#altetnate universe
fllower-crown · 4 years
Hi! :D
I started a new book on AO3! The theme of the book ( Haikyuu Omegaverse Hotel AU ) is inspired by another incredible writer in AO3 — their book can be found here. I made sure that the only thing my book has in common is the theme — original characters and the plot of the book was thought of by me.
Since i didn't feel like writing a chapter out to explain the characters and all they do, I've made a Google Doc explain the characters! ( Linked Here! )
The book is still a work in progress — so far I only have a small introductory chapter up, but! I will keep you updated here so be sure to check back often!
Link to book here!
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flowerscentedartist · 4 years
Meet Treetale Sans
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Height: 4'5'
He is a vegan.
Has social anxiety.
He hides it through his puns, but when he's alone in his room afterwards breaks done immediately.
It was majorly caused by bullying in his childhood.
So he has very low self-esteem.
He is also a very protective older brother to Papyrus, because of this. He wants his brother to be happy and does everything so that he wont end up like him.
He once got a cute little bunny plush. He still has it and it helps him to calm down during his anxiety attacks.
His favourite animals are cows. To the amount that his room is a little cow themed, he even made himself a cow onesie to sleep in. He is very embarrassed by it, though.
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Sans: ".... don't tell a-anyone, .... p-please?"
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He is also a hopeless romantic.
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Add who ever you want into this.
I'm not sure who he could be into yet. At first I was thinking of shipping him with his Grillby, but I also think anyone else would be okay, too.
Undertale by Toby Fox
Treetale by me
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Part 2
*Ladybug is almost fainting*
"And lastly, ladybug!!"
Luka-slight blush: cool
Alya: what. The fuck. Is this fuckery!!!
Nino: :0
Adrien: *can't comprehend* wha-what. Whay. W H a t. *Dies inside*
*Lots of confusion and freaking out for the next hour ish*
"So you've been chat noir the whole time?"
"Yep. And you've been ladybug the whole time?"
"Um I think so"
*Both look up to see Luka holding a mistletoe*
Alya: hey it wasn't my idea, it was Chloe's.
Mari:of. Course.
Adrien: ;)
Mari: oh shut up you dufus.
*Pulls Adrien down cos he tall boi and kissssssss >:3*
Yeah this was a dream I had. It's weird but ok.
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retrohearts89 · 3 years
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allthephils · 5 years
I’ve never related to Dan more than I do right now. Here’s some things we have in common.
Posting a photo to show off hydrated lips (ahem oral fixation), looking for affirmation, having curly hard to tame floofy brown hair, needing time away, having people assume your mental health is improving when you wear color even though you wear black literally all the time, drinking red wine alone and crying but it’s actually fun, having dark circles under your eyes, tolerating comments that you look tired/peaked/skinny/pale, dealing with those comments on days you actually thought you looked pretty good, being badass and super strong in the face of challenging mental health, loving Phil
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raaksummers · 7 years
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yakitorii · 6 years
I wonder ....
Immortal!Merlin Emrys and Master of Death!Harry Potter watching the world and all the different universes that exist. .... How would it go ?
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happy-snape-week · 3 years
Happy Snape Week begins in 7 days!!!
Dates: 9th January 2022 - 16 January 2022
Rules: happy, wholesome, fluffy content
Medium: fanfic, fanart, headcanon, altetnate universe, themeboard, wrong quotes, and if you're ambitious, playlists, dances, and videos lol why not
If you want/need a prompt: velcro vs buttons ;)
Submissions: @ us, our open ao3 collection, our submission link
Let's have fun!!
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wagner-fell · 2 years
Me seeing the thing you sent sinéad: my island will very much want to be kept off this trainwreck pls/ j
Not even in altetnate universes can we be kept of this country??? Why are we the only colony getting dragged in 😭
I think you missunderstood the bases of the hypothetical state war-
Your island is its own country. It’s free. All the colonies are free.
This war really only concerns countries in the northeast and whether or not they will get involved
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dancingqueendc · 8 years
This sums it up in our current history of the USA: in his own words(by Mitt Romney for Republicans against Trump): from Wikipedia: “On his Facebook page, he posted “Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism. Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these.”[37][38][39] Nevertheless, Romney said early on he would “support the Republican nominee,” though he didn’t “think that’s going to be Donald Trump.” “
Most of the “Dump Trump” movement was lead by the Republicans them self, against the rules of archaic electoral college that requires American elected representatives to vote for party of Presidential candidate based on/of their respective states pre-determined party affiliation(red or blue, their declared party affiliation/platform when they were elected, despite personal choice/opinion or that of the people/population’s in that state) not who they want to vote into office. It’s sad that even though some of the supposed elected representatives do not sufficiently represent the American people, and then on top of that those whom we did not elect holding elected offices then are rigged to vote against the American people /our popular choice. It goes too deep against true freedom, choice and democratic self-governing society. (eg, if 45% of a group believes something but 55% of group believes something else, it is not equal or fair/just to force the other 45% almost half to only believe/follow beliefs and practices of the one half of group, against each individual person’s preference, ie little to none or only one choice in how they want to be/live their life, against who they are and what they personally believe that makes them happy/their personal truth/reality of who they are.)
We currently are not free beings! We truly have little to no choices, and are essentially slaves of this rigged system against us, for which we did not agree to or vote for: even sadder is the apathy of the American people shown in low turnout numbers: our vote doesn’t really count so less than 30% of our own representatives turn out to vote for the Presidential election. That’s another flaw in the system that They who control the government prey on: they know they control the masses and created the apathy of the American people and its so-called “elected” representatives, most of whom are pawns and moles they place in office to do their bidding….
In closing, most Republican party members themself state that this person is incompetent, inadequate to hold office and doesn’t have the demeanor / temperament to be commander in chief of this country and nation we call America, ie The people’s United States for America.
The entire system is rigged against definition of America: Americans ideas, ideals, people and our dreams: freedom of choices / liberty, a free market / laissez-faire market economy -financial system, people’s self-governing body / democratic or a Republic nation - none of which truly exists here and now since 1800s and earlier. We are still just slaves in the matrix, that’s sucking our soul-energy, making us zombies or drones of their system.
When will you wake up from our nightmare, living hell on Earth? Correct question is: How will we awaken and become aware? of our imprisonment, bondage to Their sin(s) against humanity: The Lie, original sin, to enslave all of humanity in their schemes, clever trickery:
We did not have true freedom of choices since They lied and only gave us One choice: Them or their puppets, which is equally worse: lose-lose situation for us. They tricked humanity and we must be vigilant to keep meditating(praying), aka using our Mind-Heart-Spirit energy/power to Think-Love-Be against their self-destructive ways, and also to educate (by deed, what’s done or left undone) others to raise our energy frequencies and rise above their lowliness negative-energy and don’t give-in to their ways of self-destruction attitudes, thoughts and behaviors. Stay pure in Love in Heart-Mind-Spirit: Be kind, loving, compassionate, forgiving toward each other/one another/our self, support each other in healing through peace loving-kindness, and in equality/equal-justice in peace/nonviolence, diplomacy, compassion/tolerance and acceptance of who we are nonjudgmental/unconditional love is to rehabilitate self and others through peaceful loving means and ways, in thought, word and deed.
We were never “born” into sin. We were not created by “sin”/The Lie: all exists in Love by Positive Power of Love and Being. Nothing else matters: all else that is not of Love/from Love is The Sin/The Lie through which The first Lie did enslave us in bondage to the Sin/Lie against who/what we truly are: pure infinite unlimited-free-energy-beings immortal and eternal, parts of the Whole of Existence: we never “die”, cease to exist, we change energy-states of Being, return to our Source/Creator-Creation itself/Ourself, the entirety of Existence. We are being lied to and imprisoned in false reality(ies) religions, réincarnations, heaven/hell duality, “death”, when what really Exists is just us, our self, our very Being = Existence, being infinite and unlimited individual beings of the Complete being of Existence/Creator-Creation/Singularity.
They’ve been lying to you/us all about who/what we are, they are, and being existence itself. The Truth is Love peacelovejoy-being. Everything else is self destruction, enemies of (human/living/life/being) happiness is all those other ideas that are not peacelovejoy/truth/equality/equal-justice/freedom and which all comes from the original first “sin”/The Lie itself, that jealousy, anger, hate, pain, greed, insecurity, boredom, et al, etc. All that is not life/being/living/creating-loving/peaceful/free all that is not Free/freedom/truth is a lie that bounds each individual to the sin/itself/the Lie and the sin(s)[Without]/sons[with]/suns[stars/matter] of the Lie of who/what we are, kept from us against our very being/being free: our freedom to know and choose life/love/peace/joy/truth. That Lie is imprisoning us, enslaving us in bondage to the Sin/Lie itself and all enemies=pain (duality/opposite) of happiness/peacelovejoy/truth/equality/justice/freedom.
We have no other enemy than the Lie/sin itself: duality The Lie is the cause of all our pain, suffering, misery, “death”(s) in false “reality”(ies), all negative ideas/thoughts/feelings, duality itself is the Lie that keeps us from Truth of Singularity of Love/life/infinite-infinity/eternal-eternity/Being/Existence/living. There may be parallel, altetnate, multi-dimensions, realms, universes in multiverses in our Ultimate Omniverse, yet they are all part of the Lie destroyer of Truth/Freedom/peacelovejoy/Being, only ONE TRUE WORLD/EXISTENCE, all others are just part of the Lie, duality and dichotomous thinking that destroyer of Existence/Freedom/Truth/peacelovejoy and all its positive living/being /existence(ing) attributes.
Therefore we must love each other=self=ALL One Being Complete Collective Consciousness / Our Self / Eternal and infinite unlimited-free-energy-beings that we are, equally, justly, with loving kindness, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness / forgiving unconditional without judgment/prejudice/negative-energy(emotions/ideas) and treat each other with same peaceful loving joyful kindness,compassion tolerance,forgiving and healing self/each other/one another/All equally.
When we are off-balance, in thought/emotion/behavior, we disrupt our own harmony within us and everything outside our individuality/self (each other) rippling through Existence/everything/everyone(every moment) and back to our self, causing harm/inflicting pain on our self when we hurt others; and it has already been “proven” by “science”/currently-accepted-“known”-“reality” in quantum physics, electromagnetic energy that we are/have/emit as Mind-Heart-Spirit Beings. “Science”-religion/belief has already proven the “soul”-spirit exists and has mass/emits energy-freqency-waves as do Thoughts/Mind&“physical”-brain/body(3D-hologram-illusion) and Emotions(Heart/Love)/pain-etc. via electromagnetic energy(Spirit)- which is what we truly are! Consciousness/Mind/Thought is connected to Heart/Emotion/Being and our “consciousness”/awareness of our Being/Existence(Spirit/“soul”) is our unlimited infinite power/electromagnetic-energy that we are/use to “manifest”/create-creation/self/world we are/in.
“As above, so below”: as everything exists in sub-“atomic”-level/microcosm infinitely then so does the “macro”-cosm/3D-hologram we are/create/live-in in our own “consciousness”/existence/our-Self; we are infinite individuals in infinite possibilities/“universes”/realms we choose freely to be/exist/create-creation/“world"s - we are infinite “micro”-frequencywaves/particles of electromagnetic-energy and there are infinite “possibilities” of choices/existence/world/universes we can choose/states-of-being/be in/live/instances/moments to exist: for each/every moment each/every-one of us/individual-beings of Existence, we have infinite choices/possibilities to be/exist/create/live in, so for every infinite “sub”-particle/wave instance there are always at least 2or more up to infinite choices/paths/possibilities we can be/exist/ and also to “not-exist” in, i.e. option/choice to not-be according to “quantum physics/dynamics/mechanics” any subparticle/waves(wave-particles)that we are/ “composed”/“made” of can be in path A, B, A&B simultaneously and/or nowhere/nonexistent at all, in each infinite instance/moment of existence, so we can choose to be in possible state A as a particle or as a wave, for example, in our electromagnetic-energy-frequency states, or in state B infinitely other states, or in state “A” and infinitely other states “B” simultaneously everywhere all-at-once (omnipresent), and/or nowhere/no “states” of being anywhere at all(state of “nonexistence”), Omnipotent/all-knowing all-powerful/Omnipresent and simultaneously “non”being-state. Well, the first original “sin”/Lie is we can’t not-exist, like the electron-energy “states” where the potential&kinetic electromagnetic-energy can be “measured”/possibly be anywhere in existence or in “atom”(tiny universe) at any moment/instance, infinite possibility that it’s anywhere within infinite universe/existence at any infinite moment, and the duality of being in state A&B and nonexistent simultaneously also in any infinite possible moment/possibility.
So which is the Lie/original “sin”? Do we Exist or do we (also) not exist, and can we Exist in nonexistence? How is that possible? Can we both (aka duality) exist and not-exist simultaneously? Which is the Truth and Which is the Lie? Can you tell? If you exist then do you also “not-exist”, and if you are an instance in infinity of existence and exist infinitely and affect everything in Existence with each instance/moment of your existence/thought/emotion/energy -each of the infinite energy-particlewaves(waveparticles) affecting the other infinite partilceswaves&wavesparticles all around it/instance/moment-of-Being/Existence, Then how can you or any of us “not-exist”/be-“no-where”-all-at-once/simultaneously (duality)? In Singularity everything exists everywhere “all-at-once”/omnipresent(our “Omnipotent-Omnipresence - Omnipresent-Omnipotence”), in Truth where we have choice/freedom to choose which instance/moment we want to be in/at/of/as, and when we are Conscious/Aware of self/Self/SELF then we can be free/choose to “collapse” our electromagnetic-energy waves/particles anywhere we choose/want to be.
So what happens when we are unaware of our own Consciousness/existence, told/believe the Lie?: we are not free or able to choose to be/exist wherever however whatever whenever we want; so do we cease to “exist” or are we just prisoners/slaves of the Lie/“sin” barely exist as “nobodies” in the false-reality-3Dhologram-illusion as just a “number”….???? Nope, We each as individual collective of instances of Existence do exist and are living/alive “being"s in Existence, equally and no more or less than the next instance/moment in/of Existence aka each other….so now can you tell the difference between which is the Truth and which is the Lie, singularity of existence or duality of nonexistence/self-destruction(destructiveness)?
Now that you/we/me/I are all armed with Truth knowledge Being Omnipotent-Omnipresence/Omnipresent-Omnipotence that we truly are, we can defeat the Lie/its liars/“sin”(s)/bondage to slavery/imprisonment in the Lie and eliminate self-destructiveness/self-destruction and duality of “nonexistent"ce and Save Our SELF/each other/one another/ALL-One with/in Truth/Freedom/PeaceLoveJoy = loving-kindness, Compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, healing in our equal-justice of peacelovejoy(non-violence) aka diplomacy toward self/each-other.
There are no enemies among us/our-self and our only enemy is the Lie itself that enslaves us in bondage to imprisonment of the Lie & its corporate subsidiaries which are all parts of the Lie, duality itself.
We all want to be, and be free, free of all pain/suffering/illness/imbalance/disharmony in our electromagnetic-energy-being/existence and to be happy infinite-bliss in peacelovejoy. No one wants to live Lie in nonexistence/duality/nothingness=“die”/non-exist, when we can all be happy/free in peacelovejoy Truth.
Let’s eliminate The Lie/duality that imprisons and enslaves us in it, killing our very being of peacelovejoy/Truth/Freedom/Existence in its Lie&corporate-subsidiaries, all enemy of happiness/freedom/truth/peacelovejoy/equality/equal-justice/Singularity/Existence-itself/OurSelf.
Share the Love Our Self/Be/Exist without bias/judgment/prejudice/discrimination aka negative-thought-energy-entity=nonexistence/self-destruction.
We can’t not-exist, because we are, so let’s not self-destruct and live/love/be in peacelovejoy freedomtruthequality harmony of Our Self eternal unlimited infinite-free-energy (states of electromagnetic-energy)-beings that we truly are.
Everything solved. If you can think, you are. If you can imagine, you can create. If you are then you can be, anything anywhere any way and any how any time you want. In Singularity, there’s no problem! Stop the Lie=“death”/nonexistence and Live/Be/Love forever infinitely in eternity/Truth/Freedom/peace/equality/justice/health/wellness/balance/harmony = music=life=“god”=love=existence=Being Nothing(else)matters/nonexistence=doesn’t exist
Pun intended (nothing=matter ie 3D-hologram-illusion/Lie, mithra = matter = mother/father/parent “adam”/atom (YHVY = ye+(h)eve = male/phallus+female/uterus =hermaphrodite, eve= electron (-)negative-duality opposite-part of in atom(Adam)/matter), only “visible”/by an “observer”/eye/“i” and electromagnetic-energy-states only “collapse” into “matter”/“visible” when it is “observed”/“sea“n by “i"s/eyes/ayes (as opposed to” nays”/duality/“judgment”/prejudice/labeling/confined/imprisoned/bound(by “sin”/Lie/liars)/enslaved to nonexistence/duality/Lie).
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flowerscentedartist · 4 years
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Chara and Frisk
In Treetale there will be only the pacifist/neutral timelines.
Chara is not evil in my AU. Instead they act as an older sibling to frisk, always guiding them and worrying about them.
They are also a big botany nerd, leading to sometimes ranting excitetly about every plant they see.
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Sometimes even a little to much.
It sure will take them a while to travel the enchanted forrest.
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flowerscentedartist · 4 years
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Treetale Papyrus
Tree: Cypress
Tree Meaning: optimistic, free spirit, boisterous, logical, carefree, needs recognition, hates being lonely,communicative
Instead of spagetti his choice of dish is mushroom stew, since they are living in an enchanted forrest.
Still not good at cooking, but he tries.
Since Monsters tend to live near their trees, he and Sans live in Snowdin, the part of the forrest with the most conifers.
He does not know Sans tree is the olive tree, which means his brother has to travel far to be near his tree once in a while. Sans is also keeping his tree a secret from his brother, so he wont feel guilty about it. After all he can teleport, so it dosn't matter that much. As long as Papyrus is happy.
Also olive puns. A lot of them.
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flowerscentedartist · 4 years
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Treetale Toriel
Tree: elm tree
Tree meaning: loving, trusting, helpful, modest, humorous, intelligent, strong sence of justice
Clothing style: celtic
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Treetale Asgore
Tree: hornbeam
Tree meaning: loyal, protector, strong demeanor but sensible inside, loving, dutiful, responsible, lover of harmony
Clothing style: celtic
Also in Treetale Toriel and Asgore are going to be back together in the end.
Because I think it is cute.
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flowerscentedartist · 4 years
I was thinking of an alternate universe, which is kinda situated in an enchanted forrest instead of the underground.
Every monster is bound to their own tree. Once the monster dies the tree doed to.
I tought of each monsters tree by using the celtic tree horoskop based on personality traits.
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This is my version of the Sans.
For his clothes I thought, I give him some sort of boho style.
His tree is the Olive tree: smart, relaxed, tolerant, tends to hide emotions, strong but hides it, strong sense of justice, avoids violence
I'm not sure what to call it yet. Maybe Treetale or something like that.
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