#also those people who act as if taylor swift and mcr are in completely different universes of music
shoechoe · 5 months
again no hate but i feel like mcr fans like to pretend its less popular than it is sometimes
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hi! a follower on your request waitlist here :) i was wondering if i could request a genshin impact and howls moving castle matchup?
pronouns: she/her
personality stuff: i’m loyal to a fault, and have a notorious protective streak. i’m passionate about the things i love. i have a dry, sometimes morbid sense of humor, and when i interact with people i tend to hide my true feelings behind a mask, so to speak. i’m good with words and very charismatic, and it’s led to my gaining a reputation as someone who is manipulative. i’m very observant and have a prideful streak, though i’m still able to recognize when i’ve done wrong. i operate off my own agenda, and have been labeled as a chaotic neutral person by those around me.
hobbies/interests: listening to music (my preferences are all over the place, ranging from Taylor Swift to MCR to broadway show tunes), art, video games, stargazing
thank you so much!!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Despite your differences, I think you and Kaeya would be a good pair. Your loyalty and passion are things Kaeya needs in his life and he’s a good balancing factor in your life.
You’re also going to have a hard time manipulating Kaeya, whether intentionally or not. He’s manipulated many people in his time and knows what to look for.
Since you’re both very charismatic people, I think you would be the sort of couple people look forward to seeing out and about. You’re good to be around, especially when you’re together.
Kaya definitely hides his feelings as well so he knows what you’re doing, even if he can’t tell how you’re feeling in each moment.
I think once you get more comfortable around each other, you’d be able to open up about your respective feelings to each other. It’s good having someone you can trust completely.
In Howl's Moving Castle, I match you with...
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Oh, you and Howl are two peas in a pod. You’re so similar in so many ways and that does sometimes lead to conflict but it also leads to a lot of understanding.
Loves going on stargazing dates with you! Howl knows a lot about the stars and since you both enjoy looking up at the sky, it’s the perfect way to spend quality time.
Howl loves your chaotic nature. He’s pretty chaotic himself but he’s so glad he has a partner in crime now. Poor Sophie, Markl, and Calcifer will have their hands even more full than ever before.
Much like Kaeya, you’re going to have a hard time manipulating Howl. He might act like he’s being manipulated but he’s very intuitive. He knows what’s going on.
Loves playing music for you. He’s very musically inclined and he loves showing off so any song you can think of he’ll play. If he doesn’t know it, he’ll lock himself in his room until he’s perfected it.
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