#alsooo they could have been better lol
lonestardust · 1 year
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something I find very intriguing about lonan & harrison is that in moth work/feeding habits, harrison thinks about/reflects on/worries about lonan SO much, and when he does, it’s constantly about the past, what they’ve already been to each other, etc (often romanticized). the same could be said in body back. this is kind of his fatal flaw!!! ON THE OTHER HAND lonan barely refers to harrison AT ALL in in MW/FH and now also in hallowed bodies, but when he does, it’s typically about their future together (which obviously doesn’t exist because they’re broken up). anywayyy very intriguing to me. 👀
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antoncore · 3 months
Idk lol i think im just overthinking and overreacting cuz im on this period, but if u want the whole story, then I'll send it to u, but to sum it up, its abt this guy that i ghosted ij feb, and he was my first kiss, and today i saw him at this event, and idk lol... Judt started feeling kinda sad, but i also think its cuz of the hormones cuz of my period 😐😐
Alsooo sfw anton to cheer me uppp!!! Or even my husbands 01z 😻 - 🍫
aw i’m sorry love :( was there a reason you ghosted him in the first place and did he try to talk to you at all? it’s okay to feel emotional about things whether it’s to do with hormones or your genuine feelings <3 and here goes…
anton always had a habit of typing on his phone whenever you spoke about something you liked, moving away from you when you tried to look. you noticed the pattern emerging but just decided to ignore it, there’s no way he could be doing anything bad. one morning, you found yourself feeling sad and telling him about how you felt. he told you to just stay in bed and wait. you went back to sleep, not feeling like doing much else.
when you woke up again, anton was back with your favourite flowers and your favourite breakfast by your side of the bed and was searching on the tv for the film you told him you loved. the sweet gesture caught you by surprise. “i hope this helps you feel a bit better,” he said, still typing the name of the film. you were touched by his thoughtfulness. “how did you know, toni…” you began, but then stopped. you realised in that moment it must have been his habit of typing on his phone whenever you mentioned something you liked. it was so sweet, and you instantly felt so much better <3
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johnslittlespoon · 6 months
It just makes so much sense that you were writing in 2013, you have the unhinged vibe that the golden fics from that era had.
I'm just here to compliment you really lol, mostly because I am giving a try to write a lil something for the first time and god I can only dream of ever being able to write as good as you. I've been writing poems and music for years now but i find writing actual coherent storys with characters and dialogue so so hard.
I was wondering if you have any tips, or like little rules you follow when you write.
all the love, xxx
I'M GONNA CRYYYY this was the sweetest thing in the world to wake up to wtf wtf <333 thank you SO much, i really appreciate this wahh my heart :'))) but also you are SILLY. don't compare yourself to others!! if we all did that constantly we'd never get anything written!! there are SO many authors i adore on here that will always have me chasing the "i wish i could write like that" feeling and it's a great motivator but alsooo at the end of the day. you gotta fall in love with your own words and characters and stories <33
and i feel that so much!! we are twinsss, i also started out writing poems and music and then realized i had stories i wanted to tell that wouldn't fit in shorter form, then discovered fanfic in middle school in the early '10s and it was all downhill from there LOL. truly such a golden era tho oh my god. growing up reading the hat fic and borderline illegible wattpad stories was certainly... formative!
yapping ahead vv (i don't have much advice bc i'm still just learning as i go but hopefully some stuff i picked up on can be a bit helpful!)
i have zero method to the madness when writing so it's a relief to know it doesn't come off that way LOL but i do have a few little things that i follow and i always look for them when beta–ing as well! they're pretty small technical things and they're generally up to personal preference, but some of them come from authors i admire and i think they can really take anyone's writing up a notch <3
i don't feel qualified to give advice because i'm just raw–dogging everything lmao i've never taken classes or anything, so take all this yapping with a grain of salt bc it's just what's worked for me!
– i try to use descriptors like "the man" or "the blond" or "his friend" etc sparingly. i wish i could remember the source, but i read a great piece about why it's better to just go with the character's name 99% of the time, and then i went through so many of my works to edit them and i felt so much more confident in my writing afterwards– it made a big difference in readability (imo).
ofc there are exceptions, like if the name of a character is unknown, or if there are too many names being thrown around in one sentence and a "the man" or "the soldier" etc just sits nicer. i definitely still use them occasionally! but it does sometimes put some distance between the reader and the story when those descriptors are used too often instead of names, so it's a good thing to keep an eye out for when it comes to flow. sometimes less or more or whateva ??
– sorta on the topic of less is more, i love challenging myself to show vs tell when i can! whether it's by keeping dialogue short and letting actions speak instead (can add to intimacy/realism– we communicate so much through body language yk), through metaphors (literally how my whole '#john egan is dog coded' fic was born LOL), or describing feelings rather than spelling them out (his heart ached vs he was sad, his pulse raced vs he was scared, you get the gist). you said you've been writing poems so i feel like stuff like that would already probably come easily to you tho! <3
– this guide on ao3 is great for smut writers! whether someone's a beginner or just looking for ways to elevate the filth, i found it really helpful, it's a fun read as well lol. it calls out stereotypes/cliches and teaches you how to reword them, gives lists of slang and reactionary words, do's and don't's, etc. i don't follow everything in it but that's the beauty of writing; we all have things that work for us and things that don't and that's so okay. :-)
– in the same way that artists use references to practice and find their style, you can do that with writing too! i know a lot of writers have a doc or note where they jot down stylistic things they find while reading that they'd like to emanate, or words they want to use, specific phrases, descriptors, etc. if i'm reading a fic and find an auditory descriptor i like, i might take note of it, stuff like that. sorta like a text document version of a pinterest board!
– thesaurus.com is my best friend truly. often going with the 'simplest' version of a word makes for smoothest reading so someone isn't taken out of the story being like wtf does that word mean lol but sometimes things can feel repetitive, or like there just needs to be a little bit more spice; i probs go back and forth btwn my doc and thesaurus a dozen times an hour tbh.
that's all i can think of rn and ik those are pretty basic so i'm sorry about that!! i really do just kinda write what evokes emotions in myself, and then i hit post and hope it translates over to whoever is reading too :') drawing from your own experiences if you can/really sitting with what the characters would be feeling in whatever scenario you're writing is probably the most powerful way to present what you see in your mind.
i have a hard time writing about emotions/things i haven't personally experienced, so i usually stray away from it out of fear of not getting across what i want to, but some people are great at winging it and putting themselves in unfamiliar shoes so!! it's again just personal preference really.
and alsooo be kind to yourself! i'm an anxious wreck every time i post any of my writing, i am very much not confident when posting new fics and i agonize over my docs so much and trash a lot of works, but i know at the end of the day i can't grow or learn if i don't get the words down, and i can't get feedback or gain confidence if i don't post. becoming your own hype man and giving yourself the opportunity to improve is essential <33
sooo much love and best of luck!!! lmk if you end up writing smth, i'd love to read it (◠‿◠✿)
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cheriboms · 9 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
Thank you to both @bttf-dork and @future-boi for tagging me in this ;w; also pika ur comments about my art WAHHHH ILYSM <33 oTL
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Since I only hopped on this time train towards the final third of the year lol: fully all the way through, at least 4! Otherwise I've jumped around a lot while looking for clips and references and stuff. So if I stitch all those together, then we'll say approx 5ish :) The first movie is my favorite one!
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what?
Noooo, I don't really have any merch for things I like, actually... it gives me too much anxiety to publicly show my interests ;w;
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
None LOL I don't really drink soda to begin with, but if I do, I prefer white (lemon lime) soda anyway :P
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
I'm going to be honest, I... don't read fanfic very much. 🫣 I usually end up creating my own stuff (art/writing) when I have free time vs looking at other people's, which ik I need to get better at T_T So I don't have a loooot to rec... that being said I MUST shout out "Emmett's first weather expirement." by @alex-a-fans !!! <3 It is my greatest treasure of the year <333
I also really liked "incredible" by @penny-anna, which I read before I officially entered le fandom ;w; lone pine doc and baby marty my beloveds !!!!!
Finally, like basically all of the Doctober prompts from @doctorbrown *O* Days 8, 22, and 30 are some of my favorites, but I really recommend them all oTL theyre SOOO GOOOOOD !!!!!
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
See: everything I reblogged. Jk but fr, everyone is so so talented it's really hard to choose :'0 Here's a bunch of some of my faves in no particular order!!
[x] from @hearts-for-winona | [x] from @maxintime | [x] from @future-boi | [x] from @bttf-dork | [x] from @synthsays and @daryfromthefuture | [x] from @therobotwig | [x] from @22194isbestboy | [x] from @mythical-bookworm | [x] from @mkayeatsspaghetii | [x] from @tobytost / @tobytost-star
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
Yes I did !!! It is actually the most fan content I've ever made for a fandom since I was in... maybe junior high? So like YUH. Tbh, it's very difficult for me to find what you would call 'pride' in my art so ehh >_>; that being said, I do think that I had a lot of good IDEAS for Doctober (esp days 19 and 28), but my execution wasnt really the best. I would have liked to draw days 17 and 24 (+ time travel day) a little more properly too; like, I'm not as disappointed at how they turned out, but I still wish they were better and/or I could have given them more time. The ones I most actually-tried-and-dont-mind are days 7, 9, and 21 + under the sea dance day. (So many links was probably cheating but tbf I've kinda bent the rules for the past few questions so... whatevs lol). I've ALSOOO still been working on my godforsaken essay, it is 40 pages rn but even tho it's not done, I'm INSANELY proud of it Q_Q
How many times were you late for school this year?
None! B) For one thing I'm graduated lol, but also I'm typically early gang. I'm that person who'd sit in the classroom by myself for like 5 minutes before everyone else would show up LMBO ^^;
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
Yess I did!! A... lot actually :0 Most of them were by chance/pre bttf era, but still :P Here is my list as well as I could find, sorry it is soooo long, but what are ya gonna do:
Star Wars/The Mandalorian; The Addams Family (1991); The Tale of Desperaux (2008); Cyberchase; & Clue (1985) -- Christopher Lloyd, havent rewatched the latter 3 since I was a kid and literally went :0 to learn he apparently was in them. Also Kings Quest (2015) which isn't a movie/show but I think it counts uwu
Stuart Little (1999) -- Michael J. Fox, which also rocked my world to discover O_O like hearing it now I'm like "yeah thats him alright" but as a kid I would never have been able to tell you that was the same guy from that time travel movie, despite watching both way too much LMBO
Elf (2003) & Last Vegas (2013) -- Mary Steenburgen, nothing much to say except that she slayed ^_^
Love at the Christmas Table (2012) -- Lea Thompson, I didn't care for it and was shouting "LEA GET OUT OF THIS MOVIE, UR BETTER THAN THIS" like the whole time lol.
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) & Curious George (2006) -- apparently these have Donald Fullilove (Goldie Wilson) in them? Same w Jason Scott Lee (Whitey) in Lilo & Stitch (2002)??? And Star Wars/Kenobi show apparently had Flea (Needles)????? ...HUH.
I binged both the entirety of Law and Order: SVU as well as Seinfeld this year w my sister; apparently Mary Steenburgen, Lea Thompson, & Casey Siemaszko (3-D) are in at least one episode of the former, while Elsa Raven (Clocktower Lady) and Ricky Dean Logan (Data) are apparently in a random episode of Seinfeld each. So like, technically I saw them, tho I don't distinctly remember it :'D Also, I have been making my way through Little House on the Prairie recently, which has Matt Clark (Chester the Bartender) in a few episodes !
Finally finally finally, I watched I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017), as well as the LOTR trilogy like. Twice? And they all have Elijah Wood of course >:3c
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
None in the wild, no :P But I did end up being in the top 0.1% of listeners for Huey Lewis this year... so UHHHHH take that as u will LMBO
How many times did you fall down this year?
Hmmm idk?? Probably at least 1 I would think ???
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
Nooo, I didn't even know it existed until like October !!! It looks super fun but atm/last I checked it doesn't come to where I live so :( I should listen to the soundtrack soon!
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
At least three times, and then probably a few times I'm forgetting :P
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
The year in general is definitely "Oh great, the atrocity channel!" LMBO (but when hasn't it been since like... 2020? 2016???). For me personally, I think it's either "I don't know if I could take that kind of rejection." or "Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything." ^^;
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
I think I'm going to try to post more of the things I make, like my art and especially my writing ;w; Most of the time I'm quite George-ish and am too scared to put any of my stuff out there, for fear that no one will like it, so... I need to get better about that. Also I'd LIKE to get a full-time job and my own place some time next year, but we will see !!!
Idrk who to tag :0 ik @brinkle-brackle @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans have already been tagged but havent technically done it yet... maybe also @backintime @tobytost @ectojester @stillpreoccupiedwith1985 @itsthemorph @doctorbrown @knickynoo and @fourth-dimensional-thinker :) but no pressure to do it, just didnt catch if youd been tagged or not!
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theslay3d · 2 years
Training with Percy
Requested: nope
Gender:Gender neutral i think lol
Percy Jackson x Child of Apollo!reader
A/N I hope i did right by the amazing personality of Percy Jackson also all characters are 18+! alsooo this is like my first character x reader so it might not be good lol 
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You were a child of Apollo. You got to camp after the war with Gaea. You got claimed a week after being there but you kind of already knew you might be Apollos kid as you were amazing at archery and could manipulate sunlight. Your siblings were amazing towards you especially Will and his boyfriend Nico(who you were so in awe of cause have you seen his powers??)
Anyway it's been about 6 months since you've been at camp and you possibly might like Percy Jackson the prophecy child. You didn't mean to start liking him but who couldn't honestly I mean he has an amazing personality plus his sass always makes you laugh. He's also been helping you train as yes you were good at archery but not very good with a sword. That leads us to where we are now training with Percy.
“You're getting better” Percy panted out as he blocked the strike of your celestial bronze sword with Riptide. “Still not good enough to beat you” You said as you backed away to a starting position. “Let's take a break ok? Were both exhausted” Percy asked as he started to walk to a bench nearby. You groaned while throwing your head back “Do we have to? I want to continue to get better”
“You won't get better if you tire yourself out, come sit” Percy said as he patted the seat next to him. You set your sword leaning against something as you walked to where Percy was sitting. You sat down and Percy handed you a bottle of water “Thanks” you said as you started to drink. You finished drinking and took a deep breath in as you looked around you could see other campers everywhere just mingling and other stuff.
What you didn't see was Percy staring at your side profile. He always thought you were so attractive but didn't want to ruin your friendship by saying he liked you. So he just sat by you, training you practically doing everything with you just so he could see you every day.
He didn't notice that you looked back and saw him staring until you snapped your fingers in front of his face and said “Hello Percy??”
“Sorry” Percy said as he looked down to his shoes as a blush spread through his cheeks. You thought something might be wrong with him usually Percy never blushes. “Are you ok?” You asked as you tapped his shoulder. “Yeah I'm fine! Let's continue training” Percy replied as he got up and started to walk back to where you were training.
“If you're sure” You said as you narrowed your eyes at him while getting up and walking toward him. You both got into starting positions and started blocking and striking with your swords. You did that for another fifteen minutes until Percy found a weak spot in your stance and knocked you off your feet and to the ground.
You groaned as your back hit the ground super hard. “Oh my god I’m so sorry” Percy said as he quickly helped you up to your feet. “It's alright” You replied back as you stood straight up. You didn't notice how close your faces were until you turned to look at him. “Oh” you whispered as his heavy breaths hit your face. You had to look up to see him as he was a few inches taller than you.
Percy slowly leaned down and pressed his lips to yours softly as if scared. You froze for a few seconds until you slowly reciprocated the kiss. It lasted for a few more seconds until you both broke apart a little out of breath. “Well that was-” “Good it was good” You interrupted Percy as a blush hit you cheeks making you look down to the ground. Percy chuckled a little as he saw your blush.
“We should do that again sometime” You stuttered out as you slowly backed away almost tripping over nothing until you were out of sight for Percy. Percy smiled to himself at the thought of kissing you again and slowly turned around with a happy look on his face.
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msookyspooky · 6 months
OH MY GOD SPOOKY ‼️‼️‼️‼️ thAT CHAPTER 13?????????? A MASTERPIECE!!!!
The "my girl" partmhjnjjhahhahahhuhuhaha I SWEAR i was brushing my teeth while reading and when my EYES SAW THOSE WORDS I JUST STOPPED??????? i stopped there with toothbrush all over my mouth for a good minutE TRYING TO COMPREGED TAHT!!!!!!!! UHHHHHHHGGGGGG
I have no words to explain how much i loved loved loved that chapter!!!! i have been craving for that reveal since i started reading when you were still posting the part set 1 movie and IT DID!!! NOT!!!!! DISAPOUNT!!!!!! IM SO FUCKING EXITED FOR THE REST OF THE STORY LMAOOO 💞💞💞💞💞💞
Yn, in my opinion at least 👀, def had the chance to play dumb, act as if she didnt knew, act as if they were forcing her to do whatever accusation dewey trew at her. but she didnt‼️‼️‼️‼️ and im just freakibg outtttttt she cares so much that AGAIN she put herswlf in front of Billy. After all the pain that doung that all those years ago brought to her, she did that and didnt even think about it. even after stu literally shot someone in the chest she cares so fucking much that the death of that person donest affect how she feels about him anymore (judy didnt actually dieee but yn doesnt know itt( they didnt need to get try to get jill before she hurt yn, they couldve literally just ran away from the hospital. But the choose to stay‼️‼️‼️ for stu i wont eve.n elaborate because my. Girl. My. Ficking. Girl. Was enough for me lmaooo‼️‼️‼️but billy didnt need to say athing! In fact, it would be better for him if he didnt bc he knew dewey woukd recognize him the second the spotlight was on him. But.he did. He defended yn the second he could. He defended her even if he knew no one would listen to him.
Im 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 anywaysssss hahaha i love your writing a normal amount............
Alsooo you wrote jill so so well that i wanted to go inside my phone and strangle her myself lmaoo
Oh YN definitely cares and so do they there's just so much turmoil and difference in morals that it's a rough road but Billy and Stu saving her (To "kill her god knows when" yeah right 😒🙄) And her deciding to follow that moral compass and save Billy before her own ass because it was the 'right thing to do' (mm hmm 🤨😒) is just another layer they didn't know this situation could have!
Fr YN could have played dumb but I ain't gonna lie when I came out of anesthesia I slept SO HARD it was insane I was fucking out of it and barely formed thoughts so I can't imagine some bitch waking me up a few hours after my surgery trying to strangle me THEN trying to make coherent thoughts to justify why Billy is there 😣
And I think as the author writing it (And the girl reading it lol) like...YN is fucking tired.
I mean, her best friend and honestly only true friend died and she found his corpse and has that weighing on her conscience that it's her fault they seperated. Gale was never her friend 100% fake af and YN lowkey knows it. Karla is a friend by being Ray's wife but not on the level her and Randy are.
And other than Dewey; Billy and Stu is all she's got. In one night, she was truly stabbed for the first time not counting her arm or hand. Good and only Friend is dead. She's being framed AGAIN over fame she never wanted to begin with.
Dewey, as much as she loves him platonically, has changed because of that badge and being married to Gale and in Woodsboro (I noticed it from 3 to 4 with Dew to Sid and was shocked tbh) and has done nothing but make YN not trust him with her safety this entire installment.
Stu pointed it out in TT. That he was there no matter what, toxic or not. He knew the worst and best of YN and stayed there for his own selfishness but still for her as well. When Randy and Dewey only knew what YN revealed but she was living a double life that they UNDERSTANDABLY would be hurt and enraged over but Billy and Stu have been known and don't care
ISTG it's why I fuck with enemies to lovers sm bc your enemy sees your worst side, weakest side, you see there's and yet you still fall in love?
I think Billy has never seen these sides of YN and when he did in TT he was in a shit place in his life and still bitter over what she did in Set Up and Sequels Suck.
But Stu? He was in her life from Windsor to Hollywood on and off and got over her betrayal before Billy so it's easier for him.
And I hc Stu as fucking nuts to be blunt. Flys off the handle, impulsive, delusional, arrogant, has little value in peoples lives, doesn't discriminate with killing, sadist, possibly even a bit of a high functioning individual with a form of ASPD or just good old narcissism where he doesn't love like a normal person does so he forced himself into YN's life as a form of control but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for her he just cares for his own self preservation first and always will. While I hc Billy as an introverted guy with fucked up morals and possible hallucinations like his daughter Sam / he's more likely to snap than most people same with his Mom Nancy. But I think he feels love and emotions the same as anyone else he just has trust issues and cynical af.
It's why after so long...I mean, aside from money, Billy got what he wanted. YN is alone, isolated, depressed, anxiety, PTSD, no friends, everyone she cares for is dead or hates her, getting attacked by conspiracy theorists that claim she helped them. And I think he's realizing slowly but surely that maybe her suffering for trying to turn him in while saving him isn't what he wanted after all.
Thank you for the review and listening to me rant I just love these in detailed ones because sometimes you guys see things about the characters I don't even!!♡♡♡
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
I'm just dropping in to see how you're doing and to ramble about how I'm doing! So how are you? What have you been up to? Anything on your mind? Anything making you happy right now or bugging you?
I know you're very busy right now and I also saw your post about how you feel about being on tumblr recently and I wanted to remind you to always take care of yourself first. Both in real life and online, I hope you always prioritise your happiness and mental health <3
I'm in the middle of my exam season and I must admit that I've been slacking a little. Two of my exams have passed but they were online and on the easiest subjects for me, so they went well. But I still have three left that I need to put more effort into, which I'll be trying to do from this week on. I also might start a book because I've really been feeling the urge to read which honestly hasn't happened this year and I should probably take advantage of it now.
Alsooo about cmi9 and the drabble, totally do whatever your motivation and inspiration allow, Rid. I'd love to read about the cmi couple in any version and timeline, so I really don't mind either.
And to end it all, here's a cute thread just because 💞💞💞
hi sweetheart !!! always delighted to see you here 🤍 life has been going well, but so has my anxiety lol so the past few days have been a little low. that comes and goes, so i bet things will be better soon!!
ahhh the post :') i'm so grateful for being here and having this community.. you guys are nothing but sweet. but i'd be lying if i said the last weeks weren't tough or that i haven't been occasionally wondering whether ppl still want me around/enjoy talking to me and all! but it is what it is :') i'm just thankful that so many of you are still here. will definitely do whatever my heart needs me to do <3
oh gosh, the exams!! you're a smart bean, ivi, so as far as i can judge, i know you'll nail the other 3, too. remember to take breaks and to be easy on yourself!! the book could definitely serve as a way to breathe between the study sessions. what are you reading?
yesss, i'm definitely a little more motivated for cmi9, so let's see what happens. might change in a couple days, so :') thank you for your constant love for them... sending all of it back 🤍 also the thread 😭😭 i'm so deeply in love with this man, it hurts that he's only mine in delululand </3
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dorefasolsido · 1 year
1. What are you doing at this exact moment? (I want details, people!)
Details, okay. Sitting on the floor in the living room and doing a survey on my laptop while half listening to this true crime video my sister is watching. Occasionally checking my phone too.
2. The one song you will never get sick of? Additionally, any song recommendations?
I feel like there are sooo many songs I won’t get sick of. But I’ll go with Blood Sweat & Tears by BTS -- that song is just *chef’s kiss*. Alsooo, Jimin’s whole new album is fantastic, so that’s my recommendation.
3. Name everything you have ever wanted to be (occupations and random things, like animals!)
Oof, I’m pretty sure I won’t even be able to remember it all. But here goes nothing: writer, translator, chocolate factory owner, astronaut, archaeologist, Santa Claus, teacher, wizard in Harry Potter, actor, singer, artist, and ever since I got a cat, I’ve really wanted to switch places with it too.
4. What is the best fanfic you have ever read?
Ahahah so honestly, I only read really bad fanfics since I find them so funny. When I was younger I used to read some good ones too. But at this stage of my life, the more messy they are, the better. My absolute favourite of all time is My Immortal and well, it’s not good per se, but it’s a work of art.
5. Name every fandom you have ever been in! 
I’m a fan of many things but I used to avoid fandoms, so it’s only recently that I’ve actually got involved in a few. So I’d say just AoT fandom (a complete mess btw) and Army.
6. What is the saddest movie you have ever watched? Additionally, movie recommendations?
Any films where dogs die or watch their owners die, like, why. I think I cried my soul out watching Hachi and I’m not even much of a crier normally.
As for movie recs, Oldboy. Korean version though. Thank me or curse me later.
7. If you could direct your own TV show/movie, what would it be like?
I’d probably go for psychological horror with some really bizarre twist or so.
8. The cringiest account/fan account you’ve ever made? (oh god) 
I didn’t really have any, I think. There was a time I had this weird Google+ account where I followed anime pages and even became an admin of one, but I don’t think there was anything super cringy there.
...I hope.
9. What’s your aesthetic? Describe it to us.
I’m not really sure I even have an aesthetic, but I’m like a mixture of K-pop and rock/alternative/grunge scene with a little dash of Halloween (so, all in all, lots of black clothes).
10. One thing you’ve always wished you could do / be good at?
Dancing or painting.
11. Put a picture of your best (or your worst!) fanart/drawing ever!
I only do little chibi doodles here and there but they’re all pretty horrible lol
12. The best book you have ever read? Additionally, any book recommendations?
Oof, that’s a hard one. I guess one of my all-time favourites is The Trial by Kafka, but I have to mention Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata because I feel like that book both fully understands me and also changed my entire outlook on life. It’s really short too, so everyone can and should read it!
13. Most exotic food you’ve ever had?
Idk, I don’t think I’ve eaten anything too exotic. I guess octopus is kind exotic in these parts, so I’ll go with that.
14. Post a picture of the weirdest/funniest text conversation you’ve ever had!
I don’t really save pictures of my convos with friends and I won’t go looking for anything now.
15. Random fun fact about you!
Last summer at 4 am in the morning, I decided to just chop off my bangs, so I grabbed regular kitchen scissors and did it, no planning, no idea what I’m doing, no nothing. Surprisingly, they turned out okay -- not the best, but acceptable. I shudder to think what could’ve been now that I actually watched some tutorials and know how I'm supposed to do it.
16. What do you think of me?
You’re a real engima.
17. Do you have any fake names? Pseudonyms? Idk, stage names, street names? If not, what would it be?
Nah, and I don’t know what name I would give myself anyway.
18. What is your idea of a perfect life?
Just having the financial freedom to travel the world whenever I want and health to support such adventures for as long as possible. 
19. Finish the sentence: “Oh, to be a _____”
20. Is there a stranger you would like to meet again?
A sweet old woman I met on the bus once who was telling me about her health problems. She was so grateful because I adjusted something on her phone, and I really hope she’s doing better now.
21. Post a picture of you/someone you know doing something weird. Do it, you won’t. Coward. (Obviously the pic doesn’t have to have a face in it)
Nah, I’m definitely a coward
22. Is there a place you feel homesick for even though you’ve never been there? 
So, I wouldn’t really call that homesick, but I desperately want to visit Japan. And sometimes when I watch stuff related to Japan and see the nature and the streets and all, I just go like ;-; take me there already
23. Basic, but what’s your sign?
24. What sign do you act like? What sign do you wish you were?
Idk for sure, but I always think I act more like my rising sign, Aquarius. And I don’t know which sign I’d like to be, it doesn’t really make a difference to me
25. What is one unusual thing you do?
I’m in the process of making 1000 origami cranes because a legend says you can make a wish once you’re done. I don’t actually know what I’d wish for, but by the time I’m done, I’m sure I’ll figure it out
0 notes
arlecchno · 2 years
IM SO GLAD YOURE ALSO LOVING SUMMERS FIC IM LIKE ACTUALLY SO IN LOVE WITH IT (insert me going batshit insane) alsooo do look forward to more stupid banter in the middle of supposedly serious situations , they are the best and there are more . stan mcs little water creations tbh
bleh , honestly all my other writing works are old and i think pretty shitty at this point but i can link you to some if you really want (or i could write you a short story / drabble , i feel like thatd be less embarrassing on my part lmao , lmk if you want that) about my games though ... 1 2 3(WIP) the first two are well over a year old now , plus primarily unedited , so dont mind any possible grammar mistakes or generally terrible story flow (i swear ive gotten better since these 😰) and the third was also created last year (for a school project) , im slooowly chipping away at finishing the code haha ...
I ACTUALLY COMMENT ON MY OWN DOCS AS WELL !!! there arent much of them because .. well i havent wrote much outside of my private dms LOL
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i also think it is insanely fun to comment on my own work
aand ive contacted my friends (aka my two and only true loves /p /hj) about the kinnie thing .. and one of them sent me this to fill out
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youre not wrong actually haha , am i that easy to read ?
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im an ambivert , i dont like seeking out social interaction irl unless its one of my close friends or im just that bored , but i do get really loud / energetic when i am comfortable (i think you can tell that by how much goddamn energy i put into these asks) but my "social battery" still drains relatively fast i cant handle people very well lmao honestly , my and cynos reasoning for making our terrible jokes align a bit , although most people (apart from my irl friends apparently ???) dont find me intimidating , my main motivation when i slip in puns is to get people to laugh at how terrible they are , because im well aware theyre pretty bad (or all my friends just have the same broken sense of humor i do) . but yeah , i guess now theres two people on my genshin kin list now why do i kin both of the artificial humans in the game -
lets play a game where we ask eachother random questions , so its easier to end things off lol , got a window in your room ? if so , rate the view it has !
- jellyfish
yes the summers fic is so good thank you very much for recommending me it 😖🫶
AND YOOO THOSE GAMES ARE CUTE HAHA i liked nel and akira!!! also impressive how you did 2/3 of them in scratch,, i've had very little experience with it from like a few years back when i took a computing class and damn was it hard as hell 😵‍💫😵‍💫 so kudos to you man
glad i'm not the only one who comments on my own fics on docs LMAO and like you said, it's insanely fun!!!
the way that you're technically all of the above in the bingo 😭😭😭 and that drawing is sooo pretty!£8483£!!£! is that you or an oc of yours? (either way i've been eyeing it ever since i started typing here, hehe)
sooo i basically predicted what you're like irl?
i think for the most part it's because i'm a bit similar to you in some sort of ways, i'm only ever close with my closest friends and can get tired by interacting with people sometimes 😞 but the downside is that everyone finds me scary HAHA 😭😭 my friends had told me a bunch of times on how intimidating i look, when i really just have a normal expression on my face... apparently they said i always look like i have murder on my mind 🚶‍♀️
you now have another addition to the kin list, congrats 🤗
GREAT GAME!!! i do have a window in my room but it doesn't really have a great view... i'm currently living in a shitty apartment for the time being and the only thing i see from the window of my room is my neighbour's unit from my apartment complex 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ so i'd probably give it a 3/10 T-T
now, a question for you! what's the most silliest thing that you currently own? (it can be a purchased item, a gift you got, etc)
hope you're having a great day jellyfish ^^
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rhiannswork · 2 years
🆎 blurb …
part two
warnings: reader falling too hard for austin, hints of possible cheating, mentions of cake, sorta kinda manipulative austin, idk depends on how u read it lol
a/n: alsooo part two ??? idk i actually hate this so much LMAO
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special tag: @eu-whoria sorry if this is literal ass
you had fallen for austin, harder than you’ve ever have for anyone. so hard that you’d been blinded by the act he puts on for you.
austin always treated you like an absolute treasure, acting as if you were the only person on this planet and that you needed to be protected at all times. he buys you jewelry, lingerie, perfumes, palettes of eye makeup, he loves doing everything for you. you mean the world to him, he wanted you to know that. he’d spend the night with you, leave clothes over for the next time he stays. he’s met your family, babysat your younger cousins, nieces, nephews, you’ve planned your whole life and made sure he was in it…
austin has a busy busy schedule, he’s always on the move, always has something to work on and never has time for you, with busy schedules mean less time for you. when he’d stay over, he would get up early at four in the morning, kiss you goodbye and leave. he wouldn’t come back until late that night.
at first you loved all the gifts he bought, you loved showing them off to your girlfriends and your family and whatnot. as of lately it’s getting harder to just accept the gifts.
ever since the elvis movie was announced and close to premiering everywhere, he can’t make time. all interviews and auditions, the show tom is directing, dune, it’s been a handful. he works hard and doesn’t wanna let anybody down but while he was worried about everybody else, he wasn’t focused on you.
it was your birthday today, here you were in a body tight red dress with a plastic tiara on, waiting on austin to come. you were all by yourself in a big house, you sat there by yourself, staring at a cake, ‘happy birthday, my love’ was written on top. it was beautiful, it looked delicious as well, but you didn’t want to eat it just yet. you wanted austin to show up, maybe sing you happy birthday in his beautiful voice, even light the candles.
you waited… waited… waited… nothing. a few messages from your friends came through wishing you a happy birthday, everybody seemed to remember but him. you slammed your hands against the table and pushed the chair back. you snatched your phone off the table and walked towards the staircase. as the sound of your heels hitting the marble floors echoed the entrance, you headed up the stairs as you heard the door unlock.
you froze at the top of the stairwell, your back faced the front door, austin saw you in your dress and heels. “shit.” he whispered to himself, he knows he’s let you down. once again. “y/n wait. let’s go light the candles on your cake, yeah?” he tried to put a smile over the regret painted on his face. “no, it’s fine. i’m gonna lay down.” you walked to your room and slammed the door behind you.
part of you wanted him to come in, admit his faults, smother you in nothing but you love and time. it is after all, your birthday. however the other part of you wanted him to leave and never come back, but that wouldn’t help neither of you.
austin left you alone for a while, he decided that you felt a little better so he went and tapped on the door as he waited for confirmation from you to enter the room. “yes?” you groaned, rising up from the bed. “how’s my birthday girl doing..?” he hesitated to sit next to you on the bed. “she’d be doing a whole lot better if her boyfriend wasn’t always leaving her astray.” you moved to make some space on the bed so he could sit down. he sat on the edge where his legs hung off. “and i’m sorry about that. all of this new fame, i guess, is a lot for me. i always make it up to you baby.” he waited for your eyes to lock with his. so he knows that he has all your attention.
“by buying me gifts? aus it’s not always about the gifts. i want to spend time with you! i love you, i love the gifts but you have to understand gifts don’t equal time baby.” you met eyes with him, your eyes were filled with tears, making your eyes glisten. which made austin feel like a huge piece of shit. “— all i want is one night with you, a night where you don’t wake up early in the morning and leave me. i wanna wake up with you aus, it wouldn’t kill you to stay with me. is it too much to ask that you actually starting doing what you said you’d do?” warm tears fell from your eyes, coating the sides of your face. “hey. look at me, don’t cry please.”
he wiped your face with the pad of his thumb, “you’re gonna ruin your beautiful makeup.” he looked in your eyes, trying to find some hope in them. “i’ve been so caught up with work lately. i’m taking two weeks off. i’m gonna clear my schedule, i don’t wanna see you cry like this angel. you mean everything to me. why didn’t you tell me sooner?” he sighed as he clawed his hand through his hair.
“i was so proud of you… im really proud of all the people you were meeting and the places you were going.” you showed a slight smile to him and held his hand. “plus all the gifts were nice…” you giggled. “well for the next two weeks i’m all yours. i’m gonna cancel everything for you, i don’t want my doll in tears anymore.” he rubbed your cheek, smiling as he watched you lose yourself in his beautiful eyes. “i’ll fix up the candles and bring your presents out. i’ll call you down when i’m finished.” he kissed your forehead and left the room.
what he’d forgotten was, he left his phone open. one name kept popping up, ‘nadia’. you promised yourself not to look.
‘i’ll see you tonight aus<3’ that son of a bitch.
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frogtanii · 4 years
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sakusa was never one to get attached.
being cold and collected was kind of his brand and he stuck to it — not necessarily by choice but too many had taken advantage of his trust and love that he’d become guarded, allowing only the truest of friends to get close.
kiyoomi was once content with his life — hanging out with a handful of people, going home to film before knocking out on the couch with a glass of wine and a true crime documentary (he’s always in awe at how messy the murderers would be; he’d be much better).
that was until he met her.
meiko waltzed into sakusa’s life with her long dark hair and pretty smile, snatching his breath right from his lungs. he didn’t consider himself easily smitten but there was something about her that just broke down all of his walls in an instant.
she was kind, funny, charismatic, and super smart — his dream girl. or at least he thought she was.
it was in those late nights that she would get angry, volatile, and defensive, always picking a fight over nothing. gone was the woman who helped him pick out his suits for his videos and teased him for his choice in movies. gone was the woman who complimented the color of his eyes and called him beautiful.
in her place was a gremlin — a jealous animal who came home in the wee hours of the morning and when inquired about her whereabouts, would throw fits, breaking plates and hearts, throwing them against the wall to watch them shatter into a million pieces.
she would smell of vodka and someone else’s cologne as she berated him for being too overbearing, too clingy, too in love.
after these episodes, sakusa would retreat into himself, avoiding his friends at the house, barely uploading videos and going to sleep as soon as he possibly could.
it didn’t help that every time he went downstairs to grab a drink or a snack, there meiko would be, laughing it up with one of the other housemates (not atsumu though, never atsumu) as though she didn’t care about how she’d broken kiyoomi only hours earlier.
meiko tended to let sakusa stew in his own despair and self loathing for a few days before coming to him and “apologizing” for what she had done. she always insisted that she didn’t mean it and it would never happen again and every time without fail, kiyoomi would forgive her.
he knew it was eating him up inside, ruining his mental health and well-being but meiko was a drug — good for a moment but ultimately set out to ruin your life.
it only got worse when you moved in.
iwaizumi had expressed the need for a new member of the house and meiko offered up her childhood friend that had a budding youtube channel. the company vetted you out and ultimately agreed on allowing you in, you moving into the house within the week.
sakusa had always been bad at first impressions (and usually he didn’t care) but you were a potential escape — someone who didn’t know the drama of the house and could be an unbiased friend that he could come to when the meiko cycle began again.
unfortunately, that was unable to happen. the minute you moved in, meiko sunk her claws into all the boys, poisoning your kind visage with lies and rumors. most believed her and began to steer away from you, the ones closest to meiko choosing to treat you with extra venom.
sakusa never understood what meiko’s problem was with you but he was too beat down, too tired to question her words.
the only one who never gave in was atsumu, completely ignoring the witch and choosing to get to know you himself. sakusa would hide his tall body behind corners to observe the way you interacted with him and he was surprised— you were nothing like meiko said you were and yet he still couldn’t bring himself to pull away from her hold.
why couldn’t he be stronger? why couldn’t he be more like atsumu? sakusa never believed himself to be a follower but at this point he’d lost all semblance of himself. the strong, unbothered presence that used to intimidate with just a stare was now a timid man, hunched over to avoid anything that would set his beloved off.
but now, now he had a chance. a chance to break free from meiko’s clutch and become himself again. sakusa missed who he once was and he was determined to get him back.
no matter the consequences.
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℗ poker face
too attached
series masterlist
an - L O R E && some of sakusa & meiko’s history!! i love omi v v much so it makes me sad to write him basically emotionally castrated by meiko but it had to be done LMAO alsooo for the pic of u “cooking” or whatever — the race is ambiguous‼️ i have to put this disclaimer in literally every smau i write or someone will get pissed but i cannot find a race-neutral pic all the time which blows, i (as a black person lol) would know but just bear w me ok??? suspend disbelief pls lol don’t come for me ANYWAYS i would love feedback muah <3
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @sazunari • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @amberalisa • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @ris-illustration • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @babierin • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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kevinwastaken · 2 years
sonic movie 2 spoilers under the cut i have A LOT to say holy shit
theres so much i want to say but i have NO IDEA how to start or how to end
first and foremost they did knuckles SO MUCH JUSTICE sega wishes they could write as well as whoever the hell made this script. hes no longer the comic relief dumbass, hes a warrior!! like he used to be!! and he has dignity and honour!! and hes a little gullible but its okay, thats how he originally was anyway x
AND TAILS!! his camaraderie with sonic was so great. i loved how he came all the way to help him from whatever planet hes from and how they just bonded so well immediately and theyre already like brothers I LOVE IT
particularly i liked the scene on the beach where sonic and knuckles stopped and breathed for a sec after having lost the master emerald to robotnik and bonded over what happened to them both the day longclaw died. i liked how they related it back as knuckles’s family was fighting against her and UGH it was so sad but it was so great
AND THE REFS! they never cease to amaze me. i counted a dr robotniks mean bean machine ref (which is funny because ive been thinking about booting up my ps2 again to play it, i want to get good at puyo puyo), a sonic adventure reference during the dance off in siberia, AND ALL THE SONIC 3 AND KNUCKLES REFS!! jesus christ. theres probably more, but theyre slipping my mind
post sleep edit, remembered the manuel in the death egg looking like a manuel for a sega genesis game, that got a chuckle out of me iirc LOL
also kinda feel bad for rachel and what happened in her wedding. poor girl got set up and for what😭 a sting operation? its positively TRAGIC
AND HOLY SHIT MY JAW DROPPED THE MOMENT I KNEW SUPER SONIC WAS GONNA SHOW UP OH MY GOD i shouldve seen it coming with the inclusion of the master emerald and the chaos emeralds and everything BUT OH MY GOD???? HE WAS SO STUNNING!!!! HE LOOKED ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS IN THE MOVIE I WAS IN AWE
i did have a few gripes though. theyre a bit miniscule though
first of all, fuck whoever decided robotnik should floss. fuck you for that
second, did not enjoy how small the emeralds were. i know its probably so they can make sense in a human filled world but the emeralds were literally the size of my finger. and the master emerald was the size of ONE in game chaos emerald
also was a bit weirded out by agent stone drawing robotnik in his lattes but ummm hes gay so its fine idk the fujoshis will have a field day with that
alsooo kind of sad there wasnt anything with crazy carl drawing tails gets trolled or uganda knuckles. that wouldve been funny i think
ps whoever runs this show please bring in crush 40 to write the ending song of the next movie im tired of this kid cudi guy
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 148 and rants
Spoiler warning for anime only watchers.
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Okay I've been yelling for crumbs. And I got him not in the way I expected. But WE GOT HIS CUTE LITTLE FACE SO ILL TAKE IT. In a way this is a very small win. I still wanna know more about how the Kamo clan operates. If they're as bad as the Zenin clan.
Tbh I'm like super mad at the Zenin clan. (Which is probably what Gege sensei was aiming for). Like Satoru and Noritoshi are absolute angels compared to that clan. The clan that ostracised Toji which led him to killing the star plasma vessel and harming Gojo.
He was definitely one of the major reasons as to why Geto defected from the society. Also how they treat their family members so poorly. How they all don't want Fushiguro to be clan leader out of greed, despite him being a humble and honest person.
How they're willing to kill their kin in order to get what they want like. Just name the show 'How the Zenins Ended the World' or something. They literally are the root cause of the mass devastation of what is happening (besides Kenjaku of course).
Why be Jujutsu shi if you're gonna make life a pain for the rest of humanity and the people around you instead of using your time and energy to help save people and exorcise curses?! They keep complaining about being short-staffed but the people in power are really terrible.
And to make matters worse we only see A FRACTION of the corruption that Satoru speaks of. It took time for the picture to unfold. When I first watched the anime I was kind of confused as to what he meant by the higher ups and stuff. But now I really see what Satoru sees.
And yeah I feel like if nothing changes now, it won't ever will. Jujutsu shi clan heads will be selfish and their actions will become a bane to society.
I know I have a lot of idealistic hopes. I see how the justice needs to be upheld. But at the same time, like I respect Noritoshi, Satoru and Megumi's way of handling things. They do what they can to save the people they love at their very core.
It was a good thing Noritoshi came into contact with Yuuji so that he could reflect on himself better. I feel like with the new generation now things could still change.
We just need Satoru out of that stupid box please and thank you.
ALSOOO!! For Maki and Mai. Am praying that both of them survive this and just for Maki to defeat her dad. She needs to make it through to enter the culling game. She needs to surpass her limits and reach the same state Toji did, to intervene with the hands of fate.
So Gege sensei no more pain pls. (Lol I highly doubt they would stop 🥲🤡)
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(TW Abuse, TW Family problems, TW Mental abuse, TW Emotional abuse, TW physical abuse)
Could you do headcanons for Bokuto where he finds out his s/o was emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically abused by her family in the past?❤ I was thinking they're aged up because for this request the reader isn't living with her family anymore and Bokuto didn't know the reader back then so that's why I said he finds out. I hope I explained that well😂
ty for the request love, i hope i did it justice <3 (it’s kinda long lol)
sorry it took me a bit to get to, i haven’t been in the best headspace lately and lost a little motivation to write but i’m getting back on it
alsooo I hope you don’t mind but I added Kuroo as well
TW (trigger warning)
•How Bokuto + Kuroo Would React to Past Abuse•
warnings: mentions of abuse (physical, mental, + emotional), mentions of family issues, mentions of argument, a few curse words
genre: comfort + a little angst
characters: Bokuto + Kuroo
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you and bokuto had been dating for quite a while now
you got together your third year of highschool and were currently in your second year of college
you were over the moon when bokuto offered to get a shared apartment near the campus you two would be attending
not only would this be an opportunity to take a new step with your boyfriend but you would also finally be able to leave the abusive household you had been tethered to your whole life
you had never really opened up to bokuto about your home life or the situation you were in with your family before you moved in with him
he was busy with volleyball and school and you didn’t want to overwhelm him with your issues
honestly the main thing was you didn’t know how he would react and that scared you the most
bokuto didn’t really think anything serious was going on with you until you two had moved in with one another
during your high school days, you and bokuto didn’t spend as much time together as you do now and his brain was too fast pace to even take a second to really acknowledge your responses or expressions certain days
he wasn’t completely clueless back then though, he noticed certain things but you always seemed to have an excuse for them
he didn’t miss the way you constantly apologized or seemed to accept fault for situation after situation even if it wasn’t your doing you had told him it was something you had done out of politeness since you were younger
he had noticed some slight bruising or cuts from time to time you usually told him you fell down or bumped into a desk the day before
he definitely didn’t miss how you would occasionally flinch at his touch or if he raised his voice at you you told him he just startled you is all
you were able to worm your way out of opening up to him every time up until now that is
sitting on the couch in your shared apartment, you had gotten a text message about a last minute family reunion that weekend
this took you by surprise, honestly you never thought you’d get invited to another family event
you were quick to start typing a reply to let everyone know that you wouldn’t be coming 
bokuto noticed your short deny to their offer and gently grabbed both or your wrists which stopped you before you hit send
“hey hey hey baby, why aren’t you going? we don’t have any plans this weekend and it would be a good opportunity for me to finally meet the rest of your family and get to know your parents better!”
 bokuto was always so cheerful and optimistic well outside of his emo mode you didn’t know how to say no to that
but you had to say no, you were finally free of them and you couldn’t give them any opportunity to shove you back into your old headspace you tried so hard to crawl out of 
“ko, we can’t go.”
bokuto was definitely confused by your response, I mean there wasn’t anything keeping you two from going
wait, did you not want your family to meet him or something?
his hair fell a bit as sadness clouded his heart
you already knew what he was thinking
“oh no ko, it’s nothing to do with you. I promise.”
his hair lifted slightly with those words
but if it wasn’t him then what was it?
“Is there something wrong Y/N?”
he seated himself down next to you 
you sighed, realizing it was finally time to come clean
you explained your whole situation and what you had to go through to bokuto, staring at the floor the entire time
his heart had broke into a million pieces
how could anyone ever dream of doing something like this to someone like you
he couldn’t believe that his s/o had been this hurt
even more, he couldn’t believe he accepted those stupid excuses and left you to hurt on your own
immidiently you were engulfed in a warm hug
bokuto could not stop whispering loving words into your neck
he needed you to know how much he loved you, how he would never in a million years hurt you like you’d been hurt in the past
you were his everything, his world
and he would love you and protect you with everything he had
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you and kuroo had started dating in college
you had been assigned to share a dorm room with him on campus and after getting to know each other, you both had ended up falling for one another.
now, after graduating, you two had gotten an apartment together and were leading happy lives for the most part
you had never mentioned anything about your past to kuroo
school and work had kept him stressed throughout the entirety of your relationship and you didn't feel like adding something else to the pile
besides, that was all in the past
you had met him after you had moved out and you no longer had to deal with your parent’s constant abuse
it seemed pointless to you to bring up something that had already occurred
however, you knew you couldn't avoid the subject forever
what you didn’t know was that you would have to spit it out so soon
you and kuroo had gotten into an argument
you and him bickered from time to time as all couples do but this time it was more intense then usual
he had wanted to meet your parents for quite a while now but every time he brought it up you would either come up with an excuse or completely shut him down
“I just don’t see what's the fucking problem, I'm starting to thing you’re ashamed of our relationship or something. Is this your way of telling me you're done or something?”
“No Tetsuro, that’s not it at all. You don’t understand.”
“Then please Y/N, help me understand because I really don’t get it.”
“It’s not you, it’s them. The last thing I want to do is see them again. Please Tetsuro, I need you to understand that. I’m so tired of fighting right now.”
kuroo froze
you were on the brink of tears when that last sentence left your mouth.
he wrapped you in a tight hug
“I’m sorry baby, I should have took the time to listen instead of automatically hopping on your ass. Can we sit down and talk about this?”
Agreeing, your took a seat on the bed with him and begun to explain your past situation and your reasoning
kuroo felt a mixture of guilt, anger, and sadness bubble up in him
how could he be so selfish and blind 
even though he didn't know you when this was a frequent issue, you had given many signs that you had been through something traumatic
he never brought it up because he didn’t want to push you, thinking you would let him know when you were ready
but he now realized he could have saved you from carrying this burden on your own much sooner
hearing what you had been put through and how it affected you crushed him
you meant the world to him and to find out you had been treated in such an awful way hurt him more then anything had before
he apologized to you for his behavior and let you know that you never had to do anything that made you uncomfortable for his sake
he held you in his arms once more and mumbled words of comfort into your ears
he was your new home and he would make sure you were loved each and every day
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storge · 3 years
I just watched your tag trough from the show. Utsukushii kare‘ i think it’s called. What is the Story from them. Like could you maybe explain. And is this a show with 1 one week episodes or?
Hello friend!!!! Ahhh soo my posts have possibly made you interested i seeeee. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
Okayyy, so Yes there is 1 episode per week. We are coming up on episode 5 out of 6. (I wish there was more.. but sadly not).
Now the story is from a novel of a similar name.... But for the plot of the show I'm gonna take this piece from the reply @heretherebedork gave about it found here. It's basically a wayyy better description than i could ever do. (Go and read their whole reply too cause yessss)
The entire story is about Hira, an outcast due to stutter and his own low self-esteem, who is accidentally rescued from having to introduce himself by the most popular and handsome boy at the school, Kiyoi. And what starts as gratefulness quickly turns to obsession and worship as Kiyoi starts using Hira as an errand boy.
But the thing is? If you want the show carefully... Kiyoi might be using Hira, but he's mostly using everything as an excuse to keep Hira next to him, in his life, close to him in every way. He hunts him down at every turn, searches for him, talks to him alone... Kiyoi is rude and unkind but it's not about keeping Hira in his place, it's about being an awkward teenager starting to realize things about himself.
And now we've entered university with them so we get to see their relationship growing and changing as they go from high school to university and as Hira gets more friends and Kiyoi learns more about himself.
The only thing i want to add for you friend is before you wanna trash Kiyoi and say "ahhh pooor Hira," that while Kiyoi's actions are rude and harsh (boi does need to get slapped a few times ngl)... Hira is not alll innocent and a victim. His actions are obsessive, and he doesn't really have a problem with how Kiyoi acts. He finds him to be a "King" and enjoys being in his presence at whatever the meaning. Like he really worships the boi, and he barely knows anything about him lololol
Are they completely healthy... no lol but they aren't toxic like I've read and friendddddddd they are entertaining as all ever 😂😂😂😂😂.They are just 2 youngins who don't really know anything about themselves. And this show has been able to show a different type of relationship without making it crazy crazzyyyyyy if that makes sense.
ALSOOO, we have only heard/seen everything from HIRA'S perspective.. so it's only one side of the story. We are finally about to hear from Kiyoi's pov in the upcoming ep.
Sorry this is long and rambly friend... hope this helps and you should definitely try it. It's different from all the other bl dramas right now but it's really good and entertaining. 🤗🤗🤗🤗
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