#also the lighting in this scene IS A MESS
seoltzuki · 20 hours
sana x fem reader
She’s a teacher and she flirts, you’re the librarian and you blush!
nayeon, mina, momo, tzuyu and chaeyoung are kids in this! jeongyeon is the integration aide, jihyo is the principal, dahyun is the nurse!
a/n: also! as a future librarian, i am begging you all to get a library card even if you know you won’t use it. It shows to the gov that people actually go and that the libraries aren’t just there for decoration. Keep the libraries alive! We need them!
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"Miss Sunshine! Miss Sunshine! How was your weekend? How are the baby bunnies in your backyard? Are they okay? Are they eating? Are they getting bigger?"
You smile at the excited little voice that bursts into the library. Without even looking up from the books you're shelving, you know it's Nayeon—and that Sana's class must be right behind her.
"Miss Sunshine!!"
The kids started calling you that all thanks to Sana, who can’t seem to stop flirting with you. She always calls you "Sunshine" whenever she sees you, whether it’s in the hallways, the teachers' lounge, or the library. It didn’t take long for the kids to catch on and make it their own, and now her entire class knows you by that name.
Sana’s playful grin from across the room never fails to make you blush, though you try your best to act unfazed. She leans casually against the doorframe, watching you, waiting for your reaction.
"Hey, Sunshine," she calls softly, just loud enough for you to hear but too quiet for anyone else to catch.
You shoot her a quick glance before going back to placing books on the shelves, doing your best to ignore her teasing.
“Miss Sunshineeeee, the bunnies!” Nayeon whines, huffing dramatically as her tiny hands reach up to tug at your shirt.
You can’t help but smile. Leaning down to her level, Nayeon’s face lights up, her two front teeth proudly on display, and her tongue slipping over the gap where she’s lost a canine. It’s a bit of a mess to look at, but she’s so full of joy that it’s endearing.
“They’re doing very well, Nayeon,” you say, grinning at her excitement. “The babies have opened their eyes!”
Nayeon squeals with delight, immediately running over to Momo and wrapping her in a tight hug before tugging at Mina’s arm. Giggling, she excitedly shares the good news about the baby bunnies with her friends.
You chuckle softly, watching the scene unfold. Momo yawns and sighs, her bangs so long they nearly cover her eyes, while Mina listens intently, smiling shyly and nodding as Nayeon chatters away. The contrast between them makes you grin—Momo, always a bit disheveled and sleepy, and Mina, ever so quiet and attentive.
As you shelve the last book, you notice Sana approaching with her signature confidence. She clears her throat, a playful smile on her lips.
“I was thinking,” she starts, leaning casually against the shelf, “how about we grab a quick coffee in the lounge?”
You roll your eyes, smiling despite yourself. “Sana, you have a class to take care of,” you remind her, glancing over at the group of students scattered around the library.
She leans in a little closer, her voice dropping to a soft murmur. “They’ll survive without me for a few minutes. Plus, I could use a little sunshine to brighten my day.”
You bite back a grin, trying not to give her the satisfaction. “You’ve got an entire class of kids depending on you, Sana,” you repeat, your voice light but firm.
She tilts her head, her eyes locking onto yours with a playful gleam. “Yeah, but none of them are as cute as you.”
You try to suppress a smile, knowing she’s pushing all the right buttons. “You’re going to get in trouble, Miss Minatozaki.”
She shrugs, unfazed. “What’s a little trouble when I get to be with you? We’ll keep the library door open, and I promise we’ll be quick. If anything comes up, I’ll be right back.”
This girl…
Sana’s face brightens, and she grabs your hand, pulling you toward the lounge. But just before you exit the library, she pauses and turns back to the group of kids still scattered around.
“Hey, everyone!” she calls out, her voice warm and bright. “I’m just stepping out for a quick coffee. You all behave while I’m gone, okay?”
A few kids look up, and Chaeyoung, with her braces gleaming, raises her hand. “Miss Minatozaki, can we come too?” Her lisp makes the question even more adorable.
She kneels down, her expression softening. “Oh, Chaeyoung, I’d love that! But I need you all to stay here for a few minutes.”
Chaeyoung pouts for a moment but then brightens. “Okay! But we’ll miss you!”
Sana smiles, her eyes shining with affection. “I’ll miss you too! Just make sure to help each other out while I’m gone, alright? If you all do a good job, I’ll have a surprise for you later!”
“What kind of surprise, Miss Minatozaki?” Many little voices all chime in together.
“Ah, that’s a secret! But if I come back and everything’s gone smoothly, I’ll share it with you,” she giggles, standing up and reaching for your hand again.
Their eyes widen in delight. “Okay! We’ll be super good!”
“I know you will! Just keep an eye on each other, alright? I’ll be back before you know it!”
With that, she leads you out of the library and into the hallway. The sounds of the school fade behind you as the two of you make your way to the staff lounge. It’s quiet when you arrive, the room empty, other than the faint sound of the coffee machine humming in the corner.
Sana moves to the counter with a practiced ease, immediately grabbing two cups. “Caramel macchiato for you, right?” she asks, so familiar.
You blink, surprised. “You know my order?”
She gives you a sideways smile, half-shy, half-playful. “You think I haven’t been paying attention?”
“I didn’t think you noticed the small stuff.”
“I notice everything,” she replies, her eyes flicking to yours before lingering just a little too long. There’s something different in her gaze. It’s soft, but with an intensity that makes you shift on your feet.
Sana steps a little closer, the warmth of her body just barely brushing yours. “You know,” she murmurs, her voice lower now, “you’re not as unreadable as you think.”
You blink, caught off guard by the sudden shift. “What do you mean?”
She tilts her head, a teasing smile curling her lips. “I mean, I’ve been watching you. The way you bite your lip when you’re trying to act all composed, the way your eyes flicker when you think I’m pushing a little too far.”
Your pulse quickens, and you can’t quite find the words to respond. Sana notices your hesitation, her grin widening. She takes another step, close enough now that the scent of her perfume—light and sweet—fills the air between you.
“And the way you’re looking at me right now,” she continues, her voice barely above a whisper, “like you’re trying so hard to keep that guard up.”
Your breath catches in your throat as her eyes trace your face, lingering on your lips for a fraction of a second. She leans in, her voice a soft, teasing purr. “You don’t have to pretend around me, you know.”
“I’m not pretending,” you manage to say, though it comes out weaker than you’d intended.
Sana raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Oh really? Then what’s stopping you?”
The fact that you flirt with everyone and I’m probably not that special to you.
You open your mouth to answer, but she’s already leaning closer, her breath ghosting against your skin as she speaks again. “You know, I could make it easier for you. If you’d just… let me.”
The room feels warmer. Her fingers brush against yours as she hands you your coffee, her touch lingering, her gaze never wavering from yours. The way she’s looking at you, like she’s daring you to say or do something, makes your heart race.
“I…” You trail off, unsure of how to respond, your mind racing to catch up with what’s happening.
Sana smirks, clearly enjoying your reaction. “See? You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
You’re about to respond—try to salvage what’s left of your composure—but the words are stuck in your throat. The way she’s looking at you, her proximity, the heat of the moment—it’s all too much. Just when you think you might actually combust from the tension between you, the door to the lounge bursts open.
Jihyo storms in, her face etched with frustration, dragging a pale-looking Tzuyu behind her. “Sana!” Jihyo’s voice is sharp, and it immediately cuts through the air between you two.
Both you and Sana jerk back, the flirty atmosphere shattered in an instant. Sana straightens up, blinking as if she’s just been snapped out of a trance. “Jihyo?” she stammers, clearly caught off guard.
“Where the hell were you?” Jihyo demands, her eyes flashing with anger. “Your class has been unsupervised for who knows how long! Tzuyu was sick, and no one was there to help her.”
Tzuyu, standing beside Jihyo, looks unsteady, her skin pale and clammy. She weakly lifts a hand to wave, her voice quivering. “I threw up…”
Sana’s face pales instantly, guilt flooding her features. She rushes forward, concern replacing the flirtatious edge she had moments ago. “Tzuyu, oh my god, are you okay?” She kneels down to Tzuyu’s level, eyes scanning her worriedly.
Tzuyu nods feebly but doesn’t look well. Jihyo crosses her arms, her expression still stormy. “Sana, you can’t just leave your class unsupervised! What if something worse had happened?”
Sana glances back at you, guilt written all over her face. Her confident, teasing demeanor is completely gone now, replaced by genuine worry. “I’m sorry, Jihyo. I—I didn’t think… I’ll take care of this right away.”
Without another word, she turns back to Tzuyu, gently guiding her towards the door. “Come on, let’s get you to the nurse.”
As they leave, Jihyo gives you a hard stare, her disappointment clear. “You too. This isn’t a playground. Don’t let her drag you into this next time.”
You nod, feeling a knot of guilt tighten in your chest as you watch them walk out, the lounge suddenly feeling a lot colder and emptier than before.
At the nurse’s office, Sana sits on the edge of the desk, watching as Dahyun checks Tzuyu’s temperature. Tzuyu, looking slightly better but still exhausted, is lying down, her eyes half-closed as she rests.
“Her fever’s gone down,” Dahyun says softly, smoothing the blanket over Tzuyu. “She just needs to sleep it off. Her parents will be there soon.”
Sana lets out a sigh of relief, running a hand through her hair. “Thanks, Dahyun. I should’ve been with her earlier…”
Dahyun looks over at her, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “Mmm, I heard you were… preoccupied.”
She shifts in her seat, trying to play it cool. “I—uh, yeah, I was just grabbing coffee with—”
Dahyun raises an eyebrow, cutting her off. “With her. Again.” She chuckles, clearly amused by the whole situation. “You really couldn’t wait until after work to flirt, huh?”
Sana feels the heat rush to her cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and defensiveness bubbling up. “It’s not like that! I just wanted to—”
“To what? Casually flirt during work hours like you do every single day?” Dahyun teases, crossing her arms as she leans against the counter. “Come on, Sana. If you really want her, you’re gonna have to step up your game. I mean, you’re smooth and all, but maybe she’s not picking up on it.”
Sana stares at her, confused. “What do you mean? I flirt with her all the time! How much clearer can I be? She has to know by now, right?”
Dahyun shakes her head, laughing softly. “Apparently not. If she knew, she’d probably have made a move by now too, don’t you think? Or maybe she’s just oblivious. Either way, you’re gonna have to do more than your usual teasing.”
Sana frowns, genuinely perplexed. “But I’m always complimenting her, giving her all my attention. How am I supposed to step it up?”
Dahyun giggles again, clearly enjoying this. “Maybe stop trying to make her flustered all the time and just be real with her. Ask her out for real. You know, something that’s not in the middle of a workday with your class waiting on you.”
Sana groans, leaning back in her chair. “But that’s my thing! The flirting, the teasing—it’s how I show I like her.”
Dahyun shrugs. “Yeah, well, maybe she doesn’t get it. You might need to try a different approach, or she’s just going to think you’re playing games forever.”
Sana bites her lip, mulling over Dahyun’s words. Could it really be that simple?
You sigh, kneeling beside the overturned pot, staring at the dirt and wilted leaves scattered on the floor. "We told Tzuyu to throw up in the plant like we’ve seen in the movies!" Chaeyoung’s lisped explanation echoes in your head, and you still can’t quite believe it. Momo, standing beside her, had nodded solemnly like they’d been performing some sort of public service. Who would’ve thought these kids would take movie scenes so literally?
The plant, unfortunately, looks beyond saving. You sigh again, preparing to toss it out when the soft creak of the library door catches your attention.
“Hey, Sunshine,” Sana’s voice calls gently from behind you.
You turn, finding her leaning in the doorway, her usual playful glint missing from her eyes, replaced by something more caring. There’s a tenderness in the way she approaches you, crossing the room to stand by your side.
“They really told her to throw up in the plant, huh?” she asks, crouching down beside you, her gaze landing on the poor mess.
You nod, letting out a weary chuckle. “Yup. Chaeyoung and Momo were the masterminds behind that one.”
Sana sighs softly, shaking her head in amusement. “Kids.” She reaches out to brush a bit of dirt off the pot, her fingers gentle as she surveys the damage. “Looks like we’re going to need a new plant.”
You give her a small smile. “Yeah, this one’s seen better days. I was just about to throw it out.”
Sana glances at you, her expression soft. “You don’t have to do all this alone, you know. It’s recess. I’ve got time to help clean up.”
You blink, a bit surprised by her offer. “Sana, it’s okay, really. You don’t need to—”
“I want to,” she interrupts. She kneels down next to you, grabbing a rag without hesitation. “Besides, you’ve had a day too. Let me help.”
There’s no teasing in her tone, no flirty banter like usual. Just sincerity. It takes you off guard, making you pause for a second longer than you’d like to admit. You’ve always known Sana as playful, but this side of her feels different—softer, more genuine.
“Well, if you insist,” you finally say. “We can clean up this mess together.”
She smiles, warm and gentle, and for the first time today, the chaos doesn’t feel so overwhelming.
Oh, Sana.
The staff room is filled with murmurs and the low rustle of papers as everyone takes their seats for the meeting. You sit quietly in the corner, mind still lingering on the events of the day. Sana sits a few chairs away, casually leaning back, though you notice her glancing in your direction now and then. You try not to think too much of it, though the air feels tense, like something big is about to drop.
Jihyo stands at the front, her usual composed self, though there’s an unmistakable tension in her expression. When she finally clears her throat, the room falls silent.
“Thank you all for coming,” she starts, her tone a little heavier than usual. “I wish I had better news, but I’ll get straight to the point. We’re going to be receiving significantly less funding this semester.”
The room goes silent for a beat before the groans start. You feel your stomach drop as whispers grow louder. Jeongyeon, sitting a few rows ahead, is visibly tense, her hands clenching at the edges of the table.
“This is fucking bullshit!” Jeongyeon suddenly shouts, standing up and slamming her hands on the table. “How are we supposed to do our jobs with less money? We barely have enough as it is!”
The room shifts uncomfortably at her outburst, but no one dares to disagree. You feel your heart sinking deeper, anxiety creeping up at the thought of how this will affect the library. Jihyo raises her hands, trying to calm everyone down.
“I know,” Jihyo says, her voice firm but empathetic. “I’m well aware of how difficult this will make things for all of us. But we’re going to have to make cuts. I’m reallocating some of the budget to other departments that are in more immediate need.”
Jeongyeon huffs, dropping back into her seat with a frustrated scowl, but Jihyo continues.
“And unfortunately,” she adds, pausing to look around the room, “the library’s budget is going to be completely cut. The funds will be redistributed to cover the gaps elsewhere.”
You freeze.
Completely cut?
It feels like the room closes in around you as the weight of the news settles in. You try to process the words, but they hit too hard, too fast. All you can think about are the kids—the ones who rely on the library for a quiet space, for books, for learning. The ones who look to you for help and guidance. How are you supposed to do your job with no funding?
You want to say something, to speak up, but the shock has stolen your voice. It’s unfair—not just to you, but to the kids. Your chest tightens, but all you can do is sit there, stunned into silence.
That’s when you hear Sana’s voice cut through the tension. “Wait, hold on a second.”
All eyes turn to her as she stands, her expression serious, but there’s a protectiveness in her tone. “Jihyo, you can’t just cut the library’s funding entirely. That’s going to hurt the students more than anything. They need the library—it’s not just a luxury; it’s essential.”
Jihyo meets her gaze, looking torn but resolute. “I understand that, Sana, but we don’t have the resources. Something has to give.”
Sana shakes her head, stepping forward. “I get that everyone’s under pressure, but cutting the library’s budget completely? That’s not the solution. You’re taking away a vital space for the students. You’ve seen how many kids depend on it every day. How is that fair to them? Or to—” she glances over at you, her eyes softening for a moment “—to the people who work hard to make sure they have that space?”
Your breath catches, realizing she’s speaking up for you, for the library, for the kids. There’s a quiet strength in the way she stands, not backing down.
Jihyo looks conflicted, her hands gripping the edges of the table as she exhales. "We don’t have many options right now, but I hear you, Sana. I’ll see if there’s anything we can do to minimize the cuts. But there will still be sacrifices."
Sana nods, her gaze steady. “I just don’t want the library to disappear because it’s too important. We can’t forget what it means to these kids.”
You glance at Sana, a wave of gratitude swelling in your chest. Even in the middle of the mess, she’s still looking out for you. It’s the first time you’ve felt a little bit of hope since Jihyo dropped the bombshell.
Jihyo gives a tired nod, signaling the end of the conversation for now. “We’ll revisit this later. Thank you, everyone.”
As the room slowly begins to clear, you sit there, still processing. Sana walks over to you, a soft, reassuring smile on her face.
“Don’t worry, Sunshine,” she says gently. “We’ll figure something out. I won’t let them forget how important you are to this school. Or the library.”
It was another bustling day in the library as Sana’s class visited to pick out new books for the upcoming week. You were cataloging items at your desk, the familiar comfort of your work surrounding you. You spotted Sana in the hallway, animatedly discussing projects with Jeongyeon when a group of five little girls approached you, their eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Miss Sunshine…” they whispered in unison, their tone conspiratorial.
You looked up, curious. “What’s going on?”
Nayeon stepped forward, her expression serious. “I think Miss Sana has butterflies for you.”
You raised your brows, intrigued. “Oh really?”
Chaeyoung nodded vigorously as she added, “Yeah! She has a crush!”
You couldn’t help but smile, leaning in a little closer. “A crush, huh? What makes you say that?”
They all nodded eagerly. Mina leaned in, her voice barely a whisper. “She likes you, Miss Sunshine.”
You leaned forward to catch her words, feeling a warm blush creep onto your cheeks. “She likes me?”
Tzuyu chimed in, “You’re her sunshine. I heard it! She told the nurse!”
You laughed, the warmth in your cheeks growing. “Did she send you all to tell me this?”
Momo yawned, brushing her thick bangs away from her face. “She’s weird. When you walk past our class, she always stops teaching, and it’s not like we’ve been bad. She usually only does that when we’re talking over her!”
You shook your head, amusement dancing in your eyes. “I guess she just can’t help but get distracted by her favorite librarian.”
The girls giggled, their joy contagious.
“What’s so funny?” Sana asked, hands on her hips as she walked closer to the desk.
The girls turned to her, their excitement bubbling over. Nayeon quickly pointed at you. “We were just telling Miss Sunshine that you have butterflies for her!”
Sana raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk appearing on her lips. “Oh really? What gave that away?”
Chaeyoung giggled, “You always stop teaching when she walks by! And your face turns red!”
You felt your cheeks heat as Sana leaned in slightly, her voice low and teasing. “Looks like I can’t hide anything from my favorite little spies,” she said, winking at the girls. “But you all have to keep it a secret! You can’t let my Sunshine know that I like her!”
The girls erupted into giggles, and you couldn’t ignore the flutter in your heart.
They giggled and exchanged glances, clearly thrilled by the little secret they were part of. Nayeon leaned closer to you, “Miss Sunshine, do you like Miss Minatozaki back?”
You felt your heart race and glanced at Sana, who was watching you with a playful smile. “Well, she’s… nice,” you managed to say, your cheeks warming.
Sana feigned surprise, placing a hand on her chest. “Just nice? I was hoping for more than that!”
The girls burst into laughter, their excitement infectious. Tzuyu piped up, “You should tell her you like her, too!”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I don’t think it’s that simple.”
Sana stepped closer, her eyes sparkling with something. “Maybe it is,” she said, her tone so incredibly gentle. “You never know unless you try.”
A few weeks later, the library was dimly lit as you and Sana unpacked boxes of new books, the excitement from the recent funding shift making you both so happy.
Sana leaned in closer, her shoulder brushing against yours as she reached for a book. “You know, I could really help you focus,” she teased, her voice soft and inviting.
You tried to concentrate, but then she pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, lingering just a moment longer. “You look so pretty when you’re deep in thought,” she murmured, her breath warm against your skin.
Flustered, you replied, “Sana, we shouldn’t—”
Before you could finish, she kissed your neck, sending a rush of warmth through you. “Just a little distraction,” she whispered, nibbling playfully at your ear.
You let out a soft laugh, feeling your resolve melt away. “Okay, maybe just a quick break.”
With a bright smile, she pulled back to meet your gaze. “You really are amazing, you know. So smart and talented. So kind to the kids and everyone around. A literal sunshine,” she said, wrapping her arms around your waist and leaning in to place a sweet peck on your lips, a tender touch that left you breathless.
She stepped back, her eyes sparkling with affection, “And I have to thank those little wingwomen for setting this up. They really know how to play matchmaker, don’t they?”
You smiled, your heart swelling. “They’re so adorable and they probably learned that from you, miss flirt.”
Sana giggled. “Maybe. Now let’s get out of here, beautiful. I want to enjoy the rest of the day with you.”
Hand in hand, you walked out of the school, the cool evening air wrapping around you both.
"Come on, my sunshine!"
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ducktoo · 3 days
Syncing Dream [Aespa x M!Reader]
6. Year-end spectacular
Note: Happy weekends! Enjoy more fluff!
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It had been a few months since Y/n first stepped into his role as aespa’s manager and also moved in with them. He’d gotten better, that much was certain.
Gone were the days of fumbling through schedules or confusing rehearsal rooms. He’d learned the ropes, built a system that worked for him, and even earned a few nods of approval from the girls—Karina’s hesitant trust, Winter’s playful banter, and even Giselle and Ningning’s constant teasing had become part of his daily life.
Comparing to his first few days, it was as clear as day and night.
But nothing could’ve prepared him for MAMA. The year-end show was on an entirely different level.
Whereas rehearsals, smaller concerts, and fan events had become routine, MAMA was like stepping into the lion’s den. The venue was massive, the expectations were higher, and the backstage atmosphere was a chaotic whirlwind of artists, staff, and equipment moving at lightning speed. Every second mattered. Every detail could be the difference between a flawless performance and a career-defining disaster.
Y/n stood at the venue’s loading dock, eyes wide as the scene unfolded in front of him. Trucks were unloading equipment, stage props were being wheeled in by frantic staff, and idols were practicing last-minute routines in every available corner of the building. It was overwhelming. He had faced difficult moments before, but this was a whole new ball game. His nerves, which had subsided in recent weeks, surged back with a vengeance.
"You good?" Winter’s voice broke through his thoughts. She was standing beside him, her arms crossed and a slight smirk on her lips, as if sensing his nervousness.
Y/n gave her a shaky smile. "Yeah, just...taking it all in."
Winter chuckled softly, nudging his shoulder. "Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Just don’t pass out on us."
"Bet you 5k won I will," Y/n said, and the knot in his stomach confirmed his losing bet.
It wasn’t just the scale of the event that was getting to him. It was the fact that this was their biggest performance of the year—the kind of showcase that could make or break aespa’s place at the top of the industry. All eyes would be on them, and Y/n knew that, as the manager, a lot of the responsibility fell on his shoulders.
If anything went wrong, it would reflect on him.
He had been improving, yes. But MAMA was an entirely different beast. Could he handle it?
The atmosphere at the MAMA Year-End Showcase was electric. The lights, the screams from fans, the high energy—it was the kind of event that brought out the best in every artist.
He stood backstage, clutching his clipboard as though his life depended on it. The pressure was suffocating, and the chaos that ensued backstage only made things worse.
"Y/n, where are the backup costumes?!" one of the stylists ran up to him, her voice laced with panic. Y/n’s eyes widened as he quickly skimmed through the checklist.
"Backup costumes…" he muttered under his breath, flipping page after page. But the backup costumes were nowhere to be found on the list.
His heart sank. Of all the things to mess up on, it had to be this.
"Uh, I’ll figure it out!" Y/n called over his shoulder as he dashed towards the costume storage room. He could hear the hum of excitement growing louder as other groups prepared to go on stage. The countdown to aespa’s performance was ticking down, and he was nowhere near ready.
As he reached the storage room, Y/n’s heart pounded in his chest. His mind raced, trying to figure out where he could’ve gone wrong. Where were the damn costumes?
That’s when Karina appeared, calm as ever. She surveyed the chaos with a raised eyebrow before walking over to a stack of boxes labeled incorrectly.
"These?" she asked, pulling out the missing costumes effortlessly.
Y/n blinked, staring at the box in disbelief. "How did you—?"
"They were mislabeled," Karina explained, her voice calm but assertive. "It happens. Don’t stress."
Despite the gravity of the situation, Karina’s cool demeanour helped settle Y/n’s nerves. She was so… composed. It was hard to believe this was the same girl who had been skeptical of him just months ago. Before he could respond, Winter entered the room, a mischievous glint in her eye.
"You look like you’re about to pass out," Winter teased, her voice filled with playful sarcasm. “And I’ll get my free money.”
Y/n shot her a tired look. "Tsk, this girl…”
Winter chuckled and clapped him on the back. "Relax. We’ve got this. You’re making this a bigger deal than it is."
"Easy for you to say," Y/n muttered under his breath. "You’re not the one in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly."
Winter smirked. "We’ve been through worse. Trust me, this is nothing."
With Karina taking charge of the wardrobe situation and Winter wrangling the crew, Y/n found himself watching in awe. They were naturals under pressure, far more used to handling chaos than he was. Slowly but surely, they were piecing everything together. The clock was still ticking down, but somehow, the group had everything under control.
The lead-up to the performance was a blur. Y/n was juggling multiple tasks—coordinating with the production team, finalizing the setlist with the crew, and ensuring the girls were ready for hair and makeup. He had a checklist in his hand, his pen furiously scribbling down last-minute changes as staff members darted around him.
"Y/n, we need the final lighting cues for the stage!" someone from the production crew called out.
"Give me two minutes," he responded, already flipping through the pages of his clipboard. He was proud of how much better he’d gotten at handling these situations, but as more people approached him with urgent requests, he could feel the pressure building.
To make things more intense, the backstage area was filled with other groups—many of whom Y/n recognised from his trainee days. Some of the NCT members were hanging around, joking and laughing as they warmed up for their own performance. He could feel their eyes on him as he rushed by, no longer the fellow trainee they used to know, but now aespa’s manager. It was a surreal feeling, knowing that they probably remembered him as the kid who was training alongside them just a few years ago.
"Yo, Y/n!" one of them called out as he passed by, causing him to stop in his tracks.
He turned to see Jaehyun from NCT giving him a nod and a grin. "You surviving back here?"
"I need ICU, hyung!!," Y/n laughed, rubbing his face in agony. "This is way more intense than I thought!"
Jaehyun chuckled. "It’s impressive, man! You got this!"
"You're killing it, hyung!"
Y/n appreciated the words, but he didn’t have time to let them sink in. As much as he would’ve liked to catch up with his former trainee mates, the clock was ticking, and the pressure was mounting. He gave them a quick peace and hurried back to his duties.
Y/n watched from the side of the stage as aespa stepped onto the platform, the deafening cheers of the crowd echoing throughout the arena. The stage lights dimmed, and for a moment, everything was still.
Then, in an explosion of colour and sound, the girls began their performance.
The opening line of "Trick or trick" from Ningning blasted through the speakers, and Y/n’s breath caught in his throat. He had seen them practice a hundred times, but there was something different about watching them perform at MAMA. The sheer energy, the intensity in their movements, the way they commanded the stage—it was mesmerising.
The transition to "Drama" got him really excited. (It was his most listened song this year)
He glanced up at the massive screens displaying their every move. Karina’s sharp dance lines, Giselle’s flawless rap delivery, Winter’s vocals soaring effortlessly, and Ningning’s charisma radiating out to the audience—it all felt surreal. The fans were losing their minds, screaming every lyric, and Y/n couldn’t help but feel proud. His chest swelled with admiration.
Don’t even mention about the outfit because they all look so good.
For a brief moment, he forgot about the chaos backstage. He wasn’t thinking about the costumes or the props or the miscommunications. All that mattered was the performance happening in front of him. It was awe-inspiring.
They’re really something else.
When the final note hit, the arena erupted into a wave of applause. The lights dimmed, and aespa exited the stage, sweat glistening on their skin but smiles plastered on their faces. As they walked back toward Y/n, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief and pride wash over him.
"We nailed it," Ningning grinned, giving him a fist bump as she passed by.
"Thanks for not losing the costumes," Karina added, her voice remained stern but there was a moment tease cracked through.
Y/n chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "Don’t remind me, Jimin."
The adrenaline high didn’t last long. Once they were backstage, the post-performance chaos hit in full force. The props for their next segment were missing, and there was a miscommunication with the lighting crew, who had already moved on to the next group. Panic spread quickly through the staff, and Y/n found himself at the centre of the storm once again.
"What do we do?" someone from the production team asked, their voice filled with urgency.
Before Y/n could even open his mouth to answer, Karina stepped in, her calm presence immediately commanding attention. "Winter and I will go look for the missing props. Y/n—" she pointed at Y/n, "—talk to the lighting team. Make sure they’re ready to switch back to us for the encore."
Y/n nodded, still in awe of how quickly Karina had taken control of the situation. Despite the chaos, there was a strange sense of calm in the air. With the group pulling together, everything seemed less overwhelming.
After a frantic few minutes of running around, Y/n managed to communicate with the lighting crew. Meanwhile, Winter and Karina returned with the missing props just in time for the encore.
When the show finally ended and the curtain fell, Y/n felt like he could finally breathe. The performance had gone off without a hitch—well, at least from the audience’s perspective. Backstage had been a whirlwind, but they had pulled through.
As the girls gathered in their dressing room, laughter filled the air. Giselle threw herself onto the couch, exhausted but smiling. "That was insane. I can’t believe we made it through."
"Yeah, thanks to Jimin-unnie saving the day," Winter teased, elbowing Karina playfully.
Y/n chuckled as he entered the dressing room, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Yeah, we would've been done for if it weren't for you, Jimin."
Karina shrugged, a modest smile on her face. "It's all part of the job. We're a team, right?"
Ningning, sitting cross-legged on the couch, chimed in with a cheeky grin. "And here I thought Y/n was going to have a heart attack backstage."
"Close call," Y/n admitted, collapsing into one of the empty chairs. "I really thought my life flashed before my eyes when the props went missing."
"But you didn’t," Giselle pointed out, still smiling. "You kept it together and got it done. That's what matters."
Y/n nodded, taking in the words of encouragement. He'd survived his first MAMA show—and barely at that. But seeing the girls relaxed, joking, and satisfied with their performance made all the stress worth it. In the grand scheme of things, he realized that no matter how chaotic things got behind the scenes, they had each other's backs. It was a team effort, both on and off the stage.
Suddenly, Winter threw a towel at him. "So, how does it feel to officially manage your first big event, idiot?"
Y/n caught the towel with a laugh. "Exhausting. But honestly?..." He looked at each of the girls, his expression softening. "I’m proud of you all. That performance was incredible."
"We’re proud of you too," Karina said, her tone more serious. "We know how much pressure you’ve been under. You handled it well, Y/n."
The sincerity in her words caught him off guard. After all, Y/n was still relatively new to this—he hadn’t even hit the one-year mark as their manager. But hearing them, especially from Karina, say they were proud of him meant more than he could put into words.
"You guys made it easier," he finally said, smiling. "I’m lucky to manage a group like aespa."
Ningning’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned forward. "Aww, is our manager getting emotional on us?"
"Oh shush, this child" Y/n admitted, earning laughs from everyone in the room.
After the whirlwind of MAMA, Y/n was exhausted beyond words. He had just dropped the girls off at their dorm and had one thing on his mind: go home, collapse in bed, and not think about work for at least twelve hours. But as soon as he sat in the van, ready to drive away, his phone buzzed.
Message from the organisers at MAMA:
"Hi, sorry to burst your peace, but please send over the report on the MAMA showcase tonight. We do need it urgently"
Y/n groaned, his head hitting the steering wheel. Of course, the day wasn’t done yet. He stared at his laptop bag on the passenger seat, feeling his last ounce of energy drain away. As much as he wanted to head up with everyone, he just wanted to get this done quickly before winding down. So, he decided to just stay parked outside the dorm and work from the van.
He set up his laptop, trying to get comfortable in the driver's seat. Typing in a cramped space wasn’t ideal, but it was better than nothing. The glow of the laptop lit up the van as he began typing the report, each keystroke feeling like a Herculean task.
Just when Y/n was finally getting into the flow, a sudden knock on his window startled him. He turned to see Giselle, grinning mischievously despite wearing her mask, peeking through the window.
Saying that his heart jumped out was light in comparison to his reaction.
“What are you still doing in there?” she asked, her voice slightly muffled by the glass.
"Girlie, I thought I was going to be mobbed…" Y/n sighed.
"Tsk. But seriously, what are you doing here?"
Y/n rolled the window down with a sigh. “Finishing up the MAMA report. Why?”
Giselle raised an eyebrow, glancing at the glowing screen. “In the van?”
“Won't make it in time if I wash up,” he admitted, leaning back in his seat. “Plus, it’s quiet in here.”
Giselle stared at him for a second, then crossed her arms. “You're not finishing it up here. Get inside.”
“What? Aeri, I wasn’t planning to—"
“Too late. I’ve decided,” she interrupted, already turning on her heel toward the building. “Hurry up, manager-nim. We'll order take out for tonight”
Y/n blinked after her, dumbfounded. "B-but-"
A minute later, Giselle sent him a text:
"You’re getting up now, mister. We’re not letting you work and accidentally sleep in the car like some stray. Karina will actually kill you if you don't come up in 5 mins."
Y/n groaned but couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto his face. He packed up his laptop, locked the van, and begrudgingly made his way toward the dorm. As he entered the building, he was greeted by a lounging Winter and Ningning, sprawled out on the couch, half-watching some drama on TV.
“Well, look who’s finally ready to join us,” Ningning smirked as Y/n entered the living room. “Aeri-unnie said you were trying to camp out in the car to finish up sudden work?”
Y/n shrugged, his fatigue hitting him like a wave. “I was just trying to finish the report before getting up.”
“Eh…they will understand if you fell asleep,” Winter said with a playful grin. “Idiot. Just do it tomorrow."
Without waiting for permission, Y/n collapsed onto the couch, his body sinking into the cushions like it was made of clouds. “Fine. But don’t mess with me while I’m asleep. I know how you guys are.”
He was reminded by the pranks these 3 did to him throughout the months. A combo of wasabi Russian roulette, scare prank, and the recent doodle incidents wasn’t easy to counter back.
“No promises,” Giselle called from the kitchen, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.
As Y/n finally got comfortable, Giselle tossed him a blanket. “Rest up, manager-nim. But be warned: We get up early.”
Y/n mumbled something unintelligible, already half-asleep. His body was so exhausted that he didn’t care where he was as long as he could sleep.
Y/n stirred from his sleep, but something felt… off. He blinked his eyes open and immediately noticed two things: one, he was lying in the most uncomfortable position imaginable, and two, he was covered in sticky notes.
Again. At this point, Y/n forfeited.
Each one had a doodle or ridiculous comment scribbled on it.
"World’s Sleepiest Manager (and the Best)."
"Nice nap, huh?"
"Don't forget the MAMA report!"
"You're as stressed as Karina!"
"Please don't lose us again!"
3-0 to aespa.
Groaning, Y/n peeled off the notes, feeling the stiffness in his neck from sleeping awkwardly on the couch. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and looked around the room. Winter was sitting at the kitchen counter, sipping a cup of coffee and smirking at him.
“Morning,” she greeted, still trying her best to hold it in.
“Morning…” Y/n muttered, still groggy.
“I see the others couldn’t resist messing with you,” Winter chuckled, motioning to the now-empty living room. “They’ve already gone out for schedules. Red Velvet’s manager-unnie drove them there instead. You’re stuck with me for now.”
Y/n sighed as he stretched, feeling every sore muscle in his body. “Why didn’t anyone wake me?”
Winter raised an eyebrow. “You were dead to the world. Plus, we figured you needed the rest after yesterday.”
Y/n glanced down at the pile of sticky notes in his lap. “Yeah, clearly.”
Winter grinned as she got up and handed him a cup of coffee. “Here, drink this. You’ve got a long day ahead.”
Y/n took the coffee gratefully, but as he sipped it, Winter’s expression softened. “You’re doing good, you know?”
Y/n looked at her, surprised by the sudden sincerity in her voice. “…Jeong. It’s morning and you’re scaring me.”
Winter shrugged. “You’ve been thrown into the deep end, but you’re managing. And, you know, it’s kind of nice having someone who’s been around… well, me, at least, for so long.”
A nostalgic smile crept onto her face, and Y/n couldn’t help but smile back. He had known Winter since they were trainees, and despite the chaos of the past few weeks, there was a strange sense of comfort in their friendship. It was like old times, just in a completely different world.
“Thanks,” Y/n said quietly, feeling the weight of her words. “That means a lot.”
Winter settled onto the couch beside him, nudging his shoulder. "And you’re still the same guy I knew back then, always falling asleep in the weirdest places."
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, and you’re still a pain in the—"
Winter playfully punched his arm. “Now, finish your coffee and clean up. You got a report to do and we’ve got dance practice later.”
Y/n groaned, but this time, it wasn’t from exhaustion. He finished his coffee, feeling slightly more energised, and started peeling off the last few sticky notes from his arms. Despite everything, he couldn’t help but smile.
Maybe being part of aespa’s chaotic circle wasn’t so bad after all.
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sluttyhenley · 6 months
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"Buck Begins" | "Rock the Boat" 9-1-1 (2018 - )
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dengswei · 4 months
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@asiandramanet creator bingo — black and white — yuan xia x wei ziqi | present, is present (2024) episode two
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shadystranger · 1 month
this moment so fucked up💀
#horror spn moments and its dean torturing sam psychologically in 4 different ways under a min he could've just asked if sam lied#the pacing the lightful to knife lethal seriousness the yelling dean so psychopath 💔#this messes with my head bruh i hated how i couldn't actually predict how he'd lash out on sam#chat I think its time to kill dean#its fucked up that sam spends this arc trying to SAVE dean and the narration and dean treat him like he's melting the earth's crust#and must be crucified#meanwhile when dean decides he might have to KILL sam it's painted as a heroic sacrifice for the greater good#sam doomed if he tries to save but is manipulated and doomed if he tries to also save and well-intentioned#and his punishment for both times Is just death#why are we lowering the guillotine on the guy for trying to save his brother???? he was literally distressed and hiding about it#like he's smuggling a nuclear bomb with full determination to destroy the planet#yea there was grave consequences later but dean's gripe was him going against his wish to be doomed with the mark#you can talk respecting wishes if dean wasn't spending the whole last season flagrantly ignoring sam's wishes half the time#and the other half he spends it DEVASTATED when sam says he'll respect his wishes if he were in his shoes. the whole theme of s9 finale#was dean WANTING to be saved by sam and asking for that morally grey treatment back#If he's gon change his mind one minute and the other then he could have just not practically begged for what sam was doing here#dean's emotional fluctuations arent sam's responsibility#this sounds deancrit but no I'm just speaking from a pov everyone collectively decided to ignore part of its nuance#sam winchester#dean winchester#samdean#spn meta in tags#mine#the editing is supposed to make it haha but the scene is still not hahaing sm..
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i know in my heart that asuna and rika take the time to show kaz how to do cute little winged eyeliner and then the next time they see her she’s got 2009 scene queen panda eyes and she’s so excited about being the goth girl of her dreams 😭😭
Showing her how to do a very simple, graceful like that accents the shape of her eye only for her to come out the next day guns blazing eyelids fully blacked out and the biggest smile on her face. Lizbeth questions why they even bothered trying to show her the normal way while Asuna is looking lovingly at her over the top edgy girlfriend. Honestly Lizbeth wonders why she even tries with either of them.
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prometheus-crafted · 9 months
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The tea scene
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marimeeko · 2 months
Bones I'm begging you to not be afraid of blood
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roseinthestars457 · 4 months
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Casting long shadows
(Versions without the extra-dark shading under the cut)
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claire-starsword · 2 months
Authentic Story of the Shining Force - Saint Fencer Max - Chapter 4
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Translation notes:
This is the last boob joke. We're free at last.
Here's the retranslation of every scene with the Spring of Recollection in the game. Overall, her speech here is fairly close to what she says in Waral in-game, with a few details from her final appearance sprinkled in, like her care for Cain. It does misses a few nuances though, like the Legacy being more than just Dark Dragon.
I don't think I've ever seen art of the Spring, but notably, she gets a portrait in the GBA version, and it looks a lot like the manga design, with the slightly wavy hair and especially the blank eyes.
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Obviously, the manga rushes through the plot since it's short, thus a lot of places are skipped. I didn't even feel like pointing them out before. However I will point out Waral not being here this time, because Waral happens to not be in the beta map either, and it has very contradicting lore between the ASCII guide and the World Book, meaning it might have not been well developed. Besides, Chapter 5 is very weirdly structured. You get two ship battles that are basically the same, you get to Waral by accident, you advance the plot by going to Ring Reef for no reason and everyone telling you it's off-limits while letting you waltz in anyway, and hardly anything happens in the shrine besides you hearing about the Manual, which is not even a big deal because you get to Rudo by accident later (two ship accidents!! why repeat this plot point!!) and would go to Dragonia anyway to help Bleu. Basically, I obviously can't prove it, but it wouldn't surprise me if the ocean shrine was initially thought off as only a plot scene, and the battles/town added much later for gameplay reasons.
Perhaps worth mentioning, the GBA version also makes a point to mention that Max got lost in the shrine alone, and everyone was worried about him, which does remind me a lot of the ship scene here.
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uh oh. i hit image limit for the first time and i don't wanna remove either of these pics. more notes on a reblog later.
#shining series#shining force#saint fencer max#saint fencer max translation#sfm max#sf cain#so. gamers. fans. friends and followers. are we good? are we normal? are we normal about the last pages? i'm not#unfortunately my typesetting does not do it justice but at least i put up a fight#those unending creaking noises mess me up so good#it's just. so good. all of this#why did the gba version wasted time with boring villain epilogues#when it could be giving me the Good Stuff (angst of a long haired anime man)#also is his hair dyed? the eyebrows kinda imply that. i'm not sure i like that but i'm not sure i dislike that either#his hair is so good tho#anyway i could talk about him forever and i will but i gotta talk about the spring too#i really like the sword of light being here. it works aesthetically at least. the mishaela plot is very dumb#i had a whole thing about the sword of light typed but i took it out for later cause it doesn't have much to do with the manga#will probably come though! the three max cain plots are the same basically but there have some difference in the details#that has mashed together in my brain#so i wanna pick that apart at some point#anyway back to the mango. i dearly miss the nuance about the legacy even though it took me a while to notice it in the game#between this and the pseudo-magic introduction the manga does suck a bit at portraying the ancients#but i like how despite the weird pacing of the manga this part kinda flows better#with the spring's revelations all here in the middle#instead of popping in manarina like 'yeah boy you're hero of fate wait three chapter until we elaborate on that though'#naturally the game has good battle content to keep you happy through it#but the manarina scene feels kinda useless to me#anyway i probably had more to say about this while translating but i'm very sleepy#i will never shut up about this chapter though. mark my words
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orxcalot · 1 year
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me when side characters 🤩🤩 @chickenstab
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fallingforfandoms · 1 year
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"Warum zieh ich das an?"
"Das Unglück von anderen. Diesmal ist es eine lesbische Freundin, die erschossen wird. Dann wieder eine ukrainische Zwangsprostituierte, die bei mir untertaucht, dann wieder-"
"Bibi. Du musst das endlich abstellen. Du darfst das nicht immer so an dich ranlassen. Du musst den Fall sehen, nicht das Schicksal. Lass das nicht immer so tief in dein Herz rein, hm?"
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robotsafari · 2 months
not to be dramatic but i think space paranoids is one of the best worlds in kingdom hearts (2 or maybe just the whole series)
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sheathnknife · 3 months
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the vampire diaries 8.16 // louise gluck, crossroads
“and damon, like the voiceover tell us, he was worried he would never see stefan again. it was just elena assuring him that there would be peace. that we’ve dealt with this other side of darkness for several seasons, but there’s also light out there and there’s peace, and damon will find it. if you search for it, you will find it. and we wanted to get that last moment to see that [...] damon found it too, and it looked just like his brother.” — kevin williamson
#not really satisfied with this one but eh#i don't envy gifmakers who've giffed the tunnel scene btw bc the lighting. my god. a travesty#anyway. beating this dead horse of an ep to death to eke out every last drop of defan it has to offer#the contrast between damon's expression when reuniting with elena vs stefan kills meeeee#he's doing THE most for stefan but for elena it's go girl give us nothing dot jpeg fjskfjdj#also in typical spn brainrot fashion while listening to damon's anguished declaration of love toward stefan in the tunnel or whatever#i kept comparing it to dean's 7 minutes of incest ahh speech in the finale#and my god#like i'm aware pitting damon i-stole-my-little-brother's-gf-and-let-him-drown-while-locked-in-a-safe-for-three-months salvatore#against dean i-sold-my-soul-for-my-little-brother-and-i-will-do-it-again-without-hesitation winchester#is unfair to damon#but damon's speech is SO bland and half-assed in and of itself#and it absolutely PALES in comparison to dean's speech it's actually pathetic lmfao#i couldn't stop thinking abt dean confessing that he stood outside sam's dorm for hours before barging in#bc he was scared sam would tell him to get lost#and it made me think that the writers could've made damon's speech that much more personal and impactful#by maybe throwing in a line like “i didn't come back to mystic falls all those years ago /just/ for katherine”#it would've recontextualized their reunion in the first ep and given the hello brother moment so much more depth#give us something authentic! something the audience isn't privy to!#something only damon would know and keep buried in the deepest darkest corner of his black heart!#like!!! i'm sorry but damon's dying (not really) declaration of love toward stefan reads so generic lol#just smacks of lack of creativity on the writers' part#which. tbf. is like all of tvd post s3 lmao#maybe it's a me problem idk i just think the speech could've been. well. better#like once you sit down and start dissecting damon's words they don't feel /that/ weighted. if that makes any sense#ok so maybe i just wanted him to say he didn't come back to mystic falls just for kat ! sue me#ANYWAY. someone please for the love of god write me a post finale canon compliant defan fic#a defan-in-the-afterlife fic if you will#or a damon-being-miserable-after-stefan's-death-and-being-really-shit-at-coping fic. that works too#wowee these tags are a mess
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teabutmakeitazure · 4 months
The first night of Closing shift must have been too wild for Childe to decide to tempered with your memory. Or he was just sadist like this to see you all fool and happy running for a date with him totally oblivious of the mess he made of you some days/weeks before. I mean- Sure he's into weird thing. The demon was okay with playing happy courting for some time while eliminating concurence and making you freak out. And he's also into weird play. Like keeping you for moving, small blood kink, playing with the "Find out what I am, good answer and we continue to play, wrong answer and I making a mess out of you" like if he wasn't already in board for making a mess out of you tonight.
I also remember you mentionned in a previous ask that he choose to tempered with memories because reader was scared for life after the first night but I'm not sure...?
childe likes to think that he tampered with your memory because he wants to see your innocent fantasies be ripped away from him again and again, and maybe that was a part of the reason he did that. maybe he does want to see you panic and question what he's doing before eventually letting him do what he wants when you realise he won't stop and that it actually feels good (or does sometimes).
you're right about that anon. considering the weird things childe had done and considering that reader was freaked out, he hates to admit it but it's true. had he not done what he did, the next time reader saw him, she would've doubled down and started bawling. or gone to therapy first thing. how else are you supposed to cope with a guy who has teeth and nails sharp enough to carve out your heart from your chest and keeps 'jokingly' saying that he wants to keep you chained to his bed so that he can taste you whenever he wants?
and that's not all that had happened. keeping in mind how he was all sweet and sugary, the difference in attitudes was a whiplash that would have made her run first thing after seeing him again. so why let that happen when he can just... make you forget <3
besides. seeing you give a wrong answer to all 3 attempts he so graciously granted you before testing your extraordinary gag reflex is just too adorable for him not to do again :)
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pinacolanagifs · 2 years
𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈? i can't believe my eyes, #250 (268x151) gifs of billie piper starring in the show doctor who ( series 4 ) can be found in the source below. if these gifs are found helpful hit that LIKE or REBLOG button !! if you’d like to use these gifs in crackships, gif icons, or edits all i ask is to be tagged in the post. If you’re interested in a commission, feel free to check my blog 💚 / TW flashing lights, weapons, fire, death, kissing
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