it’s a shock. trust me, this wasn’t in my plans. but we didn’t even know each others names and i-“
bill was too busy gazing at your belly than to listen to your rant, “may i?” he held out a hand, and you stopped mid sentence to grab his hand. a reluctant step forward, you set his hand on your belly, “it’s too early to feel anything but-“
bill gasped, there it was. a small kick just on his hand. you had felt it too, and your shock was mutal.
bill tossed his cigarette and smiled as both hands grabbed your belly, “wow.” he whispered.
you looked at bill, “bill,”
bill looked at you, “y/n.”
you raised an eyebrow and bill laughed, “how could i forget the name of sirius black’s rebellious daughter who ran off into the night?”
“you knew it was me?”
bill shook his head, “i never saw a picture, i just knew of you.”
you scoffed, “i guess i could say the same thing.”
bill pulled back his hands and was now crossing them, “i understand why you kept this to yourself. a million chances and it wouldn’t be this lucky.”
you nodded, “if you don’t want to be involved that’s fine. wouldn’t be the first time i do something alone.” you looked down at your belly and held it before looking at the sun setting just overhead.
bill held out a hand, “i want to be. i want to be a father. and i want to be with you.” he was pink, a shade of embarrassment as he realized what he had said.
bill nodded, “it might sound incredibly odd but- i just haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. i left egypt, quit my job because you were haunting me. knowing this, knowing how perfect this turned out to be makes me realize one thing.”
you raised an eyebrow, “what is it?”
bill smiled, “that you were true to your word.”
as zippers were heard being zipped, you fixed your hair. the panting of the man was heard quietly as he looked at you once more, “will i see you again?” words slurred just so slightly that you laughed.
“i hope that for your sake, you do.” you left him right after that, leaving the man to fade into the darkness just as the blasting music met your ears.
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thechillmage · 6 months
ᵗⁱᵗˡᵉ...... the most beautiful girl
ˢᵘᵐᵐᵃʳʸ...... 𝐘/𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐘𝐮𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝.
ᴾᴬᴿᵀ ᵀᵂᴼ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᴱ ᵟᵁᴵᴱᵀ ˢᴸᵞᵀᴴᴱᴿᴵᴺ
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"I am still disappointed in you for going to the ball with a blood traitor. Out of all the pureblood boys, you picked a redhead." her mother said, and Y/n replied, "Mother, he was the only gentleman that I came across. Every pureblood boy from Slytherin didn't even care to ask me. They just demanded that I go with them, and I said no." And with that, her mother nodded and decided to go quiet. Y/n was jumping out of happiness in her mind because she shouldn't show that much happiness in front of her mother. They were shopping for a ball gown, but Y/n didn't like any of them. They were pretty but just not what Y/n wanted. After spending the whole day in shops, her mother decided to go home. "Since neither of the dresses you tried on are perfect, I will get you a custom gown.", she said before calling a house elf to take Y/ns measurements. After the house elf greeted her, Y/n smiled and helped the elf take the measurements. She wondered what color her dress would be, probably in dark green or black.
.....few days later, in the Grand Hall.....
Owl were flying in constantly, delivering the girls their dresses, and the biys their suits and robes. Pansy got hers. It was a long black dress with a slit, the one she expected. She was squeling with happiness. While Y/n was still waiting for hers, everyone got theirs. Only Y/ns was missing. She started to worry, panicking that she wouldn't have a dress. That was until an owl flew in and dropped a huge box in front of Y/n. Everyone was now looking at her, especially Fred Weasley, curious about what her dress is gonna be. As she slowly untied the black bow and opened the box, Pansy and her gasped. In the box was a beautiful dark green ball gown, probably costing a lot of money. She slowly stood up from her seat, grabbed the shoulders of the dress, and lifted it up, hearing multiple gasps from the majority of girls, even the boys were gawking at the dress. All of the Gryffindors turned back from the Slytherin table to look at Fred, realizing that he probably got the most beautiful girl as his date to the Yule Ball. He snapped out of the trance when Y/n and Pansy picked up their boxes and left the Grand Hall. "Damn, I'm a lucky guy," he said, mesmerized by not only the dress but also the thought of how Y/n will look in it. "You mean the luckiest guy," Ginny corrected him. He nodded, closing his parted mouth and taking a sip of water. He smirked as he remembered the jealous looks that the girls gave Y/n, knowing that their dresses weren't as luxury and expensive as Y/ns. When he got to his dorm, he immediately went to the desk to write a letter. The letter was for his mum, Molly Weasley, telling her how he saw the most extraordinary dress he's ever seen and that it's his dates dress. His mum was surprised that he asked a Slytherin out, but after hearing him rant about how she looks, talks, and is kind, changed her mind. Molly already loved the girl even tho she hasn't met her yet.
"Alright, so my dress is beautiful, but yours? Girl, your mother went over the moon with this one. You'll be the best-looking one." Pansy complimented her dress. Y/n just thanked her. She knew both of them would look ravishing in their dresses. "Yule Ball is in five days, oh my god I can't wait" both of the girls jumped, holding their hands and jumping on Y/ns bed before dropping on the bed, laughing at each other. "I can't wait." Y/n sighed, daydreaming about how she's gonna look. Pansy nodded before standing up to go hang her dress on a hanger. Y/n copied her. She looked into the box, finding a matching dark green high heels and a tiny box that probably had matching jewelery in it. She took that out, too, sorting it on her nightstand.
The evening has come, the Yule Ball was tonight. Y/n and Pansy were now rushing to get ready. They got into their girl talk and gossiping so much that they didn't realize what the time was before it was too late. Pansy put her dress on easily while Y/n was struggling before asking Pansy to help her get in the dress. After much struggle, she got in, and Pansy zipped the back of the dress before handing Y/n her heels. Y/n thanked her and put them on before sitting down in front of her desk and looking at the mirror, checking if her hair wasn't messed up. She opened the jewelery box before putting on the necklace and earrings, which shined as the stars in the midnight sky. After getting done with that, she stood up and straightened her dress, looking for Pansy. "Pansy, are you ready?" she called out just as Pansy was walking out of the bathroom. Pansy hummed before grabbing Y/n hand and walking out. Y/n asked Fred if he could wait for her at the end of the stairs in front of the ballroom. He happily agreed, not asking why, but he was sure so that she could grab all the attention.
As they got there, both of the girls noticed Hermione, who looked like she was hesitant. As they got closer to her, she turned around. "Hi Pansy and Y/n, you both look beautiful," Hermione said before smiling. "Thank you, you look beautiful too," Pansy and Y/n replied, saying it in sync before all three of them shared a laugh. "Can I walk with you down the stairs?" Hermione hesitated, shyly looking down. Y/n nodded before all three of them turned and started walking down the stairs. As George heard the heels click, he motioned for his twin to turn around. "Look at Hermione," Parvati Patil said, mesmerized by her dress. "Look at Y/n," George said, not noticing his twin staring at her. George pushed him a bit, nodding towards Y/n as she was close to the end of the staircase. He slowly walked uo to her, smiling at her before putting out his hand, taking Y/ns hand in his bigger one, giving her delicate hand a kiss on the knuckles. She blushed before complimenting him, "You look handsome," to which Fred responded, "You look so mesmerising, I could watch you forever." She hit him with her hand, "Stop it, that's so romantic," she whispered. "But it's the true," Fred said before the ballroom dorrs were opened. The champions opened the dance while the others joined after them.
Fred took Y/ns hand, guiding her to the dance floor, to which she was happy. All the days she spent waiting for this exact moment finally came to life. She smiled at him, placing one hand on his shoulder while the other one was in his hand. He placed his hand on her waist before they started dancing, not breaking eye contact even once. At some point, they felt as if all the eyes of the world were on them, looking at how perfect they looked together. They danced the night away, constantly cracking jokes and laughing together, drinking and asking questions about each other. As the night got to the end, they sat down at a table, both of them exhausted from all the dancing and partying. Y/n put her head on his shoulders, closing her eyes and noticing the faint smell of his cologne. She noticed that he always smelled like fireworks, paper, and gunpowder, which made sense. Fred put his hand around her shoulders, keeping her warm in the cold night, thinking about how she smelled luxurious, probably thanks to her expensive perfumes that all smelled fantastically. She smelled like books and a garden full of flowers.
He felt as if he was the biggest garden in the world, and she was the most beautiful and rarest flower that only he had.
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yayyy the enddd, thank you for all the likes/votes and i hope this is a good part two
not to flex, but i came up with that last sentence AND I LOVE IT SMMM.
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MCYT Yuri Week Day One!
Prompt: Dance/Break
Ship: Gem(GeminiTay)/Pearl(Pearlescentmoon)
Series: Empires SMP (season 1)
Word Count: 806
Gem watched from afar the way Pearl swayed to the upbeat music around them, watching the other girl laugh while Sausage twirled until she was sure the brunette's cheeks would be sore. She took a deep breath, shoulders tensing as she stepped onto the dance floor for the first time since setting it up hours ago for the Rivendell Festival.
"Gem!" Pearl grinned, pausing to face her as she glanced down slightly at the shorter girl who's cheeks dusted pink at the sound of her own name. "Come dance with me." She said, not a request but also without force. An offer she was counting on Gem to accept.
So she did.
With a timid smile, Gem nodded and let Pearl grab hold of her hand, stumbling as she was suddenly tugged into the rhythm of the quick-paced tune coming from the jukebox not far away. Her nerves faded faster than expected, soon moving freely around as Pearl occasionally touched her hand or her shoulder to guide her into another dance move.
The wizard had been having so much fun she hadn't noticed the change of song until her eyes landed on the sunflower-clad girl before her, holding out a hand with a goofy smile that made Gem want to giggle and melt at the same time.
"You got one more dance in you?" Pearl asked quietly to not disturb the other couples already swaying. Gem glanced around nervously, noticing the closeness of Scott and Jimmy and the smitten look shared between Joel and Lizzie. She blushed, taking a deep, steadying breath before smiling back at Pearl and slowly placing her hand over the other girl's.
"For you? Of course." She answered, heart fluttering as Pearl blushed this time. She stepped closer, hovering her free hand nervously over her waist before gently resting it just as Pearl's hand moved to her shoulder.
It took a minute that felt like years before Gem felt relaxed enough to drop her tense shoulders and let out a breath she'd forgotten to release. Her gaze wandered up from where she'd been watching her feet to notice Pearl already looking her way, smiling sheepishly once she was caught.
"Having fun?" Pearl asked in a whisper, barely audible over the music for only Gem to hear.
Gem nodded. "Yeah." She said, a bit breathless from how pretty Pearl's eyes looked from up close. "You?"
Pearl smiled and shrugged. "Yeah, tonight's been great." She said.
"I'm sensing a but in there?"
"But it'd be better if it were just us two."
Gem's eyes widened just a fraction at that, and Pearl's cheeks turned scarlet when the redhead didn't say anything in response.
"I mean, what I mean is-" Pearl faked a cough and Gem couldn't stop the grin growing on her face. "I like having you around. You're good company, a good friend."
Gem let her eyes flit around the other leader's face before taking a half step to bring them close enough to touch, watching as the shadow from her hat blocked Pearl's face from the light. "I like being around you." She said softly, hoping with all her heart that she wasn't misreading the situation.
Pearl blinked a few times before grinning even wider than before. "You do?" She asked, earning a nod.
"I... I like you, Pearl." She finally said, voicing those thoughts she'd held for weeks, maybe months.
"I like you too." Pearl answered, holding Gem's hand just a bit tighter in her own.
"Erm," another voice broke the two out of their moment. "Having a good time, are we?" Scott smirked from over Jimmy's shoulder as the girls noticed everyone had stopped to look at them.
"Don't ruin this for me, elf boy." Gem retorted, the group sharing a laugh while Scott rolled his eyes. She looked back to Pearl and stretched onto her toes to finally kiss the girl she'd been thinking about for so long.
She pulled away, smiling from ear to ear at the way Pearl's eyes lit up from her kiss. She faintly registered some of her friends cheering or cooing in approval, but the only thing she could focus on was Pearl's dazzling smile and the new look in her eyes that she could already tell would never cease to make her heart race.
Pearl blinked from her daze to look around once again, still grinning wider than possible. "What are you lot standing around for? This is a party!" She cheered, nodding to Sausage who switched out the music disc for something upbeat again as Gem was happily pulled into another dance.
As Pearl spun her around for the sixth time, Gem found she was sure of two things:
This would always be the best night of her life, and she would definitely fall over if Pearl spun her one more time.
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 144- Exposed
Summary: The Rivendell bound group stops for a break. Thranduil and Raven clash again. She tries to help, per the request of an elven princess. Boromir tells the tale. The Elvenking has more words that Legolas disapproves of. The Prince is cornered. Thranduil has another intrusive memory. Spies are among them. Narcisse and Jo have a brief spat. A dinner and games are enjoyed, then a sensitive and shocking conversation is held. Jo feels bad. A repeated offer is made.
*Warnings* language, angst, child loss, mentions of death
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
It was almost high noon as the sun shone straight above the Bruinen River that sparkled like diamonds from the glowing orbs rays. The group consisting of elves, men, a dwarf, a wizard and a dhampir traveled along the rocky shoreline, finally free of the dark realm and about a quarter of the way to Rivendell, and all were ready for a brief rest. They stopped in a large sunny clearing, soaking in the much needed light, especially Thranduil, who was in the worst of moods, for your memory was becoming a curse to him.
As Raven dismounted the great white horse, her bad leg that wasn't fully healed yet, swung under the animal, missing the ground and on her ass she went. She had never had the luxury of learning to ride a horse when she was growing up, for she never needed to since she was able to fly.
Thranduil's brow arched high as he glared down his nose at her, then he too dismounted with a graceful glide to the ground, presenting no offer of helping her to her feet.
"Do tell me...just how is it that you are of vampire and witch origin when you cannot even balance on your own two feet?"
"You seem to have forgotten that my leg was injured by that little creep who is following us by the way. Just how is it that an ancient elf king such as yourself lacks manners?" she griped as he hobbled up to her feet.
"The only one lacking comportment is you with the discourtesy of your tone to me! And yet you also lack the ability to absorb my directive regarding it!" Thranduil barked as he neared her like a prowling cat, backing her against the horse.
"King Thranduil, may I have words with the girl?" Arwen intrusively asked, sparking a swift head jolt from him in her direction.
"Prithee, it would be quite gratifying." he snarled and walked away.
"Young one. I know the King is trying at times, but I would advise you to refrain from agitating him, for it will only continue to make things unbearable for you. You can change, he will not." Arwen acutely advised.
"But he has changed, in case you haven't noticed and not for the better."
"He has and have you, for the better? Even if he were his true self, his temperament would remain the same. Come and rest for awhile. The journey is still long and treacherous."
Raven was dumbfounded at how much Arwen's words got to her. Had she changed for the better? No...and who was Raven to judge the Elvenking after all she had done. For her to even realize that though made her think that maybe she was capable of change.
She made her way to sit down and watch the others from afar all sitting together in their own little clicks. Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir and Gimli in one spot, then Arwen, Elrond and Gandalf in another, Thranduil went M.I.A, and then there was Tauriel, a misfit just like her, who also sat alone.
Raven decided to go over and sit by her, for she had not spoken with her yet.
"Hi..." she simply said to the pointy eared redhead as she cautiously sat down beside her at a distance. "I...I like your hair..."
Tauriel side eyed her, then stuck her nose in the air and marched off in a huff.
Raven's eyes glowered at her as she left. "What a bitch..."
She then got up and went back to Arwen. "You see? Why do I even try?"
Of course Raven was greeted by Elrond's devilish brows and a look that could kill that instantly made her regret going over there.
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"Do you know how to prepare food?" Arwen randomly asked.
"I...ummm...kinda...I mean, it was always served to me but..."
All three stared at her, Gandalf puffing on his pipe.
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"Oh...no...I mean actual food food...not...humans...oh god...just forget it..."
Raven went to walk away but Arwen's words stopped her.
"There are a variety of ingredients for a nice soup in this bag. Why don't you try and make a pot for all."
"Uhhh....o...ok?? Are you serious?"
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"Very much so. Everyone is hungry. I was just about to prepare it, but why don't you give it a try?"
Raven began her duty, not having a clue in the world as to what she was doing, but it was soup. It couldn't be that hard, she thought.
Aragorn and Gimli both puffed on a pipe as well, as the dwarf entertained with his jokes.
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Boromir stood at a small distance from the ranger and dwarf as he started a small fire for the meal that was being prepared. Legolas stood quietly for awhile and watched, then he broke his silence.
"Boromir...my apologies for overhearing the last night but I must confess that I know of your brother's relation of the Queen. He is Josie's brother? A twin if I heard correctly? Forgive me, but...how is this possible?"
Boromir was stunned as he turned to Legolas, then glanced all around to make sure no one else could overhear that didn't know. Finally, he decided to inform the Prince of his astonishing tale.
"It was the witch..." he began.
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"I did not believe it possible or even true when I was faced with the knowledge. About a year ago, Faramir and father were having an argument, over something minor, but it was enough to bring forth what was inside of Faramir that no one knew existed, not even him. I believe my father knew who and what he was though and it all began to make sense as to why he treated Faramir so poorly for most of his life."
"Denethor knew? Did he always?"
"I do not believe he did at first. He remains tight lipped on it, which is why I chose to solve the riddle myself and verify what I later learned."
"You said it was the witch? Whom do you speak of?"
"The queen's mother. It all began as I said when Faramir displayed some form of magic. I had just entered the room to find my brother levitating in the air, frightened out of his mind and pleading for me to help him. He was up so high, I had to stand on a chair to pull him down. My father was both terrified and appalled. He fled from the room as I remained and comforted my very confused brother.
Later that evening is when I learned more than I had bargained for. I had found my father, drinking himself into a stupor and speaking with a loyal servant of many years who had also been my mother's midwife. I remained unnoticed outside of the doorway, listening to the entire conversation. Fortunately, because of his impairment, he spoke of everything, and that was the only and last time he ever did.
According to what I heard, my mother went into early labor while my father and I were away. I was only ten and he would take me with him on his travels. She had another boy, but sadly, the child was stillborn. My mother was inconsolable and terrified for my father to know, feeling she failed him and that he would leave her, or even more so, that he would blame himself for not being there.
A winter carnival had been passing through that very day and one of their travelers, a gypsy named Caroline, had went into labor and needed aid. Our people took her in and my mother's midwife delivered her...twins. A boy and a girl, both of red hair. The gypsy demanded to hold the girl and wanted nothing to do with the boy. To the midwife's surprise, Caroline ordered her to her to give "the little bastard" away and to never speak of it to anyone, or she would curse her. To prove her power, the witch gave her a little display of what she was capable of. The midwife watched her own breath forcefully flow out of her mouth as she choked on it. In terror, she agreed, took the boy and ran out and never saw the redhaired woman again.
My mother had heard the baby's cries and made her way to the midwife's chambers thinking her child miraculously lived. When she revealed to my mother what had occurred, it is then that Faramir was born....and the midwife was sworn to secrecy to never reveal it to anyone, not even myself or my father. For ten years, my father was none the wiser and believed Faramir to be his son, until my mother became terminally ill. She had confessed it to him on her death bed and I will never understand why she told him. Guilt maybe? But she made him swear he would still raise him as his own and my father's oath to her is the only reason he kept Faramir with us. None of that stopped him from despising him though, for the obvious reasons, that he was not his or my mother's blood and that he was a witch, or warlock to be more precise.
Faramir was never to be told as well, but it was inevitable for it to be known as his powers peaked last year. About a month ago, his magic seemed to have done just that. He knew I knew something and demanded I tell him because father would not. He barely spoke to him as it was. I told him I would find the truth, the whole truth and not just our father's drunken version....and that's when I went searching for it to find out who this woman was. I then ended up in Lorien only days ago to speak with the Lady Galadriel. She told me the answers I sought may lie in the fountain, but she warned me of the risk. I chose to take it, for my brother, for that he will always be.
The visions of the future came as I gazed into it, washing my reflection away. It was then I saw Faramir with an ageless beautiful woman of fiery hair. They were laughing and she called him brother as they embraced. The scenery. I knew it. It was none other than Thranduil's great halls, for I saw him there too and one other of similar hair and eyes to the King, but he was no elf, but a man and the Queen called him father. I then informed Galadriel of what I saw since I knew she knew of the Elvenking better than most. She confirmed to me of who the woman was. Thranduil's Queen, Josephine and told me who her mother and father were. It was such an overwhelming moment of happiness and sadness.
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I then was told I could find her in Dorwinion, for she knew I was going to look for her. Legolas, I had left to find her only hours before you arrived to gather Aragorn and Gimli. Just as I reached the borders of Lorien, I came across Gandalf and Tauriel and when they told me where they were headed and why, I then knew my vision was of truth in seeing the King, for Thranduil had been confirmed alive. I then chose to go with them and aid in the rescue of the Queen's husband. I had to do it for my brother after seeing him so happy with his sister. It told me he would come to love her and be a very important part of his life and what was important to her would matter greatly to him. Aragorn knew everything, so I knew if anything happened to me, he would make it back and tell the Queen and Faramir the truth."
"I..I understand now." Legolas replied as Boromir sat down, feeling a bit lighter in his worries now that another knew. "It makes sense now, for Josie also came into her full powers at the same time. The Seelie queen, she even told Josie that there were two others she shared blood with, one in which she had recently found, a brother, Jace. He was there, in Jareth's Kingdom but did not leave with us."
"She...she has another brother? Does that mean that..."
"No...Jace is not Faramir's brother. he is a warlock yes, but he is Jareth's son with Ravenna, an evil witch Queen."
"But Jareth is not the one the queen called father, so how are she and this Jace siblings?"
Legolas sighed, knowing he had to tell him the awful truth, but he did not get the chance.
"That is because the goblin King is Josephine's father." Thranduil happily cut in as he walked up. "Quite fitting is it not for such a woman. Not even Jareth himself cares for her."
"Then who was the man I saw that she called father?"
"Another wretched warlock by the name of Julian. Jareth's brother. She knew of only him in her upbringing. He was of light but Jareth has turned him dark." Thranduil concluded.
"Just as he has you." Legolas retorted.
Thranduil's eyes slitted at his son, then he turned back to Boromir.
"This would only mean that Jareth is also Faramir's father. Such a pity, going from one dastardly father to another."
Boromir refrained from reacting the way Thranduil had hoped he would.
"It's strange though...this Julian...his eyes...I could swear they are of Faramir's."
"Josephine's mother was a whore. It is known she slept with Jareth while she was at Julian's side. He very well could be Faramir's father and Jareth is Josephine's. I have heard of such a scenario with intimate acts being in close proximity. Twins resulting, both with different fathers. It would explain why Caroline discarded Faramir so easily. She must have known who each child's father was and she only wished to keep the child of the dark one. It is also known that she ended all of her previous six pregnancies, all of girls, because she only wanted the powerful one, the 7th daughter, Josephine. She must have known she was carrying two and kept it hidden from Julian. She then had no choice but to deliver them both, for she would not risk harming her 7th daughter by trying to dispose of the boy before he was born. I am quite surprised she did not sacrifice the child upon his birth, for a malevolent witch like Caroline is known to eat her own young. Either way, she kept the wrong child as now I am adhered to her spawn."
"As well as the other that you once despised! And now you desire her and despise the one you love and that gave you a daughter, in which you would not have if Caroline had given her up. I can hear no more of this immorality!" Legolas raged and marched off with a compressed lipped Thranduil behind him.
"Legolas!" Thranduil barked as he followed him into the forest. "Did you think my ears did not hear of your meeting with the Seelie Queen? What business do you or that woman have with her?"
"This is what you wish to speak of after all that was just revealed? and that woman has a name. One you once could not get enough of speaking. Do you even realize or care that today is her birthday?"
"That ship has since sailed but it would seem it has not for you. Today is just another day, but it also seems it is not for you. Do you think I have forgotten your desire of my...that witch? It is quite clear you still do in your bold and brave defense of her to me."
"I will not speak of that with you or I may find myself speaking to you the way you now speak to others, for I have not forgotten of you and Tauriel either and now no one else will forget it either after you enlightened everyone of it. If anyone has forgotten anything, it is you that has forgotten who you are."
Thranduil walked up to his son and stood beside him, staring out into the wilderness.
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"We will not speak of this no more. It is the past and shall remain there, for it cannot be undone, but the future...that can be changed. what we will speak of is Amara. Explain to me your business with her."
Legolas knew he was now cornered and had to tell his father of her entrapment.
"She is the one who informed me of your existence and where you were."
Thranduil's eyes slithered over to Legolas, moonstone eyes meeting moonstone eyes.
"And she just offered you this information out of the goodness of her heart? For she has none. I know Amara quite well, as you know, and she does not give such knowledge without it benefiting her. Tell me Legolas, what is the price that you have paid?"
The Prince turned away from his father, for he could not look him in the eyes when he told him the cost.
"She...would not tell me your whereabouts unless I agreed to take her hand in marriage."
Legolas could hear his father's teeth grind and his eyes burning a hole right through him.
"My son will never be in union with a faerie! especially the likes of that one!"
"Adar...when we return to Mirkwood, I must or..."
"She was implicit of her intentions but I am certain she threatens of harm to your Queen."
Legolas expected his father to scold him for calling you that, but shockingly, he did not.
"No one coerces my son! And you! This is why you agreed to her terms?? Not to save me, but to save that dreadful witch!! If you think I have changed my son, you have seen nothing yet!"
Thranduil stormed off back through the forest, finding himself so angry, a sharp pain seared through his head as a memory of you struck him hard.
He saw himself on one knee before you on the banks of the Forest River, shirtless with a wounded shoulder from Malsin's arrow that he took to save you. Yanking out strands of his hair, he formed a makeshift ring and asked for your hand in marriage telling you that the day you were born was the most perfect of all days because it was for him and his for you. You had said yes as you cried and held your hand out for him to place the ring upon your finger. Thranduil felt the sting in his eyes of the tears he had in that moment and he told you that he would never let anyone harm you, that he put his life on it.
"aaaaaaAAAAAHHHH!!!" he squalled as he struck a bush with his sword, now realizing his anger was not of the web Amara spun around his son, but subconsciously of her threat upon you.
Raven's soup was piping hot and ready to be served. She was nervous, yet hopeful that all would like the concoction of broth, soggy lembas and herbs, for that is all she had to work with.
She even tried to be nice and took a bowl to Aragorn, who had made it well known of his dislike of her. Aragorn was a good man and even in his feelings of her, he tried to be polite and took the soup as she stood and watched him, anticipating his reaction.
The very second it washed over his taste buds, he cringed inside, for it was awful.
"It's good." he severely lied because her eyes had held so much aspiration.
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She smiled excitedly and went to get a bowl for herself. As she did so, Aragorn quickly dumped it out into the rocks beside him.
Gimli on the other hand, wasn't so nice, mainly because of how she treated him back at the camp, but also because it really did taste something horrid.
"We may as well just eat salt by the spoonful." he said loud enough for her to hear him.
"W..what?? I did not put salt in there?? It is broth, lembas, some pepper and sugar for a little sweetness so it wouldn't be so bland!"
Arwen's brow lifted as she bent down and picked up the canister of the said 'sugar' that was now empty.
"Raven...child...this was salt. There is no sugar among these items."
All eyes were upon her in silence. "Oh...I...uh...I tried...well, I guess I screwed up again..."
"You can say that again!" Gimli griped.
"I..I told you all that I didn't have much experience in cooking!" she shouted and ran off to sit behind a tree and cry.
Legolas had just returned without the King and did a hard pass on the soup after witnessing all of their reactions. He then sensed something...something evil in the air.
"What is it Legolas?" Aragorn asked as he noticed the elf's concern.
He ran up to the top of some rocks so he could see out into the broad open distance.
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His eyes locked onto a black cloud of something moving towards them from afar.
"What is that??" Boromir asked with frantic eyes.
Legolas soon realized what it was. The same thing that taunted he and you in Dorwinion on your way back from Narcisse's villa.
"It's Jareth's spies!!"
"Hide!!!" Aragorn shouted.
Everyone ran behind the boulder sized rocks and hid under the surrounding shrubbery as a superabundant flock of cacophonous black birds swarmed over them.
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Once the sinister shadows were gone, the group got out and swiftly began packing up their things.
"We are being tracked. We need to go now!" Aragorn commanded.
Thranduil had viewed the disturbance from the trees and immediately made his way back to the horses by the river as did everyone else, finding a frightened Raven cowered under a tree.
"Pathetic excuse for a powerful immortal. On your feet, unless you wish to be dragged back to Jareth by the orcs that will soon come!"
"I...I...I..can't...." she blubbered as she peed herself at the thought of what Jareth would do to her.
"Hi!!" (Now) he snapped as he whipped his hand down to her.
Raven jumped and squeaked at his deep roar and took his hand.
"Nor-!" (Ride), the King shouted to all.
He yanked Raven up behind him and off they all raced through the forest this time, for being out in the open was now too dangerous.
Narcisse arrived back at his villa almost two hours later to find you in the outside dining area sipping on hot tea.
"Stephane! I was going out of my mind. Is everything alright? Is Leean..."
"Your sweet baby is fine. She is with Lola and Haldir. No need to worry my lady. All is fine."
Upon noticing his arrival, a punctual servant brought you both some wine and an appetizer plate as Stephane sat down at the table across from you, in which he quickly swallowed the vintage down. You of course, passed on the evil liquid after what it did to you the evening prior.
"It certainly don't seem fine? You look frazzled and...why did you feel the need to mention Haldir being with her?"
Narcisse smiled and scooted is arm across the table, taking your hand that you happily accepted.
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"Jo, is it that odd for Haldir to spend time with Leean?"
"Well...no. It's just that...I've come to know you very well, and I can tell something is wrong. I mean, you took off with that guard like the castle was on fire and not to mention, my intuition tells me you're not being forthcoming."
Narcisse sighed and sat back. "Alright...Jo, I think it you that has not been forthcoming. Shall you tell me the entire truth of what happened when you found my horse or shall I tell it for you?"
Fuck...is all you thought. Charles must have spilled the beans.
"Well why don't you tell me what it is that you think you know."
"Josephine...." he simply said with a disappointed expression. You had come to learn that he only called you by that name when he was in a very serious mood. Still...you couldn't bring yourself to rat Garrett out even if Stephane knew.
"Alright then, since you choose to be coy. I know about what happened to the guards and I know how it happened. Keeping silent about Garrett is not helping his case, for I am having him searched for as we speak."
"What?? No! I swear to god if you or anyone harms him..."
"He will not be harmed if you give me good reason why, although I see no good reason that he came onto my lands and torched one of my men with his pyromaniac tendencies."
You flung up in a rage. "It is apparent that you aren't going to care what the reason was for you have already deemed him guilty because you despise him!"
Narcisse then stood up as well. "Jo, I have proof of what he's done but I would much rather hear it from you."
"Proof? What exactly did Charles tell you huh? Because he saw the exact same things that I did and it was not Garrett's fault!"
"Charles did not tell me anything. The cowardly other guard discreetly left a letter for me about the incident and is yet to be found."
"W..what? How is that...I saw him fall...."
"It would seem Garrett is slacking and not to mention, did you forget that the reason I was called to the castle is because two other bodies were found...one of them being the guard that you had a confrontation with in the dining hall...Jo...their hearts were ripped out. I don't know what sick game the vampire is playing but..."
"He did not do this!! He wouldn't! It is not his style!"
"He's a vampire Josephine! It is very much his style. He kills the bad ones does he not??"
"He does! and they were bad!! So what is the big deal? You should be happy that your deceitful guards were caught for it seems you have many of them! But he does not tear out their hearts nor leave them to be found! Common sense Narcisse!"
"He left the other guards did he not???"
"He...he did but...that's because he was ashamed that I saw what he did...and what he did was to protect me! Ask Charles! Your two traitorous guards were going to kill me AND your son because we caught them there with Arion!"
"Ahhh...and the truth shall set you free! You lied to me Jo! All to protect Garrett."
"I did and I would do it all over again! Those guards got what they deserved and the fact that you don't care about that part tells me of your truth! That you have wanted a reason to get rid of Garrett all along and now you have one, except that it's not justifiable! I meant what I said. If you or your men harm him, I am gone! I will hate you for the rest of my life! Take me back to the castle now!" you shouted in indignation and stormed off inside the villa.
Narcisse knew he was now between a rock and a hard place. he then threw his napkin down and went after you.
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Once inside, he found you putting your coat on and crying.
"Jo...please stay. Let's talk about this. We can work something out."
"If you will not take me, I will walk!"
"Jo, do not be ridiculous. It is too dangerous now and you do not have the pendant, remember?? Haldir does."
"The only way I will stay and that this can be worked out is if I have your word you will back your men off of him and leave him alone!! If you must know, he left for a reason and he is not coming back! So that should satisfy your vengeful little heart."
Narcisse watched you fall into the chair and cover your face as you sobbed which completely broke him in two.
He snapped his fingers at one of the guards and he promptly came over to the warlock lord.
"Take another guard with you and go back to the castle. Give Bash my orders to stand down on the search for Garrett. Proceed with caution, for there is still someone killing my guards."
The guard nodded and left, while your hands slid down from your face in shock.
"There. You see? My vengeful little heart isn't so vengeful after all."
"Just...like that...you're calling off the hunt..."
"If it keeps you from hating me and in my life, then yes. You...you mean everything to me Jo. If you just would have trusted in me to begin with..."
"But you just showed me earlier why I couldn't.."
"You're...right. I did. But I also let that other guard live because you asked me to."
"But...you knew I wouldn't want you to harm Garrett either Stephane!"
"You're right again...what can I do Jo? To fix this??"
"For starters, you can take me back to my child. This date has been ruined."
"It doesn't have to be. We shouldn't be outside for leisure, so yes, our trip will have to be discontinued, but..we can continue it here? Stay with me for a little while longer and let me show you the man I really am...and if you still want to go after that, I will take you back. Leean is safe. Haldir is staying in the room with she and Lola and you know he would never let harm come to her and the castle is on lockdown as well. Jo...I'm really trying here..."
His somber eyes stupidly sucked you right in. As much as you hated to admit it in that moment, you did care for him....and he definitely was trying like he said.
"Alright....I will stay, but only for awhile. As much as I know Haldir would die before letting harm come to Leean, I still am not comfortable with being away from her at a time like this. Not to mention, Haldir must be going out of his mind himself with worry."
"If it's of any significance, I would also die before I ever let anything happen to you or that sweet little angel."
Welp, he had you again. Right back in the palm of his hand. You knew what he spoke, he meant with every breath in his body....and every breath in yours made you cave.
"I...I know you would....and that means so much to me."
"Can...we just start over? Maybe go enjoy the dinner I have had prepared for you? It is still your birthday."
"What, you mean you did not cook it?" you grinned.
"No...that cake was a bit too tedious as it was...but...I did make sure that the courses will be to your liking. I pay attention, remember?"
"That you do."
Off you went to the private dining area with Narcisse and enjoyed a good two hours of wine, in which you merely sipped, food and talking. It was the first real meal you had eaten in awhile with all the craziness going on lately. And he was right, you definitely enjoyed the dinner which consisted of chicken, mashed potatoes, asparagus, salad and more cake for dessert. A chocolate one this time with a vanilla pudding center.
You spent the rest of the afternoon practicing your skills at Narcisse's archery range with him, taking all of your frustrations out on the target as you pictured Raven's face, just as you did when Garrett had helped you practice your magic at his caste. You would always blame her for Thranduil's death.
Before you knew it, you had lost track of time and dusk was setting in.
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"Stephane, I really should go back. I did not mean to stay this long."
"But you did stay this long because you were actually enjoying yourself for once. I will take you if you like, but I would advise against traveling at night. If Garrett did not kill those two others, someone did and they are still out there somewhere."
"But...they are only killing your guards, or it would seem that is what they are after."
"It would seem that way, but I am not willing to risk your life to find out. Come, join me for a drink by the fire."
He went to get the wine while you waited in the study, feeling a bit nervous, for you didn't know what this night was going to hold. So many thoughts plagued your mind. Should you stay or should you risk your safety and Stephane's to get back to Leean? What good would you do her if you were dead? She had already lost one parent and would never know him. Eventually you talked yourself into staying.
Stephane came in with a smile and the wine, then poured you a glass and handed it to you.
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"Please Jo, have a seat. Relax. You seem tense. Do I...make you nervous?" he asked with a little arrogant smirk.
"No??" you lightly huffed and sat down, only making him grin more.
"So...tell me more about your bother Bash? Or brothers actually since you said you have more than one."
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"Well...there are three of us. Myself and Bash obviously, the other is...dead."
"Oh...Stephane I..I am sorry..I..."
"It's alright Jo, no need to apologize. We weren't close and he wasn't a good man. I tend not to speak of him much, for he had done despicable things far worse than I have ever done."
"I'm sorry to hear that. You don't have to talk about him. I know what it's like to have a sinister sibling as you know."
"Yes you do. I suppose mine was like her. She was responsible for your King's demise and my brother...he was responsible for my father's death."
"Oh..I...I thought you said that man you fought was?"
"He was. He was put up to it by my brother. Rahl, or Darken Rahl he was known by, wanted this Kingdom, but my father would never allow it, for he knew what he was and knew he would ruin it and his legacy....so my brother had him killed...and then he planned to kill me as well so he could inherit the lands....but needless to say, I got to him first....then I took care of the man that killed my father. He did it all for money, for as you saw, he was a greedy gambling bastard."
"So, this brother of yours had that kind of money? I mean, I would only assume the price something like would require."
"He did...and he had my face."
"Ok, what? Now I am confused. Did he change his image with his power? and why would he want to look like you?"
"He didn't need to change his face. Rahl is my twin...and that man used to be my friend. What a better way for him to get that man to do his dirty deed. The man knew my lands and castle inside and out and was trusted not only by me, but my father, so it was all a perfect crime for Rahl to commit."
"Oh..my god. I...I remember now, you telling me once a long time ago you had a twin. I'm so sorry, I just forgot."
"No worries Jo. I remember that conversation and it was brief, not to mention, you and I weren't on good terms then, so I would not expect you to recall that."
"Well still...you remember everything about me. Guess I just feel a little bad that I would forget something like that."
"Don't feel bad Jo. My life isn't all of that great importance....Well, it would seem I have drank all the wine. I am going to go get more."
Off he went and you could tell by his demeanor that he was now upset over speaking of something that was clearly painful for him.
About fifteen minutes went by and Narcisse had not returned. You became a little worried and went looking for him.
As you walked the foreign halls, you found him standing on a patio, staring out into the night sky.
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"Stephane? Are you alright?" you asked as you crept up behind him, completely startling him in his deep thought.
He spun around and then laughed at his own reaction.
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"I'm so sorry." you giggled. "I didn't mean to scare you. It's just, you didn't come back and I..."
"You were...worried about me?" he asked as if it were hard to believe.
"Of course I was, especially with all that has happened...and...because I feel that I have upset you in making you talk about something you don't like to speak of."
"Jo...no...you didn't make me do anything. I...wanted to tell you. You're the first person I have ever wanted to tell anything about my life to."
"Well...you said that your life is of no importance. That is not true. It is important to me Stephane." you sweetly said as you placed your hand upon his, in which a soft electrical current flowed through through both of you.
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He glanced down at your hand and you could see it in his face, how he was not used to affection or the magic that came with your touch. You then stepped closer to him and peered up into his fire lit eyes from the dancing flames of the brazier's on the patio.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course Jo."
"Well...it is still my birthday and I would like two things, if I may?"
"Anything your heart desires is yours my lady."
"Kiss me."
His eyes widened, then softened as they smiled at your unexpected request. Slowly, he placed his free hand on your cheek and leaned down. Your heart was racing as he neared your lips, then they united with yours so tenderly. Your lips parted, taking his mouth in fully, tasting the succulent mixture of wine and peppermint on his tongue as it softly touched yours. A slight moan escaped him as he tasted you back while inhaling your cherry scent through his nose.
You ended the kiss to his dismay, but with a a sensual smile.
"Well now. That was quite nice. So...what is the other thing you wish for my lady? I hope it is not for me to teach you to fly."
His grin was so alluring. Your hand was still upon his as you simply stated your next request and then you walked inside.
"A bath..."
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A cursed theory that I must share.
Odd knows how to throw himeslf off a moving vehicle with minimal injuries.
And that got me thinking.
Why was he sent to Kadic? Why did his parents never question where kiwi is? They had to know about the no dogs thing. (Unless this was adressed between them off screen, in which case why was there no effort to visit and take Kiwi home?)
So a theory for you: Odd was a vigilante of some kind. (Boy had a tail on Lyoko and no balance problems. He clearly is trained in some way. Maybe a magical girl esc situation or something but still. That is not a normal reaction to suddenly having a new limb you can control. Unless it isn't new.)
Or maybe he is trying very hard to keep some powers a secret.
I mean. Aelita had a little elf toy and became an elf on lyoko. Yumi is Japanese and being geisha is a normal, respected job that many aspire to be. Ulrich is a samurai, and by golly aren't Samurai cool people who protect others and work under a lord (bit of a stretch but he's a teenager. With a dad like that I would not be surprised if there was a little escapism involved.) William just got a BFS and really. What teenager would not go wild for a cool sword (seriously the thing reminds me of final fantasy 7).
Then there's Odd. The purple I can get. But the cat never gets an explanation, given the scanner wasn't active while Kiwi was in there. Add in that weird purple no explanation given ever spot in his hair and something doesn't add up. (Yes Aelita's hair is pink but redheads exist so I can see the leap given nobody questions it. People question Odd's hair.)
So really. Something is up with this boy's history. I personally believe superhero of some kind (magical girl esc shenanigans included) or escaped experiment.
What do you think?
Sorry for the late response but anon, you could totally make an AU out of this haha (magical girl-verse or general superhero/escaped experiment tomfoolery). Honestly you could probably spin the magical girl AU quite a bit with Kiwi playing as the Familiar, or even play on the escaped experiment idea and twist it around a bit with series lore
Theory-wise can't be too crazily sold on it. Odd's parents aren't the most observant of their kids (and canon pretty much makes it seem like they're so busy they don't really keep an eye on what goes on in their kids lives) so I imagine what is happening with Kiwi slips under the rug. That and perhaps Odd's sisters don't want to admit they let their little brother sneak off with the family dog, either out of sibling comrodery or they don't want to get in trouble for this as well lol
I've seen some authors like to offer the headcanon that Odd likes to dye his hair (I'm one of those writers haha, Evolution may have been extremely shaky but there are some ideas that can certainly work etc etc Odd having brunet hair is one of them). The kid loves to dress up in flamboyant colors, bright pink, yellow, purple, you get the idea. Part of me likes to think it's to attract attention, he is just one of six kids after all (mind you the only boy and the youngest of the bunch too). I'm sorta headcanon-posting about Odd's parents being emotionally neglectful. I mean it's also kinda out there in the episode. Sure they "care" on the surface level but they don't really offer much structure? They let him loose, offer unconditional love without any set rules. Obviously there's a fine line given the other side of the spectrum is like, say, Ulrich's family (or father in particular) for example. But too much care without guidance can leave kids feeling in the dark and truly not cared for. Especially if they see other kids actually having that healthy relationship/boundaries taught to them (I hope I'm conveying this all right lmao)
Anyhow! Back to this and off the headcanon tangent, I imagine Lyoko grants some knowledge on how to use their abilities. Or at least, kinda like ingrained instincts already despite not having much experience with them just yet. I like to point out how easy it was for Yumi to wield her fans, or for Ulrich to instantly know how to use super sprint in the prequel, even the contested shield of Odd's just showed up out of nowhere there lol. The tail not causing balance issues is probably one of the instinctual things, just like how Odd can go back and forth from cat paws to human hands without batting an eye. This could also just thrive in your theory/AU either way haha
I've heard some suggestions that Kiwi shed some fur in the scanner Odd went in right before he was virtualized for the first time, so maybe that could lend some idea to his form? This one is the weakest out of the bunch though, especially given dog fur really doesn't equal cat. Cats are flexible and agile though (they love to sleep and eat, they're very playful despite not knowing when to hold back at times, I own two cats atm so this is my own observations leaking over haha), Odd fits the bill, and he's an animal lover (or a dog lover, I forget if the show has mentioned if he just doesn't like cats or whatnot it's been a while). I remember bits and pieces of cats having a sixth sense (not really but people like to say they do) so that can line up with Future Flash, Odd's a gamer which is my only decent excuse for laser arrow lmfao Thank you for your ask! Sorry about the bit of delay but it was very fun chatting and thinking about all of this :)
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the-ace-of-fools · 1 year
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me being very normal about my tes ocs (lying) also a miraak wip i've been painting since september lol
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for some reason the image descriptions i made aren't showing up on desktop (maybe that's how it's supposed to work? no idea, i've never done anything like this before) so here's a list of notes i have for each picture:
1) silvarin (on the left) and solinar (on the right) they're both dragonborn siblings (twins, actually) and both kinda racist (in different ways) when the story begins but what else is new with high elves. red/blue but flipped and red is for the magically inclined solinar/blue for the physically inclined silvarin. i like to think that their souls are two shards of a too-big piece of Akatosh and they broke apart when 'falling' on mundus. or smth.
2) that's silsol's parents. solinar gets his affinity for magic from their father and silvarin gets his physical prowess from their mother.
their father is (was, rather) a famous historian of akavir, of all things. also the reason why silvarin fights with a glaive (it was given to morananthe by faelaron as a courting gift). 3) that's iueleai (don't ask me to pronounce that. i don't know.) she's a snow elf and is a sister to silsol's great-great-great-…-great-grandma. silsol also both have facial features that are almost identical to hers (except for the color). this is the first sketch of hers that i did. she was supposed to be a dude but i changed my mind halfway through drawing her %) 4) so iueleai dies a looong time before silsol's story begins. the way in which she dies is having her heart ripped out (and then eaten) by miraak. i made up some lore because i wanted miraak to have some sort of backstory before he became a dragon priest. in essence -- to become a dragon priest you have to give up the thing/person most important to you. in miraak's case that turned out to be her. sorry girl better luck on your next incarnation :(
5) i've seen a lot of people's representations of a maskless miraak and after much debate with myself decided to make him a redhead for two reasons. the first is that he was either going to be that, or a blonde -- since he's basically a proto-nord. the second is that i suck at drawing blondes. some people also added cool things like entirely black eyes/etc but i think that spending a couple millenia in apocrypha and remaining exactly the same might be worse, actually. so there.
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blackcurlsgreeneyes · 6 months
@brothershardy cont.
It was a load off of all their minds to have the Ball partnerships sorted out, and nobody with stung feelings over not being asked was a nice bonus. It meant that the holidays could begin with festive energy--though they did have a shocking amount of homework, but only Draco and Hermione seemed inclined to dive into that right away. The rest were ready for some nice, relaxing days of food, snow fun, and lounging in the common room.
Joe convinced Ron to let him alter his dress robes, and the results were astonishing. Harry was overwhelmingly glad to see that the redhead would not feel embarrassed to wear them, and that it conquered Ron's sour attitude, as well. He asked Padma with sincerity, and Hermione reported that the girls were not having a blast planning their hair and makeup looks according to their dresses.
Christmas arrived with more snow and a lovely sleep-in, and piles of gifts at the foot of every bed and beneath the huge tree in the common room. It was always now Harry's favorite day of the year, bundled up in his sweater from Molly, socks from Dobby--one patterned with broomsticks, the other bearing the elf's apparent hand-added embroidery of "Harry Christmas" over and over--and a flimsy gold crown from one of the crackers that Joe cracked open.
They changed into their dress robes, brushing teeth and combing hair--or, well, Harry gave it half a try and then just tried to fluff it into something decent-looking--and then set off to meet the girls in the entrance hall.
Harry was glad that his robes were black, as that made him look alright beside Parvati's eye-catching pink. When Padma joined them, her colors worked nicely off of the dark maroon of Ron's robes, and Harry actually felt a bit of hope for the evening. They didn't look silly, there would be food and fun, it couldn't go too terribly, right?
Luna came to collect Joe, and Harry laughed at the blond's parting advice. "Joe, there's nothing you won't do," he reminded him, grinning as the pair went to join the other three Champions and their dates. Fleur was with the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, Roger Davis; Krum had a pretty brunette from Beauxbatons at his side; and Cassius stood with a girl who Harry was fairly sure was a Hufflepuff.
"You know, I almost wish Hogwarts would do something like this every year," Draco remarked, heading their way with Hermione on his arm. Her dress was a darker shade of blue from Luna's, and her hair was impressively straightened, a white rose tucked behind her ear that matched the one on Draco's lapel. "It hasn't even gotten started and it's already warmer than holiday soirees at home."
"I'm telling your mum you said that," Pansy teased, coming over with Blaise and Theo escorting her. "Also, I've got us covered if anyone wants any," she added, revealing a flask in the little clutch she carried.
Professor McGonagall opened the doors of the Great Hall, and the majority of the students began ushering inside, trading greetings with the Champions before shuffling to encircle the dance floor for the formal entrance and first dance.
"Good luck," he whispered to Joe and Luna in passing. "So glad it's you dancing first, not me!"
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jade-wyton · 1 year
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Becky’s kids! Her and Jareth agreed on four, but then the last pregnancy ended up being twins. Their second oldest is half-tiefling, which was a surprise for everyone but probably shouldn’t have been (it’s fine though, his dad is a friend so they know the family medical history).
Barbra “Barbie” (named after her late grandmother) 6 years old Has been able to wildshape since she was 3; says that Mimi taught her how. Becky is now getting a taste of what it was like on her parents’ side of her “I’m 6 and I’m going to run around in the woods on my own fully naked” phase. She does not like it. The BIGGEST daddy’s girl you will ever meet. LOVES her dad. Bites.
Harley (old english for “meadow”, also the name of a motorbike brand) 5 years old Likes his biological dad a lot and enjoys seeing him (around once a week) but if he had to pick one dad he’d choose Jareth. Has a speech disorder and accidentally called his grandfather “Pee Pee Ken” instead of Pépé Ken once. Adults now tease poor Pee Pee Ken about it. REFUSES to wear shoes. WILL have a meltdown if made to wear them. Also very uncomfortable in clothes other than onesies, but (usually) won’t meltdown if he needs to wear a shirt and pants. Carries comfort blanket everywhere; it was originally a traditional drow mother-daughter blanket Becky made for Barbie, but Barbie gave it to him after a bad dream to help him feel better, and now he can’t be separated from it.
Rousseau “Russ” (French for “little redhead”) 4 years old Aspires to be a horse when he grows up. Seems to somehow think this is viable as a profession, like being a police officer or astronaut. Cannot be talked out of it. LOVES bugs. Much to Becky’s dismay. Talks to the spiders that live in his room. Wants to visit the Underdark with his grandmother Isa. Wants to learn “every language in the world.” Besides his first language of English, he is learning some French with Ken. He also knows sign language from his best friend, Salami.
Alvara (Italian, means “elf warrior”) 3 years old Will make any excuse to see her grandparents; especially Dolly. Likes to make “potions” out of literally anything she finds around the house. Shampoo is not safe. Inherited her dad’s love of the ocean/beach. Wants to have physical contact at ALL TIMES. If someone is not holding her or touching her she will seek out someone who will and climb on them. She has attempted to cling to total strangers before. Mimi often turns into a scarf to cuddle her so she will behave.
Cannelle (French name meaning strong in battle. Translates to “cinnamon”) 3 years old. Starts fights with older kids (and usually wins). If you pick on Harley for dressing funny she will pin you down and hit you with a big stick until you cry. Then she will make fun of you for being a baby. Has a best friend in daycare, whether they like it or NOT. Bit Uncle Orson hard enough to draw blood.
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
hello, this is your secret Santa! I don't think my asks have been going through, but could you tell me a bit about your ocs? thank you 🤗
-secret Santa ;)
Hi there, Secret Santa!
This is the first ask that's made it to me - Tumblr can be so wonky sometimes!
Anyway about those OCs...
They are mostly girl-next-door types, Amara is the exception to the rule.
Jasna Stoneham (After the Fire) is a petite redhead, with yellow-green eyes. She is of Man.
Amara Erelene (In Time) is a willowy brunette with curly black hair and violet eyes. She is full blooded elf and several inches taller than Thorin. Of all my OFCs, she is the only one who is strikingly beautiful, since she's elf.
Arielle Farran (More Than Meets the Eye) is an inch or so taller than Thorin and also of Man, but is also half elf. She has a wild tangle of light brown hair and blue eyes.
Seren Gilwynn (Someone to Watch Over Me) is of Man and dwarf descent. She is about Thorin's height, with long, straight white-blonde hair and green eyes. Thorin has a couple of inches on her.
Noelle James (Where I Belong) is a modern woman with a lot of red curly hair and her eyes are blue-green.
I don't know if you'd like any info on the modern Thorin OCs (Leda and Alex) but if so, please let me know and I'll be glad to tell you about them as well. And if there's more info you need, let me know on that, too.
I hope this helps!!
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mindlesscreator91 · 2 years
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So I was inspired by @bujomoss s5 apocalyptic designs of some of the main cast of stranger things, and I thought It’d be cool to show how the the Sinclair siblings could possibly look. I based their designs on their respective D&D characters, the ranger (Lucas) and the rogue (Erica).
Lucas upgrades from his wrist rocket to a crossbow akin to the D&D Rangers bow. I imagine that since the events of season four he wants to be more prepared for situations similar to that, so he gets himself a weapon. Also to make up for his lack of white horse (as shown in will’s painting) I gave him a white demo dog instead, I imagine he got some tips from Dustin on how to train and raise one. He named her Annie, after the Redhead orphan girl (who funnily enough, was played by Sadie sink at one point in time). Speaking of, he keeps Max’s Michael Myers mask with him as both a token from her, but also as a potential disguise.
I imagine that since she’s a little bit older, Erica becomes more integrated into the group. Joining in not just their DND games, but also on their trips across the new Hawkins. Just like her half elf rogue character Lady Applejack, she uses her quick wit and cunning in order to help her survive the new wasteland. she also inherits her brothers wrist rocket in order to defend her self or to throw the occasional Demogorgon or demodogs off guard by slinging rocks at metal posts. Her small size also helps her to sneak in and out of certain areas that the others probably can’t access.
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chipstertool · 5 months
Gaian Story: Initial Published Prologue (Archive)
Old Title: Memories of a Mother -> New Title: The Lone Witch
Explanation (Author's Notes): For the revised version of the prologue, I've kept in the interaction between the figure and Blair plus extending the scene to a one-sided fight since I thought she would have little strength to defend herself.
By the next scene, I wanted to do an extension towards Celfy, Nox, and Issac + moved their interaction towards the next day since both characters involved would be already tired from what they were doing before and after. The characterization towards Misty is added by the third section due to appearing in the first chapter.
I've also introduced another unnamed character since I had thoughts about this particular character being important towards the MC in some way although I want her to have a connection towards Blair's family through mysterious means.
There may be scenes that are excluded from the revised version like the Sunflower Hills aspect but I would like to go back when the time comes as contextual clues surrounding Sonia!
[Spoilers Below!]
[Years Ago - Deep Woods Forest]
        Footsteps sprint across the silent night as a young witch travels for coverage within the thick trees. "Damn it. She almost got me with that. If it was any deeper, it'll might leave me dead." uttered Blair as she attempts to heed on the movements and sounds of a figure whose been trailing her.
        "Where did you go? Can we at least communicate with each other?" Her words were soothing and convincing yet Blair decided not to come out since it would mean defeat and potential death. 
        Few minutes passed as the mysterious figure begins to head away from her direction; Blair relives at the thought of not being able to cross paths with her, had she did, it would've been silence. With enough time on her hands, she made haste towards the opposite direction, nothing was on her mind than to get out of the figure's range as soon as possible. Everything seem to become effortless in her chosen strategy yet there was something slowly looming over her, the luminous figure hovering towards her direction. In the moment of desperation, Blair shifts between the thick trees as a semi-diversion as an attempt on making the figure lose her tracks. 
        With one turn after another, her feet kept running without stopping until the limit upon Blair's muscles began to strain her and with her short huffs, unfortunately halts on her hands and knees.
        "Tired already? I never thought that a witch like you would run like a helpless deer." the figure remarked. Already down and tired, Blair tries to power her staff with lightning yet couldn't muster up the strength and stamina.
        "Oh, that's a new one. I was curious if you had the same ability as your predecessors but it turns out it might've skip a generation." continued the figure. She pulls out an materialized spear-like weapon and adjusts it towards Blair's direction, "It seems this bloodline is going to be cut short, too bad it had to end on someone who isn't a challenge."
        The moment the figure was about to end it all, a swift thin arrow marked the shoulder, making her wince in pain before she could take it out, another one targets her ankle; the pain seemed too much as the arrows were tipped with some kind of sleeping effect. The figure became drowsy, injured, and slightly immobile, she made her retreat in a hurry as her body started to feel heavy. With her gone, the two individuals began to show themselves from the shadows, "It seems that worked like a charm." said the redheaded elf as she lowered her crossbow. The second individual rushed towards the low twin-tailed girl to check on her, "It looks like she's worn out with some small scratches." the scarf-wearing human announced, "Let's take her to the clinic in Ravenhill since we're close to the town!"
[Minutes Later - Ravenhill Clinic]
        A dazed Blair was lying on a bed while facing a florescent light while the human and elf were sitting next to her. Both pondered on the situation beforehand as things felt a bit tense between the figure and the witch.
        "That girl...she looked so calm about taking a life.." said the raven-haired boy.         
        "Whatever the case is Nox, it didn't look good. Even though the tipped arrows affected her, we still have to be cautious about her potential return." replied the elf. A small groan can be heard from the bed as the young witch slightly gets up, "How did I get here?" thought Blair, "My head feels so blurry."
        "Hey, are you alright?" Nox questioned. Blair slightly jumped at the sight of two people in front of her as she was alone in the forest, "Y-yes. I'm alright. Question is, who are you?" Unsure of herself, she didn't know if they were friendly faces or suspicious faces.
        "Name's Nox and this is Celfy!" he clarified.
        "You're enthusiasm is showing Nox. Are you that eager on introducing yourself in front of someone, especially a girl, you don't even know?" Celfy snarked. The duo began to conflict one another on the subject while Blair was staring at them and chuckled at the moment. 
        "How long did a moment like this happen?" she thought to herself, only to find the duo looking back at her, "Sorry, it's just that it's been so long did I ever get to experience moments like these. You see, I made myself isolated from everything else because of my background and my heritage." Her words rang true as her family made their identities a secret for the longest time.
        "I see, if that's the case then me and Nox will respect your decision" reassured Celfy. In that moment, a toned masculine figure with a mechanical arm began to appear near the door, "What's all the sentiment I sense? I didn't expect Celfy of all people to be this way!"
        Celfy pulled a strained face and turns away, "Maybe you shouldn't poke into conversations that aren't meant for you, Isaac!" "I came all this way after searching high and low in that dark forest and yet I am greeted with resentment. I am truly hurt by your sharp words, lady elf." Isaac responded in a wounded manner. The amount of liveliness coming from the room was enough to make Blair smile and wished that she could have this a little longer but it might end for her part.
        "I should really leave, it must be getting late and all of you might have something important to do." Just when she's about to get up, a slight pain begins to appear and Celfy decides to stop her, "You might as well relax while you can since that encounter you had probably made your body weak."
        "Also, if you trying to leave just because it'll be a burden on all of us then you might want to stick with us for the time being." Nox added. 
        With all the reassuring lines Blair heard was all too "warm" for her as she is conflicted on wanting to stay with them while also keeping herself in isolation although the thought about being able to live in sociable environment that she doesn't have to fear about that figure getting in the way was a precious thought. That thought began to run through her mind and started to tear up, eyes watering from the realization that she may not be alone anymore. A gentle smile appeared on her face.
[Days later - Sun (Sunflower) Plains]
        Blair had recovered from the clinic after her confrontation with the figure, even after her recovery, she thought the figure would rebound yet she did not. Accompanied by Nox, Celfy, and Isaac, she felt safe in their presence as traveling with them in and out let out a pleasant feeling, no more isolated, no more loneliness. Surprising enough, she was able to enrolled in an academy of all things. The headmaster was a strange fellow yet he was kind enough to allow her in his institute, spending her time with the people she met on that day gave her so much joy with each passing moment.
        Sitting on the semi-dry grass, she recollects her thoughts on her life before, her family's heritage, what happened decades ago, and that figure. All of these things have a significance and Blair wondered what had even occurred to get to this point in her family although she heard someone coming.
        "You're that worried huh? You know, it's alright to come out Nox." With that, he appears with a surprised look on his face.
        "Alright, you caught me but I wouldn't say worried. It's more like making sure you don't get caught by some strange entity," Nox answered.
        After the encounter with the figure and Blair, Nox was intrigued by the event as there were many questions to think about although there was one feeling he hasn't able to shake out, his interest towards the witch herself. Whenever he get close to her, all he feels is a slight burning on his face and loud thumping in his heart, making it troublesome to approach her. "You're doing that thing again." "Wha…what do you mean?" "You face, it's getting red." "Oh...that...it's just the sun beaming on me" He attempted to brush it off yet Blair can see through it, she glares at him, "I know you're lying." Nox, silently frightened at the sight of her expression, she notices and turns away for a moment, hiding her face with her hands, "Ack! Sorry! It tends to pass on with each family member." 
        Both looking away and feelings of embarrassment lingered, Nox decides the ease the tension by giving her a smile and a pat on the head. Blair, feeling his hand on top of her head and viewing his calm smile, turned her cheeks into a rose-tinted hue.
        "You know...you're right, I am lying. The reason is that my insides get a bit tense whenever I'm near you." Nox admitted.
        "So you take an interest towards me or is it because you have feelings for me?" Blair acknowledged nonchalantly. With a slight dumbfounded pause on his face, he didn't how to respond, "I...I didn't think you're the one to be straightforward..." She chuckled at the thought of someone having a romantic interest yet it was another pleasant feeling.
        "So, if I was not this shy girl because of how I appear to be, would you still like me?" she asked playfully. With Nox stammering his words, Blair also takes an interest towards him as both of them seem to enjoy each other's company, making the relation between the two a one to remember. 
[Years later]
        As the bells ring from above, a bride and groom were surrounded by colleagues and friends alike. Celfy and Isaac, most notably, being the best man and right hand woman at the wedding as they were once a group and now have different aspirations and goals with Issac being a husband and leading in his family's footsteps in industrial engineering while Celfy was working at a secretary and adviser to the current headmaster of Gearlock Academy. 
        With purple orchids as a gift from Nox from before, it's no wonder Blair would add them onto her snow white dress as to her, it's special between her and him. On the other hand, Nox thought that orchids fit perfectly on Blair since it sometimes symbolize charm, strength, and elegance to which made him think of her. From range of interactions they had from the academy with Blair's playful teasing to Nox's genuine bashfulness, it made their relationship more closer than before.
[Nine Months Later]
        After the semi-pains of labor and contractions, a young baby girl was born. The loud cries turned into soft coos as Blair gently places her finger on her warm cheek, soothing her in her arms. Nox, right beside her, looked at them lovingly as leaned closer to hug his wife and daughter with his arms. 
        Sonia Briarwood is a peculiar child indeed, she would see something that neither Blair nor Nox could see, she would coo and giggle at the sight of something nonexistent even so she plays with them with her toys. As time passes, whenever Nox and Blair would tend to ask her who is there beside her, she draws a picture with her and the friend that visits her the most: a woman who wear purple, has purple hair, and has flowers on her. It was a typical childish drawing to an extent but it was endearing for the both of them. 
        There were so many things that Blair may not understand about her daughter's behavior although it did made her laugh and smile throughout her life that she concluded it to be a regular imagination. By the time she was about five, she declared her imaginary friend decided to leave for some reason yet this same friend brought a new one that would become her frequent sitter: a young Soulbringer named Misty Silverstein. Nox was surprised by this reveal since he has never seen a Soulbringer in his lifetime yet Blair was not fazed by her appearance, both of them welcomed their daughter's new friend with open arms. Misty would pay them back by assisting them with various tasks in and out of the house and even helping Nox out within his pharmacy that is a part of the residence.  
        A few years has passed within the Blakemore residence as things were lively, one event was surprise however due to a letter detailing about an expedition on a forgotten village within the Celestial Region. The one who was mentioned in the letter was none other than Nox as he specialized in medicine and polearms or spears. The rest of the family were eager yet scared at the many possibilities of what ruins can bring; Nox decided to reassure them that the team itself is capable of handling anything that would cause them trouble. Blair gave it some thought until she made up her mind on letting him go to that expedition. Although, she couldn't help that feeling on the region as it reminded her of a certain individual.
[Weeks Later - Blakemore Residence]
Dear Sonia and Blair,
I'm at the exhibition site with a couple of people I know. Remember when I told you the team were investigating on some ruins from decades ago? It turns out that these ruins belong to a group from the Celestial region yet it seems like there is some writing that details about the happenings of this specific area. 
Luckily enough, our team has a translator who studied linguistics in the anthropology field since one of the languages was an ancient language that only a Celestial would know. There were also murals on the cracked walls that paint a visual image of what these ruins represent. It seems like this is about its rise and fall of this particular community. I'm not sure what it means as a whole although it does leave some clues of what happened to this group long ago. 
What we've got when we arrived to the region was that there have been books about past civilizations in Celestial history told by the locals but they also informed us about ruins that were left behind due to a unspoken rule that ancient areas should be known towards future generations to acknowledge. I hope that this exhibition goes smoothly and that I get see you two when I get back.
Your Dearest Father and Husband
       ��A few weeks had passed since that day, Blair began to feel lightheaded at the thought of Nox being possibly targeted from a certain someone as she had that feeling in the bottom of her gut that girl would try to do something out of Blair's control. She wanted feel grief if this was possible, even then, she has a daughter to take care of. She wanted to feel strong, mentally and physically, for Sonia yet these despairing thoughts came rushing through, making it impossible to hold it in. Just when she was about to reach her breaking point, Isaac knocked on the door.
        Opening the door, she's greeted by a warm smile, "Long time coming Blair." She didn't want him to see her in a state like this so she created a façade to make it seem that she's alright, "Long time no see Isaac. Sonia, Uncle Isaac is here!" Hearing tiny footsteps rushing through the hallway, Sonia makes her way to jump onto Isaac, "Uncle Isaac is here!", she giggled. Seeing her daughter's face smiling as bright as ever was enough to put her at ease, "Uncle, uncle! I'm going to go outside with Misty to look for something unusual!" she announced gleefully, "I'll be back to show you what I can find!" Sonia marches outside with Misty, who was right behind Isaac for the longest time, and the two of them walked together.
        The clock begins to echo throughout the house filled with silence until a voice made its first breath. "Blair, I know something is messing with you" Isaac remarked on her facial language, seeing a strained smile. "Ah, so you saw right through me. Sit with me if you please." Minutes passed as the duo sat down in the dining room where there was an awkward silence in the air, Blair was having trouble on what say on her mind yet Isaac asked a question, "Is it about Nox?"
"Yes, it is. Ever since this letter, I haven't heard from him for about six weeks since that expedition to the village ruins." she answered, "It was supposed to be at least one and a half week but I'm wondering if something happened that caused this to happen."
        She reminisces on the time she was supportive on Nox's decision to go on an expedition for the first time since both of them wanted their daughter to be amused at the adventurous side of Gaia and hopefully encounter the wonderous aspects of the world with people she could partner with in the long run. Now, unsure of herself, Isaac decides to reassure her in some way or form, "If it's Nox then he would have figured out a way to get out of a troublesome situation. Listen, I'm sure that whatever it is, he won't back down that easily, just you wa-" A hard knock with a muffled voice was calling.
        Misty opened the door with her spare key that was entrusted by Blair and Sonia rushing towards the grownups and gave them a bouquet of purple orchids, "Mama, look what I found. It's those strange flowers that dad gave you!"
        Amazed and bewildered at the sight of purple orchids in this area, she asked her daughter, "Where did you find these?" "Weird story, I saw a huge figure that look really scary at first but when I tried to move forward, it left something behind while running away from me." Blair taken in by the mere sight of these rare flowers could mean one thing: Nox was still out there, somewhere in the world and that brought her into silent tears. Misty and Isaac also smiled at the thought of Nox being alive being a possibility and Sonia hugged her mother and told her that there is someone out there who might be watching over him, making sure that he gets home safely. 
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 14: More trauma, yeah!
“You make a hot Sasuke.”, compliments me, Tammy.
I just give her a deadpan look.
I’m dressed now in my Sasuke Uchiha Cosplay when he was 13 and Genin, and I’m with Tammy on my way to the Park, where this Monica Ryland is waiting for me.
Or should I say, Mike?
I have to give it to the fourth-grade girls. They used one of my cosplay pic I send them to make a fake Facebook page about a boy named Mike from Lakewood with interests and all.
It really looks real.
Let's hope this Monica falls for this “trap” and we get this fast over.
All this is so stupid!
I’m glad that Tammy is my buddy, even if she is being a smart-ass.
“Ah, there look!”, Tammy points at a girl with brown hair in pigtails, who is sitting on a bench. “That must be Monica.”
“All right, let’s get this bread. The sooner we got this over the sooner I can watch some Yuri to get away from this straight stuff!”
“Huh? What is Yuri?”
“…I will tell you another time Tam.”
With that, I signal her to hide behind some trees as I walk up to Monica.
I channel my inner Sasuke. My hands are in the pockets of my white shorts and I have a resting bitch-face on.
“Monica?”, I say her name like a don’t give a fuck.
Well, I really don’t give one, but if this gets me the girls to join our RPG I will do it.
Monica looks at me with this glitter in her eyes I know from people who were interested in me.
Also in N.K., not the cosplay.
Nice to know that this look at least is an universal thing.
Or I wouldn’t get it if she wasn’t into Mike/me.
“Oh Hi… you must be Mike.”, she says in a kinda breathless tone.
I just nod.
She pets the bench to tell me to sit with her. Which I do.
“So. You wanna talk about Bebe, huh? Well, look… Bebe’s my friend. I think she’s really great. I- I don’t know if she’s the end all be all of girls – I mean… she’s a little two-faced if you ask me. But, hey, I read a lot of your Facebook profile, and I think you’re a really interesting boy.”
I can’t even say anything as Bebe, Wendy, and a red-haired girl appear.
Bebe points an accusing finger at Monica.
“A-HA! We knew it! You two-faced manipulative whore!”
“What the heck?!”, shouts Monica surprised.
I just lean back and let the fourth-gradee girls handle this. I don’t care, I just want this over.
“Thank GOD we sent the New Kid to spy on you, huh girls?”, says Wendy in triumph.
“Yeah! Now we KNOW you're a two-faced bitch!”, agrees the red-haired girl.
I normally would swoon since you all know my things for redheads, but these dramatic too straight girls don’t do it for me.
Besides I already have my eyes on the hottest redhead in this town.
It’s Kyle if you weren’t sure.
“What do you mean?”, wonders Monica confused. “You guys are my best friends!”
“Then why are you hitting on MY Facebook boyfriend?”, counters Bebe. “We brought someone else who might be interested!”
Oh okay. Didn’t expect this. A boy my age joins us.
“Monica? What the fuck are you doing?”, he asks her angrily.
Caunt Monica stands up from the bench and waves awkwardly at this boy.
“Uh oh. Hey, Jake.”
“Have fun you two-faced skank!”, calls Wendy over her back as she and her two friends leave.
“Guys, wait! Please! Come back!”
Monica runs after them.
I can’t even enjoy this is over since this Jake thinks I hit on Monica and wants to beat my ass.
Annoyed I just kick him in the balls.
I don’t have time or nerves for this bullshit.
He goes down like a sack of potatoes. Fainted from the pain.
“Jeez, you really are pissed off.”, comments Tammy as she joins my side.
She looks with pity at the downed boy.
I huff.
“Let’s change back into Dark Magician Girl and see if the girls will join us finally.”
“Whatever you say sis.”
We do just that.
The girls are already waiting for us in their base.
“And?”, I ask.
“Queen N.K. we want to thank you for helping us determine whether or not Monica was a two-faced bitch.”, begins Wendy. “She really made us mad, BUT it turns out she couldn't have been the one spreading rumors about Allie Nelson going to the abortion clinic.”
“Yeah. So we made up.”, adds the brunette with the hairband.
And surprise, surprise, there is now Monica sitting at one of the tables.
“You guys are the best.”
I can’t help but facepalm at this stupidity. Tammy pats my shoulder.
I really can’t with this girls.
“You see, the thing is, Heidi Turner was SUPPOSED to put on the Facebook page that you were Bebe’s boyfriend, but she didn’t.”, explains to me, Wendy.
Oh god, like I give a fuck!
“Because Heidi Turner is a two-faced bitch who says she likes me then tries to stab me in the back!”, shouts Monica.
“Right. So we need to know if Heidi Turner is the two-faced bitch who's spreading rumors about Allie being spotted at the abortion clinic.”
“So you still won’t join us if we didn’t find this out, right Wendy?”, it’s not even a question I feel it in my gut.
Wendy nods.
“Indeed. We need someone to go to the abortion clinic. But no one of us can’t do it. We can’t be labeled as sluts!”
Agreeing sounds from all the girls.
Okay, I have enough!
“Oh my god you little prissy nonfeminist straight girls who follow the patriarchy way of life and not fight to change this wrong way!”, I yell angrily and Tammy holds me by my shoulders so I don’t start swinging. “There are worse things in life than being called a whore. Does not never come to your brains that only girls get called whores if they kiss more than one boy, while boys could fuck an entire town and be praised as kings! This is the patriarchy way of controlling us! And you AND YOU JUST FOLLOW ALONG AND DON’T USE YOUR BRAINS?! IS THIS REALLY THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER?! YOU WANT YOUR DAUGHTERS TO STILL LIVE THIS WAY?!”
All the girls gasp at me. Even Tammy.
But I’m not done.
“I want you to listen and think about this song lyrics: All day, every day, Therapist, mother, maid. Nymph then a virgin, nurse than a servant. Just an appendage, live to attend him. So that he never lifts a finger. Twenty-four-seven, baby machine. So he can live out his picket fence dreams. It's not an act of love if you make her. You make me do too much labor!”
My singing voice echoes formally in the room. I sang the lyrics from Labor of the amazing Paris Paloma with all the rage we as women should have about our roles in society.
I fix the girls with a hard look. They are clearly lost for words.
“I will go to the abortion clinic as myself because I’m not ashamed to ask for a service which is my right!”, I tell them heatedly. “Believe me, if we didn’t need you to fight on our side I wouldn’t even look at you twice. You are one of the reasons we still have to fight for fucking basic human rights! Let’s go, Tammy.”
Dramatic I exit the girl base, after a second Tammy follows me.
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“They made you really angry, huh?”
“That song you sang…it really makes you think.”
“Nice to know.”
“You have a nice voice.”
“Thanks. Since I can remember I always sang in the kid’s church choir in the city we lived in this moment.”
“Do you wanna go professional, N.K.? Because you have it to be.”
“…Are we really talking about our dream jobs, Tam?”
“I just…Look the song had an impact, but also it’s hard to think in a different way from now to then. Especially here where all are still so…old-fashion.”
I can’t help to sign, but I pet her shoulder.
“Now don’t stress yourself out. You get this stupid mission over with and then hopefully we have the girls on our side and can kick Clyde’s ass. We can think together later about all day.”, I offer her.
“You meant it?”
“Yes, don’t worry.”
Tammy smiles and gives me a little kiss on the cheek. I can’t help the blush.
Even if she is straight, meaning I will never have a chance with her, she is a beautiful girl.
And nothing is more amazing than getting a kiss from a beautiful girl.
We finally reach Unplanned Parenthood, why do I have the feeling this is a stupid joke on Planned Parenthood?
“You really sure about that?”, can’t Tammy help but ask.
“Yes, I don’t give a fuck.”, I reassure her. “I can go alone in there, I won’t force you to do anything.”
A bittersweet smile appears on her face.
“Oh, not being labeled as whore is already too late for him.”
I can’t even ask what she means by that, as she steps into the clinic. I go after her.
Note to me, ask Tammy later what she meant by that.
We walk up to the counter.
The nurse behind it gives us a friendly smile.
“Hi, here for an abortion? Who of you needs one?”
“That would be me.”, I answer.
“It's okay, don't be scared. The first one's always the scariest. Take room A, second door on your left.”
“Thank you.”
As we want to go through the door the nurse tells us that Tammy can’t come with me.
Patients only.
Tammy gives me a quick hug, whispering: “I see you at the other side.”
I return the hug, whispering back: “I see you at the other side.”
With my head held high, I enter.
On the floor I’m now in I can already see the record room, but there are camera facing it.
Like this I can’t for sure enter, it will probably activate an alarm.
So…I need at least a good enough disguise. The only one I could find here…is a doctor’s one!
Oh, that’s actually perfect.
That means I have to enter one of the patient rooms.
Okay, let’s hope I pick one who is free and no doctor comes in.
I randomly pick a room.
I’m lucky. The room is vacant.
Fast I look around and find…actually child-sized scrubs?
Why would they have this here?
And why do I still stand around and ask myself that when any moment could come to the doctor and then I have to explain myself?
Also on it with the scrubs.
My cosplay goes into my backbag I carry.
I look down at myself.
I look like a child playing doctor, hopefully, for the cameras, this will be enough.
Back on the floor a see a doctor who seems confused and mumbles something about where his patient is.
Who wants to bet with me that this doctor would have done the abortion on me?
I act like I belong here and walk straight to the records room.
Thank god my disguise works, I can enter without problems.
I don’t have to look around a lot to find the records the girls want.
I take my phone out and take photos of any important page.
That’s when I hear a ruckus coming from one of the air ventilation. Confused what this could be I look up…and Mr. Marsh drops into the room?!
“Mr. Marsh?”
“Agh! Dammit! Oh, it's YOU! Thank God!”, he seems relieved to see me and walks over to me. “Something STRANGE is going on here! The PTA reviewed that tape you got us. Taco Bell has something called a Plan B. They've been here looking through these records. But... why would they be interested in the gynecological files of the women of South Park?”
I don’t know if he wants an answer from mine or not, since the door to the records room opens.
Two of the Men-in-black are here!
Oh shit!
“I'm afraid now you know too much.”, say’s the one without sunglasses, then he talks into a Walkie-Talkie. “We have two more asking a lot of questions.”
“Deal with them QUIETLY. We can't let anyone find out what we were doing there.”, this is the answer out of the Walkie-Talkie.
I cold shiver goes over my body. Not only because I’m close to seeing my creator but…I know this voice! I heard it before! And it doesn’t make me feel good.
“Before you kill us tell us why. Why is Taco Bell taking the records of women's vaginas in South Park?”, asks Mr. Marsh.
I don’t know if he really wants to know that or if he is trying to buy us some time.
Whatever, the little device the men-in-black with sunglass holds starts to beep frantically.
“I'm picking up some hot readings on the ESRB.”, sunglasses informs his colleagues.
“Tell us! What do women's vaginas and Doritos Locos Tacos have in common?!”, shouts Mr. Marsh in between.
Not that they two men-in-black care.
“The ESRB is going crazy!”
Suddenly a lot of men-in-black appear with soldiers on their sides and run around the floor like chickens whom you cut off their heads.
“Secure the entire building! Put that woman in restraints.”
The nurse gets grapped as the doctor I saw before joins in.
“What's going on?”
“Taco Bell security. Your clinic is infected with the Nazi Zombie Virus.”
“Nazi zombies?! That's ridiculous! AND bigoted! I happen to be German!”
The poor doctor gets shoot and looks now more like  Swiss cheese.
I feel like throwing up!
All is going to shit!
“Tell people... what you saw here today.”, cries the doctor to me.
The door to the records rooms closes and I blink in the darkness.
“Mr. Marsh?”, I call out.
He left me.
You can’t really count on adults in this town!
I need to get the fuck out of here!
I look around the room and find a mousehole.
Ah, yes, this will do. I have the magic glitter from the Underpants Gnomes!
I shrink myself and enter it.
I walk through the underground of the clinic. I can hear the soldier and men-in-black shouting.
Before me are…Nazi-Zombie rats?!
Of course!
I shot at the pipe above them, so the soldier takes care of them. I do the same with the Nazi-Zombie Underpants Gnomes I encounter.
After a while reach a fuse and jump out of it.
…Why is Mr. Marsh dressed up as a woman sitting in one patient chair?
What happens in the next minutes I never want to talk or think about it again.
It’s just too fucked up.
I only say this.
I didn’t know what do to and I’m thankful I did it somehow right since the men-in-black leave Mr. Marsh and me alone.
Aka. don’t kill us.
They tell us to leave the building.
Mr. Marsh waves me away. I should go alone, he needs…time.
I don’t blame him.
So you guys know where I can buy some brain bleach?
I step out of the room into the corridor.
But it seems we didn’t reach the fucked-up level today since Nazi-Zombie fetus attack the men-in-black and kill them!
I’m just…I’m standing here regretting all my life choices.
I wanna go back to Seattle where things were normal and sane!
I hear above me rumors.
It’s Leo!
He is picking his head in.
“I'm here for you, big sis!”, he calls.
Then he tries to jump to the ground without hurting himself.
It doesn’t work.
“God dammit.”
“Leo, are you all right?”, I ask him, helping him up.
He nods.
“Wait for me!”
Tammy jumps down too.
I’m happy these two are here!
“Look at that little fella!”, points Leo at a Nazi Zombie Fetus who eats one of the men-in-black. “Are those little babies sucking blood?”
“These are fetuses actually, Butters.”, corrects him Tammy, looking at them in a kind of weird fascination.
“Nazi-Zombie fetuses.”, I add.
“Amazing! What’s next? One of our friends turns into a Nazi-Zombie?!”, wonders Tammy.
“Oh hamburgers, I sure hope don’t.”
“Tammy, Leo, we probably have to fight our way out of here. Just let’s go before it gets, even more, crazier here.”
The two agree and we make haste to leave the clinic.
Of course, we have to face off against the little Nazi Zombie fetus to reach the exit. Also, we need to walk through the air vent, thank god the Underpants Gnome glitters works for my buddies too, and we can see how the Nazi Zombie fetuses completely obliterated the men-in-black and soldiers.
When we finally reach the exit the fucked-up meter reaches its boiling point since we have to fight the aborted giant Nazi Zombie fetus of Khloe Kardashian.
Good that we are three people.
Also, Leo has a new sweet move that turns him into this buff and tall anime dude with cool powers.
I so need to learn it!
I wanna be an anime too!
In the end, we defeat the fetus and get out of the clinic.
Let’s get see if the girls are ready to join us!
The faster we know this, the sooner I can take a shower and cry.
I will need a LOT of therapy to process all this trauma today.
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I’m back in my Dark Magician Girl cosplay and have my arms crossed. Tammy beside me smiles nervously at the fourth-grade girls.
We are back at their base.
Now let’s see what they have to tell us.
I noted that the girls are looking at me with a kind of…fear at me. I probably shook their whole worldview.
Maybe they will change for the better.
Wendy starts to talk after a few minutes of us standing around: “Queen N.K., the fourth-grade girls are very thankful for you texting us the abortion records.”
“We are one step away from finding out which girl among us is a two-faced bitch.”, adds Bebe.
“Unfortunately, the record keeper at the abortion clinic is from Paris and so everything is written in French.”
Of course.
“Whoever this two-faced skank is thinks she can outsmart us!”, curses Millie.
“We want to help you and the boys play your game, but we just can't have a two-faced bitch out there on the loose. Just get these documents translated for us, and we PROMISE we will join your army.”, promises Wendy. “Sparkle.”
I roll my eyes.
Me losing my nerves at them didn’t make them overthink all this. They still are in their hurtful mindset, they are just now scarred by me.
Wordless I take Tammy by the hand and lead her out of the base.
I know when fighting is useless, even if I really want to punch out of them all this patriarchy bullshit.
Let’s see if the boys no someone who can talk French and translate the documents for us.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 1 year
The Fae Elf who likes to play as both boy and girl also plays a redheaded goblin who is secretly fourteen years old. I tried submitting a imgur link to the runner of this page but it hasn't been posted yet so maybe not using names and not using a link will at least spread the awareness
it's been posted. no asks had been posted before. this ask and the last one were only 6 hours apart. please be patient, especially when submitting stuff with names. we tend to look over it carefully to be sure shit checks out and that there aren't other names thrown in or other things we don't allow.
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After her abusive uncle dies, Varsity Cheer Co-Captain Lydia Maxwell wants to blend into the background, but it’s difficult when she has an obvious rivalry with the new girl Elodie Palmer - who’s also her crush. When a mutual friend is attacked, Lydia must set aside her fears to help, or risk losing the only support she has. Picture It Perfect is a story about healing from trauma and girls helping girls, even when it hurts and isn’t easy. 
Picture It Perfect was a unique case of the title coming before the story. I‘ve had vague ideas for years, because this story is deeply personal and inspired by true events, but it wasn’t until the title popped into my head while I was at work in March of 2022 that it truly began to take shape. 
This was my main project during NaNoWriMo2022, and I ended up writing the entire first draft (minus the opening 2 scenes) alongside my other project. It’s the first YA Contemporary I’ve ever done, and it’s quite near and dear to my heart.
Alt text below:
Alt text: Six images teasing at PICTURE IT PERFECT
Image 1) Picture It Perfect cover. Multiple shades of pastel pink and yellow swoosh over the background. The top corners have stylized sunburst lines reaching out and down. Text is between/beneath them in simple sans serif font, reading: a novel by Dalyn Fairweathre-Baxter. Further beneath is a cartoon camera in shades of glue, grey, and white. Centered beneath that is more text in font Purisa, all capital letters, slightly tilted upward on the right hand side: PICTURE IT PERFECT Below are two cartoon polaroid pictures, barely overlapping at one corner. The left one has a brown-haired white girl from the side holding a coffee cup while wearing a brown sweater and white chunky headphones. Behind her is a park in the city. Due to the stylization of the art, she does not have eyes, though she does have eyebrows, a nose, and a mouth. The right one has a redheaded white girl with her wavy hair pulled over her right shoulder, facing front. She’s wearing a turquoise shrug-on sweater, and is standing in front of a four-paned window with green gauzy curtains pulled aside. The lights outside the window are blurry circles. Due to the stylization of the art, she does not have eyes or a nose, though she does have eyebrows and a mouth. At the bottom is a black decorative line, mostly straight except for the center, which looks like the top curves and center point of a heart shape.
Image 2) A cream background with blobs in the upper left and bottom right corners. the blobs change colors five times, from orange at the edges, to peach, to light pink, to medium pink, to a darker pink at the center. A rounded box overlays the background in the lightest shade of pink. Black text in Font Purisa is inside the box, shaped around a cartoon image of a redheaded white girl from the chest up on the right. She is wearing a red shirt with yellow puff sleeves, and her back arm is behind her head and curled around to pull hair out of her face. Decorative flowers sprout around her. TEXT: Lydia Maxwell. 17 year old Lydia is a Co-Captain for her high school’s varsity cheerleading team. She’s in 7 AP classes, has barely and free time, plays a half-orc rogue, and is generally five seconds away from a panic attack at any given time.
Image 3) The same cream, pink and orange background with pastel pink box. Black text in Font Purisa is inside the box, shaped around a cartoon image of a brown-haired white girl from the waist up at a desk in the bottom right corner. She is wearing a red shirt, and her head is propped up on one hand, the elbow resting on the desk. Her other arm is lying flat across the black desk, her hand dangling off the edge and hidden. TEXT: Elodie Palmer. 17 year old Elodie is a trumpet player in the school band. she’s in 5 AP classes, two different band classes plus Marching Band after school, plays a half-elf cleric, and is DTF (Down to Fight) at the drop of a hat. She’s a new transfer student, but it doesn’t mean people don’t know her already...
Image 4) The same background with black text in Font Purisa in a pastel pink box. TEXT: Pitch: THE HENNA WARS x SPEAK. A dead abusive uncle, a rivalry with her crush, an injury that takes months to heal, an argument with one friend and an attack on another, and a guy who thinks he’s the exception to her sexuality - Lydia’s senior year is not looking good.
Image 5) the same background with black text in Font Purisa in a pastel pink box. TEXT: Fun Things: 1. Cheerleader/Band Kid; 2. Friends to Enemies to Lovers; 3. DnD shenanigans; 4. Awkward Flirting; 5. The Joys of High School TM; 6. Inter-Clique Friendships; 7. What is the band girl in Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me” music video wasn’t in love with the guy but the cheerleader instead? Voila. You get this.
Image 6) Mood Board on a pastel pink background designed to look like a scrapbook page. Photos are attached using pink and white checkered washi tape. Photos left to right, top to bottom: Red DnD dice with gold numbering; a silver trumpet held by white gloved hands on a field; two girls studying together on a bench, only visible from their waists down; a cheerleader inside a high school gymnasium doing a backflip in uniform, one of her teammates doing the same in the blurry background; a to-do list on a sticky note. Items say in cursive 1) cheer practice mon. wed. fri. 2) figure out why Elodie hates you 3) DnD meets on Tuesdays now!!! 4) Work on Costume 5) breathe, breathe, and breathe again; a blue Admit One ticket; two girls getting coffee and sharing wired earphones, visible from their chins down to where they’re blocked by a table; a white girl with red hair looking to the right wearing a casual muted mint green camisole and stylish medium wash denim button up left open, underneath which is written in cursive “You are stronger than you believe”; a slightly elevated over-the-shoulder view of brown wavy hair; black DnD dice with white numbering.
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traveler-at-heart · 2 years
The Grinch Plus Her Two
Summary: Natasha isn’t a fan of Christmas and you’re determined to change her mind. Pure fluff. 
A/N: Happy Holidays to everyone! Wherever you are and whoever you’re with, I hope it’s a delightful evening! 
It certainly wasn’t the most wonderful time of year. Being dragged to a crowded mall first thing in the morning was not Natasha’s idea of a relaxing day.
“Are we done yet?” she asked you for the tenth time.
“We just need a present for Vision and Bucky”
“A hat to cover his robot head and magnets to decorate Barnes’ metal arm. Boom, done”
“Nu-uh, Miss Grinch” you looped her arm with yours. “Come on, what better way to deal with seasonal depression than with beautiful lights and Christmas songs?”
“What about seasonal agression?” Natasha growled as an elf began to dance around both of you, throwing glitter in the air.
For the man’s own safety, you dragged your wife away, trying to hide your smirk at her angry expression. You continued window shopping, trying to think of a great present for Bucky. Vision was impossible to shop for, you had made your peace with that ever since Tony gave him a rubber duck and he’d carried it everywhere for a week. Baffling, to be honest.
“You’re gonna hate your present. I just know it” she mumbled.
“What?” you almost didn’t hear her. Nat pretended to be busy looking at a Bed, Bath and Beyond special sale.
“I suck at gift giving and you’re so good at it”
“Well, baby, that’s only because I’m kind of addicted to shopping and a people pleaser. It’s a killer combo for Christmas gifts”
In spite of her sour mood she smiled and you moved closer to her, standing on the tip of your toes to kiss her. The redhead sighed against your mouth and you ran your tongue across her bottom lip.
“You see? You do know what I like” you said and she smiled too. You caressed her cheek and grabbed her chin between your fingers, forcing her to look down at the right angle. Natasha’s eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the red lace bra you were wearing. “I also happen to know what you like”
“Detka” she chased you around, pulling you against her by the waist. “Get those morons a scented candle, I wanna go home and unwrap my present”
Any other day you’d go crazy with the mess; but Christmas chaos simply hit different. Every time one of your friends walked through the door, your heart felt full and happy.
“Why can’t we make everyone bring something?” Natasha said as you gave her instructions on how to set up the appetizers.
“Because last time we did that we ended up with frozen lasagna, a pizza and four different cakes” Wanda reminded her, checking the oven.
“So, we” you motioned with the wooden spoon between Wanda and yourself, “A.K.A the only adults that can cook, will take care of this, thank you very much”
“Aunt Natty, can I help with the table?” Morgan said and Natasha’s demeanor instantly changed.
“Of course, sweetheart” she took the little girl by the hand and they walked out of the kitchen together.
You looked at them with a smile on your face.
“She’s gonna be a great mom” Wanda commented nonchalantly and you tilted your head, a silly grin still on your face.
“Yeah… wait, how?”
Wanda giggled and pulled the tray out of the oven.
“Your thougts were very loud when Natasha offered you a glass of wine”
“Oh, damn. Sorry. I was planning on telling her tomorrow morning. It’s silly but I know she struggles with the holidays and I want to change that”
“I got your back. If someone pours you wine I’ll turn it into water”
“You can do that?!”
“Do what?” Natasha walked in looking distraught while carrying a tray of maccaroni.
“Hiii” Yelena said behind her, smiling like a little child. Unlike her sister, she loved the holiday season. “I brought my Christmas macaroni”
“How is it Christmas macaroni?” Natasha frowned at the plate.
“The tray is shaped like a Christmas tree. Leave it there, help me find little Stark; I have a present for her”
“I’m your sister, where’s my present?”
“I’m here and that is a gift to you, sestra”
The two women bickered their way out of the kitchen and you went back to preparing every plate. A couple of minutes went by without any interruptions; the only sound was the conversation that came from the dining room.
“Absolutely not!” Tony yelled as you were walking in with the food.
“Come on, metal man!” Yelena said going after him.
“You absolutely cannot give my daughter a possessed doll!” he said, lifting something that looked like a goat from hell.
“It’s Krampus, he’s really popular in Eastern Europe, right Natasha? Tell him!”
“She’ll have nightmares”
In that precise moment, Morgan came barreling against Yelena, holding on to her knees.
“I love it so much, thank you!!”
“Ha!” the blonde said to Tony and then ducked to meet Morgan’s eyes. “You are very welcome, little Stark”
“Momma, look!” Morgan showed Pepper the doll and she screeched, a hand going to her chest.
“Oh, God… that’s a really original gift, sweetheart”
“Alright, everyone settle down. Time to eat” Wanda commanded. After setting everything up, you took your place between Natasha and Yelena to make sure they wouldn’t start a food fight.
“This looks great, thank you” Natasha whispered and kissed your cheek. You smiled shyly and were about to answer when you felt Yelena’s lips on your other cheek.
“Delicious indeed, sister”
“Hey, why are you kissing my wife?”
“Oh, I thought it was tradition to do it to say thanks for the food” Yelena stuffed her mouth with mashed potatoes while Natasha glared at her.
“Eat, everyone!” you interrupted, trying not to laugh. Natasha cussed in Russian under her breath and you heard Yelena chuckle. “Children”
“Tired?” Natasha said against your neck, peppering your skin with kisses as you laid in bed.
“Very” you confirmed, but kept your hand on the back of her head, guiding her movements.
“So I won’t get to open my present tonight?”
“Maybe if you stop complaining and use your mouth for other stuff…”
Natasha gasped and you took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, pulling her closer to you.
“Wow, I love this wrapping” she commented once you stripped, only leaving your lace underwear.
“Come on, open it up”
She chuckled deeply and buried her face on your chest.
“Something’s buzzing” you commented when you felt a vibration against your back.
“Damn right, baby”
“No, Nat. I’m serious” you pushed her off and searched behind you, handing over her phone.
“It’s Mama Melina”
“Answer her”
As soon as she pressed the botton, half of Melina’s face was all over the screen, zoomed in on her eye.
“Oh” you both said. “Take the phone back a little. There ya go”
“Hi girls, how is Christmas going? I see you are having fun” the older woman said with a cheeky grin.
“Oh, God” you disappeared from the screen to find your robe.
“There is no shame here. You know studies show that sexual activity has a positive impact on…”
“Mom!” Natasha cut her off. They bickered in Russian back and forth and then settled on speaking about Yelena.
You smiled and walked out to get a glass of water. Everyone but Yelena had gone home a bit before midnight and thankfully, Wanda cleaned everything with a movement of her hand. It was a Christmas miracle for sure.
After drinking some water and filling the glass again for Natasha, you were on your way to the room when you heard someone squealing.
“I’m gonna be an auntie?!” she said excitedly, holding a t-shirt with the words World’s Best Aunt.
“Shhhhh!” you frantically ran to the tree where Yelena was slicing the wrapping paper with a knife. “God damn it, Yelena. You weren’t supposed to open it until tomorrow morning!”
“I do this every year”
“You WHAT?”
“Damn, Natasha was right, you do get crazy during Christmas”
“Newsflash, now that I’m pregnant I get to be crazy whenever I want”
Yelena approached you carefully and gave you a warm hug.
“Congratulations” she said against your shoulder, her voice shaking with emotion and you teared up as well.
“My plan was to tell your sister this morning and then you’d open the present but seeing as you can’t behave…”
“I’m sorry, I’ll put it back”
“Fine. Good night, auntie Yelena”
You heard her squeal once more as you left the room and smiled. Except now you had to move forward and tell Natasha before her sister slipped up.
It was silly to be nervous; you’d been trying for so long to start a family. Of course Natasha would be happy. But telling her would make it all real; the beauty of having a child, but the responsibility of raising someone as well.
With a deep breath, you went inside your bedroom. The redhead was saying goodbye to Melina just as you were opening the drawer on your night stand and pulling out a small gift.
“Did you catch Yelena opening the presents?”
“This whole time, you knew?” you said, throwing the present at her head. It annoyed you how easily she caught it.
“No…” she approached you and slid her hands around your waist while you glared at her. “Is this for me?”
“Yes” you admitted. You chewed on your finger nervously as she tore apart the paper, eyeing the little box curiously.
“What is i…?”
Natasha gasped as she examined the pregnancy test.
“You… we are…?”
“We are” you said, tears clouding your vision. The redhead picked you up, hugging you tightly and crying against your hair.
“Oh my God. I can’t believe you managed to make pee on a stick the best present I’ve ever gotten”
“Lovely, Natalia”
“We’re having a baby”, she chuckled and you felt ten times lighter. “We’re having a baby” she repeated in a very different tone, looking at you intently and you stared at her, worried.
“You’re pregnant and yet you were exhausting yourself cooking dinner for everyone?”
“Nat” you warned.
“You are resting and taking vitamins and we are going to the doctor tomorrow. And I need to start baby proofing the entire house and baby proof Yelena as well because I don’t want our child to have a Krampus themed room…”
She was interrupted by your lips, kissing away the stress and worry in a slow motion.
“We’re gonna be fine” you assured her, placing her hand on your stomach. “Ok?”
“Yes” she nodded. “Let’s get some sleep” the redhead searched for comfortable clothes, removing your bra with less urgency than before. Once you were wearing pyjamas, she pulled you to bed, your back against her front and her hand on your stomach.
“This is the best Christmas ever” she mumbled against your neck.
“And then the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches plus two” you recited with a smile.
“We’re not naming our baby Cindy Lou, by the way”
“We’ll see”
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