#also this is an okoye and her sass appreciation post
feathersofvibranium · 2 years
y’all thought sam was sassy when he met bucky. just wait until bucky meets okoye.
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
Shower - P.P
Summary: It’s the baby shower of the century. Part two to We Are Family
Warnings: cussing, fluff, so much damn fluff jfc
For timeline purposes; this takes place in May, the reader is like six-seven months. Last time I said something about fall, I meant winter. 
Word Count: 3.5k
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The sight of everyone reuniting once more leaves you in awe. From your spot in the passenger seat of your car, you can see so many black and white colored tables, laid under a white canopy. The deck on the lake decorated from the shade, fairy lights strung across the whole area, making it look like a canopy of light itself. There's one single table resting on the small deck, one with two chairs on it. You giggle, thinking that it's most likely Nebula's idea. From your spot, you can see small, foldable, cardboard crib and baby bottle centerpieces. There are also black and white streamers, baby rattle cutouts taped to the canopy, baby's breath and chickweed flowers attached to the centerpieces. There's a large table with various platters and containers of fruit, vases, and jars of candies and plenty of other sweets and pastries. There's another table with six matching black and white gift bags, as well as about twenty baby-themed gift bags and quite a few boxes.
"Ready?" Peter asks, turning to look at you. The smile on your face is proof enough that you are ready. With a contented sigh, Peter unbuckles himself, feeling excited about today's adventure. The baby shower.
Tony, May, and Nebula were leading the Parker-Stark baby shower coalition, as they liked to call it. In reality, they just wanted to celebrate becoming a family, more than what they already were. A baby kind of seals the deal forever. However, they made it their mission to make it a sex reveal. At first, you and Peter didn't want to know, but the more Tony and May asked about it, you both complied. So, when the time to see the sex came around, you told the doctor to put the results in an envelope and send it right to the cabin. The only people to know what the result was for the next months were Tony and May. They don't care what the baby will be, but they still think it's a cute gesture. All they said was that it would be a yellow banner with the results in bold printed on it, as to keep the whole gender neutral thing.
"20 bucks and a back massage says May tears up three times, Tony tears up maybe twice," Peter wages, giving you an exciting look, the loving gleam in his eyes. You giggle at his words, thinking of your own wager.
"I'd like to add feeding me chocolate covered strawberries because I'll be too lazy to do it myself that May twice, dad four," you respond, giving him a playful scowl, challenging him so soon. Peter chuckles, nodding his head as he reaches a hand out. You take his hand and shake on it, setting your bet in action.
The two of you walk over, to where almost everyone is. There are three empty tables out of six. All tables seem to hold different amounts of people, no set number of people to each table. On one table; Bruce, Stephen, Wong, T'Challa, Okoye, and Rhodey. One table down; Thor, Brunhilde, Carol, Fury, Scott, and Hope. To the left of that table; Clint, Laura, and their three kids. The space already seems so full of people, but you know it's not that many and there are still more people to come.
"Should we pop inside and wait there until everyone gets here?" Peter asks as he looks around, the two of you still going unnoticed. You nod, wanting to prepare yourself a bit before seeing everyone.
It had been a few weeks after telling your immediate family about the news that it was made public. Mostly because Tony couldn't keep shut about it, so he posted a picture to social media. Since then, the only people you've told face to face was Bruce, as you've seen him once or twice in person within the past few months. Everyone else there found out at the same time as the rest of the world, not having been able to see it in person until now. So, all the interactions would tire you out, might as well prepare for it.
With that, the two of you sneak in through the backdoor, not wanting to get caught. Plus, there are still some touch-ups you need to work on, on both yourself and Peter. Sneaking in, you and Peter quietly waltz in, making it past the living room and into the hall. Until Tony and May catch you guys.
"Y/N! Peter!" they exclaim, seeing the two of you. Straightening yourself up, you head into the kitchen, where the two adults work on some pots and pans that are being taken out by Pepper and Nebula.
The two of you approach the adults, watching as they gasp and smile so fondly over the two of you. However, the more they stare, you begin to notice it. First Tony, then May. A small sniffle, and a second later, a tear. A tear!
"You guys are so big," Tony mutters, pulling you into his arms.
"Gee, thanks dad-"
"You know what I meant," Tony scolds, causing Peter to giggle. After he lets go, you greet a tearful May with a hug. Pepper comes back in with Nebula, the two women greeting you both with such enthusiastic hugs. Eventually, you and Peter escape into the guest bedroom, finishing up your makeup, and helping Peter with his outfit. The two of you decided on matching outfits, so you went with a very bohemian white sundress. Meanwhile, Peter opted for a white dress shirt and some black trousers. The two of you fixed your hair, Peter deciding to slick it back, letting the two small strands fall to his face as usual.
"Ready to watch people rub my belly?" you ask Peter, giving him a serious look.
"I'm ready to see May cry two more times, and Tony once more," Peter responds playfully.
"Alright, well, dad's gonna cry three more times and May once. But whatever, let's go."
With that, Peter grabs hold of your hand as you lead the way. He stops you as you move to exit the room. You turn to look at him and watch him as he bends down a little, pressing a small kiss to your belly. The gesture sends a small giggle past your lips and a gleeful warmth through your chest. Once he stands up, you lead the way out of the room, then out of the house. It seems like everyone's outside now. All six tables filled with people now.
On one table; Steve, Nat, Sam, Bucky, and Wanda. In another table; Shuri, Ned, MJ, and Harley. At the final table; Tony, Pepper, Happy, May, Morgan, and Nebula. The sight of everyone is one for sore eyes. It makes you happy, to see everyone smiling and laughing as they talk amongst themselves. Peter nods at you, ultimately leading the way outside. When the door opens, you hear Sam yell something about the couple of the hour coming out to play. Everyone begins cheering when they see you and Peter and your big belly. Peter takes you to the first table, where Bruce and company sit.
"You're huge!"
Those are the first words to come out of Rhodey's mouth. You playfully flip him off, giving him a hug first before going around to everyone else. You and Peter stick around for a few, letting everyone asks questions and feel your belly. Eventually, you and Peter move from table to table, greeting everyone. You reach Steve's table, seeing a big smile on his lips.
"Seems like you two have been busy," Steve says as you approach him for a hug. You roll your eyes, playfully smacking the man. His hand moves to your belly, rubbing it gently as he looks up at you and then over at Peter. Sam and Bucky strike up a conversation with Peter, tormenting him with questions about how he plans on being a dad. You scold the two men as you walk over to Natasha. You can see Wanda eyeing you carefully, but you give her a reassuring smile. The two of you had quite a rocky relationship, but after everything that's happened, you've learned to let go of things and appreciate everything. Now more than ever. So you approach her, hug her, and let her rub your belly because you could tell she wanted to.
"So, how does this little loser get you knocked up?" Sam asks through a chuckle.
"How else, Samuel? I'm sure you wouldn't know," you sass, earning a deep belly laugh from Bucky as he hollers at Sam. Sam flips off Bucky, the two arguing amongst each other. "Well, we got some friends to greet, so we'll see you around."
You grab Peter's hand and lead him to the oh so special table. The one that seems to be lacking your presence. One you've been saving for last so you can really get to talk. Peter excitedly runs to the table with you. Peter runs up behind one of the seats, wrapping his arms around the person sitting on it.
"Ned!" Peter exclaims excitedly. You smile, walking over to MJ and hugging her as you two greet each other. The two of you go and greet everyone at the table with a hug before sitting down with them and catching up. Topic after topic, you all speak excitedly about everything. From MJ having her dream job to Ned's business and Shuri's improvements on Wakandan tech.
"So does this mean no more science squad shenanigans?" Harley asks softly as he looks up at everyone. The same saddened look comes across everyone's eyes before you shake your head.
"What are you talking about? This is the next generation of the sciecne squad!" you exclaim, earning a couple of looks. You ignore the looks, continuing with your statement. "Plus, this kid is lucky to have such cool aunts and uncles in their life. Hell, science squad family nights. Our shenanigans will continue for as long as we're friends," you tell them rather passionately. They're your best friends and nothing will change that. Absolutely nothing.
After that, you and Peter head to the small table for two set up for you. There, you and Peter eat some food, you talk for a bit, and eventually, Tony joins you two. He goes on some tangent about how excited he is about the life you and Peter are bringing. However, his tangent winds up getting a bit emotional, causing him to tear up once more. Peter looks at you with a smirk, but you smirk back. You still got another five hours to go.
May begins announcing the games that would be played. The first one being a round of baby bingo. The first person to bingo wins one of the black and white bags. Everyone but Peter, Tony, May, and yourself participate. The first prize goes to Hope, who wins a cookie jar. The second game winds up being a rather long game of musical chairs. Ultimately, Bruce wins a mug set. To which Tony grows jealous. The third game is another long game of hot potato. Mostly due to the fact that Carol kept burning the potato in her hand the first few times. Finally, when she stopped, well everyone cheated. Wanda used her powers, Stephen used his as well. Clint's kids kept smacking it over, Tony would forget to stop the music. The game eventually got too intense and took a good half hour. In the end, Wanda reigned supreme and won a spa set; bath salts, a bath bomb, a scented candle, some soap, and a few extras.
The fourth game was an especially intense game of relay. Fasten the diaper -on one of Morgan's teddy bears, feed the baby -which involved feeding a partner blindfolded, put the baby to sleep -which was a bit worrisome because it was quite literally knocking down cutouts of babies with a ball. It was especially worrisome when Steve couldn't properly fasten the diaper, almost shoved pudding up Thor's nose and almost made him choke on it, and how he tore a hole through a baby cutout with a ball. MJ wound up winning, as she did it all right at record speed, taking home a set of wine glasses. The fifth game was a game of jeopardy, all about you and Peter. Harley wound up winning, taking home a pack of specialty assorted cookies and sweets. The final game was an intense re-match of hot potato mixed with musical chairs. Tailbones were hurt, an ankle was sprained, elbows and knees scraped, and even more burnt potatoes. Hulk almost made an appearance. However, in the end, Fury won a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers.
"Now that all the excitement has ended, we'll be moving on to some cake!" May announces. Everyone watches excitedly as you and Peter cut the black and white cake with edible designs all over. Deciding that you want to speed up the bet between you and Peter, you ask your dad if he wants to have a father-daughter dance.
"Right now?" he asks.
"Yeah, seize the opportunity."
As soon as the words left your mouth, Tony stands up and changes the song. The one you both claimed was yours. While the lyrics weren't father-daughter appropriate, the meaning and the artistry behind it was important. Everyone watched as the sound of Something Stupid by Frank and Nancy Sinatra begins playing. They watch as you and Tony stand together, his hands resting on your waist as your wrap around his shoulders. You rest your head on his shoulder as he rests his chin on your head. However, as the song progressed, you felt yourself become overwhelmed by emotions.
"Dad, I love you," you tell him, your tone innocent and sweet. "Thank you for everything,"
"Hey, this day w-"
"No, not just today," you tell him, looking up at him. His eyes gloss over as he looks down at you, seeing the all too beautiful e/c eyes he loves seeing. The way they sparkle with joy. "I mean for everything. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. I know things were bumpy once, but I would move mountains for your happiness dad, just like you did for me."
At this point, both you and Tony are in tears. You weren't expecting that, but here it is. Once the song ends, you press a kiss to Tony's cheek. He kisses your forehead, taking you over to your table before he goes to his. Through sniffles, you rub it in his face.
"That was tear-up number three, one more to go," you tell Peter through a giggle. Peter chuckles, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips and reassure you that you're fine.
"Alright, time to open presents!" Tony exclaims excitedly.
Seats shift around to get a better look as you and Peter stand behind the table to open the presents. There are tons of presents, ranging from gift bags to boxes. As the sun begins to set, someone turns on the fairy lights in the deck shade, illuminating the scene better. You grab a big bag, opening it as phones come out.
"From the Bartons," you read the tag out loud. You reach in and pull out piles of clothes and various other baby items. You thank the family before putting the items into the big bag and set it down. "From Thor," you read, grabbing the small bag and opening it. You pull out a bracelet with a green gem.
"It's a protective charm. So the child will be safe."
"Thank you, Thor," you respond. You put the small bag into the bigger on as not to lose the item. You move on to another smaller bag. "From T'Challa," you read before pulling out a pair of kimoyo beads.
"It provides medical assistance in case the child gets hurt as well as a communications bead for future use. I provided two just in case the other is lost."
"Thank you so much, T'Challa, that means so much, giving my child a piece of your tech, we'll be sure to keep it safe."
The better part of two hours is spent opening presents from everyone. Lots of clothes, lots of diapers, lots of shoes, and lots of baby necessities. You and Peter go through all the presents, thanking everyone. Now, there are three more presents left. You grab the medium-sized yellow box, revealing a set of small stuffed teddy bears. Each wearing a shirt with a name on it; Ned, MJ, Shuri, Harley, Peter, Y/N.
"We all pitched in for the idea," Ned says softly. You thank him, taking notice of the small banner design under the names, a sign that reads 'science squad'. It's very endearing.
You grab a black bag and pull out its contents. Inside is a small hanging piece for the crib, with an attached lullaby player. After that, you pull out a small box, revealing a necklace with a purple charm.
"Much like a lot of the jewelry, it's a protective charm. You get the gist," Stephen responds, earning a couple of laughs. After that, you pull out some clothes, as well as a few baby bottles and other usual items. Once you put all the items back, you see a small bag. A white bag used for donuts. The label on the bag shows the same one as to where you and Peter first got together.
"There's one more, you should open it, babe," Peter says softly.
Nodding, you reach in, feeling a ring inside of it. You begin chuckling as you begin to think of who else is giving your child a protective piece of jewelry. "This won't fit the baby," you respond as you pull the ring out. Suddenly, you hear gasps, making you look up. However, you look down, seeing Peter on one knee. Your eyes go wide as he gives you a big smile. "Peter," you gasp softly.
"Y/N Stark," Peter says softly. "Being with you has got to be my biggest achievement in life because I've found the person who I want to spend my life with. There's so much I could say, but words could never compare, could never really explain it all. Words are not enough, but it would make me happy if you continue to allow me to show you what it is I feel for you. To let me show you what I cannot speak. So, will you marry me?"
Your eyes are glistening, and as you look at Peter you nod your head, unable to even form words. This moment never seemed like a possibility. But now that it's here, it feels and tastes so sweet. Peter stands up, pulling you into his arms.
"Peter, I love you so much," you tell him as he pulls you into his arms. You hear him sniffle a bit as he pulls away just enough to kiss your lips. The feeling is there, sending emotions to rush through you. "I can't wait to spend my life with you."
Peter pulls away, grabbing your hand. WIth the other, he grabs the ring and slides it on to your finger. You turn to look over at everyone and see two people hugging each other as they cry in each other's arms.
"Pete, I think I won this bet," you tell him, nodding your head in your father's direction. He's in May's arms as the two cries. Peter giggles, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your cheek. The music seems to change in the background, the sound of Louis Armstrong singing La Vie En Rose playing catches your attention. You lean into Peter. "How about my award is this song being our song. At our wedding, at out anniversaries, at parties, and even in private. Just when we're together or even apart, when we feel happy, sad, lonely; we play it and think of each other."
"I can do that," Peter responds, pressing another kiss to your lips.
"Okay, lovebirds," Morgan cuts in, making everyone laugh. "Time to find out if I'm having a niece or nephew!"
Once Morgan finishes her sentence, Nebula is coming out with a box.  You giggle, giving your little sister a wink as she walks over to you. Peter stands next to you as everyone settles down, phones coming back out to take pictures and record. Peter places on hand on his side of the box, you doing the same on your side. As everyone finishes counting down, you and Peter remove the lid to the medium-sized box. You both look at the banner and lift it up, spreading it out and reading it over.
It's twins - a boy and a girl!
"What?" you and Peter yell as you look at each other. The open space goes quiet as you and Peter stare at each other wide-eyed. You both flip the banner over, showing everyone the words.
"Holy fuck!" Rhodey exclaims.
"There's gonna be two of them?" Sam playfully asks.
"Yeah, two kids who will totally kick your ass, Samuel. I'll train em once they're out the womb!" you retort playfully. Everyone laughs, turning to point at Sam as they laugh. You wrap your arms around Peter as he pulls you into his side.
"Wow, engaged and two kids? This day just gets crazier!" you tell Peter.
"Well, I wanna experience this craziness with you. So, Ms. Stark, how does Mrs. Parker sound?"
"Funny, we're hyphenating."
"Mr.and Mrs.Stark-Parker? I think I like that better."
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