#also the song is there is no if by the cure btw <3
dracula-enthusiast · 1 year
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there is no if, just and.
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senbbonzakura · 5 months
Main 3 favourite artists/bands they listen to? And how many minutes on Spotify wrapped?
(Love your blog btw 🫶)
OKAY THIS ONE ACTUALLY HAS ME MOTIVATED TO DO IT. THANK U SMMM <33 ALSOOO, i dont rlly listen to many bands (FOR NOW) so forgive me for not many suggestions....
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✩ — STAN !
hmm here goes the classic nirvana and his fav song is serve the servants + dumb
mcr andddd his fav song might be destroya + i never told you what i do for a living
deftones, cherry waves + passenger + knife prty
ptv, caraphernelia + the boy who could fly + disasterology
get scared, start to fall + dont you dare forget the sun
sometimes arctic monkeys if hes feeling like it, teddy picker + cigarette smoker fiona + r u mine
he has MANY minutes on spotify wrapped. he listens to music every time he even can
okay idk if thats many but lemme say 46k minutes
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✩ — KYLE !
the classic the cure
guys, he does NOT listen to taylor swift.
probably thinks that it would be gay asf
tbh idk what could he listen to..
maybe arctic monkeys too??
idk bro he seems like a plain guy so im sayin arctic monkeys im sorry😭
doesnt listen much but at the same time not not at all
ill say 15-20k..
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✩ — KENNY !
we all heard abt juggalo kenny
love that, his fav is halls of illusions + imma kill u + what is a juggalo
but now hear me out
i already said that in another post but WHAT ABR MSI KENNY ??
this guy would DEFINETELY listen to msi
not tolerate rheir actions tho
his fav would be either married alive + this hurts
or the classic shut me up
he likes listening to misic but he simply sometimes just forgets it exists😭
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stans and kennys ones is literally my msic taste LMAOOO
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pokituu · 25 days
I’m so impressed with how many styles you have and that you use them regularly (realistic, semi realistic, 2d, and 2d, 3d & pixel animation)! How did you learn to balance this many and get so good in all of them?
THANK YOUUUU this compliment means so much to me because so often i feel so worried I will stagnate since I basically like to draw the same subject matter over and over again 😳 but I do like to periodically try new things that I'll become invested in for chunks of time.
i guess advice more than just 'practice' is to be willing to try out new things that you have an interest in, even if it doesn't work out at first and is frustrating. you gotta be persistent to learn something new BUT if you get bored then just move on! if it sucks hit da bricks.... I really like this bjork quote abt creativity
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idk throughout my life in art i just try to learn about stuff i'm interested in and practice what i wanna practice. like i wanted to get good at pixeling when i was like 14 so i kept practicing and trying new ways to go about it until i started to figure it out. same with digital painting when i was 15 and i just kept trying again and again until it clicked, even though i was frustrated a lot, i never actually lost the interest when i saw people's pretty paintings and that feeling of 'man i wish i could do that!'.... so i literally couldn't stop myself from trying over and over at painting. it goes beyond just drawing too. planet earth is fun because ANYTHING u are interested in you can try........ i make fursuit heads and other crafts to see if i can! this year i started making my own songs and also learned leather-working because i saw a cool craft and wanted to try :3
part of it is letting yourself age too because as you get older you will grow interested in new things. i am 27!! i've been drawing since i could hold a pencil. that's a long time to encounter a lot of stuff to get obsessed about and wanna try out for myself. SUCCESS TIP!: i typically pursue things that are adjacent to other skills i already have invested in, like drawing to 3d sculpture to digital modeling, or start blending them like sculpture + coding skills = 3d animation rigging. The reason is because a lot of these skills are transferable and make it easier to pick up. like a skill tree in a video game... and you'll end up in weird places like sculpture to sewing to leathercraft. It's nice to have creative hobbies you can be sorta be mediocre at without attaching your self worth to it, but other people still often find it impressive anyways because it's stuff they've never tried to do. It's really healing and easier to like what you create And yourself by extension when you're just having fun and learning without having to worry about the end product being "good". Anything you try is not a waste because you are learning new skills and more often than not, something you've learned is transferable to some other area of your life!!!!!!!!! nothing is ever a waste of time.
this is also the secret cure to art block btw well actually there are two secret cures. a) is you have to embrace the art block and go get obsessed with some other creative thing for a bit. either that or b) go absorb other people's creativity to a bit and watch some shows and read books or talk to people. c) is a mix of both. eventually you'll return to art again feeling fresh and motivated if you're willing to give it a few months. I think art block really just means you're bored and need a change of scenery one way or another 🤔 that's just my onion though
TL;DR have fun pursuing things just because you like them. as you keep doing it you'll just get better at it through practice whether you really intend to or not.
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kaisturntoshine · 3 months
Ranking the Alien Stage songs based on how much anguish they caused me upon first reaction
Obviously, spoilers for the entirety of Alien Stage.
Disclaimer: This is not me ranking the songs themselves, rather the feelings I experienced when I first reacted to them.
Just because I ranked a song low does not mean I dislike it!
7. Sweet Dream
It was the first song of the series, so it did a good job on making me interested! But, since it was the "opening act" and nothing major happened to the characters, it didn't really affect me emotionally.
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6. Unknown (...Till The End)
Now, as a hopeless romantic, Till really resonated with me. His desperation really showed through the vocals. But for some reason, the other songs hurt me more when reacting to them.
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5. All-In
For its majority, All-In was Hyuna serving as the queen she is. So when I first reacted to it, the shots of her dead brother and of Luca startled me to say the least! Especially her expression, it was heartbreaking.
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4. Ruler of my Heart
My girl Mizi was going through it this whole song! Being a major Sua fan, it also hurt to see Mizi's hallucinations (?).
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3. Black Sorrow
Ivan has been my favourite ever since I first laid eyes on him on "Sweet Dream", so when I listened to Black Sorrow it really got to me, especially the ending! (Ivan's persona slipping for a single moment before he re-composes himself I can't-)
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(See? This is what I'm talking about.)
2. My Clematis
THIS. HURT. MY. BEING. I didn't even know someone would die! And sure, at that point I hadn't really emotionally connected with the characters, but this song did an extremely good job putting the pair's love for one another on full display for us to see. And the fact that it was only a single point-
(-> Btw, this song only continues to pain me, as I think about it more and as we have gotten to know the characters. Also, MiziSua for life)
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The winner: Cure
I WAS IN SHAMBLES. ON THE FLOOR. Remember what I said in "Black Sorrow"? Well, that sure turned out well. I cried man. The fact that Ivan only wanted for Till to see him, just to achieve that goal post-mortum!
(Expect a more coherent analysis some other time...)
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(Bro looks heavenly!...Damn it.)
Expect proper song-analysis soon!
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Because 2 of my biggest hyperfixations are Interview with the Vampire and The Amazing Devil, here we go....
"Little Miss Why So" is, to me, based on my interpretation of the song, very much applies to Loustat in S1. To me, Madeleine is singing from the perspective of someone who is very depressed and who has a partner who is trying to cure her by, basically, loving her out of it. This is, to me, confirmed by the few lines that Joey sings, as though if he does enough good things for her, if he just shows her how much he loves her, she'll snap out of it. (And it doesn't work and they split up.)
I've been thinking about it a lot but especially in relation to the animation in S2E7 that depicts Lestat constantly doing things to make Louis happy/cure him of depression, while it doesn't work and Rue Royale gets more and more dilapidated until they can't even see each other over the mountain of newspapers, books, and other things. (I am completely sympathetic to Louis, btw, but I also know how scary and helpless it is to love someone and want to help them but you can't.)
Throughout LMWS, Madeleine lists all the things Joey's character has said or done and she sounds so exhausted, and there's this repeated "he said", and then she starts going into a mantra of sorts: "It's so boring, it's so boring, it's so boring....." And she caps it off with "et cetera" like she's just too bored to keep going but she could if she wanted to.
There's a few parts I want to call out specifically:
"I don't know how to reach you when you get like this. I've been waiting for you to come home."
This is Lestat's frustration, basically. He keeps trying to reach Louis and nothing is working. Even when Louis is home, physically, he's not present (I've seen great meta about Louis having a disassociative disorder). Special mention here to the line, "It's daylight again and you look like I've failed you." Lestat is a provider; it's something that he takes pride in and enjoys, whether it's his human family eating food that he hunted, or how he sent money and gifts to his human family after becoming a vampire, or the things he buys for Louis and Claudia.
"If I'm good, will you come back?"/"Stop asking why I'm sad, just know it's enough to know I'm sad." Madeleine and Joey are literally singing over each other here, singing at the same time. Their characters are speaking past each other. They're not listening to each other. Joey's character just wants to know how to fix her, what he has to do to get her to come back for him. Madeleine's character is just exhausted from having to provide reasons why she feels the way she does. Worse, her character continues (as though quoting Joey's), "Yeah, but why?" He's still asking her. He's not leaving her alone about it because he's obsessed with figuring out the problem so he can solve it. And it's driving her away.
"Why don't you just tell them all to fuck off, love, and be mine?" ("Them" probably being "those wankers that you serve all night".) For Lestat, "them"/"those wankers" is probably all of Louis's human connections.
As others have pointed out, "The Rockrose and the Thistle", another of TAD's songs, is a good example of how to love someone through depression instead of trying to love them out of it (too bad Lestat couldn't have heard it back then).
And while I could probably relate several other songs from The Amazing Devil to Interview with the Vampire, I'll just leave ya'll with this line from "Battle Cries": "This isn't a breakup, dear heart, it's a season finale!"
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(Also, if you've listened to Little Miss Why So and you think that Joey sounds like Jaskier from Netflix's The Witcher, that's because it is! The Amazing Devil has 3 albums out, in case you want to hear more of his and Madeleine's phenomenal voices. Now, off you go, to be spellbound by these beautiful lovely Fae creatures!)
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bl00dy-plan3t · 4 months
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intro post 😁😁
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go here to read my rant part 1 here for part 2 and here for part 3
dm and askbox open for ppl. anons are welcome.
maybe i wont reply mayeb i will. depends on my energy.
pls be friens with i have like no friends.
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tagging my non-existent moots
@discoveredreality BRO OMG OMG IM FINALY MAKING AN INTRO POST. sweetest most caring little shit. where the actually fuck would i be without you. like yes i know you dont do anything and somethimes dont even know that you need to do stuff but OMG WHAT LIKE YOU KEEP PUSHING ME TO DO SHIT TO MAKE MOVES AND LIVE MY LIFE PLS PLS DONT EVER LEAVE ME POOKIE <33333333
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@lilcri84b1 AHHHHHHH. what would i be doing without you. i dont even know where to start. like litereally the most gorgeous girl out there. HOW DO I EXPLAIN YOUR BEAUTY TO THE REST OF THE WORLD. 10+ years of friendship so were basically already living under the same roof. I AM SO SO SO GRATEFULL TO HAVE YOU IN MY LIFE. btw guys this is my partner, who, i...... uhhhh talk, a.... uhhh little to much about.
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@pumpkin-gizzards hello. thank you for being my class mate and in the same house as me too. besties ig. lmao
@ollieolioly lol hi just ask ari if u want to know who i am but u do know who i am. u point at me and say gay whenever u see me in the hallways so that should be enough info for u. sorry if i say mean things to u but like if u keep reading u will see why.
@violet92959 this rando on the internet just spawned out of nowhere and now im like besties with them????? anyways. u should have a 'beware, if yapping can't stop' sign. AKJDSWIEDDSN besties.
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about me:
im mars. yes my previos nickname was mara, BUT now is a whole new era, whole new personality, whole new name. so please call me mars. they/them. agender. butch lesbian. grey aro and grey ace. idk whatver u can call me whatver but im probs not gonna respond to that lol. anyways. minor. im russian but live in australia. non religious. artsy (????) love to crochet. also the max volume in my headphones isnt enough i need the song up my baby spawner. does things last minute. pinterest is here. AHHHHHH WTF DM IF U WANT I NEED FRIENDS. also i probs wont answer all the time unless im at school so like dont get mad and shit. i also play the drums.
fave drink:
monster energy pipeline punch pink thing. (and also the gold one)
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personality shit:
my mbti is isfp. star sign is taurus. favourite animal is snek . AHH GUYS EVERYONE UPDATE. I KISSED HER. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways. if u ever ecounter me being mean to you then 86.39% of the time im only playing with you. idrk my love language but i guess i make fun of you and also PHYSICAL TOUCH. not that if i dont do/show those around u i dont like u i just have no idea how to describe my love language. PLS TAG GAMES I LUV TAG GAMES YAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYA
time zone:
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) 'Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
music taste:
MELANIE MARTINEZ ❤❤❤❤❤❤. tv girl. girl in red. 6arelyhuman. odetari. kets4eki. lumi athena. creepp. proz. elita. jazmin bean. marina. the smiths. dandelion hands. mitski. sign crushes motorist. shakira. jack stauber. asteria. dandelion hands. nirvana. acdc. radiohead. guns and roses. the beatles. naik borzov. the cranberries. queen. weezer. the cure.
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ok pls dont hate me for this one. I ABSOLUTELY HATE READING BOOKS. I CANT READ. I LITERALLY READ LIKE A SNAIL. so i dont have a book taste. wait nvm ive read valentine by jodi mcalister AND LOVED IT. thats basically it.
i play minecraft and roblox (but mainly evade and dti) (no i dont)
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no fandoms bcs i dont read books. But. i watch old disney movies so idk if thats valid. hwlp rip what is this.
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congrats u made it to the end. u can now continue with ur day. good bye.
*if i didn't tag u then dm me and i will.*
the pics are from here and here and here and here and here
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fairycosmos · 1 year
Oh boy, things are extremely rough atm. Can you recommend any healthy coping mechanisms? I literally don’t know a single one that works for me except for self destruction and being on my phone until I don’t feel anything anymore. And apparently that’s not what we’re supposed to do when we’re sad
ok so unfortunately all of my healthy coping mechanisms only half work for me and it's a total gamble whether or not they're going to on any given day. and none of them ever cure my mental illness which is annoying. like they're not fail-proof solutions and a lot of the time they're simply frustrating in fact it often feels laughable to even try them. a walk is not going to make any of this better. but consistency DOES strengthen your coping skills like a weak muscle. like even after 3 days of practicing them i'm like Ok well i feel like shit but i survived without hurting myself and that was the whole point. not a cure but a tool. ok i'm just going to list them because otherwise, i will ramble forever. btw it's ok to do like, even half of one of these per day. there's no need to overwhelm yourself at all :) coping is coping.
meditation - it sounds and feels like bullshit but i follow this youtube called great meditation and they upload 10 min guided meditation sessions and they have truly gotten me through a lot of low moments at this point. sometimes i feel much better after and sometimes i barely notice a difference but the point is i've sat and breathed for a bit
journaling - i thought i needed some sort of mental health diary for this but then i just opened a google doc and followed these mental health journal prompts ( just one every other day, nothing overwhelming, and no pressure to write a lot or to write anything in particular) and it helped me organise my thoughts and notice the patterns i was/am locking myself into. there's also trauma processing prompts online if that is what you're after.
free writing - again just opening a word doc but this time you just write without thinking literally letting go and putting down whatever words your fingers type - no judgement no curation no performance no expectations.
submerging my face in cold water, holding ice cubs - good for grounding.
crying my eyes out, purposefully listening to sad songs or watching sad movies in order to do so - cleansing, painful, tires you out and can make you feel renewed briefly.
breathwork - again there's some great youtube vids for this. i do this 20 min nervous system reset somewhat often, but there's shorter ones that are also very effective. box breathing also helps if you just need a simple go to - breathe in for 4, hold for 4, our for 4.
lie down on a hard surface or the floor with your back straight - another grounding thing. to occupy your mind during this you can name 5 things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one you can taste.
pat your arms, legs, stomach, head, chest gently and breathe deeply - again it can be grounding.
watch trail cam vids of cute animals, use the wikipedia page generator to read up on smth you've never really thought about before, download duolingo and start learning a language. not to become fluent just to get your mind out of the place it's in, even for 5 minutes.
literally just move around especially outside - HATEEE to say it but stretching on your bedroom floor, going for a walk, following an exercise video etc - it can really help you feel a bit less stale and myopic. if it's too much, opening a window is a good start. or simply standing outside your house for 2 minutes and going back in. the air will feel good.
make sure all your bases are covered - have you eaten, have you slept, have you showered, have you talked to someone in the last few days, are you hydrated? if not, make a small move towards doing one of those things. feeling like crap physically only compounds how crap you feel mentally and so the cycle perpetuates.
scream, punch/throw pillows, snap pencils, stab at paper with pens.
affirmations - i'm trying to build a list of ones that resonate with me specifically because a lot of them don't LOL. but there's a lot of good resources online for this. one of my favorite current ones is: doing a little is better than doing nothing. a job half done is better than a job not done at all.
do something creative - it's not about being an artistic genius it's about doing something tangible with your hands and getting out of your head and using the space in your brain to focus on something that doesn't feel doomed. drawing, singing, cooking, playing an instrument, writing, whatever you want. you don't have to have done it before. you can just do it.
talk to someone you trust/care about, let them in even a tiny bit. it's ok to verbalise these things. give them a fair chance to be there for you the way you'd want to be there for them. i know it's hard, all of this is, but it's not impossible. also, look for any communal resources you can find - support groups, local therapists who may offer sliding scale prices that are affordable. it all sucks but it's something.
will add more when/if any come to mind. i'm sorry you're feeling like this and i sincerely hope it all becomes a bit lighter for you soon. sending so much love. x
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rknchan · 1 year
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i just finished hcpc and i really enjoyed it !!!!!! its not going to be some kind of deep analysis i just gonna be silly about things i like in hcpc
THE CHARACTERS i adore each and every one of them (except for namakeruda i wanna punch him with lovely punching punch)
MEGUMI CHAAAN shes so precious to me !!!! so pure so truly lovely her desire to make everyone happy is so heartwarming megumichan always puts a smile on my face whenever shes on screen ^^
i saw people thinking shes mary sue but i cannot agree :c for me marysue is a character so perfect that theyre unbelievable (!)
and megumi IS believable to me . people like megumi do exist,,,,, and she has more serious flaws than being clumsy and bad at studying;
shes all about helping others but cares about herself little, when shes suffering her pain is hidden behind a smile to the point she can't resist her pain anymore, she worries about being weak and her help is not needed - altruistic people like megumi often experience this feelings too
also she reminds me of my fav person </3 and she motivates me to become a better person myself and believe in love and happiness,,, sorry it sounded cheesy but its true.. thank you megumi ^^
HIME HIME HIME my blorbo !!!!! at the beginning her anxiety and arkwardness, feeling of being not worthy enough to be a precure, escaping from problems felt so relatable :c and it felt so good to see her grow. the moment when she saved iona was so powerful. i wish we saw more of her family when she returned to blue sky
btw i love meguhime as friends and as a pairing theyre so pure so cute they care for each other so much awwww,w,w,,w,w,w, *holds them gently*
YUKOO precious rice bean and the most canonical lesbian of hcpc
i love her rice song its cute and catchy i often chant it ahhahaha
also i like how she always wants to keep peace, to befriend villains and give them love they lacked !!! "why keep fighting if we can eat delicious rice together" SAY THIS LOUDER QUEEN HONEY shes so based for this
i can't say much about iona maybe ??? shes a deep and realistic character and her story with cure tender makes me cry but tbh she put me off in the beginning as it was uncomfortable to watch her being harsh on hime (tho its justified)... but she grew a lot too ,,,,
i expected to dislike seiji but actually he was such a nice character and a loyal friend who actually has chemistry with megumi and role in the plot
QUEEN MIRAGE is my fav villain ever and tbh i can even relate to her
deranged traumatised emowoman ily
the story of her relationship with blue breaks my heart ... the moments when she still wants to be loved by blue but cant resist her anxious thoughts and red's manipulation... HER PURIFICATION SCENE WHEN ALL THE CURES COMFORTED MIRAGE;;;;; HER REUNION WITH BLUE;;;;;;;; sobs
the generals are so fun to watch :) dorks with goofy hats
hosshiwa remains my crush forever..... and oresky and namakeruda are just fuking silly smashing them smashing them
tho their final battle with the cures and their purification was such a deep and impressing scene
i love how brutal and creative was this season with its attacks. lovely punching punch <333 lovely beam <33 princess bullet machine gun <333 let cute girls do some violence
and their innocent form attacks are just beautiful
hcpc is often criticized for its repetitive designs and i sorta agree... but at least they were creative with international cures designs (aloha and bomber girls are my favourite, also im glad to see a cure from my country !!!! cure katyusha <3) and form changes AND FOREVER LOVELY DESIGN JUST SLAYS. SHE LOOKS LIKE A LITERAL ANGEL
also maybe theres a meaning behind the similar designs??? like, all the cures all over the world have similar costumes and it can symbolize they have a lot in common, theyre unite, they are a million-cure team .. while the phantom generals are all different, there's nothing uniting them, there's no team spirit or friendship between them
also the soundtrack is so good and catchy !!!!! i adore the opening and the rice song (and especially honey and hosshiwa's song battle) and the innocent song !!!!
i love the message of hcpc that everyone is worthy to be happy and loved, even if youre in deep despair, disappointed in life, thinking you'll never be loved and thus love is worth nothing - someone is always going to be here for you
but at the same time it points out that love can be a destructive force (red, mirage, dark seiji), that its impossible to be happy all the time, that feeling pain and hate is valid
sorry it turned out so long i hope i could share my love for happiness charge with you ,,,,,
i love you megumi i love you hime i love you yuko i love you iona i love you blue i love you red i love you mirage i love you seiji i love you masukomio i love you phantomu i love you hosshiwa i hate you namakeruda i love you oresky I LOVE YOU HAPPINESS CHARGE
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bizlybebo · 8 months
oh my god im not your girlfriend but i NEED your normal album analysis omg (im normal about will wood btw)
AUGHH this is definitely an excuse to ramble and i am TAKING it thank you so much for this
im fucking obsessed with the normal album. like sosoos much. it's such a subversive and creative and just. sort of album that you've never seen before, i think it seriously doesn't get the credit it deserves augh
first off here's a link to a 3-hour long analysis of the normal album that i haven't actually watched yet
here's where im cutting the post off before i start incoherently rambling about every song so that i don't curse people's dashes with having to Scroll for a million miles
i don't expect this to get more than like 2-3 notes this is literally just an open ramble about the normal album cause i got an excuse to.
Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary-Bell Township / Vampire Culture is SUCHH a good intro to the album. like. not even going into the lyricism it's fucking so insanely well-composed in a musical sense, I LOVE the samples and the immediate, like, doorbell sound at the very beginning because it just. introduces the ENTIRE album so well.
and the way it introduces will wood's motif of "Everybody's all up in my goddamn business" is SOSOO good.
The first half or so of the song is very illustrative of the typical, like, nuclear family, with these sounds inspired by a very upbeat, like... almost 60s-70s kind of music? It's a very creative song but it's tune and melody are also somewhat restrictive for a decent part of it, expressing perfectly what will wood's saying about this kind of lifestyle. If that makes sense?
and THEN the sudden switch into vampire culture is INSANE. im fucking AUGHGHGH over it.
It draws back on this stereotypical, happy lifestyle where something just seems a bit off and leans ENTIRELY into the uncanny-ness of it all. it's a sudden jump into random tempo switches, fucking just making all the noise he wants, and screaming "fuck your culture".
like the symbolism is so clear yet so subtle. I fucking love it.
and I am
OBSESSED. with this outro.
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and THEN the little 'love me, normally' melody at the end is fucking INSANEEE augh. there was literally no better way to start this album off.
2econd 2ight 2eer (that was fun, goodbye) is EASILY one of my fucking favorites on this album. like. god.
IMMEDIATELY starting off with "take it with a pillar of salt, H.A.L.T., it's not my fault", illustrates the point of this song so well.
HALT is the acronym Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. It encourages you to "halt" and think before making an important decision and evaluate-- are you any of these four things?
And it's often been suggested by psychiatrists to a lot of people dealing with mental health issues.
The reason why I'm so obsessed with this lyric is because this entire song is basically accepting, "hey. i'm mentally ill. like i am. FUCKED in the head. this isn't something i can't escape, not really. i'm learning to be okay with this instead of searching my whole life for a cure. i'm never going to be able to assimilate fully into normal society."
and it's mixed with this very, like. Rudimentary view of how society views mentally ill people / those struggling with more severe psychological conditions. The chorus is literally "I'm just a psycho babe; come and go out my mind"
It's almost like this expression of mania, what with the upbeat tempo and the dark lyrics.
"I didn't lose it, I set it free" is another lyric in this song i just. augh. love. love love lvoe vloevleo this whole album. this is DEFINITELY the song i could say the MOST about. but i feel like i'd almost have to save that for another, more organized post.
Laplace's Angel / Hurt People? (Hurt People!)
The title Laplace's Angel comes from the idea of Laplace's Demon, which concerns the whole idea of determinism, etc. It's essentially the idea that if a demon knew the position of everything, everywhere, the laws of physics would allow it to predict and understand the future.
it. doesn't make a lot of sense to me tbh.
i understand determinism in a sense, and it's basically the idea that free will doesn't exist and that we and our actions are. products of the things that have already happened to us.
That's the best way I can explain it.
And I think that all of this, tied together with how the song is discussing important topics of morality, etc. is just. So cool and artistic and. God.
It references this guttural, primal sort of fear and this sort of "predictability" of the human psyche with the lyric that throws the entire song into it's first chorus-- said lyric being:
"Run your diagnostic tests, it's posited; nobody dies agnostic, though we still dial 9-1-1."
AND THEEENNNN. the chorus itself. augh.
You could go on all day about the main voice, "Could you take a look at me?" but i'm more in love with the backing chorus--
"It's the norm for animals, it's the norm for chemicals -- It's the norm for particles, eye for eye, for tooth"
and you can see a lot of references to other philosophies such as "an eye for an eye".
AND THEN the bridge being "wash your hands of where you been until you flood the second floor - neatly fold your skeletons but still can't shut the closet door"
essentially just being this greater commentary on morals as a whole, and how, in a sense, morality is just. subjective. Like I don't think I have the skill to illustrate just how insightful this song is on the topic of morality. god.
I / Me / Myself !
so obviously i / me / myself is a remaster of sorts of i / me / myself by Will Wood and the Tapeworms (versus just solo Will Wood)
Will Wood wrote this song, essentially, about wishing he could express his femininity properly, right? how he felt like people refused to accept his identity as cisgender and heterosexual because he was a crossdresser, and very proud of it?
i fucking love that. he just puts absolutely everyone on blast for that. he's a cis dude who's also fucking with gender and fashion and art and he's letting people understand that.
but here's where i get personal because i ADORE the song as a lesbian who doesn't consider himself cisgender in the slightest.
I've spent my whole life wishing I could "be a girl" despite being born and raised female-- I simply just didn't fit into the mold of traditional femininity and, growing up in a religious background, that just made it even more difficult to fit in.
So I LOVE the lyric "i wish i were a girl".
"Eating your prosthetic, meet your anesthetic criteria, pathetic seeing you become acetic -- Say my name like a slur, but I've been called worse; I've heard it all before, no this isn't a first -- Let me be the void you fill with taxidermy fingerprints, taxonomize our differences -- I am quantum physics, my witness brings me to existence"
I think I just. need to leave that there. Cause it says more than I ever could. rahgaghag
and then closing out with the repeated line "all identities are equally invalid; don't you think that there's a chance that you could live without it?" is such cool like. food for thought yk?
idk i love the view Will Wood gave here, honestly. Especially knowing that he's very accepting of the lgbt+ community.
...well, better than the alternative
see, the way I view it, is this attempt to just. Play into a normal, quiet life, despite EVERYTHING mentioned previously in the album. It's about trying to shove beside everything else for a normal existence.
It ties into suburbia overture, i / me / myself, and 2econd 2ight 2eer soso well. it's the perfect "halfway point of the entire album".
another lyric that i just HAVE to throw in here "This isn't my first kiss, it's better to be lost than loved, now isn't it?"
i'm mainly just. obsessed with that because of how aromantic it sounds. even though i know that's not how it was intended.
but i LOVE. THIS SONG. AUGH i love them all obviously but this one has such a special place in my heart.
It's asking somebody to "play along with" you (referring to the normal life thing) and THEN the whole "I just wanna do what's right by you"
it's just. tying together all the previous songs and like. expressing, essentially. "I'm fucked up. Are you willing to put up with me?"
or maybe im just yapping about absolutely nothing on this one idk
I don't know much more about the second half of this album, but I feel like diving into the lyrics of Outliars and Hyppocrates : a fun fact about apples is something i definitely need to do soon. i love this song's musical composition and.
"Don't wanna be human, anyways -- who pilots all these crude machines" ?? BANGER FUCKING LYRIC.
It's essentially just-- "the things that make you special are the things that make you strange"
meaning. get weirder with it. get fucking weirder with your art.
BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA is probably my favorite song on this album in terms of, musical composition and noise. I've pored over these lyrics soosososo many times and a lot of it goes over my head but over time I've started to understand a LOT of it and i just. augh.
also this song has such strong animatic vibes?? this is the one that makes me think SO much about my current writing project and i adore it for that.
I wish i was like. able to coherently express my thoughts on the lyrics of this song but they're just so complicated and. wow. it's. I think Will Wood totally outdid himself with this one because this is the most. Perfectly tied-together song on this entire album.
Essentially, under our current system, any inability to perfectly execute a grueling 9-5, 5 days a week, on top of the mental labor of schooling and debt etc. is considered a disability. "Actual" diagnosed people are just the canaries in the coal mines, we're struggling soso much daily and it's just.
It's expanding upon this idea of microlabels and how Will Wood feels about them, and i honestly do think that, even though it's not the intent of this song, it can open up a conversation about how autism is not a "silly" thing. yk how the jokes have essentially become "I have (normal personality trait), is this... 'the tism'?" or the obsession with the fucking. god. "Neurospicy" thing.
^and how this improper culture/misunderstanding of neurodivergency and the need to make it more sanitized/palatable feeds into consumerism. but i can. go on a rant about that some other day.
But basically, with the lyric that "Dr., what's my prognosis if the study shows that: disease is in the eye of the beholder?" it expresses this sort of disdain, almost, with greater society's view on psychiatric abnormalities. if that. makes sense.
and then it's this constant repetition of "Back in my day ; ; ; we just drank ourselves to death. And we fucking liked it". It's also jabbing at this idea of how, in previous generations, you were generally just told to suck it up or you were left behind/ostracized entirely. It's about older generations not understanding the surge of mental health issues as of late. Closing with "We just bled out in the bed".
I love this song. So much. But I feel like this is all I'm gonna say about it because honestly this sort of discourse. Tires me out so much.
Love, me Normally
I feel like so much has already been said on this song. I want to highlight, specifically, the bridge.
This is. my favorite piece of lyricism Will Wood has EVER put out and i fucking mean that.
"Now this is the part of the song where I like to talk to my audience
I like to tell 'em there's something I want from you hep cats tonight
I want you to look to your left, look to your right
Your 12 o'clock, three o'clock, six o'clock, nine o'clock, rock around the clock tonight
And I want you to find those points of no return, those singularities
Those burning rings of fire in the beautiful pupils of the beautiful eyes of the beautiful
Boy, girl, neither, both, or in-between that you brought with you tonight
And I want you to tell 'em how you really feel
I want you to tell 'em that you love the way they so seamlessly, like-a-dream-fully
So beautifully, oh so dutifully
Jam that square peg in the round hole in their heart
I want you to tell 'em that you love the way
That they don't stick out like sore middle fingers
That they crawl their way up the side of the bell curve
Stick their flag in the peak, and slide their way back down
I want you to tell them that you love the way that they're not maladaptive
Not malcontent, not malignant or maleficent, but rather that you love them
Exactly the way that everybody else is!"
now is it. unnecessary. to paste it all in here? certainly. but i just. love this so much.
the constant motif of mentioning the bell curve is amazing, too. I love this album because of it's essential... just. Being so outside of the normal bounds of society that all you can do is sit back and observe it all like "huh".
this is another ramble that i'd have to save for another post because this is the one that i understand the most.
I personally like to view this one through the lens of aromanticism. cause i can.
Now I'm not gonna go too much into detail on Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world cause BOY is it existential.
but i do think it's a beautiful way of tying this entire album together.
this entire album is almost like a note to humanity in general, this whole "you may not listen to me ever again, but give me these 45 minutes of your life to change your outlook on all of it".
Despite this album being subjective and subversive? Deviating so strongly from the norm that the average person, hell, even most avid fans, could never begin to relate to most of it?
It has this sort of... span of the human existence, in a sense. It understands it on such a small level, and it speaks bast the barriers that we usually don't try to cross. It just says shit that nobody else has said before.
I <3 this album. So insanely much.
I think that it's honestly one of the better pieces of music period that have been put out in these last few years. nothing else is as lyrically, linguistically, or musically different. aughgg
thank you for the ask if you read to the end youre fucking insane.
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dex dizznee headcanons
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★ mars thoughts — alternate title is dex (marlees version) <3
★ warnings — theres like. a mention of the maze runner so spoilers for the death cure (book/movie 3)!!
★ m. list || kotlc m.list || navigation
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okay so
he is actually the funniest and most sarcastic person ever
he can’t go five minutes without making fun of something or someone (affectionately) or saying something that makes the whole room burst out laughing
actually no scratch that he’s simultaneously dating both jensi and keefe it’s polyamory <3
also btw he has a super great music taste (the banner for these hcs <3)
like mainly he listens to old songs sophie showed him, mainly sad ones
his favourite artists are frank sinatra, brenda lee, nat king cole, elvis presley, elton john, ABBA, david bowie, joan jett, TLC, october country, madonna, weezer….
but he also likes some newer artists!! like taylor swift, lana del rey, clairo, mac demarco and stuff like that :))
he shamelessly lovingly bullies people for this music tastes, telling them “your homework is to listen to some real music. get inspired.” (THE BANNER) and hands them a list of artists he listens to that he basically just carries around for the purpose of that
btw he’s the kotlc equivalent of irish. i dare you to tell me otherwise.
he gets it from keslers side of the family, and he owns a kilt but will never ever EVER wear it because according to him “it’s a disgrace to humanity”
his accent always makes people laugh, like because all of his friends have either no accent or different accents it doesn’t really come out with them, but sometimes it’ll poke through and people will laugh
or they’ll ask him to read some insane sentence in his accent and he’ll do it because he loves it when people laugh cause he did/said something funny
also this guy is PETTY and JEALOUS and has slight ANGER ISSUES that he picked up from fitz
real quick: separate hc that dex picks up stuff from his friends without realizing it
he once went and rewrote a whole essay just to prove a point to fitz
and he once filled keefes shoes with rice because he talked to sophie for 6 minutes and dex for 3
and he once got pissed than his shoes were muddier than usual
i love flawed dex
k moving on
remember when i said he’s always making fun of people affectionately?? yeah i have more to add about that
like he’s still very funny and known for his loving bullying, but he knows exactly what and what not to say and when or when not to say it
he genuinely cares about the people around him, and when they need to. uh. idk talk to someone?? he’s there and knows exactly what to say and waits for an opportunity to say something mean, but in a way that it’s clearly a joke and will cheer the person up a bit
now, if he made the person upset, he immediately feels terrible and tries to make it right cause he’s able to admit when he made a mistake
if someone else made that person upset, they better pray he never finds their ass because they will be in tears by the time he’s done making fun of them
he’s rlly good at pinpointing who likes who, who doesn’t like who, and can also easily tell who likes him and he considers this his superpower
one time he gripped biana on the shoulders and said “biana. you like sophie.” and then did the same to sophie later
also this mf is BLIND. he refuses to wear glasses because he doesn’t like the way he looks with them
but he wears contacts
and he will never tell anyone this.
he can’t cook for shit, but he CAN bake!! because it has fractions and he’s good at math
he kinda just makes cupcakes and brownies because their keefes and jensi’s favourites
he has been known to blast the mamma mia soundtrack and/or evermore at 2am
his favourites are dorothea and SOS
oh btw i know if said the dizznees have hooked noses before, and i stand by it.
doesn’t matter what you say, the dizznees with the exclusion of kesler and inclusion of edaline, have hooked noses
and he is not! insecure about it! he likes his nose because according to him, he can, “smell everyone’s bullshit from a mile away”
he doesn’t read a lot, but when he does it’s hard to get him to stop
most of them are human books sophie has on her bedside table
he likes murder mysteries and dystopian novels <33
specifically the maze runner and a good girls guide to murder
he sent sophie a 8 page long double sided paragraph about how angry he was when (MAZE RUNNER SPOILERS) newt died
and another one that was even longer about how much he loves ravi singh
his room is almost always messy
he doesnt have the patience (or enough ability to care enough) to clean it
tbh dex seems like one of them mfs who kisses peoples cheeks as a greeting/goodbye.
like he’ll lean in and just mwah <3 and then he says bye/hi like it’s nothing
he’s very big on platonic kisses
can be classified as a mommas boy
if dex knows something, juline knows it too and cue the judgemental stares
oh btw he’s either 5’5 at the tallest or 5’9 at the shortest
all the dizzneses are just rlly fuckin tall. not including kesler. tall juline is love tall juline is life.
in my head, and because shannon canonically said at one point that dex was tall, and he’s tall in the official art, he’s a little shorter than fitz
but like only by a little
fitz is 5’11 and 1 cm
dex is 5’10 and 3 cms
yes fitz holds a ruler over his head when they argue
he also adores flowers
sometimes he’ll grab one of his siblings or parents or maybe even one of his friends and they just go on a walk somewhere he can collect a shit ton of flowers
he makes bouquets for his friends and says something mean as he hands it to them
idc what you say he has curly hair he gets from kesler
one time he fucked up while he was messing with something and it had purple streaks for a week
he actually didn’t look that bad but he never lets anyone bring that week up
i always pictured him with light blue eyes but. listen imagine him with dark eyes
when he gets excited you can see them light up and become all sparkly and glittery
that works for both light and dark eyes but shhhh
a huge lover of the 60s-70s era
mainly the early 70s
oh and he sleeps with 8 million stuffed animals thanks for coming to my ted talk
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taglist: @literaturewithliz / @presidentroarie
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xsolooo · 3 months
This is my welcome post >▪︎<
Hi, Im Xsolooo and Im 14!
Something about me:
Im a bisexual boy from Poland. I use he/him/his pronouces. I love playing games and listening to music, Im a big ABBA fan. I like furries (they are cute af ;3 ). Im in fandoms like: Avatar the Last Airbender, Harry Potter, Star Wars and LOTR (i could tell you all abt LOTR from the begining (before the orginal Hobbit and the Trilogy) to the end :³ ). I love using emojis like :3 and >▪︎<, also like (^-^) (sometimes i overuse them sometimes lol). Ive compleated B1+ level of English, so i talk English basicly when i just feel like it :>. I play football and i ride mountine bike's (ig thats kinda weird for me but i just love doing sports). I joined Tumblr beacouse i want to be myself (my classmates are a potential treath for being myself, trust me). Texting = Calling, i do both all the time \(^^)/. I play piano and gitare (i used to sing too btw). I play many games, like: GTA V, Minecraft, League of Legends, Roblox, Valorant and CS2 (im trash at FPS's like them), Hogwarts Legacy and many many more. Underneath are some of my fav songs and a link for my playlist. If youre reading this, have a good day / night, i guess that is all about me \_☆▪︎☆_/.
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jackjackal · 3 months
Now...Rec #2 on my Master List...*drum roll*
For #1 on Jack's Master TV Show Rec List Pt 1: Detective Shows🔍 please click HERE!
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For a more detailed description for new watchers or those unfamiliar with the show, please click "Keep Reading"...I have a lot to say about this absolute gem :3
OOOOOkaaaay y'all better buckle up cause our second show on the list holds a very, very deep place in my heart.
Here's a little bit on the Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries:
First and foremost...this show is OLD...old in the best way however!! It's from the 70s...so if you don't like old television...maaaaybe this isn't gonna be for you. Just kidding! Anyone (even those who aren't fans of old tv shows) will like this one! Why?! Because of several, several reasons. Which I will now highlight in the next points:
Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson are not only some of the best looking men (pictured in the gifs above) to have ever graced the screen...they were also LEGENDS of their time. Cassidy made his own music (which is CLASSIC by the way) and Stevenson was a pretty epic surfer (which is also showcased in the show in the most epic of ways). In addition to them...we also were blessed with Pamela Sue Martin as Nancy Drew for the first half of the series. If you don't have a crush on her by the end of the series btw then you are NOT normal haha! While we have some AMAZING lead actors/actresses, we also have phenomenal supporting actors/tresses with Ed Gilbert as Fenton Hardy, Lisa Eilbacher as Callie, and so, so many more!!!
Next reason you'll fall in love with this show...the graphics, while old as mentioned above...are so, so incredibly nostalgic! Even if you weren't around in the 70s (which I was NOT lol), this show will STILL feel nostalgic to you. To me, every time I watch it it's like I'm transported to a different, better world in which I have frizzy yet gorgeous hair, bell bottoms, and a leather jacket that somehow never makes you too hot (lol). But seriously...the show has a sort of magic way of taking you to that time and instantly relieving you of all your worries back here in the 2020s. It's literally insane how much this show can cure my bad mood. Like just watching the theme song takes my day from 0 to 100 (and that's cause the theme song is soooooooo iconic!! They even made fake book covers like the actual book series with the actors' images on them...like omg that's cool!!)
Final point I'll make for the show (cause just like with Case Closed...I could probably write a novel on this show alone) the Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries is great if not for the awesome monster makeup, plot lines, and zingy one-liners courtesy of Frank and Joe, but for the shear incredible chemistry between all the actors. Like Oh. My. Gosh! If I didn't know they were actors I would not be able to tell that Cassidy and Stevenson weren't actually brothers in real life. Their body language, the script, videography, EVERYTHING works together in this show to really sell that they're brothers. Not only that, but their interactions with Gilbert and all the side characters sell this home as well. Like I know it's all acting, but the looks they give each other and the way they tease each other during the little moments of the show like GAH! It...it just...I don't even have words for how awesome it is. Just go watch the show...you will 100% not regret it!!
Okay....now for the rating!!! I gave Case Closed a 5/5 and this show is no different. I will say that if I could, I would give this one like 1 billion stars out of 5...but I'll keep it simple and stick with the grading scale. 5/5 Stars! 🌟What a GOAT of a show!!
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cozyqueerchaos · 1 year
ok so there's an irony to Shadow viewing the ARK as redundant because; even though the ARK looks beautiful due to the moonlight reflecting on it, The Moon gets its light from the Sun.
none has it's own light, and can be view as you know, "fake"
Sonic view them as equals, but Shadow in the spur of the moment only takes it on a surface level. He is also fascinated by the moon itself and overlooks the ARK,
also another irony, even though Shadow is the immortal one, the "Moon" is the one who will be watching over Shadow forever and ever.
wait im adding these lyrics due to all the parallels: --- Bore the shadows that you made With no light of my own I shine only with the light you gave me --- i know there's an irony with the song I am choosing but eh , also lowkey how Shadow views himself and Sonic (with these lyrics separated)
oh my god thank u this song is curing my writer's block (and also sending me on another crane wives kick lmao). OUGHHH that shit hurts btw i love ur analysis here,, just a couple of fakers determined to save each other for the rest of time <3 also, as sad/fitting as this song is for sonadow, it actually works really well for the ark family too? the lyrics remind me very much of 'the chosen one,' with all the guilt and allusions to past neglect? "We could have had anything, anything else. Instead you hoarded all that's left of me" <- shadow when gerald decided to abuse his only remaining child for revenge's sake
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thefreakhouseband · 2 years
Welcome to the Freak House!
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About Us
Audrey Arson
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I'm the oldest of the band. I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed older sister to the others and I feel super protective of them. When I'm not making music with the band you can usually find me working on my comic or some other artistic pursuit. I'm a chronically exhausted college student. You can tell what songs I wrote by them having a more jazzy or melancholy tone to them or just being bat-shit off the walls insane. Some of my inspirations are MCR, Scene Queen, , Set It Off, and Demi Lovato (for some reason).
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-Your resident garbage girl
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I’m that guy with the neon green hair in the blog’s pfp lol. pronouns are he/him, xe/xem/xyr, and it/its. I take a lot of influence from older punk rock and, surprisingly, country and folk music. my favorite bands are My Chemical Romance, Oingo Boingo, They Might Be Giants, The Cure, Talking Heads, Bikini Kill, Shilpa Ray, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Iron Maiden, The Magnetic Fields, The Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra, Lemon Demon, Man or Astro-Man, Radiohead (not in a pretentious way, I swear), Will Wood, Creedence Clearwater Revival… oh boy, there’s a lot. I like music! I tend to disappear at unpredictable intervals due to chronic pain/fatigue and parental restrictions, but I always come back. I like writing songs about things I’m passionate about, which is often personal, sometimes political, and every now and then a ballad about freaky-looking deep sea creatures. or weevils. I keep my dad’s old stenobook by my bedside to write lyrics in - he wrote lyrics for the Panama City punk bands he was in in 1990-ish in there, and I figured I could put it to good use again after all these years. he’s cool with it. see you around, and stay safe out there 🪲
Harley Homicide
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I'm sassy, I'm trashy and (if you pay me enough) I'll let you put it in my ass-y. I'm the band's second oldest and the token British person. I use any pronouns, I literally don't care what you call me xx. My music taste is all over the place, having been raised by a metalhead and a former chav during a time where pop punk and emo were more mainstream. I'd say my biggest inspirations in terms of performing are Freddie Mercury and Ronnie James Dio. You'll be able to tell which songs are written by me because they're shit! I'm not much good at writing, but I'm great at partying like I'm Paris Hilton. When I'm not doing band stuff, you can find me shopping, watching/reading/playing anything DC comics related or just sorta... Staring into space. I don't do much, but I'm still your fave member fer sure! Thanks for visiting The Freakhouse! We hope you enjoy your stay!
Xoxo Harlz <3
Dart Darling
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Hi I'm Dart, I'm genderfluid (any pronouns), and I'm from under the ground at your local graveyard! I'm one of the youngest, and that's super tragic because I'm an undead zombie who died from being too damn glamorous. My idol is Melissa Marie and i love the Millionaires. Also, my ghostly tendencies give me a lot of appreciation for the dramatic, and as well as all things scene and crunkcore I love theatre, cabaret, and steampunk. I've been producing music for about a year now so if the synths crunching, just know it was me, tapping away and not understanding what the equalizer does. I'm bringing you Dead Girl Couture 25/8, 366. Don't mind all the Sanrio merch around the Freakhouse, I started a cult for Hello Kitty! I mean church. You should definitely join us 😁
Til death do we party,
-Dart <3
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YOOO WASSUP!!! X3 My namez GRACE! (if you dont know me, pls call me Grace, not Gracie)
I'm gendersylphen (he/they/neos) and I'm a super cool alien with adhd from OUTER SPACEEEE! My fav colors are all of them except brown, my special interests are space and doraemon, and I LOVE SCENE SM! Crunkcore 4 LYFEEE! I wanna be an astronaut when I grow up! Also I'm the youngest here 💀💀💀💀💀 (btw im a minor so plz don't be a weirdo, tyyyy)
I'm mostly new to music and I'm SUPER excited!!! X) Ik this is gonna be rllyrlly fun!!! For me, my music stuff is gonna be super bouncy, upbeat, happy, optimistic, full of rhymes, so tht's when yk smth's by me! My fav bands/artists are Amy Can Flyy, Green Day, Nikasaur, 4*Town (4townie 4 eva!!! Aaron T is best boy) and a LOT of other stuff.
When I'm not with tha band, you can find me playing with my sibs (including my dog), doing stuff with my homiez, reading/watching Doraemon or abt space, or doing idk whatever bc I do alot. XP
So ye! Thts a bit abt me! Tysm for reading abt us, may God bless u, follow ur dreams, and have a super duper fun day! 😄
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gurorori · 1 year
Actually real i trust your taste. Rec me some songs🤲 i usually listen to anything, so if you're unsure what to recommend, even just the ones you like best will work :3
hearin these words is better than sex btw.
anyway i can definitelyyyyyy recommend ya a few. idk if yr an album listener (as in jus lettin a lp play n consumin music dat way. idk. i really appreciate listenin 2 an albu as a whole in one go but it might nawt do da trick 4 ya & dat ok n_n) so ill jus list sum of my favorite songs of hers (which r a lot honesly)
heathens... blood in the wine... artemis... hunger... in bottles.. this could b a dream.. <- LISEN 2 ALL THESE SOOO MUCH... oh n queendom 🫶🏼
some of her more 'mainstream' songs r prolly: runnin with the wolves & cure for me, (oh n don gemme wrong i DIE for these esp cure 4 me it mean so much 2 meeee Prolly my fav songahers), runaway... the seed...
theres ofc more but i wudn wanna overwhelm ya since this doesn look like a lot2 me but as a new listener it is. but i also think yud enjoy exist for love & animal. mebbe puppet :3c
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faithst · 1 year
hi hi hi! 🥰
i saw you said you were bored so i will flood you with some questions, bc you did the same for me 🫶🏻
(also bc i want to get to know you more hehe, in a non-creepy way)
this is just a list of questions i thought of, you don’t have to answer all of them just pick whatever
rose’s questions :
how did you get into kpop?
who were your first ults?
have you been to a kpop concert before?
who would you pick if you could be friends with one of the zb1 members? and why?
what are you hoping for in the upcoming zb1 album? like the genre/type of songs?
what inspires your writing?
aaaaaand do you have a song rec? 🤍🤍
omg, hi ‼️ ily btw💕
thank u sm for curing my boredom, i hope you achieve everything u want in life 🤝
answers !!
1) i got into kpop from hearing bts’ dna !! yk the whistle part. yeah suuuuper addicting 🫢
2) my first ult would be nct ! if you’re talking abt bias; my first ult bias is haechan 🌻
3) nope, i’ve never been to a concert before. though, i do want to (who doesn’t 🫣) i’m not going to specify my age but i am quite young to go alone/w my friends. I HOPE I DO GET TO GO TO A ZB1 CONCERT THO💥
4) I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH GYUVIN SM. he’d be a fun friend ngl. but i do already have a gyuvin-coded friend @trashhdez 😛
5) ngl, i wouldn’t mind any genre of song. i’d listen to it on repeat everyday but if i were to choose maybe songs similar to jellypop/hot summer 👍
6) well, i have alot of delusional thoughts and alot of delusional friends with delusional thoughts 🥰
7) ciipher - stay (i love this song sm)
echan - eternal summer
ateez - mist
conan gray - the exit
rory webley - something super sweet
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