#also this took me a While oopsie
hazelfoureyes · 3 months
The Radio Demon fucks a Human Sacrifice (part two)
This is part two! Here is part one. I lied, there is a bit of smut! Oopsie daisy. Inspired by @moonmark98 ‘s story idea of reader trying to forget Alastor and failing. I hadn’t planned a second part initially so I hope you like it 🥺
⟢ part1♡̶sidestory♡̶part2♡̶part3♡̶part4 ⟣
You return to earth and spend a year trying to crawl out from under the memory of Alastor. When an employee tells you a terrible past trauma, you end up right back where you started.
<Tags/Warnings/Promises: Alastor x reader, light smut, not as explicit as part one, masturbation, implied childhood trauma, justified homicide regarding said implication, stabbing, death, a realistic description of my former job, gerbil slander, your bitch aunt Sara, hiking as a hobby, guns, shooting, choking, florida weather, mentions of the 2021 Loo Loo Land fire>
minors DNI
“Ooh my, this is highly unusual. Charlie is right, you really shouldn’t be here.” Stolas fretted over you. “Uuunfortunately I don’t have my book at this particular moment however I can just snag it from Blitzy and be back soon.”
“What’s a blitzy?” Angel looked around the room to no one in particular.
“What isn’t he?” Stolas cooed. 
“Wait a minute!” Husk snapped his fingers, “Is that the imp who burned down loo loo land?”
“The very one!”
“He also takes hits out on people on earth, doesn’t he?” Husk gave Stolas a sideways look. Alastor hummed in acknowledgment.
“Ah haha yes” Nervously chuckling, Stolas scratched at the feathers behind his neck, “Anywho! I’ll return shortly and get you back where you belong, little one.” He flashed his kind smile to you before bowing to Charlie and portaling out of the room. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Charlie sat beside you on the edge of the bed. You’d been escorted immediately to an empty room upon arrival, sat down while the core staff of the hotel flitted about wildly upon hearing Angel’s recounting of events.
“You smell dirty”, the tiny maid cackled and ran to you before being lifted by her apron by Husk. 
“That is a”, you rubbed your wrists nervously, “complicated question…”
“There’s nowhere safer in all of hell than this room. With Vaggie and me and Alastor”, Charlie brought her hands to her mouth, “or— not Alas- I mean” She looked at Vaggie, “What do I mean??”
“Nothing and no one will lay a finger on you here.” Vaggie was staring at Alastor when she said it.
“I don’t think its fingers anyone’s worried about”, Angel shifted his gaze from Alastor to you and back.  
Alastor turned his head  slowly to meet Angel’s eyes, “Did you say something, Angel Dust?”
He shook his head and quickly left, Niffty and Husk in tow.
“I think you should leave, too.” Vaggie crossed her arms.
Alastor replied by taking a step closer to you, gesturing with his microphone, “I don’t see what all the fuss is about. She is safe and sound, barely a bruise on her.” He looked over you, the side of your face still slightly pink from the way you hit the ground hardly an hour ago. He could hear your body sliding across the wooden cabin floor still, what a strangely exciting noise. What else could he drag you across? What surfaces could he slide your over? What noises would they make? What noises would you make?
“You took her fucking soul, Alastor. In a coerced deal!”
“If I remember correctly, that is exactly what I had been asked to do.” He grinned, taking his monocle off and cleaning it on his sleeve. Vaggie looked to Charlie, who shrunk from her horrified face. “Plus, she’s still alive. Who knows if the deal even counts. I’ve never made one with a living person.” With an exaggerated shrug, Alastor took a seat on the sofa opposite the bed, legs crossed. “Either way, she isn’t anywhere near Val anymore.” His eyes met yours, for the first time since… 
You looked away. He wanted to grab your chin and force you to see him. He wanted to read what was written on your face. Shame? No…yes, but something more. Embarrassment. Confusion. Ah— You clenched your jaw, finally returning his stare. Anger. “Did I not do exactly what I had promised I would? What I had warned you I would?” Your lips curled over your teeth. “While yes, I hadn’t explicitly stated the number of times-“
“Stop talking! No, no. Enough of that.” Charlie waved her arms as if she could dissipate the very topic away, “Alastor could you please give me a moment alone with her?” She looked at him with big, worried eyes, “Please?”
Through gritted teeth Alastor acquiesced, “It is your hotel, Princess. I’ll be just outside the door.” The last sentence was for you, you could feel it like you could feel his shadow still ghosting over your legs.
As soon as the door shut, she closed the distance between you, looking to Vaggie who offered her a supportive nod.
“Seriously, are you hurt? Did he— Did he hurt  you?”
Oh, you wish he had. That’d be easier to say. Easier to process. You wish he’d knocked you around like Val had done earlier. That left you indignant, enraged. But this — whatever this was — you couldn’t find purchase on a reaction. You didn’t even want to think the things bubbling under your consciousness. 
“Just my pride. Uhh,” you shifted, your thighs and cunt sore to the touch, “He really did warn me. Got my okay, kind of. And he didn’t hurt me, except dragging me around and flipping me but-”, You noticed Charlie’s alarmed expression, “I’m physically fine.”
She nodded, her expression still oozing concern, “Well that’s good, then.”
“What… You both seem humanish, but what exactly are-“ You tipped your head in the direction of the door. 
“Well I think Angel is some kind of spider…Husk, not entirely sure honestly”, Charlie looked up as if searching for a memory, “Alastor is a deer. It’s all tied to how people lived and died, I think.”
A deer? You shook your head, “Nothing about that man resembles a prey animal.”
“His death sure did.” Vaggie commented.
“So if I have some weird death I’ll end up here? If I drown… I’ll come back as a fish?” You were mostly thinking out loud, and hadn’t expected Charlie to nod in agreement.
“But don’t think about that! You might still go to heaven. Like Al said, he isn’t even sure the deal is binding.” She beamed and clapped her hands together.
It felt binding. 
When that green light had erupted from beneath you, you thought you could feel him. Not the tentacles, or the memory of his hand. It felt like he was in the light itself, casting shadows on the ceiling in the shape of you. It felt alive, every ray of light a breathe washing over you. 
You looked down at the robe, white and silky. Where were your clothes? Where was your fucking aunt? What about your phone? You had a car, too. Wait, no… did you drive to her house? Or did she…You hadn’t slept since being dragged to hell. Staring at the hem of the sleeve, you tried to focus your mind but suddenly you were wading in cognitive mud.
Shadows gathered near the foot of the bed before you saw Alastor rise out of the cluster. Charlie said something, Vaggie said something but sharper. It sounded far away already. Your body was beginning to feel heavy, an ache settling across your back and thighs.
“Perhaps you should lie down, my dear.” His voice cut through the murky waters of your thoughts. The bed sunk beside you as he pressed a hand down, the other lifting your chin to force eye contact. Vaggie made a loud noise, Charlie a smaller one, a longer one. Was it words? Were they speaking? Your lids were heavy over your eyes, Alastor’s face beginning to blur. His smile looked strained, eyebrows knitted together in an emotion almost recognized. Concern? His grin threw it off. You raised your eyebrows to try and open your eyes wider but the effect was minimal.
You heard yourself groan as an arm hooked under your knees, another catching your shoulders as you fell to the side. It felt like you were floating. Your legs came down slowly, you could feel the robe adjusting around your waist. Your head went back before comfortably straightening. A warmth spread down your neck, leaving goosebumps to runaway down your shoulder. It was dark now, and in the haze you heard from somewhere so close it felt like maybe you had thought it yourself,  “In perpetuity, mon cher.” 
You didn’t recognize the room at first, but when you finally managed to lift yourself out of bed you sighed. Home. You only knew it had been real because of the robe and busted lip. Well, mostly sure. 
 No one noticed you were gone, which wasn’t shocking. Working backwards, you could piece together you had gone to visit your aunt on Saturday morning. You awoke early Monday in your own bed some 60 miles from your aunt's home. Your car had been found abandoned off an old dirt road way outside of town. 
You tried to get back to life, get to work. But you were clearly only half there.
Your aunt was found dead the following weekend, half submerged in a swamp just outside of Tampa. Her funeral was funny. Not “haha” funny, “Say hi to Val for me” kinda funny. When they lowered her into the ground you wondered what she looked like. What's the animal manifestation of a selfish, raging bitch? What’s the most untrustworthy home appliance? 
Probably a gerbil, or a toaster. 
You found yourself doing that a lot, What will they look like in the afterlife?
It took a good six months for you to stop sleeping in the robe. You couldn’t trash it, it was evidence you had been spirited away. It smelled like smoke and baby oil. Like Angel. It was soft on your skin, like—
Oh. It took less time for the dreams to calm down. Maybe a month of waking up in a cold sweat.  
At first they were stressful. Val backhanding you. The feeling of leather chafing against your wrists. The cabin. The real one, not the set.
But then one night they weren’t stressful. You could remember the dream like it had really happened. A large hand cupping your cheek, another roaming past your hips before hooking under your knee. The warmth of a breath on your neck, on your navel. More hands. Everywhere. Your back, your ankle, your neck. 
You woke up and the first feeling you felt was disappointment. It hit you like a truck. 
The dreams slowly ramped up until some nights you awoke mid-orgasm. Never in your life had you experienced wet dreams; you didn’t even know women got them.
And it wasn’t always him—- well, not at first. You’d be kissing someone, a stranger or your ex or whoever. You’d have your hands in their hair, enjoying the feeling of their tongue sliding over yours. You’d be positively humming into their mouth. They’d pull you forward, lie you down, tugging your pants down your legs.
When they’d kiss up your arm and nestle into your neck they’d whisper hottily into your ear, “My doe.”
Sometimes you woke up, but many times you didn’t. Many times you grabbed his face and kissed him, letting him take control and direct you. You’d shrink beneath him, allowing him to use your body as he pleased. You’d surrender, you’d melt. He’d fuck you into the ground of god-knows-where, nails cutting into the flesh of your ass as he pulled you up to meet each punishing thrust. There were trees and starlight and you felt the humidity on your skin. 
You’d always squirm away, try to escape the pleasure and he would find joy in pulling you back onto his cock. It felt like a game where you both already knew the outcome. “Going to cum, sweetheart?”, would be the last thing you heard before the real life spasms of your release stirred you awake. 
The first man you took home after returning to earth was sweet. Gentle. Too gentle. You’d try to direct him, to let him know you wouldn’t break but he’d shy away from asserting dominance.
Other partners were more in charge, but it didn’t sit right. If you were going to allow someone control over you, you felt like they had to deserve it. You needed to respect them in some capacity. 
You tried choking during sex, while it did heighten the pleasure their hand felt so small it broke your concentration. Bondage was fun, you got a rush from shibari, but all it did was inform your dreams. 
You tried femdom, and while it was impowering it didn’t scratch that itch. You tried being a sub, but like before you found the people over you as unworthy of you. You didn’t think so highly of yourself, it’s just that autonomy was precious and these people were, well, just people. Mortals.  
Your friends enjoyed your hoe era, self titled, but it was short lived. It had been eight months since you returned when you bought your first real sex toy, and took up hiking. It felt nice to be outdoors, and the days you spent in the forests seemed to make for nights of  less intense dreams. 
Your toy was, ashamedly, selected for its three points of contact. A pink little vibrator, big enough to need some work into you but not painful. The first time you used it you clung to your pillow, heart ballooning against your spiked blood pressure, and screamed a chorus of his name. The two points inside you vibrating in tandem with the small suction cup shape extending from the base doming your clit brought back delicious memories. 
Every time, you felt embarrassed after. You could imagine him hearing you all the way in hell and chuckling at how pathetic you were. Satisfied at how empty you felt after.
It wasn’t just about the sex, you were never a very sexually needy person. You were chasing that feeling of surrender, of being both safe and out of control at the same time. The little bit of danger with the pleasure. But not, “local woman found dead in the woods” kind of danger. “Corrupt your soul and ruin your afterlife” kind of danger.
After a year of being earthside, life had finally calmed. Were you still fucked in your dreams? Yes, but a manageable once or so a month. Your toy was nice, but not necessary. A man, or anyone, hadn’t touched you in months. And that was alright. You felt almost normal, except the mornings you woke up hoping to see a pair of red eyes somewhere in the room. 
You chalked it up to escapism. 
Work had promoted you, twice, which helped distract you from boredom. While performing one of your monthly employee meetings, you met with a young man you’d recently hired. He was still in college, but he had a good head on his shoulders and made quick decisions. You were confident he’d be your equal within the year.
(Implied childhood trauma below the line; not graphic but it’s implied to have happened)
“Tired?” He asked you while you logged back into your computer. 
You nodded, yawning into the back of your hand, “Spent most of Sunday at Shallow Ridge. Scoping out a good camping spot for when it warms up.”
“No shit, my dad hunts out there. Every Sunday, too.”
“I didn’t take you for the hunting type”, You blinked away the exhaustion and opened his employee file.
“Nah I’m not.” He shook his head, “He used to take me all the time when I was little.”
You nodded, not looking at him and only half listening, “Aww, sounds fun.”
He scoffed. You found the audio file of his graded phone calls, double clicking it. The file seemed corrupted. 
“Not fun?” You absentmindedly asked.
You opened the program to manually find the call file. The silence began to creep over you until you felt your chest heavy under the weight of it.
You finally looked at him. The look in his eyes was distant, the color from his face was gone. 
“Hey”, your tone changed, your subconscious recognizing something before you did.
He snapped back up, looking at you now. His smile didn’t meet his eyes. You didn’t say anything, just pushed your chair from your desk and looked directly at him.
“What?” He averted his gaze.
“You know you can tell me anything, right? You’re not just a resource here. Hell, I see you more than my own flesh and blood.”
He nodded, and when he finally brought his eyes back to yours his composure cracked and tears fell down his cheeks in streams. “It’s fine” he forced a laugh, “It was like a million years ago.”
You took off the rest of the day, and after providing hugs and your own tears and information on company sponsored counseling and resources, you went home.
Well, first you went to the camping store. And then home. Your dreams that week were calm, as if they knew you couldn’t enjoy a romp in a field.
When Saturday night bled into Sunday morning, you drove your car to Shallow Ridge. You placed the keys on the front seat and left your phone under the seat itself.
You waited for four hours, but eventually a truck pulled up and the man you saw in various Facebook photos and tagged family Christmas cards made his way into the dense forest. You circled back on the trail, head dizzy. 
You knew you couldn’t overpower him, but you weren’t trying to win. You just wanted to make him hurt. You’d met men like him before. You’d suffered men like him. Survived men like him. When you two crossed paths on the barely marked trail and you were a beat behind him, you stopped, took out the hunting knife you were told could cut bone, and brought it down into the crook of his neck with both hands.
He whipped around, shock and panic on his face as his hands came back from his shoulder bloody. When he scrambled for his gun you sliced at his chest, then again at his throat but it wasn’t deep enough to stop him. 
As he advanced on you, fumbling with his shotgun, you tumbled backwards. He fell with you, pinning you down beneath the full weight of his body on your stomach. Twisting beneath him you almost got onto your side when you sunk the knife into his inner thigh, remembering the artery there from your mother’s surgery. He got the gun loaded, aimed it at your chest, “Crazy bitch!”
“Fuck you.” 
He fired.
Your breath left steam as it flitted weakly from your body, frost still on the ground. Your mouth was open as blood held your face to the forest floor. As your vision darkened, you watched the man slump over and onto the ground beside you. His eyes were open and unmoving. 
A burst of green erupted from beneath you, and you smiled as you sank down into the light.
“Did you miss me terribly, my little doe?”
(Part three)
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 4 months
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Everlasting Sweetheart
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(Older!Alpha!Eddie Munson x Omega!Fem!Reader)
Summary: Ever since you presented there’s never been an alpha that smelled alluring to you. But when you move to Hawkins to be closer to your family you catch the scent of your next door neighbor, who just so happens to be the most handsome older man you’ve ever seen, and he smells phenomenal. It’s just your luck that he’d end up being your dad’s best friend, right? WK:15.3k(Oopsie)
Warnings: General Omegaverse behaviors (scenting, knotting, marking), age gap (Eddie is 41, reader is 27) breeding kink, unprotected sex, oral (m & f receiving), some angst (with a happy ending), mutual pining, pregnancy mentions, it’s the mid 00s (around 2007), fluff, Eddie and reader are both so down bad. 18+MDNI!!
A/N: Okay, I truly put my heart and soul into this one. This is the longest fic I’ve ever written and I honestly feel like Dr. Frankenstein and this is my monster. Thank you to my lovely betas @babygorewhore @bimbobaggins69 & @reidsbtch for always being amazing and hyping me up. And a special thank you to my omegaverse Jedi master @lesservillain, thank you for brainstorming with me and gassing me up throughout this entire process, this one’s for you, shawty. (older!Eddie edit is by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple) Masterlist.
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You smelled it the minute you entered the building and it hasn’t left your nose since. That musky, woodsy smell that had hints of something spicy sweet, like cinnamon. It’s been a week since you moved in and you can smell it in every crevice of your apartment. It’s intoxicating. You’ve never been attracted to the smell of an alpha in this way. But there was only one problem, you’ve yet to lay eyes on the owner of the scent. Not for lack of trying either, you took extra long pulling your keys out, put some cute decorations on your front door, you even resorted to peeking out the window every time you heard someone walk by. To no avail.
It was starting to drive you insane, other alphas had smelled good to you before but nothing like this. It was like every time you so much as breathed in your panties got just a little bit more damp. Your hands have been wandering between your legs and reaching for the drawer in your nightstand more often than they have in your entire life and you don’t even have a face to blame. Just the scent that you can’t even seem to escape even when you leave the house, it’s like it’s sunken into your pores. You sometimes wonder if they can smell you too.
At the almost two week mark you can’t take it anymore. Deciding to take matters into your own hands you get out all the ingredients you will need to make your homemade cream pie. Baking for your new neighbors was a completely normal, neighborly, thing to do. You would just make the pie and go knock on the door. Easy.
You spent half the day baking and doing chores between steps, purposefully waiting until the evening time when most people would be home from work to deliver your sugary treat. You were also hyping yourself up. You had no idea who this scent that had been plaguing you belonged to. Was it a man? A woman? Did they already have a mate? If they did you don’t think you would be able to smell them this strongly, so you’re banking on them being single.
When 6 o’clock rolls around you decide it’s time to put your plan into motion. You put the finishing touches in the pie before going into your room to find the perfect outfit. Were you just walking ten feet to your neighbors door? Yes. Did you still want to look your best without looking like you tried to look your best? Also yes.
You decide on a little cream dress that has tiny cherries printed all over it and little red bows on the straps, paired with your Mary Jane’s. You put your hair in two braids and do your everyday make up before giving yourself a once over in the mirror. You looked good. The dress fit your figure and accentuated your curves perfectly while also showing off just the right amount of cleavage.
“Alright, you can do this.” You take a deep breath, which doesn’t really help because your nose is just invaded with the scent that you’re hoping to put a face to in the next few minutes. You grab the pie and walk out the door before you can talk yourself out of it.
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Eddie lets out an annoyed groan at the sound of a knock on his door, he had just got home from a long day of work and was toweling off after his post work shower. He wasn’t expecting anyone, who the hell is at his door at 7PM on a Wednesday night unannounced? The only people that come here are his friends, and they always call before.
There’s a second round of soft knocks so he quickly finishes drying off his hair before wrapping the dampened cloth around his waist. He pulls the bathroom door open and is immediately hit with the scent. The bathroom filled with steam and the smell of his own shower products seemed to be the only place he could escape it nowadays. But he’s never smelled it this strongly. He knows a new omega moved in next door, he’s been able to smell them since the day they walked into the complex. But he’s yet to catch a glimpse of them. He wasn’t sure he wanted to. Eddie gave up on the hope of finding a mate years ago. Every time he tried to be with an omega they either smelled off to him or he smelled off to them.
But ever since he caught a whiff of this scent it’s been plaguing his senses. A scent has never smelled sweeter, or stronger. It’s like someone turned his house into the best bakery in town. It smelled like whoever lived next door was baking the most delicious cookies anyone’s ever tasted. When he got home today the sweetness was at an all time high, especially when he walked past his new neighbors door. He couldn’t help himself when he stopped outside of it to inhale deeply. It was so delicious it made his head spin. And now? The smell was getting stronger with every step he took towards the door. It made his heart rate speed up and his cock stir under the thin material of the towel around his waist.
He approaches the door and his hand hovers over the knob for a second. He needed to get himself under control. If the owner of the scent that’s been possessing him for the last two weeks is on the other side he needs to try and keep it together. He sighs, shaking his head so his hair falls off his shoulders before grabbing onto the knob and pulling the door open. The swing of the door kicks up wind, sending the smell wafting directly towards him. It nearly knocks him on his ass, his ears start to ring, his eyes land on a pair of shiny black Mary Jane’s before traveling up a pair of bare legs, hungrily drinking in curves covered by the thin material of a pretty little dress, until they land on the most beautiful face he’s ever seen. Your face. Your eyes are wide, your pupils blown, your dainty ring covered fingers are clutching what looks like a pie tin. The way you’re looking at him like a little deer caught in the headlights is making him want to tackle you to the ground and-
“Uh - hi… I’m your new neighbor. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself, and I uh - I made you this.” You raise the baked good in your hands up between the two of you with a nervous smile.
“Oh - um - yeah, thank you, that’s really nice of you.” He anxiously scratches the back of his neck, returning your smile with a nervous one of his own. “Do you bake a lot? I swear ever since you moved in it smells like someone opened a bakery next door.”
“Usually yes, this is the first time I’ve gotten my baking stuff out since the move though.” He watches as your eyes roam over his bare inked chest, down to his hips where the towel is resting lowly, almost showing off the patch of hair above his cock. Were you checking him out? You had to be almost half his age. What would you want with an old unwanted alpha like him? He needs to get it together. You're just being nice, neighborly. “But I uh - just wanted to say hello, I won’t keep you. You seem busy.”
“Wait!” He didn’t even realize how desperate it sounded until it left his lips. God Eddie, snap out of it. “You didn’t even tell me your name, sweetheart.”
“Oh! I guess that’s kind of part of introducing yourself, huh?” You giggle and tell him your name and it goes off like a mantra in his head. “And you are?”
“Pretty name for a pretty girl. I’m Eddie.” He offers you a friendly smile, holding his hand out for you to shake. You take it and the minute your skin grazes his it’s like a shockwave is sent through his body. His entire body was on fire. Especially where he was still holding your soft hand in his larger rough one. Oh shit he was still holding onto your hand. “Shit, sorry, I just got this towel out of the dryer, must be staticky.”
“Huh? Oh! That’s okay, might’ve been me too, I just did some laundry and I’m out of dryer sheets.” You shrug, pulling your hand from his. He immediately feels cold, and misses the feeling of your touch. What is going on with him? No one has ever had this kind of effect on him. He doesn’t even know you. But god he wants to. Your sweet voice, your otherworldly scent, your curves in that little dress you were wearing. Your hair was off your neck and he could see your mating gland so clearly. He wanted to sink his teeth into it. A shiver runs through him at the thought.
“Oh I’m sorry! You must be so cold standing here, I won’t keep you. Here! I hope you like it, it’s my signature cream pie!” You hold the pie out to him with the sweetest smile on your face. God was everything about you sweet? And you baked for him? A cream pie? No omega has ever made anything for him and it was doing things to him he wished it wasn’t. He needs to get away from you before he pops a very noticeable boner through his towel.
“Thank you om- sweetheart, that was very sweet of you.” He takes the pie from you, giving you the most casual smile he can muster.
“No problem, baking relaxes me, so it was my pleasure.” You clasp your hands together in front of you, rocking back and forth in your heels a few times. “Well I’ll uh - see you around, Eddie. It was nice meeting you.”
“Yeah, it was nice to meet you too, thanks again for the pie. Have a good night.” He offers you a small smile and a nod before he’s rushing back inside, slamming the door behind him. “Fuck.”
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It’s been a few days since you finally put a face to the scent that feels like it has been clogging your every pore. But it was like somehow the encounter enhanced it by tenfold. You don’t know who you were expecting to be on the other side of that door but that man is something straight out of your fantasies. He was gorgeous. His curly chestnut hair was slightly dripping from the shower, droplets sliding down his broad tattooed chest. The muscles in his abs and arms, which were also covered in tattoos, made it seem like he definitely spent some of his time working out. His face was gorgeous, the way he smiled at you and the shine of his brown doe eyes made you feel like your insides were melting. But most of all? Smelling him that close made your head spin. You’d never smelled anything or anyone like him. You wanted to bottle it up and snort it like your new favorite drug.
Just because you haven’t seen him, it doesn’t mean you haven’t tried. You find yourself peeking out your window when you hear footsteps in the hallway an embarrassing amount, you linger in your doorway when you’re coming and going more often than not, and you even started spending more time on your balcony in hope that he might decide to use his at the same time as you. To no avail. But the walls were thin, so you could hear him, and even though the building was supposed to be a secondary gender coed complex with insulated walls, you could still smell him. Constantly.
Sometimes you’d hear him playing 80s metal while slight grunts floated through the walls. You couldn’t tell if he was working out or jerking off but you honestly hoped for the ladder. You’d hear him clanking around in his kitchen, singing along to dorky dad rock, the kind of shit your dad listens to. Sometimes you’d hear him playing guitar and you aren’t even ashamed to admit that you’ve pleasured yourself to the sound once or twice, wrapped in a veil of his scent as it travels through your shared bedroom wall.
He was driving you insane, you needed to see him again. So when you were baking your dads favorite chocolate cupcakes you decided it wouldn’t hurt to make a few extra for Eddie. It gave you a chance to see him again, and baking also genuinely calmed you. You knew it was definitely mostly your biological instinct but you genuinely enjoyed caring for others. Cooking for them, helping them with self care, offering comforting touches, it all soothed something and scratched an itch inside you that could only be described as primal.
You frosted the cupcakes, putting a few of them in a separate container for Eddie before going to get dressed. You noticed he usually got home around 5:30PM and judging by your last visit he usually showered immediately so you had some time to figure out your outfit and fix your hair and make up to your liking. You decided to go with a little black mini skirt, a cropped black cardigan with nothing underneath, your white ruffle socks, and your Mary Jane’s. You put your hair in two low pigtails and tie white ribbons around each one. You grab the cupcakes off the counter and walk out the door a little after 6:45PM.
You take a deep breath, which literally does nothing to help you while you’re standing right outside his front door, his scent invading your nostrils, making your head spin. You knock on the door lightly before taking a step back, adjusting your already straight skirt out of nervousness. You hear footsteps on the other side of the door and as the knob turns your heart rate quickens.
“Oh, hi.” Eddie’s eyes are wide, and he scratches the back of his neck in a way that makes you think he’s almost nervous. But he couldn’t be, could he? This man was gorgeous, and he smelled phenomenal, he had to be popular with women, right? There’s no way he wasn’t. He was wearing fucking grey sweatpants this time, and an old band tee that he cut the neck and hem off of. He also cut off the sleeves, exposing his toned arms and his tattooed ribs.
“Hey! I was baking cupcakes for my dad and I made more than him or I will ever need to eat, so I figured I’d bring you some of the extras!” You smile at him sweetly as you hold up the container.
“That’s… really sweet, thanks.” Is he blushing? Cute. He takes the container from you, your fingers brush and send that same shockwave through your entire body, causing you to let out a small gasp. It was so small that if you weren’t in the worlds most echo prone hallway he probably wouldn’t have heard it.
“Of course, it’s really no trouble at all. Did you uh - enjoy the pie?” You clear your throat, trying to compose yourself.
“Yeah, fuck, it was delicious, sweetheart. Thank you. I’ve never had a pie that good before. You some kind of professional baker or something?” He gives you a lopsided grin and it relieves some of the tension in the air. But the nickname and the glint in his eye pick up your heart rate in a different way and you have to stop yourself from clenching your
thighs at the combination of the sight and smell of him.
“Oh nothing like that, I mean, I just opened a little bakery downtown and I went to culinary school but I wouldn’t call myself a professional or anything.” You giggle, twirling a strand of your hair around your fingers.
“That’s a professional in my book, you’re like a certified dealer of baked goods.” He chuckles, wiggling his eyebrows at you playfully and it makes butterflies erupt in your tummy.
“If you say so.” You giggle again, rocking back and forth on your feet. “But I’m glad you liked the pie, I hope you like these too. If you ever have any requests I’d love to make you something you’re actually craving sometime.”
You didn’t realize how suggestive that sounded until Eddie started going into a coughing fit, choking on air at your words.
“Sorry I - didn’t mean - “
“Hey, I’d love for you to give me something I’m craving sometime, sugar.” He smirks, his eyes momentarily unashamedly roaming your figure. “I’m a big fan of peach cobbler, if you ever want to go to all the trouble for an old man like me.”
“Psh! You’re not even that old! How old are you, like 35?” You playfully roll your eyes at him, feeling calmed by his demeanor yet again.
“Try 41, sweets.” He chuckles, his hand coming up to rub the well trimmed stubble on his chin. Now that his hair is dry you can see a few grays throughout and if anything it just makes him sexier. “And what about you, huh? Bet I’m like twice your age.”
“Not even! I’ll have you know I’m 27.” You tell him matter of factly.
“Alright, you got me there, bet you still get carded at all the bars, huh? Pretty little thing like you.” Oh god, he’s fully flirting with you now.
“Hey I could say the same for you, handsome. I thought you were younger. You look good.” You wink at him, taking an opportunity to let your eyes roam him for a moment. “You should taste them, the cupcakes.”
“Alright, as you wish.” He pops open the container, taking one of the chocolatey treats in his ring adorned tattooed hand. He pulls back the shiny red paper, and takes a large bite. His eyes roll back and a moan leaves the back of his throat. You have to hold in one of your own at the sound. You can’t help but imagine what he looks like when he cums in that moment. “Fuuuuck this is so goddamn good, thank you, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, sure Eddie, anytime. I’ll uh, see you around?” You smile at him hopefully.
“Yeah, I’ll be around. If you ever need anything, let me know, alright?” He returns your smile, using his thumb to push some frosting on the corner of his mouth between his lips, sucking it off. Alright, time to go, before you say or do something stupid.
“Cool, same to you. Have a good night.” You offer him a small wave.
“Yeah, have a good night, sugar.”
Eddie was starting to think you put a spell on him, he had only spoken to you twice and you were all he could think about it. He found his mind wandering when he was at work, almost tattooing his clients on autopilot. His coworkers all called him out, asking who the “special lady” who had his head in the clouds was. He brushed them off, of course. You weren’t really anything to him other than his neighbor, but that didn’t mean you weren’t necessarily special. There was just something about you. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it but it was like part of him was missing when you weren’t around. Which sounded ridiculous, but it didn’t help that he could smell you constantly. Even when he wasn’t at home it was like your scent was embedded in his fucking bones.
The fact that you kept baking for him didn’t help, it was doing something to the alpha in him that he’s never experienced. He’s never had an omega fuss over him in any way, so you were really pulling on his heart strings. It didn’t hurt that you were a knockout. You were absolutely the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. He didn’t think you’d be interested in him, due to his age, but you were definitely flirting with him when you brought him those cupcakes yesterday. Eddie’s dating game might be rusty, but he wasn’t blind. He still had his doubts, you could just be having some fun with your new neighbor. Omegas were never interested in him for more than a quick fuck, the amount of times he’s been told that something about his scent was just “off” has left him insecure and rough around the edges.
He’s deep in his thoughts about you when he exits the elevator to your shared floor, where he’s immediately flooded with your scent like he always is. But something about it today was off, and not in the way those omegas meant about his being off, you were distressed. He could tell from the way you smelled just a little sour, but still so so good. It immediately sent him into a panic, were you okay? Did someone hurt you? Did you need help?
He swiftly turns the corner to your hall and he sees you standing in front of your door with your cell phone held to your ear. You’re anxiously tapping your foot while you chew on the nails of your free hand. Whoever you’re calling clearly doesn’t answer because you throw your head back, slamming the flip phone shut with a groan.
The sound of heavy footsteps has you whipping your head in the direction of your intruder. Something inside you softens at the sight of Eddie approaching you with a concerned look on his face. You had been trying to call the property company for the last hour. After you took a shower you tried to turn it off but no matter how hard you turn it the hot water knob won't budge. So your shower had been running for the last hour and a half at least.
“Hey, are you alright?” The concern in his voice matched the furrow in his brow, it was almost like you could even smell his concern dripping into his scent. You wonder if maybe his alpha nose caught a whiff of your distress. You’ve been told by other alphas you smell awful when you’re upset.
“Yeah, no, kind of? I don’t know. My shower won’t shut off and the stupid fucking property management isn’t picking up their emergency phone.” You huff, clutching your little hot pink razor in your hand.
“Yeah, they basically never answer that damn phone, they might as well just stop giving it out at this point. These faucets are old and finicky, mine gets stuck from corrosion all the time. I can check it out, if you want?”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother, but I’d really appreciate the help. I can cook up a storm but I don’t know a damn thing when it comes to things like this.” Your lips form into a pout and Eddie wants to kiss it off so badly. It was becoming increasingly harder each time he sees you to control himself around you.
“It’s not a bother, sugar. I told you to tell me if you needed anything, remember? I think this qualifies. Let me just grab my tools, alright?” He shoots you a wink that has you almost forgetting why you were even upset a few seconds ago.
It only took him a few minutes to come back out of his apartment with his tools in hand. If he was being honest he spent a little extra time trying to calm himself down before going inside your home. Surrounded by your scent and all things you. You smile sweetly at him, opening your front door to let him inside.
Eddie feels like the wind got knocked out of him the minute he steps into your apartment. If he thought your smell was overpowering in his house it was mind altering inside your own. His knees felt like they were going to give out and he had to will himself to not get hard. He took a quick look around while you led him towards the bathroom. Your decor was cute, it had an almost vintage witchy kind of feel to it and it was extremely cozy. Your purple velvet couch and the framed horror movie posters give him a tiny bit of insight on who you are. You had candles lit, and your radio was quietly playing some kind of whiny emo sounding music he’s heard in passing but couldn’t name. It was all so unique, just like your scent.
“Okay so, the cold knob and the shower knob work just fine but the hot won’t turn off. It’s like stuck or something.” You walk into the bathroom and he follows, pushing back your black and purple moonphase curtain. You take advantage of the opportunity to ogle him while his back is turned to you. He looks good today. A plain black tee shirt is tight on his broad shoulders, black jeans that are ripped at the knees and hug his ass just right, and black doc martens on his feet. His hair is tied back in a low bun and he has his usual rings on his fingers, a studded belt and a pants chain complete the look. He was so fucking hot. Damn.
“Yeah, it’s just a little bit of corrosion. Easy fix.” He looks over his shoulder at you and you try to avert your gaze, or at least close your fucking mouth but you can tell by the smirk he gives you that he caught you gawking.
“Sweet. Thanks, Eddie.” You give him the most composed smile you can. Having him in your home was making you dizzy. You’ve never felt like this before. You’ve been around plenty of and even slept with a few other alphas but something about Eddie was different. It’s like someone made him in a factory, just for you. You wanted to climb him like a tree and shove your nose in his scent gland if you were being honest.
“Sure thing, sugar.” He leans over to grab a few tools from his toolbox and his tee shirt rides up, revealing a delicious silver of tattooed skin. The way his hands looked gripping the tools and the grunts he was letting out as he started to loosen the knob had you clenching your thighs. Not only did he look absolutely delicious, he was also taking care of you, and the omega inside warmed at the thought. His neck muscles flexed and the veins on his hands were bulging. His musky scent filled the room, and it was starting to make you dizzy. You felt a layer of sweat starting to build on your skin underneath your hoodie and you suddenly felt like how you feel the days leading up to your heat.
“I’m thirsty, do you want anything to drink?” Your voice comes out as a little shaky, despite your best efforts to center yourself. “I have umm… water, fresh squeezed lemonade, milk, tea, I could make coffee, I think I have some red wine.”
“I’ll take some of that lemonade, if you don’t mind.” He turns his body to look at you, a boyish grin plastered on his face.
“One lemonade, coming right up.” You give him a thumbs up you immediately decide was probably as awkward as the smile on your face. You just need to get away from him for a second. You turn and rush out of the bathroom, your knees buckling as you grasp onto the kitchen counter for support. “Jesus Christ, get it together.”
Your heat wasn’t due for another two weeks but you felt like it was going to happen any second. Your head was spinning, you felt feverish, the warmth of your skin causing you to rip your hoodie over your head, leaving you in just your small cropped tank and your sleep shorts. But it still felt like too much. A stabbing pain shoots through your core and causes you to cry out.
Eddie tightens the wrench tight, turning the knob off and on a few times to make sure it’s working right. When it works both times he smiles triumphantly. His smile drops immediately when he hears you cry out in what sounds like pain. He drops the wrench on the ground and runs out of the room in a panic. The minute he enters the kitchen he starts to feel dizzy. Your scent is stronger and sweeter than ever before, your hoodie is discarded on the ground next to you leaving your curves exposed to him in your little pajamas. But that’s not even the worst part. Your body is folded over the kitchen counter and covered in a shein layer of sweat, you’re panting while little whimpers escape from your lips. But worst of all? There’s saccharine sweet slick dripping down your thighs. Fuck.
“Hey, are you okay?” Eddie wants to kick himself for asking, obviously you’re not. You tense at the sound of his voice, but you don’t turn to look at him. A whine louder than the others leaves your lips and your body shakes slightly.
“No - I - yeah, I’ll be fine. This is embarrassing, I’m sorry. I wasn’t due for my heat for a few weeks I wouldn’t have invited you in if-“
“Hey.” His large hand on your shoulder makes you jump at first but then it sends a feeling of relief washing through you. His scent is still overwhelming but it’s also so soothing. You want to throw yourself into his arms and inhale his scent gland until you can’t breathe anymore. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s totally natural, I’m not judging you or anything. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Your shower is fixed. I should uh - I should go.”
A whine involuntary wracks through you at the thought of him leaving, but if you asked him to stay and help you, would he? He hardly knew you. You don’t even know if you smell good to him or not. But the primal part of your brain doesn’t care, the primal part of you just wants him to make it all go away.
“I’m sorry, I just know if I stay here I’m not going to be able to control myself and I don’t want to do anything to take advantage of you or make you uncomfortable.” He pats your shoulder awkwardly, it’s taking everything in him not to rip those shorts in half and shove his cock balls deep inside you in one thrust. He knows he could, your little omega pussy is dripping and ready for his knot. Every single instinct in his body is screaming at him to help you. The thought of leaving you here alone makes him want to puke, but he also doesn’t want to take advantage of your vulnerable state. He doesn’t want you to do anything you’d regret later because he doesn’t know if he can handle being one of your regrets.
“Please.” It comes out a broken whisper but Eddie could hear you loud and clear. He was pretty sure he knew what you were asking, but he needed you to tell him.
“Please what, sugar?” His large calloused hand runs up and down your arm and you try to hold in the moan that escapes you but it slips past your lips anyways. His touch is like what you imagine taking a hit of hard drugs feels like.
“Please, help me Eddie.” You turn your head towards him, your cheek squished up against the cool countertop. You look up at him through your lashes, your lips forced into a pout. “Make it go away.”
“Sweetheart… are you sure? I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret once you have a clear head…” He pushes your hair out of your face, his thumb running along the apple of your cheek. You subconsciously nuzzle into his palm and you’re just so sweet he wants to devour you.
“Won’t regret it. Want you so bad. I can smell you all the time, you smell so good. You make me crazy. Please, I need you.” Eddie lets out an exasperated breath. So you could smell him too, and he smelled good to you. He’s never had an omega tell him that and it filled him with pride. He’s never felt truly needed by someone in the way his body biologically desired, he’s never spent a heat with an omega before. Now this pretty little thing was practically begging for him. How could he refuse?
“I can smell you too, ya know? The day you moved in I caught your scent. I’ve never smelled anything like you before, and you’re so beautiful. If we do this I don’t know how I’m going to let you go afterwards.”
“Then don’t.” You say it so matter of fact, and he can tell your awareness was slipping, soon all you’d be able to think about was his knot.
“Are you positive about this? I mean it, I’m already addicted to you and I haven’t even tasted you yet.” His thick thumb runs over your pouty bottom lip and you dart your tongue across the pad of it. You moan, the taste of his sweat sending another wave of slick down your legs.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything, alpha.” Eddie fucking growls at that, grabbing you by the waist and throwing you over his shoulder. He carries you to your room and tosses you on the bed. He leans over you, his ink adorned forearms on either side of your head. His face is inches from yours and you can’t take it anymore, you thread your fingers through his hair, pulling his mouth down to connect his lips to your own.
When your lips connect both of your bodies feel like they’re on fire, Eddie suddenly feels the overpowering need to protect you from anything and everything for the rest of his life, to sink his teeth into the juncture of your neck, and stuff you full of his cum. Plugging it with his knot so none escapes, and he doesn’t want to stop until you have his baby inside you. He’s not even in his rut and he’s never felt like this before in his life. Your tongues intertwine and he’s never tasted anything so sweet. He sucks your tongue into his mouth, savoring your taste, drinking up your moans.
“Fuck, you taste so sweet, just like sugar.” He kisses down your jaw to your throat, leaving open mouth kisses on your scent gland. He stops there to shove his nose in your neck, inhaling deeply. His eyes roll in the back of his head and he lets out a feral moan. “Never smelled anything sweeter either, most omegas smell a little off to me, but you? You smell divine, sweet thing.”
“Mmm Eddie, you smell so good too, never smelled anyone as good as you.” Your mind is clouded with lust, the fever rising in your body and the pain in your abdomen due to your heat making you dizzy. He pushes the front of your tank top down, taking one of your nipples in his mouth. Your back arches off the bed and your hands find purchase in his hair again. He reaches back to pull it free from the hair tie, his mouth switching to your other nipple.
“Glad I smell good to you, most alphas say I smell weird.” He pulls your tank top down to your hips before pushing it down with your shorts in one swift motion, leaving you in just your soaked cotton thong.
“Funny, you’re the first omega to ever tell me I smell good to them too. Maybe we were meant to be baby.” He jokes, sending you a wink before latching his mouth onto your clothed core. A growl rips through him, if he thought your spit tasted good the taste of your slick had to be the most divine cuisine known to man. His tongue flicks out to lick your sensitive clit through the material of your panties and you buck against his mouth.
“More.” If you weren’t so far gone you’d be embarrassed at how broken and desperate your voice sounds but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. All you could think about was Eddie Eddie Eddie.
“I’ll give you anything you want, baby girl, don’t worry. I’m gonna take care of you.” He rips your panties down your legs and hooks your thighs over his shoulders. His face finds your now bare dripping core and he licks a stripe through your slick folds. You moan in unison, you at the feeling, and him at your intoxicating taste. He starts to tongue fuck you as deep as he can, swirling his tongue around inside your walls, collecting your nector on his tongue.
He plunges his tongue into you a few more times, savoring your taste, before dragging it up to circle your clit. The minute he wraps his lips around the sensitive bud an orgasm rips through your body. Your thighs try to clamp shut around his head and your hips raise off the bed. Eddie uses one of his hands to hold you down by the hips while two of his thick fingers circle your entrance before he’s inserting them inside you. He continues to suck on your clit and you don’t even have time to come down from your first orgasm before another one is being ripped from you. Feral moans leave your lips as you rock your hips against him.
“FUCK EDDIE! Shit! Is too much, too much, sensitive.” You whine, pushing your hands against his head. He growls, his tongue licking every inch of your slick covered core before finally pulling away.
“Sorry baby, you just taste so fucking good, and those little moans are my new favorite song. Shit.” He sits up, his stubble covered chin is coated in your slick and he’s looking at you like he wants to eat you alive. You’d let him if he asked. He kisses his way up your torso, stopping to pay your tits and scent gland a little extra attention. When his lips meet your own they taste like you and him combined and you whine into his mouth.
“Eddie, please? Please fuck me? I need to feel you please please please.” You’re begging even though you know he’s going to give you what you want, but all you can think about is him burying himself deep inside you, filling you up with his knot and his cum, making all the pain go away.
“Hey, hey, shhh, it’s okay, sweet thing. Your alpha is gonna make it all go away, okay? Gonna take care of you little omega.” Your alpha, you like the sound of that.
“You’re wearing too much, take it off.” You whine, pulling at the hem of his shirt. The materials of his clothes feel suffocating against your already hot skin, and you want to feel him. He obliges, standing up to pull his shirt over his head. Your eyes roam his figure, your tongue darting out to lick your bottom lip at the sight of his ink covered muscular form. He kicks off his shoes and his hands make quick work of his belt, he undoes his pants, pushing them down with his boxers. His cock springs free, slapping against his bare stomach and a bit of drool actually dribbles down your chin. He’s perfect. Every inch of him.
“Fuck Eddie, you’re beautiful.”
“Coming from you, sugar? That’s a high honor.” He smirks, leaning over you. He takes your chin in his hand, using the grip to place a bruising kiss on your lips. He uses one hand to prop himself up on the bed while he grabs onto his thick cock in the other, running it through your folds. He taps it against your clit a few times, the combination of your slick and his precum causing it to make a sticky wet sound.
He pushes the tip of his cock into your entrance, pulling it out and pushing it back in a few times. You wiggle your hips impatiently, trying to shove him deeper inside you. He finally takes the hint, shoving his cock halfway inside you before pulling it almost all the way out again. When he pushes into you again he doesn’t stop until his balls are flush against your ass.
“Oh my god, shit!” Your hands clutch onto his back, your nails leaving crescent shaped marks in his skin.
“Oh fuuuuuck, your pussy is sucking me in baby. You feel so fucking good.” Almost too good, if he was being honest with himself. He’s fucked a few omegas, but never on their heat, and nobody has ever made him feel like this. It just felt so fucking right. All of it. Your scent, your touch, your kiss. It really was like you were made for him. And even though his mind was clouded with lust, as he snapped his hips into yours, burying himself deep inside you over and over again it all started to make sense to him.
He had learned a little bit about soul bounds back in highschool and he knew a few people in his life that had them but they’re so rare nowadays he had never given them much thought. But the way his ears rang when he first saw you, the electric shockwave that went through the both of you when you shook hands, how he can smell you everywhere. The fact that you’re the first omega to truly smell good to him, and he’s the first alpha to smell good to you. It all clicks into place. You were his fated mate. You really were meant for him.
“Eddieeee, you feel so good, you’re filling me up so good, I’ve never - fuck - I’ve never felt like this before.” Your nails run down his back and your walls clench around his cock as another orgasm takes you by surprise, a rush of slick coating his cock and both of your thighs. He decides while you’re fucked out like this isn’t the time to tell you about his realization, he doesn’t think you know. He’s not even sure if they still educate kids on these kinds of bonds given their rarity.
“That’s a good girl sugar, taking me so well, you gonna let me fill this little pussy up?” He grunts as he thrusts into you deep and hard. His nose finds your scent gland and he sharply inhales. “God baby, you smell so good, my sweet little omega, my sugar.”
His tongue laves out over the juncture of your throat, his teeth lightly brushing over it. God it would be so easy to just sink his teeth into your neck and mark you as his for the rest of your lives. He can tell you want him to, by the way you turn your head to bare your neck to him.
“Do it, I want it.” It’s like you read his mind.
“Baby, no. Not right now, if you still want it when you’re more clear headed we can talk about it, okay?” It was taking everything in him not to do what you were asking, he was fighting against every single instinct in his body.
“Eddie, I don't think I’ve ever thought more clearly about anything in my entire life, please? I want to be yours.” You mean it. You’ve thought about it before now, laid in bed at night as you listen to him strum his guitar. You’ve thought about more than just fucking him, you’ve fantasized about a life with him. Even if you barely knew him, you knew you wanted him.
His thrusts falter at that, he doesn’t know how long he can resist your begging. Especially when you’re begging for this. He doesn’t respond, just starts fucking you harder. His thumb finds your clit and he starts to circle it in time with his thrusts. His lips latch onto your neck and suck, if he can’t give you what you truly want right now, he hopes you’ll at least take this temporary mark. “Please alpha? Please just do it? I want it so bad, want your mark. Want your knot.”
“I know sugar, I know.” He mumbles against your neck before latching back onto it, continuing to suck bruising marks into your skin. “Why don’t you cum for me? Cum for your alpha.”
He angles his hips so the head of his cock is brushing against your sweet spot, picking up the speed of the circles on your clit. He runs his teeth along your throat, not quite biting down but nipping at it. It’s all so good, and it sends you hurtling into another mind altering orgasm.
“Oh fuck! Ohmyfuckinggod, Eddie! I’m cumming!” You wrap your legs around his waist, more slick gushes from you and your nails are digging so deep into his back he’s sure you’re starting to draw blood. He hopes you leave him some little marks of his own. He wouldn’t mind, if you bit down on his neck too. He knows it’s taboo for omegas to mark alphas but he wants to be connected to you, owned by you, in every way possible.
“That’s a good girl, good fucking girl, sweetheart. You’re so beautiful when you cum on my cock.” His hands grasp onto your hips and he leans up onto his knees as he continues to fuck into you. Your hands clutch onto his forearms and your tits bounce deliciously with every thrust.
“Want you to fill me up, alpha. Fill me with your cum, put a pup inside me.” You’re cock drunk off your ass, your eyes rolled back and brimmed with tears, drool dripping from your mouth and your words are slurred as you babble things you’d never dream of saying in a normal state of mind. But Eddie hears you loud and clear, and he knows you probably don’t really mean that. But hearing it? It makes him feral.
“Yeah? You want me to fuck a baby into you, is that it? Want me to mark you and knot you and plug you full of my cum?”
“Yes! Fuck! Please fill me up, let me give you a baby, alpha!!” Eddie lets out an animalistic growl, a few more harsh thrusts and he’s spilling inside you. He shoves his hips flush against yours as ropes of his cum paint your walls.
“Oh fuuuuckkk, oh my god, shit.” Your pussy squeezes him like a vice grip, the feeling of him filling you up sending you over the edge with him. You milk him for all he’s worth, the head of his cock starts to flare and you whimper when his knot pops inside of you. “Jesus Christ.”
You both pant as he grabs onto your thighs so he can flip over with you on top of him. You lay your head on his chest and nuzzle into it, feeling safe and warm, and for the moment satisfied. You’re both quiet for a while, catching your breath and coming down from your highs.
“Eddie I-“
“Hey.” He shushes you, comfortingly running his hand down your back. “It’s okay, don’t stress, alright sugar? We can talk about all of this once you’re more clear headed. Let’s just relax for now.”
“Will you… stay?” Your voice is small, but hopeful.
“I don’t think I’m going anywhere darlin’, we are kind of connected right now.” He chuckles and it makes you laugh. “Even longer if you keep laughing like that, clenching around me and shit.”
“Sorry.” You giggle. “Will you stay… till it’s over?” You really hope he knows what you mean, because you already feel awkward enough asking as it is.
“You want me to stay with you through your heat?” His heart rate picks up, and the alpha in him sings with pride. He really hopes that’s what’s you’re asking.
“Yeah, only if you want, no pressure or anything I-“
“Baby, I’d be honored.” His hand cups your face, tilting it towards him so he can look you in the eyes. He smiles at you sweetly, his mate. He places a gentle kiss on your lips, which you return with glee. “I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me.”
Would it be crazy if you said you wanted him to stay forever? Probably. Maybe not, since you were just begging him to mark you and knock you up a few minutes ago. You decide against it though, laying your head back on his chest. You shove your nose into his scent gland, inhaling him. You’ve never felt this safe with an alpha, or anyone who wasn’t your family, really. You could get used to this. You only hoped he would still want to be around you when your heat was over.
Eddie kept true to his word, staying with you through your heat for a full week. He only left once, on the second day to go to the store for some groceries and to get things from his apartment for himself. It was a good thing he did because later that night he went into his rut and it just made the entire experience more intimate and feral. He fucked you more times and in more ways than you could count. But you didn’t just have sex, you also spent a lot of time talking, and getting to know each other.
He told you about his time growing up here, and how it wasn’t the best for him. You found out that he’s a tattoo artist, and he rides and works on motorcycles. He used to be in a band when he was younger, they still jam together sometimes but they don’t play bar shows anymore. He’s never had an omega before, not even an unofficial mate, and he explained to you that it’s because he’s never felt connected to anyone until he met you. You told him it was about the same for you. When you first presented your boyfriend at the time was an alpha and he smelled awful to you the minute his pheromones hit your nose, so you ended up breaking it off.
The morning you both woke up feeling like yourselves again you were both a bit timid. You still had another day off but he had clients today. He left to get ready for work, departing with a kiss and a promise to talk later tonight. You were hopeful. For the first time in a very long time, or maybe ever, you felt truly connected to someone.
Since you had the day off you decided you’d go visit your dad at work, you haven’t seen him since you took him those chocolate cupcakes last week and you figured you’d surprise him. He was the reason you moved here after all. He helped you open the bakery. You and him have always been close, your mom wasn’t really around when you were growing up so it was just you and him. He lived in Hawkins but he owned a tattoo shop in the next town over, only about a thirty five minute drive if there wasn’t traffic.
You went for a more simple look today, flare leggings and a cropped zip up with your doc martens. Perfect for the mid September Indiana weather. The drive went smoothly, you’ve been to your dads shop a few times, years ago when you were in your early 20s. But you haven’t seen it in a long time, usually when you visit him you just go to his house.
You push open the art covered door to the shop, the bell on the handle hits against the glass on the door and Tami, your dads wife, greets you with a surprised smile from behind the front desk.
“Well look what the cat dragged in, to what do we owe the pleasure, little lady?” You’ve always liked Tami, she and your dad got married when you were nineteen, after you had already moved out. But she was like the cool cigarette mom you never had growing up. She was probably Eddie’s age or a little younger, your dad was in his mid fifties. But she was beautiful, she looked like she stepped right out of an 80s rock music video. With her teased blonde hair and blue eyeshadow, her body adorned with almost as many tats as your dads.
“I had the day off, just figured I’d come say hey.” Your smile falters for a moment when you catch a strong whiff of Eddie’s scent, you didn’t think it would still be so strong after you showered. You knew your dad was going to ask questions, especially with the crime scene you had on your neck that you didn’t bother to cover up. You weren’t ashamed of them, you wanted people to know you were taken.
“Hey Tami do you have the reference photo for my five o'clock? I need to start drawing it up.” Your eyes shot in the direction of his voice, your heart rate immediately picking up. Okay so, you had definitely caught his scent, and it wasn’t on you. Why was he here? Oh god. He works for your fucking dad? Shit. Why didn’t you think of that? The motorcycles, tattoos, it all makes sense now. Your dad has told you about Eddie, you just didn’t think it was going to be this Eddie.
He smells you before he sees you, for a second he thought it was just your scent lingering on him like it has been for weeks now but then he saw you. He wasn’t mad you were here, just surprised. He was about to ask you how you knew where he worked when your dad came bounding out the back.
“Honey! What’re you doing here? Did you bring sweets?” Eddie has never seen your dad smile like that at anyone besides Tami, was he cheating on Tami? Did they have a side piece he didn’t know about?
“Hey dad, yeah I uh - I brought you some cookies!” Dad!? Holy fuck. That’s when your name goes off like an alarm in Eddie’s head, he didn’t think to make that connection until now. He’s seen pictures of you as a kid, and even a few of you as a teenager but you looked so different now he never would’ve recognized you from those. You were Dale’s fucking daughter? Jesus Christ. He was so fucking fucked.
“You’re too good to me, the best daughter ever, I swear.” Your dad walks over to you and engulfs you in a hug, taking the container filled with cookies from your hands when he pulls away. “Although, what’s going on with this crime scene on your neck? You have a little boyfriend here already?”
“Ha! Thanks dad, you’re the best too. Its uh - there’s not really a label on it yet or anything, if there’s anything to tell, I’ll let you know.” You smile at him, clearing your throat. You avoid making eye contact with Eddie, knowing you’ll probably lose your cool if you do. Especially when your dad is talking about what he did to your neck. You’re trying really hard to keep calm but you’re practically screaming on the inside. Eddie worked for your dad, and had for almost a decade now. He’s told you about Eddie, they’re close friends, and your dad was his tattoo mentor. He probably wouldn’t want to see you now. You felt like your heart was breaking already. You were definitely going to have to find a new apartment.
“Angel, this is Eddie, Eddie this is my daughter.” Your dad says your name so proudly it makes you internally cringe. You fucked his friend. Not just fucked, you spent your heat and his rut with him. You asked him to mark you, he knotted you, and if you were being honest? You hadn’t been clear headed enough to think about it until today but you weren’t on birth control.
“We know each other actually!” Eddie’s eyes look like they’re going to burst out of his head, and he coughs, choking on his spit. “He’s my neighbor! You’d know that if you came to see my place already, dad.” You roll your eyes at him playfully, trying to start up your usual banter, hoping you’re pulling it off.
“Oh, yeah! She moved into Chris’ old place, she baked for me and I helped her with her shower. You raised a good one, Dale.” Eddie smiles at his old friend, his heart feeling like it was going to fall out of his ass. He knew how protective your dad was of you, he remembers how he used to talk shit about your old beta boyfriend. Not only that but Dale was one of the big alphas in the area, if he casted Eddie out, everyone would.
“Aww! Good man Ed, thanks for helping my girl out. And you! How’s the bakery? Things good?” Your dad takes a large bite of one of the cookies, his other hand lovingly shaking your shoulder.
“It’s good, yeah, things are good. You were right about putting it close to the highschool, tons of kids come in on their lunches and even some teachers too. I’m working on perfecting this new pie recipe right now, I’ll have to bring you a few different slices to try out.”
“Well duh, I’m always right, and I swear you’re trying to fatten me up.” Your dad laughs his signature laugh, it’s deep, bellowy, and contagious. You loved him so much. But that didn’t change how you felt about Eddie, if he still wanted to see you, you wouldn’t turn him down.
You made small talk with your dad and Tami for a bit longer, Eddie had excused himself to the back and it honestly made you want to cry right then and there. You wish your dad and step mom a goodbye without seeing him again and walk out of the shop with a heavy heart. You drive home on autopilot, your thoughts racing a mile a minute.
When you get home you flop yourself down on the couch in defeat. You would finally meet a guy and he’d end up being one of your dads oldest friends. Would he ever even talk to you again? He probably regretted the entire thing. But if you could go back in time, you’d do it all again.
A few minutes into your wallowing your phone goes off and when Eddie’s name pops up on that tiny front screen you feel like you’re going to pass out.
“I’ll come see you after work so we can talk, hope you’re okay.”
You let out a deep breath, at least he was talking to you, right? That text he sent you this morning about already missing you sitting above the new one was like a slap in the face in comparison. Hours ago he was texting you “Miss you already, can’t wait to see you tonight, sugar. Have a good day ;)” and now it seemed like he was about to tell you he couldn’t see you anymore. You had around three hours until Eddie would be home from work, and you have no idea what to do with yourself. You wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear if you were being honest. So you did the next best thing, you took a nap.
The sound of banging on your door had you shooting straight up in bed. When you look around it’s already dark out and when you gaze at the clock on your nightstand you realize it’s already past six thirty. Had you napped that long?
“Sweetheart, I know you’re home, I saw your car outside. Can we please just talk?” Shit. You throw your covers off and dash out of your room to the front door. You open it to reveal a very distressed looking Eddie and it cracks your heart a little.
“Hi Eddie…”
“Hey, can we talk?” The look on his face is hard to read, you can’t gauge how he’s feeling at all and it only peaks your anxiety.
“Yeah, sure.” You step aside to let him in and take a seat on the far end of the couch. You try not to take it personally when he sits all the way across from you but it stings just a little.
“So uh - your dad is… my boss.” Eddie clears his throat awkwardly while his knee bounces up and down. His eyes search your face and he can tell you’re upset. Not just by that but from your scent too. He can smell how anxious you are and he hates that he’s the cause of it.
“Ha! That’s putting it lightly, Eddie…” You laugh dryly.
“Yeah, so, he’s one of my closest friends, the alpha of my pack, annnnd I kind of owe him everything for giving me a chance at the shop.” Eddie sighs, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Yeah I know, I knew he had a friend named Eddie, I just didn’t know it would be you. So I get it, if you don’t want to see me anymore. It’s not like we are actually anything to each other anyways, just because you spent my heat with me doesn’t mean you owe me anything. I can find a new apartment and I won’t come into the shop anymore it’ll be fine I can-“
“That’s the problem though, I can’t stay away from you, sweetheart.” He looks you straight in the eye as he says it, and his voice sounds so sure.
“What do you mean? Eddie, you hardly know me, it’s really okay, I wouldn’t want you to risk everything for me.” You sigh, your head falling between your shoulders. “If my dad knew, he would lose it. I know that, and you know that. I don’t want you to lose your job, or be an outcast.”
“Yeah, well I don’t want those things either. But, that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stay away from you. Darlin’, do you know what soul bounds are?”
“Oh.” He watches your eyes widen and your jaw drop open in realization.
“Yeah, I think we uh - I think we might have one. So when I say I can’t stay away from you, I mean it’ll fucking kill me to.” The look on Eddie’s face has you on the brink of tears, you want to throw yourself into his arms and rub your face all along his scent gland to comfort him.
“Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, actually. It kind of feels like my whole entire life since I presented makes sense, now that I think about it.” You let out a breath you feel like you’ve been holding for years. You never thought you’d find a mate, but here he was, made just for you. “Well, my dad can’t really do shit then. He can’t keep us apart, and if he tries to do anything to you I’ll tell him that I’m going with you wherever you go.”
“Sweetheart.” He takes your hands in his and a feeling of relief instantly washes over you. “I can’t ask you to do that… I know how close you and your dad are from the way he talks about you.”
“Okay, well you didn’t ask me to, I want to. I never thought I’d find a mate, I genuinely thought there was something wrong with me because of my scent. But now, I find you? My soulmate? I can’t lose you Eddie.” You squeeze his hands and run your thumbs over the backs of them reassuringly.
“I feel the same, I spent my whole life being an outcast, and then when I presented as an alpha I thought maybe I’d finally get some form of respect. But instead every single person that was supposed to be biologically attracted to me told me there was something ‘off’ about my scent. Not that they necessarily smelled good to me either, but it was still a blow to my ego. But then you show up? This sweet little thing bringing me a pie in her tiny little dress? You’ve made me feel more wanted in a few weeks than I have my entire life.”
Your heart feels like it’s going to burst at his speech, you can’t believe hours ago you thought you were disposable to him. You grab his face in your hands, kissing him with fever. He groans into your mouth, his hands finding your hips as he returns your kiss with equal enthusiasm. He pulls you into his lap and you kiss each other until you both feel like your lungs are going to burst and you have to pull away for air.
“Can we maybe wait a bit, to tell my dad? I just want to enjoy this for a bit, before shit hits the fan.” You rest your forehead against his, your hands still holding his face tenderly.
“Absolutely, I think I’d like to live a little longer.” Eddie chuckles and you laugh along with him.
“Shut up! I’m not going to let him kill you, I swear. I’ll be like, your knight in shining armor.”
“Oh yeah? Sugars going spicy on me? Is that it?” He nuzzles his nose against yours before dragging it down your cheek, jaw, and then down your scent gland. He inhales before placing a gentle kiss there.
“Oh, you have noooo idea.” He tickles your sides and you laugh, wiggling around in his lap.
“Hmm, I think I wanna find out, you wanna show me this spicy side?” He kisses your neck again, gently nipping at it.
“Absolutely. Think you can take the heat?” You lean back and wiggle your eyebrows at him.
“Ooohh you’re in for it now!!” He laughs, tackling you down on the couch. Sending you both into a fit of giggles.
He climbs on top of you, his arms bracketing either side of your head, his hair like a halo around his head with the way your lamp light was glowing behind him.
“You’re so beautiful Eddie.” You smile up at him sweetly, he doesn’t think he will ever get tired of hearing you say that.
“Yeah? You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, sugar.” He sends you a wink that has butterflies fluttering in your belly. The flutters quickly turn into an eruption when he connects his lips with yours. He slips his tongue into your mouth, and you moan at the taste of him. The kisses turn heated when you roll your hips up against his, a low groan rumbling through him.
“I want you, Eddie.” You mumble against his mouth, your tongue darting out to lick across his plump, kiss swollen bottom lip.
“I’m all yours, sweetheart.” He places another hungry kiss on your lips before littering open mouth kisses along your jaw and throat. He laves his tongue out along your collar bones, kissing down your chest. He mouths at your nipples through the thin material of your tank top, swirling his tongue around them until they are both peaked. He grabs the hem of your shirt and you lift your arms so he can pull it over your head. “Perfect tits. Perfect body. Perfect little omega.”
“Mmm, just for you, alpha, all for you.” Your hands greedily pull at the hem of his faded band tee and he obliges you, using one hand to pull it over his head. “Wanna taste you, alpha, can I?”
“If you keep looking at me like that? Sugar, I’ll give you anything you want.” He runs his thumb along your bottom lip and you take the digit into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it.
You look up at him with big round eyes as you moan at the taste of him. He stands in front of the couch and you push yourself up onto your knees, perfectly eye level with the very prominent bulge in his pants. You make quick work of his belt, undoing his pants so you can push them down over his hips with his boxers. His cock springs free, a bead of pearly white precum drips from his slit and you can’t resist leaning forward to lick it off.
“Fuck, you taste so good, baby.” Baby. Chills run through his entire body. You’ve never called him that before, and it was doing things to him he didn’t think were possible.
You suck his tip, swirling your tongue around it like you did with his thumb. You take him all the way in your mouth, gagging when he hits the back of your throat. Drool fills your mouth and you pull off to him to spit into your palm without breaking eye contact with him. You bring your hand to his shaft, jerking him off with your lubed up palm a few times before taking half of him in your mouth again. Your mouth works in tandem with your hand at the base of his cock, your tongue caressing that thick vein that runs along the bottom of his shaft.
“Oh fuuuuck.” Eddie throws his head back, his thick neck adorned with veins, his Adam’s Apple bobs as he groans at the feeling of you swallowing him down. “That’s so good, your mouth is so good.”
His fingers thread through your hair and he looks back down at you. He has to close his eyes again seconds later to keep himself from exploding down your throat right then and there. Your eyes were rimmed with tears, your mascara that was already smudged from your nap running down your cheeks, drool was dripping down the sides of your mouth and the way you were looking at him like he hung the stars with his dick down your throat made him insane. You move your hand so you can take him all the way in your mouth again. Your throat flexes around him when you gag and he has to use his grip on your hair to pull you off. You whine, trying to take him back into your mouth.
“Baby girl, I’m sorry, but you gotta stop or I’m going to fucking lose it, and I really want to fill you with my cum and just keep fucking you until your body is limp.” He grabs your chin in his hand, his thumb spreading the drool on your mouth all around your lips. “Turn around, all fours.”
You position yourself on your hands and knees on top of the couch cushions, arching your back and wiggling your ass in the air. Eddie groans at the sight, walking up behind you, he hooks his fingers in the band of your tiny sleep shorts, pulling them down with your panties where they pool at the bottom of your bent knees. His hands roughly grab onto your ass cheeks, spreading them so he can see your messy cunt. You clench around nothing and a little yelp escapes you when you feel his spit drip down onto your already wet cunt.
“Fuuuuck Eddie, please, touch me.”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, I’m always going to give you what you want, sweet thing.” He runs his fingers through your slit, gathering your wetness and rubbing it around. He circles your clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure. Two fingers circle your entrance and push inside you. He curves them just right, rubbing them against that sweet spot inside you before he starts to thrust them in and out of you.
“Oh shit! Yes, yes, yes, Eddie, fuck.” His thumb finds your clit while he continues to fuck his fingers into you and you’re already embarrassingly close to cumming.
“You gonna cum already, baby? I can feel your pussy sucking my fingers in.” He curves his fingers against your g-spot again and it’s the final straw. A feral moan rips through you and your pussy spasms around his fingers. “Oh that’s it, good girl, cum for me, cum for your alpha.”
Eddie pulls his fingers from inside you, bringing them to his mouth, moaning at your sweet taste. You hear him kicking off his jeans the rest of the way before the couch dips behind you. He positions himself on his knees, taking his cock in his hand. He runs it through your wet lips, the tip of it bumping against your clit with each stroke.
“Baby, don’t tease me.” You whine, pushing your hips back against him. “Need your cock.”
He lines himself up with your entrance and pushes inside with one thrust. You’re so wet the stretch barely burns, almost immediately turning into immense pleasure. He doesn’t waste any time starting up at a brutal pace. His hips slap against your ass, his balls bumping your clit whenever he thrusts at a certain angle.
“Fuck, this pussy really was fucking made for me. She’s sucking me in like a vice grip.” His hand pushes down on your lower back and you take the hint, resting your cheek on the couch cushion so your back is arched further, your ass as far in the air as it can go. This new angle has him hitting deeper than before, his hand snakes around your front to rub your clit and it sends you over the edge again.
“Oh god - oh fuck, Eddie!!!” Your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, you push your hips back against him, fucking him deeper into you as you ride out your high.
He wraps his forearm around the front of your shoulders, using his grip to pull your back flush against his chest. He’s deeper than ever before, practically abusing your g-spot in the best way. The slight pressure on your throat from the way his arm is pinning you to his body is delicious, and when his fingers resume their ministrations on your clit it already has you close to the edge again. His mouth latches onto your scent gland, sucking a bruise into it.
“Mark me alpha, please please, I want to be yours. Please do it, I want it so bad.” Your hands reach behind you, lacing your fingers in his curls. You arch your back so you can bare your neck to him. Eddie thinks about telling you no again, he considers telling you he’d like to wait until you tell your dad.
But the primal part of him quickly erases those thoughts. He wants to please you, in every way possible. He wants to claim you. He doesn’t want to tell you no. So he doesn’t. He runs his nose along your scent gland, inhaling your otherworldly scent. He runs his teeth along the juncture of your throat before sinking them into your soft flesh.
The feeling sends you both over the edge. His teeth are still clamped down on your neck. Your cunt is squeezing him tight while ropes of his cum spill inside you. Everything felt so right, and it wasn’t just the fact that it was the best orgasm of your life. Your entire body felt warm, your heart felt full, you felt so connected to Eddie. It was everything. His knot swells inside you, popping out to connect you in every way possible. He pulls away from your neck, soothing the bloody teeth marks with his warm tongue.
“Wow.” He breaths out, carefully leaning back towards the arm of the couch and pulling you with him. He circles his arms around you, caging you in his embrace.
“Yeah, wow is right.” You chuckle, nuzzling deeper into his chest.
“You’re amazing, you know that? I’m a lucky son of a bitch.” He runs his hands through your hair, down your chest, his fingers stop to trace the bloodied mark on your throat. “Are you okay with everything?”
“I’m fantastic. I’ve never been happier than I am at this moment, Eddie Munson. If you’re lucky, I’m lucky as hell. I’m glad it’s you, I’m glad you’re my mate.” You tilt your head to the side so you can look up at him.
“Me too, Sugar, me too.” He looks down at your adoringly, taking your face in his hand and leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your lips.
You’ve been seeing Eddie in mostly secret for the last few months. You told your best friend back home over the phone and he told his friends Steve and Robin. Things were fantastic, for the most part. He’s taken you on a few dates, either out of town or somewhere people wouldn’t see you. He made you happier than you’ve ever been in your entire life but sneaking around was getting old fast.
Eddie was for lack of better words, paranoid. You’ve spent every night together since he mated you. Either at his place or at your own. But every morning after he showered for work he would put clothes on directly from the dryer, then immediately douse himself with cologne. He always kisses you before his shower because he refuses to come within three feet of you afterwards. He was absolutely terrified of showing up to your dad’s shop for work smelling like his daughter that he was seeing in secret. After a few weeks of that you both decided it was easier if you went your separate ways when you woke up and did your morning routines on your own. Which you hated, you loved the domesticity of waking up and going about your morning with him.
You also hadn’t seen your dad since the day Eddie mated you, always making up excuses when he invited you for dinner or asked to come see your place finally. You lucked out on your day off when he decided to come into the bakery for a surprise visit. You hated it, if you were being honest. You’ve never hid anything from him, especially not something this big. He was a pretty laid back parent when you were growing up, so you never really felt the need to lie to him.
It was Sunday evening, you and Eddie both had the day off so he took you out on his bike. He drove a few towns over to take you to this vintage book store he thought you’d like, he showed you the oldest cemetery in Indiana, which you adored, and then he took you out to lunch.
When you got back to his apartment you wanted to show him how grateful you really were for how thoughtful the dates he took you on always were. You rode him till he came and his knot was buried deep inside you, then you just kept riding him until he came again. You both dozed off cozy in each other's arms not long after that.
You wake up before Eddie, feeling sick to your stomach. You climb out of bed, carefully untangling yourself from him so you don’t wake him up and throw on one of his shirts and your panties from earlier so you can go into the kitchen for a glass of water. You chug it greedily, trying to will the nausea away. You might have one other, not so little secret. Last week you were at the bakery running numbers and planning for the weeks ahead when the calendar on the wall caught your eye. You started doing some math in your head and immediately told your employee Brooke that you needed to run to the store. You bought three different pregnancy tests and every single one screamed back at you with two lines, pregnant, or a little pink plus sign.
You hadn’t told Eddie yet, and you were surprised he hadn’t realized it since omegas scents usually change when they’re pregnant. Either he hadn’t noticed, or he was waiting for you to tell him on your own terms. If he hadn’t though? It was only a matter of time before he did. You had no idea how he would react, sure things were said in the heat of the moment during sex but you and him have never actually talked about having kids. That, and he was already afraid to tell your dad that you were mates, now you were going to have to tell him you were knocked up with his best friend’s kid too. Despite all that, you want this baby, you want a life and a family with Eddie. He would be a good dad, kind, goofy, attentive. Would your baby have his eyes? His hair? The sound of a knock on the door rips you from your daydreams.
Who the hell was here? You weren’t expecting anyone. Should you wake Eddie? It’s his door, after all.
“Hey Ed, you home? Wanted to talk to you about something!” The sound of your dads voice makes your blood run cold. Shit. You dash down the hall towards Eddie’s room where he’s stumbling out of the doorway while slipping on gray sweatpants. He already has a tee shirt on and his eyes meet yours in a panic.
“It’s my fucking dad, does he fucking know?” You whisper-yell at him. Eddie shrugs at you with panicked eyes.
“Go in the room, in case it’s about something else, maybe I can get him to leave.” He grabs your shoulders, directing you towards the room. You go inside, shutting the door behind you. You feel like a fucking teenager sneaking around with her boyfriend instead of a grown ass woman with her mate, and you hated it. You almost want to just go open the door yourself and get it over with.
Eddie knows damn well that if your dad is here for a different reason, it won’t make a difference. His place definitely smells like you, there’s absolutely no way it doesn’t. He takes a deep breath before pulling the door open.
“Hey Dale, what’s up man?” Eddie feels like he’s going to shit his pants, your dad is taller than him by a few inches but bigger than him in mass by a lot. He could absolutely kick his ass if he wanted to. He also really didn’t want to disappoint him. But he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tired of sneaking around.
“Hey brother, you got a minute to talk? I wanted to run something by you.” Oh fuck, does he fucking know? Is he playing it cool and any second he’s going to choke Eddie to death?
“Yeah, sure man. What’s up?”
“You gonna let me in?” The older man chuckles, raising an eyebrow at his younger mentee.
“Oh! Uh, yeah, come in.” Eddie steps aside to let him in and he feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest. This was it, this is where he dies.
“Whoa! It fucking reeks in here, you got an omega you’re keeping a secret, Ed?” You hear your dad chuckle through the door and internally cringe.
“Uh - I mean - “
“Hold on…” Your dad audibly sniffs the air and Eddie watches his expression harden, his eyebrows furrow and the look in his eyes is the one Eddie has been terrified of. He looks like he wants to kill him. “Eddie… What the fuck is going on here man? Why the hell does your apartment reek like my daughter?”
You take that as your queue to enter, pulling Eddie’s door open and walking out to face the music.
“Hey dad…” You wave awkwardly, trying to use your other hand to make the shirt you’re wearing longer, suddenly very aware of your lack of pants.
Your dad takes in your appearance. Your disheveled hair, Eddie’s shirt, the mark on your neck. His nostrils flare and a growl rips through him. He darts at Eddie, grabbing him by the collar of his tee shirt and shoving him against the nearest wall. A stack of empty mixing bowls knock off the counter in the commotion and your dad shoves his forearm against Eddie’s throat.
“I can’t fucking believe you!! After all I’ve done for you!?” His voice drops to an authoritative alpha tone and growls continue to rumble in his chest. You’ve never seen your dad this pissed before.
“Dale, I’m sorry, I - I didn’t mean for this to happen! It’s not what you’re thinking if you just let me explain-“
“EXPLAIN!? Explain how you mated my only child!? I don’t think there’s much to explain here, Ed! It’s pretty fucking clear what happened here!!!” Your dad bellows, shoving his arm tighter against Eddie’s throat, causing him to gasp.
“Dad!!! Fucking stop!!!” You run over and grab onto your dads forearm to try and rip it off of Eddie. To no avail, he was strong as hell. “It’s not his fault! We couldn’t help it! He’s my mate! We have a bond! You can’t hurt him without hurting me! He’s mine! Get the fuck off of him!!”
“A bond? What? Like a trauma bond? Because this situation is fucked.” Your dad turns his head to look at you, his lips set to a snarl, his arm still locking Eddie in place.
“No, a soul bound, dumb ass! He’s my mate, my fated mate! Get the fuck off of him!!!” A growl of your own rumbles through your chest, your hands trying and failing yet again to pull your dad from your alpha.
“That doesn’t change the fact that he should’ve come to me like a man and told me the minute he found out! You’re a fucking coward and you don’t deserve someone like my daughter!” He was clearly irrational, his scent nearly suffocating you with how thickly it was permeating the air.
“IM PREGNANT!!!” Two pairs of wide eyes snap toward you, Eddie’s mouth is dropped open in shock, your dad looks like he’s going to puke.
“YOU’RE WHAT!?” Your dad shouts, his grip on Eddie subconsciously loosens and he takes the opportunity to slip free from his grasp. He rushes to your side, taking your face in his hands.
“Are you really? Why didn’t you tell me? Are you okay?”
“I was going to, I was just - I was nervous about how you’d react.” You avert your gaze from his, afraid to look him in the eyes when you hear his response.
“Hey.” His hands thumbs run across the apples of your cheeks and he lowers his face so you're forced to make eye contact with him. “If you ever thought I’d be anything less than stoked to have a baby with you, you’re crazy.”
“Really?” Your eyes well with tears and your bottom lip trembles. As your dad watches this entire exchange his face starts to soften. He looks between you and Eddie, taking in the way you look at each other and your body language. He also doesn’t miss the way that the panic in your scent is now nonexistent.
“Of course, Sugar. I want everything with you, I love you.”
“I - I love you too, Eddie.” The tears that were threatening to escape before are now cascading down your cheeks. He uses his thumbs to wipe them away, placing a gentle kiss on your nose.
“Dale.” Eddie turns towards your dad, putting his arm around your shoulders. “I love your daughter, and I know it’s not ideal, but she’s my mate, my fated mate, and the mother of my child. You can fire me, cast me out, do your absolute worst. But I won’t leave their side unless I’m dead and gone.”
“If you cast Eddie out, I’m going with him.” You nuzzle into your alphas side, putting your hand on his chest.
“Hold on now, nobody’s casting anybody out, or firing anybody. I’m sorry for ya know, kinda choking you out there, Ed. This was just… a shock.”
“I know dad.” You step away from Eddie to rest a hand on your dads shoulder. “And I’m sorry we didn’t tell you right away, but that was on me, not Eddie. I told him I wanted to wait to tell you, and it’s not like we planned this. We didn’t even realize you knew each other until that day I came into the shop.”
“He still should’ve told me, or you should’ve. I know I’m protective of you but if you told me all of this, yeah I would’ve been mad, but I would’ve heard you out. It’s not so bad, now that I think about it. You guys make a lot of sense actually.” Your dads hand comes to rest on top of yours on his shoulder. “I always wanted you to find a good man, and I know Eddie is a good man. I know he will take care of you. Plus, I’ve never seen him like this, I’m uh - I’m happy for you guys.”
“And notttt to call you out or anything dad, but Tami is like 12 years younger than you and you met her when she was in her 20s, just saying.” You roll your eyes and playfully squeeze his shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah, alright. I get it, I reacted poorly. So… I’m gonna be a pop pop?” Your dads now tear brimmed eyes search yours.
“Yeah dad, you’re gonna be a pop pop.” Tears flow from your eyes and he pulls you into one of his signature bear hugs. You sob into his chest, finally feeling whole again. You really missed him. “I hated lying to you, I’m sorry.”
“Hey honey, what’s done is done, we’re okay now, alright?” He rubs your back lovingly, pushing you back so he can look at your face. “I’m happy for you. Come here, Ed, get your dumb ass over here.”
Eddie chuckles, wiping a tear from underneath his eye, your dad pulls him into a hug, that he happily returns.
“You gonna take good care of my girl?” Your dad pulls back, one hand gripping Eddie’s shoulder, the other pointed at his chest. A joking glare set on his features.
“Yeah Dale, I’m gonna do everything I can for the rest of my life to make sure that woman, and our child are safe and happy.” That only makes you cry more, which has Eddie rushing to your side to take him into his arms.
“Okay, I came here to talk to you about some work shit but that can wait, I’ll leave you two to talk and celebrate amongst yourselves.” Your dad walks over to you, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’m proud of you, pumpkin, in everything you do. Don’t be a stranger, alright?”
“Yeah dad, of course not, never. You’re going to be the best pop pop, you know that?”
“Alright, alright, stop making me cry. I love you.” He ruffles your hair, turning to Eddie. “Have a good night, Ed. I’ll see ya at work tomorrow, congratulations.”
“Thanks, man. I’ll see you tomorrow.” As soon as your dad shuts the door behind him Eddie is taking you in his arms, spinning you around.
“Whoa, Eddie, motion sickness.” You giggle and he sets you gently back down on your feet.
“We’re really having a baby?” His chocolate eyes shine as his hands come to rest on your abdomen, staring at it adoringly.
“Yeah, we’re really having a baby.” The tears that you can’t seem to get to stop stream down your cheeks and you rest your hands on top of his.
“There’s no one in the world I’d rather start a family with, I love you, sugar.” Eddie rests his forehead against yours, nuzzling your noses together.
“Me either, I love you so much, baby.” One of Eddie’s hands laces through your hair while the other cups your neck, his thumb caressing the mark he left there all those weeks ago. He connects his lips with yours and everything in the world just feels right.
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Taglist: @eddiesxangel @corkadymu @ali-r3n @nailbatanddungeon @emxxblog @reysorigins @rogerfxckingtaylor @hellv1ra @munson-mjstan @harrydesires @tlclick73 @your-nightmaredoll @gnrquinn @hellfire--cult @meadowdovewood @katethetank @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @ghostducky @nega-omega @ericasdumbworld @peaches-roses-sins (if you asked to be tagged and you arent it wouldn’t let me tag you for some reason)🖤
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fangirl-dot-com · 5 months
Across Every Universe
Well, this got away from me and then BAM - over 9k words. Uh, I will also be willing to pay for therapy if needed, oopsies. Anyway, please enjoy! I cried multiple times while writing this. All of my favorite things in life are rolled into this one fic.
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! love you all <3
TAG LIST IS OPEN! - 14 SPOTS LEFT (please send me a direct message to be added)
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Earth 199999 
“Mr. Verstappen?” 
Max look up from the suit that he was currently working on. His eyes were blocked by his newest technological glasses that kept information in his fingertips. 
He wanted to roll his eyes. This new assistant really didn’t get the memo of Do Not Disturb. Man, did he wish Kelly were still here. Yet, there was that unspoken rule of not dating your boss, so Max was happier with her being his girlfriend rather than assistant. 
“Yes?” he muttered back, looking back down at the prototype reactor that should be 15% more powerful than the one he has now. 
“Mr. Leclerc is here to see you.” 
Max sighed as he threw the screwdriver down. “I told Charles that I was to not be disturbed.” 
The assistant shrank back but continued on, much to his annoyance. “He said it was urgent. Something about Case 89?” 
That got Max’s attention right away. He abruptly stood up, knocking down a few things on his desk as he rushed past his assistant. 
“Cancel the rest of my meetings today.” 
“But sir, you have a call with the president and a public appearance…” 
Max twirled around. “I said, cancel everything.” 
A large gulp sounded as he stared down at the incompetent helper. Maybe he could convince Kelly to come back. 
“Yes sir.”
With that, Max stalked down the hallway to the elevator. Once inside, he pressed the button for the top floor. He checked his watch, making sure the technology was there. Specifically, the watch could change into a powered glove if he needed it. And he sure hoped he wouldn’t. The elevator sounded when he finally reached the floor. 
He was barely out of the small box when three pairs of eyes were on him. 
“Took you long enough,” a Monegasque accent sounded. 
With a roll of his eyes, Max rebutted, “My assistant doesn’t get the meaning of my orders.” 
A squawk of a laugh came from the corner. 
“You think that’s funny Lando?” Max quipped as he turned to his right. 
A curly hair Brit sat on a table, feet put together like he was stretching his inner thighs. 
“Everything is funny Max when you don’t have a stick up your ass,” Lando responded as he slid off the table. 
“This is not the time for laughs and games gentlemen,” another British accent sounded. 
Charles finally spoke again. “I apologize Director Horner.” He shot a stare at Lando. “It won’t happen again.” 
While this was happening, Max had taken a step to his computer. His fingers danced over the keyboard and brought up surveillance footage from downstairs. His eyes flickered up to look at his two “companions” and, well, his boss per say. 
The Monegasque was in his “get up” as Max called it. The multiple layers of ancient looking clothes disguised his figure. His red cape floated behind him and a green jewel seemed to glow behind its eye-like holder around his neck. 
Lando was dressed a skin tight red and blue suit. A web-like pattern covered its entirety and a spider lay resting on his chest. The face piece was tossed on the couch behind the table where he previously sat. His fingers twitched and flexed with lack of motion. 
Director Horner was draped in his regular black trench coat. Black shoes, black shirt, and black pants accompanied the fashion piece. His hair was kept and gelled. The most distinct item was a black eye-patch that covered his right eye. No one knew how he got it, but the three claw marks that started at his eyebrow gave Max a few hints. There was that old encrypted file that mentioned something about a flerken.
“So what are we working with?” Max questioned as the correct surveillance footage came up. On the screen was a clear box, with what looked like a person sitting in the farthest corner. Long hair covered their face as it was tucked into their knees. 
Charles did a motion with his arms. Golden strands danced around and flickered before they disappeared. Horner sighed and rubbed his brows as Charles let out a nervous chuckle. 
Lando rolled his eyes before clicking something on his wrist. A pull up hologram flashed from his specialized watch. 
There was a picture of a young girl and a list of lettering to the left of it. 
Max crossed his arms, eyes hard and cold. Charles let out a little gasp as he quickly gazed the list. 
Horner kept quiet. 
Lando began to read off of the floating screen. “Her name is Y/n L/n. Twenty-two years old. An orphan. Lived in Brooklyn all her life.” 
Max waved his hand in frustration. “We know this. I want to know why she flagged our radars and is currently in the most powerful containment cell we own.” 
If he had a desk with papers all over in front of him, the papers would be on the floor in one clean swipe. 
Lando sucked in a breath. “She killed 12 people in a freak accident.” 
A video started to play. 
The girl was surrounded by mass destruction. Smoke and fire filled the air. Bodies littered the floor. Yet, Max’s attention was on the black tendrils coming out of her back. They were a fluid type, moving around through the air like a fish in water. The girl seemed distressed as her hands were trying to stop the things coming out of her back. 
The tendrils suddenly stopped and disappeared back from where they came from her back. The girl stopped, looked around, and looked right at the security cameras. A moment later, one large black tendril flew from her hand and cut the video. 
Lando sighed when he put the hologram down. “She was found two days later, unconscious. The tendrils came out when the police found her. They seemed like they were trying to protect her. That’s when they called in Charles and I.” 
“They were difficult to deal with, but seemed responsive to another protection spell that I was able to use to transport her,” Charles concluded. 
Director Horner questioned, “Why was Norris called as well?” 
Lando decided to answer for himself, “Well it is my jurisdiction and I’ve dealt with something like this before. Remember Eddie Brock. This symbiote seems to be of familiar decent.” 
While the three others kept talk, Max continued to watch the scared girl. At this point a tendril had appeared and was almost trying to comfort you. 
“I’m going to go talk to her.” 
That shut the three up. 
Charles looked at him with a weird gaze. “You don’t know what she can do.” 
Max pointed at the screen. 
“She’s a little girl who is probably scared to death of who we are and what we might do to her. She’s probably thinking that she’s going to die in the next few days.” 
“I’ll go with. I’ve seen this before. I lost my friend because of this thing. I won’t let it take another life,” Lando confessed. A hard look on his face. 
“Then it’s settled. Lando lets go.” Max turned to leave, Lando hot on his tail. Charles and Director Horner stayed behind and continued to look at the file. 
The elevator took Max and Lando down to the locked floor. Max clicked a few buttons on his watch and used his fingers to wrap the glove around it. The whir of the machine sounded as it warmed up. 
“I will give a signal if I think the subject will engage. I need you up in the sky.” Max stepped out of the metal box. 
Lando nodded. “On it.” 
When the two got to the door, Max swiped a card. The door opened and Lando started to climb the walls. Once at a significant height, Lando stopped and hung on with one foot and one hand. His other hand was ready to shoot a web to swing in. 
Max slowly walked over. 
In the time that Max and Lando had taken to get down there, the tendril had disappeared. But to Max’s surprise, the girl was looking right at him. Without any fear, Max opened the door, stepped over, closed it, and sat down on the opposite side of her. 
“What are you going to do to me?” she whispered, visibly shaking. 
Max was taken back. 
“Excuse me?” 
You looked him dead in the eyes. 
“When do you plan to kill me?” 
Max looked with sad eyes. What had you gone through for that to be the first question to run through your mind? He shook his head. 
“I’m not going to kill you. No one is going to kill you. We have an offer for you actually.” 
It was now time for you to look confused. 
“There was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more.” 
You inhaled. “To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight battles that we could never.” 
Max smirked. 
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’ve heard the speech on the news.” 
“What’s your name?” 
“Y/n. Y/n L/n.” 
“Welcome to the team kid.” 
From a small window above, the sunset cast a small sliver of orange light into the room. It illuminated the small space between you and Max, almost acting as a bridge from the past to the new present. 
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Earth 2113 
A grunt left Max’s lips as he threw another knife at the tree. He had been in this cove for a few hours. The stream provided him with much needed fresh water. He was able to take a mock shower, but it only reminded him of the sweet lake that he had back home. 
It felt like a foreign concept. 
Weeks had passed since he had last been there. It was supposed to be his last year until he aged out. But really, the odds were never in his favor. 
His name was in there 68 times. 
Year before, his name had been in there even more times. Not once was his name chosen. But, this year it had been. 
How he wished to return back to his own trees, and use an ax instead of the knife he was currently twirling. 
A snap of a branch had him shoot up, knife raised ready to throw. His eyes darted around his utopia that might soon become bathed in blood. 
As he turned to his right, his eyes met big round ones. 
Your small frame was frozen in fear. The rushing sound of water had mocked you long enough. You were so thirsty. 
Max watched as you glanced at the river and then back to him. His tense shoulders relaxed once he realized what you were here for. 
He slowly brought the knife down, as to not scare you. 
“It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” 
You did not seem convinced, but you seemed less scared. 
“Go on.” 
That seemed to do the trick as you darted over and started to fill a water bottle first. 
Smart, Max thought. 
He had seen you a couple times during training. The twelve year old from District 11. Small, witty, scared. Your eyes always seemed to be filled with tears during training. However, you seemed determined for someone who probably knew that they wouldn’t win the games. 
“Thank you,” you whispered after you had gotten your fill of the water. In your outstretched hand was an apple. “Got it from the big pile.” 
Max stared at it. His stomach said yes, but his head said no. The rational side said it probably wasn’t poisoned, but the back of his mind tried to convince him that it was. 
“I have another one. I can eat it first?” 
Max nodded at the offer and you took a bite. He waited for a few minutes, waiting for you to keel over. Except it never happened. You ate the entire apple happily. Max liked to wonder if you might have enjoyed an apple in school before all this. Maybe your hair would be put in two pigtails, done by your mother with a kiss on the forehead. 
He finally took the apple and his stomach and brain were both happy. 
This seemed to be their little thing that happened in the next few days. 
Max would wait by the river just before the sun started to set. And you would somehow show up with two shiny apples. 
He thinks at this point they might be from sponsors. He had one main sponsor, a man named Christian, who kept supplying him with different small knives and a few things here and there. The two of you would fill your water bottles and eat the apples. 
He had gotten you to giggle a couple of times, which lifted his spirits. You taught him which plants were edible, and he taught you how to properly throw a knife. He had given you one of his for safe keeping. But he really hoped that you’d use it if you the time came. Blood on your hands would kill his soul. Yet, he’d rather keep you alive then have you die. 
One night, you had fallen asleep on his chest while the two of you watched the late night slide show of who died that day. 
Apparently, there were four left including you and him. Your small puffs of air hit his face as he finally closed his eyes. He thought it was funny how you fit perfectly in his arms. His mind wandered to his girl back home in District 8. He wondered if he’d ever have a kid like you that would fit between him and her. 
The sound of a boom woke Max up. His arms curled protectively around air. When he noticed, he shot up. Taking no time, he grabbed his bag and knife that was attached to a long stick.  
“Kid?” he yelled out, voice straining. 
“Kid?” Another shout as he ran. 
“Kid?” Shouting, Max jumped over tree stumps and through brush. 
He stopped. 
A whisper.
You stood with your back to him. His eyes glanced to what lie in front of you. 
A body was faced down. Max sighed in relief. That cannon was not for you. 
“Kid, don’t ever do that…again.” 
You had finally turned around at the familiar and safe voice. 
Max’s heart plummeted at the sight of tears in your eyes, red patch that was slowly growing on your t-shirt, and bloody hands. His backpack and stick dropped to the ground. 
A ring vibrated through his ears as he rushed to catch you before you fell to the ground. 
“Kid?” Max asked as you looked up at him. Your small hand reached up and touched his face, leaving a bloody trail on his cheek. 
“I did it just like you showed me Maxie. Now you can win.” 
Max smiled, with tears streaming down his face. The some that fell on you were wiped with his trembling fingers. 
“Of course you did.” 
Your big eyes stared up at him. “Are you proud of me?” 
Such a big question for such a small girl. 
“Always,” he whispered back. 
“Can you tell me that story? About the big lion and little lion? One more time?” 
He let out a wobbly breath. 
“Once upon a time, there was a big lion that lived in a forest. He had about 19 other lions, but he was really a loner. The other lions weren’t good friends with the big lion. He felt like he was miles away and no one could touch him.” 
He noticed your eyes start to slowly glaze over and he tried to keep going. 
“The lion was very lonely and sad, but one day, the world decided to give him a friend: a little lion.” 
The cannon boom stopped his story in its tracks. His arms curled around you as he wailed. He wailed and wailed, not caring who could see him. 
After a few moments, he gulped down his cries. 
“And the lion was finally happy with the cub. He didn’t need any other friends. As long as he had the little one, he’d be ok. And the big lion and little lion left toward the sunset and were friends forever.” 
He leaned down to give your little head a farewell kiss. 
A few hours later, Max was declared the victor of the 89th Annual Hunger Games. As the helicopter that carried him flew toward the sunset, Max let tears drip down his face freely. He knew his little lion was finally safe. 
Always walking toward the sunset, waiting for the big lion to join. 
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Earth 2230
“Ah Master Charles, glad you could make it,” Lando said snarkily as he sat in his seat. 
“Sorry, my padawan had many questions and kept me in the library for too long,” the man confessed as he took his seat next to Lando’s. 
“Oscar is the same way. What is with these trainees wanting to spend hours and hours in the library?” Lando’s head was leaned back in mock annoyance. 
Master Carlos, who sat across from the curly-haired man smirked. “You were like that once when you were my padawan Lando.” 
A scoff escaped Lando’s lips. He turned back to Charles. 
“How is Arthur handling everything?” 
Charles smirked. “He cried when we had to cut his hair.” 
“Well, he will get used to it,” a new voice piped up. The man had curly hair, like Lando’s, but a big gummy smile was plastered on his face. 
“Daniel, you don’t understand. He was inconsolable.” Charles’s hands raised in frustration. 
“Does anyone know why we were summoned? And where is Max and Master Horner?” 
The doors slid open and two figures walked in.
“We’re sorry for out tardiness Master Alonso. We had some trouble in the elevators.” Christian sent Max a knowing look that was returned with an eye roll. Max huffed as he sat down in his chair next to Charles. 
Once seated, Christian began to talk. 
“Well, I guess you’re wondering why we were all summoned here today.” 
A snort came from Lando, who quickly shut up after he received a glare from Carlos. He sank back into his chair. 
Christian continued. “Master Vettel and Master Räikkönen think they’ve found the chosen.”
Murmurs began to spread around the room. Annoyed with the added noise, Max was the one who spoke up. 
The room quieted. 
Daniel was the one to lean forward. “How do they think they’ve found the chosen? It’s just a prophecy that has been collecting dust for centuries.”  
Christian rubbed his face. “All they said was that they felt a disturbance in the force when they visited Naboo for their diplomatic mission. They went to investigate and the force grew stronger the closer they got to the capital center.” 
A hologram erupted from the middle. It was a map of the center with an undergrown view as well. A red beacon signaled from deep down. Max’s finger pointed at it. 
“Underneath they found an illegal human trafficking ring that dealt with children with force sensitivity. When they got there, most of leaders had been knocked unconscious. In the middle was a girl. They said the force just pulsated off her being.” 
Christian picked up from there. “They’re bringing her in in just a few moments. She’s been debriefed about everything and is willing to join the cause.” 
Lando looked intrigued. “Who’s going to be her master.” 
Max leaned back in his chair. “I am.” 
A scoff echoed, but it wasn’t from Lando this time. It was from Master Hamilton. Max tilted his head and cast his gaze on the older Master. 
“Have something to say Lewis?” 
Lewis rolled his eyes. “Shouldn’t someone more,” he paused, “advanced in their Master roll be given the chosen as their padawan?” 
Charles spoke up. “Like you?” 
“Yes,” came the answer from the man. 
Carlos spoke, “But you just brought on your own padawan. I don’t think poor George would be too keen on losing a Master so close to his choosing.” 
“But you shouldn’t give the chosen over to another child.” 
Max stood up in anger. “I’ve been through the trials. I am as much of a Master as you are.” 
“Enough,” a new voice roared as the doors to the room opened. 
They all stood up and sightly bowed their heads. 
“Master Vettel. Master Räikkönen.” 
Behind the two stood a teenage girl. Robes already adorned her body. Her hair was tied in traditional high braids, and a smaller, thinner one draped over her shoulder, showing her status.  
Kimi took his seat in one of the center chairs, but Sebastian stood in the middle with the girl. 
“As you all have probably been briefed by Master Horner, this is Y/n.” 
You took a step forward and kneeled before the council. Sebastian took a step around you and sat in his seat. 
“You may rise.” 
You did as you were told and took a minute to briefly glance at the council of masters. Each one of them winced at the force energy that seemed to just radiate off of you. Well, all of them except one. Your eyes met his electric blue ones. He sent you a comforting smile, which you didn’t have time to send one back before Sebastian spoke. 
“State your name for the council.” 
You inhaled shakily. “My name is Y/n L/n, from Coruscant.” 
Charles leaned towards you, elbows on his knees. “But you were brought here from Naboo.” 
You winced at the mention of the name. The masters could feel your distress and Max wanted nothing more than to elbow Charles for that insensitive question. 
“I was taken, Master, from my home planet and enslaved for the past three years.” 
Charles grimaced at your answer and leaned back, staying silent for the rest of the meeting. 
Kimi sent you a small smile before he cleared his throat. “We have brought you here to begin your padawan training.” 
That must have comforted you since the force wasn’t buzzing as much around you. The masters were now at ease. 
Max wanted to talk, since he was going to be your new master, but he was interrupted by what he thought was a grating voice. 
“So, are you the chosen one?” Lewis questioned, eyes slitted as he looked at you. 
Your ease was now slowly vanishing as you were under the scrutiny of the master. Your gulp was heard through the room. Lando felt bad as he once had been under the same gaze when he was a Padawan. He tried to send you comforting signals through the force. 
“I don’t know for sure if I’m the chosen. I’m just thankful to be alive at this point Master. And I don’t enjoy being picked apart before I even know what I am to begin with.” Your voice had risen in annoyance. “Sir.” 
Max smirked. He didn’t need to look around, he knew the others were also smirking or trying not to laugh. 
Sebastian spoke next. “Y/n, we would like you to pick your master.” 
Max wanted to jump and shout that you were already supposed to be his padawan, but Christian’s hand on his shoulder stopped him. 
Your tired eyes looked around the room. 
The master with the thick dark hair and tanned skin looked promising, but you could feel that he already had a want for another padawan. He gave off the same energy as the boy with similar hair that you had passed on your way here. His friends called him Rafael. 
Across from him, curly hair caught your attention. But you also felt that he already had what he was looking for. 
Same as the man with the short goatee and green eyes. You felt a familial energy reach out to someone, probably a brother close by. You wouldn’t want to separate them. 
The other curly-haired man showed you a smile that rivaled the sun. Once again, his force energy was already attached, but it seemed he had two. Not rare, but it was weird to feel the force branch like that. 
You had already asked Master Vettel and Räikkönen if you could be there padawan, but they had declined. 
The dark man in the corner was giving you mixed signals that gave you a headache. His energy was split. The one that was attached was waning at you looked at him, almost as if he was trying to break it. At that moment you decided not to choose him. Because if he wasn’t 100 percent sure with his chosen, how could he be sure with you. 
Your gaze finally landed on the blue eyed man that had sent you a smile. His force energy felt like it was vibrating at the same frequency as yours. Which helped it melt into a smooth rhythm. 
When it had stilled, you heart, mind, and force had chosen. 
Max felt it the moment your signature became still for the first time since you stepped foot into the room. 
The other masters, except one, smiled at you. They all stood and left one by one until it was just you and your chosen in the room. 
He stood up and walked toward you. 
Your head bent in a quick bow. “Master.” 
“You can call me Max.” 
Your brows furrowed. “Is that allowed?” 
Max only smirked. “Who cares. I’m your master now. My rules are your rules.” 
You flashed him a smile. “Ok…Max.” 
A grin crept onto his face. “You ready to save the galaxy kid?” 
With a nod, you two shook hands. 
The sunset filled the room as your silhouette became black shapes. Nothing would be better than the orange and pink casts from your home planet as you started your new life as “The Chosen” or better as “Master Verstappen’s Kid.”  
Master and Padawan Pairings:  Max and Y/n Charles and Arthur Carlos and Rafael (FAD)  Lando and Oscar  Daniel and Liam with Yuki  Lewis and George  Not mentioned – Alex and Logan  Former Christian and Max  Former Toto and Lewis  Former Jules and Charles  Former Carlos and Lando
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Earth 934
Your eyes glanced around the big train as you tried to find an open seat. Your hands clutched your bag as you kept walking further and further toward the back. You sighed in relief as you finally noticed a room with no one in it. You softly opened the door and slid in. Both seats were empty. 
Taking a minute to breathe, you stared out at the vast country side that the train passed through. You almost fell asleep, but the sudden open and close of the car door made you jump. Your head turned toward the intruder. 
A boy, possibly older than you since he already had his robes, was leaning against the now closed door. He took a deep breath before his blue eyes landed on you. 
“Hi,” you said, not wanting the air to be filled with awkward silence. The boy did not reply, but he did go over and sat on the opposite bench of yours. Your folded your arms. He dared to interrupt your quiet and not respond. 
You opened your mouth to speak once again, but he beat you to it. 
“My name is Max. Sorry for interrupting whatever you had going on.” 
Your mouth closed at his confession. 
“What do they call you kid?” 
“I’m not a kid. I’m twelve years old.” 
Max rolled his eyes. “Which makes you a kid. You’re two years younger than I am.” 
“That makes you fourteen. And by technicalities, you would be a kid as well.” You huffed, not enjoying the teasing from the older boy. 
Max pouted. “Just tell me your name.” 
It was your turn to roll your eyes. 
“It’s L/n. Y/n L/n.” A smirk crept on your face and Max’s mouth dropped open. He leaned forward, almost as if to tell you a secret. 
He whispered. “Do you have, the, you know?” 
Your small hand came up and brushed your little bangs away. There, on your forehead was a lightning bolt shaped scar. It wasn’t like a cartoon shape as it had little bolts that stretched out across and down, but stopping at your eyebrow. 
“Wow,” Max managed to breathe out. “What house do you reckon you’ll get?” 
You shrugged. “Well, my parents died and I was adopted by a muggle couple and they were awful. So I really don’t know what the houses actually stand for.” 
Max looked angry for a moment. “Well, that’s bloody terrible for you have to gone through that. I hope that you’ll get into my house.” He pulled on his green and silver tie. “One of my friends, his name is Lando, is also in Slytherin. But then you have my best friend Daniel in Hufflepuff, Charles is in Gryffindor with his brother Arthur. You’d have to watch out for Lewis though in Ravenclaw, he’s a bit extreme.” 
You took a moment to absorb all of his words. 
“I think I’d like to stay with you or one of your friends.” 
The 14-year-old was elated at the statement. “We’ll see what happens.” 
Your mind often went back to that conversation years ago. It was maybe the last time you ever felt safe anywhere. Hogwarts was supposed to be your home, yet here it lay destroyed. 
That fateful night you had not been chosen to be a part of the Slytherin house, but thankfully you were placed in Gryffindor with Arthur and Charles. They took care of you like a family should have. Max also stayed super close to the three of you. Whether it was going to Honey dukes, playing quidditch, or even making potions in Headmaster Horner’s class, the four of you were together. 
Your wand twirled in your hand as you sat on some broken steps. The once beautiful ceiling had giant holes in it that made way for the night sky. Tears streamed down your face as you pondered your next step. 
It had gone downhill so quickly. 
Lewis, as it turns out, had given your location away to Toto, who had wanted you dead since you were just a baby. He was the one to kill your parents and “bless” you with the mark on your head. The betrayal had sent shivers down everyone’s spine. 
Many people had been killed because of you. 
Charles and Arthur’s brother Jules had been hit by a stray spell. Their screams and wails were now permanently engraved in your brain. 
Max’s girlfriend Kelly, a nice Hufflepuff, had been attacked by a rogue werewolf. She was still alive, but barely. 
Your two Ravenclaw friends, Alex and Logan, were found under some rubble, hands clenched together as to share pain before death. You remembered how Oscar, another Ravenclaw who hung out with you and Lando, sobbed into the latter’s shoulder for hours after he found his blond best friend. 
Your friends had died to protect you and you had done nothing. 
At this thought, your mind was made up. 
Toto wanted one thing, and one thing only: for you to die. For the umpteenth time your mind wandered to his ultimatum that he had given you earlier that evening.
“Y/n L/n. I know that you know that you are trapped now with nowhere to go. Come to the forbidden forest tonight and I will cease all fighting on my end. The rest of your  friends won’t have to die due to your insubordination and fear. When you come, be prepared to die.” 
His snake-like voice had been broadcast through the minds of everyone. Before he had even finished, you took your leave, not wanting to watch as another family wept over a dead brother or sister. 
With shaky legs, you stood up and brushed your skirt. Your face showed your determination as you began to walk down the steps. But as your foot hit the actual floor, a body rammed into yours. 
“Kid!” A voice from farther away yelled, accompanied by quick footsteps. 
A quick glance at the hair that was attached to the body now in your arms let you know it was Arthur. Over the top of his head, you noticed Max and Charles running toward you. 
They were quick to also put their arms around you. 
Max maneuvered your face so that you were looking him in the eyes. 
“Kid, we have to go now before he decides to attack again. Arthur and Charles know a way out. Let’s go.” 
He thought that you had agreed as he turned around to leave. Charles followed him, and Arthur tugged on your hand, as if to lead you away. 
Yet, you stayed put and Arthur’s hand slipped from yours. 
“Y/n?” he asked, looking back with tears in his eyes. You gave him a crooked smile as the tears in your eyes finally spilled over. 
You tilted your head in the opposite direction. That’s when it hit the three men. You had already made up your mind. 
“No, no, no, no. You can’t,” Max choked out the last word. 
“I have to Max. I won’t let another one of our friends die because of me. I can’t risk Daniel leaving you or have Lando taken from Oscar right after Logan.” You looked at the two brothers. “I can’t let you two lose each other. I won’t let that happen to your mom.” 
Charles looked at your with sympathy swarming his green eyes. He slowly walked toward you and gave you a hug. While you were in his arms, his lips met your forehead. You knew that was going to be his goodbye. 
Arthur was next. He pleaded as he curled his arms around you. “Let me go with you. Let me walk with you. I swear I’ll leave before...before...” 
Your hand was slowly placed on his cheek as you shook your head. Another sob escaped his lips and a new tidal wave of tears left his and your eyes. “I can’t risk you. Please, stay with Charles.” 
Arthur begrudgingly nodded, but not before placing a light kiss on your lips. A small smile graced your face as you tried to kiss back through the tears. When the two of you parted, he looked down at you, a sad smile now replacing his frown. 
“Please try to come back to me.” With that, he turned around and left. Charles gave Max a knowing look before he took after his brother. 
It was just you and your oldest friend. 
Max came over and put his hands on your shoulders. He didn’t give you a hug, or a long speech, or a kiss on the forehead like he usually did when he had to leave you at the train station before every summer. He just looked at you before his eyes glanced at your wand. You thrust it in his hands. 
“Take care of them for me?” 
“Tell Lando that he can have whatever is in my house. I know he was looking at my Nimbus RB20 the other day.” 
“And Max?”
A hum answered as Max couldn’t find the strength to speak. 
“Watch the sunsets for me?” 
Finally, you rushed into a hug. Max’s arms couldn’t get any tighter around your form. With one last squeeze, you broke the hug and turned away, not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer. Your walk to the forest was quick, as you wanted this to be over as soon as possible. 
There, suddenly in front of you in all his ugly glory, was Toto. Lewis was to his side, looking rather ashen probably with fear. Even though he betrayed you, you tried to send a comforting smile his way. 
“Are you ready to die?” The snake-like voice hissed. 
There was a moment between the yell of “Avada-Kadavra” and when the spell hit you. There, you knew peace. Your body hit the forest floor with a thud.  
Arthur, who was still back at the castle suddenly inhaled sharply. Charles, scared for his younger brother’s sanity, knelt next to him. 
“What is it?” 
Max, Lando, Oscar, and Daniel all crowded around the younger boy. 
He could only whisper. 
“She’s gone.” 
There was no time for mourning as someone screamed out in the courtyard. The group of boys rushed out and what they saw made them stop in their tracks. Headmaster Horner, who had been taken a few days ago, now carried your limp body for all to see. 
“Y/n L/n is dead!” 
“No!” your friend Lily screamed, but was quickly held back by Oscar. 
“Silence. Foolish girl,” Toto hissed. 
Arthur turned and put his head on Charles’s shoulder and wept, not caring anymore. 
“She’s not dead.” Everyone’s heads turned to Max, who had his wand pointed at the dark wizard. “She’s alive,” he gulped, “in all of us. She wouldn’t want us to give up. She’d want us to continue, even when everything seems dark. And I won’t let her die in vain.” 
Toto cocked his head. “Well then, you’ll die along with her.” He pointed his wand at the blue eyed boy, except a large explosion knocked him down. Your rolled out of Christian’s arms and ran toward Max, all while shooting a spell at the downed wizard. 
The students and teachers all ran in different directions. The battle was back on. 
Instead of running away, Max ran to you. He met you halfway and held you at a distance. 
“You came back Kid.” 
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Earth 7521
“When will he get back?” 
Logan stopped his machete in the air. You and he had been out in the sun for a couple of hours, trying to carve poles for the new housing system. 
“He’ll get back before the sun goes down.” 
“But what if he doesn’t?” Your gaze was cast at the big wall with the giant gap in the middle. What went beyond was your guess as you hadn’t been there, and technically you weren’t allowed to go. You’d chosen to be a woodworker, not a runner. 
Logan sighed. He had sworn that he’d take care of the new greenie, but this isn’t exactly what he signed up for. 
“Max always gets back right at the gate closes. Has done every day since I got here. He comes in with Alex and they’ll go to the map room.” He really tried to ease your conscience. You had all but attached yourself to the boy since you got here. He couldn’t blame you since Max was really the first one that you saw. He was the same with Alex, as was Oscar with Lando and Max with Daniel. 
Your brows furrowed. “But Alex just got back and Max isn’t with him.” 
Logan dropped his machete and it thumped in the grass. His head jerked over to where you were looking. There, the Thai runner had just crossed the threshold of the giant gate, but the Dutch runner was nowhere to be found. 
“Stay here,” he demanded, but really didn’t expect you to obey. Anything that had to do with Max, you would find out one way or another. A large groan came from the giant wall, signaling that it was about to close. 
Logan hastened his pace and heard your footsteps try to keep up with him. As he got near, Lewis and Lando both crowded around Alex. The blond picked up on their conversation. 
“Where’s Max?” Lando questioned as his eyes kept flickering between the hunched over runner and the wall. 
Alex sucked in a breath. “We got separated. A griever was out in the open.” 
Multiple gasps came from others as a crowd had formed. 
Lewis’s eyes widened. “But grievers don’t come out in daylight.” 
Alex had a sullen look. “I know.” 
Lando cast another glance at the metal gate that let out another groan and a shake. This time, the doors were slowly closing. 
“So we’re just going to leave Max in there?” Lando gestured. 
Lewis looked down at the ground and nodded. A silence went over the group as they were now preparing to mourn the loss of one of their family. 
Logan’s heart sunk. You must have been devasted. He turned around to where you were supposedly. 
“I’m so s-…Y/n?” His head whipped around trying to find you. His heart sunk even further as his eyes finally found you, right in front of the closing doors. “Y/N!” 
Now you had everyone’s attention. 
“Greenie!” Lewis yelled. 
You simply turned your head and looked at the leader. “I got to go save Max.” It was as if you were explaining a simple toy to a toddler, like it was a matter of fact. 
“Max is gone Kid. We can’t lose you too,” Lando tried to negotiate and distract you as the doors got closer and closer together. 
The doors were so close to closing and Lando thought he was successful. Well, until you bolted and squeezed through the slit. Multiple boys called out for you but it was too late, the doors closed. Logan ran to the metal wall and hit his fist on it multiple times. 
On the other side for you, it was silent. An eerie type and not comforting. You tried not to get distracted at the maze-like sequence of walls that stood before you.
Right. You needed to find Max, and fast. 
Not wanting to draw attention to yourself, you silently ran and didn’t call out Max’s name. It felt like hours before you finally found him. Your eyes watched as his tried to curl up more, to make himself smaller. 
“Maxie?” you whispered. 
His head shot up, eyes wide as you walked closer to him. 
“Kid? What the hell are you doing here?” he whisper yelled back. You took a seat next to him. 
“I couldn’t leave you out here alone.” 
Max let out a sigh. “Well, now we’ll both be dead by morning.” 
You looked down at his bloodied leg. “What happened?” 
“Alex and I were mapping like always when a griever jumped out. They’re not supposed to be out in the daylight, but they were. I ran right and Alex went left. I thought I got away but I tripped. I think my ankle is sprained or broken. Couldn’t make it back to camp.” 
You absorbed the information before you stood up and took a vine down from the wall. The middle was stiff like a branch and the smaller vines attached to the leaves were bendable. You quickly made work of Max’s ankle and tied the stiff vines to his leg. 
“This should give you enough support so we can get back.” 
Max looked at you with wide eyes. “You’re good at this. Why didn’t you become a medjack?” 
You giggled as you helped him to his feet. “I couldn’t stand the tension between Nico and Lewis anymore and Logan seemed inviting enough.” 
That got a little laugh out of Max. 
The two of you made your way to the gate where you camped out all night. 
“Thank you kid. I’d be dead without you,” Max mentioned when the doors opened the next morning. 
“I know. Look Max, the sunrise!”
“Thanks kid. You know they’re my favorite.”  
Two years later
Those days in the Glade were much better than what you’d been through in the past two years. From running through the desert and being chased by zombie people to now sneaking into the giant headquarters to find some type of cure. 
Your eyes were now on Max as his head swayed back and forth. He didn’t look good as his face was drenched with sweat. 
It had been about a week since he told you that he had been infected. You had cried and cried, promising to find a cure. But that promise seemed to be so far away as you were nowhere closer to finding it.
“Hold on Maxie,” you whispered as you tried to keep him upright. His head was now perched on your shoulder as you continuously looked up in the sky, looking for the rescue helicopter. Charles had disappeared once someone told him that his blood was the cure. He had promised to be back quickly, and that was an hour ago. 
Max didn’t have much time left. 
A thumping in the air caught your attention as you gently placed him back against a wall. Black goup now started to run out of his mouth. You gently wiped it away before placing a kiss on his forehead. 
“Here they come Maxie. Just a few minutes more.” You stood up and turned to try to wave the helicopter in your direction. Your smile grew as it now began to get closer and closer. 
“Max we’re going to be…ok.” As you now faced Max, confusion and fear glossed over your figure as he now stood a few feet away from you. His body twitched as his head swayed back and forth. 
Your voice seemed to snap Max out of whatever trance he was in as he sudden rushed toward you and knocked you down. You thought this was it as Max’s hands harshly roamed and grabbed at your body. His hands stopped as he found your gun. 
He was quick to cock it and bring it to his head. Your hands were quicker and you knocked it out of his hands and it slid across the floor. Max growled down at you and jumped to go get it, but your hands yanked him back. You grabbed the gun and pointed it at your friend. 
Your heart broke as you looked at his sickly nature. His eyes cleared to that pretty blue that once always covered his eyes with kindness swarming in the storm. But now, he looked at you with a pleading nature. 
“Please, Kid. Please,” he begged, but you couldn’t pull the trigger. 
The clearness was quickly wiped away as you finally lost your friend. He managed to get up and sling the gun out of your head. Somehow, he had gotten a knife from his pack on his body and he came swinging. The two of you fought for a moment, before Max suddenly went still. 
Why did he stop?
Max stumbled back and you finally saw. 
Your lips quivered as you tried to slow his fall to the ground. You gently laid his head on a rock. He wheezed as he looked up at you. The helicopter wind picked up and your hair started to dance around your face. 
Max closed his eyes and his chest rose, fell, and froze. 
Your scream was silenced by multiple yells and the deafening sound of the chopper that had finally come. Hands grabbed your arms and ripped you away from your friend. You tried to fight and claw your way back, but the team was too strong.
They sat you down in a seat and allowed you to just cry. 
Your eyes caught glimpses of orange and yellow out the open door of the flying machine. 
Max would have loved the sunrise.  
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Earth 1217 
“Y/n!” The yell of your team principal caught you attention. 
“Yeah?” You set down your race notebook and walked down the office hall. Yes, you hated office days, but at Red Bull you wanted to go over everything that involved you. Call it a bit of a prima-donna attitude, but you weren’t a five time champion or Red Bull’s golden girl for nothing.
“I wanted to take you out to the track. The new recruit is doing his testing laps for next season,” the older Brit mentioned as you joined him in walking down the hallway. 
You turned your head. “I though Daniel was up for Checo’s seat?” 
Christian sighed and looked down as the two of you walked passed the trophy shelves. Most of them were from you. 
“Daniel said he didn’t feel comfortable enough to handle our car. Maybe in a few years after he gets back in the groove in the Alpha Tauri, but not now.” 
You snorted. “Guessing Charles is as comfortable as ever being the Prince of Mercedes?” 
“Ah yes, your childhood friend-slash-rival did ask me to send his kind regards and told you to watch out for any puddles.” Your eyes rolled at the last statement. 
“All right, talk to me. Who else did we ask before you texted me that only said ‘I found him’.” 
Christian sighed as he backed his car out. The two of you had gotten to the parking lot in no time and were now headed to the track. 
“Well, Lando just renewed his contract with Ferrari, same as Oscar. Lewis, well, he never responded and McLaren never got back to us. Most of them aren’t really looking to be second to you.” 
“They’re just mad they’ve been dominated by a woman for five years straight and will be for another three. Maybe after that, someone can be number one.” 
The car jerked as he parked it. You stepped out, tennis shoe hitting the ground. They really went well with what you normally wore: skinny jeans, a Red Bull Polo, and your number 1 hat. 
The roar of the RB18 caught your attention as your eyes watched it zoom by. A bright yellow helmet caught your attention, but it went around the corner too quickly for you to watch. 
Once at the mock garage, you met up with Mitch and junior race engineer GP. Apparently the new recruit had wanted to keep his engineer with him through everything. Which you understood as you brought Mitch over with you after your McLaren days. 
“So is this Sargeant? His second place in the championship looked promising, but he was a bit slow,” you mentioned as your sunglasses covered eyes looked around. An angry looking man stood in the corner, bit headphones on his ears. 
"No. It's not Sargeant. His name is Max Verstappen. He jumped from F3."
Your eyes narrowed at the big angry man who seemed like he wanted to take a fork to a mechanic. You leaned over to Christian. “My abusive-parent radar is going off. I want him out of the garage.” 
Christian once again sighed. “I can’t throw our new driver’s father out of the garage on a hunch.” 
You took a sip of your Red Bull. “You did it with my parents.” 
“Y/n, they hit you in front of me. I had proof. Just wait a bit and we’ll watch him.” 
You huffed. “Fine, but he doesn’t come to any debriefs or meetings.” 
“Perfect.” He clapped his hands and your attention was now placed back at the newbie’s times. He was driving just a bit slower than you, but they were marginal tenths and hundredths behind. 
Mitch, being the senior engineer, clicked a button. “All right Verstappen, bring it back in.” 
“Got it. Thank you!” 
You hummed. “Polite kid.” 
Your RB18 pulled up and a scraggly kid jumped out of the car. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as his dad got off his ass and started to come over. Not wanting anything to happen, you made your way to the boy, cutting him off. 
He had just taken his helmet and balaclava off when you reached him. Christian came up and joined you. The boy finally noticed you and looked at you with a gaze of amazement. 
“Max right?” you questioned and held out a hand to the Dutch kid. 
He nodded, still trying to take in the sight of his role model right in front of him. That’s when he noticed that you were still waiting for him to take your hand. He yanked off a glove and shook your outstretched hand. 
“Max Verstappen.” 
“How old are you?” You took another sip of your Red Bull and offered Max one as well, who took it quickly. 
“I’m nineteen, but I’m turning 20 at the end of September.” 
You had a fond smile on your face. You knew what it was like to be thrust into this life at a young age. Hell, Christian took a chance on you when you were just seventeen. 
“Who’s your favorite driver?” Mitch questioned, standing behind you. You knew she was teasing the boy as his face got red really quick. 
He mumbled, “You.” 
You had a shit-eating grin on your face as you look down at the boy. You went to say something else, but he beat you to it. You had a feeling that he might do it more often, but you didn’t mind. 
“I, uh, just wanted to say that I’m perfectly fine with being number two driver. I know you’re on a mission to make it to 8 championships. And I’d like to help you do it.” 
Your heart may have melted at the confession. 
“Well, once I get my 8 championships, let me tell you what. We here at Red Bull like to be record breakers, so I’ll help you make it 9. Sound like a good deal?” 
Max’s face lit up at the semi-promise of not just one championship, but nine! 
“Sounds good.” A giggle left his lips.
The sun was setting as you were all called for a brief meeting so that Max could sign the contract. Orange and yellows blended in together and bathed the two of you in its glory. 
“Ok then, welcome to the team kid!” 
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Earth 1218 – Present Earth 
TikTok had become your addiction when you had spare minutes in your busy life. Videos passed by so quickly, you sometimes didn’t even register what it said. Thankfully though, you managed to not accidentally like anything that could harm your career before it barely got started. 
One trend seemed to be very popular at this time. Your fingers would swipe through the photos of various TV and movie characters. The pictures on each slide had the same captions. One being “Do you think we’re together in every universe?” and the other “I sure hope so.” 
You’d already asked Arthur and he just rolled his eyes. 
“Of course we would be. I think you’re stuck with me wherever you are,” he had told you. 
Yet, there was one driver who you really needed to ask. You had already seen versions of this made for multiple driver pairs. The ones of Charles and Max, Oscar and Logan, and Lando and Daniel always made you cry. You couldn’t help it. 
But, the ones of you and Max always made your heart happy. You knew that you weren’t the easiest to take care of and you came with baggage. However, Max never made you feel bad about it: he did the opposite. Many times, he made you forget all the bad things in your life by just being there. 
You sent him one of the generic ones from someone’s random account.
Little Racer 
https.www.tiktok./KID89.192&MAX0133/ Do you think we’re together in every universe? 
It took him a few minutes to respond since he was often busier than you were. The season was coming to an end, and his fourth championship was in his grasp. 
Big Racer 
I’m sure of it kid. Can’t get rid of me that easily. 
Little Racer 
And you still probably type like a grandpa in every one too! :P 
You laughed out loud when three middle finger emojis followed your text. Where you were sitting in the living room of your Monegasque apartment, the sunset caught your eye. You smiled as the rays nearly blinded you, but you were fine. The warmth spread across your cheeks as the rays kissed your face with softness. 
You didn’t know what other versions there were of you. You honestly didn’t care. Because as long as you had Max, you’d be just fine.
Across every earth, galaxy, and universe you’d find yourself dreaming of a life you didn’t live, but could only imagine how good everything would be in the end. 
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @aeh2 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @cassie0sstuff @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver
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sinnabee · 8 months
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Commission for @fizziepop! Rambling under the readmore!
The concept for this one was that Y/N has, some-way, somehow... perished. The boys have lost them. And so here they are - torn apart yet brought together, in rage and fear and grief.
But, if you wanna be silly with it - maybe it's just that they tripped and fell down and the boys are acting like its the END OF THE WORLD. Might work with gala again later and do a follow up on this with y/n in the family guy death pose haha! (might even do it on my own if it strikes me!)
This piece took me. MONTHS. And it was a challenge, and I VERY much struggled at times. But Gala has been WONDERFUL through the whole thing, and honestly I had a BLAST working on this piece. (Also Gala idk if I ever mentioned - you gave me WONDERFUL refs and had super vivid ideas, it was awesome.) I learned a lot of fun new techniques, and improved a LOT while working on this! Finished it up last night on stream, and I'm super proud of it! Gala, I hope you love it just as much as I do!!! <3
In particular I am the most fond of the bio-lights on Eclipse, and the shading on moon. Though I do like the patterns for the lights on sun, I think the glow on Eclipse looks just a taaaaad cooler. I ALSO got SUPER carried away with the clouds in the bg - it was meant to me "simple" oopsie. But! It was fun and dang??? I really like how they turned out! (thank you, gouache brush my beloved <3)
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realwitchieshit · 4 months
She's Workin' at The Pyramid
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Summary: Ava convinces Melissa to let her plan a group outing for Melissa's birthday. Ava, being Ava, takes the group to a gentleman's club. While there, Melissa spots a familiar face.
Warnings: sexual content (no smut....yet), stripper!reader, mom!reader, reader's daughter is implied black/ biracial, ava being a matchmaker in her own ava way, barely proofread oopsie, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
Word Count: 3.6k
Note: i was listening to frank ocean and this came to me. i don't know how strip clubs work so probs innacurate. if you guys want a second smutty part, let me know!! if this flops... i'll delete it and pretend this never happened. anywhooooo enjoy!
Melissa glanced up at the clock next to the doorframe, school was going to begin ten minutes and there was no sign of her student, Londyn. By this time in the morning, Melissa should be in the midst of hearing a play by play of what happened in the time that she stepped foot out of school to the moment she had walked back in from your daughter. If she had recalled correctly, it should be your week with Londyn and you had never dropped Londyn off past 7:45.
She could text you, just to make sure everything was okay. You had given Melissa your number at open house last year and told her to feel free to text you if she felt Londyn had been falling behind. Londyn never did, but the two of you would text occasionally. Your texts were usually about Londyn and funny or cute things she had said or done. She decided against it, though, telling herself there was no reason to worry.
Just as she decided to not text you, the sound of heels moving at a pace of a speed walk started getting close. The sound kept getting louder and louder until you came into view, with Londyn in tow. You had on a full face of makeup and your hair was done, it looked like you were going on a date. Your outfit had also caught her attention, a gray fur coat and a pair of six inch heels. She could also see the bottom of your skirt, red, sparkly, and a bit sheer. Her jaw tensed at the mere thought of you dressing like that for someone else.
"Good morning Ms. Schemmenti!" Londyn greeted excitedly, walking over to her cubby to hang up her cubby.
"Good morning, Londyn!" Melissa said back, matching the little girl's enthusiasm. She turned back to you. "You're all dressed up."
You chuckled, "It's... a work thing. Here's the permission slip for that field trip."
As you reached out to hand her the paper, your coat opened just the slightest bit and Melissa got a view of your hip. She could see the cut outs along your hip that ran up your waist as she took the paper. You covered back up and Melissa nodded slowly, "Thanks. Well, have a nice day."
"Thanks, you too. Be good, Londyn, I love you, baby." You waved at Londyn.
"Bye Mama! I love you more!"
"Impossible! Do you think that's possible, Ms. Schemmenti?" You asked, with an exaggerated dumbfounded look on your face. Melissa chuckled at you.
She played along, feigning deep thought. "Mmm, I dunno. How much do you love Londyn?"
"To the moon and back!" You declared proudly.
"Gee, that is a lot." She turned to Londyn. "How much do you love your mama, Londyn?"
"To Jupiter and back!" Londyn declared just as proudly, but a little louder. You gape, looking between her and Melissa before letting your arms flop down by your sides.
“Woah! To Jupiter?” Melissa asked, Londyn nodded confidently. “I think she’s got ya beat, Mom.”
You huffed before pointing at Londyn, “This isn’t over, little Miss.”
You broke out into a smile before blowing Londyn a kiss and waving at both her and Melissa goodbye. As the sound of clicking heels got quieter, Melissa smiled to herself at the interaction. Any time she would see you with Londyn, it seemed like she was the happiest kid in the world. You always did her hair, from various pineapple updos to braids with fun parts and colorful beads hanging from the bottom of them, and she was always dressed in cute, girly outfits that matched her upbeat personality.
Londyn ran up to Melissa, practically vibrating with excitement. "Ms. Schemmenti! Do you wanna hear about my day?"
"I sure do, but you'll have to be quick since Mama dropped you off later." Melissa removed her glasses and sat them on the desk, ready to hear the little girl's rambling.
Londyn giggled, "Yeah. I think Mama got dressed in the dark 'cus she's dressed funny."
"That she is, hon."
Then on, you would show up in your strange outfits more often. Melissa wanted to ask you about it, but she thought it may be a bit inappropriate. She'd hate to come off how Barb did when she practically harassed that mom with the "Bitch" tattoo on her chest, so she ignored it. Londyn was still the same happy-go-lucky girl she first met a year ago, so what was the issue?
A few weeks later, Melissa was walking back to her classroom from taking her class to the art room and when she got there, Ava was sitting in her chair.
"Ava? Whaddya doin' in here? Ashley left to get lunch." Melissa said, very unsure of why Ava would be in her classroom, she never did observations.
"Oh, yeah, I know. I sent her out to get it. I'm here for you." Ava clarified.
That confused her more. Ava never came to see anyone unless she had some kind of crazy idea. "Me? What for?"
"I know it's your birthday next Friday, so I want to plan you a party."
"Why would you plan a party for me, Ava? We never see each other outside of work."
Ava sighed, "Yes, and I want to change that. So, I'm planning you a party and I'm inviting everyone."
"Ava, I'm not letting you—"
"Too late, I already told Janine, Gregory, and Jacob." Ava interrupted with a bright smile.
"What about Barb?" Melissa asked.
"She's going on a weekend trip with her husband." Ava sensed Melissa's resistance before she added, "I'm trying to be nice, Melissa. Just let me do this, please."
Ava put on her best puppy-dog eyes and stuck out her bottom lip for emphasis. Melissa stared just back at her, continuing to participate in this standoff. It quickly became apparent that Ava wasn't going to back down, which made Melissa sigh.
"Fine, Ava. Where is it gonna be?" Melissa conceded.
Ava smiled brightly at her, "A club. I'll order you an Uber."
Ava stood up and left abruptly, leaving Melissa just as confused as she had when she walked in.
On the day of the party, Melissa had spent the entirety of the car ride wondering about Ava's motives. Why, after a couple years of working together, did she want to do something like this for Melissa now?
When Melissa arrived at the club, she could hear the music from inside the big building. She inspected the outside of the building, it was a brick building, a big neon yellow sign that said "The Pyramid" in cursive letters. She sighed to herself before walking in past the bouncer, regretting ever agreeing to do this. Her regret increased when she was inside the club.
The club was dark, but what Melissa could see shocked her. There was a large stage in the middle of the club, a long pole running all the way up to the ceiling. On the poll was a woman wearing only a lingerie set, dancing to a song she recognized as Megan Thee Stallion. In front of the stage were various tables and there were rooms along the walls next to the stage that had couches and a table, presumably for higher paying customers who wanted the best view. There were many girls walking about the club, some of them being pulled aside to go dance for a specific person.
Before she could storm out and text Ava angrily, Ava had appeared next to her and had begun dragging Melissa to the private section where everyone was sitting. Janine and Jacob looked like they were trying to convince themselves they were having a good time, while Gregory looked straight up uncomfortable. When Janine saw Melissa, she stood up and grabbed the gift bag that was sitting on the table.
"Happy birthday, Melissa! Jacob and I got this for you." She said, handing the bag to Melissa. She took the bag and opened it, moving the crepe paper around to get to the actual gift. She pulled it out and examined it. It was a Jalen Hurts jersey that had to have cost them a lot. Because of that fact, she refrained from telling them she already had one.
Instead, she smiled at the younger teachers and thanked them both, putting the jersey back into the bag and setting it back down on the table. She sat down next to Gregory and he turned to her.
"I didn't know what to get you, so you can ask for something and I can get it for you."
Melissa chuckled, waving dismissively, "Don't worry about it, kid."
Ava showed up again, her smile unwavering as she handed Melissa a beer. She took it and sipped on it while she talked with the group.
"You know, I actually think exotic dancers should get a lot more credit than they do. It takes a lot of core strength and the ability to entertain a crowd to be one." Jacob said out of nowhere, trying to be as politically correct as always.
Before anyone could respond or even acknowledge that he said anything, the DJ cuts the music and begins talking to the crowd.
"Alright, how're y'all doin' out there?" He asked. The crowd answered by cheering loudly. "Good, good. Well, next up in our lineup of lovely ladies is The Pyramid's princess. Please welcome to the stage, Cleopatra!"
The crowd erupted into even louder cheers, Ava being one of the loudest in Melissa's opinion.
"You know her?" Melissa asked.
Ava smirked and pointed her finger at Melissa, "I do. You might recognize her, too."
"What? What are you talking ab—" Melissa cut her sentence short as she saw you strut your way to the end of the stage. You were dressed in a black, sheer bodysuit that was littered with rhinestones that caught the light of the spotlights. You didn't have anything on under the bodysuit, save for two x-shaped pasties on each of your nipples. Your heels were black and sparkly as well as imposing in height, Melissa watched in awe as you navigated the stage with ease in them.
You began dancing sensually on the stage to a song she didn't recognize and she turned to Ava, fuming. She was about to chew her out until she stood abruptly, pulling an absurd amount of dollar bills from her purse.
"What are we doing, sitting over here? Let's go have some fun!" She announced, waiting for everyone to get up. The three teachers all tensed visibly at the mention of getting anywhere near the stage.
Ava rolled her eyes and grabbed Melissa's arm, "Whatever, c'mon birthday girl."
Melissa was once again dragged by Ava, but this time over to the edge of the stage. She gave Melissa about half of her stack of ones and began throwing the money onto the stage. Melissa also threw some, trying to keep up appearances. Truthfully, she was entranced.
At some point, you had ended up on the floor of the stage, shaking your ass in a way that made her practically drool. Ava held up a folded one towards the stage, you spotted her and crawled enticingly up to her. Melissa's jaw tensed, the intense eye contact you held with Ava made jealousy seep into her. She could only hope you didn't recognize Ava as you took the bill from her with your teeth, the encounter feeling very sexually charged. With the bill still in between your teeth, you glanced at Melissa before doing a double take. You dropped the bill in shock, but quickly snapped out of it, continuing your performance. Because she was so caught up in your performance, she failed to notice Ava disappearing like the ghost she apparently thought she was.
By the end of the song, Ava had returned and Melissa was none the wiser. She felt hot all over, the personality you showed on stage was completely different from the one she saw at school, and it excited her. You gathered your tips and made your way backstage, leaving Melissa feeling just a tiny bit disappointed.
You dropped all of your money onto your makeup station, pulling the money someone had stuffed underneath your bodysuit by your thigh and between your breasts. You counted it out, writing down on the slip of paper that you used to keep track of the tips you made. Once you did that, you put the cash into your purse and put your purse into your locker. You had pulled off your heels to start getting ready to leave, your shift ending soon, when your manager came into the dressing room.
"Hey, Cleo, can you do one last private dance before you leave? It was a special request for the customer's birthday." She asked, looking a little apologetic.
You sighed, "London's with my mom right now, I gotta get home so I can get her ready for bed."
You really didn't feel like being up close and personal with a customer at that moment, you were sweaty and you were sure you didn't smell the greatest.
"She's willing to pay extra. Come on, just one song and then you can go home."
The idea of extra money had made you change your mind in an instant. "Let me put some perfume on. What room?"
Your manager smiled gratefully, "Room 4."
With that, she left. You huffed and took off your bodysuit, it was pretty but it wasn't the best material for grinding up on someone for five minutes. You looked through the outfits you brought with you, trying to find the least intricate piece you had. You settled on a backless purple one piece that had fake pearls along the edges of the fabric. You put it on and looked at yourself in the floor length mirror, adjusting your breasts and putting body tape on them to avoid a slip during the private dance. After putting your heels back on, you gave yourself another examination in the mirror, this was one of the first outfits you bought to dance in yourself. The deep u-neckline stopped right above your navel, showing off just the right amount of skin that was expected of you.
You gave yourself a few sprays of your perfume and put on some deodorant. You checked your makeup in the mirror, and then went off to the private room. As you walked there, you wondered who would've requested you specifically. They paid extra so they must've had disposable income, so maybe you would get some extra money from them if you did a good job.
Melissa was sitting on the velvet couch in the room, unknowingly waiting for you. After your performance, Ava had brought Melissa to this room. She questioned her the entire way, only receiving a sly grin and being told to wait in the room. She accepted her fate and sat on the couch, scanning her surroundings. It was a small room, the floor and walls the same as the rest of the club and the LED lights were set to pink and slightly brighter than the lights on the dance floor. Next to the door was a dial and buttons for the lights and a bigger dial for the music.
She knew she would be receiving a lap dance and she had an inkling you would be the one to give it to her. She was at war with herself as to whether or not she thought that was a good thing, her mind going back to how confidently and fluidly you danced on stage. You weren't the first stripper Melissa had seen before, but seeing you on stage had ignited something within her. On the other hand, she had not noticed any indication that you felt the same way about her that she felt about you; you were always kind, but nothing more. She worried that this would be crossing a line with you.
Melissa's train of thought was interrupted by the door opening, and just like she had guessed, you came into the room. Melissa's gaze ran down the length of your body, lingering on your chest longer than it should have. While she ogled you, your eyes adjusted to the light in the room. You finally processed that it was Melissa in the room and you gasped.
"Melissa!?" You exclaimed. You opened the door and checked the room number, and sure enough, it was room 4. You closed the door and turned back to her.
"Uh, hi." She replied awkwardly, it was all she could think to say.
"What are you doing here? My manager told me I was requested, did you—"
"Oh, no! God, no. Ava did." Melissa interjected, nearly jumping from her seat.
"Why would she do that?" You asked, crossing your arms under your chest, unintentionally pushing up your already barely-covered breasts.
Melissa fought the urge to look at your chest, sighing. "It's my birthday, it's a part of my gift, I guess."
"Why'd she request me?"
"I think... she knows I find you attractive." She muttered the last few words, if the music had been turned up a little more you wouldn't have been able to hear what she said.
Your eyebrows raised in surprise, "You think I'm attractive?"
Melissa didn't miss the hint of hope in your voice, her own eyebrow raising as you came closer to her.
"Yeah, I'm not blind." She scoffed, like you being attractive was the most obvious thing in the world. "Look, I know you probably don't want to do this, so you don't have to."
You did want to, though, and Melissa's confession had made you want to do it more.
"Who said I didn't want to?" You asked, walking slowly up to Melissa. "I mean it is your birthday, right? Why not have a little fun?"
It didn't take much to convince her, she had already gotten all worked up from seeing you on stage, so having the opportunity to see you dance like that for her was certainly not unwelcome.
"Yeah, okay. I can have some fun." Melissa said, nodding as you leaned down and braced your hands on top of her knees with a grin.
"Great. Now, just sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself." You instructed, leaning in so your lips brushed against her ear. "You're not supposed to touch, but I think I'll make an exception for the birthday girl. Our little secret."
You stood up straight and walked back towards the door. Your heart raced as you turned up the music, your nerves trying to get the best of you. You sighed in relief when you recognized the song that was playing over the speakers, you often got songs that you had never heard, leading to some lackluster dances. "Often" by The Weeknd filled the room, a song that you had heard so many times you wished you would never hear it again.
You began dancing for Melissa, starting off outside of her reach to tease her and build anticipation. You were able to see her fingers twitch in her lap, itching to reach out and touch you, and you smirked to yourself. You closed some of the distance between the two of you, now dancing close enough that she could occasionally reach out and caress your waist and thighs. Every time you felt the brush of her fingers on your skin, your breath would hitch and you had to fight the urge to pause your movements to enjoy the feeling.
As the end of the song came closer and closer, you decided to end the dance with a bang of sorts. You got even closer to Melissa, straddling her lap and grinding down on her to the rthythm to the music. Melissa's hands wasted no time in grabbing your hips, pressing into your soft skin lightly.
"God, hon... you're good at this..." She commented, sounding breathless as she watched your body and how it moved in her lap. Her hands drifted lower, now caressing your ass.
You smiled down at her, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her closer. "You're too sweet."
Melissa's eyes dragged up your frame until she was looking directly into your eyes. Her pupils were blown and her lips were slightly parted, she looked like she wanted to take you right then and there. You watched as Melissa's gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips to your eyes again and, before you could think better of it, you started leaning in. Melissa leaned in as well, meeting you halfway as your lips connected.
The kiss was heated, your fingers tangled in and occasionally pulling at Melissa's hair, and Melissa's hands skimming from your ass up to the underside of your breasts. You whimpered into her mouth as her thumb ghosted across your nipple, a shiver going down your spine. The song had long been over when the two of you finally pulled apart, your lips swollen and your chests raising and falling rapidly as you caught your breath.
"That was... wow." You said, breaking the silence.
Melissa chuckled breathlessly, her hands still on you. "Yeah, you could say that again."
"Do you want to, um, come back to my place?" You asked, sounding hopeful. Melissa didn't hesitate with her answer.
"Yes, absolutely. I need to get my hands on you."
You smiled brightly, leaning down to leave a chaste kiss on her lips. "Alright. I've gotta go clock out and then I'll meet you out back."
Melissa nodded and you stood from her lap before leaving the room. She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. She was definitely going to have to thank Ava later.
@blkmxrvel asked to be tagged ! lmk if i should make a taglist :)))
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jamespotterismydaddy · 2 months
Lord Husband (Chapter 10)
cregan stark x reader
A/N: I keep forgetting I exist. Sorry this is short oopsies
WORD COUNT: 982 words
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You hardly see him for weeks. Any new wife would expect her husband to impress his needs upon her frequently after the wedding night in hopes of creating an heir but you almost knew he wouldn’t. There’s something so strange about Cregan Stark; he’s empathetic. It’s not a trait you knew any man could hold. In reality, you should be pleased that your husband doesn’t wish to rape you but you’re more frustrated. He shall want for a son eventually, won’t he? This is only delaying the inevitable and you are a ‘get it over with’ kind of woman.
You arrive at his chambers with little more than a knock on the door. “Do you not wish for an heir, Lord Stark?”
“Good morning.” He murmurs, looking up from the papers on his desk.
“An heir? Is it your wish or not?” You say, disregarding his greeting.
He sighs, already stressed from reading over land disputes and not wishing to be stressed over his petulant wife. “Of course I want for a son.”
“You haven’t visited my chambers in weeks.”
“I did not think you wanted me to.” He looks at you, confused and a bit sorrowful.
“There is only one way to make a child.”
Gods he thinks you look so like a child when you stand there with such false assurance. It makes him feel wretched.
“You weeped the last time I took you to bed. I have been trying to give you time so that you might… recover?” The words don’t feel right to him. “I don’t want to cause you pain.”
“Lying with you caused me no feelings of importance.”
Cregan counts to ten in his head but only makes it to five. He then stands abruptly.
“You will watch your tone when you speak to me!” He says, fed up with your lack of decorum.
You gape at him like a fish. He went from so pitiful to angry so quickly.
“I have done all I can to make you comfortable, all I can to make you feel welcomed and at every turn, you insult me! You have spent your entire life as the spoilt daughter of the Queen and for that, I do not blame you but I can only be so lenient. You will no longer take liberties with how you speak to me. I am your husband and you will learn to treat me as such.” He breathes heavily after letting all his emotions go. “Even princesses don’t speak to their spouses in the way you speak to me.”
“I’m not your wife by choice. I didn’t want this.” You protest in justification of your own cruelty.
He scoffs. “And do you think I did?”
“You asked for my hand.”
“Her Grace offered me your hand.”
“You could’ve said no.”
“Is that truly what you think? Are you really so naive as to believe that? Everyone of our station marries for advantage. I am no different and neither are you.” Even when he shouted at you only moments ago, he never sounded as hateful as he does right now.
“And you’re happy with this standard?” You ask with level headed contemplation.
“Of course I’m not but it’s what is done.”
“It isn’t fair for you to fault me for wanting something more when you’re also unhappy with it… especially when you know it’s more difficult for women than men.” You desperately want him to understand you. You just want somebody to understand.
“We all make sacrifices for the people we love.” He says dutifully.
“I make the sacrifices while my brothers marry for love. How is that fair?”
“So you’re bitter? Prince Jacaerys will be king one day. That’s a much greater sacrifice than marrying for advantage.”
The tears prickle in your eyes. You should’ve known.
“At least he won’t be alone.”
You don’t want to argue anymore, or rather be scolded like a dumb child so you leave, striding back to your room.
You stare into the mirror when you arrive. Would your mother be disappointed by how disagreeable you are, how disobedient? Daemon wouldn’t. But you aren’t Daemon Targaryen. You’re just a girl, a girl that might ruin an alliance if you can’t make nice with your husband. Should you care? Your stepfather wouldn’t. Dragon riders don’t obey societal norms… but you do care… ever so slightly.
A voice at the door. Does he want to be let in only so he can say a hundred words that mean so little?
Your husband, tall and strong walks into the room, reminding you of someone you used to know. He’s kind and brave like him.
“I should not have shouted at you. I just feel as though I’m not heard when I’m quiet but that is no justification.” He stares at the back of your head. You don’t turn to face him, looking out the window instead of at the mirror. This is your home now. He will become your home - he could become your home.
“If I walked out the door right now and never came back, would you try and stop me?” You aren’t angry about his shouting; you’re used to fire.
“It would destroy the alliance. You could side with the Hightowers or simply just watch as they take my mother’s throne.”
“You could walk out that door, get on your dragon and never come back and I would keep my oath to the Queen.”
Gods he really is decent.
“Where would you go?” He asks like you haven’t just said you might run out on your marriage.
“Old Valyria.”
“You would die.”
“I would.”
“I’m not sorry for making things difficult for you but I acknowledge that I have.”
He smiles a bit woefully. “I wouldn’t expect anything less, princess.”
“Any woman in Westeros would consider herself lucky to be your wife.”
“Hmm… almost any it seems.”
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janeyseymour · 4 months
hii!! im hoping you’re taking requests rn and if you aren’t it’s okay, but i really wanted to request this just incase you are taking them..
a melissa x reader where r takes mel home for a family reunion (they’ve been dating for a while and readers family is dying to meet mel). the readers mom has always been a bit uncertain about mel and a argument happens between the reader and their mom.. melissa (the overprotective amazing gf that she is) steps in to help the reader and stands up for her.
Hi! I took a few creative liberties here, I hope that's okay! Buckle up because this one is a lil angsty... oopsies!
Family Dynamics
WC: ~3.5k
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“Amore,” Melissa sighs as she pulls on her signature leather jacket. “There’s nothing to be worried about.”
“There is everything to be worried about,” you huff as you grab the hors d’oeuvres that that the two of you were assigned to bring to this family dinner. “They might be excited to meet you, but my mother can be… a lot. And she’s pretty… judgmental.”
“It’s nothin’ I can’t handle,” she tries to assure you. “Take a deep breath. It’s all gonna be okay.”
You do as she says, and then you bite your lip. “They also don’t know that we… that we’re an age gap couple.”
“Oh,” she frowns slightly. “Didn’t want to tell them that you’re with an old lady?”
“You know it isn’t like that,” you sigh. “It’s that I knew if I told my mom before she met you, she would already have thoughts about you, and you wouldn’t get a chance. It would be game over.”
“For me or for you?”
“Both of us,” you sigh. “Let’s get this over with.”
You pull into the driveway of your childhood home, and Melissa looks over at you. “Hun, it’s going to be fine. I promise.” 
“Can we just sit here for a few minutes? I need a couple of minutes to get my bearings.” 
“You just tell me when you’re ready,” she tells you as you lean forward and put your head between your knees. She rubs your back soothingly. When you’ve given her the okay, she hops out of the car, opens the back seat to grab the appetizers, and then makes her way around to your side of the car. She opens the car door for you as she always does.
“It’s all going to be okay,” she tells you quietly. “And if you feel that we should leave, we can. But the longer we hold this off, the worse it’s going to be for us.”
“You’re right,” you mumble as you unbuckle your seatbelt and climb out of the car.
“It took you long enough,” your mother opens the door after you knock once. “I watched the two of you pull in ten minutes ago.”
“I needed a couple minutes, mom,” you sigh as you hug her.
“You act like I’m a monster,” your mother rolls her eyes before releasing you. She looks Melissa up and down. “And you are?”
“Mom,” you scold her.
“This is my girlfriend, Melissa,” you introduce your girlfriend. “She’s a second grade teacher at the school with me.”
“I still can’t believe you became a school teacher,” your mother mumbles. Then she really looks at the redhead. “You didn’t tell me about…” she gestures between the two of you.
“Because it doesn’t matter?” you ask her. “Why should it matter? I love her, she loves me, and we’re-”
“You love her?” your mom raises a brow.
“I do,” you tell your mother. “And you’re going to play nice tonight, right?”
She nods, although she continues to look over Melissa.
“It’s nice to meet you, Kristen,” your girlfriend says cordially, and you can feel the way that she’s squeezing you hand. She’s silently telling you that it’s taking everything in her to be kind to your mother. 
“It’s Mrs. Y/N,” your mother bites out. “Well, come in, I suppose. Do you want a glass of wine? I don’t have to worry about serving an underage like I usually do with Y/N’s girlfriends.”
“Where’s Dad?” you cut in before Melissa can say anything- you know the age gap is a bit of a sore subject for her.
“He’s in the garage fixing his car,” your mother tosses over her shoulder as she heads for the kitchen.
“We’re going to say hi to Dad,” you pull Melissa away from your mother and head for the garage. 
As you enter the garage, your dad’s head pops out from under the hood of his car. “There’s my girl,” he grins as he wipes his hands on his jeans.
“Hi, Dad,” you grin right back. You hug him tightly.
He wipes his hands again on a towel before hugging you right back. As he releases you, he glances over at Melissa, staring at his car.
“You must be Melissa,” he chuckles. “Y/N mentioned that you would be gawking over my car.”
“I am,” the redhead takes her eyes off the car to give your father a firm handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Y/N.”
“Oh, none of that shit,” he laughs a hearty laugh. “You met my wife first, didn’t you?” he asks with a knowing look. “John.”
“Nice to meet you, John,” Melissa replies back, and you can tell that she’s a little less tense in the presence of your father. “That’s one nice car you got there.”
“It was my first,” he grins as he looks over his challenger. “I try to keep it in as nice a condition as possible, but right now it’s making a couple of funny noises. So I’m trying to figure out what’s going on and what parts I need to order to get it right again.”
“If you want, I know a guy,” Melissa offers with her signature smirk.
“I just might take you up on that offer,” your dad smiles. “You know anything about cars?”
“Enough,” she says with a shrug.
“You wanna help me look at it and have a beer?”
“You got Yuengling?” she asks.
You father practically beams. He nudges you with his elbow. “I like this one already.”
“I do too,” you grin. “While you two gawk over the car, I’m going to check if Mom needs any help in the kitchen… behave, you two.”
You kiss Melissa’s cheek softly before heading back inside, and you can already hear those two laughing about cars. You knew they would get along. 
“Need any help with-” you start to ask, but your mother whips around.
“When the hell were you going to tell me that your girlfriend is practically my age?!”
“I didn’t think it mattered,” you shrug as you pick up a carrot and start shredding it for your mother. “She’s a great woman, and you would see that if you stopped judging people at a first glance.”
“It’s human instinct!” your mother argues. “That’s what we all do!”
“All I’m saying is,” you sigh. “Give her a chance. I love her. She’s a hell of a lot better than most of the girls I’ve brought home before.”
“When are you just going to admit that this whole ‘I like women’ thing is just a phase?”
“Mom,” you groan. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you: it isn’t a phase. I’m a lesbian. I’ve always been a lesbian, and I always will be.”
“We’ll see,” your mother sighs. “I’m holding out hope.”
“Dad’s fine with it,” you roll your eyes. “I wish you would come to terms with it too.”
The two of you finish prepping the meal in silence. You can hear your father and Melissa laughing loudly out in the garage as they try to fix the car. Then they’re quiet, and you get nervous. That’s never good- it definitely means they’re plotting something. Your dad’s head pokes into the house.
“Red and I are gonna take ol’ Bets for a spin,” he announces. “Smalls, you in?”
You look to your mom nervously, and she’s glaring at your girlfriend through the small crack in the door. “I really would rather you stay here. Dinner is almost ready.”
“Aw, c’mon Kris,” your dad sighs. “We’ll be back before dinner… we just want to see if we got it to stop humming!”
“You’re doing the dishes afterwards,” your mother tells him with a roll of her eyes. She pours herself another glass of wine.
“Yes, dear,” your dad says automatically.
“C-can I go?” you ask your mother hesitantly.
“C’mon, hun,” you hear Melissa’s voice.
You look at your mother again, who is giving you a warning look. 
“Oh, Kris,” your father tries to get her to ease up. “She’s been working hard, she helped you, let her spend some time with her old man and her girlfriend.”
“If you all aren’t back by the time dinner is on the table, we’re going to have issues,” Kristen tells you all. 
You practically bolt back out to the garage. “God, I don’t know how you do it, Dad,” you grumble once you close the door behind you.
“We make a good team for the most part,” your dad shrugs. “And all I have to say is: happy wife, happy life.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Melissa chuckles as she opens the car door for you.
“You take the front,” you tell her. “I ride in this all the time.”
“Thank you, hun,” the redhead kisses your cheek as she slides in. You climb into the back as your dad gets in on the driver’s side. 
“So, how long do we have?” your father asks.
“About forty minutes,” you sigh. “Please use the whole time. Mom is getting on me again.”
“Can we not talk about it?” you request softly. Melissa turns and gives you a concerned look. “It’s whatever. I’m fine, I promise.”
“If that’s what you want,” your dad tells you. “So… Y/N’s told us a bit about you, but what else is there to know?”
You half expect Melissa to not answer or be as short as possible. She hates talking about herself. But instead, she starts to tell your father about herself. About Abbott, about the things that she likes to cook, how the two of you met, what you two like to do together… and it’s refreshing to see her open up. You find yourself holding onto her every word, despite the fact that you already know all of it.
“Now,” your dad turns to look at the redhead once he hits a stoplight. “I have to ask…”
“Dad,” you groan. “Don’t embarrass me.”
“I’m a dad. It’s my job to embarrass you,” he quips. “Why my daughter?”
That gets Melissa going. Her favorite thing to talk about is you and why she chose you. By the time she’s finished rambling, your father is giving her a knowing smile. And that brings you back to the house. 
“Well, that was a nice drive,” your father smiles. “And it even looks like we got the car to stop humming… well done, Schemmenti.” Your girlfriend just gives him a head nod and a smirk. He heads in a minute later, leaving you and the redhead to your own devices for a couple minutes.
“So?” you ask Melissa nervously as you get out of the car.
“Your dad and I get along great,” she tells you as she too climbs out of the car. “I can see a lot of him in you.”
“That’s what everyone says,” you chuckle. “I got my dad’s personality and my mom’s looks.”
“He was telling me how the two of you used to play catch or try to fix his car together… you sounded like a pretty cute kid.”
You shrug. “If I was with my dad, it meant I wasn’t with my mom.”
“Y/N! Melissa! Dinner!” your mom whips the door open, and she glares when she sees the two of you leaning against your father’s car- your head resting on Melissa’s shoulder.
Dinner is tense. Your dad makes it much less tense, but you can feel your mother’s eyes staring at the two of you as if you’re about to burst into flames at any second for being in love with each other. You hear the way she criticizes everything you’ve put your life into- your job, Melissa, even stupid stuff like the sweater you chose to wear to come to dinner tonight. Your mother gets her digs in about the two of you as an item while your father tries to soften the blow and get her to back down. She doesn’t and finally… you’ve had enough. She’s always been merciless when it comes to your partners, but she has the added fuel of Melissa being a significant amount of years older than you, and she’s just relentless.
“We’re done,” you throw your napkin down on the table. “I’m done. C’mon, Mel.”
“Oh, here we go again,” your mother rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “The drama that comes with having you for a-”
“The drama that comes with having you for a mother!” you don’t bite your tongue. “You’re the one who asked me to bring around Melissa, and then you have nothing but an absolute shit attitude! I’m sick of you criticizing every fucking move I make! So, I’m done! We’re leaving, and don’t expect us to-”
“You’re the one who brought around a cradle robber!” your mother spits out.
“Kristen,” your dad tries to cut in.
“Oh my fuckin’ God, Mom!” you shoot out of your chair.
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vein!” your mother scolds you. And you would usually back down, but not tonight. You’re at your breaking point, after all of these years.
“I’ll say whatever the hell I damn well please!” you snarl. “I am a grown ass woman, and I don’t have to take any more of this shit! I’m done!” You grab your bag. “C’mon, Mel.”
Your girlfriend has wide eyes, and she looks terrified. You’re usually a quiet, mellow, laid back woman… she’s never seen you with such a fire in your eyes. “Hun?”
“I said let’s go!” you bark. Before she can reply, you turn on your heel and head out, slamming the door as you go.
Almost instantly, your father is out of his chair and following you. “Y/N!” he calls after you. “Sweetheart!”
That leaves your mother and Melissa sitting at the dinner table together. Now it’s your girlfriend’s turn to have a fire grow in her eyes.
“I don’t know where the hell you think you get away speaking to your daughter like that,” the redhead growls out as she grabs her bag. “Y/N is a wonderful woman with a great head on her shoulders, she is one of the best teachers we have at Abbott, and she has a heart of gold. If you can’t get over the fact that she loves who she loves, then that’s your loss.”
“What the hell do you know?” your mother folds her arms over her chest.
“I’ve been around the block a time or two,” your girlfriend says lowly. “I know a good mother when I see one, and I know a mother who is about to lose her daughter when all she can do is criticize every aspect of her daughter’s life. You’re going to lose her, and she might not regret it, but you will.” 
And with that, your girlfriend leaves your mother to sit at the dinner table alone and let her words sink in. Melissa comes outside to see your father embracing you as you cry gently into his shoulder.
“Hey,” your girlfriend whispers as she sets a gentle hand on your shoulder. Her and your father catch each others’ eyes for a few seconds, and they both silently convey how sad they are that this is how dinner ended up.
“I- I’m sorry,” you hiccup out as you turn to hug her. “I’m so sorry.”
“You ain’t got nothin’ to be sorry for, hun,” she whispers as she takes you into her arms and strokes your hair. “C’mon. Let’s get you home.”
You nod shakily as you turn to face your father again. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” you whisper to him as you practically fall into his arms. “I couldn’t do it anymore.”
“I’m sorry she’s being like this again,” he whispers. “Get home, have a glass of wine, and let me try to talk to her, okay? I’ll see what I can do”
“Y-yeah,” you mumble. “Okay. Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” your dad kisses your temple and lets you go. He makes his way back into the house, and you can hear him telling your mother that they need to talk. Good lord. This was not how dinner was supposed to go at all. Although looking back on it, you suppose you don’t know how else it would go. Dinners with significant others usually go this way.
You had driven over, but with the emotional state you’re in now, Melissa guides you to the passenger side and helps you in before climbing into the driver’s seat and pulling off. 
“I don’t know how your father ended up with her,” your girlfriend tries to joke. She can tell that you aren’t in the mood though, so she shuts her mouth. She has a gentle hand on your thigh, and she’s humming softly, knowing it calms you down. Once you can finally breathe again and the tears subside, she looks over at you.
“You wanna talk about it?” she offers.
“I- I’m sorry that ended in explosives,” you apologize.
“That was like a piece of cake compared to my family, she chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.
“She’s always been like that,” you whisper. Melissa turns down the radio and gestures for you to continue if you want.
“From the start, I’ve been a failure in her eyes,” you tell her quietly. “I was too quiet, I was too weird or silly… basically anything I did that was appropriate for my age was wrong. As I got older, it got worse. She criticized the things I liked to do, telling me it was a waste of time. I was too fat, and then I was too thin. She didn’t like my hair, she didn’t like my clothes. Any thing that I did was just wrong. And then,” you sniffle. “I told my parents I thought I didn’t like men. Dad… he was fine with it. You met him- he’s about as easygoing as it gets. But Mom… she was furious.”
“Oh, honey,” Melissa sighs sadly.
“I got the ‘It’s just a phase’ talk about a hundred times. The first time I brought home a girlfriend in high school, she about flipped her shit. That was the last time I saw Anna. Because with Dad away for a conference, Mom took it upon herself to drive me to a conversion therapy place.” You shake your head, remembering what that had been like. “When Dad came home the next week, he was furious. He drove up and got me out of there as fast as he could, apologizing over and over again for not being able to stop her- that he had no idea she was going to do that. That was the last time my dad took a business trip until I had moved out of the house- he was terrified it was going to happen again.”
“Amore, I’m so sorry,” Melissa whispers.
“When senior year rolled around, I told them I didn’t want to go for engineering like Mom wanted… I wanted to be a teacher. That was like World War three broke out. My parents almost got divorced over that one… Dad supported me, saying that I was making a good choice doing something I loved while Mom told me that I couldn’t have been a bigger disappointment to her.”
“You’re a great teacher- one of the best Abbott has,” your girlfriend tells you gently as she pulls into her driveway. “Your dad and I were talking about that earlier in the garage.”
“And that’s great that you guys think that…” you sigh, and your eyes fill with tears as you turn to look at Melissa. “But I… All I want is my mother’s approval. I want her love and affection. Do you know how shitty it is that the one person who is supposed to love me the most, the person I grew inside of, can’t stand a single aspect about me?” A tear falls down your face, and Melissa is quick to wipe it away with the pad of her thumb.
It absolutely breaks the redhead’s heart to hear those words tumble out of your mouth.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” she whispers.
After a bit, the two of you make your way into her house, and you curl up on the couch together. You fall asleep to her heartbeat and her fingers delicately combing through your hair while the two of you watch your comfort movie. As she’s sitting there, your phone lights up on the coffee table in front of her. It’s a text from your father, and then a second text comes through from your mother.
I talked to Mom. I’m sorry for tonight. If it means anything at all, I already love Mel. She’s a good fit for you, the text from your dad reads.
We need to talk, is all your mom sends.
Deciding now is not the time for you to see that text, you had only just calmed down after a second round of tears, she flips your phone over with her foot. She shakes you gently.
“Amore?” she whispers. “I think maybe it’s time for us to head up to bed.”
You groan awake but nod. “Bed. Need you tonight.”
“I know,” Melissa whispers. “I’m here. I’ll always be here. Through it all.”
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ilovepedro · 9 months
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Yellow | joel miller x f!reader
Summary: You and Joel take a well-deserved vacation to the secluded countryside of Texas. Unbeknownst to you, Joel has a special surprise up his sleeve.
Word count: ~3.7k (oopsies)
Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: no outbreak AU (Sarah is alive and well, but she isn’t in this), established relationship, smut like lots of it, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected PIV (wrap it up y’all), overstimulation, soft!joel (idc if he’s OOC, i love that big ol’ softie), so much fluff, hella petnames (baby, darlin, babydoll, honey), reader is female, but has no physical description. NO USE OF Y/N
A/N: this is my first time writing any sort of fanfiction with a developed brain lol. i’ve had this idea for a while since Joel’s been rotting my brain for the past year-ish. i'm also a big fan of Pablo Neruda and i was reading some of his poems while listening to my love song playlist so i was feeling sappy lol. this is based on one of my favorite love songs, Yellow by Coldplay. feel free to listen while you read! shoutout to @gracieheartsspedro for your kind words and for giving me the confidence boost to post 🩷 and thank you to all of y’all for being so sweet to me and welcoming me here with open arms <3
star banner by @benkeibear 🌟
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow
“Dance with me, honey.” The strumming guitar intro to Yellow by Coldplay flutters through the speaker and invades the cool evening breeze as the sun sets. The moon and stars begin to peek through the cotton candy skies. Joel holds his hand out to you as the two of you unwind in the field behind the remote Texas lake house you two are staying at for the week. A long overdue vacation for the both of you, you’ve spent your last full day basking in the refreshing water of the lake, seeking relief from the brutal Texas summer sun.
You gladly take his hand, flashing him a saccharine smile as you intertwine your fingers with his. “Joel Miller, ever the charmer,” you say as he wraps an arm around your waist. He hides his face in the crook of your neck, bashful like a schoolboy. Your stomach flutters as he still manages to give you butterflies after 3 years of being with him. He quietly rasps the lyrics in your ear.
I came along
I wrote a song for you
He lifts his head up to meet your gaze, matching the saccharine look that adorns your face. His heart is so full, so overwhelmed with how much he loves you. You’ve turned him into a sap, but he wouldn’t change a thing. “You’re so damn beautiful, baby. ‘M almost the luckiest man in the world.” You quirk your brow, a curious smirk lacing your features. “Almost?” 
And all the things you do
And it was called Yellow
He twirls you with a smile, eliciting a giggle from you. His chest blooms with warmth - a mixture of bliss and nerves. He twirls you one more time, your head thrown back as you let out a hearty laugh. Suddenly, he’s down on one knee holding the most beautiful ring before he loses his confidence to ask you the most important question of your lives. You turn back to him, a gasp escaping your lungs as tears well in your eyes.
So then I took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow
“Almost, darlin’, ‘cause you’ll make me the luckiest man in the world after this. You know me better than anyone, darlin’, so ya know ‘m no good at this type of stuff, but I hope you know that I’ll do anything for you, baby. I didn’t expect to find my other half that day we met. Was just tryna get my coffee and go ‘cause I didn’t wanna be late. But, god, you looked so damn cute in that pretty blue sweater. Most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. So beautiful you distracted me and I spilled my coffee all over ya. ‘M glad I did though, ‘r else I wouldn’t’ve taken ya out to dinner to make it up to you. Ended up bein’ late anyway, but I’d be late everyday if it meant seein’ your pretty lil’ smile. You make me wanna be a better man ‘n I hope ‘m everything you could ever want ‘cause ‘s what you are to me. You're the best partner, best woman, best momma. You’re the best momma to Sarah, honey. Can’t thank ya enough for lovin’ her as your own. You make her, us, me, so goddamn happy, baby. I’d be a damn fool if I didn’t put a ring on your pretty little finger, honey. Shit, ‘m one for not doing this sooner. Thank you for lovin’ me and bein’ so patient with my stubborn ass. I know I ain’t easy to deal with. My knees are killin’ me though, baby, so I got a real important question for you: will you marry me, darlin’?”
Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
And you know, you know I love you so
You know I love you so
You’re smiling so hard your face hurts. Tears cascading down your face, which you don’t realize until you taste the salty water on your lips. “Yes, Joel,” you unintentionally whisper, Joel having knocked the air from your lungs. His smile grows wider. He gently slips the ring on your left ring finger. You lean down to kiss him, but he meets you halfway as he goes to stand. He cups your cheeks in his large, warm hands with your hands encompassing his. Pressing a deep kiss to one another’s lips, a kiss full of warmth, life, love - a promise of forever.
“Joel, baby,” you say as you pull away, hands still resting atop his while he delicately holds you. Your voice is wobbly as you’re still silently crying. You’re rendered speechless for the first time in your life. Your heart has never felt this full. You’ve never felt so alive, so complete. “I love you so much. I can’t even put it into words. You’re everything to me and more. I’d be honored to be your wife.” He smiles, tears gleam in his eyes. Joel Miller, the serious, gruff man, is in tears - because of you; a side only reserved for you.
I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh, what a thing to do
‘Cause you were all yellow
“I meant every word, baby. Every word in that song ‘s true too. ‘S why it’s our song. The stars shine for you, but I think you’re prettier ‘an all the stars in the sky.” He pulls you in for another kiss, just as saccharine as the previous one. You’re both smiling into it. You hum as you pull away. “Baby, what’re you talking about you’re ‘no good at this type of stuff,’ Joel Miller, you’re a poet,” you laugh as you playfully question him. He throws his head back, a belly laugh escaping him. He smiles even bigger as he spots a twinkle in your eye. “Only for you, darlin’.” He moves his hands to your waist again, holding one of your hands in his as he leads you into a dance again. The big, cheesy smiles never leave your faces. Placing your free hand on his shoulder, the two of you sway to the music.
I drew a line, I drew a line for you
Oh, what a thing to do
And it was all yellow
“Forever,” you whisper as you press your nose against his while he sways you both side to side. “Forever,” he repeats. Another kiss is pressed to your lips, a hungrier one, a combination of love and lust. He releases your hand to cup the back of your head while he pulls you in by waist, bringing you closer. You throw your arms around his sturdy middle - the kiss deepens. He licks into your mouth, eliciting a soft moan from you. “Take me to bed, Joel,” you huskily whisper. “Anything for my wife.” You beam at his words. “Not your wife, honey.” “Yet, darlin’. Yet.”
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The moon peeks through the window, casting a cool glow on the entire room. The crisp late night breeze ripples the curtains hanging on the window the two of you mindlessly left open as you devoured one another earlier in the evening.
You stir, groggy as you’re awoken by the familiar dull ache in between your legs. Feeling a heavy, but comforting weight on your torso, you turn gently so as to not wake him. Now facing him,Joel’s arm still holds you flushed against his chest.
It’s the middle of the night, the bedside clock flashes 3:30 in small fluorescent blue lights. Both of you spent, as the events of the day having wiped you two out. He slowly, but deliciously wrecked your cunt twice, once with his mouth and once with his cock, before you both drifted off to sleep. He’s still sleeping. He is so beautiful. I’m so lucky. 
His plush lips slightly parted as he softly snores. His full lashes lightly kiss his cheeks. Brows pulled into his infamous furrow. You carefully brush the curve of his strong nose, which you rode into the midnight hour, with your left hand. The moonlight catches a glimpse of the ring he gave you just hours ago. A delicate gold band adorning a diamond, 2 smaller stones surrounding it.
Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
And you know, for you, I’d bleed myself dry
For you, I’d bleed myself dry
Tears well in your eyes as you recall his proposal from the evening. Your heart overflows with content as you admire the man in front of you. You get to fall asleep and wake up like this for the rest of your lives. He is my forever. You softly caress his face, careful not to wake him. Alas, your attempt fails.
Joel begins to stir while you continue to caress his patchy beard as you internally dwell on the thought of being his for eternity. Stretching his taut tan muscles, groaning as he does so. “Ya watchin’ me sleep, babydoll? How long ya been awake?” A sleepy smile creeps onto his face.
 “I’m just admiring my gorgeous fiancé’s face. And not very long, only about 5 minutes,” you sigh. His sleepy smile morphs into a toothy grin. “Oh really? I’m sure he can’t be nearly as gorgeous as mine. She’s the most beautiful woman in the world. Your fiancé is a lucky man, honey.” He leans in to press a sleepy kiss to your lips, the two of you smiling into it. It’s soft and sweet, lingering like honey sticking to your lips.
It’s true
Look how they shine for you
He moves his hand from your torso to the back of your head, grasping your hair, deepening the kiss. He pulls you closer, completely flushed against his bare chest. The dull ache in between your legs blooms with desire, transforming into a throbbing need. You moan as his hardening length presses against your exposed cunt. Neither of you bothered to dress before falling asleep. 
The kiss grows sloppy as he licks into your mouth, teeth clashing together. You break apart gasping for air. “Joel,” you breathlessly moan as he kisses down your neck and shuffles the two of you so you’re pinned under him. He sucks onto that sensitive spot on your neck near your ear. The spot which he knows drives you crazy. 
“Joel,” you moan louder this time. It comes out more desperate than you intended. “Be a good girl and use your words, baby.” He’s so fucking smug, he drives you insane. “Need you, baby. N-need you so bad, Joel,” you gasp as he makes his way down to your breasts. 
He hums, sucking a nipple into your mouth as he gropes your other breast, rolling your nipple in between his calloused fingers. “F-fuck, baby. Feels, ah, s-so good,” you say as you arch your back, granting him even more access to your breasts. He moans at your praise, the vibration of it sending shockwaves down your spine to your weeping cunt. Kissing his way down your tummy and finally making his way to where you need him most. Your exposed cunt aches for him to do something - anything. 
He hooks both your legs over his shoulders as he kneels off the edge of the bed. He presses soft kisses and nips to your thighs, actively avoiding your throbbing clit. His scruffy beard scratches your thighs, causing more arousal to pool at your sex. Every teasing kiss causes your clit to twitch. He sees it, you know he can, but he continues to act oblivious. You writhe under his touch, growing frustrated as your body yearns for some sort of relief.
“Joel, please, n-no more teas - hmph - teasing” you whine, clearly exasperated. He chuckles at your neediness. “So needy, babydoll. Already fucked your cunt twice last night ‘n you still want more?” “Yes, Joel,” you beg, desperate tears begin to pool in your eyes. “Always want more. Always want you,” you cry out. You quickly see something soften in his eyes, but it disappears just as fast. “Always want you too, darlin’. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of ya. Always do, don’t I?” 
Before you could answer, he licks a stripe up your folds, his nose nudging at your clit. Gasping at the relief of finally feeling something, you involuntarily buck your hips up into his face. He places one of his large hands and pushes you back down, the pressure on your stomach causing a new pool of desire to drip from your pussy. You can’t control the moans leaving your lips as he flicks his tongue against your twitching clit. “Joel, f-fuck oh my god, Joel,” you cry out, tugging on his hair. 
Your hair tugging elicits a moan from him, the rumble of it causing you to shiver. He eats you out like a starved man, as if he wasn’t doing this just barely 4 hours ago. “Joel, n-need more. P-please, baby.” Obliging your request, he inserts one finger deep inside your pussy, drawing out a high pitched moan from you. He could always reach places you never could, his fingers much larger and thicker than yours. 
“Sweetest fuckin’ pussy in the world, baby. My favorite meal,” he says as he inserts another finger into you. Another mewl escapes your lips. He returns his tongue to your clit, relentlessly flicking it. He feels your walls begin to flutter around his fingers as he curls his fingers, hitting your g-spot.
“Right there, Joel! Oh, f-fuck yes, baby.” It sounds obscene as he slurps up your slick while pumping his thick fingers deep into your squelching pussy. You feel light as a feather as your orgasm approaches. “‘s it, baby. Cum for me. Can feel ya squeezing my fingers. Come on, babydoll. Make a mess on my fingers.” He sucks your clit into his mouth causing your orgasm to crash into you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you seize up under his hold, endless moans streaming from your lips.
Lapping at your pussy, he drinks up all of your cum, letting no drop go to waste. He pulls away, giving you a brief moment of relief. The pale moonlight shines onto him, as if he were some sort of deity from above. He is - he is your saving grace.
He pulls himself up and slots his hips between yours. He teases your wet folds by rubbing his hard, pulsating cock up and down against them, slathering himself in the fresh new wave of slick that runs down your weeping cunt. Pre-cum dribbles from his angry, red tip, smearing over your folds. Without warning, he shoves his cock deep into your pussy in one thrust, buried to the hilt.
“Oh fuck Joel! S-so fucking big, so, shit, so deep.” “You can take it, baby. Ya always do.” His pace is brutal, his thick cock brutally kissing your cervix with each thrust. He hikes your legs up, placing your ankles on his shoulders, practically bending you in half. You scream at the new position. You’re so loud, you’re thankful there are no neighbors around here. He’s always so deliciously deep, you’ll never get used to it.
He picks up the pace, your thighs begin to burn and your cunt still aches from being stuffed repeatedly. The line between pain and pleasure blurs, but you feel so damn good. Tears begin to fall from your eyes as you clamp down on him. The pornographic sounds of moans, pants, and your squelching cunt fill the room. You’re already so close as you had no time to come down from your first orgasm.
“Fuck, darlin’. Ya hear that? Hear how fuckin’ wet ya are for me? Feel so fuckin’ good. Can’t believe I get to have this tight little pussy for the rest of my life. ‘S mine. All mine. Can’t wait til, ah, til you’re my pretty little wife.” He groans, as you clench around him. His words spurring you on. “‘S yours, Joel. ‘M yours, all yours, baby,” you manage to slur out. He’s close, you can tell as his thrusts get sloppier. “Come on, baby, gimme another. Need to feel you soak my cock.” 
He licks the pad of his thumb and swirls it on your clit. You tumble over the cliff and plummet into your second orgasm. His cock, his fingers, his words, him. It’s all too much. You feel him everywhere. Your vision flashes hot white. The burning coil in your belly snaps as you come undone. A guttural moan escapes from deep within your chest. “Oh fuck, Joel! I’m gonna, ah, ‘m cumming,” you squeal from under him with your eyes rolling back again. You’re cumming again, hard, soaking his cock just like he asked. “Atta girl, baby. Good girl,” he rasps as he fucks you through the waves of your second orgasm. You’re squeezing him so tight you nearly push him out. 
His pace is still relentless, not giving you time to come down from your second high. Suddenly, you’re being flipped around as Joel rolls you over him. He lays on his back with you now on top. The new angle has him even deeper than before, if that’s even possible. His cock immediately hits your g-spot again. A choked cry falls from your lips while you try to brace yourself on his broad, sturdy chest.
“‘M close, baby. Fuck, ya feel so fuckin’ good. Cum for me one more time, baby.” His breath is ragged now. You’re a babbling mess as he continues to fuck up into you. “I got you, baby. Just gimme one more. Come on, be a good girl and gimme one last one, babydoll.” He’s fucking up into you hard and fast, his thrusts growing sloppier than ever as he nears his orgasm. 
“Baby, I-I can’t,” you hiccup. “Yes, ya can, darlin’. You’re so close, can feel ya clenching ‘round me again. Let go, baby. I got you.” He sits up and pulls you closer, you’re completely flushed against his strong chest now. He wipes your stray tears, his tenderness sends you crashing into your third and final orgasm - one more orgasm than last night. He’s so rough, but so gentle with you at the same time.
A drawn out high-pitched moan escapes you once again, eyes squeezed shut while mewling his name as you clench around him. “Fuck, Joel!” Your soul disappears from your body, floating around somewhere along with your brain. Joel, Joel, Joel being the only thought in your head as his name repeatedly streams from your lips - like a prayer.
He grunts and fucks up into you with three more thrusts before he comes undone. A loud, guttural moan escapes from his lips. He’s babbling as he’s shooting his load into you. “Fuck! ‘S it, honey! Take it, baby, take it! Good girl, shit, fuck, Jesus Christ!” You feel his cum coat your walls as he fills you up. There’s so much cum, it’s dripping from your swollen, wrecked cunt. Joel buries his face in the crook of your neck as you both pant, grappling with reality as you both come down from your highs.
He places tender kisses on your shoulder. Both of you are sticky with salty sweat, the periwinkle moonlight beaming into the room now. You feel a soft kiss brush against your cheek, causing your eyes to flutter open. 
“Hi,” he huskily whispers with a gentle smile. “Hi,” you say with a bashful grin, biting your bottom lip while you return back down to Earth. Staring at each other with the same hazy, fucked out gaze, he crashes his lips to yours, lazily kissing you. You taste yourself on his tongue as he languidly slips it into your mouth.
He sighs as you part to lift yourself off him, both of you hissing at the loss of one another. Worry laces his features as you settle on the bed beside him, laying down on his chest. His rapid heartbeat slowly returning to a steady thrum, grounding you back in the present. “You feel okay, baby? Didn’t hurt you, did I?” How on Earth you got so lucky, you’ll never know. 
Your gaze softens once more, reaching out to caress his cheek. “I feel absolutely amazing, Joel. You could never hurt me, baby.” He gingerly kisses your palm. Steady breathing and comfortable silence fill the air - postcoital bliss settling amongst you two.
He toys with the ring on your finger as his strong arm rests on your torso, engrossing you in his embrace. “You’re gonna be my wife,” he says as he smiles at you, disbelief and contentment lacing his voice. Love filling his eyes to the brim, just like his heart. Tears well in your eyes once more as you fully drink him in. You’re so full of love and happiness, there is nowhere else for your emotions to go except flowing down your cheeks. Something that happens often as you feel things deeply within your heart. It’s one of the things he loves most about you. “Jus’ means you got lots ‘a love to give in that big ol’ heart ‘a yours, baby,” he once told you.
“I am. There’s nothing more I want in this world than to be your wife.” And that’s the real honest truth. Joel Miller loves hard - particularly you. His tenderness is only reserved for you and Sarah - his girls. You never expected to fall just as hard for him. You only ever heard of this type of love in romance novels; only dreamt of it. Somehow, he managed to tumble his way into your heart that day, literally, when he spilled his coffee on you that fateful morning. Before him, you never fathomed the thought of experiencing a love like this.
He has served you the world and more on a silver platter. His love is the warm sunshine that envelopes you on a beautiful spring day. It is the forest fire that roars higher when you fan the flames, engulfing you in his heart. Joel Miller is the color yellow, his love burning brighter than the stars in the sky. As you love him hard, he loves you harder. To be loved by him for eternity is the greatest gift anyone could ever receive. As long as you live, his love will never die, for you carry it in your heart, everywhere you go.
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things that you do
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some moot tags: @nostalxgic @undrthelights @darkroastjoel @pedrospartner @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @modernperplexity @mrsquill @breakfastatjoels @tinygarbage @sin-djarin @jenispunk 🩵
this was so fun to write! got a little sappy at the end, i told y’all i was in my feelings when i wrote this 🤣 i truly do love writing, i just get very in my head about everything. may or may not already be working on a meet-cute prequel for these two 🫣 hope y’all enjoyed this and thank y’all for reading! <3
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 5 months
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"To All of the Girls I've Loved Before" II Hazel Callahan x Reader
“Hazel goes to her favorite diner, ordering her favorite food and a large chocolate milkshake to go with it. It definitely helped to deal with her existential crisis on a full stomach and she eventually calmed her emotions.”
Tags: Cheerleader!Reader who is kinda mean oopsie, girls kissing, fem!reader, no use of y/n, lightly proof read
A/N: Wow, didn't expect y'all to like the first part, again this is based loosely off of the plot of "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" except it's gay and we love it. This is part two, go to the first part if you haven't read it already! Also, don't steal my writing, I only post on Tumblr.
Hazel wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there for eternity. She didn’t even wait for the dismissal bell as she grabbed her things and immediately rushed home.
How did the letters even get out? She had made sure to put them all in a small shoe box in the back of her closet…
As soon as she got home, Hazel ran up to her room and searched her closet from top to bottom, but all she found was a now empty shoe box.
“Hazel? Why are you home so early? I thought you had that fight club thing today” Hazel’s mom says as she leans against the door frame in that ridiculously overpriced bathrobe.
Hazel sighed and looked up at her mom, “Yeah…they, uh, canceled today” she says quickly while holding the shoe box and running a hand through her hair in frustration.
Her mother pointed to the box, “I made sure to mail those for you so you didn’t forget, and so they didn’t sit collecting dust.” she says while taking a sip from the drink in her hand
Hazel freezes and looks at her mother, her shock slowly fading into anger, “You were the one who mailed them?”
“I mean it seemed like you had forgotten about them, so I took it upon myself” she says shrugging her shoulders like her decision didn’t cause Hazel to make some of the biggest mistakes in her life.
Hazel throws the shoe box to the floor and rushes out of the house without another word as all of the emotions start flooding her mind and she sits in her car trying to blink back tears. She hits the steering wheel in frustration and then lays her head on it which causes the horn to blare.
“My life is ruined” she groans and then leans back, closing her eyes. She then starts her car and puts it into drive.
She needs to go somewhere and think
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Hazel goes to her favorite diner, ordering her favorite food and a large chocolate milkshake to go with it. It definitely helped to deal with her existential crisis on a full stomach and she eventually calmed her emotions.
And then you walked in
You scanned the diner and immediately spotted Hazel, walking over and sitting across from her in the booth. You had your cheerleading uniform on which told Hazel you must have come straight from practice.
“Hey Hazel” you say with a bright smile which Hazel can’t help but return, a small blush coating her cheeks.
“So I just wanted to come over and talk to you about what happened at the track earlier and I also want to offer you a deal” you say with a smug grin, “I need help getting my ex jealous, so I was thinking that maybe we keep up a little charade” you say as Hazel look at you dumbfounded at what you’re saying.
“It’s perfect! I’ll get Josh back for cheating on me, and you’ll finally get noticed by people other than those girls in your little club!” you say, a little condescendingly as you mention the fight club Hazel was apart of.
Hazel decided to try and scrounge up some form of her pride to leave with, “Yeah, look, I just wanted to say that I totally do not have a crush on you, I just needed to make sure another person also didn’t think I had a crush on them” she says confidently, and she isn’t technically lying…more like she was only saying half of the truth, right?
You weren’t going to lie, that made a spike of jealousy shoot through you but were quick to push the feeling down as you looked back to Hazel with a curious expression, “Oh? And who is this mystery person?”
Hazel fiddles with her rings nervously, wondering if she can trust you, “Well…um, her name is PJ but I’m sure you don’t know her-”
“But isn’t she like one of your best friends?” You questioned as you interrupt the brunette.
Hazel rubs the back of her neck anxiously, “I mean yeah, she is, but I never really had a crush on her until that kiss during the game happened and you know things got like super confusing for a while…” Hazel rambles until she slowly looks to see you checking your nails, seemingly uninterested.
“Look…maybe this fake dating arrangement could benefit both of us, you prove to PJ that you are totally not into her and I make my ex jealous, it’s really a win-win situation” you say, trying to push the idea forward again.
Hazel doesn’t know how to respond to this question…could she really date you, kiss you, love you while knowing that you don’t and will likely never feel the same?
She looks up and shakes her head, “I don’t know…this could really crash and burn if we ever get found out” she says softly
“I mean it’s not like we’ll ever tell anyone the truth” You say before sighing, “Just think it over, ok?”
Hazel nods and you flash her a smile before leaving.
“What is my life?” Hazel groans as she lets her head fall to the table in front of her
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The next day, you were at cheer practice, running over drills when you heard a voice call your name.
You look to see Hazel walking up to you until she stops right in front of you, tilting your head up a little, you can see a devious grin playing on her lips
“Let’s do this” she whispers to you
You cast a quick glance to your teammates around you and smiled before pulling Hazel into a quick but passionate kiss.
Hazel stumbles back a little after you break away and then looks around at all the people staring, her face starting to turn a vibrant shade of red as she laughs nervously.
“Yep, that’s my girlfriend alright” she says trying to play it cool but ultimately failing as she quickly walks away, “Carry on!” she squeaks out before running away, leaving you giggling softly at how cute Hazel looked when she was flustered.
A/N: Thank you again for reading!! I had no clue that a silly little idea of mine would be enjoyed by so many. Anyways, go drink water you girl kissers.
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huramuna · 3 months
banshee's lament - chapter 5.
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aemond targaryen x stark ofc minor jacaerys velaryon x stark ofc masterlist prev | next
a/n: again, a little bit of a slow chapter. shera deserved some happiness and i'm giving it to her, dammit. also i lied, i dropped the chapter on monday oopsies.
wordcount: 4.5k
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings! no taglists right now, sorry.
content: smut, angst, fluff, disabled ofc, aemond being delulu & obsessive, major canon divergence, ofc has a service direwolf, i'm taking canon rules and putting them in a blender and taking a shot, arranged marriage, graphic depictions of violence, my terrible, terrible combat writing
story playlist
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Shera’s handwriting, in all accounts, was terrible. It was crude and wispy, all blending together like a child’s scrawl. As she sat at her desk, the ink dripping onto the paper from the length of her pauses, she wondered how to sign it. 
No, that was much too personal— she… she wasn’t his. 
Shera Stark
That felt formal and detached. It simply wouldn’t do.
She went through a myriad of different closing statements, wroughting her brain over like wringing out a rag. She even considered not doing it at all. 
No, no— she… she wanted to. She needed to try, atleast. Sulking and crying would only do so much for her. She needed to be proactive and offer an olive branch of sorts. She settled on a simple drawing of Moongeist— or mayhaps any wolf, but the point was there. He’d know. 
With the note pinned to her cut dress fabric, she snuck from her chambers, flagging down a pageboy. 
“Hello,” she murmured to the young lad, who couldn’t be any older than nine or ten. “May I ask a favor of you, ser?” 
“Yes ma’am… my lady,” he corrected softly, eyes wondering to Moongeist, who was sitting patiently at Shera’s feet. 
“May you take this fabric and note to Prince Aemond’s chambers and leave it upon his desk?” 
“The prince doesn’t like people going through his things while he’s not there, miss,” he responded, blue eyes wide. “I do not wish to be flogged.” 
Shera blinked slowly. Surely Aemond didn’t have servants flogged for an indiscretion. “Has… Prince Aemond had pageboys flogged before?” 
“No, miss— but I delivered him a letter while he was eating his lunch once… he had his eyepatch off on the table and I did not knock,” the young boy looked at his hands. “He said if I didn’t knock next time, he would make me clean up Vhagar’s dung with a wheelbarrow.” 
What the fuck, Aemond? Shera stifled a little laugh, trying not to embarrass the boy. “How about this,” she hummed. “Would you like to pet my wolf? He’s a real direwolf, all the way from the North.” 
The lad eyed Moongeist with a curious gaze. “My mumma had a shaggy dog with a curly tail when I was young. He licked my face n’ smelled horrible but he was my bestest friend,” he said, bashful. “He died a while ago— no one’s got any more pups for me to pet.” 
“He’d love a pet from you, ser,” Shera continued. “Will you deliver this to Prince Aemond’s chambers? If he gets cross with you, tell me and I’ll resolve it and sic my wolf upon him. No harm will befall you.” 
Shyly, the boy smiled, offering his hand to the wolf. Moongeist sniffed his hand and licked his palm, causing the boy to giggle. 
Shera showed him where Moongeist liked to be scratched the most, and the pageboy was quite pleased with himself when he had the giant wolf thumping his foot on the ground like a puppy at the most perfect of scratches. 
He took her note and favor and tottered off. 
Shera knocked on Helaena’s door. “Hela?” she called softly. 
A handmaid opened the door and let her in, wide eyes upon Moongeist. 
The solar was lovely, decorated in blue and purple silks upon the ceiling. There were framed pinnings of various bugs upon the walls, some of them being very rare if she remembered correctly. 
Upon the floor were strewn children’s toys, like wooden dragons that Helaena had when she was little, along with soldier dolls and princess dolls. Some children’s books were left open, some neatly stacked near the settee. 
Shera’s eye landed on Helaena, who was bobbing a toddler on her knee on the couch. A white haired child approached her, his violet eyes wide. He was the spitting image of Aegon as a child. 
“Who’s you?” he asked, not afraid to stare— like all children do. 
“Shera!” Helaena exclaimed, humming as she hoisted the smaller child onto her hip. “Jaehaerys, this is your auntie Shera.” 
“Auntie… Shera…” the little boy echoed. “Is she married to uncle Aemond?” 
Helaena’s face blanched slightly. “No, dearest,” she hummed. “She is very close to me, like a sister. Like Jaehaera is your sister.” 
“Oh,” he murmured. “She doesn’t have white hair. And she has a dog.” 
“He’s a wolf, Jaehaerys,” Shera chimed in. “Has your mumma read to you about direwolves and Winter Kings yet?” 
“A woof,” the smallest child chimed in, bouncing happily upon Helaena’s hip. “A woof, a woof!” 
“Well, I should introduce the children. You have already met Jaehaerys,” Helaena ruffed up his white curls as he continued to stare at Shera unabashedly. “He has a twin sister, Jaehaera. Who is…” Helaena swirled around. “She is hiding behind the settee,” she whispered, leading Shera to look at the pair of violet eyes peeking over the furniture at her. “And this is my youngest, Maelor. He is two years old. The twins are five.” 
“They’re gorgeous Hela,” Shera mused. “Jaehaerys looks just like Aegon, I thought I had stepped into the past when I saw him. Maelor, however,” she added, smiling at the little cherubic face of the youngest prince, who was blushing and giggling, “looks just like his mumma.” 
“Come sit, lovey,” Helaena said as she put Maelor down on the floor near the toys. “Lunch should be here soon. You look darling in that shade. You look like a jeweled beetle,” she hummed, offering her hand to Shera, which she took. Hela’s palm was warm, like a toasty fire, but not sweltering. It felt akin to being swaddled with a blanket. “Can I show you some of my bugs?” 
“Of course,” Shera agreed, feeling genuinely at ease. The solar was lively and lived in, surely because of the children— it felt… homely and not sterile and lifeless like some others’ chambers. 
Off to the far wall, Helaena led her to a bookshelf, carved in draconic designs and various Old Valyrian sigils that she couldn’t quite parse. It was stocked from top to bottom with various books, mostly pertaining to the taxonomy and biology of insects and arachnids— but there were some familiar titles snuck in as well. 
‘The Winter Kings of Yore: An Account of the North’. 
“Hela— you still have this?” Shera asked, her hand thumbing over the positively ancient book, prising it from the shelf. She remembered this was one of her favorite books as a child and would request Helaena to read it when they bathed. 
“Of course! I still have this one, too. ‘Tis Maelor’s favorite.” she pointed to another book, nestled next to the other tome. It was much shorter, but its hard cover was more colorful with streams of blue and purple thread embroidered into a moon and an image of a wolf. 
‘Moonpuppy’. It was a children’s book, the only one Shera had brought with her to King’s Landing when she arrived at age five. 
“Oh Gods,” Shera breathed, her fingertips skimming over the embroidery. It wasn’t the original binding of the book— the book was well loved into bits, to where the inner pages only remained at one point. Shera and Helaena had worked tirelessly for a whole moon trying to prise it back together. The princess embroidered the cover, trying to make it as close to the original as possible. 
Opening the book, she remembered they even made a title page, inked in their silly children’s handwriting. 
‘Moonpuppy, edition II. By Helaena Targaryen and Shera Stark.’
Shera wanted to cry. She sniffed, carefully going through the pages. “Helaena, how have you managed to make me cry twice now?” 
“Tears of happiness, my little wolf spider,” Hela whispered. “You should read it to Maelor. You were always better at the voices than I.”
“Oh, Hela— I… I don’t know if I can,” she whispered, heat coming to her ears. “It… hurts to speak for long and I cannot project… what if he cannot hear me?” 
“Even at two, he is a very good listener. He is nothing like his father in that regard.” 
Shera wiped away her tears and went to sit down. “Maelor, is this your favorite book?” 
“Mwoonpubby!” the toddler exclaimed, jumping to attention right away. 
“Do you know all the words? It’s been quite a while since I’ve read— I may need help remembering.” 
“Mumma reads it every night— can I be the pubby and you be the mwoon?” 
The strength of Shera’s smile almost hurt her face. “Of course.” 
She began her reading, her fingertips buzzing with elation and a strange sense of anxiety.
Once, long ago, there was a puppy. 
He lived in the bitter cold and was very small, but that was okay. He had a large family to keep him warm. 
His mumma and papa talked to the moon each night, encouraging him to do the same. 
‘I don’t know what to say.’ said the little pup. 
‘Whatever is in your heart, dearest. The moon will listen. She will always listen.’ His mumma soothed him, fiddling over his fur with her big tongue. 
One day, it was very dark. Usually, at night, they had the light of the moon. But it was gone this night, smothered in fog and clouds. 
The little pup whined, trudging in the snow. He was lost! He was lost and he couldn’t find his way back to his mumma. 
‘Mumma! Mumma!’ he howled to the sky, to the hidden stars, to the darkened moon. ‘Moon? Moon?’ 
Shera cleared her throat, feeling the pinch of her nerves creeping up on her. She wanted to finish it— she had to.
There was no answer. He was alone. 
He cried and cried for hours, so alone and so cold without his family to warm him. He missed his mumma so badly, he missed the moon. 
‘I don’t talk to you much,’ the pup said, muzzle to the sky. ‘I don’t have much to say usually. I am sorry.’ 
He shuffled his paws as he huddled under a low hanging ledge, out of the snow. It was still wet and he was cold, but it was better than nothing. 
He felt cold still, cold in his bones— 
A light shined down upon him, finally. The moon had broken through the fog. 
Her voice was so hoarse now, that nary a sound came out. Moongeist nuzzled his snout under her hand in a gesture to tell her to take it easy. 
She opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t, her voice catching within the brambles of her inflamed vocal cords. 
“S’okay, auntie Shewa,” Maelor said, toddling up onto the couch and snuggling up to Shera without any reservation. “I can finish it, I know all the pawrts. Mumma gets tired too sometimes… so I finish the stowy.” 
He could see, he could see. ‘Oh, thank you, thank you!’ he howled and barked and yipped. 
‘You should talk to me more, little pup,’ the moon cooed, bathing him in her silver light. ‘My sweet little moonpuppy.’ 
His pack found him quickly, all piling near him to keep him warm. He snuggled into their furs, looking up at the sky. 
The moon was full that night, full and bright. 
“Auntie Shewa?” 
“Can I pet your woof?” 
Shera looked to Helaena and gave a nod.
“You have to be gentle, like with the bugs.” Helaena stepped in, saving Shera from further talking— to which she was grateful for. 
“Uh huh…” Maelor mumbled, dragging his chubby little hand over Moongeist’s fur in a gentle manner so unlike a toddler. “Soft.” 
Moongeist licked the boy’s head, cowlicking his white curls into one. He giggled with delight.
They all lunched together, Helaena insisting that they sit on the floor and eat with the children. They sat in a circle, the kids having their porridge. They each had different toppings, which felt so much like them.
Jaehaerys had cut up ham atop his, accompanied by a smattering of frizzled onions. 
Jaehaera, on the other hand, had pieces of stewed pumpkin atop hers, glazed with cinnamon and maple syrup. It had some roasted pumpkin seeds atop for crunch. She had more of a sweet tooth than her brother, it seemed.
Maelor had a smaller bowl with plain porridge and melted butter– he glanced at Shera’s plate, to which her and Helaena were both eating parboiled quail eggs, dipping their toasted bread in the yolk. 
“Mumma– want egg,” Maelor muttered, swirling his spoon in his porridge. 
“What kind of egg, darling?” Helaena asked.
“I want what Auntie Shewa has,” he continued. “Dippy egg.”
“Maera,” Helaena called to her handmaiden. “Can you please have the cooks whip up some dippy eggs for Maelor– and mayhaps a bone for Moongeist, too?” 
The thumping of a tail was heard as the wolf heard ‘bone’ and ‘Moongeist’ in the same sentence. He stayed near Shera, but also in close proximity to Maelor, who had become quite attached to the wolf very quickly. The toddler offered porridge from his spoon to him, who happily slurped up the food with a wagging tail. 
Soon enough, Maelor was devouring his dippy eggs with toast. Helaena leaned forward now, tracing little circles on the plush rug they sat upon. “It was supposed to be different, you know.” 
Shera blinked. “What was?”
“I was supposed to be betrothed to Jacaerys– before… Aegon,” she started, eyes glazed over and looking towards somewhere far away, somewhere not completely there. “It might have been nice. I don’t know.”
“... really? You and Jacaerys?” she raised a brow. She couldn’t imagine Alicent ever agreeing to such a thing.
“Mother wasn’t pleased. Father pushed and pushed but mother was stronger and pushed back. It was a flash in the pan, so to speak. I wish I knew where we would be now if she had agreed.” 
“You would be upon Dragonstone, Hela– with… Jace’s children, presumably,” Shera cringed inwardly at the thought– that would be her some day.
Helaena wrinkled her nose at the thought, seemingly agreeing with Shera’s sentiment. “For all his faults–” she got up then, tugging Shera to her feet and leading her to the open window. “Aegon is… good with the children. When he is here. I don’t… he isn’t my husband in feeling– but he is my brother. What are we, any of us– but beholden to the mistakes of our families. All of us.”
Shera stayed silent as they sat on the windowsill together, letting Helaena talk. It seemed like something she didn’t talk about much– if ever. 
“He got the worst of mother’s rage. It broke something in him. But I think there is something broken in all of us, even mother,” Helaena reached to the trellis, plucking a beetle that was hiding between two folded leaves. “All of her children are cursed in some way,” she lifted her periwinkle gaze to Shera then. “You are one of her children, too.” 
“... cursed,” she echoed. Yes, that seems about right.
“Will you survive?” the princess turned the conversation then. “Upon Dragonstone?”
“I don’t know.” she answered truthfully, talking in honesty about the betrothal to someone for the first time. She tried before with Cregan, but he didn’t listen. 
“You’ll have to take the reins, you know,” Helaena prattled on, staring at the beetle with her full, rapt attention. It was blue in color, gleaming like a sapphire jewel in the sunlight. “Take them and steer them. You’ll be the only one able to change it– the trees bleed, Shera– cut lip, punctured wood...”
Shera’s brow furrowed further. Helaena was known to descend into her ramblings– but something within her tingled at the words. She didn’t know what they meant, but it made her stomach churn. She felt the whoosh of air from outside the window, a cream colored blur in the edge of her vision. She didn’t hear it, only felt it and saw it, fleeting. It landed upon a spiked point of the keep, across the way from the window– but she couldn’t parse what it was. Shera blinked profusely, bringing her hands to her eyes and rubbing them. When she looked again, it was gone, mayhaps never even there. 
“Hold the beetle, Shera,” Hela hummed, offering the jewel colored insect to her. “You remember how to hold them?”
“Gentle,” she responded, voice so quiet that it was hardly even a whisper. The beetle crawled eagerly onto her palm, roving around slowly. 
“I need to clean up the children for naptime. Maera,” the princess called, hopping off of the window sill. She walked to the handmaiden, who was a head taller than Helaena. Her dark brown hair was braided in one long wisp, a few errant strands sticking to her forehead. She had tanned skin and dark eyes, with a curved nose. The handmaiden smiled to Helaena and they whispered to one another, clearly very familiar, before they disappeared toward the nursery.
Her surroundings blurred as she kept her attention on the beetle. It seemed so simple, so… calm, despite being in the palm of a would-be predator. The light reflected off of its blue colored carapice, the elytra buzzing ever so slightly. It wanted to stretch, the slight unfold of its wings captivating Shera. She wondered what it was like to fly– she had always refused Jacaerys when he asked her to join him atop Vermax. But if… if she were the one flying, she may not be so scared. Her shoulders rolled in tandem with the beetle, feeling a crack of her bones and the ghostly sensation of her own wings clawing out from them. 
The beetle’s antenna wriggled, its little claws digging into her palm, pulling itself along. It wanted to go, it wanted to fly. Leaning towards the window, she saw the great expanse of the sky, littered now with clouds. There was a little breeze now, ruffling the gentle film of the wings as they extended– they looked and felt broken when coming from their sutures, but straightened out quickly. Crawling closer, closer to the breeze, flitting upon it. Hovering now, legs dangling ever expertly. Regarding the indoors one last time– pushing forward into the open air, flight, flight, wisping upon the breeze… was this freedom? 
“Shera! Open your eyes!” 
The breeze died upon her face as she turned to see Helaena at her side, a few maids behind her looking terrified– Moongeist was whining at her feet. 
“Shera?” Helaena whispered now, her periwinkle eyes wide. “Are you alright?”
“... yes– um,” she glanced around nervously at the maids, who were now chittering amongst themselves. 
“Thank you, ladies– you may go now. I will call the maester myself if Shera falls ill again.” 
Ill? She was awake that entire time, she knew it– she was… focusing on the beetle… the beetle…
“Hela– where is the beetle?” 
“The beetle…” she breathed, looking over to the table. 
Shera looked to see an open lightbox, the beetle was in it. It was seized up, not moving. 
“It fell. Its thorax got torn on the windowsill– I will fix it before I pin it,” the princess sighed. “The breeze was too strong.”
“Is it dead?” 
Shera felt cold, a chill creeping at her back. “I should… I should get some rest, I think. M-much excitement for me today, I think.”
Helaena nodded.
Shera laid in bed, taking her dinner in her chambers. She felt… utterly exhausted. The day had been tumultuous, even without her… disassociating spell in Helaena’s chambers.
Her fingers roved over a book– it was something that was just left in her room for decoration and no real substance. Her eye strained as she tried to focus on the words. It was already hard enough to read with only one working eye, but with the content of this book being so boring, she couldn’t parse any of it at all. 
Knock, knock, knock. Three knocks rapt upon her door.
“I don’t need any tea,” she croaked out, unable to project her voice. She slipped out of her bed, adorned in her nightgown– it was fairly see-through, so she grabbed a blanket and slipped it over her head and body, snugging it close. She hated being caught without her veil on. “Please, come back in the morning.” she muttered as she opened the door, peeking her face out slightly.
“I’m afraid I cannot take no for an answer, Lady Stark,” Aemond hummed, standing before her in all his glory. He wasn’t dressed for bed– she wondered if he wore his riding and sparring leathers to bed, too. “I was tasked with delivering some… reading material to you.” 
Shera perked a brow inquisitively. “Reading material?” She hadn’t requested anything specific from the library.
“Can I come in?” 
Shera bit her lip. “Yes… I suppose…” she opened the door wider for him to come in as she scrambled to find a veil to wear. 
“No need for that. I won’t look if it makes you uncomfortable.” he said, his tone a bit softer than usual. He had two books in his hands as he looked around the room. 
“I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable,” Shera grunted, a bit indignantly. His words from the dinner still echoed in her head. Mayhaps it's a mangled mess under there. She remembered him laughing at her earlier in the day when her veil had slipped slightly. Her cheeks burned as she pulled the blanket taut around her, facing away from him. 
“I’m sure I’ve seen worse,” he said flatly, putting the books down on the side table next to the chaise. “But, out of respect, I won’t look.” 
She was sure he meant it as a way to soothe her worry, but she couldn’t help but feel tears start to form. Hastily, she wiped them away. “What was so important that this… delivery couldn’t wait until morn?” she glanced at him, her eyes stinging. “And why you?” she added, her punctuation of you a bit more harsh than she intended. 
Aemond’s brow knit as he regarded her. He said he wouldn’t look, the liar. 
She whipped in the opposite direction quickly. 
“Helaena asked me to deliver you this… and I had one to give you as well. Think of it as a betrothal gift.” he muttered, beginning to walk the room as if he wasn’t an intruder. Well, she had invited him in. 
Moongeist was snoozing on the bed, belly up. His legs twitched in the air as he whimpered softly from dreaming. Aemond stared at him. “This is your valiant protector? He is sleeping on the job.” 
“He deserves rest— you aren’t a threat to me, Aemond. He senses that,” she replied. Not a threat physically, at least. You’re a predator to my mind. 
“Hm,” he hummed, walking to the table where she still had two honey walnut cakes sitting out. “You enjoyed them, I take it?” 
“The cakes. I had a maid bring them to you this morn.” 
“Oh– it was you,” she murmured, the tips of her ears flushing under the implication. “... thank you. It… helped.” 
“You were… distressed– these always used to cheer you up.”
Shera let out a tentative breath. He had thought of her– and remembered her favorite sweet? And… cared enough to have them brought to her. Maybe… maybe he didn’t loathe her so. “They were… very good,” she continued, letting a smile come to her face. It felt strange to smile around Aemond after so long.
“Yes, the cook who made them still works in the kitchens,” he picked up one, taking a bite. He had liked them as well, but his favorite had always been blueberry scones. “She surprisingly hasn’t kicked the bucket yet– still working away down there, at seventy-five. Mother offered her retirement and a nice hole in the wall shack near the wharf. She refused, adamant to work until she died.” he made a noise of surprise at the taste. “Still good.” 
“I’m surprised you remembered, Aemond,” she walked closer then, making sure to snatch the last one off of the plate before he decided to take it, too. She took a bite, the honey sticking to her fingers.
“I remember a lot, Shera,” he pulled out a chair and took a seat. Why was he staying?
 Her heart stopped momentarily as he said her name. She buried herself further into the pastry to hide her red cheeks. “Memories are a plague,” she grumbled, pulling up her legs to her chest after she settled into the chair next to him. 
“That they are, most of them are. A festering, decrepit reminder of… things best left forgotten. However,” he leaned forward then, his thumb cleaning off a drip of errant honey from the corner of her mouth. “I do remember, you were always a messy eater. Some things don’t change, do they?”
She shivered as he touched her with such… gentleness he hadn’t displayed at all since she’s been back. It was a glimpse into the boy he used to be– he was still there, deep down. She almost choked on the rest of her cake, putting it down on the plate as she quietly licked her fingers, trying to distract herself. “... no, some things don’t change.” 
“The book weren’t the only reason I came– Helaena asked me to ask you if you would like to come on a picnic to the Kingswood tomorrow. With Aegon, the children, Helaena and I. She told me that… Maelor required you bring Moongeist.” 
Shera stared at him for a long moment, her eyes wide and owlish. The blanket slipped from her head slightly as she leaned forward, snatching the remainder of Aemond’s honey walnut cake from his fingers. “I suppose– as long as there are more cakes,” she hummed, feeling a slightly giddy sensation tingle down her spine as she devoured the rest. “How on earth did you manage to get Aegon to agree?” 
“I promised that there would be wine,” he watched, his violet eye roving her face unabashedly as she finished the pilfered sweet. 
“And… mayhaps I threatened to pay all the brothels off to not service him any longer if he did not attend.” 
Aemond left soon after, bidding her goodnight in a very stiff and still… somewhat cold in manner. But he was trying– she could see that. 
Before tucking back into bed, she looked to see the books he had left for her.
One was the copy of ‘Moonpuppy’ that she had read earlier that day.
The other, the supposed ‘gift’ from Aemond, was a well-worn, well-loved copy of the old folk hero ‘Symeon Star-Eyes’. Upon opening the cover and flitting through the pages, she saw many notes and footnotes on each page– it was Aemond’s handwriting. He had left his thoughts on each page– as she descended through the book, his handwriting changed and evolved. It started off very shaky and tenuous, but as she scanned through the end of the tome, it was confident and sophisticated. He had annotated this copy for years, his handwriting and views on the text changing with each year. Flipping back to the front, she looked at the date.
It was dated five moons after the Driftmark incident. Then, opening the back– it was dated a fortnight ago. He had written, noted, and journaled in this book for ten years.
Why did he give this to her?
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beefybuckrrito · 2 years
Study Session
Eddie asks you to help him study.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader (any race)
Word count: 4.8k (I got a little carried away oopsie)
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, reader is 18+, pet names (princess), bit o nipple play, biting (not too hard), fingering, handjob, unprotected p in v sex, a little of my D&D dorkiness sneaking out hehe
Author’s note: It took the beautiful doe-eyed soft fluffy boy making my heart explode to kick my ass back into writing! And thanks to him I already have another Eddie fic halfway done wink wink. No spoilers for ST4! Biggest shoutout to my irl bestie @tincanfics for hyping me up and also @mjolnir-steve for beta-ing! I am in love with Eddie Munson and there is no cure. Please consider sharing and commenting if you enjoy this!
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You maneuvered through the sea of bodies to slip into the back door of your English class, a slow breath easing out of your chest as you settled into your seat. This was it, your last year of high school. While people were already boasting about the colleges they would be applying to or their grand gap year plans, you were just relieved to be done. The school work came easy enough, it wasn’t hard to study when you didn’t have anyone to be hanging out with. Your family moving to Hawkins your junior year pulled you from your old friends and pushed you into a situation where everyone had found their cliques the years prior, so you spent your time studying or walking through the woods of the small town with your walkman fastened to your hip. 
The screech of chalk on the board pulled you from your thoughts and once you realized you hadn’t missed anything important, you scanned the room for who you would be seeing first period every day. Familiar faces seemed to surround you, until you looked straight across the room to someone sneaking in after the bell and into the softest brown eyes you had ever seen. You immediately dropped your head to hide your face, cheeks growing hot from catching the gaze of possibly the most beautiful person in existence. Sure, you had seen the fluffy-haired metalhead in the hallways or standing on the occasional table in the cafeteria, but this was different. He was looking back at you this time. Heart hammering against your ribcage, curiosity got the best of you as you flicked your eyes back in that direction, only to get caught again. This time, you waited long enough to gauge his reaction, and you could’ve passed out seeing the smirk that tugged at the corner of his mouth and two ringed fingers raising off the desk in greeting. Refusing to let your nerves win this time, you offered a small wave back before turning your attention to the teacher. 
It became routine for you to start your day with English class, offering a small smile and wave across the room at the boy you quickly learned was named Eddie, and he returned the gesture in kind. The more comfortable you got, the more often your gaze danced over his features as he tried to pay attention to the lesson. You liked how his fingers drummed on the desk when he was bored, the sunlight sometimes catching the chunky silver pieces just right. You wondered how they would feel on your skin. His fluffy curls swayed whenever he would lean back in his chair to stretch, and it took all of your willpower to not notice how his tee would ride up and you could see the pale skin of his belly. He would wrinkle his nose at lines he didn’t like or found particularly complex, and you just wanted to plant the smallest kiss right on the tip of it. Studying for school was a chore, but you could study Eddie Munson all day. Somehow, your notetaking didn’t falter, though you were sure it would when you caught yourself doodling the Hellfire Club logo that was on his shirt. 
Eddie thanked whatever merciful power sent him a reason to want to go to English class first period. Not that he was paying as much attention, but showing up everyday instead of skipping had to help keep him on the path to graduating for real this year, right? It was time he got it together and actually wrapped up his time at Hawkins High. Maybe the band could get more gigs if he and the guys had time to travel. He was just determined to be done this time around. What he thought was going to be the most painful part of his day immediately turned around when he caught the eye of the cutest girl he had ever seen on the first day of school.
It had been a few weeks of the little back and forth with Eddie. You would smile and silently greet each other every morning from across the room and steal glances when you thought the other wasn’t looking. Almost like a game, the two of you would try to take everything in about the other while still keeping a single thread of focus on the topic for the day. You were much more successful than Eddie when it came to this. The first pop quiz handed back stared up at him with an F. He frantically looked over to you and caught the A on the top of yours as you tucked it into your folder. If he needed a sign to approach you, this was it.
You had dropped your chemistry textbook into your locker and closed the door, only to find the shaggy haired beauty from your English class on the other side, causing you to yelp in surprise. 
“Sorry to scare you, princess!” Eddie briefly looked mortified as his cheeks tinged pink, then he took a breath and offered his hand out. “I’m Eddie.”
“O-oh, it’s okay. Sorry to scare you back.” You shyly smiled at the nickname and gently fit your hand into his as you gave him your name. “It’s nice to officially meet you.” You didn’t realize you were still holding his hand as you got lost peering into his round eyes again.
“Yeah, you too.” Eddie gently squeezed your hand again before reluctantly letting go. Why was it so easy to flirt with you across the room, but now right in front of you, he felt even dumber than his grades showed? “Listen, I was wondering..” He chewed on his bottom lip for a moment and broke your gaze to study the blank outside of your locker. “Would you maybe want to study together sometime? You look like you have a way better handle on O’Donnell’s class than I do. And it would be cool to hang out, you know?”
You held your breath as he spoke. While you were a little disappointed he wasn’t asking you out, you were also relieved at not having to muster up the courage to go on a proper date. Hanging out sounded good. 
“That sounds good. Yeah. I can help you out.” You nodded, desperately trying to keep your nerves at bay. “Hanging out would be cool, too.”
Eddie beamed at you, ecstatic at getting the chance to spend more time with you and hopefully getting his grades straightened out. “I have Hellfire tonight. How about tomorrow, my place? Just me and my uncle and he works nights, so it would be nice and quiet.”
“Sure, that sounds good.” You were staring at him again, lost in the lines around his smile that made him look extra endearing to you. The bell for next class brought your attention back. “I can meet you in the parking lot tomorrow after school.”
You couldn’t help yourself in dressing a little cuter the next day. You didn’t want to be obvious or anything, but a little more makeup and jeans with your favorite top gave you the confidence to go through your day and have you fighting to not skip your way to the parking lot after your last class.
“Hey, princess!” Eddie called to you from where he was leaning against his van, waving once he caught your eye. 
He chewed at his bottom lip, watching as you approached. You seemed even more chipper than usual. Were you as excited as he was for this? He wasn’t sure about that, though the thought made his heart race a little. You looked extra good today, from your bright smile all the way down to your jeans that hugged your thighs so nicely. He quickly snapped himself out of those thoughts and made his way over to the passenger side to open the door for you, dramatically bowing and gesturing for you to take a seat. “My lady, your chariot to the land of studying awaits.”
You giggled as you thanked him and climbed into the van. The ride to his place went by smoothly as he told you all about the current campaign he was running with Hellfire. The way he animatedly spoke and gestured with his hands as he drove was so engaging, his passion pulling you in more by the second. 
Eddie was thrilled to tell you everything about Dungeons and Dragons and the storyline he had crafted. No one ever asked him about the game, and he loved the way you were watching him as he spoke. You seemed genuinely interested in him, or at least what he was saying. He gradually quieted down as he pulled into the trailer park, suddenly nervous about what you would think about it.
“So, do you think they’ll be able to survive Vecna?” You seemed unphased at the surroundings as you collected your bag off the floor. “It sounds like you’re giving those kids a real run for their money.”
Eddie did a double take at you not casting a judgemental look toward the trailer. He rarely had anyone over, never mind a pretty girl who was smart and seemed to like talking to him. “We’ll have to see if their plan will work. It seems pretty risky, but I think they have a chance at pulling it off.” He hopped out of the driver’s side and dashed over to your door, making sure to open it with as much flourish as he did the first time before leading you to the front door. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” He mumbled as he ushered you into the living room. He fidgeted with his rings as he watched you take in your surroundings.
“I like the hat collection.” You warmly smiled at him, trying to calm the anxious expression on his face.
“Thanks. It’s a thing my uncle and I have been doing for years.” He shuffled his feet a little but perked up at your smile. “Wanna head to my room? I mean, to start studying.” His cheeks felt warm again as he gestured down the hall.
“Lead the way, kind sir.” You softly giggled as he was clearly caught off guard by your own nickname for him. Following him into the room at the back of the trailer, you were in awe of the space completely decked out in band posters, your eyes falling to a glossy black and red guitar hanging in the center of the wall. The air was warm and smelled of a heady combination of his cologne and the weed he was no doubt stashing somewhere. It suited him perfectly. 
“She’s a beaut, huh?” Eddie gently touched his fingers to the instrument. He was relieved you weren’t seemingly off put by anything and possibly intrigued by his interests. He was not used to this. 
“Can I hear you play sometime?” You turned to him, the hopeful expression on your face making his chest tighten. 
“I’m not really sure you’ll be into the stuff I play, princess.” He chuckled and gestured to the various metal band memorabilia around the room, “But you can if you really want.”
“I would like that very much.” You were buzzing with excitement. The prospect of getting to see him outside of school again putting an additional pep in your step. School. Right. You were supposed to be helping him with English, too. “So, did you want to get started on the homework?”
You read passionately as you lay across the foot of Eddie’s bed on your belly, casually rolling a few dice in your palm.
“Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under't. He that's coming
Must be provided for: and you shall put
This night's great business into my dispatch;
Which shall to all our nights and days to come
Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom”
Eddie watched you in awe, his eyes constantly flickering back and forth between the curves of your legs and the motion of your fingers caressing his game pieces. “You sure make a convincing murderous lady.” He grins at you as you roll on your side to face him. 
“I hope that doesn’t scare you away…” You took a risk and winked at him, taking great satisfaction in the surprised look on his face. Like in class, the two of you had taken to stealing glances while the other was busy reading, although this time you seemed to be catching each other constantly. You felt more comfortable the more you read back and forth.
To his credit, Eddie threw on a cheesy suave look and leaned toward you, plucking a d20 out of your hand. “Not at all, dearest partner of greatness.”
Your breath caught in your throat at the proximity, his weight shifting on the bed only moving you closer to him. So easily you reverted back to your favorite activity, studying Eddie Munson. His fluffy hair was tousled from rolling around the mattress as he dramatically read his lines, his big brown eyes looking even darker from the size of his pupils, he was an absolute sight to behold.  
Eddie could feel his ears burning beneath his curls from the way you looked at him, almost like you were in awe. He was used to people looking at him, but more like a performer at a freakshow or an animal in a cage. You looked at him like he was a work of art. It made him excited and nervous all at once. Did you really want him? His gaze dropped to your lips then quickly returned to your eyes, silently asking for permission.
A fresh wave of confidence soared through you as the usually boisterous metalhead softened right before your eyes, a look of almost pleading on his face the closer you became. You wanted to close the distance so badly, ever since you saw him on the first day of class, but you also enjoyed the little games you played together. You wanted him to feel in his element. “Roll for it.”
“What?” Eddie leaned back slightly, a brief look of confusion across his pretty face before you toyed with the die in his hand.
“You heard me, Mister Dungeon Master. Roll. To. Kiss. Me.” You leaned forward and softly bumped his nose with yours.
Eddie groaned, your words going right to his heart and crotch. “Damn, princess. Almost as ruthless as Lady Macbeth.” He carefully pushed your closed books together, giving him a flat surface to work with. He rolled the die around in his hand, praying to a god he didn’t believe in as he watched you bite your lip and smile at him. He slowly exhaled and released the die, watching as it bounced atop the books, the hollow sound ringing in his ears along with his heartbeat. 
The two of you held your breaths as the piece spun, trying so desperately to will a high number in your heads. Both wanting it so badly…
And he rolled a damn 10. 
Eddie went wide-eyed, a panicked look twisting his features as he frantically looked back and forth between you and the d20 that betrayed him. “I- Can, can I reroll? Please?”
“No.” Your voice was level, almost casual as you leaned forward to inspect the low roll further. “However, I’ll consider it a partial success. You can kiss me anywhere except on the lips.” You smirked at him, goosebumps spreading across your body as you watched his breathing pick up. 
Eddie was stunned. How was the cute, quiet girl that he borderline drooled over in class teasing him like this? He never wanted it to stop. “As you wish, my lady.” He gently cupped the back of your head and leaned in, his nose bumping yours again. The soft gasp that fell from your lips only spurred on his returned teasing as his fingers ghosted over your goosebumps. He ran the tip of his nose across your cheek, watching as your eyes fluttered closed. The hum you emitted as he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheekbone made the front of his jeans tighten. You made such pretty sounds, and he wasn’t anywhere near done hearing them. 
The way he teased you was already setting you on fire, his gentle touches and the softness of his lips on your skin driving you crazy. You slid a hand up his arm and pushed your fingers through his fluffy curls, needing to touch him in some way. You pulled back slightly, only to look at him and see a reflection of just how needy you were. “Eddie…” 
He moaned hearing you say his name and dipped his head down to start peppering your jaw and the side of your neck with more kisses. He slid his other arm beneath you and pulled you closer to him, cradling you in his arms. “Is this okay?”
“Yes, please.” You softly cooed into the crown of his head, inhaling the mouth-watering scent of his shampoo. You writhed under his touch, pressing your bodies closer together and tugging at the hair you still had in your grasp. The vibration of his next moan had you squeezing your thighs together. The tension lingering between you all evening and finally getting the touch you needed was everything.
Eddie kissed and licked down to your collarbone, trying to nudge his way under the neckline of your top. He released the gentle grip he had on the back of your neck and rested his hand on your hip, massaging your curves through your jeans as he slipped his thumb under your shirt to touch the soft skin of your belly. “You’re so pretty, princess.” The way your back arched beneath his touch gave him the confidence to slide his hand further up, gripping the flesh of your waist. 
“You can see more of me if you want.” You gasped, feeling his teeth nipping at your shoulder. “Please, Eddie. Can I see you, too?” Releasing his curls, you gently tugged at the bottom of his shirt. 
“Yes! Absolutely, yes.” Eddie was quick to sit up onto his knees and yank his shirt off over his head, tossing it somewhere across the room. He met your eyes briefly, momentarily speechless seeing how blown your pupils were, before he saw you hungrily take in his exposed torso. 
You sat up to match him and immediately dove in to cover his neck and chest with kisses and gentle bites, pleasantly mewling at the taste of his skin. You flicked your tongue against his nipple and hummed in delight at his sharp intake of breath. It seemed impossible, you being there with the wild boy who caught your attention from a distance a year ago, so you were going to make the most of it. You kissed across his chest and down his arms, leaving kitten licks beside each tattoo before you reached his fingers. You collected his large hands in yours and toyed with his rings for a moment, before pressing a kiss to each fingertip.
Eddie felt like he was in a daze watching you, each movement and kiss lifting him higher into the haziness of his arousal. He couldn’t believe a sweet thing like you would actually give him the time of day, but here you were borderline sucking on his fingers and making eyes at him. He needed you. Resting his hands on your hips at first, he collected the fabric of your shirt and slowly pulled it over your head, like he was unwrapping a delicate present. He let the article fall to the bed beside him as he took you in: kneeling on his bed in your bra, wet marks from his kisses across your neck, your eyes glazed over in lust, biting your bottom lip while giving him a shy smile as you reached back to unclasp your bra. He was done for. 
The way Eddie was so perfectly following your instruction was driving you both insane. He tackled you back onto the mattress, covering your face with kisses, daring to get as close to the corners of your smile as possible still without touching your lips as you laughed. You both managed to undo each other’s jeans and slide them down your legs, taking a moment to process the sights before you. Hands roaming everywhere, you gently bit his shoulder as his fingers traced over the wetness of your panties, you cradling his balls and firm erection through his boxers. He laid open-mouthed kisses down your sternum and kneaded your breasts with his free hand, loving how you squealed when he would pinch a nipple. 
He was painfully hard at this point, and all of your caressing and perfect squeezing further drove him to pleasure. He wanted so badly to be inside you, but he needed to feel you first. He chuckled at the pout you gave him as he retracted his hand from between your thighs. “I promise you’ll like what I’m going to do, princess.” He slid his hand beneath the waistband of your panties and swirled a finger around your already swollen clit. “You’re soaked for me, huh? You want more?” He teased as his fingertips lazily stroked through your slick folds. 
“Please. Yes, please, Eddie.” You whined and swiveled your hips. Your back arched off the bed as he pressed a long digit into you, satisfying you in a way you had been craving for weeks. You dipped your hand into the band of his boxers and wrapped your fingers around his length the best you could, slowly stroking the silky skin. He had you so worked up, he easily slipped a second finger inside you. “More, please. Wanna feel your rings.”
“Oh, fuck.” Eddie was losing himself in your touch and deliciously needy sounds. He pressed his two fingers deeper, just enough to have his bulky rings nudging your entrance. His pace continued to be torturously slow, his fingers filling you repeatedly to the hilt of his rings as he watched you alternate between closing your eyes in bliss and looking up at him when you gave him a firm stroke. 
You would be lost in taking in every little expression Eddie made if he wasn’t making you so lost in pleasure. His fingers curled inside you perfectly, your back further arching off the bed as you neared your climax. His mouth was hanging slack as you continued to stroke him, his lips puffy from dragging them down your body. He looked perfectly debauched. You gasped when he rubbed his thumb against your clit with both fingers pressed deep inside you. Your hips bucked against his hand, and you started to stroke his cock faster. “Eddie, I’m… I-oh!” Your orgasm washed you in absolute pleasure as you clenched around his fingers, the motion of his thumb prolonging your release. 
“There you go, princess. Keep coming for me. So pretty. So, so pretty.” He egged you on, feeling such pride in making you tremble the way you did. His cock throbbed in your hand, desperate for release at this point, but he couldn’t stop playing with your sweet pussy and watching you writhe for him. 
You used your free hand to weakly grasp at his wrist, stilling his movement. “So good. So sensitive. Just a second.” You giggled as you guided his fingers out of you, humming at the feeling. Propping yourself up on your elbow, you continued to stroke him, running your thumb through the precum dripping from the tip. Once you felt ready, you laid back down and beckoned him toward you, spreading your knees as he climbed between them.  “Are you ready, Eddie?” You bumped the tip of your noses together again.
“Hell yes,” Eddie lowly whispered, his breath fanning over your face as he leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead. "Are you ready, princess?" He sat back and slowly stroked himself, rubbing the nearly purple head through your wetness. 
"Mhm.." You nodded up at him, wiggling your hips to invite him to fill you up. "Need you, Eds." 
Eddie exhaled a shaky breath, his heart pounding in his chest and ears at the reality of where he was. He moaned as he slowly pushed into you, his forehead falling to rest atop of yours when he filled you completely. He stilled for a moment, for you to adjust to him and even more so for him to not finish the second he slid into your slick heat. "Oh, fuck, I'm inside you, princess. You feel so perfect." He mumbled into your forehead and kissed it again before pulling back to look at you.
The stretch of Eddie filling you was overwhelming in the best way possible. You grabbed his shoulder, your nails digging into his skin. "So full. Oh, my god. Please move. I need it." 
He pulled almost completely out before slowly sliding all the way back in, already losing himself to how good you felt around him. He pushed himself up onto his hands that rested on either side of your head to watch you as he picked up his pace. He was hypnotized by how your body moved under him; the way your breasts jiggled with each  thrust, your legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him further into you, and how you reached above yourself to grasp his wrists. The room was filled with sounds of your combined moans and the slapping of skin, something neither of you could get enough of in that moment. Eddie almost came as you sat up and started kissing and sucking at the tattoos on his forearms. “Jesus, princess. You’re gonna make me cum if you keep doin’ that.”
Your body was thrumming with pleasure, being filled so perfectly and surrounded by everything Eddie Munson. He looked so fucked out and wild on top of you, his hair bouncing with his thrusts and his beautiful eyes locked on you. You wanted to make him come, bring him the same pleasure he already brought you so easily and was going to again. You leaned forward and bit at the tattoo on his chest, your tongue laving at the expanse of skin between your teeth. He shouted and his thrusts picked up, absolutely pounding into you now. A mewl from you was muffled against his chest. With a ‘pop’ you released his pec and kissed up his neck, “C’mon, Eddie. Make me cum again, then finish inside me.”
“Oh, god.” Eddie was gritting his teeth at this point, determined to make you hit your peak again before he did. He slid a hand down your body, rolling a nipple between his fingers before settling his hand on your pubic bone, his thumb quickly circling over your clit. He was losing his pace, every kiss and bite you pressed to his skin was pushing him closer and closer. “Let me hear you. Let me hear those pretty noises, and come for me again.” He changed the motion of his thumb and nearly roared as you keened beneath him.
“Yes, yes, yes. Oh, fuck, yes, Eddie!” You buried your face into his chest as your orgasm came crashing down on you. Your entire body felt like it was on fire, flames lapping at you with each pulse of your release around him. “Please fill me up. Please!” You lifted your eyes to look at him, needing to see him come apart.
“Holy shit. I’m gonna cum, I-” Eddie thrust deep inside once more before spilling his release inside of you. The remaining clenching from your pussy leaving him with nothing but to give the smallest thrusts as he finished. He dropped to his elbows, his hair falling over his shoulders and caging your faces together for a moment. He rested his forehead against yours again as you both tried to regain your breath. 
When his heart rate finally slowed, he reluctantly pulled out of you and rolled onto his back, arms open and inviting you to lay with him. He hummed contently as you snuggled into his side, your head resting on his chest. This felt so right. 
After a few minutes of comfortable silence between, you suddenly shifted and reached under your side, piquing Eddie’s interest. You grinned up at him as you produced the d20 from earlier. “I think you should roll again.”
Eddie chuckled and plucked the die from your hand. “I guess I can’t really complain about my results from the last one.” Flashing you a cheeky smile, he rolled it in his hands for a moment before dropping it down the curve of your hip. He sat up a little to peer at it sitting on the bed between you, a 20 sitting at the top. 
You both cheered and grabbed at each other's face, peering into the other’s eyes before finally closing the distance and pressing your lips together.
Taglist: @barnesafterglow @sweetdreamsbuck @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @christywantspizza @midnightf @justile @late-to-the-party-81 @moonlacebeam
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bri-sonat · 1 year
Kisses Of Fire
Follow-up to Life Eternal
Pairing: Brienne of Tarth x Fem!Knight!Reader
Warnings: NSFW!! Major GoT spoilers, descriptions of violence & blood, angst, SMUTTY SMUT, oral sex, praise kink, semi-public sex, a tiny bit of angst again, fluff.
A/N: so as i was writing this i realized i totally made up my own timeline, oopsie, so i should clarify. the first two fics (enjoy the silence & life eternal) took place post the long night and pre the end. this fic catches up to that. this is (by my own opinion and admission) not my best work, but i've been working on it for so long and it's been approved for public reading, so, here it is. the finale. the end of our two beloved knights' love story. blah blah blah english is not my first language (obligatory warning). i hope the ending is satisfactory to all, enjoy!
big thanks to my dear bestie aron (@queerofalltrades) for reading through it and giving it the stamp of approval, and for helping me with the idea for this fic, without them, this fic wouldn't exist. and spouse heather (@pastanest) for helping me compact complicated GoT plot and for explaining more GoT customs to me.
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It had been five months since that fateful night by the stables when your love had screamed after you with all her might with tears in her eyes. 
That had also been the last time she had communicated with you at all. 
You had sent her ravens, every Sunday for the past months, concluding your week, talking about your father's passing, and your mother. No message was ever sent back but your own, unopened and unread. Despite this you kept sending them, to keep your oath and to let her know you thought about her, every single day. 
In your messages to her, you often mentioned things you saw during your day that reminded you of her. Like the bright blue sky, equally as bright as her eyes and smile. The setting sun, just as beautiful and breathtaking as her. Any time you saw something dark blue, much reminding you of the unique armor she always donned. 
These small details were added for her to know that you hadn’t forgotten her and that she was always on your mind; had she read them, she would’ve been made aware of this fact. 
You couldn’t blame her for ignoring your messages. She was upset that you left, that you didn’t listen to her cries. That you had made her fall in love, and that you ripped her heart out of her chest. 
What you couldn’t understand, however, was her stubbornness, she knew you had no choice. In fact, she would’ve done the same had her father gotten ill, considering she’s his only heir. The only difference was she would’ve let you come with her; she would’ve begged you to. 
She would have hired you as her main bodyguard, as her master-at-arms, as Commander of her troops, she would have hired you as anything if it meant always having you at her side. Even as she ruled over Tarth. 
That was the difference between her and you, she had obligations and could not join you, even when she desperately wanted to, you, however, could join her. You weren’t sworn to anyone but your family, Brienne, and the Gods, there was work for knights everywhere, you could go wherever you wished. 
She went where her loyalties led her, and her loyalties always led her to the daughters of Lady Catelyn Stark. Despite the Lady’s murder at the red wedding years prior, the honorable blonde kept serving the daughters, because death did not release her from her vows. You admired her extreme loyalty and virtue, there weren’t many people like her left in the world you lived in, everyone was either greedy, monsters, liars, or all three. 
Your unopened scrolls started to pile up on your desk and you wondered how long she would keep this up. Your patience only lasted for so long and you couldn’t deny the pang of hurt that surged through you and your heart when yet another message was returned, unread. After a while, you started to wonder if she had even received your ravens at all. 
About one month after you had arrived at your family’s residence in Lemonwood, your father passed due to his illness, leaving you and your mother as the attendees of the family business. 
The four months that passed after that were spent keeping up the trade, meeting shipments at Planky Town as they came in from the Westerosi coast and the Free Cities of Essos, comforting your mother, and sending unrequited ravens to Brienne. 
To honor your duties as a knight, you offered your help to the Martell family, having history with them that went all the way back to your grandfather's childhood. The only living one of them called for you every now and then for advice, or just to help patrol around Sunspear. 
You were a familiar face for most, having spent a lot of time in the city growing up, and you recognized some people as well, stopping to have a chat with some; and others, you just gave a polite nod to considering where you knew them from. 
Brienne was a constant on your mind, even when you received the news one week after your arrival of Kings Landing crumbling, the deaths of Jaime and Cersei Lannister, and Jon Snow assassinating Daenerys Targaryen. 
A few weeks after the fall of the capital and the deaths, Prince Martell had to leave for unstated business in Kings Landing. He had asked you to look over things while he was away and you accepted, not inquiring what said business was about. 
He had returned about a week later and stated that Bran the Broken had taken the now melted Iron Throne and that The North had been established as an independent kingdom with Sansa as its ruler. The mention of her name brought forth memories of the last time you had spoken to her, recollections of Brienne, and eventually evocations of her by the stables. 
You had no news of your knight; you did not even know if she was alive. 
You desperately wanted to ask Prince Martell about Brienne. Just a simple, ‘My Lord, was there a tall blonde by Sansa Starks’ side?’ would have been adequate, but you hadn’t dared to verbalize the query in case the answer was no. If the answer was no, it meant that she was no longer alive, because your knight was always by the redhead's side as her sworn sword. 
Part of you hoped that if she had met her untimely death, you’d be notified; but had to come to terms with that there would be no reason for anyone to think of doing so. 
Around the same time of Prince Martell's return from Kings Landing, your raven returned, however, something was different this time. The bird carried both your scroll and another. You had hoped it was from Brienne, disappointment settled in when you saw that it wasn’t. 
The words on the Stark stationary were very few, only there to convey the brief piece of information necessary. Despite the lack of long and many sentences, the small amount was exactly what you needed to hear. 
“Brienne no longer resides in Winterfell. She has relocated to the White Sword Tower in Kings Landing. – Sansa Stark.”
She was alive. A flood of relief washed over you but was quickly replaced by sadness and confusion. She was alive but ignored your messages; and she was in the King's Guard, of course. 
You read the message again and detected that Brienne's and Sansa’s titles were missing in the message, meaning she had forsaken professionalism. This led you to the conclusion that she somehow knew about you and your knight's infatuation with each other. It gave you a sense of calmness, knowing that you would have been notified had she perished. 
It then broke your heart, realizing that the blonde couldn’t let go of her pride for one second to personally let you know of her relocating, she had to have someone else do it for her. You would have expected her to tell you so herself but apparently, that was too highly anticipated of you, so silly of you to think that she could be bothered to tell you personally, how unreasonable, how idiotic. 
There were whispers of a new Lord Commander, but no one knew who they were, only that the King's Guard now only consisted of two knights. You knew that Brienne was one of the members, considering her new residency but still had no idea who the Commander could be considering they had no distinguishing marks to tell them apart from the rest of the guard. 
So, until it was confirmed who had filled the position, it was unknown information and you made it a habit to spike your ears whenever you heard people mention ‘Lord Commander’ in conversation, hoping to learn what everyone was curious to know. 
Brienne’s life had been quite non-identical. She had spent the entire week after your departure mourning you. She noticed your absence in everything: her bed, her heart, breakfast, training, dinner, and the void was particularly draining after her patrols when your usual midnight meetings would occur. She had gotten used to your touch, now the only thing she felt was the cold hand of complete loneliness. 
During your stay, Brienne's squire, Podrick, had noticed the taller knight's infatuation with you and stayed away, giving you the space to speak uninhibitedly. You had not met him but had heard such wonderful stories of their adventures together. He instead lurked in the background, training with your love when you had split off during the day. 
With you gone, he had proven to be a comforting presence for Brienne, but the hole left inside of her was still gaping, a void that only you could seal. She trained him whenever she had free time, which was more often with you not there, and he grew stronger and stronger for each day that passed. 
Sometime after the Battle of Kings Landing, Brienne traveled to the Dragonpit to represent Tarth in the trial of Tyrion Lannister. From what she had been told by Sansa whose opinion she valued most amongst those present at the trial, Daenerys had gone against his advice, he had then denounced himself as her Hand, resulting in imprisonment for his defiance. 
Jon Snow, who Brienne had come to conclude was a good man after the time spent with him at Sansa's side, had then had a conversation with Tyrion within the cell he was held in, before murdering Daenerys.  
During the trial, Brienne sat and listened to Tyrion as he advised the gathered council to elect a new King to decide his fate. Expressing his reasoning, he suggested Brandon Stark. At this, the blonde knight assented, as did everyone else. 
Brandon Stark then met Sansa’s demand for the North to once again become its own sovereign kingdom, as it was for thousands of years.  
Tyrion’s punishment, as decided by King Bran, was to reclaim his position as Hand to the monarch and amend his previous mistakes in the same position, under previous rulers, for the rest of his life. Though the Lannister strongly opposed this idea, that only made the punishment more just, as, to him, it was not the reward that many would take the position to be. 
However, the minute Brienne had assented by saying ‘aye,’ she was ashamed to admit how little of her attention she devoted to the trial due to her mind being occupied by thoughts of you, but alas, that was her fate. She was well aware of the people around her and what decisions were made but she couldn’t have cared less. 
She had acknowledged your ravens, she just didn’t have the strength to open them, to read about your life without her. She knew she was being unreasonable, and she chastised herself for it. Despite how well aware she was of her unwarranted and irrational behavior, she ignored them, but you just kept sending them and it got harder and harder for Brienne to just leave the inviting scrolls; however, she knew it would only hurt her more to read about your Dorne adventures. 
In hindsight, however, those messages would’ve been something much more joy-inducing to have of yours, compared to the only thing she had in her possession. 
After the trial, Bran had approached Brienne, and offered her the position of Lord Commander in his Kings Guard, he was a very blunt man, the King, and she had been a bit surprised with just how candid he was. She had managed to hide her initial reaction and had humbly accepted his offer. Sworn the oath at the Stark’s request and stated that her squire is yet to be knighted and that she would do so with haste. 
Podrick was ready and had been for a while, but she was called to Kings Landing for the trial before she had the opportunity to knight him. This worked out in his favor however, considering being knighted by someone from the King's Guard and the Lord Commander of it, was seen as prestigious; and would earn him substantially more respect than if she would’ve knighted him when she was still a knight herself. 
The King had nodded at her declaration, “I will ask Sansa to have someone pack up and send your belongings here. Tell your squire to come see me as soon as he is a knight. In the meantime, I believe we have some measurements to get for your new armor.” 
“Your Grace, there is no need for that. I have no belongings in Winterfell I’d like to keep. I brought everything important with me.”  
“Are you sure, Lord Brienne?” 
“Yes, Sire.” 
“Very well. Now, come with me.” 
Podrick, who had followed Brienne from Winterfell to Kings Landing, had been approached by the taller knight the day after the trial. 
He had a puzzled expression on his face as he watched her and she knew he had a question to ask, she would have preferred if he had kept his mouth shut about it but had allowed him to ask it anyways; regretting it as soon as he spoke. 
“Lord Commander?” Hesitant in his tone, he had looked up apologetically at Brienne with the hope that she wouldn’t scold him for granting his inquisitiveness to take over. 
“Yes, Podrick?” She stared down at him and she could almost see the gears that had been turning in his head; looking for the most well-mannered way to phrase the words that followed. 
“I apologize for what I am about to ask but I am afraid curiosity has gotten the best of me. Whatever happened with the knight from Dorne?” She released a sigh, there it was. 
“I do not wish to speak of them, not because there is anger but because there’s too much pain.” Brienne had remained stoic in her answer and in her facial expressions, but her insides had been bleeding, almost like she had been impaled by a sword and left to die, bathing in a pool of her own blood. 
That was the first and only time she and Podrick ever spoke about your departure. The shorter man had opened his mouth to say something else but was quickly interjected by Brienne. “Come along Podrick. There’s something we need to do.” 
“Yes, My Lord.” 
As they walked through the ruins of Kings Landing, Brienne wondered if she should’ve been the one to send a raven to inform you of her move to another kingdom, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to do so. 
She had instead asked Sansa if she would send one, to which she agreed. The redhead had seen the affection you held for each other and knew that there was more to your seemingly professional relationship. Brienne hadn’t known the reason for the Stark’s compliance but was grateful for it either way. 
All the memories that had been created in Winterfell were painful for Brienne and she found it almost relieving that she didn’t have to return, there was too much sadness there. She did not know when you would return to her, even if it had only been around one month since you had left, so leaving all the woeful memories behind was easier than she had thought. 
The happier ones were harder though, the memories in the courtyard, her room, the mess hall, the bathhouse, your room. The room where she had found the letter that changed everything. 
She had kept the note. It was now stained with dried tears, the paper damaged by the salty drops; ink smudged in various places. She kept it somewhere safe, out of sight from wandering eyes but close by. 
It was read every single night with tears in her eyes before she went to sleep, desperately trying to remember what your voice sounded like, to no avail. 
She had brought it with her to Kings Landing for the trial, not wanting to leave without it. Reading through your words had become routine, and it had gotten to the point where she could not sleep if she did not read your letter before bed. It was one of the first personal items to take its home in her new living quarters.  
Brienne and Podrick had walked in silence as he took in the crumbled kingdom. The fire had stopped but the damage was still apparent. Blackened remains of destroyed buildings and dried blood on the ground. 
The charred corpses had been moved the day before, given a proper burial in unmarked graves, at Tyrion’s request. To have it done within a day, the blue-eyed knight had assisted; her strong arms able to carry double the weight. 
It had been a grisly sight, and even Brienne, who had seen plenty of violence in her days, had felt a hint of nausea and sorrow go through her at the sight of the destruction. The smell hadn’t made it any better. 
The two had turned a corner and Brienne entered a large building that surprisingly hadn’t been affected by the attack, far enough away from the dragon's path of destruction. The room had been dimmed, rays of sun coming in from the small windows lining the walls; standing along it was Tyrion, his small form lurking in the darkness. 
The tall knight stopped abruptly in the middle of the room, Podrick had done the same a couple of feet behind her to avoid crashing into Brienne’s back. 
“Tyrion is here to bear witness. I told him that there was no need, but he insisted.” Her voice had been flat, stern. She had turned on her heels, faced him, and pulled out her sword from its sheath, the metal scraping against metal had echoed, the sound bouncing between the bare walls. 
“Kneel, Podrick Payne.” He had gotten down on one knee in front of Brienne, gazing up at her, and she had proceeded to lay her sword on his left shoulder, her eyes boring into his. “In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave.” 
She had shifted the metal of her blade to his right shoulder, carefully placing it down, mindful of the sharpness of the sword's edge. “In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just.” 
She had switched shoulders again, the metal of the sword gliding in the air. “In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent.” She placed her sword back into her scabbard before she had stated her last words, “Arise, Podrick Payne, a knight of the Six Kingdoms.” 
One month after your departure, Brienne had knighted Podrick. After this, she and Tyrion took him to see Bran, just as he had requested one day prior. The King had asked him to prove his fighting skills, suggesting he spar against his teacher, “Lord Brienne has trained you and I have no doubts in her skill, I am sure you are more than qualified. It is just a formality. I’m sure you understand, Ser Podrick.” 
“Of course, your Grace.” 
They had stepped out into a large somewhat empty clearing to give the two knights the space they required, and Podrick had proved his swordsmanship by fighting the blonde, King Bran being more than satisfied after seeing him hold his own against Brienne’s powerful blows. 
“That’s quite enough. I can tell Lord Brienne would floor you if we kept going and I need you both in prime health. Approach and kneel.” 
Podrick, who had read every book the word ‘knight’ was mentioned in and who had Brienne teach him everything she knew, had gotten down on one knee, and sworn the oath of the King's Guard, just like the tall woman had the day before. 
“I swear to ward the King with all my strength, and give my blood for his. I shall take no wife, hold on lands, father no children. I shall guard his secrets, obey his commands, ride at his side, and defend his name and honor.” 
With this, Podrick had been integrated into the King's Guard and Tyrion had taken him away for measurements. Brienne had asked Bran what she was to do until the resources for reparations arrived, and he had in turn told her to assess the damage done to the armory, and see if anything needed to be replaced. And to update the Book of Brothers: to complete Jaime’s entry, and add her own. She had done so with haste. 
Two weeks later, the supplies arrived in Kings Landing which was still in ruins. She, together with Tyrion, had met them at the Gate of the Gods, which was a large hole in a wall after the dragon attack, clad in her new shiny gold armor with extensive white enameling and a white cloak draped over her tall form. 
She had come to stand by Tyrion’s side to discuss something, but he had asked her to stay when she moved to leave his side, it was mostly so she could act as a waypoint, of sorts, for the convoy. It was also so he could analyze her up close. 
The small council had held a meeting and discussed what would come next, the reparations of the kingdom had been a unanimous agreement. They had wanted to rebuild the brothels first, but Brienne had quickly expressed her disapproval at the thought of prioritizing them over the rebuilds of the royal fleet, which clearly took precedence due to the lack of ships following the war. 
The four months that followed after the arrival of the supplies were filled with Brienne overlooking some of the construction whenever she didn’t have anything else to do and performing her Lord Commander duties; whatever they ended up being, they varied from larger decisions to smaller ones. 
Some days she just spent her hours in the armory, polishing and sharpening every sword; and some she spent in the White Sword Tower, either re-reading previous entries in the Book of Brothers or residing in her quarters. 
She was so busy with her new duties that she did not have the time to respond to your ravens, even if she could gather the emotional strength to do so. 
Five months after your separation, Bran had requested her attention, sending Tyrion to collect her. 
He had found her in the armory taking inventory of the same gear she had checked the day before. When asked, she told everyone it was to ‘make sure no one stole anything’ but it was really to keep her mind occupied with something other than you who plagued her mind day in and day out, even in her slumber. 
“The King wishes to speak with you, Lord Brienne.” Tyrion interrupted her almost obsessive counting, arriving when she had finished sharpening the last sword. He stood in the doorway as he watched her get up from the stool she was sitting on, put away the sword she was holding, and walk towards him. 
“Of course, Lord Hand. Lead the way.” 
The walk was quiet, for the most part. Brienne was content with the silence, Tyrion; not so much. 
“Forgive me for being informal, Lord Commander, but; what is the matter with you?” The question staggered Brienne, her entire being stalling for one second, too stunned to move, before she continued her prior movements, resuming her stroll by the shorter man's side. 
“Pardon?” She knew exactly what he was referring to. Her behavior had been strange, to say the least. Erratically counting and whetting, staring off into space, and getting lost in her own thoughts. Brienne had always been a bit unusual and turned in towards herself, but it had been even more so these last couple of months. 
“Brienne. I can promise you that no one is stealing weapons from the armory during the night in peacetime. The armory which, need I remind you, is locked up with you as the key holder. So, what the hell is your issue?” Tyrion had stopped right outside the building Bran was currently in, glaring up at Brienne with furrowed brows and caring eyes. 
“I-” she released an elongated sigh, “I do not wish to talk about it. What does the King need to speak to me about?” Switching the subject to the reason she was standing there with him in the first place, hoping to remove herself from the theme she wasn’t entirely comfortable conversing with Tyrion about. 
The shorter man let out a sigh, admitting defeat, knowing he wasn’t getting anything out of her. “I do not know. He did not tell me.”  
“Very well.” With this, Brienne pushed past the shorter man who was left standing in place, annoyed at the taller woman’s stubbornness, which seemed to be an ongoing theme nowadays. 
Her white cloak flowed behind her as she navigated her way through the corridors, her steps echoing in the empty hallways. 
“Lord Brienne!” Bran called her name as she entered the room he was residing in, stopping what he had been doing before she arrived, “I’m glad you’re here. I have something to ask of you.”  
The blonde knight quickly kneeled before him and he just as quickly ushered her up to her feet, claiming there was no need for such formalities. Brienne didn’t quite understand why but complied either way. “Sire, what can I do for you?” 
“I need you and Ser Podrick to escort a shipment from Planky Town. You will travel there by ship, collect the shipment, and bring it back. I’ve already spoken to Davos, and he has given you temporary command of one of his ships. It’s an incredibly rare material and I need my best men on it. I know it’s different from your usual duties but treat this mission the way you would any other.” 
The thought process that went through Brienne's head after Bran had started speaking was: Planky Town – Dorne – you. There was a hurricane of emotions whirling around inside of her that destroyed anything in its path, and as in every hurricane, the eye was quiet, which allowed her to process the whirlwind. 
She was ecstatic at the opportunity to finally visit Dorne, and maybe, if the Gods were good, cross paths with you. She was also guilty and terrified at the thought of meeting you again. Running into you after ignoring your messages for months would surely prove to be an unpleasant experience. You’d surely be angry, disappointed, and upset; all at her. But at least she would get to see you, even if it was with you staring daggers her way. 
Her mind was racing, running faster than it ever had and Brienne couldn’t keep up. Until a noise ripped her out of her thoughts, permitting her to catch up to her sprinting brain. The door behind her opened and closed, signaling that someone else had entered the room. This was when she realized she had been standing still and in silence for far too long, Bran looking at her with an unreadable expression as he waited for her response. 
“Yes. Of course, Your Grace. When do we depart?” Brienne remained as professional and stoic as usual, even when her mind was anything but. She had zoned out again, become lost in her own thoughts like a scared little girl getting lost in the woods with no way out. 
“Tomorrow at sunrise. Be at the docks by then.” 
“Yes. Anything else?” 
“No. You are dismissed, Lord Brienne.” After vocalizing the command, Bran looked away from the Lord Commander and went back to his previous activity. Whatever that was hadn’t been observed by the blue-eyed knight, and she simply couldn’t be bothered to find out. 
She bowed before taking her exit, passing Tyrion as she left the room. He looked at her warm-heartedly, giving her the smallest of smiles and a small nod which she didn’t reciprocate, a scowl painted on her lips. 
If she wasn’t so focused on keeping the hurricane inside of her in check, and on preventing any tells to leak out of her hardened exterior onto her face, she would have given him the same back. Instead, she just kept her mind set on maintaining a straight face. 
The second the heavy door closed behind her, she let the stone face fall, and an intrigued smile replaced her former frown. Her booted footsteps echoed in the barren hallways as she went back the way she came, her long white cloak floating behind her. 
“Dorne, huh?”  
You rolled up what must have been the twentieth message for Brienne, before strapping the scroll to your raven. It was a warm day in Lemonwood, as it was every day in Dorne, the Summer Sea waves hitting against the cliff side breaking the pleasant silence of the early Sunday morning. 
Your raven, Bartholomew (actually named Branoc by your parents, but you thought that was a little bit boring), was sent on its way and you sat at your desk, watching the bird as it flapped its coal-black wings, carrying yet another message for your love. 
The usual distant bustling noise of Planky Town had yet to begin, it was still too early but you and your mother had a shipment to meet. No rest for the traders. 
Your family had since your great-great-great grandfather been a part of a large trading company, landing you as one of the wealthier families in Westeros.  
The business had been passed through generations and now it had landed on your mother's lap. You were delighted to assist her for however long she needed you but the longing and yearning for Brienne’s touch was getting to be too much. You needed to get back to her. 
Sighing, you put your stationary, ink, and quill away, before rising from your seated position at your desk. The armor you had worn in Winterfell had been swapped out for a more heat friendly one. Specially crafted to allow breathing and protection, the Dornish colors decorate the leather gear. 
It rested on the stand in your room, the fur coat and cold-resistant steel armor gathering dust in one of your closets. You hadn’t laid eyes on either of the items since you disregarded them five months ago. 
The trip here had been a long one, riding along Kings Road before turning onto Rivers Road; before finally arriving in Lannisport just west of Riverrun. Once there, you were able to hop on one of your family’s trading ships, taking you back to Planky Town. 
The only comfortable way to Dorne when traveling from another kingdom, was by ship. The terrain and road through the Red Mountains were unforgiving and extremely hard to traverse and there was no way you were putting yourself through that. The ride through the barren desert after the mountains wasn’t all that inviting either. 
The difference in climate had hit you right away, the searing sun of Dorne not quite the same as the biting chill of The North. Your fur coat had been discarded soon after passing The Trident and turning onto the road that led you to your destination. It rained moderately in the Riverlands, therefore, you had to take it off to insure its dryness.  
When it started raining, like you had expected it to do, you had to take a break, seeking shelter under the protecting crowns of the trees. The fur coat proved quite useful as an extra blanket during the cool nights, and you pretended that it was the warm embrace of Brienne enveloping you instead of the cloak. 
After you had boarded the ship in Lannisport, you were able to take off your armor for the first time in days, letting the cool breeze of the sea wash over you. The familiar salty smell of the ocean reminding you of your childhood. 
The sound of knocking on your door pulled you out of your reminiscent state. Quickly pulling yourself to the present, you took large strides toward your door and opened it in a swift and controlled motion. 
You were met with the weary and tired eyes of your mother, she hadn’t slept well since the passing of your father, and you couldn’t blame her, neither had you. 
The sleeplessness was a combination of the grief from losing your father and the loss of Brienne's warmth. You had slept in her arms only once, but that singular time was enough to have your body aching for more affection from the tall blonde woman. 
Most of this you wrote about in your messages. The messages she couldn’t even be bothered to open because if she did, she would realize you missed her so. That you would leave as soon as you weren’t needed, and that you would return to her arms as fast as humanly possible. 
“Good morning, Mother.” Your voice was softer than usual, it always was around your mother nowadays, scared that any other tone would disrupt the mourning process she had begun. 
Her voice was weak, frail. Throat hoarse from crying, “Good morning. Just wanted to see if you were awake.” She did this every morning. Checking up on you. She did it when you were growing up and continued doing so when you returned. It was an even more comforting action this time around, serving as a reminder that you had each other to lean on. 
“I am, have you eaten?” Your mother's eating habits had been on the rocks lately, too busy with the business that she simply forgot to eat, sometimes she didn’t want to, her appetite gone. So, you asked her, every day, if she had eaten. Sometimes she said yes, sometimes she said no. 
“Yes. Have you?”  
You hummed in response to her question, “I ate when I woke up, I’m ready to go when you are. I’ll just need to gear up.” 
Your mother nodded, “I will wait for you in the carriage.” With this, she turned around and left. Making her descent down the carpet-clad stone stairs. 
After closing the door, you walked to your armor stand by your window that overlooked the Summer Sea and began removing each piece, attaching them to your form. 
As you put on your leather armor, you watched as ships of many different sizes sailed past your window, floating on the sea in the searing hot Dorne sun. The sun's rays invaded your room, casting it a beautiful golden glow, and warming your skin; the pleasant smell of the sea like a comforting blanket over you. 
Some of the sailing ships came from the west and some from the east. Some were sailing for trading companies, and some were sailing for travel. Their flags and sails fluttered in the warm air, hulls breaking through the water. 
Eventually, all the leather gear had been secured to your form, the last part had been your sword, and with everything in place, you abandoned your room; briskly walked down the same stairs your mother had, and stepped out into the warmth of the morning. 
Your mother stood by the carriage, conversing with the coachman. The sight of you approaching interrupted their conversation, the coachman opening the door to the roofed wheelhouse. Allowing your mother to enter and closing it once she had sat down inside. 
The carriage did not have any windows except for some small springs, meaning you didn’t have a good view of the scenery and environment around you. So, to make sure you were able to keep a look out for potential dangers, you sat up front with the coachman. 
You did not mind doing so however, he was a very interesting man with many stories to tell and you often enjoyed the chats you had with him. 
The ride to Planky Town wasn’t long, your ancestors chose to settle in Lemonwood for the short travel distance, taking into account that the port was a regular visit. 
On the way there you passed several travelers, and you recognized most of them as inhibitors of the other nearby settlements. You didn’t know any of them particularly well, only having met them a few times during formal events. Still being familiar with them and wanting to show civility; short pleasantries were exchanged before continuing your journey. 
It didn’t take long for the lively sound of the now awake port town to reach you, the familiar sight of the Greenblood river opening its mouth in front of you, running out into the vast sea. 
As every Sunday, it was reserved for shipment collection, meaning it wouldn’t be as busy as it usually was the rest of the weekdays. Despite this, there was still a large number of people going about their business of resupplying or trading. 
The coachman stopped your carriage a distance away from the docks as he usually did to prevent blocking the road. He stepped off to open the door for your mother, who had stayed silent during the ride as she usually did. 
You stepped off after him, watching your mother exit the wheelhouse, and walked up to her side, hand on the hilt of your sword and back straight. You were here as a traders’ child, yes, but you were also a knight. 
It wasn’t often that you were asked to make your rounds down here, yet on rare occasions you were. Even when you weren’t here on such business you still wanted to keep up appearances, you knew Brienne would. 
Shooting your coachman a nod and a smile, you linked your mothers' arm with your own and started trekking toward the docked ships. “Is it the usual today?” Wanting to make conversation, you asked your mother something that would pull her out of the damaging mindset she had surely found herself in. 
“Yes. Meet the shipment, and see that everything is as it should, some is unloaded here to be sold, rest is shipped to other port towns to be distributed by our partners.” It was like clockwork by now, and you knew it by heart, your mother knew that you did and found it kind of you to ask. She knew why you did and appreciated the distraction from her thoughts. 
A quick hum was all you gave in response, your steps taking you closer to the harbor until you reached the docked trader ship. Letting go of your mother's arm you turned to look at her, “I will stay on land and take a look around. Wait here until I come back.” 
She gave a quick nod before she stepped onto the wooden vessel, you saw your mother meet the captain and he in turn gave her the inventory list for her to check off. You began turning on your heel to walk away but before you could, something caught your eye. A ship from the royal fleet. 
It hadn’t been the ship in itself that stopped you, it had been the person you saw on board it. You had seen her faster than you cared to admit, almost like your eyes had been searching for her. 
She was standing as robust as she had done the first time you saw her when you first arrived in Winterfell. Her hands behind her back, the wind blowing through her short blonde curls; the white fabric that draped down her figure danced in the Summer Sea wind. 
She stood on the quarter deck, donned in her gold-white armor that reflected the sunlight, she looked so handsome in it, so at home. She was a White Sword, this you were aware of, but you were still nonplussed to see it, to have it verified. 
You were so used to seeing her in her dark armor. The dark armor that she had worn during the duration of your stay, the armor that you had begun to associate with her. Seeing her in anything else but, was an abnormal sight. 
As the ship inched closer and closer to the docks, you saw that there was detailing on her chest piece, a raven. Fitting for the three-eyed ravens' Kings Guard. 
From what you could percept, Oathkeeper still sat loyally at her side, and you wondered how she had taken the news of Ser Jaime's death. You knew that they had been... relatively close, she had described their relationship as ‘an unexpected companionship,’ which was really her fancy (and courteous) way of saying ‘it was a war, he was an extra sword, we spent time together because we had to.’ 
Truth was, Brienne didn’t take the announcement of his passing that hard. Still too focused on the loss of you. In her mind, she had tolerated Jaime, not seeing him as a close friend, and therefore did not feel the need to mourn him. 
The grief from your departure was still a fresh wound in her heart and even if she did feel the need to shed tears for him, it would be too overwhelming to do so for two people at the same time, and she refused to put you aside to lament Jaime Lannister who meant so little to her. So, it was an easy choice for her. You took precedence over everything else. 
You were frozen in place, watching her as she stood tall and proud. Anger bubbled up inside of your chest, along with sadness and betrayal. Yet at the same time, you were so gleeful to see her again after such a long time, and even though you wanted nothing more than to run into her embrace; the fact that she hadn’t responded to your ravens in months stood true. 
You didn’t want to see her, and you did not want to speak with her. With the feelings running amuck inside of you, you feared that if put face to face with her you’d say some things that you couldn’t take back. Hurting her even more than you had already done; ruining any chances of ever reconciliating and returning to each other's arms. For now, the best choice was to leave and blend in with the crowd before she could spot you, but it was too late. 
The second her ship had docked, and she had stepped onto land, she had seen you. Her intense blue eyes locked on to yours and the moment they did, they flashed with what looked like regret and guilt. 
It was too much to handle, the same blue irises that kept you up at night, that haunted your dreams, were now staring at you in such a way that made your heart twist inside of your chest. 
Her mouth was hanging open the tiniest bit, eyebrows furrowed. She was surprised to see you. If there weren’t so many thoughts swirling around in your head, you were sure that you would match her expression, shocked to see her down here. Shocked to see her at all. 
Your head was a battle arena, your thoughts fighting, trying to bring you back to your senses, to help you make a decision, and fast. The one who ended up coming on top was the one for before, the one telling you to leave; the one telling you to run to her getting left in the mud. 
You started to walk towards the crowd, planning to disappear in the swirl of people but Brienne was taller than most people there and was able to periscope over everyone, meaning you and your Dornish leather armor stood out like a beacon on a dark night. 
She started to follow you, Podrick trailing behind her trying to keep up with her broad strides. The continuous stream of people helped with keeping a distance between the three of you, but there were only so many traders and merchants, and you eventually reached a clearing, close to where your carriage was parked. 
There was no hiding from her now. 
The familiar voice of Brienne called your name, shivers running down your spine at hearing it for the first time in five months. You had forgotten what she sounded like, just how beautiful and deep her voice was, how the accent compliments it in the most fantastic way, working in harmony to make everything she said sound like poetry. 
“Stop!” you didn’t obey her command, instead, you kept moving forward. Her steps picked up, her long legs faster than yours, and before you could process her closing in on you, her hand grabbed your wrist, pulling at it slightly causing you to abruptly stop, and turn around. 
Suddenly, the only thing in your vision was her piercing eyes as they searched your face for any sign of forgiveness, love, or adoration; only finding the same stone-cold expression you had worn when your eyes met minutes ago. 
She had hoped that her proximity and touch would bring back the soft expression you used to have for her. It did not. Instead, you rejected her touch. Ripping your wrist away from her grasp, almost aggressively so, almost like her touch was hot coal burning you through your protective leather gear. 
She gazed down at you, a silent plea behind them for you to speak to her, to say anything. Just wanting to hear your voice. You in return stared up defiantly at her, displaying your anger by taking a step back, distancing yourself from her. She took this as a confirmation that you had become repulsed by her, just like everyone else; her weakness and pure selfishness had caused you to despise her. 
In truth, the moment she had gotten close, the all too addicting scent of her had invaded your senses, making it so much harder to stay focused. The step back was to display anger, yes, but also to step away from the inebriation that was the smell of Brienne. 
“Ser Brienne.” You spoke stiffly, your face full of indifference. She remained neutral, but to you, she was an open book. The way you said her name hadn’t gone unnoticed by the blonde, and you saw the flash of hurt in her eyes when you said her name. The usual affection you held for her wasn’t there anymore, and she completely understood why. 
She opened her mouth to say something, getting interrupted by Podrick before she could, “It’s actually Lord Commander-” Brienne held up a hand, successfully interrupting him back, but not before you heard her new title. Lord Commander, huh? 
“Ser Podrick! Do you not recognize them?” So, this was the Podrick you had heard so much about. He was shorter than you expected him to be, but maybe that was because he stood next to one of the tallest people in Westeros; she made anyone look short. 
She had broken your eye contact to stare at the younger knight with her usual glare. He looked at you once again, observing you. The second it clicked; his mouth fell open in a silent ‘oh.’ He cleared his throat before mumbling a silent apology to both you and Brienne. 
“Go and wait for the shipment. Leave us.” The Lord Commanders' voice was harsh, leaving no room for objections. 
“Yes, My Lord.” He rushed off, leaving you and Brienne alone. She turned her head back to yours the instant Podrick disappeared out of sight into the flow of people. 
“Lord Commander?” The voice that exited your mouth was incredulous. You couldn’t believe your ears. She had been appointed the highest position in the King's Guard and secured a spot on the King's Council, and you hadn’t been informed. The love of your life hadn’t told you of a major update in her life. 
“You were appointed Lord Commander of the King's Guard and I find out today. How long?” You almost did not want to ask. Not wanting to know how long she had been keeping this from you. 
You hoped she would say 'a couple of weeks’ or ‘about a month’ because then you would understand the lack of communication. You were understanding of the task of taking on a new title and the job that came with it. If she was in the beginning phases, you would have understood. Instead, you were greeted with the opposite. 
“About four months...” 
“Four months-! You are unbelievable, Lord Commander.” You spat her title back at her, there was such wretchedness in your voice, such wrath. What you had feared was just a couple words ahead, the fear that you would say something that would be irreversible. There was no closing the gates of Hell now. 
“Please just call me Brienne, like you used to.” Her voice had shifted into a gentler one, attempting to diffuse the situation. You scoffed at her. Was she really trying to ‘go back to the way it used to be’ after making no effort in communicating with you at all? 
“I don’t know if I want to refer to you as anything anymore.” There it was. The gates had been opened, and anything coming out after this was meant to hurt. Meant to drive a knife into her stomach and twist it. Disbelief spread through your being, so irritated at her for just assuming you’d forget everything that had happened. Both of which were perceivable in your tone. 
“Please, if you would just let me explain-” Desperation was evident in her voice, her entire face softening, her eyes imploring for you to please listen, to please forgive her. But you didn’t want to hear it. You didn’t want to hear her excuses; not before you had said your piece. 
“Explain what, huh? Explain how you couldn’t let go of your pride to send me something back? A simple ‘hello, it is I, Brienne of Tarth,’” you tried your best to copy her speaking voice, it falling short, “once a month would have sufficed because then I would have known that you were alive!”  
You took a breath before continuing, keeping your voice steady, tears threatening to well up. 
“Instead, I had to get that sign of life from Sansa! Do you understand how much that pained me? That you could not let go of your stubbornness for two seconds to let me know of your damn relocation to Kings Landing by yourself! Why?” Glaring up at her, you panted, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. 
“I couldn’t bring myself to read about your life without me…” Her voice was quiet, almost like she was ashamed to admit her reasons for not responding. At her admission, your wrath eased up. You weren’t furious at her anymore, but there was still the agonizing pain of being ignored by someone who you love so much, and whom you care for so. “I know, it was unreasonable, irrational, intolerant of me. I am aware.” 
She continued her explanation, “I really wanted to, read your messages, that is. Because I missed you terribly, and love you so, but it would have hurt too much. Then after I was appointed my new position and title I had so much to do, and I was so stressed, and I didn’t have the time to reply.” She was trying her best to stay strong, or at least for it to look like she was but she was moments away from a breakdown. 
You kept eye contact the entire time, seeing when tears were starting to form in her eyes, and you were suddenly extremely aware of how exposed you two were. “I’m sorry.” Her last words were a whisper, barely audible, voice breaking. 
She then broke eye contact, tilting her head down, fixing her gaze on the sandy ground. You glanced around you, seeing that your carriage was only a couple of feet away. It gave you the perfect escape plan. 
You took her by the hand, dragging her towards your carriage with a quick ‘come with me.’ The sudden, unexpected contact made Brienne’s head snap up, meeting the back of your head with her blurry vision. She needed privacy, you couldn’t let everyone see the Lord Commander break down in public, so you had to shelter her. It also provided you with a quieter place to speak. 
You asked the coachman to go make himself busy before ushering Brienne into the wheelhouse, you following suit, closing and locking the door behind you. Quickly covering all the springs in your immediate vision with its individual curtain. 
The second you sat down across from her, the dam broke. She buried her face in her hands as loud sobs wrecked through her, much like the ones you had heard by the stables as you rode away. 
Your anger and pain had quickly subsided when you had heard her entire reasoning, and when you saw how guilty she felt. There was no need to be mad at her, you didn’t think you could be anymore. 
Relieving yourself from your sword sheathe, you pondered, unsure if you should remain seated across from her, or if you should move to sit by her side. You couldn’t comfort her all those months ago, but you’d be damned if you didn’t do it now. 
Quickly maneuvering across the carriage, you took a seat next to Brienne, taking off her scabbard before throwing an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to you, her becoming flush against your side. She hadn’t expected the abrupt intimacy, it was a welcome one, especially after feeling nothing for so many days. 
Her arms flew around your waist, her face burying itself into your leather-covered chest. Your free hand came up to Brienne’s head, softly stroking her hair as the other gently caressed her upper arm. Her armor made it a little lumpy, but you did not care. Having her back in your arms after so long was an incredible feeling, and you couldn’t believe how you had made it this long without her warmth. 
Her sobbing was relentless, tears flowing down her face and dropping onto your legs. Your leather tasset had gradually shifted down the side of your upper thighs in your seated position, revealing your tunic trousers underneath. 
Brienne repeated the same phrase, over and over again through wails. Saying how sorry she was, how she hoped you could forgive her. You in turn answered with reassurance. Telling her that you accepted her apology, that she was forgiven. 
You didn’t know how much time had passed when Brienne’s cries eventually died down, rendering the small space silent except for the occasional sniffles coming from the blonde beside you. Her head had been removed from your chest and she now sat upright. You still had your arm around her, hand resting on her armored bicep. 
The hand that had been stroking her hair was now holding hers, entwined hands resting in between yours and Brienne’s thighs. Your thumb lazily drawing lines on the scarred skin. 
“Are you alright?” The softness had returned to your voice, the love and tenderness had as well, and the Commander noticed. She was soothed by your question because it meant you still cared enough to check in on her. That lit a light in Brienne’s tunnel of misery; there was still something left to save, to rebuild. 
“Yes. Especially now that I’m back in your arms.” She turned her head to look at you, you doing the same and offering her a soft smile which she returned. As you took in her tear-stained face and red puffy eyes, you were smacked with the remembrance of your earlier words, words that shouldn’t have been uttered. 
  “I’m really sorry for what I said back there. I was filled with fury, and I didn’t mean it. I always want to refer to you, dear Brienne.” Voice low to avoid disrupting the peace, your voice was gentler. A strong contrast to the cutting tone you had used outside. You brought her held hand up to your face to place a peck on the back of it, relishing in the feeling of her skin against your lips once again. 
“It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it. I forgive you either way.” You dropped yours and Brienne’s hands into your lap and released a sigh of relief hearing her words. Silence settled in again as you gazed into each other's eyes. The blonde's sapphire blues darted down to your lips and back up to your eyes, just like they had that night in the courtyard almost one year ago. She wanted to kiss you, and you needed her to. “You know, I really did miss you. A lot.” It was nothing more than a whisper, a breath of desire. 
“Yeah, yeah. I missed you, too. Now shut up and kiss me, please.” Brienne giggled at your eagerness and avidity and was quick to oblige to your wish. She turned her body towards you, legs shifting to be able to face you as comfortably as possible, hand coming up to cup your cheek, head diving in fast to capture your lips, eyes falling shut before colliding. 
The second her lips connected with yours, a contented and allayed moan escaped Brienne’s throat. She had longed for, craved, and missed you for so many months, all the tension and sorrow built up inside of her melting away the moment your lips touched. It was even more heavenly than she had recalled. One of your hands flew up to the side of her neck, your body shifting to copy the way she sat. 
It was like you never left, lips moving together in familiarity. Brienne’s tongue swiped over your bottom lip, begging for entrance, and you granted it. Her wet, strong muscle started exploring your mouth the second you parted your lips. The feeling of her tongue wrestling with yours along with the familiar taste of her, made you release a low moan; she tasted even better than you had remembered. 
The taste of you, the feeling of your tongue sliding against hers, your soft whimpers as she expertly moved her lips with yours like a dance, elegant and controlled like a waltz, but passionate and heated like a tango. A dance of the love and yearning you contained for the other. All of it took over her senses, her brain going into overdrive, her mewling against your lips. 
The hand that was holding on to Brienne’s broke away from the grasp, moving to find purchase in the blonde's hair. It was already disheveled from the salty ocean wind, hair slightly curled from the humidity in the air; your hand running through it wouldn’t make it worse. It wouldn’t be odd for her hair to be out of place considering the strong coast gust. 
Your fingers started at the nape of her neck, slowly moving upwards until they stopped at the back, curling them in her tresses, gathering a fistful of her hair in your hand. Brienne hummed against your mouth at the feeling of your digits in her hair once again, and the hand that had been abandoned by yours grabbed onto your waist, palm gently resting on your side. 
Your lips pulled apart, but you still kept the contact, foreheads leaning against the others, eyes shut as you regained your breath. “I really did miss you. I was hoping to show you just how much...” Brienne spoke between heavy breaths. 
You did not miss the glint of seduction in her voice or the innuendo. During the make-out session the all too familiar heat grew between your legs and your body craved her touch, as it had for months. But right here, in a carriage in a port town when you both had responsibilities? 
“Brienne...” Breathing out her name and meaning to remind her of your current area; you weren’t able to complete the rest of your sentence before she interrupted you. 
“Look at me,” you removed your head from hers and opened your eyes, meeting Brienne’s that were already staring back at you, her blue irises as deep and breathtaking as the galaxy, filled with stars and planets of her own. They were truly remarkable and gorgeous; fitting for someone like her. “I have craved you for so long. I don’t know how long it will be until we meet again. Let me make it up to you. Let me erase the past five months of misery. Let me do this so we can have something to last us until we can guarantee proximity to each other. Please.” 
The hand in her blonde curls transferred to her cheek, gently holding and stroking her flushed skin with your thumb. Her eyes were pleading as was her voice, wanting to remove the memories of pain and replace them with ones of pleasure; and you wanted that too. 
You placed a soft kiss on her lips before nodding, “that sounds perfect. I’d love nothing more.” At your confirmation, Brienne’s lips turned up into the biggest grin much like the one she wore after your first kiss, and she was on her knees on the wooden floor shortly after; her hands resting on your legs. 
“I’ve never done this before. All I know is that I want to make you feel good.” She gazed up at you as she spoke. She was insecure, as was obvious in her voice and her eyes, but also determined, not letting uncertainty scare her away. “Tell me if it feels good and what I can do to bring you maximum pleasure.” 
“I will.” 
The woman on her knees before you started undressing you. Starting with your boots, before wedging her hands under your leather chest cover to unstrap your tasset that was hindering access to the buckle of your trousers. 
Throwing a look at the door to the carriage to make sure it was locked, you noticed that one of the springs hadn’t been covered by the sheer curtain. As you stood up to close it, Brienne’s fingers undid the metal of your pants, pulling them down at the same time as you pulled the curtain down. 
You were now completely out of sight; the problem was, so was the outside world, and if your mother decided to forego your escort to make the trek back herself; she’d find you in one hell of a position. 
You prayed to the old Gods and the new that your mother would stay put, or that inventory would take longer than usual so that she didn’t hear you reconnecting with your love. Sure, she knew about Brienne and the relationship you had, it was one of the first things you had talked about when you got home, but you didn’t want your mothers' first impression of the much taller knight to be her in between your legs. 
Brienne’s hands grabbed onto your hips and pulled down, causing you to meet the seat with an unexpected speed, she was impatient, and you understood why. She had already spent too much time away from her mission and Podrick, and sooner or later, he would come looking for her, and would no doubt find her considering her last known position and your family’s carriage being mere feet away. Time was of the essence, and you couldn’t afford to waste any of it. 
Heavy breathing came from the woman in front of you as she placed her hands back onto your knees and gently spread them, being faced with your soaked underwear. She had never seen your sex before, felt it, sure, but never seen. She hadn’t tasted you either and she was practically drooling at the thought of finally doing so. 
Tentative and curious hands slowly traveled up your legs, stopping at the hem of your undergarments. Hooking her fingers inside and motions for you to elevate your hips slightly. Lifting your hips for easy discarding, she pulled them down in one motion, revealing your needy cunt to her hungry, dilated eyes. 
She was if in a trance, watching with such intensity you feared her eyes would pop out of her skull. You nudged her shoulder with your knee, causing her to snap her gaze to yours. Her pupils were blown-out, darkened from lust and desire. The air was thick inside of the small space and you could practically sense her ferocity as it emanated from her person.  
She looked so pretty like this on her knees for you, looking up at you with virtuous eyes. So ready and willing to serve; to satisfy your needs. Reaching out a hand, you took hold of her chin, guiding her face closer to your core, she needed a little helping hand. “You look so good right now, pretty girl. On your knees for me. So ready to do whatever I wish, hmm.” 
Brienne could only offer a nod in response, your words and low, vibrating voice combined with your dominating tone. If she were standing, she was sure her knees would give out and she’d fall to the floor. But since she already was kneeling on the wooden boards, she gave out a tiny whine instead, forgetting just how much power your words had over her. 
The scent of your arousal was overwhelming, your pussy radiating such heat, Brienne being able to sense it all when you had brought her face close enough to the apex of your inner thighs, and she wanted nothing more than to taste you, something she had wanted for such a long time; completely missing out on her chance before you left. She thought she had all the time in the world with you, how was she supposed to know you were leaving the same night she had intended to feast on you. 
So, the fact remained: you had tasted her; she hadn’t tasted you and she was so desperate to finally know how your wet flesh would feel against her tongue. Desperate to gain familiarity with the sensation she thought she would have experienced months ago when she had planned it. 
After you had eaten her out and gotten into bed together, her mind had started wondering what you’d taste like and that she’d propose to perform oral on you the next day during your midnight meeting, but then you left, and she never did find out what you tasted like. 
Finally, five months later. She would finally know just how wonderful you’d taste. 
“Use your tongue, my sweet girl. Don’t be afraid to use your instincts.” You stroked Brienne’s skin softly before sliding your hand to the back of her head, leg coming up to lay on her shoulder, foot resting on her back. Your other hand was placed beside you, using the seat as support. 
She licked her lips, mumbling ‘what a pretty little pussy’ before finally diving in, shutting her eyes, and allowing her intuition to take over. She licked a careful stripe up from your entrance to your clit, circling it slowly before closing her mouth around it, lightly sucking. Her tongue was a godsend, so strong and oh was she good at using it. 
You released a soft whimper, mindful to keep quiet considering your whereabouts but still wanting to let her know just how good she was making you feel. Your head leaned against the wall behind you, but your eyes were locked on Brienne’s between your legs, moving slightly as she used her skillful mouth on you. 
Your fingers grabbed at her hair, wanting to hold her in place as her tongue flicked over your clit and you refrained from pushing her closer; wanting her to do it on her own terms. You were sure that if she made you come with minimal help from you, her confidence would boost and that would exponentially heighten the chances of her giving head more often in the future, maybe even initiate it. 
Even though you wanted her to learn by doing, she had requested you to tell her how to make you feel good, and that was what you intended to do. 
Her arms were snaked around your thighs, hands resting where hip and leg met. She switched between sucking and licking, sometimes doing both, drawing out all kinds of noises from you. “Yeah. Just like that, baby. Just like that. You’re doing so good.” Even when she was pleasuring you, she was still submissive and in need of praise and assurance, and you were more than happy to provide all of those things for her. “Try- Try adding more pressure with your tongue.” 
A vibrating sensation exited Brienne’s mouth as she moaned against your clit at hearing your praise, causing your body to jerk and you to hold back a loud groan. She wanted to be validated, to be told she was doing a good job. This only applied to the sex part of her life, however, as she couldn’t care less about what other people thought of her, well, not anymore at least; her childhood self would disagree. 
The only person’s opinion she cared about besides maybe the professional opinions of her King, were yours. She wanted you to think highly and goodly of her, in all aspects of her life, be it professional, personal, or intimate, and you did. This she knew, it still felt good to hear you say it though. 
Brienne’s eyes which had been screwed shut the entire time suddenly opened, looking up at you with curious eyes. She wanted to see how you’d react to all of her following ministrations, fascination, and wonder glinting in her beautiful eyes. 
She took your advice and adjusted accordingly, placing her tongue flat on your clit with the pressure to go with and dragged her tongue up, making you drawl out a throaty moan. “Oh, Gods! Feels so fucking good, so fucking good.” Your words were slurred, your voice low to avoid it being heard by anyone else than Brienne, your heavy breaths and hums only growing more and more ragged as the woman betwixt your legs worked her wet muscle against you. 
You’d had your share of love affairs before but that was nothing compared to this. The feeling of getting eaten out by the love of your life was like nothing you’d ever experienced before. Not even the meetings you used to have as a young adult in the local bathhouses felt as good as this did. 
Brienne was a beginner but a very quick learner, and she knew exactly how to pleasure you because she knew you and your body, playing it masterfully, playing it like an instrument; like she hadn’t done anything else. 
She was devoted to your pleasure, devoted to worshipping you and your pussy with her tongue. Nothing else mattered in this specific moment, only the feeling of your legs shuttering, your moany whimpers, and your fingers twisting in her hair did. 
The sounds inside the wheelhouse were right out of a brothel, moans mixed with the wet noises coming from Brienne as she used her mouth on you. She murmured against your clit, a whisper mostly to herself, but you had heard it too, “You taste so fucking good...” Her words combined with the intense eye contact made your head spin, your insides turning in the most pleasant way. 
Every stroke, lick, kiss, and suck from the blonde brought you closer to the edge of climax, the familiar warmth pooling in your stomach, legs twitching and hips bucking with every ripple of pure bliss that went through your body. The release was barreling towards you like a wild buck and you were so ready for the collision, ready to get sent into an endless vortex of pleasure. 
During the five months that you and Brienne had been apart, more and more tension began to build up inside of you, a knot forming in your stomach. You often found yourself thinking of that morning in the baths or the night before, and it never failed to make you a throbbing mess. You never found the time to rid yourself of it, so it just continued to grow, the knot only getting tighter. 
Months' worth of pent-up tension releasing would equal in an orgasm the size of a tsunami washing over you and you were made aware of this fact as the band inside of you tightened, and tightened, until it eventually snapped, untying the knot at the same time. 
Waves upon waves of ecstasy poured over you as your body convulsed with pleasure. Your back was arching, hips thrashing as you rode Brienne’s face to drag out your orgasm. Her hands that had been resting in the space between thigh and hip pushed down to keep you steadier, but still allowing you to grind against her mouth. 
The hand in the blonde hair loosened as you came down from your peak, stroking her messy curls instead, hoping to smooth down the mess you had surely made of her locks. Brienne had removed her head from your sex, drawing languid circles with her fingers on your skin. Gorgeous blue eyes gazing up at you with awe as they watched your breathing grow steady. 
The Lord Commander leaned back on her heels, your hand sliding off her head as she moved out of your reach, removing herself from your legs, sloping to grab your clothes. Her chin was covered in your juices, and you made a mental note to get that cleaned up before you left the carriage. 
She grabbed your ruined undergarments and reached out a hand to give them to you where you sat, the hand that had been placed flat on the wood beside you the entire session was brought up to push her hand away, “they’re already soaked, you might as well use them to wipe your chin.” A breathless chuckle passed your lips as you spoke, Brienne looking at you comically. 
She muttered a quick ‘sorry’ before using a dry part of the cloth to dry her chin, removing any trace of your activities. She reached out a hand with them again and this time you accepted them, putting them on and wincing at the uncomfortable feeling of your wet and cold underwear, luckily you were heading home as soon as your mother was finished, and you could change. 
Your trousers were handed to you shortly after to be put on and buckled, as well as your tasset, and finally your boots. 
“Come here.” Brienne did as she was told and shuffled close to you, kneeling down at your side so you were at eye level. “My beautiful girl,” bringing a hand up to her cheek, you traced her skin with your fingers, inching closer to her face to give her a kiss. 
It was a gentle one, soft and tender, and you could sense the taste of you on her lips. “I love you.” It was a whisper against her lips, a promise for now and the future until you could tell her every day. 
“I love you, too. I do not like the idea that we must leave each other once again,” Brienne let out a sad sigh and turned her head away from you to stare at the carriage door. You were not entirely happy with the situation either but there was nothing to be done until you were no longer needed. “Come with me.” 
Your eyes widened at her words. Had you heard her correctly? “W- What?” Shock was painted across your features, your voice trying to remain steady, but you were too taken aback to bother with that, slightly shaking with perplexity seeping through. 
She turned her head to look at you once again, her expression deadly serious. She wasn’t jesting or posing any what-ifs. “Come with me to Kings Landing. I will ask for King Bran’s attention and request for him to recruit you into the King's Guard. We need more knights, and I know you would be the perfect fit.” This was wishful thinking. The Kings Guard?  
Quickly exhaling and inhaling, your face furrowed together in empathy, you too shared her want to travel to Kings Landing and spend all eternity by her side until death released you from your vows, but your mother needed you. “Brienne, I-” 
“Yes. I know. Your mother. But, please, just. Just consider it.” Her eyes and words were begging, her eyebrows raised in hope, wishing that you’d say yes; that you’d consider it. 
“I will consider it.” The smile that spread on your Commander's lips was infectious, causing you to do the same. Her eyes lit up like stars in the night sky, twinkling just the same. They really were as deep and vast as the galaxy, holding just as many uncharted and unexplored areas. 
A knocking on the door caused you and Brienne to snap out of your staring competition, instinctively putting distance between each other, you shooting over to the other side and retrieving your scabbard, the woman across from you doing the same with hers. 
The muffled voice of the coachman came from the outside, signaling that you had been in there for far too long, “Ser! I think your mother is all finished and ready to leave. Is everything alright in there?” You took a quick look at Brienne, her curls strewn across her forehead, and you motioned for her to comb her fingers through her locks to tidy it up a little. 
“Yes, everything is quite alright. We are finished and are coming out. Thank you!” You and Brienne snorted at you using ‘finished’ considering you did just that, you were acting a little immature, laughing at such a thing; but you felt like young adults sneaking around and that earned a tiny bit of immaturity. 
The woman sharing your space looked at you questionably, a silent query asking ‘does my hair look okay?’ you nodding as an answer. 
Quickly pulling aside all the curtains inside the wheelhouse to let the light in, you gave Brienne one last long kiss before opening the door and stepping out into the hot Dorne sun. Your coachman stood outside, eyeing you both, obviously wondering what had taken so long but decided not to ask. 
“Walk with me?” Turning your head to look up at her, Brienne only nodded, letting you take the first step and her following you with steps to match your stride. She often did this when you walked together, coordinating her pace with yours so she wouldn’t race ahead and you not being able to keep up. It was a slight adjustment, but a very thoughtful one. 
When you approached the water-bound vessel your mother was on, she wore the biggest grin as she looked from you to Brienne, her expression a drastic change from the melancholic mood she had adopted as her default since your father passed. 
It was unnerving seeing such a display of teeth after only seeing a frown for so long, but you assumed she recognized the taller woman beside you based on your very detailed explanations of her appearance.  
Your mother stepped off the ship, the captain she had spoken to earlier barking orders to his men to ready the ship so they could transport the rest of the wares as she reached land. 
Brienne had stopped her walk, the same as you, still by your side a couple of feet away from your mother. Close enough that you could hear each other over the cacophony of people, but far enough that your mother wouldn’t be able to tell what you had been doing. 
“Brienne, this is my mother. Mother, this is Lord Commander Brienne.” Your mother had her head slightly cocked to the side, a caring and loving look on her face as you introduced them to each other.  
The situation in which you had told your parents about Brienne had been completely unplanned. It had been on a hot night shortly after your arrival by your father's bedside as he asked you about Winterfell. 
It had only really been a simple question of what your obligations had been, however, the second you had mentioned Brienne’s name, your mother grew intrigued, wanting to probe and prod after hearing the tone and manner of words you used when speaking about the then Ser. 
Her clever questions and your oblivious answers caused you to reveal more than you had intended to, and suddenly your parents knew all about the nature of your relationship.  
“M’Lady.” Your knightly blonde stayed as formal as always to leave a good first impression. Giving your mother a more drawn-out nod, she left her head tilted down longer than she usually did, deciding to be more casual in her greeting considering the fact that it was your parent. 
“So, you’re Lord Commander Brienne of Tarth. I’ve heard so much about you.” Brienne took a panicked glance at you, hoping you hadn’t spoken about the five months of errors on her end that would surely not be appreciated by your mother. You only gave her a reassuring smile back. 
“Just Brienne is fine, and only good things, I hope.” The worry in her voice was obvious to you, it goes unnoticed by your mother. Brienne was good at hiding her true reactions to things when the situation called for it, and this was definitively one of those situations. 
“Brienne it is. Positive things only, my dear. The joy you have brought my child is unmeasurable, and I am so grateful.” A goofy smile spread on the blonde woman's lips, a combination of relief and glee at learning that you had abstained from telling your mother about her shortcomings, if she did know; Brienne was sure your mother wouldn’t be as friendly as she currently was towards her. 
“They have brought me the same amount, M’Lady. Your child is truly exceptional, never met anyone quite like them.” Brienne’s smile changed into a sincere one as she spoke, her voice filled with warmth. Seeing them interact so effortlessly made you all giddy, staring at the tall Commander beside you with a lovestruck expression. 
“Why don’t you come back to Lemonwood with us, Brienne. Have supper with us, maybe spend a few nights at our residence, we’d love to host you.” This was really an excuse for your mother to spend time with your knight, to get to know the person her child had fallen madly in love with. 
If your father were still alive, you were sure he would sit right beside your mother as they asked Brienne question after question. The image in your mind made you smile fondly. Your father really would have loved to meet her, they would find that their opinions matched on many different matters. 
“That sounds very pleasant, and I would love to accept but I am afraid I am unable to. I need to get back to Kings Landing.” The twinge of sadness in her words did not stay hidden from either you or your mother. The reminder that time was not on your side bared itself once again, and no number of prayers could change the fact that you and Brienne had to part. 
“Yes, of course. How unfortunate. Perhaps another time?” Your mother did not back down, she laid out a long-standing offer, meaning that sooner or later, Brienne would sit at her dinner table, and she’d be able to learn all about the mysterious woman before her. 
“I’d love to take you up on that offer. Perhaps if I am dispatched to Dorne for a longer period of time.” You could tell that Brienne was being polite, yet she seemed genuine in her words. The moment she’d set foot inside the walls of your home, you were sure she would come to regret taking your mother up on the offer. She liked her privacy, and your mother liked prodding. Them together was not a feasible pairing. 
“Of course, just send a raven ahead of time so we can prepare, other than that you are always welcome to our home. It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Brienne.” She liked the pretty knight, you could tell. You could also tell that she was itching to get on the road, ready to talk your ear off and tease you about your behavior around the blonde. 
It was all with good intentions, something she did when you were young and had an infatuation with someone. 
“You too, M’Lady.” 
“Safe travels.” She spoke her final words to Brienne before shifting her attention to you, “I will give you two a moment, come find me when you’re done.” With this, she walked back to the still-docked ship she had previously been on, spectating as the crewmen scattered around on deck to get everything ready for departure. 
You turned to look at Brienne, her doing the same, a crestfallen expression gracing her features. Your face matching hers, “I sent Bartholomew off with another message this morning. Reply this time, please.” 
“Bartholomew?” Even though she was incredibly disheartened, an amused and quizzical look took over her face. 
“Yes. One of our message ravens. His real name is Branoc, but I named him Bartholomew the Raven the First. It was whimsical to me.” You lovingly smiled at Brienne, and she reciprocated, smiling with just as much adoration back. 
She chuckled slightly, “I see. I will read yours and send one back with Bartholomew the Raven the First. I swear, no more miscommunication.” Her words were true, no more silence from her end, no more misery. 
“Good. Well, off you go.” Tears were starting to well up in your eyes, you didn’t want to let her go, did not want to watch her leave but you were afraid there was no other choice. You could see Podrick in the distance behind Brienne, waiting for her to board the ship so they could return back. 
“I will be looking forward to hearing your decision when you have given thought to my offer. I love you. Please come back to me soon.” She was dragging this out, wanting your goodbye to last as long as possible so your time wouldn’t be cut short so soon. 
“I will try. I love you.” Gazing up into her eyes, you took her hands in yours, an action overlooked by the mass amount of people around you. “Now go. Ser Podrick is waiting for you.” 
“Farewell, for now, Ser.” Squeezing your hands, Brienne let go of them and straightened her back, hand resting on its usual place on the hilt of her sword; looking down at you with an over-enthusiastically assertive face, making you giggle a tiny bit. 
“Farewell for now, Lord Commander.” One long glance was exchanged before Brienne turned on her heels and started marching over to where Podrick was standing. The last you saw of her tall figure was her boarding the ship and her disappearing below deck. 
Walking up to your mother, you grabbed her attention by tapping her gently on the shoulder, her turning around to face you. “I will allow two questions on the ride back, and that is it.” Setting these boundaries with your mother rarely worked, but this time you were serious, dead set on maintaining some seclusion. 
“Two questions are all I’ll need.” 
Two weeks had passed since the events in Planky Town, and you had let it slip to your mother that Brienne had proposed to speak to the King on your behalf. A couple days after she had learned this, she miraculously didn’t need your services anymore, leaving you free to do whatever you wished. 
The first thing you did was send a raven to Brienne, telling her that you reflected on her proposal, that you accept, and to expect you the following week. 
Directly after this, you had traveled to Sunspear. Letting Prince Martell know that you would no longer be able to assist in whatever he needed. Considering you never swore your services to him and that it was purely a means to keep the ‘protect the innocents’ part of your knightly oath going; the only thing he could do was to thank you for your help and to let you leave. 
Packing whatever you needed for your trip, you said your goodbyes to your mother and later that day, you were on a ship heading for Kings Landing. It was another one of your family’s ones, and considering they were already heading up north, they allowed you to ride along in exchange for your assistance in carrying the goods, which you gladly assisted with. 
That all led to you standing at the dock of Kings Landing where the tall woman stood and awaited you. Walking up to her, you took a glance around before looking up at her with feigned confusion. “Excuse me, I’m supposed to meet Lord Commander Brienne of Tarth. Do you know where I could find her?” 
Brienne smiled playfully, lightly shoving your shoulder, causing you to grin up at her. “You’re not funny, you know?” 
“That smile on your face would suggest otherwise.” You were teasing her; she knew you were. You wanted to engage in small banter before diving right into serious King’s Guard business, but Brienne was eager for you to get integrated and fitted so she could take you to her private quarters and cuddle you. 
“We can continue this later. Let’s go see the King. He’s looking forward to meeting you.” Brienne began leisurely trekking, you following after her. The sun reflected so perfectly in her gold plates as she journeyed towards the large gate, eventually traveling under it.
You found yourself in shadows for a brief period of time before the light hit your face as you emerged from the dark, stepping out into Fishmonger’s Square. 
From there you walked straight until you took a right, walking down The Hook and you couldn’t do much but gape at the Red Keep where it stood, large and marvelous, fit for a King of the Six Kingdoms. As you passed through the curved street, you and Brienne kept up a mindless conversation, not talking about anything important, really, just chatting, enjoying each other’s company. 
After finally, reaching the end of The Hook, you were greeted with a set of stairs, going up Aegon’s High Hill. You looked to Brienne with annoyed exhaustion, and she laughed, stating that ‘the leg muscles you get from this makes it worth it, I promise.’ She was being goofy, trying to change your expression into one less irritated, and it worked; she always knew how to make you smile like a fool. 
She motioned for you to go first, and you did, knowing that if you lost balance or fell, Brienne would be there to catch you. She, on the other hand, wanted you to go first so she could be bestowed the privilege of having your ass as her view; she would never admit that though. 
About halfway up, the knight behind you asked if you wanted to take a break, but you declined, knowing that you were almost there. Give or take a few dozen steps. Brienne shrugged, staying close to your back in case your legs gave out. Even her thighs were burning. 
Even though you walked a few steps above her, you still only reached Brienne’s forehead and she found it amusing that someone so short could have so much love, well, you were short to her; everyone was short to her. 
You ascended the very last stairstep, the Red Keep towering and looming above you. It was even more intimidating and glorious up close, and you had to crane your neck to even get remotely close to the peak of it. You had to stop yourself from releasing a ‘whoa’ but settled with subtle gawking instead; subtle being eyes and mouth wide open. 
Brienne passed your still-standing person, giggling at your amazement, “come on, you silly girl. You can revel in the spectacularism later.” You shook yourself out of your current state when hearing her fond tone, coming to join your blonde Commander by the large doors. 
Brienne entered the large building, making sure you were behind her, allowing you to step up to her side. The insides of the building were equally as grand as the outside, a home fit for a King, you thought. You refrained from commenting on the vision that was the Red Keep, but you were fairly certain your knight already knew what you were thinking by the awestruck countenance you had. 
When you entered the Throne Room, your former face had been switched to a solemn one, showing that you were a very serious knight who hadn’t been staring at the building you were currently in open-mouthed. 
There were two other people in the large space besides you and Brienne. A much shorter man with curly hair, and the King, who sat on his throne which had been moved down from its previous placement so that Bran could lift himself into it. 
Brienne leaned down to your ear, talking to you in a hushed tone, “That’s King Brandon Stark, which I assume you know. And the bloke next to him is Lord Hand Tyrion Lannister.” You only hummed in response as she rose to her full height once again. 
Tyrion had noticed the blonde's change in mood the second she had returned from Dorne. No longer staring off into nothingness and getting lost in her thoughts. No longer hiding away and sharpening every sword known to man or obsessively counting in the armory. 
He had been wondering what the cause for this sudden change in her behavior was, but now that he saw the way she looked at you, the way her eyes lit up as she spoke, and how you acted the same towards her; he drew his own conclusions. He was sure to tease her about this at a later date. 
Brienne and you stopped before the King, kneeling in front of him. He called you both up to stand straight, the Lord Commander marching up to stand by her King's side, you standing firmly in place. 
“Your Grace.” You kept your eyes fixated on Bran, very aware of Brienne’s eyes on you. You could see her in the corner of your eye, she looked so exalted and heroic standing next to the King in her gold armor and white cloak. 
“Lord Brienne speaks very highly of you. She has stated very clearly that she would fight by your side and that she trusts you with her life.” You had to hold back a grin at his words, she spoke just as highly of you as you did of her, “I have heard of your accomplishments on the battlefield, and I must say that I am impressed.” 
“Thank you, Sire.”  
You had spent the journey here memorizing the oath you had to swear. It was a mighty long one, but it had eventually stuck, and you were sure it would never unstick. You didn’t quite know when you were supposed to swear it, hoping Brienne would give you some sort of signal for when it was time. 
Luckily, there was no need for that, King Bran gave you his own very clear instructions with his words, “I would be a fool to not have you in my Kings Guard, especially when my own Lord Commander was essentially bragging about your skills.” At this, Brienne’s head slumped down to hide a smile that crept up on her lush lips, she was a little bit embarrassed at him exposing her. Yet at the same time she was grateful for it because now you knew just how much she wanted you here with her unless any of her other words hadn’t been enough. “Kneel.” 
Brienne looked at you with enthusiasm, her pride for you shining brightly in the dimly lit room. She observed as you got down onto your knee once again, barely able to contain her large grin. The corners of her lips twitched, and she was sure that if either of the men beside her were to see it; they would question the reason why she actually wanted you here. She could want you here for two reasons, no? One selfish, one for the good of the kingdom. 
Your sword skills matched hers, and to have you next to her would put her so much more at ease. She was well aware that she was an exceptional sword fighter, but to have two with the same skill was calming, knowing that you would both go through hell and high water to get back to the other alive.  
Having such a drive force can be lifesaving in dire and lethal situations, especially when your job is to protect the King; riots hadn’t been uncommon in the past, but hopefully, there would be none now that there was new and better leadership. 
“I swear to ward the King with all my strength, and to give my blood for his. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, mother no children. I shall guard his secrets, obey his commands, ride at his side, and defend his name and honor.” 
What you didn’t seem to notice even though you kept your eyes fixed on Bran, was his slight eyebrow quirk at the fact that you chose to replace father with mother, but wife remained, just as it had with Brienne’s oath. 
Brienne practically beamed at you as you got up from your knee, almost overzealously volunteering to take you to your fitting when Bran and Tyrion started discussing it. The shorter one of the two stared at her with an astute look, mouthing ‘real smooth, Lord Brienne,’ a teasing smile on his face. 
The tall blonde shot him one of her signature glares in return, staring at him pointedly and he knew he was going to have fun messing with her about this. Maybe he’ll ask her if she’s still a virgin, maybe her answer had changed since the last time he asked. He was sure it had, but he wanted to hear her say it. 
“Your Grace. I will take our newest recruit for measurements, then show them their quarters. Leave it to me.” Bran didn’t think much of Brienne’s willingness, he thought her to be a strange character sometimes and this was one of those times. He just simply nodded to show that she was sanctioned to do just that. 
“Lord Commander. Ser. You are both dismissed.” Brienne trotted over to your side, ready to lead you away from the large room. 
“Yes. Your Grace.” Speaking unanimously, you and the tall blonde bowed before taking your exit. Side by side, you roamed the regal halls of the Red Keep, and you couldn’t stop yourself from staring in wonderment again, nearing the exit of said building. 
Brienne found your extreme fascination and wonder endearing, her heart fluttering at your childlike enthusiasm and admiration, her insides all warm, her stomach filling with butterflies as she watched your wonderstruck face. 
The descent of the stairs was much more forgiving than the ascent and you had found yourself walking down The Kings Road that winded through Kings Landing, and as you walked, Brienne explained to you that you had two stops to make, one at the armorer for measurements for your new plates and gambeson, and a second at the tailor, for new tunics and trousers, but also for your long white cloak. 
She spoke to you the entire time about what she had been up to the five months you were apart, stating that it was too much to be written on paper, as you navigated the streets of Kings Landing to make your errands. 
It all went smoothly and eventually, Brienne had taken you to the White Sword Tower, where your chambers were located. “I managed to get your room next to mine, so we can easily sneak in between if we wish.” Her voice was hushed and her tone mischievous as she showed you her quarters, and then yours. You smiled at her words; she hadn’t changed one bit. 
“Come into mine. I wish to show you something.” Suddenly her voice and face turned candid, opening the door to her room and allowing you to walk in before her, closing it after entering the quarters herself. 
She immediately walked up to her hearth, starting a warming and crackling fire, and then moved to the armor stand in her room, beginning the removal process of each piece of her golden plates. 
You couldn’t help but look at the back of her head with a puzzled expression. It was getting close to sunset, but not close enough to warrant Brienne unstrapping her armor. She usually kept it on until bedtime, and it was still light outside. 
Continuing her process, she spoke to you, voice soft and tender, “Go look in that book over there.” She twitched her head quickly, motioning you in the direction she wanted you to go. 
Walking over to her bed table, your eyes landed on a book. Brienne didn’t seem like the type of person who would be interested in dramatic literature. “The book isn’t of importance; I just picked a random one. Look inside.” 
You looked back at Brienne, only having her gambeson left to remove, but had stopped for a second to turn her head to look at you, offering an encouraging smile. Shifting your gaze back to the book, you picked it up and opened the worn-out leather cover. The paper inside seemed to stare back at you with accusing eyes. 
It was tear-stained, obvious marks on the spots the Lord Commander’s tears had landed. You were almost certain about what the parchment was, your speculations were only confirmed when you removed it from the pages and unfolded it; your handwriting from five months ago glaring at you. 
“You kept it?” This was surely a painful memory for Brienne, why she opted to keep it you did not know. The evidence of her evening cries was clear on the slightly ripped note; she must’ve read this every single day. 
“Yes.” She was finally finished with her armor and gambeson and moved to join you by her bed. “I needed to have something of yours, and this was all I had.” She stopped in front of you, gently taking the book and letter from your hands, placing them back on the bed table before grabbing hold of your hands. “I read it every single night, desperately trying to remember your voice. But I- I couldn’t.” 
Her gaze shifted from yours to the floor, and you were hit with a surge of woe seeing her evade your eyes. You did not know why she felt the need to do so. Was she ashamed that she had forgotten your voice? Or maybe embarrassed admitting that she read your letter every night even if it reminded her of the dark winter evening by the stables? You did not know, and you didn’t want to ask, not now at least. 
“Darling,” one of your hands tangled itself out of Brienne’s to softly lift her chin up, so you could look into her magnificent irises. “I forgot your voice too. No matter, though. We’ll be able to hear each other's voice every day from now on.” She smiled down at you with sad eyes, an unasked question in the air that you both wanted to ask, the taller woman being the actual one to ask it. 
“Will you let me hold you, please? I wish to hold you.” It was almost like she was shy, acting like it was the beginning stage of your relationship once again, and in a way it kind of was. You were in need of her warmth, her closeness, and the strong enveloping of her large and long arms. For her to hold you tight and never let go, desperate to be back in her embrace once again. 
You responded by kissing her tenderly on her lips, removing your hand from her chin, and using the one still in her hand to drag her down onto the bed with you. Both you and Brienne were still fully clothed, an error that needed to be resolved; you wanted to feel her hot skin against yours once again like you had done so many moons ago. “I want to feel your bare flesh against mine, please.” 
Brienne watched you lovingly and fondly, nodded, and started to remove her clothing, stripping down to her undergarments. It was nothing sexual, just the need to feel the entirety of her against you; an animalistic urge to feel a sense of security. You followed suit, undressing with haste, folding up your clothes, and placing them next to hers at the foot of the bed. 
Your blonde knight in shining armor crawled under the covers and laid down on her side, holding the fur up for you so you could do the same. Lifting up the same arm that had been holding the cover as you did. 
She wasted no time in slinging the same limb around you when you had laid down next to her, pulling you close to her, your back against her front. Her face nuzzling into your neck, breathing in your scent. 
Her strong musk and arms encompassed you, the faint and familiar smell of fresh grass and light sweat overwhelming your senses once again. You were completely intoxicated by her proximity, you couldn’t think, your mind was scrambled, heart racing. 
She started pressing soft kisses to your skin, supple lips ghosting over your neck and shoulder, making you release a sigh. Brienne whispered against your skin, her breath slightly tickling you. “Tell me what you did in Dorne during the five months we were apart. Catch me up, please.” You were more than happy to. 
As you started to recount the events that had occurred over the past five months, Brienne’s hold around you tightened, attempting to have you even closer to her which at this point was impossible. There was barely any space left between you, not even a small air pocket. 
Your legs were tangled with her incredibly long ones, fingers drawing mindless circles on her arm as you told her about your journey to Dorne, your father’s passing, and your family’s trader business. 
Brienne hummed every once in a while, to let you know that she was listening, her arm around you strong like cement. As she pressed a barely felt but burning kiss to the skin behind your ear, you realized that you were finally back where you were always meant to be. 
In Brienne’s arms.
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gojos-fr-bae · 3 months
Liar pt. 6
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: A bit of angst, a bit of fluff, just the perfect concoction. Cussing, just the usual.
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: Again, I said I would release it two days ago but here we are. oopsies also, omd I haaate this, idk its just not giving me what I wanted it to have gave, uk? but I still hope you guys like it and it is what you have been waiting for.
(Requests open)
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Gojo was running around his house frantically trying to get himself together. You and he had agreed on going out with Kaito in order to introduce the boy to his father, finally. He had changed outfits about seen times and while trying to style his hair, he put way to much gel which he had to wash out which got his clothes wet meaning he had to switch his fit again and OH MY GOSH HE WAS LOOSING HIS FUCKING MIND.
To say he was nervous would be an understatement and he had kept himself sober since the previous night in order to be his best self for his son but it was just making him freak out even more. The amount of times he reached for a bottle of alcohol before realising what he was doing scared him.
He was in his bathroom standing in front of his mirror nit-picking every little detail about himself from his outfit to his hair and the dark circles that were no longer visible due to the foundation he had caked over them. 
Everything was fine until he looked down at his watch and realised that he was running late. He ran out of the house as fast as he could before jumping into his car and sped out of his compound towards Jujutsu tech, failing to notice the cigarettes on his dashboard. Once he had arrived, he ran through the campus to your dorm room. Once he had reached, he froze with his hand about to make contact with the door, the seriousness of the situation finally dawning on him. He was going to meet his son for the first time ever. Oh no, he was shaking. He was trying his best to calm himself. He was finally going to meet his son. With a wide smile on his face, he gently knocked on the door.
His breath hitched when he finally laid his eyes on you. You looked absolutely breath-taking. You were wearing (Outfit of choice) and you looked stunning.
“Hi, Satoru,”
“H-Hi, y/n. You look…gorgeous.”
“Why thank you, you don’t look too shabby yourself,” You smiled at him as you watched a blush spread across his face.
“Th-Thank you.” he said, the most adorable smile spreading across his face.
“Kaito, someone’s here to see you!”
You watched as your son ran as fast as his stubby little feet could carry him. You had told him that his dad was coming to see him and although it took him a good minute to understand what you were saying, once he did, he was ecstatic. He was jumping up and down on your bed for almost the entire night before you told him Satoru wouldn’t  come if he didn’t go  to sleep. Knocked him right out. But what you were seeing right now was the complete opposite of his behaviour last night.
He was standing behind you, hiding behind your leg and glaring daggers at the man before him.
“‘Come on sweetie, say  hi,” The boy just looked up at you, back at Satoru, and then hid further behind your legs.
“Sorry, he’s shy,”
“No, no, it’s okay, I totally understand. Shall we get going then?”
“Sure, let me just get Kaito’s bag.” you said, rushing into the house and leaving your son at the door.
Kaito stared Satoru down, squinted his eyes, and then did that thing where you point two fingers at your eyes, and then at the person you’re looking at. Satoru was… taken aback to say the least. Little did he know, Shoko had been training the child to attack the man since you arrived at Jujutsu Tech. Well, as much attacking as a two-year-old who just learned how to walk and can barely speak can do.
“Kaito, you see that man over there?” she said to the boy she was cradling in her arms while standing behind a tree. He squinted, trying to spot Gojo, and looked back at Shoko, nodding his head. 
“Do you know who he is?” He shook his head no.
“Well you know how you love your mommy?”
“Yeah, well that guy over there loves her too. Actually that’s your dad”
“Weally?! He squealed, eyes sparkling.
“Yes, but you know, he made your mama very, very, sad.”
“I don’t know, but know that you're a big man, you have to protect mama yeah?”
“Mhm,” responded, understanding the task that had been bestowed upon him.
“Okay, I'm ready to go!” You said, picking up Kaito and closing the dorm door behind you.
“Let me help you with that, he said, taking the bag from you before leading you towards the car.
“Oh, do you have a car seat for Kaito?”
Gojo stopped in his tracks. Shit! How could he forget?! Oh no, he’s already a horrible father and now you hate him and Kaito hates him and he’s a failure and-
“If you don’t then it's alright, he can sit on my lap. It’s no problem.” you said, interrupting his train of thought, and thank God for that because he was spiralling.
“Alright then.” Thank heavens.
He opened the passenger door for you, placed Kaito’s bag in the back and ran to his side of the car.
He was about to say something when he looked at you and saw your eyes fixed on his dashboard. Holy Fuck, he didn't- clean the car. Holy fuck. 
“Oh -my I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so, so so so sorry,” he kept on repeating, doing his best to clean it all up as fast as possible.
“It’s umm… it’s okay.”
He was in for one hell of a day.
Y/N Once you reached the amusement park, he ran to open your door for you again as you stepped out.
OK so I'm going through writer’s block and I'm so emotionally tired from stuff I have going on so I'm just gonna give highlights of the day, sorry 😘
Your day was…eventful to say the least. Although the tension was extremely high at the beginning of the day, as things progressed, things got more and more relaxed, and dare you say, you even enjoyed the outing. The same can’t be said for your precious little bundle of joy. You still remember when Satoru won a giant stuffed monkey hoping that he would like it since he noticed the one he was clutching between his stubby little fingies. Words cannot explain the amount of distress that rushed through him when the boy looked down at the toy in disgust and turned away. For fucks sake he couldn’t even win his own son a toy properly. He was such a failure. 
You looked up in his eyes and could already tell that he was beating himself up for it. But he just looked at you and gave you a small smile before going on with your day.
All wasn’t lost though. While you were walking through the park, Satoru noticed that Kaito’s shoes were untied, so he knelt down and tied them for him. While getting up, he gently patted the boys head, and he swears to all that is good and just that while he was turning back to continue walking, Kaito had a teeny weeny smile on his face, and that alone sent him to bed smiling.
For the first time in two years, Satoru had a good dream that night. No nightmares, night terrors, no flashback. Nothing but a peaceful dream of his adorable son and lovely wife.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Finally, took me long enough
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here
© gojos-fr-bae
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bruisedboys · 1 year
Hello and good afternoon my lovely, I will absolutely give you a steve request on this fine “afternoon”. What about a steve blurb where they go on an early date and either the reader (or steve cause that could be cute) is like smitten with the other and flushed and all that? They just have a like fun chemistry? Have fun with that! Love ya!
this is way too long to be a blurb oopsies. also I’m so sorry this took so long to get out, I hope it’s okay bae 🤍
fem!reader 1.1k words
Your legs feel like jelly.
Steve Harrington is hot. He’s hot, and kind, and funny, and just about the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. For reasons beyond your knowledge, he’s asked you out on a date.
You feel like you’re about to trip over your own feet as you approach Steve. He’s looks spectacular. He always does, but tonight he’s ditched the Family Video uniform for a dark blue polo, a brown jacket and a pair of Levi’s. You almost pass out just looking at him, and it gets worse when he spots you.
His face lights up like a Christmas tree, grin so wide his eyes crinkle up. “Y/N, hey! You look great.”
He’s so casual with it, so suave, it makes you lightheaded.
“Thank you,” you manage. Your face feels like a furnace as you toy with the material of your dress. “You too.”
It’s true, he does. And his smile only adds to it, so pretty and so kind it makes your chest ache. A moment later he gets that look on his face that you know means he’s about to make some corny joke.
“What, this old thing?” Steve lifts the corner of his jacket with an air of faux disgust. “I reckon the Family Video uniform is so much more flattering on me, don’t you think?”
You giggle. He’s funny, but maybe it’s more his smile that’s making you giggle. Either way, the sound is giddy and you’d be embarrassed but there’s no time for that, not when Steve is stepping forward, just on the verge of your personal space.
“Can I hug you?” He asks, quite abruptly, like he’s been holding the question in.
You try not to sound too desperate. “Yeah, sure.”
Your arms go around his waist while his slide over your biceps and around to your upper back. You practically melt in his arms. He’s warm and so gentle and his clothes are soft and he smells good. He smells like cotton and like his cologne, the same musky, heady scent you’ve picked up on the previous two times he’s hugged you. He’s so comfortable you could stand like this all night, the toes of your shoes slotting between his, his hands rubbing over the expanse of your upper back.
Too soon, Steve is pulling away. He’s all smiles as he takes your hand in his, his palm warm and calloused in yours.
“Should we go in?” He asks, giving your hand a soft jostle.
Your hand feels like it’s on fire. You hope Steve doesn’t notice. You nod. “Okay.”
Steve walks you to the front door of the diner, then releases you to hold the door open, a gesture that seems totally second nature to him. To you, it’s like being treated like a princess. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
“Thanks, Steve,” you say quietly. Feeling brave and unable to stop yourself, you hold your hand out to him as he follows you over the threshold. He takes it without question and with a grin almost as big as yours.
He talks to the woman at the counter and someone shows you to a table for two. Steve looks even prettier in this lighting. You try not to swoon when he takes off his jacket and hangs it over the back of his chair. His arms are gorgeously thick, sunkissed and covered in freckles.
Dinner goes smoothly. Apart from you catching yourself staring at Steve more times than you can count, and Steve spilling wine all over the tablecloth, that is. It goes as smoothly as it can, with you so nervous and Steve so clumsy-handed.
He makes jokes and dotes you with compliments and asks you questions like he’s really interested in you, and you’ve never felt more liked. It’s surprising and dizzying and lovely all at once.
Steve puts his arm around your waist on the way out, a burning weight on your lower back. It’s nice, how intimate it feels. How he pulls you closer into his side so you both fit through the door at the same time. If that wasn’t enough, he even gives you his jacket while he walks you around the block. It’s warm and smells like him, and you half hope you’ll carry his scent around even after tonight is over.
When you reach your car neither of you move to leave. He stands with his back to your car, facing you. You stand directly in front of him, in his big warm jacket and your dress, feeling lightheaded with how much you like him.
“I, um. I had a good time tonight,” he says, and reaches a hand up to scrub at the back of his neck. He’s smiling, all dimples and pink cheeks. For the first time tonight, you think maybe he’s just as nervous as you.
You try not to sound too happy when you speak, but it’s hard when you’re grin is so big. “Me too.”
Steve beams. His dark eyes are flecked with the fluorescent store lights behind you, neon colours glowing within his normal dark brown. He’s so pretty it hurts to look at him. Like an art piece in a museum marked ‘do not touch’.
You ignore the signs, step forwards into his space and touch your hand to his hip. It’s the lightest touch, but Steve makes a noise anyway, a little gasp that has you worried you’ve overstepped.
“Sorry,” you say, stepping away quickly, moving to shove your hands in your pockets. “I—”
“No, no.” Steve is quick to shut down your apologies, grabbing your wrist with lean fingers and pulling you back into his space. “C’mere, I’m sorry.”
He guides your hand back to his hip, pushes his hand over yours so it sits flat over the waistband of his jeans.
“You can touch me, sweetheart,” he says quietly.
You flush at the innuendo but you know that’s not what he means. You spread you fingers and push one of them through his belt loop. You watch his abdomen rise and fall with his breathing. Neither of you says anything. Then, slowly, slowly, you lift your eyes to his, chin tilted up so you can see his face.
He looks about as frazzled as you feel. Lips parted, eyelids low, a lock of hair falling over his forehead. You want to push it away, bury your hand in his hair.
He beats you to it.
His fingers find your hairline and follow it, pushing a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Do you maybe want to … do this again sometime?” he asks.
His hand lingers in the space between your shoulder and your neck, warm and soft and setting your skin aflame. You nod. How could you not?
“I’d like that,” you say. I like you, you almost add.
You think he already knows that.
836 notes · View notes
ghosts-and-glory · 4 months
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Have a wip, drawing some of my favourite followers to practice character design.
Rambling about my followers under the cut.
Nobre was like my second follower I think and I love them. I will literally kill, poison and imprison other followers for him. Puar is his little brother and was my loyalty enforcer for a while. Anubis I got on a crusade after she murdered her entire village and i immediately wifed her up. Uh and then I did an oopsy and accidentally sacrificed her to Ratoo and I’m still recovering emotionally from that one. Nagre was also like my fourth follower and I didn’t marry him until like the third time I resurrected him. In my mind Nobre and Nagre are also married and I don’t care if the mating tent says they’re enemies.
In my mind space the followers I turn into demons come with me on crusades. And then I loose my mind at Puar everytime they drop a heart outside outside the map bounds.
Can you tell I like dogs? I really like dogs.
I don’t have screenshots of Anubis unfortunately. And I really can’t believe they capped follower levels. (Nobre and Puar have become disciples since I took these.)
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87 notes · View notes
starlazergazer · 1 year
Best Friends Master
Pairing: Anakin x reader
Request: Ahsoka has a friend outside of the order who works in Dex’s restaurant, when Ahoska introduces her to Anakin he feels her warmth, her smile was so sweet it brought light into his life and at that moment he felt complete, like he needed her. She loved him back but only in secret. Later after Anakin switches to the dark side palpatine arrives saying he brought slaves for his empire and there she is, sad with tears in her eyes, the smile that once brought life to Anakin was gone and it was his turn to save her.
Warnings: Angst, some spoilers for the clone wars if you somehow haven’t finished it yet, swearing
Word count: 8.5k (oopsies)
A/N: Requested by the lovely @sweetcheesecakesblog​ I really hope you like it! I got so excited and wrote all of it almost immediately, may have strayed a bit from the original request but I hope it’s close to what you were thinking! If anyone else has any requests send them my way!!! Thank you!
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 With a sigh Anakin crossed his arms over his chest, not even bothering to move from his position in the corner of the room as he called out “Again”
Ahsoka glared back at her master from the center of the room, lightsaber shaking slightly in her hand as her arms threatened to collapse from exhaustion, chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath. “Master we’ve been going for hours, I can do the move”
Anakin looked on at his padawan with a soft shake of his head, knowing he was pushing her hard but also knowing that he needed to. She was his padawan, under his protection, and he wasn’t always going to be there to provide that, she needed to be able to do it herself. Ahsoka was good with a lightsaber, great even, but sometimes that wasn’t enough, and when her life was on the line she needed to be enough.
But as he looked down at his padawan, watched her sway slightly on the spot, he knew at some point there could be such a thing as too much. If he pushed her too hard today it took her out for tomorrow. Not to mention she was right, she had finally gotten the move he was showing her right, not great but at least right, that deserved at least a break. “All right fine lets go get some food”
He watched Ahsoka’s whole face light up, arms dropping immediately to dangle at her side, her posture slumping slightly from exhaustion “Really?”
And Anakin couldn’t help but laugh at the expression, loving how easy it was to win over his padawan “Yeah we’ll take a break” he sighed dramatically, acting as if it were a big inconvenience to him much to Ahsoka’s amusement “that just means you’re going to have to come back that much harder tomorrow”
“mmmmm” Ahsoka hummed, pretending to think on it while she fell into step beside her master “only if you take me to Dex’s for dinner”
Anakin couldn’t have stopped the laugh from escaping him if he had tried, raising a single eyebrow at his padawan as he looked down at her “when did this turn into a negotiation?”
Ahsoka grinned back up, already knowing she had won herself a dinner from Anakin’s expression “I thought you would be proud of me for practicing my negotiation skills master”
At this Anakin just shook his head with a small smile, not hesitating to lead her out of the building towards Dex’s “yeah well next time practice on someone else”
Anakin sat comfortably in a booth across from Ahsoka, watching her eye the menu hungerly with a  small smile on his face.
He loved being Ahsoka’s master, she was a great padawan after all, but he did enjoy any time they could get together to just hang out without the pressures of Jedi training, when he got to know more about who Ahsoka really was beneath the padawan mask.
He looked around the diner. Booths were packed with people that looked like regulars all happily eating and talking which made him relax a little, enjoying the peace and comfort that were brought on by the relaxed atmosphere of the restaurant.
He was just about to turn back to Ahsoka and ask her a question when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye, a girl bursting from the double doors that led to the kitchen with more plates piled onto her arms than he thought possible. He watched in amazement as she easily balanced a tables worth of food and strode quickly across the restaurant, distributing the plates around the correct table without breaking a sweat.
The woman straightened up to her full height once all the food was passed out, hands coming to clasp in front of her as she asked the table a question. Her hair was pulled back neatly behind her head, a pen tucked back there securely though given that she reached to her apron for another one to write with he was sure she had forgotten she’d stashed the first one.
He could feel the small smile growing on his lips as he watched her converse though wasn’t quite sure where it came from, about to drop the whole thing and turn back to Ahsoka until she turned suddenly to face him, breaking out into a grin.
It was like everything had slowed down, her smile seeming to light up the whole room that he hadn’t realized was so dim before. She was quite possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen before and she was for some reason heading right to him.
And Anakin felt himself growing nervous, his stomach doing summersaults inside of him as he watched her approach.
“Master?” he heard Ahsoka’s questioning voice though didn’t break his contact from the girls face prompting Ahsoka to follow his gaze, shifting up and throwing an elbow over the back of the booth to get a better look at what he was staring at.
And that was all the warning she had before the girl threw herself into the booth next to Ahsoka, arms going around her neck as she crashed into her sending the both of them onto Ahsoka’s side with a high-pitched shriek.
At first Anakin didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to process what he had just saw, his hand going instinctively to his saber, legs tensing ready to stand, until he heard two distinct giggles from the other side of the booth.
“You came to rescue me!” he heard a voice that certainly wasn’t Ahsoka’s come from the booth before the two girls returned to his field of vision, sitting themselves up straight with the stranger’s arms still wrapped securely around Ahsoka, her head nuzzled into his padawan’s neck.
“Who is it now?” His padawan asked the girl only furthering his confusion as he looked around the restaurant for any sign of what they were talking about.
“Dex” The girl answered in a tone of mock seriousness, withdrawing her arms to sit up straight and look Ahsoka squarely in the eye “can you believe he asked me to stay late today?”
“How dare he” Ahsoka answered in the same mock serious tone, eyes shifting to the kitchen in the back.
“I know” came the other girls quick reply and an eager nod “and all because I told him I wanted to make more money. I can’t believe he thought I meant I wanted to work more and not that I wanted a 200% raise”
“I would’ve known what you meant” his padawan assured her with a small chuckle, earning another one of those gorgeous smiles from the stranger.
It was then that the girl’s eyes cut from Ahsoka’s for the first time and landed squarely on his, and it was then that he finally felt like an intruder on their conversation. This girl had whirled in and encapsulated him so firmly in the fake drama that he had forgotten that he was the outsider of this situation.
“Who’s your friend” the girl stage whispered to Ahsoka eliciting a giggle from his padawan as she looked back at Anakin in amusement.
“Y/N this is Anakin. Anakin this is Y/N” she introduced them.
“Anakin” the girl repeated with a small nod. And it was something about the way she said it, softly in her sweet voice, so genuine he could feel her committing his name to memory, as if she were truly glad to have learned it. “Are you a jedi too or just an ugly robe aficionado?”
Anakin felt himself tugging almost self consciously at his robes, looking down at them as if to check what he was wearing “what’s wrong with my robes?”
“oh nothing nothing” Y/N was quick to shrug it off with a giggle and despite the fact that she was teasing him he felt a smile grow on his face, her laugh so incredibly infectious he was unsure how Ahsoka could keep a straight face while joking with her. “what’s important is that you like them”
A bell sounded from across the diner, and he watched as hot plates were piled into a window drawing out a sigh from Y/N. All too soon she was dragging herself out of the booth and to her feet, dusting off her slightly food stained apron as she did.
“Well duty calls” she said in fake merriment, leaning one arm against the back of Ahsoka’s booth “The regular?”
Ahsoka just nodded, handing her her menu before Y/N turned to Anakin, and though he knew she was asking him a question he found himself doing nothing but staring into her eyes, noting the subtle mix of colors in them as they reflected the light, doing nothing but looking back and forth between the two of them until he felt a swift kick to his shin, gaze tearing down to Ahsoka’s with a soft wince to meet his padawan’s very amused expression.
“Yeah he’ll have the same” she answered smugly and it was only then that Anakin realized he had completely missed the whole conversation, his cheeks coloring slightly as his padawan relished his embarrassment and Y/N strode away to grab the food.
Ahsoka opened her mouth, ready to start teasing Anakin relentlessly before he cut her off quickly.
“Say a word and you’re doing nothing but sprints for the entire day tomorrow”
She narrowed her eyes slightly though her smug grin held as she leaned forward onto the table “since when did this turn into a negotiation?”
“Oh it’s not” Anakin leaned back in his own booth, crossing his arms over his chest “dear padawan that was a threat”
Anakin paced back and forth in front of Dex’s. He’d told himself that by the time he got here he’d have an excuse to go in and yet here he was still trying to come up with something.
He wasn’t even sure if you were in there, the most he’d gotten from Ahsoka was “sometimes she works sometimes she doesn’t” so realistically he should have no problem just going in.
At least that was what he was telling himself as he pushed open the doors.
As soon as he walked in he stopped on the spot, eyes snapping immediately to meet yours just behind the counter.
And there was that smile again, a wide, genuine grin as you recognized him, waving him eagerly up to the counter which he happily obliged, feeling his own face break out into a grin.
“Wait wait wait I know this” already you were off eagerly, Anakin flooding with relief realizing he had no plan as to what to say when he came up to you “Xavier right?”
And just like that Anakin felt his chest hollow, fighting to keep the smile from slipping off his face as he was forced to reckon with the fact that he clearly hadn’t made as big an impression on you as you had him. “Ahhh no but you’re close”
“No I’m not you liar” you laughed, your hand immediately coming out to swat at his playfully as they rested on the counter, the skin on the back of Anakin’s knuckles left with a small tingling sensation at the brief contact “Anakin of course I remember your name I just met you yesterday. I see how highly you think of me”
“No no I just-I wouldn’t blame you if you-” Anakin found himself stuttering, too quick to defend himself, though stopped when he caught the smug smile on your face as you lounged casually behind the counter, chin resting on your fist, mischief shinning in your eyes “you’re messing with me”
“Bingo” you winked at him, drawing yourself up to fully rest your forearms on the countertop, leaning in closer to him “Now Anakin Skywalker” you put extra emphasis on his name to prove you knew it and Anakin relished the sound, loving the way it dripped from your lips as he smiled back at you “what can I get for you”
“Oh-uhhh-Ahsoka” he was mentally scolding himself as soon as he started to speak, his mind eagerly reaching for the first thing he could think of, the only thing you two had in common, only realizing after that it made no sense.
Your eyebrows drew together as you straightened back up off the counter, worry washing over your features “Ahsoka? Is everything okay with Ahsoka?”
“No yes” he was spitting answers out again, his mind not working fast enough with his mouth “Ahsoka’s fine that’s not what I meant” he forced himself to stop, forced himself to take a breath and calm down before speaking “I just meant I’m picking up food for Ahsoka”
“Ahh okay” you were relaxing immediately, leaning back down onto the counter “I assume she wants the usual?”
Anakin just nodded, not trusting his words any more after this disaster of a conversation.
You smiled back at him and Anakin felt his heart swell, drawing in a deep breath to calm it as you twisted around, yelling out Ahsoka’s food order to Dex behind you in the kitchen before spinning back on him.
He just softly smiled back at you, eyes dancing briefly over your features, watching your lips part ready to say something when a jarring voice sounded out from across the restaurant.
“Hey sweetheart how about some coffee?”
He watched your face fall, your shoulders slump, your eyes roll, and immediately whirled on the sound. He felt his hand ball into a fist, his jaw clench as he scanned the diner for the owner of the voice. He did not like his use of that nickname, certainly did not like your reaction at having heard it, and he had no problem making his objections known to the guy.
“Don’t worry he’s harmless” he heard you call him off, turned slightly in time to see you pick the pot off the warmer and make your way around the counter.
Quite honestly he didn’t care if the man was harmless, right now you clearly didn’t want to deal with him and to Anakin that was more than enough.
Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, your fingers giving it a small squeeze before your face came in close to his, whispering “don’t worry I could take him” with a smile and a wink.
And Anakin felt himself freeze in that moment, still feeling the weight and warmth of your hand on his shoulder, still smelling your perfume in the air around him as he took a second to process what exactly had happened.
Then you were back in front of him, the same soft smile on your face as you looked down at him, balancing your head on your hand once again as you just stared.
“You’re Ahsoka’s master then right?”
He nodded, eagerly, resting his hands on top of the counter, mere inches away from yours “yeah that’s right”
“I know the jedi are taken to the temple pretty young but do you remember where you came from?” your question caught him off guard, never having guessed this would be how this conversation goes.
“Oh uh it’s weird I actually wasn’t brought to the temple until I was a bit older” he shrugged “I came from Tattooine”
“Oh I didn’t know you could be brought in when you were older, did you have to leave behind family then?”
And Anakin felt his heart wrench slightly at the thought, another note of surprise at the question, a question he hadn’t been asked since he was a child “uh yeah my mother”
And you must have sensed the hurt in his voice no matter how hard he had fought to hide it, your brows drawing in sympathy “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to pry” and suddenly you were backing up, trying to give him space physically and metaphorically.
“No no” he was immediately waving it off, leaning ever so slightly more forward onto the counter “really it’s okay. I found out she died a few years ago and honestly I kind of miss being able to talk about her”
At that you smiled softly and it was like the hole in Anakin’s chest filled, any sadness at his mother’s passing replaced with an eagerness to riminess just like that. “Is it okay if I ask what she was like then?”
And Anakin felt himself smile, his chest puffing with a soft chuckle as he thought back on his mom “Yeah she was-“
A bell rung and Anakin felt himself faulter, watching you spin around to look at the window to see a to go bag tied neatly at the top.
“Oh man talk about timing”
He forced out a chuckle, forced himself to pretend he was okay with having been cut off, forced himself to smile back at you as you placed the bag in front of him.
“But if you really have to go now make sure you come back soon, I want to hear all about her”
At first Anakin’s brain was racing with excuses to stay, excuses to let the food he was supposedly getting for Ahsoka go cold, until he realized what you were giving him: the perfect excuse to come back soon.
So instead he grabbed the food off the counter, giving you a smile that felt much more genuine than before “It’s a deal”
And you smiled back at him, and he felt his stomach doing summersaults once again as he stood up, giving you a small nod of his head “I’ll see you around Y/N”
You grinned and waved back at him as he left the diner, calling out a “bye Anakin” as he did so.
Anakin didn’t come to the diner for a few days after it happened, couldn’t bring himself to come to the very place she had made special for him, couldn’t bring himself to face you.
But he also knew he couldn’t stay away forever, not just for his own sake but for yours as well. This time when he walked through the doors, however, he couldn’t bring himself to just walk up to the counter as he had done countless times before, couldn’t bring himself to sit directly in front of you and act as if everything was the same, as if he were okay.
Instead he decided to hide back in a booth, giving himself an out if he needed one.
He hadn’t meant for it to be the same booth as the first time he met you, his chest caving in just a bit more at the sight of the empty booth seat across from him, an echo of those infectious giggles from the two of you playing over in his mind.
A mug was set in front of him followed by a plate with a piece of pie, shocking him out of his stupor, his gaze shooting up just in time to see you sitting down across from him in that same seat as before, a sad smile on your face as you looked on at him.
“You look like you could use something stronger but this is the best I can do”
He had never heard your voice so soft before, so serious before, though he had to admit at just hearing it he felt a little lighter, a little more hopeful.
“My mom always gave me tea whenever I felt down” you continued on “and I mean there’s nothing a good dessert can’t fix”
And despite everything he felt himself chuckle softly, looking down at the food in front of him, hand going to the mug to take a sip, feeling for the first time since she left some sense of normalcy.
“Thank you”
You shrugged back in response, watching him take a bite of pie before pushing the plate over to you, handing you the fork so you could take a bite which you did eagerly, handing it back to him when you were done. “Damn I’m a good baker”
And again Anakin was laughing, a feat he was sure only you could achieve in that moment. Though it quickly died down, a moment of silence falling over the table as Anakin knew what he had to do next, setting down the fork to look at you.
“Y/N I have to tell you something”
You looked up at him, giving him your full attention.
“Ahsoka-uh-she-“ and he felt himself struggle with the words, unable to admit it, as if actually saying them out loud would make them true, make them permanent.
“I know” your response didn’t necessarily surprise him “she came by a few days ago, said she left the order. I told her I could probably get her a job here if she ever needed one”
And though your response didn’t surprise him your reaction to it all did. A large part of him was scared you were going to resent him for it, for failing Ahsoka, for driving her away.
“You know you didn’t fail her, right Anakin?”
His eyes snapped up to yours in surprise, bewildered that you had somehow known what he was thinking.
“I know I may not know exactly how the whole master padawan thing works” you shrugged back, leaning forward onto the table “but I do know any time she talked about you she had nothing back good things to say, right up until she left she loved and respected you”
He looked on at you doubtfully, absentmindedly running a hand through his hair as he sighed softly, trying desperately to see what you were saying but still feeling like nothing but failure.
You eyed him for a moment, feeling his guilt, his disbelief, his loss of hope, and knew what you had to do. “Did Ahsoka ever tell you how we met?” he just shook his head in response “It wasn’t actually here it was outside of a bar downtown. Some guy got too close, didn’t know how to take no for an answer, and she just came out of nowhere and kicked his ass” you paused a bit, a soft chuckle escaping as you remembered the look on that guys face as Ahsoka pinned him without breaking a sweat “I asked her how she knew how to do that and she told me that her older brother taught her”
Anakin scrunched his eyebrows at that, finding it weird that Ahsoka had never mentioned it, failing to see why it was important.
“I knew of course it was a lie at the time” you chuckled back with a small shake of your head and a fond smile on your lips “but the sentiment behind it wasn’t ya know?”
And to Anakin’s surprise he felt himself nodding back at you, a hint of a smile on his lips that admittedly wasn’t much but it was a start “I do yeah. I-uh” he stuttered again “I never knew about any of that”
“I’m just saying” you continued on slowly “whether it’s against your guys’ code or not I think your relationship went deeper than just padawan and master and despite whatever fight or disagreement that may be happening now it’s going to be a lot harder to break that bond”
“I’m not mad that she’s leaving” he felt the need to explain himself, taking a sip of his tea “I get it, I certainly don’t agree with what the order is doing these days either but I feel like I wasn’t there enough for her, and maybe if I was she wouldn’t have felt so alone then”
“Having just talked to her a few days ago” you reached out and placed a hand on top of his “I can tell you she doesn’t blame you for any of it. Now you just gotta learn to not blame yourself”
“Yeah easier said than done” he chuckled bitterly eliciting a laugh from you.
“Unfortunately that’s true”
A bell sounded again, and again you were standing, wiping your hands off on your apron, securing your hair behind your head. “Pie and tea are on me okay?” you smiled down at him, “stay as long as you’d like”
And he watched you return to work, going back to the window to pick up the food, feeling considerably lighter than he had when he walked in, finding himself smiling softly as he took another bite.
Your feet dangled over the edge of the building, crossed casually at the ankle, enjoying the crisp breeze that flowed around you, the stars above you dimmed slightly from the light pollution of the city below though were beautiful nonetheless.
You heard the gravel crunch from beside you as she sat down wordlessly, your eyes never looking away from the sky above.
“I imagine they’re even more beautiful when you’re up there aren’t they?”
She chuckled softly at your question, leaning back slightly to look at them with you “I’ll show them to you one day”
And though you knew it was a lie you still smiled at the thought, “I’d like that”
Your eyes broke from the sky above down to Ahsoka, noting the new clothes she was now in, recognizing them for what they were, armor. “You’re leaving aren’t you”
Her eyes broke from the stars back down to you, solemnly nodding “to Mandalore, I’m going to help take the planet back from Darth maul”
And despite the obvious danger you chuckled at her response, shaking your head softly, not at all surprised by her plans “I guess it’s true what they say, you can take the girl out of the jedi-“ you let the rest of the sentence hang.
Ahsoka laughed softly, looking down at her hands “the jedi have lost their way but I still believe I can do good. I need to do good”
“You’re a good person Ahsoka” you responded honestly with a soft smile, “And I’m glad to have been your friend”
“You still are my friend” she contested quickly though you just shook your head softly.
“Maybe but this feels like a goodbye” and you could see her open her mouth again to respond though you continued, cutting her off “it’s okay. You’ve grown beyond Coruscant, you can do more good out there” you gestured up to the stars above with your head.
She was silent for a moment, looking up at the stars with you, debating the truth in your words, before speaking “I wish I could bring you with me”
At that you laughed, shaking your head at her as you leaned forward, elbows on knees to look over the city “I’d be useless on a battlefield, I’m a waitress, my life is on Coruscant.”
“Still,” she continued softly “I’ll miss you”
You smiled and took her hand, giving it a small squeeze before breaking eye contact, knowing you needed to break the mood before you ended up crying on her shoulder.
“Have you spoken to Anakin yet?”
You could tell by her silence and the avoidance of your gaze her answer was no though that didn’t surprise you.
“I know you guys didn’t necessarily leave it on the best foot but he misses you”
She looked at you almost skeptically from the corner of her eye “Do you guys still talk?”
You nodded hesitantly, gaze going down to your lap in an attempt to hide your pink cheeks you could feel coming on “he stops by Dex’s every once in a while”
“Ohhhhh” she held a teasing tone in her voice only making your cheeks blush harder, giving a dramatic roll of your eyes as you chuckled softly “good to know, I’m about to go ask for his help should you come with me to help persuade him to my side”
You pushed her arm with no hesitation, Ahsoka rocking beneath the attack with a loud laugh, ignoring your pleas to shut up, her laughter slow to calm down.
“I’m just saying I’m not sure he’d ever been to Dex’s more than once before he met you” She teased, relishing your dramatic eye roll as you tried your hardest to fight the grin off your face, your cheeks aching from the effort.
“Shut up you know he doesn’t think of me like that”
“I know for a fact he does think of you like that” she countered smugly, your eyes shooting up to meet hers immediately, bouncing back and forth between them, trying to detect any sort of lie in them but still dismissing the words even after detecting none.
“He can’t think of me like that” You shook off her words, your tone dropping as you spoke slowly, avoiding eye contact “the jedi code right?”
“The code means he just can’t do anything” she shrugged, inching closer to you as she spoke, her head resting softly on your shoulder “Doesn’t mean he can’t think it”
“oh that’s so much better” you sighed, leaning your head slightly to rest softly on top of hers, staring out at the city in front of you. “things are going to change aren’t they?” You asked softly “Big changes I can feel it”
You could feel her take a big breath on your shoulder before answering “me too. I just hope they’re for the better”
Anakin could see Dex’s restaurant come into view just over the horizon and felt his heart jump into his throat as he walked towards it.
It was the first time in a while he had truly felt nervous coming to see you, but too much had changed for him not to be. The world around him had changed, the republic falling and the empire taking its place, but Anakin himself had changed too, a new red saber clipped at his hip to prove it. He just hoped you liked the changes.
As the restaurant started to get closer he could feel the pressure building within his chest, his eyes glued to the front door, a small prep talk echoing in his mind as he prepared himself to see you. Until a flash of movement just around the corner caught his attention and suddenly he was diverting his path just enough to see more clearly what was going on.
And there he saw you. Your hair was messier than usual, stray strands escaping the tie behind your head to frame your face, your apron covered in more than the usual amount of mystery food stains, your outfit slightly wrinkled, slightly askew on your body. What caught him most off guard though was just how tired you looked, even from across the street he could see the bags under your eyes, the way your shoulders slumped more than usual, your exasperated expression as you argued with the man in front of you.
That was the first time Anakin bothered to take in the full scene around him, noting how your brows were drawn in a straight line, your hands up trying to push him away, pointing back to the restaurant.
The man, however, paid you absolutely no mind as he continued to invade your space, continued to get closer, continued to argue back with you.
And that was all Anakin needed to see.
He was across the street before his mind could even keep up, seeing nothing but red as he clenched his hand into a fist, his other grabbing the guys shoulder roughly and pulling him back before either of you had even realized he was here.
Anakin relished the scared look on the guys face as he looked up at Anakin, loved the way his hands came up to show him he meant no harm, the way he looked ready to turn around and run back down the street and never bother you again.
“Anakin what the hell?”
And then he was whirling around to look at you, confused to see the same angry expression on your face that you had earlier though this time it was directed at him.
He let go of the man without a second thought, even more confusion flooding his system as you looked relieved to see the man be free, the angry mask dropping back down as you looked back up at him, arms crossing over your chest.
“I don’t” He stuttered, looking back to see the man already halfway down the block “he was harassing you”
“I was handling it” you shot back immediately “why would you do that?”
And he didn’t understand how what he did could be wrong, you clearly wanted the guy to leave you alone and now he was “I was helping”
He could see your jaw clench at his words, angry hands running through your hair prompting even more of it to escape its binding “I didn’t need your help”
And again he was bewildered, the way you had looked at that man as he invaded your personal space completely unperturbed by your words clearly saying otherwise “I don’t understand”
A loud exhale escaped you as your head went into your hands, your back bumping softly against the wall as you leaned against “I’m this close to ending up sleeping on the street and that man is just about the only regular who still shows up and I-“ the words rushed out of you, coming so quickly Anakin’s brain took a second to process what you were saying, the words growing louder and louder with each second until suddenly you pushed yourself up off the wall, spinning around quickly to kick it roughly.
And just like that the two of you froze, each of you unsure of what to do, taking a moment to process what you had just done. Then you were kicking the wall again, your arm cocking back to join in as a punch landed squarely against the hard brick, a string of curse words spewing from your lips as you yelled.
Anakin didn’t think then, he just reacted, diving forward, his arms going around your middle as he tackled you backward, arms never letting up as you continued to squirm in his grasp, the punches continuing to come if only for a few seconds before your entire body started to go limp, Anakin waiting until he knew you weren’t going to try any more to let go.
You trembled slightly beneath his touch, his arms retracting from around you slowly as he leaned back to look directly into your eyes. He noted the shine of unshed tears held in them, the slight wobble in your lip, and felt a lump grow in the base of his throat, doing his best to swallow it down as he gingerly picked up your hands, grimacing at the raw, bloody flesh of your knuckles.
Your gaze never broke from his face as he inspected your hands, and Anakin could feel you about to burst, an instinctive arm going around you to pull you into his chest, your arms not hesitating to wrap around him as he held you there, burying his face into your hair, just holding you for a moment before forcing himself to end the hug, gesturing back towards the restaurant with his head, never letting you get to far in his arms as he held on.
“Come on let’s clean those up”
You followed behind him numbly as he led you back to the empty restaurant, taking a seat at the end of a booth as Anakin left to find a first aid kit, pulling up a chair in front of you, setting the kit on the table and opening it, grabbing something to clean them first.
You winced at the feeling of the alcohol on your cut knuckles, Anakin giving you a guilty expression through his lashes as he dabbed at the cuts, letting the silence hang thickly in the air for a second before speaking.
“Do you want to tell me what that was about?”
You sighed deeply, the hand not held hostage by Anakin coming up to your face as you leaned heavily into the booth “Isn’t it obvious?”
Anakin, however, said nothing, giving you but a glance as he continued to tend to your hand.
“The republic fell, people could already barely afford to eat here but now? Now no one shows up. Dex can’t afford to pay me anymore, the people who do show up are barely tipping, right now I can’t make my rent next month and I have no clue what I’m going to do”
Anakin paused for a moment, giving your hand a small squeeze as he held it, looking up at you as he spoke “did abusing the wall help?”
It was a bad joke, a bad joke told at a bad time, but despite everything you felt yourself smile at that, your smile only growing as you saw his do the same in response.
“Not really. I was hoping it would give me it’s lunch money”
At that Anakin laughed fully, his posture straightening slightly as he finished bandaging your hand, though he didn’t drop it yet. “I’m sorry I pulled you out too early”
“Yeah you should be”
And there was that smile again, the one that seemed to fix everything for him, turn around any day, brighten up any space. After everything that had happened he was worried he would never see it again.
“You know if you ever need anything, money, a place to sleep, even just someone to talk to, I’ll be here”
And you could feel how genuine his offer was, a small smile playing on his lips as he took your other hand to bandage it as well. But your mind couldn’t break from the jedi code, from the fact that you knew you could never truly depend on him like that, couldn’t jeopardize his place in the new empire like that no matter what.
Still you painted on another smile, looking down at him as he tended to your other hand “Yeah I know”
Anakin kept showing up to Dex’s diner, even after it inevitably closed. Each time hoping that somehow it would be different, the restaurant would be lit up, people would line the booths with tables piled high with food, and you would be there just behind the counter smiling at him, and everything would be okay.
Instead he was always met with the same empty husk, the doors chained up, the lights off as the building itself seemed to suck in the light around it dimming the entire block, and you were gone.
He had no idea where to find you, where to even start looking, his only hope being that you knew where to find him. For the first time Anakin was going to have to wait until you initiated it but he wasn’t liking how long that was taking.
But he had told you to find him if anything was wrong, and losing your job maybe even your house, that was a lot to deal with at once, he just needed to be patient.
At least that was what he was telling himself.
He strode angrily into his next meeting room with two others in tow, already over this meeting. He had just returned from another trip to the restaurant and he could not deal with the stupidity and failures of others in that kind of headspace.
The door to the room opened before him and Anakin strode into the room, paying little mind to the new slave girl wiping the table down with a cloth, actively ignoring the conversation happening between the two men behind him.
He sat down in a chair at the table, vaguely hearing one of the men telling the girl to leave them.
He saw her nod from the corner of his eye and start to head out of the room, coming up to pass just behind Anakin’s chair as he did. Her scent washed over the area as she passed and Anakin froze on the spot.
He knew that scent.
Before he could even think any further his hand shot out and he grabbed the girl by her elbow, stopping her in place, her wide, scared eyes coming up to meet his.
And it was you.
Your eyes were wide and glassy as you looked down at him with a terrified expression, your cheeks stained with tear streaks, your body slightly trembling beneath his touch.
And he told himself that it couldn’t be you, you couldn’t have ended up here as a slave, he’d told you to come to him if you had any problems so how could you have ended up here.
“Leave us” the order came out harsh and cold, Anakin’s eyes never leaving your face, his hand never dropping your arm.
He heard the beginnings of a protest from the other two men and whirled around to face them, expression hard and threatening as he glared at them. His left hand tightened into a fist as he waited for the men to leave, both of them cowering slightly under his harsh gaze, his right however stayed soft as he gripped your elbow.
He waited until the men had left, until the door slid shut and the two of you alone before his expression melted on the spot, hand on your elbow skimming down your forearm to grip your hand and raise it slightly, using the opportunity to let his eyes roam over you, looking for any injuries quickly before landing on your face again.
You shrunk beneath his gaze, fear guilt and shame all building up in your chest as he scrutinized you. His hands came up to your shoulders and he stood, hunching slightly to meet your gaze, his eyes dancing back and forth between yours before his hands came up further, cupping each cheek softly, thumbs wiping softly at your cheeks to stop the tears you weren’t even aware had spilled.
The Anakin that had walked in just minutes ago was so different than the man you had known at Dex’s. He was hard, angry, cold and quite honestly he scared you. But this Anakin that now held your face in his hands, his expression soft, concerned, this was the Anakin you had come to know and love.
And just like that you broke.
Sobs started to escape your lips, wracking your body softly as your arms came up to wrap around Anakin’s neck, Anakin not hesitating to wrap his around your waist, pulling you deep into his chest, head coming to rest softly atop of yours, just holding you tightly as you cried.
And you cried into his chest for all that you had lost, the restaurant, your house, Ahsoka, you’re life as you knew it. But you also cried from pure relief, to see even just one friendly face in a place such as this, let alone Anakin’s, it was exactly what you needed.
He did nothing but wait for you to calm down, waited for the sounds of your tears to die out and still head you a little longer, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head before slowly letting you go, arms never leaving your side, never letting you get too far. “Y/N what happened?”
You sighed deeply, your head dropping as you answered reluctantly “the restaurant went under, no one else was hiring, I lost my house, I couldn’t afford food” you could hear yourself start to spiral, your words coming out quicker and quicker, your voice going slightly more high pitched with each new word, and forced yourself to stop, forced yourself to take a deep breath “I didn’t know what else to do”
“You come to me” Anakin’s response came quickly, his eyes bouncing back and forth between yours practically pleading with you to listen to him, to believe that he could do something.
“Anakin-“ you sighed, ready to push off the offer, reject it for what it was, an empty, polite promise.
“No” Anakin cut you off firmly, hands falling from your sides as he straitened up to his full height “I told you you could come to me if you needed help and I would do something why would you-“
And now it was your turn to cut him off, not wanting to hear more about how he was going to put his life, his status, his place in the empire on the line to protect you, a random waitress from the city “because you didn’t mean it” he froze on the spot, looking at you with drawn brows, “because you can’t mean it”
He shook his head, hand combing absentmindedly through his hair as he looked at you with furrowed brows “what does that mean?”
“I know about the jedi code” you explained, crossing arms protectively in front of you, doing everything to physically distance yourself from him in this moment “I know you can’t form attachments and me showing up on your doorstep would do nothing but cause you more problems”
“the jedi order doesn’t exist anymore!” he exclaimed almost angrily, shaking his head in disbelief, that you would think some stupid oath would matter more to him than making sure you at least had a roof over your head “I’m not bound to their code anymore”
“and you think the new empire would just be okay with it?” you asked him, already knowing the answer, already resigning yourself to your new normal.
“I don’t care” he sighed in exasperation, taking a step forward to grab one of your hands in his, giving it a small squeeze.
“Anakin” you sighed again, trying to pull your hand softly from his grasp though he held on.
“I mean it” he pushed on “to at least get you some food, or a roof over your head as you slept I would’ve faced whatever punishment they wanted to throw at me”
And you could do nothing but stare back at him, a soft shake in your head making him sigh, exasperated with the argument, dropping your hand to take a step back, a calming hand running through his hair as he thought.
He paused, looking down at you skeptically, brows drawn in confusion “Why what?”
“Why would you do that for me?” you asked honestly, “We’re talking about how you could’ve been kicked out of the order, your entire lifes trajectory thrown in the trash like that. Why would you risk all of that for a waitress Ahsoka introduced you to?”
And he stared at you for a moment, eyes bouncing back and forth between yours, trying to decide if you were being genuine before a single laugh escaped him, a soft shake of his head as he leaned back slightly on the spot, his voice dropping as he spoke “you’re more than that and you know it”
And you opened your mouth to object. Ready to point out that not a single thing you said was a lie before he cut you off.
“You think I went to Dex’s nearly every day for weeks for the food? That I spent hours talking to you each time out of what sheer politeness?”
And to that you didn’t have anything to say, no ready excuse to explain away the exact truths you’d been hiding from for months.
He took a moment to just stare down at you, saying nothing with a hand resting on his chin, eyes skimming over your eyes, glassy with unshed tears, your cheeks pink with the flush of those that had already fallen, your lips downturned in the exact opposite of the smile that had brightened his days not long ago.
The days since he had last seen you had been hard, lonely. He missed being able to come into the diner and just talk to you, outside of the jedi order, the republic, the war, but most of all he missed just seeing you smile at him, laugh at his jokes, lighting up the room with just your presence. And he knew if you stayed here, if you were a slave to the empire, he’d never truly get you back, not fully.
“I’m not letting you do this” he shook his head, hand already coming up to stop your objections “I’m not letting this place break you and that’s final so we have two options here. Either you let me help you escape or you stay here with me”
You physically recoiled at his words, surprise hitting you so hard you were unable to speak at first “I-what?”
He was nodding eagerly, taking a step forward, drawing your hands back into his as he stared down at you “stay. With me. Not to be a slave or do another’s biding but to be with me”
“Anakin-I-“ you were stuttering again, pulling your hands from his grasp. Trying to wrap your head around the offer “what would I even do?”
“Nothing” he shrugged with a small chuckle “everything, whatever you wanted” he seemed almost giddy at the prospect, completely unperturbed by your initial reaction “work for the empire, go back to waitressing, hell if you wanted to learn to be a pilot we could make that happen, whatever you want and it’s yours. Just please stay” and he held out a single hand to you, hovering in the air between the two of you.
You looked down at his hand, at all that it meant, all that he offered.
You had told Ahsoka long ago what kept you and Anakin apart was the jedi code, used it as an excuse to hide behind, to avoid any feelings you may posses for the man. But here he was, hand extended, literally begging you to be with him. So why were you hesitating?
And right then you decided, you were done hiding, done running, done being satisfied with just enough, you were ready to take what you wanted.
So you reached out and took his hand.
Anakin beamed down at you as he eagerly laced his fingers into yours, using it to pull you flush against him, taking a moment to admire the color of your eyes, the flush of your cheeks, the grin that beamed back up at him.
And he decided in that moment that no matter what he was ready to devote his life to making sure he saw that smile every day.
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