#also. g-ddamn
say what you will about booktokers, but at least they don't have that air of superiority (for the most part) that booktubers have
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getting hardcore back into fob and seeing pete rocking long hair and skirts and being gnc and just. undeniably himself in the way he dresses/presents has really inspired me and helped a lot with my dysphoria lately. here's to feeling more comfortable in this body ✌️
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starchivist · 2 years
Baby Kenobi
i don’t know how to write serious summaries/synopses, so you get this: obi-wan gets ambushed with the daughter he didn’t know he fathered while she’s roaming the galaxy looking for mama in a sort of reverse finding nemo. shenanigans and accidental fix-its ensue.
warning for below the cut: none that i can think of, aside from an extremely confused narrator
Stitchup hates everything about this.
“Look, sir, we’re just travelers,” he insists to the trio of bounty hunters, simultaneously glad for and resenting that this mission required he be in civilian clothes and not his plastoid shell. Behind him, General Kenobi is calm and still, letting Stitchup be the focus of the standoff. After all, Stitchup might have a face that’s repeated by a few billion others, but that can be fixed with a bit of contouring — and the hunters are from a race of sentients that are wired more for overarching shapes than small details, meaning his voice is the thing most likely to give him away as a clone in this situation. Jedi High General Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other hand — his face is far more singular, and his accent is very distinct, which means he has a much higher chance of being recognized if he speaks up.
The hunters buzz, clearly unconvinced. “Sure,” the lead hunter says, the translator at their throat crackling faintly. “Listen, bucko, you can’t seriously think we’re that stupid. General Kenobi’s ship crashed here, and I can’t think of any other reason for a clone trooper to be here. Can you?”
Motherfucker. He’s been suppressing his accent, dammit! “I’m not a trooper,” he tries, knowing his General is about to do something idiotic if he can’t de-escalate and get them out of here. “I’m just a traveling doctor,” he says levelly. “That’s all.”
The lead hunter buzzes again, derision dripping from their stance. They take a step closer—
“Papa,” a young voice says, and only sheer professionalism save Stitchup from jumping about a mile in the air. He turns to see a small humanoid girl trotting up to General Kenobi with Great Purpose, going right up to him and tugging on his sleeve. “Papa,” she says again, a soft, chirping rumble beneath her voice. “I can’t find the right tools — they’re all for droids ‘n engines.”
To Stitchup’s utter shock, General Kenobi doesn’t miss a single beat before playing along, bending down to meet the girl and chirping back.
“That’s alright, Anate,” he says gently, his Coruscanti accent somehow completely gone and replaced with something else. “We’ll just keep looking, yes?” Then he makes this — crooning, trilling sound, and the girl responds in kind with a warbling purr.
“Okay,” the girl says, reaching out her arms when General Kenobi stands in the universal request to be picked up. Again, General Kenobi plays along as flawlessly as if the two of them had rehearsed this beforehand, scooping her into his arms and settling her against his chest with a quiet “Hup!” She makes another purring noise, shuffling as best as she can to get more comfortable, then finally turns her attention to Stitchup and the bounty hunters. “Hi,” she says, peering at the hunters past thick, feathery white hair that covers half her face. “Are you policemen?”
The droning buzz of the hunters is, this time, very clearly uncomfortable. “Policemen,” the hunter on the left echoes carefully, stepping forward and crouching, their blaster holstered in the same movement. “Sorry, kid, my translator doesn’t recognize that. Wanna tell me what that means?”
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if your energy provider is sending out their bills too late to be able to pay them on time and then putting late fees on the subsequent bills every time... 
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chimerabytes · 2 years
all of my current roster of ocs and sonas sitting together at a roundtable like theyre knights or something
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bostonbakeddeans · 2 years
me, to my cat: ma'ams, do you ever think you're a little bit spoiled?
my cat, from her personal electric hot pad: prrp???
me: yeah me neither
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themildestofwriters · 29 days
I'll never understand Tamlin antis who are so tied up in their hate for him they just straight up refuse to acknowledge one of the big twists of ACOWAR when interpreting his actions *during* ACOWAR.
Like, I'm not saying you have to like the guy, but G-ddamn. It's almost wilful ignorance how they ignore the fact that he was a double agent the whole bloody time.
There's also the fact that, quite clearly, in Feyre's narration no less, his motivations are further explained as an intense drive to protect his people from Hybern. Like, why are so many people caught up on the whole "He whipped his sentry!" thing when you have Feyre right there telling us that the only reason he did it was to prevent Hybern from thinking he was weak and therefore it would be better to conquer Spring rather than simply ally with it.
The book outright tells you why he whipped his sentry and yet this idea perseveres that Tamlin... what? Couldn't handle being questioned? I don't understand. The book tells us why he did it. Why are we still making up reasons for why he did it?
Tamlin is wearing a mask in ACOWAR. He needs to pretend to be a leal hound of Hybern's order. He can't do that, however, if he is constantly taking issue with everything Hybern does or wants him to do. If he wants to maintain his alliance, he needs to show himself to be strong in the way Hybern views strength. If he wants to be a double agent, he needs to earn their trust. He can't do either of those things if he's constantly fighting over tortured mortals and accused sentries.
It doesn't help that half the trouble Tamlin is having maintaining this mask is directly caused by Feyre putting him in situations where he must choose between the alliance and his status as double agent or doing the right thing in that moment. He wouldn't have had to whip the sentry if Feyre hadn't let Ianthe steal the keys (and, yes, Feyre *let* Ianthe do that, because she watched the whole thing happened and could have intervened at any time), and had Feyre not provoked Ianthe by committing Divine Fraud.
For as much as Feyre says she wishes she could have prevented the whole thing, she's lying to the sentries and she's lying to herself, because the sentry was whipped because that's what Feyre wanted. She wanted to destroy Tamlin's relationship with his sentries and this whole situation was all but set up by her for that purpose. Feyre gets to act like the champion for arguing against injustice — an injustice she let happen and provoked for her own ambitions — while Tamlin is condemned because whipping the sentry is the only way to protect his people from a worse fate, and the only way to continue his role as double agent (which played a major role in the downfall of Hybern itself).
I don't know. For people who seem to like the series so much, they seem awfully keen on just ignoring whole swaths of context so they can make up reasons to hate a fictional character. It's really annoying to, because they can't just be quiet about their fanfiction. They gotta bring it up everywhere, even in serious discussion about the series, and they'll insult you for your takes solely because Tamlin is "abusive," as if that changes anything.
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paperstorm · 8 months
Why the f*ck would you rate that E for everyone?!
My g*ddamned child read that because I thought it was safe according to the E rating. What the f*ck is wrong with you? I'm so angry right now, it's unbelievable.
I don’t have any idea what story you are referring to but in the world of fan fiction, E stands for “Explicit”, beloved. The ratings are explained very clearly on AO3 and are also marked plainly on every single story:
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I’m sorry your child doesn’t have a parent who cares to do 15 seconds of research before they expose them to clearly marked adult material.
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ghoulhusband · 5 months
ok bear with me here: an idea i’ve been kicking around is benny maybe not falling in love with per se, but romanticizing an idea of the courier after they die because he reads their diary/journal/pipboy. i think it’d be kind of a benny thing to do to find out he had a lot in common with someone he killed and instead of actually taking responsibility or feeling guilty about it he kinda turns them into a victim of the cause where he keeps imagining them as the first person to actually believe in what he’s doing, tell him he’s the man, etc. where like this version of them understands why he killed them and forgives him and is like ‘if it weren’t for house—who’s fault this so clearly is—we could be together and i’d back you up’ so there’s an additional what in the g-ddamn element to them being alive where they’re obviously not the person he imagined in his head but also despite his own personal fantasies benny’s still not the kind of guy who’d trust anyone with his plan or to have his back on this one. yay or nay
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yknow if you're gonna be a silly joke blog you might need to be able to also take jokes. just a suggestion
sorry for answering asks when i said i wouldn't but also.
does telling someone to "go fuck themselves and fucking die" seem like a joke to you? or at the very least, if it's a joke, is it even in the least bit FUNNY? (since op was so concerned with only funny people adding onto their posts)
even if they don't sincerely want me dead, it's an unprompted thing to say to someone for saying that you have a g*ddamn colon on your post. especially when they clearly seem pissed at me for something that they said was a blockable thing. and then decided not to block me to tell me i should die. and then even AFTER i say, hey dude, if you don't want me reblogging these things, just tell me i can delete the rb it's whatever and then they don't even listen to that sentiment and continue to act as if i am persecuting them for saying that it is RUDE TO TELL PEOPLE TO DIE for just doing normal gimmick blog things
just a suggestion: learn what a joke is please. because me saying that it's rude to tell me to fucking die is not called not taking a joke, that's just called stating THE FUCKING OBVIOUS DUDE. i have taken plenty of jokes, i just don't consider that to be a joke really
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if telling someone they should die for counting the punctuation on your posts causes amusement? good for you. that's kind of a dick move. and i really did not feel the intention behind that was to be funny. it was to be rude.
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justanotherhh · 3 months
What if Striker got worse? What if he successfully assassinated someone. What if he does kill the rich? What if he realised his potential as an allophobic aspec who kills people? What if he got more fucked up, not less? I think it would be very fun
when you think about it, Striker's not done anything soooo bad yet, not that he hasn't tried. he just keeps getting Foiled by that... foil, Blitzo! I think he deserves a win!
Ooh we need a more current death tragedy on this fucking show, I like a good tragedy, personally, and I think we're overdue another one. enough with the past fucking with us, what about new wounds? (this so won't happen shhhhh let me dream)
finale is all the royals gathered to determine Stolas' fate and Striker blows up the building can you imagine????? that's not even tragic, that's kind of based
Like, crucially, Striker still isn't wrong about a lot of his opinions, these royals have been fucking around with people for far too long!
Striker's growth is eventually no longer being thrown by people making sexual comments, now it just makes him angrier/more powerful. he is Fueled By Disgust!
allophobic Striker is the funniest thing, because it's practically canon, this man is done with your fucking romantic relationships getting in the way of the class war, with your sexual commentary, with all of it, he has decided simply to kill!
Striker who has no more ideals, he's gone full "burn it all down because why not at this point"
this is giving serial killer, and listen, we can debate "problematic representation" (a term that often loses meaning) until the cows come home, but we're two aspecs talking fantasy fulfillment, I think aspec characters should be allowed to kill because they're allophobic, I think it's really really funny as concept
I also think "more fucked up Striker" works thematically where we're at at the moment (to be more "what's going on in the show" for a second), we left him at a bleak place, whatever he does when he next appears I want it to be oh so fucked up
also, my boy deserves to do some fucked up shit simply As A Treat. he has dealt with this nonsense every episode he's in, can't a man threaten, and torture, and kill in peace these days? why is everyone so g-ddamn horny about it??? sometimes maiming doesn't have sexual subtext, it's just good ol' honest maiming!!!!!!!!!!
Striker doesn't need romantic fulfillment or the power of friendship, he just needs to stab someone, that's really all I want for him. A good, clean bit of violence, an episode where he wins and everyone else loses
We'll call it the "love loses" episode
the "I'm aroace so you can imagine how dangerous I am. I don't know how to marry or fuck, I only know how to kill" meme
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emiliosandozsequence · 5 months
lol realizing more every day why my sister isn't friends with our cousins either
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reminiscing about drug withdrawal not because it felt good but because it was a good sign and i had a nice, if relatively clueless, support system
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hero-israel · 1 year
Speaking as a Jewish leftist, I've always noticed antisemitic leftists constantly shift the goalposts when it comes to our ethnic background. I'll see them constantly calling Ashkenazim white but when I see people providing pictures of Ashkenazim who don't look white at all these same people will scream about how you're cherry picking. Like huh?? You claim all Ashkenazim are white... Then cry cherry picking when you're shown Ashkenazim that don't fit whatever imagine of Ashkenazim you've conjured up in your head??
I'm not even Ashkenazim (I'm Sephardic) but it's something I've seen A LOT; especially on Twitter. It's so g-ddamn annoying. It definitely leaves me feeling alienated; even more so because I'm also Indigenous.
I assume you mean pictures like these? My grandfather was born on an actual shtetl in Poland, and he was a spitting-image lookalike for Hafez Assad.
American leftists really struggle with the concept of ethnicity, with there being any groupings beyond their own idiosyncratic color-binarist categories. The same people who constantly lecture about how we need to learn so much from European politics seem not to grasp that Europe is structured to recognize Germans and Russians and whatnot as distinct ethnicities, not to know or care why Czechs and Slovaks got a two-state solution.
What is especially infuriating is when these leftists screamed bloody murder when Jews gained inclusion under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as an ethnic group of ultimately Mediterranean origin. From their startpoint that Jews aren't "real," that we are strictly a religion to believe or not-believe, not a people or a nation to belong to, they saw Trump manufacturing a nonexistent ethnic component for Jews to make it easier to exterminate us (through the well-known "actually, kill these people" subclause of the Civil Rights act of 1964). I had a recent very unpleasant conversation with a Jewish leftist friend who had never heard of Tay-Sachs and who repeatedly insisted that I must have misunderstood a report about some other group.
These same leftists will of course recognize Arabs as "real," even though under U.S. law Arabs have been categorized as white for over a century.
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anachrosims · 4 months
I'm gonna get yelled at for this because Faulkner is the fandom's Special Boy(tm) but--
I cannot stand him. And it's not the actor (though the long, drawling, overdramatic manner of speaking is something I never liked, but I associate that with The Character and not The Actor, who I think does an amazing job)-- it's also not the writing.
In fact, I think the writing is as stellar as the voice acting!
Sometimes you just don't like characters. And before anyone is like, "you just don't understand him" or w/e, I can assure you, I do.
Read on if you want to know why I don't want him and Carpenter to have a happy/reconciled ending.
I know what it is to feel abandoned by everyone even before I start pushing people away. I know what it is to be a walking self-fulfilling prophecy awash in self-pity. I know what it is to never feel 'enough', to have vision for a better world and future, to always feel disregarded, underestimated.
... but what drives me nuts about Faulkner is his unwillingness to admit fault without making it all about himself. At some point, I had to recognize what my dysfunction and severe depression were causing me to do to the people around me. I had to recognize that, understandable though my behavior was (self pity, self deprecation, just being an all-around emotional black hole), it was hurting not just myself but other people. And it sucked! It sucked because I was coming off a childhood of abuse and CPTSD! I had every g-ddamn reason to be what I was!! ...But that gave me no right to be so selfish as to never recognize that I was turning my pain onto other people, intentionally or not.
I can't stand to hear Faulkner wax poetic about blaming everyone else for his bullshit, and then, when he does blame himself, it's not out of contrition or to make a damn thing better. And through the whole series he's been blinded not by his faith in the Trawlerman, but by his own delusions of grandeur. I think he's lost touch with his faith because he betrayed that faith to be zealous for his own ambitions.
Guy is suffering consequences of his own actions but he ain't even learning from 'em. And what drives me nuts the MOST, is the consequences of his selfishness are a BODYCOUNT. Normally I love watching characters like this on their downward spiral, but it's not as fun when I have to listen to half an hour of their self-pity monologue, and know that their lack of real humility is only going to get more people killed.
I hope that he and Carpenter DON'T get that happy ending. Sometimes friendships can't heal. Sometimes people don't want to take a look at themselves and actually do what's right. I want to hope that Faulkner can at least have a chance to work toward that at all, but with two episodes left... nah, son. This boy was born under a star of hubris, and Carpenter deserves not to deal with his messes. He hopes she hates him, but that's more selfishness talking; hate burns and corrupts you when you hold onto it, and Carpenter deserves better than that.
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socialistexan · 1 year
I think a lot of who I am makes so much more sense when you understand that my Mom worked for Disney for over a decade which means she got free Disney park tickets (plus very discounted food, souvenir, and hotel rates), and because of that I've been to Walt Disney World 19 times in my life (it'll be 20 later this year).
We also watched Disney movies and musicals constantly in my house. Our kitchen was fully Disney themed and so was a lot of the rest of the house.
I am also obsessed with Disney Parks - but specifically only the parks and more specifically WDW - lore and history. I'm not quite a traditional "Disney adult," but tbh if anyone counts...
Like, I'm a queer leftist and Disney is an evil mega-corporation, but like g-ddamn if I don't love it.
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