#also. BLOOD man. that shit is made of BLOOD.
Whoops, my hand slipped and I wrote another Steddie ficlet! Also posted on AO3.
The Best Defense
“Hey, freak!”
Eddie froze, the bag of groceries clutched in his hands. Steve's head popped up from where he was putting the other bag in the trunk.
Andy Johnson was headed their way, a look on his face that made Eddie's eyes go wide.
“You got some nerve showing your face around here, freak!” Andy shouted as he approached, pointing a menacing finger.
Steve calmly plucked the bag from Eddie's nerveless fingers, dropped it in the trunk, and smoothly stepped between him and Andy.
“Back off, Johnson,” Steve said, his chin held high.
“You think I'm scared of you, Harrington?” Andy scoffed. “You ain't shit, pretty boy. Daddy's money can't protect you here.”
He glanced over his shoulder, where Eddie could see a group of varsity jackets starting to move closer. Eddie shrank back a little, wishing he could be anywhere else.
Steve cocked his head to the side, just watching for a minute as Andy puffed. Then he reached into the trunk, pulled out his nailbat, and slung it casually against his shoulder.
“Don't think I'll use Daddy's money,” Steve said with a shrug. He dropped the bat into his other hand and twirled it. “Think I'll use this instead.”
Andy blanched. His eyes nervously darted between the bat and Steve. Eddie could see there was still a little bit of dried monster blood on the nails.
For once in his life, Andy did the smart thing. He started backing away, huffing like Steve was the one being ridiculous, but guys like that always want to get the last word.
“Yeah, well, you better keep an eye on your rat-faced little boyfriend, Harrington,” he threatened. “You can't defend him forever.” He backed up a few more steps before he quickly returned to his friends.
Steve turned and looked at Eddie, an affronted look on his face. “Can you believe that guy?”
Eddie winced. “Hey, man, thanks,” he said weakly. “I'm sorry about that.”
“Nah, forget him,” Steve said as he closed the trunk, the nailbat still in one hand. He shook his head. “I just don't get why he would say something like that about you.”
Eddie grimaced, all too aware of the (entirely true) rumors about his sexuality. He didn't want something like that coming down on Steve; he was a good guy, he didn't deserve to get any more tangled up in Eddie's mess than he already was.
“I mean, what the hell was that about?” Steve continued indignantly. “You are not rat-faced.” He scoffed.
Eddie blinked for a minute. “You—” he licked his lips. “What—Steve, what about the other—”
Steve opened his door and sat down.
“I—he called me your—” Eddie stammered. He stood stupidly by the trunk, shoes stuck to the pavement.
Steve closed his door and beeped the horn.
“Get in, Munson!” Steve called, leaning out the window with a grin. “The ice cream’s gonna melt.”
Eddie got in. He looked nervously at Steve and licked his lips again.
“Seatbelt,” Steve prompted as he checked his mirrors. He turned to face Eddie as soon as his seatbelt was buckled. Eddie looked back at him
“We'll drop this stuff off with Wayne,” Steve said, “and then I'm taking you out to dinner. My treat.” He reached out and ran his thumb over Eddie's cheek, then turned back to start the car. “Rat-faced,” he muttered disdainfully under his breath as they pulled out of the parking lot.
If you held a gun to his head later, Eddie would never be able to tell you a single thing about the rest of that drive.
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malwaredykes · 1 day
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well. here she is. miss Leigh Stasik.
trans woman. stubborn, incorrigible, eccentric. communist; she has leftist in-fighting with herself on the regular. a cannibal; she has no moral qualms about this, and its both a bit of a spiritual thing and a bit of a pragmatic thing. medic (not a doctor. no medical license). she knows for sure she had some kind of significant personality change from being shot in the head, but she doesn't remember what she was like exactly before it happened, it all became this kind of distant memory soup. shes originally from west new cali, but she grew very attached to the mojave. and has a lot of contempt for the ncr. She Will Serve Crack Before She Serves This Country. thank god the army discriminates against transsexuals etc. zero tolerance for the legion, obviously.
she firmly believes she is not nice, or kind, or compassionate, but instead her actions and her general sense of justice stem from her simply doing whats the most logical and objectively beneficial. it may be true to some extent, but she might also have a wee bit of ocd of the "i am a horrible person whos at all times like 2 seconds away from committing atrocities" variety.
shes a SCIENTIST. unofficially. she doesnt have a degree nor a chosen field of study. she makes her own hrt and other mysterious concoctions, including designer chems. which she claims she ingests injects etc not for recreational purposes, but to Enhance Her Powers And Possibilities. she reads old world books about psychology so she can manipulate people better. and makes weird contraptions and doohickeys while high. shes a HACKER of course and hacks terminals and systems for fun and just to see if she can.
her stats are out there due to implants and intense training, originally they were rather average. in-game she wears combat armor mk 2, but i see her having spruced it up like this. her main weapon is the ycs/186, the unique gauss rifle, but before that she used a modded plasma pistol. which she very much enjoyed the silly appearance of. because it was so small and with so much shit tacked on and she could just hold it in one hand like a mutated revolver like Hands up motherfucker bang bang bang lol. her melee weapon of choice is the machete gladius, but she's been training to be able to wield a thermic lance.
in my head the trajectory of her actions and the fate of the mojave that follows is different from what you can do with the game, because leigh could only go for The Secret Leftist Route Which Was Supposed To Be In The Game But We Were Robbed Of It.
boone was the first friend she made after leaving goodsprings and their relationship is particularly notable. they are Comrades, Siblings-In-Arms, Worsties (like besties but fucked up). theyve seen each other at their worst. they annoy each other on purpose. theyve had serious ideological clashes with each other and some ways in which boone perceives the world drive leigh absolutely nuts. they're ride or die for each other. theyre the kind of comfortable around each other where she'll be on the toilet and smoking a cig with the door open and talking to him, while he's naked sitting on the floor removing stitches from his leg. she's done surgery without anesthesia on him. he's projectile vomited blood on her from being poisoned by cazadores. she strongly encourages him to become a traitor to the ncr and to take part in the revolution and the formation of the new independent mojave alliance. somehow, it works on him in the end. shamefully they kinda like snuggling... boone bro come to bed man its nighty night man its beddy bye time.
shes in love with lily bowen. i havent decided yet whether she actually makes a move. but she thinks lily is sooooo dreamy. and shes right. if you dont think the enormous 203 year old blue mutant woman is dreamy thats your problem. outta her way
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symphonic-scream · 1 day
...new au
Fontaine Space Au
(Genshin Impact au)
Okay so there'd be three ship crews working together for the same goal, to prevent the "flooding" of the galaxy, aka an eternal cold darkness that robs all light and kills everyone. It eminates from this ancient being, corrupted over time by being forgotten and pushed aside, it's anger and resentment festering a hatred for any mortal life, this fueling it's slow consumption of all live
Three different space crews join forces when it becomes clear things have gotten *that bad*. The main crew is from the Intergalactic Federation for Unity, known as the Feds. Their ship is the biggest, and the one the three groups are all using during this journey. Their members include the likes of Neuvillette, Furina, Clorinde, Wriothesley, Sigewinne, and Chevreuse
The second crew is the Spina de Rosula, formerly a group of space pirates from the planet Poisson. However, after the change of leadership and loss of their Homeworld, they've become more like space vigilantes. Their members are Navia, Chiori, Charlotte, and Clervie (I. She's alive I can't help it)
And finally, the crew of the Hearth. A rogue unit made up of the Lost, a collection of orphans without Homeworlds to return to, led by the only mortal to ever encounter the Emanator of the Dark and live, Arlecchino. Also includes Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet
It takes a while for them all to get along and shit, but they're headed towards their goal, and all would do anything to keep the remaining lives in the galaxy safe
Under the cut will be descriptions of everyone's little backstories and races, but yeah. I have a lot of thoughts about this please send me asks about this
Neuvillette - second in command of the Fed ship the Opera Epicles, last full blood of his kind. His race is near immortal, their long lives traded off with a lack of strong emotion. He still feels, but it's different and makes it harder for them to bond with other races
Furina - Captain of the Opera, Neuvillette's cousin. Her father was a human from the Feds, and thus she's half-blooded. She developed DID during the fall of their Homeworld. Furina is more like her Father, more emotional and caring too much, while her alter Foçalors, is more like their people, and takes over when Furina's feelings and nightmares shake her too much. Foçalors sees herself as a big sister to Furina
Clorinde - last remaining member of the Wolfrend race, which served to combat the darkness for Millenia as Galaxy Hunters. She's got wolf ears and a tail, has keener senses and comes across as aloof as she's usually just trying to keep up with all that sensory input at once. Chief Combat officer for the Opera
Wriothesley - former Duke of Meropiede, joined the Feds and the Opera crew when the man-made planet inhabited by outsiders was taken by the darkness. He's human lmao
Sigewinne - from Neuvillette and Furina's neighbor planet, the population of which was able to flee to the Feds before their world was devoured thanks to the emergency signal their neighbors sent out. Has a special inclination for healing
Chevreuse - engineer and combat officer for the Opera. Her Homeworld was Poisson, like the crew of the Spina. The others didn't know she lived, since the Feds got there nearly too late, only saving ten people. She's the one that bridges the gap between the Opera and the Spina
Navia - daughter of the Lord and Lady of Poisson, and the Captain of the Spina. She was devastated when they lost their Homeworld, including her parents and personal guards. She bares the Feds for not helping them, until Chevreuse explains they got held up by the Emanator himself
Chiori: she. Got bored living in the Federation. Just hitchhiked until she got picked up by the Spina. She's. Just also there??
Charlotte - yeah she's just also there lmao
Clervie - grew up in Poisson, raised by the main community after her mother was exiled for trying to sacrifice them all to the Dark. Believes her best friend and childhood love Peruere died in the fall of Poisson. She never wanted to fight, but is doing so for her Perrie
Arlecchino - formerly Peruere. When Poisson fell, she met the Emanator herself and tried to kill them. She, of course, didn't succeed. She was saved by an Arachnid entity, taking her memories and "humanity" in exchange for the power to try again. This "curse" added the white to her hair, and changed her eyes from warm brown to black with red X's. She can't remember Poisson, and the Spina don't recognize her for a long, long while
Lyney and Lynette - their Homeworld was more jungle-like. Both have feline features, not just Lynette, and have some mysterious, nearly magical abilities that were normal on their plantet
Freminet - his Homeworld was a water planet. He's got sharp teeth and gills and a shark-like tail, and sleeps in a tank of water. He works with the engineering crew during their time with the Opera
That's everyone! I think. But yeah I love the Fontaine characters and wanted to do something with them
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silverofthunder · 2 days
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☆ the prisoner ☆
Papa Emeritus IV x GN Reader || 🔞 MDNI 🔞
summary: Bying an abandoned house in the middle of the nowhere had seemed like a good idea. But as the nightmares came to plague your dreams, you started slowly to realize that the place you had thought would be a calm, safe haven to you, was anything but that.
content/warnings: 5k words, mystery (kind of), evil demonic creature!Copia, demonic powers, emotional manipulation, nightmares, self-harming, vomiting, non-con vibes, hurt (with minimal comfort), suicidal thoughts, kind of dark & twisted romance, obsessive & possessive behavior
⚫!! this fic might disturbing as there is no nice things happening; Copia is pure evil in this, so if there's something triggering, i suggest you don't read this !! ⚫
I don't know what got into me but I got this idea of something really dark and this piece was born. I've never written anything like this but oh, how fun it was to just go wickedly wild with this. Evil!Copia might own me after this. I'm also kinda scared to post this but hey, this is a work of fiction so... I went to straight into the deep end. Hope that some of you like this!
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You should have known it wasn’t a good idea. Bying an abandoned house that was in the middle of nowhere must have been your first idea that was actually the worst. Not that you knew it until it was too late.
But the house had looked so cool – it had something that called you right from the very fist time you saw a picture of it. But when you actually saw it with your eyes, you knew you had to get it and after a few weeks you got the announcement that it was yours. You were so happy when you got the keys and could finally start planning some renovations that needed to be done. You didn’t want to change too much as the house had some character and it didn’t take that long until you could finally stay there.
You enjoyed the quietness, the surrounding forest – after living in a bigger town for several years, it felt like a heaven to finally be able to breathe some fresh air and not feel the rush that seemed to always be present in town. However, after a while you couldn’t help but notice how it was almost too quiet. Despite that the forest was right there, you rarely heard birds or any other animal sounds, the fog there seemed to get thicker even though it wasn’t even autumn yet.
And one night when you stood on the porch, smoking a cigarette, your eyes caught something right on the line of your yard and the forest. The fog made it hard to see properly but it resembled a shape of a man. You stared at it for a while, your heart beating a little quicker in your chest, and then you took a long drag of your cigarette and closed your eyes. You let out the smoke and when you eventually opened your eyes, the man – or whatever it was – was gone.
Maybe it was just your imagination making some stupid shit up. It wouldn’t be a surprise as the place like this could easily get your imagination go wild. Or who knew, maybe someone from the nearest town had heard that someone had bought the house and was now just messing with you a little.
You shook the silly thoughts from your mind and finished smoking your cigarette before going back inside and to your bedroom. You placed your phone on the night stand and slipped under the blankets with a sigh. The sleep became fast and was followed by the dream.
You stood frozen in place, the fog around you so thick you barely see the path you were walking on. The air felt heavy and almost… suffocating. Your head turned side to side and then you heard a rustle and caught something in the corner of your eye on your left. Slowly you turned to look at whatever was there and as soon as your eyes settled on the dark figure, definitely in the shape of a man, you wanted to run. Something within you was screaming ’run’ but your legs wouldn’t obey you. You gasped for air as the man stepped closer to you and now you saw that he had… claws? And something was dripping from those claws.
You swallowed, your heart now beating rapidly in your chest, pure fear settling deep within you. And in the next moment you heard a sound that was like a laugh but it made your blood run cold and your skin crawl in the most unpleasant way and then the man – or creature – was gone.
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Copia was delighted to know that someone had finally bought the old house. He had now a chance to finally get what he had longed for so long… But he had to be careful at first. Keep a distance, then start slowly to worm his way into the mind of the resident. It shouldn’t be hard to break in and make them realize where they now belonged. To whom they belonged.
A wicked smile rose to Copia’s lips as he looked at the porch, the person standing there, smoking a cigarette. They seemed calm but Copia could sense there were some uneasiness in their bones. It would only be a matter of time before that would turn into a fear, a proper terror and Copia could hardly wait that.
Days went by and Copia watched closely over the person. He was the shadow in the darkest corner, following every movement they made. And their dreams… He had to get into them, make them darker. That way it would be easier to lure them into his world. Eternal darkness was lonely but he knew how to fight against that. He didn’t need to be alone.
Now as he watched the sleeping person, he flexed his clawed fingers, wanting to go and touch them. But it wasn’t time for that, not yet. Instead he inhaled deeply, that oddly sweet scent hitting his nose instantly and he let out a low growl. It was a bit too sweet, it needed to be sharpened.
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You threw cold water over your face and dried it with a towel, then looking your face in the mirror. There were slight dark circles around your eyes telling that you hadn’t gotten enough sleep. For a few weeks you hadn’t slept that well as the nightmares had been disturbing you. It was always the same kind of atmosphere in those dreams – distressing, heavy, threatening. And in the middle of it was always the same man, or creature.
With a sigh you set the towel aside and walked to you work room, opening the upper drawer of your desk and took the old, worn-out diary out of it. You had found it a few days earlier in the attic, secured into a box. The lock had been so rusty it had opened easily and so you had gotten the access to the diary. At first you thought you didn’t want to find out what was written in it but eventually your curiousity had won and you had started to read it.
It had been hard to read, the handwriting being quite messy but you had been able to make out some sentences and words.
A demonic creature in the house. Nightmares. Scratches on the skin. The feeling that someone is watching you all the time.
Some of those sounded familiar. Especially the feeling that someone was watching you. At first you had brushed that feeling off but now that it had gotten even more stronger, you couldn’t ignore it anymore. But you didn’t know what you could do to it so you tried to just go on. Whatever was there… Well, maybe you would eventually found it out.
Nightmares was another thing you could sign. A demonic creature didn’t really ring a bell but there was some creature in your dreams so maybe it was that? Or did that mean the one watching you was a demonic creature? You didn’t know if you believed in those – you couldn’t believe in anything you hadn’t seen, right?
Scratches on the skin. Those you hadn’t seen – yet and it was terrifying. What would it mean when they appeared? That someone was actually there, in the house, with you? So many questions but so little answers. You opened the diary, searching for the last page that contained writing, the last words…
Leave before it’s too late.
That was written much clearer and repeated a few times until it all turns into a mix of red and black. Blood and ink, maybe. Something in your stomach turned as you thought of what might have happened to whoever had written the diary. Then you closed the diary, setting it on the desk before sitting down on the chair and opening your laptop.
You had googled your house before, obviously, but you hadn’t really paid much attention to other stuff beside the sales ad. You typed the place into the search bar and started going through the results.
Missing people, no bodies found. Stories of the ’man of the forest’ and several mentions of demon that lived in the house. You weren’t exactly surprised but the results definitely didn’t ease your nerves. Which ones those things were actually true and which ones were only made up, that you couldn’t tell.
Suddenly a loud, screeching sound interrupted you and you almost fell from your chair as you turned to look at the window. A shiver run down your spine as you saw long, clawed fingers scraping the glass. Your heartbeat rang in your ears as you stared how the claws dissappear from your sight. Then you waited and waited, tried to listen if you could hear anything else, something unusual. But you couldn’t.
Only quietness was left.
You breathed deeply in and released the breath slowly, then shook your head. Maybe your tired mind was starting to really play tricks on you. It had happened before so why would this time be any different?
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Copia was smiling widely, walking towards the person who now leaned against the tree, eyes wide with fear, the smell of fear strong around them. Copia flashed his fangs, extending his hand and wrapping his clawed fingers around the person’s throat.
”Mmmh, such a delicious sight you are,” he purred venomously, leaning closer to the person who let out a miserable cry, squeezing their eyes shut. That sound made Copia hum pleased and he tightened his hold around the person’s throat.
”Burns,” the person croaked out, tears spilling from their eyes and Copia only chuckled darkly.
”Shhh, it won’t hurt long.”
He did enjoy seeing his preys hurting. But this one was no ordinary prey, no. This one was something else. Something so much better. He then released the person’s throat, his eyes falling to the red marks on the skin and ran one claw over it, the touch making the person sob and twitch. Copia licked his lips, moving his fingers under the person’s jaw and tapping the skin with his claws.
”Open your eyes,” he asked but the person gave just a little shake of head. Copia grabbed a hold of their jaw, repeating the words with a growl. The person finally obeyed, opening their eyes and Copia’s smile grew pleased.
”That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
The person didn’t say anything, just stared at him with watery eyes and Copia could hear their heart beating rapidly. He could sense how much they wanted to run away, as far as they could get from him. They couldn’t run, though, as Copia didn’t want them to. On rare occasions he allowed the preys to run but it was more fun like this – when all they could do was stand frozen in place and take whatever treatment Copia offered.
And usually the treatment they got was far from pretty.
”What are you?” The person’s voice was barely audible and they looked like they had almost given up. Accepted their fate, whatever that might be. Copia chuckled, squeezing the person’s jaw.
”Your worst nightmare.”
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You stopped by the small cafe when you were driving back to your house. It was kind of strangely cozy with its slightly worn-out table-chair sets and with a decor that you could only describe as witchy. You bought a coffee and a little piece of chocolate cake and went to sit in the corner, near the window.
There weren’t that many people in but you couldn’t help but notice that a few of them seemed to look at you curiously and then whispering something to whoever was sitting beside them. It was a small town where most of the people probably knew each other, at least by face, and you hadn’t visited the places in there for many times so people probably didn’t recognize you.
You tried to ignore the staring, moving your gaze out the window. The clouds seemed to be darker, the blue sky disappearing behind them – most likely it would soon start to rain. The leaves in the trees were also starting to change their color, the red, yellow and orange blending into the green, and you couldn’t wait to see the nature in its autumn glory. You could imagine how beautiful the forest would look from your porch.
”Monster lives in your house.”
You got startled by the voice and turned to see a little girl standing close by, looking at you with wide eyes. Beside her was supposedly her mother who offered you an awkward smile. You smiled at her back before turning your attention back to the little girl.
”I don’t believe in monsters,” you said as politely as you could, and the girl blinked, shaking her head.
”Not all of them are real but the one in your house is.”
What the--? You let out a sigh, taking a sip from your coffee and the mother of the girl took her hand.
”Sorry, she is a bit… meddlesome,” the mother said, making a face at that and you gave a small wave of a hand. That wasn’t the first time someone said something like that about your house. Despite not visiting the town much, the whispers still had reached your ears.
You quickly finished your coffee and the cake, exiting the cafe and walking to your car as fast as you could. When you got inside, you slammed your forehead against the wheel, letting out a string of curses. You were tired, confused and a bit afraid. People weren’t exactly wrong – you knew there was someone in your house, at least part of the time. But who, that was still a mystery to you.
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Copia dragged his claws along the wall, watching the person flinch and turn their head from side to side, eyes wide before walking over to another wall and doing the same, this time much slower. The person’s eyes settled onto the marks, mouth hanging open in shock and Copia could sense the question burning on their tongue.
He waited, patiently, but for his disappointment the person stayed quiet. They squeezed their hands into fists, anger replacing the shock on their face as they stormed off to another room. Copia followed close by, seeing how the person grabbed the old diary from the desk drawer and sat down on the bed, opening it.
Copia recognized that diary. Remembered how he had watched it to be written. The owner had suffered greatly until the very last day. It had been such a fun game. To drive the poor one mad and then strike when they had least expected it.
Copia smiled at the memory, still fresh in his mind.
”Stupid diary!” Copia chuckled at the person’s frustration as they went through the pages. ”Why can’t you give me any clear answers?”
He walked closer to the person, stopping right beside them, and thought of forcing them to look at him. The power he would feel when the person would gaze up at him, fear clear in their eyes, a weak plea on their lips. He imagined how he would run his claws along those pretty features, rip those clothes off and reveal the body underneath, admire it before marking it as his.
He was almost touching the person as he broke out of his reverie, and backed off a few steps. It was hard to keep control when something so delicious was right before him. But he didn’t want to ruin his chance – if things went right, he could be able to feast from this for a very long time. A little more time was all he needed.
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The dreams, nightmares, had turned into more sexual ones and whenever you woke up, you were feeling so strange that you were sure you were starting to lose your mind. It wasn’t the only odd thing, though, there was also the red scratch marks that now marred your skin, mostly on your neck and arms but a few times you had spotted them on your hips and thighs.
They were real, lingering on your skin for days.
In resent nightmares you had seen the man, the creature, finally revealing himself from the shadows as he used your body to his own fun. Before he had been just a shape, like a black smoke-kind of thing and now he had a face of a man, covered with black and white paint, other eye seeming very human-like while the other glowed inhumanly white. Fingers with long claws, sharp fangs that was revealed whenever he had that wicked, predatoric smile on.
And his voice… That deep growl, it seemed to nest into you in a way that made you want to rip your skin off. He might have looked partly like a human but it was clear that he wasn’t a human. No human could ever make you feel like that. There was something so dark in him, no sign of kindness in his eyes when he had looked at you while your bodies had been slotted together in what should have been a pleasurable heaven.
To you it had been hell.
You took a pillow and pressed in against your face, screaming into it as you had done several mornings. It helped a little but not enough. You felt dirty in the worst way possible and went to shower quickly, trying to scrub him off of your skin, of your memory. The scratch marks stung but you didn’t stop scrubbing until some of them started to bleed.
With a head hung low you watched how the water turned to pink, disappearing eventually to the drain. After stepping out of the shower and drying yourself, you looked for some ointment and applied it upon the worst of the scratch marks. You did your best to avoid focusing on your image in the mirror and got dressed quickly, feeling slightly better when most of those ugly marks on your skin disappeared from your sight.
You went straight to the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for something to eat. You weren’t that hungry as the images of your dreams made you feel nauseous but you still had to eat something. You made yourself a sandwhich and sat down on the nearest chair to eat it. A few days old newspaper was on the table and your eyes landed on the small headline on the left corner.
A missing person found dead in the woods
The body had been found near the other town and the police had apparently arrested someone that they thought had been behind it. So far there hadn’t been any disturbing news regarding the area where you lived but for some reason you believed that people might just keep their mouths shut if they saw something unusual happening. Hell, that was what you were now doing.
But the thing was… If you had talked about this all to someone, would they have believed you?
With a sigh, you continued munching your sandwhich, focusing your gaze somewhere at the opposite wall. It was a quiet morning, as usual – too quiet. At first it had been so relaxing and welcomed but now it only seemed to be a sign of something bad, something that still mostly hid in the shadows. You could feel the heaviness upon you, a force that seemed to grow darker every day.
A sudden tightening in your stomach made you froze for a moment and you dropped the rest of your sandwhich onto the table. The nausea had come back with a force and now you had to rush into bathroom and bend over the toilet to empty your stomach. Tears spilled into your eyes as you finally slid to the floor after you were sure nothing more came up.
You drew your legs closer, wrapping your arms around them and burying your head between your knees. Sobs jolted your body and you cried until you just couldn’t anymore. On the outside you looked like a mess, you had no much energy to do things and internally you were screaming.
Screaming into the void where no one could hear you.
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Poor thing, Copia thought as he watched the person trying to tame the vines that had grown too big on the side of the house. They had fallen down a few times and Copia could sense that their strength had lessened. He flashed a pleased smile as he knew that his moment to shine was about to come soon. The poison was already rooted within them, slowly spreading, consuming them.
Copia went closer, leaning against the wall, eyes glued to the person who let out a frustrated grunts every once in a while as they cut the vines and pulled them off. Their shirt hung on them loosely, much loosely than it had sometime ago, the red marks on their skin now more prominent. They healed slower even though the person had put some kind of ointment on them.
With every passing day the beauty of the person grew and Copia was fully entranced. Meddling with dreams had been fun and all but the best part was yet to come and he couldn’t wait for it. It was a different thing to be the plague of the dreams than to be the nightmare of the reality. Though, for the person, the line between the dream and reality had already gotten blurry.
Copia hummed and the placed his claw against the wooden wall, slowly carving a long line onto it, and watched how the person’s head turned right towards him. The look in their eyes barely had any shock or surprise in them as they stared right at him. Of course, they couldn’t see him unless he wanted them to but still, their eyes were straight on him, then moving to the carved line.
With a weak laugh and a shrug, they returned back to their work and Copia continued watching them, his mind already wandering to what was to come. How his work would soon be complete. Step by step the eternal darkness was starting to feel less lonely. Soon he would have a companion to share it all.
He could already feel the power that he would possess after the union was complete.
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Mine, mine, MINE.
The voice sounded so real and you blinked your eyes open, your vision blurry for a while. You shook your head, breathing heavily and soon you heard that voice again, the sound of it so loud you jumped straight up from the bed.
”This isn’t funny anymore! Whoever you are, stop messing with me!”
You knew it wouldn’t probably help but you had to do something. An echo of an evil laugh came somewhere behind you and you turned to look at there, seeing nothing.
”Leave me alone!” Your voice sounded thin and weak and tears burned in your eyes. You were so desperate for this all to end. This nightmare had to end.
There was a wind-like sound and then the same voice was whispering something right into your ear – or that was how it felt.
Run, run, RUN.
As the last word came out, your legs worked like an automatic and despite the weakness in your muscles, they carried you downstairs and out of the house. The cold night hit your skin immediately as you were wearing only an oversized t-shirt and your underwear. You didn’t look back as you run, heading straight towards the forest, the thick fog surrounding you as soon as you reached it.
You wanted to stop but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t. Tears were now blurring your vision and you could barely breathe as you legs led you even deeper into the forest. And then it felt like you collided with an invisible wall, cutting your way and sending you to the ground. Soon the same evil laugh reached your ears, making your gut twist and you knew whatever was coming, couldn’t be anything good.
A figure of a man stepped into your line of vision from the shadows and the closer he got, the more details you started to see. You recognized him – it was the same man, or creature, from your dreams. The black and white paint on his face, the glowing inhuman white eye, fangs and claws. You couldn’t do anything than sit there, on the ground, frozen, a huge wave of dread swirling inside you. The closer the creature got, the more… powerless you started to feel, like someone was trying to shrink you.
You knew instantly that there wasn’t anything kind in that creature. Everything around him screamed danger and evil, as well as the way his eyes seemed to flash when he kneeled down and placed one of his clawed fingers under your jaw.
”Finally we meet in person, my darkest one,” he spoke, his voice making cold shivers run down your spine. You swallowed, then drew in a short breath, your whole body starting to shake as you fought against the mysterious force that kept you stuck in there.
”Oh, poor thing,” the creature cooed mockingly, slowly dragging his claw along your throat. ”There’s no point in fighting. You can’t go anywhere unless I let you.”
The smile that rose to the creature’s lips, didn’t leave anything unclear and you were starting to realize that maybe your nightmare hadn’t even started properly yet.
”Let me go,” you said through your teeth, and that only made the creature chuckle wickedly, his fingers wrapping around your throat as he leaned closer. He mouth was so close to your lips and you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for his next move. Your nails dug into the ground as you soon felt a pair of lips pressing against the corner of your mouth.
The kiss burned and you let out a scream, though it sounded so weak in your own ears. The creature’s hum echoed all around you as his hold around your throat tightened.
”I’m afraid it’s too late for that.”
That was the last thing you heard before the darkness filled your mind.
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Your whole body felt like being on fire as you finally got a part of your consciousness back. Everything hurt and you could only make out a figure hovering above you and the blurry surroundings. You were inside the house, in your bedroom, on your bed, completely naked.
”Shhh, it won’t hurt soon,” the creature spoke as he run his hand along your body, and you writhed underneath him. His voice was far from comforting.
Nothing had ever hurt so much. It was blinding, the burn slowly crawling under your skin. And all you wanted was it to end, you would do anything to make it end.
”Please, make it stop,” you cried out, tears flowing as it all was too much. Lips pressed against your cheek, claws digging into your hip and it only made it all worse. The creature took it slow, he wanted you to suffer, he enjoyed seeing you in pain. The chuckle he let out after another burn wave hit you, was pleased.
It was slowly sinking in that this all had been just a fun game to him. That he had pulled the strings right from the start and you hadn’t been able to do anything but to play along. This had been his goal all along, to use you as he wished, mentally and physically. There would be no way out of this nightmare anymore.
You wished you could die. That would surely end the suffering.
”Oh, I like the way you think but sadly that’s not my plan,” the creature said, his lips fanning over your marred skin on your chest and something within you shattered.
So you were getting the worst fate one could think of.
”Mine… You’ll mine,” the creature continued, his voice seeming to ooze more power with every word. ”You’ll help me to rule the darkness, the shadows.”
You drew in sharp breaths as the creature’s lips found your most sensitive parts of your body and you felt the nausea twist in your stomach. He growled as you writhed, some wicked pleasure blending with the disgust as your body reacted to his touch. It was wrong, so wrong. You grabbed a fistful of sheets, the burn spreading all over you again, the pillow under your head feeling damp from all the tears you had shed.
”Do you want me to take you?”
No, you wanted to say but that wasn’t what came out of your mouth.
And in the next moment, he entered your body, claiming you as his. The pain only got worse but it lasted only for a moment, being soon replaced by something that you couldn’t describe. It wasn’t pain but it was far from pleasure, too. You felt something flowing into you – something purely evil, conquering you, filling your every cell with darkness.
There was no gentleness, only harsh movements as the creature defiled your body. You wanted to scream but it was only possible in your mind, the echo of it mixing with the moan escaping from your mouth in reality.
Or was this even the reality, you didn’t know. And it didn’t matter whether this was a dream or reality as the nightmare was still there, in the form of this creature that looked too much like a man. A handsome man that surely would have caught your attention if you had seen him somewhere in town.
A devil in disguise, spreading his poison into you and bounding you to him.
As his eyes finally met yours, you knew that there was no point of return. This house, the place you had thought would be your safe haven, had now become a cage and the man, the creature above you, in you, was a predator. A predator who loved to play with his preys. But you weren’t a prey, no, you were something much worse.
A prisoner, his prisoner – maybe even some kind of a spouse – for as long as he wished.
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crowrave · 10 hours
Procrastinating on Stopping a War
Crest decides to wander around Sameria and check the place out despite the fact that he’s supposed to go to a sky kingdom and request for their help
This story is going to be in Crest’s own perspective; and will be centered on himself, and his jumping focus on his crimes, the murder of King Calvus, and the Navy’s knowledge of his actions.
⚠️ Blood and Death warning near the end! ⚠️
(Also swearing)
Bright. If there was one word he could use to describe Sameria, it would definitely be bright. Or hot, either one works, but he digresses.
He’s supposed to be going to some guy that supposedly can make him a glider to go to some sky city; but he is not bound by the Empress’ word, so he can hold it off for a later date.
The bustling kingdom of Sameria was filled with life. Merchants from all around the War Seas were here selling goods and treasures, Blacksmiths were forging weapons and amulets for adventurers and soldiers, and civilians were chatting and sipping on smoothies made with (edible?) ice.
The sensation of everything happening at once was quite a lot for him. He covered them the best he could to block out the sound; but the unbearable heat of the sun beating down on him could not be ignored either.
He hates it. Maybe Morden or Iris like the weather, but for him? Fuck that. He’s rather be back fighting that General Argos guy again than be here.
Crest makes his way out of the main parts of the city, and towards the calm, quiet shade of within the Samerian Castle.
It’s much colder inside than out there.
He knows better than to go into the throne room or the meeting area that the group was in just a few hours ago. Hopefully none of the guards here snitch on him and tell the royal that he’s still here, and not already looking for the man who makes gliders for a living and whatnot.
There’s also the fact that sooner or later, the kingdom will find out about what he’s done to their precious king, and maybe about what happened to the general and other royals too. He doesn’t regret killing them, but it would be a shame to get kicked out of such a ‘nice’ place.
As it turns out, he had been standing by the entrance a bit too long; and a guard walks up to him as he stands before the entrance.
“Greetings. You are with that group of mercenaries that Empress Nilah has mentioned is helping us with the war on Keraxe?”
The soldier was short, but definitely had some muscle on them. The Sun Ensign on their armor easily showed their allegiance to the kingdom; though Crest didn’t need to look at it to already understand who they are.
The half-blind idiot shrunk and hunched into himself a bit for not noticing how long he had simply been standing and staring at the doors of the throne room.
“…Ah, yes. My team and I apologize for not getting to Port Mistral sooner. We had no idea that Keraxe would make a move so quickly.”
The woman tilts their head in confusion for a moment, before recognition of his meaning sets in.
She gives an understanding smile, and pats him on the shoulder.
“Hey now, there’s no need to fret! Honestly, you got there far quicker than our Navy would have, anyways! We appreciate your willingness to help Sameria in this war. After news of King Calvus’ death came to the kingdom, we were all devastated! We’d thought that there was no hope that we would get help!”
Holy shit- oh I’m FUCKED if anyone here finds out about what I did, shit shit shit shit-
I take it back, maybe killing that old royal bastard was a bad idea, I should’ve just tortured him for information instead-
The timid man simply rubs the back of his head and laughs nervously.
“Hhhhahahah! W-Well, no need for such compliments! We’re a mercenary group after all; we could be here for the money for all you know.”
She rolls her eyes and gives him an assuring look. Whatever idea she had of him in her head— it’s seems that it was confirmed to be true.
“Hm. You say that, but yet your actions say otherwise. You could have simply flat out demanded the money from our Empress after discovering that Mistral was destroyed, and that you brought back as many survivors as you could. Yet, you chose to keep going. You have the righteous mind of a man who’s willing to do anything if it means that justice shall be served. Even if others go against it.”
Was this lady a therapist before being a soldier, or what??
The man smiles softly and begins to give another laugh. A genuine one, this time.
“You’re quite wise, you know that? You might as well be giving advice and helping people through their problems than fighting a war.”
“That sounds nice, but I prefer the life of a soldier much better than a sedimentary lifestyle. You can just feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins! The hearts of those around you beating in sync together! The blood of your enemies as you declare your victory!”
The fighter begins to laugh maniacally before abruptly stopping and realizing that the warlock was still there.
She looks at him awkwardly and give a small chuckle.
“Haha… oops! Pretend you heard none of that.”
She then proceeds to skip giddily back to her post. Crest starts backing slowly out of sight and back to the city’s capital.
You know what? Maybe burning in the sun is better. At least then there won’t be bloodthirsty warriors talking about their love of killing people. (God damn hypocrite.)
He speed-walks through crowds and busy stores, trying to find a better place to hide.
With how full this place is, you’d expect that at least one of them is a Keraxe spy. Returning information to the enemy kingdom, documenting a civilian’s every move, learning where they live, when they eat, when they-
He accidentally bumps into a Grand Navy guard.
Both of them turn towards each other, shock on their faces.
The people around them simply give them odd looks and walk around the two.
The Navy Vice Captain’s eyes start to look from side to side, as if anyone else recognizes him as a wanted criminal.
Before Crest can say anything, he gets dragged into the nearest empty alleyway, and is pushed against the wall. The rage in the man’s eyes tells him everything.
“What the hell is some criminal scum like you doing here? I thought the Empress would have already executed a monster like you.”
Well guess what? You can’t do shit to me without getting your ass beat within an inch of a mile.
While the man currently being held up at a terrifyingly high height by someone pinning him by the throat in an alleyway wasn’t smiling, it sure felt like it.
“I’m part of a mercenary team. I was hired by the Empress herself to help fight the war between Sameria and Keraxe.”
The guard drops him onto the floor. The impact hurt like hell, but it’s far better than getting his shit rocked and publicly announced as an enemy of the kingdom for murdering their king.
However, the relief was short-lived when the bastard held a sword against his throat.
“You…? YOU? Of ALL the people she would hire, she chose the one who left their protectors KINGLESS? How about you tell me one good reason I shouldn’t murder you and hold your head on a pike for the whole world to see?”
His brain was wracking itself around for an answer. There was no reason he shouldn’t. He’s caused so much pain and suffering just to achieve his own selfish goal; and yet he can’t help but wish that he can complete his objective before his death.
Suddenly, a lightbulb blinks to life in his mind; and he grabs the sword, snaps in into two, and tosses it aside. He then grabs onto the Vice Captain’s chin, and forces the man to look directly at him. His eyes narrow, and the icy cold look he gives proves to be effective.
“I’m sure you know just how powerful I am. You’ve read the posters, the charges, the felonies. What makes you think I can’t just slaughter you and your crew like sheep, fleece your skin, and wear it as a coat? They want me, because I am strong. I am loyal to those who treat me kindly. Suffering will be sent back tenfold.”
He switches from the chin to his throat, slowly squeezing it with more and more pressure, as he watches the Navy dog’s face turn as blue as his uniform.
“I do what I want. Your opinions and morals have no appeal to me. If murdering this whole kingdom benefits me, and ONLY me? I would do it in a heartbeat.”
As the ‘timid’ warlock finishes his speech, the sentry had already passed out from lack of oxygen.
The hollowness of his small victory echoes in his mind.
“…Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a war to stop. Bye bye now.”
Crest crushes the man’s head in his fist, watching the blood trickle down his arm and onto the floor.
The body is found hours later; the criminal having fled the scene a long while ago.
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"The Blood Mirror" (2015 - Jordan Eagles and others) / "Nighthawks" (1942 - Edward Hopper)
THE BLOOD MIRROR: The blood is encased in resin and preserved in the form of a reflective mirror that visitors can view themselves in, seeing their images in blood that could have been used to save lives but due to the FDA bans was wasted. Even now, there is still celibacy bans on queer donations and the Blood Mirror forces you to see your own life in the blood of the community that is not being used to better society by prejudice. (weeweewhirlwind)
NIGHTHAWKS: The feeling of loneliness and isolation in this piece just gets to me. You’re outside of the diner. You can’t get in. It’s blue out there and the room is warm and alive and they’re all look at each other and not at you. It’s like the viewer doesn’t exist at all. (envelopedbyoblivion) (also submitted by anonymous)
("The Blood Mirror" is an installation piece made of glass and the blood of 59 queer men who donated to the project, organized by Jordan Eagles, a gay American artist. The piece was made in retaliation to the FDA ban against queer blood donors. It measures 84 x 28 x 28" (213 x 71 x 71 cm).
"Nighthawks" is an oil on canvas painting by American artist Edward Hopper. It measures 84.1 × 152.4 cm (33 1/8 × 60 in.) and is currently held at the Art Institute of Chicago.)
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chessb0r3d · 6 months
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i cracked the code.
#believing dirk is the worst guy because its what dirk thinks of himself#ignoring daves bisexuality and think hes a gay man in denial even when he explained hes bisexual#believing john 'im not a homosexual' egbert is explicitly straight while he makes out with his mcconahey and cameron posters more#than he kissed women(literally only once)#believing that rose is an edgy psyhcotic little bitch when she was neglected. she speaks elegantly to cover that shes silly and a total ner#and how did people forget that rose also writes gay wizard fanfiction. reads Wikipedia. and her beautiful artstyle as a result of neglect#(and by neglect meaning having SO MUCH TIME to draw)#jake wasnt into dirk. he also told di that he didnt like how brobot getting touchy with him during strifes#but as part of the repression 4(prospit kids). he refused on changing the bot settings#what jane said about roxy being better when she was drunk. it was fucking sarcasm. its the least insane shit you could say to a best friend#all the kids have issues and of course people get mad over a girl being sarcastic.#when KARKAT said THE SAME THING to rose when she was drunk on the meteor nobody bats an eye#trolls are just grey humans that are bugs. he doesnt get an excuse for being an alien. humans were made from KARKATS BLOOD#jade isnt all silly girl and is so FULL OF HATE towards the trolls. she called karkat a fuckass (VERY FUNNY) to do her a favor#“jade would rather have punched karkat in the fact then had a pleasent conversation with him.”#“she viewed the trolls as rude mean and cruel. and even thought that nepeta was just making fun of her.#despite it being that nepeta just wanted to roleplay and have fun."#dred.loki#I HAVE YET TO ADD MORE. THESE ARE JUST NOTES#homestuck#chss
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batsplat · 15 days
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Casey Stoner, Pushing the Limits
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talentforlying · 7 months
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thomas constantine (father, deceased)
mary anne constantine (mother, deceased)
cheryl masters née constantine (older sister, deceased)
john constantine (alive, for now)
the golden boy (twin, deceased)
gemma masters / constantine (niece, daughter of cheryl, alive)
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roychewtoy · 11 months
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
The thing about the painter analog that people don't get and makes them hate it is that at heart this isn't a serious horror story. This is pure gore not only for the sake of gore but for the sake of camp. Once I was talking of to my dad laughing at the guy who had his face sanded off and he was like yeah not new they did that in Jason already 🙄 which was later reinforced by UrbanSpook admitting this is inspired by those old 80s slasher which should tell you everything.
I'm saying this bc i saw a video pairing it with Playground and the incest game and while I don't know the second I watched a video on playground once and the difference is that that book is trying to tell a story and say something on top of the gore but the later makes it hard to care. Which is kind of the issue another "gone too far" piece of media my beloved A Serbian Film runs into where you cannot take yourself too seriously if you also want to show over the top violence or you'll lose the audience.
OF COURSE there are exceptions like Hostel, Saw and 😏 the human centipede ☺️ (cocksucker for that movie and it's more serious points, though it barely counts bc the gore is very tame save for in 2) and I couldn't exactly tell you what's the difference between what makes them work and what doesn't but still.
But I'm getting off topic I'm not here to say which media is good or not I'm here to point out the painter is not a serious story that asks you to care for the characters it's a over the top schlocky gore that asks you to go GROOOOSS or laugh at the over the top brutality it presents. Which is very standard in horror.
#luly talks#urbanspook#the painter analog horror#also yes actually I'll mention THC again bc that movie is deemed to go ''too far'' which is joked about often in its sequels#in 3 after the inmates at the prison watch the movie they echo the opinions of the public (calling the director sick saying he'd be jailed#etc except for my best friend who GETS IT and is laughing ILY BESTIE) and 2 is a direct response to the reaction of 1#while 1 is an extremely fucking tame horror movie BY ALL FUCKING MEANS (1 surgery scene and its so clean. after that just a tad bit of blood#and some minor infection) they made a movie that ACTUALLY went too far#and i ironically enough hate it despite appreciating this bc it just isn't fun for me. because it's trying a bit too hard.#but in case you don't know. one of the links of the centipede is a pregnant woman. she escapes and gives birth in the car. baby falls on the#brakes. she steps on its head.#pointing it out since children seem to be the point ppl go THIS IS TOO FAR#i personally found the baby squishing the highlight of the movie. second to that is. the barbed wire rape#which i didn't like because i don't enjoy seeing women be raped in my movies but its like#so funny man. literally bro put barbed wire on his cock. like that's just iconic#what shit like this and the painter are trying to achieve is simple shock. and that's FUN.#if you dont find it fun that's literally okay it simply isn't your piece of cake but that doesn't mean its bad or it shouldn't exist.#like i still see ppl insult it like GROW UP... THIS KIND OF HORROR HAS EXISTED FOREVER STOP BEING SUCH A BABY MAN
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lecliss · 7 months
I finished the special story in Connections and it got me to bawl my eyes out so bad. That story was so much more meaningful and emotional and impactful than the entirety of Naruto itself. What the fuck do you mean it was written by Kishimoto????? He did NOT write something for a side story in one of the ultimate ninja storm games and make it better than anything he's ever done before. There's just no fucking way.
#i fucking hate when filler and non canon side stuff is like. better than canon lmao#and not cuz like. filler doesnt deserve it ooo fuck filler whatever NO!!!!! BECAUSE IF ITS GOOD PEOPLE STILL DONT WATCH AND THEN CALL YOU#A LOSER EVEN BOTHERING WITH FILLER!!!!! FUCK OFF!!!! FUCK NARUTO AND FUCK SASUKE AND YOU KNOW WHAT. EVEN FUCK OBITO#NO THIS IS ABOUT BORUTO AND NANASHI AND HOW THAT WAS THE BEST NARUTO AND YES EVEN BORUTO CONTENT EVER CREATED#AND NO ONES GOING TO CARE BECAUSE WAAAA FILLER IS STUPID AND IT SUCKS WAAAAA SUCK MY COCK#the best most emotional arc in bleach is fucking filler. the connections side story is barely even filler when its for a fucking VIDEO GAME#ITS NOT FUCKING FAIRRRRRRRR!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#that was the best naruto content ever. better than even blood prison by a loooooong shot#it just fucked me up man. it really really fucked me up and REALLY got to me#i started getting pissed off how far down the rabbit hole it is of content people actovely DONT want#its an original side story in a game people play for the pvp. its boruto related. ITS FILLER as in no relation to the#plot written by ikemoto#its boruto and its filler and what could people possibly hate more? boruto filler.#but nanashi was an amazing character and bort proved once again that hes the bestest boy in the whole wide world#and not to mentiom merz was really really hot when he took the bandages off his face. im SORRY BUT ITS TRUEEEEE LOOK AT HIM!!!!! FUCK DUDE#and message was so so beautiful and so was the animation and the effects. and just. GOD. they could have made that a movie#MAAAAN i wish it was!!!! that woulda made an INCREDIBLE movie!!!!!#im not gonna get over this. i will always be obsessed with this. holy shit#also im sorry mitsuki but i ship BoruNana/BoruHika now.#at least with nanashi i dont have to worry about her whole character getting thrown to the wayside since her story's already over#now this is reminding me of the anime throwing ryogi away even tho his relationship with shikadai made me feral#just cuz that wasnt an arc in the manga!!! WHICH WAS STILL TOTALLY IN AN ERA OF THEM HAVING ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER#thats what fuckin shoulda happened. the anime and manga should have stayed wildly different stories#i hate how all the original plots that the anime started with got shafted to follow the manga's story#ryogi didnt matter. KAGURA DIDNT FUCKING MATTER CUZ THEY KILLED HIM OFF LATER CUZ I GUESS I NON-MANGA CHARACTER DOESNT MATTER#FUCK OFF!!!!!!!#i hate it here. i fucking hate naruto. leave me alone i need to wallow. im going to wallow brb. i need a wallow sesh#personal
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upperranktwo · 7 months
It's 6:30 and I haven't slept at all, from what I recall, I've almost been awake for 24 hours. I can't keep doing this (have been like this for years) I need to see a doctor about my unhealthy sleeping at some point lmao (will not see a doctor)
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waluigisgaybf · 5 months
Thinking about what the fuck Wylls shit wouldve been if they hadnt rewritten it for the full game??????
Like all his shit with the goblins like Spike and Fezzek- and how he met Mizora was different and shit too- like ???????? where the fuck would that all have gone ???? I dont even know if he was the Dukes son or not cause I don’t remember ANY lines around it or hinting at it ???
but dear god am I so happy they changed that shit up cause early access Wyll legit had started to actually annoy me and rub me the wrong way 😭😭😭😭
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cherrysnax · 1 year
Demeter is afraid of bats so their main villian is gonna be this like. mad scientist who prolly created the spiders that bit her who is prolly experimenting on themselves to become some sort of bat creature.. like man-bat and the lizard mixed together but I don’t think this guy is in anyway sympathetic. he’s obsessed with evolution, he’s bored of humanity he’s prolly obsessed with spider-man (whichever spider-man exists in this universe is probably going to die or sumn 😭)
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nxthero · 2 years
I know I kinda disappeared and have been quieter than usual the past week but that’s because honestly I'm sicker than I’ve been in a long time and that medicine I took by mistake for my sinuses really fucked me up and made my anxiety go nuts. Usually when I’m having sinus problems my doctor will give me a steroid shot and knock this shit out within a couple of days bc I can’t take most cold medications due to the ingredients, but when I went to the clinic the other day, my pcp wasn’t in office, and the doctor that saw me kinda just ... completely ignored all of that and threw a z-pac antibiotic prescription at me and told me to take a different otc. And then the otc she told me to take? Turns out I can’t take that either, it has that same ingredient that incites my anxiety so I’m just having to tough this shit out with only the antibiotics lol
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