#although I bet I meant to do this one and forgot
skzhua · 1 year
you are my safe haven ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "You were the first person I thought of at the moment."
pairing: lee minho x reader.
genre: fluff, angst.
word count: 10,529
warnings: swearing, suggestive, unrequited love mentioned, minho being minho (savage and flirty).
summary: your relationship with minho has always been tricky. either he was roasting the shit out of you, or he was flirting with you shamelessly. when things start to get complicated with your childhood friend, chan, why is he the first one who come up in your mind?
a/n: this one took me so long to write, but it might be my favourite one ever. i just fucking love lee minho, lmao. i'm so sorry for not posting as regularly as i used to, i'm very much struggling with school and other, but i'm trying my best! anyway, enjoy~
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You and Chan met when your parents used to live across from each other. Being a year apart only, it made things easy for the both of you to get along. You had gone through everything together whether it was growing up, changing schools, making friends, etc. The last big step you had taken together was moving on your college's campus. You roomed with a nice but shy healthcare student, Youngmi. Although she wasn't a social butterfly like Chan was, she grew more at ease with you as time passed.
Another semester starting meant more homework and less free time, and that involved no more nights out with Chan at the local diner. Over the holidays, his friend, Minho, had started to come to your usual hangouts. Nothing against him, but his presence did affect your relationship with Chan. Your crush on him had only been growing since college started and Minho's presence wasn't much of an help if you wanted to confess at some point. Anyway, it's not like you could tell Chan that his friend was causing you problems when really he was doing nothing wrong.
Your first day was finally over. Checking your message app, you saw nothing from Chan. Weird, since he would always answer you. Your last class was with Minho, and after you had put everything in your bag, he was still at his desk, not having moved a bit other than jamming to his music.
"Minho, can you not?"
The man acted as if he had heard nothing and went on with humming happily to the song he was listening to. Despite how much your friendship with him had improved, he remained one of the few people you would give away to Satan to save yourself with no hesitation.
"Min." you tried again, but you were left with no response.
Out of impatience, you snatched his earphones out of his ears, resulting to Minho spatting out one insult after the other. "I was vibing, you moron! You're seriously no fun, weirdo."
"Wow, I'm so affected by your lame insults." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm going soft on you, kitten."
And here it was again, the sudden shift from insults to flirts. Quite honestly, you never understood how he managed to pass from one another so smoothly, nor could you comprehend how it took you by surprise each time. But that's what Minho is, a flirty jerk who loves to provoke.
"Why are you so pressed, anyway?" he asked as he lazily followed you out of the class.
"We're going to the diner, remember?"
"I forgot, actually. See, that's why I need you around." he winked, but you dismissed his antics.
"Chan hasn't replied to my messages yet, it's not like him."
"It's the first day of school, I bet he has hundreds of meetings."
He was surely right, but you learnt with time to not base your thoughts off of Minho's because he never cared about anything other than himself. And right now, he didn't give a damn about Chan not replying to you.
"I don't know, should I call Bin to see if he's with him?"
Minho deadpanned at you. "Are you his mom or something? He's fine, probably just busy. Plus, I'm here. Can't you enjoy my company for once?"
You sent him a disgusted look, unimpressed, as you went outside. That's when, from afar, you saw your best friend. He was as handsome as ever, still wearing his oversized black clothes, and laughing cutely. And he was laughing with a girl. You had literally never seen her before, though you were convinced to know everyone in Chan's social circle.
"I told you he's okay." Minho huffed.
"Sure." you replied, unfocused. "Wait here for a moment, will you?"
You passed your bag to him, not letting him protest, and you ran to Chan to hug him from the back. He was startled for a bit, until he realized you were the one who took him by surprise.
"Hey, there!" he smiled widely before hugging you back tightly, ruffling your hair in a sweet manner. "I haven't seen you all day, where were you?"
"Class... And the best out of this is that I get to finish the day with Lee Minho." you fake-gagged.
"He's not that bad, just a bit annoying." he chuckled. "How was it, other than that?"
"Fine, I suppose. I just really don't want to be back in class. The teachers went over their planned projects, and I wanted to shoot myself just then."
"Don't say that, you'll do just fine. I know it." he said, rubbing your back.
"Thanks, Channie." you blushed a little.
Chan soon realized he had been ignoring his new friend since you appeared. "Y/N, this is Eunhee. She's in my sound art practices class. Eunhee, this is my best friend, Y/N."
You ignored the pang in your heart from the label he used for you, but still greeted the girl sweetly. "Hi! Happy to meet you!"
"Likewise." she replied, seemingly uneasy by your presence despite her polite smile. "I can go find my dorm alone if you two want to hang out."
You turned your attention to Chan expectedly, but his answer crushed you a bit. "No, no. I'll show you." he hurried to tell her, before looking at you sadly. "Do you mind going without me for today? I'll join you later."
You tried your very best to hide your disappointment, but let's say it wasn't much of a success. "Yeah, sure. Do you want Minho and I to order for you?"
"It's fine, thanks. Later?"
He brought you in his arms again, kissing the top of your head as some sort of apology. You felt down enough, you didn't want to break your façade in front of him. So you hurried to join Minho back, who had patiently waited for you at the same spot. He frowned upon seeing your glossy eyes, but you didn't let him question it. You took your bag from him and started to walk to the diner immediately. However, Minho was stubborn. He sped his pace up to catch up with your own and fixated his gaze on you. You attempted to ignore it, but he can be very intimidating when he wants to be.
"What?" you snapped at him, annoyed.
"You like Chan."
You stopped on your tracks and looked at him incredulously. "You're seeing things."
He scoffed as he stopped walking as well. "Please." he elongated the word. "You're almost drooling at the sight of him. And when he's not with us, you only talk about him."
"I don't drool! And I talk about him because we barely have anything in common."
He smirked. "Now, now, kitten. You barely know anything about me, how can you be so sure?"
"You're a pain in the ass." you groaned, starting to walk again.
He followed closely as he laughed alone. "This is a fact, though. We barely talk about anything else than Chan. You must like him, then."
"Then talk about something else, if it bothers you that much."
He paused for a second, trying to think of any moment you two had without mentioning the older man. He could not think of a single one. He had tried to get to know you on many occasions, but Chan would always end up being the main topic. He had noticed way before today that you had a crush on Chan, but he thought it wasn't his place to bring it up. However, today was different. He was sick of seeing you check him out from afar and do nothing about it, so he thought of giving you a little push. Clearly, you were more stubborn than he initially thought.
"Do you actually want to talk with me?"
You let out a chuckle. "I mean, sure?"
"You don't seem sure."
"Like you said, we don't know much about each other, other than our mutual friend."
You reached the diner and opened the door to let Minho in first. He didn't wait for you to sit at the usual table you would be at with Chan. You joined him quickly, and he sent you a sly smirk.
"What is it now?" you breathed out.
"I want to talk."
You shrugged your shoulders, acting uninterested. "Please do."
"Do you even remember my cats' names?"
The question was unexpected for your part. In all of the things he could have brought up, you expected school, life experiences or hobbies, but certainly not his cats.
"I do, actually." you proudly responded, and he quirked an eyebrow. "I'm telling you, I remember!"
"What are they?"
"Soonie and Dori."
He gasped, putting a hand on his chest to enhance the dramatization of his reaction. "How dare you forget about my beloved Doongie?"
"My bad." you nonchalantly shrugged.
"You're such a bad friend."
"Are we even friends, Min?" you huffed.
"I only allow certain people to call me Min, actually."
You wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but Chan entering the place interrupted you. For the first time in your life, you wished he hadn't come join you so soon. He said hi to Minho briefly, before coming to sit down next to you. The server soon came to take your orders, and you asked for your usual burgers.
"Who was your little friend?" Minho asked Chan on purpose, resulting to getting a death stare from you.
"Eunhee. She just tranferred here, so I was showing her around. She's very nice, actually. She even writes lyrics like me! I read some of it, and she's got some talent."
Hearing him talk about someone else with so much praise did not feel good. Nonetheless, you smiled along Chan's talk and pitched in the conversation from time to time.
"I'm sure the two of you would get along well." he finished his monologue about the girl.
"Yeah, she sounds fun."
The night came to an end quickly, and Minho insisted on paying for the food, despite Chan's protests. You were walking to your dorm, when Chan had to go a separate way since he wasn't living close to you. He hugged you good night, and was off to go home.
Minho kept quiet as he walked you home. He didn't mind since his building was next to yours. Although the silence was enjoyable, he felt like something was off. You were acting as if he wasn't there and he couldn't help but notice when you sniffled discreetly.
"You like him that much, uh?"
Not in the mood for his teasing, you groaned in annoyance. "Shut up, Min."
"I'm genuinely asking." You hesitated, not sure if you should be telling him about this. "Hey, I'm serious."
He stopped you and put his hand on your shoulder. While Minho was never one for physical contact, you did know he would not think about it twice when it comes to his close ones. Apparently, he did care about you more than you thought. For some reason, you trusted him enough to tell him. Probably because it was becoming too much of a burden that you needed to confide in someone.
"I'll always be a little sister in his eyes, right?"
He didn't actually expect you to say anything, but he was pleasantly surprised you did. "Depends, things like this can change, you know."
"You don't get it. I've tried for years to get this man's attention, and the moment he meets Eunhee, he seems infatuated with her..."
"For years?"
You nodded your head slowly, ashamed to have been looking at the same man for that long. It's not like you did not try, you actually dated here and there. Nonetheless, Chan was always the one to pick you up after each breakup.
"Rough." Minho simply said.
You ended up changing subjects, as he started to spill out about his cats. He said he rented a dorm for himself so he could have his babies with him, and that he did not think it through when bringing in his third one. Especially because Dori has so much more energy than the two others.
"Thanks, Min." you said as you came to the front door of your building.
"I don't know. For being there."
"Sure." he shrugged his shoulders. "Good night, Y/N."
"Good night."
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You really tried to make Youngmi feel at ease around your friends, and mutiple times. The girl had not much interest in coming out of her shell. You understood that, but her having been in college for a year already, you would have expected her to open up more. Still, her befriending you was already a success.
"This is, like, the only free break I have this week, so enjoy while I'm here." Chan laughed out as he headed towards the cafeteria.
"What if I don't?" you joked.
"Then you are revoked from any bestie privileges. No more driving you home after a night out."
You gasped as to seem shocked. "Who would tuck me in and treat my hangover, then?"
"Youngmi can do that." he shrugged as he nodded his head towards the girl walking next to you.
She didn't say anything as she looked at you in confusion. "What?"
"Nevermind." you sighed.
"Hey, Y/N, look." You followed to where Chan was pointing as he tugged your side, and your eyes landed on Eunhee and Jeongin sitting at a table. "We should join them."
"I don't think we should do that." Youngmi spoke.
"I thought you knew Jeongin and get along with him well."
"We don't want to impose ourselves." you added.
"It can't be too bad. Plus, Eunhee is very easygoing. Let's go."
No matter what you were going to say, you knew Chan was not going to change his mind. You forced yourself to follow him, and Youngmi had the same expression on her face. When you reached the two others, Jeongin's face turned red as his gaze stuck on Youngmi.
"Hey." she waved at him shyly.
"Do you mind if we join?" Chan asked, although he was already sitting down.
"Go ahead." Eunhee replied kindly.
Hesitant, you still sat down and started to eat. Chan began to discuss with Jeongin while the remaining three of you kept quiet. You and Eunhee exchanged some glances, and you felt bad for being so on the edge around her. She hadn't done anything other than being friendly, and it wasn't fair from you to give her the side eye.
Looking around, you tried to find Minho in the crowd. You spotted him quickly, but he did not see you as his eyes were set on someone else. More specifically, Byeol, his ex-girlfriend. He was sitting across from her and they were exchanging obvious glares. You were starting to wonder why he even sat with her, since he had previously told you he doesn't like to think about her. You observed the two of them for a bit, until they shifted glares into smiles. What the hell was happening?
"Youngmi." you turned to your friend. "Don't you think it's weird he's hanging out with her?"
The girl shrugged, since she didn't know them that much. "It looks normal to me."
You then heard someone choke, which turned your attention to Eunhee, who was coughing like crazy. As Jeongin attempted to make her feel better, you took out a napkin and wiped off the water she had spilled. She gave you a small smile, thankful.
"What do you mean, me? What did I do?" she said after she stopped coughing.
"She asked me if I'd be interested in tutoring you."
You hadn't noticed that Chan was the one she was talking to, until he answered. Tutoring? Wasn't he busy enough already? You chuckled as you thought this was an horrible idea, and Eunhee did the same, visibly seeing this as ridiculous as you were.
"What's funny?" he asked Jeongin, not sure to have caught on what made you two laugh.
The young man shrugged, not very interested in the conversation. "I mean, do you even have time to tutor? You barely have any time for the guys and I."
"It would be during the class period." Eunhee groaned at Chan, seemingly not happy with what she was hearing. "She said you're going to fail if you keep going like this."
“Come on, Chan. We’re barely halfway through the term. I can manage myself.”
“Not sure about that. You have halfway left that you can use to actually get better instead of barely passing.”
She gave you a look, almost pleading for your help, but you really didn't know what to tell her. So you shrugged your shoulders, and turned back to Youngmi to continue chatting.
“I’ll think about it…” you heard Eunhee say.
Lunch time went on pretty quickly. Youngmi had class, so you walked with her to her course. Your day was pretty much over, and you were planning to hang out with the boys for the evening. But nights at the diner shifted to you and Minho being alone while Chan needed to attend the student association meetings. Either that, or he was too tired and wanted to rest.
Unlike what you would have expected, it didn't affect you as much. Minho was much different than your best friend, there was no doubt. His weird behaviour, though, was odd enough to make you forget that Chan had pretty much abandoned you. He was still consistent with his texts, but you barely actually saw him around, today being an exception.
You joined Minho in front of the restaurant, and didn't bother waiting for Chan since you knew it would only be the two of you. He started to talk about his day and other fun things. But honestly, your focus was not cooperating as you were mostly in your thoughts.
"No, but can you blame anyone? Hyunjin's butt is great." Minho went on with his story-telling.
You mixed your milkshake with your straw in boredom, as you nodded along Minho's talk. "Yeah yeah, Hyunjin's butt is nice."
He raised an eyebrow, offended by your lack of commitment in this one-way discussion. "You're not listening."
"I am! I just told you Hyunjin's butt is nice!"
"Y/N, you've never seen the guy." he rolled his eyes at you.
"That is untrue!" you raised your finger to point at him in defense. "He's the one looking like he was made by angels, right?"
Minho scoffed, a smirk forming. "That would be me, princess." His cockiness almost got to you as you were at loss of words. "And we both know my ass is cuter."
You snorted at his statement. To be fair, you had checked his ass once, and there was no denial that he had a good one. You were not going to feed this ego of his, however. Just then, a ping was heard from your phone.
Chan: Hey! Changbin and I would like to have a little gathering with the others tomorrow. You in?
Y/N: If that means I can finally see you, yes!
Chan: I'm so sorry about that! I had so many meetings and so much work to do. It's supposed to be mostly done, though, so hopefully we can see each other more from now on.
Y/N: Otherwise, I'm complaining to the school that I want my best friend back.
Chan: Stop, you know I'll never leave you.
Chan: See you tomorrow?
Y/N: See you tomorrow.
"Something tells me Channie's the one you're texting." Minho teased.
"Shut you. I could say the same with you texting Byeol earlier."
This spilled out of your mouth without you thinking. You did not understand why it bothered you this much when he was chatting with his ex-girlfriend at the beginning of your night together. It was surely because it was impolite to be on your phone when you're hanging with someone already. Though, you just did the same and he was not bothered at all.
Minho blinked a few times as his eyes were set on you, before he breathed out a huff. "What do you mean?"
You stuttered as you tried to explain yourself. "I-I... She and you were- I meant, earlier today-"
He grinned at your sudden change in attitude. He rarely saw you shy or embarrassed, because you were rarely in this kind of state and also because you were good at hiding your emotions. To say he didn't like it would be a lie. You were damn adorable with the flush on your cheeks, and he had to suppress himself from slipping out a comment about it.
"You were definitely not listening to me earlier, then." You frowned before gesturing for him to continue. "The whole butt thing was because Byeol had accidentally texted me instead of her friend, and she was complimenting Hyunjin's ass in that message. That's why I was laughing then."
"Oh." you breathed out as you nodded your head slowly.
"If it makes you feel any better, I smile much more when you're texting me." he winked.
"Now, for real, you need to shut up."
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Being the first one to get to Chan's dorm, you made yourself at home as you sprawled across his couch, scrolling through your social medias. Chan had plans with Minho and would be coming home with him later, so you hadn't seen him yet. Changbin, however, was there.
"Do you think this is a good plan?" he sighed loudly.
Frankly speaking, you had not listened to one word he said since you were too focused on replaying the cat video Minho had just sent you. "Uh? Yeah. It's an excellent plan." you replied nonchalantly, before chuckling at the video again.
"And, you were not listening." Changbin let out a sigh. "Is this Minho's cat?" he asked, upon seeing the ginger feline on your phone.
"Yeah. Soonie fell off this morning while he was filming him. Poor kitty, but this is quite hilarious. Especially Minho panicking and running to save his child." you went on to explain, a smile still on your face.
"You have it for Minho, now?"
You froze in action from his words. "What?"
He realized that, maybe, he shouldn't have said anything as he scratched his head while awkwardly chuckling. "Forget it."
The doorbell rang and Changbin almost ran to the door to open it. He let Chunhwa in before giving her a big hug. She had brought drinks for the evening, so she straight went to put them in the refrigerator.
"Hey, Y/N!" she waved at you.
"Hi." you smiled. "What did you get for us?"
She raised a pack of beer and a bottle filled with a dark-coloured liquid. "Beers for the guys, and I found this fruit punch thing. I thought we could try it out." she shrugged as she put them down, and pulled a Fanta out of her grocery bag. "And I got this for our Jisung."
"About that." Changbin started. "He won't come tonight. He said something along the lines that Hwayoung was out with some guy and that he didn't want what happened last time to repeat itself."
Last time you hung out all together, Hwayoung had went on a date before joining you and was looking like a wreck. Jisung had to comfort her in Chan's room, and let's say some stuff happened.
"Oh well, I'll have the Fanta, then." you said as you got up to take it from your friend's hand.
Soon enough, the guys came back after they stopped by the convenience store to buy some snacks. While Changbin had already placed the board game on the table, Chunhwa took the time to help Chan out with preparing the ramen soups he bought. Minho sat next to you and thanked the girl as she gave him the food.
"Where is Jisung?" he asked as he started to dig into his soup.
"He's probably comforting Hwayoung again." Changbin answered, which made you feel bad for him.
"If he keeps doing this, he'll end up in a deep depression." you breathed out before the entire room nodded in agreement.
"You're one to say that." Minho said as he nudged your arm.
You glared at him before hitting his arm playfully. You only hoped Chan didn't get what he meant by that. The evening continued as you all picked your pawns to play. You conversed simultaneously since it had been a while since you saw each other. Changbin and Chunhwa were being painfully obvious about their crushes on each other, and Minho kept on bugging you, claiming you were cheating.
"I talked with Eunhee." Chan said, clasping his hands together which took you aback.
"And?" you frowned.
"She accepted my offer. I told you she would."
Your heart sank. No matter when you would talk with him, he always brought her up. Even if you took your feelings out of the situation, it almost looked as if he wasn't your best friend anymore and it hurt. You felt Minho putting a hand on your thigh, probably to bring you some kind of support.
You forced yourself to smile, before managing to say a small "That's great."
You could see that Chan noticed your lack of enthusiasm, but he went on nonetheless. "Yeah, I'll text her the details later. It'll probably be once or twice a week. Depends on her level, honestly."
"Right." you coughed out as you felt a lump forming in your throat, and Minho was quick to notice as he tightened his grip on you slightly. "Sorry, I have a headache. Minho." The boy shot his head up immediately. "Do you mind helping me get some medicine?"
"No, of course." he assured before standing up and offering his hand to help you up.
He gave you a worried smile as you came face to face with him. You didn't know when it started exactly, but he had started to let himself be more vulnerable around you. You almost never saw him having any sort of emotions. Seeing him care this much about you made you feel both weirded out and safe.
Chan watched the scene happen in front of his eyes and frowned in confusion. "Are you alright? I can help if you want and-"
"No." you immediately shut him up. "I'm okay, really. Thanks."
The poor guy was left even more confused when Minho took you away, bringing you to the bathroom. You both closed the door and you stood in front of each other for a moment without saying anything. While he was waiting for you to talk, you genuinely just wanted to enjoy his presence. But as the silence grew, Minho finally decided to break it.
"You could have asked Chunhwa to help you." he said, since he didn't why exactly you chose him to comfort you.
You shrugged, not too sure either. "You were the first person I thought of at the moment. I mean, you had a pretty strong grip on my thigh."
He coughed awkwardly, his ears turning red. "I see. And yeah, sorry about that.
"It's okay. It kind of helped, actually." you admitted.
Another silence took over, but he was the first to speak again. "Do you want me to talk to him?"
Your eyes widened at his proposition. "Are you crazy? Don't do that."
"No, I won't tell him about your crush, or whatever. I can mention to him that it's annoying that he only talks about her." he shrugged his shoulders.
"Min, we both only talk about Chan whenever we are together." you stated the obvious. "I bet you are more annoyed about that."
"Fair enough, but you don't bring up how talented and amazing he is every two seconds."
You laughed at this, and it visibly made Minho relax. If he managed to make you smile a little, that was good enough for him.
"Still, you don't need to do that. It's just as if I'm losing a friend, that's all."
"Do you want to go back home? I can walk you there."
You hummed quietly while nodding a yes slowly. "Actually, yes, that would be nice."
He took a step closer before rubbing the side of your arm, not forgetting to replace the hair that had fallen onto your face as well. "Then, we shall take you home, princess."
You hoped he didn't feel your heartbeat fasten its pace, nor your heavy breathing. He was never a physical person, and his touch felt electrifying. You knew damn well he was only doing this for you to feel better about your whole situation with your best friend, but you were starting to wonder if a part of him actually enjoyed these kinds of moments.
Your train of thoughts was stopped when he let go of you to open the door again, letting you walk out first. As you joined the others, you saw Changbin and Chunghwa being in their own world, and Chan giggling at his phone, most likely texting Eunhee. Oddly enough, it did not pain you as much as it did earlier. Somehow, feeling Minho's body hovering behind you in a protective way compensated.
"I'll go home, if you don't mind." you said to nobody in particular.
Chan let go of his phone, while the two others simply gave you a thumbs up before going on with whatever they were doing. "This early?" Chan asked.
"Sorry, I don't feel so well." you attempted a smile.
Chan stood up and joined you at the front door, concern all over his face. "Let me walk you to your dorm, at least."
You shook you head as a no before gesturing to the man standing behind you. "Minho's coming with me already. Thank you."
"Alright." he trailed off before he gave you a tight hug. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Always. Good night Chan. Bye, guys!" you addressed to the others.
You were quick to leave, and you felt bad Minho had to keep up with your fast walking. Nonetheless, he didn't complain and you found yourself outside of the building soon, breathing in the fresh air.
"What are you going to do for the rest of your night?" Minho asked.
You pondered for a minute, trying to figure out the options in your mind, but nothing came up. "I don't know. Knowing Youngmi, she's already sleeping. That means I can't do much other than sleep too."
"Are you tired?" he asked, and you answered with a no. "My place is close to yours, if you want to hang out."
You never went over at his, meaning you never met his cats. This was a good opportunity to get some cuddles with them, that only if Minho allowed you.
"Do I get to snuggle with Soonie, Doongie and Dori?"
He frowned. "Who do you think you are? Some privileged woman? The cats are off-limit." To that, you pouted at him. "Y/N, no."
"You want to me to feel better or not?"
"You seem to be doing good, now."
"Min, pretty please." you whined like a child.
He let out a sigh, deadpanning at you. "Fine. Not more than an hour of cuddles, though."
Feeling victorious, you took his hand and dragged him rapidly to his dorm. He almost fell from your sudden excitement, which took him by surprise. You were especially strong for someone who barely did anything else than study and work. At his building, he took the lead since you didn't know where he lived exactly. He let you inside first, being the well-mannered man he is, and you were greeted by an orange ball of floof who was visibly confused upon seeing someone who is not Minho.
"Doongie." he said before pointing to the other orange cat who was sitting on the cat tree in the corner of the room. "Soonie. And I have no idea where Dori is."
"You sent me so many photos of them, I would have recognized them without your help."
He sent a glare your way. "Just be grateful you get to meet them."
"Yes, thank you, Min." you laughed before crouching down to pet the cat. "Hello, Doongie." you cooed at him.
Minho huffed at the sight. His cat seemed to be liking you a lot. He went to Soonie, only to see Dori jumping on the cat tree to join his brother. He patted their heads lovingly. At least, he still had those two who didn't betray him. However, he realized he spoke too soon when you joined him to scratch the cats' bellies.
"You traitors." he muttered at his children. "It looks like they love you more than me."
"I'm just that much likeable." you teased.
"Sure you are, kitten."
Your eyes widened as realization hit you. "You call me kitten because of your cats?"
"Why else?" he shrugged as if it was nothing. "I like cats and I like you. This is only logical."
Your eyes went even wider, your heartbeat pacing faster. Did he just tell you he liked you? The Lee Minho who was known to be the most detached person on Earth, the one who never showed his true emotions?
"You like me?" you breathed out.
He rolled his eyes at you. "You're my friend, of couse I like you."
Oh. He meant that kind of liking. You were not certain on why it disappointed you so much. You thought you liked Chan. Well, you did, but ever since Minho came in the picture, you didn't know if you were starting to lie to yourself about your feelings for your best friend.
"Wow, Minho is finally admitting he actually likes having me around."
"Don't let it get into your head too much. This only happened because Chan's busy." he scoffed as he walked to the cupboard in his kitchen. "Now, do you want to feed the kitties?"
You didn't think twice before hopping to join him. You helped him serve the cat food and put it on the ground. You observed them eat together, as you petted their backs. He was babying Dori and Doongie, while you were spoiling Soonie with scratches. Needless to say, you felt like you were two parents watching over their children. And it felt strangely comfortable. If someone told you months prior that you would be in Minho's apartment, feeding his cats, and feeling like you wished it'd be like this all the time, you would not believe them. Because you couldn't quite believe it at this instant.
"Did you want to do something in particular?" you asked after the cats were done eating.
"Hmm." he hummed, thinking for a moment. "We could watch a movie. I have some drinks if you want to do that while watching."
"Sounds good to me."
You opted for a comedy movie while Minho prepared the popcorn and the drinks. You both had already drank a little when you were at Chan's, but some more couldn't hurt. Mid-way through the film, you were already feeling tired and tipsy. Way more than tipsy. Of course, Minho noticed since you were starting to lean on him. He tried to move away, but it was like you were trying to absolutely have some sort of physical contact with him.
"Bruh." he spat out when you were now full on laying on him.
"Uh?" you said as your eyes fluttered opened. "Ah, sorry, Min. I'm just very tired."
"Yeah, it's fine."
"Do you mind if I sleep here for tonight?" you mumbled out and Minho froze.
Normally, he would have kicked you out at that point without any second thoughts. However, your pleading eyes with your tired figure did something to him, and he couldn't just say no to you.
"I'll take the couch."
You pouted before shaking your head violently. "Sleep in your bed. I'll stay here."
"Y/N, you're not okay. Sleep in my bed."
"Or we can sleep together."
You took his lack of answer as a yes, and stood up on your feet clumsily. Luckily, he caught you in time before you tripped on yourself. You grabbed onto him to find some balance as he led you carefully to his bed. Once he tucked you in, he was about to leave, but you took his wrist to stop him.
"I said we can sleep together."
"I'll just wash up, I'll be back."
"Do you have cucumbers?"
He looked at you weirdly. Sure, you were drunk, but this was so random. You explained briefly it was for a skin care routine you wanted to do to relax. Although it now made sense, he didn't quite understand why you wanted to pamper yourself while being so tired. Nonetheless, he obliged and brought you sliced cucumbers.
"I'll go shower while you do your thingy."
"I'll wait for you."
Your behaviour was strange, but you were awfully cute and you smiled widely at him, hurrying him to go wash. He absolutely adored it, but he knew this was only because you drank. He beat himself up for wanting this to be genuine. The picture of you waiting for him to go to bed and falling asleep together was more than appealing to him. However, he had to remind himself that you liked Chan, and that you'd known the latter for years. He could never do that, come in-between the two of you. He finished his shower thoughts by simply telling himself to get over it. He didn't like you. He couldn't like you. Not like that.
When he came back in his room, he was met with the image of you watching a kids show on his personal TV. Some people would act like horny jerks when drunk, but you were a total child. Alongside with you was Dori, whom you had somehow managed to kidnap to cuddle with. Minho loved it. But he couldn't.
"You didn't use the cucumbers." he pointed to the plate, still full of the vegetable.
"I told you I'd wait for you."
He quirked an eyebrow, starting to see where this was going. "I am not doing some self-care shit with you."
"Min..." you pouted.
You patted the empty side of the bed and, lazily, Minho sat down as he was still glaring at you.
"I'm going to sleep."
You huffed. "You're no fun. Chan would have done it."
Oh, how wrong was it of you to say that. It awoke something in Minho. Whether it was jealousy or pride, he didn't know, but he knew he didn't like it. Instantly, he picked two cucumbers and placed them on your cheeks.
"There. Happy?" he grumbled.
"Very much." you giggled. "Your turn."
You spent the next hour or so playing with cucumber slices, either throwing them at each other, eating them, or shoving them on Minho's eyes. It might had been the first time you saw him genuinely having fun. Not cocky or insufferable like he usually was. He was at ease, and so you were.
It was around 1am when you both grew too tired to continue your self-care session. You snuggled into the blankets and brought yourself closer to the man laying next to you. He stood still as he looked right back at you. He didn't stop himself from reaching out to the side of your face, patting your head.
"Thank you for tonight." you mumbled tiredly. "I think I like you too."
He immediately caught on that you were referring to your previous conversation. Fortunately, because otherwise, he would have went on full panic mode.
"That's good, pretty. Sleep well, alright?"
"You too, Min."
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You and Minho were definitely no longer friends after that night, but nor had you stopped speaking to each other. Quite the opposite, actually. Think of any act of affection a couple would do, other than kissing, and there you got what was happening between the two of you. Chan had almost disappeared, now spending most of his time with Eunhee. You did visit him occasionally to make sure he wasn't exhausting himself too much but it never lasted more than five minutes. That also meant your crush on him had completely vanished. It couldn't have stayed for long, anyway, after you woke up in Minho's bed that morning, realizing you had fallen in love with him instead.
"Strawberry." Minho said, standing up firmly for his choice of milkshake, as he nudged your arm.
"Chocolate." you said, coming closer to his face.
He sighed in frustration. "We had chocolate last time."
"If you're so pressed with your strawberry, just order one for yourself."
He smirked. "But you want us to share, don't you?"
It was annoying how right he was, and you huffed in defeat. "Strawberry it is."
"There you go. I knew you were going to give up."
"Shut up."
He took you by the waist and brought you closer, as if you were not close enough already on the small cushioned bench. You continued to bicker playfully, when you heard the front door's bell. Turning your attention on where the sound came from, you easily spotted Chan. He stood still, baffled at the sight in front of him. He started to question himself mentally, wondering if he had really cancelled on you two that much that he didn't notice you were dating. Coming back to his senses, he walked to your booth and sat in front of you.
"Hey, guys. Am I interrupting, or..?"
"Of course not." Minho exclaimed. "Glad to see you after, I don't know how long."
You could hear the pettiness in his voice, so you hit him slightly with your elbow before speaking. "We've all been busy, it's okay." you smiled. "So, what's new? How are things with Eunhee?"
"It's good, I guess. We had a... moment, and she is pretty much ignoring me since then. You know, when you came over the other day." he explained, while looking pretty clueless.
"What kind of moment?" Minho asked, stretching his arm out to wrap it around you, which earned a look from Chan.
"Uh, I'm not too sure. We danced in my room-"
You cut him off with a laugh, and he glared at you. "That's the cheesiest thing you could have done. No shit you were acting weird when I came over." you snickered, and Minho soon joined you as he tried to ignore the slight jealousy he felt from learning you went over to Chan's recently.
"Yeah, you two are no better. You were all over each other when I walked in." he rolled his eyes.
That was enough to shut the both of you, knowing well this was an unspoken thing you had going on. You never brought it up, and didn't intend on doing so anytime soon.
"So." Minho coughed out awkwardly. "Your moment?"
"Right." Chan nodded. "Well, we were dancing in my room and, I don't know what happened, but I almost kissed her. And, I don't know, she didn't look like she wanted to, so I back off. And now, I'm lowkey stressing out about it because I surely didn't want to make her uncomfortable."
"She wanted you to kiss her." you responded without hesitation.
"You think so?"
"Chan, I know so." You hesitated to continue with your point, but feeling Minho's hand rubbing your arm let you know it might be time to tell him. "I'm convinced she likes you, because she acts the same way as I did with you."
He frowned his eyebrows. "You like me? Aren't you and Minho... well, you know?"
"I used to, and that's not important." you dismissed the topic. "What I'm saying is she keeps sending you memes to make you smile, she gets shy around you, she said yes to your tutoring..."
"And you told me she even bought you coffee for one of your lessons with her." Minho added.
He looked at you both, still uncertain. "Should I invite her to my party, then?"
"What party?"
"My end of the school term party. In two days."
"Go for it, yeah." Minho encouraged. "Are we invited?"
"If you promise to keep it in your pants, yes."
Right. A party. With girls. And Minho. The guy who hooked up here and there after his breakup with Byeol. The same one you were currently in love with. Great.
"You know me better." he laughed with Chan. "I'll behave, I promise."
Later, on the walk back to Minho's, since you had planned to stay at his place, you were more quiet than usual. You were holding hands, but your grip was loose, and you couldn't focus properly.
"What's wrong, kitten?" he asked worriedly.
"What do you think of Siyeon?" you said, mentioning a pretty girl in your common class.
"What is this question?" he chuckled, not sure in where you were going with this.
"She's cute, has good grades, is nice to everyone. And Chan is going to invite her at the party, probably."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Your point?"
"You could ask her out." you shrugged.
With that, Minho let go of your hand. "I could, but I won't."
"Why? Sorry, but it just hit me that you haven't gone out with someone in a very long time."
"I don't know. I suppose I'm not very in the mood of fucking around anymore. You also stopped talking about Chan with me. I'm not the only one acting differently." he pointed out.
"I said it earlier, I don't like Chan anymore." you rolled your eyes.
"Well, then. Our romantic lives are bland."
"They are."
The conversation was cut short as he didn't have anything else to say. He took your hand again, and led you to his dorm. You got there pretty quickly, and you still hadn't said a word to each other. It didn't mean you didn't understand what was happening, both of you implying the lack of love you had could only mean one thing.
The moment he closed his front door, he grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer and crashed his lips onto yours. You were taken aback at first, not sure on how you should be reacting, but it quickly faded as you melted into the kiss. While he was needy, he was also being extremely gentle with you, making sure he didn't hurt you in any way. It didn't take long for you to get to his room, and he pushed you down gently on the bed. Now hovering you, he deepened the kiss before moving down to place small pecks on your neck.
"Min." you mumbled between heavy breaths, and he hummed against your skin. "This is not a joke, right?"
He separated his mouth from your skin to look at you curiously. "What do you mean?"
"You used to be very... physical with other girls. I just want to make sure I'm not some doll you're playing with before throwing it away."
He looked at you with fondness as he stroke your cheek softly. "I thought I made it clear I've wanted you for months, now. Not just physically, like you said." He pecked your forehead. "If I can have you." Kissed your cheek. "I don't want the skin ship only, this time." He stopped as he glanced at your lips. "I want all of you."
You were the one to initiate this time when you brought him closer, kissing him hungrily. The unspoken tension there was before was no longer there. It was like kissing each other had dropped all of your walls, and you were now fully exposed to one another.
"I fucking hated it when you cried about Chan." he said in-between the kisses.
"Fuck, yes." he said, going back to sucking your neck.
"I hated how much you flirted with me, knowing you weren't sincere." you admitted.
"Trust me, kitten, I was fucking sincere."
You started to play with the hem of his shirt, tugging in a few times. He backed away and smirked at you before leading your hands to help him take off his shirt. The sight in front of you was mesmerizing. You already had the idea that he had a good body because of his dancing, but you certainly did not expect him to look this hot.
"Damn." you let out without thinking.
"I know, I'm hot." he winked at you.
"Of course, you know." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm joking." he chuckled as he pecked your lips. "Are you okay if we continue? I want you to feel comfortable."
"I'm more than okay."
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The party started out well. You had come in advance to help Chan with the preparations, but mostly to help him calm down. The poor guy was so nervous, not knowing whether Eunhee was going to show up or not.
As people kept coming in, you kept on looking out for any signs of Minho. He texted you he had some errands to run for the cats before coming, but you just wanted to see him. After your night together, you spent the next two days doing finals which didn't allow you to meet up again. The morning after, however, he did ask you out on a date to which you gladly said yes. Although labels were not discussed, it wasn't necessary because you both knew you wanted the same thing.
"Hey, Seungmin!" you welcomed the man as you opened the door.
"Still acting like Chan's place is yours?" he joked.
"I've come here so much, it's like my second home." you laughed with him. "Come on in!"
You joined Chan back in the kitchen as he was starting to prepare the snacks. You started helping him out, though you were very much distracted. Looking at your phone every minute or so, Chan pointed it out, making fun of you.
"You tell me to stop doing that with Eunhee, and you're doing the same with Minho."
You froze in place before slowly turning your head to him. "I never told you I was seeing Minho."
"Y/N, you two have been eye fucking each other for weeks. It did surprise me, but I'm not blind. You love him."
You blushed, as shyness crept over. "Yeah, he's really great."
"I can see that. I haven't see you so happy since, well, since forever actually. I'm happy for you."
"Thank you, Channie."
You exchanged smiles before going back to preparing the food. It felt great to spend some quality time with him after such a long time.
"You two fucked, haven't you?"
Your eyes widened from his words.
"What?" he said innocently. "You have dark spots on your neck, that's all."
You grew embarrassed, but couldn't help but laugh. You haven't noticed until now that Minho had marked you that much. You thought he was being gentle enough to not have done so, but it was visibly the opposite. Just then, you noticed a familiar figure appear in front of you, which made the both of you shut up.
"HI! Eunhee, um, wow. You made it! I mean, I didn't expect you to be here. I should, uh-" Chan spilled out, straightening his posture.
Trying to prevent him from embarrassing himself any further, you hit him slightly with your elbow to shut him up before turning your attention to the girl in front of you. "Good to see you."
"You too. I hope I'm not interrupting." she flickered her gaze between the two.
"Of course not!" you both denied, not wanting to give her the wrong image.
Chan stood there awkwardly before starting to walk away. "I should go greet the others. Talk to you later?" he told her, and you gave him a look as to ask him what he was doing.
You didn't know what to say to her. Seriously, it was Chan's responsibility to talk to her and fix whatever happened between them. You just kept on pouring bowls of chips, but ended up speaking.
"I really didn't expect you here. Chan had kind of given up after you ignored him."
It came pettier than what you had intended, but at least the message was there.
"It wasn't intentional. I mean, I did purposely ignore him but I had reasons." she justified, but you shook your head for her to stop.
"I'm not asking you to tell me why, you must have had good reasons. I just..." You hesitated to keep going, afraid you would be saying something you shouldn't. "He told me about how you almost kissed and I'm just letting you know that Chan is not someone to play around with. I don't know why he likes you so much while barely noticing me, but I'm warning you. You don't know him like I do and I know Chan is going to prioritize who he loves first. I don't want this thing going on with you two to be hurting anyone."
Her silence was torturing you as she was processing everything you told her. You replayed the scene in your mind, trying to spot anything you could have said wrongly. But nothing came to you.
"I came here to fix things with him." she finally spoke. "I don't know the history between you two, and visibly you are closer than anyone here. If I hurt you in any way, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to pass my class, that's it."
You had definitely fucked up by indirectly mentioning your former crush on the guy. This was obviously not the outcome you were expecting, you simply wanted to let her know that Chan was precious and needed to be taken care of even when he didn't want to.
"No, I-"
"It's okay, Y/N. You two clearly have something going on. I know for a fact Chan doesn't like me like that and he's way better off with you."
She left before you could explain any further. You cursed under your breath as you tried to catch up to her. However, you were stopped when someone brought you into a hug before familiar lips met yours.
"Hey, there." Minho grinned at you. "You're looking beautiful."
While your heart wanted to stay with him and melt at his compliments, your mind knew you had to make things right with Eunhee.
"Thank you, Min. I have to do something real quick. Do you mind getting me a drink in the meantime?" you pecked his cheek. "I'll be right back, okay?"
"Alright." he nodded before bringing you into another hug. He leaned on your side so his mouth could be next to your ear. "I'm sorry about the hickeys, by the way."
And he left. He was surely making you feel things, but now was not the moment. You walked through the crowd of people, trying to find Eunhee, but you simply couldn't as there were too many people. Looking behind you, your eyes laid on Chan, alone in the kitchen. You went to him as fast as you could.
"Chan!" you exclaimed out of breath. "Have you seen Eunhee?"
When you took a better look at him, his face had nothing but confusion, sadness, and pure anger.
"What did you say to her?"
And, you were fucked. You shut your eyes closed, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for the argument that you felt was coming. Chan was rarely mad, but you did not want to be around when he was. Now that he was actually pissed, it was even worse that it was at you.
"So you saw her."
Chan rolled his eyes, as if it was the most obvious thing. "She said you were waiting for me in the kitchen. What have you told her?"
"Nothing untrue, I swear." you breathed out, trying to be careful with your words. "I think she misinterpreted a lot of what I said."
"What did you say exactly?" he asked again, growing impatient.
You took a deep breath in, and searched for any help around, but everyone was having fun and Minho was nowhere to be seen. "I might have spilled out I had a crush on you, but she took it as if I still do." He groaned in frustration, passing his hand through his curly locks. "I also said you like her, and I might have mentioned that you two being together could potentially end up hurting the both of you..."
If you thought he was furious earlier, now he was on full rage mode. Honestly, you had never seen him so mad, and it frightened you quite a bit.
"Why on Earth would tell her that?" he almost growled at you.
"Why? For fuck's sake, Chan, how was I supposed to know what to tell her? You left me there because you were too much of a baby to face her yourself." you snapped at him, which he had seemingly not expected.
"You know me enough to not say shit like that! And I am hosting this whole thing and I saw people coming in. It was the least I could do."
"Fuck off with your lame excuse, because we both know Changbin was already doing so. And for your information, I don't know you as well as I used to because sir decided to disappear out of my life."
He huffed at you as he looked around. He was lost and didn't know what to do now.
"Yeah, I told you already that I'm sorry. But if you love me so much, you wouldn't have told her off by saying you have a crush on me." he yelled out, being heard by almost everyone in the room.
Behind him, you spotted Minho's eyes already staring at you. He was fuming too, walking towards your direction. You didn't know whether he was angry because of you or Chan, but you were definitely worried at that point.
"Y/N." he called out.
"Minho, can we not-"
"So it's Minho, now?" You exhaled loudly, wondering how the night had even taken this turn. "I thought you said you were over him."
"Minho, stay out of this." Chan put his arm in front of him to prevent him from approaching you any closer.
You recognized the protectiveness Chan had of you within his tone, which reassured you a bit that he still cared, at least. Minho didn't fight back, but sent you a disappointed look instead.
"I'll leave you to it, then."
With that, he stormed out of the apartment, not looking back. Meanwhile, the tears you had been holding back until then flooded out and you broke down as Chan held you.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm sorry, it's my fault."
The softness he had after being so enraged took you by surprise, but you truly needed your best friend at the moment. "I'm sorry." you sobbed out.
"Y/N, it's okay. Don't be sorry. You know I can be pretty stupid, right?" he pat your head, and you nodded as a small laugh left your mouth. "I'm the one at fault, here. I should have talked to Eunhee myself, and I shouldn't have yelled at you. Minho is very sensitive, you know that, right? He'll come around, I'm sure of it."
It amazed you how he was still able to find the right words for any circumstances. You loved him, for real. But not that kind of love. This one was reserved for Minho. The only thing on your mind was to run after him. You hurt him, and you couldn't bear with the thought.
"Thank you, Chan. I'm also sorry."
He shook his head. "I told you to stop saying that." It made you chuckle.
"Do you think I should go after him?"
He smirked. "Go get your damsel in distress."
Still sobbing, you snorted at his words before you hurried to get out of his apartment. You felt grateful to have went so many times to his place to know his dorm number. Otherwise, you would have given up much quicker. You stopped in front of his door and knocked softly. You heard someone moving from the other side, and heard a sigh.
"Min." you called out.
To your shock, he opened the door, only a bit, and looked at you. He looked tired, and you noticed he had changed into his pyjamas. He hummed as a greeting, obviously still mad at what happened.
"Can we talk?"
He really didn't want to, but your puffy red eyes and simply the sight of you was enough to break him apart. So he let you in. You smiled widely when you were greeted by your favourite cats. You scratched their heads briefly, before turning your attention back on Minho. He was leaning on his counter (which was hot, let's be honest) and crossed his arms as he waited for you to talk.
"I really and certainly do not like Chan."
"Reassuring." he commented, but received a glare from you to tell him to let you speak.
"What happened was he left me alone with Eunhee and I said some things to her that she interpreted as if I still liked him. Chan got mad and he impulsively said that. I told him about us already, he knows."
He frowned at your words. "Us."
"Yeah, us." you repeated, taking a chance by walking up to him.
Thankfully, he let you place yourself right in front of him. He uncrossed his legs so you could have some space, and you approached him. You took his face in your hands, looking at him lovingly.
"What did you tell him about us, precisely?" he asked, placing his hands on your waist.
"I told him that you're great."
"Just that?"
"He knows we fucked."
He raised his eyebrows as he looked up. "Should have expected that."
You slapped his cheek playfully as you pouted, and he chuckled because you were just adorable. "Shut up."
"Sorry. Go on?" he laughed.
You got closer to him, your lips lingering over his. He would have kissed you, but he wanted to hear what you had left to say.
"And I admitted that I might love you."
He backed away, not having expected this. "Love?"
You sighed. "Dude, we've been acting like a couple for months, and we see each other pretty much every day. Don't act surprised."
He frowned even more. "Dude? Really? I call you princess, kitten, or pretty. And I get dude."
"Min." you whined, but he could only laugh.
He loved messing around with you, but he knew when to stop. "I'll be dude if that's what makes you happy, love."
You grinned from ear to ear. "Shall I take this as you love me too?"
"Don't make me say it, kitten."
You chuckled and played with his hair. He adjusted his posture and was now the one hovering you. His eyes went straight to your lips, and he didn't ask to kiss you before doing so. You smiled and kissed him back, not forgetting to hold him close.
"I fucking won over Bang Chan." he bragged after pulling away from you.
"That was an easy win." you snorted.
"Ah yeah? Am I that irresistible?"
"You know you are."
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
816 notes · View notes
antiwhores · 2 years
Bakugou’s game.
Angst with no comfort so if you a pussy leave on god. Tw: no spell check, cheating and shit. Well kinda, unintention cheating? Intentional but not intentional- DAMN JUST READ THE STORY.
Summary: Bakugou plays with your feelings in an attempt to make you get jealous but he goes to far and shit.
Part two!
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All night all you’ve seen is just Katsuki being flirting with her. A new girl, Kaminari had brought her as a plus one. Apparently she was a family friend. They weren’t dating, she just begged to go so he said yes. She was a fan of a lot of the people attending.
No one noticed except you. Another plus of having a secret relationship. He always does this when he’s feeling petty. You both had a fight before about something insignificant. You called him stupid during the argument. In your defense, the whole thing was stupid. He was stupid, you were stupid, etc.
You watched as he completely ignored you the entire night. He would barely glance at you. Only giving his attention to the girl.
He was playing a game, a game you hated. A game you couldn’t win at. He’d done this before to get a rise out of you. When you’d get jealous enough and confront him he’d get hard and start to fuck the security into you.
It worked at first, but theres only a couple times you could play this game with him before the insecurity wasn’t temporarily.
Suddenly the dress you wore looked ugly. Your makeup wasn’t as good as hers. Your hair wasnt what he liked. Your body wasnt as fit as hers. Everything was wrong.
You poured yourself another glass of alcohol to numb your senses as everyone chatted at the table you occupied. The glass blocked the sight of her hands wrapped around his bicept. Unfortunately, it couldn’t block hearing either.
“Oh my god, I would do anything to wake up to you. Im so jealous of whoever got the privilege!” She whined, lip pouted. You had learned her name was Essy, you didn’t want to trouble yourself with memorizing it but you couldn’t help yourself. You imagined him moaning her name instead of hers. It hurt. You downed more alcohol.
“I could make that happen,” He smirked at her brightened up face. “Only if you show me how you foreign girls sleep.”
That was the last straw. You couldn’t stand it anymore.
You calmly stood up, “Excuse me you guys, I gotta go take care of something.” “Are you sure y/n?” Kaminari questioned. “I still haven’t taught you my sick dance moves!” You faked a laugh, “Next time!”
Everyone waved you off as you headed towards one of the vacant rooms. This place was a mix of a hotel and club. It was opened late nights only and gave people a place to stay and party to prevent driving home drunk.
As soon as the door closed you let out a shaky breath. You climbed over to the bed to start your thinking. You had little time before Bakugou would come in the same room, expecting some jealous fucking. You couldn’t do it anymore. You hated feeling so replacable.
You sucked up the tears that begged to fall as the door opened. Just as you had thought, Bakugou came waltzing in with a smirk on his face. He was midway of unbuttoning his shirt. You felt angry how easily he thought it was to get you to just submit to his body even after he’d done horrible shit.
He threw your bag onto the bed, “You forgot this, its like you wanted me to come in with you.” You clicked your tounge, “No, its just cause I was too distracted by your new girl fondling you.” He unbuckles his belt, smirking at your comment. “Hmm, well shes still waiting for me out there so you better stop being bratty.
Your face felt hot with anger, He cant take a fucking hint? You shot up to walk away. You didn’t want to freak out on him right now. You felt way too exhausted to not act rash. But he grabbed your neck and pulled you into a heated kiss. “Mmm, bet that slut doesn’t walk away mid moment.”
Although it was meant to be some sick joke you couldn’t stop yourself. Your hand had crossed his face, making a loud sound, before you could even process what you were doing. “I can’t fucking believe you.” You sobbed. He stopped his advances, “What the fuck?! Why’d you slap me?” Heavy tears started to fall down your face as he grabbed his face. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Your knees buckled into the wall, “I cant.” He stared in shock at you for a couple of moments before speaking again. “Why the hell are you crying?! You know I don’t actually want her!” “Except I dont!” You yelled, “You haven’t looked at me all night, not even a glance. You’ve given her all your attention. You went out of you way to make my night horrible. She’s been all over you! You’ve been all over her. You threatened go sleep with her for Christ sake!”
He pulled your arm away from your face, “That was all an act to make you jealous dumbass! I only wanted you this whole time.” You pulled your hand away from his. “An act, huh? I never liked this act. It makes me insecure, you make me insecure. And you think you can just pull your dick out and I’ll be okay?!”
He was frozen, you thought about how he definitely wasn’t expecting this. He probably thought he would get his dick wet and all will be swell. Stupid. He followed you as you went to grab your purse and car keys. “I only want you! I did that to get you!” You headed for the door, “Well, you cant go get to her, as you said like a minute ago. Shes waiting for you, isnt she? Cause I’m not playing this game anymore. Im done Katsuki.”
You reached for the doorknob to leave but he pushed you up against the door. “What the fuck? What do you mean?” He looked panic, good. “I mean, we’re done.” His face paled at your comment. His whole body tensed and his eyes widened. “You’re…. You’re breaking up with me?” He possessively grabbed your waist to wrap his hands around. You arched away, “Get off me.” “Im sorry, I won’t do it again. Just stop. Stay.” “Get off me.” He started to tear up with his teeth clenched. “Please y/n! Ill do anything. Ill buy you anything. I’ll do everything you say. Ill even go out there and fucking destroy that bitch myself! Just please-“
You pushed him away with all your might. It wouldn’t have worked if he wasnt so suprised you would try so hard to get away from him in the first place. “Dont ever talk to me again Bakugou. Enjoy the single life.”
You were glad that he was too shocked to go after you.
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maklodes · 4 months
One thing I find amusing to imagine in Star Trek is that almost every species that is a member of, or in contact with, the Federation independently discovered the warp drive on its own.* (After all, the Federation generally regards contact with pre-warp species as a violation of the Prime Directive.) Since warp drives are, by our standards, impossibly advanced technology, that basically means that all species not only discovered warp drives on their own, but they also discovered basically everything leading up to warp drives: Newtonian physics of course, quantum mechanics, relativity, all of the mathematics describing all that, whatever crazy material science stuff leads to warp coils etc.
So not only is the valorization of Zephram Cochrane as the inventor of the warp drive just human parochialism (every species has one of those!), but every species also has its own equivalents of Planck, Einstein, Gauss, Euler,  etc, as well. (Okay, not exact equivalents, necessarily. The Bolian photoelectric effect guy needn’t be the same as the Bolian special relativity guy, and maybe in some species some of Lorentz’s discoveries, Poincaré’s discoveries, and/or Einstein’s discoveries were made by the same guy, but still it’s a pretty safe bet that such equivalencies do exist at some level.) 
I imagine conversations among different scientists/engineers of different species:
Human scientist: One barrier to the speed and efficiency of early starships is that  when Zephram Cochrane invented the warp drive…
Vulcan engineer: (sotto voce to a Vulcan associate) Zephram Cochrane was the humans’ equivalent of Sarmok and T’Pran.
Human scientist: … he didn’t have anything like modern duotronic computers, so he made some simplifying assumptions about plasma flow over warp coils, using a pre-existing computational magnetohydrodynamics model based on combining Maxwell’s equations with the Navier-Stokes equation…
Visiting Klingon scientist: Navier-Stokes equation?
Vulcan engineer: (quickly types something into a PADD) Klingons would know it as…  the Tensor of Gwartok the Honorless.
Visiting Klingon scientist: Ah yes, Gwartok’s Tensor. Thank you and sorry to interrupt.
Human scientist: … pardon me, but Gwartok the Honorless?
Visiting Klingon scientist: (sighs) There was an incident early in Gwartok’s life when there was only one open tenure track position. Another postdoc challenged Gwartok to a Bat’leth duel for it. Gwartok never showed up. He said he forgot about it  because he was distracted by thinking about a vexing fluid mechanics problem. Many thought he was an honorless coward.
Vulcan engineer: Fascinating.
Visiting Klingon scientist: … one thing Klingon scientists learn to accept is that it's the macho warrior clan guys who have the political authority, and who appoint the censorship boards which can edit our textbooks. We don’t always get to pick the epithets they assign to past scientists, but at least we still get to use their equations. (Sotto voce to herself) I think I’ll look up Maxwell’s Equations on my own.
One possibility is that universal translators just translate terminology based on specific names into the equivalent for the appropriate species. Although that could lead to its own problems:
Betazoid: After Zephram Cochrane’s first successful warp, when we were contacted by Captain Robau of the USS Kelvin, as a species we mostly put aside our ancient...
Human: After Zephram Cochrane’s first successful warp? Okay, I guess this would have taken place after that, but did you really mean..
Betazoid: (fidgets with combadge in irritation) Right. I really meant our species’ inventor of the warp drive, Lwaxana Hoitrax. You heard Zephram Cochrane though, right?
Human: Yes.
Betazoid: I guess the main clause of my thought about species unification and all that jazz was interpreted as being broadly applicable to warp drive inventions and first warps in general so it got translated into “Zephram Cochrane” for a human, but my secondary clause about Captain Robau and the Kelvin was too specific and particular to our history to get translated into a universal equivalent. I didn’t know I was going to add that secondary clause until I had already started saying my main clause, so the translator got caught off-guard, so to speak.
* There may be a few exceptions to the “Federation members/contacts all discovered warp drives on their own” rule. Like, if a pre-warp species gets conquered by the Cardassians, and thus gets coercively inducted into the warp-enabled galactic community without independently discovering warp drives, then the Cardassians attack the Federation and lose a war, being forced to cede some peripheral territories (including the conquered species) in the peace treaty, then the conquered species might regain independence, then decide to pursue Federation membership. 
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brb-on-a-quest · 12 days
Well im back now and I have found my history notebook (debating whether I should throw it away but I did a good job decorating it)
so. @igotthisaccountunderduress let me tell you about Aaron Burr.
Aaron burr was an orphan raised by an uncle, went to lawschool, stopped lawschool to fight under benedict arnold (ha. ha. ha. this really shouldn't be that funny but it is -> benedict arnold was a traitor from US to British ppl). He got appointed to George Washingtons personal military cabinet before both men realized they got a long like stray cats (not very well at all) and Burr was transferred to some other not-as-important dude.
Then him and hamilton got Beef (very famously) but this kind of all started when Burr beat out Hamiltons Father In Law in political stuff and then FIL beat out Burr during the next thing so things are all dandy.
And then he got in as vice president under jefferson. How this worked back then (doesn't now) is that whoever got the Most Votes is now in charge and whoever got second most votes is now VP.
As you can imagine this doesn't lead to really great coworker dynamics especially if you and ur boss/vp are like so opposite. Like when Thomas Jefferson was VP to president John Adams, Adams hated Jefferson so much that he didn't let Jeffy have a say in anything. Like thomas Jefferson did one thing once in all the two terms John Adams was in charge I think, idk, it was something rediculous.
But anyway, all this to say, Aaron Burr is now vp under jefferson. And as you can imagine, they do not get along well (Jefferson accused burr of 'secret dealings'). but their differences are mainly due to opposing beliefs on whether we should support or rewrite the constitution fo the united states.
Anyway, time for reelection, Burr doesn't get enough votes for either presidency or VP and he decides to try and get governership of New York where he was actually really popular.
Remember how hamilton didn't really like him becus of burr's political campaign against his FIL? Hammy decides to send a rediculous amount of irl subtweets (derogatory letters) against Burr to get him to lose.
Burr takes this very personal and challenges Hamilton to a duel, stepping from across New York to New Jersey. This is because, although duels were outlawed in both places, penalties were less severe over the border.
Now take this next part with a grain of salt bc it comes direct from the history prof.
Duels were common; but they were never usually fatal. Essentially it was like lukewarm Christians going through the motions on a sunday in church. A lot of the stereotypes still apply. Two people back to back, walked a x amount of feet, turned around and would usually shoot upward or otherwise shoot to miss the target.
Burr was not one of those people. Alledgedly, he told Hamilton he meant to kill him and he didn't care wether hamilton would try to shoot him or not. No one's sure whether hamilton was like "haha bet" and tried to kill him or whether he was like shooting up in the air as the practice usually went. Either way sum of that was Burr: 1 (unharmed), Hamilton: 0 (very much shot due to Burr's word, and died the following day).
Aaron Burr... idk if he didn't think this through but he's now considered a murderer for challenging Hamilton to an agreed-upon duel. So he runs to join his new BFF who is secretly in the pay of pain and wants to take over the US napoleonic style. Burr gets *to into it* to the point BFF turns him into Jefferson. He gets cleared.
he then gets involved with the Essex Junto, an organization in New England, tries to help the secede from the entire country (New England hated US before it was cool to) and then he did the same thing again somewhere in the middle west (I forgot where, sorry Dr. W). He gets away both times because even though Jefferson hates Burr's stupid guts, John Marshall is head of the supreme court (John Marshall also hates Jefferson sees this as a very innocent way to undermine him) and Marshall creates the definition of reason that we still have today that basically says Burr gets off scot free twice because we're not at war so there's no enemy for Burr to be helping.
Burr finally accepts that he is now a persona non grata and fucks back off to NY where he marries a second widow for money (again) and she divorces him on the grounds of adultery. This divorce finally is finalized on the day Aaron Burr dies.
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nuttytani · 2 years
Hiiii, may I request some headcanons of Scaramouche, Xiao, and Thoma who have a very bubbly and energetic S/O but they are mute please. You have such great writings, keep up the good work and don't feel pressured to get them all done <33
Nonverbal reader hcs 
characters- scaramouche, xiao, thoma, gn!reader
a/n- you know, i was actually going to delete this and the other req in my inbox... but thought nahhh need to get it done. modern au, nothing scary all fluff despite the warnings. kinda forgot about the bubbly part... oops
tw: selective mutism, mutism, mention of anxiety and bullying. edit: not proof read D:
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He didn't know about you until his sister, Ei and her girlfriend would hang around you and talk about you often. Eventually got to meet you and bro— you bet he was flustered. Why the heck were you so sweet and nice??? Now he knows why Ei always praises you.
Doesn't care one bit about you being nonverbal. Come on, you're just a normal human being, like him, why should he care about minor details? 
Plus, you talk plenty through AAC apps on your phone… and he means plenty. 
You're quite the chatterbox, talking about things that happened throughout the day. Like a cute little cat you saw on the streets or a funny titled novel you found in a bookstore. 
To some people it might sound a little off hearing a robotic voice having conversation with people but Scara got used to it. 
He gets worried about you on days when you're not talking a lot. Won't say it but he shows through actions.
He's been friends with you for a long time, since you were in kindergarten. Particularly because the two of your parents were colleagues and neighbours. 
It took you some time to warm up to Xiao and communicate with him, but he swears to the Archons above… The day he heard your voice, he had ascended to Celestia. Treasures that day in his heart because it meant you trusted him (although the two of you were too young to understand the meaning of "trust"). Most of the time it's you chattering away and him listening while commenting here and there. 
Ever since then, you've talked normally with Xiao unless you were under stress or anxiety. 
That's when he holds your hand to calm you down… and you appreciate him being there for you.
Sometimes people would call you mean names or bully you, heh, those poor souls… They did not know what was coming for them the next day :))) you'll never know either.  
He heard that a new foreign exchange student was studying in the same uni as him! 
 Inazuma National University (INU) 
(Wait what? ….. dog uni 😭??)   
And he just HAD to befriend you.
Thoma got lucky and met you in the uni library one day. He asked if he could sit next to you, and you nodded with a smile. Both of you were busy doing your own thing.
Then, it became a routine of sorts. Thoma would always take a seat near you in the library, that spot became his. Before he knew it, he started passing notes with you. 
It was fun and cute
Found out about how you were nonverbal through that. Thoma doesn't care about it though, you're still you.
Later on, both of you realised phones exist and got each other's phone number. Thoma finally got the courage to ask you out after that.
"Wanna get coffee with me? Like.. a date-date?"
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genshin impact taglist: @spoopy-fish-writes @ahanenohi @cheese-ception @tsubaki3192 
join my taglist ! (also pinned on blog)
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bearsinpotatosacks · 9 months
Something That Does Right by You - Prologue
In 1982, Carole Edwards celebrates graduates from university by going out and ends up in bed with one Nick Bradshaw. The morning after, she remembers nothing but his moustache and something to do with birds. Nine months later, Bradley Edwards is born.
Now in 2019, Bradley is called back to Top Gun for a mysterious mission where he meets Admiral Bradshaw. Funny how they look alike, right?
Words: 1016
Now that the hectic crowd had gone, it was just her and the baby. It didn't really seem real, apart from the tense fatigue resonating from her bones. For so long she'd plodded on, the idea of her baby still a far off dream, something she knew was going to happen as her tummy grew and grew. But now he was here, she felt underprepared. 
The baby gurgled in his cot by her bed. Everything had gone smoothly. He was a healthy six pounds four ounces of joy, although she hadn't been getting up every few hours to feed him yet, so she might retract that statement in a month or too, and he needed a name.
When the midwife had asked if she wanted to know the sex, she'd said no, she wanted it to be a surprise. She thought that it would be easier if it was just her choosing a name, she’d been wrong. Through a lot of confusion and almost pulling a name out of a hat, she'd narrowed it down to two names. Barbara, for a girl, or Bradley for a boy, after her father. Looking down at the blue hat and soft white swaddle, she guessed this was Bradley. 
Bradley Edwards.
He gurgled a little more, she'd fed him earlier so didn't expect him to be hungry again just an hour later. Not that she really knew what to expect. Whoever put her in charge of another person’s life must really have faith in her. 
She lent over to pick him up and there he was. A tiny bundle of cosy materials and that talcum powder baby smell that she was loving right there in her arms. An angel sent just for her. His eyes were still closed as he wiggled in her arms, getting comfy. She stroked his cheek, his big brown eyes blinking up at her. Huh, she thought, brown, must be from his dad, because her eyes were a clear blue, not that she had many memories of his dad going spare.
"Hey baby boy." Not very imaginative but descriptive enough. "Welcome to the world."
His eyes looked her over from her head, down to her hand as it lay on his face. He gurgled again. She guessed she underestimated how tiny babies were when they came out of the womb. Bradley could fit in one arm, his head nestled in the crook of her armpit as she took in the squish of his cheeks and soft strands of hair under his hat.
"I'm Momma, and I'm really happy to meet you." It felt weird being nervous about this, it was his first impression of her and she'd always been taught to make a good first impression, even if he wouldn’t remember this when he was older, she would though. "I reckon I should tell you a few things to get you started."
"First, my name's Carole Edwards, making you Bradley Edwards, that's also the name of you grandpa, your nana's name is Anna and your aunt is Jenny." She said.
His eyes had focused on her now. "And I bet you're wondering about your daddy, well so am I." She said. "I don't really remember him, I got a little drunk, you don't know what that is yet, met your dad and that’s when you were made, and the morning after I completely forgot who he was. Just a moustache and something about birds, that's it."
"So it's just you and me, I hope that's enough."
His eyes focused and unfocused. As she retracted her finger, he reached out with his tiny hand and grasped it tight in a fist. All the air left her lungs as he met her eyes for a moment before closing them again as he blinked heavier. Was that recognition? Did he mean to do that or just felt like it? It was difficult to decipher, whether or not he was aware of what he was doing yet. In fact, because she couldn’t just ask him what he meant, everything about him was an enigma. How wonderful, she reminded herself, to be able to learn everything about a person from day one, to watch them learn and grow and do it with them.
“Yeah, I’m tired too, we’ve both had a really busy day,” she said, settling backwards against the propped up cushions. “And I hope you don’t mind if I hold onto you for a second, I know hospitals are safe places but I don’t trust the world to not take you away yet.”
She watched him as his body relaxed into sleep. Now he was here, she could easily understand how you could slip into anxiety. There was no certainty with children. Anything could happen and the compulsion to never let them go, wrap them in cotton wool so the world couldn’t get to them was strong. She guessed that’s how depression kicked in too. Always having to be there without breaks could break someone. It was a hard line to walk.
“This all still feels like a dream, baby boy, I can’t believe you’re real yet, so maybe if I hold onto you for a little while longer then it will be.”
Her body slumped a little as it gave in. The lights were low and blinds drawn so the outside world was shut out for a ffew hours more. She knew that when she woke up, the nurses would’ve moved Bradley back into his cot, perhaps even to the nursery, an idea that made her chest go tight. 
That was for tomorrow, though, not now. Sure, she could worry about all the different ways she could mess up. Or how delicate kids were or all the things that could go wrong for Bradley, a car crash, bullying, a fire. Yet, opening one eye, she saw that he was still sleeping soundly in her arms still, even wheezing a tad, and she realised it would all be fine. Married or single parent household, dad or no dad, this kid was going to go far, she could feel it.
So, single mother Carole AU. I wasn't sure if this should just be a one shot with another fic of Rooster and Goose meeting but decided to make this a whole fic with Bradley's birth being the prologue. Shout out to @pollyna for being encouraging! Hope you all enjoyed this!
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bellysoupset · 10 months
Hey up! I FINALLY have an idea for Lucas as the sickie and bell as the caretaker! (Well it’s more of a small request) maybe He’s been running errands with bell all day and just kinda suffering in silence for the whole day until he finally gets home and it all kinda hits him at once and kinda topples over in pain and of course some Emeto but please feel free to make changes etc etc !! 🌙 peace out 🌙🌙
oh heheeh, time to torture this cutie again.
Lucas had been spending the majority of his time at the hospital. As the only one who didn't work, that meant he could spend most of the time keeping Vince from breaking bed rest.
Still, that had been taking a toll on him and also, generally, in his personal life. Normally Bella left the house obligations to him, since he had more free time than she did, and with the renovation of their new condo, his list of errands had all but doubled in a quick amount of time.
Bella: did u pick up the new lamps?
Oh yeah, the new lamps. Lucas groaned, rubbing his temple and across from him Vince glanced away from the old rerun of Friends he was watching.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Luke shook his head, "just forgot to pick up some stuff. In fact, I'm pretty sure I forgot to pick up a lot of stuff."
Vince snorted, "that's because you've been babysitting me, even though I said five times already that I don't need a baby sitter. Wendy is in the hospital, Jon too. Casey the nice nurse is here and Tony the hotter nurse and Claire the one that I'm pretty sure spits on my food. I'm fine."
Lucas let out a chuckle, lowering his forehead to the hospital bed mattress, only to feel Vince's fingers in his hair, petting it lightly, "get out of here, Luke."
"Uhmm, okay," Lucas nodded, but didn't move from his position, "in a second, as soon as I get the energy."
Vince hummed, tapping the top of his head, "you good, Luke?"
"Yeah, just... Just tired, I guess," Lucas shrugged, straightening up. Now that he had a second to assess himself, he realized he wasn't actually feeling all that well.
His stomach hurt, but Luke chalked it up as hunger. He hadn't eaten since morning, because unwillingly, his own meals had synched up with Vince's mandatory ones. He also felt lethargic as hell.
"I don't want to see you here tonight," Vince shooed him with his good hand, "I'm serious, I'll ask security to ban you. Get out of my hospital room."
Luke rolled his eyes and got up, "sure you will, you love my company... But yeah, I think I need to rest, your couch is comfy but not nearly as comfy as my girlfriend's bed."
"Bet Bella also doesn't snore as much as you do," Vince grinned, "get out of here."
Figuring he should tackle the first issue first, Lucas headed straight to the hospital's buffet before even running his errands. People said hospital food was garbage, but what people meant was that the severely sick patients with different amount of sodium intakes allowed were served horrible, unsalted food. The cafeteria one, though, Luke had learned through his teenage years, was awesome. No one wanted nurses and doctors unhappy.
He piled on his plate with food and then sat down at a little table on the corner, taking his time to answer all the texts he had left for another time. Vince's mom had gotten his number and she was just as chatty as her son. He had a backlog of at least ten texts from her.
Bella had texted him too, although hers were less conversation and more her utilizing one of their many group chats to dump on their list of chores. He sent her a saluting emoji and "on it boss". She texted back with an eyerolling emoji and then, "you're coming home tonight, right Lucas?"
How could he ever even say no.
Lucas: ofc, i miss my girl.
He saw her little bubble pop and disappear twice, before her answer appeared.
Bella: and here I was thinking I'd have to fight Vince
He snorted at the mental image and pocketed his phone, turning his attention to the food. He hadn't managed even half the plate, but his stomach already felt full. It was unlike him, he was the type to have seconds and thirds.
Luke pushed the meatballs around his plastic plate, trying to figure if he should overdo it or risk throwing it away and being hungry later. Deciding he really didn't want to derail his day by having to eat again, he mechanically chewed the remaining meatballs and got up.
As soon as he was up his stomach jumped to his throat, in a nasty belch that he had no control over. He slammed a hand to his mouth, catching the tailending of it, but far too late. On the table next to him, some nurses wrinkled their noses and glared in his general direction, causing his cheeks to burn.
He made his exit quick after that.
Home Depot wasn't his natural habitat. In fact, it was almost an alien landscape, snob kid that he was. Lucas felt like every worker there was deeply aware how out of place he looked, even if common sense actually told him he looked like he belonged.
He spent more than thirty minutes trying to decode whatever Bella had meant when she typed "eggshell mud green paint" and eventually decided that fuck it, grabbing the ugliest shade of green he could find and putting it inside his cart.
The more he walked around, confident that he was picking every single piece wrong no matter how hard he tried to decode the instructions, the more it hit him that he had been wrong. His nausea earlier hadn't been hunger.
Lucas grimaced, pressing his stomach against the horizontal cart handle. It caused his stomach to let out a gurgle and he muffled another burp, blowing it out under his breath.
His phone buzzed and he picked it up, squinting at the screen. The queasy sensation spreading all over him was making everything else too much. The bright white lights over his head, the store radio, his clothes clinging to him.
Bella: can you buy me tampons 😭I forgot
He groaned then nodded, only to realize a second too late that Bell obviously couldn't see him.
Lucas: yeah. that green brand with the pink things?
Bella: sí.
He pocketed the phone again, then groaned as a horrible taste flooded his mouth. It made him shiver, his hair glueing down to his forehead.
Giving up on home depot, Lucas paid - even though he was pretty sure he'd have to return - and headed to the parking lot. He barely got to load all the packages in the backseat, before his stomach churned again and Luke ended up bending in half, retching to the gravel between his sneakers.
Nothing came up, but his nausea jumped up a notch. He spat the bitter taste in his mouth and rubbed his stomach, sweat running down his forehead and his shirt glued to his back, even though it was a pretty chilly day out.
He rasped out, trying to catch his breath and keep his lunch down at the same time, which was proving to be a challenge. Another wet burp rolled up and Lucas groaned, pressing his forehead to the leather of the seats in front of him.
He palmed over his belly button, where he could feel some angry gurgling and pressing. Another sickening belch made past his lips, offering not an sliver of relief, but pushing the nausea back enough that Luke could straight up. His lips were covered with drool and Lucas grimaced, wiping his mouth and his forehead.
Well... fuck.
He still had to stop by the pharmacy, so despite his whole body aching and the contents of his stomach sloshing every time he so much as breathed, Lucas got to it.
The pharmacy was brighter than home depot, causing him to squint the entire time as he picked up the package of tampons, grabbing the cramps medicine with one hand and planting it all over the counter with a groan.
"Good... Good evening...?" the cashier sounded horrified and Lucas sighed.
"Not really," he took a step back to avoid breathing in their direction.
"Do you have our loya-"
"No, please," Luke groaned, "just... Please."
Catching the memo, the blonde before him scanned his itens as far as possible, flinching in sympathy when Luke's stomach gurgled.
"I also get super nauseous on my period," they said and Luke frowned, confused.
"I'm not... It's not my-" his stomach cramped again and the pressed the back of his hand to his mouth, gulping down and deciding not to clear up anything, "yeah, it fucking sucks. I'm sorry for-" he gestured to his general self, "keep the change."
"Feel better!" came a squeal behind him, followed by "ginger helps!"
He wasn't sure ginger or anything could help. Luke felt drunk by the time he pulled up in front of their place and he couldn't insert the fucking key.
His stomach was crawling up his throat and he gagged, liquid splashing on his tongue and puffing out his cheeks... He swallowed it back down, dropped the key and then slammed a hand against the door, "BELL! Open-" he gagged and slammed the door again, "BELL!"
He heard a distant squeal and then footsteps, followed by "Luke? Did you forget your-"
As soon as she opened the door, his stomach turned again and the only thing he could do in order to not throw up on her was grab his girlfriend by the arm and push her to his side, as vomit covered the very spot she had been standing on.
He crumbled down, falling to his knees and Bella let out a curse, barely avoiding the puddle of sick and holding his shoulders, "hey- Hey, Luke- Lucas-"
He was far from done. His stomach was still burning, bubblying with sick and he retched again, bracing against the floor and gagging as his hand met hot chunky vomit.
Bella planted a cold hand on his forehead and supported his head, a good thing she did because the next heave was productive and if it wasn't for her holding his head, he'd have covered his shirt with it.
Red sauce sprayed all over the Welcome In mat and Lucas groaned, wrapping an arm around his stomach and turning around, dizzily falling on his ass, head meeting the open door.
"Joder, Luke," Bella cursed, hands cupping his cheeks and gagging softly as her knee met the puddle that was impossible to avoid, "what the hell, baby...?"
"Sorry," his voice was completely gone and Lucas ducked his head, belching to his lap and spreading his legs apart so he could spit on the already destroyed mat, "sorry, I-"
"That was frankly the most impressive Exorcist imitation I've ever seen," Bella teased lightly, leaning in and planting her lips to his clammy forehead, "I think you're running a fever, Luke."
"Kill me," he groaned pitifully, muffling another burp against her band t-shirt, "my stomach hurts, Bell..."
"Okay, uhm..." she ran a hand through his hair, then down his sweat covered shirt, "you need a shower... I'm gonna-" Bella grimaced, glancing at the mess on their front door, covering the mat, running down the brick step, "Yeah, I'm gonna trash that mat and wash this down, alright?"
"Shh," she kissed his temple, "are you done?"
"Fuck no," Lucas groaned, "I had a large lunch."
"Well, you couldn't have known-"
"I knew," he grimaced, leaning back against the door and rubbing his stomach, tugging at the shirt and sighing as his girlfriend helped him strip it off, despite the fact they were sitting on the front step, facing the street, "my stomach was already hurting, but I thought it was hunger..." he burped, pressing on his belly, "I was wrong."
Bella let out a disappointed sigh, "clearly," she rolled her eyes, then used his shirt to wipe down his mouth and glanced at his belly, "okay, can you stand?"
"Give me a minute."
"Sure," she cringed, stroking his cheek, "let's sit here with the puddle of vomit."
"Uhm," Lucas smiled, tiredly and rubbed yet another wet burp up, "I got you the tampons."
"...Ah puta mierda, Lucas, you didn't have to go to the pharmacy when you were sick!" Bella exclaimed, "no wonder you couldn't make it home."
"I did make it home," he glared at her in a lighthearted manner, then gagged as another churn warned him his stomach was done with his silly teasing. He burped in his fist and then patted Bella's hip with his free hand, "move-"
She almost fell off the step in her rush to move out of the way and Lucas groaned as he felt her hands on his shoulders, keeping him from leaning too forward. He gagged, no longer bothering to aim anywhere. It was already a horrible mess.
Bella's thumb was rubbing lazy circles on his nape and Luke tried to focus on it, but it was to no avail. With another belch, he coughed and a gush of chunky vomit joined the previous mess, some of it covering the hem of his jeans.
"Gross," Bella mumbled, "take a deep breath, Lu-"
He heaved, loudly, and another watery amount rushed up, stinging his nose, mostly pink instead of the cartoonish red from before, "I think..." Lucas burped, spitting the thick saliva pooling in his mouth, "think I'm done."
She let out a humm and kissed the top of his head, "alright, then hold on me. Let's get you in a shower... Or to a priest."
Lucas groaned, hugging his stomach, "don't make me laugh, my stomach is so sore."
Bella opened a smile, grabbing his arm, "up, up, up."
He allowed her to pull him to his feet, swaying on the spot and grabbing on the door handle to keep him from toppling over her, "this isn't fair, my first night home in three days."
"You might consider where you picked this stomach bug in the first place," Bella said, gently maneuvering him around the cramped house, towards the bathroom, "I'm going to tell Wendy."
"About me hurling?" Lucas blinked, confused as Bella pushed him inside the shower and turned the water on, his jeans and sneakers be damned.
"Yeah, it's worrying if you got this in the hospital," she said, then gestured to the water, so he'd get in.
"Okay," Lucas sighed in relief as the water washed down the clammy sweat, hands fumbling with his jeans that were getting heavier and heavier with the water, "this wasn't very smart- Ow!" he jumped as Bella slapped his hand away and promptly undid his pants, "watch those claws, Bella!"
She snorted, crouching down to peel them off his legs. She grabbed his hip when Lucas swayed and moved up, balling the ruined pants in her hand, "I'll be back in a second. Don't fall and hit your head."
"I'm a better patient than Vince."
His girlfriend rolled her eyes, "not by much, baby. Not by much,"
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
oil rig worker reiner
SEE! because you GET IT! the obscure occupation!character prompts are the way forward!! but honestly though, knowing how oil rigging is like a sorta manly job, it once again fits right in tune with reiner. oil riggers are his kind you see. they’re his PEOPLE. but also forgive me for taking this as a chance to make ererei propaganda 🧎🏾‍♀️
Being away at sea most of the time either did two things to you; Subject you to be in awe of it’s reverencing vastness, or succumb you with an unbearable fear of just how vast it was and therefore instilled fear within the deep bosom of your chest.
For Reiner, it was both, and in someway, he thinks that’s ideal.
Because he genuinely did love the sea for what it was. Being up on the rigging most of the time meant he was too high up to dread it like a sailor would and so in result, he had plenty a moments to wonder at it in reverence. However, it also meant he was always witnessing the never-ending stretch of water which ultimately humbled him.
“Braun; You gonna spend all day dreaming or eventually get back to work?”
Reiner knows that voice from anywhere. How could he not, it’s one of the most poignant voices he knows and one he never wants to forget.
Turning round to be met with his favourite shade of verdigris eyes, Reiner addresses Eren with a smile.
“Think I’m gonna spend it daydreaming. Hopefully of you and the sea.” He muses.
Jaeger blows an airy snort through his nose as he jolts Reiner with his elbow. He comes to join him by the side railing that looked starboard.
“You’re so fucking cheesy.”
His voice grumbles in protest but the insult lands void concerning his eyes gleam with nothing but adoration for the blonde.
“But you still love me though.” Reiner coos as he leans his head in front of Eren’s, quickly snagging a sea salted kiss from his chapped lips.
Eren indulges in the affectione, enough for it to not be counted as a make out, but once Reiner cups the side of his face in order to poke his tongue pass his lips, Eren’s pulling back.
“Don’t.” He half-heartedly mutters. “Someone could be watching.”
Reiner steals one more peck from him before pulling back and shrugging.
“Then let ‘em watch. Bet they enjoy the voyeur stuff anyways, the sick fucks.”
Suddenly, Eren gets fidgety as he starts to chew at his index finger nail between his teeth. Blackened with the toil of a day’s work but still Reiner’s favourite hand to hold.
Lolling his head to the side, Eren nudged Reiner’s thigh with his knee.
“Come by my cabin tonight.”
The blonde looks down at the brunette with a benign face of confusion. He endearingly brushes a cowlick hair that droops over the side of Eren’s ace.
“Isn’t that what we do most nights? Although, since you hosted me last time, I think it’s my turn to—”
“Kojo and Akande have functions in the Warm Space today. Most of the boys have family visiting for dinner so my room will be free for a bit.”
There was a stout pause between the two.
Reiner’s hand is momentarily stuck by Eren’s ear as he reels in his words. He knew exactly what a free cabin meant and the opportunity it granted them both, but he wasn’t sure if he was prepared for that tonight.
“I-I don’t have any condoms on me, Bert forgot to send them for my monthly package so…I don’t…”
Eren shook his head. His teeth were still biting down on his nails but the way he looked up at Reiner with those bucky eyes of his made all the difference.
“Don’t worry about all that. Just, show up. I’ll sort out the rest.”
Reiner lowers his hand from Eren’s vicinity. His throat was suddenly dry but not in a bad way. More in the aspect that he suddenly had something other than tonight’s dinner to look forward to.
Pensively looking back towards the sea, Reiner rang the safety railings between his hands. He slightly leaned back as he used the metal rod to support his weight.
“Okay. Okay, I’ll just show up.” He said in a calm tone, although inside he was feeling anything but.
With a nod of his head, Eren patted Reiner’s back.
“Good. See you tonight.”
The brunette reached up on his tiptoes to quickly press a kiss to Reiner’s bearded cheek before making his way back inside.
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asgardianhobbit98 · 5 months
I have to ask about Take Me to Church (the Gym) 😍
Thank you for the ask, Sunny <3
I'm so happy someone asked because this is askjdjkwah. Nandermo is such a beloved ship (canon ship? depends who you ask and what the writers decide on doing I suppose) of mine and this, especially, is such a gentle fluffy little oneshot!!
the idea is that the song, Take Me to Church, is mirrored in the plot, but it's based on that one episode where Guillermo keeps hiding from Nandor and he mentions that "I have asked Guillermo to join me, but he always seems to have something else to do" - this line stirred something in me because, although not entirely implied, it COULD mean that Guillermo either a) watches Nandor work out and show off, or b) works out with Nandor whilst Nandor shows off, OR c) Nandor WANTS Guillermo to see him... work out.
Either way, we know Nandor is keen on showing off his body and strength in the gym XD and my brain said: "That's so gay". But I think I’m also freaking out because we saw Nandor had a husband that he sparred with and did a lot of physical things with - and then we also saw him have conversations and boy time and cute times with his other two husbands, and well… Has Nandor not been doing this with Guillermo the entire time???
So... 👀
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Worship. He demanded worship.
At least, that was what Guillermo gave him with his little nods and his little smiles and his unblinking stares. And it seemed to satiate the vampire as he smirked and continued to show off fangs and rippling muscles.
Technically, Nandor wasn’t struggling at all. He just made it out like he was to offer some extra grunts. Guillermo knew that. A vampire could lift a car without any problem. Some weights in a human gym was nothing for him. And yet, each grunt, each feigned struggle, made Guillermo tense and clench and stare and… lust.
Because the noises were doing something to him that he wasn’t proud of.
He forgot he was meant to be working out too. He forgot that his master wanted more than just worship but also minor competition – competition which Nandor wanted to win, and would always win because he, again, was a bloody vampire! – but it made Nandor so happy, and even if it demeaned Guillermo, he would give Nandor it every single time.
“Guillermooo?” came Nandor’s whine.
He blinked to get out of his lustful thoughts, worried, momentarily, that his master had gained the ability to read minds like some Vampires could do, and that he had seen what Guillermo had just been imagining.
“Why are you not working out? Come on! Try and beat me! Look…” He smirked and lifted his weights once more. The mirror behind him comically only showed the weights levitating into the air like a poltergeist was in the room with them. “I bet you can’t lift this!” he said like the man-child he could be.
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imagionationstation · 9 months
The other day, I read a fic called "Two by Two" (or something along the lines) where both Leonardo and Raphael were humans but both Donatello and Michelangelo are mutant turtles (Hamato Yoshi is still a giant rat in this) and it depicts that, despite being (somewhat) weaker comparing to the other boys, Leonardo and Raphael makes it their personal goal in protecting the two from the horror this world got to offer.
While leaving for topside, Leonardo makes sure he scouted the area thoroughly, make sure that it's safe, etc— and absolutely forbad the two getting involved in any fights although both he and Raphael are vigilantes themselves.
So I harnessed an idea.
Introducing my AU: Skewered Two
Both Donatello and Michelangelo are a product of Kraang experiments and neither of them knew of their origins— whether or not they are originally humans or animals (or aliens) are a mystery yet to unravel. They looked human, but they were complimented with animal-like characteristics.
Donatello has wings— like, a whole 3 set of wings. One set is portruding from his ankle, one on his back (the biggest one) and one from his head. Otherwise, he would've looked human; with pale complexion, red eyes and pale brown wavy hair. His animal is a dove.
Michelangelo has gills— there's gills portruding from his arms, legs and head. Scales are littered, but he wasn't covered with it. He has tails. He would've looked human. His animal is an axolotl.
Both Leonado and Raphael are humans. Yoshi is still a rat.
Shenanigans ensues.
I feel like I know this story. Like, maybe I follow it?? Or I used to?? And it hasn’t been updated in a little while or somethin’??
Future addition: I meant to respond to this way sooner, but then I went looking for this Two by Two and totally forgot about this ask. I’m so sorry, but you mentioned something familiar! A fanfic of all things! Sadly, I never found it but now I wanna go searching again-
Did you know Asks move to Drafts automatically after you write something? I do now.
Skewered Two sounds awesome!
I’m addicted to protective Leo&Raph fanfics. The idea of them being the weaker brothers of these winged/gilled mutants and still feeling the distinct needs to protect already has me craving some content to snack on. Ah, well.
Imagine Donnie being able to fly but having no way to do it tho! Like, Mikey could technically go for swims and embrace his nature, but flying around has to be risky. A rooftop is easier to duck down and hide on than the nights sky. Any human looks up and he’s straight busted. I wonder how often the wings get in the way, with clothes and what not… Mikey’s tails/gills too…
Mikey’s an animal, but with Donnie being partly human-looking, doesn’t that mean he’s so insanely close to being what he needs to be to fit in, but can’t fit the quota? Acceptance always is just out of reach… But perhaps, he’s more interested in focusing on their mystery past. I bet they get in a lot of trouble that their bros gotta bail them out of while finding answers.
I wonder how Splinter being a rat fits into all this…?
I don’t know if you’re the same person who shared your AU with Karai & Donnie as Shredder’s golden children and Mikey the oddball who befriends the ‘enemy’/future fam, but I love all the content!
Even if it never comes into fruition, I appreciate the sneak peeks into these different worlds! Thank you!
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infinitethree · 2 months
Vio!! You forgot to tell me whether or not you want to see the fanart, so I took it as a yes!
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I've actually made a second one by now, so I thought I'd throw that in too. Shame you don't like snow, although I personally think it's overrated.
The alien blinks in surprise at the pair of images that pop up in front of him.
Right; Day had mentioned that this was a thing that Observers could do.
“Huh,” he says, head tilting to the side. Before the not-kids can ask what happened, he tells them, “I got…fanart.”
They all perk up, and he huffs and says, “Yes, I’ll let you see it. I think I just need to say that for it to–?”
Before the statement can finish, the other four get the popups as well.
Toma claps his hands in delight. “Grandad fanart!” Instead of correcting him, Vio just heaves a long-suffering sigh. 
So sue him; he has a soft spot for the zombie piglin child.
Aryll snickers, “The cold weather gear is too colorful for him, but otherwise…yeah, pretty much, that’s him alright!” “It’s not my fault I’m not built for snow! Snow wasn’t a fucking issue in the deserts and savannahs where I’m meant to be,” Vio reminds him.
The not-brothers and Toma laugh at that, while Vio rolls his eyes at them. “Yeah, yeah– yuck it up, you menaces.” “Hanging around Day too much, bossman,” Zinn cackles, “who wants to take bets on how long before you start calling us gremlins you love very much?”
The enderman hybrid points at him. “That’s what I said! He’s spending too much time with Day, which is hilarious because he stayed here to avoid him.”
“I don’t have a choice! I have a travel with him and Theo, and they talk a lot!” “Uh-huh,” Toma snorts, “That’s tooootally all it is.”
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Aver furrows his brow, and the merriment quiets a little. “...Okay, and? If it’s not malicious, I don’t really fuckin’ care. Lots’ve us have secrets.” As if to prove his point, he gestures over at Vio, who looks wary at being dragged into this.“Monkey’s Paw ‘ere keeps his therapist a secret for…some fuckin’ reason?” 
“Because I feel like it,” Vio answers, sounding slightly affronted, “Let me have my mischief.”
“Yeah, see? S’ fuckin’ weirdchamp, but doesn’t really matter. If whoever’s lying to everyone or whatever isn’t doing it out of malice or to hurt people…then it’s not my fuckin’ business, innit?”
The alien pauses, looking a little concerned. “Someone is lying to everyone?” “Ehh, according to the– what, we’re calling them Observers? One of ‘em said that. But from what I hear, some of ‘em are dicks.”
Zinn narrows his eyes. “You said something about not being able to hear whatever they said, though.” “Mmh. Yeah, fuckin’ redacted to hell n’ back,” Aver sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. He’s not exactly thrilled at being the one who has to decide if it was or wasn’t something important.
“Didn’t Atlas get something with a cut part, a while back?” Aryll’s question makes Aver nod. “Yep. Just a blip, though. This one was pretty much the whole fuckin’ thing. But…”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Pretty much everyone has fuckin’ secrets, yeah? Not my fuckin’ place to drag that shit into the spotlight.”
For all his insistence that it doesn’t really matter, he can’t help but feel uneasy about the situation.
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The goat hybrid hums, fingers drumming on the side table next to him. “...Sure, I’ll take your word on that.”
He pauses. “Wait, what do you mean double check? Do you have a reference about who we are?”
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Ask Compilation 02/10
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Yup! I just checked, and no new comics seem to have been unlocked since I first checked it out, so it seems like they all dropped at once. 
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@scouttf2isnamedafterjerma​ submitted: this is canon this really happened
LOVE when she said this, in the comic,
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Sburb Glitch FAQ? Color me fucking intrigued. 
Thanks! It’s going to be a long time till I can read any of these, of course, but I’m filing them away for later.
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Imagine meeting an alien for the first time, and not only are they shockingly humanoid, they also have your hairstyle. And your glasses. And - essentially - your name. What could be up with that? 
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Refer to the chart, Terezi!
Although with your intuition, you probably know the answer to that question better than I do. 
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Oh yeah! That’s some fun foreshadowing. 
I initially took that as a sign that the 8-ball was answering Jade’s question from an ‘out-of-universe’ perspective, but now that we have an in-universe explanation for its answer, I no longer think that’s the case. 
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I totally get why she’s the troll now. Hoping to see many more Vriska Incidents in the future!
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She did say she was into apocalypses, and this one is even dice-themed. I wonder if this is merch from Troll Problem Sleuth?
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Oh, god damn it. 
Are the forums really completely kaput? It’s absolutely bizarre to me that no large-scale backup or archive was made, in the decade(?) the website existed. 
I guess we’ll always have the Wayback Machine, but its coverage tends to be patchy for more obscure websites.
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(For context: I got a question from @krixwell​ about the blog’s spoiler policy a week or so before the pause, voicing some worries about potential spoilers in asks. The tl;dr is that I’m alright with some minor spoilers - for example, asks about what my Homestuck Title would be, or jokes about the weird structure that the comic seems to take(?) later on)
We’ll see! I really enjoy the discussions brought up by asks, and I’ve had a lot of fun with Titles that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I’ve been fine so far, but I agree that if I do get burned, I’ll reconsider. 
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I did dodge a bullet here, admittedly! Mind you, I think if I’d noticed this before the Vriska reveal, I’d probably just have been smug about puzzling it out beforehand. 
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Vriska decides to beat the Noble Circle at their own game, and becomes Vah’ru-Ee’skaie, eldritch horror of the 8th Dimension. 
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Gotta give the Homestuck Forums props for picking these troll names - there’s so much going on with each of them. 
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She is constantly Spaced out. Mind you, half of all Sburb Players have their heads in the clouds!
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This relates to my theory that Vriska can only make people do things they already wanted, on some level, to do. 
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Hence, Karkat must have wanted to keep talking to her. Honestly, the idea that he still wanted to insult her is a pretty safe bet, and I think that’d definitely be enough for Vriska to work with, if this is indeed how her power operates.
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Oh, that is a challenge and a half. The trolls all look really cool, with appearances that reflect their personalities really well.
However, this is an undertaking I’d rather take with all twelve troll designs at once. Come back to me when we have all twelve sprites!
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Even if the the ‘games for girls’ thing was expanded on later, it’d be hard to prove it wasn’t a Hussie retcon. I love Karkat, but he’s a shitty teen, and it wouldn’t even be the worst thing he said today. 
Vrish-ka just feels right to me. Damn it, I can’t believe that’s how my Britishness comes out. This is almost as bad as ‘sweeties’. 
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I love how this, coupled with the previous ask, accidentally implies that Sollux is British. Now that’s a headcanon I can get behind. 
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He’s picked the wrong gimmick, then - he’s meant to be ‘never wrong’, but I’ve seen some wrong-ass spoilers!
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Yup, I’ve arbitrarily decided this is my OTP - especially given that Lord English has become a more prominent character recently. This is the arc this comic needs!
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Forgot about that. Perhaps your lusus’ diet depends on its subspecies, and Vriska - in a matter that she’d consider fitting - rolled the lusus with the worst diet of all. 
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If we can pick our Aspect-themed powers, can I call dibs on ‘always has energy?’ 
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True. Homestuck - the comic itself - has just one writer, though, so we shouldn’t be dealing with any Expanded Universe shenanigans. 
I guess Hussie could answer differently every time you ask a given question, or write multiple conflicting backstories for a character, but that would make the comic sort of hard to engage with or enjoy.  
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I wouldn’t say it’s completely cut-and-dry that canon Midnight Crew implies canon Problem Sleuth. For one thing, the Midnight Crew isn’t even canon to Problem Sleuth! 
I never considered that Godhead Pickle Inspector could actually be an imaginary entity, only ‘omnipotent’ in one sphere of reality. That would make sense, given his origins. It would be fun if he was the source of the dream magic which allows Jade to grow extra arms, since that’s pretty close to how Imaginationland works.
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We talked about it! Just in an ask, rather than the main liveblog. Quite a lot of chatter goes on on those asks, so check ‘em out!
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hiiiii! 💕💕💕 I love your writing so much! Just read all your Jay White stuff. Omg. Soooo I wasn’t aware until recently Jay is 29. I was wondering if you may write a fic where Jay meets and dominates a slightly older girl. Maybe she makes a joke about being a bit older and he teases her saying he can still take charge and make her call him daddy? 💦
Hi, darling 💕 Aww, thank you so much 🥺🥰
Ever since I received this (ages ago) I debated what to write and then *in the middle of one of my many sleep deprived brainstorms* I came up with: AU!Student Jay White. So yeah, I hope you enjoy this 😂
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @letsgivethisonemoreshot , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @starwithaheart , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @cuzimacomedian , @thebestintheworld , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
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Being a psychology teacher for the International Relation students at Brown University was part of your daily routine for four years now
You loved the job and was considered one of the best teachers the university had. The dream job soon became a living nightmare the minute Mr. White became one of your students.
He had a sharp mind and was able to pick up details that would go by unnoticed to other students.
He could be considered one of your most dedicated and favorite students, if it wasn’t for one little thing: his constant flirting.
Now, you see, although it wasn’t ethical by any means, it was still fun. He and his double entendre jokes and comments were a nice distraction and were meant to be harmless to you, if it wasn’t for your little crush on him.
You constantly rolled your eyes at how stupid you looked every time he stayed behind to talk to you after class. Yes, it was fun and made you feel like the nerdy teenager crushing over the hot quarterback, but this had to stop now before you end up getting hurt or even worse: fired!
“Please everyone, don’t forget that the deadline for your lab report is just until next Friday. If you have any questions in regards to your report, I’ll be answering them after classes until Thursday evening. Thank you”
The students began to leave class and a few stopped by your desk to clear up some doubts. You began to gather your belongings when your eyes spotted Jay still sitting on his chair.
“Mr. White, is there anything I can help you with?”
“Yeah” His grayish blue eyes sparkled with mischief “There is actually”. Jay stood up from his chair and walked towards your desk, he held his phone on his left hand and you slid your glasses on, naively thinking you were going to see a note about the class on the screen.
You cackled when you saw his contacts page open with your picture under the name “Sexy Future Wifey 👅” with the number space left blank. “I’d like you to help me to find your number, you see, I forgot where I wrote it down”
“I never gave you my number, Mr. White. That would be highly inappropriate and unethical” The amused laugh that left your lips only served as a fuel for him to keep going.
“Oh, really? Well, good thing we can solve that problem right now” He smirked “Just type it in there and we won’t have to worry about me not having your number anymore”.
“Look, Mr. White. I’ll be honest with you, as much as this back and forth thing is both flattering and amusing, we should stop before it gets worse. Let’s remind ourselves that I’m your teacher and you’re my student and let’s keep things as they are in order to avoid any further complications to the both of us, okay?”
“But you don’t mean that, do you?” Jay closed the distance between you, his semi hard cock pressed against your navel as his lips roamed on top of yours “No, you don’t. I know you have the hots for me as much as I do for you, honeybee”
“Mr. White, I already asked you to please stop calling me that-“
“You may be my teacher, but I can bet your sweet ass there are a lot of things that you can learn from me, baby” Jay’s hands caressed your hips through the black dress pants “I can teach you a lot of fun little things” His teeth teased your bottom lip, making you gasp softly.
“What could a boy like you teach a woman like me?”
“Age is not everything, my little bee. You see, there are a lot of things a boy like me can teach a woman like you” His fingers brushed under your breasts making your nipples harden under his touch “I may be younger, baby, but I can still make you call me daddy over and over and over again”
“Is that so?” Your tongue darted out to lick your lips and the tip traced the outline of his bottom lip.
“Don’t believe me?” He grinned “Let me prove it to you. A free test-drive back at my place, and if you don’t approve the performance then I’ll leave you be” Jay’s hands moved back to your ass, grabbing two handfuls of the supple meat before whispering “But if you do decide to keep the equipment, oh well” The gray orbs had a dark cloud of lust over them, the grip on your backside was so strong that it was almost too painful “Then, we’ll see how much the big girl can learn from this little boy”
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iamumbra195 · 11 months
Remember, The Enemy's Gate is Down
“All these watches, all these Spider-Men, reporting to one man. You don’t see nothin’ wrong with that? The whole point of being Spider-Man is your independence, being your own boss– this whole thing goes against that.”
Hobie and Miles talk before he meets Miguel goes a little differently. A seed of doubt is planted.
A knot of complicated emotion settled in Miles’ chest when he saw Hobie and Gwen interacting, a now familiar sensation of restless jealousy surging as he fiddled with the weird glitch prevention bracelet on his wrist.
Hobie was cool and Gwen seemed so much more at ease around him than she did around Miles. She didn’t have that weird guilty look on her face that told Miles she was still keeping things from him.
It stung.
Hadn’t Miles proven himself a year ago? Hadn’t he proven himself now?
Pavitr had only been Spider-Man for six months and although he seemed much more accustomed to his situation than Miles at that point in time, it was hardly fair that he seemed to know so much more about the Spider Society than Miles.
He startled back into the present when his senses tingled with a familiar whisper of likemelikemelikeme as he bumped into a girl that looked oddly like a hologram.
“Uh… I’m Spider-Man?” He introduced uncertainly and the girl snorted.
“Oh, no way?” she said in mock surprise, her lips twitching into a dry smile. “All of us are.”
Gwen turned to face him suddenly, a weird frustrated look on her face that Miles was beginning to think she only gave him so he ignored her and the uncomfortable flipping of his stomach as he questioned the girl– Margo Kess about her abilities.
An avatar. That was so cool– she had like virtual reality abilities.
Miles would give anything to have that, not that he didn’t like his abilities but hers seemed so much cooler. Nearly everyone in this place seemed cooler than him, one way or another.
There were weirdos, sure, but they had all made it into this elite society of Spider-people where he had failed and remained in his own universe, a lone outcast.
Mrs. Drew, who’d been leading them through the area, stopped at the doorway which slid open automatically and she gestured for them to walk through, a critical yet dismissive expression on her face as she glanced at Miles.
That stung too, seeing that from someone Gwen had spoken so highly of.
Hobie fell in step with him as the door closed behind them, his eyebrows raised in a weird mix of curiosity and amusement. “What’re you broodin’ about?” he asked, snatching a green device off the wall and smirking at Miles. “Bet this doesn’t even do anything.”
“It probably did before you ripped it out of a wall,” Miles muttered, frustration bubbling in his chest as he scowled at the older-looking teen. “And I am not brooding.”
“Uh-huh,” Hobie agreed dryly. “You goin’ tell me you weren’t just thinkin’ about Gwendie too?”
Miles’ face flushed hot immediately, barely swallowing the denial that bubbled in his chest. It was the second time someone had implied there was something going on between them and as much as Miles maybe– sorta wanted there to be, there couldn’t. Gwen had made that pretty clear with how little she seemed to trust him
He chose not to answer, focusing on the fact that Hobie seemed to be messing with the tech and even stealing bits of it with all the skill of a practiced thief. “What’re you even doing with that stuff? They’re gonna be useless like that.”
Hobie shrugged, pocketing a purple piece of metal. “It’s propaganda, bro. That’s what they want you to think.”
“What does that even mean?” Miles snapped a little more harshly than he meant to if the odd glance Hobie gave him was anything to go by. He was a little overwhelmed and the other teen’s circling presence felt like it was chafing at one of those irritating blisters his suit left on his skin when he forgot to use baby powder– only it was on the inside.
Hobie fell silent for a moment, snatching up a blue glowing thing and examining it for a second before tucking it away. “Why do you wanna be part of this thing, anyway?”
It was Miles' turn to give him a look. “To get a watch, obviously.”
“So you can visit her, then,” Hobie snorted, lips twitching into another smirk when he caught Miles’ embarrassed look. “Just make your own watch then.”
That made Miles stop, if only for a moment. He ducked out of the way of a hanging wire before giving Hobie a suspicious look. “Is that why you’re stealing all this stuff? Why’re you telling me this?”
Hobie pressed his lips into a thin line, settling in an office chair and wheeling it around to face Miles with an oddly serious look on his face. Gwen was further ahead, just out of hearing range.
“All these watches, all these Spider-Men, reporting to one man. You don’t see nothin’ wrong with that? The whole point of being Spider-Man is your independence, being your own boss– this whole thing goes against that.”
That was hypocritical in so many ways. If he thought that, then why even be a part of this? And why did he seem so insistent on the fact that Miles shouldn’t join?
“Maybe you’re right,” Miles found himself saying. “But Gwen, Peter B., and the other guys– they’re my friends. I wanna see them and I need a watch to do that.”
“Like I said, make your own watch,” Hobie shrugged. “One without a tracker and one that doesn’t need Miguel to press a button before you’re shut out again.”
That made Miles pause, his eyebrows drawing into a frown and a question on his lips before Gwen interrupted.
“Guys, c’mon,” she sighed and Hobie put his hands up in surrender, their conversation ending with a whispered warning not to sign up for something he didn’t understand and a seed of doubt planted in his mind.
As much as Miles wanted to stick around and talk to Peter so they could clear the air and he could finally make sense of the hurt and anger he felt towards the man he’d been desperately wishing to see for over a year, Hobie’s words rang in his mind.
“One without a tracker.”
Peter was wearing a watch. They would find him.
As if to prove Hobie right, Miguel’s hologram-assistant lady spoke from Peter’s watch and Miles was off like a shot again, blood pounding in his ears as he shook off Spider person after Spider person.
He was going to go home.
He was going to save his dad.
No matter who got in his way.
Check out my Ao3 account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Umbra195/pseuds/Umbra195
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autisticlenaluthor · 1 year
I can’t believe I forgot to say I was sending another ask/song. Sorry lol. Also if you have any opinions on any songs I’d love to hear. Well, here is me lining up Lena with Big Man Little Dignity by Paramore (once again) because I haven’t been able to get this song out of my head, and earlier today I realised that wow this is like word-for-word things Lena would say to a lot of people (also considering the reference to men in power and celebrities), with Lex especially in parts, but then- this being Lena word for word directly about Kara in season 5.
Don’t mean to stare at you from across the room. 
It’s like I’m glued to the sheer sight of you.
Even if you don’t take it in terms of the ship, Lena is constantly fixated on Kara, and she’s in her mind all throughout season 5. Lena can’t help but look at her and stare, she’s glued just to the sight of her former friend, this great hero. She doesn’t mean to because she shouldn’t, they’re ‘broken up’ after all, but like in the scene at the Pulitzer part BEFORE the reveal, she can’t detach herself from that person who’s /meant to be/ her friend.
And you’re so smooth, it’s pitiful
Know you could get away with anything,
So that’s exactly what you do
Whenever Kara gets in trouble with the media by accident or might do something wrong, she gets a way out of it and is forgiven. When Kara stiffs up outside of being Supergirl? It’s the same thing and Lena’s seen that, she’s probably been one of the people to allow that. But then Lena sees that as Kara taking advantage of her power and difference to get her way, she sees it as her doing things unapologetically, always having to be right, and Lena’s disappointed with that. What she sees is a pity to her because they’re meant to be friends and equals but that’s not how it seems.  Kara is Supergirl, and now that Lena knows that, she resents almost everything about her and you can almost see it as her laughing at the fact that no one else agrees with how Lena sees the situation in the whole identity thing, and how everyone seems to agree with Kara and boost her ego, going against Lena (although at one point Kara initially still has faith in Lena).
Big man,
Little dignity
No offense, but you
You got no integrity
To Lena now, Kara is like this ‘big man’, especially with being Supergirl and the ‘I do so much good’. She sees it as an act perhaps, and an act she hates. Whether or not you see it as true, Kara acts all ‘high and mighty’ especially once she starts giving up on Lena, so that’s how Lena sees her. That talk of ‘I will treat you like any other villain’? That almost seems like a play of this ‘crime fighting superiority’ who can threaten someone into goodness. But go go so far as to do that and say that, and to do that to your friend- to your best friend who you should be trusting and trying to understand? (God I could do a whole analysis on season 5 Kara and her superiority complex here.)  Not only is that betrayal, but where is dignity in doing that? Where is the integrity in how she’s acting?
Well, well, well, look at you, don't you clean up nice?
Bet it feels good to leave the past behind
Your subscription to redemption has been renewed
You keep your head high,
Smooth operator in a shit-stained suit
This part kinda reminds me of Lena calling Kara out in Tremors, with how she acts different to how she is, and she’s left their history behind but yet no that’s meant to be okay, Lena shouldn’t feel betrayed. Once again it’s like a reference to Kara getting away with things and sweeping stuff under the rug, doing things- and for Lena, hurting her but blaming her for it, and ‘cleaning that up’ through fake or empty apology. It’s like Kara has left everything they’ve been through together - the friendship, trust, and belief - behind her, forgetting about it, saying it’s not worth it. All of that loyalty she promised that means so much to Lena because she finally has someone like that? It seems not to matter anymore, because it was betrayed, from Lena’s pov there was never honesty. Yet Kara denies this, saying she never betrayed Lena and never did anything wrong, that she’s still trust worthy. But she’s not. She’s disregarded everything while Lena still clings on to it. Lena bets it feels good, but she’d never know. But everyone forgives Kara, and Lena is expected to too; it’s as if Kara should always be redeemed just because of who she is. The final line of this verse- I mean, THE SUPERGIRL SUIT HELLO??? Lena always trusted Kara more than Supergirl, not because Supergirl’s an alien, but because in that suit Supergirl has done things that have somewhat hurt Lena, even if she’s saved her. That suit is this sign of hope and help, but also power. But with what she’s done, especially with the reveal and betrayal, that suit is tarnished now. As much as Kara can try to act and believe that what she does is right and she’s never done wrong by Lena, Lena will see her as merely an operator of this tarnished and stained cover, not really preaching what she’s saying.
I memorized all your lies
I can’t look away, you’re like a movie that I love to hate
I fantasise your demise
I should look away because I know you're never gonna change
I keep thinkin' this time, the end'll be different
But it isn't/you keep on winning
Lena practically clung to Kara when they were friends, having another chance at a relationship so strong. She would’ve remembered every moment but now those moments are lies, and perhaps now that she knows that, she goes to the effort to remember the lies even more so she knows what they are, and also perhaps because of the impact that shift has made. From best friends to strangers, the big change is imbedded on her mind whether she likes it or not. So Lena keeps looking at Kara and what she does, following her activity. She can’t stop, and she’s almost enjoying it as watching someone or something she hates just to see how bad it gets, just so she can keep feeling that hate and resentment. Then there’s how she looks at ways she can get ‘revenge’ or get it into a Kara’s head that stuff has happened and it’s big and means something, fantasising how it can end and how people will come to see the truth. Although in the show she never goes as far to kill her, still protecting her, even saying that ‘We don’t hurt people, no matter how much they’ve betrayed us.’. She should be looking away because she ultimately knows or believes it won’t end well and she’s stuck at the bottom with no one ever going to be on her side because look at who she is and then look at everyone else- look at who Kara and who Supergirl is. Now that Kara’s done what she’s done and she’s called Lena a villain and won’t acknowledge her own faults anymore, Lena doesn’t see an opportunity for change, and very time something happens the end it’s the same and Kara always comes out on top. So she’s attached to this person who is no longer who she thought and knew, a sliver of hope against the constant disappointment and failure. Lena continues to be in love with someone when she knows she shouldn’t, and she won’t stop doing that.
oh my god yes to all of this.
the line about the duality to kara’s suit - bc to everyone else it symbolizes hope and protection but to lena its a visual reminder of all of the lies and ways her best friend has hurt her. supergirl was a person who blatantly showed her mistrust towards her time and time again. and for years when supergirl hurt lena - kara was the one she confided in about the pain.
also you’re so right about how kara used to get out of trouble so easily. there was never any accountability for her actions when she got something wrong - including from lena. i think it’s so interesting how she’s given all this lenience but when lena starts falling down a dark path (as a direct result of her actions) kara is so quick to put all the blame on her and treat her as a villain
obviously what lena’s doing isn’t right by any means. but the situation could’ve 100% been avoided. or at least de-escalated if kara (and tbh the rest of the super friends) had really owned up to what happened
i feel like i don’t even have anything else to add bc you covered everything
but as for my own song recs - ‘cool about it’ by boygenius reminds me of their season 5 relationship (and i’ll post a whole analysis on that if you wanna hear it lmao) and ‘not strong enough’ also by boygenius is SO freaking lena i can’t even
i feel like this reminds me that even tho they’re my faves the toxicity with them is strong
ALSO i was going to post your other ask but you didn’t set it to anon so lmk if you’re okay with me sharing it or not
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 11
Warnings: we’re starting to get spicy so minors, it’s nothing much yet but you should exit the premises. The chapter after this one has me swooning and the next two chapters I have planned also having me throwing up.
I’ve never made a fic before so send me tips and tricks and loves!
Here’s a masterlist
What do you think is gonna happen next?
I marched right back up to the 8th floor. Walking quickly to my dad's room only to find mom wasn't in there. "Hey kiddo." I heard dad say. "Oh hey dad! Have you seen mom?" I asked as I was already turning around to look in to Jude's room. "I'm not sure where she went. She did tell me a boy stopped by here for you though" he said inquisitively. I blushed. "Yes that's exactly what I need to talk to her about. WHAT DID SHE SAY?" I asked, definitely sounding way too excited and verging the line of desperate. Calm down girl. Calm down.
"Oh hey Stella." I heard form behind me. "A really cute boy stopped by for you. You actually just missed him." She teased. She was enjoying this. Getting to be front and center for all of my life events. Although we kept up and talked every other day while I was in New York, I wasn't dating anyone. So she's been missing the boy stories since college.
"Okay what did he say?" I asked eagerly.
"Oh he just said he was hoping you'd be here. He's gonna come back tomorrow. He was actually very polite. How do you know him?" She raised an eyebrow at me.
Of course he was. Have you met him?
"We met on the plane on the way here. He dropped me off here instead of me taking an Uber. I guess I left my sweater in his car and he wanted to make sure I got it back." I said, staring off in to the distance. I could feel the butterflies starting up just thinking about it.
After not too long, the doctors came in and told us that as long as dad and Jude were able to get around on their own by the end of the next 7 days, they'd be able to head home. I went down to the cafeteria to order us some celebratory ice cream. Things felt good for the first time in nearly a week. We all had a feeling of hope that we didn't have before.
The next morning, both mom and dad suggested that I just go home and hold down the fort while they finished up their hospital stay. Not to say I couldn't come visit. But they were suggesting that I meet up with some friends, relax, sleep in a real bed while I could since I wouldn't be staying that much longer now that they were on the mend.
I forgot that I needed to text Austin the address. I pulled out my phone and shakily typed his phone number in.
What do I say? Do I just play it cool and only text him the address? Do I say "hi I've been thinking about you nonstop since I saw you last" ??? Of course not. But I was thinking it.
Once his number was saved in to my phone as Aus so that no one passing by would ever see his full name in my phone and ask about it, I started typing the message.
"Hey you. (: it's Stella. Here's the address: 78654 Melody Lane. See you at 6!" I typed and quickly pressed send before I could over think it.
I think I'll throw right up. This is crazy.
The whole drive home was a blur. I hardly remember driving at all. It was almost 1pm and that meant I had 5 hours to get ready. Surely I didn't need that amount of time but I was going to use all of it anyways.
I started with a shower, making sure every single hair was shaved off my legs. Yep. The top halves of them too. Just in case. I scrubbed, I exfoliated, I did my most thorough skin care routine. I got out of the shower and moisturized my whole body.
I liked to wait until my hair was half way dry to blow dry it the rest of the way. I got my hair in rollers to set and then started on my makeup. I wasn't even sure where he was taking me so I figured a soft glam look would be a safe bet.
It was nearly 4:30 at this point and I heard the doorbell ring.
He said 6. That can't be him. Who the hell is ringing the bell?
I walked slowly out of my room, down the stairs, and towards the front door. I pulled my robe closed and tied it in the name of decency in case it was someone selling Girl Scout cookies or something. The bell rang again.
Jesus. I'm coming. Be patient.
I opened the door to find a man in a nice pair of jeans and button up shirt. He was holding a white box. It was secured closed with a large silky gold ribbon. "Stella Porter?" He inquired. "Uh. Yes? That's me." He handed me the box and walked away promptly.
This feels like a trap and I'm probably about to be fucking kidnapped. That would be just my luck right before going out to dinner with Austin. It's just the way the cookie crumbles for me I guess. If this is how I go, this is how I go.
I walked back up the stairs, turning the box over and checking it out to see if there was a tag anywhere. There wasn't. I got to my room and tossed it on the bed, bracing for the possibility that it would probably explode when I did that. It didn't.
Phew. Just open the box Stella.
I untied the gold bow, slowly. Savoring the moment before the surprise just in case it was someone's dismembered finger or something. It would have been an awfully large box for a finger I suppose. I removed the ribbon and pulled the lid off. There was a handwritten note on top of pearlescent white tissue paper. It said "I can't wait to see you in this dress tonight. See you soon."
I set the note down and opened up the tissue paper slowly. It was a dress. I pulled it out to reveal it was a black silk dress. The slit up the leg was high and the neckline was low. But not too low. A classic silhouette.
I walked over to the mirror and held it up to my body, imagining what I'll look like in it. What he'd think of me in it. I started feeling those butterflies again. I laid the dress out on the bed so I could finish getting ready.
I put the finishing touches on my make up, unrolled my hair and styled it. I thought I looked pretty damn cute. Austin better think that too.
I glanced at the clock. 5:30pm. I better get dressed. Once again I held the dress up to my body in front of the mirror. I dropped my robe and put on some black lace underwear, then I slipped the dress over my body.
It fit my body perfectly. It was tight in the right places, loosened just enough in others.
How could he have known what size dress to send me? He's incredible.
I did a little spin in front of the mirror. Shit. My underwear lines were visible. This fabric showed everything. I slipped my underwear off from underneath the dress. I guess it's just the kind of dress you don't wear undergarments with. And I smirked a little wondering what Austin would have to say if he knew.
I remembered I had this pair of strappy black heels. They would look perfect with this dress.
*ding dong* the doorbell went off.
I tapped my phone. 6:00 on the dot. Of course he is here right when he said he'd be.
I threw on my shoes and nearly ran to the door to meet him.
I pulled the door open and he was all dressed up. Black suit pants with a black button up shirt. He left the first few buttons undone. And I wanted to undo the rest of them right here, right now. The butterflies in my stomach turned to fire.
"Wow. Stella. You look incredible." He held out his hand to me. "Are you ready?"
The dress ⬇️
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Austin's Point of View
Right after I left the hospital I went out shopping for an outfit I thought she'd love to see me in. I walked by a store and saw a black dress on display in the window. The slit was just high enough on the thigh. It would let you imagine but also leave you desperate to see the rest. The neckline was set perfectly. Not too low cut and not too high cut that it clashed with the silhouette and height of that slit. So I B-lined directly in to the store. I couldn't stop thinking about how Stella would look in that dress. And I needed to see her in it. I held up every size dress until I found the one that I thought fit her frame well. And I prayed it would fit her just right. This was risky.
I wasn't sure how she'd take it. Me, dressing her for the night. And I wouldn't typically do this on a first date. But everything was tunnel vision now that I'd imagined her wearing that dress.
I asked the cashier to gift wrap it for me, hoping I wouldn't have to re-wrap it when I got home. She finished tying the bow and it was gorgeously wrapped. I wondered if Stella's eyes would light up at the gift or if she'd sit there confused but I didn't care in this moment.
Just then, I got a text from a number I didn't know.
Please be Stella.
It was Stella sending her address. I waited all night for her to text it to me. I didn't like being made to wait. But I knew she was preoccupied at the hospital so it would have to do.
Later in the day I sent my driver to her house to deliver the dress. He had never done anything like that for me before and I was thankful he didn't ask questions.
Once I got home, I took a shower and looked through my wardrobe. I because so occupied with getting that little black dress to Stella that I didn't even bother going in to any other stores. I decided on classic black suit pants and a black button up. I left the top three buttons undone and added a thin gold chain to my neck. I slipped my rings back on my fingers and grabbed my favorite pair of black dress shoes.
I grabbed the Volvo keys and headed out.
God I can't wait to see her again.
I sat the whole drive in silence. I deciding between being nervous or excited. I landed on both. I really hoped she liked the dress and that it fit her well. I couldn't imagine anything fitting her poorly.
As I was pulling up to her house I noticed it was 5:58. Cutting it close Aus.
I gathered myself and walked up to her front door.
Do I ring the bell? Do I knock?
I decided on the bell so she could hear me if she was upstairs. It took all of about 45 second for her to get to the door.
Stella opened the door to reveal that she had the dress on.
"Hi" she said to me, eyes sparkling as she suddenly looked down. She was nervous too.
She looked immaculate. The dress fit the curve f her hips just right. The thigh slit hit the exact spot I'd hoped it would. And boy was I imagining more. Craving more. The neck line lay across her chest perfectly. Just low enough to show the start of cleavage but high enough that she wasn't exposed too much. I didn't want anyone looking at her like in that way. I could take her with me anywhere in this dress. The way the thin straps hit her collar bones. The way her light brown curls cascaded down her back teasing the low cut back of the dress.
"Wow. Stella. You look incredible." I finally said, hoping she didn't think I was speechless for too long. I held my hand out to her. "Are you ready?"
She took my hand and I led her to my car. I opened the door to help her in. The fabric of that dress showed everything. And as she stepped in front of me and turned her body to enter the car, I noticed I didn't see any panty lines.
Surely, she wouldn't go pantyless on a first date, would she? God damn.
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