#plus bucky already had to deal with ayo too
feathersofvibranium · 2 years
y’all thought sam was sassy when he met bucky. just wait until bucky meets okoye.
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killmongerthirst · 7 years
Request: “Hey! I don't know if you do requests but it would be amazing to read a t'challa x reader imagine where he falls in love for the reader (who he meets outside Wakanda) and bucky (already being there) tries to steal his girl lol so t'challa gets really jealous and does v fluffy stuff to prove bucky that she's not his girl hahaha idk I thought it could be interesting. Thank you <3″
Pairing: T’challa x reader, Bucky x reader (slightly)
Warnings: jealousy, language, fluff 
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You had to meet T’challa and Bucky in the CIA headquarters. You were working beside Ross, normally doing assistant obs like bland paperwork, organizing emails, phone calls and getting him coffee, just normal mundane stuff, but Ross was kind and the pay was ridiculously good so you stayed. Whilst Bucky was being brainwashed by the 'Doctor' you had been downstairs with Natasha and Tony, fetching them paperwork on the accords, making them acknowledge their leadership and so on, but you had been violently interrupted by the huge sack of human muscle that attacked you all. Just before the super soldier stalked towards you, T'challa had pushed you out of the way, fighting the soldier whilst you lay on the floor, panicking.
 As you where lying on the cold floor, your wrist aching as you landed on it, you selfishly admired the muscles on both the men, watching them exchange punches and pushed, but overall, Bucky had managed to land a heavy blow to T'challas cheat, making him fall back and next to you on the floor.
You both shared intense eye contact with each other, your eyes wide and full of concern, almost mimicking his as he had a slight tint of mischieve in them. He smirked at you before crawling up again, racing after the soldier as the began to fight again of the staircase before he disappeared. T'challa looked around once more before rushing to your side, hoisting you up onto the nearest table, standing between your legs as he looked you over. A small cut had formed on the side of your face from your impact, and you had sprained your wrist. It wasn't anything major or important, but he acted as if you had broken your neck. You found his concern delightfully charming as you laughed, moving your hand to his face as you brushed your fingers over his own cut.
"You ok darling?" He asked, his eyes searching yours and his lips pouted slightly; he brought his hand up to cup your face as you smile sweetly, both of you giggling slightly as you felt the sparks fly between your skin.
"I'm fine, your highness," You whispered almost, your breath faltering as you unintentionally squeezed your thighs against his thick build. You heard him grunt as he wrapped you in his arms, lifting you up from the table so you could stand, your body flush against his as you looked up into his deep dark eyes, watching them shine as you stared at each other. You felt giddy, you had only met this man and you felt like you where already fall head over heels; like you had some silly high school crush all over again, and it was with the fucking king.
You pulled back abruptly as you heard a sly cough, looking over to see one of his guards 'Ayo' as you knew her She was looking you up and down like a disaster piece, making you step back a great deal more form the king, casting your gaze down to the floor. She walked over and whispered in his ear, not being able to hear their conversation as you detected it was in an unknown language and you couldn't hear them that well anyway.
"Of course Ayo, I'm bringing a guest," He replied, obviously louder than her crude whispered. You looked up at him, surprised and confused as he was just staring right back at you, smirking as he shooed Ayo away, holding his hand out for you. You gently took it in his as he leads you back to his designated office. You walked through multiple hallways and stairs, gaining looks of all sorts from the officers, walking past Agent Ross as he raised his eyebrows at you, yourself shrugging in return as he waved you on, being slightly dragged by T'challas mighty grip.
"Your majesty, where are we going?" You asked, stuttering almost as you ran to try and keep up with his giant steps.
"Please darling, call me T'challa or King, either way, I'm gonna get excited," He laughed, quickly winking at you as he now stepped faster, walking with a purpose. You approached a door, watching him violently opening it and just as quickly shutting it as yous tumbled in, your back turned against the edge of the large wooden desk, his body sauntering towards yours. He looked so damn delicious in that tight black top, your hands reached up to place your hands on his upper chest, his hands landing on yours as they intertwined, lifting each hand beside your bodies, as you watched him lean in slowly, teasing you as his smirk plastered his face. You rolled your eyes as you pushed forward, catching your body in his as your lips clashed against each other, moving in a dramatic fight as you both teased and played with one another. You were both dramatic, frantic and desperate to get more from each other, to feel more of the electricity that flowed through you. 
"Come away with me, princess," He sighed, his eyes closed as you both breathed heavily, your chests heaving up and down as you laughed.
"Anything, my King,"
Weeks had passed, and you had been copped up in T'challas quarters by his order; most days he would walk in and out, keeping you company most of the time, but in the last few days he had been more focused on work and extra. You had already been accepted by his little sister, becoming best friends within the first hour you arrived at the wonderful city, his mother took convincing to welcome an outsider in her own home, however, her heart warmed when she listened to her son talk fondly over you. other than that, not many people spoke to you, going on about their lives, ignoring that one weird girl that stayed in the Kings bedroom all day every day.
However, Shuri had convinced you to start coming out with her down to the border side to meet Sergent Barnes; helping her look after him and tend to him when she couldn't. You enjoyed having the company of another 'outsider', it made you feel less lonely, you and Barnes got on fine, his old antics made you giggle furiously as you spent most of your new acquainted time teaching him modern day stuff, like the cultures, politics, and stuff, whilst Shuri taught him about all the technology and his new prosthetics. You found yourself sending more time with Bucky than T'challa, you knew it wasn't his fault, as he had worked as King, and with the new Wakandan Outer Reach Centre, everyone was busy, accept you and Barnes. 
"So, hows you and the King?" Bucky asked, the two of you sitting on the lakeside, watching all the birds settle on the tops of the water, the sun glowing a low orange across the sky, the trees, and nature lining the lakeside perfectly. You two often came here together to get away from all the hustle of the inner city, plus Bucky enjoyed staying near the kids, who were deeply fascinated by him, and vice versa. You let out a deep sigh as you twiddled the single blade of grass in between your fingers, your feet swaying in the cool water beneath you. 
"We're fine, when I see him anyway," You said, a small sincere smile forming on your lips as you continued to look at the ground, "He spends most of his time with the Council, and when he gets back home is flat out like a light, just crashed on the bed, an when I wake he's gone again," You looked up to Bucky, who was looking out into the water, his eyes full of sorrow and worry. Your relationship with T'challa was confusing, more complicated than anyother you had; he had brought you to Wakanda with a promise to show you the world, treat you like a queen and love you unconditinatly, and you knew it was extreme, dropping everything for a man you had met for a few days, but there was just something about T'challa that made your heart flutter and your soul sing, he was the most precious and caring person you had ever meet, and youd be dammed if you ever let him go for the sake of your selfish needs. 
"I get you doll, I really do. But I mean he's running a whole country as well as helping others, it's not easy," He said, now cupping his hand on top of yours as he ran his thumb up and down, carving smooth patterns along his wake. You sat in silence, feeling more comfortable as you rested your head on his shoulder, just watching the sunset as the setting sun reflected off the smooth surface of the crystal water. You truly felt like you were in a dreamland, it was so beautiful, and you had the best company; you always contemplated if you were really in a coma from the events at the CIA office, but all your love felt too true to be a dream.
"I know he cares for you," Bucky spoke, more quiet than usual as his arm wrapped around you, digging your head further into his shoulder as you closed your eyes, more than ready to fall asleep right then and there. You're where so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you didnt hear your beloved stalk up behind you, watching in rage as the soldier's arms wrapped around you like you where his.
"Whats going on here?" He growled, making you quickly latch off of Bucky and stand to your feet, almost slipping from the wetness of your feet. You almost ran into T'challas arms, but the angered face he had stopped you from doing so, you noticed the slight tiredness and rage in his eyes, his hands clenched into tight fists as his stance was forward, looking ready to pounce.
"T'challa? You alright?" You asked, your voice wavering slightly as you reached your arm out to touch him, but he pulled back, making your heart sink right to the fucking floor. Your mouth fell open as you let out a small 'oh' and looked down, almost ashamed. 
"Look, man, I don't know what you think this is, but nothing was happening hones-" Bucky spoke before T'challa lunged at him, pinning him beneath his figure. Bucky did nothing to stop the attack, not wanting to do any more damage than he had to the both of you. T'challa didnt throw any punches or cuts as he just stood over Bucky, growling in his face as he looked like an animal, wild and possessive. Your arms wrapped around T'challas waist, holding tight as you leaned up to his side, whispering sweet nothings into his ear, feeling his muscles relax slightly as he began to regain his composure.
"Baby, I promise," You said, all of you now standing in a circle as you held out your pinky finger, watching as both T'challa and Bucky looked down at it in confusion. You rolled your eyes and forcefully wrapped your pinky around T'challas, watching his eyes light up as your skin touched, sending bolts of fire throughout your entire body. At that current moment, you felt the need for T'challa, to have him close, near you always; it was a selfish need and you didnt want anything less.
Suddenly, T'challas strong arms were wrapped around you so tight, your body flushed against his as he smashed your lips together. It felt just as magical as the first time you lip-locked, fireworks and sparks lighting all around you as a shiver went down your spine. Feeling his own warmth against yours made you blissfully happy as you smiled into the kiss, both of you giggling slightly as you continued to make out in front of the stunned soldier. You had almost forgotten he was still standing there, looking at you both in shock. Your hands traveled to the front of T'challa chest, resting on his hard abs as you traced the outlines of all his muscles, making him groan slightly into the kiss; you pulled back quickly, need to catch your breath and regain your sanity.
"Damn I guess I'll just go then," Bucky said, holding his hands in the air, chuckling at the two of you, embracing each other like a wedded couple. The moment was beyond perfect, the sky lit up by pink and purple light, the hue glowing off of T'challas face, making him look like a god compared to every man you had ever meet.
The next couple of days were better than the passing weeks, T'challa had gone out of his way to show you his country, spending more time with you during the day and tending to you gently every night. He had moved Bucky inside the palace, he said it was so the doctors and guards could keep a closer eye on him, but it was really so he could show off your relationship in front of him. Making you scream and beg every night loud enough so Bucky could hear it; kissing you every time he walked past you together, and pulling you away from him whenever you here looking after him. You knew it was irritating Bucky slightly, but you couldn't help but laugh every time, watching as Buckys mood changed as soon as T'challa touched you in front of him. 
Whenever you confronted T'challa about it, he would always act as if he was innocent, just 'sharing the love', but you knew the hint of mischief in his eyes everytime he would see Bucky. You would always roll your eyes at his behaviour, but you liked his neediness, watching him get possessive over you everytime a man would even look at you; it made you feel like a princess, proper and loved. 
"T'challa?" You hummed, both of you just laying on the bed together, placing your book on the countertop next to you, turning on your side to admire the King beside you. 
"Yes, my princess," He replied, looking up at you as his eyes twinkled, your cheeks blushing as you both just stared at each other.
"I love you," You whispered, you head coming down to rest on his chest, tracing small patterns onto his sides as you cradled him almost. You were so happy and content, you wanted to stay like this forever, just you and him against the world.
"I love you too, my darling," 
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