#alternative for Indian toilet
amazingdealsblog · 1 year
Unboxing And Review Portable Western Toilet/ Commode/Western Toilet Stoo...
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maaarine · 6 months
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5 Takeaways From an Investigation Into Hysterectomies in India’s Sugar Industry (Megha Rajagopalan, The New York Times, March 24 2024)
"Women who cut sugar cane in the Indian state of Maharashtra are getting unnecessary hysterectomies, often as a way to keep working, undistracted by periods, pregnancies or gynecological checkups. (…)
Some women sought the surgery to avoid menstruating in the fields, where workers sleep beneath tarps with no running water or toilets.
Menstrual pads are expensive and hard to find, and there’s nowhere to dispose of them.
Women often address their periods with cloth that they wash by hand.
Others saw the surgery as an alternative to routine gynecological care.
To take a day off for a doctor’s visit, women must not only sacrifice income, but pay a fee to their employers.
Some women said they hoped the surgery would end their cramps and the pain of heavy, irregular periods.
Others are falsely told by doctors that a hysterectomy is necessary.
It’s such a widespread problem that a 2019 government investigation found that, of about 82,000 female sugar-cane workers in Beed, roughly 20 percent had undergone hysterectomies.
In the five years since that report, nobody forced the industry to change. (…)
Almost every woman I spoke to said she had married as a child, even though India bans child marriage.
They told me that they were married off to cut sugar cane alongside their husbands.
Sugar-mill contractors generally hire couples, not individuals. That system, workers said, incentivizes families to marry their daughters off early.
Child labor is also widespread, according to workers and company reports. A New York Times photographer saw children working in the fields. (…)
Coca-Cola said it buys sugar from Maharashtra, where these labor abuses are endemic.
And a businessman who runs a sugar mill in Maharashtra for Dalmia Bharat Sugar said his mill supplies Coca-Cola. A new Coke factory is under construction in Maharashtra.
PepsiCo said that one of its largest franchisees also buys sugar in the state."
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Original blog posted on 7th March 2013
Accommodation on Hestia - Saturday 7th March 2013
"What doesn't break you, makes you stronger!" Friedrich Nietzsche
We have spent 9 nights on Hestia so far and no sign of any motion sickness! The picture is self explanatory. The boat is currently hauled out and we are living on it along with 4 other crew members! Only one person had a hotel booking and has chosen to stay in a hotel room.... Lucky him! Due to the Heineken regatta on last week in St Maarten, the hotel rooms were booked for months so this was our only option initially.

Fortunately Shyam and Shalaka, who stayed with us for one night on Hestia and our crew have looked at this situation as an experience rather than a hurdle. The only part I do not enjoy about living on the top of the world is that we are not allowed to use the toilets on board and have to climb down a rickety ladder to use a public toilet on the yard. At the back of the toilet cubicle is a shower cubicle without a door (just a partitioning wall for privacy).......and it costs €1 for 5 minutes of running water to have a quick shower. It is hard to find these €1 coins as you need them for the daily shower and also for the weekly laundry. So the option of the couple shower was enticing and romantic! Imagine we both manage a shower together in 5 minutes.
I can see my friend Roisin having a hoot at the sound of this, on numerous occasions she has had to break the bathroom door to pull me out of my relaxing 20 minutes shower while we shared a terrace in Sydney and that too on a good day, on a hair wash day it would have been a lot longer! Miss you Roisin. X
So this is how it all came to be. Upon arriving in St Maarten, we had no accommodation and there was nothing available, so we ended up camping at Lindsay's for 2 nights in a little spare studio he had. Another first for me, this house had 8 dogs. Friends who know me will find this astounding. If I had a choice, I would have booked a hotel room at $1000 a night rather than stay in a house with 8 dogs and doggy poop all over the front yard.
After much hue and cry by Patrick, the vendor, provided us with an alternate boat to stay on for the next couple days. This was a Benetau Oceanis 54 called Selene. We picked Shyam and Shalaka in the afternoon and drove to Anse Marcel. In the excitement of being with them, our first time driving on the wrong side of the road in this country and the time of the day, we took a couple of wrong turns and after 35 minutes of driving we were almost back to where we started! We did make it to Anse Marcel late in the evening and had an average meal at expensive prices in an Italian Restaurant with a snooty French Maitre D'. None of this mattered with the joy of catching up with Shyam and Shalaka and finally introducing them to 'my' Patrick.
The next day we drove to Philipsburg with S & S, for a day of being tourists stopping on the top of a hill with fabulous views where we had tender coconuts. Another reminder of home. Once at Philipsburg we did the most touristy thing by walking into the Guavaberry Liquor shop and testing the free Guavaberry rum & liqueur. We loved it and bought couple of bottles for the trip. More bottles of alcohol were bought in the duty free shop at amazing prices followed by a walk on the beachside admiring all the colourful buildings and expensive jewellery shops by Indian jewellers. A stop for some creole cuisine and ice-cream completed the day.
Saturday was spent exploring Marigot markets and lunch by the sea side. I bought a lot of spices at the markets, this was followed by a home cooked meal of daal, rice & eggplant subzi. The evening was relaxing with lots of wine for all and Shalaka had her share of Rum & coke!
On Sunday 24th, Phil & Sybille arrived. The accommodation situation in St Maarten had still not improved not even a sofa available on their couch surfing website, the town was booked out. As a result, Phil and Sybille ended up hiring a car that they planned to sleep in! We sneaked them on another boat - Beneteau 40.5 Lady Marilyn managed by VPM. My memory of this night is trying to fill the water tank at 2am when the boat ran dry. Almost full moon and the madness to compliment it.
The pressure was on Patrick, the stress caused lots of friction, anxiety and more sleepless nights but finally on Monday afternoon we caved in and so did the vendor and there was a breakthrough towards closing the sale. In retrospect, we still got the raw deal. The vendor located on St Maarten, has no local market and is used to selling their badly maintained boats to unsuspecting overseas buyers. They are "in bed" with most surveyors available on the island. A foreign buyer arriving here ready to take over the boat is already at a disadvantage. I will write more about this on a separate blog as I think theses leeches need to be exposed. The broker was American and although he tried to assist in the end he was on a "holiday" over the most crucial week of the deal.
So finally the boat was moved to Polypat boat yard (near Marigot) on Tuesday morning and hauled out for the last bits of repair work by the vendor to rectify some problems as agreed and we could also then follow up with the much needed work to make the boat seaworthy by our standards. Unfortunately while repairing the sail drive the unqualified workers provided by the vendor ruined a major part of the sail drive which then delayed the boat getting back on the water further than the initial 48 hours as originally planned. We had to source this part around the world, to be finally found in Belgium. Finally the part was meant to be here yesterday Wednesday 6th March and the boat on the water today. In the interim we have been living on a hauled out boat in a boat yard and using the public facilities being woken up by the neighbouring rooster at 3am each morning.
To add some more to the adventure Patrick had a visit to the dentist due to excruciating pain caused by inflammation. After several calls over Skype to the insurance company and the worry of having to tentatively re-fill his tooth or even worse re-cap, this was a pleasant surprise. The dentist came highly recommended on the internet and managed to squeeze us in without an appointment. After a thorough check the dentist deemed this just an inflammation and was to be cured by a course of antibiotics.
Evenings were still fun with the crew sharing meals over a few glasses of wine or beer. It is a great opportunity to get to know each other and prepare ourselves for the big trip.
P.S: The part of the sail drive did not arrive yesterday as the order never left the office here in St Maarten. So we have now another 6 nights on the land before we have a test sail and then head off into the sunset.
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sociologyonthemove · 3 months
The Close Proximity of Cardiff’s Class and Culture Contrast by Sadie Mullis
It is 11.34am when I approach the four-way junction at the top of Albany Road. My attention is immediately drawn to the flashing blue lights coming from a parked ambulance on my left. The driver is sat on his phone in the front seat, seemingly unfazed by what could be unfolding in the back. It is just another day at the office for him, after all. It is a Sunday in April, and the sun is restrained by the grey clouds, occasionally peeking through to tease us with the hope of summertime in Cardiff. At least it’s not raining. A group of four lads surge past me, breathing heavily but still able to gossip. Clearly in the middle of their ‘Sunday long run’, which will inevitably end with a pint at the pub. The aggressive beeping of the traffic lights brings me back to reality, and I cross the road. Hearing this prompted my human sensory perception and reminded me why so many researchers choose to use ‘listening walks’ (Gallagher and Prior, 2017). I walk down the left-hand side of the street, as I normally would, on a mission or with a particular goal in mind. But this walk is different. I feel mixed emotions; more present, but also more conscious of my surroundings. Eager to explore and note the close proximity of class and culture differences present. 
People are all around, some walking at a leisurely pace matching mine, others clearly with an end destination in mind. I notice I am one of the only young girls around, which makes me slightly more vigilant than usual. A middle-aged woman in a khaki tracksuit exits Savers on my left, toilet roll in hand. On my right, an elderly couple board the bus, both wearing smart attire. On reflection this is the first contrast which emphasises the sociological focus of my walk. Classes and cultures can be significantly different yet be in such a close proximity to one another. The clothing these individuals chose to wear on Albany Road in some ways provide a visible process of distinction between these classes (Bourdieu, 1984). What might their typical Sunday look like? And would it differ considerably? I find myself wondering. My stomach rumbles, an automatic response to the smell of Indian cuisine emanating from Pooja Sweets & Savouries. The window of the independent store is filled with spring rolls and samosas, bhajis and pastries, offering a cultural alternative to the mass produced but perhaps unimaginative Tesco meal deal that is available only a few metres down the road. I stop to look through the window at the impressive array of treats. Regular consumers perhaps wouldn’t think twice about this mix of cultural options on the street (Macklin, 2007). I pass by a slightly run down looking dry cleaners and dodge the shards of broken glass on the street. Litter and what I assume (and hope) to be a spilt chocolate milkshake surround the overflowing bins, seagulls lurking around hoping for any leftovers. I dodge three drains on the pavement. An Eastern European looking man, whom I presume to be the owner, unlocks the door of Pookie Delicacy. He mutters on the phone in a language I am unfamiliar with. He embodies the ‘assimilationist hero’ (Rhys-Taylor, 2013). I become aware of a chill in the air when a gust of wind emerges, regretting the thin sweater I chose to wear. My attention is drawn to the large, yellow poster presented inside one of the many Iceland chain stores that can be accessed around Cardiff. ‘HUGE HALF PRICE REDUCTIONS!’, it seemingly screamed. The advertising team had earnt their wages; it certainly caught my attention (Lange et al. 2016). I move beyond the first of many charity shops, before dodging a group of male teens all dressed in black, sporting large chains around some of their necks. I cough, trying not to inhale the sickeningly sweet strawberry second hand vape smoke that clouds behind two of them. 
I near the halfway point of the first part of my walk down Albany Road, passing the infamous Andrew Buchanan pub. The smell of cigarette smoke immediately transports me back to summer evenings abroad (Verbeek and van Campen, 2013). I am filled with excitement at the thought of my post exam period getaway. This excitement is quickly surpassed by reality as the two elderly males standing outside, clutching half empty pints of Guinness, stare at me walking by. I move on towards the post office, and flinch at the flock of pigeons at my feet. They are always here; I don’t know why I am surprised. The clunk of a bicycle changing gear can be heard over my right shoulder, and the line of cars waiting for that green light surge past. On my left I notice the break in shops, replaced by lines of terraced houses visible far into the horizon. I open the maps app on my phone, and discover that these slightly run down, sandwiched houses lead onto those surrounding Roath Recreational Ground which boast large gardens and grand front porches. One may wonder where the boundary is that signals the difference between residents, and whether this is individually subjective to them (Barth, 1969). Speaking of boundaries, the prominent metal gate to my right creates a distinct physical one. It separates Albany Road Primary School from the potential dangers of a busy road and popular street. 
Despite being aware of my dawdling, I remember I am to try and embrace Walter Benjamin’s concept of ‘flâneur’ throughout the duration of my walk (Bates and Rhys-Taylor, 2017), so I continue at a leisurely pace. Walkers are the practitioners of the city, after all (Solnit, 2001). I take a left turning onto Wellfield Road. The time is now 11.46. Loud music erupts from a trailer parked outside a slightly run down but grand old building labelled ‘Rainbow Bargains’. Its advertising boasts an impressive array of different e-cigarette and disposable vape flavours. The combination of catchy tunes and colourful flashing lights glamourising the unhealthy habit. I stroll on, the sound of the music dulling behind me. The area already seems less crowded and quieter. Perhaps because the road is one way, halving the number of cars, I note. A fresh fruit and vegetable stall is closed beside me. It is positioned next to an in-bloom cherry blossom tree which sways lightly in the breeze. I stop and stand for a moment. Behind me is a noisy street, packed with everything a consumer could want. Its occupants ranging in age and culture, most seemingly in a rush. In front of me is much more picturesque. The selection of shops is perhaps more limited, but much less cramped. Couples sit leisurely outside of cafes and coffee shops. The average age is higher, and predominantly white. 
“Oooh, they’ve got loads of iced buns”, a man exclaims to his female acquaintance as we cross paths next to Parsons bakery. They are both dressed in athletic wear, like a few others around, takeaway coffees in hand. I presume they have been for a run around the nearby lake, now seeking their reward. Dainty outside tables and chairs are all occupied by laughing customers, clearly comfortable with their surroundings despite being sat next to a road and on a pavement. They have claimed and chosen this area, manifesting their sense of elective belonging (Savage et al. 2005). I can’t help but wonder if a mere half a mile behind them they would feel so at ease. Whereas most of the food outlets on Albany Road were takeaway, Wellfield Road boasts many restaurants with waiters lurking eagerly to serve. Flats above the shops have intricate balconies and I imagine residents relaxing with a drink in the summertime. I continue at my unhurried speed and acknowledge the luxury of wandering I am able to experience (Shortell, 2015). The wind has dropped slightly, and the sun is straining to get through the clouds. I feel at ease. But this ease is quickly replaced with guilt as I pass a homeless man outside of Tesco Express, unable to offer any loose change. Unknowingly, he is an obstacle in a regular shopper’s guilt-free experience (Rhys-Taylor, 2017). This physical juxtaposition of poverty and wealth emphasizes just how flawed society is. A seemingly wealthy and more exclusive area still homes those with nothing.
An independent boutique store, homing exclusive garments that clearly only appeal to both the middle class and middle-aged woman, neighbours another bakery. The church on the other side of the road looks quiet, despite it being a Sunday. Rubbish bags pile up its fence, which also holds a Slimming World banner. The sound of a child’s scooter trails the tarmac. The four-way crossing I need to use is surrounded by road works and barriers. I don’t change my tracks and chance that I can cross the road further down, following the narrow path obstructed by large red boulders. I cannot! Turning back around humbly, I follow a woman who had made the same mistake. She acknowledges a man waiting so she had room to pass by with a genuine thanks. I retrace my steps back to the crossing and wait for the familiar beeping of the green man. I overhear a friendly looking elderly woman with a young child on a bike, tassels swinging from the handlebars, wonder if they too can cross by the roadworks. An elderly gentleman overhears and politely explains that they in fact cannot. A car horn blasts: maybe they too are frustrated with the building works. I cross the road and we all go our separate ways, and I think about how in the space of a minute I had witnessed two exchanges compared to the none on Albany Road. Could it be that these people had subconsciously recognised one another as members of the area’s collective group identity (Cohen, 1985) and consequently been friendly?
I progress off Wellfield Road and approach the vicinity of Roath Recreational Ground. Building works veer me away from my planned route yet again, so I am forced to take the path adjacent to the grass area. The dump trucks and piles of materials are deserted, workers nowhere to be seen. To my left, tall, grand houses occupy the space, front gardens perfectly groomed and full of greenery. They all boast front room views of the park and pleasure gardens. A man sporting a fluorescent yellow quarter zip exits the front gate of one of these houses and proceeds to cross the road and start jogging around the park, presenting a real-life example of how the middle class choose their place of residence in order to fit their habitus (Jackson and Benson, 2014). The building works tapering, I decide to head onto the grass area, embodying both rural and urban identities (Moles, 2008). My feet sink into the wet and muddy forage underfoot, and I quickly hop back to the path. A harsh reminder of the copious amounts of rainfall Cardiff has experienced lately. The blue sky can be deceiving. Clearly, as some people are wearing shorts, others woolly hats and puffer coats. The time is now 12.04 and the sun is out. I hear a dog barking, followed by laughter. An aeroplane echoes faintly overhead. More runners overtake me, both male and female, some in groups trying to chat, others solo and focused. With running being a highly gendered practise in general, I feel a sense of relief that women feel comfortable enough to run in this area (Cook and Larsen, 2022). The end of my route nearing, I wander into Roath Pleasure Gardens. There is no litter to be seen. The river flows unassumingly, it’s many uses often overlooked by the average eye (Bates and Moles, 2023). Wet pawprints dot along the dry path and an elderly couple soak up the sun on one of the benches. An idyllic scene set in front of me, I reflect how in the space of an hour I have experienced vast cultural and class differences provided by the city of Cardiff. 
Methodological Note
I used a literary sociology approach to my walk through Cardiff, in order to demonstrate and capture the creative and imaginative spirit of the walk itself (Back, 2007). Small details the regular walker would perhaps miss were of high importance to me in order to sustain the bigger picture and sociological focus of my walk. These small details can be used to both make connections and recognise differences, which is necessary in order for me to explore the class and culture contrasts presented. I recorded my sensory experiences in the form of taking rough notes and pictures of my surroundings, which helped to prompt my memory when it came to writing this essay. I recorded my thoughts and feelings along with the physical sights presented throughout my walk, which emphasised some of the social structures I had predicted. Walking as a method has become hugely popular with researchers as it enables them to personify the transient, embodied and multi sensual aspects of walking (Bates and Rhys-Taylor, 2017). Further, listening walks have become appealing as they can be used to understand peoples in situ experiences of different sound environments (Gallagher and Prior, 2017), which in turn helps to feed the researchers sociological imagination (Mills, 1959). 
The aim of my walk was to explore the class and culture differences present in the short distance between Albany Road and Roath Pleasure Gardens. A key piece of literature relating to the focus of this walking essay was Jackson and Benson’s (2014) article based on the middle classes and how they often perceive people as ‘others’, despite inhabiting the same neighbourhood. Separate group identities are formed which thrive off of the recognition of similarities between members and the distinction of differences between others (Cohen, 1895). Using the combination of my senses enabled me to pick up on some of the distinctions invisible to the regular walkers untrained eye, and I found embracing the sensory walk to be an efficient technique. The use of our senses, particularly smell, play a significant role in the transmission of culture through different areas (Seremetakis, 1996). In addition, the art of really listening can unlock hidden and deeper meanings (Back, 2007). The fusion of being familiar with the area and being alone also contributed to the success of my walk and gathering of ideas to compile this essay. Despite my physicality being opposite to that of the traditional ‘flâneur’ occupier, I was able to embody this concept which was a welcome break from the usual pressures of everyday life (Bates and Rhys-Taylor, 2017). The act and freedom of wandering, with no time constraints or particular goal in mind, can therefore be viewed as a privilege when compared to the pressures and stresses of my third-year student reality. 
Back, L. 2007. The Art of Listening. Oxford: Berg.
Barth, F. 1969. Ethnic groups and boundaries. Boston, MA: Little Brown and Co. 
Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. 2017. Walking through social research. New York; London: Routledge.
Bates, C. and Moles, K. 2023. Living with Water: Everyday Encounters and Liquid Connections. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Bourdieu, P. 1984. Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Cohen, A. 1985. The symbolic construction of community. London: Routledge.
Cook, S. and Larsen, J. 2022. Geographies of running cultures and practices. Geography Compass 16(10).
Gallagher, M. and Prior, J. 2017. Listening Walks: A Method of Multiplicity. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking through social research. New York: Routledge, pp. 163-177. 
Jackson, E. and Benson, M. 2014. Neither ‘Deepest, Darkest Peckham’ nor ‘Run-of-the-Mill’ East Dulwich: The Middle Classes and their ‘Others’ in an Inner-London Neighbourhood. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research38(4), p. 1195-1210.
Lange, F., Rosengren, S. and Blom, A. 2016. Store-window creativity’s impact on shopper behaviour. Journal of Business Research 69(3), pp. 1014-1021.
Macklin, G. 2007. Very Deeply Dyed in Black: Sir Oswald Mosley and the Postwar Reconstruction of British Fascism. London; New York: I. B. Tauris. 
Mills, C. 1959. The sociological imagination. New York: Oxford University Press.
Moles, K. 2008. ‘A Walk in Thirdspace: Place, Methods and Walking’. Sociological Research Online 13(4), pp. 31-39.
Rhys-Taylor, A. 2013. The essences of multiculture: a sensory exploration of an inner-city street market. Identities 20(4), pp. 393-406.
Rhys-Taylor, A. 2017. Westfield Stratford City: A walk through millennial urbanism. In: Bates, C. and Rhys-Taylor, A. eds. Walking through social research. New York: Routledge, pp. 105-128
Savage, M., Bagnall, G. and Longhurst, B. 2005. Globalisation and belonging. London: SAGE. 
Seremetakis, C.N. 1996. The senses still. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Shortell, T. 2015. Walking in Cities: Quotidian Mobility as Urban Theory, Method, and Practice. Philadelphia: Temple University Press
Solnit, R. 2001. Wanderlust: a history of walking. London: Verso
Verbeek, C. and van Campen, C. 2013. Inhaling Memories: Smell and Taste Memories in Art, Science, and Practice. The Senses and Society 8(2), pp. 133-148.
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harmandip · 9 months
Exploring the Benefits of Indian Style Toilets Over Western Alternatives
Toilets come in various styles around the world, and while the Western-style commode is prevalent in many modern bathrooms, the traditional Indian-style toilet, often referred to as the “squat toilet,” has its own set of merits. Let’s delve into why some argue that the Indian style toilet might have advantages over its Western counterpart. 1. Natural Alignment with Human Anatomy Advocates of…
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ganeshmoorti · 1 year
Tips to Place Maa Durga Marble Statue at Home According to Vastu
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Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, provides guidelines for the placement of various objects in a home to enhance positive energy flow. If you are considering placing a Maa Durga marble statue in your home, adhering to Vastu principles can help create a harmonious and auspicious environment. Tips to ensure the proper placement of a Durga Marble Statue in your home, allowing you to invite her divine presence and experience the blessings.
Selecting the Right Location:
The first step in placing a Maa Durga marble statue is choosing the right location within your home. Ideally, it should be placed in the northeast direction, as this area is considered auspicious and symbolizes the positive energies of the rising sun. Alternatively, you can also place the statue in the east or north direction of your home. Avoid placing it in the south direction, as it is believed to disrupt the flow of positive energy.
Creating a Sacred Space:
To honor Maa Durga and create a sacred space, prepare an altar or a dedicated platform for the statue. Ensure that the area is clean, well-maintained, and free from clutter. Decorate the space with fresh flowers, incense sticks, and sacred symbols to enhance the divine atmosphere.
Height and Positioning:
The height of the Maa Durga marble statue is crucial for proper placement. It is advisable to position the statue at eye level or slightly above, allowing for easy visibility and reverence. Place the statue in such a way that it faces the west direction, as this is believed to increase positive energy flow and ensure the blessings of the deity.
Avoiding Placement with Negative Energies:
To maintain positive energy around the Maa Durga marble idol, avoid placing it near or opposite toilets, kitchen areas, or bedrooms. These spaces can generate negative energies that might affect the sanctity of the statue and hinder the flow of positive energy. Additionally, avoid placing the statue on the floor or below waist level, as it is considered disrespectful in Vastu.
Lighting and Illumination:
Proper lighting is crucial to highlight the beauty and divinity of the Maa Durga marble moorti. Ensure that the area around the statue is well-lit, either with natural sunlight or soft, warm artificial lighting. Avoid harsh or dim lighting, as it can disrupt the serene atmosphere. Consider placing lamps or candles near the statue, as the gentle glow will add to the spiritual ambiance.
Regular Cleaning and Maintenance:
To maintain the sanctity of the Maa Durga marble idol make it a habit to clean it regularly. Use a soft cloth to wipe away any dust or dirt that may accumulate over time. Regular cleaning not only keeps the statue looking pristine but also ensures the flow of positive energy remains undisturbed.
Marble God Statue Manufacturers can create a divine and auspicious atmosphere in your home, attracting blessings and positive energy. By adhering to Vastu guidelines, you can ensure the proper placement of the statue, maximizing its spiritual significance. Remember to choose the right location, create a dedicated space, position the statue at an appropriate height, and avoid placing it near negative energies. Additionally, proper lighting and regular maintenance will help maintain the sanctity of the statue. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy the presence of Maa Durga in your home and experience the spiritual benefits she brings.
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jmbchemicals · 1 year
Coconut Shell-Based Activated Carbon with Benefits
Website: www.jmbcarbon.com
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Coconut shell-based activated carbon is a versatile and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional activated carbon. It is vapor-activated and has a high adsorption capacity, making it ideal for purifying air, removing organic pollutants, and assisting in natural gas purification. The coconut palm, the most widely farmed palm in the world, produces the fruit known as coconut. The top three coconut shell-based activated carbon producers are Indonesia, The Philippines, and India.
Activated carbon is also used in cleaning products, such as toothpaste and toilet bowl cleaners, to generate income. It has been found to absorb microorganisms and unpleasant tastes, such as viruses and bacteria. It is also used in medicine due to its adsorptive capabilities against toxins or poisons, making it a popular home remedy for constipation, gastrointestinal problems, cholesterol control, and rejuvenation effects.
JMB Chemicals, an Indian supplier of washed and unwashed activated carbon, offers the finest quality of washed and unwashed activated carbon. Overall, coconut shell-based activated carbon offers numerous benefits and is a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemical processes. Read Top Benefits of Coconut Shell Activated Carbon, to learn more about coconut shell-based activated carbon.
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casa-playa456 · 1 year
Prime 20 Greatest Hotels In Umhlanga, South Africa
The Holiday Inn Express'S 234 Rooms Are Set On Eight Stories And All Feature Wi-Fi Access, Flat-Panel Cable Tvs, Coffeemakers, Sitting Areas, Desks And Hairdryers. Each Morning'S Continental Breakfast Is On The House, And There'S A Restaurant And Cocktail Bar On The Premises. Additional Perks Include A Business Center, Car Rental Desk, Currency Exchange, Laundry And Dry-Cleaning Services. Overlooking The Indian Ocean, The Holiday Inn Express Is Located A Two-Minute Walk From The Gateway Theatre Of Shopping.
Brand new growth - you'll be residing the most recent highlife in a big set of linked apartment blocks near the ocean. Fully self catering, every little thing is provided, and the TV is connected to somebody's Netflix. 2012 – A hot-air balloon crashes close to the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana, killing six folks and injuring 28 others. 1990 – Saddam Hussein appears on Iraqi state tv with numerous Western "friends" to attempt to forestall the Gulf War.
Accommodation for 6 guests with a wonderful rating of 89% based on 80 evaluations. Holiday rental at 73 pounds for up to 6 guests with a wonderful score umhlanga beachfront accommodation self catering of 86% primarily based on 11 evaluations. Holiday house to hire for 4 visitors with a wonderful rating of 98% primarily based on 235 reviews.
Conveniences embrace a desk and a separate sitting space, and housekeeping is offered on a restricted basis. Amenities This condo presents designated smoking areas. Business, Other Amenities Free self parking is out there onsite. Sitting proper next to the Lagoon Nature Reserve in Umhlanga is that this upscale studio condo for couples and solo travellers. The flats are decked up with modern décor and provide the experience of consolation residing even in a studio.
The venue presents tremendous value, comfort and very good -family focussed facilities. Teremok is a small, quirky, owner-managed boutique resort with eight individually designed suites just a brief walk from the beach. There's a captivating accommodation umhlanga landscaped garden with pool and an honesty bar. Head to nearby La Lucia for excellent golf programs, or to Suncoast Casino & Entertainment World for more gaming, stay music and exhibits.
For the more adventurous, take pleasure in access to the Umhlanga Lagoon Hiking Trail. Umhlanga Rocks are top-of-the-line seashores South Africa has to offer. If you get pleasure from swimming within the sea, the beach provides a natural rock, tidal pool, Grannies Pool and two areas with lifeguards. The beach is clean accommodation umhlanga rocks and secure and has a incredible paved promenade for running and walking subsequent to the ocean. Oceans Umhlanga apartment lies a few steps from uMhlanga Lighthouse.
We supply alternatives to assist build world-class skills along with hands-on experience within the global, fast-changing business world. Deloitte supplies audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory companies to private and non-private purchasers spanning a number of industries. Deloitte has greater than 411,000 professionals all dedicated holiday accommodation umhlanga to turning into the usual of excellence of skilled providers firms. St Lucia — 6 sleeper, master suite with massive double bed/en suite, 2nd bedroom has 2 single beds and you have got 2 single sleeper couches in the lounge. Our room had a personal toilet with a bathe, tub, and bathroom.
It not only provided friends beautiful accommodation and wonderfully warm hospitality, but in addition offered tea and scones to passers-by. Its roof was additionally used as a beacon to help ships navigate their way around the coast until 1954 when the present gentle home was built for this objective. The first official lodge in the space was built within the 1920s and more hotels quickly followed. Before lengthy, Umhlanga Rocks turned the most wanted holiday destination within the space and from there it slowly grew into the ever in style resort town that it is at present. Property Location With a keep at this house in Umhlanga, you'll be a 2-minute drive from Umhlanga Rocks Beach and eight minutes from Durban Beach. This apartment is 9.7 mi (15.7 km) from Sahara Stadium Kingsmead and eleven.5 mi (18.5 km) from uShaka Marine World.
This air-conditioned condo has 2 bedrooms, a flat-screen TV, and a kitchen with a fridge and an oven. Towels and mattress linen are available within the apartment. An infinite selection of leisure activities umhlanga accommodation self catering embrace — a big swimming pool for the household, a splash pool for little ones, an exclusive adult pool with tanning deck, sauna and jacuzzi.
We value distinction, and embrace individuals with various backgrounds, experiences, abilities and pondering styles. At Deloitte, our skilled growth plan focuses on serving to folks at each degree of their profession to determine and use their strengths to do their best work every day. From entry-level employees to senior leaders, we imagine there's at all times room to study.
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casaplaya · 2 years
Oceans Luxury Apartments Umhlanaga
Umhlanga South Africa is a place the place purchasing malls meet untidy suburbs, the place adrenaline-fueled explorers rub shoulders with laid-back seaside our bodies. There is an entire world of shopping, entertainment and eating places. The Gateway Mall is the biggest purchasing centre in the Southern Hemisphere and is ideal for a wet day. Situated a couple of kilometres on the hills above Umhlanga, you will find many superb places to remain.
The apartment is situated on the fifth floor of Lighthouse Mall in the coronary heart of the Umhlanga Village and inside 200 metres of the main swimming beach. 1104 The Bermudas is serviced day by day except on Sundays and Public Holidays. Please notice that the service does not embody washing of dishes or laundry. The apartment which overlooks the Indian Ocean comprising a big lounge, eating corner, absolutely geared up kitchen, three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and patio overlooking the ocean. You can enjoy the ambience of this seaside village with all the greatest ...
The Umhlanga Village, as it is generally known, is the coastal strip from the lagoon in the North to Lagoon Drive in the south. This space buzzes with activity notably at night time. A number of well-liked bars and eating places together with The George, The Dutch, Remos and Little Havana could be discovered in the village.
The kitchen contains an beneath counter oven and hob, microwave oven, fridge and dishwasher. Please observe that there is not any washer or tumble dryer within umhlanga luxury apartments the unit. A laundry is out there on the premises or alternatively, your laundry and ironing can be done for you at a small extra charge.
The uShaka Marine World is a themed marine park in Durban, providing a world of ocean actions, rides, oceanarium, amusement park, displays, buying, beach actions and lots more. Silver Tides provides Self Catering lodging for the holiday umhlanga luxury apartments maker or visiting business executive. Enjoy warm hospitality and comfy accommodation; we're ideally situated 150m from the beach. Both bedrooms are air conditioned with ceiling followers in the lounge.
There are near 300 days of sunshine a yr, and the water is warm enough to... Whether you take pleasure in surfing, swimming, fishing or snorkelling, the Umhlanga seaside has all of it. For training and kid-friendly actions, the National Sharks Board is just umhlanga luxury apartments some minutes from the seashore. Granny’s Pool is a sheltered bathing area fashioned by two pure rock outcrops. Today it is used to launch ski boats off Umhlanga and can also be a secure swimming area for the young and old. Marine life surrounding this pool is fairly prolific.
Dear Ahmed and associates, I am delighted that you simply had an pleasant stay in the apartment and this exceeded your expectations; that's precisely our purpose. It wouldn’t be potential nevertheless with out all the lovely visitors we've the pleasure of welcoming here. Thank you for selecting the SeaLaVie as your most well-liked vacation spot in Umhlanga.
There are 2 double bedrooms with queen-sized beds, every with their very own en-suite toilet. The third bed room has twin beds which can be reconfigured to a king-size upon request. The 90m2 two-bedroom apartment contains a king-sized mattress, an en-suite bathroom, living room, dining area, fully-equipped kitchen and balcony.
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mitcorerbarshi · 3 years
Indian Railways Toilet System
Indian Railways serve 7,000 stations and 22 million passengers daily. Indian Railways commits to provide clients with safe and trustworthy train services, as well as clean and hygienic surroundings on trains and in stations. There are only 1600 long-distance trains. Suburban trains cover an average of 42 km. The remaining 4700 trains are estimated to be 3100 passenger trains traveling 50 to 250 km and 1600 mail/express trains operating 300 to 2400 km. Mail and fast trains are filthy. Both must be addressed. Even if we haven't done so, it would be fascinating to look at the train profile's duration and time (two or more nights or one night and arriving early in the morning) in terms of biological functioning and cultural norms. In the early days of the IR, lower-class train coaches had no bathrooms. On July 2, 1909, Babu Okhil Chandra Sen complained to Sahibganj [1].
Here's the letter
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Later, all lower-class trains traveling over 50 kilometers were expected to have bathrooms added. Trains over 150km must have bathrooms in every compartment.
Indian Railways is testing three toilet models.
1.      Modular Toilet
The IR rebuilt the coach toilets to be more pleasant and modern. The revised toilets are created as fibre reinforced plastic modules that may be installed directly inside coaches in place of conventional toilets. Jan Shatabdi railway cars now have modular toilets. With the modular toilet, waste is stored in a sealed tank, eliminating the need for dirtying stations. When train speed surpasses 40 km/h, the tank is steadily emptied. There is no environmental impact because the discharge occurs in the broad countryside. 7.5 lakh per coach for modular toilets. It will be part of IR's Operation Cleanliness.
2.      Chemical Toilet
The RDSO of the IR has developed specifications for train toilet systems. Standard mainline rolling stock requires a vacuum toilet system to flush toilet waste to a collection/retention tank located below the under the frame. The toilet system should provide a sealed commode with an effective flushing mechanism and an odor-free interior for IR main line broad gauge (BG) coaches. There are four toilets in each IR mainline passenger coach. One or two toilets on some coaches. The coach type determines the quantity and type of toilets. No discharge of trash. No spilling of wastes on the bogie parts, undergear, or track.
3.      Bio Toilet
The IR had tried chemical toilets on long-distance trains, but they were not successful in terms of odour and disposal frequency. Other countries, however, employ this in planes and railways. Instead of keeping waste in a hole or piping it to a sewage treatment plant, a chemical toilet disinfects it using chemicals. The blue pigment in the bowl water identifies these toilets on flights and trains. Alternatively, a chemical toilet can be made by mixing chemicals with water in a container or bucket. These can be found on intercity buses or in dwellings without indoor plumbing.
As a result, IR is currently focused on bio-toilets developed with DRDO. Bacteria digest garbage. CO2 and methane are discharged into the atmosphere. Any remaining liquid can be discharged onto the tracks. Rats and fish were not harmed by the wastewater in experiments. They have been installed in about 5,500 trains since 2011. Passenger train bio-toilets not only reduce track littering by roughly 2,74,000 gallons per day but also save the Indian Railways around Rs 400 crore yearly. Indian Railways has installed 2,58,906 bio-toilets in 73,078 carriages, helping to keep railway tracks clean. A bio-toilet is a dry toilet that composes human waste. Methane gas, carbon dioxide gas, and water are produced from the decomposition of human excretory waste in the digester tank [2].
1. Toilet and Trains, G. Raghuram (IIM Ahmedabad), August 2007.
2.https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai/other/bio-toilets-save-rly-rs-400crayear/articleshow/83269272.cms?utmsource=contentofinterest&utmmedium=text&utm campaign=cppst
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Goodnight, Aaron (Aaron Hotchner x OC) Chapter 1
Summary: After an informal interview, Hotch is surprised to find himself inviting his son’s potential nanny - a complete stranger - over to his home for a visit.
AN: Thank you for the love on the prologue! My niche lil series is thriving because of it <3
The instrument Sebastian has in his bag is a venu. It is a flute made of bamboo, used in Indian music.
Sebastian is half Indian on his mother's side - his father's ethnicity isn't disclosed in this story. While I have researched and included parts of his heritage in his character and the story, I'm not going to write about being a POC or being raised a Muslim because that's not my story to tell.
If you are a POC or a Muslim, and you have any advice for me on including his ethnicity as part of the story without speaking over POC voices or perpetuating harmful stereotypes, I would greatly appreciate it.
Tagging: @sunlight-moonrise, @clean-bands-dirty-stories, @genevievedarcygranger, and @davidrossi-ismydad
Prologue // Masterlist // AO3 Link // Chapter 2
“I still think I should have been there for a second opinion.”
“It was just meeting up for a discussion about what this job might entail,” Hotch sighed as Rossi pressed the button on the elevator. The doors slid closed and a jolt hit Hotch’s stomach as they began rising towards their floor.
Rossi tapped his side twice before making the leap, “So, what was he like?”
“He seemed the most genuine, if a little…” He paused, his eyebrows moving a fraction of an inch closer before settling on - “Nonchalant for an interview. But his references check out. He looked after a set of twins for seven years, and the parents were more than pleased with him.”
“He started early. Must have been like a big brother to them.”
“It was clear they mean a lot to him; he’s still buying them birthday presents.”
---> ---> ---> ---> --->
Sebastian was dressed on the edge of smart casual to parallel Hotch’s suit: a bright patterned short-sleeved shirt plus chinos against the well-matched simple button-up and tie respectively. But it was the thick Mancunian accent that nearly tripped Hotch up when Sebastian called his name.
“Aaron Hotchner, right?”
“Yes, and you must be Sebastian. Good to meet you,” Hotch gave a polite smile and offered his hand once Sebastian had dropped his satchel and two boxes from Build-A-Bear onto his side of the booth. He gave a firm shake twice. Out of nowhere, a thought popped into Hotch’s head that his hand had gotten sweaty in the ten second interval that he had seen his interviewee.
Sebastian didn’t seem phased, smiling back as he dropped his hand, “You too.”
“Can I get you anything?”
“I’m alright, thank you.”
Both sat down in the booth of the quiet cafe Hotch had chosen to meet Sebastian at. Across the next fifteen minutes, Hotch mentally noted everything he could about the man he was interviewing behind Sebastian’s resume and references which had printed off earlier in the day.
Sebastian would always take a few seconds to process the questions. When he answered, he used his hands a lot when he spoke. Not out of nerves though. He held Aaron’s eye contact too well, alternating between both eyes and a spot in the centre of his forehead, to be anxious. As Hotch offered to show him some photos of Jack, Sebastian stood then moved next to sit beside him without hesitation. A subtle woody scent accompanied him.
“Aw yeah, little bruiser,” Sebastian said as Jack ran around the field doing the Spiderman webshooter gesture at a teammate who did the same back at him, “And good taste in superheroes too.”
And from that moment on, Sebastian talked about what Hotch wanted for Jack. He listened with constant attention as Hotch spoke. Those smiles he shared with hi,, they had no force behind them, and Hotch found himself gesturing with his hands like Sebastian – albeit on a smaller scale.
They were just getting to talk about the logistics of wages when Hotch’s phone rang out.
“Excuse me,” Hotch stood up to take a moment of privacy, “Hotchner.”
Midway through the call, he spared a glance Sebastian’s way. The man was checking in his bag for something-
Oh. A wooden flute.
It disappeared back into the bag as quickly as it had been pulled out. Hotch turned his attention back to his phone call. That too was over rather fast and he was back to the booth.
“I’m sorry to cut this short, but I’ve been called back to work.” He shook Sebastian’s hand again once he had stood up, “I’ll be in touch. Thank you for meeting me at such short notice.”
“Not a problem. Part of this job too, isn’t it?”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
“I think Jack would get on with him,” Hotch concluded.
“When do you find out if that’s true?”
“He’s coming to meet Jack this afternoon. If all goes well, then he can have a trial day. If that goes well, I’ll consider hiring him.”
“Thorough,” Rossi said just in time for the elevator doors to open.
Another good day followed – meaning it was mostly paperwork – but even with his time in his office mostly undisturbed, Hotch found himself packing several case files into his briefcase. At least he would have something to do instead of pressing his ear up against the wall to Jack’s room for the evening.
Jack charged out of the school gates, crashing into Hotch and flinging his arms around him. Hotch grunted as Jack’s P.E. kit smacked into back but it didn’t stop him from lifting his son off his feet. Those feet didn’t stop kicking, not even when Hotch lowered the volume of the Beatles’ tracks en route home. He listened dutifully while his father explained about the visitor that would be coming over that night.
“He might be around to help your Aunt Jessica look after you while I’m working.” Hotch said as they pulled into the garage, “But, if you don’t like him, we can find someone else, OK? He doesn’t have to stay.”
“OK,” Jack unclipped his seatbelt. Then he carried on talking about how his lunch break game of soccer had gone, all the way up to their apartment.
While Hotch checked on the slow cooker, Jack did his homework. He would occasionally pipe up to ask a question. Not because he didn’t know the answer, Hotch knew that, but because he enjoyed the conversations that would spawn from the homework. One such conversation was cut short at the sound of the doorbell. Jack carried on with his work, his head receiving a tussle from Hotch as he passed to get to the front door.
Waiting patiently in the hallway was Sebastian and Hotch greeted him, “Hello. Did you find us alright?”
“All good, got the third degree from your doorman about my ID though,” and Sebastian flashed the small card before pocketing it. The patterned shirt had been swapped for a muted red number but Sebastian had kept his satchel as part of his outfit. And it was then that Hotch noticed the various patches sewn onto it. Flags and symbols, likely from something Sebastian enjoyed but Hotch didn’t personally recognise any of them. It did, however, remind him a little of Penelope Garcia.
He had already taken one of his shoes off before Hotch could tell him that this was a shoes-on house, so Hotch decided to continue the small talk instead, “He’s very meticulous with his job.”
“Good,” and Sebastian spied Jack appearing around the corner, “Hey, you must be Jack. I’m Sebastian. Is it cool if we hang out for a bit while your dad works?”
Jack looked to between Hotch and Sebastian several times before he nodded.
“Jack, why don’t you show Sebastian your Lego?”
Hotch watched Jack lead Sebastian into his bedroom before he returned to his office, leaving the door ajar. Sebastian would have to walk past to make it out of the flat. Just a precaution.
Discarding his suit jacket on the back of his chair, Hotch lost himself in the slope of paperwork. His mind only strayed once when the toilet down the hall flushed. The conversation, too muffled by the walls to make out any words, became a comforting white noise.
The slowest and simultaneously fastest hour passed.
Hotch had just made a dent in his workload when he heard a shriek of laughter from Jack’s room. Clicking his pen, he abandoned his desk and crept around to the source of the noise. He could smell that the casserole was nearly done. As he peeked around the door frame to see, part of him wished he could blend into the background, just to catch more than a glimpse of what was happening.
Sebastian was lying on his back with his legs tucked into his chest and Jack astride his shins. Thankfully, Sebastian’s hands were around Jack’s middle as he pushed his legs up, and Jack’s arms were stretched up. Both were making sound effects that were fitting to the spacecraft Jack had constructed from random bricks and was currently flying over his head.
Hotch could watch Jack playing for so much longer. But he knew that he had to interrupt if he wanted him off to bed on time.
“And just what are you two doing?”
Both of their heads whipped around to see Hotch, now stood fully in view in the doorway. While Sebastian looked genuinely guilty, Jack just beamed at Hotch and waved his Lego model at him.
“Seb’s helping the spacecraft take off!”
“I see,” Hotch said, just as sternly but a smile creeping onto his lips betrayed him, “How about you go wash your hands, Jack? Dinner will be ready soon.”
Nodding eagerly, Jack dismounted his steed and a dishevelled Sebastian got to his feet.
“I’ll catch you later then, Jack. How do you prefer to say goodbye? High five?”
Jack opted to slap his palm against Sebastian’s then ran off to the bathroom. Both Hotch and Sebastian watched him go. When the door was safely closed, Hotch turned back to his interviewee.
“He’s crackin’,” Sebastian said, letting out an awkward laugh as he finished adjusting his hair.
He looked as pleasantly surprised as Hotch was when he offered a trial day with Jack. Trusting his gut, that’s what Hotch was doing. His gut was seldom wrong, and his gut told him that Jack getting along with Sebastian more in an hour than he had with his grandfather for years meant something was going right for them.
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vikasseo12 · 4 years
Ganesh Murti- The Divinity Personified
Lord Ganesh is respected across the world, especially by the Indian community, as the benevolent God who guides our wisdom and bestows success in our life and business. That is why the Indian Hindu families worship him on a daily basis. You can easily find the Lord ganesh murti at their worship rooms, drawing rooms, and workplaces. There are many stories related to this benevolent lord of auspiciousness, prosperity, wisdom, and benevolence. Likewise, there are many stories related to Lord Ganesh that are interesting, educative, and full of moral virtues. That is why many Indian temples generally have at least one ganesh murti.
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 Worshipping Lord Ganesh during Diwali
 During Diwali Lord Ganesh is worshipped along with Goddess Lakshmi- the goddess of wealth and Goddess Saraswati-who is the Goddess of language, creativity, wisdom, learning, purity, and arts. It is believed that worshipping these three divine personalities help people gain wealth, knowledge, and prosperity in their life. That is why Indians not only worship Lord ganesh murti at home during Diwali but also offer them special worship at their workplace to ensure positive growth.
 White colored for even better results
 It is believed that placing the White-colored Lord ganesh murti at home can bring even more positive results. It translates to more happiness, a higher volume of wealth, and sustainable prosperity among all members of the home. One thing to keep in mind is that the idol’s back should face your home's outside area and not the inner area. Marble is one of the whitest and luxurious materials that can be employed for crafting lifelike white statues of Lord Ganesha. You can easily buy statues online or offline. The excellent artwork, hours of hard work, and attention to the details by expert craftsmen offer a unique look to these statues.
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 Right direction to place the idol
 While Northeast direction is considered the most auspicious part of any house to place ganesh murti, alternatively, you may also place it in either west or east directions. While worshipping the idol you should sit carefully so that you face either of the two directions- east or north.
  It is also advised not to place the god’s idol in the south direction as it is not considered to be an ideal place for such statues. Moreover, the walls that run aside your bathroom or toilet shouldn’t at all be used for placing or supporting Lord Ganesha's idol.
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  Just like any other idol Lord ganesh murti should not be placed in the bedroom. AT all costs avoid keeping it in your bedroom but even if you must, then you can keep the same in the northeast direction of your bedroom. Moreover, make sure that you should never sleep or sit in such a way that your feet face God’s idol as it is considered disrespectful.
 Offer the respect
  When placing the Lord Ganesha idol, make sure that you place it respectfully on a platform that is suitably raised above the level of the surrounding area. It is also a good idea to keep a small silver bowl just in front of the Lord and offer daily Naviedya (offering to the Lord)- especially something sweet.  
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saintmariana · 4 years
Women have plenty to be ashamed of.
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Growing up I was conflicted with a duality in which on the one hand there lied my nature and on the other the will of my mother. At the age of 16 my mother was homeless and desperate for anyone to come and save her torment; her mother was an abusive and neglectful heroin addict and it was around this time two of her brothers had sat in prison for having robbed banks (her eldest brother was busting cheeks-though he denies it). It was during such a trying time she had met my father who swept her in his arms that very day moving her to an entirely different state with him. My father was 21 during this time and an illegal immigrant from Mexico as were his siblings and other friends that had come with him, among his friends was Santiago.
My father had drunkenly cheated on my mother one night and immediately admitted it to my mother expressing his profound remorse: my mother responded with cheating on my father with Santiago-my father was heartbroken but understood and forgave her on the grounds she wouldn’t cheat on him again, unfortunately for the naïveté of my father my mother only used his cheating as a means to rationalize her feelings for Santiago which were already present within her before he had even cheated on her; my mother would not only go on to cheat on my father several more times with Santiago but had also professed her love for Santiago and her contempt for my father (note: my father is not one to be pitied, I simply empathize with him); what my mother hadn’t considered was that my father’s older brother was their boss, as in the boss of my father, his siblings and other friends they had immigrated with for a construction company: after hearing of Santiago’s betrayal of my father his brother had fired Santiago. Santiago moved back to Mexico where he shortly died after: my mother was heartbroken-what was she to do? A 16 year old little girl manipulating a man into breeding her, marrying him, and utilizing his resources which he earned with his blood? A little girl having lost who was perhaps her one true love? Or so she “thought”...
The divorce was ruthless, or rather, my mother was ruthless as she threatened to have my father and his siblings deported should he try to fight for custody. My father’s siblings encouraged my father to do what was necessary for us but with the possibility that he could also be deported and very likely never see his two sons again, what was a man to do?
It’s utterly damaging for the ego of any man to be emasculated by any woman especially a 21 year girl you truly believed to have loved and even having married after a hard life of poverty in a small town from Mexico where men are notorious for keeping their women in check. For a man’s ego to be damaged there is only one way he can redeem himself and that is through waging war on whomever dared to damage such an ego; unfortunately for my father he was not back in Mexico, he was in the US where the wrath of man is punishable with the means of prison-it was not only my mother by whom he was emasculated by but the law and order of the republic; so much for freedom of will.
It didn’t end here; my mother was ecstatic about her new found “liberation” going out to clubs and bars with her friends, free of the “religious fanatic” my father was (and it’s true that he is indeed a religious fanatic, a Christian to be exact, but don’t think so highly of my mother for she enforced and lived by the same values and morals as he does, she had merely done so with different spices and fragrances), it was also during this time she especially began drinking heavily, very heavily; there were days when she’d be slumped over her bed bottle hand whilst my father came for my brother and I only to be met with a locked door with no way in except for breaking and entering: my brother and I would beg for the embrace of our father through the window, crying for his affection and play, locking eyes with our father through the window; our mother didn’t care so long as she had us in her grasp, rationalizing her stupidity as her “living her youth,” as if enjoying your youth demands the abandonment of all responsibility.
My mother eventually met another man soon after my father, perhaps even during; he was a black man with a short fuse of a temper against us all, but even more so against my brother and I. This new man of hers would go on to physically beat my brother and I, tossing and dragging us across the room, beating us with a closed fist as he would a grown man; the beatings were so bad he’d send us back to our father with massive bruises all over our bodies, bruises our father would take pictures of in hopes it’d help his case in court-it didn’t. My father was enraged with my mother and demanded she leave the man but she stuck by his side until the end of kindergarten even going so far as to make a father of him-for my little sister.
Throughout the years my mother had done everything she could to erase the memory of all that had happened, laughing it all off as though it was nothing when we’d bring it up with her, often chalking it up to the folly of her youth-except it didn’t end there.
Shortly after my sister’s father she found another man who she married-this one was actually good but he was far bigger than my sister’s father and black all the same-I associated him with my sister’s father and despised him ruthlessly throughout their entire marriage: he was a genuinely caring and affectionate father despite our difference in blood, but it was too late by the time I embraced this of him. Towards the end of their marriage which went on from my first grade year to the summer before starting high school I grew closer with my then stepfather as my mother would often be gone for days off with her friends and her new lover; she had been cheating my step father for a year and a half before they had split apart: he was a younger Indian man whom she helped attain a green card.
This new boyfriend was also a good man at heart, but because he fell for my mother’s malice I despised him and though I wasn’t as ruthless with him as I was with my stepfather I still kept my distance; it was throughout this relationship my mother expressed her love more openly for him... there were nights when she’d shamelessly fuck him hard for all the neighborhood to hear as she moans, groaned, and cried his name, making the entire house shake-our rooms were right next to each other and I ruined all my friendships during this time so there was no friend to turn to then.
There came a day when people were warning the two of them they weren’t right for each other for whatever reason; my mother decided to say fuck them and so we all moved to another over night, back at her home state with her brother in his apartment with his son-his son was okay.
It was during this time I laid conscious witness to the wrath a woman is capable of, most notably my mother; this boyfriend of hers was not only more gentle natured but also an immigrant whom my mother helped attain a green card; my mother’s drinking increased ten fold, puking in the toilet every morning became a routine for them both; fucking for everyone to hear became the norm; my mother was extremely obnoxious I trying to be one of the guys during this time.
Over time my mother had progressed from mocking and humiliating her boyfriend in front of her brother to shaming his religion, his family, and his character (notice how she coaxed him into the distance from his family), to all out punching him in his sleep demanding that he go do the fucking laundry. We heard everything-how she’d slap, scratch, punch, call him a bitch, a faggot, a dumbass man-there were times she’d brag about being able to get any man she wants as men only care for one thing (she was beautiful in her youth but that has long since faded).
Eventually her boyfriend began working and when he had enough money he ditched her completely calling her at the greyhound station at midnight as he awaited his bus; my mother didn’t have a car to go fight him, she was powerless: she resorted to a low growl demanding that he come back to her, that he won’t leave her, that he can’t leave, that they were supposed to get married and have children, that he better get his fucking ass back her NOW!
He stood his ground and I admired him for it.
Throughout the weeks of her grief my mother my mother go through days drunkenly sobbing about wanting to slit her wrists and blaming us for it.
My mother eventually found a job and got an apartment for us all; she went back to drinking and seducing a man from work whom she had written poetry about (we read her diaries).
Eventually there came a day I had gotten kicked out of an alternative school for having slit my wrists; throughout a six month period I spoke with a therapist which she detested as I exposed the truth of her ways to therapist with her there in frustration of following her orders on pretending everything was fine so as to get back into the school but I didn’t care. I knew the school was done with me and I with them.
The following months were tense between us especially being 18 at the time and seemingly doing nothing with my life except for wallowing in self pity (it’s true, I was).
Eventually the tension amounted to us having a massive argument, the neighbors below were terrified and called the police, my mother called her brother to come over and kick my ass, I was arrested for disturbing the peace and after having made the dumb decision to plead not guilty I was finally released after nine from the help of one of the fellow inmates.
The world did not look the same, I felt lost, I felt pathetic, I didn’t know what to do or where to go, what was I doing with my life? Why am I doing this to myself? It was only worse after having walked back home only to find all my belongings were tossed to the wayside in sake of their leisure.
I broke down and contemplated suicide over and over again until I had finally called the hotline for my therapist; they invited me over and I spoke with a couple women who assured me they’d let my therapist know of everything going and if there was any way they could help, I decided I’d be fine and that I’d come in the next day.
My mother and I argued that night: at this point I thought “fuck it, I’m done letting anyone walk over me again: I’m not taking their shit anymore even if it costs me my life.” My mother demanded I leave, I refused, she called her brother to come kick my ass; after sometime she packed up with my sister and left, picking up my brother from his job along the way. After a few hours I heard a knock, I crept my way to the peep hole to find a hand covering my view; I could hear from the creeking in the stairs that there was more than one other person there, most likely their little brother. They’d knock for a few minutes and then kick the door before leaving, doing this throughout the entire night; I sat in the kitchen with all the lights off crying to myself how done I am with them, how ready I am to fight back as hard as I ever have should they break through the door. I knew as soon as I opened the door my uncle would have beat and raped me though not kill me, I knew he’d easily over power me but I wasn’t going down without a fight.
The next day comes and I decide to hell with them all; I leave the city never to look back.
It didn’t help that throughout this time my girlfriend at the time had disappeared due to a bout of her own sorrow, I didn’t ever think she’d come back.
I was far more dominant in my youth especially with a cousin I had fallen in love with (the love was mutual) but by the time I had fallen with my girlfriend whom I would be with for three years from the age of 18 to 20 I had become notably softer in my handling of women-this was compounded when I was slapped with the reality of the real world, the world I had been sheltered from all my life, for much of it anyway.
I was afraid of falling behind so I worked the first job I could at some restaurant dwelling in petty quarrels.
I believed the only way to survive was conforming to their ways, your ways, the way of the corporate state; I was lost and only knew I had too much potential to squander but no understanding in how to guide it.
The relationship between myself and my then girlfriend was intimate and affectionate; she eventually came back and I forgave her unconditionally; we were a long distance couple and after a couple years of saving (piss poor spending habits on my behalf) I finally journey across the country to meet with her for the first and it was more amazing than I anticipated it could be; meeting her truly cemented in me the belief (or the knowledge) that a soulmate truly does exist, that some things truly are meant to be.
Later that year it turns out she’s turned out (she’s gay); it wasn’t a revelation she was willing to share with me openly; she was still processing her sexuality (she’s lived in repression which was only compounded with her eating disorder, purging), but I wanted answers so I coaxed it out of her; she didn’t cheat on me but she had a crush which she em felt excruciating guilt for as her crush was her brother’s girlfriend. I was understanding and forgiving but even so I was conflicted with feelings of cuckoldry and inadequacy as I felt a failure of a man for having been so naive as to have turned a blind eye to many of the signs which had vied for my attention before (she was never into having sex with me, always only saw me as cute, wasn’t really attracted to other men, tried getting me to break up with her after expressing remorse for having flirted with another man, and reacted with hot excitement after showing her a picture of the cousin I had fallen in love with.)
I’ve regretted it ever since but I pushed her away for the sake of my pride.
She truly did love me, she truly was a lover in spirit and I’ve ruined it.
I had reached out to her several months later with a letter but she never responded; I don’t blame her, she deserves more than a flimsy-hurried letter.
I believed that pushing her away in favor of my family was what I needed; I believed that I could heal my family, that could make us whole, that I could help us all become more than what we are, that we can overcome this together as a family, but I was wrong, I was so wrong.
I played the forgiving role, sweeping everything under the rug with them at first; but that didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t want any of us walking on egg shells around each other and I certainly didn’t want us living in denial of all that had happened.
There came a day when I wanted to express my rage and I wanted them to listen; my mother was defensive and my father was offended; I decided to hell with them both and so it’s been that ever since.
I know not every woman is like this, but what are the odds in finding another woman-my “ideal” woman? It is foolish to impose ideals upon others and especially myself, ideals are for the naive. Much of the women who could be considered my type are usually in the mind of a safe, corporate life with a salary and college education: I despise the corporate state and especially the education system which is no place for knowledge but only doctrines: my passions and ambitions are too barbarous for these women and the odds of finding someone like my last girlfriend are quite slim, she truly was exceptional (there’s also the fact that gay and straight women are fundamentally different, it’s a difference I find shocking and painful but true nevertheless, straight women are far more shallow than the gays); I’ve tried to date around, I’ve met and gotten to know people-the amount of people only interested in casual sex is mighty disheartening as I very much desire a strong and committed relationship in which we grow with each other but it becomes ever more clear that the only thing straight women care for is their submission to power: they truly do not care for anything else of a man unless he’s able to dominate them and make them his slut: in every woman is a slave and a tyrant; give her liberty and she will tyrannize you; make her submit and she is yours. The only women who claim to admire depth in a man only do so because the man in question is in truth just an illusion of a fever dream as he’s yet to embrace his own sacred masculinity-those “men” they desire are no men at all but the Frankensteins of a civilization in decay.
I will not live as a lecher as I value the soil and the body lest I enable and contribute to the degeneracy.
I’ve decided to embrace my chastity; I don’t know if the key will ever be found by another, another worthy of the key, perhaps I will, perhaps I won’t, but I know the path of degeneracy is no path for me; but what of the men? Will they not look down upon me? I will force my will upon them.
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Best Bedside Tables from Vanity Living
Bedside tables are alternatively also referred to as night table, day stand, or a nightstand. They are very useful and can be used for multiple things. Its generally small in size and placed beside a bed. However, they can be placed anywhere in the bedroom or other rooms as per your preference. Modern bedside tables usually have shelves sometimes with a small door or multiple drawers.
They can be used to support or store items useful during the night such as alarm clock, night lamp, eyeglasses, phone, reading matter, a drink, desktop intercom or medication. There are even Indian ethnic bedside tables available for customers opting for a more traditional look. Such tables come in a variety of sizes and styles, suited for different types of bedrooms.
Amazing collection of Bedside tables dubai, 3349+2P Wedhail, Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Before indoor flush toilets were conceived, the prime function of a bedtime table was to store a chamber pot a toilet bowl kept in the bedroom for night time use. Thus, early bedside tables often contained small cabinets, sometimes with an in-built drawer and with an encapsulated storage place below, usually behind a small door. Such cabinets were also commonly referred to as commodes. Bedside tables found in France, Spain and Italy usually have an enclosed space covered by a door and one drawer. This is why for furniture you should always opt for Vanity Living in dubai.
Add stylish Bedside tables from Vanity Living in Sheikh Zayed Rd
Today, everyone likes to give their bedroom a unique and different look by adding furniture that's one of a kind. This means you'll have to take into account various factors before making the right selection. Some of them are as follows:
Its advisable that your bedside table be consistent with the bed height. For beds with mattress pads, select taller nightstands for a better look. Conversely, low-profile bedside cabinets will perfectly complement shorter beds. Ensure to leave a few inches between the side of your bed and night table.
Surface Area
The top of your bedside cabinet should be able to accommodate a table lamp. If you have a penchant for stacking a lot of items, then go for a nightstand with the most top surface area.
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Business Name : Vanity Living
Al Barsha1, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
Business website: https://www.vanityliving.com/
Business number: +971504592614
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