#also you can tell from this that he’s a fancy and rich little bitch (affectionate)
redvanillabee · 9 months
completely wrong focus but. so i've talked about fashion envy for peggy but jack has this really cute suit in 1x03/1x07 with the belt thing across the back (i don't know the proper tailoring term) and a subtle bit of red woven into the fabric that's really cute and honestly. would wear.
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starker1975 · 3 years
As much as I love slutty Peter Parker fics, there is something special about those Peter Parker is a virgin ones. Tony teaching him, well, everything there is to know about sex and how good it can feel. What are your absolute favorite tropes?
Omg I’m with you. I always write Peter as a virgin. No exceptions 🥴. My favourite trope is definitely virgin!Peter. And because I’m really big on loyalty, I usually glaze over Tony being a slut in my fics too. I won’t have him with other people even if he and Peter aren’t dating yet. Idk what you’d call that as a trope, but I do like the dynamic of Peter never sleeping with anybody who isn’t Tony, and Tony putting away his past and realizing he doesn’t like sleeping around anymore now that he’s got his soulmate Peter. 🥺
I also love “not actually unrequited” love. Like, Peter thinking Tony isn’t interested, or Tony rejecting Peter, but not because he doesn’t reciprocate, but because he ✨doesn’t want to hurt him✨.
I am also a sucker for hidden identity. Peter and Tony falling in love as “other people” and then coming together as their true selves despite all obstacles.
I also love fanboy/simp Peter because I like to project, and I am head over heels for Tony, so I like when Peter is like obsessed with him and would basically do ANYTHING for Tony. Of course, he still has to be a little feisty and backtalk Tony sometimes, but at the end of the day, he’d die for him. AND I like the same in reverse. Tony being totally whipped by innocent nerdy Peter 🥰😇. Like that meme where Tony is portrayed as Gordon Ramsay and he tells everyone (the avengers) to fuck off, and then it shows Peter, and he’s like, 🥰🌚🥺🤗 and says something super nice to him. HAHAH.
Ummm let’s see. It’s not exactly a trope but I LOVE Tony being a rich bitch but taking Peter to “normal” places like Burger King and 7-11, and just like strolling in as if he’s not Tony Stark, and Peter’s watching him like 🥴🥴 “I can’t believe I’m hanging out with Tony Stark rn.” Or Tony picking Peter up from school or visiting him AT school and showing everybody who Peter belongs to. But I ALSO like Tony dazzling Peter by taking him to really fancy restaurants and events, and buying him suits/tech.
ALSO Peter calling Tony, “Mr. Stark.” 🤑💦
AND them working in the lab together (this can be soft OR sexy)
Part of the whole virgin thing too is Peter coming really fast and multiple times while Tony has his way with him 😩
And also Tony being secretly insecure and vulnerable 🥺🥺 like he’s worried about his age, or his scars, or that he’s a fuck up, and Peter very aggressively and affectionately assures Tony that he’s The Best.
Idk I just really like Starker any way I can get it. Whether it’s soft 🥺or debauched 😈 maybe if I think of some more tropes I’ll reblog this and add to it. Feel free to share yours!!
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
REQUEST: Hi!!!! I was wondering if I could request hcs for how dabi and hawks would celebrate their S/O’s birthday? 
HEY HEY!  Fuck i love this idea i think its so goddamn cute
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: cursing (as always we know I have a potty mouth)
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘴: they/them
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Okay we know this bird man is RICH 
He makes that money okay
So when your birthday shows up?
From the moment you wake up,,, 
Holy shit
He’ll have breakfast in bed with you 
(Btw he took the day off )
He’ll have chocolate covered fruit and your favorite drink in stock at all times
Literally hires a butler so that when youre cuddling he doesnt have to leave
During breakfast in bed, you watch your favorite show and your legs are over his, all tangled in the blankets
You stay in bed for as long as you want, all day, for an hour, literally hawks just wants you to have a good day
If you do get out of bed, you guys walk to your favorite shopping place, whether it's thrift shops, the mall, outlet malls, etc.
You fucking name it and he’ll fucking get a limo for you guys
He would fly you guys, but he doesnt wanna scare you cuz sometimes it can get scary and he would rather jus be able to relax his big ol wings
Will blow a load of money on anything you fucking want
A random ceramic goose thats supposed to be for cookies?
One left shoe of a worn down combat boot that doesnt fit either of you?
Throw it in the cart.
Or if you dont want clothes, you can walk around the fancy part of japan and window shop or get really fancy clothing and walk around and mock others
Because he’ll do that with ya any day
Near lunch time, you’ll go to a really cool restaurant.
It looks like a massive hotel, and you and the bird man eat on the highest floor, on a glass balcony.
Its only you and him eating there, the only others the people that are working there.
You can order anything, from a single burger to a fucking shark
But if you can’t order without a menu, you can get one from the waiters
The menu is changed to all of your favorites, via hawks requests.
He also preordered drinks, just a soda doe
Although youre at a fancy place, count on hawks to get you guys sodas there
You vibe there for a little, eating, drinking , laughing.
“Birdy, no. I don't think you can eat that. But if you want. I can eat it to see if I’ll choke or somethin’.”
After lunch, you go and walk around a park, the place where your first few dates took place. 
You reminisce on the old lovey memories, and just its fucking beautiful
There are sakura trees, flowers, ponds (ft. frogs and lilies), literally a fucking cottagecore type dream okay?
You sit there in that park, sitting on a blanket cuddling.
You stay there, and just talk and talk.
Around 5 pm, you start to wander with him. You wander around the city hand in hand, and just explore. 
If you have a quirk, he’ll try to pressure you into using it somehow
(eventually you do)
And cause chaos wich is fun
After causing chaos to innocent civilians(safely), you wander back to your house somehow
Hawks makes dinner, as you dance around the kitchen with him to music
You prance around the whole house, singing along with hawks and his terrible voice.
You eat dinner on your roof, his red wings wrapped around you.
Hawks realizes something
“Oh wait oh shit. Happy birthday birdy!”
No, but his actions speak louder than his words.
You sit together as the night grows cold.
He squeezes you tight and hums the song of happy birthday to you as you fall asleep in his arms.
Your head rests on his shoulder, hands grasping his as you sleep.
He carefully picks you up, and wanders to the bedroom and sets you down.
He places a blanket over you, covering your body and he climbs in after.
He cups your cheek and kisses your forehead.
“Happy birthday birdy. I love ya.”
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god hes so fucking pretty fuck god i would pay him to step on me jrkkadfg
He has the balls he will wake you up in the morning
Like full ass
He may be a satly, scarred bitch
But he’ll kiss your face over and over, until you wake up.
When you do wake up, he’ll whisper happy birthday to you like the cute bitch he is
“Hi, happy birthday doll.” 
I dont feel like hes not a big party person like hawks is,
Hes more of a 
I wanna do things myself for you, while teasing you all day to show you i love you to pieces
If you dont get out of bed he’ll full ass carry you to the living room of your apartment and throw you on the couch 
So then you can watch him make breakfast
Hes a proud man
He’ll sit next to you on the couch while you guys eat together
Your both just kinda vibing on the couch, legs thrown over each others
The good cush
Yes after breakfast he will make out with you kfnjajkf
N e way
He will hold a marathon, either of your favorite anime, tv show or movies
He may complain, and hes totally a fucking talker like shit like this
“Hes going to fucking die wh-WHERE IS HE FUCKING GOING?” 
Ngl you guys lose track of time and get so immersed into your shows and stuff 
You guys are so fucking hungry at the end, but neither of you want to cook
And are too hungry to eat
So you order take-out and just fucking wait
Both of you are ovedramatic for a bit and roll around on the floor groaning
Eventually Dabi just fucking scoops you up in his arms
And just starts parading around with you
Like literally you can like hit his back, and he’ll just fucking walk around with you over his shoulder like a fuCKING BAG OF FLOUR BRUH
He’ll answer the door like that, but the dude at the door is so taken back Dabi doesnt even pay and just closes the door on him
So free food
He’ll set you down on the couch again 
And then you guys will play fight, and before long 
Its just s kissing fight
This bitch is affectionate behind closed doors
You guys eat sitting on the floor, wrapped in a blanket continuing your journey into your shows
Eventually he’ll fall asleep, his head in your lap and you’ll follow soon after.
“Goodnight Dabi, thank you baby.”
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dweetwise · 4 years
day 21: i don’t feel so well
prompt from: whumptober pairing: felix x ace notes: the hanahaki au nobody asked for. i’m still a little confused about the trope but i tried <3 warnings: descriptions of illness, injury and blood, temporary character death word count: 3130
“That was awesome! She didn't stand a chance!” Steve cheers.
“That's what she gets for camping. What a bitch!” Nea laughs
Ace grins despite the pain, steadying himself against Jeff's sturdy form while the four of them are making their way back to the campfire after a successful trial.
His head is swimming and there's blood staining his teeth, his back stinging from numerous bloody gashes from the killer's katana. But he's alive, even if he had to crawl out through the exit, his teammates not letting the Spirit secure the kill on him.
When they get back to camp, Steve and Nea are off to spin the tale of their rescue to the others, and Ace can't help but smile when they generously color the experience; just like he would.
Jeff supports him to sit down against one of the logs, offering a somewhat awkward "There you go, buddy" in encouragement.
Ace sees Quentin hand Claudette one of his med-kits and then the group's resident healer approaches him with determined steps.
“Hey, sweetheart—” Ace starts with a grin.
“Stalling isn't going to work,” Claudette shoots him down quickly, seeing right through his act. So Ace sighs dramatically and shrugs off his jacket, and the girl immediately hikes up his shirt to start cleaning the wounds on his back.
Ace hisses from the sting of some kind of alcohol, turning his attention back to the others to try to distract himself from the pain.
Most of the others are listening to to Steve's and Nea's story while the rest are scattered around camp, doing their own things. Kate is tuning her guitar, Jake is stocking one of his toolboxes, and Cheryl seems to be practicing the card trick Ace taught her a couple of days ago.
And then there's Felix.
Finally giving himself permission to look at the handsome German, Ace's heart immediately starts beating faster. He's not even doing anything, just sitting by the fire engrossed in a conversation with Zarina, but Ace is so infatuated even just Felix breathing is almost enough to make him blush.
He thought he was too old for schoolboy crushes like these, but then again how could he not fancy Felix? The guy has some absolutely god-tier genes, a chiseled face and ice blue eyes and a body to die for. He’s also smart, and sophisticated, and filthy rich.
And god knows none of those qualities had ever been Ace's strong suit.
At first Ace had thought his hyperfixation on the man was jealousy, but then his body showed him that was definitely not the case; he didn't want to be Felix, he wanted to be in Felix. The realization didn't phase him as much as it maybe should have, because even the straight-as-a-board Ash had commented on Felix's good looks. And Ace sure as hell wasn't even straight to begin with.
No, his panic had come from when he'd caught himself looking at couples like Jeff and Adam being mushy together and imagined himself and Felix in their place.
Ace had a healthy amount of confidence, though the others might not describe it that kindly, but he wasn't blind. Felix was younger than him, maybe not by an impossible amount but still enough to be noticeable. He was also model-tier gorgeous with a body to match, and while Ace wasn't bad-looking he also had a crooked nose and a build solely used for drinking and gambling.
All in all, he recognized when someone was out of his league, and even though he couldn't resist a cheeky flirt ever now and then, he knew his feelings would never be returned.
But he still allowed himself to look; sue him.
He's in the middle of an indulgent daydream about laying his head on Felix's lap like Kate is doing to Yui on the other side of camp, all the while effortlessly keeping up small talk with Claudette tending to his wounds.
And then he starts coughing.
It's not a normal dry cough, it wracks his entire body and keeps going, and he curls in on himself because damn it’s making his throat hurts and his lungs ache something fierce.
“Ace, what's wrong?” Claudette's worried voice cuts through the attack. He tries to reply but it just makes him cough more, and it's not stopping—
Something slimy lands in the palm he's using to cover his mouth and then he can breathe again, taking sharp gasps of air while his throat tingles from the abuse.
He looks at whatever piece of his organs he managed to cough up, the Spirit's blade probably having rearranged some of his guts. He opens his hand and sees—
A flower?
It's absolute covered in blood, but there's no mistaking it, a single flower sitting in the palm of his hand with some loose petals surrounding it.
Why did he cough up a flower? Where did he even get it? It looks like some sort of cherry blossom, a far cry from the Entity's pustulas or the forest bouquets they pick and use for offerings.
“Are you okay?" Claudette asks, moving to kneel beside him in worry. When she sees the flower, she gasps in surprise.
“What happened?” Meg is quick to join her friend, coming up behind Ace to peer over his shoulder. “Uh… did that flower come out of you?”
“I… guess so?” Ace says, his voice raspy and throat protesting being used.
“So you just, like… ate it? Before?” Steve cocks his head in confusion.
“Come on now, I'm not that stupid,” Ace snorts, some of his worry giving way to amusement over the incredulous situation.
“Then what the hell was that?” Meg asks, scrunching her face up in thought while poking at the gross flower.
“I’m pretty sure I know what’s wrong,” Adam raises his voice from across camp, straightening his back when all eyes turn to him. “It’s an illness, I recognize the symptoms."
“Can't say I've ever heard of a disease that makes you barf petals,” Ash offers, clearly skeptical, and Ace shares the sentiment.
“Shh, hear him out!” Laurie scolds.
"It's a Japanese folk story,” Adam explains. “Flowers start growing in a person's lungs, causing coughing and bleeding and..." he hesitates.
“Well?” Meg demands.
"And ultimately resulting in death, unless the condition is cured," Adam says grimly.
“Are you talking about hanahaki?” Yui pipes up before anyone can question the weird statement. “You know that's just a shojo manga trope, right?”
“It's also mentioned in historical literature,” Adam argues, though from the way he refuses to meet Yui's gaze, he seems to be embarrassed over the subject.
“Dude, nobody cares if you read girl comics, just tell us what the cure is,” Feng snorts, and that's probably the most concern Ace has ever seen her display over his well-being.
“It's—” Adam starts, before faltering, awkwardly scratching at his neck while looking at the ground. “Supposedly caused by unrequited love.”
There's dead silence in the camp.
And then Nea bursts out laughing.
“Jesus, what a story!” the tagger snickers. “Can you imagine Ace as a fairytale princess?”
“Honey, I think you might have gotten some myths mixed up,” Jeff says diplomatically, patting Adam's knee affectionately.
“Yeah, you probably just inhaled a flower in your sleep or something,” Steve encourages Ace.
“I'm pretty sure this is just a practical joke from our dear spidery overlord,” Ace chuckles and pointedly doesn't look Felix's way. Come next trial, his injuries will have healed anyway, including the weird burn in his lungs.
But they don’t.
Trial after trial, the Entity resurrects him and heals all of his wounds but the coughing persists, more and more flowers following.
Even the others are getting worried.
“That's it, bud,” Ash offers, patting his back while Ace is wheezing for breath after coughing up some more petals. “It's just a weird flu, you'll be good as new soon.”
“At least the flowers go with my shirt,” Ace jokes, voice reduced to a rasp, clearing his throat. “Pink was always my color.”
He's trying to keep his and the others' spirits high, since there doesn't seem to be anything they can do to fix the situation.
“We need to do something,” Ace hears Laurie hiss to Dwight, apparently disagreeing with his sentiment.
“B-but how can we even help him?” their leader, bless his heart, looks genuinely upset over Ace's condition.
“Maybe we should try Adam's suggestion," Laurie says.
“Yeah, except you know he wouldn’t tell us even if he did like someone,” Yui huffs from beside them. “Good luck getting an answer out of a compulsive liar.”
Ouch, but also fair. Ace sure as hell isn't going to reveal his dumb little crush, especially since Felix has avoided him since this entire goddamn flower thing started. He knows there's only a slim chance that Felix realizes what's really going on, but it still feels like rejection nonetheless.
He can deal with this. Even if it kills him, the Entity will just bring him back anyway. It's not even that bad.
But then it gets so much worse.
After a week, Ace is laying on his side while black spots dance around in his vision and he struggles to draw enough wheezy breaths into his lungs. His chest hurts, and his throat is so sore even just the air passing through burns like fire. He hasn't been able to speak in days, and that's almost worse than the pain, not being able to use his only coping mechanism of running his mouth until something sticks to lighten the mood.
His head is cushioned on Kate's thigh and he gets a tiny bit of satisfaction from the knowledge that at least he managed to lay in one pretty blonde's lap before dying, even if it’s the wrong one. The touch is comforting nonetheless, though the fact that it’s accompanied by Kate's girlfriend practically screaming in his ear kind of puts a damper on the whole thing.
“I swear to god, I will make every single person in this camp kiss you, do not test me,” Yui threatens, one of the few who haven't given up on curing him. “Is it Jane? Bill?”
If Ace had the energy, he'd probably laugh about her choices, curious as to why those two were the ones she picked. As it stands, he merely stares at her, wondering if his eyes look as dull and lifeless as he feels.
“He's going to die,” Jake says from somewhere to his side, but Ace doesn't even bother turning his head or denying the statement. Hurried voices shush the saboteur while Kate starts humming a melody to distract him, Yui glaring absolute daggers in Jake’s general direction.
His next trial, Jake's prediction comes true.
Ace collapses to the ground in the midst of a coughing fit. The flowers are growing even bigger now, he can feel them tearing at his throat and vocal cords, retching when they trigger his gag reflex on their way out. His vision blurs and then goes black, body finally giving up as the illness consumes him.
He's not even injured from the killer, but the pool of blood he falls into is big enough to cover the entire side of his face. He lays there, not sure if he's even breathing, just thankful that the awful coughing has stopped for at least a moment.
When he comes to, he expects the small comfort of the campfire before he has to go through the same thing again. Instead, he doesn't have enough energy to even open his eyes, slowly realizing he's still in the trial.
It takes him even longer to realize he's being held partly off of the ground, his body hanging limply in someone’s grasp. He idly wonders if a killer is going to mercy hook him, but then he hears something.
Focusing on the sound, Ace realizes he's not just being lifted, he's being held in someone's arms. Someone is holding his near-dead body and crying.
With both his mind and body broken from suffering for so long, he allows himself to imagine it's Felix, even though he knows it's not true. Felix has shown he doesn't care, not talking to him and being so grossed out by his symptoms he’s barely even looked at him—
“Das tut mir leid,” is whispered against his hair, and Ace wonders if he's hallucinating or if his brain has given up on speech comprehension, because that sounded an awful lot like German.
Suddenly, he gains some of his strength back, his chest not feeling nearly as tight as it has for the past few days.
“Felix?” Ace asks, and even though it comes out as a raspy whisper, it's impossible to miss in the stillness of the quiet moment. The surprised hitch of breath he gets in response sounds impossibly loud, and he manages to blink awake just enough to see the tear-streaked, wide-eyed face of the person he never thought he could have.
And that's when the Entity decides he's bled on the ground long enough and he blacks out from blood loss.
When Ace comes to, he's no longer in pain. He can breathe. And he wants nothing more than to get back to camp and be reassured that he wasn't imagining Felix being there for him in his final moments.
He runs to the campfire, panting from exertion once he's illuminated by the familiar glow and shocked faces turn to look at him.
“What the—did you run here!?” Meg exclaims incredulously.
“Yeah,” Ace says, eyes scanning the small crowd of familiar faces, so focused on finding a particular one he doesn't even realize the implications of managing to speak without issue.
“Your voice!” Kate exclaims happily, and Ace pauses to collect some of his thoughts.
“Shit, you're right,” he says, a smile tugging on his lips for the first time in what feels like weeks.
“Welcome back, you bastard!” Nea cheers and flings herself at him in a sideways hug, and Ace stumbles to catch himself from falling, chuckling at her antics.
Claudette is sobbing, looking impossibly relieved, and the others are cheering among themselves, though Ace can't make out the contents because he sees a familiar figure making its way to camp and his entire world zones in on that person.
Felix looks up at the sound of the commotion, and Ace's heart breaks a little over how puffy his eyes still look, but then their eyes meet and Felix looks so hopeful—
“Hey,” Ace says, and it probably gets drowned out by the others, but Felix's eyes widen in recognition and he starts walking faster.
“Are you…?” Felix asks, close enough for Ace to hear him over the others shouting.
“He's fixed!” Nea answers for him, finally letting go of the almost painful hug in favor of smacking Ace on the back encouragingly.
Felix glances at Nea but quickly looks back at Ace, waiting for confirmation.
“Yeah, I… guess I'm cured,” Ace says, and it almost feels weird to hear his own voice again. “Or... You know, I hope so.”
Because he's still not sure about Felix's feelings, and he has no idea where they're going to go from here.
But he doesn't need to worry, because Felix's face lights up in a way he's never seen before, letting out a disbelieving, genuine laugh. And then he's stepping forward and cupping his cheek and Ace only has time to blink in confusion before his head is tilted up into a kiss.
“Woah,” Ace hears Nea exclaim, her hand leaving his back like burned. “This, uh… this is new.”
Ace smiles into the kiss and tunes out the rest of her and the others’ surprised babbling, grabbing Felix by the collar of his dress shirt and pulling him deeper into the kiss.
When neither of them are making a move to pull away, their friends seem to be getting fidgety from the show.
“Why don’t we go for a stroll in the woods?” Kate suggests, and the chorus of “Sure!” “Great idea!” and “Oh fuck yes get me out of here” that follow are enough for a laugh to bubble up in Ace’s throat and get swallowed by Felix’s mouth.
When the last pair of footsteps have hurried away, Felix deems it appropriate to finally break away from the kiss. Though he doesn’t go far, burying his head into the crook of Ace’s neck and shoulder and wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug.
“Welcome back,” Felix murmurs against his skin, and the warm affection spreading through Ace’s chest is a welcome change from the constant pain he’s been in for way too long.
“Didn’t expect such a thorough welcome,” Ace can’t resist flirting, hands sneaking up to rest on Felix’s incredibly firm back. The chuckle he gets in return reverberates through both of their bodies due to how close they are, and Ace wonders if Felix can hear his heart frantically beating in excitement.
“I’m… shit,” Felix eventually sighs, lifting his head to meet Ace’s eyes. “I don’t know how to make up for being an idiot. I just watched you suffer and didn’t know what to do.”
“It’s okay,” Ace says, but now he’s curious. “Why did you avoid me?”
“Because I was afraid that I'd get the illness too,” Felix says, looking at the ground in shame. “I thought any one of us could get it, and because of how I feel about you… I was scared I was next.”
The confirmation that Felix had feelings for him even before this whole clusterfuck started is enough to make more butterflies dance in Ace’s gut, a flush creeping up his neck over how the other is openly spilling his heart.
“If I’d have known I was the one causing it, I would have done something sooner. I’m so sorry," Felix murmurs, looking at him with sad puppy eyes.
“Hey, it's not like I was being very cooperative,” Ace points out, giving his most encouraging smile. “It's not your fault, it's the dumb flower sickness.”
“I'm sorry you had to go through that, regardless,” Felix frowns. “But… I'm glad it lead us here,” he adds with a bashful smile that makes Ace’s heart do a couple leaps.
“Figures the best and worst things of my life would happen simultaneously,” Ace flirts, and apparently Felix enjoys being called the best thing in his life, because his sappy smile widens even further.
Ace can’t resist diving in for another taste, capturing smiling lips in a kiss that lasts even longer than the first one and makes their friends groan and complain about “Geez, you’re still going?” when they rejoin them at the campfire.
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spicycoffeebean · 4 years
Pastanea!! (Please tell me I’m supposed to ask here;;)
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - canon: Nea dies so. 1-2 years?. Fanon: forever.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Almost instantly but took MONTHS for either (Nea) to speak up.
How was their first kiss? - Disastrous. It was at a Mexican food place after getting chips for the group.
Who proposed? - Nea, duh
Who is the best man/men? - Cross who else?
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Mana of course.
Who did the most planning? - Allen because he’s pretentious like that.
Who stressed the most? - About the same but Slightly more Nea.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Rather quaint if you count a ceremony in front of Cornelia...
Sex: (NSFW warning!)
Who is on top? - Allen mostly. It’s very exciting for Nea when he tops tho.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Depends. Both are aspec and not very into the whole sex thing...
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - uhhhh a while?
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Ya
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. (Nea likes to snuggle but gets flustered when Allen is openly affectionate in any shape or form,  which is rare.)
Children: (Its just Timcanpy so um)
How many children will they have naturally? - yes?
How many children will they adopt? - does Timcanpy count? 1.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - n/a
Who is the stricter parent? - Allen... Even then he’d encourage bad behavior at times.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -
Who is the more loved parent? -
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?
Who cried the most at graduation? -
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -
Who does the most cooking? - Allen....
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Nea. All the way.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Amazingly both.
How often do they bake desserts? - Nea... he has a bit of a sweet tooth.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat bc Nea’s rich so he can get whatever he wants, really.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Allen because Nea would forget.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Nea. Allen likes to keep to the house or library if he can.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - NEA BECAUSE HE’D BE EATING GLUE WHILE COOKING.
Who cleans the room? - About the same. Only because Nea cleans when he’s angry.
Who is really against chores? - Neither...? But Nea’s stubborn so.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Both.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Nea
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - I’d say both
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Allen bc I can see him being unexpectedly stingy.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Allen.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They both take Tim for walks. Ensure that he doesn’t get caught by a cat.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Rarely-- Neither of them care all that much and also lazy.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Building each other up and endless amounts of support. Especially up until Nea’s fight with the Noah.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Allen. Bitch doesn’t sleep at night.
Who plays the most pranks? - Nea. But Allen gets back to him a little too easily.
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thegreatsylvando · 5 years
sighardt professor au (completely sfw & free of self-insert spanking & dd/lg vibes!)
sig is a very uppity physics professor who, despite his demeanor, is a softie with his students. they love egging him on & getting him to laugh & know his way of looking down his nose at everyone is just an unfortunate case of resting bitch face
sig looks as frumpy as you’d expect: dress shirt and sweatervest, dull-colored slacks, oxfords, fancy looking watch he probably got at a consignment store, and horn-rimmed glasses
like any normal professor, sig has to change from his main classroom quite a lot through different academic buildings, one of them being on the upper floor of the fitness/sports building, where he constantly runs into rein
rein is usually always in gym attire: a black/white tank top & spandex leggings on warm days, black/white t-shirt gray hoodie & sweatpants on chillier days. rein is a really cool fitness teacher whose weight training classes are almost always the first to completely fill up during semester registration. he’s especially popular bc he’s great at getting non-active students into the groove of exercising, and challenges some students to arm wrestling contests for extra credit
rein is Very friendly with sig; always pulling him in for bone-crushing hugs, ruffling his head fuzz hair, telling him about his day and inviting him to talk about his own
sig usually stays late on campus to grade stuff or prepare lessons, and also in the wee hours of the night no one will see him or bother him when he goes to the fitness building to pump a little iron
one night he’s particularly exhausted after some bench press reps & is like “ill just shut my eyes for a minute”; he ends up sleeping there the entire night and scares the shit out of rein when he shows up in the morning
sig has never been more embarrassed & tries to cover it up by ramping up the Stiff Haughtiness; rein sees right through it and doesn’t let up with his affection
sig endures it all until he gets to his classroom & then he can 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😳😳😳💖💖💖💞💞💞 all he wants
he’s not a big eater while on campus bc he doesn’t trust cafeteria food at all so he’s mostly restricted to granola bars & pretzels; when he breaks for “lunch” he has a favorite spot on campus on a bench just under a pretty tree; rein has obviously taken notice a la parks & rec “is he eating soup on a bench alone”
rein makes some protein-rich banana muffins at home & brings one to sig on his lunch break, partly out of affectionate concern and also because he wants an excuse to sit and hang out with him; sig is a lot more touched than he looks, and the muffin is delicious
sig has his powers in his au just Because, and his office is like a small walk-in closet in his main classroom/auditorium; he locks himself in there a lot and daydreams romantically about rein as if he’s back in school again, and when he’s in the actual classroom he lets himself float around, buoyed by his feelings
on his off time rein daydreams about making workout routines for sig, exercising with him and becoming closer friends
sig lets his walls come down a little and starts taking walks with rein, welcoming his hugs, inviting him to lunch, and sometimes to just be with him while he grades tests or something; rein will sit in an auditorium chair setting up routines for his classes on his holopad & peering over the top, watching sig hard at work & intensely focused
sometimes if they have a few hours between classes they project a movie onto the whiteboard and watch together
sig starts getting flowers anonymously delivered on his desk, which is a unfortunately a hot topic for his students & they constantly pester him about it like “ooh you have a secret admirer professor the cooper nice nice nice >:33333” & he’s like 🙄 but on the inside he’s squealing & jumping around bc he knows its rein
classroom hangout sessions become more romantic; dancing together to soft music, long intimate talks, sig mesmerizing rein with his ability to fly, etc.
their first kiss happens when rein notices that sig looks like he’s put his head down on his desk and fallen asleep; he walks over to drape his hoodie around him, but sig was only resting his head a bit; he sits upright and looks up at rein, who’s looking down at him from behind his chair, and they spiderman it from there
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Rewatch 106: Of Men and Angels
Not a lot of action in this episode aside from the blue flashbacks, but it is still a good one. The focus is on the family dynamics and I dig it. 
lol Magnus asks what happened to Luke and neither Simon nor Clary gives him the right answer. Luke challenged the alpha. He wasn’t “attacked” and we can see that he needs a warlock’s healing magic. Good thing Magnus arrives at the right conclusion on his own.
I don’t understand if Luke’s hallucination is a figment of his imagination or if it is a magical link to Jocelyn. All I got was that they are dressed as their younger Circle Member selves.
Act One
Sure, the Seelies want to be on the winning side, but this argument doesn’t work when the “winning side” wants them all dead. Also, Maryse was such a bitch.
Clary feeling guilty for doubting Luke is a great moment. So is Magnus hijacking Luke’s healing process to ask for Alec to come and see him. Smooth.
Alec thinks Maryse is on edge, Izzy thinks she’s acting as she usually does. We know Maryse is worried because the Lightwoods might lose the Institute. Supposedly, Alec is right but it’s interesting that Izzy doesn’t perceive a difference in treatment: it speaks a lot to her relationship with Maryse. Same thing with how Robert is affectionate with Izzy but goes straight to business with Alec. These parents clearly have favorites.
This suit and shirt make Max look like the rich kid that thinks he’s better than the other kids at the playground. I know kid-actors aren’t usually great, but this is the wrong fit for Max even physically speaking. Emeraude and Matthew look like siblings and they look like they could’ve been Nicola and Paulino’s children. Blonde, round-faced Jack Fulton? Not so much.  
Jace changing “virgin” to “powerful” is hilarious to me.
The issue between Alec and Jace is quite interesting. On one hand, Jace is arguably breaking the rules to do the right thing: he’s helping Clary to get her mother back, he’s interfering in Downworlder business to save Luke’s life. However, Jace has and is able to get away with rogue behavior: in a few episodes we will see Maryse saying that Jace’s methods might be unconventional, but he gets things done. Alec is in a different position. He doesn’t get a pass; in fact, his superiors (who are also his parents) expect and order him to follow the rules. And it is only because Alec follows the rules and bears that responsibility that Jace (and Izzy) get to be the wild younger children. Jace deciding to go rogue is one thing, Alec deciding to go rogue is another.
I really like the uncle/niece dynamic between Magnus and Clary. He praises her a little too much, as previously discussed, but I guess Clary is one of the few people Magnus watched grow up. I’ll resign myself to him doting on her a little.
This macho-dispute between Jace and Simon is making me roll my eyes. You both fancy Clary, get over it. Luke is literally dying, so if you care about her, hurry up and help save Clary’s father-figure.
Simon pseudo-defends Alec while arguing with Jace and that makes me wonder how a friendship between Simon and Alec could’ve been had they bonded even a little in the last episode. That said, Jace freaks out again when Simons rubs salt on the wound: Jace and Alec’s friendship is strained and Jace loses it.
Act Two
I still love this scene between Alec and Maryse so much.
Honestly, the whole dynamic between Magnus and Clary is great. But the still “Bring it, Warlock” ruins it. Clary is about to learn how her beloved mother was a founding member of a blood supremacy group that preyed on warlocks like Magnus. Had Clary realize how racist she sounded and apologized by the end of the explanation, it would’ve been one thing. As is, the line is as tone-deaf as they come.
Kat looks nothing like the actress playing young Jocelyn. That’s a casting mistake because people literally take Clary for Jocelyn when they first see her. They should’ve chosen an actress that resembled Kat or let Kat herself play the part.
And now we get a parallel scene with Izzy and Robert. I dig the Lightwood family so freaking much.
The Clave is doubting the Lightwood command of the New York Institute because of the unauthorized missions Alec sanctioned. Which started after the Clave’s orders to keep Clary in the Institute back in 102. Let’s count those rogue missions, shall we? 1. searching for Dot at Pandemonium; 2. going to the City of Bones; 3. attacking the DuMort; 4. (arguably) meeting with Magnus Bane; 5. searching for J.C.’s box at the Fray’s loft. That’s about five missions (the Magnus Bane one might have been authorized since Hodge knew about it) that Alec sanctioned without the Clave’s approval in the span of about four days. No wonder the Lightwoods are losing the command of the Institute.
Act Three
Okay, Magnus. Sure, if it wasn’t for Jocelyn and Luke, Valentine would’ve taken the Mortal Cup. But if it wasn’t for them, the Circle wouldn’t exist either. One thing doesn’t cancel the other. They have Downworlder blood in their hands and Clary is right to be upset.
Alec’s motivation to go and help Magnus is reaching his breaking point. He’s about to lose the last thing he had, his private life. At this point, he doesn’t care anymore what the consequences of his disobedience will be. He already lost it all.
Act Four
Sorry for the outburst. Anyway, how convenient are Simon’s hallucinations? Always when he’s alone.
Gay Love saved Luke.
It’s interesting how medieval the Shadowhunter culture is. More interesting still is how Izzy didn’t seem to understand that until now. She behaved like the wild child her whole life without realizing there would be consequences? Unfair consequences, but still. I guess Izzy is smart, but not wise.
Some Alec and Clary bonding. Noice. Another superficial making up for the Parabatais. Not so noice. I wonder why Alec doesn’t tell Jace about his impending marriage. Still, Jace is so emotionally dysfunctional he can’t even bring himself to articulate an apology to Simon for putting a blade to his neck, so the young men in this show aren’t exactly great communicators among themselves.
Maryse is so close to telling Izzy about her past in the Circle. Well, of course, she won’t, but she does tell Izzy about how she was wrong for thinking that she could “change the world by breaking the rules.” Only, Maryse’s rule-breaking meant killing innocents. Izzy’s rule-breaking means self-expression and sexual autonomy. There is an important distinction to be made there.
Wait. Is Luke implying that experimenting with Downworlder blood is what turned Valentine into a monster?
Act Five
Oh, yes. It’s the blood injections that made Valentine mad. Not his ideologies, not his jealousy, not his twisted principles. The Downworlder blood. This is bullshit.
I want to point out that Luke (and presumably Jocelyn) were still going on rogue missions to kill Downworlders with Valentine up until when Valentine set Luke up and left him to die. It’s important to me to point this out.
Act Six
While Izzy represses herself into the box her mother wants her in, Alec has that drink he postponed with Magnus. I dig this parallel a lot.
At the risk of losing my Malec card: Magnus’ iconic “you’ve unlocked something in me” line comes out of nowhere. He saw Alec twice: one time for a second or two, and another when they exchanged a few sentences and then Magnus proceeded to hit on Alec hard to little-to-none reaction from Alec. Then they talked on the phone. At this point, Magnus could, at most, feel attracted to Alec. Saying that Alec’s mere presence made Magnus think he’s ready for a serious relationship again is a little hard to believe. I prefer the “breakfast” 218 scene where both Alec and Magnus trust each other against their “better” judgment but also don’t want anyone to know they were nice to a shadowhunter/downworlder. There, I said it. Please don’t kick me out of the fandom. I still love them.
Luke is a little bit exalted, isn’t he? Kind of yelling. That’s a weird direction for the character.
Clary’s power of turning things into drawings was inherited from Jocelyn; they are not due to her pure angel blood. I need to remember that.
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