#also the trailer has some creel stuff in it so?
strxnqerthinqz · 1 year
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click to see the pics better <3
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rogueddie · 1 year
Vampire Eddie, Steddie Fic Rec List!!!
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 🦇
soundtrack of our summer (side a)
For over six months, after Hawkins and the Upside Down merge, Steve Harrington is plagued by nightmares. Vines choking him, Eddie dying, and a host of other nighttime horrors. It all changes one night in October 1986 when, instead of the Creel House or the trailer park, Steve dreams about a warm spring day at Skull Rock featuring one very familiar metalhead.
Sure, his subconscious' version of Eddie Munson makes some weird comments about being alive in the Upside Down sometimes, but that's just his brain's way of coping with Eddie's death ... Right?
Words : 100,042 Chapters : 11/11 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
Wrenegade (Wrenegadeone)
“Yeah, well, that doesn’t stop the fact that Eddie–,” Steve threw a hand out, gesturing to Eddie and ignoring the indignant look on Eddie’s face, “--wants to eat me,” Steve’s hand was back at himself, gesturing to his throat with dramatic emphasis.
“Just a little bit,” Eddie found himself saying while making a pinching motion, if only because part of him particularly enjoyed getting a rise out of Steve if given the opportunity.
Words : 65,042  Chapters : 17/17  Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Eddie has turned a bit… feral after coming back to life. It’s understandable, what with the whole being a vampire thing.
What Steve doesn’t expect is the gifts he keeps finding everywhere.
Words : 10,970 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
When a traumatic truth is revealed at a metal concert in Chicago, Steve decides to reveal his own secret to a distraught Eddie sparking a unique relationship.
Words : 33,265 Chapters : 8/8 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
You're Divine
Eddie can’t seem to look away, can’t bring his ethereal gaze back up where it belongs. Steve thinks he should run, he should flee. A tiny part of him knows Eddie will chase him. Eddie will catch him, outrun him easily.
It's more than a little fucked up how that thrills him.
Words : 259,574 Chapters : 8/8 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
My Blessing
Back when Eddie was still human, he used to think it would be incredibly cool to be a vampire. Child of the night, Nosferatu, all that stuff from his beloved books. He would be untouchable and the people who wanted to hurt him just for being different would wither away and die of old age while he'd still be the same. But as he's learned during last 80-ish years, being a vampire sucks.
Words : 1,928 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Steve can’t look away. The sounds and voices from the church echo from a distance as the stranger leans in, propping his arm on the doorframe. Steve feels sweat gather on his brow. It’s only after he takes a step towards the stranger that he realizes he’s done so. Steve feels at the very end of a cliff, ready to fall willingly, anything to get closer to the ledge.
“Deputy ,” says the stranger, trailing off, pointing at his chest, not quite touching - oh, Steve wants him to, wants it like he needs air in his lungs - where his badge hangs. "Impressive."
Words : 36,899 Chapters : 10/10 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
A Secret In Your Throat
Eddie returns - only it's not quite Eddie. Created by Vecna, a new being has taken over Eddie's mind - and he has his sights set on Steve Harrington. But what begins as a kidnapping may start to shift as Kas spends more time around Steve, and as Eddie tries to take back control of his body.
Words : 44,540 Chapters : 10/10 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
I didn't know that I was starving 'till I tasted you
Lihhelsing, tinkerbclla
Steve Harrington didn't really need much to be happy. He was finally signing divorce papers, ready to be free of his ex-wife. He liked his job at the coffee shop, especially because he got to do it beside his best friend in the whole world. And it didn't hurt that Steve's favorite customer, a guy with dark messy curls and a smile to die for, kept coming back to order his usual.
The only weird thing was that Eddie didn't seem to be drinking his coffee because his cup was always full at the end of the night. So Steve made his mission to find a drink Eddie would like, he just didn't imagine it would be something a little... Different.
Words : 16,063 Chapters : 1/1 Rating. : Explicit
AO3 : x
neighborhood gods
It’s a legend. It’s a different kind of fairy tale, who wants to hear it. How one boy became wolf because of his stupid heart and the other became vampire because of his storybook courage. Keep an eye on the woods, there’s something out there.
Words : 13,335 Chapters. : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
How I’d Kill (to See You Again)
“Are you going to kill me?” Steve’s voice was small, the question choking out of him without permission.
Did he even want to know the answer? It was probably as obvious as it seemed, as Eddie rose an eyebrow at him.
“Kill you? Oh, Stevie, I would never.” Eddie dropped to one knee by Steve’s side. His head leaned down, so close to Steve’s ear that he could feel his hot breath ticking against his hair. “I like my meals hot.”
Words : 66,826 Chapters : 10/10 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
Steve's Got a Date with a Vampire!
Eddie immediately pulled something out of his jacket—was that donated blood?—then tore into the bag and sucked its contents down like, well, water.
Then Steve had questions. The first of which being a hearty, “The fuck?”
Eddie drained the bag and let his head fall back to rest on the seat, exposing the column of his neck. Steve swallowed, cursing his brain to pay attention to what the hell was happening instead of being a slut for once. Eddie lolled his head to look at Steve and gave him a gleaming, bloody smile.
“So, funny story,” he paused. If Steve had to guess it must’ve been for dramatic effect. “I think I’m a vampire.”
Words : 33,485 Chapters : 7/7 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
You and Me (In the Center of the Apocalypse)
“Not g’na make it,” Eddie said, his voice shaking at the reality they were facing. “Not both of us.”
Steve glanced towards the gate. Eddie’s right. They both can’t make it through. Steve wouldn’t have time to even help Eddie through without the lining closing on him.
If Steve was gonna go through, he had to go now.
He couldn’t leave Eddie here to die.
Steve stepped back, dropping the stick.
“D-dingus?” Robin called. Her voice sounding far away. “No — no, Nancy we gotta — we gotta!”
The mucus lining started to bulge with their attempts to break the seal, the lining growing stronger, thicker, like healing skin. It slowly started to scar over, dark like a scab. It turned dark, hard, and solid. Steve couldn’t hear them anymore.
“You dumbass,” Eddie exhaled sharply. “You’re stuck.”
Words : 58,194 Chapters : 8/8 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
Steve Harrington is an animator. It’s a job that involves raising the dead; sometimes as a service for mourning relatives looking for closure, often as a tool for the courts to settle disputes.
Steve Harrington is also a licensed vampire hunter.
Two years ago, vampirism became legal in the United States, granting its undead population citizenship. With this new legal status comes a complication for Steve, as he finds himself tasked with helping the very creatures he is accustomed to killing.
Speaking of complications, Steve struggles in more ways than one when he finds himself working closely with none other than Eddie Munson, an undeniably sexy several-hundred-years old master vampire.
Words : 91,810 Chapters : 17/17 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
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kittythelitter · 1 year
CW: Chrissy's mom. Specifically being body shamey and ableist. Also characters being pressured into a relationship they don't want to be in.
Okay but ST season 4 AU where everyone lives, including Chrissy and Jason. Like, Vecna breaks his victims and traps his victims in their own minds instead of killing them so he can feed off their life forces or whatever and Chrissy is found in the trailer broken and covered in upsidedown goop but still alive so everyone's like. This is some weird supernatural bullshit. And Jason still leads a witch-hunt.
After it all, Chrissy is awake and recovering and she breaks up with Jason for being the worst. And her mom is like. You're legally an adult, you chased away a good man, because you're bed bound for now you lost your cheerleading scholarship and the only thing that makes you worth anything. You can't even get a job in your current state. You need a man. If you let me set you up with a rich eligible bachelor and don't fuck it up, we will pay your hospital bills, maybe even college.
Meanwhile Steve is a hero, and is a publicity asset for the Harringtons, and for the first time since he graduated high school has some kind of value to his parents. He's being celebrated, and if they set him up with one of their business partner's kids they can curry favor. More so if it's the poor injured Cunningham girl who is beloved and lauded by the town for being victims of the bizarre serial killer, Henry Creel.
(Ignore the goo and the vines and the crack in the ground that used to be main street there was a serial killer and an earthquake and they were totally unrelated.)
So Steve and Chrissy are both being pressured by their parents into a relationship that even conceptually makes them uncomfortable. But she can't back out without starting adulthood in a wheelchair in crippling debt. And while Steve could probably survive being disowned and his parents' ire his abandonment issues and desperate people pleaser tendencies make him not want to piss off his parents, disappoint the Cunninghams, or hurt Chrissy's feelings.
So they go on a lot of very uncomfortable dates. And they kind of get along. And Steve breaks down and full on Robin word vomits that she's great and he's sure she'll find a great guy but he really doesn't want to upset their parents or hurt her feelings- but he really really doesn't feel that way about her- and it's not because she's in a wheelchair or anything- one of his kids is in a wheelchair- well not his kid- there's these kids he babysits- that's not the point- he's really really sorry, but he kind has a crush on someone else, and he can't keep pretending to date her to make other people happy, and he's really sorry. And she's like. Holy shit.
And he just broke down so she feels comfortable explaining her situation and he, overwhelmed by his protector instincts, agrees to keep up the appearance of dating until her hospital bills are paid and she can make her own choices about what she wants.
So they keep doing public dates and stuff. But outside of that, he invites her to meet his friends, cause she lost a lot of hers in everything. She's been really lonely, and she's very sweet and kind of dorky so she gets along with everyone.
And Steve told Robin everything because she's Robin, but not everyone else because he didn't want to get into his parents bullshit or expose Chrissy's baggage so they're all nice to her and get along but they're a little weird about it because that's Chrissy Cunningham. And Steve's dating her???
Also Robin is weird around her because hot girl, but everyone thinks she's jealous which is a weird dynamic. Chrissy thinks Robin is Steve's crush and keeps talking Steve up to Robin and talking about how Robin's great and how close she and Steve are and how nice that is. And it's very awkward.
Eddie is insanely jealous and he knows that Robin's a lesbian so he's like. Oh she has a crush on her best friend's straight girlfriend. That sucks. And he also hates that he can't hate Chrissy, because she's so fucking nice and sweet to him.
(Nancy, Jon and Argyle are all on varying levels of knowing something is up but are staying out of it because they are too stoned to parse what specifically is happening or too stubborn to admit that they made some wrong assumptions.)
(the kids don't care much beyond being glad that Steve wasn't flirting with every age appropriate girl he crossed paths with anymore)
And then Chrissy figures out that a) whoops she has a crush on her fake boyfriend's best friend (Robin). b) Steve and Eddie are in love. And c) Eddie thinks she and Steve are for real. So Chrissy tries to explain to Eddie that their relationship is fake without spilling Steve's baggage, and mentions that she doesn't even like Steve like that she actually likes Robin.
Through some miscommunication Eddie now thinks Steve is unknowingly Chrissy's beard. And he doesn't want to out Chrissy but he's a little upset that she's using his crush totally platonic guy friend this way.
Meanwhile Chrissy tries to team up with Robin to get Steve and Eddie together. Because Robin clearly loves Steve and Eddie and wants them to be happy even if she hates Chrissy for some reason. (Again Robin doesn't hate Chrissy she's just super awkward).
Boundless shenanigans ensue.
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aemiron-main · 9 months
Lord Henry and Lady Patty- Does This Mean That They’re a Romantic Couple? How Does Stranger Things Treat The Type of Relationship That Exists Between a Lord and a Lady?
So, like I said before, I’m definitely still not convinced that George is Henry, and I think it’s far more likely that George is Lonnie Byers or Allen Munson.
However, setting that aside/regardless of George’s identity, it’s clear that Patty and Henry are likely going to interact at some point (which we already knew based on their parallels in the animated trailer).
So, today, I want to talk about the supposed meanings of Patty and Henry’s names, as I saw a post awhile back talking about how “Henry means Lord of the House and Patty means Lady of The House so they MUST be a reciprocated romantic couple,” and there’s a few things I want to dismantle there.
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Setting aside the obvious stuff that goes against a Patty-Henry romance, such as the age-gap & the inability to age Henry up because the play is canon material and Henry WAS 12 in 1959 in canon, and also setting aside the fact that the crush has been described as one-sided on Patty’s part, for this post, I want to focus on specifically why the “meanings of Henry and Patty’s names,” thing does NOT point towards a reciprocated romance.
So, BEFORE we get to "how do we explain these names even in a seemingly romantic way" thing considering the whole age gap, if Henry and Patty aren't coded as romantic at all in any way, then what's up with the names?
Well, we know that the shot of Henry at the Creel house window in the animated TFS trailer seems to parallel the shot of Patty in the church:
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So- is the “lord/lady of the house” thing being used more literally here? As in the literal, physical house?
Did Patty live in the Creel house before the Creels moved in? Did Victor buy the house from the Newby family?
However, even setting all of that speculation about the house aside, let’s assume that the meanings of the names are as they seem on the surface/have seemingly romantic connotations re: lord and lady.
I think that these name meanings are actually some strong evidence that Henry and Patty aren’t going to be romantic.
This is because these names are basically the equivalent of naming them Heteronormativity 1 and Heteronormativity 2- they may as well have named them Romeo and Juliet (and we all know that ST loves to poke fun at Romeo and Juliet/them not being “true love”).
Lords and Ladies are probably one of the furthest things from genuine romantic love/a genuine romantic relationship.
When it comes to lords and ladies, marriages were basically always arranged marriages- alliances between noble families, where the participants getting married had no choice in the matter. The people getting married were basically treated as property, as bargaining chips, like pawns in chess. There’s nothing actually romantic about the titles, quite the opposite.
Lords and ladies would also frequently take lovers outside of the marriage, including queer lovers (often using their marriage to conceal their homosexuality). Which, that would make sense with Henry’s constant queercoding.
And speaking of nobles and queerness, if we want to talk about the name “Henry,” re: nobility, then let’s talk about Henry III of France (which, there’s also the whole multiple Henries during NINA thing and rhe fact that Henry II was involved in the War of the Three Henrys, but that’s for another time), who had a wife, but has been frequently depicted as being gay.
And specifically/most notably, he was depicted as being gay in the 1954 film, La Reine Margot.
So, we’ve got a noble named Henry who has a famous gay portrayal from the 50s and we’ve also got a guy named Henry in a play from the 50s. I won’t be surprised at all if there’s a connection there regarding Henry’s queercoding.
But setting that aside entirely and going back to Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet were both nobles, from rival noble families, who “fell in love.” My point is, the whole “romantic nobility titles” thing that’s seemingly present with Henry and Patty is also present with Romeo and Juliet, and is an idea that ST has mocked repeatedly.
Like, ST pokes fun at the idea of pushing two people people into marriage (which is EXACTLY what happens with lords and ladies)- for example, in S1, Lucas makes fun of Mike and El, with his comment about Mike marrying El:
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ST itself is poking fun at Mileven’s relationship, and leaving those early breadcrumbs to tell us that Mileven isn’t endgame. Lucas is pressuring Mike into heteronormativity/into a relationship (as a result of those same pressures having been put on Lucas himself), like a smaller-scale version of how lords and ladies were pressured (and more often, forced) into marriages.
Karen and Ted Wheeler’s relationship is also similar to an arranged marriage, as while it’s not an actual arranged marriage, Karen seems to have married Ted for money, and not for love, just like how the arranged marriages between lords and ladies were about money and status, and has nothing to do with love:
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Like, Nancy specifically talks not only about Ted having money, but also coming from a “good family,” something that was a key part of the arranged relationships between lords and ladies.
Again, my point is- the relationship that exists between a lord and a lady is the EXACT type of relationship that ST frequently mocks and frequently pulls apart and subverts. It would make no sense and be completely contradictory to everything that ST has done and shown us so far for Patty and Henry to have genuine reciprocated romantic feelings for eachother while ALSO literally being named Lord and Lady. They may as well have named them Karen and Ted lmao, and even then, naming them Karen and Ted would still be MORE romantic than naming them Lord and Lady.
They could have named Henry and Patty anything- and yet they chose names that are specifically tied to societal pressure and class expectations, and NOT to genuine romantic feelings. Again, they may as well have named them Heteronormativity 1 and Heteronormativity 2.
I know a lot of Byler enthusiasts aren’t particularly interested in Henry and his queercoding, which is fair, but since we’ve spent the past god knows how long using these same examples (see: Romeo and Juliet) to demonstrate that Mileven isn’t endgame and likely was never actually a genuine romantic relationship with mutual attraction, why should it be any different for Henry and Patty? Hell, Patty, from what we’ve already seen of her audition tapes, seems to have multiple El parallels regarding how both seem to have similar relationships with their mother and a bunch of other dialogue parallels. I won’t be surprised if Henry and Patty not being romantic is being used to prep the GA for Byler endgame and Mileven not being a couple/not being romantic/gay Mike, etc.
Patty and Henry both also come from “noble” families in Hawkins- Patty is the daughter of Father Newby/she’s the preacher’s daughter in a religious town, and Henry, as we know, is the son of the wealthy Creel family who literally owns a mansion. It would make sense for somebody like Father Newby to try and set the two up (especially if he was running low on cash)/push them towards eachother, and Virginia would likely be happy to see her gay outcast son interacting with a girl- a religious girl, the preacher’s daughter no less.
Long story short, so far, all of the evidence points towards Henry and Patty not having a romantic relationship/not having reciprocated romantic feelings for eachother. Lord and lady are titles of obligation and class, not of love or romance or anything of the sort. And that’s not even counting the obvious age discrepancies that I mentioned before, something that TFS can’t just change or handwave away, because it’s been confirmed to be canon material, and Henry’s canon age is 12 in 1959.
And I also just still, genuinely, don’t think that Henry is George- the kid from the audition tape for George looks NOTHING like Henry, and even beyond that, the dialogue and behaviour in that George audition is NOTHING whatsoever like Henry- that snarky George line about “prom queen,” is leagues away from being anything like what we’ve seen of Henry’s personality, especially as a child.
I won’t be surprised if George is Lonnie or Allen, both of which seem to have “bad boy”/outcast/moody loner personalities, which is exactly what’s described for George, and if Patty fall in love with Lonnie or Allen, but is being pushed towards Henry by Father Newby because Henry’s from a wealthy, religious family. Especially since neither Lonnie’s family nor Allen’s family seem to be wealthy or particularly religious, and we all know that priests are often greedy bastards, which would align perfectly with Father Newby being interested in the Creels’ money.
Especially since Victor was described in the papers as being “generous” in a paragraph that talks about the church:
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“Creel was known around town for his generosity, and the Creel Family was regularly seen at Sunday Mass at St. Philip’s Catholic Church on Sundays.”
So, if Victor was known for donating to the church, it makes sense that Father Newby would know that the Creels have money, and may either a.) be playing the long game trying to get Henry and to get married eventually or b.) hoping that Victor’s donations might increase if he has even more of a personal connection to the church via his son dating the prescher’s daughter, especially as Victor clearly loves his son, and Father Newby likely knows this.
And with Henry being gay/having so much gay queercoding, he obviously wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with Patty, so again, I really do think the angle for Henry and Patty’s relationship is more likely to be “people are trying to push Henry and Patty together, but Patty’s in love with somebody that’s ‘below’ her class-wise, and Henry is gay”.
Now, going more into speculation territory, I want to talk about LOTR.
I’ve talked about this briefly before, but while Will definitely has some Frodo parallels, Henry is also definitely, intentionally paralleled to Frodo- hell, Victor has constant Bilbo parallels, and the Creel house has constant Bag End parallels. Will also has some Sam parallels, especially when it comes to class and wealth and family, so Will’s LOTR parallels aren’t as simple as saying He’s Only Frodo/He’s The Only Frodo Coded Character.
And so, keeping the idea of Henry-Frodo parallels in mind:
In LOTR, Sam is of a lower class than Frodo. Frodo is basically Hobbit nobility, whereas Sam is a commoner. And Sam’s dad is the Baggins’ gardener.
And I talked in this post about how the Creels had a gardener and a groundsperson.
And, I’m wondering if Scott’s dad may have been the Creels’ gardener or groundsperson, just like how Sam’s dad was Bilbo’s gardener/groundsperson (which, again, Victor has constant Bilbo parallels). And this would further connect Henry and Patty in a platonic sense/something that parallels them, with both of them being in love with somebody that’s “below” their class- George/Lonnie/Allen in Patty’s case, and Scott in Henry’s case.
And this Henry-Scott idea might not even be part of TFS, because we still have all of S5 to go.
Anyway! There’s some thoughts.
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Lonely Times
I've been hooked on time loop Steddie fics, that's my drug of choice. And I have thoughts because when don't I have those...
What would it look like if one of the time loop conditions was that Steve can't tell anyone? Whenever he tries to, there is an immediate reset, and Steve tries working around it, really does, but it's as if whatever caused this wants him to suffer alone. He goes through several rapid loops just trying to communicate his concerns, but that's a no-go. Changing their plan turns out to be way more difficult because Steve isn't the brains of the group and everyone tends to trust Nancy more with planning, so he sets out to collect as much information as possible on his own.
Apart from the obvious downsides to all of this - dying, seeing his loved ones die, the healing of his wounds resetting every day - the worst part is having to pretend not to know anything others are saying. The vision Vecna showed Nancy? He knows it word by word, but if he tries to interrupt, summarize it faster, click, a reset happens. So he has to play his part, nod along, ask questions - at least his reactions don't need to stay the same, but it's tedious and it makes him feel so alone.
He's tried talking to Eddie more times than he cares to admit, has tried to figure out if there is a way to keep Eddie out of harm's way. For Max, the solution is more clear, stopping Jason Carver from destroying her lifeline - a painful lesson he learned the one time he squeezed into the Creel House team - was obvious, but with Eddie the danger doesn't lie only outside, in the swarms of demobats, it's Eddie's painful disregard for his own life. He's had numerous discussions with Eddie, going in his responses from appreciative to annoyed to genuinely curious because with what Steve knows will happen, he wonders - why doesn't Eddie ever talk about himself apart from all the coward stuff? He wants to see others happy so badly he'll throw his life away without a single thought. Steve finds the familiarity painful. And so keeps asking, keeps prodding, collects information like pieces of a puzzle and he can't help himself, the picture that starts showing up is lovely, it is complex and Steve knows he simply has to bring this damaged boy home, home to his loud music, his loving uncle, his secret ambitions.
He heads to Eddie's trailer when others are still talking, he says he needs some fresh air. He pokes around, finds all the weaknesses, the vents, the fragile doors. Even though others stare at him as if he grew a second head, he gives them all the details, suggests how they should adjust the planned defenses. It's not enough, but Steve has all the power in the world now, he knows how to work the system. The second anything goes wrong, he grabs Robin's shoulder and mutters the magical words: "I'm stuck in a time loop". Eddie won't remember the pain tomorrow, Eddie won't remember the things he told him about his mother, about how he got held back in school because the principal caught him kissing his nephew and that sparked a long vendetta that Eddie couldn't win against. It doesn't matter if Eddie doesn't remember, Steve will spare him the pain, will spare Dustin from losing him all over again. Maybe Steve also selfishly wants to spare himself.
The repetition drives him crazy, but it makes him more bold, less hesitant. He spends more time with Eddie in each loop, talks to him about all the topics in the world, and his heart aches whenever it's go time because he already expects another reset. If he sees any mistakes repeated, knows they won't make it, he just says the magic words and there it is, a second chance, third, fourth, twentieth. He doesn't even count, time doesn't flow the way it should in purgatory anyway.
"I think I've been falling for you," he says once to Eddie, ready to follow the sentence with the spoken reset button, but it doesn't happen, not then. Because Eddie looks at him, his dark eyes and full of fondness, and maybe he's been feeling desperate too because he tosses away the spiked shield and reaches out, strokes Steve's cheek, and Steve's feeling brave and stupid. "I want to know more about you. You're so interesting Eddie, so vibrant, and I don't care if it sounds like I'm losing my mind, because nothing matters to me now than seeing you alive and happy. To have you walk the stage and give the principal the biggest fuck you of his life because you made it. To go on tour or just play at the Hideout, to keep meeting with all the tiny shitheads and create any and all adventures you want, I...I need to see that happen." He covers Eddie's hand with his own. "Please tell me you understand," he whispers and Eddie does, not in words, he kisses Steve right there and then.
When Steve has to say the words that evening, when one of the vines breaks Nancy's leg and they hear Vecna walking down the stairs, disturbed by the muffled scream of pain, he decides that he will do anything and everything to have those lips against his again.
"I'm stuck in a time loop, Nance."
"Hey Robin, I've lived through this day before."
"Eddie is about to die in an hour and the day will reset."
In the end, he figures out the magical combination, just like he figured out Eddie, through trial and error and dedication. He proposes changes to the plan, adding to the "bait" - getting an additional speaker and placing it in another trailer, switching between them to keep the bats occupied, to draw them from one place to another. He's seen it many times already, Eddie can never feel like his job is done. He will keep him occupied. He will keep him safe.
Erica has to move positions, she signals from somewhere else to avoid being spotted. Lucas barricades the doors and places Max's walkman to a safer position. Steve and Nancy make their way upstairs and get Vecna, Robin stays outside and cuts off his escape with more Molotov cocktails until the two make it back.
And just like that, a dam breaks in their minds. "What..." mutters Nancy and stares at Steve as if she saw him for the first time. "Have we been through this before? I feel like..."
"Like there's a shit ton of memories in your head that never happened?" adds Robin and expects Steve to explain, knows he had something to do with it, but he doesn't have the time or energy for that, he just stares in the direction of the trailer park and runs, because if this is it, if others remember, then-
He meets Eddie halfway there, in the forest, near the place when Eddie told him a lifetime ago he should get Nancy back. "You..." wheezes Eddie and Steve presses the knuckles of his hand to his mouth to stifle an ugly sob, "...knew all along, didn't you?"
"Yes," whispers Steve and can't help it, pulls Eddie into a crushing hug, his own injuries be damned. "For such a long time, Eddie. It never worked out, I don't know how many times, but it's okay now, you remember, I...I wanted to tell you so badly." He's full on crying now, sobbing into Eddie's neck and he vaguely registers Eddie's hand stroking his back.
He's about to apologize and pull back, he never wanted to dump all this on Eddie, but Eddie holds him just as tight and his long fingers find their way into Steve's hair, gently massaging his head. "You did so good, Steve," he says and his voice sounds broken, quiet. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that alone. I wish I remembered all of that sooner."
Steve gives a wet chuckle, still buried in Eddie's shoulder. "All of that, huh?" He wonders if Eddie remembers really everything, because then-
"Everything. But especially that one moment. I hope you haven't changed your mind about the falling thing," and Eddie is finally pulling away, just a little, to look into Steve's eyes. "Because if that was the only time I get to kiss you, this will be my villain origin backstory."
They are both laughing now, staring at each other through the tears and they can hear steps getting closer, Nancy and Robin finally catching up. "I'm pretty sure the info you have is outdated," says Steve and pulls Eddie closer, if that's even possible. "I'm way past falling now. I'm completely gone for you, man."
"Good, then we have something in common. I still don't get how you did it, how this whole loop thing came about, but I don't give a fuck. This is our year, baby," he grins at Steve.
And Eddie is right. It is.
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panicatthediaz · 10 months
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My, my, looks who's alive! Another fic of mine has been consuming my thoughts. I just finished the first chapter for that one at a little over 6k words. Fun stuff. I want to post that one for Halloween (though with the Steddie big bang, who knows), but we'll see. I might hold off on that one and try an focus on this one once more? We'll see. For now, enjoy! Oh, if the @ tags don't work, or if you just don't want to be tagged like that, I'll also be using the "Pin a String fic" tag :)
[Part 1] – [Part 11] – [Part 13]
@madaboutmunson @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @dijkstraspath @spectrum-spectre @epiclazershark @redheadchimechild @steddie-there @gayngerthings @manda-panda-monium @goodolefashionedloverboi
Pin a String to My Chest – 12
The reunion
Wayne had been coming to work as usual during the week Eddie was missing, confident that he'd show up fine, returning from an improvised trip he and the older boys from the club decided to go on. Nevermind the fact that Eddie hadn't called; he'd never failed to let Wayne know where he was before.
He knew Eddie wouldn't have killed that girl, maybe someone just broke into their trailer—
A full week after finding her body in the trailer, he got a call from the hospital, saying that Eddie had been admitted during the night. He spent the rest of that day as well as the night there. The next morning, the press announced his kid's innocence — to some people's surprise, apparently, if the nonsensical noise he heard from the TV was anything to go by.
They went on about a man called Peter Ballard, obsessed with the Creel murders and determined to recreate them. He chose their targets, stalked them, and killed them a few days later. Chrissy Cunningham happened to be most vulnerable when she decided to reconnect with an old middle school acquaintance.
Wayne didn't pay much attention to the TV after that. He made the calls he had to in order to stay with Eddie in the hospital, but he'd still have to work some nights. Not many, but some.
He met the people who claimed to have helped Eddie, and despite the insane story they all told him, he found he believed them. Hopper coming back from the dead — or wherever he was taken to, he supposed — and confirming it all helped. A little.
The Henderson kid was there as often as he could, often doing his homework next to Eddie's bed and talking about it as if Eddie would reply to him at any moment, tired of all the science talk. Wayne worried about the kid, but he didn't know what to tell him, especially not when the first thing he did was hand over Eddie's necklace.
Dustin was there. With him, the Wheeler girl had said. Wayne couldn't imagine what that must have been like.
Eddie had been admitted ten days ago. This was the third night Wayne had to go to work since then. He'd been doing his best to ignore the guilty looks as much as the disbelieving ones, and so far, no one had tried talking about it all in his vicinity. Now, he knew people were talking elsewhere, but as long as he didn't hear it, it should be fine.
Wayne shouldn't be here. He knew that, his coworkers knew that, his boss knew that, but apparently he didn't have a choice.
The call came close to 4 am, about two hours before the end of his shift. One of the supervisors, a man he could never remember the name of given how rarely he saw him, called out for him, saying there was someone on the phone.
"It's from Hawkins General," he clarified softly once Wayne was close enough. "Didn't say much, but I assume it's about your nephew."
Wayne was quick to thank him and walk into the office. He picked up the phone with a deep breath.
"Hello? This is Wayne Munson."
"Mr. Munson," a woman answered, sounding too chirpy for the hour. "It's Linda." Right, Eddie's nurse every other night. She was one of the nicest ones he'd met so far, always a kind word and gentle touches where his nephew was concerned. "You might want to get here soon, Eddie just woke up."
She had promised to call him if anything happened, personally. Wayne's heart was racing, at first for the fact she was calling at all, but then for the fact that Eddie had woken up. She spoke some more, though he wasn't sure he absorbed much of it.
He hung up with a promise to be there as soon as possible. He spoke briefly to his supervisor before the man was waving him off.
"Just go, I got this."
He never drove so quickly in his life.
Linda was waiting for him at the front desk, her smile widening when she saw the state he arrived in.
"I told you he was tired, Mr. Munson," she said, turning to walk further into the hospital without preambles. "You could have taken your time driving."
Wayne shook his head even though she couldn't see it. "You said he asked for me? No way in hell I'm keepin' him waiting."
Linda didn't try making small talk after that, leading the way to Eddie's room. Not that Wayne needed directions after spending most of the last ten days here, but the sentiment was nice.
She opened the door gently, letting Wayne step in first. Eddie seemed to be asleep, but it was clear he had woken up at some point; the thin blanket covered only half of his uninjured leg, the other slightly elevated with a pillow. It looked like Eddie had tried to move around. His left arm was in a sling, probably to keep him from stretching the wound on his chest and shoulder.
"Let me know if you need anything," Linda said from the door.
Wayne nodded absently as she closed the door. He moved the chair closer to Eddie's bed, the scraping noise enough to make his nephew's face scrunch up.
"Hey, kid." He kept his voice soft, not wanting to disturb Eddie if he wasn't awake but letting him know he was there just in case.
God, the kid's voice was rough. He gently patted Eddie's forearm, avoiding the bandages, and kept his hand there.
Eddie's eyes fluttered open, face creasing in drowsiness and confusion. "You…?"
"I'm here, Eddie," he reassured. He was probably smiling a little too wide for what Eddie was used to, but he didn't really care. Wayne helped him drink some water from a cup left on his bedside before asking, "How are you feeling?"
Eddie moved to shrug a little, but grimaced in pain. "Achy," he said, with a scrunched up expression that told the discomfort was a little deeper than that. "What happened?"
Wayne shook his head. There wasn't much point in talking about it when Eddie looked on the verge of sleep once more. If Eddie had actually forgotten the circumstances of his injuries, he guessed having the rest of his little monster slaying group around would help more than Wayne talking about it could.
"We'll talk when I'm sure you won't forget it."
Eddie hummed, nodding slowly. "Stayin'?" He asked, slipping into an accent that didn't come out often. His eyes slipped close, head slightly turned to him. "Missed you."
"I missed you too, kid." He squeezed the arm he was still holding. "I'm not goin' anywhere, go back to sleep."
Wayne made himself as comfortable in the hospital chair as he could, not once letting go of his nephew. The kid seemed relaxed, though that might be the work of the painkillers; Wayne had been told the state Eddie arrived in, and he guessed the painkillers would be needed for a while.
Minutes passed in silence, as Wayne watched Eddie breathe. It had become routine, making sure his nephew was still there. It was because of that routine that Wayne saw his face contorting into a frown right before he groaned.
"Eddie?" He asked, leaning closer to him. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
"Thinkin'," he mumbled, slurring with sleep. "Not goin' to the concert next week, huh?"
"That's, uh, that's tomorrow, actually." Eddie let out a questioning noise that sounded awfully confused. "It's…" He trailed off, glancing backwards at the clock on the wall. "It's almost 5 am on April 7th, kid."
Eddie was staring at him, confusion clear in his eyes despite the low light. He looked away after a moment, turning his gaze forward.
"Oh," he whispered. He took a deep breath — as deep as he could, all things considered. "Okay."
Wayne couldn't help but raise a brow at his non-reaction. Eddie had been excited for this concert for weeks, going on rants about the concert whenever he lay eyes on the tickets that Wayne was safekeeping. Metallica and Ozzy. Eddie had learned a song or another from one of them, Wayne couldn't tell which one. He'd spent so much time practicing it…
"Don't look at me like that," Eddie mumbled, frowning. "Can't do shit about it now." He pulled his arm free of Wayne's hold and slowly rubbed his eyes. "Should've just—"
"Not been attacked?"
Eddie froze. So he did remember. He slowly turned to look at Wayne, who wanted to grimace as the movement seemed to stretch the bandage on Eddie's neck. His eyes were wide, looking afraid in a way Wayne hadn't seen since Lauren brought him over at 7 years old.
"I—I didn't…" His breathing picked up, and his hand pressed against the bandage on his chest. "I didn't do it." He shook his head, grimacing. "I wouldn't—"
I wouldn't hurt them.
Eddie couldn't finish his sentence, but the desperation in his eyes made it clear what he wanted to say. Wayne knew he didn't do it, that he would never hurt anyone. He knew who the actual murderer was.
"Eddie, son," he grabbed his hand, one of the few areas free of bandages. "I know, okay?" Eddie's gaze was fleeting between his eyes, looking for a catch he wouldn't find. "I need you to breathe, Eddie, as deep as you can."
It took a couple of minutes and many repeated words before Eddie was breathing easily once more. He was frowning, clenching his hand around Wayne's fingers.
"There you are," Wayne said softly. "Your new gaggle of friends made sure I knew what was going on."
Eddie's expression didn't change, but he nodded. "You… You believe 'em?"
"Got no reason not to." He shrugged. "Hopper coming back from wherever he was sure helped."
Eddie opened his mouth to question it, most likely, but all that came out was a tired sigh. "Sure, whatever."
Chuckling, Wayne patted Eddie's head, making a bigger mess of the kid's hair. He was sure that Eddie would demand a wash soon.
"Get some rest, son, I'll be here."
Eddie hummed and, surprisingly obedient, closed his eyes. He moved a little to adjust himself on the bed and was out almost as soon as he got comfortable.
It wasn't long before Wayne fell asleep as well, more tired than he'd realized after a nearly full shift.
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chelswat27 · 2 years
So shot in the dark here, but what if the duffer brothers are actually doing a slow burn for Ronance, and that's why they didn't waste that much time on Vickie in season 4? (I know this is giving them a lot of credit.) But if season 5 is going to have a time jump and ultimately they plan for Robin and Nancy to be together, there would be no point in wasting a bunch of time building up a relationship that's not going to matter going into the next season. Plus they kind of showed that Jon and Nancy are still avoiding their issues at the end.
At first I thought season 4 was showing a lot of build-up for Steve reuniting with Nancy, but then I realized if anything they're showing why Stancy wont-work and building up Ronance simultaneously. The first instance of this is in E3 at the trailer park. Steve tries to go with Nancy and immediately his plan doesn't work and instead Robin goes with her.
Then the next attempt is when Steve tries to go with Nancy to see Victor Creel, and instead Robin is a part of the plan not Steve.
When they're in the creel house and Nancy immediately asks for Robin to go with her to start searching the house instead of Steve is a big moment too. So far we've had 2 instances or 3 rather where Nancy neither asked for Steve to come with her or avoided Steve coming with her and instead replaced him with Robin.
Even when Nancy and Steve are talking while Nancy gets the spider webs out of steve's hair, she doesn't make any attempt to flirt with him or anything and in fact laughs when Robin kind of interrupts their moment. But I think if she was truly interested in maybe reigniting things with Steve, that there might have been more flirtation on her part. (Also I think it's worth noting that, good guy Steve, did not out Robin as a lesbian in that moment. This could be a topic of conversation for Robin and Nancy in season 5. Especially if they bring up the failed relationship with Vicki)
When Robin and Nancy are walking in the woods, Robin asked Nancy about all the stuff with Steve and Jonathan. Out of that whole conversation, Nancy picks out the one moment about her and Robin being officially friends.
Vol 2 we don't get very many moments with them. However I think it's notable that in the woods when Steve confesses that Nancy was the one he envisioned in his dream scenario, when Robin interrupts that moment Steve looks annoyed but Nancy almost looks relieved. She looked like she was about to let Steve down again. Because previously in the RV it seemed like she was being courteous, and listening to a friend. When she says the 6 kid part sounds like a nightmare, that seemed like a nice way to be like "that's not for me Steve."
Volume one we see that Steve has grown and maybe there is potential. In volume 2 we see that even though he has grown, they still have different life goals. It won't work.
So back to the idea of the time jump. Why waste all this time showing things between Steve and Nancy especially if their life plans don't lineup unless they want to squash that idea? Why not show things working out between Jonathan and Nancy unless they don't want to carry that over into season 5? Which leaves the idea why work on a friendship between Robin and Nancy, when they had barely any screen together in season 3, unless it's something they plan to carry over into season 5?
These were just some things I noticed and some ideas I had. Maybe it's just optimistic reasoning. Hopefully this all tracks, but I think it reads kind of well haha.
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wheelercore · 1 year
Was rewatching more of s4 and gathered some more interesting thoughts namely more Tammy/Brenda/"Rose" Robin/ Angela/ Nancy (????) stuff, Chrissy's vecna vision, an interesting lamp (and scene transition) in the Munson trailer, etc etc. Under the cut >.<
So first off, I noticed also a shared side swept hair style that I thought was pretty interesting because it was so consistent:
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(Robin and Vickie joke about Tammy sounding like a muppet while Brenda thinks she sounds beautiful).
In all three of these instances, their hair are held on the left side (facing whatever screen you're reading this on). The coloring scheme is interestingly consistent- Tammy in her white jacket + pink dress+ blue eye shadow, Robin in her white cardigan+ pink blouse+ blue/pink skirt, Nancy with a pretty similar colored (pink/blue) skirt+ white button down shirt, and Brenda who's in white overalls but her earrings are blue and pink.
And I've already said this before but Robins hair seems to me to be a mix of Virginia's bob and Karen's S2 bangs plus the hair swept to the right that seems to be going on also:
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Mind you, out of either Nancy or Robin, "Rose Weaver" Robin was the one they chose to do a complete hair-do to. Nancy has her usual hair style at Penthust.
Some more things I've noticed thus far:
Chrissy's mother in her Vecna vision is wearing a soft pink shirt and white pants- also a pearl (?) bracelet (like "Rose" Robin but thats not captured in this post. take my word for it lol):
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Themes of forced femininity mmmm. Also *points* blonde.
Also the watch on Mrs. Cunningham's other wrist.
Chrissy also has pearl earrings, like her mother's bracelet:
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Oh and look! This weird pink-white-blue disease has spread to Lenora! Hi Angela!
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Now, there is an interesting trend here. How does El usually dress in Lenora, at least before Mike arrives? Jeans and a plaid button down shirt. Sharp contrast to Angela, who dresses in a more "feminine" fashion. When Mike arrives we see her throw a dress on, all while lying to him about being friends with Angela to make it seem like she was fitting in.
(But of course we see in s3 that if El choses so she does dress in a colorful feminine way, it just seems like the Byers can't afford it).
We see Robin struggling with heteronormativity and her arc this season was "being herself", esp with Vickie. Robin has to put on Nancy's clothes, something that is brought up repeatedly as not her style, which is very obvious from when we see Robin dressed in her usually clothing, side by side with Nancy who just dresses more feminine compared to Robin.
And also there's Chrissy who is pressured by her mother to be this hyperfeminine skinny cheerleader, much of the abuse we're shown either surrounds Chrissy's weight or her clothing.
Anyways, moving onto more of Chrissy's Vecna vision, there are a few interesting things.
First off, there's this very familiarly shaped blue lamp in the Munson trailer. In fact it's made to intentionally stand out in contrast to the yellowish-lighting of the rest of the room along with the other blue-ish light on the opposite side, framing Chrissy. Where have we seen this before?
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The Byers and the Creel home (the lights are upside down in the Creel one):
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Interestingly enough, to cement its significance, the scene transition from Eddie finding Chrissy in a trance to back to Chrissy's vision intentionally parallels the light to the one of the lights within Chrissy's home. These screenshots are only taken moments away from each other.
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Which only seems to emphasis this sort of "gate way" imagery because Chrissy realizes she is in a Vecna vision once she passes the lights into Eddie's room.
Another interesting thing I've noticed? Well not only the framing of the two blue lights not only around Chrissy being similar to the lights on either side of the rose door in the Creel home, but also out of Eddie's window they show us a clear shot for whatever reason:
A playground? Like the one also in front of the Creel's front door?
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To put my thoughts succinctly:
The blue light framing serve as a gateway into Chrissy realizing she is in her vision- once she passes them into Eddie's room she sees her mother.
The blue lights framing Chrissy seem to be similar to the two lights on either side of the rose door, which makes much more sense when we see directly behind Chrissy outside the window there is a playground like there is one outside the Creel front door. There is no reason for them to have shown us this other than that.
When Chrissy tries to run out of Eddie's room, she is trapped back in her own home. The parallel they were trying to make here- Cunninghams/Creels?
Some other interesting things from Chrissy's vision:
Flower paintings in the halls:
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Also the boards Vecna uses to signify that the vision is inescapable. Which makes sense- metaphorically. When someone faces abuse in the home -especially a child- at the hands of a caregiver the trauma does seem inescapable. He also uses this in Nancy's vision in the lab, which represents the same thing, unescapable abuse:
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If the Creel home = Cunningham home, then does that make the rose door the metaphorical planks of wood- making the Creel home unescapable? That could be why the door gets so much emphasis.
Could also be why we get Victor trying and failing to break down the door in his own vision. Once he does "break it down" (he doesn't actually), he's transported to his past trauma. Again- unescapable. But why the rose? Why that design? Why the clear reference with "Rose" Robin- which was attached to the strict gender roles of women?
The rose symbolism follows many female characters everywhere. I think the most clear example is Billy's mom, who has a rose (or at least it is a red flower) on her shirt:
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We don't know much about her other than what she did to Billy- abandon him to an abusive father, "unescapable" abuse because the other partner allows/enables it in some way shape or form either by neglect or straight up abandonment. Also the "betrayal" of this parent may actually hurt much more than the abuse by the other parent. (It's called "betrayal trauma").
We see this with Chrissy's family dynamic, except switched- the father is the enabler and the mother is the abuser. Still the same effect however.
Mind you, this is intrinsically tied to gender roles because a system where women cant support themselves or divorce their husbands can lead to this sort of dynamic. A system where women marry men whether every really knowing who they really are or loving them.
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cringengl · 10 months
Hey so I recently found a map of Hawkins that is supposed to be official:
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Questions and lightly annotated map under the cut
And I was wondering about a couple things.
How long does it take to walk from one end of Hawkins to the other?? When I googled it, Hawkins is supposed to have an estimated population of about 10-15k. As someone who lives in a town of 15k people, it would probably take an hour to walk from one end to the other, but that's because my town is more rectangular in shape and has a rlly long width and a shorter width (if that makes sense). So maybe if Hawkins was more square shaped it would take less time??
This is a bit random, but does Jonathan drive Will to school each morning, or does Will bike ride there, especially post s1. I rewatched scenes in s2 that could give me an answer, but even in the ghostbusters scene I can't find any sign of a bike or Jonathan/Joyce in a car. Will obviously bikes to Mike's house in s1, which seems a similar distance from the Byers to Hawkins Middle, so it's likely that Will could bike to school, but due to Joyce being more watchful, I assume that she would get Jonathan to drive him there?? The only reason why I think Jonathan may not drive Will to school pre s1 is because a) Nancy doesn't drive Mike and b) what if Jonathan needs the car to go straight to work after school/Will stays late at school for a club such as AV club.
Also I could not find the trailer park anywhere. Lots of thought was obviously put into this map, especially as it was released in 2021 for stranger things day but includes stuff from s4 such as California, the Russian prison and the Creel house, but I can't find anywhere that could be where Max lives post s3??
Anyway, here's the map labeled. I didn't bother labelling everything as some of it is really obvious, so I mainly stuck to everyone's houses.
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Maybe this isn't super accurate??? But it does look like Netflix paid Kyle Lambert to make this and then release it on stranger things day and it is said to be official so idk.
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
Ah yes I totally want to see everyone get vecna’d and survive. Not just cuz i want everyone to live but as a writing point their survival plays a major role in all of their developments and the story in general. For this I saw some posts that showed how some people (which was like the majority of the major cast) had a scene with a clock near them/in the shot with them. Idk who posted it but I remember seeing that! Also yes you are so right!! Steve viewing his role as just a protector and nothing more is something I want to see addressed. Especially considering that it doesn’t seem like he expects the other characters to have the same concerns/worries/ feelings of friendship towards him. Like maybe just Robin and Dustin but he also doesn’t fully expect that. Like how steve was surprised that Dustin worshipped him and thought of him so highly and surprised that he got a letter from max. And when he jumped into the lake to see the gate (which I love him but why did he touch the gate? That was so stupid of him said of course with affection lol) he legit said the line ‘it has to be me’. Like i just want him to have love and realize that people around him care besides just him just being the protector. Kind of like how I want El to realize that people see her more than just her powers but that’s another rant lol. When they’re in the school and he says ‘stay here’ legit everyone followed out of concern and everyone keeps following him in dangerous situations. And they trust him so much! And he just doesn’t see it like please ughh!! As you can tell I have many emotions about this.
Also I seriously want all of the characters to explore their trauma based on what had happened before. Also considering the fact that they can’t even talk about it either because they’re that traumatized or government issues. Which something that I appreciated was Eddie’s line of ‘you Nancy wheeler have guns in your bedroom plural?’ And the delivery of this line and his expressions. Joseph was so good in this role and delivered. Like even though he knows somewhat about this stuff he also never saw them in action until they were up against the bats. So like it was this most eye opening thing to him. Also I love how Eddie called Dustin brave in the first ep. Like how many people have actually called them that? Especially considering Eddie at that point had no idea about the ud and how brave Dustin/ these people actually are. I made a post about this but so many people and I have speculated that lucas gets vecna’d and if he does I really want them to go back to him seeing Will’s body being pulled out of the lake or in the middle school with el and being legit held back by government people. In season 2 they mainly focus on Mike’s trauma surrounding it and don’t really address the fact that Lucas and Dustin also saw that. And god I want it to be addressed so fucking badly! Like we all know that el and Will survived this but the fact that (I forgot their age in season 1) 11-13 year olds had to see that must have been so devastating and traumatizing!!
I think at this point it's like a reflex for the others to trust steve (and each other). but looking at it like steve and the older teens play this like protector role (like them going into the upside while most of the kids stay in their world and head to the creel house.) and how in the trailer we see eddie and dustin together, and I am almost positive that eddie will do whatever to protect dustin while there in there. the kids are like the brain, the teens the muscle.
I really want lucas and dustin to kind of take a step back and reel from all the shit they've been through. mike too but I feel like his trauma has been explored a little already and may be explored again (especially concerning el and will and the role they'll play in vol.2). but lucas and dustin have been there since the very start and they've seen some shit lol. basically, I want everyone to address 1983 and how it all changed them so drastically (something something UD stuck on the day will went missing and all that good stuff). I just want them to go back! and see how far they've come, but in a way that's kind of devastating and makes you really think for a second, you know?
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nayalovesbyler2 · 2 years
my random thoughts on the Vol.2 trailer
disclaimer: long post ahead :’)
El: is she leaving the lab? im kinda confused about this, she said her friends need her..does she somehow know about the vecna crisis in hawkins? or is she talking about the cali gang?
Nancy: i personally think that in that specific scene she’s still vecna’d. she has seen henry turn back the clock and stuff and now she might be transported into the lab to witness the events of the 001-011 battle? either way, i don’t think she’s actually there, as we can see the bodies on the floor (+ we see vecna approaching her)
Will: bby will byers just can’t catch a break :( he’s literally bawling his eyes out and hugging jonathan. this could either be a coming out scene, or something else that upset him. however, i do think that its jonathan that hugs him in both povs. i’ll insert the pics if i find them, but i saw a bright pic of the scene that showed the pattern in jonathan’s shirt in both clips, so i don’t think it’s different people hugging him. it could also be vecna messing with “reality”, since it also happened with Max when she thought she was hugging her mum
the fruity four three: it looks like they finally found equipment to fight vecna, they’re still in the UD and nancy is with them, so for all we know she is safe (for now, at least
soldiers?: i think this might be in russia? or the UD? i have no thoughts on this honestly im pretty confused, but it would make sense if it was in russia when they tried to escape
Dustin and Eddie: im going to be honest here, it doesn’t look very good for them. it seems like they’re full-on ready for a major fight, they seem to be in the UD and it’s only the 2 of them (in that clip, at least)
the russia gang: it looks like they’re still in the prison, but somehow..free? we see hopper, joyce and murray looking at something that totally reminds me of the s2 mindflayer (especially when it was possessing will). this could potentially be their way of finding out that they’re (still) in danger. after that we also see them 1) fighting guards or 2) literally burning the prison down
the explosion: damn this is going to be one of my fave scenes tbh. i don’t think this is what it is, but i’d love it if el destroyed that door she went in with owens that leads to the underground lab
Lucas and Jason: we see a fast clip of lucas and jason fighting, i cant help but notice how the rooms blue light also appears in 1) the lumax talk scene from the stills we got and 2) in the scene where lucas screams as he sees something. loooots of questions here
Max: is max seriously getting vecna’d again? we see vecna’s hand reaching for her face as she can’t move, and to me it doesn’t look like the one in vol.1 that we already saw (it might be, though, who knows)
Dustin: im honestly so scared for this one. dustin is running and screaming, and i hope it’s not what i think it is. 1) he could be running towards danger, or 2) he could be running towards someone that has been hurt
Vecna and El: so we see vecna and el both raising their hands to fight, vecna appears to be in the UD and el..in the creel house. i have no idea if el is actually there or not, but it seems like the 2 scenes might be connected.
i hope this makes some sense, im super excited for vol.2 !!
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memes-saved-me · 2 years
Predictions for Season 4
Neil is gone. (Spoilers maybe?) I saw a leaked audition for the school counselor talking to Susan and the person off screen says Neil is gone and her and Max are left alone. They change auditions scripts so its not concrete but I still think he won't be seen again this season
Vecna isn't Billy but someone we know but they are using Billy to scare Max in some way
Vecna could be 001 and Brenner accidentally created him
Max and Lucas will "break up" or be tense this season. I think Lucas and the group will have a few fights before coming together at the end
Robin and Nancy will be a mystery solving duo while Max, Dustin, Steve and Lucas will be following a hunch Max has about Billy or something else like the clock
We'll get either flashbacks or conversations about Hopper's time in Vietnam. Either between him and some of the other prisoners or him thinking about it so flashbacks
Someone is going to die. I'm on the fence about Steve because they're planning a bunch of spin offs and a Dustin and Steve one would definitely be the most popular so I don't know if they'd chance it. Vecna is going to kill someone in a cliffhanger moment to scare the group and the audience so everyone know how dangerous he is. Could be anyone really but I think it'll be a big death out of nowhere
That body of water Steve is in is near the trailer park or at least another portal is. Lover's Lake most likely
Eddie is going to be the Barb/Bob/Alexi of the season and will probably get taken out while playing guitar to distract the bats or whatever it is they're fighting
Max will get stuck in visions/nightmares like we see in the graveyard where she's being held by everyone and have to be snapped out of them. Music maybe? I want even the audience to be confused to what is real and what is a nightmare
I hope I'm wrong but I think Nancy and Steve are going to either have a moment or almost get back together and then Jonathan will turn up and that will get ditched again. That or Steve will have a new love interest
Robin won't get a gf but Nancy will find out she's gay because she asks why her and Steve haven't happened and she makes a comment. Nancy is chill with it
Susie is definitely going to be in it because of her room being in the California trailer
Robin has a crush on Vicki and we'll get wingman Steve 🤞
Steve tries to pull and fails yet again just like in S3
We're going to get a lot more day to day life in Hawkins compared to the past seasons.
They're going to use the Upside Down to either travel somewhere or communicate with someone.
Someone will get stuck in the Upside Down. Maybe at the end of pt1
Will is going to get frustrated being the third wheel and maybe even come out? Still not too sure but Noah keeps pushing the third wheel thing and it could lead to another argument with Mike like in s3.
El volunteers to go get her powers back and has a Carrie moment 🤞
Someone else gets powers. Maybe even Will??
Joyce and Hopper will kiss when she goes to rescue him. I mean I would.
Victor Creel will die somehow leaving a bunch of questions unanswered
We'll get a flashback to the Snowball from Max's pov and maybe Billy is there?
Just posting these to see if I'm right about anything lol. Might also reblog with some add ons or changes because new stuff is constantly coming out and changing my theories. I'm so excited but terrified.
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