#alumni management
alumnly123 · 10 months
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globsynbusinessschool · 5 months
Namrata Dutta and Anibrata Ghosh, alumni (Batch 2021-23), Globsyn Business School, in their valedictorian speeches, echoed the sentiments that resonated in the hearts of nearly 250 graduates present at the 20th Convocation Ceremony of the B-School.
Expressing gratitude and fondly reminiscing about her GBS journey, these two alumni shared how Globsyn exposed them to pedagogical greatness and moral values, both inside and beyond classrooms. They further emphasized that the responsibility now lies with each graduate to recall, reflect upon, and actively apply the invaluable lessons learned during their time at the B-School.
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blazingcoders123 · 4 hours
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Blazingcoders offers top-notch alumni management software development services designed to help educational institutions and organizations efficiently manage their alumni networks. Our custom software streamlines communication, event management, and data tracking, fostering long-term engagement with your alumni community. With features like secure databases, user-friendly interfaces, and social media integration, our solutions enhance connectivity and simplify the management of alumni activities. Whether you need to organize reunions, track donations, or maintain strong relationships with graduates, Blazingcoders provides a comprehensive, scalable solution tailored to your needs. Partner with us to build a thriving alumni network today!
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Tracking emissions to help companies reduce their environmental footprint
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/tracking-emissions-to-help-companies-reduce-their-environmental-footprint/
Tracking emissions to help companies reduce their environmental footprint
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Amidst a global wave of corporate pledges to decarbonize or reach net-zero emissions, a system for verifying actual greenhouse gas reductions has never been more important. Context Labs, founded by former MIT Sloan Fellow and serial entrepreneur Dan Harple SM ’13, is rising to meet that challenge with an analytics platform that brings more transparency to emissions data.
The company’s platform adds context to data from sources like equipment sensors and satellites, provides third-party verification, and records all that information on a blockchain. Context Labs also provides an interactive view of emissions across every aspect of a company’s operations, allowing leaders to pinpoint the dirtiest parts of their business.
“There’s an old adage: Unless you measure something, you can’t change it,” says Harple, who is the firm’s CEO. “I think of what we’re doing as an AI-driven digital lens into what’s happening across organizations. Our goal is to help the planet get better, faster.”
Context Labs is already working with some of the largest energy companies in the world — including EQT, Williams Companies, and Coterra Energy — to verify emissions reductions. A partnership with Microsoft, announced at last year’s COP28 United Nations climate summit, allows any organization on Microsoft’s Azure cloud to integrate their sensor data into Context Lab’s platform to get a granular view of their environmental impact.
Harple says the progress enables more informed sustainability initiatives at scale. He also sees the work as a way to combat overly vague statements about sustainable practices that don’t lead to actual emissions reductions, or what’s known as “greenwashing.”
“Just producing data isn’t good enough, and our customers realize that, because they know even if they have good intentions to reduce emissions, no one is going to believe them,” Harple says. “One way to think about our platform is as antigreenwashing insurance, because if you get attacked for your emissions, we unbundle the data like it’s in shrink-wrap and roll it back through time on the blockchain. You can click on it and see exactly where and how it was measured, monitored, timestamped, its serial number, everything. It’s really the gold standard of proof.”
An unconventional master’s
Harple came to MIT as a serial founder whose companies had pioneered several foundational internet technologies, including real-time video streaming technology still used in applications like Zoom and Netflix, as well as some of the core technology for the popular Chinese microblogging website Weibo.
Harple’s introduction to MIT started with a paper he wrote for his venture capital contacts in the U.S. to make the case for investment in the Netherlands, where he was living with his family. The paper caught the attention of MIT Professor Stuart Madnick, the John Norris Maguire Professor of Information Technology at the MIT Sloan School of Management, who suggested Harple come to MIT as a Sloan Fellow to further develop his ideas about what makes a strong innovation ecosystem.
Having successfully founded and exited multiple companies, Harple was not a typical MIT student when he began the Sloan Fellows program in 2011. At one point, he held a summit at MIT for a group of leading Dutch entrepreneurs and government officials that included tours of major labs and a meeting with former MIT President L. Rafael Reif.
“Everyone was super enamored with MIT, and that kicked off what became a course that I started at MIT called REAL, Regional Entrepreneurial Acceleration Lab,” Harple says. REAL was eventually absorbed by what is now REAP — the Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program, which has worked with communities around the world.
Harple describes REAL as a framework vehicle to put his theories on supporting innovation into action. Over his time at MIT, which also included collaborating with the Media Lab, he systematized those theories into what he calls pentalytics, which is a way to measure and predict the resilience of innovation ecosystems.
“My sense was MIT should be analytical and data-driven,” Harple says. “The thesis I wrote was a framework for AI-driven network graph analytics. So, you can model things using analytics, and you can use AI to do predictive analytics to see where the innovation ecosystem is going to thrive.”
Once Harple’s pentalytics theory was established, he wanted to put it to the test with a company. His initial idea for Context Labs was to build a verification platform to combat fake news, deepfakes, and other misinformation on the internet. Around 2018, Harple met climate investor Jeremy Grantham, who he says helped him realize the most important data are about the planet. Harple began to believe that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions estimates for things like driving a car or operating an oil rig were just that — estimates — and left room for improvement.
“Our approach was very MIT-ish,” Harple says. “We said, ‘Let’s, measure it and let’s monitor it, and then let’s contextualize that data so you can never go back and say they faked it. I think there’s a lot of fakery that’s happened, and that’s why the voluntary carbon markets cratered in the last year. Our view is they cratered because the data wasn’t empirical enough.”
Context Labs’ solution starts with a technology platform it calls Immutably that continuously combines disparate data streams, encrypts that information, and records it on a blockchain. Immutably also verifies the information with one or more third parties. (Context Labs has partnered with the global accounting firm KPMG.)
On top of Immutably, Context Labs has built applications, including a product called Decarbonization-as-a-Service (DaaS), which uses Immutably’s data to give companies a digital twin of their entire operations. Customers can use DaaS to explore the emissions of their assets and create a certificate of verified CO2-equivalent emissions, which can be used in carbon credit markets.
Putting emissions data into context
Context Labs is working with oil and gas companies, utilities, data centers, and large industrial operators, some using the platform to analyze more than 3 billion data points each day. For instance, EQT, the largest natural gas producer in the U.S., uses Context Labs to verify its lower-emission products and create carbon credits. Other customers include the nonprofits Rocky Mountain Institute and the Environmental Defense Fund.
“I often get asked how big the total addressable market is,” Harple says. “My view is it’s the largest market in history. Why? Because every country needs a decarbonization plan, along with instrumentation and a digital platform to execute, as does every company.”
With its headquarters in Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Context Labs is also serving as a test for Harple’s pentalytics theory for innovation ecosystems. It also has operations in Houston and Amsterdam.
“This company is a living lab for pentalytics,” Harple says. “I believe Kendall Square 1.0 was factory buildings, Kendall Square 2.0 is biotech, and Kendall Square 3.0 will be climate tech.”
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servicestech · 3 months
Title: Revolutionize Learning with CRM for Education: Boost Engagement and Success with TechMatrix Consulting
Discover the power of CRM for Education with TechMatrix Consulting and transform your institution’s operations. A robust CRM system enhances student engagement, streamlines administrative tasks, and improves communication between students, educators, and staff. By leveraging CRM, educational institutions can personalize learning experiences, track student progress, and foster a supportive learning environment. TechMatrix Consulting offers tailored CRM solutions for education, helping manage admissions, student information, and alumni relations efficiently. Embrace CRM for Education with TechMatrix Consulting and witness a significant boost in student satisfaction and institutional success. Start your journey towards a smarter, more connected educational experience today!
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digital-techtune2024 · 5 months
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technavioplus · 8 months
Alumni Management Software Market - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027
The Alumni Management Software Market is undergoing a transformative journey, becoming an indispensable tool for educational institutions seeking to foster lasting connections with their alumni networks. This comprehensive analysis, forecasting from 2023 to 2027, explores the market's dynamics, including growth drivers, challenges, and emerging opportunities.
Market Overview: Alumni management software has evolved into a pivotal solution for educational institutions aiming to cultivate and maintain meaningful relationships with their alumni. This market encompasses a range of features, from contact management and event coordination to fundraising capabilities, creating a holistic platform for alumni engagement.
Key Trends: Several key trends are shaping the Alumni Management Software Market, indicating a shift towards more comprehensive and user-friendly solutions. Integration with social media platforms for seamless communication, personalized engagement strategies, and analytics-driven insights are at the forefront. Mobile-friendly interfaces enhance accessibility and engagement.
Challenges: While the market experiences significant growth, it encounters challenges related to adoption and customization. Some institutions may face resistance to digital platforms, requiring effective change management strategies. Balancing the need for robust features with user-friendly interfaces and data security concerns poses ongoing challenges for software developers.
Opportunities: Amid challenges, the Alumni Management Software Market presents ample opportunities. The rising importance of alumni engagement in fundraising efforts, recruitment activities, and brand advocacy opens doors for innovative software solutions. Cloud-based platforms offer scalability and accessibility, particularly for smaller institutions looking to adopt cost-effective solutions.
Market Dynamics Across Features and Geographies:
Key Features: Alumni management software encompasses diverse features, including contact databases, event planning tools, communication channels, and fundraising modules. Institutions seek tailored solutions to meet their specific engagement goals, contributing to the market's diversity.
Geographic Trends: The market's dynamics vary across regions, with North America and Europe leading in adoption due to established alumni engagement practices. Asia-Pacific and Latin America show increasing interest, fuelled by expanding educational sectors and a growing awareness of the importance of alumni relations.
Forecast and Size: The Alumni Management Software Market is poised for growth, with an estimated CAGR of 5.32% between 2022 and 2027. The market size is forecasted to increase by USD 116.67 million during this period, reflecting the expanding role of alumni engagement in the strategic objectives of educational institutions.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the Alumni Management Software Market is a cornerstone for educational institutions seeking to cultivate enduring relationships with their alumni networks. With a projected market size increase to USD 116.67 million and a CAGR of 5.32% by 2027, the market signifies the importance of effective alumni engagement strategies. Key trends emphasize seamless integration with social media and mobile-friendly interfaces, while challenges involve customization and adoption hurdles. Opportunities lie in leveraging alumni networks for fundraising and recruitment efforts. As the market evolves, collaboration between software developers and educational institutions will be critical in creating solutions that not only meet the evolving needs of alumni engagement but also contribute to the overall success of educational institutions worldwide.
Technavio Research Jesse Maida Media & Marketing Executive US: +1 844 364 1100 UK: +44 203 893 3200 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.technavio.com
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saitechnologies18 · 10 months
Leveraging Technology in Alumni Operations Management: Navigating the Digital Landscape
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In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, the role of alumni operations management has become increasingly vital. Leveraging technology in this domain is not just a necessity; it is a strategic imperative. This blog delves into the transformative impact of technology on alumni operations management, exploring how institutions can navigate the digital landscape to build stronger, more connected alumni communities.
1. Centralized Alumni Databases
One of the fundamental pillars of effective alumni operations management is the establishment of centralized databases. Modern technology allows institutions to create comprehensive databases that house detailed alumni profiles, including academic history, career achievements, and engagement preferences. This centralized approach streamlines communication, making it easier to tailor interactions based on individual preferences.
2. CRM Systems for Personalized Communication
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have proven invaluable in the realm of alumni engagement. These systems allow institutions to track and analyze alumni interactions, enabling personalized communication strategies. From targeted newsletters to event invitations, CRM systems empower institutions to tailor their outreach efforts, fostering more meaningful connections.
3. Virtual Alumni Events
In an era of globalization and digital connectivity, virtual events have emerged as powerful tools for alumni engagement. Leveraging webinars, virtual meet-ups, and online workshops, institutions can bridge geographical gaps, allowing alumni to participate in events regardless of their location. Virtual engagement strategies are cost-effective and accessible, ensuring a broader reach.
4. AI-Powered Chatbots for Immediate Support
Integrating AI-powered chatbots into alumni operations management provides immediate support and enhances user experience. These chatbots can assist with inquiries, event registrations, and even career guidance. AI technology ensures that alumni receive prompt and relevant information, contributing to overall satisfaction with the institution.
5. Social Media Integration
The ubiquitous presence of social media platforms offers a goldmine for alumni engagement. Institutions can strategically leverage platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to connect with alumni, share updates, and facilitate networking. Social media integration fosters a sense of community and enables real-time communication.
6. Mobile Apps for On-the-Go Engagement
In an era where mobile devices are ubiquitous, having a dedicated mobile app for alumni operations is a game-changer. These apps provide on-the-go access to alumni directories, event calendars, and news updates. Push notifications keep alumni informed about relevant activities, ensuring continuous engagement.
7. Data Analytics for Informed Decision-Making
Data analytics tools play a crucial role in alumni operations management. By analyzing engagement metrics, institutions can gain insights into alumni preferences, track the success of various initiatives, and make informed decisions. Data-driven strategies contribute to the overall effectiveness of alumni engagement efforts.
8. E-learning Platforms for Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning is a cornerstone of alumni engagement, and e-learning platforms facilitate ongoing education. By offering alumni access to webinars, online courses, and workshops, institutions demonstrate a commitment to their continued growth. E-learning platforms also serve as a valuable resource for skill development and career advancement.
9. Alumni Giving Campaigns
Technology has transformed the landscape of fundraising, and alumni giving campaigns benefit significantly from digital strategies. Online donation portals, crowdfunding platforms, and personalized giving campaigns can be seamlessly integrated into alumni operations management. Technology ensures a smooth and efficient process for alumni contributions.
10. Blockchain for Secure Alumni Credentials
In the digital age, the secure verification of alumni credentials is of paramount importance. Blockchain technology offers a decentralized and secure means of storing and verifying academic and professional achievements. This not only enhances the credibility of alumni but also streamlines the verification process for potential employers.
Leveraging technology in alumni operations management is not just about embracing the latest trends; it's about strategically using tools to strengthen connections and foster a sense of community. From centralized databases to AI-powered chatbots and blockchain credentials, institutions can navigate the digital landscape to create robust alumni engagement strategies. As technology continues to evolve, institutions that stay at the forefront of digital innovation will be better positioned to build lasting relationships with their alumni, ensuring a mutually beneficial and enduring connection.
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capsulelabs08 · 1 year
Merits of Alumni Feedback in Higher Educational Institutions
In the perpetually evolving landscape of higher education, one cannot underestimate the influence wielded by alumni relations. Alumni represent the juncture linking the past and the present, bridging those who once traversed the revered halls of an institution with those presently gracing its precincts. These associations, constructed upon shared experiences create an unique identity. These…
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enterprisealumni · 6 months
Building Lifelong Relationships: Effective Alumni Management in Higher Education Institutions
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Alumni play a significant role in the success and reputation of higher education institutions. Beyond graduation, maintaining strong connections with alumni is essential for fostering a supportive network, driving philanthropic efforts, and enhancing the overall student experience. Effective alumni management involves strategic initiatives to build lifelong relationships that benefit the alumni and the institution. This article explores key strategies for cultivating meaningful alumni engagement and fostering a vibrant alumni community within higher education institutions.
Establishing a Culture of Engagement
The foundation of effective alumni management lies in establishing a culture of engagement that begins during the student's tenure and extends beyond graduation. By integrating alumni engagement initiatives into the institution's fabric, such as through mentorship programs, alumni panels, and networking events, higher education institutions can instill a sense of belonging and connection that lasts a lifetime. Moreover, incorporating alumni perspectives into the curriculum and inviting alumni to participate in campus activities enriches the student experience and strengthens ties with the institution.
Leveraging Technology for Outreach and Communication
In the digital age, technology is a powerful tool for alumni management. Institutions can streamline outreach efforts by leveraging alumni databases, CRM systems, and communication platforms and maintain regular communication with alumni. Email newsletters, social media channels, and alumni portals provide channels for sharing updates, event invitations, and opportunities for involvement. Additionally, virtual events and webinars enable institutions to engage alumni across geographical barriers, fostering a sense of community and connectivity regardless of location.
Personalizing Engagement Efforts
Personalization is key to effective alumni management. Institutions can tailor communication and engagement efforts to resonate with different alumni groups by segmenting alumni based on demographics, interests, and engagement history. Personalized emails, targeted content, and customized event invitations demonstrate that the institution values its alumni's unique contributions and interests, fostering stronger connections and increasing participation in alumni activities.
Providing Value-Added Benefits and Services
Offering value-added benefits and services demonstrates the institution's commitment to supporting alumni beyond graduation. Alumni benefits such as access to career services, continuing education programs, library resources, and exclusive discounts provide tangible value to alumni while reinforcing their connection to the institution. Moreover, recognizing alumni achievements and milestones, such as professional accomplishments or anniversaries, further strengthens the bond between alumni and their alma mater.
Cultivating Volunteerism and Philanthropy
Engaging alumni as volunteers and advocates for the institution is essential for sustaining a vibrant alumni community. By offering opportunities for alumni to volunteer as mentors, guest speakers, or event organizers, institutions tap into their expertise and enthusiasm to benefit current students and fellow alumni. Furthermore, cultivating a culture of philanthropy encourages alumni to give back to their alma mater through donations, sponsorships, and fundraising initiatives, as well as supporting scholarships, research, and campus improvements that benefit future generations of students.
Measuring Success and Iterating Strategies
Measuring the effectiveness of alumni engagement initiatives is crucial for optimizing strategies and ensuring continuous improvement. Institutions can track metrics such as alumni participation rates, event attendance, volunteer hours, and philanthropic contributions to gauge the impact of their efforts. By soliciting feedback from alumni through surveys and focus groups, institutions gain insights into alumni preferences and priorities, enabling them to refine engagement strategies and tailor initiatives to better meet the needs of their alumni community.
Effective alumni management is essential for building lifelong relationships that benefit alumni and higher education institutions. By establishing a culture of engagement, leveraging technology, personalizing outreach efforts, providing value-added benefits, cultivating volunteerism and philanthropy, and measuring success, institutions can foster a vibrant alumni community that contributes to the continued success and legacy of the institution. Through strategic investments in alumni relations and creative engagement initiatives, higher education institutions can strengthen ties with their alumni, enhance the student experience, and advance their mission of education and service to society.
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blazingcoders123 · 18 days
In today’s digital era, educational institutions are rapidly evolving to meet the expectations of modern students and alumni. Among the many technological advancements driving this change, alumni management software has emerged as a key tool for fostering stronger connections, enhancing engagement, and improving overall alumni relations. For educational institutions, an organized and well-connected alumni network is invaluable—not just for fundraising efforts, but for creating opportunities for mentorship, career development, and fostering lifelong relationships.
In this blog, we will explore the numerous benefits of alumni management software and how it helps educational institutions manage, engage, and grow their alumni community effectively.
1. Centralized Alumni Data Management
One of the biggest challenges educational institutions face is managing large volumes of alumni data. Spreadsheets and manual tracking are prone to errors, are difficult to maintain, and can become overwhelming over time. Alumni management software provides a centralized platform where all alumni-related information can be stored, managed, and updated in real time. This includes personal details, career milestones, donations, and engagement history.
With such an organized system in place, institutions can easily access and utilize alumni data for various activities such as fundraising campaigns, event invitations, or career development programs.
2. Improved Communication and Engagement
Communication is the backbone of any successful alumni network. Keeping alumni informed about events, developments within the institution, and opportunities to contribute is essential. Alumni management software provides integrated communication tools such as email marketing, social media integration, and personalized messaging.
These tools enable institutions to segment their alumni audience based on factors like graduation year, location, or profession, allowing for more tailored and relevant communication. Personalized messages lead to higher engagement rates, ensuring that alumni feel connected and valued by their alma mater.
3. Enhanced Networking Opportunities
Alumni management software often comes equipped with networking features such as alumni directories, community forums, and social integration. These features allow alumni to connect with each other based on shared interests, industries, or geographical locations.
By fostering a community of professionals who can support each other, the software promotes networking opportunities that can be instrumental in career advancement. It also offers a platform for alumni to offer mentorship or internships to current students, further strengthening the bond between past and present students.
4. Streamlined Event Management
Organizing alumni events—whether virtual or in-person—requires detailed planning, seamless communication, and effective management. Alumni management software streamlines this process by offering tools for event registration, ticket sales, reminder notifications, and post-event surveys.
These tools not only save time for the event organizers but also ensure that alumni receive timely updates and reminders, boosting participation. Institutions can also use these platforms to gather feedback after events, helping them improve future engagements and ensuring alumni feel heard.
5. Boosted Fundraising Efforts
One of the core goals of alumni relations for many educational institutions is fundraising. Alumni management software helps boost fundraising efforts by offering integrated donation platforms, donor tracking, and reporting tools.
Institutions can use the software to set up specific fundraising campaigns, track donations, and provide real-time updates on campaign progress. Additionally, donor recognition tools help acknowledge and celebrate alumni contributions, further encouraging generosity. Personalized outreach and transparent communication about how donations are being used can significantly increase donation rates.
6. Advanced Analytics and Reporting
Alumni management software provides institutions with advanced analytics and reporting tools to measure the effectiveness of their engagement efforts. With access to real-time data, institutions can monitor key metrics such as engagement rates, event attendance, donation levels, and communication open rates.
These insights help in making data-driven decisions that can enhance alumni relations strategies. Institutions can identify trends, understand which types of communications or events are most effective, and fine-tune their approach for better outcomes.
7. Strengthening Alumni-Student Relationships
Alumni play a critical role in the personal and professional development of current students. Alumni management software fosters these connections by enabling mentorship programs, career counseling, and internship opportunities.
By providing a platform where students can easily connect with alumni based on shared interests or industries, institutions create invaluable opportunities for learning and career growth. Alumni, in turn, have a meaningful way to give back to their alma mater by guiding the next generation of graduates.
8. Cost and Time Efficiency
Manually managing an alumni network can be time-consuming and costly, especially as the network grows. Alumni management software automates many time-intensive tasks such as data entry, event registration, and communication scheduling. This automation allows the institution’s staff to focus on more strategic efforts rather than spending hours on administrative tasks.
Additionally, by improving engagement and streamlining processes, alumni management software can help institutions get more value out of their alumni networks without needing to increase their operational budget.
9. Maintaining Alumni Relationships Over Time
One of the key challenges faced by educational institutions is maintaining relationships with alumni after they leave campus. Alumni management software ensures ongoing engagement by providing regular updates on institutional achievements, alumni stories, and ways to get involved.
Moreover, by keeping alumni informed of exclusive events, webinars, or career development opportunities, institutions can ensure that their alumni feel a continuous connection to their alma mater, long after they graduate.
In a competitive landscape, where strong alumni relations can make a significant difference, implementing alumni management software is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. From centralizing data and enhancing communication to promoting alumni-student networking and improving fundraising efforts, the benefits of such software are far-reaching.
By investing in the right alumni management software, educational institutions can build lasting connections with their alumni, fostering a community that thrives on engagement, collaboration, and shared success.
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Unique professional development course prepares students for future careers
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/unique-professional-development-course-prepares-students-for-future-careers/
Unique professional development course prepares students for future careers
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MIT’s unique Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program (UPOP) is a yearlong career-development course for second-year students focused on preparing them for a summer experience in industry, research, and public service, as well as for their future careers post-MIT. The program was launched in 2001 by Thomas Magnanti, then dean of the MIT School of Engineering, who recognized that MIT students receive a best-in-class technical education, but hadn’t historically been given the opportunity to develop the softer skills that will help them succeed in the workplace.
“UPOP is a great opportunity for MIT sophomores to develop important skills that will complement what they are learning in the classroom and can help them to effectively communicate and demonstrate their value in a professional setting,” says Kendel Jester, assistant director for early career engagement in MIT Career Advising and Professional Development (CAPD). “Furthermore, the UPOP curriculum allows students to connect with tangible resources, including MIT alumni and staff, to help further their career and personal development.”
UPOP uses experiential learning to bolster students’ professional development and teaches them effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills in an interactive environment. The program begins with career basics, like crafting a resume and cover letter, networking, and interview preparation, and progresses to more complex career readiness skills, such as negotiating a salary, professional communication, and fostering an inclusive environment.
“The biggest benefit of joining UPOP for me was the self-confidence which I gained as a professional,” says rising senior Jehan Ahmed. Ahmed completed UPOP in 2023 and continued on to work as a course assistant for the program. “Before starting my first industry internship, UPOP prepared me for the day-to-day collaboration which I experienced. I learned how to approach my manager from the beginning and set expectations and goals with them which became really helpful, especially as someone new to the industry. I felt more prepared to jump into my project even though I was not completely technically competent in the field as a sophomore.”
UPOP focuses on sophomores because they don’t receive as much support and targeted resources as first-year students. Completing the program gives sophomores a leg-up on summer opportunities, which are typically given precedent to juniors and seniors, by helping them become competitive candidates. The summer after sophomore year is a pivotal time in a career path, and UPOP helps its students get ahead.
“The time commitment of UPOP was low, but I got amazing connections and support systems through the program,” says rising senior Jade Durham. Durham is also a UPOP alum who returned to work for the program.
The UPOP community is a big benefit of joining the program. Students get access to UPOP’s exclusive mentor and employer networks, which opens doors to connections and opportunities that would not have been available to them otherwise. UPOP mentors are industry leaders, many of whom are MIT alumni. Meanwhile, UPOP’s 100-plus employer network members are invested in hiring UPOP students, knowing they are now equipped with skills that many other interns lack. In addition to access to these networks, students receive one-on-one advising with UPOP’s dedicated staff and exclusive opportunities to work with MIT campus partners.
“UPOP helps sophomores figure out what they want to do after graduation by connecting them with professionals in a variety of careers,” says Marianne Olsen, an MIT/UPOP alumna whose company, Chartwell, is part of the employer network. “I personally benefited significantly from meeting operations consultants through UPOP who helped me realize that a job existed that let me apply my engineering degree to manufacturing while having the variety of projects of consulting. Until then, I thought I’d have to pick one or the other.”
UPOP is a course offering three credits for the full year, but it boasts a much lighter workload and more flexibility than other classes at MIT. It consists of three or four hour-long milestone workshops during the fall and spring semesters, which cover the career readiness curriculum described above.
In addition to the milestone workshops, UPOP’s cornerstone event is Team Training Workshop (TTW), a multi-day, intensive experiential learning opportunity that places students in small teams assigned to UPOP mentors. Teams work together on a series of activities focused on building the skills they will need in their future professional endeavors, regardless of what their MIT course is. TTW’s unique programming immerses sophomores in a wide range of practice opportunities, such as project management, negotiations, and presenting professionally, while still prioritizing camaraderie and fun.
“Considering all the networking practice and professional skills that you get to learn from experienced mentors, TTW is definitely worth your time,” says Ahmed. “You get an opportunity to learn more about different fields of work from experts. You also get the chance to learn about the communication and emotional intelligence skills that are necessary to be successful at your job, which we may not get the chance to practice in our academic/technical classes.”
UPOP’s mission puts students’ career readiness needs as a No. 1 priority, and the program is constantly evolving to meet those needs. This year, UPOP started programming earlier than ever before to account for students whose chosen fields have internship application deadlines in the fall. This includes a brand-new First-Year Speed Networking event, which took place on April 23. The event gave prospective UPOP applicants a chance to hone their elevator pitch with each other and members of the MIT and UPOP community, including program alumni and employers within the network.
The UPOP application is now open. Admissions is rolling throughout the summer until it closes on Sept. 13.
“I would tell my first-year self that it was a great opportunity to build up my confidence for networking and a wonderful resource during the internship hunting season,” says Ahmed.
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indianschool-blog1 · 1 year
India’s first Development Management Institution | ISDM
ISDM aims to create a vibrant and catalytic ecosystem for Development Management in India. It seeks to develop a cadre of Authentic Development Management Professionals for stellar leadership and efficient management in the social sector. Listen to our Leaders talk about ISDM as the country's pioneering Development Management institution.
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digital-techtune2024 · 5 months
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Pairing: Art Donaldson x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ only. minors, please get off my lawn.
Notes: Not beta-read because when is it ever.
Length: 4.5K
Warnings: Slow burn; unrequited love; angst; yearning; divorced Art Donaldson; oral sex (female receiving); vaginal sex; safe sex
Summary: It wasn't that Art Donaldson was the one that got away. It was more like Art Donaldson was the one that never really knew you existed.
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"Did you hear Art Donaldson is supposed to be here?"
The question is whispered behind you and makes your hand freeze in its signing. You're half-bent over the table at reception, fingers tight around a pen as your mind is jogged.
No way was he turning up, that's what Anne had said.
Tashi will be there, she's the head of the goddamn reunion committee, the ink is still wet on their divorce—that's what Anne had said. Hell, she'd sworn it.
So what the hell is he doing here?
The sound of your name jogs your attention and you manage to finish signing in. You straighten, taking up your name tag and haphazardly slapping the adhesive onto your top. You need a drink, and quickly. You're halfway to the bar before you feel someone wind their arm through yours.
"Okay, I know you didn't wanna come—"
"And I so appreciate you being here so that I didn't have to come alone—"
"But I got some news and it's going to be a little shocking so I think you should hear it from me—"
"I know he's here."
"What?" Anne freezes, her arm dropping from yours. You turn to see her looking stricken, her cheeks pinking with panic and embarrassment. You sigh softly, glancing around your fellow alumni. Less than half of them look familiar; your eyes catch on the odd face before you realize that you're inadvertently looking for him.
"Look, there are, like...Five hundred people here, alright?" You add. "I probably won't even see him."
"We can go."
"Look, we made the trip, we're here, we may as well stay. It's fine, okay? We're all adults here! It doesn't matter!" Your insistence is chased by a slightly hysterical laugh. "It was, like, a hundred years ago."
"...You're sure?"
"I am positive."
Positive that you need a drink, and positive that you're going to regret agreeing to stay.
It wasn't that Art Donaldson was the one that got away. It was more like Art Donaldson was the one that never really knew you existed.
You were friends, sure. You palled around, had a few classes together, hung out at a few parties—but he was so in love with Tashi Duncan that you'd never made his romantic radar. You'd forced yourself to believe that that was for the best, that you didn't need his love or romantic validation to be happy. But you couldn't pretend that wanting him didn't sting.
He'd had a couple of girlfriends while you were at Stanford, but you could always feel, always see that they were never really his priority. It was Tashi, then tennis, then them.
The two of you had kept touch a little after college, but you'd pushed yourself to move on. Conversation had begun to fade, and when he hadn't tried to keep it up, you had resolved to let him go.
You'd avoided his name in the news as much as you can, but it had been hard. He was on billboards, packaging, tv—it was like you couldn't escape him.
Want melted to sadness; sadness shifted to annoyance; annoyance hardened into disdain. You couldn't see his likeness or hear his name without rolling your eyes. It wasn't his fault, of course, but the prospect of running into Art fuckin' Donaldson made you queasy.
Still, you put on a brave face for Anne, forcing your focus into conversation.
It's a struggle to keep your gaze from seeking him out. You take each sip with a little white lie, convincing yourself that you're looking to make sure you can avoid contact. You spot Tashi a couple of times, but you don't go out of your way to say hello. She's surrounded by a cloud of people—taking pictures, signing programs and name tags and old Duncanator shirts.
When Anne insists on going to say hello, you force a small smile.
"You, um—you go ahead," You nod, taking a couple of steps back. "I'm gonna get some air."
Anne's dark eyes flit over you questioningly before she blessedly lets it go, nodding and going on her way. You turn, swiping a fresh drink off of a passing waiter's tray as you leave.
It takes a few moments for the buzz of conversation to clear from your head. You take a gulp of the prosecco, wrinkling your nose. It's a little sweeter than you usually like, and doesn't mingle well with the three other drinks that you've downed. Tashi's not going to find your lack of presence or greeting conspicuous; you'd been cordial and on speaking terms in college, but the two of you had never been close.
Damn, but it's chillier outside than you thought it would be. The reception had been so warm, so crammed with people. Paired your head being near-permanently on a swivel, you hadn't realize how hot and tense you'd been.
You frown at the waft of cigarette smoke that catches your nose. Who the hell is still smoking in this day and age—
"Are you hiding, too?"
Maybe you can feign that you didn't hear him—that the sound of his voice didn't jog a hundred memories and trigger a flurry of butterflies. But before you can stop yourself, you turn, the words, "I thought you quit smoking," tumbling out of your mouth.
Art's smile widens as he draw the cigarette back from his lips, a stream of smoke pushed out of the side of his mouth.
"I did. Quit quitting, though." He takes one more puff before he flicks it away, drifting closer. "Hi."
Hi, like it's not the first time you've seen him in the better part of a decade. Hi, like neither of you are oceans from where you where when you last saw one another.
"Hi," You manage. He doesn't hesitate to draw you into his arms; he seems to almost do it without thinking. You only allow yourself a moment of resistance before you raise and curl your arms around him. The clean scent of his pressed jacket and woodsy cologne are muddled with smoke. The fingers of one if your hands curls covetously in the fabric of his jacket as his palms smooth gently over your back. You hear him draw in a deep breath, feel him hold it, and then release it with a soft hum.
"How the hell are you?"
Probably better than you are these days.
You shrug a little, mumbling, "Fine."
He draws away, eyes skating across your face.
"You don't sound so sure about that."
"I'm sure."
You can feel him winding up for another pass at it, but you hold your glass out before he can. His fingers brush against yours as he drains it.
"Why are you hiding?" You ask. He shrugs, nods toward the door.
"It's a lot in there. I forgot what these events are like."
"People wanna congratulate you. They're proud."
"Are you?"
"I am, but I'll hold off. Don't wanna crowd you."
Your attention is drawn from Art's smile as you hear someone clearing their throat over the speaker system inside:
"If we could have the reunion chairpersons to the stage, please!"
You glance toward Art and find him fidgeting, his thumb smoothing across his bare ring finger.
"…Do you wanna go back in?" You offer. He considers before he says, "Wait here."
You watch curiously as he darts inside, and are stunned when he reappears a moment later. You just barely catch a glimpse of the bottle of champagne clenched in his fist before he rests his other hand on your lower back, steering you away with an urgent murmur of, "C'mon."
"I'm surprised you came," You tell him. Art doesn't look at you for a moment, and you take the chance to lean back against the hard plastic seat. He's as beautiful as he was the last time the two of you were together, the night before graduation—practically in the same seats. You don't know if he was thinking about that when he'd led the way into the stands, chosen where to sit. Maybe it was pure muscle-memory.
Either way, you don't know how long the two of you have been sitting out there, knees bumping, passing the bottle back and forth. You take in his profile—the slope of his nose and cut of his jaw; the bob of his adam's apple as he swallows.
"My therapist said it would be good," He finally admits. "Told me I needed to get out more, start getting back into events, work at the foundation...What about you, huh?" He turns, brows raising. "You always told me that you hated this stuff."
You're surprised he remembers.
"I do hate this stuff, but," You shrug. "Anne didn't want to come alone."
"You're a good friend. I never forgot that." He sits up and passes the bottle back to you. "What happened to us, huh?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why did we stop talking?"
I couldn't keep begging for scraps of attention.
"I don't know," You deflect. "Guess we just lost touch. It happens."
"I shouldn't have let it happen to us."
You look down at the bottle, sweeping your finger across a slipping drop of condensation.
"You were busy."
"You weren't?"
"Not in the same way," You laugh self-consciously.
"What were you busy with then, huh?" He shifts, thigh pressing against yours. "You used to always say you'd uh—burn out by twenty-six."
"Did you?"
"Oh, it didn't take nearly that long."
"What!" He laughs. "What the hell happened?"
"I don't know what to tell you, man. A girl can only take a soul-sucking marketing job for so long."
"So what do you do now?"
"Still in marketing, but I'm a manager, so. Still soul-sucking, but making a little more money."
"You like it?"
"God no, but I don't know what else I would do." You pass the bottle back.
"Could find something for you at the foundation."
You wrinkle your nose, shaking your head as Art sputters a laugh, asks, "What?"
"Don't do that, Art."
"Don't do what?"
"I don't need, you know—"
"We could use you—"
"You don't even know what I do at work."
"I bet it's great—"
"You don't even know if I'm a good worker—"
"Sure I do, I know you."
"No, you don't!"
You know it's a mistake the second it leaves your mouth. Art's smile wavers as he leans away again.
"I just mean—" You try.
"I know what you mean. It's been a long time."
"...Yeah, it has." You take the bottle back, drawing deeply from it before passing it back. "I should get going. I'm sure Anne's looking for me."
You don't say goodbye or tell him that it was nice to see him. You just make as hasty a retreat as you can without tripping over your feet.
@ a_donaldsonofficial requested to follow you. 3h
You're not sure what surprises you more—the follow request or the message in your DMs: Dinner?
His groan is sinful and low, and makes you rethink ever losing contact with the guy. Under the warm glow of the diner's lights, his eyes slip shut, fingers tightening around the bun.
"...When's the last time you had a burger?" You finally manage to ask.
"I can't remember." He admits it through the mouthful, and you don't begrudge him the couple of flecks of food that land on the table. You smile, plucking up a couple of fries.
"Why'd you ask me to dinner?"
Art sets the burger down as he swallows, taking off his napkin to clean off his hands.
"I was thinking...About what you said at the reunion."
"About me not knowing you. You're right. But you know what?" He presses on before you can process your surprise. "I don't think you know me, either."
You think for a moment, brows furrowing. He's right. You know the image of Art Donaldson that's been projected to you over the years—on tv screens, in magazines, in online clips.
"...I don't think I do," You agree.
"Figured we should fix that. Catch up, fill each other in on what we've missed."
"So, after college..." He trails off, waving his hand. "Fill me in."
"Moved to New York."
"Working in marketing."
"Burned out before 26—"
"Yeah, hit my capitalistic peak at 23."
"That fast?"
"I mean, that's the last time I remember giving a shit about work, so. Yeah."
"...A couple," You admit.
"Yeah. One."
"No. Engaged." His eyes drop to your bare left hand, and you hurriedly tuck it into your lap. "Formerly engaged."
"What happened?"
"It just didn't feel right. I don't think either of us were ready."
"...Was it anyone I knew? I don't remember you dating much at school."
"Guess I didn't."
"You weren't shy."
"Well no, but—"
"So what was it?"
"I had the worst crush on you, dude!" It's another mistake, but where the last one seemed to make Art retreat, this one leaves his gobsmacked. His eyes widen, mouth opening in a wide smile.
"You what?"
"Oh, kay, you know what—"
"I had no idea!"
"I was very subtle."
Art leans back in the diner booth, watching you openly. You can see the gears turning in his head, and you wonder what he may be remembering, holding up and twisting about in this new light.
"...Huh," He mutters.
"You can feel free to forget that at any time."
"I don't think I will...I wish I'd known."
You consider for a moment before you shrug. "I don't know. I'm kinda glad that you didn't."
"Really?" His brows knit with confusion. "Why?"
"I don't like coming second, Art."
Art nods slowly, and you see something tight pass across his face before it's smoothed away again.
"You know what?" He smiles bitterly. "Neither do I."
You nod toward his plate.
"Your burger's getting cold."
"So, uh..." Art clears his throat as the two of you take slow, drifting steps to your car. "I'm gonna say two things, and I don't want you to think that they've got anything to do with what you said earlier."
You know exactly what he means, but you just grumble, "I said a lot of things earlier."
"I think we both know which one I'm talking about."
"Uh-huh. So what's up?"
"...I wanna see you again."
"But things are a little...Messy right now. Tashi and I are working on getting Lily into a regular rhythm and it's harder than we thought it would be."
You lean back against your car, tucking your hands into your pockets.
"Mhm...I hesitate to ask."
"How does this have to do with what I said earlier?"
"I just don't want you to think that this is—"
"A consolation prize?"
"Something like that."
"Whatever you need to do to get in a good place with Lily is fine, Art, you don't need to justify that to me."
"Even if it means you come second?"
You tip your head to the side, pursing your lips. "It's different when it's your kid. I meant that I didn't want to be second to—You know."
"...Yeah," He mutters, looking at his feet as he takes another foot forward. "And for the record, I was thinking of asking you out again by the time we sat down."
"You could've changed your mind."
"I didn't. And I don't want to."
You smile, nodding. "Well I don't want you to, either." You straighten up as you fish into your bag for your keys. "Call me the next time you're in New York."
You reach out, cupping his cheek and leaning in, pecking his cheek. You pull away, smiling at the flush creeping across his face.
"Goodnight, Art."
It isn't easy at first. Messages are far and few, mostly how are yous and how was your days. You think that as nice as the little swell of contact has been, that's all it'll be—but the two of you both start to really try. The odd text becomes the weekly phone call. Weekly phone calls become daily FaceTimes. On the nights when he has Lily, they're late, usually when you're getting ready for bed. On the nights when he's on his own, the two of you eat dinner together and chat over your calls. It isn't always perfect, but it's more than you could've anticipated from that dinner a couple of months ago.
"She down?"
"Are you in a hotel again?"
"...Yeah." Art seems to admit it grudgingly, and you smile a little as you take up your toner and a cotton pad.
"There's nothing wrong with leaning into it if it's working," You argue. "And not to be that bitch, but you're not exactly broke."
"Might be if she keeps ordering room service and movies on-demand."
You laugh softly, turning your attention to your reflection as you swipe the toner across your face.
"How's your day been?" Art asks.
"Fine, standard. I had to fill out an assessment ahead of my annual review."
"When's that?"
"End of the week."
"How do you feel about it?"
"Mm," You shrug reaching for a serum. "Fine, I guess. I'm doing okay, my team's hitting their targets."
"You're doing better than okay."
"You are."
"Well. Thank you for that." You glance over as he goes quiet, catching a glimpse of him as you smooth the serum into your skin. You raise your brows at the sight of his gentle, warm smile. "What is it?"
"You're beautiful."
Your face goes warm at the compliment, and you bite the inside of your cheek to tamp down your wide, idiotic smile.
"You are tired, huh," You deflect.
"I mean it."
"...I know," You murmur, reaching for your moisturizer. "Tell me what you got up to today."
"I had a meeting at the foundation. We're starting planning for the gala."
"Oh yeah? Have you done them before?"
"We've had three before, but I was usually playing or training, so I haven't been as involved in the planning."
"How's it been?"
"We're still in the preliminary stages, but it's been interesting, you know, seeing how the pieces come together before I usually see them."
You nod, picking the phone up from the mirror holder and heading into your bedroom.
"Where are you gonna have it?"
"We're still scouting locations...As a matter of fact," Art adds, "We're considering a few in New York."
"I'll be down there for at least a few days, and I wanna see you."
You grin bashfully as you climb into bed, settling against your pillows.
"I wanna see you, too. Are you gonna, um—I mean, is Lily gonna be with you?"
"No, it'll be Tashi's weekend."
"Okay, cool. Just wanna make sure I don't mess up your time."
"I appreciate that." Art's tongue swipes across his lower lip, eyes sweeping across your face. "I gotta say..."
"I'm looking forward to seeing your apartment."
"Oh, really?" You chuckle. "Why's that?"
"It'll be interesting, that's all. I mean, you already take me to bed every night."
You laugh, covering your eyes as you groan, "Oh, god, shut up!" as Art chuckles.
"Let me know when you're free," You add. "Your schedule's gonna be weirder than mine."
"Yeah, I will, as soon as I know what it is." You watch as Art lays down, propping his phone up on the nightstand. "...Can you stay on?"
"Yeah," You soothe, setting your phone on the nightstand in suit. "Until we fall asleep."
"Okay," He murmurs. The two of you settle in on your sides, watching one another on the phone.
"Night, Art."
"Sweet dreams."
The restaurant is picked. Your nails are done, your hair is done; you get a new dress, new shoes, a new bag. You're going to have an amazing night—a good dinner, a great conversation, and, if you have any luck, an amazing good night kiss.
You know the minute you see him that you're not making it to the restaurant. Art's eyes sweep over you in covetous wonder when you open the door. He closes the gap between the two of you, drawing you into his arms, and this time you go without a second thought. He presses his face into your neck, letting out a gentle hum at the scent of your perfume. The tip of his nose trails up over your jaw, his lips brushing the corner of your lips as his forehead rests against yours. He sighs as you draw in a nervous breath, and he sways in, lips pressing to yours.
You raise your hand to cup his neck, shivering as his hands smooth over your hips. He guides you deeper inside, blindly reaching back and shoving the door shut behind you as you fling your purse toward the bench in your entryway. His kisses grow hungrier as he steers you down the hall. You slip your tongue along his, smoothing your hand up to grasp his hair. Your fingers fumble with the buttons on his shirt, exposing more of his pale, muscled chest to you. He slides down the zipper on the back of your dress and leans away just long enough to draw the dress up over your head. His eyes sweep across you, taking in your lingerie.
You hook your thumbs under the band of your underwear, giving them a teasing wiggle as you back further away from him. You expect him to follow, but he steers you back against the wall, dropping his head to suck hot kisses along your neck and down to your chest. He yanks one of the cups of your bra down, taking your nipple into his mouth. You bite your lip, tipping your head back against the wall and whining as he slots his knee between your thighs. You roll your hips down against the hard muscle as he laves and teases your nipple, reaching up to thumb and tweak the other.
"Art—Mm, god that feels so good."
He groans against your skin, trailing his kisses further down as he lowers himself to his knees. You look down as he curls his fingers around your panties—and waits. You smile softly, nodding, murmuring, "Please?"
Art grins, pressing a kiss to your hip before he gently eases the fabric down, waiting for you to lift your feet so he can fling them away. He leans in, swiping his tongue across your aching clit. Your knees would knock if he wasn't wedged between them. You draw in a shallow breath, letting your head tip back as he draws your leg over his shoulder. You shiver at the feeling of the chilly air against your heated, slick flesh. He nuzzles and laps against your cunt, taking each tip of your hips in stride. His hand smooths up your trembling inner thigh, giving your ass a gentle squeeze before he teases a finger into you. You whimper at the touch, unable to help the way your pussy clenches around it.
Art groans at the feeling, turning his head to smear his lips slips against your hip.
"Goddamn," He breaths against you.
You feel more than hear his gentle chuckle as he eases another finger in.
"Need it bad, huh?"
"You have no idea."
"I'm getting a pretty good idea." He turns his head, leveling a sucking kiss to your clit that makes you cry out. You tighten your grip on his hair as he pumps his fingers harder, curling and scissoring them as he pushes you closer to the edge.
"Art—Mm, god, fuck, yes—Yes—" Your toes curl in your shoes as your hips rabbit down against his face and fingers, chasing the swell of your orgasm. You look back down as he draws back and find his lips and chin shining with your juices.
"Bed," He urges.
"You can fuck me right here."
Art laughs, standing and smoothing his hand over your thigh.
"We're doing this right."
"We could be doing this right...." You slid your hand down his chest to palm his cock through his pants. "Here."
You grin as Art's eyelids flutter, his dick twitching against you.
"Bed," He insists again.
It isn't far to go, and the two of you are entirely bare by the time you get there. You scooch back onto the bed, spreading your legs as he rolls on a condom. He's over you a moment later, and you watch the bulge of his biceps as he braces his hands on either side of your head. You bite your lip as you feel the brush of his cock against your entrance. You reach down, grasping his cock and guiding him closer.
You tip your head up, tongue teasing the seam of his lips as he eases into you. You melt into the mattress as he crushes against you, filling you completely. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, sliding your legs over his, as if you'll manage to fuse the two of you together. Art's tongue swirls around yours before he captures your lips in a kiss, rolling his hips slowly.
"More," You plead, but Art keeps his pace achingly steady, even when you try to pick up the pace.
"You feel so fucking good," He breathes, "Even better than you taste."
"Harder, Art, please, god damn, please," You whimper. He tips his head to the side nipping at the hinge of your jaw as he reaches down, hiking your hip up even higher. Your mouth fell open with a stunned moan as he presses deeper, the slap of his hips filthily filling the stifling air around you. You arch up against him, nails raking down his back as you feel the swell of another orgasm.
"Mhm—Fuck, almost—"
"That's it." He sucks his fingers between his lips before he slips them between your bodies, swiping across your tender clit. You begin to close your eyes, but he tuts softly.
"Don't—Don't close your eyes—Look at me," He orders between breaths. You force yourself to focus on Art, taking in the flush on his cheeks, his almost dazed eyes.
"You, too—" You urge.
"Oh—yeah," You gasp, unable to keep your gaze on his you cum. You feel Art's hips slap roughly against yours before he slows, groaning low in his chest. You draw in a deep breath as your heart pounds in your chest, sinking back against your pillows as he settles down over you. You smooth your hand over his nape, smiling as he nuzzles against your shoulder, dropping tender kisses to your skin.
"I think we're going to be late for dinner."
"You know, I've been thinking."
"You've been doing a lot more than thinking, mister," You mutter, and grin as Art laughs. You cuddle closer against his side, nuzzling into his chest as he tightens his arm around your shoulders.
"I'm glad I didn't know you liked me in college."
"Really?" You tip your head up, brow furrowing. "Why's that?"
"...I wasn't ready for you back then." He smooths his fingers along your jaw, eyes wandering your face contemplatively. "It's like you said, you know. You would've come second."
You nod, turning your head to press a kiss to his palm.
"I don't think I was ready for you, either," You admit. Art smiles.
"And you are now?"
"More than."
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @amneris21
@ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage​​​ ;  @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity
@millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ;
@buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @lorecraft ; @kmc1989
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