#also wow galadriel is in a really dark place right now
carlycrays · 8 days
You can't tell me that Sabrina Carpenter's Please Please Please isn't the perfect song for Galadriel and Sauron. I still cannot believe that this is an actual ship and that I'm having so much fun with it!
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lowcountry-gothic · 2 years
After the episode 6 discussion on the inherent worth of Orcs and the implications that they, too, have souls, no one can reasonably claim that The Rings of Power is ignoring Tolkien or is a departure from Tolkien.
I mean, that’s been obvious for quite a while now, the way they dig into or hint at aspects of Tolkien’s work that proves they’ve done a lot of research and background reading and have thought very carefully about stuff you have to go deep into the Tolkien weeds to even be aware of. But this clenches it. They actually directly addressed one of Tolkien’s biggest struggles with his own creation, one he agonized over quite a lot (though one he ultimately could find no satisfying solution to).
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Double Heart | Chapter Twelve ~ Cosima
|previous part|
Pairing: Haldir x OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3433
Warnings: None
**Read on Ao3 under the user “bonjour_rainycity if you prefer!**
A/n Sorry for the delay! Thanks for your patience and for reading :) Also, I’m so glad you liked the cuteness of the last chapter <3
I wake to an insistent pounding on my door.
I grumble against the noise and the sunlight, pulling the thick duvet over my head.
“Cosima,” a voice sings from behind the wood. “Rise and shine, it is well past lunchtime.”
I crack open an eye. The sun shimmers aggressively, forcing me into a state of awareness. Too early. But Rumil’s wake-up calls and knocking are insistent, so I haul myself out of bed and dress quickly, running a washcloth over my face and a brush over my teeth. When I’m decent, I swing open the door to fix Rumil with what I hope is a withering glare.
He grins brightly. “You look tired.”
“Wow, thank you,” I deadpan, opening the door wider to allow him in. He jaunts to the chaise lounge and reclines on the pillows, evidently in the mood to borrow the luxury of my guest room.
I offer him a glass of lemon water and pour one for myself, then sit on the couch opposite him.
He gives me a sly look. “You know, Haldir came into our room quite early this morning.”
I freeze mid-sip.
Rumil nods gleefully. “Woke me up—quite rude, if you ask me. Though I do have to wonder, what kept him out so late? Surely he was exhausted from his long day at the borders.”
I take a deep breath, trying to relax the tension that has shot its way into my shoulders. Rumil just likes to tease. You didn’t do anything wrong or scandalous — not even anything of interest.
He continues. “And then I come to visit my friend out of the goodness of my heart and find her sound asleep at two in the afternoon. She greets me at the door with such dark circles under her eyes — did she sleep at all? What was so interesting that kept both my brother and my good friend awake into the early hours of the morning?”
I roll my eyes, trying to seem nonchalant about it. After all, there’s no reason to feel cornered like Rumil is so obviously trying to achieve. “I couldn’t sleep. I was on my way to the gardens when I ran into Haldir and he ended up coming with me.”
“To the gardens?”
“Late at night?”
“Yes, Rumil,” I huff.
He looks positively delighted. “And what did you do to pass all that time in the gardens late at night by yourselves?”
I squirm under his gaze then force myself to stop. It looks suspicious. “We talked a little. And then stargazed. At some point I fell asleep, he woke me up and walked me back to my room. The end.”
“The end,” Rumil echoes dubiously.
“Yes,” I insist, just about done with this conversation. It’s ridiculous — we did nothing to warrant this questioning. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask your brother.”
“I did.” My eyes blow wide in disbelief. Somehow, Rumil looks even more smug than he did a second ago. “He quite forcefully told me to leave him and you alone. Such a strong reaction over a little thing, wouldn’t you agree?”
I fight the urge to groan loudly and instead take a sip of my water. I cross one leg over the other. “Is there something you would like to say or are you just here to interrogate me?”
He shrugs, looking completely unapologetic. “No, I think I am done for now. I’ll let you know if that changes, though.”
“Please do,” I snark.
He stands, placing his glass on the table. “I did actually come here for a larger purpose. Orophin and Lavandil went riding and missed lunch, so we’re having an impromptu picnic in one of the towers. It has some lovely views. Would you join us?”
The emptiness in my stomach begs me to agree, but the word ‘tower’ gives me pause. Rumil guesses the direction of my thoughts and huffs. “The tower is encased in stone, it is perfectly safe. You would have to jump onto the barrier and lean over to be in danger of falling off.”
I consider his words. That doesn’t sound too bad, and I am hungry. “Alright,” I agree. “But I’m inviting Alex.”
Rumil makes a noise of general acceptance and gives me directions to the tower. Before leaving, he snatches one of the thicker quilts from a storage basket. “Cost of attendance is the blanket we use to sit on. See you there!” With a cheeky wink, he disappears, leaving me feeling whiplash from the quick turns in our conversation.
Before leaving to find Alex, I pull a few pillows from the seating area. They’ll make for some extra cushion on the hard stone. And, since Rumil annoyed me, he will not be getting one.
At my knock, Alex throws his door open, greeting me with a wide smile. “Hello, Cosima.”
Well, that’s not what I was expecting. I blink and step into his room, careful not to tread on one of the many books and scrolls scattered around the floor. “Uh, you’re more chipper than I thought you would be after yesterday. How are you doing?”
He shrugs, throwing his hands into his pockets. “I mean, it didn’t feel great to find out that Elrond can’t help us, but I am holding out hope for Lady Galadriel. In the meantime, though, I’ve borrowed some materials from the library to see if there’s anything I can learn to help in getting us home. Most of them are in that Elvish language—Sindarin—so I’m having to learn the basics of the language first. Baranor offered to help — we’re meeting this evening after he’s done with his shift in the healing wards. Want to read the English ones with me and then come along? I’m sure he’d be fine with teaching you, too.”
“Um…” I trail off, feeling guilty. I’m attending a picnic with my friends while Alex is pouring over resources and learning the language of this land — he’s doing something helpful to try and get us home.
But if I’m being honest, I don’t want to do research right now. It’s not like there’s likely to be anything we could do, anyway. The best option is to just wait for Lothlórien and see what Lady Galadriel says. I clutch the bulky cushions tighter in my arms. “Can I take a rain check? A few of us are going to the tower to have a late lunch. That’s actually why I came here. Want to come?”
Alex looks at me like I’ve grown a second head. “You don’t want to see if there’s something in these books to help us?”
I shift my weight uneasily. “Not now…I haven’t eaten yet, and I already said I would go to the picnic. And I mean, come on, how likely is it that there’s something in those books Elrond isn’t aware of? It’s his library.”
“It has forty-two thousand volumes.”
“He’s lived a long time,” I defend weakly.
Alex’s eyes tighten into a glare.
“Look,” I try, “I’m gonna go eat, but what if I joined you and Baranor this evening? It’s smart to learn the language. And then maybe later I can help you look through these books.”
He sighs and shrugs his shoulders, looking frustrated but resigned. “Yeah, that’s fine. We’re meeting at five-thirty on the second floor of the library.”
“Okay,” I exhale, relived to have avoided a larger argument “I’ll be there. You sure you don’t want to come eat?”
He shakes his head, crouching to the ground to pick up a particularly withered scroll. “No, I ate in the dining hall. See you tonight.”
“See you,” I mumble, backing out of the room. I feel bad for not helping him, but hopefully joining him and Baranor tonight will smooth things over.
Following Rumil’s directions are relatively easy and, before I know it, I’m navigating the hallways to one of the towers built into Elrond’s home.
I stop in my tracks and turn at Haldir’s call. He jogs to catch up to me, having just entered the long hallway, and greets me with a pleasant smile. As always, he looks perfectly rested and put together — not a strand of hair out of place. Today he wears a tunic of deep grey, his clear blue eyes standing out in stark contrast.  
“Hi!” I wait for him to fall into step beside me. Unbidden, Rumil’s gleeful teasing enters my mind, and I feel my face go hot. What? I clear my throat. “Are you going up, too?”
“Yes, it’s—here,” he pulls the four bulky pillows from my grasp into his. My arms drop limply at my sides, suddenly relieved from their task. To give them something to do, I tug on the sides of my dress, trying to smooth the wrinkles that have somehow already appeared.
Haldir continues. “Rumil insisted it would be fun and it’s such a nice day I figured, why not?”
We turn a corner and begin our ascent up a tall spiral staircase. I remember a snippet of our conversation from last night. “Has Glorfindel come around?”
The edge of Haldir’s mouth pulls into a frown. “No. I talked with Elrond anyway and he’s agreed to my plan. It has set Glorfindel and myself at odds though, since I went over his head.”
I purse my lips. Though Haldir doesn’t say it, he’s clearly bothered by this outcome — it’s obvious he hoped to resolve things peacefully with Glorfindel and gain Elrond’s support. I hurry to try and make him feel better. “You did the right thing. So what if you went over his head? If it keeps people safe, I doubt it really matters how the plan came to be. And as commander, isn’t it his job to recognize advantageous strategies regardless of where they come from? I wouldn’t worry too much about being at odds with Glorfindel — the two of you will reconcile soon enough. And in the meantime, it’s good that Elrond agreed with you. Now Imladris has more time to better prepare.”
Haldir pauses on the step above me, turning with his head tilted slightly to the side.
I freeze. “What?” Did I intrude? Did I offend him somehow?
“No, it’s—I…” He sighs, offering me a soft smile. “Thank you.”
Oh, good. I breathe out in relief, returning his smile. We resume our climb.
“Elrond gave the order to call up the entire force and rotate the soldiers — they should all be switched in about a week. He’s asked me to oversee their training, to teach the strategies I use with my own guard in Lothlórien.”
I snort. “You’re going to work while you’re on vacation? That’s the most you thing I’ve ever heard.”
He rolls his eyes, but the smile never leaves his face. “It’s important and something I enjoy, so I am happy to help. I haven’t forgotten my offer to you, though.”
I furrow my eyebrows. Huh?
“Do you still want to learn how to defend yourself?”
“Oh! Yeah, definitely, if you’ve got the time.”
He steps onto the landing, moving forward to make room for me. “Of course I’ve got the time.”
I step up next to him—
And immediately return to the staircase.
Haldir alternates between looking at me in confusion and scanning his eyes over our surroundings, wondering what would make me practically jump away from the landing.
He doesn’t have to wonder long.
“You said it was encased in stone,” I shout accusingly over Rumil’s wailing laughter.
“Did I say encased? I meant made of. Whoops, my mistake.”
“Rumil,” Haldir grumbles in annoyance, but that only seems to make his brother laugh harder.
The tower is not, as Rumil promised, encased in stone, but rather a circular platform with only a roof and four stone pillars to protect from falling. There is no guard wall or even a thin railing. And we are stories above the ground.
“Cosima, it’s alright,” Lavandil coos, though her encouraging words are damaged by her giggles. “Elves have wonderful balance, no one is going to let you fall. And look—we are set up right in the middle.”
“If it helps, I can shove Rumil off the tower to demonstrate elven reflexes,” Orophin offers through a chuckle.
This does make me feel slightly better, and I crack a small smile. On the step above me, Haldir waits patiently. Maybe I’m just being silly. I take a deep breath and step up to join Haldir on the landing.
And nearly sway in fear.
To my right and left are open sky — and too many feet below, the hard, deadly ground.
I suck in a sharp breath.
Rumil waves in joyful greeting. “Good to see you both. Now do sit down, Cosima, I worry you will faint and tumble over the edge.”
His words resonate with a very real fear and I scurry forward and practically throw myself onto the blanket. Haldir follows closely behind, offering a cushion to myself and Lavandil before using another to hit his youngest brother over the head. Even in my nervous state, I can’t help but join Orophin and Lavandil in their shocked laughter.
“Didn’t our parents teach you not to lie,” Haldir drawls, dropping the cushion to my left and sitting upon it. He tosses the other to Orophin, raising an eyebrow at Rumil as if asking him to challenge his choice.
Rumil grins, completely unaffected. “Then I apologize, dear Cosima, but your face was hilarious. And don’t you know we all like you too much to let you die?”
I huff, rolling my eyes and feeling better as long as I focus on the faces of my friends rather than the nearness of the edge. “Thanks.”
Lavandil wisely changes the subject. “No Alex?”
I shake my head. “He’s doing some research today. I’m supposed to meet him in the library at five-thirty — Baranor’s going to teach us Sindarin.”
A chorus of approval runs through the group.
“That’s a useful skill,” Rumil nods, taking a sip of what looks like orange juice.
“I’d be happy to practice conversation with you once you learn the basics,” Lavandil offers, and I accept readily. From the little I’ve spoken with her, I like Lavandil, and it would be nice to spend more time with her.
Tired of being the focus, I turn the conversation on my friends. I gesture between Lavandil and Orophin. “How did you two meet?”
Lavandil launches into an animated account of her relationship with Orophin from start to where they are now. Apparently, they met eight years prior when Haldir and Orophin were part of a company escorting Lady Galadriel to Imladris. Orophin was taken with her immediately, but it took Lavandil a little longer to come around.
“I always swore I would marry an architect—anyone but a solder,” she laments with comical exaggeration. “But eventually he persuaded me to give him a chance, and I haven’t looked back since.”
Orophin takes her hand in his and squeezes, staring at her like she’s the center of his world.
I don’t want to pry, but I do wonder how elven relationships differ from human ones. Just the time they’ve been courting—eight years—is much longer than I think is the standard for humans. I am lacking in memory, but surely with how short human lifespans are, they get married quicker? I make a note to ask Lavandil or Rumil about this later. Though, with all Rumil’s teasing of late, Lavandil is probably the safer option.
After I learn how Lavandil and Orophin got together, I have a lot of other questions about the lives these friends of mine lived before I knew them. As afternoon passes into evening, I discover that Rumil—unsurprisingly—has been the instigator of no less than four human bar fights, Lavandil once snuck from her childhood home to try and explore the mountains (and was promptly sent back to a furious mother), Orophin is apparently the life of the party after a bottle of Elvish wine, and, in his first few years of the guard, Haldir constantly challenged his superiors, to the point where they would send him off on solo trips just to be rid of the relentless suggestions. Before I know it, the first stretches of sunset streak through the sky and it’s nearing the time I set to meet Alex and Baranor.
I stand, sighing with no small amount of regret. I wish I could stay here with them all night. “I’ll see you tomorrow! I’ve got to get to the library for lessons.”
Rumil waves goodbye. “I’ll drop the blanket and cushions in your room. You know, as penance for tricking you.”
I roll my eyes, concentrating on his face rather than the open sky all too close to my feet. “That doesn’t even begin to cover it, but thank you.”
“Do you know the way?” Lavandil looks up at me with mild concern. I assure her that I’ve visited the library before and am mostly confident in my ability to not get lost.
Haldir wraps an apple and some bread in cloth and passes me the bundle. In response to my raised eyebrow, he quirks a knowing smile. “Baranor is likely to keep you well past dinner. He loves his lectures.”
I chuckle, agreeing that Baranor probably will, and thank my friend. After a final round of goodbyes, I hurry as quickly and carefully as I can to the security of the stairwell and head in the direction of the library.
Sindarin is complicated. Baranor seems to have an endless reserve of patience — how? I have no clue.
Alex struggles just as much as I do, but it is clear that he is more dedicated than I and pushes to keep his attention into the late hours of the night. I’m grateful Haldir had the forethought to send me with food, as are Alex and Baranor, who share the dinner. By the time ten o’clock rolls around, I’m fighting back yawns. I think I’ve got the alphabet down, though that isn’t even technically Sindarin — it’s the writing system called Tengwar — so I don’t even have any conversational phrases to try with Lavandil.
At midnight, Baranor finally calls it, acknowledging that he will need some sleep if he is to put in a full day tomorrow of researching with Elrond and doing a shift in the healing wards. But he graciously commits to teaching us three evenings a week after dinner and maintains that, after practice and time, we will improve.
We say our goodbyes and I practically stumble out of the library. I can think of nothing more than my plush duvet and cool mattress. Alex, on the other hand, somehow almost vibrates with energy. He seems rejuvenated, renewed, and for the first time, I recognize him as the same man in my memories — no longer is he weighed down by malnutrition, injury, exhaustion, and defeat. But it’s more than that. He’s no longer angry — hope lights up his eyes. He smiles broadly and insists on walking me to my room.
“Worried you’re gonna fall over, Cosi,” he reasons, sending me a wink. Even in my tired state, I have to blanch. It’s like being with a whole new person. But at the same time, I know this person. I like this Alex. At the very least, I know what to expect from him — he’s the friend I remember.
Though I do worry…what will happen to him if this search for answers is a dead end? What if we can’t get home?
I don’t want to think about how he would feel, then.
I don’t want to think about how I would feel, then.
We climb the stairs and reach my door, pausing outside it momentarily. I turn to my friend, giving him a sleepy smile. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Me too,” he agrees, leaning against the doorframe. “I just needed something to do. Now I don’t feel so helpless. And you’re okay? After yesterday’s setback?”
I sigh against the drowsiness. “Yeah, yeah I’m good. Don’t you worry about me.”
He nudges my shoe with his. “Good. Alright, I’ll leave you alone. Sleep tight, Cosi.”
I smile, waving as he walks down the hallway. “Night, Alex.”
Entering my room, I see that Rumil kept to his word and left the folded blanket on my couch with the four pillows stacked neatly on top. Still doesn’t atone for all his foolishness today. Crawling into my bed, I instantly fall asleep.
A/n Thanks for reading! Let me know if you would like a tag :) Comments, likes, and reblogs make my day! 
|next part|
Tolkien tag list: @anangelwhodidntfall @eru-vande
Haldir tag list: @tolkien-apologist
Double Heart tag list: @lainphotography @themerriweathermage @thophil2941btw @kenobiguacamole @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse @from-patroclus-with-love @boywivlove @ordinarymom1 @my-darling-haldir @sweet-bea-blossom @moony-artnstuff
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generallynerdy · 4 years
At Home (Elrond X F!Reader)
Summary: And when he kissed her-- fiercely, recklessly-- she’d never felt more at home.
Requested by @lovinghufflepuffgirl: Hello, I believe this my first time requesting and I am so excited! My request is (if possible): Elrond courting the reader (she's a high born elf and a princess) and they fall in love. A grand wedding soon follows. Thank you so much!
Key: (Y/N) - your name, Imladris - the Sindarin (the more common Elf-tongue) name for Rivendell, fëar - souls/spirits in Quenya (the older, rarer Elf-tongue of High Elves) Warnings: cursing in the author’s note as usual, my sister and I made Tolkien-selves once and Elrond was my dad so this was really weird at first but I got over it, the Evenstar is from the movies and it has a sort of book equivalent but I didn’t want to leave out movie-only fans so pre-warning for book fans Word Count: 3,495 WOW. W O W. I have NO self control.
Note: technically speaking you could swap (Y/N) with Celebrian and this would be canon LMAO. Anyway, I made the reader Galadriel and Celeborn’s daughter since to my understanding Elves don’t have princesses? (I haven’t finished reading all Tolkien’s Arda things so I may be wrong, pls let me know if I am.) ALSO UH. This is the longest request I’ve written in,,,so long holy shit. This spiralled. I am so sorry.
     Imladris was beautiful, (Y/N) decided. After a mere few days there, she was certain she could live there for the rest of her exceedingly long life.
    As the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn, (Y/N) was of High Elven blood, which many assumed meant that she was accustomed to a certain...luxurious lifestyle. In reality, she had spent much of her life in Lothlórien longing to be elsewhere. The forests of her home were beautiful, she had no doubt of that, but something in her wanted to be elsewhere.
    And, frankly, Imladris felt like that elsewhere.
    It was here she felt safe, here that she spent hours wandering the gardens, something she had hardly ever bothered to do before.
    It was also here that a certain Elf Lord lived.
    Lord Elrond was about (Y/N)’s age, relatively young-- for an Elf-- and a good leader, in (Y/N)’s humble opinion. He was respectful, well-spoken, and, well, handsome.
    The very moment (Y/N) met him, she received a knowing, teasing glance from both of her parents. It took every ounce of will the Elf maiden had to keep herself from either turning bright red or outright flirt with Elrond.
    Despite her excellent first impression of him, she wasn’t quite certain he thought the same of her. He’d hardly spoken a word to her beyond pleasantries.
    She would be offended, but he was a busy man and for that she could not blame him.
    (Y/N) was lucky enough to have a clear schedule. She used most of her time exploring Imladris and found what she believed was going to be her favourite place: a balcony carved into the mountains that overlooked the entire city, a waterfall tumbling nearby. There, she sat on the railing, letting her legs hang over the side despite the danger.
    “Might I join you, my lady?”
    She startled at the voice, but was smart enough not to jolt before she glanced back. “At your leisure, Lord Elrond. This is your home, after all.”
    The man that had yet to leave her thoughts since her arrival was standing there, remarkably relaxed for someone who'd been hosting the Elves of Lorien. The distant setting sun landed on his raven hair, bringing (Y/N)'s attention to it before her gaze slipped to his eyes. Often, the few humans she met spoke of the knowledge the Elves held and how it manifested in their eyes; how they had something beyond in them, how the years they'd lived always seemed plain in their irises. She'd never really understood it until she saw him, saw the wisdom his hundreds of years gave him. It was a funny thing, she thought, that their age would show in their eyes of all things. His were lovely.
Elrond moved to join her at the edge, allowing himself to sit on the railing almost sideways. His feet did not hang over the edge as (Y/N)'s did, but the idea that he'd already followed her so far made her smile.
"I had no desire to interrupt your thoughts," he added quietly as he made himself comfortable.
She knew he was fishing, curious as to what had brought her here. It amused her like nothing else. "Oh, I'm hardly preoccupied. I'm simply...admiring. Your realm is beautiful."
He raised his eyebrows. "High praise from a Lady of Lorien."
"Believe me, the forests of my home are a sight like none other, but this place..." She let out a deep, awed breath. "I have not the words for it. I find myself lost in its sights. I've done nothing these last days but explore, yet I feel there is still so much more to find."
His chuckle surprised her. "I thought the same when I found it. It's why I settled here, after all. I couldn't tear my eyes away. You find it to your liking, then?"
"I adore it," she declared. "Especially the waterfalls. They're almost...other-worldly, as odd as that may sound."
"Hardly," he said, waving a hand. "Have you passed through the one in the lower gardens? There's a cavern behind it with the most beautiful crystal formations in the walls."
Her eyes widened. "No, I hadn't realised. Which garden did you say?"
"I'll have to show you, I think, it's difficult to find." A smile crossed his face. "If you don't object."
"On the contrary, my lord, I'll hold you to your word," she teased, laughing. Then, she sighed. "I do think I could stay here for the rest of my days, if I had the choice."
A pause.
"You could stay, if you wanted," Elrond said suddenly.
(Y/N) turned to look at him so quickly that it almost hurt. "Pardon?"
The smile on his face was...shy, now, and hesitant. It took everything in her not to gawk at the Lord of Imladris being sheepish.
"You could stay, if you wish. There's too much to see for one visit, I think, but you could always return," he said, glancing out onto the horizon.
"And...you wouldn't mind if I stayed? I wouldn't want to become a nuisance," she murmured, reaching up reflexively to fix a strand of hair.
He looked over and shook his head immediately. "Not at all, my lady." Then, he smiled. "In fact, I would enjoy your company."
She was struck with overwhelming joy. Clearly, he hadn’t thought bad of her at all, a thought that had been nagging her. Maybe-- maybe he even thought of her what she did of him. Perhaps he was interested in her in the same way?
(Y/N) couldn't help a wide smile. "Very well, then, I'll stay. We can't have the mighty Lord Elrond dying of a broken heart, after all."
He laughed, his voice a song to her ears. Sitting there, overlooking the city with him, it occurred to her that, yes, she was right before. She could stay here for the rest of her life and be perfectly happy.
Many months later, (Y/N) had taken residence in Imladris permanently. (Of course, the lives of Elves were long and she knew not to take her welcome for granted, so many of her belongings still remained in Lothlórien.)
She'd explored much of the city by now, though there were always little things to discover. Many of her days were spent with Elrond, so many in fact that she was practically taking part of Lindir's job. The poor man didn't mind at all-- he was glad to have someone helping, actually.
Especially when it came to Elrond and his habits. (Y/N) found out quickly that he tended to bury himself in his work, regardless of what the work was. She decided, much to Lindir’s amusement, that it was her job to keep him from getting buried alive.
"My lord," she said in a sing-song tone, clearly teasing. "My lord?"
Elrond shot her a dry look from over the edge of his book. He was at his desk in his study, which was covered wall to wall in bookshelves. Lindir hovered by the door, holding back snickers as he watched (Y/N) walk about the desk, almost like she was teasing out a predator; far enough to be safe, but getting dangerously close. The glare they both received only added to the concept.
"This is important business," Elrond drawled. "I'll be with you in a moment."
"You said that many, many moments ago,” she sighed.
"You need to take a break."
"I need to be left alone," he shot back.
She gasped, offended. "Did you hear that, Lindir? How rude."
"How unbecoming of a Lord," her compatriot added, grinning mischievously.
Elrond looked up at both of them with a tired expression. "Don't you have someone else to bother?"
"Not until you die, my dear Elrond," (Y/N) declared decidedly. "Now, let's see...how could I possibly drag you away--"
She cut herself off, snatching the book he held from his hands with the speed of Shadowfax. He made an offended noise, but the deed was done and she waved it about almost gleefully.
"Oh, look! No work now," she said lightly.
"Give it back--"
She smiled brightly. "Or I could--"
"Don't you dare," he very nearly growled, already pushing his chair back and getting to his feet.
"I dare!" she laughed, already darting toward the door. "How rude of you! You are chasing a lady of Lorien!"
"I am chasing a nuisance!" he huffed, chasing after her. "And a threat to my crown!"
The laugh she barked out was almost uncivilized, but she masked it by slipping behind Lindir, using him almost as a human shield. Meanwhile, Lord Elrond stood opposite her, frowning and no doubt trying to use Lindir to his advantage.
"Did you hear that, Lindir?” she asked once more. “I'm a threat to his crown!"
"I can hardly believe it, my lady," he replied dryly.
Elrond made a grab for the book, but she ducked away at the last moment, making a run for the door.
"You'll have to catch me, my lord!" she cackled, very glad that she'd chosen comfortable shoes that morning.
He was right on her heels. "You'll regret this!"
Left behind, Lindir sighed and rolled his eyes, now that he was no longer in respectable company. "One of these days they'll realise this isn't normal."
Outside, in the streets of the city, it was thankfully too dark and too late for anyone to witness Lord Elrond chase Lady (Y/N) building to building, garden to garden. She led him right to the lowermost garden, where he'd shown her the cavern beyond the waterfall weeks and weeks ago. Once there, she quickened her pace and ducked behind a tree to hide.
(Y/N) tried to keep her heaving breaths quiet, peeking around the trunk every few moments.
She frowned when he didn't seem to follow. He'd just...disappeared, really. Looking in the direction from whence she came, she took a step back and shrieked when she hit someone's chest.
Strong arms wrapped around her, but not in a way that was restrictive; she could fight her way out if she wanted. Elrond's rumbling laughter came from deep within his chest. (Y/N) felt it more than heard it as he grabbed his book from her hand. She burst into near-childish giggles.
"I believe this is mine," Elrond hummed.
When she could breathe again, she turned in his hold and hit his chest good-naturedly. "That was terrifying!"
"I thought it would make us even," he said, the smile on his face worth every second of fear.
(Y/N) realised abruptly how close they were, mere inches apart, really. It didn't help that she was still breathing heavily from their chase, something he mimicked as well. His smile fell and his expression became...not solemn, but thoughtful.
"Is my distraction working?" (Y/N) asked, tilting her head slightly.
He chuckled. "Thoroughly." His gaze moved from her eyes to her lips, then back up again.
(Y/N) felt her heart in her chest. For months they'd danced around each other, always thinking but never acting. She was so unbelievably fond of this man, this place, this feeling. It never seemed to leave her alone and yet she'd never done anything about it. Her mother had urged her repeatedly to ask to court him, but it always felt...early.
Elrond let out a sharp breath. "May I--?"
"Yes," she answered breathlessly, already knowing what his question was.
He leaned forward and slanted his mouth against hers, taking away what little air she had left in her lungs. His touch was unbearably gentle and curious, always curious. (Y/N) had never experienced anything quite like it, she thought. It was remarkably like her first day in Imladris.
When they finally pulled apart, she let out a soft laugh, which he echoed. He pulled her closer, closer still, and held her, resting his forehead against hers. And they stayed there, in the garden, comfortably silent.
Months went by and slipped into years. The time that passed was mere moments in the life of an Elf, yet (Y/N)'s days in Imladris had never felt longer. Each one was a new adventure, a new experience, and to get to live it by Elrond's side was a blessing.
They began officially courting some time after the garden incident, which Lindir was grateful for. (According to him, their 'pining' was becoming insufferable. (Y/N) had no idea what he was talking about.) Elrond wore the Evenstar, a family heirloom gifted to him by his new partner, while (Y/N) had a circlet of silver to match his own, which he'd had specifically made for her.
It was a slow, comfortable sort of thing, a pace both of them were comfortable with.
Some days, though, (Y/N) felt as though the courtship was pointless. They were practically married as it was, living together and ruling together, in most ways. Elrond had insisted on her becoming comfortable as a lady of Imladris, simply to see if she would enjoy it at all, and she'd fit into the role quite well. The two were, essentially, already settled into a life together.
(Y/N)'s parents thought the same from what she could gather from their letters. Her father, at least, was insisting on a wedding soon, but her mother was far more patient. Celeborn had always been fond of ceremonies, but (Y/N) begged him to wait. She didn't want to push Elrond, not with how busy he always was.
Every week, another letter would come in the mornings by messenger and, every week, she would write a letter back.
One week, however, she didn't receive a letter.
"You're certain?" she asked the messenger.
"Yes, my lady," he replied nervously. "I have no letter for you, only two for my Lord Elrond. I'm sorry."
She frowned. "Odd. Here, I'll take them. He's out with a hunting party."
He handed over the letters, which she took graciously. Biting her lip, (Y/N) was almost tempted to read them when she recognised her mother's handwriting on the outside of both letters. She stopped herself, though, reminding herself that it could be official White Council business. (That was one of the few things she had yet to get involved with.)
Still, it made her smile, seeing her partner's name written in her mother's script. He was fitting in with her family as well as she was fitting in with his home.
A storm of horse's hooves against stone echoed across the city. (Y/N) smiled to herself. Speak of the devil...
Turning on her heel, she watched Elrond ride up to her on his faithful steed, covered head to toe in shining, beautifully crafted armour. He smiled fondly at the sight of her, coming to stop just beside her.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, dearest?" he asked, preparing to dismount. "You never greet me upon arrival."
She rolled her eyes. "I hate to embrace you with the armour and you know it. A messenger from Lorien arrived this morning with two letters for you. From my mother."
His eyes widened. "Oh. I hadn't realised-- one moment--"
He dismounted from his horse, his hesitation making (Y/N) frowned. As soon as he was on the ground, he removed his gauntlets and took the letters, opening the first envelope curiously. When he looked up to see (Y/N) watching him, he smiled.
“I would ask you not to worry, but I know it’s pointless,” he teased.
She huffed, crossing her arms. “Since I’ve come here, my mother has never neglected to write to me, but the one time she does, she writes two letters to you. Care to explain, dearest?”
Elrond chuckled. “Momentarily.”
Pulling out the first letter, he skimmed over its content. Something in the letter caught his eye and suddenly he was beaming, his smile brighter than the sun.
“What?” (Y/N) asked, voice tinged with concern. “What is it?”
Abruptly, he handed her the second letter. She went to rip it open, but he stopped her. “Ah, wait.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Really? I’ll break your fingers.”
He grinned and held out his hand to her. “Humour me?”
“Fine,” she sighed.
Much to (Y/N)’s surprise, he led her away from the main road of the city and down a familiar path. She laughed when she realised they were headed for the lowermost garden, the place he’d kissed her for the first time, the place he’d spoken of the very first time they’d met. Elrond muttered something about wanting to get rid of his armour, but when she asked, he waved her off.
Finally, he seemed pleased when they found a small stone bridge over a deep creek, a place shaded by trees with a waterfall nearby.
Elrond turned to her and took both of her hands in his, caressing her knuckles with his thumbs. (Y/N) eyed him curiously. She appreciated the gesture, but her curiosity was eating at her. What could her mother have possibly said that prompted this?
“(Y/N),” he called gently, gaining her attention.
She smiled when he reached out, taking a gentle hold of her chin.
“You have become as much a home to me as this city is,” he murmured, his thumb running up and down the length of her jawline. “Anything you’d ask of me, I would do it.”
She shook her head. “Elrond--”
“I know you would never ask for anything unreasonable and I love you all the more for it,” he added quickly. “And I do love you, more than anything. I don’t think I can imagine living as long as I will without you here.”
“Neither can I,” she admitted with a little laugh.
“(Y/N) of Lorien,” he breathed out, taking both of her hands again, “I humbly ask for your hand: your life, your love. I ask that you make Imladris your home, that you stay at my side for as long as the both of us are on this land and beyond.”
    (Y/N) exhaled shakily. “Oh...oh, my Elrond,” she said, moving to cup his head in her hands. “I’m already home. You never had to ask.”
    She initiated the kiss, capturing his lips with hers and pulling him close. The way he responded, clutching the material of his dress, was almost a thing of relief. He was weightless, so weightless, standing there with her. And (Y/N) felt the same, felt at home here, in ways she never had in the forests of her birth.
    Elrond was the first to pull away. “I had to ask your parents,” he said, laughing.
    “I’m going to kill them,” she hissed, though she didn’t mean it for a second.
    When he pulled her back into his arms, she let herself breathe in and breathe out, her lungs filling with the sweet smell of safety and of love.
    Weddings weren’t as ceremonial to Elves as they were to Men. Yes, the ceremony was still a beautiful thing and the respective families attended as best they could manage, but it didn’t take nearly as long to plan.
    As soon as (Y/N)’s parents arrived, they were ready to go.
    (Y/N) donned her best fabrics, just as Elrond did, and met her father, who would escort her to her soon-to-be husband.
    Because Elrond was lord of his people, there were many, many Elves in attendance, which made (Y/N) nervous. However, from the moment she spotted her beloved Elrond, the crowd melted away and a smile came across her face.
    He was speaking quietly with her mother, who held the strips of fabric that would symbolically bind them to each other. But he looked up and saw her, his entire demeanor seeming to shift. He was lighter, all of a sudden, and his eyes shined. Her heart ached to stand with him, to hold his hands and tell him she loved him.
    Soon enough, she was standing with him, her father standing dutifully beside his wife.
    Her mother smiled softly at both of them, but (Y/N) couldn’t draw her eyes away from her partner. Elrond was the same, the twinkle in his eyes saying what he couldn’t.
    “Elrond Peredhel, (Y/N) of Lorien, today the Valar will witness a binding of your fëar,” her mother said. 
She lifted the white fabric and motioned for them to hold out their hands. When they did so, (Y/N) grasping Elrond’s with a breath of relief, she wrapped it around both of them, binding them together.
“And with this, the two of you are bound, forever promised, on these shores and beyond. May you live and love without fear, without darkness.”
As one, (Y/N) and Elrond spoke; “On these shores and beyond.”
And when he kissed her-- fiercely, recklessly-- she’d never felt more at home.
River’s Tags: @hahaboop & @mystoragehatesme
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violetbaggins · 3 years
The Journey of a Lifetime .:Intro:.
~ Bilbo Baggins x OC ~
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Since Violet was seven years old, she has lived in Rivendell amongst the elves, and she never imagined herself ever leaving. Never. Rivendell was a paradise. There was always plenty of food, and it was always so clean and fresh, the springs were perfect for taking relaxing baths in after a long day, and for a little hobbit, she still got to sleep in a bed made for a full sized elf in silken robes, tailored exactly to fit her size. On top of all that, Violet had a wonderful mentor, Gandalf, and while he was away, which he normally was, Elrond, and if he was gone as well...then Lady Galadriel might teach her a fun spell or two. It truly was an honor to learn the power of healing from such incredible people, and she has grown quite attached to them, and to everyone she has spent the last twenty-five years with. 
This is why it was so hard for the young hobbit to pack her bags right now. Tears welled up in her eyes as she grabbed a couple of extra tunics and leggings, folding them neatly and placing them in her bag before grabbing her brush, bandages, her book of herbs, and some rations she had made herself along with an extra loaf of bread that Lindir had made for her after Elrond told him that she would be leaving for the Shire to help Gandalf with an adventure of some sort. All Lindir knew is that it was something about a mountain, and that’s about all Violet knew as well. Gandalf wouldn’t go into much detail, but he told her where she needed to meet him at and when. 
Violet paused in the middle of packing and she sighed. She had to go to the Shire, of all places. She gulped nervously and placed a bottle full of dried chamomile in her bag and thought back to when she used to live with her adopted family back in Bree. For the first seven years of her life, Violet has lived so close to the Shire and not once has she ever been. From what she was told, she was born in the Shire, but she obviously has no memory of it since her birth mother had given her up at only a few days old. From what Gandalf has told her, the Shire is a beautiful, peaceful place with rolling green hills, crystal clear water, and it was full of happy hobbits. Violet dreaded meeting this hobbit of Bag End though, but only because she’s been so far removed from Hobbit culture that she knew for sure that she would make a huge fool out of herself. This Baggins guy seemed like he was very uptight, and she doubted he would be very fun to bring on a long journey. 
With a sigh, Violet finished packing her bag, trying to keep her load as light as possible so she wouldn't struggle later on. Elrond was already waiting by the entrance to Rivendell with her pony all saddled up and ready to go. Violet’s heart sank a little at seeing the horse ready to go and Elrond glanced down at her with a gentle smile. He knew that she didn’t want to leave, but this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for her, and if Gandalf said that it would be good for her, then it was something that the dark haired hobbit had to do. Gandalf had already made the decision for Violet that she would be going. So that was that.
“Try not to be so down, Ms. Violet. This will be-” Elrond started but was cut off by Violet as she climbed on top of her brown and white spotted pony. 
“A learning experience, I know.” Violet huffed and Elrond rolled his eyes. 
“You will also be visiting the very place you were born. Aren’t you excited?” the elf asked and Violet just bit her lip nervously. Her expression said it all to Elrond and he sighed softly. Violet never really got exposed to hobbit culture, and while hobbits were quite nice, they tended to stay away from individuals they didn’t know too well, or ones that seemed ‘strange’. She was sure that the hobbits of the Shire would find her very strange indeed, with her elven clothes and carrying products they have probably never seen nor heard of before. 
Violet hesitated before answering Elrond, turning her pony in the direction of the path in front of her, one that would lead her to The Shire. “I...suppose,” she said softly then turned back to Elrond and told him goodbye. Elrond waved her a farewell as she rode off. It was a three-week ride, and Violet has never travelled on her own before, so she was nervous. Elrond felt a bit nervous about it as well, but if Gandalf and Galadriel insisted that she would be okay and that she was ready, then he would try to push his worries to the side.
So, for about three weeks, Violet rode by herself from Rivendell all the way to the rolling, green hills of the Shire. It was just after sunset when she arrived, and she could tell her pony was begging for a rest and a snack, and so was she. Violet got off of her pony, who she had named Lily, and tugged her along by the reigns towards Hobbiton. 
As she walked down the dirt road, the occasional hobbit or two that would pass her would give her a strange look, knowing for a fact that they have never seen her in their village before. Violet did her best to ignore the passerby hobbits and looked for Bag End. “Gandalf said that Bag End is...at the top of the hill..with a large tree on top?” Violet mumbled to herself, looking up and instantly finding a lit up burrow with a large tree at the very top. There was also the glowing blue symbol Gandalf had scratched onto the green door with his staff just earlier that day. She made her way up the hill and tied her pony to the wooden post of the hobbit gentleman’s fencing and fed Lily a red apple before opening the gate and walking up the stone steps and to the large, circular, green door. 
Violet gulped, a good bit of anxiety taking over as she raised her fist to knock on the door three times. She heard voices inside and figured some of the company had already arrived before her. Then, she heard another voice. It sounded flustered and irritated and it was followed by the heavy sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to the door until it finally opened, revealing the master of Bag End himself, Bilbo Baggins. 
“If I see one more dwarf I’m-!!” Bilbo’s voice was rather loud and angry now as he swung the door open and Violet flinched and blinked a couple of times, her eyes wide as they were locked on Bilbo’s. He instantly froze. “Oh! I, uhm,” he stuttered and ran a hand through his messy, light red curls and glanced back at the ruckus going on in his pantry before turning back to the dark haired, female hobbit...dressed in elven clothing? “I-I apologize, are you-are you lost, madam?” Bilbo stuttered slightly, the tips of his ears turning red from embarrassment, making sure to address her more formally since he started off their meeting with his frustrated tone. 
“O-oh! Um, no, I’m actually not lost. Um-” Violet gulped and she remembered what Elrond had taught her the day before she left Rivendell. “Violet Newbury,” she began and bowed slightly before Bilbo and his eyes widened. This is exactly what the dwarves did. “At you service!” she proclaimed with a bit more confidence. “I am a healer, trained by Elrond, Lord of Rivendell.” she  explained. This certainly peaked Bilbo’s interest. A hobbit from Rivendell? The bachelor hobbit couldn’t believe his pointed ears and he remained silent for only a moment before coming back to his senses and stepping aside. 
“Well, come in then, Violet.” Bilbo said, motioning for her to come in. She glanced at Bilbo for a moment before taking a couple of steps inside and he closed the door behind her with a soft sigh. Violet looked around the hobbit hole and took it all in, only ever hearing of these from Gandalf when she would ask about the place she was born. It was just as warm and cozy as he said they were. She could hear the booming, joyous voices of all of the dwarves and she saw them bustling back and forth from Bilbo’s pantry to the dining room to set up dinner 
“Where is Gandalf?” she asked rather quickly, turning to Bilbo. This caught him off guard a bit and he pointed towards the dining room where the wizard was counting all of the dwarves, making sure everyone was here. From the face he made, it looked like there was still one dwarf still missing. “Gandalf!” Violet called out, a smile growing on her face for the first time in weeks. The tall wizard turned and instantly smiled as he saw the dark haired hobbit walk up to him, clearly very happy to see a familiar face. 
“Ah, Ms. Violet! I am very glad to see that you have made it safe. Grab a plate and eat something. You look famished.” Gandalf said, noticing that she was a bit thinner than the last time saw her. She must not have eaten very much during her journey here and that made Gandalf sigh. If she was going to be joining the company on the trip to Erebor, she needed to make sure to eat and keep her energy up. She was a very important asset to the company, after all. Having a reliable healer come along seemed to put the dwarves at ease, although they didn’t seem to like the fact of who she learned her skills from. 
The company wasn't exactly sure what to make of Violet yet, but they still welcomed her into their group with open arms. Fili, Kili, and Bofur decided to immediately become her best friends and had her sit with them at the table. ‘Maybe these dwarves weren’t so bad after all?’ Violet thought as she bit down on a chicken leg. She glanced towards Bilbo as he turned towards his pantry and froze, now finding it completely emptied out. She swallowed her bite of chicken and felt a bit bad for him, but...wow was this food good! Violet rarely ate meat in Rivendell, so this was quite a treat for her. Master Baggins was quite the cook! She would definitely have to compliment him on his skills later. 
Well, that is if he decided to come with them. 
Introduction - you are here
Chapter 1
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kumeko · 5 years
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Title: the act of living
A/N: For lynndyre, for a lotr exchange! I’m not happy about the first two pieces in this fic, but I think the rest came out decently enough. :/ I really liked the prompt of post-canon, of what comes after, and making it bitter but also hopeful.
i. Gondor
 Despite all the damage to it, Gondor stood strong. It had always done so; years of facing enemy after enemy had weathered it into a resilient place, capable of shaking off injury and keeping a united front. Its people were even more so, their faces as sturdy as the stone that made the city.
 This was a comforting thought when directed at their enemies. Less so when it was directed at himself. There were many ways Aragorn thought the people of Gondor would treat him but even the cool indifference of a stranger would have been preferred to the harsh front to an intruder. It was even more apparent when Aragorn rode through the streets, surveying the damage with Faramir and Pippin. As their horses trotted slowly down the winding streets, as they catalogued the various repairs they had to make, Aragorn could feel his people’s eyes on him. For the most part, their gaze was hard, their lips thin, jaw set. The occasional citizen would give him a tentative smile and wave, but the overwhelming feeling was this:
 Who are you to rule us?
A fair question, perhaps. It wasn’t like he’d grown up here, it wasn’t like they were expecting the king to return. It wasn’t fair to just push him forward as a king in the middle of a war and expect everything to be fine after. Not that Aragorn was sure what he was expecting; he had never wanted this position in the first place.
“It’s not that bad,” Pippin chirped. Seated in front of Aragorn, he glanced up at him. For a moment, Aragorn thought the hobbit had read his mind. “It’ll take a little muscle and spit, but we’ll clean it all up.”
 Ah, that made more sense. His friend had thought his dark mood was over the destruction. However clumsy it was, Aragorn was grateful for Pippin’s kindness and he smiled. “Certainly.”
 “The people of Gondor are not one to back away from a challenge,” Faramir said from his right. He sat straight on his horse and while there was still something ghostly about him, he looked proud. “We have weathered attacks before. This will be no different.”
 “Really?” Pippin furrowed his brows, disbelief on his face. “You guys have fought orcs and wraiths and all of that?”
 “Well, perhaps nothing that bad,” Faramir admitted with a chuckle.
 “Thought so.” Pippin snorted derisively. “No way anyone can just rebuild after all that.” He gestured at a pile of rubble nearby, soldiers and local citizens creating a chain as they shifted giant rocks to a wooden cart. “Not without a lot of help.”
 “Fortunately the elves are assisting,” Faramir answered, glancing at Aragorn with a wry smile. “They said to consider it a wedding present of sorts.”
 Aragorn’s eyes widened slightly. “Arwen.” He glanced at the clean up crew once more. Now that he was paying attention, he could see the odd elf in the group, examining the debris and finding the right rock to move next.  The folk regarded the elves warily but begrudging accepted the assistance. “How long have they been here?”
 “Over a week.” Faramir smiled wryly. “It was a little odd at first but the people have come around to it now.”
 “Have they?” Aragorn glanced at Pippin and thought of Boromir. Of Legolas and Gimli. The oddest of companions that were now the closest of friends. There were things that you could only learn by working next to someone, to watching them toil away with you. He tightened his grip on his reins, pulling his horse to a stop.
 “Huh?” Pippin thudded against his chest at the sudden stop. Bemused, he stared up. “See something?”
 “More of a realization.” Aragorn slipped off his mount. “I’ll go help out.”
 He was never the sort to watch from a distance anyways. Aragorn had gotten this far through hard work. This kingship would be no different.
    ii. Rohan
 “Wow.” Merry stared at the garlands strung up around the Meduseld, his eyes wide with wonder.
 “Unexpected, isn’t it?” Eowyn chuckled, amused by her companion’s amazement. To be perfectly honest, she had looked the same earlier. It had been too long since flowers lined the halls of her forefathers, since the cold grey had been washed over with warmth of a blaze and good company. The trifecta of loss, a poisonous influence, and war had left her home less than it ought to have been.
 Now, finally, it was returned to its former glory.  
 “Yeah, I didn’t think you guys even had flowers,” Merry chirped, examining a wreath on the wall. There was a long silence and then his ears burned a bright red as he realized what he’d said. Turning around, fidgeted nervously. “Not that that’s a bad thing—it looked very noble before—we just have a lot of flowers—”
 Eowyn laughed, cutting him off as he cycled through excuses. “No, no, it is understandable. We haven’t had flowers in here for a long time.”
 “Oh.” Feeling relieved, Merry smoothened down his shirt with a pleased smile. “It looks good.”
 “We’re celebrating our harvest and the end of the war, so I thought we could brighten the place.” Eowyn gestured at the torches that lit up every few metres, ensuring that no darkness pervaded her home. It felt a lot more like it did when she was younger, when her brother used to chase her through these halls and her uncle…
 She paused at the thought. He would have liked how it looked, praised her with his gentle smile and kind words.
 Eowyn wished she could have seen it. That he could have seen this. Loss, she found, sprung up in the most unexpected of places and every time it took her breath away.
 Unaware of her shifting emotions, Merry replied, “So this isn’t everyday? We have flowers everywhere at home, so it’s strange to find places without it.”
 He was smiling up at her, bright and unassuming, and Eowyn shook herself out of her thoughts. Her uncle wouldn’t want her to linger, the way he had lingered over her cousin’s death. The best way to honour him was to keep moving forward. Looking down, Eowyn asked “Is that so? I have never seen that many flowers.”
 “Well, not everywhere everywhere—definitely not on the toilets cause that’s weird but everywhere else.” Merry stroked his chin thoughtfully. “And maybe not on the paths. The proper ones, that is—the ones that we aren’t supposed to take are chock full of weeds.”
 “The ones that get you in trouble?” Eowyn teased, having heard plenty of stories about angry farmers and vegetables.
 “It’s only trouble if you get caught!” Merry retorted, crossing his arms. “And I almost never get caught.”
 “Hmm, I wonder about that.” Eowyn chuckled. Every description Merry gave of his homeland gave a warm impression. It sounded like place that would produce such wonderful hobbits, such wonderful heroes. “Perhaps I should see for myself?”
 Even Farmer Maggot sounded fun to meet. Especially since she wouldn’t be robbing him.
    iii. Mirkwood
“I did not expect you to come all the way here,” Thrandruil drawled, each word carefully articulated as though each one was a jab from one of his guard’s spears. Walking through a well-maintained path in Mirkwood, his gaze was ever upward, giving one the impression he was barely paying attention to his companion.
 Celeborn knew better than to fall for that. Thrandruil was always alert to his surroundings, however he might act, and it would take one wrong word, one false step to be barred from returning to the forest elves’ realm. “I heard the forest had cleared and thought it was a good time to visit.”
 That wasn’t a lie—the forest was brighter than it had been in centuries. The spiders were finished, their webs burned through, and starlight once more graced the elves as they frolicked in the night. Mirkwood was beautiful again.
 “It has,” Thranduil admitted with a regal nod of his head. His brow furrowed and scornfully he added, “Though it is the age of man, so who knows how long this shall last.”
 “So many elves have departed these days,” Celeborn sighed. “Lothlórien feels emptier these days, as does Rivendell.”
 “As expected. They were never tied to the land like we are,” Thrandruil spit out, contemptuous. “I am only surprised they didn’t leave earlier.”
 He should have expected that remark. Despite the time that had passed, Thrandruil’s pride was infamous and it seemed nothing could change that. “You aren’t going to answer the call?”
 “One day, maybe.” Thrandriul shrugged dismissively. “Perhaps when my son is tired of playing with dwarves and the sea. Until then, this is my kingdom and I will not abandon it while it still stands.”
 “As expected.” Celeborn chuckled. “Galadriel is also considering leaving.”
 “And you?” Thrandruil looked at him now, his brow raised curiously. “What will you do?”
 “I will join her.” Celeborn clasped his hands behind him, looking up at the starlight through the trees. It glinted off nearby goblets and here still the sound laughter and life existed. “But not for some time. Lothlórien has lost its shine and diminished. Rivendell is a tomb.” He glanced at Thrandruil. “Is there room for another here?”
 Thrandruil smiled.
    iv. Rivendell
“You look worn, old friend.” Elrond didn’t look up as Gandalf stood next to him. Despite the physical changes underwent, his voice remained ever the same, as did the comfort in his presence. “What troubles you?”
 “Things that are beyond my control.” Elrond sighed. Standing on a terrace, he watched from a distance as his daughter read a book on a bench. How much longer would he be able to witness that sight? How much longer could he just simply open his mouth and call her?
 “Ah.” Gandalf studied her for a long moment before shaking his head. “You made your choice long ago. And though you do not want to admit it, so had she.”
 “I should have realized it the moment they met.” Elrond frowned, closing his eyes. “I had hoped otherwise. Her path will be a painful one, a long one, and there will be no one to comfort her in the end.”
 “You are not staying then?” Gandalf asked, his brow raised.
 “No, I do not think I can bear to see her hair grow white. And I do not want my sons to change their mind because of their love for the Dúnedain. Besides, already the world is changing.” Elrond smiled wistfully. “There is no room for our kind anymore. It is better to accept it and leave now.” Before their images of the world was tarnished, before he could see the old places wrought with ruin. He had seen what man made, what man could do, and while there were great creations, there were more often than not ruinous. Only the dwarves could match them for greed.
 “Then fret not.” Gandalf squeezed his shoulder. “There are others here to comfort her. Thrandruil—” Elrond snorted. “—I know you do not like him, but he and Celeborn will still be here when her time comes. She will not go alone, forgotten and unloved.”
 Elrond glanced at Gandalf. “And you?”
 “Perhaps.” Gandalf only smiled mysteriously. “I cannot say where I will be or not in the years to come.”
 “Father!” Before Elrond could question him further, Arwen waved to him, a smile on her face.
 There would be plenty of time to interrogate a dodgy wizard in the future. For now, he wanted to soak in every moment with Arwen he could. There would be so few of them and his years too long after.
    v. Shire
It was strange how empty the Baggins’ home was. Samwise had taken care of it for years and had helped his father for it even longer. It had been customary to find white-haired Bilbo in the gardens, writing the next page of his manuscript. Or Frodo puttering about, laughing about the latest prank Merry and Pippin had pulled.
 Now the gardens ran wild, left unattended during their mission. That was something Sam could fix. Something he would fix.
 Something he couldn’t do anything about was how silent the rooms inside were. No fire crackled in the hearth, inviting one to rest their feet and stay a spell. There was no welcoming greeting when the door opened, no soft swear from trying to open a too tight jar of walnuts. Just complete and utter silence.
 Sam stood at the foyer, not sure if he should go further in or not. It had been one thing when Frodo had left him the key to the place, another thing entirely to use it. He could just sell it but Frodo’s history, his own history was too deeply tied to it.
 What to do?
 What to do?
 Sam took a deep breath. The air smelled musty from disuse. Frodo wasn’t here anymore. He was across the sea with the elves. A place Sam could go, if he wanted to. Another decision he wasn’t ready to make. Pulling out the key, he quickly slipped out of the hole and locked it behind him.
 Tomorrow. Tomorrow he’d figure out what he wanted to do with this place. To do with himself.
 Today Rosie was at the pub and Merry and Pippin would be back from their travels and he could just soak in the act of living.
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areiton · 6 years
(1)Cause you're (rightfully) grumpy about people's purity wank I've got a question that might distract you and which I desperately hope you have an answer to: I mostly read steter fic so far. Now i wanted to get into sterek but ... I seem to be too picky?? I'd like to read sth not totally au (Erica and Boyd being alive is fine for example), with not too much ooc-ness, with Peter NOT being the villain and with Derek's abusive past 'relationships' and Stiles self-destructiveness actually adressed
(2) and I can’t seem to find sth that really … catches me. There are so many amazing steter fics out there (yes, I very definetely talking about your fics too) and I’m sure there are equally amazing sterek fics, but …. yeah. I’m obviously not able to find them. So - help??? Please??
Oh, friend. You are my favorite. This is the kind of ask Iadooooore. Ok, you ready? Cuz this list is LOOOOONG. (big thanks to@bloody-bee-tee for helping me find fics for this list.) Not everything fitsall your criteria, but all of them fit some.
**Are especially good for dealing with Derek and/or Stiles healing.
Patterns of Intention by drunktuesdays:
Derek looked likethe stuff of his deepest fantasies. His shirt was rumpled where Stiles had hishands in it, and he was breathing hard as well, chest heaving. His eyes—hiseyes were glazed over and he looked stunned, like he’d been—like Stiles had—
“No,” Stiles said,blood draining from his face. The word was croaky and felt like it had to bewrenched out of his chest. “God, no.”
Paper Skin and Glass Bones byhushlittlewolf:
Derek can’t takethis. He can’t take this joking, concerned boy that has the evidence of Derek’sshortcomings carved into his skin.
The one where Dereknever paid attention to how much Stiles got hurt…until he sees Stilesshirtless and notices all the scars.
**Carry You Home byCastielific:
“Derek letshimself fall on his back, breath short, heart beating fast. He can feel theWolf in him, purring in satisfaction and contentment. Asking for more. It wantshim to turn and touch, to never stop touching. Instead, Derek squeezes hishands into fists and closes his eyes, trying to push it back, this need, thisinstinct screaming for his mate. For Stiles.”
Title inspired bythis Firefly quote: “When you can’t run anymore, you crawl, and when you can’tcrawl, when you can’t do that, you find someone to carry you”
Trust Fall byStoney:
Stiles is fairlycertain that a case could be made for every bad thing in his life coming backto Peter Hale. This time it’s pissing off a powerful witch, who retaliated byswapping Stiles and Derek a la Freaky Friday, because sure. Thatmakes sense. Um, there are GPAs on the line, not to mention the whole thingwhere his dad wants to shoot Derek on sight. Except who he sees as Derek isactually Stiles, and Stiles did not sign up for filicide.
Great. Wait…does this mean he’s the Alpha until they figurethis out? Holy. Shit.****
Derek had stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a fewminutes trying to control the panic as he saw himself as Stiles. As the loudmouthed human friend of the pack. He was going to kill Peter. He was going tokill the witch, then he was going to kill Peter. Maybe even resurrect him againjust to kill him all over.
They were going to have to play this cool. They would have tostay calm and focused. Which is of course why the universe threw him into thissituation with someone who physically couldn’t be calm and focused.
Of course.
Stilinski’s Home for WaywardWolves by owlpostagain:
“At least yourpuppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them tobe well-mannered.” 

“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 

Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges,abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up andall but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, andsure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock ducttaped to the vinyl siding: 

DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which StilesStilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school andaccidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
How  Derek Met His Smallest Fan by purleduvet:
Derek is standing inthe fruits and vegetables aisle, trying to decide between two very nice lookingwatermelons, when someone small crashes into his legs.
Derek comes back toBeacon Hills after years of being gone and meets Stiles and his kid at thesupermarket.
Make it Feel Like Home by redeyedwrath:
Maybe it would’vebeen different if things had never happened. Maybe it would’ve been different ifhe hadn’t persuaded Scott to go search in the woods. Maybe it would’ve beendifferent if he hadn’t been so stubborn. Maybe it would’ve been different if heand Scott had never met.
Maybe it would’ve been different, would’ve beenbetter, if he hadn’t been born in the first place.
He tightens his fingers on the steering wheel untilthey turn an ugly, bloodless color. The only good thing, in his opinion, that’dcome out of all of this, had been meeting Derek. Derek, who’d been an assholebut turned out to be the most loyal, kindest person Stiles knows.
He resists the urge to drive off the road and screaminto his palms. Beause Derek had left, and now he’s alone.
Or, an AU where Stiles runs away to find himself but finds Derekinstead.
Misfire bymothlights, unpossible: (this one has less than fantastic Peter, buthe isn’t actively bad, and it’s amazing)
“The debt must berepaid,” she says, and it has the weight of a vow. Thewords resonate through him, ringing through his ribcage and the bones of hisjaw, and Stiles loses his breath and maybe his grip on reality because shedraws herself upright and where there had once stood a supermodel-level MILFnow there is Galadriel’s much hotter older sister, a Presence of unmistakablepower in their ordinary, smells-vaguely-of-Thai-takeout hallway.
“Oh shit,” Stilessays.
And You Say You’re Alone by taelynhawker:
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter’suntimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derektry to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles dealswith the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he andScott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, andthat includes Stiles.
The Art of Dying Well by kinneas:
Yousaid we’re friends.“
"Whoa, way to holdwhat a guy says in the heat of the moment against him,” Stiles repliesautomatically, but… that’s not what he wants to say, not at all, not to thequiet contemplation that is Derek Hale on his living room sofa. So he adds,“I guess, yeah.”
Derek doesn’t speak fora long moment. “Then it’s inevitable.”
“Wow,”Stiles whistles, “you are the biggest downer.”
Gracious in Defeatby yodasyoyo:
Stiles needs to getaway from Beacon Hills after the end of his senior year. Derek offers to lethim stay with him in São Paulo, and they finally act on the tension that hasalways simmered between them.
The thing is, whenit’s time to go home- Stiles doesn’t want to leave.
Crash Landers by gyzym:
In which Stiles learns to Stalk That Stalk.(Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly fivehundred handwritten steps.)
**Not Quite Lost (Not QuiteFound) by alocalband:
A year after thenogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above asmall town in Colorado.
Then Stiles showsup.
The Darkness Inside by isthatbloodonhisshirt:
The sheriff watchedhim for a moment, then he sighed and turned slightly. He reached out to open acabinet door beside him, and pulled out a shelf. It was on a track, so itrolled out of the cabinet fairly easily, and held a small CCTV. Derek frownedand inched his chair to the side a little bit so he could get a better angle.
He was looking at a teenager, or someone at least young enoughto be the same age as Scott. He was sitting on a bed in what looked to be alarger room, the area he was in surrounded by four glass walls, with his legscrossed and head tilted.
He was also staring directly into the camera, as if he knewsomeone was watching. A creepy smile slowly slid onto the teen’s face, and heheld up one hand, wiggling his fingers in a slow, eery wave.
Derek felt his mouth run dry. He didn’t know who this kid was,but he didn’t like him.
“Who is that?” he asked quietly.
“That,” said thesheriff, “is my son.”
***Bravery is a Loaded Gun byLiviKate:
“No, I’m notasexual, Stiles,” Derek said shortly.
The teen’s heart sank in his chest, his palms going clammy andhis neck prickling with the familiar feeling of rejection.
“So then it’s,” Stiles swallowed, throat clogging, unable togive voice to the facts he would much rather ignore. The silence grew betweenthem, growing tense the longer it was left. For the first time in years, Stilescouldn’t speak. The weight of inadequacy held down his typical stream ofuseless banter. What does one say in this sort of situation? ‘I’m sorry youdon’t find me attractive?’
In which the boys speak in half sentences and have two totallydifferent conversations. What they can agree on, eventually, is that they loveeach other. And that Derek should jerk off more.
Warm shadows bystilinskisparkles:
“Fine,” Stiles spitsback, “We’ll die together, it’ll be dandy.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Derek snaps, “I’ll get some peaceand quiet for once.”
Stiles grinssuddenly, blindingly. There’s blood on his teeth, and his eyes are dark anddesperate as he looks up at Derek, but he’s never looked more stupidly,infuriatingly beautiful.
Give Me Back My Bones (maybe thenwe’ll talk) by kariye:
Derek meets Stiles on a Wednesday. He comes infor his usual cup of coffee and somehow walks out with hot chocolate, cinnamonon the top, and no idea what just happened there.
Romancing the Sourwolf. (OrStiles Stilinski’s Foolproof Guide to Getting Your Man) by lucyinthesoupwithcrutons:
The 15 year plan for Lydia was clearly thewrong way to go; Stiles won’t be making the same mistake with Derek. He decidesto do his homework this time.
Throw Me to the Wolves by skoosiepants:
He feels thephysical embodiment of devastated, his already too strung-out mindstruggling to wall up all the hurt, the rejection—he takes a deep shudderingbreath and looks down at the shredded skin on his arms, at the sluggish waythey’re weakly healing.
There is nothing, nothing he wants more than tohave Derek sweep in and make everything all better. He should have known,though, that something like that would never happen to him.
OR -
Stiles accidentallygets bitten, and everything goes to hell.
***SharingFood by aussiebee:
“Sharing foodwith another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged inlightly.” ― M.F.K. Fisher
Derek is pretty muchabsorbed into the Stilinski family, one meal at a time.
Derek Hale’s No-Good, Very BadDay by Mackem:
Derek hides from his day.
***Start Small, Like Oak Treesby SmallBirds:
The months following Allison’s death havepassed Stiles by in a haze of monotony. He sleepwalks through days that seem tolose their color, an unwilling passenger in a body he no longer trusts.Eventually, he thinks, he’ll just fade away. He isn’t sure anyone would notice.Then, during a spur of the moment grocery run, he stumbles upon Derek Haleattempting to console a lost child, and for the first time in recent memory theworld doesn’t seem so awful.He’s not sure what he’d been expecting when he eventuallyconvinces Derek to move into the Stilinski’s spare bedroom, but a newfoundpassion for weeding and topsoil certainly isn’t it.
A Quiet Night (Not in theCards) by Delightful_I_Am:
“Derek fucking Hale!”
The shout rang through the bar and for a long moment nobodymoved. It was like something out of a movie. Everything just stopped; the musiccut off; one of the servers had frozen mid-pour. Grady would have laughed if heweren’t holding his breath. The kid straightened his shirt, a glimpse ofstomach showing the curling edges of a tattoo on his hip, and strode towardwhere Hale was sitting in the dark corner. As one, every supe in the placeturned to see Hale’s reaction; the last person to try to confront Hale in herehad left with a broken hand and a whispered threat that the next time Halewould rip their throat out. With his teeth.Unsurprisingly, Hale’s face was set in its usual glower, although it seemed abit softer around the eyes. It took Grady a second to realise Hale knew the kid.
The blood blooms clean in you,ruby by m_leigh:
“You don’tremember, anymore, where exactly you were when you found out that she was dead.You remember almost everything else about her dying, though.”
Stiles Stilinski hasalways been the person who will do what other people don’t want to. It’s hard,though, when your friends keep trying to protect you. Post-S2.
***Tide pullsfrom the moon by paintedrecs:
When Derek leftBeacon Hills, finally ripping the tether free and remembering how to breathe,how to live again, it was Stiles who came after him. Stiles, who showed up athis door with blazing eyes, looking like he wanted to punch him in the face,but wrapping his arms around him instead, making him grunt in surprise at theraw strength of his embrace.
“You asshole,”Stiles said, slapping him heartily on the back as he extricated himself, hisvoice rough under his bright smile. “You couldn’t have made yourself harder tofind, could you?”
Homing Mechanisms by SmallBirds:
Magnetoreception:The sense which allows an organism to detect a magnetic field to perceivedirection, altitude or location. How birds find their way home.
Stiles returns toBeacon Hills after four years at Stanford, only to find out that Derek hasmoved back into town. He brings him a housewarming gift. Derek makes food.Things escalate from there.
Parallax by uraneia:
Parallax: noun. Theeffect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ whenviewed from different positions, e.g., through the viewfinder and the lens of acamera.
With the pack (and Stiles) starting college, Derek is bored. Heneeds a hobby–or a job. Which is how he comes to model for Alpha Studios.
He just neverthought Stiles would end up working there too.
Occam’s Razorby MissAnnThropic:
When Stiles goes to sleep, he’s ajunior in high school. He wakes up in a world where he’s twenty-four andmarried to Derek Hale. Stiles just can’t seem to catch a break.
Readalso: Stepping Off the Razor’sEdge which is a lot of healing for both our boys and beautiful.
The Truth Is by BulletBlaze:
“Well, you should get going then-”“You could come around some time-”A pause.“Wait, what?”A blush bloomed across Derek’s cheeks, barely visible overthe top of his beard. He shrugged again.“If you wanted to. You could stop by while I’m fixing it up.Help me with some things. If you wanted to.”“You already said that,” Stiles, the idiot, mumbled indisbelief.Derek’s blush grew a shade darker.
There’s a martyr in my bedtonight but it’s alright by crossroadwrite:
It’s a beautiful afternoon, and Derek is standing at a dusty gasstation, staring helplessly at the destroyed remains of the last thing hissister left him.
(OR: In which Derekexpects nothing from life, but with a little help from the Stilinskis getseverything.)
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that-rogue-valar · 6 years
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Summary: Leithrien is the daughter of Finarfin and the sister of Galadriel. When she falls in love with a smithy of Aule, he soon takes her hand in marriage and they leave their home in Valinor to join her lover's master in Arda. Little does she know, it is only a matter of time before she is pulled into her husband's master's schemes. Together, will the three save themselves or let the enemy take away what they have?
Cody Fern (Michael Langdon) as Sauron/Mairon
Hayden Panetierre as Leithrien/Hirilgwathren
Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian) as Melkor (sorry, I had to. I could just see it fitting).
Warnings: NSFW content, plenty of cuss words, but also a lot of fluff.
Also on Quotev. | Part two of ? | Previous parts: 1
They were terrible. Halls of blackened stone, sharp cliff faces hung from the outside, and terrible creatures that were once my own people lurked in Angband. But I still did not want to leave. I found it peculiar that I didn't flee as soon as we came upon Thangorodrim, but in a way, I did not find it peculiar at all. 
Mairon, my husband, kept me at his side at all times to make sure that I would be alright. His worry was sweet, though annoying at times when I wanted to lurk the halls by myself. I could take care of myself despite Mairon's constant worrying. 
I found it in me somewhere to argue my case of wanting to wander the halls by myself for once. It had been nearly four years since we sailed to Arda from Aman and I wanted nothing more than to just be alone. I loved him and never wished for him to be gone, but Valar, I need time away. 
"Please, Mairon," I said to him one night as I laid my head on his chest. "I know these halls just as well as you do. So, please, let me wander them alone." 
He took a deep breath and looked down at me for a brief second before averting his gaze back to the dark ceiling. Mairon's hand that was once in my hair moved to my hip. A hum left my lips before he retracted his hand from my body much to my dismay. 
"I'll think about it, darling," Mairon whispered. 
I groaned and threw myself out of his grip. I tucked my pillow in my arms, then pouted for quite some time. I felt him move on the mattress until he was hovering over me. A smirk was plastered on his pale face, then he leaned down to press a kiss to my neck, then my collar bones. 
"Mairon," I whimpered. "This isn't going to change my mind. I want to be able to explore. You cannot keep me in a cage like a bird." 
He ceased his assault of kisses. "Yes, darling, I get that. But would you just stop talking about it?"
"No," I smirked. "Not until you let me do as I please." 
Mairon resumed his attack and brushed his hand that wasn't propping him up down my side. I shook my head as I placed my pillow over my face to hide the smile that was growing from my husband. I attempted to push him off into his own spot in our bed, but I failed miserably. 
A chuckle erupted from my lover's chest at my struggles. Mairon pulled my pillow away from me and gave it a toss over his shoulder. I opened my mouth to protest but was quickly silenced by Mairon's lips pressing against my own. 
"Please, darling," Mairon said. "You are much prettier when you shut up and go to sleep. Go to sleep." 
I groaned with as much dramatic flair as I could muster up. "That is so not fair!" 
"Yes, it is."
The following week, it seemed as if my argument with Mairon had paid off. I could roam Angband as much as my heart desired just as long as I came to bed before Mairon went to sleep. I wandered the halls long enough to find a library- my safe place. I spent hours reading the books until I read them all multiple times. 
Mairon and his master, Melkor, would come down to the library during lunch to eat with me. After they finished their lunches and announced that they had to tend to their duties once more, they would rise from their seats and press their lips against either side of my temple, then walk away. 
I found beauty in the dark stone halls of Angband, the way the great fires made the marble visible, and even the fountain of blackened water in the courtyard. It was almost as if I was meant to dwell in the mountains instead of the house of my father in Valinor. 
"Hello, beautiful," Mairon said followed by a kiss to my cheek. 
"Hello, beautiful," Melkor teased, mocking my husband's action of kissing me on the cheek. "You look absolutely ravishing today. Doesn't she, Mairon?" 
Mairon rolled his eyes. "Yes, master, she does. Now please, my wife isn't your wife." 
"I wouldn't be completely opposed to that idea, however," I mumbled. 
"What?" Mairon questioned. "Are you fucking serious?" 
I gave them a small nod before shrinking further into my seat. 
"Well, I don't know if she's fucking serious, but it looks like she's serious about fucking," Melkor said. "Am I right?" 
"Shut up, Melkor!" Mairon and I both shouted at the same time at his master.
It shocked Melkor and he crossed his arms over his chest so he could pout for the evening. Melkor remained silent for a few moments before he opened is loudmouth again. 
He smiled and said, "You know, you two have really pretty lips." 
Mairon blushed and turned his face away from his master's gaze. I couldn't contain my laughter any longer and had to laugh at my husband's frustration. He reached over to me and pinched my side. A yelp replaced my laughter and I felt punching him in the nose. 
"Shit, Mairon," Melkor said. "No pinching the lady. And that is an order from your master." 
At that, my husband rolled his eyes and raised his middle finger to his master. He lifted his other fist and did the same, earning a rather offended, dramatic look from Melkor. Mairon told the Vala to go fuck himself, but the god didn't seem phased by the Maia's words. 
* * * 
"All I can say is, 'wow,'" I said the best I could although I was completely out of breath. Melkor and Mairon laid beside me, their sweaty, naked limbs strewn across my body. "You boys did rather well." 
Mairon nudged his nose against my temple and hummed. "Yes, we did do rather well," he said with as soft a tone as he could muster. "Melkor, did you make sure she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow?" 
All the Vala could find the strength to say was, "Mhm." 
Melkor dragged his finger with utter laziness up and down my bare thigh until sleep took him captive and his snores were the only thing his body was doing. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He could destroy the Trees and not grow weary, but having sex with Mairon and myself was too much for him. 
Mairon's lips came to my forehead and he brought me closer to him. Melkor whined, tried to pull me back to him, but Mairon reached over and smacked him on the head before he could pull me further away. My husband snickered his triumph and whispered his goodnight in my ear. 
"Goodnight, my lord," he muttered. "And goodnight, my lady. You did so well, darling. So, so well." 
"Goodnight Mairon, Leithrien," Melkor said, although still very asleep. "Next time, Mairon, I get your ass." 
I nearly choked on my saliva. "Alright, behave now. Goodnight, boys." 
The following day was rough, to say the least. Between Melkor and Mairon coming up at random times to earn my affection and the slight ache in my legs, my day stretched out to seem much longer than it should have been in the first place. The silence of my library was torturous and the emptiness of my body that craved to be full again was nearly enough to send me packing towards the throne room. But I had to control myself. I wasn't about to lose my self-control yet. 
Lunch rolled around after what seemed like an eternity. In strolled my lovers with smirks plastered on their faces as they settled into their seats at the table beside me. Four servants wheeled in two carts of food and wine for our dining pleasure. 
Melkor was the first to notice my squirming. His smirk grew at the sight of me wiggling in my seat to gain some friction. He went to reach his hand over to assist me, but Mairon shot him a look that could kill and he retracted his hand. He mocked Mairon's look and tried to make it look as stupid as possible. 
"But MaiMai!" Melkor whined. "I just wanna help her out. Look at the way she's squirming! She can't eat while she's squirming!" 
Mairon looked at me and observed my actions of trying to get the much-desired friction. "Later. Leithrien has to learn to behave."
Damn him. 
Melkor and I both had the same reaction to Mairon's words. It was pure torture and my husband knew it. He smirked as the Vala and I both began to squirm even more until I couldn't handle it anymore. My self-control was gone. 
"Vartyo, lenna, mecin," I said. At once, the servants quickly filed out of the room and left me with the two men.
Melkor was the first to jump up and rush to my side. His one hand went to the side of my face and pulled me into a kiss, while the other went to pull up my skirts. Mairon grunted from behind Melkor, but his master ignored him and continued his actions. I leaned further into the kiss before I had to break away from it to breathe. 
His lips left mine and trailed down my neck. I whimpered, my hands immediately sent into his dark mane. He finally got my skirts hiked up enough to get his hands where I desired them the most. I felt my body melt into his hands. 
"Mairon," I whispered. "Come on, I need you too." 
My husband threw himself out of the chair and grabbed hold of Melkor. Mairon's ringed hands cupped Melkor's face as he captured his lips with his own. Melkor didn't cease his movements on my own body. Mairon pulled his master's hair back enough to expose his neck to the Maia so he could mark him with his teeth. 
"Baby," Melkor whined. "But...but, Leithrien--" 
"She needs to learn self-control, remember?" Mairon said. "So, she gets to watch and gain self-control while I teach you to listen." 
My husband ceased his assault of kisses on Melkor and turned to me. "Now, darling, keep your hands away from your sweet, little self and do not squirm. It will only make things worse for you later," he said. "Trust me, beauty. You will not be a happy elleth afterward." 
I watched as my boys interacted with one another. It was torturous to not be involved in what they were doing and the temptation to give myself what my heart desired burned. I tried slipping my hand slowly underneath my skirts, but Mairon caught sight of what I was doing and growled.
"You are quite the naughty thing, aren't you, Leith?" the Maia hissed. "Melkor, take off your belt. Now." 
Melkor obeyed and pulled off the thick, long leather belt from his trousers. The god's pants became loose and hung dangerously low. I couldn't take my eyes off the skin being shown. Mairon grabbed hold of my chin and forced me to look at him. 
"No," was all he said. I gasped as he took my lips harshly in his, his teeth dragged across my lips, then his tongue danced over the bite marks that were making my lips swell. I could feel the wetness dripping down between my legs. I whimpered and just about began to beg for more, for my boys to do what they wanted to me. 
Melkor was busy trying to make himself cum since Mairon wasn't doing the job for him. His groans were enough to make me tremble in my seat and my husband wasn't happy about it. 
He took his master's belt and tied my right wrist to the arm of my chair, then removed his own belt from his trousers to wrap around my left wrist and tie it down to the opposite arm of the chair. 
"Shit, you look so pretty all tied up like that," Mairon growled out. 
Melkor nodded in agreement, although his mind seemed to be too clouded with desperation for an orgasm to muster up any words. Mairon returned his attention to his lord and continued his mission of leaving bruises across his olive skin. Melkor's hand went to the back of Mairon's head and pulled his hair. 
"No, Melkor! Do not pull my fucking hair! Only Leithrien gets to do that," Mairon hissed. "She's at least gentle. You're just plain mean." 
"I didn't mean to, you little blond asshole!" Melkor said. "Just for that, you are giving me head right now." 
Melkor shoved the Maia's head down in between his legs. Mairon, however, did not protest as much as I thought he would, being the dominant one in our relationship. Instead, he swallowed the god whole without trouble. Melkor chuckled, then moaned his praises to the blond. 
"This so isn't funny!" I yelled as I rubbed my legs together. "Dickheads! Both of you!" 
"Baby, hush," Melkor said, eyes fluttering closed. "Your husband is doing fantastic. I would give him a ten out of ten." 
I laid my head back and closed my eyes. "I hate both of you. I hate you both so much." 
"Yah, I bet ya do, da'wing," the blond drew out through a mouth full of god-cock. 
Valar, I was going to get them back. 
Elvish translations
Vartyo, lenna mecin. - Servant, leave, please.
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thecardigangirl · 6 years
Tolkien Tag 2018
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1.  What's your favorite Middle-earth story/book?
My! Such a hard question, like all of these, really.
I would have to say The Lord of the Rings, despite I love The Hobbit with all my heart too and it was my first Middle-earth story, as I think it should be.
Both stories never fail to make me feel at home but the first time I read Lord of the Rings I found a solace in it that was very much needed at that time and I read it with such love and enthusiasm, I had a wondrous time. I mean, I loved The Hobbit too but I read it before I really got into Tolkien so I didn’t have this passionate love for it yet, nonetheless I still enjoyed it a lot and it’s definitely up there with Lord of the Rings. Also, every time I read The Hobbit, I can’t help but miss Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and the rest of the Company, while Bilbo is in Lord of the Rings too, so I don’t have to miss anybody when I read it.
2.  Do you have a favorite subplot?
Does the part from where Frodo, Sam and Pippin set out for Crickhollow and reunite with Merry until they all leave Tom Bombadil’s house and reach Bree, including their adventures in the Old Forest and the Barrow-downs, count? If so, that one.
3.  What's your favorite theme in Tolkien's books?  (Can be in one specific story, or overall.)
I would have to say the importance of home and hearth and a jolly good time, I mean, isn’t that what we all truly need? The part where Thorin says that if more people valued home and food over gold and treasures the world would be a better place resonates a lot with me, because he’s totally right.
I also love the theme of pity, I think it is very important in such a hard world as the one where we live.
4.  Do you have a favorite weapon from Middle-earth?
Sting, ‘nuff said. :)
Though I also especially love Elvish blades in general, Legolas’ Galadhrim bow, Andúril (who wouldn’t?) and Rohan swords.
5.  Would you like to be a hobbit?
Are you kidding me? I would say it is my biggest wish right now. I just ADORE hobbits: their customs, lifestyle, their homes, their clothes, the Shire, basically everything about them. My own sister even says it’s as if the Shire was my home (and I was like “it is indeed”).
I was playing The Fellowship of the Ring PS2 videogame (based on the book) she brought for me the other day and marveling at the fact I could explore the Shire and it was wonderful. When you got near the houses, the names of their owners were shown and I knew all of them so well my sister was surprised. She was glad I was having such a great time living my dream in the game. ^^
Ah, what I wouldn’t give to live in a hobbit hole in Hobbiton and truly be acquainted with all my friends, take long walks in the Eastfarthing woods, read their fascinating books, visit the Green Dragon Inn and Ivy Bush Inn, Tuckburough, Buckland, the Old Forest, Frogmorton, you name it; get to know all about the most important hobbit families and even the less important ones, explore the Farmer Maggot’s crop, Brandy Hall and Michel Delving with all the curious mathoms, enjoy their wondrous parties with stunning displays of Gandalf’s fireworks...
My other biggest wish probably would be to be able to attend Bilbo’s 111th and Frodo’s 33rd Birthday Party.
6.  Do you have a favorite romance/couple?
Sam and Rosie, I’m second in command of their ship with Frodo at the lead as its captain. ;)
Though I also love especially Pippin and Diamond, Merry and Estella, Primula and Drogo, Mirabella and Gorbadoc, Paladin and Eglantine, Esmeralda and Saradoc, Hamfast and Bell, Belladonna and Bungo (despite we don’t know much about them), Éowyn and Faramir, Aragorn and Arwen, Beren and Lúthien, Elrond and Celebrían, Galadriel and Celeborn and Thingol and Melian.
Wow, I hadn’t realized just how many good couples there are.
7.  What's your favorite Middle-earth creature?  (Can be "real" or "imaginary.")
I would say the Ents, I LOVE the Ents, and the Eagles, Radagast’s Rosgobel rabbits, Bill the Pony, Brego, Shadowfax...
But I think the Ents are my favorite. ;)
8.  What character do you look the most like?
Oh, gosh, I have no idea. I’m told I look like Galadriel because my skin is very pale in contrast to that of most people around me so I’ve been nicknamed “Lady of Light” at times. But I don’t have the blond hair or blue eyes and I probably don’t look that much like her, even if I do, I don’t consider myself worthy of being compared with the Lady of Lórien.
I’m always told I have Elvish looks and I’m like “No, I’m a hobbit!”, and I don’t really believe it honestly, I mean, Elves are just too beautiful. My beauty is more plain, so I like to think I’m a hobbit with Elvish looks like Frodo and Elanor.
9.  Are there any books about Middle-earth or Professor Tolkien (but not written by him) you recommend?
Any you can get your hands on (that’s my philosophy) but the ones I would recommend in particular are The Complete Guide to Middle-earth by Robert Foster and The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad. From my experience, works by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond are very good too.
10.  List up to ten of your favorite lines/quotations from the Middle-earth books and/or movies.
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit, not a nasty dirty wet hole full of worms and oozy smells. This was a hobbit hole and that means good food, a warm hearth and all the comforts of home.
He doesn’t approve of being late. Not that I ever was, in those days I was always on time, I was entirely respectable and nothing unexpected ever happened.
My dear Sam, you cannot always be torn in two, you will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do. Your part in the story will go on.
It is special. It’s a little bit of home.
Courage, Merry, for our friends.
I think you have strength of a different kind and one day your father will see it.
It was a compliment and so, of course, not true.
I love him. He’s like that, and sometimes it shines through, somehow. But I love him, whether or no.
I wonder if we’ll ever be put into songs or tales. What? I wonder if people’ll ever say “Let’s hear about Frodo and the Ring”, and they’ll say, “Yes, it’s one of my favourite stories. Frodo was really courageous, wasn’t he, dad?” “Yes, my boy, the most famousest of hobbits and that’s saying a lot“. You left out one of the chief characters, Samwise the Brave, I want to hear more about Sam. Frodo wouldn’t have got far without Sam. Now, Mr. Frodo, you shouldn’t make fun, I was being serious. So was I. Samwise the Brave.
It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered, full of darkness and danger they were and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those are the stories that stayed with you, that meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand, I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going because they were holding on to something. What are we holding on to, Sam? That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo and it’s worth fighting for”.
Many thanks to Hamlette for hosting this wonderful party! ^^
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #200 - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: No.
Format: Blu-ray
1) The prologue.
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This first scene of the last film does a number of things well. For one, Sméagol suddenly becomes a much more sympathetic and tragic character. We see how happy this creature was before being corrupted by the evil of the ring; before becoming Gollum. And that’s the other thing this scene does well: we understand better than ever how evil the ring is. How quickly it can turn good people bad. This sets the stakes high for the final chapter of the trilogy. Originally meant for The Two Towers, its inclusion in this film works so much better I think. Also it’s worth noting that the transformation from practical Gollum makeup to CG is seamless and visceral.
2) I love how freaking angry Gimli gets upon running into Merry & Pippin alive (after searching so desperately for them in Two Towers) before being tempted by what they’re smoking.
3) It’s worth noting that I HAVE watched the extended editions of all three films and while I usually forget about the scenes added in those versions, Saruman’s death scene (which is cut in this film) is always one I miss. It is a nice note of finality for such a major character in the trilogy.
4) Much as this film really covers Frodo’s eventual corruption by the ring, Aragorn’s journey is also complete. Over the course of the trilogy we see him go from a loner who wants nothing to do with leadership into the king of men. This film is very much about Aragorn accepting that part of himself, becoming the leader he was always meant to be, and we see it in many little ways. He takes a moment for himself to respect those fallen before celebrating a victory, he imparts wisdom onto Gandalf, he earns the trust of Théoden, later honors his promise to the ghost soldiers even though he could’ve used them as a weapon, and leads his army into battle in an effort to give Frodo the time he needs. By the time the credits role Aragorn fully embraces his duty as king and that’s a wonderful transformation to watch.
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5) Have I mentioned I low-key ship Sam and Frodo?
Frodo: “I need you on my side.”
Sam: “I’m always on your side, Mr. Frodo.”
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6) The last film very much covered Merry’s maturity, becoming invested in the war (which guides his actions in this film as well). In Return of the King we get to see Pippin grow more as a person. We see him go from a someone who doesn’t think before he acts (like when he looks into the orb and risks alerting Sauron about Frodo) to someone with deep sorrow who takes responsibility for his actions (such as when he pledges his allegiance to the Stewart of Gondor because he feels responsible for Boromir’s death). It’s a nice subplot for the film.
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7) Can I just say: Théoden can be a real idiot.
Théoden [about Gondor]: “Tell me: why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours?”
Dude, you made SUCH a big deal about not asking for Gondor’s aid in the last movie when you were heavily advised to do just that. And now you’re getting pissy because they didn’t give you something you said you didn’t want?
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8) While Sam and Frodo’s kinship is wicked strong, that’s not to undersell how deeply connected Merry and Pippin are. They’re great friends and the sadness of their goodbye as Gandalf takes Pippin to Gondor speaks to that.
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9) Okay, can I just say something? There are only three named female characters in these films I can think of who have lines: Arwen, Galadriel, and Éowyn. They’re all awesome, they’re all great. They never EVER interact with each other and while we understand both Arwen and Galadriel are dangerous women it’s only Éowyn who gets to fight in the war. And I get the books were published in the 50s and everything but come on. Some changes to improve on female presence wouldn’t kill the movie.
Arwen [about Aragorn]: “If I leave him now, I will regret it forever.”
And that’s literal, because elves are immortal. I just wanted to point that out.
11) John Noble as Denethor.
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While there is initially a bit of sympathy for the stewart of Gondor because he’s mourning his son Boromir, wow is that lost quickly. I am rooting for this guy to die harder than I am any other character in this series because he is such a raging asshole. I think he’s supposed to be and John Noble plays him in a very interesting way. Much like Imelda Staunton was great at making us hate Doloris Umbridge in Harry Potter, John Noble is great at making Denethor a selfish, arrogant, cruel bastard who I just want to punch in his fucking permanent scowl of a face. HE FUCKING ADMITS THAT HE WISHES FARAMIR WERE DEAD INSTEAD OF BOROMIR! I just…yeah, I’m glad when this jackass dies.
12) The Dead City always reminded me a little of the Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz. Or is that just me?
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13) I apologize for this in advance.
Frodo [when he feels the Witch King near, who stabbed him in Fellowship]: “I can feel his blade.”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
14) At first I questioned the need to include Faramir’s skirmish with the orcs, but for one thing it shows the continued darkness which spreads across Middle Earth as well as the scale of this war. Not to mention it feeds directly into a conflict between Faramir and his jackass dad.
15) I love Éowyn, which I said as much in the last recap. But in this film she is just so freaking ready to fight for those she loves, to stand up against evil even though the sexism of Middle Earth tries to keep her off the battlefield. But she doesn’t and we get the best moment in the whole trilogy. More on that later.
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16) When I was younger I never really understood why Frodo believes Sam actually stole the bread, why he sends Sam away. But now I get just how great a manipulator Gollum is and how dark the ring can be on Frodo’s soul. Gollum knows EXACTLY what the ring is doing to him, the little things it whispers to him, the greed and mistrust which is taking him. He knows because he spent (I think) five hundred years under that very same influence. He knows what Frodo is going through better than anyone which he manipulates to his advantage.
17) Sean Astin just freaking shines with his breakdown after Frodo sends him away breaks up with him (you know, after refusing to give Sam a ring). He’s come so far, sacrificing his very life, to make sure Mr. Frodo stays safe and trying to make sure the ring doesn’t take him. And he’s ALWAYS on Frodo’s side, he always trusts Frodo. But Frodo can’t do the same thing for Sam. In fact, he does the complete opposite and distrusts him so deeply he tries to get rid of him. And it’s based on NOTHING, just the manipulations of a fiend and the darkness of the ring. Astin i just so great and conveying how heavy this is on Sam, I love it.
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18) Ah, the song.
First of all, Billy Boyd’s vocals are just absolutely amazing here. They infuse the song with such grand heartache which helps it set the tone for Faramir’s attack on the orc troops. This isn’t a grand action scene, this isn’t a heroic triumph, this is a heartbreaking suicide mission made because of a son wanting to earn the love of his soulless father. And that’s why the song works as well as it does. It sets a beautiful tone.
19) Honestly, a few of these notes are just going to be me acknowledging awesome Éowyn is.
Éowyn [after some troops laugh at Merry for wanting to fight]: “Why can he not fight for those he loves?”
20) The scene where Aragorn takes the sword from Elrond is a great moment. The music, Aragorn’s demeanor, the subtleties of the cinematography, the visual of Aragorn taking the sword, it all just makes it feel like a real hero’s moment.
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21) While the extended edition of this film may have some more Legolas & Gimli moments (there’s this wonderful drinking competition they get into), the bromance of the entire trio is still something I love.
Gimli [after Aragorn tries going into the dead mountain alone]: “You might as well accept it: we’re going with you, laddie.”
22) Merry is told he can’t go into battle by Théoden, that no one will carry him on their horse. Meanwhile Éowyn - who was basically told to stay at home and look after things while the men fight - says, “Screw that,” and takes Merry into battle herself. I LOVE ÉOWYN!
23) The scene with the ghosts and the dead mountain is truly eerie. Peter Jackson’s roots as a horror director really shine through in this wonderfully creepy scene and place. It’s just chilling.
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24) In the long running list of why Denethor is a piece of shit: he is so freaking eager for Faramir to be dead and to have some man pain he doesn’t even check his pulse! Then he bitches about not getting help from Rohan which HE DIDN’T EVEN WANT and then gives up. Thank god for Gandalf.
25) The initial battle of Gondor has a nice sense of scale and stakes to it, especially when we see it through the eyes of Pippin. There’s this constant sense of dread and hardship which builds tension nicely.
26) I’m not talking about the spider scene because I always hide behind my hands when that scene is going on. I fucking hate spiders, guys. I hate them. It’s a miracle I didn’t just straight up fast forward past all the spider stuff. AND IT JUST KEEPS COMING BACK! You think the spider is gone but then no, it comes back for one last attack! ENOUGH WITH THE SPIDER ALREADY!
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27) Gollum is totally done with the manipulation, the tricks, all of it. As soon as Frodo reveals his intention is to destroy the ring, he loses it and just is going to solve his problem with brute force. This doesn’t really work for him though.
28) Awww, Sam comes back to rescue his boyfriend only to think he’s dead.
Sam: “Don’t leave me here alone. Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
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29) A coincidence to get the character in trouble helps move the plot along. Such as when the orcs show up RIGHT AFTER Frodo gets paralyzed so they can easily capture him.
30) Through a strong sense of visuals there is a nice feeling of hope when Rohan shows up to participate in the battle of Gondor. The build up to that and the fact we see it via Merry and Éowyn works REALLY well because they - like the audience - are both new to this.
31) I always liked that Gandalf is willing to leave the main battle to save Faramir, because isn’t that what this is all about? Saving as much life as we can.
32) There are few film deaths which are quite as satisfying to me as Denethor’s death. I won’t include it hear but those who have seen the movie know exactly what happens. Know if you seek it out it does involve fire (so if that triggers you maybe best to stay away).
33) Once the freaking elephants show up to battle you KNOW this shit is epic. One thing this film does best out of all three is its battle sequences are amazing. They may be long, but they are choreographed interestingly and use a strong sense of action = reaction to them. They’re epic and totally amazing.
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34) I do have a bit of a fear of death, so Gandalf’s words to Merry always bring me calm.
Gandalf [after Merry says he can’t believe it’s going to end like this]: “End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path we must all take.”
35) THE BEST FREAKING MOMENT IN THE ENTIRE FREAKING TRILOGY! If you only watch one moment from The Lord of the Rings, make sure you watch this one. This is all you need to see. This is beautiful and I love it and it’s awesome. Watch it! Watch it now!
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FUCKING ÉOWYN VERSUS THE FUCKING WITCH KING! YES! You can see she’s TOTALLY scared but that doesn’t matter at all. She works through the fear, she fights this mythical creature who is supposedly un-killable AND SHE FUCKING KILLS HIM! It’s either him or her uncle and damn it’s sure as hell not going to be her uncle! It is glorious. I cheer every time. I love it. Best moment in the trilogy. No contest. Done.
36) There is this tone shift in the battle of Gondor once Legolas and Gimli start their contest.
Gimli: “There’s plenty [of the enemy] for the both of us, may the best dwarf win.”
They bring out an intense amount of fun to the battle which just has you cheering them on. Cheering on the victory! I mean, LEGOLAS TAKES DOWN A FREAKING ELEPHANT!
I love it.
37) Again, I apologize for this in advance.
Orc [about to kill Frodo]: “I’m going to stick you like a stuffed pig.”
Sam [killing the orc]: “Not if I stick you first.”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
38) It is always important that characters not be passive. Them making a choice is interesting. So even when Frodo is at a point where he can easily STOP carrying the ring and let Sam carry it, but he CHOSES not to, that’s interesting. It speaks to his character.
Frodo: “You must understand: the ring is my burden.”
39) This is one of my favorite things to hit the internet in 2012. It’s so random and weird I love it.
40) The moment when Aragorn really becomes the king of men is when he rallies his troops to fight against Sauron. He takes his role as leader seriously and he’s damn good at it.
Aragorn: “I see in your eyes the same fear which would take the heart in me!”
He relates to them, he lets them know he’s afraid, but his bravery inspires bravery in others. That’s what a good leader does. They speak of hope and unity against hatred, they don’t encourage it. They don’t divide people, they bring them together.
41) Have I mentioned I love Legolas and Gimli’s bromance?
Gimli: “Who thought I’d die fighting side by side with an elf?”
Legolas: “How about side by side with a friend?”
Gimli: “Aye. I can do that.”
42) Frodo is literally pushed past his physical limits, unable to climb any further up Mount Doom to destroy the ring. But he HAS to. That’s high stakes. Forgoing physical needs for the goal is the highest stakes imaginable. And also: HELL YEAH, SAMWISE GAMGEE!
Sam: “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!”
43) Can I just say: I will never truly wrap my mind around the super convenient giant eagles which show up at the last minute. Like, maybe there’s an explanation for this in the books, but wouldn’t the eagles have helped out A LOT MORE before this final battle? I mean really. What’s with this Deus Ex Machina stuff?
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44) The scene where Frodo decides to keep the ring visually matches the one where Isildur did the same thing in Fellowship, meaning the seeds for this were planted in the trilogy from film one. It’s smart planning and helps make the choice all the stronger. We’ve seen the consequences of this action once, but again? Oh man, that could be disastrous.
45) You can really see the influence the ring had on Frodo when this is the first thing he says after it’s destroyed.
Frodo: “I can see the shire.”
Frodo talked about how he couldn’t remember it before, while he was carrying the ring. But now it’s gone and he can. I love that.
46) One of my favorite moments in the series is when Frodo wakes up in Rivendale with Gandalf standing at his bead. Remember, Frodo thinks Gandalf is DEAD from the first film. So not only is there the joy at his own survival but that of his friend too. And you can see it on Elijah Wood’s face.
47) This film has A LOT of endings. Like, it takes 20 minutes to end. But I like each and every one. Firstly, this massive respect the hobbits are paid.
Aragorn [king of men, to the hobbits]: “My friends. You bow to no one.”
[Aragorn bows, then so does literally EVERYONE else]
48) The Shire still brings about the same sense of peace it did in Fellowship. You know you’re really out of danger when you are in that place. The tension defuses and it feels like…home. It’s worth noting that the hobbits at first have nothing to talk about while at the bar. They just sit there in silence because…what is there to say?
49) The final goodbye.
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I may not be the best to pick up on subtext, but even I get that this boat into the West is meant to represent the afterlife. That Bilbo, Gandalf, and Frodo are all going into the afterlife (even though I always forget that Gandalf leaves). This is honestly not only the most fitting ending to the story, but for Frodo’s character as a whole. There’s no way Frodo could’ve just gone home after all that evil. He couldn’t have just returned to normalcy. He’s changed too much, so he has to move on. But just because Frodo’s gone, doesn’t mean life moves on. And I think that’s one of the greatest messages this film has: even in the face of great loss, life moves on. And there is always ALWAYS hope.
50) And I think instead of analyzing the song “Into the West” I’ll just leave you all with a link to listen to it because it’s a wonderful piece.
The Return of the King is everything fans loved about the first two Lord of the Rings films dialed up all the way. The stakes are at their highest, the battles are at their most epic, the performances are incredible, and the characters finally reach the end of the journey they started at the beginning of this film. Winning Best Picture at the Oscars the year it was nominated, this film definitely deserves it and is worth the watch (even if it is a long watch).
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garden-ghoul · 7 years
return of the blog, part 2
Merry is hanging out with the tracking party, feeling a bit lost and very useless-baggage-y. What’s going to happen, Aragorn? Well, Aragorn is being very dramatic, bless him. “Do not look for mirth at the ending. It will be long, I fear, ere Théoden sits at ease again in Meduseld. Many hopes will wither in this bitter Spring.” Oh, Aragorn.
Four riders are trying to catch up to the Rohirrim; everyone is, of course, very suspicious, but it turns out the leader is Aragorn’s good old friend Halbarad, a ranger and Dunadan! And Elrond’s cool sons are with him! They brought thirty dudes to help in the war effort. Like I’m sure they’re very skilled and all but. Thirty dudes. You take what you can I guess. Apparently they received a summons from Galadriel after Gandalf was resurrected. Everyone is back at Helm’s Deep now (I missed them actually going there), mainly I mention this because there now exists a place called THE DEATH DOWN, where the huorns killed just massive amounts of people.
Theoden is holding one last feast before they all go to war; he tells Merry he shall ride with him!
‘May I?’ said Merry, surprised and delighted. ‘That would be splendid!’ He had never felt more grateful for any kindness in words. ‘I am afraid I am only in everybody’s way,’ he stammered; ‘but I should like to do anything I could, you know.’
He’s such a good kid. Theoden says he’s going to be king’s squire! Not sure why, the eve of a colossal war is not really the best time to be sparing people’s feelings of uselessness. Or maybe he’s trying to free up whoever is his current squire to kill some people? You don’t do that sort of thing for no reason is all I’m saying. Anyway, in a stupendously clear parallel to last chapter, Merry lays his sword at Theoden’s feet and swears fealty. I loove the contrast between Pippin swearing fealty to a lord he doesn’t really like out of obligation and gratitude; and then Merry swearing fealty to a lord he very much admires out of a desperation to somehow be useful. Pippin’s rather awe-filled reception at Minas Tirith contrasts with Merry’s anxieties about being a burden. Then there’s this:
‘As a father you shall be to me,’ said Merry.
‘For a little while,’ said Théoden.
AWKWARD. Merry why must you. Anyway Aragorn comes up and tells Theoden he’s going to take the Paths of the Dead (everyone in earshot shivers) despite having said a couple paragraphs ago that he would have to be REALLY DESPERATE to do that. Theoden’s company rides off; Aragorn is like “wow I love Merry so much, he’s such a good and important person.” And everyone else agrees: “hobbits are super important and I love them.” I think it’s supposed to stand in contrast to Merry’s own poor opinion of himself, but I’m not really sure why they have such a high opinion of him. Just because he’s brave? Shrug. Aragorn also says he looked into the palantir and had a staring contest with Sauron to wig him out. “I’m the heir of Elendil,” he said. “Here’s Narsil! Right here! Remember her, motherfucker?” And Sauron, reportedly, went “Oh fuck.”
Then Aragorn explains why he’s going thru the Paths of the Dead. You probably know already, so I won’t relate it here. There is a seer involved though, which is pretty cool. Some oathbreaking. Very Numenorean honestly, these dead Men of the Mountains remind me of the Faithless, in that the reason for their oathbreaking is a new unexpected allegiance to Sauron. And with that exposition, the “greay company” is off! For some reason they make it to Edoras long before Theoden does, and Aragorn comes to say hi to Eowyn. 
When she heard of the battle in Helm’s Deep and the great slaughter of their foes, and of the charge of Théoden and his knights, then her eyes shone.
I see what gogol means. Eowyn is gay for Deeds. She also conceptualizes being the ruler of Edoras and sorta Rohan as “exile,” because WHY would you want to rule anything when you could be killing people??? The next time we hear a description of Eowyn it’s that “her eyes were on fire.” Why did baby ghoul relate so much to Eowyn? Up until now I thought it was because she was the only TV lady who had freckles like me, but actually maybe it was her nebulous gender dysphoria and frustration. She is SO frustrated. First she offers to ride with Aragorn on his death errand. He refuses her; she’s the ruler of the Mark. BITTER. BITTER BITTER BITTER. WHY DOES EOWYN ALWAYS GET LEFT BEHIND? IS SHE NOT A SHIELD-MAIDEN? This is a good exchange:
‘A time may come soon,’ said he, ‘when none will return. Then there will be need of valour without renown, for none shall remember the deeds that are done in the last defence of your homes. Yet the deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.’
And she answered: ‘All your words are but to say: you are a woman, and your part is in the house. But when the men have died in battle and honour, you have leave to be burned in the house, for the men will need it no more.’
Get him, Eowyn. I mean, it IS essential to make sure non-combatants in Rohan stay safe and such, but Eowyn is right that she shouldn’t be forced into the unpraised deeds just because she’s a woman. Before you say such things, Aragorn, maybe start a culture of praising valiant deeds that don’t involve killing anyone?? Then we’ll talk.
Once again as Aragorn’s company rides away we get the same exact image of Eowyn standing and watching them go... this time filled with tension and anger, her fists clenched and tears in her eyes. Aragorn is sad about it. Whatever, dude. We timeskip to the entrance of the Path of the Dead, where the Dunedain are gentlly coaxing their horses in through the awful doorway. Legolas has to enchant his horse to get it to go in. Gimli is left alone outside, possibly the only one who feels so viscerally how wrong this underground passage is compared to what it should be. I think his fear is greater for the fact that he has never felt uneasy underground before; it’s like home, perverted into something dreadful. As they go forward Aragorn calls the dead. No-one answers, but Legolas can see them riding behind. As they ride through Morthond Vale I am getting the impression that there are living humans there? And they are afraid because, like, the king of the dead. Aragorn and co ride hell for leather for the Stone of Erech.
The Stone of Erech is an enormous black sphere, half buried in the ground, that for some reason was brought out of Numenor. Like... you didn’t have anything better to bring on your ships than an enormous black sphere of stone? Anyway this is the site of the oath that was broken, and now the dead are ready to fulfill it and have peace after like 3000 years. “When all this land is clean of the servants of Sauron, I will hold the oath fulfilled,” he says. Which is pretty harsh. Like, what if a hundred years from now there’s just one servant of Sauron remaining? That would just suck for everyone. Also he unfurls a banner Arwen made for him, which is apparently black on black. Love it. Very stylish. So that’s the muster of the dead. What about
This bit is confusing because I thought it was going to be Pippin POV but then as soon as they mentioned the Rohirrim had made it to Gondor it turned into Merry POV. I never have a good intuition for what things Tolkien will think it’s reasonable to skip... Wait no they didn’t make it to Gondor. They just about made it to Edoras. This is very confusing and I have poor reading comprehension. The point is Merry is sad and lonely because everyone’s speaking Rohir or whatever and he misses all his friends and absolutely everyone he knows. The party reaches Harrowdale and climbs up a super steep path for some reason; it’s lined with Pukel Men, monoliths carved into a human shape. Ahhhh I love standing stones, Heck I love standing stones. They’re from the “dark years” (when Numenor was still going on and thus Real People weren’t in Middle Earth ::P) and some unknown people made this place, Dunharrow. OH. Here’s Eowyn! The reason they’re here is because Edoras has been evacuated, and Theoden wanted to check on his people.
While Theoden and his peeps are having dinner a messenger from Gondor comes in and Merry is like BOROMIR??? WTF. But no, he just can’t tell Gondorians apart haha. Also what was the point of the beacons if Denethor was just going to send a messenger straight to Theoden. Theoden promises 6000 guys (not bad! that’s twice the entire Gondor) in one week, though the messenger says a week will probably be too late. Still, he says sarcastically, maybe you can disturb the orcs feasting on our corpses.
Merry wakes up the next day in the darkness; the sun will not rise today. Or if it does nobody will see it, because Sauron has sent a great wave of black clouds across the sky to embolden his troops. Dreamy. Theoden is releasing Merry from his service (yes, after three days, what a copout) to serve Eowyn here while she rules the noncombatant Rohirrim. Merry is. Sad. He wants to help! Even if he has to be tied to a horse! But no dice. Eowyn takes him off to arm himself anyway. Thanks Eowyn you are a true bro. As Theoden’s company leaves, they sing a song that is clearly based on Anglo Saxon epic poetry, and also I believe was not meant to be sung. So. Minus points, Johnald. It doesn’t sound like a song, it doesn’t scan like a song. It’s a nice poem, though. A nice lad called Dernhelm offers to bear Merry on his horse and hide him since Theoden won’t take him. Thanks for showing us Eowyn’s exact transition goals, it’s good.
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absoluteabsolem · 8 years
I have seen Beauty and the Beast and I have a lot of things to say so.. here I come (spoilers, spoilers everywhere).
I won't lie, I went to the cinema with a lot of skepticism and apprehension because I legit thought it was going to be average at best. See I've always loved the animated version and it holds a sacred place in my Disney-fan small heart, so I was a bit scared they'd ruin it because well, what if the Beast is horrible, what if Lumière and Cogsworth and the whole family are completely messed-up, what if everything goes wrong, what if Emma Watson isn't a good choice for Belle after all, what if Be Our Guest is terrible, what if all the songs lose their magic even though Alan Menken is back for the soundtrack, what if what if what if.
My experience was a bit different than it would've been if I had seen the film in my regular cinema. You see, Beauty and the Beast was my very first IMAX experience (and my eyes took their time to adjust to the incredible visuals). It was amazingly beautiful, especially during a few scenes I'll mention later. Mind you, I didn't love everything in this live-action, but my global impression is more than positive. My expectations were low to say the least, and gods was I wonderfully surprised.
I got chills the moment I heard the first notes of the prologue, mostly because of the nostalgia. I think Alan Menken adapted the soundtrack as best as could be done, but some parts lacked a bit of the original magic in my opinion. The prologue has always been my favourite instrumental part, and the beginning of it wasn't as powerful as the original one (once we get to the enchantress, the instruments take you somewhere else entirely though). The introduction is narrated by Emma Thompson, and that was a wonderful idea. I've always loved her voice and damn she does the job. Everyone needs to know that.
A song was written for the film to present the arrogant and empty Prince as well as the people who lived with him; I disliked it, very much. There are two songs I always skip while listening to the soundtrack, and it's one of them. It made me feel nauseous at the very sight of the Prince, the whole scene was incredibly disgusting to my eyes and ears. Not because the actors and the song were terrible, but because of the toxic atmosphere coming from all these people.
Then the Enchantress showed up. She had some Galadriel vibes, she was mesmerizing. It was my « oh, I guess it won't be so bad » moment, that's when I decided I would stop living in fear of every single scene. The Enchantress my dudes, the Enchantress was perfect. Something I loved in this version is that they covered every narrative error (there might be new ones but I didn't see them); the Prince hasn't been a Beast for 10 years so he wasn't 11 at the time but already a grown-ass bitch; the Enchantress erased everyone's memories of the castle and the people who lived in it, thus why no one ever looked for them. Also, every time a petal falls, the dishes lose a bit of their humanity (until they turn into litteral objects once the rose has died) and the castle crumbles a little. I think it makes the whole thing a bit more adult, it adds a dark side to an already quite gloomy story (when you think about it).
I loved the way Belle's song was filmed, the choregraphy was incredible, and my heart melted when Emma Watson sang the part about the book she's reading. Of course it's also the time we get introduced to Gaston. LeFou and Gaston's dynamic is amazing, they're both far more fabulous in the live-action. Their dialogues never failed to make me laugh, and a few scenes with Maurice were just perfect.
Since I'm talking about Maurice, another moment created for this film was a short song sang by him once Belle comes back home, and I loved it. Maurice has a real personnality here, you get attached to him quite quickly, Kevin Kline did a wonderful job. You learn a lot of things about Belle's mother. Every single character has a real backstory here and it was interesting to discover all these new things (even the Enchantress is a more or less regular character). Even Philippe is still a mighty hero.
The first time Belle and Beast meet was great, they changed it a bit because her father doesn't want to leave so she throws him out of his cell and locks herself in it. Also it's Lumière who opens the door to show Belle her new room, so it clearly shows than the Beast does not give a single fuck about Belle at the time when he was a bit more polite in the animated.
Once we go back to the village, it is of course, time for Gaston's song, and it's beautiful, though less exaggerated as could be anticipated (animation has no limits right). LeFou steals the show here (and he's totally gay for Gaston). There's an instrumental part in the song where everyone is dancing on the tables and all and it was so cool you guys. I was waiting for this scene to come and I was not disappointed.
I didn't rly mention Lumière & Co before please forgive me; Ewan McGregor's completely failed French accent is the best thing I've ever heard, everyone is perfect in their roles but what can I say Lumière has always been my fave. The design of everyone in the castle in so on point my dudes ! I gotta say I have a bit of a problem with the permanent duck-face of the Beast but hey they did their best (plus you only notice it when he's not moving and the camera is focused on his face).
But now my dear friends, now is the time to talk about the very best thing in this film. The song we all waited for (nO I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT EVERMORE YOU LITTLE SHITS), the song that made me wish I could visit that bloody castle when I was a kid..
Be. Our. Guest.
You guys. Fellow bros. You all need to see and listen to Be Our Guest. It's perfect, it's a magical experience, Ewan McGregor is wonderful, the choregraphy is so mind-blowing the special effects team probably had a few nervous breakdowns while doing Be Our Guest and it was worth all the struggle. IT WAS SO FUCKING GORGEOUS ALL THESE COLOURS *coughs* srsly watch this film in IMAX if you can. I couldn't stop smiling during the whole scene (also I cried a little because I loved it so much but shhhh). There are no words to truly express how I felt during that moment, I wanted to sing along and annoy everyone in the cinema but I didn't 'cause I'm a nice person. It was flawless.
The way the Beast and Belle slowly discover each other is still lovely af, especially when he shows her the library (in a different way than he does in the animated and I gotta say I prefer this version, it was funnier but still in character). They spend a lot of time together reading lots of books and you can feel time passing by where it could seem like the story took 3 days to happen in the animated (and thus giving assholes a reason to shout WOW STOCKHOLM SYNDROME WOW WOW)
And while we see a romance blossoming we can also observe Gaston revealing his rotten core, his charming mask falling to show us what a monster he is. Luke Evans is absolutely terrifying in this film. He just seems kinda dumb at the beginning but then LeFou fails to calm him and the real beast of the film is released. We see it when Gaston tries to kill Maurice by leaving him unconscious in the woods after failing to find the castle, but in the Mob Song it's truly terrifying. I've read a few reviews and everyone agrees that the Mob Song in the live-action is far, far better than the animated one. The only complain I have is that the camera doesn't focuse on Gaston during the whole thing, and it's not a very important detail so yeah, the Mob Song slays (also Luke Evans sings divinely and LeFou has a great line in the song you need to listen to it just for that tbh).
(if you've seen the film you'll notice I didn't talk about Evermore because I hate that song even if the idea of the Beast climbing his castle to see Belle leaving breaks my heart, I think it was ridiculous. Sorry guys)
OH ALSO I FORGOT but there's a new song taking place after Belle enters her room for the first time, and everybody sings in it, it's kind of a different version of Human Again but better in my opinion. It's so lovely, the lyrics are simply beautiful.
aNYWAY this is getting quite long so I'll try to make it quick. The battle between Lumière & Co and the villagers is really cool, it's also the moment Gaston betrays LeFou so he decides to join the good guys, because LeFou actually is a nice person.
I'm kinda disappointed Gaston's hair isn't loose when he fights the Beast in this version because I just really love long hair and it made him look even more insane. He also uses a gun instead of a knife and shoots the Beast four times if I recall well. His eyes are cold af while he does it but I think killing someone with a knife is more personal and shows more hatred than using a gun, so I was a tiny bit « meh » during that part, but it was still breath-taking. Gaston telling the Beast he's there to kill him because Belle sent him, then the last spark of hope leaving the Beast's eyes THEN BELLE SHOWS UP AND GASTON GETS FUCKING REKT BY THIS GIGANTIC ANGRY LION anyway it was great I just like to rant about details no one else notices.
But then !! shit happens !!! the Beast dies before Belle tells him she loves him, the last petal falls, Lumière & Co turn into objects, despair and sorrow is everywhere, tHE CURSE IS NOT BROKEN BUT DO NOT FEAR MY DUDES THE ENCHANTRESS ENTERED THE CASTLE WITH ALL THE OTHER VILLAGERS AND SHE SAW THAT BELLE LOVED HIM SO SHE BREAKS THE CURSE HE COMES BACK TO LIFE AND HE TRANSFORMS
IN AZKA- wait a second
I absolutely loved the transformation, the music was beautiful and there was a golden mist and petals around the Beast it was so, so perfect. THEN BELLE SEES HIS EYES AND SHE'S LIKE « IT IS YOU » AND I'M LIKE YES IT'S HIM YOU FUCKING IDIOT DIDN'T YOU SEE HIS PORTRAIT IN THE FORBIDDEN WEST WING THAT DOESN'T EXIST okay no I didn't think that but I could have
Then everyone becomes human again and we see Cogsworth trying to run away from his newly-returned wife, Lumière and Plumette discreetly leaving because they're horny af, Mrs Potts hugging Chip and everyone's happy and Gaston's corpse is rotting somewhere and LeFou has a new boyfriend and people sing and everything's fine now, and I'm so happy I saw this film in IMAX it was absolutely worth it and you should all give it a try even if you're an annoying purist motherfucker like me (jfc this is a very long review I'm so sorry).
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garden-ghoul · 7 years
of amroth and nimrodel
“special thanks to douglas adams for coining the phrase ‘long dark teatime of the soul,’ aka what I am trying to stave off by writing this; fuck teatime”
We’re starting out right with the immediate assertion that Amroth is no longer a son of Galadriel. His father is someone unimportant called Amdir, anyway they were both kings of Lorien. Is Lorien different from Lorinand, or not? Because I’m pretty sure Galadriel was the only king Lorinand ever needed. And she did end up in Lorien... at least if it’s the same place as Loth Lorien. (shrugs angrily)
So Amroth likes an elf named Nimrodel. She actually likes him too but she hates the race of Sindar because ever since they came back east we’ve had nothing but wars. She refused to even learn Sindarin, and spoke only Silvan, even after literally everyone else stopped using it. I bet she and Therinde would be great friends. She’s such a cool guy that she even has a river named after her! She lives all alone, with her river, until Moria falls and everywhere is covered with orcs; at that point she flees to Fangorn Forest.
But she can’t go in. The trees don’t like her. This seems pretty unusual to me, given that she is a Silvan elf and also like, the number one most peace-loving Silvan elf. What is ur deal, Fangorn.
Amroth catches up to her at the edge of the forest and they “held a long debate; and at last they plighted their troth.” That is the kind of engagement I like to hear. One based on long debates. So they are engaged! But they will not be married until Amroth finds a land of peace to bring Nimrodel to. He also needs to find an acre of land between the saltwater and the sea strand, no doubt. Is she gonna like, do any of the work or...? No, no, what am I saying, she’ll be busy making cambric shirts without seam or needlework.
Amroth vowed that for her sake he would leave his people, even in their time of need, and with her seek for such a land. "But there is none now in Middle-earth," he said, "and will not be for the Elven-folk ever again. We must seek for a passage over the Great Sea to the ancient West."
It’s just like the Very Wise Frog said, man. Violence is inescapable. Also Amroth don’t be a dick to everyone who depends on you just so you can get some!! You’re a king, act like it! Anyway, Am and Nim travel to Gondor, which is close to some haven or other where people are departing for Aman. Somehow they get separated (Tolkien couldn’t come up with anything good so he just pretended the relevant texts were destroyed) and Amroth ends up waiting on the Last Ship Ever Probably, trying to convince everyone to wait for Nim, who is definitely, definitely coming. This kind of story hurts me. Nothing is worse than knowing the person isn’t going to show up and having to wait for them anyway.
Am and company live on the ship while they wait, because they already packed everything up and they could be leaving any day now, seriously, any second. Before Nim has a chance to show up, though, a huge storm blows them out to sea. Just as expected, Amroth flings himself overboard and tries to swim back to shore. We assume he drowns.
The foregoing narrative was actually composed as an offshoot from an etymological discussion of the names of certain rivers in Middle-earth,  
Oh, thank goodness, I was starting to wonder where the linguistics went. We’d been five entire paragraphs without any, I was getting anxious. One of the legends about Nimrodel is that she ended up in the White Mountains and passed out by a river that reminded her of home, and overslept her scheduled departure date by several months. It’s unclear whether this actually has anything to do with the fact that the river was named Gilrain.
Leaving that aside! (says Chris) why was Amdir king in Lorien? Well, Celeborn had fortified it so Sauron couldn’t get across the Anduin, but after Sauron left he and Galadriel went to Lindon. This is surprising to me, didn’t think I’d catch Galadriel in someone else’s capitol. In any case that left Lorien kind of a ghost town so Amdir picked it up until he and his pittance of a company were killed at the Battle of Dagorlad (I think that’s the one where they chopped Sauron’s finger off). Oh there’s also something interesting--we note that the people who live in Lorien are Silvan, but have long been ruled by Sindarin princes (see: Thranduil). Smacks of colonialism. It actually says later that
Galadriel saw that Lórien would be a stronghold and point of power to prevent the Shadow from crossing the Anduin; but that it needed a rule of greater strength and wisdom than the Silvan folk possessed.
Elves. Are so. fuckn racist.
After visiting Amroth for a little while to learn what the Sorceror was up to and what happenings were happening in Mirkwood, Galadriel and Celeborn went to stay with their son-in-law Elrond in Imladris for a really long time.
After the disaster in Moria and the sorrows of Lórien, which was now left without a ruler (for Amroth was drowned and left no heir), Celeborn and Galadriel returned to Lórien, and were welcomed by the people. There they dwelt while the Third Age lasted, but they took no title of King or Queen; for they said that they were only guardians of this small but fair realm, the last eastward outpost of the Elves.
Galadriel is all right. I kind of am starting to like her as a person, where before I liked her as a walking natural disaster. Like I know that she was never actually that disastrous, but I was attracted to her power-hungriness. So she was a little disastrous, but she couldn’t really hold a candle to Feanor.
We divert our path to learn about a stone called Elessar, which was made by a leaf-loving smith in Gondolin. I think it’s cute how smiths... make... stones? That is really not the point of smiths. Elf-smiths, I suppose, do different things. Anyway this stone was green and had healing powers and if you looked through it you would see through nostalgia goggles. It belonged to Idril and then Earendil, so it ended up in Valinor and everyone was sad... until Olorin brought it back to give to Galadriel, so she could make Lorien pretty again! He prophesies that she will one day meet a guy called Elessar who she should give the stone Elessar to.
The other story about Elessar’s origin is that Galadriel commissioned it of the smiths of Eregion because she was tired of “autumn” “existing” and “remembering that stuff dies” “including all her siblings” but she’s too proud to ask forgiveness of the Valar so she can go back to Valinor; so she wants to solve the problem by magic instead. So Celebrimbor made Elessar II, which was slightly less good than the original because of Sauron’s atmospheric pollution/messing up the ozone layer/what-have-you.
Eventually when she gets the ring of water she’s like “oh wow this is way better, it’s not like it was made by the same guy and also Elessar was specifically made for me to do a specific thing!” So she gives Elessar to her daughter, who gives it to her daughter (Arwen) who gives it to her boyfriend (known by many names, apparently one of which is Elessar). Doesn’t say what they did with it.
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