#although once again it has NO canon basis
kyouka-supremacy · 8 months
Gin is such a tricky character. They've got a very good premise and compelling relations with other characters which makes them very interesting to explore. They have near to no screentime which makes everybody have a personal and original idea of what their personality is like with equal canon basis, so that in the end it feels like the fandom is filled with as many different Gin-ocs as people that are in it. I'm forever pursuing the objective, doomed to be unsuccessful by its own premise, of finding a fanfiction that features a Gin characterization that perfectly aligns with my own Gin-oc.
Anyways, meet my Gin-oc:
I already mentioned this, but Gin and Ryuunosuke aren't biologically related. Back in the slums, everyone assumed they were for their similar looks and how they never left each other's side, and they never bothered correcting them; what did it matter anyways? In the end, when all their friends were slaughtered, they ended up being the only family they had.
Gin's quite confident actually: she could cut your throat at any given moment, and she knows it. That's the consequence of always having been quite spoiled by Ryuunosuke: not really with words, but it'd be extremely rare for him to criticize anything she does, and he would let her win on everything more often than not. She is the youngest sibling. The difference in age feels a lot bigger than what it actually is.
Gin's the blunt, sharp type; doesn't talk a lot, but when she does it's sure to cut you. She's similar to Ryuunosuke in that. She's the only one who can speak back to the most feared pm member without fearing consequences... And it shows.
The only thing that intimidates Gin is for people that have only ever known her in her work attire to see her in civilian clothes, or the other way round.
Gin is also a little naive compared to their brother: she doesn't contemplate the endless fight between good and evil or what it means to take a person's life like Ryuunosuke is used to, she just gets her job done. She's younger than Ryuunosuke and, although she's still a feared Port Mafia operative, I think she is fairly more immature than him, also given the fact that, again, Ryuunosuke used to spoil her and always tried to shield her from seeing the most gruesome, terrifying sides of the world. It's not like he managed to keep her blind to everything, she is from the slums too and she did see her family being slaughtered in front of her eyes and she does know how cruel the world can be a thousand times more than your average Yokohama citizen; it's just slightly better than it is with Ryuunosuke, that's it. And keep in mind that to me Ryuunosuke is quite naive too, so they're also close in this.
Gin and Ryuunosuke live together. Ryuunosuke moved them to a little rented apartment as soon as he could when he started receiving pm retribution, and they later moved to a big flat when he got promoted to command unit (the apartment was destroyed after Dazai left the pm because. yeah).
Ryuunosuke was actually against Gin joining the pm too. He never contemplated it being a possibility when he accepted to join himself. But Gin never had any intention to sit around uselessly, and was going to join whether Ryuunosuke liked it or not. He eventually gave in, reasoning the pm would have protected her, so it was all for her to be safe (a little naive thinking on his end, but he was young too).
The one and only time Ryuunosuke ever got mad at Gin was when he found out that she killed someone for the first time. Which like, what else did he expect ever since she joined the mafia? And yet he had thought (perhaps, hoped) that her role would be limited to low stakes missions, and that she would have maintained a low rank (he's a little stupid). He was furious. Which sounds quite hypocrite given the fact that he's killed countless people, but the thing is in his mind he always was the only one supposed to stain himself with sin, never Gin. Despite all the lives he's taken, I have reason to believe Akutagawa still values life and understands what burden it is to take other people's; a burden that Gin should had never known. He's quite the protective kind. But Gin is not afraid of Ryuunosuke (of course, he's her dear brother), and she wasn't afraid to speak back at him; in the end, she did what she wanted, but it was a tough tooth to swallow for Ryuunosuke.
No one has to know they're siblings– no one. Ryuunosuke is dead serious on the matter and mildly obsessed by it; he's tormented by the idea of any of his enemies getting revenge on him through Gin, and that's literally his greatest fear and worst nightmare (not only Gin dying, but also Gin's death being his fault). The only people to know they're related are the executives and Hirotsu; if Ryuunosuke ever found out anyone else knew, he would instantly hunt them down and kill them, no matter who they were. At work, Gin and Ryuunosuke act like they don't know each other; Gin never protested, because she understands just how vital the matter is for their brother, and how it would be impossible to change his mind on this.
Gin and Ryuunosuke love each other more than anything. They're always going to be each other's priority, always, I can't stretch this enough. 50% of the reasons Ryuunosuke joined the pm to begin with was because of Gin, because he wanted to take her away from the slums, because he wanted her to be safe. Yet they just... Have no idea how to help or comfort each other. Both of them are entirely inadequate with words when it's about comforting someone. So their only way to show affection ended up just being there for each other, silently. I can picture, in one of Akutagawa's lowest moments, when months of being beaten up are starting to really feel on his already frail body, and his illness is starting to emerge, him vomiting blood at home; and Gin just being next to him without saying a word– because what could she possibly say? But she's still there, next to him, and she's the most important thing for him; and it doesn't make the world any less cruel, doesn't lessen the pain that's killing both of them, but at least there's some sort of white comfort in knowing they're not facing it alone. I really believe that as much as Dazai worked to dehumanize Ryuunosuke, tried to make of him a mindless killing beast only existing to follow orders, Gin was the only thing left to keep Ryuunosuke hanging to the glimmer of humanity left in him. On that front, I find the relationship between them to be similar to the one Kyouka and Atsushi share in Beast: their life is walking through the darkest of nightmares, but they do so holding each other's hand.
Although, those moments of connection became always less frequent as time passed and both of them grew up. The more time Ryuunosuke spent working for the pm under Dazai, the more he was reluctant to show himself vulnerable, the more they grew apart. Ryuunosuke was going through a very hard time and for him it was of vital importance that Gin had nothing to do with it. On Gin's end, it was draining to have to powerlessly, passively witness her brother slowly destroy himself and his own humanity without being able to do anything about it, and ironically that led to her distancing herself from Ryuunosuke in turn. In a funny, cruel way, seeing Ryuunosuke so pained without being able to do anything about it activated the fight or flight response the slums installed in her: since there was nothing immediately tangible she could fight against, her instinctive response was to run away from the situation. I just feel like powerlessly having to see a dear one suffer so deeply without being able to do anything has the potential to be even more painful than having to bear the suffering yourself, and I can see how she would have wanted to distance herself from it. Gin and Ryuunosuke didn't move away or anything, but the time they spent together significantly decreased to the point they were both actively avoiding each other. Ryuunosuke was constantly moody and angry at the world and although it was never - ever - directed at Gin, can you really blame her if she didn't want to spend time with him? It's hard for me to explain this without making it sound like Gin didn't care about Akutagawa, wasn't aware and suffered from his pain, didn't want to help him; because she really did care, and was concerned for his suffering, and wanted to help. It's just something really hard to deal with on daily basis when it drags on for several years, and there's so little you can do, especially if the person you want to help would rather die than let you help them.
It got better, though. I feel like Ryuunosuke touched the bottom when Dazai left the pm. But his and Gin's relationship got better after that. Very slowly, very gradually, but it got better. I like to think something switched in Ryuunosuke with the Moby Dick fight, and he started to change. And if he had to change, he decided to start from his relationship with Gin, because she's the person he cares about the most. He tried to be there for her more often, tried to spend more time with her, and it made her so happy. It took a while, and it was a little awkward at first: after all, Ryuunosuke is still his brooding self, who will tell her “It's been a while // Let's go home” with a frown on his face; but even despite that, what matters is that he's still there where he wasn't before, he's there wanting to spend time with her, and Gin is overjoyed by it, and she smiles sweetly to him. They're fixing their bond together, and I think they will get there! I think they will get their close-to-normal siblings relationship.
Differently from Ryuunosuke, Gin actually grew to quite like her job, especially after the Black Lizard was born. Hirotsu soon enough became the closest to a father figure she could have ever wished for. And she has lots of fun with Tachihara– in a way, they share much more of a siblings relationship than she and Ryuunosuke ever had. They constantly jab at each other, they have inside jokes; they threaten each other's lives on the daily but unfailingly have each other's back in battle. Gin eventually opened up a lot to Tachihara, who she felt like was the only one who could really understand her; she had found a solid common ground in their shared experience of having a distant older brother they struggled to connect with. And she trusted the sentiment was mutual, that Tachihara opened up to her as much as she did to him, completely oblivious to his half-truths. When she found out he was a spy– when he told her he was a spy, it broke her. She felt deeply, thoroughly betrayed; it changed her. She's not much the forgiving type. (talked about the Black Lizard dynamics some more here)
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cambrioleur · 3 months
In the interest of making this blog a bit more intelligent and less of a collection of dumb memes, here's an actual "hot take" that I have...
Ben is likable but he's also jaw-droppingly underdeveloped in the official canon of the show. Basically he's what TV Tropes terms a Satellite Character, in that he's almost always shown in the context of his interactions with other characters, with these scenes being from their viewpoint and not his. He never gets a real arc or storyline of his own: Claire and Guédira are consistently the central POV figures of the assorted B and C plots, while Ben appears in the A plots but in an exclusively supporting role.
The show actually DOES have opportunities to expand on his character a bit more but for whatever reason it never takes advantage of them. You'd think that Ben getting sold out by Assane and tossed in prison would have been a perfect candidate for this, but he appears in like three scenes in the last few episodes of Part 3, with these once again being mainly from the perspectives of Guédira, Claire, and Assane (not to mention that the audience still doesn't know exactly how he sustained all those injuries).
An additional issue is that so far, Ben hasn't had any meaningful conflict in his relationship with Assane, which seems unrealistic given what an utter mess Assane is a lot of the time. Claire has the obvious conflict of desperately wanting to believe in Assane but being let down by him over and over again, and also having to deal with how his antics are negatively affecting their son. Guédira is an Assane Diop stan while also being a police officer who's supposed to be trying to jail him, which is a comedic conflict but it's a conflict nonetheless. We never get any of that with Assane and Ben; their friendship is fun but it's weirdly smooth-sailing. We don't know if they can survive the kind of turmoil that arises between Assane and Claire on a regular basis, because up until Ben gets thrown to the wolves at the gala, he's never been on the receiving end of Assane's dishonesty and erratic behavior. (This is why I actually think that the betrayal was a good narrative choice.)
So Ben's characterization is that he's the technically-competent friend who's also a loyal, solid dude...and that's it. We don't really know who he is in the same way that we know who Assane, Claire, and Guédira are. And the result is that the fans can project pretty much whatever they want onto him. If they want to say he's in love with Assane, fine, because there's nothing canonical that obviously confirms or refutes it. (In contrast I think it's fair to say that any notion of Assane reciprocating these potential affections is 100% fanon; the showrunners clearly view him as someone who can charm anyone he wants to while also being completely heterosexual, although one could argue that they're attempting to have their cake and eat it too.) The same is true if they want to say that Ben is in love with Claire, which is a theory that I've seen crop up a few times. My own opinion is that he's probably aroace or something along those lines, but at the same time I find the interpretation that he loves Assane to be plausible enough, although I have absolutely no emotional investment in it.
Anyway, bottom line...Ben's character should be developed more. Also I personally think he should turn on Assane. But that's just me.
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xler0 · 4 months
nobita's classmates
so i got bored and made a relationship chart between the classmates (drawn in a very confusing chart) (yeah i got lazy and decided to just not draw the male classmates lol) this is all just my interpretation, of course. additional infos added below the tab, i referenced some manga but without citation bcs im away from home and could not provide the panels/ story i meant. hopefully it's not too out of pocket, and i probably remembered wrong but yeaaaaa this is how i view their relationshipss lollll
long read ahead
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okay so to start
somone alrd pointed out how shizuka is the closest with gian and suneo and not with nobita, and i agree wholeheartedly! Shizuka is an active child, liking sports, only restraining herself bcs she's a girl and she's supposed to be "prim and proper". once she became a boy (switching bodies with nobita) (gadget that reverse gender roles) she became very active and able to play baseball, climb a tall tree like gian and suneo, and she excels in all. even in girl form, she still maintained being active by playing badminton and can compare to gian's ability in it. the three of them would often leave nobita behind bcs of his lack of ability to join in, whether in swimming, riding a bike, even riding a 'horse.' so yeahh i do think she probably had more fun with the other two compared to with nobita.
other than that, i also thinks she probably has the most friend in her class. i do think she's the only one that was able to know dekisugi the closest and the best, compared to other kids. other than being friends with gian, suneo, dekisugi, and nobita, she's also on a friendly basis with the other girls in her class (5 named girls in her class + musuko) and occasionally would hang out/ play with them. while gian, suneo, and nobita are also friends with their guy classmates, from what i've seen and felt in the anime, they're not as tight-knitted as the girls (only haruo and yasuo being the most used boy classmate NPCs), added they sometimes antagonized each other and their friendly behavior can be just a facade (mainly when they fear gian).
With gian and suneo's relationship, i do feel like it's a ride or die. for bestfriends/ partner in crime, they can still be mean to each other. gian would still constantly be violent towards him, and suneo would mock him on his intelligence/ look/ wealth. many stories where they ended up on opposing sides, fighting against each other, but somehow they tolerate and stick with one another. they can be friends, soulmates, partners, enemies, bestfriends. honestly wouldnt be surprised if they just started going out with one another or even ended up in domestic partnership. they're just inseparable.
compared to shizuka who has many friends, i think dekisugi is the opposite. true, everyone in class admired his abilities. but that's it. other than shizuka and nobita (begrudgingly bcs shizuka asked), no one really cares to look out for him when he's troubled by late night calls terrorizing him. then again, maybe it's mostly bcs of dekisugi himself. he's rarely seen playing with the other kids. in fact, in the canon manga, the only time he's there with the other kids and everyone had fun can be counted (the living rope that could turn into things, the ultra dora movie, observing underground ants, the straw rocket, nobita making underground country although this one ended up with nobita being a dictator). in manga, he's even rarely seen in gian's concert, and some speculate gian thought of him as a busy guy and respected him. But honestly, i think gian just forgot to invite him. Im sure dekisugi knows abt how big of a bully gian is, even tho dekisugi sometimes would defend nobita when gian bully him. In gian's dinner show, dekisugi had shown concern over getting hit by gian, so i dont think gian "respect" him in that way. one time he got invited to play baseball with the giants and he aced it all, only to leave gian, suneo, and nobita pissed and jealous by how good he is. this might also be a factor, but dekisugi himself never really bothered to butt in or familiarize himself with his other classmates, other than shizuka, who he felt like can be allowed in topics he's interested in. he even opted for having foreign friends or writing pals instead of getting close with the other kids. of course foreign friends can be as important as classmates friends, but sometimes it can be isolating, since you'll get absorbed with other type of activities and didn't even try to maintain real life relationships. whether it's bcs of the classmates that felt intimidated to talk to dekisugi bcs they feel he's too smart or it's dekisugi himself who didn't even bother to interject his self in class, i'm still not sure yet. i think both are contributing factors.
Nobita is part of the close group, made of gian, suneo, and shizuka. Gian and suneo would often tease him and shizuka would sometimes laugh or even defend him. They're their own circle in the class. but honestly, i think that's all thanks to doraemon. if doraemon did not arrive from the future, i do think nobita would be some social outcast, kinda like dekisugi, but the class just literally forgot he existed, since he's such a boring guy who has not many interests. He does not excel in academics nor athletics, his hobby is playing cats cradle and sleeping. In the first chapter, he spent the new years laying in his room reading comics, while his classmates were out in the streets playing. He originally has no interest in outdoor activities, therefore his classmates would probably not invite him to play. He's a passive guy, he rather stay quiet and away from danger, hence his classmates would probably forgot he exist. He cannot eat as quick as his friends and had trouble keeping attention in class and doing homeworks, he's literally made to be the butt of the class' joke "well i got low scores but at least not as bad as nobita" and nobita himself didn't realize how laid-back he's being and how he was wasting his reformative years, bcs that shit sticks until you're an adult. doraemon honestly is a god-send for him, and even if nobita somehow did not manage to marry shizuka, he still learned a lot of things with him. He was given an outlet to express his own creativity and explore new interests, and that made him a more interesting guy. He can play and found fun in playing outdoors with his classmates. He got close to shizuka, gian, and suneo. He got to fricking rewind time and met his grandma one more time and appreciate her more and make her proud. He was able to bring joy to his classmates thanks to doraemon's gadgets. if doraemon did not exist, nobita will be stuck alone, getting bullied and picked on in a serious manners by gian and suneo since he couldn't pick up after himself and he can only admire shizuka, who sometimes defended him, from afar. that's what i think
and that's all. again, this is just speculations. of course it can be read as something not serious (fujiko prob forgot dekisugi existed, drawing gian being violent is peak comedy, etc) but i think it's fun to interpret their dynamics, especially with dekisugi since he's not shown as often as the others (even jaiko had more appearance, i bet). but yea lol thankyou for reading these walls of texts haha
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senkusphone · 8 months
Dr. Stone chapter 1D Trivia post
Spoilers ahead
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We knew there was a slippery slope but we didn't know which one it was.
First things first, as we saw, Kaseki was not dead after all, and neither was Francois.
This clears things from chapter 232.5 (Dr. Stone Terraforming) where Kaseki was not shown at all, and although Francois was shown to be at the plane at the moment of the crash, they were never shown to be rescued.
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We do get a glimpse at Senku throughout his lifetime (hypothetically at least). The pictured time machine, just like the large one they are building, features the telltale disk from the movie "The time machine" (duh) from 1960, based on a novel by H.G. Wells, written in 1895.
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We also see him using a bunch of yagi antennas again, as well as a small satellite dish, all pointed in different directions in his homebrew setup, perhaps in an attempt to catch the signal regardless of which direction it's coming from. A concern I've heard is why would Byakuya contact Senku's future attempt but not the one from his childhood, and the answer likely boils down to the technology. As Xeno said they used a specialized detector to spot tiny bursts of petrification beam
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I am not sure what such a detector might entail, but since the petri beam involves a flash of light, perhaps something like a photomultiplier tube could do it, as they can detect individual photons
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The Tokyo Sky Tree is a radio tower, housing a restaurant and an observation deck, it is also the tallest manmade structure in Japan with a height of 634 meters, or 532.7 times the canon height of Suika in chapter 178.
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Here it looks like they've drawn the wrong design for the medusa capsule, this one has a speaker on the inside like the original that was sent to the moon, whereas once whyman was discovered, they changed the design to one with a small antenna in its place, and a speaker/microphone on the outside for them to communicate.
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This is what I feel like in university
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Yes we are
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next up, energy
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1.21 Exawatts has no basis I know of other than being a reference to the 1.21 Gigawatts used by the time machine from Back to the Future. 1 exawatt = 1000000000 gigawatts, so I guess Dr. Brown's machine was actually very fuel efficient.
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The (exa)watt is technically not a unit of energy but rather of the rate of energy transfer (or how fast energy's being delivered in layman's terms).
I assume he means (exa) watt-hours, a multiple of the watt-hour, which is an energy unit handy for working with electricity calculations. This amount of energy is equivalent to a bit shy of 900000 megatons of TNT. However, if you could capture 100% of the sun's output (and I mean all of it, a la dyson sphere, not just what hits the earth, and with 100% efficiency) and store it, you could collect that amount of energy in just under 30 seconds. This amount is also probably larger than the consumption of humanity over the last 60 years. It is in fact larger than the energy consumed wordwide between 1800 and 2010 by a factor of about two, going from adding and converting the data here.
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Helium 3 is an isotope of helium with a nucleus made of 2 protons and 1 neutron (unlike normal helium which consists of 2 and 2 of each).
Because it's a very light gas, it tends to float away from the earth and get swept off into space much like regular helium does, and it is believed that larger amounts of it will be available on the moon, where it is formed naturally in a slow but steady supply when natural lithium is bombarded with neutrons from cosmic rays. Helium 3 can theoretically function as fuel in a fusion reactor, having the advantage that it does not release neutrons in the reaction, meaning it does not bombard other materials inside the reactor making them radioactive (and He-3 is not radioactive itself either).
The big issues are its low availability and the fact that a reactor for this fuel would need even higher temperatures than the reactors we are experimenting with today, and we are barely starting. On that note, Tsukasa eating chip
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These robots are very strange, they walk on their claws, only having wheels at the back and carrying what looks a lot like an old time minecart. If anyone knows what the name Johnny 7 might be referring to, let me know. So far I can see that there was a sentient robot named Johnny 5 in the 1986 film Short Circuit, which looked like this.
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I could also note that the robots have "Battery A" and "Battery B" noted on them.
It might just be a coincidence, but I like to think it might be a nod to an early project in the series, the cellphone.
The cellphone had two battery packs, the lead acid pack to run the vacuum tube filament, and Gen's manganese battery pack, which ran the tube anode. Historically these two battery packs were designated "A" and "B".
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For the record this is also the reason you can buy AAA, AA, C, and D size cells, but no B batteries. Those batteries used to exist, but they don't anymore, since the equipment they powered is long obsolete. Next up, Chrome has a flashback to Ruri's flashback.
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Kirisame's headpiece has reverted to the seldom seen spiral horn version, she is most typically seen with the one shaped like cat ears.
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Next up:
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No, I will not apologise
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This does not seem to be the same restaurant mentioned in chapter 43, though I guess it could have changed, since Senku seems older (might it be the restaurant in the sky tree?)
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Also Senku puts on Byakuya's coat that was on the back of his chair.
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Speaking of chapter 43...
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Ukyo is not well
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It's no longer Nanami Corp, it's just Ryusui
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To conclude, my take on what is happening
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It's been hinted multiple times that we may see the involvement of alternate timelines, which comes as an answer to the occurence of a paradox if Senku were to travel back in time or even just contact himself. The title of the chapter comes to echo this. Higher dimensions have been a bit of a popular topic lately with people making games in four dimensions, etcetera. This however is not that by the looks of it, the fourth dimension mentioned would be an additional time dimension, which can be interpreted as the existence of convergent or divergent timelines. One of the less obvious things that remain to be seen is how Byakuya (or someone pretending to be him) knew when and where to contact someone in a different timeline. We also don't know where in time they are located. It is assumed at first that the incoming message is from the future but if we are dealing with a parallel universe it may as well be coming from the past or even be coming in in "real time" (as if such concepts of relative time held up in multidimensional time).
Suika cute pose
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yourbelgianthings · 8 months
the autistic devo post
1- emotional dysregulation, although this is of course exacerbated by his trauma from the parish i do think he innately struggles to manage and productively express his sadness and anger
2- doesn't get sarcasm, nermal says once she'll give him everything for free and he goes ah yes this is a good deal and she has to tell him it was sarcasm
3- struggling to see things from others' point of view (again, also influenced by the parish)
4- moral rigidity
5- gets upset when plans change or there isn't a plan
6- this a bit more of a headcanon but it has a canon basis, fashion special interest! even when he was cloistered i think he loved learning about historical vestments of the parish and when he left he continued to learn about old fashion from the different kingdoms and also of course expanded his personal style (shout out nermal's pile)
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katsigian · 1 year
𝔐𝔶 𝔇𝔞𝔶𝔴𝔞𝔩𝔨𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔬𝔯𝔢 001. 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔗𝔦𝔢𝔰
(Please keep in mind this is my lore specific to my original characters and is my own headcanon. It is not meant to be taken as canon or used for other instances)
First things first imagine this is how I look typing this:
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Are you imagining it? Good, now picture Valen and Vesper, the two brothers, my two babies. Both daywalkers on their father's side, but in my worldbuilding, they maintain a lot of usual vampiric abilities. They're really more of a threat to full-blooded vampires, hence why you'll rarely, if ever, see a daywalker within a coven or family of vampires. Daywalkers are also sometimes called 'shadows' - outcasts and outsiders from regular vampire hierarchy. Daywalkers tend to be outcast early on in their lives, usually around their mid to late teens when their abilities begin to reach their strongest point [there's a whole storyline of why Callen had three whole daywalker children, but that's for a different post].
Anyways, one of those traits that are retained is the need to feed. Daywalkers, in my lore, still need to feed from a live source. Not as often as vampires, though, only about once a week rather than once a day, though some can hold off feeding for two weeks [but risk inducing a type of madness - again, for another post]. So, daywalkers won't heal without feeding from a live source, meaning they can actually die from their injuries if it's serious enough [I am getting so ahead of myself but y'all need background lore gjfjehdks].
That being said, daywalkers can still blood bond with their chosen donors just like full blooded vampires can. It's a highly intense emotional, physical, and mental connection that ties the two together for as long as they're alive. It works namely on the basis of hormones and brain chemicals tying the two together through shared releases of endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin. Although, there is a supernatural side to it that isn't fully understood - it's believed that daywalkers and vampires have so-called "special" platelets within their blood that, when provided to their mates, sustains that bond. There's a hint of mysticism to the entire process that research has yet to determine.
Blood bonding is a very deep, meaningful connection that affect both the donor and daywalker, though the donor usually takes on the title of 'mate' instead. Once the mate and daywalker have decided to bond, not only will the daywalker drink from the donor, but the donor will also drink from the daywalker. This process of sharing blood begins the bond and the more it's carried out, the stronger it becomes. The donor/mate does not need to consume the same amount of blood as the daywalker - a small swallow every couple weeks is plenty for a human mate, though a non-human mate [like a werewolf] can do it more often.
If either the daywalker or the donor were to pass away before their time, it would destroy the other; it's been noted in past cases that if the daywalker's donor were to pass away, the daywalker will soon follow. Usually by starving themselves, not wishing to ever drink from another.
Valen and Vesper both have their mates [non-human], their bonded donors. They can't feed from another without it tasting bitter and metallic. They can't be apart from their chosen lovers for very long without beginning to physically ache. They can pick up on their chosen lovers' emotions and sensations - they'll feel their anger, happiness, joy, sadness, adoration. They both can always tell roughly where their mate is, for example, they can sense when they're getting closer on the way home.
One of the more potent aspects of a blood bond is that Valen and Vesper can feel the enjoyment and pleasure from their mates during sex, including faint physical sensations. Their mates can also feel the same from them. The act of lovemaking is another way for them to strengthen that mental and emotional connection between them. [As a side note, sex is a great way for Valen and Vesper to scent mark their partners; having their partners smell like their natural, sweet/spice musk is very important to a daywalker as it marks them as 'theirs'] It happens very often that Valen and Vesper will feed from their mates during sex because the increased endorphins make the process more pleasurable.
Sex is great for enhancing blood bonds as it comes from a deeply primal and instinctual place which accounts for a lot of how a daywalker lives. Daywalkers are naturally very aggressive when it comes to baser instinctive actions and Valen and Vesper are no exception. Valen especially - he's an apex predator who tends to choose aggression first in any situation. Vesper has that same ability, but was not raised to be a weapon the way Valen was, and is much gentler.
The importance of all this is that when a daywalker blood bonds, they are choosing to open up the most sensitive and delicate parts of them to their mate. My daywalkers soften immensely in the presence of their mates, that blood bond made in such complete trust and loyalty and love that they have no fear being vulnerable with their mates. When Valen's and Vesper's mate/mating instincts kick in, they want to do the equivalent of rolling over and showing their stomachs to their mates. The blood bond opens up the doors to that emotional attachment and makes it very real for these predators, activating those mate instincts and helping them to be better partners for them.
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dogtoling · 1 year
hey do you have any tips for making splatoon ocs? I’ve never played the games but i’ve seen plenty of gameplay and lore videos and i want to make an oc but i have no idea where to start! You have super duper cool ocs and I thought maybe you might have a few good pointers for starting to make one!
first of all thank you, and second of all I have no idea what i'm doing but i might have some advice for making splatoon OCs. Really what kind of OC you want to make and how in-depth you want their story or footing in the world to be depends entirely on the individual person. It's pretty important to have a solid understanding of the world and setting but especially if you've done the research, you should have a pretty good understanding of how the game works, so that's already a good starting point.
First off, what I feel is important (and what i dont follow myself nearly as much as i should) is to figure out what kind of character you WANT to make, and then start drafting a basic concept based on that. When it comes to Splatoon, there's a lot of species to pick from (although Inklings are by far the easiest because they have the most context). But Splatoon also has a very unique setting and the world has potential for a lot of wacky things that you couldn't really focus on in other fandoms. So again, I don't do this that much myself, but making an OC that is clearly connected to the world and has a direct link with the series identity is always a good call. Once you have a strong start and a solid understanding of what kind of character you're working on (and you can change this later, OCs often evolve when you use them) it's a really good place to get started.
For example, you could make an OC that works at the grocery store (boring, we do that in real life). Or you could make an OC that works in collecting and selling Super Sea Snails from the woods and in the market stalls - we have markets, but there's also a hook of something that's Purely Splatoon, at its core - it is relevant to the WORLD SETTING.
(And also, by making up professions and minor things about the world, you're not married to what canon says or doesn't say. For example, everyone making their OCs work with Grizzco is kind of struggling with a vastly underdeveloped setting where Nintendo is still calling all the shots, because Grizzco is a real thing in the world, so you don't really have the freedom to make shit up and have to deal with whatever they say even if it's ridiculous.)
Second, and this is kind of important especially for people who aren't super involved with Splatoon: turf wars aren't EVERYTHING. Splatoon has weirdly broad worldbuilding for the type of game that it is. Turf Wars are just a sport - an extremely culturally important sport, but Inklings have Lives outside of Turf War and there's likely Inklings who don't do Turf Wars at all! What this tangent is getting into is that don't be afraid to set your OC footing that's unrelated to Turf Wars, and don't be afraid to break rules and come up with your own things for the world. There's a lot of wacky things going on and not everybody is going to do the exact things that are shown in the game. The curse and blessing of working with the Splatoon setting is that you have to be prepared to make up a LOOOOOT of headcanons for how anything works, because we really don't know a lot about... well, anything. The upside is that you can get really creative if you want to. Basically, it's good to use the game as basis, but you can really go places if you ONLY use it as basis and make up new stuff from there.
In terms of actual OC design: Inklings and Octolings are the easiest to work with due to the variety of designs we see for them in games and concept art. But if you're looking for other species, here's a list with species that appear in the Splatoon world. However assuming you're working with Inklings, I'd recommend looking at different species of real-life cephalopods if you want a character to feel unique. Base traits off of real squids or octopuses that exist (you could even use species as inspiration for what the character is like otherwise), but even outside of species, Inklings can have a LOT of variety in their body structure. So my point is you can do a lot more with Splatoon OCs than just making them a carbon copy of the playable characters in the game. Play with their body types, or eye shape, eyebrows, nose, ear length or shapes, et cetera. Inkling masks are also a good way to create interest in the design.
More Inkling-specific design: their tentacles. Now, if you're making a squid OC, they'll have 6 tentacles on their head - typically four shorter ones and two longer ones, although the game doesnt seem to differentiate on those much, judging by some hairstyles. Octolings however only have four tentacles, and they have suction cups on the outside. This is kind of the same as above: there are many canon hairstyles to pick from, but also don't be afraid to go nuts and do weird stuff with the tentacles. Inklings are known to trim their tentacles, cut them up into blocky shapes or even cut them into long strips or super-specific hairstyles that don't even really resemble tentacles anymore, and of course you can do different color combinations, scars, piercings, tattoos even. And of course if you're looking at real-life species as inspiration, you will probably end up getting ideas for the tentacles based on that. Basically, tentacles are often THE THING that sticks out about OCs.
The next best thing? Clothes. Full disclosure I really hate designing outfits (because I'm bad at it) but clothes do a lot to build character. Now, in Splatoon, clothes are REALLY not a problem because the game has such a big focus on fashion that you will never run out of options when it comes to what an OC should wear (Inkipedia has full lists of all gear from all games). But if you want to get really in-depth about what your character dresses in, there's also been blurbs of what kinds of brands the different clothes brands are and what kind of style they are known for - they have loyalists, basically. When it comes to gear, I personally don't like using the in-game gear much, mostly because I hate having to go out of my way to look at reference every time I want to draw a character. But there's a lot to choose from, and if you want to be original with it but still stick to the brand, you could make your own modifications of existing gear or make up fake new gear for your OC to wear.
But as a rule of thumb, what everyone wants from their OCs is different and I think the most important part is to just make something fun that brings you joy. So I hope this helped maybe? (I need to start using my own advice...)
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ohhicas · 1 year
How does Cos get along with Ienzo and Even? Have they met?
He got Thoroughly Vetted, especially after showing up on RG's doorstep asking for a job after the canon of Kh3. Blood tests, psych evals, darkness ratings -- only to be cleared by "oh your family actually WAS part of Radiant Garden before the fall, alright fine you're in on a trial basis."
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although he passed all the tests, the scientists are still a little wary but warm up to him easily enough. Except. his personality is a LOT. It's like a puppy constantly running around your feet if he's been assigned to watch the interior. Ienzo constantly sends him on fetch-quests to get him outta his hair. Their dynamic is many a situation where Ienzo will explain something, look at Cos's blank smiling face, realize he is Not here for his intense scientific smarts, try to reword it, look at his still-not-quite-there expression. Try AGAIN-- and then try not to laugh too pathetically when Cos finally catches on, repeats the thing in the most layman of terms, and declares he gets it. (He doesn't super get it.) Cos is a little older than him, he's assuming, but it's still like he has an eager little student who is never going to make more than a D- in his class. Even has more experience dealing with people who are "a lot" but even Cos is a little too much sometimes, so he just shoves him on Ansem to deal with so he can get some work done. Even's not quite the same tier of "literally why did you hire this?" as Dilan is, but once Cos takes off out of a room to go do his rounds, Even has turned to the others more than once to share an exhausted look before getting back to work. They dont... HATE him, but both learn to appreciate the personalities of the other two guards a lot more. (they're also a little fascinated with how someone who had family in the original Gardens managed to completely dodge out of EVERYTHING to do with Darkness. Either this man is the luckiest person in the Gardens, or something's looking out for him.)
"Braig-- Xigbar was a lot to deal with when he was pretending to be one of us, but this recruit gives him a run for his money for a patience tester." (Ansem appreciates his enthusiasm and apparent Resounding Loyalty to his family's home-country, but AtW still falls victim to 'alright, let the puppy go burn off his energy', and sends him on ice cream runs which Cos does happily. He's great at it; he can run down the steps and back up them with bars in hand before they melt.)
[ Cos's Toyhouse bio -- tho i think i said more about the subject Here than I did there ]
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God, so much of Peeta and Katniss’s relationship is looked at under such a heternormative/white lens that I’m about to go insane. Their relationship is adamantly looked at under category of romantic love, people insist that any progression of their relationship should follow the dichotomy of marriage, sex and children, with any incurred trauma regarding those things neatly swept away.  When I say I like Peeta and Katniss’ friendship better, it’s because it is actually genuine. Their friendship is genuine. Katniss legitimately likes Peeta as a person when she’s not pretending to french him for the cameras. Their romantic love on the other hand, feels too forced, feels too wanted.  It’s been shown Katniss does not experience/feel romantic love as it is the norm. She is more than capable of loving someone in a way that would lead to her wanting to spend her life with/grow old with that person, but a romantic person she is not. I would say she is ace/demiromantic, in which case it is all the more likely that the person she would have eventually wanted to grow old with was Gale. She even considers having left Twelve and living with him in the woods after Prim and his siblings are grown.  “He is mine and I am his, anything else is unthinkable” is a more solid indicator of a love leading to/wanting a eventual cohabitation and a shared and intimate life than “real or not real“ the latter is acknowledging that she does indeed love Peeta, (but not confirming as such in a romantic sense) while the former is claiming Gale as hers, and her as undeniably his. Again, not and never straight up in your face “I love this boy romantically” but “I love this boy enough to say he’s mine, and I am his, and it has been this way already”. Ouch. Don’t quote me about the “hunger on the beach” I’m not about to get into how having physical attraction can blur into other feelings, or how being under pressure can stir up physical feelings, how that could have been Katniss’s sexual awakening, how reacting physically/wanting physical contact does not denote romantic love, and a myriad of other things I could say everytime someone uses that particular quote.  With Katniss and Gale, their love is built on the basis of a shared fellowship, and their “married” life together would be an extension of the comfort and camaraderie they shared before. It wouldn’t be very romantic, but it would be two people who love each other living life together. Their entire thing is figuring out how to live, and as they once found a way to survive before, they would so again.  Same with Peeta, actually. Everyone is really keen on pointing out how Katniss is not that great with relationships and romance, but then it ends there because when Peeta comes nosing about, Katniss now magically has found her inner romantic because he loves her? Everyone we canonically know about her views/feelings on romance is undermined in favor of putting her and Peeta into the mold of a perfect couple. The only time Katniss considers her and Peeta’s married future is under duress of the capitol, ie. what the Capitol would expect of their married life, up to and including having children. A genuine progression of a situation between them would definitely not play out as your standard nuclear relationship, and I for one am sick of the fandom shoving that down everyone's collective throats. Although most people are swallowing happily, so whatever floats their boat.
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getallemeralds · 1 year
the KG masterpost, again,
hey guys who wants to read 50 paragraphs about my oc ok great here we go
the original version of this was very.. me cutting out a lot of What The Characters Actually Were Like to try and give an overview of out-of-character origins? which is fun but also does not actually tell you anything at all about them. SO IT'S TIME FOR THAT NOW
Katie G.:
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aka: KG, Prime pronouns: she/he/they
a cheerful and intentionally wacky person, KG has the permanent vibes of being "up to something". never anything malevolent (or at least not on purpose), but their friends are never really sure when they'll kick down their doors with an idea in mind. she's adaptable to just about every situation, treats everything like a fun game, and while she's able to take things seriously she never really sees a need to most of the time. he's just here to have fun! sure, chaos follows in his wake, but as long as everyone's having a good time it's fine, right?
in a setting where worldhopping was a normal thing, it became clear that something was up with Katie. originally her tendency to pop up regardless of universe was written off as her tagging along, but the difference between each version in appearance and backstory led to the idea that they had a lot of counterparts. except then one of the alternate KGs would reference something another version of herself did, or have knowledge that didn't make sense for her to know, and things stopped adding up.
KG is a case of isekai gone sideways. somehow they broke the multiverse and are existing in several universes at once-- each iteration shares awareness and memory unless stated otherwise, although it's all filtered through the pile of noise that is "existing as 17+ people simultaneously". as a result, KG mixes up names, dates, and universes, and has trouble keeping her story straight. it's not exactly something they can explain easily, so he does his best to handwave it or dodge the topic entirely if people start catching on. as an upside, she's basically immortal due to her status as a multiversal anomaly, but on the downside nobody's really sure what the long-lasting events of breaking the multiverse are.
how this works in practice is that KG has Really Weird Vibes, is permanently leaning on the fourth wall, and either goes Full Protagonist or relegates themself to comic relief to stay out of the spotlight. as a side-effect of The Incident, the "original" KG is firmly stuck outside of canon because of breaking everything she touches, but that doesn't stop her from causing a mess (to the annoyance of T1, her best friend and partner-in-crime) :D
under the cut: more of this guy! specifically the ~16ish other This Guys. i will make tumblr regret letting me add more than 10 photos per post and also not having a character limit
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aka: Kaylandia, Lan pronouns: they/he/she
kinda the basis for their own subset of AUs because you would not believe how many minecraft aus we keep getting involved in. occasionally younger (or older?) sibling of Leonaut and/or Leontids, resident self-proclaimed memelord, here to have a good time not a long one, etc.
despite their immaturity, Landia's been around a pretty long time. ..sort of. he predates the existence of dogs, but didn't really start being a Thing again until around 1.15 and his memory of The Before Times is very fuzzy. still, in a fandom where players from near the start are considered old gods, applying that to this doofus is really funny.
has a couple spinoffs including Dashtwo (time traveler that's more likely to mess things up than actually fix them, got adopted by the resident polycule) and...
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aka: Landia, Lan pronouns: they/he
(minecraft skin is a bit out of date, outfit in artwork is accurate)
branches off of Landia, but is separate enough at this point to get a fully distinct entry because [looks at notes] i love him. hailing from the far future, Lan used to be an infobroker for the ConVex thanks to their multiversal knowledge. then things went south when the ConVex found out he knew too much about them. on the run and in a panic, they tried to get off-planet as fast as possible, got knocked out, and woke up in the cargo hold of a spaceship belonging to a fleet of outlaws. somehow they managed to endear themself enough to the captain to not get kicked out immediately, and now he's a pilot for one of the ships in the fleet!
somehow none of that is the most notable thing about him. what is the most notable thing about him is that after getting a neural implant to better interface with technology, he immediately got infected with sapient malware. and also that sapient malware is also the AI of the ship he woke up on, which itself is a fork of a brain scan of a wanted criminal that attained digital immortality. the Broker AI is actually rather harmless; they mostly sit in the backseat and try to keep Lan from getting themself killed.
he's somehow even more overenthusiastic and overeager than your baseline KG. he's living like full-throttle, usually traumatizing himself in the process, and his plucky attitude is a bit out of place in life-threatening gunfights and dogfights. he knows the rest of 77-2 has his back, though.
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pronouns: they/he/she (alternating/scrambled)
cringefail pokemon trainer
hailing from Goldenrod City in Johto and then also Jubilife City in Sinnoh due to Reasons, Twone has a tendency to get in over their head. he mainly trains electric and fire types (with her starter being Eclipse the Luxray), and proudly calls themself a gym leader despite not having a gym. or any badges to give out. but she has plenty of enthusiasm and that's almost the same thing
through a series of Currently Undefined Events, Twone ended up joining up with Team Rocket and assisted in the radio tower takeover before getting sorely beaten by our other Pokemon OC Robyn. embarrassed and reconsidering her life choices, they bailed out while they still could and settled down in Sinnoh... and also stole a bunch of Rocket stuff on their way out.
currently known for: disappearing into the jungle for 3 days with a friend and returning with 3 Mews and a Mewtwo, alchemizing a bicycle, agreeing to get murdered by one of his best friends on the condition that they reference The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, getting exploded by voltorbs
technically newest addition to the roster, but he's been around a while? there was just. no art of him and the comic he was planned to show up in self-destructed before he could. but now he's back! and also is now the missing link between KG and Landia because of pixelmon.
KG the Foxcat:
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aka: Foxcat pronouns: she/they
Foxcat answers the long-awaited question of "what if KG was a furry?". happily sitting in the same zone of non-canonicity as Prime, Foxcat's job is to annoy the heck out of T1, reminisce about old fanfic, and make sprite comics of herself and her friends. they are very much not part of CV but that doesn't stop them from having a noncanon friendship with CVTails that mostly involves bullying him and locking him in the same room as T1 for comedy purposes.
Foxcat is currently the only non-hedgehog example of an Outsider, which is a thing from our old Sonic continuity Shattered Worlds that basically translates to "worldhopper with weird powers". i guess if Shadowy is Mephiles and Chrome is Silver, then Foxcat is Tails? which makes her hobby of collecting AU Tailses make more sense i guess. she thinks they're neat.
would eat a Chaos Emerald for fun.
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pronouns: she/he
didn't make the cut in the original masterpost, but then i noticed some wording in one of the MSPaint doodles of her and connected some dots so she's here now!
Ellis is the closest to pre-incident Prime in backstory and vibe, with the major divergence point being "suddenly there was an alien invasion". despite the rampant devastation, he banded together with her friends and was able to uncover the truth behind the invasion, stop it at the source, and hopped worlds a few times until settling down in somewhere close to home.
and then suddenly there was a zombie invasion.
Ellis is not a lucky person.
as far as out-of-universe timeline goes, Ellis is maybe the first instance of a KG? as in i think she was my first self-insert character, and the other KL era ones (kh!Katie, Plus, Self) were variations on her. between that and the worldhopping, Ellis is probably whatever part of Prime successfully got isekai'd instead of getting dumped in the noncanon void. where is he now? i dunno! he might've exploded. either that or she's a cryptid.
nicknamed "Ellis" because of that one time the friendgroup got really into Left 4 Dead. this may be related to the zombie invasion thing.
Katie & Teixak:
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aka: Heart (Katie), Tei (teixak) pronouns: she/her (both)
them. hoo boy, these two. Heart regularly hung out with the OCs from the KL era and was mostly slapstick, up until Sora's appearance and the involvement of the remnants of Organization XIII ended up being a herald of a Heartless invasion. side-by-side with her friend, Heart fought off as many as she could, but the two of them got overwhelmed along with the rest of her world and became Nobodies.
picking up where Katie left off, Teixak got recruited into the New Organization led by Rasemtix with the goal of "okay but what if we Did actually get everybody's hearts back". mostly she got left to her own devices, though, which included taking the mission objective of "study the canon KH characters to get an upper hand" and turning it into "hey Leixand what if we just locked everybody in a mansion for a few months and played truth or dare" until Rasemtix found out and yelled at her.
eventually Rasemtix's plan went off without a hitch because Dream Drop Distance hadn't come out yet, Teixak became Katie again except for the final chapter of YAToD where they both existed at the same time???, and then a decade later i found all my old fanfic about them and realized i should probably rewrite the KG masterpost
Kay Gee:
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aka: Kay pronouns: they/them
older sibling of local overworked CCC field agent Leo Naught, Kay is a troublemaker through and through. somehow they've ended up with the same Retry power as Henry, although they haven't quite ascended to the rank of master thief or high-ranking Toppat or special ops agent or whatever. mostly they just goof off and cause a little bit of chaos here and there, which leads to them being on the run from the CCC most of the time.
thanks to basically being immortal from both "being a KG" and their Retry power, as well as outright being able to rewind time and take a different path at any time, Kay doesn't take stuff too seriously and needs to be reminded now and then that their actions do in fact have consequences. whoops!
they are in SO much trouble.
comes bundled with their Stickmolus counterpart, a!Kay (or Akay). they're the exact same, it's just this one has inbuilt psychic powers on top of Retry and also is a fuzzy alien.
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aka: Zeff pronouns: she/her
a novice Dream Traveler, Zephyr is along for the ride more than anything else. she's very naive and prone to messing things up, but puts her all into fixing any problems she causes and tries to leave each world a better place than when she showed up. it doesn't always work.
she crosses paths with Klonoa now and then, and they have a kinda-sibling-ish dynamic? she's also friends with the reincarnated King of Sorrow because Reasons. (she calls them "Koss".)
i don't remember why she has four ears. i don't think it was ever explained. when she was younger / first starting out she hid them under her bandana but then she got self confidence about it. she also either has her own Wind Ring or borrows Klonoa's, i don't remember which - i think originally she borrowed Klonoa's, but then got her own later on?
stop everything. klonoa, get the banana
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aka: Katie A., kG pronouns: she/her
(image on right is Very old)
remember when homestuck? yeah. part of a 4-player (later 6-player) fan session from 2011ish, and while she wasn't quite the voice of reason she was definitely the voice of "WHAT THE FUCK?". originally her actual initials were KG and not just her chumhandle, but after finding out about her session's ectobiology she decided to break the mold and took her ecto-dad's last name.
her ecto-dad is also a First Guardian, a late-arrival session member, and the son of Ninten from Earthbound. i didn't process the implications of that last part until 10 years later.
originally she was the Scribe of Dawn in the Land of Ruins and Twilight, but she'd probably be a Heir of Heart now when using the canon classpects because [gestures at this entire masterpost]. her weapon of choice was bladekind i think, and eventually she ended up with a kusarigama But With A Sword and somehow didn't kill herself with it.
was like the only KL-era KG that wasn’t interchangeable with the others but HAHA NOT FOR LONG! although i think her reaction to being a crucial part of KGverse would be to turn around and leave. see you space weeb, have fun playing okami
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aka: karelessGuitarist, kG (the other one) pronouns: she/her
the troll version of Katie A., sort of! ish! they're both KGs and are a rare instance of there being more than one KG in the same setting, but they're still kinda from different universes so eh. i don't think they ever met.
in the previous version of the masterpost i described her as "the sequel to Nepeta" and that's still accurate. i don't have much documentation on her but i think her deal was that she would just beat the absolute shit out of people that were mean to her matesprit online. imagine you're blogging and a catgirl crawls through your window to punch you in the face
she didn't get much use but did cameo in a MSPFA as a cute kitty alien! (she's the one on the far left :D)
Plus & Minus:
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aka: Katie R., the Ride System pronouns: she/her (both), they/them (plural)
a resident of Echo Ridge and rather withdrawn, Katie R. struggled with identity and finding a place to belong. despite making friends and having the whole world open up in front of her, finding out about the extended multiverse only made her struggle harder to find somewhere to fit in, and this rising stress (along with the chaos of being one of the first KGs) caused her to buckle under the pressure.
this got the attention of the FM-ian Gemini. now with the ability to wavechange into Gemini Spark, the two Katies scuffled over choosing to be heroes or be villains. Plus wanted to use her new powers to fight evil and help her friends, while Minus was teenage angst and trauma personified and would sabotage Plus at every turn. this led to Gemini Spark being more of a hindrance than anything else, especially once the Andromeda Key came into play.
these two are terrible plural rep. but they also ended up being a stepping stone to figuring out my plurality! so they have one (1) rights.
two of them thursday
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aka: Katie Adagio pronouns: she/her
originally a percy jackson OC, now is... i don't know??? generic urban fantasy? in the PJatO incarnation she was a daughter of Apollo and got cursed to be a cat after royally screwing up a quest (it never fully wore off). on the plus side, she now has catlike reflexes on top of her demigod powers of incredible aim!
also she a cane (not pictured) because apparently she got mauled by a hellhound and has a permanent limp as a result and i did not remember this until looking up the deviantart posts Just Now? what the heck. she also has a mechanical wolf as a companion, which you'd think would set off the hellhound-induced dog phobia that's mentioned several times in her old bio but.. eh...?
her non-fandom incarnation, on the other hand, got caught in a gateway between the human and magical worlds which gave her a) truesight b) cool glowy magical tattoos and c) being a catgirl. the "being a catgirl" is a constant.
might've graduated from being a KG but i like including her anyway because her design's fun and it's not like i ever wrote the urban fantasy story she was gonna be the protag of
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aka: SI pronouns: she/her
second instance of a KG after Ellis, and out-of-character she's one of the reasons why the "multiversal anomaly" thing started in the first place because she was interchangeable with Heart, Plus, and Ellis. she just straight up doesn't bother making a distinction between herself and her "other selves", and everybody around her just kinda has to deal with it. it helps that she's from the KL era so worldhopping and AUs were just kinda a thing that happened all the time.
she kinda ended up being part of a trio with two other characters that would show up in other timelines, although Self's universe was the main one where all three of them were together i think.
her Personas are Nekomata and Byakko and i honestly don't remember anything else about her compared to the other KGs from her era because of the whole "being interchangeable" thing.
ok that's everybody. bye
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vivacissimx · 2 years
Hiiii😊 Can I pick your brain for a sec? (or more🤭) What do you think about the canon relationship between Jon & Theon? Parallels, anti-parallels, any possibility of forgiveness there? Does Theon want to emulate Jon? Would he follow Jon as KitN? All the best for you!
anon you cannot pay me to shut up about jon & theon 😭
this is perhaps not a popular opinion but it's nonetheless my beliefs: jon encountering and forgiving theon is a necessary part of his arc to come. hear me out! jon has been moving towards a more expansive worldview for some time now, he's deeply displeased by the entrenched xenophobia he met with while trying to affect change, and he's struggled with his own ambition in relationship to his family of origin. at some point, he's going to learn that his picture of ned stark was incomplete all along. if these two meet again, jon is going to be faced with a choice: condemn theon on the basis of a 'The North Remembers' philosophy which is exactly the sort of attitude jon is trying to combat in the NW, allying himself with people whose methods of governance he finds rigid/cruel -- or find it in himself to forgive a person he's always disliked as a rival for robb's affection/as a reminder of what he didn't have (a name), all for some greater good.
jon's not the only one, i think daenerys is going to face a similar dilemma in having to find common ground with tyrion & jon, sons of the 'usurper's dogs' as she knows them. ultimately, once all the emotional turmoil has settled, i think the only choice is forgiveness. if they don't break the cycle they're doomed
on theon's part, i doubt he'd ever ask for jon's forgiveness--the only person he would want that from is robb although in a strange twist of fate, the person most suited to understanding his upbringing is jon.
now does theon want to emulate jon? ehh no. i do think there was a mutual jealousy of sorts when they were kids, not that either of them bothered to dwell on it, and now with theon's torture & jon's death they're more likely to recognize each other's scars than idolize each other. would theon follow jon as his king? well insofar as they have common enemies sure, but as for theon remaining in the North should he survive the series... i have strong doubts about that
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nerdkiller · 1 year
what's your fave headcanon for the reactions of their family/other characters to learning abt khanpella marriage imminent?
Well FIRSTLY I think overall the Kains are against it or neutral while Vlad Sr. is generally for it but still not totally supportive... Vlad Jr. is only as supportive as he has to be in any situation but actually heartbroken and so so sad 💔 boo hoo
Victor appears... hmm... not enthusiastic? I think he *wants* his son to start behaving more and Capella will likely make that happen once she takes the reins, but still Khan wouldn't be acting in or motivated by his family's (esp Nina and Maria's) interests. Which Victor is against as a Utopian who is obv biased to his daughter's success. So i suspect his attitude is more measured n complicated. Georgiy, i think, isn't even really concerned- i think he's thrown in the towel when it comes to his family, he's done all he thinks he could have done, his life is at its end no matter the ending. He might even be for it, as he does seem to feel threatened by Vlad Jr.'s presence- i think he is less concerned about Nina or Maria's wants, or the Mistress rivalry, than Kaspar (as a Kain heir) & his overall success as a cornerstone of power. Whether he supposedly moves across the River figuratively or literally or none of the above, as long as that is met, he's fine. It's not like there are many options anyway.
Maria on the other hand is highly against it. Like so against it that this canonically becomes the basis of the new Mistress rivalry in Classic. Maria has no reason to seriously reckon with Capella until the marriage plot- which is nevertheless an inevitability for a dozen reasons- and she mentions their relationship as happening even in the Utopian ending, notably near her projected death. Nobody takes Khan's betrayal seriously enough! I could literally write a whole post about this & i likely already have and just forgotten. Maybe i will again. Anyway i think this is roughly the same case in Patho 2, as Khan mentions his sister harassing him about the Tower there too*
Vlad Sr., i think, is for it for business purposes- i don't think he'd be happy to have Maria make his son submit to her, or give the Kains that advantage. He's a pragmatic person, although i think he's still strongly male-biased. He accepts his daughter's decision bc she's smart & generally acts within his business interests, even if she is only concerned about maintaining soft power, but i think he knows how to make the loss of his daughter not touch his empire (as in, P2 said Capella would inherit nothing). She'd be marrying up, so he wouldn't lose anything. It's complicated. As for how he views Khan, i think he respects the brutality and spine Khan exhibits that his own son doesn't (& there's a whole other post on this), but he might also view that as a threat, depending. It would be interesting to see play out, esp as Capella breaks away more from her father's plans in 2.
Vlad Jr is an interesting case. In Classic, he's the one to tell Clara that it was actually the parents that first arranged Capella and Khan's marriage, before all parties backed out due to the 2 butting heads when they got older. There's so much we don't know when it comes to Vlad. I think he loves but still heavily distrusts his sister, knowing their plans will diverge. Unlike Khan, who would wedge himself between his sister & Capella, Vlad tries to flee. I joke that he and Khan would be funny to see talk, but i also feel like he wouldn't naturally align himself to Khan/Capella's plans. But he'd certainly be super fake to his face and not complain. I have a feeling he has a low opinion of Khan anyway, as he's not someone easily used (or very loyal to his own father), he's unpredictable, & an obstacle in his way. And rude. Probably Vlad will still try to make it happen with Maria regardless, at least in 2- as for Classic, we know he learns of the marriage & immediately wants to get out of Town. Which is funny in a way.
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backupthere · 1 year
💁 (for any if the Back Up There stories!)
Did readers influence/change any part of this story?
Since you didn't ask for any particular story, I'll talk about the series as a whole.
The short answer would be "no", in that each story is always complete before I start posting, so nothing that happens in the reactions to one chapter will change what happens in a later chapter.
However, there are a few things that do make an impact. The cast for the universe is huge, and sometimes I like to outsource the creation of characters, which helps to lower the risk of the background characters just being the same four guys over and over again. Those kind of things happen here rather than on AO3, where I'll post asking people to give me a number or a name so I can throw together some character lists. (Once a guy has a name he usually grows a personality by himself...)
The other thing that happens is when somebody leaves a comment about a character reminding them of somebody - particularly if they're talking about guys in the UK leagues, but it can happen with anybody - sometimes a background character gets a face or a skating style due to those comments. It's always clear that the commenter isn't doing it on purpose, and I think if it was deliberately done to try to influence a characterisation it wouldn't work.
One rule I have for myself with this 'verse is that once a fact is established, no matter how tiny, that's canon and cannot be changed. So a casual comment that gets me thinking (did these guys know each other in juniors?) or a response to a plea for character names throwing up a new guy who shares a surname with an existing character can lead to an indisputable fact - there's a guy on the Eagles who has a cousin on the Pumas and they have never interacted in any of the stories so nobody would know this, but the fact remains that they are related because somebody said so and I said "okay then". (I think that might even have been you...)
The very early stories in the 'verse, the short ones that aren't as good because they were silly throwaways before I realised that this thing was just going to be my entire life, also came from more of a chat background, where somebody (@swedishgoaliemafia) would say "hey wouldn't it be neat if - " and then just sit back and watch the carnage. The very first story came out of a chat about why a team had turned up with no backup netminder, and what might have happened to him, and although that wasn't technically influenced by a reader on the basis that there wasn't anything to read at that point, the series as a whole probably wouldn't exist if that conversation hadn't happened.
I also try not to change what I write next because of the audience - I've seen some talented writers get too caught up in their readers' demands for "I wish you'd write a fic where - " and start churning out stale and repetitive work because they stopped writing for themselves, and I don't think I could go down that route... not that that's really a thing for me, as nobody ever sends me prompts or requests for some reason! I do however have in mind that what I'm writing is intended to be read and enjoyed by somebody other than me, and I think there's always subconsciously going to be a little bit of that running through things. I might not set out to write a story or a character or a scene because of something a reader said to me, but it's always hugely satisfying to get a comment saying "X made me cry" when I'd known that it would as I wrote it.
I'm writing for myself, but I'm thinking about you guys as I write.
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sorry for asking 2 questions in one day but I NEED to info dump rq !!!
Batty keeps eating the oozsquitoes, so he keeps mutating, making him incredibly strong. And animalistic. So he goes rabid sometimes:).
I head canon that Karai and her siblings have a secret language of chirps, grunts and hiss’ they use to communicate.
Batty is a good singer, but cannot dance for his life. He will just shuffle awkwardly.
Although Batty would like to be romantic, he’s far too shy to actually do anything like cuddling and heaven forbid a kiss; but he’ll still make a card or two. And maybe some flowers. And maybe some cookies-
He’s a good artist, doing mostly doodles and bad portraits because he’s never been able to explore his talent/passion.
Patrick is incredibly flexible too, being able to catch, hold and even draw with his feet!
Patrick doesn’t use his wings that much so they’re often cramped.
During the winter, all the Hamatos take turns cuddling him and using him as a blanket. Even CJ (Casey Jr.) has gotten in on this trend. As much as Batty wants to complain, he likes to be hugged by everyone.
Patrick is a very mixed sleeper. He will either sprawl himself out (when he’s extremely comfortable or with someone he trusts), or will do the “put in a coffin” pose. But when he’s EXTREMELY comfortable he will do the bat-burrito wrap. (Usually, Karai is in the middle of the wrap.)
Batty is on the spectrum, so he finds it hard to express his emotions. He doesn’t know why he wants to flap his wings and hands around wildly when he sees something that makes him happy, but he doesn’t do it out fear. (Btw; this will be a plot point in a little one shot.)
Patrick is surprisingly good with kids, despite being cold on the outside, he has a real soft spot.
Patrick’s wings act like 2nd hands! But, they’re not useful for actual things.
I think Karai has a scar on her back from a Kraang attack (image below ⬇️)
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Batty, at first, had a huge rip in his wing from being hurt by a Kraang, but Karai patched him up and now he can fly again!
Patrick used his wings to group hug up to 7 people, if we squish.
Patrick can speak 2 languages: English (fluid) and Brazilian (almost fluid). His mother used to speak Brazilian to him, and he gradually learned. unfortunately, he doesn’t have an accent.
I head canon Niccolo as nonverbal, using hand signs and churrs to communicate to his siblings. I also really like the dynamic of mute/nonverbal (nicolo) and the one person that understands them completely (jago).
Patrick, (when he finally learns that maybe stimming isn’t bad), gets whole body wiggles and puffs up.
Textures, but more specifically sounds, is something that really bothers Batty. Like, nails scraping against asphalt is just a big “UGH GET IT AWAY FROM ME” thing. He also gets really itchy when he’s uncomfortable, sleepy or upset.
Patrick’s hair is really unclean. He licks himself on a daily basis, but unfortunately he can’t reach the top of his head, so his hair is always gross. Also, he never really learned self care tactics or how to wash, so that was fun to learn:).
Tamsin basically adopted him immediately. Like, the full “This is my son now, if anything happens to him I’m going to kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
Patrick gets jealous easy! I know, I know, crazy! But, he just can’t help but let the thoughts get to him. (Watch out, Karai, there’s going to be a lot of overprotective snuggling.)
As much as Karai doesn’t see it, Batty thinks she’s absolutely beautiful. Almost always staring at her with adoring eyes. He often gets lost in daydreams and other places.
Once, Batty found a post card from Paris, and that’s all he would dream about for a week. Then Karai came a long and now Karai in Paris is all he could dream about.
Batty is about above average height, stand in around 5” 7’. His wing spans is almost 7 feet, though, only looking smaller because he folds them up very tight.
Batty has literally never eaten food before, like, ever. He’s never tasted anything besides mutant silverfish and leaves.
(Should probably mention for future reference; Batty comes from the Scavengers, a group that hard working tech to sell off to less fortunate people. So, when the resistance in the scavengers come together, Donnie was given a HUGE pile of working tech! iPhones, video cameras, old TVs, remotes and even a Nintendo Switch!)
Does the Resistance have a garden? Because you mentioned about how Tamsin was cooking, and more specifically chopping, so that got me wondering.
Did Donnie replicate the Anti-Kraang formula? Because I saw that it’s an “organic-based shield” so I was thinking the blue stuff from the beginning of the movie, Donnie replicated and is continuing to make and give to people across the country.
Is there any fresh water, or do they have to travel to the Great Lakes/ocean to get it?
What Karai look like as a human? Or her brothers turtles?
Do they have working cellphones or do they use radios?
Does Karai have oldest daughter syndrome? I just feel like helping your mom out at such an early age would give Karai some kind of pressure to always watch after her siblings. (Not talking from experience, if that’s what you’re wondering.)
What’s the kids favorite tv show?
Do any of the kids like to draw?
Do they go on missions by themselves to prove that they’re not too young? (Feels like that’s a David thing to do.)
Has Mikey gone full “mystic meditation; dni unless emergency” or is he still part of the group?
Does Leo still blame himself? Do all of them blame themselves?
Anyway, sorry for info dumping, I just needed to tell you!!! And ask some questions since they were on my mind. Don’t forget to drink water and eat food. I will make you eat your veggies if I have too.
-Lord Freg💛💛
My my, you just love making me want to info dump about my AU and ocs and I love you so much for it 👀
Had me giggling and kicking my feet with how much Batty likes Karai, my SOUL left my body/pos about the Paris thing
Also, Karai does have scars on her back from a Krang attack! (Hey that rhymes) She got them when she was super little though.
Now, to answer your questions!!
Does the Resistance have a garden? 🌱
Yes! Yes it does! It took a few years to find some way to grow any food I'm the conditions of the apocalypse, but Donnie and Mikey were the ones who were able to discover a way to nourish and keep soil +food alive!
Its also a big greenhouse that I'm trying to think wether is inside the base, or out somewhere, but it's a safer chance for it to be inside lol.
Fun fact: Mikey spends a lot of time in the greenhouse If he's not meditating or practicing his mystic abilities. Niccolo loves hanging out with his favorite uncle (dont tell Leo) in the greenhouse, which is where the boy has grown a huge liking for plants! He likes how he and his uncle can spend time without too much chatter or anything too over stimulating for him, it's just his pace.
Note: you're headcanon of Niccolo is 100% correct! The same goes for Maggie, who usually only communicates with chirps or churrs alike- except she doesnt know how to talk.
She has a hard time grasping how to speak, and just gets her little mind stressed put if she doesn't get it right, so she keeps to herself with different ways of communicating.
Did Donnie Replicate The Anti-Krang Formula? 🔋
As a matter of fact, yes he did! Well-kind of.
We know the movie, April steals some of the plant killing stuff, and in the original timeline, she probably showed it to someone, specifically Donnie.
I feel whilst trying, and failing to figure anything put for this sheild, Donnie is near ready to give up until April shows him something she's had on her for a while.
She carried the smallest- and I mean smallest vile of the blue substance, around her neck, she'd always had it just in case since that little of it could knock out Prime krang if she wanted it to.
So, with that to work off of, Donnie got to studying and crafting!
Is There Any Fresh Water? 💦
Sadly no, they do have to travel to get most of it, which is only a weekend trip that either Raph and Mikey go do, seeing they can carry tons of water supply back with them, but that doesn't make it any less tricky...
What Karai Look Like As A Human? Or Her Brothers Turtles? 🐢
I actually have a pic of Karai human! Still have to draw the brothers... But if imma be honest the boys would probabl all lookthe same 😅minus different colored markings.
Do They Have Working Cellphones? 🌐
Nope! All cellular towers and such were brought down by the krang. They do communicate via radios, Donnies tech wristbands, and like, you know those hologram things in StarWars? Kinda like that if they need to call someone.
Im also gonna answer the Kids Fav TV show question while we're here too.
Since there's no internet and such, they're reduced to either shows Donnie has saved on tapes, or VHS Splinter had kept over the years. (Thank Heavens he kept that old VHS player 🙏)
Their favorite shows range from like-3 episodes of Bluey to Black Cauldron on VHS LMAO.
Does Karai Have Oldest Daughter Syndrome?💝
Afraid so, it's obvious it was bound to happen when she was told help out her mom while Donnie was gone... And she may have taken that a bit too close to heart.
In fact, Tam or Don never pressured the 'Eldest Daughter' idea on Karai, her thinking she was supposed to be the oldest, supposed to be the one who handled all her siblings. Even when Donnie came home, she's just a bit ancy to help put in any way, feeling like she's useless if she doesn't.
Do Any Of The Kids Like To Draw? 🖋
Oh definetly! I think David and Niccolo enjoy it more than others since they can express themselves through it more.
Do They Go On Missions Themselves?🏕
When their older? Yes. At their age now? Absolutely not on Donnies watch. He watches them like a hawk if they decide to go rogue without him or any adult watching them.
They have gone with their dad or mom to like- visit other bases, or even go with their uncles for trading, water, or supply-but NEVER by themselves.
David has tried but he always gets caught... Same goes for Karai.
Has Mikey gone full “mystic meditation; dni unless emergency” 🤔
If this question takes place after Donnie has gone, yes. Rarely is he ever seen out of his room-only popping here and there to say hello and check in, but that's like-only once every two months.
Niccolo misses his uncle, and he cries a lot about it, so much so Tam has to find the boy leaning against his uncles door in tears, it breaks her heart.
Does Leo still blame himself? Do all of them blame themselves? 💔
Can you even call it a ROTTMNT AU if their isn't any Leo angst? Lol but seriously, yes, they allblame themselves for the invasion, Leo the most.
A lot of them blame themselves for many things during the apocalypse too, Donnie blames himself for Karais Krang injury, Mikey for a mission gone wrong, where he couldn't save a labor camp, Raph for feeling like he's falling the older brother role- a lot of angst coming yalls way.
And I think that's all of them! TYSM for the asks I loved exploring into some of my Future AU stuff! Especially the guys since I haven't done much to dig deeper in their characters :]
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mikeepoo · 2 years
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The Tripiṭaka Koreana (lit. Goryeo Tripiṭaka) or Palman Daejanggyeong ("Eighty-Thousand Tripiṭaka") is a Korean collection of the Tripiṭaka (Buddhist scriptures, and the Sanskrit word for "three baskets"), carved onto 81,258 wooden printing blocks in the 13th century.[1] It is the oldest intact version of Buddhist canon in Hanja script, with no known errors or errata in the 52,330,152 characters which are organized in over 1496 titles and 6568 volumes. Each wood block measures 24 centimeters in height and 70 centimeters in length.[2] The thickness of the blocks ranges from 2.6 to 4 centimeters and each weighs about three to four kilograms. The woodblocks would be almost as tall as Mount Baekdu at 2.74 km if stacked and would measure 60 km long if lined up, and weigh 280 tons in total.[3] The woodblocks are in pristine condition without warping or deformation despite being created more than 750 years ago.[4][5] The Tripiṭaka Koreana is stored in Haeinsa, a Buddhist temple in South Gyeongsang Province, in South Korea. Work on the first Tripiṭaka Koreana began in 1011 during the Goryeo–Khitan War and was completed in 1087. The first Tripiṭaka Koreana contained around 6,000 volumes.
The original set of woodblocks was destroyed by fire during the Mongol invasions of Korea in 1232, when Goryeo's capital was moved to Ganghwa Island during nearly three decades of Mongol incursions, although scattered parts of its prints still remain. To once again implore divine assistance with combating the Mongol threat, King Gojong thereafter ordered the revision and re-creation of the Tripiṭaka; the carving began in 1237 and was completed in 12 years,[2] with support from Choe U and his son Choe Hang,[15] and involving monks from both the Seon and Gyo schools. This second version is usually what is meant by the Tripiṭaka Koreana.[16] In 1398, it was moved to Haeinsa, where it has remained housed in four buildings. Haeinsa, the temple in which the Tripiṭaka Koreana is stored, While most of the wood blocks have remained in pristine condition for more than 750 years a few were damaged when a new depository was built in the early 1970s (by the Park Chung-hee regime) and a few blocks were transplanted to the new building on a trial basis. Those blocks were damaged almost immediately. They were subsequently moved back to their initial spots and the new building was shut down. Each block was made of birch wood from the southern islands of Korea and treated to prevent the decay of the wood. The blocks were soaked in sea water for three years, then cut and then boiled in salt water. Next, the blocks were placed in the shade and exposed to the wind for three years, at which point they were ready to be carved. After each block was carved, it was covered in a poisonous lacquer to keep insects away and then framed with metal to prevent warping.[23] Every block was inscribed with 23 lines of text with 14 characters per line. Therefore, each block, counting both sides, contained a total of 644 characters. The consistency of the style, and some sources, suggests that a single man carved the entire collection but it is now believed that a team of 30 men carved the Tripiṭaka.[2][21]
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xiasgone · 2 years
A Big Revision to Sal’s Backstory RE: His Parents
Stefani Scozzari was eighteen years old when she gave birth to Salvatore. His father, Franco Custonaci, was nineteen. They were never married, and Stefani’s parents abhorred him.
Abiding by the timeline of regular Sal ( who is 90s-centric ) the two were introduced to one another through musical means. Franco was a drums musician for a small-time jazz band, Stefani behaved as vocals for the band and in doing so, she was temporarily replacing the previous singer who was pregnant.
Stefani and Franco did not get along at first, although there was an abundance of sexual tension between them that resulted in Sal’s conception. Stefani dropped all her youthful, bright-eyed dreams to care for Sal ( a baby she did not want ) and Franco was forced to put away the drums and provide for Sal ( a baby he also did not wish to have. )
So, to support Stefani and Sal, he began doing various odd jobs for the local crime family in their borough, the Cannizzaro’s. Ultimately tending to illegal activity became more of a means for him to stay away from home and avoid parental responsibilities rather than being a morally-gray means to an end. 
He and Stefani regularly cheated on one another. Franco’s reasoning was that Stefani didn’t want to have sex anymore, she was ‘robbing him of his twenties,’ and other lines of that nature. Stefani’s reasoning was that Franco was already cheating on her with women she hated, so she was doing it back to him. Their relationship was so dysfunctional that as a toddler Sal called him by his first name. But nonetheless, they still stuck together throughout their early twenties and had another kid, Rosaria.
They were somewhat more prepared for Rosaria than Sal, and Franco surprisingly had an extremely favorable bias towards her than Sal. But, just like her older brother, she was referring to her dad on a first-name basis. ( This was due to Sal’s influence. ) 
Franco never rose to prominence in the Cannizzaro Family. No, he got sloppy. Did jail time and became a gambling addict who borrowed money for the mob on the regular. Ultimately he and Stefani went their separate ways when Sal was nine years old and Rosie was seven. He avoided his kids, for the most part, but was always visible around town whether it be drinking at the bar across the street from his apartment, courting new women, or buying lottery tickets. Sal developed a deep resentment towards him, and also wondered why couldn’t he have a regular dad like everyone else. Stefani would always try to get Sal not to worry about it, but there were still social stigmas slung on him for who his father was.
Franco secretly did care about his kids though. He often bought Rosie ice cream during secret meet-ups, where he asked her for information on the men Stefani was seeing. He would watch them walk to school. He would watch Sal’s baseball games from afar. But when Stefani died, he didn’t take either of them in. This was because he knew he had nothing to offer them and he figured in a worst-case scenario, they would be used as leverage against him for all his debts.
As for Stefani, he always had a soft spot for her despite the fact they were horrible to each other. He liked the fact she would literally fight him, cuss him out, and embarrass him in public if he did wrong by her. And sure, they cheated on one another, but their sexual relationship never ended once she kicked him out. She was a “strong woman” in his eyes, and he’s never met anyone quite like her again. Of course, none of this is healthy but that was love in his mind. 
In Sal’s canon, he murders his father to secure a spot in the Cannizzaro Family. In Sal’s millennial verse, he does not murder his father because he is not mafia affiliated. So in that verse, their relationship remains very complex. They mutually use one another for their own gain. They’ve spent time in prison together. They’ve fought in prison, but also defended each other in prison. Sal’s terrified of being a father because he has Franco’s genes.
It’s awful stuff. 😔
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