#also the food tour was a fun time. we got to skip the line at mike's and people waiting outside were SO upset lol
numinousnic · 1 month
living in Boston while being a fan of Greater Boston is so funny sometimes. this weekend i was on a food tour in the North End for a friend's birthday, and in between restaurants, our guide was pointing out filming locations used in various Ben Affleck movies and also described Matt Damon as Affleck's "very good friend — no, his best friend" and i had to take a reality check for a moment.
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AITA for uninviting my friend to a concert after she bought her plane tickets and refusing to pay her the money she spent on the tickets?
Me and my friend both love a singer called Melanie Martinez. We have both been listening to her for years and her music has gotten us through a lot.
A year and a half ago I got my first job. As someone who has a disability and grew up with not a lot I pride myself on the money I make and how well I’ve been doing at my job. My friend knows this, she also knows I take how I spend my money very seriously. My friend does not have a job, but she lives with her parents who give her monthly allowances so she can do as she pleases until she gets a job. The amount they give her is not a lot but she does save up so she has quite a bit of money. She likes to buy small things while setting aside some money for something big she wants while I like to save up almost all my money and get one big thing every once in a while that I really want.
Melanie first announced her Portals tour she only gave US dates but a while ago she announced UK dates for the tour. The UK tickets cost quite a bit of money and travelling and a hotel would also be pretty pricey but I had been saving and decided that this would be the big thing I would get for myself. I really wanted to go but with my disability I didn’t want to go alone. I asked my friend if she was available for one of the dates and she was so I invited her. I bought both of our tickets for the London date and since I make the most money out of both of us, it was my idea and I was being nice for my friend I also booked the hotel (instead if splitting it like she had originally suggested), while she offered to buy her own ticket for the plane and pay for her own food while we were over in London.
We had everything set, she bought a new outfit to wear for the tour and we were so excited. She hadn’t yet bought her plane ticket but I wasn’t too worried because I hadn’t yet either (and honestly flying makes me so nervous that just buying the tickets puts me on edge).
When we talked about it with our other friends she bragged about going which I found weird but whatever she was excited y’know. But she started complaining along with her bragging like “you’d think that we could’ve gotten closer seats but oh well at least we’re going” or “the tickets were just so expensive we’ll be broke after this” which made me feel weird. I asked her if she had an issue with the seats I got since they were in the disability accessible areas the view was good but it definitely wasn’t the front so I was kinda sympathetic to her disappointment. She said she didn’t care were the seats were and she was only joking around. But she kept complain-bragging until she was just complaining. Like “its gunna so cold I’m gunna hate it” or “we better have to deal with those annoying fans with the signs or the bracelets” and on and on and when I asked her if she was still excited she said she was just joking and she was excited. I have a hard time understanding when people are being serious or not so I just took her word for it.I didnt want to cause any arguments between us.
So she shows me the outfit she bought and it looks great and I show her the outfit I put together and we buy those plastic elf ears to decorate we are having a great time. She would say that my outfit didn’t fit the vibe as well as her and I better not actually wear it and embarrass her and again she says she’s joking. I made part of my outfit so I didn’t find it very funny.
She didn’t really talk with our friends about the concert other than with me, because my friends were kinda over it which I get. But I got a message a week ago from one of my other friends he’d sent a lot of screen shots of the friend i was taking to the concert saying she’d rather be going with him because he’d be more fun but at least with me she’ll “get disability special treatment and get to skip the line” and that “it wasn’t her money so she might as well try to enjoy herself”. Firstly we are adults we are too grown to be talking shit on snapchat. And secondly i was so crushed. I’d really been looking forward to spending time with my friend on a fun get away to see an artist we adore and she’d been complaining the whole time and was only looking forward to it because with me she’d get “special treatment”.
So I sent her the screenshots and I told her if she really didn’t want to go with me then she wasn’t going I’d just take someone else. She sent me a screenshot of her plane ticket she had bought that morning being confirmed and was like “no u have to take me I’ve paid for my plane tickets” and I was upset and said I didn’t care I’m not going to waste a ticket I spent my hard earned money on someone who didn’t appreciate it and views my disability as a way to get a better deal for herself and wanted to go with someone else.
She said she was joking and that I was ruining things for her and that it meant so much to her to go and how dare I take that away from her.
I have invited a different friend. They also love Melanie Martinez and I hadn’t asked them originally cuz they had plans around the time of the concert but the plans they had fell through so it works out, I need someone to go with they need something to do and honestly they deserve a break and a good time.
My friend who I was taking originally is very upset with me and is demanding I either take her or I pay for the plane ticket she now isn’t going to use. I told her to just get a refund from the airport and she said she didn’t want a refund from them she wanted me to pay for the “emotional stress” of the whole situation. I even got a message from her mum telling me to just pay the money.
My other friends are either neutral or think I’m taking things too far over some “inappropriate jokes” and I do feel bad since she was very excited and I was excited to go with her. I was originally so sure in my decision to uninvite her and bring someone else but now I just feel so bad. I can’t uninvite my other friend and reinvite her but I also don’t want to pay her anything since she offered to get her own ticket herself it was her money to spend and I have already spent far more on this than her. She says I’m greedy. I’m hurt by her comments she’s been my friend for 8 years and I’ve never really seen her act this way and say these things.
I felt I was doing the right thing and now I’m not sure. I feel like I’m going to lose a good friendship over a situation I’m overreacting in.
Am I the asshole???? Help????
What are these acronyms?
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gemwolfz · 8 months
the thing i miss most from my trip to japan has got to be the convenience store food/snack selection. onigiri is so easy to eat (not just in terms of convenience, but as in its rice and i love rice) and there was always such a variety of pastries. and there was that cantaloupe flavored frozen dessert (shaped like soft serve ice cream but definitely wasnt ice cream but idk what it was exactly) that i got on a walk that was sooo so stinkin good
i love being middle class enough to go on big trips ive loved every country ive ever been to. peru was so good it was my senior trip so we had a whole local guide and all our meals were paid for and were very high end (and i was forced to try new things because there were only like 2 options per meal) and although it was a very tiring "we are doing so much every day" trip it too was great fun 10/10 everyone i encountered there was lovely (the only negative interaction being with people from one of the other schools in our tour group, which im still fuming about to this day but i digress) and i would love to go again and especially to spend more time in lima.
just to finish flexing all the countries ive been to my first time out of the country was a trip to england and france. both were pretty. my brother got injured and had to get a cast so we got disability priority for a lot of things which i feel scummy for appreciating so much but also god the lines for things were horrible im so glad we got to skip so many. anyway london was quite lovely, paris as well but i think the main reason i would ever return is because we never got to go to the louvre
anyway enough sleepy rambling i need to actually sleep goodbye
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The Pajama Party Nobody Asked For
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It's 1984. Metallica are back home from their European tour. Kirk thought it would be the perfect idea to celebrate being home while wearing the stupidest outfits ever. Shenanigans soon arise.
Author's note: Right, so this is my first ever fan fiction and I'm actually really proud of myself. I came across kigurumi suits online not long ago and honestly I found the idea of the guys wearing them fucking hilarious.
Also, I'm like 90% sure that kigurumis didn't exist in the 80's- but who cares.
Anyway, enjoy!
WARNINGS: cursing, alcohol, cig and pot-smoking
December 2, 1984
Home. Finally home. 
Ride the Lightning had been recorded in full and released. The European tour was finally over. So naturally- between all the raw exhaustion, jet lag, and pressure- of course a celebration of some sort was in order.
Kirk was high on LSD when he came up with a crazy, kooky idea for a fun night involving one-piece pajamas made for adults. That man was always thinking up something wildly interesting, it seemed.
“We’re having a fucking party, tonight.” He was grinning like a goof ball into the phone.
It was as if Lars could actually feel Kirk’s unique, crooked teeth scraping against him through the speaker. He repeated in questioning, “Tonight?” Kirk could make out the rumble of Motorhead sounding from his stereo in the background.
“Fucking tonight,” was repeated right back with much confidence. “Just the four of us.”
“That doesn’t sound like much of a party.” Lars complained. “That sounds like a fucking business meeting.”
“You two got anything better to do?”
There was silence for only a moment. Kirk could hear Lars inhale on the other line, but he cut him off before the words could even leave his lips.
“The four of us. A slumber party. A boy’s night in. Whatever the fuck you wanna call it.” Kirk spewed with way too much enthusiasm. “Junk food. Booze. Weed. What else?”
“What else ?” Lars repeated.
A fun-filled time, that’s what!
Kirk let loose boyish laughter. “Just have to wait and see!”
“What are you, gay?” Lars cackled. “Gay? High? Delusional? Which one is it?”
“I’m serious, man. It’ll be fun.” Kirk brought a more down to Earth tone to the phone call. “Come on. We all worked fucking hard on this tour.” He kicked back in his chair, propping his legs up. “Don’t you think we deserve a night to just goof off and have some good wholesome fun?”
Good wholesome fun, you say?
Lars wondered what exactly was so wholesome about sitting around and getting fucked up, obliterating their digestive systems with junk food. But he wasn't stupid. He knew Kirk was definitely gonna have something unexpected up his sleeve.
His heart skipped beats with every passing second of awkward silence. His fingers were intertwined with the curl of his phone cord. “It’ll be like we’re boys again.” His tone went flat, with a hint of melancholy his dear brother and band mate could make out almost perfectly. 
Kirk was stressed.
"The age of innocence is history, Lars. Everything's changing.”
Ah . So he was feeling nostalgic. Probably anxious about the future, as well. That explained a lot.
"Is that really a bad thing?"
There was a minor pause. "No."
Kirk swallowed back his ever growing anxiety, when all he wanted to do was scream that he was scared. Scared of what the future had in store. This was only the beginning for Metallica.
Still, Lars was puzzled at this conversation. All four of them were still relatively young men. They had plenty of time to fuck around in their lifetimes. He couldn’t help but wonder if Kirk was experiencing some sort of identity crisis.
A quarter-life-crisis? Is that even a thing?
Lars finally spoke. “Alright then. Just be sure to bring lots of booze.”
Kirk instantly grinned again.
That and more, my friend. That and more.
It was just barely five in the evening as Kirk pulled up to the house.
The good 'ol "Metallica Mansion" , they deemed it. This was where they loved to jam; to hang out and cause mischief all-around. 
That's where the magic was made. Four young men with enough energy to light up a whole city street, and a house full of booze and instruments; It was every thrasher’s dream. There was no telling what could happen.
Kirk couldn't help but carry a smile, exiting his car. It was a chilly evening. The perfect weather condition for the surprises he brought with.
"It's open!" He could hear Lars' distinct accent ring in response to his knocking.
He entered their front room with a smile, setting his various plastic bags down on the old beat up sofa cushion. Lars immediately crept over to his side, snooping through the contents.
"Alcohol," was all he muttered, sifting through snacks, candy and comic books; All irrelevant to him. If they were gonna have a night in together, then he wanted shots, for damn sure.
"Here." Kirk emptied the contents of one bag, loaded with alcohol galore. Smirnoff, Jack Daniel's, Jägermeister.
"Oh fuck yes!" Lars pulled out all three of the bottles, hugging them to his chest as if they were a dear child. Two six packs of Coors beer were dug out of another bag. As if they already didn't have enough of that in the house.
Into the room sauntered James, looking a mix of dazed and confused. It was obvious he was still adjusting back to the normal Californian time zone. Being in Europe for so long can really mess with one's internal clockwork.
Kirk was one of the lucky ones. Fortunate enough to surpass jet lag with little effort.
That happy-go-lucky, wah-pedal-pressing asshole.
"How you feeling?" He offered a thoughtful smile to the frontman.
James shrugged. A loose grunt rising from his throat. "Tired."
"You mean drunk?" Lars, laughed and motioned to the usual can of beer held in his hand. That cheeky bastard. 
"Yeah. Basically." Normally James would just tell him to fuck off, but he was just too lazy to deal with an arguement, right now.
There was a sigh. 
"What the hell is that ?" Lars' voice was animated with inquisitiveness, picking through what Kirk brought as a surprise. He rubbed his fingers against multicolored fleece-like fabric. "A blanket?"
Hell yeah! Were they gonna make blanket forts, or something? That would actually be epic.
"Oh, I'm glad you asked!" A grin spread against Kirk's face. A certain special grin that only made its way to his facial features when things were about to get-
Shit. James and Lars both knew that look. 
They watched as Kirk pulled out four costumes. These crazy animal one-piece outfits that looked like they were actually meant for kindergarteners. Preschoolers, even.
Double shit.
They exchanged a certain look; A concoction of bewilderment and generalized weariness. Both men were wondering if Kirk had actually lost his fucking mind. The day finally came. 
That's it. The LSD finally scrambled his brain to a milkshake consistency. And now, they would have to scour the streets for a new guitarist with a sound mind.
No sane man of twenty-two years would come up with an idea so immature. They just knew they were in for a night of tomfoolery with these laughable outfits.
"You're the dinosaur." He handed the outfits off to their designated recipient. "And you're the lion, James."
Kirk was obviously overjoyed with his purchase of these pajamas. They could just see it plastered across his dumbass face.
"First of all- what the fuck were you thinking?" The frontman's words were laced with confusion. He held the lion-themed onesie out with some hesitation. His eyes scanned the outfit head to toe.
"Were you even thinking?"
Lars asked this in the middle of undressing himself down to his underwear. He was actually willing to put this thing on. It seemed warm enough, and comfortable to lounge around in. Better than a ratty old tee shirt and those ridiculous tennis shorts.
December evenings in the bay area could go one of two ways; unusually cold or unusually warm. There was no in-between.
This whole day had been leaning more toward "too fuckin cold for comfort" - in Lars' words. He took any extra warmth he could get.
"It's not that serious," Kirk admitted. "I bought them as a joke, at first. But then I figured it would be- I don't know- fun to wear them for a night in, I guess." He looked slightly nervous that James was angry. It was clear that Lars wasn't.
But surprisingly, on the contrary. A grin soon spread across James' features. 
This was going to be a fascinating evening.
Lars was chortling the entire time James slipped into the massive one-piece. He looked himself over, partially in a self-conscious way.
Lars sneered. "You look like the cowardly lion."
"Yeah? Well you look like a green rectangle." The frontman pulled over the lion face hood, speaking as if it were a competition between the two.
Actually, that idea wasn't half bad.
Who wore the onesie better? Winner gets free beer!
"Don't make me whoop your ass with my tail! It's tiny, but mighty!" The dane whipped the plush tail from his outfit against James' leg. In turn, James did the same to him with the lion tail hanging from his back end.
Amazing. Not even ten minutes of wearing the pajamas, and they were already acting like hyperactive children.
Lars stopped mid-thump, turning to look at his behind. “Hey wait, where the fuck is the butt-flap? There’s no fuckin butt-flap!" 
Right. Leave it to Lars to feel cheated over a loose square of removable fabric. That man always had something to complain about.
Kirk laughed. "A kigurumi doesn't have a butt-flap, doofus."
"A what?" James raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"A kigurumi. That's technically what it's called." Kirk's words were informal. He finally took a seat on the couch, lazily crossing his legs.
"I thought it was a onesie"
He shrugged. "Same thing, basically"
Potato, potato.
"You mean to tell me I gotta take the whole damn thing off if I gotta shit?" Lars sounded like a spoiled pre-teen. It was even funnier with the accent. His accent always seemed to thicken with any little irritation.
James grinned from ear to ear. “Want me to carve one for you, Ulrich?" He motioned to grab a random pocket knife from the cluttered end table.
“Hey, I paid good money for these! Don’t ruin them!” Kirk ripped the knife away from the front man. That didn't stop James from tittering with hilarity.
"Sure are testy over these gay lil outfits." 
Lars was snooping through the other two outfits. "A unicorn? Is that supposed to be yours?"
Really, it was fitting.
Kirk's features darkened for a split moment. He clicked his tongue in a chuckle. "Actually, I'm the bat"
Oh. Oh no.
That meant-
James let out a holler of boisterous laughter. This was too good to be true. “Oh shit, Cliff is gonna be piiiiissssed .” Those words sounded dead serious, but the look on his face, along with his tone of voice, they roughly translated to: "Get me a fucking camera when Cliff puts this thing on."
Indeed, he was gonna want to remember that moment for a lifetime.
Kirk was admittedly excited about that, as well. While he was close with all three of his fellow bandmates, he'd always felt a little extra closer to Cliff. They enjoyed a lot of the same things and they got along really well, right from the start. They were like two peas in a pod, so to speak.
"Hey where is Cliff, anyway?"
What a dumb question. Everyone knew Cliff was a homebody.  
James responded. "Home. He's been sleeping so much since we got back. Jet lag got him bad."
"Well maybe this'll make him feel better.” Kirk knew he might've been walking on eggshells when he decided to call.
As the phone rang, James whistled with awe. "Man, you've got balls ."
You wake Cliff up, you're gonna have a bad time.
The other line finally picked up; An annoyed and groggy-sounding Cliff answered on the opposite end.
"Hey, man. How're you feeling?" Kirk played it cool, gripping the phone with nervousness. His knuckles were damn-near turning white.
A stony chuckle of sarcasm sounded. " Gee , I don't know. I'm trying to take a nap, and I've got assholes like you callin me left and right." He breathed out, "How you think I feel?"
Ah, Cliff. Good 'ol Cliff.
"Right, right. I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry." Kirk repeated his words.
Cliff's voice softened. "It's fine. What's up?" Truthfully, he should have woken up hours ago. He still wasn’t fully unpacked.
"We're having a little-" Kirk paused for a moment.
What the hell did he wanna call this, anyway?
"Shindig." No. Absolutely not. Lars and James were both squawking with laughter behind him, repeating such an uncanny word. "Shindig." It just didn’t sound natural coming from Kirk’s mouth.
"Sleepover, boys night in, kinda thing."
James yelled loud enough for the man to hear. "Yeah, he's got a surprise for ya, Cliff!" 
“Boy does he!” Lars peppered in. Of course he did .
Cliff just knew he was shooting himself in the foot by agreeing. A small groan was made out through the phone. "I'm guessing you want me over?" His voice rang with apathy.
The redhead wasn’t exactly looking for a party. “Look, we’re finally finished touring, you guys know how homesick I was. I really just wanna relax. Take it easy.” 
Kirk was lying through his teeth. “That’s what we’re doing, man! Come on over and take a nap here, we don’t care!”
Oh right , like Cliff would much rather crash anywhere but the nice warm bed he’d been missing for months. Go figure.
After much hesitance, Cliff tiredly sighed into the phone. He’d probably never hear the end of this minor inconvenience, if he decided to skip. Especially from Lars. That hot-headed dane would often dig under his skin by running his mouth too much.
“Alright, fine.”
He just hoped he wasn’t gonna regret this. Boy, was he gonna be surprised.
Kirk grinned from ear to ear like a mad man. “Cool, we’ll see you in a bit!” He rolled his eyes at the sight of Lars. He opened a foil bag of chips so forcefully, it sent some flying to the floor. “Nice going, asshole.” James grumbled.
It was no wonder their house could be such a pigsty. Lars yelled from nearby. “Bring weed!” His mouth was already cram packed with potato chips.
“And lots of it! We’re gonna need it!” James followed his remark with beer-induced belch. Oh, funny coming from him. He didn’t even like weed.
Cliff heard this and said not another word. He set the phone back on the hook with a shake of his head. 
The redhead rattled through dressing himself in his usual outfit: bell bottoms, a tee shirt, a denim jacket that was definitely not weather-appropriate. He shuffled through his belongings, making sure to grab aforementioned marijuana and rolling papers. And of course, his Marlboros.
He couldn’t go without those.
Managing to drag his way out to his old Volkswagen, where he sat in the driver’s seat, just contemplating. A wide yawn fell from his lips, while rubbing his still tired eyes.
Cliff really was exhausted. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been so tired in his whole twenty-two years of living. As much as he enjoyed touring with Metallica, he always dreaded the aftermath of it all. But there was no denying- he loved the feeling of coming back home to his closest friends and family.
“What the fuck am I doing?”
He sighed and put the key to ignition. Stalled. He tried again.
Fucking stalled.
Cliff cursed a short “ fuck ” while beating his fist against the broken steering wheel. It’s not like he was surprised. Everyone had been telling him to dump this car and get a new one. But he insisted there was still life left in the ‘ol Grasshopper. He loved this car too much to part ways with it.
Cliff was wondering in the depths of his mind: What was this “surprise” James was blabbering about over the phone? Guess he would have to get his ass over to the mansion and find out.
That is, if he could just get his damn car to start.
The familiar slamming of a car door was sounded outside the house, indicating Cliff had finally arrived just after six. Kirk was all winded up like a kid in a candy store. “He’s here! He’s here!” He eagerly repeated himself, bouncing out of his seat. This was truly unusual.
Just let him have his moment.
Lars’ fabric spiked hood kept falling into his face, from practically drowning in the huge pajamas. He pushed the hood from his face, looking perplexed. “Wait, should we hide?” 
James had his feet propped up against the sofa, showing off his poorly socks. They were chock-full of holes from wear, and frankly, could have used a good cleaning like, months ago. “We’re not having a surprise party, fuckin dimwit.”
Of course, this remark only made Lars throw an M&M at him.
Kirk gleefully answered the door when the redhead knocked.
"Right, so what's the big ide-" 
Cliff stopped mid-sentence when he saw what Kirk was wearing. His brow furrowed with total confusion raiding his brain. The shorter man before him held his arms out to his sides, showing off the big red bat wings sewn into his onesie; A doofus smile plastered across his face.
All he could ask was, “What do ya think?”
Cliff had to take a moment to process just what the hell he was wearing. He looked over to where James and Lars sat, cheesing like little kids who knew the great secret to life. A strand of his hair puffed out just barely with a breathy chuckle.
“You have gotta be kidding”
There was hesitation in his voice. He didn’t know whether to laugh at them, or be scared. He made eye contact with James for some kind of explanation. This was some shit he would pull, no doubt. 
The frontman may be shy and quiet when he was sober, but the moment alcohol made contact with his system, he was a complete goofball. Nobody could take him seriously. Cliff would bet money it was him.
"Don't look at me! It was his idea." James nodded over to Kirk. “Oh, but wait! There’s more!” “You don’t wanna miss this.” Lars was covering his mouth. His nostrils were flaring as he held all the laughter inside.
Kirk unveiled the pastel unicorn onesie, bought just for him. “Voilà!”
It was time to be scared.
“Oh. Oh no, no, no, no.” How many “no’s” were too many? Nah, fuck it. More importantly on Cliff’s mind: How many “no’s” would it take to verbally slap some sense into Kirk?
James wasn’t being helpful. “I fuckin told you he wouldn’t like it, man.” He threw up his hand and smacked it back down to his thigh, trying to get his point across.
There was no way Cliff was going to join in on their weird little kiddy clothes nonsense. Especially not as the unicorn. What the hell was this, anyway? A cult meeting of the freak animals? He almost felt insulted that he had to be the unicorn.
Couldn’t he be something mythical that was cool? Like Cthulhu? A fire-breathing dragon, perhaps?
“I’m not fuckin wearing that”
“Oh.” Kirk looked rather disappointed by Cliff’s less than impressed response. He was really hoping for an old-school “pajama party” “Are you sure?”
What the fuck do you mean “are you sure?”?!
James snorted. “Oh please! C’mon and be a unicorn, pussy!”
He was trying to make things difficult, and Cliff wasn’t having that shit. He was already peeved that they talked him into coming over, in the first place. “How about I punch you in the jaw?” The frontman was trying to sound serious in such a funny situation. “Oh yeah? You’re gonna punch a lion? Go ahead, I fuckin dare you. Lions eat people.” 
Lars exclaimed an “ooh” like he was watching a trainwreck on a daytime talk show. “Cat and horse fight!” 
Cliff rolled his eyes so hard, he was sure they’d get lost in the back of his skull. “Dumbass”
“Guys, stop it. Shut the fuck up.” Kirk sounded defeated. This all wasn’t going the way he hoped.
The redhead clenched his jaw. He was trying to keep his cool, when all he wanted to do was lecture Kirk and ask, "You woke me up for this stupid shit?" He had half a mind to leave; Go back to his house, drag his ass back to his mattress, and sleep like a bear.
But he also had half a mind to listen to what Kirk had to say.
Oh Kirk. Wild, kind, eccentric- Kirk Hammett .
“Listen, if Cliff doesn’t wanna wear the pajamas, he doesn’t have to. I won’t be offended.” Kirk’s face held the indistinct look of hurt, despite his statement. 
“I just wanted to do something silly.” He sat down in the armchair, “Something out of the ordinary.” Each word he spoke was prominent in a way to make the others understand. 
Sure, maybe they didn’t understand right now-
but they would. In time, they would.
Cliff relaxed himself and sighed through his nose. Well fuck.
By some miraculous gift from the Gods- or just pure dumb luck- Cliff did not end up leaving. In fact, as seven P.M. started rolling in, all four men found themselves passing a freshly made joint amongst each other. 
Yes. All four of them. A dinosaur, a lion, a bat, and-
A very grumpy unicorn.
They didn’t pass it to James, of course. They all knew he didn’t enjoy smoking; He was much more interested in their vast spread of alcoholic beverages, as per usual. Diamond Head echoed from the cassette player across the room.
The ambience wasn’t nearly as tense as it was, twenty some-odd minutes earlier. It was a lot more laid back. Cliff figured the weed was to blame for that.
Being truly honest with himself, he kinda felt like a complete jackass.
“I don’t know how the fuck you talked me into this. We look ridiculous.” Cliff shook his head with his words. His feet rubbed over each other, as if in self-consciousness. This made his socks appear to flop around his ankles.
They were black, and printed with generic white skulls and crossbones. Typically, an unusual style for Cliff, but just the perfect one for Kirk. He was the horror-obsessed nerd everyone wished they knew during the Halloween season. That man was always searching for something visually appealing and spooky.
Hair fell into his face while peering over. “Nice socks.” His eyes were wide with interest. “Thanks.” Cliff really didn’t have the heart to admit that all his usual socks needed washing. He had yet to do any laundry, since his return home. These were just last-choice, bottom of the barrel socks he threw on that he didn’t even know he had.
Kirk responded to Cliff’s previous statement of annoyance. “Well either way, I appreciate the participation. You didn’t have to.” A thankful grin stretched across his jaw.
Yeah, yeah. Sure he didn’t.
The redhead wanted to roll his eyes, but refrained from doing so. “Just pass the joint.”
He leaned forward, reaching for Lars to pass it in his direction. The way he removed himself from his place on the sofa made the drop-crotch of his pajamas puff out. Of course this made James titter with amusement. “Hey Cliff, your diaper’s full.”
“Fuck off.” Cliff pulled the joint to his lips and took a long inhale. The very end of the tightly rolled blunt flared with ash and smoke. On condition that he was gonna have to deal with being dressed up like a unicorn for the night, he might as well deal with it while as stoned as he could possibly be.
If anyone knew how to be high, it was definitely Cliff.
The frontman threw his head back with an eye roll at Cliff’s barking. "Laaaaaame."
"Yeah I mean, I know these are pajamas, but I kinda feel like I'm wearing a weird dress. Why's the crotch so low?" Lars was tugging the green fabric between his fingers.
"Who cares? They're comfortable." Cliff finally admitted.
Oh, look who’s talking! Mr. “I don’t wanna be a unicorn” Burton.
“Aha. Oh really?” James was really grinning ear to ear now. Cliff was about to tell him to shut up, when Kirk gave his own sunny response.
"And cute!"
There was a pause. All three men seemed to stare at him with pure skepticism.
"Uhh, sure" Smoke fell from the redhead’s lips before finally passing the joint to Kirk, who relaxed beside him. He almost didn’t want to, seeing as to how deranged Kirk was acting. Maybe he needed a straight jacket more than illicit substances.
Laughter rattled around in Cliff’s head, over that one.
Lars gave his typical smug smile. “I think we look fuckin cool!”
Time to see how the night plays out.
While eight o’clock soon crept up on them, all four men were quickly starting to realize that attempting to have a “fun-filled time” was proving to be futile. They were worn-out, tired, drunk and stoned. Everything seemed to be far too underwhelming. Some party this was.
Lars’ chin rested against his hand, in boredom. He was more than willing to complain about the situation, while the others suppressed their vexation. It was all about getting a rise out of someone.
"See, I told you this wasn't much of a party, man."
Even chick’s had better slumber parties than this! But Lars, James, Kirk, and Cliff were all in agreement; They would not be having any pillow fights, or make-out sessions with one another. The four were lazily taking turns playing an exceptionally half-assed “game” of beer pong. If one could even call it that.
It looked more like they were taking turns throwing a crumpled ball of aluminium foil into Dixie cups simply for the fuck of it.
"Shut up and take another shot" Cliff set the bottle of Smirnoff down in front of him.
Well, can’t go wrong with more alcohol.
In reality, they weren’t sure whether to be completely pissed off at Kirk or not. It’s not like he forced them into this predicament- or did he? Maybe he sweet-talked just a little more than he should have, in order to sell the idea of having fun. Too much excitement was probably the last thing they needed, in actuality.
Truth be told, the band was pooped beyond belief.
Kirk was rooting around in the side table’s drawer of clutter. Why not alleviate any excess hostility with a nice card game? “Uno or Poker?” James finally sat up in his chair, with interest, after laying across it like a deflated balloon animal for so long. “Uno. I ain’t playing Poker with Cliff. He took all my money last time!”
Cliff looked over to the frontman, carrying a suggestive smirk. The bold expression on his face read with confidence, “and I’ll fucking do it again.”
"Dawn of the Dead?" His gaze shifted to the television set while Kirk started to shuffle game cards.
James responded with a shake of his head. "Tape player's still busted."
Oh yeah, that’s right. One of the last ragers they threw here in the good ‘ol Tallica Mansion, some drunken asshole decided it was a brilliant idea to take a leak inside the VCR. The tape player wasn’t in the greatest shape, to begin with- but the pungent yellow piss seeping out if it the next day was just the icing on the fucking cake. Cliff still didn’t understand what would compel a person to do such a thing.
Whether the unknown VCR-pisser did it as a joke, or something else, the band would never know. Either way, they did know this: It was a dick move.
“Still?” Cliff spoke under his breath. But it didn’t matter. They’d been gone for so many months anyway, getting a taste of fortune inside the motels that were lucky enough to have gold-package cable television.
He cracked open a cold bottle of Coors, sending the metal cap right into Kirk’s lap. “So you got money for stupid one-piece costumes, but none to pitch in for a new VCR?” He set his annoyance aside, revealing a playful smile.
Kirk laughed. “Oh fuck off, you know you like it.” 
”Like” was a daring choice of word. The onesie sure was warm, that’s for sure. Cliff truly hated being too cold. While taking the extra warmth into account, he really did appreciate it. So I guess that did mean he liked it, and Kirk was correct.
Touché. That bat pajama bitch.
James made his displeasure heard while rearranging the two TV antennas for a better signal. “Come on, you ball-licker!” At this rate, they may as well be watching static for the rest of the night.
Just when all hope seemed lost, Lars erupted from his seat. His eyes were wide with energy. “You know what? I think I have an idea.”
Oh goody. Just what they needed, more ideas.
By eight-thirty, they were all sitting on the floor playing Uno, barricaded by a poorly-made blanket fort. Lars was sure he emptied all the beds and closets of any excess blankets he could find. That seemed to do the trick. The atmosphere instantly became cozier by comparison, thanks to the plush pillows and throws surrounding them. 
This was actually starting to become a more pleasant experience for the four. Especially Cliff.
He remembered making forts like this as a kid, getting lost in the books he loved. Back then, he didn’t give a shit about what the other kids were doing. He preferred to hide away in his own little cave of quilts and do his own thing.
Those were the days.
“Hey, how’d this pillowcase get a burn hole?” Kirk inquired once his turn was over. He ran his fingers over the fibers that frayed and hardened from the contact of flame. It was almost a perfectly rounded hole in the fabric. Let’s see, what did it remind him of?
He looked over to the redhead laying out a classic draw two card for Lars. “Draw two, pussy.” There was a cigarette gripped firmly between his lips. Smoke puffed from his nostrils while pulling it between his fingers. Kirk immediately remembered as he watched Cliff pat the ashes into a chipped ashtray.
Oh. Right.
Don’t fall asleep with cigarettes.
Kirk’s question went unnoticed, of course. He shrugged it off and sifted through his cards while the next turn landed on James. 
He laid out a reverse card with a grin of triumph. That left a single card in his hand. “Fucking uno! I’m about to win again, motherfuckers!” Oh, but see- that’s where James was wrong. Kirk had a few good cards up his sleeve. Gameplay went back around the opposite direction, meaning James was greeted with the dreaded card of draw four. “Like hell you are!”
Lars sneered at the frontman’s misfortune, behind his massive collection of cards. “Ha-ha, you lose.” It was a funny comment to make, considering he was on the losing end more than anybody else. He must’ve had twenty cards in his hands. Uno just wasn’t his game.
James groaned, but kept a straight face. “Okay, well you know what I think?” 
He shifted himself to blow gas right in Kirk’s direction. “Take that!”
Boys will be boys. 
One would think Kirk would be grossed out, but he’d been cramped into a tour bus with this buck wild blond for nearly a year’s time. Farting was nothing to him. All he could do was bust a lung and howl with laughter like a savage hyena.
Even Cliff laughed alongside him. “That’s real mature.” James bounced back after pulling his cards. “Says the guy dressed up as a unicorn.” 
Cliff should’ve shoved his onesie’s gold stuffed horn up James’ ass when he had the chance. Metal up your ass? Fuck that. Unicorn horn so far up your ass, you spew rainbows .
“Settle down, fart boy.” 
Being able to mimic the sound of a trumpet with one’s ass could be quite impressive. Perhaps James deserved a trophy-
or maybe an antacid.
Cliff finally stamped out his cigarette. “Come on, there has to be something to watch on TV.” There was no way they could sit there watching the TV Guide channel’s endless loop all night. There had to be another channel where they could get a clear picture.
Kirk took it upon himself to go about adjusting the antennas, once again, while surfing through the limited channels. The frontman took Kirk’s absence as an opportunity to peek through his stack of cards.
Cliff smacked his hand away. “Stop cheating, dick.” 
Kirk was about to give up, until-
“There we go!” He gave the old box television a few forceful knocks down on the top with his knuckles. The picture was miraculously clear as a man and woman were passionately making out on the screen. Lars muttered another “ooh” at the spicy lovemaking scene before him.
“Someone get the popcorn!”
“Hey, are they speaking Spanish?” James tilted his head in puzzlement.
9:15 P.M.
Metallica has officially been introduced to telenovelas.
The four friends were now reclining in a partially collapsed blanket fort, with all eight eyes glued to the screen. Due to the lack of subtitles, none of them were fully aware of what the hell was going on. But there was definitely a love triangle involved- a very disarray one.
Oh brother, was it cheesy.
Cliff had made the decision to start rolling up another joint, while watching. “I’m confused. What’s going on?” He ran his tongue along the edge of the rolling paper.
James shrugged and leaned back against a mountain of pillows. “Beats me.” He interlocked his fingers behind his head.
“Hey quit hogging the pillows, asshole!” Lars complained with a mouth full of Red Vines.
The frontman whipped a throw pillow at the dane, knocking the licorice right out of his hand. “Stop hogging all the snacks, fatass.”
Kirk wrapped one of the many fallen blankets around him, as he cozied up in the place beside Cliff. He ignored the two’s bickering and went on to explain to Cliff what was happening. At least, it was what he thought was happening. “That dude with the hideous goatee doesn’t realize he’s fucking his wife’s twin sister.” 
How conniving.
He brought a Red Vine of his own up to his mouth, with eyes still fixated on the soap opera. Watching non-English television programs was probably more interesting than watching the English speaking ones. They both carried the same cliché plotlines, but the Spanish programs were somehow more appealing.
Once the joint was ready, the redhead did not hesitate bringing his lighter to the end, with a snap of ignition. He gave a short hum full of indifference. Smoke once again wafted from his lips and nostrils in a fluid motion. This was some good shit.
“What a dumbass.”
10:05 P.M.
“I think I missed something.”
Cliff didn’t know if he was just too stoned to follow along, or not. James was equally just as confused.
“Yeah, how the fuck did she end up in the hospital?!”
“Her sister tried to poison her in the last episode” Kirk shushed their questions. As if their silence would somehow aid in his own understanding, despite the language barrier.
Cliff narrowed his reddened eyes, as if he personally knew that despicable woman. “That bitch.”
It seems the drama had reached a boiling point. The band appeared to leap up from their seats in total interest. Playing out before them was a heated argument between mother and daughter. Of course at the bedside of the comatose twin- of fucking course.
“Fuck! Her mom just slapped the shit outta her!” Lars stated the obvious. They watched as a fight broke out on the screen, between mother and evil twin daughter. “She’s calling her a puta!” Kirk added. Finally, the action they’ve all been waiting for!
Puta, you say? Cliff was right. What an evil bitch .
James’ grinning grew wider with every angry slap the mother character gave. "Damn she's fucking her up!" 
Cliff nodded in agreement. “She had it coming.” It was good to see someone so wicked get what they deserved. That’s karma at its finest.
“She’s ripping out her hair.” Lars and Kirk were both giggling like school boys, at this point. “She needed a new hair-do anyway.” 
The fight abruptly ended, thanks to an unwanted commercial break. Disappointed groans hollered from Lars and James, alike. But all four men were thinking the same thing: Fuck commercials. The breaks always had to happen at the worst possible time.
Kirk picked up the stack of cards from earlier, running his thumb up the edge. This motion created a familiar shuffling noise. “Wanna play another round of Uno?”
None of the other three seemed very interested. The redhead’s features wrinkled with an iffy facial expression. “A third?” Everyone knew he'd rather play poker. In fact- that gave him an even better idea. “You guys wanna make a bet?” His lips curled into a smile full of mischief.
James threw his head back dramatically again. As if he really had any money. But more often than not, he couldn’t pass up a good bet. “Fine. What ‘cha got?”
“I’ll bet you ten bucks there’s gonna be a murder, at some point.”
A murder? Gimme a break! This was a love drama!
Lars threw his dinosaur hood back. “I’m all in!” He put on his best look of ambition. That Danish rat.
“Sure, me too.” Kirk added.
The frontman raised his eyebrow at Cliff. “And if there’s not a murder?” He was determined to win this thing. The plot already put a woman in a coma, there was no way there could be a murder, on top of that!
Cliff thought briefly. “If not, you get the ten bucks. Plus I’ll buy us pizza.”
Thank god they lived near a pizzeria that had open hours until two in the morning. It was every late-night stoner’s paradise.
Suddenly, a pizza sounded especially delicious. “Deal.” James laid back with a sound of pure elation, throwing his hands behind his head again. He suddenly felt cocky. “I’ll take the meat lovers pizza, by the way.” 
Free money and food, here he comes.
Roughly twenty minutes later, James and the others would be proven wrong. A surprising new scene in the drama was focusing in on the aforementioned evil twin sister- now laying motionless at the bottom of a staircase, in a pool of blood. Karma finally got her good.
There had indeed been a murder plot twist. The pothead unicorn won fair and square.
Cliff slapped his thigh with triumph. “I called it! I fuckin called it!” He cheered. Meanwhile James was very unhappily probing around for his wallet.
“This is a stupid show, anyway.” He mumbled. He was always a downer after losing competitions.
“Oh, shut up and take the loss, puss.” Cliff gladly took the money that was given. James just flopped back down to the sofa, too tired to complain any further. Why not drown his miniscule sorrows with another drink?
That’ll do the trick!
Lars wandered back from the bathroom. “Wait, what the hell did I miss?” The dead body scene had since changed to something more joyous.
Kirk was cheesing with interest. He didn’t give a shit that he lost ten precious bucks; He was much more absorbed in the drama. “There’s been a mystery murder.” “Now we’re talkin!” Lars sat back down before it finally dawned on him. He lost the bet. “Oh. Wait .”
Cliff grinned. “Pay up, dickhead.”
Guess being a unicorn was lucky, after all.
11:18 P.M.
Light scatters of snowflakes began to fall outside.
The low sound of snoring could be heard behind Kirk and Cliff. The two continued to watch the drama unfold for the past hour, just assuming the other two were continuing to sulk from losing the bet. Kirk turned his head and smirked at the sight of their sleeping bodies propped against each other.
James was still gripping a half-empty can of beer. He was inevitably spilling against his thigh, in slumber. Lars’ mouth was wide open, spilling drool and crumbs from the corners. Gross . All they needed now was a camera.
“They fell asleep” Kirk tapped Cliff’s arm for attention.
They two looked at each other. The expressions they shared asked the age-old question.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
Confidence coursed through Cliff while pulling another square to his lips. He lit up the end and cleared his throat. He exhaled. “Find me a magic marker” His smile was wide and broad.
That was so much better than a camera.
It was midnight.
One telenovela marathon, one bet, one family pack of Red Vines, two bags of chips, two joints, three cigarettes, four shots, four stupid outfits, and an ungodly amount of beer later. 
The marathon had since ended, leaving the two to figure out just what the hell else they could do. Kirk burrowed himself into the mass of blankets that were still piled around on the floor, with a comic. Cliff was counting through the money he made, along with what he already had in his wallet. Smooth jazz from the TV Guide channel was once again humming from the television speakers.
The night didn’t exactly pan out the way Kirk was hoping. But overall, he was just grateful to spend some time with his bandmates, and not have to worry about autographs and gigs, or having equipment stolen.
Oh, that was a nightmare.
His eyes scanned the cash in Cliff’s hands, remembering the promise of pizza. It still sounded good, even though that wasn’t part of Cliff’s winning end of the bet. It turns out that junk food doesn’t actually count as a meal.
“Wanna order a pizza?” The redhead paused, in thought. After two joints, he was virtually famished. He could go for a pizza. Hell, he could go for two . “Fuck it, sure” He pulled himself up to his feet to go to the phone.
“Wait, should we wake up the others?” Kirk’s bat hood flopped away from his bouncy curls.
The two looked over toward the sofa, where James and Lars were both slumped against each other. Each of their faces were scribbled foolishly with marker mustaches, profanities, and forehead penises.
They broke the golden rule of partying.
Everyone knows: You don’t fall asleep at parties. No matter how small.
Cliff smiled and shrugged. “More pizza for us.”
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butchboromir · 2 years
one of my thought exercises that i’ve been thinking over for the past 3 days is like how could i feasibly end up going to see the 2023 felsenfest tour. like. ok. so it takes place oct 2023. i have a little less than a year to save. i will be in college. but that doesn’t matter my professors will live if i skip 3-5 days to go see my favorite band ever. SO. also this got really long so i’m putting it under a readmore everyone say thanks
the cheapest flights to germany that i’ve seen are like $400 roundtrip, realistically it would be more in $800 dollar range (because a lot of the budget airlines charge for stuff like baggage etc). but for the sake of this i’m going to say $1500 just to be generous (paranoid). 
i’m gonna need a hotel, for let’s say like 3 nights (get there, concert next day, recovery day + tourist stuff). i would go with like. an ok hotel. like a holiday inn express. and that’s around $125 a night, times 3 so now we’re at $375 for hotels. 
i’ll go with food and drink budget of like $50 bucks a day (so $150 for 3 days) to be generous and because i like food. and i’ll be legally drink there so that will be fun (will get hammered immediately after the concert. perhaps i will make friends in line or whatevs and we can go to a bar or something). 
now transport is a little bit trickier. i’m gonna be optimistic and do public transport mostly? i googled and apparently it’s pretty affordable but i will still be cautious and set aside like for $60-70 bucks just in case. and then rideshare to and from airport is like expensive as fuck at least for the us side so  that’s like ~$100 give or take each time for the US side (total $200) BUT apparently there is some public transport for various airports on the germany side so that gets to go in the public transport fund. so $200 getting to and from the airport.
 AND last but not least concert tix and merch fund. the concert tix are actually pretty cheap they’re like $30-50 bucks and then $100 for merch because i can’t order any in the us (won’t ship) so i have to take advantage of it. SO THIS TOTALS TO
$1500 - round trip flight tickets
$375 - hotels
$150 - food
$270 - all transport
$150 - tickets and merch
so TOTAL is $2345. WHICH. hypothetically. i could save up when i go back to work (and if i am working 12 hrs a week part time while in school and then during the summer more probs). BUUUUUUUT like realistically that’s a lot of money that like i really should be using so i don’t go into as much debt from college
also as an addendum IF i chose two concert dates directly next to eachother (like stuttgart+munich, which are on the 20th+21st) i COULD add like an extra day and then take a bus/train to the next concert. so add on an extra day of food, hotel, train or bus fare ($30ish?), and one more concert ticket then my total would be around $2700
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rozisblogbinder · 2 years
Lisbon in Four Days
If you’re here, you probably are looking for my Lisbon recommendations. Lucky for you, I’m stuck on the airplane with no sleep, no downloaded podcast, or a book, so I’ve decided to write it all up.
- Sintra’s Quinta de Regaleira park. National park that used to belong to royalty. Gorgeous gardens - straight out of a fairytale. 1-hour car ride from Lisbon.
- Lisbon Botanical Gardens - not large or special, I just loved the different trees and the huge monestera deliciosas.
- Tuktuk rides 😅 such a fun way to see the city.
- Timeout Market for food.
- Palace Fronteira for sociocultural history.
- Buying tickets online to skip lines.
Here’s our itinerary + my review:
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Arrival day!
- Airport transfer is really easy with taxis outside, about 18-20 EUR to city center (I gave cash).
- We stayed at the Bairro Alto neighborhood. Central and safe, it has great public transit access and surely is walkable, along with lots of cafes, bars, restaurants, and shops.
- For an early welcome dinner, we went to the TimeOut Market down the hill, near the water. It’s a large food court style gourmet local + global food market. We got a delicious & cold rose wine to share for just 14 EUR with our meals.
- We then went out in the Bairro Alto neighborhood. It was fun to see locals heading to bars and having a good time, along with tourists.
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Day 1: Lisbon by Tuktuk!
- We took a tuktuk tour which is super common and fun, as you go up and down the hills of the city. Our guide wasn’t originally a tour guide but a therapist. It would have been superb if we had a qualified guide as well.
- The tour stopped at a 12th century church, a Roman theater, the Alfama neighborhood (of crypto Jews), and took us to a few more central historical squares.
- Lunch was at A Muralha Tapas e Vinhos https://goo.gl/maps/jCVSXT9FQDqUVuWa8 in the Alfama neighborhood, at the recommendation of our tuktuk guide. Small restaurant with good food, and nice staff. Tasted the local sardines. While it has a different method of cooking and I want a fan, it’s the thing to try!
- We then went over to Monsantos Open Air for live music and chill food. The garden on Saturday nights is apparently the place to be for local 20-30 somethings but we did get down with some Gloria Gaynor and gladly added tourists and the older generations to the demographic. It was sort of a DJ / karaoke setup with a great front singer. Don’t get lounge seats - too close to the speakers. Do get tickets in advance. Dancing, drinks, burgers/ nachos. Restaurant has entrance to the 11pm club for which we did not take part :)
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Day 2: Make-Your-Own Lisbon Cultural Tour!
- We first visited the Jeronimos Monestary. It’s been around since the 15th century and its stone structure survived the 1755 Lisbon earthquake that destroyed most of the city. The church is also worth a quick visit.
- Calouste Gulbenkian Museum (pictured above) was our next stop, endowed by its namesake who was originally from Uskudar, Istanbul. Both the permanent and temporary exhibitions had some interesting pieces. The curation didn’t seem to have a common thread but it was still pretty interesting, eclectic, and global. Its garden was also lovely, framing views from inside the museum’s windows.
- For dinner, we went back for seconds at the Timeout Market. Worth it! Had the best fish & chips I’ve ever had, along with more delicious gelato.
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Day 3: Sintra Day!
We drove out to Sintra with a private tour, and unfortunately our guide didn’t know much aside from logistical details. We were still able to read up and make the most out of the day!
- First stop: Quinta da Regaleira. This is a national park with a small guest palace and gorgeous gardens. A masonic well with stairs is worth seeing, though walking up and down its hills and towers is already amazing. It was straight out of a movie scene.
- On our “break,” we decided to go to Palacio National in the Sintra city center. Recommended - beautiful rooms, lots of great views of Sintra, along with Portuguese tiles with Moorish influence everywhere.
- For lunch we had a delicious and affordable three-course meal at Incomum by Luis Santo.
- Next, we went to royal Disneyland, and by that, I mean, Pena Palace (pictured above). Though it was packed, the palace and its colors along with architecture reminded me of Disneyland.
If I went again, I’d also try to fit in the Moorish Castle up the hill, and go with a qualified guide!
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Day 4: Culinary & Cultural Lisbon Day
This was another free day, and not beach weather, so we found other activities.
- We started the day with a tour of the Palace Fronteira de Marquisse. A private home opened up as a foundation and a cultural center by its most recent heirs, it surely has an interesting garden, great private tours in the home, and lots of between-the-lines art that tell the sociocultural stories of Lisbon starting from the 17th century.
- We headed over to a Michelin-star hip lunch spot, Tapisco, back in the city. Absolutely delicious culinary experience.
- Down the street, we found the Botanical Gardens of Lisbon, a small and fun park with lots of different species of trees, small lakes, and educational areas. Some activities that curious little ones, like my nephews, would surely enjoy.
- For our final dinner, we went to a surf & turf style restaurant, Solar Dos Presuntos, in a nearby neighborhood. Delicious rice with seafood, good fish, and great dessert. I heard the meat is good too but I can’t speak to that :)
- On our way back, we found the memorial stone for our ancestors who were exiled from Spain and Portugal. Not much to see there but it was meaningful to us.
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Pictured: Jeronimos Monastery which survived the 1755 earthquake to this day.
And that’s it! We’re about to land and this blog post has saved the last hour of this flight!
Enjoy! Bom dia 😊
0 notes
Yandere Tubbo x Male Reader
Warning: little violence (not that detailed). 
This one is going to be short.
Requested from Pokadeathpony
Backstory: You live in Brighton, England, United Kingdom. (I don’t know where Tubbo lives nor do I know where Tommy lives) One day you were walking to go get some breakfast. Until you bumped into George one of your favorite Minecraft streamers and content creators. You were a small streamer, not that many viewers. You and George began to talk, he later invited you to see the dream SMP world, and you meet the other people of the dream SMP. You then got to meet Tubbo. You thought Tubbo was normal until it took a turn. A big turn. 
Btw you are 17. (Tommy will be turning 17 this year and Tubbo will be 18)
M/N: Male name
Y/T/N: Your Twitch Name.
M/U: Minecraft username
H/C: Hair color
S/C: Skin color
F/D/P: favorite donut place.
Sorry if this is bad.
You were sleeping peacefully until I heard the most annoying sound ever. 
*Beep, beep, beep,* “Ughhhhh.” You were trying to turn it off but you kept missing until you finally got it. ‘Finally got that stupid thing off!’ you thought to yourself. “What time is it?” I looked at the clock. “7:35 am. I might as well get up,” you said to yourself as you slowly got out of bed, stretching your muscles. 
You went to the bathroom to do your business and brush your teeth. After you were done, you grabbed my keys and went to go get breakfast.
As you were walking to go get your daily donuts and coffee, you suddenly bumped into someone causing me to fall. “You okay there?” the voice said, ‘I know that voice!’ you thought to yourself and looked up to see George, George Davidson!!
He handed his hand out, you grabbed his hand. “You alright,” he said, you couldn’t process anything, you just stared at him. You snapped out of your daze. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m a fan of you by the way,” you replied with excitement. 
“Oh? Really?” he said, “Yes! I’m a big fan of yours! I’m actually a streamer just like you,” You replied. “Oh, really what’s your twitch name?” He asked, wondering maybe he’ll check you out. “Oh, Y/T/N!” 
“Okay, maybe check it out later today. Hey, wanna talk and get some food?” you couldn’t say no to that, how many get to eat with their favorite celebrity? “Yes, I would like. Either way, I was going there before I ran into you.” “Alright, let’s go.”
Time skip (You and George went to go eat, and later he checked out your Twitch channel. 3 days later, you got a DM from George saying; “Do you want to tour the Dream SMP world?” and you gladly accepted the offer. And this is where it all began.)
I recently got a message from George saying, “Do you want to tour the Dream SMP world?” and you (Or should I say “we”) know I accepted it. He said tomorrow is when it's happening. 
Time skip to tomorrow. 
I woke up earlier than usual, even beat my alarm clock before it could ring. I went to the bathroom and did my usual. George said he will invite me at 10:30 AM. “What time is it now?” I grabbed my phone and checked, “It's 7:10 AM. Will looks like I’m going to have to wait a while.”
Time skip (3 hours and 20 minutes later)
I hopped onto my PC and started it up. After it started, I opened up Minecraft and checked my Notifications. I received the invite I quickly joined in.
Tubbo POV
I was on the Dream SMP world with Tommy, Corpse, George, BBh, and Dream, when an unknown player had joined the game. That shouldn’t be possible since this server is private nobody can join be us.
“Hey who joined?” I questioned. “Oh, I met this small streamer while I was walking to go get breakfast 3 days ago, and I invited them over to give a tour of the place!” George enthusiastically over discord. 
‘Mmm, so they’re a streamer? Maybe I should get to know them.’ 
Time skip (To be honest this one is rushed. It’s currently 1:08 AM where I live and my mind isn’t functioning right now) 
After I introduced myself and the others did, we began to talk about random things. Apparently, M/N is currently streaming right now, and I went to go check it out. 
After I introduced myself and the others did, we began to talk about random things. Apparently, M/N is currently streaming right now, and I went to go check it out. 
M/N has a facecam on, and I get to see what he looks like. He had looked pulchritudinous. Absolutely exquisite. He had soft fluffy H/C hair, his nice S/C, and how his dazzling E/C shine brighter than the sun. I’m going to say it again, he is ravishing.
‘Wait, why am I calling a guy beautiful?’ this boy is triggering something in me. Something I never experienced before. Something in me wants me to protect him at all cost. ‘No stop thinking about that!’ I pushed these unfamiliar thoughts and feeling down.
As time went on my thing for M/N increased. I don’t know why I’m so infatuated with him. Tried ignoring the thoughts and feelings but they keep coming. 
‘Something is coming out of ME.’ 
Time skip ( 2 months after the meeting)
It’s been two months since our little meeting, M/N is officially part of the SMP world. I’ve been binge-watching M/N streams, his YouTube videos, and I also follow him on all his social media accounts, and sometimes I’ll search the internet to find small information. 
I was currently on a website about M/N. it listed all of the information about him since meeting George is grew rapidly on Twitch and YouTube. ‘I already know all of this!’ I thought to myself as I kept scrolling down until I came upon something interesting. 
“M/n current residence in Brighton, England, United Kingdom.” my eyes widen as I read this, ‘He lives close to me!’ I yelled in my mind. 
I was fanboying until I heard my notifications sound. I stopped what I was doing went to go check who it was from. M/N invited me, I immediately accepted it. The world was loading. “Hello!” M/n yelled.   
It was me, M/N, Tommy, and dream on the server. I noticed that Tommy has been getting close to M/n, really close to for my liking. Tommy would sometimes even flirt, this obviously made me jealous for some reason. 
We were minding our own business until “Hey M/n! Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!” that was the most terrible pick-up line I have ever heard. “Oh my God Tommy?! Really?” M/n said but he was Laughing at that. 
This only made me INFURIATED.
I was minding my own business trying to build my home since I joined 2 weeks ago. The only other people on the server were me, tubbo, Tommy, and dream. Anyway, I was nearly done until Tommy said something, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!”
That has to be the most dumbest and funniest pick-up line I heard. “Oh my God Tommy! Really?!” I said while laughing at his attempt at flirting with me. 
Then Tommy went on to say more stupid pick-up line. Some of them were like, “Hey, my name's Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?” and “Are you related to Jean-Claude Van Damme? Because Jean-Claude Van Damme you’re sexy!” Just to name a few. 
I noticed that Tubbo hasn’t been talking as much. I wonder what’s wrong with him. I didn’t take note that was going to lead to something atrocious. 
Anyways we still had fun, Tommy kept trying to flirt. “Hey M/n, I was wondering if we could meet up since you know, we both live in Brighton,” Tommy with hope in his voice, hoping you accept his offer. I began to think, ‘Mmm, should I? Or should I not?’
“You know what? Sure. What time do you want to meet?” I accepted his request. “Uhhhhhh, Maybe on Thursday at 5:30. Meeting place F/D/P.” Tommy replied. “Alright! See you there,” I replied.
No One’s POV
Tubbo was fuming with anger as he was listening in on their conversation. ‘No!!!!! I can’t let this happen! I need to do something.’ Tubbo was thinking to himself, but he didn’t notice that M/n and Tommy had stop talking.
“Hey, Toby! Are you okay? You haven’t been talking,” Tommy said with concern. “Yeah, I’m just fine you know!” Tubbo said with venom and anger in his voice. “Wow there calm down, I was just asking. Geez,” Tommy backed knowing that his friend is anger. 
‘Why is he angry? I did nothing wrong!’ Tommy thought to himself, wanting to know what he did. “You know what, I think I’m going to leave,” Tubbo said as he left the game and went offline. 
“What’s his big deal?” M/n questioned. “I don’t know,” Tommy replied, “I gotta go. See ya later M/n!” “Bye Tommy!” Tommy has left the game. 
“I need to find a way to prevent this meetup!” Tubbo said to himself. Then an idea came into mind. An extreme idea. 
New Messages 
Today at 4:23
Toby: Hey, Tommy. Sorry I lashed out at you today.
Delivered at 4:23 
Tommy is tying…
Tommy: it’s alright mate.
Delivered at 4:23
Toby is typing…
Toby: How about we meet up, so I can apologize in person.
Delivered at 4:24
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: today or tomorrow? Cause I have a meeting with M/n. 
Delivered at 4:24
When Tommy mentioned the meeting toby had to act fast. 
Toby is typing…
Toby: today at my place.
Delivered at 4:25
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: sure thing! When exactly?
Delivered at 4:25
Toby is typing…
Toby: 5:30 
Delivered at 4:25
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: Okay, see you at 5:30
Delivered at 4:26
‘And that WILL be the last time you see.’
Time skip (1 hour 4 minutes)
Toby heard his door knocked. Toby went to go open his door, and there he sees his target. “Hey, Toby!” Tommy let himself in. “So where are your parents?” Tommy questioned. 
“Oh, they’re on their anniversary vacation,” Toby answered. “Ohhh, okay. Wanna head to your room?” “Sure I just need to go get something.” “Okay.” 
While Tommy went upstairs, Toby went into the kitchen. He grabbed the knife and slowly began to walk, he hid the knife behind his back. Once he walked into his room, he locked the door and slowly began to approach Tommy. 
“What are you doing Toby?!” Tommy yelled as walked backward, but then he hit the wall. “It was never meant to be.” those would be the last words, Tommy would ever hear as Toby shoved the knife into Tommy’s heart. 
Toby cleaned up the body by putting it into the trash bag along with the knife. He quickly disposed of the body. 
3 days later
Tommy was reported missing by his parents and the police were on the search. M/n was worried. Toby called M/n to do a cooking stream. M/n was suspicious about this cause this came out of nowhere. But in the end, M/n agreed. 
A few hours have passed and M/n arrived at the residence of Toby. m/n knocked on the door waiting for an answer just then the door swung open revealing a smiling Toby. 
“Hey there M/n! Glad that you arrived!” Toby sounded a bit too happy for your liking. “Please come in!” he invited you in. But as you walked, you heard the door close and lock behind you. Just as you turned around you got knocked by a heavy object. 
You slowly began to wake, you noticed that you were tied up. You looked around until your eyes landed on Toby. He had a wicked smile plaster on his face. 
“Why are you doing this?” you asked desperately wanting to know why. ‘Did he cause Tommy to go missing?’ You thought to yourself until you hear Toby coming to you. 
“You know, I always reject this feeling inside me. This feeling caused me to love you. Tommy was getting in the way of us being together, he had to be dealt with.”
“You’re a monster! You killed Tommy and you think I’m going to love you?!” this angered Toby but didn’t show it. “You’ll learn to love… cause you’ll be staying here…
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bothcreativitybois · 3 years
The Mayor’s Sweet Treat Chapter 3
Wordcount: 2955
Ship: Intruality
TWs: Food, horses, dogs, skipping meals, a little bit of past angst, sexual references, swearing 
Taglist: @star-crossed-shipper @crazydemigod666 @idont-freaking-know @someoneiwasnt @seraphiie @the-sympathetic-villain @cute-and-angsty-princess @lonelymuffin 
Remus flung out of the truck and smashed on the bakery door. 
“Wakey wakey!” Remus shouted at the doors. Above him a window opened. Patton smiled down radiantly. The cold night breeze rustled his hair dreamily while Remus’ long locks thrash slightly.
Remus you dumbass! He isn’t used to this!
“You’re an impatient one, Mr Grinch.” Patton joked.
“Actually it’s Mr Manzana.” Remus shouted back. “Are you coming down or not?” Patton giggled and closed the window. A few seconds later he appeared beside the building.
“So where are we going?” Patton asked as Remus walked up to him. Remus laughed.
“The best place in town, which is conveniently also the only place.” Remus joked. Patton followed him down the street to a little restaurant with a yellow sign. Remus opened the door for Patton as they entered the small restaurant. There were a handful of tables set up with only one in use. Remus walked over to greet the small family at the table. Patton followed awkwardly.
“Remus!” A gruff father looking figure shouted and pat Remus on the back. “Good ta see ya.” Also at the table were two small children and an elderly lady.
“How are you doing, sweetheart?” The elderly lady chimed in. Remus smiled widely while Patton just sort of shrank behind him.
“Staying out of trouble as much as possible.” Remus chuckled, both the adults laughed.
“Which for you isn’t possible.” The man laughed heartily. Remus smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Clyde, let me introduce you to Patton.” Remus held a hand out as to present Patton. The man looked at him happily.
“Great to meet ya.” Clyde stood up and enveloped Patton’s hand in a strong handshake.
“You too.” Patton said meekly. The large man laughed.
“Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” Clyde joked. “Remus however…” He elbowed Remus who pulled a fake innocent face.
“These darling angels are Taylor and June.” Remus ruffled the hair of the two children who both tried to push his hand away. “And this is Ms Cath. She taught me when I was the kids' sizes.” The elderly lady stood up and hugged Patton. The hug was soothing, it reminded him of his mother. He thought about how long it’s been since he was hugged… a couple months?
“Welcome to our little town, honey.” Ms Cath soothed. “Well let you two get back to it. But if you ever need anything then just stop by the school and see me.” The old lady winked. Remus put a hand on Patton’s back and after a few more words with the family guided Patton to their own table. Patton looked around the restaurant. Not in a nervous way, just the way you do when you enter a new place. The people he’d just met were chatting happily and enjoying their food.  Remus snapped his fingers to get Patton’s attention.
“Hey so the waiter is a friend of mine and he has some unique features. Don’t to stare, it upsets him.” Remus whispered. Patton nodded politely just as the waiter in question showed up.
“So this is the baker I heard about?” The waiter said. Patton looked up to see a little name tag reading ‘Janus’. The man had a large black birthmark and a lazy eye. He figured that’s what Remus meant. 
“I like your hair.” Patton smiled. Janus touched the small bun his dreads were pulled back in. His face was surprised.
“Thanks.” He turned to Remus. “You getting what you always get?” Remus laughed.
“Don’t fix what ain’t broke.” Remus confirmed with a wide smile. “And an extra for my friend here.” Janus nodded and scribbled something down on his notepad.
“Great. I’ll be off work at midnight so if you plan on taking ‘your friend’ home then please be done by then.” Janus said calmly and walked away. Patton blushed but Remus simply laughed. He looked down at Patton, he realised how uncomfortable he looked.
He reached across the table and grabbed Patton’s hand. He noticed a small tattoo on Patton’s wrist he hadn’t seen before, a little frog.
“Sorry, I kinda threw you in the deep end there.” Remus apologised. “Janus was just joking around, he’s really nice albeit a little dry and blunt.” Remus attempted to reassure Patton, it seemed to work as he released the tension in his shoulders a bit and nodded. Remus pulled his hand away.
“Everyone here seems really nice.” Patton said. Remus smiled and looked around. 
“It’s that small town spirit.” Remus replied. “When everyone knows everyone no one is really mean… well except for some of the older families who have weird rivalries but that’s a story for another day.” Remus was so calm, it was weird. Usually he was bouncing off the walls by now but something about Patton was keeping him on the ground.
“Tell me about growing up here?” Patton asked. Remus took a deep breath. There were thousands of stories racing around his head and he needed to find a way to summarise them all.
“It’s chaotic but somehow also predictable.” He eventually answered. “From the outside it’s like a horse rolling around on it’s back. It looks ridiculous but it knows exactly what it’s doing.” Patton was amused by the analogy. He understood that Remus was a country kid but now he was just being cliché. Not to mention Patton knew next to nothing about horses.
“And what does it mean when a horse rolls around?” Patton asked, genuinely curious about the silly behaviour of horses. Remus’ face lit up.
“Most the time it means they got colic and are trying to dislodge whatever got stuck. But if it’s a younger philly they could just be having fun. Colic isn’t serious though, usually it’s solved just by leading it for a walk or a shot of penicillin.” Remus explained. Patton watched how Remus’ eyes sparkled as he talked, he seemed a lot more in his element. “Colic is what keeps the vets round here in business. Pretty much everyone has a horse and the farms all have at least three. I got one still livin’ at my parents place, I’ve been meaning to move her to mine but she’s scared to death of trailers and I don’t have the ti-” Remus was cut off by a groan from Janus who had appeared with two plates.
“Kraken is fine on the farm, they have good use for her.” Janus began. “If we brought her to our place she’d be stuck in a paddock all day and only get ridden every week or so.” Janus placed down the plates with two tall burgers. “Two lamb burgers, one with extra pickle and barbeque sauce.” Janus pulled a face as he announced the last part.
“Thanks.” Patton smiled happily. Janus nodded and walked away. Patton looked over at Remus who was taking pickles off his burger and putting them on a napkin. “Why did you order extra pickles if you aren’t eating them?” Patton was confused. Remus looked up and smiled devilishly. He liked pickles, but always ordered extra for something special.
“You’ll see.” Remus winked as he wrapped up the pickles and put them in his pocket. 
The two men didn’t talk much as they ate. Remus was used to being the kind to devour food quickly while everyone else told him to slow down, so he was surprised when he saw Patton finished his burger first. Patton was just happy to be eating real food again.
“You finished that fast.” Remus said as he took the last bite of his burger. Patton looked up and blushed. Truthfully it was the first thing he’d eaten today, he had skipped breakfast and was too stressed to eat while working. Patton laughed awkwardly. Remus reeled, he meant it as a compliment but was worried Patton didn’t take it that way. “I mean that in a good way, pancake. It’s hard to find people who can keep up with me.” Remus quickly added. Patton giggled. Remus stood to leave but Patton stopped him.
“Wait! We need to pay.” Patton fretted. Remus looked over Patton and winked at Janus, he sighed and waved them away. Patton watched the weird exchange and didn’t notice Remus grab his hand to pull him out of the restaurant. He was tugged out so fast he nearly fell down but he couldn’t help but laugh. Remus pulled him down the dark street as they both cackled.
“Where are we going?” Patton asked through the laughs. Remus looked back and flashed a brilliantly evil smile.
“You wanted a tour, didn’t you?” Remus said as he halted to a stop. Patton nearly ran right into him if it wasn’t for Remus’ outstretched arm. “Here is where we start!” Remus pointed to the building in front of them. A brick building with a clock above the door.
“Mindville Council Hall?” Patton read from the sign next to him. Remus shook his head and shook his pointed hand. Patton followed the line of sight to, “The… clock?” Remus nodded excitedly so fast he looked like he might burst. He reached into his pocket and took out the napkin from the restaurant.
“The clock hasn’t worked in years.” Remus said as he took a pickle from the napkin, he handed the rest to Patton. “This is a way better use for it anyway.” With that Remus hucked the pickle slice into the air towards the clock, it hit the glass cover with a barely audible splat. Remus would come here as a kid and throw all sorts of things, but he found out quickly that pickles were not only the most accessible but also stuck the best. Remus celebrated with a loud cheer and took the pickles from Patton. “Give it a try.” Patton gently took a pickle and looked up at the clock. It was at least ten meters up.
“I’m not sure I can get it…” Patton conceded. Remus took a pickle slice and laughed.
“Who cares?” Remus shouted as he threw another pickle, this one hitting above the first. Patton took a deep breath and pulled back his hand. He closed his hand and threw the pickle as hard as he could. He looked up in time to see it land just short of the clock. He blushed in embarrassment but to his surprise Remus hollered.
“Whooo!” Remus cheered. His whoops were brash and loud, like when the electric mixer hit the edge of the metal bowl. “That’s a great shot!” Patton smiled at the enthusiasm and grabbed another slice. Remus did too and they both threw them together. Remus hit the 4 while Patton’s was just shy of the clock again. Suddenly the lights of the building turned on around them. “On to the next place!” Remus threw the napkin with the rest of the slices and began bolting down the road, Patton stood shocked for a second then followed.
“Aren’t you the mayor?” Patton huffed as they ran. Remus was surprisingly fast and he had trouble keeping up.
“Yes, and?” Remus said, barely breaking a sweat. When they were far enough away Remus slowed down and started pointing out the shops they walked past. “That is the butcher, if you ask nicely they’ll give you bones that aren’t big enough to sell as dog bones. That’s Salamanders Silk, one of the 7 places I’ve gotten a cut that needs stitching which is ironic given it’s a clothes store.” Something told Patton this tour wouldn’t be overly informative of the actual places. “And this is the bakery that makes amazing muffins.” Remus stopped. Patton realised they were in front of his shop. He looked up at the bare walls of the building, it looked abandoned. Every shop in town had nice signs and lovely paint but his just looked sad. 
“How about I give you a tour?” Patton chimed in happily. Remus looked down and nodded excitedly. Patton walked up and unlocked the door. “Welcome to Froggy and Doggy Bakery.” Patton sang happily.
“Finally, I get a name.” Remus joked. Patton sighed and looked up at the empty space where a sign should hang.
“Yeah I need to get on to the sign company again.” He said sadly. Remus took a mental note of Patton’s qualms.
“How’d you get the name? Is doggy your favourite position or something?” Remus asked as he walked in. Patton locked the door behind them and flipped on the lights.
“Actually it’s based on a story my mother told me as a kid.” Patton started. Remus regretted his previous statement. “There was a princess who had two suitors, a prince and a farmer. She asked each to bring her an animal as a gift. The prince brought her a well bred dog with beautiful hair. The farmer brought her a small green frog. She took each pet and announced she would be marrying the farmer. The prince got mad and demanded her to answer why. She said that anyone can go out and buy a dog, but the farmer had spent time catching the frog and cleaning it to present to her. Even though his gift wasn’t the most pretty or conventional, it had the most effort and thought put in it.” Patton smiled as he told the story, Remus was entrapped by his words. He clearly had fond memories of that story and it was reflected in how happily he told it.
“I think that’s my new favourite fairy tale.” Remus said when Patton finished talking. “Is that why you have that tattoo as well?” Remus gestured to Patton’s wrist. He nodded.
“My ex was a tattoo artist and he did it as a birthday gift.” Patton said as he rubbed a thumb over the small frog drawn on his wrist. It took him a moment to realise he had just come out to a man he’d met only earlier today. He looked up expecting some sort of reaction from Remus, but he didn’t care. Remus was just looking around the bakery, closely inspecting a sign on one of the walls. Patton found it refreshing to have someone not have a big reaction.
“Art gallery? What’s this for?” Remus asked. The wall had no art on it, just a few small shelves. Patton walked over to join him.
“Oh my mother had the idea that artists could put up any art they had to sell here for a small fee. That way we could generate more business while helping people.” Patton informed. “That reminds me, is there a homeless shelter I could donate any unsold items to?” Remus was surprised. Patton had never been here and already wanted to help the people. It was admirable.
“Well there aren’t any homeless shelters here because there isn’t a need for them, but there is one in the city as you probably know. It’s an hour drive but they’d probably be very happy with a donation even once a week.” Remus explained. Patton looked back blankly.
“Why would I know that?” Patton asked.
“You lived there before you moved here, didn’t you?” Remus thought it was obvious. The only people who knew about this town were the people living in it and some of the people in surrounding areas.
“No. I lived on the coast.” Patton said. 
That’s in the very least 3 hours away. Remus thought.
“Why’d you move here then?” Remus asked plainly, not knowing that for Patton it was a loaded question. Patton crossed his arms and looked down. Remus noticed. “Oh- uh- you don’t have to answer.” He stammered quickly trying to comfort Patton. He was curious but didn’t want to make Patton uncomfortable.
“Thanks.” Patton whispered. It hurt to think back to the time before he moved. It hurt to remember how he pretended to be happy so much that he even fooled himself. He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and smiled at Remus. “How about some dessert?” Patton chirped. He really bounced back quickly. Remus wasn’t sure if Patton was serious or flirting so he just nodded his head. Patton clapped and made a happy noise. He led Remus up the stairs to his apartment and unlocked the door, the whole time Remus becoming more and more confused what this invitation entailed.Patton opened the door and allowed Remus to enter. He entered the small studio apartment with an impressive kitchen. Remus didn’t know how to play this. Did Patton think this was a date? Even so he was so sweet and kind that Remus didn’t pin him as the kind to give it up on the first date. Remus tentatively walked over and sat on the large bed. Patton looked across the room where Remus had taken a seat on his bed. It suddenly hit him how his offer may have sounded. Thoughts crashed against Patton’s mind. He quickly walked over and opened the fridge. Patton pulled out a few small caramel tartlets and brought them over to Remus. “Ta da!” Patton announced.
Oh of course. Remus thought. Of course Patton meant actual dessert. He’s a fucking baker.
Patton once again was alone but this time he was a lot happier. 
“They look great.” Remus said as he admired the lovely caramel tarts with chocolate shavings.
“Take them. As a thank you for tonight.” Patton pressed the plate into Remus’ arms. Remus took the plate and tried one of the tarts. The rich caramel melted in his mouth and blended perfectly with the buttery shortbread crust. “And tell Janus I said thanks too.”
“He’ll love these.” Remus mumbled, shoving another in his mouth. Patton giggled. Remus said his goodbyes and left. 
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
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2020.12.19 SENDAI GIGS 2nd slot report
...it was cold. I thought I was prepared but waiting for my turn to enter was brutal. But the venue was quite well organized with letting fans in. And they had the cutest hand sanitizer stands I've seen!!
Then, when preparing for the talk event venue staff brought 4 small high tables with chairs and placed them in a good distance from each other.
Takabayashi and Fujieda entered the stage (both wearing winter jackets xp) and the latter greeted us and asked for the applause for the band members.
Then Shinya, and after a brief moment, Toshiya entered the stage.
They sat from the right to left: Takabayashi, Shinya, Toshiya and Fujieda (MC).
Toshiya wore a beret, sunglasses, a jacket over the brown Dirt shirt. Shinya had the t-shirt for the event and black clothes otherwise. He also wore sunglasses.
They started with simple greetings and next F skipped straight to the merch items talk. He handed band members their items and asked about the particular thing about the design. Toshiya explained that back has the names of the companies they are working with/are indebted to.
F: S, what's the selling point of your minimini bottle?
S: it's really tiny and you can easily put it in your bag. It's very light so very convenient when you go out.
F brought and passed the items of other members. T got the choker.
T: oh, this is nice! Shinya, I think it'll really suit you!
S: well, I might wear it next time
T: try it on!
S: some other time. (meaning 'no, thanks' 😂)
F: what do you think about Kaoru's pouch, S?
S: it's really tiny and very convenient when you go out.
F: wait, I've heard this before.
S: and the inside is gold. I really love gold.
T (teasing): can all merch items fit inside?😆
S: picks won't fit, right?
T: they do!
S passed the pouch back to F with a serious face, he had to confirm with his own eyes.
S: oh, it's just right, even the bottle fits in.
F (put all items in): all items fit in.
S: then fans should buy all items and put them in. Ah, is the t-shirt still available?
F: actually t-shirt is included in the ticket.
S: does the t-shirt fit in?
F: that might be a bit hard.
T: take it off and try.
F announced they will start reading questions from fans.
T: do you have any no-no topics?
S: everything is fine.
(just what happened in the 1st slot??😂)
F: I'll continue the topic from the previous slot. Is there anything you failed at? Any mistakes?
T said S sometimes messes a song during the concert, teasing him a lot and S was trying to protest saying everyone does that sometimes, but T was having too much fun😂. But then S brought up a festival abroad where he mixed up the order of songs and it was one big mess.
S: as I made mistakes they made me drink after that
T: what am I, sake-yakuza?
T: F, in Nagoya you told us about imitating S on the drums.
F told us again the story about waiting for the car in Kagawa, so he played around imitating S.
S: so which song exactly where you pretending to play?
F: the last part of Ranunculus.
And then he showed us!!! Just drumming few last notes to just finish dramatically with raising hands and leaning his head back.
Shinya was so not impressed🤣🤣🤣
F: wait, didn't you upload it on your channel?
S: I can't remember.
F: 'do you have a favourite youtuber? Or what kind of yt videos do you watch?' Do you watch youtube?
S: I do usually.
F: what channels?
S: channels about games and riddles. But also Taipi Nikki (たいぴー日記), it's a channel about cats and dogs, they upload new videos everyday.
T: I don't really watch yt. But sometimes, Ojisan no nichijo (Tamotsu Takashima おじさんの日常). very casually, like watching TV while eating etc.
Ta: 'what would you like to change in the other member?'
S: I want T to stop scaring me.
T lols so hard😆
S: for example, yesterday was snowing too, I was walking very carefully not to slip but then suddenly a push came from behind🤨
T: 🤣
F: how about you, T?
T: I want him to open his heart to the band members.
F: so you're not talking together?
T: no, he talks with us. But... he's there with us, but the atmosphere is a bit...
S: but I'm open.
F: when I was still a roadie and in a car with S we were talking quite a lot.
Ta: we don't.
S: Ta doesn't talk much.
Ta: since the YT in May we haven't spoke.
F: but when I was a roadie we did usual normal chatting and so on.
T: S, you should join in.
S: はい・I see.
F: 'are there any songs you put a lot of confidence in when writing but now you'd prefer not to play them as they are way too difficult, have difficult parts?'
S: 90% of our songs. ...and all of Ningen wo Kaburu. How about you, F?
(oh, a come back for the imitation thing!!😆)
F: the first bit, intro in Hageshisa (he actually 'sang' the bit😆)
S: Yeah, that one is tough.
F: as a roadie I asked you once to show me how to play it. I hoped you will play it slowly so I can learn, but you just went so fast it was over in second, and just said 'that's it'.
F: saku is also hard.
T said he can just follow the music during the show so no problems (?)
T: 'tomorrow is Die's birthday, how will you celebrate? The rumor is, only Shinya sent him birthday wishes'.
T: I usually do something every year, like skype with him. ...should we do something tomorrow?
F: there are no work plans to meet.
T: ok, then I guess we will skype.
S: I always send him a message on LINE.
Ta (or T?): 'it's so cold now! Are you ok with cold? Do you prefer cold or hot weather?'
S: I can't stand cold.
T: I prefer cold. When it's hot even as you take some clothes off, it's still hot. But when it's cold you can add more layers and be okay.
can you get out of bed easily?
S: it's very hard. I can live from inside my bed, even eat there.
T: that's something.
Next they talked about some food from Nagano both T and Ta like, Kanten Papa.
T: 'if you were to change into each other, like wake up as the other one, what would you do?'
T: ...
F: imagine it's only for one day.
T: ...I thought about something baaad, lol. (then he thinks for a while) then, I would work on damaging his reputation.
S: would I wake up in my house? In his house?
F: let's do your house.
S: then I'd do some muscle training to see what he can actually do.
F: 'we have the rhythm section today, how much do you usually rehearse?'
T said two days (before the tour ???)
F: usually you do a proper full rehearsal with bass amd drums, while checking the score.
T: recently I do it more seriously, I didn't in the past😆
S said before Wither he remembers the songs. Marrow, UROBOROS and Unraveling he can't remember, but he remembers the rest perfectly, he could play Gauze or Macabre songs anytime.
T: do it then!
S: there's no drums.
T: play air drums!
Ta: 'what's the song you want to play the most right now?'
S: and Zero.
Ta: why?
S: it was played somewhere recently, ah on the youtube audiostream, thanks to it I remembered 'oh we have a song like that'.
T: the song(s) we're working on now. I want you all to be able to listen to it/them soon. We will be recording soon.
S: oh.
T: are you practicing them properly?
S: not yet.
T: 'what would you do if you won the lottery (the special new year lottery)?'
S: how much money are we talking?
F: 1bln yen.
S: ...
F: you have nothing you want?
S: not really.
F: what about PS5? Do you have it?
S: I don't have it.
F: did you apply for it?
S: I applied in one place, but didn't win.
F: nothing, really? How about you, T?
T: if I won a lottery I'd use the money to fund COVID vaccination. Well, probably it wouldn't be enough... but with vaccination we could get back to playing concerts sooner.
F: they're working on the vaccine now, right.
T: I hope it will be done soon!
F: do you buy lottery tickets?
T: I never do.
S: same.
Ta: maybe you should try it for Shinya Channel?
(didn't catch the next bit, it was about using money, then gambling?)
F: 'to T, what sauna or onsen would you like to go to next?'
T: to sauna in Finland, like the type in a small log house in the mountains where you get to swim in the lake. I'd love to try that.
F: 'what's the idea behind your outfit, S?'
S: this event t-shirt. I wanted to encourage fans to buy it, but I learned it's part of the ticket... So the rest is just black clothes. style like going to a hair salon (or coming back from there?)
F: 'is there something you'd like to fix this year?'
T: domestic concerts.
S: nothing besides the shows.
T: 'is there anything you want to try in 2021?'
S: nothing especially for 2021.
T: nothing you thought you want to try recently?
S: how about you?
T: I'd like to become able to eat spicy food. Now, I really can't handle any level of spicy.
F told him spicy food is really amazing, especially ramen, T replied he has a place he wants to take F to.
Then F talked about the additional The World You Live In stream and invited everyone to join. And after that was time for the last comments from the band members.
Shinya: Thank you for coming in today. It is snowing right now so please be careful not to slip on your way home. Let's meet again next year.
Toshiya: It's snowing so please be careful. I'd really love to stand in front of you again, so please please wait for us. That's all I can say in this situation.
They stood up, waved and were about to leave. But then Toshiya picked up the choker and gave it to Shinya🤣🤣🤣
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 52
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“Steve has a sister...” Peggy halfway murmured at the sight of the returned Commandos to the bar she alone sat in the curved booth with fingers twisting the shot glass holding a whiskey now watered down by the melted ice meant to cool it.
Jaques asked in his slide first into the booth the others joined in on the motion to support their friend in this monumental loss. “What?”
“Steve has a sister.” She repeated and jaws dropped to her rehash of all the Colonel had shared and the way he had hinted he would hurt Steve for the fate the girl suffered.
Gabe, “So she’s dead?”
Dum dum shook his head, “No, we know Steve! We spent all that time together and not one mention of a family!”
Peggy said on the cusp of tears with a crack in her voice, “Well we apparently didn’t know him very well!” Up she raised her glass and haltingly took a sip and lowered it with half the liquid remaining in the lipstick stained glass that tapped the table again to her swallow. “He never said if she was dead or alive.” She whispered with her mind circling on that woman traveling with the Colonel who said her name was classified.
Jim, “And what if she’s alive? Not like we can do anything for the girl.”
“I have to know.” Left simply to that the conversation hung like a wet blanket over the mock funeral on the base as none could attend the one they anticipated would be held to celebrate him upon his return as a hero to Brooklyn.
And small bits of progress were shared on and off in the aid of Stark in his enlisting her aid in clearing his name and saving the world between run ins of the old friends until the fated call, “I found her, she’s alive.”
“You got to be kidding me,” Dum Dum chuckled and asked, “Who is she then? Still a nurse or did she drop that after the war?”
“She’s a student, at Columbia University. She’s in Brooklyn. I’m going to meet her tomorrow after a stop by Steve’s grave.”
“Well then, do we at least get a name?”
“She changed it, her surname at least, she goes by Bunny Pear now.”
“Bunny Pear.” The name had his face go stoic recalling those towns and stops they crossed with those signs posted up creaking the gears in his head in puzzlement as to who this mystery sister and brother duo was and why the hell Steve acted like he knew nothing of them at all. “The only woman awarded the Medal of Honor Bunny Pear?”
“Yes, you’ve read about her then?”
“Steve lied about a lot more than just having a sister. Bunny Pear devastated every German force she and her brother came across, and while we toured a ruin of a city they’d left Steve and Bucky played the fool. Hundreds of soldiers we crossed had thousands of things to say about them.” He paused then said, “Ring us when you’ve talked to her with what you learn.”
“I will.” She replied and hung up the phone more fearful than she had been hours earlier upon uncovering an address to find said lost sister she had been brushed off by once before years prior as to why her friend was so curt in his parting tone that revealed a mingle of hurt and something else. Something she hoped to be a misunderstanding and not a betrayal of the man they all had such hopes for being a pure heart in the middle of a harsh war to guide them to safety and a better tomorrow.
From the library to the dinner table you were set to move for the meal the brothers got started on once Eddie had come home and Peggy joined you all after having asked a few blaring questions about Venom in his shoot outwards ready to eat any intruder upon the telling scent of blood foreign to the family. In a skip of a scoop Eddie remained at home to keep watch of you all tonight knowing Venom would want to be on patrol all night. Both Norma and Dawn smiled and greeted Peggy, with whom they chatted in the wait for food until the doorbell rang again and Eddie sprung to check on who it was.
“Oh, hello,” the clear voice echoed through the house and was followed by, “Edwin Jarvis, there is a Peggy Carter here I believe?”
Eddie replied, “Yup, James said you called. Just you?”
“Jarvis, we’re growing cold, it’s on the move!” Stark’s voice came from the car parked on the curb who waved to Eddie, “Hey Eddie! Been following your headlines, you’ve been building up some steam!”
To that you smirked and climbed to your feet to join Peggy to the door, “I take it this means you won’t be staying for supper.”
“Apparently not. The offer was very kind however.” She answered with a kind smile.
Right to the door you strolled to stop in the doorway where Stark waved to you, “There you are Bunny! Not dead yet I see.”
That had you smirk and look to Jarvis in the sweep of his eyes over you, “Oh my,” he said then flashed you a grin stating, “Edwin Jarvis,” his hand outstretched for a handshake you returned, “Pleasure to meet you. I have heard so very many things about you, Mrs Pear Howlett.”
“Pleasure to meet you, you must have the patience of a mountain to work with Stark.”
His head tilted to the side a moment and he flashed Peggy a grin, “Lately it has been much more accommodating to my skill set and the company much less likely to land me slapped by women I come across.” His eyes wandered over you in a lean into Eddie’s side to the clear shift of your belly that had you rest a hand on it. “Might, I be bold in offering congratulations?”
“You may, and thank you.” You replied then looked to Peggy.
“I will let you rest, however I did want to let you know, the Howling Commandos, who traveled with Steve and Bucky in the war, they will be in town tomorrow and wondered if you might be up to meeting them? They also wished to pay their respects to Bucky’s parents as well.”
Eddie, “Bucky’s just got his Mom and sisters, girls are about 11 now.”
Peggy, “Good, we were planning on joining in for church, if you would accept that.”
“Not my place to ban anyone from church. We do have a block party after they may find as a reprieve after a Catholic Mass. Can be quite daunting for some not familiar with the service.”
She nodded and to Stark’s next honk she rolled her eyes and Jarvis said, “We will see you tomorrow, Mrs Pear Howlett, Mr Pear.” Both names accentuated with nods before his turn to join Peggy on the way back to the car.
“Should be fun,” you said to Eddie who chuckled and turned to lift Teddy in his race towards his father with drawing in hand to show it off.
“Oh yes,” he said to your closing and locking the doors. To turn back to the guys with eyes shifting over Eddie answering his mental questions on what he had missed of the intruders above what the guys had given of a basic description. Though mainly to calm Venom that the threat was aimed for Peggy and not yourself or his children.
Norma however drew your focus in a move to guide you to the dining room table, “Your friend had to leave before supper?”
“Yes, she’ll be at Mass tomorrow with more friends of my brother Steve’s.”
James asked, “You okay with that? We can stay home.”
That had you chuckle, “Right, because she would never just bring them here.”
And he smirked back at you playfully answering, “You set the rules. You want them barred we won’t let them in.”
Dawn said, “I just can’t believe she would come here knowing she was being followed.”
“Well I suppose there is the off chance she didn’t know. Seemed afraid of the woman at least, had to be sneaky or something to scare her.”
Victor murmured in French to keep Norma from hearing, “Don’t have to be sneaky to get a shot off in my chest.”
James teased, “Fairly big target to miss a couple feet away, now his head, be hard to hit that in reaching distance.” Earning a smirking glance back at him.
Dawn said to Norma’s confused glance their way, “Suppose we’ll just have to make sure these friends of Steve’s won’t cross any lines.”
The purple floral wrap dress you chose that hung past your knees was smoothed over you to sit under the cardigan you used to keep warm on top of the jacket that was eased over your arms and back. Sure to have your hat in place down the front stoop you strolled to join the others in town for the joint trip to Mass between your relatives. With his arm around your back James kept you close in the sight of Stark’s car driving past. While on the sidewalk outside the church Peggy stood with her signature blue dress and bright red hat to match her lipstick outlining the easy grin she gave you in the move to lead the staring group of guys behind her inside. Into the pew a row back to the left of yours across the aisle they settled. Each of them luring stolen glimpses through the service until the town and Priest especially got a chance to interrogate the newcomers who seemed to keep their focus on the family that everyone hoped would just be left to their privacy to live out their lives.
Once Mass was over however and your family took turns in the chance for confession the Brocks were the first to swoop in to begin the questioning. Gina especially smiled in her step towards the group and asked, “Passing through town?”
James Montgomery took the brief murmured conversation Peggy and Dum Dum Dugan were having about the proper time for him to put his hat back on to answer, “Yes, we’ve come out to pay our respects to Steve Rogers’ and Bucky Barnes’ families.”
Her husband asked, “Really? You knew them well?”
Pinky Pinkerton said after glancing back to Gabe Jones, Jim Morita and Happy Sam Sawyer who were ushered prior to Mass to sit on the far end of the pew on their move to join the group again, “We served together, though Steve never mentioned he had a sister, or any family at all really. Said he was orphaned.”
Mama Brock said in an unamused scoff to the memory of how her adopted daughter was treated, “Selfish little boy wouldn’t know family if it slapped him in the face. Lucky we never got our hands on him after he kept leaving Bunny out on the steps.”
That turned Peggy’s head, “On the steps? He actually left her on the steps?”
“Even went so far as to argue with the Judge that gave him custody to send her away so he wouldn’t have to have legal custody of her right in front of the poor thing before he was sent packing. To actually want to send her off anywhere unknown on the verge of a war to who knows what end how cruel can you get to do that to such a sweet child?” Mamma Brock then huffed feeling herself ready to begin shouting mumbled in a try to keep calm, “I have to go check on my pies,” and joined the others on their way to fetch the food cooked for the block party and her daughters began to list slight after slight that had their hearts sinking for both of their friends.
Including a stop to view the album of Sarah Rogers’ funeral where the guys understood by the captured look on your face just who Bucky was haunted by. The younger sister he encouraged Steve to abandon.
Peggy asked after the album was closed and added to the shelf of funerals of families within the past decade, “I don’t see Steve’s album. There’s one for Bucky.”
Ambrose said, “The Catholic church does not give suicides funeral processions.” That dropped Peggy’s jaw, “Father Thomas only insisted upon giving any words at all over the grave for Bunny’s sake when he knew we knew she was alive and with Eddie.”
Jim Morita, “Where did everyone think she was?”
Gina, “She was assumed to have run off with Eddie, but we clarified she got into a good school in Canada then they got drafted. Until she got shot she was listed as a POW though by the Canadians, we still have the telegrams our cousins received. War offices learned she was with Eddie through the field promotion papers and picture of the planes and tanks she took out first time she got shot.”
Dum Dum Dugan, “Well, I guess in his own way Steve had to have left her something decent for how she’s managed since the war.”
Ambrose’s husband said, “Steve left everything to the church. Even Jaqi’s things, she didn’t have a red cent to her name or home to come back to except for ours. Father Thomas is the one who set up the inheritance to be transferred to us to watch for her.”
Howard from the back of the church had crept forward and asked a question that hurt the group even more than anything they’d heard before that he had to confirm you yourself had told him, “Steve really call her a monster?”
Ambrose, “When he called her anything at all. Barely spoke to her at all unless it was a shout on where her change for food was or eyes were on him from people he wanted respect from.”
Howard, “He pick on people often?”
Gina, “After how his dad treated him and Sarah all he wanted to do was fight, even after she married Jaqi’s dad.”
Howard asked in a look over the albums, “Which one’s her dad’s?”
Ambrose, “Father Thomas gave it to Jaqi, only keeps them a decade. The one for Steve’s dad as well he found tucked away from when Sarah died.”
Howard asked, “Her dad a good man?”
Gina and Ambrose chuckled and the latter’s husband answered, “The pinnacle of perfect father and husband. Never raised a hand to anyone or any creature. Used to call Sarah his Greatest Treasure and Jaqi his fair Queen of the Cosmos, drove Steve up the wall. Worked and saved for his studies and a fund for his girl to study after him at the best schools. Even paid for Steve’s tuition for art classes at the community college.”
Jaques Dernier asked, “How does Bucky fit into this? Why did he hate Bunny? What did he get out of it?”
Gina’s husband answered, “He got Steve’s focus all to himself. Didn’t have much of a home he wanted to go back to at night. Steve wanted an escape and gave Bucky the most devoted buddy he could ask for.” From there the group led the others out to the party where two identically dressed girls with painfully familiar eyes stopped in their way with wide smiles.
“You knew our brother?” Stories of their war hero brother were shared to be confirmed that the guys were stunned they had heard you shared researched bits learned just for them to keep their hero. The new stories the guys shared were adored especially by their mother who in your exit of the church gave you a grin and watched your approach.
She said to the guys in the walk closer in a moment of distraction for the girls, “She’s been so kind to my girls, for how my boy and her brother behaved. Don’t you be rude to her. We owe her that much.”
Howard asked in a step away lowly to meet you before you reached the others, “You haven’t broken the bad news to the girls?”
“I’m not in the business of destroying heroes for little girls. They deserve memories of a brother who loved them and died ensuring they were safe.”
Howard, “How can you stand it, that truth you can’t say?”
“Everyone in town knows who is old enough to. Their cruelty dies with them.”
Bernie and Benji when their friends had called them waved and made their ways to the seats saved for them to share some of the excitement while you stepped forward accepting handshakes and introductions of the group that each of your family nodded in their own naming. Mrs Barnes left soon after to join her own friends to shift the focus of the group back to you.
Marigold, Petal and Teddy however called for food while you focused on the newcomers that joined you at the closest table mainly away from the crowds to the start of the music. “So, you knew Steve and Bucky in uniform, must have left an impression to bring you all out here.”
Gabe said, “Well, they were pretty special, least till we heard about you and Eddie.”
Jim Morita, “You really turned Panzers to marbles?”
“Among other things.”
Howard, “And she’s being stingy on the weaponry. I’ve even been asked to see if I can duplicate it. Magnets however are surprisingly difficult to master.” His eyes looked you over and he said, “How you made it in one piece with magnets that strong I have no clue. Did you know they can cause heart failure when they pass a certain grade?”
“Human body is comprised of iron in the blood, along with other traces of metal throughout the rest of the body, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, molybdenum, and cadmium. Part of how x-rays and sonograms work magnetic fields reacting to the body.”
“Not hard to bypass.” Happy Sam Sawyer chuckled out, “Don’t you remember, we heard the soldiers we came across all said they’re aliens.”
That had you smirk and thank the young Brock kids that brought your drinks over then darted off to play again. “Close enough,” you giggled and lifted your drink to take a sip then lowered your hand to the belly that shifted and drew James in a grin of his own to steal a stroke of your belly.
Jaques began the sea of congratulations and Dum Dum asked, “Did you plan on returning to school? You seem due soon.”
“Due closer to summer actually.” Parting his lips in confusion, “Triplets.”
Howard said, “When we’re done here Jarvis has our gifts for you in the trunk.”
“You didn’t have to bring gifts.”
Howard nodded, “Oh yes I did. Down right rude not to. Good thing I buy spares or Peggy’s sharing of the triplets would have left me in a lurch to have enough for all of you.”
“Fine, but it better not have gemstones or anything flashy or you’ll end up wearing it.”
Again he smirked and Dum Dum Dugan asked, “Any clue on what you’re having?”
“Girls,” James answered, “Hopefully just like their mom.”
Eddie said, “My sisters and cousins mostly have boys so when Dawn and I had Marigold they loved the new wave of girls, my sister Ambrose is having a girl too and can’t wait for hers.”
You smirked and said, “She’s really excited to go through this with me. Even debating coming out to Canada when we head back for the summer.”
James Falsworth asked, “Why stay in the city while you are carrying so many babies?”
“My courses.” You said, “I’m going to stick in it as far as I can through this semester. Might work it so I can leave a month early, just over four months, so possibly April to June depending on how impatient the girls are they’ll be showing up and the space and quiet will be better for me have them.”
Peggy, “How strenuous are your classes?”
“Not very, a majority of them are on the same campus and the Professors surely will be as accommodating as they keep trying to assure me they will be.”
Jim Morita asked, “What’s it like, being back here, after everything that happened?”
“I think the oddest thing was how everyone had just taken to the new last name. But I think Mama Brock had something to do with that, not to mention the papers.”
Eddie said, “They knew we needed a new name. I think remodeling Bunny’s home settled everything. Let everyone know she’s home in her own building she bought.”
“Technically-,” you tried to cut in only for Victor to cut you off.
“We bought it for you. Your name is on the lease now and when it’s legal it will be the only one on it.”
Peggy, “The whole house?”
James nodded, “Same with the comics and her bank account and just about anything we’re hoarding for the eventual turn over when we can.”
Howard said, “Might take a while to get there.” Though he smirked at the pointed gazes from the brothers around you mingled with Eddie’s unamused brow tick.
“Be a fairly terrifying time for the Starks of the world for me to have my own empire.”
Howard chuckled and fired back, “Oh no, then I might actually have some competition.”
Dum Dum Dugan asked, “What’d you do with the weapon and suits you built?”
“Well I certainly didn’t bring any weapons back from the war aside from a knife James found for me.”
Gabe, “So, what happens if someone shows up on your doorstep wanting those blueprints?”
“I may be pregnant but I can still throw someone around a room,” making the guys chuckle and Peggy smirk to herself.
From the party to the house again now with the guys the tour continued with each admiring the pictures you had posted from Steve and Bucky’s trips to shows in murals with ticket stubs and autographs.
Peggy’s focus in a glance to the other room however shifted from Eddie’s smile down at his son. Who was faking claws at the air and snarls that had Venom’s face pop out with a toothy proud grin in a lift of the boy he then lowered to kiss in the return of Venom to sink back again, to the trumpet that sat polished on display. That had you ask, “Do you play an instrument?”
Her eyes met yours and she nodded, “Piano, Mummy insisted. Made Michael keep up with his sax.”
Her grin dimmed and you said with a stroke of your hand on her arm, “Boys rarely stick to practice. Steve missed most of his, though about half came by his passing out or rehearsals that triggered his asthma.”
Pinky asked, “Steve really was this scrawny?”
You nodded, “And he hated every minute of it. Eddie and me used to get a chuckle I might have been bigger than he was in his uniforms. Pre-Captain mode that is.” You paused and asked, “He ever sketch anything? While he was over there?”
“Oh,” Happy Sam Sawyer patted his pockets until he brought out a small journal, “Just a few small sketches, the rest is some sort of scribbles we couldn’t make out.”
Opening the book to one of the notes you snapped it shut saying, “It’s a cipher. You need the source book to translate it. Some boys used to take their notes and read them like they were dirty novels even if they were on toast to taunt them for not having a wider circle.”
James Falsworth asked, “Do you know the source?”
“The Hobbit.”
Jaques, “The bedtime story?”
You nodded, “Funnily enough, I gave Steve the book they used to hide in.”
Jim, “Why not translate it?”
“Oh I can read it, and I don’t think Peggy would appreciate the content.”
Peggy paused a moment then asked, “It’s, about me?”
“Yes,” you said and lifted the book a tad, “And by the notes I am guessing he didn’t get as far as he’s writing about. You could very possibly be flexible but I doubt even then his day dream would be plausible.”
Pinky, “Wait, all you did was glance at the page. How could you read and translate it that fast.”
“Photographic memory, and I can read novels in minutes,” you glanced at Peggy saying, “I’ll read the rest later and if there’s anything less imaginative and respectful I’ll write it out for you.”
She shook her head and said, “I doubt there would be anything sentimental in there. Your brother was not overly expressive of his affection until the drive we took to get him on that plane and the radio transmission afterwards, even then, rather simplistic, trade of a promise then static.”
“Well if I do ever find him wandering around in the afterlife I’ll punch him for that. Downright a crime to not woo you properly.” You teased making her smirk your way.
Jarvis upon return from his third trip to the car gave Howard a nod that had him smile and smooth his hands together, “Gift time!”
“Anything with gems-,”
“And I’m wearing them, I remember.” He said with a smirk guiding you to the front room where you eyed the trio of crib kits that by the brand were expensive and had you in an open mouthed gawk at the smiling inventor, “I won’t accept no for an answer. Only the best for the daughters of our greatest asset for this country’s future.”
“Asset?” you asked.
“You know what I mean,” Howard said. “With your help ladies are set to give us old boys a run for our money.”
Victor, “Why’d you buy three cribs? Must have sparked some rumors with that purchase.”
Jarvis said, “Oh, for that I bear the name on that invoice. Sparing Mrs Stark that scrutiny.”
Howard said, “Though she has seen the catalogs and now is considering children with her husband number two.”
James muttered, “Ouch.”
Howard swatted his hand, “I was a means to irritate Daddy. No matter she’s picked a fine replacement more fit for the suit and tie brigade.” He patted his hand on the crib box closest to him, “Paperwork is nearly done as soon as he finalizes on his house she will pack her things and you will have tons of cover headlines to distract from your lovely little parade of geniuses.”
James, “Least you haven’t broken a sweat over it.”
Howard, “Oh we signed a prenup,” he looked between you both and said, “Which I’m certain you both won’t need.”
Victor, “Oh I’ll kill him before so much as a weekend away comes up to think things over.” Howard chuckled and pointed at him assuming it was a joke only making you smirk behind a stroke of your finger along the side of your nose. Though to a bold set of kicks your hand outstretched and landed on Eddie’s bicep and you let out a sharp breath.
“Ok, I need a minute,” you said in a turn that had him guide you to the nearest bathroom.
Howard looked your back over and James drew his gaze by saying, “They kick and her bladder is almost always trapped in the middle. This the one with the side that comes down or the solid wall model?” That had his grin return in James’ move closer to crouch and look over the diagram on the outside of the box that Victor joined him in inspecting, “Oh this one’s nice. Good solid sides won’t take off a finger if it drops like other models.”
Victor, “We can always make a set of steps if it’s too tall so Pipsqueak can reach inside.”
Jarvis, “Would it prove to be too tall we could purchase another set.”
James shook his head, “Nah, no need. She can adapt. Doubt she’d accept the second set.”
Victor, “Or even let you up the stoop with it.”
Howard, “What about Canada, you need a set there.”
James smirked, “We’ve already built a set for home, Jaqi helped with the finer touches but let us cover the basics off our experience for what would be the safest designs.”
Howard said, “Wow, you sound like you’ve been through the whole parenting schtick before.”
He didn’t need the answer in their telling continued silent stares at him till one of the guys smiled and said to you in your return, “Your hubby says it’s a safe model.”
“Even if it wasn’t the guys can easily make some changes in the install. Should be nice, I do like the round half circle top to the ends, could have some nice crochet covers from Gina. Maybe a nice quilt too for the bed the Brocks can fix up for us. One of the cousins do enjoy stuffing them.” You looked to Howard and said, “Thank you, Howard. Now, no more gifts.”
He scoffed at that and rolled his eyes only making Jarvis say, “I will do my best to remind him of that, Mrs Pear Howlett.”
“No jewelry,” you said to Howard as a flat rule that deepened his smirk in your knowing he would find a way to shower funds onto your family he’d now spread a sort of fondness onto even more so upon discovery of the link between you and his major successful project your brother turned out to be.
Dawn broke the circle by calling everyone in for tea that let you all relax in the living room until the group all had to leave with promises to come back again. Though in their absence relief came from not having the presence of questions on your lost brother and the fact that you now could have that much needed pear you had been forced to put off until the lunch that was readied upon the moment of freedom.
Straight on to bed comfort was found in solace lounged in James’ side reading off tidbits from the stack of history books Elliot had been dropping off weekly to guide you by century and culture to feed the growing appetite for reading that your pregnancy was enhancing. Mixed between those were journals from those of the Beserkers who had lived through those times including the few saved items from assumed lost libraries wars had threatened and been recorded to have destroyed. All of which could only aid in the growth of your mind, though every bit of it seemed to be familiar, a notion that pleased both him and Herc that old memories were being tapped of a time when you were present there as well to observe those moments throughout history even with your physical being in hiding.
“Odd,” you muttered in smoothing your hands over your chosen shirt to have been stolen from James’ side of the closet along with his flannels you’d adjusted the hem and waistband to a tie instead of the usual buttons he agreed upon so that you would be comfortable on nights you wanted to wear pants until yours could fit again.
“Odd?” James asked having lit the fire in your bedroom to the sound of the wind outside picking up to cover the street with the thin layer of snow forecast that would enforce the use of Victor’s car that was promised to you to prevent threat of slipping upon travel to Columbia and back again.
In a shake of your head you moved to the bed and folded back the covers, only luring him closer with head tilted slightly to the side. Softly in a sigh you replied mid lift of your leg to kneel on the bed to begin the crawl to the middle, or at least as close to it as possible while still remaining close to the edge in case of bathroom trips. “Power’s gonna go out.”
“Well with the wind like this, not far from imaginable.” His eyes looked over your face in his move closer when you sat down readying to arrange the pillows to perfect the spot for you. “Unless there’s more to it?”
“I can feel it. In the power lines. But the storm isn’t near as bad enough to shut it off. We’ve had worse storms than this.”
“How can you tell?”
“It’s,” you sighed again, “You remember that storm out in Palermo where the lightning kept circling over the ocean and it was so close it had your hair on end?”
He nodded, “So it’s like a static?”
“Something like that. Soft fizzle like soda bubbles travel through the wires. Just odd.”
“Well you won’t be cold, and breakfast will be easily fixed up even without lights.” He said in the motions to help tuck you into the comfy nest that he snuggled closer to your back with a shrug of the blankets higher over you both. “Don’t you worry.”
“Just hope it doesn’t get too cold for Whiskers.”
That had him smirk and settle his head behind yours on the pillow, “Furnace is powered on gas, won’t go out with the electric, same as the cabin. Whiskers will be perfectly warm and thanks to your metal layer inside the walls all our pipes are extra insulated. We won’t let our house go cold.” After a moment his hand covered yours and he hummed, “We all promised to keep him and the puppies warm and safe, we won’t go back on that.”
Mid yawn you started to say, “He has a schedule to keep,” which only had him chuckle to himself and close his eyes to the inch of your body back into his chest.
Pt 53
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess​, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, 
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @changlingkhat​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward​
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Black Veil Brides VIP Meet and Greets
I just wanted to make a quick post since I've seen a lot of people talking about the VIP/meet and greet tickets for the rescheduled ITM/BVB tour. I know there have been some strong opinions on the COVID restrictions and questions about what will or won't be allowed.
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with the band or management and don't speak for them. This is just my opinion/trying to share some helpful tips and information. I’ll give references for what I say, but please take specific questions to the email listed on their website [email protected]
I’ve seen some people criticizing the band for the COVID restrictions in place as if it is solely their decision as to what will be allowed and not allowed. More than likely it was a decision made by management, the team putting on the tour, venues, etc, and made to fit state health guidelines and CDC recommendations. The idea that they will be able to have meet and greets the way they were done prior to 2020 with no restrictions is unrealistic. While COVID cases are declining and around 50% of the United State’s population has been vaccinated the pandemic is not over. There may be another rise in cases this fall and with the tour taking place during flu season it will be hard to tell who is sick with COVID or just the flu/cold. All rules and regulations for both VIP and the shows are done for the safety of the artists AND the fans. Remember that it’s not just because you could get the band sick, they could potentially get you sick too. Therefore care must be taken to make the VIP M&Gs a safe but still fun experience for both parties.
Local venues are all going to have different protocols as to what is and isn’t allowed. This is due to states having different rules as far as distancing, masking, and sanitation regulations. This is completely out of the band’s control and they are obligated to follow the rules for the venue and state they are in. The VIP ticket upgrade is OPTIONAL, you are under no obligation to purchase VIP tickets if you feel it’s not worth the price. You can purchase just the regular ticket to see the show (this is also required for VIP tickets as that ticket ONLY is for the meet and greet). I get that people are upset about the limitations, but I for one, am grateful they’re even offering VIP tickets. They could just as easily have said no meet and greets at all.
Isn’t the band vaccinated? Andy and CC have both said publicly they are vaccinated. Andy's dad has stated the band is fully vaccinated. I’m sure others are as well, along with the crew and the other bands but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to not have safety guidelines in place. Remember, that there is still a question as to whether or not someone who has been vaccinated can harbor the virus and pass it on even though they are unlikely to become ill themselves. It seems that vaccines DO provide good protection against infecting others and becoming ill but none of the vaccinates are 100% effective. The band will be traveling all over the country meeting lots of people each night, therefore obviously precautions are going to be taken to reduce the risk for everyone.
What if I’m vaccinated? That’s wonderful! I would strongly encourage everyone to get their vaccines, especially before attending a concert. Because there’s no way to really check vaccination statuses (unfortunately fake vaccine cards are way too common and easy to make) the rules have to be made with the assumption that some people there WILL be unvaccinated. Theoretically, yes, it would be safe for a vaccinated person to be without a mask on with the band if they are also all vaccinated. Since again, that can’t be guaranteed (and because that would involve different treatment for different people) the best option is to just have rules that EVERYONE will have to follow. There are also variations in the vaccine's effectiveness. Pfizer/Moderna are both 90%+ effective while J&J (one-shot) is about 65-70%.
Hugs? These aren’t allowed at BVB M&Gs anyways, even before COVID. Their websites specifically states hugs will NOT be allowed. Please respect this rule.
Gifts? Andy’s dad (Chris Biersack) spoke about this on Twitter yesterday in response to some fan questions. He says he would discourage fans from bringing gifts. I know a lot of people like to bring them gifts but the best thing you can do is come to the show and sing along and show your love for the band by supporting them. Physical gifts can wait for now, and I think everyone should respect that. Besides, space is limited on tour anyways and when you think about how many people bring them gifts each night, logistically that is hard to accommodate. I do not see anything specifically about gifts on their website so that may be something you would want to email the VIP company about or ask in the BVB Facebook group if you're dead set on bringing something. However, the website DOES state that no "personal autographs" will be permitted, only the poster they are providing.
Photos? The rules on their website state that photos will be taken with 3 feet distance between the fan and the band. Fans may take their masks OFF for the photo, but masks will be required for the M&G and while in line for it (but you get a cool BVB mask!!!!). I know people are upset over this one too but think of all the cool ways you could do this photo. You can stand in front with the band behind you and strike a pose with yourself as the centerpiece! Three feet isn’t that far either, and honestly, that’s about how much room you’d give someone for personal space anyways.
It's so expensive!!: It's the same price as their M&Gs always have been. Yes, $100 is a lot of money for most people but it's the norm for band M&Gs. I am okay with paying that price even with the COVID restrictions because I want to be able to support the band. They haven't been able to tour in over a year and I'm sure that has cost them a lot of revenue. So I have no problem paying to see my favorite band.
Read the rules BEFORE buying tickets for the M&G or show. Call the venue to ask for specifics if you want to or check their websites. Make sure you’re okay with the rules and if you purchase a M&G then follow all rules regarding safety and distancing.
Wear a mask/the one they give you during your M&G, please respect your health and the band’s.
While vaccinated individuals according to the CDC are at lower risk while attending concerts, unvaccinated people are still at a high risk of contracting COVID. It’s a very good idea to make sure you are TWO WEEKS out from your LAST shot before your concert date.
Monitor yourself for symptoms, and if you are at ALL feeling sick, coughing, have a fever, vomiting, etc. do NOT come to the show. Missing the show sucks, but you don’t want to run the risk of infecting others.
Personally, I plan to wear my mask while inside the venue even though I am fully vaccinated. If the venue is not requiring masks to be worn inside it is up to individuals to choose to or not but I know I will feel safer with a mask on.
Give people space while in the crowd. Now isn’t the time to be right on top of someone trying to push to the front. Please respect everyone’s personal space and remember that there may be people who are at an increased risk of severe COVID infection present.
If you are in a “high risk” group, talk to your doctor about whether or not it is safe for you to attend an indoor concert.
If you are bringing your vaccination card, get it laminated first or take a photo of it and keep it on your phone. They’re paper and you wouldn’t want it to fall apart because it got wet.
Bring extra disposable masks in case yours gets wet, dirty, or something happens to it.
Wash your hands!!!!!!!!
Don’t share water/drinks/food. I know “pass the water bottle” is popular at shows but let’s skip that for now.
I think it’s important that people keep perspective on this. The world just shut down for over a year and NO concerts took place. The fact that concerts will happen this year at all is a miracle. COVID is a fluid situation and there is no guarantee that things will be better or worse when the tour starts this Fall. This is a virus that has killed millions of people worldwide and hundreds of thousands in the United States. It’s not to be taken lightly, there are serious long-term consequences for some who get COVID. Guidelines are in place for a reason and the band, venues, and management should NOT be criticized for keeping everyone safe. If you don’t like the rules then don’t buy VIP tickets or don’t go to the show, it’s that simple. Following the rules and listening to guidelines is incredibly important. Doing everything you can to ensure your safety, other fan’s safety and the band/crew’s safety should be a top priority. One day there will be “normal” concerts and M&Gs again but for now, we have to still be mindful.
Respect the rules
Respect the health and safety of yourself and others
Have fun and celebrate live music again!
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synnefo-nefeli · 3 years
The Fun Author Ask Thing, could you share a WIP of Heard Your Heart Beating with us?
Alrighty kiddos, buckle up for the setup for the most self indulgent plot-point I am ever going to write. Please keep in mind, this is still very, very, very rough
//Come fix your prosecutor// read Athena’s text. Apollo groaned wondering what Klavier could have done in the hour Klavier had spent at the WAA.
He adjusted his tie in the mirror of his locker, checked to make sure that he no longer looked sweaty from his ride over from court, and shoved his cycling outfit into his locker along with his helmet.
He could hear laughing on the other side of the office’s front door so that was a good sign, he hoped, as he swiped his keycard into the lock.
“Herr Forehead has finally arrived from his battle with the courts!” Klavier beamed at him with his the typical smile that Apollo was now coming to call “on-stage-mode”. Klavier was sitting on the sofa next to Athena, coffee cups and tea biscuits between them on the table. He could hear Mr. Wright bustling in the office kitchenette.
“I am back. I survived Blackquill-“
“Oh is that why you biked over here? Simon didn’t offer to drive you?” Athena laughed, “how mean. He needs to learn to leave it in the courtroom.”
Apollo rolled his eyes, “Probably, but I am sure it has more to do with him needing to go down to the precinct and yell at the poor detective who sent him into court with an outdated autopsy report.”
Mr. Wright arrived from the kitchen, fresh pot of coffee in hand, “Wow. A defense attorney having an updated report instead of the prosecution? Never thought I’d see the day...”
Apollo flopped on the couch opposite Athena and Klavier, “Hey. Miracles do happen...and considering all out our court wins, we shouldn’t be too surprised that they exist.”
“Here. Here.” Klavier said amiably into his coffee.
“So... what’s this about me needing to fix ‘my prosecutor’?”
Klavier made an amused expression, “Ah, is that what I am called? Well I am honored to be Herr Justice’s”
Athena rolled her eyes, “Oh stop with the charm-“ she looked at Apollo, “he doesn’t want you to know that he’s never been to the Tragic Kingdom”
Apollo stared at Klavier, “Seriously?” Athena elbowed Klavier playfully, “Told you he would react like that”
Klavier sighed, “Is it really that big of a deal? Not going to a children’s amuse-“
“HOLD IT!” Apollo didn’t care that everyone about him flinched (“Indoor voice, Polly, jeeze”, Mr. Wright muttered”), “Disneyland is for everyone,” Apollo breathed, “you seriously haven’t gone? Ever? I mean...it’s only in Anaheim. That’s less than an hour without traffic from here-“
Mr. Wright handed Apollo a cup of coffee, “It’s been a while since ‘Mr. Disney Adult’’s shown his face at the office.”
“You say that as if you don’t have an annual pass too, Mr. Wright.”
Klavier appeared lost in the conversation; it was refreshing to see Mr. Tall, Blonde and Unflappable looking out of his depth, “Is it really a big deal that I haven’t?”
“Mm...not so much,” Mr. Wright said before Apollo could object, “well it wouldn’t be a big deal if you were hanging out with someone else, but I mean considering that you two have been spending a lot of time outside of court together, I think it’s more shocking that Apollo *hasn’t* dragged you down there already.
“You act like I go there all the time-“
“Says the person who has scheduled himself to come in late on days where there are morning annual passholder events,” Athena mused, “or how about the time you, Clay and Tracy, just decided to go to Disneyland after work because you wanted corndogs for dinner”
Across from him Klavier made a face, as if silently saying “Corndogs for dinner? Really? What are you five?”.
Apollo met ‘his prosecutor’s’ eyes, “Those corndogs are legendary, and the only ones I’ll eat.”
“He has a point there,” agreed Mr. Wright, “so I guess the big question is- how long before Klavier gets pulled into driving Apollo down to Anaheim?”
Klavier looked around the room at all of the other attorneys as if expecting for someone to tell him suddenly that this was all an act. Apollo meanwhile was mentally running through his calendar to figure out when he would have time to properly take Klavier to the park. There was so much to do at work-not to mention, he would have to prep Klavier for his first park visit.
“Do you like amusement parks?” Apollo asked Klavier. The blonde man simply shrugged, “I’ve only been to a few in my life. My family wasn’t really into things like theme parks; didn’t see the value in them as entertainment. And when I moved here, I just didn’t go-“
“Not even grad-night?” Athena asked, “Junie told me that’s what the student council is setting up for the seniors. It’s tradition. Heck, every high school in Southern California does a school trip there at least once.”
Klavier shrugged, “I graduated early, remember? I guess I could have gone to the ceremony with the class that was graduating that year, but I wanted to get meine badge so I went home as soon as I could to pass the bar in Germany.”
“There’s one in France!”
Klavier sighed, “If I asked meine family to do anything outside of museums and cultural experiences while we were in France, they would have left me at home.”
“Anyway,” Athena said, “If you’re going to hang with Polly, you’re going to have to go to the parks-“
Apollo felt his cheeks heat, “I mean if that’s not what you like to do for fun, you don’t have to-“
“Oh please,” Mr. Wright interrupted, “I can bet that you’ve been sitting here this entire time planning a trip for him.”
Apollo crossed his arms and sat back in defeat. Athena continued to regale Klavier with anecdotes of the WAA’s trips to the parks as well as Apollo’s impromptu visits, “Has he shown you his pin collection yet?” Athena said in a tone that was too close to the tone she liked to accuse him about his and Klavier’s relationship not being as platonic as Apollo let on.
//As if she doesn’t know the actual truth// Apollo grumbled, “Okay enough. Klavier already knows I am a nerd- he doesn’t need any more evidence about it”
“Ach you’re always cool, Herr Forehead,” Klavier smiled again in “on-stage mode”, which made Apollo decide to put Klavier in his place and show him what he was missing.
“When’s your birthday?” Apollo blurted.
Athena groaned, “Oh my god Apollo, haven’t you heard of Wikipedia?”
“I like that Herr Forehead doesn’t feel the need to research me, it makes a rock god like me feel practically human,” Klavier teased and then with an amiable grin, “May 23rd. However-I told you that on Valentines, don’t you remember?” He said at little too suggestively for Apollo’s comfort, “I’m hurt you don’t remember. Here I thought things that were shared during sleepovers were sacred,” he added a pout for good measure.
Out of the corner of his eye, Apollo saw Athena not-so-subtly pull out of her phone to text something, most certainly to Trucy. Great, he was not going to know peace from either of them for the foreseeable future. Although, Apollo appreciated that Athena had the grace to attempt to hide her grin. Whether or not Klavier was aware of what was happening next to him, Klavier only sipped at his coffee.
“So in three weeks. Great, guess what we’re doing to celebrate your 26th birthday,” Apollo announced.
“It’s on a workday.”
“Take off.”
“Don’t you have to work?” Klavier asked
Apollo turned to Mr. Wright, “Mr. Wright, may I have the 23rd off?”
“Of course. Just put it on the calendar.”
Apollo, having won the debate, smiled smugly at Klavier, “Get ready, we have a lot to do before then.”
Klavier looked genuinely confused, “Like what?!”
He was about to ask what Klavier’s favorite Disney movie was, but then Athena’s phone buzzed, “Simon’s here- he needs help bringing up the food...and Trucy says she wants to also go to Disneyland for Klavier’s birthday, I think that’s a good idea; what do you think, boss?,” she asked as she practically skipped out of the office.
Before Apollo could say anything about Athena or Trucy inviting themselves, Mr. Wright smiled and said, “You know what- unless something pressing comes up and Trucy doesn’t have any projects or tests at school, I think the agency needs a mental health day. Maybe Miles and Simon need one too,” he remarked walking towards his office to, Apollo imagined, call his fiancé.
Apollo would have enjoyed Klavier’s genuinely flummoxed expression, except that he remembered how Klavier, despite his celebrity status, didn’t like to draw attention too himself unless it was in court or on stage- and especially not in public. It was the reason Klavier hadn’t shown up to Clay’s funeral after all. He looked at Klavier feeling guilty for putting his friend on the spot,
“Sorry, if you don’t want to- we don’t have to-“
“Nein, nein,” Klavier said with his genuine smile, “you all are so passionate about it, now I have to experience it”
“Are you sure? I didn’t even ask if that’s how you wanted to spend your birthday-I just kinda got caught up in it.”
Klavier shrugged, “Honestly, considering that I usually spent the last few dragged to stuffy VIP lounges of clubs I didn’t care about with people who as it turned out, cared less about me- I think this may be a gut change of pace.”
Well that made him feel better...and a bit sad for Klavier, “I’ll make sure you have a good time and we won’t be overwhelmed. A lot of celebrities go to Disneyland, and they don’t get mobbed- people are pretty respectful of celebrities having their time in the parks.”
“You sound as if you are familiar.”
“Clay...worked there for a summer, celebrities would come all the time as park guests. And aside from maybe helping a celebrity escape a crowd, they don’t give anyone special treatment unless they’ve paid for a guided tour-“
“Oh- are we not doing that, Herr Forehead?”
Apollo snorted,“Hell no, you’re going to stand in line for Space Mountain like the rest of us plebes.” Also I’m not about to suggest we spend $800 an hour for a theme park tour...
Klavier’s laugh was enough to make Apollo feel better and better about commandeering Klavier’s birthday. He was going to look forward these next few weeks in getting Klavier ready for his first time at the park. The thought of movie nights made Apollo feel a bit warm inside. Warm in a way that he hadn’t felt since Klavier had comforted him during his own birthday.
The office door opened, Athena holding it open so that Simon could come through with the large box that contained their dinner. Apollo braced himself for any barbed words from Athena’s prosecutor, considering how the day’s court proceedings had gone. Instead Simon just incredulously regarded his co-worker with,
“You’ve seriously never been to Disneyland, Gavin-dono?”
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shittylongcatposts · 4 years
Can I request Jumin trying to catch the attention of an MC who has nothing in common with him but has things in common with the other members, thank you!
Hey, nonnie, first of all, I’m so sorry it took me so long, work started again last week and it’s just exhausting atm. I really hope you’ll enjoy this one, I ididn’t really know how to start at first and  din’t know if it really hits the topic you requested, but I tried!!n I just realized Jumin doesn’t really catch Mcs attention but he does try it i guess. 
Nothing in common
You hadn’t been in the RFA for a very long time now
After the first party you tried spending a lot of time with your new friends, trying to get to know them better and also to bond a little more with them. The only person who didn’t really have time was Jumin.
Well Jaehee didn’t have much time either but on some days you visited her during her lunch breaks
The both of you sitting at her desk, a tasty salad in front of you to munch down, and you giggled and gossiped about all kinds of things. 
Sometimes the dark haired man came out of the elevator and strided through the hallway, he looked cold and distant, while Jumin quickly disappeared into his office. 
you sighed, he did not even say hello to them.
Were you invisible to him?
What you didn’t see was Jumins soft smile whenever he waved you a small “hello”, he always did it, even when he was talking to an important business partner, wishing he could talk to you for just a little bit, but the duty of being a CEO called, work never ended for him :(
Seeing you playing LOLOL with Yoosung and Seven, going shopping with Jaehee and spending a diy spa day with Zen every now and then, but never really spending time with him, Jumin felt like you were avoiding him. 
What did he do wrong? Why weren’t you spending time with him?
Whenever he saw you in the messenger you were either about to log out or you were joking around with Seven and Yoosung, mocking Jumin, in a friendly way.
More and more it seemed to Jumin that you didn’t want to spend time with him. He couldn’t even tell if the both of you had something in common or not
What did you like? 
The others seemed to know you so well, but Jumin could never ask them without risking to tell them that he liked you. 
Another afternoon he checked the messenger to see that you were on a shopping tour with Jaehee again, asking for an outfit review. Both things looked great on you. 
But you just couldn’t decide for one.
 Jumin answered honestly, he even blushed a little bit, your cute smile on the pictures made his heart skip a beat. 
The choice you made went against his - of course, it always was like this, when he said outfit no. 1, you said no. 2. agreeing with zen again -hmph 
 You were so stubborn at times….
but it also made you… irresistible. 
That night you received a call from Jumin. 
he was drunk - no wait tipsy…
Now this was your chance to finally get to talk with him, without anyone noticing how nervous he made you. Your hand pressed the green button, your hands were shaking, hoping that you wouldn’t say something wrong you answered. 
“It’s me, Jumin, excuse me to be so cliche… but how was your day?”
“Quite good actually, I went shopping with Jaehee today, well you already know that, and we met Zen too.”
“Ahh, I’m glad you had fun today.” the young man fell into silence, trying to find his words again, but there was just nothing he could tell you. 
except that there were so many things he wanted to tell you, about his day, the meeting he had, the food he wished he could share with you the next time. 
but he couldn’t decide on a topic… Why was it so hard to talk to you? He could talk with any other person just perfectly fine. 
“Well, Jumin, how was your day?” You said, hesitantly trying to break the horrible silence. 
“Good, full of work as always, but I managed to lay my hands on a very special book today.”
“Really? What’s it about?”
You could hear him shily clearing his throat before he answered. “Ahem, It’s about witchcraft, and rituals”
“You got a thing for magic? I’d never expect that from a man like you.” 
“What does that mean? A man like me…? What kind of a man am I from your perspective then, MC?” his question sounded harsh, hopefully he didn’t take it personally. But something told you he did. 
“Uhm… I don’t know, but...  uh…”
“See, you don’t know me, Mc” he sighed at the other end of the line, letting out an exhausted scoff. “That’s the problem, right?”
the tone in his voice made you uncomfortable. With shaking you wrapped your arms around the pillow in front of you. That hurt, your heart sunk in, not in a good way though.
It felt heavy, nearly breaking under these sharp words.
With a shaking voice you tried to speak up for yourself 
“You’re right, but how should I get to know you, when you are working all the time? You are so cold and distant, when I visited Jaehee in the office, you could have said hello and enjoyed a cup of coffee with us. You know, maybe Zen was right about you - You really are cold, even to your friends. After all this time I’m still clueless when it comes to you. I don’t even know what you like or dislike. I just don’t think I have anything in common with you.”
Jumin sucked in the air through his teeth, making him nearly sound a hissing cat. But as soon as he started to talk his voice sounded disappointed
 “I said hello. You just didn’t hear it. You’ll have to excuse me for being unfriendly, I need.. time to warm up with the people around me. Can I make it up to you in any way? Only if you want to of course.”
The chuckle you heard caused a sting in your heart, you never heard that before, it was almost cute., making it hard to stay angry.  
This man knew exactly how to play his cards, you forgave him his harsh words instantly.
“Of course, I’d really like to get to know you better! Why don’t we start right now? You ask me something and then it’s my turn - but let me pour in a glass of wine first, it’s fairer when we both are tipsy”
“How do you know I’m tipsy?”
“You never called me this late before, so i just figured.” Even though he couldn’t see your shrug, you hoped he could feel it. 
The both of you talked for hours that night, finding out that there were quite a few things you both liked. Small things like enjoying a glass of wine, cuddling with a cat, listening to music, and supernatural stuff. 
The night went on and you started to hope it would never end. 
Your wine bottle did though, and you were getting drunk. 
As soon as the call ended you fell asleep, snoring loudly. 
You woke up the next day to a text message from Jumin
“Thank you for last evening. I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight! I’ll be there at 7pm and make sure to bring some popcorn too.”
Tonight?! Oh right, you invited him over for a supernatural night. 
You quickly rose to your feet, feeling giddy with excitement. Finally you were able to spend time with Jumin alone.
The smile on your lips grew wider when you puzzled the rest of the call together. 
Seeing Jumin being kind and caring, but also curious and funny made you curious as well. Curious for the man behind all the walls he built up throughout the years.
How many sides were there to discover? How would he treat you in the future?
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phantom-sunset · 3 years
Thank yo so much to @screwunsaidemily​ for putting this gift exchange together.
This one is for @penguin-writes-books and is inspired by the above song
Titled: Polaroid
Rated: T
Ship: Willex
Alex has been distant recently, It wasn’t anything they had done. It was his family. His parents, to be more specific. He had finally come out to them and well...it didn’t go well. They’d stopped speaking to him completely and when he was home, pretended he wasn’t even there. His mother looked through him and his father never stayed in the same room if he was there. Alex could feel it was only a matter of time until they kicked him out completely.
Julie hadn’t joined in the anxiety party Luke and Reggie were throwing for Alex but instead patiently waited. She had an idea, she always knew when one of her boys wasn’t okay. She never pushed though, and instead waited for them to be ready to come to her.
Ray was waiting as well. Both he and Julie, and maybe Carlos too, had an idea of what was going on. Ray had already gotten their second guest room ready for Alex, for when he was ready to open up to them. When he was ready to live his life completely out in the open. Ray had hung a rainbow flag off of the porch, just a little outward sign that Alex was safe and welcome in his home, that all of them were.
Reggie had come to move in with them when he had come over with cuts and bruises littering his body. That time Julie did not wait. She went to Ray and together they went to Reggie’s house, packed his things and brought him back to his new home. That was four years ago, when Reg was only thirteen.
Luke was a different story all together. When he began to get quiet and his energy seemed to diminish, they all noticed. Reggie and Alex had bothered him until he spilled everything. Julie had waited instead. She sat next to him quietly, worked on music to distract him. Held his hand when he cried on her shoulder. Played big spoon to his little when all he wanted was to feel loved and safe.
When Luke had finally let her in, she walked right up to his parents house the next day after school and refused to leave until they sat down and watched the entire video history of Julie and the Phantoms YouTube page. She sat there for hours until they admitted that their son was full of talent and that instead of forcing him into an engineering degree that would absolutely destroy his spirit, they should support his music major.
They had agreed when Julie sat quietly on their couch and simply stared at them expectantly without blinking. She might only be seventeen but she was scary when she needed to be, Rose had made sure of it. 
Alex really wants to stay home tonight. He’s not really in the mood to see anyone but none of his friends would allow it. He was pretty sure that the moment he came home today, his parents would kick him out. It was getting pretty blatant. If they didn’t do it, he was going to at least.
Julie hadn’t joined in the anxiety surrounding Alex like the boys had. Instead she convinced him that one night out wouldn’t kill him, adding on that if he got too anxious they’d leave straight away. 
Julie knew that Alex definitely wasn’t ok but she knew it was a matter of time before he spilled his soul to her. It’s just how they’d always been, since they were kids.
Carrie is having her annual Valentines Day party tonight. Flynn’s cousin is in town touring UCLA for the week. He’s planning on starting in September. He is super cute and extremely Alex’s type.
So Julie is planning a secret set up. Alex has no idea but she’d let Flynn, Reggie, and Luke in on the plan. She was still shocked no one had told him about it but counted it as a win. One fourth of her best friends deserved a distraction and boy was Willie the perfect one.
“Are you guys ready?” Julie said as she walked into the studio that had somehow unofficially become the boys home. Even though Ray had made sure they all had their own space in his house.
Reggie was pulling a bright red shirt over his head, his black ripped jeans and combat boots already on, his leather jacket hanging lovingly over the back of a chair.
Luke was pulling on a white tee with “My Bloody Valentine” printed across it, a butcher knife dripping blood cut through the print. “Cute” she says to him as she takes in the shirt. She isn’t just talking about the shirt and he knows it but he smirks at her and winks. She rolls her eyes and turns to Alex.
He’s wearing a baby pink t-shirt and light colored blue jeans. His black and pink air maxes complete the look.
“No. But I doubt you’ll let me sit this one out.” Alex answers her question.
“You’re right. Let’s go, the Uber's here.” Julie puts her arm through his, pulls him towards Reggie where she loops her other arm and waits for Reggie to thread his arm through Luke’s. They skip down the driveway, Luke’s humming ‘We’re off to see the Wizard’ as they go.
When they pull up to Carrie’s it’s jam packed. Parents dropping their kids off, Uber’s dropping off their riders, and a lone skateboarder, weaving between bodies like he’s made of air. Julie smiles because she’d recognize that long brown hair anywhere. The guy hasn’t cut his hair since elementary school.
As they walk in, there’s staff dressed in red and white handing out brand new polaroid cameras to each guest as they come in. “To save the memories being made here.” He says to them. 
“Obnoxious, isn’t it? All that money and we get outdated cameras” Flynn says from Alex’s side. He jumps up, startled at her sudden appearance.
“Fucking hell, Flynn. Stop doing that!” Alex hisses. 
“Why? It’s so much more fun when you react like that.” She answers. Julie, Luke and Reggie snicker from behind him.
“Anyway. This is my cousin Willie. Willie This is Luke, Reggie, and Alex. You already know Julie.” She says, pointing them out individually.
“Nice to meet you.” Luke says as he holds his hand out. Reggie echoes him and Julie smiles and goes in for a hug.
Alex hasn’t moved yet. He’s just standing there, eyes wide and cheeks flushed as he takes in Willie. He’s cute as hell and taller than Alex which was saying something. His cheekbones reach for the sky, and a jawline that should be illegal. He’s smiling at Alex, holding out his hand to shake and oh god, this was embarrassing. How long has he been waiting for Alex to move? How long has Alex been staring at him like a deer in headlights?
“The malfunctioning one is Alex. Give him a minute, he’ll be right with you.” Reggie said as he tears open his Poloroid camera. He turns to Luke who has his arm around Julie and is busy whispering her ear and snaps a picture.
“Shut up, Reg.” Alex clears his throat and offers up his hand, finally. He’s willing the blush on his cheeks to retreat, it doesn’t.
“So, I’m thirsty. Let’s go get some drinks?” Flynn says, grabbing Reggie’s hand and pulling him. He grabs on to Luke’s shirt who grabs onto Julie’s arm and their little chain disappears into the crowd at the speed of light.
“So, they’re not nearly as sneaky as they think they are.” Willie says. A wide smile stretching over his face. 
God, he’s teeth are so nice. White and straight. He probably never even needed braces. Alex shakes his head to clear his thoughts and realises Willie is speaking to him.
“Huh?” God, he probably sounds like an idiot. Way to make an impression.
“Your friends, my cousin. They’re setting us up.” Alex chokes on his own spit. Were they?
He turns towards the bar where his friends are standing. All four of them are watching him and he narrows his eyes. Reggie salutes him. Luke gives him a bouncy thumbs up. Julie and Flynn are batting their eyes and drawing little hearts in the air in front of them, their lips puckered in exaggerated kisses.
Alex rolls his eyes and turns back to Willie who had followed his line of sight and promptly burst out laughing.
“Wanna head outside? It’s super noisy in here and something tells me they won’t come back until we’ve gotten to know each other properly.” Willie suggests and Alex nods his agreement.
They end up spending an hour together. Alex lets Willie go first and everything he learns makes him like Willie more. He’s about to start college, UCLA is his first choice and he’s already been accepted. He’s going to be moving in with his uncle Robert (Flynn’s dad). The tour was an excuse to come to LA in order to see his family.
He’s from San Francisco, and is majoring in art. He’s sold his work in different galleries since he was fifteen. His mom calls him a prodigy but he just thinks he sees the beauty in things others don’t. He paints, sculpts, and does photography mostly but otherwise dabbles in everything.
Alex tells him about himself. He’s in a band. All four of them have also applied to UCLA for music majors. They’re going on tour over the summer, down the pacific coast. He tells Willie about the time Reggie and Luke convinced him to eat engine hotdogs and they all ended up in the hospital with food poisoning. Willie found that story hysterical.
It’s as Willie searches up the Julie and the Phantoms YouTube page to watch clips of their performances that he notices something and interrupts Alex’s story about how annoying Julie and Luke are in their mutual stupidity when it comes to their feelings for each other.
“Hey, do you mind if I take a picture of you?” Willie asks as he pulls the camera up to his eye.
“Only if I can take one of you.” Alex answers. It came out faster than his brain could process. Braver and flirtier than he intended but he let the question hang.
“Sure, hotdog! As many as you want.” He winks and smiles at Alex and snaps the picture. 
The little rectangle comes out of the side of the camera and Willie is shaking it and still smiling at Alex as he snaps his picture. They're both shaking the film to let it develop and laughing at the thought of people only ever having to do this for their pictures.
“God, how did people survive in the 90s?” Willie asks.
“Right? Like they had to carry around separate things for everything. Music, cameras, phones, planners. The bags must have been huge!” Alex answers and they laugh again.
Willie reaches into his pocket and pulls out a sharpie, he grabs the picture of him from Alex’s hand and writes something on the white border. When he hands it back, Alex’s face turns red yet again.
                                        Willie C. - 2.14.2021 🖤
Alex decides to do the same and grabs his own picture from Willie's hand, writing his own down too before handing it back.
                                        Alex M. - 2.14.2021 🖤
They end up staying outside and completely missing Dirty Candi’s performance along with the rest of the party. Neither one is sure exactly how long it's been but Willie’s phone chimes and he looks down at it, startled.
“It’s Flynn. Wow, it’s midnight already? Looks like we gotta go. This was perfect, thanks for hanging out with me all night.” Willie says and Alex smiles at him.
“Yeah, I had a great time.” Alex answers as they both stand up. Willie turns to walk away but only makes it a few steps before he turns back to Alex.
“Can I kiss you?” Willie asks when he’s in front of Alex again. Alex freezes in response. He can’t do anything but nod because Fuck, he’s wanted to kiss him all night.
Willie laughs softly and puts both of his hands on Alex’s face and pulls him forward. It’s soft and sweet. Willie’s lips feel like cashmere and he smells like pine trees and coconut. The scent makes Alex light headed but he refuses to pull away until Willie makes the move to. Unfortunately it’s way too soon when he does.
“Thanks.” Willie turns and starts walking away again, leaving Alex to try and stop his brain leaking out of his ears since it’s now turned to mush.
“Wait! Can I have your number?” Alex shouts to him as he leaves. Willie turns, walking backwards as he shakes his head. The wide smile is still plastered on his face.
“Nah. It’s more fun this way, hotdog.” Willie answers, holding up the picture he’d taken of Alex. 
“I hate that name! It’s how I almost died!” Alex shouts to him. Willie’s loud laugh lingers in the air around Alex long after he’s gone.
“Well well well, if it isn’t Alex C. Mercer. The boy who hasn’t been seen all night.” Reggie says as he throws himself down in the lounger next to him.
“Well, as setups go, I’d call this one a success.” Luke says from his other side.
“I definitely saw some flirting there.” Julie says as she sits down between Luke’s legs.
“How would you know? It’s not like either of you knows what flirting is.” Alex smirks at the two of them. 
Reggie’s snickers come from behind Alex and makes it difficult to keep a straight face. Luke rolls his eyes and leans his head back, pulling Julie back with him so that her back rests against his chest. Julie punches Alex in the shoulder and sticks her tongue out at him.
It’s a week before classes start at UCLA and Julie, Luke Alex, and Reggie are enjoying being back. In their own homes, in their own beds (Alex’s happens to be at Julie’s house now). They decide to go to the beach and invite Flynn along. 
Alex hasn’t mentioned Willie since valentines day and no ones brought it up. After all, he’s six hours away and had never given Alex his phone number. Sure, Alex had gone full FBI and found his Instagram page but it was private and Alex had never worked up the nerve to request him.
He thinks about him a lot though. Looks at the picture in his wallet more than he’d ever admit. He doesn’t have to come out and say it to anyone though because they’ve all caught him with it. Julie just smiled sweetly and left it alone. Unfortunately, Luke and Reggie are assholes so they bring it up all the time.
So here they are, spread out on the beach and Alex is getting thirsty. They’ve been here for a few hours and whatever supplies they’ve brought have been depleted.
“Hey, I’m gonna go grab some drinks. If you freeloaders want anything you’re going to have to come with.” Alex says as he stands up and slips his flip flops on.
“Rude.” Reggie says and stands up to go with him. Julie goes too and the three of them make it to the cement. Luke stays behind with Flynn to discuss album art concepts.
They stop to make sure someone actually had the money and when Reggie pulls out a soggy twenty that he had accidentally went swimming with, Julie laughs at him. Alex pulls out his own thankfully dry wallet.
“Watch out!” The voice comes from behind Alex but he doesn’t have time to move out of the way before something solid and strong slams into his back sending him sprawling face first into the sand.
“What the fuck?!” He yells as he spits sand out of his mouth and brushes it off of his body where it stuck painfully.
“Oh man, You dinged my board.” The voice comes from behind him again and he turns, fury burning in his veins.
“I dinged your board? You almost killed me!” Alex yells back. He doesn’t look up, examining his skinned knee.
“Yeah, I did pancake you, huh?” he’s laughing now and Alex stands up to give this guy a piece of his mind but his thoughts are cut off abruptly.
He can see Julie and Reggie out of the corner of his eye, smiling widely and snickering to each other. God, he hates them so much.
“Hotdog! Wow, long time.” He says. Alex’s brain has shut off though because wow he looks better than he did on valentines day.
His skin is sunkissed, his hair lightened by the sun, and he’s wearing a crop top that shows off his toned stomach. Alex traces the V as it disappears under his waistband. Someone pinches his elbow and he snaps out of it. Thank you, Julie. 
“Willie, hi! How have you been?” When had his voice gotten so squeaky?
“I’ve been good! Starting school next week. Just finished moving in yesterday. How about you?” He answers. Julie and Reggie have walked away to the beach bar.
“Just got back from touring last night. Now we’re here. Relaxing before school starts.” Alex waves his hand out, encompassing the beach and the general area where Flynn and Luke are bent over her phone.
“You know, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since that party. Kind of the best kiss I’ve had.” Willie chuckles and bumps his shoulder against Alex’s.
“Tell me about it.” Alex pulls his wallet out as he speaks. Pulling out the picture from his wallet and showing it to Willie.
“No way!” That smile that Alex hasn’t stopped staring at is back as he pulls out his own wallet and shows Alex the picture. The ink is faded, as if he’d been running his fingers over the signed name. The corners are crinkled and Alex beams because his looks just as well loved.
“Wanna join us?” Alex asks and Willie nods and smiles in response.
“Hell yeah!” He takes off his helmet and picks up his skateboard, following Alex back to their spot. The thirst that had been drying his throat moments before is completely forgotten when Willie laces his fingers with Alex’s.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Best Friend | Daniel Seavey
Warnings? None? I don’t think it’s that good I’m sorry!
Requested! Yup! I hope you like it :)
Summary: You and Daniel have been best friends for years via your younger brother Zach. Who knew feelings would slip out over your normal diner run? 
Word Count: 1,404
“Will you stand still?” your mom asks as you pace to look around the baggage claim for the millionth time. 
“I can’t I’m too excited.” 
Today, your brother and best friend were finally coming back from tour after 3 long months on the road. Your little brother Zach had left with his bandmates, Corbyn, Jack, Jonah, and your best friend Daniel for their band’s fourth tour and you were home for school waiting for them to come back. 
“They’ll be here soon just calm down,” she insists and you roll your eyes. 
Just as you’re doing another look around for the boys, a group catches your eye and you see them finally coming down the escalator. Jack and Jonah first, deep in a conversation about god knows what, then Corbyn who’s scrolling mindlessly on his phone, your brother Zach who’s sleepy eyes are accompanied with beats covering his ears, and then Daniel. 
Before your mom can tell you no, your bounding over to the group of boys as they head towards you, and when Daniel spots you his face lights up. He drops whatever he’s holding, expecting you to fall into him and you do. You run straight into his arms, legs wrapping tightly around his waist as he catches you as if you’re air and your arms wrap tightly around his shoulders. 
“Daniel!!” you practically screech into his ear and his warm laugh fills your ears the one you’ve missed greatly. 
You pull back from him slightly and a grin so wide it’s nearly breaking stretches across his lips and you’re certain you’re reflecting it. Before Daniel can say anything, your brothers voice cuts in making you roll your eyes. 
“Am I nothing to you?” he asks sarcastically. 
You break from Daniel’s hold to walk over to your brother where you wrap an arm around his shoulder and pinch at his cheeks in which he swats your hand away. 
“I’ve missed you too Zach darling,” you joke. He rolls his eyes and you two hug before pulling away. 
You greet the rest of the band with hugs and catching up remarks before returning to Daniels side where he slips an arm around your shoulders comfortably and you lean into the embrace. Your stomach swirls with butterflies as Daniel smiles at you before leading you towards the exit and home. 
You and Daniel had been friends for a little over 3 years now ever since you met him through your younger brother Zach. While it took a while for you two to start talking and hanging out, you were best friends right from the start when you did. You shared a love and passion for music and bonded over creating it. 
You two were constantly over each other’s houses, popping in randomly just to head up to the other room, flop down on their bed to scroll on your phone for 20 minutes before finally saying something to each other. Which was usually along the lines of “wanna get food?” or “bitch I’m bored.” It was simple and fun always. 
“Are you sleeping over tonight?” You ask Daniel as you and the rest of the guys along with your family climb into your mom’s car. 
“I’m down,” he says and Zach rolls his eyes. 
“Come on. We just get home and I can’t even catch up with my sister?” He whines and you smile. 
Two years apart and you and Zach were inseparable your entire lives. You were like those twins whose personalities were based on each other in school. You always hung out, had the same friend group, and took the same extracurriculars. It got to the point when you got to your freshman year and Zach was still in 7th grade your parents wondered if you’d two survive without each other. 
“Oh don’t be so dramatic,” you joke and Zach sighs but smiles regardless. 
Your mom ends up dropping the boys off at their houses before taking you, Zach, and Daniel back home much to Zach’s dismay. Once home, Zach heads upstairs to drop his bags in his room and Daniel does the same in your room. 
Once you’re all settled, you head back downstairs for dinner. Your family and Daniel sit together and trade stories back and forth, mostly the boys entertaining you with tour stories for the entire time. By the end of the night, Reese is asleep, Ryan is upstairs doing homework, Zach is asleep in his room, and you and Daniel are relaxing in yours. 
“What was it like?” you ask, throwing your phone down and turning to face Daniel. “Being in a different state every day and playing shows every night?” 
“It’s like you’re on a roller coaster, and your stomach is doing drops but you're screaming your head off cause it’s so much fun,” he says and you nod trying to understand. “You’re still nervous every show but after that initial drop, you’re having the time of your life.” 
You stare at your best friend in awe, proud of the achievements he’s accomplished, and can’t help but wish you were there to see some of the shows. You loved watching Daniel perform and could almost see the rush he got from it. You loved his passion. You loved him. 
So it wasn’t a total secret (well it was to Daniel) that you had a massive crush on him since you two became friends. It stemmed out of late nights making music, car rides, and dinner dates. Everything was fun with him and you fell slowly before it smacked you in the face one day. Your brother thought it was cute, but of course was annoyed you still hadn't told the blue-eyed beauty how you felt. 
What was secret to you also, was that Daniel had liked you ever since he saw you. He loved your style, your personality, your smile, your laugh, he loved it all. But he never had the guts to tell you how he felt. Even if he never did, he decided being your best friend would be enough. 
You both fell asleep, relaxed in each other's presence, and happy that Daniel was finally home. 
The next day, you and Daniel wake up slowly checking your phone notifications before speaking to each other. It's how you always operated at sleepovers. Phone for a bit, then words that are usually about food are exchanged. 
"Wanna get food?" you ask and Daniel nods. 
You both get dressed and ready before heading out in your car to the closest diner. As you drive, Daniel skips through your music and whines about your musicals. 
"Hey, Mamma Mia is good leave me alone."
“It’s show tunes, no one listens to it,” he jokes and you roll your eyes before shoving his head lightly causing a laugh to erupt from the fake blonde. 
When you get to the diner, you’re seated immediately and you take one look at the menu before closing it again. 
“Bacon egg and cheese and home fries?” Daniel asks and you smile. You and Daniel always ordered the exact same thing as each other whenever you went to restaurants and even if you didn’t, you still knew each other’s orders by heart. 
As you eat, you catch up more, the little stories that you’ve missed over the past few months and you can’t help but smile at each story. You adored having Daniel back and spending time together again. 
“You didn’t say that to a customer,” he says laughing loudly so that other people in the restaurant start to stare. 
“Hell yes, I did. I’m over this job,” you respond laughing just as loud and Daniels smile sends your heart soaring. 
“God I love that,” he says shaking his head. “I’m in love with you.” 
The moment the words leave his lips, you both lock eyes, and your expression turn serious. There’s a glint in his eyes though, one that tells you before you can even ask that he’s for real. 
“For like our entire friendship,” he continues and your smile widens so much it’s cracking. 
“Oh thank god. Cause I was gonna say it back and I didn’t want anything to be awkward when you said ‘in a friend way,” 
“Shut up.” 
He takes your hand in his, giggling softly and your smiles reflect widely. He leans over and pecks your cheek and your certain your heart is practically bursting for everyone to see. 
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xbladekitkat85 · 4 years
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Where’s Morgan?  An Irondad Oneshot
To say that everyone was excited to go to Disneyland was an understatement. It was a very big understatement.
Tony had planned every detail of the trip, making sure that they had bought the right amount of the correct passes to get everyone in and the hotels reservation, and rental car.
When he had finalized the plans, he gathered everyone in the living room.
"Ok, what is this about?" Harley asked suspiciously. "Is this a set up to a prank?"
Tony gasped in indignation.
"Why would you ever say that? Would I really do that to you?"
"You've been acting weird." Peter pointed out. "You keep on minimizing the internet tabs every time we would enter your lab."
"That doesn't mean anything. I could be trying to find you all your Christmas presents early." Tony replied immediately.
"But since when do you shop for us on the Disneyland website?" Morgan asked slyly.
Then there was a moment of silence.
"WAIT, WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND?!" The boys asked in disbelief.
Tony let out a laugh that only showed itself with his family.
"That's right. Oh, and I also invited Shuri because last time she was here in the states, she didn't get to go."
All of the kids smiled at each other in excitement.
"The fact that Shuri is coming too is amazing dad!" Harley said.
"This is going to be so fun. Oh I've been wanting to go to Batuu so bad!" Peter gushed.
"Make sure to buy me some shoes with inserts so I'm tall enough for all the rides, dad." Morgan said.
"Wait, when are we going?" Harley asked suddenly.
"Tomorrow. Mom already made a packing list of all the essential items we need to pack." Tony said with a thankful smile to Pepper. "You should be receiving the lists any second now."
Everyone's phones vibrated with the notification of a list. As soon as the kids felt it, they ran to their respective rooms to start packing.
*The next morning*
"All right, do we have everybody on the jet?" Tony asked.
Pepper looked around and thought for a moment.
"Okay, I'll give each of you a number and whenever we do a head count, when I say your number, wave or something. That way we know we're all here. Ok, Tony, you'll be 1, Rhodey, you'll be 2, Harley, 3, Shuri, 4, Peter, 5, and Morgan, you will be 6. Everybody got that?"
Everyone nodded.
"We'll try it a few times on the way so we can get the hang of it."
After a long flight, and a few practices of number counting, they arrived in Anaheim and made their way to Disney's Grand Californian Hotel and Spa. They checked in, unpacked ate dinner and went to bed early to get enough rest for the next day.
*7:00 the next morning*
"All right, everybody up!" Morgan sang as she jumped from bed to bed, effectively waking everyone in the room.
"My love language is quality time together, but not like this, Morguna." Tony groaned as he finally sat up.
Peter was the next to get up.
"Ok, we have to get dressed and get our phones ready to reserve our boarding groups for Rise of The Resistance! I already have the app ready to go!"
"Hold on kiddo, we need breakfast before we go. What do you all want?" Tony asked.
Everyone listed off what they wanted from the room service booklet and soon everyone had eaten and were ready to start the day at Disneyland.
"Ok, let's do our headcount before getting in line. to enter" Pepper called out.
Tony flashed a peace sign.
Rhodey waved.
Harley casually dabbed as he sneezed.
"FRE SHA VACA DO!" Shuri said gleefully, making Peter and Harley laugh.
"It is Wednesday my dudes." Peter began.
Then all the kids joined in, "uuuuuuuUUUUUUAAAAAHHHHHHH!"
"Kids, you can't do that kind of shit here." Tony interrupted. "Ok, six?"
"Watch yo profanity." Morgan said with a grin.
"We have taught her so well." Peter said, wiping away a fake tear.
"Well, we're all here, so lets go." Pepper said, beckoning everyone towards the gate.
As soon as the gates opened and everyone was inside, Peter reserved their boarding group for Rise of the Resistance.
"Sweet, we're boarding group 15, we can go on a couple of rides while we wait for our turn!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"All right, where do we find a map?" Pepper asked.
"We don't need one. I recruited someone to help us around the park." Tony said.
"Wait, who?" Harley asked.
"Well I did some research on who would be the best tour guide for our trip." Tony explained. "I had Fri do a background check before hiring her to help us. She's known for being a encyclopedia of knowledge on the parks and their history. She knows her stuff and was more than willing to help us. Also, she's the granddaughter of one of the original Imagineers, X Atencio, who did the script for the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean as well as the music that plays through both rides."
"So, a legacy of the Imagineers is going to show us around? How cool is that?" Peter asked.
"So when is she coming?" Shuri asked.
"I'm here already." A new voice said.
Everybody turned to look at the new person who had entered the group. It was a young woman who looked to be in her early twenties. She was dressed in the color scheme of Snow White's outfit but in the style of 1950's clothing. Her makeup was also reminiscent of the era of clothing she dressed in.
"Nice to meet you all in person!" She said with a smile. "The name's Sarah Atencio."
She shook everyone's hand and when she got to Morgan, she crouched down to her height so she was at eye level with the young girl.
"I like your outfit miss." Morgan said politely. "Is it supposed to look like Snow White?"
Sarah smiled at her question.
"It is indeed. The outfit I'm wearing is called a Disneybound. Do you know what that is?"
Morgan shook her head no, but still seemed to be interested in what it was.
"No, but it sounds cool." She replied.
"I can teach you all about it later while we wait in line. How does that sound?" She asked.
Morgan smiled shyly and nodded.
Sarah stood up straight and smoothed out her skirt.
"All right, let's get this trip started! Did anyone have a preference in where we go first?"
"Well, I know that Peter would be very interested to go to Batuu. I myself am curious to see what it looks like in person." Shuri piped up. "I also wanted to see the lightsabers they sell here and compare them to the ones I have at home."
"Are we all in agreement?" Sarah asked.
Everyone voiced their agreement or nodded their heads.
"All right, on to Batuu!" Sarah proclaimed.
*Time skip*
"Peter, since you wanted to go to Batuu, do you have your story planned out? Or are you going to improvise?" Sarah asked.
"I already have planned some aspects of my character but I'm still not sure about a couple of things. So I guess both?" He answered.
"Whoa, what do you mean, character? What story?" Harley asked.
Peter turned to look at Harley in disbelief.
"Do you not remember when we had this conversation?" He asked.
"No, why else would I ask?" Harley retorted.
"Ok, basically, Batuu is a trading post and a secret base for the Rebellion and the First Order is looking for them. Everybody who goes there has the possible chance of being stopped by Stormtroopers who are looking for Rebel spies. It's also possible to be stopped and interrogated by Kylo Ren. So if you wanted to be more immersed in the experience, you could come up with a backstory for why you are in Batuu and what side of the war you're on. As for my backstory, I'm a con artist born on Yavin-4 posing as a merchant looking for a place to trade my fake rare materials on the planet. I sell to the First Order and report to the Rebellion with what the First Order is interested in buying and how much of the item. But the thing is, my so called rare materials are so realistic looking, that they fool the First Order. What they are buying is useless and they won't know it until they try actually using it."
"That's more thought out than what I would come up with." Harley said. "I probably would have come up with some idiotic backstory like, 'Oh, I'm the secret child of Luke Skywalker and I have come to take down my cousin and his stupid army of bucket heads.' Something that wouldn't make sense."
"Well, I'll give you points for using SW slang." Peter remarked playfully.
"We're about to arrive at Rise of the Resistance since it is around the time your group should be called. Are we all here?"
"I'll check, we have a system." Pepper said. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five.... WHERE'S MORGAN?!"
Everyone in the group instantly looked around to see where she could have wandered off to.
"Oh no, Fri, please activate the 'Little Feetsies' protocol." Tony said tapping the side of his sun glasses.
"Activating 'Little Feetsies' protocol."She responded.
"Activating what now?" Harley asked.
Instantly, Tony could see the footprints of everyone in their group on the ground. The smallest pair of feet had diverted from the group way back towards the bazaar.
"Everyone follow me." Tony said.
"Is nobody else going to ask why there is a protocol with that name?" Harley asked as everyone else followed Tony.
Everyone in the group followed Tony as he walked the path of Morgan's shoe prints, making sure he didn't accidentally crash into a person in the process.
Eventually, Tony stopped and everyone saw why.
Morgan was standing with Kylo Ren and his Stormtroopers. And she was smiling as she talked with him.
"Well, I guess Morgan has connections to the First Order now." Shuri said, grinning at Peter, who looked slightly jealous. "How does your character feel after seeing a tiny 5 year old with the Supreme Leader wrapped around her little finger?"
Everyone laughed as they watched the duo, who seemed to be devising a way to end the Resistance once and for all.
"Ok, so that's a good way to help your troopers train and be better at ambushing the Resistance. And also try feeding them yummy food so they will be more hardworking. Give them something like, like.... Spaghetti! Or cheeseburgers!" Morgan told the tall and scary looking man.
"The First Order thanks you for your information and loyalty. You will be rewarded." One of the Stormtroopers told her.
"If only my military strategists had ideas as well thought out as yours." Kylo Ren said with interest. "How would you like to become my apprentice? Learn how to fight properly?"
Peter chose that moment to run to Morgan and scoop her up, making her squeal in surprise.
"AIIIIE, Peter, don't do that!" She giggled.
"I'm so sorry if she was bothering you Supreme Leader, she tends to run off and show off her intellect whenever she gets the chance to." Peter said with more confidence than he felt.
"I had hoped that she would become my apprentice. I could train her well, she would live a successful life as my right hand."
Peter laughed a bit nervously before replying.
"She's a bit too young right now. Maybe when she's at least 16 I would let her decide if she still wants to or not."
"How unfortunate. I insist you reconsider." The deep voice of Kylo Ren replied.
"I apologize Supreme Leader, but I must decline. Well, we have somewhere to be very soon, so I believe this is farewell for now."
Peter carried Morgan back to the rest of the group and Morgan waved goodbye to Kylo Ren.
“Morguna, why did you run off without telling us?” Tony asked the young girl.
“We were worried you might have gotten lost, honey.” Pepper added.
“I’m sorry mommy, Kylo Ren asked me to be his right hand!" Morgan said, right off the bat.
Pepper's facial expression was a mix of horrified amusement and Tony was trying very hard not to laugh. Shuri and Harley looked very proud of Morgan for charming Kylo Ren himself. Sarah was just laughing at the whole situation.
"And I told her no, because she is too young." Peter interjected "Besides, you are supposed to be with the Resistance Morgs, what happened to that?"
"She double crossed you is what happened."Harley replied "Betrayed her own brother, who is supposed to be a con artist."
Everyone burst out laughing at that comment and after it died down, they all went to Rise of the Resistance.
NOTE: This is my first fic on Tumblr, and I think I might do more? It depends on if I have time to write, hahaha! Also if you have seen this on Wattpad, don’t panic, this is the same person who has it on there, I am not stealing someone else’s work. I am taking my own writing and putting it on Tumblr. Also, I know that Disneyland is literally on the opposite side of the country for them, but for the sake of me never having gone to Disney World, I used Disneyland instead. Because I know nothing about the parks layout in Florida.
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