n41r · 7 months
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An assorted doodles of all of the Earth-attribute monsters in my team~
I like how the most of the Earth-attribute warriors on my team are all looks like a brute (saves for Darktan who is just looking like a prick-), while Dia is looking all innocent by herself in this lineup-
And it's funny to me how Terra Fighter Rock (who is bound by lotsa of ballchains) and Terra Knight Rock (who is wielding such a big weapon with him) is much, much faster than Balt- And not just by any measly numbers, but a massive 20-30 differences as well-
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gachagachaart · 1 year
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Pls do Yandere!Alucard part 3!! I love the others! 😍
Ask: Pls do Yandere! Alucard part 3!! I love the others! 😍
A/N: I’ve gotten two asks for Part 3, so here you go. Note: Here are [Part 1] & [Part 2]. And other Yandere! Alucard’s imagines can be found here.  
TW!: As always, this is a fictional work about a fictional character. Manipulation and abuse in real relationships are never okay, and it’s never your fault. If you need help, please click on any of these: [x] [x].
Oh and for some ambiance while reading, listen to this: [x]
* * *
It had been less than 24 hours since you and your father moved into Alucard’s castle. The journey itself was horrendous, with your father laying down in the back of a rented cart, coughing with every bump in the road. 
‘At least he agreed to come,’ you thought. 
Truth be told, your father was never keen on the help of strangers, and you suspected that much was still true. It must have been the delirium from his fever that encouraged him to consent to such arrangements. 
Alucard was kind enough to help you unload your belongings once you arrived at the castle. He even insisted on carrying your father to his new room. You thanked him profusely. It took all your strengths, your fathers and yours combined, to simply get him into the cart for the journey there; yet there Alucard was, carrying him as if your father weighed no more than a feather. 
Truthfully, you were rather surprised to see Alucard walking around in the daytime- a trait you thought vampires did not possess. It seemed the more time you spent with Alucard, the more you found yourself amazed at his physicality. 
Alucard had set your father up in a room exactly two floors above yours, citing contagion as a risk. Your room, you learned, was closer to Alucard’s own, just down the hall from it, should you ever need something in the later hours of the evening. 
“So, I take it you don’t sleep in a coffin then?” You asked him. 
“Not currently, no.” He answered rather plainly. “Although I have slept in one before.” 
You nodded, intrigued. “What was that like?” 
“Sleeping?” Alucard’s gaze lingered on the dark circles under your eyes. “It’s a wonderful human invention. Perhaps you should try it sometime.” 
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics. “I sleep just fine,” you argued. “Besides, now that Father is here and I’m not the only one watching over him, I think I’ll sleep better. Does this mean you’ll take the first watch?” You teased back. 
“First watch?” Alucard stopped in his tracks. “Just what sort of creatures do you believe reside in this castle?” 
“No, I… What I meant was, for my father, I’d stay up with him at night, in the event he needed anything. Now that you’re here, I just assumed we would be taking turns.” You raised your hands defensively. “Of course, I don’t expect you to. I’m fine staying up with him by myself.” 
Alucard regarded you pitifully for a moment before he continued walking. “I have some tea in the kitchen,” he said. “Allow me to show you where that is.” 
Silently, you followed the tall blonde, wondering if you had said something to offend him. Perhaps your coffin comment? 
“Cozy.” The rich voice of your acquaintance brought you back to the present. 
“I’m sorry?” You asked. 
“The coffin,” Alucard repeated, descending the stairs, “It was rather cozy.” 
* * *
The castle itself seemed rather dreary and uninviting the first few times you had broken in. You supposed it was the nature of your entrance that colored it so because now, it most certainly transformed. Gone was the cold oppressive gray interior. 
Instead, you found yourself catching a glimpse of gloriously detailed bewitching pictorial carpets and paintings decorating the walls, luxuriant red carpet providing padding under your feet, and thick insulating curtains pulled open with pendulum tiebacks between every major room. It was a bit odd, to say the least. 
In addition to that metamorphosis, the dust and stale air seemed to have vanished as well. Perhaps, Alucard tidied up before you and your father’s arrival, but that seemed quite impossible; the castle was enormous, and a fortnight was certainly not enough time for him to have made such preparations. It would have taken days if not weeks to change the castle’s appearance. Surely, you must have been mistaken. 
Following Alucard to the kitchen, your curiosity got the better of you. 
“Are things… different, in here?” You asked. 
Alucard turned his head back to you, seeing your wandering eyes and interested expression. “No,” he waved off your amazement, “The castle has stayed the same way for years, cemented long before you arrived.” 
You nodded, frowning only a little bit. “It’s just I could’ve sworn-” 
“And here we are,” Alucard’s announcement cut you off. “This is the kitchen. One of them at least. It’s the only one I’ve frequented, anyhow.” 
You walked into a rather large-sized kitchen, with a tiled floor and two sets of iron-barred windows- one right over a large metal tub sink and another perpendicular from the first and centered so the light could shine on the main oak dinner table.  Across from that second window, near the entrance door, was a large cast-iron oven, set against a brick chimney. Nestled in the furthest corner of the room was a series of Welsh dressers and cabinets, stocked with plates, utensils, and other miscellaneous dinnerware. 
“It’s lovely,” you spoke, amazed. You were drawn to one of the Welsh dressers, noticing a set of brightly colored objects there. “What are these? Dolls?” You reached out to touch them. 
Alucard scooped them up before you could, and quickly shoved them inside one of the dresser’s drawers. “Those aren’t important, don’t worry about those.” 
“Oh, okay,” you said, biting your lip. 
“Nothing, it’s just,” you gestured to where the dolls were hidden, “I wasn’t going to make fun of you, you know.” 
Alucard walked over to the stove. “Oh?” He placed a kettle on one of the cooktops, before turning a knob and striking a match to ignite a small flame. 
“I have, or, had dolls from my childhood too. They’re probably falling apart at the seams back home somewhere,” you mused, “Or I might have lost them. Either way, it’s nothing to feel shame about.” 
Alucard swallowed harshly. “They were… they remind me of some old friends who are no longer with us.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” You pulled out a chair from the table, opposite the side with the stove. “Did they live here as well?” 
Alucard nodded, retrieving a tea set from a different dresser. “For a short while, yes.” 
“What happened to them?” 
He shrugged, placing a fine pewter saucer and teacup before you. “The same thing that happens to all humans: they were born, they aged, they died. It's certainly not a novel concept.” 
At that moment you felt such sadness for him. You knew the castle was ancient, and you knew the stories of vampires began long before you were born, but you never bothered to ask Alucard his age, or where he fit in with the timing of all the local folklore. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you exactly?” You watched the slightest bit of a smirk grace Alucard’s face. 
“‘Old’?” You echoed. 
“Older,” he said again for emphasis. 
“Older than me?” 
He nodded. 
“Older than my Father?” 
“Yes,” Alucard answered, drawing out the ‘s’ sound, in a soft hiss. 
Nervous, you picked up the empty teacup to admire it. The metallic pewter cup was rather dainty, with an impressive embossed pattern at both the top and bottom rims with an equally impressive embossed saucer to match. It was very pretty, and nothing like you had at home. 
You watched as Alucard poured the boiled water from the kettle into the large metal teapot on the table. The silence as he poured felt more and more suffocating as time went on. You suppose Alucard felt it too, seeing as how once the kettle was back on the cooktop, he was the one to initiate conversation. 
“You and your Father are close, I presume?” 
You nodded. “More so since my Mother and older Brother passed.” Seeing Alucard’s perplexed expression, you continued. “She died in childbirth, and my Brother, well, he joined her shortly after. That was a few years ago. My Father’s all I have left.” 
“Why haven’t you married?” 
“Excuse me?”
“You’re well of age.” 
“I-” you scoffed, momentarily lost for words. “Are you calling me old? I’m the youngest one here!” 
“You’re avoiding my question.” 
“I’m not obligated to answer.” 
Alucard said nothing, only picked up the pot and poured you a cup of steaming, freshly brewed tea. Again, the two of you sat in silence. 
Feeling less awkward with the silence this time round, you blew lightly over the rim of your cup before taking a tentative sip, careful not to burn your mouth. You then watched half in awe, half in horror as Alucard took a hearty sip, clearly unfazed by the scalding hot temperature. 
Seeing your appalled expression, Alucard chuckled a bit. “Another vampire trait.” 
“Is there anything that harms you?” You asked, incredulous. “You don’t burn up in sunlight, you’re not controlled by feral bloodlust around people, and just now with the tea, scalding water doesn’t phase you one bit.” 
“I do have weaknesses retained by vampires, yes. Just as I have vampiric strengths.” 
“How do you know which is which?” You asked, taking a sip of your tea, the temperature finally being low enough. 
“I’ve had years to experiment. Trial and error.” He answered.
“Yes, but if your trial went wrong, couldn’t you accidentally injure yourself?” 
“Better me than an enemy.” 
You nodded. “I suppose.” 
“What about you?” Alucard asked. “How long did you experiment before realizing you needed further help in curing your Father?” 
You thought back. “I didn’t do any experiments, I just tried everything I thought of to make him better. And I thought it worked, but then the sweats- 
“And the cough?” Alucard interrupted. 
“Yes, the cough returned. So I visited our wise woman and she sold me a tincture of wormwood and radish. It didn’t do anything. Well, it turned his skin red, but that’s about all. That’s why I came here. This place was my last hope.” 
Alucard did not comment on your desperation as he poured you more tea. 
“I’m truly grateful. Thank you,” you said, accepting the refilled cup. “Thank you for this,” you gestured to the tea, “And for this,” you said, gesturing broadly around you. 
Alucard brushed off your appreciation with a nonchalant wave of the hand. “It’s nothing.”  
You shook your head. “We had run out of options, what you’re willing to do, to try, it’s everything.” 
Alucard looked at you with his trademark melancholy expression. “As I said before, I believe I know what’s wrong with your Father, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make him well. But before we begin…” His hands reached out and clasped one of yours. 
You nearly jumped from the temperature difference. Your hands, having been warmed by the tea, felt like fire compared to his slender icy hands against your skin. 
“There are a few things you must know.” 
* * *
On the outside, Alucard played it cool, but on the inside, he was beaming. It had all been so easy! So easy to gain your trust, to gain your thanks. So much progress had been made and yet, he had learned your name just one week prior. You had relocated your belongings to a room in his castle, all transferred willingly, with no intention of removal anytime soon. Everything was working out better than he could have planned!
He was a bit hesitant to show you around the castle, having changed so many things. Then again, he assumed you’d be in too much of a state to notice. Castlevania was alive in and of itself, and he, as the inheritor of the estate, wielded a good amount of control over the living, breathing structure. The last-minute changes in decor were more of an afterthought on his part. Alucard truly didn’t mean to lie to you so blatantly, at least, not so soon after your arrival, but he had no choice. He feared that should he reveal he changed the entire castle’s decorum just to impress you, you would learn his feelings were much more intense than he was letting on. 
There was always a slim chance you’d feel flattered- a single woman such as yourself. Then again, in the past, Alucard recalled, his intentions were rarely well-received. It had been generations since he truly felt the love and affection of another, and it could be argued that those relationships formed solely out of proximity among Trevor’s, Sypha’s, and his destiny. With his Father vanquished, and the remaining group of supernatural beings continually shrinking in size, Alucard was further isolated as time went on. And it wasn’t just companionship he was missing. 
The longer Alucard existed alone in that castle, the less human he became; or rather, the less human he recalled how to be. That was also, partly, the point in changing up the castle, particularly the kitchen. He didn’t frequent it much, he had very little need to. Sure, he prepared food and ate on occasion, but as a dhampir, he needed very little to survive. Eating food was always more of a pleasure than a requirement. But then you were going to be living here, sleeping here, eating here. Things needed to be updated, for your usage. As a matter of fact, in his haste to have Castlevania conjure all the right things for you, he had forgotten to remove his newest addition of Trevor and Sypha dolls from the kitchen. It was a cruel trick on the castle’s part- knowing full well he wouldn’t approve of such items in his design, and yet, the castle left them anyway. It was embarrassing, and a further reminder of how rushed so many aspects of his plan were. Then again, you seemed to find it rather endearing. So perhaps, in the end, the visages of his long-lost friends worked in his favor. 
Besides, he was able to regain the upper hand, thanks to his question about your lack of a spouse. He hadn’t meant for it to come off as teasing, although, in a way, he later found he was glad it did. It brought an air of familiarity to your conversation, one that wasn’t present before. He… liked it. He liked it a lot. 
The two of you were still very much strangers, but things were most certainly moving in the right direction. 
Of course, the one sore spot in all of this was the state of your Father. Alucard wouldn’t call his prognosis hopeless, but it was certainly headed in that direction. It was clear from the moment the two of you had arrived, judging by your Father’s feverish and exhausted body in the back of that run-down cart, that there was little he as a physician could do to treat him. Even his Mother, the great Doctor Tepes would have been forced to face the harsh reality that there was little any doctor could do to secure this patient’s fate- either living or dead. In cases like these, fate seemed to hang on the wind, one swift blow in either direction could have your Father miraculously recovering, or being laid to rest. 
Then again, he had no intention of telling you that. You didn’t need to know. All you needed to know was that as long as your father was still breathing, Alucard was doing everything within his power to save him. The only thing he needed from you was your continued trust. As long as he had that, everything would work out perfectly. 
* * *
Anyway, Part 3 is here! Yea! Maybe three months from now, there’ll be a Part 4, lol. The Ask Box is still currently closed to requests, but comments and critiques (and fellow fangirling) are always welcome! (No fr, tell me how you feel about Alucard cuz I love him & it has become a full-blown problem.) 
Oh, and because I’m not a doctor or an expert of any kind, I used these links for figuring out what tuberculosis looked like in the 14th century: [x], [x] & [x]. And here’s where I read up on old-timey medicine: [x].
Links about TB: 
Britannica Encyclopedia: https://www.britannica.com/science/tuberculosis/Tuberculosis-through-history
TB Online: https://www.tbonline.info/posts/2016/3/31/how-tb-infects-body-tubercle-1/
Latent tb vs tb disease (The CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/tb/topic/basics/tbinfectiondisease.htm 
Old Timey Medicine: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/sll/disciplines/english/lion/medicine.shtml 
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anime-love31 · 11 months
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Alucard (Hellsing)- Razors Edge.
Alucard let out a soft groan as you wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him close to you. The physical change he had taken on in the fight against the German reich was still fairly new to you, you was used to a young, Baby faced vampire, not this older knight. You didn’t mind, you was with Alucard for his love. His physical appearance was always able to change. Alucard tilted his head down to you, his metal clad arms rested on either side of your hips on the sink in the bathroom, his long dark hair flowed freely down over his shoulder and face, practically hiding him. You gently reached your hands up to his face, taking the black hair in your hands, and you bring it behind his head into a loose ponytail, pulling a hairtie from your wrist to keep it off his face. Alucard watched with curious eyes in the mirror behind you as he watched you pull his hair back and reveal his face. Even he was still adjusting to his older(or younger we should say) form, it had been centuries since he was in this form, he was taken to be beheaded the last time he was like this. Your hand’s took his jaw in them, holding his face gently, which brought his gaze back to your own, and it made you smile. Piercing red eyes held your own, and it made Alucard smile at you, he spoke softly “Good Evening.. my charming little devil”. You tan a thumb over his cheek and blushed before you replied “Good Evening Alucard, you look mighty fine on this night.” Alucard let out a lighthearted laugh, his lips bared fangs when he smiled genuinely at you. “A good evening for a drink..” Alucard whispered before he quickly ducked his head and pressed a warm kiss to your neck, causing you to squeal.
You giggled and moved around as he pressed kisses to your neck ever so playfully. Once he was done assaulting your neck with kisses, he leaned back a bit, and looked down to you, one of the metal clad arms moved to rest on your thigh, he still leaned close to you. “Is that.. offer you gave me earlier still on?” Alucard asked softly. You gave a cute little nod, and reached over to the other side of the sink, grabbing a straight razor and some shaving cream. Alucard took a seat on the barstool you had dragged in from the kitchen, he still almost towered you even as you sat on the bathroom sink, sitting he got to rest his forearms on your thighs. Alucard took off his jacket, and taking off his black shirt underneath, leaving himself bare chested, he then dropped his metal gloves off his arms to the ground with his jacket. Your hands instantly entertained themselves by feeling his cool skin and it made you bite your lip, every damn time. Alucard smirked, his arms laid to rest on your thighs again, before he spoke. “Please begin”. You nodded and lathered up your hands with the shaving cream before your hands went to his face and you was smearing the cream all over his face which made him make a low noise it felt strange.
Once you had Alucard’s face covered and all the hair was prepped, you rinsed your hands of the shaving cream, and grabbed the straight razor. “Are you.. sure Alucard?” You wanted to make sure he truly did still want this. He gave a soft nod. “Do it my dear..”. You brought a hand to hold his jaw, before you brought the razor up to his right side of his face, and you began to shave his face off the hair. Ever so gently dragging the sharp razor blade from his cheek to jawline, throwing the hair and cream mix into the sink beside you, you brought it up again for another stripe. Alucard watched with a loving gaze in the mirror over your shoulder as you took gentle and steady breaths when you shaved him. One of his hands tightened along your hip as a show of affection when you turned his head to the other side to begin shaving the left. Eventually you turned him straight to face you, gently tilting his head back a bit to shave the mustache he had, his eyes twinkled with a slight mischievous look. You gently teased him. “Alucard.. or.. well Dracula.. in this form.. don’t look at me like I’m something to eat..” Alucard chuckled lowly, his fingers on his left hand sprawled along your hip and he gave a little squeeze before he spoke lowly “oh.. but you are. The lifeblood that flows through your veins.. is delicious. And I would take my time eating you..” his words sent heat through your belly and it made your thighs give a small tremble. Alucard laughed deeply. You shook your head and reached for a clean rag, soaking it with water. Alucard slid his hands down to your thighs where his rather large hands gripped them tightly, causing you to make a moan and blush heavily. You gave him a gentle thump to the head before you began to rinse off his cleanly shaven face with the water and rag. Alucard gave a look of desire. You then grabbed a clean towel and dried off his face, giving him the chance to look at you over the fabric of the towel, his eyes gleamed.
Before you could protest, Alucard had you leaned back against the mirror, he had discarded the bottoms and underwear you had on, and his head was keeping your thighs apart, along with his right hand on your thigh, his left had your shoulder back against the glass, his tongue was pressing to you, causing you to whimper and tangle your hands into the loose ponytail, taking it out. His long, dark hair fell, allowing you to tangle both hands in it as he ate to his hearts desire. He had your thighs shaking as his fangs met and dragged across the skin, he slurped hungrily. Red eyes met yours as he stopped for a moment to speak. “Give me your sweet essence.. little one” Alucard returned his head between your thighs, he had you shaking and crying on his tongue. He smirked against you when you cried out his name and came with a loud whimper. Alucard drank every drop you gave him, when he sat up, his tongue shot over his fangs, the sight made you bite your lip hard, and Alucard laughed. He spoke low and seductive. “Come my little night demon.. I have a cock that is craving you..”
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bnomiko · 2 years
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Genya Avocado, folks.
Here's the stupid story behind this equally stupid drawing. Hubby picked up the Castlevania Advance collection and played through Aria of Sorrow while he was sick. When he finished his playthrough… ** spoilers, obviously **
Me: How was Alucard? Him: Huh? He wasn't in the game. Me: WTF? *goes to look it up* He literally shows up from the start! Him: It's just Soma and some guy named Avocado. Me: ……………………………. that's Alucard. How did you not notice? Him: But he has short black hair and is dressed like a butler! Me: Hair dye. Hair cut. >< And his alias is literally Japanese for Alucard: A-ru-ka-do = Arikado. Him: *cold induced rage* The localization is terrible! Why is it Avocado?! Me: … Yoko even gives it away, she starts to call him "Aluca…" Him: I didn't pay any attention to Yoko, she just lies there unconscious! Me: … HOW DID YOU SERIOUSLY NOT KNOW IT'S ALUCARD THE GAME IS 20 YRS OLD GUH@*QOIH()^#Y
And then he demanded I draw an avocado. This is version 2.0 of the avocado, as the first one was drawn on a grocery list in about 30 seconds : p
Yes this is going in the birthday card...
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444names · 1 year
female west-indian names + georgian literas + countries of the world
Afghten Afraell Africe Afrine Agerl Aiwania Alania Alanni Alfral Algal Algium Aliba Alina Alipina Altango Aluca Alviti Alyan Alyse Amaitar Amalle Amalya Amaria Ameent Amoni Ancia Andonia Anian Anjani Annaind Anyokan Ardadon Arida Arlasca Arlasia Arlaten Arqua Artind Audia Aunte Aurkeli Ausse Azakia Azeria Aziliba Azilli Azimon Babevad Baiida Baira Bands Bargius Bekadan Bekia Belah Belahri Belom Berasca Beria Berraen Berus Bevia Bhuad Bhuatei Bhungla Bollie Bosni Botho Boutius Branika Brely Brenti Brunice Budra Budrena Bulin Burine Burith Burkmen Buruni Camara Camina Camoren Cance Carell Celania Ch'ar Ch'ara Ch'aria Chaini Chalany Chana Chandia Chani Chania Channa Charee Charica Chark Chenice Chera Chrae Chria Chrin Chtemen Chteru Chʼania Clenia Clori Clovene Coate Colad Comina Cosnic Cuata Cuatu Cublia Czegab Czego D'ivea D'ivie D'ivina D'ivli Dadenes Dannait Delom Demee Dence Denell Denna Dente Domaryn Dongo Duethae Duetna Duliste Dzilie Echal Echtond Edanna Elani Elgia Elletha Elovady Emona Equay Equin Eraingo Ericann Erini Ernstra Erylan Esabwe Esina Estalu Estan Estani Etheda Ettan Euphoe Farque Fartina Fasia Femen Femic Fijania Fiopia Fivearl Frabeva Fralom Gamauda Gambos Garaq Geoni Gerzue Ghakin Golaino Greeni Greera Grenic Grentay Guadi Guate Guini Guyan Hakhana Herlis Hevala Hilao Hindue Hiopina Holia Holos Holow Hondi Hovina Hunia Hutine Inbley Inepal Iraiida Iraina Irania Iredor Irtue Isian Istrea Itanica Itina Ittalon Itynei Jamark Janaini Jeali Jenna Jenti Jodie Jorrani Jortu Jortyn Kadady Karee Karia Karken Kazill Kelna Kenetna Kenyan Keychen Khstina Kimoni Kisau Kisha Kores Kortina Kosni Kostan Kuway Kuwayl Kyndi Kynni Kyrinet Lanicta Laniya Lanna Laosnia Laudra Lemisia Leomoa Liber Libia Libyan Lierl Linds Lishara Litana Lomones Lourus Lovand Lovani Lulina Macque Maland Malay Malfri Malgia Malom Malynn Mandra Mania Mannei Marah Marali Marand Marcia Maria Marinew Marucia Mauru Minaco Minia Moccoa Moldie Monam Mor-le Morda Morea Moree Myandan Naday Namenma Negypt Nesca Nesouva Nevie Nique Nisan Nissia Nongo Norra Omaree Omoroa Oronea Paina Paind Pakisey Palan Palyn Palynds Paraell Paree Perley Pholova Pinelle Polanna Polis Polongo Por-les Poreen Pritra Qaraq Qarea Qaria Qatan Qʼargia Raellos Ratvie Rinice Ritan Roccon Romeece Romis Rooni Rosni Rossab Rucama Rugua Rusta Sabolyn Saini Saita Salizea Sands Sanna Saunda Saurgia Senet Serdan Seria Sevena Severra Shadona Shainia Shambia Shame Shana Shancia Shands Shani Shara Sharia Sharne Shary Shavia Shellia Shevesa Shevina Shile Slady Slomin Slouria Solles Sothova Soutal Southin Spalama Spapola Sragua Srazani Stand Stica Stina Sueree Suruni Swaiti Swanada Swaylan Swili Swindie Syrida Tacia Talbary Tandia Tandie Tandon Tanis Tanua Tardes Tatica Thara Theari Thelah Thilana Thille Tlebad Tleon Tobah Tobaile Tones Toria Tring Ts'ivo Tswazer Tsʼil Tudena Turia Turkira Twynd Tʼara Tʼaryn Undorra Uniyan Uzbeni Uzberra Vadann Vakira Vatium Veavo Verzue Vincie Virae Wiland Wilin Windia Wingo Witta Wityn Yannace Yokaze Zakini Zecenn Zecha Zhalie Zhambo
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eggcompany · 5 months
Loving A Special Man Part 3
Alucard hadn’t let them have anymore sex. He just wasn’t ready for anything more. Well until he was he went to see his friend at the sex shop. 
“Hey Gretaaaa” He said as he walked through the door, tote thrown over his shoulder. He was welcomed with a ‘ heyyy ’ and a tight hug from his best friend. They’d met each other in highschool, bickering and bullying each other, always hanging around each other. They both called each other assholes and that they hated each other, but they both loved each other’s company. 
They’d lost touch when Greta went to college but they’d met back up again when Greta came home to open her own business. A little two story sex shop, she lived upstairs but most people didn’t know that. Alucard liked to come in and talk to Greta, plus he got to scope out all the funny novelty stuff she ordered, and she had a great vanilla perfume that he absolutely adored. 
“Adrian, come help me dust, I’m literally so bored.” Greta said and pulled Alucard back toward the more… hardcore stuff. Greta was like the only person who ever called him Adrian, it was his name in like 9th grade before his parents passed away. It made Alucard feel happy to hear it sometimes, knowing Greta had known him so long enough to even know about his old name. 
He picked up one of the rags she had laid out to wipe off the dusty packaging. Greta was chattering as she bent down to stack up the bottom shelf again. 
“I sorta kinda slept with them.” Alucard spat out, staring straight ahead, not to look at the look on Greta’s face. She’d kept telling him to take it too fast, not to get hurt, to be careful, she really didn’t like the idea of him jumping from no stable relationship in years to… well what had caused him the most pain. 
“Adrian Tepes, you did not.” She said and looked at him in disbelief. But also… it had been so long since he got laid. And she would know. She had to talk him away from so many 2 foot long dildos or spending $3000 on silicone bodies. 
“Well I mean not really, I mean I literally slept with them, well I slept on the floor with Trevor and oh my god he’s like a like a heater and then when we woke up we kinda… Well I kinda jerked us both off… while Sypha rubbed one out next to us… and then me and Trevor got a shower and I was gonna suck him off and he said he didn’t want to and then he washed my hair and god Greta his dick is so big. I mean like… like huge.” Alucard ended and smiled. He had already fallen too hard. Greta shook her head and gave him a look, she was not sure about it but she would support him. 
“Sounds like you had fun. Have you talked to them since? Set any boundaries?” Greta asked, going back to work trying not to make the blonde nervous. Alucard nodded, actually proud of himself. 
“Yeah I told them I didn’t want to do anything more. I didn’t tell them that I didn’t want to do anything more until I worked myself up to the point of begging for cock but… I dunno, I really wanna just drown myself in Sypha, she smells so good, Greta, she smells soooo good.” Alucard said dreamily and looked down at his best friend who was shaking her head and huffed out a laugh. 
“I assume you’re gonna get another dildo then? What’s the one you have? Isn’t it like a mini bad dragon?” She teased, Alucard had been so nervous actually trying to buy a dildo. Mostly because the realistic ones freaked him out. She’d actually ordered them for him so they wouldn’t go to his apartment, he had nosey neighbors. 
“Excuse me, I’m not a sniffling little teenager anymore. I’m 24, I ordered a real one. And it’s a medium.” Alucard said and they both broke out laughing. They both made their way back up to the counter, Alucard sitting down on the second stool that was behind it. 
“Adrian, you know you can always ask me for help. I mean, dude, I fucked you first.” Greta teased. It was true. She’d pegged him before she left for college, before she knew that meh sex was alright but not something to write home about. 
Alucard giggled and rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah I dunno I need something to like… work up to it. Ya know cause like it’s big. Like… huge.” Alucard said and soon Greta was showing him a few different options. 
“Okay, I’ll see you later, Greta. I’m off at noon tomorrow if you wanna go get lunch at the bistro on Jefferson.” Alucard offered as he hauled the now full tote back onto his shoulder. They usually had lunch together at least once a week. 
“See you tomorrow, Adrian. Love you, tell me how it goes!” Greta said and walked back to where she had been actually working before the blonde had come to bother her. 
Alucard looked determined as he stared at the new toys laid on his bed. He’d put sheets over the windows months ago so he wasn’t scared anyone would see him standing naked with a towel on his head staring down the pile of silicone. 
He had cleaned the toys first, both the dark blue stroker and the silicone cocks. One was smaller, still larger than his usual dildo, and was light pink, and the second was nearly identical to Trevor other than it was a bit paler in shade. Then he had washed himself, not as deeply as he would need to before doing it with his partners but enough for himself. 
“I can do this, without cumming, for five minutes.” Alucard told himself and tried to calm himself down as he set the timer on his phone. Endurance. It was all about endurance and stamina. When he finally got them he didn’t wanna just blow his load within thirty seconds. 
He set his phone beside his pillow, timer ready and waiting, and knelt on his bed, on a towel he’d laid out. He took a few more big breaths as he fingered himself, not to feel good, not yet, just to stretch. He put lube on both toys, the stroker and the smaller of the two dildos, and hit his timer. 
The stroker was tight and soft around his cock, he let out a shaky breath and pressed the small on button. Greta had said that if he got one that said ‘hands free’ it would probably be better to emulate what would happen. The spiraling silicone inside started to shift, sucking him in, he could help the moan that flowed out of him, it felt good, especially when he clicked the button again and it got a little tighter around him. He held it with one hand, grabbing a pillow and putting it in front of himself, he needed both hands for the back. 
He made sure there was enough lube on the pink cock, and positioned it behind himself. He took one more big breath and glanced over at the timer. 4:02 on the clock still. He was fine, easy peasy. 
At least that was until he sank down on the cock and it bumped his prostate causing him to pull back a little and the stroker to tighten around his head. He let out a shaking moan. He held still and tried to calm down but god… he was so full and the stimulation on his cock made him wanna fuck up into the toy and back on the cock. 
“Fuck..” He sighed out and tried his best to work himself up and down the cock and rock into the stroker, he needed to do both. He ended up doing long rolls of his hips, going back and down onto the cock and forward and up into the stroker, hands scrambling between covering his mouth, not wanting to get a noise complaint, and pulling  the stroker back toward himself. Tears welled up in his eyes and he glanced down at the time, he felt like he was gonna explode and surely they couldn’t be more than one min-
“Fu-uh-ck” He cried and his hand shook as he hit the pause on the timer, he lifted himself off the pink cock, he didn’t know if this was cheating, and brought the bigger, so much bigger , dildo up to his hole.  He let it touch his rim for a second, the stroker still sucking him in. He breathed out and lowered himself down gently. 
He bit his lip hard when the cock was just deep enough for it to feel like it was in his throat already. He hit the timer again and got back to trying to get lower on the dildo and thrusting up into the stroker. He felt the tears streaming down his face, he was gonna explode and he felt too full and his cock was too sensitive and he was sobbing out shattered moans. He went as fast as he could, slamming himself up and down as much as he could, crying out each time the tough silicone rammed into his prostate, and thrusting his hips forward as much as he could. 
He was so close, closer than close, he was there . He let the moans flow out of himself, hand loosely covering his mouth. It felt like he’d been at it for a century, he just needed to hear the alarm go off. 
He knew he would hear the jingle, he just needed to hold on until then. He just let himself feel good, he was so close, he knew it. Five minutes is such a short time. However when he finally got to the base of the dildo and felt frantic as his stomach filled and face was a mess of sweat and tears he couldn’t think that only two minutes had passed. 
“Fuck!” He cried out and let himself go. He let out a long whiney moan, cum filling up the stroker which he hastily turned off. He flopped over to his side, dildo slipped out of him and softening cock easily letting the stroker fall away. 
He laid there catching his breath. Fucking timer. How long had that even been? Had to have been longer than five minutes. He took one big breath, letting his eyes close, in through his nose, out through his mouth. 
“Bleh” He said and took in his own state. His ass was soaked and drooling out the extra lube he’d used, his cock was covered in his own cum, his hair was sticking to his face which had drying tears and snot and sweat on it, and he had to clean up all three toys and his hole felt puffy and used. 
He felt ready though. He also felt very happy. 
He gathered up the toys and brought them to the bathroom, rinsing them off and drying them with an old t-shirt before laying them on his sink. He grabbed his phone and let a little more lube drip down his thighs before posing in front of the mirror that hung over the sink. He was kinda happy his apartment was made for shorter people because he could face the wall, looking half over his shoulder, holding his phone up to cover his mouth and nose but showing his watery eyes and his wet hair. He took a second and ran a brush through his hair pushing it back sleekly before posing again. He used his other hand to pull himself a part, nearly, just nearly , showing his hole. He took a few and looked at them. 
He chose one that showed the lube running down his thighs and his hard nipples and just just just the redness that spread around his hole from being so fucked out. 
He sent it to the chat labeled <3 Treffy + Sypha <3, and got back in the shower cause fuck that was a lot. 
He washed his hair and let the hot water try and sooth his back that was already starting to feel a little tight. He spent way too much time in there before he was drying himself back off and flopping down onto his bed, box spring creaking in agony. He looked at his phone and smiled at the 36 New Messages notification. 
- Not Fair
-So pretty
- you should come over
-I was at work, I can’t work in this condition
They both had so many compliments before that which made Alucard’s heart feel so full but it made his cock throb when he scrolled down to the picture Trevor had sent. 
The other man had been at the shop, trying to find out how to bill out for one of the tractors that had needed work. He had gotten the notification from Alucard and assumed it was one of the cute selfies or the pretty pictures of the park or something like the blonde usually sent to them. He was standing halfway out the door, heading to talk to the mechanic who’d actually done the work when. He stopped and stared at the picture. He nearly got dizzy with how fast his blood had rushed down to his cock. 
He rushed to the only bathroom that was a single and didn't have stalls. He sent a few nice comments before really looking at the photo. 
Alucard looked stunning, thighs damp and dripping, back dipped in a sweet arch, ass looking like a perfect apple, begging to be bitten into. Trevor bit his bottom lip, he just knew that Alucard was just be so fucking good if Trevor got his mouth on him. He stared at it a second longer before he reached down to palm himself through his grey coveralls, and it took his boner fried brain to decide to send his boyfriend a picture in return. 
He was standing in the filthy little bathroom, coveralls unzipped and pulled down to show his boxer briefs, hand wrapped around his hard cock through the supportive black fabric. Just showing the print since Alucard sent a little teasing picture, this is what he’d get in return. 
He took the quick picture and then put his phone down on the sink and hastily got his hand down to work himself over. 
- Aw am I really that pretty, Treffy? Alucard sent and squealed a little as he flopped down on his bed, loving how Trevor had reacted, Sypha was typing for a long moment before another text popped up. 
She’d been at home today. Too many chores piling up that needed to be taken care of. She was taking a short break, waiting a few more minutes until the dryer was ready to be unloaded and reloaded and the laundry to be folded. She had been scrolling around aimlessly until Alucard’s message had popped up, then she was on it. He looked stunning . Body pale and smooth and practically sparkling. Then Trevor, the big dumb man, just had to send a picture of his dick. At least it was a nice one. 
- Alucard, you know I’m home, you could always come over
- That is nto fiar 
Trevor texted back as he panted,coming down from the quick messy jerk off session. He was nearly hard again just thinking of Sypha and Alucard playing together… just them… God he’d love to see it. Sypha always had a thing for shibari too, god being tied up watching Alucard bury that crazy pretty face in Sypha’s c-
Trevor splashed water in his face and shook his head. Can’t get another boner he’s gotta get back to work. He looked one more time before heading back. 
- But Trevor would get so lonely
-Facetime, he’s got headphones
- You guys are killing me
That was the last message he sent before turning notifications off and heading back. Sypha giggled and put her phone down as the dryer alarm rang. 
And Alucard pouted that his praise was done for now. However it was a step forward! At least he knew they both wanted him… both wanted to do what he was planning for. He just needed to get everything nice and ready and then they could come over and… oh and fuck him up. 
Alucard had sent a few more pictures, not mentioning that he had been trying to up his endurance so they could fuck him for longer. He also found his one nice set of lingerie, deep blood red, stockings, garter, panties, and a simple ribbon collar. He considered putting something over top but he didn’t want anything to keep his lover’s hands away from his skin. 
He didn’t want them to see his apartment till everything was perfect either. He hung up different clean sheets over his windows, cleaned his rugs, and dusted. They were supposed to come over on Friday and stay the night. 
However, when does a Belmont ever listen with his upstairs brain when a picture of Alucard in a pair of tight black panties kneeling on the floor with a hardon is plastered all over his phone. 
They both showed up to his apartment, the building looked… rough to say the least. Sypha had made him stop at a few stores so she could get some things to pack a nice bag. Tissues, a cute set of pajamas for Alucard that had little books on them, snacks, and Trevor bought a 24 pack of beer and a handle of whiskey. They knocked, beer and snacks in hand, everything else in Sypha’s bag. 
Alucard had been cleaning up the floor because he’d dripped lube across and well… the cheap linoleum floors were slick enough as is. He’d just gotten done fucking himself over, dildo shoved in himself, hand pulling at his cock. He heard the knocking at the door and threw on a pair of jeans that were laying on the floor, assuming it was his neighbor or landlord coming to complain about something . 
“What do y-” He said and opened the door only to be surprised by two smiling faces. It was thursday. His everything was all over. Oh god his dildos. He just tossed them on the. 
“No!” He said and slammed the door closed before opening it again realizing he’d just slammed the door on the two most understanding people who loved him. 
Just pretend nothing happened, he told himself. 
“Hey, what’re you guys doing here? Oh you brought stuff… I thought you guys were coming over tomorrow.” He said as Trevor walked in putting the alcohol on the small wobble table and Sypha hugged him and held up the red vine candy that she knew Alucard loves. 
“We were but we just missed you too much” Sypha said and brought Alucard down for a sweet kiss as Trevor hugged him from behind, resting his big dumb head on the blonde’s shoulder. 
“Yeah and this is a nice little outfit too” Trevor grumbled and let his hands travel down to sit on the waist of the black jeans. Alucard sighed, too sensitive from just cumming but also loose and ready for more. 
“Wasn’t… expecting you. Please don’t look around, everything’s a mess.” He said but didn’t pull away when Trevor started mouth at his neck and when Sypha undid his pants. He let out a small raspy moan and grabbed Trevor’s wrists when they started to travel under the denim. 
“Please?” Trevor asked and Alucard was being pulled to his bed but he was quick to remember and moved to shove his toys into his bedside drawer. He was kneeling on his bed, his jeans being pulled down a bit, showing off the long line of his spine. 
“Don’t look! Ugh, do not even start because I was… I was cleaning and then you guys and - Shit!” He said and finally got the drawer closed but turned and Sypha was smiling and holding up a pair of his orange panties, he’d just laid them on his chair when he was going through his underwear drawer. 
He jumped up to grab them but Trevor already had them in his hands. Alucard ended up standing there like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Arms down at his sides, hands clenched in fists, looked down at the floor, face burning red. 
“Oh c’mon, baby, you know we love em” Trevor said and dropped the panties and put his hands on Alucard’s slim hips, pulling them together. Their lips met, Trevor slipped his hands past the waistband of Alucard’s jeans, grabbing a handful of his ass as their tongues mingled. Sypha pulled the blonde down to the bed where she was kneeling. Trevor pulled off his t-shirt, ditched his belt to the floor too. 
Alucard let out small breathy moans as Sypha’s hands touched him, roaming across his chest, occasionally tweaking his nipple or running her nails across his soft skin. She traced up and down his scar, light touches ticking him in the best way. 
Trevor pushed him back, so he was flat on the bed, Sypha pulled his arms up over his head, kissing him deeply as Trevor kissed and nipped down his body. It felt nice but then Trevor’s sides were over his legs and and 
Alucard couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move. It was happening again. 
He just… snapped
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automaticvr · 1 year
Virtual Reality and Pain Education - ALUCA
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lottitoblanco · 1 year
Un año más:
De risas, de penas, y lo que conlleva crecer en todos sus matices, un nuevo comienzo o extensión, y feliz de alcanzar y lograr cada reto que me he propuesto🤲 por eso y más, agradecida.
Mis mejores compañías con mis bb's 💕 Aluca, Fergusa, Natancito y Lucifer🫶🫶🫶🫶 y Lucienne(en mi ❤️).
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n41r · 7 months
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So, take a looksie here, ye?
This character, ye? As shown on the screen, his name is Krsnik
He is one of the character I want to get in Oreca Battle, purely because he look so damn adorable-
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I mean look at this, ye? He is so darn cute-
Look at those animal ears on his head, it looks so gosh darn adorable Idbndjxjnsbxhd--
I've been thinking about this guy ever since I saw the latest New Chapter 3 update on the arcade-
Krsnik is a 3★ warrior type monster with water attribute, his EX move can transform him into a beast-type monster of 4★ or less
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To get him, you will need to combine 3★ Alucard (holding this item called "White Membrane"?) with 3★ Magic Knight Magica
Or, 3★ Simon with 3★ Magic Knight Magica holding "White Membrane"
(looks like level doesn't matter, as long as the right monster hold the right item before combining)
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And "White Membrane" (probably named differently on EN version) is an item that's dropped after a battle against Krsnik himself
Since the item is not written as rare, it probably could also dropped if you lose against him, but winning is always seem much more favorable in cases like this
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And according to the JP fanwiki, if you activated his EX move and didn't scan any card of your own, he will automatically transform into a wolf that looks like the one on his card illustration
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Also, a funfact written on fanwiki, is that in the spin-off game "Solomon Program", Krsnik is said to be a daifuku lover
I can't wait to fight him and hear his voice, jwbdjfjdjsj-
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E-bike Attraction compels Market Players to embrace Innovation
Mobility plays a pivotal role in today’s fast-paced world. There is an increasing concern for developing sustainable mobility options for the coming generations, especially due to the growing environmental concerns. Electric bikes or e-bikes have emerged as the perfect choice in this regard.
They are an eco-friendly and reliable mode of transportation. Moreover, with the help of electric motors, these bikes allow riders to maneuver through otherwise difficult to navigate rough terrains. Besides, they are noiseless, space-saving, and most importantly, ensure good health. These numerous benefits have increased their sales.
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Our study estimates the global e-bike market to evolve with 10.12% (by revenue) and 9.97% (by volume) of CAGRs during the forecast period, 2022 to 2028. Key factors pedaling the market towards growth are:
Increased Investments for Infrastructure Development
E-bikes are more affordable than fuel-based vehicles, do not mandate a license, and can be used on existing bicycling infrastructure. With the rising consumer inclination towards these bikes, governments across key markets are focusing on building a suitable infrastructure for their smooth usage, such as tracks and public charging stations. In November 2017, Ola Electric partnered with IOCL to set up the first fast-charging station for electric vehicles at a fuel station in Nagpur, India.
Focus on Innovation
To gain a higher market share, manufacturers are trying to attract buyers’ attention with innovative product launches and strategies. For instance, in April 2021, Netherlands-based SunRider launched a solar-powered, self-charging e-bike. Whereas, in January 2020, VanMoof, another Dutch company, introduced a first-of-its-kind virtual buying experience for its products, by integrating a new augmented reality tool into its website.
Hurdles in the Growth Path
The cost of an e-bike majorly depends on its grade and quality. Electric bikes are becoming more expensive than traditional motorbikes. For example, a mountain e-bike costs nearly $4,150 on average, with some models $9,000. Moreover, the high cost of electric bike batteries also hinders their adoption. For instance, US-based Bosch E-Bike Systems offers a 500 Wh lithium-ion battery pack at around $900.
Further, in 2018, users reported injuries due to the malfunctioning of the brakes of Uber’s dockless pink ‘Jump’ bikes. The company thus had to retract this product range from the market to repair the defective front brakes. The rise in recall incidents owing to the malfunctioning of e-bikes is significantly restraining the market’s growth.
Regional Market Roundup
Europe is estimated to show the fastest growth rate over the forecast period
The key growth enabler for this market is the presence of a well-developed infrastructure. Further, in some European nations, electric bikes are outselling conventional bikes. France has a national incentive scheme encouraging e-bike purchase, which supplements the market growth in this region.
Cargo e-bikes are considered an effective solution for logistics problems. Recent trends, such as the e-commerce boom, have surged the demand for transport, which reinforces a positive outlook for electric cargo bike sales. In Germany, the Pon Bike Group launched a cargo e-bike with a 100 kg load capacity, called Gazelle D10, in collaboration with DOCKR and Aluca.
Asia-Pacific is the leading region in the global scenario
Government incentives promoting e-bike adoption largely drive the market growth in this region. China dominates the e-bike market, not just in the APAC, but also globally. In its highly populated cities, e-bikes serve as an ideal commute mode. Moreover, the Indian market holds immense potential, owing to an increase in the number of startups working in this space.
E-scooters are equipped with storage holders or a seat compartment. Also, their energy requirements are significantly lower than those of other EVs, which helps save on monthly electricity bills. In October 2020, Hero Electric launched upgraded versions of its Nyx B2B electric scooters, starting from INR 63,990.
The Road to Opportunities
E-bike sharing can be an ideal solution to reduce transportation costs, especially for cycling enthusiasts with low budgets or usage. In fact, it has emerged as a lucrative business model in several countries. For instance, a 3-day bike-share pass costs $17 in Washington, D.C. Also, with the rising fuel prices, rapid urbanization, and growing traffic congestion, electric bikes seem a feasible option, globally. All these factors present innumerable opportunities for the expansion of the e-bike market.
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unsoundwork · 2 years
unsound 2022.11.05.SAT
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2022.11.05.SAT Start 23:00 @Compufunk Records Door 1500yen w/1D DJ ALUCA MiTSUYAS SHIRAKAWA YOSHIDA natural wine bar nekojita
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danevelkan · 3 years
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Luca x Alberto Underwater dancing
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symphonyofthewrite · 4 years
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Seven Years Bad Luck...Or Maybe Just a Moment 
Wonderful cover art by niuan_ on instagram!! Please please go check them out!! Their Castlevania art is incredible!! I'll put a link to their insta in a reblog!!
Fandom: Castlevania Netflix 
Summary: Adrian broke the mirror in his father's study...how will Dracula ever forgive him? 
Originally written for the prompt "Please give us Lisa and Vlad just being loving science parents (bonus points if they’re protective)" I’ll put the link to the original post in a reblog!! 
Father was going to be furious.
Adrian’s brain ran through all the potential scenarios; at first his father’s voice raised and came down on him, and at last he felt the dirt outside the castle—thrown out, on the grounds that breaking a mirror was more than bad luck. Sure, it might be a small chance that would happen, but a child’s imagination hasn’t been domesticated yet.
“Are you alright, sweetie?” his mother asked at the dinner table, putting a hand on his shoulder, “You’ve barely touched your food.”
Adrian didn’t say anything. He wanted to speak, to defend himself, to lie, but words were fickle and cruel; they rose to surface, but when he tried to net them, they dove back down his throat.
Emotions, however, weren’t particular about how and when they appeared, and bit even those who weren't trying to catch them.
“I…I’m sorry.” Tears began to fill his eyes.
“Sorry?” Lisa half laughed. “Sorry for what?”
The boy’s golden eyes flickered to his father, who paused, and cocked his head to the side. Only confusion. No anger there…yet.
But surely there would be. His mind offered a seven-course meal on just how angry the vampire king might get in the next few minutes.
Lies, excuses dove down his throat. But the truth wouldn’t stay choked down.
“I…I broke your mirror!” he blurted out, too loudly, “I didn’t mean to, I swear! I—It just fell to pieces! I wasn’t playing with it or anything!”
He heard how loud, how tiny, his voice sounded, and the excuses sputtered and died.
He was ready for Dracula to stand tall, to demand how and why, for his eyes to flash red and…okay, maybe not ready, but expecting it, at the very least.
Instead the Tepes parents looked each other quizzically.
“Which mirror?” His father asked calmly—mirrors weren’t exactly the most common occurrence in a vampire’s house, after all.
Adrian sank down in his chair, his eyes darting away, the words a low, burbling murmur, “The-The one in your study.”
His parents’ faces broke, not in anger, but into forgiving—almost amused—smiles, like he had done something funny and didn’t know it.
“Come with me, Son.” Vlad stood up from the table—but less as the commanding presence, more in a sweeping motion that could take him away with him—holding out a hand.
Adrian’s eyes ran to the safety of his mother. She nodded; go with him.
He got up from the table, taking his father’s hand—(not as cold as one might think)—still apprehensive, but now more than a little curious. His footsteps pattered along behind the calculated tolls in the halls.
They came to the scene of the crime: the study. What was once a smooth, shining mirror, now a pile of glittering glass on the ground. When his eyes fell upon it, Adrian looked away and swallowed.
Dracula let go of his son’s fingers, taking a step forward. He looked over his shoulder smirking a little, and raising his hand.
With one motion his sin was undone; the puddle of a mirror rose, like a dog called by its owner, the jagged droplets coalesced back into the rippling surface.
Adrian’s eyes widened as he stepped closer, seeing himself reflected in it silver waves, as if he was the only one in the room. Vlad put a hand on his shoulder.
“This isn’t a normal mirror.” He waved a hand and the scene within the mirror became something else entirely: a mossy forest. He waved his hand again and before them was a moonlit beach. “It can take you anywhere in the world.”
Adrian took another step closer, mouth agape, staring at the shifting scenes, and reached out. Before he could touch it, however, Dracula waved his hand, and he was reflected in the room again.
“Can we go somewhere?” He looked up at his father, the fire dancing from the mirror to those golden irises.
The kind look in his father’s eyes flickered.
“Not…today.” He turned to leave the room.
Adrian rushed up to him. “Tomorrow?”
The vampire king paused, flicking his wrist, and Adrian jumped at the sound of shattering glass; the mirror had returned to its fragmented pile.
“You have lessons tomorrow.”
The boy followed him into the hall. “The next day then?”
“Son—” Vlad stopped, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He sighed and crouched down before him, one hand on his shoulder, the other brushing through his son’s hair.
“You are one of the brightest children I’ve ever met—and I don’t meet a lot of children,” he chuckled. “You are kind, and gentle… and you always do what you feel is right.”
Adrian smiled sheepishly.
His father twisted a lock of his hair around his finger. “But the world out there…”—Excitement ran from Adrian’s toes to the tip of his tongue, but he said nothing; something made his father’s eyes look redder— “Has no place for that.” He turned his nail, cutting the strand of hair. “Your place is here, in the castle, with your mother and I, where it’s safe.”
Adrian looked at the ground, biting his lip, desperately trying to keep the fluttering thing in his stomach from dying.
“But I—”
His father raised himself back up, six feet tall and all vampire.
“It’s time for bed.” He said, and it’s not up for discussion.
“What’s it like, out there?” Adrian asked as his mother tucked him in for bed.
“Well,” she thought about it. “It’s big,” she pulled the covers tight around his shoulders. “Bigger than you could imagine. And colorful, much more than this drab, old place. The sun is so bright, and it has a way of illuminating everything beneath it, making it look more beautiful. And there are hundreds of thousands of animals, howling—awoo!—and meowing”—she pawed at him—“and chirping”—she whistled—“and just as many people—all creating wonderful things, singing, dancing…” She trailed off.
She seemed so happy when she talked about the outside world. Surely it wasn't so awful a place.
“Mother?” he asked softly.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“…Will I ever get to go out there?”
“Why of course! Why do you ask?”
“Father says…he says that the world out there has no place for—”
“Adrian,” she paused, then reached out to cup his cheek“…your father is what most people would call an old fuddy-duddy.” She smiled, then paused, saying more seriously. “He…hasn’t had very many good experiences with people. He just doesn’t want you to get hurt.”
“So… you’ll take me out there?”
“Well,” she laughed, “I can’t exactly sneak you out tonight. But yes, one day. Your father will take some convincing, but I’m pretty good at persuading him. …Did you hear about the time I showed up at his front door?”
He’d heard it alright; only about a thousand times.
But there would be a time, many years later, a time when he walked the world, and some mirrors that broke couldn’t be repaired, when he would give anything to hear her tell it just once more.
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solar-nexus-blog · 5 years
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Almost Human
(Used @5eyed 's picrew to make the characters)
Aluca: Vampire (He/Him)
a young vampire man with a sarcastic personality, and very little strength to back it up.
Lobo: Warewolf (He/Him)
Young warewolf man who is energetic and spontaneous, as well as a MASSIVE flirt. He is very strong, but not much in the brains department.
Veronica: Ghoul (She/Her)
a young Goul girl who is jaded and done with everyone's BS. She will break your kneecap if you ask much as look at her funny.
Sage: Witch (They/Them)
a young witch who is very naive when it comes to the outside world. They are very pure in a very creepy kind of way, but charming nonetheless.
Humans that found immortality through Bloodshed. They took the life of an innocent and gained command over the powers of Darkness. They live in groups called Broods located mainly in large estates not far from civilization and human blood. Their leader is the vampire King/Queen and they get to choose their successor (which is usually their child.)
Humans that found immortality through the earth. They took the mark of the beast and gained the power to turn into such monsters. They live in groups called packs usually in large forests where they hunt for prey and make sure anyone who finds them doesn't return to tell the tale. They are lead by the strongest among them, the Alpha. Any other member of the pack can challenge them for the title.
Humans that found immortality through flesh. They took the life of an innocent, and stole their body from them. They command the powers of life and death. They live in groups called Crypts in various mausoleums and tombs across the world. They are ruled by the Litch king/Queen, who is traditionally the initial Crypt origin, but is elected upon the destruction of the previous.
Humans that found immortality through the moon. They took the life of an innocent in sacrifice to the forces of the underworld in return for eternal life and magical powers. They live in groups called Covens and live in secret amongst the humans, in people's homes without their knowledge and meeting every night in their selected place of commune. They are lead by the Coven's High priestess (always a woman) selected by the lunar ceremony.
The four species of undead are constantly at war for resources and territories. Intermingling with the other species is forbidden and punishable by death. The humans are also trying to kill them all as humans are a common food source for all of them. The humans that hunt and destroy the undead are known as "Night Hunters".
The story of Almost Human is about a teenage member of each undead species coming together to save a human baby. The undead are understandably not the biggest fans of humans and tell tales of their atrocities to their children. The four protagonists find a human baby in the woods and all fight to take it back to their homes nut upon seeing how harmless and innocent it is, decide to band together and being the baby back to its family, avoiding the wrath of their respective cultures along the way.
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iemonzzest · 3 years
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