#also this spot had such fun lighting heehee
your-fave-is-bi · 5 months
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Dastardly back at it again kissing in ever location
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letsgofoletsgo · 2 years
HELLOW FELLOW TGP SHIPPER 🤝 🤝 would love to hear about your ship w eleanor heehee
Hi!!!! So I’ve only actually finished up to season 2, but I’ve finally gotten around to continuing the show again! :D
Anyway, my s/i is Tony Whitlock. She was born and raised in New Jersey, before moving to Wilmington, NC for college. While she kept mostly to herself during her grade school years, she found a new sense of freedom and self realization at UNCW. She stopped caring what people thought about her, only becoming more eccentric as the years went on. Most of what she did was for her own entertainment, going where she wanted when she wanted to. She never used this mentality for malicious acts, but it has gotten her into questionable situations. After she graduated, she stuck around in Wilmington, keeping in touch with her younger college friends to gain access to parties. It was one such party that led to her death, as she climbed to the roof of a frat house with her friends, only to wander too close to the edge. The next thing Tony knew, she found herself in Micehal’s office.
Tony’s carefree attitude didn’t stop in the good place; in fact, she used the otherworldly whimsy of it to her advantage. Her favorite thing to do was to get Janet to summon any random item she pleased, the most notable being a bay horse she named Bacon. On the day of the chaos storm caused by Eleanor’s behavior, Tony did not cower like the other citizens, rather rode Bacon through the heart of the frenzy having the time of her afterlife. The next day, she spotted Eleanor cleaning up the mess, and something about her caught Tony’s attention; a rarity in itself. So, she opted to help her out, making pleasant conversation as she did. Eleanor was a bit surprised, but didn’t refuse the help. From there, Tony would pop in and out of the story, often crashing at Eleanor and Chidi’s house.
Tony eventually meets Jason, and gets along with him well, as they both enjoy doing things for the fun of it. However, whereas Tony tends to have some resemblance of a method to her antics, Jason just enjoys being included. They also are both quite fond of Janet, as she was the first person to be truly nice to them (Tony also enjoyed climbing on her, to which she had no objection). While they do have the tendency to get into childish fights over things like sharing, they have an odd, yet close bond. She had a rocky start with Chidi and Tahani however, as Chidi was horrified by her glaring lack of ethics, and Tahani was put off by her eccentricity. Tony didn’t mind Chidi all that much, in fact she somewhat enjoyed freaking him out with her antics. She was a bit rigid towards Tahani though, as she sensed Eleanor had something of a rivalry with her (going as far as to push Tahani away from her during the party in S2E1 when she snatched her sash, causing them both to topple the decorations and light the place on fire). In fact, the one person Tony ever considered basing anything around was Eleanor. If Eleanor wanted something, she’d get it for her. If Eleanor objected to the group’s plans, she was right behind her. Over time, she became used to Tony’s antics, perhaps finding them endearing.
Tony was never afraid to stand up to Micheal, and backed Eleanor when she didn’t trust him at first. In fact, she seems to have no more respect for any demon or angel than her friends. This was especially apparent with Trevor in season one, whom she protested greatly against on taking Eleanor to the Bad Place. She tried various things to get him to go away, including barking at him and flashing him. However, when it was found that Micheal helped them out, she gained a slight respect for him.
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bittersweetmorality · 4 years
Relationship HC’s: Satoru Gojo ! <3 [x gender neutral reader]
A/N: hello :> the final part coming at you. we have god himself, in the flesh, gojo satoru. yes. the songs i included for him are all over the place, just like him oopz. you get, sexy, chaotic, and just pure romantic songs (just like you would when you’re dating him :>) enjoy bbs!
Warnings: swearing, very very slight suggestive themes
W/C: approx. 1,400
Satoru Gojo
(song: Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High by Arctic Monkeys , Man on the Moon by Zella Day , Dance with Me by beabadoobee , Filter by Jimin of BTS , Un Anno D’Amore by Mina)
- this mf
- now, a relationship with itadori is just being in love and enjoying life because he’s just so fun
- and with megumi it’s passionate and deep love, right?
- mr. gojo satoru is just a TEASE
- he knows he’s an ethereal being, and while he doesn’t throw it in your face, he... he knows
- basically he knows he can tease you all he wants and you’ll remain putty in his hands
- but obviously, not in a bad way!! it’s all in good fun
- with him, it’s 70% teasing, 15% serious romantic aspects, 10% pure CHAOS
- let’s go through the details shall we
- he’s the type to kiss you everywhere but where you really want it
- like kiss you on the nose, cheeks, eyes, everywhere but your lips
- no matter how much you huff about it
- he’ll kiss you on the lips when he wants to
- heehee
- but when he does it’s clear how much he cares about you, even if he’s in a playful mood
- his hand can always be found guiding you from your chin or resting on the back of your head
- he’d place a single finger under your chin, pulling your gaze up to meet his before kissing you
- if you grab him with two hands and pull him in to kiss you by the cheeks he’ll malfunction
- seriously, he’ll melt on the spot
- but, anyway your moments with him are... extreme (if that’s the right word to use)
- let me explain
- if he’s teasing, gosh he’s really going at it
- if he’s romantic you’ll feel like you’re on the moon (hint hint wink wink the song)
- and when it’s chaos.... yeah you definitely broke some laws
- speaking of breaking laws
- he does not know how to drive 😀
- he tells you every time “i have enough outside experience to figure out how to operate a fucking car, okay?”
- no he does not
- he never crashes or hurts anyone inside the vehicle, but man you cannot say the same to the property OUTSIDE the car
- whether or not he caused millions of dollars in city repairs, you’ll always end up at a fast food drive-thru for your midnight snack dates
- but please someone tell him that he will hurt someone unless he fully gets his license
- and before you ask him, yeah he’s gotten multiple tickets
- he didn’t even get out of them, he’s sure that if he ever gets stopped by the police again they’d definitely recognize him
- back to the dates
- dates with gojo are so spontaneous, you hardly plan any
- you’ve probably planned only one, and it was an anniversary
- but it’s not like it went according to plan anyway
- sometimes you and him stay up all night on accident, both of you thrumming with energy the entire evening when you realized the light of the early sun poking from the curtain
- “oh shit, it’s morning? what time is it?”
- “5:54 am”
- “holy shit... do you wanna go watch the sunrise?”
- “hell yeah”
- just as he can go from 0 to 10000, he goes from 10000 to 0 real quick on very rare occasions though
- only when he’s super tired, like drop dead
- he’ll just burn out, falling face first into the covers of your bed before adjusting himself into a comfortable position, extending his arms and giving you the “grabby hands” gesture
- this ALWAYS means he wants to cuddle
- speaking of cuddling
- gojo said BIG SPOON !
- we all know he’s amazing at literally everything on god’s green earth but
- damn... when he cuddles....
- .......damn..........
- just like in any aspect of your relationship, your cuddles can be chaotic, teasing or just purely romantic and loving
- during chaotic cuddles he just laughs at EVERYTHING
- seriously, you could say “doodoo fart ass” and he snorts for the first time in front of you
- literally just an idiot with no more than two braincells in his head
- now, teasing cuddles usually lead to.... 😐😐........ yeah
- i mean, what else are you supposed to do when his lips linger too far?
- when it comes to romantic cuddles, he’s either talking your ear off about how amazing and perfect you are, or it’s just complete silence
- simply enjoying that fact the he gets to hold you
- he could honestly die like this
- honestly, although he’s a ball of pure energy, he loves dates at home with you
- but i feel like i should mention that one date y’all had
- you two were at the mall, and suddenly he dragged you into Victoria’s Secret, claiming he just needed to show you this one pair of lingerie that would look stunning on you
- jokes on you because he tricked you, only to pick up the ugliest, lime-green granny panties and said the loudest he possibly could,
- “babe, i feel like these would suit you really well for tonight, yaknow, our special night~”
- good thing he lets you beat him up sometimes
- anyway back to lazy dates
- he says a lot of things when he’s lazily nuzzled into you; sweet nothings
- “yaknow, you looked really pretty during that one date we had that one time.”
- “which one are you talking about?”
- “yeah, that one.”
- you practically feel the smirk on his face after he said that
- he also tells you how much he loves you during these times
- and how could you not believe him when his bright blue eyes are staring into yours as he says it
- it’s just very obvious how sincere he’s being
- but anyway
- he LOOOVES movie dates
- but, in-home movie dates
- because he’s the type of guy to pause the movie, his hand smacked over his mouth in disbelief commenting about what just happened
- “gojo i’m sitting right next to you.”
- he’s actively commentating throughout the entire thing, i hope you’re ready
- but of course, how could i not mention the way sweets play into y’all’s relationship
- surprisingly but unsurprisingly, it’s very easy to bribe him
- threaten to take away his sweets and, oh lord he is on his knees for you
- also he frequently shares lollipops with you, i take no criticism on this one
- but anyway, basically everything with him is just constant fun, and he’s the only guy who actually knows what to do in a relationship
- it’s never awkward with him, never a dull moment
“gojo!!! hurry up i wanna press play!” you whined from the couch.
“hold ooooooon, i’m coming i’m coming, just grabbing the snacks.” he called back, even in this context, somehow having a teasing lilt to his tone.
you see him waddle back over in the corner of your eye, arms filled to the brim with candies and snacks. he fumbles slightly as he lets all of the bags cascade out of his grasp.
“damn.” was all you could think of saying in the moment, staring at the ginormous pile in front of you.
“‘damn’ is absolutely right. now i’m ready to watch.” he smiles, settling into the couch with a lollipop in his mouth and extending his arms to do the grabby-hands motion.
you understood his invitation, and gladly took it as you pressed play. his arms wrapped around your torso, wiggling his body slightly in attempt to nestle you as deep as he could into his chest.
the movie began to play, several minutes passing before gojo let out a contented sigh.
“what if we stayed like this forever? d’you think you’d ever get sick of me?” he asks. his gaze averted away from the screen, something a bit unusual for him.
you tsked in mock annoyance. “honey, gojo, i’m already sick and tired of you.”
your sarcastic remark was followed by a kiss on the back of his hand. obviously you didn’t mean it; he knew that. he didn’t need the reassurance, but he never complained, as he planted a kiss on the top of your head.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi. i only got to play in inazuma today so here's me live reacting to the archon quest. it's a lil out of context tho so have fun trying to figure out which parts im talking abt. also, this is the only time i'm going to be talking abt spoilers for at least one week so... 🤷‍♀️
swordfish ii? cute.
Jesus Christ. and here i thought it was my lowest settings that made his hair grey… this poor kid. teppei i admire your determination but no… just no...
you know.... scaramouche could stand still and the air would get electrified. and yknow,,, that's p... that's p attractive
ugh im disgusting myself. and here i thought i still had an inch of sanity left in me.
of all people it had to be this little jerk
scaramouche is so fucking evil. i’d like ten of him, please.
man,, they expect me to dodge this shit? that’s the biggest l i’ve heard today. none of that shit. i’m bringing out my zhong and my sweet madames skrrt
sayu is adorable… i remember when i had hopes of growing up too… alas, it has come to this.
THOMA OH MY GOD MY MALEWIFE. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? also, sayu’s sleeping again. this girl’s got talent. is her circadian rhythm okay?
pains me to be the bearer of all bad news and no good news…
oh nvm he’s still in the background.
i… i don’t like where this is going… i refuse to be the bait. i’m too hot for that. so spicy they’ll spit me right out
oh thank god… wait... they… they wouldn’t ask me to be the one to set off the fireworks right?
oh crap… i’m… i’m in deep.
HE’S BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING US AGAIN EVERY DAY SINCE HE GOT THERE ANFLaglvbajlfblabvljabefva;bfalLJBLJDABVBAALSNADL tumblr user @tartagliaxx is broken. she is now irreparable. she has no regrets. goodbye.
ehem… what if… you and i… and hotsprings… together?? JUST KIDDING. PG-13 OVER HERE. NOTHING INDECENT WHATSOEVER MOVE ALONG NOW
poor thoma,,,
oh come on ayaka… cut us some slack… i just watched lumine wheeze bc of evil purple mist only to be dragged into 2 timeskips and an entire training arc. dont let her be yet another traumatized shounen manga protagonist… altho, it might be uh… too late for that…
oh dear… is thoma going to get another round of diarrhea?
hello yoimiya… still looking as bomb as ever i see……… mhm… gonna see myself out rn…
oh god… are we dying because of fireworks? forget getting caught by the patrol… we’re about to light up an untested firework that was made to be a billion times more explosive….
man… these patrol guards aint shit… i literally walked an inch behind their backs and they did nothing… its a surprise the rebellion still hasn’t won when they place guards like this in their ranks………. ok that was kinda mean i’ll apologize in a bit.
no, paimon. it’s not but we’re doing it anyway 🤡
oh no….. she’s worn herself out…. man,,, this is why you dont make convicts out of kids….
god, don’t remind me. as hot as the shogun trying to kill us w her blade was, i don’t appreciate almost getting murdered on screen (even if we most certainly have plot armor)
awwww is thoma worried about me uwu owo? dw i have like… a lumine w 6% crit rate by my side
sigh… i dont want to leave yet… cant i just stay by thoma’s side and not go to war for a change?
it was at this moment that tumblr user lei saw the wonders of being a housewife.
oh sara… my stars… i’m so sorry. i feel so bad for you but at the same time… this oddly makes me want to write a song for you ABJFJKABJABCABVABVKA I KNOW JACK SHIT ABT SONGWRITING WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THIS
well… there she goes…
oh…. oh….. yae is stealing my heart. WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO (i have an alt for a reason heehee)
these guys got guts to say ‘i’m sorry ma’am’ to THE kujou sara.
oh old man… you’re dead. you’re so dead.
man… this old man is a simp? sheesh.
oh my god… is that dude dead? i probably should’ve uh apologized b4 he flopped down to the ground ig…
MAN,, SARA’S DOWN FOR THE COUNT?? tbf i didnt expect much but…. also, AYE SIGNORA’S SO ICY.
she’s calling me out for being a simp ;-; heart been broke so many times or smth
oh… i love this part of the vow… im suddenly inspired to write… how about a wedding au? an angsty wedding au?
goddamn… it’s been nice knowing you all…. i dont think i’ll come out of this alive if signora went out like that…
oh… oh it’s time for round two? haha… time to… say my goodbyes….
yo… there are actual tears in my eyes… like… idk why… but that cutscene? shit man… that hit me…
hm… i feel bad for the shogun… ultimately, there is reason behind every act no matter how horrid. no matter how unreasonable, the reason one thinks of is always justified on their end. whatever everyone else thinks pay little effect on whether the act is fulfilled or not. also, her little laugh? i’m extra deceased.
the animation's fire as always wtf
oh but my kokoro... oof... my kokoro... ugh...
I’M SO FUCKING DONE AJKFHAKJBVAK- WE BEAT A HARBINGER AND FOR WHAT? she should’ve just tossed that gnosis into the ocean or smth...
HAH OMG SCARAMOUCHE. WHAT A MAN. I’M- I WAS RIGHT OMG. I HAD A LIL THEORY AND ITS JUST SMTH I HAD IN THE BACK OF MY MIND. I NEVER THOUGHT IT’LL ACTUALLY COME TRUE DEAR LORD. so now ig i have to admit i think abt him a lot and he has a soft spot in my heart 🥺 he’s evil you see and you know what my type is? evil men or at the very least, men with the potential to be evil. ugh so annoying.
scaramouche banner when
bc i sold everything worthy of money in me (read as my organs) for albedo, i'll sell my soul for him how about that?
EYE- makoto huh… well… fuck…
it’s day 400 of being ayato less even if he’s like… teased a million of times (jk it’s like… a grand total of seven but thats still p high)
im so… sigh…
i wonder if i’m still alive by the time sumeru releases… at the very least, i know my brain wouldn’t be.
....we were literally a captain for like... one second. that is so sad.
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Scene 12
The same night at Bella and Emma’s house
(in Bella and Emma’s room)
Bella/Emma: (in bed)
Emma: (awake. Looks over at Bella)
Bella: (asleep and snoring)
Emma: (smiles. She quietly gets out of bed and sneaks out of the room. She creeps down to the laundry room and changes into her night guard uniform and grabs a flashlight. She leaves the house)
(at Carly’s Pizzeria)
Emma: (creeps in through the back door and walks down the hallway with the storage room she hid in last time. She creeps past several rooms without being spotted by any animatronic. She finally reaches the hallway with the door that says “Keep Out”)
Voice: (in Emma’s head) Emma…
Emma: (in her head) Yes. It’s me. Tell me what to do.
Voice: (in Emma’s head) Emma… Is Carly anywhere near us?
Emma: (looks around. In her head) No, she is not. Neither are the others.
Voice: (in Emma’s head) Good. Open the door and come inside. Be sure to close the door once you are in here.
Emma: (unlocks the door, opens it, and walks inside, closing the door behind her) Hello?
W: Emma. You made it, finally.
Emma: Who are you? How do you know my name?
W: Nevermind how I know your name. Turn on your flashlight, Emma.
Emma: (turns on her flashlight to see a broken, withered husky animatronic. She has almost no suit except for her head, upper chest, and upper legs. Emma gasps and tries to leave)
W: No! Don’t leave! We won’t harm you.
Emma: We?
S/G/M: (come into the light. They are also broken down and withered, but not as bad as W)
Emma: Who are you four?
Willow: I’m Willow and these three are my friends, Snowball,
Snowball: (smiles at Emma. Her smile is a little unsettling) I can’t wait to spend time with you, Emma! We’re going to have so much fun! Ha ha! (Licks her lips)
Emma: (a little creeped out) Ok...
Willow: Gia,
Gia: Hello, Emma! Heehee!
Willow: And Mia.
Mia: (waves) Hi, Emma.
Emma: What do you four want with me? Why does Carly want me to stay away from this room?
Willow: Oh, Nevermind about Carly. She’s the real villain here. Anyway, we would like for you to help us.
Emma: You’re not going to try to kill me like Carly did, are you?
Willow: Oh, no. We’re highly against violence, unlike Carly and her friends. We’re completely innocent and harmless compared to them, even if we don’t look like it.
Emma: What do you want me to help you with?
Willow: We want you to help us destroy Carly and her gang so we can have our rightful places.
Snowball: And so we can rip them-
Willow: (glares at Snowball) Snowball!
Emma: I thought you were against violence?
Willow: We are, unless someone wrongs us.
Emma: How did Carly wrong you?
Willow: It was over 40 years ago. This place had opened up to the public for the first time. There were 13 animatronics; us four and Carly’s group. Apparently there were too many of us and too little room in this place, so the staff held auditions and voted for their favorite animatronic performances. I was up against Carly in a singing competition for the lead singer and they chose that b*tch over me! After we failed our auditions, the four of us were just thrown in here like pieces of sh*t and left here to wither and decay. I’ve been angry and jealous ever since.
Emma: That’s awful!
Willow: I know. That’s why we need your help. I know I don’t have much time left, but if I die and Carly dies with me, then I’ll know I’ve won and I can Rest In Peace.
Mia: (puppy eyes) So will you please, please, please help us? (Flutters her eyes)
Emma: Sure. I’ll do my best.
Willow: Good. Meet with us here every night so we can plot against Carly and don’t get caught!
Emma: I won’t get caught. And I promise that I will help you. Carly’s not so nice to me either.
Willow: Good girl. Now run along. Can’t let your sister catch you sneaking back into your house this late at night.
Emma: How did you-
Willow: Go, go! Leave! (Opens the door and shoves Emma out of the room, then closes the door)
Emma: (thoughts) Guess I better lock this so no one gets suspicious.
Willow: (in Emma’s head) Yes, lock it.
Emma: (locks it. She sneaks down the hallway, past several rooms, back into the hallway she came out of, and leaves.)
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Trust as Their Ground
Thank you for much for the support as always, @breeachuu​! I had so much fun with this I think I got carried away askjdnlams This is a Support Chain between Wolfram x Dimitri, and you can read more about how they got acquainted in Wolfram’s series, right >here<!
Commission info HERE and HERE!
At night
Wolfram, surprised: Oh, man, it was my turn to close up the training grounds for the day! It’s been so busy lately with all these new people, it completely slipped my mind!
Wolfram: I hope Byleth doesn’t mind me knocking on her door now to give back the keys once I close this up- Huh? Is there someone training inside?
Dimitri, on his own: … Huff! Perhaps this way is better.
Wolfram: Oh, Dimitri! What’re you doing here so late? I was about to lock you in!
Dimitri: Wolfram? Oh, has so much time already passed? Forgive me, I was a bit absorbed in today’s lesson.
Wolfram: Whoa, how long have you BEEN here? It’s all stuffy… and you’re all sweaty!
Dimitri: Ah, I suppose I am. Do give me a moment to compose myself.
Scene changes to outside.
Dimitri: Thank you for waiting, Wolfram. I hope I was not a bother.
Wolfram: Don’t worry about it, you couldn’t be a bother to ME! You’re the first friend I made here, Dimitri. Anyway, I saw how you moved back there and it looked a bit different from what Byleth was teaching? Were you incorporating it to your own routine or something?
Dimitri: I was, yes, I am surprised you noticed. The Professor has many great skills to teach us, so I must find a way to absorb it all within the swordplay I already know -- it is by adapting themselves that a knight finds the way to best use their abilities. 
Wolfram: Hmmm, yeah, I think I heard something like that from my classes with Luci-uuuh, with one of the Knights, haha! Yeah. I think I heard Catherine? Saying that? Yeah, that was her, for sure.
Dimitri, smiling: … 
Dimitri: Truly? It does sound like something she would say. Lady Catherine has amassed many a skill through her walk of life.
Wolfram, sweating: (Oh, phew, I didn’t blow it.) Y-yeah! And the way she uses her sword and stuff is really cool! I figure we could learn from her sometime, right?
Dimitri: No doubt about it. However, I do not think teaching suits her as much as knitting suits me. You should watch her during our next battle, perhaps that would be more of a lesson.
Wolfram, crestfallen: Y-yeah, the next battle… It’ll be a great lesson, sure.
Dimitri: ? You have gotten pale, Wolfram, are you feeling sick? Should I take you to the infirmary?
Wolfram: No, no, I’m fine. Thank you, Dimitri. Besides, we’re almost at Byleth’s room, so it would be a trek to get all the way up there to Manuela’s infirmary.
Dimitri: Worry not, I can carry you if you need. I’ve no lack of stamina-
Wolfram, blushing: C-carry me? N-no, it’s okay! I’m really feeling fine, don’t worry about it!
Dimitri: Well, if you say so, I shall believe. But do not hesitate to come to me if you ever feel uncomfortable, yes? As you said, I was your first friend here, right? What sort of friend would I be if I weren’t there when you needed me?
Wolfram, smiling: Thank you, Dimitri. Don’t worry, I’ll keep on relying on you a lot in the future.
Dimitri, on his own: *sighs* Yet another night sleep evades me. Perhaps I should simply take a walk outside -- dawn is still far from breaking, but the chilly air might do me better than listen to-
Dimitri: Hahh… 
Scene changes to outside.
Dimitri: The quiet of the night, much more peaceful than inside that loud room.
Dimitri: …
Dimitri: … Silence might not be truly peace-
Dimitri, running: !! What was that? The sound of wings? But those cannot be the sound of a small animal… perhaps a giant bird is delving too closely? I should be ready for batt-
Dimitri: *gasps* You are-
Wolfram, surprised: Dimitri!? I- I, uh, I can explain.
Dimitri: You have wings…? And a tail? *gasps* Wait, we should not talk like this in the open, let us go to my room.
Wolfram: Y-yeah, sure.
Scene changes to inside.
Dimitri: There, it does not seem like we were seen.
Wolfram: … Mhm...
Dimitri: Is this perhaps the reason for your ‘amnesia’? 
Wolfram: *gasps* You knew?! B-but you still believed in me and-
Dimitri: People may take me for being naive for simply being willing to believe in others, but I am no fool, Wolfram. However, there is no need to worry about your secret -- it will be safe with me, whatever or whoever you are.
Wolfram: *sniffles* I-it actually was so hard to keep this from you, since you were so GOOD to me from day one. This whole wings-and-tail and scales you might’ve not noticed, might come as a surprise, but it’s not even the most shocking part of the secret.
Dimitri: Oh? You only need to share what you are comfortable with, Wolfram. I believe in your character as a person.
Wolfram: No, no, it’s okay. You gotta know; it’s not fair to you like this AND I’ve been wanting to let you know, too, so it all works out!
Dimitri: If you are sure, then very well.
Wolfram: Actually, I came here from another world. You know, like when Byleth came out of that portal with her hair green and stuff? I came out of a similar one, from a different world than the one she was trapped in. The, uh, Goddess? Of my world actually speaks to us through my kind -- we can turn into dragons, though I can only do it partially -- and she told me this world was gonna, uh, need help. Soon. So she sent me here to help.
Dimitri: … That is a lot to take in. Not only to know of the turmoil that might shake this world but also to comprehend how shortsighted my life has been until now. New worlds? Portals? All in front of my very nose!
Wolfram: Oh, you’re taking this well. I thought you’d, I dunno, not believe me?
Dimitri: Why would I do such a thing? I have seen your wings with my own eyes and I believe in your character, as I said previously. In fact, I would love to hear more of your home world, Wolfram. Of the family you so want to talk about but hide behind your amnesic setting.
Wolfram: Heehee, I didn’t really inherit any lying bone in me, did I? My Father always tells the truth bluntly and my Mother really prizes sincerity, so it was hard to pretend I didn’t remember them.
Dimitri: I am eager to hear more, but perhaps *yawns* do forgive me, I do not know how I could be this overcome with sleep after having trouble for so long... 
Wolfram: It’s okay, Dimitri. Thank you so much for listening to me. I can stay here until you fall asleep if you want?
Dimitri, blinking: That would be…. Much appreciated… See you tomorrow, Wolfram...
Wolfram: Oh, there you are, Dimitri. Since you weren’t at your usual spot, I got a bit nervous looking for you.
Dimitri: ...
Wolfram: But I’m fast at tracking down people, did you know? I actually have a more acute nose than humans, so I could follow your scent here!
Wolfram: Now that my opening speech is done, here you go: today’s dinner. You didn’t go to the dining hall the whole day again, right? I know how harsh it is to get back to the swing of things after living in the wild for 5 years, but since we have proper food now, it’d be a waste not to eat it, right?
Dimitri: Leave me. You gain nothing by following me around like a lost puppy.
Wolfram, pensive: Hmm, but I don’t need to gain anything to be with you. You were my first friend here, and you’re the one I trust the most in this world, so just spending time with you is enough for me.
Dimitri: ...
Wolfram: (Maybe that was the whole lot of words I’ll get out of him for the week, huh.) Here, you can eat after I leave, as always. Thanks for always leaving the plates out so I can take them back, by the way.
Dimitri, turning away: ...
Wolfram: You don’t need to feel pressured to answer, you know, no need to be grumpy. I kinda got used to not having anyone to talk to these last few years, so I’m still relearning how to interact with people.
Wolfram: What I’m saying is; it’s actually better for me when you don’t reply since I can just say whatever comes to mind without having to think about replying to your reply!
Dimitri: ...
Wolfram, smiling: … You wanna know why I keep coming, right? No need to nod, I guess I can just tell. This is gonna sound random, but do you remember the first time I went with our class for a mission? It was that Remire Village; I’ll never forget its name no matter how many years pass.
Wolfram: I was so scared of all the killing and the madness around me, I could barely hold my tome right. Everything felt like a nightmare. Then you said something about ‘crushing their skulls’ and killing everyone and that- that scared me so much more than the slaughter all around me.
Wolfram: I thought I couldn’t stay by your side; I thought the darkness inside you was so overwhelming that I couldn’t believe you were the same Dimitri who welcomed me with open arms into the Officers Academy.
Dimitri: *holds breath* ...
Wolfram: But then after talking to our friends, I realized that they were both you. That you carry a burden that no one else but you understand, and that you’re still you at the end of the day, fighting a losing battle inside yourself, with your own phantoms and fears; to be the man I’ve always known.
Wolfram: So, why do I keep coming? That shouldn’t even be a question. You’re still you, though now your fight is a bit more on the outside than before. I’ll keep on being by your side and believing in you, just like how you were willing to believe in me before.
Dimitri: …
Dimitri: *starts eating*
Wolfram, smiling: …
Light flashes, flapping noises.
Wolfram: My wings got a bit bigger and stronger during this time we’ve been apart, so I can wrap one of them around you like this -- it’s how we dragonkin protect the ones dear to us during our bonding time. So don’t worry about anything and just eat, Dimitri.
Wolfram: I’ll be here with you.
Wolfram: *sneezes* They weren’t kidding when they said Farghus was cold during winter! Brr, I’m not built for cold weather!
Dimitri: Wolfram, there you are! Goodness, but you are shaking like a leaf -- here, take my cape, it shall help warm you up until we get back inside.
Wolfram: *sniffles* T-thank you, Dimitri. It’s spring and it’s so cold barely after sundown? I was born with scales, not fur.
Dimitri: Haha, come, friend, let us take you away from this wind. Why were you out there, if I might ask?
Wolfram: My Father sometimes told me about how my Mother would just stare at the night sky sometimes when she wanted to think -- that it was something inherent to our kind, or something. I was just thinking that that might be true? ‘Cause despite the cold, I just felt the urge to come out here and just let the stars take me in.
Dimitri: I would be troubled if they physically took you. However, I am glad that you have found a piece of home in Fhirdiad, no matter how far it is from your homeworld.
Wolfram: … Yeah. I still have a clear memory of them, though I think it’s partly due to my dragon blood, but that makes me miss them more, you know? I wake up and it feels like they were just there.
Dimitri: … Are you… unhappy here?
Wolfram: Well, I… would be lying if I said I’m truly content here, away from my family, but I am glad to be able to do my part in history.
Dimitri: My actions have made your stay much more strenuous, have they not? This is actually the reason I was looking for you.
Dimitri: I may have apologized to everyone back then, but you need to hear it from me personally.
Wolfram: Apology? But Dimitri, you did nothing wron-
Dimitri: No. Allow me this, Wolfram. I- you did not deserve what you went through -- what I put you through -- without any words of acknowledgement. So, what I am saying is; thank you. Thank you for staying by my side while I pushed everyone away. Thank you for staying by the Professor’s side during those 5 years, making sure she wasn’t hurt during her slumber. Thank you, most of all, for being there for all of us; from coming all the way from another world to help one that would sooner see you dead than accept your warm hand.
Wolfram, surprised: !
Wolfram: *sniffles* I- Dimitri, I wasn’t expecting-
Dimitri: Indeed; you weren’t expecting anything in return and yet you tried to help. You DID help. I am living proof that your warmth brought me back from the brink from where I stood- where I still stand.
Wolfram: I-I’m not going anywhere just yet, Dimitri. I’ll help you through this.
Dimitri: … I know. Thank you in advance, but I will be sure to thank you later, as well.
Wolfram: Phew, that was a long flight. I wonder how long-
Dimitri, sweating: Wolfram! Thank goodness you’re back! I thought- everyone thought you had left for good after the war ended.
Wolfram: Huh?! I wouldn’t go without a word! How long was I away for, anyway? It didn’t feel like that long.
Dimitri: Truly? I wonder if that has to do with how you told me your kind sees the passing of time? Because you have been gone for an entire week. I was about to send out searches for you...
Wolfram: A WEEK? Gosh, I didn’t mean to take that long, I’m really sorry! I guess I just had a lot to think about.
Dimitri: *huffs* Regardless, I am glad that you are back; for some time there I felt like I had no ground to walk on.
Wolfram, blushing: N-no ground? That’s a bit too much, right?
Dimitri: Not at all. I have been bearing a selfish desire inside of me since quite some time ago, that only blossomed with your departure. I, well…
Dimitri, blushing: I wanted to ask if you’ve really must go after that ‘curfew’ Holy Naga established.
Wolfram: (Actually, the curfew was my Mom’s doing.) T-that’s… actually what I went to think about.
Wolfram: I DO need to come back home since I miss everyone terribly, but… I, well, I… fwooo… hahh… I don’t wanna leave you.
Dimitri, surprised: Truly? But you’ve told me before that the portals are not stable. How could I watch you go and wait for your return that might not happen? It is largely selfish of me, but… I do not want to let you go, Wolfram.
Wolfram, blushing: I thought about a lot of things while I was flying. I’m sure that with the help of Naga, my Mother and the others back home, we can make a long-lasting portal. Or at least get my Dad to make a gadget that can open them at will.
Dimitri: Your Father is a mage, correct? Perhaps-
Dimitri, blushing: Perhaps I can keep my hopes up, then? That you will stay with me -- that you will come back to me?
Wolfram, blushing: Hey, don’t say it like that! You gotta go with me sometime to meet everyone, too! I mean, if we’re gonna do this- I mean, this...
Dimitri, blushing, smiling: I- ah, do forgive my blunders. I forgot to say the most important words. Will you marry me, Wolfram? I love you deeply and I cannot see myself walking life without you by my side.
Wolfram: *sniffles* I was ready to ask the same thing, you know? You beat me to the punch!
Wolfram, smiling: Yes, of course I’ll marry you! We’ll find a way to connect our worlds. Together!
Dimitri: Together.
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This is my very first story for a special lady.
This story is based on a mixture of real life experiences and fantasy. Hope u guys enjoy, any improvements, let me know.
Our “innocent” first date
Her name was the first thing that attracted me to her; Zaxelia.... such a unique name.
Not expecting much, I dm-ed her. She actually replied! Joy! We starting chatting with each other. We chatted about everything, work, family, friends, problem troubling us, dreams. Things seems to be progressing very well for the 2 of us.
One day, i finally took up the courage to ask her out for a date...... and she agreeded!!! Just nice the next day was both our off days. So we decided to meet up the next day.
I reached the meeting point slightly earlier. So i texted her.
Kris: Hey Zaxelia, i juz reached the station. Will be waiting for you at exit B left side as promised :)
Ding! I immediately got a reply.
Zaxelia: heehee. I reaching soon too! Look out for a girl in a little black dress and white sandals.
As soon as i finished reading and lifted my head, there she was walking towards me, in her little black dress and white sandals, with the brightest smile i have ever seen. She looks so lovely and cute. As she walks towards me, her hips slightly sways left and right, and her front jiggled with every step that she took.
Kris(in my mind): omg. She is such a goddess! I want her so badly. *smacks myself* stop being such a horny pervert!
It was quite awkward as this is the first time meeting each other, but as we slowly warm up to each other, we just got more and more comfortable with each other. We just shopped around, ate lunch, walked around aimlessly. Just enjoying the time with each other.
I even managed to hold her hands for awhile when i needed to steer her away from getting bumped by some strangers. But we both let go after that and i can see her blushing.
We walked past a shoe shop and Zaxelia wanted to see some shoes. I followed behind her, and saw her bending over to pick up a pair of heels and she accidentally flashed me her butt cheeks....
Kris(in my mind): omg, how did i juz saw Zaxelia’s buttcheek! Is she not wearing panties? Cannot be right? She must be wearing a thong/g-string ba? Omg. My Zaxelia is not only so cute and lovely, but she is also so daring and sexy. I want her even more.
Zaxelia: Oi Kris, got hear what i say anot? Think this heels looks good on me ma?
Kris: haha. Paiseh paiseh. Yup!!! I was just thinking the heels look good on you anot la. Thats why never reply you.
Then i faster turn away from her, becuase i realised that i am having a hardon and my pants is like bludging right now. Told her i suddenly need to use the toilet and ran away to cool down first.
Took me awhile to cooldown in the toilet. When i came out there she was standing there looking all so beautiful.
Zaxelia: what took you soooooo long!!! How can you make a girl wait so long for you!!!! What u doing? Masterbating ah?!?
Kris: no lah!! Nonsense la u.!?!?
I faster walk off to hide my blushing face. After we carried on shopping and walking around. We were having so much fun that in a blink of an eye, it was already way past midnight and i had to walk her home already....
Zaxelia: there is a park near my house. Do you want to go there for awhile before we end the day?
Kris: sure!! Of course!! I want to spend as much time with you as possible!
Zaxelia suddenly blushed as she lead me to the park. We chose a nice cooling spot and seat down on the bench.
The breeze was blowing against us as we sat side by side and chatted about the day and stuffs.
Kris(in my mind): oh.. Zaxelia smells so good even though after she has been out whole day. How i wish i can just hug her and hold her tight and take in all her scent.
Zaxelia: oi, what u daydreaming about again? Whole day u have been spacing out lo. What u thinking ah? Having notti thoughts is it?
Suddenly Zaxelia bent over to me and whispered in my ear.
Zaxelia: guess what color panty am i wearing now :)
Kris: huh?!?!? What u suddenly asking?
Zaxelia: i know that whole day u have been sneaking peeks at me and i even saw your pants bludging lo. Dont lie le. Heheee.
Zaxelia shifted and sit right beside me. Her skin accidentally brushed against mine and the sensation was so seductive. I want to hold her tightly so badly.
Kris: okok. Cannot be helped la. Who asked u to be so pretty. Then your little black dress is sooo seductive. So i cant resist to stare at you more lo. Let me guess... red? Orange?yellow? Green? Blue? White? Black?
Zaxelia: heehee... nopw nopw nopw nopw. All wrong!
Zaxelia suddenly stood in front of me. She glanced around to make sure nobody is around and lifted her skirt!
Zaxelia: Tada!!! I am not wearing anything *suddenly blushing* i even purposely shaved it clean for you.
My mind went blank immediately. My goddess is front of me, with her pussy infront of my face. It is clean shaven and i can even see some pink around her folds. Her pussy loooks so smooth and soft....
You......... are....... so...... beautiful........Was all i could mumbled out at the moment.
I couldnt hold it anymore. I pulled Zaxelia towards me and sat her on my lap. I hugged her tight and planted my lips deep onto hers. Zaxelia did not run away. Instead she begin to kiss me back. We started with small kisses, small pecks. I kissed her on the lips, then her left cheeks, then down to her neck. I kisses 1 round around her neck, then up back her right cheek and finally back on to her lips.
When i kisses her lips again, Zaxelia slided her tougue into me. We started frenching. The taste of Zaxelia is turning me on too much. I place my hands on her silky smooth thighs and slide up hand up towards her pussy. When my fingers finally touched her pussy, Zaxelia gave a soft moan. I parted her folds and rubbed my fingers along her clit. I took her heavenly juices and rub it around her pussy. I took out my dripping fingers and showed Zaxelia.
Kris: wah... juz kissing only and u so wet already. How sia?
Zaxelia whole face suddenly blushed into a deep red. It is soo cute see her like this.
Zaxelia: please dont tease me liao. I cannot take it already. I want you inside me already...
My Goddess has already given me the permission. What am i still waiting for?!? I looked around and saw a small dark corner that is surrounder by a wall and thick bushes.
I pulled Zaxelia over to the corner, bent her over and lifted up her skirt.
Kris: Zaxelia, your pussy is already dripping from your juices already. I dont need to lubricate it any further. I am going to enter u now......
Zaxelia: eh....
I placed my dick on her clit and i slowly started to push it in. My dick just slides in so easily. There was no resistance and i easily went all the way in.
Zaxelia: AH............
Zaxelia gave the sexiest moan i have ever heard when my dick fully penetrated her. I pulled out abit and used my dickhead to rub her clit. Stroking her clit with my dickhead made her moan even more. I positioned my dick again and slowly slide back in again.....
Zaxelia: mmmmmm...... nice........
I held onto her hips and started to slowly increase the tempo.. thrusting her faster and harder. You can hear Zaxelia getting wetter and wetter. Making more and more sloppy sounds even time i drive fully into her.
Zaxelia: ah.... ah..... ah..... ...... .... ah..... ...... ah..... ......
Zaxelia was trying her best to muffled her moans. But she couldnt due to the intense pounding i am giving her. Hearing her moans got me even more aroused. I started to pound her harder and deeper. She couldnt stop her moans anymore.
Zaxelia: ah! ah! ah! ah! Dont stop. Faster. Harder. Harder. I’m cumming. I cumming. Faster. Harder.
I could feel her pussy sucking me in, squeezing me harder and harder. Whether is it becuase of the thrill of fucking in public or getting to fuck my goddess on our first date or just becuase i was aroused whole day, i was close to cumming as well.
Zaxelia: harder.. harder.. ah..ah...harder..ah.....ah...ah... dont pull out. Just cum inside me. I am safe today. Just cum inside me. Ah... ahh... ahh.....
I couldnt hold it in anymore. Since Zaxelia also wanted it, i just exploded deep inside her. When my cum exploded against the walls of her vagina, Zaxelia gave out an uncontrolled loud scream.
Zaxelia: AHHHH!!! OH MY GOD!!! I can feel your cum filling me up. Your warm cum feels sooo good inside me.
I slowly pump my dick inside Zaxelia. Giving her as much of my cum as possible. After squeezing out whatever cum i have, i slowly pulled out my dick with a loud “Pop”
Kris: heehee.. your pussy doesnt seems to want to let my dick come out wor.
Zaxelia: ya lo. Your dick feels soo good inside me. Fits my pussy perfectly lo. I never felt so sextisfied before.
Kris: it was great for me too! i love you Zaxelia, please be mine forever.
Zaxelia planted a deep kiss on my lips and she blushed while nodding her head.
Zaxelia: en... i want to be with you too.
With those words, I hugged Zaxelia tightly. Taking in the scent of her hair, enjoying the warmth of her body.
Kris: come, lets clean you up and send u home le. Its late le. You still need to go work tomorrow.
Zaxelia: no. Dont. Just leave your cum inside me. I like the feeling of having your cum inside me.
Kris: ok my love. Lets just send you home with my cum inside u. Just make sure dont let it drip out ok :)
And i gave Zaxelia a light spank on her bouncy butts for being such a notti girl. For being my very own notti girl.
And thats how our first day ended.
To be continued..... :)
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ticklishfanart · 6 years
Existential tickles
Idk what the title is either oof sorry hfdshkfd ANYWAYS here’s my first fic! I hope you guys enjoy! Also I felt like including a word count so here’s that: 946
Since they had gotten back from tour, Dan had been going through a crisis. As exhausting and sometimes overwhelming being on a world tour could be, Dan had been thankful to have a purpose almost every day for months straight. There was no need for existential crises, therefore there was no need to lay down on the floor and contemplate life choices and purposes. However, upon getting home, he had all the time in the world for such activities.
Phil could tell he was having a rough time. He once left in the morning to go out all day, carefully stepping over his boyfriend in the hall, and came back hours later to find out he hadn’t even bothered to move. Needless to say, Phil was worried, and despite knowing he couldn’t do much to help his boyfriends wandering mind, he wanted to at least try.
He walked into their bedroom, very dimly lit by the light from the window, to find Dan, lying down face first on the bed.
“Hey… how’re you feeling?” Phil said, climbing up and sitting next to his boyfriend, leaning over to kiss the disheveled, curly mess atop his head.
“Mmmh” Dan responded, if you could call it a response, as he felt Phil start to comb his fingers through his hair. “My back hurts. I forgot how un-ergonomic it is to lie on the floor for hours on end.” he said with a flat chuckle.
“Here-” Phil straddled him, placing his hands on Dan’s back, “Let me give you a massage.”
“Mkay,” Dan said while getting comfortable, moving his arms under his head.
Phil started over Dan’s shirt, running his fingers over the expanse of his back, squeezing his shoulders, and trying his best to work out the knots without hurting Dan too much. Dan was enjoying it thoroughly, the feeling of Phil’s fingers suddenly amplified when they ventured under his shirt. He felt it being pushed all the way up before Phil resumed the massage.
Everything was fine until Phil’s touches grew lighter and lighter, and when Phil had grazed his fingers a bit too close to his side, Dan flinched. Phil noticed this, and repeated the motion, however this time Dan suppressed his reaction completely.
Phil smirked to himself. He had figured out over the years that 1. Dan was incredibly ticklish, 2. Dan liked to be tickled, and 3. Dan was very very embarrassed because of the previous 2 facts, so much so that he tried to keep them a secret.
Phil, curious to see how much Dan could handle, started dragging his fingers over the expanse of Dans back, even fluttering his fingers over the back of his ribs, his shoulder blades, and a very sensitive spot on his lower back. He was amused at the reactions he was getting. He could see Dan starting to struggle, just barely twitching every time Phil found a bad spot, fighting to keep a smile off his face, and suppressing whimpers and giggles. Phil finally decided to stop teasing and just go for it. He quickly dragged four of his fingers down Dans bare sides.
Dan, unaware of Phils plan, still thought the whole time that Phil was trying to massage him, and wasn’t expecting the attack on his sides. His entire body jolted, and he quickly brought his arms down, finally starting to laugh.
“hAHAH PHIHIL NOHOHO- HAHAHA” Dans protests were cut off by laughter when Phil returned to a spot on the back of his ribs that was extremely sensitive, quickly scratching his blunt nails over it
“Thank goodness! I thought you weren’t ticklish anymore!” Phil teased as Dan blushed and thrashed under him.
Phil was spidering his fingers all over Dan’s back when Dan flipped himself over, which he immediately regretted. In his struggles, he managed to get his shirt rucked up on his front side as well, leaving his stomach and ribs completely exposed.
Phil’s hands immediately dove to his ribs, his fingers shaking between the bones, causing Dan to arch off the bed, his arms trapping Phil’s hands on his ribs. Dan’s hyena laugh bounced off the bedroom walls, and Phil noted that he wasn’t telling him to stop, which encouraged him to keep going. Phil noticed his arched back and by extension, his tummy, which Dan was unknowingly shoving into Phil’s face.
“Jeez Dan, if you wanted me to get your tummy so badly you could have just asked.” Phil teased, pulling his hands away from Dan’s ribs and wiggling them above his tummy, giving him a breather.
“Hahah… Phihil… Nooo...“ Dan tiredly said, hardly having the energy to get any words out as he watched Phil’s teasing fingers.
“Oh come on Dan, I know you want it.” Phil said, amused as Dan blushed even harder than before.
Phil shaped his hands into claws before descending on Dan’s tummy and vibrating into the pudgy flesh. Dan squealed for about two seconds before silent laughter overtook him. Phil took this as a sign to stop unless he wanted Dan to pass out. He continued for just a few more moments, then stopped and adjusted Dan’s shirt, and laid down next to him, pulling Dan into his chest. He was still quivering from the phantom tickles all over his body.
“Heehee… you’re the actual worst person in the world Phil” Dan said in a hoarse voice.
“Mhm,” Phil said, reaching down and placing a kiss on Dan’s rosy patch. “I love you too.”
He knew this wasn’t some permanent solution to Dan’s existential problems, but when he looked down at his boyfriend, peacefully sleeping in his arms, he knew everything was going to be okay.
I hope you guys liked my first fic! I will still primarily post art on here, but I wanted to try something new, so here it is! I had fun writing it and hope to write more in the future y’all
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bebecue · 6 years
Rivals-to-Lovers: Yoo Kihyun
Anonymous said: “Ooh gotta slide in here while requests are open!! Kihyun and you are rivals in everything, but you've secretly harboured feelings for him? Almost friends to lovers, but enemies first haha hope that makes sense”
A/N: lmao sliiide away! I’ve never done a friends/enemies-to-lovers before but I hope this turned out okay! (it was fun to do I might do more of these if I have time heehee)
Warnings: some swearing
Kihyun | Fluff | High school AU | 1643 words
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Yoo Kihyun is one of those annoying little teacher’s pets who always strives to come top at everything
But then again, so are you
You guys are in the same homeroom class and your classmates find it amusing whenever the two of you clash
“Oooh, they’re at it again!”
“I got ten bucks on Yoo!”
The two of you are almost always at each other’s throats, arguing about almost anything
Nominations and voting for class representatives was an intense time
As usual, you and Kihyun had tied for the most votes
But Kihyun had teased that you only got pity votes
“Kiss my ass, Yoo Kihyun!”
“Aw, don’t you wish,” he replied with a wink, while you scoffed and pretended to retch
Your homeroom teacher just sighed. “Stop it, you two. We can have two representatives. That’s how it’s always been.”
You stuck your tongue out at Kihyun and he threw a scrunched up piece of notebook paper at you
The two of you are also in the same Biology, Music Theory and Japanese classes
Your Japanese and Biology teachers just sigh and roll their eyes whenever the two of you start bickering
But they can’t really complain because you both drag the class average up with your close to perfect grades
Kihyun always challenges you with anime quotes, for some bizarre reason
“ お前はもう死んでいる !” 
“You’re such a fucking weeb.”
Your music theory teacher finds your rivalry endlessly entertaining, and encourages the ‘healthy competition’
“Top grade for this project gets to play their piece in our next assembly!”
You play the piano, while Kihyun is a vocalist
Your teacher always finds it hard to decide between the two of you
So you both almost always end up performing your pieces in front of the school
You’d never admit it, but the reason you’re always trying to one-up him is because you kinda have a crush on him
You think that by getting better grades and outshining him, that you would impress him
A little voice at the back of your mind keeps saying that your way of getting his attention is completely messed up, and that you should just try being nice to him
You ignore it, and constantly tell it to shut up. Who needs a healthy way of showing affection, anyway?
Fast forward to the end of the semester
Your music theory class has been working on original pieces all semester
Your recital/exam is in a week, and you pretty much have your piece nailed down
You’re staying on campus late, just practicing your piece in one of the music rooms
You start finishing up when you hear a crashing noise, followed by someone cursing
“Shit! Fuck!... OW!”
You’re pretty sure you’re the only one supposed to be in the building, so you grab a metal bar - a piece of a dismantled music stand - and you head to the source of the noise
You see the lights on in one of the other rooms, and you walk towards it cautiously
You open the door, armed with your bar, ready to start swinging
You see Kihyun, squatting on the floor, surrounded by fallen music stands
He looks at you, eyes wide, mouth agape
His eyes quickly flash to the bar in your hand
He immediately looks scared. “Wh-what are you doing?”
You feel yourself blush and put the bar behind your back
You look at the music stands on the floor. “I was just about to ask the same thing.”
Kihyun sighs. “Uh... could you give me a hand?”
You put the bar down, and start to help him tidy up
The two of you finish, and you glance at him
He looks tired, frustrated, and... worried
You bite your lip, wondering if you should say something
Fuck it, you think
“Kihyun... is everything okay?”
He looks at you, and for the first time since you’ve met him, he looks vulnerable
He sighs deeply, and sits down on the floor
You sit down with him
“My pianist for the recital broke three of his fingers during P.E today,” he says, rubbing his face
Your mouth falls open. “You mean Jooheon? What did he do?”
He gives you a tired smile. “He and Wonho were messing around with a baseball bat.”
You wince. “Ouch.”
Kihyun looks up to the ceiling. “Yeah, and now I have no accompaniment for my piece. I’m pretty much fucked.”
You bite your lip. “Hey, I don’t mean to brag, but... you do know that I’m the best piano player in school, right?”
Kihyun eyes you, regarding you suspiciously. “So...?” 
“Soooo maybe I could help you out?”
Kihyun keeps looking at you. “You’d really do that?”
You shrug, in what you hope is a nonchalant manner. “Sure.” 
Kihyun pauses for a little bit. Then he stands up and reaches for his backpack. He rummages around in it, and pulls out a few pieces of paper.
“Here,” he says, handing you the sheets. 
You look at it, and they’re music sheets. The ones for Kihyun’s original piece
“Cool,” you say, flicking through them. “I’ll practice these when I get home tonight and we can practice together tomorrow.”
You look up from the sheets and you see that Kihyun is staring at you with an odd look on his face
He swallows. “Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.” He sounds like he’s about to start crying
“Uh, it’s okay. Really.” You wouldn’t know how to handle it if he did start crying
He shakes his head, as if to snap himself out of it. He fishes something out of his bag and holds up his keys
“Come on, I’ll drive you home.”
For the next week, you and Kihyun stay on campus extra late to practice both your pieces
He buys you coffee every single time you meet and drives you home to make sure you get home safe after every practice session
Your sessions with him are magical, and you’re amazed by his incredible vocals
His piece is beautiful, and you’re honored to be able to play it with your own fingers
The first time you played it, Kihyun had looked at you in awe.
“You’re able to play it better than Jooheon!”
You roll your eyes and grin. “Of course, what did you expect?”
The two of you continue your daily practices, and each day, your feelings for him get stronger
If you weren’t so completely sucked in by the music, you would be mesmerized by Kihyun himself
You try to ignore the thought gnawing at the back of your mind
Ask him out, just ask him! Ask him out, ask him-
You shove the thoughts away, and remind yourself that you need to focus on your recital first
The day of the recital comes, and you’re nervous
Not for your own piece, but for Kihyun’s
You know your piece and could play it in your sleep, but if you mess up Kihyun’s, you could mess up his grades
You finish your own piece flawlessly, and your teacher, the examiners and the audience clap politely. Your teacher beams at you and gives you two enthusiastic thumbs up
You head back to one of the practice rooms where Kihyun is waiting
He looks calm and collected, and you wish you could be the same
Together, you head to the auditorium and wait backstage until Kihyun is called to perform
You don’t realize, but you’re rubbing your hands roughly, and cracking your knuckles loudly
Kihyun looks at you and grabs your hands
“Hey, it’s okay. Calm down,” he whispers, holding your hands. “You’ll be great.”
Your heart feels like it’s about to come out of your throat. Kihyun has done the exact opposite of calming you down. 
The two of you finally get on stage. You take your seat at the piano again while Kihyun takes his spot behind the microphone stand
He introduces himself, then you. He then gives a short introduction on the piece
You start playing, and your worries immediately melt away. The music takes you away, and you close your eyes, playing along to Kihyun’s vocals
You start to realize that for the first time, the both of you are completely in sync. It feels great to be playing while he sings, and your fingers do the work, your mind completely in bliss.
Soon, the piece is over, and you kind of feel sad
You open your eyes, and you hear the thunderous applause of the audience
Your teacher stands from her seat and yells “Bravo!”
Kihyun holds his hand out towards you, and you give a small bow
Kihyun is beaming widely, and the smile is still on his face when you two head outside
He stretches his arms up to the sky and groans. “Finally! I can sleep easy tonight.”
You stand there, fiddling with your fingers nervously. You’re doing it. You’re finally going to confess
Kihyun looks at you and smiles. Before you can say anything, he speaks.
“Hey, go out with me tonight.”
You stand there, mouth open. He had beaten you to your confession
“Kihyun... I-what?”
He grins at you. “I like you, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight.”
You cover your face with your hands. “God! I was going to ask you out first!” You groan, frustrated
Kihyun stares at you. “Does... does everything have to be a competition?”
You peek at him from behind your fingers, and he puts an arm around your shoulders, laughing
“This is one thing I can say I genuinely beat you at,” he says with a wink. “But I have to admit, you basically own my ass for getting me a better grade than you.”
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cefstickles · 7 years
Tickled Pink
Heyo! Drabble for @golden-honeyhoney. From the prompt: “Logan’s been showing off a bit too much lately and the other three sides are tired of it. I just really think that Logan needs tickles because he’s a cutie.” I may have deviated from the actual prompt slightly. I still hope you like it though. 
SO MUCH FLUFFF!! Logan’s my fav side so, naturally I wanted to make it super fluffy. :3 Please enjoy:
Tickled Pink
(Ships): Can come across as Logicality, doesnt have to.
Words ~ 1,803 ~
“No. Use black! Pink does not look professional!”
“But it shows the creative skills that Thomas displays.” Princey struck a fanciful pose. You want your resume to be dramatic don’t you?”
“As dramatic as you? No. Not even a sewage company would hire him if the font on his resume was pink.”
“Hey take that back! And how would you know?”
Logan adjusted his glasses haughtily. “Pink is a very light color and it would strain the eyes of whomever was trying to read your credentials. Let’s not also mention all the ‘fine’ print that would have to exist within the document to show your eligibility for the job you are trying to obtain.”
“Logan...it’s not even a real resume. We don’t need to make it professional. Its just a prop for a play.”
“Thomas, I understand that. However, this is a perfect practice opportunity for when you decide to type out a real one.”
“Logan you are taking this too seriously. Just shut up and go with the pink font. Do you think I like it? I don’t, but wasting time arguing about it isn’t getting us anywhere.”
“See Logan? Virgil agrees with me.”
“I never said I agreed with you Roman noodle.”
Roman growled. “Both of you take it back!”
“No. If we are making a resume, we will do it right!
“Aw, come on Logan. Have a little fun once and awhile. You used to be all for fancy decorating. What changed?”
“Patton. Resumes are serious documents that displays one’s life work. Applying pink font to something this serious is like showering a seventy dollar tuxedo in glitter!”
“But it can't be that serious. The document itself isn't wearing a necktie.”
Logan blinked at his dichotomy as the rest of the room erupted into laughter. “Documents do not wear neckties Patton.”
“Oh for crying out loud Logan. It was a joke. Would you just laugh once in awhile?!” Roman clutched his stomach after he finished doubling over in laughter.
“Logan! Please just shut your mouth and agree for once! I don't get why you're arguing against everyone over this! I’m making the font pink, because I feel like it!” Thomas held his head in his hands, as the logical trait continued to protest.
“That is no logical explanation to just do something! Simply because one just ‘feels’ like it.”
“Logan! You shut your mouth and agree with everyone right now. Or else…”
Logan faced the parental aspect and looked at him dead in the eyes. “Or else what Patton? Your threats are hollow.”
“Or else I’m gonna come over there are show Thomas and the rest of his sides just how adorably ticklish you are.” Patton’s frown evolved itself into a threatening grin. The faces of the room then turned from looks of irritation to confusion.
“Logan’s ticklish?” Roman scratched his chin thoughtfully as he was obviously trying to picture the normally stoic aspect laughing his head off.
Logan was about to say something else, but thought better of it and lowered his head to the floor, avoiding eye contact with his fellow aspects.
“Well that shut him up.” Virgil glared at Logan who was almost cowering away from the four other entities in the room.
“Virge, be nice.” Thomas warned. “Look Logan. I appreciate your input, but...you have been overruled. I would have thought you understood that when everyone had already voiced their opinions.”
Logan sighed in defeat. “You are right. I am sorry everyone. I was blinded by my own understanding.” The logical aspect’s gaze did not deviate from the ground. In fact, he was still slightly pouting at the fact he wasn’t getting his way.
“Aw come on, kiddo! Don’t give us that bottom lip.” Patton very slowly began to move from his spot towards the logical trait. “I can give you a hug to make it better?”
Logan lifted his head and an eyebrow at the aspect that was now slowly walking towards him. The mischievous glint in his eyes could not be mistaken.
“I am not an idiot Patton. Do you really think I’d fall for that?”
“Yeah! Because you just did!” While Logan had his eyes on Patton, he did not notice that Prince had moved from his spot to behind the logical trait with such stealth and ease. Soon after he did notice, he felt himself being lifted into the air by a pair of arms that came from behind.
“No. I do not want this! Please put me down, Roman! Virge! Thomas! Help!” All the darker aspect did was lean on the banister with a smirk plastered on his face. “Tickle him for me will you? I’m too lazy.”
Thomas continued typing away, trying to pretend he wasn’t hearing his logical sides pleas, his mouth beginning to curve upwards.
“With pleasure!” Logan could not see it, but Roman was grinning as well. Princey managed to restrain Logan’s hands behind his back much to the logical trait’s dismay.
“He’s all yours Patton!”
“Heehee!!! Good…” Patton then continued teasing the Logical trait with his fingers as he walked closer. “I can’t wait until you all hear his squeals! They are so adorable. Or when he snorts!”
“Oh? Is that so? Well then I can’t wait to hear them either then. He needs to laugh more” The maliciously grinning Princey held fast onto Logan despite his attempts to escape. To say Logan was only nervous or slightly fidgety was an understatement.
“Patton! You said you weren’t going to tell anyone!” The shakiness in his voice could not be more defined.
“I know Logan.” The parental aspect was now about a foot from him. “But, you told me you would laugh more! That was the deal! And how much laughter have I gotten from you since then? Not even a giggle! I think it's payback time Mr. Gloomy-Gus teacher.” Patton stopped right in front of him and wiggled a finger under Logan’s chin, to which the logical trait made a face at.
“Plus, maybe this’ll teach you to know when to stop arguing and/or providing so much exposition.”
“It’s important tho-” Logan was cut off from providing more of said exposition as he felt Patton’s wiggling fingers begin to graze his tummy. He breathed slowly and did his best to suppress the grin from spreading on his face. He looked at his tickler dead in the eyes. “You will not break me.”
Patton giggled. “Oh that’s the worst lie you’ve ever told Logan.” And it was. And everyone in the room knew it too, including the one who said it. For a moment, the only thing that could be heard was Thomas typing away on his keyboard, trying his best not to focus on what was about to happen.
Instantly, a giggle broke the silence. Patton had managed to catch his dichotomy by surprise as he wiggled his fingers into the logical trait’s belly.
“Oh my Gosh! That was you Logan? That was adorable. I wish to hear more!”
“Urghhhh...I am...not adorable.” Logan clenched his teeth as the sensations began to weaken him slowly.
“Oh don’t worry you will Roman.” Patton put on his innocent face, and decided to change tactics by shooting his hands straight up into the logical trait’s armpits, reaching into the sleeves of his polo and teasing Logan verbally.
“Laugh for us Logan! You need it as much as we do! Tickle tickle tickle!”
Logan’s straight face faltered as his arms tried to clamp down only found to be raised higher by Roman, allowing Patton more accessibility.
“Snrk! Noooooooohohoho!!!” Logan’s frown formed itself into a smile as he threw his head back to shake off the giggles that were close to bubbling out.
“Aha! Laughter! The logical aspect can laugh?! What is this madness?”
Virgil scoffed, obviously enjoying this scene. “Sparta maybe.”
Thomas raised his eyes from the computer for a second only to compliment Virgil’s reference. “Ah! I get it.”
“This conversahahahahation isn’t heehehehehlpihihihihng!!!” Logan could not hold back the giggles any longer as they escaped his mouth, encouraging Patton to move to his ribs. Upon contact, Logan’s giggles turned into subtle laughter, squirming under Patton’s fingers.
“Wow Logan! Your ticklishness is RIBdiculous! I’m not trying to HARP on it too much, but I think STRUMthings got ya giggling.”
“PPAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHTTTOOOOHOHOHHONNNN!!!!” That did it. Logan instantly burst out laughing from the groaning that he was trying to convey when Patton began plucking his ribs like a harp.
Virgil and Roman didn’t know which was funnier. Patton’s puns or Logan’s response to Patton’s puns. Either way they were both laughing along with the Logical trait.
Patton’s fingers decided they had their fun with Logan’s ribs and travelled down to his worst spot of all. “I remember when I found his most ticklish spot, he gave the cutest squeal! Let’s see if he’ll do it again!”
“Pahahahahtton don’ttttaYEEEEEEEEEEEET!” The parental trait began to squeeze Logan’s sides rapidly up and down producing a squeal of the same volume over and over again. Had Roman not been holding Logic up, he would be on the ground, curled up into a giggly ball unable to move for the life of him.
Patton frowned. “Oh alright, but not before I do this!!” Two of Morality’s fingers on each hand dug into Logan’s hips stimulating the pressure points that resided there. Logan’s laughter went silent as he actually began to cry he was laughing so hard. After a minute of this, Patton let up and signaled Roman to let go of him. Once he was free though, Logan wasted no time. He tackled Patton to the ground ready for retaliation, still giggling.
With much struggle and play wrestling, Logan managed to slip a hand under Patton’s shirt to tickle his belly button. Patton was instantly beside himself with laughter.
“Do not pretend there was not a tickle fight. I know your tickle spots just as well.” Logan could feel himself smirking as he was crumbling Patton’s defenses with only a single finger. It only lasted a second, when Patton grabbed onto Logan’s sides once again, resulting in an all out tickle war between the two aspects.
Roman, Thomas, and Virgil were now all laughing hysterically. The once stoic trait was now having the time of his life trying to sort out his issues with his opposite by means he had never once considered. By the end of it all, Logan and Patton sprawled out giggling, cheeks pink as the font they had all been arguing about earlier.
Logan was the first to sit up closely followed by Patton, both wearing the same bright and happy smile.
“Promise to laugh more?” The parental trait booped Logan’s nose causing the ladder to wrinkle it cutely.
“Yes Patton. I promise...not only to you, but...to all of you.”
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freyawrites-archive · 7 years
What about Prompto trying really hard to impress his crush by winning them a stuffed chocobo from one of those carnival games where you have to shoot the moving targets? (Who says Noct is the only one who gets to enjoy the Moogle Chocobo Carnival?!) His crush loves the plush, but tells him that he's still their favorite chocobo. (Maybe they even kiss his cheek?)
Eeep! I’ve been super excited to do this one since it’s a oneshot request~
And plus, Sunshine Chocobo is adorbs
No special warnings or spoilers (unless you consider the Carnival a spoiler?)
It was all he could talk about for weeks. Once Prompto Argentum had heard that there was a Moogle Chocobo Carnival in Altissia, it was all he could focus on. To be be fair, you were pretty excited yourself since you were a big fan of both Moogles and Chocobos, but Prompto’s excitement was also extremely contagious.
Somehow, Prompto managed to convince Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis that it would be a fun way to relax and unwind before continuing their journey. Noctis had briefly protested, not wanting to deviate from their goal of reuniting with Lady Lunafreya, but Prompto convinced him to at least enjoy some of the carnival and maybe try winning something for Lunafreya so that he could present it to her when they were finally reunited.
“We will meet back at the hotel tonight after the fireworks, and tomorrow morning we meet with the first secretary,” Noctis instructed as the group stepped off the boat. The sun was still high in the sky, giving plenty of time for the festivities prior to the firework show you had read about on a brochure on the way to the carnival.
The group agreed and started to part ways. You had started off in a random direction before hearing footsteps behind you. You looked over your shoulder and smiled when you found Prompto was trailing behind you. His eyes were wide with amazement as he looked around at the various decorations. You could see the twinkle in them and it made your chest fill with warmth.
It took him a minute or so before he realized you were looking back at him and he caught your gaze. The pale skin beneath the freckles that spotted his cheeks turned red and you couldn’t help but giggle as you turned to face him fully.
“Almost too much to take in?” you teased.
“I want to steal all their Chocobo decorations,” he admitted, giving you a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his neck.
This elicited a rich laugh from you which made Prompto’s face light up.
The two of you walked alongside one another as you made your way through the streets of Altissia. You’d been to Altissia once as a child, but those childhood memories were nothing compared to the sights before you. You could see the beauty in the architecture beneath the decorations and you could feel the ancient history of the city as you walked through its streets.
As you passed over an overpass, you paused. You rushed quickly to the edge and looked over just in time to see a gondola lazily cruise by with a few passengers as they made their tour around the city. The gentle splashing of the water was what had caught your attention over the sound of idle chatter while the gondola passed by. You leaned forward over the block railing, your eyes shining.
“Man, I’d kill to ride on one of those,” you said, a wistful tone to your voice.
“Maybe we’ll get a chance later on today,” Prompto replied as he stepped up next to you. He placed his hands on the block railing, looking out at the gondola as it continued on its journey around the corner and out of sight. He then reached and gently nudged your hand with his. “Come on, let’s go see what else there is!”
You smiled and nodded, following alongside him as you continued over the overpass. After rounding the corner, you two came upon a plaza where there were a bunch of vendors. Between vendor stands, there were various carnival games.
“Woah,” you both said in unison, amazement clear in your voices. You then shared a laugh before starting down the row.
While the games looked fun, a lot of them either had crowds or didn’t have any prizes worth fighting for. The vendors looked interesting as well, but some of the price points for their wares was a bit steep and you weren’t hungry enough yet for a food vendor. So instead, you admired it all from afar.
That is, until you spotted an empty game booth with the most adorable Chocobo plush known to man. You stopped walking, a dramatic gasp passing your lips. Prompto froze as well, surprised and concerned by your gasp until he followed your gaze to the game booth. His own eyes lit up and a grin curled on his lips.
“Oh hell yeah,” he said as he started walking up to it.
It was a shooting game.
The game itself was what had Prompto excited. However, your agenda was completely different. You had terrible aim when it came to using any sort of ranged weapon. It was amusing since you wielded magic and could throw that in any direction for days, but the minute it came to using something like a gun or a bow and arrow, you were helpless.
No, what had caught your eye was the fat Chocobo plush that sat atop the “Grand Prize” stand. It was love at first sight. You knew that if you walked away without that plush, you would regret it for the rest of your life. The sign read that if you shot a perfect score, you would win the fat Chocobo plush. Simple as that.
Simple if you could actually aim worth a damn.
You were about to lose hope when you saw Prompto hand over the gil to play. He positioned himself with the fake gun and smirked as his eyes fell on the targets.
You jumped a little at the sounds of the fake gun, briefly wondering if the thing was real. You watched each of the targets fall over in rapid succession. You noted that even the guy in charge of the game was impressed with Prompto’s aim and quick reflexes. Every target went down quickly and when the game rang out its bell, Prompto punched a fist in the air with an excited cheer.
“Wow, you’ve got great aim, kid,” the man said as he looked over the targets before looking at Prompto.
The blonde haired man grinned at the other man. “Didn’t even break a sweat,” he replied. His eyes moved toward the fat Chocobo plush. “Does this mean we win that?” he asked.
The other man nodded and moved to pick up the fat plush. “It does! Congrats, kid,” he said, handing the plush over.
Prompto grinned and hugged the plush tight once he had it, then turned and faced you.
“Tada!” he said, handing the plush over to you.
Your eyes widened as you reached your arms out to receive the plush. It was the size of your torso and you had to wrap your arms around it to hold it against your chest. You looked down at it before looking back up at Prompto, your eyes still wide. He grinned at you.
“Come on, let’s go look at other stuff!” he said, starting to walk.
It took you a moment to shake yourself out of your stupor and follow along behind him.
You two spent the time looking at different vendors, playing a few smaller games, and admiring the atmosphere. At one point, you had gone to find a food vendor while Prompto secured you somewhere to sit. When you found him and took a seat across from him, he grinned across at you.
“Got another surprise for you,” he said as you set the plates down. Your fat Chocobo plush sat in a chair between you two.
“Oh?” you asked as you sat down across from Prompto.
You laughed. “Are you gonna tell me what it is?”
He grinned at you. “Not yet!”
You laughed again. “Then why tell meeeee~?” you said, faking a whine.
Prompto shifted to rest his elbow on the table and lean his chin onto his hand. “I like to see you squirm,” he said with a wink.
It was your turn for your face to flush red as Prompto went on to eat his food like he’d said nothing suggestive. You stuck her tongue out at him before joining him in eating.
The food went quick as the sun descended beneath the horizon. The lights of Altissia were another sight to see for sure and you couldn’t wait to come back even after the carnival was over so you could look at the city in all of its beauty.
Once food was over, you carried your Chocobo plush with you as you followed Prompto through the streets again. He’d offered to take the lead so he could take you to your surprise. You’d tried to poke and prod him a few times for information, but he was keeping his lips sealed.
“Here we are!”
He paused in front of a set of boats. You blinked before watching Prompto hand two tickets to a man attending to the boats.
“You said you’d kill to ride on one of these… I figured I’d save you the trouble of having to kill anything,” he said with a big smile.
You returned the smile with one of your own and followed him onto the boat. He took the oar and pushed you out onto the lake. He seemed to be a bit hurried in his motions. And then he suddenly stopped once the two of you were closer to the center of the lake.
You had opened your mouth to say something, but quickly jumped at the sound of the first exploding firework. Your eyes drew upward to where you and Prompto could see the fireworks show starting up. Your eyes widened with amazement and you hugged your fat Chocobo close as the two of you watched the show together.
“This is amazing,” you breathed after a few minutes.
Prompto leaned back, smiling. He’d been watching you more than he had the fireworks show. Your expression and the way the fireworks lit up your face was way more appealing than the show itself.
“I’m glad that you like it. And I’m glad you’ve made such a quick friend,” Prompto replied, a warm smile curling on his lips.
You managed to tear your gaze away and shifted on the boat. You made sure your motions were slow so you didn’t tip the boat, but you shifted your Chocobo plush to the side so you could lean over and press a soft kiss against the blonde’s cheek. His face flushed bright red and he stammered a bit. You giggled.
“I may have a new little friend… but you’re still my favorite Chocobo, my Sunshine Chocobo,” you said softly.
And his face lit up.
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spookysummersmores · 7 years
Peppermint Winter
Summary: Just some snow day shenanigans for all Pines family fluff needs. ^-^
Rating: K
Word count: 2,159 (o m g)
Author's note: Hello, everyone! So...I drew a Pines family bonding pic a few weeks before Christmas, and I decided to write a fic involving the Pines family enjoying winter break together! Meant to have this up before Christmas, but...oh well! Also, I realize that Stan and Ford would most likely have been out at sea during Christmas of 2012, so this is just noncanon silliness...heehee..xD
This is the first legitimate fanfic I've written in literal years, so I certainly hope that it's alright, and I also hope you enjoy! ^-^
"Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford, come on!"
Stan and Ford laughed. "Alright, alright, we're on our way!" Ford called out. He ran out after the kids, trying to pull his six-fingered gloves on as he went. "Not so fast, now!"
"You goofball kids're gonna kill us," Stan teased as he locked the house up. "Just leave us old men in the dust; don't mind us!"
Dipper and Mabel were already about thirty feet ahead of their two great-uncles, eager to jump right into the winter wonderland all around them. It was the Saturday before Christmas, and a huge snowstorm had hit Gravity Falls the night before, blanketing it in soft, pure-white snow. Being native to California, the kid twins hadn't really seen much snow, and their winter-in-summer experience earlier that year was too packed with paranormal insanity for it to be much of a carefree snow day.
The second the twins were far enough from the Shack, Mabel dropped the sled she'd been dragging with her and let herself fall backwards into a pile of fluff. "Ohhhhh my gosh,  this is amazing!" she cried happily. "It's like swimming in an ocean made of clouds!"
Dipper sat down on a fallen tree beside her. "I know, right?! Hard to believe frozen rain could make something so...well, for lack of a better word, cool." He looked down at Mabel and snickered at what he saw. She'd practically been swallowed by the snowbank she'd fallen into, and it was quite a comical sight. "Having fun there? Trying to become a human marshmallow?" he snarked lightheartedly.
"You know it!" Mabel cheered. Then, she started giggling. "Maybe you should...chill out and check it out for yourself!"
"Wait, what're you- AAH!" Dipper barely had time to react before Mabel grabbed his arms and dragged him into the massive snowbank with her. Rather than get angry with her, though, he just started laughing, as did she.
Stan and Ford finally caught up with the kids - just in time to see Dipper threatening to stuff snow down Mabel's coat. They couldn't help but start laughing themselves. "What are you knuckleheads doin'?" Stan asked.
"Getting even!" Dipper said with a grin, though he had already dropped the handful of snow he had.
"Never!" Mabel cried from behind her sled shield.
Ford tried his best to keep his composure. "Didn't take long for you two to get used to the cold, huh?" he said, laughing all the while. He then knelt down beside them. "So...what do you think of this? Isn't it remarkable?"
"Honestly? Christmas movies don't do it justice," Dipper quickly replied.
"Right? California, you need to up your game," Mabel agreed. "This is what a real winter looks like!"
Stan chuckled. "Jeez, Sixer, maybe this was a mistake. I don't think the kids care for it!" he joked. He straightened up, hands on his hips. "So...we finally caught up with ya speedin' bullets. Whaddya think we should do now?"
Dipper and Mabel looked at each other and grinned, as if each knew exactly what the other was thinking. When they turned back around to face the grunkles, Dipper said, "I think you're gonna have to catch us again.'
"What?" replied the Stan twins in confusion.
In an instant, the little twins boarded Mabel's toboggan and beckoned for their great-uncles to board the other. The challenge had been set. It was up to Stanley and Stanford Pines to accept their mission.
"You've gotta be kiddin' me..." Stan said, trying to act mad, but laughing anyway. "Alright. If it's a race they want, it's gonna be a race the're never gonna forget!" He quickly hopped onto the front of the sled and motioned for Ford to get behind him. "Hop on, brother."
"Ohhh, no. Last time I ever let you lead the way, we both spent half of President's Day weekend cleaning up Mrs. Sebastianelli's front lawn," Ford responded, fondly remembering that weekend, as monotonous as that had been.
"Aw, c'mon! We were eleven then! And we did 'er a favor, in my opinion. How many garden gnomes does one lady need?" Stan said, trying to justify his terrible steering. "We can both drive now. What's the worst that could happen?"
Ford just shook his head and tried to keep from laughing out loud as he boarded the sled. "I have a feeling I'm going to live to regret this..."
"Alright, grunkles!" Mabel cheered. She and Dipper braced themselves. "On the count of three!"
The whole family joined in. "One...two...three!"
Trees and homes raced by at rocket speed. Soon, Dipper and Mabel's toboggan came to a stop, and they were able to catch their breath for just a moment.
"Holy...cheese balls..." was the only thing Mabel could bring herself to say.
"I don't know about you...but I...am so doing that again," Dipper said, and the twins highfived each other. Then, Dipper realized something. "Um...where are-"
There was a commotion at the bottom of the next hill. Then came the strangest sounding crash Dipper and Mabel had ever heard.
Quickly, they left the sled behind and ran down after Stan and Ford. When they spotted the grunkles, they were buried in snow beneath a massive pine tree.
"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford! Are you guys okay?" Mabel said, a little worried.
"Don't worry, pumpkin. Everything's-" More snow fell from the pine needles above...right onto Stan's face."Fine."
Ford didn't say anything at first. He was too busy spitting out pine needles. Then, the two brothers looked at each other and burst out laughing. The kids sighed with relief before joining in.
"That...was more fun than racing the rulers of Kartylon 7," Ford finally managed to say. "I say a rematch is in order! Only this time..." He shot Stan a face that screamed, 'I will never let this go as long as we both live'. "I am definitely driving."
The day was filled to the brim with fun, and yet it seemed to fly by in an instant. The Pines family spent hours racing each other and still found the time to build a family of snow-folk in their image - including a tiny snow-pig. It wasn't until the grunkles noticed the kids beginning to shiver that Ford remembered to check his watch.
"How on Earth is it this late already?" Ford remarked. "Alright, kids, come along...we'd better get you two home before you freeze."
"Aw, man...." said the twins in unison. As cold as they were, they hated for such fun to come to an end.
"C'mon, kiddos. No way're we lettin' you kids get pneumonia or somethin'," Stan said. "Besides, who says we can't have fun on th'way back home?"
That gave Ford an idea. As Stan picked Mabel up and mounted her on his shoulders, Ford whispered something to her, making sure to stay clear of Stan's bad ear so he couldn't catch onto their plan. Mabel giggled to herself, but kept it secret. With that, Ford took hold of the kids' sleds, and the little family made its way back home.
The clouds had begun to clear, and the beginning of a cotton-candy sunset was starting to tint the mounds of white glitter pale pink. All was serene for a short while as the family admired their surroundings. The only sound was the quiet crunching of the snow beneath their feet.
All of a sudden, a fit of giggling broke the silence. "Oh, Grunkle Staaa-aaan..."
Stan glanced up. What he saw was Mabel with her tongue sticking out and a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She was dangling a little ball of glittering white fluff directly above his face, playfully threatening to drop it at any moment.
Stan had to chuckle at that. "If you drop that on me, I'm takin' ya up t'Mount Hood and leavin' ya there," he said, his threat not sounding the least bit serious.
Ford and Dipper both cracked up. "How did you even manage to make a snowball from all the way up there?" Dipper asked.
"My secret weapon!" Mabel announced proudly. She scooped mounds of snow off of nearby tree branches to demonstrate.
"Nuh-uh. Don't you dare! There will be heck t'pay!" Stan said.
Mabel feigned defeat. "Okay..."
The silence returned for a minute. Then...
"Oh, that's it!"
Stan dropped Mabel down in the snow and immediately began working on a giant snowball as she tried to escape. He was hardly able to pick his ammo up below he received another blow to the head. When he spun around, there was Ford, grinning at him with childish glee, and Dipper wasn't too close behind.
"And that, dear brother, is what you get for ramming me into a tree."
"You...little..." Stan wiped the snow off the back of his head, dumbfounded. "Y'put 'em up to this, didn't ya?"
"What can I say?" Dipper shrugged. "Couldn't pass up the opportunity to get you back for a summer full of noogies." He, too, flashed Stan an impish grin.
It was then that the all-out war began.
The four of them chased each other all the way back up the hill to the Christmas-light-coated back porch of the Mystery Shack. Snowballs weren't the only thing that flew. Hats and earmuffs of various colors and sizes flew, too, as they were knocked off by the shots being fired. Excellent hits were had by all, but Dipper surprised everyone, for several snowballs he fired showed that he had potential to be quite the skilled marksman with more practice. By the time the Pines family reached the backyard, everyone was exhausted, and a silent truce was called, but Stan wasn't done with anybody just yet.
"Oh - look out! We're in a snowglobe and somebody's about to shake it!" he cried out, playfully tackling the kids to the ground. Ford attempted to sneak away, but Stan was having none of that. "Ohhh, no, don't think you're getting' out of this, Poindexter; you started this!" Stan quickly dragged him into the mess, and the whole family collapsed into a happy pile of giggles.
It wasn't long before everyone was inside, dressed in dry clothing, and seated down in front of the fireplace with blankets, pizza, and big mugs of hot chocolate.
"Y'think Soos'n'his grandma are gettin' in on this, too, up at his cousin's place?" Stan inquired. "Christmas, or whatever have ya, isn't the same if it isn't white."
"Oh, definitely. The northernmost part of the state is getting hammered," Ford replied with a chuckle.
Stan laughed, too, and was about to ask the kids what movie he should put in out in the living room...until he saw that both of them were beginning to fall asleep. "Aww, Ford...look at this..."
Dipper and Mabel quickly sat up, stretching a little bit. "I'm not sleepy," Mabel mumbled, holding Waddles closer to her.
"We never said you were, you silly goose," Ford teased gently, a warm smile on his face as he ruffled her hair.
"Thank you, guys..." Dipper suddenly said with a yawn.
"Whatever for?"
"For the awesome snow day," Mabel piped up quietly, drifting off to sleep as she spoke. "If today was any indication...this is gonna be the best Christmas ever..."
"Aw, sweetie..." Stan smiled. "Little early t'say that, isn't it? Christmas hasn't even started-"
"Stanley..." Ford put a finger to his lips and pointed at the kids. Both of them were already fast asleep.
"Ha! Jeez...that was fast," Stan laughed, only remembering to lower his voice halfway through the sentence. Rather than disturb the children, he and Ford simply pulled their blankets up over them (and Waddles as well, for Mabel had resorted to hugging him in her sleep as if he were a plushie) to keep them warm.
"You remember when we used to be like that?" Ford said.
"Yeah," Stan replied, laughing. "Y'know, Ma said that one time, on New Year's, she practically had to drag both of our butts into bed 'cause we were sacked in front of the TV waiting' for the ball t'drop."
Ford tried not to laugh too loudly. "Oh, God, I haven't thought about that in a long time...don't remember a thing about that night, and I wasn't even drunk." He paused for a moment. "Speaking of dragging kids to bed...do you think maybe we should take the kids up to-"
He happened to turn around just in time to see that Stan himself, with his arm around Mabel and Dipper, was beginning to drift off. He smiled to himself. "You know what? Never mind..." He reached over and turned off the lamp. "Goodnight, Stanley. Goodnight, kids," he whispered.
Stan was still awake enough to hear. "'Night, brother. Sweet dreams, kids."
Ford was the last to fall asleep. He pulled a blanket up over himself, wrapped his own arm around the kids, and once he was warm and content in the company of his family, he let the crackling of the dying fire lull him to sleep.
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