#also. might.. be the victim of a love triangle. maybe
abyssalzones · 1 month
hey. are you cool with long billford (critical, but more critical of the fandom than the ship itself) rants in your inbox? if not that's totally cool, that's why i'm asking before sending the long ass rant. explanation below if you'd like more details about what i mean before deciding:
i always thought past-billford was at least interesting, purely as an exploration of trauma (and how ford has moved on and is working through that trauma with a loving family). but i feel like the fandom SAYS they feel that way and then proceeds to post the most gross and victim-blaming things i've ever seen. and i feel like i'm the crazy one for thinking that's an insane thing to do, purely because it seems like everyone and their mom is doing it. so it's really nice to see someone (a popular someone!) go "no, this relationship is actually super abusive and unhealthy, and i'm not going to post a million and one comics of ford's family making fun of him for being abused by a triangle".
okay listen you guys are great and I appreciate feedback on my writing and thoughts And Such but at a certain point you've gotta go make your own posts. you already know I agree with you! for the most part! aside from the fact I kind of don't like using a ship name just to describe a dynamic between two characters! but I'm not really into the idea of my inbox becoming a hotspot for people to air their grievances about a thing I already complain about a lot, and I worry I'm encouraging that. it's just kind of tiring! I don't know.
'fandom' as a whole is so inscrutable and annoying that at this point my in-depth criticism of it is reserved to venting in private avenues with my friends. I understand its relevance to the story in the case of something like the new book, and how that might be spawning a lot of discussions about audience interaction, and that's fascinating to me on some level otherwise I wouldn't bring it up, but I also would rather just think about the story itself usually because otherwise I have to go watch some sea otters and calm down. so, consider this me lightly shooing you and everyone else who has sent me long rant-like asks about this ship off my porch, maybe to go do or think about something else for a while. in fact, here, go watch some sea otters.
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lunar-years · 1 year
everyone has different interpretations of scenes, but for real that scene with jamie and roy was just plain sexist. roy seriously said "i don't know if we're getting back together because she's a woman and you never know". like what the absolute fuck was that line? they showed up to her house condescending, completely unapologetic about their behaviour, and treated her like a trophy prize. she deserved to beat them up. jamie and roy have always been troubled characters, but they were never (not even in season one) sexist assholes. the show went out of its way multiple times to establish that even when they made mistakes it was due to personal insecurity and not misogyny.
and whenever it was something misogynistic, it was heavily criticised as such, which, in this episode, it was not. a lot of people did seriously not catch the blatant sexism of it at all and went "that's how these men act" (again, what the fuck?). jamie spent season three being respectful of roy and keeley's breakup and not making a move on her, out of consideration of roy's feelings. roy, who knows how abusive jamie's father is, probably better than any other male character on the show, physically assaulted him. despite the fact that throughout the season roy has been approaching jamie with affection, realizing that's what he needs to feel secure (complete disrespect to 2x08 too, one of the best episodes of the series). and while we're on the topic of violence, roy and jamie were never this violent with each other, even when they hated each other's guts. jamie, who gave keeley a truly heartfelt apology about the leaked video, making a point to not victim-blame or engage in literally ANY other sexist behaviour, just brings it up to upset roy in a dick-measuring contest. and one episode ago, one fucking episode ago, they were all getting along, keeley and roy were obviously trying to get back together, and jamie wasn't one bit bothered by it. they were holding hands on his bed and he saw them and smiled! regardless of whether you think the roykeeley arc was rushed (i do), jamie might have been heartbroken or sad, but he wasn't, not once, established as jealous of them. and this entire season was devoted to roy and jamie becoming friends by slowly growing comfortable around each other and actually trusting each other. every single one of those things was thrown into the trash. and yeah, sure, progress isn't linear and perfection isn't possible for people, but that WAS NOT regression. roy and jamie were never sexist dicks. those were two completely different characters.
ALSO, this scene normalizes the idea that it's perfectly forgivable to revert back to sexism whenever emotionally distressed, even if you are generally not like that in your life. it's not. in reality, you're either sexist or you're not, and doing this in one scenario will absolutely mean that you will be sexist in different scenarios too. nobody in real life will be sexist in some areas of their life and feminist in others. implying that this isn't the case shows a very poor understanding of feminist theory and ted lasso has more or less done a good job at not being sexist. i feel like this really excuses unacceptable behaviour that the show itself tells us, with rupert particularly, has very real consequences that perpetuate violence against women. to me, the light-hearted resolution of that whole scene was terrible and poorly written at best. people in the writers' room typed that scene, read through it, and did not find it weird at all. though it's not the first time in the third season, see: forgiving jamie's dad and far-right bigots (???).
and lastly, when people were asking for a love triangle resolution, they meant something fitting for the year of our lord 2023. healthy communication and conversations, mutual respect and love between the charactets, maybe even polyamory (3x11 had a great ot3 set up, too). nobody meant we wanted something from the fucking 1950s. literally the only worse way this could have played out would have been if keeley ended up with the one that caused the other more damage. legit disgraceful ending for roy and jamie as characters, and for the show as well. considering everything it has stood for so far.
(i'm sorry if this reads like i'm calling people out, i'm not, really, i'm just very mad. and also really sad, because i did not go into the ted lasso finale expecting unaddressed sexism. like that was Really Very Bad. for this show especially).
woahhh there's a lot going on here, anon. For anyone wondering, I'm assuming this is a response to this post of mine. While I don't mind discussion or being called out... this does feel like something that could've very well been your own post or an open response to mine instead of an anon note. Because if you've read my meta, you'll probably already know I'm not going to agree with you on this.
Just gonna drop a few short thoughts because I don't have energy to write a think piece when my broader thoughts are already contained in my original post:
I'm not sure where you think I was trying to excuse their words or pretending they weren't being sexist or like they weren't treating Keeley as a weapon in their own games or a prize to be won. I think there's a difference between excusing someone's actions versus trying to understand where they were coming from for the characters and where they are at now.
"while we're on the topic of violence, roy and jamie were never this violent with each other, even when they hated each other's guts" Roy & Jamie were literally beating each other up in the locker room and brawling right out there on the pitch in season 1, anon.
"Keeley and Roy were obviously trying to get back together, and Jamie wasn't one bit bothered by it." this is just not true. Roy was trying to get back together with Keeley. Keeley wasn't shown to be reciprocal (beyond sleeping with him, which is a repeated pattern of behavior for her on the show, and something she in fact did with Jamie in season one), and Roy misinterprets it, as Jamie misinterpreted it. In fact, I'd argue Roy deciding it was a good idea to try and make him and Keeley happen right there in Jamie's bedroom with Jamie crying to his mum one room over, shows he wasn't thinking about Jamie, not when it comes to Keeley. Roy wants what Roy wants and he assumed he was going to get it. And Jamie went through a whole journey of expressions when he opened that bedroom door, so I don't think it's fair to say he "wasn't one bit bothered." I think we've established at this point Roy and Jamie both love Keeley and have always been weird and jealous about it with the other.
"this scene normalizes the idea that it's perfectly forgivable to revert back to sexism whenever emotionally distressed" this scene didn't normalize anything, because the show immediately acknowledged that Jamie and Roy were both in the wrong and had Keeley rightfully kick them to the curb for it. The narrative was not that this is okay or acceptable behavior. I definitely didn't see the scene as light-hearted
"nobody in real life will be sexist in some areas of their life and feminist in others." i am a woman who considers herself very much a feminist. That doesn't mean I've never had moments of internalized misogyny or made harmful comments that buy into a patriarchal narrative, despite myself. Well-intentioned people make mistakes. We are all works in prog-mess trying to get through life as the best people we can be. Jamie and Roy, in my opinion, are fictional iterations of the same principle. I don't think this comes even close to destroying their entire characters in the way you are implying.
All the best x
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canonically47 · 3 months
episode starts in like two minutes so might as well put in my review request now!
disventure camp all stars epiaode 13: "dis-vengers" - review
spoilers!!!! (but you knew that.)
they killed my aroace alec headcanon... they took it, stomped on it and burned it to the ground... yet another dsvc man who has fallen victim to the whiny lovestruck baby trope god i am so fucking sorry alec
the saddest thing is i could see them together if riya liked him back. like when they kissed and i saw riya give in i was actually excited and then she pulled away two seconds later and i was like oh.. we're doing this then.
krysderek and trevor yada yada does anybody care?? did anybody give two shits???? no? okay good NEXT!
poor alec, this episode treated him like shit. i'm starting to believe he may not make finale. this episode gave him such a visceral downgrade
connor not knowing what VR is he's so unserious 😭😭😭
ally and connor were boring this episode (as always imo) but i'm glad to see them have more moments together!!
JAKE AND AIDEN. god i'd be lying if i said this episode didn't make me adore them individually and as a pair. can we forget tomjake and instead shove jake between james and aiden and make them poly. i really need a poly couple in this show i'm starved for them
even from a non-shipping point of view, these two have come so far and i'm so peoud of them. just... argh they make me so happy now wtf i've done such a 180 on them and i'm not even complaining?!!?!!???
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top ten moments that made me cheer and yell loudly this episode!!!!!!
grett and gabby... grett has with gabby what the fandom wishes she had with riya. they're so,,, yeah let's shove grett between gabellie as well. maybe we should also add tess. and ally somehow. and hunter can be there as some sort of treat??? i gotta make a chart for this
FUCK!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!! YULLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here's a small collection of everyone hating on him
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fuuuuuck you have no idea how happy and relieved i am after this episode. now that the love triangle has been cast aside, i feel like the show is finally returning to its peak. i'm gonna elaborate more on that on another ask i got from this same anon but just know i'm starting to be much more excited and look forward to episodes now. i hope they don't immensely fuck it up
9/10 because .. the kiss. but otherwise it was an amazing episode
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look at those queer couples . fantastic stuff. peak gay onc era is coming back
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eyesanddragons · 1 year
Rambling incoming. People often remember the book 10 vase scene & the epilogue as poorly written (and they are), but I'd argue that what happens after the vase scene is just as badly written, if not worse.
Being told that Darkstalker not only brainwashed one of her friends, but also attempted to kill off his entire tribe with a plague, should have been the final straw for Moon. She had already experienced a SEVERE breach in trust with Darkstalker before he even emerged from the mountain, so much so that it put her into tears (end of book 8). She should have immediately realized that trying to redeem Darkstalker would necessarily put the lives of her friends, Winter's tribe, and the world at risk, as long as he still had his powers. She should have immediately started focusing on how to neutralize DS as soon as possible. Maybe neutralize him in a way where she can safely try to redeem him without gambling the world on it, but not if it requires the sacrifice of her friend's safety. She should have redirected her empathy towards the friends she KNOWS she can trust. This does not happen. Instead, she throws herself a pity-party, like she is the real victim in all of this. She stubbornly insists that he can still be redeemed much to the dismay of Winter and the questioning of Qibli, and then puts the entire world at risk by betting on him willingly eating the strawberry to find redemption. It is ONLY through the serendipitous hubris of Darkstalker that he is defeated. Yet the books do not hold Moon to task on ANY of this completely blind and genuinely selfish crusade of hers. No, it's everyone else's fault for not believing in her.
A few short pages after the vase scene, Moon outright channels suburban mom energy out of nowhere, infantilizes Winter as if he is a toddler throwing a temper tantrum over spilt milk, and basically tells him to go to his room. All because he was upset that, after being told that DS nearly wiped out the IceWings and brainwashed one of her closest friends, she wanted to go talk to the culprit. She refuses to explain why and doesn't even try to understand why Winter is so upset. Yet she calmly explains her reasons to Qibli on the very next page. This scene alone made me almost quit WoF entirely because it straight-up invalidates Winter's trauma while, somehow, framing him as the unreasonable one.
After their conversation with Darkstalker, they realize they have to tell Winter that Queen Glacier, his aunt whom he genuinely cared about and valued so much that he made it a cornerstone of his identity early in the arc, has been killed by Darkstalker's plague. So, since they are such good friends they would feel genuine empathy and sorrow for him, right? Dreading the task of telling him because it will be a genuinely difficult thing to do, to tell a close friend that a loved one of theirs died? Lmao nope. Instead, all Qibli and Moon are worried about is that he might yell at them. Moon's only response to Qibli's worry is "I've heard worse in his head." Not "he's allowed to mourn," or "he's been through a lot recently, cut him some slack." Imagine if your friends, behind your back, learned of your loved ones passing and went "Oh god, alright let's draw straws on who has to tell this guy."
The 2nd half of book 10 is, to this day, probably some of the worst, most mean-spirited writing I've ever seen in... anything really. It systematically destroyed the found family to resolve a love triangle that nobody wanted, because letting Moon and Qilbi just choose each other was apparently *not* an option.
The Vase scene and how the character's react and treat Winter in the 2nd half of Book 10 is one of the reasons why it's my least favorite WoF book. It really is unnecessarily mean spirited. Though I do wanna touch a bit on what you say here. Specifically about Moon since I think her actions her could of actually been handled in an interesting and impactful way.
This isn't to defend the Vase scene or anything...it's really bad and honestly I think it's worse with this context. I just wanna mention this since I think Moon is a really under-utilized character.
Moon's in a horrifically toxic friendship with Darkstalker, he repeatedly makes Moon feel responsible for his actions, he isolates her from her friends, he constantly pleads with her to stay with him because it'll make him better or make him stop acting horrible. It's notable that Moon is the only one Darkstalker didn't enchant because her Behavior is like someone who was enchanted. Darkstalker doesn't need to enchant Moon, he's already got his grubby in her 13 or so year old mind. Moonwatcher also has a surprisingly black-and-white worldview. Moonwatcher sorts thoughts into bad and good and judges people by them. Darkstalker exploited this by showing Moon all the good things he wants and all the good things he thinks.
If we get rid of all the magic from Darkstalker for a second what we have is a horror story where a much older teenager is manipulating a much younger one to Stay With Them so that They don't Kill Anyone. This is Deeply Horrifying and I'm not even going to touch on how he compares her to Clearsight because it becomes even creepier and I don't want to talk about stuff like that at the moment.
This is why I hate the vase scene even more! Because if we divorce it from the rest of book 10 for a bit it's actually a deeply fucking terrifying scene where Moonwatcher's sense of self is so reliant on Fixing Darkstalker that the idea of him doing something so horrible is something she can't accept because if she Does that means she's at fault.
Plus part of the worry in the vase scene is coming from how Moonwatcher trusts Darkstalker still, and how Darkstalker can read her mind. Winter is putting Moon at risk by telling her this. Could you imagine if Darkstalker Did decide to do something to Moon because of what Winter did? Moon is being put in danger by that information.
Of course we live in a world where book 10 sucks and Moonwatcher is barely a character outside of the love triangle so we don't get that. Moonwatcher's personality changes depending on what the love triangle needs to continue. The clearest example of this is Moon Wanting to Abandon waiting for Winter in Escaping Peril when SHE'S the one who wanted to wait for him in the first place!
I think one of my major problems with Book 10 is that, due to the romance plot, a lot of characters feel like there being given a script by Tui herself for the plot to go like this. So, as you mentioned, instead of acting like concerned friends who just learned that there friend's aunt was practically murdered, Qibli and Moon act really dismissive and even cruel. Complaining about being yelled at rather than the fact that Winter's Aunt is Dead. However this scene is supposed to push the romance further, to show how Winter is less attractive to Moon compared to Qibli.
Now, again, really fucked up to use his aunt's death as the backdrop here, but it is the purpose of the scene. This book is so meanspirited and horrible I Hate it god I hate Book 10-
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bardinthezone · 9 months
Watching Making myself sit through Moffat's Who, trying to give it a decent chance and I can't stand it already. Y'know why?
The stupid fucking love triangle.
Because not only is it just generally annoying as a trope, but it is so poorly written here. It takes over the show in a really obnoxious way and completely flanderizes characters who, in the first episode, were decent people.
Rory is portrayed as a fool for being... concerned that his fiance is cheating on him with the not-actually-imaginary friend she's been obsessed with since childhood, who she ran off with and kissed (A normal thing to be concerned about!!). And just generally, he's portrayed as a bumbling idiot. As the one who just gets confused and makes one-liners about being insecure. And both Amy and the Doctor just brush him off, leave him behind! Mocked by the woman who's supposed to be there for him and abandoned by the Doctor who's meant to keep him safe. He's being reduced to basically just comic relief here, and it sucks.
The Doctor is so.. aloof. More so than 10 and DEFINTELY moreso than 9. He's a silly, childish man who often fails to recognize the emotional consequences of his actions. He has his emotional moments, yes, but a lot of his writing falls victim to what I call "Sherlock Syndrome." When Moffat just writes an aloof super genius and expects the audience to fawn over him because he has good outfits and witty one-liners. Matt Smith is a fantastic actor and he carries a lot of his run, but putting glitter on a turd doesn't stop it being a turd.
Amy is yet another victim of the "every woman falls madly in love with the Doctor" pitfall. Worked with Rose, got old with Martha and after that almost every one-off woman who flirted with him just made me roll my eyes. Her obsession and anger with the Doctor didn't have to be romantic, but Moffat just couldn't resist writing a "strong female protagonist" who's sexy and she knows it, who loves having all the boys fawn over her and flirts without a care in the world. Who's a brash girlboss in charge of her boys, but who also turns into a sobbing damsel in distress at the slightest sign of danger.
All three of these characters are so blatantly characatures of themselves right now that it takes me out of it. They're all just quippy one-liners of their smartness or their brashness or their insecure foolishness. Can these types of people exist in real life? Yeah. But the way they're written about here is just obnoxious. I'm willing to accept that later Moffat seasons might be better than this (at least on the interpersonal conflict side of things), but it's season 1 and he's already dropping the ball so hard.
We could've gotten something truly marvelous, with a PLATONIC conflict based on the Raggedy Man from her childhood finally coming back and offering her freedom from a boring adult life. She's enamored with him, but doesn't entirely trust him because hey, he massively fucked up once already. Maybe Rory is concerned about his place in Amy's life, and Amy tries to be comforting. Maybe she messes up, maybe she says the wrong thing. Maybe she says the wrong thing right before losing Rory to the crack in space and time. But she has to try, because why should I care about a relationship where one person doesn't care about the other's happiness, at least a little? And right now it just feels like she doesn't.
I'm not saying shows shouldn't have interpersonal conflicts and flawed protagonists. They should! But to pull that off well, you have to make us want to see these characters grow. You have to give us a reason to enjoy watching these characters interact, even at their low points. And revisting Moffat's run as an adult, I don't feel enjoyment. I just feel annoyed.
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first-of-her-nxme · 1 year
What if Gendry r*pes Arya? I was talking with someone about theories and they were telling me practically a whole book , they said something about Arya having a child but leaving it with Gendry and go away in the sea!! For some reason it brought me back a theory i read on your Quora about a r*pe that could potentially tie in Arya‘s arc or attempt.. My thoughts were maybe The Mountain now Robert Strong or Jaime (revenge on Ladystonehart or something) and maybe Gendry 🤔
Hi Anon!
It's not going to be Gendry. Gendry had already made a move that looked like rape but, luckily for Arya, it was only a stupid play. Do you remember that they were wrestling in the smithy? Gendry invited Arya to a secluded place and then he pushed her to the ground. They wrestled and Arya looked like a rape victim afterwards. Her pretty dress was ruined and all. It looked like a rape attempt: luring a girl to a secluded place, pushing her to the ground, tearing her dress. I really hope it was only stupidity on Gendry's part, not a real threat to Arya.
That scene had its function. Because it made Arya look like a victim of sexual abuse. Moreover, when the two of them returned from the smithy, Martin let us hear My Featherbed, a song about a Targaryen prince in love with a girl from the North.
This chain of events reflects what happened between Robert, Lyanna and Rhaegar. Lyanna and Rhaegar fell in love in Harrenhal and it made Robert furious. When Rhaegar left, Robert "demanded his rights". Lyanna pushed him away, ran off and married Rhaegar.
Gendry, Arya and Jaqen are involved in a love triangle, similar to that of Robert, Lyanna and Rhaegar.
GRRM said that Gendry and Arya have no future together. There won't be any baby. If Arya is going to be a mother someday, Jaqen will father her child/children.
But back to the rape threat. There are at least three scenes in the books that point to a Lannister threatening Arya.
First one is the prologue to A Feast for Crows where Rosey is a foil for Arya, Pate is a foil for Jaqen and Lazy Leo is a foil for Jaime. Leo tells Pate that he wants to rape Rosey and Pate warns him that he might kill him if he does.
Then, in A Dance with Dragons, we get a foreshadowing of Jaqen fighting Jaime. It's in Jon X chapter where Alys Karstark marries Sigorn. Here, Patchface is a foil for Jaqen and Owen the Oaf is a foil for Jaime. The two are dancing together during the wedding feast which makes everyone laugh. It is a metaphor for the fight between Jaqen and Jaime. I suppose the latter won't be a laughing thing.
We also get a foreshadowing of a Lannister raping Arya in the Mercy chapter from The Winds of Winter. Here, Arya is playing a rape victim in the play about the Stranger's revenge. In the play the rapist is Tyrion. It's a reminder of the love triangle that GRRM had originally planned for Tyrion, Arya and Jon. In the current version that would be Jaime, Arya and Jaqen.
The showrunners of Game of Thrones gave a nod to that part of the books when they showed Arya and Jaime at the Twins in the finale of season 7. Arya wore the disguise of a wench and was eye-flirting with Jaime. Nothing much happened between them because Jaqen, and the whole storyline that came with him, had been written off.
Thank you for dropping by, Anon. And I apologize for the delay.
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i want your opinion on this, who do you think sigyn might be in the gow universe? me and my friends in my group chat have discussed in lengths and we hope that it will be another name for angrboda, just like how atreus has two names. it would be pretty whack to have a *ugh* love triangle in the story, i don't think that's gonna happen, though the idea of a throuple is welcome. we just got introduced to angrboda as a character, so killing her off would be entirely out of the question. it would be so out of left field, i mean it could help setting off the plot of atreus' rage and revenge (cycles are not easily broken!), but that's been done so many times it would be redundant and not neccessary. maybe gryla is hiding something from angrboda? they haven't talked to each other for a long time. would it be plausible that her parents named her sigyn, or she's known as sigyn in other realms? the jotun community seemed very tight-knit, i wonder if they all knew each other. i wonder if angrboda's parents told them about her real name, and i wonder if they knew laufaye. i wonder if they knew of their childrens' destinies...
I think if Sigyn is included, it will be a pseudonym for Angrboda. If there is another enemy hunting down the Jotnar and/or Loki, Angrboda might refer to herself as Sigyn as a means to protect herself. Ragnarök makes it very clear that she and Atreus are endgame and a love triangle would be cringe inducing. I think we're going to see Angrboda and Atreus' relationship develop over the next few games as they grow up, and it will culminate in the birth of Hel. There's also no reason why Angrboda can't be the mother of Nari and Váli.
I feel like if Sigyn was going to appear, though, it would've been in Ragnarök.
Killing Angrboda off would destroy her arc in Ragnarök and make her another victim of this series killing off its female characters for a man's development. There's definitely other ways to get Atreus fired up: hurting Kratos, targeting the Jotnar, etc. Angrboda's story doesn't end. It doesn't revolve around Atreus. Really, her life has just begun. I think when she inevitably joins Atreus' ventures as a companion, she'll get a lot more development and really start to come out of her shell. I can see her loving and studying the art of all these different cultures and befriending some of the locals/deities.
I do think her parents definitely knew Faye and they were friends with her. We might see more of this in a potential spin off Atreus game. Even back when we saw Angrboda all the way back in the first teaser in 2021, I thought her parents knew Faye (I theorized her dad was Tyr, though lmao). I headcanon that Angrboda's mother and Faye were especially close and maybe even childhood friends.
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nurcan-24 · 2 years
Ok so after the ending of coi, everyone was talking about how cordelia and matthew were going to be together, or at least have a romantic scene. And i knew that this wasnt going to be true and had an entire theory with proof ready but never posted it. So here it is,
When we first heard about the last hours series, Cassie had told us that the love triangle in this series wasnt going to be the normal 2 guys one girl trope, but rather one guy and two girls. Which is James with Grace and Cordelia. Which told us that this is going to be the main love story the book focuses on.
Now, at the end of coi, and the spoilers we got for cot, i knew that many ppl thought that there was gonna be a love triangle with james cordelia and matthew, which falls into the cliche love triangle trope of 2 guys one girl. BUT Cassie told us that it wasnt going to be like that. So knowing this EVERYONE shouldve known that cordelia and matthew are NOT going to be canon.
Cassandra told us herself that it wasnt going to be the one girl two guy love triangle. After the end of coi, we knew that the love triangle was over and that cot was going to focus on building james and cordelia's relationship.
For those who thought matthew and cordelia were going to be together, shame on you. We are talking about the ENTIRE FUTURE of the Harondale bloodline if cordelia chooses matthew over james.
Now that i have gotten that out of the way, im going to rant about some things that happen in cot, so for those who dont have their copy yet and havent read it, thanks for reading my post, love y'all.
Now for my rant,
In EVERY SINGLE SITUATION where james and cordelia are together, james tries SO HARD to make her believe he loves her. And what does she do when they have a moment ? LEAVES HIM. LIKE GIRL HE IS HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH YOU. AND YOURE LEAVING HIM AFTER IT ? NOT EVEN A SMOOCH ? Ok ik he broke her heart but hear me out, HE REVEALS WHATS INSIDE THE NECKLACE (which im not saying what it is, those who know, know) AND YOU JUST LEAVE TO FIND MATTHEW ? GIRL, can you please just think over this ? Ik matthew is in a hard place rn but if u continue to do things that make him thing you love him then he AINT GONNA LEAVE YOU WITH YOUR MAN JAMES, WHO PROBABLY CARES MORE FOR YOU THAN MATTHEW.
Also this is NOT hate towards matthew, he is one of my favorite characters, i just hate that this is what is happening in the story and he just falls as a victim of fault. I love u matthew, hope you are happy, wherever your little heart takes you.
Sorry for all my ranting, and thank you for reading it. I welcome any comments and disagreements to my theories and opinions about the various subjects i have covered.
Thank you and happy reading.
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tuiyla · 2 years
Fuinn was always frustrating to me because I actually do think Cory and Dianna had chemistry, but the characters were just never given even a single episode to breathe. Even the scenes where I think there was genuine emotion, like "can we be in love again?" or when Finn shows her the Lucy pic, the rest of the episode is banging us over the head telling us not to believe anything they're saying. Like their break-up scene in S2, which I think is maybe one of Cory's best scenes in the entire series? He's honestly so good that I actually believe him in the moment when he says "Quinn, I still love you". But then the scene ends and it's like...wait, no he doesn't. Not a single thing he did leading up to that scene and nothing he'll do for the rest of the season, hell the rest of the SERIES, will show that he even LIKES her.
But as much as Quinn was the biggest, most longstanding victim of Finchel, it's not like she was alone. Puck, Brody, Jesse...all kind of prove how little faith the writers seemed to have in Finchel's appeal. Love interests were turned into outright villains or dropped like a bag of dirt as soon as fans started to care about them.
Oh I totally get that because whenever I see Cory and Dianna I'm like, such great chemistry! They're meant to share a screen. But Finn and Quinn? Nothing. I do not buy for a second those two are genuinely interested in each other in whatever way. So strange what weak writing can do. But I also think Cory is baby and Finn is trash, so.
Fuinn's writing never allowed them to come across as an actual couple. The first scene we see of them is played for laughs and is about Finn being desperate to get into her pants. When he talks about her in Shwomance, same. We never ever get the impression that he even likes her as a person much less loves. He just finds her hot. And Quinn doesn't even have that lmao like I just don't buy that she's into him in any kind of way. If I'm being generous I could maybe give them the last scene of The Sue Sylvester Shuffle and the Silly Love Songs auditorium scene. Maybe. But for the rest of s2 they're either arguing or just there for Rachel to stare at. And this often happens with your run of the mill love triangles where one couple is so clearly meant to be the "real" one but it's fascinating just how badly they messed up Cory and Dianna's chemistry up. Astonishing how they wasted all that potential. Not that I want Finn and Quinn to be within 50 miles of each other but still.
And yeah lol the breakup scene. It just... falls flat. In the sense that we're supposed to believe Finn really does have feelings and like it's hard for him to leave Quinn. And of course she comes in with her "villainy" and wanting to stay miserable together. Fuinn are just such a fail in every way. Who could ever truly ship them? They truly didn't even half-ass it. I'd argue that even Rachel's other romantic interests were treated better though I of course agree that they suffered for being roadblocks to our "main couple" as well. Puckleberry was a brief adventure and Finn largely stayed out of it but if not for the obsession with Finchel and just Finchel, that could have been something. I think Jesse was treated as a fairly serious threat but there was always the feeling that he was only allowed to an option in the absence of Finn. And Brody, man. Idk what they even expected the fans to react to in terms of Brochel. And getting me started on Brody's treatment is a whole other rant but let's just say he, apart from Quinn, might just be the biggest victim of the Finchel train. Buckwild how that went down.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
So it seems that the executive producers/writers couldn't agree on certain things (evident in Alicent's characterization being all over the place). Perhaps Helaemond falls here. One side wanted to make them a thing and the other didn't. They included some hints but still ambiguous. Up in the air for s2. Just like Daeron's inclusion (it's obvious they initially hadn't decided if they were going to keep him or cut him). If I had to guess, Helaemond was probably an idea from Miguel's faction (apparently his wife came up with the Alicent and Rhaenyra same age/best friends storyline). So I don't think it's gonna be a thing in the end.
so this question made me go fishing for this old ask i didn't get a change to reply to about an helaegond love triangle (see below). in the meantime i already went more in-depth into the helaegon portayal on my blog and i do agree with the anon below on that & the fact that our aegon is not a clone of aegon iv
i do think it's possible that the aegon/helaena/aemond dynamic took its inspiration from the infamous aegoniv/naerys/aemon situation, not in the sense that it's meant to be a 1:1 recreation, but bc it would be a pretty rich playground for a lot of angst and pathos. it's not as likely we're going to get a whole show about aegon iv - it would be a "problematic" adaptation, so to speak, because a lot of his story is rooted in pretty lewd misogyny and i'm not really sure if modern audiences would necessarily enjoy a revolving door of mistresses while aegon iv terrorizes naerys in the background. the market is quite saturated with henry viii content as is (the same story at its core) - as we know, The Tudors was already a very popular show that went on for many seasons and there's also the more recent The Spanish Princess.
so i can see them thinking that they might as well extract the love triangle aspect of it and use it for HotD
disclaimer: i have no way of fact-checking which faction decided to include helaemond, but to relate this back to the ask above, i don't think ryan should be sidelined as a contender for introducing helaemond either. i say this bc he says he's been a fan for 20 years, so, as opposed to miguel, he would be more aware of the aegon iv / naerys / aemon dynamic than miguel would have been. unless this decision was just a huge coincidence & no one bothered to open TWOIAF at all. though i remember ryan saying he made everyone read FB + the 5 ASOIAF books, i don't know if he included TWOIAF on the reading list
Anonymous asked: Obviously a ton of speculation for there being a love triangle between the green siblings stems from a claim that the writers wanted to apply the Aegon4/Naerys/Aemon triangle. And there's definitely the fear that because of that they'll just end up making Egg2 just as bad as Aegon4 and continue to heap abuse onto Helaena when she's already the victim of so much violence. buuuuut the more hopeful interpretation would be that the writers are only planning to apply the love triangle in its bare bones. Since in the books it's never implied that a love triangle was present, the fact that a set up of "older brother and sister married unhappily plus younger brother being close to sister" exists at all for Egg2/Helaena/Aemond is already clearly taking a page from that pairing without needing to stick to the details. Basically the green siblings don't need to be a 1:1 parallels to the other love triangle for the similarities to still exist, nor do they need to end up exactly like them. In fact, their show characterization is significantly different than that of Aegon4/Naerys/Aemon, so if the writers want to smart and original I think they should resolve the helaegond drama through dysfunctional polyamory. I don't think that's been done yet in Targaryen history (except for maybe the conquerors themselves, but then that would give the green siblings even more parallels to them which is cool and sexy!) Also Helaena doesn't seem terrified by Aegon at all, just pretty indifferent. And considering how Alicent reacted to the Dyanna situation, if Aegon was as bad to Helaena as Aegon4 was to Naerys I don't think she would just slap him, she would've beaten him within an inch of his life. So like, besides the sex aspect (which neither of them seems to be into so it's like... Mutual non-con?) there's nothing in their relationship that implies severe abuse or even an escalation to that, because they both seem very disinterested in each other.
love the suggestion of dysfunctional polyamory though!!!
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bisluthq · 1 month
I know the it ends with us drama is old news but I saw someone say that they’ve experienced DV and they liked the way Blake was promoting the movie and that kind of changed my opinion on that whole thing a bit. I think the movie needs a BIG trigger warning that isn’t there and I understand how maybe promoting it the way she did wasn’t the best idea. But I don’t think asking people to wear florals and doing interviews while she does a flower arrangement are necessarily bad things. I also get her point about Lily being more than just a DV victim and how that’s only part of her story and who she is. I haven’t seen the movie or read the book so I can’t comment on how much it focuses on her life vs abuse, but if it’s more about her life and her relationships and the abuse is only a part of one of those relationships, I don’t necessarily have a huge problem with the promo? It could’ve been done better but I don’t think it needed to be about DV awareness tbh
I don’t think anyone has ever said Lily should be reduced to the abuse storyline or that she is in the movie but that is the central storyline (from what I understand - I also haven’t read the book or watched the movie but I’ve read a lot about it). The title refers to Lily and her daughter breaking the cycle of abuse that’s plagued their family for multiple generation. Lily’s mom got abused and then Lily gets abused and she decides she needs to break the cycle so she says to her daughter “it ends with us” and they leave. Her other relationship - because there’s like a love triangle thing - also ties into the abuse storyline because it’s an old friend of hers and her husband/abuser gets insanely parrie and jealous of that guy and that guy essentially “saves” Lily or at least tries to but she does figure out I think that she must save herself or whatever.
Again, back to the Judith Krantz discussion lmao (and Sidney Sheldon and all those 70s/80s batshit crazy books) there’s a lot of abuse in all of them but they’re not books ABOUT the abuse. They’re books about women and often those women’s careers (usually very successful careers like unrealistically so lol) and those women face various challenges including abuse. TEWU is literally about DV. That’s what the title refers to, that’s the central storyline and through line in her romantic relationship with the other guy, it is like… the point of the book. So yes. Obviously she isn’t “just” a victim but this specific story is about her experiencing abuse and deciding to leave. There’s a sequel called It Starts With Us and that focuses more on Lily and this promo would be more fitting for that sequel imo if it gets made - like Lily’s life didn’t end up being defined by DV and she moved on etc etc and ran her flower shop and got together with another guy and shit. But the first book/story *is* about DV.
I’m not gonna erase what that specific person you saw said about the promo but it’s a minority opinion seemingly and fwiw I don’t really like finding a dissenting voice for a sensitive issue and being like “well, see????” It feels a bit tokenizey when that happens. Different people like different things and someone might well have experienced DV and enjoyed Blake’s promo and the movie and the books idk. Obviously that’s not an irrelevant opinion but it feels a bit like finding minorities who are into conservative parties (be it Republicans in the US or Tories in the UK) and being like “well, see?” And in the case of the UK Tories like you had Rishi and Suella in key positions - arguably THE key positions - both having very strong anti immigration policies for example despite being the children of immigrants but I don’t think their stances were super popular with second generation immigrants in general (they were and are with some though!) That’s where identity politics/personal experience kinda needs to be seen as just that. Personal experience/identity. You can have had an experience and be fine with or into something and that’s your right but that doesn’t mean you necessarily authoritatively speak on behalf of everyone in that group idk.
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hanako-san · 1 year
Hiya!!!! How are you doing doing????? Is it bad that I’m kinda pissed at some of the characters? I know you’ve talked about some of this already but-😤
Everybody has their own opinions and that’s ok here’s just some of my own thoughts
Teru:he still is very rude to Hanako for no reason despite Hanako proving time and time again he’s different from stereotypical Hanako evil apparitions using his appearance as a excuse for his actions
Yashiro:she’s supposed to be the hopeless romantic, the damsel in distress, the teenage girl who dreams of someone taking her off her feet in a fantasy, but the thing is there’s a difference between being boy crazy and her actions she goes for the worst people as well teru who hates Hanako and tries to kill him over even had some vendetta against her but still enamored with him, swooning after every guy hit complaining none will like her when Hanako is right there? He clearly cares about her but she’s gets mad at him constantly, thinking she does nothing wrong, and might be swooning for his brother who he has trauma with!
I don’t want her to lose her hand or die but I just-I really want her to learn a lesson
I just Hanako is one of the best characters in my opinion and I like many simp for him, he deserves so much better poor little amane 🥺
Kou and Mitsuba are also great characters
It’s just the love triangle of Tsukasa,Hanako and Yashiro
And just Yashiro and teru in general-
I don’t hate Yashiro completely
(I do like Tsukasa but I need to see more of his personality,motives and maybe more? Maybe I’m just a simp or somebody who wants to analyze characters-)
I just-I really hope some of the characters learn from their mistakes and grow and maybe just maybe hopefully they can be redeemed or maybe it’s too late but hey! At least we have Hanako right? ❤️
Heeey!!!!! I'm fine! And you? Thanks for asking! It's kind of you 😊 Yes, I said some, but not all. I'm waiting for the right moment to say more about most of the characters, but I will say a little about certain characters in this question.
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I really appreciate it.
To older minamoto and daikon i agree.
More about teru from Me: Ano I remeber how teru said to Amane " I can't stand the sight of you" and that he endured it for his younger brother. I feel exactly the same way about him. It's also hard for me to look at his ugly face, but I have to for the sake of the plot. I try not to look at him, but focus on his texts. The level of hatred for the elder Minamoto is high, but he is deserved.
Teru doesn't care, he likes to bully supernatural people and ghosts. He doesn't care. He is a pure sadist with a psychopathic murderer and the justification that 'supernatural things are evil', but in fact he loves to kill. He has a special hatred for Amane, so I repay him in kind. But I know there is a hidden secret in his pathetic hatred. I could be wrong, but my gut tells me there's something behind it.
More about daikon from me: Anon… it's not that if I hate daikon I have to wish the worst for her. It's not like that! I sincerely wish her life and I don't want her to die. I want her to live and live the life she wants.
My feelings for Yahsiro are complicated because I hate her and I love her. The hate is greater because she has a personality that is hard for me to stand. Her actions and the way she treats Amane don't help. I'm especially angry with her and I hate her for the way she treats Amane, for the way she disregards him and treats him so badly, for how empty her words are, and for the way she can't admit when she's wrong because she doesn't see it. there is nothing to blame, she is always the victim, and Amane is the worst and the guilty person thinks she has nothing to blame except him. yashiro He treats Amane very badly, so I will also trample on her and her feelings. It makes it a lot easier for me because she makes me hate her with her behavior and actions. But that love is still there, small, but sometimes it makes itself felt.
Amane is my number one, my love and the one I care about, not her. So her feelings are unimportant to me, I don't care, even if I have some love for her. It doesn't change anything.
I think I have feelings for her yet because I hope she will improve and learn lessons, but Anon.. aren't we both too naive? What needs to happen for her to understand? She doesn't even see any guilt in her friend's sacrifice - she didn't apologize to Aoi for being sacrificed because of her, because she thinks it's Amane's fault, not hers, she doesn't see her guilt in any of her actions at all, even the most recent ones from chapter 104, so I have no idea what must have happened so that she understands what she is doing is wrong and sincerely regrets it and apologizes . Although there is a 1% chance that maybe something will come to her and she honestly understands how bad of a person she is and how terrible her actions are. Is it naivety or hope? Maybe it will undergo character development, or maybe she will stay that way. If she stays like this, I will hate her. Easy. But the manga hasn't been finished so maybe she will change and that one 1% chance will be left for her, but honestly Anon… I know I'm naive.
Anon….exactly…there's a difference between being a hopeless romantic and being crazy about boys! Did she think about Amane's feelings and how he feels throughout chapter 106? No. Her problem was that Tsukasa kissed her and she thought he loved her romantically. As if that was the most important thing to her at that moment. She fantasized about them fighting for her. Am I supposed to believe that she loves him when she doesn't care about his feelings? And she didn't even think for a moment, "hey, maybe Hanako-Kun is hurt." She only want to be where Amane is because he is the person with whom he feels safe and knows he will protect her.
Everything I thought about her since p.p.arc is confirmed by her behavior, which she shows more and more, also in words. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.
In my opinion Amane is the best character ever!!!🥰💖 He is the best Amane!! I'm glad we agree on most of it. It's good to know that there are people who think similarly about certain things and characters ☺
I won't say anything about kou and mitsuba Anon because it's not the time for me to say anything- The time will come and you will know my opinion^^
But Anon teru and daikon go well together. They are worth the same to each other. My 'beautiful' couple.
The love triangle doesn't surprise me. This is AidaIro style. It's disgusting! They're brothers!! I won't support this! I'm glad I don't care about romance or these ships at all. However, what AidaIro is doing is disgusting.
So Anon.. can you say that Yashiro and I also completely hate her?
About Tsukasa from me:To be honest, Tsukasa pissed me off in chapter 105 and I really won't forgive him for that! I won't forgive him, but I can't hate him! Simply! I don't hate him. My hatred turned into love, but I won't forgive him for what he did and I will be really harsh with him, but despite everything… I managed to love him. Of course it's on a lower level, but still. The only thing I want is for Amane and Tsukasa to reconcile with each other, for brother and brother not to be enemies of each other. I think his motives are related to Amane. Despite everything, I know they both love each other.
My advice Anon. You just need more time to understand Tsukasa and sort out your feelings for him. It's like me with daikon. Let's both just wait and see what the characters do. Will Tsuaksa finally make you like him or not? The same in my case and daikon. We both need character time. There's nothing wrong with that. I'd love to hear your final opinion on him when your feelings are finally stable.Will you share with me your opinion? 🥺
I will do the same with daikon, but of course it does not change the fact that I will treat it as I have been treating it so far :) But one day I will give my final opinion about daikon.
I also like to analyze characters, and Amane is my passion for analysis. I love analyzing Amane!! 🥰
Anon… I can copy your last sentence. I think exactly the same as you. Even if the characters don't change like you say and don't redeem themselves, Amane is here! Yes!! We have Amane!! Our perfect and charming, beautiful Hanako-san ❤️ Ours beautiful Hanako-san ❤️
Hope you like my answer ✨
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potatobugz · 2 years
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At last, I have a creature for every color on the hemospectrum... (except for like,, lime but yknow)
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timetobeaghost · 2 years
Mike confessed his love for El as a direct REACTION to Will's love confession, that he claimed to rely from El. It's, like @always-a-weirdo wrote, Cyrano de Bergerac (or the movie Roxanne, or the gender swapped retelling Big Fat Liar with Robin's mom Uma Thurman etc.). It was Will's words that made him fall all over in love with El. He could not have known these weren't Eleven's words and thoughts because Will lied to him.
Of course he was also pushed into his love confession further by Will, really with quite some pressure. It was literally a question of life and death that he convinced El he loved her, Will conveyed, but the actual feelings for the confession he took from how Will's painting and confession made him feel mixed up with his past relationship with El.
So that was a Byler scene.
Oh, the moral failing in this story is always with the liar. They lie out of lack of confidence and Will might be even more sympathetic, because his issue of being gay (and being sure Mike isn't and unsure Mike would not be appalled) is a bigger deal than just believing one is too ugly for ones crush, but he is lying and manipulating. And the character at the center of the triangle is very much an innocent victim of that.
Obviously the liar always gets their crush anyway after learning their lesson and quitting the lies and self-sabotage.
There is no question that El's ignorance of the painting will come up, and Mike will likely be hurt and maybe get a clue at the same time.
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
Hmm.. kind of a random thing but that's how my brain works sometimes but hear me out! The Bros (plus undatables and Luke if you want) get turned into cats. What type of cat would they be, how would mc react, and how would they react to being a cat.
I had SO much fun writing this one. Thank you for this excellent prompt 💗
This is just the demon bros getting turned into cats, but I might make a part two with the undateables! :D
Oh he’s going to be so pissed off. 
Seriously, even as a cat, his murder-death-murder-death stare is beyond intense. He will sit himself high up on furniture to glare down on everyone like the prettiest gargoyle you’ve ever seen. 
Nobody is allowed to come near him. He will swat and hiss at anyone and everyone who approaches, unless they are approaching to turn him back into a demon. 
BUT if you had nothing to do with this curse that’s fallen upon him, then he’ll probably let you near, as long as you’re not like, weird about it. Seriously, don’t baby talk at him, he’s not actually a cat.
Cat-Lucifer will probably just want to constantly stand on your shoulders and wrap his tail around your neck, which isn’t super comfortable because he’s not exactly small and dainty. 
Also, every time you say something stupid he’s gonna bite your ear lol
Tbh he’s probably going to make you carry him everywhere like that and he’s gonna control where you go -- you know, kinda like ratatouille LMAO
You know those cats that climb literally everything and anything?
When he first gets turned into a cat, he freaks the fuck out. But when he finally calms down and isn’t meowing up an angry storm, he’s gonna realize that this is a great opportunity. for evil.
He's gonna book it the second he realizes that he can literally be a cat-thief.
Nothing is safe from his grabby little gremlin paws.
He steals so much shit (wallets, Asmo’s jewelry, Levi’s limited edition collectors items--anything he can carry in his mouth or drag around) and then he stashes it all in your room, because unfortunately, becoming a cat didn’t make him any smarter.
Lucifer tasks you with just sitting in your room and keeping track of everything cat-Mams steals so that you can return everything to their rightful owners.
You quickly become used to cat-Mams sauntering in and out of your room every five minutes with his newfound riches.
So it’s a bit concerning when Mams darts out of your room after stashing a wallet in his hoard, and doesn’t come back after thirty minutes.
Naturally, you go looking for him.
You’ve only been searching for about twenty minutes, when pathetic meowing reaches your ears. You follow the sound, and--
You find him stuck in a cardboard box.
(before fishing him out, you take tons of pictures. He’s very upset.)
Levi is so distraught. He’s literally going to just wail and roll around on the floor until somebody picks him up. 
He’s literally the crying cat meme.
Once he’s in your arms, do not put him down. He’s very sad and his reflexes really aren’t good. You know how you can just kinda toss cats onto the floor and they’ll land on their feet just fine?
He will not. 
Is suuuuper jumpy and only trusts you (and maybe Beel, but he’s lowkey afraid that Beel is going to eat him.) 
You should probably get him one of those bubble back-packs that cats can sit in and carry him around in that. 
He has the worst time as a cat. He just wants to play his video games :(
(But if you give him lots of smooches, it’ll make his suffering a little bit easier to deal with. But like, he’s gonna turn into an overwhelmed ragdoll when u start giving him the smooches)
Honestly? He isn’t that opposed to being a cat for a little while.
But he’s also like. So hyperactive. Goes from 0-1000 in half a second.
He’s got the zoomies.
He’s gonna parkour his way around the house of lamentation, testing how fast he can zoom, how high and far he can jump (and how far he can fall without hurting himself)
He’s gonna do a backflip off lucifer at the speed of light and then sprint away as fast as he can to go wreck some shit
If you want to hold him, you’re going to have to catch him mid-air. If he doesn’t just squirm out of your arms and actually lets you pet him, he’s gonna stare you dead in the eyes, extend his claws, and then pat your leg with his lil toe beans.
You’re not entirely sure if that means ‘keep petting me’ or ‘stop it right now’ so you just kinda scratch his ears instead
Even as a cat he’s beautiful and everybody has to see just how pretty he is. 
He’s constantly striking poses. 
Looking back over his shoulder. Stretching his leggies out so you can see how long and lean they are. Contorting his body in the WEIRDEST ways because he’s even more flexible now.
He does not run anywhere, he struts very daintily and model-like.
He’s gonna be so affectionate. Constantly rubbing his cheeks all over you, and leaning against you, but be careful while you give him pets because if you mess up his fur he’s gonna swat your hands away.
He’s also definitely going to be really annoying and constantly walk in front of your feet and trip you up. Where are you going, why aren’t you admiring him, dammit
You know how most cats hate water?
Not asmo. 
He’s gonna make you fill the bathtub up to his chin so he can float around on his tiptoes with just the upper half of his head out of the water like a crocodile. 
Then you have to blow-dry him until he’s all nice and fluffy and give him a good brush. 
He will absolutely tolerate you dressing him up and taking pictures as long as you make him look nice. He won’t allow you to put him in stupid costumes (he’s gonna bite you when you bust out a lobster costume) but a pearl necklace? Hell yeah.
Feed him dammit, he’s starving.
Cat-Beel is going to gnaw on EVERYTHING. Furniture. Books. Clothes. Your hands and ankles. 
It’s not anxiety -- honestly he really doesn’t mind being a cat -- he’s just so hungy.
Also he’s MASSIVE. 
You don’t actually know that he’s been turned into a cat until you go to the kitchen for a snack and find an orange & white cat the size of a literal child raiding the fridge. 
Which brings me to my next point -- he’s gonna be SUCH a snuggle bug. Like those really big dogs that insist on sitting in your lap and crushing you. If he isn’t eating then he just wants to flop on top of you and crush you with his love.
You can baby-talk at him if you want, as long as you give him treats and snuggle him. 
He purrs so. Much. 
Will also let u just roll him around and do whatever you want to him dkjncdsn he’s honestly the chillest out of them all
God he’s so fucking upset at first, like claws out, hissing and spitting at everyone, full on tantruming upset, BUT THEN. but then. You pick him up and press a kiss to his sweet little triangle head and he bleps and it's all over.
Good luck getting anything done. Cat-Belphie is going to demand your full attention for snuggles CONSTANTLY. 
No, he doesn’t care that you’re trying to research ways to turn him back, he’s gonna plop his little butt on the tome you’re attempting to read until you give him love, dammit.
Honestly, Belphie being a cat isn’t that much different from normal. The biggest difference is that now he can squeeze into weirder places to nap, which makes it very difficult to keep track of him. 
After searching for two fucking hours, you, Satan, Levi, and Beel find him stretched out across the arms of one of the chandeliers in the dining room, like it’s some kind of weird hammock. 
He’s fast asleep. Nobody knows how he got up there. 
(To get down, he ends up yeeting himself into Beel’s arms.)
If Bells isn’t napping, then he’s hiding under furniture, waiting for his next victim to walk by so he can attack their ankles.
(also the most likely to bite u when he wants your attention)
((part 2 with the undateables))
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petekaos · 2 years
Hiya Rahul! What are your top 5 series in terms of plot/storyline?
hey there nonnie!! 💗 thanks for this question, it made me think for quite a while! i tend to watch shows that are more character-driven than plot-driven, so this might focus on that a little more! in no particular order:
1) beyond evil (2021). okay, admittedly this was a recent watch for me, but it skyrocketed to the top of my list. i think one of the most fascinating things that beyond evil does is subvert the genre of a gritty psychological thriller into something more character-focused. yes, obviously you’re wondering who the murderer is the entire time, but the victims as well as the survivors are treated with a kind of gentleness that is inherent to the show. the story is not just made to fuck with your head, but rather focused on themes such as grief and loss and closure and moving forward even though everything is falling apart around you, and love and love and love. this show is damn near perfect to me, it simply teems with interesting character relationships and an addictive plot! 🥰
2) reply 1988 (2015-2016). y’all already know how much i love this show! it’s difficult to keep such a character-driven story with episodes that are movie-length interesting and dynamic. but the pace of this show is simply wonderful. the fond writing and the experiences that we get to see in the show really draw you in as a member of the friend group and before you know it, you’ve developed a serious attachment to these characters. the reason i adore reply 1988 is because it takes a classic trope such as a love triangle and executes it well, because friendship is at the core of it. jung hwan and taek always prioritise their friendship above their love for deok sun and it’s so touching! 🥺
3) the gifted (2018). i LOVE this show! it’s a perfect blend of character driven episodes but also a fun and energetic plot. it kept me guessing at every turn, watching it for the first time was crazy because everything i guessed was wrong and the ending is one of the few that blew my mind and made me get up and walk around the house. i seriously think the way that they connected all of the storylines and gave fairly equal attention to the characters AND developed the characters (especially wave) AND touched on interesting topics such as a revolution only being possible through the masses super super impressive. it’s one of gmmtv’s best! 💗 gonna just ignore the gifted graduation
4) dark blue kiss (2019). totally unpredictable, i know 🤡 but i seriously love this show… watching it live was a whole other experience! i really liked the slice of life way we followed pete and kao and mork and sun through their lives as they dealt with their own internal conflicts. as touched upon in many of my posts, i thought the jealousy trope was done right here, especially in combination with the class difference in petekao’s relationship, pete’s insecurities, as well as the fact that pete is out and kao wasn’t. sure, maybe at times it was super angsty, but i think that aspect was done well and i enjoyed seeing them go through all of that before coming out stronger on the other side. i think they could have gone a little harder especially in terms of non’s character, potentially getting pete to recognise the fact that they’re similar (except pete has the support of his father and kao and non doesn’t) and taking him under his wing before all the bad shit went down, but i like the show for what it is as well! 🥰💗
5) bad buddy (2021-2022). LOVE LOVE LOVE this show! it was so nice to see such a lovely show simply enriched by the characters and the stellar performances delivered by the cast. the whole mutual pining and then committing to the relationship and the angst of the last few eps were things i simply adored. i really loved the ending and i think it was perfect for the entire message of the show—the fact that pat and pran couldn’t change the world around them, but didn’t let that change them. it’s also such a testament to many asian lgbt people. how we yearn for the acceptance of our parents despite the things they put us through and how filial piety is ingrained in our societies. how maybe that’s not the best thing all the time, but how we can maintain and get to find our happiness while having a relationship with them as well. how they weren’t even hiding their relationship towards the end… ah, pat and pran are such joyful, earnest, and lively characters and i miss them so much 😭💔
honourable mentions: my country: the new age, wake up chanee, i told sunset about you, racket boys. i’m sure there are others i’m not thinking of right now. either way, thank you for the ask! 🥰
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