#always been drawn to villians over heroes to begin with
zzxya · 8 months
fellas is it uhhhh is it weird to uhh have a crush on your own character?
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girlsgalstales · 2 years
Girlhood to Monstress: How Women play both Hero and Villian
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"and when you place a woman at the center of a film, it makes that film much more enriched, and it makes it feel more sophisticated."
ㅡ park chan-wook
Women have frequently been viewed as symbols rather than as nuanced characters in film since the beginning of the media. Through the lenses of the manic pixie dream girl, the advice-giving best friend, a trophy for a hero, a damsel in distress, and many more played-out, one-dimensional characters, female characters have existed to service the development of the main character, who is typically a male.
However, Horror has flipped the script and put women in leading roles. 
More than any other genre, horror addresses issues related to gender, the body, and sexuality. Women may be drawn to horror because of the films with strong female leads that tackle themes like these. Despite the fact that some of the movies in this genre contain misogynistic overtones or view the female side characters as one-dimensional, the leading lady has always made a splash because of her complexity and survival instinct.
The monster and the hero, a new breed of women in horror, were introduced by Carrie. According to film experts, Carrie is the first horror film of its kind where the main character experiences fear. The threat comes from within as the young woman struggles to control a newly discovered power that transforms Carrie into a monster because everyone is scared of what she might turn into. There are no cursed items, savage monsters, escaped prisoners, or other clichéd characters; all that there is a young girl growing up in a cruel world.
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In their movies, all of these ladies hurt people, yet they are not necessarily the bad guys. Most of the time, as these women confront individuals who physically and/or emotionally harmed them, the audience will applaud or tweet "Good for her." Although Jennifer Check (Megan Fox) from the movie Jennifer's Body is undoubtedly nasty, she has also been the victim of violence. The viewer still understands that Jennifer's character was nearly killed and only survived because a demon took over her body, despite the fact that the notion of Jennifer being a survivor of assault is subtly presented in the film. Although Jennifer didn't want it to happen to her, she still does what she must in order to live.Women become the monstresses through their abuse or humiliation, women transform into a being that must be heard.
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However, Horror isn’t always a “good for her” genre. Critics make note that women make effective main characters for horror as they are perceived as weak compared to the thing being feared is simpler for the audience to fear. A more sinister explanation would be that the male directors who make the majority of horror movies wish to punish women. On television, killing women often takes twice as long as killing males. This can be a result of male gaze, or it might be the psychological horrors of how women are viewed in our culture as prey and predators.
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Wrong Number, Asshole - A Bakugou Katsuki Soulmate AU
All Parts
Part 11:
“So, what, you’ve just known about your soulmate for over a week? And you didn’t tell me!” Your best friend huffs, slouching into the booth across from you. 
The café you had decided to meet Selene in seemed abnormally loud today, but even through the noise you could hear her frustration. And you understood it too- she’d been listening to you fantasize about your soulmate for years now, so much so that it must have gotten annoying. But she listened anyway, and apparently you repaid that favor by not even telling her when your tattoo appeared, nor when you actually met him. 
You couldn’t help it though. As much as you wanted to gush about it to everyone, another part of you wanted to keep it a secret. You didn’t wanna share Bakugou yet, as selfish and ridiculous as that sounded.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry; but honestly, it was just super surreal. Like I didn’t know how to talk about it.” You meet her eyes, grateful to see that even through her frustration, Selene still just looked happy for you. 
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Had to give you a little shit, but really I’m excited for you.” She takes a sip of her drink, leaning forward on your elbows. “Can I see the tattoo?”
You pale.
It really was an ugly tattoo. Messy and scribbly and poorly drawn, and odd even  as far as soulmate tattoos go. Every other person you’d known with a soulmate tattoo - which, granted, wasn’t many- had a name. Even your soulmate himself had your name! But you didn’t. You had his phone number, and no matter which way you thought about it, you couldn’t figure out why that was.
“Yeah, it’s uh, on my collarbone.” You unzipped your jacket, pulling it to the side to reveal the tattoo. 
“It’s- it’s, um, not what I expected.”
“That’s what I said. It showed up on my birthday,” You shrugged. “Wasn’t there the night before, but when I woke up it was just sitting there.”
“Why a phone number?” She questions, poking at the mark with a gentle finger. “And why does it look like-”
“Like that?” You chuckle, pushing her hands away and zipping your jacket up once more. “I have absolutely no idea. I’ve never seen anyone else with a phone number before; even Bakugou has my name.” 
“Um, who?” 
“His name’s Bakugou. My soulmate, I mean.”
“Wait- you talked to him? And you still didn’t tell me? You bitch!” Selene throws her head back, a laugh tumbling out of her lips. “I thought you’d just been hiding the tattoo, I didn’t know you were hiding him too!”
“Shut up- you’re being so loud!” 
“I can’t help it! This is just so exciting!”
“Yeah. It is.”
“Y/n,” You watched your friend straighten, a wicked smile crawling across her lips. “What’s that look about, huh, does somebody have a crush?”
You can feel you cheeks and ears flushing, but you don’t say anything. Selene just stares at you, wide manic grin across her face that just seems to make you blush even more. It’s a stalemate until she reaches across the table, poking at your red cheek. You break.
“God, fine, maybe- I don’t know, okay!” You huff, looking down to avoid her eyes. “We’ve talked like everyday since my tattoo came in, but I still feel like I don’t knowing anything about him!” 
“He’s so, like, dodgy- about everything I ask him. It was like pulling teeth just to get his name! And it’s not even his full name! Just his last.” You pulled at your jacket, sinking into your seat. “Bakugou just like, avoids everything I ask him! I’ve told him about my quirk, and what I’m studying, but he won’t tell me anything! He just like gives me a two-word answer or calls me a name- which is fine, I actually find that part funny- but still. He gives me nothing. Absolutely fuck all nothing unless I literally beg for it!” 
“Woah, okay, breathe, Y/n. ” Selene holds a placating hand towards you. “Look, I’m sure he has his reasons. I mean, they’re probably shitty reasons since he’s like a 20 year old gu-”
“Yeah, okay, since he’s 21, and definitely immature, but they’re still his reasons.”
“Who the fuck cares about reasons? I mean we’re literally soulmates. We’re gonna know everything about each other eventually, so I have no idea why he’s being so cagey! Actually, now that I think about it, it’s really kind of irritating!”
You gasp suddenly, not realizing how involved your rant had gotten. Apparently you were more upset than you realized, or at least significantly more annoyed.
You think back to how you felt yesterday- after you’d read Sunshine at the end of his text. You were light and airy and happy, but all of that seemed to have faded. God, what you wouldn’t give to feel like that now.
Selene waves a hand in front of your face, up and down in front of your eyes until you meet her gaze.
“I get that. I understand where that would come from, but all that really matters is whether or not you like talking to him- do you like talking to him?”
“Yes.” You say simply, surprised by how easy the conclusion was to come to. “I do.” 
“Then don’t stress, sweetie.” Selene pats your hand. “Tell me about the things you do like.”
“Yeah. Okay.” Your smile is small, timid, unsure, but you find the words come easy. “I like that he’s funny- and that he swears a lot. And that might be even more funny, because sometimes I’ll look at my texts and I swear it’s like there’s a 12 year old on the other end.” 
Selene just smiles, nodding to urge you on.
“I like that he gets super shy if I say anything nice to him- it’s like he freezes up and just swears everywhere and types in all caps.” You feel your cheeks heating up as you speak, but that doesn’t stop you. “I like that he’ll text me if I don’t text him- and that he responds fast when I do. And I like that he’s blunt- there’s less words for me to get anxious over that way.” 
“Alright. I’ve decided.” 
“Excuse me?”
“I like him for you.” She shrugs. “And I have good opinions so don’t argue.”
“But he still-”
“Yeah, I get it. But at the end of the day he’s still your soulmate, right?” She leans forward, tapping your forehead. “So stop overthinking it. You wouldn’t have that tattoo if he wasn’t supposed to be good for you.”
“Yeah.” You feel the sudden urge to hug her, overcome with yet another reason why you loved her so much. “I was being sort of ridiculous wasn’t I?”
“No, not ridiculous. It’s a valid complaint.”  
You nod.
“He does need to start telling you more, especially if you’re already telling him about you.” Selene brushes her hair back with an errant hand. “But I also think you tend to fixate on reasons to leave instead of looking for reasons to stay- and I’m not gonna let you do that this time.” 
You just look up at her, finding nothing but Selene’s gentle smile. 
It hits you then that she’s right. You did always search for the bad instead of making your own good. With relationships. With friendships. Even with school- but she was right. You couldn’t do that this time. It wouldn’t just affect you, it’d affect Bakugou too. 
“Hey, I love you, you know?” You suddenly tell her.
“I know. You’re my ride or die, bitch, of course you do.” She laughs. “Now c’mon, lets go actually order, and you can let me read through all those texts you were talking about.”  
She just laughs, grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the register.
Later that night you’re sitting with your phone in hand, nerves making a tangled mess of your insides.
You were stalling.
There was a part of you, a big part of you that just wanted to ask him. Ask him about his full name, and his quirk, and his job, or his school if that’s where he was- about his life, and just not take no for an answer. Wanted to needle and pry and be annoying until you had one fact about him to match every one you’d already given him about yourself.
But there was another part of you too. Another part that wanted to see him call you Sunshine and keep him happy instead of possibly irritating him. And that part was screaming just as loud.
You groaned, setting your phone down once again, and rolling onto your side. Your eyes caught on to the TV. You’d switched it on earlier, hoping the background noise of the local news could help settle your nerves, but it didn’t work. As of now though, you were quickly held captive by the footage you saw.
On screen was a recap of a battle that had occurred a few days ago- and it didn’t look good. The villian was terrifying; a black, oozing mass of tar that seemed to swallow people and objects whole. It was running a rampage through the city, it’s undeniable strength completely unchallenged by the police force- until suddenly? An explosion. Multiple explosions. Big, loud, noisy explosions and chaos and bright light until the villain was shot clean through with a grenade blast. The villain fell, engulfed by a cloud of smoke and debris.
You watched as the smoke cleared from the camera footage, only seeing the vaguest outline of a man before they were jetting offscreen by the force of their own explosions. 
“Burgeoning pro-hero Dynamite yet again saving the day, and then quickly leaving the scene.” The newscaster announced, voice drowning out the sound of the disaster footage. 
The scene switches as the fight recap footage ends. The usual roundtable of reporters is shown instead, and they quickly begin discussing the fight.
“It’s not altogether surprising,” A woman says. “In fact, it’s almost better if he leaves, don’t you think? I mean, surely no one’s forgotten what happened in Hosu right?”
Another reporter winces. “Yep, definitely not. Even a year out from the incident it’s still hard to see him in the same light as before.”
You shift on your bed, suddenly scared half to death by the loud sound of your phone hitting the floor. 
Even after the quick break, you still couldn’t decide what to say to him. 
Luckily, he didn’t let you worry about that for much longer. 
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winged-reaper · 4 years
Surprise at home
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art not mine
Pairings:  Tamaki Amajiki x female reader
Warning: Fluff cuz this boy deserves some love
Summary: Reader finds out a surprise to tell her husband Tamaki, but how will he take the news?
You and Tamaki had been married for just over a year and you couldn't have been happier. You ran a small school to give kids of villians and previous villians a second chance at life while he did Hero work. For some of the villains that just seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, he would often give them the business card you had him keep just in case. As much as Tamaki worried about you, he knew you wanted to help these people out and he loved that about you. You always reached out to someone who needed help even when they didn't know how to ask for it. If not for that, then you two would have never started dating in the first place.
But all that aside anytime he came to visit you during one of his patrols that pasted by the school he always saw you interacting with the children happily. The smile you wore always set his heart a flutter but a thought came through his mind. It was a quiet one that occurred shortly after you first got married but he was too shy to mention it. He wanted to have a child with you. Tamaki knew you would be an excellent mother with your caring and loving nature but he was scared you would reject the idea entirely. Reject him. The very thought had him shaking so he tried to push the thought of asking you to carry his child as far in the back of his mind as possible.
One Saturday, you woke up a bit later than usual. You stretched up in yours and Tamaki's and sighed. "It just had to be my day off work that Tamaki had to leave extra early." You pout missing his snuggles. As shy as he was in public your husband could be quite the cuddle bug when it was just the two of you. You loved that about him, it was your own private side to him. But as you continued your complaining in your thoughts another complaint began to make itself feel known. You paused feeling your stomach turn and twist before a sensation in your throat had you rushing towards the toilet to puke up all of your dinner from the night before.
After puking, you leaned your head against the toilet and tried to think what you could have eaten that made you so sick. You were always so careful with your cooking since Tamaki's quirk relied on the foods he ate and you made sure the seafood was good whenever you bought some to him for lunch. When your love's name ran across your mind a second time, your eyes widened. You made a quick dash for the calendar you kept in the kitchen looking for the mark you put to remind yourself of when your time of the month was supposed to begin. As soon as you found the mark you hand went to your mouth in shock. It was 3 weeks late and you hadn't noticed because of how busy things at the school had been lately.
You hurried back to your bedroom and scoured your closet for the box of special presents you received at the wedding. One such box contain a couple pregnancy tests. "There's no way. There's no way." You repeat as you take both tests just in case the first one was buggy. Pacing back and forth you heard your phone buzz snapping you out of your mini panic. Looking at it you saw your husband send you an "I love you" message making your heart swell before sent a little octopus emoji making you giggle. "He's getting hungry." You say before realizing it was time to check the tests.
Covering your eyes you peeked at them cautiously before your jaw dropped. Both tests said positive. You cried for joy at seeing that. You had wanted to bring up starting a family with Tamaki for a while but it seemed every time you tried to bring up the topic there was an emergency that either of you had to take care of and it became very frustrating. So after a while you just gave up the idea and focused all your energy on the kids that came through your program, but apparently fate had other ideas. This was something wonderful, but would Tamaki feel the same?
You shook away those thoughts as you made your way to the kitchen. On your days off when Tamaki had to go in early, you always brought him lunch. He loved that and you loved getting to spend him lunch break with him, it made being married to the number 8 a little bit easier. Putting together his favorites you tried to think of something you could do to break the news to him. The main goal in mind, not freaking him out into the next century. But all your ideas felt short. You wanted to surprise him with the news but didn't know how. Eventually you sighed and decided you would figure it later.
After a brief walk, you entered the Fatgum Hero Agency. You knew the lady at the reception desk well as this was not your first visit and frequently just waved you on to the back. Smiling you left her a little treat today, you were in a really good mood and quickly hurried to the back to look for Tamaki. "Ah Y/N" said a familiar voice that made you stop and turn with a smile. "Hi Fatgum." You say walking up to the round hero. He laughed as he eyed the lunch you were carrying in your hand. "I see you brought Tamaki lunch again." Fatgum gave a little pout that quickly vanished. "I'm gonna have to find myself a cute wife like you to spoil me just like how you spoil little Tamaki." His comment made you blush making him chuckle before patting your head. "You know I only tease, but Suneater is still out on patrol with Red Riot. They should be back soon. That was good to hear.
You and Fatgum chatted back and forth in regards to the school and a few potential candidies for his Agency when they got a little older. All the while the hero noticed something a little different about you today. You seemed to have a new glow about you. It wasn't the usual glow you had, but something much more pure. Then an idea came across his mind and he had to ask. "Hey Y/N. Can I ask you something real quick?" You stopped whatever you were saying to give your friend a strange look before giving him a hesitant sure. "Are you pregnant?" Immediately your face turned bright red indicating that what he suspected was true. "Does Tamaki know yet?" You gave a sheepish shake of your head. "N-no I just found out this morning." You bashfully said.
"Found out what?" Said Kirishima making you practically jump three feet in the air. "Kiri leave Y/N alone." Tamaki warned the redhead before making his way into the room. Your heart raced with excitement at seeing your husband come to your rescue making you almost swoon for him all over again. Fatgum chuckled at your reaction. As soon as Tamaki took his goggles off his eyes were drawn to the lunch you brought and you could have sworn you saw him drooling for a second. He made his way over with a blush on his cheek. "Thank you love." He said before leaning down to give you the quickest of pecks on the cheek before he began to reach for his lunch.
Seeing the two of you interact gave Fatgum an idea. He snuck behind you and lifted the lunch you made from behind making both you and Tamaki blink at your hands that were now empty. "You can head home early today Suneater. It's been pretty quite today. Besides you and Y/N should get to have lunch together at home once in a while." He said before he began munching on the lunch you made. You gave a quick pout but quickly smiled when you realized that the hero did that so you could tell Tamaki in the comfort of your own home. Tamaki didn't seem to think too much into the reason why Fatgum was offering him the rest of the day off. It was strange but not too uncommon. He shrugged and looked back at you. "Let me go let Kirishima know and we'll head home." His stomach growled in response making him blush more and you giggle. "Well hurry home and I'll make you a big lunch." He gave a nervous smile as he turned to go track down the red headed hero returning to you a few minutes later. As you both walked out you peeked back at Fatgum, who was finishing the lunchbox and shooting you a good luck thumbs up. The gesture caused you to blush and make Tamaki look back at you. "Love? Are you ok?" He asked snapping your attention back to him. Giving a nod you quickly reassured him that you were perfectly okay. Better even. Hearing that made a gentle smile appear on his face, making you forget yourself for a moment as you leaned up to kiss him. Instantly the crimson tint appeared in his cheeks all the way to the tips of his ears. He was blushing almost all the way home.
Thankfully the walk wasn't too long but he wanted to hide knowing how red his face must have been from the simple kiss. "Tamaki why do you keep doing this to yourself?" His inner voice questioned. "Y/N is your wife, she deserves someone who doesn't turn to complete blushing mush every single time she kisses you. She-" Before his inner voice could continue it's tiny motivational lecture, your voice caught his attention. "Sweetie what do you want for lunch?" Tamaki blinked almost in shock that they were not only home but he had also changed into his civilian clothes. His thoughts were so loud that it drowned out everything around him. Shaking his head he told you what he wanted making you smile at him before you started cooking. Tamaki laid his arms over the table to partly hide this face as he watched you cook. He really loved you and was still amazed that a woman like you would want anything to do with him. But who was he to complain. As he thought about everything he loved about you, an old idea came creeping up from the cobwebs of his mind. You would look so beautiful with a baby bump. A baby bump he would be the cause of. The idea practically had steam coming out of his ears from his blush.
While he had his daydream you hurried and quickly brought your meals over, yours looking a bit different than normal catching Tamaki's attention. "Love are you feeling ok? You never eat that." He said pointing to the unusual item on your plate. You gave a shy smile before nodding. "Well I need to start eating it since I'm eating for two after all and-" You froze as soon as those words left your mouth. Tamaki seemed frozen too as he seemed like he was trying to process what you had just said. He looked down at your stomach and back up at your face in disbelief. With a blush on your face you went to retrieve the pregnancy tests to show him. The indigo haired man was silent as he looked at the two positive tests, your belly and then you for a good 10 minutes as he processed that you were in fact pregnant. "A-are you upset?" You asked feeling worried that he didn't actually want children. He didn't answer you with words. Instead he wrapped his arms around you and gave you the biggest kiss he'd ever given you making you practically float on a cloud of happiness. "Upset? Why on earth would I be upset when I'm so happy. I wanted to have a baby with you for so long and now it's finally happening." He honestly wanted to cry. But then the worry of your job came into mind. He brought up his concerns making you nod and think. "Well we've gotten a lot of new students recently. But I'm sure I can reach out to a few hero agencies nearby to ask if they have any heroes that could help out around the school." The idea made your husband breath out in relief. You were already thinking ahead and now you were going to actually mother his children.
Then the final click of realization occurred and Tamaki fainted. "T-tamaki?!" You yelped as you checked on him. He had a silly grin that worried you a little but you knew he was just overloaded with happiness. Giggling, you made yourself a comfy lap pillow for him before looking at your stomach and talking to your unborn child. "Sweetie lets not give daddy too many heart attacks after you're born okay?" You smiled and lovingly brush his bangs aside. He was truly everything you wanted and now you had a new adventure to go on. Nothing seemed better.
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popculturebuffet · 5 years
Analysis of X: Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn
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In honor of britan’s premire superhero team returning today, we take a look back at the original team. Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler must team up with a drunkard magical british superman and his chipper shapeshifting sorta girlfriend to save their old teammate from an alternate dystopian future with the power of a god from both a squad of skin stealing wolves sicced on her by a sinsiter reality show producer from another dimension and a group of intergalactic weirdo bounty hunters after her due to an entirely separate omniversal dictator who wants to bang british superman. Somehow, Grant Morrison didn’t write this. I would like to, if I may, take you on a strange journey after the cut. 
Excalibur has always been the odd mutant out of the X-Men franchise.And that’s in part because the bulk of it’s mythos and characters come not from the deep wells of the X-Men comics of the time, but from another character Chris Claremont had a huge hand in: Captain Britain
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Created shortly after Claremont got his start on the All-New All-Diffrent X-Men, redefining the X-Men forever and making them into the sales juggernaut they were for the 80′s and early to mid-90′s and are again today at long last, Captain Britan was Brian Braddock, a scientist who, while escaping a hired goon who torched his workplace, crashed his motorbike. He was saved by, of all things, Merlin... yes exactly the one your thinking of.... and his daughter and omniveral guardian Roma. They choose Brian to be their champion choosing either the staff of right or the sword of might and, not really being a fighter, Brian chose the staff and a hero was born. 
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Cap was created for the UK Divison of Marvel and while Claremont did a sizeable amount of work on the character, including introducing Brian’s sister and future X-Man and as of this week Captain Britan herself Betsy Braddock,  it was two other men who made most of his mythos and the stuff that would end up being the backbone of Excalibur: Alan Davis, an absolutely monsterous talent of an artist and all around nice guy and... your going to want to sit down if you don’t know this I sure as hell was surprised, Alan Fucking Moore... and if that’s not his actual middle name it should be. Yes he of long beards, genere definting runs and yelling at the young people to get off his lawn and DC to stop hurting his baby Watchmen, THAT Alan Moore worked for marvel breifly. This was his only work with them shockingly. Not so shockingly he and Davis redefined the character, created most of the concepts that would be carried over to Excalibur, and gave the character a spiffy new costume seen above, one so good it’s stuck even into the modern era. Moore, and some other artists in addition to Davis, crafted a long epic about Cap going up against Mad Jim Jaspers, a reality warping mutant who was as insane as his name suggested and introduced many things that would become the backbone of the character, as well as establishing Moore’s habit of taking a less than sucessful B-List hero and utterly turning him on his head. Their also the ones who dubbed Marvel’s main universe 616, a fun fact I honestly had forgotten.  But of course after Moore left Cap fell by the wayside, making a cameo or too in other marvel books in the US while Betsy made her way to the X-Men just when they needed new blood most. More on that in a bit. But he wouldn’t stay on the sidelines for long. See Chris Claremont has a habit of taking characters he created and using them later if they’d been forgotten somehow or put off to the wayside. Mystique, one of the x-men’s most iconic enemies... was a Ms.Marvel (The carol danvers one before she got the rank up), enemy. Sabertooth? An old iron fist villian he’d created and taken a shine to. Arcade was inveted for a team up of Spider-Man and Captain Britan before primarily becoming an X-Men villian for most of his life. And of course Betsy was a a supporting character who became one of the x-men’s most iconic members through a weird mind swap with a japanese woman before recently getting her old body back. Claremont dosen’t like leaving his charcters to twist in the wind and thus brought most of them into the x-men mythos. Even Spider-Woman, depowered at the time, ended up as a major Wolverine supporting character. One of Claremont’s strengths as a writer to me is that he never truly forgot anything he created or worked on, and the X-Men benefited greatly from it.  So while it probably surprised american readers who only thought of Captain Britain as a c-list hero who teamed up with Spider-Man and Captain America, it’s no surprise in hindsight that for his second X-Men ongoing, having also made a TON of mini series, he choose to bring Brian to the big time. While I can’t find much background on Excalibur, I conjecture that Chris wanted to go a bit lighter. 
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The X-Men were in a DARK place at the time. I mean the X-Men were never all sunshine and roses but most of the humor of the book and lighter moments were gone at the time thanks to the Mutant Massacre, an event where the Morlocks, a group of disfigured homeless mutants who felt at odds with society and thus lived in the tunnels under New York, were slaughtered by professional hitsquad the Mauraders who killed all but a handful of them and during the fight with the X-men took 3 of them out of commission:  Nightcrawler had fallen into a coma after overtaking his already crippled teleportation powers defeating one of the mauraders, Kitty Pryde slowly started to disappear, unable to phase back to solid after taking an electric spear for Rouge, and Colossus was heavily wounded in ways I forgot and since he rejoined the X-Men, aren’t really relevant here anyway. The X-Men were up against the wall against a barrage of ruthless opponents, working with longtime foe  magneto since Xavier got trapped in space, as you do, and were not in a really happy place. So it feels like, even if the angst was still present because Claremont would go into withdrawl if there wasn’t some form of angst to work off, Excalibur was created as a way for him to do something different in the X-Mold and lighter so he could go as dark as he needed to. So by injuring Kitty and Kurt, he took them off the board and had a starting point for the team, and by adding Captain Britan and his girlfriend Meggan, a shapeshifting  empath brought back one of his own creations and brought him into the american side of Marvel, and gave him an almost complete team. It also had the bonus of likely enticing Alan Davis, who in one of the few background things I could find about this book, didn’t really want to work on an established title like X-Men where there were expectations how it was supposed to look etc. But they were still about one member short of a team... but thankfully chris claremont had squared away a spare x-man for just such an occasion. 
Enter. Phoenix, aka Rachel Summers. The daughter of Jean Grey and Scott Summers from the Days of Future Past timeline, Rachel ended up in our timeline, bonded to the Phoenix Force like her mom, and struggling with the power, eventually running away after attempting to kill Selene, an evil sorceress who hunted her in an attempt to drain her power. She fled, not sure wether she should rejoin her team or not, and was instead lured into joining Mojo on the promise of a new start. Mojo.. is this guy. 
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Strap yourselves in for this one: Mojo is the dictator of another dimension that runs off TV, essentially crafting shows for the media hungry populous and kidnapping the X-Men every so often to show up on his programs, to the point he once swapped Psylocke’s natural eyes out with robot camera eyes that looked like the normal eyes so he could record the X-Men’s adventures as it happened, which itself isn’t a bad concept. He didn’t show up to Rachel in person of course, partly because he’s too lazy and partly because he looks like what happens when lightning strikes a pile of twinkies and exposed wiring and somehow brings them to life.  She was sent here for the same reason as Kurt and Kitty: to keep her off the board and set up her return here. It’s one of Claremont’s strengths to me: While he ocasionally forgets a subplot or dosen’t realize how wonky one is, more often than not he knows where the story is going and has a plan for it, and thus set up Excalibur a year in advance in the pages of Mutant Massacre. 
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Speaking of setup there’s one final thing to cover before we begin, the second X-Men crossover event and the one that directly leads into this: Fall of The Mutants, aka one of the worst days in the life of one Kitty Pryde. First her best friend and human google translate Doug Ramsey died while on a misson with the new mutants, sacrificing himself to save the life of his girlfriend Wolfsbane. 
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As if someone was challenging god to make her days worth, at the same time as this tragedy the X-Men, at the time made up of Storm, Wolverine, Psylocke, Rouge, Havok, Dazzler, Longshot and with tag along Madeline Piror whose story is too much to get into here, were locked in a battle with force of chaos and actual demon Nemisis, a being summoned by their sorta ally Forge by accident. Forge can also build any device he pleases but since every fifth x-men character has magic ruin their life, someone had to take the bullet caked with demon blood. At any rate the only way to stop him.. 9 souls were part of the ritual that brought Nemisis in, 9 souls were needed for the ritual to seal him up. And the X-Men, being true heroes determined to do whatever it took, gladly offered up their lives to defeat the demon and save the world. As the world looked on, the X-Men died, for once not feared and hated, but honored and mourned as heroes. Of course this being a comic book Forge’s method of saving the world was turning the X-Men into pure soul energy and throwing them at the demon but that somehow makes it more epic. And of course, it’s no suprise one of their dearest friends was watching from Muir Island, which was serving as a recovery ward for the surviviors of the massacre and was run by longtime X-Men Ally and lynchpin of Hickman’s run Moira Mactaggert
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Thankfully, Kitty got one tiny sliver of sunshine on the worst day of her life: Kurt woke up from his coma... just in time to tell him the only family he’d ever known is dead. And that’s where we pick up, with our two heroes trying to figure out what to do now they’ve lost everything. But before we FINALLY get started, this bit was way longer than I meant it to be, your probably curious how long the X-Men stayed dead as well.. this is comics and they were the hottest team int he world. This wasn’t going to stick even if Claremont was serious about ending the series. And the answer, and i’m not making this up I counted, is two pages. Yup, TWO PAGES. Not kidding. Ironically enough Roma, the omniversal goddess daughter of merlin I mentioned, got wrapped up in all this and, moved by the X-Men’s bravery, gave them the chance to come back and start over however they like, and the X-Men choose to be unable to be picked up on tape and let the world think they were dead so they could strike back at their mounting enemies. Granted I feel that while the “play dead and take out our worse foes while we have the advantage” is a good part of it, not telling the new mutants or kitty and kurt is not only cruel, but just paints a target on a bunch of teenagers backs. Sure teenagers who’ve faced worse but still. But I digress, that’s a rant for when I cover Fall of the Mutants at some point and this exposition has taken far longer than I wanted it to. And so here we are at the one shot that would forge a team and finally, we can get into it:  The cover, way up there is decent. It shows a nice right melee between Excalibur, the Warwolves and the Technet, though it makes it look like Gatecrasher is part of the team when she is in fact one of the issue’s main antagonist and is overall a bit weirdly composed. It doesn't help the proper Excalibur #1 has one of the best x-team covers of all time. 
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As you can see the comparison dosen’t help the far messier above cover. It’s just average in comparison to the creative and funny covers Davis would provide throughout both runs and the majestic one above.  WE open on Kitty Pryde, understandably, having a nightmare, being dragged by a crew of makeup people just off screen and smack into
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Oh good marvel’s already working on the new X-Men movie. Thank god I thought they really WERE going to take 5 years to do it. Naturally she is curious why their in hollywood but dosen’t suspect fowl play because well... to put it in a personal persepctive if I saw my grandpa I lost a few years ago or my dog I lost in high school that was the same age as me, alive healthy and back, i’d be confused as hell but mostly? I’d just be relived and hope beyond hope it was real, as poor Kitty is diong. Unfortunatley the illusion something isn’t up lasts all about a panel before this happens. 
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First of all: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!. Second. as AHHHHHH! as it is.. it could’ve been worse. 
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It soon becomes clear something is up as Kitty wails around confused, wondering why Rouge’s powers don’t work and why the X-Men are acting as if nothing is real before action is called and they run off.. it’s then Kitty finally encounters a freindly face. 
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It's now from context clear just what the fuck is going on: this isn't JUST a dream: Rachel has somehow dragged Kitty into Mojoworld through her dreams, warning her, as seen above that with the X-Men gone, their image can be twisted and exploited by those wanting to use it for their own image. This warning is cut short when Fake Xavier starts shouting and soon we get this lovely image.
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As we can see Rachel deeply regrets running but Mojo won't let her go.. fortunatley Kitty phases the chains and lets Rachel go, with Rachel promising to see kitty again soon as she flees.. unfortunatley Kitty's pissed off Mojo's actors...
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Again, it could’ve been worse. 
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Kitty wakes up and naturally angsts a bit over that fucked up dream she had and then sees a phoenix in the sky, wondering what could it mean and what could the dream mean. 
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A lot to unpack here. First off... Perverso...
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Second, my heart breaks at that last line.. and it’s true. Kitty likely feels, like a lot of people going through grief, that  maybe they could’ve done something. Maybe if she was there she could’ve stopped their deaths and saved the day or failing that, she could’ve gone with them. So she wouldn’t have to feel awful about being here while they aren’t, so she wouldn’t feel the unbearable weight of being one of the last X-Men. But the sad truth is, she wouldn’t of made any diffrence. None of them would’ve taken the last slot and would’ve given it instead to their tagalong Madeline Prior so she could see her family again. They died selfilesly, and nothing she could’ve done would’ve stopped them. 
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As seen above Kitty tries to take solace in petting her dragon Lockheed. Yes Kitty has a dragon for those who didn’t know about him or were only familiar with her from the cartoons.. though why X-Men Evolution never thought to introduce Lockheed is beyond me. He’s a space dragon that stowed away when the X-Men returned from well.. space, and saved Kitty’s life, taking up residence as her pet. He was later revealed to be far more sapient than he seems, but still hangs around Kitty because it’s an effed up world, but it’s a two player game.  But as demonstrated Kitty’s powers have inverted. While she has gotten better, as I talked about in my Mauraders #1 review she was fading from existance shortly after the massacre, her intangiable state is now her natural one. She has to concenrate to turn solid. So in addition to having lost just about everything, her powers are broken too. Kitty then sees a picture of her shortly after she joined the X-Men before having a good cry about how most of the people in the picture are dead and professor xavier got shot up into space. Thankfully he dosen’t have to watch cheesy movies.. unless it’s Cho’d turn to pick the movie. For some reason it’s ALWAYS Cool as Ice. no one knows why. 
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Meanwhile, in the seas of mood whiplash, we meet Meggan. Meggan, like most of the cast, is a mutant, something I was unaware of until now even though the I just thought she was some sort of magical creature, but no, she’s a mutant and the naration outright calls her one. I’m just stupid or thought they just classifed her wrong I guess. Unlike most mutants, who manifest powers at puberty, she manifested hers at birth. Megan is an empathic shapeshifter, basically meaning that she shifts based on those around her’s perception of her. And sadly her upbringing was not a happy one as, since she was born with fur, her parents saw her as a monster and left her in a caravan alone, with the rest of her romani community making up rumors about her.. and due to being unable to control her powers shape shifted into the monster they thought she was. She was raised on televisoin and thus has a rather naive sense of the outside world, and later bonded with brian after he took her in, her home having been destroyed due to lots of stuff I don’t have time to go into, and she later took up her current default form after realizing she was a shapeshifter in the first place.  But yes our bubbly shapeshifter is swimming with the dolphins and due to her emphatic ablites, she can commuincate with them learns how to swim like them and, thanks to her ablities, has shifted to do so the best. She’s lost track of time though and heads home to the lighthouse she and Brian live in. She returns home to find the place ransacked, and since she didn’t feed her mogwii after midnight.. this time, she searches for the cause.. and the cause turns out to be similar to the reason Kitty is crying her eyes out miles away in scotland. 
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When Kitty and Kurt lost their surrogate family, Brian lost his too. As stated far above Betsy was his sister, and they were very close from the looks of it, and the loss of her naturally shattered the man. Meggan tries to comfort him but.. it goes  about as well as you’d expect, especially since Brian has been heavily drinking on top of his grief. 
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This scene.. is really damn sad but really well written. Brian, as I joked in the teaser, has the powers of superman basically minus the add ons like heat vision and frost breath.. yet he couldn't save Betsy. But as Meggan accuratley puts things, he couldn’t of known she was in danger and she was a grown woman. As I said, she choose to sacrifice herself, and as I didn’t fill in, the spell only works with WILLING participants. All that would’ve changed had he gone is Madelyne Prior would be alive and not him. And it’s things like this that also made me take such umbrage with the X-Men faking their deaths: their causing, real genuine greif to people... while I joked mildly about the telpathy thing, i’m not sure betsy’s range, I AM sure that being a telepath one of the simpliest trick is masking your presence. It’d take a lot of effort and be mildly invasive, but keeping yourself hidden to tell your brother goodbye is hardly more morally grey than faking your death and leaving him in a drunken stupor. This is especailly bad once they get a teleporter shortly into their australian stay, as Gateway could SEND HER to him, with no risk of detection, and have her explain it in person with storm in tow. Instead they hurt their friends and loved ones for a plan that ultimatley didn’t quite pan out. 
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Meggan herself mopes for a second, understandable as Betsy was her friend too and she's hurt she's gone and blames herself.. before snapping out of it, realizing that Brian is just lashing out and needs help, but unable to face him like he is, she leaves him a pictoral note, since she's functionally illiterate, and goes to get advice from Kitty and Kurt, wanting to help him open up the way he helped her do the same. Meanwhile...
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Jesus christ this comic loves abrupt tonal shifts.. but yeah Kurt is excercising, but then reflexively teleports after he takes a hit. As  I mentioned earlier Kurt’s teleporting is strained, having gotten injured in a battle with Nimrod, who really hickman you couldn’t of come up with either a better name or a reason he’s called that when you brought him back in House and Powers?, and as a result comaed himself defeating one of the mauraders. And while the coma thing cleared up nicely his powers are still a fraction of what they once were and one teleport while injured no less leaves him too shaky to continue and reaching for the saftey panel. Thankfully Kitty phases through it while checking up on him, having been told through the island’s backup alarms that he was doing this borderline suicidal shenanigan. Kitty naturally lays into him over it. 
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Kitty's rage is entirely warranted: She just lost her surrogate family and her best friend. Things with her parents are strained. She dosen't want to loose the only family she really has left because he feels the same things she feels and is nearly killing himself to try and deal with it. Kurt apologizes, admitting the painful part of it: that he was HAPPY when he woke up from his coma, overjoyed to finally be alive again, to live again.. only to find out his family is dead from one of his closest friends. And with this i'm reminded of Steven Universe.. just go with me. There Pearl mourned for a good decade about loosing Rose because well.. she was everything she had. She , literally and metaphorically, freed her, she was her world.. and Rose moved on to someone else romantically and then decided to up and leave the mortal coil. Her entire world left her and she had no idea to cope or as she put it in song, "Who am I now in this world without her?" That's what our heroes are dealing with: for Kitty and Kurt the X-Men were their world.. not in such a co-dependent way as rose but for Kurt, it was his family: through them he went from a monster in the world's eyes, hiding from it and tired of having to do so, to a bold hero who refused to hide who he was anymore and who had family and a purpose. For young Kitty, she found parental figures in a time when her actual parents, particularly her dad, were going through a messy divorce, found strength she never knew to the point she EARNED her right to stay on the X-Men after Xavier started a junior class and wanted her to go there, and really came of age. The X-Men made them who they are today and without them.. just who are they? But before they can dive into that themselves our heroes find out something disturbing: they had the same exact dream about rachel, complete with helping her escape. Maybe they really did or maybe it was just a warning, the conculsion our heroes reach, and while Kitty does resolve to do something about it, determining that just because their injured dosen’t mean they’ve stopped being X-Men, but before they can deal with this they get a guest. 
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No but she’s just as weird and abrubt:
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This is Gatecrasher,  leader of the The Technet, a group of interdimensional mercenaries and bounty hunters. She wants to speak with the lady of the house but that’s not really and option as she’s kinda on a schedule. You know people to grab, drinks to be drunks, sapient racoons to bone.. that sorta thing.. and the last one isn’t something I pulled out of nowhere the recent Rocket Racoon solo not only brought in the technet but had her fancy the guy. Guess it’s the fuzzy, as Kurt himself will tell you chicks dig the fuzzy. It’s why he’s Krakoa’s orgy meister. Before Kitty and Kurt can find out who Gatecrasher is and why she’s here, Meggan soars in.. and hisses at Gatecrasher. See The good captain and the Technet have a history: they’ve been both enemies and reluctant allies, so naturally Meggan is worried their here for Brian. But this time they have no buisness with the good Captain... and when asked by kitty why she’s here Gatecrasher uses a telecom crystal, some sort of magic hologram recording, to explain herself:
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Saturnyne is , as she says an omniversal majestrix. This basically means she runs the day to day operations of the Captain Britan Corps, basically the Captain Britians for every reality, helps give underdeveloped words nudges toward advancment and general multiversal maintince stuff. Sorta like a combination of Omnitraxus and Hekapoo from star vs the forces of evil but without being a racist asshole. I mean she’s still an asshole, just not a racist one. She and Brian have a romantic history. As you can also see each of the team is having a different reaction to her: Kurt is popping a boner just off screen, maybe he can invite her to Krakoa orgy night hmm?, Meggan is pissed because she and Brian were a thing once, and Kitty just found out she likes ladies AND she likes guy. What i’m saying is it dosen’t take an intellectual to get that she’s bisexual. And yes I know she turned down Karma off screen later on but that was A) the result of another writer changing things after the previous writer on both character, Chris Claremont himself, apparently had sizeable ship tease for them. and B) if her ex boyfriend iceman can be retconned to have been a heavily closeted until very recently gay man this whole time, Kitty can also have been sticking to the closet or just simply have not explored that side if we want. Anyways it turns out there here for rachel at Saturnyne’s orders, because she’s apparently a theat to the multiverse.. not too much of a stretch when in one reality her mom going dark phoenix destroyed damn near everything and even here the phoenix force has snuffed out entire galaxies. She’s apparently on her way back to earth, and it’s the Technet’s job to catch her. As for the specifics.. Gatecrasher has no idea. And frankly when an omniversal goddess asks you go fetch someone for what I assume is a yak that has a comparentment in it’s back with millions of dollars stashed inside,  you don’t really care. Kitty being Kitty, refuses to help her find their friend and until she knows more, she’s willing to fight her on it. Unfortunatley, as you can probably tell, Gatecrasher wasn’t dumb enough to go after a being that can eat an entire solar system alone. 
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It's here we meet the Technet proper and a fight between two former teammates, a shapeshifter they only just now met and who only Kurt recognized, and a team of weird as shit but highly trained bounty hunters goes about as well as the classic matchup of Wolverine vs "Anyone trying to get between him and his beer stash". Kitty is quickly taken out by the yellow girl with green hair, scatterbrain, whose power is.. just that: anyone she touches has their brain go all spacey and weird and kitty knocks herself out falling over when Scatter shuts her thinky parts off. And as for Meggan..
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This is Bodybag. And his power is exactly what it looks like: he gulps people up and then keeps them in his sack on the back. It’s weird but i’ts my kind of creative weird and it makes sense for a team of bounty hunters to have a member to store their quarrry. Kurt wisely BAMF’s the fuck out of there, but Gatecrasher decides not to persue him: He’s not their target, and if he wants his friends he’ll have to come back for them anyway, so it’s not like chasing him all over is really worth the effort. She does have Bodybag snag kitty though, and plans to use her and Meggan as bargaining chips. 
Meanwhile Rachel finally returns to the story, as seen above a bit discombobulated given you know, she just crossed dimensions or whatever hapepned. She then ends up at a charity masqurade party , just poofying out of nowhere and when she tries to you know, leave...
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I just... what the fuck kind of charity event IS this? The chains she brought with her but “no one leaves without permisson. “ I just... THIS IS A CHARITY BALL NOT VIETNAM. And who, besides racist assholes, thinks holdiing someone down with chains is a good idea. Just WHAT IS THIS SCENE. Thankfully we get some other party crashers. 
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These are Warwolves, a new, as far as I can tell, creation and basically Mojo’s literal hunting dogs. Rachel tries fighting them off but naturally, their Psi-Proof so just blasting them with telekenisis won’t work and uses the objects around her, including her own chains to duck them. But she mutters what’s the point it’s just another sound stage.. except as I said, it isn’t. She’s in foggy london town. 
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Rachel continues her run through the urban jungle eventually ending up in a subway. No not the restraunt, she’s not that unlucky. Duckign onto a train one of the warwolves globs on. 
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To be fair most hollywood contracts are basically slavery, but Rachel as a point.. she was basically tricked into singing it, again not exactly uncommon, and refuses to take this bullshit.
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This bit is awesome, and doubly so as I left out a bit of Rachel's backstory on purpose earlier: she was a hound. Basically it meant she was enslaved and conditioned to hunt down other mutants, only escaping shortly before days of future past happened and then escsaping into the present. So naturally the thought of being enslaved and forced to do some asshole's bidding again, to loose her free will? She'll die before that happens and slaughters the warwolf to prove it.. though also scares her fellow passangers in the process. While Rachel tries to explain thing the warwolves greeve.. and Teleporter, Gatecrasher's lizard thing, has located Rachel. Meanwhile Madison is grappling with the fact that not every issue can be settled by comittee... Meanwhile Kurt arrives at the Lighthouse to find Brian stinking of booze and asleep, so he decides to do the only logical thing he can think of. 
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I fucking love you Kurt. So since Godzilla is too busy at his tax audit to save him from the depths of the ocean Brian wakes up himself pissed and assuming someone tried to kill him. Which granted Kurt outright admitted he might drown but given the only two friends he has left in the world and an innocent he just met who fought beside him despite having no reason to besides it being the right thing are in mortal peril, he has no time to play nice. Kurt’s responses to Brian’s outrage are fucking amazing. 
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Fucking brutal and accurate: Brian’s alcoholism is killing him and is just as borderline suicidal as Kurt’s play session with largely the same intention. Kurt has no time for wallowing in self pity, no time to baby Brian, as much as it might be warranted, through his grief. Kurt Wagner needs a hero, and since the avengers and fantastic four would likely take hours he dosen’t have, Brian is his best bet at saving his friends.  He has no time for pity or sadness, he only has time to save what he has left. He explains the situation to Brian as well as how the hell he found him: since he at least knew of Brian, likely due to Betsy as she was staying with the X-Men prior to joining and just before the massacre, he dug up the X-Men’s file on him and spent the rest of his time getting to him. Brian is, unsurprisingly, in no real mood to help and mopes that there’s really no point in it… and that’s when Kurt somehow gets even more pissed  off and 20 times as awesome, with a speech worthy of Sir Patrick Stewart himself.
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And as I’ve made abundantly clear that’s the point of this story: The X-Men’s temporary death was unfair, left a lot of pain in their wake and left our heroes scrambling to figure out where do they go from here? And it’s here Nightcrawler is the first besides Meggan, whose simple world view means it was a lot easier to process things and took her three panels to get herself in gear to help Brian, to really turn a corner on his grief. He’s sad his friends are dead, he wishes more than anything that he could’ve died a hero like them instead of living with the misery and sorrow of them being gone.. but he’s alive. And he’s going to honor them the best he can by being the kind of man they wanted him to be. And to me this is why Kurt became leader: out of the five he has the most experience,  with only Brian rivaling him in that, but also the most drive. He may of lost everything, but by god he’s going to keep moving. Sure his friends died, it’s the risk of the trade.. but they’d want him to live, to take up the sword and keep  fighting so that the dream dosen’t fade out. It’s why, as much as I don’t agree with it, they kept hteir resurrection a secret: because the safety of all mutants, of their friends, is more important than one man. And Kurt is going to honor that. But not before giving Brian another verbal bitchslapping.
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Of course it’s not easy as Brian DID die to become captain britan.. and the memory haunts him. And he wonders when it’ll come from him.. and he’s afraid of it. But the question is will he let his fear of the reaper swallow him whole or live like Kurt, fighting on anyways. To truly live.
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Meanwhile Rachel is the only member of the forming team to not have had a full on mope sesh so she gets on that, but it only lasts for about a panel and like most of the angst in this comic is warranted: Rachel comptemplates if she should go back to the X-Men.. but realizes despite running out on them , their family, and she has no other options. But before she can learn the truth the technet are upon her and bodybag scoops her up. Gatecrasher plans to release Kitty and Meggan and one thing I like that I hadn’t noticed in previous reads is Gatecrasher is a fairly intresting antagonist. She’s not “evil”, she’s just a merc wanting a payday, and in this case was hired by a legitmate if pompus source. While she takes Kitty and Meggan, it’s more out of pragmatisim and as noted she plans to release the two when she could’ve let Bodybag digest them, and when first showing up is perfectly cordial to Kurt and Kitty, and only fights when it’s clear our heroes won’t let her just walk off with their old friend. It makes me glad there’s far more of her and the technet to come as the series goes on and a ton more in Alan Davis run when I get to that. Their intresting characters with unique power sets and inject a sense of fun into what would otherwise be a fairly dreary story.  Anyways before she can do that the warwolves strike and are too dumb to know when to quit so a fight breaks out and Gatecrasher beats the piss out of one while Kurt arrives, watching from  the shadows. As for why no one’s spotted him... i’ts simple: One of his powers is to blend into shadows. It’s not used often and it’s forgotten quite a bit, but it is one he’s used on ocasion and even IF Claremont just retconned it out, his foes are too busy to notice. Kurt once again shows how awesome he is and tricks one of the wolves into slashing the bags containing his friends open. Gross but oh so triumphant. 
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Unfortunatley his victory is short lived: Meggan and Kitty are still woozy as, while I didn’t mention this earlier, Bodybags bags contain a paralyzing goop so they still aren’t quite ready to fight and while Rachel is, she can’t psy zap the dog. Luckily for Kurt gatecrasher yanks it away. Unluckily, she prepares to beat him into furry blue chunklets on the ground. Luckily...
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Brian has finally gotten his shit together to save the day.. for all of a panel…
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While Brian is fighting who or whatever that is Rachel and Kitty try to get into things but are blindsided by ringtoss and joyboy whose powers well...
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Yeah while ringtoss, if still weird isn’t TOO out of the ordinary for Marvel, Joyboy seems like he’s some sorta lost Jojo’s bizarre adventure stand. It’s also another reason to love the technet as again, their powers are just so fucking creative and weird. But that’s also what makes them such a threat: Their powers aren’t what most heroes usually deal with, and thus they have the element of surprise, helped by the fact their all from separate dimensions, meaning even in space, where their likely more ready for nonsense, they still have the upper hand by being races most space peeps aren’t ready for. Speaking of not ready,w ehave two last members to cover... 
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They speak for themselves, and while they do so Brian tries to rescue Meggan but is stopped by scatterbrain. Nightcrawler notices their asses are getting kicked and figures out WHY: The Warwolves and The Technet are teams. They work together regularly. Excalibur at this point is three former teammates in a disorienting situation and two british persons they just met. And if they don’t’ start working together they aren’t going to last. So Nightcrawler decides to fix that by knocking a warwolf into Ringtoss, who then collapses into waxwork whose touch takes out both and leaves Rachel free. Rachel quickly takes out Joyboy and with him out of the way, Kitty and Kurt can focus on Gatecrasher:
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And with that Gatecrasher knows when to fold em and teleports the team away to fight another day, while the Warwolves slinked off in the confusion. Both will be back, obviously, but for now our heroes have one, Brian and Meggan make up and make out, and with the chaos settled Kitty, Rachel and Kurt have a tearful reunion.  
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Our heroes celebrate with a campfire and memories of their fallen comrades, with Rachel admitting she’s not sure what’s real or not after her experiences with Mojo. Brian prepares to leave and take care of the Warwolves himself.. but Rachel objects. The three others don’t have lives to return to, and just because the X-Men are gone dosent’ mean Xaviers dream should die out, likening them to the symbol of King Arthurs sword Excalibur. Kitty and Kurt start to agree, pointing out their dream taught them that if theirs a vacuum left in the X-Men’s legacy, someone will use it for their own ends. Rachel affirms her reasons for staying as a team, saying she’s tired of running: She’s done so all her live and she wants to , for once, stand for something. Meggan, having had similar problems in the past, agrees with her and the rest of the crew quickly come on board and thus we close on this image as a new team, and a new legacy, is forged: Excalibur is born.
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Final Thoughts: The Sword is Forged is an utter classic and a great way to start things off. Our heroes are established, Rachel, who I felt was a bit thrown around by the plot during her time on the X-Men, is fleshed out a bit more and given purpose while Brian and Meggan are decently introduced to the audience. My only real complaints is that Davis and Claremont sometimes forget that American audiences won’t know who half these people are and while they introduce the Technet and Saturnyne well enough, they still never backtrack to explain them better later and what history I DID get I had to dig up for myself online. That aside the story, while having a lot of angst, is well done and has a good flow to it and ends on a high note, the characters are likeable enough, the villains are all creative though the Warwolves feel slight next to the Technet and will get fleshed out a bit more in the series proper. And of course I’d be a moron if I didn’t compliment Alan Davis wonderful art, which captures the whimsical tone well, the emotion in certain scenes perfectly and holds up beautifully years later. Overall The Sword is Forged is a great team origin story and if you liked what you saw here I’d recommend checking it out. Next time, hopefully tonight, we finally get to to the new Excalibur as Brian and his sister and thrust into the shit and a new Captain Britain is born. Until then, courage.
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2-The First Prophecy
[intro music: Nutcracker]
Fate:  I am Fate, the goddess of the predetermined and prewritten.  The goddess of the stories written in the fabric of the world.  The goddess of narrative, and I have done nothing wrong.  
The others may argue, may judge and condemn my actions, but they gave me those children to do with what I would and I made them beautiful.  I elevated them. Raised them out of the dull humdrum of everyday life, out of the cruel designs of random chance, and turned them into a prophecy, into a story.  And really, what more could you ask? There is nothing better than a good story, and theirs was very good indeed. It goes like this:
Once upon a time, there was a boy.  He was short and blond, rather unremarkable to look at really, but there was a glint of heroism in his eyes, and the heavy weight of destiny to his gait.  He had a purpose. A mission. The boy’s name was Hero, and he was going to save the world.  
Now, Hero was never the most combative of children.  He preferred quiet contemplation, listening to birdsong, and watching the water of the river run fast and wild.  But he understood his place, his destiny. He knew that he would one day need to fight. He knew that in order to protect his peace, to protect his birds and his rivers he would need to be fierce.  Hero knew that somewhere out there there was a threat, a monster, an enemy who would seek to tear everything away from him. He knew this because I told him so. And Hero was such a good boy, he always trusted me so much.  Why wouldn’t he? After all, I was his mother.  
So when I told him to fight, he fought, and when I told him to train, he trained.  That boy prepared day after day, for the inevitable confrontation. It was his life.  It was his destiny.  And one day, it arrived.
He was about, oh, 18 years old at this point?  Still short, but well muscled, the glint of heroism had grown into a world-shaking determination. With a sword slung across his back, and his eyes on the horizon, he looked the very picture of a chosen one.  He was the perfect protagonist and the story was ready to begin.  
[Music: Dvořák Symphony no. 9 in E minor]
Of course, every good story needs a bad guy, and this prophecy was no different.  Her name was Villain, and she was a sorceress, a master of dark magics and a blight upon the land.  I told Hero of her threat. I warned him that she would come for him. That he was destined to defeat her, that he was the only one who could.  I warned him that she knew, and that she would hunt him for it. That she would hurt him for it. That she would kill him for it.  
He needed to stop her first.  
And so, he set off.  Through forest and thicket, over mountain and glen, he marched. Sword in hand and goal in mind, he did not stop, he did not falter.  His path was often treacherous, plagued by beasts and curses, beset by mercenaries, but he had trained his whole life for this. His sword stayed sharp and his arrows struck true and he conquered all enemies in his path, staying his course until he came at last upon the home of the enchantress, a crude tower, roughly carved out of the side of a cliff, but daunting in its size, rising far above his head, it’s peak lost in a hazy cloud of dark magic. Hero remained unfazed. This is what he was born for.  
He entered the tower, sword held high, courage singing in his veins, and he was met with… nothing. 
[Music: Peer Gynt]
No monster, no guardian, nothing. Just darkened halls and scuffed up floors, and a spiral staircase in the middle of it all.  
He ascended.  Floor by floor, room by room, Hero bravely searched the tower for Villian.  Every time he turned a corner he expected an ambush, and every time he opened a  door he expected an atrocity. And yet, there was nothing.  
It is a funny thing about humans that those who can keep their nerve in the face of adversity, and face battle without fear, often falter in the face of uncertainty.  Suspense can be far more deadly than any poison or blade. This was the case for Hero. With each step he climbed, the dread in his heart grew stronger, every time a new corridor failed to contain a monster, every second that he was not menaced by curses his terror grew.  Until, finally, sword unsheathed and unnerved to the point of paranoia, he reached the top floor.  
Unlike most of the lower levels, this floor was not separated into rooms and corridors.  Instead, it stood open, one large circular chamber taking up the entire top floor of the tower.  And, unlike the lower levels, this room was not empty.  
No, far from it, for there, in the middle of the chamber, stood Villain the Enchantress.  That vile enemy who threatened his homeland, who threatened the whole world. The wicked wretch whose name would come to be synonymous with evil.  Hero’s fated enemy.  
[Music cuts out]
And really, she looked the part!  She was the opposite of him in every way.  Tall where he was short, pale where he was tanned, her dark hair held back in a tight bun, and a black cloak draped around her shoulders.  
Hero’s courage returned to him.  This was what he had been preparing for his whole life.  This was the prophesized battle. Everything was going according to the script.  Everything was as it should be.  
He charged.
[Music: Swan Lake]
Sword drawn, head held high, prepared for whatever she could throw at him.  He knew that this battle could very well spell his doom, that just because he was fated to vanquish the evil, did not mean that he was fated to live through it.  He did not care. He would take any dark spells or twisted curses that she could fling, he would power through the pain and suffer the consequences. For the betterment of the world.  For the greater good.  
No such spells came.  
Hero’s sword sunk into Villain’s chest with a sickening noise, meeting no resistance but that which comes from passing a blade through flesh.  The battle was over before it had even begun. 
And, as the witch bled out on his sword, Hero noticed an odd look in the eyes of his vanquished foe.  Not the anger that he might have expected, nor even guilt, repentance for herr dark deeds. No, the final expression to grace the features of Villain the Merciless was...resignation. She had known this was coming.  She had expected it. And she had done nothing to stop it.  Nothing to stop him. For whatever reason, after all the monsters and the curses, in the end, she had refused to even raise a hand against him.  
And so this young man, this young boy, looked down on the defenseless foe he had just slain, he looked down on his enemy, on the proof of a prophecy fulfilled, and he wept.  
He wept and he called to me, praying to the heavens for some sign that what he had done was right, that it was just.  He begged for me to tell him that he was a saviour and not a murderer. He begged for comfort, for compassion.  
But the prophecy was already fulfilled.  My goal had been accomplished, my story had reached its final chapter.  
And so I gave no answer to his prayers, no acknowledgement to his desperate pleas, unbefitting of a conquering hero unbefitting of my chosen one.  He had fulfilled his part, and had slipped out of his role and I had no more need of him.  
And so, broken, desperate, and abandoned, Hero looked away from the heavens, turning his eyes instead to the body at his feet, and noticing, for the first time a note clutched in her hand.  He retrieved it from the body, and began to read. And what was written on that paper broke him. Shattered him beyond even his victory and my silence.  
[Music: Inspirational Piano Arpeggios]
Villain (echoing and ghostly):  Dear Brother, if you are reading this, than I am dead, for had I lived, I surely would have confided in you in person.  I have discovered a great secret hidden from us by the gods. I have discovered the truth behind the mysticism, and the lies behind the prophecy.  There is no great battle to come. There is no immeasurable force drawing lines in the sand, dividing us into good and evil. There is no Fate. There is simply a liar, and cruel woman with a crueller vision, who would turn us against each other in the name of some greater meaning.  There is only the woman who would have us call her mother, who would have us call her goddess, all while plotting our deaths.  I will not stand for it. I have done as I was told my whole life.  I have studied the magic bestowed upon me by our patron, and sent spells at her behest.  I have attacked people and created monsters all on the orders of a being I thought to be all knowing, on the orders of one who I trusted to be benevolent.  Well, no more! I will not stand idly by and let some outside force dictate my life. You were raised by the same madwoman and moulded by the same prophecy.   If we are not siblings in blood, we are siblings of tragedy. And so I ask you, brother, stand by me. Throw off the chains of Fate! We are her pawns no longer!  We are free!
[Music fades out]
Written by Maddie Dwyer
The Goddess Fate was voiced by Astrid Code 
Villain was voiced by Madelyn Dwyer
Art by Haley Anglemeyer
Transcript edited from original script by Mai Elise Code
The music included in this episode is Swan Lake Op. 20 by Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker (suite) op. 71 a by Tchaikovsky, Peer Gynt Suite no1, Op. 46 by Edvard Grieg, Dvořák Symphony no. 9 in E minor, 'From the New World' Op. 95 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode), Courtesy of Musopen.org (https://musopen.org/), and Inspirational Piano Arpeggios courtesy of hooksounds.com (www.hooksounds.com)
Thank you for listening!
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vladamsandler · 8 years
Too Good To Be True
Prompt by oresamawesome: “Robbie makes a truth ray and tries to use it on Sportacus but it ends up backfiring and either affecting Robbie or both of them and they end up accidentally confessing feelings.”
Word count: 3274
Hat… ground… ears… pointy…
Robbie’s nervous glances flick up and down between the blue hat lying on the ground and Sportacus himself. His ears to be precise.
“Elf,” Robbie blurts out. Not quite a question, not quite a statement, but some sort of accusation therein between. Sportacus is an elf?
The hero and villian of LazyTown were standing frozen in front of each other after Sportacus’ latest acrobatic feat somehow jostled his hat and goggles clean off his head, landing at Robbie’s feet, who had been spying on the blue kangaroo from behind a tree. Whether or not Sportacus happened to have decided to show off his new trick-flip in the general direction of the poorly concealed villian was neither here-nor-there now that his deepest secret had been suddenly revealed.
“Um. Gotta go!” Sportacus quickly snatches up the offending accessory and sprints away in a blur of white, blue, and flushed red.
Robbie feels a surge of some nameless emotion. Anger? Annoyance? Wonderment? He glances around the park, still unmoving. No one seems to be around to have seen what he’d just seen. Good. Good? Why does it matter that Robbie is probably the only person in town now that knows this incredible fact about the local hero?
Robbie scowls and storms off in the direction of his lair. It’s definitely annoyance. Robbie needs to think over this new information. Perhaps there’s some way he could use it against the overactive elf, maybe even drive him out of town once and for all!
After Robbie reaches one of the entrances to his underground home in the outskirts of town, he hops down the steep metal chute and is clumsily deposited on the orange armchair in the center of his lair. Swinging his legs around to right himself from his awkward landing, Robbie finally gets comfortable and taps his fingers together under his chin.
So the great Sportaflop isn’t the honest “slightly-above-average hero” he’s lead the citizens of LazyTown to believe! Robbie KNEW Sportacus’ athletic abilities were too good to be true. It all made sense now, the hyperbolic hyperactivity, the ridiculous robo-blimp, the “sugar meltdowns” (really, who faints at one bite of a candy apple?). Robbie could feel the beginnings of an evil plan stir in the back of his mind. This was very sensitive information that he now held over the hero. What would the children think to hear what Sportacus had been hiding from them all these years? Their local inspiration was never even human, the stunts he paraded could never be replicated by anyone here, regardless of Sportacus’ assurances that all it took was dedicated practice and hard work.
Robbie’s new scheme begins to unfold itself in his mind as he realizes what it must have been like for the elf to integrate himself so carefully among the humans living here. The normal people in LazyTown must seem like they’re moving in slow motion for Sportacus. He probably thinks them all below his idea of physical prowess - and reasonable level of intelligence for that matter, never catching on to the blatant ruse that Sportacus only ever needed that dumb hat to hide!
Robbie hops out of his chair in glee, clapping twice to call down a chalkboard. Explaining as he draws, the villian delightedly illustrates his new infallible plan.
“First! I’ll build a truth ray to use on Sportacus in order to ruin his reputation in LazyTown! He’ll confess his inhumanity to his beloved friends, revealing that he’s been lying straight through his teeth to all of them for years!” Robbie grins wickedly and waves the chalk around as he presents his crudely drawn figures to the empty room.
“Then I’ll seal his fate by prompting him to confess his true feelings about those pathetic brats he’s always hanging around. He’ll tell them they’ll never be as strong and as fast as he is, no matter how much they train and practice!” Robbie clenches his fists in triumph. “Lastly, the townspeople will finally turn against Sporta-goody-two-shoes and drive him out of LazyTown - FOREVER!” Robbie stands with his arms raised over his head and a maniacal grin on his face for a moment or two before clapping again to dismiss the chalkboard.
“Time to build a truth ray!”
Sportacus paces the floor of his airship, anxiously trying to come up with a plan of action, hat and goggles safely returned to the top of his head.
He knows. Robbie KNOWS.
He drops to the floor to burn off his nervous energy with clapping pushups.
“Okay Sportacus,” clap, “just calm down,” clap, “this isn’t the end of the world,” clap, “sure elves are traditionally supposed to hide their identity among humans,” clap, “but that was just because of some old superstitions,” clap, “besides, I can trust Robbie can’t I?” Sportacus stops doing pushups and stares at the floor for a second with a pained expression. He jumps up and begins squatting furiously.
“Okay so who knows about Robbie Rotten. But at least he’s my friend. All I have to do is go talk to him right? Explain the situation, convince him to keep this to himself.” Sportacus pants with nervous exertion. “Robbie will understand.”
Sportacus stops squatting and barks, “WATER.” A water bottle quickly flies into his open hand and after a few swigs, Sportacus resolves to go down to pay Robbie a visit.
“Robbie’s my friend,” he quietly assures himself as he descends the rope ladder under the airship, “he’ll understand.”
Robbie holds his newest masterpiece aloft in the light. The contraption was a small purple gun with a square handle and a sleek rounded barrel that tapered to a point in the front with three small green rings at the tip.
“I’m a genius,” Robbie whispers, misty eyed.
He awkwardly pins the gun under is arm as he ascends the ladder to the surface. He probably should have designed a holster before he left but he was simply too eager to finally put his plan in motion and rid the town of that bouncing blue menace once and for all!
Pausing underneath the main entrance hatch to his lair, Robbie considers the implications of what he’s about to do. This secret is something only he and Sportacus knows. Why would he want to share it with anyone? No one else in this retched town deserves to know what Robbie was smart enough to discover on his own! He feels privileged to be privy to such personal information about the hero.
Robbie shakes his head and growls. What is he thinking? This is his CHANCE. He can finally get rid of Sportacus like he’s always wanted!
He opens the hatch and crawls out, ignoring the uneasy feeling that last thought gives him. He shoves it down with the rest of the feelings that he prefers not to examine on a regular basis. He’s still caught up in his own thoughts as he carries the raygun towards the door in the billboard that conceals the main entrance to his lair. However just as he’s in range to reach for it, it swings open with surprising force, knocking Robbie backwards and sending the raygun up in the air.
Sportacus peers around the doorway to see Robbie on the ground leaning against the hatch to his lair, looking dazed. Before he can move forward to help him something crashes on the ground between them and they’re blinded by a flash of bright green light.
Robbie lowers his arms after the light disappears and forlornly gazes at the smashed raygun on the ground.
“Look at what you did you stupid elf! You broke it!”
Sportacus winces at the words Robbie hurls at him and crouches in front of broken machine. “What is it?”
“It’s a raygun I built to trick you into confessing your true identity to all the citizens of LazyTown so they’ll turn against you and force you to leave town forever!” Robbie pops his mouth closed and stares wide-eyed at the elf. Oh no.
Sportacus raises his eyebrow, confused at the sudden burst of information, but unsurprised to hear about another one of the villain’s schemes to get rid of him. “Robbie, are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine… What’s it to you?”
“Well you looked like you fell pretty hard… Besides, I’m always worried about you, Robbie.” Sportacus stands up straight, eyes wide. Did he just say that??
Robbie looks up at Sportacus, cheeks red. The truth ray! It must’ve released a burst of energy when it broke, capturing both he and Sportacus in its effects! He moves to stand, slapping away Sportacus’ hands when he reaches forward to assist.
“Robbie, what’s going on?” Sportacus asks slowly, giving Robbie a hard stare to conceal his nervousness at what he suspects is the situation.
Robbie crosses his arms and looks away. “Obviously when the gun hit the ground, the truth ray that was meant to be concentrated out of the front of the barrel was released in one big burst. We must’ve been both hit by the effects…” Robbie trails off, embarrassed and worried.
“Well… Do you think you can fix it?” Sportacus asks carefully. He’s a little disappointed that Robbie’s first reaction to learning his secret was to try to use it against him to get him to leave town. “I’m a little disappointed that you’re trying to use my secret against me to make me leave town again, Robbie.” He stops talking and looks up at Robbie with a look of surprise. “I didn’t mean to say that! I was just thinking it!”
Robbie ignores the twinge of guilt at hearing that Sportacus was disappointed in him. “The ray will probably make us say whatever we’re thinking so you’d be best to try to keep your mouth shut while I try to fix this.” He gathers his broken machine off the ground and turns to retreat into his lair. As he opens the hatch and begins to climb back down with a look of consternation, Sportacus steps forward.
“Wait Robbie, we still need to talk about… what you know now,” he looks down at the descending figure in the hatch, “Can I come in and speak with you down there?”
“You’re always welcome in my home Sportacus,” Robbie blurts without thinking. He stops climbing and scowls up at Sportacus’ face leaning over the entrance. “Uh - I mean - NO - go away!”
Sportacus smiles at him and chuckles, “You can’t lie to me any more Robbie! If I was always welcome, why haven’t you ever invited me over?” He begins to climb down after Robbie. “You know, I think this is actually the perfect time for a conversation.”
Robbie mutters to himself about imposing sports elves as he reaches the floor and moves to set the ruined raygun on his workbench.
After Sportacus steps down, he turns to move toward the villain. “Robbie… I’m going to need you to keep this to yourself. The people of LazyTown can’t know I’m… not human.”
Robbie crosses his arms again. “I don’t understand why it’s some big secret, you look much better without the hat on anyway.” Robbie slaps a hand over his mouth and blushes. He must’ve been thinking of Sportacus’ shock of blond curls again. They were quite a sight to behold for the first time.
Sportacus smiles, his face warming a bit, but slowly becomes more serious as he explains, “If word got back to my commune that I revealed myself to the humans here, the elves would force me to return and erase all memory of my existence in LazyTown. I wouldn’t be able to protect the children anymore.” Sportacus face falls as he confesses the depressing truth. “The elders of my commune forbade us to reveal ourselves to any humans we encounter in our travels, in case it ever were to put our society in danger of war or capture.”
Robbie taps his chin, considering everything Sportacus tells him. “Force you to return and erase any memory of your existence in LazyTown? What makes you think that wouldn’t be exactly what I want?” Robbie looks at Sportacus with a challenge in his eyes, retreating to the comfort of his vindictive role in such uncomfortable circumstances.
Sportacus shoulders slump, losing hope. “Please… Robbie.” He gazes into the other man’s eyes and speaks softly, “I don’t want to leave this place. LazyTown is my home.”
Robbie breaks, seeing Sportacus’ bright blue eyes dulled by his pleading expression. He drops his arms. “Oh alright, I’ll keep it to myself. Just get that mopey look off your face, I don’t actually want you leave town either.” He slaps his hand over his mouth again.
Sportacus immediately perks up and grins at his companion, moving across the small space between them to swiftly crush the lanky man in a hug. “Ah-ha, so the truth comes out! Why are you always trying to get me to leave town, Robbie, if you don’t actually want me to go?” He leans back and smiles up at Robbie, still clasping his arms.
Robbie remains stock still through the embrace and wriggles his arms out of Sportacus’ grasp at his questioning look. The wealth of conflicting feelings he has for the handsome hero begin to bubble up his throat, the effects of the ray no doubt. Robbie’s eyes bulge and he holds his breath hoping to avoid any catastrophic confessions. The two men stare at each other for a moment, Robbie’s eyes wide, Sportacus’ eyes narrowing at his suspicious silence.
“Robbie, you know my deepest secret. Whatever you tell me now will be in total confidence.”
Sportacus takes a step back at Robbie’s exclamations. “Wait what? Slow down! You… have feelings for me? Robbie??” Both men’s faces are red now. Robbie’s hands fly up, clasping over his mouth to physically stop another flood of words from escaping again.
“Robbie… I have feelings for you too?” Sportacus squeaks out the confession, voice picking up at the end like a question. Where did that come from?? Wait, hadn’t he always known this? Sportacus takes another step backward and stares at the ground in disbelief. He hadn’t mean’t to blurt out that response, but now that he’s said it, it felt like a weight had lifted off his shoulders. It seemed so right and natural to say aloud. He has feelings for Robbie! His friend - his best friend!
Robbie drops his hands, no longer needed as he’s now completely speechless. Sportaflop… likes him back? His eyes flick over to the broken raygun on the table. He tries to recap everything that has happened between the two that could’ve lead to this moment. He thinks of the first day he saw Sportacus, that twisting feeling in his stomach when he saw his smile for the first time. He supposes he knew all along what he was feeling, but squashed it down again and again, hoping it would just go away as soon as Sportacus left town. He could never get him to leave though.
Robbie thinks of all the knowing smiles on Sportacus’ face when the children discovered Robbie under his disguises. The strong grip of his arms whenever Sportacus saved him from falling, never releasing him until Robbie asked him to. Had Sportacus really felt the same way about him this whole time? He looks up to see Sportacus looking back at him with wide eyes, a grin slowly spreading on the elf’s face.
“Robbie… Have I ever told you how handsome you look when you’re embarrassed?” Sportacus is full-on grinning now, allowing the effects of the truth ray to run through him unhindered.
“Nope. We’re not doing this now.” Robbie turns away and crosses the large room to his toolboxes in the corner. If he repaired the raygun and managed to reverse the effects before either of them say anything more, perhaps they can just forget any of this ever happened. Things would go back to normal and Robbie wouldn’t have to think about the elf’s suggestive eyes and cute, pointy mustache. He loudly digs through his collection of wrenches and screwdrivers to drown out his betraying thoughts. It was just the affects of the truth ray! That’s all it was, he wasn’t thinking these things of his own accord. Of course not, Sportacus is his nemesis! As soon as he fixes the stupid gun he can go back to figuring out how to get rid of him again and forget all about this.
“Robbie,” Sportacus drawls from the other end of the lair, “I hate to see you go… but I love to watch you leave!” He manages to finish the sentence without outright giggling, but it was close. He’d always wanted to say that to Robbie. The villian had such a nice figure, especially in that skin-tight suit of his. He was having so much fun with this, giddy with the knowledge that Robbie liked him too!
Robbie bangs the back of his head on an upper shelf of his tool closet and whips around. His face flushes even redder than it already was when he sees Sportacus has taken off his hat and goggles, pointed ears revealed for anyone to see.
“What do you think Robbie? Maybe I’ll leave my hat off when I’m around you from now on.” Sportacus smiles mischeviously and leans against one of Robbie’s workbenches with his arms crossed.
Robbie glares and stomps over to stand in front of the other man. “You think you’re cute don’t you? Well you are but -” Robbie clamps his mouth shut in embarrassment. He can’t get one sentence out without saying exactly what comes to mind when he looks at Sportacus. “What - what are you doing.”
Sportacus gently touches Robbie’s gelled coif and speaks softly, “I wonder what your hair would look like without all this product in it. I bet it would feel soft, I would like to run my fingers through it.” He can feel his thoughts tumble straight out of his mouth but he just smiles lovingly up at the tall man. It feels so freeing to be completely open with someone like this for the first time. He no longer feels the need to hide anything from the other man anymore.
Robbie’s face heats up at Sportacus’ words and his eyebrows furrow in annoyance, “Two can play at this game, elf.” Robbie sticks both of his hands in the shorter man’s hair and is suddenly lost in the feeling. He hadn’t expected Sportacus’ hair to be as soft as it was. It smells like apples. “Apples…” Robbie mumbles, distracted as he run his hands through to the shorter, darker curls on the back of Sportacus’ head. “Are… you purring?”
Sportacus’ eyes had slipped closed when he felt those long fingers on his scalp. He brings his hands up to Robbie’s waist and just savors the moment.
Robbie sighs, “We’re really going to do this aren’t we. You… actually want this.”
Sportacus slowly opens his eyes to see the nervousness in the other man’s face. “Robbie,” he says with a serene smile, “I honestly think I’ve always wanted this.” His eyes slip closed again as he leans forward, tipping his head slightly.
Robbie watches Sportacus close the gap between them and concedes to the feeling of lips on his own. They kiss slowly, delicately. A new first impression. Robbie moves closer to Sportacus, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Perhaps this is how the two would always have ended up, truth ray or not. He liked to think so. Everything had felt so right since Sportacus first placed his hands on his body.
They continue to hold each other as they break apart and look into each other’s eyes.
“I suppose… It wouldn’t be so bad if you… stuck around.” Robbie relents with a coy smile. The sound of Sportacus’ laughter was like music to his ears.
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michaelpatrickhicks · 7 years
Review: The Song of the orphans (Silvers, #2) by Daniel Price
My rating: 4 of 5 stars It's been several years since Daniel Price's first novel in the Silvers series landed, but thankfully The Song of the Orphans remains pretty accessible, and the author catches readers up to speed in short order. If you need a refresher on what happened in 2014's The Flight of the Silvers, Price has you covered on his website, where he has published A Badly-Drawn Recap and a few other helpful guides to remind you of all the things you may have forgotten in the last three years. The Song of the Orphans picks up a short time after the conclusion of Silvers #1, and with one hell of a hook. The titular Orphans (the sole survivors of our doomed planet, who were transplanted to an alternate Earth) arrive in a movie theater via portal...each of them dead, dead, dead. And yet, simultaneously, these very same Orphans are stomping around New York as wanted fugitives. So, what the heck is going on here?! Price lays out several tantalizing possibilities over the course of his multiverse superhero saga - time travel? clones? something else? - with all roads leading back to the enigmatic, nefarious (or are they?!), and vicious Pelletiers. Clocking in at 750 pages, Price delivers a King-sized doorstopper epic of superhuman proportions. This sucker is jam-packed with X-Men by way of Fringe action scenes, each one carefully crafted and massive in scope. One of the neat things, and without spoiling anything, is how Price stages each of his large set pieces, and then makes them even larger, and the doubles that again. The dude has clearly plotted the heck out of this series, and I'd wager he's spent more than a few sleepless nights crafting power sets and character sheets for each of his super-powered heroes and villians, and how he can best use their abilities to generate conflict, defeat, reversals, and victories. And like a good Dungeon Master, Price doesn't let any of his players off easy. There's a constant escalation to each of the events that occur within these pages, and there's always a massive toll in the end, both physical and emotional. And when you've got some characters who can heal others and wind back the clock, this isn't always an easy thing to pull off. In addition to the huge action scenes, Price devotes plenty of space to the characters and their developing dramas and emerging relationships. There's plenty of surprises to be had on the people front, too, particularly as dynamics shift and change, or continue to adapt, to the strange new world the Orphans find themselves in. The wait-time may between books may have been a bit rough for us fans of the first Silvers novel, but having spent plenty of time as a Dark Tower junkie and reader of George R.R. Martin, the three year gap wasn't all that bad, all things considered. Hugely cinematic, and packed to the rafters with fight scenes and conflict galore, The Songs of the Orphans was well worth the wait. Fans will be pleased to take another trip to AltAmerica, but now begins the wait for book three. I shall wait patiently, or at least try to. [Note: I received an advanced copy of this title from the author and publisher via NetGalley.] View all my reviews
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