#also they are all some degree of gay
watery-melon-baller · 2 months
theres people who only have one ship and people who don't have any ships and multishippers well im inventing a new kind of shipper and it's "all of these people are gay and a little in love with each other but the romance is up to interpretation"
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plulp · 2 years
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dol schoolboys but how i picture them in my mindpalace
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ruvviks · 3 months
what is the event/main cause that made roksana cut her mom off?
now this is interesting to talk about because it would be a very gradual process spanning over many many years but it would all come to explode during the events of the broker, despite that fic focusing on vitali; the events of that fic affect his whole family even though it doesn't elaborate much on the effects on his siblings. i initially had several chapters dedicated to roksana but had to cut it short and put it all in one chapter only but when i go for the rewrite i'm putting all of the initial ideas back because it's IMPORTANT. she and vitali are so similar in so many ways but also not at the same time. anyway ok yes here we go
so for roksana specifically she's kind of been a background character in the family ever since she was young. you'd think that after two other kids her parents would know how to parent her correctly but instead they just kind of let her do her thing and she got away with everything, which was nice in a way because it gave her freedom within the house itself but outside of that there was just nothing there for her. with the whole world to her disposal but nobody there with her to help her or keep her company through it all life just got suffocating to her in a way :(
she felt trapped in her family and her brothers always got the spotlight (mostly negative attention, since mainly their mother nadya was always just angry at vitali and after vitali left home daniil just kind of became her new therapist; but roksana did not really pay attention to this, all she saw was her brothers getting attention and not her), so roksana ended up fitting herself into all the boxes her parents wanted her to be in just to get some attention from them and get the love that she deserved. she was the family's poster child, but at the same time this whole role was an act of her, acting the way people expected her to act to get some respect and it was actively chipping away at her psyche, it stopped her from actually growing up and becoming her own person if that makes sense?? her personality was just fabricated specifically for her parents. but that's not who she was or wanted to be. but she knew nothing else
roksana and her father matvey have always had a very professional relationship. he was always busy with work and didn't do a lot of parenting so roksana came to see him more as a guy who lived under the same roof as her rather than her father; in the broker this escalates with matvey seeking revenge against vitali and roksana getting dragged into it and becoming a messenger girl in it all, but by then she's entirely neutral towards her father so there's not even bad blood between them when she stops talking to him; he's just a stranger to her. this is what much later allows her to hesitantly come back after vitali and matvey have made amends to try and build up that relationship again
roksana and her mother nadya however are a different story. the main difference is that roksana always hoped that nadya would understand; that she would understand the position roksana was in and understand her anger and her misery and her sorrows and regrets and that she would try to make it easier for her, give her some relief from the burdens she had to carry. but nadya refused to listen to roksana and refused to take her seriously (much like how she had always treated vitali; important to note that vitali is a trans man and to nadya he was still "her daughter"), not allowing her to show any sort of weakness because she herself had by then long killed her own weaknesses within herself and she expected roksana to do the same
and nadya got what she wanted. roksana grew up a cold and bitter woman, she let her anger win (contrasting vitali who after all this time STILL chooses kindness; if the roles for him and roksana had been reversed, though, he would have turned out the same as her, but the contrast and parallels between vitali and roksana is a story for another time) and she knows it's nadya's fault and she HATES her mother for it. she hates what nadya turned her into and she hates that she never got a normal childhood and she wants nothing more than to get out of there. this is why she vanishes from night city after her appearance in the broker fic, and why initially it is entirely unclear if she'll ever come back
so basically to summarize, nadya robbed roksana of her childhood and her softness and her ability to become her own person by forcing her to be the poster child of the family, and in classic dobrynin family fashion roksana tends to take grudges to her grave, so i don't really see her forgiving her mother for it any time soon. add to that the fact she sees nadya as the cause the entire family started crumbling apart in the first place (whether or not this is true is at this point very hard to tell because like, how far can you trace something like this back and who can be held responsible for what etc etc, but especially taking into consideration she never respected vitali's identity which is what drove him away from home, then did not allow him to reconnect which is what got him into arasaka, and THEN pushed matvey to get revenge after vitali indirectly got them fired at said corporation, and all of THAT is what drove daniil away from home and what caused roksana to change so drastically i'd say it's safe to say she is one of the bigger players in it all LMAO) AND doesn't feel comfortable around her anymore after her affair with ravager (nadya did that while still being married to matvey; they're divorced now), and there you go. mother privileges have been revoked
that being said, roksana does wish things were different. she stuck around for much longer than her brothers did almost in an attempt to fix things?? which again parallels vitali with how he also ends up trying to fix things in the broker fic but basically both of them fail and that's why roksana ends up leaving, she doesn't see the point in staying anymore because there's nothing there for her anymore :(
she does eventually come back to reconnect with vitali (most of their past beef was caused by twisted perspectives of the other's life at home as a child + daniil's rancid behavior bringing out the worst in both of them) and matvey (what i said earlier about them being strangers; no bad blood so an attempt can be made), but nadya has been cut off entirely and so has daniil for roksana because of how similar he is in his behavior to their mother, i talked a bit more about that here
this got very long i am so sorry i am positively insane about this family and all the dynamics. basically the tl;dr is that nadya gets worst mother of the year award forever and always
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tedlebred · 4 months
fyodor priest au. Discuss
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ctl-yuejie · 1 year
i think - especially after the last episode - the audience will generally agree that chueam is also just a 22 year old making mistakes and having her own vices etc.
at the moment, I am not sure how deliberate the writing is for her character because p'jojo is tweeting a bunch about lesbians being the best and saving the gays (which I appreciate in a lot of ways) and it makes me wonder how intentional it is that besides the messiness of everyone around her - which she has also contributed to - her friends do burden her with cleaning up the mess. she is the leader of the gang and yes - mew had the role of table saver and collecting everyone after a drunk night out - but she also is the spokesperson for the group in a lot of sitations and currently i am pondering the fact that mewray decided to throw a party but then got too drunk and high to be awake so she had to represent the group, talk to the police and coordinate with top to solve the situation.
she does try and micro-manage her friend group based on her own image she has of everyone (and even what her ideal friend group is supposed to be like) and maybe tries but mostly fails to actually run fruitful interventions for ray so her outburst at him is a bit misplaced, but i cannot help but think that the stress of suddenly being the one person (plus april having to step in) in charge of the party made her explode.
there are a lot of instances where the others do take on the role of caregivers, but I am curious whether the gendered roles the group sometimes falls into is sth the show wants to comment on.
#only friends#only friends the series#might clean this up later to make more sense#i don't take jojo's tweets to represent what is happening in the show#nor as sth negative#but i think it is curious that in a show of messy gays the lesbians are put on something akin to a pedestal#sure they have isses - but they resolve them like adults by way of communicating honestly#so i am looking forward to everything taking too much of a toll on april because chueam is so deeply involved in everyone's mess#and her having to take charge at the party might be a first step into that direction#i think it is the interesting line of one person policing someone else's behavior to a degree that isn't warranted#at the same time you cannot help but feel like there is some justification because just like that person you can see all the possibility of#that person's behavior bearing grave consequences or backfiring on them#e.g. atom is her little brother and an adult so she's doesn't really get a say whether he sleeps with boston#at the same time i can feel how she anticipates her brother to catch feelings and knowing that boston is not the guy for that type of#relationship#they hinted at the group having tried to get ray off drugs before but at the moment she doesn't really intervene and when she does it is#because ray might risk not only the party but also jail (at least in her eyes)#really difficult line between overbearing and presumpteous and 'naturally' falling into the role of 'the adult in the room'
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
Oh, a great comp to Thralls of Power in regards to themes and relationship to canon would be Black Sails. It's wild I didn't think of it before actually.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
another aspect of things i think i've at least half mentioned before but now i'm thainking about it again: take "maybe atlas dies ostensibly, perhaps at all truly, because of [whatever thing involving mitzi] while also at least in part to try to protect lackadaisy, &/or his own image" and add, as we could if we consider atlas more relevantly a potential parallel to other characters than as like representing more detached Forces, that maybe he could have (also partially) died to protect at least these two people who we know were, for their part, close enough to him for their part to be involved in his death & have this exclusive knowledge about it & continue to share the secret solely on this connection
like the mystery of it all is important insofar as it plays into Character & Themes, so it's like sure often turning to those things to like reverse engineer hypotheses about the mystery & then see how it holds up to like actual details we have. like that it sure matches "imagine how relevant to Character & Themes it'd be if mordecai was the one who shot atlas" to then cross compare like wow & the silhouette of the gun that atlas left for mordecai upon their first meeting sure matches what we see of the gun mordecai's passing to or taking from mitzi in the [that remains between us] flashback panel that has to do with their secret knowledge of How It Happened re: atlas's death. so like here we are in general with characters who know each other & have personal connections & all their supposed straightforward plans / ambitions concerning business are perhaps in conflict with whether these people they're emotionally invested in will be okay....maybe atlas also took that conflict into account and, for example, if he was assuming lackadaisy would close (but in a more controlled way than if atlas Didn't die, & whatever [dangers surrounding things that have changed such that asa did have something to warn atlas about] stayed focused on him & lackadaisy by extension) he also maybe didn't assume mitzi would try to keep lackadaisy running & would instead just kind of safely liquidate things.
of course, more difficult to speculate re: mordecai, like, oh yeah perhaps atlas had some genuine affection for his wife, right, but mordecai's official labels are all along the lines of like, bookkeeper, gunman, bodyguard. safe to say mordecai has the emotional investment re: atlas / matters surrounding him, but less so that atlas did in turn, when even with atlas being this deliberately Overall mysterious figure to us, we're looking at things like "wow maybe atlas is looking slightly towards mordecai when the latter's just gotten partially hit by a couple of shotgun blasts after another day on the lethal situations job" as like the potential biggest indication of possible warmth and it would be more of a stretch for atlas to assume "well if i die, mordecai will be totally fine" as for him to assume that mitzi would not, in fact, try to run lackadaisy. seems plausible that another theme that could be emphasized with mordecai here is "oops mordecai has the reasons to try to reconcile his situation with his feelings, while atlas just has to go 'wow he's effective at successfully fighting for his life / killing these guys who meant to kill him. sure could be useful for me to keep putting him in that position'" i.e. mordecai wants to find emotional value in someone seemingly looking out for him, whereas if anything atlas may as well actively try Not to care about mordecai besides as a business asset. including if/when he involves mordecai in his death, which could sure be as emotionally impactful for mordecai as it apparently was/is, while for atlas it could Just be like "well i could always trust him & the whole thing is he's really good at killing someone" and that's that. or maybe it's still this mix of like "yeah i'm Using you, and for incredibly demanding & dangerous purposes. but i'm also giving you my literal shirts, sure" nonzero bit of giving a shit still. possibilities. but still seems like mordecai (and mitzi, really) was much more emotionally invested, and thanks to atlas being such a mystery, we get this tension of like, how much of a misalignment is there between how much they cared and how much atlas really did / how much they think he did?
but anyways tl;dr would sure be yet more drama if atlas figured mitzi could be safe when he died but it's like whoops that sure wasn't guaranteed even by that Ultimate Backing Out. Themes
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countess-of-edessa · 5 months
you're supposed to be boycotting starbucks. or do you not care about Palestinians
do you follow me or do you just search for everyone who mentions starbucks and chastise them lol? girl, this is a pro-crusades blog. you do not want to know my opinions on the middle east lmao
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itwoodbeprefect · 6 months
i think the best genre of media, to me, is both extremely predictable and has people say deeply unhinged things to each other. bonus points if they're very queer deeply unhinged things
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reginaofdoctorwho · 2 years
i am so fucking beyond upset this bitch asks me what music i like, asks about bands i didn’t mention based on what i did, makes a TWO AND A HALF HOUR LONG PLAYLIST, and then is like “oops i caught feelings for you and i don’t like that so this is ending. see you in class i guess”
you know what the worst fucking part is?
you wanna fucking know???
all the music on that playlist is fucking fantastic music i have genuinely not listened to
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waywardsalt · 2 years
before i actually go through the phantom hourglass manga to critique it i’m going to quickly just toss out a bullet point list of things i actually liked in the ph manga
- i like how the stuff w/ tetra in the first chapter not only sets her up but serves to contrast how she is as a captain vs. how linebeck initially is as a captain. the line ‘as captain, nothing is more important than the lives of my crew’ specifically
- link’s cute. hes just a little guy
- i’m a big fan of the added detail that linebeck tends to stick out his bottom lip. it fits really well with his character. as a smaller side note i like the way his nose is drawn. i just like the shape they went with lol
- the bit with the point card for eddo’s garage that is specifically noted to be Not In The Video Game is good
- for all intents and purposes what is done with the bellumbeck fight is really good
thats it everything else i either feel neutral about or hate/feel frustrated with
#salty talks#bitching about the loz manga#anyways i think its also worth adding some of my personal opinions about ph in general to add some context for my later opinions#i dont like jolene. like to a visceral degree. i dont know why but im physically incapable of enjoying her.#which is bizarre bc like??? i think griffith is a great character i think makima is fascinating. but jolene ph is the one i cannot stand#i hate her because i think she's fucking annoying and isn't justified in half of what she does but like. why the visceral hatred. idk#maybe its a side effect of my rabid linebeck special interest. anyways sorry i think shes awful#in all fairness tho to me shes actually better in the manga#also. i dont actually like fatherly linebeck stuff much and dont read him as being fatherly towards link so i wont talk abt that stuff#uhhh i think linebecks arc in the game is really good and i also think that the normal order of the three final bosses is great#i also think that the second half of the game has some good stuff in it even if it's less plot-heavy compared to the first half#i think that phantom hourglass has genuine unique potential to be fantastic if given an extended adaptation that gives a shit#and that is partially why im going to spend a bit more time on this one#i will also say that despite whatever i say abt this one i do admit that i like and appreciate it. it still has problems tho#why'd they do astrid like that. i dont like manga astrid. i dont like her design or most of her dialogue.#why was she weird to linebeck like that. be nice to him. hes clearly gay#as far as im concerned at least
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 2 months
the thing is. i was always aware of destiel. you arent gay on the internet and havent heard of destiel. and i went into watching spn being ready for them to not be that gay for each other i was ready for destiel to just be something the fandom has made. but they are actually gay as hell. like theyre really gay. if youve never seen spn you need to take the gayness you imagine and triple it. theyre actually in love. like from the beginning. and it makes me full of rage (homosexually)
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malewifesband · 4 months
EDIT: if this post has made you think about whether or not you are autistic, im really glad! i hope you get some better understanding of yourself and are able to find community and support
however before you go and tell a therapist and seek an official diagnosis please read this thread and consider the points made therein:
autism is highly stigmatized. be fully informed about what you gain and what you lose from having an official diagnosis before seeking one.
people do correctly identify that laios is autistic fairly often but a lot of the reasoning begins and ends with his special interest and social difficulties, but honestly it goes far deeper into the build of his character than just those two things
his pain tolerance is wildly inconsistent, unable to tolerate a drop of hot oil (or any heat) but able to shrug off both his leg being bitten off and it being reattached
hes sensory seeking in the extreme. he rubs the bat bones against his face, pets and fluffs the shapeshifter tail.
his desire to eat monsters comes from three very autistic places. 1) the rules for why monsters are not okay to eat but animals are are arbitrary to him so he cannot follow them easily: he cannot understand the 'feelings' argument others make. 2) this too is a sensory seeking behavior. he wants to experience these new things, new flavors and new textures. 3) it completes his knowledge of the monster in question to also have data on its edibility. because he cannot draw that arbitrary line around all monsters, he wants to evaluate them case-by-case and see if real patterns emerge. butchering and eating the monsters improves his knowledge of them greatly and highlights their importance in their ecosystem, as well as making him a part of that same ecosystem
he cannot emote the way others expect him to. he compartmentalizes his feelings (to an unhealthy degree) because he needs a pragmatic solution. so as long as there is a problem to solve, that matters far more than evaluating his emotions and allowing himself to experience them. while this is also a coping mechanism for ptsd, it is a trait found in many autistic people regardless of trauma, as we have trouble sorting the feelings we have and often need time to think about what we feel, so it becomes easier to simply not do it and pretend we dont need to. laios emotions certainly affect him, with or without his processing them, but others do not see what they expect to see and thus dismiss that he is feeling what they would feel
he is incredibly gifted with pattern recognition, observation, and analysis within realms he understands. to understand subjects that dont come easily to him, he must filter them through his established schema (his special interest--this is why they are so special! they help us sort the world). when he isnt sure about the social cues and details hes observed in the shapeshifter arc, he filters it through the lens he understands best: monsters. he was making correct observations about his friends all along, but he could not be confident in that the way he was about their behavior when it came to his interest (chilchucks caution, senshis passions, and marcilles carelessness)
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reading academic papers about queer history really shows that some stupid discourse cycles around
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transandrobroism · 2 months
notes/replies on that last post (about Florida moving to ban all HRT for adults) suggest it was struck down by a judge, which is a relief obviously. but i do wanna pick up on the response being "set up DIY networks for HRT! organise and help each other!" which is cool and all but... as the latest reblog comment points out, T is a controlled drug.
some quick and dirty googling confirms testosterone is a Schedule III controlled drug in the USA, with most legal sources suggesting possession and/or distribution of Schedule III drugs is a 3rd degree felony. conviction can mean up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. crucially, in Florida (where this law was intended to come into force), selling or distributing a Schedule III drug to minors pushes it up to a 2nd degree felony with a harsher fine/sentence.
i make this point because the response to HRT being restricted is often some variation of "mutual aid DIY network" or just flat suggesting DIY to people as the solution. which is cool if you're on estrogen, but possessing testosterone without a prescription is a literal felony in the USA. T is also a controlled drug in the UK, where trans people face long waiting lists for HRT - it's not illegal to possess T for personal use, but it is illegal to get them sent to you from abroad (importing a controlled drug) and to give them to other people (supply). to legally get T you need a prescription from a doctor.
in a hostile transphobic environment there is no guarantee that prosecuters will decide not to charge trans people for DIYing HRT. "set up DIY networks" for transmascs basically translates to "set up an illegal drug ring".
this is a form of transphobia that affects transmascs but does not affect transfems. it also affects nonbinary and intersex folks seeking or using testosterone HRT. in fact it could potentially impact some nonbinary trans folks worse because the medical gatekeeping around trying to transition as nonbinary is already an uphill struggle.
it is not easy for those of us on T to just DIY it and fuck the system. without a valid prescription our HRT becomes a banned illegal steroid that can land us in serious legal trouble if we get caught, especially if we're distributing it to other people as part of a mutual aid setup. i know we're all very "be gay do crime" for the memes but we are talking about an actual factual go-to-jail-irl crime here.
the fact that our HRT is an illegal drug unless prescribed by a doctor is a form of transandrophobia that affects trans men, transmascs, nonbinary people on masculinising HRT, and intersex people who want or need testosterone. it means that:
we cannot DIY transition without committing a crime, and have to weigh up that risk when considering DIY as an option
setting up a mutual aid testosterone DIY network is even more of a crime, especially if you want to use it to help trans teens
we are thus more dependent on placating medical practitioners and convincing them to prescribe us HRT
we will always be more impacted by any moves to restrict or delay access to HRT because we don't have an easy, legal DIY option
when access to HRT is limited for transphobic reasons, the DIY option comes at much higher risk
where access to HRT is severely delayed (as it is in the UK by years-long waiting lists), it is easier for transfems to start DIYing while they wait than it is for transmascs to do the same thing. in fact in the UK they've started selling estrogen HRT over the counter for menopause, so here if you want to start estrogen DIY all you have to do is get a cis lady friend to ask a pharmacist for menopause treatments. if you wanna start T you have to go on the fucking dark web (I'm exaggerating but... not a lot)
none of this is intended to suggest that transfems don't experience medical transphobia or gatekeeping and this isn't a "trans men have it worse universally across the board" post. there are undoubtedly some areas where it's harder to be transfem. however, this is one area where it is clearly and demonstrably harder to be a trans man. i am pointing this out because i keep seeing people saying that transmascs have it easier or there's no systemic or structural transphobia targeting trans men or we only ever experience misdirected misogyny or whatever. here is your proof that that is not true. this is a form of structural and systemic transphobia that impacts trans men and not trans women. and there is no possible world in which you can argue that testosterone being a controlled drug is somehow misogyny.
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bibluebutterfly · 11 months
Seeing a lot of people start hate on Helluva and how it portrays Greed compared to Lust And Gluttony, so let’s get into my 2 cents. This may be controversial, but I do think Helluva portrayed the sins well and here’s why.
Yes, on the outside, Mammon is definitely the most asshole of the sins we’ve seen so far, but this DOESN’T mean that Bee or even Ozzie are angels.
First of all, Bee ONLY stopped Blitz because he was indulging for PRIDE, not for Gluttony. With all of her other guests, she was more than okay with letting them get complete shit faced to a destructive degree.
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As for Ozzie, it’s been proven via “Ozzie’s” that he okay with cheating, going so far as to praise Stolas for it. He’s aware Stolas risked everything for the affair, and praised him for doing so. He straight up encourages people to be as kinky and as nasty as they possibly can. Basically for him, if it’s consensual, go wild.
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(Not to mention, he’s in a healthy, loving GAY relationship with his jester. While not inherently bad, it’s more than enough to make a deeply traditional Christian faint. Which does kind of seem to be the goal for the show.)
In the end: Ozzie and Bee are just as destructive as Mammon is. HOWEVER, they are so in a way where it’s not as obvious and they’re not as bad because of it.
Because they only fully indulge in Lust and Gluttony 110%, they’re still able to be relatively decent people because completely indulging in those sins doesn’t inherently make you an asshole. It can make you hella harmful, especially mixed with other sins, but on their own they’re somewhat manageable. (I say somewhat because again: cheating and health destruction are a thing).
Also it should be noted that despite being nice people Bee and Ozzie are still HORRIBLE influences. Like if they’re those people who your parents will disapprove of you being friends with.
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But besides that, you can be lustful and gluttonous to 110% and still be a nice person to be around. Not a good person, but a nice one.
HOWEVER, you cannot be greedy to the max and be a nice person.
Here’s the thing; Mam, Bee, and Oz don’t have limits to their own sins. All 3 are still destructive as hell, it’s just that Bee and Oz’s sins allow them to have healthy relationships DESPITE that.
Bee, for all her faults, is a wild party girl. However, her gluttonous nature also allows her to completely indulge in love and affection, hence why she can have such an adorable relationship with Tex.
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Ozzie is equally as wild but is also horny and kinky as fuck. But it works because Fizz is just as crazy in bed as he is, and arguably even crazier in general. Fizz is a kinky little gremlin who not only makes Ozzie laugh, but more importantly can keep up with him. That’s part of what allows them to be as happy and wholesome as they are.
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Mammon however, cannot be at his sin 110% and keep a relationship. It’s just not possible and I honestly don’t think he wants a relationship with someone anyway, as that means he’d have to share something with another person, which he is simply not capable of doing.
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In the end, all the sins are destructive. That’s just fact. However, because of their specific sins (and the fact that they don’t mix with the others), some are able to hold up healthier lifestyles and relationships than others.
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